Wednesday, June 17, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #87 - Wed 6/17 - A Haunting in Santa Lucia
The engineer talks about how he would divert the water from near the waterfall. "¡Me lleva!" Sev thought bubbles (short for "me lleva el diablo"…British dudes would say "Devil take it!"…I'd say, "Aw, FFS!") Sev nixes that idea, on account of it being Simoneta's watery grave. He pays the guy his advance and it's adios ingeniero!
Emmanuel continues his quest to replace the traditional illustration of "El Borracho" (the drunk) in the Lotería game. He shouts outside Mari's house that she's a bad woman who had no right to ruin his life. Mari, possibly genuinely, cries. As Irma tells Uriel not to go out there and get his damn fool ass thrown in jail for assault, Emmanuel is screaming that he loves Lola and Mari's a coward. As his curses continue, the cops show up. Em refuses to leave until that "zorra" (slut) gives him an explanation.
Aldonza tells Adelina that she visited her father's grave earlier. She made a decision--since they've been neglecting the gravesite anyway, she'd like to remove the remains, have them cremated, and scatter them in El Santuario.
Mari continues crying as she and her family watch Em argue with the cops. Between the three cops, the wrestle Em out of there and avoid getting hurt by the bottle he was carrying. One even picks up Em's hat.
Adelina thinks that's an absurd idea! Or she's afraid of the truth getting out, yet again. Take your pick. Aldonza is right, I think, that Ray would have liked being one with the earth. However, she's uncharacteristically careless about asking "What's it to you?" If I didn't know better, I'd say she was provoking Adelina because she knows more than she's letting on and she's trying to get some confirmation. Aldonza points out that she agreed with Adelina about leaving Roberta's ashes in the church, so, uh, I guess that means she gets to decide where Ray's eternal resting place will be?
Pato finally got in touch with Silvia, who tells him that after the way Renato behaved, leaving was the LEAST she could do. She doesn't want to kiss and make up and go back to the playground. Not now. Pato can call her later and they can have dinner when he's in town.
Candela runs into Lola on the street and invites her to dinner. Yeah, you read that right. And Lola made that same face you're making. Before she accepted.
Em continues crying and screaming in his jail cell.
Over YET ANOTHER DESSERT THAT NOBODY IS GOING TO EAT! Cande starts quizzing Lola about why she gives a f- about Simoneta. She tells her to forget about her. Sev's telling the truth about her going back to San Miguel…what else could possibly have happened? Sev gave her money and she left when she got what she wanted. She doesn't care about Sev or Lola or anybody. Lola thinks Cande might be right, but that's not the song Simoneta was singing. Cande finally gets to her real point…can she count on Lola to keep her mouth shut?
First meeting of the Cheater's Club of Santa Lucia! Pru and Whatsherface drink some fine red wine while Whatsherface talks about how, damn, her lover just won't take "no" for an answer! They discuss their feelings of fear and guilt and shame and sin. And drunkenness, as Pru is finishing off a bottle. Whatsherface says it's an "aventura" (affair, but also adventure) because you never know where it's going to lead. "If you're going to have a lover, forget about a quiet life. Live in the moment and enjoy the nookie!" But what about when it's over? "Eh, get over it. Move on. I just hope you haven't fallen in love with him…because God help you if you have!" Pru gets every last drop out of the bottle as a couple of Santa Lucia's finest busybodies look on.
LumberJoaquin brings some stuff to Emmanuel in jail. He chastises him for being so unmanly as to cause a scene like he did. Emmanuel tells him what Mari said happened in San Miguel and what really happened in San Miguel. He can't believe Joaquin is on Mari's side. Joaquin just wants to understand que the hell happened. Em thanks him for the blanket and the food, but tells him to get the hell out. Joaquin says he'll talk to him when he sobers up, but if Em has his way, he'll never be sober again. Aw geez, man…Em's breaking my heart.
Pensive Lola is pensive.
