Wednesday, July 22, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado, Capitulo #110 (Mx 111), 07/21/2015: New Scenery, Same Story

Sorry y’all, but this recap’s a little smushed and out of order, like a cookie in a back pocket. But I think all of the important parts are still there and also I'm still sleepy so let's jump in shall we?

The Short of It: Lola talks to Eman. Nothing useful happens there. She and Pato fight. She and Mel don’t find S/V, obviously. Val is once again staying at LA. Everyone in SL knows she’s pregnant. Adelina gives Pru whatfor in public. Joaq agrees to let Ray visit Flavia in DF. PJ tells Adelina he may have to leave SL. Cris and Al start on the check list of Cabin Reconciliations. Also, Cris’s horse is stolen.

The Long of It: Well, Val’s back at LA. The doc has told Sev and Cande that there’s a threat of miscarriage and she needs to rest. Sev jumps from there to her not going home and Cande and the doc agree. Cande asks how far along she is, but the doc says he can’t be sure without the tests he told her to do and an ultrasound. Cande tells Val, who’s down to stay, but doesn’t want her mom coming over. No true indication of what, if any, agreement Val and the doctor came to.

Cris is all sorry for Aldonza having fallen off the horse. They take off her coat and she’s bleeding! She says it doesn’t hurt, she’s just sore from the fall. On the list of cabin lovin’, Item #1: Grudgingly setting aside problems to focus on more immediate crisis - Check.

In other news: Flavia calls Joaq to tell him Dr. G’s being awesome and said Ray could visit her. Joaq hesitates b/c Flavia’s still sick, but she acts like he’s refusing to let her see her son. Sigh. Joaq relents. They’ll figure out times and whatnot later. He notes that Dr. G is “Gonzalo” already. Until then, Ray gets to talk to his mama on the phone.

Pru and Adelina run into each other on the street. Pru gleefully jumps on the chance to start in on that harlot Aldonza, but Adelina cuts her off with a slap. In response, Pru sings a chorus of her fave ditty, Aldonza the Husband Thief, but Adelina is not the one. “If your husband wants a divorce, it’s because he opened his eyes and realized he’s married to a snake!” Wow! Didn’t think that Our Lady of Perpetual Hand-Wringing Ade would be the one to give Pru a reality slap, for realz, but there you have it.

In other news: Tomas continues fixing the bike. It needs a bunch of new parts.

Lola visits Eman. In between hugs and much face touching, Eman tries to explain, yet again, what happened with Mari. Lola, once again, won’t listen. This time she claims there’s no point because they’re both with other people and she’s getting married. She won’t look him in the eyes and say she loves Pato, but why else would she be marrying him, right? He acknowledges that he likes Vero…but she doesn’t take his breath away or make him weak in the knees like Lola does. No matter, that changes nothing. But Lola suggests he tell Vero the truth because if he feels that way about Lola, he’ll end up hurting Vero the same way he hurt her. They discuss all of this with about three inches between their faces because why not. He asks her to take care of Solitario.

Outside, Pato is trying to see his client, which is how he finds out Lola came to see E. He starts to semi-gently chide her for not telling him she was visiting her ex in jail…or what they were talking about…or why she’s crying, but she’s super touchy so she accuses him of interrogating her and blah blah blah. He’s rightfully hurt, she’s unnecessarily prickly, but they leave it there. Mel shows up to get Lola. She tells him she and Pato are engaged. He tells her she’s still in love with Eman.

Cris finds Aldonza a beautifully pressed man’s shirt in the old abandoned house. (His own shirt has also remained suspiciously clean and pressed, given his day on a horse under a heavy coat. But I digress…) Just like when he first found her swimming at El Santuario, she makes him turn around while she strips to her underwear and puts on the shirt, though she then lets him help button it up, so what was she trying to accomplish with that? He steals a kiss while doing so. (List Item#2: Get soaked woman out of own clothes and into man’s button-down shirt – check.) Later, he leaves her sleeping on the dusty slipcover covered couch and starts a roaring fire with a single strike of a match from a conveniently located box of perfectly functional matches. (List item #3: Roaring fire – check.) Aldonza alternates between more smile/smirking and pretending to be asleep when he looks at her.

