Saturday, February 04, 2012
La Que No Podía Amar #29 Friday 2/3/12 Getting Out of Their Comfort Zone, Or On the Brink and Into the Drink
Labels: no-podia
El Mundo de Telemundo, week of February 6: Discuss among yourselves
Labels: flor-salvaje, maid, relaciones, telemundo
El Talismán #5 Fri 2/3/12 The Long Goodbye or Esteban is Estegone
Esteban relents. For now. He puts the gun back in the drawer and opens his bedroom door. Camila rushes in to comfort him and offer her forgiveness and love.
As she cradles him in her arms, Esteban tells her not to worry:
Mañana todo va a ser diferente – el problema familiar habrá terminado para siempre.
(Tomorrow will be different – the family problem will be over once and for all.)
Uh oh. Alarms are ringing but Camila doesn’t hear them.
At Mariana’s place...
Margarito and Pedro discuss Pedro’s options now that he has recovered El Talismán for Mariana. Should he get a divorce and try to make things right with Camila? Pedro rejects the idea.
The men discuss how dangerous it will be living next door to Gregorio (hereafter “the Troll”) – he’s not above having people killed.
At the den of vipers ...
Camila’s brother Armando, believing that the Troll is the new owner of El Talismán, bursts into El Alcatraz, begging bowl in hand. He is greeted with stony fury. “Lárgate de aquí” bellows the Troll. Now that los Nájera have lost the ranch:
A mí me importa un comino lo que pasa con tu familia!
(I don’t give a rat’s patooty what happens to your family!)
Another day, another dolor...
Esteban hasn’t left his room and he doesn’t answer when Tracy knocks on the door.
We see him inside, plopped on the floor, drowning in whiskey and self-pity and eyeing his gun. “I’m even too much of a coward to kill myself”, he moans.
Now he drags himself off the floor to answer his cell phone. It’s Elvira calling from the airport. She knows about the poker game. And she’s too enraged to listen when he tries to explain that someone is going to help them out. She’s getting a divorce and she hopes they never have to see each other again:
No sabes como te odio... Gregorio es mi amante ... Él me hace sentir mujer!
(You don’t know how much I hate you ... Gregorio is my lover ... He makes me feel like a woman!)
He continues to eye the gun.
Downstairs, Tracy tries to steer Camila’s thoughts away from her suicidal father and on to happier topics. “You mean like the fact that Pedro is a womanizer” says Camila bitterly.
(Understand. She is only following the rules: make a life-changing decision based on the off-hand remark of a slutty girl in highheeled sneakers.)
“The only good thing about all this is we’ll be moving far away and I’ll never have to see him again.”
Pedro, oblivious to the beating his reputation is taking, is explaining to Margarito that he intends to give the monetary value of El Talismán to Camila’s family so they can start over in a new place.
It’s okay kids, Mommy’s home.
Elvira storms into the house still spewing venom, cursing Esteban for once again ruining her life. Damn him! How could he do that to them?
Moral Philosophy, the Rube Goldberg version
Money. Ranch. Camila. Mariana. Do the right thing. Blah blah blah. Pedro is a saint. Save Mariana from the Troll. Walk away from Camila. Win Camila back. Blah blah blah.
Got that, kids?
Elvira, in contrast, is refreshingly free of guilt or self-doubt. She takes no responsibility for Esteban’s relapse. Well maybe if she’d been at his side, says Camila angrily, he wouldn’t have given in to his impulses. Besides, the Troll was only using her to get to El Talismán (ET)!
Ouch. That blow to Elvira’s ego earns Camila a resounding smack in the kisser. Camila has no idea what her life has been like living with such a weak man.
Upstairs, Elvira’s barbed words echo in Esteban’s head. He looks at the check Pedro gave him:
Al menos no podrás decir que la dejé en la miseria.
(At least you won’t be able to say I left you penniless.)
Not so pretty in pink ...
Troll he may be but he changes his shirt every day. Today our rosy-breasted ogre is at home ranting about that damned peón, Pedro, moving back into ET. And Tweedledee and Tweedledum? Well. Lucrezia is filing her nails (that’s an activity, no?). Antonio appears to be posing languidly (but he could be reciting Pablo Neruda to himself. Who are we to judge?).
Elvira charges onto this dreary domestic scene.
“¡Eres un infeliz!” she cries. She’s in a slapping mood today and now the Troll gets his.
“You were just playing me!”
“And you were just playing me” retorts the ticked-off Troll. “All you wanted was my money. Besides, I’m not the one who owns your ranch.”
That snaps her headband. “Who owns it then?” The Troll isn’t giving anything away. She can find out on her own.
Tweedledee and Tweedledum look on with evident ennui as another Nájera is booted from Alcatraz.
Tender-hearted readers may want to skip this part...
Esteban is in his bedroom writing some letters.
Elvira storms back into ET, her mood even darker than it was earlier. Armando is glad to see her – he was worried about her. But Camila’s concern is her father. He can drop dead, mutters witchy Elvira, but she accompanies Camila upstairs.
Inside the bedroom, Esteban slaps at his head and bangs his fists on the dresser. He is tormented by the thought of Elvira and the Troll as lovers. (As are we all.)
The two women are pounding on the bedroom door. “¡Te odio!” shrills Elvira helpfully.
Esteban holds the gun to his head.
Downstairs, Armando hears a shot. He shouts for Tracy to call the police – he’ll get help! (Qué?? Where? From the Vipers next door?)
Elvira and Camila enter the bedroom and see Esteban sprawled on the floor, a neat bullet hole in his temple, a gun beside his hand. Esteban is Estegone. On the mirror, in large red letters: PERDONAME. (The writing is oddly labored, as if it had to be crayoned over and over again.)
