Wednesday, June 03, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #77 6/3/15

I'm subbing for Kat tonight. I don't know whether to tell her she owes me big time (because there were some things that really upset me or squicked me out) or thank her profusely for needing the sub (because there was some great stuff.)

I really feel like there are two writing teams. One is an expert team that's great at character development, creating tension and storytelling. The other team is a bunch of high-school sophomores cutting and pasting from the internet.

And they've inexplicably given the cut and paste team the main storyline.

I've organized this by writing team and then by events. Things may be a little out of order and highly condensed.

The Cut and Paste Sophomores
After overhearing Cris's call to the lab, Cande realizes they can't let him leave the house. She tells Sev as much. They can't let Cris send off the samples.

Cris is getting Aldonza's sample ready. He hears Cande screaming for help. He puts the envelope under some gimcrack on the mantel and goes to investigate.

Sev fakes some kind of attack. While Cris is helping Sev, Cande goes to snoop in Cris's room. See? I told you. Sophomores. Needles to say, she finds the envelope. She tells Cris to tell Mel to get the car ready. She tells Dom to go with him. Once alone Sev tells Cande they can't get rid of the sample or Cris will know. Cande has another idea. We aren't exactly sure what because the next we see of the envelope, Cande it returning it to the mantel. By the time Cris gets back to his father's bedroom, Cande is back in place. It's like the end of an Agatha Christie movie. Both Sev and Cande inform Cris that they won't need the car. Hum told them that Sev just needs to rest.

Hum tells Val and Pru that Cris is already married to Aldonza. It was awesome!!! Pru and Val flip. Val wants to know when he found out and why he didn't tell her earlier. Hum knew the day he discovered Cris in her bed. Hum didn't get to tell her because they left without saying goodbye. The wedding dress is useless now. Val thinks Hum is happy about everything going badly for her. Hum just wants her happy, but she has to stop trying to force things. Val throws glasses and generally acts like a jerk. She tells Pru privately that this baby is going to be good for something. She's going to go all in. She's not going to lose Cris again.

Aldonza tells Renato they need more security. She tells him about Sev's visit and Camilo getting hit and knocked out. Oh, nothing happened to her. She's fine. No, they shouldn't press charges since everyone in town works for Sev. Renato agrees. The decide to go into town.

Watching Cris cut his hair and "prepare" the samples is a hoot. I almost expect him to say the letters as he writes each name. "C...R….I...S….." He runs into Sev on his way out of his room. Sev has to go to town to investigate the water shortage, but Cris thinks he needs to rest so he offers to do that for him. Cris explains he was going into town anyway. Sev doesn't want any favors from him. Cris tells him it's no favor. Until things are settled with Aldonza he will be working at the ranch. It's also a big help to Mel. Sev wonders how Cris can have more concern for Mel than his own father. Cris replies "Maybe because I got more support from him than from you." And Cris tells Sev there's a book about horses in the envelope? Really? Lame. Cris will check on the water issue.

Cris runs into Aldonza and Renato at the municipal water office. He gets mad at her for walking in public with another man when she's married. She calls him on his BS. He and Renato get into it and Cris punches Renato. Y'all. Renato face plants. I cackled! So loudly my husband came out of the mancave and asked if I was watching my comedy. I'm cackling again just watching it. Wait. Rewind. Play. Rewind. Play. Rewind. Play. I probably should not find this so funny. Renato has a glass jaw. Dude is out cold.

Val goes to see Cris. Since he's not there, she asks for Cande. She's not home either. Val settles for Sev. He tells her that Cris and Aldonza might be half-siblings. Val asks how long the divorce will take. She is horrified that it will take three months. Sev tells her it will go by quickly. He tells her about the test and promises that he and Cande support Val in everything. He eye rapes her and caresses her hand. Ew.

The dam (presa) is broken and that's why there's a shortage and they are rationing water. They're trying to get it fixed...but it's up to the federal government. They are informing the town via radio announcement. The city worker wonders what she's complaining about, she's got plenty of water up there. She has to explain to this guy that the HOUSE gets city water. (Please see comments from yesterday's episode.)

Cris sends off the envelope.

Val asks Cande about the test. Cande explains that she switched Aldonza's sample with some hair from Sev. The tests are going to come out positive. Cris and Aldonza will believe they are siblings. They will never be together. Cande congratulates Val for getting Cris into bed with her while he was still married. Val runs into Cris as she leaves. She yells at him for sleeping with her while she was married (this was the end of the episode.)

The Professionals
Joaquin had a business meeting with Renato about the Mis Planes (that have become Sus Planes.) Silvia watches over little Ray and she is great with him. Silvia gives them Dr. Candy House before they leave. She explains that the house is very special and she knew it the minute she saw it. It deserves to be with someone who really wants to build a home and who knows what love is. Renato looked a little pissy to me. Yup. After Joaquin leaves, Renato tells Silvia "I know that little speech was directed at me." Renato tells her the house belonged to both of them and she had no right to give it away. Silvia tells him to sue her.

Later poor Joaquin has to talk to little Ray about mommy not coming back. She just has some problems right now. Ray asks "with Adriano?" So the name gets said again. Joaquin tells her that yes, mommy has some problems right now...but Ray is not to blame. Joaquin will give him triple the love.

Pru goes to see Tomás. First she scolds him for calling her in Houston. He wants to take advantage of his mom not being there. She brought him a little gift that she bought in Houston. He's ready to get it on, but Pru insists that their first time be special. She has an idea, but he can't tell anyone.

Whatever the plan is, it involves Tomas telling his parents he wants to finish school. He wants to study auto repair(?) He's found a school in San Miguel. I'm really not cool with this. His poor parents are so proud. He's a jerk to mess with his mother like that. And his dad. Phooey. This should be on the sophomores list for the action, but Tomas and Pru are being so brilliantly portrayed that they have to be put with professionals.

For her part, Pru tells Hum that their relationship is not working. He seems perfectly fine to stay in "the bastard's" room. She proposes they not see each other for a few days. She wants to go on a spiritual retreat in San Miguel. Hum agrees. He supports her and says take as much time as she wants.

With everything settled, Tomas and Pru engage in a little phone nookie.

Sim sees Flavia and Adriano again. When Adriano gets up from the table, she tells Flavia to leave the guy she's with and go back to the child she abandoned. Flavia asks who she is. Sim tells her she's just a woman who's made the same mistakes.

