Thursday, August 13, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #127 (Mex 130) 8/13

Too short, out of order, mostly from memory, probably not coherent and needing lots of fill in.

The Fetus (Thanks, Eli!)
Cristobal is now well aware that the fetus is not his. He leaves the gynecologists office in search of Val but Juanita tells him that Val is in San Miguel.

Val is given literature to read about the procedure and paperwork to fill out. She cannot interrupt a pregnancy after 12 weeks and will need to have an ultrasound. Val assures the doctor that she is not that far along and will bring the ultrasound report from her own doctor. The clinic doctor explains that the clinic will have to perform their own ultrasound. It's required by law. To interrupt a pregnancy after 12 weeks could be very dangerous for the mother and is a crime.

Chris is waiting at Val's door when she comes home. He confronts her about lying to him. Of course he has no memory of "that night" because NOTHING HAPPENED AND THE BABY IS NOT HIS! Val says she doesn't know what Cris's father told him...ooops! Cris is cara de why am I the last to know?? What? Cris is incredulous. "My father knew???" Cris tells Val it's her OB/GYN who spilled those beans. Cris is greatly relieved that he will never have to see Val ever again.

Cris then goes to see Sev. "You knew the baby wasn't mine!" Sev doesn't know what Val told him....ooops! No. Val didn't say a thing. Cris got his info from the gynecologist. Sev explains that he overheard Mari asking Val if the baby was Lardo's. So now Cris knows who the likely father is.

Cris makes his way to Humberto's office. He informs Humberto that Val's baby isn't a Mendoza and is probably a Lagos. So help me I can't remember anything else about that conversation. It didn't help that there were cable issues for just that scene. Sorry.

The Candy House
Lola is still determined to find Arnoldo. So far no answers.

Meanwhile in a small town with a candy factory there lives a man who spends his days reading surrounded by candy of all shapes and sizes (I'm not making that up.) His grandson enters the room. "Hey, abuelo. Didn't you say you were from Santa Lucia?" The young man explains that he's been contacted by a Lola Otero who is trying to find Arnoldo (Last Name) who was in love with Marga and who left years ago. Through a flashback we learn (or maybe review?) that Arnoldo left the ring in the chocolate house and asked Marga to run away with him. She never showed up at the appointed time. Arnoldo was left heartbroken. He learned Marga was sent away to boarding school. Arnoldo's grandson thinks Marga must have been pretty important. She was, but Arnoldo met his grandmother, built the candy factory and that's that. The Grandson asks what he should tell Lola. "Tell her I died." The grandson doesn't look like he's going to follow through with those instructions.

The Cande House
The doctor tells Cande she no longer needs to wear the collar. Cande really wants to keep wearing it. Dom has her number. Cande is just trying to continue to emotionally blackmail Cris. Dom can't imagine Cris is going to leave Cande to deal with all of the problems and business of La Animas by herself. Cande hopes Dom is right.

Later Dom asks if Cande is really going to divorce Sev. Cande absolutely is. Dom is surprised. Dom doesn't really care either way, but Cande always seemed to worry about what others said. Well, Cande did stay with Sev to avoid a scandal but Cris is a man now. Cande has proof of Sev's infidelity with Roberta Lozada. Sev dragged Cande's family name through the mud and now it's just a story to tell in the Cantina. Dom changes the subject and asks how things went with Padre J. They went poorly. Cande didn't even say goodbye. And she won't go to the farewell. She will just continue to think that he is simply in some corner of the church.

The Resignation
Siliva resigns. She cried a lot. I didn't pay close attention. She tells Renato that she came to Santa Lucia following him. Not necessarily her passion for the law or the law offices. Well, she certainly seemed the most competent.

The Past and the Shadow
Det. Not so Incompetente delivers two reports to Aldonza. One concerning Adelina's death. Unfortunately, they don't really have definitive proof that Sev killed Adelina. The ballistics report confirms that the bullets did come from Sev's gun (um...the one that was buried for at least a decade? Did Sev take back possession of it and restore it? And then Adriano ended up with it? The one Lardo stole from Sev's desk, right?  David bait: tell me about buried guns. Can they be restored and brought back to functioning order?)

