Monday, February 16, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Mon., Feb. 16 - It's Mother vs Daughter for the hacienda and Santos- the trial begins

DB proceeds to knock down a bunch of fence posts with a tractor until Santos jumps into the cab and turns off the ignition.

Santos drags DB off to talk to her alone.

Melesio tells the terneras about how he gave a serenata to his future wife and got a shower of water. Altagracia thinks it would be romantic to receive a serenata. Bartolo hears this and runs off to oblige.

DB asks if Santos has any shame. Her bed is still warm from his body and he's rolling around with DB's daughter. Santos replies that now she wants to call Marisela her daughter while for her whole life she denied Marisela affection and insulted her. DB says that Marisela seduced Santos with her sad story. Santos says that on the contrary, it is he who is pursuing Marisela and she, who out of loyalty to DB, is trying to keep her distance.

Marisela finishes teaching her class but she is thinking about Santos singing to her.

Los Mondragon and BP try to provoke the Altamira vaqueros into a fight.

Santos asks what Marisela did to make DB hate her so much since the day she was born. DB says that the only person she wants to give a child to is him. Santos says that it's too late for that. She destroyed his love and his confidence. DB says that he is lying and that Santos never loved her. It was all a lie. Once again Santos tells her how he loved and desired her until it all disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. He says that the day it happened was when Marisela refused the gift of DB's hacienda. Santos says that right then he knew that DB had done something to keep Marisela from accepting the hacienda. DB says that whatever Marisela told him about that is a lie. Santos says that now she has confirmed that she manipulated the situation so that Marisela would refuse the gift.

Don Encarnación tells Antonio that they still don't know who poisoned the cattle. Antonio says that he is sure that it was DB but DE points out that Juan Primito won't talk. It could have been Fausto Borrego. Antonio replies that this type of sabotage is typical of DB. Antonio says that he has a plan to get the information from JP.

DB tells Santos that he betrayed her. She believes that he persuaded her to agree to the cession of La Barquereña with kisses and promises of love. Then he ended it with her and went after Marisela. DB says that he and Marisela will pay for their betrayal and Marisela will pay the higher price because Marisela is a worse monster than DB. DB tells Santos to enjoy her daughter while he can because she believes it won't be for long. Santos asks if she is threatening him. "Take it any way you want," says DB.

El Sapo seduces the judge who will preside over the hearing on the transfer of the estate with pretty girls in what appears to be a luxurious resort. The judge says that he is all ears to what El Sapo wants.

Fausto gets jumped by DB's men. DB says that she wants the truth from him.

Santos comes to Cecilia's house to talk to Marisela. He tells Marisela about the fence incident and that DB threatened her. He says that DB half confessed to him that she pressured Marisela to refuse the gift of La Barquereña. He wants to know what DB threatened Marisela with. Marisela refuses to tell him. She says that she isn't sure that she wants to continue with the fight for La Barquereña. She feels sorry for DB. Santos tells her that she has to continue. He says that DB is a person who only knows how to use force on other people no matter who they are, even her own daughter.

DB tells Fausto that all those who have tried to betray or fool her aren't around to talk about it. Fausto says that he hasn't done anything. At that moment, someone comes along and Fausto makes his escape. DB says that Fausto won't talk. They'll have to kill him but it's not the right time.

Antonio finds JP. At first JP thinks that Antonio is going to take him to jail again. He calls for help but Antonio reassures him that he won't hurt him. Antonio tries to trick JP into saying who ordered him to get the DDT by playing the 'hotter/colder' ('frio-frio caliente-caliente') game. Unfortunately for Antonio, JP isn't stupid enough to reveal what he knows by playing the game.

Santos tells Marisela that he is glad that she remembers all the things DB did to her because if their positions were reversed, DB wouldn't hesitate to take everything from Marisela. Marisela says that she knows this but she can't avoid remembering that DB is her mother. She can't help thinking that maybe DB is incapable of feeling anything for anyone. Santos takes the opportunity of changing the subject. He wants to talk about his feelings for Marisela. Marisela replies that she wants Santos to tell her about his former feelings for Luisana and DB.

Josefa gives DB the picture of his boss that Fausto left there. DB does not recognize the man in the photo.

Marisela says that Santos is like a weathervane (veleta). Every days he wakes up loving another woman, the first one who walks in front of him. She asks if he is a Don Juan? Santos squirms uncomfortably and tells her not to say that. "I love you," he says, "The truth is that I love you." Marisela asks Santos to leave her alone and forget about her forever. "You want me to do all that? OK. Then tell me that you don't love me. Tell me that." Marisela tells him to stop saying stupid things. "Fine," says Santos, "I agree. I won't come near you but you will know about me every day, every single day. You will see, Marisela." He leaves. Marisela tells Cecilia that nothing happened between them.

Santos has a low opinion of Antonio's attempt to get information out of JP. Carmelito calls them and shows them the empty DDT cans that he found behind the house. Santos and Antonio wonder who could have put them there. Santos concludes that someone is trying to drive Santos and Antonio apart. He doesn't think it could be DB.

And it isn't DB. It was BP on Fausto's orders. BP is doubtful that Santos' friendship with Antonio could be broken by putting the cans there. Fausto says that doesn't matter. What is going to happen will cause Santos and Antonio to suspect each other. When they least expect it, Santos' organization of the cattlemen will be destroyed.

DB is packing up to go to San Fernando to get a lawyer to protect what is hers. She repeats that she thinks that Santos wants her hacienda to enjoy it with her daughter. She says that Marisela isn't going to get her hacienda if it costs her life.

Genoveva and Gervasia are teasing Marisela about the serenata when she gets a telegram.

DB gets one too and it sets the date for the trial about the hacienda.

We have a time passing montage of scenes. DB hires a lawyer, Andrés neglects his wife to study the law, María Nieves tries to steal a kiss from Altagracia, Santos tutors Andrés, Antonio plays with Toñito, DB shows her gun and her money to her lawyer, Marisela finds a daily rose and note from Santos

and Bartolo gives a serenata to Altagracia.

The action moves to San Fernando and the trial. Cecilia has come with Marisela and she left Tonito with Lucia. Santos has come and of course, DB is there. [There is a little Pasion de Gavilanes reunion in the courtroom - the actors playing the judge, DB's lawyer and Nestor, the reporter were all in PdG.] Andres gives his opening statement describing how DB stole La Barquerena from Lorenzo. (I was surprised by this. I assumed the case would be based on the property transfer deed that DB executed.)

Pajarote tries to get Genoveva drunk again with some cooking wine.

DB's counsel makes his opening statement saying that DB owns La Barquereña legally and Marisela's claim should fail.

Mujica gets a telegram. He tells Acosta that, "this is the kind of thing that drags me down into an ontological and existencial doubt comparable only to that of Hamlet. To do it or not to do it? I will do it. This man has already had too many misfortunes."

Mujica comes to see Pernalete at the moment when he is trying to walk again.

Mujica says that he can't walk. He has to be in bad shape. Mujica says that the new government is investigating the corrupt officials of the former regime. They have asked for Pernalete's file and if he sends it, they will want to know if he is capable of being tried and sent to prison for life. Federica and Josefa tell Pernalete to stay in his wheelchair.

Lucia tells Antonio and DE that Toñito is so cute that he makes her want to have her own children. DE reminds her that she can't have children. Antonio is impactado.

DB's lawyer calls Santos as his first witness.


Doña Bárbara - Fri., Feb. 13: The consequences of the serenata ripple through Progresso and El Miedo

The serenata continues with all the drunk guys singing and a good sized crowd of spectators. Marisela runs outside, yells, "Santos, how could you do this!" whacks Santos with the bouquet and runs inside. Santos asks his buddies what do since the ladies have retired. (You definitely get the feeling the actors are having a good time here.) Santos tells the musicians to play again.

