Friday, October 15, 2010

El Clon Thursday October 14: Summary for Discussion

Lucas thinks fast! He steps on the gas, knocks over his assailant, and peels out of the driveway to call for help. The police arrive quickly -- amazingly quickly -- and the rest of the gang flees in a barrage of gunfire.

Lucas goes inside and finds Marisa and Rosa unharmed but stunned and tries to comfort them.

Alej is training hard for that last pre-title bout. Pablo thinks he should ask Diana to go with him but Alej has too much integrity to risk giving her false hopes. After all, he broke her heart once before.

Tío Abdul may need to borrow Amin’s telescope so he can get a better look at Gloria. She intercepts his lecherous gaze and scares him off by inviting him over for a beer.

Inside Mohamed’s house, Zoraida marvels at what a docile husband he has become.

And guess who’s coming to dinner? Alí arrives with the news that Abdul invited Zuleica to come over this evening. Latifa is incensed that she is expected to dress up and prepare a party for that odalisca. Trust me, says Alí; I know what I’m doing.

Three generations of sKanks are on parade. SG1 and SG2 are working over their plan to parlay SG3 into hard cash.

And the plan is beginning to emerge – Enrique finds a flyer stuck under the windshield of Roberto’s car. He reads:
El exitoso abogado Roberto del Valle acaba de tener un hijo en Pequeña Havana a cual no ha reconocido.
(The successful attorney Roberto del Valle just had a son in Little Havana and he hasn’t acknowledged him.)
Enrique chuckles appreciatively but Roberto doesn’t see the humor.

Carolina’s advice to her friend Clara: Tell Rogelio about Fernando!

At Salamandra, Yasmín reports back to Malicia with the info on Leonardo Ferrer. Malicia’s phony smile fades quickly when Yasmín leaves and Diana walks in. Malicia is unfazed by Diana’s news that Rogelio and Clara are back together. After all, she observes snidely, he should be with someone his own age.

Rogelio dreads telling Malicia it’s over between them. Piece of halvah, says Zein, who has clearly had a lot of practice in the art of the gentle let-down. And speaking of love, Rogelio wants to know if Zein has talked to Said again. No, not yet.

When Enrique and Roberto arrive at the office, they are shocked to hear about the assault at the Ferrer house the night before. Oh and here’s a letter that came for you, says Caro to Roberto.

Lucas brings news from the police to Casa Ferrer. They have caught one of the gang and that means it won’t be long before they get all of them.

Lucas, Daniel and Dora all have their DNA testing done.

Padre Andres tells Albieri that his sin has always been vanity. You are as vain as I am, retorts Albieri – It’s just that you’re vain about your virtues. When Andres reproaches him – again -- for not taking the human cost of his actions into account, Albieri – never one to shy from comparing himself to God -- likens cloning to the story of Eve’s creation. Who were Eve’s parents? Wasn’t she formed from a part of Adam’s body?

At the Clinic, Luisa takes a phone call from Albieri’s old colleague, Dr. Mendelson, and confirms that he wasn’t in Miami when Albieri used him as an alibi. When Albieri walks in, Luisa pounces and accuses him of lying. He doesn’t bother to deny it: A veces tengo que inventar cosas porque tú no me entiendes. (Sometimes I have to make up stories because you don’t understand me.) And when he walks away, Anita advises her friend to keep an eye on him. Follow him!

It is sooooooo sad. There truly is no honor among thieves! The Zombies rage because they’ve been stood up by the gang. ¡Nos robaron! (We wuz robbed!) But their frenzied tantrum is cut short by the arrival of the cops: the Zombies are under arrest!

Said hasn’t made up his mind about Jade. He believes that she wants to marry him but he knows she doesn’t love him. Love is born of a life together (El amor nace con convivencia), Jade begins… but the conversation is aborted when Rania, alerted by Amina the Spy, hurls herself between them like a live grenade. Said makes a hasty escape from the field of battle -- he has a ‘business’ lunch.

And the business of the lunch is Jade. If Said doesn’t love her, is he willing to give Zein a chance to woo her? Said promises he will have an answer on Monday.

The Naz is leading an impromptu exercise class for Samira, Jadiya and Zumaya in Latifa’s living room. Up to now, Latifa and Mohamed have kept their children from knowing about Mohamed’s folly, but the irate Naz spills the couscous. Amin and Samira are both distressed. They know how their mother feels about a second wife. But Samira is especially stricken because she feels it’s all her fault. She’ll wear a veil if it will keep her mother from suffering, she promises tearfully.

The gruesome trio are having their mugshots taken at the police station. Natalia shows no fear or remorse. Just scorn.

The police have contacted the residents of Casa Ferrer with the news that their assailants have been captured. Marisa and Rosa are reluctant to go to the station and identify the attackers but Lucas insists it is their duty to help the police. And besides, what if they arrested the wrong person?

When they get to the police station, they are told that all of those responsible have been arrested: those who planned the attack and those who carried it out. And unfortunately, the intellectual authors of the crime aren’t strangers to the family. And then they bring in Natalia.

Natalia denies everything.

Enrique to therapist: Drug addiction is an illness that destroys character. The addict morphs into a machine for consuming drugs.

Lucas can’t bear to proceed against his own child. He wants to withdraw the charges. The police explain that the gang identified her – and Fernando and Paula -- very clearly and that she provided them with the key to the house. Natalia just keeps on denying. She wails: ¡Mamá, sácame de aquí! (Mom, get me out of here!) And Marisa puts a protective arm around her. Lucas will call his lawyer.

Clara is telling Carolina about her conversation with Rogelio when she gets the call: the police have Fernando in custody. He is accused of involvement in the attack on the Casa Ferrer.

The break-up:
Rogelio doesn’t know Malicia had a chance to prepare her part ahead of time. In a well-rehearsed scene, she is convincing as the tough, classy dame who loves the guy enough to let him go.

Lucas is trying to reach Enrique but gets no answer. And he can’t get through to Carolina either. That policeman hates me, whines Natalia.

Malicia can’t leave Rogelio without loosing a poison dart in Clara’s direction: Clara hates me. Please don’t let that color our relationship. They agree: ¡Amigos para siempre!

The moment he leaves she says: ¡Ay! Casi no me lo quito de encima! (I thought I’d never get rid of him. Literally: Almost I don’t get him off me.) And she pulls a photo of Leo from an envelope. She’s not finished.

Rogelio calls Clara and wants to see her but she tells him it will have to wait until tomorrow. She has a very serious problem right now. And so she does. As she enters the police station, she meets the cold gazes of Lucas, Marisa and Rosa.


Llena de Amor #47 Thu 10/14/10 Polly Purebread finds out she's a Peripheral Puppy

Hooray, the telenovelas are back!!

Muñeca tells Ilitia that she has every right to know the truth. And the truth is, “You aren’t my daughter.” Lowrenzo glares at his wife.

Eman is sitting with his Tio and affectionately tells Gretel that this was a night of surprises. She fidgets when he tells her he’s happy she’s in love with her policeman. She tries to deny it, love disgusts her. He laughs and tells her he saw her kissing Oliver and he couldn’t be happier. He describes what it’s like to be in love and she says yep that’s it! Is that what you feel for Ilitia? Cara impactada de Eman.

Kristel fakes being happy that Mari is moving back in to Hell House. It’s all an act for Tia Carlota. Fedra fakes felicity too.

Brandon arrives and Kristel quivers in pleasure. Emiliano explains to Carlota that this guy is Mari’s boyfriend. Fedra sneers and Kristel leers. Brandon tells them to relax, he and Mari are over.

Ilitia rightly asks how they could have kept her adoption a secret for so long? She hates them both! Lowrenzo clarifies, Ilitia is his real daughter. She asks how can that be? (Really? Does she not know her father at all?) Muñeca says daddy boinked another mujer. Lowrenzo begs Ilitia’s forgiveness but we know how her mind works. She wonders how her mother could give her away like a peripheral puppy. She says she hates the sight of them. “Get out!”

Begoña’s been talking in the dark since Friday, wondering how Lowrenzo could adore Ilitia but shun her own adorable Christian.

Mari has hustled Brandon outside to explain to him that she’s only there while Tio is sick. He reminds her that she only thinks of him as a friend while he truly loves her. (Hey, weren’t you macking on Ilitia earlier? Oh well, change of scenery I guess.) Eman interrupts them.

Paula visits Tio and Gretel remarks that Paula has special feelings for her uncle. She’s grateful that Paula cares for her Tio and for them too. Their happy hug is interrupted by Crabby Carlota. Gretel sets Crabby straight. Paula has been like a mother to them! She demands to know why Carlota treats Paula badly. Crabby gives her snobby response, “she’ll never be a part of this family!” and Gretel scowls.

Fedra and Spiderus/Bernardo skulk and plot to thwart Carlota’s mandate that Mari get the house and money. They want Tio’s document and since Mari will be in their clutches it’s the perfect opportunity to take care of her once and for all. Spiderus tells Fedra to make sure Mari has sweet dreams (i.e. Fedra’s going to give her knock-out drops) and he’ll take care of the rest. Fedra cackles that they’ll get to wear black after all. Yikes.

Lowrenzo drinks straight vodka and blames Muñeca for everything. She tells him that Jacqui’s in town, knows everything and has threatened to go to the press in order to come between Ilitia and Eman.

Jacqui visits Begoña and the flesh is bustin’ out all over. Begoña’s worried about Jacqui’s encounter with Lowrenzo but Jacqui snaps her fingers and says there’s no man she can’t control. We’ll see.

