Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Pasión 12-5 - in which the comatose fiance of your sister is better than no fiance at all.

Relive the exciting night as Camila is carried off to the lair of the impotent villain! Her parents come to the Big House begging and crying for her release but -- it's too late, sez the servant, they're already - 'Together.'

The dad and mom leave, she's crying "Pig!" Dad says consolingly, "Aw, men are like that. He was drunk with his buddies." "But why couldn't he have done it with his maids?" queries the mother unendearingly. NIMBY.

Mom mutters a dark insinuation: Don Jorge will regret his aberrant behavior. [Do we have to start wondering if Camila herself is product of one of those special first-night events courtesy of a much younger Don Jorge? How old is Jorge supposed to be, anyway? --Ed.] She won't tell her husband Justo, who clearly is lacking in mental acuity and generally looks befuddled, why she insinuated darkly.

Behind Jorge's gauze curtains: "Gee, I don't know why I can't perform tonight. Generally, I can do two or three women at once, when I'm even drunker than this," this is the gist of Don Jorge's thoughts on his passive member.

He wants Camila to do "something" but she's too nice a girl to know what "something" is - he is amused to realize her boyfriend Santiago (Saintly) was too nice a boy to beg for "something" the way most boys would.

[Now we see why Rulli was chosen for this role, it's another wussie 'guerito' - blondie - Rulli role. He will cry and cry and reveal his feelings in a Sensitive New Age Guy sort of way. This is not what I watch telenovelas for. I prefer tough guys on horses. --Ed.]

"I need to rest, to get my strength back, then we'll give it another whack," Jorge informs his unwilling bedmate. She cries and cries. She's gonna cry Monday-Friday 9-10 pm for a few months, como así?

[Suddenly I am completely distracted from recapping by the garish color of her hair. I surmised during "La Fea" that, in order to save on hair coloring costs, Univision bought an entire tanker truck full of this hair color, which does not exist in nature, and backed the truck up to the hair department's loading dock. Every show has at least one or two women whose heads are dipped into the vat. Miles of hair extensions go into the vat, too. So why do they never give this hair color to the men? And tell me, will the tanker never be empty? -- Ed.]

Jorge ties Camila's hands together and falls to snoring holding the cord. She of course manages to bite the inebriated-created knot apart, slips out of bed without showing an inch of skin, steals the keys out of his dressing robe, dresses swiftly (wouldn't you think it would take at least half an hour to get all those corsets and things tied back up?), and escapes past sleeping servants. Once outside, she puts a burlap bag over her head and hides behind a small wicker basket and some horses...

... and then (pardon my excitement) there is a cameo appearance in the marketplace by A DONKEY wearing slatted panniers...

... and she makes it to the riverside and runs for home. She sees her dad and they collapse sobbing. "He didn't do anything to me, he was too drunk!" Her dad sez Saintly is still feeling poorly, she runs to him ...

...he's in her very bedroom, her sister Rita and another woman are watching over him. To save space - in all bedroom scenes it's, "Oh, he's very poorly, he probably won't make it, and if he does, he won't be able to move and will have even fewer functioning brain cells than Rodrigo Montalvo, perhaps he'd be better off dying."

Here, though, is Camila's sister's thoughtbubble: "Even comatose forever he'll still be pretty, so keep your hands off, I'm doing the nursing here." Rita obviously has the hots for Rulli and hence is hostile to her own sister, the would-be bride.

In fact Rita is blaming Camila for this situation - if she had just gone off quietly to get raped by the Massa, there wouldn't have been all that ruckus and Saintly would be fine.

Ignoring her sister's sneers and disapproving looks, Camilla kneels at Saintly's feet and whispers, "I am intact! And you promised to make me happy forever and give me lots of kids, so get with the program." Somebody says: "He doesn't need all this drama, dear," and they push Camila out of the room.

Rita says Camila's claim to be unsmirched is a lie, and anyway, it's her fault Jorge wanted her, because she wears bright colors and acts like a peacock in the marketplace. While she's dissing sis, sis is bathing and telling the maid she's intact. The maid says it's a miracle.

Jorge wakes - no wench, his keys are gone, como así?!?! He instructs his servants to find her - "get the dogs!" He sees: she left one stocking next to his shoes. "She dares defy me?"

He goes to her house; with her father off at the church canceling the wedding and brother Vasco at the mill, there are no men to defend her. She doesn't want to go down to him but Rita says, "Go down there or he'll kill people again."

Jorge scolds. "What did I tell you? I told you to stay put. Anyway, I didn't get my shot, so you have to come back tonight and give me a second try." "But the right of the first night is only valid on the first night." They debate where people will think he couldn't do it, or will think she was so good in the sack he wanted her again, but she suggests, "Let's not and say we did." She further suggests: "Surely you don't want people thinking you lack the vigor of your good old days." "Are you threatening me? Who have you told, anyway?!" "Just my father." A deal is struck: he won't make her come back if she retracts her claim to be intact and tells everybody he's astonishingly virile.

He asks, "By the way how Saintly is doing?" "Muy mal. (I'm adding this to the list of words everybody must know - "very badly"). "Aw, don't worry, there's plenty more where that one came from, if he dies I'll get you a new husband."

Parting, he reminds her that her life, and the lives of her family members, are in his hands, and if she talks things will go muy mal for them, and, "Have a nice day." Leaves.

I really like this villain a lot. He's a tax collector by the way. When my daughter and I went to Bulgaria, we saw a very very nice medieval home in a very very humble village. It had belonged to the tax collector.

Now we see a gratuitous scene of an old crone, she looks to be about my age but with better hair, trussed to a log and about to be burned at the stake. And, oh my word, there's a, there's a DONKEY in this scene, too!

Jorge stride by the execution in progress and enters Justo's workplace, asking: "How's business? Can we talk in private?" In private: "Your daughter is pretty and has good manners. If she has a child and it's a boy, I'll give him my name. Have a nice day." Leaves.

Justo goes home and reviews the contradictory stories with Camila, who protests that she is intact and that Jorge merely wants everybody to think he is a powerhouse of manly hormones and can impregnate a woman with one finger. (A finger? Ah, how innocent and virginal you are.)

She recounts the deal and her father said she'd better comply, because Jorge owns them all, even their souls. "No, father, our souls belong only to God." At this point, I am seriously yearning for pirates.

And now Camila is bugging her sick swain again, wiping his lips with a moist honeyed towelette and whispering that on their wedding night, "You will notice that I am intact. Nobody has touched me, nobody will touch me!" She doesn't notice that -- his thumb twitches!

And now here comes the Bowlheaded Padre to give Extreme Unction. Camila has a fit and is thrown out of the room. Running away, she is pursued by her father, who says Doc Nicorette himself ordered up the Unction. "Some Doctor, he treats pigs and mules, not people!" She runs and cries some more.

At the Big House, Don Jorge regales a friend with lies about his night with Camila. His wife Sofia finds out and is furious. "There aren't enough whores in this house, he has to poke a nice girl from a good family?" [Gee, the maids in this palace are getting a bad rap. --Ed.] She swishes into his presence and says the same thing, he says happily, "Yes, the fact that she is from a nice family means she merits my attention."

"You unscrupulous pig, I hate you. I hope God punishes you by removing that part of you which you hold in highest regard." [It seems this malediction has already come true.]

She leaves and Jorge deflects his friend's string of eager questions. He says the same thing we heard in Alborada -- from Don Diego, was it? "Nice girls don't feel desire and whores only pretend to feel desire, the important thing is simply to enjoy oneself."

A rich blond in pink with a somewhat piggy face proves to be Ursula, Don Jorge's oversexed daughter. She defends her dad's 'First Night' behavior: "It demonstrates his superiority. Too bad the right is not extended to daughters, too." She has her friend go find Vasco, Camila's brother, and fetch him. She and Vasco roll in the grass together and then, hair all discombobulated, she rides away with a very satisfied face, saying next time they'll do it in her room where it's more comfortable. Her companion, Doña Manuela, seems somewhat disapproving.

Camila, meanwhile, is still crying and still running when suddenly a PIRATE cracks a whip. PIRATES smack her, she is thrown over a shoulder and carried away. When one pirate gets tired of carrying her, she is passed to another. The pirates, all with hair extensions, inform each other that should she awaken, they will just knock her out again.

It gradually dawns on people that Camila is not to be found.

Doña Sofia apologizes to Justo. He says no worries, you are a right gal.

Justo gathers his family and miscellaneous others, and says Camila was lying, she really did get boinked by the Massa, a sister gets agitated and cries, "Will this happen to me too?" "No worries, you don't even have a boyfriend yet."

And that's it for today, maties.

Tomorrow - Rulli's eyes open. Hurrah, he will live to cry another day!


Some pasion promo pics....enjoy!

To the Fernando fans, I thought I'd share some Pasion pics that I found while cruising around... just some eye candy to entertain you until Fer shows up :) I have some production photos too...let me know if you want me to post them. Enjoy!

Ricky & Co...

For the non-fer fans too :)

...or perhaps those who like a different version of Fer...?


Amar sin Limites Tues Dec 4 -

I'm not sure where we left off last night, so here's tonight's episode...

Azul has realized that Mo is the one who infected her with the killer virus. They are yelling at each other, Azul crying in gasps and Mo grimacing in anger. Chonita arrives to tell Mo that GSD is looking for him. Mo tells Azul to stay quiet, and reminds her that Andres is watching Ceci and that she may end up like Leo.

Andres and Ceci are at the apartment. Andres still has hopes that he and Ceci will end up together, after Mo and Azul die, since GSD will never find the cure. Ceci announces that she will never be with Andres voluntarily. She warns him not to hit her or Diego will get suspicious.

Diego is still looking for Azul. He finds out that she has stopped the divorce proceedings. He does not believe that she would do that and is even more worried.

Mo is all excited, after learning from GSD that he has found a cure. GSD is not so quick to be happy since it hasn't been tried on humans yet. Mo wants the first shot but GSD wants to give one to Azul too. But GSD is worried because no one knows where she is. Mo, knowing full well that Azul is in the other room, joins GSD in his worry.

Isela is telling Anibal that Silvana is throwing all her opportunities away to join with Diego in finding the proof needed to take Mo down. Anibal says it is true love for Diego that motivates Silvana and its a beautiful thing. (Anibal, have you noticed that Diego is not interested. Which is basically what Isela tells him.)

Silvana is talking to Julio, apologizing to Julio that she has to go away and drop her modeling training. She says she is doing it for her son and her friend, the first Mrs. Mo. Julio gives his blessing.

