Saturday, May 14, 2011

Teresa Fri 5/13/11 #55 Lady Luck Turns on El Bigote; #56 La Madrina y La Malagradecida

Capitulo #55 Lady Luck Turns on Ruben

Casa Rubigote: Mayra wants to know what’s up with the “wedding gift” that was delivered to Aida. She doesn’t believe him when he swears the signatures on the divorce agreement (convenio) are false. Crying and pointing to herself – actually her chest – she asks, “wasn’t this enough? Who is the other woman!” Of course, Ruben denies there is anyone else. He swears by all he holds dear, Mayra and their daughter, that there is no one else. Aida runs down the stairs pointing at him telling not to involve her in his mess (enredo) and by the way, she doesn’t believe him either. She suggests her mother stop begging him and grant him the divorce if that’s what he wants. He implores them to believe him when he says he doesn’t want a divorce. Someone is trying to split up their family. Oh, stop playing the victim, Aida says. We’re all victims, Ruben replies. Aida says he knows perfectly well there is someone else and he had sworn it was over. She now sees that’s not true. Ruben tries to mollify her, saying they had already discussed this but Mayra’s not standing by idly. No, she’s stunned that Aida knew about an affair. She physically attacks Ruben who tries to hold her off. Aida tries to pull them apart. Everyone’s yelling. Aida tells Ruben to quit the saint act. He’s a liar and she doesn’t believe him and she hates him! ¡Te Odio Papá!

Luisa’s checking out Fer’s apartment. He asks her to rejoin him in Cancún, he misses her. She had planned to stay only for the wedding but now she has other projects pending.

Paloma’s Coop: Paloma makes it clear Teresa’s not welcome in her home and reminds her she should conduct all business transactions through her apoderado. Teresa clarifies this is not a courtesy call nor is it related to business. She’s come to talk to her about the child she supposedly had with Arturo. She congratulates her on her shrewdness (astucia), but this will not help her re-conquer Arturo. Paloma says that was not her intent. She never planned to tell him. Tere’s not buying it. If Arturo wants to believe her, that’s up to him but Tere doesn’t. Furthermore, she tells Paloma that dead baby didn’t mean anything to him. Paloma can’t believe Teresa can be so cruel. Tere tells her Arturo loves children but the only children he’s going to have will be with her. “¡Largate! ¡Largate de aqui!”, Paloma screams. Tere just laughs. “Stop chasing him,” she tells her. “Besides you’re too old to give him children!” ¡Huy!

Fernando’s Lair: Luisa’s clearly uncomfortable being alone with Fernando in his apartment. They talk about the wedding while she tries to avoid his advances. He finally manages to steal a kiss.

Casa Medina: The Medinas are almost done packing. Juana and Cutberto have come by to say goodbye. Mariano and Aurora are also there. Nachita asks them all to watch over Johnny and Espe.

Fernando’s Lair: Well, that kiss has landed them on the couch. She pushes him off. She lets on that she’s a virgin. She’s embarrassed and thinks it’s “cursi” (tacky). He doesn’t think so and assures her they’ll wait until she’s ready. She refuses his invitation to dinner and his offer to take her home. She needs time alone to think and rushes off.
Casa Medina: Aurora tells Mariano she’ll be starting school again and won’t be able to dedicate as much time to the clinic. He hopes it’s not because she’s still angry with him over Teresa. She assures him that’s all behind them now. Then she tells him everyone reaches a point when they decide to stop suffering for someone else.

Casa Juana: Tere doesn’t understand the Mama Drama. She’ll figure out a way to get Armando a job and hopes Mama will stop causing so much drama. Juana notices Tere’s a little out of sorts today – wedding jitters? Tere wishes her wedding were today to get it over with. She’s worried that Paloma keeps coming after Arturo. She tells Juana of Paloma’s baby-mama-drama and the fictional story of a dead baby. Naturally Arturo was upset and it’s obvious that those memories are still very strong. She can’t run any more risks. She needs to get married now!

Fernando’s Lair: Luisa’s back! Her heart tells her she doesn’t need to keep looking. The man of her life and the love she’s always looked for is……Fernando. Well, that was fast! Fer is appreciative of the “gift” she’s about to give him and will do whatever is possible to show her he’s the man of her dreams. I say she should have held out longer. Anyway, he continues to kiss her then picks her up in his arms. TN cliché #23.

Restaurant Wa: Aurora tells Martin that although they’ve just met, she considers him a great friend. He’s happy she feels that way but he wants more than friendship. Aurora is honest and tells him she’s in love with another. Martin is very well aware of that, it’s obvious. She doesn’t want to lead him on. He understands but tells her just as she’s willing to do anything for that man she loves, he’s willing to do anything for her. If she wants, he’ll even slay a dragon for her. So cute, and she laughs. They both agree to see what happens.

Casa Chavez: Refugio is at her Refugiest! She’s still angry and tells Armando she’s plum tired of Teresa always coming first. Then she bans him from her room! WHAT!? Armando’s all, “¿Que dices?” She tells him again, she doesn’t plan to sleep with him until he gives her her rightful place (Hasta que me des mi lugar). Hell, if I were Armando, I’d be jumping for joy.

Juana’s Apt: Tere is leaving and Mariano is there as she opens the door. He confronts her with sending the compromising photo of Espe/Rubigote and the divorce agreements to Aida. She doesn’t deny sending the proof of the Espe/Rubigote affair to Aida.

Casa Chavez: Armando’s following Refugio around the house telling her he understand how she feels but they need to support Tere until she gets married. Refugio’s worried about how they’re going to pay Gemma when he has no income. He tries to give her the money Tere gave him. Refugio refuses, saying what if Tere has another fight with el Licenciado, then where will they be? (isn’t she EVER going to call him by his name?) She notices the shopping bags on the couch. Armando tells her Tere bought him clothes so he can be presentable at the wedding and also to look for work. He starts to tell her Tere bought clothes for her as well when she says no, she doesn’t want any gifts. Gee, what a surprise that is. She goes on and on and on – you know the drill, telling him where is the Armando she once knew? The man who was so dignified. The man who always said one had to know one’s own worth. Now he just does whatever Tere says. She understands Tere has done well (superado) but doesn’t understand denying her origins or her embarrassment of them. Until he helps Tere see the errors of her ways, she doesn’t want them to be together (in bed). He asks where he’s to sleep since Espe has the other bedroom. Refugio will talk to her, but she can’t continue to be with him as though nothing has happened.

Restaurant Wa: Aurora and Martin open their fortune cookies. His says “Una persona entrara en tu vida no la dejes ir.” (a person will come into your life, don’t let her go) But he reads, “A person will come into your life, very beautiful (Hermosa) with an incredible smile and with a very profound gaze (mirada profunda)”. She laughs and asks him if all that is written on the little strip. He responds it’s in Chinese. So cute. Now her turn: “Darte una oportunidad y la vida te dará lo bueno que mereces.” (give yourself the opportunity and life will give you the good you deserve). “Humildemente” (humbly) he says, implying he’s the “opportunity”. She accuses him of fixing it so they would get these fortunes. He tells her she has no idea how much it cost him to bribe destiny. They laugh together and he tells her what a beautiful smile she has. Aw! I like Mariano but one dinner with this guy and I’d say Mariano who?

Casa Juana: Mariano doesn’t think Tere can explain everything and he no longer wants to listen to any more of her lies. He starts to leave but she stops him telling him she did all this to force Ruben to make a decision, to keep his promise to Espe and divorce his wife. Mariano accuses her of doing all this just to get even with Aida. If that were so, says Tere, she would have taken her to the Love Nest, but she didn’t. Mariano feels that’s no justification, Tere’s been the paño (cloth/handkerchief) of Espe’s lagrimas (tears) for years. Tere never betrayed her confidence but given Espe’s current situation she had to do something, and fast. She counts off Espe’s troubles: she was desperate, no money, working double shifts, exhausted. She can’t even pay Tere’s parents for the room she’s renting; how will she singlehandedly support her child? Mariano still insists what she’s done is not right. She’s hurt a lot of people and the person who could end up hurting (perjudicar) the most is Espe. Tere feels at least she was willing to do something to break up that marriage. Mariano tells her it wasn’t her place to break up that marriage. He just hopes things don’t get out of control. He asks that she not tell Espe about any of it to avoid stress and causing problems with her pregnancy.

Hospital: Meanwile cute Dr. Hernán el Galán talks to Espe. He’s sorry he was so rough on her when he told her she should tell Ruben about the baby. She didn’t take it that way but she’s sorry he had to listen to all her drama. He tells her it’s no problem he did it with mucho gusto. She yawns and he just stands there looking all lurvingly at her. Sigh.

Casa Caceres: Ruben is at a hallway door pleading with Aida and Mayra to let him in. Nyah, nyah that’s what you get. Mayra and Aida are both very distraught and crying. Ruben continues to plead, huffing and puffing but he can’t blow the door down. He finally walks away. Inside, Mayra can’t believe Aida knew about the other woman and begs Aida to tell her who she is. Is she young? Is she pretty? She just doesn’t understand! Everything was good between them even though they argued. He told her he loved her. She wants to know who she is. Aida tells her Ruben said it was just una aventura (adventure) and that it was over. Apparently not. Mayra grasps at straws wondering if maybe it’s not true. Aida points at the divorce papers forcing her mother to look at the signatures. Mayra says he swore to her they were false and they can send them to an expert (perito) Aida calls her dad a desgraciado. Mayra’s off her rocker now and admonishes Aida for calling her father names. Aida then calls him a liar (mentiroso) and a hypocrite (hipócrita) . Who knows how long he’s been cheating and for all she knows he’s spending all her money on his lover. Mayra refuses to believe that Ruben is capable of such a thing. Aida tells her not to be so naïve. They need to be smart about this and start checking out all her accounts to protect themselves. Now Mayra’s a mess and Aida is the protective one.

Fernando’s Lair: Guess the “gift-giving” is over. Fernando and Luisa are cuddling under the sheets. He thanks her for her “gift” and she can’t think of anyone else she’d rather give all her love to….todo. He loves her. He knows her decision wasn’t easy. She doesn’t regret it one bit. She’s happy. He’s the man she’ll love the rest of her life. He’ll take care of her always, Preciosa.

Casa de la Barrera: Tere’s glad Arturo so happy. And that’s why she doesn’t want him to see that mujer because she always does something to upset him. She’s following her mother’s footsteps and this puts a damper on Arturo’s good spirits. It’s not Paloma, it’s his child he keeps thinking of. She suggests they go out to dinner to cheer him up. After all, they’re getting married in a few days. They should be celebrating and she suggests they invite Luisa and Fernando. He talks with Luisa, who’s still in bed with Fer. She gets all nervous and Fer tells her to take it easy, they didn’t do anything wrong. She hurries to get dressed when Fernando’s call from Arturo comes inviting him to dinner.

Casa Juana: Refugio comes by to help Juana with the wedding dress. She’s suffering, wishing that Tere will come to understand her, as well as Armando. Juana advises her to stop arguing with them especially now with the wedding so close at hand. Espe comes by and offers Refugio to give up her room. Refugio’s really embarrassed Espe’s aware of her marital woes. Juana suggests Refugio and Armando need to be alone and work things out She offers Espe a place to stay for a few days. Refugio begrudgingly asks if Espe wants back the one month’s rent she paid in advance. Espe understands they need the money what with Armando unemployed and all. You’ll notice Refugio didn’t insist. Again, she’ll take money from those who can ill afford to part with their money. But when offered money from her daughter? No way! Espe begins stammering and stuttering that they may want to rethink the whole arrangement and neither will want her staying with them. She tearfully blurts out that she’s preggers.

