Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ENDA Tuesday February 9. Paloma gets kissed; Emiliano gets pissed; Romina gets dissed; Gabriel (and Doc B?) will be missed.

Paloma finally, finally, finally blows out the candles on her birthday cake. 18 years old (though I think it’s actually the next day)! Freeeeeeeeeedom! Rufi says she hopes her next 18 years will be as happy as the first 18. Rufi! Mean!

Hugs all around. Emiliano and Paloma hug for way too long. Romina makes a pass at Gabriel. He passes.

Everyone shakes what their mamas gave them until the witching hour, and eventually all the guests drift away until only Paloma and Gabriel remain, dancing a sexy bachata. Pulling her close, Gabe murmers in Paloma’s ear. “Don’t go home. Carlota is evil. Let’s get out of town right this minute, while the getting is good.” Paloma considers it a moment. In the back of her mind, she has a hazy recollection of some mopey dude who keeps bugging her, but who is it? Well, doesn’t matter. She looks deep into Gabriel’s eyes and intelligence osmoses straight from his brain to hers. Suddenly all those deaths and all those years of abuse don’t seem so random—Auntie Maim is out to get her! And everyone else in town is just nuts! They grab their wallets and Gabriel’s keys and run to the car.

As they drive by Doc B’s house on their way out of town, a shadowy figure in the shrubbery catches Paloma’s eye. Was that a giant vulture? Before she’s even finished the thought, they are out on the highway, and soon Unreal del Monte is a speck in the rearview mirror.

Meanwhile, the would-be intruder falls out of a tree and into an open well. Doc B comes home, after dropping Rufi at home, and sees the cap off the well. “Whoops, careless of me,” he thinks, and replaces it, noting the weird shrieking sound coming from inside. “Wells have the strangest acoustics in the wind,” he remarks.
That last bit may have only happened in my head. Back to what happened on screen:

Carloca sits in her car outside Rodolfo’s house and fondles her lace scarf thing with an evil glint in her eye.

Diana uses three phones simultaneously to try to reach Samuel. She incants her message “call me, whatever time it is” over and over and tries to tell herself he would never deceive her. He loves her and they are going to marry soon.

Slimy Sammy is boozing it up with his super-mellow “business” partner. Partner says the investment is not doing well. Sammy frets. The house will be lost! He’ll be ruined! He can’t move out of the country again; he has no place to go! “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine,” says the partner, totally unconcerned.

Back at the party, Angélica tells Paloma that she’s moving, and Miriam is taking her place at the platería. Also, that twit Anamar has signed on, supposedly to work on exports but mainly to work on Emiliano. Gabriel pulls Paloma away, saying he has another gift for her. He leads her by the hand into the bedroom, which gets Emo’s blood boiling.

Crazy Cruel leaves her car and heads for the hedge, carrying her purse and wearing high-heeled boots.

Camila fixes dinner while Orlando sets the table and opens wine. They are both thrilled that Paloma is Cris’s daughter. Cami wonders what Cris is doing about Carloca’s deceptions and Orly tells her that Eugenio is helping him with that; he’s an expert at such things. Camila wants to be present when Paloma finds out who her father is. It will be such a happy moment!

A black-gloved hand reaches through a window and pulls the door lever. Then, Carlota enters through the door, which opens on the other side, away from the windows. Did I see that right? It was strange. Carloca wanders around the house, talking to herself, but not turning on the lights, so we can’t tell that the house is a collection of other set parts, primarily, it seems, from Diana’s house.

Gabriel gives Paloma his art kit and books. He says he doesn’t need them anymore. She wonders how she can thank him for all this. He has a good idea. They step close together, Paloma gingerly fingers the wolf suit, lips slowly near…

…after the break, we get to imagine that they kiss while looking at the back of Paloma’s head. They pull away, Paloma remarkably not freaking out, and Gabriel says he knows how she feels about him, but the one kiss was enough; that’s it for them forever. Paloma leaves the room and Gabriel looks blissfully happy.

The party rolls on. Some dude appears to be doing the limbo. Good for him. Rufi and Eugenio hold down the sofa. Don E asks what Carlota is all about, fundamentally. Rufi says she’s a very unsatisfied woman. Don E says an unsatisfied woman can be worse that the devil himself. Totally, says Rufi. Carloca can destroy everything she touches.

Liliana sharpens claws with Romina, as usual. Lili says eventually the truth about Romi’s baby will come out. Romina flounces away to try to get Emo to leave with her, but he doesn’t want to go. She taunts him with musings as to how Paloma will thank Gabriel for the party. Emo flees her toxic presence, and Germy slides in to fill the void. A few wiggled eyebrows and sly suggestions later, Romina says goodnight to Paloma and departs, followed immediately by Germs. This is not lost on Lili.

Carloca relaxes in Doc B’s dim house, pouring herself a drink and reminiscing about her previous four murders. “They all made me get rid of them,” she crazies. “This will be Rodolfo’s last night, and then everyone else will realize they have to change their attitude toward me. And Paloma will never leave me, unless I decide to send her to the other side as well.”

Camila and Orlando enjoy their dinner, at least until Orly starts talking. He invites himself to accompany Cami to the ceramics factory tomorrow. She insists that it is her business and she doesn’t need help. Then he wonders if she will rent or sell her house. ¿Qué? He starts doing a little backtracking and justifying…he wants to buy her a new place, away from the memories, something that’s theirs together. Just as Cami starts to calm down a little, Mr. Clueless says their new house doesn’t have to be in Real del Monte. It could be at the beach, or in another city. Say, isn’t Houston lovely? Cami chugs her wine.

Eugenio finds Gabriel alone in his bedroom, huddled and sniffling. “This is no way to party!” says Don E. Eugenio thinks Gabe should enjoy all the time he has left by dancing and being with Paloma. “And force the woman I love to watch me die?” asks Gabriel. “I am a desahuciado (dispossessed, hopeless) man. I have nothing to offer.”

The party people are terrible dancers, but they’re having a good time. Lili pulls Emiliano aside to inform him of Romina’s and Germy’s coziness.

Back in the bedroom…
Eugenio: I would give my life in exchange for yours.
Gabriel: I know…everyone knows they are going to die, but no one really believes it, or they think it will happen when they’re really old. But I know I don’t have much time.
Eugenio: And that’s why you’ve lived so intensely, in a hurry to leave an impression. But you’ve exceeded your limit.
G: I know I’ve been living on borrowed time.
E: You’ve already survived longer than the doctors expected. Who knows; maybe you’ll be here a lot longer.
G: No, I can feel that my time is coming to an end. I’ve lived my way, and I want to die my way.
E: Maybe you’re just afraid to enjoy life with Paloma, only to leave.
G: Exactly. I can’t be so selfish and make her suffer even more.
E: But Paloma’s presence is such a gift to you. She’s making you so happy! Don’t reject that.
G: Yes, I’ve been happier than ever, but it’s all ending.
Fierce hug.
E: I am so grateful for the time I’ve had you here.
G: I love you, papá!
E: I love you more.
Lots of tears. Then an advertising break so we can find more tissues.

Emo stands around being a total aguafiestas while the others dance. Doc B gives him the address of his new house in the D.F. and says Paloma would kill him, but he’s a total romantic and doesn’t want things to be over between them. They discuss getting the results of the paternity test; sounds like it will be at least a few more days before Emo can pick them up.

Eugenio and Gabriel rejoin the party and Paloma asks Gabe to dance. Emo glares, and Eugenio looks wistful and melancholy.

Germy and Romina can’t even make it into the house to get frisky; they’re still in Germy’s car. Romi seems to think they can’t go inside because although she’s separated, she’s still a married woman. Yes, all the more reason to get busy on the freaking street. Germs thinks she should give up on Emiliano and get together with him. She doesn’t think he can support her and the baby in style. “You don’t need money, you just need my kisses,” he says. Well, she’ll take them, whether she needs them or not.

Doc B escorts Rufi home and they marvel anviliciously that finally Paloma is of age and they can all leave and start a new life together.

Carloca continues skulking around the doc’s house and gloating that they won’t get away.

Rufi gets sentimental about all the memories in the Manor of Misery. Yay, Iñaki! Love him.

Eugenio tells Paloma that he owes her, because he’s never seen Gabriel so happy as he is around her. Gabe asks her to dance. It’s a slow song, and he says he wants her to remember him whenever she hears it. They dance super-close, slowly swaying. Emo glares. Just when they’re looking a bit kissy, Emo rudely interrupts to say goodnight. Seriously, dude. STEP OFF.

Doc B pulls up in front of his house as the Cellos of Doom remind us that this is Not Good. He goes inside.

Paloma once again tries to tell Emiliano Goodbye PARA SIEMPRE, but he won’t accept it. “Too bad,” says Paloma. “Romina says she’ll never leave you. My life is not with you.” “Is it with him?” Emo asks. Paloma looks over at Gabriel, politely twiddling his thumbs in the corner while Emo makes a pain of himself. “Yes.” They hug for a long time with much anguish and theme music until Paloma pulls away and goes back to dancing with Gabriel. Atta girl.

Rodolfo takes his pajamas from under his pillow and heads into the bathroom.

Paloma and Gabriel say they don’t want the night to ever end. They dance some more. The other guests seem to have left. Hey, maybe I’ll get part of my fantasy.

Emo is back in his hotel room, being a moony mooner and tormenting himself with memories of all the times he’s seen Paloma with Gabriel. This all just serves to remind me of how much more I like Gabriel.

Doc B puts his jacket away and turns around as Carlota steps out from behind a screen. “¡¿Qué haces aquí?!” Carlota says he isn’t going to steal her Paloma. “She’s an adult. She can leave if she wants to. Get out of my house!” “Okay, I will. But first…” Carloca aims a pistol at him, and the lighting in the room magically adjusts so that it only shines on her evil eyes.

Mañana: Carloca fires the gun. Does the doc meet his doom? Then, she cheerfully brings a flaming birthday cake to Paloma in bed.


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Amor Monday, February 8, 2010: Just like Nostradamus predicted, Paloma actually turns 18

Friday: Luz is knee-deep in orphans at the school. The social worker thinks she’ll make a swell mother. Chris visits Mac’s grave. He’s going to protect Paloma from Carlota, he assures her. Paloma doesn’t think Romina will give Em a divorce and she’s ready to start a new life. Carlota has lunch with Don E and tells him about losing her dad, her brother and her sister. Her life has been very hard, porbrecita. Paloma is like the child she never had. She tells Don E she likes how he’s full of life. He tells her he likes the same thing about her. She thoughtbubbles about how she’s going to make him pay for getting Chris off. He thoughtbubbles about how they have nothing in common. They smile and chink glasses.

Ultimas semanas!

