Friday, September 02, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #97 Thursday 9/1/11 The jockettes of Ensenada - La Doctora goes fishing, Berta climbs a tree and Renata wrestles jerks

Last night we concluded with Renata arriving at the fauxlorio (fake velorio). She looks extremely hot in her funereal dominatrix garb. Jero rips into her that she is not welcome at La Bonita!

Oh snap, without missing a beat Nata retorts she’s not there for him but to support Kari, now step aside.

Renata offers her condolences (pésame) to Kari and they hug. I’m still blown away by how great Renata looks. Did Augi buy that outfit for her? Nice hair too. Everybody stares at Nata as she tells Kari that when someone treats you well you never bury them from your life (don’t forget them), but when someone easily causes you pain you can bury them far away from your life and your heart .

Jero stands just behind them hearing all of Nata’s words. But does he feel bad or guilty? Does he realize she could be talking about him? Not at all. He pipes up, “I totally agree with you Renata, now take off.” Nata firmly explains she doesn’t like being there either, she’s done what she came to do and now she’s leaving. Jero, still not content that he has proven what a jerk he is, grabs her arm, pulls her away from Kari, and escorts her toward the door. Nata shakes him off and proudly exits. Doc Tata watches. Do you like what you see doc? Because you could be on the receiving end one day. Or maybe you’re one of those chicas who think they can change a man? Nopis, never gonna happen.

Manuela stops Renata and tries to explain Jero’s bad behavior but Nata will hear none of it. She’s in a rage and snaps at Manuela (I think SN really made Manuela jump) that Jero is a bum. Everyone says she should understand him but who ever tried to understand her? Manuela speaks of their great love and Nata is all “Excuuuuse me, you call the way he spoke to me a great love?” Errrr, not exactly, admits Manuela, she adds that Jero is acting out of pain and jealousy. Nata corrects her, Jero never loved her and the jealousy is only his bruised ego. Manuela insists she has seen with her own eyes how he’s cried over Nata.

Augi discovers Nata has gone to the funeral without him and he’s in a right snit. Yep, there go his bottom teeth jutting out. (Thanks RLO for pointing that out.) Berta, hanging out by the pool which is her favorite pastime no matter where she is, gloats and giggles that Augi has a meltdown.

Doc Tata enters Jero’s study to console the brooding cretin, She kneels at his feet and pats his knee. Oh gag me with a spoon. He gripes about Nata showing up but Doc Tata wisely tells him that when he agreed to have the velorio at his house he opened it up to all people, including Renata. He behaved badly in front of a lot of people and had no right to humiliate her. Jero scowls and sulks that Renata humiliated him more, ending up with his worst enemy, boo hoo. DocTata reminds him they are divorced, plus an engagement doesn’t mean she loves Augi. She could be seeking refuge. Jero whines that he doesn’t know if Renata ever really loved him.

Manuela tells Nata she can’t keep quiet when she sees someone making the wrong decision, like Nata becoming engaged to Augi for example. Does Nata really think she can be happy with Augi? Nata’s not sure but she hopes so. Besides, one nail drives out the other, right? Manuela warns her that can also leave you with a wall full of holes (hoyos). Manuela knows that Nata and Jero love each other. Nata tells her that sometimes love isn’t enough.

When Nata returns to Cruz de Amor Augi jumps up and demands to know where she was. Nata snaps it was a last minute decision and she doesn’t need to ask his permission. He backpedals and uses the “I was worried for your safety” excuse. He wisely changes the subject, how about they go to the beach tomorrow? She wiselier* tells him she can’t marry him and wants to leave forever. Augi is all “Wahhh, stay with me.” She rolls her eyes. (*made up word)

It’s a full moon (as always) over the wine country and Laz visits the Padre, still clad in his colorful, purple robe. Laz wants to confess something right here and now. He feels bad because he’s happy about Alvaro’s death. The Padre stops him right there, “Me too bro. That guy was evil incarnate; may he rot in hell, God willing.” Hee, I made that up. The Padre stops Laz and suggests that what he’s feeling is liberation because Alvaro is no longer an obstacle for Laz and Kari. The Padre absolves Laz, no penitence.

Jero calls Regina to offer condolences. I wish Gonzo would be there to grab the phone, tell Jero he’s not welcome and then hang up on him. I wonder how Jero would like it? No such luck. Jero tells Gina they have lots to talk about and he’ll see her soon.

Gonzo visits Honorio in jail and fills him in on Cata’s death. He says Gina’s all torn up because she and the metiche mama were on the outs and Cata died before Regina could shut her pie-hole, er...I mean before they could reconcile. Hons says that’s why you have to tell your peeps you love them when you can. Gonzo reveals to Hons that today they are going to entrap BSCBlanca and Hons will be free.

Regina tells gal pals Cons and Inez that she is doomed to be alone. Um, they remind her about Gonzo. Oh yeah, that guy she's supposed to marry. Gina is still whining about mom not forgiving her (for what exactly?) and adds that Cata said something about Pepa and Gonzo’s wife. Cons repeats "about Pepa and about Fina". Why did she say that? Gina says they were Cata’s last words. Think Cons, think!

Creep me out, Augi is playing a little game with Nata. He’s covered her eyes and is leading her into a room. It doesn’t seem like she’s enjoying the game. Probably because it’s just a lame excuse for him to manhandle and clutch her. He’s got a grand surprise for her...LOOK!

He uncovers Nata’s eyes and she sees a huge mock up of his new Renacer (or something like that) label featuring Nata’s silhouette, she’s his muse. Big whoop, say Renata's eyes. Roberta spies and skulks off with her lips curled in a snarl.

Over at La Bonita Kari thanks Jero and he tells her she is a beloved by the entire hacienda. She says finally it’s all over. “Not all,” slips Jero. “Que????” ask Kari and Manuela. “Err, your life continues,” he ad-libs, “and all your friends are here to surround you.” Mati offers up her room since she and Carlos are moving out right after the wedding. Mati’s headband is too tight and she can’t see the big gigantic anvil hurtling towards her.

Oh HO, I see Dr. Tatarrific has decided she won’t be outdone by Nata’s hotness. Her exuberant bosom threatens to burst from her dress as she tells Jero today she discovered not only is he generous but he’s got the most noble heart she’s ever known. Maybe she didn’t agree with how he treated Renata but it showed he has passion. He has been a great surprise in her life. Wow, she’s good. She baits her hook, she casts her line, and he bites!! Her reward is a big mouth bass beso from Mr. Passion. Be careful what you wish for honey.

Nata tepidly tells Augi that of course she’s happy about his label. Mutual thanks back and forth,yawn. He says after they are married this will be the first picture they have in their home. Nata’s smile disappears. She sighs that her divorce with Jero wasn’t easy and she doesn’t want to experience the same with him. Augi gives his word (hack hack) that will never happen.She’s uncomfortable with him always speaking of her as his woman, his wife, and she asks for his patience. He responds, “All that you need...just so long as I can lock you in my prison palace, control your life and boink your sister until the end of our days.” (I made up everything past the dot dot dot.)

After Marina leaves Jero berates himself for the kiss. It’s not fair for him or for her. She deserves better than to be in his failure of a life. I believe he's talking about Marina even though he flashed back on kissing both Marina and Nata. I'm going to set my stopwatch to see how long it takes Jero to go sniffing after La Doc.

Laz sees Kari in the vineyard and he makes his move. Turns out his move could have been as easy as passing gas because Kari jumps on him. Falling into his arms she declares she needs him more than ever.

As they stroll happily through the vineyard Mati steps out behind them and comments at last they’re together, and she’s with Carlos, and they can all live happily at La Bonita. The anvil continues to hurtle toward La Bonita.

