Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Zorro Monday May 14, 2007 : Where Pizarro racks up the body count and Esme develops a chill.

Zorro and Fernando face off at Fernando’s home. FS goes for his gun, but Zorro, skilled in knife throwing, is able to precisely aim and get FS’s shirt pinned to the wall, leaving FS’s arm trapped. Fernando demands that Zorro tell him what he came for, and Z answers that he came for FS’s wife, where is she? Fernando isn’t too surprised that Z asked for Sara Kali because he suspects that Z played a role in her escape from prison. He asks Z what he knows and Z answers that he knows all that Fernando does and they rehash the history of him holding SK in prison for years. Fernando takes this opportunity to pull out his sword and the two men face off again, this time with swords drawn on both sides.

Montero orders Pizarro to kill the two de la Vega men. His plan is to send Pizarro over to the hacienda as an escort for the judge who will be serving Alejandro with some legal papers. Piza it to use this opportunity to assassinate the two men. Piza asks his boss if he’s thought about the repercussions of this, that Alej has men and weapons and right now Monty’s supplies are wiped out---no money and arsenal destroyed by Zorro. Piza states that it is all risky. Monty, ever the overblown ego, doesn’t like it when his “brilliant” ideas are questioned and rages as Piza. Monty wants to know what happened to Piza, he’s changed. Monty tells Piza he’ll either follow orders or die. Sgt. Garcia/SAM comes in with the judge at this point. The judge is a little hesitant to draw up papers against the de la Vegas, but Monty insists that Alej attacked the prison with his personal militia, and therefore has committed crimes against the Crown. The judge questions if this is legal because it is an uncommon procedure, Monty puts the squeeze on the man and he capitulates. With the orders drawn up, Monty tells Piza that it is all in his hands.

Fernando and Zorro give us our semi-weekly sword fight. Very impressive. While matching blades, FS asks Zorro who is paying him. Zorro replies that he is not a man so easily sold, unlike Fernando. Zorro is able to unarm FS, and FS calls for his men as back up (here is where I want to contrast Monty to FS, when Monty faced Zorro he called for his men pretty much from the get go….all talk, but really a coward; Fernando faced Zorro on his own and it wasn’t until he was disarmed and backed into a corner, so to speak, that he called for his men---just a subtle difference I noted).

Agapito is tending to Sara Kali when his friend Facundo finds him. Facu is convinced that Aga knows the secret liar of Zorro and wants his friend to give him the skinny. Facu thinks that Aga is out to get the reward and Facu wants a piece of the pie. Aga is concerned for his friend, he tells him that he’s here to care for this woman under Piza’s orders and if Piza were to find Facu there, well Facu would be dead (Aga’s worried, ulcer 1). Facu wonders who this woman really is and Aga implies he knows but doesn’t fill his friend in on the details (a missed opportunity to rehash, I’m surprised).

Alej tells Almudena she needs to snap out of it, she’s not eating and has slumped into a deep depression since she rec’d news of Esmeralda’s death. Dena knows she needs to get over it, but she just doesn’t know what to do without Esme, she just doesn’t have the strength to over come it. She and Al discuss how they love each other and he dangles that as her carrot for getting better.

Zorro is surrounded by FS’s men, Z returns his sword to its sheath and knocks out all of Fernando’s posse, leaving them in a heap on the floor. Fernando meanwhile draws his gun, Zorro draws both of his….What we have here friends is a real Mexican standoff. Fernando tells Z that someone else has Sara Kali, but the Crown doesn’t know of her and they never will. Zorro assures him that he’s going to help SK fulfill her destiny and in the process make sure that FS pays for Esme’s death (how all these people fail to see that Zorro’s interest in Esme is suspect, is beyond me….but it makes for some entertaining moments, so I won’t complain too much). Zorro escapes and as soon as he’s gone all of Fernando’s men immediately pop up from the heap---I had to laugh, it was like they were playing opossum until he left. GO AFTER HIM, Fernando orders.

Monty questions one of his soldiers who tracked Zorro after the arsenal fire. He tells Monty that they lost Z, he disappeared as if he were a ghost. Monty says he’s not a ghost, he’s a man and sends the soldier away with the usual threats and put downs. Monty talks to himself and says he needs money and now may be the time to dip into Esme’s fortune. Soon he’s going to be invincible.

Prudencio shoots after Zorro as he rides away from Fernando’s home. One day, one day Prudencio mutters. Prudi finds FS and they rehash some about Zorro and the explosion at the prison. Prudi says he doesn’t have all the details, but will find out more tomorrow. Fernando says this is going to be the beginning of the end of Montero. Prudi also tells FS that there is some activity at the mission and that the Cardinal hasn’t left yet. He suspects that the consecration is taking place. FS freaks out and takes off for the mission immediately.

Zorro returns to the Bat Cave and finds Bernardo. He fills him in on what happened and swears that he’s going to make everyone who betrayed/hurt Esme pay. He tells Bernie that his life is not the same without Esme, but when he’s Zorro out fighting the criminals somehow his pain is less.

Maria Pia is getting consecrated as a nun, and she and the other sisters are wearing the most ridiculous looking wreath of flowers on their heads (just my opinion, sorry if any of you like them). MP has a flashback to her almost wedding to Fernando. Sister Carol has a dopey smile on her face and MP looks pensive, she then lays prostrate on the floor in front of the Cardinal.

Monty pours water onto a sleeping Esme. He tells her that the noise she heard earlier was her people attempting to rescue her, but they weren’t successful (no duh, she’s still in a cell isn’t she). He says that every time they strike at him he is going to punish Esme. She spouts some hateful words in his general direction and he tells her that soon her mother will be joining her in the cell.

Piza finds Facundo with Agapito and SK. He looks none to happy. Aga tries to explain that his friend was worried (ulcer 2?, not really since this is a lie) about him and so came looking for him. Facu swears that he’ll go back to town and say nothing now that he sees his friend is fine. Piza says fine, go, but I’ll go back to town with you (this isn’t good, let me tell you). Piza heads out with Facu and Facu swears he won’t say a word. At the first opportunity Piza guarantees that statement will be true, he silences Facu forever. **Now at this point I was thinking I wish I could keep a count of all the people Piza has personally killed, he’s got the bodies stacking up. Do you think together we could come up with an accurate body count so far and keep track from this point onward?**

Fernando rides into the church and shouts out that this is all a lie and it ends now!!! He pulls Maria Pia out of the church and asks her if she has erased her feelings for him. She tells him she’s been consecrated and now belongs to God. She adds, kill me if you want and dirty your hands some more.

Next time we see Fernando, he’s brooding in his office. He tells Prudi to go find Brother Aaron, somewhere on the road to Mexico City. He says that Prudi should tell Bro Aaron that Fernando Sanchez needs him.

Olmos visits Mariangel. Mangle asks him if he’s back working for her father and if he told him about her questioning her inheritance. She tells Olmos that she’s pregnant. He’s upset, but offers her congratulations. Mangle asks Olmos to come work for her, and he gets excited about living at the hacienda. She tells him she doesn’t care where he lives, but he should go tell her father he’s coming to work for her. After Mangle walks away, Olmos whines that she’s having the baby of a man who doesn’t love her.

Diego and Alej rehash Dena’s depression. Diego says that she’s got no place to go mourn over the body. Alej goes on to say that Esme died for a cause she believed in and it is there duty to keep up the fight and to never give up. They rehash Mangle’s pregnancy and Diego wonders if God did this to remind him of what he lost with Esme or as a source of comfort from his loss.

Aga asks Piza if he can return to town, he’s got lots of people depending on him (he’s, after all, someone who works four different and important jobs). Piza says no go. He tells Aga that caring for Sara Kali is his only priority and if he’s unsuccessful, Aga will die. Piza lets Aga know that Facu has been silenced. Aga knows Piza means business.

Diego rehashes his plans with Bernie. He’s going to destroy Monty. He speculates that Monty’s next move will be to use Esme’s money, because it is obvious he’s desperately in need of funding.

Auggie finds Esme burning up with a fever in her cell. He takes care of her.

Monty scolds Piza for him (Monty) no knowing where Piza was. Piza says he’s a busy man, with lots to do and proceeds to list off all the different projects Monty has assigned him. Monty says that’s no excuse and orders Piza to carry out the de la Vega assassinations. When Piza leaves, Monty mutters that he hopes Piza doesn’t come back, but then who will do all your dirty work Montero? It is pretty obvious that you are lacking in trustworthy men to carry out your deeds, that’s why you’ve piled the work onto Piza.

The de la Vegas are eating breakfast. Mangle almost faints, I don’t know if she did this on purpose or if it was genuine, I suspect the former. Diego takes her to their room to rest and she says the baby is kicking, does he want to feel (how far along is she?).

Al gets news that the judge is coming with a military escort. He tells his men to get ready, but he’ll go and personally meet the envoy.
Monty is watching all this from a distance. The judge gives Alej the warrant and says that he’s needed for an interrogation, but no harm will come to him. Piza reaches for the pistol behind his back, and a watching Monty orders him to DO IT!!! END OF EPISODE/ ulcer count =1 real/ 1 fake Piza’s daily body count = 1


La Fea Más Bella #274 5/14/07 Here Come the Oxi's

When last we saw Fernando and Lety, Fernando was asking Lety to tell him the truth--that she's still in love with him. Fernando was telling Lety he can't live without her. They were leaning in for a kiss and then…

Then they toy with all of us by springing apart (complete with springing noise) like a couple of magnets with the same poles facing. I actually think I heard a collective groan going up from homes all around the metro area…or maybe that was just me. Lety quite defensively tells Fernando that he's wrong, she's in love with Aldo and she's very happy with him. Fernando says not to pay attention to him, imagine he's not there, he never said anything, he knows she has a good relationship with Aldo and hey, she knows him, he's impulsive…see what he did with this television program? Lety tells him again it's all going to turn out ok. Fernando said he let his emotions get away with him because she was showing such solidarity with him. He says he thinks he's not keeping his promise to leave her in peace to live her life and to accept her decision and that he's been trying (emphasis on trying) with all his strength. Lety says she understands and he shouldn't apologize. Fernando leaves to see how Marcia's doing with getting the meeting together. Lety starts to call him back, but changes her mind and lets him go.

