Saturday, June 04, 2011

Teresa Fri 6/3/11 #71 Babies ‘r’ Us

Casa de la Barrera (combo scene) Tere tells Arturo she can’t have a baby with him (yo no puedo tener hijo contigo). Art immediately flips – Whachoo talkin’ bout? He jumps up reminding her they were both in agreement before they wed that they would have children. Oh, she agrees, mi amor, but shouldn’t they wait until they’ve had more time to enjoy their love? She reminds of how they’ve argued since the wedding. He tells her that’s all been cleared up and they need to move forward. He tells her of his discussion with Paloma la Patética, telling her she must respect his marriage or he’ll transfer all his interests to Teresa, severing all contact between them (Paloma & Arturo). Teresa feels this isn’t over yet. It remains to be seen if Paloma follows through with what he has asked of her. He comes back to the subject of babies. She wants to wait until everything is honky-dorry between them. She doesn’t want anything worrying (angustia) her. He asks if that’s really all that’s holding her back. Of course she wants nothing more than to have his child but she’s a little frightened. She’s not sure she can provide what a child needs: time, attention. She SAYS that’s what worries her but we all know different, Teddy told us so.

Hospital: Espe tells Hernán el Galán of her altercation with Rubigote and of her moment of weakness when she thought she’d give in to his demands of reconciliation. But she stood her ground and told him she wants him out of her life. Hernán tells her she did the right thing because although she denies wanting it now, she can someday find another man. She tells him, yeah that’s just as well in Chinese (eso sí está in chino) because men today don’t want a commitment, and with another’s child? No way! Then comes the killer – When she saw Ruben today, she realized she still loves him and couldn’t even look at another man. Aww, Hernán is dejected. He’s saved from having to discuss further by a call from Hector the Director. They part and he stares longingly after her. I sob quietly.

Aurora’s Casa: Aurora is discussing the subject of her mother with Martin. She insists Juana should know but Hector is afraid of Juana’s reaction. Martin tells her everyone has secrets and thanks her for having confidence in sharing this with him. Aurora tells him she feels she can share anything with him. He’s honored that he’s the first to hear her story. He’s happy their relationship is coming along so well and thanks her for allowing him to try to make her happy. Such a thankful guy.

Casa de la Barrera: Tere and Art are now on the bed. She’s still telling him she wants them to enjoy their marriage because when the children start arriving, well, everything changes. He tells her she just says that because she’s so young. Like he’s so old, she says. He's so strong and healthy. And, he says, he wants to have a baby while he can still enjoy him. He’s dying to have a child so together they can watch him grow. She’s not giving in. She thought he made her partner so she could work and have her own success as an attorney. Arturo tells her she can continue to work at home as she always has. This is the only gift he asks of her, is she going to give it to him? She says no, kissing him, and then says of course she can never refuse him anything.

Casa Grumps: Pati and Griselda are washing off the wall where Pati had scribbled frowny faces marking the days until her adulthood. Grumpy wants to talk to her about her failing grades. What does he expect, she protests, when he has her locked up like a prisoner. He reminds her he loves her very much. Then let me have a boyfriend. Absolutely not, says Grumpy Granpa. She’ll either bring up her grades or he’ll send her to a boarding school far, far away.

Hospital: Hernan asks Hector about the missing wife, Vanessa. There’s nothing to report and he’s almost hoping the PI doesn’t find her, saying it would be best for both him and Aurora. She was so hurt by the abandonment. Hernan risks angering Hector by saying that Aurora’s pain could be just as much Hector’s fault as Vanessa’s abandonment. He should’ve been up front with her from the very beginning. And tell her what, Hector asks, that her mother abandoned him for another man without wanting to take her daughter? That would’ve hurt her even more. He’s worried that if he sees her again, the pain will resurface. Hernan thinks he should also be thinking of Juana. Hector doesn’t want to lose her. Hernan feels it would be best if Juana hears the story from him and not from someone else.

Vecindad: Juana and Refugio are talking about Cutberto. Juana doesn’t want to give him any hope. He has the right to a family. He has a woman that can give him children and she just wants him to be happy. Refugio asks how does she know his happiness isn’t by her side. How many times does she have to tell her, she must tell him she can’t have children? She has to decide between Cutberto and Hector. Refugio compares Juana’s dilemma to that of Teresa doubting between Mariano and el Licenciado. And look at all the drama that situation has caused.

Casa de la Barrera: Oh goodness – the Barreras are asleep in bed. We hear baby xylophone music and Arturo is happily dreaming with visions of a baby held in his arms. The xylophone goes kinda psycho when we next see Teresa dreaming of looking into a bassinet with a dark-haired baby and thought bubbles “you have to be Mariano’s baby”. Tere wakes up with his name echoing in her head, Mariano, Mariano, Mariano then struggles to get back to sleep. This wakes up Arturo and she tells him she had a terrible nightmare. He comforts her telling her it was only a dream. She tells him she would die if he ever left her, just die. They settle back in, he’s cuddling her and her eyes are wide open in….fear? terror? Maybe thinking what if?

GOOOOOOOD MORNING VECINDAD! (combo scenes) -- Espe’s at the clinic. Mariano is telling her Ruben wants him to stay away from Aida. But Aida’s been very nice to him, helping him forget about Teresa. Espe’s concerned about having Aida around because of el bebé. At the same time she doesn’t feel it’s right that he distance himself from Aida because of Ruben. Then she lets on that she saw him yesterday, angering Mariano who wonders if he needs to talk with him again. Espe tells him that’s not necessary, she’s already sent him to the devil (mandé al demonio). He sees how upset she is. She can’t help it. He’s the father of her child and even though he’s a sinvergüenza (shameless), she can’t forget him. They hug, oblivious to Aida walking in (dunno how, you can hear her heels coming a mile away). Espe tells Mariano that she’s aware that what she had with Ruben is over and she never, ever wants to see him again. Aida makes her presence known by announcing that she’s very happy to hear that it’s clear to Espe the relationship with her father is over. Espe tries to leave but Mariano won’t let her. Aida wonders if he’s now going to defend her. He doesn’t want any problems between Aida and Espe or else Aida can’t continue to come here. He knows it’s impossible for them to be friends but asks that they at least come to an agreement to get along and not argue. Aida wonders (loudly) how he expects her to get along with this TIPA who tried to destroy her family! Tearfully, Espe announces she will leave the vecindad very soon and she won’t have to see her nunca más and leaves. Mariano tells Aida he was serious about them getting along. Aida says it’s going to be difficult to contain herself so she hopes Espe leaves very soon (muy pronto). Espe hears this from the window and starts to cry.

Casa Alcazar: Aurora tells Daddy that she told Martin the whole story about Mamá. She just needed to vent (desahogar) with someone. She needed to talk about everything she’s feeling and Dad never wants to talk about it. Daddykins is very sorry. He thought it was best to bury the past but he’s now finding out that may not have been the way to handle it because now she’s grown with the pain of not understanding what went down. She makes it clear that as a child she didn’t understand, but as an adult it’s clear to her that Mommy Dearest left them for another man. He shares how he fears running into her again, not knowing how he’ll react. She’s learned to face it head on and he should do the same. He was alone for so many years and now that he’s so happy with Juana by his side, he’s afraid that confronting Vanessa will ruin the happiness he’s found. (sniff, sniff)

Casa de Patética Paloma: Teresa’s come a-callin’. Teresa knows her husband came to put her in her place. Paloma doesn’t know how she managed to make Arturo believe her. It’s true, she saw Tere kissing Mariano. Tere’s amazed how things turned out. Despite all her lies, Arturo decided to believe in her and even made her partner in his law firm. So there! Paloma wonders if Tere plans to take everything from him and leave him in the street. Tere’s not going to deny that being partner makes her very happy but it’s equally important that Arturo loves her and believes in her. So, it’s best that Paloma get out of their lives because do what she may, Arturo will never return to her. Paloma shouts that Teresa’s a liar, a hypocritical social climber (arribista). She’s only interested in Arturo’s money. No, no, she’s wrong, says Tere. Arturo represents much more to her than money and no one will take that away from her. Are we clear? Well, her job’s done here. She just wanted to give her some advice so she wouldn’t suffer anymore and stop groveling (arrastrada) because no matter what she does, Arturo won’t pay her any attention. Paloma’s not sure; she and Arturo get along very well in every aspect. That’s all in the past, says Tere. What can she possibly offer Arturo? Just look at yourself, she says as she flashes her pearly white shark teeth. Nothing, much less what he desires most: a child. Considering her history, that would be dangerous que no? Tere leaves her in her wake.

Juana’s (combo scenes) : Cutberto comes by. As they’re exchanging insults to their respective novios, Hector comes by. Cutberto leaves and Juana tells Hector he had come by to invite her to the annual pilgrimage (peregrinación) to la Villa de Guadalupe (church dedicated to Virgen de Guadalupe). Hector jumps on this and asks if she’d like for them to go together. She tells him she can’t decide yet because she’s so busy. Maybe they should wait until later to make plans and besides, he must also be very busy. He’s dedicated himself to his work for so many years and now he wants to enjoy his life. He wants them to share some of that time together. Juana nervously agrees. He gets serious and tells her it may seem silly but it’s been difficult for him to date a woman after so many years. She understands because the same thing happened to her after losing her husband. She never thought she’d be able to let anyone into her life again. He’s grateful to be given that opportunity. He has unresolved issued with Vanessa. Juana says he doesn’t have to tell her about any of that. She doesn’t want him to feel pressured. They’re getting along just fine and they should just let things happen as God sees fit, with no pressure. He’s very relieved to hear that.

Casa de la Barrera (combo scenes): Tere tells Luisa she needs to go see her ob/gyn. Luisa excitedly asks if they’re ready to start a family. Tere thinks it’s important that a couple first adjust to each other (se acople) but Arturo is insisting. Luisa acknowledges Arturo’s desire to have children. Tere has a lot she wants to accomplish in terms of her career, especially now that she’s made partner. Luisa wonders if she’s not anxious to take care of her own baby and besides she’ll have the help of Luisa, Juana, and her mother. Tere can’t think of giving up work at this time. It’s one thing for her to agree to have children. It’s another to dedicate herself to being a full-time mommy. Luisa offers her help when the time comes. Tere tells her that’s later. In the meantime, she has a lot she wants to accomplish.