Isela and Anibal talk about Clemi but I don't catch what it is they are saying. Anibal turns the conversation into a marriage proposal to Isela. She is less than overwhelmed and asks to think about it.

GSD gives Mo THE shot. Mo begs GSD to find Azul, conveniently blaming Azul's impending death on Diego keeping Azul away. GSD still wants to go to the authorities about the virus but Mo again talks him out of it.

Diego and Silvana arrive at the airport for the trip to Prague. Who should be there but Gloria, ready to go to Prague too. Silvana is impactada. Gloria says she is using the profits from her hotline to buy a ticket. Gloria is still trying to fix up Diego and Silvana. Diego turns on the charm but nicely says I don't love her. Everyone is all smiles at Gloria's comic relief and Diego and Silvana look resigned to have company on the trip.

Mo is happily telling Andres that he is cured. Mo tells Andres that now he can make Azul do whatever he wants her to, or else he won't give her the cure and she will die. Even our killer Andres can't quite believe that Mo would withhold the cure but he goes along. And now that the cure is found, Mo can get rid of GSD, get the patent in his name, and make lots of money. And he can withhold the cure from anyone he wants dead.

GSD goes to the police station to accuse Diego of causing the disappearance of his daughter.

Silvana is trying to convince Diego that she truly wants Azul to live, that they find her and live happily ever after. Diego again asks forgiveness for not loving Silvana. Diego leaves. Silvana cries and Gloria tries to comfort her.

Azul is bound and gagged on the bed. Mo comes in, unties her and announces that now she will do with him what she did with Diego. She is his wife. She screams, cries and begs him to let her go but....commercial.

Manuel is having a bad morning. He is in bed with the hangover from hell while Lidia yells at him to get up. She rips the covers off him while he moans and groans and asks her to bring him a cold beer. He rolls over and hides his head under the covers.

Meanwhile, poor Clemi sits on her hospital bed, dressed, ready to go with her bags packed. Who should walk in but Anibal. He says he came to see how she was doing, since he heard she was being released. He hands her a big bouquet of flowers which brings tears to her eyes. She says it's the first time in her life she's gotten flowers (?). She says she was supposed to leave awhile ago but Lidia and her husband haven't shown up yet. Anibal says they will wait together. Anibal says more nice things.

Diego arrives at Ceci's apartment. She opens the door and she hugs him. She starts yelling at him but meanwhile gestures to be quiet. She takes him into the bathroom and turns on the water. She tells him that there are microphones all over and that things have changed. She tells Diego that Emilia called to tell her that GSD has found the cure, and that he needs to rescue Azul from Mo. Diego is impactado. He whispers something into Ceci's ear.

GSD is at Emilia's. He looks awful. They are worried because they can't find Azul. GSD picks this romantic moment to propose to Emilia. She doesn't say yes or no, but kisses him several times.

Azul arrives in Katy's room, beaten and bruised, leaving it to our imaginations as to what happened between her and Mo. Azul tells Katy that she wants to leave but Mo won't let her. Great, traumatize the kid a little more.

Piero shows up at Casa Moran where Lidia is kicking him to the curb. Manuel comes down the stairs, probably to get that cold beer, and overhears.

Azul tells Katy that she is going to try to escape, shh, don't tell anyone. katy wants to go with her because she is afraid of her daddy. They have a touching moment and they leave the room.

Diego and Ceci are in Diego's car in front of Mo's place. Diego is going in and Ceci is the lookout.

Manuel is back in bed and Piero is in the bedroom.Manuel says the problem is Gustavo. They start scheming.

Mo is yelling for Azul but can't find her. He howls in rage and runs out ot look for her.

Meanwhile Clemi is still sitting and waiting for her husband and daughter, clutching her flowers. Anibal has paid the bill, which she protests. The doctor gives her some medicine to keep her calm. I would recommend not going back to her house! Anibal takes her home.

GSD and Emilia have arrived at Casa Moran looking for Diego and Azul. They talk to Lidia, who doesn't really care, since she blames Diego and Azul for putting Clemi in the hospital. (The hospital, does that ring a bell, Lidia? Like, weren't you supposed to pick someone up?)

Manuel and Piero are still upstairs. Piero says Mo needs Manuel to go to the new lab and start his job as the manager. Manuel (what words can I use to describe this piece of crap?) says he will send Lidia to pick up Clemi since he doesn't want to shirk his duties to Mo.

Azul and Katy are trying to climb the wall that surrounds the fortress that is Mo's house. At that same time, in that same place, Diego climbs up the other side. He helps Katy up. Mo runs up with two security guys. Mo grabs a gun and points it at Azul. He demands that Katy come back down and Diego hands her backdown the wall. Diego goes to get down too but Mo says not to or he will shoot him. Mo takes Azul and Katy and leaves Diego on the wall, with two security guys aiming guns at him. We hear a shot and then...commercial.

Well, Diego is fine. He jumps off the wall, Ceci runs up to him and he swears he will rescue Azul and Katy, even if it costs him his life. The securioty guys come to the outside of the wall, looking for Diego. Mo needs new security guys. There is a wall, a car and two people hiding behind it. They don't find Diego and Ceci. Diego runs off and leaves Ceci behind the car.

Mo takes Azul and Katy to a room. Katy is crying and screaming, so is Azul. Azul swears she won't stay with him, Katy tells him she is afraid of him. Mo tells Azul that he has the cure and only he can give it to her.

At first Azul thinks Mo is lying about the cure. She begs Mo to let her go to her father, she wants to live. Mo bullies her some more. They fight some more while Katy cowers in the background.

Now we go to Prague where Silvana and Gloria arrive at Ivan's new casa. Ivan is surprised to see them since he was expecting Diego. Gloria is impressed with all the mystery but Ivan can't go anywhere, since he's in the witness protection plan. Silvana tells Ivan that she's proud of him. They fill each other in on what's happening.

Mo tells Azul that his men have killed Diego by now. Azul is impactada. Mo says no one knows where she is, no one will come to help her. Meanwhile, Diego is sneaking back over the wall. (Really Mo, new security guys)

Ivan wants Silvana and Gloria to rest but Silvana says they must hurry back to Mexico. Gloria wants to stay. Silvana and Ivan hug.

Diego has made it into Mo's inner sanctum, where he questions Chonita about Azul and Katy's whereabouts. Chonita helps him.

Clemi, still clutching her flowers waits while Anibal gets her bag out of the trunk. They agree that they are friends, not just boss and employee. Anibal tells Clemi that he and Isela are engaged. She looks sad but offers her congrats.

Piero confronts Gustavo at the auto shop. Piero tells Tavo that Lidia is only seeing him to make Piero jealous.

Manuel is finally out of bed and dressed. He and Lidia are arguing about who is going to pick up Clemi. Manuel says he has important things to do. They stand on the stairs while Clemi hears everything, standing by the front door. Clemi hears the argument which has turned to Lidia and Manuel's plans to get Piero, who comes with Lucia's money. Clemi can't stand it anymore when she hears Manuel pimping out his daughter for money....Desgraciado!

Until next episode...


Thanks to our devoted readers!

I hadn't checked our readership in a while (if you scroll to the very bottom of the left sidebar you will see a tiny icon, click it and you'll see who's reading).

We are up to almost 208,000 total visits - with an average of 831 visits per day.

Thanks to you all!



Pasion 12/04/07 "A pill, A little blue pill, my kingdom for a pill"

Well Hola Pasion viewers, I was hoping for pirates, but we got Serfs, the burgeoning "bourgeois"
and some fine scientific points about virginity.

We begin with small town anywhere in the “New World”, yeah we’ve seen it before, Jamestown, Boston, somewhere in Mexico. The townspeople look hail and hardy considering smallpox, syphilis and so on were quite abundant. A woman is in a church praying, she is praying for her son, Cuatro Anos, Cuatro Anos..he has been gone for Cuatro Anos. He doesn’t call, he doesn’t write. He is in jail or something.
The Lady’s name is Ofelia & she is missing her beloved son Santiago. From now on he is Santi to me. A priest or brother or Moe from the three stooges approaches. He gives her generic words to help her carry the Cuatro Anos Cross. This sends my easy distracted mind to wonder, what possessed those religious guys to wear their hair like that? I mean was it for religious reasons like humble yourself before God and man by cutting your hair with a bowl? This look was of course copied by farmers through the great plains, cowboys fortunately never bought into the craze. That little kid that yelled “Shane” across five states had the same haircut.

Meanwhile we see Camila the young, oh yes, virginal good girl, she is playing with some kid. She tells the kid to take a hike and go find Tia Rita. The kid is like no way, Tia Rita is boring.

We see a stranger, a hairy stranger. Dr. Livingston I presume? No, who is this hairy man? He walks down the street, in tattered clothes & more than his fair share of dirt. Two workers whisper Senor Santiago?
Ofelia of the Cuatro Anos Cross is standing looking out a window. She hears a voice. Tears run down her face, it is her beloved Santi. Oh Son, Oh Ma… He says so how are things. Ah okay. Santi inquires after Camila, the fetching maid we met earlier. She is fine and waiting. Just what a man wants to hear.

Next thing we see Camila catching a glimpse of boots; then her eyes rise to the face of “Santi”, he has returned. Many words of it’s a miracle, I would die for you, I waited…and so on. Santi wants to marry her. Camila does the, I’m not young anymore…and truthfully by the days standards she is a bit over the hill, but it looks like she has most of her teeth. She’ll do. Actually by him being locked up or where ever the hell he has been for Cuatro Anos, she probably extended her life by three years of not dying in child birth.

Ofelia & Santi join the Darien family for a sit down, with wedding talk. The Darien clan consist of Pa(Jose), Camila(the pretty one), Rita(yes the Jan Brady sister), Vasco(the uber hawt young brother). If she has a Ma, I missed it. But all these people have way too much hair so I’m not sure. Seem like they will go asked Don Jorge if it is okay to get married. I guess you have a few really powerful people and the rest are just kinda property.

Now back to the rich guys house, you know there is going to be a rich UberBastard, keeping with the TeleNovela theme that it is better to be poor and honest than rich and evil. This is open to debate.
Anyway we see the family come to ask if it is okay for youngins to jump the broom. Don Jorge does his best eye rape and comments the face of the virgincita, but the body of a woman. Don Jose (Cami’s Pa) says hello to Dona Sofie & Dona Fortuna. Dona Sofie is the gravely voiced wife of Don Jorge. Dona Fortuna, well she is plump, rich and named Fortuna, funny how that worked out. So somewhere in this town is a poor skinny urchin named “golfilla”? I’m really not sure how Fortuna fits in this little group.
Our young lovers will marry in two weeks.