Anamar is doing a little work at the plateria. Her dress is doing a lot of work, because there’s so little cloth and so much to hold up. Em is surprised to see her on the computer looking over their exports. Man, he’s got good eyes to see her screen from across the room. Anamar says it’s my specialty, remember? She says she’s doing work there now. Neat, huh? she says. No, he says, we’re never going to be anything more than friends. To translate literally, he says Don’t confuse the things. So maybe he did actually notice her boobs. We don’t want them confused.

Carlota primly tells Don E that she doesn’t usually go out with men - it doesn’t look proper and the man might misunderstand. He says You’re free and single - and also beautiful. She sighs that it’s easier for a man. He turns on a smoke machine of charm, saying Let’s think of this as a business dinner, shall we? I can’t be your personal lawyer. I want to leave when Gabriel decides to, plus I’m not the kind of lawyer you need.

I’m a trial lawyer, and a moral woman like you (the subtitles say “immoral.” Ha! Freudian slip) wouldn’t run afoul of the law. She says But a lawyer like you could give me the level of security and protection that I feel I need sometimes. I’ll think about it, he says.

Nighttime, or maybe it already was.

Chris offers Rufi some hot chocolate. He thanks her for hinting that Paloma is his daughter. She’s glad they won’t tell her until they are safely in Mexico. Chris says he wants to move there too, if Paloma will allow him to be around her.

They chit chat about Chris’s mother, and Rufi admits it makes her a bit jealous that Paloma will have a real-for-real grandmother. Rufi is a little tearful and Chris hugs her and laughs and assures her that nobody will take her place. The music noodles happily and I can almost see fat little Disney bluebirds singing over their heads.

Orlando and Camila arrive at Romina’s home. She wants to talk to Romina alone, so he drives off.

¿Qué haces aquí? Romina asks her mother rudely. Camila says How are you? As if you care snorts Romina. Em has left me for that new girlfriend. Camila says It’s not her. You knew it would turn out like this. Romina says she doesn’t want to be miserable like Camila was when Samuel left years ago.

Camila says it really shook her self-confidence but after time she realized it was the best thing that could have happened to her. She tells Romina that yeah, Em is a great guy, but if he doesn’t love her, their life will be awful. Romina weeps that she thought the baby would do the trick and now she doesn’t want to live without Em.

Orlando and Em are at a nice restaurant. Orlando urges him to re-think this whole divorce idea. Em says he’s 100% sure, and he’s going to go find an apartment. Orlando urges him to stay with him, but Em says no, he’s starting a whole new life, on his own.

Romina is packing in her room. She’s sad. So many memories, she says. It’s flashback time! Mac is giving her the pearl necklace.

Oh! Just one flashback. That’s it? Just one memory? Guess so, because Rufi comes in and gives her a pep talk about her having a spanking new life, but Paloma still looks wistful.

Carlota comes in and calmly asks if there’s anything she can do to persuade Paloma to stay. No, says Paloma quietly. I’ll be in touch and I’ll come to see you when I turn 21. Carlota says so the money is all you care about? Paloma says no, but I need it to turn my dreams into reality, to finish up my studies.

Paloma says I do thank you for all you’ve done for me. It’s a weird way to show it, says Carlota. I can’t imagine this house without you in it. I want you to know that nobody has done as much for you as I have, that nobody has loved you, or sacrificed for you, as I have. Tears well in her eyes. She leaves.

Paloma says it’ll be hard for her here alone. Rufi says she’s reaping what she sowed. If she’d been different with you, you would have wanted to stay.

Carlota is in her lair, looking mad. She dials her phone. We see Dr B in his house, which is stacked with boxes ready to go. He answers his cell. Carlota thanks him for taking responsibility for Paloma, and says that she’s already starting to miss her. He says he’ll be picking up Paloma and Rufi the day after the birthday party. Carlota says she’ll get Paloma’s papers in order to give to him.

She hangs up and says Enjoy the last hours of your life, Doctor.


German calls Don E and chews him out about costing him his job. He isn’t going to go down alone. Want to hand out some real justice? he says. The person who put the noose around my neck, and around Chris’s, is Carlota.

Why should I believe you? says Don E. German says because I have proof. We see him pick up a big manila envelope. Meet me tonight.

Whoo hoo! Now we’re getting somewhere.

Now Dr B is visiting Mac’s grave with a big bunch of flowers. He addresses her out loud and says he knows she loved Chris, and he will take good care of Paloma, whether Chris goes back to being a priest or not. Paloma is approaching in the background with just one flower because – remember? – she’s poor and can’t afford a whole bouquet like Chris and Dr B. She hears this last bit. What does it have to do with me whether Chris returns to the priesthood?

Good catch Dr B! He tells her that Mac told Chris to watch over Paloma. Dr B hopes she can make up with Chris. Paloma says she doubts it, plus they’re leaving town anyway. Dr B says leave the door open…. He was you mother’s true love.

Okay, we leave Macarena all snuggly under her roses and get back to what we watch this show for: pure evil.

Carlota is checking out Dr B’s hedges again, this time by broad daylight. She peeks in his front door. A neighborhood maid passes by and Carlota stops her and asks her if she knows anybody looking for work. Didn’t Dr B have a maid? The maid says yes, Katita, but she’s already found something else. She’ll ask her, though.

Joel and Rafa are happy that Luz has helped them by finding an export market. And here they thought they were on the verge of bankruptcy! Rafa’s cell rings.

It’s Camila. He’s startled to hear from her. She wants to talk to him about something, and no, it’s not Em and Romina. She asks if they can meet tomorrow. He hangs up, surprised that she’s in Real del Monte, and that she wants to talk to him.

Em is in his hotel room, trying to focus on working on his laptop. He gives up and heads for a shower.

Paloma and a few friends - okay, her only friends - discuss whether Em will come to her party.

Looks like it’s almost party time! The friends and Paloma bring food, and set up Gabriel’s studio.

The sun sets.

Now the guests are here. Paloma has on a pretty little black dress and her little hairbow is actually black and white instead of just white. Go wild, girl! Gabriel takes her hands and tells her she’s lovely. Behind her a voice says For once we agree. It’s Em. Paloma gazes at him. Gabriel watches.

Em hands her a little gift box. She starts to walk away with Gabriel when Em catches her arm and says aren’t you going to open it? She does and it’s a medal on a chain, probably a St Christopher. He says it’s to watch over her, since he can’t. She exclaims over it, then looks over her shoulder at Gabriel, who is watching.

Paloma tells Em that she hesitated about inviting him, but he had been so important in her life that she wanted the opportunity to say goodbye. Maybe this can be the start of a beautiful friendship? she says.

I don’t think so, says Em. I can’t be the friend of the woman I love. The woman I will always love.

Mooning, sulking, and now this. Why can’t poor Gabe, who’s expected to keel over at any moment, get the girl at least before he goes to the Great By and By? Let’s have some cosmic justice. You don’t catch him moping and throwing scenes even though he sees his heart’s desire yearning after whiny Em who right now is looking like no prize.

Don E is coming into a nice restaurant and heads for the bar. He’s talking on his cell to Madeleine who is on cloud 9 about her talk with Chris and the hug. Don E tells her she has another nice surprise coming. She wants to know what it is, but he won’t tell.

She wants to know what she can do for him in return for his kindnesses. Don E says what I want nobody can give me. Nobody. I want a miracle for Gabriel.

Romina tells her maid that going to Paloma’s party is a major drag, but she’s going because she’s not going to let Em be there on his own. He’s for her, and her alone! If Paloma tries to get her hooks into him, she will go after Gabriel. Now, that guy is good-looking! Really? says the maid, getting excited.

Orlando has dropped in on Chris. Manhug! Nice you’re free… thanks, how’s the moneymoon?… great… blah blah. Chris says he’s reconciled with his mama, and Paloma is his daughter. Orlando is impactado at this last morsel. Chris tells him that whole fake daddy thing was set up by Carlota. Chris hopes he’s good enough to be Paloma’s dad. Prison must’ve been hard on his self-esteem. I mean, a while ago they were about to make him a bishop or something.

Orlando says it’s just like what happened to me – finding my child when I was already an adult. And our two children are in love with one another! They yuck it up. Thigh slappin’ time.

German has arrived at the restaurant. Don E, not even looking up at him, tells him to make it short – he has a party to get to. German sits down and comes right to the point. He haltingly tells Don E that Carlota paid him to torpedo Chris. Then she screwed him over - she didn’t even pay him after Don E won the case, and she withdrew her support at the law firm, so his boss fired him.

She’s not the guilty party, says Don E. You are. You should never have let yourself be bought. I learned my lesson, says German. Don E says I don’t know if you did. What has all this got to do with me? German says you’re honest, incorruptible. You’re the only one who can unmask her and show her for the monster she is.

Okay, says Don E. Whisky?

Carlota is in her bedroom with that lace shawl thingy on again. She’s fingering it. Rufi knocks and comes in with a tea and Carlota very slowly starts to slip it from her shoulders. Rufi wants to know why she isn’t going to the party. Carlota curls a lip and says I already told Paloma. Rufi says Dr B is coming by for her shortly.

Carlota says she’s going to go to bed. Rufi says have a good night, and off she goes. Carlota looks calculating.

Back to the party, which actually looks pretty dull so far. Gabriel thinks it’s nice everyone share this important day, and Paloma thanks him for making it possible. Romina comes in and tells Paloma that she couldn’t miss saying goodbye. Even though they’ve become distant, she loves her and is going to miss her. She hugs Paloma, who looks very skeptical. Over Paloma’s shoulder, Romina smiles triumphantly at Em.

German tells Don E about the two wills. He’s sure that one was made up well after Paloma’s parents died. He has copies of both.

Don E says I wouldn’t bother with all of this if it weren’t for Paloma. And German? Don’t even think of messing with me. You do, and I’ll be all over your sorry little hiney. Don’t worry, says German. I told you I learned my lesson.

Romina goes up to Em and tells him she didn’t know he was coming. He said he didn’t know she was either. I couldn’t miss it, says Romina. Right, says Em, you couldn’t miss an opportunity to bug Paloma.

Romina comments to Paloma that she’s going to be 18 in a few hours. Paloma says then she’ll start to feel different. Romina says she did. Paloma says she’s glad Romina came, as it couldn’t be easy to show up now that she’s going to be divorcing. Never, says Romina confidently. Em and I are going to be together all our lives. I’m never divorcing him.

Carlota is about to leave the house. She opens the door and gasps. Chris is standing there. Chris says I wanted to take this opportunity to talk to you when Paloma wasn’t home. And don’t tell me you were headed for her party. Carlota says I was just checking because I thought I heard something.