Elsewhere in the vineyard Alfonsina and Carlos inspect the vines and determine that the combination of insecticide and their mysterious neon brew is doing the trick. Now they need to get the word out to the other haciendas. Alfonsina is worried because they haven’t invited Cruz de Amor to play, what with all the bad blood between Augi, Jero and Renata. Carlos sets his jaw and says they have to do what’s good for the valley and not get wrapped up in personal problems. Give the plant cure to Ezequiel.

Coni asks Regina if she has any pictures of her daughter. When Gina dashes off to get more pictures Coni tells Inez she’s interested because Gina saw Pepa close by her house. She wants to be on high alert. Inez says thus far all she and Isidro have had are red herrings.

Regina shows Coni some age-progression drawings and Coni gasps. Regina already knows why, they look like Gonzo’s daughters don’t they? But the family investigated and they could be projections of thousands of girls.

BSCBlanca meets Daniel in a cafe. She tells him to open his computer and send her the info she requested. Daniel looks guilty and the employees look like suspicious plain clothes cops.

Matias visits Adri to stop by with a burrito and steal a kiss while the coast is clear (sin que hay moros en la costa). Unfortunately he has to rush back to work to monitor the BSCBlanca sting operation. He tells her that Daniel went to the dark side for Adri, so he could be rich and deserving of her. Adri feels sorry for Daniel and says he’s not really a bad person. I'm sorry Adri, but he's not really a good person either.

Blanca gets the information and Daniel tells her she’s a genius. She admits she’s got a bit of experience at this, more than he knows. The plain clothes cops hover closely to catch every word. Blanca becomes frustrated while waiting for some sort of confirmation to load on her laptop, glances at the suspicious behavior around her, and warns Daniel this had better not be a trap.

She pretends to go to the bathroom and makes her escape while Daniel kvetches ineffectually. Once again BLSBlanca’s big bazongas carry her forward at lightning speed and she leaves the cops in the dust.

The La Bonita ladies are happily cooking and discussing the upcoming familial fun when wet blanket Kari informs Mati she won’t be doing any partying for awhile. It wouldn’t be prudent since she’s in mourning (de luto). Manuela confirms that it’s tradition. Mati’s bummed that Kari won’t be able to meet her in-laws tonight. FF>>

Jero and Carlos are in the vineyard inspecting the vines. They are happy to note that their cure is fixing the plant plague. Carlos says something about meeting his parents to go on a wine tour before dinner. Jero wants a lift into town to “clear up” something with Marina. Yeah, right. Thirteen minutes including commercials.

Nata and Augi are looking all over for Roberta. Ezequiel runs in to say Berta borrowed a horse, one of the Aztecas that nobody but Augi is allowed to touch. Nata is surprised, Berta doesn’t even like to ride. Augi yells first at Ez and then at Nata, doesn’t she understand about someone being under his protection? No, well, yes of course, she says, staring inquisitively into his crazed eyes.

Roberta is fine and doing her own tour. She wanders over to the love tree, sees “Renata y Jeronimo” and laughs that this heart is roto, roto, roto! (broken) She made me laugh, too, as she whacked it with her little stick. She moves up the branch (Hey Berta, I think your sister had sex on that branch!!) and sees the “Berta y Rafael” heart. She flashes back to yet another sexy but scruffy galán who professed that he wanted to shout out his love for her to the four winds.

Roberta sheds bitter tears and reflects that Rafael should be by her side. Instead she is lonelier than ever. She’s not like Renata, whom everybody adores and wants to marry. She hugs the branch and cries how much she misses Rafa. Truly a sad scene. Luckily I plan to hate her again in about 2 seconds.

BSCBlanca disguises herself by donning a baseball cap (cachucha). She skulks around town hiding from cop cars.

At the same time the police and Team Monterrubio are getting a debrief from nervous Daniel. Blanca is now more dangerous than ever. They need to find her soon so that Hons can get out of jail.

The Comandante yells at someone on the phone, if they lose Blanca now they’ll never find her. Daniel says he has an alternate address for her, she lives in Parish (parroquia) 3-0. The Comandante puts out an APB. Car 54 where are you??

Jero and Carlos arrive in town. Jero tells Carlos not to wait for him and to wish him luck. Blech.

Jero knocks on Doc Tata’s door and they make goo-goo eyes at each other. They’ll meet soon. Marina asks her grinning patient, “now where were we?”

Fina paces and soothes her headache by abusing and insulting the maid. I think I’ve used this line in at least three recaps. Surely this poor maid can find another job? Oh well, times are tough.

Fina asks if Berta has called. Of course not; Fina wonders where her daughter has gone. She demands the phone which the maid picks up from right next to Fina and hands to her. I wonder if she chews Fina’s food too?

Fina dials Berta but gets voice mail yet again. She demands that Roberta return immediately. She mutters something about very little time left to give the final blow to Regina.

Berta strolls the Ensenada plaza enjoying her ice cream cone when she runs into Jero. She rubs it in that she’s staying at her future brother-in-law’s. She casually comments her sister changes boyfriends more frequently than her socks. When they like her she gives them the boot. Jero retorts that Berta is no paragon of virtue (dechado de virtudes). Surprisingly Jero sticks up for Renata and says she never had it on with his brother Rafa.

This charming conversation is interrupted by Tatas. As in Doctor. “Doctora?” says Roberta, muy pero muy impactada to recognize the woman who could blow her lies out of the water.

Avances: Pride before love, betrayal before heart, and spite before reason.

cachucha = baseball cap
dechado de virtudes = paragon of virtue
de luto = in mourning
hoyos = holes
metiche = nosy, buttinsky
pésame = condolences
roto = broken
sin que hay moros en la costa = while the coast is clear (Lit. without Moors the coast)

Repeat dicho of the day:

Un clavo saca otro clavo = there are other fish in the sea (lit. one nail drives out the other)


Thursday, September 01, 2011

Alborada, 9/1/2011. Cap. 67.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #25, Friday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 67 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's pictures.

Novelera's caption: Isn't it too early for the trick or treaters to be out?


La Fuerza del Destino #21 Wed 08/31/11 Merry Piece is still delusional while Lucia has a hot date with Ivan and Saul becomes more cowardly.

[Courtesy of Urban Anthropologist]

I know I missed a few details so please add it in your comments.  There are a lot of insults in this episode and most aren't in the dictionary.


Tony reminds Ivan that he used to talk about getting justice for himself and his mother, but now Ivan tells him that everything has changed since he saw Lucia again.  Lucrazia and Merry Piece are unimportant and Carlota is only interested in protecting her family.  Tony indicates his interest in Carlota and Ivan tells him that he's only interested in finding out what happened to his son.


Casa Curiel:  Lucrazia and Merry Piece argue about Ivan.  