Casa Geno: Ruben tells his tale of woe to Geno, like she hasn’t problems of her own. Yeesh! Geno warned him a long time ago to leave Espe. She’s sure Espe sent the papers. He’s certain Mayra is so furious she’ll put someone in charge of auditing the accounts. He’s screwed if she finds out how much money he’s taken from her. Geno can’t believe he’s come to her with all this. Does he think she even cares about money or anything else at this moment? She’d give anything for Paulo to be alive. She just can’t figure out where she went wrong with him. How did he end up on drugs? She should have taken better care of him and not leave him alone so much. Ruben tells her it’s no use blaming herself. Parents are people and make mistakes. She hugs him and tells him she’d like him by her side like this forever. He tells her that’s not possible, especially now. She asks that he allow her to enjoy their time together at least for now as though nothing else mattered. She asks that he spend the night and comfort her. Oh, he’s struggling mighty hard.

Casa de la Barrera. Luisa tells Teresa about her tender evening with Fernando confessing they had sex. Teresa calls her a tonta and says Fernando will never marry her now.

Casa Juana: Refugio thinks Espe should have told her parents before they left. She’s happy Espe decided to keep the baby even though working and taking care of him will be difficult. Wow! I thought Refugio was gonna go off on her. Guess she reserves that for Tere and Armando. Juana assures her everyone will help her. Espe is ready to pay the consequences of her tontería but hopes her baby won’t be affected. Juana thinks it’s important she take care of herself and that the baby be born healthy. Espe wishes it could have been like Teresa who has both Mariano and Arturo after her and she chose—she sees Refugio’s face. She was going to say the one with the money, but stops herself and says Tere chose who she chose. Espe knows she’ll never marry but has the consolation of being Tere’s madrina for her wedding.

Teresa’s bedroom: Tere is giving Luisa hell now and Luisa starts to sniffle. Luisa knew Fernando is a well-known mujeriego (womanizer). That type of man wants one thing and one thing only. Although she may have been a bit of a challenge (reto) the end result was the same as all the others. ¡Huy! Arturo comes in and Luisa can’t hide that she’s been crying. Tere tells him it’s due to the wedding. Luisa had just told her she’s like a sister now and they both got emotional. They chatter back and forth about how women take so long to get ready and Tere finally gets him out the door. She goes back to Luisa and tells her if Arturo finds out what’s happened he’ll kill Fernando. Luisa can’t even look at him for the shame. Tere says fine, it’s done and now it’s important that she not give in so easily the next time. He needs to work for it so he’ll see she’s not like all the other Viejas who chase him around. Luisa’s different and is worth much more than that. Then she calls her hermanita and hugs her and gets that evil shark-smile on her face.

Casa Juana: Juana, Refugio, and Espe are sitting around the table working on the wedding gown. Espe’s yawning and Juana tells her preggers need their sleep. She also tells Refugio to go home but Ref says she has no desire to see Armando. She wonders if Juana is going back to el Licenciado’s (hello? His name is Arturo!) Johnny’s taking her back after he finishes his taxi duty. She wants to put in as many hours as she can on the gown. Ref’s concerned Tere is there alone with el Licenciado? (I give up) Juana tells her they’re having dinner with Luisa and Fernando. Ref hopes Tere will be happy when she gets married. This gown will have a piece of her even though Tere won’t know it. Juana tells her it’s a labor of love and is sure Tere would appreciate it.

Casa de la Barrera: Fernando is waiting at the bottom of the stairs as Tere walks down. Arturo is elsewhere in the house. Fernando tells Tere she’s very guapa as the steamy electric guitar winds up. She doesn’t think his comment is very prudente. Appreciating female beauty doesn’t seem to him to be imprudente or to admit his best friend is very fortunate to have someone like her. Tere just looks at him, thinking I’m sure: shark bait! Arturo shows up. They’re just waiting for Luisa. More compliments for Tere.

Casa de Grumpy: Grandad comes into Pati’s room bringing her a meal. He reminds her she’s a minor. He leaves a tray of food and she swears she’s going to escape and starts looking through her stuff and finds a nail file. She goes to work on the bars covering her windows.

Hospital: Baby Daddy Drama!!! Rubigote shows up at the hospital and grabs Espe, telling her she’s to blame (por tu culpa) for his ruination. He’s lost everything. “Is it my fault or your mentiras?”, she spits back at him. Just as she figured him out, now finally his wife has too. It’s her fault he says. Maldito be the day she confided in Teresa. Then he tells her Tere sent the divorce papers and the photo Aida. She doesn’t believe him. Oh, believe it. Her supposed friend has betrayed her. Espe is muy impactada.

Casa de la Barrera - Arturo noticed Tere seemed tense around Fernando last night. Anything wrong? Nothing, it was probably because she’s worried about her dad. She tells him he quit his job at the hospital. Arturo can help him out by hiring him as a messenger, if he accepts the offer. She’s very grateful he’s willing to help her family.

Casa Grumpy. Pedophile Johnny is sending a cell phone up to stupid Pati using a basket. It’s the one Ruben had given Espe. She sends him her lip prints on a paper since they can’t kiss. Oh goodness.

Casa Caceres: Aida’s crying over a photo of Paulo. Mayra comes in, also crying, and announces Ruben didn’t sleep there last night. Is he with that other woman? Aida tells her to forget about him and not allow him to ever sleep in this house again. Mayra’s still in denial. They loved each other. She doesn’t know what she’ll do without him! Aida tells her she needs to be strong. What he did was the ultimate (el colmo) and she herself will never, ever forgive him. Mayra agrees she may not forgive him as his wife but he’s her father and as such she’ll have to forgive him. Aida doesn’t agree and sits her mother down to tell her exactly what they must do.

Hospital: Oh no, now Rubigote’s calling her Chiquita and telling her not to be this way. She tells him to get away from her and he doesn’t understand when he remembers her liking him to touch her. He grabs her and kisses her while she’s struggling against him. He tells her they could have been happy but she ruined everything with her demands of marriage. Hernán el Galán comes on to the scene just then. He grabs Ruben and tells him he needs to leave her alone or he will get a restraining order forbidding him entry to the hospital. Scram! She also tells him to leave, they’ll talk later. Hernán now tells her he agrees that man doesn’t deserve to know about the pregnancy.

Casa de la Barrera: Juana arrives happily carrying the gown. She unwraps it and describes all the embroidery done by hand. She’s so busy showing off all the work, she doesn’t notice Tere’s face. Uh-oh, the sharkette isn’t liking it! How sad for Juana.

Casa Caceres: Ruben arrives and tries to make small talk with Aida asking how she’s doing. Aida takes a step back asking him what he’s doing there. He’s come to talk with both of them. Mother’s out. She went to see her attorney. He’s taken aback and asks that she at least allow him to explain. She doesn’t need his excuses. He needs to excuse himself to her mother and since she’s not there he can come back another day and by the way she no longer works for him. He’s a hypocrite and a liar, telling her he wants to comfort her and console her and at the same time lying to her and her mother. She accuses him of continuing the affair. He denies it, she doesn’t believe him. She wants to make it clear, crystal clear, that from here on out she’s in charge of her mother’s affairs. I think Ruben’s gonna choke.

Tere’s bedroom: In her gown, Tere looks miserable as Juana fusses about recounting the many nights she went without sleep to get it done. Reina walks in with a huge box from Spain. As Juana goes to help, the box falls open and yup you guessed it, it’s a wedding gown. Juana is crushed, another wedding dress? Tere doesn’t know what to say, momentarily I’m sure.


Capitulo 56 La Madrina y La Malagradecida

Casa Caceres: Ruben can’t believe what Aida’s just told him. He has his own fortune. Then he hasn’t got anything to lose, Aida says. He thinks it’s absurd, telling her he makes a very good living as a notario. She knows he makes very good money, but infinitely less than mom’s enterprises. She’ll know for sure when she gets a report from the accountant auditing everything pertaining to mom. He tries a different approach. Calling her “Princesa”, he tells her she shouldn’t concern herself with business when she’s just suffered such a loss. She needs to recover. Maybe she and mom can go on a trip and he’ll join them later. What a tool! She’ll never recover from Paulo’s death and she’ll never fall in love again. She thought she would have her family to fall back on but he ruined that too. He tells her, “Estas haciendo un tormenta de un vaso de agua.” (You’re making a storm from a glass of water). She disagrees. She’s found a reason for living: protect her mother and her interests from him. He can’t believe she’s talking to him this way especially when she knows the affair had no meaning and that it’s over. He pleads with her to help him fix things with her mother. Don’t let that mistake cause the destruction of a marriage. He loves Mayra! She doubts that and her mother does too because she’s at the attorney’s now to start divorce proceedings. Oh, he’s so screwed. Guau! What a great scene, ¡Qué emoción!

Tere’s room: Poor, distraught Juana’s still on the floor holding the gown from Spain. Jaws music begins and Tere start circling, saying she doesn’t know anything about this dress. Juana asks if she’s sure. Tere throws out yet another whopper. Maybe Luisa ordered it. Luisa had told Tere about this expensive designer in Spain and they had checked out the website. She’ll have to talk to her about it. Juana’s near tears now asking Tere if she ordered that dress. Tere denies it then wonders if Arturo asked Luisa to order it for her. Oh, Juana’s eyes are really tearing up now. Tere’s going to talk to Arturo but she needs to change out of her dress, because he can’t see her in the dress she’s wearing to the wedding, right? As Juana’s helping her, Tere tells her she’s so appreciative that Juana made her the dress.

Geno’s house: She’s crying and looking at Paulo’s picture next to the urn with his ashes. She’s sorry she didn’t realize he had such a big problem. She swears she’ll find the person responsible. He wasn’t able to realize his dreams. She doesn’t want the same to happen to her. She will end up with Ruben. Now that Paulo’s gone, she will realize her happiness at any cost. She’s crying and Mayra walks up behind her. Eek! It kinda scared me. She’s come by to check on her. Geno lets on that Ruben filled her in on their problems. Mayra wants to know who the tipa is that Ruben is cheating with. Geno feels there’s no point in knowing who, the point is he cheated on her. Mayra talks about suspecting he was cheating and sharing her thoughts with Geno, her best friend. And now her suspicions have come true. She was going to see an attorney but changed her mind. Why leave the path clear for that tipa? Of course, Geno advises her to divorce Ruben. Now that he’s cheated on her, she has no choice. Why live like that? Divorce him and find someone else. Mayra planned on being with Ruben the rest of her life. She just doesn’t know what happened. They both agree it’s sad. But Geno trumps her by saying nothing compares to the loss of a child. She tells Mayra she’s alive and needs to see to herself and her daughter. She’ll see, someone else will come along. She hugs her. ¡Vibora!

Casa de la Barrera: Tere joins Luisa and Arturo in his office. Luisa and Fernando have agreed to be the padrinos of the rings. Tere’s all happy and agrees with whatever he chooses for the rings. She talks about Aida saying she hoped she would have joined them on their big day but doesn’t expect Aida will feel like going to a wedding now. And neither will Genoveva. Arturo says she’s a strong woman and she’s found a new purpose: finding the source of Paulo’s drugs. Tere feels she should just let it go. Arturo and Luisa disagree. They should find the desgraciado and put him in jail. Tere can only agree, but she’s shaking in her tiny spike-heeled feet.