Adelina helps Padre J get ready for mass. She asks if he sent Emanuel's birth certificate to Dr. Zapata. He did, but he's not going to pursue it. When she questions him, he tells her she can pursue it. Emanuel is HER sister's child not HIS brothers. Adelina still seems a little confused and the Padre explains that he realized that it's ridiculous to look for the child of the woman who didn't do right by his brother. He asks if Raymundo knew about the affair. When she admits he did, Padre asks how his brother reacted she says "like any betrayed" husband. When Padre J asks exactly what that means, Adelina wants to know what he's getting at. Padre just wants to know if Ray confronted Sev. Adelina claims to know nothing about that. Padre J thinks it's a shame his brother died knowing his wife was cheating on him. And he still doesn't understand how the accident happened and he figures he'll never know.

Emanuel goes to see Sev. He wants to buy Solitario. I am going to not do this justice because it was a very difficult scene for me. Sev laughs at Emanuel. Emanuel explains that he and Solitario are like one. He begs Sev to sell the horse to him. If he has to pay all his life, he'll do it. He offers double. Sev thinks his plan to win on the jinete circuit is ridiculous and that Emanuel is naive. Emanuel begs some more.

Sev calls for Jacinto and Mudo. They laugh at Emanuel's offer. Sev tells Emanuel that Solitario has lately become quite wild and unfriendly. He's been thinking about getting rid of him. Emanuel begs "please give him to me." Sev isn't going to sell Solitario to Emanuel, and he doesn't want to give him the horse either. He'll just have to sacrifice him. Emanuel is beside himself. And so am I. They better NOT follow up on this. Sev tells them to throw Emanuel off the hacienda and then come back and shoot the horse. El Mudo explains (through Jacinto) that the horse is in San Miguel. They took him to the fair. He will be back later. Sev tells them to shoot him then. He'd rather shoot the horse than give him to Emanuel. Emanuel gets on his knees and begs him not to kill the horse. They have to drag him away. I am emotionally spent. But I have to watch Emanuel explain the whole thing to Joaquin in the cantina. Joaquin can't believe Sev is really going to kill the horse. Emanuel disagrees. Sev is going to kill the horse to demonstrate who has the power. Sev is capable of anything. He doesn't have blood in his veins. He has poison.

Padre J begins the Eucharist.
Yo confieso ante Dios Todopoderoso, y ante ustedes hermanos que he pecado mucho de pensamiento, palabra, obra y omisión.  Por mi culpa, por mi culpa, por mi gran culpa.Por eso ruego a Santa María siempre Virgen, a los ángeles, a los santos y a ustedes hermanos, que intercedan por mí ante Dios, Nuestro Señor. Amén.

I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do; and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
Cande stands before the Padre. He refuses her communion. She tells him he can't deny her communion. He says he most certainly can and turns his back on her. She has to walk out of the church in front of everyone. She confronts him after the mass. She tells him never to make her look ridiculous again. And never in front of the whole town. He asks her if she's embarrassed that everyone realizes she can't receive communion. She thinks Sev was right and that Padre is a prideful SOB. Padre is just a simple priest who now realizes that Cande can't enter the church like some wonderful Christian. And she most definitely can't take communion now that he knows what he does. Cande dares him to violate the confessional seal and tell her to her face what he knows. She hates the day he came back to Santa Lucia and he says the same about her aligning herself with the monster she married. Or perhaps she did that because she and Sev are the same. She slaps him. Padre thinks it's best that she leave. He prays for forgiveness. (This is a better ending than the episode.)

Previous: Episode 76
Next: Episode 78


Recently I read the following comment on Caray:

"I possibly do not understand all the secret unwritten rules here. "

The rules aren't secret and they've all been put in writing. They were all created by Jane, our BlogMom. They are as follows:

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3. Acknowledge the recap, but don't criticize it or the recapper. Please see this post about the care and feeding of a recapper and this post about etiquette.

It doesn't matter if you read the recap or not. It doesn't matter if the recap 5,000 words or 500, someone watched the show, translated the episode from Spanish to English, wrote a summary and posted it for you so you would have a space to talk with others about the show. If you can't think of what to say, "thank you." is sufficient. Adulation is optional.

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Sara- How wonderful of you to fill in for Kat. I loved the way you organized the recap. Bien hecho, amiga.

I laughed too at how Renato went down when Cris decked him. And so did some of those folks in the background. I also got a giggle at how little Ray licked his chops when he saw the candy house. Poor guy will be disappointed to learn it's petrified and not for eating. Another giggle moment for me was watching Val's face when Hum told her Cris is married. Ha!

Now to the meat of the episode. Sever is a rat bastard, getting so much joy torturing his children (Cris and Eman), and even killing a horse just to make Eman suffer. Eman had him pegged right. I did enjoy Jaoquin using his daddy voice and ordering Eman to put down the tequila and come home.

The best part of the episode was Padre J making Adelina squirm (she's bound to tell him all she knows soon), and royally ticking off Cande by snubbing her and telling her off. Go, Padre!

Padre's scenes were very powerful tonight. I hurt for him when he had his conversation with Adelina. I'm sure all of this is like losing his brother all over again.

I was happy to see that Padre's response to Sever's confession was not retreat, but instead righteous indignation.

I was on the edge of my seat during the communion scene. Cande deserved that.

What's that noise? Oh... It's Cande's anvil being put into place.

Sara, thank you, a great recap with a lot of angst.

Poor PJ, he is like a sponge - he must absorb all of the evil in SL. I wonder what finally made him realize that Cande and Sev were partners in crime other than the birth certificate? Is there more that we have not seen?

Val is a fool!

Pru and Tomas are fun to watch but shame on Tomas for lying to his parents. Hum is probably glad to be rid of her and will wish she had taken Val with her.

Poor Eman, I hope he doesn't do something really stupid about the horse. If that animal is as wonderful as everyone says, I seriously doubt Sev will shoot it. He like the dinero.

Rosemary Primera


I don't think Sev will really shoot the horse, either. Gosh I hope not. I'm more afraid of Eman getting himself killed or hurt trying to save the horse.