Mari’s raiding the refrigerator and Delicia is advising her to snack on her cousin. There are many cultures where cousins marry. Mari says not in her family, it would be a scandal. She puts the food back and announces she’s on a diet for the beauty contest. Speaking of scandal, Fedra joins them and kicks Delicious out.

Brandon and Netty commiserate that Mari has decided to stay in the same house as Fedra. Netty can’t believe she’d leave a place where everyone loves her. Brandon educates Netty, Mari’s in love with her cousin.

Fedra performs fellatio on a gigantic chocolate bar in front of Mari’s face. But our little marshmallow has grown a spine and she blurts out it’s Fedra’s fault that her son is in trouble. She knows that Fedra forced him to be with a prostitute when he was twelve. Axel told her everything! “You destroyed the child’s innocence!”

Fedra gives Mari a mighty slap and seethes that Mari’s not going to see half a cent. She insults Netty, Mari’s parents and happily watches as Mari starts gasping for air. Just then Carlota comes in and demands to know what’s wrong with Mari. Fedra jams the chocolate bar in her own mouth and shrugs.

Netty accuses Brandon of being drunk, but he says it’s not the beer, he speaks the absolute truth. That’s why she always goes back to the house. Netty frets but Brandon reminds her that love is crazy. He reveals that he and Mari were never really novios, it was a farce. He cries in his beer.

Muñeca calls Emanuel to give him the angst update. He’s the only one who can help Ilitia now.

Carlota reveals to Fedra that Mari has her attacks when something upsets her. “What upset you honey? Tell me.” Crazy Fedra music plays in the background.

Tio Maximo advises Benigno to watch out for Mari and protect her from Fedra. Paula surprises Benigno by bringing him a plate of food and tells him that Fedra insisted on making the meal and wants him to eat everything. Tio advises that if Fedra made it it’s got scorpions or rat poison in it. Paula looks indignant but I can’t imagine why.

Oh dear, the family is enjoying what is no doubt another toxic repast. However Mari announces she’s not hungry and intends to spend her time caring for Tio Maximo. Ha ha, she just ruined Fedra’s meal.

Netty tells Gladiola that Mari has a secret love that will surely bring sadness into her life.

Fedra’s down (or up?) in the lair of Spiderus pitching a fit because Mari refused to eat her drugged food and plans to stay in Tio’s room. Spiderus consoles her by volunteering to dress up as a robber and shoot Mari in the head.

Mari is down in Tio’s room reading him to sleep. She stares at Benigno’s venomous vittles…should she? No! She’s on a diet!

Muneca discovers that her special prescription of suicide pills is missing. Eman arrives and all hell breaks loose as they break the door down. Yep, pills are scattered all over the floor. “My daughter follows your example!” shrieks Lowrenzo.

PSA alert. Oliver is reading an absolutely fascinating magazine. Why look, it’s The History Of Mexico. He just can’t put it down! Brandon interrupts him blah blah PSA they fight over it and a close up of the magazine. Moving right along...

It’s night time and a dark figure slips into Tio’s room. He removes a document from Tio’s drawer, sticks it in his pocket and promptly knocks a music box over. The dark figure grabs Mari and points a gun at her head. Outside the door is another dark figure with a stiletto, knife that is. It’s Cat Woman, oh wait, it’s Fedra and she hides. Benigno runs in with a gun in his hand and his slumber mask on his forehead. The first dark figure backs out dragging Mari with him. Dark figure pushes Mari away and there is a shot. Cat Woman runs. First dark figure runs and Benigno fells him with another shot. Dark figure jumps up and kicks the gun away as Cat Woman watches, hidden.

Eman jumps in the shower with Ilitia. No, no that way, they are fully dressed and he’s trying to wake her up.

Cat Woman, who has remained hidden so far, suddenly decides to trip over lamps, bump into walls, make noises and get chased out of the basement.

Lowrenzo mutters that Muneca is the only one to blame for putting Ilitia at death’s door. His pleasant musings are interrupted by the Mafioso that visited earlier. The Boss needs a favor; he wants to stash his stash in Lowrenzo’s house. An unpleasant discussion ensues but the gun wins and Lowrenzo doesn’t get his way for once.

They are out of the shower and Ilitia needs a little TLC and reassurance that it’s OK for her to be the daughter of a nobody. She says Eman’s the only one who can console her. He really steps in it and reminds her that they’re getting married in a month, so cheer up! Then he looks like he wants to be the next to swallow pills. She happier she becomes the sicker and more full of despair he appears.

Our lame ladrones burst into Bernardo’s lair, he holding his bum and she in a snit because they don’t have the document. But wait, he whips out said paper and Miss HotAndCold is happy once more. Until she spies her pal bleeding all over the bed. “You’ve got to get the bullet out,” he instructs. Man, Fedra’s night just keeps getting better. She flips open the stiletto and gleefully moves toward her patient, licking her lips.

Next morning over breakfast Emilio is aghast that Benigno didn’t wake him up after the intrusion. It turns out nobody heard the commotion including the two shots that were fired. Eman is aghast that Mari was threatened and he wasn’t home. I’m aghast that this family is able to sleep through gunshots yet again. Were they drugged again? I guess so.

Nereida brings Spiderus his juice and antibiotics in bed because he’s “suffering from a serious stomach infection”. She decides the cure is a little romp and jumps on top of him. He yells “my leg!” and nearly jumps through the roof. Nereida demands to know what he’s hiding from her and tries to pull the blankie off of him.

And still no word on Axel.

Un cachorrito periférico = a peripheral puppy (like a mongrel, not a purebread I think)
No es la chela, es la neta = It’s not the beer speaking, it’s the absolute truth
Ladrones = thieves


Thursday, October 14, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #45-46 10/14/10 Fathers' Day

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 27: Oops.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Today's episodes involve four different "fathers," Omar, Ariel, Erasmo, and Humberto; and their involvement in the lives of their "children."

Capitulo 45

1. Fernando got the restaurant parking attendant fired for damaging his car.

2. The police raid their vendor and confiscate their prepaid equipment as contraband. Omar’s contact tells him the equipment is delayed in Customs (aduana).

3. Marcia tells Fernando that he’s paranoid if he thinks Alicia is Ariel’s spy. He says they’ve been in regular contact since their date, per Omar. Marcia says that date was a disaster, and Ali only said that to make Omar jealous.

4. Omar brings Fernando the bad news, and he throws a major fit. Customs tells Lety it’s impounded as contraband. Fern is losing his grip. Omar’s atny says they can get the equipment if they pay import fees. Customs tells Lety there is no way to recover it. Note to self: don’t trust Omar’s attorney.

5. Fernando and Lety down the bottle of Valerian. Funny scenes of stoned Fern and Lety. Lety reminds them, “I told you so!” Omar and Fernando start fighting.

6. Fernando tells Lety, “Starting today, Conceptos is in your hands.” He tells her to get the embargo documents, and they’ll register them today. She tells Julieta to send the papers by taxi, but Erasmo decides to take them instead.

7. Fernando tells Marcia and Luigi that the NY vendor was out of stock, so they’ll buy from a domestic vendor instead. Fernando has a fantasy of a “60 Minutes is at the door” moment.

8. Fernando’s car is in the shop, so Erasmo insists on taking Fernando and Lety on their errands. Pop rebukes Fern for yelling at Lety, and Fern suggests that Pop yells at her too. Pop mentions that he’s doing the accounting for Filmo Imagen. Ruh-roh!

Capitulo 46

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 28: My Two Dads.” Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Erasmo brags about his honesty and honor, and Lety’s too. Fernando reproaches Lety for telling Pop about FI. He asks, “Is there anything else I don’t know?” She doesn’t tell him that Tomás is a 1% owner.

2. Omar hears the cuartel say that Alicia is pregnant, and they speculate that he’s the father.

3. Fernando and Lety notarize the Guarantee and take it to the Recorder. Fern asks her why she couldn’t get a financial job, considering her skills and qualifications. She says, “Por fea.”

4. Pop orders Fernando to ride with him and not take a taxi. Fernando and Erasmo tell each other to stop yelling at Lety. Fern tells Lety she shouldn’t complain – her father yells much more than he does.

5. Omar asks Alicia if she’s pregnant. Ali answers, “What if I am?” Omar says it’s not his. Ali tells Marcia that the cuartel is saying she’s pregnant. Ariel hears it and asks who the father is. Ariel says Fern is bankrupting Conceptos.

6. Omar tells Fern that Ali is pregnant. Fern teases that the expert bachelor got caught by Alicia. Ariel throws a rage that the baby’s not his, and Ali reminds him he never took precautions. Omar “usually” did.

7. Marcia advises Fern to tell his parents about the lack of business, and says Ariel wants a board meeting. They plan an event to launch the Bella Life (BL) commercials. Fernando invites his parents, and his dad will want to see the balance.

8. Marcia asks Ali if she’s really pregnant, and if she did it to trap Omar.


La Verdad Oculta #022: You sound like you're yelling from the bottom of a well

At the condo, Adolfo decides Roberto will be a washout as a thug and threatens to take away the apartment, the car and the cash because Roberto can't gird up and kill someone -- even though Adolfo already once saved Carlos and Roberto from jail for the death of the hotel maid.

Bertha pitches a fit at breakfast at Mario's and worms her way into David's Manzanillo business trip, despite David being too busy to ferry her around. Bertha instructs long-suffering David to arrange for Roberto to accompany them so she can have some fun while there.

