Friday, February 24, 2012

El Talismán #18 Thu 2/23/12 Lord, what fools these mortals be!

Good Greetings, my lords and ladies. I humbly submit myself as your guest recapper this fine evening. My qualifications you ask? As a lad I was educated in Latin and the classics, and my own tutor excelled in the Romance Languages as I believe you call them. He himself was born and raised in Spain, and as such I did learn a fair bit of that beauteous language from him. Methinks the characters in tonight’s play do have a dialect that is foreign and harsh to my ears, but, by your leave, I shall dispense with excuses, tarry no longer and try my hand at translating this drama (or unwitting comedy as I have been advised) for my esteemed audience. I bring you...El Talismán!

Act 1 - Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown

A charmingly scantily-clad mistress and her suitor are interrupted by a rough-hewn miscreant and his boot-licking lacky. Aha! The lovely lady calls this paunchy, pox-marked pignut “Papa”, a tragedy for her. He orders his minion to aim his arquebus and shoot the gentleman. The lady throws herself in front of her love (Pedro by name), and cries that he did not trespass, she invited him to their lands called El Alcatraz. The gentleman Pedro says nothing, and in fact appears befuddled. Sir, are you or are you not going to protect your lady’s honour?

On another stage two young lovers, named Armando and Fabiola, bid a hasty adieu. The young master seems in a hurry to depart, especially when he spies another lass, golden tresses swaying in the breeze. Methinks this young jackanapes is up to no good.

In the forest two earnest young mistresses discuss a gentleman. He is married but his wife Mariana has been missing lo these many years. What if he declares himself widowed and she reappears? And did he really only love her as a sister when they married? The larger of the two, a veritable amazon if you will, Camila by name, frets excessively, and loves the gentleman. The smaller mistress, called Tracy, urges Camila to pursue the man, “those who dare not, win not”. Well said young miss. But then they mention the young gentleman by name. It is none other than Pedro! By my troth, I would vouchsafe that this Pedro is no gentleman. A wife gone missing, a lady on the hook, and now another one mewling and pining for him. Oddly, the two mistresses later repeat this conversation in a different location but with unchanged dialogue.

Back at the first stage the fly-bite of a father is in full-gorge, and makes to strike the daughter, whose name we learn is Lucrecia. At last Pedro awakes and springs into action, breaking the blow and commanding the vile father “Dare not to strike her!” Pedro, still bravely hiding behind his lady, taunts the minion and dares him to shoot. The father grabs the lady, so fetchingly clad in scarves and vapours, and swears this is a family matter. Now there is another lady behind Gregorio, lending support to him and shaking her fist at Pedro. “How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child,” Gregorio bellows to Lucrecia (a loose translation, I admit).

Inside the domicile, Gregorio commands Lucrecia to begone from the castle. Lucrecia, arms akimbo, is a spirited wench and full of fire. She tells her swag-bellied father that she knows her mother left her an inheritance, thus she is as much an owner of the castle and lands as her father. (What laws be these? A woman, queen of the castle equal to her father?) She mentions a brother who is to inherit as well. She cares not what the whey-faced elder thinks, she will marry Pedro! (Not while he is married, methinks.)

Gadzooks, I like this plot already.

At another castle the rockablock Pedro natters to an elder lady about the stupidity of his actions. She vehemently and loudly concurs that he is nought but a roguish ratsbane. To wit, a complete idiot for visiting the castle of his dangerous enemy. But she is fond of the lad and worries only for his well-being.

On the grounds outside are three lads, one of which appears to live in a pigsty. The rank lad, Panchito by name, attempts to warn the others about the dangerous Gregorio, but the two handsome lads espy two young maidens (one of whom is dusky Fabiola, the other her fair sister) and peep through the forest as the maidens titter, each about their own true loves. Methinks these two are in love with the same varlot Armando, and he is tricking them. The maidens plan a rendezvous and one of the handsome lads dashes out of the forest and vows his love to the golden-tressed maiden, whose name is Florencia.

Pedro and the Good Lady, whom he calls Aunt, are on the other side of the forest, and another fetching lass runs up and cries in dismay that Claudio and Gabriel have gone to the enemy castle.

It is Claudio who loves Florencia, and she implores him to leave, she must off to the church and pray with her sister. The maidens have acrobatic talent, and walk on spiked shoes.

How now? Yet another character, she is sad. Aha, she is mother to the varlot Armando, and tells him she should never have made a devil’s bargain with a villain named Antonio Negrete. She displays a voluminous drapery in bright color, a hideous garment of some sort, and asks the lad if he met the Negrete maidens. The ill-nurtured, jolt-head of a lad brags that within a week he will have successfully wooed them both.

Gregorio’s minion, whose name is Valentin, has worked his bowels into a twist, and he cries to the Gods that he knows not what Gregorio will do since he did not kill Pedro as commanded. The pig-lad Panchito is in the room (sleeping of course), hears these mutterings, and asks if  Valentin is embattled with his own father. (His father? Gregorio is this puttock's father?) Valentin warns him to keep silent, lest someone hear this truth. At that moment a churlish, clay-brained clackdish enters the stage; it is none other than the true heir Antonio Negrete. He is in a foul humour and, upon discovering that Valentin did not put a bullet into Pedro, flies into a fury, splashing his aqua vitae about the room.

Act 2 - Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps

Florencia admits to her sister that she cares for the lad Claudio, but she does not love him as she loves Jose. (Who is the jackanapes, cloaked in a false name, lest you forget. I, myself, am becoming confused.) Florencia claims Jose has enchanted her. This I believe to be true, as I have observed both Jose and Claudio. Claudio is heartfelt and handsome, while Jose/Armando is a bootless, beef-witted barnacle.