Joaquin, apparently, calls Adelina to give her the update. She passes the news on to Aldonza. Neither of them knows what's going on with Emmanuel. Oh really, Adelina? How about he's been deprived of love his entire life and might be genetically predisposed to alcoholism and you'd rather worry about "How will Aldonza react?!" than do something to help him finally find a sense of belonging? Aldonza, like the sister she doesn't know she is, says that even at his drunkest, there's no way Emmanuel would do what Mari is claiming. "Oh yeah? Alcohol makes people do really shitty things…just look at Rob--" She apologizes for being about to besmirch her sister's…aka Emmanuel's biological mother…memory. But, hey, it's all good, Aldonza knows what she was like…or so she thinks…but Emmanuel? Adelina thinks Aldonza doesn't want to accept that he could do something like that to Mari. Well, fine, but Aldonza needs to think about Lola as well. Adelina delivers this last bit of Aunt-ly wisdom before self-righteously swanning upstairs.
Cris is under the watchful eye of Warden Valeria. He asks her to help plug his phone charger in. Cris says if she doesn't want to help him, he can call the nurse. Valeria, of course, once she plugs it in, makes sure to leave it where it can fall off the tray table, so that when the nurse comes in to change his IV fluid, she puts the bottle on the tray table, knocks the phone off it, and gets verbally abused by Valeria, including having to hear such gems as "I'm gonna tell my daddy and he's gonna take it out of your pay!" I really hate Valeria. Cris would really like Val to STFU, as would I. He reassures the nurse that it's fine.
Aldonza now has to leave a voicemail message.
Back in Cris' room, the nurse is gone, but Val continues spewing her venom. She fake sadly announces to Cande that poor Cris isn't going to be able to call anyone now. Cande offers her phone, but Cris isn't taking the bait. And, no, he's not looking forward to Val showing up tomorrow. Not that Val cares. She threatens to be back first thing in the morning. Cris calls his mom on the transparency of her plan and declares he'll NEVER get back together with Val, whether Aldonza is his sister or not.
Humberto tries to have a civilized conversation with Valeria. Well…that takes two civilized people, so I predict an automatic fail. He says he's not "against" her, he just wants her to chill about this whole Cris thing. Val doesn't think she needs to. She'll have him "back" any minute now. Humberto wants her to date other guys. "But other guys can't give me what I want." Ohhhh, ok, so you're a gold digger? Val swears she's not…she's in lurrrrrrrve, for realz! She just needs her daddy to help her out a little bit. Well, Humberto would love to see her happy. "Well, do something so Aldonza can't get near him. It's not much, but it would help me." Humberto neither agrees nor disagrees.
Under the moonlight, by the gorgeous waterfall, Simoneta's coffee table bobs to the surface of the water. Where Lola was sitting, contemplating her messy love life, one supposes. She jumps into the water, opens the lid, and is horrified by what she sees.
Sev jerks awake in bed as Simoneta approaches him, machete raised, and hacks at his now-whole left arm.
How much of that was real and how much was Sev's nightmare? He's actually in bed, possibly having phantom limb pain, and screaming long and loud enough that Melesio, Dominga, and the maid ALL had time to make it to his room and are trying to calm him down. Mel doesn't seem to think Sev is actually awake and tells Dominga and the maid to get a good grip on him and not let him go.
The next morning, Sev tells Humberto he felt like he was having his arm severed again. Humberto reminds him that he had warned Sev this could happen, but Sev got complacent because he hadn't had symptoms before. He explains about "dolor fantasma" (phantom [limb] pain) being a "dolor neuropático" (neuropathic pain) where the brain gets confused by the something that starts with a "v" (thanks for mumbling, Hum!) in the "campos electromagneticos" (electromagnetic fields). Sev is outraged that this is happening now after so many years, but Hum says that's normal, and there's no way to say why it's happening, but maybe if Severiano was under some stress recently…. Sev worriedly asks if it could happen again. Humberto says it probably will, and it could last minutes or hours. He writes a prescription in case it happens again. Sev freaks because…he's Sev! This can't happen to him again! He has to find a cure! (It's called "death," Sev.) Humberto says there's no organic cause, which makes it difficult to treat. There are some treatments that are experimental. Traditional painkillers don't work, but he can give him a prescription for a sedative that will help him get through it if it happens again. He recommends Sev see a specialist. Sev is outraged that this is all Humberto can do for this terrible pain that felt so real…he swears it WAS real! Humberto is sorry, but there's nothing more he can do. He's got to go to the clinic and see Cristobal.
So far, Sev has shown that losing a limb doesn't have to mean giving up on your previous career and doesn't even have to slow down a life of crime. Now, they're using Sev's plight to show the difficulties in getting treatment for chronic pain. Gee, thanks, show. Maybe next time you try to give us PSAs on these serious topics you could…oh, I dunno…not use a murderer and a rapist with an overblown sense of entitlement as your example?
