Friday, August 24, 2007

Acorralada #154 – Wednesday 8-22-07 – Mucks Becomes a Free Agent!

Iggy has come to visit Octopus. He wants to know why she won't kiss him on the lips. She tells him it wouldn't be right to do that in front of her kids. She must be discreet. Right! Anyway, Iggy wants to set a wedding date because he is "crazy" about her and wants to get married ASAP. Meanwhile Octopus thinks to herself how she can't wait to kill him with rat poison the way she killed her first hubby, Horacio.

Puncho tries to kiss Caramel but she jumps out of his reach. At first they fight about her being with Emili-Oh; Puncho says Emili-Oh is not a man. Caramel sets Puncho straight. Not only is Emili-Oh a man, he's noble! Since the strong-arm tactic didn't work, now he's turning on the waterworks. He needs her love to help him change. "Let’s run away together!" Caramel is thinking about it.

Emili-Oh is pouring out his heart to Little Doormat and Fidiota. "Caramel still loves Puncho." Pobre de Emili-Oh. Gaby and Fidiota encourage him to fight for Caramel.

Marfil and Mucks are arguing as always. Mucks wants a divorce. For some unknown reason, Marfil wants him back. She accuses first Camila then Dimwit of stealing his love. He explains he fell out of love with her "while she was sleeping." No one stole his love. She says she agreed to help him with his plans of vengeance in return for them getting back together. Who the heck cares?

Iggy is walking on cloud nine. He and Octopus are getting married in two weeks! Camila is beside herself. "Where am I going to live? Octopus hates me! I can't live with my brother Emili-Oh because he lives with Dimwit and Dimwit hates me!" Iggy says that's not his problem. It's hard to track the conversation because Camila is wearing some extremely dorky-looking reading glasses. They almost look like swimming goggles. What gives? "You are a cretin!" shouts Camila. "I hope Mucks throws you out in the street!" "Mucks?" asks Iggy incredulously. Orchestra of Doom.

More of Marfil pleading with Mucks. Mucks puts it in no uncertain terms. He does not love her. He will never love her again. He doesn't need her help with putting his enemies in jail. Etc. Marfil tearfully agrees to give him a divorce. She's tired of fighting.

Lala wants Dimwit to reconsider her (Dimwit's) position against Mucks. Mucks really loves her! I am so sick of everyone forgetting that Mucks is a rapist! Anyway, Marcela is taking Godmum from the hospital. Dimwit wants to know what gives. You can cut the tension between Marcela and Dimwit with a knife. Doc V shows up and wants to talk. Marcela says, "Thanks, but no thanks," as she steers Godmum out the door. Dimwit looks confused. Doc V tells Dimwit Marcela confessed to being in love with Mucks. Commercial.

Mucks is still wearing those hideous white shoes. Octopus is back to wearing one of her Charlie's Angels outfits. Mucks tells Octopus Marfil has agreed to the divorce. Octopus wants to know if Mucks plans on marrying Dimwit. "Alas, things are over between Dimwit and me." Octopus can hardly contain her excitement. Mucks then wants to know where Octopus and Iggy plan to live. "Don't you worry about that. I don't think the marriage will last that long." Mucks doesn't know what she's talking about, but doesn't really push for an explanation. After Mucks leaves, Octopus reminds us she plans to kill Iggy on their wedding night.

Octopus walks up to Marfil, who is sobbing on the dock. Octopus wants to know why Marfil has given up on Mucks so easily. She needs to be strong. Marfil says there's nothing she can do about it and stalks off. She's lost Mucks forever. I don't think Octopus has any pupils.

Iggy starts pressing Camila to explain why she called Alejandro "Mucks." Are you hiding something from me? Camila says she meant Alejandro; of course she's not hiding anything from him. Iggy starts getting aggressive and grabbing Camila's arms. She calls him a brute and stomps off. The hamster starts running on the wheel of Iggy's brain. "Could Alejandro and Mucks be the same? That would be very bad for me indeed!"

Pasta is ranting to Yolanda about Caramel caring for that delinquent, Puncho. "What is she thinking? She's going to get in trouble!" Yolanda tells Pasta to have faith in God. Pasta says how good and sweet Yolanda is. He starts to zoom in for a kiss and Yolanda panics and bolts out the door. "This is just crazy!" she cries.