Inside the castle the rabble and row continues, and Lucrecia vows she only wants Pedro. She will give up her inheritance, let Gregorio have it all, and sign away both her share and Antonio’s...perchance. “Perchance?” queries Gregorio. He laughs and says he will not make contracts with his offspring, they are to obey him. Lucrecia wants Gregorio to help her as she will one day be Lady of Pedro’s lands, called El Talismán. Gregorio snorts that Pedro loves Camila, and will never marry Lucrecia.

Elsewhere in the castle Antonio has calmed himself, and jealously curses his sister for loving the “common native” Pedro. (Even though Pedro is a landowner and, as such, in a higher caste than Antonio.) The pig-lad asks isn’t Antonio doing likewise, as he is in love with Camila? (Camila, the amazon maiden who loves Pedro.) Antonio claims he is different, he is a Negrete. This implied insult to the bastard son causes much ill-feeling as you might imagine. The pig-lad defers to his better (as is his station), and as he departs Antonio hurls his last insult, calling Panchito an upstart crow, as vile an invective as one could fling at a bastard. Alone, Panchito vows that one day Antonio will regret his words.

Antonio secretly removes a vial and places it on his fathers study. He snarls that the pig-lad believes Gregorio’s blood flows through his veins. He asks Valentin to whom will he pledge his fealty, to Gregorio or to Antonio? Valentin believes Gregorio will never forgive him, and so throws his lot in with the poisonous malcontent.

Camila’s small companion, called Tracy,  believes that Antonio and Lucrecia devised a plot whereby Camila was tricked into thinking Pedro’s wife is still living at El Talisman. Camila wants to go to Pedro but is afraid. Tracy believes they can go through the kitchen, which seems an odd plan to me, for why can Camila not announce herself at the front gate?

In the forest Pedro and the elder lady spy the young lads who have sneacked back onto their lands escorted by the bastard Panchito. Pedro lashes the lads with harsh words, and reminds them that the boar-pig Gregorio would kill them if given the chance. Panchito decides that helping Pedro woo Camila will be the best way to exact revenge upon his half-brother Antonio.

Lucrecia, who I have come to believe is a saucy, folly-fallen strumpet, vows that she is more woman than Camila and will win Pedro’s heart. Gregorio is understandably mollified by this brazen stance and takes his leave, advising his daughter she can do what she likes but he will continue looking for his own nefarious ways to get
El Talismán for himself. 

Now the lady who has silently watched this scene speaks, and calls Lucrecia sister-in-law. She laughs at Lucrecia’s misfortune for loving a man that will never love her. Lucrecia says in fact they are the same, for Antonio does not love his wife either. Antonio’s wife brags that at least she has two daughters by the man she loves. Zounds, but this family is a nest of vipers if there ever was one.

Camila and Tracy enter
El Talismán through the servants kitchen, and the scullery maid avers that Pedro’s wife has been missing from the lands for many years, and when Mariana did live there she never shared a bed with Pedro. (Verily, this Pedro does seem more like a gelding or a mare, than a hero, to my eyes.)  But at that moment Pedro enters the scullery and the heretofore milk-livered Camila, without further ado, begs his forgiveness and embraces him in a manner most unmaidenly!

Act 3 - A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse.

Antonio feigns surprise at finding his father’s medicine (the vial which he himself placed on the study) and gives it to Valentin to administer to Gregorio, thus ensuring that Valentin is linked to Antonio through perfidy. Valentin questions the urgency for administering the pills and Antonio, decadent, his fingers ever fiddling about his cod-piece and not temperate in his drinking, swears he does not want to kill his father, but rather he wishes to leave him live, disabled, a vegetable, because he wants his father to see him running the lands and giving orders without asking permission. Gregorio will be nobody other than the father of Lord Antonio Negrete.

Antonio’s wife, called Doris, advises Lucrecia that she has no chance of winning Pedro’s love as long as Camila is alive. “Then I swear I will kill her,” vows Lucrecia.

Gregorio flees to his room, clutching his heart and panting in breathless anger. Doris follows to aid him, but Gregorio only wants her to look beautiful for tonight. He is attending the great ball and she is to accompany him. I daresay this neglected but succulent plum is ripe for the plucking.

Pedro and Camila are happy at last, but the course of true love never did run smooth. Tracy and the scullery maid watch them kiss, and they are joined by another wench who quickly runs back to her own lands. She is maid to Lucrecia and she returns to El Alcatraz to tell her indolent mistress that she saw Camila embracing Pedro. Lucrecia vows to make Pedro feel so sorry for her that he will not reject her.

Pedro believes Antonio set the trap, but Camila believes Lucrecia set the trap. Camila even reveals to him that Lucrecia said she would have his babe. Pedro vehemently denies this and promises Camila is the only one who will bear his children. He swears he will get a divorce from the missing Mariana so that he can live life again with Camila at his side.

Oho! New characters, a dark-eyed wench and an aging and withered Ganymede. They are searching for something and find it, a bundle of currency hidden, but in truth not well enough. With this money he can impress Elvira, the mother of the lie-about Armando. And if her children don’t accept him he will boot them out into the cold.

Act 4 - Get thee to a nunnery*

The Ganymede, whose name is Renato, reveals that he has not met Elvira’s daughter, our heroine Camila. He calls the dark wench niece, but kisses her like a lover, and angers her when he vows to conquer Elvira and take her fortune.

Elvira, a shard-borne harpy if there ever was one, caresses her son’s face in a manner most questionable, and admires his eyes. She’s proud that he is tricking the Negrete maidens, and vows to get back at Gegorio through them. Armando, practically at the pap, (though she calls him man) wishes to please his mother, but is troubled by his pea-sized conscience.

Doris is summoned by a lady named Bridgette, but it turns out this Bridgette is no lady. She runs a house of ill-repute and Doris is one of her prize harlots and in great demand this very night. Doris has other plans and will attend the great ball with Gregorio. Bridgette warns her to be careful, some of their gentlemen callers might be at the ball and could recognize Doris, even though she plies her wanton trade in disguise. Doris vows that once she spends a night with Gregorio he will never share her with another and she will not return to the brothel.