And why do you have your purse? Chris asks. Carlota says Oh, I just found it on the table there. Chris says I just came to tell you that I have decided not to tell Paloma that I’m her father. I don’t have anything to offer her. They’re leaving for the DF tomorrow and I don’t want to get in the way of the life that Dr B can give her.

Carlota smiles and says So you’re doing it for her good? Chris says the truth is that she doesn’t want to be around me and I’m worried that it might make her lose even more respect for me. Good idea, says Carlota. You’ve definitely decided? For now, says Chris.

Are you going to return to the priesthood? Chris says I don’t know yet. For now, I think it’s just best for me to live a regular life. I just wanted to let you know about my decision. Good night.

She closes the door behind him and smiles with satisfaction. Without God, without a daughter. Excellent news.

The guests have blindfolded Paloma and they bring in a cake with candles and sing Las Mananitas Congratulations and hugs.

Dr B presents her with a tiny box. It’s the engagement ring he bought for Mac, and he says she’s the person it should belong to. Paloma is touched. Em comes up and asks if he can give her a hug. She says okay.

We see German in the background, and Romina too, watching Em and Paloma. Their hug is long. Gabriel watches sadly.

Romina suggests to Gabriel that they console each other . Gabriel says I thought you married Em because you were in love with him. Yes, smiles Romina. But just because I’m on a diet doesn’t mean I can’t look at the menu. Gabriels says the menu isn’t available. Romina says am I not your type, or what? Con permiso says Gabriel, blowing her off.

Carlota has arrived in her car outside Dr B’s. She has that lace shawl with her. She fondles it and stares at his house.

Avances: Congo line time at the party. Looks like Gabriel is going to kiss Paloma. Romina says something to Em about his fabulous love, but the background music is too loud for me to make it out. Carlota scales the hedge and we see her gloved hand on the latch.


Friday, February 05, 2010

En Nombre del Amor, February 5, 2010

Discussion post for Friday.


En Nombre del Amor, February 4, 2010--A Smackdown for the Ages

Carlota goes to what she thinks is going to be a lovefest with Cristobal, only to find that the actor she hired to play Paloma’s father is there too--Cris wants to know why she lied that this guy Basilio was Pal’s father, when he knows that he (Cris) is the father. She insists he’s not the father, but he says he doesn’t need any other proof--with what he feels for Pal, the great love he had with Macarena, and this (he throws some papers at her), this is more than enough. The papers contain the info Carlota sent to Basilio so he could play Pal’s papa and make Mac out to be a tramp. Of course, she denies any involvement and says he can’t prove anything. “But Basilio can.” So Basilio starts to sing like a canary--everything he did was on her instructions. Carlotta-loca slaps him. Cris yells at her that she’s really perverse--doesn't it hurt you to make others suffer because of your damn cruelty? Carlota plays the victim and tries to make up a story about Basilio coming to her and saying he was in love with Mac and was Pal’s pops. Basilio declares that he doesn’t know no Macarena.

Cris sends Basilio to the other room. “Now what do you have to say for yourself?” Carlota finally admits that she hired the guy, but it doesn’t mean Cris is the father. Cris tells her to stop lying and that he will do a DNA test if he has to. But he is positive that Pal is his daughter, the daughter of the great love that “YOUR SISTER [dramatic pause] and I had, that you’ve never had for anyone.” Carlota tries to shove him and insists that her love for him is the biggest in the world. Cris yells “no, yours is everything BUT love. Love is light and mercy but you don’t know anything about that.” He proceeds to cue up an anvil drop by swearing that he’s going to rescue Pal from Carlota’s hate, at the cost of his own life if necessary.

Liliana and Pal chat at a cafe about Gabriel and Emiliano. Lili sees Gabe as an angel in Pal’s life. But boo-hoo, Pal won’t ever be able to forget Emil. Then we hear Emil say “and I’ll never forget you”--he’s standing right behind her. Pal flees the table.

Eugenio is in the other room with Basilio, reading him the riot act for colluding with La Loca.

Carlota thinks that Cris won’t be able to win Pal’s love, and, like the Purple Queen of Hypocrisy that she is, warns him to be careful about telling Pal the truth lest Pal get hurt again. They get into a heated argument with Carlota claiming that everything Pal is (her name, her education, her values) is because of her, and Cris saying it’s because of Mac. Carlota counters that Pal is a child of sin, but Cris comes right back with “she’s a child of love”, and if he has to renounce the priesthood for her, he will. He’s sure that one day Pal will be proud of having united her mother and father. Carlota tries to plant doubts in Cris’s mind by commenting that Mac must not have thought the same way, since she didn’t tell Cris the truth about Pal. He yells that Mac was going to tell him, he’s sure that was going to be her wedding gift to him, because she had spoken to him of a surprise. She tells him he’s stupid and he reiterates what a rotten, low-down dirty creep she is. He doesn’t want to see her ever again--GET OUT! After she leaves he thanks God for the gift of his marvelous daughter.

Pal pouts to Rufi about Emil. Rufi suggests that maybe they’ll get back together after being apart for awhile, like with her and Edmundo. Talk turns to Mexico City and how Pal wants to be someone in life. Rufi mentions Gabe and Pal admits she’s glad about him coming to the city; at his side she doesn’t feel alone. Rufi thinks she should invite Romi and Emil to her birthday/going-away party, but Pal doesn’t think it’s a good idea.

Lili asks Emil why he’s moping. Well, DUH, I wonder why. Blah blah blah Paloma blah blah blah. He informs Lili that he’s going to do the DNA test again. She doesn’t doubt that Romi altered the results. She promises not to tell anyone but thinks he better hurry, since Pal is leaving town soon.

Cris tells Eugenio about signals he got re: Pal being his daughter, but he didn’t know how to see them. He recounts a discussion he had with Pal after Mac had died--flashback of her holding Mac’s necklace and explaining that her father gave it to her mother; Mac had told her the pearl necklace was from the man she loved, so Pal was certain it had to be from her father. Cris feels bad about believing Carlota’s lies about Mac having another man. Eugenio thinks Cris is being too hard on himself; anyone would fall in her trap. Yikes, sounds like another anvil to me. Eug recommends that Cris not rush into telling Pal he’s her father; he should think things through carefully.

Carlota tells herself she’s going to make Pal hate Cris forever. You’re not going to beat me, Cristobal.

Rufi tries to talk some sense into Pal. You’ve forgiven Romi, Emil, Mac--everyone except Cris. Talk to him before you leave town. Pal promises to think about it.

Dario shows up at Angelica’s office and actually has the nerve to ask her to help him and recant her accusation of plagiarism so that he can continue his fake career. She refuses and yells at him to get lost, and even slaps him a couple times (after he asks if she’s getting it on with Orlando and tries to grab her). After he leaves she exclaims, “Yes, I could” (stand up to him, I guess), as if to say “I did it!”

Carlota comes home in a tizzy and demands to know Pal’s whereabouts; Rufi explains that Pal went to give Gabe some cookies as thanks for the computer. Carlota accuses Rufi of telling Cris that Pal is his daughter. Rufi says she didn’t break her promise to Mac to keep quiet, but maybe she gave Cris a little hint. Since Cris isn’t a priest anymore, there’s no reason to keep hiding it, is there? Carlota thinks Rufi better give Cris the hint that if he gets near Pal, she’ll kill him.

Pal asks Gabe’s opinion on Rufi’s suggestion that she invite Emil and Romi to the party. Gabe says something like she should invite Emil because it comes from the heart, not because someone tells her to. It’s important to have closure . . . but does she really want that, or does she want Emil at the party to leave open the possibility of something between them and before she leaves?

Romi whines on the phone to Emil for the millionth time that she misses him and wants him to come back; he sighs heavily that “it’s not you, it’s me.” He repeats for the millionth time that he doesn’t love her. After he tells her not to call anymore and hangs up on her, he tells himself he’s not going to allow her to blackmail him again. “Maybe there is still a possibility for me and Pal.”

Pal adds Emil and Romi to her list of guests but then crosses them off (I think--bad camera angle). In his room, Gabe suddenly has another episode and falls and nearly passes out but is able to take one of his pills in time. Pal hears him fall and comes running. He convinces her that he was just dizzy. She gets stuff to treat his wound.

Anamar visits Emil to declare that she still loves him. She knows he’s going to get a divorce and is in love with someone who’s leaving town, but she’s going to stay in Real del Monte, find a job, etc. She wants him to give her a chance and she’s willing to wait.

Eugenio returns to Gabe’s place and, when he sees what happened, asks Gabe if he took his you-know-whats and Gabe cuts him off with a quick “yes.” The significance of this little exchange goes unnoticed by Pal. Eugenio then insists on accompanying Pal home. After Pal leaves the room, Eug looks a little mad and asks Gabe if he’s really ok. Yes dad, don’t worry. Once he’s alone, he says “It’s going to be so hard to leave you” and takes out some paper and starts writing (or drawing?).

Cris and Padres Benito and Mateo discuss Carlota’s evilness--she's the devil incarnate. Padre B believes Carlota knows perfectly well the harm that she causes. And now that she herself has confessed to you (Cris), I can reveal that she confessed to me--when she learned you might leave to become a bishop she came into the confessional and told me everything. Padre M asks if Cris is going to return to the priesthood, but Cris doesn’t know what he’s going to do. Padre B advises him to take the path that will allow him to protect Paloma and get her away from that ridiculous nutjob.

Pal arrives home and gets yelled at (and nearly smacked) by a flailing, Looney Tunes (no pun intended) Tasmanian devil-esque Carlota (a Carlotian devil?) until Eugenio says “she was with me”. He and Carlota chit chat about Pal being a lovely girl or something like that. Rufi and Pal leave. Carlota asks about Gabe but Eugenio says he was just dizzy. She invites him in but he wants to make sure Gabe is ok. But he says he’ll see her tomorrow, unless she wants to cancel their meeting. Oh no, of course not, I think it’s important that we talk. He thinks one day she’ll forgive him for being sure that Cris was innocent; she says why don’t you ask if one day you will forgive yourself for having let him go free?

Luz is making plans about bringing Xochitl home but Rafael reminds her that they don’t know yet if they’ll get her. She feels Xochitl was destined for her. She talks about how she can’t sit home doing nothing; Rafa mentions working at his office but Luz thinks one of his associates wouldn’t appreciate that. Besides, they should each have their own space, their own world. She has decided what hers is, but won’t tell him what it is yet.

Orlando relays some news to Camila that he got from Angelica--first, that the baby is going home soon; second, that Mr. Gibson in Houston wants to talk to him in person. He suggests they go home for a couple days, then go to Houston for a couple more days and from there continue their honeymoon in Europe. She thinks it’s a great idea.

Carlota yells at Pal some more for coming home late. She’s worried about Pal because there are people who want to belittle her in front of Pal. She claims that Cris threatened to disparage her if she doesn’t convince Pal to forgive him. Pal’s response is, I don’t know what the deal is between you two, but it doesn’t interest me in the least, and I’m not going to listen to anything from either him or you. Nighty-night.

