Sunday, June 12, 2011

La Pola - June 6-10, 2011 - Alejo Takes a Bullet to His Broken Heart; The Vireina Wears the Pants; and The Revolution Begins

Hacienda Nariño

Don Antonio will keep his promise, but Magda is devastated. He tells her the marriage is not working. Don’t you feel anything for me, she asks. He replies – I can’t think of you as a decent wife, which gets him a slap across the face. She spits out the same – I did it for my children, to save my family, I’m not indecent. It gets physical. Finally, he looks at her and the bad spell is broken and they embrace and make passionate love. Ed: I don’t know why, but, I had a hard time looking at this.

When Magda awakes Don Antonio is gone. She sees him in the lounge in front of the fire crying. Then she goes down the hall to the BR and cries, too. Ed: One must ask – Can this marriage be saved?

We later see Don Antonio working in the fields. He is more than a gentleman farmer. Capt. Baraya, the giant, approaches him on horseback and tells him about the revolt that has taken place in Quito. He said they have taken Quito in the name of the king and that they will probably form a junta to rule. Now is the time for us to do the same. But someone by the name of Rosillo is making rash promises to the people. Baraya wants Don Antonio to step up and take over, but, Don Antonio will not go to any meeting with Baraya. For one thing, he doesn’t want to go to jail again and for another, he doesn’t want to have anything to do with Don Jorge Tadeo, and he reminds Baraya that he is a man of his convictions.

Don Antonio tells Magda about the uprising and the junta formed by creoles in Quito and that the situation is bad. Finally, he ask her forgiveness and the wounds begin to heal. They embrace.

Don Antonio sneaks out because he wants to get information about what is going on. Apparently he is under house arrest. He wants to know if the Viceroy will send troops to march on Quito.

Don Antonio makes it back safe and tells Magda that we are at war and that troops are going south to protect Pasto and Popayan. Don Antonio tells Magda that at this time he will not get involved as it is not the right thing for his family. So, she asks, you love your family more. Yes.

Later, soldiers arrive and arrest Nariño. (Unfortunately, I lost some of the Thursday episode because I was out of town and my DVR did not record the entire chapter.)

Anyway, Magda tells her two older sons that their father will not return. She now understands because we have no rights. If only your father had taught me how to get rid of these Spaniards. The two sons argue. The younger denounces his father for getting them into this mess, but the older son, Antonio (Tonito) supports his father. He wants to help Don Antonio because he has been carried off without food or money. He asks his mother’s blessing to bring help to Don Antonio.

Later, Col. Juan Samáno and soldiers (and an official with a clipboard) approach the hacienda and tell Magda that they are there to confiscate all of Don Antonio’s property. Magda asks him how will she maintain her family if they take everything, including the land. Samáno gives her a little slack by telling her they can have the present crop and its proceeds.

Samáno lectures her that treason is the worst crime. He reveals that Don Antonio has been denounced by a VIP, but he won’t tell her the name. And, you better get used to the idea that your husband will not return. Later she tells her sons that their father was right – that the Spaniards think they own us.

Don Jorge is out riding in the vicinity and sees Samáno leading the soldiers followed by carts full of furniture.


Alejo tells his friend, Arcos José María, about his engagement. His friend says are you serious? Her father owns all of Popayan, and, she is beautiful.

The dancer wants to know if Alejo would like a little experience before he marries. Exit Alejo.
Arcos tells the dancer that Alejo is in love with one woman and has to marry another.


Nicolasa sings in her native language. It means that where we walk is sacred ground. Juliano says that Nicolasa is here to remind us of who we are.

Pola – ready with speeches tells them they should remember who they are. Talk of the militar comes up. She says that if he’s alive, he will come for me.

Pola wants the slaves to learn to read. Juliano tells her no because it is forbidden. El capatáz tells her they are too bruto for that. Then they hear that Cata thinks they do not have souls which now makes them want to learn. Nicolasa and the others raise their hands in assent. Pola tells them how wonderful it would be to receive a letter from far away.

While Cata is restless in bed with Domingo, Juliano and Nicolasa spend tender moments together.

Later at Guadas Pola happily teaches the slaves to read and write.

Meanwhile Cata and Gertrudis go shopping with little brother Vivianito. The postman calls him and hands him a letter and tells him to keep it secret and to give it to Pola. As he runs off, the letter drops to the ground. Gertrudis is so suspicious at his delay that she shakes him down, but can’t find the letter. But, he runs back for it.

Later he gives it to Pola but not before he begins to read it. She is so happy until she realizes what the letter says.

We are privy to a conversation between Gertrudis, Domingo and Cata which reveals that they are afraid that if the slaves learn to read they will know more than they do and become dangerous. So they decide to take the letter (I think the original letter) to the mayor. He decides that Domingo should severely punish them to set an example. Gertrudis gives him the letter.

The three musketeers return to the stable where Domingo finds Pola’s teaching box and takes it. Cata points out Nicolas as the ringleader. It all ends when Domingo grabs her and puts her hand on the chopping block to be cut off.

Juliano however convinces Domingo to let him take Nicolasa’s place. It doesn’t matter to Domingo because as far as he’s concerned, one black slave is the same as another. But Cata wants Nicolasa punished. Domingo tells her he doesn’t take orders from her and proceeds to cut off one of Juliano’s fingers.

When Pola arrives, she knows it was Domingo who did it, and she is furious. She goes after Domingo and pounces on him and Vivianito hits him with a stick. Domingo blames it on her, as in, this is my crime, but it’s your fault. As far as Pola is concerned, the blacks are her only family and that things will change for them. Paloma tells Pola that they burned her papers and her books including the letter. Viviancito is now living in the stable with her. Pola is angry about that, but, he thinks she should be happy. Cata arrives to find Juliano suffering.

Now Cata takes the blame. In unision – please leave.

Bernarda returns to the hacienda from a shopping trip to Guadas. She asks Pola if the military is going to the war in the south and then tells Pola about Quito.

Pola in a fury goes to the mayor who is walking down the street with a uniformed soldier who turns out to be Juan Sámano. The mayor tells Col. Sámano that Pola was teaching the blacks to read. Pola asks Col. Sámano if the slaves are protected in any way. He tells her that it is against the law to mutilate slaves.

When Pola finds out that the colonel is looking for lodging, she offers him a room at Domingo’s guesthouse (posada). The mayor and the colonel exchange words about Pola – it seems the colonel is interested in Pola for fun – but not for the purpose of spoiling his perfect Spanish blood (manchar mi sangre).

Sámano also tells the mayor to send a doctor to cure that, and he hesitates for Pola’s benefit, and adds man. At the guest house Juan Sámano asks Pola a lot of questions about other guests and people living nearby while she is fixing up the room. She questions him about people from Popayan going to Quito. He is a company man and he tells her that the king owns everything, and if you disagree it means death. He then closes the doors to the room and she realizes it’s just the two of them. It ends up with him saying I am pure-blooded Spaniard not a bastard like you. You are repugnant. I’m a soldier who has won many battles and I have a right to you.

He grabs her, and she reaches for his dagger and slices him across the belly, but it only cuts his clothing. Pola threatens to gut him to see if his blood is really blue. He pulls out his sword and Pola is outmaneuvered. As she cries out for help he tells her that nobody will believe his word against his, and he’s going to tell everyone she was stealing from him. The only way you will leave this room is dead he threatens. Enter the mayor just in the nick of time with a your excelencia.

Look what she did to me says Juan Sámano. He then orders the mayor to do his duty, and Pola is taken away by guards. As Pola waits for the mayor in his office, she rifles through his papers and finds something that interests her.

Meanwhile Domingo is stewing about this new mess. He’s mad at Gertrudis for Pola and because Cata hasn’t produced any children as promised. Gertrudis tells Cata that she’d better do something quick or they’ll all be out on the street.

Pola hides the paper she found and when the mayor comes in he tells her she is going to jail. He has to take the word of Sámano over that of a mestiza. He still wants to marry her and makes the same offer. She protests and so he rubs in the fact that her soldier won’t be coming back to her. She says it only means that he isn’t a coward.

He tells her, I’m a Spaniard. That’s more than someone like you could hope for. Pola tells him that she would prefer to be shot. He then orders her taken away with Pola yelling that the Spaniards will pay for all this injustice.

Sámano asks the mayor about Pola on his way out of town. She’s in jail. He tells the mayor to send his regrets and adds I never lose – it just takes time. When he’s gone, they open the door to the cell and let her out.

Pola goes back to the stable and tells Juliano that she found the Protection of the Slaves. She proclaims that this uncivilized situation cannot remain. Juliano says I am not a coward, but I am a slave. Pola reads it to him. It says that punishment of slaves is limited and that mutilations are prohibited. See, you are all God’s creatures. It won’t bring my finger back. But, it might set you free.

Gertrudis suggests to Cata that they resort to native herbs to help her along. In confession the impatient priest tells Gertrudis that that is a sin. Gertrudis fills him in on the Pola situation. He knows the mayor won’t help them to get the soldier to restore Pola’s virtue so the priest says that he will go to the archbishop to make Alejo answer for himself.

Juliano finally says that it doesn’t matter if I can’t be free, but, he wants my children to be free. They go to talk to the mayor.

Domingo has been drinking and when Cat invites him to bed, he flies into a rage and hits her. He calls her a bad wife because she hasn’t given him a child and has caused trouble with the slaves. Later Gertrudis brings Cat some type of tea that (I think came from the slaves.) that she believes will help Cat have children.

In the woods, Nicolasa feels her belly and says she doesn’t want you to be a slave. She then drinks from a gourd (something made from the herbs she was cutting earlier to bring on an abortion?), cries and sings in native language.

Pola wakes the next day and has a bad feeling that something has happened to Alejo. She starts her chores, but when Gertrudis sees her doing work that slaves normally do, she invites Pola into the main house. Domingo comes upon the scene and notifies Pola that he is putting her out and that she has one week to find someplace else to live. Gertrudis says we have to pray to God for a miracle.

Pola goes to the post office and asks if there is any news from the south like weddings, etc. The postmaster tells her about what is happening in the south, but he has no news of weddings.