Lucrazia:  Unbelievable.  Two sisters fighting over a pelafustan.
Merry Piece:  Ivan is not a pelafustan.  And I saw him first.  What is certain is that Lucia broke up with Saul.
L:  Look, Maripaz, it doesn't matter to me who was first or after.  I simply don't want you to have anything to do with him.
MP:  Mama, think about it.  Didn't you tell me that tomorrow Grandma dines with Sr Anthony?  I know he and Ivan could help us with the ranch.
L:  There is no need for your grandmother to practically eat from the same plate as el tal Anthony.  She made him welcome in this house and they're becoming “very good friends.” [this last said sarcastically]
MP:  The reason he was here once [?]
L:  And since she saw him outside there is no need for you to have anything to do with that delinquent. [mal criado]
MP:  Mama, I dig him; I love him [querer]
L:  Also you liked what you did to get pregnant, drinking booze, that doesn't matter.
MP:  That's not true.  He proposed marriage.
L:  And what would have happened to you?  Living in a sty, washing clothes, ironing?  What would you have done?  You were lucky I insisted on taking you out of the city.  Above all, I don't want to talk about this anymore.  The subject is more than closed.  I don't want you or your sister to have anything to do with this guy.
MP:  Have you forgotten that I'm 29 years old and can do as I please?
L:  No, I haven't.  If you want to live as you please you can... somewhere else.  Now!
MP:  Yes, why not.  I can just imagine what everyone will say when they know that the “distinguished” Sra Curiel threw her daughter out because she wants to marry the son of Sr McGuire.  They'll think you're crazy.  Or do you want them to know it is a blot on the family escutcheon and that Ivan is Grandpa's illegitimate grandson?
L:  Precisely because of that you can't marry him.
MP:  In the past there were many princes and kings who married their cousins.  I'm going to talk to a lawyer.  

She exits in a huff.  Chica, this isn't going to help you; Ivan isn't into you (as he proved the other night).

Casa Curiel, another room:  Lucia and David talk on the phone about their meeting the next day at his new apartment.  Carlota doesn't think this is proper.  Lucia points out that he is her ex-brother-in-law and if people want to talk, let them.  Whereupon the splendidly shirtless Ivan calls Lucia about their date; he is sending a chauffeur for her.  He's feeling bad about what happened.  Carlota asks about this and Lucia spills the frijoles about Saul's caveman behavior and that's how she got hurt.  Carlota is impactada.

Hotel Restaurant, evening:  Benito tells Tony how much he appreciates the fancy hotel room with the hot water to bathe in and the cloud to sleep on.  Ivan arrives and he expresses his gratitude.  They waited for his arrival to order and then order drinks when the waiter arrives.

La calle: Saul talks to Antolin and a goon about what he's going to do about Ivan.  Antolin warns him that Ivan has money and influence; Saul says “Well, so do I” only to be told that Ivan has more, much more.   [Note:  I'm sure we'd all love to know what else Ivan has more of.]  Forget it and look for another girlfriend.  Of course we know Saul doesn't want to before he even says it.  “He broke my nose and I have to do something.“  Antolin tells him that Camilo works for Ivan but doesn't admit to actually knowing him.  Saul doesn't quite buy that but segues into the argument he overheard between his father and Lucrazia about Merry Piece and David.  He didn't hear the whole thing but says something about an undocumented person.  “What do these gringos have to do with an illegal alien?  Who knows, says Antolin.  

This guy plays everything close to the vest.

Commercial break leads with promos for Mira Quien Baila (olé!) and Pequenos Gigantes (gag, especially because there is no LFdD this Friday).

Hotel Restaurant:  Benito enjoys a gourmet meal with his bosses and they talk shop.  Tony wants to make him his chauffeur and Benito promises him a good day's work.  What Benito wants most is enough money to support his family and he is grateful for all they're doing for him.

Casa Curiel:  Morning.  A chauffeur shows up to pick up Lucia, who explains that Sr. Anthony sent him to help her after the accident.  She kisses an unresponsive Lucrazia.  After she leaves Lucrazia and Carlota argue about her.

C:  You could at least say goodbye to your daughter.
L:  Don't defend her.  You have become her procuress. [alcahueta]
C:  Don't say stupid things.  I only...
L:  I don't care what you think.  It's clear you and I will never agree.

She then informs her she is attending the meeting with JJ.

Association Meeting  JJ doesn't like that they can't come to an agreement.  Some of the others express frustration at the present low earnings.  Ivan addresses them, saying they aren't looking for interest on the loans, but good produce for export and to create better cultivation processes.  Tony mentions that they have contacts with importers in the US and South America.

Cemetery:  Celia stands at Alicia's tomb and tells her about Gerry's possible other infidelity so that he has a son of the age that her new one would have been.  There is a flashback to Alicia telling her about Gerry giving permission for Ivan to  keep the puppy and what a decent man he was.  In the present Celia isn't so sure, saying Alicia didn't have great luck with men.

Association Meeting   Ivan talks about how hydroponic systems and their support must be imported from outside the country and that it's too expensive to install it in every ranch at the moment.  He talks about what is possible now, which seems to favor some ranches over others.  JJ talks about the importance of finding new markets and that the McGuires can help with that.  [I didn't get the rest of the details.]  Tony tells them that if all goes well they can get hydroponic systems across the board.  JJ calls for a vote.  Three guys walk out, claiming they prefer to do things their way; the rest remain and accept Tony and Ivan's terms.

This somehow seems to be part of Ivan's plan.

Casa Curiel: Merry Piece calls Judith to tell her to get ready to go to the McGuires' house.  Judith was on her way to her pilates class (how small is this town anyway if she has that?) but MP reminds her that this means money.  When Judith mentions that JJ would be annoyed, MP reminds her that she's not three years old anymore and needing to ask permission to do everything.   She'll pick her up in a half hour.  I think she tells her to be outside so she doesn't have to come inside.

Casa McGuire:  Gerry and Camilo talk about electrifying new rooms to set up offices in the house; it looks like they will get along.  Ivan and Tony enter and after introductions they carry on.

Casa Curiel:  MP and Judith head off to the McGuires'.  MP reminds us why she's along for the ride.

Casa Meandragon:  JJ and Saul argue in front of the mirror about what happened in the meeting.  JJ reminds Saul about being cautious with money.  He still doesn't trust Ivan, but – por supuesto – he still is blind enough not to recognize him.

Casa McGuire:  MP and Judith look around the empty room while MP gets impatient for Ivan to show up.  Judith says “I need you to help me since you got me into this.”  Carmen comes in, looking for Ivan.  MP is not pleased.  They exchange some catty words  [Author's note:  Is that why MP called her a “gata”? No me guste these insults to cats.]  that finish with Carmen saying she and Ivan were childhood friends and she doesn't owe anyone explanations.  MP is so not happy when Ivan is happy to see Carmen and after he exits with her and MP refers to her as a muerte de hambre,  Judith tells her to stop acting like a fool and that Ivan is Ivan Villagomez, the son of a servant.  MP acts like she doesn't want to believe this.  Judith reminds her of her “adventure” with him.

Merry Piece, you are so busted (but not in the way SharkByte would prefer).

Commercial break starting with another MQB promo and one for Protagonistas, a new competition show.  Wonder how many bad actors will turn up on that one.
Casa McGuire, various rooms:  Judith and Merry Piece talk about Ivan, Judith saying that it's impossible for two people to be that much alike.  MP asks “So what if he is?”  Judith appears to have the same snobbish attitude of her father, saying Ivan isn't at the same level as MP's family.  But all that matters to MP is Ivan's dinero.  As if we didn't know.

Ivan and Carmen talk about her job; she will be in charge of the household, an ama de llaves. That would make her the youngest one in Novelalandia.

Gerry and Tony talk about work and enter the room where MP and Judith are.  Gerry tells Tony and Ivan that the installation should take about two weeks.  Gerry exchanges greetings with MP, who informs Tony that she will be furniture-shopping the next day.  She doesn't look happy that her dad will be working for the McGuires; we know why.  He reminds her they should see each other soon.  Carmen comes in and Ivan explains she is Camilo's sister and the new ama de llaves.  Carmen's enthusiasm pleases Tony and Ivan.  Gerry takes his leave, reminding Merry Piece they need some time together.  Carmen thanks Ivan again with a sisterly hug before she exits.  MP asks Ivan if they can talk.  She scowls after Carmen.

