Friday, August 14, 2015

Why, if you weren't a woman I'd. . . .! La Sombra del Pasado #128 (Mex 131) Friday, 8-14-15

Good evening, good morning, good afternoon wherever you are my beloved Sombra Patio Peeps!  Let’s jump right in!

We get another view of that beautiful, candle-lit farewell to Padre Jeronimo.  We are up close and personal with all the misty eyes bathed in the soft glow of tens of votives , warm embraces and a view from above as the crowd gently parts as Padre walks amidst them and takes his leave. 

Right away we see what the evil lackey, Javier is up to:  he’s going to damage a gate holding back the waters of the huerta’s reservoir, flooding it and wasting this precious resource!  Uuuuuf!

Humberto has returned home after his conversation with Cris and confronts Valeria about her monumental lie that Cris is the father of her fetus.  Hum shouts his outrage and shame at her actions and, of course, Val tries to play the offended one!  She’s so tired of his complaints!  He never has anything positive to say to her!  How in the hell can he when she is always talking nonsense!  He can’t understand how she could lay with that good for nothing Abelardo!  Well, Pru protests Val needed some comfort after Cris dumped her and Val tells her to shut up because she (Pru) is to blame for all this.  It goes on from there but Hum manages to yell at Val that for once in her life she needs to take responsibility for her own acts though Pru IS guilty of covering for her all her life and he’s sure Pru knew about this!  Val yells back if he wants to help her he should tell her how to get rid of this g.d. kid.  Oh no, she’s going to have the baby and HE’s going to see to it!  Pru looks on with eyes as huge as those figures in the sad sack/endearing paintings from the 60s.  

A worker patrols the huerta this night and sees the headlights and erratic driving of a jeep.  He fires at it twice.  It’s Javier and he speeds away in a cloud of dust.  Unaware of this latest assault, Eman and Lola walk back from the farewell to Padre with Aldonza and both try to cheer her.  She feels so lonely.  Having Eman, her brother, with her makes all the difference in the world but she feels such an emptiness inside from the loss of Adelina, yes, and now Padre as well.  She really feels bad because Adelina is gone because SHE insisted she stay. . .Eman protectively interrupts this painful train of thought.  Camilo and the worker dude in the red pancho, let’s call him Pancho, run up and tell the three that someone broke the gates to the dam at the huerta and flooded it!

Just at that moment Javier reports to Sev in the cantina about the breaking of the floodgates and that he also damaged part of the huerta but was stopped when someone busted him, firing shots.  He doesn’t think the worker saw his face having done his dirty work while everyone was at the church.  Sev is pleased and tells him the car is his and not to forget, stalking Aldonza is NOT over.  The lackey vows he’ll keep sniffing around her and is there for whatever Sev needs.

Pancho tells Aldonza, Eman, Lola, and Camilo he got there just in time or the whole huerta would’ve been destroyed.  Aldonza and Eman conclude this must be Sev’s handiwork and Eman starts to run to go get in his sh*t RIGHT NOW but finally listens to Aldonza.  Sev is a killer and she does NOT want him hurt!  They must remain cool.  They will see Renato in the morning.  Pancho will fix the floodgate tonight.

Cris enters the cantina a little after Javier leaves.  Sev invites him over:  there is no problem so big that a couple of shots of tequila can’t solve.  Cris turns him down flat and leaves.

Back inside the house at ES Aldonza goes up to bed and asks Eman and Lola if they know what Cris wanted her for tonight.  Neither does.  She instructs them that if he comes looking for her tomorrow to tell him they don’t know where she is.  She goes upstairs.  Eman asks and Lola confirms that she has broken her engagement to Pato.  Eman tells her that Pato told him that she was still in love with him, Eman.  Lola looks him in the eye evenly and coldly and says even if it were true it doesn’t change what he did to her.  Exasperated, he repeats that he has told her he didn’t do anything.  She sharply and icily tells him she doesn’t believe him and, what’s more, every time he mentions it she’s hurt all over again.  If they’re going to live together in this house, he must respect her and not bring this subject up again because if he does, she’ll have to leave and she doesn’t want to do that.  And with that, she strides off up the stairs.  This is the same chick who crossed his bed on her knees and was ready to swallow his whole face a couple of days ago.

Ay, this is a restless night all over Santa Lucia.:  Mari tosses and turns thinking about her lie that Eman spent the night with her in San Miguel; Lola thinks back to the night Eman first professed his love for her long ago at the (I think) engagement party for Cris and Valeria.  She flashes back to the kiss that Mari staged when her distrust of Eman began.  Cande is still awake as well when Dominga returns from the farewell:  it was lovely and half the town turned out to say goodbye!   Ah, Santa Lucia will never have another Priest like Padre Jeronimo, Cande sighs.  Cande is waiting up for Cris but Dom tells her he seemed pensive and preoccupied and had gone to the cantina. 

Now check this out.  Cande says, “That’s strange.  Did he say anything?  Did he talk to Aldonza?”

What’s wrong with that sentence?  She said her name outright without calling her maldita or esa golfa or estupida!  Can you believe it?  Anyway, Cande declines dinner, Dominga kisses her on the head and leaves her with her thoughts.

Cris is sitting by a gushing fountain on this beautiful night thinking back to the moment when he got the ultrasound report from the OB/Gyn.   Mel approaches and wonders what he’s doing up.  Cris can’t contain himself and tells Mel about Valeria’s lie.  He’s just waiting for daylight so he can go tell Aldonza.  Cris is so pissed and outraged that if Val weren’t a woman he’d beat her to death with his bare hands!  How could she do such a thing!  Mel thinks there is a very bright side:  now he can reconcile with Aldonza and live happily ever after!  Cris hopes so but feels there are other things between them that are even more serious.  Like his father.  The shadow of his father is just too big!  Mel asks if his mother knows that her special and spoiled niece told such a bold-faced lie because he doesn’t think she would be accomplice to such a low down dirty trick.  Cris looks thoughtful.

Midnight oil is burning in the Law Offices of Sylvia and the Dead Beats.  She is up working feverishly to leave things in order before she leaves.  A pajama-clad, bed head Pato comes out and tries to get her to turn in.  She won’t so he offers to help.  She gets up and he takes her place at the computer.

Oh, guys, Cris enters the darkened parlor where Cande sits!  He tells her he has something grave to tell her:  He says he’s been there because she is not well and now that she’s better, it’s time for him to leave.  Of course she protests mightily that she’ll be all alone because she’s going to divorce Sev and. . .there’s Valeria.  Well, he just found out today that he is NOT the father of her baby.  The father is Abelardo Lagos.  Cande’s face twists in disbelief.  This is some kind of foolishness!  No.  He talked to the Dr., he saw the ultrasound report and she is more than 12 weeks along!

Let’s check back in the law office. . .what?  Silvia now has a laptop and is continuing to work while Pato’s head is down on the desk and he’s slobbering and babbling about how she needs to turn in and how he's going to need a lot of work to keep his mind off his grief:  two women broke his heart today. . . .Yah.  These guys are in trouble.

Irma and Uriel return home from date night and hear Mari wailing in her bedroom.  They enter and find her in the throes of labor. . . .the labor of guilt: She confesses all guys!  What she has done God will never forgive!  She’s the worse person in the world, she doesn’t deserve to be their daughter, Lola should be!  She’s so ashamed she can’t look them in the face!  She tells them she discovered that Lola paid the interest for the loan.  Uriel confirms this. Lola saved them and she treated her in a disgraceful way.  Everything she did was to steal Emanuel; everything was a lie!  That he was her boyfriend, that he asked her to marry him, that she went with him the San Miguel, that they spent the night together, it was all a lie!  Mari is grasping her head and wailing like the subject of “The Scream”.

Irma slaps Mari firmly in her tear-stained and contorted face and smacks her a couple more times as Uriel looks on in stony-faced grief and disbelief.   How could you, Irma shouts over and over!

Through Eman we flash to the night Big Ole Uriel beat and kicked the crap out of Emanuel for tricking and deflowering precious Mari.  Silent tears course down Eman’s face.  Lola tosses in bed thinking back to the night Eman left.  I don’t care about her self-inflicted sorrow or tears. 

Back at the Lagos, Mari continues rocking, wailing and begging forgiveness from her bed while her parents try to process what she is telling them.   Irma has not softened and wants to know how she could do that to Lola, what did Lola ever do to her.  Now its Uriel’s turn to ask her how and why could she do this and does she realize the impact her acts had!  He nearly kicked Emanuel out of town!  Finally Mari yells that it was envy, that she wanted what Lola had!

Uriel:  “What?  Lola didn’t have a mother and father like you and privileges, and you’re envious?  She should have been envious of you!  And Emanuel, that poor boy has never had anything!  You should beg their pardon!”

Tomorrow Mari’s going to look for Lola and beg her forgiveness even if she has to get on her knees, Irma shouts!  Uriel tells her they never expected this of her.  They always thought the worse of Abelardo when he was alive, but she’s no better than he!  He never knew he could feel so ashamed of his own daughter! 

Uriel:  “You need to thank God you are a woman because if not, I’d throw you out of this house RIGHT NOW!”  And The Oso stalks away!  Mari tries to swear to Irma that. . . .DON’T SWEAR! And out storms Irma leaving Marie sobbing.

Whew!  Finally, it’s dawn! 

Jacinto and Mudo enter the stables as Cris rides off to see Aldonza!

Pru awakens Valeria.  Pru hasn’t quite tied one on yet but seems mildly tipsy.  She tells Val she and Hum will support her through the pregnancy because she doesn’t want her compared to Aldonza.  Val yells that Pru shouldn’t mention Aldonza’s name cause she is the cause of all her problems!  Val just wants Aldonza to drop dead!  She lets Pru kinda hug her. 

Sev tries to intercept Cris on his way to Aldonza.  Yah.  Standing in the woods with his 3-piece on.  Sev is hurt that Cris wouldn’t have a drink with him but went to see PJ off.  Cris dismounts.  Yes, he did.  And Cande?  No, she didn’t go.  Sev wants to know what Cris’s plans are.  Cris is leaving.  The business is Sev's and Cande’s.  He doesn’t want anything to do with it, or him.  Where is he going?  Somewhere he can forget that his family ruined his life! This family has made his life a porqueria!  Sev wants to know how he can win back Cris’s love.  Cris says he has his love as his father, but he will never respect  or admire him and he will not be blackmailed into staying.  He remounts his horse.  All he wants is his last days at Las Animas to be peaceful ones.  He rides off, leaving Sev sighing and deflated.