Val continues to be all worked up because Cris made her think he was considering getting back together with her then ran off with Al. (Yup, that’s also what I got out of his flat refusal to marry her. Totally accurate.) A frantic Pru arrives. They fill her in. Cande asks her not to work Val up. Pru is offended. (Her?! Work people up?!)

In other news: Mari’s incompetence is showing (well, at least to Silvia).

Back with the lovebirds (genus: dodo), Aldonza’s cold. Unsurprising, since Cris has been warming up with the only blanket in front of the fire. He invites her to share, but she hesitates. Well, he’s gotta go find food anyway. He wraps her in the blanket, hugging her from behind and asks her not to run off while he’s out. He kisses the back of her head and leaves.

Dom chews Cande out. Will she finally get it through her thick skull that not matter what she and Sev do, Cris will always look for ways to be with his lady love? And she should know, since she’s still got it bad for PJ. Nope. Instead, Cande puts her hands over her ears, like “Lalalala, I can’t hear you!” Fine. Dom gives Cande a cross body purse of money. Sev ordered Mel to gather money from the people for a new car for PJ. Cande is surprised, skeptical and suspicious.

Javier has brought the boxes of S/V’s stuff to Sev outside of his burned out love shack of yesteryear. In homage to his fiery roots, he sets the pile ablaze. He then leaves this unregulated fire burning. Unmonitored. In the middle of a drought. As he struts away, memories of the fire from That Night hit and Phantom Limb Pain brings him to his knees.

Val refuses to lose this baby because it’s her ticket to a lifetime supply of that sweet, sweet Mendoza money/power/influence. Pru, drink back in hand, cautions that Hum will freak, but Val doesn’t care. Pru’s annoyed that no one’s looking for Cris to drag him back to the Lizard Witch’s side. She doesn’t like that he’s in the forest with Aldonza. What if they get it on and Al gets pregnant?! Then their babies will be like pseudo twins and- Val cuts her off and kicks her out. Later, Pru fills Hum in on what’s up with Val/Cris/Al.

Pato forlornly lays in bed, looking like a traditional love sick, high-school girl. He looks at Lola’s number in his phone, but doesn’t call. Then he contemplates Mari. Ick. Meanwhile, in San Miguel, Lola also thinks about calling Pato, but doesn’t. She and Mel look for S/V at her house. A friend tells them that she went to see her daughter a while ago and hasn’t been back since. Lola leaves her contact info. Over dinner, Lola ponders the possibility that something bad went down, but Mel says when S/V left Lola’s dad, she disappeared just as completely.

Well, Val’s secret’s out. Irma and Uriel heard she’s preggers and apparently the whole town knows. Mari knew this (really? When?) but is saved from having to explain by Pato, who’s calling to invite her to dinner. He needs to talk to a friend. Ick.

Adelina’s still annoyed with Cris. Even PJ’s starting to worry a little, but what can they do. PJ tells Ade he might have to leave SL. Adelina is shocked and dismayed (as are we all, Ade, as are we all). Now Aldie really will be unprotected against Sev the Dev and the Zombie Fools of Santa Lucia! Ade half-jokingly, half-forebodingly thinks that if PJ’s leaving, maybe Aldie shouldn’t come back.

Aldie worries. What’s taking Cris so long? It’s ok, he’s just buying provisions at an all-night fruit stand/shop in the middle of nowhere, so he’s fine, right? Cue nefarious dude, demanding Cris’s beautiful horse. “Sorry, friend, it’s not for sale.” Cue nefarious dude’s nefarious friend. Cris tries to start shoving his way out of this, but Bad Buddy knocks him out with a blow to the head. Which is a positive, since he could’ve shot him with the gun he’s carrying. Cris comes to later, but the horse that would only take orders from him this afternoon is either not so loyal when faced with a pistol or has decided the Nefarious Duo is better than the Duo de Dodos and left with the criminals.