Vecindad: Mariano and Johnny are talking about Fito leaving the vecindad. Johnny remembers him leaving the day Paulo got sick. Mariano puts two and two together and figures it was Fito who provided Paulo with the drugs.

Casa de la Barrera: Tere and Luisa are talking about the rings, with Tere saying she’ll go with whatever Arturo wants so long as he’s happy. Luisa says Arturo is very happy participating in everything having to do with the wedding. They turn to leave and we see Juana on the balcony – she’s so sad.

Tere goes back to her room to find Juana comparing both dresses, seeing that the other dress is much finer. Tere says Arturo had ordered the dress for her after she had commented that she liked the design because the silk chiffon was made in Mexico. But no, she can’t do that to Juana. She told Arturo she would please him in any way with the wedding. She’s using the lazo from his parents’ wedding, the rings he chose, but she’s going to wear the dress Juana made even though it’s part of his plan. She goes on talking about how he ordered the dress through Luisa, wanting only the best for his bride to have an unforgettable wedding. Isn’t he just wonderful? She just keeps piling it on as Juana keeps looking at the dresses. She’s crying now and tells Tere she must wear the dress Arturo bought her. “Are you sure you wouldn’t mind?”, Tere asks. Of course not, Juana says, then she thinks of the hours she and Refugio put into making this dress. But no, she needs to wear the dress Arturo bought her. Teresa hugs her and thanks her for being so understanding. She just wants to make him happy especially after what he went through with Paloma. She wants him to really enjoy planning this wedding and wants to make him happy. Juana can’t stop crying and Tere can’t stop smiling as she’s hugging Juana.

Fernando comes by and asks Luisa why she was so serious at dinner last night. She’s worried he’ll no longer take her seriously. He’s more in love with her. She shouldn’t doubt his love. Does she want him to propose? She doesn’t feel it should be that way. She doesn’t think it should be on the condition of marriage. She did it because she loves him, she loves him, she loves him. She surprises him more and more every day. He likes the way she is and how she thinks. Yeah, especially cuz she’s not asking for marriage?

Juana’s still crying, poor baby. Tere threatens to go tell Arturo right now that she’s going to wear Juana’s dress. Juana stops her, telling not to be silly. She’s going to wrap up the dress so he won’t see it and avoid any problems. Tere is ever so grateful that Juana understands her, not like her mother who surely would’ve made a drama out of all this. She takes the dress back from Juana, saying she’s going to preserve it along with the other dress and keep it all her life. Juana decides she needs to go back to the vecindad and leaves. As soon as she’s out the door, Tere tosses the dress aside and goes to the designer dress and fondles it. Juana’s on the other side of the door, falling to the floor in tears. Ah, so sad. While Juana is crying, Teresa is holding up the designer dress against herself saying this is what she deserves. From here on out, adiós to homemade clothes.

Grumpy Grandpa is hiring a maid to take watch over his granddaughter. The maid-to-be says she’s really good at taking care of rebellious girls.

Juana’s apt: Oh, Juana is really crying now. She tells Cutberto about the dress. He can’t believe it. Esa muchacha tiene mal entraña. (that girl is bad from the inside/heartless) Cutberto says the obvious, couldn’t she have told her el Licenciado had ordered a dress? Juana refuses to hear anything bad about Teresa. She explains how she convinced Tere to use the other dress. She’ll always defend her. Cutberto says Tere is mala but it’s up to Juana if she wants to let Tere continue to treat her badly. She kicks him out. She keeps crying.

Hospital: Tere tells Espe she did something to convince Ruben to get a divorce. Espe’s not surprised it was her who sent the divorce papers, photo, etc. She tells Tere she feels betrayed. Tere feels she’s doing what’s necessary to make him responsible for the baby. Espe’s not happy. She told her not to say anything and now Ruben is complaining he’s lost everything. Tere’s convinced she’s won. Now Espe needs to get to work and get him back. Now she and her baby will be happy. Espe looks at her like she’s crazy and just shakes her head in disbelief.

Casa Geno: Ruben is telling Geno that Aida’s convinced Mayra to put her in charge of Mayra’s interests. Geno: It’s really costing you to have obsessively fallen for the wrong woman. Ruben doesn’t want to hear her reproaches. He needs her to understand that if he can’t pull money into the Luna Turqueza project, they’re gonna have big problems. They both agree construction can’t be delayed. He asks for her help on getting Aida away from Mayra’s business. He also wants Aida to forgive him. Not only because her rejection hurts him, but also because without her forgiveness Mayra will never return to him. Divorcing Mayra is not convenient for him. I’ve got news for him: it’s not convenient for Geno.

Hospital: Tere is working hard to convince Espe to reconcile with Ruben. Espe knows he’s seeing someone else. Tere thinks it’s dumb now that he’s divorcing to leave him to that other woman. Espe feels he’s a bad person and besides he’s angry with her for confiding in Tere. And truthfully, she’s not very happy with Tere either. Tere only has her best interest at heart even if it means losing her friendship. She may have had good intentions but Espe feels it was still wrong and she wants Tere to swear she won’t tell about her pregnancy. Mariano walks by and Tere calls out to him. She tells him the same thing, that she did what she did only to help Espe. Mariano disagrees and feels she only sent the divorce papers to anger Aida. Then he tells Espe to think about what Tere did to her so she won’t continue to deceive her as she did to him for so many years.

Casa de la Barrera: Mayra comes to see Arturo about divorcing Ruben.

Back at the hospital, Tere tells Mariano he just wants to pit Espe against her because he’s angry she’s not marrying him. He tells her he doesn’t want her to use Espe to harm others. He sees Aurora pass by and excuses himself leaving Tere open-mouthed impactada. She tells Espe not to listen to him. He’s just hurt because she returned to Arturo. Espe knows and doesn’t understand why she returned to Arturo when she loves Mariano. She noticed the way she got when she saw Mariano go after Aurora. Espe tells Tere not to marry Arturo especially because she still loves Mariano.

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo asks Mayra if she’s absolutely sure she wants a divorce. He lied to her, cheated on her. She’s sure Arturo must know who “she” is. Who she is doesn’t matter, he says, what matters is that Mayra evaluate her situation. He tells her think clearly about her next move. She should calm down and then they can talk. He then tells her he doesn’t feel comfortable representing her since they’ve both been such good friends all these years.

Hospital: Mariano asks Aurora about her schooling. She’s been allowed to practice in this hospital. He congratulates her and asks her to lunch. She takes a call and tells him she can’t maybe later. After she leaves Daryo asks if she has a boyfriend and Mariano reacts. Daryo notices this and Mariano explains it’s just that since she went to University he hasn’t seen much of her and he misses her. Gosh he’s cute.

Aida goes to visit Geno. They both cry as they hug. Aida just doesn’t know how she’ll get along without him. She notices the urn on the table. Ay bebé. Poor thing, she’s really suffering.

Juana’s apt: She’s also crying when Hector the Director comes by to invite her to the movies. She’s really sobbing now and he offers a shoulder to cry on.

Hospital: Tere agrees to think about Arturo vs Mariano but Espe needs to think about Ruben. She’s already fought with her family and the bomb already dropped at Ruben’s house. When Espe objects that he already has another lover, Tere reminds her she’s having a baby. Why should she sacrifice herself? Tere tells her she still loves Ruben and she’s no longer alone and taps her tummy. She sees this as her big opportunity.

Aida is crying and talking to bebé, saying he didn’t have the chance to finish telling her about Teresa. But she will get revenge against Teresa with what will hurt her most. Just then, Mariano walks in.

Teresa’s room: She’s playing the Mariano/Tere theme and dancing with good ol’ Teddy and talking to Mariano. She still loves him but she’s going to take him out of her heart just as she took him out of her life. Whenever she thinks of him, she’ll think of everything’s she’s gained alongside Arturo. She’s kept her word and got out of that dirty (mugroso) vecindad and she’ll have everything she deserves. The only thing left to do is to fall in love with Arturo, and this too will come to her. She puts Teddy on the bed then grabs a cushion and SMOTHERS TEDDY! O-M-G! Someone save the bear! I didn’t know whether to laugh or be scared. This is one scary tiburoncita.

Geno’s house: Aida introduces Mariano to Geno. She thanks him for taking care of Paulo. She begins to cry as she asks him to explain what happened to Paulo.

Casa Caceres: The maid comes and tells Mayra there’s a brand new car outside waiting for her. She gives her a letter from Ruben: Don’t throw away 25 years of marriage because of a tontería. I still love you. Forgive me. Ruben walks in asking if she’s going to come see her gift. She doesn’t want anything from him. If he thinks he can get her back by buying her gifts he needs to think again. He begs her forgiveness and asks her to think of the love there has been between them. Mayra: He never loved her or he wouldn’t have betrayed her. Ruben: That woman was a stupid mistake that he’ll never be able to live down. A woman of no importance, an aventura. Mayra: A woman of no importance that you bought an apt for! The apt that was supposedly for Aida was nothing more than your love nest (nido de amor). She’s sure he didn’t tell Genoveva the real reason for the apt because surely she would have told the truth. She was so stupid, worrying about him working nights. Ruben: Please know that she and Aida are so important to him. That’s why she should forgive him. She shouldn’t let Teresa’s envy separate them. Mayra: She couldn’t even if she wanted to. In fact she’s grateful to Teresa for opening her eyes. It sickens her when she thinks of him with that other woman. ¡LARGATE! She screams at him as she physically pushes him. She continues to scream at him as she asks him for the keys, tells him to take his things or she’ll throw them out. ¡LARGATE! Like I said before, he’s so screwed.

Geno’s house: Aida shares how she saw Paulo buying those pills but didn’t get a good look at the guy. Mariano shares his suspicion of Fito but doesn’t know his full name. Geno starts getting ideas on how they can ID the guy.

Juana’s apt: Hector and Juana return from the movies and he comments on her crying at a movie about bullets and violence. She gamely laughs. He asks her to dinner. He takes a call from Aurora who’s cooking dinner and asks him to invite Juana to come for dinner.

Casa de la Barrera: Cutberto arrives with a rose and finds out from Teresa that Juana’s not there. She’s very rude to him and tells him to leave or she’ll have him thrown out. He asks if she’s planning to have Arturo kick him out. If that’s so Cutberto plans to tell him all about the dress. Arturo comes out just then and recognizes him from the serenata he brought for Juana (which was really from Mariano to Teresa).

Casa de Geno: Mariano leaves and Aida explains he’s the man Tere loves. She’s planning to get her vengeance on Tere through Mariano and then through Arturo. Time’s a-wasting so she needs to work fast to make Tere pay with lagrimas de sangre (tears of blood) . She also throws in “Rata de Vecindad” for good measure.

Casa de la Barrera: Tere says Cutberto was just leaving. Arturo invites him to stay and wait for Juana and Cutberto agrees. Arturo has to leave so he leaves Cutberto with Teresa. Cutberto thinks it’s a shame Arturo doesn’t know the kind of woman he’s marrying. He’s here for Juanita to console her after Teresa’s snub. She tries the lie about Arturo buying her the dress. He calls her on it saying the novio pays but the novia chooses. He wishes she were a kind person with a big heart. That would have saved Juanita her current pain but Tere doesn’t value her. Tere disagrees. She does value her. Cutberto isn’t buying it. She tells him to leave and says Arturo won’t like that he’s such good friend with Mariano. Cutberto tells her that’s the only thing he’s grateful to her for: she’s left Mariano.

Hospital: Mariano asks Dario to cover for him. He wants to see Aurora to mend their relationship. He thinks she’s still angry with him.