Carlota storms into her room and starts looking through her drawers for something. She takes a box down from the top of the bureau and looks inside. She seems to find what she was searching for and sighs in relief; then she contorts into another one of her self-satisfied smirks with glowing eyes.

Avances: Romi and German fool around some more; Cris meets with Dr. B.


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

ENDA, Feb. 3, 2010

Cristobal asks Eugenio to help him find a man.

Dr. Bermudez is packing up his office and comes across the ring he was going to give Macarena. He decides to give it to Paloma.

Rufi is looking at a picture of Macarena and confessing to her that she sort of hinted that Paloma was Cristobal's. I thought it would be okay once I found out at the trial that you were going to marry him. I think he should take care of his child.

Gabriel brings Paloma a birthday gift. It's a laptop. She doesn't want to accept it, but he insists. She wants him in her life forever. She has so much to learn from him. He says me too. They gaze at each other and he kisses her on her cheek.

Anamar tells Emiliano that the baby is his also and that they can't take that away from him. Emiliano asks her when she plans to leave. She was only supposed to be here for a couple of days, but doesn't look like she's rushing off. She says she's staying until things are better from him. He needs a friend right now. Emiliano doesn't want to keep her from things that she has to do. She agrees, but says he's more important. She leans in to kiss him, but a nurse interrupts them. The doctor wants to see him.

Rafa and the lawyer are waiting for Diana who is an hour late. She finally comes in and says sorry I'm late, but I wanted to look good. So you know what you’re missing. Although now it is I who wants to divorce you.

Carloca comes home and no one notices her. Paloma shows her the computer that Gabriel bought her. Carloca takes it away and tells Gabriel that Paloma cannot accept such a gift. He tells her that it's more then a gift, it's for Paloma to use for further learning in his class. She doesn't have the money for it until she gets her inheritance. It's a loan which she will pay back to me. Paloma and Rufi laugh and Carloca gets onto Paloma for laughing. She points out that some men will do things for you, but want something in return. Gabriel says that's not the case. Rufi agrees and says that she would be with Paloma along with Dr. Bermudez and who knows who else. We will take better care of Paloma then you did. Paloma takes back the computer.

Diana signs the divorce papers and Rafa thinks to himself that if only all this happened before Camila married Orlando. Diana thinks to herself that Rafa will be sorry he divorced her once he realizes how wonderful she is. Then out loud tells him that Camila married another. And that the woman he's with will also leave him. Rafa says so that's why you finally gave me the divorce. Because Camila married another. Well yes replies Diana. At this time I don't care to lose you, but I swore to myself that you were not going to be with her. And it happened.

Orlando asks Camila if she's feeling better now. Camila says she overreacted. With Samuel there was so much lies, that a part of me doesn't trust. Orlando says that he didn't feel right talking to her about Emiliano's feelings. It is a problem between him and Romina. We should not get involved. Camila agrees. She knew they wouldn't last but didn't imagine it would happen so fast. Orlando says let's not let this spoil our honeymoon.

Emiliano informs Anamar that the doctor tells him that the baby can go home Friday. Anamar gets excited and kisses him.

Carloca walks into her study pissed and looks for Dr. Bermudez address. She says out loud that first it's Dr. Bermudez then Cristobal.

Emiliano tells Anamar that he doesn't want her to confuse things. He tells her that they had great times together in the past, but he considers her a friend now. I love another woman and she's in my heart. There is no room for anyone else. Not even I asks Anamar. No not even you replies Emiliano.

Carloca is lurking outside Dr. Bermudez house. Tries the door, but finds it locked. Dr. Bermudez drives up. She runs off without him seeing her. Comes back after he gets in his house and figures out a way for her to get in.

Eugenio and Cristobal keep talking about the mystery man and Carloca. Eugenio says that Carloca's very observant and obsessive. He's going to help him. Eugenio makes a call for a man to come quickly to Real de Monte.

Romina gets a call from Camila asking her how she's doing. Romina thinks she's on her way to her, but Camila says I'm still on my honeymoon. Camila reminds Romina that she knew this was going to happen, but insisted on marrying Emiliano anyway. Romina doesn't want to be lectured and can't believe that she's abandoning her. Camila says she's not. She's talking to her on the phone. If it was an emergency she would be there, but it's not. And she's not suspending her honeymoon for this. Romina says fine. Then don't call me while your there and don't tell me how wonderful of a time your having with your husband. While I am here alone and just abandoned by my husband. Then hangs up on her.

Romina gets another call and thinks it's her mother. I said don't call shouts Romina. But it's Emiliano. She gets all soft spoken and asks him if he misses her as much as she misses him. He ignores her and asks if she's been to the hospital today. Yes lies Romina. For a little while. Then you already know says Emiliano. What asks Romina? The doctor tells me the baby can come home Friday. Romina pretends she knew this and says I was going to call you. I want for both of us to go and get him. Emiliano agrees. Then Romina says I want us to all be together here for the first night.

Eugenio introduces Cristobal to an artist so that he can describe how Paloma's fake daddy looks like.

German is at a bar drinking and reminiscences about his conversation with his boss about Carloca. His boss gets onto him. German tries to defend himself, but his boss fires him. He keeps on drinking. Liliana and Eric are at the same place. She runs off to go to the ladies room and sees him. She says I heard you got fired. Your little boyfriend must have told you replies German. It was an injustice. Injustice asks Liliana. Things can change.

Luz and Gabriel are having coffee and tell each other they think things are going bad in their respective relationships.

Madeleine is excited that Cristobal wants to talk to her. Eugenio tells her that Cristobal's hurting though. He doesn't know when Cristobal plans to see her, because right now he's having problems. Madeleine wants to know, but Eugenio says you'll find out soon. He gets a call from Carloca. She wants to talk to him about business. They agree to meet in a few days. He says he'll pick her up.

Gabriel tells Inez that Rafa is a good man. He's offering to share his life with you. Luz agrees, but doesn't want to get married. Marriage destroys relationships. Gabriel disagrees. His parents were very happy together. Rafa is not just offering marriage for you to be together, but also to help you get Xiochi. I think that this is the first time you really feel something for someone and it scares you. Luz agrees. She's scared. Gabriel says give it a chance. Luz says she'll think about it. She changes the subject to Paloma. He says not much can happen. I don't have a lot of time. Never have I wanted to live like I do now. But don't tell anything to my dad about this.

Juanita serves Diana dinner. Diana wonders if Samuel has called her today. Juanita says no one. Diana runs to the phone and calls Samuel. No answer. She leaves a message for him to call her. Turns out Samuel's in bed with another.

Luz comes home and Rafa tells her he's finally divorced. They talk about his marriage proposal to her. He tells her to forget it. He knows how uncomfortable it makes her. She asks if he has changed his mind. Of course not replies Rafa. Luz proposes to him. He accepts.

The artist is done with the drawing and Cristobal shows Eugenio and Gabriel the picture. Gabriel claims to know him. But where? Eugenio tells the artist guy to give the picture to the police.

Paloma is at church reading from the bible. Carloca notices Madeleine behind her and asks Rufi if that is Crisotbal's mother. Yes replies Rufi. Carloca glares at her. After church Madeleine stops Paloma from leaving. She tells Paloma that at the trial she noticed that she looked like someone she knew. Who's that asks Paloma. My mother replies Madeleine. She pulls out a locket from her purse and shows Paloma a picture of her mom and dad. (Looks like Paloma and Emiliano to me) Paloma says we look alike to Rufi. Isn't that weird?

Gabriel tells Eugenio that he was up all night thinking about who the mystery man was. Eugenio says don't stress yourself out. He gets a call from someone who I think has found the guy.

Cristobal gets a visit from his Excellency who informs him that the church wants him back. Cristobal is overcome with emotion and cries. The phone rings and its Eugenio.

Camila and Orlando are swimming in the sea, petting lizards, going scuba diving, jet skiing and just having a grand time.

Rafa and Luz pick up Xiochi. She's theirs.

Cristobal calls Carloca and wants to talk. He wants to meet at a hotel. Carloca is excited. Cristobal hangs up and Eugenio tells him perfect.

Carloca pulls up to the hotel all excited. She's dressed in her favorite color. She knocks on the door and Cristobal opens the door. Carloca is wearing a very low top with her bosoms hanging all out. She walks in and is all nervous. Cristobal looks at her and says there not alone. It's Paloma's fake daddy. Cristobal asks her why she lied. Because I am Paloma's real father. Carloca muy impactada.

Manana: Cristobal confronts Carloca about her lies.


ENDA Tuesday February 2. Rufi finally cracks, in her roundabout way.

Repeat from yesterday: Paloma doesn’t find it all suspicious that her evil auntie orders her to stay away from her ex-beloved ex-priest, who has been acquitted of murder and whose only crime was to not announce his engagement to her mother when he was still in the process of leaving the ministry. After all, his relationship with Natalia shows how vile he is.

Rufi tells Carlota she thinks they should just get all the secrets out in the open. Carloca says it is the will of god that Paloma and Cris be separated. I put “god” in lower case on purpose because I’m pretty sure La Loca is referring to herself, not any officially recognized deity.

Today: Paloma packs her suitcase and reminisces about hugging Emiliano at the jubilant moment when Cris and Nat were declared innocent. She thinks she’s got to get out of this place and away from him.

At the same moment, Emiliano is also packing and reminiscing about the same moment.

Cris pays an unfriendly visit to Misery Manor and asks Cruel if she was behind the whole murder accusation. She, of course, coolly declares that she loves him and would never hurt him. “Do you think I’m an idiot?” he asks. Cruel says she did this to help him; now that he isn’t a priest they are totally free to get it on. Isn’t that why he’s here? Cris looks stonefacedly sick as Carlota slimes herself into his personal space. Just then Paloma walks up behind Crueloca and is way impactada. Cruel smirks.

Eugenio tells Gabriel that the birthday gift Gabe is giving Paloma is perfect; it will let them keep in touch. Fatalistic Gabriel says he’s saying goodbye to her para siempre after the party. That would be for the best. Eugenio says that he will be with him until the very last moment. They hug and cry. I might possibly sniffle a little myself.

Carlota stages a big scene, claiming that Cris was trying to force his way into the house to talk to Paloma. She’s all simpery sweet in her protective auntie character. Paloma says she isn’t going to listen to him anyway; she’s tired of all the lies. Then he really does push his way into the house and says he hasn’t deceived her. He loved her mother and he loves her, too. Paloma yells that Mac didn’t tell her what was going on and she’ll never forgive them. I am not sure what makes her think she was entitled to know everything. If she ever spent 30 seconds on analytical thought, she would realize that a) the engagement happened very suddenly, and Mac died immediately afterward, and b) it was a very delicate situation, as Cris had not yet told the world at large that he was leaving the priesthood. But Paloma throws a snitfit at Cris and stomps away…heh, that’s how you can tell they really are father and teenage daughter. Carloca grins smarmily at Cris and he shoots death glares at her.