Val has finally gotten up and flops down the stairs.  Pru, lying on the sofa yells for Juana to answer a knock on the door.  Pru answers when Juana doesn’t appear.  Cande bursts in and flies over to Val, her face a fiery mask.  Cande smacks Val hard upside the head, punctuating the blow with “Zorra!”  Val flies to the right.  She smacks her calling her Zorra again and Val careens left and falls on the floor.  “I was so wrong to think this woman was the one for my son!  I should have seen that she is a thousand times worse than Aldonza Alcocer!”   Cande demands the engagement ring and Pru pulls it off Val’s finger.  “I don’t want you to step one foot ever again in Las Animas!”  Pru, no doubt thinking of the river of liquor at LA asks if this means her as well since she had nothing to do with any of this.  Cande snarls that means her, too:  she wants nothing to do with either of them for the rest of her life!  Pru looks at Val and goes, “My God, this is only the beginning!  Wait until the gossip starts!”  Val is almost unrecognizable without her smirk!

Aldonza is up and rushes to get dressed when she learns Eman is already up and out.

Silvia is packed and leaving.  Renato tries to get her to stay.  She can’t leave this way.  What is she running from?  Silvia is not running from anything and remains firm as he tries to melt her resolve with the force of his steady gaze.  Too late, dudester.  She goes to say goodbye to Pato.  She hugs Pato and Renato and then leaves.

Eman and Pancho look at the barren ground in the huerta.  It’s not all destroyed but heavily damaged.  Cris rides by and Eman tells him this is another gift from his father.  Of course they have no proof.  Cris has no answer for this but doesn’t doubt it and even offers to pay but he’s on a mission:  he continues his charge to Aldonza’s.  Eman tries to stop him shouting that Aldonza doesn’t want to talk to him and runs off after Cris.

Now Tomas bursts into the door at the Zapata house and confronts Pru about the attack on Silvia. Because of her, Silvia has left town! Pru denies it but Tomas is righteously outraged:  He’s made many mistakes in his life but he had the courage to face his mistakes.  He had the courage to go to Dr. Zapata and confess his affair as she would have done herself if she loved him!  Now, she needs to have the courage to admit what she did to Silvia.  Pru drags out her answer to everything:  her checkbook.  She will compensate her for the damage.  Pru claims she is ready to change and will show him she’s a new woman.  Oh yeah, then she should get her things and come with him now to the Lagos house and tell them the baby Valeria is expecting is not Cristobal Mendoza’s but their son, Abelardo, that they’re the grandparents and she covered it up all this time!  Oh no, she can’t do that; she doesn’t deserve that.  Tomas fires back that the only thing she deserves is prison but she’s already in the jail that she carries around with her all the time.  She disgusts him and he never wants to see her in his life and she’d better not EVER come looking for him.  Tomas storms out leaving Prudencia blubbering his name!

Cris arrives at ES with Eman in pursuit who helps him get by Camilo.  Lot of bursting going on in this episode.  Cris bursts into the living room and doesn’t give Aldonza a chance to shut him down:  The baby Valeria is expecting is not his, Cris announces!  Aldonza and Lola are stunned. 

Across town, the Lagos are up and Irma and Uriel are about to leave with Mari to enforce their demand that Mari beg Lola’s forgiveness first, and then Emanuel’s when Tomas bursts in!  He has something urgent to tell them and it has to do with Abelardo.  That gets their attention and they sit down in the living room.   He tells them they’ve been lied to a long time and now they need to know the truth.  The baby Valeria is expecting is not Cris’s, it’s their son’s baby.  Uriel and Irma exchange pregnant glances (sorry) while Mari looks like she just let one rip and the smell is going to waft over to her parents noses aaaaany minute.

Now.  We’re back at ES with Eman and Lola looking on as Cris answers Aldonza that he is absolutely sure the baby is not his.  She asks if he talked to Valeria.  Yes, he dug her out and told her in no uncertain terms that he wanted nothing more to do with her.  Aldonza walks away, still looking stunned as Cris, trailed by Eman and Lola, follow her. 

“Aldonza, that is the only thing that was keeping us apart and I’m here now.”  He pulls her to him and tries to kiss her.  She puts her hands against his chest to hold him back. 

“No, Cristobal, that’s not the only thing.  Please understand, I can’t live with the shadow of Severiano Mendoza over us.”  

“Why do you keep insisting on this?  How many times do I have to tell you, it’s not my fault that I’m his son!

“I know but I can’t erase from my mind that you’re a constant reminder of all the things he’s done!  What he did to my Tia Adelina, to Emanuel and what he did to me . . .”

“What are you talking about?  What are you referring to?”

Aldonza tries to withdraw her statement, to say it’s just all the things he’s done and to get Cris to back down but he persists.

“I won’t leave and I won’t forget it. There’s still something I don’t know.  Isn’t there?  I have a right to know.  Tell me.”

Lola tells her it’s better that she tell Cristobal and she and Eman leave them alone.

“Aldonza, I beg you.  I beg you.  Whatever it is, you have to tell me.”

“Ok, fine.  I’ll tell you.  Remember when I told you that a few years ago a man raped me in this house and because of that I couldn’t give myself to you.  That man is. . . .”

“My father?  Answer me Aldonza, is it my father?”

“Yes Cristobal, Severiano Mendoza is the bastard who raped me.”  Cris’s eyes are liquid shock, his mouth agape.

Previous:  Episode #127 (Mex 130) 
Next: Episode #129 (Mx 132)


The preceding recap is original content, written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Hey, y'all! Can y'all say BLOCKBUSTER!!!! I hope I did it justice. Gotta tie on the feedbag so I'll come back later and do clean up of typos and stuff. Man! LOVED IT!!! I am so happy to have gotten this episode and I hope y'all are glad I got it to. I welcome corrections as usual and can't wait to chew on this all weekend with all of you. My friends who don't often or never commented, come on out and play with us!

See you in a bit!

Thank you Lila!!!!! Omigosh, this was fabulous! OK, I have to single out this line as the one that made me laugh in, ahem, a most unladylike fashion..."Uriel and Irma exchange pregnant glances (sorry) while Mari looks like she just let one rip and the smell is going to waft over to her parents noses aaaaany minute." That was priceless.

I did not enjoy the wailing Mari scene as much as I thought I would have. I don't know what it was. Her parents were just so upset. I wasn't sure when Irma slapped her whether she was angry or just wanted Mari to snap out of it.

How did Tomas find out who the baby daddy was? I feel like I missed something there.

OK, so Cris knows now. I was almost afraid Aldonza was going to say it in front of all three of them and she and Lola were going to have to keep Cris and Em from both going after Sev at the same time.

I probably have a lot more to say, but I feel like I'm in shock!

Blockbuster indeed Lila. You covered the events in your usual stylish, all encompassing fashion. Your recap was inspired.

"We are up close and personal with all the misty eyes bathed in the soft glow of tens of votives ,warm embraces and a view from above as the crowd gently parts as Padre walks amidst them and takes his leave". A beautiful scene. I only hope we have not seen the last of the Padre. He is greatly needed and is the voice of reason and persuasion that will help bind and heal.

"Mari is grasping her head and wailing like “The Scream”,"Uriel and Irma exchange pregnant glances (sorry)" and "They enter and find her in the throes of labor. . . .the labor of guilt" were among many stellar lines.

Cris now knows the terrible truth. It is crucial that after he absorbs this atrocity and the physical and mental ramifications, he and Aldonza talk so she can rant, rave, cry and unburden herself. There is so much anger and pain. Can it ever be lessened? Even if they seek immediate counseling (with the dear Padre), some wounds are too deep to be healed.

Humberto's family has disintegrated before our eyes. I thought Pru was bringing her daughter some refreshing orange juice, only to see it was her omnipresent cocktail. Whatever was I thinking? I had to smile when Tomas was lighting into her telling her Sylvia left, she let it slip for a moment that she was happy. I adore Cynthia Klitbo.

Now that Cande knows the truth about Valeria, she has now lost her grandchild in addition to her son and husband. She will be doomed to a lonely life. And very richly deserved.

I felt not a whit of pity for Mari but did feel badly for Irma and Uriel whose spawn has caused them so much unhappiness. I cheered when Irma told Mari to make things right. I hope the news of their grandchild gives them some comfort.

Things are at a standstill for Lola and Eman as well as Renato and Sylvia. Who will break the respective stalemates first?

Lila, thank you for doing this fantastic recap so quickly.


Kat, I didn't feel pity for Mari but I didn't take any satisfaction from her confession either. I guess I like Irma too much and like you, hated to see her upset as she has been far too many times. And Uriel was right. Mari had so much to be grateful for, especially the loving parents that Lola would love to have had.


Diana, it felt so manipulative, like they wanted so badly for me to feel sorry for poor Mari who finally realized what she'd done and felt just awful about it and I was just kinda...meh. Whatever. I'm glad her parents finally found out, but damn they were hurting! I'm not sure I agree with Uriel that she's worse than Lardo. On the one hand, she never shot up somebody's house...on the other hand, she had no way of knowing Uriel *wasn't* going to kill Em when she lied about him taking her money and sleeping with her. And she still hasn't told them about stealing the money from Irma, has she? I'm not even sure I want her to, at this point. If she could perhaps quietly arrange to return it and not break their hearts any further, I'd be ok with that.

LILA, you DID get the big blockbuster! It got even bigger by the time you got through recapping it--splendid! (It's like the plot got a giant dose of laxative.) Loved it!

Favorite line: "Val is almost unrecognizable without her smirk". Ooh, how I have wanted to see her get her comeuppance.

Favorite scene, hands-down: Tomas spilling the "baby" beans to Irma and Oso. Yay!

Mari didn't confess quite all to her parents: she omitted her theft of Irma's money, and also that she knew Val was expecting Lardo's baby. That is a pretty major thing to hide.

Loved Pru's boots and leggings. However on top she looked like a nun, all she needed was a wimple.

More later!

J in Oregon

J in O, "It's like the plot got a giant dose of laxative." Hahahaha! Perfect!

Thank you, Diva, Diana and J in O! Girls! This episode was the bomb and yes, J in O, it was a blow out (to borrow your imagery!) I can't believe the RAPE is out but with only 6 days left, it had to come out! OMG!! What is Cris going to do? Good thing Eman and Lola stepped out! Eman would have taken off after Sev and there would be no stopping him this time!

Diana, you are right that Cande has lost a lot. In fact, she, Sev and Hum are seeing their families, their world disintegrating and Cris must feel the same way, too. Oh. My. Goodness. Cris must be fervently praying that this is the bottom. How long before Eman and Renato find out.

Oh Lord, guys. It's nearly midnight. I need to rest up for the weekend chores and hanging out on the Patio to enjoy everybody's reaction to this epic episode as we rock towards the end!

Lila, I'm surprised they didn't save this as the last big reveal. I guess that's going to be Simoneta...what else is left? There are things they don't know for sure, but at this point, nobody's putting anything past Sev. Even Cris needed zero convincing of anything he was told today. It's about damn time!


So freaking good!So freaking GREAT!!!
We get another view of that beautiful, candle-lit farewell to Padre Jeronimo. We are up close and personal with all the misty eyes bathed in the soft glow of tens of votives , warm embraces and a view from above as the crowd gently parts as Padre walks amidst them and takes his leave. You perfectly captured the tone and production intent in the way you crafted these sentences.