Out in the Gossip Zone, the Cuartel are fighting over the prizes they won for finding the Mujer Misteriosa. Aldo comes in and listens to them fighting for a few seconds, then whistles to get their attention and asks why the lovely ladies are fighting because he's never heard them fight like this. Aldo asks them to take deep breaths, imagine the sea, calm down, and then discuss the matter calmly. After a few deep breaths, the ladies are calmer and there are hugs all around.

In the boardroom, Lety, Fernando, Marcia, Omar, and Luigi are lamenting their lack of ideas. Omar wants to bring Aurora into the meeting for inspiration. Caro remembers her hot kiss with Omar and then berates Omar for not being able to forget about Aurora. The entire room sees through her grouchiness and ay-yiiiii's her about it. Aldo comes into the meeting and Luigi tells Fernando to tell Aldo what kind of mess he's gotten them into. Fernando tells the room that he's about to give Aldo back 50% of what he owes. Aldo asks Lety what the problem is and Lety says it's nothing, it's got a solution just like any other problem. Aldo says since they're all being so friendly, why don't they tell him what happened.

Out in the GZ, PM says it's el colmo (the limit, the last straw, the living end) that Aldo had to come scold them to get them to stop fighting. They decide they're sharing the dinner with Colunga (although Marta gripes about possibly having to split the meal into six measly parts). To decide who goes on the trip for 2 to Acapulco, they're picking slips of paper out of a cup. PM wins and asks Saimon to go with her to celebrate their reconciliation. It must be noted that Saimon comes into the GZ like one of the knights from Monty Python, but without the coconut shells. He quite gladly accepts PM's invitation.

Aldo wants to know if they actually have an idea about the TV show or not? The correct answer is "no," but since this scene is filler (you know it, I know it, the writers know it) it drags on for a while. Omar actually makes a decent suggestion, that it be a telenovela--since the target markets for fashion and telenovelas are pretty much the same. Then he goes on to suggest that the plot be a story of impossible love starring…"AURORA," the entire room chimes in, unenthusiastically. Lety suggests a comedy starring an ugly woman. Marcia suggests a story about a woman who can't marry the love of her life, but ends up living with him when they both become poor. Luigi suggests the story of a creative director, who is gay, of course, and well, if they'd like to base it on Luigi, he thinks that's ok. Omar asks Aldo if he'd like to do a program about cooking and Aldo says "no." Fernando suggests an homage to the great seducers, the honorable Casanovas of all time. *sigh* That's probably more time than I should have spent on that scene. Anyone else have suggestions? I think they should do a steamy telenovela about recappers. Cause our lives are pretty damn hot … seriously … somebody back me up here.

Fernando is in the Bat Cave, typing something that makes him think he's a genius. Then he rips up some stuff he'd printed earlier, saying it's no good anymore. He says he needs collaborators to help him aterrizar (typically means "land," but apparently also to "set down") his idea about the Casanovas. Lety comes in and tells him it's really late and isn't he going home to rest? Fernando says he wants to finish what he's doing first. Aldo comes in and asks if Lety's ready to go. Lety (quite unnecessarily) tells Fernando that Aldo invited her to dinner because he's prepared something special that he wants to share with her. Aldo asks Fernando how he's doing. Fernando says he's fine, just too much information (see, told you!), he tells them to go on, have fun, he can work alone, don't worry about him, he'll concentrate better with less noise. He goes back to typing as he says aloud, "and fun about the great seducers of history" before he realizes they haven't left yet. Lety asks Aldo if he'd mind if she stays and works with Fernando since it's such an urgent project and they still haven't figured out what the program is about. Fernando tells her to go, but Lety says she's the president, she's responsible for this company, and she can't just leave and eat a gusto (as she likes; comfortably) while he works. Aldo tells her to stay and don't worry, he knows the project is important for the company. Fernando looks away and types some more as Aldo kisses Lety goodbye. Fernando says he doesn't have a chair to offer her, but she can sit on his desk, then he says, "that's my boss!" and gets a bit handsy, including acting like he's taking a bite out of her arm, before he backs off and goes back to typing, "the kisses have llegaron a recrear…" Lety sings, "aquí en mi boca" (gone so far as to recreate, here in my mouth). Fernando says that's a good idea, but Lety says it's a song, so it won't work.

At PM's apartment, she's telling her son she's tried finding a father for him, but it's hard work and it's not that she lacks the ganas (a combination of wanting and willing in this context) to do it or that it's because she can't get a man, but the thing is….He asks if she's gotten him a dad and goes to open the door to Saimon, who announces that the party has arrived. Saimon asks the kid for permission to…. The kid asks if he's going to marry PM, but Saimon balks. Still, the kid hugs Saimon and tells PM he's the best dad she could have gotten him. Is he really? She couldn't spring for a better version? Saimon brought the kid a model airplane for a present, but the kid says that the most important thing is that Saimon is there.

At Casa Tomás, Tomás is hugging Alicia and reminding her that they're just one step away from their wedding. He sighs with happiness and Alicia sighs with…well, something else, but I'm not sure exactly what.

And now, let the wedding nonsense begin. A crowd is gathered outside the church. The Cuartel are wearing coordinating outfits that include a fabric that looks something like camouflage tie-dyed chiffon. They're wondering if La Oxi will actually go through with it and Irma tells them not to tempt fate by talking about it. Lety and Aldo show up and dear sweet heaven, what is Lety wearing? A black turtleneck, a tan linen(?) tank dress, and a brown and black coat in some kind of pattern. This is how she dresses to her BFF's wedding? Granted, he's marrying Alicia, but still. Lety teases the Cuartel about showing up on time for the wedding, but not for work. They joke around and Lety's dad scolds them for it. Tomás and his Mama show up and Aldo asks him for a word. Aldo reminds him he should be enjoying this day, but Tomás is worried that Alicia's dad hasn't shown up and he's supposed to pay for half of everything. Lety's mom tells Tomama that she's looking quite excited. Tomama says that at first Alicia le daba como mala espina (made her feel uneasy), but later she realized she's the perfect woman for her Tomás, she's transparente (open), honest, como dios manda (as God orders). The Cuartel choke on their laughter.

Omar and Fernando are at the Bachelor Pad complaining about not wanting to go to the wedding. Omar is wishing that Aurora had agreed to go with him. Show of hands…who would like Omar never to say the name "Aurora" ever again? Fernando wants Omar to forget that woman and pay attention to work, seeing as how they've got a paquetote encima (big punishment hanging over them). Omar wants to know what the big deal is since Fernando finished his guioncito (little script). Fernando says, it's done, but it's probably no good since he's not a writer. Well, there's a thought, they could hire a writer. Fernando is grouchy because Marcia's taking so long to get ready. He shouts, "Marcia are you ready yet?" and Marcia replies "Ya voy!" (I'm coming) Fernando says that's the 28th time she's said "ya voy" and asks if Omar wants to hear the twenty-ninth. He shouts for Marcia again and she obligingly yells back, "Ya voy!" and the boys have a laugh. Fernando tells Omar he's an idiot and Omar wants to know what for this time. Fernando supposes that maybe Omar was dropped as a child like Ariel was, just with different effects. Omar says he doesn't believe it, but he looks doubtful.

The executioner, digo, the priest, comes out to the steps of the church to tell everybody that it's time. The Cuartel start talking smack about Alicia within earshot of Tomama, which doesn't sit well with her. They let slip that Alicia is divorced. Tomás knows his mom is hearing the whole thing, but rather than tell them to shut it, or hustle his mom out of there, he tries giving her a big smile. Tomama mutters that Alicia deceived her. People are starting to shout that Alicia has arrived. Tomama mutters that Alicia is going to pay.

Alicia walks down the aisle on the arm of Luigi, who says he's not sure if he wants to cry from fear or excitement. Luigi tells Tomás that he hopes he makes Alicia happy or else (he motions that he'll scratch Tomás…not much of a threat coming from Luigi, but if my cat did that I'd feel the fear.) Luigi goes over to take his place on the bride's side of the aisle as Marcia straightens out Alicia's train. Gotta take a moment here to describe Alicia's dress. She's wearing bright, satin-y white. The bodice is very tight, por supuesto, deep-v, off the shoulder. The girls are pushed up about as high as they can go without being right in her face. The skirt looks like an A-line, not meringue-y at all, with about a 6-foot train and embroidery and/or beading from about the knee down and down the train. She's wearing a tiara and dangly diamond (ok, probably CZ) earrings; no necklace. The veil is just a big poof with a shorter section covering her face and the longer section hanging down the back to about knee-length. Her hair is up, probably in a French twist. She's wearing elbow length gloves sprinkled with pearls. I kid you not, except for the excessive boobage, this is the classiest I've ever seen her. Oh, not to leave out the groom, he's in a black tux with a grey ascot and he did get some new glasses, much smaller ones. Now, if only someone had done something about his hair! Anyway, on with el show. After Luigi completes the handoff, Tomás asks about Alicia's dad again, but Alicia drags him up to the chopping block, digo, altar and they kneel. We get a montage of the guests as "Ave Maria" plays: Luigi looking verklempt; Tomama looking angry and sad; Alicia looking at Tomás; Tomás looking at Alicia; Aldo and Lety looking at each other; Fernando looking at Aldo and Lety looking at each other; Lety's dad looking constipated; Caro and Omar grinning at each other; Marcia smiling beatifically (she looks hot, by the way--the hair alone was definitely worth the time, kind of a semi-updo with a lot of cascading curls); Lety looking at Aldo again and Fernando looking at Lety wistfully. The priest asks if anyone knows of any reason why these two, etc. and Tomama kind of moans and starts to leave the church, but she turns around and says she has one as she marches back up the aisle and pulls Tomás away from Alicia. Alicia is impactada and lifts her veil to stare at Tomama. Commercial!

