Friday, June 05, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #79 6-5-15 Cande's back, but ain't nothing sweet about it!

Greetings, friends!  Let’s see what our friends in Santa Lucia are up to.   Cande marches smartly into Renato’s law office, check book in hand.  Cande is confident she can make the divorce an express especially knowing that Renato has feelings for Aldonza.  He evenly and flatly turns her down:  he’s not for sale.  She puts her checkbook away but maintains that EVERYbody has a price and he should think about his and get back with her.  Renato asks why she is so interested in Aldonza and Cris divorcing.  THAT is none of his business she replies as she leaves, nose in the air.

Lola has a little errand, too.  She goes to Mari’s house to tell her Eman has moved into Aldonza’s and his room is right across from hers and now they can see each other every day!   Mari maintains that she trusts Eman and Lola claims she doesn’t care about him, she just wanted Mari to know.  Mari tells her the last thing she is worried about is that Eman would ever be interested in her; he’s been over her for a loooong time;  and slams the door in Lola’s face.  Mari stamps petulantly on the other side of the door and each calls the other stupid.  Thanks, so I don’t have to.

Oh, here’s Cande, on her way home after failing to buy Renato.  She meets Simoneta/Viviana carry two suitcases.  Since Cande is always set on bitch mode she lights into S/V and asks what the shameless slut is still doing in town, her husband wants nothing more to do with her!  S/V maintains that she and Sev will always be together because there’s something that binds them now:  She’s going to have a baby!  Cande doesn’t believe her, S/V doesn’t care and is confident that Sev won’t deny a child of his own blood!  (Hoo boy!)  “I know Severiano!” S/V declares defiantly.  “But you don’t know me!” Cande counters and stomps away.  (I don’t know how these girls manage these rough-hewn cobblestones in those heels—sheesh!)

Still super pissed, Cande steamrolls into Sev’s office and scatters the papers on his desk and announces to Sev through fiercely clenched teeth that he’s going to be a father again!   Cande orders him to go to the Santa Lucia hotel where S/V is staying and fix it:  She’s not going to have this same story repeat itself!  Cande blasts out the way she entered leaving Sev’s evil wheels turning.     Sev does indeed stop by and S/V was expecting him.  Of course he denies the baby is his.   S/V told Cande because Cande confronted her on the street and HE refused to take her calls.  She knew Cande would go running to tell him immediately.  They have a back and forth:  Sev doesn’t want the kid and he wants HER out of town.  SHE is not leaving and she’s not going to give this baby up like she gave up one before and if he refuses to recognize and support their child she will mount a scandal of monumental proportions and unmask him before all Santa Lucia!

Well, friends,  we’re going to hear a lot of chin music (talking) this morning, but it’s more a cacophony than a symphony:  here goes.

Aldonza goes to see PJ to tell him of her and Cris’s divorce.  Even though it’s clear that they’re not siblings, she thinks it’s best to let him go.  It took a lot of work on her part to come to this decision but she realizes she’s not the woman who can make him happy.  Some members of the Sombra patio stand and applaud loudly.  Padre thinks she is being hasty but thanks her for confiding in him.  They hug.

Renato and Adelina talk.  She knows he is in love with Aldonza.  He doesn’t plan to pressure her but he thinks that with the divorce in process he has a chance.  Adelina thinks this is NOT the time for him to approach Aldonza who is still very much in love with Cris.  Adelina wants Aldonza to be happy.  That is exactly what Renato intends.  As a matter of fact, he has none of the impediments to making Aldonza happy that Cris has.   If that is the case, then Adelina thinks he should let things run their course.  Renato agrees (and the Cougar Table gets a splendiferous close up).

Cris, Mel, Jacinto and El Mudo talk about the theft of Solitario.  Cris is filled in on how dear old dad would rather see that beautiful piece of horse flesh dead than with Eman.  Cris ignores a call from the Vile One and wraps up his “investigation” with Mel and gang.  Later back in the house Cris takes Vile’s call  and at least we do get a healthy eye roll from Cris as he holds the phone momentarily away from his face.  He grudgingly  agrees to meet her to talk.  They meet in a café in the plaza where Vile goes for his lips as he tries to cheek kiss her.  Vile’s got her web all ready and deftly spins it around the clueless Cris:  she is so sorry about their last encounter; she was shocked by the news of his marriage and reacted badly.  Cris impatiently asks her what else she wants.   Well, she still feels he used her but she understands.  It must have been soooo awful for him to fall in love with his OWN SISTER!  Cris asks is THIS what she wanted to tell him.  Oh, one more thing:  he shouldn’t feel the least bit obligated about what happened the other night; she knows her father made some demands of him, but she doesn’t agree with him.  She doesn’t want to be with him if he doesn’t want to be with her.  Cris tries to finally cut the web of lies she’s spinning when who but Aldonza should walk by in the back ground just in time to see Vile take Cris’s hand.  Vile doesn’t need a response; she just wants Cris to know she loves him with all her heart and doesn’t want him to suffer.  Aldonza takes this all in, turns on her heel and strides away.

Now Padre J and Eman have a talk.  Eman tells Padre why he stole Solitario.  Padre is concerned that Eman and Solitario have taken refuge at Aldonza’s and is frustrated that he’s always the last to know and warns Eman to be careful as things could get ugly for both of them if Sev finds out.   Eman assures Padre he will:  Aldonza is like a sister to him and he would die before he let any harm come to her!  Padre knowingly pats Eman on the side of his face and goes off to prepare for Mass.

Back at Las Animas Dominga stops to tell Cande she and Mel are going to get the results of the studies Mel recently had done and gets snapped at for her trouble.  What’s up, Dom asks.  Cande denies anything is wrong and Dom leaves her with advice that she MUST have imparted before:  All Cande’s life she has gone around trying to force everything to work out the way SHE wants it.  She cannot go through life manipulating other people as if they were puppets!  Well!  For Dom’s information everything is going EXACTLY as she planned and will continue to do so!  Exasperated Dom exclaims “Otra vez la mula al trigo!”  The mule is in the wheat again, or Cande is a stubborn ass and a proud one at that!  Well, Dom is a meddling maid and ought to buzz off!

More talk, this time Adelina and Aldonza.  Ade wants to warn her not to take up with Renato while she is still married.  Aldonza is righteously indignant that SHE is being told this while Cris is gallivanting in the town square with Vile.  Ade asks how does Aldonza know that it wasn’t Vile who went looking for Cris!  Oh, the pain, the pain, she saw them holding hands at a café.  Adelina is unsympathetic:  Aldonza pushed him to it, rejecting Cris on the false charge that they were siblings without a shred of proof and starting the divorce proceedings!  Well, she’s dying of jealousy and Cris is a hypocrite; he claimed to love her and at the first opportunity he goes looking for that stupid Vile!  Adelina says she’s going to have to put with that and more.  No!  No!  Aldonza can’t stand it!  Gosh.  I wish I felt something for her right now.

Now we have a four way between Uriel, Irma, Mari and Eman.  Before Eman approaches, the Lagos have some family bonding time while walking home from church.  The healing has begun but Mari drops her saintly mood right away and rips into Eman for living at Aldonza’s:  she is sure it is just so he can be close to Lola.  Eman stammers and stutters trying to say he is needed there to fortify security for Aldonza and Tia Adelina.  Uriel pulls him aside and threatens Eman for the umpteenth time not to hurt Mari who is especially vulnerable now after the death of her brother.  Eman gulps nervously as he watches them walk away.

Well, if this is Sunday Sev and Cande didn’t get the memo.  I swear that woman’s voice is like a buzz saw and it’s so bad you ALMOST want to feel sorry for Sev until you realize, well, it’s Sev.  Anyway she rags Sev about DOING SOMETHING about this latest bastard.  Sev protests that S/V wants to have the baby and there is nothing he can do.  She even threatened to make a major stink if he doesn’t recognize it.  If that’s even possible, Cande ramps up a few screechibels:  He’d better do something because Cris is the only legitimate heir and not all these bastards he keeps dropping all over town.  Said legitimate heir walks past the office juuuuust in time to hear this little tidbit.  Cris walks into the study and demands to know what other half siblings he has besides Aldonza.  Cande’s poker face fails her as her knees buckle and she sinks to a chair and Sev is momentarily speechless.   Sev serves his bullshit first:  Uh, we were talking about Aldonza.  Cris calls him on it, he heard bastards in the plural.  Cande recovers and stands and takes a stab:  oh, it’s just a saying. . .no, an exaggeration. . .no, uh, you misunderstood!  Cris essentially tells them they're lying, he’ll find out the truth himself and leaves in disgust.  Cande sinks to the chair again and says the last thing they need is that he goes to that stupid Aldonza and repeats what he just told them!  Sev says he will personally be in charge of making sure that doesn’t happen.  Uh oh!

The verdict is in, Mele has vertigo and gets a script but when he feels the dizziness coming on, he has to lay down until it passes.  Of course Mel protests that he has too much work to do but Hum is firm and Dom agrees.  He could fall and break something!  He must follow the Dr.’s orders!

RPC:  Vile and Putrid talk on the phone about when she’s going to reel Cris in with the baby lie and Vile makes Pru promise not to tell Hum about the pregnancy.   Pru is poolside in a hat and cover-up looking somewhat spiffy until we see Tomas in the background with two babes in bottom-baring bikinis and suddenly Pru looks matronly.  He yucks it up with them telling stale jokes until the Pru hears the laughter and abruptly hangs up on Vile.  Tomas tells the babes he’s with his Aunt who belongs to a radically conservative religious community and shoos them away so as not to upset her with their scantily clad presence.  Pru pushes one the girls into the pool.

Back in Santa Lucia, at El Santuario to be precise, Renato makes the move that Adelina warned him and Aldonza against.  After a little chat about Cande’s early morning visit the talk turns to Cris and the divorce.  Oh, Aldonza is dying for the love of Cris.  Apparently a term of the divorce is that Cris has to wait a year before he can remarry.   Well, as far as she’s concerned Cris can marry Valeria or whoever he wants to.  Renato seems rightly confused at her response but decides to press his case.  If she thinks Cris has the right to rebuild his life, then she has the same right as well.  She makes more hollow-sounding declarations of love which he also rightly ignores.  She loves him like a friend and if she were to be with him it would just be to forget Cris.  Renato doesn’t care; he declares his love and intention to win hers, consequences be damned because it’s HIS decision.  He kisses her.   Twice.  She doesn’t respond.  Poor fool.  At least he’s got great hair that doesn’t even muss in the wind!