He never has anything positive to say to her! How in the hell can he when she is always talking nonsense! Totally made me laugh.

So did Let’s check back in the law office. . .what? Silvia now has a laptop and is continuing to work while Pato’s head is down on the desk and he’s slobbering and babbling about how she needs to turn in and how he's going to need a lot of work to keep his mind off his grief: two women broke his heart today. . . .Yah. These guys are in trouble. I think Ren said something about how she's a pillar for the law office. Um, more like the whole damn foundation. You turned down a woman with that kind of work ethic to hang out with someone who's been shown "working" the farm once? Standards, Ren. Standards.

Mari. Well, my nemesis finally got the Tell-Tale Heart conclusion. Applause. I'm glad that her parents are pissed and glad that she so clearly felt guilty and remorseful (unlike Val. Sigh. Oh Val...), but I was way more satisfied to see Val slapped than I was Mari. Because even though I'd like to see Pato walking away with Vero, or Silvia or even Lulu, Mari's repented and it wouldn't be a Catholic TN if that didn't earn her angel time in the form of Pato. Sigh.

I do hope her knowing about BabyLardo and stealing the money come out, but niggling me more is the fact that Val's affair, post broken engagement are coming to light. The constantly boozy Pru gives me hope.

Wonder if Ren will pull a Cris and chase down Sil's bus.

Lola - Ugh! Still?! I so totally hope Eman kicks her butt to the g.d. curb!!! I've never hated her with Tofie's passion, but her cold stone wall treatment of Eman is just oo much! When he dumps her butt in his past, I hope he points out that she took the word of her sworn nemesis over his.

What would Pru have thought was aoppropriate amount if Silvia had been blinded?!

Oh Lord. Fell asleep typing. It's time for some sleep!


Diva, I guess we're going to get a lot of reaction, of course, to the rape and it is kind of surprising that this came out before the murder of Simoneta. I'm done trying to guess. EVERY episode is going to have to be BLOCKBUSTER from here on out. They certainly have my attention.

HellaShelle, awwww, get some sleep! I thought Tomas would have said his price was marching down to the cops and taking responsibility for the attack on Silvia. I was not expecting him to want the Babylardo secret exposed.

Lila, they took the brakes off the roller coaster car. WHEEEEEEEEEE!

Hellashelle! Thank you, girl! Oh no! Fell asleep typing? Yah, let's all get some sleep. Thanks for the appreciation and I am with you on Lola. I would SO love if, after Mari confesses that she lied, he would tell her he's changed his heart about her because of her mistrust and refusal to even act with common decency toward him and give him a chance to defend himself. I am so ofter that heffa. If they would let Eman kick her to the curb, I'd forgive them for all the other sins in this novela.

Let's pack it in and do this tomorrow!

Amen, Diva! We deserve this joy!

I'm recapturing that old "Best show ever!" feeling, that's for sure. Wishing everyone sweet dreams in MadLibs fashion...May you dream of a shirtless __________ running into your arms after dumping _________. :D

Thanks, Diva!


Lila, you hit It baby. this is a superb recap.
Confessions are in the air. Now hum needs to fess up. He should take his own advice and Take responsibility for his part years ago.
Those two slaps were heard around SL. "The
Cande slap", I haven't seen anybody slap someone as well as cande can slap. She should get a patent for that. Ok thats crazy and its late I should go to bed.
Sorry to see padre go, but he'll be back for the wedding, he'll be officiating at the wedding. Goodnite p peeps, I'll talk more when the suns up. ☆
Lila, sweet recap.

Thanks, Lila! You kept the spirit of this major drama dump going in your recap! So much happening in the span of a single night & day.

I enjoyed Val's downfall and Cande's continuing losses. Mari's blubbering was annoying, although I was pleased with her confessions. Don't know why Hum is surprised Val won't take responsibility. She learned from her mother, who refuses responsibility as well.

Props to Tomas for being a stand-up guy and calling Pru to account. And then going to tell Lardo's parents they have a grandbaby on the way. Maybe a chance to raise this one better than Mari and Lardo?

Finally--Chris turns his back on both parents AND learns exactly what Sev did to Aldonza. Lots of stuff to shake down in the next few days.

Lila- Another great episode and a marvelous recap from you. Thanks for recapping with such passion, and for providing it to us so quickly.

The downfall of the Zapata and Mendoza families continue in epic style. Loved all the confrontations this episode, especially the ones where Val gotten handed her a** by Cande and Hum. It looked like things were going down the drain for the Lagos family too, but then Tomas brought them hope with the grandchild news. I'm surprised Irma and Oso didn't wheel around and ask Mari if she knew, since they are friends. Irma probably would have slapped her again for keeping this from them. However, all she would have to do is say Sever threatened her to keep her mouth shut, but then Oso really would have turned into a bear and gone after the bastard like he did before. It could still happen.

Really looking forward to Monday to see how Cris continues to react to the news that his father raped his wife. I'm so glad it's out now. Now they can actually start the process of healing. It has become a little easier for Aldonza to tell her story. It's like telling Don Tonio opened a floodgate.

Wow, Lila. A pivotal episode, and you did it proud! Thank you so much for your entertaining reporting and musings.

Yeah, Mari's whole being can kind of be summed up as equal to some escaping intestinal gas.

PJ's departure was touching. He certainly has impacted SL and its people, and it's not like, in his mind, he did anything special. He only acted righteously and honestly, always working for truth and justice. But, in SL, that counts for heroism, and the town realized it.

It is questionable whether anyone would want Cande as a friend, but certainly no one would want her as their enemy. And boozy Pru's prediction is probably spot on: Wait till the gossip starts!

Oh. My. God. Cris now knows that Sev is not only capable of a multiplicity of nasty, cruel deeds, but HE RAPED ALDONZA!!! Gee, that's going to make Thanksgiving dinner awkward, isn't it?

I just love the Tomas character. He has developed so well under PJ's tutelage.

Silvia is really getting more loveable as this thing unfolds, and it seems to me that Renato is finally seeing some small glimmer of what he has destroyed for himself. Whatever unfolds for her, I wish her the very best.

So Lola won't give Eman a chance until Mari confesses her duplicity? That kind of thinking should send Eman running after Vero and never looking back.

How hard is it going to be to identify Sev's latest stooge, what with him driving around town in PJ's former car?

Oh, man! My wife has committed us to go to a family reunion in Buffalo, N.Y. and I may miss the last episodes!!!

Today is the twins' 5th birthday.

Thanks again, Lila. So much happening, and you shone throughout.


Lila – THANK YOU for the awesome recap!!! It was a fun read, especially the line about Mari “letting one rip” had me LOL.

And speaking of ‘let one rip, (what a coincidence), did y’all pay attention to Cris’ face in that final scene? Our non-galán’s cara de bobo after Aldi told him The Truth, had me guffawing and howling with laughter. Not only did plant life gain more I.Q. points, Cris’ face looked like he was trying to NOT “let one rip”. Sorry, patio peeps, that was my brain’s knee-jerk reaction last night. This guy needs remedial acting school, or something!
(you see why I howled when I saw your reference in Mari's scene, Lila)

Good on Tomas for blasting Pru.

Mari, here’s a quarter, call someone who cares. That whole scene was so NOT CONVINCING, lazy writers.

It was so very nice to see Vile get smacked, for a change.

I am so over all these people and will be glad to get them out of my life. Sev's anvil better be worth it.

Irma has not figured out, yet, that every time she wears that green eyeshadow, she will have a bad day.

WOW, Lila! Just WOW! You got a real blockbuster of an episode indeed and just nailed it! To quote the best is basically quoting the whole thing. Take a bow.

What a slap fest. Always fun stuff when done to the right people. It allows for my secret fantasy side that would just love to haul off and do that to some miscreants myself. We live vicariously through these folks I swear. Cande really let it rip. I think there were a few pent out feelings against Sev in those slaps.

I guess we will have Irma and Uriel now stepping in maybe to offer Val what she needs to have the baby. What I sincerely hope is that the deal is they get the child PERIOD and she can sail off into the sunset with her drunken mother. If that town is so closed minded, those very people that Pru waas able to pay, will turn on her and she's toast. I think Tomas would see to that.

Speaking of whom...who knew Tomas would be so pivotal with these truths spilling? His confrontation with Pru was pure gold ( and Cynthia--honestly, could she have shown better Pru's selfishishness, cluelessness (is that a word?) and immaturity?)

I do want I/U with all my soul to also learn that Mari knew about this scam as well. She looked pretty spooked standing there. Now I'll say this....Alexis could give his wife some acting lessons. Lord, that was painful to watch the overacting. Whatever, good slap by mom too though. They have definitely had some learning lessons on how spoiling and turning blind eye didn't work with their kids. Considering the gene pool of Lardo's child, they need to get this next one right if they raise it.

So, ok, they did the Silvia right. No undying words of love from Ren, instead a look that he knows he screwed up and he respects Silvia to let her do what she feels she has to. She'll be back I bet.

Still not too keen on such a wrap up for our lovebirds. They are essentially laying out all the concerns we have had with them. They will need some time and effort to work through all this so I hope they have the smarts to show that in this last week once Sev meets his doom. I actually had a moment as Cris was going to leave town and Silvia was leaving that know what, maybe these two should meet up somewhere, forget SL and fall in love. A girl can dream.

And speaking of my mind Lola got one good slap up the head from me on that crap to E-man. She doesn't believe him huh? She still believes the lying harpy over the supposed man she loves? After everything he went thru, she can look him in the face and call him a liar? Just NO NO NO! These two make no sense and just having Mari tell her she lied does not make it all ok.

I have a feeling the next couple episodes are going to get pretty dark if we have any indication of how things roll in this show. And I miss Wed-Fri leaving to visit my son in Atlanta end of week so will have to work with recaps and then watch when I get back on Sunday. Maybe that's the better way to do it. He has a new rescue puppy I don't want to scare the daylights out of screaming at the TV :)


Great work, Lila. Others have mentioned the best lines and I agree. I envy you getting an episode like this.

Mari could get away with saying that she suspected that Abelardo was the sperm donor (I hate that stupid word babydaddy) and Vile tried to evade the issue. Then Sev came after her with a veiled threat. Tomas knew because he knew that Abelardo was fooling around with Vile and that Cristobal was not.

From this point on the only death that should happen is Sev's but he's likely to kill one more person first, knowing these programs as I do.

I agree that Mari's confessions don't make it right. Even what her parents are saying will happen won't be enough.

More later.

I think David said it recapped this episode with passion. And I love your range. The opening paragraph describing Padre Jeronimos candlelit good-bye was lyrical and luminous. The description of Mari's expression compared to a malodorous fart about to waft by her parents' noses..was...well, worthy of a teen-aged boy. Effective and unforgettable image! Let's just say you can pack a punch with your writing.