Roberto visits Elsa and is shocked to learn that the guy selling the house was the man they framed for the maid's murder -- and that the reason Juan José didn't sell is that he recognized Carlos as the son of the man who sent him to prison.

David calls Gabriela at home to apologize for his fight with Carlos in the office the night before and beg her to meet him and have a serious talk; he's going off on a business trip to Manzanillo later that day, he tells her.

At Juan José's, he is dismayed to find Asunción has been gabbing freely with Caramelo about the treasure and what they'll do with it; but Asunción insists it's just a game, both for the girl -- and for them, too. If they don't ever find the treasure, they'll just go back to being poor and forget about it.

Back at Elsa's, she starts the thought running in Roberto's head that Juan José has had nothing to do for the past eleven years except think about being framed; and for some scheme that occurs to him, Roberto suddenly offers to pay the still outstanding fee of the shyster lawyer who visited there earlier, threatening Elsa to re-incarcerate Juan José.

David apologizes to Gabriela in the park for the previous evening and vows he's truly in love with her and wants everyone to know openly; he intends to talk to her father, and by the time David kisses Gabriela, she's already a puddle of purr.

Roberto visits Carlos at the restaurant office and urgently fills him in on his conversation with Elsa about Juan José; they are both fearful of what a guy like him and eleven years in prison could wreak on them and Adolfo and Mario.

Marcos and the low-life bunk mate board one of several work-detail vans under guard at the prison and head out of the city.

Meanwhile, Roberto shows Julieta his new apartment, and she's impressed with it and his car and money -- which he sketchily explains came from some recent business deals. A phone call makes Roberto abruptly change plans to go on a three-day trip; but Julieta does not learn it's David on the other end.

Roberto makes a bee line for the luxury condo, where Adolfo takes him back into his employ upon learning of Roberto's trip with David -- and that the man they framed for the maid's death is living across the way from the victim Adolfo has chosen for Roberto: Mario Genovés.

Juan José at home is getting irritated he doesn't even possess a decent shirt in which to visit Elsa, when Asunción points out Elsa wouldn't care -- she likes him anyway. Juan José doubts he could offer her anything, even if he felt towards Elsa more than just the lovely sister of his erstwhile friend.

Roberto continues laying out his cunning plan to Adolfo: he thinks that after eleven years in prison brooding on nothing but revenge against Adolfo and Mario, Juan José has surely moved in next to Mario for that reason -- and they can use him to do their dirty work. It dawns on Adolfo that Roberto is a smart fellow to figure out a way to kill two birds with one stone: kill Mario and put the hapless guy they framed back in prison.

Out in the country, the prison vans continue on their route; but some "associates" of the low-life have set up a roadblock ambush, and all the vehicles come to a screeching halt to the tune of semi-automatic weapons. They dump the guards and set the inmates free, as Marcos and the low-life advance to the front of the caravan and speed away.

At the garment factory, clueless Salomón is tickled to learn his son, Roberto, has finally grown up and is getting his own apartment and becoming a business man -- and that Salomón will get his money back soon.

Gabriela's joy gets a bucket of cold water over a talk with Julieta at the kitchen table, where Julieta explains her doubts about David, Roberto and the cousins going on the "business" trip to Manzanillo together -- and Julieta phones for Bertha at Mario's just to find she's out of town.

Later at work, Gabriela is sick to think David would jerk her around like that, especially after claiming he wanted to speak to her dad. She feels like an idiot for falling in love with him. But Julieta's approach is nastier; she wants to fight fire with fire and get back at David and Roberto.

After eternally digging in the kitchen floor, all the deprivations of the past eleven years and disappointments of his life after release are steadily wearing on Juan José's nerves, despite Asunción's attempts to calm him. Calm him, hell! He's working up a really good mad for revenge.

From the restaurant office, Carlos must fruitlessly chase Yolanda onto the floor to apologize for being rude to her after she tried to talk some sense into him about his fight with David over Gabriela. Spying Gabriela working a table there, Carlos pulls her into the office to talk David down and himself up just at a time Gabriela's feeling low about David. She's going to ask her dad for permission to have dinner with Carlos.

From way down in the bottom of the now-deep pit in the kitchen floor, Juan José starts frantically yelling for Asunción; when he arrives, Juan José hands him out a rusted piece of the well head which he excitedly says Gregorio told him about. Here it is! Here it is! We found it! We found it!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

La Fea Más Bella 10/13/2010 preempted. So instead, "What's an Embargo?"

Wednesday's LFMB was preempted by the Chilean miners' rescue. I assume it was preempted everywhere; let me know if I'm mistaken. So I thought today would be a good day to figure out what the embargo is all about. Lety has agreed to embargo Conceptos if she has to, but that hasn't happened yet.

By the way, before I forget. Marta has posted "Spanish Lessons" for Monday's and Tuesday's caps in the comments section on each recap page. Go back and take a look if you missed them.

The Embargo Process.Here is what I think is going on. I’m really fuzzy on some of this, but I’ll give it my best effort. Someone correct me if you know more.

The Guarantee will need to be notarized. I think Lety uses the terms Guarantee and “Prenda” (Surety) interchangeably. I think that the Guarantee has a clause that permits FI to lien (embargo) Conceptos if Conceptos defaults.

Then the Guarantee is registered with the government Recorder’s office. It takes three days for it to become effective. From the point when it's registered, the debtor (Conceptos) has 15 days to pay the debt. After that time, the creditor (FI) has to initiate the lien (embargo). You need an attorney to do that.

The lien would be an encumbrance on Conceptos. FI would not own Conceptos, but it would have financial control over it. Conceptos could not sell any assets under the lien, it could not put up its assets as collateral, and no other creditor could lay claim to Conceptos’ assets because FI would have first rights.

If it’s like US law, a lien is not perpetual. After some months it will expire. Before it expires, the creditor must Perfect the Lien and get a Judgment. This is done by an attorney. It is the Judgement that gives the creditor final and full ownership over the assets of the lien.

So in summary, as I understand it:
1. The Promissory Note (pagaré) is a formal IOU with legal requirements to pay.
2. The Guarantee (also called Prenda / Surety) recognizes the creditor’s rights if the debtor doesn’t pay.
3. The Guarantee is notarized and filed with the Recorder's office. The debtor has 15 days to pay.
4. After that waiting period, they file the lien (embargo). This encumbers the assets.
5. The creditor must Perfect the Lien and get a Judgment before it expires.
6. The Judgment would make FI owner of Conceptos.

Plot Ideas
I have one more topic to throw out for discussion. Those of you who haven't seen Fea before, I'd love to hear your predictions of what will happen. Don't worry if you're wrong. How could you know? I'd just love to hear your ideas.

And veterans, did you have any other ideas for alternative plots? I posed the question over the weekend. Fea broke so many conventions. Where would the plot have gone, had it been a typical novela? Swapped babies? Staircase of doom? Ariel starts smashing cell phones? C'mon! Get creative!


El Clon Tuesday October 12: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 169: In which -- Lord help us -- the Zombies have a gun; Natalia tries to rob Alej – again; Clara and Rogelio make up while Malicia prepares to trade up; and the Not So Smart Pizza Caper is in progress at Casa Ferrer.

It is, in the end, Cristina who, with a gutsy mixture of common sense, kindness and charm defuses the Zombie crisis. She goes up to them, introduces herself, asks Andrea to put on some cool music and invites the Zombies to join the party.

Enrique is sad to see the kids in that condition – it challenges his sobriety. It’s a good thing Caro is there to look out for him.

Lucia tries to comfort Marisa, who, in spite of looking devastated, minimizes Natalia’s behavior as adolescent rebellion. She’s a good girl but she has some bad friends, she says. I understand, says Lucia.

When Lucia rejoins the party, Paula gives her a hard luck story about her sick mother who can’t afford to buy her medicine. She scams her out of $300. By the time Andrea and Pablo wise her up, it’s too late. And we see Fernando and Paula gloating over the money as they are on their way out the door. “Me robaron” laments Lucia. (They robbed me).

Rogelio is trying to talk to Malicia about Zein and Jade but she is tuning him out – is she thinking about her last victim or her next one?

Leo and Cris slip away together.

Daniel and Nati are at a table talking and Lucas watches them and frowns.

The day after the wedding…

Gloria tells Alej he’s been looking sad since he broke up with Natalia. I still love her and I miss her, he says. And I still feel as if I could have done more for her. I doubt she’s thinking about you, says Gloria.

Amin and Mohamed walk by. Amin asks his father if it’s true that he’s going to have a bride. (¿Es verdad que tú vas a tener una novia?)

Diana and Pablo are at the pool talking about witchy Malicia. Andrea stops by to chat. Pablo admits he’s not sure if he likes Andrea or if he’s just using her. She’d be good for you, says Diana.

You should have seen it mom, it was a disgrace, Dora tells Estela. Daniel defends Natalia. She feels alone and she’s like me, she feels she doesn’t belong there, he says. The doorbell sounds: It’s the lawyer bringing news: Leo has presented his paternity demand and the judge has ordered Dora and Daniel to provide DNA samples.

Lucas and Marisa are at the breakfast table as Rosa looks on. ¿Y Natalia desapareció? (So Natalia’s gone?) asks Lucas. Marisa answers:
Sí, claro, ya hizo su escándalo, nos humilló delante de todo el mundo, se va a perder por unos días.
(Yes, of course, now she’s made a scene, she humilliated us in front of everyone, she’s going to get lost for a few days).
Enrique phones to tell Lucas that the judge has ordered him to provide a sample of DNA.