Rosemary- Padre now has confirmation from Sever that Eman is the child he stole from Rob and told her it was dead. The birth certificate is proof that Cande was complicit. That plenty bad enough. Now that he knows of some of Sever's other crimes, he probably suspects that Cande is in on at least a few. Plus knowing about Eman, he now knows Cande flat out lied to Cris and Al about them being siblings. In any case, having his eyes opened to how evil Sever is has made him realize Cande isn't so far off from evil either.

Sara, thank you for the awesome recap! I also really enjoyed your format, which is so accurate.

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who laughed when Cris decked Renato. He just went down so flatly and was out so cold! Besides, of the three of them, I feel for Cris most. Poor boys fighting everyone all by himself.

Sev and Eman. Man, that scene was harsh. I was so embarrassed for E, and so mad at Sev! I mean, W just wears his heart on his sleeve, open and vulnerable, and Sev so cruelly crushed it. I couldn't believe when he called Jacinto and El Mudo and they laughed too. I don't think they meant to rub it in, but that kind of public humiliation just made me sick for E. And to threaten to kill El Solitario?! Sev just...I have no words right now. My only consulation is that I think maybe El Mudo made up the story about El Solitario being at the feria and the setup is just to allow Pru and Tomas to be found out and to allow Eman to get the horse without having to pay the money?

Tomas is like Lardo Lite with his parents. No where near as bad, but he's totally playing them, just like Lardo played Irma and Uriel.

Val needs tranquiizers. I coudn't believe she threw those glasses AT HER PARENTS!! QTH is wrong with that girl?! I SO can't wait for her anvil! The way she, Cande and Sev are playing each other, I feel like they'll bring about each other's downfall.

And poor PJ! His frustration is almost palpable.

Thanks, Sara, for dubbing for KT and retelling this twisted tale.

Wow..can Thelma playedbspoiled BRAT or what ? When started throwing things at her parents....yikes. I wouldn't be here vif I had ever done that.

Pru is pathetic.

Renato cannot take a jar. No fight club for this guy, but Chris could be a contender.

Candy..burned in front of the congregation.

Thanks for a terrific recap, Sara! I have a daughter who is a high school sophomore and even she and her friends could have done better writing the scenes you mentioned! Perfect analogy!

It's sad that most of what I know about DNS testing is from TNs but doesn't the test give you the sex and age of whoever you are testing? It seems like that was the case in LQLVMR. If so, Sev and Cande will be royally busted for their ridiculous shenanigans. I found it really disturbing how Sev and Cande played off Cris' love and concern for his father to double cross him. Shameless.

Seeing the previews of Val telling Al she's pregnant, I feel like this is turning into a TN where only bad things happen to the protagonists. The bad news is relentless.

Thanks for your awesome recap, Sara. You are beyond clever!

Great recap Sara and thanks for subbing. Great and hard to take stuff last night. Can't say it was dull last night.

All things Padre were so good last night. This man will not go gently, bless him. Shunning Cande like that? That was priceless. I would have given him a high-5 if I could. That argument had to sting to her--so much for the love of your life huh? Wonder if we get a crying to Dom scene follow up.

But Sev...I honestly can't put into words at this point how I feel about what he did to E-man. And both actors just gave it their all. Alex just broke my heart the way he played E-man's reaction to Sev's threat. That man is beyond the pale and nothing, nothing that happens to him will be enough.

But I can't believe they would kill the horse. Hopefully Cris finds out about this and puts a stop to it now that he's back working there.

The switcheroo was just stupid. So she used Sev's hair with Cris'...I so want it to come back as NOT a match. Just please.

Bless that poor baby. That hand touch from Sev was all kinds of creepy just knowing what he's like. He making a play for her too? ICK!!!!!


Gee, Sara, your format was so great, and you really exemplified our frustration with certain aspects of the writing by comparing it to the work of sophomores lifting stuff from the internet.

Katy, I don't think they can tell the age of a sample's contributor, but they might notice that the "Aldonza" sample is short and salt and pepper, and they can definitely determine the sex. So now Aldonza has another thing to explain; she is in reality a middle aged guy. Since Cris doesn't always think critically, he will think this is why she didn't want to have sex with him.

So the municipal dam broke? In a drought? Aldonza should get some more money from Renato and have a well drilled.

PJ was great last night, and Cande's façade of hoity toity holier than thou is starting to crumble, and in the most public way possible.

Thanks again, Sara.


Did anyone notice that Joaquin in the scenes with his son was wearing a brown pile jacket very similar to that always worn by Kramer in Seinfeld?

In Lo Que La Vida Me Robo , there was a similar hair sample test that backfired, because the DNA analysis report concluded that the two hair samples were both from men. I wonder if this will happen again?

Really impressed with this Sara. Thank you. I was thinking exactly, I mean exactly the same about this show and how the crust so much better than the fillin.

"Y'all. Renato face plants" hehe

I loved it, PJ made Adelina squirm

Val - use it or lose it

Renato - just inspecting the sidewalk for cracks

Water Dept Mgr - the beavers are working on another project so it'll be awhile

Ray - think you had it bad, once I got a whole candy house I couldn't even eat

Cande - of course it'll be a match, I swapped it with hair from Forrest Gump

PJ - I calls em like I sees em

Pru - not that it's any your business but it's a Paradise Cruise

Emanuel - would it matter if the horse can talk and play Foosball


Good morning patio peeps! As I drifted off to sleep last night it occurred to me that the lifting off the Internet aspect of my description is not accurate. It's more like clichéd writing. An English teacher once told me that she hates the style that most students employ when writing papers. She says it's bombastic and filled with clichés. She said it's like the are thinking "this is what an English paper sounds like" as opposed to "this is what I know about the subject."

The main story is a bit like that. Like the writers are saying to themselves "this is what a TN is supposed to do."

Not sure I'm making sense.

We crossed comments tofie. You've nailed it again. Renato's entry and Water dude's entry had me spewing coffee.


Katy - I meant no disrespect to your daughter. Most of my students are sophomores and they are wonderful.

David- I wondered about the gray aspect of Sev's sample as well.

Do you really think Sever doesn't really intend to kill the horse. Uhm, he gave the order to do it right now. There was no wink, wink over Eman's head. We didn't see him talking to Jacinto and Mudo later and saying just kidding. As far as he's concerned, as soon as that horse gets back from the fair, the workers will shoot it.