Okay on to a fiesta at the Darien’s, it is the pre wedding party. The is some really quaint, yes boring dancing, you know the little men in a line, women in a line nonsense. Then our two, chaste lovers are standing under a tree. However, this is not a magical tree like the one in DA, & no clothes go flying, no Tequila either. Santi is trying his best to pull the it’s really painful for a man to wait, after all we will be married tomorrow, how bout we seal the deal. No young Cami is a good girl and will have no part of that.

Meanwhile back at the big house of bad morals, rich men are drinking and talking about how’d you like to get a piece of that virgin action Patron? Well seems like it is the Patron’s right to bang anything he sees moving. The other men encourage the Patron to take what is his. Psychologist call this HomoErotic, when men all get together to encourage the humilation of a woman. Yep, it does seem like this is quite to group of deviants.

Now we also get to see Don Jorge’s plump blonde daughter, Ursula, she is rich, spoiled and mentions Vasco, the uber hottie brother of our Cami. She takes lovers like good girls take vows seriously and with passion.

Now the men jump on their horses and off they go. They arrive at the Pre Wedding Party. Some Lackey of Don Jorge is giving the orders. So the little to be bride is gonna give it up to the Patron. Santi says no, the church has outlawed the practice. They actually mention a mujers himen (spanish spelling), thank you Univision, I don’t believe I have ever actually heard the term used in conversation. Just wait til I play scrabble again.

Well that is all the men needed to hear, they apologized gave ducats to the children and left.
Bwwwahhhaa as if. A fight breaks out, of course the many fiesta goers can’t possibly overcome five guys with swords. Santi gets a huge saber through him and falls to the ground, where he is also kicked in the head. Lil Cami realizing the fate of the Western World as we know it rests on her giving it up. She goes quietly after kissing the lips of her true love, who is unconscious at the time.

She is taken to the big house and locked in a room. Don Jorge will be up shortly. She frantically tries the door, egads, it is locked, the windows, alas they too are locked. The door opens and Don Jorge comes in. He is doing his best Hugh Hefner, complete with silk robe. I’m surprised she doesn’t swoon at his manliness and good taste. He pours her some wine. He basically tells her, young men don’t know how to pleasure a woman, it is all about them. He starts undressing her, well he tells her, this can be easy or this can be hard, it is up to you.
---I think he may have won her over, had he given her more wine and hired the Black Guy we saw earlier in the story, do a little Barry White under the window…

Darling, I can't get enough of your love babe
Girl, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know why
I can't get enough of your love babe.

She is paralyzed under the covers when he drops his robe, she shuts them even tighter after a brief peek.
He slips into bed with her.

Over to Santi..well things aren’t looking good, He was hit really hard in the head. Yeah and that giant saber surely nicked at least one vital organ. Santi’s sister is crying by his bed and Cami’s kinda weird sister is just staring into space.

Cami’s Pa & Santi’s Ma show up at the house demanding to speak to Don Jorge, he has Cami in there. The guard says okay hang on a minute. He goes in and speaks to Don Alfredo? I’m not sure if that is his name, but he was the RatBastard who got this whole thing started. Don Alfredo is like, nah Don Jorge is busy doing your daughter, she’ll be home safe in the morning. The two good parents leave, wailing and lamenting.

Meanwhile, back in the love shack, seem Don Jorge, couldn’t do the deed. If only he had the little blue pill, but alas we are hundred’s of years prior to that great scientific discovery. Never fear Camila, the Don promises to get the job done tomorrow.

Sorry If I missed anything…but I couldn’t torture myself enough to watch it again.
Now I go off to ponder how life has changed since those days of yore, if only he would have had jello shooters, Barry White, viagra & some awesome bling…well we might just have a different story.

Normally I would never make fun of a scene like the "attempted Rape", but I felt more threatened by lack of interest than any real mal intent.


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Juan Q 12/4 Nothing spoils the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love. *

Just a reminder that as of January I’ll need a replacement re-capper for Juan Q. If anyone’s interested please e-mail Melinama at the address on the left!

So the big day has arrived. We’re back at the beginning, the part where Juan began his story.

Juan waits outside while Ana and Paula have one last hear to heart. Ana really doesn’t want her daughter to marry CL. She asks Paula if she can’t be happy today, on the wedding day, how will she be happy tomorrow. Ana really wishes that Paula would wait and think this over. Paula looks as though she’s been smacked. The doorbell rings and Paula asks for her mother’s blessing. Ana tells Paula that she hopes that she [Ana] is the one who’s wrong. Paula agrees and hugs her mother good-bye.

Juan sees Paula coming toward him and thinks that she’s not a woman; she’s an angel. He comes to open the door and asks for Ana. Paula explains that she’s not coming but won’t say why. They share an awkward moment at the door of the car, but Paula gets into the vehicle.

Yadira tries her best to stop Marely from stopping the wedding. Yadira tells Marely that it’s Paula and CL’s problem. Yadira reminds Marely that now the path to Juan will be clear. Marely can’t believe that Yadira doesn’t care about Paula, their sister, making this huge mistake. Marely can’t permit the marriage to happen. Yadira continues to try to contain Marely but the younger Cachon is finally able to escape Yadira’s clutches.

Monica comes down the stairs in a fetching blue dress. Laura thinks that Monica is being a pure masochist, going to this wedding. Monica retorts that she has to go see this wedding for herself. Besides, there’s a possibility that something might happen at the last minute. Laura doesn’t like the sound of that or Monica’s attitude. Monica’s not worried. “What’s the worst that could happen.”

Ana clutches a picture of her and Paula and cries. The doorbell rings; it’s Marely. Marely begs for help to stop the marriage. Ana thinks that there’s nothing that they can do at this point. Marely tells Ana that they don’t even have to say anything; they both can just keep Paula from entering the church. Marely begs and Ana caves.

Alirio and Nidia argue about not going to the wedding. Nidia says that she’s not going as a sign of solidarity with Ana Davila. Alirio says that’s fine, but he’s dressed and agitated so he’s going. Nidia lays down the law and says that nobody who lives under her roof is going to that wedding. Alirio asks why Juan was allowed to go. Nidia half-heartedly answers that Juan’s case was different. She says that no one else is going. At that moment Yadira and Kike come down the stairs. Yadira announces that no one else has the desire to go, except for the little black sheep of the family who left to impede the wedding. Everyone’s impactada.

Paula pleads with Juan to stop looking at her that way. Juan asks if Paula knows what she’s doing. She says that she does, but he doesn’t agree. Juan says that she’s marrying someone she doesn’t love. Paula says that’s not his business. Juan stops the car and asks how she can do this after what happened between them. Paula says that nothing happened between them; it was all a dream or possibly a nightmare. Juan says that they dreamed the same dream. He grabs her hand. She tells Juan that he’s making them late. He says that now’s the time to back out. Paula says that it’s not. She’s going to marry today no matter what. Juan launches into his speech. How can she condemn this love that is the biggest, purest, most beautiful that exists. Paula tells Juan to save himself because she’s lost. He tells her that it would be easy to not go to the church; they could start a new life together. All she needs to do is say that she loves him and they will be on the highway in moments. He begs her to say the word. It will change their lives.

CL waits outside for his bride. He asks if Paula’s arrived. Pastor assures CL that Paula’s coming. CL says that he’s very nervous and he doesn’t know why. Pastor says that maybe it’s because CL’s ex-wife has just arrived. Monica comments that CL looked much better at their wedding. CL asks her why she’s there. Monica replies that she’s there to watch the show. She wouldn’t miss it for the world. Pastor sees the wedding vehicle and rushes CL into the church.

The bell tolls as Paula and Juan sit in the car. She asks him if he’ll open the door. When he doesn’t move she comments about his rudeness and opens the door herself. Juan, the true masochist in all of this, gets out of the car and goes to her side to hold the door.

Yvonne and Pastor watch this. Pastor says that he gives the marriage six months. Yvonne’s less optimistic; she gives it three.

Juan hold Paula’s hand and again says that he just needs one word. Paula leans in and then walks past him. She turns to look at him and he looks absolutely destroyed. Once she’s in the church, Juan tears down the drive and heads toward the bus that will take him home.

Ana and Marely rush to the church but are stopped by Pastor who warns them not to interfere. They brush past him.

The wedding march begins and Paula walks, alone, toward the groom. Ana and Marely come behind her and try to convince her to not do it, but Paula walks on. CL glows and Paula looks as though she’s going to her death.

Juan pulls the car into a bus stop and almost runs over the mechanic. He gives the car to the mechanic, throws his suit in the trunk and rushes to the bus. Juan thought bubbles that Paula married the man that she really loved and he was left without hope. All he could feel emptiness.

Paula comes into the house and looks for her mother; who’s at Nidia’s house. Nidia tries to tranquilize the pain with tequila. Ana thinks that she shouldn’t have gone to the church. Nidia thinks that Ana made the right choice. Ana says that she wanted something more for her daughter. Nidia tells Ana to look at it from a different perspective. Maybe CL will make Paula happy. They should speak positively and hope that CL has changed. Ana says that she’s less worried about that then Paula’s internal conflict. Nidia thinks that Paula’s feelings for Juan are going to be a big problem in her marriage with CL.

Paula opens the door to an excited CL. He asks if she’s ready. When she says that she is, he excitedly rushes out the door with her luggage. Paula turns and mournfully looks at her empty house.

Ana tells Nidia that Paula never wanted to recognize it. Nidia thinks that with the way Juan is, it was destined that Paula would fall in love. Nidia points out that Paula did marry someone that she loves. She just loves CL in a different way. Ana’s not so sure that Paula loves CL at all. Nidia thinks out loud that the Cachon women always realize their true loves once it’s too late. Ana looks on with a glazed look in her eyes. Nidia sighs and says that they should be thinking about the one who is the most injured by this, Juan.

CL questions Paula’s attitude. He tells her that she’s going to a honeymoon, not a funeral. He tells her that they’ve now united themselves as one and no one can separate them, not even her mother.

Marely anxiously looks out of her bedroom window, waiting for Juan. He doesn’t drive up and the phone doesn’t ring. She calls Kike at work and asks for Juan, but Kike says that Juan’s not with him. Kike thinks that Juan needs to go find himself a little blonde beer to get over Paula. He’s not worried; he’s sure Juan will show up at some point. Marely can’t believe that Kike doesn’t want to go look for Juan. Yadira comes in and asks for the phone, but Kike’s busy and he sends her kisses and then hangs up. Marely explains this to Yadira and then returns to the window, eagerly awaiting Juan’s arrival. Yadira wants to know if Marely’s going to stay there, looking out the window. Yadira says that Juan’s probably at a bar because no Juan dies because of love. Yadira jokes about Juan committing suicide. Marely’s worried because she thinks that Juan’s capable of doing anything.

