Saturday, June 02, 2012


Recap by Anita

The Highlights
Mariana’s Dead Again
Pedro is Under Suspicion Again

The Lowlights
Everything Else That Follows

We begin this somber and sorrowful episode with verification of Carlos’ prediction that there would be no Funeral, at least not yet.  But folks—they’re running out of time in Avocadoland and there are vastly more important things to be resolved, so Mariana may have to settle for an off-site funeral.  Stay tuned, Please!

The Fateful Night Before—1) Camila and Antonio are in her bedroom (formerly known as Doris’ bedroom).  He’s threatening, she’s retorting.  She accuses him of being a killer.  He swears he had nothing to do with Mariana’s death—that was all his father’s doing.  Backing down, she promises to do whatever the Ant tells her to do, but she’s doing it for her baby; 2) TB+30 (aka El Piggorio) wakes up from a restless sleep to find Doris peering over him  …..  This dialog is interrupted for a message from the severe weather center in KY and I can’t hear a thing Doris and El Pig are saying (and I don’t live remotely near KY, go figure).  But that was yesterday, today is another day.

Some scenes have been combined for continuity’s sake.

The Fateful Morning After—Tracy, Alberta and Panchito are in the kitchen on a bright sunny morning, dwelling on Camila’s state of health and the upcoming operation.  Tracy is dying (oops, wrong choice of words), anxious to find out what’s going on with her friend Camila.  Antonio enters to fill the room with Darkness.  He informs the trio that the tumor rumor was untrue and instead the diagnosis is gastritis (and he came up with this on his own, I suspect).  He exits, taking his Darkness with him.  Tracy is very suspicious.  Alberta and Panchito think this is all very raro indeed.

Antonio visits Lucrecia in the cabaña to give her the news that Mariana is dead and gone.  She’s jumping for joy.  She’s so ready to go over to console Pedro since rival #1-Camila, is now Antonio’s and rival #2-Mariana, is dead.  The Ant tells her to relajate.  Before she can do that, he has to think of a way to bring her back to life.  She can’t just appear as a miraculous resurrection.

Pedro is down at the precinct with El Capitan, discussing the events surrounding Mariana’s death.  He tells Pedro that everyone close to Mariana is under suspicion until the investigation is complete.  Pedro supposes he’s under suspicion, too, and he wants to know why—is it because now he’s free to marry Camila?  El Capitan says, of course not, it’s because he now >inherits her great fortune.  Pedro is incredulous.

El Capitan also reminds him that next week begins the trial in Lucrecia’s en flammante immolation.  Pedro tells El Cap he thinks Lulu is alive.  Now it is the good Capn’s turn to be incredulous.  Well, of course Pedro has no proof, it’s just a gut feeling he has.  
But he's not there to talk about Lucrecia, but of Mariana.

He tells El Cappo that it’s not the money.  The fortune should really go to Manuel, who took care of her.  Does the Cap really think he spent all those years looking for Mariana, just to kill her?  The only one interested in Mariana’s death is Don Gregorio, since at any point that Mariana recovered her memory, she would be able to implicate him in her disappearance.  Well, of course Pedro has no proof, it’s just a gut feeling (pardon the ditto).  Whatever, the Capitan knows his job and right now he’s still investigating.  He needs Pedro to give his statement.  Pedro didn’t realize she wasn’t there until morning and by there, he means El Talismán since she was staying with them for a few days.  They ought to talk to Manuel, maybe she just went home first.  El Cappo asks directly if Mariana had any problems with any of the ranch hands.  Pedro gives him a resounding no.

Back at Maria’s apartment, Elvira is jumping for joy to know there isn’t going to be any operation.  She’s sure Camila will now be able to be happy living with her husband.  She’ll even be able to have babies.  Army and Angel are incredulous.  Army states rhetorically, who is she fooling, Camila will never be happy with that imbecile (and it’s all momsie dearest’s fault).  Elvira is only momentarily callada.

In the Alcatrash despacho, Don G is trying to find out from Valentin if the news has gotten out about Mariana.  It’s obvious now that Valentin is worried about his fate at the hands of El Piggo.  He reminds El Piggo that Camila saw it all, but it seems as though she’ll keep quiet.  Don G is certain she’ll keep quiet—if she knows what’s good for that baby of hers.  Just a bit later, Don G is congratulating himself and Valentin on their job well done.  Valentin wants to know what he means by “our” job.  Clearly Valentin does not consider himself part of the team.  Don G says that of course he is, didn’t he get the blanket to wrap up the body, help him carry her out, put her in the pick-up, dump the body—that’s called accessory after the fact—GUILTY.  He orders Val to call Pancho to come--and get a move on.

Tracy comes into Camila’s bedroom to see how she is.  She’s relieved to know she’s alright.  Camila admits that she’s more scared of Don G than she is of the Ant or Doris.  She claims he’s a full blown killer.  Tracy is muy impactada.

(MIA—Where oh where are Rita and Rennie for some needed comic relief.)

Over at El Tal, everyone is gathered around in the kitchen, still discussing the absence of Mariana.  It’s so raro for her to have gone out so early without telling anyone.  Meanwhile, Santiago is being pricked by his conscience.  He knows she went to El Alkietrash last night to help Camila, but why are they all so sure she’s missing and that something has happened to her.  He tip-toes upstairs to check her room.  It’s empty.

Manuel is getting ready to see patients at the hospital.  He asks the receptionist about Maria and whether she’s with Camila.  The receptionist tells him that the operation was called off.  Something happened, though, because the police were calling for Camila because they want to talk about Mariana.   He’s still worried about Mariana since she still isn’t answering her cell phone.  He calls El Tal.  She’s not there and neither is Pedro.  No es nada bueno, he says to himself—not good.   Maria, Angel and Armando are together in another part of the hospital.  They want to denounce the doc….!!  (Is this because of the mis-diagnosis or that an de-licensed doc had actually been allowed to reserve an operating theatre to do major surgery on a uterine tumor—where’s the paperwork, hem, hem.  My guess is that in this tn, it was the former and not the latter).  Manuel joins them long enough to tell Maria that he’s on his way to the precinct.  He’s sure something has happened to Mariana.

Tracy and Camila apparently have not been interrupted.  Tracy wants to know everything (yawn), Camila won’t talk (yawn).

Manuel arrives at the police station to learn that Mariana is dead—shot to death and dumped by the dumpster.  Manuel goes ballistic.  No, no, it can’t be.  He turns on Pedro—you were taking care of her, why did you let this happen.  He should never have let her go to El Talisman to stay.  If he hadn’t she’d be alive.  Manuel is so worked up he’s not listening to anyone. 

Pedro again tries to tell El Capitan that it’s Don Gregorio’s fault.  El Capitan tells Pedro he can’t keep on blaming Don Gregorio with no proof.  Remember that Don Gregorio wants to see his butt in jail for the death of his daughter Lucrecia.  Pedro repeats, I keep telling you, she’s alive (but have no proof).

They want Manuel to identify the body and make a statement.  He can’t bring himself to do it.  He calls Maria, absolutely desecho (undone) with the news that Mariana is dead.  She arrives at the precinct and there is a sad but emotional embrace.  Maria doesn’t know what to say, but he should know she’s there for him.  She tells him he needs to make the effort to get it together, for Mariana’s sake.

Together, Manuel and Maria absorb the news.  The detective reminds him that he needs to continue making his statement.  Manuel fills him in on Mariana and avers that Gregorio Negrete and Antonio were after her to harm her, but he can't confirm if it's true.  As for Pedro, he’s a good guy.  The detective adds, but even if he will now >inherit her great fortune?  Manuel has la cara de impactado.

Elvira has left the apartment and comes storming into El Alca, apparently to see Camila, but really to create a commotion.  Alberta is close on her heels.  Don G hears the commotion and appears.  He tries to throw her out, but apparently not far enough.  She comes flying back like the paddle ball she is.  Doris hears her and appears.  She keeps shrieking that she just wants to see her daughter.  Antonio appears.  Elvira is shocked to find Doris at El Alca—Que hace aquí?  Camila hears the commotion and appears.  She’s fine.  The Buckledup blocks them from hugging, but then relents and lets Elvira talk to Camila—in private (could be dangerous, man).  That leaves The Buckledoff and Doris alone in the hallway.  He wants to know WTH she’s still doing there.  Doris snaps back that Don G wants her there.  Ha-ha he tells her, it won’t be long before Don G won’t be needing her anymore.  She wants to know what he means by that.  He says, she’ll know soon enough.  Then Doris wants to know WTH happened last night.  The TB+30 wasn’t very forthcoming and she’s sure her ex knows.  He sneers, ask the old man yourself.