Dom and Mel return from the Dr. appointment and Sev chews Mele out.  He needs to get a move on!  They have to get ready for the transport of the horses to Mexico City bought by Comondante Grigalda, you know, that dude that supplied Sev with a hooker upon the closing of the horsey deal a few eps ago.   Anyway, Sev is a total jerk to poor Mele and doesn’t want to hear anything about resting.  He can rest when he finishes his work!  Dom is pissed that after all their years of faithful service Mel can’t get the least bit consideration!  Mudo and Jacinto offer to help but Mel tells them they have their own work to do; Cris will help him.  Cris is not there.  Mel’s not worried.  He’ll be back soon.

Lola and Irma are back at work and Lola tells Irma she’s made up with her Grandparents.  Lola confirms that Eman is living with them at Aldonza’s request.   S/V stops to tell Lola she is in town if she ever wants to see her.  Lola thinks not.  S/V asks her to think about it.  Irma gently advises Lola that despite her defects, S/V is her mother.  Not everybody is totally good or totally bad and not to wait until it’s too late to clear things up.  If she waits until after death it will be too late and she’ll regret it for the rest of her life.  Lola looks after S/V with her signature childish pout.

More chin music, peeps.  Cris goes to see Hum and tries to get him to divulge what he may know about any other half siblings he may have.  Of course Hum denies all knowledge of such and suggests Cris ask his mother.  Hum is busy and cuts off the inquiry.  Cris lets him know as he leaves that he has always respected him but if it turns out he is lying to him, that image will be shattered to pieces.

Sev has returned to the SL Hilton and is waiting for S/V when she arrives.  He has started to pack her things and says he’ll recognize the child and support it if she goes back to San Miguel.  I thought S/V did good with her defiance before but she reverts to begging and whimpering.  She doesn’t want to be alone while she carries the baby and after it’s born.  He is the only thing that matters to her.  He offers her a new deal:  she and the child will have his support but their relationship won’t be like before.  He tells her to pack and when she protests again, he says he will install her in a house that he has rented.  This satisfies Simoneta who thinks they have finally begun to understand each other.  Sev doesn’t give us the hackneyed “I’m contemplating eeeevil” smirk but this doesn’t feel good, kids!

Let’s finish up Adelina and Aldonza’s talk.  Adelina thinks Aldonza should give Renato a chance if she is sure she’s done with Cris.  Renato es un gran muchacho and is head over heels in love with her.  Aldonza states that she is not an option for anyone, not for Renato nor for any other man.  Aldonza confesses that after she married Cris she discovered something that she herself didn’t even know:  she could not be intimate with him.   She desired him with all her might but all she could imagine was his father.  Although she loves him, she will never be able to “be his woman.”  Adelina embraces her.

Oh boy, here we go.  RPC.  Vile goes to Aldonza’s house to gloat over the sibling accusation and to tell her that life is covering the injustice done when she took Cris from her.  Everything bad Cris is going through is Aldonza’s fault but now she can leave him to a woman who can give him what SHE couldn’t:  Cris is returning to HER.  Vile flounces away smug and sure of victory.

Cris finally gets back to Las Animas and finds out Mele and the other ranch hands are off to transport the horses to the Comandante.  Ah!  We get a scene of all manner of beautiful horses galloping free!. . . well, escorted by their human caretakers but it is a moment of breath taking beauty.  Oh no!  It’s Mele!  If it’s possible to stagger while on horseback, that’s what he’s doing!  Cris rides up and observes Mel’s struggles from a distance.  Mel is grimacing and gasping as we are shown the fuzzy, whirling vista he suffers during his bout of vertigo!  Oh no!  Melesio is down and the pretty horses continue to gallop, oh my gosh!  Cris gallops toward him, El Mudo and other ranch hands run to Mel’s aid!  Cris dismounts and places his foot on the top rail of a fence and then shouts in pain!?

That’s it!

Previous: Episode 78
Next: Episode 80


Hey y'all! Here it is. You know, we all love a good story and all the fancy gadgets we have nowadays don't change the fact that all we're doing is telling stories about the human condition. So we gather here around these electronic hearths called tvs and computer screens and we watch and listen and read about people in a make believe world with problems many of us can recognize. . .but are glad we don't live! It's all told in a language that is not the first langugage for most of the people who gather here so folk like me, and many more and better at this than I take the time to retell it, throw in some of our own observations and give y'all a space to react and share and cuss and fuss and predict. We don't ask much, just let's talk about the episode that's discussed in the recap; if you've seen this before, don't spoil it for the rest of us: let us enjoy the ride like you did. I've got to brush up on putting links in using html so until I learn that, just look back at the beautiful statements put together by my friend Sara, or Diva about the rules on the Sombra Patio.

I'll be back in a bit to clean up some rough spots. In the meantime, I thank you all for hanging out with us and I hope you find something to chew on this weekend from this episode!

Thank you, Lila! I was headed to bed and thought I'd check to see if the recap was up. Yay! It is! I'll be back in the morning to read and comment. I did not get to see the first half and don't know I'd I'll get around to watching. Your recap is going to be a life saver!

Thank you, dear Sara! Yes, let's have at this in the morning! It was quite the chatty episode but I hope folk got something out of it and I hope I didn't complain too much. I generally try to keep my feelings out of it and just tell what I saw and let people draw their own conclusions. Oh well. See ya in the morning!

Shout out to my Westside Peeps for whom it is "only" 9:30! Got nothin' but love for ya, baby!


Lila! Thank you so much for posting so quickly and with such great stuff! I was sleepyily watching, but by the end I was ready for the recap and comments!

I don’t know how these girls manage these rough-hewn cobblestones in those heels—sheesh! Looked to me like Cande wasn't having a good time of it! She looked like she was having some Sim/Viv induced stroke that had been building from the braid pressure :P So glad that, as she told Dom, everything she's planned has worked and things are just how she wants them. Right.

Well, they made a marginally better attempt to give us some Aldie insight. i guess her and Ade's talk is the closes I'm going to get to someone reaming her out for the way she treats Cris? Sigh. I'll take it. I ws pretty surprised that she told Adelina about her issues with intimacy though. Good on her! Maybe this is as sign that she's cracking. She's starting to share, which means maybe she can't hold all of the trauma in. Adelina didn't suggest pro help, but maybe that's not far behind?

Must sleep. See y'all later


I thought of you during that scene between Aldonza and Adelina, hellashelle!

Lila, thank you for the great recap, amiga, you got it up so quickly and it covered all the action!

Loved the scene with poolside Pru *yes she did look a bit matronly* talking on the phone, then cutting to Tomas flirting in the background, was too funny. I had hopes Tomas had turned over a new leaf, but looks like not...

Chris steps on the fence and then screams in pain? But when they replayed the scene for the avances, it looks like a piece of the broken fence shard stabs him in the leg. Ouch.

Anvil-sighting: Simoneta refusing to let Sev cast her aside, then she says "I am not a young woman, and I need you there when the baby is born", or STTE. Could they be setting up to have her die in chldbirth? Or will Sev give her an assist into the next world long before that?

J in Oregon


Hey, Hellashelle! Thanks, girl! YES! Finally some insight indeed and acknowledgement that all this knee jerk running and break ups is due to the trauma from the rape. And I'm like you, I'll take this if this is the ream out for how she's treating Cris! This was a long time coming and so will be any real feeling of being able to whole heartedly root for Donnie. I DO, but it's only because I'm supposed to. I hope they step it up and make Donnie as sympathetic as Vile is bitchy. JMHO>

J in O WESTSIDE! Hey, thanks so much. No, Thomas' earth-moving experience with Pru hasn't changed his scrubby butt one bit. Loser!

I try to avoid previews but if Cris got jabbed with a fence shard this must be an opportunity for Aldonza to go back to him so hurt and in luuuurve and maybe for Cris to get his blood typed and. . . .Doh! Enough, Lila! Darned preveiws!

Thanks J for this: "I am not a young woman, and I need you there when the baby is born", I saw the shadows of lots of anvils for this poor lady like Irma telling Lola not to wait too late to talk to her mom. YIKES! S/V doesn't know Sev like she thinks she does!

As J did, y'all feel free to add bits of dialogue I know I left out! Thanks!


Thanks Lila, I loved this line, Cande ramps up a few screechibels. It is nonstop screeching.

Poor Cris, he's just going around in circles with his naive perception of his parents.

I can't believe that Sev is willing to put up with Viviana's threats. He must really want this child deep down.


Lila, exquisite as always.

"Mari stamps petulantly on the other side of the door and each calls the other stupid. Thanks, so I don’t have to" had me smiling and nodding in vigorous agreement. "We’re going to hear a lot of chin music (talking) this morning, but it’s more a cacophony than a symphony" was another favorite line of many.

Simply superb from start to finish.

"Cris calls him on it, he heard bastards in the plural". I had gone on a rant yesterday stating how disappointed I was that Cris continues to stay in his despicable parents lair. I'm revising my opinion today. If he keeps his ear to the ground he will hear much more as nefarious tidbits like this are constantly being revealed due to his parents constant bickering. Perhaps he should stay. I'm glad he went to Hum but as that "lead" will always be a dead end, does he have other recourses?

"Tomas tells the babes he’s with his Aunt". So much for true "love". Tomas is an opportunist and sadly (for Pru) has a roving eye.

"Although she loves him, she will never be able to “be his woman.” This sums up my hesitation and trepidation for Aldonza and Cris being together. I do not know how she can put aside the fact her father in law raped her. Would it matter if he dies? I don't know. I've said before, intense counseling would need to ensue but I just don't know if it will be enough.

J, I agree with your comment "...will Sev give her an assist into the next world...". I hope Lola will make peace with her mother before she loses her. Did she not learn from her estrangement with her grandparents??

Lila, thank you!



Thanks, Lila, for the speedyquick recap.

Hellashelle..''braid pressure''...ha..good one. Candy has high braid pressure, for sure.

Loved the way they shot Tomas flirting with the two bikiniclad girls by the pool in the background while Pru was on the phone. I also loved his blue sneakers partnered with the blue knee high socks. Pru surprised me hipchecking the girl into the pool.


Diana...Hi !,, It is so nice to have you here. I missed your always thoughtful comments,

Hi susanlynn, thanks so much. It is great to be back.