DB is furious that Santos would do a serenata for anyone but her and off she goes to spoil another party.

Cecilia tells Marisela that men give serenatas to those they love. Marisela says that she doesn't want Santos' love and Cecilia tells her not to fool herself.

DB comes up to Santos screaming that he never gave her a serenata or brought her flowers and she slaps him silly.

Cecilia and Marisela come outside in time to hear DB tells Santos that he wants to take away her man and her hacienda. She swears that she will make him pay for this humiliation. Then she says that she will make both of them pay.

Inside, Marisela tells Cecilia that she just wants what is hers.

Josefa pumps Fausto for information about his boss and what he plans to do in Progresso. He is pretty vague on details but he shows Josefa a picture of his boss, that from the brief look we get of it, is from his younger days if it is him at all.

Cecilia tells Santos that Marisela doesn't want to see him. Santos says that what happened isn't his fault. Cecilia replies that it was his fault. It was imprudent. He should know how DB follows him around full of rage, jealousy and craziness. Santos says that everything he says or doesn't say comes out wrong. He is going crazy. He begs Cecilia to let him speak to Marisela. Cecilia refuses and tells him to go home and sleep it off. Then she turns on Antonio, reminds him that he has a wife at home and he had better go and take care of her.

Marisela is crying. She tells Cecilia that she doesn't know if it is good or it is bad. She doesn't understand anything.

Santos is back at the bar and now he blames Antonio for everything and himself for letting Antonio convince him to do it. Santos tells Antonio and Mujica that Cecilia was right. It was crazy to do the serenata and worst of all DB is now beside herself with fury. With Federica listening behind them, Santos, Antonio and Mujica discusss what DB might do to avenge her humiliation.

DB returns to El Miedo and tells Eustaquia that Santos humiliated her by giving a serenata to Marisela. She says that Santos never brought flowers or sang to her. Now Eustaquia can't deny that Santos loves Marisela. DB says that her worst nightmare has come true. Eustaquia hands DB a letter that was put under the door. It is anonymous and says:

The man that you love is singing at your daughter's window. You've lost your husband and you are about to lose your land. Find a good lawyer because your ex and your own daughter are uniting to destroy you. A friend.

While Eustaquia and Melquíades look on, DB rips up the letter and says that whoever sent it wants to drive her crazy. She deduces from the way the letter was written that it isn't from anyone in Progresso. She decides that it had to have come from Fausto Borrego on someone else's orders - El Sapo. She starts to cry and says, "But Santos... Santos is the biggest traitor of them all!"

Santos tells Antonio that in spite of all harm DB has done, he still doesn't like to see her suffer. Antonio asks if Santos still loves DB. Santos says that he couldn't love her after all she has done. He says that he did love her and at one time thought about making a life with her but no more. Santos says that he is a disaster. All his life he has tried to make women happy and they all end up hating him. Santos laughs at the memory of him and Antonio, two idiots giving a serenata to an angry girl. Maybe Federica was waiting for this but when Lucía comes into the bar looking for Antonio, Federica intercepts her and tells her that Antonio and Santos gave a serenata to Marisela and Cecilia. Lucía reacts as one would expect and Antonio goes after her.

Eustaquia tries to comfort DB but she is convinced that Santos and Marisela are working together to destroy her. Then DB accuses Eustaquia of defending Marisela and being against DB.

Lucía accuses Antonio of giving a serenata to his lover, Cecilia. He denies it and tries to explain but Lucía won't listen. She calls him a liar and slaps him.

Eustaquia is walking slowly along the corridor and supporting herself against the wall. Melquíades asks what is wrong. She replies that life is weighing on her more than usual. That and the feeling she has had in the last few days that doesn't let her breathe. It's as if a premonition of something bad is penetrating her bones. She tells Melquíades that she had the same feeling before DB was raped when she was a young girl. She tells Melquíades that he has to take care of DB. She has many enemies and the worst one is herself. For her there is nothing between love and hate. She says that she is afraid for DB. Melquíades says that he feels it, too. Bad times are coming for everyone. He tells Eustaquia to go to bed. He will take care of DB.

DB has a long series of flashbacks to times with Santos. Then she says, "I am worse than before I met you because now I know what love is and I can't have him. I'm alone. I'm completely alone."
Melquíades is outside her door. He starts to cry and says to himself, "You aren't alone. You have me. Me, your faithful dog, your shadow. Tell me to kill those wretches who are making you suffer, mi Doña. Just tell me: Do it, Melquíades and I'll put them down, mi doña, because only I know who you are and how you think, me Doña."

Cecilia brings morning coffee to Marisela. Marisela says that the whole town must be talking about what happened. She couldn't sleep a wink for thinking about DB and how horrible she must feel. It's not right for a daughter to take her mother's lover. Cecilia says they have talked about this before. DB was never a mother to Marisela and what Santos feels for her isn't isn't her fault. She tells Marisela to drink her coffee and come with her to work at the school. Cecilia thinks that Marisela is exaggerating when she says that everyone in the town will have heard about the serenata.

Eustaquia brings DB coffee but she won't open the door. Melquíades tells her that DB cried all night like a soul in torment. Everyone at El Miedo congregates outside her door. Finally, DB says that she is hears them and they should go away and leave her in peace.

Antonio asks Lucía to forgive him for doing something stupid. She asks him to promise not to do anything more to make her jealous. They make up.

Santos and a full crew are putting up the fence around Altamira. Santos asks Carmelito if all of Don Encarnación's cattle got safely to Altamira and Carmelito replies that they did. Santos tells Carmelito that he wants the fence finished before the judicial hearing on the transfer of La Barquereña. BP sees the fencing activity.

Fausto reports to El Sapo, who seems to have gotten out out the storeroom he was in and is making a selection on a jukebox. He says that DB got the anonymous letter. Fausto also tells El Sapo that on orders of DB, he is being pumped for information by the prostitutes in Progresso. El Sapo asks about the legal proceeding on DB's hacienda and he orders Fausto to make sure that the judge doesn't give DB any respite.

Melquíades tells DB, who is still in bed, that Santos is working on the fence around Altamira again with a large number of men and he's almost finished. Leon chimes in and says that Santos is taking back the lands that they put so much effort into stealing from Altamira. DB gets up and says that Santos has given her no option. She puts her red dress on. Melquíades tells Los Mondragon that DB is going to pay Santos back in full for what he has done to her. The grand vengeance of DB starts now.

DB says that once Santos told her that he liked her dressed in red. She is putting red on now - the color of war, of fire. She is dressed in blood for him. The time has come.

Eustaquia says that something bad is going to happen today. DB comes outside in her red dress without a word. Eustaquia says that this is the beginning of the end.

As Marisela predicted, everyone in Progresso knows about the serenata and has some comment. The priest suggests that Santos should sing in the choir, Dr. Arias compliments Marisela on her serenata and Mujica says that Santos can sing at the next festival in town - he is better than Quitadolores. Marisela grits her teeth and keeps on walking.

Gervasia tells the terneras about the serenata and DB's reaction. She heard it from Carmelito. The other ternera husbands didn't tell their wives about it.

Cecilia introduces Marisela to the students in the class and one little girl asks about the serenata.

DB approaches comes up on the fence builders in a tractor. She tells them to stop or she'll kill them.


Cuidado: Friday 2/13/09- "Marichuy learns the truth of her parentage and Ivett gets in a parting shot"

Marichuy rides around the D.F. with Juan Miguelito in the baby-bike carrier.

