Sunday, September 23, 2007

September 21, 2007 Yo Amo a Juan – In which Kike is a True Friend and CL is Still a Scumbag

Folks, there are likely to be misinterpretations here today. By all means, correct me if I’m wrong. ☺

We find Alirio revisiting his conversation with CL on the first day at the office. CL is livid that Alirio doesn’t have the good sense to knock. He tells Alirio to get to work, which Alirio says he’ll gladly do—and by the way, would you be so kind as to tell me just what IS my work? CL is disgusted impactado.

Paula reviews her to do list with Marely, and once they’ve got nothing later in the day, would Marely go to a car dealer with her? Marely reminds her of an appointment with an agent, and what’s the rush? Well, Paula has to have a car ASAP so she can solve the problem. What problem? Paula’s going to buy a car and won’t need Juan. She can’t make eye contact with Marely, who is impactada. Marely has noticed, though. Paula wants to know if Juan told her something. Marely is disgusted, she doubts this clueless man (ingenuous) has realized what’s happened. Paula thinks that’s better, but Marely disagrees. He’s going to be insistent, because as naïve as he is, he’s also stubborn (terco). Marely thinks it’s better Paula talks to him, because if it didn’t mean as much for her, she better let him down out of the clouds now—if he realizes on his own, it’s going to give him a direct hit (buen golpazo, a good hit)?. Paula agrees she’s totally right. She has to set him straight. She tells Marely to call him up. NOW? Marely reminds her about the calls, the pending business, and there are urgent things to do today. This thing with Juan is going to take more than five minutes. Shouldn’t it be over, I don’t know, a meal or something? Paula totally agrees; she doesn’t know what she is thinking. Her head is someplace else. Yep, she really thinks it would be better in the long run to eat with him and tell him the truth.

In the garage, Fernando is doing his eternal crosswords [Ed. Note: looks like my house]. Juan wants to ask a question. What’s up with the question? Well, Kike and I got involved with night school. We want to finish the prep, and that might interest you, right? Nope, compa. If I’m going to waste my time, I’d rather be at home in front of the tele. What? Why do you say that? Haven’t you heard you have to study to do something in this life? Nope. That was before. Now all you have to do is have an entrepreneurial vision, show creativity, brains. A degree? Nah. It’s worthless. Juan disagrees. “You’re nuts. I’m going to do the prep, go to the university, leave all this (salgo de perro?) “Look at me,” Fernando tells him. I’m a graduate trained for a career in business administration, Juan. I speak ENGLISH. Look at me.” Juan is impactado. Fernando will be glad to show him the degree if he wants. Nope, if you want to leave this behind, you need luck. Juan doesn’t buy it. Studying works, here and in China (everywhere). Well, Fern tells him, don’t bother. If you don’t have influence, you’ll only waste time. I thought I had it licked and look, here I am, chauffeuring. But, if I had half the spirit you have, I’d be richer than Don CL. Juan is impactado at the backhanded compliment. [I would be, too, coming from such a gloomy pessimist.]

CL is pacing Pastor’s floor. They have to find something for Alirio before he drives CL nuts. Put him in his place! Don’t let Nidia call on me again. Pastor thinks if Alirio goes to Nidia with the gossip, CL will get a doubly annoyed. Yeah, CL would expect so. He tells Pastor to look for something, DO something. He doesn’t want Alirio in his office all day long! [Ed. Note: I can relate. I’ve had some Alirio types in my office.] Pastor thinks this guy isn’t prepared to do anything! He’s gotta be a charlatan! Yeah, sure, but invent something! It could be whatever nonsense, but make it look important. Pastor has a thought, and he needs CL’s collaboration. CL’s ready for just about anything to get this albatross off his neck. Pastor proceeds to outline his plan.

……we find CL conveying this delicate task to Alirio in all sincerity. The future of the company depends on him, and his complete discretion. Pastor will give him the details, and CL trusts in him fully. Alirio pontificates that a Perafán de Rocha will never fail the confidence that’s bestowed on him. CL is sure of it, of course. He knew that Alirio would be understanding and put up with this annoyance for the time being. CL shares that he is so weighed down with the responsibilities of this company that he’s counting on Alirio. Alirio assures him that he needs say no more, “my commander friend, my leader.” He will faithfully follow the instructions, with no gossip. He “zips” his lip. They shake, and CL reminds him “much, much discretion.” Alirio begins his departure protocol, bowing out and stopping to reassure CL of his commitment with expansive gestures and lip-zipping. CL rolls his eyes as the final departure is imminent.

Fernando is still sharing his tale of woe. Yep, he sent his résumé to every company in the country, and they all told him they’d call, and he’s still waiting, just look at him. That’s the sad truth of the country where they live. [Ed. Note: a social statement?] You end up in this work even with a degree. The phone rings, and Juan goes for it. True entrepreneur with a creative spirit that he is, he answers: “…and a very good day to you, Center for Chauffeurs, at your orders!” It’s CL and he gulps—he’s being summoned upstairs. Fernando thinks that’s good; toadying up will get him farther than an attorney. Juan leans over and says he thinks that with an attitude like Fern’s, he won’t get anywhere. He’ll be of service, but not servile. They’re not the same. [Pretty wise for a guy who didn’t even finish high school. He leaves Fernando thinking about that.]

Juan’s elevator trip is a time of reflection and serious thought-bubbling. He has to leave off thinking about what that half-wit Fernando said and worry about CL. CL wants to know what he’s found out, and he’ll have to think of something fast. Yep, he was right. In CL’s office, that’s the first thing on CL’s agenda. He babbles that he’s making progress, spying (didn’t really catch all of it, as it was muy rápido, folks, but he said that the mamacita – Paula- brought something to the office). So, what did he see? Does she realize? Did she say something? No, fortunately not, but there’s something mysterious up. What an annoyance! (friega) But, CL asks him, you were at the building of Paula’s friend? Juan assures him that he was, but it was such a huge building with so many apartments and floors—he gestures wildly to show what an impossible task it would be to find the apartment they went to…..CL concludes that the only person who can identify the guy is Paula herself. Practically impossible to get the info. Wait! Juan has a plan! He’s going to fly under the radar and when it’s least expected, he’s going to zap the guy! It’ll take time, though. CL says he doesn’t have time. Paula makes radical quick decisions….and you are not any longer in her affections, Juan. Juan isn’t so sure about that. CL points out she’s buying a car, she doesn’t want him chauffeuring her any more….and she probably suspects. Juan is impactado! The reality sinks in. He won’t have a job.

Pastor explains the work to Alirio in stage whispers and with expansive gestures. [Ed. Note: he has Alirio’s number]. CL thinks someone is systematically embezzling from the company. It’s a profound and solid corruption. He needs Alirio to do the detail work to nail the person. Alirio is appalled. It can’t be allowed. Pastor continues that the hemorrhaging of money is of gigantic proportions, such that the fiscal solidarity of the company is in danger. [Ed. Note: and you’re putting Alirio in charge of finding embezzled funds? Uh-huh. He who fakes wills. Be careful what you ask for, CL.] Alirio wants to know what he needs to do. Well, his arrival is providential, because he can be in charge of the digging for the embezzler. No one really knows him, he’s an attorney so he can understand these things, and he can move unnoticed and not alert the miscreants that they’re on to the crime. Alirio is jubilant, but he points out he still doesn’t get how he’s involved. Pastor whacks his hand—before anything else, I have to make sure you’re ready to help us and will have the discretion. Of course! Is he brave enough? It could be dangerous, there are many interests in play here. Alirio stands to emphasize how offended his is. He’s a crusader for anti-corruption. He’d even give his life. In that case, please, come with me! Pastor punctuates with even more expansive gestures than Alirio ever dreamed of. He’s been outdone. You first, Alirio tells him, but Pastor waves him forward. Pastor makes like he’s closing the door after Alirio, but instead follows him out. [Ed. Note: this scene, especially that little door close, was played to perfection.]

CL tells Juan he expects Juan can see how serious this is. Juan babbles about the lovely limo. CL yells “Juan! Juan!” Forget the car, think about Paula. Juan thought bubbles that’s all he thinks about, 24 hours. CL says they need a solution. Juan says he could talk to her. CL keeps talking, Juan thought-bubbles, and goes to pour himself a good stout drink. CL is talking about Paula: she’s a woman of character, and still a woman of a great heart. Juan thought babbles “that you don’t deserve, and I DO!” He gives CL a stink eye, and it’s good CL isn’t looking. Okay, Juan, here’s how we’ll go at this (attack this). We’ll go for her delicate sensibilities (her good sentiments). He looks at the ceiling, paces, and thinks out loud. Juan thought bubbles—don’t count on me, dude. We’re going to make her feel…sure, remorseful, compassionate. Guilty for some sin. Juan is belting down the drink. He thought bubbles that the sin should be to treat a goddess in the flesh like this. Apparently, the whisky does the trick, and he’s way more mellow as he thought bubbles about how great in the flesh she is. His jaw is set. CL has it! Of course, we’ll tell her if she leaves the car with the company, she’ll leave you in the street, without work, Juan. He falls into the chair. Impactado! He didn’t expect this! He stutters at CL. CL tells him it depends on how moved she is by him talking to her. Juan thought bubbles, geez, Louise, it’s all up to me (okay, I paraphrased here). He thinks CL is shameless. He belts down a little more whisky.

Paula is getting a call. Marely comes to tell her it’s Monica. Paula wants Marely to make excuses, but Marely won’t. What, are you my conscience? Marely tells her everyone needs one. She’s rather unapologetic. Paula takes the call, and Monica wants to issue an invitation so she can present Paula to an acquaintance of hers. He’s a wonder. Monica isn’t taking excuses. Monica is sure she wont’ be sorry. Paula thinks a little too long, and Monica wonders if she should take it as a “no.” Ultimately, Paula agrees (but her face tells us “no!”) Is there Excedrin in Mexico? Paula has an Excedrin headache for sure.