Pato pours his heart out to Mari, who still plays it straight. She tells him not to worry, to give Lola some space and discuss it with her tomorrow. She tells him he’s understandably upset, but she’s sure Lola’s not trying to be The Worst, she’s probably just a little confused.

Cande asks Sev what’s up with the money. Sev says he’s just trying to help PJ out. Cuz he’s a good Christian. Cande doesn’t buy it, because duh, but Sev doesn’t care. Why doesn’t she spend her energy trying to get PJ to tell them where Cris is, since he surely had a hand in Aldonza Abduction 2015 and since she so clearly still has a crush on him?

Cris gets back to Al. He shares the fact that he was robbed for his every expensive horse and their only mode of transportation and was battered in the process. Aldie snickers in response. They bicker a little while she checks out the goose egg on the back of his head. He pulls her onto his lap, where she willingly settles in for a make out session. (List Item#4: Forget all earlier and current problems and snog - check.)

Previous: Episode 109 (Mx 110)
Next: Episode 111 (Mx 112)



Thanks, Hellashelle! This was weird but I'll take the "romance" crumbs they are throwing. Feels disjointed though. I was so afraid that when Aldonza came out of that house looking for Cris that the guys who stole his horse were going to find her and. . uh, well, I was ready to quit if she was victimized again. Though, with her gunshot wound weeping blood and not antibiotics, there's still chance for that to happen and for her to vilify Cris, yet again. It looks like, however, that the isolation from the crazies and baddies, rustic cabin and crackling fire may cure her PTSD and she and Cris will, at last, "belong to each other." Gotta run, here cheating at work. Hopefully more later, thank you, Hella!

And thanks for yesterday, Diva! Still want to go back and read the comments!


Thanks, hellashelle! Smushed cookies are the greatest.

Lots of clever lines in this one:

Not a line, but I love how you checked of items on the list of cabin lovin'

"Our Lady of Perpetual Hand-Wringing"

"Yup, that’s also what I got out of his flat refusal to marry her. Totally accurate."

"Back with the lovebirds (genus: dodo)"

But my favorite:
"He then leaves this unregulated fire burning. Unmonitored. In the middle of a drought."

Right? How dangerous was that?

I am really not happy that Pato went running to Mari. He clearly didn't hear my protests.

A fabulous recap, hellashelle. Thanks again.

Love it Hellashelle, thanks

"the list of cabin lovin’"

"Pato forlornly lays in bed, looking like a traditional love sick, high-school girl"

So typically Lola, wants Emanuel to profess his love while she gets a dig in with her marriage to Pato but tells him to break up with Veronica so the one man that deserves someone to love and care for him should be alone.

Disappointed in Severiano, all he wanted is a bonfire but hope that pearl necklace may come back at him

Right on tofie. I am so DONE with Lola. I cannot stand her any more. Except I am glad she's investigating S/V's disappearance.

Emanuel bares his soul to Lola, admitting he likes Veronica but loves her and what does she do but turn that back on him, condescendingly appealing for him to do right by Veronica and leave her.

I swear, both Lola and Aldonza just want to be desired and unwilling to put forth any effort unless a dude seems to be slipping off their hook.

Thank you, Hellashelle! Great recap!

This "Cris comes to later, but the horse that would only take orders from him this afternoon is either not so loyal when faced with a pistol or has decided the Nefarious Duo is better than the Duo de Dodos and left with the criminals." was hilarious, and a much better explanation of what happened than the show gave us. I was sitting there, pre-head-injury thinking "What's the point? The horse only obeys Cris. He's just going to stand there." Nope! I guess he wanted to get out while the getting was good.

I was really bothered by the bleeding of the gunshot wound and the changing into some random dusty, yet mysteriously available and (as you said) freshly pressed shirt. Call me crazy, but I like my romance without a side of potential infection.

I guess "Our Lady of Perpetual Hand-Wringing" needed to slap Pru to get the feeling back in her hands after all the hand-wringing she's been doing over the past few episodes.