At la casa de San Roman, Rocío has to endure a visit from Stefi, who is there to gather information for her nefarious plans. Sweet Rocío spills the beans unknowingly. She tells Stefi that Ceci’s asked her to help find where Mari is living. Stefi, pretending to be all wise rather than all evil, says that’s not such a good idea. Patricio opposes the idea of finding Marichuy because Ceci’s accident was all MC’s fault. Rocío starts to defend MC when Leo/Omar walks in on the conversation and is a little startled to see Stefi there. He comments that el mundo es un pañuelo (lit. the world is a handkerchief, fig. it’s a small world). Rocío is surprised that Stefi and Omar know each other. He says that Stefi was at his hacienda and then he saw her with Amador, Lirio’s baby’s daddy. Rocío is shocked to hear this, but doesn’t have time to ask questions because Omar is there to tell her he’s heading out and won’t be home for dinner, could she pass the info onto Juan Miguel.

In court we are forced to witness Blanca being grilled about how she came to find out she suffers from multiple personalities. The lawyer is trying to blow holes in the defense, but all he appears to be doing is bullying Blanca. He wants to know how she could go for years not knowing that she had another personality. Blanca explains that there were strange things. Like what he asks. Well, periods of time where she didn’t know what she had done or what happened and there were things that she’d find that she had no idea where they came from, she didn’t buy them. The lawyer pushes her for more about Ivett’s accessories---her make-up, wig, clothing. Surely these things must have captured her attention, where were they being kept. Blanca says that there was a suitcase (maleta) filled with strange things but she was afraid to find out the answers. The lawyer starts to ask her questions about why she didn’t seek help. Blanca says that she had no one to turn to and she was filled with fear. However, that changed when she became Mayita’s governess. Juanmi was willing to help her. The lawyer starts to ask her about JM and if she’s in love with him. After the commercial break, the lawyer doesn’t wait for an answer he starts to talk of JM trying to influence her into getting rid of Viviana. He wants to know why she did it and under duress Blanca says she doesn’t know, but that she did it for JM. Then Blanca screams and the screen goes all weird with low budget sci-fi special effects. So the audience is supposed to know something is happening. The lawyer tries to talk to her some more, but she’s all trance-like and the she starts to laugh. You’re not going to send me away to prison, Ivett informs the lawyer. She laughs some more and everyone in the room is confused by this behavior. The lawyer tries to question her some more and then she grabs for him.

Rocío is upset to learn that Amador has fathered another child out of wedlock. What will that mean for poor Beatriz and her baby with him.

Omar goes to visit Lirio/MC. He’s happy to see the baby and tells Mari that for some reason JM thought her baby was dead, but that he knew otherwise. He tells MC that he’d like to take her out to dinner, so they can talk. MC declines his invitation. Omar laments that he and JM have a similar struggle trying to protect their loved ones. Only he’s got another man to fight and JM’s got the law to fight. This reminder of JM’s involvement with Blanca obviously upsets MC. Omar starts to talk about Amador and how it appears he’s hanging out with other women. Omar mentions that Stefi was at JM’s house and he speculates there is some relationship between Amador and Stefi. MC tells him she’s not worried, that there is nothing between them. Omar questions how she would know that information and she says that she knows that Stefi is Judge Velarde’s daughter. Omar recognizes that name, oh that’s the father of Marichuy he says. MC is shocked to hear this, but Omar doesn’t notice her reaction. She asks him where he heard this and he goes on to tell her that he learned it at JM’s house when the judge came to visit. The judge was upset because his wife had gotten into an accident after having words with their daughter, Marichuy.

Ivett chokes the lawyer as the other people in the courtroom scramble to do something. In the confusion, she is able to grab a gun. She points it at them and warns everyone to stand back.

Mayita heads up to the attic with Cuate. She gets stopped by Onelia on the way. Onelia wants to know where she’s going. When Mayita tells her granny that she’s going up there to have a nice conversation with her Abuelita Mariana, Onelia tells the girl she’s spending too much time in the attic. Mayita tells Onelia that if she were to spend some time up there, she might have a good time too.

Ivett says that she’s not going to be taken that easy. Juan Miguel enters the courtroom and tries to talk her into dropping the gun. She tells him to not come closer or she’ll kill him, she’ll kill all of them (I don’t think there are enough bullets in the gun to accomplish this, but that doesn’t seem to affect the dramatic tension this situation has created). JM, known for his looks, not his brains, is as dumb as ever and makes a move toward her. She shoots. The momentum of the bullet throws him backward and he collapses onto the floor. Ivett/Blanca is shocked. The audience is supposed to believe the protagonist is seriously wounded, because he's laying there motionless. We go to commercial.

Marichuy says that can’t be. Omar, not realizing how devastating this is to her, proceeds to tell her all he learned when Judge Velarde visited Juan Miguel’s house. MC says again that she can’t believe it.

Ceci tells Patricio that she intends to start looking for Marichuy again, with the help of Rocío. He expresses some shock at this, he thought this was a dead subject. She reminds him that she never said she’d stop looking for their daughter.

Omar appears to have left MC’s place and she continues to freak out. Wondering, how can this be possible---she can't be Patricio and Ceci's daughter. She has some flashbacks to some of the harsher encounters with Patricio.

Pat says that he won’t allow MC to demean Ceci again. Ceci says she’ll find her and Pat says that they need to forget her, forget she ever existed. Ceci says there is no way. Then Pat tells her that a choice must be made, Ceci needs to decide because it is either MC or him. Ceci tells her husband that she can’t believe he’s capable of asking her this. She’ll never forget their daughter and he needs to remember that MC is his child too. The judge gets a phone call, he learns of the events that have taken place in Blanca’s trial.

In the courtroom, they are able to wrestle the gun from Ivett and try to subdue her as others attend to JM. After another commercial break, JM has been removed from the room (no traces of blood on the floor) and suddenly Blanca is back. She wants to know what happened. She demands they tell her. Her lawyer gently tells her that JM was shot (recibió un balazo) in the arm. She freaks and says that it would be best if they were to lock her up. Her lawyer tells her to calm down.

Outside the courtroom, JM is getting medical treatment and tells the doctor that it was just a scratch (rozadura). The presiding judge comes out and says that it appears they need to stop becauseJM is in no condition to continue. JM insists it was just a scratch (rasguño) and he asks that the judge reconsider, they need to continue. The judge agrees and they go back into the courtroom. Blanca is now in her cage and she’s visibly upset. She mutters it would be better if she were to die.

Marichuy asks Cande if she knew that Patricio and Ceci are her parents. Cande laughs at the idea. MC fills her in on the info that Omar gave her. Cande is shocked and says that there is nothing she can say, but there is someone MC can talk to, to find out answers. Padre Anselmo. MC thinks that’s a great idea and she takes off right away. When she gets to the church she learns that PA is out. She decides she needs answers right away. She calls the Velarde home and learns that the judge is in his office.

Back in the courtroom, two cops come in and tell the court that Viviana has been implicated in the murder and attempted murder of two people (they don’t appear to make any attempt at showing any relevance this information has upon the case, but it appears that now everyone knows that Viv was an evil person, therefore it is okay that she’s dead). The judge hands out a verdict. He says that obviously Blanca is ill and she will be found not responsible for the death of Viv as a result of her sickness. She will be given an conditional release--she has to undergo treatment under Juan Miguel (now there’s no conflict of interest there, at all). JM smiles at Blanca and she returns with a smile. He walks over and takes her hand.

Marichuy finds Pat in his office and he demands to know why she’s dared to come there.