It’s night, the Cachon’s are home and Juan is not. Now it looks like everyone’s worried, except Alirio. Kike comes in and everyone jumps. The phone rings, but it’s a wrong number – someone calling for a pizza. Alirio uses this opportunity to ask for food, but Nidia reminds him that they are in a moment of crisis. Alirio’s not so concerned about Juan because Juan’s not a little boy, he’s a man. It takes one look from Nidia to shut him up. Nidia finally mentions that maybe they should call the police.

Three a.m. and Marely’s still waiting. She prays to the virgin to keep Juan from doing something stupid. She begs for the virgin to take care of Juan.

Nidia can’t take Alirio’s snoring anymore, so she assaults him with a pillow. She complains that his snoring is all she heard last night. Nidia’s still worried about Juan. Alirio’s sure that Juan was at a party and just lost track of time. He says that if Juan had to come one day, then he would have to leave another and that day has arrived. Alirio, ever the opportunist, thinks this is his and Nidia’s opportunity to commit their own “locura.” Nidia brushes him away. Alirio’s persistent, but as always, he loses. Nidia says that she’s going to call the police, the hospital, etc.

Kike and Marely check Juan’s room. They’re not sure what to do, but they admit that this is strange. They rush into the room and notice that all of his clothing are there. Kike wonders if Juan went to get Monica. Kike rushes away, saying that Juan probably just needed to be alone. Marely sits on Juan’s bed and caresses his pillow. The phone rings and there’s a race to answer. It’s Monica and she’s wondering if Juan will arrive. Alirio’s still not worried. The women are desperate to find their Juan. Alirio speaks up and insists that the women are overreacting. He says that they need to use other resources. The women don’t agree. Alirio thinks that they should try the hospitals and clinics first. Alirio says that if Juan doesn’t appear, at the very least they know he’s not dead. Kike agrees and says he’s sure that Juan’s headed for the office. Kike rushes to work. Marely wants to accompany him, but Kike rushes out the door. Marely decides to go bathe.

Nidia calls Ana and asks if Ana’s heard anything about Juan. Nidia explains that Juan has not arrived home and nobody knows where he is. The last place anyone saw him was at the wedding. Nidia asks Ana if she finds out anything to call Nidia. Ana asks for the same favor in return.

Kike and Fernando pace the garage. They talk about how stupid it was for Juan to take Paula to the church to marry CL. Fernando wonders where Juan could go. Monica arrives and Fernando rushes to her. She stops and asks about Juan. Kike explains that Juan disappeared. Monica looks genuinely concerned.

Kike calls the house to say that Juan still hasn’t arrived. Nidia starts to panic but says that she hasn’t lost hope. She asks Kike to call the moment that he knows anything. Nidia tells Yadira that Kike’s going to start calling the hospitals. The women don’t like this one bit. Nidia thinks they should pray.

Pastor thinks that Monica’s joking when she tells him that Juan’s disappeared. Nidia tells Pastor that it’s not and that everyone’s doing everything to find him. She orders Pastor to find Juan, wherever he may be. Monica says that will be Pastor’s only job. With a little “encouragement” from Monica, Pastor rushes from the office.

Pastor runs over to Marely and asks her about Juan’s disappearance. Pastor says that Juan must have gotten drunk and is now hung over. Marely says it’s possible, but nobody knows anything about Juan. She tells Pastor that he’s not the only worried one. Pastor decides to rush to talk to Kike.

Nidia goes to Ana and says that she had to leave the house. She can’t handle having no news about Juan. Nidia’s worried that Juan jumped from a bridge or did something else to commit suicide or that he got into a drunken fight and is in jail.

Kike calls around to the different clinics and hospitals but there’s no Juan. The woman on the phone suggests that Kike call the morgue. Fernando’s sure that Juan’s not there, but Kike hurriedly calls. He gives Juan’s name and description. He describes Juan’s boots [remember, fair readers, that Juan was not wearing boots when he got out of the car to help Paula]. The women comes back onto the line and says that there’s somebody there who matches the description but doesn’t have identification. Kike puts down the phone and announces that Juan is dead. Pastor shakes his head and Fernando stands there with a stupid look on his face.

Pastor threatens Kike that he shouldn’t make such jokes. Pastor gets on the phone and declares that Juan Dominguez is dead. The woman explains that all she said was that there was a man there who matched Juan’s description. She asks if Pastor wants to come to identify the man. Pastor looks worried and pissed. He feints, but Fernando catches him. Love how no one stops in the background. This must be a frequent occurrence with Pastor.

Ana paces his store and eventually calls the house. Alirio answers, but he thinks that it’s Juan. He scolds “Juan” for not letting everyone know where he is. Anga, justifiably confused, hangs up on Alirio.

Fernando tries to calm Pastor. The men decide to go to the morgue to see the body. Kike and Fernando insist that they alone should go, but Pastor won’t hear it. Pastor says that they shouldn’t say anything to anyone about it until they’re sure.

Immediately, the men arrive at the morgue. They asks the doctor about the death. The doctor explains that it appears to be a suicide. The dead man flung himself in front of the train. The doctor needs to get working so he asks who will go to look at the body. Pastor volunteers. We see feet and a sad Pastor enter the room.

Kike blames himself and Fernando can’t say a word.

Before the doctor can uncover the body, Pastor asks for a moment. The doctor tells Pastor to hurry and leaves. Pastor tells “Juan” that he’ll never love anyone as much as Juan. They could have been so happy, but it could not be. Pastor says that Juan was an angel, an innocent. He clutches the body and thanks “Juan” for all of their moments together.

Kike and Fernando remain silent. Pastor exits the room and says that he couldn’t do it. The doctor asks for another volunteer. Kike says that Juan was his brother and that he’ll go. Kike has to ask the doctor for a moment. The doctor’s getting frustrated and tells Kike not to be long. Kike gives his soliloquy about how he was dead before Juan arrive. The doctor comes back in and asks if they can proceed. Kike agrees and reaches for the sheet. He pulls it back and makes a vomit face.

Tune in tomorrow to see if we’ll be watching “Yo amaba Juan Querendon”!

*Charlie Brown


Yo Amo a Juan- Mon.12/03/07 -Was There a Sale on Wedding Dresses in D.F.?

I'll be the Monday night Juan Querendón recapper through December. Anyone interested in handling it in January should contact Melinama. see the side panel for her e-mail or step up in the comments. It's fun and it super accelerates your learning/understanding of Spanish. And one last whine about my very dead VCR. Yup, it shuddered and died on me 15 minutes into the first showing of Juan last night. This will be my best memory from notes only.

We start with the repeat of Monica and Cesár Luis in her apartment which Jeanne so completely translated. You can always read her Friday recap. To review main points, Monica is ensnaring CL with her coquettish appeal that the big old Farrell Industries is just too, too big for a bitty thing like herself. She had no idea how hard it would be, she can't do it alone, he needs to return. Her errors could cost them a fortune. He was so capable and worked so hard to build it up... Who could run Farrell better than he, she adds cunningly. He avows that he has other plans but you can see that he is deeply effected as he exits. Laura comes in from the other room having overhead this and wants to know just what Monica is up to with this ploy. Monica says CL is driven by only two things, passion and ambition. She bets that it is the second that will win out and he will come back.

Juan is busy outside Paula's darkened house thought bubbling some long shot hopeful thoughts about the unsteadiness of Paula's relationship with CL. He barely controls his impulses to go up to the door.

Paula and Ana are having this same dreary argument about CL. Paula admits that yes he is pressing her to marry him now but she is sure he is the right one for her. Ana cautions that she doesn't want Paula to regret a hasty decision. Paula says she loves CL but is confused. Ana wants her to postpone this wedding and to consider what she really feels for Juan. Paula really isn't a very clear thinker, is she?

Nidia, stands outside her bedroom summoning up all her courage. She is dressed in a sexy black negligee, this woman has good looking legs. She pats up and down her bust and slithers through the door all in the name of world peace. She then leans seductively against walls and in doorways making her little sexy murmurs. Alirio in his prepubescent pajamas is deaf and blind to her performance as he stares in a trance at the soccer game on TV. She finally asks him if he is blind, when he realizes what she is offering, with passion. He dives under the covers with her and begins to make savage piggy sounds that aren't exactly standard Spanish but only the language of love... Outside in the hallway Juan in those short shorts with pillow over his ears and the sisters in pj's wondering if the noises indicate violence, danger, enjoyment, what? Marely says I thought she had cut services, Yadira questions that there were ever services, certainly not like this. Juan worries that he has to get up really early. They mistakenly mutter that this will surely end really soon. Later Juan sprawled on top of his covers, he can't sleep for all the noise that seems to be going on much later. He remembers the story from Fran about the argument CL and Paula had at lunch which seemed to involve some jealousy and reference to him, Juan....

Later, Alirio is unconscious but starts up again saying Nidia has awakened his most base desires. She tells him he needs to see a doctor, it's not normal how he can carry on for hours like this, and how is she going to stand this every night? He slowly repeats, you said EVERY NIGHT? Oh my Egyptian pharaoh queen, my Cleopatra....

Switch to Fran shivering in his lonely bed, talking to NIdia to have her tell Juan or Marely that he can't get up. She hopes he will get better soon. Marely wonders what's he got, Nidia says He's sick... Yadira enters the diningroom and thanks Nidia and the silly grinning Alirio for the concert last night. When Nidia says it was nothing, Yadira says I am not five. You both should be ashamed! How come no kid no matter what age wants to deal with the sexuality of their parents?

Juan and Kiki are driving in the big truck discussing that Fran is sick. Juan wants to stop and check on him it might be something serious. He sings a little diddy, give a hand to your brother... Okay, Kiki gives in we'll go to his house to check on him.

CL on the phone wanting to come have a conversation with Paula. She invites him over but he says with your mother present we can't really talk. Paula starts to defend her mother's right to be in her own house but Ana catching this in the background says, don't worry I am going to shop so I won't be here. CL agrees to come in one hour.

Angarita has Pastor at the market. Pastor's idea of helping is that he can work with papers, accounts. Angarita zings out that when he needs a secretary he will let him know. What he needs now is a heavy lifter, these big sacks need to be piled up right here. Ang's other helper appears and insists that Pastor take his fancy jacket off so he doesn't stain it.

Fer huddles in the bed sucking on a thermometer while Juan tries to understand his mumbles. Finally Juan can't deal with it and casts it over on the night stand. Instead he feels Fer's head and declares that he is burning up and must be dipped in icy cold water to break the fever. They head for the bathroom to dip poor Fer.