When we return, Tomama is pushing Tomás into a room adjacent to the altar. The priest, Tomás, Tomama, and Alicia are all there, under the watchful eye of the Virgen, as Alicia wonders what's up and protests that the cuernos she made were perfect. Tomama cites Alicia's divorce as the reason she can't marry Tomás. Of course, she doesn't do this right away--we have to get some shots of the shocked guests, the Cuartel engaging in schadenfreude (that would be German for taking joy in the pain of others), Luigi wondering what Alicia has to do to get a man to maintain her, Marcia telling Luigi if he wants to help he should shut up and pray! Lety is saying "pobre de Tomás" as Fernando (who is sitting right behind her and Aldo) butts in to say that marriage is a big step that can't be taken lightly. Lety snaps at him and then tells Aldo marriage isn't difficult…just look at her parents. Tomás is actually doing a decent job of showing some spine and saying he's an adult and he wants to marry Alicia. Tomama lays some mom guilt on him, saying she brought him into this world, fed him, took care of him, and he can't pay her back like this. Alicia makes what seems like a very genuine plea to Tomama, "It's true that I have a past that I can't change. I made many mistakes and one way or another I've paid for them. I ask you, please, don't deprive your son of happiness. He'll die if he doesn't marry me!" Tomás agrees. "And besides, I'm going to give you that grandchild that you want so much." Ka-ching! The ladies hug to seal the deal. Tomás says he takes Alicia as his wife, Tomama gives Alicia her bouquet back and says she takes Alicia as her daughter-in-law and borron y cuento nuevo (let bygones be bygones; let's start again), the priest declares them husband and wife, Alicia asks after her other ring, Tomás asks about his father-in-law, Alicia says he won't be much later, and Tomás tries for a kiss, gets an air kiss, and Alicia takes the ring and puts it on her finger. If you're wondering if you missed something there, you didn't. This all happens in the little room off the altar.

From there we go directly to the reception, which is in a reasonably nice-looking building with a dramatic staircase out front. Lety, Aldo and Lety's parents are at a table together. Lety tells them that, according to Tomás, Alicia talked Tomama into letting them get married by talking about grandchildren. They all laugh. Tomama comes up and asks what they think of the party. There's some nonsense about the decorations. Lety's mom puts Aldo on the spot and he quite nicely says it looks like it was decorated by a woman who adores her son. Then he goes off the rails and says there's a certain chaos provoked by that infinite love. One presumes that this is before the drinking starts, so Aldo has no excuse, except that he's Aldo. Lety's dad grumps that he doesn't know anything about decorations and Lety and her mom joke that all he cares about is eating and dancing, but especially dancing.

At the next table over are Caro, Omar, Fernando, Marcia, and Luigi. Marcia disses the decorations. Luigi attributes it to Tomás and Lety being involved, what else could they expect but the maximum expression of horror. Fernando calls them superficial and reminds them that Lety had nothing to do with this wedding, so leave her out of it. Luigi says that Lety and Tomás came from the same mold. Fernando starts to object, but then writes down "the same mold" in his notebook. Caro is listening to Omar whine some more about Aurora. She'd really like him to shut it for an hour, say, or perhaps half an hour if an hour is too difficult. Fernando says he has an idea, what about a lovesick imbecile like Omar showing up at a friend's wedding, no, wait, showing up to a wedding he wasn't invited to, or, or…. Marcia asks him to put away his notebook, he's obsessed. Fernando says it's not an obsession, it's his work and he needs ideas for the TV show and any idea could work, no matter how stupid it might seem. Hm, I could make a comment there about this show and the Aurora plot, but it's just too easy. Fernando starts writing down something about a waiter getting to a table with a bottle…but, no, he doesn't like that idea and rips it out of the notebook. Commercials.

Alicia and Tomás are arriving at the reception in a white stretch limo. The driver goes to open the door for Alicia, but Tomás claims the right to do it. Alicia is lying on the back seat, probably because her dress was so tight she couldn't get in or out any other way (I hear Oprah did that once, back in the day). Alicia says she feels like a princess arriving like this (I assume she means the limo and not the lying down in the back seat). They stand on the steps outside as Tomás asks about Alicia's dad again and Alicia says he's trapped in a snowstorm, but he'll be there soon because his helicopter is on the way to get him. Tomás is worried because Alicia's dad was supposed to pay for half of everything and things are looking really expensive to him right now. Alicia says it's already taken care of and asks him to quit worrying about money and enjoy himself. Tomás agrees and reminds her that after this is the wedding night. I wonder how she'll get out of that one!

After some silliness with the Cuartel, which mainly consists of a lot of grousing that the shindig hasn't actually started yet, the MC welcomes them all and presents the wedding couple. Alicia and Tomás parade around the dance floor to applause and then make their way to their seats at the high table. Tomama takes the mic and announces that she'd like them to dance to the same song she and Pangracio danced to at their wedding. She orders Tomás to dance with her daughter-in-law. Tomás and Alicia dance, if you can call it that, to the waltz the band plays (I should be able to identify it, but the title escapes me at the moment…anyone know it?). Tomama pulls Aldo out onto the dance floor and dances with him for a while. We then get the following pairings: Lety's mom and dad; Lety's dad and Alicia; Lety's mom and Tomás; Lety and Tomás (and such dancing has not been seen since Elaine on Seinfeld, although Lety and Tomás have better senses of rhythm); Aldo and Lety's mom; Omar and Alicia; Fernando and Tomama; Marcia and Tomás; Lety and Luigi start to, then think better of it; Caro and Omar; Luigi and Alicia; Fernando then realizes he and Lety are partner-less and dances with her, even going so far as to dip her, until Aldo and Tomama bust them up; Caro and Tomás; then Tomama has them all join hands and traipse around the dance floor. As the song ends, the crowd starts clamoring for a kiss, to which someone (Omar or Fernando, I think) adds "on the mouth!" to the chant. Alicia gives Tomás the stingiest possible peck on the lips. Tomás takes the mic and asks for a round of applause for the bride. Alicia tells them they're all honored to be there because she invited them to her wedding (one person laughs; and that actually would have been funny if she'd meant it as a joke). Tomás, for some reason, takes the mic back and announces that they're still missing the most special guest of the evening, his father-in-law, Alicia's father. He says that Alicia's dad is the special guest because he's paid for half of the wedding and asks for a round of applause for that while Alicia looks like she's got some 'splainin' to do.

Tomorrow: More reception fun and a really big bill!


Duelo de Pasiones - Monday, 5/14--Wedding Plans...er Plots

We open with the dire music, a choral fantasy which segues into Barber’s Adagio for strings, which is probably the best tearjerker music ever written. Luba is in extremis, hanging bloodied, arms spread out after having been beaten by the caicique and his pal. Gaspar apparently cut her down because the next scene is him crying and kissing her in his arms, screaming to the Virgincita to help her.

Back in his room at la Rinconada, Angel is pensive. He thinks aloud that Emilio’s plan (to get DL) is very dangerous. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Alina. She wants to talk. About Santos.
Back to Luba and Gaspar and Barber’s adagio. He’s brought her back to the cave and is going to try to cure her. He begs her not to die. He waves a bottle in front of her nose and she mumbles. She’s alive although weak. She mumbles some more about the cacique and about THE BOX—Gaspar has to give THE BOX to the patron so that he can know the truth. Then she tells Gaspar not to cry. He rubs his eyes and makes a vain attempt to stop crying.

Over to Emilio at La R. He’s wearing his nice straw sombrero and doing some target practice with a revolver on a row of bottles. He says to himself that he can’t fail. Orlando comes up and asks him what he’s doing. Is he just blowing off steam or is he thinking about killing someone? Emilio wheels and turns the gun on him yelling. “Do you want me to kill you?”

Alina is explaining to Angel, who has started coughing again, that Santos had amnesia and that’s why he threatened him. Angel says he was surprised by the whole thing since he had never done anything to Santos. Alina tells him that “it’s a long story” and she’ll save it for another time. Right now, she has a favor to ask. She wants Angel to give her away at the wedding. Angel agrees.

Back to Emilio and Orlando. They spar again over Alina. Orlando tries to argue that Alina jumped in bed with him “of her own free will.” Emilio clearly peeved points the gun at him while Orlando points a stick at him and leaves laughing. Emilio goes back to picking off booze bottles.
Over at Edelmira’s which is apparently turning into Coral & Grani’s, Coral is organizing the new girls into a show. Even Grani gets into the act and hops on stage to wiggle his tushie. Coral gives him a swat on the behind. The light moment is broken when the 3 murdering hoochies arrive and declare that they are back to settle scores with Coral.

Over to Gaspar and Luba. Luba is now upright but she is weak and blood is still soaking through her shirt. She staggers into Hacienda de Loco to chat with Don Loco, with Gaspar waiting outside, hidden holding THE BOX.

Back to Eddy’s. CATFIGHT! The hoochies and the new bar band, Las Chicas del Barco (“The girls from the boat,” I think that’s what they called themselves) are pulling hair, screaming and kicking and slapping. Coral and Grani try to keep out of it.

Luba makes it into the kitchen of Hacienda de Loco. She runs into Sergio who seems to spend all his free time in there eating, now that Adela is gone. He asks her what she’s doing there. She tells him she has to give something to the Patron. He tells her that he can give it to him. She says no. Sergio drops that the Patron is occupied with “the wedding.” Luba’s eyes widen. “What wedding?” “The wedding of the Lieutenant Orlando with Flor.” Luba is impactada into the commercial.

On the other side of the break, Sergio is still stuffing his face. Luba insists on proceeding to DL. Sergio remarks aloud that Luba is a crazy witch. Luba overhears him and tells him your grandmother was crazy. Sergio smiles and says he was only joking and goes right back to eating.
At Coral & Grani’s, las Chicas have won the fight and have tied the hoochies’ hands behind their backs. Too bad they didn’t gag them too because they start whining. “There were more of you than us!” Uh Huh. And you picked the fight, what does that make you? Grani taunts them that they are going straight to the police and to jail. Now they want a deal. The lead hoochie asks Coral to let them go and they will promise never to come back. Coral says she’s no fool and tells Grani and the Chicas to stick them in a room while she gets the cops.

