Tuesday, June 19, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #297A 6/19/07 Love and doubt have never been on speaking terms.

Here comes the bride, or at least a plastic version on a cake topper. It’s the day of dread, Aldo and Lety’s wedding day. Erasmo looks upset; he must not like the cake topper. Lety descends from her room in full bridal regalia. She walks over to her father. He cries and admires his daughter who is now “toda una mujer,” meaning she’s a grown woman. Erasmo tells Lety that while he was in Acapulco he though a lot and that he’s to blame for everything that’s happened. He repressed and overprotected her. Lety tries to console him, but Erasmo says that he did this so she wouldn’t leave him and stay his little girl. Lety assures Erasmo that she’ll always be his little girl and that he has no reason to be sorry. Lety says she’s thankful for her father. Erasmo wisely says that sometimes even love causes pain. They hug and Erasmo wishes her happiness.

At a church that is not the cathedral in Monterrey, the wedding guests await the arrival of the bride and the bride. Oops, I meant groom. Sometimes Aldo’s Farrah hair looks a little feminine to me. Luigi films all the guests, even the cuartel. Aldo is the first to arrive in a white Mercedes. Alicia and Tomas are the first to greet him. Tomas thinks it was a good idea for Aldo to follow Tomas’ lead. He says that Lety and Aldo will be very happy together. Aldo agrees. Aldo looks around the crowd and asks for Fernando. Tomas assures Aldo that Fernando will not show up, considering that the love of his life is marrying someone else. Tomas thinks that Aldo should forget about Fernando, but Aldo is still thankful for Fernando coming to Acapulco. Aldo and his father leave the group to greet the other guests.

The image “http://www.dmwv.org/mexwar/images/mwsites/monterey-cathedral1.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.http://azteca.free.fr/Monterrey/cate-faro.jpg
The Monterrey Cathedral

Lety arrives next in a carriage drawn by two white horses. Everyone appears to think she looks lovely; they applaud her arrival. Lety doesn’t want Aldo to see her without her veil, so she has her father quickly draw it over her face. Julieta walks over to Aldo and greets him.

The wedding party enters the church and proceeds toward the altar. Aldo escorts Julieta and Erasmo takes Lety. The wedding ceremony begins with the bride and groom kneeling before the priest.

Fernando wanders around a park thinking to himself that it’s the time of the wedding. Lety’s about to become Lety Domensain. He thinks to himself that he lost her and will never have her near him again. He says that even his soul hurts, but he has to accept this.

The “I do” part of the wedding starts. Aldo says his “I do” but before Lety is able to accept, Fernando rushes into the chapel. Everyone looks shocked at Fernando’s desperation. He begs Lety to marry him. Finally, Fernando grows some cajones and confronts Aldo. F – “You know perfectly well that Lety has to marry me, Aldo.” He turns to Lety and begs her to marry him because she loves him. They lived through so much together. Omar, Tomas and two mystery men pull him down the aisle. Fernando again shouts to Aldo that he “knows it perfectly well” and that he loves Lety.

Aldo kneels and asks Lety if she’s okay. Lety tells Aldo that she’s okay and that she loves him. Meanwhile, an entire TV audience holds its breath and thinks to itself, “No, you don’t! Don’t realize it too late!” The priest continues the ceremony.

The men toss Fernando outside. Tomas tells Fernando to leave Lety in peace; Omar has to calm a furious Tomas. Fernando says he says there is no quarrel and seats himself in the carriage and tells the men not to worry.

Lety finally says her “I do” and is declared the wife of Aldo. Outside, Fernando hears the music and rushes into the church. Aldo and Lety lean in for a kiss. Fernando comes tearing up the aisle screaming out “No!” He falls to his knees and is again dragged out of the church. Aldo tells Lety that this is sad for Fernando. They tell each other that they love one another and kiss again. Everyone applauds, except for Lety who pulls away and excitedly repeats the word “no” three times.

Lety wakes up from her dream and asks for Aldo. She realizes that it was just a dream, but she doesn’t know why she dreamed about that.

Luigi escorts his parents out of the hospital. He tells them that he misses them and every time he does a commercial, they are his inspiration. Luigi’s happy that they have a new opportunity to be together. His mother and father promise not to be separated from him again. Luigi puts their luggage in a pink convertible. His father asks if that’s really Luigi’s car. It’s just like he wanted. Luigi says that’s why he bought it, but fixed it up in his style. Luigi says he doesn’t know how to drive. His new boyfriend Esteban drives. Luigi calls over Esteban and presents him to his parents. Luigi’s father is the first to greet Esteban. Esteban graciously says that Luigi talks about them all the time and that he is very proud of his father. Luigi’s mother gives Esteban a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Luigi thanks his parents for accepting him as he is; it’s liberated him. He will now accept others as they are. More hugs!

In the office, Lety doesn’t want to tell Fernando about her dream from the night before. Fernando points out that there’s currently a nightmare about someone stealing $1 million dollars. Lety says that she realizes her dream is such a silly thing in the face of their current problems. Fernando says that nothing Lety has is a silly thing. He asks her to tell him the dream. She doesn’t hesitate anymore and begins her story. Once she gets to the part where Fernando interrupts the wedding he spooks a little and tells her to keep the intimate details to herself. Lety asks if this means that it really was horrifying. Fernando doesn’t answer and just looks at Lety. She wants to know why. He replies that he doesn’t know much about these things but he watched Jaime Mausan’s program and it says that dreams reflect one’s desires. Lety wants to now what he’s saying, but he evades the question. They debate the credentials of Jaime Mausan.

Aldo confronts Carmina. He wants to know why she said she was going to Acapulco to live with him. Carmina explains that she took advantage of an opportunity to have him to herself. His phone rings. It’s somebody confirming wedding details. Carmina looks like she’s about to cry. She leaves the room without saying good-bye.

Alicia enters the passport office and goes straight to the counter, despite the long line. She asks the attendant where to go to renew her passport. The lady tells Alicia that she must go to the line. Alicia says that she she’s in a hurry. Why doesn’t the woman tell the manager next to her to attend to Alicia. The woman replies that he’s not a manager, he’s a director and that Alicia needs to get in line. Alicia bitches the entire way to the back. She has to show the man at the end of the line proof that she’s pregnant. She uses this as an excuse to get to the front of the line again. This ploy seems to work, the director peeks at her passport.

Lety wants Fernando to quit. He says that she needs to accept that she has doubts. He asks her how she’s going to tell Aldo. Lety can’t believe that Fernando thinks that she should tell Aldo. He says that she really should. He gets in her ear and breathily tells her to think about it because to marry with doubts is well…she should think about it. Lety shivers and watches him walk away.


Juan Querendon 6/18

We open with Nidia and the attorney, Alirio, talking about the will. She is not too pleased with the terms and vows to not give Paula (la opurtunista) a single penny. The attorney says it will be very difficult to not follow the terms of the will. Nidia asks him if there is something they can do. She says she will do anything to get that money. She presents him with a proposition, does her infamous breast hoisting, and tells him that if he can secure that she can recuperate the money she will do whatever he asks. He pants... and asks for her hand in marriage. She acts coy and says "but my husband just died." He says that he has always had a thing for her and if she was his wife she can have whatever she wants, trips, money, jewels, everything that makes her happy. And he says her daughters would be treated like princesses. She agrees and follows with another round of breast hoisting.

Paula comes in from a day of job searching looking dejected. She complains that no one takes her seriously and that most were interested in the length of her skirt rather than her skills and professional experience. She says she will keep on keeping on and invites her mother to dinner.

Back at Nidia's casa, the family is sitting around the dinner table having pizza. Nidia makes sure to point out that Alirio paid for the pizza since their father left them in ruins. And that the pizza might very well be their last meal. Nidia says she wants to sell the house and split the proceeds among her and her daughters and each go their separate ways. Alirio says that cannot happen because one of the terms of the will is that that house cannot be sold until the girls finish their studies. Juan, to score points with Marely, says that he will be the one who will take care of the family. They all look at him blankly. He says that Marely will now respect him and that respect is the first step on the road to love.

Paula and her mom are at dinner. Paula says to her mother not to worry. If she cannot find employment, she will open a taco stand. He mother remembers that Paula's father had a friend who he did business with and owns an important corporation and he might be able to give her a job. His name is Cesar Luis. She describes him as someone muy serious and correct. As she is describing him, we cut to a scene in his office where he is groping and kissing a woman who I am not sure what her name is yet. He compliments her lips and says the only thing they are missing is his.

She whines that she does not want to be "la otra" and wants a serious relationship. He tells her their relationship is ideal. It's just love without commitment and all the messy stuff that goes along with that.

Back at casa Nidia, she compliments Juan. She says there are no men like him anymore. Divinos on the outside as well as on the inside. He says its his pleasure to take care of such a fine family and they helped him too when he needed a place. Alirio is not pleased. Juan says that the girls are princesses and will continue to live as such.

Juan is laying in bed thinking about what he said during dinner. He admits that he has never worked seriously and this will be the first time.

Juan is sitting down to breakfast and Nidia and the red headed daughter are fawning over him, feeding him and cooing. Marely comes downstairs and they ask where she is going. She says she is going to the university to inquire about classes. The other sister tells her they are in mourning. Marely says 'don't make me laugh.' The other sister says she is much too sad to study, especially this semester. Nidia reminds her of the stipulation in the will about both girls finishing their studies and beginning their careers.

Alirio is at Ana's house telling her that Paula's father left all of her inheritance to the barefooted Carmelites. She looks dubious and wants to see the will. He tells her that he does not have it on him at the moment, but will make sure she gets a copy. She says she wants to see the original. He says that Nidia was also upset by the terms of the will and says that she had nothing to do with it. She asks when she will be getting the will. He says he will get it to her as soon as possible.

Juan begins his job search. Paula and Ana are having breakfast and they talk about the will. Ana tells her she is sure that the Cachons are stealing what is rightfully Paula's. Paula says she has zero interest in that money. Ana tells her that she got her an appointment with Cesar for that afternoon.

Juan gets directions from his bus driver friend as well as borrows some dinero. At his first interview, he is asked what languages he speaks. He says English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, a little bit of German. The interviewer says "great, lets do this in English." And asks Juan how old he is. (after working in HR myself so many years, I know asking someone how old they are is a HUGE no-no. I guess in Mexico HR is different...hmm. or it could have been a test to see if our beloved Juan really did know ingles...) So, Juan gets really flustered and fakes like he is ill. Next interview is comical as well. He is asked something about per capita... Juan thinks the guy is referring to the capital.

Paula goes to church to pray to the santo nino to antocha. She asks for intercession in finding a job and helping her and her mother.

After she leaves, Juan goes to pray to the nino too. He also asks for help finding a decent job.