Oooh, Pastor is leading Alirio into the catacombs, where there are large cardboard boxes and shelves in disarray. There are probably B-52 cockroaches, too, with all this old paper sitting around. Welcome to the company archives! Here is every record since the founding of the company. Okay, but what am I supposed to do here, Alirio wants to know. Well, here’s where you will reconstruct the legal history and discover the beginning of the corruption problem. Pastor looks at him earnestly. Alirio wants to know how he’s going to look for a needle in this haystack—the mountain of papers? Pastor assures him he’ll need to do this to find it, at any moment a clue will appear (okay, I paraphrased it a LOT). But, this is Titanic! Alirio wanders around, daunted. Pastor tells him he’ll come upon the fat fish that are bleeding them , and well, nobody said it’d be a rose garden (not an easy task/fácil tarea). Much less fast. That’s exactly why Don CL trusts you. He knows your temperament, commitment, discretion, and above all honesty. Okay, okay, but my office? Where is it? Well, for now this is your center of operations. Don CL doesn’t want anyone alerted to your presence. He doesn’t want those responsible to be scared away. But…..I will have an office, right? Pastor obfuscates a little and tells him knowing Don CL, Alirio will have many benefits [ Ed. Note: yeah, like a nifty title and salary for doing nothing, to begin with]. Pastor makes a little parting chitchat, backs out of the hole, wishes him luck, and tells him to go to it. He’s leaving it in Alirio’s hands. He closes the door and Alirio shudders as he gingerly picks up a dirty item on the table and drops it again…..looking around at the huge mess mournfully. [Ed. Note: Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. And, probably wouldn’t.]

In the lobby, Juan is leaving CL’s office, exhaling heavily and making his (what did Sylvia or someone call it? Okay Juan, whatcha gonna do now face?). He thought bubbles just exactly that to himself. Julia and Ivonne snoop behind him. Juan asks himself if he’s going to do what his conscience dictates, or his convenience? He tells himself he needs to talk with the Licenciada before this all comes to pass and he’s left without her and without work. He puts gum into his mouth, arming himself for close confrontation and strides over to Marely’s desk. He asks about Paula, and when Marely tries to tell him no, he ignores her and strides right into an impactada Paula’s office, declaring “Paula, I need to talk to you!” Outside, he’s drawing a mini-crowd of Marely, looking pained over her shoulder at the open door, Ivonne and Julia, craning their necks. Juan and Paula set their jaws and glare each other down into commercial.

Paula tells Juan to sit, she needs to talk to him, too. He closes the door [thank heaven] and thanks her. She stands, and he doesn’t sit, but tells her to listen to him. He tells her she’s been very odd with him, and she shouldn’t get that way. He is impassioned as he tells her what happened between them was a bit of an accident (half), a result of the circumstances. He’s not judging her, nor was he thinking strange things (about her). No! Things are still the same as they always were; he has no rude plan to pressure her. She still has all his respect, all his admiration! “You and I, more than merely chauffeur and boss, have been very good friends! And it would be a real shame if we were to end something that was….that was for me, Paula, beautiful. But this doesn’t change things between us. I understand perfectly what’s happening at this moment. How would I not understand? I have been the witness to all that’s happened. But please, don’t separate me from your side. I want to continue being your friend, right? What’s more, this head will erase what happened that night, Paula, and there will be a clean slate (borrón y cuenta nueva). Nobody saw, nobody knew, nobody talked, absolutely nothing happened! What do you say?” “What do I say? Well, it calms me a lot to hear what you have to say, Juan. I cannot deny that what happened has had me worried a lot. The truth is that I didn’t know how to bring up this topic with you.” “That’s why you’ve been avoiding me? (me has estado la vuelta – from sacarle la vuelta a alguien, avoid someone)” “Yes, Juan.” “For this you are buying a car?” “Well, not just that, but I want to have some things of my own.” She can’t make eye contact and Juan looks warily at her face. Paula comes toward him. “Juan, I want to be very, very clear with you. For all that we say what happened was an accident, that it shouldn’t affect our relationship, it’s AFFECTED. Juan, things are not the same.” Juan protests, but Paula asks him to let her talk. “Look….”

Outside, Ivonne runs from in front of her desk toward Paula’s door, with Julia trailing. [Ed. Note: What took them so long?] They pry Marely for info. What’s up with her boss? Marely has no idea, of course. [Good girl.] Ivonne says she’s sure Marely knows, and Julia tries to pry-“don’t tell me the wind has shifted?” Marely reminds them that gossip is counterproductive, and those were Ivonne’s own words. Ivonne calls her a gordita, and Julia tells her not to get angry while Ivonne sulks back to her own desk. Marely buries herself in work again.

Paula tells Juan she’s very confused. [Yep, that’d be the general consensus from all of us, too, honey.] She needs time to sort all that happened. She needs to examine her conscience about what happened, and make decisions. She walks behind him toward the door. Does he understand? Of course, I understand you, Paula. He turns around to face the door and her. She says that’s why they need to be apart for a while; he tries to interrupt. She continues that it’s for the good of both of them. He draws closer to her. She says that’ll help them make sure that things don’t change between them and they’ll be as good friends as always. She touches his chest as he looks at her in agony, earnestly. “Please, Juan. Try to understand me.” She starts to go around him back to her desk and he puts out an arm to stop her gently, but thinks better of it and lets her go. “At your orders, Licenciada,” he says with resignation as she goes behind him. She stares at his back sadly, and Juan leaves, equally sadly.

Ivonne and Julia still have eyes glued to the door, but at a distance. Juan walks around the desk and Marely asks him how it went. He tells her he has no idea, and then yells “Marely, you women, why do you make things so complicated?” “Well, because you men want everything to be so easy!” He stalks off and onto the elevator, thought bubbling to God that he didn’t know what to think. He had doubts, whether he did well or did badly. He scolds himself for not taking the opportunity to talk to her, face to face, and tell her the whole truth. To tell her that what happened between them was no accident. We see Paula sitting sadly at her desk while we hear Juan’s thoughts and see him again in the elevator….”instead, it was the most important moment of my life.” We see Paula again briefly and then Juan scolds himself for not having the guts (te faltaron los pantalones, I lack the pants) to tell her his feelings. Nope, something inside him told him it was not the moment to do it, that he’d have to wait. Great. Just Great! And her, how should I interpret what she said to me? (Paula is pacing her office, looking equally distressed with herself.) “For good, or for bad? What does it mean?" He hears Paula’s voice repeating that for all they say it was an accident….that it shouldn’t affect their relationship, it’s affected. We see Paula, probably thinking the same thing. He thinks about what she said next, needing distance to think and make decisions. “What decisions??” He asks himself. [Ed. Note: for all this is a powerful scene, it’s the longest darn ride down a couple of floors in the history of elevators.]

Marely has come into Paula’s office. She is beseeching Paula that this was the same as doing nothing (I think, help me here, folks). He still has illusions. “What illusions?” Paula can’t understand. He himself told me that it was an accident, and wouldn’t change things. Marely, who knows Juan way better because she actually spends time looking at him, tries to explain. What he says is one thing, and another entirely what he feels. At this moment, who knows what things Juan is thinking. Paula argues that Juan is intelligent, no fool, and he just showed her how much. Marely wants to know what makes her so sure. It’s pure logic, Paula tells her. If he had ever shown the least bit of interest in her [love is blind, Paula is just totally clueless], she’d have doubts about this reaction, but he never said a word, and what’s more, she’s been as a confidante. And, didn’t you tell me he was interested in you? He’s told me about a platonic love. What does that mean? That I was nothing more than a night of craziness. Marely tries to interrupt. “Your theory is….” “Correct!” Paula says she’s the only one who complicated her own life. Paula wants to stop talking about it already, they have more urgent things to do. She tells Marely about Monica’s invitation. Marely sits down and is impactada—it seems the Señora holds you in affection! Paula tells her that’s not all; Monica plans to present her to a guy friend who has just arrived in Mexico. Marely grins a little. Could it be that she is trying to find you a boyfriend? It looks like it. What will you do? Resolve it the only way I can—talk with the guy responsible for this situation. César Luis Farell. Marely says, “again?” “What else can I do?” Paula asks. “Well, you’ve given me the impression that the last thing you want to do is break it off completely with this guy.” Paula gets way defensive. How do you think of these things? Well, maybe because all you have done is talk and talk and talk about this guy. Paula is commercial irritada.

Julia is STILL up with Ivonne, who is sniping at her about her boyfriend not coming by much. Another gal is standing behind Julia, eager to catch any chisme that flies by. Julia retorts that Enrique is VERY busy hauling cargo around. Ivonne and the other gal look at each other and laugh….”if that’s what YOU want to think.” Julia wants to know what else she should think. Ivonne tells her he’s like all the men, his horns are always out…..Julia denies that Enrique is like that. The gal behind her scoffs. Ivonne is the queen of scoff. They’re all cut from the same cloth (from cortado por la misma tijera, cut with the same scissors). If they are sure how you feel, they’ll take advantage. I’m the voice of experience. Julia looks concerned and the other gal shakes her head at the perfidy of all men.

Juan is at the desk in the garage, drawing hearts with “Paula y Juan” on post-it notes. Enrique is bubbly as he brings a bag of school supplies to Juan. Fernando looks bored to tears. Notebooks, pens, compass, etc. All that was on the list. Fernando drawls that he forgot the lunchbox (lonchera). Kike tells him “make fun! Make fun.” He basically tells Fern to shut up. Fern picks on him about writing in the notebook margins, and Kike tells him not to get bothered. Juan fusses at them and Kike tries to tell him he just brought Juan what he needed. Juan’s not interested. Later. Excuse me. He walks off. Fern shows Kike the post-it note and tells him that Juan’s been touchy since yesterday.

