Thursday, June 02, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #30 Wednesday 6/1/11 weird ep... a lot of older people totally clueless about their feelings which are obvious to everyone around them...

...and Carlos gets a painful message delivery‏

Recap by Marta Ivette

Renata/Hero... (Hero, clueless for a change .. NOT!) dont know what is wrong with me since I met you, dont know if i am coming or going... (she laughs)... my life depends on you... (smooch)... (Ok, let me get something clear here... isn't Hero the 'older, mature' one here? how come she is always clearing things up for him?)

Hero gets cell phone call from a mysterious person urgently asking him to meet them asap... he is ok, will see you then.

He tells Renata the call was about some of his investments which have taken a downturn... he is sorry he won't be able to spend the evening with her(he is building a strong habit of this, isn't he? didn't he let Roberta down sometimes too?)... she say dont worry... more smooching... suddenly he gets really anxious/angry.

Honorio/Adri at office...Honorio asks Adri to stay close to Matias(anyone would say he was Matias' dad... and not Gonzo)... she thinks its a pleasure for her(course!)... he says Mr Pathetic is too depressed, making too many mistakes(no wonder, the young one is inheriting the habits of the older one), could you entertain him a bit? (does this have a name? begins with E)... sure! On her way out, Adri asks Daniel who he is in love with.. he won't tell her because she won't tell who she loves... he dares her to spill out first... (where did this came from? did I miss something at that 'dinner party' at Aggie's house?)

Mr. Pathetic is remembering his kiss with Renata and keeps asking himself how can he forget her and assimilate that she won't be his... (sorry mr pathetic, but you might as well have a huge neon sign spelling LOSER on your head)

Back to the lovebirds... she tells him she doesn't know much about him... asks him to tell her more about his brother's death, he does not feel ready to do that (not a very talkative person in general, right Hero? the most reserved Hero in the world)... she asks him not to have secrets for her... he asks her to respond to a question in return... were you ever engaged to someone to get married? ... no... he can't believe a beautiful fragile loving person like her never gave her heart to anyone... she repeats she never has... because the right person never came... perhaps she has been waiting for him.. suddenly he kisses her roughly, she pushes back(Run, Renata!! Run!!)... then he feels bad, appologizes and makes his exit... she says love you as he leaves.

At the office Adri invites Matias to the movies with excuse that Honorio wants to visit Aggie and have a talk alone with her. Matias is reluctant, does not feel he is good company now... she says look at the positive... we could join lonelinesses... she finally convinces him. He says alright but dont get too close, I always hurt whoever gets close to me.(Mr Pathetic, are you also a relative of Dr David Baxter, better known as the HULK?)

Connie and Gonzo talk... she noticed he was not thrilled to find out Regina is engaged to Antonio... He says he knows these things happen but not ot him. It all started with a deep admiration. Don't know when it transformed into this feeling he has now (how old does this guy have to be to begin to take ownership of his own feelings/acts?)... He figures it was Honorio who told Connie, but does not want her to tell him. Connie says I love you and want to see you happy. Gonzo says his feeling with Regina had nothing to do with his wanting to separate from Fina (noooo! course not!). Connie say there is nothing written in this life. Finish your relationship with Fina and then see if the Regina hope gets fulfilled.

Regina and her mom talk about inviting the Monterrubios to the annual gala dinner. Cata asks if Gonzo knows about her engagement to Antonio.. Regina says yes. He is a smart man, should recognize the sign.. Regina stays alone, not sure what is going on with her when she has Gonzalo close... why is he not indifferent to me? (here is another grown up not taking ownership of feelings) ... Regina gets a call from Hero... She tells him about his name coming up in their celebration dinner conversation... she feels really odd about not telling them all she knows bout Hero ... he say not the right time yet... Regina says havent forgot your revenge... he says he loves Renata but is waiting for her to tell him about her relationship with Rafa.. Regina tells him he is doing the same about his relationship with Roberta... so dont expect something you are not willing to give yourself.

(the gardener who was working at Regina's office is now working at the club too? LOL)
Roberta and Sele discuss the news about Hero and Rafa being half brothers... Roberta would love for HEro to be as much a jerk as his brother and for him to drop Renata on a limb like Rafa dropped her... Sele asks if she is still planning to plant Rafa's baby on Matias... Roberta at first wanted to split Hero and Nata but now she wants Nata to suffer his betrayal just like she (Rob) suffered Rafa's.

Connie welcomes Nata in her house as she is putting her things away in her new room... Connie invites Nata to go with her to Regina's charity center to volunteer, at least until she finds a job. Nata more than willing... happy to do it.

Fina is going somewhere folder (investigation) in hand... she remembers kiling Rafa... and she thinks 'what do you know, Hero? what do you know?'

At Ines house, the family are talking... Andresito wants not only to be a doctor but he wants to start a charity center just like Regina's but it will be named 'noone gives up' and will tend to children with leuchemia... the phone rings, Ines answers. She gets really happy... turns out that she is a good bone marrow match to Adriancito. They have a family group hug and she thanks God for letting her be the one to help her son.

At the hacienda, they are taking a break from the 'podar'.(trimming?)... Carlos says he would be happy living there... Lazaro says so would I... but its over... Carlos gets a call, apparently from a lawyer telling him he has some papers for him to sign.. Matilde says maybe if you don't show up then we are delaying the sale of La Bonita... Turns out the call was made by Ezeq and Augie says tonight the 'fuereno' will find out who he messed with.

Alvaro gets home, he is drunk again... Kari sees a spot on his shirt.. makeup?... he denies... who were you with at the cantina? ... just the cantina people... why are you stained?... surely a patient in the office.... he assures her if there is any loyal husband in the whole guadalupe valley, that is me... once she leaves in a huff, he remembers the girl he was with at the cantina... He does not seem too worried about Kari being mad.. he pours tequila on the shirt stain and tries to hand wash it (LOL). After he falls asleep Kari comes back, grabs the shirt and cries hard.

Lazaro drops Carlos near the lawyer's office... some guys give him a pretty good beating.. with Ezeq and Augie watching on smiling happy... 'this is the way we welcome the ones who don't respect the bosses'.

At Regina's charity office, Connie comes in and shows Regina and Cata her surprise.. the new volunteer... Renata!.. Cata becomes instantly fond of Nata.. and they share a hug (grandma..and granddaught) so young and sweet... Nata gets a blush shower with many compliments. She lets them now that Gonzo is not her dad but he gave her all teh love as if he was... he took their mother and two girls after their father abandoned them. Regina asks then you had a difficult childhood? Nata says not as difficult as the women that come here. Nata says even when she gets a job she will continue coming ,even if for nothing else but chat... Nata finds out that Hero is a great friend and supporter of their charity... Connie shows bits of jealousy from Nata and Regina feeling so 'close' right off the bat

Agatha is coplaining of pain, gets a call from Adri, she tells Adri not to worry, will be here waiting for you... The doorbell rings... it is Honorio... She does not want him to stay, don't want Adri to see him there... He tells her Adri went to the movies with Matias ... he is there to find out what is going on.. she says she was afraid this would happen... it just did.

The mystery appointment of Hero's was none other than Fina... He is very polite and courteous with her. He says he was surprised by her call, and even more by her request that he not tell Nata about this meeting... she lies saying she is there because of concern for Nata... (nose starts to grow).. she thinks I dont care about her or what she does and says I don't support her... but she is my child and that is why I am here... (nose grows even more)... he says she does not approve his relationship with her daughter... she denies, says she just wants to know what their relationship is like and what are his intentions... he basically says we are two grown ups and we know how to handle a relationship.. iow, none of your business. She says Renata left her house in very bad terms, and her father will surely disherit her because of what she did to Matias... (nose is around the corner by now)...Hero says Renata's money is not important to him... Fina insists Roberta told her that Hero is having financial hardships... he says yeah thats right... Does Nata know? ... not yet... Fina then says just tell her right away so we dont have misunderstandings or unwelcome surprises later...

Then she sits down and keeps questioning... why did you enamour Rob then start all over with Renata? Hero explains to Fina how he met Nata first then lost contact with her until he saw her again at Matias party...

Fina.. why did you come to Mex... ? After she insists, he tells her 'came to Mex to ask for the hand of my brother's girlfriend in marriage... but that could not happen because my brother died before I got to Mex..' Nata does not know yet. She knows about my brother's death but she knows it is a hard subject for me to talk about. Fina has got the answer she 'came for'... she concludes Hero did talk to Rafa before he died... She takes her leave but not before throwing one last piece of hay in the milk cup... You really hurt Roberta when you exchanged her for Renata..

At the elevator, Fina asks herself 'what else do you know, Hero, that you did not feel like telling me?'..

Back to Aggie and Honorio.. he insists in finding out why Aggie's attitude... she even was the one who insisted with Adri to work at his company... She did not really want Adri to get famliar with Honorio but fate just came knocking... Honorio insists in asking who is the father of her child.. was it someone from our gang? From Adri's age, it might have been someone we know... Why don't you accept the company of those of us who love you... Adri asks 'who love me??... I don't want anything for me... just for her... i dont want to leave her uncared for... I never wanted her to find out who her father is but it now is inevitable.. want her father to protect and love her... Honorio asks again 'who is Adri's dad?' she just responds 'can't you tell?... Hon... no, it can't be me! I can't have... Yes, she is the daughter of the only man I have loved... she is yours...

Honorio gets upset that she never told him.. she says it was her responsibility, she did not take enough preventive measures... he insists she should have left him the decision... she was going to tell him on the day he broke up with her... she does not want Adri to find out, though... not until I die... Honorio insists it was unfair for her to hide this from him and Adri.. she says yes you are right, but your life would have taken a 180 degree turn... Adri was just mine... and will be until I die.. they you can take over her care... she knows I never wanted to tell you... that in our relationship only I loved... he say no, maybe not the same way, but he loved her too... she denied him the chance to see his only daughter grow and to take care of her... Aggie was assuming eh would have his own children... He reveals to her that Connie tried but could not have any.. Aggie tells him he can keep this hidden from both Adri and Connie... just stay close to our daughter. tell her you are close to her in honor of the friendship we once had.

Adri and Mr. Pathetic are at movies... she has to become a clown throwing popcorn to him, he calls her a little girl and she calls him 'embittered big-mouth, why don't you register with 'neurotics anonymous' or 'compulsive angry beasts' or 'amargators' (bitter-ators)?

Towns priest and some other guy find a beat up Carlos... In comes Lazaro and pulls Carlos on his shoulder to take him to Dr Alvaro for care...