MP:  Why have you been ignoring me this way?
Ivan:  I haven't been ignoring you; I simply had to talk with Carmen.
MP:  Before talking to me?
Ivan:  She was asking about starting work and we don't want to waste any time.  I can't ignore that.
MP:  Si, all before me.
Ivan:  Maripaz, tell me...what do you want?
MP:  I want to know what's up with Lucia.  I got the divorce for you.

Judith appears in the adjoining corridor and stops in her tracks.

Ivan:  No, you had already decided to do that.
MP:  I thought about it; I don't deny that, but I decided it when I saw you again.
Ivan:  “We' are coming to nothing.
MP:  Because you stopped at the last moment.
Ivan:  Exactly.  Because I thought better of it.
MP:  For that mosca muerta Lucia?  She dumped Saul because she was hoping for you.
Ivan:  Maripaz, right now my father is waiting for me outside and we need to go back to the hotel.  At this moment I don't want to argue with you.
MP:  But I want us to talk.
Ivan:  If you want we'll talk tomorrow or the day after.
MP:  No.  Tonight.
Ivan:  Very well.  You have my cell number.  Text me the time and place.  

He exits.  A No-So-Merry Piece pouts as Judith enters.

J:  What happened?
MP:  Nothing.  Are you done?
J:  I don't work for you.
MP:  We're leaving.
J:  I still need to check the kitchen and the gardens.
MP (wiping off tears):  No; we're leaving.

<b>School:  Lucia asks a little girl about her accident on the road.   The child asks about her arm and she explains that she had an accident.  They deal with the child's fear of cars.

Casa Meandragon:  Saul tells his father about Ivan poaching Lucia and the fight.  

JJ:  It seems that Lucia is a slut just like her sister.  
Saul:  It looks that way.
JJ:  I'm going to talk to Lucrezia.  It's high time she and I settled this.
Saul:  Can't we get someone to beat him up so I don't have to?
JJ:  Idiot.  (Ayudame with this rhetorical question about Tony).  Think!  Think!  (He sort of hits him and Saul cowers)  It's his son.  Adopted, but that's his son.  And you know what just occurred to me?  Your nose was broken in a fight.  
Saul (dismissively):  It was just a [?]
JJ:  Yeah, right.  I think it was someone very well-dressed.  Don't take me for an imbecile.  

JJ exits with a derisive expression.  He knows Saul is an idiot, but who made him that way?

Commercial break

Ivan and Tony talk about the hydroponic system, their investment, and Ivan's strategy to see if anything improves [Author's Note:  I wonder whether he thinks the traditional-method guys have been lazy and this is getting them off their butts.]  Benito comes in all excited with his new business card; Ivan leaves for his date with Lucia.

Casa Curiel JJ and Lucrazia talk on the phone; he insists on seeing her but not where Carlota can hear anything.  She agrees to see him mañana, then hangs up.  Carlota is not fooled and asks what this is about.  Lucrazia thinks it's about the girls and doesn't yet know what she's going to tell JJ.

School and outside   Lucia's boss repeats the gossip about MP's divorce and her impending marriage to Ivan, relating the chain of gossip.  Lucia dismisses this by claiming to know nothing, but  confronts Ivan about this immediately; he tells her it's just stupid gossip.  He tells her she's too smart to fall for this and wants to clear the air.  When he suggests they go to eat she reminds him that Saul can find them.  He's intent on clearing the air before another misunderstanding happens, then begins leading her to the car by the arm in her sling.  She follows with a slightly pained expression as he explains they're going where nobody will find them and that nothing is going to happen.

Casa McGuire, by the reflecting pool  Lucia admires the house and comments that it's near her family.  Ivan tells Lucia how he wishes she were in love with him.

Lucia:  Don't play with me, Ivan.
Ivan:  I'm not playing.  This is from the heart and all my senses.

Casa Lomiel:   Gerry and Carolina talk about how cold Merry Piece was to him and how that shamed him in front of the rich folk.  Carolina reminded him how MP is accustomed to these people but at the core she must have feelings.  Please don't think badly of her.  Gerry doesn't, but he's not in denial about her.  He now needs to talk to Ivan.  He's sure MP wants to marry him now that he's rich and has position.  She's just like her mother that way.  Carolina comments that neither Lucrazia nor JJ would permit this.  Gerry isn't so sure.  MP is an adult and willful  [Since when did this become a bad thing?].   He doesn't think Lucrazia will be able to control her.

Casa McGuire, cocina:  Ivan tells Lucia about their plans for the area and his intention to help her family.  She thanks him and says her mother will need a new administrator.  Ivan says he will ask Camilo if he knows anyone.  Just as the next beso is about to happen Ivan insists upon telling Lucia what happened the night he supposedly boinked MP so there will be no further misunderstanding.

L:  You are free.
I:  No, I'm not free.  There is someone who takes up all my thoughts, day and night.  You.

Commercial break that leads with a promo for La Rosa de Guadalupe which has another paternity situation involving an Ivan and later has an annoying movie promo for Saving Private Perez with such a bad Spanish-language voice-over it must be deliberate

Casa Lomiel:  Carolina and Gerry continue their conversation about his girls.  She recalls him telling her that since youth there was a sympatico thing between Ivan and Lucia.  He agrees, saying she always wanted to be with him.  Carolina figures the feeling was mutual.  Gerry knows his daughter is a frivolous flirt, like most men like.  Carolina says she hopes Ivan wasn't such a fool, then apologises.  Gerry isn't insulted; he agrees.  He finishes his coffee and goes to look for Alex.

Casa McGuire, cocina:  Ivan comes clean about his feelings when he arrived, how Merry Piece told him that the baby was born dead, and that she had never stopped loving him.  He desired her but at the last minute he backed off.  When Lucia accompanied him on his investigation he saw her empathy and realized he needed her.  After spending the day with her, hearing her voice on the phone, etc. [He's really good at this]  he knew he wanted to kiss her, hold, her, touch, her.  That he was in love with her.  Lucia is confused about how he came looking for MP but now says he loves her.  He understands her confusion but knows that she never stopped loving him.  She explains that her engagement to Saul was a family arrangement.

Casa Lomiel:  Carolina calls the Curiel house for Lucia but has to leave a message with Carlota, whom she's never met.

Casa McGuire, cocina:  Lucia explains that when she realized that Saul was a macho jerk like his father she knew she couldn't marry him.  They had been engaged for four months.  Ivan tells her that it took him two days to realize that MP was not the woman he had dreamed about and he was angry at first that he had been so naïve.  Now it's all over.  Of course, Lucia reminds him that MP doesn't see it that way and she's been talking to all her friends [Digame, how does a ramera like MP have any real friends?]  That was why he needed to see her that night.

Casa Meandragon, at the gate:  David looks around furtively until Judith comes out to talk to him, explaining that their father would be furious.  He explains to Judith that he needs a little cash because JJ cancelled his credit cards.  He hands her the business card from the pharmacy explaining he needs a bill paid.  She agrees to help him and he begs her not to tell their mother and upset her.  He gives her a brotherly kiss and splits rapidemente.

Casa McGuire, cocina:  Lucia tells Ivan that she and MP argued about him.  Ivan understands and tells her not to worry.  She tells him there is major turmoil in the house over this.  He tells her “But I'm with you.  Will all my soul and heart.” He clears off the counter and kneels on it.  “I love you, Lucia.  I love you truly.  Do you believe me?  Tell me you believe me.”  

Un abrazo muy fuerte y muchos besos.  It looks like the postman will have to ring more than twice.

Closing credits and song abridged tonight.  Bummer.

