Thursday, May 29, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #88, Wednesday 5-28: "A wise lover values not so much the gift of the lover as the love of the giver."

-Thomas á Kempis

We start off tonight's new stuff with Constancio and Luciana looking at each other and wondering if the other knows where their lost objet d'proof of adultery is. For those who may have missed it, the watch and the ring are both in Karla's cleavage, which is quite a feat considering she barely has any to speak of. Constancio and Luciana both wonder, in thought bubbles, whether the other one knows and then both decide that Karla can save the day. Constancio summons Karla to the study, but Luciana calls her back to stage whisper "Don't say a word about the ring!" Karla of course reminds her she'll pay.

In the living room, Mili and Hugo cuddle while Mili thanks Hugo for helping get Rocky and Horacio settled at Mili's house. Alejandro catches them and asks if Mili's dating both guys at once (Hugo and Mateo). Mili tells him to butt out and Hugo gets her out of there, saying he's got a fun day planned. Constancio and Karla pass by on their way to the study and Karla takes the opportunity to give Alejandro an "I told you so."

Karla and Constancio and Karla and Luciana now have parallel conversations in the study, for which I thank the writers as it cuts down on my workload. The conversations went thusly, with noted exceptions:

Blackmailee: Karla, I need you to tear up the house, but very discreetly, and find out if my spouse found a thingy that I lost that a member of the opposite sex gave me and if my spouse finds it, said spouse will make my life hell.
Karla: Oh, you've got a lover, huh?
Blackmailee: Just follow orders, k?
Karla: You know, there's a golden rule, "Never accept gifts from lovers."
Blackmailee: Save your advice and just do what you're told. **Luciana: I don't have a lover!! Just do what you're told
Karla: Hm, is this in my job description?
Blackmailee: OK, ok, I'll pay you **Luciana: I'll give you a few thousand pesos.

In her conversation with Constancio, we find out that International Bank of Karla no longer accepts personal checks. All deposits must be made in cash at time of service, no exceptions, no returns. International Bank of Karla thanks you for your business.

Chamuco tries to have a nice conversation with Gloria about her new family. Gloria's ok with Gamuza, but she won't claim her BioDad (and boy do I not blame her). Chamuco announces that he's going to work with Rocky and Horacio at the tire place and at Taco Naco. He estimates that in nine or ten years he'll have enough money for them to get married. Gloria looks horrified. Show of hands--How many think it's because it will take nine or ten years? How many think it's because of the idea of being married to Chamuco?

Mateo calls the house for Mili and talks to Lina. She gets busted by Alejandro, who takes the phone and says Milagros is out with her other boyfriend. Buh-bye.

Mili and Hugo are at Six Flags Mexico, playing games, winning giant teddy bears, eating cotton candy, going on rides, and terrorizing mimes. Yes, that's right, mimes. Bless the writers for this too, as there's no dialogue.

Karla and Constancio and Karla and Luciana now have another set of parallel conversations, thusly:

Karla: I'm afraid your spouse has found the thingy.
Blackmailee: Oh, crap!
Karla: Never fear, we can fix this…for a price! Give me a raise and more cash than you originally offered.
Blackmailee: I'm listening.
Karla: I'll get your thingy back and then your spouse will have no proof.
Blackmailee: Ooh, good plan! Get my thingy back and I'll double your salary! **Constancio: Oh, and if you could get those compromising photos back, that would be cool too.
Karla: Double my salary AND my mom's and we're in business.
Blackmailee: Fine, whatever. **Constancio: If you don't come through, you and your mom are outta here!

I wonder how long she can keep this going before each one finds out the other doesn't know a thing?

Mili, Hugo, and the bear--let's call him Señor Snugglypants--are home and goofing around in the living room. Mili had a great day and admits she missed her buddy Hugo. Constancio comes in and asks about Señor Snugglypants. Constancio asks Mili to have dinner with the family. She doesn't want to and gets in a dig about Horacio and Rocky being gone. Hugo then asks Mili to have dinner with the family and talks her into it--"But only today and only because you asked." Hugo goes upstairs to change. Constancio, in a fit of plot contrivance, practically rips Señor Snugglypants out of Mili's arms insisting that he help her carry her new boy toy upstairs. Mili's medal gets ripped off her wrist in the process. Constancio doesn't own up to it, so Mili tells the story about her mom putting it on her before she died, etc. That doesn't get him admitting anything, so she asks why he cares so much about her past. He makes excuses about the stuff he'd found out before and mentions that she used to be happy that he took an interest. Mili asks if he thinks her mom was pretty and he answers "Beautiful, like you. And oh, by the way, you're my daughter." Except he didn't say the last part of that, which is why Mili doesn't accept his offer of having the chain fixed. She runs upstairs. Constancio calls Padre Manuel and asks him to come over ASAP.

Señor Snugglypants gets tossed on Regina's bed as Mili cries to Lina that "he" saw "it" and didn’t say anything and is a coward for keeping "his" mouth shut. Lina mentions that Mateo's been calling all day and that Alejandro took the phone and told him Mili was out with her "other" boyfriend. Mili then tries to claim she and Hugo are "just friends," but Lina's not buying it, cause friends don't give each other presents like Señor Snugglypants.

Luciana and Constancio spend a tense few moments having a conversation in which neither of them has anything to say to the other about anything. Then Valeria comes in, pouting, and apologizes for her crazy spell, saying she's soooo over that nasty chauffeur, like, totally. Her parents are forgiving and fight over who's going to hug her. Constancio says they "all" make mistakes, right? Valeria then says she feels really bad for getting that miserable chauffeur and the gardener fired and couldn’t they be hired back. Constancio says they're never setting foot in his house again. Luciana agrees with Constancio (quick, look for the four horsemen!). Constancio offers to hire a new chauffeur--preferably one who's married this time--but Valeria insists she can drive herself. Luciana, "You don't know how to drive." Valeria: "Morgan taught me…he taught me *sob* so many things!" She runs out of the room and Luciana and Constancio agree that she's still "encaprichada," she still has a crush.

Rocky and Horacio are getting settled into their new place. Rocky is ok with spending money to make the place comfortable, but he's obsessed with continuing to make more money so he can marry Valeria.

Luciana calls Bim and Bo in for a conference about Valeria. The two girls are not shocked to hear about her involvement with Rocky, but they are surprised that Valeria is insisting it's luuuuuurve.

Up in her bedroom, Valeria has at least finally taken a shower and is moping around in a bathrobe, slippers, and towel turban. Bim and Bo come in and offer their condolences about Regina. They sneer at Valeria's suggestion to go to the Rodeo, since she's going to look for "him." The bottom line is, they don't want to be friends until she gets back to her usual Snobby Spice self.

Valeria goes to visit Mili, who's surprised that Valeria isn't calling her nasty names. Valeria and Mili talk a little about Regina and her things and Valeria thanks Mili for making Regina happy. She jokes that Mili's her aunt now since Regina adopted her, but she says she finds it easier to think of Mili as a sister. Mili is thrilled. Valeria asks if Mili will come with her to the Rodeo tonight--she's desperate to see Rocky. Mili wants to know if Rocky's just the flavor of the week, but Valeria insists he's the love of her life. Mili, like any self-respecting older sister, suggests they sneak out after dinner. What can I say, folks, it's a time-honored tradition.

Karla is in the kitchen, complaining to Socorro, Gloria, and Lina about how Mili was with Alejandro, and them Mateo, and now she's with Hugo. Really she's just pissed off that Mili won't leave some available rich men for her. And hey, it's not for lack of trying. Socorro tells her to shut it and go serve the soup. Show of hands--Who thinks they know where this is headed?

So, at the table are Constancio, Luciana, Alejandro, Florencia, Damian, Hugo, Mili, and Valeria. Damian says some nice things about missing Regina, except that we all know he's full of it. Luciana gripes at Karla and Lina for taking so long to get there and serve the soup. Damian is surprised that the chauffeur got fired. Luciana tries to blame it on incompetence, which Valeria disagrees was the reason. Luciana says she does everything for her kids, so that lets Alejandro get in a "Oh, yeah, that's why you gave your shares to Hugo." Constancio thanks Mili for having dinner with them and says she shouldn't eat with the servants. Luciana complains about Mili being there and Luciana not being used to seeing her there. Florencia brings up Mili being her servant for a few days and not being very good at it. Mili's getting madder and madder. Luciana says the reason Mili did such a crappy job is that Florencia didn't have men around for her to, uh, service. Ouch! Hugo stands up for Mili, as does Damian (for whatever that's worth!). Constancio brings up Mili's inheritance again as a reason Damian wants Mili for a daughter-in-law. Everybody brings up Mili's two almost-marriages, which upsets Florencia. Alejandro says that if you want to marry Mili you have to tie her down, since she's making leaving men at the altar a habit. Karla ladles soup into Mili's lap, which starts a fight. Hugo and Constancio pull the two of them apart. Luciana says "once a servant, always a servant" and says Milagros doesn't know how to behave. Mili takes the soup from Lina and says, as many a three-year-old before her has said, "you're right, I don't know how to behave," then dumps the soup over Luciana's head. Lina gets the hell out of there, leaving the family gaping at Luciana. Damian offers her bread, which gets everyone laughing. She screeches at them and then leaves the room, Florencia hot on her heels. Oh, so that's how you're supposed to behave when soup is spilled on you?

Down at the Taco Naco, Horacio tells Rocky "Guess who showed up?" Out on the Rodeo dance floor, Mili and the Miliettes, plus little sister, walk across the floor. Horacio points Valeria out to Rocky. The two star-crossed lovers approach slowly:

Rocky: Chiquita, you shouldn't have come.
Valeria: I had to see you! I'm so bad without you!
Rocky: Does your dad know you're here?
Valeria: No. Why did you listen to him? Why didn't you fight for our luuurve?
Rocky: Because what he said was true. I don't have anything to offer you…not yet.
Valeria: For me, your love is enough.

The effects guys play with lighting and smoke as Valeria and Rocky kiss.

Back at Casa Belmonte, Constancio gripes out Padre Manuel for giving Mili back her medal. Padre Manuel figured it was safe since Regina was dead. Constancio is upset about the initials on the back, but Padre Manuel says Mili has those letters memorized, so what's the diff? Luciana comes in, ready to fight with Constancio about what Mili did. Padre Manuel says he'd like the opportunity to talk to both of them.

At the Taco Naco, Pedro tells Mili that Gay Night at the Rodeo is all set for next Saturday. Now all Mili has to do is get Braulio to show up. Pedro asks her to sing with the band tonight and Mili says it will be practice for next Saturday since she wants to sing and fill the place with luuuuurve vibes.