Gobluefan- I will pay closer attention to Joaquin from now on. It will be a sacrifice, but it is my duty as recapper to note ever hot guy... Er detail.

I didn't see Robo. It will be interesting to see if they do the same here.

C'mon, Vivi. Can't I have just a little hope?

I believe Severiano will have the horse put down, perhaps Mel intercedes.

I get that Sev is serious. The writers want us to know what a rat bastard he is. But I really want the horse to be saved.

I effing hate Sev.

Well the writers can stop and collect their bonus, the glee Severiano gets outta this and he's hardwired for it. Doesn't even take time to ponder but spews right out. Oh, you want the pony, I kill pony. Oh, you want girl, I rape girl.

Sara – Thank you for the recap!!! Hopefully I will have time to watch this, today.

The Cougar Table on the Patio is very concerned over Ren’s punch and face plant. Ay, pobrecito~! We will put the frozen melon margaritas and daiquiris into Ziploc bags, and apply them to his jaw. (We are into homeopathy)

Candy House is on the move, yet again!

the gringo - I enjoyed and appreciated your comments yesterday, at the recap for Tuesday’s episode. Yes, We have definitely been Venutian-ing about almost everything that happens in this telenovela. BUT, my esteemed fellow Caray mate, I disagree about the fire. If the bales of hay are sitting on dried out grass, that fire can spread. I have seen half the front yards of homes that caught fire during a dry winter, from Christmas luminaries where a single lunch-sack size paper bag caught fire.

David - BwaHahahahaaa!

Tofie - love the Water Dept line!

Sev is definitely a sociopath. He fits the profile of the book I am reading about sociopaths. If he is not one, then he is One. Sick. Person.

Doris said:
"The Cougar Table on the Patio is very concerned over Ren’s punch and face plant. Ay, pobrecito~! We will put the frozen melon margaritas and daiquiris into Ziploc bags, and apply them to his jaw. (We are into homeopathy)"

OMG hilarious. The cats are not pleased. My laughter woke them up from their post feeding comas.

I think I found the punch and face plant so funny because it was so unexpected. I would have though Renato was a little tougher.

I was surprised by the DNA test switch. I have to believe that the fact that she switched the test out with Sev's hair means that this will fail. I really thought she would have at least used her hair so that the color and gender would match.

Tofie - Ray and Water Dept guy are hilarious!

Last night, Adelina really reminded me that she doesn't know how to deal with disappointing others. She'll confront Sev, to a certain degree, so it's not quite a fear of confrontation. It gives me the feeling that it's part of a pattern of covering for her sister, protecting her family name and her own reputation as a "good girl."

Would Adelina and PJ be considered "copadres"?

So many of Sev and Cande's plans have failed that I have to hope that the pattern continues and that the DNA test blows up in their face.

Hellashelle - I've always gotten the impression that the term comadre and copadre were used by two people of the same gender. I don't think I've ever heard two characters of different gender use the term copadre.

Does anyone have any insight?

Sara, you did masterful justice to this episode that contained many pivotal details. You treated this with sensitivity but added your special wry humor exactly when and where it was needed. "Renato has a glass jaw. Dude is out cold" and "This should be on the sophomores list for the action, but Tomas and Pru are being so brilliantly portrayed that they have to be put with professionals" were among my favorites.

Even though I didn't understand much of Sev's and Eman's conversation, I felt ill. I am praying that Solitario survives. How can Sev hate his own son so much??

And Cris' foiled plan to get the DNA issue settled was another hard pill to swallow.

I agree with Katy The bad news is relentless.

Rosemary "Poor PJ, he is like a sponge - he must absorb all of the evil in SL" was inspired (and so true!)

Daisy, I would also love it if the results came back NOT a match. But do you think Cande would have taken any chance if Sev were not Cris’ father??

I loved the Padre's refusal to give Cande communion. My heavens, does the woman do anything but stalk her son in every possible way?? Her entire life is tracking and ruining the happiness of her only child. How sad. At least Pru has a hobby (Tomas) :). Cande is devoid of any redeeming qualities and again, I hold her as guilty as Sev in terms of cold, calculated cruelty.

Thank you Sara!


* Since Candela wants the DNA test to come back as positive indicating that Cris and Aldonza are related, I assume that she used a strand of her own hair. Here's to hoping that when the results are in the familiar relation isn't just a Positive or Negative but a Positive Mother/Son connection revealing what Cande had done. Surely there must be a difference in the results between a Mother/Son's familiar DNA connection & one of half siblings. I know they can tell a lot from urine samples (from tv shows), I assume they can do the same with hair.

* Emanuel, knowing Severiano's spiteful personality and that they left on very bad terms, should have waited until Soltario went to it's new owner and then approached the new owner with his vision and dreams for the horse and tried to make a lucrative deal. I am pretty sure it was mentioned that the horse was already sold and I am sure Eman could have found out the name of the buyer through Cris...
that would have been MUCH smarter. What Eman did was dumb dumb dumb per usual.

* When Silvia, who I still think is made of awesome, gave little Ray that candy house, all I could think about is what Emanuel's reaction will be when he sees it since he now lives with Joaquin! Although, given the shenanigans with it so far, perhaps the writers will put it in Ray's room and have Eman not even notice - so close yet so far.

* Despite all his sins, I feel for Humberto every time they show him interacting with his Wife/Daughter. I don't know what his ending will be but I feel like living with those 2 loud, unstable, manipulative, spoiled harpies is quite the anvil already.

Thank you Sara for your fantastic recap - take as many liberties as you want, your recap flowed perfectly.


Diana- I feel like Sev has never seen Eman as his son. He sees him as Roberta's. And Roberta is the woman that destroyed his family (which is an attitude that really fires me up since Sev could have chosen not to cheat.)

Linda- so many excellent points. Eman inherited has father's sense with horses, but his mother's impulsive nature.

I've always had sympathy for Hum. Poor guy.

Thank you Sara, I like the way and order you wrote the recap, it flowed nicely.

The ignorance surrounding the DNA story line is mindboggling. This is 2015 and there are wealthy families involved. Have they never heard of the internet and Google?I thought the plan would be that Cande donated the sample too, so I was surprised that she got Sev's instead.

Linda, good point about the candy house being at Joaquin's house for Emanuel to see it. I hope he does.