Camila runs to him and shakes him:
¿Por qué lo hiciste? ¿Por qué? Podríamos haberlo superado... Yo te hubiera perdonado...
(Why did you do it? Why? We could have overcome this .. I would have forgiven you...)
She’s, you know, acting.
Now Elvira says she never wanted him dead. Sure, maybe bust his chops a little but not this ... Damn that Troll! Well at least they have the satisfaction of knowing he doesn’t own ET!
Let’s take a deep breath and spend a few moments with some nicer folks, shall we?
Pedro gives Mariana the big news – they will be moving back to ET. No, he didn’t buy it. Actually, he won it in a poker game. He tells her the whole story and once more recites his moral quandary. Ranch. Money. Esteban. Camila. What to do. What to do.
Mariana – who, at this point seems entirely lucid and shows no lapses of memory – wants Pedro to use the money her father left her to compensate los Nájera. Pedro hesitates -- He doesn’t want to take advantage of Mariana. “Then consider it a loan”, she says. He’ll accept on one condition: they must have a written agreement.
Mariana knows that Pedro loves Camila. As soon as she’s settled in ET, they can get a divorce and he can get on with his life. It’ll be fine ...
Their conversation is interrupted by a knock at the door – it’s the rosy-breasted Troll. He wants ET, he announces bluntly. And he’ll pay any price to get it. Mariana cowers behind Pedro.
Back at ET, the police have arrived and are taking statements and talking about autopsies. Camila is shocked by her mother’s cold reaction to the tragedy. How can she be so hard?
One of the officers hands Elvira an envelope with her name printed in block letters on its face.
Downstairs, Armando has returned (from wherever the hell he went) and gets the news of his father’s suicide.
While the police (finally) cover the body with a white sheet, Elvira opens the envelope, sees a check enclosed and reads this note:
Seguramente en estos momentos me estás maldiciendo. Pero no importa. Como verás ni matándome pude darte todo lo que ambicionabas. Pero para que no dices que la dejé en miseria, ahi te dejo $10,000 para que mis hijos sigan adelante y ojalá tú y Gregorio se pudran en el infierno un día de estos.
(I’m sure you’re cursing me right now. That doesn’t matter. As you’ll see, even by killing myself I couldn’t satisfy your ambitions. But just so you can’t say I left you penniless, here’s $10,000 so that my children can keep going. And I hope you and Gregorio rot in hell one of these days.)
The Troll explains his obsession with ET; the crowd is unimpressed.
Pedro says they’ll never sell him ET. But the Troll isn’t listening. He NEEDS to own El Talismán – it’s a part of him; it’s the place where the love of his life was born and raised, where he once had hopes of happiness; and it’s the place where all his hopes and dreams were destroyed when Mariana’s father robbed him of the woman he loved.
Here the Troll points accusingly at Mariana, barely visible behind Pedro’s strong shoulder.
“My father didn’t take anything from you,” Mariana answers stoutly. My mother was always in love with my father.”
And to his claim that she can’t possibly understand unrequited love, she reminds him that his own son, Antonio, broke her heart.
The Troll brightens. So she does understand. And he’ll pay three times the value of the property.
Elvira thinks fast.
Her husband’s dead body, not yet cold, lies a few feet away. She seems unaffected by his note. But the check, now that’s interesting ... it’s signed by “Pedro Ibarra”. “Who’s he? Who cares? Algo es algo. And if that bastard thinks his kids will look on him kindly for leaving them a few bucks, forget it. The kids will never know he left them the ten thou.”
Armando and Camila sob in each other’s arms. “I hate you!” wails Armando to his dead father. “You ruined our lives!”
Elvira tells them to get ready to leave. She wants to be out of there before the new owner arrives. And don’t worry about Esteban’s body – it’ll be taken care of.
Camila thinks they should ask the Troll for a few more days at the ranch. Armando sets her straight – the new owner isn’t the odious Troll. It’s Pedro Ibarra! (Huh? How does he know? I thought the Troll wasn’t telling. Meh.)
Camila gasps. That can’t be true! Oh yes, says Elvira authoritatively (even though she knows NOTHING about it):
No dudo que ese tal Pablo Ibarra sea complice de Gregorio Negrete.
(I have no doubt that that Pablo Ibarra is Gregorio’s accomplice).
Camila’s response:
No soporto ni un segundo más en esta casa.
(I can’t bear another second in this house.)
Back at the bargaining table ...
The Troll thinks Mariana is tempted by his offer. So he seems mildly surprised when she steps forward and gives him a little slap (nothing like Elvira’s earlier wallop – I’m thinking he doesn’t even feel the sting of this one.)
But perhaps her words draw some blood: She wouldn’t sell ET if he offered her 100 times its cost. It has no price, just like the baby he murdered! He killed her child, his own grandson. Now she’ll never hold her baby in her arms. And he’ll never get the one thing he wants most -- El Talismán!
No ranch is worth a human life, says Pedro.
The disgruntled Troll finally leaves. Mariana is happy she had a chance to tell him off and thinks it gave her memory a jolt too. Pedro is glad she’s feeling better but he still wants her to see her doctor.
El Alcatraz
Tweedledee and Tweedledum idle on the porch. Doris alert! Doris alert!
“Didn’t I tell you not to touch me?” says Tweedledum, shrinking from his wife’s attempt at affection. “I don’t want anything to do with you.”
When nasty brother leaves, twisted sister takes her turn. “When are you going to get it?” she asks her cuñada. “My brother will never love you.”
Doris is unfazed: She’ll never leave him. Even if he hates her, he’ll have to put up with her for the rest of his life.
Leaving ET
Camila is now convinced that Pedro was in cahoots with the Troll right from the beginning. That explains his weird silence, that’s why he was avoiding her. She wishes she’d never met him.