Paula arrives at Cesar's office. She meets the secretary who he was groping earlier. She doesn't look pleased. She tells P that Cesar is busy and to have a seat. She calls Cesar and tells him Paula is there.

Cesar and Pastor are talking about the kind of person they need for the new position. Experience, education, etc.

Paula walks into Cesar's office and he is smitten and muy impactado.

Juan goes into the office too. There are a lot of people in line waiting for an interview. He greets the applicants and looks official and rattles off lots of things they need. (passport, birth certificate, baptism certificate, identification, shot records) He manages to get most out of line. He runs into Pastor and accididently knocks him down. Pastor looks him over and definitely likes what he sees. Juan comments that the man looked him over like a woman would do and that would be his salvation in getting the job.


Zorro Monday June 18, 2007: Where Monty gets a yen for sweetmeats and Pizarro turns into a yes man.

Zorro is in the Queen’s chamber and she scolds him for daring to enter there. Zorro tells her that there was no other way, would she have met with him at all if he didn’t come to her. She wants to know who he is and Zorro answers that his identity is his precious secret. She questions if he is a thief, someone who’s stolen from the Crown. Zorro admits that he has taken money intended for the Crown, but he gave the money to her poor subjects. He tells her that there are worse things happening in this town—crimes against the people and even murder. She is shocked. Zorro asks the Queen if she is behind any of these crimes, like did she order the murder of Mercedes. The Queen is surprised to hear the name of her long dead cousin. Zorro assures her that her prima didn’t die in childhood, in fact she lived, until very recently, here in the city of Los Angeles. She even had a daughter, Esmeralda. He goes on to add that both women, mother and daughter, were murdered. The Queen asks is he thinks she had anything to do with that. Zorro replies that they will see.

Ricardo taunts Esme in her bodega prison. He tells her it would take a smart woman to pull the wool over his eyes, but he’s smarter than her. There was no way he’d let a gypsy girl make a fool of him. “You thought you would use me like you mother used your father, well you’ll soon be just like your mother, dead.” He goes on and wants to know if she’d like to hear about what happened with her son. Esme just lays there and has no reaction to the vile things that Monty is saying. He demands she cry, he wants to see her cry. It isn’t any fun for him if she doesn’t cry.

El Duco (DJ) wants Pizarro to tell him for sure that Sara Kali is dead. Piza rehashes her prison escape, her being killed and the gypsies taking her body. DJ focuses on the missing body, he knows that’s a loose end. DJ questions Piza some more and implies that he’s not loyal to the Crown. Piza says that he’s a good military man, he follows orders and definitely is loyal to the Crown. DJ let’s Piza go and then says to his underling, who’s name I can’t remember, that they need to keep their eye on that one. They also need to clean up the SK mess, ensuring that there is no connection between her and them. Oh yeah, and we need to make sure that the Queen knows absolutamente nada about this.

Meanwhile, the Queen wants to convince Zorro that she knew nothing about people being murdered. Zorro fills her in on the SK/Mercedes rehash and her claim to the throne, et al. The Queen demands to have witnesses, verification of this claim because anyone could pretend to be royal, but only a woman who can sleep on a pea can prove to be a true queen –okay, she didn’t say this, but she did tell Zorro that she wants him to provide this info to DJ. They talk about Zorro visiting tomorrow, but the Queen goes to get DJ and Zorro disappears into thin air.

Monty finds SAM and tells him to go home—take the night off and spend it with your family. SAM is suspicious and he tells Monty he really doesn’t have much family and proceeds to list off a bunch of relatives. Monty doesn’t care, he tells SAM to go wherever you want, just make like a bee and buzz off. First, though, go get Piza ‘cuz Monty needs him. SAM knows that something is up and worries that it spells doom for Esme (ulcer 1).

In the Fox Cave, Zorro and Bernardo rehash a bit his visit to the Queen. Diego tells Bernie that he’ll have to fill Padre Tomás in on all of this mañana. Diego tells Bernie that he doesn’t think the Queen had any part in getting rid of SK. His gut tells him DJ is behind all of this, and Zorro will expose DJ.

Selenia visits a recuperating Mariangel, who is getting cared for by Agapito. She asks about the baby. Mangle tells her she doesn’t want visitors and how’d she know that Mangle gave birth. Selenia tells Mangle that she knows many things. Selenia urges Mangle to talk to her alone, it is important. Pito is willing to go, and tells Selenia that Mangle needs to eat his medicinal slop. She says she’ll get her to eat it. When they are alone, Selenia tells Mangle that Santiago sent a message.

Olmos and Piza talk in the bar, not face to face but shoulder to shoulder at two different tables. So each man looks like they are talking to themselves. They talk about DJ being in town and him wanting info on SK. They conclude that this doesn’t make things look good for Esme. In fact, Piza adds, the duke being in town probably will lead to Esme’s death, because Monty doesn’t want to be linked to the whole SK mess. SAM finds Piza in the bar and tells him that Monty gave him the night off. Olmos doesn’t like the sound of this.

Mangle tells Selenia to let Santiago rest in peace after all Santiago cheated on her. Mangle starts to go on about Esme but Selenia pulls out her nifty ruby ring and flashes it. Mangle is entranced and Selenia hypnotizes her. The screen flashes, some time has passed and Selenia and Mangle are talking about Olmos. Mangle never knew she had these feelings for Olmos and she can’t wait until she sees him next. Selenia adds that it was always right there in front of her. He should be returning soon Mangle says, with her sluttish smile. Selenia is enjoying all of this.

Diego looks in on his cute baby. He has flashbacks to Esme telling him she was pregnant and how he told her that he fights to make the world better for their child. Diego snaps back to the present and tells his son his name is Alejandro and that someday he’ll continue his mission. Nothing like giving the child some choice in the matter.

SAM tells Piza he’s worried for Esme (still ulcer 1, carried out into a new scene). He begs Piza to help stop Monty from harming Esme in any way. Piza says que sera, there is nothing they can do for Esme now. SAM urges Piza to think about protecting the daughter of the true queen. Piza knows that with DJ in town, things have changed. He tells SAM he’ll try but he won’t make any promises because it really is all out of his hands.

Monty ties up Esme’s hands and tells her that the end is here. He rips off her necklace and tells her she won’t need this any more. He drops it on the floor (for sure I thought he’d go try to sell it for some cash, money must not be as tight as I thought).

Diego has a dream of Esme asking for his help and then flashes to Zorro begging Esme to come back. The dream ends with Esme asking Diego to help her. Diego wakes and asks for some sort of sign from Esme.

The Queen is a big gossip. She tells DJ everything about Zorro’s visit and their little conversation. DJ is ticked. He orders the guards to be doubled, that thief came to steal something. The Queen says all he took was her tranquility---she tells DJ about Zorro saying that Mercedes lived in LA. DJ tells her it is all lies. Still, the Queen wonders how they all could die like that. DJ tells her that fate is capricious. The Queen orders that Zorro not be harmed as long as he doesn’t mean to harm them. I don’t think DJ will be following that order.

Diego leaves the hacienda and Dolores is worried about him (ulcer 2). She asks Alejandro (the elder) where Diego could be going and Alej tells her that he’s going to look for Esme. Dolo seems perplexed by this and Alej explains that Diego thinks that Esme’s alive and he’s searching for proof. Alej thinks this is just an emotional search so Diego can come to terms with the death.

Monty tells Piza they need to get rid of Esme. Piza tries to talk him out of it, but Monty won’t listen. She’s said nothing about Zorro’s identity and with Sara Kali dead, she’s of no worth, so get rid of her. Monty tells Piza to complete the job without a trace and bring back her heart as proof she’s dead (because he’ll run some DNA tests just to be sure).

There is a full moon and Renzo is playing his violin. He’s sad for Esme and Ana Camila (NAC) comforts him. She tells him that life will give him a second chance. He just doesn’t know, all he wishes for is something to make him feel again, because without Esme he feels very little. NAC makes a move, she kisses him and he responds. When the kiss breaks apart, she apologizes, she got carried away. He says now you’ll have to forgive me, and he kisses her. (I might add a little YEAH!!—it’s good to have a little romance back in the show and another plus is that a brooding Laisha was no where in the scene, so at least the moment wasn't ruined by her pouting mug).

Sara Kali asks Suzi and Jonas to help her. She plans to go to the Queen and eventually go back to Spain. She wants to take Esme’s body with her when she goes. Jonas says he knows she’s buried in the cemetery. He’ll make sure they get the body.

Piza tells Esme it is time to go, the Queen is here and things have taken a different direction. Esme asks Piza about where her son is, Piza tells her he’s dead. He finds Esme’s necklace and gives it back to her. She smiles a distant smile and says this is all she has left of her mother.

PT and Diego rehash Zorro and his visit to the Queen. They talk some about SK and how the Queen will hopefully seek some justice for what was done to SK. Diego tells PT that Zorro can seek the justice, but PT adds that if Zorro does it, it won’t be justice it will be vengeance. Diego says he won’t be able to heal until Monty and Fernando pay for what they have done.

Piza takes Esme out to the woods. It reminds me of Snow White, not the Disney version, but the Grimm’s Brothers version, where the woodsman has to bring her heart back in a box to the evil queen. Esme tells Piza that after she’s dead she’ll make sure to avenge her son’s death. SAM shows up in the nick of time. He holds a gun to Piza and orders him to put down his weapon. Piza obliges, but tells SAM he’s going to get them both in deep doo doo, Monty is sure to have them both killed now. Just then Olmos shows up, two pistols in hand.

Fernando visits Mangle and wants to know where her baby is. She says Diego took him home while she rests. Fernando senses she’s acting strange and questions about Olmos. Mangle says that Olmos was a hero, he delivered the baby and save her.

Olmos tells Piza and SAM that he’s got plans for Esme and Piza says he’s got to get her heart for Monty. SAM says no way to them both. Olmos orders that weapons get dropped. Esme tells SAM to not risk his life for her, and he listens. Olmos tells Piza he’ll take both of them off his hands and Piza agrees as long as Olmos makes them disappear for good. If he doesn’t, Piza tells Olmos he’ll find him and kill him. Olmos doesn’t like to be threatened and tells Piza that he’ll kill him, so GO!!

Diego talks to Alej about things needing to change in LA. Alej agrees and Diego says he’s the man to do it. Al doesn’t seem to be convinced, so Diego says that he’s not the man his father thinks he is.

Pizarro finds a heart somewhere to give to Monty. Monty is convinced it is the real deal. He’s gleeful, this is all that’s left of her. He tells Piza that he should be rewarded for a job well done.