Onelia learns of the verdict from her lawyer; she thought for sure there would be a conviction. She is upset. Her lawyer then tells her that Viv wasn’t pregnant and also killed a man and attempted to kill her friend in Spain. Onelia is quite upset to hear this from her lawyer, she didn't pay him to tell her terrible things about her child.

Pat tells MC that she’s to blame for Ceci’s accident. He adds how he wishes she never crossed their path.

Blanca (the crazy person) suggests that she be put into a sanitarium. Juan Miguel (the sane person) says no way, even though you just shot me and obviously do not have you multiple personality under control, I’d rather you stay in my home, where my young daughter and sister live. I’m sure that you’ll bring no harm to them and I can show the world what a terrific psychologist (or is he a psychiatrist? Didn’t he go to medical school with Omar?) I am by curing you. Blanca agrees, but is still blaming herself. JM asks her to let go of the blame and promise he’ll give her a normal life (at the expense of the safety of his own family). Blanca worries about how Onelia will react when she returns back to the San Roman home. JM says that he’s got to decide what he’s going to do with Onelia (like send her on a long walk off a short pier).

The next scene switches to Marichuy in Patricio’s office, she’s asking why he hates her so much AND MY TAPE ENDS.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Feb. 12 - Santos gives Marisela a serenata

Santos and Marisela kiss. Marisela pulls away wonderingly and Santos says that she is beautiful when she looks at him like that. He tells her not to think.

As Juan Primito is led to the cells, DB protests that everyone knows that wretch is incabable of harming anyone. Antonio responds that JP knows who ordered him to buy the stuff at the hardware store and that is what they want to find out. Antonio goes on to tell DB that everyone in Progresso knows that she steals land and cattle. DB protests that she has been the victim of cattle theft and now cattle poisoning, too. She demands that Mujica come and see her poisoned, dead cattle just like Don Encarnación's.

We see Melquíades preparing to poison DB's cattle. He says that sometimes you have sacrifice two to win four. (Since he isn't using DDT but some poison plant, let's hope CSI Progresso can figure out that the cattle poisonings were done differently.)

DB demands that Mujica come to her hacienda to inspect the dead cattle. Antonio wants Mujica to interrogate JP. DE says that the two things can be done at the same time. As president of the cattlemen's association, Santos should be there. Naturally, DB doesn't see why Santos should be present. She suggests that Fausto Borrego and his boss are responsible for the poisoning. Antonio says that the only one who knows something is JP and he demands that Mujica question him unless, like the former jefe civil, Mujica is protecting someone. Mujica denies this indignantly. He says that he is an incorruptible public official. He orders that JP be brought in.

Marisela and Santos between kisses-
M: What are we doing?
S: I believe we are kissing.
M: Why?
S: Because I owed you these kisses a long time ago and I want to bring my accounts up to date.
Don't you remember the saying that, "he who wants to kiss, look for the mouth?" I find these lips delicious and I don't want to stop kissing.
M: I never imagined it would be this way.
S: What way?
M: You're melting me.

Pajarote asks Genoveva if she really doesn't remember what happened yesterday. She replies that she doesn't know what he is talking about.

Antonio asks JP who ordered him to buy the stuff at the hardware store. He doesn't answer and when Antonio threatens to have him taken to the cells again, he cowers behind DB.

Marisela and Santos between kisses-
M: It's hot isn't is it? Why am I sweating so much?
S: Because love is like that, Marisale. It always gives off a lot of heat. And the more you love, the more heat is generated. You are all smiles and beautiful.
M: Um hm. We shouldn't.
S: You don't want me to kiss you?
M: The Virgin... She is looking at us.
S: Oh, You're right. That's too bad. Excuse us, ok? (They move away.)

Los Mandragon and BP discuss how JP was taken to the police headquarters. They are sure that after the way that they threatened him, he won't say anything. DB comes and orders Los Mondragon to leave the bar.

Antonio comes to Cecilia's house to see his baby and tells Casilda that he feels bad that he had JP arrested.

DB lashes out (literally) at Los Mondragon for being so stupid to involve JP in the cattle poisoning. Leon says that they are sure JP won't talk after the the way they threatened him. DB says that if JP talks, Los Mondragon will go to jail and she won't protect them. They will have to pay for all their crimes. Leon replies that if she abandons them, they will have no choice but to say that they poisoned the cattle on her orders.

Marisela and Santos between kisses-
M: Santos? I wanted you so much. I woke up at night dreaming about you... But no, no. We shouldn't. I don't think this is good.
S: Right, I know. All this has been confusing and abrupt even for me. But I love you and that's the only thing. Marisela, do you want it?
M: Hmm?
S: Do you want me to love you (Quieres que te ame)? [I assume this means he is asking if she wants to have sex.]
M: Yes.. No, I don't know. I can't think about that now. Don't do this to me, please. I can't decide.
S: Only you can decide this and I want you to be very aware of what we are doing. You are an innocent and pure person. You know nothing of life and I can never take advantage of my experience.
M: That is incredibly arrogant. Are you going to give me classes in this? Are you going to tell me how proper ladies should kiss?
S: Well, you have to realize that, well, in this matter, I have a little more knowledge than you, right? The logical thing is that I would be your guide, as always.
M: As if it were so difficult to learn to do this. For your information, Santos, I learn very quickly in this and in everything I decide to do.
S: Oh really?
M: Yes. I could give you some classes on how I want you to kiss me. Because it's not as if you kiss that well.
S: No? You don't like how I kiss? Well you pretended very well because you were quite passionate. And how would you suggest that you want to be kisssed?
M: Like this..
They kiss passionately.
[Once again, something has been skipped during the credits and commercial because when we come back, Marisela is angry at Santos.]
M:.. take me to the poza and make love to me like you did with her?
S: Fine. I swear that I will never take you to the poza.
M: It's not the poza, animal. It's you! You use the same words, the same kisses. Since I am the daughter, you can fall in the love the easy way, right? Only I'm younger, stupider.
S: Listen to me, sunshine...
M: Don't call me that! Hypocrite! What did you call her: my moon, my star, what?
S: I didn't call her anything like that. Stop comparing yourself to your mother. You are very different from her. What I feel for you is also very different.
M: But you said the same thing to me that she said you would say.
S: What did you say?
M: Oh forget it! It isn't worth repeating. Don't you understand that we can't be together? You were my mother's man. You and I together is disgusting. It's sick. Stop bothering me Santos. I don't want to know from you!
Santos is confused.

DB tells Los Mondragon that as usual, she will have to take care of things so that their crime is not discovered. Leon says that it is right that she should watch out for them so that they can watch out for her.

Cecilia tells Marisela that JP has been arrested.

Antonio tells Santos about JP and Santos wonders what DB gains by doing this.

DB shows Mujica her dead cattle. She endeavors to divert attention from means to motives. She suggests that Fausto Borrego's boss had motive. How better to get control of the haciendas than by ruining their owners? She tells him to investigate Borrego and his people and release JP right away.

Marisela demands that Acosta release JP. Santos comes in and they argue about who should be getting JP out of jail. She says that she doesn't need him to resolve her problems. Mujica returns and tells Santos and Marisela that JP won't speak and since he won't cooperate, there is nothing that Mujica can do.

Marisela comes to see JP. He says that it is dark and cold and he is afraid.

Marisela says that she wants to help him but he had to tell her the truth. She asks if it was DB who ordered him to buy the cans. JP says that it wasn't DB. Marisela asks him to tell her who it was but JP can't speak.

Los Mondragon are worried about JP talking. Melquíades listens. They suggest that they should kill JP and ask to borrow Melquíades' blowpipe. [I've now learned the word for blowpipe, cerbatana. I'm sure it will come in very handy in conversation.] Melquíades tells Los Mondragon not to be idiots.