Luba reconsiders leaving THE BOX with DL. She hurries out and tells Gaspar that they will leave it for another time because Flor needs their help if she’s set to marry Orlando tomorrow.
Elsewhere at La Rinconada, Thelma is cradling the Baby (who still doesn’t have a name) and telling him that she’s always going to take care of him and never going to let that idiot, his father see him. The door is open and the SA walks through, chastising her niece that she should be more careful about talking about the baby’s paternity. The SA moves on to the subject of listening at the door of Maximo’s office. She heard the entire conversation where Thelma made a deal with Max, not to tell Emilio any of her secrets and in turn, she would drag her Aunt back to Puebla as soon as she can get Emilio to leave the construction project. Thelma tries to argue that she’s saving her Aunt from Max, who is “immoral.” (pot, meet kettle) The SA doesn’t buy it. She tells Thelma she already knows that she made the deal only thinking of herself, to protect herself. With tears, the SA tells her that she knows she depends on Thelma but she is upset to see how little her Auntie matters to her. She flounces out of the room. Thelma calls out “How Dramatic!” after her. She says to nobody in particular that once she is through getting what she wants, her Aunt “will be out in the street.” She goes back to cooing at the baby.

Castulo bursts into Jose’s worker’s cottage pistol in hand, screaming. “Santos! Santos! I’m going to kill you.” The place is empty. Castulo complains that when he finds “that imbecile” this time he is really going to kill him.

Luba is back at the cave still grimacing with pain. She tells Gaspar that when night falls she is going to go to La Rinconada to talk to Flor. If it is not her wish to marry the Lieutenant, she will help. And she knows what she has to do. Gaspar looks quizzical.

Over at Hacienda Montillano, Don Loco is giving orders to the police to get his sister back and kill Elias and his accomplice. They have a pretty good idea that the party hasn’t gotten very far.
Soledad is in her room putting a white bag in her wardrobe. She remarks aloud that “Alina will look wonderful in this dress!” DL comes in and she asks him if she can go over to La Rinconada early to help Alina get ready for the wedding. At first, DL says no, he doesn’t want her to “be with other people.” Then he relents and she acts all happy. As he goes to kiss her, Sergio knocks at the door. He announces that Don Maximo is there and wants to see him. DL asks Soledad to accompany him so that Max can see that they are together again.

Cut over to Alfonsina somewhere else in the Hacienda, packing her clothes. Hugo knocks at outside door. He complains that he was waiting for her at the cabana. Alfonsina claims that she has to pack and he should hurry and get back to Veracruz before the Patron sees him. Hugo kisses her neck and says that he thought she might be angry at him. Alfonsina gives him an accusatory look and asks why that would be. Hugo answers, “Because I lost THE BOX” and because you are a (couldn’t make this word out…vinagrilla?) She tells him that the Patron wants her to go back to Veracruz too. Hugo is glad, now they can be together all the time. Alfonsina gives him a look and says now we can look for THE BOX all the time.

When DL and Soledad get downstairs, Don Max is already helping himself to the booze. DL makes a crack about it and Max says “you always say to make myself at home.” DL agrees. Max takes note that DL has patched things up with Soledad. He calls for a toast and goes back to the decanter but the look on his face is one of nervousness.

Dr. Love is testing Mariana’s reflexes in the small hotel in San Mateo, with Elias and Malena looking on. He is pleased with the result. She is getting better. They are all hungry and but afraid that the police are out looking for them. Malena volunteers to go. All smiles, they are are about to send her on her way. She barely crosses the threshold when she turns and goes back in the room. “The police are searching the building!” Malena cries.

At La Rinconada, Emilio is pacing his room. Angel comes in. He’s confirming their appointment with DL in the wee hours of the morning. Emilio asks him to reconsider coming along but Angel is firm.

Alina is up in her room, looking out the window contemplating her future. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Luba. Luba limps in. Alina sees the blood soaking through the shirt. Luba says nothing and whips her hair around to cover it. She tells her she will tell her about it later. Luba spies the green flask on the dresser. Alina apologizes that she took it without meaning to, when she was dragged back to la Rinconada. Luba picks it up and looks at Alina sharply and asks her if she is happy marrying Orlando. Alina tells her, no, she hates him. She’d rather die than be his. Luba looks at the flask and says “To die or not to die. This could be your salvation.” She puts the flask in Alina’s hands.

Alina is confused. Luba tells her she will help her. “Remember the story I told you about the cacique?” Alina continues “The cacique whose son died after you gave him a potion? THIS POTION?” Luba nods. “That’s it.”

Back at the hotel, the police burst in. Dr. Love exclaims that he knows that he’s an adulterer but PLEASE DON’T tell his wife. He’ll pay a bribe. Malena is huddled in bed with the covers up to her eyes. Elias is hiding in the closet with Malena. A cop tells him not to worry, they are looking for two men who kidnapped 2 women. Dr. Love hands him a wad of cash anyway and the police take it happily after promising not to tell “the wife” and leave. He helps Malena and Elias out of the closet.

Max is relaxing with his snifter of booze at Hacienda de Loco. He tells Loco and Soledad (Loco has his arm tight around Soledad’s shoulder as usual when they are in public) that it’s great that he agreed to let the girl marry. “It’s the best way to stop any talk after what happened between her and the lieutenant.” Soledad’s ears prick up, “what happened between them?! She asks. Don Loco tries to shush her, that nothing happened. Don Max says “well, if you say so…” Don Loco then explains that people always talk gossip about novios before a wedding. Soledad jumps up and says she’s tired and wants to go rest. DL kisses her and she leaves. Don Loco asks if Emilio is still lost. Don Max brushes this aside by saying that “You know my nephew, he appears and disappears at will…” “And, by the way, I’m glad to see you are back with Soledad. A woman like that, you can forgive anything…even betrayal.” Don Loco shoots him a nasty look.

Back to Alina and Luba over at La Riconada. Alina refuses to have anything to do with poisoning Orlando. Luba tells her not to worry; she will take care of everything. And besides, the cacique’s son’s death wasn’t her fault. Luba asks Alina if she wants to be married to the Lieutenant again and again, Alina says no, but she’s worried about mom. Luba leaves the potion on the dresser and tells her that if SHE decides to take the potion, she, Luba will be there at the wedding and she’ll be there to take care of her. She’ll be there to take better care with her than with her own life.” She turns to go. “Don’t be afraid. For love she’ll do anything.”

[I think I am starting to see what happened to the Cacique’s son. I will give you a hint what I’m thinking: Juliet].

Emilio and Angel are still plotting for tomorrow’s coup against Don Loco. Again Emilio thinks that Angel shouldn’t go and again Angel insists.

Luba continues down the hall and hears the baby crying from a room with an open door. She spies Thelma holding and rocking the baby. The little cub was born! Luba is beside herself with happiness that she now has a grandson. Her pride turns to tears when she realizes that she can’t tell Gaspar or he will go nuts. She prays to the virgincita.

Don Loco is getting ready for bed, taking his gun off. He thought bubbles Don Max’s words about Soledad who is lying in be, pretending to be asleep. DL says aloud. “Soledad, if I didn’t love you so much, I would be capable…” he trails off.

Elsewhere at Hacienda de Loco, Sergio is thinking about the wedding and his part. “Oh, Lieutenant, if only you knew what awaits you at your wedding. He kisses his gun and puts it aside. He decides to take a nap. He’s on guard duty all night but he wants to be rested for the morning.
At la Rinconada, Alina is lying in bed. Apparently even after everything that’s happened, she still leaves it unlocked. Emilio sneaks in. He thought bubbles a touching little speech about how he will not lose her, even if it means that he has to risk his own life. He leaves and meets Angel outside the door. They go off to the Hacienda Montillano.

Back at the cave, Luba is having an orange flashback of her ordeal at the hands of the cacique and his bud. Particularly the part when he threatens to kill Gaspar in exchange for killing his son. Gaspar is curious about what went down at the Hacienda. She won’t tell him. She just does a little lovey dovey scene with him. She tells him that she will be going to the wedding but not him. She sends him to bed with a little swat. After he goes to bed, she worries outloud about him.

Elias bids Dr. Love, Malena and Mariana goodbye at the bus station. They’re on their way to Mexico City!

Emilio and Angel have made it to Hacienda de Loco. They see Sergio asleep beside his weapon. They pause while deciding what to do. Angel suggests they try another route into the house. Emilio says no, apparently he’s got more than one of those tranquilizer darts. He shoots Sergio who wakes up, only to collapse immediately. Must be strong stuff. They walk past him into the house. You know, even if he is knocked out, I would have secured his weapon. Instead, they leave him right there, asleep, cradling his shotgun.

Back at la Rinconada. Thelma is having a tough time getting the little cub to sleep. He’s wailing and wailing. Orlando comes in, all pissed off that the baby woke him up. Nice PJ’s by the way! The SA rushes in to try to calm the baby too. All of the sudden, Orlando wonders aloud why Emilio isn’t awakened by the baby too. Thelma and Orlando give eachother looks and they rush into Emilio’s room. The bed is perfectly made. Thelma hisses “Where is that jerk?”

With so much going on we need to go back to Coral and Grani’s for a musical interlude from Las Chicas. They are ruminating over the day’s excitement. The girls want to know if there is still going to be a show tonight. Damn straight says Coral, “Music until Dawn!” They start the music. Wearing tight miniskirts and stilettos, fighting and capturing murdering hoochies, singing and dancing: It’s all in a days work for Las Chicas del Barco. And just in case we didn’t notice how hawt they are, when the camera focuses on their curves while they sing and dance. Coral plays the hostess meanwhile and invites the regulars back in for a real show.

Over at La Rinconada, the show is just getting started. Thelma bursts into Alina’s room (again, the room without the door lock) with Orlando in tow, accusing her of knowing where Emilio is. Alina looks sleepy and confused and says she doesn’t know. Thelma grabs her and shakes her screaming all the while. The SA comes in, with her hair in ridiculous rollers. She yells at Thelma to leave with Orlando. “If Emilio had something planned, he would have done it already.” Thelma turns and stalks off. Orlando follows, warning that “nothing is going to stop my wedding.” Alina thanks the SA who says that she has nothing to thank her for. But she does give a valuable piece of advice: You’d BETTER CLOSE YOUR DOOR AND LOCK IT. SA flounces out. Alina is concerned about Emilio. She sees the green flask on the dresser. It has now acquired the creepy music that has previously accompanied THE BOX when it glows. I guess we can call this the witchy music.