Olmos meets up with the slave traders and tells them it is two for the price of one. END OF EPISODE (ulcers 2)


Duelo Monday, June 18 –Everybody is sorry except Thelma; a mystery woman appears; still no trailer for the new show

We left Emilio at the Bus Station, just having lost sight of the kidnapped Gaby, with the police following closely behind. He yells that they have to find her before she gets on a bus. [Actually he says camion, not autobus which I thought would be truck, but a camioneta is a van so maybe camion can also mean bus?]

Dra. Loca, Sleazy Lawyer and Don Loco are in a meeting room in the jail. Don Loco and Dra. Loca both have tears running down their cheeks, at the magnitude of Don Loco’s pain at discovering that he’s been wrong all along about Alina and Soledad. Don Loco asks out loud how he could have been so cruel to his own daughter. SL says what’s done is done and can’t be undone. The only thing now is to salvage what he can out of this situation. Dra. Loca says she doesn’t get what he is saying. SL says we can now prove that he was out of his mind and can’t be judged as a criminal, but as mentally ill. “You’ve said it yourself! Now I can appeal his sentence so that he doesn’t have to serve his time in jail, but in a mental hospital.” He puts his arm on Don Loco’s shoulder, DL shrugs it off and looks balefully at Dra. Loca.

Back at the bus station, Emilio is racing on and off buses, frantically looking for Gaby. A security guy runs up and says that a bus did leave and a girl matching Gaby’s description was on it!
DL is has been brought back to his cell. He’s not on board with SL’s plan to put him in a mental hospital with a bunch of lunatics. SL tells him to relax, he has a plan and he wants DL to be patient and not wreck it. DL tells him he can’t possibly know what it feels like to know that he has behaved like a monster, destroying the love of the only woman he’s ever cared for and making his own daughter curse him.

Over at the hospital, Ricardo and Mariana are trying to make Malena more comfortable. Malena is going to be discharged tomorrow and they can all finally blow town. Mariana reflects gravely that if she hadn’t come here and tried to tell her brother the truth, she would never have risked all their lives. Ricardo says to not think about that now. Tomorrow they will get out of there but first he has to help the woman in the next room with her son, who needs a kidney. He describes her as a poor woman, with folk beliefs, in miracles [or Milagros? Those healing charms?] “She heals people, like me!” Mariana exclaims that she once knew a woman like that who took care of her mother.

We pan over to the other side of the privacy screen and there is that woman, Luba, hunching over poor sick Gaspar. Gaspar is murmuring that he wants to see his little cub. Luba tells him that he has to get well. Gaspar says yes! So that he can play with his little cub and swim in the river. Luba gets up and tells him that she wants to speak to the doctor who will help them. Just as she’s about to cross to the other side of the screen, she hears Mariana telling the others that she’ll never forget the woman’s face or her name “Luba!” Luba is impactada—that woman knows her real name!

Back to the jailhouse with SL and DL “Now more than ever, what you’ve got to do is think of yourself” says SL. DL disagrees. “All these years I did nothing but think of myself and look what I got!...I lost my family and let my thoughts consume my soul…no, I cannot even forgive myself. “ SL says he doesn’t know how he can move forward. DL says he needs to see Mariana, to speak to her and clear up a lot of things. He grabs SL’s shoulder through the bars, earnestly and not violently for once.

On the streets of Puebla, Emilio rides with a state police trooper chasing the bus that carries Gaby and her captor. [Gee whiz those cars are tiny! I think the campus parking cops where I went to college had bigger cars! Emilio and the policeman barely fit in this toy car. ] Emilio dramatically suggests that they cut the bus off at the pass. The police guy says no, it would unsafe for the rest of the passengers. He’ll just put on his lights and pull the bus over. The bus driver still doesn’t stop so the police car crosses the center line and passes the bus. [Good thing no oncoming traffic on this narrow road! Also a good thing that everybody on this road seems to be doing about 10 miles an hour. Now where in Mexico do they do that?] The cop signals to the bus to pull over but apparently since there is no shoulder, they have to drive for awhile before they get to a place where the bus CAN pull over. [Going 10 miles an hour. Some chase.] They stop the bus, they give a cursory look around and decide that the little girl that they see on this bus is not Gaby. Meanwhile, a black and white local police car drives up.

Back at the hospital, Luba is still worried about who that woman is who spoke her name. She’s worried that it’s someone from SE who will tell the police and they’ll nab her and Gaspar. She’s got to see find out who this lady is. [Great worried facial expressions from Ana Martin here.]
At Rodrigo’s apartment, Rod is talking to Alina. He’s afraid because they haven’t heard anything. Alina tells him not to despair. Tina butts in to add that she’s been waiting by the phone and nobody has called. Alina continues with her Pollyanna act by saying that if they haven’t heard anything that is good news because it means that she’s probably lost and that nobody has kidnapped her. [Huh? Whatever] The doorbell rings. It’s Emilio. He’s come to give them an update. They spotted Gaby at the central bus station. Alina starts to ask why they didn’t bring Gaby with them. Emilio explains that she and her captor got away. Rodrigo starts screaming at him about why they didn’t stop them, etc. Emilio just looks tired.

[commercial break—we are treated to a brand new transition featuring a very odd looking woman who looks sort of like Alina but older, with a much rounder face. Great, that’s just what we need in the final windup, yet another new character.]

Emilio is in the middle of a big and unsatisfactory explanation when we return. He says that Gaby has been captured by a child trafficking ring and that now these people know we are after them and they have the advantage. The important thing is that they are still dragging her around. Rodrigo is flipping out, “You had her so close!” Again, Alina tries the Pollyanna thing. “At least she’s OK!” Rodrigo flips out some more—“OK? OK? Can you imagine how scared Gaby must be, having to spend the night with that vile wretch! “Don’t get mad,” says Alina. “I’m with you.” “You should be happy Gaby is alive.” [Ugh!] Emilio says that Alina is right. [Double Ugh!] Rodrigo apologizes and says that his powerlessness and desperation make him say things he doesn’t mean. Emilio says he understands. He adds that he thinks that Gaby and her captor never made it out of the city. He clarifies after being asked that there was a watch put on all the busses leaving the city and nobody with those descriptions has made it out. Tina interrupts to say that at least they now know that Gaby is not lost. Rodrigo says ruefully that now that her captors know they are looking for her, they’ll try to hide her.

Over at Coral’s boutique, Soledad is worried about Alina, who still hasn’t called. She’s worried that this situation will only intensify the situation between Emilio and Rodigo. Coral sounds a little fed up. “They are all adults, they know how to resolve this situation.“ Coral says. [Bravo, again, Coral!] She tells Soledad that they should go to lunch and then they have to acquire some more merchandise since the store is doing so well.

Emilio, Rod, Alina and Tina are still in Rod’s kitchen. Tina is fretting that if Gaby’s captors try to hide her how will they be able to find her? Rod asks Emilio if he has anything to go on. Emilio answers that he is following a line of investigation. He thinks that the guys who he was tracking before, the ones who beat him up, are involved. Rod asks him what he plans to do. Emilio says he has a plan, but that he’ll need Rodrigo’s cooperation to make it happen. Can Rod give him that assurance? Rod clenches his jaw.

Over at Casa Valtierra, the phone rings and Thelma goes to answer it. It’s General Ochoa. He’s looking for Emilio. Thelma says she hasn’t seen him, she thought he’d be at the base by now. Ochoa tells her that Emilio joined the search for the missing little girl. Thelma tells the General that she’ll look for Emilio and have him call. Thelma puts down the phone and thought bubbles that that brat [escuincle] ought to have been delivered to Rodrigo by now. Anyway it’s not her problem. Her problem now is Orlando. [Wow, this is cold, even for vicious old Thelma!]

Ochoa is in his office and there is a knock at the door. It’s Orlando now dressed in his uniform with his hair slicked back, looking more like an officer and less like beetle bailey, busted down a few stripes as he was previously. He’s come to present himself formally to the General, for his new orders. The general has nothing for him at the moment, so Orlando suggests that he could go back to SE to wind up the final oversight work on the road construction. Ochoa points out that that is Capt. Valtierra’s job. Orlando says yes, but since SE dredges up bad memories for Emilio…Ochoa says pointedly that Orlando was responsible for a lot of those bad memories. Orlando agrees. He says that for that reason, he’d like to spare Emilio the horror of reliving those days. Ochoa sees the logic. He agrees to let him go. With a click of his heels and a snappy salute, Orlando is gone. Once outside the office, Orlando says to nobody in particular, that now he can go to SE, grab up Gaspar, and put him in front of Thelma. [Oops, so far it’s not looking like that’s going to happen. And too bad too—it means that Orlando will be delayed in getting his important news to Emilio. Why should Emilio believe Gaspar over a DNA test? Or even Gaspar over Orlando for that matter? Will I have any hair left from tearing it out after this show?!!!!!]
Sleazy Lawyer is at the front desk of a hotel. He tries to find out if Mariana is staying there. The clerk actually has some ethics and says that he can’t tell him. Even when SL offers him a wad of cash and he still doesn’t budge and threatens to call security. No matter, SL says he’ll find someone whose price he can meet. He picks up a newspaper and pretends to read it. Who should come wandering in at precisely that moment but Ricardo who is asking for the hotel bill for himself and Mariana. SL sidles up, introduces himself and says that DL wants to talk to her. Ricardo says that Mariana has no interest in talking to him again. SL tells him that DL deserves another chance. He’s seen the results of the DNA test and knows that Mariana told the truth, that Soledad didn’t cheat on him and Alina is his daughter. Ricardo is somewhat impactado.
Back over at Rodrigo’s apartment, Rod, Emilio and Alina are all sitting talking about Emilio’s plan. [By the way, was there ever an odder collection of ornaments on a coffee table? Two glass hockey pucks and a bunch of eggs? What’s up with that? I guess they aren’t going to tell us what the plan is because Emilio is already asking Rod if he is going to agree to it.] “It’s like putting out bait for the animal who took the little girl. We could get her back faster than you can imagine.“ [Boy, I am really not following this. What is he going to do, make Rodrigo stand on a street corner dressed like a little girl?] Rodrigo is worried that the plan will fail and so is Alina. Emilio tells them that if this plan fails they will make others. The police are already interested in this ring and they won’t let this opportunity pass them by to get them. Alina is on board with the plan. She thinks it would be good to bust this ring so that not only Rod but other parents can find their children. Rodrigo, pantywaist that he is, says “If Alina agrees to the plan so do I.” Alina wants to know how they will know that the plan is working. Emilio tells her that he’s going to have Frank conduct surveillance of their headquarters and report when they have Gaby. He’d go but they already recognize his face.

SL is explaining to Ricardo all that has transpired since Mariana last saw DL. He begs Ricardo to help him convince her to go back and talk to DL.