Nice work too comparing Pru's eyes to those dorky velvet paintings of the 60's. You're right...her eyes were HUGE and very dark. Got a kick out of your description of Pato's bedhead and your quip to Renato "Too late, dudester."

I found all the slaps disturbing, but that's just me. Alexis Ayala though, continues to delight (in spite of his loathsome character) with his style. The arrogant hand gesture letting his stealth minion know he was dismissed from the table at the cantina was just perfect. Alexis really knows how to play his part.

I've always like Lola but last night she really disappointed me. Interesting to see how the writers will wrap up that relationship.

Lila, it was great day when you decided to recap regularly. You're quite a writer and seem to have really hit your stride with this one.Style and exuberance. Muchas gracias.

Lila that line about irma and urial with the smelly look make since, its like they were thinkin"Baby we got to make sure this baby don't Turn out like his or her stinky father our son abelardo". I wonder If hum and pru...... O
Hell no. Pru can't be nobodys grandma, that's just bad on all levels.

Good Morning, Peeps! Well, I hope we're all rested up so we can work this episode over! Only six left for the Sombra Patio, so let's do it proud.

Hey, Nina! Thank you! major drama dump indeed! ITA with all you say. Mari's confession left out a few things as my friends above have noted but we'll see if all the truths get wrung out of her. She already sees like she wants to back peddle the very next morning! And yes! Cris has the whole story now. Let's see what we do with it!

Vivi! Thank you, girl! The downfall of the Zapata and Mendoza families continue in epic style. You said it! And yes, the story is definitely rivited, in my mind at least, on Cris and Aldonza. Love your floodgate reference! Maybe this horrible atrocity will bring out and show us this epic love they've tried to sell us on. We know she's not going to get therapy so we have to go with "time and love heals all wounds."

Thanks, David! I LOVE this: Yeah, Mari's whole being can kind of be summed up as equal to some escaping intestinal gas. And this, on PJ:

PJ's departure was touching. He certainly has impacted SL and its people, and it's not like, in his mind, he did anything special. He only acted righteously and honestly, always working for truth and justice. But, in SL, that counts for heroism, and the town realized it.

Don't mean to call you out while I call you out but have you ever recapped? You're quite a word and concept meister, for real!

And yes, Thanksgiving, Christmas, every holiday, hey, LIFE will be awkward! How are they going to pull this off!

ITA re Lola and duh, what a great point about the one stooge in PJ's car!

Happy Birthday Twins!! Have fun at your reunion, David and The Sombra Dream Team will rock out all the action for ya!

Oh, shoot, guys! We have some yard work we HAVE to do before it hits 89 today. Thank you everyone! I see some delicious comments and I can't wait to get back! Please keep talking, I'll catch up with you later!

Of all the episodes that my dvr stopped working after 20 minutes. Arg!!!!! Right where Cris was going to tell Cande that the baby isn't his. And I saved a front row seat for that too!!!!

Thank you Lila for making this recap so detailed that I don't feel as though I missed out (as much).

Now that Uriel and Irma were interrupted by Tomas' big reveal, let's hope they don't get sidetracked and forget to march Mari over to Lola's for M's own big confession.

DaisynJay- Hot-lanta! Our son lived there for six years, first in Chamblee and then Norcross. I liked everything about it except the traffic. Have a great trip!

cathyx - oh noes! anout your DVR. Maybe the episode is online somewhere. It was definitely Must See TV.

I wonder too how Tomas knew about the baby, it must have been cut out somewhere.
I'm with you all about Lola still believing Mari over Eman. I mad that the writers are going to continue to have that couple end up together.

So what will Cris do with the info about the rape? Kill him? Beat him Up?

Cathyx- Well, we know he's not going to kill him, even if he tries. Telenovela rules. Plus, a week of episodes to go.

Happy Birthday to the Twins, David!

Cathyx- here's a link to the episode:

David.....enjoy Buffalo. I have had so many happy times there. I visited often while my son was completing his doctorate and teaching at SUNYAB. I had the world's most interesting enchilada at a "Mexican" cantina there, a flour tortilla with a cheese stick rolled inside topped with tomato soup. Memorable to say the least.

And happy birthday to the twins.

Lila thank you for the excellent recap, had to watch football last evening, am saving this episode for tonight.


Good golly girl you done it again, thanks Lila

"Eman protectively interrupts this painful train of thought"

"Law Offices of Sylvia and the Dead Beats"

"Val is almost unrecognizable without her smirk!"

"while Mari looks like she just let one rip and the smell is going to waft over to her parents noses aaaaany minute"

Tomas - here, take a photo of my good side, looks a lot like PJ don't it

Renato - damn, my bedroom eyes and pout didn't work this time

Pru - sooooo, we won't be coming over for Christmas?

Silvia - self respect looks great on you

Mari - crap, was I supposed to feel bad about the baby too

Lola - I just love kicking him in the groin

Abelardo - in case you're wondering, I get paid every time my name is mentioned

Aldonza - now will you leave me alone


Pru - sooooo, we won't be coming over for Christmas? Another great one, Tofie. In fact I'm surprised it wasn't actually in the episode.

DORIS, ITA that Mari's "remorse" scene was unbelievable due to bad acting and/or poor directing: just too, too much. She was not convincing. On the plus side Silvia, whom I used to think of as a cold fish, has successfully led us to understand the personal growth driving her actions. Ditto Tomas. Very enjoyable character development.

Cris reminds me of that poster of a cat called "My Many Moods". First pic: angry. Second pic: annoyed. Third pic: happy, etc. But it's the same exact photo for every mood. Cris succeeds only in looking mildly puzzled no matter what the emotion. Just my opinion.

J in Oregon

Vivi, thanks for the link. Also, we all know they can drag a day over a week of episodes, so he could actually kill him.

On..My..Gourd. Lila, you did this recap with guns blazing. I loved all the clever lines already mentioned, but I got an especially good giggle out of your description of Vile "flopping" down the stairs. We have seen a lot of slaps in this show (we should have kept a tally) , but Candy really put all of her weight into those slaps she delivered to Vile.Damn.

Who knew that Tomas was going to change so much with Padre's guidance. His trip down the yellow brick road was a big success. What a transformation.

David...Happy Birthday to the twins. Today is also our wedding anniversary. Have fun in Buffalo. I have never spent more than breakfast there on our trips to and from Toronto. (For some reason my type has gotten bigger ????) Okay......pool time. Later.

Yardwork break!

Doris! Thank you, girl. You have ME cracking up now! Yah, the bombs were dropping. I love this: Irma has not figured out, yet, that every time she wears that green eyeshadow, she will have a bad day.

DaisynJay! Hey, girl! Fantasy and vicarious fulfillment through seeing folk get slapped. Yep! Novela viewing at its best! If Irma and Uriel end up supporting Val through this pregnancy it will be another case of the care and feeding of a rotten offspring. The innocent baby will be a joy and a chance to do it right. Hopefully Val will let them adopt the baby and skedaddle! ITA re Eman and Lola, I think we all are. She sooo doesn't deserve him! Enjoy your visit with your son, the Sombra Team will keep you in the loop!

Thank you, Urban! ITA on your hate of babydaddy-- UGH! Yah, Mari could wiggle out of that easily. As someone mentioned earlier, just tell the truth that Sev threatened her. To keep Oso out of trouble yes, she can say she suspectd but didn't know. Thanks for the reminder of how Tomas knew. He knew Abelardo was slaughtering Mari.

My gosh, JudyB! You're talking about me? Jeez, girl, thank you! I totally agree with you about Alexis and love this:

Alexis Ayala though, continues to delight (in spite of his loathsome character) with his style. The arrogant hand gesture letting his stealth minion know he was dismissed from the table at the cantina was just perfect. Alexis really knows how to play his part.

Yes. Alexis is bringing it and I bet even as his anvil descends he's going to shine! I can't wait!

Nina, we're all hoping that Pru doesn't have ANY contact with babylardo!

Ok, back to yardwork. Working in 80+ degree hot sun should be worth some weight elimination!


Alexis Ayala must receive the Best Villain award in the next Premios.

I never expected Tomas to be the one to spill about the baby, but it might be just what it takes to get Pru to stop bothering him.


LOL, Doris, yeah I'm hoping for a dip in temps just for me when I visit. (Like that will really happen.) But excited to see my son and his girlfriend and to see their new rescue pup. The story of this dog had me in tears, very abused and unloved, but was found in a hoarder's home and a worker at the Atlanta humane league dedicated months to bring this poor baby back to the land of the living and loved. I was so proud of my son to say, "that's the one" when he went looking for a new pup. He's the oddest looking mixed up breed dog I've ever seen, and the absolute cutest. He and I have a morning date for a hike to the dog park while the kids have to work Friday morning for half day. May be trying to figure out how to sneak him into my suitcase before the trip is over.

David--have such fun with the twins!! Bet your weather will be better than mine.

tofie--your Pru line is priceless!! And, yeah, couldn't agree more as you know with the Lola comment.


J, I loved "Cris succeeds only in looking mildly puzzled no matter what the emotion" - spot on.

tofie, Renato - "damn, my bedroom eyes and pout didn't work this time" and "Pru - sooooo, we won't be coming over for Christmas?" made me laugh out loud.

daisy, wish you a wonderful trip and the story of your new fur grandchild was very moving. It's so heartening that there are wonderful people like your son who step up and rescue. There is a special place in heaven for those who take care of and cherish God's creatures.

Happy birthday to the twins David.

So many other wonderful comments.


As usual Aldonza will run to Renato to discuss what to do about the recent property damage, he is after all her knight. So, shouldn't she tell him that it is Severiano that raped her and let him work on a comprehensive plan to take the guy down? Emanuel will want to beat him to death in the street but perhaps Aldonza can talk him down. But, what does Cris do? Fall in with Renato's plan, confront Severiano again and yap at him, go tell mommie or apologize to Aldonza for icking her out every time he kisses her and leave as he planned? Anyway, Cris is still odd man out and Severiano has done so much to so many he can just get in line.

I also find it kinda lame that after a whole show of waiting on Aldonza hand a foot, and being her bf (I guess unless that has mysteriously changed) Renato may suddenly "wake up", want Silvia and she'd welcome him with open arms, thus leaving Aldonza "single", needing a man and that be Cris.

Lola, what a worthless waste of a hair barrette. I know, I know, she's not a bad girl and she does try to help people but her treatment of Emanuel is abysmal, continuing to this day. She crushed on him, forwardly kissed him, hooked him and he has never wavered but oh, she has. Now this is a guy she has known her whole life and she has not once given pause to think he may be telling her the truth. She prefers to believe a girl she knows hates her guts and I think it's because she wants to. Lola is insecure because Emanuel is friggin hot and she wants to break him like a horse. What about Lola and Pato? She played with that poor guy the whole time too but angry as she would get at him when she knew Mari and he friendly, she still agreed to marry him. Emanuel won't even walk on the same side of the street as Mari but Mari works for Pato. If I were giving advise to Emanuel and she got all snotty like she did last night, she could run upstairs, pack her bags and get the hell out of his house.