Connie and Nata are having dinner together alone because Honorio, Connie seems a bit turned off by Honorio visiting Aggie alone. They get to the subject that Connie would have been a great mother.. She would have loved to have her own children... but it just did not hapen. Connie says unlike Regina's case, that was product of evil people. She tells Nata that Regina's daughter would have been around Nata's age. Everything Gina earns in her non-charity work she spends on investigations to try to find her daughter. Nata again mentions that Gina has been super special with her... Connie says they see their missing child/grandchild in you.. Nata says she wishes her mother would have been Gina.. Connie says dont say that, i am more due that title for my seniority in knowing you, you are making me feel jealous.

Alvaro tends to Carlos' wounds.. he has a broken rib and some bruises everywhere... Carlos does not recognize the men but he recalls what they said... 'that I had to learn who was boss in the Guadalupe valley...' the priest asks him if he knows who they were talking about. Alvaro, Lazaro, Kari, Eze and even Carlos look at each other... Alvaro and Eze are worried, Lazaro and Carlos are sort of mad...
end of ep

previews, some pictures with Gonzo and Gina get around... Nata has turned in the apple of desire... Matias, Hero and also Augie.. The competition for her is getting fierce!!.. Hero tells Augie in front of a proud Carlos and a worried Alvaro 'La Bonita and the lands will never be yours, I swear it!'

sorry its been a rough 49 hrs... so if I sound a bit too negative... I appologize but these 'older' characters seem to not be willing to show any maturity/stability


Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Alborada, 6/1/11. Cap. 2.

Alborada, Capitulo 2.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #1 at this link. Read it then come back here to discuss it.

If you don't have access to Telefutura, you can see Cap 2 on YouTube. It starts at this link.

The original initial recap covers at least five episodes, probably more. The following occurred in Cap 2.

  • The priest tells Adelaida what Hipólita told him. Adelaida threatens Hipo.
  • Tony begs Hipo for something; I can’t tell what. She refuses. He says, if you’re not pregnant, I’ll allow the annulment. She asks, “And if I am?” I can’t understand his answer.
  • Luis meets up with Marco in Vera Cruz. Is he just one of Luis’s men?
  • Luis arrives home. He briefs with Isabel, that he had a special fling with one Maria Hipólita.
  • Juana & Diego realize that their assassin failed.
  • Luis briefs Cristobal on the events in Santa Rita.
  • Hipo decides to flea before she is noticeably pregnant.
  • Espie offers to “relieve” her husband after his trip. He reminds her a pregnancy could kill her.
  • Tony tells his mom he can perform with prostitutes, just not nice girls.
  • Tony tells Hipo that mommy won’t let him annul the marriage, but he promises to make things better. She asks him to move away from mommy, but he says he can’t.
  • Isabel tells Luis and Cristobal that Asunción’s bastarda, Hipólita, lives in Panama.
  • Luis pointedly tells Juana and Diego what happened in Panama. Diego worries Luis will suspect him. Juana says there is no way for anyone to find out that she swapped babies and Luis is the true count.
  • Hipo and her maid flee. They work as maids in a brothel near Adalgisa’s pueblo.


  • Triunfo del Amor #136-137 6/1/11 So near to the end and very very far....

    Anoche's leftovers
    • Vic is cancer free (completamente limpia completamente limpia)
    • Vic cries
    • PJP thanks God for his goodness and mercy (bondad y misericordia)
    • Maria discovers Alonso is doomed. (By reading the test results that Max stole and withheld from Alonso. Asshat.)
    • Maria tilts her head and sort of squints...I think I figured out why she does that-it makes the fake tears run down her face, but not drip off her chin. (eh. It's a theory in progress.)
    Tonight's steaming pile:

    Her Majesty is confronted
    Burnie sits upon her throne drinking sherry and reminds her visitor (who turns out to be Chente) that she knows nothing about what happened to Tomasa.  How long is she going to be bothered with it? Chente says until his godmother shows up. Burnie suggests that Tomasa is probably out enjoying all that cash that Vic gave her. Heck! She's probably in the US. Cousin says his godmother was incapable of such a thing and until she reappears he's gonna keep looking. Burnie says people change and she wouldn't put her had to the fire for anybody. Cousin says he's going to keep coming back and asking about her. Burnie huffs and sips her sherry.

    Alonso lies (like a rug!)
    Alonso is looking for the (purloined) test results. His phone rings. It's PJP with ESP because he's calling to see if Alonso has found the results yet. (If you pause it just right, you get to enjoy the "Aw sh*t!" face Alonso makes. Drink it in. Hilarious.) So if he hasn't found it, PJP is more than happy to accompany him to the lab again. Aaaand Alonso lies about finding the results. Dayum. These people lie about everything. So when PJP asks what's wrong Alonso tells him nothing grave. Just a little salmonella. (Hang on, I'm laughing my a$$ off....fainting and nosebleeds are a sure sign of Salmonella. Diarrhea and vomiting aren't glamorous enough for a TN.) PJP asks if he's telling the truth. Alonso is all "of course."  Better not let Burnie find out you lied to her son the priest. PJP is glad it's nothing serious. He tells Alonso it's important that he rest and take his antibiotics. PJP says he'll come to call. Alonso says no, he'll go to him.

    Max and Maria...well...same ol' same ol'
    Maria is reading the results and "no puede ser"-ing. Max tells her that he pilfered the results and  Alonso doesn't know. Only he, Maria and Dr. Voice know. 'Cause, you know...we don't have enough secrets in this show and we do have to drag this out a bit more. (I added that last bit. William "Mushmouth"  Levy didn't actually say that.) Max explains there is nothing that can be done for Alonso but to make his last days comfortable. Maria tilts squints and cries. Max squints and looks heavenward. Since this situation could be considered a crisis, they do what they always do... they hug (the TN equivalent of burying your head in the sand.)

    Vic and Voice at dinner...romance ahead?
    Dr. Voice and Vic are enjoying a meal at a fancy schmancy restaurant. Dr. Voice is glad to see her happy. Vic is glad he saved her life. Dr Voice thanks her for dining with him. She asks how could she not? He saved her life. He says she's exaggerating. She touches his hand meaningfully. Thanks to him and his insistence, they are here celebrating. She says it's true. She toasts him for selflessly taking such an interest in families. She toasts him for giving her a second chance to live. She toasts themselves 'cause even though they are no longer doctor and patient, she is sure they will be great friends. Dr. Voice toasts to their friendship.

    Meanwhile, back at the Scandoval residence, Os is calling for Victoria and thought bubbling. He finds it odd that she is not there. She never wants to go out anymore...only when absolutely necessary. Where could she have gone?

    Irony...Vic is at that precise moment telling Dr. Voice that it's been a while since she enjoyed herself. She hasn't really wanted to even leave her room lately. Dr. Voice is glad to see her so full of optimism. It's natural that she want to live fully. They continue to hold hands. He reminds her again in true PSA fashion to get checked again in 6 months. She says she will ...and he can remind her. What a flirt. Doc asks Victoria about re constructive surgery. Vic says she and Os have talked about that. She has to think about it. Right now it isn't her priority. Doc asks what *is* her priority and she says "to live; to seek happiness."    

    Her Majesty is miffed
    That damn country hick is going to make her life impossible looking for Tomasa. She will have to bring it to a stops or she won't be able to live her life in peace. She turns to a picture of PJP. He is her best ally and says no matter what, he will forgive her. This time he will have to help her. She slugs back her sherry and leaves. Eva comes in and wonders what Burnie is up to. Surely nothing good. She makes a phone call Fausto who is praying at the parroquia. She lets him know that Burnie has gone out and that when she goes out at this time she's doing something bad....or visiting PJP at the sacristy. She's calling to warn Fausto. Take care with her and don't let her see you. PJP enters and wants to know why he isn't with the other muchachos. Fausto likes to be with God, praying, chatting, hoping God hears him. PJP says of course he hears. He is our father. We are his children. And like a good father he forgives when we repent. Fausto asks for PJP's blessing and PJP obliges. Fausto gets up to leave and opens the door. And there stands Burnie!!!! (*Gregorian chant and eyebrow*)

    And you thought your mom was bad!!
    PJP asks if Burnie realizes what she's asking: that he be an accomplice to her crimes. Even though she's his mom and he cares for her and respects her...this can't happen. Burnie says no one has any proof to accuse her of anything. She's coming asking for his help. Everything he knows about her actions he found out during confession. She's protected him. Ha! She's protecting herself! She says he can see it the way he wants, just remember he himself asked that she not say anything to anyone and she's done that (huh? I don't remember this.) He has nothing to reproach her for. PJP says he has plenty to reproach her for. mumbeldy mumbledy. Chente is going to keep looking for Tomasa. He's not going stop. He's eventually going to talk to Vic...who insists you killed Tomasa. Burnie rants. She wants to stop talking about what happened to that estúpida. PJP tells mommy dearest that she should have a more humble soul and not express herself that way. If Chente talks to Vic about his doubts, he's gonna send justice after her. Daniela Roma, consummate actress, makes this great face between minor fear and defiance. She is amazing.

    Vecindad break
    Mushmouth Max is on the phone with the maid. He will be late and needs her to watch Osguito. BTW, how is the little tyke? The maid assures him the bebé is fine. Max asks about his mother. He is informed she went out and hasn't returned. He wants to know as soon as she returns.

    Back to Burnie...Her lips are moving, so she must be lying.
    She asks if PJP is really worried about her. PJP asks how she can doubt it. She's his mother. Burnie says what more can a mother ask but a son like him. She was blind but know she understands so much. She asks PJP to forgive her for all the harm she's done; for not paying attention to his wise counsel. PJP gives her a priestly lesson on repentance and good actions. Burnie says she will repent. She will be good. Chants begin as she turns to the picture of Jesus on the cross. She begs forgiveness she didn't know what she was doing. Puke.

    Leo and Os and Bebé make three
    Os gushes over bebé. Leo reminds Os that bebé is their grandchild. Os looks a little nauseous.

    Vic and Voice continue to dine
    Doc Voice loves Vic's perfume. He smells it on his hand. There is some hand sniffing on Vic and Voice's part. Vic apparently didn't realize she was holding Dr Voice's hand. She asks Dr. Voice if he thinks Fer will be able to be a mother. It's her greatest wish. He looks very serious...

    ...and we cut to Cruz and Napo. I tend not to catch much of what they say... :-( I think is was about makin' bebés 'cause Fer overheard and prayed to the Virgencita that she permit her to one day have a bebé. For her happiness and for the happiness of Cruz.

    Leo and Os and Té make three
    PSA about alcohol. (Why does Leo hold every glass with both hands? It's not a sippy cup for pete's sake.) She didn't drink for the flavor of alcohol, but for the feeling it gave her. Os wants to help. They talk AA blah blah. (I think Leo is sincere, though.)

    Always get a second opinion
    Nati has consulted her medical texts. Sadly, Alonso is still doomed. There is no hope or cure.