Thelma and Orlando are out in the hallway stewing about Emilio’s absence. Orlando starts speculating that Emilio went after DL. If he did, Orlando is certain that Don Alvaro would kill him. Orlando laughs that maybe instead of celebrating a wedding tomorrow, they’ll be attending a wake. Thelma doesn’t think the joke is funny. Thelma demands that he help Emilio. Orlando laughs again. What part of “I hate Emilio intensely” don’t you understand? Thelma tells him that if he doesn’t help Emilio, he’s not going to be able to marry Flor. I don’t understand the logic in this, but maybe Thelma is thinking that she would be able to stop the wedding. Orlando pisses and moans some more about how much he hates Emilio and asks when he will be able to get rid of him.

Back at Alina’s room that is now locked Vera is knocking. Since Vera was idiotic enough let Thelma use her to get into Alina’s room before, Alina intelligently asks this time whether she is alone. Vera says yes and Alina lets her in. She tells her that Emilio is gone. Alina tells her she already knows this. But Vera says that Angel is not in his room either! Alina now looks concerned. Wow, even Vera has now figured out that Angel and Emilio have gone to confront Alvaro Montellano.

And confront he’s doing at this very moment. Emilio is outside the master bedroom. He tells Angel after he shoots to help Soledad while he ties up Alvaro. Alas, Soledad and DL do have door locking skills, it’s just that they didn’t pass them on to their daughter. When Emilio tries to open the door, it’s locked and worse still, it’s noisy. The Locos are light sleepers and DL (who is fully dressed, laying ON TOP OF the covers) sits up immediately as does Soledad. DL starts putting his boots on and goes to investigate. Emilio and Angel discuss what to do. Emilio wants to kick down the door. Angel thinks this is a bad idea, they will wake up the whole house. Emilio helpfully suggests that Angel leave and let him finish the job. Angel convinces him to come with him and hide. Alvaro gets up with his pistol and starts skulking around his house, with his revolver cocked. “Who goes there?” he calls out.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Destilando Amor 05/14/07 "Jizz Whiz....I'm Not Ready to Be a Daddy"

We open with the awkward phone call from Rod's lack-of-lovin wife calling him at work to talk baby clothes and nursery colors...Later my love.

Now Gavi gets a phone call, Rod slumps down in a chair...it is from Eduardo..Oh Eduardo how are you? Gavi puts on the happy face...(I used to do the same thing in high school, only it was my friend on the other end..I just called her Eduardo...same effect), Gavi pauses to enquire if Rod will be needing anything else...ah she dismisses him like a schoolboy.

Rod is quizzing Elvira...trying to get the low down on all the employees, that now work for him...of course we all know he really wants the 411 on Gavi, he questions Elvira...Is she married? Divorced?, does she live alone? Oh with her mother, does she have a boyfriend and so on and so forth...Rod is so subtle..Elvira says Gavi is very mysterious. Rod asks about Gavi's stellar climb up the corporate ladder...Elvira is thought bubbling "Hey AssHat, maybe if you came to town once and while instead of drinking and listening to that lame ass cassette, I'd still be the numero uno chica", Jest kiddin that was my thought bubble...Elvira says Gavi convinced Aaron to hire her as a receptionist and well the rest is history, without saying so, she kinda infers, "Well it wasn't her typing skills". Elvira then directs Rod to Margarita for more details.

Aaron continues to hang out with swarmy Onate (the guy who is gonna help get the "not up to standard Tequila" outta of the country)... You can just see the green vapor rising up off this guy like a noxious cloud.

Gavi sneaks off from work and tells maintenance guy to lock up her office. Gavi has gone to practice driving her new car. It is a standard and she does not know how to drive one. Some guy is teaching her and Clara is in the back seat...Oh yeah that went well...The car is parked outside her apartment.

Rod is now grilling Margarita about Gavi, does she have a fiance? Margarita says she doesn't know.

Over to Dry Gulch Acres...
James is doing book-keeping and Acacia brings him his dinner...James can't handle it they gotta get away...he is a bit sqeamish about sharing her with her uncle. Nope that is not part of the plan...Acacia has to stay cause I guess she wants the peanut farm and all the wealth that a contract with Planters can bring. She says she loves James, but he is like no can do...Well Mister James suit yourself.

On to the Hacienda...SanWanna & the Roman clan are sitting around getting ready for dinner...Hilario is down in the barn...we really know he is writing in his dear diary...lamenting Isadora...Hilario comes running in "Oh NO the jimadors are staging an uprising...a peasents revolt....

It is night in Mexico City...Gava and Clara come out of the apartment and Clara has a pot that is putting out alot of smoke. Clara has a picture of St. Sebastin (I think it was Sebastin), patron saint of drivers, there is much asking for protection from thieves, accidents and so on...Rod has a perplexed look on his face as he watches from his car down the street. Like many other TeleNovela characters who shall not be named, Pilar now gets a "My grandchild is an Honor Student at Stalker U" bumper sticker...

Finally after many fun filled moments Gavi and Clara go inside carrying their hibatchi which is smoking big time.

Rod runs up and stops a lady going in the building...once again the picture of tact, Rod starts right in asking personal questions about Gavi...the lady tells him to leave or she will call the police.

Lady goes up to the apartment which is now "in a fit of comic relief filled with smoke", Lady tells Gavi & Clara that a man was asking questions about Gavi...a good lookin guy. She says she threatened him with the police. Gavi says he is a thief and call the police if he comes back.
The lady leaves and Clara says you told a lie. Gavi counters, "It was no lie, he stole my heart".
Darn it... these kids are so cute, I want to make little silver charms of both of them and sell them on ebay. Gavi will never allow herself to be hurt by Rod again...Clara does not look so certain.

Rod walks in the living room...TWB is on the phone...It's Roman, the jimadors are striking for more wages...Rod is all like Huh? We pay the highest wages in the region...Well Rod, looks like Jimmy Hoffa resurfaced and the folks done got organized...Rod tells Roman to handle it, but Roman says he needs Rod. Well there is a big meeting, then Rod will return to the ranch. Rod hangs up. He tells the Ice Princess, there is a problem with the Jimadors..."Oh Yeah", she snaps back, she says Gaviota is back...He is like...your so crazy, she in the office downtown...Nah not really, he says if she doesn't believe him, well return to the ranch with him. This leaves TWB, with a damned if I do and damned if I don't expression...She does love the ranch sooooooo much.

Later Rod is typing on his lap top and I don't know what he is typing, but by his expression it looks like a "Do you want to go steady as soon as I divorce my cloying wife?" e-mail to Gavi.
TWB comes in and says they need to talk...this is when she springs the whole, I want to have your baby thing on him. Rod looks duly stunned. He is not ready to have a baby..and he thought bubbles and "not with you". TWB pulls the ole, poor pitiful me routine outta the bag. So after of year of marriage and you not paying any attention to me...now I can't even have a kid....She says it would be thru artificial insemination, no fuss, no muss...she goes on to tell him that the doctor examined her organs, plus she produces a testament from both Aaron and Hilario that everything seems to be in good working order..(okay I threw that last part in..but should she need it, they could give witness), why in just a month she could be pregnant and they'd be on their way to a total dysfunctional family instead of just a dysfunctional couple. Like Bill Clinton, Rod feels her pain, but no...that can't happen..TWB stomps off in her CFM heels. Rod now thought bubbles how he must make Gavi realize...she is the only thing in his life.

Next Day........
Gavi arrives at work...there are yet more flowers with a card...another love anonymus card...she smiles, smells the card...then tears it up and throws it away...yes these flowers are bound for Margarita's desk...

Rod is at home, holding Gavi's scarf to his nose...well he is quite the scent huffer. He puts it away just in time to cover as TWB pops in. No he is outta there, no breakfast...he leaves...she throws pillows...

Gavi is on the phone when sneaky swarmy Onate comes in...he was evesdropping...he leaves chocolates on her desk...Now Onate gives a tulip to Elvira, who is quite taken. Then he pops into Videgaray's office while Vid is on the phone with Bruno...Onate says he just wanted to see his office, but you know he is spying....Videgaray tells Bruno that he does not trust Onate...

Gavi and Artemo Trejo are in Aaron's office with Aaron and Onate...they promise to give Trejo an old customer and friend of the family everything he needs and all the paperwork will be taken care of. Gavi and Artemo leave...Oh you can just see the glee on the faces of Aaron and Onate..the Tequila is substandard chemicals have been added...Rod & MariAnne Franco's (Gavi) names will be all over the paperwork...Ah Aaron you really are a reptile. More green vapors rise up off Onate.
***I gotta say here I am really not sure what they are doing, but I know that Tequila has very exact standards...maybe they are adding colorings & stuff to the new Tequila and selling it at a higher price as aged Tequila...or maybe they are cutting it with some other alcohol...I think this is to increase profits...

Rod arrives at work and sees the flowers on Margaritas counter...
He hears Gavi talking with Artemo Trejo about the meeting...he bursts in (I'm thinking he thought she was with some young guy), anyway, Gavi introduces them and Rod goes off on some kick about her flowers and leaves...the poor customer looks like "oh I didn't know the grandson was slow".

Meanwhile after the guy leaves, Rod bursts back in the office...Gavi says he didn't knock so he knocks on the extremely thin glass door that you can hear everything thru. I don't know how Elvira hasn't picked up on this freak show? Rod starts telling her the usual, I love you stuff, when boy interrupted, here comes Videgaray, he wants all the business transactions so he can send them to Bruno...But wait here comes Aaron telling him...No.....
Rod is trying to calm them down and Gavi has that there is nothing very classy about the upper classes look. After some more arguing Aaron grabs Vid and says he wants his Grandfather's Will...Everyone is muy impactoed.....

Aaron, dude chill.....you got like 700 more episodes to go.