Paula stands pouring a glass of wine, sheesh isn't it still morning. This is not the breakfast drink of a happy bride to be. She is telling CL she wants no pressure, she can't stand it. He encourages her with, I too have fear of big changes. My business for instance, but won't you marry me don't you love me enough? Don't you believe in me (see me eye rolling). I am hurt by your doubts but I love you.... Then he abruptly turns and says I can't stand waiting, are you going to marry me or do we say goodbye here and now. Just as he approaches the front door she opens her mouth.

Fer continues in his sickbed whining, I have no family, no wife no children. One could die alone. I thank you for your friendship but a friend doesn't kiss or hug or talk sweetly when you are sick. I am fed up with solitude, fed up! Juan's eyes bug like they do when Pastor waxes poetic about him. I see manly fear here.

Paula finally voices, I have concerns. we have no future, I respect you but I have to protect myself. He says, I'm going. She needs more time, he claims it is a defeat (derrota) for him. I like to call things by their proper name I wish you luck with all my heart. Finally she, breaks, Okay, let's get married. And as soon as possible. He's the happiest man in the world, amoamoamo

Juan sitting by Fer's side on the bed things how he is really loosing Paula.

Angarito and Kiki discuss his offer for Kiki to work with him full time to be his own boss to share a percentage of the profits. Kiki cannot act without consulting Juan. The deal has to include them both. Angarita urges him not to hesitate and tells him that fear of lack of a decision could make one lose the best opportunity of a lifetime.

Ana returns from the store and Paula fills her in that she and CL are to be married next weekend. This time it will happen without fail. Ana is very disappointed but says she respects Paula's decision and gives her blessing.
Paula prays to el Niño de Atocha to give her bravery AND to clear out the memories of Juan from her head!!!

Nidia is drawing at Ana's house and thinks the frown on Ana's face is because her work is bad [actually it's not a beginner's drawing]. But no, Ana is worried about Paula, she is to marry CL.

Paula shows up at Cesár Luis' apartment and says she is willing to go through with this quick wedding but she has one request. She has promised Juan that he could drive her to the church -BREAK- The conversation continues. CL asks are you serious? CL doesn't like the idea of Juan being so close to her. I promised him. Can't you cede something so simple. But, CL protests you had relations with him, he isn't just anyone. She asserts that he can just go look for another fiancé. Well if it is that important to you. He gives the okay but doesn't like the idea!

Juan and Kiki discuss working for Anga on a percentage of profits basis. Juan says he has to think it over because Monica had offered him a promotion to stay at Ferrell. They discuss the possbilities and finally Juan relents and says I have wounds in my heart. Okay, I'll come with you.

Ana and Nidia discuss the wedding it is quick and absurd. Nidia talks on about it's like a venereal disease or not bathing. Ana is worried Paula will be upset with her intimate details with Nidia but Nidia promises not to mettle.

Pastor is now at Anga's desk adding figures in his little battery operated calculator. He after much effort he comes up with 10,520 just after Anga comes up with it in his head. Anga assures him that Pastor's equipment is not as good and doing the accounting by hand one reason why he, Angarita is a rich man today. Pastor adds dryly, and alone. Angarita tells Pastor he can go home. And talk to the furniture? We seem a lot alike. Well we are brothers, we are just getting to know each other. Really we are strangers but we can get to know each other better. Pastor asks Anga if he has other family. No. Did you have a girlfriend. Yes I had one. It was Nidia Cachón, right?

Nidia meets Paula outside Ana's house and says she hears gossip that Paula is marrying CL. When I was your age.... then she looks at Paula and says why is your face so sad. What about Juan, Papirico? Is he the one who can make you truly happy?. Paula says she has made up her mind. Nidia looks skeptical and says you should be very clear in your feelings. [like she really knows this personally, right].

Back to Anga and Pastor. Anga continues the story that the time of love passed that this was an impossible love. My love for Nidia was returned but she ended up going off with my best friend, Manuel Cachón. Pastor asks, did you hate him for getting her? No. But, now if she can resolve her current situation with this imbecile she married. Things have to be right. She is the love of my life.

Nidia with Juan says, I am going to give you a blow without anesthesia: Paula and CL will marry next weekend! Juan thinks all his hopes dashed. There was never a future. Don't worry I am prepared.

Paula thinks of Nidia's and Ana's advice that Juan would be a better choice for her. Then Marely shows up in her head and repeats Juan is best. She tells herself, I love CL, I won't think about doubts. [If you say this enough times you might believe it yourself.]

Juan in his bed is reliving all his romantic and happy times with Paula. [makes me realize what a fool she is, he is so hawt] He wants to tear these memories of Paula out of his heart and soul.

We see him in the next scene driving an S-type Jaguar in white with black interior, bedecked with white bouquets of flowers. [I gotta tell you here that I had an S-type from the first year they made them, it was silver and the most elegant car I have ever owned and driven. It makes me shiver to think of it now. It was hard to afford all the speeding tickets when I pretended to be a race car driver].
But I digress, Back to Ivonne showing up out front of CL's building dressed for a wedding. CL is horrified, he can't let Paula see him drive up with Ivonne for the wedding. She carries on again about being the only woman that loves him because she really understands him. He doesn't have to fool her like he does the others. She predicts that soon he will hate Paula like he ended up hating Monica. He points out that her foolishness is like a bad omen. He says he will risk going forward with the marriage. She wishes him luck as he drives away, you are going to need it she thought bubbles.

Ana in particularly stringy hair sits looking at Paula enter their living room in her wedding dress that looks lacy and lovely but uncomfortably tight like all her so called work wardrobe. Paula begins to cry that she wants her mother to support her decision and to be with her on this most important day. Ana says she cannot stand to see Paula destroy her life and just cannot go to the wedding. Paula tries to blame mom for not being perfectly happy, but Ana isn't having any of it. Ana ironically asks her will she be happiest today but what about tomorrow. She ends with hopes that Paula will reconsider. FIN.

Sorry this was so late but the Destilando Finale assemblage kept me up until almost 4AM this morning and my VCR is dead so sorry about no vocabulary lesson either. But my sighing about the wedding previews is for that Jaguar, well with Juan driving it is an extra special bonus...


Destilando Finale, Dec.3 "All's Well That Ends Well" (Unless Your Name is Aarón)

Finally the big night begins. Here are the segments provided by the five recappers. Melinama, Julie, Jardinera, Beckster and CherylNewMex. I also suggested that each person add parting words or a last shot (either of tequila or of pithy words.) An hour before the big event started my VCR had a fatal shudder and stopped forever. Hope everyone else had better luck [This evening's editor, CNM.]

Part I by Melinama

Rod fingers Gav's picture, scotchtaped to his cell wall (who gave him scotch tape?). "I hope she'll forgive me for saying I don't love her." Nitwit.

In the nice clean empty prison cafeteria (they couldn't afford extras for this scene) Patricio apologizes. Rod thanks him for coming through at the 11th hour, they agree they will stay in touch. Patricio gets 6 years, but he can get out in 3 if he's well behaved. His girlfriend Lluvia is exonerated completely.

I enjoyed seeing Aaron on his fancy plane, in his fancy linen vacation clothes, drinking his fancy booze, saying into a currently operational cellphone: "I have plans, Oñate, lots of plans." Well, he disembarks and the fancy good life comes to an abrupt end- a red car roars up and he is taken at gunpoint by big Interpol guys. Heh. They throw him in a dark cell with Oñate. "Traitor!"

Turns out homicide gets the death sentence in Tuvaloo, and Aaron is convicted of causing the death of hundreds of Tuvaluvians who drank his adulterated liquor.

Rod gets out of jail. He's gotten a shave. He embraces his sisters, and James, and says, "Let's go save the hacienda!"

He asks about Gaviota. She's on an important trip to Eastern Europe. "With Blandie?" "No, with Olavarria, she'll be back the end of next week." "OK, then, let's go see Granny!" He gets the bad news about Grannie's coma.

At the hospital, the grave doctor says he doubts Pilar will last the night. Pilar goes, yes, she goes, yes, she goes towards the white light. [My favorite aunt, in her last days, was visited by a hospice worker who kept telling her to go towards the light. My aunt summoned her last bits of strength to cuss that worker out and tell her to stuff it.] She imagines her own funeral! Everybody is crying. Elvis is wearing an inappropriate yellow t-shirt!

Then she sees Don Amador in a cloud of white. He says, nah, this isn't your time. (She had mascara on in this scene, who's doing her makeup when she's in a coma?)

Pilar wakes up. Everybody piles in. There's a teary love fest. James is so emotional he drips fluids into his awful moustache.

Fedra runs in sobbing - Aaron has been arrested on the "Island of Savages." Minerva runs in crying also - the penalty for his crimes is death.

Oh, the Doctor says, a miraculous recovery. All credit Elvis for his devoted attention and Pilar muses that it took this disaster for her to realize Elvis has a heart of gold.

Isa is teaching her class about Greek architecture (Corinthian columns etc.) and I am in agreement that her male students will have a lot of trouble taking in the information she provides.

Rod discovers there's bad news and good news. On the one hand, the agave is destroyed and the hacienda has been dismantled by the bankers, but on the other hand, Isa has signed the divorce papers and he will soon be free.

Out in the bush, Roman is bitten by a rattlesnake while hunting rabbits. He rips hisself a tourniquet from his pants and drags hisself home. Ofelia and SanJuana are horrified when he staggers in, shivering. SanJuana calls the doctor, who won't be back for a couple hours. (Ofelia, by the way, still doesn't believe the baby is Hilario's. Since Carmelo keeps giving SanJuana presents, Ofelia suggests suspiciously that Carmelo is perhaps the real dad. SanJuana says they'll all know when the baby is born.)

Ofelia calls Hilario, who is lifting weights, all male-model-looking, in an icy-blue gym: "Come home."

SanJuana says, "Roman, don't die without knowing your grandchild." This starts to convince Ofelia that maybe the baby IS Hilario's.

Fedra, Bruno, Minerva, and Rodrigo are all outside Aaron's cell, there on the Island of Savages. Only one can go in to see him - Aaron chooses Rodrigo!

Rod enters the dark cell where Aaron sits barefoot on the floor. Rod: "I appreciate your seeing me, the others have more of a right." "I don't want them to see me like this, you won't believe it but I still have my dignity." "I'm sorry about everything that happened. What a long journey! Remember our families together at the hacienda? I'd always be so excited to see you, to play with my only friend, my brother! We grew up together, then we shared an apartment in London, we helped each other ...[Here I think Rod is being carried away by the moment - I don't recall seeing any helping going on in that apartment -- Ed.] ... When did things change?" Aaron: "When grandfather condemned us to war with his will. Why does it matter?" "It's important to me - to forget would be to lose half our lives." "You are a good guy. Be an example to my son, take care of him."