Tere overhears Arturo and Fernando talking about the Saenz case. Saenz is out on bail and now Arturo needs to prove his innocence. He also tells him about visiting his notario and Fer assumes it was to change his will since he’s now married. Arturo tells him there’s no change to his will. He still plans to leave everything to his future children. Tere backs off the balcony in disbelief. He’s going to leave everything to his children and not her? [Arturo needs a more secure office space. Anyone can overhear sensitive discussions – maids, Luisa, tiburoncitas] Tere thought bubbles some more about the money going to his children and then thinks at least Paloma’s child won’t be a problem (que mala). Arturo continues and says he wants to make sure his children aren’t left unprotected. Fer should know, considering everything he’s gone through to recoup his inheritance. Fer agrees, saying his mother has suffered so many years because of it. But what about Teresa? She’s his wife, shouldn’t she be protected as well? Teresa, still listening intently, thought bubbles thanks to Fernando. Arturo answers that he’s giving his wife her inheritance (patrimonio) during his lifetime as it should be and she will execute the inheritance of their children. He plans to leave something for Luisa but the majority will be for his children. Fer asks about their plans to start a family. Arturo shares his recent discussions with Teresa about waiting a while. Fer is in total agreement with Teresa about enjoying themselves a bit before starting a family. Tere’s happy to hear she and Fer think alike – too bad she didn’t meet him before Arturo.

Casa Grumps (combo scenes): Pati calls Johnny with the news of Granpa’s threat to send her to a boarding house. He’s busy with deliveries but he’ll be there asap. Later, Griselda is giving Pati a pill that Pati pretends to take. Granpa comes back in, Pati’s nervous, and they go back and forth again about her coming of age, his reluctance to allow her to have a boyfriend, much less that muerto de hambre (dying of hunger) mechanic Johnny. Pati corrects him, saying he’s now a taxista. Granpa feigns amazement then says he doesn’t care what he is, he has no place in her life. As they’re arguing, they hear whistling from outside. It’s Johnny, of course and Granpa goes to investigate. We go through a Laurel and Hardy routine with Johnny, Cutberto, and a ladder while Granpa searches for them but doesn’t see them. He goes back upstairs threatens Pati again if she should be caught with Johnny, etc. etc. Then he threatens to fire Gris if he finds out she’s been helping the lovebirds. Johnny and Cutberto decide to leave their plan for another day and saints preserve us, we go through a chipmunk moment a la TdA (I shudder).

Casa de la Barrera: Tere joins the men downstairs just as Fernando is leaving. She turns to Arturo apologizing for being so selfish last night. It’s just that after so many years of holding back her only thought now was to keep him to herself. She wanted to give them a short time to enjoy themselves as a couple. However, she’s going to see the ob/gyn to make sure everything’s ok so she can hurry up and give him that child he wants so much. Poor sap, he’s so happy and asks if she’s serious. She’s very serious. After all, they can have their time alone once the children are grown. Now it’s his turn to say he was selfish. He’s changed his mind and now thinks it’s best to wait a bit before children.

Hospital: Magda, Daryo, and Mariano are talking about his presentation to possible new investors. He’s very nervous. Talk turns to his obsession with Teresa. He sets them straight that he is no longer interested in her. Magda is happy to hear that saying there are many women who would be happy to be with him. She almost includes herself in this group but catches herself in time.

Elsewhere, Martin is telling Aurora he needs to travel to Cuernavaca on restaurant related business and suggests she come with him. She suggests they make it a one day trip. He really wants to spend the weekend with her, asking about her house or they could spend it at a hotel whatever she prefers. Aida walks in just then (she’s here, she’s there, she’s everywhere!) and teases them about taking a trip together. Aurora asks if she’d like to join them – pleading her with her eyes. Aida declines saying she’s come looking for Mariano.

Juana’s apt: Espe tells Juana she’s decided not to go back to Ruben. Juana thinks all men are jerks. Talk turns to Hector the Director. Juana was worried he was asking for a more formal commitment. Espe wonders how they get along since he’s so serious and Juana’s so happy-go-lucky. They talk about Cutberto’s new GF and how he’ll be happy with lots of children. Espe thinks Juana could be like a second mother to Aurora much like she’s been for Teresa.

Fancy Restaurant: Mariano and Aida arrive and he’s carrying a garment bag and looks muy guapo in his suit and tie. Mariano wonders why she hadn’t told him her friend owns a clothing factory. She talks about the friend’s success story saying he started from nothing. Mariano wonders if he’ll achieve everything he’s ever dreamed of but knows he is dedicating his life to his passion: medicine. She tells him there is another passion he shouldn’t leave behind then pulls him by his tie and plants one on him. Mariano tells her he likes her and has a good time with her but Paulo’s death is still fresh in her mind and she knows what he’s been through with Teresa. It’s too soon for commitments. She’s not asking for commitments and just wants to have a good time with him when they’re together. Now go ahead and kiss me, bobo! He complies and she leaves so he can wait for his meeting.

Patetica Paloma’s (combo scenes): The Weird Sisters, Aida, Paloma, and Geno sit around sipping tea talking about Paulo. Aida tries to lighten things up by asking about Arturo (really?). She tells them about Arturo’s threat to ban her from his hawtness should she continue to disrespect his wife. Geno wonders what witchcraft Teresa uses to control these men? (speaking of witches, Geno’s do is downright frightful). Aida tells her to keep on keepin on but Paloma doesn’t want to run the risk of not being able to see him again (please, so pathetic) Aida wonders if anything happened between them since they ran into each other again. Paloma tells them of the kiss they shared before the wedding when ArTeresa were in the middle of a tiff. Then she asks that they keep this to themselves. Of course, Aida replies. It just wouldn’t do for Teresa to find out and besides that would impede Paloma’s ability to continue to try to get closer to Art. Geno chimes in saying, he asked her not to bother Teresa but he didn’t say anything about coming on to him. They agree the kiss indicates he still may feel something for her. Where there’s smoke there’s fire, or as Geno put it “Donde hubo fuego quedan cenisas” (Ashes remain where there was once a fire)

Mariano’s meeting: He’s at his table with the banker Eduardo when “Arteresa” walk up and greet Eduardo. Apparently he and Arturo know each other quite well. Introductions all around. Mariano is the perfect gentleman and asks how the newlyweds are doing. Eduardo catches on they know each other and Mariano responds, “very well, yes”. Arteresa depart and he gives Mariano a venomous look as they pass him. Mariano is up front with Eduardo telling him about attempting to steal the bride away from the wedding. Eduardo is somewhat impressed, saying if he’s capable of doing that then he’s just as crazy as he is. Mariano has no idea the crazy things (locuras) he’s done in the name of love. He raises his glass in a toast to mujeres hermosas.

Restaurant: Arturo is pissed! Teresa suggests they leave. He refuses, saying if anyone should leave it should be HIM. She reaches over to kiss him as Mariano watches. When they part, they both look over at Mariano.

Casa Geno: Mayra is arguing with Geno saying she’s her best friend and as such should take her side against Ruben. Geno already told her to divorce him but she refuses because she loves him. Either divorce him or be rid of him. But if she takes him back, she needs to do it full on, in terms of love, confidence and business. Mayra’s thought about it but thinks if he lets her down again, she’ll never get over it. Not again.

Restaurant: Mariano is conducting his presentation on his fancy shmancy tablet while we hear Teresa suggesting Arturo take her to his firm and introduce her as his partner and also tell her what her role is. They talk about getting to know the clients, the business. She wants to work together so they can finish earlier, giving them more time together. They kiss and Mariano doesn’t miss this one either. He’s upset by it but keeps his cool.

Vecindad: Night has fallen as Mariano arrives at his apartment. He gets a call from Aida and he tells her the meeting was a success. He agrees a celebration is in order and agrees to meet her at his apartment. At the Chavez household, Teresa excitedly tells her parents about Arturo introducing her at his firm. Refugio of course is not so excited, telling her the partnership was a gift from her husband. True, she’s a lawyer. But she doesn’t have the experience necessary to be a partner in a firm. OUCH! She says she’s not criticizing only suggesting she work hard to help her husband and not let him down. Teresa exclaims exasperatingly that’s precisely what she plans to do. The first thing she’s going to do is recommend a raise for Daddykins, which isn’t met with overwhelming approval from either parent. Negative Nellie mentions the job was given to him even though he had no idea what he was doing. Armando agrees and asks that she hold off increasing his wages until he’s earned it. Teresa accuses him of caving in to Refugio’s criticism. Armando feels Refugio does it out of dignity. Teresa says this isn’t dignity, it’s stupidity! Mommy shoots right back, “I may be stupid but I can go through life with my head held high. I’m not ashamed of anything. I’m not sure you can say the same.” Tiburoncita is not pleased. Tere and Refugio are in a stare down.

Casa Caceres: Ruben arrives as Aida is getting ready to leave and she tells him she’s going to see Mariano. When he protests that she may be doing this just to get back at him, she corrects him saying they have a great time together. Besides, by going to that filthy vecindad she can assure herself he’s staying away from that mugrosa gata (filthy cat) he got involved with. She likes Mariano very much. With the way things are at home, thanks to Daddy, the only thing that makes her happy is Mariano. She leaves him, sarcastingly calling him Papito tan lindo under her breath.

Casa Chavez: Refugio and Armando are now alone and she’s happy he followed her lead in doing the right thing. He doesn’t understand her; it only resulted in her arguing with Teresa. She reminds him Teresa’s no longer a little girl. She’s a grown woman and needs to start acting as such.

Casa Mariano: Uh-oh trouble’s come a-knockin’! Teresa’s come to Mariano’s apt. She’s just come by to find out how his meeting was with the banker. He tells her it went very well, resulting in a big donation. And here she thought the clinics wouldn’t do well and yet they’ve done much better than expected. She tells him that despite what he may think, she’s happy for his success. It’s what she’s always wanted. He says it’s too bad that now that he makes a good living and has his own practice, she isn’t able to enjoy it with him. She tells him she’s hurt by what he said the other day, that he’s no longer interested in her, has forgotten her. He agrees she’s a very beautiful woman and he’ll always like her. She tells him what they have between them is very strong. He goes in for a kiss, agreeing that what they have is stronger than anything. He closes the door when she says others may see them. Then the fool tells her that even though she’s married, she’s still his. Their theme reaches a crescendo and we end for the week. Ay, ay, ay!!!!!