Avances  MP is pissed that Ivan doesn't love her, he tells her that she's responsible for the fact that he doesn't.   She tells Antolin it's all Lucia's fault.  This will get ugly real fast.

Vocabulary (need a little help here):

Alcahueta:  Procuress
Malcriado:  Delinquent; ill-bred
Muerte de hambre:  one who is starving [but how did this become an insult?]
Mosca muerta:  literally dead fly, but save question as above.
Pelafustan:  ?????


La Pola - August 31, 2011 - Discussion Page

Nariño’s army is devastated and separated and retreat is ordered. Nariño removes his general’s uniform and presents himself to the pastuños. He tells them he is able to tell them where to find General Nariño. In Pasto he reveals that he is Nariño whereupon he is jailed and told he will be removed and sent to Spain where he won’t live a day. Ambrosio and his brother, with Pola’s help, store munitions and supplies in Domingo’s house. Cata and Bernarda continue their quest to find Joaquín. We see soldiers entering Domingo’s house. Pola, who is in the kitchen preparing shot, hears something. Before she can react, a hand reaches out and covers her mouth.


Teresa Wed 8/31/11 #128 Some People Call It Stalking, Mariano Calls It Love

In the foyer of the GUIJARRO-BARRERA HOME, Luisa catches Fernando and Teresa in the middle of an intimate embrace, and wants to know what the heck is going on with them. Teresa, thinking quickly, feigns dramatic sobbing and prissily runs towards Luisa saying that she had a bad problem with Arturo again. The poor little baby is distraught and takes off to leave Luisa and Fernando alone.

Aida had dropped in to see Aurora, wearing huge old lady sunglasses. Seriously, add some curlers and a bathrobe, and she’d look just like my aunt Carol from Yonkers.

As Aida is leaving, she tells Aurora that even though she is her rival, she likes her. If she and Mariano becomes a couple, he would have chosen a very good woman, not a liar rrrrrrrrata de la vecindad like Teresa. She just hopes Mariano forgets about Teresa.

Scuzberto walks into the doctor’s break room. Mariano was looking for him because he’s going to Clunkberto’s homeland (I assume where he was hatched) in Zacatecas for business. Bunkberto is eager to tell Mariano about the exciting entertainment venues and fine dining experiences, a.k.a. the best strip clubs and sports bars.

Fernando tells Luisa that Arturo remains suspicious of Teresa. He drank, became violent and was abusive to her. Luisa is surprised that her brother behaved that way. He explains that Teresa picked up the penthouse keys; she and Art will be staying there. Fernando says he convinced Arturo that Teresa can no longer be treated badly.

Luisa calls Teresa and makes arrangements to see her the next day. Luisa thinks the wedding preparations may give Teresa a respite from her problems with Arturo.

Mariano asks Trollberto if he spoke with Juana yet about her fertility issues and asks if he’s considered the possibility that since Juana and Hector have been together a long time, that maybe Glopberto is just dreaming that he has a future with Juana. Goopberto emphatically states that he’s sure that Juana loves him and she’s just with Hector for material reasons. Mariano disagrees and says if that’s all she was interested in, she probably would have already married him, right? That last question forces Gunkberto to think, causing massive cerebral strain. Good thing he’s at a hospital.

Tiburoncita paces through Fernando’s penthouse admiring the décor, as she muses, “ are going to help Arthur and me to have everything that we had before.”

Aida discovers that Mayra has returned from her trip. They are both excited to see each other and embrace. Aida wants to know all the details of Mayra’s fabulous adventure.

Arturo calls Teresa and asks where she is; he reminds her they were supposed to have dinner with her parents. Teresa (rudely) declines to dine with them because she doesn’t want to spend one more night in the vecindad. Arturo reminds her that she still has things to pick up at the old apartment. Teresa makes more excuses and says she’ll get her stuff tomorrow; leaving Arturo to deal with her parents.

Arturo apologizes to Refugio and Armando that Teresa will not be dining with them and she’s waiting for him at the penthouse. Refugio says that’s too bad because she made “huazontles” that Teresa likes so much. I didn’t know that was in a shark’s diet.

Aida is trying on a new dress that Mayra bought for her, as I try to roll my tongue back in my mouth. She looks frackin’ hot, but I digress.

Mayra explains that while she was away, she wrote a memoir about everything that had recently happened to her. Unbeknownst to her, one of her cousins showed it to a publisher. They liked it and it looks like there may be a book deal. Aida is happy for her.

Just then, there’s a stench in the air and I start to check the bottom of my shoes, but alas, it’s just Ruben, stopping by for a visit. He is surprised to see Mayra has returned.

Arturo arrives carrying a man-purse. He tells Teresa her parents felt bad because she did not dine with them. Teresa blows it off like their feelings mean nothing. Arturo points out that her parents adore her and they have been very supportive in light of recent events. Teresa is dismissive and says she’ll see them tomorrow.

Ruben starts to sweet talk Mayra, but she cuts him off. She says her experiences have made her stronger. She has nothing more to discuss with Ruben; he’s a relic of the past. He’s free to talk with Aida, she’s of legal age, but Mayra says not to approach her anymore.

As Ruben begins to get sentimental with her, Mayra cuts him off again – this time to say that she fell in love with another man while she was away. Ruben is stunned. Mayra is jetlagged, says goodbye, and leaves Aida to deal with him.

Ruben can’t get over the fact that Mayra met someone. Aida says he should have known he could never get back with her again, and asks about his newborn son. He says that Rodrigo, being a preemie, has sensitive lungs. Ruben remorsefully adds that he’s paying for all the wrong he has done.

Teresa and Arturo have toured the whole penthouse and she just loves the place. Arturo emphasizes that it’s not important where they live, but that that they are together. He wants this to be a new beginning.

He tells her they will live well, but not to expect designer clothes, expensive jewelry, or expensive trips for a while. Arturo is going to go over their financial statements with her so Teresa knows their situation. Arturo says regaining their old lifestyle will take years. Teresa offers her help. Arturo says the most important thing is for them to stay together and love each other. He plants a passionate kiss on her, and I hear the Caray ladies yelling, "Me! Why can't it be ME!" Silly chicas.

Refugio tells Armando that Teresa doesn’t change – she couldn’t hide for a moment that she could not stand to be in their neighborhood for another instant. Refugio is worried about Teresa and Arturo’s marriage. Armando tells her that Teresa has already taken precautions; he assures her that if Arturo gets jealous or acts again like he did, she will get a divorce.

Fernando and Luisa are snuggling and kissing in bed but Fer is distracted. He flashes back to the moment he kissed Teresa. Luisa asks him what’s on his mind. His mind is squarely on Teresa, but he blames his preoccupation on a business deal in Zacatecas.

Aurora is studying and is interrupted by a servant. He says a man who is asking for work wants to talk with Aurora. Reluctantly, she agrees to talk with him. A man dressed in work clothes approaches her, the brow of his hat covering his face. He lifts his hat and... SURPRISE – it’s Mariano!!

When I saw Mariano in his costume, I thought it was going to be one of those strip-o-grams. You know, where he starts music on a boom box and rips off the overalls. I heard catcalls from the ladies of Caray encouraging that very thing. Sorry girls, not this time.

Mariano and Aurora role play a little. He says he just wants a certain person to forgive him of his error. He says she is a beautiful woman, tender, and with the kindest heart of all. That is why he trusts that she will forgive him. Aurora says, as a woman, she can advise the man may get disillusioned because it may be a long time before he is forgiven. Mariano says thanks for the advice, he will continue to insist on getting her pardon. Aurora tells him to go away, there’s no work for him. In character, Mariano says he won’t take up anymore of her time, and adds that her pretty smile made his day.