Grumpy Granpa: He introduces Pati to the new maid. Her parents are so angry they don’t even want to talk to her. Text msg from Johnny telling her he’s thinking of her and loves her. FF>>

Restaurant: Arturo meets with Ruben, telling him he doesn’t want to represent Mayra. Ruben doesn’t want a divorce. He broke it off with Espe and wants to work it out with Mayra. Arturo asks if he’s sure. Ruben speaks to the problems caused by divorce: community property, the business. He also shares his cash flow problem with respect to Luna Truqueza and hits him up for a loan.

Casa Alcazar: Aurora’s in the kitchen with Martin. She doesn’t know how to cook and he’s there to help her. We have a cute scene where he’s teaching her how to knead pizza dough with his hands covering hers telling her the dough must be kneaded with cariño (affection). Their faces get really close. Mariano walks in as he’s dusting flour off her nose and they’re giggling. Oh no!


Cuando Me Enamoro #17 Friday 5/13/11 It's Matias's party and they'll make Renata cry 'cause they want her to.

Viewerville, have a virtual box of tissues on me.

This episode is full of tears, tears, and more tears as vicious plans come to fruition and everyone seems to need a shoulder to cry on.

Agustin asserts to Dr. Nesme that he will win Renata over and make her his. All his.

A downtrodden Ines and Isidro join Regina in the hospital waiting room. Andrescito is finally asleep, so Ines tells Isidro and Regina they can go home. No way, says Regi. She's going to stick with Ines. "Remember all those times you stayed by my side when my hija disappeared?"

The party at Mansion Monterrubio is in full swing. Jero starts asking Roberta pointed questions about how difficult it must be for her to find a man who can "give her a life she is accustomed to". Rob is sure Jero could support her with all the dough he has. "Even if I had economic problems?" Jero presses. Rob knows Jero is an important business man, he would be able to earn back a life of luxury. "Social position and money are more important to you than love, right?" Jero asks. Rob starts to get uncomfortable with this game of 20 questions. "Jero, the idea of love is very romantic but not real. Romances only happen in novelas or movies."

Jero disagrees and tells Rob that he knew a man who killed himself because of a woman. Roberta laughs in disbelief. "It's true. He gave everything to her and when she left he feel into a deep depression. After all he had achieved, it was not enough for her." Jero is cut off before he can properly accuse Roberta of being a rotten, brother-killing, Bonita. He stalks off moodily, losing his nerve.

Gonzalo takes the stage at the party and gives a nice little speech to welcome Matias home. FFWD...

Jero stares at his reflection and wonders what to do next with his revenge plot. "Mat and Gonzo don't deserve a public scandal. I have to think of another way to get back at Roberta without hurting innocent people."

Carlos, Matilde, and Lazaro have lunch and chat about wine. Carlos is so proud that Rafa was able to get such great land to grow such marvelous grapes. "If I had enough money, I would buy the land and the vineyard myself in memory of Rafa. The place reminds Jero of so much of his brother's pain that I doubt I could convince him to do it."

Regina calls Cata to tell her that she's going to skip the party and stay with Ines. Especially since Ines still doesn't know that Andres probably has leukemia. Regi also isn't going to Spain with Antonio since her amgia is going through such a tough time.

Renata finds Jero alone in the house and wants to clear the air. Jero frostily turns her down. "It does not interest me to talk to someone like you. Someone who lies and seduces for the fun of it." Renata warns Jero not to insult her; she has an explanation for everything she said to him. (Selene slinks in, overhears them arguing, then slinks back outside).

Jero is not interested in Renata's explanations. He gives back her bracelet, since there is no longer a reason for him to have a remembrance of her. Jero coldly leaves the room while Ren is left pensive with only the theme song to keep her company.

Sure enough, Selene ran outside to tattle on Renata and Jero like a good minion. Roberta is furious at the thought that Ren could be flirting with Jero and drags Selene back into the house. "If she was hitting on Jero, I will kill her." They don't find R+J but Roberta is still suspicious.

Constanza runs into Jero and greets him warmly. She uses her powers of persuasion to convince him not to leave the fiesta so early. Coni mentions how odd it is that Regi and Ines never showed up but Jero tells her that neither of them received invitations. Que raro, no?

Renata reconvenes in her bedroom and the theme song has followed her upstairs. She just can't get Jero out of her head. "Why does it matter so much what you think of me? Even though you want nothing to do with me." She wonders aloud.

Ines tearfully asks Regi to forgive her for telling Regi that she should move on after what happened to her hija. Ines now has to face what life would be like without her hijo and the thought kills her. "How do you do it, Regina?" Regi cries too and says the reason she keeps living is the hope that one day she will be able to spend even a minute with her hija.

Coni introdues Jero to the few Monterrubios he didn't already know by coincidence. Roberta joins the group and Fina congratulates her hija on planning such a great party. Rob pulls Jero away for a drink, which gives Coni the opportunity to comment about Regi and Ines never receiving invitations. Confusion all around. FFWD...

Meanwhile at the hospital, Adriana dissolves into a puddle of tears after the doctor tells her that there is little hope that her madre will survive. Adriana masters the ugly cry.

Regina overhears the sad news and can't help but scoop Adriana into a comforting hug.

Ezequiel tells Agustin that they will have to be wary of Carlos, he knows more about the vineyard business than he let on. Augie tells Zeke to make sure Alfonsina keeps tabs on every detail of the business at La Bonita.

Dr. Nesme stands over a sleeping Karina and muses that he doesn't deserve her. Maybe he can't love her because she is so perfect. Too creepy not to FFWD...

Fina talks cryptically on the phone. Something can't wait another day and it is a matter of life and death for her. Growl, scowl, somehow this is Regina's fault. According to Fina, so is global warming, the price of gas, and the sinking of the Titanic.

Carlos holds the "R" necklace and hopes that Jero doesn't do anything crazy for revenge.

Matias and Renata awkwardly share a table with Jero and Roberta. Jero makes snide comments about M+R being step-siblings. Ren and Jero end up left alone at the table and Ren says Jero will have to listen to her explanation even if she has to call/mail him daily. Jero still has no interest but he promises not to tell Matias that Renata kissed him. "It will only be a matter of time until he finds out how dishonest you are anyway." Ugh. Is it possible to kick a fictional character through the television?

Renata lets Jero's nastiness roll off her back. "Look. I don't know why your presence in my life is so important. It confuses me but I don't want you to have the wrong idea about who I am. Besides, you have not been entirely honest with me either! You never told anyone you were Roberta's novio!" Their fighting becomes flirting but Mat's return puts an end to it.

Diego stands in front of a helicopter (!!!) and Roberta urges him to get the show on the road. Diego can't wait to humiliate Renata the way she humiliated him. Rob tells Fina that her plan is in full swing. She is going to make Mami proud. Fina says this will be the perfect opportunity for Rob to steal Matias away from Ren. Roberta has no interest in Mat; no matter what Mami wants, Rob will never be his woman.

Adriana has calmed her hysterics and appreciates Regina's help even though they are strangers. Regina comforts Adri by telling her about her own sad past. More tears, more hugging. Later on, (after more hysterics and sobbing) Adriana gathers the courage to go into her mother's hospital room. Regina promises to help Adriana anytime she needs someone to talk to.

A huge black helicopter hovers over the fiesta Monterrubio, which puzzles all the partygoers. Hundreds of pictures suddenly rain down from the helicopter. Renata looks at one with a stunned and hurt expression.

Jero and Rob look over at Renata in shock.

Gonzo crumples up a picture in disgust.

The helicopter flies away while the entire Monterrubio family and all the guests look at the pictures...

...and then stare at Renata.

This will not turn out well.

Gonzo hurries over to Ren, demanding an explanation. The pictures (which we never see) are apparently compromising (photoshopped) images of Renata. Ren swears she never took any such pictures, it's her face but not her body. Fina storms over. "Then who is it? Your identical twin?" Fina spouts awful insults at Renata and slaps her fiercely. Matias quickly rushes to Renata's side to defend her from Fina. Ren buries her face in his shoulder until Fina leaves in indignation.

Renata can barely hide her tears as she swears to Gonzo that she never had such pictures taken of her; they have to be fake. Gonzo tries to quiet her but Renata shouts that she has to clear her name in front of everyone else. "This is slander (calumnia)! Someone is trying to disgrace (infamia) me! I won't allow it! I know I have to take responsibility for my actions but not for this. I am innocent, Papá!" Renata apologizes to Matias for ruining his party before retreating into the house. :(:(:(

Roberta apologizes to Jero for her smutty sister. Jero isn't fazed. "Everyone's true colors come out eventually." He says. Jero takes his leave of the party but not before Matias furiously asks who could have done such a thing to Renata. Jero shrugs. "At least you know what kind of woman she is now."

Instead of backhanding Jero like I would love to do, Mat sticks up for Renata with words and not fists. Meanwhile, a hurt and humiliated Renata sobs alone on the floor. :(:(:(

At least Renata has a few people in her corner as Constanza and Honorio have recruited everyone with able hands to destroy the pictures and throw them out. They are both incensed that someone tried to ruin Renata's reputation; both fully believe in her innocence.

Roberta and Fina squeal and hug to celebrate their evil.

"Now everyone will know Renata isn't the white dove they think she is!" Roberta says triumphantly. A quote from the show Absolutely Fabulous fits Roberta perfectly in this scene: "Oh, she's so cold, sweetie! I'll just bet she has her period in cubes!"

Gonzo reconvenes with Honorio, who tells Gonzo to have faith in Renata. Gonzo doesn't know what to believe but he does want Renata's name cleared.

Matias finds Renata on the floor and kneels down.

He believes in her and knows everything will work out in her favor sooner or later. Renata has no idea who could have done something so horrible to her.

Roberta ruins the moment by bursting in to tell Renata that Gonzo wants to talk to her. Later, she calls Diego to congratulate him on how perfectly the plan worked out; nobody knows they're behind it. Poor Renata is crying her eyes out just like they wanted. "I hate her." Rob fumes. Diego has similar sentinments. "No one rejects me." Ay, dios mio.

Fina sobs all over Gonzo about the ~*shame*~ of it all. Renata is such a ~*disappointment*~. FFWD...

Gonzo sends Matias away so he and Fina can talk to Renata privately. "How could this happen, Renata? What kind of people do you associate with if they would do something like this? It is an embarrassment to the entire family. Who would want to hurt you and our family?"

Renata still doesn't know. Fina pipes in. "Everyone criticizes me for being so strict with you. But obviously I have reason to be since your immorality has such grave consequences!" Renata says what happened was not her fault. "Of course it's your fault! I just caught you macking with some guy at the last fiesta we had!" Fina raves. Renata sticks to her guns. Everything has an explanation but Fina never hears her out. Ren swears she will find out who did this to her and why. Gonzo agrees to help; he will not have his family name, much less Renata's reputation, be ruined by such a prank.

Fina refusing to stop victim-blaming. Renata gives in. "If we never find out who did it and I can't prove my innocence, I will renounce the Monterrubio name so you won't have to share my embarrassment." She heads for the stairs but stops long enough to see Matias hang his head while looking at one of the pictures.

Jero muses about the situation in his hotel room. "Rafa, you loved Roberta and I can't figure out what I feel for Renata. But the two of them are sisters." Jero has a violent mood swing and he slams his jacket on the bed. "Two sisters who aren't worth anything!!" Ugh, no comment.

Avances: Regina and Renata meet and hug each other. Carlos tells Jero that Renata could be the real Bonita, not Roberta. Just when you thought things couldn't get any more depressing!