Valentin is babysitting Lucrecia.  She knows Mariana is dead, but not the details.  She wants to know if there’s any news of Pedro.  She can’t wait to go comfort Pedro.  Valentin says the only thing she’d achieve by doing that would be to give Pedro the fright of his life.

Elvira, alone with Camila, is overjoyed to know she isn’t sick and no longer needs the operation.  Camila tells her it was all part of a plan of Antonio’s, but can’t tell her what or why.  Elvira insists on answers, but Camila pleads with her not to ask anything more.  Elvira only wants to help.  Camila doesn’t want her help (and neither would I).  Just look at how helpful she’s been up to now.  She asks Elvira to leave and walks her to the door.  Then Camila rushes back in saying out loud that she needs to protect her baby, just in time for Tracy to hear her.  (She apparently was cleaning Camila’s attached bathroom because she’s carrying an environmentally-friendly pump bottle.)

Elvira runs into Alberta on her way out and begs her to help her find out what’s wrong with Camila.  Antonio shows up, bringing his cloud of Darkness with him.  Jut-jawed and teeth-clenched, he hisses the only thing wrong with Camila is that she doesn’t love him, but she will.  So, leave and don’t come back.  Elvira is determined to get to the bottom of this.  Yeah, yeah answers the Ant, but by that time it’ll be too late.  (Intrepid Reporter will have to look into that, is there something more afoot we haven’t perceived.)

Pedro has returned to El Tal and Padre learns about Mariana’s death.  He can’t believe it.  Pedro is sure Don G is behind it , but there’s nothing to implicate him.  He’s aware that suspicion will fall on himself because he >inherits her great fortune (third time this has been mentioned).  Unfortunately it’s a logical conclusion.  Still, he doesn’t understand why the police always suspect him, but never the Negretes.  Sadly, Pedro will have to tell everyone, so he asks that the troops gather in the living room.

Santiago is rewinding and hits the replay button on his last conversation with Mariana—how she is on her way over to El Alca to talk to Camila.  He feels compelled to tell Pedro everything.  Dramatically descending the stairs (but not pushed), Santiago tells everyone he’s very upset because of what he knows and that he should have gone with her to El Alca.  Pedro comforts him.  Como she wanted to talk to Camila?  So, Padre says that what Pedro’s been saying must be true—it was the Negretes that did this.  They must go to the police for Santiago to tell all he knows.  Pedro tells the group that he doesn’t know any of the details regarding Mariana’s death.  It looks like it was a robbery, then her body was dumped.

Antonio is seen drinking in a public bar (whaa, he can’t do that at home more cheaply??). Oh, it’s because he’s meeting Doc Jaime right there out in the open where everyone later will recall in the witness box that there was a conspiracy of some sort going on—or not.  Jaime assures him that because Don G is as strong as a pig, the dosage has to be increased, but it’s having the prescribed effect.  Don G will soon be paralyzed.  If he could, Antonio would jump for joy.

Tracy and Camila continue their conversation.  Tracy is so happy about the pregnancy and promises to keep quiet.  Camila says she doesn’t want her baby to be born at El TrAsh, but there nothing she can do about it for now.  They scheme about how to find the vial of poison which is hanging over her mother’s head.  Tracy is sorry that they hardly ever let her out of the kitchen, but she’ll find an excuse to get into Antonio’s bedroom.  Somebody thinks of looking in the cabañas, even though they are abandoned, but it might be worth the effort.  Camila can’t do it because she’s being so closely watched.

Panchito has arrived in the despacho to take orders from Don G.  He arrives breathless—it shows how dedicated he is.  Don G wants to know *everything* that is going on at El Tal.  Panchito wants him to narrow his search, be a little more specific.  Ok, Don G wants to know anything to do with Mariana.  He reports back later that Mariana has disappeared (who is feeding him information over there, anyway).  Panchito wants to know whassup; Don G is not sharing.  It’s better he not know.  He stands up to go file something, but is immobilized by the pain in his chest.  Panchito runs out screaming for help.

He finds Doris and they go back to the despacho.  Don G assures them it was just a scare, he’s alright, but please call his Doctorcito.  It couldn’t be that killing Mariana has affected him, he muses.  The two of them get him back to his bedroom and he admonishes that Antonio must *not* know about this.  It is a *secret.*  Said doctorcito is still hanging out with Antonio at the bar.  He tells the Ant the pills are working—Don G just had a crisis.  He’s going to up the dosage – and – he wants to start getting paid for his services.  The Giant Beltbuckle of Darkness says he’s as good as his word (ya think?).

Quick as a flash, the Unshaven One is back at El Alcatrash and inside Camila’s bedroom.  >>FF.  He grabs Camila’s face and snarls that ese escuincle, wait for it, va a ser MIO and you’re going to end up queriendome (ugghh).

AVANCES –Wait a minute, does Camila actually get a sneak preview of Antonio and Lucrazzierthanever talking together in the cabaña?  Let’s hope so and get this silly thing over with so we can all take spend some quality time together at the Post-Traumatic Recappers and Commenters Clinic.  Your Intrepid Reporter hopes they have limpid pools, horseback riding, wienie roasts, bonfires, sharpshooting, plenty of boda bags full of Sparkling water and avocado salads and raisin bread for lunch.  Recap by Anita.


Amorcito Corazon-index

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Friday, June 01, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo - week of June 4 - Discuss among yourselves

¡Hola á todos! Welcome to another week of love and mayhem on Telemundo. Enjoy!!

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Refugio Para el Amor #11-12 Thu 5/31/12 What Hell It Is to Be A Servant


Rod, Hanna and Aldo are hanging out with Patricio in his room. Of course Hanna and Aldo are still hung over. The phone rings and Rod tells Hanna if it's Gala he's not there, but it's Matilde and Hanna wants to talk to Luci. Luci gets on the phone, Rod gets on the extention, tells Hanna to hang up, and he talks to Luci about the kiss they had last night. He apologizes, and guess who is listening at the door, hidden from view? Anyone?? It is nosy pants Frigida listening with all ears. She says I wonder how Gala will take this?

Luci is over at her landlady's house with Nana Matilde and is staring off into space. Luci and Nana leave and are walking back to the Torreslandas and a car is following them. They don't notice. Luci and Nana pass a little market and Nana wants to pick up something that Rod really loves. I don't know what it is. Luci asks Nana how long she has worked for the Torreslandas. Nana tells her since Rod was a baby. They get back to the Torreslandas and the car has followed them all the way there, but they don't notice. It is the owner of Inferno, and now he knows where she works. He gets the info into to his phone to let Lastra know.

Hanna and Aldo are watching a soccer game with Patricio. Patricio is cheering his team and is happy they are with him. Hanna and Aldo are still way hung over.

Het Het, aka Chihuahua, Paz is thanking Don Serapio for letting her use the phone to call Luci. He tells her anytime she wants to use it she can. She thanks him for giving Lorenzo a job and he says he would like to visit with her sometime. She is surprised. Magada, Lorenzo and Ariche are with her. They all leave.

Violetta is out with the Bartender from Inferno and she tells him she was offered alot of money for info. They are eating grilled corn on the cob from a street vendor (Ed Note: You gotta try this corn, it is sooo good.) Violetta tells the bartender the offer came from Lastra, and the bartender tells her, he is a maldito. Violetta is afraid they will send Luci to jail.

Gala is on the phone with her mama Julie and Julie says she will be going to New York and Miami for things for the wedding. Gala gets a call waiting signal, and guess who it is? Anyone??? Rod? Nope it is Chatty Cathy the Frigid wanting to give Gala the chisme about Luci and Rod the Bod. Gala is very impatient with her and all Chatty Cathy gets out is that it is important and has to do with Rod the Bod. Gala basically hangs up on her, answers the phone by the door and buzzes Rod The Bod upstairs. Chatty Cathy on her end, is happy she is upsetting Gala. I think Chatty Cathy also told her when she comes to the house to talk to her.

Luci goes into the house and of course Chatty Cathy is right there to greet her. She calls Luci a muchacha, and Luci totally ignores her. She tells Chatty Cathy to call her by her name, which is Luciana. Nana overhears this and tells Chatty Cathy to call Luci by her name. Well Chatty Cathy is so not happy with that and stalks off. (Note to Chatty Cathy: You are NOT the duena of this house, even though you act like you are. Get to work, jus' sayin').

Max goes up to see Patricio,and of course the witchy witch Rosalena is with him. She gets pithed off when she sees that Aldo and Hanna are there, all hung over and sleeping. She is especially mad that Hanna is sleeping on Patricio's bed with him. She hauls her up, by the hair and is screeching at her. (Note to Rosalena: listen you screechy witch, ever heard of the saying you get more cooperation if you use honey instead of vinegar? Jus' sayin'). She tells her to get up, you can't sleep on your bubbi's bed. She is soo not happy. The Witchy Witch chases her out of Patricio's room. Aldo is passed out on the couch. Max goes up and wakes him up and he leaves the room too. Now the Witchy Witch and Max are alone with Patricio. He was so enjoying his company, Max understands but not the Witchy Witch.