Grimeberto visits Juana and after some small talk, they get to the heart of the matter. Juana confesses that she can’t have children. Drollberto says he knew there was something going on that he didn’t understand. I imagine that happens a lot.

Clopberto proceeds to give Juana a dental checkup - with his tongue. I'm sure he's just trying to bring her plaque levels down to normal.

Arturo speaks with his driver at the door and gets a report of what went on with Teresa that day. He reports that nothing suspicious occurred; she spoke with Mariano, but only a few quick words. Arturo thanks and dismisses him. Arturo walks in and tells Teresa that they may earn a good commission for a customer that does business in Germany. FF>>

Juana pushes Sleazeberto away; she has a boyfriend and he has his rich woman. Bunkberto says she is nothing but his employer. Juana says love cannot be selfish; she knows he wants many children and doesn’t want to take this happiness away. They move to the couch and Blightberto offers the option of adoption; he just wants to be by her side.

As Dripberto makes another move on Juana, she pushes him away, saying that she’s still Hector’s girlfriend. Muckberto says that can be easily fixed; just tell him it’s over. Besides, Aurora and Martin split and they had wedding plans. Juana says it would make Hector sad and she doesn’t want to lose the affection of Aurora.

Aida and Mayra are having a chat at breakfast. Mayra says based on everything Aida has told her, she’s not sure it’s worth it to keep trying with Mariano. Of course, Aida disagrees. We find out that Mayra’s new man is the guy that is supporting her with the book; he says he loves Mayra.

The butler tells Aurora that he was told to deliver an ice cream cone and not to throw the napkin away. Aurora wonders who, oh who, could it be from?

The napkin has a note from Mariano and she imagines him reading it: ”I clearly remember your eyes, your mouth, and your smile. I want you next to me sharing my life, Aurora. And if I could have one wish, I would ask that you be by my side and never let go.

Aurora is touched.

Dragberto sees Teresa and says as a dig, “Good morning neighbor.” Teresa says au contrair mon frère, I just came for my things and I’m out of here today. Teresa looks over his suit and asks why he’s in a costume. Trampberto says it’s no costume, it’s his work uniform. He’s a driver and his boss loves him. Her name is Oriana...
Teresa can’t believe what she just heard. “Oriana Guijarro?” she asks. He says “now you know with whom I rub shoulders.” Teresa is furious. She says “so it was YOU that told that old hateful woman about Mariano and me!!” Sludgeberto looks guilty as charged, and once again his cranium distorts under the duress of thinking.

Juana is worried about her dilemma. Refugio says Juana’s heart is indecisive. But if she can’t keep away from Botchberto any longer, it’s time to decide which one she will choose.

Dopeberto insists he’s no gossip; Oriana asked and he answered. Teresa is not buying it. She goes on about how she doesn’t want him near her godmother. She taunts Schmuckberto that Juana is going to marry Dr. Alcazar. Fussberto says that remains to be seen; Juana loves him – he knows it – and he doesn’t care that she can’t have children. Teresa warns Dunceberto NOT TO SAY ANOTHER WORD about her to Oriana, or she will make him pay!! Crabberto says Oriana already knows who Teresa is, she knows all about her. Teresa leaves in a huff.

Luisa tells Arturo that she met with her super-hot bikini-clad friend Lucia Alvarez from grade school while she was in Cuernavaca. Arturo barely remembers her. Wait until you see her Broheim! Hopefully she will prance around in a bikini again, on a Wednesday episode this time.

Luisa is concerned about Art’s recent troubles with Teresa. Art says he was wrong and for Luisa not to worry about it anymore; everything is cool.

Teresa walks in visibly unhappy. She tells Juana (out of earshot of Refugio) that it was Foolberto that told Oriana everything that happened between her and Mariano the day before her wedding. Teresa says Juana is supposed to love her like a daughter, and if that’s true, she cannot marry or speak again to that “mariachi filth”. Said “mariachi filth” also needs to learn a lesson to never say anything about Teresa, and on top of that, Juana is involved with Hector, yet she continues to see Clownberto.

Dario teases Mariano that he seems more relaxed now that the terrible curse of the Teresa Effect has apparently been lifted. Dario says he’s going to go tell Dr. Alcazar about Mariano’s intentions for his daughter. Mariano chases him as Dario runs away and says he was just kidding. Magda tells Mariano that Aurora is worth the effort and encourages him to keep plugging away.

Refugio tells Teresa that she can’t get a divorce. She married without love from the start, so now everything is not going as she wants, but she is supposed to be married for life. Refugio rhetorically asks Teresa how many times she’s willing to get divorced and remarried; repeating the same mistake. Teresa tells Refugio to open her eyes. The world is different now; wives don’t have to stay married as before. Refugio says she understands that couples get divorced over serious matters, but not when the first problem arises.

Teresa reminds her that Art cheated on her with Paloma, and Art brought her to the vecindad when he really had enough money to put her in a nice place, just to test her. Refugio says she is her mother, but she’s not blind: Teresa married with no love, but Arturo swore to love her for life; he really loves her. Teresa flippantly says she loves Arturo and is trying to fix things, but if things don’t work out, she’s getting a divorce.

Luisa tells Arturo that Fernando has been concerned about problems with business he inherited. His uncle left some matters pending in Zacatecas. Arturo says he will definitely help him. Luisa then asks if Fernando has mentioned any other problems or concerns to him [because she’s noticed that he’s distracted.] Arturo says don’t worry, if anything comes up, he will help out Fernando.

Dario is reading a newspaper article, about Mariano’s network of clinics, aloud to Magda. They comment that it’s great to see that he is successful with his work, but too bad he’s not so lucky in matters of love. Magda says she thinks all is not lost with Aurora, it’s just a matter of time. Dario suggests that since they are his friends, maybe there is something they can do to help. They agree to talk about that over lunch.

Mariano overhears Teresa berating her driver. She tells him to get a move on and take her things to her new apartment. The driver just says that Arturo told him to keep a lookout for her. Teresa thinks he’s a pest and sends him off.

Mariano approaches and tells her that it’s a shame that she’s now being watched; that’s the price she pays for cheating on her husband before her wedding. Teresa rebuffs and says she’s not being watched, the driver is just doing his job, Mariano knows she wouldn’t put up with that. She asks him if he knows where she is moving to, and he says he doesn’t care. He says he knows Arturo is drinking and hopes it, as well as their other problems pass, no matter how in love she is. Teresa tells him to butt-out and don’t tell her what to do. He says she’s right, he is going to devote himself to Aurora and he leaves. Teresa is visibly shaken.

Aurora’s butler brings her a book. In the book, Aurora finds another note from Mariano. The note says that all day he repeats that he misses Aurora and he loves her. The book is one that served Mariano well when he was taking his exam, and he hopes it brings her the same luck.

Aurora gets all flustered and smiles with love in her eyes. She seems to be weakening to his charms and opening up to the idea of having Mariano in her life.

Mariano stops buy to check on Grumps, who resists the idea of being seen by a pediatrician. Gramps overhears Johnny and Patty discuss that Patty wants to go to school but they can’t afford it. FF>>

Oriana tells Fernando she has noticed that he doesn’t seem too happy dealing with the last will of his father and uncle. She says the more he gets from life, the more responsibilities he will have. He’s lucky to have a good woman like Luisa, and not some arribista, who will help him manage his wealth wisely.

Juana is dragging Wretchberto by his ear and yells at him about yapping his mouth to Oriana about Teresa. They bicker back and forth and essentially Botchberto says Juana is exaggerating the situation and that he was just telling the truth.

I get the feeling Crankberto comes from carnival folk.