Aldonza has to explain to Em about Roberta killing Ray. Em feels like they should pin the murder of Ray on Sev. They've got a ballistics report that says the bullets came from his gun, right? Aldonza does not want even more mud to be thrown on Roberta's reputation. She just wants to leave it alone. She decides to go for a walk. Camilo asks if he can go with her and she politely refuses. Sev's hired shadow follows her to El Santuario.

She reminisces about the day Cris proposed. Em catches up with her and they walk back to the house to get ready to go to the church to see the Padre off.

The Shadow reports to Sev. Aldonza took a walk. Em is always with her. Oh, by the looks like they are going to grow a crop and get involved in livestock. Sev scoffs. 1. He already knew that and 2. Those fools think they will carry out Ray's dreams and compete with Sev in the horse business. *snort*

  • Pru drunkenly rambles in Hum's office. She grabs pills from his cabinet. They decide who is most at fault for Val. Pru does't want him to divorce her. Val needs him. Pru makes some vague "we're all toast when the truth comes out" statement. (Loose translation of a statement I didn't pay much attention to.)
  • Mel returns Padre J's car to Sev. Sev hands it over to "the shadow" as payment for a "favor" not yet revealed.
  • Mari tells Lola she knows that Lola paid off the debt and wants to know why. Lola claims it's to keep her job, but then inexplicably says she considers the Lagos "family." Explícamelo peeps.
  • Pato runs into Em. Em asks how things are going with him and Lola. Pato tells Em they have broken up and are not getting married. Pato will never be able to make Lola feel for him what he feels for her. She still loves Em.
La Despedida
Padre J is leaving on the midnight bus to the next parish (conjecture. I have no idea when the bus actually left. It *was* dark.)

Tomas comes to see him. He's brought him a baby Jesus. Padre J plans to put it in the new parish house. Tomas thanks the Padre for saving him from the gates of hell and from throwing himself off the bell tower. The Padre is proud of Tomas. He's come a long way. Tomas doesn't that Santa Lucia will be the same without Padre J. Padre J thinks he won't be the same after having spent time there as well. Tomas wants to give Padre a hug.

Lulu is a blubbering mess at the though of Padre J's departure. She says something about Padre Sixto's death. She was just a little girl, but her mother *cry blubber mumble*. The new priest arrives. Padre J will show him around.

Finally it is time for the Padre to leave. Aldonza interrupts his prayer. "Madre mía, you know I don't want to leave her alone, but I have to fulfill my duty. In my absence I beg that you shelter her and protect her." Aldonza is going to miss him. He will always pray for her. She swears she won't forget to call him.

Cande prays in the chapel at Las Animas. "Please, Madre. Watch over him."

Cris and Em arrive to say goodbye to Padre J. Cris wants to talk to Aldonza right now. She tells him now is not the time. Cris will come see her first thing tomorrow.

Let me warn you all that I will not do justice to this goodbye scene. My eyes got leaky.

Padre comes out of the church. All of Santa has come to say goodbye The all hold candles. Little Ray has a flame-less device that he gives to Padre J. Padre J sweeps him up in a hug.

Cande prays the rosary alone.

Padre looks upon his flock.


Previous: Episode #126 (Mexico 129)
Next: Episide #128 (Mx 131)


The preceding recap is original content, written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Sara, you captured the heart and emotion of another sad episode perfectly. I so enjoyed the recap.

I was happy you infused your always wonderful humor with such lines as "David bait" (looking forward to his reply)and "Meanwhile in a small town with a candy factory there lives a man who spends his days reading surrounded by candy of all shapes and sizes (I'm not making that up).

"Lulu is a blubbering mess at the though of Padre J's departure". So was I. I was comforted by your “Let me warn you all that I will not do justice to this goodbye scene. My eyes got leaky”. To tell the truth, I sobbed. Everyone looked devastated – the scene was beautifully filmed and all of the actors did it masterful justice. The Padre looked positively regal in the last shot.