Alejo – sits at desk and takes out a piece of paper and begins to write a letter. He crumples it up, and then he begins again. Then he begins: Dear Pola: I have to confess I would prefer to be dead. Don’t wait for me for I will never return. What I would like most in the world is to see you. This will never be. I will not return to Spain. It is not for the war. It is because I have to marry María Ignacia Valencia.

Planning begins for the biggest, most expensive wedding in Nueva Granada – like nothing ever seen. Ignacia gets impatient but she is told that she’d better get used to it. Her father tells her that a new government has taken control of Quito and that means we are at war. Alejo will have to go for a few days and the wedding must wait. Alejo will not go to the governor for a dispensation – he is not a coward.

Alejo enters – something going on. Gov. Tacón is calling a big meeting. The ruler in Quito has been deposed. They have joined Napoleon. This is treason. We must confront them now. He wants to stop them from marching on Quito. I will show you once and for all that I am not on the side of the French says the governor.

Alejo tells him it is not necessary for us to kill our own brothers. He is convinced they will not fire a shot. The Governor tells him to follow Col. Santa Cruz.

The governor talks about rebellion – Don Francisco – but, my son is to be married. The guv doesn’t give a rat’s a** about the wedding.

The public gets a pep talk and are told the enemy is near. Followers of Napoleon have taken power in Quito.

Alejo hugs his mom goodbye and tells her they won’t fight and assures his father that everything will get better (aclarar). Off he goes.

The governor wants a confrontation. He wants to stop them. The soldiers on horseback march through the streets of Popayan. When Ignacia sees Alejo riding down the street she runs out and gives him a lock of her hair to remember her. (What will happen to this hair?)

As they wait for news, Alejo’s mom makes lace and feels a pain in her chest.

Days later we hear cheering in the streets as the victors return from the battlefield. The two families notice that Alejo is not amongst the crowd. Then they see two soldiers carrying a stretcher with an unconscious Alejo.

They realize that Alejo is the only soldier who was wounded. His mother and father bicker. She says it is all our fault. We made him go to military school against his will.

Alejo, still unconscious, dreams that he and Pola are standing in a river. She says I told you you wouldn’t be cold, and she then goes under the water, and he follows. They kiss (finally). He is trembling, not because of the cold, but because she is close to him. She says we can’t be together. Alejo tells her that he doesn’t know how to live without her. I don’t want to live, I can’t live if I cannot be with you. I prefer to die. I prefer to die.

He mutters, in the presence of Ignacia who will not leave his bedside, don’t go, don’t go, Pola. Without you I will die, I will die. Ignacia breaks down and cries.

Francisco is annoyed at Alejo when Ignacia tells him what happened. When Alejo wakes up, Francisco threatens him again if he doesn’t go through with the wedding. Enter the entire family who are now very happy that Alejo is conscious. Francisco tells Ignacia that Alejo wants to make her the happiest woman in the world.

The Battlefield

Arco reminds Alejo about his meeting with the Indian last night. Can’t you just trade one for another? Alejo asks him not to talk to him like that.

Upon arriving in the vicinity of the enemy camp, the colonel asks for two men to go in close and to report back. Alejo and Arco are assigned to that duty. Alejo thinks they will win without firing a shot. Alférez, says the colonel, do you think we won’t fight? The colonel says the people here are tired of the Spaniards, and Alejo is surprised to learn of the enmity.

Back in the woods, Alejo and Arco use a monocular (catalejo) to spy on the camp, and they see civilians, including women around campfires. Their guards see him and he sees them. But Alejo and Arco spot weapons. He still thinks that they are not there to fight, but to convince them to join us. We are not on the side of the French.

Alejo notes that the so called enemy is numerous and well armed but that they are not soldiers. They are against the French like us.

Alejo reports to the colonel that it is not true that the Quiteños support the French. He is told to shut up and to obey orders.

Their orders finally arrive. They are ordered to cross the river. What about the surrender asks Alejo. We are at war he is told. We are marching against France – let’s go.

But, Alejo still asks the colonel for a surrender. No, says the colonel, we have orders to fire. They then overrun the camp killing at random. It is a bloodbath as the officers watch and order more troops to advance.

Alejo and Arco are disgusted by what they see which is a massacre and not a battle. Alejo walks through the field and comes across a wounded French soldier and calls for a doctor. The soldier looks up and shoots Alejo in the chest. We hear someone say that Alejo is dying. Alejo, who is bleedly badly, mutters Pola, Pola.

The colonel is very proud of himself although the captain doesn’t appear happy. They have more than 300 prisoners. He thinks they are crazy to go to Quito. Sabarain is the only wounded. Arco thinks that if Alejo dies, two beautiful women will die too.

Santa Fe

Capt. Baraya speaks to the Viceroy. Baraya wants them to occupy Quito – send troops. He believes that those in power will not hand it over to France because they support the king. One of the other “revolutionaries”, Don Camilo Tores proposes the unthinkable – why don’t we form a government like that in Quito.

Don Camilo proposes a government of native Spaniards and creoles. Everything will be returned to the king and Spain and the king’s goods will be preserved. The Viceroy will sleep on it (consultar la almohada) and will make his decision at the right time.

However, we learn that his wife – the Vireina(?) has other ideas. She does not believe the creoles are equal to native Spaniards. She does not want to allow them to have any power. She tells him to send in the troops – send Col. Juan Sámano, the governor of Riohacha and apparently a very bad a**. Crush them in Quito, she says. And, when have I ever given you bad advice. A couple of times muses the Viceroy.

Baraya meets Colonel Dupre who is going south – Riohacha with Juan Sámano??

Anyway, Dupre makes his way to the palace. The Vireina tells him to go south to Pasto. They are sending Sámano to Santa Fe and he has many troops.

The colonel doesn’t recommend attacking Quito. He gives all sorts of alternatives, but the Vireina just about tells him to cut off their heads. But, the colonel argues, we don’t have enough troops. We need to negotiate so that what happened in Quito doesn’t happen here. Sámano will be here in a couple of days. He is near Guadas now.

A new edict is read in Santa Fe – Quito is in revolt. The viceroy wants all men over the age of 16 to join up and march to Popayan and Pasto and fight.

Don Camilo still tries to talk sense to the Viceroy. However, Mrs. Viceroy is clearly in charge here and tells him we are the government. Send your troops to Pasto. Go. We’re busy.

Later, Don Juan Sámano arrives at the palace. We note that he walks with a limp. The Viceroy and Vireina want him to stay in Santa Fe to protect them. These three are on the same page. They are ready to go to war as soon as possible. She wants all the insurgents put in jail. Sámano says that blood must be spilled and that they must get the leaders.

Enter Don Jorge Tadeo who is more than willing to express his loyalty to the king and Viceroy whom he suggests should lead a new junta. Before entering, the Viceroy wants to know what idiot is asking for his advice. None other than Don Jorge. He is loyal to the king to death. Juan Sámano laughs in his face and the Viceroy is not amused. They demand to know who are the leaders is it Rosillo? Don Camilo Torres? Jorge offers up Don Antonio Nariño.

The Viceroy, the Mean Queen and Sámano declare that Nariño will be the first one they will get. We will kill him.

Nariño On The Trail

Don Antonio is worn out and admits that he will not be able to walk to Cartagena. He is not allowed to ride Don Baltasar’s horse. He falls into a mud puddle. Baltasar calls for help and asks if Don Antonio can ride his horse. The officer tells him he has his orders and that will not be allowed. Don Antonio asks the officer why don’t you just kill me? Baltasar says that would require proof and hearings.

Tonito catches up and has an extra horse with him. He tells Don Antonio that he was given a sick horse on purpose. Baltasar asks the officer if he has orders not to let him change horses when one dies. Don Antonio is allowed to ride. Baltasar tells Tonito that these men have orders to let your father die. Tonito tells Don Antonio about what happened at the hacienda and that they even took the boots he was sending to England for sale. Don Antonio blesses his son. Aloud, Tonito declares that he is going with his father to Honda, to Cartagena or to the end of the world.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Teresa Fri 6/10/11 #76 Paloma Takes Flight

Hospital Recap: Ruben confronts Mariano. Apparently he didn’t appreciate Aida finding out about the lies he told Espe. Ruben assumes Mariano’s ultimate goal is to marry Aida.

Casa Chavez: Art&Tere have stayed for dinner with mama Refugio. She’s glad to see them so happy. Teresa’s sad Armando isn’t around to hear her announcement….they’re planning on starting a family as of yesterday. Refugio’s very happy, giving them a pair of booties she knit when she first discovered she was expecting Teresa. Arturo says he expects her to knit many things for baby Barreras. Refugio says she’ll knit some booties just like the ones she just knit for……Teresa interrupts her by serving more kool-aid for Arturo. He announces he’s ready to head out for the office. Teresa decides to stay behind to visit with mami and promises not to stir from that spot until he comes back. Arturo has no choice but isn’t at all happy about leaving her there.

Hospital: Espe comes by Mariano’s office to visit and tells him about Hernán stepping up to take credit for el bebé and Mayra seemed to believe it. She’ll be showing pretty soon and plans to go live elsewhere so Aida doesn’t see her. She pleads with Mariano not to say anything else to Aida. She’s feels badly that Aida found out about her father’s drug addict lie. Mariano didn’t want to hurt Aida but it isn’t right that Espe be the only one taking the blame for everything. Ruben’s a desgraciado, she says. And now he wants to ruin Mariano’s chances with Aida. Espe’s willing to take one for the team and allow Aida to think Hernán is the baby-daddy. Mariano for once agrees with Teresa, saying Espe shouldn’t lie. Even though Ruben is un infeliz, he has an obligation to support his child and the right to know him/her. At the very least, he has the right to know Bebé Bigote exists. No, no, she says. She’s made her decision. She asks him to tell Aida that she’s dating Hernán and expecting his baby. Mariano insists she tell the truth. He points out that she just told him she rejected Hernán, and now she’s going to ask him (Hernán) to continue with the farce?