Valentin delivers the tainted medicine to the lumpish lout Gregorio.

Antonio Negrete may be evil to the world, but he shows affection to his daughters. He commands them to summon their suitors to him tomorrow so that he can assess their intentions toward his daughters.

Their suitors are one man, the lackluster Armando, who whines to his mam that their plot is becoming too complicated for his frothy, fen-sucked brain. Elvira warns him that above all else he must avoid falling in love with the daughters.

At the neighboring castle, Pedro proudly parades Camila through the grounds to let the minions know she will be the lady of
El Talismán.

*In my day a subtle term for brothel.

Act 5 - Though this be madness, yet there is method in't

Lucrecia tells Antonio that Camila knows he was behind the plot to trick her into believing Mariana was living at
El Talismán. Antonio swaggers in ruttish fury and manhandles his sister in a manner not entirely brotherly. For her part, Lucrecia entices his anger in a manner not entirely sisterly, and retreats at the approach of his advancing codpiece armor. He flies into a rage when she reveals that Camila now thinks the worst of him.

Antonio’s anger overcomes his sense and reason and he strikes his sister. Yet she continues to urge him on to violence, telling him he will never be the man Pedro is. He strikes her again and again, and she continues to entice him. He beats her senseless and friends, methinks this was all part of her plan.

The minions of
El Talismán are happy to meet the new Lady, they would be fools to act otherwise. But she is gracious and promises Pedro they will never be separated. They agree they need to be very careful of both Antonio and Lucrecia and their plotting. They are in love, yet exceedingly doltish.

Antonio and Lucrecia are exhausted and in a heap. He pleads with her why did she drive him to such violence? She knows he can’t control his drunken anger. She smiles and tells Antonio with this bloodied and beaten face she will be able to achieve her goal.

Antonio is worried that Lucrecia will report him to the constabulary and to his father. Au contraire, she replies, she will tell Pedro that Gregorio beat her and thus throw herself on Pedro’s mercy.

Our final scene is a pleasant one, in which our ho-hum hero and heroine are blissfully unaware of the harebrained plot being contrived against them.
Pedro, droning and dizzy-eyed, assures Camila that his kisses now are better than the first time. (Ye Gods, the man who wrote that line should be disemboweled. Then drawn and quartered.) Camila, too much of a lady to say otherwise, allows him to prove it. 

And on that temporarily happy note my friends, the curtain closes on our preposterous play. Until tomorrow...

I am your humble servant,
Formerly Stratford-upon-Avon


Una Familia Con Suerte #135-136 Thu 2/23/12 Assets are kissed, kicked, and grabbed.