Stay tuned tommorrow for..................
Sofia dressed in a gray knit dress copied straight from 1964 Seventeen Magazine, "Smart Soriety Fashions at Sarah Lawrence" tells TWB that once again she will give Rod a cup and a stern talking to.

Looks like Clara's none stop sewing has paid off...Gavi has an awesome party dress..


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Acorralada #83 5/10-/07 Thursday – A December-May Romance Blooms and Pillow Heads for Another Fall!

Paco is in his office telling Fidiota that he hates the distance between them. Apparently Fidiota is there trying to drum up support for Dimwit Diana's upcoming custody battle. Fidiota tells him it's all his fault there is an abyss between them. He married her worst enemy! Paco states he didn't realize Fidiota loved him (since she was more bent on revenge than being with him). Finally they end up in a passionate kiss. Of course, who should walk in but Octopus. Octopus is wearing some sort of brown top that looks like two slips cut in half and held together in the front by heaven-knows-what. Perhaps a safety pin just above her navel. Octopus is furiosa! "What is the meaning of this?" We are then treated to the two fieras exchanging insults and accusations, while Paco just stands there inert. The two women are so busy bickering back and forth, it's as if they don't realize Paco is there. ***What's with Paco's taste in women anyway? *** Finally Octopus yells, "If Paco loved you, why did he marry me?" Fidiota retorts "If he loves you, why is he passionately kissing me?" Finally Octopus tells Fidiota to get out.

Perfumes 'R Us. Diana uses the adjoining door to throw a folder on Max's desk. Max tells her not to use that door. She should be entering through the hallway, the same way he was told to enter her office. Diana reminds him she is the president and she can use any door she wants. They then fight over how to enter each other's offices. What a pair of idiots. Max then brings up their last kiss. Diana claims she doesn't remember. The only kisses she remembers are Diego's! The sniping continues until Avarice walks in. Avarice wants to know what Max is doing there. That's a good question, since Max was supposedly going to work for a competing company. In all the episodes I've watched, however, Max never actually went into that other office. Max happily tells his rival, Avarice, that he just returned to work at Perfumes 'R Us. Avarice is impactado! Max trades in his lemon-sucking look for a smirk.

Our Lady of La Selva sin Nombre. Marfil is in bed eating something, when there's a knock on the door. Sister Sunshine announces she has a visitor. It's Andres! Andres finally believes it's the real Marfil and not some trap by Debora to kill him. Together they decide that Debora and Doc Evil must die. The fact that everyone believes Marfil is dead will work to their advantage. They will be indestructible!

Perfumes 'R Us. More squabbling among Max, Dimwit, and Avarice. Max claims Avarice was always making mistakes with his calculations that had to be corrected. Avarice counters the only reason Max is there is to see that the factory crashes and burns as a means of payback for the Irascibles losing it to Fidiota. Diana is telling them both to be civilized. Talk about the 3 Blind Mice! Max says because of his son, he has no reason to see the factory fail. Whatever.

Emili-Oh's Shelter for Wayward Individuals. Debora, wearing some sort of electric blue pleather vest over a black shirt and black jeans, is talking to Yolanda in a brown unflattering dress with turquoise trim and a tiered skirt. Poor Yolanda, why does she always get the short end of the stick with Wardrobe? At any rate, Debora is trying to convince Yolanda to join Team Debora. "Max has no business working with that cualquiera." Yolanda replies that Max is old enough to make his own decisions. Yolanda then tells Debora (who she thinks is Marfil) to let Max go. She's young, pretty, etc. Find another guy. Debora boisterously nixes that idea. Debora is mad Yolanda is not joining her outrage. Yolanda says she has no reason to hate anyone. Debora snipes back, "What else should I expect from a dumb single woman like you!" As Yolanda is leaving, there's a knock on the door. It's Bruno. Bruno slinks in without saying a word. Debora shrieks, "What are YOU doing here? Get out!!!!!"

Our Lady of La Selva sin Nombre. Andres and Marfil are sharing a tender moment in which they bare their souls to one another, including why Marfil and Debora hate each other to the extent they want to kill each other. Marfil begins with her tale of woe. There was always a rivalry between the two. Marfil was a good girl, got good grades, and all the teachers liked her. She then met a handsome, rich man. Debora was rebellious, got poor grades, and was always in trouble. I believe Marfil says their father preferred Marfil, but since we don't know anything about "Dad," I may be mistaken in my understanding. Andres' turn. When he met Debora, she was "an easy woman" on the streets who committed petty crimes. Stealing jewelry, selling drugs, etc. Either they were easy prey, or they both targeted easy prey. Can one of our fans help out with this? At any rate, Andres and Debora hooked up and started getting wild and crazy. They had so much in common. They stole cars, robbed mansions and banks, etc. They fell in love and got married. She then disappeared and he lost her trail. Marfil points out that apparently Debora got tired of him. Marfil then starts in with how Debora stole her husband and identity. She must pay!

Paco's Place. Fidiota and Octopus are still trading barbs. Paco some how manages to insert a lame, "Please, enough!" but they ignore him. Finally, Octopus attempts to slap Fidiota, but Fidiota grabs Octopus' arm mid slap. "The only one doing the slapping is going to be me!" Fidiota then connects with two slaps to Octopus' face; both a front hand and a back hand! I must admit, it was priceless. Commercial.

We're still at Paco's Palace. Paco finally finds part of his spine and tells Fidiota to leave and never return. Fidiota spews some venom, "One day you'll realize you married a monster and that she took advantage of you!" At this point Fidiota struts out. Paco looks sheepish. Octopus looks grim. As Fidiota is leaving the bar, Jorge stops her and asks what's going on. Fidiota dolefully tells him Paco prefers Octopus. Jorge replies that Paco still loves her (Fidiota) but that he's just confused. "Alas, woe is me, Paco has caused me so much pain!" Fidiota walks out in tears.

Emili-Oh's Shelter for Wayward Individuals. Debora repeats her demand, "What are you doing here? Get out!!" Bruno announces she's come to clear her conscience. Not only is she Debora and Marfil's mother, but she knows she's talking to Debora, not Marfil! Debora becomes hysterical. "I refuse to accept you as my mother!" This touching mother-daughter reunion goes downhill fast. Bruno feels that Marfil is still alive, but in danger. Lots of tears and screaming by Debora. Lots of tears and yelling by Bruno. She's going to tell anyone and everyone that Debora is an impostor. Debora retorts, "Not if I kill you first!"

Perfumes 'R Us. Avarice is trying to incite a riot with Emili-Oh, Caramel, and Beatriz. "Can you believe Diana is allowing Max to work here? What kind of a hare-brained game plan is that?!" Emili-Oh believes Max would never sabotage the business, but Avarice wants no part of Emili-Oh's justifications. Clearly, Avarice has a vested interest in this. Beatriz tries to throw in a comment, but before she can get out three words, she's cut off. Caramel tries to explain Diana's personal and business life are two different things. "When Fidiota comes back, she's going to be very angry to see an Irascible in her factory." Avarice is furious there is another fox in the hen house.

Little Doormat is in Dimwit Diana's office asking Diana what could she possibly be thinking when she allowed Max to return to his old job. Diana says she doesn't like it either, but it's a way to avoid a custody battle. Gaby wants to know what Diego's going to do when he finds out. Diana makes Gaby promise not to say a word. "Don't you think he'll find out?" asks Gaby reasonably. Diana says she'll tell him when the time is right. Some how, where Diego is concerned, I don't think the time will ever be right. Dimwit does add that Max must never know she still loves him.

Our Lady of La Selva sin Nombre. Andres isn't entirely sure he's dealing with Marfil, but he's cautiously optimistic. Marfil's first order of business: Steal a nun's habit from the convent. Andres apparently isn't particularly excited about this proclamation.

Dimwit and Little Doormat. More discussions about Max working at the factory to avoid Diana losing custody of her son and having her son raised by Marfil. The scene ends with Gaby telling Diana she's afraid of what may happen when Diego finds out Max is in close proximity to Diana. The Orchestra of Doom starts pounding away. Commercial.

La Playa. Yolanda is walking on the beach in her ugly dress. Rene sees her and comes running up. He wants to know how Peyote is doing. Alas, Yolanda says she has no idea. The Irascible family has been totally destroyed. Larry and Max have their problems as well. All is not well in her world. Big Doormat starts crying and Rene tries to comfort her. Pobre de Yolanda.

Emili-Oh's Shelter for Wayward Individuals. Debora and Bruno are still fighting over Debora's little secret. Bruno, with a sudden attack of conscience, can't sleep or eat with everything that has transpired. She wants to stand on the mountaintop and shout the truth to the world. Debora is furiosa! If Bruno says a word about "their secret," she'll have to kill her. Bruno doesn't care. "You killed your own sister in cold blood!" The heated exchange hits a climax when Debora knocks Mommy Dearest to the sofa and starts strangling her.

La Playa. Rene is holding Yolanda in his arms, comforting her. She tells him the only good thing in her life is having him as a friend. He steps back and tips up her chin, but she won't look him in the eyes. He forces her to look at him and says she has beautiful eyes. They are brilliant and enchanting. After teasing us for what seems like a forever, slowly, S-L-O-W-L-Y they lean in for a kiss!!!! Contact!!!!! Finally some satisfaction!!!!

Merciless Medical. Pillow and Kike are still celebrating their success in splitting up "that servant" and Larry. Pillow hastily adds she recognizes Kike hates it when she refers to Gaby as a servant. All is well in their scheming little world.

La Playa. Yolanda breaks away. "Why did you do that?" Rene says it was an impulse. Yolanda says he could be her son, to which Rene innocently responds, "But I'm not!" Yolanda runs off in tears. As she leaves, Rene suddenly realizes/admits he's in love with her. At a distance, Yolanda is impactada. She wants to know why she's trembling all over. She feels like a college kid.

Debora is still throttling Bruno when Larry comes in to save the day. He breaks them up and Bruno slips out the door. Larry wants to know why "Marfil" is trying to kill her own mother! "What is it that you don't want Bruno to tell anyone?" Debora says she doesn't want anyone to know she is the daughter of a kitchen maid. Finally Debora stomps off to her room and Larry looks lost and confused, as usual. The doorbell rings. It's an attorney. Gaby's hired him to handle her divorce. Once again Larry has a "Lost and Confused" look, while he struggles to get his brain around this new bit of information. Apparently it hasn't registered the many times Gaby has mentioned hiring an attorney in the past.