Teresa greets Fernando at the door; Arturo is apparently not around. Fernando wants to continue their conversation from last night; she was telling him that she couldn’t make love to Arturo. Teresa coyly says they are not to broach that subject as Fer has a commitment to Luisa. But Fernando can’t dismiss it that easily. She teases him and asks if he really wants to know what’s going on as they get closer and closer. Fernando says yes, and looks like he can’t take it anymore.

They are dangerously close to kissing and Teresa sexily says, “I don’t know about you, but I keep thinking about what it felt like to be in your arms.”

...and now you know what happened in episode 128.


Cuando Me Enamoro #96 Wednesday 8/31/11 No weddings and two funerals... One soul for heaven (?) one soul for hell...

Tonight's recap courtesy of Marta.

Alvaro’s heart stops. Doctor and nurse frantically try to revive him.

At la bonita, Karina has a nightmare/ presumption that something bad happened.

Cata mentions Gonzalo’s wife and ‘pepa’ but Gina does not add the two together and Cata dies before she can say more.

At MR manor, Fina is grabbing loads of cash from the safe… by her own admission is same thing she did 25 yrs ago to Roberto. She can’t even manipulate Berta as she did back then… she really wants Cata to die… so she can continue with her plans.

Gina is crying hugging Cata’s body in the hospital bed… remembering scenes from Reginita’s 1 yr bday… and the goodbyes recently… to the tune of ‘algo se muere en el alma’…

Berta goes in Augie’s room, he reprimends her for almost getting caught by Nata. Augie says he will take Nata’s habits little by little. She plays flirty with him, he does not want to take any risks, she ups the game… she will have a lot of fun in her stay here… he stops her cold and reminds her ‘I am the one that calls the shots here’ and he takes over…

Chema offers to get coffees for everyone, Gonzo admits to Connie that Chema is a good young man. Connie says hes been a good support. Gonzo confronts her about whether Chema is just a support or she is in love with him. But before she can answer, Gina comes out to tell them (devastated) that her mom died. She died and did not forgive Gina.

At La Bonita Carlos and Mati talk about him being dissillusioned and Mati being mad about Renata getting engaged to Augie. Her first impression was right… Whoever hurts her ‘hermoso’ does it to her. From tonight on, Renata, the Linares Ex, will be the unmentionable.

At bed, switch from Nata to Jero… he saying to himself that Nata is dead to him… (man, will you make up your mind for once?? She loves me … she loves me not… I want her… I want her not… forget me... forget me not!)

Berta has finished making love to Augie, she vows that she will not let Nata have any man. Meanwhile Augie is talking to the pillow saying the one he wants in his bed is Nata.

In the morning, Fina reads the paper notice about Cata being dead. She at first is really happy but then remembers that perhaps Cata said something before dying… she gets frantic, she has to know what Cata said or what happened. She dials Antonio’s number, but he won’t answer. Fina says don’t matter, she will make Gina suffer and cry much more than she could be crying now, even with Gonzo beside her.

At Cata’s funeral are Gonzo, Matt, Adri, Chema, Connie and Gina, Ines, Isidro and some extras…

At la bonita, Jero gets a call from the jail telling him Alvaro died. Jero gets Lazaro to gather everyone at the living room.

At Cruz de Amor, at breakfast for three, Berta keeps playing teasing games with Augie and Nata… slept warm… Augie gets a call and walks away… his ‘contractor’ says he got overboard a bit. Augie says this time I will pay extra but next time limit urself to follow the orders.

Jero and Padre Ceverino tell Karina that Alvaro died from a brawl in jail.

Still at breakfast, Nata asks Berta how’s mom. Berta says she now understands mom, since Matias also asked her for the divorce just like her dad did her mom. Nata gets on Matt’s side, yours was not a marriage, more like an arrangement and if there is no baby anymore, we will all be divorced. Berta assures Nata she won’t get divorced. She does not want yet. Tells Nata Matt won’t give her a peso. Nata stays behind Matias, asks Berta to go work. (really? Like asking a worm to enter a hen house.) Berta says Matt is hanging out with ho__ Adri… what do you call the women who hang around with married men? Nata strongly backs up Matias… if she wants to stay married then she will have to settle to have a married who goes out with another one. Nata leaves angry, Augie reprimends Berta for making Nata upset in her own house.

At La Bonita, Jero offers to do the funeral for Alvaro there. Kari is frozen, limits herself to say may he rest in peace, and may God welcome him in his glory. They were so many years… she can’t believe that he won’t be there anymore. Lazaro says in some way you said goodbye to him. Kari mentions her nightmare/presumption of last night.
Marina is clinging to Jero’s arm… geez!!

Berta keeps nagging at Augie, like she doesn’t know him. Augie claims Nata is his woman and you will have to listen to her… Berta says nope, your woman is me! She is just your fiancee. She is playing with you, like she does with all men… She will play him like a violin… You fell to her charm but that does not mean I will kneel at her silly antics. He insists ‘here what I say is done.. whether you like it or not’. She threatens him with telling Nata they are lovers, and if she did not leave him even if I told her that he and I were lovers, she will leave you in a heartbeat. He gets violent and grabs her arm. You don’t want to see me when I get angry (Is he the incredible HULK??)

At la Bonita, the funeral begins… Karina is still frozen walking like a zombie. She wants to open the gasket to see him… Padre says better remember him as he was before. She says there are good memories, few but some. There was a lot of pain in our marriage, but today, from the bottom of my heart, I forgive him, and I say goodbye.

Alfonsina tells Ezeq that Alvaro died. She won’t go to the funeral, and she won’t talk to Kari since Kari doesn’t’ want to see her anymore.

Fina keeps dialing Antonio. He finally answers. Fina tells Antonio Cata died… he is shocked, he wanted Cata to survive… He keeps nagging Fina about how cold and calculating she is… he is no murderer like her, she nags at him that he approached her for it. Fina says can’t leave you in peace, you have to find out what she ‘told’ before dying. He claims he will take the responsibility… Fina says just find out…

Ezeq comes to tell Augie about Alvaro’s death and Augie fakes like he is surprised… Ezeq will go to the funeral, doing it for Karina and to make sure he is DEAD for good. Augie says he is sort of glad Alvaro is dead, betrayers should be dead and in hell. But Augie won’t go to La Bonita as long as it is still property of Linares.

On his way out Ezeq runs into Nata, she asks him to find a vet to check Gitana out, he lets her know he is going to the funeral, once he tells her who died, she wants to go with him for Karina.

At Cata’s funeral, Gina and Gonzo talk, he consoles her. Gina is upset that she was a good daughter in Cata’s eyes.. UNTIL she fell in love with him.

At Cruz de Amor, Berta flirts some more with Augie, my sister and I are opposite poles. You can make a change. He says ‘not a chance’. She insists, he just walks away from her.

Isidro calls Jero and lets him know about Cata’s death, they are at funeral, better wait to call Gina later or tomorrow.

The bank manager calls Matias to let him know they got approved for the new credit line. Matt calls Gonzo, they got the credit, now they can run the setup plan to trap Blanca. The plan is with Daniel to call Blanca to tell her about the new moneys available so she will teach him how to move it to their accounts… She wants them to do it together, she does not want to be tricked …

While Gonzo is still on the cell, Antonio gets to the funeral, approaches Gina… He asks her if Cata talked to her before dying… Gina tells him Cata mentioned something about Gonzo’s wife, but died shortly after. (guess Gina did not hear when Cata mentioned ‘Pepa’). Gina mentions how much Cata loved Antonio. He says he let her down, he was not as ‘good’ as she thought…. But when he is about to say more, he chickens out and just asks Gina to forgive him and leaves.