Orlando and Camila are happily honeymooning (the only kind of mooning Emo doesn’t know how to do) when Emo finally reaches them with the news that Cris and Nat are free. They are delighted. Well, now that Orly has spent three seconds thinking about his best friend, it’s back to the recreation. He puts his cell phone in Camila’s beach bag, which they abandon while they trek off to check out marine life.

Ol’ Crazy Cow tells Cris that now there is nothing stopping them from getting together. He says it’s amazing that she’s so stuck up that she can’t see that he is not in love with her. What’s even better, Carloca continues, she has saved herself for him! Never been with another man! He is neither surprised nor impressed. Virginity doesn’t make a woman more valuable, he says, good character and morals do. She says if he loves her (or just fakes like he does), she can guarantee that Paloma will love him and consider him a father again. “Estás loca. Absolutamente loca, de verdad!” he says, as he barely pulls back his fingers to avoid strangling her and walks out. Le sigh, says the purple one, I don’t want to get rid of anyone, but they leave me no choice!

Over breakfast, Romememena demands that Paloma convince Emiliano to return home and not divorce her. Paloma declines to get involved. Your husband, your problem, she says. Romi can’t believe she won’t help her dear friend. “You knew he didn’t love you when you married,” says Paloma.

Rafael is doing research about adoption and tells Luz it would be much easier for them to adopt Xochi together. She doesn’t want to; she wants to adopt all by herself. He asks why she’s so afraid to commit to him. After all, she is the one who is always telling him to take risks and go after what he wants. Luz is not shining brightly today, she’s just kind of whiny and stubborn, so Rafa leaves. She tells him not to be mad, which is always a surefire way to keep someone from being mad.

Romina whines that she just wants her baby to have a father. I’m surprised she still remembers she has a baby. Paloma finally blows her top. She is sick of Romi’s lies and manipulations! She didn’t have to force Emo to marry her for him to be a father to the baby, and she told all those lies just to hurt Paloma! Romina weakly volleys that Paloma deceived her, too. Paloma says it’s not the same. All she did was fall in love with Emo, and he wasn’t dating Romina at the time.

Emiliano breakfasts at the hotel with Anamar. He may not be having an affair, but he’s certainly feeding the gossip mill. She thinks he should move to Houston to run the new deal or whatever there. And, bonus, that way they could spend more time together! Eh? Oh, total coincidence; she’s planning to go to Houston to study! And he could get away from Romina! Emo doesn’t want to leave the baby, but he looks thoughtful.

Romina cranks up the waterworks. Please, please, I desperately need your help, Paloma! What can I do for my marriage? Give up, says Paloma. Let Emiliano go. Toodle-oo. She leaves and Romina flings dishes all over the floor.

Cris calls Rufi and asks her to come see him ASAP. Carlota is in the room, so Rufi goes on and on pretending she’s talking to Padre Benito and he wants her tamale recipe. Cris rolls his eyes a bit. I love that he is not hiding his snarky thoughts so much now that he isn’t a priest. Rufi finally hangs up and tells Carlota she’s going to the church to give PB a recipe. “Yes, I heard you a thousand times,” says Carlota. She doesn’t want Rufi getting any uppity ideas that she can just leave her work whenever she wants. “I know you already think very little of me, buh-bye,” says Rufi, and they have a snippy exchange over whether she is calling Carlota “señora” or “señorita” as she leaves.

Padre Benito is talking to someone who might be the bishop and they agree that Cris should be reinstated as a priest. The bishop (?) says it’s like the parable of the prodigal son. {Except completely not; did this bishop even read the Bible?}

Romina tries to call Camila, gets voice mail, and flings the phone. Not quite Sendel style, but she’s working on it.

Eric makes a ten-second appearance to mock Germán until Carloca and the other lawyer arrive. Thanks for trekking all the way down to the studio for that, Eric.

Romina leaves an urgent message on Orlando’s voicemail for them to call her immediately.

Carlota very formally tells Germy he is no longer her lawyer, nor a trustworthy man. Germán protests his dismissal and maintains that he did everything Carlota asked. Cris and Nat were declared innocent like she wanted, weren’t they? (The other lawyer is still in the room, and should be wondering what Carlota has to do with that case). Anyway, he’s still fired. She says she’s sorry, with a big grin.

Cris rushes Rufi inside and begs her to help him with Paloma. “I don’t know; she’s really stubborn,” says Rufi. Cris says he knows that Mac is Paloma’s mother, and he knows who the father is. In fact, he has met him, and it’s painful to think that Mac was intimate with that nasty dude. “Ehhh…sit down,” says Rufi. She tells him that Crueloca lied to them. That man is not Paloma’s father.

Cris asks Rufi if she’s saying that Paloma is his daughter. No, no, she clarifies, she is not saying that directly, because she promised she wouldn’t say. She is only VERY STRONGLY SUGGESTING that he investigate the matter himself and find out for sure.

Orlando finally checks his messages. They call Romina, and she cries that Emo has abandoned her and begs them to come home. Cami tries telling her to calm down, but she just gets more red and hysterical, then hangs up after demanding that they come immediately. Camila tells Orly that Emo left Romina. “Oh, yeah, he said he was going to divorce her,” Orlando remarks casually. “WHAT?! YOU KNEW?! AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME?!” There is trouble in paradise.

Cris tries to figure out how he can get a DNA test. Eugenio arrives.

Rafa and his lawyer wait at the family court building for Diana to arrive to sign the divorce papers. Diana is still at home, frantically trying to call Samuel. He finally answers, and says he’s about to be able to give her the life of a queen, like she deserves. She squeals with glee and rushes out for her divorce.

Samuel and some other guy wear suits and talk shady business deals.

Germy and Carloca take their bickering into the street. His chasing her and whining does not help his case. So he threatens her with exposing her dirty deeds regarding Paloma’s inheritance. “Do I have to explain things to you with apples and sticks?” she asks. He’s just as guilty as she is, and would be judged more harshly for his unprofessional dealings. “So don’t try to blackmail me. Stay out of it, or you will suffer VERY serious consequences.”

Cris thanks Eugenio profusely for freeing him and Nat. Eugenio says it was Madeleine who got him to take the case. He asks Cris to try to make amends with her. Cris is reluctant, but he agrees to at least talk with her after Eugenio says it’s not just for her sake, but for his own peace of mind. He’ll just have regrets later if he doesn’t at least try while he still can. Then Cris asks Eugenio to help him find a certain man, although he doesn’t even know whether the name is his real one.

Doctor B packs up his office. He finds the engagement ring he gave Mac and decides to re-gift it to Paloma (not as an engagement ring).

Rufi tells Mac’s picture that she didn’t break her promise. She didn’t actually tell Cris that Paloma is his daughter, even though that would have been so much easier (yeah, Rufi, tell us about it).

Gabriel goes to Paloma’s house and gives her a birthday gift. It is a laptop computer. She tries to protest that it is too expensive, but he insists that she needs it for her studies. She says he’s the best teacher and she hopes to be close to him for the rest of her life, to keep learning from him. He says he also wants to be with her…for whatever time they spend together. He snuggles up close to show her how to use the computer, and they look into each other’s eyes, hovering inches apart, and…end credits.

Avances: Cris and Eugenio plot to unmask Carlota. Gabriel maybe kisses Paloma. Anamar definitely kisses Emiliano, and because he is an idiot galán, he has no powers of resistance.


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Amor Monday, February 01, 2010: May I have the envelope please? And the verdict is….

Friday: Don E tells the jury that justice is in their hands. The judge sends them off to deliberate. Dr B is in his car, trying to reach Ivonne’s cell. No luck.

Will he make it to the trial in time? Don’t touch that dial!

NB: Before we start, I’d like to note that throughout this episode Chris keeps lamenting that Paloma has distanced herself from him, and Madeleine keeps lamenting about having abandoned her son and yearning to be close to him. Since it’s wearing to keep reading these things over and over, I didn’t put them in. Insert wherever you like.

Walking along a street Gabriel, Paloma and Lili (who, now freed from the clutches of the nuns, has taken a fashion tip from Anamar and is wearing a super-short skirt) are happily planning Paloma’s upcoming Sweet 18 party. Lili takes off and Paloma and Gabriel decide to look in at the court to see what’s happening.

Romina has showed up in the lobby of the hotel and is reproaching Em. You said you left because we weren’t working out, but I’m not stupid. You just wanted to be here with your little chickiebaby. Em says don’t insult Anamar. Romina says why couldn’t you go live with your dad? Or at Orlando’s? Em points out that Angelica lives there. He’s just at the hotel until he can find an apartment. Romina pleads then just come home until you find one.

Em says the apartment is yours, and you can keep it when we divorce. Romina says you’re nuts if you think I’m going to give you a divorce. Em says don’t try to do like my mother did. I’m going to remake my life whether you agree to it or not, same as my father did with Luz.

Frantic Dr B is driving narrow cobblestone streets, trying to figure out how to get to the courthouse.

Don E, Chris and Natalia are waiting for the verdict. Chris thanks him for taking the case. Don E says he loves justice, plus, well, Chris knows how he feels about Chris’s mother. Mother? says Natalia, surprised. Don E says it’s a long story and he’ll tell her later.

Natalia tells him thank you (sniff) … for my daughter’s sake (sniff). I have no way to pay you. Me either, says Chris. Don E gestures expansively and smiles. Ya! he rumbles happily.

Oh no! Dr B is stuck behind a stalled truck. He jumps out and yells at the driver, who shrugs. Dr B dances around frantically. A guy on a scooter drives by the growing line of backed-up cars. Dr B says how much for your scooter? He whips out his wallet and fans bills. Sold! Or rented, I’m not sure. Who cares? Off he rides on it. My hero.

Carlota is burning up the phone wire, telling German to get in that jury room and find out what’s going on. German says he can’t, even Don E can’t. Carlota is quite sure Don E could if he wanted to. Do it! She demands. Get in there and bribe whoever you have to, idiot!

Click. Hysterical old bat, German says to himself.

What’s going on? asks Em, who’s just arrived. Do you think they’re going to go free? German says I have no idea. I think they might hang ‘em. Em says I hope you don’t think so just because you’re off the case. You think they’re innocent, right? Oh! Yeah. Sure, says German. It’s just a saying.

In the background, Paloma and Gabriel walk in together. She spots Em. He spots her. He and Gabriel spot each other. Long laser looks, then Paloma and Gabriel go on in. German says to Em Even though they deny it, it makes sense. I tried to ask Paloma out and no luck. She’s not easy to approach.