Paula’s in CL’s office, telling him she doesn’t want to be rude or ungrateful to his wife, but she’s doggone uncomfortable. He points out she’s not the only one feeling that way. Well, in that case, we need to do something. He points out she’s accepted the invitation, she could have refused. She tells him Monica pressured her a lot, and he chuckles—“that’s her, all right.” He tells Paula that’s exactly the problem he has when he tries to persuade Monica of something. So, what’s the problem, Paula? Come, eat with us, get to know Stephen—at best, he could end up being the man of your life. [Ed. Note: if we didn’t know what a scumbag you are, CL, we almost might think your sincerity is touching.] He’s got it all: free, millionaire, nice, oh! Paula interrupts: “And you, what would you know about my tastes regarding who might be the man of my life?” “Anything is possible.” (Todo cabe dentro las posibilidades, anything fits inside the possibilities). “Let me inform you that at the moment I’m not interested in getting to know anyone else.” “Why not?” “Because there was already one man I knew (probably used figuratively here, in the carnal sense, as a barb), and I think you knew that.” She changes the subject and asks if Juan has told him all? No, CL says, he’s told me nothing. And you’re making sure from this moment on he’ll know nothing more. “Gee, what a shame for you,” she retorts. “I’d just like to know him, though,” CL tells her with a little smirk. “Well, why don’t you tell me when and I’ll present him.” Brave words, Paula. “I’m not one of those women who hides things.” CL has her number. “Mm, why don’t you bring your friend tonight to my apartment, and we’ll meet him? How does that sound?” Paula is busted-impactada.

Juan is in his office—the driver’s seat of the limo—reading. Kike knocks on the window and lets himself into the passenger seat. Juan sits, staring at his paper. “Anyway, these are your things.” Juan looks over at the bag Kike has brought him. “Many thanks, my Kike, and forgive me. It’s that I’m a little sad.” (tristón) Kike gently tells Juan he’s noticed. “Now what’s happened?” “She wants me out of her life.” “I told you,” Kike continues gently, “Or didn’t I tell you?” “Sure, and all that. She doesn’t need me any more.” Juan’s face is so dejected and maybe a little bitter. “And what, my brother, she’s doing you a favor.” [Ed. Note: I’m sure he means to be helpful.] “See, this way you aren’t going to keep torturing yourself, always looking at her through the rearview mirror, creating fantasies for yourself.” (historias mafufas, my best guess) Juan cries out “Don’t you understand that if this happens, everything, absolutely everything, is going to hell?”

CL’s voice cuts into Juan’s agony, and we find Paula still in CL’s office, with her back to him, heading toward the door. CL asks if she doesn’t like that idea, she can kill two birds with one stone. (matar dos pájaros de un tiro) You can do what Monica wants and she’ll feel more calm that you’re beginning a new relationship, and you’ll present the man to me who took my place in your heart. CL falters a little as he hits the “took my place in your heart” stuff. She turns back to him as he asks what she has to say about that. “Have you gone bonkers or what?” “No,” he replies. “What makes you think I want to put MY friend in the wolf’s mouth?” “What wolf’s mouth?” [Ed. Note: personally, I think it’s a perfect metaphor, Paula.] “You’re sick, César Luis.” He tells her that what’s happening here is something else. “Well, think what you want, Sr. Farell, but please excuse me to your wife and tell her I can’t come to dinner.” He accuses her—this friend doesn’t exist. It’s a fantasy to hide what’s happened from me.” “Definitely, there’s no doubt, you are nuts.” She leans across his desk to give him a maximum cleavage shot as she scoffs at him. [Ed. Note: Kind of blurs your message, Paula.] He tells her the crazy one is someone else, a female. He accuses her that her love is like a small child, she’s acting infantile. She scoffs that he can’t believe she’d actually “invent” a romance just to bother him. “Well, YEAH. Why not?” She scoffs again. [Ed. Note: give it up, Paula, he’s had more practice at this game.] She wants to know why it’s so important. He retorts and she tells him okay, if that’s what you want, I’ll bring my friend. But, there’s one condition. “What?” That you give up this plan of using Juan to spy on me. “Of course, I’ve left you without anything to say, right?” He tells her this is different, because she has another sentimental interest, what’s left for him to do? [Ed. Note: which we take to mean he’s telling her he doesn’t plan to stop spying.] She smiles and retorts that for the moment there’s nothing he can do, and since he wants concrete proof, she’ll bring her friend. She starts to leave and he calls her back, there’s one more thing they need to discuss--Juan. Paula is commercial impactada.

Juan and Kike are still in the car, discussing this awful fate that has befallen Juan. Kike tells Juan that this went to hell as soon as it began, and this is the end of the story. Juan tries to deny it. “It can’t be, Kike, it can’t be.” Kike insists it can be, and is. One never knows with women. He reminds Juan this is what happened with Yadira to him. He tells Juan that it’s a process, before moving toward love with seduction, there is romance, lovely little things, some one to one time—these are the things to help get to know each other, take off the masks, come with your heart in your hand—excuse me, but you never had this opportunity with the Licenciada. Juan collapses in tears on Kike’s shoulder, and Kike pats him and comforts him. Juan cries that he had that chance, he had it. That night, when I had her in my arms, and daylight was lighting up that angelic face of hers, when her scent filled the room, and I felt her lovely skin, she was mine, Enrique! Kike is impactado---“then, you and she…..” Yes, Juan confirms it. They did. Juan’s pulled out his bandanna to wipe tears. “Oh, my brother, that is much, much worse. If what happened, happened, the charm wore off. You’ve lost her for good. And forgive me for saying, but it began badly and ended badly.” Juan thought bubbles that Kike never ceases to amaze him. He’s definitely a total romantic. “You calculated wrong, Juan, and you have the consequences.” “What should I do?” Juan asks defensively. Juan thought bubbles—he doesn’t want this to be, but is totally on target here. But of course, I’m a guy and cannot accept that I was wrong. Kike tells him it’s better to get immersed in school. Juan says no, he has to resolve his issues in the company, because he can’t be left without the work, and he’ll be without school, without anything……he struggles but can’t speak more. Kike tells him “No, my Juan” and Juan again collapses on Kike’s shoulder in tears. Kike comforts him again. “Calm down, calm down.” They break apart and Juan rubs his nose a little more. He’s going up to talk to Don Pastor. Kike will go with him for moral support. Juan thanks him. They get out of the car, Kike telling Juan that he also has someone to see in the office. He’s hiding something behind his back and Juan wants to know what it is. Juan teases him lightly about it, “don’t’ do that.” He spins Kike for a look at what’s in his hand, but Kike keeps it hidden. We get to see it briefly---“it’s for Julia.” It’s a little box of chocolates. He puts it back behind him and has Juan grinning ear to ear. They give each other a half hug from the side and get on their way.

Paula has gone back to seat herself and hear what CL wants to say about Juan. She’s tells CL it doesn’t seem fair to affect Juan’s future this way. CL, ever the clever manipulator, tells her the decision is really hers. If she doesn’t need him, they’ll have to let him go. Can’t he be reassigned to another person? No, this is an expense the company can do without. But, he’s a good worker and a wonderful person. We’re not a charity foundation here, her condescending boss informs her. “What’s bothering you here? That you’ll be left without a specific spy?” He denies it. After tonight he supposes he won’t have any need for a spy. But of course, she could buy her car, use it on weekends and still use the company car for daily business. She accuses him of pressuring her. He starts to deny it but looks her in the eye and finally says, “I know. But I also know that you like Juan a lot. And you should know what could happen with him. I need an answer, pretty quickly.” Paula gets up, asking if there’s anything more. Nope. Not for now. CL shakes a finger at her once. “See you tonight.” She stalks out, with him drooling over the view from the rear.

Paula goes straight to Marely, telling her “I have problems.” “It’s more strange when you don’t.” Paula wants Marely to be a little serious here. “I need your help here!” Marely tells her one of the clients is waiting and she needs to deal with it personally first.

Kike and Juan come off the elevator, Kike still soothing Juan. Juan tells him thanks, and good luck with that—he points to the candy. Kike approaches Julia, who’s on the phone, while Juan goes off to see Pastor. Kike overhears Julia chatting with someone obviously close to her, since she’s using “tú” and excited about the person’s call. They’re making plans for the evening—Julia is thrilled that the person on the other end of the line is thinking of her and she didn’t have other plans. The green-eyed monster flares in Kike’s heart. The office gossip we encountered with Ivonne earlier is standing behind Kike, taking this all in. Julia is having just a little too much fun on this call to suite Kike. She laughs and asks where the person is thinking of taking her. Way cool! The candy begins to melt in Kike’s hot, clammy hand. He walks away haltingly, sill listening as Julia closes the call—we’ll see you tonight! The office gossip is getting an eyeful. She greets Kike, who breathes a quiet “Hola” at her and moves on in a daze. He goes hesitantly to Marely’s desk. She’s glad he showed up; she has an assignment for him. He takes it, and then turns back to her and offers her the candy. Marely is puzzled. What’s this for? Well, you’ve been so good to me, and I appreciate your support since I’ve come here—it’s just a little token. She thanks him with a question in her voice.

Pastor says ”how lovely” to Juan, who is seated across from Pastor in the office. Juan is desperate, he’s at the point of finding himself without a job (chamba). He points out to Pastor that Pastor more than anyone knows how difficult it was for him to find this job. Pastor chides him. Do you think I’ve given you a hand only to leave you thrown out on the street? Juan says well….uh,….I don’t know. Pastor is mildly incensed. “Then you don’t know me, Juanito.” He tells Juan he’s loyal with his affections. What’s more, he knew about this problem and already has a solution in the works (remojo-arranged, from remojar, one meaning is to arrange, other meanings include leave a tip or give a gift). Juan thanks him, he doesn’t know what to do with Pastor’s help (how to repay, implied). Pastor is glad he recognizes this . So, Juan asks, what is the solution? Pastor’s asked CL to assign Juan to him since Paula doesn’t need Juan. Can Juan imagine? You as my chauffeur? Juan begins to imagine “Sure! The cure will be worse than the illness!”…..Pastor compelling him to stay out late taking Pastor to one of those bars to party. In his nightmare fantasy, he tells Pastor he can’t stay up late, he has to get up early so he won’t be late. The fantasy Pastor reminds him it doesn’t matter since the one who would be scolding is Pastor himself…..Juan’s smile becomes a grimace. Pastor wonders where he went just now, it was like he was on another planet! Juan covers up, he is choked with emotion [Ed. Note: no doubt]. He doesn’t know how to thank Pastor [Ed. Note: again, no doubt]. Pastor is touched, and tells him to be calm, he’s not going to be left without work. Juan grits his teeth and agrees. “How lovely!” Pastor rhapsodizes. Juan nods, still gritting. He’s going to fracture a tooth that way.