Friday, June 03, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #32 Friday 6/3/11 It's NOT a tumor.

It's NOT a too-mah. Not a toom-ah at all. Please visit this link for the proper Schwarzenegger pronunciation of the title. He's not my favorite guy at the moment but damn if the clip isn't appropriate for this capitulo.

Fina gives Dr. Pushover an affably evil grin as he mulls over her mystery proposition.

Matilde excitedly greets Jero when he arrives at the hacienda. Jero drops in to visit the unfortunately-no-longer-shirtless Carlos. He assures Jero that his injuries look worse than they really are and that pursuing legal action will be useless. Agustin controls the entire region and everyone is afraid of him. If Jero dredges up trouble with Augie and then heads off for Spain, the whole thing will be forgotten anyway.

Antonio convinces Regina to hire only one official to investigate her missing daughter. Doña Cata brings in a package that was delivered for Regi. She opens the box and pulls out a pair of white baby shoes and a little red-checkered dress. It was the last outfit Reginita was wearing before she was kidnapped. Regi hyperventilates and quickly passes out.

Meanwhile, Gonzo is having evening tea with Constanza. She's glad that Renata has her reputation cleared. Nata arrives and Coni heads into the other room so she and Gonzo can chat. I wonder if Renata has been taking fashion tips from Tia Coni, since they are both wearing similarly styled, salmon-pink dresses.

Gonzo doesn't beat around the bush. "Fina and I are getting a divorce." Nata's eyes widen in surprise.

Cata holds the modern equivalent to smelling salts under Regina's nose until she rouses. Regi cries as she explains that the baby clothes were what her hija was wearing the last time Regi ever saw her. Cata devises that this must mean the baby-snatcher, along with the long-lost Reginita, are somewhere close to them. Regina holds the little dress in a death grip. "My hija is alive! This assurance is the the most valuable thing that has happened to me in years!"

Tony hopes that Regi is right but warns her not to get her hopes up too high. Regi thinks the package might mean the robber regrets stealing Reginita. "The robber knows who I am and wants to contact me but is afraid of the consequences." Tony isn't sure what the package means but thinks it's a good idea to call Detective Cantu immediately.

Agustin tells Dr. Nesme over the phone that he will personally show up at the notary in Ensenada to seal the deal. Dr. Nesme is pleased; as of the following day, Hacienda La Bonita will be Agustin's. Augie wonders why he should bother with the hacienda if Renata isn't there. "I don't know how or when, but both will be mine."

Augie surprises a pretty, young blonde at her apartment. She is clearly happy to see him since they start deep-tonguing the moment his foot crosses the threshold.

Regi sits alone in her bedroom and prays to the Virgin to help her find her hija. She wants nothing more than to hold her daughter in her arms once more.

Nata asks Gonzo if she caused the divorce between him and Fina. Nata knows that they argued for years about how Fina treated her and now that Nata was kicked out...No way, says Gonzo. "Stop blaming yourself for all the problems in the family! Fina and I have been having trouble for a long time and it was finally the moment to accept it." Gonzo says he loves Fina and appreciates all the good times they had together as a family (that presumably didn't involve Fina screeching and seething).

Nata understands how horrible it is not to be able to give someone the love that they desire. Gonzo lays out the game plan: Matias and Gonzo are going to move out while the Fieras continue their reign over the casa. "They need to continue living with all the commodities they are used to. The offer includes you, even if you don't want to live with them." Nata quickly turns him down; she would only cause more problems. Gonzo doesn't want Renata to think that way. "I accept what happened between you and Matias, it affected my greatly, but I accept it. Your presence has filled my life with blessings. You will always be my hija." Renata feels the same way about her padre and hugs him close. If only we could get Gonzo to walk the walk as often as he talks the talk...

Honorio is surprised to find Adriana at the office so late. She finishes just in time to head home to have dinner with her madre. Honorio asks to tag along. Adri is a little taken aback but agrees and runs to grab her things. "How much my life would have changed if I had know about you." Honorio thought-bubbles. Daniel catches a glimpse of Adri leaving with Hon and the music has a fit about it.

Chema meets up with Selene in a restaurant. They have drinks, Sele assuring him that this is the first of many happy encounters. Slow down, girl! I don't think he even knows your name, so don't start filling out the wedding invitations yet.

Roberta enacts phase 2 of Fina's master plan. Rob sits on the stairs and plays her part well. Matias inquires about her mopey mood and Rob says it's because of her heartbreak over their one-night-stand, plus their parents are getting a divorce because Gonzo is interested in another woman. Mat is sure Gonzo doesn't have a wandering eye. Rob cries that she always looked to Gonzo as a padre, even though he always preferred Renata. "Gonzo is divorcing Fina, not you. You and Renata will always be hijas to him."

Rob lets the waterworks flow. "I feel like all men who love me, abandon me. First my real padre and now Gonzo. And you too. We were hermanos." Matias promises that he will always be her brother. Oh, squick. Stop calling each other siblings after you bumped uglies please.

Agustin's lady friend with the incredibly small waist asks why he finally returned. She wanted to marry him, yet he never wanted to commit. "Did you come back to tell me you want to marry me? No, right? Something major must have happened for you to come back to me. Don't tell me what you think I want to hear." Agustin asks her to come with him to the hacienda. "As what? Your friend, lover, or wife?" Agustin grins. "You are my woman. From the moment I met you, I never promised anything more. What do you say?" Lady-friend starts macking with Augie, so I'll take that as a yes.

Jero is in paperwork hell at the hacienda. Everything has to be redone to include Agustin in the contract. Carlos knows that Augie is an astute businessman but he is positive that Jero will win the hacienda back.

Renata and Jero text message each other. They want to see each other soon. She tells him about her parents divorce but she wants to give him the details in person. Lots of "I luuurv you!" and "I lurrv you more!". They both look very happy, so let's just bask in the glow until it inevitably disappears.

Karina gets home to find Dr. Nesme nursing a bottle of tequila. He pours her a drink to celebrate Agustin's acquisition of Hacienda La Bonita. Kari is upset that her hubbie has become one of Augie's minions. "Since Rafa died, you have become Agustin's right arm!" Nesme snaps that he is the doctor around here and he owns no one any explanations. "Shut up. It makes you much prettier." Blech. Is there much more el Doctorcito can do to make us hate him more?

Fina spouts poison to Renata over the phone. "I hope you're happy that you caused this distance between your padre and me!" Nata asks her madre why she is always blamed for everything. Gonzo told her it wasn't her fault. "He is just protecting you! Our decision to divorce wasn't only because of you but because your padre has another woman." Nata does not want to believe such a thing but she does want to visit Fina. For a change, Fina agrees. But not without getting a barb in at Nata. "Maybe for once in your life, I can get you on my side."

Tony tells Regi that the detective will stop by first thing in the morning. He promises Regi that he will help her find her hija and the robber, whatever the cost. I hope he didn't just put the nail in his own coffin with that statement. Tony might end up on the business end of Fina's next knife if he isn't careful.

Honorio shares a pizza with Agatha and Adriana, a decidedly more relaxed get-together than their last dinner party. Even Agatha is enjoying herself. Meanwhile, a concerned Coni tries to call Honorio but is stuck leaving a voicemail.

Chema tells Selene that his future ambition is to own his own restaurant but it would cost a lot of dinero. His padres could help him out but he would rather do it with his own money. Sele is impressed.

It's finally morning in this capitulo! Matilde and Carlos stand in the fields and talk about the contract. Agustin is shrewd and won't let the hacienda go without a fight. Mati has harsh words for Jero because he sold the hacienda out of momentary grief. Jero takes a last look at the gorgeous fields before heading over to the notary with Carlos and Lazaro.

Over breakfast, Honorio tells Constanza about what a time he had with Aggie and Adri the night before. Coni warns him again that he should not get so involved; he is just a friend not a brother or father in the family. Instead of taking the perfect opportunity to tell Constanza the truth, he just clams up about it.

Renata arrives to visit Fina and Roberta snarks at her. Nata finds Fina still in bed and panics when she can't wake her. Nata screams for Roberta to call an ambulance. Gonzo and Matias rush in to help. Nata does what she can to try to wake Fina while Gonzo calls Fina's doctor.

Detective Cantu checks the package that was sent to Regi. He thinks that Reginita must be alive, because whoever sent the package is probably doing so because Reginita is supposed to inherit her father's fortune once she turns 25. Regi is overjoyed at the news.

Jero gets the paperwork and Carlos recognizes the three thugs who beat him up. Lazaro rolls up his sleeves to settle the score. LOL. While I'm sure Lazaro could take the punks single-handedly, Jero convinces him to let it be. Jero has a better way to get revenge on Agustin's goons.

Fina's doctor examines her and informs the family that Fina has been having severe migraines recently. The doctor says they must have been brought on by severe stress. He warns them that they need to be considerate with Fina and avoid upsetting her or riling her emotions, at least until the test results come back. Roberta shoots Gonzo a fierce look.

Agustin arrives at the notary with his lady friend (Arely). He agrees to meet Jero in person, since Jero deigned to show up instead of sending his lackey. Augie orders Dr. Nesme to speed things along.

Fina stirs and everyone rushes to her side. The family leaves so the doctor can talk to Fina alone. Fina sits up triumphantly. The doctor applauds her ability to pull off the ruse. After a little reveling in their wretchedness, the doctor ushers the anxious family back into the room. Nata and Rob rush to Fina's bedside and Gonzo asks to talk to the doctor in private. Fina glares at Nata when she says that her illness was brought upon by all the recent stress. Nata is stricken; she is again being blamed for things beyond her control.