Mornin', Cathyx! Thanks! Oh. My. Gosh! Cande was bringing it with the screeching, wasn't she! That must be a fun role! Cathyx, I kind of get the feeling that Sev is just going along with S/V to position her for execution. That she is carrying his child means nothing. . .or worse yet, means he is even more determined to eliminate her. He's responsible for all his evil acts but I just get the same vibe of Cande ordering Sev to "fix" the situation with this new "bastard" as I got when she ordered him to "do something" to get the Alcocer women out of town! They are a dastardly duo for sure!

Morning all!

Lila - This was a long time coming and so will be any real feeling of being able to whole heartedly root for Donnie. I DO, but it's only because I'm supposed to TRUTH, straight up. My desire to see Cris happy is stronger than I feeling for her, I think, so I'm with you on this. I'd like to root for the whole team. Also, I loved the spider imagery with Val!

They definitely didn't go the whole way towards making her sympathetic last night, but last night's episode made me think that part of her flip flopping on Cris is partially about pointing out the difference between her and Val. She might be throwing a fit over it, but she is truly thinking about whether or not she could make Cris happy. Val, on the other hand, is the almost classic villana in that she only cares about what makes Val happy. Also, when Ren pointed out that she also has the right to be happy, she hesitated and shifted the subject. I'm wondering if she's blaming herself for things or thinking that this is some kind of cosmic payback for a crime she never committed or what. That would've been a good angle for them to play up from the start.

S/V doesn't know Sev like she thinks she does! Word. When she said Sev wouldn't just rid himself of a blood child, I laughed out loud. I thought Cande would too. I was like "lady, you have NO idea." J and O, I'm with you on worrying about her now.

Sigh. Tomas's stripes have not changed. Poor Pru. If David's right and she gets pregnant...whoo! Her and Val in the same boat? I can't imagine the name they'll be called! We might have to expand the thesaurus!


Before I read the recap- I had a really hard time taking Sev seriously last night. That Willy Wonka coat should be burned.

Hi, Lila. You really did this episode justice, and I thought that it was particularly rich in twists and happenings, and you covered it perfectly.

When Cande was trying to buy Renato, it looked like she had maybe 6 or 7 months worth of the entire Japanese pearl production hanging from her neck.

Mary and Lola must have dropped out of school during Jr. High, and not matured a bit since that time.

It seems like the directors have just recently discovered background photography.

Most chilling phrase of the evening: Sev; "Yo me encargo de que eso no pase."

When Tomas was flirting with the two girls by the pool, the one with the (?) peach colored bikini has the bra part secured with a shoe lace-looking knot. How do you fasten that? Does someone else have to help you?


Wonderful recap Lila. Busy day, but wanted to check in with the gang with my coffee. Great stuff!!

I'm so having a hard time with Allie, and frankly with Ade too. Please, the girl is so confused and needs help. Can someone, anyone, suggest this poor thing head back to the big city and see someone to help her through her confusion and pain?

And if she admits now she can't love Cris without seeing his father...well, that I want to see how the writers resolve for our pink bow ending.

Renato, you are lovely and if I was MUCH younger, but you need to take a step back and pay attention. Gracious.

Make the whole Mari thing with E-man go away.

I worried for Sim there for a minute thinking YOU are threatening HIM? You do know this guy right? But he surprised me with the secret house, etc. Seeing Cande exploding again, well that was fun. Again, why not kick this idiot to the curb. You own the house!

I didn't even want to think of what happened to Cris at the end, that scream look was enough for me. But the long faces in the preview...yikes.


Diana! YAAAY! So glad you're back! Thank you, my friend! Oh, I hope Cris is waking up! I might find it hard to get behind Cande but Cris just has my heart! It could be that look of fatigued and beleaguered cluelessness he does so well! Poor guy has been under assault from his conniving, manipulative parents, "god"parents, and their spawn since he got back from Spain. A girl that was a breath of fresh air and who made his heart pound with passion has been rendered traumatized and out of his reach by his raping father! What a load! Who could ever believe this about his parents? And yeah. Hum is useless. Consistent, but useless!

Yes, Diana. This assault by the father in law is a BIG deal. We'll see how they "resolve" this, but having been done, I personally don't need to see this kind of plot EVER again!

"Poor fool. At least he’s got great hair that doesn’t even muss in the wind!"

Poor fool indeed. He better enjoy that hair, because I don't think Aldonza will. She was a statue during that kiss. Did he not notice?

And if she admits now she can't love Cris without seeing his father...well, that I want to see how the writers resolve for our pink bow ending.

Me too. I'm glad we got what we got, but I still would like to see some professional help for Aldonza.

SARA, I agree, and am disappointed that the writers have not dragged in some kind of mental health help for Aldonza, even if it didn't "fix" all her issues. Adelina should have insisted on it years ago, even if Rob was too self involved to notice how damaged Ald was by Sev's attack. Of course, the plot requires that Aldonza *can't* sleep with Chris, I get that, but for some viewers this could be a teachable moment about the importance of seeking help.

LILA, your comment about Tomas'"earth moving experience with Pru" somehow had my mind jumping to front-end loaders and bulldozers... heehee...

J in Oregon
(Westside--lovin' it!)


Hey, Susanlynn! I guess Pru didn't have time to get Tomas something a little more sexy for poolside. . .or maybe NOT sexy is her plan! Didn't stop his roll!

Mornin', Hellashelle! I really do want to be all in for Aldonza, I am, but it's only intellectually. Darn them! And re Pru, did David say Pru might get preggers!? Oh my! Don't know how I missed that but that would be just deliciously divine justice! Whoo hoo!

Hey, Sara! Gonna have to look up Willy Wonka. Not remembering the coat! Hee hee!

Mornin' David and thank you! David, you are right, Sev is planning some big time EEEvil and I fear for S/V and Adlonza -- A-gain! Yikes! How tiring are Lola and Mary! And re the babes by the pool, I think we especially at the Cougar Table are due some beefcake. Equal time, ya know!

Make sure you look up the Gene Wilder version!

They kind of psyched me out last night because at the end I was thinking "uh oh. Mel is dead", but then we had Cris screaming in pain.


Comment bomb.
Maybe they were going for a kingly royal purple, but in my head purple coat always means Willy Wonka.

Thanks Daisynjay hope to see you again this weekend. Daisy, we all want Donnie to get some help. Who was it that made that so true and eloquent statement about Psychologists and Psychiatrists in novelas being nutso themselves, or corrupt. I don't know what's up with that but it seems a pretty wacked out and unfair character assassination of "soul doctors". What's the implication: have your enemies die horrible deaths and love will see you through the rest? Weird.

Me @ 10:00 *I might find it hard to get behind Donnie but Cris has my heart!

As much as I love me telenovelas I do wish they could inject some modernity into the stories. Especially if they are going to have rape storylines. I realize Santa Lucia is a small town, but there was plenty of time to introduce some inkling of a therapy story in the DF.

And I just don't buy the spinster virginal aunt as therapist line that they are giving me.

Oh, lordy! Yep. I see Gene as Willy and. . .well hee hee! You know what. I so don't notice the clothing and accessories unless they are right in my face like Pru and Tommy and the near-naked babes. I think I'm apparel-impaired? o_O

I'm just easily distracted.

I guess I do need to quit harping on Aldonza. I should just be happy that they actually had her say aloud "I think I may have intimacy problems."

Sara-- I just don't buy the spinster virginal aunt as therapist line that they are giving me. Amen, Sara. Ade loves her and all of that but she doesn't even have personal life experience to give her an even deeper empathy with Donnie. NO you don't have to have experienced everything everybody does that you try to help but in this case Dom or even Irma, would at least have an understanding of the meaning of being able to be sexually demonstrative of your love for your husband.

And I like Adelina, but they've done something to her that makes me find her annoying. I can't put my finger on it. I think it was tofie who said that it's hard to find her trustworthy? And that's not exactly it either. I just can't imagine sitting on all these secrets knowing all the suffering that's going on. The truth hurts and Sev is dangerous, but if the whole damn town and law enforcement gets clued in then Sev can be contained.

I think the whole virginal spinster aunt who has dedicated her whole life to the sister who was married to the only man she ever loved and who will take The Great Secrets to her grave is just a bit much. She's too damned "good" to be true or real. I don't know, stretches the hell out of belief just like that you could so passionately love a guy after only 72 hours and remain hopelessly in love even after you find out his parents are not only psychopaths, but his dad rapes you and think you're his private sex toy.


I even have to adjust my beanie about the rape. Cande says "do something" and he decides "I know. If I rape Aldonza, they'll leave town."

Just doesn't fly with me.

I agree with you Lila with your comment about what's to come with Cris getting hurt by the fence board. Aldonza comes running to his bedside, he needs blood donated. And since these writers don't have a handle on the how to's about DNA, I can foresee a blood donation debacle that reveals who's related to whom.


Did anyone else notice that most of the characters wore purple last night? What does that color signify?

Quick Google search says:

The negative meanings of purple are decadence, conceit, and pomposity. Purple is also a color of mourning.

Mourning? I think of purple as being happy. What are the positive meanings?


Romantic, intelligent dignity. (says one site)

This is just a half-assed search.

This site looks a little better.

Oooo. Symbolizes sin of pride.

Gosh. Could the writers really be thinking it through that much? I'm still sort of amazed about the Psalm 69 "joke" that eerily reflected the story.

Ok, it sounds like the wardrobe department just felt in the mood for purple. Watch the Uriel, Irma, and Mari scene when they were walking outside and Emanuel walked up to talk to them. The three of them couldn't be more coordinated if they tried.

I'll be sure to pay attention to that when I watch it. Thanks for the heads up cathyx.

I'm glad y'all watch these things cause it just goes right over my head. I do agree though that there is an air of foreboding hanging over SL so it seems it was mixed in with all the chatter and now it's symbolized in the color scheme of the costumes and set as well! Oooooh! Yes, Cathyx, you get my drift with Cris's injury! Monday ought to be good! All this chatting was a big set up!

Lila- I rarely notice that kind of thing when I'm recapping an episode. I'm too focused on what the are saying. I do enjoy the nights I'm not recapping so I can enjoy the costuming and scenery more.

Apparently I also enjoy using a word repeatedly.

Sara! :D

Sara, I'm glad you enjoy using the word enjoy.

Love the recap, thank you.