Friday, May 13, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #110 5/12/11 A triumph of bad editing.

Yep, Leonela said that Guillermo is Max's dad. Everybody's pretty freaked out by that. Can I get a "No puede ser?" Nobody believes it, but Max takes Leonela's confirmation as actual confirmation. Os says she's trying to hurt them all. He admits Gui and Leonela were carrying on, but he doesn't think that means anything. On the other hand, he can't swear that it isn't possible. Max says that means there's "no doubt" that he's Guillermo's son.

I've been sitting here for a full five minutes. I don't even know where to begin. This has gone beyond a need for beanie tightening and/or just lining the whole thing with lead and having it permanently affixed to my head. Did I miss the episode where they did the PSA on the sad state of education and students graduating without a grasp of critical thinking skills? Or is this supposed to be it?

Leonela got a kick out of the look on Vic's and Fer's faces. Gui is bothered by her drinking, but Leonela doesn't like to be controlled. She threatens to live somewhere else and then says she drinks to forget her years in jail.

Oscar's brain cells are still working. "My mother wouldn't be capable of lying to me about something so important." There's a bunch of yelling. I miss it because I'm busy banging my head against the coffee table. I think there was something about Max mocking Os for raising a kid who wasn't his. Fer comes to his defense. Max breaks Fer's heart, telling her they're not really related.

Leonela doesn't think Os will turn her in.

Vic is crying and telling Max he's part of the family. He's insisting on calling her "Victoria." All of a sudden Max is concerned about blood relationships. When the hell did that happen? In the face of everyone else's sudden outburst of logic, Max pouts and leaves.

Vic tells everyone to let Max and Os talk. Maria D comes in and says she agrees. Where the hell did she come from?

Leo wants to get her acting career back. Gui looks like he's SO over her. "You could never forget me, Guillermo!" He says it's true…he always remembers her kisses, her skin. I'm not going to dignify the rest of that by translating it. Here she's talking about being unforgettable as an actress and he's talking about how she's an unforgettable lay.

The room clears so Vic and Maria D can talk alone.

There's trouble making rent in the vecindad. Alacran threatens to kick them out on Burnie's orders.

Burnie spouts some pseudo-religious crap and remembers PJP asking if she killed…someone. She admits she did.

How is everyone going to make rent? Napo suggests Mili hire Poli and Trini as waitresses. That doesn't go over well.

Burnie is surprised at Eva's new makeover. "I ordered you to change your appearance, but I never thought you'd take it this far." Eva blames it on Luciano. But she's ok with it. She thinks it makes Eva look like she's worthy of her position.

Crazy Xi infiltrates the vecindad. Please, like no one will notice her just because she's got a shawl over her head and dark glasses on.

Vic is the one who approached Maria D first. Now when Maria D takes her up on her offer, she accuses her of jumping at the chance to get revenge. Lady, make up your freekin' mind! Maria D takes the high road. Vic insists on her point of view. She doesn't understand why she's so conflicted in her feelings about Maria D. MD says she came because she admires Vic's courage in trying to regain her position. She admits she talked to PJP, but also she wants a better future for her child and she doesn't want to depend on Max.

Xi sees Nathy and JuanJo walking through the patio with the baby. I don't pay attention to their conversation. Xi is going to fire the gun, but she's stopped by Fausto. Alacran sees the fight from the balcony. Xi gets away and Nathy and JuanJo only see Fausto and stop to say hello. They continue their walk and Fausto looks around for Xi.

Gui and Leonela are post-coital. She's still fixated on making a triumphant return. Gui tells her to go back to her roots in modeling and offers to introduce her to someone, probably Burnie.

Vic announces that Maria D is the new star model of the New Casa Victoria. PJP is around for the announcement too. What, is he the official priest of the New Casa Victoria Team?

Gui advises Leo to get some new photographs to take on modeling calls. "I don't need them. My beauty will impact anyone who so much as looks at me. I don't need to take photos" Wow. Oh. Just. Wow. Yeah, let me try that one on my agent…"New headshots? Oh, no, I don't need those. I'm not taking headshots to auditions anymore. I'm just going to blind them with my beauty and talent in person. Headshots aren't necessary." Gui seems to be realizing that Leo doesn't live up to the idealized Leo he's been carrying around in his head. He insists she needs them…"Imagine, all that beauty captured forever in a picture! We'll get the most famous photographer in the city!"

Cruz misses his name on the list of people who passed the test. A helpful student points it out to him and he runs to tell Fer.

Fabian hopes Fer has stopped feeling useless. She has, but she's worried about Max. Fab says he just needs time to think. And maybe also a fresh infusion of brain cells. Max walks along, remembering mommie dearest drinking, Gui saying "Max, I am your father…"

Toni and Pip do a "Maria D is back" cheer. They show her the designs. Why? Since when does anyone care what the models think about what they wear? Toni and Maria D reminisce about the good old days. Pip dances around with fabrics. Maria D reminisces about the bad old days and Toni tries to justify Vic's behavior.

Cruz stumbles through Fer's window. He might have actually broken his butt this time. Fer's not home. He leaves a rose on her pillow.

Fabian asks Fer if she loves Cruz.

Cruz asks the pillow if Fer thinks of him. The pillow nods. Just go with it. He asks if she loves him. The pillow's not so sure. I say consult a Magic 8 Ball…they know everything.

Fer tells Fab she doesn't know. She does like him a lot. She says he's her conscience, her shadow, and her guardian angel. Fab would like her to say that about him. He tells her he loves her with his whole heart. "Yes, but Cruz told me first."

Leo gets her modeling shots taken by Alonso. Gui goes to run errands. I don’t think Leonela's any prettier than any other pretty woman. Al doesn’t like her sexy pose. He's not comfortable putting his name on cheap-looking semi-porn shots. Leo plays nice and pulls her skirt down to cover her knees.

Nathy and JJ…he's going to tell her something when Cruz interrupts with his news.

Vic is still pissed that Os didn't tell her the truth about Leo. Os repeats his reasons. No new ground is covered.

Gui ponders the irony of having Os take away what he wanted most in life and now he's taking away what Os wants most--Max. If I had told you that Gui was pondering the irony of being crazy over a woman he hasn't seen in years, who turns out to be crazy when he finally gets to have her, would you believe me? Cause from the look on his face, that's where I though he was going with "isn't it ironic…."

Vic, supportive as ever, tells Os Max's pain is all his fault. Vic wonders how Max is going to react when he finds out that the real baby daddy of his kid is his mama's alleged baby daddy. Os thinks Gui deserves to be taught a lesson. Get to it, man.

Nathy does a "JuanJo was about to kiss me" dance for the baby…who could care less! There's a knock at the door and she thinks it could be JuanJo.

But he's busy griping out Cruz for interrupting him when he was just about to tell Nathy that he's into her. Cruz says, "I thought you didn't like her." Oh, but JuanJo has realized the error of his ways and he now knows that love is not about looks…it's about what's in your heart. What a load of crap! Explain, then, why you didn't fall in luuuuuuurve with her until she had her makeover. Stupid shallow twit. Just shut up JJ. Shut. Up.

It's Alonso at Nathy's door. With a toolbox. He coos at the baby, then knights Nathy as his official accomplice. Whatever.

MD is ready to walk the walk. Vic gives critiques. "You're a star. No one can reach you. Your beauty shines!" Vic is happy and says MD will be queen of the catwalk again. "I created you! That's why I'm proud of you." Fer overhears and cries. I could kick Vic right now.

Hijinks at Milagros' restaurant with Poli, Trini, and el Profe as waitstaff. Spare me.

Fer gets a call from Padilla, who tells her she killed his son and he's got a surprise for her. He wishes her a good afternoon as Fer freaks out. "It was him! Padilla! He said he wants revenge because I killed Federico, but I didn't kill him!" Os and Vic try to comfort her, but in the end MD holds her and says nothing is going to happen. "Why are you holding me like this?" "I don't know!" MD apologizes, but Fer says MD makes her feel protected and thanks her. "Thank you for forgiving our snobbishness and being here." Os and Vic are confused.

For no apparent reason Vic is lecturing Max about how he insisted on bringing Os back to the house after Vic had already told Fer that she'd kicked him out. Max is calling Os his father again. Fer needs Os , blah, blah, blah. This conversation seems out of place. And Max's shirt is unbuttoned way too far. It's reminding Mr. 5ft of Mauricio Aspe's role in Dos Caras de Ana where the farther down his shirt was unbuttoned, the crazier he was.

Milagro's customers have all run off without paying. El Profe blames Napo. And calls him stupid. They hear about a singing contest on TV and Mili says she's going to enter. She won't sing for them, though, and says she wants to enter someone else. Cruz comes in singing.

Os and Vic again. Os says they need to stick together. I feel like I'm getting whiplash. The kids need them to stick together? Vic agrees? They need to put the kids first? Qué the hell? Os asks if she still loves him. "Why do you want to know?" Well, that's more like it. Os says they can only solve their problems together. Vic says maybe he's right. She tells him about working in Padilla's factory and Padilla raping her. Os hugs her and she cries. That could have been a great moment if the editing hadn't completely screwed up the emotional arc of the episode…or the show. "You shouldn't have hid that from me. I swear he'll pay!" Vic tells Os he's still recovering and she doesn't want him to get hurt. "I need you now more than ever, Osvaldo!" What? Since when? Two seconds ago? They start kissing.

Nathy hands the baby off to Maria D and tells her that she almost got kissed by JuanJo. She runs off and mentions a meeting with her thesis advisor. MD tells her to be careful.

Alacran is waiting outside the apartment and warns her about how dangerous the neighborhood is. Alacran is determined to have her.

Guillermo rolls up. Alacran turns his back to the street. Xi lurks behind a scrawny tree.

Alonso is in the baby's room waiting to surprise Maria.

Gui knocks on the door and asks to be let in. He says he's there to exercise his rights as the baby's grandfather. He also says he's the other baby's father. "That's life. Max thinks he's little Osvaldo's father when they're really brothers." Alonso hears all this from the baby's room, presumably.

Tomorrow: Vic and Os are back together; Xi pulls a gun on Gui; the cops threaten to hold Rox responsible for any shenanigans Xi gets up to; Alonso passes out in the baby's room and Max comes in and thinks the wrong thing. Oh, spare me!


Teresa Wed 5/11/11 #53-54 Things go from bad to worse in the Rubigote House.

Teresa Ep 53 & 54—May 12, 2011 Things go from bad to worse in the Rubigote House.

I'm doing another BIG "Lo Siento" with this recap. I've been swamped and behind and now my head is swimming with all the Teresa episodes I've crammed into my brain in the last 48 hours. (I'm totally hooked, though!) Also, no HD screencaps. The HD channels have TOTALLY cr@pped out on me. Must call Dish Network to fix this. I must see all the beads of sweat on Fernando Colunga's . . . errr, on Sebastian Rulli's chest in HD! This will not do! At least the regular definition channels show up so I saw the episode in non-HD and it had closed captions. Whew.

I'm going to try to give a rough outline of what I remember happening in this episode. It's going to be really rough because while I was watching there were distractions so I missed bits. I wish it were better, but at least there will be something up for those who missed the episode or have no clue about what went on. And PLEASE, as usual, please fill in any blanks and please correct any errors I make! Thank you!


Paulo does die of an OD. Before he shuffles off to the great beyond, he whispers "Teresa" to a distraught Aida who later, in a rage, throws some sort of cleaning fluid (from Armando's cleaning supplies) in Teresa's face.