Mujica tells Santos and DB that he can't do anything. DE and Antonio have made a complaint against JP. Antonio comes in and withdraws the charges.

JP is realeased.

Santos and Antonio -
S: Of course I'm confused. Marisela is driving me crazy. We were kissing and and she jumped up like a wild animal and began to insult me because I said something to her that I had once said to DB. I don't know what she wants me to say. They are the same words. I can't invent a special language for Marisela. She's right. It isn't good what I want from her. I was her mother's significant other and that is immoral. I don't recognize myself. Me, with a juris doctor, Santos Luzardo, the different Luzardo, pursuing a minor. What happened? I'm not that way. I have a moral code and values. I'm sick. I'm crazy. That's what I am. I fell in love with the mother and now I'm hitting on the daughter. It's not normal. There's something wrong in my head, Antonio. The best thing is to leave things as they are and not go near Marisela. That 's what I'm going to do. That's it. I'll forget about her and leave her in peace. I've lost her, Antonio. I've lost my sunshine forever. Why are you looking at me like that? What's the matter?

A: What's the matter with your class of people? You are idiots, cowards. What does ethics and morality have to do with love? I listen to you and its as if I was listening to Cecilia: the same fears, prejudices and stupidities. Antonio tells Santos that Marisela is the first woman who hasn't fallen at his feet. He has to fight for her.

DB tells JP that he has done very well. She tells him that as a reward he can have whatever he wants. He says that he wants to go to the city so that he can come back nice and intelligent like the 'girl of his eyes.' Naturally, this does not go over too well with DB.

In her closet, Marisela finds one of her old dresses that she wore when Santos first came to Altamira and the terneras gave her a bath so he would find her clean and pretty but thanks to Danger, she got all dirty. "Santos, I fell in love with you from the first moment. I fought so much for your love. I dreamed so much about your kiss. Now that we have kissed, you make me so angry. You make my body tingle so much all over that I think I am going to faint. I have to be strong. Santos won't win me over so easily." She says that if Santos really loves her, he will fight for me like she fought for him. As the saying goes, "If you want a blue sky, it will cost you."

Santos asks Antonio if he thinks that Marisela will relent one day. Antonio tells Santos that it won't be easy. Marisela has a little Luzardo blood. She can be very stubborn. Santos has to attack the fortress with tactics and strategy. Antonio says that the battle will be hard but Marisela is worth it. "Marisela deserves an all out war, Antonio," says Santos and raises his bottle in a toast, "To good wars!"

Mujica is stressed out from his job and hasn't been able to get his little birdie to fly for Federica on several occasions.

DB catches Mujica with his fly down.

DB tells him that while he is not doing his job Josefa and Federica are doing theirs. DB tells them that she wants all the information they can get about Fausto and especially who his boss is.

Santos tells Antonio that he will take the fortress (fortaleza) by attack (asalto), by seige (asedio) from all sides (por todos los flancos). Antonio says that he knows the theory but in practice he was the worst. The Altamira vaqueros and the ternera husbands come in. Cósme tells Santos that he has bought the materials to complete the fence. Antonio offers a toast to Santos' victory against the fortress. Santos does not want his love life to be discussed but Pajarote says that they have known about him and Marisela for a long time. They drink to Marisela.

Marisela tells Cecilia that she wishes she could be the innocent girl she was when she wore that dress. Cecilia says that Marisela is all woman beautiful and educated (culta) but she can't fool Cecilia. At base, she is the same little girl that Cecilia met at Alatmira. Marisela says that she isn't the same. She is confused and defensive and every day she believes less in love. Cecilia laughs and says that is the biggest lie she ever heard. Marisela loves Santos. Marisela tells Cecilia about kissing Santos at the shrine of the Virgin of the Tree Bark. But she says that was the last time.

Melquíades is spying on Fausto and sees him go into the whorehouse with Josefa. Then he sees Santos with flowers, musicians and a bunch of drunk guys.

Melquíades tells DB about Fausto and then he volunteers that he saw Santos on the way to Cecilia's house to give Marisela a serenata.

Santos comes to Cecilia's house. He announces that he loves Marisela. He loves her more than anything and without her, his life means nothing. For that reason, he has brought her some flowers and is asking her to be his girlfriend (novia). Cecilia wakes Marisela up saying that she has never seen Santos sing in her life. Santos sings to Marisela. (I don't think that was his voice or if it was, it had been recorded earlier and he was lip synching.)


El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Fri.- Wed., Feb 6-11 - Salvador's adventure at Newton Lake with Ronny and Tommy

We start with PJ/S in his bedroom in his blue shirt. He tells Gaetana that he had another attack and believes that Salvador is going to take over his body again. They make an extremely ineffective plan for that eventuality and Gaetana gets called away to deal with Evaristo wanting to do another serenata in the bar.

No sooner is Gaetana out the door, then PJ/S turns into Salvador and Cantalicia hears him calling her.

Salvador examines his hair and beard.

Salvador escapes from Gaetana's house unseen during a brawl in the bar. He wanders along the road and finally steps in front of a car. He tells the old couple driving that he doesn't know where he is and just wants to get back to his pueblo.

As luck would have it, this couple has serious problems. Their daughter is married to a criminal named Ronny. Long story short, Salvador and the daughter's child, Tommy, get kidnapped by Ronny and his gang and are taken to a house that we later find out is in a place called Newton Lake.

Ronny is pretty unstable and here he tries to strangle Salvador, who is tied to a chair.

Meanwhile, Gaetana is crazy with worry. PJ/S has also not shown up for work and has stood Isabel up. Gaetana and Camilo call PJ's spirit.

This seems to have some effect because right when Ronny is about to shoot Salvador...

he has a seizure plus the psychic music and topples over unconscious.

We would assume that he is PJ/S again when he wakes up and he seems to be a little more alert than Salvador but he doesn't say anything. More criminals arrive and for some reason, whoever is in the body has to fight a big guy named Miguel.
PJ is not fighting back with his martial arts knowledge so it seems like Salvador is there.
Miguel knocks Salvador down, he has another seizure, and now it's clearly PJ fighting. Miguel knocks PJ down again, he has another seizure, and Salvador is back but this time his unskilled fighting defeats Miguel.

Eventually Salvador and Tommy escape from the house and hide. Meanwhile, the police come and arrest all the criminals.

Yet another seizure and Salvador falls down unconscious. Tommy runs away, is found by the police and is reunited with his mother and grandparents.

PJ/S wakes up has no idea where he is or what happened and wonders if this is a nightmare or real. He decides that it is real. He staggers off so that when Tommy leads the police to where he left Salvador, he's gone.

The next morning some bicyclists find PJ/S on a road. He calls Gaetana who comes to collect him.

And we end up back with PJ/S in his bedroom in his blue shirt, now somewhat the worse for wear (both him and the shirt). When Salvador told the criminals that he was just a peasant, they didn't believe him because no peasant would be wearing a silk shirt like that.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Wed., Feb. 11 - Marisela visits the Virgin of the Tree Bark again and Juan Primito is arrested

Santos asks Marisela if she is ok and she gets off of him. DB is really, really angry and starts calling Santos names. Santos asks DB why she always has to come and ruin everybody's parties. DB says that she doesn't care about other people, she is sure that Santos is the one behind the legal proceeding to transfer La Barquereña to Marisela. She says that he always wanted both haciendas. She tells him that he isn't any better than she is.

Genoveva and Pajarote kiss.