Back at Dora’s apartment, her lawyer explains how a DNA sample is taken. Dora is sure the test will put the lie to the whole clone business. The lawyer reminds her that if Leo prevails, Dora’s name will be removed from Daniel’s birth certificate.

At Empresas Ferrer, Enrique advises Lucas to comply with the judicial order for DNA. If he doesn’t, it will seem like he has something to hide.

Caro confirms to Clara that Rogelio and Malicia are really a couple. Clara decides she needs to hear it from Rogelio and sets off to find him.

Rogelio is with Zein at Salamandra. Zein is also determined to put his romantic house in order and he sets off to find Said and get an answer from him about Jade.

Enter Clara. You should have at least had the decency to break up with me, she says angrily. Rogelio seems genuinely puzzled. You’re the one who ended everything, he says. You were just using me to make your husband jealous! (Me utilizaste para darle celos a tu marido!) Clara tells him the truth – how Malicia broke up her marriage, stole the apartment and the car and then kicked Escobar out to be with Rogelio. And if you don’t believe me, says Clara, ask Escobar. Clara, escúchame (listen to me), begins Rogelio… They look at each other. And they kiss.

At Said’s house:
Jade and Zoraida are chatting. Said me va a aceptar de vuelta (Said is going to take me back again), predicts Jade. [Poor Jade didn’t see Said’s memory bubble of Jade’s past betrayal.] Rania shows up complaining about Jadiya’s music. Jade invites her daughter and her friend to listen to the music in her room. She and Zoraida will continue their conversation downstairs.

Lucas is in his office with Enrique. He is going to follow his father’s example, he has decided. He’ll be there for Natalia but he is going to live his life. Says Enrique:
Hay que luchar por la vida, Lucas. La vida sigue.
(You have to fight for for your life, Lucas. Life goes on.)
Yes, agrees Lucas, and life passes by so rapidly.

Outside somewhere in Miami, the Princess of the Zombies gives the house keys to the thief for hire. His gang will attack at 10pm and then they’ll all meet up to split the loot. But right now the Zombies need a fix and have no money left. They decide to rob a clothing store.

Somewhere along the way, Fernando has acquired a gun. Once inside, he waves it threateningly and all three Zombies fan out through the store. Hey, you, fool, give me your money! says Natalia to someone with his back to her. He turns and gazes at her with sadness: It’s Alejandro. She runs out of the store and he follows her. What are you doing? he asks in despair. Do you want to be a criminal for the rest of your life?

Enrique to therapist: When your head is clear, you are filled with shame and guilt and you can’t look people in the eye. But when you are using, you turn into an animal…

Alej tries to confront Natalia with the reality of what she is involved in: Does she realize she committed armed robbery and the store probably has security cameras? He tells her he can’t be with her as long as she is using drugs. I want to stop, she insists, I want to be happy with you…

At the clinic, Albieri is phoning Amalia to arrange their next meeting. When he notices Luisa is watching, he ends the call quickly. He tells her he was talking to a patient. Luisa complains to Julio and Anita that Albieri is hiding something. Julio tells her that sometimes a man wants to leave his wife but can’t figure out a way to tell her. So he leaves hints and that way she can discover the truth for herself. If you really want to make it hard for Albieri, concludes the enigmatic Julio, don’t help him so much.

Zuleica meets Latifa at the mall, as agreed. She wants to know everything about “our” husband.

Coincidentally, Zumaya and the Naz are also at the mall. The Naz gets mad when she learns that Abdul chose a novia for Mohamed and no one consulted her.

Meanwhile at Mohamed’s place, Samira is refuting Zoraida’s contention that it’s a sin not to wear a veil. Samira is pointing to a text (which we know Zoraida can’t read) and quoting:
Es conveniente que la mujer use el velo pero no es obligatorio.
(It is advisable that a woman use a veil but it is not obligatory.)
At that moment Latifa comes back from the mall and with a smile announces:
Averigué todo lo que necesitamos. (I found out everything we needed.)
And Alí, also smiling, replies:
Ahora, sí Latifa, ahora lo podremos salvar de ese compromiso.
(Now, yes Latifa, now we will be able to save him from that engagement.)

Alejandro and Natalia continue their conversation beside the water. When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror? he asks. I don’t know, I’m afraid of seeing myself, she answers.

Alej goes off to get them some cold drinks and by the time he comes back, Natalia is gone.

When Clara gets back to the office, she is feeling pretty good about her talk with Rogelio: We made a good beginning, she says. And adds: I’d just love to see Malicia tearing her hair out when she finds out Rogelio and I are back together again.

Malicia, however, has other things on her mind. She has charged a Salamandra employee, Yasmin, with investigating Leo. Find out everything, she instructs her -- personal and professional. She is planning an event in his honor, she explains.

Marisa gets home and Rosa tells her Leo called. He is on his way to Morocco. Lucas is going out but Marisa is unwilling to join him. She doesn’t want to risk meeting anyone who witnessed her humilliation last night.

That night…

The Zombies are sitting on a ledge outside. Natalia is positively radiant with her imagined revenge. Ya están llegando a tu casa (They must be arriving at your house about now.) the others tell her.

A beat-up yellow pizza delivery car drives up to Casa Ferrer and a fat guy in a rumpled white shirt gets out. He holds out a “Smart Pizza” box. It’s for Señora Rosa, he tells the dubious guard. Then Pizza Guy thief pulls a gun and says: Don’t move or I’ll shoot! A second thief holds a gun to the guard’s back and they march the poor guy inside the house while a third thief is left as outside look-out.

Once inside, they knock out the guard and leave him sprawled on the floor.

Marisa is upstairs in bed and hears noises below. She pulls on a robe and starts downstairs to investigate. As she goes she calls out: Natalia, eres tú? Rosa? (Curiously, Marisa, in her nightclothes, is more modestly dressed than we have ever seen her.) The thieves scurry into hiding. She sees the guard on the floor. One of the thieves sneaks up behind her and says: Don’t move or I’ll kill you!

The second thief forces Rosa at gunpoint from her room. The thieves demand money. Marisa tells them there is no money in the house. Then where’s the safe? She takes them to it and they pull out a paper with the combination. Except it’s not the right combination. They don’t believe Marisa when she tells them she doesn’t have the code. You have until the count of three to tell me, begins head thief. One… The threat is interrupted by a ringing phone. Answer it, they tell her.

It’s Lucia calling to offer friendship, support, understanding, a trip to New York… and she simply won’t stop talking. Marisa finally says yes, we’ll talk about it later, and hangs up.

And at their home Lucia tells Roberto that Marisa sounded odd. And all she wanted to do was be a good friend. Some people are like that, says Roberto. They don’t like to accept help. And Marisa is very proud.

Marisa, meanwhile, is negotiating for her life. They want cash but they will take the jewelry she offers. And then once again, they want the code to the safe. I swear to you – I don’t know! On my daughter’s life, I don’t know! (hmmm…)

Lucas drives up and is ambushed by thief 3 pointing a gun at him. Hands up, he shouts. Don’t move or I’ll shoot!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog mom looking for more great romantic songs for weddings

Hi, it's been a while since I asked - I'm making a collection of good songs in Spanish for weddings. Do you have a suggestion? Here's the most recent one I got (it's me singing and playing rotten piano): Cuando tu me miras así.

Please leave me canciones para bodas ideas in the comments?



La Fea Más Bella #43-44 10/12/10 Alicia loses both patrons.

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 25: Goin' to Panew York.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 43

1. Fernando says that he called Lety because Marcia had the guests and Omar is traveling. Marcia says, “Lety is your asst. for work. Don’t involve her in your personal life. That’s what I’m here for.”

2. Marcia says she’s free to go along to “New York” with Fernando, but he dodges that. He leaves for Panama. As a goodbye, all he gives her is an air kiss.

3. Fernando sends Saimon to bring back his car from last night. Saimon has to take the kids along. Coming back, he gets distracted by Jazmín and scrapes the car on the gate. Saimon’s terror continues through the cap.

4. Alicia throws a fit because Marta is wearing a duplicate dress. Marcia defends Marta – she has her husband’s income, and she doesn’t throw away dresses. Ali doesn’t even have an amante to maintain her, so she should stop complaining, live within her means, and drop her idiotic arrogance.

5. Ariel assigns Alicia to find out the name of the equipment vendor in NY. Alicia asks Marcia, so Marcia tells Lola to call his hotel. Lola finds out he’s not registered. Lety tells her not to tell Marcia; he’s with an amante.

6. Since Lety’s not in her office, Alicia searches her office for info about the vendor.

Capitulo 44

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 26: Feinting Fit.” Then come back here to discuss it..

1. Lety catches Alicia spying. Alicia says Marcia requested the vendor’s name, but Lety says she doesn’t know. Lety tells Fernando what Marcia did, and that Marcia will call him at his hotel in NY. Fernando decides to return on the next flight.

2. Lots of blither about Saimon and Fernando’s car.

3. Fernando calls Marcia, angry because Alicia spied on Lety’s office. Marcia says Lety’s lying; she never told Alicia to do that. She’s sure Lety did it to provoke problems between her and Fernando.

4. Marcia accuses Lety. Marta I. wrote the transcript for this scene. See the Spanish Lesson below. Lety says Alicia told her that. Alicia claims it was for Marcia. Marcia yells at Ali for causing problems with Fernando.