Merciless Medical. Sandy has come to visit Pillow in the hospital. Pillow is happy to tell her Gaby has hired a divorce attorney. Pillow starts bad-mouthing Little Doormat, but Sandy stops her. "Little Doormat is your victim!" Pillow gets defensive, but Sandy tells her to sell it to someone else, she was there and she knows what REALLY happened. Sandy says love knows no social or religious background. Blah, Blah, Blah. In fact, I think Pillow uses this terminology as well.

Perfumes 'R Us. Avarice is still trying to hit on Diana and get her to go out to lunch. As usual, Dimwit replies she's a married woman. Avarice doesn't buy it any more, now that he's seen the photo and articles in all the papers. Diana retorts, "Are you saying I'm an easy woman?" She starts to explain, but catches herself. She points out she doesn't need to explain anything. She's the substitute Prez and whatever she says goes. She all but stamps her feet and crosses her arms. Avarice starts bad-mouthing Max again, when Max bursts into the room from the adjoining office door Dimwit doesn't want him using. Max has a new tight blue sweater. At least it isn't pastel like the other ones. The pissing match continues with Avarice accusing Max of listening in to a private conversation. Max wants Diana to fire this useless individual right now!! The Orchestra of Doom plays.

Merciless Medical. Sandy is still begging Pillow to leave Gaby alone. Gaby is filing for divorce, Larry is free, move on! "Accusing Gaby of pushing you down the escalator when she didn't is against the law." "What a swell idea!" says Pillow. "I'll have Gaby arrested!" Sandy wants no part of this little charade. Pillow threatens Sandy and Sandy promises to not say anything to anyone if Pillow promises to lay off Little Doormat.

Paco's Palace. Paco and Octopus are fighting about his kissing Fidiota. Paco swears he loves Octopus, not Fidiota. Octopus wants him to swear to it. She also wants him to promise he'll never leave her for anyone. He promises. He also wants to end the conversation. They hug as Octopus glares over his shoulder.

Lala and Granny M are discussing the unfortunate situation between Paco and Fidiota. Apparently Fidiota is in her room crying, but we all know she's actually in her room drinking. Lala and Granny M discuss what is old news to us: Paco and Fidiota were kissing, Octopus burst into the room and caught them, Paco took Octopus' side, etc. "What a pity because Paco really loves Fidiota, but after what has happened, Fidiota will never forgive him."

Can I call it or what? Fidiota is in her room drinking. She can't believe Paco could humiliate her. She will never forgive him. She keeps muttering this over and over between swigs. We're also treated to a flashback of the confrontation between her and Octopus.

Perfumes 'R Us. Maxi-Moron and Avarice are now coming to blows in the presidential suite. Emili-Oh comes into the room as each dope is telling Dimwit to fire the other one. Dimwit is also trying to break them up. She's the president and SHE gives the orders. It's hard to envision a president of a huge "conglomerate" wearing a brown satin top that looks like my grandmother's slip, with a non-matching tan skirt. The fight looks like a grade-school playground skirmish, when Dimwit announces she'd love to go to lunch with Avarice. Avarice plays up his success and Max storms out. Emili-Oh cautions Diana that agreeing to go to lunch with Avarice could be a career-limiting move. Max is mad and will use it against her in a court of law. Diana says "It's just a lunch, nothing more than that!" Hence one of the many reasons we refer to her as a dimwit.

Bruno is sobbing in front of the Virgin. She is begging forgiveness for all of her evil ways. For lying, cheating, aiding and abetting Debora, and just being evil in general. How can she repent? She must tell the truth! She then realizes she doesn't know which daughter is dead. She is impactada!

Avarice and Dimwit are drinking their champagne lunch. Maybe the color on my TV is off. It now appears Diana's top is gold lame with a tan skirt. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's keeping Alex up at night with nightmares. Avarice wants to make a toast. "To what?" asks our gullible heroine. "To us meeting, to your assuming the presidency and doing such a bang-up job, and third. . ." "What's the third?" asks Dimwit. "To your beauty!" states our smarmy salesman. "We can't drink to that!" responds our glassy-eyed protagonist with her signature held tilt. "Well, an ugly woman wouldn't have a problem drinking to her beauty!" Where does this sleazoid get all his lines? They toast. At any rate, Diana says she'll never be able to love him.

Merciless Medical. The second best scene of the show. OK, maybe the best. Kike has come to inform Pillow that Gaby's attorney has met with Larry. Pillow is thrilled that their plans have worked so well. Pillow refers to "that Naca," but corrects herself for Kike's benefit. She then says Larry can never find out that Gaby is not responsible for Pillow losing her and Kike's baby, and that Gaby is truly innocent. Kike swears to never say a word. Pity for Pillow and Kike; Larry has been listening in to their conversation and even HE finally grasps Gaby is innocent and the baby wasn't his! Well, that remains to be seen. . .

Credits roll!


Duelo May 11 - Help Wanted

Due to circumstances beyond my control, and I think I'm the third one this week to pass the buck, something must be going around, I won't be able to post a recap this week. Any help in the comments section would be awesome, anything coherent I'll copy and paste into the main post here. Sorry folks, very very sorry. Happy Mother's Day to all!

EDIT - Sylvia has come through in the comments with a great recap, I'll copy it in here -

Ah Caray Caray, I wasn't going to watch this episode but I got through the first half...

Carmen begs Santos not to confront Don Max.

Alfonsina gets kissy face with Hugo but he accuses her of stealing the cofre. She weeps and finally convinces him she doesn't have it. It must be Luba who stole it.

Orlando tells Thelma it will be fun to watch Emilio die of rabid jealousy when he marries Duhlina. Thelma tells him when she held the baby over the river and felt the trembling of his little body she loved him, loved him more than anyone even though he's the son of that idiot.

Singing Aunt tells Max that she expects better behavior from hur future spouse. He tells her he'll never marry an old ugly. She says she'll tell Emilio that he killed a poor innocent who turned out to be his son. Max says he'll tell Emilio that Auntie's niece Thelma was boinking the help.

Gaspar prays to the Virgencita to watch over Luba. He sees a vision of the virgin holding his cachorrito, his little cub. He and Tonki chase after her. They follow the vision up into the mountains.

Luba gets captured by the Cacique and his henchman. They tie her to a tree and light a fire under her. She screams "The letter the letter. What are they doing to me? It wasn't my fault." The Cacique tells her she will pay the same price as he, he will kill her son. He decides not to kill her so she can watch Gaspar die. He beats her with a stick and she screams to the Virgencita.

Sergio tells Don Loco that he was assaulted on the way to San Mateo and masked men kidnapped Malena and Mariana. Don Loco figures it's to extort money from him. Just then the corrupt police chief shows up and says Elias escaped. Soledad can barely conceal her smirk.

Elias and Dr. Love reveal themselves, as in they take off their masks, to Malena and Mariana.

Alfonsina and Hugo ransack the cave looking for the cofre. They don't find it and after they leave it glows and blinks, kind of like a prop from the old PeeWee's Playhouse.

Dohlando tries to get lovey dovey with Duhlina in front of Duhmilio. She tells him to cut it out, he knows she intends to divorce him right after the wedding. Dohlando says no, he changed his mind. Duhmilio says he'll make Dohlando do it. Later, when Duhmilio and Angel are alone Duhmilio tells him a letter is on its way to General Ochoa asking for help from the military to arrest Don Loco.

I have to take a break and do some stuff but I'll try to watch the second half later on. Stay tuned...
OK I'm back with the second part...

The Cacique viciously beats Luba. He tries to get her to reveal where Gaspar is. It's a pretty graphic and horrible scene. Gaspar appears and screams "Mama!" She hears his voice and smiles.

Singing Auntie tells Thelma it is Thelma's whoring ways that stand between her (SA) and the man she loves (Max).

Don Loco tells Sergio that he intends for The Lietenant (Orlando) to die at the foot of his wedding altar and it will be Sergio who kills him. Sergio is impactado.

Hugo threatens Nora to tell him where the damn cofre is. Adela convinces him that Nora doesn't know so he leaves.

Thelma and Don Max reach an agreement. He won't tell Emilio about her whoring ways if she will convince auntie to leave with her for Puebla. They toast on it as SA eavesdrops and scowls.

Dr. Love plans to take Malena and Mariana back to Mexico City. He tries to get Elias to go with them but Elias says he prefers to remain in Escondidaville and get his stupid self killed, errr...remain and help save Soledad.

Alfonsina gives Soledad some lip and Soledad smacks her one. Al tries to hit back but Don Loco comes in and won't let her, he says she has to respect his wife, and anyway he's shipping her back to Veracruz tomorrow. Alfonsina mutters that he'll pay dearly.

Alfonsina writes a blackmail letter to Loco and signs Hugo's name. It demands that Don Loco sign over his property to Hugo or he will divulge the secret of the cofre. Don Loco almost catches her in the act but she manages to sneak the letter out.

Duhmilio tells Angel that he will deal with Don Loco one way or the other. He points a rifle at a wall to drive the point home.

Angel is impactado but Duhmilio says it's dad's old tranquilizer gun, he'll only tranquilize Don Loco, not kill him.

Gaspar leaps down the mountain and beats the crap out of the Cacique and his henchman. The angels start to sing. Gaspar runs to his mama and unties her. He sees her whipped back and cut up face. She's messed up but good. He kisses her and yells to the Virgencita. Is she dead? It's not a good sign when the angels sing.

Thanks Sylvia, for saving me from a case of real life intruding! So very inconsiderate of real life, I thought we had a better relationship than that. I hope real life gets eaten by the coyotes.


Acorralada #82 Wednesday 5/09/07 Let the fiesta fallout begin

We open with our missing Marfil calling Andres for help. She wants him to come to the convent right away.