If Camila is leaving, Tracy’s going with her. Although Camila is tempted to stick around so she can give Pedro a piece of her mind ...
What’s this in the mail for Camila? Another lumbering plot contrivance?
It’s a fat manila envelope from UC-Davis. Remember that scholarship she applied for? (Don’t worry, neither do the writers.) Anyway, congrats are in order. She’s going to study agricultural engineering (ingeniería agrónoma)! Now the familia Nájera has a place to go.
“Crappy ‘beca’”, sneers Elvira. “You think we can all live on that?” “It’s a start, says our scrappy heroine”. She’ll get a job, they’ll find a place to live ...
Today the Troll is a study in brown. He rages to Valentín that Mariana had the nerve to play the dead baby card. He’ll make Pedro and Mariana suffer ...
In contrast, Mariana wants to see her friend Pedro find some happiness. With Camila. But Pedro – who evidently has never seen a telenovela -- thinks it’s too late. That ship has sailed.
The Troll continues to fume and fulminate and fret – and then he has an idea. (Oooh, he looks so pleased with himself, you just know it’s something nefarious.) “Find out if Mariana still has memory problems”, he tells Valentín.
Antonio bursts on the scene kvetching about Doris – He can’t stand her anymore. He wants to divorce her now! (Does he stamp his dainty foot? Probably.)
The Nájeras, or what is left of them, have finally left ET and now they are in Fresno. Elvira is at an ATM grumbling that there’s only $2,000 left in their bank account. (She is keeping the $10,000 check a secret.)
As luck, that is to say, the writers, would have it, Mariana and Pedro are also in town at that very moment. Mariana has gone to the bank and put her entire worth in one check which she has given to Pedro. He intends to mail it to Elvira with a note asking her to keep the source of the money confidential. Mariana can’t understand his reasoning. (Neither can I. And he seems unable to hear me yelling at my tv set, telling him not to do it.) In any case, Mariana assumes Elvira will tell her children about the money and where it came from. (Hah!)
Pedro is so determined to avoid a confrontation with Camila that he suggests visiting Mariana’s aunt in New York for a few days. She’s fine with the plan. They can move into El Talismán when they get back. But right now she has a bad headache. She’ll wait in the truck while Pedro gets her medicine..
He takes a few steps towards the pharmacy and finds himself face to face with ... Camila!
Bosoms heave. But you, gentle reader, should have more self-control.
Labels: Talisman
Friday, February 03, 2012
La Que No Podía Amar #27.5-28 Thursday 2/2/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Stand Her New Husband
Mercedes tells Esteban to hold his horses with Vanessa. He's confirmed with her mom that what the papers said is true. Mercedes tells him she probably feels pretty bad right now and if he gets close to her, he'll just end up being the rebound guy. Ernesto comes to visit her…so he can whine at Mercedes about avoiding him at the hospital and how his marriage sucks. Mercedes won't let him in, but he comes in anyway and gives Esteban a dirty look. Mercedes takes advantage and says Esteban's her boyfriend, then plants a big kiss on him.
Ana Paula protests Dany's firing, especially over something that's not her fault. Rogelio comes up and threatens to throw Federico out at gunpoint, but he won't leave until he's found Vanessa. "Don't worry, she's locked up." Ana Paula's look of shock is priceless!
Esteban backs up Mercedes' story and tells Ernesto to get gone. He leaves, after throwing a dirty look at Mercedes.
Fed calls Rogelio a bastard, but he denies he "had" her locked up…he claims someone found her. He goes on to say that if she's there it was to beg him to take her back. Fed starts to attack him and gets dragged out by a couple of Rogelio's guys. Ana Paula tells Rogelio this is the worst day of her life and she's disappointed in Rogelio. Ooh, burn!
Mercedes apologizes to Esteban, especially since he's thinking of getting back together with his wife. Esteban says there's nothing to apologize for. She needed to get rid of the guy, and it looks like it worked. He can tell the guy's into her. Mercedes admits she likes him too, but alas, he's married.
Rogelio objects to Ana Paula talking to him that way. She reminds him that nothing gives him the right to use her. He denies having ordered anyone to lock Vanessa up (oh, come on, AP, even if he did - can you really blame him?). Tia Rosaura asks what was going on and AP explains it was Vanessa's dad. Rogelio summons Hugo and tells him to get Vanessa out of the catacombs and deliver her to her father, but make sure no one sees her. Rosaura can't understand why he was there…neither can Ana Paula. Rosaura's eyes light up with dollar signs and she wants to know what the business association is between Fed and Rogelio. Bruno explains that Fed has a meat packing business. Ka-ching! Rosaura explains to Rogelio that she was just checking up on her niece. He suggests they go back to the party.
Esteban is of the opinion that if Ernesto's marriage sucks so bad, then he ought to get a divorce. He thinks it would be better for the kid for her parents to split up than stay together and fight all the time. But he thinks Mercedes should make it clear that if he gets a divorce, it's because he wants to and it has nothing to do with her. He suggests they spend some time apart after the divorce is final and then see if they want to continue their relationship or not.
Miguel is embracing his new drunken lifestyle. Maripaz is thrilled to see him. He blames the accident for not coming back to town to see her again. She admits she missed him, even though she knows he has a girlfriend. He denies having a girlfriend and invites her to shake her groove thang. Dany looks on, upset.
Vanessa has decided to take a nap in the hay.
Rogelio thanks the guests for being there and toasts Ana Paula "For making me the happiest and luckiest man in the world." They drink with linked arms and she looks decidedly unhappy…though she smiles a little after he kisses her. Tia Rosaura leads the guests in singing "We want cake!" while Rogelio conducts. Ana Paula looks at him somewhat disbelievingly. Bruno looks angry and leaves the party.