At one of the tables, Rocky keeps telling Valeria about how he wants to make money for her to have all the stuff she's used to and how he's going to work hard at the Taco Naco and the tire shop to make that happen. Valeria stumbles over the word "vulcanizadora" and asks what that's all about. Rocky tells her about Don Pepe and the little shop and so on. Valeria wants to see it. Like, now. And I think what she means by "see it" is "get hot and heavy on a pile of tires" and by "now" she means "before I rip your clothes of and throw you down on the dance floor." In looking up "vulcanizadora" I found this cute little article that others may also find amusing:

Socorro presents the kitchen for inspection before Braulio will let her out for the night. Braulio declines to go with her since that would leave Karla alone in the house and, well, you know how she is. Braulio asks her to say "hi" to Rocky and Horacio and to get his, uh, sister's dolls back for him. Alejandro runs in just then and Socorro despairs of being able to leave. Alejandro seems mildly surprised that the other gals are at the Rodeo tonight. Puh-leez, is he so dim that he couldn't have figured that out himself? Alejandro insists that Socorro can't go out there alone at night, so he'll just have to drive her. Mhm. Socorro accepts, but then again, how was she supposed to refuse?

Padre Manuel tells Luciana that Alejandro deserves to know who his daddy is. Luciana gets pissed off and since Padre Manuel won't leave, she leaves instead. Constancio wonders what's up, since he told PM that Alejandro's not his son under the seal of the confessional. PM says he didn't violate confidentiality, he heard about it from, erm, "someone else." Luciana? "Um, no someone else." Oops, now he's stuck having to figure out how to avoid telling Constancio about who told him.

Rocky shows Valeria how some of the vulcanizadora equipment is supposed to work. Dude, I don't think that's what she wanted to see. Valeria asks if the business has a name yet, but Rocky and Horacio haven't agreed on one. Rocky wants to name it after his dream, and the reason he's doing all this, and call it "Vulcanizadora Valeria." Valeria is flattered and kisses him for his trouble. Valeria has brought a picnic basket and Rocky wonders what's in it. A bottle of white wine, empanadas, and a stereo…"Does it remind you of anything?" Valeria asks, and reminds him about the time they were stranded out in the middle of nowhere. Rocky reminds her there was something else he wanted to do and Valeria says she wasn't ready then, but she's ready now. Bow, chicka bow, bow! "Thanks vulcanizadora man, but I don't have any way to pay you for fixing my flat tire." Oh, sorry, went somewhere else there for a minute…. Rocky offers to uncork the bottle of wine, but Valeria won't risk him falling asleep this time. More Bow, chicka bow, bow, ensues as Rocky and Valeria make sweet, sweet love among the tires.

Meanwhile, Mili's singing a love song at the Rodeo…a slow one this time. Socorro joins Horacio at a table. Smoochies. Mili wipes tears off her face as she sings. Alejandro comes up on stage and starts singing with her. Oh, hell, let me get the words in here:

(Mili) When they talk about love and hopes
And they offer you the sun and all the heavens
If you remember me, don't mention me
Because you'll feel good love
And if they want to know about your past
You'll have to tell a lie
Say you come from out there, from a strange world
And you don't know how to cry
And you don't understand love
And you've never loved
(Alejandro) Because where I'm going
I'll talk about your love
Like a golden dream
And I'll forget the anger
And I won't say that your love
Made me a miserable wretch
And if they want to know about my past
I'll have to tell another lie
I'll tell them I came from a strange world
And I don't know about the hurt
That triumphs over love
And I've never cried
(Mili) Because where I'm going
I'll talk about your love
Like a golden dream
And I'll forget the anger
And I won't say that your love
Made me a miserable wretch
(Both) And if they want to know about my past
I'll have to tell another lie
Say you come from out there, from a strange world
And you don't know how to cry
And you don't understand love
And you've never loved

Oh, kill me now. What are we going to do with these kids.

Speaking of…Padre Manuel is refusing to answer and saying that Mili and Alejandro need to know the truth and isn't Constancio tired of living a lie. He says he's not surprised Constancio wants to be a politician since the lying thing comes so easily to him and heck, he'd even get paid to lie! Constancio orders him out. Padre Manuel says Constancio's just like Luciana…he'd rather throw Padre Manuel out than confront the truth. PM says he's living in a sand castle and sooner or later, that wave's gonna come and send them all to hell. Constancio says he's going to keep sending checks to the diocese, but he wants Padre Manuel to stay out of Casa Belmonte. PM tries again to say that Mili and Alejandro need to know who their dads are. Constancio says that Alejandro's dad is dead, but PM begs to differ. Constancio is impactado.

Tomorrow: Alejandro rejects Luciana some more and says she's why he's leaving the country. And probably some more dirty dealings.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fuego, Wed., May 28: In which Thong Boy Has Indian Underwear: It's definitely creeping up the trail!

Buenas noches a todos. This telenovela really reminds me of the short play by Federico García Lorca called “Bodas de Sangre” and his other work called “La Casa de Bernarda Alba.” The producer and director must be huge Lorca fans.

And the intro is back…

So everyone of importance is standing around outside the hacienda watching the singing duo wrap-up their gig. Then the party-pooper, Gabby, comes out. She wants to know what’s going on, and who the girl (Rosario) is. Eva tells her that she invited her because they need to talk. “At these hours?” “Well, it’s the only time she could talk because of her job.” Gabby demands to know where this girl works. “I sing in a cantina” responds Rosario. Gabby doesn’t like the sound of that and tells Eva that she needs to talk to her. Gabby tells Rosario and the others to go away. Eva plans on finding Rosario later. Rosario then sees Franco and asks him why he is giving a serenade. Then Fernie gets territorial and starts throwing around some fightin’ words. Oscar intervenes and tells Franco that it’s time to go home.

Good ol’ Gramps comes in to see Sarita, who is holding some guy’s hat, crying, and writing a letter that she proceeds to crumple-up. He breaks something on his way in. Gramps tells Sarita that she should be happy that Franco made a move by singing to her. She says that it doesn’t matter because Rosario came looking for him. “You’re just like your mother, never happy until you find the black spot on a rose.” So true. He assures her that she must forget about what she saw and continue to love him; for all we know Gabby will run him and his brothers out of the hacienda tomorrow. She doesn’t say anything. Gee, if this girl were Rubí she’d be all over Gramps’ proposition!

“That loose woman had no right to come to my house” says Gabby to Eva in the study. “Yes she did. I believe that she is my daughter, and unless you tell me otherwise I will continue to get close to her.” Again, Gabby doesn’t like this idea.

Fernie snatches Sofia in the hallway. Sofia is tired and Fernie says that he has saved up a ton of energy. He tries to drag her into his bed, but she yells. Then Sarita and Gramps save her from being raped again. Fernie is mad that Gramps intervened and tells him to mind his own beeswax. Gramps says that Sofia is his granddaughter and he is going to protect her from Fernie; Fernie stomps out.

Gabby tells Eva that she can’t say anything because she promised Rosario’s family that she would never tell Eva anything. “Well, I’ll just have to keep getting close to her then. And soon I will leave this house. But before I do, I’m going to tell your daughters everything.” Gabby fakes another headache/diabetic stroke.
In walks Fernie, mad because he isn’t getting any. He’s mad because Gramps didn’t let him rape his granddaughter. “And not only is he bothering me, but he also put Jimena and Sarita against me! I’m leaving this joint.” “No no no no no! Don’t leave, we need you, we need you, who else will believe my lies and make me feel like I have all the control that I imagine having? Who?” Fernie will stay, but with conditions of course; Gramps has gotta go! Gabby thinks it over as if she had never thought of this idea before.
Sarita is worried about Sofia because she has never seen Fernie act up so much. She wants to know what Sofia did to him. Sofia tells her that she didn’t want to sleep with him. “But doesn’t he have a right to do so?” asks Sarita. “No, he doesn’t have any rights because I don’t love him.” I’m in love with Juan, blah, blah, we’ve heard this all before, blah, blah. “You’re in love with Franco, aren’t you?” Sarita sobs and the two hug.

So the boys are talking in their bedroom. Oscar has his usual get-up of the leather thong wardrobe and Franco and Juan are in their boxers (thank God two of them know how to dress the part). Can I make a cultural connection? Laborers everywhere in this world usually want to be comfortable, whether at work, in the bathroom with their two other brothers, or in bed at night. That said, it is by no means comfortable for any man to wear a tight thong on a hot night when all he wants to do is sleep in the presence of his two adult brothers. And, I know that traditional Mexican bread makers turned bricklayers and songwriters would never wear a thong. Anyway, thong boy and Franco are laughing about how mad Gabby got when she saw them there singing. They laugh. “HA HA HA HA!” says Juan 1 in a donkey-like voice. “How funny will it be when we don’t have work tomorrow?” says Juan 3. “Funnyboys.”

Jimena has asked Benito for a huge favor. What? We don’t know.

Gabby is out at the construction site demanding an excuse that leaves no room for doubt or denial. Oh my God. It looks as if thong boy is either peeing on the brick wall like Adam Sandler, or, dare I say, touching himself as he thinks about Jimena. Either way Gabby wants to know who conducted the serenade for Sarita. Then in walks Benito. He interrupts Gabby and apologizes for having the boys sing to Sarita. Suddenly, Gabby goes from the fierce, angry dictator to the delighted and blushing gentile dame.
Captain Napoleon is in full uniform and spying on today’s construction activity. “No, Benito, not a problem! What a beautiful detail, and just for doing that I’m inviting you to eat with us. What a gentleman you are!” Jimena then asks Benito to go ride horses with her; he concedes.

Gabby goes inside and talks to her dad. He wants to know why Benito is eating with them. She responds that he is a gentleman (blah, blah, blah) and that she wants to marry Benito and Jimena. “You never think about what the girls actually want, and you simply act according to your wants.” She denies this and says that she loves her girls, and that they are her life. “Don’t talk to me about love; you never had love in your heart. Instead of a heart all you have is a stone.” “Don’t talk to me about love, you never loved my mother and you were always out with other women.” “But it is never too late to repent. I did, and you can do it with Eva.” “What does Eva have to do with any of this?” “She told me the truth, about how you gave her daughter away. I promised her that I would find her daughter and reunite the two, and that’s exactly what I’ll do! I will win this battle” he says as he wheels away. The dramatic music plays as Gabby has a worried face.

Eva comes up on Rosario and her assistant on some random road. She wants to talk to Rosario, but Rosario has too many problems and she is sure that nothing Eva has to say will interest her. “Ok? Bye” Eva smiles, kinda.
Juan tells Oscar and Franco that he is sure that Sarita saved Franco by having Benito tell Gabby it was he who sent Franco to sing. It’s sort of remarkable that Franco grasps this concept, but either way he likes it and starts to sing.

Sarita and Benito are riding together and she wants to know why he is so quite. She also wants to know if he would be willing to get married without loving someone. Then she asks him to marry her. He doesn’t know. He’s kinda shy, and not as strong as his brother. He doesn’t want to sacrifice real love either.

Jimena wakes up from her hang-over sleep thing she was in. Sofia tells her that mom is upset and then proceeds to fill her in on last night’s festivities, if you can call them that.

Rosario is taken by surprise as a raging Fernie comes into her changing room. “How dare you come to my house and disgrace me like that.” She screams and her assistant intervenes, only to smacked a good one by Fernie. He throws that woman out of the room and bends Rosario over the chair. He takes his belt off and proceeds to hit Rosario.