Cuernavaca: Oh yeah, Martin and Aurora are still there. She’s napping on a sofa when he arrives with a tray of food. He’s so thoughtful, she says. He tells her she’s inspired him to be a better person, the best cook, the best lover. She wonders who taught him all these things. He jokes his grandmother taught him to be the best lover. Aurora laughs and he continues, saying his abuela taught him it isn’t enough to be a successful (éxito) man. It’s just as important to be a worthy (valioso) man. If he is able to accomplish that, everything else comes easy. Aurora’s glad he listened to his abuela, because he is a very worthy man. Smoochies.

Casa Chavez: Arturo’s gone and Espe has joined Tere and Refugio. Refugio apologizes to Espe for almost letting it out about Bebé Bigote. Teresa tells her to be more careful or she’ll cause problems with Ruben. Refugio clears the table and heads for the kitchen. Teresa and Espe chat about Hernán’s Noble Gesture and Espe’s rejection of said Gesture. Of course, Teresa thinks Espe should take advantage of the situation. What more could she want? He’s a good man, handsome, wealthy, and he wants to be a father to her child. What is she thinking? Espe says she doesn’t love him. Oh please, Tere says, love will come later. Espe wonders if that’s what’s happening with Arturo. Tere claims that she cares for Arturo. He’s given her so much. She’s not just talking about the money. He’s given her status, he’s handsome, and he cares for her. Espe asks, “But what about love? That feeling you have only for him; the emotion you feel when you see him; just the thought of him makes you smile, and when he touches you, you forget everything else.” Teresa ponders this.

Combo scenes as evening falls at PatPal’s home. She’s spritzing herself with “Come Hither” cologne. The object of her preparations walks in the room and she’s soooo happy he’s there, telling him she’s so happy he called. Come! Sit! Arturo interrupts her telling her he just came by for a moment to tell her they will never see each other again. What? He couldn’t call? We zoom in to her cara impactada. She doesn’t understand what he’s saying or why he wouldn’t want to be with her again. He tells her what happened was just plain wrong and besides he’s reconciled with Teresa. She’s downright shocked that he’s forgiven Teresa. Teresa’s come clean about everything: the engagement, the premarital sex, everything. But that was years ago. Paloma is grasping at straws saying that doesn’t change the fact that she lied to him. He tries to reason with her, saying what’s happened is in the past. He realizes she clings to the hope that one day they’ll revive what they once had between them but he assures her it’s not to be. The groveling begins anew. This woman has no dignity whatsoever. She accepts his marriage to Teresa but he doesn’t have to stop seeing her (Paloma). She suggests if he’d like there to be something between them… (didn’t she hear a word he just said?) He says no, it wouldn’t be fair to her and he couldn’t be unfaithful to Teresa. Oh goodness, she’s not done yet. He may not love her has he did in the past but surely he still has some special affection left for her and they could………”Please Paloma don’t insist,” he says, “out of respect for my wife and out of respect for yourself.” As she keeps pleading, he insists she can find someone she deserves. He’s decided to remain by Teresa’s side. She’s still pleading, crying, totally in denial. He asks her to please stop doing this and goes on to say they’ll only see other at meetings for Luna Turqueza. She asks if they can’t they be friends. Artie responds they need to be realistic, they can’t be friends. At least not now. She embraces him, crying that he’s the love of her life. He gently pushes her away and makes his exit. She sobs. I cringe.

Vecindad: Johnny and Espe are having dinner. They’re talking about finding an apt to rent. Cutberto drops by and Espe leaves them alone to talk. Johnny shows him Griselda’s romantic rantings. They go back and forth: Cutberto should date Gris; after all, Juana has Hector – you know the drill FF>>

Casa de la Barrera the following morning: Teresa greets Fernando in the living room saying she’s angry with him for providing Arturo with the false alibi the night he left Cuernavaca. She gets uncomfortably close to him as she tells him Arturo told her he wasn’t with Fernando’s friends. Arturo didn’t go to work on the night in question. They cleared things up between them and she now wants to be perfectly clear with him. He asks her rather playfully if she’s accusing him of something serious and wonders why he should answer her. If he doesn’t, she’ll never trust him again. Somewhat playfully, he tells her he must have her trust and they need to be able to get along, for Arturo’s and Luisa’s sake, of course. He suggests her husband is the one in whom she should have the ultimate confidence. If Arturo told her he wasn’t with his friend, well then she needs to ask him about it. He has no idea what else to say. HA! He didn’t fall into her trap. She knows Arturo had a few drink because they had argued and Fernando knew that too. Fernando is trying unsuccessfully to keep a poker face. She appreciates his discretion. Fortunately Arturo and she were able to work everything out. Fernando can’t help but smirk. She sees he’s such a good friend who always has Arturo’s back. He assures her he’s Arturo’s friend and now hers as well and would never do anything to cause her harm. Then he is truly el Principe Azul (equal to our Prince Charming) that Luisa has waited for so long, she says somewhat sarcastically. Arturo walks in just then telling Fernando Luisa’s running late. Teresa leaves saying she’ll leave the “best friends” to talk. The inquisition is over. Fernando tells Arturo she knows he didn’t spend the night with friends. Arturo is shaking in his boots as Fernando assures him she doesn’t know he spent the night with La PatPal. However, if she does find out, she’s sure to seek a divorce. Arturo is muy impactado.

Hospital: Mariano tells Dario he’s not sure he should continue his relationship with Aida. He doesn’t want her to end up hating her father. Dario wonders if he’s using this as an excuse to end the relationship. Every time he sees Teresa he forgets about everything and everyone else, adios to friends, adios to girlfriends. Why is it he’s so concerned about Teresa since that trip to Cuernavaca? As he’s talking, Paloma walks up to the door and begins eavesdropping as soon as she hears mention of Teresa’s name. Dario continues by saying Mariano blew it with Aurora and now he’s blowing it with Aida. Teresa and her husband have had a tiff. Isn’t it enough with what she did to him the day before the wedding? Paloma’s listening very intently. Mariano understands but asks Dario to imagine how he must feel; having made love to the woman he loves most the day before she’s to wed someone else; promising she won’t go through with the wedding. In the end, it’s a big lie. Paloma looks ready to jump out of her skin! Mariano continues saying not only did she lie but she humiliated him in front of half the world (medio mundo) He tells Dario not to think he hasn’t realized what an imbécil he is for not knowing what kind of person she is. He gets up to leave and Dario asks if he’s sure he doesn’t want to face this (enfrentar). Paloma, realizing Mariano’s about to come out that very door, hightails it out of there like a bat out of hell. Dario continues saying he’s speaking to him as a friend.

Paloma seems really upset. She’s even breathing heavily when she runs into Martin. Goodness, probably salivating. Martin notices her distress and she confesses she’s a little nervous because she just found out something about Teresa that Arturo will never forgive. She just couldn’t wait to tell someone, could she? Martin tells her it makes no sense to meddle in their marriage. “But Teresa doesn’t love him,” she whines, “and I do!” She knows Arturo will leave her when she has a chance to talk to him about Teresa’s unpardonable deed. He’s worried about her; does she have sufficient proof to accuse Teresa? She knows of someone who can prove everything. She tells Martin to make her excuses to Mariano. She needs to see Arturo and get to the bottom of this. She will finally be able to unmask Teresa!

Aurora arrives for her rounds and is yawning as she runs into Daddykins. He was worried about her, didn’t know where she was yesterday. She reminds him she left him a text message telling him she was with Martin. She averts his eyes as she tells him she’s really busy, needing to get on with her rounds. Martin walks up and Hector casually mentions Aurora said she was with him all day yesterday. He responds if it were up to him, he’d spend his whole life with her. She’s embarrassed. Dad leaves and she hurriedly tells Martin that Dad doesn’t know they stayed in Cuernavaca. He says her secret’s safe with him so long as she promises another day like the one they shared. Cute.
Casa de la Barrera (combo scenes): Tere’s moving stuff to Arturo’s bedroom, beginning with the Teddy bears, the Ginormous one Arturo gave her and sweet little Teddy, Mariano’s familiar. He teases her about keeping them both and wonders why she’s so attached to little Teddy. She sighs and looks at Teddy as she’s having a flashback of a happier time with Mariano that day at the fair. She snaps back and again tells Arturo it’s because her madrina gave it to her and it reminds her from whence she came and also of a very important part of her life. The Ginormous one represents the new stage (etapa) of her life, thanks to his belief in her, and his support. She thanks him with a kiss as a guitar WAH-WAHs in the background. She confirms she’s made an appt with ob/gyn and he wants to go with her because he wants to be present every step of the way. His phone rings and he waits until she leaves the room to answer – it’s the batsh!t-crazy-Paloma hot line. And she looks a little BSC, she’s practically panting as she tells him she has something important to tell him. He reminds her they have nothing to talk about. She insists and of course he gives in, saying he’ll meet her later. She laughs to herself, speaking as if to Teresa saying her theatrics will be over soon.

Jauna/Espe Apt (combo scenes): Pounding on the door -- Aida! And she wants to talk about, what else, her Daddy. Aida wants to know the whole truth beginning with the I-can’t-divorce-my-wife-because-my-daughter’s-on-drugs story. Espe denies the story then steps away but Aida isn’t letting her go that easy, telling her she can’t escape (huir) from this. Espe says again she’s agreed to leave Ruben alone and that’s that. Aida’s not accepting that. She’s convinced Espe told Mariano that story knowing that he’d tell her. She tells Espe the other part of her theory: Teresa made up the story to harass her. Espe denies this also. Another knock on the door and this time it’s my, ahem, Espe’s héroe Hernán. He sees Aida and purposely hugs Aida and plants a nice big one on the kisser for Aida’s benefit. Espe’s taken aback as Aida stands there slack-jawed. They make small talk. He remembers Aida from the wedding and introduces himself as Espe’s novio. Aida makes a snarky remark about what a fast worker Espe is in finding a new love. At Espe’s insistence Aida agrees to leave but not before she expresses her hope that Espe keeps her promise to leave the vecindad real soon. Hernán looks perplexed and when they’re alone Espe asks why he kissed her. It was an impulse, he couldn’t resist, and he really does like her very much. She reminds him that she can’t and he reminds her he’s not ready to quit (resignar). She feels the only solution then is for them to stop seeing each other. He doesn’t want to do that. At the very least, she should allow him to keep up appearances for Aida and Mayra. She feels she doesn’t have the right to pull him into her drama. She frees (libero) him from his promise to act as her novio and the baby daddy. He’s not asking to be freed from his promise. He asks that she please let him help her. If not for herself, then do it for el bebé.

