Monday, April 04, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, El Señor de los Cielos #4, and Secretos: Week of April 4, 2016
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of
the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and
Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here are the current novelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
noon - Secretos*
8 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
9 PM - Eva la Trailera
10 PM - El Señor de los Cielos #4
* Secretos will be shown at noon on Telemundo beginning this Monday, April 4. It replaces Fatmagul, which ended last Friday.
Everyone is welcome to join in the
conversation. Since all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put
the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so people can more easily find discussions of the novela(s) they're following.
Telemundo is also re-broadcasting the
hit telenovela La Reina del Sur on Saturdays and Sundays from 6-8 PM
(EDT & PDT, 5-7 PM CDT). For the moment, all the capítulos are also
available on Telemundo's web site. Some discussion and occasional
recaps from the original broadcast can be found here.
Labels: eva-la-t, quien, secretos, senor4, telemundo
Saturday, April 02, 2016
Pasión y Poder Episode #116 Friday, April 1st 2016 While Julia has a jealous snit, Erick gets busted, and Petra may finally get some romance.
At Casa Montenegro, Julia has arrived to see Daniela, when she spots her ex-husband Eladio with Nina. Naturally, Julia thinks the worst, and accuses her ex-husband of not knowing how to be without a woman. Nina sees this as her golden opportunity, and she's not about to let it slide, so she sticks it to Julia by telling her that she (Nina) and Eladio have just as much right to be together as she (Julia) and Arturo do. With the difference that they (Nina & Eladio) have a clean conscience since they didn't destroy a family. Julia can't believe that Nina has the audacity of accusing her of being with Arturo, when she and Eladio are the ones who are together. Nina can't believe that Julia has the audacity to show her face at Casa Montenegro when Arturo doesn't live there anymore. Before more can be said between both woman, Daniela arrives, and Nina and Eladio leave so Julia and Daniela can talk. (Surprisingly, Eladio remained quiet throughout the scene, was he out of his breath spray, perhaps?!)
In another room at Casa Montenegro, while Nina hopes that Eladio won't get upset with her for what she told Julia, Eladio can't seem to comprehend Julia's behavior. Why was she so irked at the two of them for seeing one another? According to Nina, women are just apprehensive, they love to still be loved, despite the circumstances. Uh, okay.
Meanwhile, Julia offers Daniela her help after she stupidly admits to coming to see her because Arturo asked her to. Daniela is not amused. She already knows that Julia asked David to break up with her. And now this. She doesn't believe in Julia's help.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #47, 4/1/16: Yes Sir, That's My Baby! No Sir, Make That A Maybe!
At a glance
-- Alfredo learns the whole truth about the baby scam but, surprisingly, his mother tries to dissuade him from leaving his wife and the Gran Hotel.
-- "The man of the President" that Jorge Arenas is interested in arrived to the hotel. Felipe is meant to gain his trust.
-- Julio and Isabel nearly kiss. Twice.
-- Teresa and Diego lock horns over the latest developments.
-- Diego and Isabel have "the talk" about the virginity she didn't lose on their wedding night.
-- Julio briefs Ayala on the loves of Rómulo and the blackmails of Ángela.
-- Andrés's dead fake daddy goes back to being dead, courtesy of the Werewolf Gold Knife Slasher. Too bad he didn't have the decency to croak before getting his extortion money from Ángela.
A closer look
Alfredo is below stairs looking for Belén, because the other wet nurse did not pass the baby’s language requirements, apparently. Andrés hops out of his room and demands that Alfredo give him back his baby. He spills the entire pot of beans: Doña Teresa snatched this baby from Belén’s arms. Belén is the real mother and Andrés is the real father of the child that Alfredo thinks is his. Well, spank him cross-eyed, Alfredo did not see that coming! He is impactado to the bazillionth power!
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Friday, April 01, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #18. Friday April 1, 2016. A Measly Crumb Of Relevance In A Chilorta Of Insipid Fillers
At a glance
-- Luca still hasn't left for Járvar.
-- Estrella and Adrián are officially novios. Lord, save us.
-- Kracy is hatching schemes and forging alliances all over town to screw over Ricardo and Esperanza. A hotshot lawyer, paid for by Ernesto, will help her gain custody of the kids.
-- Biker Meemaw, Margarita, sexually harasses the musical-mustached Félix.
-- Anastasia has a secret that Ernesto threatens her with exposing if she doesn't stay away from Luca.