Rosaura and Elena run off to gossip together about Ana Paula's father showing up. "Whaddaya know? He's Rogelio's business partner AND his ex-girlfriend's dad!" She's going to hold the info until the right moment. She's determined some of his money will be Ana Paula's. If she'd known where to find him, she wouldn't have encouraged Ana Paula to get married. They toast to Rosaura having scored a double--Ana Paula has a rich husband AND a rich daddy…and she assumes this means she'll be well taken care of, for life. They run back to the party like giggling little girls.
Dany is upset over everything that has happened. She tells Ana Paula that she and Miguel broke up…again…for good. Dany says he won't snap out of it and she needs him to get his act together. Dany wants reassurance that they'll always be friends, no matter what. Rogelio calls for Paula, apparently wanting her to sit next to him all day. Rosaura comes up and tells Dany that she (Rosaura) needs to talk to Federico. To tell him to tell Vanessa to leave Ana Paula alone. Dany looks confused.
Ana Paula is back in her room, having taken off her wedding dress. She doesn't know how she's going to put up with this for a year. She reminds herself it is just a year, and her brother's life is worth it, so she's going to keep her word. She walks out of the room to go do Rogelio's physiotherapy.
He's trying to be romantic and sentimental, thanking her for the great day, but she keeps brushing it off, saying it's just a job. He asks her to read a letter, where he's written what he expects out of their marriage. Ana Paula starts to smile. She folds the letter back up and says he really surprises her. It was a pretty letter, but she doesn't know if he'll keep his word. He's not exactly known for that. Rogelio says he'll be different with her if she'll just give him a chance.
Vanessa whines to her daddy about how she just had to talk to Rogelio. Federico says this wasn't the way to do it. Vanessa admits she's not sure if she's more in love with him than she is angry. He advises thinking about her actions. He doesn't want to see her suffer. She understands…or so she says, but in the next breath she's right back to vowing revenge.
Ana Paula tells Rogelio she's sorry, but she doesn't trust him. He's willing to work to regain her trust, but she doesn't think he can do it. "OK, look, it's been a long day. I'm going back to my room." Rogelio says no way! Her place is in his room and in his bed, by his side. See, that's the sort of thing that maybe should have been covered in the contract. That should have been read. Before it was signed.
Rosaura and Elena are served tea by a grumpy Maria. Rosaura dismisses her and she takes her sweet time leaving. Rosaura is miffed that Maria doesn't seem to know her place…beneath Rosaura's heel. She swears she'll make Maria leave. "If she leaves I'll have the perfect excuse to stay here and take care of everything. I told you…I belong here!"
Ana Paula extricates herself from his grasp and reminds him that he said NO NOOKIE! He agrees to that, but says they have to live in the same room like a normal married couple. She absolutely refuses, so like the spoiled child he is, Rogelio says that if she can't stand to be in the same room with him for one night, she certainly won't be able to stand being with him for an entire trip. The honeymoon is called off! Ana Paula agrees and goes back to her room. Rogelio looks half crushed and half confused.
Cinthia sees Efrain and Consuelo making out in the barn. Consuelo is trying to make excuses to leave while Efrain is trying to talk her into staying. Cinthia tells Consuelo to quit wasting time and go help Maria in the kitchen. Efrain taunts Cinthia, saying don't he and Consuelo make a cute couple. "You have no right to complain, especially now that your boyfriend is here." David walks in and Cinthia says she was just telling Efrain to take good care of her horse and not feed it wet straw. She makes a point of telling him, in front of Efrain, that the horse is a one-of-a-kind gift that she doesn't think anyone can outdo. Efrain watches them leave with a big grin on his face.
Miguel stumbles into Dany's room, drunk off his ass! Dany starts to scold him and he shushes her, telling her since they're not dating anymore, she doesn't get to say anything. Miguel throws Maripaz in Dany's face. He parks himself on Ana Paula's couch and won't leave. Dany physically throws him in the direction of the door. Miguel drunkenly boasts he'll prove to her that he's not a loser. Dany says it would be nice to see him get ahead, even if it's Maripaz who gets to enjoy it. This time she shoves him all the way out the door, but he knocks at it until she screams at him to go away.
Ana Paula is in the kitchen, weeping and making herself a cuppa. She tearfully admits to Maria that Rogelio wanted her to sleep in his bed, but she refused. "But you're married. You have to." Maria tells her not to be afraid. Marriage is about adjustment. Ana Paula is sure the adjustment process would be easier if they were actually in love, but since they're not…. Maria wonders if Ana Paula could come to love Rogelio, but AP says no way. And not because of his disability. She says the problem isn't his legs, it's his heart. And she already has one love in her heart. She can't just shove another one in there. Maria is shocked to hear that Ana Paula is in love with someone else. Ana Paula just cries and nods.
David tries to come on to Cinthia in the stables, asking her to spend the night together. She says she won't, because Rogelio will catch them. So then he tries to take her for a roll in the hay, but she's really not into that and suggests they go back to the house. To separate rooms!
Ana Paula tells Maria that Rogelio knows she's in love with someone else and that he's dead. Maria warns her not to mention it in front of Rogelio, but Ana Paula scoffs that (a) you can't be jealous of a dead guy and (b) in order for Rogelio to be jealous, he'd have to be in love with her, which he's not. She doesn't think Rogelio is capable of love.
Rogelio slips off his wedding ring and studies it.
Maria tells AP she was young once too, and she understands how AP feels. AP says she's trying to be strong, but sometimes she can't. "When you're young you think your first love is the only love…" AP says maybe she can't love. She was in love with one guy who died, now she's married to another guy who she doesn't love and who keeps impressing her with the atrocities he's capable of. Maria insists he's a good guy, but AP says he's not. She knows it's hard for Maria to understand, because she loves him like a son, but Rogelio is not a good guy. Maria advises that AP get some sleep after her long, trying day, and maybe things will look different in the morning.