In jail, DL is trying to sleep, but instead is having orange flashbacks of the letter and the day he took Alina to the cave. Also Alina confronting him and insisting upon her mother’s innocence. DL begs Alina from heaven (he thinks) to forgive him. [Ave Maria playing in the background] He reflects that he was so afraid of sharing his Father’s fate as a cuckold that it blinded him. He asserts his love for his daughter. He knows that although Alina can not longer do it, Soledad must hear him and he won’t be able to continue living if she doesn’t forgive him. Tears are streaming down his cheeks for the close-up.

Coral and Soledad are back at the shop. Coral points out that Alina spent the night at Rodrigo’s. Soledad says yes, she was waiting by the phone. Coral cuts to the chase and says it’s a good thing that Emilio doesn’t know that Alina spent the night there or he would have shown up to drag her out of there. Soledad makes some noises about how Emilio knows that Alina is “a decent girl.” Coral says yeah sure but he doesn’t trust Rodrigo. Soledad mews some more about how Rodrigo is a gentleman while Coral just rolls her eyes at her dimwit business partner. At least she can pick clothes. Just then the phone rings and Claudia goes to answer it. It’s Angel, he wants to see her. Claudia says no, it’s better if she not see him. Angel insists and suggests it’s because of her stepfather that she doesn’t want to see him. Claudia says no some more and then hangs up on him. [Gee she’s wearing a lot of makeup today!] Angel says out loud that he’s not going to abandon Claudia. He knows that she needs his help!

Frank jumps into Emilio’s car. He tells him that General Ochoa told him to report to Emilio, wearing his civvies. [I said civvies not skivvies…down girls!] Emilio fills him in on the plan. They are going to follow the child-trafficking gang around. He wants Frank to spy on them because he (Emilio) can’t, he’s already been identified by them (and beaten up). The gang runs out of the HQ, including Mr. Shiny Baldpate. Emilio engages the car to tail them.

Meanwhile, we finally see Gaby in a small cell like room sitting on a cot. The mute giant guy is asleep on another cot. She thought bubbles that maybe now is her chance to escape. She gets up and tries the door. Locked. She goes over to the MGG and sees the keys. She tries to take them and he stirs. She tries again and gets them. It takes her an eternity but she finally finds the key that fits the lock and runs out. The sound of the door wakes up the MGG. He gets up and runs out after her.

At a café, Mariana and Ricardo are chatting with SL. Looks like it’s in or near the hospital because there’s a nurse sitting behind them. He’s trying to convince her to talk to DL again. “Only you can clear up some of his remaining doubts” says SL. Mariana is dubious because DL isn’t going to like what she has to say. Also there were a lot of people who fed his jealousy. “He’s going to want to seek revenge on those people and commit more crimes” frets Mariana. [What a goody two-shoes you are, Mariana. Don’t you kinda want to see Alfonsina and her pal Hugo maybe burn to death in a shack?] SL says so what, they deserve it and anyway, is it fair that Alvaro was taken advantage of by these people? Mariana is adamant. “Alvaro should have believed his own wife, before anyone else. Justice will take care of those other people. NO, I’m not going to talk to my brother.”

At Rodrigo’s Tina and Alina are talking. Tina still feels guilty about losing Gaby. Alina comforts her. I wonder where she is. Blah blah blah.

Back to the café, Ricardo points out that Mariana was nearly killed by “those people.” SL is surprised after he is filled in on the attempted murder. He thinks that this is an excellent reason that they should talk to Alvaro and report this to the authorities so that justice can be done. Ricardo says they’ve already given a statement to the police. SL grins and says, in effect, “you don’t know how this works.” “If Alvaro denounces them, it will carry more weight with the police. “ [Maybe somebody can help me with this phrasing here. Why should they believe a jailbird over 2 innocent people?] Mariana isn’t buying what SL is selling anyway. She wants to leave town. Ricardo jumps in to say that SL has a point, Alvaro should know who his tormentors were. And that if he accuses them of all the bad things they did to him as well as to Mariana et. al. they are more likely to end up behind bars and faster too. Mariana finally relents.

Gaby is still on the run, she runs through a market and very intelligently upsets some apples on a stand to slow the MGG down. He trips and she continues running.

Over at Coral’s Boutique Claudia is leaving for the day. Soledad lets her go and says she has a whole bunch of paperwork to do. Coral is going to eat [for a chick as slender as she is, she sure likes her vittles. What’s she going to do now that she no longer burns off all those calories with dancing and sex?] and go to the salon on her lunch hour. After she takes off, a red rose is thrust into Soledad’s face and a voice asks her if she’d like to go out to eat. It’s supposed to be mysterious and romantic but instead it’s dorky because the voice is Elias’ and we know that it’s him immediately. Soledad is pleased anyway and puts the rose in a vase but says she’s busy and can’t go. Elias tries to convince her that they can order a pizza and he’ll help her with the paperwork. Soledad hears DL’s voice in her head warning her that if she goes with Elias, sooner or later, he’ll wind up dead. Soledad takes Elias’ hand and tells him she’s grateful for all he’s done for her but she’s been thinking…they should distance themselves from one another. [Brief Elias impactado here.] She’s been thinking that this…friendship…is creating other feelings…that will only wind up hurting both of them. Elias interrupts to say that she knows how he feels about her but she cuts him off. She tells him that she doesn’t want this friendship “so pretty and clean” to end up badly. “I feel so bad but I have to ask..to beg you that we distance ourselves…that we separate ourselves.” A tear rolls down her cheek.

Elsewhere, Angel is accosting Claudia. He needs to talk to her. Claudia is equally insistent that he leave her alone. Angel tells her he knows that her step-father is hitting on her. Claudia is impactada.

Alina is alone at Rodrigo’s apartment, napping on the couch. She dreams of Emilio’s mariachi serenade. She murmurs “Emilio, I love you so much.” Just then [a little too late to hear it] Rodrigo comes in and sees her sleeping. He kisses her and she wakes up. He tells her that he is so happy that she is by his side during this terrible time. She puts her head on his shoulder
Back to poor Gaby who is still running, spilling things, trying to get away from the Mute Giant Guy. Somehow nobody is noticing any of this. A huge black man, dressed like a friggin pirate is chasing a schoolgirl who is dumping stuff all over the market and nobody is noticing anything. What are they all smoking weed or something? Gaby manages to get out the door and she scrambles inside some kind of oil can. MGG arrives and is perplexed not to see her. Just then another guy comes with a dolly and loads up the oil can. Gaby jumps out and yells. MGG is right there and sees her.

Back to Angel and Claudia. Claudia tries to deny that she knows what Angel is talking about. Angel tells her that he overheard her talking to her mother. Claudia tells him that she doesn’t want him to get involved. Plus, she’s afraid of her step-father. If he found out that she’s been talking to him, he could attack her or hurt her. Angel tells her that she can’t risk her life like this. She has to report him to the police. Claudia says she can’t, she can’t win. And her mother is blindly in love with him, she doesn’t believe her. Finally, she relents and rests her head on his shoulder. Angel tells her that he loves her promises to help her. Claudia admits she loves him too and she comments that he is so different from all the men she has ever known [like her step-dad and all his sex criminal friends.] She feels that he will protect her. BIG BESO. And it’s a OK one, no sucking face, although a little off kilter.

Back to poor Gabby. MGG is enraged and grabs her out of the can. When the guy with the dolly tries to intervene, MGG makes nasty guttural noises and waves a knife at him. Even if this guy is high he must think that this is not right. MGG runs away holding Gabby.

Next we find ourselves in General Ochoa’s office. Where Thelma is there, still dressed skankily in her sheer top and spangly necklace. She tells him she still doesn’t know where Emilio is but she wants to find Orlando. He came to see her the other day, she says innocently but she wasn’t there and she wanted to know what he had wanted. She’s looked for him at his apartment, etc. But she can’t find him. Ochoa tells her that Orlando has left for Sierra Escondida.

Finally, we’ve made it back to the hospital. Luba is talking to the lucha manager next to Gaspar’s hospital bed. Luba is frantic because she heard a woman mention her name. She’s still worried that this woman will tip off the police to her whereabouts and make her leave Gaspar’s side. The fight manager says maybe she’s mistaken about who she was referring to. As if there were any other “Luba” Luba points out. It’s not exactly a common name, apparently. The fight manager tells her to calm down. He’ll find out who those people on the other side of the screen are.

DL is in his jail cell remembering Soledad telling him that she doesn’t love him anymore. DL is awash in guilt telling himself that he gave Soledad plenty of reasons to hate him. “I was stupid, I hurt the woman who I loved the most. Why was I so blind?” Tears fall from his eyes. From the darkness, a guard announces that he has a visitor. “A visit at this hour?” asks DL. The guard lets him out and they walk down the hall.

Over to Gabby and the MGG. He throws her back in her cell. She tries to argue with him but MGG motions with his knife at his own neck like next time she tries to escape he will kill her.
At the jail, Mariana is talking to Alvaro. [Damn, I thought they would surprise us and have Alfonsina and Hugo standing there] He is holding her hands. [I thought that wasn’t allowed.] She tells him she is there only because SL asked her. DL remarks that that is the only good thing that SL has done. DL wants to know a few things. Mariana goes through the whole “Soledad was innocent” routine. But she confesses that she herself was a coward because she never had the guts to tell him that she was in love with Jose Gomez, and that they had had a child together. DL says that alas, none of that can be undone. He tells her that he never believed that the DNA test would prove him wrong. I have wronged my wife, and even more, my daughter. Mariana reaches out to comfort him.

Emilio and Frank are still tailing Rosendo and his gang. They are now on foot and see them go into an alley neighborhood. [OMG, it’s Starsky and Hutch! Look at those clothes and tell me they don’t scream 70s cop show!] Frank asks if he thinks Rosendo lives there. Emilio says they’ll find out. [Hey, I thought that Frank was supposed to be doing the spying?]

Back to the jail again. DL is still trying to figure out why Alfonsina would lie about the letter and the bracelet in Jose Gomez’ bed. Mariana tells him that Alfonsina confessed all her crimes to her, when she thought she would never speak again.

Back to Emilio and Frank. They see someone coming and they hide around the corner. It’s Angel and Claudia. Apparently he’s decided to head right for the flames by walking Claudia home to her jealous stepdad. Emilio sees Angel and is impactado or as much as Pablo Montero can muster. “What is my brother doing here?” he asks.

Mariana continues her blistering accusations of Alfonsina. "She knew perfectly well that the letter that Jose Gomez had written was for me." She goes on to explain that Alfonsina was always trying to wreck his marriage because “she was obsessed with you.” “She wasn’t content with being your lover.” She tried to kill me so that I wouldn’t talk. “That woman made a fool out of you.” What’s more , “she has some kind of box that has a dark secret of some kind. She’s going to try to blackmail you with. “ “You are in her power.” Don Loco curses Alfonsina’s name and swears he’ll kill her. Superslomo closeup of DL and scary music!!!