Monica is impactada on the phone with CL. What? Paula is bringing WHO? Why didn’t she tell me when we spoke? Well, you had everything planned out. What will we do with Stephen? He was so enthusiastic. Well, that’s what happens when you try to arrange someone’s life, dear. I just called to let you know. I have lots to do, so I gotta go back to work. Well, she tells him, don’t be late. Okay. They exchange their love and hang up, CL pensive.

Paula is shaking the client’s hand, and telling him they’ll resolve the rest of it the next day. He thanks her and leaves with a guy who had been chatting with Marely; Paula asks Marely to come in. She asks Paula how it went. It went well with the client, but Paula still has problems. What problems? Well, according to CL, if I buy an auto, Juan will be left without work. I don’t want that to happen! Marely is impactada. “You would feel responsible?” “Of course,” Paula tells her. “It’s simple, buy a car and just use it on the weekends.” Paula tells her that’s exactly what CL said. Marely wants to know if she cleared up things with Juan. Paula says she has. Marely tells her not to choke on a glass of water. [Ed. Note: must be a dicho. Maricruz, can you help here?] Paula tells Marely to imagine this: she has to bring a friend to the Farells’ apartment. “What friend?” That’s precisely the problem., what friend? Paula and Marely look at each other with chagrin and we are reminded that any similarity to real life is purely coincidence.


borrón y cuenta nueva – a clean slate
sacarle la vuelta a alguien- avoid someone
cortado por la misma tijera – cut from the same cloth (cut with the same scissors)
Todo cabe dentro las posibilidades- anything fits inside the possibilities, anything’s possible
matar dos pájaros de un tiro – kill two birds with one stone



Saturday, September 22, 2007

Acorralada #176 Thursday 9/20/07 the recap is here

P.S. addition from yesterday's episode. I forgot to post that Pancholon is trying to woo an unattractive older woman who is a millionaire. She has a big mustache and a lame foot.

Diana comes over to tell Max about Marcela. She clashes with Octavia.

Roddy is meeting with a psychiatrist about Sharon. She is a very disturbed girl and needs a long treatment, but there is hope (yeah, on what planet?).

They bring Sharon in for a last farewell. Roddy shows her some papers that say she is officially recognized as his daughter (I think I confused some of this with yesterday's recap, because I had watched this opening scene too). She has another mad scene before being carted away.

Nancy, Lala, Lorenzo and Granny M have another one of their rehash sessions.

Diana tells Max she must go back with his wife. What about his love for Dimwit? Marcela is the one he must go to. We must sacrifice.

Back at the Mansion, Silvia and Jorge come in. Silvia is greeted by affectionate eye-rolling. They are used to her crazy schemes. She's the Lucy Ricardo of this show! She has a great idea to help Sharon, but she needs a picture of Virginia.

Over at the bodega, Marcela collapses.

Diana tells Max that Marcela filed for divorce.

Gaviota begs Paco not to visit anymore. Why not? He loves her. She doesn't want to hurt him, but she loves her new husband. Pobre de Paco.

Octy comes over to the hospital to monitor her handiwork. She comes upon Gaby and Caramelo, who are discussing Fedora's paralysis. Good news, says Octy.
Based on how Octy seems to know too much, Caramelo suspects Octy knows something or did something. Octy says no, she knows nothing. But she is happy about the paralysis.

Jorge and Silvia take the picture over to the psychiatrist. Silvia starts to flatter him--she's a single girl and he's a handsome guy . . . Then they show him the picture. This is Sharon's mother, they say. Why, I know her, he says. That's Virginia. I didn't know she was Sharon's mother. I don't know what this is about. Are they hoping to prove someone else is Sharon's father to get Roddy out of having to deal with her?

Max calls Roddy on the cell phone. He tells him to forget about the divorce. Stop whatever proceedings you have started. Max turns to Diana. Satisfied? he asks.

Paco and Fedora continue to have a boring conversation.

Octy wants to see Fedora for herself, but Gaby forbids it. Over my dead body, she says. Octy is surprised how good the former servant is at throwing people out. Gaby says that Octy and Pilar were good teachers.

Caramelo points out that her father is in with Fedora, just to rub in it a bit. Octy is impactada. He loves her, Caramelo says. She says that Octy is a jealous witch.

In comes Roddy. Uh-oh. Wow, look who's here, says Octy. It's the cuckolded (cornudo, or horned) husband. Roddy asks what? Octy asks if she has to spell cornudo. Roddy storms into the room and tells Paco to leave. There's some back and forth, but eventually Fedora repeats that Paco should leave. He says he will leave only because Fedora asked him to.

Back at the shrink's office, the doctor is saying that he never would have imagined that Virginia was Sharon's mother. She was one of his best students. She studied law and medicine. She was very smart. (so how did she end up a lowly seamstress?). He was sorry she was missing.

Silvia says that Sharon never got over the death of her mother. (but she was nuts before that. She was already fencing jewels with Pancholon.) The doctor says that knowing this information will help very much in his treatment of Sharon. I don't really understand how Silvia got this idea, but it was genius!

Max is telling Diana that she is making a big mistake. Diana says they must sacrifice. So if Marcela were not pregnant, you would come back with me? Max asks. It doesn't matter, she says. He must find Marcela.

Fedora tells Roddy that he sounds like he is lying. I really didn't understand this conversation.

Octy waits in the hall for Paco. Caramelo taunts her with how she heard Octy was stood up by Iggy. Paco comes out and fights with Octy.

He leaves. Gaby and Caramelo laugh.

Dr. V tells godmother that Marcela lost the baby. How convenient.

Padro thought bubbles about Camila's warning about Marfil.

Diana brings a wheelchair for her mother.

Dr. V continues talking to godmom in front of an unconscious Marcela.

Pedro goes to find Camila on the beach. He asks her again whether Marfil really said she wanted to kill him. It can't be! Yes it is. Marfil is the worst. Open your eyes, old man. Get rid of her.

Gaby sees her mother in the wheelchair and becomes hysterical. Diana will take her home.
Fedora remembers that she was once a strong woman who destroyed the Irascibles. Look what has happened to her now. She asks for Rodrigo.

Octy goes home and exults in how well her plan is working. If she can't have Paco, well, neither can Fedora. And at least Octy is not in a wheelchair. No, au contraire, she is healthy, and beautiful and full of life. Any moment now, she will have a new love too. Yolanda walks in and asks her why she's smiling. Octy giggles goofily.

Godmom tells Marcela she lost the baby. Oh, no.

Pedro recalls his conversation with Camila. Marfil comes in. What about dinner? She leaves the room, and he dials his lawyer to make an appointment to change the will back. Dummy, right in earshot of Marfil, who hears all.

A very long, boring scene ensues where Roddy and Fedora tearfully discuss how he should leave her because she is a burden and he says never. This really goes on way too long.

Godmom scolds Marcela for not having listened to her and taken care of herself. Then she realizes she was too harsh. Marcela says GM should not tell Max. Max should be with Diana.

Marfil dopes up Pedro so he will sleep all day and not get to change his will. Is she just planning to do that every day for the next several years? It's amazing, though, how these characters always have such interesting specific-actng potions and poisons available to them.

Paco tells Caramelo that he can't stand Roddy. Caramelo tells him that he must give up on this useless love for Fedora. He screwed up, and it's too late.

Dr. V calls Max to come to the hospital, as there is an emergency with Marcela.

Camila, Emilio and Silvia review the news about Marfil. They are disgusted. Silvia hs to leave for work (she is already in her flamenco costume).

Pedro is passed out on the couch. Marfil regrets that he has more lives than a cat, but whatever . . . as long as he doesn't change his will.

Emilio wants Camila to look for her baby with Iggy. This is the first we've heard about this baby since maybe episode 4? No way, she says. The only thing she's looking for is a rich husband.

Then she talks to the camera. Her plan is working. Thanks to her, Marfil will not be an heiress.

Diana visits Marcela. Marcela accepts the will of God.

Max comes in Marcela tells him to get out. Go with Diana, she says. Max says that they must stay together, now that she is having a child. Ooops! Credits roll.


Amar Friday Sep 21 - who cares about the jacket

Mo promises to tell GSD the complete truth, now that he has come back to work. He also just told him that he loves Azul, so we know that he’s a big fat liar. I’m curious to see what his version of the complete truth is.

Ivan and Eva are dining in her hotel room. She says Boris is furious, Ivan says everything is going as planned, don’t worry. They figure that Mauricio will figure out that Leonarda isn’t really infected when she doesn’t die in 2 hours, so Ivan’s man who has infiltrated Mo’s security will slip a little poison into her drink to make her look sick and mess with Mo’s head. That will get her to push GSD to find a cure in a hurry too (like Azul being infected ins’t enough) and then later on Ivan and Leo can decide if they should kill Leo or not.

Andres tries to comfort Leo, saying that Mo won’t abandon her now, they are a family more than ever! Yeah right. She’s very morbid but Andres is sure that it will all work out. He says he’ll leave to let her rest, she begs him to stay “until the end.” Jeez what a drama queen. Oh wait, she’s dying. Oh wait, no she isn’t. She sure is convinced of it though, even though there’s absolutely nothing foreign in her veins than a little sangre de Ivan.

Ivan tells Eva that he sent a sample of Mo’s blood to Boris. “Not good enough” says Eva. Also, he’s going to figure out the password to the lab. “Not good enough” says Eva. Also, he set up some microphones and cameras or whatever and has a man on the inside. “Not good enough” says Eva. Ok then woman what the hell is good enough? Finally she says she needs Mo’s personal journal. Fine. Was that so hard to say? Did you have to string Ivan along and disregard all of his hard work? Bitch. I have the show paused at the moment and Eva looks like Brigitte Nielson. That’s not a good thing, if you have seen “Flavor of Love.”