    XXX-factor is back with a vengance
    Xi is dining with a mystery date and is making a call to the maid taking care of Osguito. It's obvious they are in cahoots and the maid will keep Xi posted on everything that's going down as Casa Vieja (the hotel where Leo is holed up.) Os had come to call and he and Leo were quite cozy. Xi wants to know if they drank. Only iced tea says the maid. Xi complains that doesn't help her. She needs Leo to drink alcohol. Other than that, no big events. Xi wonders what Vic would think of Os and Leo together. She gets off the phone and orders champagne. She notices Vic and Doc Voice together.

    God's law vs. Man's law
    The Holy Duo (Jer and PJP) discuss repentance and the law. God's law is very different from Man's law. When some once sincerely repents and asks for forgiveness. God grants it. Man's law...well, that's different. They lock you up in the clink and throw away the key.

    Max and Maria still struggle with problem solving
    Max has come to visit Maria. He is still thinking over the Alonso situation. Max has been searching the 'net and researching. There's no hope. Dude is dying and has a month or less. Speaking of dude, there is a knock at the door. It's the doomed Alonso with a bouquet. He apologizes for coming. He didn't realize Max was there. He came to beg Maria to reconsider the commercial. Maria says she won't do it and Alonso asks Max to help him convince Maria. It's such a great opportunity. blah blah. She could be the greatest model in South America! Max says why not? Maria is impactada. Obviously, this is part of the "keep him comfy and happy" plan.

    Alonso is surprised, but happy Max has taken his side. He promises not to take advantage of the situation and try to win Maria's affections. Max-the-mushmouth drops a bomb (loosely translated with lots of liberties due to said mushmouthyness): Hey, you never know what's gonna happen. Life throws us curve balls. Maybe we aren't as in lerve as we think. Maybe our time is done. Alonso is surprised as all get out.

    Os gets the good news
    Os is a little upset that Vic didn't tell him about the doctor's appointment. But Vic didn't know what the results would be, so she went alone. Vic tells Os she is cancer free. Happiness and hugs. Os is so happy. I like these two together. They thank God for listening to their prayers.

    Alonso and Maria and Max make...two? ('cause one of 'em isn't making it out of her alive.)
    Alonso is all Dude! QTH? Are you saying you don't love Maria or that Maria doesn't love you? We don't get to hear the answer cause Alonso is overcome with pain. He takes an OTC medication from his pocket. He explains about his bad headache and other symptoms. He mentions the analisís? He says it doesn't matter and goes on to talk about plans for tomorrow and the commercial. He leaves and Maria wants to know what the heck Max meant by his little speech?

    Os is jealous
    Os wants to celebrate, but Vic explains she's already gone out with Dr. Voz. Os is a little jealous. But Vic smooths things over. Os wants to know where Vic is going all good looking and perfumed. Vic wants to go to the fashion house, spread the good news and get back to work.

    Eva's pleas fall on deaf (and kinda crazy) ears
    Eva says if PJP is willing to risk everything to protect her, then she needs to repent and not do harm to anyone. Burnie tells her to shut up; she didn't ask for her opinion. She grabs an apple and tells her nada bueno sale de fruta podrida (nothing good comes from rotten fruit.) La fruta podrida solo pudre a los demás (one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel.) As always, Eva says, you are all ready to judge others. But not yourself. She's got chutzpah.


    • Padilla curses Burnie and I think wonders where the rest of the cash is.
    • The Vecindad is in a snit, but I can't figure out what about. They've got to organize themselves. Burnie, I think. Some plan is being hatched. Hmmm, maybe it's more like a neighborhood watch. If that's the case, it would have made more sense to have this scene after Nati's attack.
    • Millie announces the JuanJo/Nati nuptials and invites everyone.
    • Os wants to go back to his acting career. 
    Back at the sacristy
    The Holy Duo discuss the new opportunity to bring Vic back to God (whose ways are mysterious indeed.) PJP says he can't break the seal of confession. Padre Jer says he's not asking him to do that, but to appeal to Burnie again. Some Spanish I'm a little to lazy to figure out, but I think PJP is saying he's tried to get mom to spill the beans, but she won't and he's sworn to secrecy. Vic has to continue to wait. Padre Jer says Vic has waited 20 years to find out where her hija much longer does she have to wait? (We are asking the same.) PJP says only heaven (and Mejía) knows.

    Max and Maria have terrible problem solving skills
    Well. They aren't cowering in a corner or hugging. Max tells Maria not to marry him, but to marry Alonso. We are treated to the Alonso montage of doom. Maria tilts her head and cries.



    Cuando Me Enamoro #29 Tuesday 5/31/11 More cats out of the bag, and more revelations to come!!

    So this roller coaster is off and running!! I’m not going to go back over the repeat of Monday, but jumping in with the new stuff.

    Jero is catching up on some business stuff, via computer and making a sandwich, he is thinking about Renata and wondering about her, she is not interested in money or land, then what? He is not sure.

    Gonzalo rips Matias a new one, about drinking and making a big mistake, go easy on the poor guy, he had a bullseye on his back it really is not his fault, plus he is going to pay for this for a very long long time!! Gonzalo goes on about not having sex for revenge, but for love, especially with your own sister. Well step sister to be fair the other way is just gross!!

    Roberta is now talking with Mommy Dearest!! ( I really could see Fina going crazy over hangers can’t you?) Mommy is really trying to sell Matias, Roberta isn’t having it. Fina explains to her that she is the victim here and in a month she will have everything, the house, the company, and Matias by her side. Roberta is arguing that he would only be marrying her out of obligation, She wants to go to the Dr and take care of Rafa’s baby, not be with Matias. Fina plays her hand and reminds Roberta that Rafa abandoned her and Jero left her, who is left for her? I think the water temp in her bath just plummeted!! I’m a little chilly writing this.

    Matias is an idiot, his words not mine. Some has some regrets. He wants to know where Renata is right now.

    Gonzalo and Fina are discussing the kids, she is very sad!! lol Fina is very good, I see now why she won an award for her role. She is telling Gonzalo that Roberta was in love with Matias, until Renata came in and took him away and now she is the victim, she only used Jero as a way to hide her feelings for Matias. Renata took Jero away when she thought that Roberta liked him, Fina can sure twist stuff, Gonzalo is not buying it. He tells her that it is all very strange, she says she has no reason to lie, but Gonzo does not like it.

    Renata is on a job interview, the guy asks why she left her last job and she just says for personal reasons!! He says the pay is very low, she looks sad, and says Thanks.

    Roberta and Matias bump into each other downstairs Awkward!!! He tries to explain, but Roberta cuts him off and tells him she know that he’s sorry and that he never meant for that to happen. He explains that she knows how he feels and she goes on about how she knows he loves Renata, cries that nobody believes that she had nothing to do with the photos, but she does not regret last night for her it was marvelous!!

    Adriana is visiting in Honorio’s office, They talk about maybe in a few months Renata should be able to return to work, when things calm down.
    Adriana’s mom is at home with the Dr. she is upset about having only a little while to live, She finally lets another cat out of the bag, Honorio is indeed El Padre de Adriana!! Shocker!!! (okay I think we all saw that coming)

    Matias, goes to see Constanza who tells him that she loves him and that she is always there for him, but that she loves Renata like a daughter and so she has let her live with them, he says he understands and asks where she is right now, she tells him and asks why he wants to know. He is just curious.

    Carlos, Mati, and Alfonsina, are in the vineyard with women who are ready to work, the guys are listening to them tell them that they can work as well as any man.

    Augustin is on the phone when, Ezequiel comes by to report the women who are there with Alfonsina, Augustin asks about Carlos and then in a menacing voice asks a question and he tells him tonight, something is up and it can’t be good!!

    Roberta is tearing into Diego, about selling her out, he tells her he had no choice, she then informs him that she will soon be in charge at the company he laughs at her, but she swears it’s true and that if he retracts his story, it will be worth it to him

    Matias stops by to see Renata, and proceeds to tell her that he is sorry for his reaction, he was angry. He tells he that she does not belong with Jero. He is a player and had many girlfriends, she does not need him. He wants to to give him another chance. Renata tells him no, she cares about him but does not love him and regardless of anyone Jero or any person she still does not love him. He tries to convince her that Jero is bad news, she tells him that he deserves a woman who loves him the way he loves her. He asks for her forgiveness and she argues that it is her and Jero that should be asking and he says no, that he will never forgive Jero ever, but then leaves before she can say anything else.

    Regina and Constanza are talking in Regina’s office they are chatting about Inez and her son, it’s small talk, then Gonzalo walks in with a huge smile and they all gather around so Gonzalo can present Regina with a donation for the center. She says thank you very much and they pose for a photo op!! (how many people see Fina blowing a gasket when she sees that?)

    Fina is busy taking a trip down memory lane looking at photos, worrying about Regina, when she picks up a file and realizes something,

    Antonio is talking to a detective explaining the story behind Regina and her missing daughter and wants to find her daughter, Antonio says that Regina is the most important thing in his life.

    Gonzalo and Regina are talking alone, and he asks if she is happy and that she is unlike any woman he has ever met, she thinks he tells everyone that and he swears he means it.Then they are off to lunch
    I’m not feeling this Inez story line, it’s just to much, but here we are listening to them discuss how much they love each other and how they will get through this and nothing will stop them.

    Renata is chatting with Adriana’s mom who tells her that this is her home too, she has been a great friend to Adriana, Doorbell rings and Jero comes in and Renata introduces him.

    FIna and Roberta are talking and Fina hands Roberta the file and she slowly reads through and realizes that.... DUN DUN DUN Rafa is Jero’s half brother. FIna asks if she knew and she swears that she had no idea. They argue over what to do.

    Renata and Jero are talking about what to do about her family and her job, she asks him to stay out of it and let her handle it, she then tells him that he is not her only love, that her heart belongs somewhere else, she gets up to leave and she chases her out the door.

    Honorio is checking on Matias and he confesses is stupidity with Roberta, he is upset that he let his anger, pain, and revenge get the best of him. Honorio tells him this could have very bad consequences.

    It turns out that Renata was talking about her horses when she said she has another love, Jero laughs and says that they are beautiful, they joke around a little and then we get some pretty good kisses.

    At lunch with Gonzalo, Inez, Regina and Constanza. Inez puts her foot in it when she starts talking about what a great guy Jero is, she has no idea that was a bad idea. Constanza and Regina explain the situation, Gonzalo does some chest puffing about his family and Regina defends Jero and they change the subject, as they are drinking there wine, Gonzo sees her ring and asks if she is engaged and she says yes. He looks heart broken, I’m actually a little heart broken for him he looked so sad.

    So DVR cut out and I missed the clips for tomorrow, sorry. Please fill in anything I missed, enjoy!!!


    CME Discussion #29 Tuesday 5/31/11 Was Yesterday Tuesday??? OOOOPS

    Hello everybody, so Monday was a holiday, I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day!! I completely forgot yesterday was Tuesday, felt like a Monday. I will get started on the re-cap ASAP so keep your eyes out it will be up soon. Take care


    Teresa Tue 5/31/11 #68 You want the truth? You Can’t HANDLE the Truth!