You're so right, cathyx. I don't have a big problem with remakes, but update them please. Actually. When was El Manantial made? Wasn't it 2000? What was the DNA situation then? Pretty similar wasn't it.

This story would be a great novela de época.

Ah, Sara! What a delight! What an absolute delight this recap is! The sophomore/expert team split is brilliant and the way you packaged it was most satisfying! Thank you, Amiga!

You know what, Sara? Renato ain't no fool. Knowing that he wants another man's wife and that "wife" is so malleable in his hands and so tied up in his purse strings, well, that's an invitation to a major ass whoopin'. Cris decked him, it hurt so he played dead. It wins the sympathy of the flighty Aldonza, undercover member of Team Valeria, and Renato doesn't have to suffer getting his clock cleaned in the middle of Santa Lucia. Yeah. That WAS a great scene!

I must say I loved how Padre J did everything but repeat what Sev told him, but he didn't have to! He knows Cande knows what he was told and she is well aware of her part in it! I am so glad he didn't just take those heinous revelations passively and let her know in front of the whole town that she's a hell-bound sinner! Go Padre! I hope Candela will be more and more shaken by this as time goes on.

Good call whoever though Sim/Viv wanted to pull Flavia's coat about leaving little Ray. Lord, she's running with a killer and Adriano's name IS repeatedly pronounced as you pointed out, Sara.

Severiano. My gosh. There are just no words to describe how vile this man is! Did anyone else get the impression that El Mudo was lying about Soletario to save his life? I feel like Joaquin and El Mudo are friends/hermanos to Emanuel and know how much Soletario means to him and did some quick thinking to save that lovely horse's life and perhaps that of their friends.

Adding this kind of cruelty against an innocent animal AND his own flesh and blood son is what makes us imagine all kinds of gruesome and explicitly violent and lingering ends for Severiano. Devil incarnate!

Again. Thank you Sara. I'm going to try and sneak and read comments at work. What a treat!

*Jacinto and El Mudo are Eman's friends. . .

Oh I totally got the impression Mudo was lying.

It was all sh!ts and giggles until Sev said kill the horse.

David..thanks for the giggles with my coffee. rock. I especially enjoyed the line about the beavers..Ha.

Sara..The college has a computer program that detects plagiarized papers. You type in a sentence from the paper and ..boom..the whole work appears on the screen as lifted from the Internet. Plagarized papers are pretty easy to spot for ESL teachers..perfect grammar, verb tenses, and spelling. As to American students, one of the things the English teachers mark down is ''wordiness.'' THey like everything g stated as succinctly as possible..and no passive voice if possible. I can remember helping my older daughter proofread her papers...sometimes she woukd rework it five times. The younger one showed me a paper once. One thing that I have noticed that is different from when I was in high school and college is that our students are taught to write by a formula...Five paragraphs..the first and last are general with the three paragraphs in between giving details of points stated at the end of the first paragraph.

Too bad I can't edit my posts because I meant to write, 'assumed', not assume in my above comment since clearly Cande used Sev's hair instead of her own and I meant to write Father/Son connection, not Mother/Son. Ugh.. I totally spaced when I wrote that.
Regardless, it was pure stupidity on her part and I hope that the DNA technology represented is somewhat caught up with the real world thereby debunking her plans.

I hear my students talk about writing their English papers. Apparently teachers still tell them they have to be X words long? That is my pet peeve. Students will say "I didn't even know what I was saying I was just trying to get the right number of words."

What's wrong with saying something well, but succinctly?

I could never be an English teacher.

I have to deal with Google translate more than plagiarism. Gotta love seeing subjunctive from a Spanish 1 student. Dead give away. Lol.

No worries Linda! I hope the DNA results come in tonight, but I doubt it.

Tofie..You gave the perfect analysis of Severed's thought process.

Sara..I hate him , too. He is such a smug, egotistical jerk. I am hoping for a ginormous anvil. Maybe Senor will send a lightning bolt out of a clear blue sky over SL.

I took notice that Severed added a snappy redvest under his usual black jacket...foreshadowing the devil that he is. Herronymous Bosch, baby and Severed dangling over thise flames of hades...just saying.

tofie really has summed up Sev perfectly.

He's the evilest bastard I've seen. If there are worse bastards, I don't want to know.

Totally on board with your desire for a Bosch BBQ, Susanlynn!

Hey, folks, poor old Hum has been LIVING with his anvils..Pru and Val. ...guy has been existing in a living hell right there in his own home. Add Severed constantly harassing him and being related to Candygirl. Talk about a bunch of albatrosses around the neck.

Sara..Bosch, love, love. Bosch, the boss with the hot sauce ..apologies to Jerry Blavat.

Sara..Did you see PSMA
? I think the Fernando , Pablo Lyle's disgusting sperm donor who stole his girl (Thelma/Val) was even worse than the despicable Severed,

Yes, I saw PSMA. I have to go with Sev as the better villain because Alexis is playing it so well. The actor who played Feo always made me feel like I was watching a high school play.

Guys, I'm mourning Pru's potential for redemption today. Last night, I was struck by the contrast between her homecomings with Tomas and Humberto. She went to Tomas first and was greeted with open arms and kisses. She had thought about him while she was away and bought him multiple presents.

Then she goes to Hum's office, where he doesn't even look away from the computer for the first part of the scene. She has brought him nothing but the news that she wants to get away from him for a few days, an idea that has all of his support.

It was so weird to watch. It made me think of how a marriage can fall apart both gradually and all at once. They're not the best people and they've grown so far apart, I think there's no going back. But it's weird to see. Even Cande and Sev are on the same page most of the time.

Anyway, I was just wondering what you guys thought about this because it's a very interesting side story to me, if minor.

That's the Cynthia effect, hellashelle. She can take a minor story and make it compelling.

I guess I should be sad to see the marriage ending, but Hum deserves to be liberated.

Then again, it takes two to tango so Hum gets some of the blame too. Val probably got her libido from Pru. And Pru is not getting satisfied.

It sealed it for me when Pru knew Tomas cheated Humberto on the car repair and now their little tryst to SM will be paid for by Humberto. Vile

Sara..The Fernando character was pretty one dimensional..all grinning evil , all the time. Severed is much better at putting on his public face . He puts it on just like he carefully dresses to conceal his missing arm as best he can. His public face hides his heart of darkness . Severed is more sublte than Fer was and much better at hiding his evilness and delight in controlling and hurting others.

tofie-- you are on fire today! SOOOO hard to giggle uncontrollably in the office. I felt like my ears were going to pop from the pressure!