A smiling, and thus not traumatized by the sight of her dead mother stuffed into a coffee table (so let's quit talking about the previews, shall we?) Lola, is at work the next morning when Aldonza comes to tell her that she's going to go visit Emmanuel. Lola's over him. Permanently, this time. She's working really hard not to think about him. She's even thinking she needs to stop worrying about her mother. It's not like Simoneta ever worried about her, right? Aldonza asks what about the baby. Well, Lola was excited, but she doesn't even have any way of finding her mother, so…. Aldonza is sure Simoneta will show up when Lola least expects it. (Hopefully not the way Sev dreamed!) And now she's off to visit Emmanuel and hopefully Cristobal. She tells Lola to think positive.
Cris, leaning on his mom, with Humberto's help, and with some difficulty, takes a few steps. He'll have to use a crutch for a while. Hum assures him he's at no risk of losing his leg now. Cris can't wait to get back to "normal" life. Candela accompanies Humberto out of the room to ask if she can take Cristobal right now. She'll even hire a nurse if she has to. "You just want to get him out of here so Aldonza can't get near him." Candela admits it, and says she's also doing it for Valeria's sake. He can't object to that, right? Humberto says he's a doctor first and she can't take him out of there until Humberto thinks he's ready, so Cande better not insist. Because Humberto can't keep his mouth shut about anything, he tells Cande about his visit to see Sev earlier that morning.
Aldonza tries to bully her way into the jail to see Emmanuel. She finally shuts up long enough for the guy to tell her that she can't see him RIGHT NOW because he's giving his statement. So maybe she could sit down and shut up. Aldonza smarms that she'll be back later…with her LAWYER. Uh…good luck with that one.
Adelina is having a meltdown in Padre J's office about Aldonza's plans for Ray's remains. He wants Padre J to forbid her from doing it, but Padre J says there's no way. The only thing Adelina can do is tell Aldonza the truth before she finds out on her own. And Adelina says…come on, say it with me now…"no puedo." Can we visit the wizard and get her some courage, please? Padre J says she already knows her mom shagged Sev, and they even floated the possibility that Sev and Roberta had a child. All that's left is for her to find out whether they did nor not. Adelina (and I hate what they're having her do here, because she just keeps sounding more and more selfish every time she opens her mouth) says she doesn't dare, because Roberta's not there for Aldonza to yell at, but she still is. (In the earlier words of Sev…¡Me lleva!) And how could she possibly explain that she let him take a newborn…and that the child could be Emmanuel?! Padre J…oh, how I love that man…says "Well, you take a deep breath and you TELL HER and that's it!" He says she'll have to find out someday and there's no point delaying it. "No, I won't be able to. I'm not ready. Please help me!" Padre J looks like he's silently repeating "Please help me!" to the man upstairs…and La Virgen…and all the saints…anybody who will listen!
Aldonza skulks around the hospital and finds that Cris isn't in his room. The nurse thinks he was released. Uh oh…he lost his scapular. Nothing good comes of that.
Dominga and Melesio help Cris into his bed. He seems to think that he had Humberto's permission to leave. Cande is going to go back to her room and have a shower and change and then she'll be back to trying to micromanage his life! Yay! They all leave him alone and Cris looks at the phone and remembers the conversation he had with Candela. He thinks it's stupid and he's certainly hurting badly enough that it doesn't seem worth it to reach for the phone.
Renato is WAY too thrilled to see Aldonza, even though he says he understands he's only her lawyer and her business partner now.
Sev walks along by the waterfall and sees Joaquin and Ray. He smirks at Joaquin saying that he brought Ray down there to swim. As Joaquin and Ray are walking away, Sev says now this is a "balneario populachero" (public spa; a spa for the unwashed masses). Joaquin asks Ray to wait for a second while he goes to confront Sev. Joaquin says he won't break Sev's face, due to his "condition." Sev fondles his gun and says he won't kill Joaquin and leave his "mocoso" (snotty kid) an orphan. Joaquin and Ray get the hell out of there.
Dominga tells Cande the story of what happened to Sev. Cande explains to Dominga that it was phantom limb pain and it could happen again. Dominga says he looked like the very…(devil, I'm guessing). He's out of the house now, though. Gone who knows where.