Hospital: Martin and Aurora are still flirting when Mariano walks up and he also asks about Aurora’s whereabouts yesterday. She tells him she was with Martin. Mariano’s told Paloma can’t make it to the meeting, Aurora has rounds, and it’s going to be just Martin and him at the meeting. Aurora averts Mariano’s eyes as she makes a hasty retreat. Martin wastes no time in telling Mariano his jealousies are over because he now knows Aurora likes him. Mariano’s a bit perplexed about this new development.

Casa Chavez: Juana’s jumping the gun thinking Teresa’s already pregnant. Refugio sets her straight saying their just starting to try (buscar familia=literal translation: looking for a family). Refugio’s surprised Juana didn’t know this yet and gets verklempt with the knowledge that Teresa told her first. Armando arrives with some news of his own but first he has to answer his spanking-new official cell phone! Of course Refuse-to-be-nice says he only has it because he’s Teresa’s father and Arturo’s father-in-law. She refuses to be impressed.

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo and Tere are doing something viewers haven’t seen them do in quite some time --- they’re actually working. Hmph! Anyway, they’re finishing up and Tere calls for a lunch break before they head off for the ob/gyn. He tells her he’s got an appt of his own. No problem, she tells him to meet her at the doctor’s, it’s at the hospital Santillana. He makes a face and she offer to take Aurora with her. He nixes that idea and offers instead to come by for her. She gets the call from Dad congratulating her on their decision to start a family.

Fito’s Felonious Crib: Johnny’s come by and he mentions he’s come to this apt repeatedly to make deliveries for Gemma. Fito asks how the business is going. Johnny’s amazed at the success of Gemma’s food delivery and wonders what might be in the food, saying he’s never even tasted it. Fito nods ominously, saying he imagines Johnny’s never tasted it.

Speaking of felons, Gemma meets Armando in the street. He tells her he’s going to pay the balance in full. They exchange insults. She says he’s able to pay now only because his daughter married a rich man. He says his daughter worked hard and is respectable. She doesn’t steal money from others like some women do. He asks for his IOU’s (pagarés) so he can pay her. She hesitates and he insists, saying his daughter told him he must have those in hand before he pays her reminding her he now works at a law firm. She relents and they leave for her store.

Casa de la Barrera: Juana congratulates Tere on the baby news. Tere tells her not to get ahead of herself. She hasn’t even been to the ob/gyn yet to make sure everything’s shipshape. Juana makes a comment that some girls have problems getting pregnant after years of taking contraceptives. But that’s not so in her case, right. Tere assures her it is not. It’s getting late and Arturo hasn’t returned. She’s going to go ahead without him. Juana says she can’t wait to hold her bebé in her arms. Tere rolls her eyes and just hurries off as to say, right, don’t hold your breath!

Casa Grumps: Pati and Johnny talk about her upcoming birthday and her subsequent escape plan. He wonders what she wants for her birthday. She tells him she wants her freedom and to know where she’ll live once she escapes.

Hospital: Mariano recommends that Aida reconcile with her father. She doesn’t feel she can. She gives him the bad news that she went to see Espe. She rehashes the whole story: Ruben made up a story about Aida’s drug use, no, Espe made it up, no, it was actually Teresa who was behind it all along. Guess who happens by just then. You guessed it! Tiburoncita, and she calls her on it. Aida insists she tell the truth about planting that story about her father. Tere didn’t think she was that dumb but perhaps her blind love for her father prevents her from seeing him for what he is. She’s done nothing. Aida doesn’t believe her. Mariano finally steps in and puts a stop to the argument. He tells Aida that Teresa has nothing to do with what Espe told him. Aida tells he’s the blind one now. She reminds him how Teresa vowed she would get even with Aida no matter how long it took. She was determined to destroy Aida and continues to harass her. Mariano tries again to put a stop to the bickering and even has his hands on his hips, the ultimate SuperMariano pose. Teresa takes the high road, saying she’s forgotten all the humiliations she suffered at Aida’s hands. However, if Aida continues to bother her, she will defend herself. Aida refuses to allow Teresa to bother her and beside life has a way of compensating, just look who she has at her side – she hugs Mariano and asks him to walk her to her car. He declines saying he’s too busy with work and he also tells Teresa they have nothing to talk about and asks her to leave. She hesitates a little at the door but as he’s totally ignoring her, she decides to leave. ¡Por fín, Mariano!

Casa Caceres: Ruben is now trying to set up his story, telling Mayra he’s very worried. That “woman” is very bold/rude (despachada) because he’s told her he’ll no longer see her and he’s afraid Mariano is becoming the same way. Mayra disagrees, saying he may be her friend but that doesn’t mean he’s the same way. Besides, he’s been so good with Aida, distracting her from the loss of Paulo. He tells her she doesn’t understand. He fired Mariano and his useless (inutil) father and now he thinks he can retaliate (desquitarse). Mayra doesn’t think he’s that type of person. Ruben insists he is, having gone so far as to say he plans to marry Aida. That gets Mayra’s attention. Ruben goes on to say that Teresa and Mariano plan to take their money (Mayra and his) and he’s not going to allow that to happen.

Vecindad: Cutberto sees Juana at the entrance then turns to put on a false mustache. She laughs when she sees him and he tells her he supposes she likes bigotones because her novio is a bigotón panzón. They spar a little but she takes it a little too far, saying at least Hector’s bigote is real. Cutberto can’t even do that right. His feelings appear to have been hurt and he walks away. She knows she’s done it now and rushes back to him, saying she needs to talk to him. He assumes she’s only going to ridicule (burlar) him again. She wants to apologize. He pulls off the mustache and cries out in pain.

Hospital: Aurora stops by to see Hector. He’s concerned she’s working so many hours and notices that she seems very nervous. She confesses she and Martin have taken their relationship to another level, having spent the day yesterday in Cuernavaca, and …. They made love. Hector seems surprised by this.

Grump’s house: Grandpa is scolding Griselda accusing her of running around instead of doing her job. She tells him it’s none of his business. If she doesn’t like it, he says, there’s the door. She needs to dedicate herself to the job she’s paid to do.

Hospital: Teresa comes back to Mariano’s office. [She just can’t stay away.] She can’t believe he’s with Aida. She tells him she’s a bad one. He should be able to see that in the way she makes up stories and slings mud at her. She’s going to pay for it. At least he knows the truth of the matter between Espe and Ruben. She had nothing to do with it and Ruben’s the infeliz. He knows all that but he’s her father. It’s very clear to her “tal palo tal astilla” (the stick and the splinter are the same, or a chip off the old block) because they’re both desgraciados (shameless). He disagrees. He sees Aida as a spoiled, rich girl who doesn’t know what poverty is (la pobreza). She doesn’t understand their world but she’s not bad. Teresa doesn’t understand how he can say that, how he can be with her. He tells her she should be happy he’s starting over after what she did to him. He’s hoping it will work out – not like her marriage. He noticed ese tipo left her in Cuernavaca. Teresa actually utters the truth, telling him Arturo left because he found out Mariano was the first man in her life. “Don’t tell me he finally figured out that you’re mine and mine alone”, he says as he pulls her quickly to him. (I scream quietly, no Mariano, no!) He holds her close as they look deeply into each other’s eyes. She starts to tell him he knows she’s always…..He interrupts her telling her not to start with her empty promises (promesas vacias). She had once told him she would lose everything if Arturo ever found out. He cynically asks if he actually forgave her. She glibly tells him Arturo loves her so much it didn’t matter and wanted to forget it all and move forward with her. Mariano can’t believe Arturo would be tan imbécil as to do that. He wants to know what she really told him.

Oh goodness, back at Grump’s House of Horrors: Gramps has some bad news for Pati. He’s had a talk with her father and they’ve decided they’ll put her in a boarding school as soon as her birthday! Bwa-ha-ha! (not really, but that’s all that was missing.) She desperately calls Johnny telling him she needs to escape on her birthday and not one day later.

Juana’s apt: She’s applying first aid to Cutberto’s upper lip and he’s going for it, pushing her back until she falls backward onto the sofa. He tells her to admit that they both love each other and forget about Hector. She asks about Gris and he tells her all she needs to do is say she loves him, that she’ll marry him, have his children. Oops! Now he did it. At the mention of children, Juana shouts at him telling him it’s one thing for her to like him and quite another for him to have all she requires in a husband. He calls her “interesada”, meaning gold-digger, then calls her “in-Teresada” and says they both mean the same thing. (ja-ja) He gets frustrated as usual then says he’s wasting his time and leaves. She talks to herself sadly, saying her requirement is a man who doesn’t want children because she won’t be able to give him any.

Back at the hospital, Mariano wonders if Teresa told Arti about the love fest they had on the eve of the wedding. Well, she didn’t tell him all that. She wanted to save Mariano a world of hurt. Arturo was so angry, he would’ve killed him if she had told him. She tells him she can’t permit Arturo or anyone to hurt him. He corrects her, saying anyone that isn’t her, that privilege is hers alone, right? She tells him the circumstances were such that she had to get married. He asks if she ever tires of being unfaithful. She did it to him and now she’s doing it to Arturo. She swears she didn’t start anything with Arturo until after she had ended her relationship with him (Mariano). She’ll swear it by her mother. He believes she may not have started anything but she did give it wings because she kept getting closer to Arturo. That’s what she likes--provoking men. She tells him she doesn’t do it on purpose and it’s not her fault that men…..He answers for her, that men can’t stop thinking about her? She drives them crazy and that’s why he likes her so much. They’re close enough to kiss but don’t. He’s already told her they can enjoy themselves whenever she wishes. He acts as though he’s going to kiss her then pulls back and says only so long as he’s not busy with Aida. Ooooh, ouch! She starts to protest but he tells her to calm down. He had offered when he felt his relationship with Aida wasn’t serious. But now things have changed. So sorry, Teresa, but he can’t be like her. Wow, such a steamy scene and everyone kept their clothes on!