-- Ricardo unveils another teensy-weensy chapter of "How I Left Your Mother". His kids hear his love confession to Esperanza.
A closer look
Outside school, a sweet boy delivers a box to Esperanza. Inside lies a black flower. Her kids find the "gift" macabre.
At Instituto Palacios, Félix arrives late and Ricardo reminds him that he should get a yellow card for his tardiness because the teaching staff (docentes) ought to be at school 15 minutes early. Félix does not find the reversal of roles amusing: so now it turns out that ducks are opening fire on shotguns (ahora resulta que los patos le tiran a las escopetas)? Ricardo thinks his supervisor ought to have a sense of humor. Selena imagines a Pokemon fight between her dad and Félix where the latter is defeated and loses half his musical mustache. I will spare you the rant.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #46, 3/31/16: El Amor de su Vida
Hey patio peeps, below is a quick recap of last night's action!
We see don Benjamin being a total ten on the creeper scale, I'm starting to think he's our killer!
Angela gets caught:
Angela goes into Romulo's old office in search of the sapphire necklace, her intention is to sell it in order to come up with the money to pay Pablo- who is threatening to tell Andre's the truth about his background. The necklace is not there, but Teresa is and she is not please with Angela, she tells her she is to stay out of the office, Angie apologizes and leaves.
We are then treated to a series of flashbacks that show us a bit of the history between Romulo and Angie, how they met, when she told him she was knocked up and the day he gave her the necklace. It's so sad. Also sad? Romulo was way too hot to be named Romulo.
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Thursday, March 31, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 17 (3.31.2016) The theme for today: Disappointment
México, D.F. (Not to be confused with Los Angeles, California, EEUU)
Complete idiot's guide to elusive thief catching FOR DUMMIES!
Dark is the night and visibility is low in this kind of costumes, so The Shady shadow knocks Ricardo down like a piñata. Before he runs away, he says something like, ''Sorry Ricardo, me duele la panza'' (it's hard to understand with that mask on). Of course the first thought that comes to Ricardo's mind is his ''beloved'' Esperanza, and the chase is on. People running in a black costume out of halloween season is probably something you see every day in Mexico, since nobody seems to pay attention.
Nearby, muy oronda, unbeknown to her of the danger she is in, Esperanza nibbles on a croissant before getting home. The day was long and she is hungry, so why wait? The smell of freshly baked bread takes her to the streets of Paris and suddenly Ricky Le mime shows up right in front of her yielding a gun. He almost runs her over and both face what he thinks is his nemesis, but turns out is only a dummy. They fell in the trap, because in one of the apartments on the second floor, The shady villain have all the time in the world to take the perfect picture with his gigantic zoom lens. Where does he keep it? Is he renting that place? Isn't easier to carry the Samsung Galaxy S6 and get the same high quality in low light and even moving pics?? He is so bad I am sure part of his vendetta against Ricardo is to post them on Kracy's Facelook wall, just to see the sucking lemon face she does.
After this incident with the mannequin and the gun, Esperanza is perplex and Ricardo is forced to confess part of his secret a cuentagotas (in dribs and drabs). Even when she has been begging since the beginning that she need explanations, she doesn't get the whole enchilada. Ricardo only does what he does best, promises, promises...
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Pasión y poder, Episode 115, Thursday, March 31: Of cakes and fakes and folks on the take
Nina lashes out at Consuelo
The sight of Consuelo leaning on Arturo for comfort is more than Nina can bear. [Maybe Nina remembers when she was the one taking tearful refuge in Arturo's arms the last time Chimp Boy was in the hospital.] If the younger woman wants to see her son, Nina tells her bitterly, let her visit him at the mansion – especially if she continues to hang out with that dangerous chimp-beater, Miguel.
Consuelo protests that Miguel would never hurt a child, especially her son. Nina isn't so sure: Behind his gloomy, hypocritical face (cara de mustio) lurks a psychopath! [But I think she's only saying that because she's a narcissist.]
¡Ya basta, Nina! says Arturo. Miguel was only defending Consuelo.
"Whose side are you on?" Nina wants to know.
"I'm on the side of both of my sons because I love them both."
Nina doesn't buy it. It's Miguel's fault that Chimp Boy is languishing in the hospital. [And it's Arturo's fault that he isn't languishing in the reclusorio, but Agustín isn't around to remind them of that.]
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, El Señor de los Cielos #4, and Fatmagül: Week of March 28, 2016
Here's Page 2 for the week.