Why does Mari still have a job? She has no clue what she's supposed to be doing, and it doesn't look like they have any time to train her, or like she's bothering to ask what she's supposed to do. I say fire her and get someone with experience. I wonder if she was like this at the store, too. "Mari, did that shipment of ribbons come in yet?" "Uh, yeah. I stuck the box in the back. Why? Was I supposed to stock them or something? Hey, can I go to lunch now?"

I think I recognized Sev's latest bout with phantom limb pain as taking place on the same dirt road where Roberta confronted him and tried to shoot him. I admit, I laughed at his pain-induced yoga session. Because I'm mean.

Thanks again, HellaShelle. Don't underestimate the value of smushed cookies...they're good for topping ice cream :D

Thank you, Lila! I got a bad vibe about Aldonza being alone in the middle of nowhere while Cris was out, too. I wish they'd quit dragging out this plot device and have it fulfill its intended purpose (whatever that may be) before Aldonza dies of infection, and/or Chris dies from brain trauma, and/or they both die of carbon monoxide poisoning because they chimney hasn't been cleaned out in years.

Sara, I was screaming at Pato, too. They've ruined him!

tofie, it seems like Sev is slipping up a lot all of a sudden. Not making SURE the flunky didn't keep anything, not making sure the boxes burned entirely.

Cheating again. Hella, this recap is FANTASTIC! Few faves:

Our Lady of Perpetual Hand-Wringing Ade

Pru’s annoyed no one’s looking for Cris to drag him back to the Lizard Witch’s side.

the horse that would only take orders from him this afternoon is either not so loyal when faced with a pistol or has decided the Nefarious Duo is better than the Duo de Dodos and left with the criminals.

Love it! Thank you!



I feel as though I'm watching a preteen afterschool special. Who's writing this drivel?

Thank you Hellashelle. You mentioned all the nonsensical things I was thinking about too, from all the listed items to the man selling food in the middle of nowhere.


I wish Eman wasn't supposed to end up with Lola, because there is nothing attractive about how she's acting toward him. Same for Pato. She had the nerve to get mad at him for asking why she was crying after seeing her exboyfriend.


thanks, hellashelle, for another great short and long of it.

Wait...What?..Why?..The writers have managed to screw up "the forced into an isolated cabin in the woods" ploy. Cheese and crackers! it was sooo pathetic watching Cris lying on the ground with his little , orange grocery bag. Meh

So what we imagined to be a telenovela romantic trope set in the wilderness to get the lovebirds together turned into a hit on the head for Cris and an open wound and possible infection for Al. that's romance.

Has anyone stopped to estimate the percentage of time that we have seen Vile in bed during this novela ? It's got to be about 75% or there abouts.

well, it is Mr. Susanlynn's happy birthday. So back to the birthday revelry. Later.

Hi everyone!

Sorry my recap was a little smushy; I had a late night and I"m still dragging today.


Lola: W.T.H. I can't even be mad that Pato ran to Mari for comfort and we all know how I feel about Mari. (Although, why not talk this over with the far more reasonable Silvia? Whenever she's available, doesn't have to be right now). I HATE that Lola's treating this engagement like some kind of revenge, or rebound. Pato deserves better and marriage isn't something you just fall into because you're pounting about somebody else, especially when there's no need. Eman basically just admitted he's still all hung up on you and Pato tried to tell you to take all the time you need to make this decision, so now you're just being a selfish, mean ass.

Mari: Ick.

Val: Enough with you! UGH!!!!!

Ade: Thumbs up on not taking Pru's Spew. Thumbs down on your other life choices. Particularly your new shoes. I wanted to burn the old ones. I want you to donate the new ones. Or wear them with pants.

Oh Hellashelle, you had me completely captivated with your image of a "smushed" recap "like a cookie in a back pocket". Fabulous image. And I've been known to scarf down some dubious crumbs. Maybe that's why I'm now the queen of crowns and root canal.

I too was expecting the horse to stay rooted to the spot after the bad guy conked Cristobal. And by the way, is anybody keeping count on the number of times our hero and heroine have been injured and/or shot? Vivi? Seems like the clinic hospital is a revolving door for these two.