Luciana has made it back to her room and is praying to the Virgincita. She tells her please ayuda mi. I need money for my mama's doctor, I want my stay here to be good. I like Rod The Bod, but drat, he has a fiancee and please I can't get involved with him. I'm so alone, please help me. Luci says she is very homesick and misses her family as she cries. Nana knocks on the door to see if she is ok, she tells Nana she is homesick and Nana hugs her. Nana takes Luci to meet Padre Honesto who is in the chapel in the house. He is happy to meet her.

Meanwhile back in Het Het, Paz is determined to help Magda with the housework. Magda tells her there isn't any need, but Paz says I still have one good hand, so I'm helping. Ariche is running around the house and playing and there is a knock on the door, and he answers it. It is Don Serapio with a bunch of flowers. Ariche closes the door in his face. Magda gets up and answers the door and lets him in. Don Serapio has brought the flowers for Paz. She is very surprised.

Rod the Bod has fallen asleep on the couch at Galas. She wakes him up and tells him it is time to go, but she ain't gettin' on that motorcycle and she wants to take her car. They go.

Partying Aldo goes back to Patricio's room with a Bloody Mary, He asks Pat if he wants a sip, Pat declines. He tells him, dude, you need to get a job and stop loafing around here. Pat tells him it's only right and you should apply yourself. Aldo goes.

Rosalena brings coffee to Maximo in the study and they argue about Hanna. Max thinks she treats her like a baby, and she isn't one anymore. The Witchy Witch doesn't agree. The Witchy Witch goes in the hallway and sees Luci with a tray for Pat. She asks where she is going,and Luci tells her the tray is for Pat. The Witchy Witch takes it out of her hands, says she'll bring it up herself and dismisses Luci, and tells her good night and go to your room. (Ever heard of manners lady, jus' sayin'). Luci is about to go, when Rod the Bod comes in and stops her from going. He wants to talk to her. He apologizes for that kiss again, and asks her if it was that bad? She says no, but you are engaged, can't be doing that again, and I won't say anything to anyone. They are so close it looks like he wants to kiss her again, when, wait for it, Gala sees the whole thing. Gala comes in and Luci excuses herself, and Gala is pithed and raises her voice and tells Luci not to go anywhere. She screams at Luci, I better never catch you near my fiancee again, capice, cause you are, wait for it, a lowly servant. Well Rod the Bod grabs Gala and tells her to shut the hell up. I wish, but he did tell her to shut up. He wants Gala to leave. She thinks he has something going on with Luci. Gala leaves and goes to her house, cussing at cars and being a b*tch. Luci goes to her room and cries. Nana knocks on the door and wants Luci to help her with some clothes. Luci tells Nana all about Rod the Bod kissing her, how Rod apologized, and she swears it won't happen again. She tells Nana about Gala insulting her and she is afraid Gala will runtelldat to Rosalena. Nana tells Luci to calm down.

Rod the Bod has gone upstairs to Patricio and does his therapy. He tells Patricio that he really needs a professional therapist, and he will get better faster that way. He tells Patricio about kissing Luci. Patricio is a little bit jealous. Rod The Bod tells Pat he apologized to Luci and Gala is jealous. Pat gives him hell and tells him to leave.

Max and Rosalena are getting ready for bed and Max wants to know more about Luci. Rosalena tells him she was recommended by Nana's cousin.

Chatty Cathy thinks that Luci is very bad. She is talking to Nana. Nana gives Chatty Cathy hell about how she always thinks everyone is bad. Ole Chatty Cathy says she is just looking out for herself, oh, I mean Rosalena.

Next day, in Het Het, Magda and Paz on the the bus, going somewhere. Magda is trying to convince Paz to go to the doctor already. Paz still isn't ready to go.

Luci and Nana are in the kitchen, getting breakfast ready for the family and Luci tells her about her mama Paz's hand and that she needs to see the doctor. Of course the Chatty Cathy comes in and gets snippy with Luci. Luci gives her a big smile and brings the tray into the dining room while Chatty Cathy follows. She goes to Max first to serve him and Rosalena is giving her the stinkeye as well as Chatty Cathy. Rod comes in the dining room, he had been up giving Pat therapy, says he doesn't want anything, has to get to work, blah, blah, sees Luci and decides he'll have some fruit. Luci serves him fruit and accidently spills some on him. Well, Luci leaves and of course Rosalena, witchy witch is having a cow, and wants to know from Chatty Cathy, what kind of servant is this? Did you train her? Chatty Cathy says she will take charge of her and teach her the right way (Note to Chatty Cathy; oh, you mean torture the poor girl).

Luci has made it back to the kitchen and tells Nana she spilled fruit on Rod The Bod. Luci wants to call Violetta so Nana tells her to go. Of course the Frigid one comes in looking for the muchacha, Luci. Nana says oh, you know her name, wow. Frigid wants to know where she is. Nana says she sent her out to get some meds? Whose meds? Nana says for me, satisfied? Nana says if she isn't happy she can runtelldat to Rosalena.

Lastra has called the owner of Inferno and he tells him where Luci works.

Luci has called Violetta to see if Lastra has contacted her about what happened at Inferno.Violetta tells her she is very worried that Luci could go to the carcel.

That nice lawyer Claudio is meeting with Lastra's lawyer Arnoldo. Claudio says he wants to give Luci a proper defense. Arnoldo tells Claudio that Lastra wants an apology from Luci. Claudio tells Arnoldo that Lastra lied about everything.

Luci walks back to the Torreslanda house and Gala is right behind her and tells her to wait, she has a lot to talk to her about.


Gala wants revenge on Luci.

Rosalena tells Padre Honesto about a woman from her past.


Abismo de pasión #58 5/31/12: Big flies break the spider’s web*

*Italian proverb

We know who the spider is, let’s watch and see who the big fly turns out to be.

Thanks to Sara I became slightly obsessed with Florencia's dress:

The Partridge Family Bus
The Micro Mini Bus

Undoubtedly the original, Mondrian's Composizione1921

Old Beans courtesy of Marta: Finally Gael gets to tell  Paloma it is not what she thinks, Kenya is my sister!! … aaaawww that’s sweet! … I can’t even imagine how big of a ‘wanna get away?’ feeling Paloma is going through, but Gael is so sweet he gently wipes the tear off her face while Kenya is giving her a killer stare…

New Beans:
First words out of Damian’s mouth, “Where is Elisa?” he asks Padre L.  Padre gives him the 411, she’s at home because mommy dearest kicked her skinny butt out of his room. They volley back and for with versions of “But mom had no right”, “Elisa is sick with worry.” Padre tells Dam he had to have a transfusion and thank God it was Gael who has the same rare blood type. Yep, he came back to Ermita to donate blood. They both comment about Flor being there and neither is happy to see her.

Gael and Kenia explain to Paloma that they are hermanos of different sperm donors. Paloma begs mil disculpas for her jealousy and Kenia hopes they will be great friends. After Kenia leaves, Paloma and her big hair visor gush all over Gael, telling him how sad she was when he left. She tells him she hopes he he understand that she could make him happy. (Gah, enough with the pathetic!) When she gives him a quick kiss on the lips he looks surprised, and slightly intrigued.

Doc Tovar inspects Creamsicle’s shapely ankle and pronounces it “mucho mejor” and she can ditch the crutches. Shoot, I was hoping to make some crutches and crotches jokes but I guess I missed my chance. He finally gets around to asking her what she did with the the DNA results. She says she ripped them up to avert tragedy. He warns her that one day he’s going to find out what her interest is with the results. (Doc, try a few guesses, come on!) Can we still call her Creamsicle now that she’s ditched the sticks?

Paolo sees Kenia at the hospital and asks what in the devil is she doing there? Didn’t Fina pay her to leave him in peace? She tells him to get over himself, there are thousands of men better than he. She is shocked to hear Florencia is back in town. Paolo asks her again what she’s doing there. She asks the same of him, what’s he doing in this backwater? Oh right, Elisa. He snaps that Elisa “y tú” are past history like so many others. He claims he’s there for his great job but Kenia just laughs. She knows it has to do with una mujer.