Teresa has to get her eyes flushed by Mariano and of course Professor Hottie sees this, misunderstands, and has a jealous fit. It's all smoothed out and Hector the Director finishes up with Teresa's care. She spends much of Episode 53 and 54 with large sunglasses and red blotches on her forehead, from the chemical burns. Her eyes are watery and uncomfortable but she can see.

Hector the Director has to break his date with Juana because of the drama going on with Paulo's death. Juana is understanding. Of course Cutberto overhears and knows the date was broken. Later they have this conversation which I missed part of. Juana is saying that if he wants kids to look elsewhere because she is not having any. But she doesn't explain why. Cutberto says some pretty things about how if they don't have kids, that's okay too, which I think makes Juana perk up a bit but then Cutberto goes on to say more things which I think breaks the spell and Juana realizes that he would still hope for kids. (I missed part of this so am not sure of the details.)

Much of the rest of the episode is also spent seeing Aida freak out while wearing her wedding dress. Poor girl, I do feel sorry for her. She ends up trying to crawl over the edge of a freeway bridge (overpass). She wants to be with Paulo. Fortunately Aurora and Mariano get there in time to drag her away. She then ends up in the hospital in a wretched state.

Paulo's mom is also distraught and collapses. Everyone blames Teresa, it seems, and gives her the stinkeye. Teresa is totally freaked and is trying to remind herself that she is not to blame for this.

The drug dealer guy visits Teresa and shows her some documentation (??) that he's cooked up that ties her in with Paulo's drug transactions. Now I missed some of this but it looks like drug dealer guy has faked some of this. We know Teresa is a bruja who pointed drug dealer guy in Paulo's direction, but she wasn't that hands-on in orchestrating his downfall and OD on drugs, right?

Anyway, drug dealer guy is very sly and sneaky and blackmails Teresa. She finds that necklace that Esperanza gave her a while ago (a gift from Rubigote that Esperanza didn't want anymore). She gives it to drug dealer guy and expects to get his "proof" (some sort of paper with a schedule on it) but he says nothing doing.

At Paulo's funeral Paloma is trying to comfort Paulo's mom and she lets it out that she had a son with Professor Hottie. OF COURSE Professor Hottie overhears and is impactado. This is the cliffhanger scene for Episode 53.

In Episode 54, we get an explanation from Paloma. She discovered she was pregnant after the breakup with Professor Hottie. I guess she was cut off from him and couldn't reach him, or perhaps didn't want to. Anyway, the baby was born dead. She cries over the loss and poor Professor Hottie is in tears as well. He embraces her in comfort.

He later tells Teresa about this and she seems impactada and says the proper sympathetic things. As she hugs him, her face takes on a mercenary gleam and she's thinking (I think) something about how she's glad there's no hijo because she doesn't want to share any inheritance with a kid! (I think this is what she was thoughtbubbling.) THE BRUJA!!!

At the funeral, Raul, Paulo's best friend, is very broken up about Paulo's death. But we see the writing on the wall (well, I do anyway). He secretly loves Aida and I'll bet he ends up with her.

I think along the way somewhere (I think in Ep 53) nice cute doctor guy is counseling Esperanza about her pregnancy. But to be honest these episodes are all blurring together for me. Also Esperanza sees how distraught Aida is and how Aida's mom (Rubigote's wife) is comforting the girl and how sad everyone is. I think this strengthens Esperanza's resolve to not interfere with this family by announcing that she's got Rubigote's bun in her oven. (But I could be confused about this part.)

Also Esperanza is the nurse on duty for Aida (I think)? She's in the room when Rubigote and wife come to visit. Impactado looks from Rubigote.

Also Esperanza sees that Paulo's mom and Mrs. Rubigote's "friend" (Geno) is also the "other woman" (the one she saw at the Rubigote Love Nest).

More stuff with Johnny and underage novia. There's some Romeo and Juliet scene where she's on a balcony and throwing stuff down to him, including a note. Whatever.

Teresa has also told Professor Hottie that she doesn't like her dad working as a cleaning man and she's going to try to pressure him to quit. (Now I missed some of this here. I know, I know, I'm saying that a lot with this recap!)

Aida is in the hospital and is still freaking out. Her mom tries to comfort her. Aida claims that Paulo said that Teresa did this (or whatever) before he died. Aida is swearing that it's Teresa's fault, while Mariano comes in the room and of course overhears. It looks like mom is not really buying Aida's claim but looks scared for her daughter and tries to comfort her.

Teresa saunters in the hospital hallway and Mariano confronts her with Aida's claim. She smoothly denies it, explaining that Paulo probably uttered her name before dying because she's so unforgettable! LOL she is too much! Anyway Mariano is not amused and says something insulting to her and walks off in disgust. She looks shaken by this.

An envelope is delivered to Aida's mom. We know it's probably those fakey divorce papers that Teresa sent. The mom starts to open the envelope but in comes Rubigote and they have a conversation about poor Aida. Then the conversation moves to the devotion they feel for each other and how they will love each other 4EVAR. Rubigote hugs his wife and has a hard look on his face.

I think Armando has told Refugio that he's quit his job at the hospital, or he's going to quit. She's shocked.

Aida wants to get out of the hospital. Mariano wants her to stay another day but she pleads with him and he relents. But she's got to rest at home and take it easy.

Teresa walks in as her parents are arguing about Armando's leaving the hospital job. Teresa says she knows that Professor Hottie will help with money. I think Armando is saying that he should take more time to look for a job as a mechanic. Refugio, of course, is all against this and doesn't want to get any money from Professor Hottie.

Then Teresa tells her parents that a lot of high class people are going to be at her wedding and she wants her parents to learn some high class manners. Refugio says that they may be poor but they're not without "educada" (in this context it means with good manners). But Teresa smoothly pulls out a book on etiquette and at first Refugio kind of has an attitude about hey, it couldn't hurt, but then Teresa makes a point to correct Refugio's slang—It's not "pa" it's "PARA." Refugio rushes out in tears.

Aida has been brought home. She's clutching her wedding dress in her arms and is still freaked out. The maid points out that mysterious envelope that's not been opened yet. Yep, sure enough, mom opens it and is immediately horrified and puts her hand over her mouth. She tries to cram the paper back in the envelope but of course Aida wants to see what it is. They both look impactada and shocked at the divorce papers.

Then they see that the mom's signature is there. It doesn't make sense. Then Aida's feverish brain snaps to attention and she knows it's Teresa! Then she starts an incoherent rant about how it's ALL Teresa's fault. She says something about the "photo" (meaning the one with Rubigote kissing Esperanza I think?) but the mom misses that. Then Aida goes on to rant about how Teresa caused Paulo's death. The mom says no, it was drugs but Aida's rant continues. Aida is spiraling out of control so the poor mom calls the doctor Mariano frantically for help. Wow, things are going downhill really fast for this family!

Refugio goes to cry on Juana's shoulder about Teresa's great insult about her manners. She shows the etiquette book. Juana comforts her for a while and finally says, "What harm will it do to learn a few of these manners?" But I don't think Refugio is feeling all that receptive.

Professor Hottie is talking to Fernando about how shaken up he is to learn that his first son was with Paloma.

Esperanza's family (except Johnny) are on their way out and to the new pueblo. Tearful goodbyes. Stepdad forgives Esperanza and calls her "daughter" and they have a nice hug.

There's some scene with Cutberto and Juana. I think he starts out asking her to help him get Johnny and underage novia together, and then they start talking about what (social) levels they are on. I kind of missed it here. I think he wants to raise himself to her level. There was a lot of hand-kissing and professions of devotion from Cutberto.

Mariano has come to see Aida. Mom is really worried about her. Aida is still in freakout mode. She rants some more about how Teresa is responsible for Paulo's death. Mariano knows it was the drugs and tries to tell her that but she screams that it was Teresa. Then Aida spills it all. The photo of her dad kissing that "tipa" (Esperanza). The divorce papers sent to their home. Poor Mariano is like "Que?" Aida shows him the divorce papers and he recalls how Esperanza talked about some divorce papers she was given and how Teresa looked them over and said they were legit. Mariano is starting to connect the dots. Aida rants that everything that has happened all leads back to Teresa. Mariano looks thoughtful and then calms a struggling Aida with a hug.

Rubigote comes home, expecting a devoted wife thrilled to see him. Instead he has a very unhappy wife who confronts him with the divorce papers and asks how the signatures are there (or something like that). Impactado look from Rubigote.



Cuando Me Enamoro #16 Thursday 5/12/11 You are my BFF, unknowingly the illegitimate daughter of my step dad's sis's husband, you are in love with my step bro.

Just another day of confusing telenovela relationships.

Cap 16

Ahoy all, I was traveling around yesterday and didn’t realize until I tried to post early this a.m. that Blogger has been “Currently Unavailable”, i.e. not working since yesterday afternoon. Well, if you are reading this then you know that everything has been fixed. Thanks for your patience.

Tonight there was a lot of barking but not much biting. In other words, lots of build-up but very little action. In other words, a few sparklers but no fireworks...

Fina insults Coni while they prep for the party. Didn’t anyone ever tell Fina it’s rude to be rude to helpers? Oh right, that’s a sign of the telenovela nouveau riche. Coni’s all (shrug) I don’t need you as a friend because Regina, Inez and I are gonna be BFFs, nyah nyah. Fina grits her teeth, Regina otra vez.

Agatha is in pre-op and looks terribly frightened. Renata and Adriana come to cheer her up and bring her gifts. Aggie tells Nata if anything happens to me be like a sis to my kid, OK? Never leave her. Of course we know Nata will eventually end up being Adriana’s step step cousin, or step step step cousin right? It’s kind of confusing, but as long as Adriana and Matias are at least step cousins, then everything should be cool.

Lazaro shows the vineyard and superior grapes to Carlos. Alfonsina, highly visible in her bright pink boob-popping camisa, lurks nearby and listens to how impressed Carlos is with the vineyard and how proud he is that Rafa realized his dream. But why did he have to go and kill himself?

Carlos calls Jero to rave about how awesome the vineyard is, no wonder Augie is so interested. He urges Jero to come to La Bonita ASAP! Carlos sits in the cool shade of a tree and the camera pans up the tree to...Rafael’s carved heart that says Roberta + Rafael!!

Regina’s getting all dolled up to go to the fiesta with Jero and she really does look wonderful. It’s been so long since she’s been to a party. Inez gushes that when it rains it pours, the invite from Gonzalo, then Jero, and going to Spain with Antonio. Inez says choose whatever, just live, but she cheer-leads the Spain thing most of all. Regi mentions they never got the invitation to the fiesta, how odd. Guess that’s why Inez is left out in the cold.

Ominous phone call to rain on their parade. It’s Isidro calling to say that Andrecito has another bad nose bleed. Crap.

From the privacy of her room, Renata calls Adriana, worried about Adri and Agatha, she’ll keep her phone with her at all times just in case.

Roberta comes in and Nata gushes over Rob’s dress. Rob wants to look perfect, is anything missing? Nata says your “R” necklace would look nice. Rob remembers she left it with Rafa so she lies that it’s in a strong box and she wants to borrow Renata’s necklace.

Regina calls Jero who’s on his way to her house. We only hear Jero’s side but clearly Regina’s breaking the date because of the emergency.

People gather outside the house and Matt kisses the lovely Renata. Everybody comments on how hot she looks. Rob and Selene stand aside waiting for Rob’s beau. Lots of greeting and hugging and introducing.

Matt greets his profe; Jero has arrived. Renata turns to meet him and they share a mutual impacted stare. You! You! You! You! You! You! OK, enough with the back and forth stares already.