The doctor tells Gonzo that Fina had been having tests done for a while without telling anyone. She didn't want to cause any worry. The doctor is worried that Fina is showing symptoms of a brain tumor(!!!!!). GAHigkmref;lnb4jhfbnrsjfevjnfkjdn (Sorry about that. But this makes me so angry, I had to smash keys in frustration. It's the next best thing to cursing as loud as possible.)

Renata tells Fina that she is going to cancel everything she has to do in favor of taking care of her madre. She gives Regi a call to tell her she won't be in. Fina's hackles raise upon the realization that Nata is working with Regi. "You cannot work in that place! Regina Soberon is your father's lover!" Fina tosses the photos at Nata as proof. "Please, hija. You have to promise me you will never get close to that woman!"

Ines tells Regi and Cata that her son has started his first round of chemo. Meanwhile, Isidro and Andres have both gotten their heads shaved since Andrescito is about to lose his hair anyway.

Nata glances at the pictures of Regina and Gonzo while Fina cries about how Regi is destroying her (Fina's) marriage. Fina tells Nata she will give Gonzo a divorce so he can be happy. Gonzo drops in and Robbie and Nata promise to take care of Fina. Gonzo leaves for work and promises to have a talk with Renata later. Once alone, Fina gloats over the phone to her doctor.

Renata barges into Regina's office and drops the incriminating photos on Regi's desk. "How long have you been my father's lover?" Regina is stunned.

Jero and Co. sit across the table from Agustin and Co. Just as the last of the paperwork is about to be signed, Jero rips the contract in two. Agustin is infuriated but Jero stands strong. "There is no contract. I would rather pay the penalty than sell my brother's land to an ass like you!" The hombres stare daggers at each other. Let the cage match begin! Shirts vs. Skins please. Or rather no shirts at all. :)

Avances: "The competition for Renata is strong. Renata and Roberta come face to face over Jero!" Roberta screeches at Nata and Nata slaps her a good one.


Todo esto se va a quedar en el olvido - All of this will be forgotten.
Un gran hallazgo - A great find. (Tony about the package)
Cada vez que se pega la gana - "Whenever the desire hits". I think it means "On a whim, spur of the moment", as far I I understand it. (Lady-friend Arely to Augie).
No me digas lo que sabes que quiero oir - Don't tell me what you think I want to hear. (Lady-friend Arely to Augie).
Involucrarse - to get involved. (What Coni wishes Hon wouldn't do.)
Jaquecas - migraines (Fina supposedly suffers them.)


Alborada, 6/3/11. Cap 4. Some enchanted evening...

Today's episode is still in the material covered in Melinama's Recap #1 at this link. Read it then come back here to discuss it.

If you don't have access to Telefutura, you can see Cap 4 on YouTube. It starts at this link.

The main points of Cap 4:
Hipo hangs onto her bath. Luis buys her necklace via Martin.
Felipe is attacked by Gasca’s men. Gasca’s attack on Luis fails.
Rodrigo visits Antonio.
Isabel gossips to Juana about Hipólita and Luis.
Esperanza takes her medicine, trying to get pregnant.


Triunfo del Amor #138-139 6/2/11 A triumph of my not throwing things at the screen, even though I really, really wanted to

Yep, Max, that asshat, really did suggest that Maria D marry Alonso, basically as a repayment for everything he's done for "them" (taking care of MD when she wanted to run off, etc.) So…pimping out the woman you claim to love? Gee, Max, that's classy.

Alonso is popping pills to deal with his headaches.

Vic admits to the crew that she's been battling cancer. Pip weeps and they all freak out. Then she tells them she's fine. And she's ready to resume her workaholic ways. Hugs all around. Dr. Cesar shows up to applaud Vic. Why?

Maria D isn't sure if she should allow herself to be pimped out. Max suggests they go ask Dr. Cesar, aka, the only doctor in all of the DF [who is willing to put up with this highly dysfunctional family] if Alonso's like, really, really, really dying or what. Cause if he's only mostly dying, we should shake him down for loose change. Pfft. Apparently the idea of Alonso dying, or maybe of MD marrying Alonso, makes Maria D and Max really, really hot for each other, and they suck face like we're about to get a free show.

Pip is ready to party! Dr. Cesar will join the Nueva Casa Victoria crew for dinner.

Os gives the AA group and Leonela a pep talk about recognizing their strengths and getting through one day at a time. The group applauds.

Padres Jer and JP convo about how Vic and MD are being kept apart by Burnie's hate. Because it's easier to do that than blame themselves. Burnie possibly overhears the conversation from her pew.

Max and Maria D totally did it. Creeps. Max gets a call from "Catalina" and says he's on his way over. It's his PI, with possible news about MD's mom. She doesn't go with him so she'll have extra time to formulate questions for the doc about Alonso. Start by having him run an MRI to make sure you still have a brain inside your skull. Just a suggestion.

Napo gives Milagros a medal of the Virgen de Guadalupe for Mothers' Day. She pouts that JuanJo forgot all about her on this day. Of course he didn't! He brought her a big basket of flowers and mariachis to sing Las Mañanitas (**shameless plug** you can hear my version at /shameless plug).

Padre Jer interrupts Chente asking PJP about Tomasa. Chente is done asking Burnie. He's ready to let the cops take care of it. Padre Jer feels faint.

The cops find Alacran's corpse.

Maria D tells Burnie for the millionth time to get the hell out of her house. She's a lousy grandma and it's too late now cause Maria D knows she's a crazy lying bat. Burnie asks for forgiveness. Well, MD has whiplash from all of Burnie's about-faces. Burnie gets pissed at being compared to Vic and denies any relationship between Vic and MD. She crazies about being afraid of losing PJP and blaming MD. *sigh* What is she playing at? I can't keep up with the crazy wheels turning in her crazy head. And enough with the kneeling already! MD is just too hurt. Burnie vows to let her actions speak for her and asks for just one chance. After the commercial break, she caves. I think it was that Univision Card commercial. See above re: MRI of missing brain. Burnie vows again to be like a mother to MD. They hug. Barf!

Padre Jer downplays his freak out. PJP tells Chente to go to the cops and what has to happen will happen. Chente thinks PJP's tone indicates that he suspects something bad will happen. Padre Jer figures Burnie will have to come clean now and suggests they leave this all in God's hands.

A couple of guys bring in a big present for Milagros, covered in a Chivas flag. It's a big-screen covered in the Club America flag.

The Nueva Casa Victoria Crew + Dr. Cesar have drinks. Pip moves enough out of the way to let Dr. Cesar see Os and Leo. Dr. Cesar goes over to ask the two of them to come join the table celebrating Vic's having beaten the cancer. Os is kind of pissed she didn't tell him there was a party, but Vic says they're adding chairs to the table. Leo begs off, saying she just came from an AA meeting. Os opts to escort Leo home. Dr. Cesar thinks Os will come back after. They go back to the table. Ximena saw the whole thing and leaves her potential sugar daddy to call Gui and fill him in.

Max meets the PI, who tells him it's complicated. Max's "sister" may have died in a fire. The place where she lived burned down and a girl disappeared. What?

Gui has time to come down to the restaurant and see the Nueva Casa Victoria crew at the table.

El Profe tries to bring Mili flowers. Napo tries to keep him out. Mili lets him in. El Profe tells Napo that Mili has agreed to marry him.

Gui is pissed at Leo for apparently leaving him for Os…twice! Xi wants to start fresh with a relationship with Gui, just as accomplices. Xi wants to take the baby away from Max and make the Sandovals suffer.

El Profe's mom has given her blessing and will be coming to visit soon. Mili says she can't leave JuanJo and Nathy to live by themselves, so she can't get hitched yet. Plus, she's too young ("pollita" a little chick).

Os and Vic hang out at the house. Os didn't know about the dinner because he was at the AA meeting and his cell was turned off. Os and Vic break their respective arms patting their respective backs over how reasonable and positive and not-killing-each-other they're being right now. And then the jealousy creeps in amid all the big smiles. Oh, but really it's all ok. Vic still hopes to find her pequeña Maria (drink!).

Dr. Cesar knows life has to go on, but he sucks at actually getting to the "going on" part. He's feeling attracted to Vic, but she's married. And a mom. And a grandma. He decides not to think of her.

Leo wonders how happy Os and Vic really are, especially given Os' cheating. She thinks only Os can save her from the abyss. The maid/nanny overhears.

Os and Vic dance. Max comes in to tell them…but he's interrupted by Vic's news. Max and Os both admit they were talking to the doctors behind her back. Max tells them that Vic's daughter is probably dead. Dumb. Ass. Vic cries. He repeats the PI's bizarre explanation. Os still has a brain and says that's way to sketchy to draw a conclusion, but Vic is too upset. Os takes Max back to the office to beat him about the head for being so stupid. No, he doesn't. He just tells Max they'll respect Vic's wishes not to say anything. If Vic doesn't calm down, Os will call Toni. Max apologizes and says it wasn't his intention to upset her. Normally, I say I like 'em cute and dumb, but this is the kind of stupidity that gets warning labels put on hair dryers.

Fer looks at a baby magazine and is busted by Cruz. Snogging ensues. She shows him the cute babies in the magazine (here's a hint, Fer: you can't pick the one you want from a picture in the magazine and get the exact same one). Cruz thinks it means she's pregnant, but they are interrupted by one of the Jarochas and he has to run off.

Vic cries over the doll. Hey, maybe they should MRI her skull too…maybe the missing brain runs in the family! Toni refuses to believe it. That "Maria" is dead, not that Vic is brainless. I can't listen to the rest of this. FF>>

The Maria in question thinks about her earlier convo with Crazy Grandma.

Vic cries some more. FF>>

Max and Maria go to CRIT. They find out the doc's family, as seen in the prominently displayed photo, are all dead. Doc Cesar asks them if they're sure whoring is the solution here.

Chente goes to the cops and reports Tomasa as missing. The cop's ears perk up when he hears Burnie's name, since they just found Alacran's body. They know Alacran was working for Burnie.

Cruz takes a phone call in the patio. He doesn't want to tell the Jarochas what the call was about, but he pays them a peso for the call, since he'd rather not pay the "beso" they're asking for.