Outdoor café, Paloma has arrived to meet with Arturo. As she crosses the street, she thought bubbles as she smiles at Arturo, “He has to know the whole truth. I won’t let Teresa continue to deceive him.” She never reaches him as a car plows into her. OMG – I’m embarrassed to admit I actually screamed a little. I knew she was in trouble when they went into slow-mo. Oh wow. RIP Paloma?


Cuando Me Enamoro #37 Friday 6/10/11 Some Anvils Have to Fall

Fasten your seatbelts, Caraymates, because this episode was a veritable plot-explosion! Secrets are revealed, confessions of love are made, and tensions run high. Onward 'cause this was a good one!

Renata practically floats on air as she walks over to the table Jero has reserved for their lunch date. She mentions having run into Regina at the bridal shop. Nata thinks she will always have doubts about Regi, not just because of the situation with Gonzo, but because Nata can't help but feel that Regi will be in her life forever. Well whaddya know? Jero tells Nata that Regi feels the same way about her. Nata wonders what Regi meant by her comment that Jero and Nata have no secrets anymore.

Agustin demands that Dr. Nesme sell him the land he owns next to Hacienda La Bonita. Doc doesn't want to because he promised Rafa that he would only sell the land to the owner of the hacienda. Augie says Doc has no choice; Rafa is dead and Augie will pay handsomely. Without Augie, the Doc would lose all reputation and credibility and wind up rotting in jail for causing Rafa's death. Doc squirms but his fears are allayed by the huge check Augie hands over. The dough is all Doc's just as long as he tells no one that Augie now owns the land.

Augie calls his Spare Girl to celebrate his strong-arming Doc. Spare Girl gives Carlos a little kiss on the cheek before meeting up his Augie. Hmm, might Matilde have some competition soon?

Dr. Cha-Ching ($) tells Fina that Gonzo bought his story hook, line, and sinker. He gives her a prescription (!!) that she can take as "medicine" for her phony tumor. I'm not sure if this means she should pick up the meds as a prop for her tomfoolery or if Doctor Dinero actually wants her to take them. At any rate, Fina delights at how Gonzo is going to suffer because of her illness.

Jero talks himself out of a jam by claiming that Regi must have been talking about the mess with Matias and Roberta. Now it makes sense to Renata and they enjoy some good quality mushy talk. Nata promises that she will love Jero and continue to surprise him for the rest of their lives. Sensing the right moment, Jero pulls the ring out of his pocket. "Acepta usted ser la Señora de Linares?" (Do you accept to be Mrs. Linares?)

Renata radiates happiness as she enthusiastically accepts. Jero kisses her hand. "From this moment on, you are property of Mr. Linares." A pox on your head, Jero. This was almost romantic until you ruined it with that last statement. Nata doesn't seem to mind, however, and covers Jero in kisses.

Spare Girl chews Augie out for always putting her last on his list of things to do. Augie says she is his priority at the moment and pulls her into a kiss. I can't get over how beautiful the landscape is behind them.

Jero proposes a toast to Renata. "Let's drink to the truth, love, and trust between us." Renata whole-heartedly agrees while Jero silently glowers. "Tell me the truth about my brother!" He thinks with a nasty tone. During a kiss, Jero becomes overly aggressive again. Chalk this up to another red flag Nata has overlooked. Jero apologizes for getting grabby and Nata sizes him up as they toast once again. Maybe this is one red flag she actually has noticed...

Selene runs into Regina and Doña Cata on the sidewalk and gushes about what an opportunity it is to work at the centro. Regi is pleased as ever to meet her. Roberta stalks over and launches into an attack. "You are the woman who ruined my parents' marriage! You have no idea how much I hate you!" Rob slaps Regi so hard it nearly knocks Regi off her feet.

Matias and Gonzo discuss the sticky situation of Fina's illness. Gonzo hopes Fina can be treated and, in time, he will continue with the divorce proceedings. Antonio shows up at the same restaurant and introduces the fellas to his pretty companion Nora Collado. Regi was supposed to join them for lunch but had to give a radio interview about the centro. Tony takes obvious pleasure in dropping an anvil on Gonzo: "I heard Renata was getting married. What a coincidence! Regina and I are getting married soon too. Nora is our wedding planner." Gonzo stares impassively at Tony.

Scandalized, Doña Cata snaps into action. "Get outta here, tart! Regi has no interest in Gonzo. Regi & Tony 4evar, so get lost." Cata says (in not so many words). Roberta doesn't care; her parents are still splitting up and it's all Regi's fault. "I warn you, if you come near my padre again I will make your life and life for your family impossible!" Selene tries to apologize for what an ogre Robi is and Cata tells Regi she better forget about Gonzo for good.

Constanza finishes teaching a class as Chema drops a bunch of bags on the counter. They banter as usual and suddenly Honorio walks in behind them. Seems like reality followed him in because the atmosphere is the room is decidedly less carefree than before. Coni introduces Hon to Chema and Honorio asks to have an important talk with her. (!!!)

Selene gives Roberta an ear-full for stirring up such trouble with her soon-to-be-boss. Rob cackles; it was worth if for a little fun. Selene is not amused and takes off in her car without letting Rob in. Ha! Have fun walking home in those heels, Robi.

Gonzo and Matias are still at lunch. It seems like these people spend 80% of their day in restaurants. Gonzo moans to Matias about how hopeless everything is now that Regi is headed down the isle with Tony. Matias, instead of telling Gonzo to follow his example and mope like a dope for days, tells Gonzo to go for what he wants. Regi clearly has feelings for him; Gonzo still has the opportunity to do something about it.

Honorio and Constanza have relocated to a café to talk. Honorio has something very difficult to tell Coni and he is worried how she is going to take it. "I have a daughter, Constanza." The anvil comes down hard on Coni.

And because I like Hon and Con (and you guys) so much, here's their entire conversation.

C: A daughter? How? When?! What are you talking about?
H: It was before I met you. I only just found out and it unsettled me just as much as it does you.
C: Do you know who she is? Do you already meet her?
H: Yes. It's Adriana.
C: Adriana?! I knew there was something strange about Agatha. It wasn't normal to have such a relationship with an old boyfriend. She always knew where you were and how close you were to her daughter. Your daughter.

Honorio grips Coni's hand and does his best to calm her.

H: I know what this means for you. But you had to know.
C: I wanted so much to have a child with you and I couldn't do it. It was an old girlfriend who made you a father.
H: Don't feel bad about that! We didn't need to have children to have a marriage as marvelous as we have had.
C: A woman always dreams of motherhood. You know how much I longed to have a child with you. Does Adriana know?
H: No. Agatha does not want Adriana to know until after she dies.
C: What do you want? Do you want her to know you are her father?
H: No, what I want is for this to not effect our relationship. I don't know how I'm going to tell Adriana but that will resolve itself later. What I care about most right now is you, Constanza.
C: I can't believe it! I can't believe you have a daughter! And that it's Adriana!

Cut to a much more cheery montage of Renata and Jero roaming around town making wedding plans together. The talk to a priest in a gorgeous church, visit a registry, and peruse a jewelry store all the while teasing and flirting with each other.

Back to matters at hand, Honorio walks Coni back to the centro. Coni doesn't have much to say; she needs time to process the news. Right now she's too disturbed and frustrated to know how she feels about it. Just give her some time alone. Chema watches this conversation from afar.

Regina gives a radio interview to Maxine Woodside about the annual gala dinner held at the centro. They're selling tickets to the public, which help raise money for her charity. Gonzo hears Regi on the radio while the car.

Fina is proud of Mini-Me for walloping Regina in public. Robi did it in Fina's honor. She tells Mami that Regi is getting married. Fina could care less; the only thing that would make her happy is if Regi were crazy or dead.

Regina comes out of the radio station to find Gonzo waiting by her car. He heard she was getting married. "Don't do it, Regina. Don't get married." Gonzo pleads. Their song plays as Gonzo pours his heart out. "Please put the wedding off. Wait until I can settle things with Fina. I want to be a free man for you. I know I have nothing to offer you now but please postpone the wedding." Despite how much she might want to, Regi can't do it. "Your family considers me the other woman. It would only give them more motive to attack me." She tells Gonzo about Robi accosting her earlier that day, which gravely upsets Gonzo.

Coni tears the kitchen apart looking for her keys. Chema slips in behind her and picks them up off the counter. Chema gives her a hug while she cries on his shoulder.

Gonzo apologizes to Regi for Roberta's behavior. Regi asks Gonzo to leave her alone, since his family will always hate her. Gonzo refuses to do so; he is too in love with her. (Aww.) Regi starts to cry as Gonzo professes his love to her.

"I love you. That is my only truth. Please wait and give me opportunity to earn your love." Regi says they have to separate to avoid hurting others. She drives away while Gonzo looks longingly after her.

Renata and Jero get home and Nata asks if Jero has thought about who will be his witnesses for the wedding. He wants Carlos and Regina. Nata is worried that if Regina comes to the wedding, it would cause a scene. Jero swears that he would never invite Regi if he thought she was capable of breaking up a marriage. "Are you even sure your mother is going to be at the wedding?" Jero asks.

Back at the office, Honorio debriefs Matias on how the Great Anvil Drop went. Mat tells Hon to give Coni time; it's going to be tough for her to accept the news since she could never have children herself. Honorio is afraid something might have broken between them as a couple. Blanca eavesdrops on all of this with keen interest.

Coni mellows out in bed and gets a text from Chema. He wanted to see how she was and offer his shoulder to cry on anytime she needs him.

Renata visits with Fina. She shows her the ring. Fina laughs at how small it is. "You should always want more, not less!" Fina says. Nata doesn't care about money or fine things. She loves Jero and that is the most important thing. Nata asks Fina to come to her wedding. Fina cackles. "Attending your wedding is supporting your foolishness and shamelessness. If you want to waste your life, do it but count me out." Nata gently asks Fina to reconsider. She made sure that Regi wouldn't be invited so that it would make Fina more comfortable. "I'm sorry, Renata. But I can't do it. I want the best for you but I will not go to your wedding."

Jero hears from Almudena that he is one of the richest men in Spain. Great! He's still going to pretend to be broke. Blech.