Rod says they'll appeal, they'll get him out, but Aaron says it's too late, his destiny is decided, he can't live in asquerosos
mazmorras (revolting dungeons).

Pilar suspects something is wrong because Aaron's not at the hospital (or maybe she saw him in her dream, with red flames licking around him). I think Sofia shows poor judgment in telling granny the truth. She and Dani look at the time and realize this is when Aaron is getting his lethal injection. "He did so much damage, but this is a sad end."

Fedra announces to us that the death of a child is the cruelest punishment a mother can endure. She must be trying to ward off off a more drastic cosmic punishment, like falling off that angel statue in Mexico City.

Aaron passes the assembled family on his way to the execution room. "Don't forget my charge," he says to Minerva. She sobs and grabs him. They are just great together. "Calm yourself, my love," he says. I'm leaving loving you." "Don't go!" "Tell my son his father made a lot of mistakes but he was never a coward." She collapses screaming and hugs Rodrigo.

A dentist's chair, upholstered in black. Hypodermic needles. Aaron's gone. Less than two days from arrest to execution. Dang, that's fast.

Part II by Julie:

At the hospital, Dani and Sofia talk about how devastated Minerva and Fedra must be over Aaron's death. Sofia says they will need to look after their poor uncle Bruno. Dani says she's most worried about their grandmother, and how she will react when she finds out.

In sleep, Abuela is beautiful and almost lifelike. Her breathing becomes agitated, and she wakes up calling for Aaron. "I heard Aaron saying goodbye to me! He was very sad... where is he? You know! Tell me!" Dani tries to convince her it was just a dream, but Pilar demands an answer. Sofie gently informs her that Aaron got bit by a possum with rabies, so he had to be put to sleep. Now he's in a better place where he can romp in a field with lots of other puppies.

Actually, she tells her grandmother the stark truth that he sold poisoned tequila that killed lots of people, tried to flee, and was caught. Dani adds that he was executed for it. Call me crazy, but I'm not sure that this was what Pilar should have woken up to. On the other hand, she already half-knew anyway. Pilar cries through a half-paralyzed mouth, but her heart doesn't flip out or anything.

A bell tolls. It's nighttime.

Hilario is at the hacienda, reassuring Ofelia that the worst of Roman's ordeal is past, and the doctor said that in a few days, he'll be good as new.

Ofelia asks if he needs to leave soon. He says he'll stay until Roman's okay. He says he was surprised to find SJ there. Ofelia tells Hili how angry Roman's been with him for dumping SJ. She asks if he really spent any time with SJ in the city. He admits they had some drinks together, and you know... (He watches the rest in a flashback while Ofelia waits patiently.) Ofelia says she's had problems with Roman and with SJ because she thought it was just SJ's talk that the baby was his; but when Roman was doing so badly, SJ was very worried that he'd die without seeing his grandchild, and she was sincere. Ofelia tells Hilario that SJ has changed very much, and she's studying dressmaking, and James gave her a sewing machine, and she's been making clothes for the baby.

SJ is sewing happily at this very moment. Then she remembers when Hilario called her a liar said "I don't feel anything for you. Wait, I do feel one thing - disgust!" And he laughed and said she had to get him senseless drunk so he'd go to bed with her.
(Poor victim Hilario!) SJ cries.

Hilario tells Ofelia he's not in love with SJ. (DUH) Ofelia asks if he's still in love with Isadora. Hiliario says no, all that's left of that affair is heavy remorse for having betrayed his patrón, Rodrigo.

(Somewhere in the DF, Isadora is grading student papers. She yawns and rubs her stiff neck, but smiles at the baby in his crib.)

Ofelia says it doesn't seem real that Hilario is there. Roman stirs and asks for her. She tells him that Hilario's here to see him. Hili tells him to get better soon so they can go ride horses. Roman takes his hand and calls him a city person who's surely
forgotten how to ride. They'd hoped to have a country boy who'd enjoy simple farm life with the animals, but that wasn't enough for him. (It's hard to tell whether he's must making a statement, or being bitter.) Hili replies that the happiest moments of his life happened here at the hacienda, and he'd like to be a farmhand again.

Roman says the horses and agaves have been replaced by misfortune; the agaves were killed by plagues; the bank took the rest of the hacienda's output; Pilar went to the hospital; Rod just got out of jail. Ofelia says that Montelveña is in ruin.

"But what would you care of our problems?" Roman asks, now alert enough to be grumpy again. Hilario offers to help out financially with his savings, but Roman says they don't need his money; if he really wants to help, he should claim his child. To deny one's child is not what a good man does. Hilario answers that he doesn't doesn't love SJ. Roman interrupts and says they can't make him do something he doesn't want to, but Roman will do what he can for his grandchild, and Carmelo's willing to give the child his name.

One week later: Rod visits Bruno at the Corporativo. Rod tells him about the empty fields, dead agaves, and ransacked hacienda of Montalveña. Bruno wishes he could help, but he has his hands full with the corporativo.

More updates:
- With the loss of Aaron, Fedra lost her zest for life.
- Minnie went to Spain to be with her great-aunt. (Rod suggests that Fedra go with her so they can keep each other company. Bruno seems to like this idea.)
- Granny is recovering. Sofia, Dani, and Elvis are helping with her therapy.
- The CRT is going to let Montalvocorp start producing again.
- Rod's going to ask for some sort of agricultural grant so he can plant new agaves and other crops.
- Rod heard that Mariana is getting back (to London) from a tour of eastern Europe. Bruno says he hopes they work things out.
- Rod says he will have faith in what will be.

Rod leaves. Bruno hugs a photo of Aaron and cries.

James, Roman (recovered from his snakebite), Ofelia, SJ, Hilario, and Crispin are blowing hot air (no new information) around the breakfast table. Hili's parents talk about how happy they are to have him back. Hili teasingly asks SJ what she thinks. She
says she couldn't care less. Hili fumes silently. Crispin observes that Hilario has fallen in SJ's esteem. Hili fumes some more.

Carmelo shows up with a bassinet. SJ tells him he shouldn't have; from the look in Hilario's eyes, it's clear that Hilario REALLY thinks Carmelo shouldn't have. Carmelo kisses the bassinet and leaves. SJ throws Hil a shrewd glance and says that Carmelo is
winning her over with these gifts. Hil angrily gets up and announces that he's full and will go do his work. James and the others have a hearty laugh over Hil's obvious jealousy.

And now we must be in London because they're playing "Careless Whisper," which will be the official national anthem of England just as soon as George Michael becomes king. Gavi's boss is telling Dorothy the assistant that the tour of Eastern Europe was great. Then he reminds Gavi she's going on vacation tomorrow, so she'd better prepare her report for Av*.

Gavi gets her messages. There's one from Dr. Blandie, and one from Dani. Dorothy says she told Dani she was
out of town but coming back today; she had also asked for Gavi's home number, but Dorothy wouldn't give it to her. "Good job," Gavi says. Back in Mexico, Rod calls Gavi. Impactada, Gavi stands up angrily and says they have nothing to discuss. He protests, and she answers "Are you deaf or what? You're dead to me. Don't bother me."

Dorothy walks in innocently holding a folder and Gavi jumps down her throat, telling her not to give her another phone call from Rodrigo, even if he says he's having a heart attack. Dorothy politely replies that she just wanted to give her something to review. Gavi is slightly embarrassed.

Back in Mexico, Rod tells Dani, who places a call of her own. Gavi refuses it and tells Dot NO calls from ANY Montalvos.

Rod and Dani discuss their options. Dani suggests calling Av* and having him MAKE Gavi speak to them. Rod rejects this and says Gavi has had plenty of time to hate him and now he's lost her. Dani wishes they could call Clarita, etc. Rod doesn't want Gavi to know he went to jail for her if it will only guilt her into going back to him. He tells Dani to leave her alone. But she won't let him give up. She tells him to find her. That's what she (Dani) would do, anyway.

Gavi sits at her desk and marvels at the nerve he must have to dare to call her. (She doesn't wonder hard enough to ask herself what he wanted.)

Dr. Blandie shows up. Oh joy. He's been invited to an
annual coffee expo taking place in Thailand. He tells her all about it, and manages to make it sound much duller than anything could possibly be. It'll be eight days, during which (he claims) there will not be a single dull moment.

But wait - there's more! The invitation is for TWO! (Don't worry, it's in separate rooms.)

Gavi is so thrilled, she can barely meet his eyes or crack a smile. Just to make sure we're all clear on this, he says he'd like her to go with him. "No pressure," he says, but the flight leaves at 2 tomorrow, so he needs to know tonight.

Gavi's face clearly says "KILL ME NOW" and she's unable to speak coherently. I'm not exaggerating. This is how you tell a good actor from a bad one. I bet it would have taken most people ten days to shoot this scene because they would never stop laughing.

He says he'll understand if she doesn't want to go, but... "It's just that I have to prepare this report for Av*," she tells him. "It's okay," he murmurs glumly, slinking out with his tail between his legs...

He turns at the door for another attempt. "If you come with me, I guarantee it will be an unforgettable trip." She won't have a moment to think about the things that are bothering her. It'd be a true break for her, and it would make HIM very happy.

Still no reaction from Gavi.

You know what would make it unforgettable trip? Killing someone with a demitasse spoon to make the boredom stop.

In the vecindad, Isa (wearing a leopard print) tells Jose that she's going to call Videgaray and tell him Rodrigo can see the baby any time he wants to. Jose says that's great, because her grandson needs to be near HIS FATHER. Her subtlety is not lost on Isa, who says Rodrigo has earned that right.

At home, Gavi is telling Clarita she's sure that Dr. Blandie will be a total gentleman if she goes with him. She doesn't actually sound interested until she starts talking about Thailand itself, which she'd like to see; but she doesn't want to leave her mother alone again.

Clarita tells Gavi not to worry about that; she coyly admits that spending time with Mr. Thomas isn't half-bad. Gavi excitedly asks if they're an item. Clarita says no, no, they just went out a few times. He took her out for roast beef, but she didn't like
it because the meat was tough and bloody.

Getting back to the matter at hand, Clarita feels that if Gavi agrees to take the trip with Dr. Blandie, it'd be like agreeing to have a relationship with him, even if they slept in separate rooms. It'd be a lousy way to treat a man who adores her.