Matt introduces Renata. Jero gets a dig in, Your novia, sister, step sister? He asks, Renata? I thought your name was Adriana. Now the mutual staring becomes suspicious and continues as Matt leaves. Jero starts to get into it with Nata but Rob interrupts, kisses Jero and takes him away. He stares or glares at Nata over his shoulder.

Agatha has a final conversation with Adriana, sniffs and tears. You’re the most important thing to me they both say, yada yada, must have hope. Hugs and tears. FF>>

Constanza is on the lookout for Regina and Inez because they don’t know anybody else, so of course Fina must slither over to give her a hard time. Fina snips that this must be a big deal for them since they’re not used to such an environment. Coni scoffs and reminds Fina that neither of themselves belong to royalty. This annoys Fina which gives Coni a good chuckle.

Inez and Regina run into the clinic. Isidro doesn’t have news yet and Inez totally freaks out. Inez will die if anything happens to little Andres.

Renata follows and watches Rob and Jero. Fina struts up to Nata and smirks, So that’s Jero eh? Wow, he’s muy guapo! Fina rubs Nata’s nose in it, See Rob can attract the guys too, you’re not the only one. What a momster.

Matt joins and they watch Jero and Rob dance. Frankly, there is a lot of dancing and watching in this episode. Rob thinks she’s flirting but Jero goes into one of his evil flashbacks and calls her Bonitaaaaahhhh.

Matt explains to Nata that Jero lives in Spain but he’s visiting Mexico. Nata recalls their Big Bang at the airport.

More Jero and Rob dancing. Rob drops her necklace which gives her a chance to tell Jero that both she and Renata have one and she never takes hers off. Matt pulls his friend away and Jero obsesses on Renata and Rob, both R girls. Matt confirms he’s in love with Renata, Rob is very pretty but nuthin’ like Nata.

Back at the hospital Dr. Morales wants to keep little Andy in for observation. No idea yet of the illness until they get the results but our Dr. Carlos has already made his diagnosis...Leukemia! Regina pulls Dr. M aside and he tells Regina it could be....Leukemia!

More dumb conversation between Jero and Matt. Jero asks you’re really in love with Nata? Matt extolls her virtues, she’s perfect for him. They’re boring conversationalists but very handsome in their suits.

Off topic: So, trying to get a head start on the recap because I won’t be home until about 1:00 a.m., I’m sitting here in a Starbucks watching the episode online. I’m wearing a headset and I was thinking the Starbucks Latin music was too loud and getting louder so I kept turning up the volume. I finally realized it’s the telenovela fiesta music that’s so loud. Duh. No wonder the guy sitting next to me is giving me dirty looks!

Back to the show: Nata calls Adri to tell her that Jero turned up at the fiesta and is Matt’s friend. And guess what, he’s Roberta’s date!

Matt tells Jero that currently he’s more in love with Nata than she with him. (Would a guy really say that to a friend?) But with time he’ll turn her around. Jero looks doubtful (as would I). More man talk, Jero makes some crack that maybe after tonight Matt won’t want to know him anymore. Matt tells Jero not possible, he’s a great friend and he’ll never forget what Jero did for him. Jero has a sinister thought bubble but I couldn’t understand what he said, maybe that he’s going to unmask La Bonita for the liar she is? Help anyone? Damn background music.

Coni and Honorio talk about how weird it is that Regi and Inez didn’t show up. Fina slithers over to throw cold water on the party and sez hey sis in law guess your new BFF didn’t show up eh? Coni tells Hondo she can’t stand Fina. Why couldn’t she have introduced Gonzo to a Regina or a Inez? Coni grabs Rob and asks did you invite Regina Soberon? Of course lies Rob.

Rob runs over to Nata and asks Nata’s opinion of her galan. Rob brags it was love at first sight. Nata’s happy face is taking a break during this conversation so she consoles herself with a caramel apple.

Adri is in the chapel praying. Behind her is Regina also praying. They are both in the one hospital in the DF. Regi sees Adri crying and gives her a tissue, asks can she help with anything? Adri spills her guts and Regi consoles her then thought bubbles she’s much younger than her daughter but surely her hija is just as lovely, where could her daughter be?

At the hacienda Carlos wrings his hands while following Matilde into Rafa’s room. Matilde finds the “R” necklace in Rafa’s closet!!

Rob and Selene in the bathroom: Sele fixes the R necklace and Rob tells her it’s Renata’s, not hers. Rob comments that Jero really likes it, just like Rafa did (ominous music) , what a coincidence.

Mati can’t believe she never saw the R necklace before and Carlos thinks it must belong to her, to Roberta! I love how Mati spits Rob’s name out, “La Maldita Bonita, Rrrrrrroberta!!”. Carlos tells Mati that Roberta is beautiful and perverse and here is the proof that she’s Rafa’s novia.

Nata runs over to kiss daddy Gonzo. I love her, she’s a protaganista who stuffs her face, first a caramel apple and now mango pops.

Fina and Rob discuss Rob’s evil plot to shame Nata. Rob snickers not even Mat or Pops can save Nata from the nefarious plot. Fina changes topic, sure Jero is guapo but is he rico? I really hate these two.

Gonzo tells Nata he wants to meet Jero because he saved Matt’s life; this is news to Nata.

Ezequiel and Alfonsina relax at home. Eze wants the skinny on the visitor Carlos. She gripes that he knows a lot about vineyards, she’s completely sure.

Augie is in a jolly mood and brings out some wine to share with the Doc. Jero hasn’t signed the any papers yet but it’s just a matter of days. Doc tells him that Alfonsina was watching Jero’s visitor but there doesn’t seem to be any problems. Doc tells Augie he might be interested in one of the properties. Nope, Augie wants them all for himself because he wants to give La Bonita as a wedding gift for his woman. Doc is all QTH Who? Augie says he met her in the DF, Renata Monterrubio, and that woman will become his wife.

Nata calls Adri again and reports that Jero is some sort of Hero according to pops and Matt. Nice split screen of their conversation and the fiesta.

Gonzo finally meets Jero and says he will always be indebted to him for saving his son. His house is at his service. Jero thanks him but soon he must return to Spain. More talk about the wonderful Renata and how Matias will stay in Mexico thanks to her. Gonzo thinks a beautiful woman could get Jero to stay too. How about Roberta? She’s beautiful, although a little difficult, but he loves her very much and he’d love to see her with a great guy like Jero. Dad needs some coaching on his matchmaking skills.

Fina’s inside torturing the help and obsessing about ruining Nata’s reputation. Rob comes in and confronts Fina about inviting Regina and Inez. Fina admits she never sent the invite to Coni’s “coworkers” which makes them both cackle. Brujas.

Outside, Nata tries to talk to Jero but Matt grabs her for a dance. Jero answers his phone and it’s Regina, please give her regards to Gonzo but Inez’s son is in a bad way. She pleads with him to reconsider his nasty plot of vengeance. He tells her that Adriana turned out to be Renata Monterrubio. Regi is all Dude I tried to tell you about the photo in Gonzo’s office. Jero gripes some more about the woman who killed his bro. Behind him the party is in full swing with people dancing like maniacs, how funny! So let that be our lesson, next time we are having a good time at a party just think, there might be someone amongt us who is plotting somebody's demise, perhaps our own!

Rob grabs Jero for more dancing, plotting and thought bubbling.

Back in the wine country Doc asks who is Renata M? Augie ponders his wine and says she’s the most beautiful woman ever, as good as the best wine, and with a perfect aroma; he wants her all for himself. Doc warns she’s a city girl, think about the problem with Rafa’s novia. Augie swirls and sniffs his wine, he brags there is always a way to get what one wants and he’s going to find it.

Manana: Fireworks, supposedly.


Cuando Me Enamoro #15 Wednesday 5/11/11 jaws dropping galore... and we learn more about Carlos, not your typical nino rico

Matilde and Lazaro in La Bonita kitchen. She is mad that the Hermoso would want to sell the hacienda after his brother put so much effort into it. Lazaro says rich people are like that. They see (the hacienda) as property and will just sell it to the highest bidder.

Back to Carlos, Jero and Roberta at Jero's apartment… Carlos wants to invite himself when Roberta invites Jero to meet her friends… Roberta backsteps sayin she can only get 1 pass for the club… Jero says then you go and I will meet your friends another time. Roberta leaves in a huff…

Carlos: Perhaps you behaved like a jerk (Patan) … but that is much better (to treat Roberta a little roughly) than what he had in mind earlier… I know you my friend. And I know it was your good heart that made you change your mind.

Jero gets call from Regina to invite him to her house to dinner… the second she says she wants to talk to him about the Monterrubios he jumps off the couch and accepts.

Back to hacienda kitchen… Lazaro tells Mati that the work and dreams that we built here have no value to ‘them’. Mati says then we will loose our job even though the Hermoso had said that would not happen… Lazaro says better begin to think where we will go..

Sele and Robe meet in tennis court… Robe is so mad I would not be surprised if she was spitting fire… The IMBECILE Jeronimo is not rich, as I thought! The apartment is property of his friend and I did not like his friend one iota!!! (me cayo en el higado!! Lol have to remember that one!) But Jero will not escape me… tomorrow during the party he will have to make it up to me.

At offices, Matias goes to see Nata, she says have to talk to you, but not here. He is more than excited to make a dinner reservation for the two of them alone…

Back at tennis court, Berta meets Diego… and suggest to Diego that she has a way for him to get payback from Nata… after she just dropped you for another…

At charity office, Regina can’t find any invitation to Gonzalo’s party on email. Ines says if you don’t get it then you can go to Spain with Tony. Gina says still feel uneasy about the trip… even though the times now are different from when mom was young… know how long its been since I was intimate with a man? I don’t know if I can… feel odd enough when he kisses me, can’t imagine how it will feel in intimacy. Ines says only one way to find out… give it a chance… go on the trip and see what happens.

At the house Fina is remembering when she was reading Roberto’s will and only found that he had left everything to his daughter when she would turn 25. Back to real time, she calls Licenciado Soto… (another proffessional she is planning to bribe to get what she wants )

Somewhere at airport Carlos ends up sitting beside Augie (what are the chances of that? Well, if they are taking same flight, not too bad)

At an outdoor dinner setting, Matias and Nata are having dinner… Matias asks her whats on your mind… Nata wants to talk about the two of them. She wants to revisit whether to continue the relationship. Matias totally taken aback.

At another dinner table, at Soberon’s… Jero is making friends with Dona Cata (Gina’s mom)… Cata goes to bed and leaves the two of them alone.

Gina asks Jero what will do… he will go to Matias party… Jero says he will go, she should too… She says she had decided not to go. He tries to convince her to go. The Monterrubios are rich and their friends must be too… so potential contributors for the charity… Gina asks what is your other motive for me to go with you? Jero says ‘cause I want you to help me unmask Roberta’. Won’t avenge brother’s death as had planned, but want to unmask Roberta tomorrow in front of Matias and all the Monterrubios. Everyone will find out WHO is Roberta.

Nata is asking Matias for some time… She feels bad about having turned him down when he invited her to move in with him. HE says it was my mistake, I was going too fast too soon… Nata says no, don’t say that. You don’t know how important u are to me. But I am not sure what I feel for you is what a woman should feel for her man. I love you too much to not be honest with you. I need … say… 3 months… and then we can revisit whether we want to continue on as a couple or just friends/family. Poor Matias looks like he was just tossed a bucket of ice water right on his face...