Like most of you, I suspect, I LOVED the scene of Severiano writing in phantom pain. Especially since the actor has fabulous quadriceps muscles. He leaned back twice on his knees like a trained jazz dancer, I swear. Awesome. I realize most of these actors have had dance training in addition to voice lessons, but this was really striking.

As was your crisp recap with its Hackneyed Romance Checks and that hilarious comparison of Pato to a lovesick teenage girl. Well, clearly Lola is destined for our super-macho broad-shouldered Emmanuel. He wants her. So I want him to get her. Regardless of her quick temper and impulsiveness.

Thanks again, Hellashelle. The image of a smushed cookie in a back pocket will stay with me forever.

And Susanlynn...hmmmm...what have you got planned to celebrate Hub's birthday? I'm sure he's going to end up with a smile on his face. Yours too!

Judyb...smiling already and enjoying the first day without heat and humidity in awhile on the patio ,but now the restless birthday boy is going to mow at the farm. Tonight a family dinner at our favorite local restaurant where the waitresses all flirt with him. The traditional Izod golf shirts that I always give him are in the washer because he wants to wear one tonight. Another good birthday together.

P.s. So great to share a telenovela with you. I have missed your wit and wisdom , dear Judyb. Have you heard from Sylvia lately?

did anyone else think that Sev was pouring milk on Simoneta's things? I was telling the TV that milk isn't flammable.

Hellashelle, your list items were smart and savvy, particularly “On the list of cabin lovin’, Item #1: Grudgingly setting aside problems to focus on more immediate crisis – Check”. Back with the lovebirds (genus: dodo) was another favorite. It was an excellent recap.

I thought this the episode of many missed opportunities. First, for Eman and Lola to freely admit to each other they are the “one” ( a la Carrie Bradshaw) and end the nonsense with Vero and Pato once and for all. Pato needs to gain a little confidence and pride and admit his romance with Lola was concocted purely in his head and is not reality. Cris and Aldonza could have admitted their love is as alive and is as strong as ever. They need to start talking from the heart and stop the games.

Mari just will not go away. If only she were as incompetent in trying to ruin Lola’s life as she is at the workplace!

Comments were wonderful including your “Call me crazy, but I like my romance without a side of potential infection” Kat and cathyx’s “did anyone else think that Sev was pouring milk on Simoneta's things? I was telling the TV that milk isn't flammable”.

Happy birthday to Mr. susanlynn.


Hellashelle- I loved this whole recap. It had me giggling throughout. :)

Not a lot of time today, so ditto everything Diana said.

Judy- I love that you have been popping up all over the blog the last few days. I've missed you!

Thanks so much hellashelle! Awful day at work and you just brightened up my day.

Not much time to comment today, but here goes:
- WTH did they do to Pato? So not cool.
- Done with Lola- that was the last straw last night. She doesn't deserve him and I'm going to be pissed if she does get him in the end. Sorry.
- Every time Allie and Cris came on I felt like I went to a new TN. Where did this girl come from and where did our heroine with the issues go? Same girl who had the nightmare and even Lola couldn't touch her? She was on him like icing on a cake and giggled with the hands to the blouse buttons? ok then.
- Flavia is just a waste of screen time.
- I love Cynthia, normally, but now Pru is like finger-nails on the blackboard.
- Enough with the Sev phantom pains. We get it. Alexis gets to act the hell of it, but I'd rather start seeing more of him feeling guilty or losing it when those happen.
- E-man needs a hug. C'mon patio--let's help this guy out.



Hella thank you for this recap, I'm dying here because I really want to burst out laughing about the disloyal horse, or the line about getting knocked out being better than getting shot, gah can't play much because my boss actually came in before 2:00, boo hiss!