Oh, yuck. Alfonsina slinks in to see Dr. Nesme. He locks the door behind her and they make out. I try hard not to lose my dinner.

Matilde has locked herself in the kitchen and won't come out. Lazaro tries to talk sense into her. Jero would never fall for her because they are from different worlds. Mati cries she could offer him lots of things. Mati swears to make life impossible for Jero's new wife. Lazaro warns Mati to respect their future Patrona or else she will have to look for a new job. Mati isn't put off from her mission to make life hell for Jero's girl.

Regina recounts her day to Ines. Regi is going to get Gonzo out of her heart; she chose Tony and she has to marry him.

Gonzo pounches on Roberta the minute she walks through the door. "Why did you attack Regina?" Roberta goes on about Regi ruining the family....ya basta, ya basta. Gonzo's tired of hearing it too. "There was never anything between us. She is an impeccable woman and I will not let you harm her again." Fina interrupts and gets Roberta to say that Regi provoked her to attack. Gonzo doesn't believe a word of it; Regi would never bait anyone for a fight. When it becomes apparent Fina won't win the fight, she faints.

Matilde and Carlos eat cake and discuss how things are going to change once the Patrona moves in.

Gonzo apologizes for causing Fina to have an attack. Fina "lets slip" that she has a tumor; the doctor told her earlier in the day. She doesn't want to tell her daughters yet. Gonzo is horrified and does not want to keep such a serious secret. Fina pressures him into keeping it confidential.

Avances: Renata and Jeronimo get married! Or do they?!?! *dun, dun, dun*


someterse - to subject, undergo. (Gonzo hopes Fina will agree to a treatment)
Me acabo de enterar - I just found out. (Hon about Adriana)
desconcertar - to baffle, confuse, puzzle (Hon about the Adriana news)
anhelar - to yearn for, to desire (Constanza to Honorio about children)
perturbada - disturbed, troubled, upset (How Coni feels)
agredir - to attack, to assault (What Rob did to Regi)
un hombro donde llorar - a shoulder to cry on (Chema to Coni)
intachable - impeccable (Gonzo about Regi)


Friday, June 10, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of June 13, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Hola a todos! Here’s a new page for your commenting pleasure. I’ve fallen a bit behind but hope to join the conversation later on in the week. Enjoy!

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Triunfo del Amor #145 6/10/11 A Triumph of Action! Cat Fights, Confessions, A Multitude of Maria Desamparadas, and Burnie gets tossed out on her keester!

El Refrito de miércoles
All Viewerville is still basking in the glow of Ximena being b!tch-slapped by B!tchtoria (say what you will, but the woman made a couple of redemption points with that slap.) As the episode begins, we realize we will get to enjoy this glorious moment all over again. Ximena has walked in and is being snide to Maria and Fer. "Awwww how sweet, the slut hugging the crip." Maria kisses Fer tenderly and....THWWWAAAAPPPP!!!! Slaps the snot out of Xi. (We need a visual echo effect for that've let us down Sr. Meh-jía.) That's so you learn to shut up, says Maria. We know the rest: cat fight, folks come running. Vic slaps Xi and tells her "¡María ya no Desamparada es mi hija! (cue echo machine)" Take that, Ximena!!! SQUEEEEE! This is why we keep watching.

La porción de hoy

The Aftermath
Xi is straight up impactada and still holding her stinging cheek. She says to Vic, so you're telling me she's your daughter?! She's part of the family? Enter Mush-Mouth Max with his lines. Xi continues to rage: I was your wife. I belonged to this family. I'm mumbledy in this place, not this slut, she's just your lover. Max tells her Maria has the right because she carries the blood of Victoria (cue the echo machine. If you're keeping track that's twice in less than 3 minutes.) She was separated from Victoria for many years. Vic smiles and it begins to dawn on Fer that she has a sister (Livia Brito: the other reason we watch this show.)

En la vecindad
Millie, Napo and Chente as they dine. FF>>

Pip is verklempt--Y'all get your tissues
Mama Mia! Princess! María Desamparada is the daughter and Vic for a mom. He "fuchi fuchi-ies" as he pushes Xi out of the way (which is like "ugh!" or "ick!" or I guess "get the hell out of here"in this context.) Fer wheels between mother and daughter and asks is this true? Is it true that María Desamparada sister? And she reaches out her hand. Maria takes it. Vic answers. Yes, Fer. Maria Desamparada is my Pequeña María. The daughter for whom I cried so much. María cries. Fer cries. I cry. Give me a moment please. *sniff*

Xi bears her claws and Vic is in deep mierda
Xi-b!itch destroys a beautiful scene. Really? This ragamuffin (zarrapastrosa--only took 5 rewinds and a lot of research) is your daughter? Vic whirls on Xi- "Don't call her that again! Don't look down on her! (despreciarla)" Whoa, woman! Says Xi "You looked down on her first! You are the one that set me against her. You intimidated her. You were the one who suggested that I get pregnant in Miami because you wanted a grandchild!" She turns on Max "That's why I went to your bed. 'Cause your mother asked me to!" Max asks "Is this true?" María wants to know, too. "Is this true Señora?"

Vic confesses. "Yes. It's true." "Oh mom", Fer says. "How could you?" Now Vic explains. Just shut it honey. We don't believe your "I didn't know what kind of gal Xi was. I thought she would make Max happy" line of BS. Nope. Not a word of it. Max lets her know that she made him UNhappy. REALLY unhappy. Xi starts up again. "There you have it, the great Victoria Sandoval, the perfect mother. You knew what kind of woman María Desamparada was and that's why you condemned her." Xi really lights into Vic and reminds her about all the really mean stuff she did to María. Xi says Vic was just looking out for her own interests. And now Vic is telling her that she loves her like a daughter?! No one is going to believe that. Toni says Vic totally regrets all of that. Xi says it's all too late. Ask the slut. See what she says. Will she forgive her all those years of abandonment? The insults? Maria wants to know why it's Xi's business. Xi just keeps going. All this suffering at the hands of her mother. It's like Doña Bernarda says: It's God's punishment. María walks out. Max walks out. Fer cries. Xi stands there like the b!tch she is. Vic cries.

At Televisa
Press conference for the new TN. The return of Leonela Montenegro! Yay! (*muppetflail*...think Kermit the Frog everyone.) I'm pretty sure the new TN is called "Venganza de Amor. " Photo ops, some scene-stealing by Gui, Os takes it in stride. Gui takes advantage of the moment to invite the press to his modern production of Othello: Beso Mortal (Fatal Kiss.) TN producer is peeesed. FF>>

Are they serious?
Another plot line? Jebus. So Napo (he's still pollón by the way) has a daughter and he keeps her glamour shot picture hidden away (in Millie's apartment?) He's so lonely since she left. (I can't figure out if she's dead, but I'm thinking since we got to see a head shot, she's still alive.) Napo cries and monologues to a sugar cube. FF>>

At Casa Bernarda
Burnie talks with Luciano. They have to win this bienal (biennial exhibition.) She wants him to put all his creative mojo into winning. The money isn't what matters to her, she just wants to destroy Vic once and for all. Luciano is on board and Burnie doesn't have to worry, though he does want to know why it's not Eva giving the instructions as usual. Burnie says Eva didn't come 'cause she felt bad...she has a cold (I'm thinking "stone cold dead" is the better diagnosis.)

Oh Whew!!! Eva is still alive and whittling on some electrical wires and thought bubbling. Apparently her plan is to have Burnie die the same way her sister did. Burnie's gonna burn fo' shizzle.

We return to Casa Victoria Redux
Vic doesn't want to hear Burnie's name again. That woman made her life a living hell. Vic curses her and hopes she pays for all her evil. Xi says happy that they are all paying for their soberbía. She says the family is cursed and deserve everything that's happening to them. Fer tells her to shut up. Fer tells her to get out. She knew Xi was self-serving and never loved Max. Xi calls her a crip and is really a complete be-yotch...says Jardinero doesn't love her. Xi may not be able to have kids, but Fer has even less 'cause no one can really love someone like Fer. Fer says she may not have legs, but Xi doesn't have a heart or soul and that's why no one loves her. Xi flips...literally....she pushes Fer's chair over and knocks her down. Vic goes all THWAAP SLAP on Xi and tells her not to mess with her family. Pip has to pull Vic off Ximena.Vic is still going off--telling Xi she doesn't know how to be a mother; that she deserves all kinds of punishments. Xi says Vic deserves the same and that María Desamparada is never going to forgive her. Vic tells Xi to get out. Pip is still holding Vic back. Oscar drags Xi out. Fabian has picked up Fer. She thanks him and says she's fine. Lucy looks on. Fer is put back in her chair. Vic is blubbering. Fer is crying and wants to know why Vic never told her María Desamparada was her long-lost daughter. (Ya know, if we had been playing the drinking game tonight we would all be completamente borrachos...María Desamparada got said A LOT.)

Max and Maria: the usual stuff
Max enters the office to which María had fled. Their theme song fires up. Guess what: María tilts her head and sighs. They hug. Max says he knows María must be suffering because of what his mother did. María says she can't forgive her. Vic looked down on her and was the cause of their separation. She reminds Max he promised not to interfere and asks him to butt out. He says he can't. The two most important women in his life are suffering. Can't María see how much his mother is suffering? Vic is like a mother to him and he loves both of them. I miss a bit, but he ends by saying Vic loves her. María insists she can't forgive her until the final episodes.

Meanwhile, in the land of Televisa
Leonela is being interviewed for a TV entertainment show. The interviewer reminds her about the last time they spoke (After the desfile, remember?) Leonela says she was confused. Os has treated her very well and that she and Gui are kaput. Gui looks a little surprised by the news (and so does Os and so does the interviewer.) The interviewer says there's a lot of gossip about her disappearance from telenovela-land. He asks if she's going to keep it a secret. She thinks not. 'Cause if she keeps it a secret it will still come out sooner or later and she thinks it best if she confesses it herself.