5. Marcia tells Fernando that Lety didn’t lie, Alicia was snooping, but not under Marcia’s direction. She found a web site with rankings for vendors. She says she won’t defend Alicia; her relationship with Fern comes first.

6. Alicia feigns illness to avoid Fernando. He demands the phantom web site. Better yet, he says he will tell Ariel about the vendors directly, so Ali doesn’t have to invent web sites, poison Marcia’s mind, spy in his office, or sabotage Lety’s computer.

7. Fernando doesn’t notice the damage to his car. Per Fern’s orders, Omar takes Ali home. The cuartel suspects she’s pregnant.

8. Ali asks Ariel to find a web site she can show Fern. Ariel fires Ali as his spy. She’s lost two patrons in one day.

Spanish Lesson

Marcia vs. Lety; Marcia vs. Alicia
Thank you, Marta I, for transcribing this scene.

Mar: Sit down. Look, you have never been a saint of my devotion. But for Fernando, I agreed for you to continue in the company and you became his right hand (man/woman). But don’t confuse things. You can get into the work areas but in the personal matters. NO! What are you going after? (que pretende?) To destroy my relationship with Fernando?
Let: No, never that, Doña Marcia. I have always been very respectful of your relationship with Don Fernando.
Mar: That is not true! (standing up) I know you cover up for his calls, his visitors, you take his lovers out of here so I won’t see them. I have accepted so I don’t have major problems with him. But for you to make up intrigues, I won’t permit that!
Let: Forgive me, Doña Marcia, but I have not made up anything.
Mar: You told Fernando that you discovered Alicia in your office because I had sent her to dig through your things?
Let: Doña Marcia, I did not make that up. I caught Sra Alicia digging through my stuff.
Mar: But I did not send her.
Let: But she was there and she told me you had sent her because you needed the names of the NY vendors.
Mar: Ah.
Let: I swear it to you, Doña Marcia! You can ask her!

(Marcia comes out and yells at Alicia to come in her office)
Ali: What is it, Marcia?
Mar: Don’t even sit down! Did you go in Leticia’s office to dig in there? Did you tell her that I sent you there to find information? Tell me the truth!
Ali: But Marcia! We had agreed that we needed to know who those vendors were!
Mar: But at no time did I order you to dig in Leticia’s office! At no time! I had already talked to her and she told me she did not know anything. What did you go there for?
Ali: But Marcia, since she always hides information!
Mar: Fernando just called me, transformed into a panther, I had a huge argument with him as I have not had in a long time! You can go, Leticia.
Let: Yes, ma’am. And forgive the misunderstanding.
Ali: Witch! Ay, the first thing I warned you about was the first thing you did! Are you happy with the scandal?
Let: But I didn’t do anything, Doña Alicia. Isn’t that right, Doña Marcia, that you called me in to clarify for you.
Ali: Aha, aha, yes, yes. But it is because you told Fernando and he of course had to call to…
Mar: Enough, Alicia. You have to pay for this stupidity.
Let: Can I go, Doña Marcia?
Mar: Yes, I already told you to, Leticia.

Mar: You know that she tells all to Fernando! If you know her ability to create traumas, how could you go in her office to dig in her stuff? You served yourself to her in a silver platter, Alicia! You jumped into the broiler! So don’t criticize her or blame her. She is that way.
Ali: Ay, Marcia, but you have to…
Mar: I don’t want to hear you! How did you dare say that I sent you to spy on her? Fernando feels like strangling me. I just insulted that woman to defend you. And now I want to know, what is your interest in the darn vendors! It is beginning to seem too strange to me, Alicia.
Ali: Marcia, I only wanted to help you! And…
Mar: I will ask you a favor. Don’t help me anymore. My life was going fine until I began to have your collaboration.


Llena de Amor #46 Mon 10/11/10 Death’s Door and Amor

Friday – the family is gathered outside a room of the morgue waiting to see if it’s Axel in there on a slab.


Meantime, looks like Maximo, who is out cold, has suffered a heart attack. The paramedics tell Benigno and Tia Carlota that he has to be taken to the hospital. Loyal little Benigno grabs a gun out of the General’s desk and points it at the paramedics, telling them that Maximo isn’t to be taken from the room, by his own orders.

In the kitchen, Delicia tells Paula they have to wait to hear about Maximo, and they’ll just have to do their waiting right here. Paula tearfully tells her that it might be Maximo’s final moments and … he’s the love of her life. Paula’s chin drops.

Benigno informs Carlota that Maximo said he didn’t want to leave his basement until he’d kept his promise. Carlota observes that it’s a wise subordinate knows when it’s best to disobey orders. Benigno says if the General wakes up somewhere else, he’ll just die of fury anyway. Carlota talks Benigno into handing over the pistol.

Carlota tells the paramedics to bring the emergency unit to Maximo, money is no object. I’m surprised the paramedics don’t just perform open-heart surgery themselves – so far they’ve proven themselves to be transport, emergency personnel, doctors and pharmacy all rolled into one. Ask for an apple corer, guys, and get started!

Paula comes into the room crying Maximo! She takes his inert hand and tenderly kisses his forehead. This time it’s Carlota’s jaw that drops.

Now Marianela, Brandon, Gretel and Emanuel are viewing the body. They are horrified that it’s been so mutilated that they can’t tell if it’s Axel. How horrible! they exclaim, but nobody can tear their eyes away – they keep starting at it. Emanuel remembers that Axel had a scar from childhood on his foot, so they pull the sheet back and Gretel wails.

Outside in the hall, Fedra begins to keen, and hangs on Bernardo. Emiliano is doubled over sobbing while Oliver tries to comfort him. Ilitia bites her nail and worries for Emanuel. Fedra cries to console Emiliano, but he sobs that he’s responsible.

Gretel is hysterical, and wants to go looking for Axel because she’s sure he’s not dead. Oliver takes her out of the room. Brandon says nobody told him the body was in such bad shape. He’s going to go check on some tests they did – maybe it wasn’t Axel. Off he goes.

Didn’t the dearly difunto have on clothes? Shoes? Something a family could identify? And why oh why did the family have to identify him? Brandon or Oliver could have taken a look beforehand without putting them through all this.

Emanuel weeps and says it’s his fault too. Marianela holds him.

The paramedic says the emergency unit is on the way, and in the meantime he’ll leave Maximo alone with his wife. Carlota sternly asserts that that’s not his wife, it’s just a servant. Paula continues to stroke Maximo’s face. The paramedic leaves the room.

Tia Carlota blames Paula for creating a spectacle and tells her to remember her station. Paula says she’s not budging, and that Carlota is the fifth wheel.

Ilitia on her cell tells her mother that she’s at the morgue and it looks like there’s going to be a funeral.

Consuelo asks Begoña how she got a DNA sample from Lorenzo, and Begoña says a friend helped, but now that friend is going to have a hard time peeling sticky Lorenzo off. Cut to the agency, where Jackie is posing and Lorenzo is drooling. Jackie tells him to back off – what about Emanuel’s family and their crisis? Lorenzo says he’s checking in with them by phone, but look how short and sudden life is! Best to grab all the enjoyment we can. He puts his hands on her hips. My gosh, right in the studio where people could see.

She tells him nothing doing after that disaster the other night. Probably at his age stuff like that would probably be just a memory anyway. He says he knows she’s just playing, and he knows he’ll catch her. She blows him a kiss.

Oliver leads Gretel into the hall of the morgue where her parents are waiting. She is staring crazily, but snaps to life and yells at them that this is the worst day of her life. They beg her to tell them if it was Axel. She swoons into Oliver’s arms.

At the house, Kristel is fidgeting, and Mauricio is rubbing her shoulders, apparently trying to work up to something more. She tells him off, saying this is no time for hanky panky, and he begs a little. The doorbell rings and she goes to answer. Mauricio thoughtbubbles that she can spend her time crying if she wants to, but he’s going to go find somebody to romp with.

It’s Netty at the door – she strides in, all in black, and expresses her condolences, pecking Kristel on both cheeks. Kristel curls a lip.

They’re still waiting for word. Fedra says she hopes Gretel doesn’t get crazier than she already is. Emanuel tells her to button it. Fedra wonders why the tests are taking so long.

Brandon comes along the hall and tells them it’s negative – it’s not Axel. Jubilation!

Whoa! In a hospital, bruised and battered Axel is unconscious with a doctor checking his pupil reaction with a flashlight. I’m afraid he’s not going make it another day, says the doc. The nurse laments that his family hasn’t come – nobody should die abandoned.

Netty is fanning herself and remembering that her sister’s death just pulled her heart apart. Mauricio fakes being concerned and Kristel tells her to knock it off, nobody’s said her brother is dead yet. Here comes Carlota who asks Netty what she’s doing there.

Lorenzo’s on the phone getting the hopeful news about Axel and doesn’t notice the two thugs that come into his office, one of them pulling a pistol out of his belt. The thug points it at him. Muñeca walks in, unsuspecting, then clings fearfully to Lorenzo, wanting to know who these guys are.

Ilitia, a bundle of jumpy nerves, tentatively enters a morgue room where several blanket-covered bodies are on metal carts. Why did her baby ask her to meet him there? she wonders, shivering in the cold. She backs into a body’s foot and freaks out, jumping around. One body falls to the floor, then its hand grabs her ankle. She screams. It’s Brandon, having a good laugh and saying that was great payback for what she and her girlfriends did to Marianela. She faints and he catches her just in time.