So how ‘bout you? How’re you doing? I’m getting a divorce and I’ve moved out, says Em. German pats him on the back and says I’m sorry. His mouth twitches with suppressed glee.

Ivonne, Rufi and Madeleine are sitting in the courtroom, wondering why the jury is taking so long. Ivonne gets a call on her cell and leaves to answer it. Rufi looks at Madeleine curiously. I’ve lived here since the dawn of time, she says, and yet I’ve never seen you here before.

Madeleine says she just came to town. Rufi asks does she like going to trials? Mad says she would give her life not to have to be there. She tells Rufi she’s Chris’s ma. She says probably Chris wouldn’t want me to tell anyone, but you seem so nice and I need to tell someone.

Rufi thoughtbubbles that that would mean she’s Paloma’s grandmother. On cue, Paloma comes into the courtroom and knees affectionately in front of Rufi. Madeleine is touched, then she studies her. Her DNA lights up like a nuclear reactor.

Carlota is pacing her room. A heavenly choir sings. How does she rate a choir? Ay, no! She says. She gets her coat and scarf.

The courtroom again. Everyone is waiting. Suspenseful violins work themselves into a frenzy. The defendants are led in.

Madeleine asks Rufi who that girl was. Rufi says she’s my child, or not exactly. I work in her house. She’s Paloma Espinosa de los Monteros. Madeleine says there’s something about her that seems familiar. Her eyes, her manner.

Everybody up! says the bailiff. Rufi rises, and Madeleine takes her hand and says please stay here with me. Rufi smiles kindly.

Em ends up sitting next to Paloma. He smiles at her.

Outside, Dr B, who’s not very adept at scooter riding, is awkwardly maneuvering the Disneyland-ride-line style switchbacks of the approach to the courthouse. Almost running down a few pedestrians, he pulls up to the front of the building, parks the thing, takes the suicide note from his pocket, and, waving it high, runs into the courthouse.

The jury has its verdict. The lead juror hands it to the bailiff who takes it to the judge. The judge looks at it with a stern poker face. Quick shots of team Chris looking anxious.

Outside of the courtroom, the bailiff bars the door, telling Dr B he can’t come in.

The judge is saying in the case of… etc… and we see the screen fragment into a fly’s vision composite of faces of concerned audience members.

Dr B bursts in waving the suicide note. Wait! he says. Carlota, disguised with a head scarf and long coat, slips into the door and melts into the back row.

Dr B tells the judge that it’s a note Alonso left for Natalia. It was hidden in the back of a photo frame. The two lawyers materialize at the bench and look at it. The prosecutor says that’s no kind of evidence, a suicide note from the deceased! Natalia is agape.

Don E says it’s very important. We need to verify its authenticity, but we can’t decide beforehand. These two people are accused of a murder that obviously was a suicide. Carlota puts her hand to her head – oh crud!

The judge tells everyone to get back in their places. He reads the suicide note. (To refresh: Sorry, but my life has no meaning without Inaki. I’m going to revenge his murder, then off myself. Have a nice day! Alonso) Natalia anguishes.

The judge says this letter might exonerate the defendants, but I’m not going to accept it as evidence, as the trial is already over. Don E objects.

That’s my decision, says the judge. And here’s why. He reads the jury’s verdict: Innocent.

Jubilation! Carlota’s jaw drops. Paloma hugs Em. Gabriel looks down sadly. Hugs all around. We see Carlota glaring furiously.

The prosecutor smiles and shakes Don E’s hand. What a sporting fellow! Perry Mason won ‘em all too. What can you do but be decent about it? Madeline thanks Don E. Rufi congratulates Chris, calling him Padre. He says just Chris. She says she can’t get used to that.

The padres hug and congratulate Chris. Paloma hugs Natalia who says she can’t wait to throw her arms around Sagrario. Rufi comments to Chris that so many things came to light. Chris says he only hopes that Paloma will let him tell her everything.

Carlota stomps out of the courthouse and down the steps. Don E follows at a distance. Carlota furiously whips off her head scarf. Carlota? says Don E to himself

Em tells German don’t feel too bad - you’re still new at the game. German angrily says it isn’t all due to Don E. Em says why don’t you admit that you’re still learning and that you made some mistakes? A lot of people thought you weren’t ready for a case like this yet. German says did you think so too? I did, says Em. But Chris made the decision on his own. Still, think how it would have been for your career if you’d lost this one. And think how it would have been for them.

Em goes into the courtroom to congratulate Chris. Chris is happy, but he says the one thing that’s weighing on him is Paloma. Em says that makes two of us.

Ivonne and Natalia tell Dr B he’s their hero and Chris thanks him. Dr B’s glad he made it in time. Chris says it’s the hand of God. Or the hand of Macarena, says Dr B. They all agree Macarena was splendid, Natalia included. Chris has his arm around Dr B. Dr B says it was a wonderful man that she left me for. Chris says you were a wonderful friend, a great supporter, and I want to thank you for everything. Man hug. Now, isn’t that civilized?

Madeleine is overcome with emotion. She tells Rufi that it was horrible that Chris had to go through all this, but it helped her find him. Now she just hopes she can get him back. Rufi says talk to him, he’s a good man with a good heart. A man sitting behind them nods sagely.

Madeleine weeps and thanks Rufi for her kindness.

Gabriel tells his dad he’s the best. Don E says the main thing is that justice was done. Paloma tells him that it was really impressive – maybe she’ll study law. Don E says each person has their own gifts, and yours shows in what you’ve done for Gabriel. For him? says Paloma. He’s done so much for me!

Don E says see that smile on him? It wasn’t there before. Daaaad, says Gabriel, embarrassed.

Don E goes over to Chris and they hug. He tells Chris that he’d like to talk to him tomorrow.

Chris then goes over to Paloma. Can we talk? he asks. Paloma says it’s great that you were able to prove your innocence. Con permiso.

Rafa is working on his laptop in his apartment. Luz tells him he can go on to work; she’s okay. He says he knows she isn’t. She says it hurts to think that they’ve taken the little girl and she won’t see her again. Rafa says I gave you an option.

Luz says I know. But I don’t ever want to marry. I know it’s weird for a woman to say that, but I believe marriage ruins everything. It obligates a person to stay with another person. It destroys the magic. And I don’t want to do that with you.

Rafa says I don’t see it that way. Luz says How can you say that after your disaster with Diana? Rafa says I say it despite that. Diana and I didn’t know to keep the magic alive. But with the right person, it can be amazing. I think you and I have a spark.

We do, says Luz, but I don’t believe in marriage, in bonds. Why not? Says Rafa. Did you have a bad experience? Luz looks dramatically out the window. Yes, she says. Her parents’ marriage was horrible. The looked normal on the surface, and they waited too long to divorce. Luz doesn’t want to live like that.

Rafa says we’re different than them. You don’t have to repeat their history. We have magic.

Carlota storms into her house. Maldito! Maldito! She stomps into her room and glares at her big crucifix. It’s not fair! She says. You know it’s not. I hate them! I hate all of them. She grimaces with fury. AAAAAHHHHH intone my beloved bassos.

It’s evening and Anamar is returning to the hotel and is confronted by Romina in the lobby. Anamar says are you staking the place out? Romina says I just wanted you to know that you have no idea who you’re messing with. Anamar says I came to see Em because I realized he’s the love of my life.

What a shameless hussy you are, says Romina. He’s MY husband. Anamar says when I came I didn’t know he was married, and if I knew he was happy, I would have left. But I found out that’s he’s not, so it’s full steam ahead.

Ha, says Romina. I checked and you both have separate rooms. Anamar eyes her up and down and says you are no competition. Now that Paloma… she might be. But she’s leaving Real del Monte. Anamar sashays off. Romina wonders who can help her.

German is very nervous, about to dial Carlota. But he figures she would know by now, and he doesn’t want to face her wrath. Better to let her cool off a little.

Nester comes in and puts a nice spin on German’s role in the trial. After all, he started the case. It’ll look good for his career. He says he was just talking to Carlota and she wants an appointment with him tomorrow, maybe to talk about German. She asked to talk to Nestor alone first, then have German come in.

German decides to dial Carlota. I heard you wanted to talk to me. You are such an insignificant speck, she spits at him. You bet I want to talk to you, but I don’t have time now. Tomorrow.

Carlota says to herself One by one, they’re all going to get it. And right where it hurts.

Some folks are still at the courthouse. Why haven’t they gone out for a nice steak and a beer? Why hasn’t Natalia borrowed someone’s lipstick? Anyway, Natalia tells Chris, Dr B and the padres that she’s going to go to the DF with Ivonne. She has to tell Sagrario that her father is dead. (I hope she leaves out the part about how his life wasn’t worth living without his son - what is Sagrario, chopped liver? And Natalia?)

Ivonne says I guess we’ll never really know how he died. Dr B says the truth usually comes to light over time. Padre B focuses on the part where Alonso said he was going to revenge his son’s death before committing suicide, but there’s no other death that they know of, at least not here in Real del Monte.

Natalia says he thought it was Carlota, but it looks like he wasn’t able to tie Inaki’s death to her. Chris says if somebody killed Inaki, sooner or later that will come to light, because they are indirectly responsible for Alonso’s death. (No, I don’t get his logic either.)

Ivonne says gosh, we’ve all been so miserable for so long, why don’t we talk about these things later? Smile time! Everyone smiles and laughs. Dr B says you’re right. It reminds us how life can change in the blink of an eye, so we need to enjoy it. We’re going to have a great time in Mexico City says Natalia. You, me, Rufi and Paloma.

Paloma is leaving Real del Monte? says Chris.

Gabriel is walking Paloma home. She says that she’s glad things are getting better and that Natalia got off. Gabriel says Chris got off too, Paloma. It’s not like you to hold a grudge. Paloma says I’m just tired of people telling me things that aren’t true just to protect me.

Gabriel says he has to get back to the church. Maybe Paloma could send him an e-mail. Paloma says I don’t have a computer – Carlota didn’t want to be modern. Upstairs, we see Carlota looking out the window at them, disapproving.


He strokes her cheek and says But it would be very helpful so we could communicate. Paloma laughs that Carlota is never going to change. He kisses her cheek and tells her he’s going to miss her. Paloma says you’ll be coming to the DF when you’re finished here.

Carlota says another one to add to my list.

Chris is glad to come back to the priests’ quarters. The padres tell him that his room is still here. Chris says I don’t belong here anymore. Padre M says even if you’re not a priest, you can keep up your social work. Chris thanks them, but says he’s going to find some kind of job. He kisses their hands and hugs them and leaves.

The two padres think that since he was innocent, the bishop should reinstate him.