I wish, just once, someone would NOT tell the villano what he/she is going to do and be like Nike and JUST DO IT!! Simoneta should have immediately gone public as soon as Severiano told her to get rid of the kid instead of telling him she would "armar un escandalo." Now she's signed her death warrant, the idiot. The look in his soulless eyes should have warned her to get out of Dodge. Pero no, the foolish woman really believes he's going to set her up in a little love nest. Que tonta!

I love this Lila, you'd make the Uniform Commercial Code sound good.

"Cande ramps up a few screechibels"

"Oh no! It’s Mele! If it’s possible to stagger while on horseback, that’s what he’s doing!"

Glad we got to see Aldonza is self aware the real reason she runs from Cris. Did she not listen to Cris when he told her it didn't matter his love for her so strong. If something happened to him and he could not perform sexually would he offer the same? Would she run to Renato or tell him not to worry, it's him she loves not his penis?

Sara, yep it was me that questions Adelina's truthfulness and agree that is not really what I find unsettling about her and got lazy. I don't trust her but only because I know what she has withheld but it still bugs me when she lies to Aldonza or PJ. I do not believe Adelina is a separate individual and clearly, to this point at least, requires some other individual to serve, apologize for, or carry the guilt the guilty party refuses to acknowledge. Co-dependency. While she is not evil, her decisions to withhold relevant information assumes that person cannot handle the truth. Adelina is still playing damage control for Roberta and attempting to create a persona that never was.

Aldonza - I don't want him but no one else can

Adelina - go ahead hon, ask me anything about celibacy

Simoneta - yeah and Roy Horn thought he knew tigers

Cande - why are you even surprised

Renato - you'll get more lovin from a blow up doll

Lola - and with the water restrictions we double up in the shower

Emanuel - horse hide

Pru - what is it with all these skanks


I enjoy the fabulous writing that Caray has the reputation for. I don't enjoy the complex I've gotten about it. You know those sophomore writers I talked about earlier? I'm one of them. :)

Anin109- "pero no..." haha! I'm with you. I've always hated how everyone in almost every TN gives away their plan to the villain. Dunderheads.

Tofie - excellent assessment of Adelina. She has to have someone else to fixate on. Why does she avoid taking care of herself?

Who knows why both Roberta and Adelina had/have no sense of self worth and manifested itself in polar opposites. Too bad we know not from whence they came.

I don't think I've ever seen a TN where I have so desperately wanted the back story.

I think Adelina doesn't have a driving passion beyond her family. She a classic "ama de casa". I had a long post about her the other day when I was really thinking about her situation and I think I still agree with myself (lordy, that was a weird sentence): what will her telling them accomplish that can't be accomplished some other way? Aldonza will know she wasn't the mysterious other child that Sev and Rob had (alternative, which is even more definitive: DNA). Other positive, Cris and Aldonza will share what they have...which, at this point, is nothing. Well, love/affection. Which they already give Eman as their brother-like friend.

What will she accomplish? Cris will really hate his parents (so, that's a positive), she may lose the love and respect of her small family and friends. IF (and it's a big if in SL at this point), the town believes her, then Sev (and Cande, if it's the whole truth and not just what she saw that night) will lose power in the town and she'll revive her sister's name so that it can be run through the mud again.

Sara - As a freshman, can I say how intimidating the all of you upperclassmen are? And also how lucky I am to be in the School of Awesome? I've said it before and I'll say it again; I frickin' LOVE the patio. As for the TN writers, maybe they got so distracted thinking up fun visual and referential jokes for the viewers that they forgot to fill in the potholes?


There was a movie called "The Professionals" in 1966. The "professionals" were 4 guys who had a variety of experience with weapons, explosives and tactics that were hired by (an evil) rancher/oil tycoon (Ralph Bellamy) to get back his wife (Claudia Cardinale) who had been kidnapped by a Mexican revolutionary (Jack Palance).

The "professionals," Burt Lancaster, Lee Marvin, Robert Ryan and Woody Strode hunt down Jack Palance and recover Claudia Cardinale, and bring her back into the U.S., but in doing so, it becomes clear that she wasn't kidnapped, that her real lover is Jack Palance, and that Ralph Bellamy paid a bunch of money to force her into marrying him.

The "professionals" set Jack and Claudia free, which causes a furious Ralph Bellamy to turn to Lee Marvin and say, "You BASTARD."

Lee Marvin replies "Yes, Sir, in my case an accident of birth. But you, sir, are a self-made man."

I wish something like that would play out between Eman and Sev.


No joke. It's a small town and almost everybody is probably related. Would love to see Cande, Ray and Jerónimo as kids and teens, why and when Jerónimo became a priest, how Cande & Severiano got together, Ray & Roberta, Roberta and Severiano. What was Mel & Dom's son like, Cande's parents, Ray & Jerónimo's. Heck where did Adelina and Roberta even come from? Gosh, we got 100 shows right there.

Hellashelle- you took to recapping like a duck takes to water. Don't sell yourself short because you are NO freshman.

I do understand what you are saying about Adelina. There really is not that great an outcome for her spilling the beans. But selfishly I want her to talk because it moves everythung along and I am now at the point in the story where I am impatient.

David- I always enjoy reading your comments, even if I don't always say it. I am going to see if that movie is in Netflix or Amazon because I really want to see it.

Oh look! ENJOY!

Geez tofie. Now you've got me wondering why they are bothering with remakes. Why not just make prequels?

Dammit, Televisa! Why can't you recognize the genius of Caray Nation? We are giving you this stuff FOR FREE!

Checking back in before the soccer final (Vamos Barca...please?) and I like the consensus on Ade. I agree that if she is support to be the "support" that Allie is getting to get her thru the horrors she endured, nope, doesn't work for me either. And I'm with you Sara, no matter how I try to like her, and I know we are supposed to, she grates on me. I think it's those moments, far too often and especially with Padre J, when she comes off as the one who knows best, who expects everyone to listen to her as the final consent. Maybe because deep down she feels since she sacrificed for everyone, they had better take her as the final word...I don't know.

By the way, since this TN likes to center on sins, the church, etc...the use of color intrigues me too in this show and who wears what when. In the church, purple has held a duel purpose. It is the color that had been used to usher in Advent, the announcement of the King. But more importantly, it is the color of pain and suffering and is used during Lent, the time of repentance for sins leading up to the Easter holiday. With Mel sick, and now Cris hurt, and some secrets spilling, I guess that might be appropriate?


I'm a Celta Vigo fan myself, Daisynjay...and they're 8th in the league. Vamos Barça...I guess ;-)

"I think it's those moments, far too often and especially with Padre J, when she comes off as the one who knows best, who expects everyone to listen to her as the final consent. Maybe because deep down she feels since she sacrificed for everyone, they had better take her as the final word...I don't know."

I think this is a fair assessment. I'm just not sure if it's the writing that makes her seem that way, her performance or the fact that I am so pro-Padre J that I don't like her acting like she knows better with him.

Thank you for that information on purple. I don't know if it was on purpose or not, but this show has given us little things like that and it makes it fun to watch. Especially fun to watch with others. Thanks for noticing and asking cathyx!

Hi..I have a few minutes between laundry loads.

I got a giggle out of the ideas about the meaning of colors and the characters wearing coordinating colors. Nine times out of ten when hub and I pick our older daughter up at the airport, she stares at us, laughs , and says , ''You two are wearing the same colors.'' Then, she takes a picture of us. Honestly, we never plan this .

Severed is quite a fashion plate. I did notice the magenta (?) Jacket last night and the red vest the night before. He evidently is going to go out in a blaze of color.

WOW..didn't the candy hit the fan last night ? I especially enjoyed the part where she swept the papers off Severed's desk. Perverted little weasel probably got his hopes up for a second thinking she wanted him right then and there.

Anon at 1:09, announcing one's plans and just arming the villian is one of my peeves along with the overheard conversation or the "accidentally" witnessed kiss, hug or hand clasp! Gah! Hate that mess!

Tofie! It's ON now! Tofie in the Hoooouuuusse! Hey, Girl, thank you! Did she not listen to Cris when he told her it didn't matter his love for her so strong. Tofie, there is so much that could have been done, should have been done with this shocking story line! They could have stayed together and worked and struggled through it while Vile and Cande whirled around them in a cyclone of foiled attempts to separate them. I KNOW this community could come up with ways to handle the situation without Donnie cutting and running and looking more like she's on team Vile than Team Cris!

Bingo! Adelina is still playing damage control for Roberta and attempting to create a persona that never was. This is what she sacrificed her right to a life as a full functioning, realized human being! Sheesh! It's like she's worshipping Roberta!

Uuuuh! and Ouch! for Simoneta and Renato's lines!

My mother was on our church altar guild , and I can remember going with her to change the cloths for the altar. I love color and loved the vibrant green and purple cloths, but the cream colored ones were so rich looking.

Wow! David! Love that quote from the Professionals, man, that would be sooo satisfying as Eman's response to Sev. I certainly hope he takes it like that and is not the least bit hurt! What a renewed bonding between him and Donnie that revelation is going to bring! THAT is a very compelling and major side story! I hope they don't screw it up!

Tofie..I marvel at the mind that comes up with ''yeah and Roy Horn thought he knew tigers'' and a million other pearls of snarky wisdom.

Years ago, I was on a forum for Highlander the TV series. I actually got together with some of the women a few times. I wish that we could all meet for a long lunch.

In a world that is becoming increasingly dark, dangerous, and depressing, it's nice to have a happy, funny place to spend time and forget the heaviness when the world is too much with me and laugh and joke a little....Susanlynn, sitting on her real patio listening to oldies and enjoying all your comments

It is definitely not looking good for Simoneta and I don't think she or her unborn child are long for this world. Severiano didn't think twice about killing Padre Sixto because he had seen him kissing Roberta in church and wanted to protect the secret of his affair, he hired Adriano to kill Abelardo because he had become a liability for him and I am convinced that the night Raymundo was murdered that Sev was going to shoot Roberta because she was complicating things for him and Ray crashing his truck into the barn saved her life. Simoneta isn't doing as he says and I don't see him doing things her way - she's a complication and threat to his way of life so I seriously think she's in grave danger from him.
At least she visited Lola (and Irma) so someone other than Cande/Sev know she's back in town in case Sev kills her whether himself or via hitman and she disappears..
someone might just notice.