    Du-du-dun! Teresa tells Mayra that Mariano and Esperanza are besties.

    Outside, Aida is demanding to know how long the affair between Ruben and Espe has been going on. Mariano doesn’t want to go into details but Aida wants to know because Dad is attempting to reconcile with Mom and she wants to make sure he deserves it. Mariano says that’s between Mom and Dad but also tells her Espe no longer wants anything to do with Ruben. Mayra breaks up the conversation wanting to speak with Aida alone. Mariano leaves. Mayra asks about Aida’s relationship with Doc Mariano and is upset to learn Aida knew about his friendship with Espe. Aida guesses correctly that Teresa came to her with the chisme. Aida’s amazed that even though she’s married it still bugs her to see Aida with Mariano. She tells mom Teresa’s goal is for them to fight amongst themselves. Mayra disagrees and defends Teresa’s motives, telling Aida that Teresa has discontinued her friendship with Espe. Aida laughs and raises her hands in disbelief.

    Casa Geno: Ruben is complaining to Geno, saying everything was going so swell with Mayra when that chisme ruined everything, maldita revista! (damn magazine!) Geno says she’ll console him and they start smooching when the maid announces la Señorita Aida! Geno and Ruben quickly part and start talking business. Aida is there to go through Paulo’s things with Geno.

    Juana’s place: Teresa walks in as Juana is looking at Cutberto’s homemade card. As soon as they’ve greeted each other, Teresa starts to list everything that’s gone wrong since the wedding. The scandal at the church AND the reception, the cancelled honeymoon, the magazine article, Arturo behaving rudely, culminating with going to Aida’s and running into…….well, never mind. She just hates Aida. She should be in Europe. The gossip wouldn’t reach that far. She wants to be the talk of the town, but not like this. She wants to be seen, envied. Juana tells her not to be upset. After all, she married the man she loves and as such, the honeymoon can take place anywhere, even in her home. Teresa predictably disagrees and doesn’t want to talk about it anymore and asks about Juana’s news. Juana tearfully shares the news of Cutberto’s novia and how he introduced her as the mother of his children. Teresa can’t hide the pleasure of hearing this news. Finally, some good news! Cutberto can have all the children he desires so long as Juana finds a way out of this vecindad and live her life as it should be…..with Hector.

    Paloma’s (combined scenes): Mariano is sharing the plans for intensive therapy units. He hopes she’s not too disappointed in him. She’s heard the news and she’s only sorry he wasn’t able to avoid the wedding. It’s done and there’s no need to discuss further. How can she help him? The scandal could cause some donors to drop out unless he can prove that he has enough supporters to sustain the clinics. He needs her help to network with her high-falutin’ contacts. She’s in agreement and knows just the right person to guide him. She tells him to forget about the scandal, there will be others. Just be sure he’s not the cause of future scandals. He’s sure it won’t happen again because he now understands Teresa’s not worth fighting for (finally!) He tells her his story. He and Teresa were novios for many years, were even engaged and even saving money for the wedding but Teresa found other things más importantes. Paloma’s listening to all this bug-eyed and slack-jawed.

    Casa de la Barrera: Sra. Barrera is reading a card from Sr. Barrera saying that as long as there is love, they will be able to find a way to work through their differences. There’s a box of roses next to her. He walks in and she rushes to him thanking him profusely. She tells him she loves him too and apologizes for misusing the credit card. He offers that he’s also at fault for not giving her a budget or limit [hey, did he read our blog?] She refuses to hear it and lays out her plan to pay her own expenses out of her salary and even plans to bring in new clients. He suggests that she only needs to pace herself and maybe even take a sabbatical. He knows she’s worked and studied for a long time and now deserves a break. She pouts and says she doesn’t want him to give her limits. With her own client base she’ll spend her own money as she sees fit. Besides, she promised to take care of her parents after all the sacrifices they made for her. His response? Set aside a monthly budget for all those expenses because he also wants to help her parents.

    In our next scene, Tere and Arturo are in bed (sans Teddy). He’s working on something and she impatiently asks him if he’s almost done with this Saenz business because when he’s done, kiss-kiss, they can travel, kiss-kiss, alone. The following morning, Tere’s brings him breakfast in bed [oh, she’s laying it on thick]. She wants to spend this time with him because she doesn’t know what this day will bring, and then imagines what their day might have been like in Paris. He tells her they will be able to spend all their time together soon enough. She tells him she’d be happy with just a short trip with him.

    Juana is finishing up a call with Hector arranging a date when the happy couple comes downstairs. Arturo gets a call, leaving Juana and Tere alone to talk. Juana’s happy to see they’ve made up and mentions how important it is to support her husband. Teresa says she still works for him although he’s promised to make her a partner. She hopes it’s soon.

    (Combined scenes) Refugio and Armando arrive for a visit (it’s Armando’s day off). Art comes back in and everyone greets each other but I see that they’re still calling him “licenciado”. Teresa tells him she’s sure her mother was very concerned with the cancellation of the honeymoon. She told her the trip was cancelled due to his business but obviously doesn’t believe her. He confirms this with Refugio and then mentions their discussion earlier today about wanting to help them. He suggests they move in with them! Teresa can’t hide her displeasure upon hearing this. Her eyes grow as big as saucers! Lucky for her Arturo wasn’t looking at her just then. She objects, nicely, saying her parents wouldn’t think of moving in. He insists and then suggests they think it over. They pass on his invitation to stay awhile (I dunno, could’ve been Teresa’s bug-eyed response but they never got past the entryway). Anyway, mom, dad, and Juana all leave together, leaving Arturo alone to get a dressing down from Ter-or. She sets in immediately: “Where did you get the idea to invite them to live here?” She brings up their behavior at the wedding. Arturo doesn’t understand (as usual). Having them here make it easier for her to help them. She calms down telling him that as newlyweds, they need their privacy. After what happened at the wedding, he would prefer they not live in such close proximity to Mariano. She spells it out: she does not want them to live here-period. The house is really large but he wonders if she wants them to stay in that vecindad so she can continue to run into Mariano. She protests. She can’t believe he’s still going on about that. Her parents will only ridicule him in front of others and besides, her mother doesn’t like him. Arturo doesn’t care what others think and Refugio told him at the wedding that she accepted him as her son-in-law. He wants the truth, why doesn’t she want them living with her? Teresa explains at the vecindad they’re in their own home near their friends. Arturo reiterates he doesn’t want her going to the vecindad. Tere erupts, saying this is el colmo (last straw, the ultimate). She married one man and woke up with another. With this attitude, how can he expect things to work out? She leaves in a huff, going upstairs. Arturo starts after her when Reina the maid tells him Sr. Saenz has arrived. Arturo is clearly perturbed, taking a deep breath.

    Casa Paloma: Turns out, Martin’s the one Paloma has picked out to guide Mariano and Martin is none too pleased with the idea but reluctantly agrees. Aida and Genoveva come by to donate some of Paulo’s belongings for the next auction (subasta). Geno talks of missing Paulo and her determination to find the person responsible for providing him drugs. Paloma offers them coffee and Aida accepts because she wants to talk about Arturo cancelling his honeymoon. What?

    Casa de la Barrera (combined scenes): Espe arrives and Teresa greets her coldly. Espe has come to apologize for the scandalous scene at the reception. Tere wants her to know she’s the cause of having argued with Arturo and causing the cancellation of the honeymoon. She is such a liar! Espe explains she meant to stop Mariano from causing a scandal and that’s the only reason she went to the reception. Teresa tells her that whatever the reason, she caused a big problem and Arturo is very angry. Espe apologizes again and tells her that Armando is also very angry with her. Arturo walks in on the conversation and tells Espe he’s grateful to her (for trying to stop Mariano) and is sorry for everything she’s going through. Espe apologizes again and leaves. Arturo uses this as an example why he would prefer her parents not live near Mariano. Teresa concedes he’s right but she’s concerned they keep arguing over Mariano for no reason. He agrees and feels it’s important that when they argue, they need to work things out without a third person butting in. She agrees with him and then says with a sharky smile that she’s going to her parents to convince them to come and stay. Riiiiiiight.

    Juana’s apt (combined scenes): Cutberto arrives and they do their usual dance with him doing his play on words. He tells her she now has her “peor es nada” (nothing would be worse) and he has his “Grisecita”. He wonders if she’s jealous , she says no. He wonders if those tears are because of him, she says no. Nothing doing she says and tells him very clearly they are now nothing more than ve-ci-nos! It’s over between them. She asks that he allow her to live her life and he should go live his life. Back and forth they go and he finally leaves.

    Casa Chavez: Armando and Refugio are at odds about accepting Arturo’s invitation to live with them. Armando thinks it’s a good idea and feels they want them close by. Refugio disagrees [is it scary that I agree with her?] saying that they need their time alone and besides it isn’t “they” that want them close by, it’s Arturo. She also doesn’t think it’s a good idea to have him support them after he’s already set up Armando with a job. Armando’s in a fog, thinking Teresa will be so happy having them so near. Well, speak of the shark, in comes Tere to tell them that under no circumstances are they to move in with the de la Barreras! Refugio knew it, Armando is stunned, and Teresa is….well, Teresa. Teresa tells Daddy that this is best for everyone. As it is, Luisa lives there. Fernando is always there and wait until Fer’s mom arrives from Spain. She can’t say anything about them because they’re invited by Arturo. She doesn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable. Armando doesn’t want to offend Arturo but has picked up on Arturo not wanting Teresa to run into Mariano. Refugio starts talking about this being their home and Teresa continues with saying they won’t fit in with Luisa or Arturo’s friends. They both work on convincing him and Teresa promises in the future they’ll work something out but for the time being, it’s not convenient.

    Ruben’s office (combined scenes): Paloma is telling Ruben and Arturo that her accountant is elderly and in failing health. Do they know someone who can help her with her foundation and also with her dealings in Luna Turqueza. Arturo offers her his accountant who also works for Ruben. Ruben leaves Paloma and Arturo. Paloma of course asks Arturo how married life is treating him and wonders if the Mariano scandal caused the honeymoon cancellation. Then she starts laying it all out, telling him Mariano and Teresa were once engaged. He doesn’t believe her and she tells him of the time years ago when she saw them together canoodling at the park. He is muy impactado, to say the least. She hates to be the one to do it, but someone has to open his eyes to what’s going on. She didn’t say anything at the time because Luisa had told her the whole story of Teresa and Arturo was a plan to keep her away from him. Besides, he wouldn’t have believed her anyway. He agrees, saying that there’s a big difference between seeing them at the park and saying they were engaged. She insists she just wants to see him happy, even if it’s not by her side. She won’t allow Teresa or anyone to take advantage of him. He is visibly upset and leaves the room.