Dr. Heri is settling down to watch some TV. It appears that Leonela's interview is being broadcast live. Because Dr. Heri is watching. He turns up the TV as she begins her tale. It was very sad what happened. She is an alcoholic and due to this illness she killed  a man (in Reno just to watch him die.) The crowd goes wild. She is surrounded by the press. Dr. Heri is glued to the set. She explains she was in jail for almost 20 years. She's paid for her crime. She's confessing because she is in some group and Alcoholic Anonymous and these groups have helped her find peace and put her on the right path. One of the steps she has to take is to ask forgiveness for all she's done. She asks Max's forgiveness; she came back for him. She wants to regain her dignity blah blah. Dear public forgive me...oh, and support me in my return. Talk about great press for your new projects.

Gui is also watching. He talks to him self and does menacing things with his tie.

Head Tilt and Mush Mouth and Pappy makes three
Maria says it was a mistake to come back to Casa Victoria Redux. She's out. Max stops her. Their theme song kind of drowns out any dialogue. They end up hugging as usual. She blah blahs about sacrifice, Alonso, how much she loves Max. Smoochies and the the song swells. PJP comes in. Door slamming will have to do since he doesn't have a hose to separate them. He looks kind of mad. María Desamparada he says...what is this? Soooo, what Alonso said about your engagement was a lie? PJP  says Alonso is shaky chihuahua excited that María has accepted him and now here she is smooching Max? PJP doesn't know what's going on. Max explains that he and María are making Alonso's final days happy. PJP asks for some clarification. Maria tells PJP Alonso is terminal (remember the word?: desahuciado) and we get a visual echo of his impactado state (no, no Meh-jía, visual echos of SLAPS!) Cue Volverte a Besar and cut to Alonso in his studio. Ternuras and sighs. He's going to do everything he can so María forgets Max. He's going to buy the engagement ring today! He will make sure they set the date for the wedding tonight.

Livia Brito has a great future in this biz
Fer asks if Vic is sure María Desamparada is her daughter. Vic has no doubt. PJP has known all this time, but couldn't share the good news because his mother had revealed it during confession. Vic discovered all on her own that she was her daughter thanks to a crucifix she had given to PJP. Fer doesn't see what that has to do with it. Vic says PJP is the baby daddy... the "hombre prohibido" (prohibited man) of her youth. Fer asks if MD knows about her dad. Vic says yes. She found that out first. Fer wants to know how Maria reacted to finding out that Vic was her mother (Livia Brito is really a great actress. She has this great facial expression like "am I going to have a for-real sister?") Vic tells her María didn't accept her. She rejected her. She doesn't love her. "Your sister doesn't love me." Fer promises to help her mother win Maria back. Count on her. She's going to do everything she can to see that MD forgives Vic.

Burnie settles a little fashion house business then heads out 
Xi is modeling Luciano's flapper dress and she and Burnie discuss Maria and Vic. Yup. María rejected Vic. Luciana asks if Burnie likes the design. Burnie likes the design, but the necklace is a disaster. She wants to know why no one in this office has any taste. Why does she have to do everything. Xi says she told Luciano that something more fine and distinguished was needed. A little more fashion prattle and Burnie excuses herself to go to church to--and I quote (in translation)--beg God that Maria never forgive that woman; that viper (since God is all into granting vengence to crazy people like Burnie.)

PJP denounces Operation Alonso
PJP can't wrap his head around what he's hearing. Does Alonso know he's dying? Er, well, no. Just Max, María and Dr Heri. It was Dr. Heri that confirmed that Alonso only has a few episodes left. PJP gets angry. Have they thought about what happens if Alonso finds out they hid his condition from him?; that they played with his emotions? María says they just wanted to make him happy. Well, if Alonso discovers the lie, he will be UNhappy.

Xi really gets around
Alonso is at the jewelry store asking for simple, yet elegant and pretty rings. Xi slithers up and asks if he's buying anything. He says nothing that concerns her. She takes offense at his attitude. She says he's obsessed with the past. He can't forget she aborted their baby. She tells him to forget it. She did. Does he think it was easy for her; that she isn't aware that she made the biggest mistake of her life and lost the opportunity to marry a guy like him? She makes an amorous move and he reacts as if he's been touched by acid. He turns to the saleslady and asks which one she thinks would be good for his Maria Desamparada. Xi lights up like a Christmas tree. She congratulates Alonso. She's so happy! She wants to help him shop for the ring. One of the rings the saleslady has displayed is the same ring Max gave Maria. Xi gets her scheme on and thinks it would be a lot of fun if Alonso gave María the same ring.

Xi sets to work convincing Alonso. He's a little iffy, but the saleslady seems to think it's the best ring, too. Alonso decides to buy it. Xi congratulates him again and says it's going to be wonderful surprise for Maria Desamparada. As she leaves, she thought bubbles about what an imbecile Alonso is and how "surprised" Maria is going to be.

Maria and PJP/Max and Vic
PJP tells Max he wants to talk to his hija alone. Oh, so know you call her hija Max snarls. What about when I was asking for her hand in marriage? María asks to be left a lone with PJP. Max kisses her before he leaves. Maria and PJP face off.

We cut to Pip, Toni and Oscar (and that annoying song) FF>>

Max and Vic are hugging. He asks about Fer. Vic says Fer is going to talk to Maria, but not now. Therapy and all. Maria's rejection really hurt Vic. She's afraid to be around María. She's afraid she's never going to forgive her. Max tells her not to say such things. Remember that Os, Fer and he will always be with her. Vic says she realized too late about things. She never thought about the happiness of others. If she hadn't stood in the way of their relationship, the road to María's heart would have been easier. Some mumbling and Vic finds out that PJP is talking to María as they speak.

PJP wants to talk to María about her soberbía. María is like "my pride?" PJP is like yup. She's being all judgmental and  acting like she's the only victim and she's not. He knows who is responsible for all this mess: his mother. She's the one that condemned Vic to pain and desperation. What María has suffered, Vic has suffered twice that. It's his mother's fault that she and Vic are at odds and separated. María says God won't forgive PJP's mom. He says it's true. His mother is excommunicated.

Padre Jer is the MAN!
Services are about to begin when Burnie sashays in. He asks where she is going. Burnie says she's there to pray for the souls of sinners. Padre Jer says he's sorry, but she doesn't have the right to enter the church. Juan Pablo already told her that, but she didn't want to pay him any mind. Today Padre Jer is going to give her a lesson she won't forget. Burnie asks what he's talking about. He grabs her arm and escorts her out. In front of the whole congregation!  He tells her this is her place...the street. He says not to try to enter the house of God again because she's excommunicated. If she does, he'll keep throwing her out until she understands. This scene is made all the sweeter because the congregation has followed and is watching it all! Burnie is all "what are y'all lookin' at?" Everyone but Burnie returns to church. She calls Gui and says she's just suffered the worst humiliation of her life. They have to get moving on their plan ASAP. They gotta get rid of those two!

Back to PJP and Maria
He's rehashing what we already know. Burnie is nuts and thinks she is God's avenging judge-on-earth. María says it must be hard having a religious nut as a mom...especially since he's a priest and all. PJP tries to make María see that Burnie condemned Vic and Vic never had a chance. María tries to make PJP see that the woman who has hurt her most in life was her own mother. C'mon María, it's not like Vic knew you were her daugher. Now you're holding a grudge. Just like....your mom. Anyhoo. Lot's of blah blah that boils down to PJP begging María to forgive her mother. Meanwhile Vic has come the exact moment that María is saying things like "I can't stand her" and "I despise her."

Cue the Alonso montage-of-doom.


Alborada, 6/10/2011. Cap. 9

Today's episode is still in the material covered in Melinama's Recap #1 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 9 start at this link. (Note, this is a corrected link.)

Plot Developments
Juana asks Espy if she’s willing to swear to the priest that she had a vision. Luis yells at Espy, asking if Juana told her to testify to the Inquisition. Luis tells Isabel that his mother never loved him, since she’s taking Espy’s side about the divorce.
Juana asks Luis if he’d stay married if she let Hipo stay. He refuses, calling it extortion.
Martin thinks Luis is a rat because he lies to Hipo.
Gasca delivers Hipo to the brothel. Adalgisa tries to leave to ask Martin for help, but neither is allowed to leave. Diego visits and is overly friendly. Hipo gradually realizes what’s up.
Diego invites Luis to fence. He asks, “To the end (death) or first blood?” Luis answers, “Your choice.” Luis demonstrates he could easily kill Diego, then simply slices his cheek and walks away.
Vicente tells Luis Adalgisa was in the coach Gasca escorted on the road from Las Tunas, so they know Gasca took Hipo for Diego’s entertainment. He sends Martin to follow Diego.
Luis tells Marcos Perla was a street orphan, and he wants to give her a chance at a decent life.
The Inquisition priest interrogates Espy and observes that Juana is coaching her. Cris reports it to Luis.


Teresa Thu 6/9/11 #75 Hernan is the Galán, and Professor Hottie Hits the Booze

Teresa Cap #75, June 9, 2011. Lo siento everyone, again I am late in getting this up because this last week has been hectic and tiring and I just caught up with Teresa (and am several days behind on Alborada!). (UPDATE FULL RECAP BELOW.)


Hernan is THE Galán—he is so awesome with Esperanza. Connect the dots, Espe, he is Mr. Right!

Hernan is Mr. Awesome. Aw man!

You let me down, Professor Hottie. You hit the booze, big time. You're still hot and all, but dude. This drinking thing is a ticket to Loserville. And don't even get me started on that thing with Paloma.

I find Professor Hottie's Fall From Grace to be interesting, but disappointing. I didn't expect this.

Teresa and Professor Hottie have a steamy reconciliation, and Professor Hottie decides the way to make things better is for Teresa to have an hijo. Into the trash the birth control pills go, he says! But we see that Teresa fishes them out again after he's gone.

I'm going to try to condense scenes here.

My recording starts with Mayra and Aida trashing Esperanza as Mariano listens in. Mariano finally has enough and sticks up for Espe. He says she's a victim of circumstance, which prompts Mayra to pop a cork of outrage.