I know I am in the minority here but I really dislike the Prudencia character. I don't find her antics entertaining..she's just a gossipy, rude, bad person who drinks too much and is currently cheating on her husband and covering up her daughter's schemes. The actress playing her isn't making me see the character any differently unlike with Roberta who I acknowledge had a million flaws but who I would have loved to have graced the screen longer simply because I am a fan of Susana Gonzalez and would watch her read the phone book and love every second of it. A lot of Prudencia's scenes are supposed to be played for laughs I think but I'm just not enjoying her at all.

Tofie - count me in on wanting a TN dedicated to just the backstory of the 'older' characters, the ones from the past shown in the first couple of episodes who are a lot more interesting with their flaws and simmering hatred of one another than the younger crowd. I'd love to see what made them the people they are today (or were for those that have already passed) and what they went through that molded them into their current personalities.

Thanks Lila for your awesome recap!

Susanlynn! In a world that is becoming increasingly dark, dangerous, and depressing, it's nice to have a happy, funny place to spend time and forget the heaviness when the world is too much with me and laugh and joke a little

That warms my heart and I totally agree! Thank you! :D

Hey, Linda! Thank you so much! You said:

Tofie - count me in on wanting a TN dedicated to just the backstory of the 'older' characters, the ones from the past shown in the first couple of episodes who are a lot more interesting with their flaws and simmering hatred of one another than the younger crowd.

I would love a prequel too but I quoted that because it just sounds damned good!

Re Pru, Linda, I blasted her a few episodes back for her philandering ways and it would be hypocrisy for me to lambast Roberta for her mockery of Raimundo and her cynical planting of horns on him and not say the same for Pru. You are right, she is a contemptible skank. I personally decided that I WANT her to keep doing what she's doing and get busted in the most public and humiliating way because of her own cynical, hypocritical calumny against Aldonza.

So, you go ahead, girl! Is Pru on the dart board?

Lila, thanks for an excellent recap. Also enjoy the analysis and wit of all the comments.
I seriously doubt Sev is looking forward to dandling this new baby on his knee. More than likely planning the best method of elimination.

David, thanks for the quote from The Professionals. A perfect comeback.

Tomas poolside was a high point for hilarity. I was expecting someone to remark how nice he was to vacation with his mother, then heard him claiming her as his aunt. Also liked the dorky socks.

Linda, not to imply you need my or anybody's agreement to not like a character or portrayal. . . .just saying you're not as much in the minority as you might think. I just really look forward to her being busted. San Miguel figures prominently in this story. I wonder how the whole BUSTED thing is going to unfold!

Linda, I dislike Pru too. She's a nasty human being, I can spot em, had an aunt that was a carbon copy. All you can do is stay away from them cause they live forever. Next life she'll be a slug, no disrespect to slugs intended.

La Paloma! Howdy and thanks! Oh. You know, I'm probably not the only one who feels like the writers need to crank up Sev's EQ, Eeevil Quotient and eliminating a pregnant woman would assure him a place in burning hell! And even then, I don't think he's done!

I think the only thing any of us like about Pru is her fashion sense. Otherwise, she's a cheating, manipulating, snob.

I keep forgetting Severiano already tried to kill PJ and would have succeeded had Cris not come along. I'm worried Lola is in danger if she has any contact with Simoneta and Irma gave her a little talkin to. Though I don't like Lola much, she doesn't deserve to be hurt by that pig.

I don't think I can hate Pru like I hate a traditional antagonist. I feel like the role is meant to be sort of a comic foil character. She's the hypocrite shrew hen pecking her husband. My reactions to her are more your oy vey, eyerolling kind of reactions. Not the please let me punch this heffa in the throat kind of reaction (like with Val and Cande.)

"I seriously doubt Sev is looking forward to dandling this new baby on his knee."

Ha! I like the way you put that, La Paloma!

Yes, Sara, there is nuance in the expression of hatred for a novela vilana:

My reactions to her are more your oy vey, eyerolling kind of reactions. Not the please let me punch this heffa in the throat kind of reaction (like with Val and Cande.)

How does Cande make you feel?

But Pru threw a rock and hit Aldonza in the forehead, on purpose, and she'd do it again.

Lila - Thank you for the recap! I love the snark you wove into it.
I babysat la nieta today and hopefully will get to watch this episode tonight, if I don’t crash & burn. She never stops moving (21 months old). LOL

Oh, that Tomas is such a horndog manwhore. Are we surprised? I think Vivi predicted, weeks ago, that once he hit the lottery, he’d be moving on.

Sim’s days are probably numbered. Ack.

”(Ade’s) too damned "good" to be true or real.” Hmmmm…. which makes me wonder if she will be the one who steps up to the plate and kills Sev for us all! Gotta watch those quiet ones.

re: purple --- in liturgical churches it is the color of the penitential seasons like Advent & Lent Ummm….. I do not think that’s what they were going for here. LOL

”When Cande was trying to buy Renato, it looked like she had maybe 6 or 7 months worth of the entire Japanese pearl production hanging from her neck.”
Pearls will probably be a hot fashion item here, by next year. I’m not joking.

Well, David, I guess only a man would have noticed that bikini detail. :-) And now I want to watch The Professionals!

tofie – Batting 1000 with that list.

I would love to know the backstory, too. Clearly, Ade and Rob came from a very dysfunctional co-dependent family, maybe an alcoholic parent. or two. Shall we petition Telerisa for a prequel?

(Tomas) won the lottery or hit the jackpot . . you choose .... my mind going faster than my fingers

Hi Miss LILA good recap, thank you. I smell a murder, or something close to it.
Sev don't want another child and quite frankly he shouldn't have Any, he's a lousy father. Some people should not be parents. It's horrible what some people do to their children and pass it off as parenting. I know that sounds judgemental, I'm talking about a fictitious person but think about it people, use your imagination for reality. Some of yall have been around as long as I have, you've seen things. like I said I'm talking fiction here, which sometimes depicts reality. Sev has no respect for anyone, he has on respect for this woman are her baby.
Get rid of the aggravation. It would certainly make his and cande's life easy. I'm sorry for any child of these two people.(sev & cande).
What kind of pain could Chris possibly be in(besides his parents)? did a horse trample his foot or what?
And last but not least: Aldonza is kind of aggravating since she is the one that pushed Chris away, she shouldn't get upset every time she sees him with vileval or anybody else for that matter. Like someone said, she didn't even question the lie just believed, maybe she was using that as an excuse to push him away, after all she said she couldn't be a wife to him because of what his (son of a bitch)that man that calls himself a father did to her. Continued next week. Enjoy the weekend people, beautiful weather here florida.

Linda I agree with you 100% about pru. her part in this is not that funny, she is the punishment for hum, for all the crap he's done down through the years for sev, and is still doing, even trapping cris In that horrible matrimonial death trap to His disgusting chlid (vileval).

Yup, tofie. I thought of that rock and I'm putting this on the writers. They have been inconsistent with some characters (more like all off them.) So we've got the truly evil act of casting the first stone (hardly being free of sin) and the comical scene of talking to your husband while your younger hookup boy toy flirts in the background.

Or is it that some of the characters are actually written well because they are more human?

Unwittingly, we have sometimes mirrored SL here on the patio. We have also judged and trashed people.


I was thinking that they showed Cris stepping on the fence rail, then his face looking up and screaming. Where did that fence rail him him? Maybe it hit him in the groin, then the groin doesn't work anymore, and he and Aldonza can live celibately ever after.

Sara, what's the point of Caray comment section if not to judge and trash the characters? If we weren't allowed to say anything that wasn't nice, then I probably wouldn't be here, lol.

Oh I know! I just think it's interesting how really like SL the world is. I think at the beginning I was like "wow these folks are judgey." But I think that's just very human. Especially with TN characters!

I think your solution to Aldonza's intimacy issues is fabulous!

Um "these folks" meaning the population of SL.

Oh and I was thinking too that the writers give me this rock throwing scene then these kind of funny "Oh we're studying the bible" scenes complete with religious soundtrack. Kind of makes me feel schizophrenic.

Hi, Doris! and thank you! I DO love the prequel idea! I think Tofie outlined a whole 100 shows for them! If only they would listen!

Nina! Hey, girl! I agree that Sev never needed kids. Or maybe he never needed. . .uh, anyway, there's a kind of parenting my mother refers to where the parents don't actually love and "raise" the children, "the children just get big in their house." In Cris's case he was saved by being sent away to boarding school or whatever, other neglectful if not bad parents were Pru and Hum. I won't dump on the Lagos. But Sev AND Candy, nightmare parents for sure!

Okay, Nina! Thanks for stopping by, hope we see you again this weekend though it's hard to compete with Florida weather!

Guys, unless I saw her in something before and didn't realize it, this is my first time seeing Cynthia Klitbo. She IS doing a wonderful job. I do get the comic relief and I was surprised when she stoned Aldonza but it does fit her somehow. She's a big-mouthed, small-brained, ego-centric and emotionally immature woman who aspires to be "high class" and powerful (like she thinks Cande is) but who never really carved out an authentic self to aspire to apart from her identity as The Doctor's wife and SL upper-crust. I'd like to see her and Hum's back story. Was she always like this? Maybe it amused him for a time but then it got old. Were they happier before they moved to SL? If she was always like those characteristics I named above I guess her and Hum settled into a familiar marital rut which included only perfunctory sex and catering to the princess. Maybe Hum never "courted" her like Tomas did. We see that it was lame and sophomoric, not to mention dishonest but she apparently liked it!

Anyway. She IS a big time hypocrite and I hope she gets busted in a big, public way!

Cathyx at 6:21! Girl, you crazy! It did look like he looked up, didn't it? As gringo says, "Must see tv!"

Pru actually did leave Hum at the beginning of this tale,remember? She must have found out she was pregnant with Val soon after she split with Hum and decided to stay with him because of the baby.

Lila, it would give Aldonza an out for not seeking help for her problem, and they do love each other.

Yah, Sara. Pardon me those who didn't watch Quiero Amarte, but one thing I found satisfying about it was how there was a cast who played the younger main characters and we got important prequel action in flashbacks. I thought that was well done but even then there were unanswered questions. It would take a lot of skill to make a prequel still have surprises and punch with the viewer knowing what it would all eventually lead do.

Cathyx, oh no! I find myself laughing at the prospect of that! Bad recapper! Bad recapper!

The years have not improved Pru but imagine she married Humberto because his relation to Cande's family and he was a doctor and I don't see her giving that up. Tomas did do anything other than give her insincere flattery and she responded with gifts.

While I understand why she would be suspicious when Humberto brought Emanuel home for the life of me I cannot imagine Pru changing Emanuel's diaper. Or if she did couldn't resist a hard pinch.