    Casa Chavez: Tere proudly offers them a wad of cash and Refusio - refuses, of course. Armando quickly reaches for the cash saying they won’t use it right away but will save it for a rainy day. He dashes out the door. Refugio asks Teresa if she thinks some cash will serve to compensate for the lack of affection. Teresa can’t understand her when Refugio just agreed not to go live with them. Refugio feels their reasons are very distinct. She doesn’t want to move in with them because she doesn’t want to be a bother. Whereas Teresa doesn’t want them moving in because they’d be an embarrassment to her. Teresa’s not offended by her mother’s words. She worked very hard (me quemé las pestañas=burned my eyelashes off) to get ahead whereas Refugio was satisfied with being a laundress and that’s why they’re different and her contempt is justified. Refugio goes to slap her but Teresa catches her arm saying, “Don’t even think about touching me again! I allowed you to hit me one time. and that’s why I left!” Refugio hopes life doesn’t repay what she’s done. “¡Por favor!”says Teresa. “Where is it written that one should idolize (idolatrar) someone simply for being their daughter?” Refugio tells her she scares her saying she and Armando did everything they could (desvivir) in order for her to succeed not so that she could despise them. This whole time Teresa is giving her the evil shark-eye stare. If looks could kill, Refugio would be toast! Scary b!tch.

    Hospital: Hector the Director tells Aurora there’s still no word re: her mother. He realizes there’s something else bothering her. She feels she’ll never be able to fall in love so long as she has so many doubts in her mind about her own self worth. Yes, he’s told her many times how worthy she is, but she can’t help but question that since her own mother couldn’t love her enough to be with her. He tries to tell her it doesn’t matter what her mother did or didn’t do – it’s what’s in her heart that matters. Aurora won’t feel satisfied until she hears from her mother and understands why she left.

    Juana’s place: Espe tells Teresa that Arturo is “a todo dar” (the ultimate, the bees knees). He was very understanding about the scene at the wedding, very much a caballero. Teresa tells her he wasn’t so nice to her. First because of Espe and then cancelling the honeymoon because of Mariano [liar, liar, pants on fire]. Espe feels badly about this and swears if she had known she would never have shown up at the wedding. Tere forgives her but unfortunately she’ll have to avoid her until things calm down a bit. Espe understands and knows she’s her friend and wishes her every happiness. Tere complains that Arturo isn’t making it easy. Espe feels Arturo is so handsome, intelligent, and caring that anyone could love him.

    Hospital: Aurora is finding it difficult to hold back the tears when she runs into Mariano. She tells him about her discussion with Dad. Mariano hugs her and tells her he’s always there for her. She pulls away from him and wants to leave. He won’t let her and wants to help like she’s always helped him. They’re deep in conversation when loud-mouth Ay-Ay-Aida comes up. We hear her before we see her “Hey, Mariano!” Aurora rushes away. Mariano explains to Aida Aurora is upset over her mother. Aurora is on the phone with Martin asking to see him. She’s still upset and looks over her shoulder at Aida and Mariano.

    Casa de la Barrera: Arturo arrives, bellowing Teresa’s name. Uy! He’s very, very angry. Reina tells him she still hasn’t returned from visiting her parents. This angers him further still. He can’t believe she hasn’t returned yet. He runs out, bumping into Fernando as he leaves. Fernando asks Luisa what’s up with the newlyweds. She tells him they’re still bickering and doesn’t understand how that’s possible when they were so happy pre-boda. She refuses to stay out of it, feeling she can help if she only knew what was wrong. Fernando warns her they’ll only end up in a mess if they interfere.

    Back at the hospital, Aida tells Mariano she overheard something at Paloma’s about his needing more donations for his clinics. She offers to help; she has a lot of contacts. He has to admit he doesn’t have a lot of contacts. She assures him that if he sticks with her, he’ll achieve everything he needs.

    Martin meets Aurora at her home worried about her call. She tells him she just wanted to tell him she’s come to the realization that she needs to allow herself to be loved. From now on, she plans to dedicate herself to her studies and to him. Nothing else matters. He tells her she’s a marvelous woman and he’s the happiest man on earth. He’ll do everything to make her happy that she’s by his side. He’ll stand by her forever. He tells her he loves her and they kiss. She tells him it makes her happy to hear him say that. He asks if she’d like to go somewhere and she responds she prefers to stay there, alone. Her cell rings. It’s Mariano and since she’s off the clock she’s not going to answer. They go back to canoodling.

    Showdown at Vecindad: Madman Arturo tells Mariano he’s come to see him to tell him he’ll find a way to keep Teresa from running into him. Ever. Mariano tells him if Teresa wants to see him, she’ll find a way so the person he needs to speak to is his wife. He turns to leave and Arturo grabs him by the arm. Mariano shrugs him off and the two hotties are in a staredown. Arturo wants to know why Mariano feels he has a right to her just because they were once novios. Oh, they weren’t just novios, Mariano tells him. They were going to get married. Arturo’s shocked. Mariano thinks it’s best that he discuss this with his wife or is it possible that just days after being married, he no longer trusts her? Arturo wants to know why Mariano tried to stop the wedding. How far did the relationship go with Teresa? Mariano asks if he wants to know if he slept with her. Ruh-roh!

    Paloma is trying to contact Arturo to no avail. She tells Ruben she’s worried. Ruben tells her to chill, his cell battery is probably dead. He’s just surprised he left like he did because he’s so worried about this business with Saenz. [are we ever going to meet this guy?] Paloma offers to take the papers to Arturo. She’s so worried about him she plans to look for him at his house.

    Back at the Hottie Showdown: Mariano suggests that if Arturo is so concerned about his wife’s past he should ask her about it. Arturo agrees whatever happened between them is in the past. She’s now His Woman and will be the mother of his children, so he warns Mariano to back off. Mariano shouts in his face that he has no interest in Teresa; however, if she comes to him, don’t expect that he’ll stay away. [ooh] Arturo (poor guy) grabs Mariano by the collar, calling him a desgraciado and yells again that Teresa is His Woman and no one else’s! Mariano wonders, if he’s so sure why all the questions? Got him there, Arturo is muy, muy, impactado. He’s beside himself.

    Back at Ruben’s office, Aida, Mayra, and Ruben are meeting with the accountant. Aida tells him she’s planning to be very involved but he needs to explain everything to Mayra because she now plans to manage the businesses left to her by her grandfather. Ruben is sitting there glowering at the end of the table. The accountant asks if he should continue reporting to Ruben or to them? Mayra and Aida respond in unison: “a nosotras, por favor” then laugh at each other. Ruben is steaming mad.

    Vecindad: Arturo shows up at Casa Chavez looking for Teresa. Refugio tells him she’s left and he turns to leave. Refugio tells him they’re not fooling her. She knows something’s wrong. He lies and tries to act as though everything’s fine. She’s not fooled, she knows her daughter. He needs to be patient with her. He is having a tough time controlling himself, he’s so angry.

    Aurora and Martin are enjoying a game of backgammon when Teresa shows up. Martin offers to leave but Aurora tells him she just needs a minute with Teresa. They chitchat about the honeymoon cancellation. Teresa does tell the truth this time about the cancellation being due to business. She’s come by to see if Aurora wanted to go shopping or something. Aurora declines saying she’s planning to spend the afternoon with Martin. Teresa can’t believe she’s turning her out for her noviecito. She knows he doesn’t like her and all because of that mustia (sad, withered, hypocritical) Aida. Aurora takes offense at the word noviecito and besides they don’t spend their time talking about her. Teresa can’t accept that she won’t take the time to console her. Aurora tells her she refuses to give up her time with Martin and knows Teresa would do the same for Arturo, right? [Uh, I dunno ‘bout that one]

    Casa de la Barrera: Uh-oh, Arturo is waiting in his office, in the dark. He is clearly upset and starts pacing. He goes to his stash of alcohol but there’s nothing there. He has a flashback of a conversation with Teresa when she told him she and Mariano were novios back when they were in la prepa. Reina announces the arrival of Paloma. She’s brought the papers but also wants to know if he’s ok. He wants to be alone. She refuses to leave telling him she’s there for him if he feels he’s made a mistake marrying Teresa. She brings up how great their love was and how they’d be married now if only her father hadn’t interfered. He points out she permitted her father to interfere. She acknowledges her part in this but goes on to say there was never deceit or lack of love in their relationship. He asks her to please leave. He doesn’t want to play the victim nor does he want to take advantage of the situation. She doesn’t want to leave, saying they’re united by what they once had.

    Bar: Martin is talking to Mariano telling him what a wonderful woman Aurora is. Mariano agrees and says she’s also a great friend. He’s surprised Martin agreed to help him with the fundraising efforts for the clinics. Martin tells him he only agreed because otherwise Aurora would most likely have volunteered to help and Mariano already spends to much time with her as it is.

    Arturo’s office. Paloma is crouching next to Arturo asking him to leave with her. He’s grateful she’s opened his eyes but he needs to be alone. Suddenly the lights go on and Teresa is at the door, gasp! Paloma says something about the papers Ruben left and makes a hasty retreat. With tears in her eyes Teresa screams that Paloma just won’t resign herself to losing him. “¡Es el colmo!” Arturo then asks her, “Have you resigned yourself to losing Mariano?” What? “Answer me! How far did you go with him? Did you sleep with him?” oooooh, we have to wait for tomorrow. So is she gonna tell him another lie? “Everyone lies about me, poor, poor me.” Hmmmm a lot to ponder.


    Tuesday, May 31, 2011

    Triunfo del Amor #134-135 5/31/11 Triumph of...Nothing

    If you though last week's recap was short, wait 'til you get a load of this one. All 6 cats had a collective freak out and hub went to bed early... which means having to turn the volume to such a low levels that watching TV is pointless. Not to mention I couldn't seem to understand a damn word that came out of anyone's mouth. I've really begun to hate this show.