Lucio and Elisa are at the clinic; they are overjoyed that Dam is in his room (where else would he be?) and Fina has run home. Oh crap, Pop! goes the Mexico City Sleazel, it’s Flor the slimmed down version of the Partridge Family bus, (thank you Sara!) standing guard like a one-headed hydra. Kenia turns up and lets Flor have it, reminding her that she faked her pregnancy among other horrors in order to snag Dam. Flor has no right to be there so why doesn’t she just take off...again. Flor says its all Elisa’s fault that Dam nearly got killed. Elisa and Flor start yelling at each other and finally the nurse tells them to shut it. Lucio convinces Elisa to leave. “You’re toxic, Florencia!” hisses Kenia on her way out.

Dam is in bed (of course) still asking Padre where Elisa is. He needs to see her, please call her and tell her to come. Padre suggests maybe she’s in Merida visiting Augusto who is in jail. Dam says in spite of everything he doesn’t like the idea of Augusto being in jail. What can he do about getting him out? Padre says Don Lucio is taking care of things. If Damian fully recovers then things should be fine. Just then the Micro Mini Bus drives in and busts up the conversation.

Outside the Centro Lucio tells Elisa that the work on the new greenhouse is going to begin in a couple of days. Kenia mentions to Elisa that with Dam’s help she supposes they no longer need her money. She also tells Elisa she took her advice and that she told Gael they are half-sibs. He didn’t take it too well and left town, but now that he’s back she was able to explain herself and things are cool between them.

Over at the Pro-Ce Useless Vicente is not handling his new-found power too well. He berates some poor worker, announcing in his cracking adolescent voice that he’s Gabino’s Personal Assistant! Gab comes in, excuses the worker, and proceeds to toss Vicente across the room, reminding him he is nada! He’ll fire his scrawny ass if he hears of any more attitude problems. Vince slyly announces that he can be a big help to Gabino. He happens to know his dad took some of their workers over rebuild the greenhouse on Elisa’s tierras. And guess who is financing this project? None other than young Damian. And thus Useless Vicente’s one use is revealed; he is a snitch.

Fina and Guido show up in Dam’s room, followed by Paolo. Dam asks about Elisa (Dude, really? Why would you ask them?) and they all shake their heads. Flor says she hasn’t shown her face. (Mentirosa!) Flor wants to talk to Fina outside. A funny little exchange: Paolo asks them to get him a coffee and Flor, without missing a beat, says “get it yourself”.

Dam asks Guido if he doesn’t press charges and claims the shotgun went off accidentally could Augusto have his get out of jail free card? Guido says the problem is that if he has been officially charged it might be out of their hands. The worst that could happen is Assgusto could be in jail for years but it depends on many things.

The Micro Mini Bus tells Fina about Elisa showing up and she’s sure she’ll be back. Fina says they’ll figure out some way to keep Elisa away. For now Fina is glad that Flor is around to run interference and she hopes Flor uses this situation to her advantage.

Over at Casa Castigo Elisa thanks Kenia for sticking up for her against Flor. She can’t understand why Flor came back to La Ermita. Kenia points out that Dam didn’t invite Flor, he’s in love with Elisa. Elisa is sure Flor returned so she can win Dam back, with Fina’s help of course. Kenia advises her to have faith in Damian.

Fina is howling for Doc Tovar, demanding to know when Damian can be sprung. He says tomorrow he hopes. She wants to take him home NOW. He repeats, he hopes it will be tomorrow. She howls again and he tells her he can’t believe she’s being so overbearing (prepotente) at risk to her son. She doesn’t care, she is taking him now, punto! Fine, but Doc is going to make her sign a document absolving the hospital of responsibility and placing all of it firmly on Fina’s head should anything go wrong with Dam’s health.

Lucio is up at las tierras friskily kicking rocks when Gael drives up. It’s a happy reunion and Gael gives Lucio his keys back. The mystery of Lucio’s transpo is solved, he has been riding and taking care of Gael’s horse Amadeus (as some of our viewers so astutely observed). Gael has come to see Lucio but also to see the progress with the greenhouse. He comments that it’s odd the workers and architect haven’t shown up yet. (Ruh roh!) Gael says he’s going to help out at Don Augusto’s business while Don Ass is in jail. Lucio jokes that maybe this is just a pretext for Gael to stick around La Ermita. Gael denies it but we don’t believe him, do we? Stay Gael, stay!

Back at Casa Castigo Carmeany gets a visitor, it’s Paolo looking for a little afternoon delight while Disgusto is conveniently behind bars. She sneers that even if Disgusto is behind bars para siempre they will never have any kind of relation. “Dude, you have absolutely nothing to offer me. I’m not about to give all this up for a penniless lothario. You’re a Señor Nadie, a poor devil who left me completely unsatisfied.” (Ouch!! Way to bust those balls, Orange Crush.) He begs her not to say those things to him and he’s sorry if he phrased things badly.  He tries the more sensitive approach, “Here, let me force myself on you and act like a rapey snake.” Paolo holds Carmina in a mad clinch, smearing his lechery all over her face when, Oh thank you telenovela gods, in walk Elisa and Kenia! “Suelteme!” demands the Tangel-Ho, trying to make it look like she’s so darn innocent.

Orangina is panic-stricken and throws Paolo out the door. Kenia gets all up in Carmeany’s face, “Don Augusto doesn’t deserve a woman like you.”  (Well, actually he kind of does, but let’s not split hairs here.) Carmeany shoves Kenia out the door and faces Elisa’s triumphant smirk.

Outside, Kenia runs after Paolo, “I knew it! You’re sticking around because of a woman.” He calls her jealous but she just laughs. It’s not like him to carry on with someone so...mature, like that bitter orange Carmina. He says Carmina is unlike any other woman he’s known. She accuses him of being in love. “Go to hell,” he snaps, roaring off on his motorcycle.

Orangina tells Elisa that Paolo came to see Elisa when he found out Augusto wasn’t around... Elisa just rolls her eyes and tells Tia to give it up. It’s very clear that Paolo came to see Tia. Frankly she’s surprised because in spite of all Tia’s lies she always thought she loved Disgusto. Carmeany wails but Elisa tells her to shut it. Tia should be worried because of Elisa doesn’t tell Disgusto she’s sure Kenia will. (Way to put another big anvil over Kenia’s head, girlfriend.)

Sabrina goes home and tries to apologize to mom for what happened the other day. Can they talk? Nope, mom has to head off to the Centro to be by Fina’s side. Sabrina observes that dad is right, mom cares more about Alfonsina than for her own family. It’s mom’s fault that dad strayed and she’s a rotten mother. Slap! Sabrina gets it right across the face. (Rather daintily I might add, based on Begone-Ya’s last wallop.)

Wow, Fina didn’t waste any time because Dam is already back home. Tonia comes into the room to announce that Gabino is there to talk to Fina. Cling Wrap drapes herself across Dam’s bed and generally makes herself annoying until Dam tells her he’s like some privacy.

Fina bitches to Gabino that she’s busy, why is he wasting her time? He’s got some interesting info. Apparently Damian signed the contract with Elisa, was supporting her habanero project, and even provided workers from the Pro Ce to help her out. However he’s just ordered them to stop. Fina is irritated that he didn’t know this before and tells him it’s because his head is somewhere else (I can only guess where). She says there is no way this can continue and at least for the time being Damian can’t do anything about it. “If Elisa or anyone else complains about it then send them to me.”

Fina asks about Don Assgusto. Gab says Lucio is in charge and has hired a lawyer. Fina tells Gab to do whatever it takes to keep Don Ass behind bars.

Padre visits Assgusto to say he testified he is partly responsible for the shotgun accidentally firing. Padre tells Assgusto to have faith in God. Augusto admits he’s been lost to God for many years, but Padre assures him it’s never too late.

Elisa tells Lolita that she caught Tia kissing Paolo Landucci. Gasp! Lolita says Yes! It all makes sense, and she and Elisa start putting all the puzzle pieces together. It was Tia who set Elisa up by inviting Paolo to her room, who sent Paolo to intercept her at the cenote, everything! Lolita says they should tell Don Augusto, but he’ll never believe them. Elisa smiles and says they have a witness, Kenia was with her. Perfecto! Elisa advises that maybe now is not the best time to tell Augusto, but Lolita suggests that Kenia could be telling him right now.

Aaaand, there she is at the jail. Augusto thanks her again for retrieving Stef’s necklace. Kenia tells him that in the small time she’s known Elisa she’s become very fond of her. She understands what it’s like not to have a mother’s love. She admits her mother is still alive but she sucks as a mom. It was like being abandoned. Augusto strokes her cheek and she likes it.

Kenia says she didn’t come to talk about her mother, but rather Augusto’s wife. He thinks its about the belt business and apologizes. Carmina is suspicious and she has reason to be, he hasn’t been the best husband in the world. She really loves him but he’s never been able to make her happy. Kenia observes that he has always been in love with his first wife. He admits that the love he felt for Stef was the greatest in his life. He says she died leaving him for another man. They had an accident and she died in his arms. It drove him crazy and he made the mistake of marrying her sister just days afterward. Carmina put her happiness in his hands but he is incapable of happiness.