Oliver tells Gretel that it wasn’t Axel. She weeps with joy and hugs him. Here come Emanuel and Marianela. They stop at the sight, and Emanuel says wow, I haven’t seen her look so happy in the long time. Oliver says lovely sweet things about how he’d do anything for her, and Gretel looks wonderingly into his face. They kiss and Emanuel and Marianela look on, smiling. Marienela remarks to him that maybe love was all Gretel needed, love cures everything. Maybe it does, says Emanuel.

The kiss continues….

Love makes miracles, says Marianela. Emanuel tells her she’s the miracle, since she’s come into his life, everything has changed. Don’t exaggerate, says she, and he looks deeply in her eyes.

Oliver has finally surfaced from the longggg kiss, and notices that Emanuel and Marianela are there. He’s embarrassed; they smile.

Boy, when Ilitia faints, she stayed fainted. Brandon has gotten her into the restroom, where he tries to keep her upright by leaning her against a wall and pressing his chest against her. She starts coming around, and he frees up one hand to get water from the faucet and throw sprinkles on her face. Now she’s come to and she’s furious. For no obvious reason except to give us a fun scene, he keeps wrestling with her and finally pins her against the wall. She wants to know what his thing is with bathrooms, and tells him he’s going to accuse him of assault.

He tells her that what she did her Marianela was way worse. She remembers how he scared her in the morgue room, and passes out again.

Netty tells grumpy Carlota that she heard about the tragedy. Carlota says it isn’t just one; tragedy seems to have thrown down roots in the house. Netty laments the loss of Axel and Carlota tells her she’s premature and what’s with the mourning black anyway? Netty says she wanted to be ready. Carlota tells her that Maximo just had a heart attack.

Muñeca begs the thugs not to shoot Lorenzo. They tell her they’d be doing her a favor. The thug says they just came to tell him the boss has a favor to ask, and if he says no, he’s a dead man. They leave and Muñeca clings to Lorenzo. Ya! he says, shrugging her off angrily.

Gretel tries to be businesslike and tells Oliver thank you for everything, and please keep looking for my brother. Emanuel and Marianela are tickled. Emanuel offers to drive her home, but she says she’ll ride with Brandon. Emanuel says he’ll wait until he’s there.

Brandon meantime is splashing water on Ilitia some more. She awakes and they spar a little, then she says she wants her baby. Brandon says he’ll go get him, but she says wait! Don’t leave me alone. Of course she’s just in a restroom and we can see people right there in the hall, but whatever. He says he’ll stay and her scared look turns a little more knowing. He takes her by the shoulders and she looks at him steadily.

Netty is sure Maximo will recover. Carlota tells her that in spite of everything, she seems like a person she could trust. What is the problem between my family and you?

Emiliano arrives home and spots Netty. Fedra does too and wants to know what she’s doing there. Netty, dreamily says she wanted to say how sorry she is, and she wanted to be with him in these moments, and she starts to drift right at Emiliano to embrace him. Fedra steps forward and blocks her and insults her. Netty says she was trying to do the decent thing. Carlota tells Fedra to knock it off. Emiliano tells them it wasn’t Axel.

Oliver says he can’t find Brandon, so Emiliano says he’ll take Marianela home, but first they’ll stop by and see Carlota and Maximo. In an aside, Oliver tells Marianela that Brandon will be furious. She says she’ll explain.

Carlota says that Maximo had a heart attack, and Fedra says that she (Fedra) is going to have her own heart attack if Netty doesn’t stay away from her husband. Carlota accuses her of being jealous, it’s ridiculous, and Netty stomps out, saying she won’t be insulted by Fedra. Emiliano calls after her that he’ll take her, but she waves her hand dismissively.

Fedra tells him he’s not taking Netty anywhere. Carlota urges Fedra to have a nice lie-down and Emiliano, glaring at Fedra, says he’s taking Netty home and off he goes.

Brandon has brought Ilitia home where the maid greets them. He’s still holding her up and says that’s what comes of eating nothing but lettuce. They all fuss a bit, the maid goes off to make tea, and Brandon picks up floppy Ilitia to carry her to her room.

At the house, Benigno tells Gretel, Emanuel and Marienela that Maximo had a heart attack. They all run in.

Muñeca and Lorenzo arrive home, and the maid runs up and tells them Ilitia is woozy and a policeman brought her home.

Brandon goes to lay Ilitia on her bed and loses his balance and falls on top of her. Instead of popping back up, he stays put and they fuss at one another. He says he’s a decent guy and she calls him name. He kisses her and she kisses back!

Of course her folks come in just then. Lorenzo grabs Brandon and threatens him and Ilitia bounces around and says umm… he tried to assault me! What? says Brandon. Lots of insults go flying around, with Ilitia pretending to be very offended. He says she ought to thank him for kissing her. Lorenzo tells Brandon he’s going to ruin him. Brandon leaves and Lorenzo hugs Ilitia while she widens her eyes.

Looks like Emiliano and Netty have arrived at her place and are sitting inside. He tells her that he’s a horrible father, and he will never forgive himself if something’s happened to Axel. Netty reassures him that Axel will show up, and he’ll have the opportunity to make everything right. Emiliano doubts that Axel would walk to talk to him. He just can’t get used to the idea that his son is… is.

Netty takes his hand and says that our children make their own decisions, we can’t protect them from everything. Emiliano observes that she never had children. Yes, she says, but there have been times when I’ve had to be mother and father all at once. Emiliano asks her why she’s never given him the opportunity to know her better – she’s a wonderful person.

Benigno explains to Emanuel and Marianela why he won’t let Maximo be taken out of his room. They argue, but he’s convincing. Maximo starts to awaken a bit and Marianela rushes to his side. Here you are, he says, in your home. Promise me you won’t ever leave.

Up in her room, Fedra is staring into her mirror and tells Bernardo that she’s fed up and feels like killing somebody. Like the actress? he smiles, wondering if she’s jealous. She scoffs, saying her husband wouldn’t trade caviar for a plate of sardines. No comparison, oozes Bernardo.

She tells him to get into Maximo’s room and find a paper, any paper, that has his signature on it. Bernardo wonders why, and she says all in due time.

Marianela calls Netty and tells her that she’s going to stay at the house for a few days until Maximo is better. Netty pitches a fit, reminding her that Fedra is out to get her.

Brandon’s home and Netty has told him about Marianela staying away a few days. He’s furious, and says they just do mean stuff to her. He says he’s going to get her even if he has to carry her home like a sack of potatoes. Netty tries to talk him out of it, but no luck.

Begoña’s baby is asleep and she talks to him, wondering why Lorenzo is rejecting him, when he is so loving to Ilitia who is only adopted.

Muñeca asks Ilitia if she was leading Brandon on. Ilitia sulks that she never believes her. Lorenzo angrily says that if Ilitia says it was attempted rape, then it was.

Ilitia changes track, and demands to know if she’s their daughter. Muñeca agrees she has the right to know. No! says Lorenzo, don’t you dare. Muñeca says it’s the best thing they could do for her now. I love you, says Muñeca to apprehensive Ilitia, you are the best thing that ever happened in my life. It’s true, though, that you aren’t my daughter. Ilitia sits heavily on the bed and Lorenzo looks at Muñeca threateningly.

Emanuel is in Maximo’s room when Gretel comes in. He razzes her about being in love with the policeman.

Emiliano thanks Marianela for agreeing to stay to make Maximo happy. Carlota beams, Kristel smiles a big fake smile and Fedra glares. Marianela says if Maximo needs her, she’s happy to be there. Kristel runs over and gives her a big hug and welcomes her to her house. It’s not mine, says Marianela, it’s Fedra’s. Fedra smiles and salutes her with a finger-waggle. Carlota says that’s what they’re working on straightening out. Fedra tells her when she gets her father’s inheritance, she’ll return it to her and she can live here happily ever after. Marianela says she’s just staying for a few days.

When will you understand that this is your home? says Carlota.
I disagree! says Brandon, who has just walked in.

Avances: Brandon tells Netty that Marianela’s in love with her primo. Ilitia takes a bottle of pills. A masked gunman (Bernardo?) holds a gun to Marianela’s head while his masked accomplice (Fedra?) holds a knife at the ready.

Check your TV listings! Llena will be playing at 11:00 here on the west coast Tuesday night.


La Verdad Oculta EP21 10/11/2010 - Crying, sobbing, weeping and a little bit of fun


* Ramón reports to Leonardo about Adolfo Ávila: he has an associate called Mario Genovés, they run hotels and restaurants. He divorced years ago and has a son who's the manager of the restaurants and night clubs.

* Alejandra learns from Mina that the owner of that great house changed his mind and doesn't want to sell it anymore. She's surprised at Elsa's strange and impolite behaviour and wonders if Roberto was right about her. Speak of the devil, Rob enters and she complaints about Elsa to him. Roberto's phone rings and a very furious Carlos tells him what happened in JJ's house.

* Leo asks Ramón if Adolfo has always been dealing with hotels. No, in the 80's he had a theatrical company: theaters, circuses, musicals... But in 1986 a dancer called Marta Guzmán was strangled in his theater and everyone suspected of her jealous husband, who later escaped. And guess who was one of the witnesses? Adolfo Ávila. Leo gets excited, he doesn't think that Adolfo was such a perfect gentleman and the hound definitely picked up the scent.