I cannot believe the true galan, the Padre will be gone with 7 crucial episodes remaining. Writers, what were you thinking? I supposed I should be comforted that the Padre is away and hopefully, far from Sev's clutches. I hate the fact he is forced to be away from Aldonza. He, and we know she is still in mortal danger.

Is Sylvia's resignation enough to make Renato come to his senses? He knows she loves him. That, coupled with the fact he knows Aldonza will always love Cris and not him should be enough to persuade him. We can only hope.

Now that Cris has rejected Val (yet again) and as Sev has tossed her aside like Kleenex, Val is running out of options. Her pathetic mother is of no help. I hope she goes to Hum and takes care of herself until the baby is born.

So Mari has a conscience. I'm thrilled. Too little, too late.

The actor playing Pato is so handsome. Give the man a bigger role. Charm and charisma abound.

Lola isn't exactly running to Eman is she? Now that he knows the truth, I wonder how long it will take for him to make his move.

When will they find out the dead remains are Simoneta??

Sara, thanks again.


Sara, thank you! This is faithful to the episode and yes, the goodbye scene was SO touching! I won't believe PJ is gone until he's gone! More thoughts in a minute but I am pleased at how the "fetus is not mine" story moved right along with Cris confronting Vile, Hum and Sev. Of course when he goes to tell Aldonza the news she shuts him down. Okay, PJ was leaving and perhaps it wasn't the best time but she NEVER listens to Cris.

Back in a bit. . .

Thank you Sara! I don't know how you manage to get this much detail just from memory, but you do it and you do it good :D

I loved the Cris telling everyone that he knows the baby isn't his and the chain reaction of finding out more and more information. I hope he goes to the Lagos family next.

"Meanwhile in a small town with a candy factory there lives a man who spends his days reading surrounded by candy of all shapes and sizes (I'm not making that up.)" Damn! Those were some big ass marshmallows! At least that's what I'm assuming the pastel puffy things in the big glass bowls were. Very impressive. I think Candy Man's grandson looks like just as much of a metiche as Lola. He's not going to let grandpa get away with saying he's dead.

Goodbye Silvia and goodbye billable hours for the law office. I guess now they're The Law Offices of Those Other Two. *sniff*

"Pru drunkenly rambles in Hum's office. She grabs pills from his cabinet." Seriously! They're not Tic Tacs! She's just swallowing them dry, scattering them all over the floor. What did she even take? Humberto didn't seem to be worried. She could have snatched up a bottle of Viagra for all she cares. She'll start wondering soon why she's not getting a buzz. And then stuffing the bottle down into her bra...I was amazed the actor kept a straight face!

"Lola claims it's to keep her job, but then inexplicably says she considers the Lagos "family." Explícamelo peeps." Uh...she really means she considers Irma family, but she thought that would sound rude?

I know everybody's verklempt at the thought of Padre J leaving, and not that I'm not, but I feel it's important for someone to say the following...damn, that new priest is a cutie! You may return to your previously scheduled mourning over the departure of Padre J.

Oh Kat, "damn, that new priest is a cutie!" I would be lying if I didn't admit I thought the same thing but it just seemed well not quite appropriate to mention it quite this soon ;) I'm still drying my dampened eyes.

I also thought Lola meant Irma was her family. It is so obvious they love each other and I'm sure she is the mother Lola always wanted (all respect to Simoneta).


Lol, Diana, I know, I'm terrible :D I was also thinking "Lulu! What are you crying about! Just look at him!" but I know, I know. It's the end of an era, Padre J leaving like this. I agree with your "Writers, what were you thinking?" I guess they want us all feeling a little edgy, thinking Aldonza is more vulnerable now.

Though, at the same time, Emmanuel is taking his protective brotherly duties very seriously.

Sara- Perfect retelling of tonight's emotional episode.

Kat- Yes, I also thought new, young priest was a cutie. He didn't have much of an effect on Lulu though. Don't know how comfortable she'll feel telling him all about her serious novios.