DB turns on Andrés, she calls him four-eyes, and says that he has shown ingratitude for what DB did to give him refuge and save his life. She asks if this is how Santos repays her for the love she gave him. She calls everyone there a bunch of traitors.

El Sapo wants to meet Marisela to see if she can help his plans.

A guy comes to tell Antonio about the dead cattle at Don Encarnación's hacienda. Santos tells his men that the party is over. They will go with Antonio to DE's hacienda. Marisela insists on staying behind with DB. "Do you really believe that Santos loves you?" DB asks Marisela.

All the terneras and their men return home only to realize that Genoveva is missing.

Pajarote tells Genoveva that he has had a lot of women but with her he feels something different - like tickling in his stomach. He can only calm that feeling by being with her and looking at her. He tells her that he has never said this to anyone but he thinks that he is in love with her. Unfortunately, Genoveva has fallen asleep and doesn't hear this declaration. Pajarote is annoyed and tells her to forget everything that he said.

Los Mondragon threaten Juan Primito and tell him not to say anything to anyone about what they bought.

Lucía returns Toñito to Cecilia and tells her how the party ended early.

DB and Marisela-
DB: Do you believe Santos loves you?
M: I don't know. I'm not interested in finding out.
DB: I'll tell you step by step how it will happen for you if it hasn't already: one day he will find you alone and will ask you to dance; he will embrace you like no one else; you will feel that the world is yours; he will look at you as if you were the most beautiful woman on earth; he will give you some delicious kisses and then he will say that you drive him crazy; then little by little, he will change you into a different person than you were before.
M: Into what?
DB: I don't know. Into his idea of the perfect woman. He couldn't do it with me or with Luisana. He will try with you because you are younger and naive. You will be like a doll in his hands. He will convert you into a marionette, you will see. Santos isn't what you think. I've lived with him a year and I got to know him. Behind that disguise of a good and just man, hides a devious and ambitious man. He wants to have all the land, all the old women (viejas) and all the power. He made a conquest of Luisana, the queen of the Capital. You know the story. And then who? The very same 'man eater,' your mother, and when I was at his feet, he threw me away like a dog. Now you come along. Don't deceive yourself, Marisela. You are his next victim.
M: I'm the victim? Why would he do that?
DB: It's obvious. He wins you, marries you and ends up with both haciendas. It's perfectly clear.
M: Why would he do it with me and not with you? He could have married you and ended up with both haciendas but he didn't do that. Forgive me, but you are comparing Santos to yourself. The Santos that you've been describing is not my Santos.

Cecilia tells Lucía that they are both in love with the same man but but Lucía shouldn't be concerned. That chapter of her life is over. Cecilia tells Lucía that she respects the institution of marriage and would never do anything that would harm their union. Lucía says that she saw how Antonio looked at Cecilia today and that upset her and made her feel insecure. Cecilia says that Lucía shouldn't feel insecure. She is young, pretty and rich. If anyone should be insecure, it's Cecilia. Antonio is all Lucía's.

Mujiquita commits to starting an investigation into how DE's cattle got poisoned.

DB and Marisela:
DB: Then you are the same stupid little girl who continues to believe that Santos is your 'Santitos.'
M: I no longer am the little girl that you could manipulate with tears and words of regret. Santos is not my 'Santitos.' I see people the way they are. He has faults but he is good, noble and sincere. No matter how much you want to, you can't change my idea of him. If you are spiteful and hate him, I am sorry. I know him very well and he far from the image of the ambitious monster you want to paint for me.
DB: Really, then who suddenly put your head the idea to come back and fight me for El Miedo? Who, besides Santos?
Marisela gives DB Lorenzo's letter and tells her to read it.

Altagracia tries to wake Genoveva up. She asks how Genoveva ended up drunk. Geno says that she thinks the fruit juice was spiked ('bautizada,' literally, 'baptised'). Genoveva says that she had a wonderful dream. Pajarote remembers Geno's sweet kisses and lips like caramel. Then he comes back to reality and says her lips are like garlic ('de ajo').

DB dismisses Lorenzo's letter and says that Marisela will never get El Miedo.

Santos offers to let DE's cattle on his land to get them away from the poisoned water. DE accepts.

Marisela can't stop thinking about Santos and his kisses.

Likewise, Santos is thinking about how much he needs Marisela.

DB tells Eustaquia that Santos is the love of her life. "The love of your life is you, yourself," says Eustaquia, "Barbarita, you aren't the woman who can get involved body and soul with one man. If you did, you would be lost. I thought that this love would change you but nothing and no one changes you!" Eustaquia begs DB to leave El Miedo. She has enough money to start a new life far away from here. DB says that she will never leave El Miedo.

Lucía tells Antonio that he and Cecilia still care about each other. She asks him to swear on his child that he doesn't feel anything for Cecila. Antonio tells her not to get his child involved in her jealousies. Lucía replies that Antonio just doesn't want to swear that he doesn't feel anything for Cecilia.

DB tells Eustaquia that she is a monster and she isn't going to change. DB says that she thought Santos' love could change her but life has convinced her that love and friendship don't exist. It's all a lie. "Of course, they exist," says Eustaquia, "but you ruin everything. Santos fell in love with someone who doesn't exist." DB warns Eustaquia not to cross the line. She knows what happens to DB's enemies. Eustaquia tells DB to go ahead and kill the only person who has loved her without asking anything in return. Eustaquia says that DB knows that the hacienda belongs to Marisela. DB has enough money to buy three haciendas. Why doesn't she show some compassion to her daughter. DB says that if Marisela continues to annoy her, she is capable of...
Eustaquia warns her that that the day she harms Marisela will the last day Eustaquia stays with DB.

Lucia continues to reproach Antonio for the way he looks at Cecilia. She asks if he still loves Cecilia. Antonio says that Cecilia was his first love and he cares about her but things didn't work out and now he is with Lucia. He says that he won't betray or leave her; he will honor the promises that he made. Lucia says that she doesn't want him with because of a promise but because he loves her. Antonio say that he does love her. Lucia says that he doesn't love her the same way that he loved Cecilia. She asks him to forgive her and says that she loves him so much and is terrified of losing him.

Cecilia asks Marisela to come with her to the new school in the town that Santos and the Cattlemen's Association helped to build. Marisela puts her off for a day. She wants to visit the Virgin of the Tree Bark and asks her something very important.

Dr. Arias, aka CSI Progresso, has determined that DE's cattle were poisoned by DDT. Antonio says that it was definitely a crime and he thinks DB was responsible. Mujiquita tells him not to get ahead of the evidence. First, they have to find out where the DDT was bought. Dr. Arias says that is easy; it's sold in the hardware store and a large quantity would have been necessary to poison the cattle.

Santos comes to Cecilia's house and Casilda tells him that Marisela went to the shrine of the Virigin of the Tree Bark.

Mujiquita questions the owner of the hardware store and discovers that Juan Primito bought a large amount of DDT. He decides that the guilty party is JP. Antonio says that someone must have sent JP. He couldn't have gotten the idea on his own.

At the shrine, Marisela says that even though lots of things have changed in her life, she continues to love Santos and can't get him out of her heart. She flashes back to the first time she came to the shrine in the rain and Santos found her. Santos comes again to find her. "In this place," he says, "I once found you asking for me to love you. You don't have to ask the Virgin because I love you, Marisela." "This time," says Marisela, "I asked for just the opposite. I asked for you to leave me in peace. That you go away from me once and for all."

Antonio and DE are sure that DB is behind the cattle poisoning and demand that Mujica do something. He is trying to calm down when DB comes into the police station and says that her cattle are being poisoned, too.