* Gaby receives a phonecall from David who begs her not to disconnect. He asks for her forgiveness for being a complete idiot last night and reminds her of their lovely days in LA. Fausto arrives home and she quickly hangs up the phone and says it was a wrong number. But Fausto isn't a fool. He tells Gaby how much he loves her and her sister and asks her to trust him. Is she interested in a boy... in David? But what does she expect from him? Nothing, sobs Gaby. Fausto tries to convince her she deserves someone better.

* In the prison Marcos and Piggy talk about their prison break and future life filled with more crime and money.

* Elsa doesn't understand why Carlos didn't recognize Juan José. He says it happened long ago but he remembers him well. She says it's strange that those people appeared in his life again and JJ agrees that the world is very small. He makes a mental note that he has to take revenge on Adolfo Ávila and Mario Genovés! Oh, I have a deja vu.

* Mario and Abelardo check again the high-tech gadgets in his office. Mario wonders if their efforts are pointless. What if Santiago gets cold feet again and gives up their plan after his death? Abelardo swears he won't let him do that. Mario complaints he has so little time left to fix everything up and the old friends worry and cry over the toughness and cruelty of their plan... Especially over deceiving David. Bertha enters and confesses to her favourite uncle there's something between her and Blondie. (In your dreams, sweetie.)

* In Club Sagitario Roberto tries to explain away his conduct to Julieta and eventually succeeds to convince her that Alejandra belongs to his past and now he likes her, only her. Yeah, and Yolanda is the Queen of Great Britain.

* Rob visits Carlos in his office. Whiskers greets him coldly, but Rob quickly assures him that they are still best friends forever and he's in Team Carlos, not in Team David. He only tried to help him last night when he and David had fun with the Balmori girls. It made the waitresses mad, didn't it? And it gave Carlos an opportunity to win Gaby over, didn't it? Hmmm. Carlos loosens up a bit. He's still angry for the fiasco that happened in Juan del Tarzan's houseand thinks he shouldn't have involved in buying houses, he has enough problems with the restaurants.

* David arrives at the club and asks Gabriela to visit him in his office. When she says no he blackmails her: if she doesn't obey he will go to Carlos and make a scandal. Julieta asks what happened, Gaby tells her she's going to David's office and leaves. Leonardo also shows up and greets Juli.

* JJ's returned to Seven Dwarves mode, he continues digging in his kitchen. Judging from the amount of dirt on him and Asunción it seems as if they plan to dig a fourth rescue tunnel for the Chilean miners. Juan José tells Asunción he heard noises from the deep. In the meantime Alejandra and Mina have a walk in their pretty and comfortable secret tunnel that is filled with workers.

* Bertha and a friend of her dance, rave and drink in a hip bar. They notice two handsome guys and they start to drink together. Five seconds later Bertha and one of the guys start to suck face... just when Mina arrives at the bar.

* David confesses to Gaby that he's jealous because loves her. Kiss. Music. Shivers.
In the bar Julieta and Leo are chatting when Carlos shows up and asks where Gaby is. Since Juli can't lie convincingly he finds out she's in David's office and and storms away fuming. Leo asks what's the problem and when he realizes the guys already had a fight for Gaby he runs after Whiskers. In the office Carlos interrupts the romantic reunion and tries to beat up David. Fortunately the only adult in the district stops the boys by pointing his gun at them.

* Mario calls Faustiago on phone and apologizes for what he said earlier in the dressing room, he shouldn't interfere in Gaby's life. Then a very tired Alejandra visits him and reports about the status of the construction. Mario thanks to her for her magnificent work and finally confesses to her he has cancer and will die soon. Ale's shocked and begs him to tell her everything. She would do anything to help him! Mario gives in and tells her that it started many years ago when he fell in love with a woman called Marta...

* Leonardo takes Gabriela home and tells her she should leave the job. There are too many agressive guys in that club. Gaby is confused and can't decide what to do. Leo comforts the crying girl and promises not to tell anything to Fausto.

* Mario's finished his tale about the contract, Dolphie, Fausto and his plan, and Ale (and Viewerville) joins the weeping club. He won't die! Yes, he will, and he told her his plan because he needs his help. Can she trust her? Of course. She tries to comfort him with her optimistic nature and they end up crying in each other's arm.

* Roberto and Adolfo have a drink in Dolphie's luxury condo. The old rascal tells Rob for the 100th time that if he serves him loyally he won't have to worry about money anymore. By the way, what would he do for 5 million pesos? Roberto chuckles perplexedly... well, many things. Oh, really? Would he even kill somebody?



Monday, October 11, 2010

Dinero 10/11/10 It's Another Night Of All Talk And No Action, Dios Mio!

Alternate title:MARINO TRIUMPHS

Lots of teasers tonight. So many things could have happened but didn't. I thought I was sitting down to a banquet , but didn't get so much as an appetizer. Very frustrating! But here's what DID happen, or DIDN'T while we were treading water tonight.

First, Rafa and Ale have a poignant little conversation where she reiterates that they have to sacrifice their love for the sake of their families...especially his mom and her dad. Clinging to their love is selfish. It hurts too many people. She won't even let him say " I love you" although they do exchange one of those tight lipped sexless kisses that are so depressing.

From thence to the usual bickering and insulting amongst the Auto Siglo sales force. Ay Dios mio Jimenez is exultant because he's gotten permission to attend the hacienda party without his wife. Lots of unkind speculation on what he had to do and how much he had to grovel in order to get that permission. As usual, the poor guy gets no respect. Neither at work nor at home.

Nor does Marco evidently. When he phones Carmela and finds out she's spent all the money he gave her on a new car, he's furious. So's she. And that's why she's never married, mister, so no man can tell her how to spend her dinero. And he's still got more to fork over, so shaddup.

Someone who's not likely to pipe down is Marino. He's locked down salesman of the month again with his impressive sale to the medieval trucking maniac and informs his hostile companions, a comatose Ale and a pissy-faced Rafa that he's about to take over the whole managerial position and show 'em how it's done. Breaking for ads is almost a relief.

When we come back, it's to a resplendent Chavez, in full hacienda mode, decked out in a red, black and floral shirt, blue white and floral swim trunks, and flanked by two nubile bikinied babes who splash in the pool, towel off seductively and then wrap themselves around our skank like two slithering bookends. Okay, that sentences was about three miles long. Suffice it to say that he's in hog heaven, ordering around the hacienda caretakers (who are still worried about the headless horseman) and demanding affectionate massages from the bikini babes.

Our Trapito isn't having quite the same luck. Carmela sweeps in, ignores him as usual, but ever solicitous, he does a full belly slide underneath Marino's legs to land at Claudia's desk and inform her of Carmela's arrival. Yes, the Queen Bee/Maneater is here to pick up her car. Carmela notes that he's in good condition for a fattie, but that's all the sugar he gets. Meanwhile, Dandy and Pepeto hightail it out, partly in terror, and partly to alert Rafa that Carmela is here and now's his chance to find out what's up with the hacienda. He marches forth to the sound of cavalry music but falls flat. Carmela's interested in his body but not in discussing business. If he wants to do that, come to the office.

Chavez' massage is interrupted by a call from Marco. He's in a lather because Chavez' phone has been turned off. We must talk now! And what's up with Shrimp Man and this Daniel Cepeda? Chavez is surprised that Marco has sussed out Daniel's involvement so fast. He's mulling this over while he swats the shapely behinds of his two compañeras. Tough life for our old rogue, isn't it?

Okay. One thing DOES happen. Marian drags in some limp-wristed little puppy dog named Señor Puentes who does buy all Rafa's remaining trucks. He appears happy with their condition and also anxious to get back to work. Something is definitely off with this guy. He looks like an errand boy at best. But whatever. Marian's now insisting on a celebration drink for the deal even though Rafa is hardly in an exultant mood.

Mientras tanto, Ale is back sniveling at her desk, explaining to Susana why she's giving up the love of her life. Susana complains that she's selling herself for "tres migajas de pan" (three little breadcrumbs) but Ale replies that "no tengo salida" (there's no way out). Oh my.

Back at the hacienda, Daniel and Enrique have arrived. The girls are flirting madly with our galan and he loves it....but not enough to invite them to the party. It's a family thing, you understand. But I'll throw another one just for you, how about that? Trato hecho.

Now back to the Marian/Rafa front. She's got an uphill battle here but she's determined. And looking quite fine in a Chanel type pants suit, tousled curls and bee-stung lips. Rafa appears deaf dumb and blind though as she weaves her argument for paying off debts to both Ale and Vicky and being free free free to enjoy life and be a success. And here's where I come in, adds Marian seductively.

And what ties him to Ale after all? Was it the debt or was it love? Rafa's so confused and downhearted, he doesn't even seem to know.

Daniel is one of the types who can bi-locate evidently. A few moments after being way out in the country at the hacienda, he's now blowing into Auto Siglo to see his "second mother" and invite her and Beltran to the party. Beltran tries to weasel out of it but Doña Arcadia won't let him. Daniel promises to draw them up a map on how to get to the hacienda. After he blows out, Arcadia asks Beltran what he thinks of her little girls. Er...I haven't seen them, he stammers. MY DOGS! la profesora clarifies. Ah you crazy kids. Stop already.