I get that Cris wanted to tell Al the news right away, but it REALLY wasn't the right time. Her uncle was just about to get on a bus to go away forever. Cris' news could wait.

Well, at least the detective finally took some initiative and came to Al with the info about Adelina's suspicious death and the bullet match, and finally, FINALLY, admitted he's started to think everything said about Sever is true. It only took how many years of accusations?

Her series of novios.

What do we suppose Sever tasked Javier with doing? Sabotage Padre's bus? Terrorize Cande while she's all alone at LA? Burn something at El Santuario? Run over Val? Assault Humberto? His list of enemies is so long.

Was glad when Eman interrupted Al's solo session at the falls. She sensed Javier and who knows what he would have done had she spotted him.

Good stuff, Sara.

I dearly hope that Padre J's departure is a pretense for the moment. That he is setting a trap for Sev. True, he's not supposed to do that, but someone has to and nobody should expect Emanuel and Aldonza to be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives.

I'm afraid there will be another fire.

Sara - Thank you for the recap!!! I had to grab a Kleenex, too, after that beautiful "goodbye" scene for PadJer, with all the villagers. Wow. Just ... beautifully done.

So, I am confused. Pato seemed really torn up over Lola. Was his story to Lola about HIM being in love with Mari just a cover?

Lola probably considers Los Lagos "family" more in the context of her relationship with Irma and working for her in the store all those years; sort of like a mother figure. Irma was always so kind and compassionate to Lola.

When Pru grabbed that bottle of pills in Hum's office and swallowed a handful, I couldn't help but wonder if maybe they were just antibiotics. Or Viagra. ;-)

I have a feeling Pru will not survive this telenovela.

re: skank Val ---- I Googled "risk of abortion after 12 weeks?", and apparently the risk of complications to the woman are much MUCH higher. So these medical people (and telenovela writers) do know what they're talking about. And I learned something new.


Just now reading the previous comments. Diva - you and I were on the same song sheet with the Viagra. LOL

New priest is a cutie but nothing Lulu can do about that. He is not available. Too bad they're not all Episcopalians. Their priests CAN marry.

Vivi, I hadn't considered how awkward it would be for Lulu to bring her boyfriend troubles to the new Padre :D

If the head detective now is reconsidering whether he should have always believed in Sev's innocence, doesn't it occur to him that maybe there are some cases that need to be re-opened in light of having taken no more than Sev's word to close them? Just saying.

I say, since Sev can only send Javier to do one thing at a time, he's going to try to burn down El Santuario. But really, any of the things on your list sound feasible.

*sigh* doris, it would be a very different story with Lulu and the new Padre Hottie Jr. if he were allowed to marry.

Doris- I'm thinking Pato was bumbed about a number of things: his break up with Lola, his rejection by Mari, and just minutes before finding out his BFF Silvia is leaving. He's not having the best couple of days.

SARA, since I missed the whole episode, sitting outside freezing my buns off watching Shakespeare in the Park, I am even more grateful than ever for your wonderful recap. Yes it was wonderful--Thank you so much! Doesn't sound like the plot advanced a whole lot but was instead full of emotional development. Sorry I missed the new hotte priest.

J in Oregon

Good morning! Vivi. Your list is chilling but very accurate. Decisions, Decisions, what evil does satan undertake first? It seems since Javier just told Sev how Eman is Aldonza's guard dog, he will want to bump Eman off but he'll have to act fast to go after Aldonza now because he's no longer plated in teflon. That may be too risky so, again, since he mentioned with disdain their desire to re-establish the huerta and compete with him in raising horses, he'll reprise his burn the huerta act which drove Roberta to sell ES way back when. Whatever it is, it's lowdown dirty and pretty much squelches the Javier as undercover cop theory.

Urban, I like this! I dearly hope that Padre J's departure is a pretense for the moment. That he is setting a trap for Sev

If PJ is setting a trap, he is VERY wise to keep Aldonza out of the loop or ask her for any help. She's still reeling from grief and too brick-headed anyway. I couldn't believe how she pooh-poohed Eman's suggestion to go with her to the waterfalls. Hasn't she always thought she'd be fine every time something horrid happened? Didn't she just get confirmation that Adelina's death was a probably homicide this very afternoon? A homicide in which Sev is (for her) the prime suspect and he's at large and pissed off after having been publicly kicked to the curb? Geeez, brick-headed is not the word. Good thing Eman has learned to ignore her protests.