Rogelio looks at his letter: "Paula, I know since you met me, I've been very strict, and sometimes even cruel to those around me, but I'm willing to change." He mocks himself and rips up the letter. Maria comes in and asks what he's doing. Rogelio says he's ripping up a cheesy letter her wrote AP. He blames Maria, saying he took her advice and opened up his heart, and look what happened.
Ana Paula comes back to her room, where Dany is awake and weeping. She's surprised AP is going to sleep there. AP reminds her there was to be no nookie. "But you're not even going to sleep in his room? But that's the usual thing to do." AP is coming to the realization that she's the only one who thought she wouldn't be staying in Rogelio's room.
Maria tries to explain to Rogelio why AP didn't want to stay with him, but he won't hear it. He fumes that she's just a gold-digger, stuck married to a piece of trash like him for the sake of her brother. Maria says he knows that's not true, but Rogelio doesn't want to talk about her anymore and dismisses Maria.
The next morning, AP is looking out the window. She couldn't sleep all night. She's feeling sad. Dany laughs about how they both thought it would be so great to wake up in the arms of their princes. AP says that's life. Her prince is dead, she's married to an ass, and she'll never wake up in the arms of her prince.
Her prince is hanging out at the beach with Melina, who asks who taught him to swim (his dad) and why some dads die earlier than others. Gustavo gives an explanation involving God, candles, and nobody knowing how long their candle's going to burn. Melina can't wheedle another five minutes in the water out of him, but he will agree to a race back to the house.
AP starts to reach for her shell necklace, but Dany tells her to stop tormenting herself. AP says it helps give her courage. She knows she has a lot to live for, but she just doesn't feel it. She wants to know why Gustavo died.
Melina beats Gustavo back to the house. She says she always runs to school, so she gets lots of practice. Carmen comes up with buckets of water. They ran out that day. The pipe has been broken. Gustavo says they'll need to get it fixed.
Maria asks how Rogelio's night was. " You know I had a terrible night." He tells her to serve breakfast in the dining room and he says the wedding guests better not show up again, after everything he gave them to eat and drink the day before! Rosaura comes up and greets Rogelio…as if he wasn't already in a pissy mood…she congratulates him for the pretty wedding. And so tasteful! Oh, and since they're alone, she asks for a favor…oh, not more money, since she doesn't need anything at the hacienda…she knows Miguel was invited to live there, and she thought that she and Elena could stay there while he and Ana Paula went on their honeymoon. "Paula and I aren't going on a trip anywhere. And I'll tell you once and for all that you need to leave my hacienda." Damn right!
Vanessa's mom figures what Rogelio did shouldn't surprise her. Vanessa preaches revenge, but Federico doesn't think it's a good idea. He wants Vanessa to be calm and she can't be while she's thinking of revenge. He wants her to just forget it. Go on a trip. Don't even go to work, so there's no contact with him. Mami says no way, he doesn't need to think they're afraid of him! Federico tries to shut her up, but has a coughing fit.
Rosaura wants to know why they're not taking their trip anymore, but Rog tells her to back off. She tries to suggest that in that case, she should take advantage of a few more days with her niece. Rogelio tells her that "casados" (married) means "casa de dos" (house of two) and like all couples, he and AP need their space. I'm married. Can I have space from Rosaura? He tells her to go back to Tuxtla ASAP. She now tries to offer herself as a marital counselor, but he says he solves his problems on his own, thanks. Rosaura pouts. She looks like a frog when she turns her mouth down at the corners.
Vanessa's mom tells her that Esteban came looking for her, and not to make fun of her. Vanessa won't go back to him because she luuuuuuurves Rogelio. "Well, what's stronger right now? Your love for him or your hate for what he did?" I can see where Vanessa gets the crazy from.
Rosaura whines to Ana Paula that the honeymoon was her chance to get to know him better. AP's not interested. She knows he's an ass and getting to know him better isn't going to change that. And no way is she going to sleep in his room…what's she supposed to do? Never undress again? Cause she's sure as hell not interested in reenacting the Victoria's Secret catwalk for him. (Eh, she probably has boring underwear anyway, being such a good girl.) Rosaura fake-cries that she feels so bad about how hard this has all been *pause* on Ana Paula, but she's upset her husband soooo much that he's even *sob* thrown out her dear loving auntie. Ana Paula looks shocked. Probably because she absolutely does NOT know her aunt after all those years of living with her, the same way she's sure she knows all there is to know about Rogelio. And this is not to say I'm going to bat for him…he is an ass, he's just an ass with more depth than she's giving him credit for.
Vanessa's mom is willing to support her in her revenge plan. She reminds her that between the two of them, they have the controlling interest in the family business. If Fed doesn't want to make Rogelio pay, she sure does. She feels the entire family's honor was damaged by Rogelio. Pobre de Federico! Those two are going to wreck his company and ruin the family financially, just to get "revenge" for Rogelio's humiliation. Brilliant plan.
Rogelio is waiting in Ana Paula's room when she comes out of the shower in her bathrobe. He says he came to get his whip. "Why, to run my aunt off with it?" She tells him at the least he has to wait until she's dressed. She tells him to get out of her room several times, and when she says "please" he suddenly decides to comply.
He runs into Maria in the hallway and says no, they haven't made up, he just came to get his whip because it was stupid to put it away. She says it wasn't, and he needs to stop fighting with his wife. Furthermore, he needs to understand that the reason she doesn't want to sleep in the same bed with him is that she's embarrassed to be seen in her skivvies. "Do you think she hasn't been with a man?" Maria gives him a pitying look and says AP might as well have a neon sign above her head reading "VIRGIN." She says they may be married, but they never actually had an engagement. How's she supposed to trust him when they never took the time to get to know each other? She advises they keep separate rooms and Rogelio grudgingly agrees with her.