Hey guys, is there a weekend discussion topic?

Urban usually does those. Come to think of it, she hasn't been around much. Hope everything is OK.

Hum is just to resigned to leave Pru and Pru enjoys the familial connection to Cande too much to leave Hum. They deserve each other.

For those who've been married a long time, we all know that people change over the years and relationships change over time too. Perhaps Hum was more shallow when he met Pru, perhaps Pru was a real hottie in her younger days and Hum couldn't resist her. Staying in a marriage that isn't working is also very common, nobody likes to change what is familiar and comfortable. And cheating on the spouse is one way to spice up a dull life. Pru probably wouldn't be cheating if Tomas hadn't come on to her. I don't think she would have been out cruising the want ads looking for someone to have fling with.

I agree, cathyx. Tomas and Pru ran into each other. Her battery was dead and he gave her a jump (er... Literally. Her car battery.) He flirted. She responded. Tomas always sort of saw Pru as a "mark." I was sort of thinking Tomas was really falling for her, but after Friday's episode I don't think so.

And there has to be more to this story than just comic relief.

Tofie, I can't imagine Pru changing Eman's diaper either. As a matter of fact, anytime I might feel myself softening towards Pru I remember how much she hates and has always hated Eman. How and why in the hell do you hate a baby? It's just a wonder he didn't die from failure to thrive!

I'm baaaaack! Couldn't stay away from the patio, this is perfect weather for a patio.

About that kiss that renato gave ally, po baby he tried, but she felt nothing. She's just not that into him. And he thinks he can pull her in. No! He is in for a big O broken heart:(
But there is one thing that makes sence, maybe it's a good thing that they part for now(cris & aldonza). They need to step back and look at the whole playing field, look at all the players, especially the players. Maybe they'll start to think clearer, cause right now their brains are quite foggy. Ally can,'t see past her own pain and cris is at the mercy of those people (sev & cande). If I didn't know there'd be a happy ending I'd be so pissed at the powers that be (writers & directors). But they always come up with a happyending:-)

I enjoyed my time with you patio people yall are fun:-)

Cathyx @ 8:40, I think you're right. Tomas's interest in her was like a revelation . . .because of him she seemed to look at herself through different eyes. He desired her and it seems she hadn't felt that in a long time.

Ditto Sara @8:44. I thought Tomas was falling for her, too. Oh well. Who said it? Horn dog, manwhore!

Cathyx, I suspect you are right about Humberto and why he married a real hottie Pru. Who knows perhaps Val was the reason they had to marry. I don't think Humberto is a prize at all but he agreed to a divorce when she suggested it and she got all butthurt. Pru is miserable by nature and was either drinking or engaging in malicious gossip because of boredom. Cheating on her husband is no stretch but my beef with her is not her reason for doing so but her husband is funding her indulgence by trick, an indulgence that will end if her husband finds out. Humberto will justifiably divorce her and Tomas will run for the hills when the money is gone or if one of those bikini clad hotties beckon with a wink and a beer.

Nina! Girl, you a trip! Welcome back! About that kiss that renato gave ally, po baby he tried, but she felt nothing. Ha ha ha ha ha! Yah, po baby, indeed. He's got it so bad he thinks he can make her love him. Ditto to your whole comment, Nina!


My impression when Tomas and Pru had sex and she said that she's never done that before meant that she never had an orgasm before, we all know she had sex before, but when Tomas said he never did before either, I thought he meant that he never had sex before. Now that that spring has sprung, I think he's going to go after other girls his age.

My thoughts too about their respective comments. Tomas seems a braggart and very believable Pru his first. Doubt he had many girls his age impressed with a guy with no job, small time hustler and living with mom and dad.

cathyx - I figured Tomas said that for Pru's sake. Surely that boy has been around the block already.

Lila, you are so right that Pru is such a hypocrite, trashing Aldi and calling her a slut right before going off to commit adultery with Tomas. Argh.....

I don't know Doris, that look on his face told me he never did it before.

Oh, and Lila, I keep forgetting to tell you how well written your Comment #1, to start us, off is. Way cool.

Cathyx - I sort of felt like it was the first time for Tomas, too.

Doris- Kat came up with the first comment idea and those of us recappers choosing to do so kind of came up with our own. After dealing with kind of rude comments during the last two shows, I was more than on board. Especially after Kat was attacked for expecting thanks. I even found a post from Jane in 2006 asking readers to thank recappers. So it's not like Kat pulled it out of her butt.

New word to repeat - "kind of"

Sara, I kind of enjoy it when you say kind of a lot.

I kind of enjoy posting kind of impulsively without kind of thinking first.

It's why I kind of comment bomb. :D

I'm watching the episode now. Val looks like she's wearing one of the Pittsburgh Steelers throwback uniforms. That's a mighty yellow top and the elbow patches are cracking me up. She did NOT inherit mama Pru's fashion sense.

Cathyx at 9:10, that's exactly the meaning I got from it though it's hard to believe Tomas was a virgin. Maybe he's one of those guys that is so doofus and dorky he couldn't get laid and living with his good-hearted, naive and ever-present parents, it just hadn't happened. I just can't believe Abelardo didn't help set him up even with a hooker. Well. I guess if it's good enough for Adelina, it's good enough for Tomas.

Thank you Doris re my opening comment! I wanted to be lazy and steal Diva's or Sara's! I think it's a great idea! :D

Who're we missing on the patio so far: Gringo, Diva, Vivi, Sandy in TN. . .I know this wasn't the most exciting episode, the rest of y'all come on out now, ya hear!

Great work, Lila, and all the rest of you for this week. I was absent due to computer problems (thank you, Geek Squad!) and because I'm watching the episodes online I had to catch up today.

I agree with the comments about Adelina. Somehow or other she needs to be needed by someone who overshadows her. This allows her to avoid dealing with herself and her own needs. She probably enabled Roberta their entire lives and I suspect that their parents were quite dysfunctional. Mari at least called her parents to task for their lopsided attention to Abelardo and for ignoring her in the process. That, however, doesn't give her a pass for her Mean Girl behavior toward Lola.

The whole thing with Emanuel and Sev's threat to Solitario's life was disgusting. My guess about this is that he had no intention of killing such a prize horse but made the threat to provoke Emanuel into stealing him so he can have him arrested and imprisoned for a long time.... or until he's killed in prison.

The DNA thing sounds like a rerun of LQLVMR's thing with hair from the wrong gender. Come on, writers; you can and need to do better than this. We are just about at the point where young protagonists' births will be occurring just after DNA testing is a reality. I think I heard that hospitals in the US do these tests now to make sure that nobody leaves the hospital with the wrong baby, so this means that writers will have to get real about this or the networks will have to produce novelas de epoca again. How I wish they would because I miss those.

Simoneta is a Dead Woman Walking at this point.

And I finally figured out what's up with Candela's braids: If her hair weren't braided the snakes would be active and spitting the same venom that comes out of her mouth. I loved when the padre denied her communion.

More tomorrow.

Urban---Oooh, Medusa imagery! The braids take on an evil life of their own!

I agree, Simoneta just signed her own death warrant when she started ordering Sev around and informing him he WOULD take responsibility for the baby.

Ehhh, my keyboard was on the fritz earlier...but I've enjoyed today's comments!

J, roasting in Oregon


In the last few days someone raised the issue of novelas losing romance. I've been wondering about that, too because novelas always used to seem to have certain words in their titles (at least at Televisa):

Amar, amor
Besar, beso
Querer, querida

Lately the titles lack these words:

Hasta el Fin del Mundo
La Sombra del Pasado
Que te Perdone Dios
Lo Imperdonable
Lo Que la Vida Me Robo
La Gata

I wonder whether male writers are afraid of these words.

Sara - Val's black and yellow Queen Bee Steelers outfit is actually the first one she's worn that I've liked.

I'm not with you guys on hating on Adelina. I don't agree that she worshipped/s Roberta, but yes, that she'll try to give the best possible image of her unless absolutely necessary (ex. when she didn't want Aldonza to open the grave, she finally said Roberta was a horrible wife and didn't deserve to be buried with Ren). She's non confrontational, which does mean she backs down a lot; she'd rather take the path of least resistance. I guess that means she's not a hero, but I don't think it means she should be condemned for it either. It's not like she's never worked; she had a job and isn't down on working at all, she just doesn't have one now. And maybe the thought of trying to build a relationship has crossed her mind, but because she didn't want to leave Aldonza with Roberta, she dismissed it. She has definitely been complicite in being overshadowed in the beginning and everything that came after, but I also think she's in a crappy situation that I've already said gives very little positive in exchange for her coming clean.

UA - that's an interesting point. The ones without those words certainly outweigh the ones with them. This really surprises me because when I describe TNs to friends, I'm always exaggerating, saying they have names like Pasion de Amor, Amor de Tu Abrazo, Besame Para Siempre. Turns out, I've been giving them a bad rap! My first instinct is to think that they've decreased using those words precisely to changed the image that people like me are walking around with. But then I looked it up: in the 2000s about 31% of Televisa's TNs had those words. In the 2010s, so far it's actually about 43%, but 2012 and 2013 were especially heavy with those terms, so that it seems like they've dropped off a bunch.

Regardless, I think that the tone has definitely changed and we've definitely seen a less innocent, darker tone. Your weekend discussion about rape and mysogyny also brought this to light in a big way. The villains have been getting much darker and the romance aspect has somewhat dimmed. I think it does reflect, as someone pointed out in that post, a push to gain male viewers by ramping up the action and violence. What a shame that it's coming at the expense of the romance.

Urban! Sorry I missed you in my little roll call last night! Thank you, my dear! Oh boy, let me start breakfast and get back! Looks like we got a nice little exchange going on this morning. Love it!

Welcome back, Urban! Hate tech problems! Insightful comment on Adelina. You all have probably moved on in upcoming comments but I did want to comment on Sev. Urban, I really think Sev was going to kill Solitario for the impure, evil pleasure of cutting "Roberta's son" to the quick. Now I thought that Jacinto and El Mudo were going to pull a fast one to help Eman get away with Solitario but I was wrong on that. Sev is the big boss man and they were going to follow his orders!

And I finally figured out what's up with Candela's braids: If her hair weren't braided the snakes would be active and spitting the same venom that comes out of her mouth. What vivid and accurate imagery! I wish I could think of a nick name other than Cande because she IS such a viper!