Teresa is trying to reason with Professor Hottie about Mariano. I think she's saying that in the past Professor Hottie was distant with her (before the engagement/marriage) and especially after Paloma resurfaced, so she tried to have something with Mariano. She thought she could "forget" Professor Hottie. Professor Hottie seems unmoved by her story. She goes on to say that after she "tried" with Mariano, she felt bad because she didn't love him. Professor Hottie asks her why she let him think that the only other guy she'd slept with was Paulo. She said he assumed that and she let him assume that because she was afraid—she knew how much he hated Mariano.

The unhappy couple.

Juana and Refugio are talking. Something about Teresa and Refugio says (with a great martyred, self-sacrificing sigh) that Teresa is too busy and important to care about her mama anymore. WHAT. EVER.

Rubigote is kicking back at Geno's, but he needs to get back before Mayra gets suspicious. Geno mentions that Esperanza has already found an "otro," (Hernan el galán), she saw them together at the hospital. Rubigote seems alarmed by this and then tries to pretend he's cool with it by saying, "Good for her."

Teresa calls Aurora, all freaked out because Professor Hottie overheard the conversation where she admitted she'd slept with Mariano. Aurora tries to calm her down.

Hernan the galán asks Esperanza if she's thought about what he's revealed to her, about his feelings. She just can't believe that he'd seriously be interested in her. He says why not? She's a marvelous girl. He was impressed with her the first time he saw her, when her little brother was being treated in the hospital. She has trouble with all of this, her awareness of her own mistakes and sins weigh her down. Hernan assures her that he would be a "true father" to her baby and he leans in for a kiss. But Esperanza moves away before he can make contact. Poor Hernan the galán. He's laying it all out on the line but Esperanza has such poor self-esteem she just isn't getting it.

Professor Hottie is chugging back the booze as Luisa walks in and sees him. She tries to pry out of him what is wrong but he just wants to drink alone. Professor Hottie, this whole sulky drunken schtick is not working for you.

More with Hernan the galán and Espe. She thinks he had a thing with the pretty doctor Graciela. No, no, he assures her. They're just friends. He thinks that Espe is just afraid to be happy. (This is TOTALLY it!) She is still unsure and finally says that she just can't get over Rubigote. Hernan tries to convince her to move on, in time she'll see that she can have feelings for another. But no. Espe just can't do it. Poor Hernan!

Luisa goes to Teresa, all concerned about Professor Hottie's drinking and return to Loserville. She's at the top of the stairs and looks down at him as he chugs down another glass full of booze. She has this evil, smug smile of satisfaction on her face, seeing his loserific downfall. He continues to drink as memories of Teresa's lies flash back to him. Her nervousness on the wedding night. Her admitting that she lied about sleeping with Mariano but saying it's his (Prof Hottie's) fault. Confronting Mariano. All the while Teresa looks on, evil and smug.

He's bought a ticket to Loserville as sharky, evil Teresa looks on with glee and satisfaction.

Aida getting on Mariano's case about sticking up for Esperanza. She wants him to shun Esperanza because she's a home-wrecking ho, but Mariano isn't going for it. After her insistence, he finally tells her: Her dearest Daddy told Espe that he couldn't get a divorce because his daughter (Aida) was involved in drugs. Aida looks impactada at this tidbit. She then expresses her despair at how things have turned out. She had rose-colored glasses before—life was good, great parents, she was going to get married. And it all went down the crapper. Thank goodness she has Mariano, she says, and he gives her a comforting hug.

Finally Teresa flies down from her perch and feigns sympathy and interest in our drunken Professor Hottie. He staggers around, sulky and sloshed, as she spews more garbage about how she didn't tell him about Mariano because she was afraid of how he'd react. Blah blah blah. She hugs him and repeats how much she loves him. She moves in for a kiss. No response from Professor Hottie. She decides to leave and wants to forget the kiss, but Professor Hottie pulls her back. He can't quit her. ("Can't live without her.") This time the kiss is hot, hot, hot, and Teresa gives a look of sharky triumph as he tightly embraces her.

I didn't quite get all of this: Rubigote is finally preparing to leave Geno's and he's saying something about how he doesn't like Aida being around Mariano. Geno says that for the time being, let's use them to our advantage (or something).

Juana comes home as Esperanza is sleeping on the couch. They have a talk about Hernan the galán. Juana can't understand why Esperanza won't take up with Hernan—he's so sweet, great guy, guapo . . . but Espe can't get over Rubigote, and feels like she'd be using Hernan if she took what he offered. Oy, Juana feels the way we do. This is lame! Can't you figure it out, Esperanza? Yeesh!

Teresa and Professor Hottie stumble into the bedroom, things are getting hotter and Professor Hottie is rarin' to go.

Martin goes over to deliver some papers to Paloma and she spills all (I think) about her and Professor Hottie's pathetic, drunken coupling the other night. She's over the moon with joy and hopes this means that she can get her hooks into Professor Hottie again. Martin isn't so sure. He doesn't think this is going to work out but Paloma says don't worry about me, I'm fine. Martin still isn't convinced.

Professor Hottie and Teresa in bed, tangled in the sheets, basking in the afterglow. Teresa mentions something about Professor Hottie's night spent with Fernando (which was actually the pathetic drunken night with Paloma). You see a fleeting look of guilt flash over Professor Hottie's face. Teresa's glad that they're back on track with a new beginning. Professor Hottie has her profess her love for him, and only him.

Aida has a big showdown with papa. He at first is all astonished, like what's going on. She yells at him that she knows he claimed that she was a druggie to Esperanza, etc etc. She gives her dad a resounding slap across the face and yells that she hates him. Papa looks pretty shocked by all this. He tries to claim that Esperanza told Mariano this lie, but Aida doesn't seem to accept this. He keeps on trying to convince her, but she says she doesn't trust him and doesn't love him.

Aurora indicates to Martin that she's ready to take their relationship to the next level. Martin is very happy about this, saying "Te amo" as he moves in for a slow kiss. He then wants to make sure she's really ready. Totally, she says, but she's a little nervous. "Well!" he says flippantly. "No rush! You can seduce me!" She finds this amusing and so leans over and starts a kiss.

Martin is playing it cool.

It's morning, and Professor Hottie has cleaned up and doesn't look like a drunken loser anymore. He approaches Teresa and says that now that they are having their new start, she shouldn't be seeing Mariano anymore. (Or something like that.) Sure, except for when they bump into each other coincidentally. Okay, sure, he agrees. Then he says they should both sleep in the main bedroom like a proper married couple. (I think?)

Mariano visits Refugio. Asking after Teresa. Refugio basically says "move on," that Teresa is happy with her husband and Mariano needs to find happiness somewhere else. Mariano gives his best sad sack look.

We meet back up with Aurora and Martin tangled in the sheets. It was great, Martin says. Aurora seems fairly happy too. Martin babbles on about being happy and how he looks forward to being together with her in the future or some such. Happy happy happy.

Professor Hottie, looking guilty as he furtively looks around to make sure no one is listening, places a call to Pathetic Paloma. He needs to talk to her. She seems inordinately pleased and hopeful as she agrees. The maid then pops in through the door to tell him that Fernando's here to see him.

He tells Fernando everything. He and Teresa are on again. He can't be without her. He deeply regrets the thing with Paloma. Teresa is HIS, she won't be around that idiot Mariano. Fernando brings up something about having kids and Professor Hottie latches onto that, saying that a child is a "proof of a union of a couple" (or something like that.) He seems to think that a child will cement their relationship. You keep on thinking that, dude.

Luisa is talking with Teresa about what went down with Professor Hottie. Basically Teresa assures her that things are gonna be fine and Professor Hottie won't be drinking anymore. Then Luisa starts talking about Fernando. (I missed some of it here.) Something about Fernando preferring to live with Luisa before they get married. Teresa advises against this.

Professor Hottie walks in. Fernando is waiting for Luisa downstairs and she goes to him. He sees Teresa starting to take her birth control pill. He stops her, telling her that they should have a kid now. She is confused—she thought they agreed to wait a little while so they could enjoy some alone-time. He says that since he is such an old geezer already that if they don't start RIGHT THIS SECOND that he'll be too feeble and decrepit to enjoy the kids growing up. Or whatever. It's total horse manure. She smilingly agrees. He takes the birth control pills and throws them in the trash. She won't need these anymore! Then he wants to start working on making that baby right now (he is always ready! LOL) but she puts him off until later. She says she'll see a gynecologist about getting pregnant. As soon as he leaves, however, she rushes to fish the pills out of the trash and takes one.

Obligatory Johnny/Jailbait scene. The diary of Grizelda doesn't seem damning enough for blackmail purposes, Johnny thinks, but Jailbait says (I think) that it has some embarrassing stuff about her dreams about Cutberto. FF>>

Some completely incomprehensible scene between Cutberto and Grizelda. I didn't try too hard to figure this out. Basically he doesn't have money for something and I don't know . . . She walks off in a huff and he is cursing Johnny underneath his breath.

Aida goes to Geno, kvetching about the stuff she found out about Daddy using her supposed drug addiction as an excuse to get into Esperanza's panties. Geno dissuades her from this, saying that Rubigote sucks as a husband but not as a father. Geno then suggests that maybe the person who spread this story around was none other than Teresa. Aida jumps on this and starts in with the screeching and outrage over Teresa.

Teresa and Professor Hottie visit Refugio and give her a framed wedding picture. Refugio enthusiastically takes it and places it on the mantle or table or wherever and places the Virgencita figurine near it, saying that the Virgencita can look over and protect their marriage. Shark music plays as Teresa looks skeptical.

Geno and Mayra talking about Esperanza's pregnancy. I missed something here, but they are wondering what would happen if the baby's Rubigote's. The kid would require some of the inheritance or income for support. And even if Rubigote were not married to Espe, the kid would unite them forever. Mayra doesn't like the sound of this.

Rubigote barges into Mariano's office (or wherever) at the hospital, all in a rage because of what Mariano told Aida about his lies to get into Esperanza's panties. Of course Rubigote claims that Esperanza lied. But Mariano says he knows Esperanza and he knows Rubigote and frankly he believes Espe. Then Rubigote says something about how Mariano just wants to marry Aida for her money. Mariano says that if he wanted to marry Aida, it would be because he thought they would be happy or would make a good marriage. "Aha! Then you have been thinking of getting married!" Rubigote exclaims.



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