Diana, I'm just hoping beyond hope there is some way to distance Cris from Sev because otherwise putting Cris and Allie together with bells and whisteles at the end just makes me head shake. Who knows how deep in denial Cande is at this point and we never got an idea of how fast she married Sev after finding PJ went off to the priesthood. I know...I'm grasping, but it's all I got right now.

Yes, the Cougar Table is always happy to oblige our Bod Squad members with any needs, meds or comfort required. I sort of had the giggles last night after Cris decked Ren, not so much for the fact the poor thing went out cold from one punch, but the fact he kept rubbing his neck long after. Cris must have one devil of a hook because it apparently almost twisted Ren's head off.

I can kind of get behind the idea of the crack in the dam. Happened recently out west somewhere. Some of the infrastructures on these in parts of the US and around the world are aging badly and weaknesses are started to rear their ugly heads. If that dam was put in around the time or prior to the granddad's poker game, it just might be in sad shape or having structural issues. Even one small hairline fracture over time could expand and eventually cause a major break if enough pressure is put on it.


Susan Lumen???? Where did that cone from...I hate you, Tablet.

Daisynjay - I love the image of you trying to keep it together at work. That's always hard from me because I have the explosive, cackling guffaw. No subtle melodious tinkling giggles for me. I can never hide it.

Very good point about the dam.

I have the darnedest time keeping stuff from coming out my nose with my hand over my mouth. Remember one time at breakfast my brother said something stupid and a cheerio came out my nose. Not very dainty like.

Daisy, enjoyed your thoughtful comments.

Cris and Aldonza would need to share everything and undergo intense therapy if indeed they will be together in the end. I'm a bit peeved that Cris is STILL at home despite everything that has transpired. I guess it is difficult to imagine your father as a murdering rapist and your mother as his enabler. Very, very sad. You are absolutely right - Cris needs to be away from Sev as well as Cande.

There is nothing I can add to Sara's "That's the Cynthia effect, hellashelle. She can take a minor story and make it compelling". You nailed it.


Diana- isn't Cynthia divine? I just adore her. I will watch any show she is in (please TN gods, don't ever pair her with Mejia or Latoodle. I don't know what I would do.)

Gracias, Sara! Both for covering for me and the recap itself.

"I really feel like there are two writing teams. One is an expert team that's great at character development, creating tension and storytelling. The other team is a bunch of high-school sophomores cutting and pasting from the internet." Now that you say it...I think you're right!

"Sev isn't going to sell Solitario to Emanuel, and he doesn't want to give him the horse either. He'll just have to sacrifice him. Emanuel is beside himself. And so am I." That was so painful to watch! And I didn't used to think that Sev would do something like that, because he's supposed to be this great businessman, but lately he's doing some really stupid stuff--like giving Mel a hard time when Mel basically runs the place while Sev is out dealing with corrupt politicians and partying with hookers. They always said that only Cris and Em could handle Soletario, so how they managed to sell him in the first place is beyond me. If Soletario is acting out now that his person isn't around, I wouldn't be surprised. But for Sev to frickin' kill him?! That's not just a waste of what's probably a great bloodline and an investment of who knows how many thousands? tens of thousands? more? of dollars, it's cruel! And it's one thing to decide it's necessary and another to frickin' gloat about it.


Thank you for the excellent recap Sara!

Fingers crossed that Jacinto and El Mudo tell Mel “everything” that is going on and they come up with a plan to save El Solitario. Before Dom carted Mel off to the doctor’s appointment, he gave strict instructions for Jacinto and El Mudo to tell him everything that goes on around LA. It was so painful to watch Eman pleading, great acting by both.

DNA results: is it possible that Sev is NOT Cristobal’s father?

Tofie: you are so talented with those character quips

Love the way Hum broke the news to Pru and Val…classic!


Even though I do not understand much dislogue, I figured out what Severed was telling Eman. His threat to kill the horse was a perfect example of a saying my mother used to use..''don't cut off your nose to spite your face.'' Severed is willing to kill his valuable possession to hurt Eman , his own flesh and blood. I agree that he does not consider him as his son. Severed is stone cold.

Is anyone keeping a list of all the people who have had possession of the Candy House? I wish I had kept one!


Sara - is that a piglet in your new avatar?


Love it Kat!! I certainly don't want to see it happening if they go there in this show. Just knowing it was done in the plot would bring me to tears.

I wonder if there is a Cynthia fan club? I think we would all sign up. To be honest, I think the character of Pru in anyone else's hands would have come off horrendously or very cliched. She just makes you hate her and then totally understand and feel bad for her the next second.

Thought others are doing a fantastic job too, have to say that Susanna, Cynthia and Alexis have especially put on a Master Class for the young 'uns in the show.

Work computer acting up--cut off my signature. That's me at 12:01.

Oh, and forgot to brain is clearing with lunch, watching that Sev/E-man scene last night, did anyone else go there with thinking "you know, maybe it would be better to not have this poor young man find out this bastard is actually his father??"

Can you imagine after that horrid event finding that out?

Doris - Regarding the possession of the candy house.. just from memory:

Mystery Man -> Magda -> Lola -> Emanuel -> Prudencia -> Tomas -> Tomas's Mom -> Church/Lulu
-> Silvia/Renato -> Little Ray

If I missed anyone please correct me.

The Candy House Journey:

Candy House Maker/Marga’s Suitor
Marga (the Shop Lady)
Tomas’ Mama
The Church/Lulu
Silvia and Renato
Joaquin and Ray


Linda- We were writing at the same time. :)

Which means E-man will see the house, but how do you take that from a little boy and give it back to Lola?


First---Thank you Sara for filling in for Diva.

Second to Doris---How do you know that the bale of hay, maybe two bales set on fire were sitting on dry grass? When we saw team good out looking over the land deciding where they were going to plant the seed for their future crops, we saw green grass.
Also how do you/we know that the bales were sitting on the grass. It was at night and dark outside. For all we know, the bales could have been placed in a dirt covered area.

Tofie---The beavers are working on another project. It will be a while. LOL GREAT.