    The fluff:

    • Max gave Maria ANOTHER ring. Been there. Done that. 
    • Milagros and her Jarochas sang and won Mexico's top idol of Mexican song. Whatever.
    • Cruz gave Fer a bath with bubbles and rose petals. At least it's not as disturbing as the other two baths. (QTH with all the bubble baths lately?)
    • Cruz sang "Mi riqueza" again. *yawn*
    • Maria instructed Max how to make baby formula.
    • I think it was decided that Nati and JuanJo will live with Millie. Urp.
    • Napo insisted for the squillionth time that he's muy pollón. 
    • Fer and Cruz move into the vecindad and he promises to continue his studies.
    • Leo and Dr. Voice talk about alcoholism. 
    • Dr. Voice PSA's about the importance of self exams.
    Sort of important:
    • Burnie somehow finds out about Vic's latest bad behavior IRT Maria.
    • Burnie asks Maria to forgive her and give her another opportunity to be a part of her life. She tells Maria to distance herself from Vic and not let Vic deceive her anymore.
    • Burnie prays a lot and talks a lot of religious rhetoric with Padre Jer and PJP (I may have zoned out during these bits.)
    • Ji swears to fight to regain custody of her son no matter what the cost.
    • Alonso swears to fight for Maria's love til he dies. (Soon Alonso, soon. See below.)
    • Alonso tells Maria that they want her for another commercial.
    • Maria tells Alonso it's best they don't see each other.
    • Xi visits Gui and they threaten each other (Xi-with Ofelia's death; Gui with Linda's death) then they lock lips. ew.
    • Fer wants to be a mom more than anything. She and Vic talk about how Vic lost the first daughter. Vic tells Fer that PJP knows who the daughter is and where she is but because of a huge juramento (oath) he can't talk.
    Important (I think):
    • When Maria tells Alonso they shouldn't see each other, he kisses her. She tells Max. He tears off to tear Alonso a new one.
    • While Max berates him, Alonso conveniently faints next to the test results he dropped in last night's episode. Max takes a break from trying to revive Alonso to read the results. Alonso is apparently desahuciado (terminally ill)
    • Alonso is dying of a rare Asian viral disease. Seriously? The writers couldn't come up with even a fake name for the disease? Max steals the test results and takes them to Dr. Voice (Dr of everything) and finds out there is no cure for Alonso's ailment. Alonso should be dead in a month or less. He's lucky. Viewerville is stuck with this mess for longer than that.
    • María asks PJP why he denied his paternity. He makes a lame-ass excuse. Maria rejects him and tells him to stay out of her and her baby's life.
    • PJP tells Burnie not to come back to the church?
    • Burnie threatens PJP and says he is not her son?
    • Vic is cancer free. We are not free from echo effects however.
    • Maria finds out Alonso is doomed. She tilts her head.
    No kayak. An Alonso montage. That poor guy is a goner for sure.


    Alborada, 5/31/11. Cap. 1.

    Alborada, Capitulo 1.

    Read Melinama's original recap at this link, then come back here to discuss it. I think the first recap covers two episodes, but I'm not sure.

    If you don't have access to Telefutura, you can see Cap 1 on YouTube. It starts at this link, and there are four clips for Cap 1.

    The original initial recap covers at least five episodes, probably more. The following occurred in Cap 1.

  • Luis is arrested. The orders came from someone important in Mexico.
  • Antonio’s situation is revealed - his relationship with his mother and his wife.
  • Evil suegra makes a deal with Luis, and he is thrown into Hipólita's bedroom.
  • Hipólita requests a marriage annulment from the priest.
  • Evil suegra nabs the marked sheets before Hipólita's maid gets to them.


  • Cuando Me Enamoro #28 Monday 5/30/11 Letting Many Cats Out of Many Bags But Still Hay Gatos Encerrados

    Let’s jump right in, CME likes to replay so much of the night before. To review: Roberta with her “heart problem” and Fina dearest beat a hasty retreat from the tios casa. The tios assure Renata of their love and support for her with Adriana looking on with pleasure and wishing she had Honorio as a wonderful uncle. Back at the MonteRuinios, Fina scolds Gonzo again for not believing in Roberta who lies like a rug and then without missing a breath, she chews out Roberta for not being deceptive enough. You just can’t please this woman! Roberta and Fina finally agree that they both have to fool everyone in order to save their luxurious life.

    Matias goes back to that same old bar to hear the bartender ask where is his hot novia and oh yes he remembers her being there with Jeronimo, her being there looking for Rafa and then withJeronimo again. What a hot babe. Matias takes it like a crying baby, he jerks the barkeep’s tie then then orders up a huge tequila. Gonna be a long night.

    Jero and Renata send text messages, thankfully and slowly mouthed out loud, can’t wait to be with you. He pours fine wine, notice the refined choice compared to Matias' sippy cup of tequila.

    In the garden that looks so like Las Mañanitas in Cuernavaca, Adriana and Renata talk about what Renata wants to do now that her life has been turned upside down.

    Matias hears a song on his cell phone with a picture of happier times with Renata, then cries some more and slurps his tequila. Someone please clue this cute guy in that tequila running down your chin mixing with salty tears is not a turn on.

    Augie is being pushy with the receptionist at Renata’s firm asking for Renata, she does tell him that she doesn’t work there anymore but she won’t give him the cell number, then he asks for Gonzo or Matias but has to hear that they aren’t in. Augie asks himself where could she be and what has she done with the business. Shades of Roberta seeing the dollars/pesos fall away?

    Honorio comes in to cheer up a morose Gonzo who has had his calls held. After stating that he doesn’t really go out for drinks, this time he agrees it is a good idea to go out for a drink to talk over all the problems. Gonzo thanks him for his help and support of the family.

    Matias does a great drunken stagger landing at the foot of the stairs but carefully not breaking the ornamental balls. Fina sees him and determines that he is indeed drunk as a skunk. She rushes up to tell Roberta that the time is ripe for trapping Matias. Roberta in her less than sexy sweats and ready for bed is less than excited but this just fell into place. Momma is taking no prisoners or rather she is taking only prisoners.

    In the restaurant Gonzo says I have a daughter I don’t trust, I have a wife I don’t love and Matias and Renata make me sad I had such plans for them being together. Honorio says he is totally pro family and anti divorce but in this case it may make sense for Gonzo to escape. Kindly Gonzo insists he will always regard Renata and Roberta as his daughters, and would provide for Fina and them, what a gentleman you are, says Honorio who leaves to return home to Constanza.

    Roberta comes into Matias’ bedroom in a house where no one feels the need to respect privacy. He wants to know what she is doing there, he really is in no mood for company. She assures him she is there to share his pain, he is marvelous and doesn’t deserve to be treated so badly. She unbuttons his shirt assuring him that Jero meant nothing to her, but she could love him for all of her life. They fall to the bed in misbegotten passion.

    Alone at the table Gonzo taken off his ring and it falls to the floor as he sees Regina enter the restaurant. They join hands rescuing the ring and she notices something is going on with him. Even though they are to meet tomorrow morning, he thinks she should have a drink with him while she waits for whomever. She accepts with breathless smiles.

    Back at Jero’s the wine is open, the roses laid at the table and abounding in beautiful bunches in the apartment. After they embrace she reports she is still overwhelmed (abrumada). As they talk excitedly about being together, she can’t believe the man who she fell to the floor with in the airport is totally changing her life. He gives her the stone back from that day and he agrees that everything is changing. She mentions poor Matias who suffers, and how hard it is to assimilate so many things and strong feelings in such a short time. He pours more fine wine while she recounts the meeting where they learned that Honorio discovered the trick that her rat sister perpetrated with the helicopter throwing the naughty pictures of her out to the crowd at Matias’ party. He says he is glad he didn’t have problems with his brother like that. Your brother????

    Fina waits outside Matias’ bedroom listening for whatever while she dismisses the maid so she can stay and listen more.

    Renata wants to hear about the brother who Jero says died recently and he doesn’t want to talk about his bad feelings. She talks about how her mother and sister seem to hate her and she doesn’t feel like she has anyone He says at least you have me. They playfully compete in who loves who more and he loves her more than he could imagine. At least someone is happy.

    Roberta comes back to her room where mama waits. What are you doing here? I’m here to take a bath so I can sleep. Matias is asleep and really drunk but she did what she was sent for. No, you aren’t done yet. The most important part is to come. Mama smiles her evil smile.

    Adriana tells her mother what a terrific galan Honoroio is. Mom Agatha seems to misunderstand and insists that Honorio is married and old enough to be her father, oops Freudian moment? Adriana presses her mom that she doesn’t understand her what her mother has against Honorio who has been such a great boss. She wants to know what really happened between her mom and Honorio. She wants the truth.

    Honorio and Conza discuss the family, Conza says she loves Ren but doesn’t want to hurt Matias either Honorio recounts how Renata made some mistakes but didn’t really mean to hurt Matias but she didn’t love him. Conza pipes in that was because she loved Jeronimo. they decide to call Renata to offer their home to her.

    Renata and Jero are surprisingly still dressed and finishing a delicious meal that apparently Jero prepared. The phone rings and Conza tells Renata how much they love her and she can move in with them.

    Regina and Gonzo talk about how one has a right to be happy he tells her his son never accepted Josefina as a step-mother so he stayed far away until recently. They are interrupted just before he tries to tell her he is leaving Fina. But at that moment, Antonio comes and takes Regina off to their table being nice and friendly to Gonzo this time but very definite.

    Jero and Renata are loosening the clothes, massaging necks and then he launches his big plan: I may not be the rich guy you think I am. She swears she is an independent woman who can take care of herself and she swears that all she needs at her side is a man who is hardworking and loyal. Not at all like the fit Roberta threw last week when she feared Jero couldn’t even afford the luxury apartment. Let’s see, smiling Renata or carping Roberta, not a difficult decision now is it. Whew this is a busy episode bouncing between four conversations where the hot is so hot and the cold is so cold.

    Antonio notices Regina is wearing the big shiny ring. She says it signifies her support and appreciation but does not signify dates and paperwork or specific wedding plans. He promises to protect her but he also thinks she may want to know that he has talked to an investigator who could help her find more about her missing daughter. He has a friend in the government who can find out what happened to Josefina Alvarez if not the baby girl lost so long ago. You know people that high in government, she seems amazed. If you are in agreement, we will proceed with searching for that woman. She thanks him profoundly. Suddenly, we see that Gonzo may not have a counter offer so grand as this.

    Fina jumps on Gonzo again about offending Roberta then goes coyingly sweet talking to him that he should check on Matias. His poor little boy is so wretched about what evil has been done him too. He tells her that Renata has resigned from the firm. He hesitates and finally leaves her cussing under her breath, but he will wait until tomorrow morning to give Matias time to sober up and cool off.

    Renata and Jero flirt like teenagers at Adriana’s door. She would like to go far away with him to begin a life all over again together. He says how about a hacienda “BONITA” with emphasis, she looks pleased and doesn’t blink at the adjective, but doesn’t recognize the name. She says if he really means it she would go tomorrow. Road trip soon???

    Gonzo finally shows up in Matias room next morning where they talk casually about his hung over state when the blankets take on a life of their own and Roberta crawls out of the king covers to hear Gonzo deliver that most famous of telenovela lines: ¿Que Haces Aqui??? What are you doing here? She actually looks at him as though she has no idea.

    Renata talks with Agatha who says she can stay with them or go with her aunt and uncle. Agatha asks if there isn’t some place for her at the business. Renata says yes but that is not the problem. Agatha launches off about peeling the jojohe or hokoke, is that some kind of fruit? Anyway the image is as Adriana explains Mom’s symbolism, that a new skin will develop to carry you on to the next stage and all your honor and dignity are worth everything. And if this person isn’t worthy of you get away adds Agatha, showing cracks in her suit of armor.