Marisela and Santos-
S: Marisela, you can't ask the Virgin for that. Don't treat me this way, please. Don't you realize that I love you?
M: When did you realize that? When?
S: I don't know. Always, I suppose. I simply was afraid to recognize my own feelings.
M: How was that? You loved me and you were sleeping with my mother. Now you are going to deny that you were crazy about her?
S: No, I could never deny that. I was wildly in love with you mother. But that love ended in the same violent way that it started. In my mania to make the world better, I tried to change her. I wanted to give her an opportunity for our feelings but DB isn't capable of loving anyone. I spent a lot of time in the darkness paying the consequences of my errors. I missed you terribly, Marisela.
M: Then, it's true that I am a lot like her because in this moment I can't love anyone either.
S: That's a lie. I know that you love me too. Marisela, please, don't deny our love. Don't put more barriers between what we feel. Marisela, please, give me an opportunity to show you that I love you and that there is no one more important to me in the world than you. Marisela, you are my sunshine. If you abandon me, I will be left in the darkness forever. Your light... your light is the only good thing that I have in my life. Marisela, I love you. I love you more than my life.
They embrace.

DB demands that Mujica arrest the lowlives that poisoned her cattle and she casts suspicion on Fausto and his mysterious boss. Mujica replies that the person who bought the poison wasn't from outside. It was a person from Progresso - Juan Primito.

Marisela and Santos are embracing when she pulls back.
M: This is wrong. I didn't come back for this.
S: Come on, Marisela, don't deny what you feel. Aren't these the same feelings you have had all this time?
M: This is what makes me so angry with you, Santos Luzardo. You broke my heart not once but thousands of times. You told me that you didn't love me, that I was like your little sister. All of a sudden, a lightbulb goes on in your head and now you love me, now you adore me.
S: You're so pretty when you're angry. Do you remember when you would say, 'celebro' [I celebrate, instead of 'cerebro,' 'head']? I miss those times when you would say things wrong and then I would correct you.
M: Yes, and you wanted me to be a lady (señorita) and ... Hey, stop manipulating me, Santos, as if I were an idiot. Answer me! In what exact moment did you realize that you loved me? When?
S: When I saw you going away from me in that boat. In that moment, I saw clearly. My life with you was going away, Marisela. Look, we all don't have your purity and your blameless soul. There are people like me, that have to be make a lot of mistakes in order to find out where love is. I am not the perfect person I want to be. I am a man full of passions and anger. Now, I know. I was blind, sunshine, blind. Afterwards, nothing was the same. My life fell apart. I appeared to be a zombie. Ask Cecilia how many times I asked about you. All day, I talked and thought about you. You didn't miss me?
M: Miss you? Of course, I didn't miss you. Of course not.
S: Not even a little bit? (Marisela shakes her head.) Tell me, sunshine, do you still love me?

Pajarote comes to see Genoveva and tells her that MN was right. She is like a pineapple, prickly on the outside but sweet inside and yesterday he proved it. Her lips are like a ripe pineapple. Genoveva says that she doesn't know what he is talking about. She has never let him kiss her. She says that she doesn't remember anything about what happened with him yesterday and doesn't want anything to do with him. She tells him to get out.

Los Mondragon congratulate BP on his good idea. If anyone is blamed for what happened, it will be the idiot (bobo).

DB tells Mujica that he can't think that JP was responsible for the poisoning. Mujica replies that JP bought the poison. Two policemen drag JP into the police station. He begs DB to tell them that he didn't do anything and not to put him in jail.

Santos and Marisela-
M: It's too late to ask that question. What does it matter if I love? That woman will always be between us.
S: Bárbara and I are finished. Our history is in the past, Marisela, it's over.
M: No, it's not in the past. It's a painful and bitter. I am here because of her. I came to get back what is mine - the dignity of the Barqueros. I came to do justice.
S: And me?
M: You decided your life a long time ago.
S: Marisela, I never decided anything because my life is now in your hands. Marisela, one single word from you and I will get back all the happiness and all that is beautiful that you brought to me. My life is with you.
M: You are a shameless, manipulating crook!
S: I am a shameless, a crook, very manipulative and very much in love.
They kiss.


Las Tontas no Van - Fri the 13th - Male things come in little paquetes....

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

We open with Candi tearing poor Ceci a new one for “deceiving” her and not really being her friend, but wanting “something else” from her. Ceci begs her not to reject her in that way but as others have said, Candi seems to be enlightened about everything except herself.

To Barbara’s credit, she apparently hears the conversation, or at least knows what it’s about so she offers to talk to Candi and tells her that Ceci should have been honest but that doesn’t mean she’s not a friend and that she deserves to be understood, she is in love and didn‘t mean to hurt her. Ummm, yeah, Candi. Score one for Barb for a change.

Apparently Zamora has a girlfriend. I never heard her mentioned before. She sees the guys “observing” two lovely ladies’ bare legs and chews them out for this. Zamora begs his Mariquita not to be jealous but she storms off.

Pau wants to take Roci out, but she wants to be with her friends and asks if they can come too. Abue assume of course and tells them yes, but our Pau is having none of that, and prefers instead to leave Roci with the kids. Abue knows how to tough love them into obeying, a skill that Pau admires, sort of. Pau wipes "kid slime" off of her hands and clearly finds the younger ones filthy. Abue offers her handkerchief in case Pau feels like vomiting, which she promptly throws on the ground and the result is Pau calling Greg common and Greg calling Pau a pig.

Chayo and Candi are remarking on the success of the institute when a troubled Santi enters and asks to be alone with Candi. He shows her the “ caveman like” painting of her oh so native looking face making fun and informing her that her sister came to see him about forming an alliance to keep her away from Pato. Santi shares that he actually envies that guy. Why, because he has three. He has his wife who gives him everything at home, he has a lover who has his child and whom he visits, and then miraculously he has now got the love who has been resuscitated from the dead! Lucky guy he has a harem! Yeah, I suppose when you put it that way…. Well Candi doesn’t quite agree and stomps on his foot.

This was my favortie part and I’m so excited that they didn’t seem to edit this out, considering Caca makes the cutting room floor. The three kids are trying to figure out how babies are born, and they all seem to recall at once, screaming VAGINA except for Beto, who really doesn’t know yet. Roci kindly fills him in though that it’s the part where babies are born. Chava says unless they are bigger then they are born through the door. OK, so they figured out where they are born, but they are stumped on how they get in there in the first place. Beto suggests that the Mom drinks a whole bean and it goes into her tummy and then it grows there. Chava says no it’s a seed that she grows. Regardless of how it gets in there, they recall again that they know it comes out through the VAGINA! This time Abue hears them and wants to know what craziness they are talking about. They tell her and she calls them pigs!

She runs in complaining about their insolence to Issy and Jaime who are planning for their wedding. Issy says to leave them be alone outside and not to worry about them. They can tell that she in interested in their preparations so they ask if she wants to help. She suggests that they decorate everything like ancient Rome, with columns and corniches and everyone in robes, well, the wedding pair thinks they hear the children and send her back out to check on them. Ha!

Candi goes to yell at Pato for using her picture but he is on the phone with a client asking how he likes the portrait on Amate paper . She waits for him to finish and then yells at him that with this little joke he’s started something because Ali went to see Santi about being an ally. Pato professes his love for her and his son again and she only says that it’s good if he loves his son because Chavo deserves to be surrounded by as many people who love him as possible.

We then go to Santi’s office, where he is attending a “gringa” who learned from the internet that he is highly recommended and trustworthy and so she came to Mexico for her surgery. She speaks English with a Spanish accent. But the funny thing is Santi actually speaks English with less of an accent. She wants her boobs and butt cheeks bigger, and lipo suction.