Kenia tells Augusto he is married to a woman he doesn’t actually know. Pop! goes the original Sleazel! Carmina stands in the doorway panting and staring at them, bug-eyed. (Curses, foiled again! )

Lucio and Braulio are wringing their hats. Lucio wants to know why the workers have stopped toiling and the architect has been pulled from the project. Braulio says the problem is that Gabino gave the orders. Speak of the devil, Gab strides in and happily announces their assistance has stopped. Lucio reminds him they have a signed contract. Tranquilo, says Gab, he understands it’s a problem but Fina gave the orders. Nope, Dam doesn’t know but he’s slightly preoccupied with trying to stay alive. “Listen old man, why don’t you just go home and get some rest, although I understand you probably just sit around crying all day for your woman.” Oh hell, that lights a fire under Lucio and he lunges but Braulio holds him back. Brau says when Dam comes back he’ll take care of everything. Lucio points out Dam is currently trapped at home under Fina’s watchful eye.

Let’s go back to the jailhouse which is where we really want to be, yes? Kenia stands between Carmina and Augusto, very symbolic I think. Augusto warns Carmina now is not the time to make a jealous scene. Car lies that she doesn’t have a problem with Kenia, on the contrary, she wants to thank Kenia for visiting her husband. Kenia smiley-smirks and sweetly says there is nothing to thank, they were just talking, about Carmina in fact, but only good things. (So far.) Assgusto tells Carmina he’s glad she realizes his friendship with Kenia is because of Elisa and not because he’d be interested in a woman young enough to be his daughter. (Well you just keep selling yourself that because nobody else is buying it.) Kenia says it would be even more pathetic for an older woman to chase after younger men. (Honey, you’ll change your tune if you live long enough.)

The guard interrupts to take Augusto away for a statement, leaving the rivals to work out their disagreements. Carmina’s not surprised that Kenia came running right down to the jail to spill the beans. Mutual insults ensue with Kenia making car cracks about “older models”. Carmina lies that Paolo forced himself on her, but then again Kenia already knows all too well what sort of a cad he is. Kenia doesn’t believe her lies but she tells Carmina not to worry, it’s not her place to tell Augusto. That responsibility belongs to Elisa or Carmina. (Drat, drat and double drat!!)

Over at the Pro-Ce Tio Tightshirt pretends to work. Gabino busts in and demands to know if Paolo knew about Damian helping Elisa. Paolo says he’s not interested in what Fina’s son does. Gab advises he had better care, and he notes that Paolo is out of sorts. Paolo admits its Carmina Bouvier, she’s the first woman who’s gotten under his skin. Gab warns him about the Toxic Tia, she won’t have the same feelings toward Paolo. Paolo admits she told him that, but what he’s really worried about is that Elisa saw them together. Gab find this highly amusing and advises Paolo to kiss Carmina goodbye. “Aye, Paolo Paolo Paolo,” he mutters as his righteous behind exits the room.

Birdies fly, the sun sets, the full moon rises.

Gabino visits Don Augusto. He says he really hates to mortify Don Ass while he’s stuck behind bars, but he’s got some info about his mujer. The word on the street is that while Don A’s in jail she’s having fun with some other guy. Specifically, Carmina Bouvier is seeking comfort in the arms of Paolo Landucci. Yeah baby, now that’s how to throw the soup!

Avances: Augusto is really pithed off. Gael brings Elisa a letter from Damian. Damian tries to get out of bed. A lot of people are incredibly wound up.


Thursday, May 31, 2012

El Talismán #87 Thu 5/31/12 Guns & Hosebags

El ‘Traz:


The Pig shoots Mariana at point-blank range, right in the chest. Unless she’s wearing a Kevlar teddy, looks like she’s a goner. But the homicidal writers do let her hang around long enough to deliver a lovely farewell speech: “I forgive you. Because of you, I finally remember who I am…and I realize that I was always, always surrounded by love.” She’s going to heaven, and he’s going to need some help cleaning up the mess. He calls Val.

Apartamento Bermúdez:

In a particularly jarring transition, we jump to María and Manuel, drinking wine out of goldfish bowls and swapping funny stories of their college years. Suddenly Manuel feels a sharp pain in his chest and gets paranoid about Mariana. She doesn’t answer her phone. Should they go over to El Tal?

Avocado Groves:

Pedro’s stomping around the edges of the property looking for Lucrazy droppings, and Tony is in the shadows with his hand over Camila’s mouth. He threatens her with spontaneous abortion if she doesn’t play nice. She agrees to go along, and they step out into the moonlight. Tony threatens Pedro with his little pistol. Pedro hangs tough with his big ol’ flashlight gun. Camila squeaks that everything’s fine, and the newlyweds head back toward home – but not before Pedro tells Tony to pass a message along to his sister: he’s not falling for her little game. Oh, and he tells Camila to have a nice operation. I think I may shoot him myself.

El Tal:

Geno, Juancho, Sarita and Gabe are all sitting around the bolted-down living room worrying themselves into a tizzy when they hear a scary noise. They about have a collective infarto, but it’s Santiago, who says he couldn’t sleep. They all try to pretend that this is what adults do at slumber parties: they stand around discussing whether or not someone is really dead. Santiago for once isn’t hysterical, but it’s still a dud party.

El ‘Traz:

The Pig tells Val to figure out what to do with the body while he goes and changes his clothes. Apparently the silk-dressing-gown-with-matching-handgun is fine for indoors, but disposing of a corpse requires a different ensemble. They wrap Mariana up in a blanket and carry her out to the porch. If you look closely, you can see Karyme Lozano’s hand protruding from the end of her shroud as she texts profuse thanks to her agent for getting her out of this. I may shoot her, too. She’s probably going to the beach, but the rest of us have to hang around for at least two more weeks.

Apartamento Bermúdez:

María refills the fishbowls, and she and Manuel continue their leisurely discussion of the merits of going over to El Tal to check on Mariana. It’s just as well they decide not to go, since at this point they must be too drunk to drive. Manuel says what he’s really worried about is Elvira – that woman is capable of anything. It’s hard to take this seriously as an anvil when it doesn’t involve firearms. Manuel decides now would be a good time to ask María to marry him. Those two nuts.

Apartamento Nájera:

Elvira is friqueando about Camila’s operation and what a bad Mom she is. Armando reminds her that this is about Camila, not about her. Elvira makes a promise to God: if Camila comes out of this all right, she’ll leave María and Manuel alone and let them be happy together. Armando gives her the eye-roll of all eye-rolls and says how about promising to tell the truth and release Camila from the blackmail-marriage? That might be a little more meaningful.

El Tal:

Pedro and Margarito are standing around talking about the whole blackmail-marriage thing. Pedro can’t put his finger on it, but he still suspects that something isn’t quite right about it. He says he’ll pump Mariana for more info in the morning – but meanwhile, what he’s really worried about is his missing pistol. Yeah, says Margarito, if anyone does anything bad with it, you’ll get blamed, won’t you? Whoops! Did I drop that anvil on your foot?

El ‘Traz:

Tony drags weepy Camila across the patio just in time to run into Val and the Pig trying to offload Mariana into the back of the truck. Everyone’s bathed in this weird, blue light that makes it look like the swimming pool’s gone radioactive. Lots of shouting and crying and menacing and slapping ensues – in other words, a typical night at the Negretes’, but with a slightly higher felony count. Camila wails. The Pig threatens Camila. Tony threatens Camila’s baby. Camila wails. Tony threatens to call the cops. The Pig threatens to tell Pedro Camila’s pregnant. Camila wails. Tony sends Val to lock Camila up in her room. Val and the Pig go off in the truck, just missing Doris as she returns from high tea at the whorehouse. The Pig tells her they have guy-stuff to do and to stay out of it.

Around Town:

-        El Capitán calls Pedro to tell him Mariana’s body has been found. Would he come down to the station and answer a few questions?
-        Camila calls her Mom and tells her the doc made a mistake; there’s no tumor and no operation. Elvira is happy for about two seconds and then suggests they sue.  Ya gotta love her consistency.
-        Pedro asks Juancho to sniff around El ‘Traz and see if Panchito knows anything about Lucrazy being alive.
-        Tony tells Camila that in two weeks, she will announce she is expecting his child. And she’d better look happy about it.


The portentous voice-over reminds us that Camila is the only witness to Mariana’s murder. Gee, thanks.


Abismo de pasión #57 5/30/12: heyla! heyla! my boyfriend's back!... and the news of the miracle spreads fast... paloma, take a chill pill, she's my sisteh!