    Gonzo does a good yell at Roberta while Matias at least takes the adult role that it is all his fault. How could you Matias, I know this should never have happened and that he can understand his anger and desperation at loosing Renata. Matias says I am so sorry. Roberta slides in, It may not signify anything to you but for me it was unforgettable. Oh please… Fina uses this moment to come in and gives Roberta a great whallop. Then turns on Matias with her best stink eye.

    Speaking of meddling mothers, Regina’s mama goes on about how lucky she is to have found someone like Antonio. I got something about Regina being pleased that she can have Roberto’s consultation room for another year. It’s a non sequitur in my book, but? An impressive vase, actually a big bucket of roses arrive and she reads the card from of course, Antonio Mama repeats that he came to change your life.

    Constanza assures Renata that she is so welcomc to stay with her aunt and uncle and the room at Adriana’s may be complicated so she is preparing a room for her. She regards her almost as a daughter. Nice to see Renata soaking up the love.

    Matias says he will leave, but Fina is on the alert and did something happen or not to her darling daughter she insinuates the worst. Gonzo with just a drop of irony opines that no one needs another loveless marriage, Fina sweeps her claws across the scene with a you’ll pay if anything did happen threat to Matias…

    Next time: everyone and I mean everyone is about to find out that Rafa was Jero’s brother.


    Monday, May 30, 2011

    Teresa Mon 5/30/11 #67 Flirting with Disaster

    Recap by Sandy

    After a morning of shopping “frenzy,” Teresa sits down in a coffee shop and reads her favorite local luminaries magazine. Oh no! The headline on her wedding coverage reads, “ Scandal at the Wedding of the Prestigious Lawyer, Arturo de la Barrera.” The article follows with the question, “Who is this bride who is debating between two lovers?” Teresa is very impactada!

    Aida, at home with her mother, reads said story finding it funny, if not down right hilarious. Genoveva told her that she had good press contacts, but Aida never imagined that the story would be so fabulous! “How could this idiot think that she could get a good start (el pie derecho) with the right people?”, asks Aida. Mayra assures Aida that Teresa deserves this bad press, but she would die if there were any coverage about herself. Mayra will never feel comfortable till this woman disappears. She worries that her new arrangement with Ruben will not work, she’s concerned that he will return to this woman. Aida tells her that she has to be sure and strong in front of her father, she cannot show weakness. This woman might be young, but she is low class (naco) and is worthless. In a loving mother, daughter moment, Mayra hugs Aida and tells her to keep saying these good things because when she looks in the mirror, she sees a woman who has been left for one much younger.

    Back at the cafe Teresa continues reading the article, “In one moment the bride was obliged to choose between the two lovers. The well-known (renombrado) Licenciado almost lost the wedding to the consternation of the best of his associates.” Teresa rips apart the magazine asking why Mariano did this to her and then says, “Why can’t I take you out of my life?”

    De la Barrara casa: Luisa is asking Fernando how his meeting went....just fine. Luisa tells him that she doesn’t plan to come over to spend the night, because......Arturo has just arrived early from his honeymoon for a work matter and knows that Luisa spent the night with him. Our little womanizer ponders the impact of this information.

    La Vencidad: Hector and Juana are walking down the sidewalk. We hear him saying that he needs to talk to her about something that is very important. As luck would have it, Cutberto and Griselda are walking toward them giggling and canoodling together. Hector recognizes Cutberto as the man in Juana’s room previously and greets the happy lovers. Juana is impactada, we see the surprise in her eyes and then the two couples’ dueling hugs and protestations of love begin. Juana, hanging lovingly on Hector’s neck remarks that within the vecindad there is no privacy for a lover’s discussion. Not to be outdone Cutberto says, “I would love to present you with the future mother of my children!” With that announcement he wins the duel. We gasp, Juana stares and Griselda coos. “Mucho gusto” all around with Cutberto telling Griselda that he is always joking around.

    In the hospital, Aurora touches the medical pin given to her by Mariano to comfort her at the loss of her patient. She places it on her white hospital jacket. The pin has helped her come to terms with the loss of her patient, but we can see on Aurora’s face, she still needs to work harder to forget Mariano. Her cell phone rings and it is Martin with good morning wishes. This gives her some strength and she takes her medical pin off and puts on the bracelet that Martin gave her. We notice that she is still a little sad, she has Martin as a novio, but she still has feelings for Mariano.

    Dum-de-Dum-Dum!! Arturo is scanning his bills, opening his credit card statement. It is very long with many, many charges. ¡Como no! He calls Reina and asks her to have Teresa come to the library immediately when she arrives home! (We hear a funeral dirge.)

    Aurora and Mariano are walking the halls of the hospital while she asks, “With all the conversations that we have had, how could you have tried to stop Teresa’s wedding?” Mariano doesn’t understand it either and asks her to forget it! She continues asking about what he told her, that Teresa planned to escape with him, “Were those your plans?” He asks her to please leave it alone, he doesn’t want to talk about Teresa. She prods using a different tactic, doesn’t he trusts her? He’s uncomfortable and doesn’t want to talk about, let’s talk about something else! She asks him if the reason that he won’t tell is because he feels that Teresa is still her best friend. No, it isn’t that, he tells her. She says that they have been friends for a long time, but Teresa hasn’t always treated her well. Aurora wants to know if she harmed him or gave him false hopes in any way! Mariano, resisting this conversation, just wants more time, he isn’t ready to talk. This was the worst illusion in his whole life. Teresa tells him she knows that he is in an argument with Aida because he knew what was happening between her parents (and didn’t tell her). He admits that Aida is very mad at him. Aurora offers that she knew about Aida’s parents too, she is mad at her as well! Mariano says that the two of them were between a rock and a hard place. With that Aurora gives him a pep talk saying that they shouldn’t be anxious, they will solve their problems as they come along and with a happy face. Then......Mariano picks up her hands lovingly and Aurora asks why he his looking at her. He doesn’t see the brooch that he gave her, she must not have liked it. Aurora looks anguished!

    Dum-de-Dum-Dum! Arturo sitting at his desk sees Teresa enter in a school of shopping bags. “I see that you’ve been shopping,” says Arturo. “I just needed a distraction”, returns Teresa, “do you have problems AGAIN?” Arturo asks when she might get out of her bad mood, and then tells her that they need to talk. “What, you want me to pardon you again as if nothing has happened?”, she says. Using a stronger tone and moving from the desk closer to her, he explains that he wants her to understand that in his work, he CANNOT abandon his clients when they need him! “I understand perfectly”, she says matching his tone of voice, “You put you clients over (por encimo) me!” “No”, he says, “You are the most important thing for me, you are my WOMAN, (“My woman” doesn’t translate well in English, does it!) we have a life to live and participate in!” Teresa reminds him that you can have only ONE honeymoon!” Arturo says firmly, “Teresa, I’m not going to tolerate your whims (caprichos), you agreed to accept many responsibilities when you said you would be my wife.” Further, he tell her, she needs to be reasonable about these things and also....her spending. “You have abused the credit card that I gave you and you CANNOT continue in this manner!”

    We join Aurora at the hospital while she assures Mariano, over his doubts, that she really likes the pin that he gave her. More than anything, she is happy that he is aware of her “santo”, which the pin represents. Mariano LOVINGLY thanks her for treating him so well, she has always been there for him. Things were so bad with Teresa, he is just glad Aurora was there.

    Back at the de la Barrera family meeting: Arturo and Teresa continue reviewing some of the charges, she accusing him of going over the bill with a magnifying glass (lupa). One large charge is her ticket to Cancun, which is double the normal. She reminds him, tears flowing, that he didn’t tell her about the trip, and when she, with much anguish and worry, had to buy a ticket at the last moment, only first class was available! OK, he says, but in general you have spent way too much on clothes, etc. Having heard enough, and full of righteous indignation, all the while telling Arturo that he never warned her about spending, Teresa runs to her purse, gets her “Mexican Express” card and pops it into his hand and runs out of the room saying that she will not spend, “One peso more!” ........ As she approaches the staircase, there stands Fernando! She hesitates a moment, looking as though she has seen a ghost, then rushes into Fernando’s arms saying, “It is horrible!” Fernando, thinking that something “horrible” has transpired, gently holds Teresa, asking her, “What happened?” Just at that moment Arturo enters, and sees his wife and his best friend, and his sister’s mujeriego lover, in a (foreshadowing) embrace! Arturo looks angry, Fernando looks shocked and Teresa looks like the shark that just ate the canary! She runs up the stairs with Arturo following for a couple of steps calling her name. She shouts back at him, “Leave me alone!” Fernando has heard about the cancellation of the honeymoon and assumes that is the reason for the problems. Arturo, skipping over the present (mala) situation, proceeds to his next concern, Luisa, and asks Fernando to join him in his office, “We have something to talk about!”

    Mariano and Aurora continue their conversation at the hospital remembering their earlier times together, with Aurora commenting that now Mariano is a Señor Doctor who is with Aida, and Aurora is with........her voice trails off. Then she asks him if he plans to continue to look for Aida and he tells her yes, they will talk this afternoon. The phone rings and enters a representative of one of the early lab underwriters/directors of the dispensario, a business man who gets right to the point, essentially telling Mariano if scandals continue, as seen in his copy of “Rostros” (faces) magazine, he is not so sure the funding will continue.

    Casa de la Barrera: Arturo tells Fernando that he realizes Luisa is a woman now. “I’m glad that you know that,” snips Fernando. Arturo continues telling him that he is worried about the situation, it is the first time that Luisa has been in love. Fernando knows that too! (I bet he does!) Arturo interrupts him saying that Luisa is very different from the other (unsaid---fast) women that he is used to, she is sensible and very romantic.....Fernando interrupts saying that he is in love with Luisa. Arturo tells him if he treats her like the rest, he will be very sorry! Arturo recognizes that Fernando and Luisa have arrived at that “point” of their relationship.....Fernando tells him that he and Luisa have talked about all this. The conversation ends with Fernando saying that he isn’t ready for marriage, and he has been upfront about that, he values both Luisa and Arturo’s friendship and intends no harm, BUT..... the state of the relationship between the two of them, Luisa and Fernando, depends on THEM!

    The Hospital: (Combined scene) Mariano tells his visitor that, while he has made mistakes in his life, he hasn’t made mistakes in his work. Aurora points out that this type of magazine is just simply trying to sell more copies, the things that are being said didn’t happen that way. Mariano follows saying that the people who come to the dispensario need the help, why hurt them simply because of a magazine without scruples? Aurora, showing the visitor the clinic data, says that the number of people treated at the dispensario is 25% more than they had predicted. The visitor sees the value of their argument and agrees to continue their support, but if these problems continue, they will definitively suspend their help! As the visitor leaves, Mariano and Aurora agree that they will have to work harder to find more donors for the dispensario.