Back to the scene of the crime…er, the second crime…er, the second crime involving Simoneta. He pulls his gun and turns as if he hears something and suddenly the pain is back. Kudos to Alexis Ayala for some really hideous facial contortions.
Adelina goes to visit Ray and Joaquin and runs into them on the sidewalk outside their house. She grins at Joaquin like a teenager, saying she just wanted to see him is all. Joaquin sends Ray off to his room to play. Adelina turns serious, but she won't tell Joaquin what's up. She finally brings up that whole "not telling people things to avoid hurting them" conversation. Joaquin remembers and encourages her to trust him…with a kiss. We are ALL unpleasantly surprised when Flavia emerges from Ray's room to applaud the scene she's witnessing.
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This was great, Kat. Thank you. I loved your description of the scene where Cande invited Lola to dinner. And LumberJoaquin made me giggle.
I'm glad you said something about Alexis' facial contortions. I was spellbound by them.
He has to find a cure! (It's called "death," Sev.)
Pensive Lola is pensive.
Can we visit the wizard and get her some courage, please?
Cande is going to go back to her room and have a shower and change and then she'll be back to trying to micromanage his life! Yay!
Back to the scene of the crime…er, the second crime…er, the second crime involving Simoneta.
LOLOLOL...oh lord ::wipes tears away:: I love everything about this recap.
Thank you, Writers, for finally giving Sever a taste of his anvils. Nightmares about being found out by Lola, a haunting by Simoneta, and excruciating phantom limb pain. Yes, please, more of that!
Eman was breaking my heart tonight, and reminding me of Roberta at her lowest points, now more than ever. Glad that Aldonza didn't for a moment waver in believing in him.
Cris is living a nightmare too. He's being held hostage! No wonder he's starting to get a little punchy. Don't do it, Cris. Don't fall for Cande's bs.
Gracias, Sara...mmm...Renato Gibb! Alexis Ayala is really bringing it with this role. I'll never love him the way I do Susana G, but he is bringing it.
Gracias, HellaShelle! You're making me blush over here! If I can bring a little uncontrollable laughter into your life, then I've done my good deed for the day :)
Gracias, Vivi! Oh, please, yes, let's get more of tormented Sev!
1) E: Wow. I don't even know where to go with him. Last night was so sad and pathetic. It was a definite turn off, but I feel like they could've played it better if it felt like more of Eman snapping after a lifetime of abuse. Instead it felt kinda like a guy with a crappy life who often gets drunk to cope got drunker than normal.
2) I can't wait until Mari cracks :D! (So glad I don't have to try to like her anymore!)
3) Aldonza's plans to cremate her Sure. Also, SO RANDOM! I was kind of with Adelina on that plan sounding absurd.
4)...that being said - Adelina: suck it up! How much longer do you think you can keep this secret and also, as Diva stated so well in the awesome, award winning recap above, your nephew is IN JAIL. Would you please get your head together long enough to help him get his life together?!
5) Diva, were you the one that called the haunting a few days ago? Because SPOT ON!!! Nightmares, within nightmares, cold sweats, phantom limb pain, ghosts = sweet! Also, is he getting pettier as his stress increases?
6) Flavia. Godammit.
See y'all tomorrow!
I did think he was ripe for haunting, but I didn't even think about phantom limb pain! I figured that was already a part of his life. I hope from now till the end is a lot of Sev in torment and Sev losing control.
I was actually surprised that Flavia came back. I'm not glad she's back, but I was glad that I didn't see it coming. Hellashelle, was it you that said you've been watching these so long that you are pleased when they surprise you? I figured she was coming back, but I assumed it would be in San Miguel with Adriano.
I feel for Baby Ray. People are going to yell and hurl accusations and when he cries, the world cries, because he's so freaking cute!
Yeah, Eman's alcoholism is another missed opportunity, imo. When we first started worrying about him, I wondered if we were going to see any rehab time on this TN, and I definitely thought his parejas would be more involved in helping him, but nope, nada. NOT a pleasant surprise.
Aldonza - you are your mother's daughter. You hate the people because they hate you because you hate them. Vicious cycles, man.
Interesting parallel, Vivi. Like everyone, I hate to watch Em suffer and I want to yank that ponytail right off Mari's head. She's definitely on the dartboard.
I only thought Flavia would come back when Adriano got caught. I wonder if she came back because she missed Lil Ray so much, or because he got tired of her. Or both?