Hellashelle, thanks for a good recap.
I was happy to see somebody slap big mouth
Pru. Ade would have done it the night they fire bombed their house, but padre J held her
Back. and then she (pee-uee) went off to annoy other people that are just as annoying as she is, to the house of illrepute, sev and cande's den of darkness.
If crazy relatives aren't trying to come between cris and aldonza, its crazy random horsethevies, these two kids cannot get a brake.
Val, sev, cande, I wish they'd all go away. Well in a few more weeks they wiil. After all the bombs have exploded. who is Mari think she's fooling giving pato that good seemingly good advice? that liar is up to something. Eman and lola , blahblahblah.

I'm not looking forward to another break between Cris and Aldonza and her attempt to make up with her bf, Renato. I mean, how many times can she run off with her ex before the guy grows some and calls it quits?

Somebody certainly needed to smack Pru, but I didn't get much satisfaction outta the smacker being Aldelina. At least she admitted to PJ she is a coward and the only reason she had the guts to smack Pru is because Pru is on the ropes. Pru of just a few weeks ago would have chomped her head off and all we'd see is flapping arms, legs and grandma shoes running in circles.

Aldonza was laughing when Cris returned, orange bag in hand and told her his horsey got stolen.


Happy Birthday, Mr. Susanlynn!

Happy Birthday to Mr. Susanlynn!

Darn, Eli...does your boss not realize how important this is?! :P (Don't laugh! Don't laugh!)

Of all the kidnap/love shack scenarios I've ever seen in a telenovela, I think this one wins the prize for most nonsensical. I'd almost rather they just go home tonight and get some medical care. We've had mild flirting, but no real resolution of problems OR decision to leave all the problems aside while they're in the idyllic hovel, mostly it's just a series of mishaps. I'm waiting for them to find a racoon in the cabin or have the owners come home or realize that the horse thieves also went through Cris' bag of groceries and left them with nothing but a bottle of water and a pack of gum.

Thanks, hellashelle. I like what you did with this, and your little insertions of logic into an episode that lacked it.

5ft, I think it was you who said a character started to do something, then saw a shiny object and did something else. Of course! This script is being written by a junior high class with attention deficit disorder!

I can't remember if there was some linkage of that necklace to Lola's mom? Maybe they'll just have Lola see it in a pawn shop and deduce the reason.

Although I'm glad to see Aldonza smile, like the rest of you her flipping back and forth is giving me whiplash.

Susanlynn, happy birthday to your hubby!

JudyB, nice to see you hanging around. I always like to read your comments.

Thanks again, hellashelle.


David, I don't remember, but that necklace might have been something she wore to the big engagement party? If Lola doesn't recognize it, maybe there's a chance someone else will when flunky tries to pawn it.

Good golly, whisked away on a horse, beautiful scenery, wet clothes and Aldonza didn't even let Cris see her naked, not even a boobie, what's going on?

Cris could have saved himself a lump on the head if he'd packed a light lunch. This is the kind of guy you head to the airport for that dream vacation and run out of gas cause he didn't check.

Yeah, I can't imagine why she's not all over him after all the running around all day and getting rained on and finding out her wound re-opened. Chicks are supposed to dig that, right? Isn't that in the handbook?

Adelina's never backed down from telling people off and slapping them in order to protect Aldonza. And she did in fact slap Pru already the other day during the lynch mob attack. We've seen her face down Sever, Cande, Roberta, Flavia, Humberto, and Pru. This is not new for her. The only thing that would be new for her would be her finally telling Aldonza the whole truth.

Kat- Yes. Sim/Viv wore that huge pearl necklace to the Val-Cris engagement party, where she was seen by half the town.

Gracias, Vivi! Your memory is a gift :)

True, Adelina's not afraid of anything but finally having Aldonza realize how much she's lied about and for how long.

Oh, yeah, I forgot her smacking Pru during the lynch mobbing. I don't like Adelina at all. Now if she'd agree to be the smacking hand by proxy for PJ, naw, still don't.