Don E and Madeleine are chatting. Gosh, he loves the law – maybe he’ll take it up again. Madeleine wonders what he thinks her chances are with Chris. He says give it a little time – he’ll help.

Chris kneels at a pew and thanks God for helping with his trial. He wants to unmask Carlota.

Rufi and Paloma are working in the kitchen. Rufi says they’d better get started on packing early, as her party is the day before they leave. Rufi wonders if she’s going to leave her address with her friends. Rufi notes that she herself doesn’t have anybody to give the address to. Paloma says Edmundo!

Carlota comes in. She mentions Chris getting acquitted and says she thought Paloma was mad at him. Paloma says she’s glad they both got acquitted. Rufi says how did you know they got off if you weren’t there? Church ladies, says Carlota.

She tells Paloma that just because he was declared innocent it doesn’t mean that Chris didn’t do some of the things they talked about, like his relationship with Natalia. I suggest you stay away from him permanently. Paloma says I’m leaving town anyway. She gets up and leaves the kitchen.

Rufi says all these secrets that have been kept from Paloma! Like about her father. Carlota says I should break my word to Macarena just so Paloma won’t be mad?

Carlota says maybe it’s God’s will that the two stay separated. She’s going to the DF now, and surely Chris won’t stay in town after all this scandal. Rufi says she has the right to know her family. Carlota says Chris doesn’t have any family. Yes, he does, says Rufi. His mother is still alive. She was at the trial.

Avances: Romina begs Em not to go. She asks Paloma what she should do to save her marriage. Paloma says give it up. Romina sweeps the dishes off the table in anger. Chris is talking to Rufi, getting started on his Carlota unmasking. He goes to see Carlota.


ENDA recappers - what's on next in your slot? Are you staying on?

Hi team,
I'm sorry I haven't (sob) been there for you. This blog has just gotten so darn huge. Anyway, I note that you are in ultimas semanas. Thoughts about the future?


Friday, January 29, 2010

En Nombre del Amor, January 29, 2010

For comments on Friday's ENDA episode.


En Nombre del Amor, January 28, 2010--Orlando Is a Weasel

Repeat of Carlota lying to Eugenio that Cris put the moves on her and telling him not to trust Cris, and Eugenio not believing her. Rafael tells Camila that Orlando blackmailed him into staying away from her in exchange for not revealing Diana’s sordid past to Emiliano.

Dr. B. and Rufi discuss Carlota inviting him over for dinner. He thought she’d freak out about him taking Paloma away. Rufi thought so too but apparently Carlota wants to set the date so she can thank him for taking Pal to the capital. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to alarm them in the least. Dr. B. asks Rufi if she talked to Pal about Inaki’s ring--Rufi asked her to get it appraised again and thinks Pal will take it to Mexico City with her and do it there. What a surprise she’ll get, but at least she’ll be far away, so the Purple One won’t find out about it. Which means that now that Rufi has said that, Carlota will surely find out she has the fake ring and Pal has the real one.

Romina asks Emiliano to help her look for her mom.

Rafa tells Cami that he did what he did for Emil, who was going through a rough time, and he didn’t want to run the risk that Orly would carry out his threat. Cami doesn’t believe that Orly is like that. Rafa says, ask Orly for yourself.

Angelica and Pal commiserate over the loves of their lives being out of their reach. Ange feels terrible being at this wedding--it must be like what Pal felt when Emil married Romi. Pal wants to keep being friends with Ange once she gets out of Real del Dodge. Ange is going to take off too, as soon as Orly gets back from his honeymoon. Pal says when she gets to the city, she’ll give Ange her new contact info, but she doesn’t want her to give it to anyone else, especially not Emil. Pal looks at Emil talking with Anamar and notes that he found consolation for his ruined love affairs real fast.

Camila returns to her room saying “no puede ser” and wondering what kind of man she’s marrying if this is true. Emil and Romi come in, and after demanding to know where Cami was, Romi actually looks genuinely concerned when she sees that her mother was crying. Cami asks to be left alone.

Montage of Cami and Rafa saying goodbye to each other and during happier times.

Emil and Gabriel run into each other. Gabe politely inquires about the baby and then is about to leave but Emil stops him--he wants to tell him that soon his situation will be settled and he’s going to fight for Paloma. Gabe informs Emil that in the future maybe she won’t be with either one of them, since she’s leaving for Mexico City.

Romi and Anamar run into each other--catfight part 2. Anamar tells her that Emil is her husband only on paper, and she’s here to renew the relationship she and Emil had in Monterrey, or to end it forever.

Cami asks Orlando if it’s true that he demanded that Rafa leave her in exchange for his silence re: Diana. He answers that Diana and Rafa didn’t want Emil to know about Orly being his father, but he couldn’t give up his son. Then he plays the “I was a victim too” card and claims that he wasn’t going to speak badly of Di to Emil. The only thing he wanted was for Emil to know he was his father. Anyway, if Rafa left, it’s because that was his decision, not mine. He then says if she wants to cancel the wedding over this issue, just say so.

Rafa is sitting in the park by himself when he’s joined by Luz and Xochitl. She knows he’s upset about Cami’s wedding. She thinks he was correct in telling Cami the truth about Orly. He asks her to forgive him--he doesn’t want to hurt her. She admits that it hurts a lot, but that’s life and it’s just a question of waiting. She realizes that Rafa is there waiting for Cami’s answer.

Cami thinks she judged Orly too quickly; she sees that he loves Emil so much that he didn’t want to hurt him by telling him about how awful his mom is. Orly repeats what he said earlier about it being Rafa’s choice to leave. But he leaves it up to her to decide if they’re going to marry or not.

Luz tells Rafa that she wants him to be happy--if Cami makes you happy, face the whole world for her.

Ines and her new hubby have just gotten married. Outside the church, Carlota congratulates her--who would have thought that at your age you were going to get married? Ines suggests that it could happen to Carlota too, but the Purple One claims that she doesn’t need a man to be happy, presumably because making everyone miserable and killing whoever gets in her way keeps her plenty happy. After she leaves, the witch parade continues with the appearance of Diana, who says that the weddings of older women are a bit ridiculous. Ines comments about Samuel not being there, so Diana blabs on about how busy and important he is.

Scenes of Orlando and Camila getting married (and Angelica looking distraught), signing the certificate, etc. He’s going to make her the happiest woman in the world, blah blah blah. Not sure how he’s going to accomplish that once she finds out about Houston, but whatever.

Padre Benito is on the phone with the high-ranking church guy, informing him that they will know Cris’s future on Monday. The church guy had to expel Cris because the parishioners’ faith is put at risk when a priest doesn’t conduct himself properly, but he believes Cris is innocent.

Miriam gets a call from Dario, who says he’s going to find her, and she’s going to pay. Maybe she has forgotten what happened the last time she wanted to accuse him of plagiarism. She tries to tell herself that she’s not afraid of him.

German arrives at Cami’s and starts macking on Romi. A couple of people walk by, including Emil, but G and R sneak off to the bathroom without being seen. Dr. B. comes looking for the bathroom, but it’s locked so he and Emil have a chat instead. Emil asks if DNA results can be wrong; he wants to take another test without anyone knowing. Dr. B. remembers his conversation with Camila about how she thought Germy might be the father. Dr. B. agrees to help him and do a test the next day. After they go off to get a drink, Romi and Germy exit the bathroom adjusting their clothes.

Emil asks Pal why she didn’t tell him her plans to leave town and why does Gabe know. She replies that Gabe is a part of her life, and he (Emil) isn’t, so how do you like them apples. And if she were in love with Gabe, she has a right to be, no? Romi sees them talking and can’t stand that they’re together. Anyway, it’s time to toss the bouquet. Paloma catches it, whoop-de-doo. Emil and Gabe smile at her.

Rafa is still at the park. He thinks he’s an idiot but Luz congratulates him on taking risks and tries to cheer him up. She says he has brought so much to her life that she loves being with him. She suggests that now they can begin their own story.

Carlota is sitting in her study doing nothing when Rufi comes in and tells her that Pal is outside talking to Gabe. La Loca is annoyed and wants to know what Gabe’s intentions are. Rufi doesn’t think he plans to pursue Pal. She then informs Carlota that Dr. B. accepted her invitation--how about tomorrow at noon? At first this catches Carlota off guard, but then she says, the sooner the better--she’ll even go buy the fish herself.

Paloma gives Gabe a list of people to invite to her birthday party. He wants her to be happy that day and she promises to try. She’s dreamed so much about turning 18 that sometimes she can’t believe it’s going to happen (neither can I). She feels nostalgic about leaving both the happy and sad memories behind, the ones that made her who she is. Gabe notes that it hurts to let go of everything, it’s the hardest thing to do.

Emiliano visits the baby and promises he won’t abandon him even if it turns out he’s not his biological son and he divorces Romi.

Cami is packing for her honeymoon when Romi comes in to say goodbye. They hug and say they love each other. Romi comments that now she knows how hard marriage is, how awful it feels when your partner doesn’t love you as much as you love him. Cami inquires about Anamar but Romi doesn’t want to discuss it. Anyway, have a nice time, but come back soon to help me with the baby.

Orly visits Cris, who’s down in the dumps about his chances for being found innocent. As we’ve come to expect, Orly would rather think that everything’s going to be fine. He says he’ll keep tabs on Cris’s case while he’s gone, but Cris tells him not to worry--besides, you have to dedicate yourself to Cami.

Angelica cries to Miriam over losing Orlando for what she thinks is forever, but really, it’s probably only for 30 episodes or so.

Scenes of Cami and Orly enjoying themselves at the Mayan Riviera.

Emil is at the hospital to take his DNA test. He’s surprised when Dr. B. tells him about his upcoming lunch date at the House of Horrors. The doc says he’ll be taking Pal to Mexico City after her birthday, so Emil asks if he’ll give him the address there. Dr. B. just smiles.

Carlota buys more belladonna--she tells the lady to give her the same amount that she bought last time. She thinks to herself that the doctor can’t complain, as his death isn’t going to be so painful.

Tomorrow: Carlota cooks up another batch of her witches’ brew and adds it to Dr. B.’s coffee.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ENDA, January 27, 2010

Angelica tells Miriam that the truth is finally out in the open. Miriam is still worried about what Dario will do to retaliate.

Luz tells Eugenio that she's adopting Xiochi. He tells her it's not easy being a mother. He knows that she's very liberated and impulsive. Carloca calls Eugenio. She wants to see him.

Anamar is walking at the hotel in her little skirt when Romina comes behind her, turns her around and b!tch slaps her. Then calls her a golfa who robs husbands. Anamar asks her what she wants. Romina says to leave town and not come back. Emiliano is her's. Anamar smiling smugly says she's not leaving, that Emiliano invited her to the wedding and she will be going.