    Casa de la Barrara, Teresa and Luisa: Teresa, putting her twist on her credit card discussions with Arturo, first references the broken honeymoon and then tells Luisa that Arturo, has been shameful and has argued (regañar) with her about her credit cards. Luisa is surprised saying that Arturo isn’t usually like this. Teresa worries out loud that Arturo has changed and the marriage might not work! Luisa tells her not to say this, she loves Arturo and he adores her. Well, Arturo hasn’t demonstrated this according to Teresa. Her wedding day should have been the best day of her life, but it wasn’t. Luisa points out that many married people need time to build on the marriage and the problem with the honeymoon was an emergency. Luisa assures Teresa that everything will fix itself (arreglarse), Arturo loves her. Teresa smiles and we hear the theme from Jaws!

    Casa de la Barrara library: Fernando tells Arturo that because of what happened with their parents, he has always protected Luisa, but now is the time for her to make her own decisions. Arturo agrees, but tells him that he thinks that things are going too fast between them, he and Teresa were together for five years and they waited until after they were married to have a physical relationship. Really? Arturo says it wasn’t her first time, but waiting made it something very special. I put her needs ahead of mine, because I love her. Fernando follows saying that he loves Luisa too, but all relationships are different. The subject changes to the events of the wedding with Arturo saying that almost all was lost, it one of the worst moments of his life. The imbecile who interrupted the wedding was a novio from Teresa’s younger days who can’t get over her and almost ruined the wedding! Arturo shares that he told the guy at the wedding to never return again.......But why Teresa was crying when he arrived?...... asks Fernando. No answer from Arturo.

    Casa de la Barrera staircase: Luisa tells Teresa that Arturo is good with her relationship with Fernando, and then she asks if her brother was her first (as in sex). Teresa answers, was Paulo! But, he threw me out (mandar a volar) and I don’t want that to happen to you, Luisa. Luisa responds, “Fernando loves me!” Finding out that Fernando is in the house, Luisa goes to her room to fix herself up. Teresa stands at the top of the staircase waiting (like a spider!) for Fernando to reappear. They meet and he asks how she is doing and she says that she is unaccustomed to such dramas. Of course, like the galan that he is, he offers to help in any way he can. She tells him that his hug helped her very much, it’s crazy, but it made her feel very well indeed! Teresa leaves to visit her parents just as Luisa comes down to ask Fernando how the conversation with Arturo went.....He hugs Luisa saying, “Just fine,” as his confused yet interested eyes follow the image of Teresa leaving from the front door!!!

    Juana’s casa: FF>> Neither Hector or Juana like lies or tricks, they need to have a talk, what about a meal tomorrow?

    Caceras’ casa: Geno and Mayra are chatting when Aida interrupts saying that Geno’s idea of giving information to the magazines was a good one, but she never realized that the coverage would include this....They have put the whore in! Geno, smiling, reads the magazine, “Not only was there a scandal at the wedding, but there was a scandal at the reception too, where a woman presented herself saying that she was the lover of the respected notary, Ruben Caceras.” At this point Ruben, with the finesse of an elephant, enters the room cheerfully saying that he came to eat with all his “Princesses” and has the magazine article thrust into his face seeing for himself the photo of Geno, himself and Esperanza at the reception!

    El Johnny and Espe in a grassy park used by women in high spiky heals! (Combined Scene) FF>>Espe tells Johnny that Dr. Hernan might be interested in another doctor. Too bad, Espe likes talking with him. El Johnny is having problems renting a room near Refugio, who plans to help with the baby. He wants to be near Paty as well. Well, for the time being, Espe can stay with Juana. Cell phone call, Doña Loan Shark, Johnny is going to work with her! Love, kisses and blessings! FF>>

    Hospital: FF>>Hernan tells Dr. Graciela that he has only offered his friendship to Espe and she interprets his interest as simply for the baby, she continues to love the baby’s father . What, with all that has happened? Wow! FF>>

    Chavez casa: FF>> (Combined Scenes) Refugio and Armando talk about needing to rent Teresa’s room. Armando plans to put a notice up soon and resume his work at Arturo’s, money is short. In bounces Teresa. Under heavy duty questioning from Refugio, Teresa assures her parents that everything is OK, Arturo had a problem with work and thus the shortened honeymoon. More questions from Refugio, more assurances from Teresa. Armando spills the beans that Arturo plans a work trip to the US.....woops, wait until he tells you about this....Claro.....What is said in the Chavez house, stays in the Chavez house!! Esperanza is mentioned, Refugio glares, and Teresa leaves a conciliatory, beso filled message on Professor Hottie’s cell, swearing to herself that she missed Europe, but is going with him to the US of A. After the call, Teresa is delighted hear that Espe will no longer be living at Casa Chavez, in support of Teresa. Refugio reminds Teresa that Espe is a long term friend and Teresa answers by showing them the article where Espe is credited with interrupting the reception. Now Teresa will be the brunt of all jokes.

    Caceras’ casa: Ruben is pleading his case, why such serious, quiet (calladas) faces. He says that all the work he has done has been useless! Aida asks him why doesn’t he just leave them all in peace and he returns by asking why can’t they talk about other things. He then gets a call on his cell.......from Arturo. Ever the detective, Aida answers the call all the while saying that Arturo is on his honeymoon, but is surprised to find out that it is really Arturo, his trip was interrupted for work matters!

    Johnny delivers a meal from Gema to a man who plays magic tricks with the tip. Johnny then gives him his card in hopes for more business. We meet El Hurache Veloz. When the door closes, Fito appears and the meal is discovered to hid drugs. The delivery worked and Johnny didn’t suspect anything. The men toast saying that they have discovered a great way to deliver drugs, no one suspects.

    Juana’s place: (Combined scenes) Refugio, talking to Esperanza, hopes that she and Teresa can restore their friendship. Espe leaves to meet Johnny. Refugio then notices Juana’s long face, she has met Cutberto’s future wife and the mother of his children. Refugio tells her to calm down, Cutberto doesn’t want children now. Juana says that she can never give Cutberto children. Refugio:Talk with him now, tell him, he loves you....Juana says it is useless, he is going with another now. Perceptive as usual, Refugio tells Juana that the only one who is important to Juana is Cutberto. Tell Aurora’s father if you don’t love him, it will be better. Juana tell Refugio that the relationship between her and Hector is different, they are companions, they go to the movies, they talk, etc. He loves me, treats me well.....Refugio says that being distracted is different than being in love, and Juana answers that love and distraction is what she needs right now.

    Hospital: FF>> Aurora is talking with her father about his relationship with Juana. He offers that he just can’t tell Juana about his wife, it is painful. Aurora: you must tell her you can’t start a relationship with lies. Hector is afraid that the relationship will go in reverse and Aurora tells him, that if it does, it will be Juana’s fault. Aurora wants the love of her mother, her father doesn’t care about that......Yes, I do hija! Aurora thinks a bit and then points out to her father that he is just afraid of falling in love again and this is worse!

    The Caceras’ Casa: Our mala hembra enters and is teased about the magazine article and shortened honeymoon by Aida. Teresa answers that Arturo can’t live without her, just like Mariano! Aida tells her that she is far from having what she wants, Teresa answers that she has more than she wants and will have (tendrá) everything else. Aida tells Teresa that she always aspired to be in the upper circles of society but will just be the joke of the year, referring again to the wedding scandals. On top of her game, Teresa reminds Aida about the reception scandal featuring her father and his “amante” (lover). Aida throws the blame of his father’s amante at Teresa, you both are good for nothings. (golfos). Aida says that her father has dropped the amante, telling Teresa that her plan to destroy her family has failed. Teresa tells her that she plans to take her family blow by blow, (golpe a golpe) she isn’t in a hurry. Mayra arrives just at this time for their planned meeting.

    Casa de la Barrara: Arturo listens to the loving, kiss, kiss phone message from Teresa and smiles! He orders a big arrangement of special flowers for his wife. ¡Qué bueno!

    Caceras’ casa: (Combined scenes) Teresa assures Mayra that she had nothing to do with the arrival of Espe at the wedding reception or Ruben’s involvement with her. Mayra tells her that Espe has said as much. Mayra continues that this woman has destroyed her marriage and her life, because Ruben was her life. Teresa doesn’t think that it is the end, Ruben adores her.....Teresa encourages her to tell her (cuentas conmigo) about it, and in a display of solidarity, she tells Mayra that her parents have thrown Espe out of their house! As she leaves, Teresa sees Mariano giving Aida the clothes she left at his place! In her presence, Aida lovingly takes Mariano’s arm and he asks her what’s Teresa doing here. Teresa suggests that he ask her himself, and then Aida answers, “She came to talk with my mother.” “Aren’t you on your honeymoon?” asks Mariano. “It was moved, for reasons that don’t interest you.” says Teresa. Aida quips, that instead of a Luna de Miel, it was a Luna de Hiel. (Ice honeymoon rather that “honey” moon). After some sweet nothings and big, obvious sexual innuendo, Mariano and Aida have a sexy smooch in front of Teresa, not so much for love, but for VENGANZA (revenge). Teresa is very upset. Mayra enters the room, apologizing about not returning her call, she has turned her phone off, and then thanks her for the visit, she has come from kindness and others have come for morbid interest. (morbos) In the yard, Mariano asks Aida why did she do this to him (the kiss). He shakes his head in protest. She tells him that she wanted it, after all his is a cute guy and he enjoyed it too. It is the best way to get rid of Teresa. “Let’s enjoy it!” She tries to kiss him again and he pushes her away, “I have told you that I don’t want a relationship with you only for spite (despecho).” He follows that this wouldn’t a good thing for her, but she says she is willing to take the risk. The subject turns to Espe and Aida calls her a rat. Mariano says that Espe is a friend, and that Aida’s father was older and a married man. For this reason and many others, they can’t have a relationship, besides, her father would never permit it. Aida says that this isn’t for her father to say. Mariano informs her that her father fired both him and his father as messengers, in order to keep them quiet about Espe. Mariano doubts the motives of Aida's work in the dispensario.....

    Back in the house we hear Teresa telling Mayra, “Forget what happened, this might be an opportunity for you and your husband.” “Yes”, answers Mayra, “this is what Aida says.” Speaking of whom, Teresa tells Mayra that Aida and Mariano are going together, (andando de novios). Mayra is surprised saying, “What did you say?” Woops, sorry, didn’t know that you were unaware of this! They were kissing right here in your house! Mayra says that she didn’t know it, she just thought that they were friends! “Careful!” says Teresa, “you saw how impulsive he was at my wedding!” Mayra tells her that Mariano has been very helpful to Aida after the death of Paulo, they are very close now. After pretending that she has great reluctance to give Mayra this tidbit, and as smooth as silk, she gets in her last zinger....."Mariano is the best friend of Esperanza."



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