"I feel for Baby Ray. People are going to yell and hurl accusations and when he cries, the world cries, because he's so freaking cute!" *gulp* I don't think I can take it, but I can so see that happening, HellaShelle!
Oh yeah, Sara...Mari is SO on the dartboard. If Val wants to reclaim her spot, she's going to have to get a move on. But making your not-boyfriend want to never be sober again and your dad willing to risk jail to kill him with his bare hands is going to be hard to beat.
I love the Candy House, but I just thought of how funny it would've been if there were two different ones and Mari had gone to Lola and spewed her venom, only to have Lola say "um...this isn't the one I was talking about. (You lying, Liar McLies-A-Lot face)"
Sev's nightmares and phantom pain were the best of the drama, IMO. I especially loved that his pain was due to "fantasma", i.e. both phantom limb pain and a literal phantom (ghost). Stuff like that makes me hug myself with glee. And I hope he feels lots more of it. The more unbearable the better, as even the mighty Severiano cracks under the strain.
Sev: drops a psycho-anvil on himself; Phantom pain, who would have thought? And the arm whacking nightmare? Wonderful. More, please!
Eman: Ohh, ouch, hard to watch the drunken howling.
Val: Had the funny moment of the night when she picked up Chris' dropped phone, whacked it a few times on the table like someone cracking open a hard-boiled egg, and pronounced "Yep, it's broken".
J in Oregon
Gracias, La Paloma! I love that kind of word play, makes me feel like someone is actually paying attention and really crafting the episode.
Gracias, J! Yep, he sure did it to himself, didn't he...ahh, sweet, sweet anvils!
"She doesn't want to kiss and make up and go back to the playground"
"Adelina delivers this last bit of Aunt-ly wisdom before self-righteously swanning upstairs"
"Cande is going to go back to her room and have a shower and change and then she'll be back to trying to micromanage his life"
I'm not a fan of a haunting manifested by phantom limb, Severiano hasn't missed a beat to this point and find it difficult to believe killing Simoneta flipped the switch.
Flavia - ya miss me
Simoneta - hey Boo
Emanuel - "Cause I've got friends in low places where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away"
Humberto - I recommend Ghost Busters
Adelina - chicken
Cande - "Misery"
Aldonza - can I trade a kiss for some legal work
Cris - no problem, what's the release date for iPhone 7
Boy, performances just killing it last night. I'm loving the snarky Cris, Sev/Alexis made me start wreathing just watching him at the waterfall, E-man/Alex is breaking my heart,and loved Padre in his frustration with Ade (I'm right there with you PJ).
Wonder if we will see Mari get an actual stab of conscience. If not, she needs to be put on the anvil alert list. Right now, I've put a brand new picture on the dart board. Have at it all!
Well, we knew there would be some reason to get Allie back working/talking with Renato. I'm okay if they just are friends and can move forward that way. Then I get to see his smiling face, but gees, costume dept. needs to park the disco duds and put him back in the look he had before---young up and coming lawyer look. Has to be the water in SL ( I even ticked a little when Sylvia wore that off the shoulder top at the office one day.) Call me an office appropriate believer.
As for Flavia--too bad little Ray is right there, because Joaquin should lay into her for all he's worth. She has some nerve being all self-righteous. Who's the one who ran off with the boyfriend and then gave up her child for said killer??? HMMMMM??? She was really rockin' that Wicked Witch of the East face last night. What did he ever see in her?
So, Sim/Viv has come back as a ghost to haunt Sev! Squee! Perhaps she will drive him mad. That woman is not ready to cross over, go into the light, whatevs. Unfinished business, and all that. Squee!
”Is Sev just always packing heat as he strolls around?”
Why not? Just like any everyday American, with the more and more relaxed gun laws. Maybe he will accidentally shoot himself!
Did Val actually plug the phone into the charger? I was cooking supper and thought she faked it, in hopes the battery would run out. LOLz when she banged it on the table … yep, it’s broken.
” Cris - no problem, what's the release date for iPhone 7” Spot on, tofie!
Sev - I hope before this is over he has more than his arm giving him pain. LOL about his miscalculation of the body dump and diverting water for his own use. Note to Sev, you are not as smart as you think you are.
Mari - Who is she? I totally ignore that zorra. May she join Sev in the nightmare marathons.
Flavia - She has joined the totally ignore the zorra club.