Mercedes's friend flirts with Esteban saying his wife shouldn't have let him get away. "Oh, you're just saying that because you weren't married to me." "Any time, honey, let's go, right now!" Esteban laughs it off good naturedly and thanks them both for the coffee and the good company, but he's got to get to work, as does Mercedes. Mercedes walks him to the door as her friend looks on. The friend admits that Esteban makes her little heart go pitty pat every time she sees him. She is determined to help him get over his ex-wife (what's that they say…the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else?) but Mercedes breaks it to her that his ex isn't getting remarried after all and Esteban is going to try to get her back.
Rogelio goes back into Ana Paula's room and retrieves his whip. She says that means she's going to start wearing her necklace again. He says he'll stop using the whip if they can start over, as if they just met. He gives her that smile and she softens.
Rocio thinks it will be harder to go after Esteban, and that's too bad, cause he's so hot. Mercedes gripes that it seems like you've gotta be some kind of bitch for a man to like you. She's not exactly referring to Ernesto and his wife, but the fact remains she is his wife. Mercedes says he hasn't been coming around since he thinks she's dating Esteban. Even if it's for the best, it still hurts not to see him.
Rogelio is still waiting for an answer. AP says she can't trust him…what for? She'll keep up her end of the deal and they'll be the perfect couple in public, but behind closed doors, nothing. Especially after the way he yelled at her last night. Rogelio loses his temper and smacks the table with the whip, leading AP to say that there he goes again, doing what he always does, and he's never going to change. And here's the problem I have…as soon as we say someone's not going to change, can never be redeemed, never deserves forgiveness, then why should they bother?
Vanessa's mom asks her to reconsider getting back together with Esteban. Vanessa nixes the idea again. She wonders why he bothered, knowing she doesn't want him. "Ha! Rogelio must have thought the same thing when you showed up begging him to take you back." "That's different! I actually do love Rogelio. Esteban's just being nostalgic." Mami thinks that Esteban coming to find Vanessa means he really must love her…doesn't that lend credence to Vanessa saying she really loves Rogelio? Mami says Esteban's a gentleman and Rogelio's an ass. "Wake up! You deserve someone better!"
Rogelio says the whip lets him control everyone. Once they see it, they take another attitude. AP says he's right…fear! Wouldn't he rather be loved than feared? Rogelio isn't interested in their affection--he just wants them to do what he needs them to do. "Great. Then don't worry about me. I'm going to do what you need me to do, but you won't have my respect or my affection, especially not while you have that whip in your hands." "But I put it away and it didn't help. So I'm going to keep using it." He leaves and Ana Paula grabs Gustavo's necklace and says Rogelio is so different from Gustavo and she misses Gustavo.
Later, presumably, she's lying on her bed, still looking at the necklace, when there's a knock at the door. She rushes to put the necklace away and lets Maria in. Maria gives her the torn up letter. "The last letter Rogelio wrote before this was to his parents one Christmas. It's hard for him to express his feelings, and I think he wanted to try with you." AP doesn't know what to do. The letter is pretty, but Rogelio came back for his whip, he's in a foul temper, and besides…it's all so complicated! Maria tells her to make it simple, because she can't spend all her time like this. AP starts piecing the letter back together. Dany comes in and asks what she's doing. "It's the letter Rogelio gave me last night. I don't know why I'm putting it back together. He probably ripped it up because I left it when I left his room last night." Dany starts reading it.
Rogelio flexes his whip…not a euphemism…and Maria comes in with his coffee. She tells him again that he can't expect AP to sleep in his room when they never really dated. "Well how are we going to do that when this was a marriage of convenience?" Maria says it's never too late to start. "You were always very gentlemanly, very attentive. You always had a lot of girlfriends before Va…. Um, I think to get along better with her, you need to make more of an effort, but from the heart. Not money. She doesn't care about that." Rogelio's not sure he's capable of that, but Maria asks him what's the worst that can happen…"That you become a better person?"
Dany and AP are reading Rogelio's letter: "Sometimes men are too stupid to say stuff. Even more so when we're not used to dealing with women like you--both sweet and bitter, soft and strong, hard and tender at the same time. I'm not good with words, but I hope you can find in me a good man, a good husband who knows how to understand you." Dany takes the letter and asks how he can write such beautiful things, being such a hard man. AP doesn't understand it. Sometimes she thinks there's a good guy in there and she wants to see it, but she thinks it's impossible. Dany thinks that Rogelio is in love with AP. "What if he really loves you? What are you going to do?"
Cinthia and David go riding. David wants to give Cinthia a "proper" saddle for Bonita, but she wants to keep the one she has--it has a lot of memories. She starts fishing around about his departure date for Boca del Cielo. He thinks it's because she doesn't want him to leave, but really she wants to get rid of him. She makes it sound like it's on his behalf, because she knows he's got a lot of problems out there and needs to get back as soon as possible and she totally understands that he has to leave, like, TODAY! And David is such a dumbass that he buys it, thanks her for being sooo understanding, and agrees that he does need to leave today.
AP hadn't really considered it. Dany advises giving it a chance, but AP says (a) no way, and (b) she just finished being a complete bitch to him. Dany says if they're going to be stuck together for a year, maybe it would be better if they were getting along.
Vanessa reports to her mom that her dad finally went to sleep. Mami thinks it's horrible that Fed isn't interested in revenge after what Rogelio did. Well, Vanessa has considered it and she's willing to take her mom up on her offer. "Give me your shares and I'll give Esteban a chance." Mami says this will be wonderful--Vanessa will have a decent husband. Vanessa replies, "And between the two of us, we'll figure out the best way to get revenge on Rogelio." What two is she talking about?