And the lineup is:
(all times are Eastern Standard Time)
noon - ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?*
8 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
9 PM - Eva la Trailera
10 PM - El Señor de los Cielos #4
*Fatmagül ends Friday April1— followed by Império starting April 4
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation!
Labels: eva-la-t, fatmagul, quien, senor4, telemundo
Pasion y Poder #114, Wednesday March 30, 2016
Lo Nuevo
Nina, Regina and Jorge visit Erick in the hospital. He says he feels like crap. Erick thinks Regina is faking her concern for his health. Regina and Jorge leave.
David brings Dani home. He promises to talk to Nina about helping her with her drug problem. Regina and Jorge arrive while D&D are hugging. Awkward...
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El Hotel de los Secretos #45, 3/30/16: Sweet Sorrowful Achlys! Has Anybody Not Cried In This Episode?
At a glance
-- Everybody hurts. Everybody cries. Sometimes.
-- Ángela's dead hubby and fake daddy to her Andrés is alive. He has been blackmailing his ex-wife/widow for years.
-- Alfredo demands the title deeds of the lands bequeathed to him in his father's will.
-- Isabel tries to talk to her mother about the necklace she found but she chickens out. She also rejects her husband's sexual advances for the umpteenth time.
-- Dr. Vicario suggests that Sofía be interned in a sanatorium but Teresa gets riled up and throws him out of her room.
-- The fancy hoes bond with the local not-so-fancy hoes at the cantina.
-- Felipe is seized by Jorge Arenas and his gang.
-- Benjamín wears a cilice under his uniform. Say whaaaat?
A closer look
Darkness has befallen the mean streets of San Cristóbal. A weary traveller coughs up tiny chunks of lung as he asks a passerby about a certain Rufino Barragán. However, it appears that Rufino went to a better place or, to be more accurate, he was sent there (lo pasaron a mejor vida). The stranger explains to the passerby that, before getting dispatched to the Big San Cristóbal in the sky, Rufino Barragán used to deliver some letters on his behalf to the head housekeeper of the Gran Hotel, Doña Ángela Gómez. Rufino was paid handsomely for his services but now that he is, ahem, unavailable, coughing stranger will have to find himself a new courier. *Hint hint*
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Sueño de amor #16 3/30/16
Here we go!!!! I started this late and will deal with typos later today.
I have to admit I would have loved to have been one of the kids in the "ataque" scene. Anyway, tonight we have the appearance of Carmen Salinas as Margarita Manzanares the principal of Instituto Vasconcelos. She is a hoot with her famous "Oooooh" which always reminds me of George Takei of Star Trek fame and his famous "Oooooh". Anyway, . . .
We see Esperanza scoop up Selena as Selena presses the fire alarm button. The school is evacuated and Ricardo is saved from his embarrassing fate eventhough as luck would have it he has to rescue and carry Pámela out who is having a panic attack. As the teachers and students congregate outside of the school, Tracy plants a big kiss on Ricardo to mark her territory just so Esperanza can see and she does.
In the meantime at Ernesto's house, Ernesto is warning his lackey Murillo that he better contact Tracy and make an appointment with her for him or he will lose his job and by the way (since Murillo is in the middle of a coughing jag) he should stop smoking those damn cigarettes.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2016
El Hotel de los Secretos #44, 3/29/16: Hidden Charms
· Belen bumps into Diego on the way to the police station and gets waylaid. He forces her to watch the Double’s informal burial on the side of the road. Belen blubbers as Garrido digs. Diego shoots Garrido dead and blames Belen as the devil what made him do it. He then tells her to start running and essentially not to stop till she’s far, far away.
· Andres, pigheadedly insists Belen will magically appear again. He persuades Natalia to fetch the town padre. He has the priest, Mama Angela, Julio and Natalia there for the supposed wedding. Our stubborn stand-up guy gets stood up. Belen doesn’t return and nobody knows where she’s gone, tho’ Angie does suspect at least one reason why she split. (Good riddance to ungrateful, money-grubbing garbage! Viewerville has the feeling, though, that like flies to feces, she won't be able to resist the temptation to return for Andres and to get hitched and thus lay claim to his inheritance once again.)
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Pasión y Poder Martes 3/29/16 #113
113: Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
children can be a great equalizer even after they are legally adults.