Getting caught up on all the wonderful comments!

David, good point about the car. The whole town saw it handed over to Padre J...we, who didn't see that edited-out scene, are the only ones who didn't! Happy Birthday to the twins :D

doris, your observation about Irma and the green eyeshadow is cracking me up! So true!

tofie, "Silvia - self respect looks great on you" my favorite one today. Silvia is one helluva class act!

J in O, I'm laughing at your description of Cris' (lack of) facial expression and the cat poster. Yep, that's him all right.

Susanlynn, Happy Anniversary!

Lila, don't get dehydrated with all that yard work...break early and often :p

tofie, I can see how telling Renato that Sev raped her and trying to figure out what they can do about it legally would be a good move to keep Em and Cris from going after him themselves and getting hurt or killed or even just arrested for assault in the process.

So may people traveling in the coming week! I wish you all safe travels--David, Daisynjay, tofie, and anyone else I missed.

Not hating on Renato, actually throwing the guy some love for once and you are correct they need to sit down and come up with a plan. A plan doesn't include Aldonza's response of running to the popo and making an accusation that cannot be supported with evidence. I'm hopeful Renato would lay a trap just as PJ did with the help of Renato and Silvia. It worked beautifully

But now we have no Padre J and no Silvia! I've got a baaaaad feeling about this.

I'm going to pretend, until proven otherwise, that Padre J and Silvia are rendezvousing in San Miguel so they can figure out how to fix this mess.

Lila! You are a super special cupcake and your recap RULED! I left a comment last night but it never made it through!

I'm amazed by the turn around Tomas made, the actor made me believe that he went from bum to decent human being- in fact I watched a little bit of his previous novela just to catch scenes with him in it.

Awww poor Cris, he just can't win.

Exactly what I was thinking Kat as I typed. Maybe PJ and Silvia are at the bus station drawing up the plan on a napkin as we speak. Oh wait, here comes Don Antonio, they were expecting him.

Eli, I agree...the actor really sold it. Not just in the scenes with Silvia, but overall.

tofie, now THAT would be quite a team. Padre J, Silvia, Don Antonio...hell, throw Vero in there, too.

Ah! Yardwork done! Man, it's hot out there but I just recall what it will be like six months from now and, yah, chills me right out.

Anywho! Thank you, Cathyx! It always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when somebody says they weren't able to watch. We 'cappers live to serve!

Thanks, Emeraldrose! Yah, please watch this! We all owe it to ourselves!

Tofie! Girl, your list is the bomb-diggety! LOVE Pru, Mari and Lola's lines the best! Each one really captures their essence from the episode! I could have smacked Lola!!! Again. I will sing the praises of this novela forever if Eman comes to the realization that Lola is not who he thinks she is and they'd be better off being just friends, if that.

Look, I understand the burning in Lola's loins for Emanuel but that ain't the guys fault and stop beating the guy over it. If he's the lady killer stop blowing him kisses and telling people you love him. Tell them you hate him and wished he was dead. You know consistent with how you've treated him.

Hi, Susanlynn! Thanks, girl! Yah. You know Vile is bad when nobody so far has regretted her getting slapped while she's pregnant. Such a trip is this heffa, perfectly portrayed! And like others have said Tomas has turned out to be such an enjoyable and important character. His outrage at the Zapata's was excellently done. It was a great scene!

Happy Anniversary, Susanlynn!

Tofie@ 1:24!! Lola, what a worthless waste of a hair barrette. Love it and everyword that follows thereafter. Yah, it's his house! Her distrust of him and basically believing he's a scheming, deceptive liar is deeply insulting and HE ought to ask HER to leave! Uuuuuf!

Muchas gracias, Lila! I FFd through most of the episode knowing you had my back. There was no way I was going to watch Mari and her crap. Sorry you did.

Silvia and the Deadbeats is right!

I know it's already been said, but the pregnant glances line was classic.

Happy anniversary, Susanlynn!

Happy birthday to the twins, David!

TOFIE: "Tell them you hate him and wished he was dead. You know consistent with how you've treated him." Lola doesn't get a pass from me, she had no faith in her man and instead believed that skank Mari (can I use that word in public?). So far as I'm concerned, Lola does not deserve to kiss the ground Eman walks on. Y punto.

J in O

*sigh* I want to disagree about Lola and Eman, but I just can't. Especially when I compare the behavior of Lola to the behavior of Vero.

J in O, what word, "Mari"? Yeah, not sure that's appropriate in polite company :p

Yep that's the word Kat!
And, no disrespect intended to the actress, but I don't think she was up to the job. She made us despise "Mari", that was easy, but don't think she is up to the task of making us like her.

J in O

Eli! Sister and Teamie! Thanks, hon. Darn blogger! Sorry about that! Again, Tomas IS a pleasant surprise. He went to opposite direction as Lola from someone I despised to pivotal to the triumph of justice and whom I enjoy watching!

Sara! Sister and Teamie tambien! Hey, girl! I'm happy to have saved you from Mari, my dear! Big grin!

Hey, Diva! Glad your hanging out and keeping the ball rolling. Even if the episode is smokim', Saturday is a busy day. I hope today and til the end everybody comes around and critiques this thing.

How and when do y'all think Padre J will reappear?

J in O- I think I could have maybe gotten to like Mari, but they waited too long to start redeeming her. And she should have been the one to pay Irma's debt.

J in O, I don't know who to blame for that. The whole crying in bed, agitated scene...I was rolling my eyes. And all brought about because Vero told her to get a life, and then Pato said he loved her. I guess we were supposed to be seeing it as a gradual process, with a few final kicks, but the timing feels off.

Wasn't it Lola paying the debt that was the final catalyst for Mari seeing how horrible she's been? Not Vero or Pato, although they got the ball rolling. And Eman looking at her like dog poop he had just stepped in.

Lila, I hope Padre J isn't just gone until a final big wedding scene, like Nina suggested, though--Nina, I think you may be right on about that. He's been so important all this time and one of the few with the courage to stand up to Sev that it seems wrong for him to not be around for the end (I feel like someone brought that up as well).

Sara, that was such a missed opportunity, not having Mari pay off Irma's debt. And you're right, they're not giving us enough time to adjust to spoiled brat Mari suddenly becoming sweet, apologetic (barf!) Mari.

Vivi, I think, yes, I think that's the progression...Vero, Pato, Em, Lola. Maybe there just wasn't enough time in between. All these things have happened in about a week? for us and about the same time or less on the show.

I get that Lola paying the debt is a catalyst, but I just wish that it was Mari. She stole from her mother, too. Crying, screaming and saying she's sorry isn't enough for me. Maybe something will happen this last week.

FYI- my DVR is only showing a one hour Fin. There might be some editing.

Lola paying was the final but it all started with the bad girl speech from Veronica. Calling her out on her bullcrap.

Thing is if Mari really wanted to come clean and was redeemable she still was protecting her mentor Valeria by not telling her parents they may be grandparents. Instead it's a visit from their son's reformed neer do well side kick. Mari missed her chance.

I don't think its going to be awkward at thanksgiving cause sev wont be invited, I don't think he'll even be alive. Almost all the main people that
Caused the most pain of the past are almost gone, sev is the last one. Now while cande and, Hum played a big part in the pain causeing situations, they have a soul, sev has none. Thats why I say almost gone are the major pain causeing players, sev being the last one. I can't see him continuing to breath with all that blood on his hands. And yet he stills plots to do harm. He is incappable of
Caring, the man is dead inside. He just needs to be buried.

Sara, gah! Not the scissors! If they must, I hope it falls on Wednesday to spare anyone else the pain.

tofie, I agree, she missed her chance.

Ironically, I thought it was pretty abrupt when Mari went "bad" in the first place, but damned if she didn't commit!

Y'all have good ideas about how Mari could have redeemed herself. Very good. Yah, paying the debt would have been fantastic along with confessing at that time she had stolen from her mother and blamed it on Lola, or, if when she found out Lola paid the interest THAT made her fess up to the theft and slowly, breaking down, confess to the lie about Eman, etc.

But. What the hey! We know where they're going with this, I just want to see more groveling before Eman AND Lola. Hell, she and Lola ought to get together since she obviously trusts her more than Eman. I just don't want my Eman with that rattle-brained Lola! Uuuuuf!


We know Lola and Eman are end game. The writers really messed up this episode with their story. They should have had Lola right then and there say that she is sorry and always knew in her heart that he was innocent or some such. And then when Mari makes her confession have them already be a United front. Not sure why the writers chose to go this route. I guess just for dramatic effect when Mari does finally confess that she lied to Lola.

Oh, I'm confident if Lola apologizes she'll blame Emanuel for something, like had he not spoken to Mari none of this would have happened or he didn't try hard enough to convince her. Maybe if he had threatened to throw himself from the bell tower.

Vivi, girl, that would have been so much better. I didn't want to dislike Lola, she just frustrated the HELL out of me. It doesn't make sense that she is so deeply distrustful and hostile to Eman all the way to the end! What the heck was that scene for when she learned he was going to be living in ES? Has Aldonza told her that she trusts Eman and believes him? If she has and she STILL doesn't believe him, I don't know why the hell she doesn't leave the house of her own accord. She should be afraid he would rape her or something if that's the kind of character she believes he has.

Now. If they are going to have her bond during the grief over the discovery that Sev murdered her mother, I think that is just sick and it makes me want to hurl! What a fractured story but then, so is that of the main couple. Kinda reminds me of "Fractured Fairy Tales" that used to come on the Rock and Bullwinkle Show!


I hope when Mari tells Lola, that Emmanuel is there too.

It won't happen, but like cathyx I hope Em is there and he tells Lola "I told you so! Now I'm going to go find Vero!"

Sara, that won't happen either. He will hug Lola and then kiss her deeply. Ugh!

Ugh indeed.

Now if Veronica could have had Emanuel for another month and more success on the circuit perhaps he'd have forgotten all about Lola. Damn that Severiano. Don't know what he expects the girl isn't smart enough to make change for a dime.

Not only do I think Mari will tell them both at the same time, I think Lola is STILL going to turn to him and say "Is this true?" before they have their big epic kiss.

5Ft, lol. I think you'll be right.

I'm going to take E-man's willingness to stick with Lola because of the pain and abuse he suffered growing up. He's been treated like garbage but supposed "family" members he grew up with, he crushed on Val and was tossed aside, Pru made sure to make him feel like an outcast, etc. Lola gave him some moments of care and emotion and he's hanging unto that for all he'ws worth.