Thanks to everyone. Running around today, that's why I'm just popping in ever so often. Diana - WORD on the missed opportunities. With such a good foundation, the lack of follow thru on this TN is, at times, baffling. But anyway quick note before I take off again:

One thing I really liked about last night, but it wasn't really played up, was the full circle nature of the scenery. Cris mentioned it briefly on Monday night: the foundational moment of Cris and Aldonza's romance happened in the midst of fire and rain. Fire almost took everything away and the rain saved them. This time around, they had the rain and then the fire. The rain is giving them another chance to wash everything clean again and this time the fire is just meant to warm, not to burn. I did like that. Too bad they didn't use the scene to really grow as a couple.


"One thing I really liked about last night, but it wasn't really played up, was the full circle nature of the scenery. "

Oh wow. I sort of noted that they replayed their meeting (She's half naked and keeps telling him to turn around while she dresses), but I didn't even think about the fire/rain. Thanks for noting that Hellashelle.

The show may have problems, but the patio is awesome. Y'all are so smart. :-)

Right Diva?! Ugh he has the worst timing EVER!

Tofie, you slay me lady! Grandma shoes had me on the floor!

Darn it! I knew I forgot something! Sara, I will add that to the recap.

Poor Cris. Plans don't appear to be his strong suit.

Well, she does have that problem that was brought about by the rape. I was hopeing that she'd give in to passion too, but maybe they are saving that for another time. Hum said she needed her meds to keep infection from setting in, that might interfear. She was bleeding after the fall, she may have popped a stitch.

O yeah them shoes that ade was wearing, where in the world did they find them? Takem back, O takem back. Were they bootees or shoes with leather sox? The wardrob people didn't put a lot of thought into her style. Its like they just threw something out there and told her, do what you can with it. She workin it too.

Adelina's shoes are I've long since given up gettin any, shoes. See them here in Florida a lot.

The a line dresses and conservative cardigans are nice and polite and make perfect sense with her character, but the shoes have always been ridiculous. Just giver her some ballet flats and be done; it's not complicated.

Sara - Thank Y=you! And also, ita about Pato. qth? He was rock solid in the middle, but he's been melty all over the edges of this TN. I think it's that nice guy side of him that doesn't want to be angry with Lola meeting the embarrassed side of him that realizes he feels way more for her than she does for him.

Tofie - Thank you! With you on the Lola thing. I got that they were trying to push Lola as not wanting Eman to repeat his "mistake" with Vero being the casualty, but to do that while she's knowingly using Pato is just hypocrisy worthy of Pru. The only person Adelina is really, truly scared of is Aldonza. She's scared of concepts and insults too, but I think she's confronted every other openly, actively hotile enemy. She might be more afraid of losing Al that either guy is.

Diva- Thank you! Yeah, wtheck with this dusty room and Aldonza's wound. I hope Cris asked for some disinfectant and new bandages (but, of couse, we know he didn't). Why didn't they take the slipcover off of the couch. Why was Aldonza sleeping on her injured arm. How could she take her shirt off with arms over head without hissing in pain?

I can appreciate mishaps. In fact, to be perfectly honest, I'm a little bit furious and exasperated. They could've done a much better job of mixing the bickering with some tenderness. This is a good example of a time when the couple can take care of each other and overcome adversity together, and they're kind of blowing it. I'm glad that they're away from people actively trying to ruin their lives, but they're still so...lacking.

Lila-Thank you, girl! You always make me feel good about my recaps :)


Cathyx - I don't know who's writing, but I know who should be editing: Patio People. Yeah, I'm also disappointed in the Eman Lola pairing. Without any personal growth, I don't find their relationship satisfying at all. But the same is true for Cris and Al. I guess that's why I'm holding out for Vero and Pato to hit it off.

Susanlynn - smh, ikr. They've forgotten to get the balance part of romance and humor with this ill-planned side trip to hell. Happy birthday Mr. Susanlynn! Aren't you glad the love of your life did drag u onto a horse after you'd been shot and spirit you away into a dusty old hole? Yeah, you are ;)

JudyB- Muchas gracias! Glad to see you and glad you like the image! Yeah, I hope someone has insurance because these hospital visits can't be cheap...You feel about Eman the way I feel about Cris. But the way I feel about all of them is: grow up so that can fully appreciae your happiness, ya dingbats!