Tomorrow: revenge and hope; Rogelio lays it on thick, but he's doing a replay of his greatest hits with Vanessa and she is not pleased to hear it!
Labels: no-podia
El Talismán #4 Thu 2/2/12 Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember it didn't work for the rabbit*
As Marta said last night: Greg is kicking Camila out of the house, but she won’t leave until he promises he won’t invite her dad to the party… Greg keeps washing his hands, that would not be my fault, or is it my fault that your dad has the vice?... Camila yells at him that her dad would be fine if he was not her mom’s lover!!
Tonight: As if poor Mariana doesn’t feel crappy enough, now she remembers Camila and thinks she has somehow come between Pedro and the chava he likes. He lies and says not true, he and Camila just have different paths.
Gregorio, henceforth known as Gagorio and sometimes Gargoyle, lies too, and keeps insisting to Camila that he and Elvira aren’t lovers. In fact the only thing that interests him is that Camila leave NOW. She should be talking directly to her father, but instead she begs the Gargoyle not to invite weak daddy over to his place tonight.
OK, so now Camila is back home and begging Esteban (aka Estupido and any other name that begins with Est...) not to go to Gag’s casino, it’s a trap! Estubborn uses all the textbook addict excuses, he doesn’t want to appear rude, it’s just a birthday party, Gag only wants to help, everything will be fine. Was that a big “L” I saw on his forehead? Or maybe a big “D” for desgraciado.
Camila tells Tracy the only thing she can think of to do is to go to Alcatraz to stop dad from gambling.
Over at Alcatraz Gagorio is in full troglodyte mode, instructing his DIL Doris that tonight is men only, no women. (Good, I’d rather wash my wool sweaters and iron cotton shirts than go to his smelly party.) Doris know what’s up, he doesn’t want that odious Camila to show up and cause problems. Doris is NOT to let Camila in if she shows up. He shows her his deck of cards to inspect. Bwahahaha...they’re marked!! I’m shocked, yawn.
Tracy runs into Camila’s room to warn her that papa is leaving. Tracy volunteers to go with Camila because she’s an awesome babe and a good friend.
It’s party time at Alcatraz!! The rooms are lit and filled with mariachi music, cigar smoke and no doubt too much aftershave. Just then Estupido shows up and comments on the temptation. Gag sez no problem, just don’t play. Of course Estupido sits right down at a table.
Camila and Tracy show up but they are physically prohibited from entering. Meanwhile dad is already gambling and, too dumb to even suspect Gagorio might be cheating, thinks he is having a lucky night. Drink up! Let’s toast! Play again!
Upstairs Doris is flouncing around like the lady of the manor yelling at the servants and annoying Lucrezia. After bossing the maid, Doris and Lucrezia get into it. Lu says she doesn’t actually hate Doris, she just finds her insufferable. Doris describes her relationship with Antonio as “complicated”. Then they peek out the window to watch Valentin kick Camila and Tracy off the property.
Elvira calls Camila and finds out Estupido is in Gagorio’s little casino. Elvira freaks and tells Camila to stop dad. Duh, says Camila, that’s what I’m trying to do because you’re in freakin' Nuevo York where your lover sent you to go shopping!
Estupido is still “winning” and now convinced his lucky streak is permanent. Gag makes an ominous comment about winning the ranch which kind of freaks Estupido out, but only temporarily I’m sure.
Upstairs the girls are still being snotty to each other. Lucrezia, wearing the ugliest outfit ever (showing a lot of leg though, so the gentlemen might appreciate her taste), tells Doris don’t bother sucking up to her because dad’s not around to hear, then she kicks Doris out. OK so now we know these two prima donnas can't stand each other and Doris sucks up to Gagorio so he'll force Antonio to stay married to her.
Estupido is an obnoxious winner, yelling loudly, clapping and disrupting the room in between slugs of booze. Gagorio lays it on thick, and tells Estupido to promise that if they bet their ranches and Estupido wins Alcatraz, then he has to sell El Tal to Gagorio so Gag’s not left empty handed. Ha ha ha, what a funny joke. Then Estupido surprises all of us by saying he was thinking the same thing! Wouldn’t it be cool to pit rancho against rancho? Oh man, this guy must beat himself daily with the stupid stick.
Elvira calls Gagorio and begins hurling insults at him, accusing him of setting all this up to get her out of town. Yep that’s me, he grins, I used you just like you used me. She calls him a scoundrel. That’s right, thank you, he laughs. Then he promptly goes to Esteban and proposes a friendly little game of rancho vs. rancho.
Camila and Tracy are lurking around outside trying to figure out a way inside the house. They run into Lucrezia who threatens to call the police. Camila begs her to let them in the house but Lu says sorry, no can do.
I’m getting tired of these short scenes in the casino where the same crap keeps happening over and over again. Gagorio is losing and pretends to be worried about betting the ranch. Oh gag me. Estupido is stupid drunk and keeps following Gagorio around tempting him with the bet. Finally Gagorio “relents” and announces to the room that they will be witnesses to their genteman’s game.
Just then Pedro shows up and shouts “I’m in!” He throws down a check equal to the value of the ranch and says he’s ready to play. Gagorio is probably shooting dagger eyes at him but his face is so devoid of emotion I can’t really be certain. Also, I’m not at all sure how Pedro found out about this party. Adjust beanie and continue.
Now Lu is being sickly sweet to Camila and says she’d like to let her in but she can’t go against papa. Lu mentions the super hot Pedro, you know the guy who used to run the ranch before Camila’s family bought it. Seeing Camila’s surprise Lu mentions she sees Pedro from time to time. Smile. Camila wants to know what Lu means exactly. “Oh, Pedro interests you, does he?” asks Lu? Lu says Pedro loves to play around with his little affairs but he doesn’t stay with anyone. That’s why Lu wants to warn Camila that Pedro’s a real womanizer.