The poor man has not built up his self-esteem yet and only DAYS after going through the worse news he could have gotten, Lola basically says he's a liar and he takes it. Because he always just took it's his way of handling rejection from those he wants to love. The sick thing is the writers will have Mari fess up to Lola and Lola will go running with her sorries, etc. and he'll be overjoyed because, damn, someone besides his sister really loves him. A very very very poorly written love story and not really giving E-man a chance to learn to know himself. I would have loved to see him say no to any love interest and throw himself into his new property and home. Let Lola sit and stew and have to win his love back. But we won't get that.


Daisy, that is a great analysis and you're probably so right. I hope to see Alex in something else where he's treated more kindly. Though, I have to say I have enjoyed his range of expression from anguish, despair, rage, joy, desire, he's done it all. And I never would expect that a man would rip off his shirt in grief but he did, and I appreciated the hell out of it!

But I still like this, Sara:

It won't happen, but like cathyx I hope Em is there and he tells Lola "I told you so! Now I'm going to go find Vero!"

Daisynjay - ITA with your take in the Eman/Lola relationship. Completely written by eighth-graders, IMO.

It would be nice if Mari could be shipped off to a convent. One where they have a view of silence and don't speak.

Sara --- There are 136 episodes of this show with #136 being 2 hours. The new show doesn't premiere until a Tuesday so the 2 hour Fin will be broken up into 2 one hour shows with 136 airing on both Friday and Monday I assume. This Monday will be #132 so that makes sense.

Ok. Thanks Anon. I stand corrected. I think Urban first suggested they might edit the Fin so when I saw the one hour slot I assumed she was correct.

Well that's good news about the fin...hey, what can we call you? Anonymous always sounds so cold. Pick a name! Pull up a chair!

I am happy to have Alex Sirvent grace my TV screen any old time. I'll even go so far as to say, shirt or no shirt!

Shirt totally optional...

Too bad Don Antonio has departed, his venganza apparently to be carried out by Aldonza's hand. They built him into such a strong, interesting character and then...POUF! gone (or so we are led to believe). *sigh* He and Don Camilo both deserved a table on the patio, although we could have combined it into a "Silver Fox" table. :o)

J in O

Me like the Silver Fox table, J, me like, me like! Don Tonio and Padre both just have to come back and become a part justice descending upon Sev/Pru/Val et. al., or at least witness it. . .

Unless. . .they are going to let the young 'uns handle it and the Senior Statesment, PJ, Camilo and Tonio will come in and declare, "Well Done!"

Since they're splitting up the finale, that means Monday will mainly be the happy endings after the drama of the first half of the finale.

Vivi, the wedding with PJ presiding, Irma and Uriel seeing their grandchild for the first time, Lola and Em getting engaged, Mari and Pato getting engaged, Pru entering a rehab facility, and Silvia and Renato being a couple, all on Monday.

Is that really gonna happen that way or are yall Just guessin? You're probably right tho. These people need a happy ending. There was no happiness in this telenova. this was the most miserable bunch of people I have ever seen in a long time in a TV show.
Eman needs to teach lola a lesson, let her see what it feels like to be rejected. I hate the way she treats him. She can be really mean.
She didn't get that from gramD and grampsM

Nina- It's just a guess. 2 hour finales usually consist of an hour of a crap storm of madness and anvils, and then the happy endings for the last hour. It feels more coherent if it's shown as intended in a two hour block, but feels disjointed the way Uni does lately, splitting it up.

Vivi, it's a really good guess.

I would like to vote for the addition of horses somewhere in there, maybe at one of the weddings. I think that would be cool.

The way Pru is popping pills and knocking back the booze I'm guessing she will die of an overdose.

Daisynjay - Love your analysis of Eman! You are SO RIGHT. This especially: A very very very poorly written love story and not really giving E-man a chance to learn to know himself.

In fact, copy and paste that for Aldonza and Cris as well. I ask again, how is it that Tomas is the characters with the best redemption, romance, and character development on this show??! I get that sometimes the character already starts off as a great person, self-assured and "good," strong and ready to jump into whatever the TN throws his or her way...but this was not the case for Eman, Cris, Al or Lola. Crappy. Just crappy.

On Mari's redemption: I don't mind her screaming, begging, crying breakdown. It was a lot, but what she did was a lot too. Paying off Irma's debt wouldn't have meant Jack-sh**, imo. So what if she had? How is that redeeming--it's her mom. It's a business that helps pay for the family, so her paying it off wouldn't have felt above or beyond in any way to me. It reminds me of Pru whipping out her checkbook to pay for stuff. But in terms of telling her parents about the baby, she could just go with the truth: she suspected, she confronted Val and Val denied it. The problem is still that she suspected it and didn't mention it to them at all.

Now that I'm thinking about it, the tias in this TN kind of suck. Which is unusual--aunts usually rock in TNs. Adelina was (unevenly) great to Aldonza, but she bailed on Eman. Pru sucked as a godmother to Cris. Mari's sobrina/o hasn't been born yet, but she's already sucked at that. Candela might be the most uniformly supportive one (until betrayed)!

Paying Irma's debt wouldn't have been a redeeming act. It would have been an act of justice. Mari had enough savings to buy a thoroughbred horse. Why the hell was she taking money from Irma? Just to be a bitch and screw Lola. So Mari for a start should have had her money taken from her.

And maybe it's because I'm heartless, but the crying didn't move me one bit. She's used tears to manipulate before so I don't give a hoot about them now.

I really just don't like Mari. Maybe I'll come around by the Fin, but I'll have to see more.

No, Sara, I'm with you on the tears. They didn't bother me in terms of overacting, but they didn't do anything for me other than make me raise my eyebrows. Because yeah, you should be tormented. You almost cost Lola her job, you almost cost Eman his life. All those tears prove is that you at least still have a conscience. I imagine once the truth about her stealing comes out, her parents will use her savings to pay Lola back.

The problem I have with Mari's guilt is that she did bad thing, bad thing, bad thing, bad thing, for the entire length of this show, then all of a sudden feels guilty and wants to turn around on a dime. In real life if someone acted this way, I would never trust them that they mean it or it will stick. I would also think that they have some ulterior motive, and get me again.

This telenovela was long on angst and inaction abnd short on love and action.

I am not buying Mari's sudden epiphany and regret. People treat people badly , and then, a few tears are supposed absolve them ? I am tired of Lola's sixth grade behavior. E deserves some happiness, love, and respect. He and Very had a lot in common and she seemed to be very attracted to him.v Don Ant was good to him. Sometimes,in telenovelas, as in life, there is no justice.Lola has to grow before she gets into a relationship.

I am hoping to get some romance in the next tekenovela. I do not need anymore angst.

What is happening with the coffin table ? Hasn't E shared this news with anyone except the police ?


Sara...Are you back in school ? How are your classes going ?

Cathyx- it's funny because Mari started off as low-level bad and then skyrocketed. Getting Eman drunk and stealing a kiss was bad and I was pissed and wanted her to get serious comeuppance, but once she told people he slept with her and took her money and that Lola had stolen Irma's money, well, I just can't come back from that point. I believe the character is sincerely sorry, but I just don't care.

I thought I remember inspector incompetente told Eman that he didn't want Eman to mention it so that it wouldn't sully the investigation, or some idiotic reason like that. But if he were inspector competente, then he would know that spreading the news would actually help the investigation.

Mari and Lola
They've really done a terrible job with these characters. Lola does indeed act like a 6th grader and I think Em deserves someone better. Vero tells Lola that Mari was a lying liar who lies. Then Vero tells Mari she was just a mean girl and that Vero knew this because she "used to be like her". Exactly...because Vero grew the hell up. Lola and Mari didn't. Even Em grew the hell up.

Lola isn't exactly a blanca paloma either. She has her share of bad deeds, too. They're only 6th grade pranks and pale in comparison to Mari's, but I don't see any remorse on her part.

And with Mari they just waited too long to convince me she wasn't that bad. Not to mention (as hellahselle pointed out) she put someone's LIFE at risk. For that reason it is going to be very hard for me to buy into this sudden turn around.

The coffin table
It's really time for them to get going on this, too. Hopefully this week. I think I remember Det. Incompetente telling Em to keep a lid on the information as well.

To Susanlynn
Students came back Thursday. It's kind of nice to start with a 2 day week, but it's the real deal starting tomorrow. My classes are not too big. I've got a class of 26 and a class of 28, but there are teachers in the system with 36 and 37 in their I'm not complaining!

Thanks to everyone for all the happy birthday wishes for the twins. I think they had a great day.

Emeraldrose, I took some undergrad courses at SUNYAB in the early 70's (For you non-New Yorkers, SUNYAB = State University of New York at Buffalo). After I got back from 13 months in Korea,I was assigned to AFEES Buffalo (Armed Forces Entrance and Examining Station) at 1021 Main Street from Apr '68 until I got out of the army in Aug '69. Met my wife there (I worked on the second floor for the army, and she worked for the VA on the fourth floor), and we lived in Buffalo, then Cheektowaga until we moved to Indiana in '73. Our always-go-to eating place is Luneta's in Cheektowaga.

Susanlynn, happy anniversary to you and your guy!

Lila, you flatter me asking if I have ever recapped! No, I haven't, and I don't think my Spanish is yet good enough to do a good job. I am so in awe of how you all craft these retellings together with your wit and insight.



Susanlynn, happy anniversary! and wanting more romance in the next TN...YES PLEASE! I get this was a drama, but it was more like a Shakespeare tragedy with almost no real romance, only snippets or ten minute moments every dozen or so episodes to keep us placated. Or more likely convinced there were people who possible qualified for the pink bow couples at the end. FAIL!

I want a dramatic TN where I can really cheer for the main couple. Lately, I like the galan, but don't like the heroine, or vice versa. Or the flat out make a horrid couple. These producers have got to do a better job on the main couples and their chemistry. Rulli and Boyer had chemistry oozing off the screen and unto my floor, it was rather messy, even though he was an idiot for a good chunk of the TN so when the romance hit, well...yeah.

Thanks for the update on the finale. So lucky me can watch the said pink bows live. Is it strange to say I would rather be able to watch live the MAYHEM and downright skip the pink bows. For the most part, they are going to be unbelievable no matter how they paint it. However, if we know Alex will be in prime position and given more than two seconds and shirtless, I'll be front and center. With wine. Smiling.



I love "How We Met" stories. Thanks Susanlynn and David, and a belated Happy Birthday to the little terrorists.

All those interesting New York State names, David. For one year of my life (5 going on 6) we lived in Penn Yann, NY and then to Towanda, PA. Colorful nomenclature out East.

Wow! Love the discussion above on Mari's redemption, Lola's lack of character and maturity and the overdose of angst! Fantastic discussion! Sara, I had forgotten that Vero told Lola that Mari was a lying liar who lies! This was NOT a news flash to her, she had it confirmed by Vero AND her beloved Aldonza and she STILL preferred to believe Mari! The writers blew it on this one and the only logical outcome should be Eman telling her to go **ck herself, he's going to find Vero.