Gabby walks in on Sofia and Jimena. “Get out of here” says Gabby to Sofia. “But mom, she’s sick.” “Yeah, well she deserves this, and more!” “Now get out!” Jimena is curled up like an injured animal in a small corner as Gabby’s unyielding eyes look upon Jimena.

Fernie hates to punish Rosario, but he has to so that she will behave. Too bad his whiping sound effects have no real affect on Rosario.

Sofia is about to go out, probably to look for Juan, when Eva stops her. “Be careful, there are lots of eyes in this hacienda.”

Juan sees Sofia, pushes Franco aside, who wasn’t even in the way, and jumps the brick wall to go meet her.

“All the time you are disobeying me” says Gabby, “and it isn’t helping my health. Therefore you need an exemplary punishment. I will show you for once and for all that I am the one who rules in this house. Gabby is locking Jimena in her room, and she will only be allowed to come out when Octavio, who has no romantic interest in her, comes to visit. “But I need to get out, breathe, see people, walk around, etc.” “Well, you should have thought about that before all your little displays of rebel-ness.” Jimena begs at Gabby’s feet. “Hey, I said you could come out when Octavio comes by.” “But I can’t stand him, don’t make me, please.” “Fine, I will respect your decisions. You will stay locked up for life.” Jimena cries.

At least someone around here is having a good time. Juan and Sofia have taken the afternoon off and decide to frolic and play in the beautiful Mexican countryside. They kiss a lot, lie around a lot, and kiss some more, all the time surrounded by lush forests and beautiful waterfalls. ¡Qué bien!
Gabby is in the office thinking. In walks Fernie. “Everything’s ready to take him away immediately.” “Perfect. Sofia and Sarita are out of the house, and Jimena is locked up.” Fernie leaves smiling and Gabby smiles too.” Uh oh!

Gramps comes into the house, throws around a few flirtatious remarks with the maid, and asks Fernie why it’s taking him so long to take him into town. Fernie feeds him some line of bull about how much fun they are going to have, and poor Gramps gets excited. Fernie remarks that they may come back late…
Gabby is standing by and says “Go and enjoy your stay in the old folks’ home because you will stay there for the rest of your life. I finally got rid of you.”

Juan and Sofia are kissing. Juan says that her kisses make him drunk and how much he loves her. She loves him too and has never been so happy. “Please don’t ever leave me” pleads Sofia. “Don’t be stupid” he says, except in an offensive way and she reproaches him for it. He then words the same remark in a nicer way. She laughs and says ‘I love you,’ he asks her to say it louder, she does, then he roars ‘I love you,’ just like in his Rodrigo days. They are certainly hopeless romantics.

So the men load Gramps into the truck. What a shame that Gramps is so excited. They are so mean…

Juan and Sofia are sitting together on a rock over a waterfall. Maybe Libia will float on by. Oh, wait, they found her. I’m so bad. It doesn’t really matter what they are saying because we have heard the same story from either them, or some other by-standard in nearly every episode. But, the new thing would be Juan insinuating that Gabby is lying about her *cough* illness. Sofia is so naïve and disregards his remark because she knows that her mother is pure in soul and would never lie or commit such an injustice.

Back at the hacienda Gabby feigns another diabetic stroke. She tells the maid that she’s going to lie down and she doesn’t want anyone to bother her.

Jimena, on the other hand, is full of energy and roaring to break out. She wonders why no one has come to rescue her in the two hours she has been locked up. Would that be because no one knows, or no one cares? Jimena grabs the poster board that conveniently rests on her armoire and takes a lip-stick in her hand. I bet that she is going to make an S.O.S. sign…

Fernie is driving Gramps as Gramps talks about all the things that he is excited to buy. Gramps makes the statement that he ran out of supplies for his maps and the Bernardo Elizondo death investigation, which reminds him that he still needs to collect details from Fernie. “And by the way, why is this taking so long?” asks a discursive Gramps. “Don’t worry Gramps, where we’re going, you’ll have plenty of time to investigate. PLENTY!”

Rosario’s assistant is rubbing alcohol on her wounds. Rosario can’t stand the pain but she mutters that she will get back at Fernie one day.

Sarita and Benito end their riding day right in front of the construction site. Then plays the song “Estos Celos” by Vicente Fernández. Did I mention that I have his “Para Siempre” CD and that I love it, and listen to it practically every day in my car? Anyway, “celos” is definitely what Franco is feeling as he watches this new couple. Frankly I don’t see why he’s so affected if he’s the one who likes to get fresh with Rosario. Franco sends the wheel barrow rolling into the brick wall. Wow, it actually didn’t fall down. I guess when you build the same brick wall two times it gets sturdier.

Eva goes to look for Gramps in his, might I say, old room. Fatima (the maid) tells Eva that Gramps went into town. Eva smells a rat and wants to talk to Gabby, the big rat (not to be confused with Mickey Mouse), but discovers that she can’t because she explicitly left instructions that no one was to disturb her. She’s probably painting, and you know how she is when they interrupt her painting time…

Gramps is still in the car with Fernie. He says he doesn’t have anything to pay Fernie with, so he gives him his watch. Uh oh, Gramps realizes that they aren’t going into town. He asks where they are going and Fenie laughs…

I’m not even going to bother typing the conversation between Oscar and Franco. Just know that they are saying the same thing as always, and in doesn’t even really make sense.

Then Oscar sees Jimena and she holds up her sign which says “they have me locked up, help!” He motions to her a plan, which no one really understands, and she smiles.

Sarita thanks Benito for helping her out with the serenade and wants to know if they can be friends. Gee, she hardly knows the guy and asks him for marriage, and now that she kinda knows him, she just wants to be friends. What a confused girl.
Eva asks Sarita if she knew that Gramps left. Sarita is shocked by this news and they know that it can’t be good.

Gramps now realizes where Fernie is taking him. He struggles with Fernie at the wheel, who says that the whole thing was Gabby’s idea, and that he just follows orders (yeah, right). Gramps demands to turn back, but Fernie refuses. Gramps then unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the door. He is about to jump!!! Fernie convinces him to shut the door and he does it. That was almost a really cool scene…

Juan and Sofia are kissing in the hacienda stables. It’s a really long kiss…

Benito’s brother shows up and wants everyone to go into town. Sarita goes to get Jimena and discovers that mother locked her up. The girls yell and Gabby gets mad because she can’t sleep. Eva fills her in that Benito and Octavio want to take the girls into town. Gabby gets all giddy and is delighted to let the girls go.
Sofia is talking to one of the stable hands about how much they love Don Bernardo. They both miss him. He asks where they took Gramps. Sofia doesn’t know about this and looks worried.
Fernie has Gramps all unloaded and the asylum men take Gramps into custody. He sees the doctor that lied for Gabby and everything makes sense to him.

The three Reyes bros. see the double -daters go off to town and they all are jealous.

Eva and Sofia are worried that Gramps never told anyone where he was going, and it seems pretty weird that he went voluntarily with Fernie. Sofia goes to talk to her mom.

Gramps is talking with the asylum boss, or more politically correct, the activities coordinator, about life in the ‘slammer.’ The ‘doctor’ tries to tell him how much fun it will be, what with the nuns, and the other ‘guests.’ He also tells Gramps that Gabby ordered Gramps to be there, and there is nothing he can do about it. Gramps starts to cry.

Gabby tells Sofia that she put Gramps in the asylum. Sofia asks why she did it without consulting anyone else. What a silly question; didn’t she know that Gabby is the one who makes all of the binding decisions? Sofia says that she is going to find her Gramps. Gabby says that she won’t allow him to live in her house. Sofia counters that she won’t come back. “You are so much like your father. Every time you can, you find a way to defy me. If you get your grandfather and come back, you will be dead to me, so don’t come back if you leave.” Gabby walks up the stairs as if she just won the argument, but Sofia walks defiantly out the door. Gabby walks down the stairs and says that Sofia is dead to her, and closes the doors.

Sofia runs to Juan and asks him to take her with him. He says that they will go far away. Does this mean that they won’t be looking for Gramps?

Tomorrow: Gabby announces to the family that Sofia left the hacienda. Fernie says that she will pay for this. We see Juan and another guy fighting in the pouring-down rain as Fernie fires a gunshot and Juan falls into the lake. Sofia goes in after Juan. Melinama, looks like you have a good night tomorrow!

Also, did anyone know about the BBC drama called “Wire in the Blood?” It looks interesting, much more interesting than “Fire in the Blood!” Maybe not… Check it out:


Juan Wed. May 28 '08 Ana and Juanito Get Lucky-- But Not Your Recapper

No closed captions on Juan tonight! Diablos had 'em, even the ads for Juan had them but no captions for the actual show so I'm flying blind this evening. Please correct any major goofs or omissions.

We start with the usual rehash..Ivonne, looking very dejected tells Ana and Paula that Fernando has broken up with her but she doesn't want to talk about it. And she's not going to shed one more tear about it either.

Ana applauds her take-charge attitude and Ivonne makes an early night of it, heading off to bed. Paula, pensive, notes that love can really hurt.

Are you talking about Ivonne or yourself? probes Ana. Paula tells her it's obvious Juan no longer cares, he's leaving Farrell, getting away from her, and clearly ready to start a new life with Hillary Paris. Paula's affection, her tenderness (Lordy, when have we seen that?!) mean nothing to him, much less her love.

Ana points out, quite reasonably, that they need to talk honestly, face to face (frente a frente) and clear things up. Obviously Ms. Ana doesn't know telenovela NEVER TALK HONESTLY...if you did, the show would wrap up in a few weeks rather than a few years. Sigh.

In the meantime, Juan and Juanito are getting ready to attend the grand opening of Ana's gallery and exhibition. He's bought Juanito a new shirt and tie and now the little cadger wants to know if he can invite Flor.

Have you asked her to be your girlfriend? queries Dad. Nah, he's been too shy so we have a funny little scene where Juan gives coaching on how to be cock of the walk...stick out your chest, swagger in, close your eyes and make the jump! And as we see, Juanito is a very good pupil.

Our not so macho Kike is being consoled by none other than Remolacho. The boss played you dirty, he sympathizes. Well, the worst of it is, I can't quit no matter how Angarita treats me...I need the money, laments Kike.

Switch now to Alirio's office, Nidia still piping up when she should be quiet. (Well, what's new?) and Yadira's very expensive lawyer is concluding the meeting by saying "this will all be decided by the courts".

Shall I see you to the door? coos Nidia. You can count on me for whatever. YOU STAY! bellows Alirio. You're the worst secretary and worst wife ever! The lawyer hastily exits, noting that he knows the way to the door.

Yadira was with Topete first, now she's with Angarita! Reason enough for any judge to give Enrique custody! continues Alirio, but you refuse to help us. From now on I'm not your wife, I'm the "widow Cachon" sniffs Nidia, as usual, completely unfazed by anything Alirio says, even when it makes sense....especially when it makes sense! Still she's a loyal to give her that.

Wuf! things just got warmer in here. Paula is remembering Juan's seduction (or was it Paula's seduction?) Well, whatever. I missed this the first time around and I have to admit, pretty steamy stuff. Bra straps loosening, belt buckles being tugged...I may have to take a break here.