Back to Soberon’s … Gina not so sure it is a good idea… it could start a chaotic chain of events… Jero says whatever comes will come. But I can’t stay without doing anything. Gina says That girl is the same age as my daughter. And as a parent, it must be hard for one to accept your children’s weaknesses/flaws. I am sure Gonzalo will be very hurt to hear what Roberta did. Jero admits she is right. But he needs to. She still is not certain it is the right move, but she will go with him. If nothing else, because it will be a tough moment for him and she wants to be there for support…

Fina has bought a dress for Roberta… Roberta says its too old style… Fina tantrums that there is no way to please Roberta… Roberta gets her way, she will wear something else… She tells Fina the ‘setback’ for Matias/Nata is ready… but will give her no details until the party.

Jero is walking out with Gina, tells Gina he changed his mind… it might not be a good idea for her to go. IT could affect her relationship with the Monterrubios… Gina says she does not believe she would lose Gonzalo’s support for that. But will take the risk for Jero because he is her friend… Jero thanks her. ( just how many times do these two have to go through the same two or three lines of script? you two are good friends who NEED support to take any step in the right or wrong direction... we get it... move on!)

At airport Augie seems to have come to like Carlos, tells him he has an hacienda and is working the details to buy another one… its name is La Bonita… Carlos realizes what it is… but follows the lead… ‘And if you have one already why do you want another one?’ ‘In La Bonita there are vineyards I am interested in. And I am willing to pay whatever it takes to get them.’ ‘what is so special about those vineyards?’ ‘jaja lets say it is a craving/hunch’. (so far Augie is enjoying the conversation, very casual smiles and giggles) ‘For a hunch you are willing to pay whatever?’ ‘For the vineyards of La Bonita, yes’. ‘ Well, then how good that I came to get to know La Bonita before Jeronimo sells it. Or.. better said, before he sells it to you because… surely you are the one interested in buying it, no?’ (oopsie, red flags just popped for Augie, now he is in questioning mood) ‘ Do you know JL? ‘ ‘ Of course, he is my friend! HE invited me to spend some time at the hacienda that was his brother’s before he sells it, of course then we will go back to Spain . ‘ ‘ I see, and tell me something, do you know about lands, vineyards, and the like?’ ‘Nah! All this is very fascinating to me but the truth is I am a rookie in the matter’. (not sure Augie believes that last line… but we see Carlos smile at him like ‘yeah and before u know it I will sell you the Taj Majal’)

Back at the Nata/Matt dinner date… (or is it?) Mat is speechless, totally surprised by her honesty… She does not want to hurt him… he is willing to take the risk… but she keeps insisting he is too important for her … HE gets warmer… ‘is it the memory of someone that is stopping you from opening up to me?’ … she denies it… ‘perhaps if there was someone you were interested in or attracted to, I could understand better.’ Nata keeps denying it… she could have lots of fantasies… but something as ‘real’ as what we have, no… Matt is not sure he believes her… but he has no choice but to give her the 3 months… but he assures her he will get her to fall for him. (now she is the one taken aback).

Jero still saying goodbye… after the party, he will go back and sell the vineyards and the hacienda and then return to Spain … Gina asks will you go back with Lorea? Jero says no, not after running into ‘Adriana’ (the EI song music in background)… until run into someone that moves me like her, won’t have another relationship.. IT is like a connection… I know it’s crazy because have only run into her a couple times, but she has marked me for life… whether she knows it or not.

Adriana and her mom Agatha in a very loving mother/daughter scene… mom does not look good at all… says to herself when Adri leaves ‘if something goes wrong, you will have to take over watching her… even though today you are married… but hopefully I won’t need to tell you that Adriana is your daughter…’

Lazaro is giving Carlos the welcome… seems Augie gave him the ride there… Since she saw him arrive with Augie, Mati is not so ‘nice’ to Carlos and welcomes him saying the patron did not tell her he was a friend of Augie’s … and yes, there is something wrong with that because Don Agu is interested in buying the hacienda… and since our patron Don Rafael, rest in peace, is not around anymore, the hacienda belongs to Don Jeronimo.. Carlos asks why is that… Mati again very disrespectfully says ‘because that’s how it needs to be!... but you rich folks don’t understand, do you??’ (poor Lazaro is wishing a sink hole sucked him in right about now or something shut her up) Despite her being totally disrespectful, Carlos is very nice and patient with her. Lazaro tries to send her away to fix Carlos something to eat… but Carlos says not hungry.. Mati again disrespectfully says ‘that’s good, because its too late anyway’.She leaves in a huff.

Ezequiel, The capataz of Augie’s hacienda asks Augie who is that guy… Ezequiel is married to Alfonsina, the woman who knows lots about vineyards… he brags that thanks to her they found out that the grape Rafa was growing was out-of-this-world great… and you were able to buy it right away, no? Augie tells him to let her know that now more than ever he needs to be kept up to date with what is going on at the La Bonita hacienda…’soon all those lands will be mine.. as well as everything in them..’ ‘ I hope that won’t include my wife/woman, patron!’ ‘A well cared for woman doesn’t go around looking for something she is missing elsewhere… so you better come to grips with your rank (aplicate) and take care of what you need to’

Lazaro is trying to appologize to Carlos for Mati… she is mad because she does not want them to sell Don Rafael’s lands…

Carlos: I noticed that. I hope before Jero gets back I will see why she does not want him to sell, and why Augie is so interested in buying them.

Lazaro: Then perhaps tomorrow, when you see the hacienda and the vineyards for yourself, you will realize why yourself.

Nata in pj’s in bed.. she is talking to herself, asking Matt for forgiveness for not being totally honest with him, its not for Jero’s presence/memory that I cannot love you (yeah right)… it is just a coincidence…(remembers the kiss) perhaps it would have been better I had never run into you… Split screen, Jero laying down also talking to himself, rubbing the quartz… why did you make me feel so much for you… your presence was like a gift in between so much pain… If I am not going to see you ever again, perhaps it would have been better never to have seen you…

At the town church, Karina is crying like a magdalene … she tells priest something is up with Alvaro, something that is making him very uneasy and making him drink like a maniac… Priest is very surprised at hearing this… he is in disbelief because Alvaro is one of the most respected and loved people in town… Kari keeps saying he changes when he drinks…priest says she is damaging his image because he had a few drinks.

She insists something inside her is telling her something is wrong with him… Priest keeps insisting for her to not find problems when there aren’t any… He has got her to convince herself she is wrong…

Alvaro runs into Alfonsina in town… he is very interested in her…offers her a ride to Agustin’s hacienda… she is reluctant but ends up taking the ride… when she walks in front of her we see her smile, as if she is interested in adding him to her ‘list’.

Carlos is having breakfast at hacienda… Mati is bragging about her cooking… Lazaro comes in.. Carlos wants them to stop calling him ‘Don’.. makes him feel old. Lazaro says he does that for respect, he can’t treat him as ‘Carlos’… ready to give you the tour of the vineyards… Carlos reveals to them he is used to hot peppers since he is from Merida . He tells them he is an agricultural engineer, studied that in Mex, then went to Barcelona on a grant to study more, and stayed there… but am proudly a mexican… Lazaro asks if he knows about vineyards and farming… Carlos tells him yup, that is why he is here, and he was the one that got Rafa interested in it himself.

Back at Monterrubio manor, party preparations are under way… Fina is complaining that the tablecloths are not the ones she had selected… Nata says she will go see Adri’s mom at hospital.. Fina whines she should be there preparing the party.. Nata says she wanted to do it but Fina and Roberta wanted to do it themselves… Fina keeps whining Nata should be the most interested in everything going well. Nata is right to respond ‘lets see, I don’t want to argue.. if I stay you will say I want to be the spotlight getter, if I go, you say I am not interested… how do I please you?’ ‘you would have to be born again to do that’. (that freezes Nata, jeez! It would freeze me too!) ‘but like the saying goes, the light of the street and darkness at home’ (or stte)…

Jero is in his bedroom with pictures of him and Rafa, crying, promising Rafa he will honor his death tonight… gets a call on cell from Roberta… her tantrum is over… but she rubs it in about how he treated her at his friend’s apt… she had decided not to call him again but she is calling to confirm his assistance to Matias party. Jero says would not miss that party or seeing you again… Roberta suggests they could escape when the party is over… where? … will leave that to you…(he swallows hard to restrain himself) will find the best way to surprise you…

Honorio and Matias are riding horses… Matias admires their marriage… hopefully Nata and I will be able to follow your example… Nata is at hospital to visit Adriana and her mother… Honorio is surprised Adriana’s mom’s name is Agatha… had a girlfriend a long time ago named Agatha Beltran… Matias says that’s the name of Adriana’s mom… Honorio is surprised… matt asks could it be the same woman?

Honorio is in disbelief… but have good memories of the woman with same name. Broke up with her because realized never really loved her even though cared very much for her…

Fina and Roberta.. Fina tells Roberta be very careful… your plan better work… but don’t want to do much more, don’t get yourself involved … Fina insists Roberta should plan to take Nata’s place in Matias life… Roberta says I don’t like Matias… Fina says sometimes you have to adjust/compromise some things to have others. Think of the satisfaction you would have if Matias left Nata for you.. Roberta likes that idea. Gonzalo comes to meet them and is very pleased with what the setup looks like.

He asks for Renata and both Roberta and Fina sigh at unison.. Fina does not lose chance to throw dirt on Nata saying she should be here, after all it’s a party for Matias.

Honorio keeps talking to Matias.. tells him when love arrives, you don’t ask or question… it arrives so strongly you cannot resist… he has felt much for many women, but love,…. Real love, … you only feel it for one… Matias agrees… never felt this way for anyone… Honorio says better use your chance, because love is not always a two-way street.

Alfonsina and Alvaro are walking through the vineyards, she comments to him Augie wanted her to watch the vineyards and also watch Carlos… Alvaro makes several attempts to hold her hand… he changes subject to admire how intelligent and alert she is… with good intuition… you are a woman full of contrasts… and that is wonderful (kisses her hand..) … have a good day…

Gina visits Tony… she made her decision, will go with him to Spain . HE is elated… Just one little drawback.. want to go to the party at the Monterrubios first… (someone smell that she will never make it to Madrid ?) … Tony realizes he has competition, both Gonzalo and Jeronimo share her time with him… he is very excited about the trip anyway.. little kiss… everything will be at your pace… we will have a good time. Will dedicate all my time to you…

Nata and Adri at hospital cafeteria… Nata puts Adri up to date with Matias and relationship… he wants to get formal …

Agatha asks her surgeon that if something happens to her, to give a letter (apparently to Adri’s father)… he will have to care for her… please don’t tell my daughter… Doctor promises.

Roberta and Sele back in tennis court… Roberta is sure that Jero is sorry about the other day and wants to go to the party with her. Diego comes to them and promises Roberta that after tonight, Nata will never forget him.

Fina and Consuelo at party set… Fina mocks Consuelo about her work at Regina ’s charity center… Consuelo says Regina ’s center is full of good vibe and good people, and you would contaminate it… Fina keeps digging for info on Regina … Consuelo chose Regina ’s charity for the donation… Fina realizes it was coincidence Consuelo found her, and it was not Regina who found the Monterrubios… Fina then brings the issue about Gina’s daughter… Consuelo says I am sure I have more in common with Regina , I am sure we will be good friends.. a woman like her is the one I should have introduced to Gonzalo when he divorced Melissa, not a leach like you… Fina thinks to herself don’t dare to think of that stupid for Gonzalo, you don’t know what I am capable of… (end of ep)

Previews: Jero arrives at party and learns ‘Adriana’ is really ‘Renata’.


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