Mo takes GSD to some cafeteria. GSD starts to ask if he’s supposed to do research here, or what? Mo says no, ‘they’ have bugged his whole house so they can’t talk there. Who are ‘they,’ GSD asks? Mo refers to them as the mafia. I guess that’s a good description. Mo says that at the beginning he didn’t know what he was getting into either. He says Burgay was the one who infected Azul, on Eva’s orders, and that they have Katy and will infect her if Mo doesn’t get some results pronto. GSD asks Mo why, after all that has happened, should he believe him? Mo says because he himself is also infected. I say, so what? How does that make him more believable? That isn’t answering the question, that is simply saying something dramatic to get an impactado look from GSD and some music of doom.

Diego arrives at Azul’s apartment. Azul is sick and doesn’t want to see Diego, Ceci tells him. He begs his way in anyway. Ceci tells Azul that her in-home caretaker is here, and Diego walks into the bedroom. Azul tries to act like she’s still mad, but she is obviously pleased to see him.

GSD is pissed off and reads Mo the riot act for being such a liar, especially about his illness as he courted Azul. He lectures Mo on ethics. Mo continues to swear he never meant anything bad to happen to Azul. Mo says the illness affects his central nervous system and also is the reason why he sometimes goes nuts. He blames everything bad he has done or said on the disease. GSD says ‘you know by now that Azul doesn’t love you’, so how can he keep talking about his love with Azul and all that? Mo tries to cover by saying that he just wants to find a cure, not for himself, but so Azul can be happy. What a load of crap. What a HUGE load of crap. Mo finally tells GSD that ‘those criminals’ also infected Leonarda. This seems to upset Mo as he tells it even, there is some strong relationship there we still don’t know about. He says he loves her like a mother.

Diego tries to tell Azul that Eva and company are trying to cure a disease. Azul says they are criminals. They can’t seem to agree on whether they are saviors or demons. Diego finally says that when they find more dirt on the Boris Mafia they will denounce them to the cops. Azul asks if that is the only way to get loose from them? Diego asks her to trust him. She called him ‘mi amor’ a few times, I guess she isn’t mad at him anymore. They dream about being together after all this is over. “Believe in our love” Diego begs her. She says she will. Barf. Sorry, that’s the man in me. They get all kissy and lovey.

Mo says he thinks he’s in the final stages of the disease. He tells GSD that he is the only survivor of the people who were infected, but now also Azul and Leo. He says if it gets loose it will be a disaster (you think?). That’s why he was so desperate and held a gun on GSD to make him go back to work. Mo wants to know where GSD is on the investigation, GSD says he doesn’t trust Mo anymore so he won’t give him details. Mo says he understands but is going to win back his trust, and to prove it he’s going to give GSD the password to the lab. Dum dum DUMMM. GSD smokes.

Diego and Azul kissy kissy sweet talk. She makes him swear to have nothing more than absolutely necessary contact with Eva. He rolls his eyes (I did too, he has been in that mode for a while already) but agrees. They get all kissy and Diego plays the Indiana Jones “it hurts here” game when she is kissing his pain away.

Back to GSD and Mo – GSD has sure been smoking it up, the ashtray is full. Mo thanks GSD for listening to him. GSD says he’s going to find a cure, but for Azul, not because of anyone else. Mo asks GSD to not share any info with anyone else. He can’t say anything anywhere, Eva has ears everywhere. GSD mentions that Azul is with Diego now, Mo says again he just wants Azul to be happy. I don’t believe him. He doesn’t care about her at all, proven when he smacked her with the infected needle. He’s just evil. More dramatic music.

Diego is gone, Ceci is jealous of the love Diego shows to Azul. Azul tells Ceci that Andres isn’t necessarily trustworthy, something strange has always been going on with those people at Casa de Mo. You aren’t kidding sister. You don’t know the half of it.

Andres beings Leo some tea. They reminisce about the good old days. Andres starts to tell her “you know I love you but…” she finishes for him – now he doesn’t love her as much, and now she looks old. He was the one who insisted way back when, now he is throwing her aside. It’s for her, right? Azul’s friend? She starts getting pissed off. He says that she knows how much she means to him, how he couldn’t stand the way his uncle mistreated her. She says it feels like just yesterday that Andres killed him. Andres dramatically remembers. Leo remembers how Andres beautifully justified his crimes. Something about Mo enters the conversation, I got a little lost. Something about all of them having so many secrets to keep that it made them a family. Jeez, what a family. I guess we’ve seen already how well that turned out in the end. Leo says they’ll be together forever. Andres angrily says he doesn’t want anything forever, not any more. Leo says that’s just because that bitch Ceci put things in his head. Andres says no, it’s because she is dying and it is Mo’s fault.

GSD is smoking over at Emilia’s place. After being told not to tell anyone anything, he went straight to her and told her everything. Nice work. Emilia says he has to find a cure for Azul, he begs her to not tell Azul the truth about what she has. Wait – isn’t he supposed to be working on a cure so that his daughter doesn’t die? Isn’t there a time limit here, like find a cure in the next two days or she’s dead? So what is he doing having a loooong discussion with Mo, then drifting over to Emilia’s house and wasting time? I don’t understand. What the hell is wrong with him? Dumbass. He tells Emilia that he’s very close to a cure. She tells him to finish it and not tell anyone, how does he know that Mo isn’t lying about also being sick? GSD says that Mo really is sick.

Arnaldo and Julio discuss whether or not Julio should accept any investment money. Oh, Arnaldo shaved! Julio says the money will let him import better stuff and it will help with marketing and all that. Arnaldo says he wishes he had money, Julio says no, they are already partners. Julio wants to know why Arnaldo doesn’t wear the jacket he gave him when they met in Rio. Arnaldo says it wasn’t when they met, it was when they officially became a couple. Julio says ah, then you remember! Don’t you have it any more? Arnaldo says he still has it, it makes him feel close to Julio. It’s at his aunt Ines’s house. They drink a toast to the day Julio gave him the jacket. This conversation was supposed to explain their relationship but it was just tedious. Ok we get it you were together, broke up, now you’re together again and Arnaldo still feels a little vulnerable. See? That only took a few seconds, not a couple minutes of talking about a jacket.

GSD thanks Emilia for help him even though they are not so close at the moment. GSD says Ines is completely behind him and she, Emilia, is sooo awesome. He wants to change and be better so he doesn’t lose her. Ok that’s great now go find a cure before your f(*&(*^&ng daughter dies. Cripes.

Katy cries to Mo that she misses Azul, where has she been? Where is she? Mo says sometimes things don’t work out like we want. She doesn’t understand. Mo says that he and Azul aren’t going to get married. Katy’s voice hits an all time high in frequency, almost a dog whistle, as she cries and whines simultaneously that she doesn’t like this turn of events.

Arnaldo is looking into Ines’s window, wondering where she is. Some super metiche neighbor tells him that she isn’t home and didn’t come home last night, for two days she just cried and didn’t answer the door or anything. He yells for Ines and pounds on the door. He finally breaks in and dramatically says “What did you do?” We don’t see her but surely she is on the floor passed out or dead after a suicide attempt or something.

Azul and Ceci talk about Diego some more. When Azul says she isn’t going to see Mo ever again, the phone rings. Surely it is Mo or Katy. It’s the servant, calling on behalf of Katy. Katy gets on the phone and cries that Azul doesn’t love her any more. Azul says she’ll come visit, Katy gets very excited and runs off. Mo enters and asks if Katy convinced Azul to come, the maid says yes, Mo smiles smugly.

Azul gets ready to go visit Katy, Ceci yells at her to stay in bed. Azul wants to explain to Katy about her and Mo. Yeah I’m sure a 4 year old will understand. Ceci wants to know what Azul will tell Diego about going to her ex-boyfriend’s house, Azul just says she’ll explain it to him. What a hypocrite. After all her tantrums when he sees Eva, his BOSS, who he has legitimate reason to see. Ceci is thinking the same thing.

Ivan tells Eva about Paco’s murder. Somehow he figured it all out. Eva can’t believe how stupid they all are. Ivan asks if she is worried because they are unreliable or because of how hurt Diego would be if he found out?

GSD is sitting at his table working, he has some book open next to him. Is this helping find a cure? I hope so. Emilia brings him something to drink. She’s wearing a robe, I wonder if he got some inspirational nookie before getting back to work. They discuss how strange life is these days. GSD’s cell rings, it’s Arnaldo. He delivers the news about Ines. Emilia rolls her eyes a bit when she hears. GSD is going to go see her, Emilia actually gets jealous about it. She says fine, go. He says thanks, she says don’t say thanks because she doesn’t agree. She hopes he’s going to have the end of that relationship and not to rekindle it. She leaves and GSD looks like he wants to smoke.

Eva tells Ivan to tell Burgay that they have the toxin now, and he should side with them and not with Mauricio. Then he should go see Mo and press him to get GSD to work on the cure. Ivan wants to know if Mo doesn’t cooperate, should he go see GSD himself next? Eva says no, Mo must look like the villain. Eva wants the password to the lab too from Ivan’s spy.

Mo walks outside with Andres and Leo. Mo wants to know how Eva found out that he has the illness inside him, the three of them are all that know. Leo is offended at the implication. So is Andres. Mo believes them. Leo says that Mo made all his money by making cheap knockoff medicine that didn’t work and Mo had to kill so many people to keep them quiet. I guess she said that so we know how they are all tied in with each other. Mo says there must be microphones in the house. He says they can talk freely outside, where there is no place to hide a microphone and the sound of the water will hide their talking. Mo wants Andres to find where the microphones are but leave them alone, so he can use Eva’s stuff against her. I was thinking the same thing. Now he can say whatever crazy stuff he wants and she’ll believe it. The servant announces that some security guy has arrived.

Diego is wearing an extremely girly pink sweater. He tells Efrain to tell him the truth about his karate master client. Efrain says it’s not Ivan. Diego calls him a liar. Diego tells him that Ivan killed Abuelo, so Efrain needs to tell Diego the truth.

The security guy is some curly haired dude that Mo decides should be names “Jacinto Gabu.”