Max and Maria defend their dumbass decision to Doc Cesar. Doc thinks Alonso only has 3 weeks to live. He doesn't like Maria sacrificing herself out of pity. Max reassures him that it's not pity, it's gratitude. They tell Doc about Nathy and he turns out to be her thesis advisor. They get back on track. Maria says they really owe Alonso a lot for helping her hide her pregnancy from Max. Max says that Alonso also brought their son back to them. And everyone knows the fee for both those things is Maria herself. You couldn't just give him a goat or a big wad of cash or something? The doc gives them some pills for his symptoms and says they'll have to find a way to get him to take the pills without finding out he's sick.

The cop goes to tell Burnie they're now investigating Alacran's death and Tomasa's disappearance. Burnie opines that Alacran had it coming and Tomasa ran off because Vic gave her a big wad of cash. The cop says they'll be coming back frequently until both matters are resolved. He hesitates before leaving, but walks out.

Televisa called Cruz, but he won't tell Fer what for until she answers his question. Fer tells the truth and gets kicked out of the Sandoval family for it. Well, Cruz doesn't know why Televisa called him. Fer is excited, thinking that it's about his album. Cruz goes to find out, stopping to reproach the neighborhood ladies for gossiping. They continue gossiping. FF>>

Eva is worried the cops will be back. Burnie wants to do something about it, but she needs Eva's help.

Fausto interrupts PJP's praying and asks to talk to him. Fausto knows all--that Maria is PJP's daughter. He tells him not to worry, the truth will out, and MD and Vic will find out about each other when it's time. Fausto asks if PJP thinks it's possible for him to become a priest, what with all his sins. Including having helped dispose of a body. PJP says if he truly repents, PJP will plead his case before the bishop.

Eva calls the cops and anonymously accuses Padilla of murdering Alacran. Burnie thinks it proves her loyalty.

Mili teaches Fer how to cook something. FF>>

They want Cruz to do a show, starting tonight. He accepts and his album producer comes over to feel him up.

Fer learns to cook FF>>

Eva gets to sip some sherry. Burnie also hands her a big wad of cash, partly in thanks and partly as an advance on future misdeeds.

Padilla is planning to get the hell out of Dodge tomorrow. Yes, never do today the escaping from the law you could do tomorrow. Burnie calls to summon him to the Pit. Padilla figures he can make a few extra bucks before he leaves.

Maria D goes to see Alonso, who should be highly suspicious, but he's too hard up for that. MD accepts the commercial job and starts laying groundwork, saying she doesn't think she and Max will ever get married. Alonso offers her a drink and he goes to get some while she switches out his pills. They chat about the baby. MD gives him a hug that makes him slightly suspicious and then she leaves. He immediately gets another sharp pain through the head and takes his new pills.

Fer has set the table for Cruz and he comes home, but he doesn't have time to stop for dinner--he needs to sing for a program tonight. Fer gives him her blessing. He grabs a tortilla and a little of whatever's in the pot and runs back out. Fer is excited that he's going to be on TV, but she's a little sad that all he did was grab a taco.

Tomorrow is Nathy and JuanJo's wedding. FF>>

Burnie gives Padilla a job and an envelope. She wants no trace left and says if they hang, they'll hang together. She orders him to get the rest Alacran's remains. Once he leaves, Eva calls the cops to tell them the murderer is going to the scene of the crime. Eva thought bubbles that Burnie will get hers.

Os visits Leo. He gets all flustered and can't talk. Leo offers to help him the way he's helped her and brings up the good old days.

Pip gets a late-night visit from Mili, in her pj's? She helps herself to a martini and burps. She says she thought it was water and then helps herself to his olive. That's not a euphemism. She tells him tomorrow is Nathy and JuanJo's wedding and the whole Nueva Casa Victoria crew are invited. Pip, I think, says he's going to wear an outfit that will outshine even the bride. She asks about her dress and he says it's both really awesome and really free. Then he offers her another drink.

Os and Leo finish their gab session and Gui catches them saying their goodbye's. He's pissed that Gui is there and accuses Leo of being up to her old tricks. Os leaves and Leo is pissed at Gui. Gui screams back at her and asks how she could do "this" to him, and with the man he hates most in the world. He asks what happened to her desire for vengeance. "You're not in love with him again, are you?"

Vic cries, Doc Cesar comes over, she tells him her daughter is dead.

Sweet William Levy in a Kayak, but these people are stupid!

Tomorrow: Nathy gets married; Burnie gets accused of murder on Padilla's word; Osvaldo gets taken away from the Sandovals and given back to Xi; Max tells Alonso he's not going to give him a chance to take Maria away from him; Maria tells Vic that PJP is her Bio Dad, or so we're led to believe.


Teresa Thu 6/2/11 #70 Let’s do some kissing and making up….babylove, my babylove

[Skipping the repeated scenes. Also, I was inspired by paquitadelbarrio to try some scene combining. Hope ya’ll like it]

Juana and the Terror discuss Ter’s man problems. Juana thinks it’s pretty normal for newlyweds to have differences, but Ter thinks her problems are worse than usual. Which is true, but that’s really all her fault, now isn’t it? The tiburon’s ears (or is nose sharkier?) perk up when Juana argues that she can’t just give up on Arturo and leave a free path (camino libre) for Paloma. In walks Refusio to chastise Ter point blank for sleeping with Mariano. Seriously? Now, we all know that Tiburoncita is mala, but that doesn’t mean she has no right to a wee bit of privacy.

El Bigote Grande has made it’s bushy way over to the hospital to warn Mariano not to turn Aida against Ruben. Mari points out that the truth hurts, and then turns the conversation around to how Rubes hurt and deceived Espe, saying that he will always be there to defend his amiga. Mari lists how Rubes ahs been deceiving all the women in his life. Rubes threatens that Mari best stay away from him and Aida, but Mari counter-threatens that Rubes better stay away from him and Espe. So there!

Back at Juana’s, Ter is defending her virtue to her mom. She claims that Paloma made up the whole story to break up the newlyweds, but Mariano has cleared up everything. Refusio characteristically refuses to believe her daughter. However, she will keep her boca callado out of consideration for Arturo, whom she clearly feels more tenderly towards than her little sharklet. Said Tiburoncita is a wee miffed at this slight. Refusio basically says-“you made your bed of mentiras, now you will have to live with them. Good luck with that.” What’s more, she tells Ter about Mariano formally withdrawing his promise to love and protect Tere forever. Sad little shark face. (though amused little viewerville face—the formal withdrawal of the vow, and the solemnity with which it was received, just cracked me up)

Night falls on the DF and Ter swims home to find more apology flowers from Arturo. Ter has just gotten her song going and is dancing with Mr Teddy when Art knocks on the door and wants to talk. Ter replies: “ahora te alcanzo a la biblioteca” (I’ll meet you in the library; I liked the use of alcanzar here), where she promptly heads to give back the flowers and refuse to accept his apology (like mother, like daughter). She calls their marriage a mistake, which clearly upsets Artie. Ter goes on about how he doubted and humiliated her in front of the whole vecindad, etc. (oh, so now she cares about what the vecindad thinks?) Art says she’s totally right and begs forgiveness, but he also begs her understanding—he was full of doubts and felt betrayed. Ter really plays it up that he believed Paloma over her. Teary-eyed, check. Wounded, check. Disappointed in Arturo, check. Wow, if they gave out some sort of meta-premios within the novelas for best acting by a character, Teresa would win, hands-down.

And now we’re back at the hospital. Espe is chatting with Hernan about the need to find an apartment on the double. Hernan offers to help. Espe shares the latest news from her parents in the pueblo; they’re doing great. She’s sad that she can’t share her news with them (i.e. el hijo). Hernan goes in for the comforting hug as Rubigote walks by, and the bigote bristles in anger. Espe and Hernan go into some closed off hospital room and Rubes tries unsuccessfully to follow.

Back to Tiburoncita’s performance. Art’s buying it, but he isn’t backing down too easily. When Ter accuses him of always putting Mari in between them, he quite rightly says that he isn’t so much bothered by the idea of her having a past as by her having hidden things from him. Ter does not accept his line of reasoning, saying that it is just a pretext for his jealousy. (note: whilst what Arturo says is true, he also did just say in the previous scene that the thought of her in Mari’s arms drives him crazy with the celos, so let’s just say that he understands on a logical level how a relationship should function, but he is still a man of great passion, and he is trying to reconcile the two.) Ter goes on to say that Art has not lived up to any of his promises since they got married—not the honeymoon, not making her a partner in the business, nada. Wow, that sounded like she is straight up admitting the fiscal nature of her interest in him. Artie misses it of course, and just resignedly shows her a folder that somehow represents his making her a partner. Happy shark face (tiburoncara?)
Tiburoncita dominates her feelings, though, to go for the greater victory. She tells Arturo that what she really wants from him is his trust, and for him to demonstrate it—that’s the only way she’ll be capable of “intentarlo”, which in this case seems to mean not just try to forgive him, but try to make the marriage work at all. Is she really laying the groundwork for a divorce already? It hasn’t even been a week. So how can he show her that trust? By making Paloma understand that she had her chance with Arturo and passed. So now she better leave them alone. He agrees and gets her to accept the folder de socia. They snuggle and declare their love. He says it’s been a rough start, but everything is going to change, she says that she shouldn’t forgive him so easily, but she can’t help herself since she loves him sooooo much (tanto, tanto, tanto).

The next morning Teresa awakens in the warm and loving embrace of Mariano. Scratch that, just a dream, it’s still Art. Hey, there’s plenty who would be pleased with either one. Art wants to get busy, but she wants to get straight to business. Art cleverly points out that they have no appointment at the notario, so the afternoon is just as good as the morning. He wins this round.

At Juana’s, Cutie awakens Espe with perhaps the loudest coffee preparation ever. He misses Juana’s breakfasts, but Espe informs him that she is staying chez de la barrera. He is bummed. Espe points out that he has a GF anyhow, gris, gris, gris something or other, according to Juana. Cutie tries to pump her for the gossip from Juana, but Espe wisely stays out of it. He really is a chismoso.