At La bonita, Nata gets to the funeral, Jero walks to her and says you are not welcome here anymore…

Previews: Nata walks out mad, Manuela tries to get her to stay… and Jero gets more intimate with Marina.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Alborada, 8/31/2011. Cap. 66.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #25, Thuresday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 66 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. You picked a good way to capture the essence of Esperanza's death.


Cuando Me Enamoro #95 Tuesday 8/30/11 The truth shall be revealed, well almost!!

Just when we thought we had this figured out they get crazier. This is going to be very good. So let’s strap in and hold on tight.
Auggie covers Roberta’s appearance by telling Nata that her dad sent her, Nata does not look like she is buying it. They convince her for now and Auggie tells her that his house is her house and they head in, but neither Nata or Berta look pleased.
Jero is at dinner with Marina, she says that she is not surprised that Nata filed for divorce, after the thing he did.
Auggie is showing Berta to her room, Berta is throwing a fit about Nata and Auggie explains that she is there to avoid going to jail and that her father sent her there. Berta keeps pushing and Auggie tells her to stop asking questions. Berta tries to seduce him but he is not having it (i’m a little surprised to be honest) and he tells her no and to leave it alone and not to ask anymore questions.
Mati is eating with Carlos parents they are grilling her about he family and she tells them about her brother and the vineyard and then Carlos returns and tells his folks to relax and stop with the questions. Carlos toasts how much he loves Mati (these two have been to happy for too long, something bad is a coming)
The threesome at Auggies are eating and Auggie is in the middle (good or awkward? you decide) as the sisters discuss the family problems with Hon, Constanza and everyone Berta is playing footsie until she notices the ring and asks Nata about it and she tells her that Auggie proposed. Berta moves her foot and gets testy and runs through the list of men that Nata has been with and says she is very lucky when it comes to finding men, Then she continues to play with Auggie.
Jero starts asking Marina about herself, she talks about her career and how much she loves being a doctor and has had no time for men. Jero sys there must have been some guys, she says she will know the time “Cuando Me Enamora” (hmmm I’ve heard that before somewhere? anybody)
At the Gala Fina and Tony arrive
Dinner at Auggies is over and Berta leaves the table. Nata tells Auggie to spill about why Berta is there she knows her dad did not send her, Auggie gives her some story about another daughter and he sent Berta there so she wouldn’t find out, I missed most of what he said he was talking to fast for my brain this morning feel free to clarify please. Nata believes whatever he told her and as he hugs her she pushes him away. (how can you marry someone who you don’t want touching you?) Then he kisses her (yuck) but she doesn’t seem to like it either.
Jero is doing much better with Dr. he seems giddy like a teenager and they awkwardly( sweet awkward not weird) kiss each others cheek.
Gina is speaking at the Gala thanking everyone for the help at the center and then a big round of applause for Gonzo and then Inez. Chema asks Coni to dance she says no, so he dances with Adri. Matias and Gonzo go to talk within ear shot of Fina who sees the ring he is going to propose to Gina with. Then she pulls out a gun Tony stops her and tells her they are leaving.
Cata is in the bathroom, someone asks about Gonzo and his being married and she gets angry, and storms out. Tony is dragging Fina out of the party kicking and screaming. They are arguing over leaving Fina refuses to let Gina be with Gonzo and tries to get Tony to see her side he refuses to let her hurt anybody, Cata is leaving the bathroom and see the fight and listens in as she hears Fina she has a flashback and realizes that Fina is Pepa ( jackpot, she probably won’t live long enough to tell anyone!) Fina and Tony continue to argue. Cata yells at Fina and as she aims the gun to shot her she grabs her chest and falls down the stairs, Tony and Fina flee the scene. We are back with more dancing, Chema is going with Coni to use the bathroom, Mati does not like Adri using Chema it makes him jealous, she swears it’s to help Coni and her Papa. Chema finds Cata and calls 911 and sends someone to get Gina. She is dancing with Gonzo, who is telling her how beautiful and wonderful she is. (can he pop the question before the bad news arrives? the answer is NO) Shrieky arrives and tells her about Cata and she and Gonzo runs to her and Gina starts crying over her.
Fina and Tony are arguing, Fina tells him to that he is now her accomplice and he better toughen up, then she yells for them to get out of there.
Nata is riding in her white gown ( really? who does that?) She cries about everything she admits that she could never love Auggie like she loves Jero.
Auggie arrives in Berta’s room for some hot lovin!! (ewwww)
Carlos and Mati arrive home and tell Kari and Manuela that dinner was wonderful and his parents were great and loved her and they love each other. Kari drops the Auggie, Nata bomb on the happy couple.
Auggie’s goons take care of Dr.Creepy, (Kari is a free woman!!) we should hold applause in case he pulls through.
Gina is asking the nurse about her mom, Inez is saying goodbye to everyone at the party for Gina, they are discussing what happened.
Fina is panicking and packing to leave town, she is unsure about Tony, whether he can be strong or will he rat her out.
Tony is cursing Fina and getting involved with her, he is figuring things out ( I think he is a goner soon, maybe he will be able to talk first)
The Dr. tells Gina that her mom is not going to make it, I can’t hear the Dr, or Gonzo over her shrieking but I got that she need to speak to her mother one more time.
Jero gets a phone call about Dr.Creepy
Nata sees Berta leaving her room, and asks what she is doing, she says she is going to the kitchen to get something, Nata does not seem to believe anything she says. ( could it be that Auggie is in Berta’s room listening at the door Yuck)
Jero gets back to the hacienda and Carlos is there and he tells Jero the news about the impending nuptials between Auggie and Nata.
Nata takes the ring off and is remembering the men in her life, Jero’s kisses are the one she misses the most. She can’t forget him.
Jero is stunned that she is so smart and taken in by Auggie, that she can’t see through him and that she would marry his enemy. Nata is dead to him and to everyone here, nobody is ever to mention her name there or near him again.
The Dr,’s are trying to save Dr.Creepy(why? of yea some oath or something!)
Kari shoots up out a dead sleep and has a really bad feeling about something, Mati wakes up and asks whats wrong and Kari says she does not know just a feeling that something is wrong.
Gina arrives to talk to mommy, she tells her mom that she has to live, Cata tries to talk but Gina won’t let her she goes on and on about he is divorced. Okay I needed a minute to stop yelling at Gina to shut-up and let mom talk!! Okay so Mom tried to tell Gina about Pepa/Fina, but Gina kept trying to convenience her mom that Gonzo is divorced and that it’s okay for them to be together, she would not let her mom talk so Cata passes away without sharing her secret!!! (arghhhhh)


La Pola - August 30, 2011 - The Battle for Pasto, Discussion Page

Nariño calls his officers to a meeting to confirm that some of them believe retreat and regroup is the best option. When Alejo states that he believes retreat is best, Nariño calls him a coward and demotes him to common soldier. Alejo is at the breaking point. His brother’s death, Pola’s absence and the bloody loss of lives has taken its toll on him. As a further complication, Rodriguez has deliberately delayed sending the artillery to support Nariño’s troops at the front. In Guaduas Pola closes the sale of Domingo’s property with Ambrosio Almeida. She teaches Cata how to count so that if she has to buy Joaquín back, she will not get cheated. Ambrosio also recruits Pola to be a patriot spy. She invites Ignacio, the postmaster, to stay at the posada, and while he is asleep, she reads mail so that she can report back to Ambrose on the comings and goings in Guaduas. She also learns how to make chicha so that she can send it to the troops to drink before battle to give them courage. After proving himself on the battlefield, Nariño restores Alejo's rank. Alejo tells Nariño not to call him a coward ever.


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