Okay, I'm back. And it's grim reality again. Alirio has given up on Nidia and is chastising Kike. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!!???? You had a good chance of getting custody but now, with the kidnapping...Don't yell at me, Kike pleads. I did it without thinking. I was holding her, looking into her little eyes, the door was nearby....Nevertheless, the case is going to be very tough now, chides Alirio.

You're my last hope, cries Enrique. If they take my child, I'll kill myself! Don't talk rubbish, snaps Perafan, but you will need to get Nidia on our side.

And that's just what Kike tries to do, with no more success than Alirio. I miss my daughter, he pleads, I'm the papa. And I'm the grandmother, she snaps. But I'm not going to tattle on my daughter "la ropa sucia se lave en casa" (we wash out dirty laundry at home) No way am I going to testify against my daughter. What I say, I say between these four walls. But forget about me helping you.

And now we're at the lush, Hawaiian themed, art gallery exhibit of Ana's paintings.
There are palm trees, leis, undulating navels and hips, bare-chested, muscular waiters...there may even be some paintings but who can see them with all the
tropical hoohah going on!?

Ana looks ready to faint and even unflappable Willy looks worried. I wanted something simple and formal, Ana squeaks but Nidia blows that off and instead hastens over to Hillary and her cranky dad who have just arrived.

Nidia introduces herself...and as an afterthought Ana...and moves in, chest front and center, to make acquaintance with Señor Paris. She thanks Hillary for bringing all her wealthy friends and reminds them that the art is for sale.

Papa Paris is"muy offendido" and thinks Nidia is about the most vulgar woman he's ever met! And he's also grumpy because Juan hasn't arrived yet..Lack of punctuality is lack of manners, he grouses.

Just then our bright-shirt, short-tied, long-haired galan arrives with Flor and Juanito in tow. Hillary introduces him and Juan gives Papa a handshake so vigorous it ruffles his hair (Papa's not Juan's) and Juanito does the same.

At Yadira's apartment, another papa is basking in his daughter's company. She's thinking of going to the gallery, she knows her mother is expecting her and asks Angarita to come along. He says he wasn't invited. Well, hey, she doesn't want to go anyway. How about staying for dinner? He happily accepts.

In the meantime, our ever lecherous Nidia is checking out the buns of a distinguished looking hombre who's studying a painting. Like it? it would look good in your office, your home..or for your girlfriend, she probes. She moves her hands along his shoulders and arms (Good Lord Nidia, hold your fire!) and he turns away. Well if you want to buy it, make your move, she adds, there are other people interested in it. And the painter is an intimate friend of Hillary Paris, she adds for good measure.

Flor and Juanito are also studying the pictures, remarking on the lack of clothing for one thing. Good time for Juanito to make his move and he does, exactly as his dad taught him. Once Flor gets him to open his eyes, she happily agrees to be his "novia" and he squinches up his eyes in bliss.

We get another shot of the undulating hula dancers, flanking the life sized portrait of Juan "au naturel" and our dear Juan is being grilled by Hillary's father. Are those his kids? Is he married, divorced, widower?

Juan manages to get in that he's a single father before the discussion moves on to his business dealings. And here I pretty much got lost, but Dad seemed to be quizzing Juan about how long he'd been with Farrell, what his business background was, his investments etc. Hillary was upset that her father kept up the third degree while Juan smilingly protested that it was quite all right. Then...ta walks "Sandro" and makes straight for Paula, all charm and smiles.

He jokes with Ana about the ukelele music, tells her not to worry, the party's great and he PROMISES to buy a painting. She protests that he shouldn't do any such thing if he doesn't like any.

Off in a corner, Gaytan and Ivonne are chatting and Pastor wheezes, Whatever gave them the idea of hiring Nidia!? Well, Ivonne laughs, for one thing she needed the money. Well, Pastor thinks the tropical theme is outlandish but the waiters(bare-chested and muscular, remember?) are great.

Herbierto arrives...paws the ground and snorts when he sees Ivonne but then complains about the skimpy food. They're called "canapés" sniffs Pastor. Fine, but let's go somewhere else and eat, replies Herbi. Ivonne declines but Pastor replies "de mil amores" (I'd love to!) and off they go.

Now Willy explains to Nidia that the man she was groping earlier is an art critic. She's incensed. Don't come here and criticize my friend Ana, she yowls. Willy pulls her away and explains carefully than an art critic evaluates art rather than attacking it.

Nidia switches the discussion to a topic she's more familiar with...passion! She advises Willy to make his move now...her friend needs it and wants it and times a'wasting.

Back to cranky Dad Paris. He wants to go. He hates the music, he hates the whole thing. Hillary wants to stay, things are just starting up. Let's just enjoy it. Impossible, he retorts.

At this point, the ukelele stops and some hot dance music comes on, thanks to Nidia. "Sandro" leads a protesting Paula out on the dance floor and Juan meets the challenge by asking Hillary to dance but Dad insists they're going home NOW.

A reporter noses up, asks if Juan is Hillary's boyfriend (or fiancé.."novio" can mean either) and Dad snaps that "NO, he's just a friend of the family" and Hasta luego and adios!

Juan muses that with a bitter dad like that, who suspects all men of wanting to use his daughter, that he's isolating Hillary from others.

Still crestfallen, Juan watches Paula dancing with Sandro and turns and asks Marely to dance with him. But she's not interested in being his "fall-back position" and snippily turns him down. He reasons that he really should be fighting for the one true love in his life but is not.

Things are going better for Angarita though. He tells Yadira that other than having Pastor's company, he's eaten alone 99 % of the time. His life has changed completely with Yadira.

She's happy to do whatever she can to pay him back for all he's done for her. But I don't want it to be an obligation, he protests. Are you a sheep in wolf's clothing or a wolf in sheep's clothing, she smiles. Just a wolf. No, I think you've got a big heart. But why are you doing this?

Your mother was the love of my life. You're her daughter, Nidia Michaela is her granddaughter. Other than Pastor, this is the closest I can come to family, he explains. Helping you has been my greatest happiness, he adds.

Hmmm...didn't look that way when you saw the lawyer's bills, Yadira quips.

Things are better financially at the fact every painting has sold! Willy and Ana are over the moon, not to mention Nidia. Ever flirtatious though, she asks Willy if he has a twin brother, since she'd love to trade in her husband (can't fault her there).

And she adds, If things don't work out with you and Ana...well, call me! Nidia, growls Ana...Oh don't worry, Nidia replies, I always respect other people's property.

Now we move to a shot of Juan in bed...with Juanito...musing over the lost women in his life, while the only woman he has ever really loved is now in the arms of another. Well, not exactly Juan. She's hugging the teddy bear you gave her, while a tear trickles down her cheek.

Oh my, will these two adorable star-crossed lovers ever get together? You bet your sweet bippy they will but probably not until the last 15 minutes of the last show.

Now it's the next morning at Ana's house and Willy is reading the reviews which are great. Paula's on the phone with Nidia, congratulating her for her part in the success; and after Ana reads the glowing reviews as well, she calls out to Paula that she and Willy are going out to breakfast.

Nidia gives Paula some song and dance about how Ana's going to be spending the weekend off with her which confuses Paula but it's all a white lie so Paula won't worry when Mom doesn't come home that night. Alirio's fuming in the background thinking Nidia's cooking up something naughty but it's strictly her arrangement of a honeymoon for Willy and Ana.

And besides, she fires back, I'm working day and night (de sol a sol) to pay the mortgage on this house so belt up! I'm working too...and on a very important case! replies Alirio. (well, really, you can't shut either of them up)

Now we see a plane flying, obviously breakfast is going to be far far away...Vancouver perhaps. Yes, Nidia has packed Ana's clothes and a passport and booked a suite for them. One room!? dithers Ana. Okay, two, sighs Willy. No, one, she hesitates, no,, one. Whew.

I didn't think you'd ever decide, adds Willy. I'm dying to be with you but I'm scared, she explains. I love you and I want to share my life with you, he replies. Good answer Mr. willy!

Now they're walking through a lovely park (have they gone to bed yet? curious minds want to know) and she's exclaiming what a marvelous place it is. Only what you deserve, he replies.

And tadah, he takes out that well-known little ring box and asks her to marry him. I never thought I'd hear something like that, she gasps. Should I say it a thousand times. Well, once more would be good. And so he does and she says "YES!" I'll compress the rest of the scene...they're walking by the water, she's musing how she never thought she would ever marry. Resigned herself to always being unwed.

Same thing for him. He thought he'd always be alone, but then he met her...and came back to Mexico determined to win her. Why now, why so late in life? she wonders. Maybe the best was saved for last, he replies.

And now the big smooch scene. Wanted to like it but goshdarnit, they both just looked really uncomfortable. Reminded me of the first time I kissed a guy who had braces. Not good. Sorry folks. On the other hand, Juan and Paula, I must say, do the job right.

Still, the conversation is good. Willy continues that he wants Ana to be his wife, traveling companion, friend, colleague. Is that all? she teases. And lover, he adds. More tight-lipped uncomfortable kissing. Oh well, guess there's a reason Muñoz usually plays the bad guy.

And speaking of uncomfortable, cranky Dad Paris is chewing out Juan big-time. Telling him his daughter is not a prize to be plucked off the shelf and if she ends up with Juan, don't get your hopes up! I'm not giving you a penney!

To Papa's surprise, Juan fires back just as big-time. I don't know if we'll end up together, he bellows, but if we do, it's certainly not for your filthy money.

And we end with Papa looking "muy pero muy impactado".


La Traición, Tues., May 27 - Hugo takes a bath and Michelle gets an eyeful; Marina gets a new boss and Boris doesn't have a boss anymore

Michelle gets an eyeful!

Hugo and Alcides:

A:You’ve got a noose mark around your neck but you are alive.
H: Don’t bother to pretend, Alcides. I don’t believe in your words and acts of kindness towards me.
A: You’ve become very distrustful, little brother.
H: I know you too well. Everything you did defending me at the trial was part of your plan.
A: What are you talking about? What plan? You and I entered into a gentleman’s agreement - a duel of love to conquer Soledad. Remember?
H: You’ve won. Soledad and I have parted forever. There can never be anything between us.

Marina tells Eloisa and Paquito again that she won’t pretend to be the ML. She just wants her money. Eloisa says that she won’t give her a penny. When Paquito tries to attack Marina, she incapacitates him and runs out of the house.

Hercu-less comes to see Arturo. Herc apologizes for what happened with Margot. He was drunk. Arturo says that he doesn’t want to discuss women. Arturo says that he knows it was Herc who kidnapped Boris so he couldn’t testify at Hugo’s trial. “On who’s orders did you do that?” asks Arturo.

Boris is negotiating with a guy holding a saddle to buy his business. The guy says that he will give Boris an answer the next day. Boris turns away and there is Marina. He grabs her.