Wonder what that nut case, Vile, is going to do now that the jig is up? She didn't like the requirements of the clinic in order to "interrupt" her pregnancy. I don't know who gave her the misleading ultrasound report but, but if it's a shady OB/Gyn, maybe s/he would do it? Want to see Aldonza and Cande's reaction to the fetus bomb and also wonder if he will tell Irma and Uriel or if it will filter through the grapevine. They are such open-hearted people that they would forgive Vile her lie and support her through the pregnancy. She is vile, though, and I can almost hear her insulting them to their faces or at least within earshot even as they offer their support.

If Cris was insensitive and self-centered in his timing with Aldonza, so was Mari with Lola. Your apology doesn't move me, Mari, you got some splainin' and groveling to do!

Thanks, again, Sara! Looking forward to enjoying all the other comments today!


Brilliant Sara. Running out the door soon to work, but had to say how much I enjoyed this with my quick coffee. Can add more soon, it will be a slow work day so that may mean more Caray check in's :)

I've hung that last regal shot of PJ overlooking the beautiful scene of his flock on the patio wall. That was a keeper.


Thanks, everyone! I'll be keeping up with comments, but the second day of school is sometimes more chaotic than the first!

I really think Padre J's departure was the most moving scene we've had so far. It was a beautifully done.

Daisynjay, thank you for hanging that picture.

Diana- I am glad I am not the only one drying my eyes.

Great job Sara, you speak volumes! "My eyes got leaky" ""The Shadow"

"Meanwhile in a small town with a candy factory there lives a man who spends his days reading surrounded by candy of all shapes and sizes (I'm not making that up.)"

PJ - where do I buy a ticket on the magic bus

Cris - yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, grrrrr, yap, yap, yap

Silvia - shoveling your shit, Renato, is not a partnership

Aldonza - quit being such a worry wart, not like anyone would try to stone me, shoot me, rape me

Dominga - wishy washy

Mari - come on ya'll, I was never really that bad

Cande - Father Figure

Pru - I can read a Percocet label in low light from 50 yards


Love it, tofie! We haven't seen a list in a while. At least not that I recall. No recall. Lol.

you recall right, busy preparing to leave the country for a month so I've been hittin and runnin. Unfortunately will miss the final week, I'll be checking ya'll's recaps and commentary though. Seoul my first stop

Good morning, Sara. Gee, your memory is better than mine. I have to re-watch stuff to see what really happened, and why things unfolded the way they did. You did this with your usual flair, which I always appreciate.

Re: buried guns. This is a continuum that needs some definition. When being shipped, military weapons are coated with Cosmoline, a greasy, waxy substance that adheres to the metal and is very difficult to remove. It complies with the definition of United States Military Standard MIL-C-11796C Class 3. Weapons treated in this way are virtually impervious to rust. On the other hand, if one buries a gun without any type of protection, then oxidation would start very quickly.

Clearly, Roberta did not treat that pistol with Cosmoline. She wrapped it in some type of covering and buried it. When she later dug it up and tried to kill Sev with it, she got off one shot, but the weapon was so rusted that the slide did not function, effectively jamming the gun.

So the question is whether this rusting could change the way the barrel of the gun marks the bullet. I suspect that it could, but there might still be enough markings for a skilled forensic specialist to determine if a bullet was fired from that weapon. (That last statement was made in jest: are there any "skilled" forensic specialists in SL?)

I loved Silvia's resignation (or not) and Lulu's weeping. Clearly the social order in SL is going to be shaken up.

Thanks again, Sara.



David- Well, they did have to send the gun outside SL to have the tests done. I guess Sever never did get the chance to bribe that outside judge. Perhaps since Adriano died he figured all gun and bullet tests and results would be dropped and forgotten.