Rosemary Primera
I wonder if Hum is very good at anything. He can't control his wife or his daughter, and he certainly hasn't displayed any conspicuous skills as a medical practitioner.
I would love any situation that makes Sev writhe in pain.
I don't know if Eman can get out of his drinking ways without treatment, but I sure think that a lifetime of abuse and contempt would make him more vulnerable to seeking solace by numbing his mind with something. The fact that he is known for this by a lot of people implies that it happens a lot.
Mary had a brief shot at goodness, but seems unable to proceed with it. Certainly taking advice from Val (Mary must know what a vicious bitch Val is) is a very wrong move. Also her "if I can't have him then no one can" way of looking at things is such a self centered view of life.
With all Val's warnings for Pru not to spill the beans about Val's pregnancy, it seems that that is precisely what a boozing Pru will do, and at the most inopportune moment.
Thanks again, 5ft. Very well done, as always.
"Ditto" to everything you said regarding Adelina! At this point she is in line for an anvil. Silence is not always golden.
Rosemary Primera
I don't know you guys, the costuming dept on this one is all over the place. Irma's in her coat half the time, while Mari's in super tight mini dresses. Aldonza's been "dressed for the farm" once this whole TN, they can't figure out how to dress Adelina without orthopedic shoes, and Silvia, while always looking fabulous, almost never looks like she works in an office. Now, she is her own boss (kind of) so her style could be her own. And it is a fun, young, sexy style, so I guess I shouldn't judge just because it doesn't scream "lawyer" to me, but I've been on the fence about her work wardrobe since she was at the SF firm. I just don't know what their deal is.
How can anyone watch this and not try to do something? Everyone is disappointing me when it comes to their dealings with Em.
I do wonder how she would dress for court...
Now- Padre Sixto, Raymundo, Roberta, (he may not have killed Roberta but he had a hand in her destruction) Emanuel, Aldonza, Mel, Simoneta, cris.
All the dirty nasty low life things this man has done to these people, and God only knows who else he's raped. The switch has been flipped. Its down hill from here, and he will deserve every excruciating bit of pain he will get.
There probably would be a difference. We've mainly seen her in the office... Which is downstairs from her bedroom and we've only seen her with Aldonza and Joaquin as clients. So while not really office wear, I can see why she's a little more casual.
I've been very distracted by her crochet hairpin lace vest the last two episodes. It's gorgeous.
I need to go back and watch for Silvia's lace vest..... good thing I did not delete this episode.
I want to send an anvil toward Adelina's head, too. But she still has no hard scientific proof that Emanuel is Rob's son, does she? It is still a theory, I think.
Hopefully Sim's ghost will make another appearance. Interesting that Cande was not there when Sev had his nightmare and she learned about it from Dom. The help must sleep closer to his bedroom than she does.
I could not watch Eman's meltdown in the street and then in the jail cell. This guy cannot catch a break.
I agree that Adelina needs to step forward and spill some of those old beans she has been holding on to. Her habit of keeping secrets is going to bite her soon.
I noticed that the Devil's partner was sporting what looked to me like a burgundy velour jacket. Is this foreshadowing his wardrobe in hades? It appears that he is always packing heat...probably a good idea considering the way he treats people. Watching him writhing in pain on the ground was great. Let's have more of that.
Kat, I especially enjoyed you pointing out that Candy was going to take time out of her dedicated CRISWATCH to jump in the shower. She is probably remembering that old adage ," Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
Gracias, doris! Yeah, Simoneta was already ready to make his life hell when she was alive, so she's sure not going to back off now that she's dead! Or Sev's delusions of her or whatever she really is. It's all good with me!
Ah, I did not catch that the charger wasn't plugged in! I actually thought originally that she was dialing Aldonza and going to try to make it sound like Cris was having hospital nookie or something.
Gracias, rosemary! Oh yes, Sev is beginning to slip and I like it!
Gracias, David! I do hope Pru will spill the frijoles...from your lips to the writers' ears!
Gracias, PBN!
Gracias, Nina!
Gracias, susanlynn! Hey, maybe he could just write himself right over the edge of the falls...that would be too easy, wouldn't it?
tofie, I bet he's missing his stupid little henchman Abelardo right about now. Guy would have come in handy with all the body moving. Things like the phantom limb pain and panic or anxiety attacks could happen to would be totally fair game for them to happen to Sev. It just seems manufactured because people in TNs don't even get so much as a cold unless it advances the plot.