After seemingly interminable repeats, we pick up with Pancho in the china shop on the bus with the bull the chicken lady. Side note: yesterday I really thought I saw her put a cat in that box along with the chicken. But tonight it was just a chicken. Apparently two-hour episodes make me hallucinate. Anyhoodle, the poultry princess Cleofas Godinez thinks Pancho is a total hot stuff rock star and gets his autograph. She’s read all about him and his hot romance in the mags. She wants the whole story of why he’s upset and on a bus. By the time they and her cock-in-a-box disembark four or five hours later, she’s disillusioned with her idol and tears up his autograph.
Meanwhile back at the office, the staff has gathered to watch Tomás give Cristian and Elena a piece of his feeble mind. He tells Cris that Pancho is like a dad to them and he will surely fire Cris when he hears of this sleazery. Elena disagrees; Pancho has NEVER done anything for them. Yeah, she totally got this job through her own charms.
Candy arrives back home. Vins calls to swear to her Nada happened with Violeta. A lotta naughty nada, IMO. Candy sees a car approaching and freaks out and hangs up on Vins. It turns out to be Chela and Enzo, but Candy was afraid it was Napoleón. Candy explains to Enzo that Nappy is the Mafioso who nearly killed her five years ago.
Pina is warmly received by Freddie and Ado and Ado’s mom. She’s in a great mood and willing to let Ado’s mother stay as long as she needs to, but not quite accommodating enough to tell Freddie what dude she smooched.
Rebe tearfully interrupts Arnold’s blissful daydreams to cry all over him. They both try way hard to convince us all that a woman could not only fall in love with our latest tangerine in need of a wedging, but also have trouble getting over him. Meanwhile Mike gloats to himself that Pancho is jealous.
Pancho goes home and cries and Lupita tries to comfort him. Vins plays truant officer. Pancho yells that he doesn’t feel like going to work. Chela eavesdrops while Pancho tells Lupita that he’s breaking up with Rebe. He hated seeing her all nervous and angry and crying. Lupe tells him he’s seeing moros con tranchetes (nonexistent threats). Chela breaks in and tells him he has to actually talk things out with Rebe.
Mike the Snake takes roses to Rebe and she is very snippy to him.
Mike and Vins have a buddy-buddy confab. Mike thinks the naco verdulero is actually doing a pretty good job as prez. Vins is worried about what will happen to his Bella Face shares after the merger.
Moni visits her mother. Violeta offers to buy her whatever new car she wants, right now. Tempting, but Moni says a maid would actually be more useful. But the only thing she really needs from her mother is some love and advice. Memememama advises that they take a vacation, just the two of them.
Pepe has gotten more mechanic work to supply Moni with fancier more rarefied air to breathe or some such. Tom thinks he’s stretching himself too thin.
Karina teaches Ana some terrible choreography that looks more like a bad aerobics class than a stage performance. Ana is going to look like an idiot if she does that while playing an accordion and singing. Joaquin brings in the band to announce that Agusto loves the stuff they’ve recorded. Ana and Manuel hug while Ana remembers Freddie telling her to do what it takes to achieve her dreams.
Everyone wanders off and Freddie appears on a cherry picker outside the studio window, reading love poems to Ana. He says lots of heartfelt stuff and she climbs on the lift with him. He’s actually afraid of heights, but he should be more afraid of those power lines they nearly run into. They make it safely to the sidewalk and smooch and smooch and smooch until Joaquin summons Ana back inside. Then they smooch some more and Ana gets a little more frisky than Freddie was expecting and says she has ganas for…well, she’ll tell him later.
Candy barges in on Vins and Mike. She’s dressed like an inner tube and Vins clings to her like he’s drowning. Candy tells him about Napoleón: he was a client at the massage parlor but wanted more of a massage from her than was in the offing. So, being a mobster and all, he kidnapped her and threatened to murder her if she didn’t comply. She ran away when he was distracted by a phone call, then later she heard he had fled the country to escape some legal fuss. But she saw him in Acapulco and she’s terrified. Vins promises to protect her.
Chato sneaks up behind a slender beribboned maid and throws a big sack over her head. He hauls his prey off to the garage and takes every opportunity to grope the bootylicious booty while she squawks and struggles. Finally he takes the bag off. Ooopsie. It’s Mamación. She is not happy. Like Cher’s dad said in Clueless: “I’ve got a .45 and a shovel. I doubt anyone would miss you.”
Fernanda tells Pancho about the medallion and her hope that he was her long lost son, who didn’t actually die like she told him before. Unfortunately, the DNA test said no. Pancho says they’re mother and son no matter what the lab says. (She went with the wrong breed. Should have gone with a bloodhound instead of a lab).
Chela tells Lupita about Enzo’s proposal and asks what she thinks. Lupita says “según el sapo es la pedraza” (the price depends on the customer; what’s he worth to YOU?).
Pina and Arnoldo are giddy to see each other again in the office, but Pina says they need to keep this on the down low for now. Arnie contents himself with kissing her hand.
Ana goes to Kari and rescinds her offer of Freddie.
Freddie visits the taller and beams to Pepe that Ana took him back. Pepe congratulates him with a big hug and as much greasy handsiness all over Freddie as he can manage.
Lupita explains Facebook to Pancho: 500 million people use it to share photos and information about themselves! She leaves the room and Pancho types in “Mike Anderson” and instantly gets the only Mike Anderson amongst 500 million users. Mike’s toolishness comes across loud and clear on the screen. Pancho looks at lots of pictures of Mike and Rebe romantically swanning about a tropical resort and getting engaged. (who took these pictures? Never mind; Mike WOULD hire someone to follow him around taking photos all the time.) Chela looks at the picture, too, and tells Pancho he has to talk to Rebe.
Kari tells Moni she HAS to forget Freddie. They head into the apartment but it is obvious security has been breached and they are very nervous. In the bedroom, they see that Moni’s clothes and jewelry have been stolen. Moni cries that she just can’t take any more.
Peppy is telling Freddy that everything will be so much better if he can make enough money to hire a maid. Freddie is skeptical, he thinks Moni is hard to satisfy. Moni calls and tells Pepe about the burglary. Pepe goes home, and Moni tearfully tells him she’s going to live with her mother. He says he understands. Later, when she’s ready to go, she’s still sobbing that she doesn’t want to leave Pepe but she’s afraid to stay there. He hugs and kisses her and says it will all be okay. The chofer picks her up. Pepe cries.
At her home, Rebe takes out old pictures and an engagement ring and looks miserable. She puts on her sexy jammies and some smooth jazz just in time for Mike to arrive with yet more roses and smarm. Rebe snaps at him but lets him in and tries to give the old ring back to him. Of course Pancho arrives just in time to see Rebe in a robe and Mike behind her. He won’t listen to her explanation, just runs off. Rebe chases him out to La Burra and he is insufferable and tells her not to come near him until her feelings are clear. Rebe goes back inside and yells at Mike that she hates him. Okey-dokey, love ya, he says.
Vins tells Candy that he and Pina have agreed to a settlement and soon he will be free! Candy is underwhelmed, what with the Violeta “nada” and all. Vins doesn’t like that she’s turned all jealous and angry. Maybe the thrill is gone now that they don’t have to sneak around.
Pina and Arnold Flowerz go out to dinner and toast to being rid of Vins. Arnold regales her with tales of getting info about Pancho out of the gay HR guy. They flirt a lot and Pina is thrilled to get some affection for once.
Ana and Freddy are getting hot and heavy in the car. Unfortunately for their raging hormones, it is parked right in front of the mansion front door. Pancho crashes the party and sends Ana in and tells Freddy if he puts a hand on Ana, off with his head. Well, it might take more effort without using hands, but I bet they can manage. Inside, Chela immediately picks up on Ana’s vibe and says they need to have A Talk.
Chela cancels on Enzo so she can help Pancho cry. It’s all about Priorities, she says. Yeah, and hers are all screwed up.
Mañana: Love is a battlefield. Or the office is a battlefield. Whatever; if these people can’t distinguish between their loves lives and their work lives, why should we?


Thursday, February 23, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #41 Wednesday 2/22/12 Abbreviated Screencap Edition

LQNPA Cap 41, Feb 22, 2012

I thought I'd start an abbreviated recap with mostly screencaps. Because you know how I love my screencaps. And if for some reason the other recap that we're all waiting for doesn't materialize, then at least we can have a discussion here. I hope this is okay.  [UPDATE: It doesn't look like the other recap is going to happen, so I guess this one is it!]

Cupcake is angered by Rohell's ultimatum. Miguel is willing to do whatever, but she won't stay here now that she knows what Rohell did to her novio!

After she says how hard it is for her to accept that the "marvelous man" she thought he was is in fact a murderer, he replies that if it's so hard to accept, maybe that's because in the bottom of her heart, she has doubts about his guilt. He wants to discuss this further but they are interrupted.

Fed makes a visit on the pretext of burying the hatchet with Rohell, an old friend and business associate. But he seems uncommonly interested and concerned with Rohell's bride. Here Fed has picked up the wedding photo in Rohell's office, as Rohell looks on with suspicion.