Dimwit tells Doc V she wants nothing to do with Mucks.

Lunkhead and ChewKey are frolicking on the beach. ChewKey can't wait for Lunkhead to visit her at Psycho Mansion. Lunkhead says he doesn't want to visit. ChewKey assures him Fidiota doesn't mind, but Lunkhead doesn't want to do that to Little Doormat. ChewKey refers to Little Doormat as a largartija (lizard) and Lunkhead tells her to be nice. She then tells Lunkhead Little Doormat calls her ChewKey. Lunkhead thinks it's funny and ChewKey tells him to quit laughing, it's NOT funny. He says there's no way Gaby could be right; ChewKey is truly an angel. ChewKey smiles, flirts, and thinks to herself "If only Lunkhead knew the truth that I'm really a fichita (delinquent) who has smuggled jewelry in LA!"

Mucks tells Marcela Marfil has agreed to a divorce. Marcela says now Mucks is free to fall in love with someone new and start a new life. If it's not Dimwit, perhaps it will be with someone else. Marcela then apologizes for saying stupid things. Mucks assures her what she says makes sense; it's just that if he can't have Dimwit, he doesn't want anyone else. Godmum then shows up saying she's heard voices. She wants to know what Marcela and Mucks are talking about.

Doc V asks Dimwit if she truly doesn't care about Marcela being in love with Mucks. Dimwit assures him she couldn't care less. Doc V responds that Dimwit appears to have been badly wounded by love. Dimwit excuses herself to check on patients.

Yolanda returns to Lunkhead's house in tears. She flashes back to the "almost kiss" and freaks out again. "No, no, no! Pasta is off limits to me!" Right on cue, Octopus shows up and announces Mucks has asked Marfil for a divorce and Marfil agreed.

ChewKey continues to spin her web around Lunkhead. He wants to leave so he can study his lines. She whines and flirts some more. They kiss, and while their lips are locked, Kick Me shows up. "Finally! You're no longer interested in my wife!" Kick Me grins; ChewKey looks satisfied.

Mucks tells Godmum that Marcela is a great secretary. She has taught him so many things, such as patience.

Fidiota reads in the paper Octopus and Iggy are getting married. She tells Little Doormat she's going to disrupt the wedding. She probably wouldn't be so quick to disrupt it if she knew Octopus was planning on murdering Iggy. . .

Octopus is going over her plans to kill Iggy on their wedding night.

Godmum is asking Mucks all sorts of personal questions about Dimwit. Marcela begs Godmum to stop. Mucks is turning into a squirmy worm and takes his ubiquitous white shoes and leaves the room. Marcela reprimands Godmum. I'm not sure why Godmum is doing this, but she apparently has a motive. I'm just too tired to play the scene over and over to figure it out.

Looks like Granny DS is getting sprung from the hospital tomorrow. She wants Mucks to take her home; Mucks and Dimwit together. Glassy-eyed stare! Love theme plays.

Macho posturing between Kick Me and Lunkhead. Kick Me says he's glad to see Lunkhead has a new girlfriend. ChewKey lays it on thick and heavy. Lunkhead looks disgusted and leaves. ChewKey is mad; she was enjoying Lunkhead's kisses and Kick Me ruined everything. Kick Me says, "I'm going to show you I can kiss better than him!" He then starts devouring her face. Blech!

Fidiota is going on and on about her plan. Gaby points out it's only going to start another war with Octopus. Fidiota reminds Gaby the war never ended. Fidiota plans to have Iggy leave Octopus standing at the altar; Dimwit is going to help her.

Godmum tries to tell Marcela that Mucks is using her (Marcela), but Marcela doesn't care. "Perhaps by some miracle Mucks will fall in love with me."

Fidiota tries to enlist Dimwit's help in getting Iggy to stand up Octopus. Dimwit's thinking about it in her glassy-eyed, head-tilting way.

Godmum is still campaigned for Marcela to give up on Mucks. Marcela won't back down.