I know, I know. It just felt good saying that. I know he and Lola are endgame but she will go down as a rare "good guy" who went and stayed bad, at least on my list.

Susanlynn, you nailed it: This telenovela was long on angst and inaction and short on love and action.

Well, there should be no room for filler or nonsense last week. We're down to the wire!

I actually didn't find that this tns had much filler, and these last few weeks have been eventful every episode. It's just that none of the action had anything to do with the romance between the leads, and the galan has been given nothing to do, while the heroine deals with a series of tragedies.

If you take out her love triangle with Mari and Eman, Lola is a good character. She tries to help all her friends. She's supportive of her abuelos. She speaks the truth to power (Sever and Cande). And she's pretty forgiving-- although she reacted badly (understandably) to her grandparents who lied, and her mother who abandoned her, she came around fairly quickly.

Eman also had his jerk moments too. I know he was hurting when he found out the truth of his origins, but I think it was really unfair and cruel of him to have accused Al and Cris of knowing all along and not feeling anything for him but pity. And he would have left things like that too, had Lola not caught him before his departure and told him about Adelina's death and Al needing him.

Those are good points, Vivi. I'm bad about calling anything I'm not interested in "filler" ;-)

And my dislike of Lola is only in her dynamic with Em and Mari.

DnJ, I've been watching yo no creo en los hombres and while I cannot figure what it is exactly, it is really good, the acting phenomenal and so far the story tight.

Yeah, Emanuel has been a jerk at times but nearly everyone has kicked that poor puppy and he is not mean and he doesn't lie. I want to believe the real Emanuel is the one with Don Antonio, Veronica and that horse. That Emanuel flies cause he's free. Lola wants the Emanuel that is insecure and frightened of his shadow so she can be in control. First time Emanuel won a contest and female groupies lined up to see him Lola wouldn't be happy or proud of him but make him pay for a month or run off and get engaged to some dude and rub it in his face.

Tofie- I'm 6 episodes behind in YNCELH, but I'm with you. I really like it but I can't explain exactly what it is that has me enthralled.

Sara won't ruin it for you but Friday was awesome. Back story stuff keeps dripping out and lies upon lies abound. Don't know either, I just sit there watching and won't turn my head afraid I'll miss something and have to process what just happened during commercial.

Yes, good points, Vivi, and my use of "filler" doesn't refer to the whole novela, just that this last week should not have anything to do with things that I, at least, consider filler. I know the candy house is a beloved "character" but we got the scoop, so leave it alone. I also don't want any Flavia bullcrap in the last week: I want it tight, comprehensive and moving along to carry the big stories.

And I'm sticking up for Eman and forgiving him his bad reaction when he found out about his origins. I remember the sweet, quite and pensive soul in the beginning of the novela who was a good friend to Cris despite his recognition of the class difference and how he was near the end of his rope and without a direction in life and Cris got him the job at Las Animas. Before that I guess he was just floundering in that hell pit called the Zapata home. He took to his work with dedication and the modest use of his awesome natural talent with horses and it was Lola who stalked and forced a kiss on him. We know the rest of the story.

I dislike Lola and it's perhaps poor writing that has led to her rejection of Eman because all the other things she did for family and friends don't lead one to anticipate she would still so strongly reject him. I know nobody's perfect but she seems so committed to holding on to this betrayal by Emanuel which has no basis in reality and adding to that her treatment of Pato (and the stupid ingestion of his engagement ring which is surely been flushed into oblivion by now) leads me to overlook her noble acts and commit to MY dislike of her! And the whole tone of this rant is inspired by the baby-voiced, whining, impulsive, masochistic silly head that she is. So there! (I stamp my foot in her general direction!)

"I stamp my foot in her general direction!" Meeeee tooooo

She's got blowing kisses while gutting him with a filet knife down. I still think of how she stood there and told him she didn't love him and was going to marry Pato when he was in jail pouring his heart out to her.

Oh yah, Tofie, I'd forgotten about that! Geez. Maybe Lola is like Simonetta was in her youth when she gutted Lola's father and ran off with whoever the heck that was!

LOL, maybe Lo,a's paying Irma's debt was supposed to be redemptive for her, not Mari!

If you take out her love triangle with Mari and Eman, Lola is a good character. This is true. From purely a plot standpoint, Lola's been an important messenger in delivering info, especially to Cris. She's given us a number of fun moments with Candela in which she's stood her ground. Her confusion and anger over the S/V story was good, if underplayed. The probably with the character is it would be more believable if she were 12-15 years old (so switch out engagement ring for some kind of class or sports ring). It's the only way I can comprehend her stubbornness with Emanuel.

I mean, I get that she was hurt, hugely so, and sometimes the wound is so bad you remember the pain more than the event that led to it. Maybe that's what's happening with her. But it's been weeks now. She still hasn't realized her "messenger" might have lied? Ever other credible person has cast doubt on the events as Mari told them; why is she refusing? Is it just because now she's crazy embarrassed that she believed it in the first place? I don't think we've seen even a private moment of doubt from her.

I really want her (and Aldonza) to have a moment in which she realizes she was wildly unfair and she really let Eman down and maybe realizes that she's not ready for a relationship if that's how she's going to treat the object of her affection.

Hellashelle- I think Al HAS had that moment with Cris. She has said many times to herself, her aunt, and even to Cris that she can't get past what his father/family has done to her, and separate that enough to have a real relationship with him. Cris is the one who didn't want to accept it, or didn't have enough info to know just how deep this hurt goes (until this moment in the story). Al just used the Val pregnancy as an excuse Cris could understand. She never really thought that was the real reason.

What they haven't shown is her going past acknowledging her issues, to seeking help to remedy them.

The moment in which she told Cris in the church that his dad was the real reason they couldn't be together was the closest thing to the moment I yearn to see. Her admitting it to herself and Adelina is a given, I wanted her to acknowledge to Cris that she may love him, but she wasn't willing to fight for him. Every bump in the road was an excuse to turn tail and run. If she hadn't said for so long that she was fighting for their love, it porbably wouldn't bother me now.

For his part, I'd love to see Cris realize that while he maintained his line about loving her to any and all who would listen, he never took more than a step towards figuring things out. His shining moment was their wedding night when he held her and said he loved her beyond the physical. This doesn't bother me quite as much because his character's lack of action feels like production constraints. It doesn't feel logical. Aldonza I could see acting the way she has; she's been in denial. Cris just seems ridiculous to the point where I feel like the writers constrained the character out of hand.

Cris gave Aldonza an out but she agreed to marry him and while I understand why she just can't now (or never could) it did give Cris hope. He was ready to give up and leave town. What I think is unbelievable is his continued belief they would be together because she really didn't give him any encouragement and agree it makes him appear an idiot. The writers continued to use that dumb ass Mel for fanning that flame. While I don't have children I have mentored young people and cannot remember once when I counseled one of them to dig in and boldly make a fool out of themselves running after a boy or girl.

I don't think it was just Mel. Aldonza said a number of times she loved him, and basically their not being together wasn't about that. I can see how he would think that if he could just figure out what external force (the mutual hatred between their parents, Val, the baby, etc.) made her want to run, he could fix it. My problem is he didn't do anything to try to figure those issues out. The furthest he went into his parents' affairs was asking the hotel lady for S/V's address. Imo, if he was going to stay in that house for this whole time, he should've been using that time to search for information. He should've asked more than his parents (or Mel and Dom? He asked them about his parents, right?). I can understand him not knowing where to start because how was he to know about all the madness Sev has done, but there are tons of accusations all against his dad, so that seems like a good place. And once Lola told him about S/V's baby, he could've tried to help Lola track her down. He could've asked Uriel about his attacking Sev. He could've pushed Adelina about the Rob/Sev affair. If he wanted to show Aldonza he could take care of his child without being married to Val, he could've, i don't know, tried to take care of his child or something. If he had done that, he might've figured out the baby wasn't his weeks ago.

But no. Instead he just asks the same two liars to tell him the truth time and again.

Judyb..Yes, the northeast loves its Native American town names...Catasauqua, Tamaqua, Hokendauqua, Ontaulanee.Then, you travel north toward Canada and get Canandaigua, Taughannock, Missasagua, Gananaqua, Spelling is always tricky.

The whole "don't talk about the coffin table" thing made sense as far as not warning the criminal while the cops investigate...but now it seems like the investigation has stalled and putting the information out there would generate leads. Hey, they don't even have to say anything about a body found, just say they're looking for a missing woman.

I know the boys didn't see the body but you can bet they told everyone they found a big wood box and the police came. The whole town would be buzzing. Aren't there any reporters in this town that are in the least curious?

Great point, tofie. I can't believe the boys didn't tell a soul.

Santa Lucia is supposed to the the gossip capital and suddenly everyone is quiet?

Hmmm, I have no plausible explanation...everyone is too busy talking about all the crazy stuff Sev's been up to lately and they think the kids are just making up wild stories? Sure, sure, a body in a box in the water...and the cops aren't talking? Sure kids, run along now!

hellashelle I agree with you 100 percent about Mari she put someone's life at risk I saw the beating her father gave to Eman he could have killed him, he beat him and kicked him and she standing there crying I was hoping she would have said something but she said nothing. She may be remorseful, and even sorry but the damage is done. And
Lola is no better, she just took mari's word for truth, and she knew that Mary didn't like her. When she gets the truth that mari was lying and he was trying to tell her and she wouldn't listen he don't need to be so accepting of her after that cause she didn't give him a chance at all, even now she still won't listen. I think he can do better, maybe with an adult woman this time.

Surely it's a good thing they kept it quiet, otherwise Sev would've burned down the police department by now.

No kidding. Now that he knows bribery doesn't work, he's going to have to try a different tactic!

On a random note, have we ever discussed the fact that Sev calls Cristobal "mi amor"? Somehow, that strikes me as very sweet and I feel like it's the actor rather than the writing, an affectation to drive home the fact that his love for his son is the only thing he doesn't hide and the only thing that might be true in his life. I only note it because the usual endearment for TN dad figures to son figures is "campion". I feel like "mi amors" and "mi vidas" are reserved for loves/lovers, and daughters. Just curious if that stood out to anyone else.

I have noted that, Hella, and thought it was an unabashedly endearing/soul bearing expression of love of a father for a son, almost embarrassingly tender. I didn't want to mention it because it makes me feel a certain respect and affection for Sev that I DON'T want to feel. Whether it is the writer or Alexis, which I think it's Alexis. It is an ingenious way to flesh out this villainous character, to take him out of the realm of cartoon cardboard and make him a real, complex human being. . . .who just happens to have more evil in him than good. Who, as a matter of fact, has been discovering the depths of his evil as this story unfolded.