Urban @ 6:26, that was me lamenting the loss of romance in novelas. I'm sure I'm not the first or the only one! Interesting analysis of the titles. Ok, this is going to sound really sexist and probably dumb, but why is novela writing being taken over by men, where are the women writers? Let the guys write the parts like the standoff at the Alcocer corral! I want my luvin and huggin and kissin! I don't want the leads to be all googely eyed in the first 5 episodes, hate each other for 150, make up in 160 and marry in 161. That's frickin robbery!

Male writers are perhaps clueless about the appeal of the novela in the first place or think love and romance is dead, substitute it for sex and fill the rest with raping and pillaging! I heard one guy on HGTV describe the kind of movies he wanted to watch in his new man-cave: anything with burning, explosions and shooting! GAH!

Mornin' Hella @ 7:48. Hate is strong but I for one feel like she's going to end up having sacrificed her life on the altar of Roberta and Aldonza for nothing: all the ugly truths will come out, she'll end up being blamed for hiding them (notice how curt Padre was with her the other day: understandable and he'll get past it) and she's so stuck on martyr that even if Flavia dies, she'll probably still reject Jock. I hate to see her taking solace in a dream of the past that was never realized, her undying (why??) love for Raimundo.

I hope not. Hey. Speaking of male writers. Is this 40 year old martyr/virgin/spinster/none nun women characters a fixture in the stories written by women?

Did the women develop the foundational love of the protagonists better than the men?

I am truly worried about Emanuel. He met Roberta once without knowing she was his mother. He shows potential for becoming an alcoholic and he is subject to depression. He has grown up without love from any female and with an ineffectual male role model in the paternal role (Humberto). I don't think he will slit his wrists but I fear he will put himself in the line of fire to save someone else, either Solitario, Aldonza, or Cristobal and possibly die before either of the two humans knows he is their half-brother-in-common. Remember that Roberta never knew he was her son.

Severiano earned his ticket to hell in the prologue when he was about to commit adulterous acts with Roberta in the church, which would have been an act of sacrilege. Everything beyond that is just more crimes to add to the rap sheet. He takes a sadistic pleasure in his boasting in the confessional booth and I'm sure he will come back to talk about the rapes. That will really rile the good Padre who may tell him off as Padre Tadeo did in FELS when Fernando boasted of his killings and rapes. He may go through the same Long Dark Teatime of the Soul as Padre Tadeo and contemplate the risk of excommunication vs the safety of the innocents in SL.

Candela is now high on his shit list for her actions in enabling the abuse of Emanuel as well as the lie that could emotionally destroy Aldonza and Cristobal. But that was the best scene yet between then when he called her out on her hypocrisy.

As for him lashing out at Adelina I think he was trying to provoke her into telling him the same things Sev talked about in the confessional so that he has an out from the Seal.

Lila- Loved your wonderfully descriptive recap. Thank you! I still have not seen the last two episodes, but loving all the conversations sparked by the latest happenings.

Sounds like Sim is a dead woman walking. When you have both Cande and Sever after you, then you know you're in trouble. Yikes!

I can't dislike either Aldonza or Adelina. The villains are taking up all of my capacity to dislike or hate. But I don't think the writers are trying to show that Adelina is some saint. I think they mean for us to be as frustrated with her as Padre is. The writers reserve all their love for Padre, and I think mean for him to stand is a a proxy for the audience. He does and says all the things the audience is meant to be feeling.


Lila - Adelina has a sacrificial lamb might very well be true, but I wouldn't exactly give her the martyr title. I guess she is technically, but that only bothers me when the person goes on and on about how they've given up their whole life for the other and that's why that other person owes them all the love and respect and, most importantly, obedience. That kind of martyr pops my braids! (which are no where near as elaborate or TIGHT as Candes ;))

Now, I would love it if she broke out of the 40 year old MVsP role and if that role were banished forever, I would stnad up and cheer. I am really NOT a fan of how TNs often neuter the older characters as though they revert back to hand holding, hugging 9 year olds after age 50 or even 40. I want to believe that they've actually gotten better about that, if only because TNs stars have aged gracefully and they've struggled to figure out the new generation of audience (both in age and in culture, with globalization).

Whether or not it's been a fixture, I don't know. I've watched TNs on and off for 10 years, but the off times have been long and when I watch, it's usually one at a time, so I've actually seen only a few.

Hellashelle- You make a point about Adelina that has struck me. She NEVER brings up how she has sacrificed for Rob and Aldonza. This was never a sacrifice for her. She loved Aldonza from the moment she took her in her arms. She is Aldonza's mother. I think she sees that as a gift and a blessing, not as a burden. We're the ones who have made it seem like some kind of martyrdom, doing something painful or unpleasant. It hasn't been. What has been painful is holding Al's rape secret and Rob's murder seceret- both rather recent. Also painful was watching Rob sink more into unhappiness and drunkenness, but all the more reason for her to step up and be the parent to Aldonza growing up.

And I'm sure those years of being Aldonza's mother, watching her grow, receiving her love, were very happy years for her. Remember back to the first scene after the big time jump, but before the rape, how happy Aldonza and Adelina were. They were the first two people we saw, with Al happily getting dressed in the green dress Adelina made for her, and Adelina encouraging her to apply to college. That was a proud and HAPPY mother and her daughter.

Right on, Urban, right on. Agree that Eman would give his life to save another. He specifically told Padre he would die before he would let anyone hurt Aldonza. This is chilling when one thinks of how Sev said he would be personally in charge of Cris not telling Aldonza about the "additional bastards" argument Cris had with his parents. Perhaps this injury of Cris on the fence will lead to some unexpected and positive outcomes like revelation that Eman and Cris are half sibs. This is WILD speculatioin!

And that's a deeper understanding of what Padre was trying to do with Adelina: it goes beyond him being merely curt!

Sorry to comment bomb, but not sure I've made my point clearly. I think it's wrong for us to assume that Adelina wasn't happy the 20 or so years she got to raise Aldonza before the rape, fire, loss of Santuario, and Rob's illness and confession. In fact, it seems those years were the happiest of her life, and that's a pretty good run.

Vivi! Hey, thanks, kid! Wow! Your last paragraph is powerful and insightful to a level I hadn't even contemplated:

I don't think the writers are trying to show that Adelina is some saint. I think they mean for us to be as frustrated with her as Padre is. The writers reserve all their love for Padre, and I think mean for him to stand is a a proxy for the audience. He does and says all the things the audience is meant to be feeling.

See. That's what I'm talking about! You guys are just brilliant! I love this community!!

I think I wanted to point out that Adelina had plenty of happiness because we keep calling her a martyr, which is defined as someone who suffers greatly for a cause or belief, or pretends to in order to gain sympathy. I don't see either with Adelina. But she certainly will do whatever it takes to avoid conflict, to the point of cowardice. She hates to rock the boat and will do whatever it takes to keep everything and everyone (Rob, Ray, Aldonza, Jero) happy and stable.

Bomb on, Sara, if that's what you call it! I'll be a bit more sporadic and will love to catch up with y'all when I can.

I hope Ade was happy in that 20 year interim. It's just that I feel she is portrayed as long-suffering and self-denying. It is telling that they made a point to show her looking longingly at Ray's picture moments after Jock had kissed her as if to say goodbye/ask permission of her long, lost love. To me they're saying she held herself pure for Ray all those years and now perhaps was finally willing to take a chance on love. Well, hey, I guess it shakes out like that sometime. The crisis with is not over, they are still under the shadow of the past: I just hope Adelina can survive it and they let us see her discover and share another kind of love besides maternal.

Bomb on, Sara, if that's what you call it! I'll be a bit more sporadic and will love to catch up with y'all when I can.

I hope Ade was happy in that 20 year interim. It's just that I feel she is portrayed as long-suffering and self-denying. It is telling that they made a point to show her looking longingly at Ray's picture moments after Jock had kissed her as if to say goodbye/ask permission of her long, lost love. To me they're saying she held herself pure for Ray all those years and now perhaps was finally willing to take a chance on love. Well, hey, I guess it shakes out like that sometime. The crisis is not over; they are still under the shadow of the past. I just hope Adelina can survive it and they let us see her discover and share another kind of love besides maternal.

There are now two men who seriously have it in for Severiano: Uriel and Padre Jeronimo. What they need is to get Humberto to spill and Renato to get on the legal ball. He can work on the local police chief, who looks like he suspects something he needs evidence for.

And when is someone going to tell the Padre that he and Aldonza can get tested to prove they're related? Not to mention testing Emanuel vs Aldonza. The padre saw that suspicious birth certificate before Severiano desecrated the confessional so he's really in the clear on this one.

UA..Yes, a dream team is forming that could finally topple OZymadias...I mean Severed. We have a man of God, a respected, influential banker,a suspicious police chief, a legal eagle. Severed has pissed off some powerful men. He should have stuck to his tried and true formula of harassing , abusing and intimidating women. However, it would be such poetic justice for a woman or women to bring him down in the end. Having this pompous a$$hat finally being taken down by a female would be so satisfying.

As to Ade still pining for Ray, some people never get over their first , young love. That seems to be the case for Ade.

I've never heard of someone never getting over their first love, except in fiction.

Does the object of the first love have to know they were beloved and if they know, reciprocate? Really serious here, not trying to be jerky or funny. Neither Ray nor Jeronimo knew they were dueños of the hearts of Ade and Cande.

Answering my first question, I guess a love that never knew they were adored can be the best, that way they don't burst your bubble by turning out to be jerks or absolutely rejecting you.

Ray did get an inkling about Ade's feelings after Rob maliciously outed her to Ray to cover up her affair. He was embarrassed for Ade, but did tell her how much she meant to him and how much he appreciated her.

So, yesterday I was chatting with one of my girlfriends, originally from a small town outside Veracruz. The conversation began because family wanted her grandson to stay there for the summer and she was freaking out. She said nearly every day there are killings and dismemberment's so no one leaves the house after 10 pm but weirdly we immediately began discussing current TN's because she thought the shock & gore level has been raised because of it. (all the males in her family watch narco TN's particularly those based on real events)

She doesn't watch anything billed as a romance cause it's not, only a cute boy with good hair and nice body and a cute girl with good hair and a nice body and high school hijinks by a cartoon villain to keep them apart with a white wedding at the end. She leans toward shows with some supernatural storyline (Outlander) and/or an unconventional love triangle like La Malquerida, which had something for nearly everybody but no white wedding. (there was a wedding but of a secondary couple) This lead to a discussion about Graham Greene's "The Quiet American", a favorite of mine, and the movie of the same name. Again, some romance but an unconventional love triangle with some explosions and a historic backdrop but no white wedding at the end.