Diana-YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (See previous comments about missed opportunities. Imagine a thinly controlled desire to rant...)

Vivi-Thank you! Wow! - All I remember from S/V's doutfit was hating her red lace dress.

Daisy-Here here! Less writhing and screaming and more haunting and fear for Sev!

Eli-Thank you! I'm sorry your boss is ruining you Patio visits. Mine was too today. Don't they realize the Patio is the place where we renew out energy so that we can face the drudgery?

Nina - Thank you! Yup, only a few more weeks of this. Let's see if it gets better or worse int he mean time. And yeah, Mari's too smart for her own good. If Lola didn't wear her heart on her sleeve, she might be able to get one up on that with once in awhile.

David-Yay! Thank you! I could even take the flipping if she'd scknowledge her messedupidness once in a while.

hellashelle – Thank you for the snarky recap! Loved the checklist, too. Such a fun, spot on read that I have a feeling it is far more entertaining than the episode itself….which I do not have time to watch. And I really wish I had some time to catch the cheesy middle-school love story scenes. ;-)

"Poor Cris. Plans don't appear to be his strong suit."
Well, he sure doesn't have any mis planes, does he? LOL

If those two do the deed in that cabin, without Aldonza having counseling for her rape-PTSD, I think I'll scream.

I am currently sitting on the Patio at the Bring On El Gran POR FIN table.

Haha! Does Aldonza even have any mis planes any more?

I'm joining you doris and I'll buy you a drink, too.

HellaShelle, Chris is tough to figure out. I'd say he's definitely not a planner. I don't know if I'd call him spontaneous either. He doesn't come up with ideas so much as people give him ideas and he just runs with them and doesn't stop to think them through. So, also not much of a thinker. Nor is he a man of action for the most part. He acts like a total pushover...but then he makes up his mind and he can't be budged. I just don't know who he is, and I'm not sure he knows either.

Disinfectant and bandages would be the most romantic possible thing he could have in the grocery bag short of sneaking back to El Santuario and picking up her prescriptions. Or whisking her away to some nice, clean hotel with room service.

Well Cris could always kiss Aldonza's booboos and make them better. You can tell I've been babysitting mi nieta.....

"... kiss Aldonza's booboos..."

Note to self - be strong. Do not make dirty joke.

*whistles innocently* Wasn't thinking about anything dirty.

Although, booboos only get better if they get kisses and then disinfectant and then a pink Band-Aid. The pink Band-Aid is imperative. And if it's got a cartoon character of some kind on it, that supercharges it.

Preferably a cute Japanese cartoon character. Or a Muppet baby.

We have Hello Kitty band aids at our house.

I was totally thinking of Hello Kitty, doris! :-)

Great minds.

The last time I had to get a vaccination at the doctor's office, they apologized for not having anything other than Dora the Explorer Band-Aids. I totally played it cool and said I didn't mind, and then the minute I was out of there I was all "CHECK OUT MY COOL BAND AID!"

MEMO TO: Cris and Eman

If you this snarky, nasty tempered women (read Aldonzo and Lola) are a conquest, wait until you are married to these vipors. You lives will be a living hell". I know you are "in love". Please remember, I warned you.

Thanks for a SPLENDID recap Hellashelle, always a pleasure to read!!

should be think not this

And we're all witnesses, Emeraldrose! You've tried to warn them!

I bet they won't listen. Harrumph.

I want a Hello Kitty-Band-aid, although they do make some band-aids that say "f*ck" and umm other things, I want those too!

I think as long as they're pink, they still work :D

I want a pink band-aid and a pink pony/unicorn and pink glitter pens!

Wouldn't that make every day just a little bit better? :)

Just a tad! And kittens, I want an army of kittens!

Heh...I have two attack cats. It's not all it's cracked up to be! Kittens, though...little balls of fluff with tiny sharp little claws. Perhaps if you get them early and train them...that might work....

Yesss. Kitten army.

kittens! I have two Kit Kat who acts like she hates me but really deep down she adores me and Gordi who thinks she's a dog and loves everyone.

You guys are so adorably, weirdly random.

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