Wow! Tofie, have a great time. . .darn work! See y'all later!

Oh Sara, I always love your sense of humor. Favorite line of the night, other than the marvelous one about the old dude and the candy factory was:

Silvia resigns. She cries a lot. I didn't pay close attention.

Just cracked me up. I can say that so often during a telenovela. And with each year, my attention span gets shorter and shorter.

Agree with all of you that the farewell sign to Padre Jeronimo was beautiful. I'm glad they lingered with that. And your "midnight train" speculation will have that song running through my head all day. No problem. Like that song.

And liked your recap, as always, amiga mia. And Tofie, thanks for that "I can read a Percocet label in low light at 50 yards." So funny. My son had a roommate who took all his Percocet after son had his wisdom teeth dug out. Evidently it's good stuff to some people. Alas it only makes me nauseous.

Great recap. Great comments. Long live the patio!

JudyB, "And with each year, my attention span gets shorter and shorter." Amen.

Vivi, I didn't understand that they sent guns out for testing. Thank you for correcting me. If an outside judge is overseeing this, would Sev even know who that would be?

Tofie, love your list, as always. You're going to Seoul? If you run into Kim Cum Cha or So Yong Hee, tell them I said hi.


"Pru - I can read a Percocet label in low light from 50 yards"
tofie - this is priceless!,, LOL. Have a good trip and safe travels!


David...and as the attention span gets shorter, the "lists to self" get longer...verdad?

Sometimes I wonder what pills Pru actually pops because she goes to extremes...all yelling and worked up to border line comatose. To pop handfuls, either Hum has learned to put placebos where she can snatch and grab and it's only the booze talking, or she has one hell of a stomach to be able to deal with all those narcotics. from personal experience with someone who became addicted to prescription pills, it does a number on the stomach as more and more are taken.

I felt for Silvia and do hope that realistically, she takes time for herself. Right out of college, she has not had the best experiences and just needs, as she says, to breathe. They make Ren get all "don't leave me" and suddenly, they are a couple....grrrr. I'll accept if we have a flash forward and they find themseves together again, but no immediate.

And I hope speculation here is right and Pato was only trying to put on a brave front to Lola and no Mari in his future.

Did enjoy the Cris put down of Val, but you know what. As mad as he was, I actually wanted more indignation. I was hoping for steam to come out of ears and a look of perfect distain on his face as he bore down into her sorry face. It was sort of there, but not enough for me I guess. I admit, I kept thinking, oh man, if Alex was doing this scene, Val would be a pile of ashes as he burned his look through her.

Tonight should be veryyyyy interesting.

tofie, holy cow, sounds like you are really flying the friendly skies. Seoul? Wow. You'll have to make sure to pop into a blog on one of the shows and give us the details.

Ok now sad thinking we are coming to an end from the team side. This has been a really fun group with awesome recaps and I think we set some records some weekends ratcheting up the comments :).



No way I can stay away from Caray especially to know how this one wraps and I'm hooked on Yo No now.

Thanks so much, Sara. I can't believe that you are already back at school. Our fall semester begins August 24 for me. Today, I am trying a new deal. I will reward myself with time on my patio and Caray's patio (gorgeous day here) following segments of time spent on chores and syllabi prep.

David, that was some new information about rifles for me. All I know is that rifles were very popular with my hunter friends in high school. My friend found out that you bend the barrel if you use a rifle to jack up a car , and a boyfriend always referred to his favorite rifle by name .." Lets go for a walk and I'll take the Savage 460 talking in case we see a groundhog'" romantic.

Tofie..I have missed your lists...LOVE THEM. Have a great trip.

I am fearful that Pru is going to overdose soon. She has come undone.

When Cris finally realized the the fetus was not his, I had Michael Jackson singing "Billy Jean" in my ear. I thought of our dear Madeline and all the links to earworms that she gave us.

I was nervous last night when I saw the open door behind Candy as she knelt in prayer in the chapel. Perhaps getting Candy is at the top of Sev's henchman's to do list.

So..Sylvia is leaving the wass not a typo. The girl has been doing all the heavy lifting. Those other two need her to captain that ship.