Advances for next time: DL swears revenge and cries some more, Elias presses his case to Soledad some more. Rodrigo and Emilio argue over Alina some more.


Destilando Amor 6/18/07 "I Hear the Train a Comin" run Wile E Rod run

Wow I haven’t been this tense since I spent fifty minutes waiting for Tony Soprano to get whacked in the Sopranos finale…

Our episode starts out with Rod (who looks awfully fine in his sweater) and Gavi sharing tacos & besos in an eatery…I love you…no I love you more…we will live on our Island of love…I must work…you can sell coconuts…yadda yadda yadda…then once the whole family is on board we will settle at the hacienda & be happy forever…This land is your land…this land is my land…this land is our land! Every Saturday night we will go to the cantina and Wow, the locales with you singing Gaviota…I bet the locales can hardly wait. I hope Rod plans to buy plenty of rounds….
(Mean while somewhere in DF a dog howls and Pilar sits up…not fully alive, yet not fully dead..)
Okay I made the Pilar part up.
Seriously, if I was another patron in the house of fine Tacos, I would soooo know Rod was boinking his assistant, secretary, amante, whatever, cause this is TeleNovela land not the freakin Twilight Zone, it would never cross my mind that this guy was a repressed sixteen year old with his first love. Dude get a room.

Sofie is out in front of Rod & Isa’ s apartment…her SUV won’t start and after Frankie looks under the hood & pops off a battery cable…it really won’t start. Frankie offers to be Sofie’s taxi, which is kind of okay since he has been giving Isa some pretty good rides. Sofie tells him she is Rod’s sister and TWB’s sister-in-law & thus the keys to a possible fortune as well as all the Tequila you could ever drink.

Clarita & Dona Jose are sitting around the Gavi household eating and discussing Rod & Gavi’s amor…How someday they will all head to the hacienda..in Tequila. This prompts Dona Jose to question Gavi beinging the new La Patrona…Clarita worries, I’m not really sure why, I think it may having something to do with the locals accepting the Clarita family as the new Patrons. Well anyway, Clarita will be glad to get back.

Now Frankie & Sofie arrive outside the Palace of Pilar, where Sofie says she lives with Granny & her sister. Frankie is all flirty with her, swooping in like he is gonna kiss her neck etc…He will contact a mechanic and call her. When he asks to call her, she whips out a business card, ah Sofie…(I know she lost it to some guy named Wellington Wadsworth Wellington III, back in finishing school), Frankie continues to flirt and in payment for taking her home he asks Sofie for a little beso. She gives him a chaste kiss on his cheek; she is just so damn grateful for any attention that she is just short of peeing her pants and falling on the ground to get her stomach scratched, yes she has become my terrier. While standing on the sidewalk moonstruck, in her little chunky loafers, black hose, skirt and sweater, with her little satin navy blue tie up granny blouse….I am having a "Where the boys Are", flashback, oh Sofie dream on…you will get stuck but it won’t be with his Sigma pin.

Gavi gets back the house & tells Clarita, the plans are set…they are to take off for the Island of Love..and Rod will take care of getting all the stuff packed up, they are only to take their clothes. Clarita is all upset that they have to leave her awesome new Big Screen Television…but Gavi promises all will be taken care of, (somewhere in the distance you hear an anvil fall).

Isa is pacing in the living room wearing her little satin red robe, a great favorite of Aaron, Frankie and Hilario, however not so much with Rod. "What are you doing up?" he questions her…Well I called the office and no-one answered…They have the usual minor MariAnna Franco word scruffle and Rod blows her off and Isa is left to look perplexed and alone in the living room.

Next Day at Work & Rod is toiling Away

Next day, Rod tells the HR stoolie to draw up papers to cut MariAnna her final check, plus a little bonus…he tells stoolie guy to keep it on the quiet. Gavi comes in and Rod tells her the plans are in the works, she & Ma are to go to the isle, he will dump Isa over dinner & fill the family in tomorrow…(I am seeing a flaw here…he if dumps Isa tonite, gee the news tomorrow will be like an Uber surprise right, cause you know Sofie is on speed dial)

Anyway, he calls Elvira in and has her take a memo: Attention: "Hola Sr. and Srs. Mexico and all the ships at sea." Big family junta tomorrow and yeah, the topic is a surprise…
Isa/TWB is at home talking to her father, the news about Rod forgiving the debt, Pa urges her to get Rod to sign the papers and get them to the bank as soon as possible. Isa promises Pa she will talk to him tonight.

Primo Aaron comes in to the office to see, Primo Rod…the salutations, the hugs, geez this family is tight.
Rod tells him to cancel his trip to Miami, Aaron is none to happy about this. Rod says there is a meeting tomorrow and he needs Aaron to be there. As Aaron’s one eyebrow is going up you can see his Crapdar is going off and he is a bit, not a blatant full muy impacted, but a subtle muy impacted. What the hell are you thinking Aaron wonders. Rod won’t give Aaron any details. Rod pulls out the contracts and starts reading hem and Aaron’s eyebrow is now in full arch.

Now Gavi is in her office having one of her heart to hearts with the Virgincita, which is good for Gavi, but probably a bit much for the Virgincita…oh tonite Rod will give the news to Isadora, she will suffer…but our love is true. I bet the Holy Beings, just hate this kinda stuff, "yeah I know I’m kinda committing a sin, but if isn’t too much trouble will you bless it and I’ll never sin again?" Anyway, Gavi hopes Isa is spared too much suffering, Ahhhh little Gavi, I think Isa will be able to find something to distract her.

Aaron comes outta Rod’s office and asks Elvira where Onate is, Elvira doesn’t not know, Aaron orders her to have Onate call Aaron at home.

Onate is busy at the Aeropuerto, totally creeping some poor counter attendent girl out. He wants the list from the 31st of Dec, as he is doing crazy ass Minerva’s detective work for her. The girl won’t give up the info.

Elvira, who I might add is wearing some scary "Oprah said don’t" blue eye shadow and she happens into the HR stoolie’s office, of course it takes about two nano seconds for her to scope out MariAnna Franco’s file open on the desk, with very little arm twisting she gets the info outta HR guy.

Aaron arrives back at his apartment and tells Minerva that the trip is cancelled and he has to go to a Rod meeting with the family the next day. Of course she thinks she is going and Aaron is like no way, my BSC bride. See I don’t understand why Aaron keeps crazy ass Minnie around, hell Michael Jackson spawned kids with less trouble and way less commitment. Words are spoken, ugly word and Minerva grabs up her little purse and leaves.

Rod calls Isa and invites her for dinner, "Me, seriously you want to break bread with me?", Isa is thrilled. "Yes, I want to talk to you". Isa is thrilled. (She has on seriously bedazzled jeans…glimmering crystals everywhere)

Knock Knock….Oh no it is crazy ass Minerva at the door; she starts in on MariAnna Franco, "the Husband Robber", please you are preaching to Isadora, the husband boinker…well Minnie spreads the venom, thick and green, Isa doesn’t want to hear it…Minnie is trying to convince her that Rod & MariAnna, were together…Isa is trying to fight it off, but like screaming fire in a crowded theatre the panic is spreading…this is increasing my panic too. OMG, Isa cries Rod is gonna abandon me….ahhhhhhhh.
Minnie tries to calm her down…nice after thought. Minnie calls Eliva looking for Onate who is still stalking the poor girl at the airport. Eliva tells Minnie that they are cashing MariAnna out…"Que the Hell?" our two besmirched wives query. Off they go.

Meanwhile over at "Gigolo Gardens", some guy named tossing Frankie around the hall…No it is not his pimp. Why it is Esteban, the real owner of the apartment and said automobile…Frankie convinces him that he was just watching over things while Esteban was gone.

Sofie and Dani are climbing some gigantic flight of steps that would rival the Aztec Pyramids, this is giving us a view of "The Club". You know the club, that place rich people go and they just call it the club, cause if you were one of them you’d know it and there is no need to waste syllables on the rest of us, the people who might wash the towels there. Dani is teasing Sofie about the new guy…Sofie giggles, she is quite smitten, she says he is handsome. Dani asks, "As handsome as James?" "No," Sofie says wistfully, "handsome in a different way". I rolled my eyes so hard at this, I had to tap my head to get them to drop back into place. I am totally Sofie running out to by the fun-pak of "Lety Glitter Pens", Dear Diary, Francisco with a heart dotting the i.

Videgaray comes by to tell Rod that he has purchased the land on the Island of Anvil, oooops I mean the Isle of Gaviota, 10% down and the rest later…Rod is soooooo excited. He packs up his little briefcase and stops off to tell his little Gaviota, it is smooth sailing from here on in, just gotta go dump Isa, send Pilar into life support, (well that won’t be much of a stretch). They hug, they kiss, they make me want to write bad checks…anyway if the blood wasn’t pounding so hard in their ears right now, you know they would hear it, you know the anvil sound…Rod takes off, leaving Gavi’s door partially open.

Gavi is sitting at her desk belting out the Gaviota Song; no she isn’t humming or doing that kinda whisper voice thing, no she is belting it out. Minnie & TWB are coming down the hall, if Gavi wasn’t crooning so loud, she wouldn’t have heard the squeal of TWB’s boots coming to a halt. WTF? This is a Super Terminal Case of Muy Impacted. TWB recognizes the voice…it is her, MariAnna is Gaviota. TWB is so taunt with outrage, that it is only an act of God that keeps one of those giant crystals from flying off those jeans and impaling Gaviota. "You are crazy," Minnie says, "It is a popular song, I hear it all the time."
I am laughing like yeah, strangely when you are sitting in your apartment or at Pilar’s that song always in the background, ya think?
***The song might be in Spanish, but all I am hearing is "I hear the train a comin´it´s rolling round the bend" Wile E. Rod, that Acme Train is coming thru the tunnel ***

Minnie, for once does the prudent thing and drags Isa off to the Meeting Room, they close the door. Minnie is trying to calm her down. MariAnna can’t possibly be Gaviota, Gaviota was some migrant worker who shoveled Agave, what was her name? Teresa Hernandez? Well see now…Isa is all shades of hysterical, everything must be falsified cause Isa knows that voice, good gawd she had to listen to that freaking cassette often enough. Good point Isa. They call HR stoolie and have him bring the MariAnna Franco file of deception.

Poor, poor Rod is busy telling Videgaray how awesome life is gonna be, not hearing the anvils over the sound of the traffic in Mexico City.