Arturo asks Hercu-less the question again. Herc hears the voice of Alcides telling him that he must pretend to be working for Arturo and not reveal his relationship with Alcides. He replies that he kidnapped Boris on his own initiative. He wanted to do Arturo a favor because he knows that Hugo is Arturo’s enemy. Arturo says that he doesn’t believe it. Herc says that he made a mistake. He should have killed Boris but before he could do so, Boris fell into the ravine and Herc thought he was dead. Arturo tells Herc in future not to move a single finger without his authorization. Herc assents.

Dr. Dan tells Michelle that he wasn’t involved in Rebeca’s death. Michelle says that she knows that but Dr. Max is dead. How did Rebeca’s body get into his laboratory? Dr. Dan says that he has no idea. It’s all very strange. Michelle says that it is strange and dangerous. Hugo told her that they need to be careful. Dr. Dan says that Dr. Max certainly didn’t kill Rebeca. He promises to find out who did. (You’ve got a pretty ambitious list already, there Dr. Dan: find a cure for Aurora’s catalepsy; make Lucas walk again; conquer Soledad and now this.)

Hugo and Alcides:

A: Your big mistake was pretending to be me when I was away. That’s when your trouble started. You helped me.
H: Alcides, in any case, thanks for helping to save me. This isn’t a social visit. Here are the keys to the Hacienda. Now it’s yours.
A: Why are you so proud?
H: It’s not pride, It’s dignity.
A: Dignity is a very important word but you can’t feed yourself with it or put a roof over your head. You can’t even get a woman to sleep with you for it. Money buys dignity.
H: What you just said is precisely the difference between us.
A: Why don’t you just drop the pride (orgullo), little brother, (he holds up the keys to the Hacienda) ask me for them. I’ll give you back your keys and your Hacienda.
H: Never. I don’t want your pity or your charity (limosnas). Never.
A: Ah, Hugo, always such pride (he uses the word ‘soberbia’ here, which is the sin of excessive pride, as opposed to ‘orgullo’). It’s the winner that takes the prize. You remember? It’s been that way since we were children. This time, I’m the winner.
H: I congratulate you. Celebrate your triumph but you’ll never have the satisfaction of seeing me on my knees begging you for charity.

Boris tells Marina the obvious. The police are after her. “Then I won’t let you turn me in,” says Marina and tries to run away again. Boris grabs her. He urges her to go to the police with him. She can’t be a fugitive her whole life. Hugo will help her. Marina says that she doesn’t want anything from Hugo. Thanks to Boris and Hugo, her life is ruined. She says that thanks to Hugo her marriage is over. Boris agrees that the marriage is over. He found out too late that she was cold and unfeeling and betrayed him. His wedding ring means nothing to her. Marina tells Boris to give her regards to Hugo. Boris can rot in hell with him. She runs away with Paquito and Eloisa in hot pursuit. Boris holds his wedding ring for a second and then lets it fall to the ground. (Don’t you and Hugo need money? You shouldn’t just throw it away.)

Hugo and Alcides
A: You really wasted our parents’ inheritance. You blew it on your absurd vengeance on Soledad and the people of San Marino. And now you don’t have a cent (‘no tienes donde caerte muerto,’ literally, ‘you don’t have a place to fall down dead’)
H: Are you finished?
A: There you go again – arrogant. Always the most intelligent, the most educated. Don’t you ever change, Hugo?
H: Soledad will never love you more than she loves me.
Hugo leaves.
A: You’re wrong, Hugo, Soledad will love me much more than she loves you – whatever it takes (‘cueste lo que cueste,’ literally ‘cost what it costs’).

Dr. Dan tells Lucas that he has given Ester instructions for caring for him. Soledad thanks him with a hug. She hugs Michelle and reminds her of their conversation. Dr. Dan and Michelle leave. Ester is pensive but she says that she is tired. Lucas says that Soledad looks tired. He feels responsible for what happened (too right!) Soledad tells him not to worry. What had to happen did. Soledad tells Lucas that he was right; she has to get Hugo out of her life. She wants to go back to the past when they were a happy family (return to childhood, eh Soledad? You can’t go back.)

Hugo is taking a bath. He flashes back to Soledad telling him that he got another chance, not them.

Michelle tells Dr. Dan that from now on Hugo and Boris are her guests until they get back on their feet financially. Dr. Dan approves. He says that after he has a bath, he will go into town to investigate Rebeca’s death. Soledad tells him to be careful.

Eloisa and Paquito can’t find Marina. Eloisa says that they have to find her. “Enough games,” says Paquito. “We have to kill her.”

Marina is in the Hacienda. She thinks she can hide there for a good while. Alcides comes up behind her. Marina thinks it is Hugo but Alcides identifies himself. He asks what she is doing there. How did she get in?

Michelle comes into Hugo’s room without knocking and he is standing there wet and apparently naked. She is impactada (of course!).

The busy, busy, busy judge comes to see Lucas. Ostensibly he is there to tell Lucas about the return of the money to the investors in the mine, but he reveals that Rebeca has been murdered. Lucas and Soledad are impactados. Lucas looks like he having another heart attack (we wish!). The Obragon witches are obviously hiding something and Soledad wants to know what’s going on. (No happy families, Soledad. That’s what’s going on.)

Michelle says, “How embarrassing!” and turns away. She asks him to forgive her. She shouldn’t have come in. She didn’t know he was there. A towel comes into view. Hugo says, “Did you want to tell me something, Michelle?” She keeps peeking over at Hugo. Michelle stammers and says now is not a good time.

Alcides asks Marina how she got in. The door was locked. Marina doesn’t answer his question but says that she thought no one was in the house and she could hide there. Alcides asks why she accused Hugo of trying to murder her and causing a miscarriage. Marina says that it is too painful to think about. Alcides says that Hugo is capable of many things but murder isn’t one of them (unlike you, Alcides) or did he really try to kill Marina? Marina says that she lied. She hates Hugo because he destroyed her marriage to Boris. She begs Alcides not to turn her in. Alcides says that he is moving into the Hacienda and he needs an efficient employee.

Meanwhile Eloisa and Paquito are outside the Hacienda still searching for Marina. Eloisa is sure that Marina is in the Hacienda and she knows how she got in – like Eloisa, she knows the secret passages. She and Paquito head for the entrance.

Soledad asks her mother what is going on. She can’t understand why Lucas is so upset and Ester, supposedly Rebeca’s best friend, is taking the news calmly. Ester says that she has to tell or she will explode. She says that Rebeca wasn’t her friend, she was a fake and she was Lucas’ lover.

Michelle is fiddling with her hair nonstop. She asks herself what was she thinking to go into Hugo’s room without knocking? Hugo comes in a dressing gown. Michelle babbles about how embarrassed she is and how she had just come from talking to Soledad… Hugo tells her not to feel bad. Next time, he will lock the door so it won’t happen again. Hugo asks after Lucas, Soledad and his daughter. Michelle gives quickie reports on Lucas and Aurora: doing better/very cute and then says that she and Soledad talked. She flashes back to Soledad telling her that she can make Hugo happy. Hugo asks if she is ok since she stopped talking. He says that she doesn’t have to tell him what Soledad said. He just wanted to know if Soledad is ok. In future, he won’t ask about her so that he can get her out of his heart. Hugo thanks her for inviting him to stay in her suite and asks if she is ok. Michelle says that she is just a little tired. It’s late. She turns away. Hugo stands there bemused.

“Then you won’t turn me in?” Marina asks Alcides. Alcides says that he is offering her a job. Besides, Hugo owes him some favors. He can ask him to withdraw the charges against her. Marina says she would be eternally grateful if he did that. Alcides asks Marina if it was her idea to accuse Hugo of attempted murder or did someone suggest it? Before she can answer, Paquito and Eloisa come running down the stairs. They are muy impactados to see Alcides.

It’s all secrets out at the Casa Obregon. Lucas confesses to Soledad (the only one who doesn’t know) that he had a relationship with Rebeca and he makes excuses such as his drinking and fights with Ester. Not to be outdone, Ester tells Antonia (the only one who doesn’t know) that she had an affair with Jeremias but she assures Soledad that Lucas is her father. Soledad says that all this time she thought her parents loved each other.

Alcides looks at the keys to the Hacienda. He says that it is apparent that there are secret entrances to the house. How did Eloisa and Paquito get in? Paquito does not answer this question either. He says that he was, then changes the verb the present tense, is pursuing a fugitive. Alcides says that Marina works for him now. Eloisa and Alcides play a little cat and mouse game. Eloisa says that if Alcides is thinking of protecting Marina, he should be careful, she is accused of a serious crime. Paquito chimes in that Marina is a liar. “I bet she convinced you of her innocence?” Paquito continues. “You should be careful,” says Alcides to Eloisa, “I heard your Aunt Rebeca was murdered.” Eloisa says that they all should be careful. You never know who will stab you in the back. Alcides says that he thinks Eloisa and Paquito are lying. Marina pipes up and says that she heard Paquito tell Eloisa that Alcides had killed Rebeca. Dirty looks are exchanged.

Soledad tells her parents that she grew up and became a woman in what she thought was a happy family but it was all a big lie. Did her parents ever love each other? She wanted to go back to the happy family she remembered from her childhood but it never existed. Lucas says that it can exist if there is forgiveness.

Michelle has a dream about Hugo coming in and kissing her. She says that loves Hugo a lot but she knows that Soledad loves him too, even if she says that she doesn’t. What is she going to do?

Soledad and Antonia leave Lucas and Ester to talk. Antonia says that she has been wearing a mask all her life too. She was afraid to love and have a child. Ester and Lucas have a wonderful child, a home etc. What more could they want?

Boris tells Hugo that he saw Marina today. She appeared out of nowhere. Hugo says that he thought she had left San Marino. Boris thought so too but it isn’t so. Boris says that he tried to get her to turn herself in and told her that Hugo would help her but she took off running. Hugo says that he noticed that Boris isn’t wearing his wedding ring. Boris replies that he took it off and threw it down in front of Marina. He didn’t think Hugo had noticed. “There are many things I notice that I don’t mention,” says Hugo, “You are my only friend, Boris. I care about what happens to you. If you want to find Marina and fight for her, you can count on my support.” Boris says that he could never go back to Marina after all she has done to him. “Boris,” says Hugo, “we need to start again; you without Marina and me without Soledad. We need to rebuild our lives.”

Paquito tells Alcides that Marina is a liar. He says that we all know that she accused Alcides’ brother of trying to kill her. Marina repeats her statement that she heard Paquito says that Alcides killed Rebeca. Eloisa tries to get out of the situation by suggesting that Paquito mentioned Alcides as part of a general discussion of who might have been responsible. Paquito picks up the hint and says that as a journalist, he has to consider all the possible suspects of a crime. Alcides asks Eloisa what she thinks. She says that Alcides couldn’t possibly have been the killer since she was with Alcides when the crime occurred (how could she know exactly when Rebeca was killed?). Paquito is surprised to hear this. Eloisa says to Paquito that she is sorry but she lied to him about being with Alcides.

Let’s just say that Ester and Lucas resolve their problems. Lucas does say that he believes Ester that Soledad is his daughter. It is just too boring to go into details. Soledad comes out and they are all happy.