Gagorio doesn’t want to play with Pedro. Besides no peons were invited to his party. Pedro blusters that this is a setup designed to trick Esteban and Gagorio doesn’t want anyone to interfere, that’s why he doesn’t want Pedro there. Gagorio glares. Esteban juts his chin and stares at Gagorio. Pedro gazes defiantly. Repeat.
The expected posturing and sputtering ensue, with Esteban sticking up for Pedro. Heck, the kid’s got money let him play. But Gag really doesn’t want Pedro around so they yell at each other about how Pedro got the money. We know so I’ll move on. They finally decide that Estupido and Gagorio will play and the winner will play Pedro. Oh hey look, Antonio is there. Where has he been all night?
Estupido and Gagorio play. The suspense is killing me. Estupido throws down a very good hand and starts to grab all the chips but the Gargoyle stops him. Gag has the winning hand and victoriously announces he is the new owner of El Talisman!! Pedro is ready to play Gag for El Alcatraz but some guy who seems to be in charge says Gagorio gets to choose which rancho he bets. Gag goes out of the room to think and Antonio follows him, doesn’t want dad to bet their rancho. Dad says no problem, the cards are marked, he's gonna win no matter which rancho he bets. Antonio is worried, what if Pedro somehow wins?
Gagorio enters and announces he’s going to bet El Talisman. Pedro and Gag sit down and glare at each other. A lot.
Pedro’s not as dumb as he looks sometimes. He insists on using new cards. Way to go!! Antonio, looking like an incredibly hot Eddie Munster, fidgets nervously. Dude in charge agrees the kid is right, he’s allowed to use new cards. Pedro glares triumphantly as the cards are dealt.
Oh my the suspense is building as the men play, the cymbals crash and the drums thunder. Gagorio has a full house with aces and kings. Naturally he assumes he’s won. But our Pedro is a very cool player and his face gives nothing away. Antonio’s freaking as Pedro shows his hand..four queens! Pedro pops up and says they all saw, he won El Talisman. Here comes the best part. He smiles and says “We’re going to be neighbors. Happy birthday.” Ooh, Eddie Munster looks so pissed off!
Estumble leaves the house a beaten man. Of course Camila is outside waiting, she sees his face and begs, “What did you do?” They hug and sob as Lucrezia sluttily watches. What is that girl wearing on her feet?
Inside things are not going smoothly. Gag is yelling and Pedro says he won Mariana’s ranch back so she can reclaim her place as the owner of the ranch. Everything will be as it should except that Mariana is sick and it’s all Gagorio’s fault. Gag angrily vows to get back at Pedro and Mariana. Man, these guys are all rotten losers.
Mariana is wandering around her apartment acting all disoriented. She sees her babysitter Margarito who says Pedro will be back soon. She doesn’t seem to know who either men are. “Why can’t I remember anything?” she wails.
Back at the casino lots of yelling is still going on. Las Cucarachas Negrete kick Pedro out. Lucrezia comes in and she’s clearly happy about her new neighbor. Gagorio goes outside to insult Esteban, laugh at him and tell him he’s full of crap. Esteban is wailing for mercy, a place to stay, wah boo hoo. Pedro tries to calm Estupido down and when Estupido starts giving him a hard time about throwing them off the ranch Pedro tells him he should have thought about his assets before he bet them in a poker game. But Pedro is the good guy remember? He actually tells Esteban that he’ll give him money for El Tal so Esteban can buy another ranch. How can he do that? Is the raisin business that lucrative?
Camila and Tracy get home and tell Armando that dad lost everything in a poker game. Like father like son, he says maybe they can win it back in another game of poker. Uh, no.
Pedro gives Esteban a check to cover current expenses. He says he’ll give the balance to Elvira, not Esteban. Esteban tries to reassure Pedro that he’s trustworthy, his wife doesn’t love him, blah blah blah. Pedro points out Esteban is drunk, the money goes to Elvira.
Gagorio goes back inside and pitches a fit. Looks like the party’s over. Who cares, it sucked anyway. Lucrezia tells Antonio she’s happy Pedro’s going to be their neighbor. She plans to jump his bones. Antonio gets mad and starts roughing her up but she shakes him off. Pedro’s going to be hers!
Pedro goes home and tells Margarito he’s the new owner of El Talisman, then tells the convoluted tale of how he ended up with the rancho. Now he and Mariana are going back to El Tal so she can recover from her illness. “And Camila?” wonders Margarito. Pedro says Camila and her family can buy another rancho, hopefully far away and maybe she’ll never know he’s married.
Esteban arrives home, a failure as a father, a husband, and as a man. Armando and Camila get on his case and he tells them to chill, mom will take care of them. Dad’s not important any more. Who was it predicted suicide? Estumble makes his way upstairs while Armando has a tantrum.
Upstairs Esteban recalls the worst moments of the night and Elvira’s cruel words to him. He cries that he can’t bear to be abandoned by Elvira. (Why not? She’s a bitch.) Uh oh, he stares at his nightstand and hears all the accusing voices raging in his head. He opens a drawer and pulls out a gun. Dude, not in the house! He puts it to his head and...Camila knocks on the door and asks for papa. “Papa, are you there? What are you doing? Are you OK?” He points at his head and...
That’s all for tonight folks. Advances show that Esteban might wait for Elvira to get home before he offs himself.
Labels: Talisman
Una Familia Con Suerte #107-108 Thu 2/2/12 Pancho actually lets Chela be a big girl and go on a date.
Labels: familia
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