Minnie and Isa are grilling HR stoolie so hard, he is about to cry like a little girl…at every question, he thought bubbles….yes he remembers her stories about her European work and schooling and how she was gonna get him references and letters…In the midst of ripping him a new and unnecessary orifice…it comes to light that stoolie guy passed MariAnna through so quickly on the orders of Aaron. They boot stoolie out.

Minnie grabs the phone and in her best English, calls the numbers…nope nada, no one has ever heard of MariAnna.

Gavi is having a snack with her friend Margarita and telling her how grateful she is for all the help Margarita gave her, Margarita is like you make it sound like it is over….

Minnie and Isa are having it out in the meeting room, this almost turns into a "Girls Gone Wild" wrestling match…It is so loud Gavi & Margarita hear the noise. There was less screaming in Gone With the Wind as Atlanta burned. Elvira is banging at the door… Minnie says everything is fine…and locks the door, Isa is so one hard slap away for her own good….

Minnie calls Aaron and tells him that MariAnna is Gaviota….now Aaron is Muy Impacted….
& I don’t know about you, but I am muy Impacted…I so want a Isa/Gavi slap down.

Stay tuned….

It looks like the family is gonna have a Gavi-vention tomorrow and try and save Rod from himself…


La Fea Más Bella #296B 6/18/07 A missing million, mindless minions, and a mimisqui.

Well, I guess we're jumping right in today without reviewing the end of Friday. That was a bit disconcerting…I thought I'd missed something! Plus, things are moving fast today, so hang on to your ice cream or your tequila or what have you. Anyway….

Fernando comes into Lety's office and jokes with the señorita that he must have walked into the wrong office (aww, she looks so cute! That's going to take some getting used to.). Lety turns around and reassures him that she's "Hola! Leticia Padilla Soliz" in her best Lety voice. Fernando laughs that he knew that (and points at her with handfuls of yellow pencils).

Aldo's back. He tells Celso there's just something about the place that keeps bringing him back. Celso asks if Aldo is there to see Lety and tells Aldo he doesn't know how Lety looks today, "mmmmm". Aldo is confused and Celso says "of course, if you haven't seen her yet then how would you know how she looks." Ja, ja, ja. Celso says Aldo should go check her out and that he's going to be surprised. Aldo says he never understands Celso and walks through the gate as Sanson catches the belt to Aldo's jacket in his teeth. Sanson is obviously on Team Fernando.

Fernando is grinning like a loco at Lety. He tells her she looks pretty, or as Omar would say *growl*, she looks beautiful. Lety thanks him, but wonders if he had something to say to her "aparte de chulearme" (besides paying me flirty compliments) because he's embarrassing her. Before he can tell her, Aldo walks in and tells Lety she looks pretty. Lety wants to know if he really likes it, which he does. She comes around to the front of her desk as Fernando attempts to cough up a hairball. I think that might have been his secret signal to Aldo not to mention that he'd been to Acapulco, but Aldo doesn't get it. Aldo asks Fernando if he told Lety about it (Lety: Really, you went to Acapulco?). Aldo says Fernando explained what really happened with Aurora (Lety: Really, you did that?). Fernando excuses himself to go to the Bat Cave and Lety thanks him, but she looks like she's not sure whether she should. Aldo says "Now you look beautiful on the outside, but you're much more beautiful on the inside. Do you think you can forgive me, Leticia?" Lety says, "On the contrary, my love, forgive me." She says she's so happy he's there. Aldo says he can't wait any more and why don't they get married right away. Lety agrees that she wants to get married ASAP too. As they giggle and coo at each other, we see Fernando in the Bat Cave staring the stare of a man who has just discovered that his heart can, in fact, break into even tinier pieces than it already had. Pobre de Don Fernando!

The Moras: Alicia has brought her suitcase into Tomás' office. Doubtless it contains an industrial strength hairdryer which she can't live without. She's all broken up about leaving, but asks Tomás to take her suitcase down to the car (since she was so distraught that she brought it up there by mistake). Once he leaves, she uses Tomás' computer to transfer $1M to her Swiss account. And let that be a lesson to all of us about using good passwords…or about not marrying gold-diggers, whichever. Tomás comes back in just as she's hitting the last key she needs (having asked Celso to take the suitcase down for him) and he's brought tissues, as there will be many tears. Alicia takes a wad of tissues and they both exchange "I'll miss you"-s. Alicia is so broken up about it that she kisses him…voluntarily…on the lips…twice! She can't resist a last look back as she closes the door.

Fernando calls Lola and asks her to get an emergency board meeting together to pay Aldo the rest of the money they owe. After he gets off the phone he says he's got to finish this so Lety can leave with Aldo. Not that he wants her to go, just that the longer she's there, the more it hurts him to see her and the more he builds up false hopes. He wants her to go now and be happy.

Tomás comes into Lety's office hyperventilating and declares that he wants to die. Because Alicia is gone, you wonder? No, because the $1M is gone! (See, I told you we were moving fast today!) Lety gives a "Que the hell?" (actually she asks what Tomás is talking about, but I thought that might be a good time to throw in a "Que the hell" seeing as how I don't know how many Fea recaps I have left *sob*). Tomás says that the $1M JR gave them is gone (which isn't advancing the conversation much, but Tomás is in shock, so we'll overlook that). Lety starts twitching like she's never twitched before. She says "It can't be! Who did it?" Tomás says he doesn't know, but he's now got to cook the books to buy them time while they find out who did it. Lety says they're never going the lying route again, they've learned their lesson and they can't make that mistake again. "Then what do I do boss?" Tomás asks, but his only reply is more twitching on Lety's part.

Alicia is traveling tonight on a plane. I can see the red taillights heading for Switzerland. The guy at the counter will have her boarding pass printed up in a sec.

Tomás tells the assembled execs that he doesn't know how, but $1M has disappeared from Conceptos' account. Now there's a whole "Que the hell?" chorus, which is kind of like the Hallelujah Chorus, only not so much. Ariel says he has even worse news: since Tomás is the one ultimately responsible, he's going to jail. (Do not pass go, do not collect $1M.) Luigi thinks this must be a joke, but Tomás confirms that it's not a joke. The $1M from JR has disappeared from the account. (Check out Aldo and Fernando with their identical postures behind Tomás!). Luigi is mimisqui-ing. Ariel is glowering. He says he's very iluso (gullible) as he thought the debt was going to be wiped out today (and there go Aldo and Fernando again!). Tomás says he thought so too and was preparing a financial report, etc. Marcia wants Tomás to explain what happened with the money. Lety says that when Tomás went to transfer the money to Aldo's account, he found it was missing. Tomás says that he checked, and someone got into the account through the computer, used his password, and transferred $1M to a Swiss bank account. "But who?" asks Marcia, "Who would be capable of making that error? Tell me, who?" Please note, "error" is her word, not mine. Also, please note, Aldo and Fernando are doing water ballet behind Tomás almost every time we see them.

Alicia is traveling tonight on a plane. The guy at the counter is getting her a window seat as close to the front as possible. But wait! There seems to be a problem with her passport. It seems that Señora Ferreira de Mora did indeed have a bit of a demora (ha! I've been waiting to use that one too! demora = delay) in renewing her passport…as in, she should have renewed it five years ago! No way out of this one for blondie. She faints at the counter and is caught by the two guys waiting in line behind her.

It's massive freakage in the boardroom. Aldo gets everybody's attention and says they've all got to calm down until Tomás finds out who made that transfer. Ariel blames it all on Fernando, Lety, and the new "compinche" (buddy, accomplice; I'm not sure this is the most polite word, though, can anyone confirm?) Tomás. Fernando tells Ariel not to go making accusations without proof. Luigi says Tomás' hands are clean. Lety says Tomás is incapable of doing anything like that. Aldo and Fernando both vouch for Tomás. Fernando's dad reminds Ariel of how hard Fernando has worked in the last few months. Fernando's Bozo, digo, his mama chimes in as well. Papa says Fernando and his team have everybody's support. Ariel walks out without saying anything. Fernando goes to clasp his dad's hand while Luigi does a little silent cheer/dance in the back.

Looks like instead of Switzerland, Alicia has been taken to a clinic. She comes to with a doctor asking if she feels better. Alicia asks after her passport and says she has to leave. Then she really looks around and wonders where she is. The doctor says they brought her from the airport to this hospital. They've done all the tests and they know what's up. Ja, ja, ja, I bet I do too! The doctor congratulates Alicia for having a little Tomás in the oven and Alicia faints again. I don't know whether to laugh or feel incredibly sorry for poor little Tomás Pancracio.

As Marta talks to the gals about decorating her new house, a silver fox walks off the elevator. Wow, there's just all kinds of stuff happening tonight! The silver fox asks the assembled ladies where he can find Marcia Villaroel. Oh, I just caught sight of the elbow patches…I'll forgive him those if he turns out to be a Literature professor and he does it as an inside joke. They fall all over themselves telling him Marcia is in her office. The shoes, cameraman, show us the shoes! He introduces himself as Octavio Serrano. Sara asks why he wants to see Marcia (Sara! Don't you remember yesterday's email?!) and he says he owns a computer company and wants to offer her his products. Oh, is that what the kids are calling it these days? Everybody but Marta goes off to tell Marcia that Octavio is there to see her.

Meanwhile, Marcia gets an email. With all that's happening she's not in the mood for love notes. The gals all swarm in to tell Marcia there's a hottie out there waiting to see her. Marcia's like, duh, then tell him to come in. Juana tells the hermoso mozalbete (pretty young man) to come in. Octavio introduces himself and shakes Marcia's hand. Lola hustles the gals out of the room while Sara gives a really subtle thumbs up to Marcia. He drops his "I'm selling computers" pretext and asks her out. No answer is forthcoming before the commercial break.

Fernando and Lety are in Lety's office. Fernando is complaining to Lety that he's doomed to failure and the worst part is that they still owe Aldo money. Lety says that until this gets resolved, she has no choice but to postpone the wedding with Aldo. Oh, right, because of a little embezzlement, a likely story. Fernando says that's enough of that and he thinks she needs to think of herself first and forget Conceptos. He says she should get married according to plan. Lety says that's a relief because she only offered to postpone the wedding as a show of solidarity, but she really does want to marry Aldo ASAP. Funny, I'm not buying that either. Fernando says he wants her to marry Aldo ASAP too since he's stopped thinking he has any chance with Lety.

Marcia is telling the gals that she's torn between Octavio and her email lover. Okay, I have checked the recaps and confirmed that Marcia does know her email lover's name is Octavio. Apparently Marcia needs to check the recaps, as she has a very bad memory, as do the Cuartel. Juana votes for the hottie. Lola votes for the romantic. Sara votes for the "internet frog". Irma doesn't vote. Marcia is afraid of making the wrong choice. Irma says she should follow her heart, because the heart is never wrong.