Alcides sends Marina out. He asks Paquito and Eloisa why they would think that he had anything to do with Rebeca’s murder. He barely knew her. What proofs to they have against him? Paquito flashes back to a conversation where Eloisa says that if Alcides finds out that they know Rebeca was looking for the treasure, he will kill them. Alcides asks why Paquito doesn’t answer. Paquito says that everyone knows that Arturo and Alcides are the two most violent guys in town. Alcides says that he didn’t kill Rebeca. Eloisa says that people say bad things about Alcides but she knows that he didn’t kill Rebeca because she was with him and besides he had no reason to do so. Alcides says that he has changed and is different person now. He asks them to leave.

Boris tells Hugo that he will hear tomorrow whether the town blacksmith will sell them his business. Hugo asks if Boris thinks the guy will sell. Boris says that he doesn’t know but if so, tomorrow he will teach Hugo the art of metalworking. “You are true friend,” says Hugo, “You became the brother that Alcides never was. Don’t call me sir and boss ('patron') anymore. From today, I want you to call me Hugo.” Boris says that he doesn’t know if he can after all these years. Hugo replies that precisely because of those many years of loyalty and faithful service, he wants Boris to use his given name. Boris agrees but he has a hard time saying it.

Paquito is irritated that Eloisa lied to him about seeing Alcides. He is also concerned about what Marina might tell Alcides. Eloisa doesn’t understand his concern. To himself, Paquito says that he is concerned that Marina will tell Alcides about the money he stole from the investors. To Eloisa, he asks who could have killed Rebeca if it wasn’t Alcides?

Alcides observes to Marina that the Hacienda is almost empty. She says that it was the investors coming to get their money from Hugo. Marina asks Alcides if he knows about Paquito and Eloisa. Alcides says that he has taken care of the problem. They won’t bother her if she doesn’t bother them. Marina is happy that they won’t turn her in. She says that she doesn’t know why he is helping her but she is grateful. She leaves and Alcides says she shouldn’t thank him. You have to keep your enemies close (‘a los enemigos hay que sentarlos a comer en la misma mesa,’ literally, ‘you have to sit down to eat with your enemies at that same table’)

Next morning Alcides is having furniture moved into the Hacienda. Hugo comes in.
A: Thanks for coming, little brother, you are very punctual. I asked you to come for two reasons. First, to give you this. (He holds out a set of keys.) Take them, they’re the keys to the cabaña in the forest. Use it whenever you want.
H: I told you I don’t want your charity.
A: (putting the keys in Hugo’s pocket) That’s your problem. You decide.
H: You said that you wanted to tell me two things. What is the second one?
Marina announces that breakfast is served. She and Hugo are surprised to see each other.
H: What is that woman doing here?
A: She is the second reason that I wanted to talk to you.
The credits roll.

Tomorrow- Hugo becomes a blacksmith!


Juan Q Tues. 5/27 - Discord for all except a quiet Heriberto

For Maloke Efimba

Heri confirms with Pastor he shouldn't give compliments. He asks Ivonne then if she heard about the exercising he and Pasty did together. She says yes and that you ran screaming from the massage. Heri explains that as saving his body for her hands only and he laughs like Beavis and Butthead. That earns him another condecending Heri, Heri, by Don Pastor who tells him to also refrain from silly remarks (sandeces). Ivonne tells him he looks better quiet. (Calladito te vez mas bonito. - I can think of plenty of people I'd love to say that too.....) He asks really, and she says, ah but you just spoke and the magic went away. He promises to be quiet forever while she gives Pastor the, I can't believe you are making me do this, you owe me such a big favor look.

Juan wonders how Laura is doing on her first day and offers to help with her stack of junk. She says she's fine, but complains about Pastor being demanding. Nah... She wants to chat so he asks her to enter his office. I read about but didn't see these bizarre tights. To me, they make her legs look like Nemo the clownfish.

Heri chats with Pastor about the results he's seeing with the method. He thinks she looks at him now with soft lanquid eyes and not the eyes of a cow that has just been milked. I can count on my boy Heri to get those animals in there somehow. Whoo - all is not lost. He says how hot she makes him and Pastor warns him to control his hormones. Heri discusses that now that Fer and she have had a good fight so much so that they aren't going together anymore. He thinks he has a chance. Pastor says he told him so, if he follows the advice.

Laura tells Juan she's heard rumors that he's novios with the millionairess, and he speaking to himself wonders what he should do, lie or tell the truth, so he decides to say the truth, that they met a few days ago and they are only friends now. ( He neglected the part about her professing her love to him, of course) Lau is placated and calmed to hear this.

In the squalid tin can Gutis yells at Perf for leaving him high and dry. Perf swears he had a good reason, Hillary ate dinner with them. Gutis says it could have been Jennifer Lopez for all he cares, he should have been here as they are dealing with serious people. Perf says look I'm here now and here are the checks for the accounts. He wonders about the internet keys. I think Perf doesn't have them yet, he wonders when Gutis will put the money in the accounts. Gut asks him to be patient just like he is being with Perf.

Kike and Nid Mich show up at Farell and Julia fawns over her. She agrees to watch her while Kiks talks to Juan.

In Juan's office Fer and he are chatting about the price he should ask for his shares. Juan thinks that's high, but Fer thinks it's a fair price. Juan can't wait to put some distance between him and Pau, but Fer isn't so happy because he knows that won't be good for him in the long run.

Kike goes in and Juan tells him about his plan to sell. Kike is pleased and thanks Juan for his loyalty, but thinks Juan may need to save that money to get him out of the klinker because he just stole his daughter away. The laughing stops and the pair stare at Kike impactados.

Sandro is up to his usual flattery and wonders how long since Pau's taken a vacation. Then he drops that he will be pleased to be her colleague because Juan agreed to sell him his shares. Pau is impactada, but San is smug. I guess we are back to the cleavage shows with Pau. The productors took "filler" literally.

Fer and Juan berate Kike for taking the baby. He says he wanted to talk, but that woman can't be reasoned with, so he grabbed and ran. Fer and Juan say the judge must decide this, that he can't take justice into his own hands like this. Kike is still upset.

Pau can't believe Juan is doing this as it was his dream. San says he will offer a good price. She still wonders why, and he says well after all Juan is still a chaffeur at heart. He adds that maybe this is small beans now that he is going with Hillary. Pau doesn't believe that either that this is a huge business. San still insists that maybe Juan is extremely ambitious. Pau is still not convinced that Juan has lost all interest in Farell and it's people.

At Farell, Anga shows up with Yadi and Julia hides the baby. Ivonne interrupts the arguing boys to announce their presence. They wonder why the baby hasn't been spotted yet. We are then treates to a split screen struggle, on one hand the papas and on the other, Tia Marely discovering that Julia has the baby and she tries to get her back. Among all of this, a cry is heard and Yadi runs out to pull the baby from Julia nad yell at her never again to touch the baby. Anga supports her and tells Kike they'll see him in court. Juan holds him back as he painfully tries to go after his daughter.

In the elevator Anga tells Yadi he gave Kike an opportunity to do things the right way, and he went way too far. Anga vows to support Yadi with all his might. In the lobby the Farell crew console Kike and tell him he needs to chill out because he's doing more harm than good.

Juan and Pau are having a chat about Kike costing himself a lot with that move when she slips it in: Why are you selling your shares in Farell? Juan gives her a proud response along the lines that he's done it all there already, all the levels and he's the highest he can be, he wants to see the world, and there is nothing more for him here. Besides the two firm heads can't ever come to an understanding and they are always at odds, there is no chemistry, get it? She wonders what happened to the nice innocent guy who came to the DF full of hopes and he responds that guy was pulled out and his face doesn't even remain but it's time for this doll to fly in other skies, take on other projects and relationship, if you know what I mean. He tells himself her sad look is killing him, but words of love aren't coming to him, and he's stuck with his pride in this war he's waged.

Fer explains to Kike how he shouldn't behave in that manner because it's really best for the baby to share custody with her mother, the baby needs her. He wants to change the subject so asks how things are with Ivonne. Fer essentially explains that she's up to her old tricks and that he can't believe he hasn't learned his lesson yet and keeps falling over and over again for the same thing - referring to his perception that she is after "Sandro."

Pau wants to know what the business is that Juan in interested in and he fusses and makes up that he has a code or phobia that if he tells about business deals before they happen, they will fail like a wet whistle, or like a screaming whistle firework thing at the fair that is supposed to pop or boom, but instead it fizzles or duds - essentially it won't work out the way it is supposed to. {ceban, like chifladores mojados or cuentones at the feria who don't pifan or truenan like they are supposed to. } We just call that Murphy's law. Pau just thinks he doesn't want to tell her. He tells himself that neither of them was saying anything to salvage some love and that it was moving further and further away from the two of them.

Yadi and Anga go to an expensive lawyer to discuss how to get the baby from Kike. Anga is pi--ing me off, really!!!

Kike thanks Julia for her efforts against Yadi by taking her out for ice cream. She says she's sorry to see him this way, that she wants to support him, because that woman doesn't know what she's lost, he's a great guy and deserves someone who supports him like herself. She puts in his head that he needs to have another. He's a little daft, so she spells out for him that she is willing to be this other. They make a pact with handshakes.

Anga asks if Yadi is sure that she wants to divorce and fight for her baby, after all Kike's not such a bad guy. Expensive lawyer, complete with great view of the city presents his bill and Anga flinches royally at the suggestion that the case will cost much more even. Yadi presumes he's of course brought his checkbook.

Julia and Kike solidify their plan to be novios to show Yadi what she is missing. Me thinks Julia is hoping for an "in" here...he asks here to eat with him.

It looks to me like Expensive lawyer shows up at the Cachons. Nid wants to listen in, but Perf says nope sorry only the lawyers, she doesn't listen to him and goes in anyway to "take notes".

Mar tells Pau about her plans to get ready for Spain, but Pau isn't listening as she's upset about Juan leaving and rehashes to Mar who thinks maybe he's more interested in Hillary than they thought.

Sandro is reviewing his proposal and offers Juan a sum higher than he and Fer had figured. He decided he will keep a poker face, and asks for an even higher figure, thinking the business is much more valuable and kicks Sandro out of his office for now.

Hill calls to invite Juan over tonight and he tells himself to be prepared for the seriousness of this step, so he says that he needs to be with Juanito tonight and unfortunately can't make it. She tells her Pa it's not going to work tonight, and Pa says well best before the weekend then.

Perf tells lawyer that Yadi is emotional and unstable. Nid says she's a good mother, but Perf pipes in that she is a bad wife. Nid keeps interrupting the discussion to insert her opinion and frustrating Perf's negotiating tactics. Perf learns of the kidnap from opposing counsel. (Never a good thing to learn such things about your client from the other side...) Perf gets mad at Nid for interfering. She ends up saying she'll be a witness for the defense!! Definitely, counsel's worst nightmare.