Judyb...Attendez-vous!!! I hear you about a decreasing attention span....and I can add to that a decrease in patience and an increase in procrastination. I used to be able to push myself to get things done. Now. .talented at putting things off. case in point..I should be doing about five things, but here I am typing this comment.I am so weak.

Actually, I think it's better that Cristobal was calmer. Indignation and anger would only have fed Vile's ego because it would mean that he gave a damn. Indifference is worse than anger or hate in situations like this.

Cris is just happy to be done with Val and never have to have contact with her again. Hard to muster up a lot of rage when you're over the moon happy that you aren't going to be tied to that vile harpy the rest of your life. I think I would have laid a big kiss on her and skipped away.

Safe travels, Tofie! Have fun and check in when you can.

Thank you Sara, for your wit and your terrifically functioning memory. I'd already forgotten most of what I watched last night--except for el new Padre Hottie. Thanks for bringing it back in such style.

It was interesting to watch how the camera panned the group that came to see PJ off. Of particular note--Flavia was NOT standing next to Jock. Maybe there's still hope they don't end up together, even though they are living in the same house.

Shoot, I really wanted Don Antonio to be Marga's long lost lover.

Does Javier know Sev can't pay him except with dried horse manure? The car is probably all he's going to get. I really was afraid Javier was going to take advantage of Aldie being alone and assaulting her. I knew she'd be saved, hoping it would be Cris, but sorry she didn't actually realize that someone was spying on her.

Vivi--your typo was cute--serious boyfriends, indeed.

Mari and Vile were friends at one time. Maybe, with the jig being up, Vile will move in and spend her pregnancy with the Uriels.

It's not everyday that you find a rotting corpse locked in a water logged makeshift coffee table coffin in your backyard so one would think that Emmanual would have relayed this bit of info to his 2 housemates by now..
because I am not understanding how Lola hasn't found about this yet and of course, with that would come the revelation about the woman's identity. Why is this progressing so slowly? Maybe because there is no way Severiano can worm his way out of it and it will be his undoing so they need to drag it out until the very end? Hmmm...

Oh and a big thank you to Sara for the recap..the final scene with PJ and the townspeople moved me too. It was the first time that it really registered that this TN is coming to an end and pretty soon these characters and this story will be nothing but a memory of a show I once enjoyed. I don't think I am ready to say goodbye...well, some characters, yes!..but others, not so much. :(

"Mari and Vile were friends at one time. Maybe, with the jig being up, Vile will move in and spend her pregnancy with the Uriels "
I would not wish Vile on Irma and Uriel. They are nice people and have suffered enough already. Vile should have to live with Cande; Let the punishment fit the crime. Two harpys together that eat broken bottles for breakfast.

Vile needs to go to prison.

Doris--Maybe if the jig is really up, Vile will have to swallow her pride and take what she can get. Maybe she will recognize Irma & Uriel (I meant Lagos as the family name above) as genuine, caring people are the right ones to raise BabyLardo and she can leave SL for DF for a better life. (What am I saying here? She's never been trained for anything other than a Me-Me-Me-First-Mean-Girl-I-Deserve-to-be-Given-Everything-I-Want-No-Questions-Asked.)

I doubt Cande would have her anywhere near LA or Cris after she finds out how Vile paid Cande back for all her efforts to facilitate a marriage between her and Cris. I think Cande will finally admit, maybe only to herself, that foisting Vile on Cris is just the reverse of the hell she and Sev lived for 20 years. Being the talk of the town is no longer important--or so she said.

Sarah your recap was really good and very beautiful and sad at the same time. I don't know what sev said to the bishop to get him to uproot Padre J, he must have really said some pretty stuff to make the bishop believe
Those lies. I just know he's going to do something nasty to Aldonza and Emanuel.
What is the vile one going to do now that she's been outed? if she's not careful she's going to die while she's trying to kill that baby, one life for another. I don't want her to die I want her to stay there so she can see how happy Ali is with cris, so she can suffer.