Luisa and Ter chat while getting ready for the day. Luisa is glad that the happy couple have reconciled and admits to prodding Fernie to talk to Arturo. Girlfriend seriously needs to worry less about other people’s relationships and just focus on her own. But whatevs. Ter complains about Martin trying to separate her and Aurora. Luisa is horrified to hear of such a thing, but says that Ter still has her as a friend. Ter says that she is more and more convinced of L’s friendship and thanks her with a true sonrisa de Tiburon. Luisa is the perfect amiga for a tiburoncita, after all. She believes her implicitly; she defends her vehemently to others; and she is, above all, highly manipulateable. Just perfect.

Downstairs our manly men are discussing their feelings again. Artie admits that the problem with Ter was his own jealousy at the thought of her being with someone else. Fernie understands “con una mujer asi, no puedes dejar que nadie se le acerque” (with a woman like her, you can’t let anyone get close). Artie clarifies that Paloma is in the past, Tere is the present. Fernie encourages Art to take care of his wife and show her a good time. He heads up to see Luisa, but runs into Tiburoncita on the way. She thanks him for talking to Artie on her behalf. She also excuses herself for not liking him at first, she was just being protective of Luisa. But he’s proven himself to be a great guy (said with feeling and cueing the shark theme). He’s glad she’s come around. She rather seductively says that she’s seen the real Fernando, and she likes what she sees. As he gives her a friendly hug, she thinks to herself: “Si Paloma sigue entrometiendose, tengo que asegurar mi futuro en otro lado”. (if Paloma continues interfering, I need to ensure my future somewhere else). Holy schminoly, she is really upping the mala today. Luisa walks into the viper den and gets a recap of their happy friendship chat. Ter and Fernie eye each other rather evilly and Luisa smiles along, completely oblivious. Oh dear.

At the dispensario, Mari and Aurora talk about….what else? Teresa. They agree that Mari should/will stay away. He even wants to get an apartment away from the vecindad. He is saving up for a deposit (enganche, new word for me!). Aida comes in with a super computadora for the dispensario. It’s even got a plantilla (template, another new word!) that will help them organize the clinic. What a gal. Though she admits she did not make it herself, she just used what my old boss called the 10-digit synthesizer (calling someone up). Mari shows Aurora some sort of presentation for donors to the clinic, and Aida gives it the once over. Apparently she is one of our TN speed-readers, because it only takes her about 5 seconds to flip through the whole thing and declare that she can make it better. She recommends using the super computadora nueva to impress some banker, and volunteers to show Mari how to use it. Aurora skedaddles, and Aida and Mari talk bigote. She chastised dad for firing Mari, he doesn’t want to cause problems for her with her family. She doesn’t so much care because does not, NOT!, forgive him. Mari thinks she should take a chill pill. Aida says it’s just the way she is, she has to “desquitar mi coraje” [avenge her anger (?)] and also get back at whomever sold drugs to Paulo.

Espe is walking outside and talking to her stomach, err, hijo to be. Rubes finds her and gets all up in her business about seeing her with Hernan. He is seriously furioso, which is totally out of line. He tries to say that he still loves her, he is willing to ditch Genoveva for her, but she’s having none of it. Good for her! She totally puts him in his place, and says that he doesn’t care about any of the women in his life. He offers to make her a kept woman again, get her a nice little house for her family somewhere far away from Maira. This really sets Espe off, and she rants about how she lost her fam because of him and she says her family was right because she shouldn’t have messed with trash like him (you go girl!). He and his wife will get exactly what they want, and it won’t cost a dime. She wants nothing to do with either of them. “Largate de mi vida!” (get out of my life). I have a total crush on Esperanza right now.

In the park, Fito and Johnny are talking about Johnny’s awesome new delivery service for Gema. He can’t believe so many people want home delivery of sandwiches and stuff, but the pay is good. Fito chuckles to himself (because he knows that they are drug sandwiches!) and congratulates poor stupid Johnny. Johnny wants to pay Fito back ASAP, but Fito says no worries. Johnny may be awfully slow, but he at least knows enough to have an uneasy look at Fito’s ‘brotherly’ affection. They talk a little about Fito’s flight from the hood and something about Johnny needing money for his nina rica. I didn’t get the subtitles on this part and frankly, I can’t understand half of what Fito says. Luckily, he uses a lot of hand gestures and I can tell from Johnny’s face that he wants nothing to with Fito or his lana (money).

Arturo is waiting in Paloma’s foyer and runs into a cute little orphan, who serves to remind us that Art likes kids and lost one with Paloma. Paloma sends the reminder on his way and asks Art if he has confirmed her chisme re: Ter and Mari. Boy is she in for a shock. “Lo unico que comprobe es que me mentiste, Paloma” (the only thing I proved is that you lied to me, P). Some back and forth where P calls Ter the lair, but Art defends T. He warns Paloma that if she wants to continue trying to be friends, she needs to respect his wife. Otherwise, they can’t see each other anymore. Paloma gets seriously pathetic at this point. She basically begs Arturo for whatever crumbs of time she can get and agrees to try to play nice, though she says it will be difficult. Art warns her that if she offends his wife again, he will consider her an enemy. Paloma really needs to move on, she is starting to head into Miss Havisham territory.

Chez Juana, Cutie gives Juana an impromptu serenade and a snuggle. He is utterly adorable and finishes her inevitable threat with a giggle. He has come to remind her about the “peregrinacion a la basilica”; no idea what this is, but she’s not going with him, whatever it is. Apparently she usually goes with him, but not this year. Things have changed around here, got it! She suggests he invite his grey girlfriend, but Refusio interrupts before he can reply. Here follows one of my favorite scenes. Juana says that Cutie was just leaving, and he says “Ya me voy?” J: ”Si, ya se va.” C: ”ya me voy.” Sad Cutie. I do like the J/C scenes because they tend to have a lot of wordplay. Anyhoodle, Refusio came by to nose into her daughter’s business. How unlike her. Juana describes how happy the couple is now, and that Ter is going to be a partner in the lawfirm.

And Arturo is at the notario putting that into action as we speak. But first a detour for Rubes to aver his desire to reconcile with Maira. And of course, for Aida to run into Teresa in the lobby. What’s Aida’s zinger today? She will have to tell her dad to fumigate the office because it stinks of rat. Zing! I heart Aida; she’s just so delicious. Ter tells Aida to behave or else the new socia of the Barrera lawfirm (i.e. herself) will find a new notary to work with.

Back in office del bigote, Rubes is strongly advising against Art’s plans: “a las mujeres, ni todo el amor, ni todo el dinero” (niether all the love nor all the money to women). Just look at what happened to him, getting kicked to the curb business-wise by his wife. Art points out that it’s pretty much his own fault there; his philosophy has always been “un matrimonio es una cruz demasiado pesado y por eso que llevarle entre tres” (a marriage is a cross so heavy it must be carried by three; I can see why the ladies fight over this guy, he’s got some great dichos. Does he some up with these on his own, I wonder?). On the other hand, Art needs to prove to Ter that he trusts her, which he does. Sucker!

In the lobby Ter is gloating and Aida points out that she always said she would succeed on the merit of her work, and look at the work that her current success is based on—she has more experience on how to get things out of men than as a lawyer. Zing! Ter lamely threatens to run to Artie if Aida doesn’t watch it. Aida says that it doesn’t matter how they act, they both know deep down how Teresa has gotten what she wants. Ter says that Aida was born with a “mesa puesta” (lit. set table, I am guessing it is equivalent to silver spoon), but she isn’t even prepared to manage the sale of a peanut. Ter, on the other hand was born with nothing, but is ready to manage everything that she will get. And soon enough she will turn herself into one of the richest women in the country. Hijole! Her true motives come out. Why, oh why, does she spill it all to Aida? Really, more than anything, this novela seems to be about the struggle between women, especially these two. The men are just pawns. Anyway, Aida responds that she plans on becoming one of the happiest women in the country, and she will do so by enjoying both her money and Mariano (see what I mean about pawns?). Art ends the discussion by showing up.

Espe has come to visit Ter at the casa de la Barrera. It’s tough for the gals to get together these days. Espe doesn’t want to run into Rubes, Art doesn’t want Ter to run into Mariano. Espe assures T that Mariano wants nothing to do with her. Tiburoncita puts on her best tiburoncara and even throws the teddy aside as she claims to not care about Mari, but a wee bit of disgust creeps into her smile when she says that she has Arturo now, who is treating her so well. Espe wishes she had such a nice hubby to help with her pregnancy. Espe gets all excited at the thought of a pregnant Teresa and a doting Arturo. This reminds Teresa to take her birth control pills as soon as Espe leaves. After all, she’s not going to lose her figure for a baby. Definitely not with Art. Maybe Mariano, but Arturo? Nunca.

Martin joins a teary Aurora and asks what’s wrong. She says that she can’t hide anything from him (if that’s her ‘trying to hide an emotion’ face, she is nothing but chum in this TN). She’s sad and wants to fess up something she’s never told anyone—her mom isn’t dead, she abandoned Hector and Aurora when A was a child.

Aida has returned to the clinic to help Mari with the computer stuff. He points out that she has changed a lot. Aida admits some of her previous faults, but says that deep down she’s not bad, like Teresa. Mariano laments that Teresa never believed in the clinic and never came around. Aida calls her selfish, says that she was only thinking about what worked for her and didn’t bother to think about Mariano. And now she’s married to Arturo and a partner in his lawfirm, uniting them further, til she bleeds him dry, and then we’ll see what happens. Who cares, I thought Mariano wasn’t going to talk about Teresa anymore?

Let’s go back to Martin and Aurora. She explains how when her mom left, it was like she died, and she’s never heard from her since. It was super hard for a little girl to be without a mother’s love. Why didn’t her mom want her? Aurora has tried to look for her, but with no luck. Martin is Mr Supportive Pants; what else would you expect from a habitual turtleneck wearer? And now, i am officially on team Martin/Aurora. Maurora? Aurtin? Whichever, they make a good couple.

Aida and Mariano are done talking about Teresa and are going to go to dinner. Good phrase here for it’s late: “ya es muy noche”.

Espe and Hernan chat at the hospital. She’s stoked about the baby. Hernan thinks she’ll be a great mom. She hopes so, because she failed as a daughter, what with the getting knocked up by a married man and all. And she already failed the kid in the dad-choice department. Hon, what happened to your recent mojo? Get it back!