Part III by Jardinera

It's a week or so that's past. Elvis is helping feed Grammy P her soup and the poor thing is paralyzed on the left side of her face. (Not a bad punishment from the novela gods for her arrogance throughout.) He leaves with the tray of dishes and she tells Dani that it's taken her numerous family misfortunes to finally figure out that Elvis is not such a bad sort, really. (Note: he's clearing the table and the maid is nowhere to be found. What does that tell us? Let's just be kind and say hard times have befallen the household. As Dani smiles at these kind words from Pilar, Sofia comes in. (Thank gawd she has a tray in her hands, too. Close call here.) She tells them she's heard that Rod was supposed to get in that morning and head straight to the hacienda. Dani says she's got some great news for the two of them, but she'll wait till Elvis comes back. (We never get to hear what the news is, though!)
In Gavi's posh pad in London she and Alonso are on the phone together. Gavi tells him that she's not really ready to consider taking a trip with him and wonders just what he's expecting from it. "If you're hoping that...." "--Oh. I suppose you're still in love with Rod." "--No. It's just that I'm not sure I'm ready to fall in love again right now. I don't want to end up hurting you." "That will be my problem. Just let me have a vit of your time and I promise you that you will enjoy yourself and won't have a minute to think about the past." (Yeah, at a coffee conference in Thailand. Yawn. Good gawd, man. Stop begging already! Okokay. He's been 5 long years without. I suppose we should give him some slack.) Gavi gives in. "Great. I'll make the reservations right now and see you at noon tomorrow!" They hang up.
Clarita comes in then and asks if Gave is going with him or not. Gavi tells her yes. Rod's call disturbed her and brought back so many painful old memories she's just got to get away and try to forget it all. Alonso knows the rules and she's willing to take a chance with him and see.
The next day as the secretary leaves we see Rod get out of the elevator. He calls out to Gavi who turns around and tells him that they have nothing to say to each other. He wants her to listen to him. She gives him one minute. The big dope doesn't give her any explanation as to why he just appears out of nowhere. He simply tells her he's come to see what she feels for him now. She says she feels lots: contempt, disappointment, hate. (Rod, honey, like you expected she'd jump for joy after the humiliating send off you gave her?) Just then Alonso arrives with his suitcase and says, "Are we going?"
Rod sees his suitcase and then looks down and see Gavi's suitcase and pretty much knows the score. The phone rings and Alonso leaves to answer it in the adjoining office. "So, you're going to go with him?" "Yes." Rod looks away, accepts the situation for what it is and leaves.
Alonso is on the phone. It was Avellaneda trying to reach Gaviota with Dani's explanation. Alonso tries to find Gavi for him, but she's gone and says she must have left with Rod. Avellaneda tells him that if for some reason Rod hasn't been able to give Gaviota an explanation, then Alonso must make sure she hears the truth from him. "So now you'll be familiar with the Hell that Rodrigo Montalvo has lived through.
Gavi goes after Rod. "What were you expecting from me? That I'd wait for you my whole life?" "No. Of course not. Why don't you get back to Santoveña? You'll be leaving him alone." "--I have no intention of doing that. He's been there for me when I needed someone the most. He never played the knid of dirty trick you played on me. I've tired of your indecision and your immaturity. What were you hoping for? That I'd jump into your arms and give thanks that's you'd come after the way you told me to go to hell?" "--No." "--You're lying! I'm not the same stupid girl I always was.....I've made my decision now leave me in peace!"
Rod turns away and enters the elevator. As the elevator doors close Gavi wipes away her tears and reenters the office. Alonso asks her where Rod's gone and she figures to his old apartment there in London, but doesn't really know. "Let's go, Doctor. I'll get my bag." He struggles with telling her what Avellaneda has just asked him to, but he is such the Dudley Do-right, he cannot stop hmself and sits her down. "I have something to tell you."
"When you and Rod returned from your trip he got two very bad bits of news that day. The plague had destroyed the agave crop and the bankers confiscated everything else. Then a scandal blew up concerning at the corporation over illegal tequila shipments that occurred while you and Rod were heading the company. When Aaron was caled in by the authorities to explain he washed his hands of it all and blamed the two of you. Rod knew they wer going to call you both in but he didn't want you to have your career cut short so he avoided it and declared himseld the guilty party and sacrificed his freedom so that you could leave the countyr. He took the blame and ended up in jail for a crime he didn't commit."
Meanwhile Clarita and Thomas are chatting at each other instead of with each other . They end up doing the tango since dog-tired is not a concept she can convey, and since tango is the dance of luhhvv.... well, you get the picture.
Alonso continues that afte Rod was freed he found out Pilar had had a stroke, then needed to travel to some island where his cousin, Aaron, had been arrested for causing hundreds of deaths from the adulterated liqour he'd marketed there and was later executed there for it. Of course Gavi wonders why he didn't tell her. Alonso says that he probably figured it was no use when he saw the two of them getting ready to go off together. So, Gavi says she must get back to Mexico and find him now. She has Alonso and Thomas explain to her mother, the two of them promise to stay good friends and she flies off to Mexico after Rodrigo.
Rod is getting sauced on tequila again and on the phone with Dani. He explains it was a waste in London and that he came back empty handed since she was getting ready to go off with Dr. Santoveñia. She wonders why the heck he didn't explain the situation to her since that was the whole point of the trip. Rod says he figured what for considering what he saw and he only wanted to see if she still felt anything for him. Anyway, he didn't want her to come back to him just because he'd gone to jail in order to save her from having to also. (He's got a point there, convoluted, but valid.) He hangs up in frustration and Dani tells Sofia and Pilar that Gavi and he didn't get back together after all. Just then the doorbell rings. Dani opens it and it is Gavi. She's come to find Rod and to ask his forgiveness.
Back at Montalveña it's lunchtime. The whole gang is there. Hilario has made the decision to stick around. He even offers to help financially with getting the hacienda up and running again. Carmelo comes in with a crib for San Juana then. Hilario gets a bit jealous at this. James is wondering why Rod got back from London so quickly and they're all wondering why Rod and Gavi's love affair has taken another turn for the worse. Rod's now locked in his room in another blue funk and won't answer S.J's knock. Crispin has the answer to cheering up the "ex-millioinario, imbibing, hacienda-owner." ¡FIESTA!
At Pilar's, Dani doesn't want to listen to anything Gavi has to say after the rotten way she treated Rod. Gavi says she deserves to be listened to considering the hideous way he dumped her. So, they let her talk. Gavi says Pilar may want to draw and quarter her, but nobody knew the horrible way Rod treated her that last time and then when he came to London she humiliated him, but he didn't try to explain, never once opened his mouth about what had happened and how was she supposed to guess?
Dani says he came to see whether she still felt anything for him and if she had shown him that she did he would have explained, but it was obvious she had other plans when he got there. Gavi admits that she did, but only after receiving their two calls. "Understand, please! I had waited my whole life for him and suffered one disappointment after another. I was afraid to fall again and had to get far, far away!" She looks straight at Dani. "And you! If we were such good friends how come you never said a word about what was happening? You know I'd never have abandoned him, let alone allowed him to stay in jail!" Dani looks at the floor, ashamed.
Gavi turns to Pilar. She says she cannot go until she has forgiven Gavi and gives her blessing to go after her grandson. Pilar gives it to her. Sofia apologises then and they hug. Dani says she simply wants to be certain that Gavi isn't going after Rod out of a sense of duty for what he did for her. Gavi tells her that could never happen.
The boys have all gone into town. They're drinking what else but tequila. It's a tequila festival it seems. James cheers the group up telling them that the bankers have agreed to give them a loan to get the hacienda back on its feet again. Rod whines about having lost Gavi forever and again refuses to have them mention her name. He says without her he feels like the living dead.

Part IV - by Beckster

First a big fine shout out to all the people who read the recaps and commented. This tale of love, betrayal, lies, angst and thinking the world is a dark unforgiving place has a redeeming message that should never be forgotten. That is “Take your Tequila Straight-Up” and make mine a doble. That is the lesson I have learned from this tale.
Now I begin at the part where Rod is drinking himself into yet another Tequila stupor. He comes out to join the family (well family of Roman and so on so forth). He says Gavi is in London, never to return he has lost her forever. SanWanna, has a look of Plllleeeezzze, that is so yesterday, I’m pregnant and guess what I know who the father is. Well there is some kind of fiesta in Tequila and nothing gets the taste of spurned love out of your mouth than going to a fiesta and drinking even more Tequila.
Meanwhile back in DF, Sofie, Dani & Pilar are sitting around. There is a knock at the door. Dani answers it and she has a look of complete surprise on her face. For a moment I am hoping it is the ghost of Aaron Past. No, it is Gavi. Dani isn’t playing the cunada game. She is a bit cold to Gavi. Gavi comes right on in and talks extremely fast, but makes her case. Look your AssHat brother humiliated me, dumped me, and kicked my ass to the curb. How was I to know he was in jail etc..I gotta see him, I gotta make things right. Dani hangs back. She asks Pilar for her blessing. Pilar or at least the half that isn’t paralyzed gives her the blessing and tells her to go find Rod. Sofie, does the I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused you. Sofie has now found people like to blame someone and being that Sofie has always had a bit of a problem getting people to like her, well she now takes the blame for everything.

---Be aware viewers Sofie will appear on C-Span next week for congressional hearings, rumor has it she will cop to falsifying WMD evidence, yes thus leading to invasion of Iraq. Don’t miss it---

Gavi is gracious with Sofie far more than I would be. I don’t think I could ever address her other than, “Bitch”, but hey that’s just me. Dani finally says, go find him.

“Him” is at the big fiesta, James, Hil, Crispin, Roman & Rod are drinking…what? Yes you guessed it Tequila. Rod says someone else will have to pay as he is broke. It’s okay that brings a big round of laughter since everyone is drunk. They all tell Rod to cheer up and the banks will come through. Sounds like a sub-prime loan..eeeeekkkk. Rod further laments how he has lost the love of his life. Meanwhile there is a parade of girls dressed as Agave plants and indeed it looks like a couple of Frankies “Twofer” babes are riding in a truck. We see dancing Indians, babes on floats, bands and so on and so forth. Hil & James get up and dance in the street. Yes, I have been to the local regional drunk fests in Mexico and yes men do that. Thank Gawd my husband doesn’t dance, but he would be one of the drinkers egging the other idiots on, yes if you ever see a picture, that is me in the background with the Sofie snarl on my face. Now they are all in the streets and seriously drunk and stumbling. Miss Agave 2007 is passing by on her float, the ninos say Miss Agave is hawt. Rod disagrees no one is as hawt as his Gavi, so he kinda leaps, falls down on the float. He has his cassette of many tears. Of course there is a cassette player on the float, these third world countries don’t have fine technology like we do…alas no cd player.
Meanwhile, Houston we have a problem…The Gavi has landed. She has arrived in the same decrepit school bus she rode when departing Tequila those four plus years ago.