Now that I think about it, how else can you offer a story with a predetermined end (white wedding) and not follow the same format when everything must revolve around a cute boy and cute girl? The story becomes secondary and not very stimulating but frustrating. Now, if I want cartoon cutouts I'll watch a cartoon and be highly entertained but they last 20 minutes, tops.


Tofie- The fact that Malquerida, and other tns that don't focus around a cute couple and end with their wedding don't do that we'll in Mexico show that your friend is not the norm. People want fairytales, particularly when things get very dark in real life, like they are in some parts of Mexico right now.

Other tns that did not end with a big happy wedding that I also enjoyed, in addition to Malquerida- CME and Amor Bravio.

And Para Volver a Amar.

But I enjoy a good fairytale too, if it's done well. I don't think that this one has gone off the rails. There are just some parts that I wish they had tweaked and strengthened (like the main romantic couple), but I can into this knowing it was more of a traditional tn, a remake to boot, of a dark tale.

I love a fairytale too and don't think this one has gone off the rails but has wobbled with these youngsters at times and it so unnecessary. Also cognizant, in my late 50's, PJ makes my motor run, not Renato.

I have known women who utterly refuse to read romance novels or watch romance-themed anything. Some of them truly do not believe that there is such a thing as love between men and women...

...which will be next weekend's topic.

I've also known men who don't even try to be romantic because they don't measure up visually to the male stars of these programs and don't want to risk looking foolish.

Hold your thoughts on these until then.

So...Ray had no idea that Ade was in love with him until musty before he was killed ? Poor Ade. Not only did Rob get thenguy she loved, but dhe ended ip killing him. It makes you wonder how Ade ever forgave her. Martyr much ??? The brothers Ray and Jerry must have been the big men on campus back in the day.

As to first loves, every class reunion , my first boyfriend grins and introduces me to his wife as his first girlfriend. At the last reunion, he said to me , " I still have the ID bracelet I gave you." I was amazed. He told me that I threw it out the classroom window when we broke up, and he retrieved it.I remember the bracelet , but I have no memory of throwing it out the window. There's something about young, innocent puppy love that goes no further than that infatuation. That feeling can stay with you no matter what twists and turns and loves and hurts your life takes.

you know you're right vivi, I wish they would have made their younger couple (cris & aldonza) stronger because look like all the strength went to the wrong people. Anyway I'm going to try to get back before you guys get to the 200th comment but I gotta go clean the bathroom right now so talk amongst yourselves. :\

I love romances. I have always been hopefully romantic and grew up with movies and TV shows and music that made you feel that love should/could last forever. ''When I fall in love, it will be forever, or I'll never fall in love.''. You have to believe it to achieve it. Today's mindset is so different than the one that I grew up with. Media has a big impact on helping to form our attitudes and beliefs.

The enormous Outlander series revolves around the steadfast love between Claire and Jamie. The books were written twenty years ago. The tns that I love the most are all center on two characters in love forever..Alborada, Amor Real, Passion.

I think that the weak character development of the protagonists is the main flaw of this series.... but it could be that this was deliberate to further emphasize the evil of the villains.

Candela is a major religious hypocrite but Ana Joaquina of EPDA and Bernarda of TdA (remake) still have her outdone. I'd love to know what her parents were like and what Sev's parents were like; they never talk about them. All we know is that in some unknown year Sev's grandfather lost El Santuario to Raimundo's grandfather in a poker game. We don't even know their first names.

''Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. '' Robert Frost

This quote seems to fit the storyline of many telenovelas. The characters are irresistibly drawn to the objects of their affections..Renato , Cris , Al, Rob, Ade, Candy , Joaquin, Ray , Sylvia , I am looking right at you. The problems arise when the object of desire desires someone else. Ray > Rob > Severed > Severed. Joaquin > Ade > Ray. Sylvia > Renato > Al > Cris . Vile > Cris > AL. candy > Padre Jerry > God. The few couples that work are luckily the objects of each other's desire...Irma > Uri> Irma, Dom > Mel > Dom.

I know what love is and you can't have it. David Cassidy never acknowledged I existed and I kissed the TV bunches.

WOW!!! 157 comments and I'm late to the patio party. Oh well I guess that I had better get started.

Lila---You rock. A great recap with so many great lines. --- Each calls the other stupid. Thanks, so I don't have to. --- Cande blasts out the way she entered leaving Sev's evil wheels turning. --- Well Dom is a meddling maid and ought to buzz off. --- But Mari drops her saintly mood and right away rips into E-man. --- It's so bad you almost want to feel sorry for Sev until you realize, well, it's Sev. --- Cande ramps up a few screechibels. --- Pru went from looking somewhat spiffy to suddenly looking matronly. --- At least he's got great hair that doesn't even mess in the wind. Lila, I could do more but isn't this enough to make my point
that you rock?

Linda 6-6 3:26PM---I so loved your comment. You said speaking of Pru---The actress
playing her isn't making me see her character any differently. Unlike with Roberta
who I acknowledge had a million flaws but who I would have loved to have graced the screen longer. Simply, I am a fan of Susana Gonzalez and would watch her read a phone book and love every minute of it.

The gringo's response---There is no other actress that I enjoy watching more than Susana Gonzalez. From the first time that I saw her in LQNPA up until her role in La Sombra my mind hasn't changed. She truly is outstanding in the industry. Like you, I could watch Susana read the names in a phone book and enjoy every minute of it, she's that good.

I especially liked what you said about Prudencia, you nailed it. In La Sombra, Cynthia Klitbo as Prudencia is a nose in the air, high society living hypocrite. Her character is really disgusting, having the air of high class respectability but actually being no better than many on a lower level. Her drinking, cheating on her husband, and failure as a parent with her daughter Valeria/Vile and also her I'm better than others attitude says it all. Pru really went too far when she stoned Aldonza in the town square and called her a whore which we all know wasn't true at all. Hasn't it been said that those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? Prudencia is setting herself up for a big fall.

Linda---I agree with you on Pru's character but Cynthia Klitbo's acting is a hoot. I don't believe that I have ever seen her in a novela before although I have to admit that I have heard her name mentioned several times in the past. As stated above, Ms. Klitbo is playing a holier than thou, nose in the air hypocrite but she is doing it with great acting and throwing to us a little humor at the same time. Prudencia, although not such a nice person is still a hoot in the way she is playing her role and I am enjoying watching her. She's doing a great job---in fact the entire cast is doing quite an exceptional job. I have already pot La Sombra Del Pasado on my all time favorites list.

It's too bad that Madelaine isn't out on the patio enjoying this novela with us. I know that she would have liked it.
the gringo


Gringo..Yes, I miss Mads. I wonder what songs she would be sharing with us while enjoying this telenovela and commenting on the goings on in SL.

Thank you so much Gringo! for your kind words! I'm with you, can't wait til Monday to see what's up with Cris.

I've read a lot of different perspectives on our story and it's amazing and refreshing the different takes one can get on these characters when the patio peeps get together. The main thing standing out for me right now, not on any character in particular, is that I mourn for the death of romance in novelas. Maybe historical novelas need to come back or there should be a challenge for some more creative and imaginative writers to craft more interesting villains or more compelling impediments to the two lovers being together or rework the whole romantic formula altogether. Perhaps the answer is to let love be more organically woven into a smart, engaging, entertaining story instead of making "Love" the star. I just have to see if I'm going to act crazy (doing the same thing over and expecting different results) in following novelas expecting two beautiful and smart leads to portray true romance when all the evidence indicates such a story no longer exists!

*Sigh* But this is fun, so you're stuck with me! :D

Lila you are so on about candes braids.the madussa syndrom, thats what miss cande's got. That and anger management issues.Those braids are wound so tight all of that hot air can't get out. I don't know the actress' name that plays candela, but I've seen her before. I didn't know she was so good at playing a nasty bitchy character. But I like her being nice better. I just want to beat the crap out of cande. She enjoys being nasty way to much. And shes fake, fake, fake.I'm glad padre called her on her hypocrisy in church before all those people. But it looked like they weren't paying attention. God was!!!!;-)

Hi, Nina! That was Urban who brought up the Medusa imagery with Cande's braids. Very descriptive, wasn't it? You know Nina, we just got through enjoying this actress, Alejandra Barros, as the sweet and loving widowed Juliana in Quiero Amarte. I don't remember her before that. She's done both roles justice. Playing nasty could be fun but somehow I think that it would make it hard to sleep at night!


Alejandra Barros was the protagonist of Mariana de la Noche where she had a toxic stepfather (Cesar Evora) who murdered two of her suitors. However, she did get the right man in the end... a very poetic and macho Jorge Salinas.

Thanks, Urban. I hadn't had the pleasure of seeing her until QA!

I loved Alejandra B in Para Volver a Amar, where she played an abused wife trying to escape her alcoholic husband and learn to stand on her own two feet. She was also co-protagonist in another fave, La Verdad Oculta, when Ed Yanez was her love interest.

If you haven't seen MdlN, try to catch up with it. It has supernatural occurrences (not in the DVD) and one of the most gorgeous orchestral love themes Jorge Avendano ever composed.

And Jorge Salinas.

While Alejandra Barros is doing a fine job as the antagonist, Candela, in LSDP (although I find some of her 'I'm evil' mannerisms a bit affected and over the top like she's trying too hard), I think she shines a lot more as a protagonist which is what she has played consistently up until this TN. I was surprised to read that she was cast in an upcoming TN, 'A que no me dejas corazón' as supposedly a main antagonist again since I much prefer her in the protagonist role but I am sure she will be good in this like everything she does.

I agree lila she does both justice, she'd scare the hell out of a vampire, (cande). shes very good at playing a bad person. Maybe cande will change and be a good mom-in-law . LOL!! Yeah Right!!!!

Perfectly stated, Anon!

Sighhhhhh ... yes, missing Madeline.

I think of Mads often. Definitely miss her voice here. She would have loved this tale.

I'm just finally watching the episode now. So happy to see Uriel coming out of the fog of grief. But Eman better be careful because Uriel is itching to beat someone up. He makes Mari cry, and Uriel will make him cry.

Gracias, Lila! I loved that shot of all the horses, too :D Second favorite was Pru's casual hip-check sending that girl into the pool.

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