Tomás is on the phone to Tomama talking about the missing $1M. He says he hasn't been able to get hold of his Chiquita to tell her about his tragedy. This apparently sets off Tomama, though we thankfully don't get to hear her side of the conversation. Just as he says this, Alicia comes in, sets down her bags, and closes the door without Tomás noticing. He tells Tomama "I've told you a thousand times, my Chiquita is marvelous, I need her." He thanks Tomama for calling, says he loves her, and hangs up. Tomás notices Alicia and is happy to see her, but then says he's devastated. Alicia says he's not the only one. Tomás says Conceptos' account was robbed. Alicia says, "really?" Tomás says, "yes, and we have no idea who it was," as he rests his head on Tomás Pancracio's future lunch. He swears he'll find out as Alicia cries and cries. He says it's good that she's there as she's his only consolation.

El Cheque has come to take the kids out for dinner. He uses the kids to convince Lola to go with them.

Lety and Aldo are walking by a fountain. I swear, it takes me a minute to figure out it's Lety in each of these scenes. She was wearing a black suit at work and now that she's out with Aldo, she's wearing a calf-length white sort of trench-y jacket, but with a little bit of quilting to it. She tells Aldo she talked to Fernando and he told her to forget Conceptos and to marry Aldo. Aldo says that's good, but what does Lety want to do? Lety says yes, she wants to marry Aldo. Aldo wants to know if she's, like, sure, like really sure, like really really really sure. Lety says, "let me think about it…yes, I'm completely sure." Aldo says, in that case, they should get married wherever, however, but now, because he loves her. Lety says she loves him too. Blech! Sorry, hairball.

Tomás lifts his head and tells Alicia not to cry, that he doesn't want her to be afflicted, he's going to fix it, he's got to fix it. Alicia goes off into the bedroom as Tomás keeps chanting "I'm going to fix it." Alicia hears the voices of the ticket agent saying her passport is expired and the doctor congratulating her on her pregnancy and cries herself a river. She says "pregnant" a few times and does this sort of smile/grimace so that I'm not sure if she's horrified or happy in spite of herself. She remembers Tomás saying she's his only consolation. Tomás comes into the bedroom apologizing for telling her about the theft just like that. Alicia says it's not that. Tomás wants to know if something went wrong with the treatment. Alicia says she needs to tell him that she's upset because of the theft and Tomás beats himself up some more for telling her since he should have known she would suffer knowing that he's having grave problems. Alicia agrees that the problems are the gravest. She tells him he's so good. We end on Alicia's sad little crying face.

No idea what we'll get tomorrow, but the announcer would like y'all to know that next Monday we'll be having a two-hour grand finale! Then again, you already knew that :)


Monday, June 18, 2007

Acorralada #109 - Monday 6/18/07 Will Max survive?

In the opening scene, Diego has Max at gunpoint and Max is telling him to go ahead and kill him. Diego cracks him in the mouth to shut him up.

Next we move to the only happy couple on the show - Rene and Yolanda, who are discussing their wedding plans. Since the Irazabals have been dethroned, they have no friends so it will only be family. Rene's family has just left for a 3 month vacation in Germany, so they won't be there for the nuptials. Larry arrives and asks if they've heard from Max, and Yolanda responds that she hasn't, but she's sure that he's at the fabrica.

Meanwhile, as usual, Diana is crying as she thinks about her impossible love for Max when Fedora interrupts to let her know that it would be best if she just forgot about him and let Fedora find a suitable man for her. If she doesn't, she will lose her position as president of the fabrica.

Back at Ignacio's place, Fiona is telling Eduardo that she would like to host a small party, but Eduardo has an important business dinner planned. He will have dinner with her on Saturday - this really puts Fiona into full fiera mode! She tells him that he forgets that he has a wife monday - friday, and maybe she should get herself a hottie on the side. Needless to say, this doesn't sit well with Eduardo.

Back to the torture of Max, where Max tells Diego that he better kill him because if he doesn't, he will kill Diego. Diego walks out and Max swears to himself that Diego will pay!

At the mansion, Fedora's telling Diana that she will be a simple employee if she doesn't give up her love for Max. Diana tells her that her love for Max was before her presidency at the fabrica. Fedora tells her that she will resume the presidency and the first thing she'll do is fire Max. Diana runs to her room to cry like a school girl, and Miguelina follows her to see why she's crying. Diana tells her the story, and Miguelina is sympathetic that Diana has so much love for the father of her child, but he's caused her so much pain already, and he's the son of Octavia. Diana says that's not his fault. She loves him and always will. blah blah blah. We've heard it all before.

Fiona the fiera is still screaming in Eduardo's face about how Eduardo forgets that he has a wife every day but Saturday. He tells her that they will discuss this later and walks out. Camila comes in and lets Fiona know that she knows that she has her sights set on Max. Fiona tells her to stay out of her business.

Silva is still at the beach wearing her blue mermaid getup when Rene calls her cell to tell her that he's worried about Paola because Octavia has her locked up at Paco's apartment and won't let her leave. Sylvia agrees to go see her the next day and she'll call him afterwards with an update.

Diego arrives at Lala's and Lala wants to know why he hasn't let Diego go yet. She tells him that he has to do it so that she doesn't have to report him and Pancho to the police. He lets her know that if he lets Max go, Max will kill him. Lala is impactada.

Gaby, Caramelo, and Sylvia are trying to comfort Diana, who's heartbroken over losing her job as president. Little does she know that the love of her life is being beaten and tortured by Diego! Caramelo is distracted and excuses herself. Diana is still babbling about her impossible love.

Eduardo summons Fiona into the living room to tell her that she better not repeat what she said earlier in the day. They're not in their home and they don't need to be putting on a show. Eduardo retires to the bedroom and Fiona calls Max and leaves him a desperate voicemail that she needs him.

Larry is still worried about Max, and calls Diana to see if she knows where he is. She tells him not to worry - she's sure that he's taking care of the employee who was hurt on the job. Larry tells her not to give up on Max, and she responds that she doesn't want to talk about it, and hangs up.

Rodrigo has arrived at the mansion to join Fedora and the rest of the inhabitants of the house for dinner. She looks a little overdressed for a family dinner in her glittery sundress and white bow around her neck. She tells Rodrigo that he should marry, as a man is not born to be alone. He responds that he's been waiting for the right woman to be by his side for always.

Caramelo managed to sneak off and call Lala for an update and learns that it's true - Diego and Pancho have kidnapped Max and Lala doesn't know what to do about it. Diego has told her that before the police catch him Max will be a dead man. She doesn't know how she will come to work in the mansion in the morning! Caramelo agrees to cover for her - she'll says that Lala is sick.

Little do they know that as they speak, Pancho is taunting Max, telling him that he's not going to release him because he knows that Max will kill him if he does. And it doesn't matter that Lala knows because Lala is his mom and she won't turn him in. Cut to commercial.

Back from commercial, Fedora is introducing Rodrigo to the odd group of people living at the mansion, including Dona Santa, who tells him that she's been looking for a husband for one of her dolls, and a lawyer would be perfect. Gaby tells them that Diana won't be joining them for dinner because she has a headache, and Fedora seems surprised to hear this.

Diego arrives to harrass Max, and Max tells him to let him go. Diego has a plan - he will let him go if Max agrees not to try to do anything to Diego, including calling the police. He's the owner of his destiny, he just needs to think about what he wants. Max is still hanging from the ceiling covered in blood as Diego turns and leaves.

At the fabrica, little doormat is serving Fedora her morning coffee as she mentions to her that taking the presidency from Diana might have been a little harsh. Fedora doesn't want to talk about it, and tells her that she will be firing Max today, so let her know when he's arrived.

Fiona pops into Emilio's office looking for Max wearing a skin tight top covered in cabbage roses with matching jeans - I haven't seen an outfit like this since 1989. Emilio is happy to see her and tells her that she's as beautiful as always. She tells him that her marriage is falling apart and she won't rest until she gets Maxi Maxi back. Diana is at the door and hears what she says. Commercial break.

When we return from the break, Sylvia is standing in Octavia's living room. O doesn't really want her there and tells her to keep the visit short. When O leaves the room Paola begs Sylvia to help her escape.

At the fabrica, Fiona is still talking about her plans for Max when Diana enters the room. Emilio is impactado, but recovers and introduces Diana as the president of the fabrica and Diana quickly adds that she's also the mother of Max's baby and offers her hand. Fiona refuses to take it, and tells her that she's heard about her from Octavia.

Paola is in luck - Sylvia has come prepared to save her. She's brought a huge candleholder that they can use to crack Octavia in the head, then they'll take the keys and leave! They call Octavia into the room and ask her to open the door for Sylvia. Octavia turns her back on Sylvia and Sylvia hits her and knocks her out instantly. They take the keys to Paco's car and sneak out while he's in the shower.

At the fabrica, Lala arrives and tells Caramelo that she needs to talk to Diana because she's the only one who can save Max.

Sylvia's driving Pancho's SUV. They're giggling and being silly when Sylvia crashes into another woman's car. It's a very slow motion crash, showing the other woman flailing around in her car and then we see shattered glass flying, but Paola and Sylvia appear unscathed.

Lala and Caramelo enter Diana's office to let her know that Diego is holding Max captive. Diana is speechless, como siempre.

Pan out to a vision of Max's bloody body hanging as he says Diana's name...

Back to Diana's office, Diana can't believe what Lala has told her. Lala begs her to talk to Diego, because it's preferable to love a man who's alive than a man who's dead. Caramelo tells her that she must do it. Diana gives her usual glassy eyed stare in response.

We return to Paco's apartment, where he's discovered that Octavia's been hit by Silvia so that she could leave with Paola.

Max is still hanging and thinking about Diana...

Diana goes to see Diego. She walks into the living room and tells him that Lala has told her everything and she's come to beg him not to hurt Max. He agrees, but says that first he's going to tell him a small lie - he's going to tell him that she was his woman! Diana is impactada.


La Fea finale CORRECTION

This is totally my bad for jumping the gun on the announcement... the La Fea Gran Finale will still be Monday the 25th, but it will only be TWO hours... starting at 8 ET. In other words, it's starting at the usual time and pre-empting Juan Q and Destilando. Sorry for the confusion...

(I know it's no big deal; your VCR/DVR will still grab it, but I just wanted to set the record straight since I blabbed that wrong thing over the weekend.)