Recap by Marta Ivett
Ho-mean’a puts down UnkaHunk.  I am jealous and I am not willing to wait for you.
Don’t dream about me leaving my husband… you are hallucinating…
At La Anita Lucio has a tantrum when finds out Gab has not come to check employees blood types.
Braulio can investigate with the temporary employees.
At Cast-illon Paloma and Lolita console each other… why does everything have to be so hard for Elisa?
Ho-mean-a arrives to spill some more poison… Lolita lets her have a piece of her mind…
Maybe if you were doing what you should, you would have found out what happened with Don Augo and Damian
Where’s Elisa?... praying, something you don’t really know anything about…
Elisa is indeed praying in her room… crying (so there, no ep without crying)… Lupe is doing same at church (both praying and crying)
Paolo gets to the hacienda. Tonita relays the news, he plays dumb …and asks if he has same blood type as Dam. Nope.
Paloma gets home. Ramona is already aware of everything that is happening. So no alibi necessary. Grandma, you should know… at least tell me they will be alright… we will have to leave it in God’s hands.
Why did you never teach me how to pray? … no need to memorize specific prayers… all you have to do is talk to God… and he will always listen to you… As you do with Elisa’s mom? … yes, sort of.
Elisa prays to her mom to help her. Give me a signal please!… I need you more than ever!.
Kenya, the poster girl for short flirty skirts, arrives to see Elisa and tell her she saw Augusto.  Kenya tells Elisa: Aug thinks she must hate him for what happened… and asked me to give you this. (Stefi’s necklace) He says it is you who should have this necklace… Elisa takes that as the signal she just asked her mom for.
At clinica, Loopy tries to cheer up Alfie… don’t lose the faith… Lucio arrives, asking for any news… none. Alfie tells him Gab went to the procesadora. Lucio says he did that himself, no one is a match. Alfie gets upset. Then what is Gab doing?... I don’t want my son to die! I could even sell my soul to the devil!... (just then) Edmundo arrives announcing a donor has arrived… Alfie asks who. None other than the child you have ALWAYS undermined, offended, stepped on and chastised all your life… The hero of La Ermita!! The one!! The only!! Gael!!! Who casually walks in… Loopy hugs him. Edmundo rushes Gael in to do what he came for. Alfie tries to talk to Gael (not sure if to thank him or to reject him) but Loopy cuts her off and sends Gael in… tells Alfie it is not the moment for inflated pride. (talk about a moment of insult over injury for Alfie… she bites her lips right back into her mouth and she gets a ‘see? No need to worry!’ hug from buttkisser BeGoneYa… Alfie even looks a bit humble)
Alfie won’t let Loopy go tell Elisa (well, I knew the humble moment on Alfie was just a momentary mishap), Alfie shouts her disapproval… so Lucio volunteers to do it. He will also go talk to her of something else. As BeGoneYa and Lucio are gone,  Alfie questions Loopy on knowing Gael had same blood type as Damian. Yup. Then why didn’t you go get him before? HE was not at La Ermita, sis! Does it bother you that it is precisely him donating blood for your son? (all of a sudden it is Loopy imitating Gael’s talk) This is something you will always have to thank him for. Pos’ si no te ‘as da’o cuenta.. Gael!... mi Gael!... le va a salvar la vida‘ tu hijo.
Horacio meets with Lolita at her kitchen table… came to apologize. She does not want to hear his apologies… Don’t want to see you again. … You did not like it that I didn’t tell you Gabino was on my friends list on FB? …
Yes, you should have sent me the link to your facebook profile so I could have checked out your friends list before we went out. … so why didn’t you tell me either that you had Braulio in your friends list years ago?... because that was many years ago. … he just got me the job… I know I am not the best resume/profile in town… but I do really want to straighten up. I want you to be proud of me… do I really matter to you that much… yepper.. but I have a lot of issues lately… worry for Damian and Augusto. … alright.
Hor-mean-a goes to see he who should not be named between bars… he is very ironic/sarcastic with her, how come several people came to see me before you bothered to put your crutches to work? … including the person who brought me this food … who?... Don Lucio…  again she blames the crutches… her recent favorite get out of trouble card… well, the card has been REJECTED!! And again Ho-mean-a spills her venom of this being Elisa and Stefi’s fault that he is now in jail… yada yada.
Elisa is admiring the necklace and caressing it.. Lucio arrives, Lolita runs to get Elisa to get the good news from Lucio.
Elisa is very anxious. Dam will be well. Fortunately we got a donor sent from heaven… none other than Gael!... just like you reacted we all did at the Centro de Salud. … how did he find out?... I suppose by the radio announcement. Don’t know who got the great idea but it worked like a charm!.. Group hug… what about my dad? … Lucio has to get him a lawyer to get him out on bail. But with the Dam situation haven’t got to do any of that.   Elisa wants to go right away, but it is late, will take you first thing tomorrow.
At clinica, Edmundo and Gael come out to waiting area (which does not seem to have much seating room by the way). Gael holding his arm (I guess he has not donated blood before or often)… Alfie has no choice but to give Gael a dry ‘thank you’. Loopy is so happy that Gael heard the radio announcement.. so the idea was Loopy’s and he did it thinking of Gael hearing it… Gael says when he got the announcement he thought it might be someone he knows but never imagined it would be Damian. How weird we have the same blood, no?... Loopy, always quick thinking, changes the subject and tells Gael how it happened that Dam got shot.  How about we go to the house to rest? … it will be just like home for you…  does it hurt?... nah! just a bit.
Doc T tells Alfie Dam won’t wake up till the morning. Alfie will stay all night with Dam. Dr T goes away to rest. 
Ho-Mean-a gets home.. this time to Elisa waiting by door(still with her wedding dress on… will she wear it until Dam gets up and is ready to try again?)… Ho-mean-a tries to turn it on Elisa asking if she does not worry about her dad… Elisa says she knows about him, even Kenya went to see him (oopsie!). ‘que linda!’ HoMean-a asks Elisa where to find Kenya. Elisa tells her Kenya rented a casita in town. Again Ho-Mean-a spills venom.. how could you do something that stupid? If your dad stays in jail it will be your fault.
Edmundo and Enrique meet at the hotel. Edmundo asks Enrique did you let Flo know what happened? No, I don’t think she would care. Edmundo says you’d be surprised. Who knows how she will react. Enrique is sure Flo is not interested in getting back with Dam. She cares about Enrique now. Edmundo wishes that is true.
Edmundo goes to Lucio’s… Lucio wants to know the results of the blood work. Are they siblings or not?
Edmundo gives him the 20 minute run-around but eventually has to tell Lucio that Ho-Mean-a stole the results from him before he could read them. Edmundo is sure Ho-mean-a did not want the results to get to Elisa and Dam’s hands. Tells Lucio about Ho-mean-a trying to blackmail him about the blood work of Augusto’s… Lucio puts two and two together… Ho-mean-a is behind that doubt of Augusto. But how come Augusto’s blood result said Elisa was not his daughter? Lucio is sure that Augusto is wrong and that Ho-mean-a would do anything to prevent him from finding out the truth.
At Kenya’s… slap city is back!! Ho-mean-a slaps Kenya silly… Don’t offer yourself to my husband ever again!... and I won’t let you come to my house to hurt me.. so leave before I call the cops… and by the way, between DonAug and I there is only a cute friendship (well….) .. Ho-mean-a won’t buy that story.  You don’t want me as an enemy… I beg you please, stay away from my man… don’t you get it? I am not your rival. But then, we can’t expect that level of IQ on you… even though Aug is married to you, his heart belongs to Stefie, his first wife… so if you want to reprieve someone, go do it with her. But since you are such a misery of a woman, you never could take his heart from her memory. Ho-mean-a repeats her threat…
Lolita tells Paloma the news of Dam… Elisa went to see Gael… Gael is here in La Ermita?... yes! He was the angel who came to save Damian with his blood!... what did Elisa go see him for?.. to thank him, what else?..
Elisa goes to church rectory to see Gael… she hugs him and he puts on a puppy (I’m meltiiiinnngg!!!) face… thank you for what you did for Dam… I am sure he would have done same. Are you calmer now?.. yes, well, would be more if I could see him.. why don’t you?... cause Alfie is putting a guard squadron by him against me. But I will see him when he gets better, thanks to you. I miss you. and I am glad you came back… are you serious?... yes. Its been so long we have been together I can’t get used to us being apart. Are you leaving again?... don’t know, guess so. But that won’t happen until I am sure Dam will make it through… thank you for that. I will leave to see my dad… I heard. So as always, whatever you need from me, I am there…
Nurse convinces Alfie to go get a cup of coffee… Alfie asks she let her know if he wakes up.
On her way to get the coffee Alfie runs into Gab and roughs him up and he of course says he was working on getting the blood donor… never mind, someone showed up with same blood type as my son.. who?... Gael!... (Gab puts on a face of getting his brain gears working… )
Elisa visits Aug… he is totally taken aback by her visit. He did not think she would come see him… how it shows you don’t really know me… did you get the necklace? I had it made for your mother… I promise I will take good care of it all my life… don’t care what you do with it, (boy what a way to screw up a great moment, DAD!) … Aug is really glad that Dam is out of danger. … Lucio will get him a lawyer.. No, don’t bother. Alfie will make sure I am here many years. Do you want me to come out of this free? Don’t you want me to be locked in here so you will be happier?... don’t say that… then you don’t hate me? Despite all I did?... despite all of it, you are my dad. And I love you. I might have lost the trust and admiration, but never my love for you. (he is still surprised, maybe even more with her words than with her visit)
Elisa tells Lucio Aug is right, Alfie won’t let him out… Lucio tries to encourage her… Aug has no criminal background, and somehow everyone could see it was an accident… Elisa is still anxious to see Dam. Lucio suggests to go to the centro de salud… no, Alfie won’t get unglued from her son… well, she will have to go potty sometime!...
Flo’s dress is seen approaching Dam. He wakes up and is very confused and discouraged at seeing it is Flo.  She and her dad heard from UnkaHunk what happened and they came back to town… was so worried about you all night… Alfie and Guido come in… he is fine, only his leg hurts… Flo and Guido convince Alfie to go get rest, she says only will take a bath and will be right back.
At blue casita, Gab comes to give II the news that Dam is out of danger, UNFORTUNATELY they got a donor at last minute… Gab does not understand II wanting Dam to make it through… Dam is not to be blamed for what happened!... But Dam could take some of our money… don’t see how we could get that money if Gael is still MIA… well, not anymore. Precisely it was Gael who came to donate blood for Dam. II shocked, then glad. So the brothers have the same blood… right answer! Another proof they are siblings. So what we have to do is take care of your daughter so she won’t spoil our plan.
At hacienda, Alfie and Guido talk.  She is very thankful they came. They even hold hands… here comes UnkaHunk… Alfie expected to see him at the clinic, he comes up with a lame excuse. Alfie leaves, Guido orders UnkaHunk to go visit Dam today.  Guido tells UnkaHunk seems Flo will stay long, from the size and weight of her suitcase. … Loopy arrives at Dam’s room… they send Flo to get Dam some water.
Outside the church, Gael is coming out. Kenya spots him and runs to hug him. He returns the hug. But out the other end of the sidewalk Paloma sees the hug and is not a happy camper… she runs to them to insult Kenya… Gael tries to stop her from talking her foot right into her mouth but to no avail… Paloma is on a roll… she calls Kenya Estupida, hypocrite.. and asks Kenya why she advised her to tell Gael about her feelings only to come sweeping him away in her face, and that she accepts the competition with Elisa since he has loved her since they were kids… but to choose this hypocrite over me??... (right now, Paloma, sorry to tell you that you are looking like a vieja berrinchuda worse than BeGoneYa compared to Kenya)
Finally Gael gets to tell  Paloma it is not what she thinks, Kenya is my sister!! … aaaawww that’s sweet! … I can’t even imagine how big of a ‘wanna get away?’ feeling Paloma is going through, but Gael is so sweet he gently wipes the tear off her face while Kenya is giving her a killer stare…
Elisa and Kenya catch Ho-Mean-a and UnkaHunk making out inside Castillon…
Kenya goes to see Augie to tell him about his wife… here comes Ho-Mean-a.. forecast looks meek for Kenya.
At clinic Flo and Elisa ask each other ‘what are you doing here?’ ‘I have instructions from Alfie not to let you go in to see Dam’.. ‘whether you like it or not (to be interpreted as ‘if I have to roll over you’) I will go in to see Damian!’
Tomorrow AdeP will be on special schedule at  7:50/6:50 central (in other words, 10 min early)