Angelica is talking to Orlando about the everything happening with the Dario situation. Emiliano comes in all mopey and Orlando asks Angelica to leave. Orlando asks to speak to Emiliano regarding his relationship with Romina.

Ivonne and Dr. Bermudez talk on the phone. She asks him about the picture that she left their. He tells her he still has it. Is a relationship forming?

Orlando tells Emiliano that Romina told him everything. He thinks that he's rushing all this divorce stuff. They have only been married a short time. Emiliano says time does not matter. I no longer want to be at her side. Orlando thinks they should go to marriage counseling, but Emiliano refuses. Orlando says he's worry about the baby. So am I replies Emiliano. You know I didn't want to marry her and now the baby is getting out of the hospital. I see what you are saying replies Orlando. Sometimes the other person in the relationship does not want what you want. Emiliano asks if he's having problems with Camila. No, but I can and that worries me. The contract I signed with the guy in Houston wants me to live their for 2 years and Camila doesn't want to go.

Eugenio tells Luz about Carloca and how he feels that behind that tough exterior is a woman that just wants to be loved. That's why he's intrigued by her.

Emiliano tells Orlando he needs to tell Camila. Orlando agrees and will talk to her about it on after their honeymoon. Why wait asks Emiliano. Orlando says it's because they are all stressed about the wedding and he doesn't think that Camila will react well. Is it really stress or because you think she'll say no replies Emiliano. You need to tell her before.

Eugenio and Luz still talking about Carloca. Luz warns him not to fall under her spell. Eugenio laughs and says that won't happen. Only you can make me fall. Luz laughs. He tells her that she's positive, beautiful and honest. Luz says your making me blush. No replies Eugenio. It would have been nice back then (regarding them together) but now, no. Luz agrees. She says they say that a man and woman can't be friends, but we have proved them wrong. He tells her that if Xiochi stays in her life then she will have a great one. I have no doubt that you will give her love and your protection. You will an excellent mother. Luz says you say such beautiful things. Is a relationship forming?

Cristobal is in the prison yard thinking when his cellmate comes up. You’re thinking about the outcome tomorrow? Yes replies Cristobal. Cellmate gives Cristobal a necklace that his mother gave him. He says once you get out, you can give it back to me. Cristobal sees ugly guy and his gang dragging a little guy across the yard. Cristobal asks what's going on. Cellmate says what they wanted to do to you, but didn't get the chance.

Paloma goes to visit Natalia. Natalia tells Paloma she's in hell. Paloma says everything will work out. Natalia is not as positive. Paloma promises to watch over Sagario if she doesn't get out. Natalia thanks her and asks if Cristobal knows that she is Macarena's daughter. Yes, I told him and who my father is replies Paloma. But he's scum and I don't want to talk about it.

Cristobal charges into the cell where ugly guy and his goons are messing with the little man and punches the first guy he sees. Ugly guy tells Cristobal to leave and tries to punch him. Cristobal evades his fist and starts hitting ugly guy in the kidneys, stomach and jaw. Cellmate buddy kneads ugly guy in the groin. Cristobal tells the goons to release the little man. Guards come in and break up the fight and take the goons away.

Carloca tells herself that she has to find a way for Eugenio to join her game.

Eugenio wonders why Carloca wants to see him. What game are you playing?

Cellmate tells Cristobal that he's in charge now. He tells the other prisoners that it's time to unite BLAH, BLAH.

Madeleine is in church praying when Padre Mateo comes up and hears her prayer begging god to find Cristobal innocent. Padre Mateo says I heard your prayer and we are all praying the same thing too. Cristobal is a good man.

Orlando comes home to Camila cooking dinner. He says tonight is the last night you will be my girlfriend. Camila says tomorrow a new life begins. Orlando says he was talking to Emiliano and wants to tell her something. But he doesn't have the cojones to do it. He gives her flowers and she asks if he wants to make love to his girlfriend for the last time?

Anamar tells Emiliano that Romina confronted her and slapped her. What kind of witch did you marry?

Angelica tells Miriam that tomorrow is going to be hard. Watching her friend marry the man she loves.

Romina is at home seething and gets a call from German. He wants her to come to his place. She needs someone to caress her and make her feel. She tells him that is what I have my husband for. Seriously replies German. Don't pretend that you are happy and that you have Emiliano eating out of your hand. I understand faking it in front of Paloma because he loved her, but this new girl? Why don't you pay him back? Thanks but no thanks replies Romina.

Emiliano walks Anamar out and thanks her for telling him. She tells him that she's not going to go to the wedding. Emiliano says Romina has to learn to respect his friends and Anamar agrees, but is doing it for him. They hug good-bye and his phone rings. It's Romina wanting to know when he'll be home. Emiliano tells her not to wait for him. After the wedding tomorrow he's going to pack up his stuff and leave. Then hangs up on her.

Paloma is saying her nightly prayers. Carloca can't believe that Paloma is going to the wedding. Anyway she wants to know Paloma's opinion on Eugenio. Paloma thinks he's attractive with a big heart. Carloca asks if she knew that he is Cristobal's lawyer. Rufi told me replies Paloma. Carloca says I would have thought your little teacher told you. Paloma gets defensive and tells her not to call him that. His name is Gabriel. Sorry says Carloca. I just want to know why such a good guy like Eugenio would be defending a murderer. Paloma doesn't believe Cristobal is a murderer. Carloca says she really wants to know about Eugenio. The only thing I know replies Paloma is that he is a widower and that he loves his son. Does he have a girlfriend asks Carloca. Not that I know of says Paloma. That strange a man like him not with another replies Carloca. Why asks Paloma. You haven't fallen in love with another man after falling for Cristobal. Just like my mother.

Emiliano finally comes home the next day and Romina starts in on him. Where were you? With your little friend? No replies Emiliano. Just alone. But you had to go to the hotel to insult her? Don't you dare touch her again. Have a little class.

Luz thinks about Rafa and the pain he's feeling knowing that Camila is marrying another. She walks around the apartment all mopey. Rafa talks to Joel about his anguish that Camila is marrying today. Joel asks if Luz is aware of his feelings. No replies Rafa. Especially now that she has Xiochi. Luz is at the apartment still crying.

Next day: Romina comes in to help her mother get ready, but sees it's already done. Camila says since you didn't come Monica and Metiche offered to help. Romina decides to go downstairs to make sure all is well. Camila stares at herself in the mirror. Not a very happy bride. She gets a call from Rafa. She goes to Romina's room. Rafa begs her not to hang up. He's in front of her house. She walks out onto the balcony. He tells her to come with him. I finally will sign divorce papers this week. I will finally be free for you. Camila says you always say that. But its true replies Rafa. Camila says I loved you more then I thought was possible, but understand. I have made a decision and will be making a new life with Orlando. Did you make that decision from your heart or your head asks Rafa.

Rufi helps Paloma get ready. Paloma tells Rufi that she feels kind of bad leaving Carloca. She has always been a part of my life. But I know I have to do this. Nothing will stand in my way. Of course since no one in that house knows how to close a freaking door, Carloca is outside listening. Carloca says to herself that she doubts it. Poor Dr. Bermudez. But then he may like being reunited with Macarena.

Gabriel and Eugenio argue. Gabriel says after the wedding Paloma will no longer see me. I don't want her to know about my sickness. (Enough already! What is it?)

Emiliano asks Orlando if he told Camila yet. Orlando says after the honeymoon. What if she doesn't want to go asks Emiliano. I don't want to think about it replies Orlando. That would mean giving up the contract in Houston and that would make me feel really bad. (All about you isn't it? As my husband would say to me sometimes; Marsha, Marsha, Marsha) Anyway Orlando says you invited Anamar? Because you are playing with fire. She's my friend replies Emiliano. Perhaps she is to you, but not to her. Anamar comes up and greets them. Romina looks on in jealousy. Paloma and Rufi show up. Romina comes up and greets them then takes Paloma away to talk about Emiliano's new friend. She asks Paloma for advice. Paloma tells her to calm down.

Carloca comes to visit Eugenio at Gabriel's apartment. He tells her he was surprised by her call. I bet you were replies Carloca. It wasn't very easy for me to do it. I don't know where to begin. What do you mean asks Eugenio. Carloca says can we start talking about you? So that I can express myself more. Of course replies Eugenio. Can I have a coffee? Sure replies Eugenio. (I say be careful. She might just spike your drink. Wonder with what? Belladonna or knock out drugs?)

Gabriel shows up at the wedding. Romina starts flirting with him. Gabriel is disgusted and leaves. Gabriel apologizes to Paloma for being late. He had a fight with his dad. What about asks Paloma. It's not important replies Gabriel.

Romina corners Emiliano and gets onto him for inviting his friend. Then accuses him of sleeping with her. He says when you wanted everyone to believe that you weren't sleeping with German we did. Now you do the same for me. I won't be with anyone until we sign the divorce papers. Is that why you want a divorce asks Romina. To be with others? No so that I can breathe in peace replies Emiliano. Now go check on your mother. Romina leaves and Emiliano sees Paloma laughing and gets all angry mopey.

Carloca tells Eugenio she feels bad about her behavior the last time they saw each other. No worries answers Eugenio. Carloca says you have a good heart and that is why I came to talk to you about Cristobal. Because something in me is repulsed thinking that Cristobal will be free. Why do you hate him so much asks Eugenio. I don't replies Carloca. I just don't like hypocrites or people who are two-faced. I don't like people with double morals and a double life. Eugenio wants to know if Cristobal ever hurt her. Yes replies Carloca. How asks Eugenio. I'll tell you because I trust you. It's very intimidate though. I appreciate your confidence says Eugenio.

Romina looks for Camila and can't find her.

Carloca tells Eugenio that awhile ago at confession she told Cristobal that she never did the deed with anyone. That she was waiting for the love of her life. She pretends to be embarrassed and wants to leave. Eugenio stops her and says trust me. What happened after you told him this? He began to come on to me. He thought I would be easy like my sister. That's why he wanted to marry her so that he could get close to me. I can't believe that Cristobal would do that replies Eugenio. He's a bad man says Carloca. That is why I came to you. To tell you not to believe in his words. Think about what you’re doing in helping him. He deserves to be in hell. Thanks for listening. Eugenio tells himself that she is a great actress, but does not believe her.

Camila is talking to Rafa face to face in the streets. He says the only reason Orlando is in this exact position is because he took advantage of the situation. Remember when I told you that I promised Orlando to step away from you so that Emiliano would not know who Diana really was? Well I didn't tell you the whole truth. Orland told me to, to keep the secret. Camila is impactada. Are you sure you want to marry someone who manipulates just to be at your side?

Manana: Romina and Anamar get into it; German and Romina kiss and are about to get caught?


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