Diego arrives to see Eva, she wants to finish their earlier conversation. She tells Diego not to worry, everything is above board. He hopes so. She tries to move in and kiss him, he turns her away. He says he likes her but he.. she says she knows that he loves another. He says he doesn’t want to hurt her, she says no, he doesn’t want to hurt the other woman he loves. True that Eva, you hit that on the head. She tells him whatever, she was just having fun anyway, whatever. Sure. She leaves the room so she can go cry or something.

Mo shows the security guy around and gives him instructions. He seees Azul and wants to know why she’s there. He says seeing her makes him so happy! Whatever.

Diego looks to see if Eva is coming, then gets into her purse and finds Paco’s ID. I expect him to look impactado, but instead he reads it like it’s a book. It’s an ID dude, the picture and the word PACO should be enough.

Monday – Diego and his super gay pink sweater go to Azul’s place to find out that she went to Mauricio’s. He gets all stupid and jealous and goes over there, just in time to see her start to faint and Mo catch her, which of course he interprets as them getting ready to have sex. WTF I’m so sick of this plot device, the daily fight and breakup. I’m soooo sick of it.


Amar #47 9/20/07 Pretty poison . . .

Azul is not feeling well. Diego comes over. She chastise him for being Eva's "boy toy." He says it's the pot calling the kettle black. She asks him to leave as usual. He says she should stop being stupid, but she says she's not feeling well.
Sad piano music . . .

Azul collapses. Luckily Ceci discovers her. GSD comes over and takes blood.

Andres raises himself up from the ground where he was outside. Don't know what this was about. Was this having to do with his getting beaten up, or was he rooting around in Paco's shallow grave?

Leo and Mo discuss what to do. She wants them all to run away (Caty, Anres, Leo and Mo), but Mo counsels that it would be useless. Besides, they need GSD to work on the project to cure them (and now Azul). They talk about needing to get a password to a deposit box. I don't know what that is about. Ivan overhears this conversation in his master listening room.
He now knows that Azul has the virus and that Mo is using the infection to blackmail GSD into continuing work.

Diego goes to the party. He meets up with old Don Chucho, who is out of a job. He fixes him up with Julio, who will give him a job. Diego and Don Chucho will get an apartment together too. Diego leaves. Filler scene, mostly.

Now for a completely ridiculous tangent: We see Gloria talking to a phone sex client. She is arranging to meet him. Silvana overhears and asks if it isn't dangerous. Gloria says no, he's one of her most assiduous clients, and she needs the money or some such, as she is getting older. (I think that's what she said.)

Clemencia and dad are sitting at the table. Diego comes in. Mom is asking after Eva. She thinks she's such a nice person. Diego asks for Lidia. She's at her new apartment. Diego asks, what's the guy called, that espanollilo (that little spanish guy?), referring disparagingly to the new hubby. No, his name is Piero, says Pop. You shouldn't refer to him that way. He's an architect (and besides, my new boss). Dad reveals that he signed the contract. He wouldn't harm us--now he's part of the family.

Burgay and Ivan arrive. Burgay is holding a tool box. They come in and see Leonarda and Andres. Where is Mo? they want to know. I've always thought you two were a pair of little pigs (cochinos). They put on the handcuffs. As we know, Leo probably likes that!

Ivan goes in another room to find Mo. Mo says he knew Ivan would come. He is holding his arm. Do you have pain, asks Ivan. Mo pulls a gun! He says this is the best way I know to control pain. Ivan asks if Mo intends to kill him and Burgay. Mo hesitates. There's some discussion here that advances the intrigue a bit, but I'm too tired to follow it. Suffice it to say that Mo doesn't shoot. Ivan says he's got Leo and her lov...oops, I mean nephew, out in the other room. He tells Mo that they're under surveillance. As Mo blathers, Ivan sardonically says, Sorry, I can't concentrate on what you're saying. Finally, Ivan reaches out and applies pressure to Mo's neck and Mo keels over. Ivan draws (infected) blood from Mo with a syringe while Mo is out cold. Then he draws blood from himself with another syringe. This is all very strange.

Ivan finds Paco's ID in the drawer. Then he has Burgay bring Leo in. Mo wakes up, and Ivan holds up one of the syringes and threatens to inject Leo. Tell me the name of the toxin and where it comes from, he demands. I don't know, shouts Mo. Oh, no? This goes on for a while, until Ivan injects Leo. But I'm not sure which syringe he used. Mo shouts, Yolanda. Is her real name Yolanda?

Ivan and Burgay leave. Mo calls GSD and gets no answer, but he begs him to come and help. Sorry, everything I did before was wrong. I'll tell you everything now, he shouts desperately.

Meanwhile GSD is checking Azul's blood on a slide under his toy microscope. He is shocked at his discovery. He calls Emilia, and she doesn't want to hear from him, but he tells her it's about Azul. She says, take a taxi.
It looks like Eva was following him. Is that correct?

He gets there and reveals that Azul is infected, and it's all his fault. Didn't he reveal this yesterday? I don't get this.
Emilia counsels him to be calm or else he will not be able to help Azul. GSD says he can't turn in the bad guys, because then things would be worse. (I think that's what he says).
She also tells him not to tell Azul. They repeat the same discussion about the antidote having worked on some of the rats, etc.

Eva is meeting with Ivan and they are scheming how to get the antidote. They have to keep listening in on these conversations and get the password and whatever else was going on. Ivan asks how he will do it, as in some of the places he won't be able to listen. Eva says that it's his problem, but he'll think of a way. He's so smart. Her eyes glitter. I don't know why she doesn't love Ivan instead of doltish Diego.

Diego arrives to meet with Eva and Ivan. She invites him to sit and have a drink. She is wearing a very unfortunate sweater. It has a tangle of cables that look like brain tissue with long dangly pieces of spinal cord hanging down. They toast with Nostrovie--a Russian toast.

He wants to know what's going on. Why should he work under threat of a gun. She tries to tell him that all the big companies work that way. Why can't he know what's going on. Well, you know at all the big companies, if they spent time filling in all the employees it would be a big waste of time. Diego is a simpleton or is he pretending now?

She does reveal now that there is a big scientific experiment they are working on, and Mo is the only one who knows the origin of the germ, so they need him, delinquent or not.

At the end, GSD shows up at Mansion Mo to work. Mo continues apologizeing. GSD must continue the investigation to save his own daughter.


Destilando Amor, 09/21/07: 3-2-1- Blastoff!

Rod and Gavi continue talking about the gala that evening when Alonso enters her office, raving like a lunatic. He starts freaking out about the guests' folios not arriving yet from the printers and there only being a couple hours till the event starts. As a boss he has a right to demand her full attention, though admittedly with a more civil tone, and Gavi should have put Rod on hold, but she doesn't and Rod has to hold himself back from jumping through the receiver and strangling Alonso for screaming at her.

She solves Alonso's problem and he asks angrily who Gavi is chattering to. ( I'd say the caffeine king needs a serious "intervention" about now cuz it's obvious he's got one mean addiction going, and this Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde act with his employees is getting really old.) Gavi says it's Ingeniero Montalvo and Alonso suddenly looks at her like he's just chomped down on a couple of prime sour balls. He stomps off to his office and slams his door.

Gavi tells a little white lie to Rod and says that it's unusual for her boss and swears that she's never seen Alonso like this; the affair has just made him a bundle of nerves for some reason. She asks Rod to promise then he'll be on his best behavior. Rod agrees as long as her boss behaves himself also and, provided he doesn't yell at her like that during the party. He tells her she's sacred to him, nobody should yell at her that way (that means you, too, Burly Bear!) and that his attitude is a result of his being so crazy in love with her. Gavi-Girl is all smiles now...........

Meanwhile, Dani and Elvis try to see Dr. Tejeiros, but Twerpy is hiding behind his door waiting for them to finally leave. His secretary informs them that he had to cancel all his appointments for the day for some emergency and wouldn't be able to speak with them for a couple of weeks at least. Elvis suggests he's avoiding them and simply hiding. Dani leaves Tejeiros a message that sooner or later he will have to talk to her. Once they're gone his secretary relays the message from Daniel and he tells her not in this lifetime he won't.

The coven has gathered back at Isa's. Pea-brained, self-righteous Sofia mentions that now more than ever Isa must stick like glue to her brother. Isa asks what she means and Minnie mentions the tour to Manzanillo and the visit to Montalveña and that she's going along with Aaron. They wonder if La Gaviota is going on it also. Either way, Isa says she's making sure she'll be there just in case and decides to fly back with Sofia and Minnie. Suddenly Isa needs a drink.

So now the Fearsome Foursome start having their own little party and the adult beverages begin to flow freely. Leave it to Sofia, though, to remind Minnie that she can't have any liquor because she's pregnant again. Minnie fudges and says just a little can't hurt. "Right, Fedra?" Fedra, all smiles at Minnie, says of course not but then thinks to herself that she's never forgiving this woman for not giving her son a child.

Fedra continues calling around to her friends in the CRT and tells them how they are protesting by staying away from the gala that night because the woman in charge who has rudely snubbed them, is the very same one Aaron fired for embezzlement back around New Year's. ( If I were any of those women, I would sure as shootin' want to get a look, up close and personal, at the female phenom and femme fatale who's puttin' on this shindig! I mean, come on, Fedra! What self-respecting socialite would want to be left out of the loop and all that juicy gossip at the club the next morning?)

Apparently, there are no true Sisters of Solidarity in high society 'cause nobody thinks much of Fedra's request to stay at home that evening. For now, Fedra's backdoor plan to sabotage the party seems to have fizzled. Sofia believes that after all the stories Fedra's told these women, none of them are going to let their husbands out of their sight, so of course they're all going. Fedra laughs and tells the others that at least the other wives are going to be uneasy and eventually more than one will pay attention to what she's told them and will react somehow.

Dani checks in with Gavi to tell her that Pilar is staying home out of support for the wives, but that she's become an admirer of Gavi's since their meeting and even said she could see from the look on her face that Gavi is truly in love with Rod. Gavi makes sure the men are coming and that their wives are not and to see if they had anything nasty planned. Dani cannot be sure The Breakfast Club de las Montalvo, schemers that they are, won't still try something nasty, but she knows they're all together at Rod's apartment for the evening while their husbands attend the business function at the CRT.