Rubes and Genoveva discuss Teresa’s rapid ascent amid copious ice clinking. Then Rubes has a bit of a pity party over his recent downturn and how hard it’s been to win Maira back. Geno will help, but only after a little canoodling. She too doesn’t want Maira to discover their fraud.

In her room, Teresa tells her grand scheme to Mr Teddy—she and Mr Teddy, I mean Mariano, will each make their own fortune and then reunite. So that’s her plan. What world is she living in? My husband suggested time travel as a way to pull it off, but I don’t think she’s the physics type. We don’t get to find out any of the details, because Arturo shows up with another present—a giant teddy bear! As he puts it—a better bear, a bear that she deserves. He goes so far as to start to toss the other bear, but she won’t have it. Just to the window, he clarifies, because it isn’t the one given to her by the love of her life. Oh, the scene is just dripping with irony and symbolism. Characteristically, she wants to have both bears because they each have their own attributes. Arturo starts to get busy as Ter says how hard it is to find a good gift for him. The only gift he wants is an hijo. The Tiburoncita’s eyes pop. Como? I’m not going to have a kid with you. Major slip-up for Tiburoncita. Shark rule number one--you don’t add the CONTIGO!


Thursday, June 02, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #31 Thursday 6/2/11 Food Flirtation, Familial Frustration, Women’s Intuition and Neighborly Competition

It wasn't a terribly exciting night tonight, just lots of build-up and stage-setting for things to come. Not to worry though, we still have plenty of love and evil bubbling away ready to boil over at any moment.

Last night poor Carlos got beat up by a couple of thugs. The padre carried him to Dr. Do-Little’s house where Carlos, thankfully shirtless, told the group that the thugs told him he has to learn who is the boss of Guadalupe Valley. Lazaro gives the doc his epic stink eye. Man I sure wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that one. Carlos and Lazaro know it was doc’s friend Augustin who arranged the attack on Carlos.

Via phone Jero explains to Nata that he and Regina are friends from way back. He thinks it’s cool she works at the center. Then he tells her that Fina came to see him at his place, she wanted to know his intentions. This shocks Nata. He tells her that although Fina has a strange way about her (that’s one way to put it) he thinks she loves Renata. Poor sap Renata sheds a happy tear at this thought.

Fina’s shady Licenciado calls and wants to meet her tomorrow to show her something very important. Roberta enters Fina’s room to find out what went down with Jero. Fina says Jero is pretty closed-mouth but he doesn’t suspect that they know about his brother. There is something about Jero that she doesn’t like but she doesn’t know what. Rob suggests it’s because he’s like his brother but worse and more experienced, a liar, cheat and two-faced. Then Rob goes on a tear that it’s obvious Jero and Rafa use the same MO. Clearly Renata and Rafa had something going on outside the office, in secret, before or at the same time Rafa was getting it on with Roberta. Fina actually looks skeptical but Rob’s on a roll. Rant rant rant why did he keep hiding me (wait, she’s the one who hid) and they even use the same words, “Bonita”.

Fina’s diabolical brain goes into overdrive, “Rafa never used your name?” Nope, he just always said Bonita and whenever Rob texted him or called him she was referred to as Bonita. Fina looks positively orgasmic at this revelation.

Carlos, all tucked in with Matilde tending him, calls Jero to tell him what happened. He's sure Augustin is behind his beating even though he went to the DF last night.

It’s morning in the DF and Jero sits in a hotel lobby suffering from earthquake leg. He sees Augustin, calls him over and accuses him of the attack on Carlos. Augie feigns innocence, he’s been in the DF since yesterday. Jero doesn’t hesitate for a moment, calls bulls**t on Augi and informs him that as of now he has no intention of selling him La Bonita now or ever. Ooh, big angry glare from Augie.

Let’s join Mexico’s least favorite couple, Dr. D and Kari, where she’s sharing her theory that Augi is behind Carlos’s thrashing. Doc gets all defensive and she accuses him of being afraid of Augi nor does she like doc spending so much time with him. Doc sneers, says he can take care of himself (anvil words) and tells her to take care of her own house and he’ll take care of his. Jerk.

Speaking of, Augustin is in a right snit at Jero’s proclamation. Jero would do this based on suspicion? They had an agreement and Jero gave his word. Puhleeze, says Jero, he’s a businessman and he’ll acknowledge the consequences of his actions. Based on Augie’s treatment of the workers and what happened to Carlos Jero won’t sell Rafa’s land to someone who doesn’t deserve it. Augie can think what he likes but the vineyards and La Bonita will NEVER belong to him!

Oh goodie, Carlos has his shirt off again. Matilde enthusiastically tortures him with some sort of painful cure. He gets a phone call that makes him happy and Mati teases that it’s his girlfriend. (Heh, nice subtle sleuthing there Mati.) Nope, it was Jero with the great news that he’s not going to sell the hacienda to Augustin el Guapo. She enthusiastically hugs him, ouch!!!. And if Carlos is in charge then he’ll need a title. How about...Carlos the Funny (Carlos el Chistoso)? He’s all “What? There is Augustin the Handsome, Jeronimo the Beautiful, and I get to be Carlos the Funny?” She thanks him for not making her work for Augustin and they gaze at each other in smitten goofiness.

Overa at Hate House Gonzo and Matias are on their way to work. Gonzo tells Fina they still have unfinished business and they need to talk. He’ll call later.

Honorio tells Coni and Nata over breakfast that he saw Agatha and she’s concerned about Adri being alone. He tells them he promised that they (he and Coni) would always be with Adri, which surprises Coni. After he leaves Coni tells Nata she thinks Honorio is too preoccupied with this business.

Now we get to see Adri eat breakfast. Mom tells her that Honorio came by and he really is a great guy. Adri tells her she had a great time with Matias. Agatha’s a little worried because he still loves Nata but Adri says it was just nice being with him and they like to hang out. Once she’s alone Agatha doubles over in pain.

Augie calls Doc D with instructions to get to the notary ASAP because Jero the imbecile wants to renege on their deal. Doc’s bummed to hear the news because that messes up his own plans to be a partner with Augie (and no doubt his plans to see Alfonsina every day). Augie accuses doc of being short sighted. In the long term La Bonita WILL be his, now go to Ensenada, get a notary, and figure out how to squeeze everything they can out of Jero for breaking their agreement. It had better be a fortune and it had better happen fast!

Doc doesn’t want to get in the middle because he’ll likely have to deal with Jero in the future. Augie reminds him about the drunken night when Rafa died. Doc will side with Augie or Jero will find out everything. Way to take care of yourself doc.

Everyone’s eating breakfast today. Now it’s Fina with her Lapdog Licenciado and he’s got bad news for her. Looks like hub's been seen with Regina Soberon. Fina puts on her hangdog mask and sighs how sad it is that all their years of marriage mean nothing to her husband. He says he caught Gonzo having a meal with Regina; Inez and Coni were there too. (Sheesh, hardly an affair.) Then El Lic says they were together when Gonzo made a donation, then one night he saw them...alone. He whips out his photos and Fina cusses them out.

Regina and Cata stand in the Regina Hope garden and admire Renata’s way with the clients. Cata warns Regina not to lose objectivity; she doesn’t want Regina to suffer when Renata goes on her way.

Cut to Renata’s current charge, a frail-looking wisp of a woman who has no self worth. Nata advises her that the center will help her find work and be productive so she can support herself and her baby.

Uh oh, Augustin has made his way to Empresas Monterrubio and he has an audience with Gonzo. I hope he doesn’t say anything about Jero. For now he’s preoccupied with Nata; he REALLY wants her involved in their contract. Gonzo confirms that Nata left for personal reasons that had nothing to do with her exemplary work ethic. Sorry, no chance of her returning in the near future. Gonzo himself will handle Augi’s biz. Augi presses, his relationship with Nata was slightly more than business, they were developing a great friendship, ahem, that he would like to continue and he needs her number. Gonzo sternly says that’s her business and he won’t give out her personal info. He’ll give Augi’s info to Nata and IF she wants she can contact him.

Nata and Regina are having a one-on-one in the RH garden. In fact Nata’s in the middle of telling Regina that her own mother was abandoned when Jero sneaks up with a bouquet of flowers and an invitation to eat. How cute, he’s got three bouquets, one each for Nata, Regina and Cata. Cata calls him an incorrigible seductor and Nata feigns shock.

Over at La Bonita Matilde continues her cures of pain. This time it’s tea to help inflammation served with a smack on the arm. Apparently the tea tastes like crap. Lazaro shows up with some papers that shock Carlos. Sounds like it’s the penalty from Augi’s notary. Carlos knew that they would pay some sort of penalty fee but this is madness! Augi’s a thief but he might be within his rights. If Jero agrees to pay it will be the worst business decision of his life. Mati says these lands are priceless. “To us,” adds Lazaro, who sees that Jero’s hands are tied. Mati flings down her worst insult, calling Augie el EX Guapo.

There is a meeting going on at Empresas Monterrubio but Honorio’s mind wanders back to Agatha’s words, Adri is his daughter. He stares at Adri and thought bubbles that she’s his daughter and he can’t say a word or hug her. Back on earth Gonzo discusses that with Renata gone they need to strengthen the marketing department; they need a Marketing Director with vast experience. I wonder who that’s going to be?

Over at Hate House Fina glares at the photos, shoves them in her purse and slithers out to meet Gonzo for lunch.

Chema arrives at Regina’s Hope. Coni tells him it’s been days since she’s seen him. They plan to meet later that afternoon; I think he's going to take her jam-making class.

Matias sees Honorio in the hall and asks him how his visit with Agatha went. Honorio says some very serious stuff went down. Matias suggests they go to lunch and talk.

Gonzo has rendezvoused with Fina and he gets right to the point. He wants a divorce. She accuses him of loving someone else. No, he claims, it’s not for another but for himself. He doesn’t want a partnership without love. She says she’ll give him a divorce if he wants but please don’t lie to her. She whips out the photos of him and Regina when they accidentally ran into each other. They’re proof that he’s seeing another woman. He looks completely guilty and busted as the music crescendos.