They shake hands and make up. It's for the best, they agree, and Rohell mentions that he doesn't want Fed's health to suffer over this strife. Rohell can't know that mainly Fed is willing to deal with him because then he'll have access to AP, his long-lost daughter.

Fed is able to talk with Dani and apologize for his bruja of a daughter firing Dani. No prob, says Dani. Then Fed gets what he came here for—to see Cupcake, his daughter. When she is brought in to see the guest, Fed, Rohell doesn't pass up an opportunity to make a big show of kissing his loving bride. Miguel looks on, seething. Fed doesn't really give a crap—he just wants to meet with Cupcake!

The two brujas, Vainessa and Elsa la Vaca, connect the dots and realize that Fed has gone off and may be planning on adding this new bastarda daughter to his will, or in some other way bestowing his assets upon her. Commence much screeching and howling.

They all have a meal out on the terrace. Rohell plays up being the adoring husband while Cupcake beams invisible hate darts at him. Fed looks on suspiciously—something ain't right, he can tell.

Rohell is called away on business, but leaves Hugo to hover over Cupcake. Finally Fed is able to chat with Cupcake without interruption. She tells him how sorry she is for the douchebaggery that Rohell did to Vainessa. 

If she could do it all again, she never would have married Rohell, she tells him, as Hugo hovers in the background. Cupcake immediately feels comfortable around Fed. They even (conveniently!) talk about her mom, how much she loved her job as a secretary, and how fondly she spoke of her boss, who (coincidentally) shares the same name as Fed! Fancy that. Fed is almost beaming and over the moon at this lovely conversation.

Fed steps in as a papa and gives his crying Cupcake a hug. During all their conversations in this episode, she never does tell him what's really worrying her, (like, she believes her husband is a murderer) but it's obvious that something is making her melancholy. Hugo looks alarmed at the hug and rushes off to report this to Rohell.

Rohell rushes to the scene, suspicious. Both Fed and Cupcake explain that she was just remembering her deceased parents and he was comforting her. Rohell asks to speak to his wife alone.

They talk in private. He brings up his continuing to help her family. He's been assuming that Miguel is his trump card—she'll do what he wants just as long as he continues to support and help Miguel with his legal woes. But now she's casting doubt on that assumption.

She won't stick around and be his prisoner, now that she believes he's a murderer. The price is too high!

Miguel again proving to be the weakest link. He feels responsible for so much of his sister's suffering. He drinks himself stupid while simultaneously making himself a bad example to the impressionable Margarito.

Mersnotty pokes and prods and nags her brother until he agrees to join her in a visit to the hacienda, to see Sinthia. Mersnotty's spidey-sense is out of whack, because she pegs Sinthia is the perfect girl for Gus.

Oh he with the beautiful eyelashes agrees to go in this trip, but he doesn't seem nearly as enthusiastic or as confident about it as Mersnotty.

The Weakest Link—errr, Miguel, has left Cupcake a letter. It says he's left the hacienda, so that she won't have to feel obliged to stick around just for his sake. Cupcake is impactada.

Cupcake was napping in her bed, but Rohell interrupts. He wants her to continue playing the perfect bride in front of Fed. He's suspicious of Fed—"I don't trust people" Rohell says. He also brings up that she let him down. He wants her to comply with the contract, and by the way, there are a ton of butt-covering clauses in the contract (THAT SHE NEVER BOTHERED TO READ!), one of which says that for every day she doesn't comply with it, 10 days can be added to her sentence—errr, can be added to the length of the contract. She's furious and defiant. 

Sin and Effer return to the hacienda. Rohell is right on Sin like a duck on a June bug, wanting to know where she'd been, how come it took her so long to get back, and wanting to know the true story about why she dumped David. Effer jumps in to cover for Sin and says she did exhaustive window shopping (but didn't buy anything, being the good sister that she is! LOL!) and visited a lot of churches. (I had to laugh at that part. Sinthia doesn't strike me as the church-visiting type!) This manages to placate Rohell for the time being.

Fed has more bonding time with Cupcake. He absolves her of blame over marrying Rohell. Dani told him of the troubles she was having and how Rohell helped out. He tries to probe for more info on how she's getting along with Rohell, but she won't say anything. So he goes to Rohell and asks him point-blank if he loves his wife. After balking at first because this is a personal matter, Rohell admits that he does. When asked if she returns this love, all Rohell will say is that "She'll be by my side forever."

Consuelo finds Sin and Effer in a compromising position. I think nothing more be said about this—the picture shows it all.

Gus and Mersnotty arrive at the Hacienda . . .

. . . and are welcomed warmly by Rohell!


A few other details: Bruno hires Dani to work for him. This will keep her around the Hacienda for a while. Fed is invited to stay at the Hacienda for a while, since the roads are wet or something and it's dangerous to travel back to town. If I can think of anything else important, I'll add it here. More details of this episode will undoubtedly be included in the post comments.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

El Talismán #17 Wed 2/22/12 ‘Ladron que roba a ladron tiene 100 anos de perdon’: it is no crime to steal from a thief… or is it?? Did I say I LOVE Tracy??

Recap by Marta Ivett

Elvira catching Camila while she tries to argue with fake Mariana… Lookrazia comes over and Camila with confused face ‘what are u doing here?”  Lookrazia comes up with the kraziest story about Mariana being sterile…
Antonio leaves Elviral more confused about what the heck is going on. All that matters is that Camila is mad at PI.
PI is confused… (so what’s new? I would be surprised if he figured it out from the first try) Not even tia can help PI out of his confusion… oopsie! Elviral is here!... accusing him of cheating on his wife… now he is REALLY confused…
Confused no. 1, CamEE-La, of course repeats the tiresome (I will leave Pedro! I don’t believe Pedro!). I have a question for you CamEEla, why do you always believe ANYONE BUT Pedro??. Ok, Pedro might be a klutz and slow brained, but he loves you.
Still at airport, Pedro tells Elviral he knows they are all teaming up to separate him and CamEEla, it doesn’t matter, he will explain to CamEE-la…  Said confused gal is still torturing herself elsewhere in Airport cafeteria when Tony shows up to hug her.
Is there a massive mandatory evacuation notice that EVERYONE we know is AT THE AIRPORT?