Back at Isa's pad across town adult beverages are flowing freely and it is now like sauced sorority sisters on steroids. (Worse! Shades of Animal House cuz darned if it doesn't bring back those gawdawful memories of dateless freshman Saturday nights with the roomies at that women's college out in the boonies, swilling scavenged bottles of booze and curling smoke rings with the Marlboro Man, all of us getting sozzled while we waited for some chump townie to come by --as they always did-- to offer us a ride to the nearest "hotspot" so we could scope out the hunks from the surrounding colleges and score a real date for a change.)

The drunker these desperate housewives get the more raucous they are. They start cracking all sorts of weird funnies about Gaviota, about Rod's being such a sad sack, and about Isa's being sad in the sack, all because of Gaviota. Then Minnie gripes about how Aaron's gone back to laying pipe wherever he can find accessible plumbing.

After a while they want music and Isa starts up the cassette player. Unfortunately, it's Rod's and the cassette is Gavi belting out a song, and it's like curse of the jornalera there because they just cannot escape her tonight. Meanwhile, Aaron is up to his old tricks again and is eating dinner with another one of his many female "friends with benefits" whom he's just asked to travel with him to Miami. While he's there on company business she can help him with his monkey business.

Aaron pulls out his cell and checks in with Minnie to tell her he's at his "business" dinner. Minnie is feeling very little pain by now and asks him in between giggles, who he's cheating on her with this time, Claudia? Sherlyn? Aaron can't even get a word in edgewise. He tells her she needs to stop drinking and eventually hangs up in disgust.

Over at Montalvo Corp., Margarita asks Rod to deliver a card for her to Mariana. He asks her to give him the once-over and tell him how he looks. She says swell and that Mariana is going to just melt when she sees him. (What is up with that scarf though, Rod?)

Next Frankie calls over to the harem of harpies with his lie, telling Sofia that he's spending the evening with his cousin, Estefano. He won't be coming by to pick her up later as they'd planned. Sofia, who is also way beyond knowing or caring, giggles and warns him off another rendezvous with his "panther-woman" from the hacienda. Afterwards, the others want to know who that's supposed to be and Sofia and Isa explain about finding Frankie's clothes one morning after he'd been out late and noticing how all the buttons had been ripped off. Isa assures them that Sofia is exaggerating the situation.

Feeling a bit awkward for a second or two Isa looks away but then, perfect hypocrite that she is, joins in the fun and laughs at it all with the rest of them. Sofia gets sentimental and comes over to Isa and tells her that she's her favorite sissy-in-law. Isa feels a bit guilty for a few seconds--but only a few.

In his office Alonso straightens his tie and plays the same "how do I look" game with Nancy. She pumps his ego up telling him he looks like some handsome hunk in a romance magazine.

Bruno and Rod show up at the festivities first and Bruno "introduces" Rod to Alonso. They chitchat about how nicely Mariana got things set up. Every time Alonso mentions Mariana by her nickname, "Gaviota", Rod makes it a point to correct him and points out it's Mariana, Mariana Franco!

Eventually Alonso and Rod are left alone together and it's the caffeine kid in need of a fix facing a guy who's the equivalent of a bull moose needing to rut and ready to fight its competition. (Come to think of it, Alonso's been doin' without for the past four years, himself, so a bit of moose bellowing and head-butting probably isn't out of the question for him either.) It is going to be a rough night.

Rod decides to complain about the screaming he obviously heard over the phone earlier. He tells Alonso that nobody ever yelled at Mariana like that when she worked at Montalvo. Alonso apologizes, saying these events make him nervous, but then adds that he's just as upset with Rod for always making her cry when she's on the phone with him. Rod gets his back up even more and says he can't stop him yelling at her but he'll do his darnedest to see she doesn't cry anymore.

The two are standing there staring angrily at each other when Gavi arrives with her group of 15 important importers. They notice her entering and quickly look away, and then, because they cannot help themselves they both look over at her. Right away, she sees that the two are desperately trying to avoid coming to fisty-cuffs.

Alonso is all smiles and giving Gavi a hopeful once-over with his eyes; Rod looks at her and seems frustrated and jealous. He runs over to mark his territory, nearly bending her over backwards when he gives her a kiss hello on the cheek. (Ewwh! Talk about your awkward moments.....) Gavi is a bit uncomfortable with his exaggerated PDA, but without losing a beat, she immediately introduces Rod to the potential buyers as the producer of the new, organic tequila, Ardent Passion.

From the minute Gavi enters the room both Rod and Alonso follow after her. Rod hovers like a junkyard guard dog and Alonso follows her more or less like a lovesick puppy, both of them nearly tripping her as well as each other while she walks around the room attending to the various guests.

Rod tries to carry the business end of the conversation with the buyers. He keeps cutting Alonso off from speaking, but when the buyers want to know what it is about his tequila that makes it first class Rod is at a loss for words. Alonso jumps in and finally gets a chance to do his job. He tells the men that he's tried it and it's the best organic tequila he's ever tasted. They only need to try it for themselves. Rod is grateful to hear him say this and dials back his temper a bit, letting the P.R. man dazzle the potential buyers and earn his salary at last.

Meanwhile a very inebriated Minnie blames Patricio for blabbing the truth to Aaron about her really visiting her elderly aunt in Spain instead of touring the Greek Isands. She phones Patricio to complain about it to him, but he's already left for the function at the CRT.

Lluvia answers. When Minnie tries to gripe at her too and warns her off trying for Aaron again, little Lluvia gives her back as good as she gets. She tells Minnie she doesn't know what trip she's talking about, that Patricio is the only man in her life and that since it's senseless speaking to her since she's obviously drunk, she is not going to bother, and simply hangs up.

Rod finds out that Gavi must travel with the group and Alonso to Manzanillo as part of her responsibilities and will spend the night there before traveling with them to Montalveña. It is what he's feared most and he becomes agitated, sarcastically suggesting that she take them all to the beach to view the sunset. "Manzanillo," he adds nervously and looks at her, "is a wonderful place to fall in love." Gavi tries to stress it is a work trip and there will not be time for beaches and sunsets. "Well, I definitely have some wonderful memories of the area." he says and tells them both that he'll wait for them at the hacienda at Montalveña and will host them there.

Clarita and Jose arrive at the gala. Of the two best friends, Clarita has come dressed very tastefully in an expensive linen-weave suit dress and is wearing her hair in a classic bun befitting her new status as parent of a corporate executive, while ironically Jose is in her best nylon pants outfit still looking as blue-collar as it gets since even though her son has married into high society, he denies her existence.

Clarita looks around and gives Gavi a wild yell to get her attention. Gavi comes over and reminds her she can't just yell out like some dockworker. Clarita looks around the room and sees Rod and Alonso are together and tells Gavi she's amazed they haven't killed each other yet. Gavi isn't holding her breath but hopes they'll contain themselves like that the rest of the evening.

Clarita spies Avellaneda next and she is immediately attracted to him. "He looks like a television star!" She demands to have Gavi introduce him to her. (Avellaneda a hunk? Who'd a thunk it?) So Gavi introduces her and Jose to both the Secretary of Agriculture and Roberto Avellaneda. Clarita is absolutely thrilled when Avellaneda kisses her hand. Both men congratulate Gavi for the fabulous success the function has turned out to be.

Afterwards, Gavi tells the two women that they can get a couple of free drinks and explains it's an open bar. However, she warns her mother not to do doubles tonight. They head off to get their tequila.

Aaron makes his entrance and walks over to Rod and Gavi who are now standing with Alonso and the group of buyers interested in Ardent Passion. Aaron greets Mariana and tries to kiss her on the cheek but Gavi coldly turns her head aside and simply introduces him to the others. Patricio walks over right afterward and she and he do greet each other warmly. "Glad to see it's going well for you, Mariana."

Aaron says, "Mariana, it looks likes you've done well for yourself." She replies that although some have tried to put stones in her way, she's happy working at the CRT because here they act decently and don't fire employees without justification, or steal their severance checks. Before Aaron can answer, Alonso breaks off the discussion. "No more talk about firings." To Gavi: "You've become an indispensable part of us--" Aaron chuckles and snickers, "Heh, yes, that's just what we thought when she used to work for us at our company until one day --" Rod jumps in to defend her, "That's history now and doesn't count; besides, the fact remains she's demonstrated her abilities and has done a terrific job here and hopefully will continue garnering her successes."

Mariana politely extracts herself and says to Aaron, "Ingeniero Montalvo, you and I will continue talking later." "--Yes, we will and we have many, many several and various things to discuss." Mariana walks coolly away. Aaron taunts Rod, "Absolutely we will! We're going on the trip to Manzanillo with them and I'll have three delicious days and nights to spend next to her." Rod grits his teeth and stares--hopefully counting to ten--but he says nothing.

Clarita and Jose find the nearest tequila booth. Clarita looks proudly over at Gavi being interviewed by the press and says that she lights up the place like a sun at noon. One thing leads to another and Jose asks about the story behind Clarita's husband. Clarita tells her, "That is a secret I'll carry to my grave," and then starts knocking back tequilas.

Rod catches up with Aaron at the bar and tells him enough already and then tries to laugh about it. "You're worse than even Isadora or Minnerva with all the biting commentary." Bruno walks over just then and checks in with the two of them. He and Aaron talk about the drink fest the wives are having on their own over at Rod's. Bruno says he cannot believe all the nonsense he was hearing going on in the background while he was talking to Fedra.

Across town again, Isa cries that Rod finds a rotten agave more exciting than her. Sofia says she obviously hasn't tried everything yet. "What else is left, attempting suicide?" she weeps. Sofia jumps to hug her while Minnie goes with the flow and starts singing "Ay! Gaviota!" off key in between giggles and Fedra even puts on a headscarf backwards and pretends she's our jornalera cutting jima in huaraches. This unfortunately does not cheer up Isa whose high is crashing and quickly turning into a blue drunk.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Juan-Thursday 9/20 - I pity the fool that falls in love with you*

*I heard this blues classic today and couldn't resist copying Amanda's quote motif (and Beckster's song-title method). Bobby "Blue" Bland could have been talking about more than one of our characters, no?