They bring out both the best and the worst in their parents. It has
been said that the rich and the poor are very alike when such things
happen. And there are certainly things that money of whatever age
cannot fix. – D.D.
had seen Daniela's test results: positive for cocaine. She was her
usual petulant self, telling him to leave her alone and trying to
leave. He didn't allow her to do this. In her usual bid for
attention she tried to claim he didn't care about her. For all that
she was actually twenty-one years old she had the attitude of one
half that age. When he told her she was not alone and that he would
take her to the rehab center she looked as though she were facing her
daddy, you can't do this to me. Let me do another test. I'm sure it
was wrong.”
Arturo was having none of this. He told her he was taking her to
rehab and that was that. He did not allow her to leave with her
friend. He insisted that he was taking her home to her mother then
to the rehab center.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #15. Tuesday March 29, 2016. Yes You Caught My Ex With Her Tongue Down My Throat But She Doesn't Mean A Thing To Me! I Luuurve You!
At a glance
-- Luca's ex is back in town. She puts the kibosh on the PatoLuca pairing on the day of her arrival. Now, this is what I call a self-respecting villana.
-- Erasmo is fired then rehired by Mario.
-- Kracy and Principal Crazy-Eyes form the League of Extraordinary Crazies.
-- Kracy warns Esperanza to stay away from her Reecherd. Ernesto tries to pump Pato for info about Esperanza and Ricardo. Ernesto wants to ally with Kracy in order to keep the star-crossed lovers apart.
-- Still no valid explanation for Ricardo's 20-year-long disappearing act. Just something about a passer named El Coyote and six people lost in the desert.
A closer look
We begin tonight’s foray into Sueñolandia with Ricardo’s appointment as the new PE teacher of the Musturd School for The Emotionally Stunted, or Colegio Vasconcelos as Osorio prefers to call it.
Mario Kuri, the mascot for kitty-whipped husbands everywhere, fires recently-promoted Erasmo.
The Three Stooges inaugurate their sandwich stand for tortas de chilaquiles or chilortas outside the two schools. Childhood obesity isn’t gonna foster itself. They give away the first chilortas for free, then sell the others at half price. They incur a significant loss and fear that the grand opening will soon be followed by a grand closing.
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Pasion y Poder #112 20160328 Your Honor, I Was Raped Last Night, I Might Be Pregnant, and It's Making Me Very Horney
*In front of the judge, Connie accuses Erick of rape. The judge says no police report plus no rape kit equals no rape. He can't consider her accusation without proof.
*Gina asks Miguel how the custody case is going. Miguel doesn't know because Auggie suggested that he to stay away from Connie. Neither the judge nor Erick appreciate him coveting his brother's wife. Since, he's socially awkward he didn't get the memo about this being generally frowned upon by most of the world, so he'll have to take Augustin's word for it.
*Dave and Dani are still in bed together. Dave tells Dani that she can be herself around him. Don't change for me, he says. Translation: in manspeak he's saying that he's attracted to Angelina Jolie, not Jennifer Aniston. He likes him a a little dirty girl. Dani assures him that deep inside, she has always been the "Disney years Miley Cyrus" and not the "the Wrecking Ball and twerkin' Miley Cyrus". Matter of fact, she's a virgin too. Dave buys this because he's stupid. Dani tells him that she loves him and wants him to like her "different" than her sister. He assures her that he will.
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Sueno de amor, #14 - 03/28/16 P.E. Teacher needed - Requirements: good looking guy, with great body, killer smile and very complicated family life
Happy belated Easter to those who celebrated this weekend. I hope you all rested, filled your tummies and got ready for a new week of Sueno de amor (and other regular activities, you know).
This felt like a filler episode, so I kind of rambled a lot. Looking forward to your ramblings in the comment section.
pick up right from where we left off, with Ernesto and Ricardo’s piss contest fight
about who is the better man.
pretends that he has no clue about the guy who was following Ric ; so what
if he was his employee, he doesn’t care what his personnel does outside of office
hours. And he won’t take this interrogatory anymore. What is Ric, a cop? No, he’s
just a mere teacher, Ernie adds with contempt.
Well, Esperanza is just a teacher, too, and you still fell in love with
her, Ric counter-attacks. Ernie proudly agrees and not only that, but he and Espe also share a child. Yeah, one that
he abandoned, Ric points out. Things degenerate and a fight is about to erupt,
but Super Spy is definitely the better fighter, managing to twist Ernie’s hand
and kneel him at the same time. As he walks out, Ric adds that he won’t leave
Esperanza’s side anymore and he’s definitely not afraid of Ernie (who's screaming for security at the point).
are still post bliss (not that kind of bliss, thankfully). She’s in awe over
his amazing-ness (what else is new?). He always finds ways to scare her to death provoke her, she
didn’t even have the time to prepare (did she by any chance wet her pants
during the jump? I know I would have). Luca assures her that they were safe
the whole time and, besides, he would never hurt her.
last statement gives Pato the sads: yeah, maybe he would never hurt her intentionally, but she can’t forget the fact that he’s about to go away for a long
time (if only he could go faster). He reassures her that they will be OK – he loves
her and yada yada yada ... smooches smooches smooches….