I remember as he killed Padre Sixto saying words to the effect that he could not let any thing or anyone upset the stability of his family. His role as the patriarch and the moral foundation and center of Las Animas and Santa Lucia are central to that stability but a creation of his own mind and an illusion he showed himself willing to murder again and again to protect. He's an arrogant, power-hungry, ego-centric monster but that he could, with just a phrase, reveal how vulnerable he is through the love of his son is a stroke of genius.

Yeah.."mi amor".I usually love this expression , but in this show, it just illustrates that it is easy to say the words without following them up with actions that prove their meaning.

I agree that, at least in Sev's mind, he does love Cris. He seems wounded every time Cris goes against him. But then he also does things to hurt Cris and doesn't see what's wrong with that. He and Cande both have that twisted idea of what it means to "love" someone. I think I sort of brushed aside the "mi amor"s both from him and Cande because I never believed them. I hadn't thought about it before, but I think you're correct HellaShelle--we don't usually hear someone use "mi amor" from father to son.

That bugs me, too. Among gringos "mi amor" would only be between lovers or spouses. I'm always a little baffled at it between parent and child.

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying that among English-speaking people in the US "my love" is reserved for a romantic partner? I think there may be regional differences. I don't think I'd necessarily find it odd for a parent to address a child as "my love."

Lila - wow. You just said what I wanted to say so much better than I said it. Thank you :)

UA - I'm thinking that you're thinking "te quiero" would be the appropriate "I love you" for that situation? I was also taught that "te amo" was the more solidly romantic versio of "I love you," a fact which has only been reinforced by TNs.

Although, have you all seen the adorable Cheerios "Te amo" commercial? (It's featured heavily on The darn actually made me tear up!

This comment has been removed by the author.

That twisted love is such a staple of TNs. It does seem a logical extension of "love" as felt by an ego maniac. The idea that you want what's best for someone, what will make them happy, paired with the unchecked certainty that you are always right.

Sev was pointedly wounded the first time Cris professes disappointment in being his son. I think he cried. But as this TN has gone on, his reactions have been less and less concerned...until his stopping Cris in the woods.

Lila said it wonderfully above and I definitely agree. I find it very interesting that at the heart of so many of his worst crimes, his justification/motivation has always included Cris: He killed Padre Sixto to prevent scandal from breaking up his family; he refuses to acknowledge Eman as his son because Cris is the only child that matters, iho; he struck S/V's fatal blow after she said Cris might die, leaving her child has his "only" kid.

Of course, sleeping with his son's two girlfriends is somehow not hurtful, even though the very idea of Cande having feelings for someone else made him homicidal.

My Colombian friend always addresses her daughter as "mi amor" when talking to her on the phone, so to me it seems natural. But I've also noticed that my Hispanic friends and acquaintances are much more expressive and affectionate than are Americans. Hugs and kisses right off the bat. When I was introduced to the mother of our Dominican Republic maintenance lady at the school where I teach, she practically pulled me across the desk to hug me and kiss me on the cheek! After just saying "Encantada".

I think it's great. And I've now become more expressive myself. Which really startles some people!

I've noticed Sever calling Cris "mi amor" a few times, and it's always jarring. Not because it was father-to-son, because I've heard it plenty of times in this context (usually mother to child, father to daughter, but a few times father to son), but because it was Sever. And each time he said it, it came out so naturally and wasn't force or planned in any way. That's what made it surprising for me, because I would not have expected that from evil Sever.

I'm thinking about what Adelina said in her goodbye letter...that she came close to loving Aldonza, but that she didn't really love her because you can't love someone you're lying to. I don't know if that's necessarily entirely correct or incorrect. I guess it depends on the lie?

Are there degrees of love? Or is it a yes/no proposition? If there are degrees, did Adelina "not quite love" Aldonza more or less than Sev "not quite love"s Cris? And where would Cande fit in that hierarchy?

Things I'm wondering.

You know what, all of y'all, I don't know how many of you saw La Gata, but the villainy of the parents just got to be stupid. The father, Augustine, got so ridiculous, his evil wasn't even worth analyzing because it was so one-dimensional, predictable and cartoonish. Instead, our creative outlet was making up different stupid names for him like Augie Doggie, etc. At least with Severiano there are layers and consistencies and contradictions and he sickens and fascinates us at the same time. He can be screaming/crying in glee after sinking the body of his pregnant mistress while looking dashingly handsome at the same time. We can know all the violence and evil he has wreaked upon his family yet almost feel sorry for him as he begs Cris "tell me what I can do, I'll do anything to win back your love!"

That's a villain worthy of his stripes and worthy of Patio analysis!

You said it, Lila! Sev's got nuance. He gets a little deeper every day. Augie just got more and more cartoonish.

Kat- I think Adelina was being hard on herself. But if we were to speak about totally unselfish love, I think very few people can say they love completely selflessly. To love, and expect nothing (love) in return?

Adelina loved Alzonza unconditionally. But she was also scared that if she revealed some hard truths she would lose that love, and it paralyzed her. It's a natural response.

Sever and Cande claim to love Cris, but their love is not unconditional. HE must conform to their desires and needs, otherwise they will threaten, manipulate, and harm until he breaks to their will.

I agree, Adelina was really self-flagellating there at the end. Aldonza had forgiven her already.

Love's complicated. And there's the feeling of love and the way it's expressed as a behavior that don't always seem to go together. And there's whether people think the behavior is the right way to express the feeling.

Right now, I would say that Mari's parents do love her. But they are furious! And they're demanding/forcing her to go apologize. It's "tough love." Some parents have a hard time being "tough" with their kids because they think love is only shown with "nice" behavior.

And then you have Cris, who's been manipulated by both parents almost since birth. I don't think they DO love him, but they feel like they do. And their way of showing it is to micromanage his life as much as possible.

Just off the top of my head, Adelina's ability to love anybody, Aldonza, Emanuel, Jock was stifled by her love for Roberta. Adelina was in an unhealthy relationship with Roberta and it was a long-standing one, from the time they were little kids. Of course we can only speculate about this but I imagine (and I'm not the first to say this) a lifetime of covering for Roberta, of taking the blame for Roberta, for carrying all kinds of emotional burdens that should NOT have been hers. She continued this even after Roberta was dead. Yet, I believe it was a love/hate relationship because Adelina thought she wanted Raimundo. I don't think she really did want him, she was just in a fantasy, one-sided "love" relationship that was safe for her because she knew she never could have Ray, so she could desire him from a distance and his dying didn't seem to make any difference in the degree of her "love" because it was always an unattainable love anyway. But the night of Raimundo's murder Adelina probably showed the first and strongest resentment and anger she had ever felt for Roberta. Roberta turned Adelina's threat to report her to the authorities into something done TO Aldonza and she backed down. Manipulated into submitting to covering for Roberta yet again.

So I think Adelina was emotionally damaged, didn't know or really love herself, subordinated herself and ability to love to Roberta and gave Aldonza the best of herself that she could give, which was NO SMALL thing, protecting her as best she could, as she thought was best and stood by her until the day she was murdered.

I don't know whether to say I'm glad that Aldonza realizes she had a part to play in Adelina's death. YES SEV IS RESPONSIBLE but it is STILL TRUE that Adelina would NEVER have left Aldonza alone and had she left, she would NOT have been murdered. Just my opinion.

I like the expression" mi amor",it sounds so heart felt. Not saying "MY LOVE" doesn't, because thats what you'd hear in America. To say that to your child sounds acceptable.
That child is loved by you, sounds natural to
Me. I like to hear it said by the telenova characters, the way it rolls off the tonque. Especially when its a husband and wife character or a boyfriend/girlfriend character. that's probably because I'm an American and I've never heard it said like that in English because well all people are not Spanish. But to hear it in another language it just sounds more romantic because it's different from what I'm used to hearing. I hope I didn't offend anybody.:-)

Right on, Lila! And Adelina's way of "loving" Roberta was not my idea of healthy. The opposite of "tough love" in to everything! She argued with her, but ultimately, Roberta knew no matter what she did, Adelina was going to give in. Adelina was going to have Roberta's back, no matter what, even if it meant she'd get hurt.

I understand, Nina, not offensive at all. We all have different opinions shaped by our own hearts, experiences, cultures, etc. It's just good to have a show that we can have heartfelt and intelligent discussions about. And this show is one!

Nina, I don't think you're taking it that far, based solely on what you said here, but if you've gotten feedback before that it's offensive, you may want to look into the concept of "exoticism" and why it's harmful, especially to women. That may be where the feedback is coming from. And, again, not that you're taking it that far, but there comes a point where people get tired of being treated like they're soooooo different just because of an accent or a language (like, for example, Latin@s in the US who are just as "American" as anyone else!), and you might be hitting a sore spot without meaning to. It's just something to think about.

Coming in late, but mi amor doesn't seem odd to me at all. From my travels in Spain and Costa Rica is seems very common.

Oh, but Sev saying it seems profoundly bizarre.

Those two words definitely sound bizarre coming from Sev no matter whom they're said to. And you're all right: The love these parents had for their children is not healthy in this story. Adelina withheld truths from Aldonza to protect herself from rejection, Sev and Candela micromanaged Cristobal, Sev abused Emanuel, Prudencia enabled Vile while vilifying Emanuel, Irma and Uriel were blind to their children's faults, and Dominga and Melesio withheld information from Lola to protect her from pain.

None of which contributes to a child becoming a healthy adult. It is no mystery that Aldonza, Cristobal, Lola, Emanuel, Abelardo, Mari, and Vile displayed no true healthy adult behavior either with their parents or each other.

I know Adelina lied primarily because she was afraid of bearing Roberta's blame, but I honestly can see why she didn't want to tell Aldonza. Because really, how did knowing that make her life better?

Knowing would have protected her from having to hear it first from Sev, who told his own version of the story before Aldonza could hear the whole truth as Roberta had told Adelina. Without the danger of Sev talking there would have been no reason for Adelina to say anything, but that danger was always hanging over her head.

Half hour to go, guys! Have enjoyed this weekend's discussion of a dynamite episode on Friday and today ought to be just as explosive!!

My auntie often referred to my daughters as" My Love" and I use that expression,in addition to "Lovey"," Sugarpie" and " Honeybunch." My dad called me "Honeybunch" . Hub called our girls "Sweet pea."

That's sweet, Susanlynn. My (late) Father had bunches of sweet names for us, "Sugar" was a favorite name for us but these were directed at the girls (four of us). He had other affectionate, but not so sugary names for the (six) boys. It's all about Love, and it's all good!

When I graduated from high school I stayed home, well I did go to comunity college, but I didn't leave home like most kids did. My brothers they went into the service and then went to other countries like Germany, and other European countries. And it was like nothing that they had ever experienced before and I got very excited about it. They were talking about all the different languages and accents. I Wanted to experiance all of that. But I didn't. And I started watching the telenovas, watching the people how they formed the words, spoke so beautifully. It was simply beautiful. that's what I meant by different. I suppose you can say I was a homebody. I get what you're saying La Diva, thank you. We're all constantly learning.


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