Zorro: Friday, June 15, 2007: Baby Tisha goes home, baby M gets a Christian burial and Zorro pays the Queen a visit

Sorry for the late post. I did the first half okay but by the second half other people wanted to watch TV and I kept getting booted out of the room. Here it is:

This installment started early I guess because I didn’t even get the tail end of Marina. Hopefully I didn’t miss anything earth shattering:

Olmos is carrying baby Tisha and surmises that Monty must know the truth about the parentage and that’s why Piza had to get rid of it. Olmos does a baby switch and mentions to us viewers that Mangle would hate him if she knew the truth. He makes up his mind to give baby Tisha to Mangle and then to get even with Selenia being that she’s the one responsible for baby M’s (could be Monty could be Mangle, cute) death. Not for nothing Olmos but YOU were the one who couldn’t wait and like an eager beaver gave Mangle the potion so how is it her fault?

We go to SK updating the gypsies as to where she’s been. She was behind death’s shadow for a long time. She feels to she should recoup what’s hers not for vengeance or for greed but so that justice may be done. SK warns that those who follow her to LA risk their lives. She tells them she will talk to the Queen of Spain and tell how it really is. Whoever wants to come is welcome. Everybody is okay with this it looks like but Laisha is pensive.

Duke Jacobo and I guess one of his men plot not to not allow Monty or FS to get close to the Queen nor meet alone. He’s anxious about SK and since he doesn’t trust Monty or FS and with no body he can’t be sure if she is dead. Misael (oooh that’s his name okay) offers to find SK and make her disappear. DJ says the better thing is to alienate themselves from Monty and FS in case the SK thing hits the fan. They will be held soley responsible and he will personally make sure their heads roll. DJ orders that nobody meet the Queen without him knowing it. You know this just proves Diego’s point about DJ controlling her.

SAM brings Esme chicken broth to get her strength up. SAM tells Esme that her baby will be fine, nobody would dare harm an innocent creature (except Monty of course). SAM tells Esme that compared to Monty, Piza is the lesser of two evils and he will think of something so the baby isn’t harmed. SAM coaxes Esme to eat something.

Diego finally meets up with Olmos and demands to know what happened with Mangle with his son. Olmos says baby is fine and holds it up. Diego demands to know where he was taking the baby. Olmos evades the question and tells of how difficult the birth was and how he had to be midwife (ineffective one at that). Diego isn’t dumb and tells Olmos that didn’t answer his question. Olmos gives Diego the baby and tells him that he thought the baby died and was running to get Pito but he finally cried and was on his way back home. That just totally didn’t make any sense don’t babies cry right away? Diego is surprised to be holding his son and what cutey patooties.

We get a nice view of the name placque at the de la Vegas (just in case we forgot who it belongs to) where Alej is holding up a weak Dena. Dena tells Alej that she wanted to get out of bed but her legs gave way. Alej pleads with her to fight, have strength to live. She is abandoning him. Dena tells him she gave her strength and energy in rasising Esme. Alej tells her that Esme is dead she has to live without her. Alej feels defeat and says he isn’t enough for her. Dena denies this and says his love is the only gift that she wants to take with her. Alej pleads with Dena to react and holds her. Dena has a wide eyed scared look.

We go to Yumi asking Dol for a cup of coffee. Dol tells Yumi she should rest. Yumi tells Dol that she hasn’t been able to keep death away from Dena and says the medicine doesn’t have the same effect as it used to. Dol asks Yumi if it is true that Dena is going to die. Yumi says yes that’s why the potion was made. Dol says perhaps Dena’s desire to die is stronger and what’s worse is that Alej is slowly shutting down. Yumi is upset because she’s tried so many things. Dol tells her maybe Esme’s spirit is lonely in heaven and wants Dena there.

SAM finds Piza and tells him Esme is distraught over her baby. SAM wants to know what happened if he killed the baby. Piza reminds him to keep his distance. SAM thinks maybe the baby can be given to a family to raise until Esme escapes. Piza tells him that they haven’t been able to arrange an escape for six months so there is nothing that can be done. SAM pleads with Piza to tell him what happened and Piza tells him he left the baby abandoned in the cemetery. SAM is off to find baby Tisha but Piza tells him that they’ll be dead men if he tries to look.

Diego returns with baby to Mangle’s room. Pito informs him that Mangle still is not up and it appers she has suffered high level of poisoning (pupils are dilated). Diego gives him the baby to check out. Diego asks Olmos if Mangle drank something. Olmos denies this and tells Diego how it went down (except the potion part). Pito tells Diego that the baby is fine sometimes premature babies grow up healthier and recommended that Diego hire a nanny to nurse the baby being that Mangle is intoxicated. Diego leaves to the hacienda with the baby and orders Olmos to take care of Mangle. Pito questions aloud what could have happened. Olmos thought bubbles that Selenia will pay for this with her life.

SAM goes to cemetery and calls for baby Tisha. He scares away some dogs and notices a dead baby on the ground. SAM cries and curses Piza to properly cued lightening. SAM digs a hole while saying the Lord’s Prayer.

Diego shows the baby to MP and updates everybody to what happened. MP offers to change diapers and tells Diego it looks exactly like him.

Selenia chants and throws some black rocks on a table. She tells her dwarf that they have to be careful the rocks warn of danger. SD tells Selenia that he doesn’t trust Mangle nor Olmos. Selenia will ask her spirits about them. Enter Olmos with a gun, they will settle some business.

SAM finds Piza and asks how could him abandon the baby to its luck. SAM tells him he buried it and said a Hail Mary. Piza tells SAM they had no other choice and to remember that.

Back to Olmos, he accusses Selenia of cursing his mom’s womb resulting in him being born a monster. Selenia denies every having done such a job. He accuses her of being a liar and in beliving her he gave Mangle the potion. Selenia can’t belive Olmos would do such a thing, his obsession will make him crazy (more than he is already?) Olmos wants to know what he can do, Mangle does not respond. Selenia tells him he can’t do anything, she is the only one that can save her.

Mangle is getting up feeling sick and passes out. Pito checks her over begs her to respond.

Piza tells Monty that he completed his duties and baby is buried in cemetery. Monty is surprised that he would go to that trouble. Piza tells him that in this weather there could be floods so being buried there is less chance of finding it. Monty tells him and his guards that he will need him bright and early tomorrow for Queen guard duty. Monty warns Piza not to get close to DJ as he is putting pressure to get SK’s body. Monty orders Leroy to check the cemetery and see if its there. Monty thought bubbles, that another tragedy caused by Zorro and he is still not finished with Esme. He will make her life miserable.

SAM gives Eme some flowers and tells Esme that baby Tisha is fine. He is in a good home where he will be taken care of until she escapes. SAM pleads with Esme to have faith that she will escape and will recuperate everything she’s lost.

Yumi holds baby Tisha while Alej speaks of a new generation of de la Vegas. Alej and MP remind Diego that his child will give him happiness and will help to give him happiness. Dol says that the blood running the baby’s vein’s can’t be denied, it looks like Alej and Diego.

We go back to Esme and the theme song is playing to a scene of her holding little Tisha with Diego looking on. The theme song continues and this time Diego is teaching little Tisha how to fence with her looking on.

Leroy visits the cemetery and confirms that the baby was buried. He tells the air that it’s weird that the baby looks like it was attacked by wild animals. He gets mad that he couldn’t make Piza look bad before Monty to the cue to lightening and reburies baby M.

Piza throws rocks at a window waking up Cat but by the sound of glass breaking sounds like he used a brick. Cat goes to the window while Tobi acts asleep. Cat gets upset at Piza and tells him he will wake up Tobi but Piza warns he will go in and wake him up personally if she doesn’t come down.

Alej finds Diego up and tells him that he used to suffer insomnia after the death of Regina. Diego now knows what he went through. Alej tells him the memories are the worst because once you accepted the loss you remember everything from the first time you met. Alej tells Diego it isn’t healthy to feed the pain because it will take you like Dena. Diego asks Alej how he found the will to live. Alej tells him Diego himself helped him, taking care of him and reminds him that his son needs him.

Cat and Piza are making out. Cat tells him that Tobi can wake up at any moment and find them. Piza tells her that if Tobi walks in he will shoot him. Cat prohibits him from repeating that and Piza tells her don’t talk then and they continue their make out. Cat notices something strange but Piza tells her he doesn’t want to talk about it only wants to feel. I guess he feels remorse for killing baby D (or thinks he did anyway).

Leroy informs Monty that Piza completed his orders. Monty orders Leroy to hire more men to guard the house for a new operation he’s planning. Leroy tells Monty that it will arise suspicions but Monty tells him he use the Queen’s arrival as an excuse. Monty calls for Mejias to get him a torch and a horse. Monty thought bubbles that he is happy to be able to trust Piza again. He guesses that the next order will be able to be accomplished without problems.

MP holds little Tisha will Dol can’t help but feel sad for Diego who thinks that this was the baby he shoulda had with Esme. If you only knew Dol. MP knows Diego and he will love the baby. Dol thinks that Esme’s memory will always be present as she is always turning up in conversation. MP agrees everyone will always hold Esme in their hearts with nostalgia and appreciation. Dol feels upset for Diego and Dena who are letting themselves turn off like cocujos (fireflies) in the night. MP tells Dol they have to help them. The baby is proof that life goes on and will return peace and hope to the house.

Mangle wakes up and aks Olmos where the baby is. Olmos tells her that Pito examined her, she was passed out so Diego took the baby. Mangle accuses Olmos of permitting Diego to take the baby. She worries that Diego will take the baby away. Olmos assures her that Diego is getting the baby the care it needs. Olmos tells Mangle that she ate something that made her sick so she won’t be able to breast feed the baby. Olmos worries about her but Mangle tells Olmos not touch her and calls him a dirty hunchback. I wonder if the potion will have the opposite effect now instead of making Mangle love him, she will despise him even more. Mangle tells Olmos that to make sure that she sees the baby tomorrow.

Back to the gyspsies, SK tells them that with PT’s help she has gathered documentation which prove who she is. Jonas tells her whenever she is ready the will depart. SK worries that they will try to invalidate her documents but Renzo tells her she will be Queen. Laisha asks what will Queen say when SK faces her. SK tells everybody that Ana Louisa is her cousin and she hopes she is a just woman. Who they need to be worried about is Duke Almagro, he is the real assassin.

Cut to a cloaked figure visting a restrained Piza brandishing a knife. He tells Piza tha they have to talk and removes the hood. He wants to hear all Piza has to say about Cmdr Montero.

Monty visits Esme and calls her a waste. He tells her that he knows she was with him to find his weak spot in order to rescue her mom. Her greatest mistake was allying herself with his greatest enemy, Zorro. Monty lays down next to her and strokes her arm. He tells her that he doesn’t want to hurt her but he needs to release that rage she feels for him and he succeeded. He tells Esme Zorro is to blame for her child’s death and to tell him Zorro’s identity.

We get a nice scene of the Queens’ bedroom. She awakes with a start and asks who is there. From the shadows we hear Zorro say, Good night your Majesty.



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