Ana, Pau and Ivonne chat about the Fer situation and she resolves to not shed another tear. Ivy goes to bed. Pau tells Ana of Juan's plan to go, and refutes that Juan still wants her, that he's now with the famous person, who can offer more than she can and she ends up confessing that she really feels it's too late for them.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Guapos 05-27 "From the Mouths of Babes"

This is dedicated to my heroine Val...

Sorry this is gonna short & quick…I got home just in time to see Paula annoy me for like two minutes before Juan Q. ended…I only see brief parts of that one, but everytime I see her I just have to let out a big STFU, is she not the most whining, annoying heroine? She is in a late night TeleNovela, I saw a few years back, she is just as whining and annoying in that one, but I do believe she is pre-enhancement so at least she isn’t hanging out while whining.

We open with the scene of Al pulling out all the stops, think of abuelita, think of our love.
Matt the Rat arrives, Mili greets him as my love, yeah I’m going to marry him.

Karla comes Mili says to prepare lunch for Matt & Mili
Karla gets all snippy and says she doesn’t take orders from Mili.
Oooops sorry Karla, Al begs to differ, she does take orders from Mili.

Mili tells Matt she wants to go out to eat. Matt is just way confused by all of this.
As they are going out the door, Al of the weepy eyes calls Mili back. Matt will wait outside.

Al tears up and says he would give up everything for her. She can’t really be happy he is going to marry. Yes she is. He presses her for more information, but she blows him off and leaves. Oh Al, I so want you to find out the truth, or something.

Meanwhile Consti is getting ready to put the tuff love on lil Val. He has Rocky stop the car in a rather dicey neighborhood, the yard is full of trash and a Televista extra is lounging as the Borracho Naco.
Consti goes into the full Ghost of Christmas Future,
Oh Ghost is this what will be?

Look he tells Val, this is it, this is where you will end up, I will cut off your credit cards, you won’t get one centavo from me, you will be disinherited.
Rocky is this what you want for my daughter, she is like fine gold and look how she will end up.

Thank Gawd, Al’s parents, friends and family are so caught up in there own pathetic lives, that no one ever wonders why he constantly has red rimmed eyes and a dripping nose. He looks like the poster kid for one of those PSA’s about could your kid be on drugs? Anyway he is approached by Hugo the Creepy, “Say where is Mili? Cause I haven’t stalked her for like a half and hour”. Al tells him Mili went off with her new soon to be married too boyfriend, Matt the Ratt.

---Say Consti, wouldn’t this be a fine time to say you understand, why just twenty years ago that could have been your fine ass up on that trash passed out. But you came to your senses and kicked Mili’s Ma to the curb.---

He tells Val to get back in the car. Then Consti turns up the heat, is this what you want for my fine daughter? Living off hard bread and crappy onions? When hunger comes in the door, Love flys out the window. Consti is so smirking through this whole thing. Now he isn’t going to try and buy Rocky off, no he expects Rocky to do the right thing. Geez, this guy is such a tight ass, he isn’t even going to give Rocky some money to hit the pavement.

Damien comes to talk to Hugo. Hugo tells of Matt the Ratt. Okay Damien tells him to make his move or the lawyer is gonna get everything. Hey, Pa it isn’t like that, I really respect Mili. Hugo says with his crazy ass stalker eyes. Yeah whatever son, I’m thrilled for you, really now move it or lose it.
---This is why I love Damien, he gets straight to the point---

Rocky gets in the car and Val is sobbing, she tries to talk to Rocky. He says call him Morgan. He is only her lowly chauffeur. Once again Consti wins.

Now Mili is having lunch or coffee or something with Matt the Ratt. He is questioning her about the marriage nonsense. Matt knows it was all for Al’s benefit.
Sorry here, I missed a lot of what was going on. I think Matt was telling her he wants to know her better in the Bibical sense. Mili is quite taken aback. She is indignant that Matt would suggest such a thing. This girl really needs to broaden her circle. She says something about Church, seems like Matt isn’t much of a church goer. She asks if he wants to go with her, like you in a white dress with me at the alter? I think Matt wants to take the Love Bug for a spin before he actually buys it. Too bad Matt, Mili isn’t gonna give up the keys.

Now back at the Hacienda de Good Manners, Consti, Val & Rocky arrive. Consti sends Val up the steps, she doesn’t want to go but Rocky says obey your father. Now Consti, uber Rat Bastard that he is fires Rocky. (Really I guess, heartbreaking as it is; Consti knows better than anyone the consequences of dancing the horizontal Mambo with a servant). Val does a pouting, teen stiff leg walk up the steps.

Now Consti takes great pleasure in firing Rocky.
---Why oh why doesn’t he have a seventies porn star moustache? Cause that would have been the perfect addition to his raised eyebrow of glee---
Horacio happens in a this time and tells El Putron (no that is not a typo), you fire Rocky, you lose a gardner. Consti thinking perhaps, Luci will drunkenly fall on Rose Snipping shears, says gladly, your Ass is done too.

Now Consti is upstairs with Val and Luci, when Luci finds out the truth about Val, she does what every good mother would do, gives her a good hard smack across the face. Parenting 101, these people should have been sterilized at birth. Consti just stands there, for once backing his wife up 100%. Val screams she hates them both.
Oh Val, millions upon Million of viewers feel your pain, not cause of your star crossed love, but because WE HATE THEM TOO. My girl crush grows by leaps and bounds; Val says what Al should have said sometime around kindergarten when Consti took the coaster brakes of Al’s HotWheel, right before the big push down the really big hill and Luci took Whiskey Sours instead of punch on her mother’s day at “Little Lord Fauntleroy’s Academy of Future Wealthy Pricks”.

After hating them a bit more, Val runs out. Like a scene from High Noon, both fingers are cocked, aimed and drawn. Well it is all your fault, cause you are a drunk, Consti fires first. Luci barely grazed fires back with you and your behavior. She whips out the picture of Andrea and Consti, you have done this for years. All you care about is your Political Aspirations. Pull anything and this goes straight to the press. Luci blows the smoke away from her pistol. She exits stage left. Consti ransacks her drawer, but damn Dude she is a drunk, not an idiot, the pictures aren’t there.

Oh I almost forgot, Gloria’s crappy father shows up at St. Deception’s and gives Gloria’s Ma grief about Gloria getting all smart ass with him. Ma says, well it is what it is. She says she loved Rat Ex once, but unlike Americans in 2004, she won’t get fooled again. Ha Gloria’s Ma, you just doomed yourself. You already got a soft spot for the little brother, I beg to differ, you will get fooled again. Strangely back at the Manor of Good Taste, Mili is discussing said Rat Bastard father of Gloria with her posse, the uniformed chiclets, Lina & Gloria. Gloria is still mad about her father. Hugo sticks his big lips in the room and says he wants a word with Mili. The other two having both better sense and taste than Mili leave.

Now Al is at a bar with the Bobbster. He is playing the same sad tune, why oh why have I lost Mili. Bobby says try to think of her as a sister. Al says never, he could never do that. Bobby is like, well never say never. Oh look here come the sisters, Flor and Margarita. I am sure Margarita is thrilled that Flor now has a keeper. Flor quickly slithers around Al and Margarita grabs Bobby and now gives him a deep and probing tonsil hockey kiss. If you watch the patrons of the bar closely you can see the exchange of money in the bar, yes the wise people put money on the bet that there was only one virgin in the bar. Al & Flor gawk and smirk. This prompts the blonde member of the slutty monkey sisters, to favor Bobby with a second oral exam.

Meanwhile, Hugo questions Mili about Matt. No she isn’t going to marry him. Poor Mili her heart is broken. This prompts Hugo to try and weasel his way in. He wants a chance to prove he can help her through this, stand by her. He swoops in for a kiss. Yuck, this guy is so gross. He realizes Al was the love of her life. Mili says Carmen was the love of your life. We can help each other Hugo says. Hugo so wants to tap that.
Rocky knocks at the door and tells Mili he has been canned.

Next, Consti the Big Swinger life ruining Putron, is telling Andrea that someone gave Luci the fotos. No he doesn’t suspect Andrea. Divorce her, Andrea says. Never. Andrea gets a bit pouty. No worries El Pervso is gonna give her a great dinner, in two hours. He looks at his empty arm. Damn where is that watch you gave me with the engraveded message? Oooooops, I left it at home.

Socorrito, Lina & Gloria, along with evil Karla are in the kitchen, Socorrito is crying cause Rocky & Horacio are gone. Karla says some nasty remark and Gloria says she must have been switched at birth, she came from a snake’s egg. Brau comes in and hears the bad news, then Mili comes in and says don’t worry she has given them use of her house (Rosario & Brau’s) house and they are going to work for the old deaf guy at his tire repair shop, plus Taco Naco. Yippppeee Mili saves the day. Everyone including Brau do the Snoopy happy dance.

Now we see the Tire shop, it has the old deaf guy who gets everything wrong. Well mostly they stand around bored and Rocky dreams of mucho dinero & asking El Putron for Val’s hand.

Val is lying in bed. Luci comes in and wants to talk to her, Val says bite me. Really she says she hates Luci, Me too Val, Me too. Anyway Luci tries to be understanding mother, but Val gets up and turns the radio up real loud until Luci leaves.

Lina is cleaning and Karla is there, Lina finds the timepiece of guilt and reads the Consti & Andrea engraving. She smirks. Karla snatches it away and tells her to move on. Luci comes in the room she is frantically looking for missing cubic zirconium ring al la Nester. Karla spots it, snatches it up and stuffs it down her top to join the timepiece of guilt already resting in her bosom.

Consti comes in and Lina gives him the ah hah, eye and he is all like “What?” and she is all like “What?’
She tells him that Luci is upstairs in their bedroom and she is very serious. Consti looks scared. He comes in the room and they both give each other the stink-eye, what? What?

------------------The End-----------------

Consti, you are the once and future Putron
Luci, you suck harder than Andrea

Tomorrow Mili & Consti play tug of war with some giant stuffed bear and Rosario’s necklace falls to the ground…Consti picks it up, knowing what it is and gives Mili an inquiring look…She gets the Rebel Teen Look..and I laugh out loud…As if, we won’t be fooled again…
No way, no how the Truth will not come out.


Fuego #21 - Record company promo night

Lots of singing tonight from our two musical stars. Of course I don't at all mind Ninel Conde's 'singing' (what, there was sound?), but even more surprising was that I enjoyed listening to old woodenface Pablo Montero as well. Maybe that style of music, like the theme song, is growing on me. Can anyone tell me what that style is called? Ranchero? I'm clueless except for a few types I don't like, like reggaeton (bleah) and whatever that style is that has like 10 accordians per band.

For some reason no captions tonight, so I had to wing it. I think I did ok for the most part, I must be learning something.