Nancy is showing Lala an article in the paper about the big beso. The paper has turned the photograph around so it looks like Diana and Max are standing up instead of his having trapped her on the ground. The headline reads: Enemies in business are lovers in real life. She is having an affair behind the back of her husband. Max is also a married man. Lala tells Nancy to hide it from Diego at all costs--throw it in the trash. Does anyone want to bet that Diego will find out anyway?

Diana is getting ready for work. Lala comes in to talk about the picture. You know, she says, you are like my daughter, but why do you do this to Diego? If you don't love him, do you have to humiliate him? Diana asks how she knows, and Lala tells her about the newspaper. I guess Diana hasn't seen it yet. Diana begs her not to tell Diego. Lala says she threw away the paper, but reiterates her question about what Diana is doing to make her son suffer. Diego doesn't believe Diana.

Pancho is looking for football scores and he sees the picture. He says he's going to tell Diego right away. Let's hope he puts on his shirt before leaving the house.

Lala and Diana continue their discussion. Diana swears she is not cheating. Lala asks if the photo is a montage. Diana explains that Max trapped her and took advantage (aprovechar).
Lala reiterates that Diego won't believe her, and he is humiliated, being a pobre prostrate, bedridden and defenseless invalid. It's terrible that he still has hopes.

Diana says she is sorry that she could not love Diego. Lala says it's better that she not make him suffer--he's jealous and apt to do something crazy. Diana flashes back to her hubby's death threat.

Larry is at Pilar's bedside. Pilar is asleep, and Dr. Rene is trying to offer words of wisdom. He is dubious that Gaby could have pushed Pilar. Larry says that Yolanda said that too. But "I don't know what to think," he says, nicely summing up his general intellectual abilities.
Rene says he shouldn't blame Gaby. Just then, Pilar wakes up and thanks him for coming. She needs everyone's support at this terrible time.

Pancho is showing Wife #2, better known as Paola, the picture of the big beso. Paola can't believe he's going to show Diego. It's my brother, he says, he has to do it. But Max is her brother--and she's worried. Pancho declares again that he's muy macho, and no woman is going to make a laughingstock of the Brothers Blank (I don't think we know their last name!).
Pancho leaves, and Paola quickly calls Max to warn him. Dimwit Drip laughs and is glad to hear of the picture. Paola asks why he kissed Diana. Oh, the motivation is quite rational: to make Diego mad, because he assumed the paternity of my son. I want him to suffer. She tells him to take care, because Pancholon is on the warpath.
Good, says Max. Diego will learn to suffer for having tried to pass as the father of his son. He took everything from me (despojar).

Over at the fabrica, Caramelo is arranging her jefa's desk--in a pleated white miniskirt and a maroon blouse. Caramelo's wardrobe is slightly more modest now, but she's sticking to the microminis. Might I point out that a white skirt with a dark shirt is always a bad idea . . .
Emilio says she certainly came in early after that late night. Caramelo says she's very reliable (cumplidora). How'd he like the party? Phenomenal, no? He says that he doesn't understand Max and Diana--they act like children, with their crazy love-hate relationship. Caramelo is laughing about Camila, but then realizes her gaffe, as Emilio looks hurt--after all, that MDH is his sister . . . I also wonder about Emilio's hair. Why doesn't he get a haircut? He is always dressed in a nice suit, but his hair hangs down three inches over his collar in a greasy flip. This is a very misguided style.

Yolanda is talking to Max about Larry. He's being very mature about the loss of the baby. But she does not trust Pilar. She's afraid he'll marry her anyway now. Max thinks Larry will get rid of Pilar now, but Yolanda says that no, Pilar is making herself the big victim to manipulate Larry.

Back at the factory, Emilio is now laughing at his sister's situation. Caramelo is relieved. Now he looks serious. He wants to ask her something. Please don't stop smiling--your smile is too pretty.

Nancy lets Pancho in. She notices he's brandishing a newspaper, and she's worried. Pancho goes to the pool, where Diego still wants his bro to give him a massage. I'm finding that idea grosser and grosser. Thankfully for us,Pancholon does too. He wants his brother to open his eyes and divorce his cheating wife. If you don't do it, I'll kill Max. He wants Diego to stop wearing horns.

Over at Iggy's, he's pacing back and forth and making Camila crazy. He's worried about tomorrow, when he will have his medical license hearing. (Odd, we haven't heard about that storyline for a while.)
Silvia barges in with guess what--yes, the same newspaper. And an orange wig.

Isabel brings breakfast to Andres, but he is preoccupied--with revenge! He tells how he is going to make Debora and Iggy pay!

Back at Iggy's they all exclaim over the photo. Somehow, Iggy sees this as a great opportunity to get back at everyone. He is hoping that Marfil will pull the eyes out of "that nurse." Camila won't have to lift a finger to get Maxi Maxi back, I think is the idea.

Diego is now seething: Diana didn't tell him that Max was at the coctel. Pancho repeats that he must get divorced. No way, that would make her happy, and she'd run right to Max. Never! Always the gentleman, Pancho wants Diego to give her a beating.

Diana and Caramelo talk about keeping the paper from Diego. Too late.

Larry and Rene talk about how Larry should forget his trouble and concentrate on his career. Rene says Lunkhead is young and can have more children. But Lunkhead remembers that Gaby doesn't want anything to do with him, and Pilar can't have children. Oh, well.

Max barges into the office. Did I mention that he is wearing an outfit coordinated with Caramelo's? Yes, white pants and maroon shirt. And an ugly bluish sweater underneath. I think this is a new blue sweater. Max tells Diana that he likes the factory, he likes walking the hallways (pasillos) and seeing the workers (obreros), and he wants to return! I don't think he even worked one day at the new job he got with the competitors.

What is Maxi's brilliant motivation: He wants to make sure that the mother of his son is not cheating with all those single men who are buzzing around her gorgeous glassy-eyed presence, especially that MDH Alvaro Ferrer. If she agrees to his conditions, he won't go to court. He wants visitation and a job at the factory.

Iggy goes over to the homeless shelter and greets "Marfil." Well, you've been very distant since we came back, he says. Maybe you're Debora. No, I'm Marfil, she responds, toning down the usual shriek just a bit. Iggy says he wants to show her a very interesting photo, but of course, if she's too busy . . . Now she's interested. Look, Max and your friend Diana are kissing. Uh-oh, that lousy piece of lint (pelusa), she says. That nurse still wants to steal my husband. Debora starts trying to shred the paper while her shrieking rises in volume. It appears that she might just take off . . .She swears that she will destroy Diana.

Back at the convent, our favorite actress has changed into her chaste Marfil nightgown and removed her makeup. She's fuming about getting back at Iggy and her sister. Just then, Mom Superior comes in. She asks Marfil if she knows Diana, who was also there after the plane crash. Yes, of course, they were friends. Oh, then you'll be glad to know there was a man looking for her here--he was very much in love--his name was Max. (Slowly I turn, step by step, inch by inch . . .)

Speaking of the white-shoed wonder--he's still camped out in front of Diana's desk, continuing the fight over Alvaro Ferrer. She wants him to stop watching her--the only one who should watch her is her husband. She's not Max's property. Finally, she agrees he can have his old job back. Hasta manana, boss, he says. Then he thought bubbles: Good, now I can be near her every day and begin to win her back.

Iggy has returned from his mission and rehashes with Camila and Silvia. He bets that "Marfil" is right now on the way to the factory to start trouble.

Indeed, she steps off the elevator and demands to see Diana. Come out, you husband stealer, and show your face. Everyone tries to get her to calm down, and Emilio has to hold her back. She demands to know how Diana could kiss her husband in public. After they throw her out, Diana tells Beatriz to warn security not to let her in again.

Gaby, Diana, and Caramelo arrive home from work. Diego demands that they leave him alone with his wife. Diana says she has to bathe the baby and doesn't have time to talk.
He says she's not going anywhere. The girls leave, with Caramelo's tush visible beneath the edge of the skirt. Diana crosses her arms and tries to look imperious.

Diego wants to know why she didn't tell him Max was at the coctel. Gee, I don't know--because you are a raving lunatic? He begins to announce his hate for her. All his love has turned to hate. She says that she knew a marriage without love would not work. She reaches out for him, but he says don't touch me. I thought you were a decent girl, but you're a flirting qualquiera. I'm just a poor crippled cuckold. I hate you! I will make you suffer as I have.

Max comes home, and "Marfil" lambastes him for kissing that piece of lint. He tells her to cut the c--p, because everyone knows they are separated. Tomorrow, he says, he is going back to work at the factory.

Cut to another montage of city scenes with Karen's favorite helicopter shadow.

It's morning at the factory, and Max barges into Diana's office wearing his best lemon-sucking smirk and--you guessed it, fans--a new periwinkle blue sweater. Diana is wearing a very businesslike gold lame getup. But no obi today, surprisingly.

Diana tries to get him to stop barging in from one door--he has to come in the other door. It's not clear what the difference is or how he would get to the back door. He says he'll go wherever he wants. He then reports that he has already founds some errors in some invoices for Barcelona. She thanks him and dismisses him. Yes, jefa, con permiso. (Wow, it's just like Fernando and "Dona Lety.") They return to bickering about the door. She says he can come in the back door if he knocks and waits for permission to enter. He says he will be glad to take orders from her.

Meanwhile, a big surprise. Fedora goes over to the bar, and Paco is surprised to see her. She says she didn't come to see him personally, but she needs him as a witness in the big custody battle. (this part isn't clear, because she keeps advising Diana not go resist Max, and we think they aren't going to court, but then she's preparing for the big showdown anyway. Anyway, I suppose that Sonya Smith has a contract to appear in every episode, and we saw her very little today.)

She wants him to tell the truth, which will explain why Diana was justified in hiding the paternity and making Diego the official father. Because Max had not believed her, she was justified, right? I don't see how Paco's testimony would help here. It seems as nutty as all of Fedora's other legal strategies.

But now Big Lunkhead has his chance. I hate this distance, he says. But he created it himself by marrying her worst enemy, she says. More rehash about if only he had known, bla bla bla. They start to kiss, and guess what--here comes Octy--wearing a brown leather backless halter. Hola, Sweeney Todd is calling--he's missing his apron. Everyone is impactada.


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