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El Hotel de los Secretos #43, 3/28/16: The key. Remember the key?
Felipe asks Garrido where he can get a lot of wine for cheap. Garrido recommends a guy named Jorge Arenas. Felipe needs an introduction. He swears it will be worth Garrido's trouble. They take off to meet with Arenas.
Teresa asks Diego to prepare a discreet burial for Baby #1. He picks up the phone, then pauses. We don't need a funeral.
Isabel stands in the hallway in yet another white dress. She sees wet Julio hustling out of Cecilia's room as Cecelia's voice calls from the other side of the door, "don't be a coward." Isabel makes as if to knock, but Mateo materializes behind her to say that Mrs. Limantur is waiting in the garden to meet her for breakfast. Also, a maid named Emelia needs help reading a letter. Isabel agrees to read them the letter on the way to the garden. (Standard letter-from-Mom stuff. Mom can write, but she doesn't know that Emelia can't read?)
Sofia looks bad. She knows what she did. She can't even look at the dead baby on the bed and she slides the bedroom door shut behind her without turning around. She leans (actually, sort of rubs up in a creepy way) against the door to the hallway and pleads, "come back, come back." Wow, that'll be a fine sight for Alfredo to come home to.
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Monday, March 28, 2016
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 6 (March 28, 2016)
And Baby Makes Four, or Three, or Two, But Not One
Our ethical, dedicated, handsome and hopelessly in love Dr. Carlos, is on the horns of a well-calculated, well-timed dilemma, not of his own making. With the announcement of the (fake) pregnancy of his very recently ex-girlfriend, he has various outcomes staring at him.
1) There is a baby. He doesn't want to give up Fernanda, but his mother and Isabela are ready to take over the management of his relationships. Fernanda breaks up with him because she believes he must "do the right thing" by the baby. There will be wedding bells in his not too distant future.
2) There is a baby. He just can't give up Fernanda. He defies his mother. He begs Fernanda not to break up with him. They love each other madly, deeply. He is certain they can work this out and still be together. She agrees to stand by him.
3) There is no baby. He will try desperately to prove its non-existence. He begs Fernanda not to break up with him until there is solid proof, one way or another. If there is no baby, he won't have to give up Fernanda and his mother, Marissa, will finally be convinced Isabela wasn't right for him, or for her.
With time, 1 & 2 will be eliminated, but this week, he doesn't know that. Isabela says she doesn't expect anything of him (and that is as fake as the pregnancy). Marissa wants a wedding as soon as possible--with Isabela, of course, and to end his relationship with Fernanda, of course.
What will he do? How does he tell Fernanda? What does he tell Fernanda? What is the right thing to do?
This is not the CAMINO we wanted to take, but we will have to follow along and see where it goes. Tune in and see (7 pm).Labels: camino
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, El Señor de los Cielos #4, and Fatmagül: Week of March 28, 2016
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here's the lineup (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
noon - ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?*
8 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
9 PM - Eva la Trailera
10 PM - El Señor de los Cielos #4**
*Fatmagül ends Friday, April 1—followed by Império starting April 4
**El Señor de los Cielos #4 premiers Mon, March 28 in a 2-hr gran estreno starting at 9PM,( preempting Eva for one night).
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.
Telemundo is also re-broadcasting the hit telenovela La Reina del Sur on Saturdays and Sundays from 6-8 PM (EST & PST, 5-7 PM CST). For the moment, all the capítulos are also available on Telemundo's web site. Some discussion and occasional recaps from the original broadcast can be found here.
Labels: eva-la-t, fatmagul, quien, senor4, telemundo
Friday, March 25, 2016
El Hotel de los Secretos #42, 3/24/16: Discussion Space - Baby #2, Front and Center, Please
Princess Juju had emergency toe surgery (it's a thing!) and now she's in pain and on drugs that made her fall asleep before she saw the episode- they also made her over sleep :/. Please feel free to discuss the episode. If you don't I'll come back and give you graphic details of what my toe looks like!
Labels: hotel
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