Still-confused Elviral (there must be an airborn virus at that airport, either you are a member of the villains team or you are confused out of your mind, or both, in the case of Elviral)

When CamEEla mentions it, Tony fakes disbelief at PI and Lookrazia being ‘lovers’…

Now confused Elviral has to deal with Lookrazia and her own story of what happened… nope, that does not take Elviral out of her own confusion… and another Negrete saying ‘the one with the power is me’… the apple does not fall far from the tree, does it?…

Tracy is BY FAR the only sane person in town… and she insists to Rennie she will leave (good for you Tracy!) if Elviral comes to live there. She insists to Rennie she knows enough about Elviral to not want to be within 100 feet from her. You will regret having brought her in here. And that is IF she accepts to live with you. Elviral lives off Camila’s salary. Rennie says perhaps he will end up marrying Elviral… Tracy warns him not to do that.
Rita the niece/girlfriend comes out, and reprimends Tracy for ‘shouting’… (boy wait until she hears Elviral shouting)

The two villain women (LooKrazy and Elviral) are still arguing at airport… you’ll wish you look like me when you get to my age… that must mean you are old enough to say that… (when Lookrazia leaves, Elviral continues talking to herself… confused AND coo-coo? Not a good mix) had to be a Negrete… My son and I will ‘take care’ of every member of the Negrete family.

Elsewhere in same airport cafeteria, Antonio keeps spoonfeeding hatred for Pedro to CamEEla when said slow-brained imbecile comes to join them and is received with a loud slap by CamEEla… and then CamEEla insults him since she is stupid enough to believe all the gimmicks of Tony and Lookrazia. (these two DO belong with each other)

Meanwhile Armani is picking up Florencia (the other sister)… he would love to be her friend, she is so pretty… hope you don’t have boyfriend, would like to invite you to movies/eat… (can’t he at least use different pick up lines for each sister?)

At ElTal, the boys and the girlfriend talk about Pedro and Lookrazia and CamEEla… the boys are sane enough to wish for the Lookrazia issue to be over… otherwise this will be the neverending story…

Back at Airport cafeteria… Pedro and Tony and CamEEla still going over same lines…
Move on, people!!
Well, PI finally says something different ‘this must be your doing’… (finally! Something NEW and sensible out of his mouth!)

CamEEla runs into Elviral, who tries to find out what is going on from her (this is third person Elviral is trying to find out what is going on from: Tony, Lookrazia and now CamEEla)… is this going to take Elviral out of her confusion, I think NOT!

Rennie and Rita his niece/girl are discussing the plan. She thinks keeping Tracy around is a risk, but he says do you want to clean and cook? Then we can’t get rid of Tracy. Rita urges Rennie to get going with the plan with Elviral.

At the ONLY INN in Fresno, Elviral meets up with CamEEla who brings her up with yet a new version of the story… Lookrazia’s lies…

At ‘traz Lookrazia and Tony are enjoying the success of her spur of the moment story, They are glad Julia did not get a chance to chicken out and expose their scheme.

At ElTal, Tia Patricia pays Tracy for the food she brought… Tia brings Tracy update about the reconciliation and quick break up between CamEEla and Pedro…

Back to Only INN in Fresno with CamEEla and Elviral… Elviral says ‘one nail gets out another nail’.. to forget PI you need another man… if not for love, do it for money, something we need badly! CamEEla is offended at the suggestion.  Rennie calls Elviral on her cell… they arrange to meet to go to some event together… Elviral plays hard to get prospect… CamEEla asks who Rennie is… Elviral announces ‘since you can’t catch a rich boyfriend, I got one… he’s Rennie’.

Rennie and Rita (niece/girlfriend) celebrate success of this step… but she reminds him he doesn’t even have a car, it was repo’ed. He will borrow money from Tracy who has plenty of cash… maybe even without her noticing (he knows Tracy hides her cash under the mattress, just like my mom used to lol). IF tracy wants me to pay her, she has to help me catch Elviral.

Elviral really believes Rennie is enchanting and RICH RICH RICH!! (so this is really thieve stealing from thieve who steals from thieve!) … Elviral tells CamEEla she should catch Antonio, since he will soon be owner of ‘traz. Elviral claims she still has spies at ElTal… CamEEla laughs at her, every worker hated her, since she treated them so bad. In any case, I am not for sale, mom!! … CamEEla leaves in a huff, mom can only count the cards still in her deck… ‘thank God I have Armani’…

Back to ‘traz… Lookrazia tells Tony they can’t take risks, they have to prevent PI to reconnecting with CamEEla.

Flo is so swept off her feet she texts Fab all about her new guy. By the time Fab reads the text, Armani is with her! (this is certainly bizarre, there is no other way to call it). Armani gets a bit pale at realizing just how much Flo and Fab share with each other. Armani, now out with Fab, manages to avoid going to dinner with both her and her sis, would rather go eat with you alone… will probably come to your class again as an observer.

Zombie CamEEla is slow-walking around an unknown spot in Fresno, repeating in her head what happened… Tracy calls her cell, CamEEla tells her some of the story and Tracy is like there is no way any of that is true, Mariana dissappeared years ago! Believe me!

PI gets home to jump on a horse, he wants to go clear things up with CamEEla right away… I will not let them split us, CamEEla. (man, PI, I wish you were as smart as you are a hopeless romantic).

Elviral is barely done with adding the poison to the pills when Tony shows up at her hotel room… Elviral thinks Tony came to see CamEEla. He is not here for that. He will need lots of time for that. And for that need my dad out of the way, so I need what I asked you for. Elviral gives him the pills…

(I am sorry but the credits after commercial have Lookrazia hugging a palm tree in a perverted kind’o’way… it is fairly creepy).
Pigorio talks to Val, orders him to watch Tony… Pigorio still feels something odd in his son attitude lately. (NO KIDDIN!!)