From yesterday: CL goes on a tirade against the infeliz who spent the night with Paula. He solicits Juan's help in finding out the identity of the guy. Juan displays one of his classic Juan Dominguez What Have I Gotten Myself Into Now faces.

Marely sees Yadira's flowers, are they from Kike? Fernando? No, says Yadi, they're from Alirio's friend Ramon Gutierrez who is uglier and crazier than Alirio. Mari dolefully comments that the world is worse than ever. Yadi sees that Mari is in a funk and she surmises it's due to Juan. Mari tearfully tells her sis that last night Juan was out with another woman.

In the den Alirio yells full volume to the phone while Nidia observes. He tells Ramon Gutierrez to stay away from them. Alirio is firm. He's strong. He is probably talking to a dead phone. He slams the phone down and puffs up in front of a sceptical Nidia.

Ah, Nidia has her doubts as well. She dials *69. My,'s not Gutierrez but rather the Gregorio Bakery. Nidia is not amused.

Yadi tells Mari that the only odd thing is that Juan hasn't had a girlfriend before now. Mari says, "girlfriend, if you can call her that because she regrets having been with him." Yadi can't believe it! Who would regret being with that papirrico, that muscular yummy yummy? (Yadi then says something I don't understand, "mucho tilin tilin y nada de paletas". Anyone have a clue?) Mari tells Yadi that the "girlfriend" told Mari She regretted being with Juan. Aha! So Mari knows Her? Mari admits it, she knows The Woman. Yadi's dying to know who it is.

Nidia tells Alirio he's pathetic for lying like a child. He whines and sucks up to her. She wants to give Gutierrez the big smack-down but Alirio begs her to let him handle it his own way.

Mari tells Yadi that She is just a girl at the office. She's pretty, nice, and a good person. Mari would fell better if She were a terrible witch. Mari adds that silly Juan is more deluded than ever and will end up broken. "And Saint Marely will be there to console him," Yadi suggests. Mari shakes her head and cries while her sister comforts her.

Juan and Kike sit in the limo at the Farell garage. Kike observes Juan's extreme mood change. This morning he was on top of the world and now he's at the bottom, what gives? Is it because the Licenciada left without telling him? Juan wonders why she would do that. Kike thinks it's because she felt the weight of Juan's desires. Juan thinks maybe she's confused. She's one of those women who seems confident on the outside but on the inside they are like delicate wafers, you blow on them and they become fractured and broken. Suspicious Kike asks Juan once again, did anything happen between him and the Licenciada? Juan looks like he's about to explode. He thought bubbles a bunch of stuff I didn't understand.

"Uh oh, here's your rival," Kike taunts as CL walks through the garage. He notes that CL has it all, he is the very picture of a guy dripping with dough. Kike tells Juan that not even in his dreams will Juan ever matter to the Licenciada. This makes Juan angry, there are more things in the world than money, like feelings for example! Juan says he might be a Mr. Nobody but at least he's well-proportioned. (I'm not sure what he was trying to say exactly but I couldn't agree more!) He tells Kike he's got an idea. They'll go to the taqueria and discuss it.

Paula thanks Ana for the lift. Ana feels Paula hasn't told her the entire truth about last night. If only Paula would tell her then Ana might be able to help Paula find a solution to her problem. (Or maybe Ana is just nosy and wants to hear about Paula's adventures because Ana is a terminal wet blanket and has no life of her own.) Paula goes to her room and attempts to sit down but it's difficult because she's wearing a red headband as a skirt. I can't believe she wore that outfit to work!

Post tacos, Juan tells Kike that if he wants to win Paula he really has to get his act together. He has to be able to offer her the life she's accustomed to. "How," laughs Kike, "by working lots of overtime?" Juan whips out a flyer, it says "Revalide su Bachillerato". (Does this mean "Earn your Diploma" or something like that?) Kike thinks it's too late for Juan but our optimistic Juan insists it's never too late.

Yadi tries to wheedle a car out of Nidia but Nidia says "No, no, no y no!"

Juan and Kike are now at the National Technical School. Juan's brochure says he can finish his Prep in 6 months, then he'll be able to go to the university. He's always dreamed of being an, he'll be an architect and build Paula the house of her dreams, two stories, a chimney, etc. Then he starts talking about meatballs. With chipotle. Whatever, I guess he's hungry again.

Monica greets CL when he gets home. He growls that he's had a rough day and does NOT want to discuss Paula Davila. Monica just wants to say one thing, their old pal Esteban Marquez will be in town and wouldn't he be the perfect guy for Paula?

Paula paces in her room (looking much more comfy in a bathrobe), she imagines kissing Cl, then she remembers kissing Juan, back to CL, then back to Juan again. "How could I?" she asks. (How could you even consider CL over Juan, I ask?)

CL and Monica argue. That's all he ever does with the women in his life. Why is he such a prize? He's a prize ass in my opinion. But I digress. He tells Monica that once she gets an idea in her head there's no stopping her.

Juan registers for school while Kike pats his rotund belly. The hottie in the registrars office is very impressed by Juan. He winks at her and kisses her hand. He will begin classes tomorrow. She admires his, um, departure.

Juan hits up Kike for a loan for his tuition. Doesn't Kike want Juan to better himself, to improve his life, blah blah blah? Kike finally agrees and adds that he'll go back to school too.

Pastor spends an excruciatingly boring evening at home. Mama knits while he, still in his suit, reads. He reminds her that she has a medical appointment tomorrow to get the results of her tests. She has to go because she forgot her own her age one lives in their memories. She snaps that those memories are killing her.

Juan finally gets home and runs into Marely. She wants to give him the ring back; she suspects it was never intended for her. She persists throughout the commercial until Juan finally admits the truth. She tells him to be cautious; she doesn't want to see him get hurt. He asks why would she say that? "Just be careful," she insists, "you're too innocent and ingenuous...and I can't keep the ring!" Juan thought bubbles that he feels lower than the sole of a shoe.

As Juan thinks he becomes suspicious, could Paula have told Marely about last night? They're friends so Marely must know about their romantic encounter. Juan thought bubbles that he's dying to know what words passed between the two women. He continues to agonize and blather to himself all night long.

The next morning at breakfast Mari attempts to ignore Juan while he casually tries to elicit information out of her. She says yes, Paula talked to her but she can't reveal what was said. Juan starts to put the squeeze on but Nidia breezes in and aks Juan for a huge favor...can he drive Alirio to the office? She won't take no for an answer.

Paula asks Ana to give her a ride to work. Ana rolls her eyes, she doesn't really want to enable Paula's immaturity and says Paula can't avoid Juan forever. Paula announces that today she will buy her own car. Ana says Paula is acting like a child, she'll buy a car just to avoid seeing Juan? "Come on ma, just this one ride," Pauls begs, "but first I have to make a quick call."

Juan is in the midst of trying to get out of driving Alirio to work when the phone rings. Oh my, it's Paula, and she's in such a rush to get to work that she can't wait for Juan, Ana will drive her, bye!! Juan admits to himself that there's no doubt about it, she's definitely hiding from him. As he drives to work with Mari and Alirio, he thought bubbles that he thought she was a decent woman, but as they say, love is blind...and the rest of what he said was just too complicated for my pea brain to translate, sorry. Juan goes on and on with his confusing mish-mash of mixed metaphors.

Cut to Paula at work. She tells Pastor that she doesn't want her decision to affect Juan's Job. Pastor snippily tells her that Juan is the company's chauffeur, not hers. He'll find something for Juan as he's a valued employee of the company.

The odd trio of Juan, Marely and Alirio arrive at work. Juan watches Marely and thought bubbles "Why does one like to complicate life so much? I could have been with my little rose garden, such beautiful eyes and graceful figure, so intelligent and with a big heart, but no, one must suffer."

Pastor approaches CL to make his case. Paula plans to buy her own car and drive herself, therefore he (Pastor) wants Juan to be assigned as his chauffeur. CL tells Pastor he'll think about it, don't push him because he's in a very bad mood.

Pastor tries to recount this episode to Ivonne but is interrupted by Alirio who is all "call me Licenciado and not Señor" to Pastor. Alirio drools over Ivonne who is not impressed. She starts to announce Alirio to CL when Pastor pipes up "Why announce such an important man like Licenciado Perafan?" He and Alirio exchange condescending belly pats and Alirio heads for CL's office, instructing Pastor to bring them a couple of coffees. Pastor smugly waits for the caca to hit the fan.

CL is irritated at Alirio for not knocking. He starts to kick him out of his office but Alirio asks, "what exactly is my job?"

Paula tells Marely that she needs to buy a car to solve her problem, the problem being that she doesn't want to see Juan. Marely scolds Paula, doesn't she know that Juan is still ignorant of how Paula feels? She urges Paula to talk to Juan because it's better for him not to have his head in the clouds. Paula reluctantly agrees, "you're right, I have to talk to Juan, I have to bring him back to reality. Could you tell him to come up please?"

Observation: Has anyone noticed that whenever Paula has the final scene or line it's very anticlimactic? I'm just sayin'

esperar la cosa ponerse fea = wait for the s**t to hit the fan (lit. wait for things to become ugly)

estar en las nubes = to have one's head in the clouds

ponerse las pilas = get one's act together (lit. put on the batteries)


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Amar Sin Limites Needs Recappers

It looks like we are going to be losing our Monday and Tuesday recappers. They've put in valiant efforts, but life has intervened and they have given their notices.

Is there anyone out there willing to help out? If so, please let us know and Melinama, our Blog Mom, can help get you set up.

Thanks to Amy and Ninak for all the recapping they've been doing this year (both here and at Acorralada); I'm going to miss them. Perhaps they will stop by and drop us a post from time to time!

UPDATE: One of our veteran recappers, Margaret, has agreed to sign on for Mondays. We are still looking for a Tuesday writer.


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