El Talismán #86 Wed 5/30/12 By The Pricking of My Thumbs, Something Wicked This Way Comes


If God should withhold His mercy from anyone on Earth, Monsieur, it surely will be you! M. Hercule Poirot


We start today where we left off yesterday in the deep, dark woods at night, between El Talisman and Alcatrash as two men are riding horses. Pedro is going along on his horse, when Pigorio spots him. Pigorio has a gun, points it at Pedro, aims and fires, and Pedro proceeds to drop and roll, (thanks Rosemary la Otra). Pigorio aims the gun again to finish the job, when, wait for it, Margarito is heard yelling in the background, and with a flashlight, proceeds to the sound of the shot. Pigorio seeing his opportunity has flown the coop, leaves the area. (Note to Pigorio: You can't hit the broad side of a barn, jus' sayin'). Margarito comes with his flashlight and finds Pedro knocked out and carries him back to El Tal.


Meanwhile, back at El Talisman, noone has heard the shots. Manuel and Maria have come to pay a visit to Mariana to make sure she is ok. She is with Santiago, and they have a nice conversation about how she is ok, and she is glad that Maria and Manuel are doing so well. This little visit ends with Manuel giving Mariana a hug and a kiss. Then he and Maria leave. Santiago says you love your Papa very much? Mariana says yes.

Cameela, in her martial bed at Alcatrash, listens to "Dr." Raimundo tell her to get some rest. He will give her something to sleep. The old Beltbuckle wants her to get better, sooner rather than later, so she can have, wait for it, Mis Hijos. They leave the room and Tracy has come in. Cameela is very nervous about this operation. Tracy tells her to be calm, and can she bring her anything? Cameela says she has a pill to sleep. Tracy tells her that everything will be ok, just get some rest, and goes to leave the room. Tracy wants to know if she wants the lights on or off. Cameela says leave them on. Tracy leaves.


Panchito is meeting with his Piggy Papa and El Porko wants to know the chisme on Mariana? Anything, anything at all???? Panchito tells El Porko, no, nada. El Porko wishes Mariana were dead. Panchito is so not happy to hear that.


Mariana decides to come sneak around Alcatrash. She is wanting to see Cameela rather badly. (Note to Mariana, love how you have the AVACADOES noone else seems to have, over there at El Tal, jus' sayin'). She is hiding around the corner, when "Dr" Raimundo and The Prince of Darkness stop to have a little chat. The Prince of Darkness says this plan for Cameela to have this fake cancer was a good idea, now they can get rid of that baby, and Cameela can commence to having his hijos. Mariana hears every word. (Note to Mariana, please stay hidden, don't move. Just listen).


Over at El Tal, we see Pedro, in his bed all alone, sleeping. He is dreaming of Cameela and wakes up. Seems he wasn't hit by no El Porko bullet. And now he can't go back to sleep. Pedro has drifted off and wakes up and Padre is in his room. Padre is keeping watch over him, to make sure he is ok. Bless you Padre. Padre asks how he is feeling. Pedro says he fell off his horse and has some bumps and bruises, but otherwise is ok. He says he really can't sleep because he is very concerned about Cameela. (Ed Note: I don't know if he told Padre about the failed attempt to kill him).


Valentin and Lucrazy are in the cabana and she is begging him to let her go to El Talisman. Valentin tries to talk her out of it. She says she wants to drive Mariana crazy forevs. Now with Cameela out of the way, and Mariana on her way to being crazy as a loon, Pedro es Mio will be all Mio. Well, Valentin can't turn his back for a moment, cause, she disappears and Valentin goes to look for her.


The Prince of Darkness escorts "Doc" Raimundo to the door, they don't see Mariana, and she starts to creep around the corner. Now she really wants to find Cameela's room, so she can tell her the truth about what she heard. (Note to Mariana, please be careful girl. You are in enemy territory. Ya shoulda brought a weapon, jus' sayin'). "Doc" Raimundo wants to know where is the rest of my dinero? He says when the "operation" is done, he will get the rest of his blood money. The Prince of Darkness says you will never have a baby with es Indio.

Doris is in El Porko's bed. She wants to know if he wants a pill. He is nervous about Doris being in his bed, what if Tracy walks in? (Note to El Porko, look dude she ain't comin' in there, she's rather run for the hills than come in there jus' sayin'). Uh, oh, he hears a noise. Doris doesn't hear anything. He tells Doris open the drawer of the bedside table. She thinks he wants a pill to calm himself, but, oh, no, he wants his gun. He opens the bedroom door and Mariana has ducked into an alcove, so she won't be discovered. El Porko thinks he is hearing things and goes back into the room. (Note to Mariana: Good work so far, now run and find that room).