Tracy meets up with CamEEla, assures her what PI said is true… When CamEEla tells her PI’s wife is darker skin and tall, tracy says there is no way she is Mariana! Tracy suggests she and CamEEla go see the police leutenant to show her PI told her the truth.

Panchito finds Pedro’s horse on ‘traz grounds… wonders what is going on.

Pedro is busy at ‘traz pool trying to get Lookrazia to tell him what she and Tony did to separate him and CamEEla. Lookrazia plays the innocent victim game, blaming the whole scheeme on her brother… she says Tony was the one who contacted that girl…

Back at the hotel room, Elviral asks Tony for more money, Tony loses his cool… and yells at her, if you betray me the police will know you were the one that poisoned my dad’s pills. Elviral warns Tony if she falls, he will too. what did you use? What else for your dad? Rat poison! … show it to me… (he grabs the bottle from her and wraps it in a bandana) … ay ay you are such a rookie… I have your prints here now… I got you babe!!

Pigorio and Val are still talking, this time Panchito is eavesdropping outside the door. Pigorio tells Val Tony is very far from inheriting my money, so I am holding you responsible to watch him. Pigorio leaves the room, in comes Panchito…
P: what is Tony plotting against my dad?
V: Don’t you see anyone could hear?
P: so? Here everyone knows I am the son of don Pigorio. (are you picking your nose, Panchito??)
V: take it easy, one of these days the boss will kick you out if you don’t chill out.
P: then he would do very wrong, because I am the one who looks after him. Btw, Tony is indeed planning something against my dad to get the ranch for himself.

Pigorio asks Doris to go with him to the business owners event in Fresno

Still at the pool, Lookrazia and PI, she continues feeding him her crazy crap… he does not completely believe her but he does not want to be unfair with her (no, you should!) I love CamEEla.

At the police station, Tracy can’t get the man to show her Mariana’s record, but his confirming they have looked for Mariana for years, and the case is open still only because of the persistence of PI. CamEEla seems to finally believe PI’s story and that Lookrazia lied to her.

Back to the pool… same lines… no need to repeat. Lookrazia offers to find out what Tony did, so PI can fix it.. PI is irritated he still won’t be able to sell his grain.

CamEEla is a bit miffed at Tracy for not having told her PI had got married years ago. Tracy tells CamEEla PI and Mariana married in secret when Don Bernie was dying. Cameela is embarrassed, what will PI think of me now? Tracy insists Lookrazia is behind all of it. Cameela insists to find out who was that woman who faked being Mariana (you know, Cameela? Who cares?? Concentrate on finding PI and appologizing, you stupid)

Back to Fresno hotel, Elviral realizes she got ‘tricked’ and is desperate, but Tony is implacable… this is the proof you wanted to kill my dad. you wanted to take vengeance for what he did to you years ago? She calls him desgraciado and maldito, but to no avail, she only gets mangled down to the floor…

Somewhere Fab and Armani are enjoying ice cream… she is feeling bad she should have invited her sister… Once he recovers his skin color, he says they will invite her next time. (so he told Fab the truth of where he came from, Davis, but told Flo he is in Chicago about to move to Fresno…)

Flo is with a friend called suzy telling her all about her ‘guy’.

Back to ice creams, Armani can only think of a way to get away so he can be gone when Flo comes over.

Tony insists that Elviral has to seduce his father as she did years ago… he takes the pills and the bottle with him and gives her a creepy smile on his way out.. she stays there cursing him… now she is changing strategies, maybe I should side with Cameela to get with that dumb beggar.. at least he is the owner of ElTal.

Back at pool… PI paces around saying he has to talk to CamEEla…(well, man, what are you still doing there? …) Doris sees Lookrazia and PI together in pool and runs in to tattle tell Pigorio (who feels it is such a boring drag to have to dress like a penguin for the event) that PI is at the pool. Pigorio runs out calling for Val…
Back to the pool.. PI is making same mistake as CamEEla, worrying too much about finding that ‘Julia’… (who cares, man! Just go find CamEEla! I tell you, those two BELONG together.)
Out comes Pigorio yelling and threatening, with Val pointing a shotgun at PI, Lookrazia steps in front of PI…

Lots of reviews of tonight’s ep… then Lookrazia yells at PI to leave, Pigorio approaching her to slap her and PI stops him ‘not on my sight’, Pigorio yells at Valentin to shoot PI. Val is aiming.


Una Familia Con Suerte #133-134 Wed 2/22/12

Turns out Ezra's plane was delayed for hours and hours so I turned on the show to blog it for him, but late -

When I tuned in, Pancho was talking to his dead wife on the beach. Candy showed up in her unattractive bikini; he told her to cover up or guys would be crawling all over her like crabs on the beach. She isn't displeased by the idea.

Pancho is sorry Rebe has gone to see Mike. That meeting is going poorly, Rebe is yelling that she loves Pancho and is going to marry him. Undeterred, Mike keeps grabbing her and says he loves her.

Fer is all boo-hoo over her fake DNA report again. Pancho calls her saying he misses her and that she should be with them at the beach negotiating. Fer thinks it might be a good idea to merge with Belle Face, though it's run by her great rival!

Vince and Pina discuss the division of their worldly goods and real estate (considerable) and custody of the dog. He's pretty irritated she won't give back the many things he signed over to her name (to avoid the tax man?). She wants him out of the house and her life ASAP. He grabs at her ineffectively.

Mike tells Rebe he regrets his terrible mistake - she explains to us that she lied for him, she stole info for him, she got caught and fired, and then he let her take the fall alone. He keeps grabbing her as she stalks away.