My favorite scene last night was the refused communion. You could almost see fire coming out of Cande's eyes. What humiliation.
the gringo


I laughed more at tight assed Cande stiffly scurrying around during the DNA change um routine. More excitement and adrenaline pumped through the girl in those 20 minutes than has for the last 20 years.

Daisynjay said:
¨Thought others are doing a fantastic job too, have to say that Susanna, Cynthia and Alexis have especially put on a Master Class for the young 'uns in the show."

Word. For me it doesn't matter how cliched the writing gets or how stupid our main couple gets, there have been some fantastic performances. Susana, Cynthia and Alexis have been amazing. I would add Alfred Adame (Padre J) to that list as well.

gringo- The refused communion was my favorite, too!

Linda and Vivi-Thank you for keeping up with The Journey of Dr. Candy House.

Doris-That's Margarito from Amores con trampa. I think I'm falling in love with him. Don't tell my husband.

PBN-Wasn't Alex Sirvent(Eman) amazing in that scene? It was one of those performances where I sort of forget I'm watching a show and it feels like watching something real. I'm not explaining myself well...but Eman's pain was palpable and it made it difficult for me to watch.

Diva said:
"...but lately he's doing some really stupid stuff..."

oooo. I hope this means he's starting to get careless. *rubs hand in anticipation of Sev's destruction*

Re: fires.

Do we know that there really is a drought, or did we just assume that because wells were drying up? If there is a drought, here in the Midwest, the appropriate government agency (County) will impose a ban on burning, and if you are caught burning you are cited and fined heavily. And God help you if you start a prairie fire - those can cause millions of dollars of damage faster than you can possibly believe.


No, I think we're just saying drought as a catchall term to describe the water problems everyone's been having. The leak in the dam clarifies things though because it sounds like that's why everyone else has been having problems, and the spring will be the thing that saves Aldonza.

The question is can she bar Sev from using it since Hum actually owns it?

Daisy - no way they're taking that house from that cute little boy! Maybe it'll bring love to Joaquin's life. I'm wondering what's up with him and Adelina. They don't interact much and I could see him and Silvia together. Before I wasn't sure because I hadn't seen her with Ray and she's not nearly as maternal as Adelina, but since he seemed to like her just fine last night, maybe it's not crazy.

BTW, so enjoyed her telling Ren to stuff it when he got all annoyed over her giving the Candy House away. Even I was rolling my eyes because seriously, Ren? Last night was not a galan night for you.

gringo - Oh all right. (grin) I hope you are an attorney! LOL

Sara - that is the cutest little piggy ever! I need a new avatar; the current one is too difficult to see. Gah. There is another RdC diva doggie I found on the intertubes that I might put up there.

I saw it too hellashelle!!! I could totally go for a Joaquin/Silvia pairing!


doris-I really shouldn't change my avatar so much. I often "recognize" people by their avatars. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Wheeeeee! New avatar from one of the corona de diamantes doggies I found online, while watching Reina de Corazones, a most under-watched, under-appreciated, under-rated, and most fun telenovela on Telemundo. This is not my dog, just a cute pic I found.


I really wish Telemundo hadn't done those 3-in-1 episodes. I stopped watching when they did.

oooh, doris, sounds good! I haven't been big on Eugenio Siller since Aurora, of which I had, to put it lightly, a bad opinion. But that was more dislike of the show than that actor.

your avatar reminds me of Georgette, from the eithties animated movie, Oliver and Company :)


David I hope someone can remember if it's a drought or not. I don't think anyone on the show has actually said there's a drought. Just that water is scarce. Which I guess would be the same thing?

Love all these cute avatars!!

Good point on Joaquin and Ade.Hadn't even thought about them anymore as a couple, like they just dropped that possibility. Interesting catch. Now as good looking together as Joaquin and Sylvia could look, I don't see it. She's a city girl trying to hang in a small town because that's where her friends salvaged a job for her, and she's hanging her star on Ren coming to realize Allie isn't for him (which I'm sure the TN writers will do the best to make us believe he suddenly has a light bulb moment). So far a right hook didn't do it.

I definitely don't want Flavia back, good lord, but lately the scenes seem to be pointing that way?


Whoa. Where did David's comment go?

So David asked it there was really a drought or if we all just assumed there was one.

Adelina is the one who created distance between her and Joaquin because she did not want to interfere in his marriage or appear to be doing so. He had to come beg her to put all of that aside and have dinner to listen to his woes some episodes ago after Flavia left him, and they had a good time. (Remember the un-eaten cake, and hand/arm touching.) Adelina is definitely not immune to Joaquin's charms, and that might be another reason she is keeping her distance. That relationship is nowhere near dead yet. Now that Joaquin has his Ray back, I'm guessing he'll start thinking about having a woman by his side, and I don't think it will be Flavia who comes to mind. But he's going to have to work to convince Adelina.

I don't see Silvia with Joaquin, just like I don't see her with Pato. Just because a man and woman get along well does not mean there's a possible romance brewing.

Vivi and Linda - thank you for the Candy House list!j

I got to watch this episode during lunch. All I can add is that I absolutely loved Pru's outfit and its color scheme. I want that outfit! IMHO, Pru is the best dressed of all the characters.

SARA- GIRL , I hope you don't mind me calling you girl it's just something I do when I'm having a conversation with another lady or young lady. Your recap was really good and funny. Bravo!!! And thanks for bringing it.

Now the funny part: sev has the nerve to be upset because Chris seems to care more about mel than he does him(really?). He cares for his son when it's convenient, then not even a whole lot. I don't think he cares at all.

I love what padre J did about cande in church. I don't know how the rest of you feel about the Bible but it talks about people being in Cande's condition not taking Holy Communion, it doesn't end well for them.

I'm not giving up on the padre J getting the goods on those two demons. I hope in the next few weeks something good happens for these two people ( ally & cris), somebody finds out something. Something gets exposed. From our computers to the powers that be ears or eyes. LOL!!!! :)

I am in love with Pru's wardrobe. I want to dress like her. But then I would have to go shopping. *shudder*

Of course you can call me "girl" Nina. It's cute how you think I'm young... And a lady *unladylike snort*

Vivi - I think I'm a frustrated matchmaker.