Okay, Daniel takes his fine self down to Ale's office and does his best to charm her. He's having a lot less success than with Doña Arcadia. But he's willing to spend 24 hours a day, 365 days a year....or more...trying to get her to smile. She's still got the glumlies and doubts that they can be anything but friends, but he'd determined to convince her. As for Marian. Yes, he once asked her to marry him. But it was a mistake. Now let's give ourselves a chance. Major sticking point. He won't tell her why he bought the hacienda. Major selling point. He's got no problem with money....just loneliness. (Insert big doe-eyed look at Ale here) Will she fall? Oh, of course not! But we've got a couple of more weeks to fill up till the gran finale so work with us, alright?

Down in our other rabbit hole, Marian's trying to find out what Rafa's deal with Vicky was. And how did Vicky convince Marco to let Lorena out of jail? Ahah. Yes, Vicky promised that she'd keep Rafa away from Ale, if Leonor was sprung. Fine. Marian understands. But she's a practical woman and is looking for real solutions. 1) Hire an investigator to find out who Marco paid to set up Leonor. 2) Pay off all the debts and get free of both Ale and Vicky and her family. 3) Though not explicitly stated, give the charming and oh-so-available Marian a chance.

While Rafa is glumly mulling this possibility, who enters the bar but Ale and Daniel. Ale looks stricken. Marian looks alarmed. Rafa and Daniel face off in full antler-bashing mode. And there we end.

A collage of rapid-fire scenes. A flash of Vicky looking upset. And Marian vowing to never give up. Sure hope we find some galans for both these ladies. Trapito, anyone?


No seas lama botas = Don't be a boot licker. Sales force to Ramirez when he's well...licking Marino's boots at the junta.
de frente a frente = face to face (Marino, talking about confronting Ale and Rafa)
bola de apretados = bunch of people short on cash, in other words, losers.
tomar, chupar, que el mundo se va a acabar = eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die (Chavez to his babes)
yo prendo el boiler para que otro se bañe! I stoke the boiler so someone else can bathe! (Chavez complaining about the babes leaving him to swarm over Daniel)
que aguado eres = what a wet blanket you are! (Doña Aracadia remonstrating with Beltran)

Dicho of the Day
Just an expression really, in honor of Leonor's great dancing in Friday's episode
menear el bote =lit. wiggle your bucket
mover el bote = lit. move your can
But both mean "to dance". And she sure did. Hope we'll see more at the hacienda party. If there ever is a hacienda party.


El Clon, Mon., October 11 - Summary for Discussion

'¡Te odio, te voy a matar!'I hate you! I'm going to kill you! screams Nati. Rosa tries to keep Nati from attacking Marisa. 'Ya no eres mi hija,' You're not my daughter anymore,' says Marisa sadly.

Meanwhile, Cristina in a bright red dress (Leo has always liked her in red) comes into the house. Rosa drags Nati away. Cristina hesitantly approaches Marisa and asks if she is all right. Cristina tries to make Marisa feel better by saying that she had a nephew who abused drugs but got better and got on with his life. Marisa, her face wet with tears, excuses herself.

Marisa tries to fix her makeup while listening to Nati tell Rosa that Marisa blames her because she was never happy in her marriage. She says that her father blames her because he never married his Moroccan lover. In vain does Rosa assure Nati that her parents love her. Nati runs out of the house. Lucas tells Rosa to let her go.

Leo comes downstairs and tells Cristina that she fills his house with light. [At least someone is happy.]

Jade leads Said upstairs and ups the seduction ante with the sword dance. He goes to her but she holds him back with the sword saying that they aren't married. Said flashes back to when Jade told him that she had been with Lucas. Jade runs off thinking that she has conquered Said.

The gang at Mohamed's house plays with Munir. When Jadiya says that the Naz loves children, she agrees but starts off her usual rant by saying that it is just as well that she didn't have any children because everything she loves is taken away from her. Alí scolds her for rebelling against the will of Allah. The Naz replies that it isn't the will of Allah that is keeping her from getting married, it's her brothers and their odalisque wives.

Rania feels that Jade is up to no good at home and begs Amina to find a way to end the visit. Amina pretends that she has a headache and she refuses Jadiya's suggestion that Zoraida make a tea for her insisting that only lying down in her bed will help. Alí insists that Amina take Zoraida's tea. [Amina should have said that she was about to throw up.]

When Jadiya wants to go out bike riding, Zamira reminds her that she can't go out because she refuses to wear a veil. Jadiya thinks that a woman looks pretty in a veil and Zamira thinks that she looks like an extraterrestrial and is willing to stay inside forever rather than wear one.

Dora is getting ready to go to Cristina's wedding. She tells Estela that Cristina made her the matron of honor so that she would have to go to the ceremony. Daniel is going, too but he refuses to wear the suit Dora bought for him. He doesn't want to dress up like a penguin (a mí no me gusta vestirme de pingüino).

The guests are arriving. Leo tells Cristina that they should start the ceremony but Cristina replies that Dora isn't there yet. Leo is shocked that Dora was invited. Lucas asks Marisa (who has changed her dress) why she reacted that way to Nati. Marisa says that she just couldn't take the way Nati was treating her any more. Lucas says that he understands. The doorbell rings and Dora and Daniel arrive.

Lucas embraces Daniel and calls him his son.

The ceremony starts.

The sKanks parade their sKanette past Gloria's. Gloria admires the child and asks who he favors, the mother or the father. Hilda is quick to assert that with such a distinguished father, of course the baby favors him. But when Gloria asks who this illustrious father is, Hilda tells her to stay tuned. 'No es facil,' It's not easy, says Gloria and stalks off. Karla suggests that Hilda put the brakes on. They don't even know if Robert will
'va a dar la cara,' recongize the child, or not. But the cat, as it were, is already out of the bag. Ramoncito buys a paper for the sKanks and their picture is on the front page. Hilda tells Ramoncito, the chisme king, to do his thing and and she and Karla continue their promenade.

At the wedding reception, Enrique tells Albieri that his cloning achievement will change the concept of life that has been in existence up to now. Luisa is still interrogating Albieri about his every move.

Lucas finds Daniel in his room holding a guitar. Daniel asks if Lucas has a birthmark (lunar) on his back, too. Lucas says that he does. Daniel asks if Lucas' birthmark is cancerous. Lucas replies that his isn't but they can be. He tells Daniel that his mother died of cancer when he was very young. Leo comes in and tells Daniel how great it is that he interested in music and that if he wants lessons, Leo will pay. Of course, Lucas flashes back to Leo crushing his guitar hero dreams.

Albieri tells Father Andres that he is attracted to the intense admiration that Amalia feels for him. The Padre warns him to be careful - he has a jealous and possessive wife. If she finds out, who knows what she is capable of.

Adbul, Zumaya and Zuleica show up at Mohamed's place.

In a rare lapse of judgment, but presumably to further the plot, Anita blabs to Clara about how the Chump lost the apartment to Malicia. The Chump comes in and Anita makes herself scarce. Clara asks what the Chump has heard from his lawyer about the apartment. He lies. She shows him a demand from her neighbors to sell her condo and move out. Fer has stolen things, broken windows and insulted the neighbors. Barring him entry at the gate does not keep him out. Clara tells the Chump that her only hope is to live in Fernando's apartment.

Pablo is dressed up to go the Cristina's wedding reception with Malicia. He tries to get Alej to go without success. Alej tells Gloria that he thinks that maybe he could have done more for Nati. '¿Acaso eres médico, enfermero, hospital, santo, institución de caridad, o que?' By any chance are you a doctor, a nurse, a hospital, a saint, a charitable institution or what? asks Gloria. She tells him that he has to think of himself, concentrate on his dreams so that he can achieve what he has wanted so much.

Pablo calls Malicia and she uses his failure to call earlier as an excuse to end the relationship. She says that their styles of life are very different and she doesn't think their relationship is going anywhere. Malicia actually seems to regret having to put herself first. 'Perdon, pero primero está mi porvenir,' Forgive me, but my future comes first, Pablo, says she.

At the reception, Daniel asks Albieri if he was created by God like everyone else. Albieri assures him that he is no different than everyone else. Dora comes up and takes Daniel away.

Malicia and Rogelio arrive at the party. Cristina greets both of them affectionately. Malicia starts to gush to Leo how much she has admired his career. Vicki pulls Cristina away and asks if she is crazy to be nice to Malicia after all she had done to her. Cristina says that she doesn't hold grudges. Vicki warns her that Malicia wants everything that Cristina has.

Cristina calls all the single ladies together and tosses the bouquet. Malicia catches it. Pablo shows up at the party. He sees Malicia and Rogelio kissing and plants one on Andrea.

Alí is dispensing wisdom to Mohamed when all Mohamed wants is help. Amin comes in to say that Adbul and an Arab woman have arrived asking for her sick fiancée. Alí offers Mohamed a deal - he will get him out of his marriage problem if he allows Zamira to go out without a veil. Mohamed doesn't want to agree but he has no choice. Alí tells Mohamed that he destroyed his family in a minute but it is going to take some time and patience to put it back together.

Alí has Latifa pretend to accept Zuleica and agree to organize an engagement party for her in Miami. After Abdul and Zuleica leave, Alí tells Latifa that she has to invite Zuleica to have lunch in the mall and during lunch, she has to ask her one question that will solve everything. He tells Latifa what the question is but we don't hear. Alí asks Allah to take pity on him because for the sake of his nieces, he is likely to feel hell fire.

The three zombies crash the wedding reception. '¿Qué nos miran? ¿Tenemos algo en la cara?' What are you looking at?' they ask, 'Do we have something on our faces?

The credits roll.


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