I so wanted Joaquin to rough him up but with a gun and little Ray there, drat.
So, Lola knows Eman's in prison, but she's trying her hands of him, so she's not going, right?
Thank you 5 ft. What a frustrating episode to me. I am over the top frustrated with how Cris handles his parents.
I'll go for the SEV's anvil has to be something that involves enlightenment of the masses, humiliation and then he can be offed whatever way. To simply meet his maker would not be satisfying as it still would be the all those he played or were victims against a ghost. we've seen he's held in a sort of esteem/fear in that town, and to me, that needs be torn to shreds before he gets the ultimate anvil. (For him, no jail time, he's got to have the meetup with the devil down below.)
And the same goes with Val. If that were my phone, I wouldn't even let Val touch it. I would have called the nurse and had her plug it in to get it charged. And when if fell, I would have LOUDLY told Val to STFU when she was berating the nurse, and to give me my phone. Broken or not, I would be the one checking it to make sure it is broken.
hate Mari, lyin' bitch
hate Val, connivin' skank
hate Cande, freakin' psychotic Smother from hell
hate Flavia, hypocritical ho
YAYY! Sev is getting payback, but I hate him, too
Another thing is that back at the engagement party from hell when Vile had Mari spike Eman's drink it was stated that Eman did not drink. So those bitches introduced him to the sauce as far as I'm concerned and their dirty tricks and his genetic endowment is doing the rest.
Mari and Vile must suffer mightily, nigh unto death!
AND, that's exactly how I feel (like Eman) with Cande holding Cris prisoner, posting "guards" 24/7 and forcing Val on him! I could just freaking SCREEEEEEAAAAAAM!! This week is soooo frustrating. Cande is a got-damned control freaking lunatic!!
And not for one minute do I believe Hum discharged Cris. That psychotic mutha took Cris out AMA! AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!
The only outfit that Silvia has worn that might have typical office HR police write her up was the silky, sheer, transparent white blouse with the black bra underneath. Of course, clothes like that are completely acceptable at funerals now, so why not the office? I like Sylvia no matter what she wears.
I think anyone who has a son in real life is shaking their head at the Sev, Cande and Chris scenario. I’m not disappointed in the Aldonza/Chris chemistry, but I am very disappointed in the way Chris lets him mom and dad run all over him. This does not compute with my life experiences. It isn’t just one episode like his injured leg, it all of the things together that has him still under their control. Aldonza is very strong willed, maybe he needs a super strong mate to counterbalance his passive personality.
Diva---You asked a question. what did Lola do to Mari? The answer is that Lola took the man that Mari had her eyes and heart on and although Mari isn't a mean girl by nature, With just a little encouragement by Vile, she has become one. The power of a woman or maybe two in this case has driven Eman to drink, spin out of control and wind up in jail. Poor Eman.
David---hope that your back is on the mend. Try some Icy Hot Patches.
Lila---Mari might be redeemed as she seems to be sorry for what she has caused. Time will tell.
Ok my rant---It seems like in just about every novela and this one is no exception,
there is always someone listening in on a phone call or a private conversation either from a door that isn't completely closed---or sometimes not even by a door.
Often it's just around a corner where there is no door, just a wall. Cris needs to be careful when he is on the phone to make sure that no one is listening. That goes for Aldonza, Lola and all others that have pertinent things to talk about. Can't wait for tonight's show. Is Cris going to step in it?
Must see tv
the gringo
Don't cha just want to grab cande by the braids and cause her as much pain and discomfort as shes caused other people? I hate the way she grinds her teeth when she spuse her vile acid. Cris probably would like pru better as his mom than that incubator from hell that calls herself a mother. She should have been vileval's mother, they get along so well together in their evil plots.
But we don't get to pick our parents or children. Tho I hear science is trying to do something about that, God forbid. I've got one more rant. Eman.
Sweet Eman: He'd got a big heart, and its been kicked from pillow to post way to many times. And it's unfortunate that he seems to have inherited his mothers taste for the sauce when he's in pain. And that sperm doner that calls himself a father treats him like something in the toilet. I hope he dosen't feel useless and try to off himself.
The parts of the past are destroying these children's lives. Can't wait for the past to come to an END!!!
But before I go, a heartfelt "thank you" to everyone who commented today. I've been running around most of the day and did not have as much time as I would have liked to respond to you personally, so I will have to substitute a (((((patio)))))
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