Sara - I know what you mean about going shopping. I hit the mall once a year (on average), then wander around in amazement at all the stores, saying to myself, "I need to get out more." ;-)

Sara - You and me both! I'm a sucker for the fairy tale ending, and since Silvia and Joaquin both seem to be seeking love, I'm creating crazy matches in my mind. (Though, I think I'd be just as satisfied to see Silvia tell Ren to suck it because she's going sola.)

Ren would have to do some major groveling before I approve him pairing with Silvia. At this point in time, she is too smart and too good for him!

Is it my imagination (which can be quite fertile at times-LOL) or are the writers teasing us with a possible Silvia/Joaquin relationship? I can't see it happening, but just wonder if anyone else gets that same feeling from the writers?

Oh, and that punch Cris threw Ren looked like a case of farm boy vs private school Preppie.

Gah. Captcha verification is reeeeally into soup today. ~rolls eyes~

I'm setting up a table for the frustrated matchmakers. I'm sure my daughter would rather I matchmake my TN characters and stop meddling with her. Lol.


Sara--I loved your sophomore student writer analogy--just meant I could relate because I had one!;)

Lol. OK Katy. So glad you weren't upset. :)

Gosh, nothing against Joaquin but he needs to stay away from Adelina. He would never get the truth out of her about anything. I also get a little vibe between Joaquin and Silvia but don't want that one either. Silvia needs to get outta that town, get over Renato (Renato and Aldonza belong together), and when she is ready find someone Renato like (smart, professional, nice guy, good looking), but who loves her. Pato is like a little brother so just no to that one for me.

I'm torn between wanting Silvia to have her own fairy tale and being on her own. And maybe she doesn't even want a fairy tale. But I think she does.

Pato would completely fit in in SL so maybe he and Mari could end up together.

I think Silvia would be ok either way and definitely doesn't need a man. Especially not one that gets her fired or threatens to fire her over another woman. I was pleasantly surprised her interaction with Ray and thought it cute. I don't have children and chased, wrestled and kicked the ass of the corporate giant but know women that have done both the family and career thingie successfully.

Ren is in for a broken heart, I don't like his smugness towards cris. He thinks it will be him in the end with ally, poor thing, he's obsessed. A lot of people on this soap is.

I'm going to enjoy the anvil showers when they fall. especially on sev and cande, vileval. And her anoying two timing momma. Its hard to picture her (pru) In that same roll as the girl thats playing aldonza now, all those years ago. Time flys.


Sara - wouldn't it be nice if Silvia had her own telenovela? with a Gran Fin boda at the end? I am ready for an INTELLIGENT telenovela.

Sara..Doesn't everyone want the fairytale ? Or is that not very politically correct anymore ? Que lastima. I like fairytale endings..happily ever afters.

I think the writers are tricking us into thinking that Joaquin and Sylvia might be a thing, but he will end up with his lifelong crush Ade, and she will end up with her own little family. Do you think that Flavia will die with Adriano to set Jock free ?

Politically correct or not, I'm a sucker for the fairy tale.

And I'm crazy enough to believe that fairy tale and intelligent TN are not mutually exclusive.

The only way for Joaquin to be free is for Flavia to die.

We all love fairy tales or we wouldn't watch most of these telenovelas. :-)

I predict Flavia's will die. Joc might not end up with Ade, but Flavia has to be punished for deserting her child. I think that is in the telenovela rules.

For me the "fairy tale" part of all these shows is that in the end evil is punished and good is rewarded. The real world sure doesn't work like that! And a big gran final boda is icing on the cake because I love pretty dresses. And sometimes the wedding at the end makes sense, but sometimes I think they just throw it in there because they're "supposed to" have a wedding. (LG, I'm looking at you!)

That's part of it for me, too.

Both of the LG wedding dresses sucked.

Sara-wow, just wow, wonderful recap! I did not watch the episode and I won't now because I always find myself wanting to cry whenever something bad happens to E-man, may bad awful things befall that bastard also know as Severiano Mendoza, and I hope the DNA thing blows up in their faces!

Thank you Sara for another great recap. I haven't checked in for a while but I read every day. By the time I have time, there are usually always close to or more than 100 comments! Great comments by the way.

Here are my thoughts on the DNA, after a couple of glasses of wine. The test will come back negative because Cris is not Sev's son! He is PJ's son and Cande didn't even know. Didn't she marry Sev right after PJ left? The reason this popped into my head is because Cande didn't put a sample of her hair in but Sev's. It didn't really make any sense to me because her hair would be a better match to Alde's.

But if this could really happen, wouldn't we have fun watching Cande squirm in front of Sev. And they can't tell Cris the truth, and Cris can show Alde they are not related.

Like I said, this was after a couple of glasses of wine....

In the comments, the DNA test done on Robo was mentioned how it came out to be from two males. That would be a fun watch as well.

It was awful, Eli. Eman will break your heart. Don't watch it.

Wait. Try to at least find the scene when Padre J denies communion to Cande. That was pretty awesome.

I'm also praying that Mel or Cris will save the horse. And Val's non-reaction to Sev caressing her hand was creepy and just shows what a power-grubbing, spoiled brat, harpy gold digger that she really is.

I bet Cande is hating those braids now! If it weren't for them, she could have provided the sample.

Come on, people. Give Cande a break! Don't you know how long it takes to braid your hair that tightly and lacquer it into place? Breaking up your son's marriage is not worth having to re-do that hair, I don't care how evil you are. :p

Ha! Great minds :D

After Sev's "confession", I thought how awesome it would be for PJ to leave the priesthood so that he could rat out Sev. And then hook up with Cande, or at least get her to dump Sev, and then dump her as well because she will never be good enough for PJ.


I know this is late on this comment thread and some of you have already seen tonight's episode, but I just watched the Cande conversation with Jeronimo. My impression is that she was so put out that he wouldn't do her communion and that he was so disgusted by her, she now knows that he knows her involvement with everything Sev has done, that I wonder now if it will affect her so much that she will repent.

I kind of hope so, cathyx. I've always liked the idea of Cande in a monastery.

It would be nice if she did repent, but I can't see her doing it right now she is too invested in being nasty and deceptive, she is so filled with hatred she can't even see straight. it Is going to take a big big anvil to fall on her head, for her to see the damage she has done. Cause right now in candes world, everything is perfect.

If she continues to bear the wrath of Jeronimo, her beloved, then I think the pressure will be too great to resist and repent she will.

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