Thank you Sara! This was a weird episode for me. I thought PJ's leaving was very sweet (although why in the middle of the night? The church couldn't spring for a day time ticket?...Production wise I assume it was for the effect of the candles)

Anyway,I was doing paperwork while this was on so "Tell her I died." caught be totally off guard and made me crack up because what?! why?!.

Same goes for this entire section "Meh...Stuff -- Pru drunkenly rambles in Hum's office. She grabs pills from his cabinet. They decide who is most at fault for Val. Pru does't want him to divorce her. Val needs him. Pru makes some vague "we're all toast when the truth comes out" statement. (Loose translation of a statement I didn't pay much attention to.) Hum must be wondering QTH. His wife drunkenly stumbles into his office, whines about their daughter, downs a bunch of pills while prophecizing catastrophe, kisses him and stumbles out again. Wow. Still, it made me laugh.

Although, when Pru said "I can't [deal] with her (Val) anymore" I was like "Why should you have to?! She's a grown woman!" It was the exact opposite when Cande said Cris was a grown man. I was thinking "Cris is a grown man...well, a grown up...well, an adult...well, legally, an adult." And I like Cris! I want him to be happy! Ah, well. It was just shocking enough that she recognizes that at all I guess.

I'm sad they brought in Arnoldo and his grandson so late in the game. Don't know why it coudn't have been Antonio. Seems like a waste, but shrug.

It was nice that they threw in that line for Eman about their aunt being right about Aldonza's stubbornness. Though her refusing to consider charging Sev did annoy me a little. When Eman said "Lo que tu quieras" I thought that's what they should rename is blasted show. But at one point it was Because of Aldonza, no?


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Still holding out hope that Sev and Val attack each other and since that revs their twisted engines, they end up in bed and then get caught by Cris/Cande/Det. Incompetente.

Anita...I liked your new name for Vile...long but very exact. I suppose we could shorten it to ME-me. Vile isn't used to people not doing her bidding . She is not happy because noone is cooperating with her plans., The baby has become a liability instead of an asset, so how does she expect to fix her world? The right thing to do would be to have the baby and let Uriel and Irma raise him or her? However , has anyone ever witnessed Vile doing the right thing? Show of hands!

Pru and Vile are both so entitled and needy , and neither of them wants to help or care for anyone else ..not even each other. I have seen this happen in real life. ADe was willing to sacrifice for her crazy , mixed up sister, and Hum was the one taking care of Vile and Pru , at least he was paying their bills. Now that Hum is divorcing Pru and Tomas will not return her calls , Pru has discovered that she has nobody to turn to..not even her daughter. Hello, Karma. To quote The Beatles..'' and in the end , the love you take is equal to the love you make.'' Sorry, Pru and Vile, your checks just bounced..insufficient love in reserve for you.

Anita - with all the importance being placed on TWELVE WEEKS and abortion risk to mother, my money is on Vile having it, dying from complications ( mostly because abortion is a big no-no in Telenovelaland ) and Los Lagos will raise the baby....their grandchild, who will hopefully turn out better than his parents. NOT a spoiler, just a crackpot theory.

Susanlynn...ah, ditto for a decrease in patience and an increase in procrastination. I even talk slower!

And like you, I was really nervous when Cande chose to stay home, despite Dominga's pleas to come with her. And that thumping soundtrack of doom accompanying the scene didn't help either.

As wicked and heartless as she has been, I don't want Severiano to kill or maim her. On the other hand, can't see her in a rocking chair dandling Cris and Aldonza's first baby on her knee either.

Wonder what the writers have in store? We'll find out soon I guess.

Some of us sooner than others :D

The day got away from me again. I just finished catching up on comments. I have nothing to add except a hello and a wave and a see you on the next one!

Thank you Sara. I've got a front row seat for when Cris tells Cande about the baby.

Doris I like your notion that Val could have the baby and THEN die of complications. I sure don't want to see a "redemption" storyline there.

Agree: Cande's fate is ramping up the suspense level. Also want to see the big reactions to Coffin-Table and Who-the-Baby-Daddy!

J in O

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