Charly and Lu are ice skating in a mall. Poor Charly wants more of what he got before, but Lu tells him they have to wait for a while.

Santi tells Lalo how excited he is that patients from the states are coming to him and that he’s gotten good reviews. He thinks this is a great stepping stone for him, and they remarks something about how insurance in the US doesn’t cover this, but it’s less expensive in Mexico.

Lalo is smoking because he’s upset and thinks Chayo has a lover because she’s been getting flowers all the time. Santi is impactado but the conversation doesn’t go much further because the Maritzka shows up to take him to her ultrasound appointment.

Arturo calls Gregi and wants to see her. He is calling her as a friend, but she wants him to apologize to Candi. He reminds her he's been good to her and she agrees he did help when her husband died. He says he's all alone and needs to speak to his friend. She agrees to meet him.

At the restaurant, Z&T agree to be Candi's exclusive models. She showers them with thankful kisses, which causes Tono to lose his cool and pass out on the floor.

Everything is happy happy at the doctor's as Mari and Santi see their little male blob for the first time. Santi is excited he might have a future America player.

Ceci goes to whine to Meno about her out of the closet experience. His response is to order two tequilas, and she promptly doubles.

Marissa is wallowing in her great fortune that her baby is going to be a boy and this is a fortuitous addition to her arsenal. Of course Santi loves her and he'll never leave them now, she says. It seems like she is talking to herself, but actually Raul is there helping her with some flowers.

Arturo meets Gregoria and he is very polite and for our benefit recites how he is appreciative of her friendship, she's the only female friend he has, in fact he really has no friends anymore. He doesn't tell his wife he talks to her though, because "she's so jealous". That's a guy's excuse for not being strong enough to handle a woman's emotions when she's unhappy. But I digress...

Santi is with his hombre clan and they are goofing around and he mentions he's having a boy. They all congratulate him as he says yeah, except it's with a woman I don't love. Doh, enter Raul, less than enthused to hear his sister spoken of in this regard. Uh yeah, and the other buddies are all too happy to depart to allow them to work this out alone. Heh, I'd want out of there too.

Ok here's the weird thing. How many of you have ever done this, shown up to some friend's house who you think happens to like your boyfriend with your ultrasound pictures in hand and show off your little alien seed? Well, we know why she does it, but it's just weird. Candi congratulates her, but thinks maybe she shouldn't be the Madrina afterall. Marissa says, why, Because you are in love with my boyfriend and wish this baby was yours? Busted.

Uh yeah, and if she was would she tell? Doubtful. As I suspected, Candi says no, I don't want to have your boyfriend's child. I tell all my girlfriends this as a matter of course. They discuss this for a bit and Mari tells her she's talking very honestly to her. Before she leaves she utters the words of doom that "if anything happens to me, you would make the best Mom for my child, trust me." Argh, I'm hearing clanging of the chains of the telenovela Gods. Sigh. Chava wonders if Rocio's Dad can have two girlfriends. He gets mad when Candi ignores his question and shoves eggs down his throat. Yeah, that would irritate me too.

Raul busts a nut over Santiago's perceived disrespect of Mari. Santi at least is apologetic that he's in love with another woman he's goign to lose over all this. A buddy tried to intervene telling him Raul doesn't know lost love, but oooooh that makes it worse, as Raul of course lost his pregnant wife. Duh.

Arturo expresses regret that he didn't get to know Clemente better. Gregi is perplexed because Clem was his employee and went wherever he did. Art says yes, but I was the boss and he was merely an employee. Nice. Accordingly, Gregi thinks she should be going anyway, she's not usually away from home this late and she doesn't like that his wife doesn't know they meet, and she worries what others might think. Art tells her nothing is her fault and he'll explain if there is ever a problem. They argue about the morals of a chilango (Mexico City dweller) vs. those of a tapatia (Guadalajaran). He begs her to finish her food and not leave.

So as the cowards file out, Santi continues to explain to Raul that even though he doesn't really love Mari, she's a good woman and he'll do right by her etc. Raul warns him if anything happens to his sister, Santi'll answer to him.

At the big house, the maid asks for money for the food, the kids already ate breakfast, and Santi promises his ma he'll talk to her. She wants to know how he's inviting to the wedding with him. he tells her to invite whoever she wants. He asks if Mari came and showed her the ultrasound. he says the baby has a package just like his Pa, and it will be a little America player, a boy. Roci doesn't like boys and would rather a sister.

Meno has a chat with Candi over her display with Ceci, but she doesn't want to talk about that so he says ok let's talk about Mari instead because Chava said that you like her boyfriend. They rehash this and he tells her she can't dare let the plastic doc get married without telling him how she feels.....

Ok, now this is just weird. Ali is shoving pineapple into a sleeping Pato's mouth. Turn's out she's decided to try and please him with breakfast in bed, a bath, and well, some funny business. He accepts all this but still tells her he doesn't love her and he still loves Candi and she should know better, and she doesn't really want him to lie. Uh, yeah buddy, I think she does. She wouldn't still be with you otherwise. I still felt bad for Ali, because he's "saying" honest things, but he's still not leaving her, so what the heck. He should just abandon her already and get it over with if he's so damn honest. OK, there I said it. He even sniffed his juice as if it may have been poisoned.

Santi goes to see Candi and wants to apologize for attacking her about the photo. She says she'll accept if he admits a few things, like he's jealous of Pato, and other things. In the end she still doesn't forgive. This is essentially the same banter they always have.

We get a nice love scene of non-lovers to Kany Garcia - Todo Basta

Como deseaba llenar mi mundo inperfecto
lograste mostrar la manera de hacerlo peqeño
ahora necesito espacio para darme más
en el cuando llegas tú todo basta
Desde muy pequeña tuve tanta fuerza
dificil de controlarla en diferencias
al borde de una locura entre gordura y ambicion
en ese instante entras tú todo basta
Todo basta cuando me entregas caricias nuevas
todo es nada Todo sobra si no estas
te vas si te escapas de ti para hacerme feliz
tan solo faltas tú todo basta
No he sido una fiel creyente de promesas

de esa que ven amores a lo eterno
tampoco veia lo tierno como una gran virtud
hasta que apreces tú todo basta
Todo basta cuando me entregas caricias nuevas
todo es nada todo sobra si no estas di te vas
si te escapas de ti para hacerme feliz
tan solo faltas tú todo basta.

At Santi's Senos are Us, a woman who apparently has been defrauded by her surgeon is sick for having had surgery to remove part of her breasts. Santiago tends to her immediately as an emergency patient and apologizes to Natalie who is watching that she'll have to wait. Well she freaks out and decides it might be more expensive in the US but she doesn't want to end up like that woman and leaves. Horty tries to talk her out of it, but it doesn't work.

Mari is with Candi and makes fun of her for fleeing from Pato all the time. She denies it, but of course Pato calls and Candi doesn't want to talk to him. Mari says see you are fleeing him because you are in love with Santi. You know Pato loves you and won't leave you alone until he gets you.

Pat deals it hard to Ali before he leaves to see Candi.

Santi, unlike most plastic surgeons, promises yet another person he won't charge for his services to help her mother. The duaghter is grateful of course.

Lulu stops Candi on her way out and makes her go down to parking even though she has no car.

She gets down there and who is there but Pato with about 3 dozen ro so red roses professing his love to her. He tells her her sister isn't her problem it's his. Santi happens to be here at the same time and hears this profession of love. He doesn't take it well and throws a bucket of water in the general area of Pato's paquete, saying he's a little hot and needed to cool down so, now he should be cooler. Pato looks impactado and we won't learn if he has shrinkage until next time.


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