---Seriously folks I hate to lecture, but should you ever be on jeopardy and the category “Outmoded Forms of Transportation in Third World Countries” comes up, they actually have normal buses that run between DF & little out of the way places. Granted they stop at every little town along the way, but they have air conditioning. Tequila is not a small town. The place I was had maybe 500 total on a good day.---

Anyhow Gavi calls the ranch, Ofelia tells her Rod is in town. Gavi will find him. She stops off at a stand and buys a dress & some sandals. The dress is pretty form fitting and you can she she doesn’t wear a belly ring as you can see her navel through the dress. Gavi looks okay in a kinda getting back to my roots kinda of way.
Now back to Miss Agave, Rod is pulled off the ride and law enforcement gather. (by law enforcement, I mean a mall somewhere was missing the dayshift of rent-a-cops). Normally Federallis or the Mexican Federal Police patrol these big festivals, they carry large guns and maintain crowd control. The boys drag Rod off. By this time Rod has decided it would be a good idea to go to the rodeo. Hil see Carmelo and splits off from the group of ninos. Hil tells Carmelo, no mas presents for SanWanna & the baby. Hil says it is his baby. Carmelo says well I offered her a name for the kid as you didn’t step up. Hil wants him to back off, but Carmelo says we will let SanWanna decided. Oh Carmelo, you little dreamer.

Gavi runs into Hil on the street and he tells her Rod is at the Rodeo, off they go.
Now Rod and the rest of the gang are in the Rodeo, we see fast-forwarded bull riding. An announcement is made, “Who will ride the bull of the six lives?” Who? Who? Why BadBigHeadedRod, that is who. His friends try to stop him, but fueled by six galleons of Tequila, Rod knows no fear. He is in the shoot being tied to the bull or whatever. Gavi has arrived…no no no..

Rod can’t hear her.

Rod leaves the shoot, he holds on briefly, but is thrown, OH NO..Rod lies motionless on the dirt and other things commonly found in a bullring. Gavi runs into the ring and cradles his big head..Oh Rod, forgive me, forgive me, I love you…and so on. Rod has been playing possum “This is the best part he says” They kiss, at last they are united…

Part V by CherylNewMex

Oh, teehee, I get the wedding scene! Soooooo, someone shouts out, "The Bridegroom!" And here comes our handsome Rodrigo in the fanciest Mariachi suit ever on an enormous well decorated horse, I can't decide which of them was better looking. So much beauty, so little time. He greets the guests and gets lots of "finally it really is your wedding" comments. Clarita does the cross and kiss blessing to a child for him and Dani presents him with a surprise. Here comes José with bighead Ricky. Rod cuddles the chubby one and proclaims his joy. Isadora sent best wishes and thought his son should be with him on this important day. I spot Lluvia alone, everyone else seems to be with their main squeeze. Rodrigo disappears into the church to avoid jinxing the moment by seeing the bride too soon. Well, even he has had enough of these jinxes in his life.

The shouts start again, "Here comes the bride!" and Gaviota enters in a huge splendid carriage. Her white horse wears a huge white blanket and indeed Gaviota is totally in white. Every fallen (not really a virgin anymore) woman's dream... all that white to suggest purity of thought and deed. This time, Clarita meets her with a "como asi, m'hija" like what else would she say. She adds, "You shine like the saints" And, here comes Mr.Thomas from behind a wall who flew with her from London. Thomas assures Gaviota that he couldn't let Clarita come alone. Wow, lots of friends. Nancy hugs her. José and bighead Ricky come forth again to surprise her. Avellaneda, steps forward and says he is sorry she won't be with the CRT but surely she will carry on as a consultant for them. She agrees. The priest calls them in to start the ceremony. Avellaneda then takes her arm and is her escort down the aisle. I nice paternal touch for these two who have been through so much together. The sisters welcome her to the family [I'm between yelling, run Gavi run and being a teary eyed spectator] The Mariachi band softly plays the wedding march and down the aisle they come. Her dress is a bit fussy for my taste with lots of material including a long train, but lordy, this woman deserves to wear all the white lace in Sevilla if she wants to. She is pleased with it and that's all that counts. At the traditional hand off, Avellaneda says to Rod that Gaviota is like a daughter to him. Pilar speaks for Rodrigo and assures Gaviota she is getting the real descendent of Amador. The ceremony is pretty traditional with the addition of lots of thought bubbles from the pews. All good wishes of course. When Rodrigo and Gaviota first kneel at the altar, they have a common thought bubble murmuring of the first time they met, they were kneeling at that altar when Rod returned for Amador's funeral.

Cut to poolside in Thailand, a very pretty, bikini-clad woman sits down next to Alonso. And it's such a parallel universe, she is reading the exact same book and orders the exact same special coffee from the waiter. What a sunny smile we get from Alonso for the first time in ages. Could this be his soulmate come to life??

Back at the altar, the besotted couple kiss the rings before putting them on each other's hand and say sweet vows. The scene includes the tradition of groom pouring coins into the hands of bride and the sister's entwine the couple with the long boa of white roses. Hilario looks on with a wistful sigh, Pilar thought bubbles hope that they have finally overcome all their obstacles. [boy, you and me both, sister], Elvis thinks this has ended in a great triumph and James and Sofie pledge love to each other [now just stop it! all of you, no sneering or snarking out there, I am one of the few viewers who really likes old James of the good heart, and Sofia has cleaned up her act quite well] Rodrigo wants to consecrate his life to making Gavi happy. The beaming faces continue thoughts, and my what beautiful teeth they all have, grandmother! Gaviota kisses Rod early the priest teases her then they are declared married and kiss a bunch more.

8 years later we hear a child singing "Aye, Gaviota", and see a precious curly haired moppet in the dirt near the agave fields. Rodrigo approaches and startles her into giggles. He grabs her up on his shoulder and takes her off to meet an old friend of the family. As we enter the house, the long mantle displays pictures of all the dead and then all the married family members so we see proof of Sofie and James, then Dani and Elvis end up in wedding garb. Thank you thank you, I like weddings but not that many. A crowd of children scramble down the stairs to surround Alonso, his beautiful bride and Gaviota. They include Ricky whose head looks nicely proportioned to his body now, Pili who must be named Pilar with long flowing golden locks, smart naming by Minerva no doubt to get back on granny's good side. Hilario and SJ's awfully cute son. We learn that James and Sofie have twins and they are working at the school at the Mirasoles home, the little Gaviota is a precocious child, later at a wonderful outdoor meal and fiesta we are treated to music and all the family looking happy and hale. Elvis and Dani dangle a beautiful toddler between them. Clarita is living there with Thomas as her husband and the kids call him Grandpa. Fedra looks almost sweet (maybe it's just grateful) with Bruno, Grandma Pilar has gotten her smile back if not her groove. Lluvia is there with Patricio. We learn that the new agaves are now six years old and ready for making more tequila. It all seems happy and prosperous [unless you are Aarón, Acacia, Frankie or....]
A final scene later that evening we see Rodrigo and Gaviota in her sundress and barefoot gliding out to the agave field to the base of that dreamy tree for another reenactment of their original love scene. They repeat their te amos, adoros, idolatros, veneros, Ohhh that tree.... The sunset pales as we fade to FIN.


Melinama's Parting Shot: - What do I have to say in conclusion? I'm glad Gaviota stopped flipping her hair; I'm mad she never appeared as the Celery Queen, I've been waiting all these months; Rodrigo did not have very many brain cells for a person his size. Aaron and Minerva were the fire of this show. And finally, when will the producers realize that extending these novelas does not improve them?

Julie's Parting Shot - It has truly been a pleasure doing these recaps, and I'm sorry it's ended so soon, with so many loose
ends. But hey, that means we're free to make stuff up, right? I'll be taking a break from recapping for a while, but I'll see you in the comments for Pasion and/or whatever else is coming up that looks good. Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful support and fun I've had here at ¡Caray, Caray!

Jardinera's Parting Shot - My thoughts are: that we have been living with this group of characters as intimately as anyone for the last 8 months. That's long enough to have a baby, for heaven's sake! So, this is a bitter-sweet good-bye, but good-bye and good-riddence it is! A shame that Rod never knew Isa cheated on him with Hil. Nobody learned Frankie got french-fried. We have no idea what ever happened to Acacia that finally allowed Sofia and James to get married, or did we and I was too sozzled on reposado to notice? Lovely wedding however.........nice to see them end up under the tree where it all started, too. Nice touch.

Beckster's Parting Shot(s) - The twisted part of me kinda wishes…the bull would run out and trample them both. We could then have a commentary from the ghost of Aaron with a Ghost Babe on his arm, bourbon in his hand and a smoke in the other hand. Aaron could say they were given every chance, but they were simply to stupid to live and tempted the Gods one time too many. The moral could be make hay while the sun shines, for tomorrow the bull tramples you. Thanks again…I will miss these people, Tune into tomorrow as Pasion begins with “Yes more people acting badly” Signing off under the big tree.

Cheryl's Parting Shot - Kind of a gushy end but I cried anyway. Nice to see so much prettiness after the struggles, deaths, and generally ugly snarkiness in many parts of this passion play. This has been a great linguistic journey since last January when I saw the beginning in Mexico and I love Caray Caray and all my new cyberbuds. And ohhh that tree, I want to go find it so I can take my own pictures of it.
-Adios amigos.


Monday, December 03, 2007


Me timbers are a shiverin' somethin' fierce!! :)


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Destilando Finale reminders!!

I am so excited!!

Someone mentioned in comments that people who use "Season Pass" with their DVRs might not get any recording at all for the finale because the title is different. Yikes! Don't forget to double-check your machines!

I don't have that feature, but I was glad for the reminder because I set up my machine to record for one hour every weekday starting at 9... forgot all about it and didn't set it up for the finale... I would have been screwed too!

The show starts at 8 pm ET and goes to 10:30, followed by a half-hour Christina Destilando Amor special (I don't know anything else about this).

Also, read this for instructions and URLs if you want to watch and chat at the same time. To avoid spoiler conflicts, I created one chat room for the East & Central (and Mountain?) viewers (, and another for the West viewers (

(The recappers-only chat room, where we'll work out the details of who does what, is

Get your Kleenex, ice cream, and CRT-certified tequila ready! See you tomorrow!


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