Adoracion dusts sadly remembering her embarrassing wedding. Her mother says she shouldn't cry over that worthless jerk. With Pina gone the place is like a cemetery. Ado's mom says she'll stay to keep Ado company.

Chacho tells Chato Ado will never forgive him. He takes a rose to Sandra. She enjoys his attentions, he invites her out for ic ecream, he gives her one of his lollipops, I hope he didn't lick it first.

Enzo gossips to Chela, Violeta shows up and frightens everybody. Violeta says she's on her meds and will do nothing peculiar.

Vince is happy to see Violeta. She says it's a pity he brought Candy along to Acapulco. And his wife is here too! Full house! He complains to Violeta about Pancho: "We've tried everything to ruin him with no luck at all." Now Enzo doesn't want to play, he's gone over to the other team.

Violeta is flattering him when Candy stomps on the scene yelling. She's been looking for him like crazy. She yells like she's the wife and Violeta is the mistress and issues the ultimatum: "It's her or me!" Violeta: "You'll be sorry for messing with me, Candy..."

Pina feels alone and extraordinarily pathetic. Arnold flatters her, cheers her up, then plants a smacker on her mouth, apologizes, and runs away.

Mike tells Hotpants his tete-a-tete with Rebe was a big disaster! Pancho barges in and shakes him, they menacingly show their chins to each other. Hotpants tries to get them to do deep breathing.

Up in the room Rebe is very upset and we have flashbacks of five minutes ago. Arnold knocks on her door, he really wants to talk to Pancho. "I kissed Pina!" Rebe is not in the mood to listen. "This is one of the most difficult moments in my life."

Pancho wants to cancel everything and go home. To Mike: "It's you Belle Faces that wanted this deal, not us. I keep wondering why a business as supposedly secure financially would be trying to get merged. And further, I do not trust your Ines as far as I could throw her, I've seen what she's capable of!" Mike invites him to dinner, just the two of them. Pancho accepts and tells Mike to keep clear of Rebe.

Chato vusuts Adoracion, her mom kicks him in the groin and kicks him out.

Fernanda tells the kids everything. They remind her they've all adopted each other and hug her.

Pina calls Freddy to tell him she kissed a man! He's shocked. She felt butterflies. He's depressed to hear it. Arnold is in the clouds over it.

Kari comes to see Ana, who is not happy to see her. She tells Ana she loves Freddy. Ana: "He's all yours, enjoy him!"

Pancho tells Rebe: everybody knows Mike still has a hold on her. Our former lovebirds are all boo-hoo about it. He says she needs to be alone to put her feelings in order. More boo-hoo. Pancho gets into Mike's sporty little red car as Rebe runs after him. She has a double tequila with Arnold and yells about how she and Mike were engaged to be married and lived together in a beach house for a year but he turned out to be a hypocrite. Pina interrupts, dismisses Rebe, and tells Arnold she liked his kiss.

Enzo goes to Violeta's suite. They drink. They have a semi-seduction. Candy sees Enzo with Chelo and realizes Vince lied to her. Candy calls Violeta's room as the newest illicit couple makes out. Violeta passes the phone to Vince, who tells Candy: "It isn't how it looks..." She says she'll never see him again.

Next one up at Pina's house: Karin; she tells Freddy "You have been given to me by Ana." "You know I love Ana." "But if she doesn't want you, in time you and I ..." "I'm going to try to get her back." "And I'm going to do what I can to conquer you."

Mike to Pancho: "When Inez got sick our stock went down and if she dies it will be worse." Turns out, since Inez has no heirs, her stock will partially be absorbed by Avon and some will be sold publicly but a lot of it is owned by - Vince! If they merge, Pancho will be president, but Mike will supervise the merger, which means they'll have to work together for a few months ("If I haven't killed you by then," says Pancho).

He tells Mike he doesn't like him. Mike says, "you're insecure." Pancho leaves.

Temo says Fer he likes Rebe now.

Vince goes to beg outside Candy's door. He cries, horrified that she is not going to sleep with him! "I'm afraid when I have to sleep alone." Pina comes by and sees him crying and yelling in the hall at the locked door. "So soon to have problems with your new 'love.' " She leaves in an excellent mood.

Elena was not discouraged by being stuffed down the fire esape. She keeps flirting with her dud. Tomas finds one of the Dud's earrings in the couch. Then the Dud's wife finds the other one in her couch. Later Tomas asks Elena how she got this diamond. She says it's a zirconia, not a real diamond.

Pancho is unyielding. Rebe begs him. He tells her Vince has shares in Belle Face and asks why she's so weird around Mike. He asks "will you choose him or me?"

Hah, Enzo has the waiter bring a guitar. Enzo sings to Chela! He isn't terrible but I'd rather have seen him dance. He shakes an engagement ring out of the guitar and proposes. She thanks him but isn't ready. She'll take a few days to think about it; she rejects his ring.

As always, it's a full moon.

Sandra tells Chacho she's been in love with that lout Vince for many years despite his bad qualities. Chacho: "You deserve much better than that jerk."

Rebe wakes up alone.

Time for the meeting, Rebe is half an hour late. She doesn't know where Pancho is. Enzo reads an apology from Pancho: "This meeting is adjourned, if you Belle Faces want another meeting come to Avon."

Candy is horrified that some guy named Napoleon walks by. She seems terrified. Is this the evil guy she knew long ago?

Chato tries to talk to Ado but the mother tells him to leave forever.

Raul, Violeta's chauffeur, comes to Pepe & Moni's apartment to drive Moni to university. Pepe is disgusted.

The dud suggests that he and Elena play hooky from work for a couple of hours. Tomas comes in and sees them kissing. He attacks the Dud.

Candy is escaping from Acapulco early and so is Rebe, who's crying, she tells Chela Pancho went home without her.

And finally, here's a folklorico-type lady getting on a pink bus to Toluco. She's talking to her cardboard box as she struggles to the back of the bus and finds a seat next to - Pancho! She recognizes him!


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