Juan's brothers ask him how their parents died. Ok, they are all 40 years old. This hasn't come up before? NEVER? Juan tells the story of how the Giant Sombrero Gang came into the house and his mother hid him under the bed, holding baby Libia I think, and the Giant Sombrero guys killed his parents right in front of him. During the telling of the story Oscar looks teary and sad, Franco looks exactly like he always does. Little Juan, who at age 8 or 10 or whatever already had his bad taste in shirts, put the other kids in the back of a wagon and they rode off to safety. Also, conveniently, there are some documents somewhere that reveal the truth about everything. Ah precious long lost documents. How would we get through a novela without you. I wonder if they are kept in a cave by a witch and her brain damaged son in a cofre that glows green when you open it even though it just has papers in it. Back in the present, the brothers vow to get their hacienda back. So Hacienda Augustin is really Hacienda Reyes? I didn't catch how that happened. Or is Hacienda Reyes somewhere else? I confess that I haven't been keeping up with the comments each day, perhaps you talked about this already. I don't ever watch this show, I can't make myself like it, I end up reading the whole week's recaps in a hurry just to write my episode on Tuesday. I feel like I'm neglecting the community here, I hope you all don't hold it against me. I just can't get into this show.

Gramps and Eva are happy about some ambush plan they have put together.

Crabiela (Gabriela, who is very crabby) and Feonando (Ugly Fernando) put their plan in motion - she acts sick while Feo tells Sofia that she's dying. Sofia is stupid and falls for it immediately, even though these are the two people in the world that cause her problems. Think about it - outside of these two, even just the stuff she knows about, nobody gives Sofia any trouble at all. Nobody. She even gets hot lovin' from Juan and sympathy from the preacher. She should do everything she can to get away from these two, instead she stupidly believes whatever they tell her. Feo leaves the room so Crabiela can whine to Sofia.

Outside Eva greets an arriving doctor. Hey didn't I read this all yesterday? We're 10 minutes into the show, is this still repeat?

Crabi tells Sofia she has done everything for her (Sofia) own good. I did read this yesterday! Don't we have enough repeated conversations without having to repeat half of yesterday's episode? Crabi lays a guild trip on Sofia and asks her to do something for her. Sofia, who is stupid, says "anything mother, anything." She has apparently never ever watched TV (do they have TV in this town? No cell phones, the only electricity I see used is for lights) since she blunders blindly into this trap. Crabi even asks her twice, huge red flag, "Anything????" Sofia is dumb and says yes anything. Of course Crabi wants her to get to boffing with Feonando.

Some guy declares his love to some girl. This must be TweedleDum or TweedleDee from yesterday, one who Crabi wants to marry one of the girls. Then we see the other Dum declaring his love to some other GUY! I guess he really isn't interested in the girls.

Eva's doctor enters the room, Crabi freaks out and says no, she only wants her doctor! Of course, since nothing is wrong with her.

The lady who burnt up her face in the bakery is praying while music indicating 'comedic moment' plays. The guys come in and she tells them she tried to make some bread, Oscar freaks and runs to the other room, he pulls a burnt box of burnt cash out of the oven. These guys are all idiots. He hid cash in the oven. He says "well nobody stole it did they?" Unbelievable. Juan is in there naked every night anyway, wtf? Maybe he saw how Juan could put his entire head and torso into the oven while baking and thought the money would be safe there anyway.

Eva's doctor leaves, completely unaware that he was being used. Sofia continues to fall for the charade, she cries with Sarita in the hallway.

Crabi's pet doctor yells at her for having another doctor here, he could get in trouble for his lies! She says it wasn't her doing and then she gives him a stack of cash to shut him up.

The burnt face lady keeps going on about being sorry about the burnt money. Finally Oscar gives her a kiss, she passes out and he shoves her down the hall. The other two brothers laugh at him. I think I might have missed something from this scene, it didn't all quite make sense.

Crabi's pet doctor says that Crabi is so fragile, nobody should upset her. How convenient. Gramps says he doesn't know this doctor, but Feo steps in and says he knows him, they are good friends and he's a good doctor. Sure he is.

TweedleDum and TweedleDee sweet talk their girl and guy, respectively.

Eva tells Crabiela that she talked to the priest and told him everything about everything. What's going on in the house, her missing daughter, etc. Then she said she saw woman there who doesn't know her mother. She asks if her daughter still lives in town.

Mustache guy with a gun, Feo's sidekick, bursts into Rosario's room (Hello, Rosario! Hello, rest of Rosario! At least this week I get a little eye candy) and tells Rosario to stay away from Franco. Franco must have been standing outside, because he bursts in and puffs his chest at mustache guy. Pretty weak chest puffing though, as there is still enough room between the two men for Rosario to fit her enormous boobs in the space between them to keep them apart. She tells Franco to leave to avoid trouble. He does, but only because she said to, not the mustache guy. Franco stands outside the Bad Love Bar now, with the sombrero strap under his nose as is the style in this town. Rosario starts singing Bombon Assassin AGAIN (well it's ok, keep up the good work Rosario!) and outside mustache guy and Franco creep around and manage to find each other where they embrace passionately... just kidding, novela rules clearly stipulate only one gay couple per show. They find each other and Franco beats him up.

Eva asks again if her daughter still lives in town. Crabi says 'maybe', trying to be coy, Eva says ok then I know who she is!

Back to the bar where Rosario in her nice tight short skirt is actually starting a different song, she also has booty shaking backup dancers who were obviously not hired for their dancing, they are horrible. The stage here is shaped like the stage at a strip club (uh I've heard) so these ladies look like they should be more familiar with the surroundings. Some drunk guy in the audience goes crazy with lust for Rosario's boot and grabs it, two guys in big sombreros who must be bouncers grab him and drag him to the front to throw him out. There they see mustache guy all bloodied up, they drag him backstage, Rosario sees this all happen.

Juan is again baking shirtless. I hope he checked the oven for cash before he lit the fire. He sees some pan dulce he baked earlier sitting on the counter and starts getting horny for Sofia.

Feo is telling Sofia to come back to their room, Crabiela says so! To her credit, she says no, she can't. I can't believe it, she actually didn't go through with agreeing with Crabi's request. Shocking! Normally the novela rules dictate all deathbed requests/oaths of vengeance must be fulfilled but in this show we have now seen both of those things tossed aside since the people involved are hot to trot with each other. She tells Feo that she can never love him, she has explained so many times before (we know, we've seen most of those times in the last month).

Some cool background music plays as Juan rides his horse to go see Sofia. Outside of the comical music, most of the music on this show has been excellent. Bombon Asesino has its own special charm too. When seen performed live I mean.

Franco is still moping over the charred money when Franco comes home. They talk about how Juan is so awesome for saving them way back when. They must help him get back the hacienda! I know, says Oscar, you'll sing! First he says we, then just Franco. He'll be the manager, taking 70%. Franco says 50/50 and Oscar has no choice and he agrees.

Crabiela and Feo come out of a James Bond movie by telling all their secrets and plans to each other out loud, if only Gramps was around eavesdropping we'd all be spared a couple months of watching this.

Sofia tells her empty room that she hates Feo and loves Juan. "Yo amo a Juan Querendon!" she says. Not really. Just Juan. Juan keeps riding his horse. Sofia daydreams about making out with him. Juan arrives outside, hitches the horse, then slings knotted rope over his shoulder and approaches the house. He looks around like he's sneaking, but he's in the middle of a floodlit front yard and his horse his hitched to a lamppost right in the front there. Verrry sneaky Juan. Great job. He throws the rope over Sofia's balcony, climbs up, and starts making out with her. She of course is glad to see him.

Somehow Franco and Oscar have gotten a band together and gotten a client already in the time it took Juan to ride to the hacienda. Franco is singing to some girl on a balcony while her nervous suitor stands next to Franco holding roses. As I said before, I am a bit taken aback at how much I enjoy hearing the song. I hate his acting so much I wasn't ready for that, but he's a great singer. At least to me, I don't have deep experience in this music, but it sure sounds good. In the background, Oscar smiles and counts money. Somehow Sarita knows he's singing I guess, taking this moment to moon over Juan and write him a love letter.

Juan and Sofia profess love to each other, Juan presses her to dump Feo. Just then Feo knocks on the door and wants to come in. Sofia wants Juan to leave, but he puffs his chest out and wants to stay and confront Feo. Finally with a hundred kisses she backs him out the window, just before Feo crashes in. She says she was getting air. He starts yelling about how he needs her to perform her wifely duties. Eventually he leaves and runs into Gramps in the hall, who he accuses of spying. Gramps says "Spying? I live here!" Juan is still outside on his horse, he shares a smile with Sofia before saying "Para Siempre" as that same song plays, then he rides off. Man I love that song.

Juan runs to Libia's grave and thanks her, I guess for keeping him from doing something bad to Sofia, he's so in love. He says he has her favorite bread, then eats half of it before leaving the rest there and running off.

Oscar splits the money with Franco. Looks like a lot, the client didn't seem to be rich. They are happy with the business so far.

Rosario is in a yellow bodysuit covered in sparkly things. Where would you buy something like that? Anyway it's really tight so that part is good. She tells Feo and mustache guy that if anything happens to her kid she will tell Feo's wife everything!

Franco and Oscar are at home in their underwear oh my god Oscar is wearing black jockeys my eyes my eyes. He asks jeez please put on some pants he asks Franco if Crabiela will really marry the girls off to those homos. Yes, he used a word insinuating gayness. If he only knew that on one count he was right. I may have missed some of this conversation, the child size underwear on these two was making me really understand my pregnant wife's nausea. I guess it's fair after how much of Rosario's boobs and butt we've seen today but gah please can we just stick to Juan baking topless.

Oscar and Frano thankfully have put on clothes and are at the hacienda singing. I guess the band didn't have anything better to do and were hanging around together all dressed up... with their instruments... yeah. Franco's horse is very jumpy but his voice sounds smooth, just like a CD! Wow, how does he do that! Sarita recognizes his voice and is impactada when she peeks out and sees him there. I didn't get it, was he there to sing to her, or to sing to Jimena on Oscar's behalf?

Gramps sees them out his window and is pleased. Sarita continues to enjoy the show. Sofia sees Feo pull up in his truck behind the band, then Rosario pulls up in her car right behind him, he asks what she's doing there. I'm sure he must have spotted her before now, driving right behind him at night with her headlights on. Crabiela walks out the front door to see what's going on, is there a circus? Hey - I thought she was dying? Here she is walking around just fine. Rosario tells Feo that she's there to tell Sofia everything (if something or other? is she there for some other reason but will tell if she doesn't get her way? I think I missed something here). Feo whispers to shut up he'll take care of whatever. Seeing Rosario arrive, Sarita starts crying and runs into her room, slams the window shut, and tears up the love letter she wrote to Franco. Franco wants to know why Rosario is here, too.

Tomorrow: no idea, since Univision was running a couple minutes late I think and my recording ended before the preview. Or maybe they extended the show (there was no opening theme song tonight either) to fit in that all important 15 minutes from the end of yesterday's show.

On another note - I saw in the new issue of TV y Novelas that Heridas de Amor will be available on DVD soon! Why would anyone buy that! I mean, really! Maybe if they had an "all scenes with Pamela only (except for also all scenes where the girls were swimming in bikinis)" version it would be worth it, but otherwise no. See you next week everyone! If anyone wants to alternate weeks with me, let me know. I'm in school twice a week for the next 12 months and I really don't want to burn out, especially on this show that drives me crazy.


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