Guess where Roberta and Selene are? Yep. Roberta asks if she looks fat. Oh brother. Then she gripes about Renata likely having it off with Rafa, just another reason to hate her. She asks Sele about the guy that Sele likes. Sele says it's gone nowhere. Roberta jumps up and approaches a group of guys for someone’s phone number which annoys Sele.

At least Gonzo defends himself and wonders where she got the photos. He ran into Regina who was at the restaurant to meet her fiance. Fina has seen the way Gonzo looks at Regina and heard the way he speaks about her, he’s leaving Fina for her. Gonzo denies it, their problems started long before he ever met Regina. Fina claims that women have a sixth sense about these things. Shoot, the way he trips over his tongue every time he sees Regina doesn’t take a sixth sense, but OK. She loves Gonzo and would do anything to keep his love blah blah blah she is saccharin sweet, the faker. Gonzo says he feels terrible but he’s made up his mind. She goes all pathetic martyr on him. He gives his word that he won’t abandon her or the girls. He’ll leave her the house, a generous pension and his unconditional support. She thanks him and says she’d better leave, but we know that won’t be enough for our little demon mother. She never did answer his question of where she got the photos.

It looks like Roberta got somebody’s number and that somebody is Chema. Ha, didn’t I say Sele was checking out His Hawtness? Anyway, he agrees to meet her at 9:00 that night. Coni hears the end of the conversation and teases him about being a heartbreaker. Oh no, we’re just friends, he says. She teases and squeezes his cheek which seems to bug him a little.

Rob teases Sele and immediately turns the conversation back to herself as usual, this time how she and Rafa hooked up. This chick is really annoying me with her ego-maniacal one-dimensional personality.

Gonzo calls Renata, he has a lot of things to tell her. Can he meet her at Coni’s house tonight? He mentions that Augie came by and wanted her contact info. Nata looks suspicious.

Regina tells Jero that her intuition tells her Nata’s a good kid. Regina likes Jero but she doesn’t want to be an accomplice to his lies. Hooray! Common sense.

More eating, this time Honorio and Matias are at lunch. Honorio asks Matias about Adriana. Matias says he was feeling bad and she cheered him up, she’s pretty and sensitive. Why, what’s up? Honorio is about to burst and has to share some info with someone. “I am Adriana’s father.”

Segue to Adriana who has joined Nata and the others. Jero kisses them all goodbye, Nata blows kisses, the ladies hug, etc. Regina wants Adri to come by whenever she likes because she enjoys being around her.

Cara impactada de Matias. He swears not to say a thing about Adri being Honorio’s daughter. Honorio frets about Coni’s reaction when she finds out. Matias reassures him that she’ll come around. I’ve been wondering about Mr. Inappropriate for this episode and I think Honorio’s decision to NOT tell Coni this important piece of news is very inappropriate. The longer you wait the harder it gets.

Food Flirtation montage of Coni teaching Chema to cook. Lots of tasting things off of each other’s fingers, feeding each other stuff, teasing each other with food, and Chema gazing longingly at Coni. Hmmm...inappropriate?

Adri wants to talk to Renata about her (Adri’s) relationship with Matias. Adri beats around the bush, says she’s getting closer to Matias, uh, errr. Nata helps out; does Adri think Nata and Matias might have a future? Absolutely not, reassures Nata. The BFFs nod in agreement.

Carlos calls Jero to fill him in on the crazy penalty and the deadline which is tomorrow. (Doesn’t make sense to me since everything else in those parts seems to move so slowly.) Carlos points out that Augie is a man who doesn’t know how to lose. Jero says he’s going to come to La Bonita right away and face Augustin. He calls Renata and tells her he’s got to leave immediately, trouble in the country, doesn’t know when he’ll be back, love you mi amor.

Roberta joins Fina somewhere, the club or their ritzy back yard, griping that she wants to go to shopping in New York as a distraction. Fina throws down The Photos and gives Rob the 411 on dad. He wants a divorce. Rob turns it back to herself, she doesn’t want to be left alone with this business about Matias and the baby. After all she went through, sleeping with Matias so Gonzo wouldn’t divorce Fina. Fina tells Rob to trust her.

Gonzo fills Honorio and Matias in on his divorce plans. Phone rings and it’s Licenciado Anibal Lara there to discuss his son Diego.

Renata hooks up with Augustin at some restaurant. He was surprised to hear she left the company, why? Well...she fell in love. The idiot smiles, still thinks it’s him. It was enough to make her leave? She hems a bit,’s because she fell in love with one of her brother’s best friends. Oopsie, bad news for Augie and he’s taken aback. Clueless to his off-the-wall assumption she cheerfully babbles, Yeah yeah she knows, she felt bad but it’s the greatest love of her life. She blathers on that of course it’s not news to him because he was already aware that she was in love. Augie maintains his composure but his eyes look royally pithed off and he thought bubbles that he wasn’t aware of any such thing.

The Monterrubio tribunal of Gonzo, Honorio and Matias tell Anibal Lara that they don’t plan to press charges against Diego but they want Diego to take responsibility and clear Renata’s name. Anibal seems like a decent guy and gives his word it will be so.

Fina is in a doctor’s office telling him if he does what she just explained he’ll have work for the rest of his life? Or he won’t have to work the rest of his life? She gives her Sweety-Nasty smile that gives me nightmares. Oh dear, yet another doctor portrayed as a weak sell-out. How inappropriate.

Mañana - Fina tells Renata that Gonzo dumped her for Regina. Renata confronts Regina. It appears as if Fina attempts suicide.

Dicho of the Day:
No hay milpa sin cuitlacoche = As good as a person may seem to be, they have their faults. (Lit. you can’t have a corn field without cuitlacoche. Oddly, cuitlacoche is a corn fungus that can be a plague, although nowadays it is an expensive commodity like truffles. Go figure.)


Alborada, 6/2/11. Cap. 3.

Today's episode is still in the material covered in Melinama's Recap #1 at this link. Read it then come back here to discuss it.

If you don't have access to Telefutura, you can see Cap 3 on YouTube. It starts at this link.


Teresa Wed 6/1/11 #69 More from our deliriously happy newlyweds...

Hey everyone! Today’s recap is going to have to be somewhat condensed. I am up to my eyeballs in boxes and still have so much to do before I leave. Aaaaand on top of that, I watched the DVRed episode and then promptly (accidentally) deleted it. I could go to youtube, but to be honest, I am short on time so I am going to write from memory. I will do my best to remember everything! Please fill in anything I miss!

We begin with Teresa walking in on Pathetic Paloma and her pathetic play for our hottie profe. Pathetic Paloma leaves and Arturo asks Tere if she slept with Mariano. As usual she evades the question and calls him out on not trusting her. He basically chases her to up to her room and almost bangs the door down when finally she opens it. They will go to Mariano’s and ask him in front of both of them because Arturo believes him more than his own wife. (Her idea. He calls her bluff.) Meanwhile Luisa and Juana are worried and wondering what is up.

Mariano and Martin are at dinner and talking about Teresa and the boda disaster. Martin asks Mariano if he every thought of Aurora as the hot babe that she is. Mar basically says they are just friends. Also Mariano pays for dinner because Martin will help him get contacts. Oh also Arurora called Martin, then sent Mariano a text message.

The happy newlyweds go to Mariano’s and first his padre says that he is not there, but then he pops out of his room anyway. He doesn’t answer the profe’s question but says that if he had married Teresa, he would only be worried about their future, not her past. Mar’s dad is there throughout this whole conversation and it is awkward. After it all happens and they get home, Teresa makes a big stink about how she will not be sleeping in the same bed as him because of the way he offended her.

Then there was a scene with the Caceres. The girls were working hard and Ruben was trying to distract them, they are working too much, because he doesn’t want them to see how he has been hemorrhaging her money and using it for his own things. Also when her mom leaves, Aida and her dad fight about Mariano.

Teresa talked to Juana about everything and asks her not to say anything about the whole Mariano in her past thing. Teresa has also been telling everyone that it was Paloma’s fault that she and Arturo are fighting.

seems to be really trying with Martin as there was a scene with flowers and her joking about kissing him—which she does. Mariano told his dad something about missing his opportunity with Aurora—she was single all that time and he was caught up on Teresa.

The next day Teresa has gone to the hospital to thank Mariano for not spilling the beans about their hot noche before the boda. He is short with her and she leans very obviously on the clear door to his office. She runs into Aurora on the way out and pretends she was there to see her. She basically begs her not to say anything that might cause problems with Arturo (who btw was upset that she had already left when he got up.) Aurora points out that this means going along with lies, which is why Paulo left her, does Teresa really want to do that again?

Juana and Arturo go to the vecindad. He talks with Refusio and she is her usual self (annoying), and actually asks if they came back from the honeymoon because Teresa had already been with someone else. (Which she overheard Cutberto saying to Mariano’s papa—standing out the door holding her heart looking like she might have the big one.)

There is a scene where Mariano comes to the Chavez’s door and talks to Refugio and all I could think about what someone’s comment from the other day about Refugio wishing she had Mariano for herself. This scene felt like an amicable break up scene. It was weird. And I swore there was one moment where she looked like she wanted to kiss him. (Was I the only one who saw that? Was I imagining it?) Perhaps I’m exaggerating but they did hug at the end of the conversation.

There was also a scene where Ruben was trying to convince his accountant to tell him everything even though Aida will not have power of attorney. I seem to remember him not getting his way.

And the last scene I remember was two of our manly men (Fernando and Arturo) sippin’ tea and talking about ladies. Well, lady. Teresa to be exact. Fernando says Teresa is the bees knees, smart, super beautiful, etc. Arturo should not let Paloma get in the middle, and that if he doesn’t treat her right, there will be plenty of other man-hunks willing to do it. I also remember missing Fernando’s facial hair.

Of the previews, I remember passionate red love-making with Teresa and Arturo and then a(nother!) forbidden hug between Teresa and Fernando.

Also, this is a reminder that I will not be able to recap next Wednesday... I may not even be able to get to a computer to post anything up here, is there anyone who could do the posting for me? Let me know if you can, I would appreciate it!!!

Muchas Gracias :)


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