Mariana finally finds Cameela's room and goes in and Cameela is sleeping. She tries to wake Cameela up. She finally succeeds in waking Cameela. Cameela is shocked to see, the avacadoes Mariana has, not really, but you know. Anyhoo, Mariana says she has come to see Cameela cause Pedro wanted a report, not really again, but hey, it works. Anyhoo, Pedro is very concerned about Cameela and she wanted to come see her and make sure she is ok, but listen, I have something to tell you. Are you ready, Cameela, ya sure, not really, but she tells Cameela that she wants her to be happy with Pedro now that she has the proverbial bun in the oven, in other words, Pedro's bebe in tummy. You are with child and this ain't no immaculate conception, get the drift? Well, Cameela thinks that Mariana has gone round the bend. She is so not buying this. Well, Mariana, bless her heart, tells Cameela everything "Doc" Raimundo and the Prince of Darkness said, while she was sneaking around to find Cameela. Mariana says in the morning they are going to abort your bebe. Stop them from hurting you. (Note to the Prince of Darkness: See above quote). She wants Cameela to leave Alcatrash tout de suite. They are very anxious, you could cut the tension with a knife in that room. Cameela spills the frijoles to Mariana about why she really married the Prince of Darkness. Cameela is finally beleiving Mariana about having the little Pedro in the oven, and Mariana is pressing her to leave.

Meanwhile back at El Tal, Gabe is outside in the dark forest, pondering all of Sarita's witchings about getting married, doncha know. Juancho comes to talk to him. Gabe says he ain't gettin married in the morning, well ya know what I mean. Anyhoo, he is bored, misses Sartia and is going to the cabana on El Tal to find her. Geno comes by and runs into Juancho with some things for the orphanage. When, wait for it, they see a mysterious figure in hoody, jeans, those four inch heels (Thanks Rosemary la Otra) and sunglasses at night. (Note to Lucrazy: Why didn't ya wear the white gown, drown yourself in white powder and really look ghostly, jus' sayin'.). They are freaked out. They want to go tell Pedro, as in runtelldat. Ms Sunglasses at Night laughs to herself and gives herself a pat on the back, for them having seen her.

Now what have we here, hummm. It's en flagrante time, it seems. Gabe has come to see Sarita, and she's dressed as a, wait for it, belly dancer. That's right, veil and all. She is doing the come hither dance and Gabe is soooo into that. They end up, umm, ya know, En Flagrante. Now in their En Flagrante afterglow, Sarita, is wait for it, witching about Gabe marrying her again. He is still not with getting married, and he says she isn't preggers so what is the rush? He isn't ready. She pouts.


Valentin has not been able to find Ms. Sunglasses at Night, so he goes and rats her out to the Prince of Darkness. He wants a gun, as he goes to "hunt" for her, he thought bubbles she should be dead for realz. Meanwhile, Ms Sunglasses at Night has made it to El Tal, just as she is about to go closer to the door, she is grabbed by the Prince Of Darkness. She isn't happy. The Prince of Darkness has escorted Ms Sunglasses at Night, back to the cabana, and reminds her once again she is dead, dead I tell you. He orders Valentin to stay with her. She is pithed. So the Prince of Darkness leaves and she is alone with Valentin. She tries to bribe him to let her go back to El Tal. In a year, I'll have money, and can pay you then, (Note to Ms Sunglasses At Night: Is the same thing as buy me a hamburger today,and I'll pay you tomorrow? ). Valentin is like no way El Patron, Prince of Darkness with kill me. Well, now what have we here, ummmm Satan (Sorry was thinking of the Church Lady from SNL). Anyhoo, she is trying, of all things, her en flagrante skills on him, rubbing up against him, putting moves on him, as he is staring at her bugeyed!!! She is using every en flagrante skill she has on him, but oh, no it isn't working. He won't disobey the Prince of Darkness. He tells her that if she were to be caught at El Tal, they would throw her Sunglasses at Night in jail, for faking her death, and besides Pedro wouldn't and couldn't visit her in jail. She is very verklempt. Ms Sunglasses at night has settled down for the night, and Valentin is reading a paper, and suddenly thinks about all the crimes he has committed, dropping Mariana off in LA in the slums, the car bombing of Tia Patty and Claudio, and stealing Pedro's gun. He thought bubbles oh, Dios Mio, I'm going straight to hell. Not really, but you get the gist.

Now we get to the crux of this epi. (Ed Note: Was very verklempt about this part of the epi, but bear with me). The Prince of Darkness has come back to Alcatrash, flips on the light in the living room and sees Mariana and Cameela together. Well The Prince of Darkness is so NOT Happy to find Mariana there with Cameela. He wants to know what she is doing at Alcatrash. Mariana says she came to protect Cameela from him! Cameela tells him he is a killer (See M. Poirot's quote above). She spills the beans about everything Mariana heard him say to the "Doc". He swears he doesn't know what they are talking about (Note to the Prince of Darkness: Look Focker (Thanks Sara, over there at Abismo for that), the jig is up, already, you lost). He accuses Mariana of being crazy. She tells him because of you , I lost our baby, and now you want to kill Cameela's baby. Well about this time the Focker, draws a gun, and both women are scared to death. The Focker says that Pedro is an Indio and that it is Pedro's baby and he wants Cameela to be the mama of MIS HIJOS. He points the gun at the two very scared women and Mariana, bless her heart, gets right in front of Cameela to protect her from the Prince of Darkness. He grabs Mariana around the neck and the Focker points the gun at Cameela's womb. She calls him a baby killer and a coward. Well Cameela struts forward, having got some Avacadoes of her own, and pushes the Prince of Darkness. He loses his aim and is pointing the gun at both of them. They are not standing together now and he has lost all reason and control. Cameela and Mariana are really screaming at him.

This wakes the El Porko up out of a "dead" sleep. He is like QTH is going on. The first thing he does is get his gun from the bedside table. He says there are always problems here, ya think, and most of them of YOUR OWN DOING! He puts his robe on and goes to investigate. (By the way, Doris has been gone for awhile, see bottom of recap for that).

Meanwhile the Prince of Darkness says he doesn't care if he kills her. Mariana says he'll end up in jail. He has Mariana by the neck and Cameela sees her chance and runs out the door and into the night. The Focker lets go of Mariana to chase Cameela and that leaves poor Mariana alone. Now in comes Focker II. He has his gun, and can't beleive he is seeing Mariana in HIS CASA right in front of him. The first thing Mariana says is you are a Maldito for killing my bebe. (Note to Mariana: Girlfriend ya shoulda pretended you know nothink jus' sayn'). You killed my bebe. So now Focker II thinks that poor Mariana has got her memory back. He points the gun at her and says now you will truly be dead. Mariana is still saying you killed my bebe. Focker II points the gun at Mariana and aims and says, now you will be quiet forever. Meanwhile, Cameela is running for her life, toward El Tal in the woods. Is is very dark and she is running like the hounds of hell are on her tail. Unfortunely, the Focker I catches up with her, and still with gun in hand, puts a hand over her mouth so noone can hear her. (See M. Hercule Poirot's quote above for both Fockers).



Sarita, Gabe (after the afterglow)., Geno, Juancho, Pedro are talking about seeing Ms. Sunglasses at Night, the ghost. Bet she's dead, Bet she ain't. This goes on for awhile. Back and forth until, Sarita, bless her heart, says, well look, what if she ISN'T REALLY DEAD; Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner. Pedro says he will investigate the grounds with Margarito, everyone else stays inside, capiche??? Pedro goes to his office to find his gun, which lo and behold, is missing. Well he can't find it anywhere, so he and Margarito arm themselves with, wait for it, RIDING CROPS, really dudes, you don't have axes, or pitchforks, just sayin' Any ways, they go to investigate the grounds, and this is what Focker I hears and covers Cameela's mouth.

El Virus is yammering to Army about, I'm so worried about Cameela, doncha know. Army isn't down with that. She wonders why noone beleives her, (Listen Lady I almost gave you the nom de plume of Focker III just saying). She yammers on and on, until Army says, okey dokey, I believe ya, just shut up already, not really, but you get the drift. The phone rings and it is Tia Maria spending the night at Manuels she just wanted to let them know. Army says fine I'll pass the message on. Well El Virus, ain't liking that, oh my sista is such a ho, oh, please shut your yammering pie hole already. Anyway, Army also tells her that Tia Maria will be at the hospital to look in on Cameela tomorrow. My sister the ho, only cares about that guy and not my Cameela, oh please.

And there was a little tete a tete with Angel and Flor at the Only Ice Cream Parlor in Fresno. They are having a little ice cream(and by the way it looked yummy). They are starting to really like each other, as Angel really gazes into her eyes and she blushes.

Doris has a meeting with Brigette the same old same old. If there was anything new please add.


El Porko, also known as Focker II, aims and fires the gun at Mariana! Will the bullet find the mark? Tune into tomorrow to find out!


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