Fidiota is once again prostituting her daughter. She wants Dimwit to call Iggy and lure him to a hotel. After all, Iggy has always had the hots for Dimwit. Dimwit says last time she pulled that stunt, Iggy and Mucks almost came to blows. She then asks Fidiota if Fidiota truly intends for her to seduce Iggy; "Of course not! Over my dead body!" replies Fidiota. It's nice to know Fidiota has scruples. Dimwit then wants to know about the second part of the plan.

Pedro wants to get Mucks to quit drinking. Mucks is turning into a drunk. "Are you doing this because of Dimwit?" Mucks barks at Pedro and says he doesn’t want to hear the "D" word. He wants to drink himself to death. I wish he would.

Yolanda and Lunkhead are sharing a chilly dinner with Octopus. They are trying to talk her out of marrying Iggy.

At first I thought it was a flashback, but maybe not. It may be choppy editing. Marfil is thinking she has already killed Princess Fi and Dimwit will be next on the hit list if she (Dimwit) gets back together with Mucks. A lawyer brings Marfil divorce papers on the dock. Octopus tells her not to sign the divorce papers.

Fidiota and ChewKey fight about the lousy job ChewKey is doing at Perfumes 'R Us. For now, Fidiota isn't going to talk to Roddy.

Against Octopus' wishes, Marfil signs the divorce papers. She assures Octopus Dimwit will never return to Mucks.

Pasta calls Yolanda to apologize for almost kissing her. It was an impulse. Yolanda thinks it's best to let it go.

Dulce tries to talk Dimwit into forgiving Mucks. "When you have a love as grand as you two have, you can always forgive the other person. "Not after what he's done!" replies Dimwit. Dimwit walks out and is confronted by Marfil. Marfil tells her Mucks is now a free man.

Credits roll.


Amar Sin Limites #26, Wednesday 8-22: Diego and Azul inappropriately make out…for the billionth time

Lo siento, dear readers, but I have not been able to put together a recap for this Wednesday. Please feel free to discuss the episode and fill in your fellow telenovela addicts on the details! If I can, I'll post a brief recap later, but otherwise, I'll see you next week when, once again, the burning question "What is up with Andres and Leonarda?" will NOT be answered, but will live to skeeve us out another day.

And here's your recap:

Let's play the Amar Sin Limites version of Clue…this recapper was skeeved by…Leonarda and Andres in the kitchen with a make-out session. Let's have a nice round of EWWWWWWW!!!

Azul wakes Mauricio up with a make-up/halfiversary present and possibly also some sweet, sweet lovin'. I'm amazed sneaking in to wake up Mauricio doesn't result in instant death.

Alfredo was out all night working in the lab and he's pissed Inés off. He's really good at that. She wants to talk. Alfredo declares he's gonna keep doing what he wants, when he wants. This apparently includes smoking in bed when he's not even been up for a full 60 seconds. He insists that if she doesn't quit "pressuring" him she'll drive him away.

Diego asks why Azul called him the day before and gets a slap for his trouble. Mauricio re-invites Diego to his and Azul's special halfiversary lunch. No, I don't know why he wants Diego there either. It's not like he needs a wingman.

Piero and Mauricio sign the contract for Piero to design Mauricio's new office space. If I were one of the employees, I'd be disappointed to have to leave Mansión Malicia.

Inés calls Mauricio, of all people, to talk about her relationship problems with Alfredo. She thinks he's been different ever since he started working with Mauricio. Mauricio calls Leo to let her know he'll be late for lunch. He may be a murdering bastard, but he can also be a really nice guy sometimes. Actually I guess the one lets him get away with the other.

Leo decides lunch will be an intimate affair between Diego and Azul. She teases Andres that they should go tell Diego that Andres killed his idiot friend. She goes to pour Diego and Azul champagne and tell them not to wait for Mauricio. She says she and Andres have the afternoon of and they should ask Chonita (another maid? The nanny?) if they need anything.

Diego's annoying Azul by being charming, as usual. Azul bitches that Mauricio always arranges these things and then shows up late. Diego admits that he was jealous the previous day and so does Azul (I guess because he was with Silvana when she called?). These two idiots now proceed to make out by the hot tub, which, with all the gardeners running around the place seems like a really, really, monumentally BAD idea! Azul tells Diego they should stop, they shouldn't do this, they can't go on like this, etc. She doesn't want to do this to Mauricio, she's going to marry him and that's it. She wants Diego to stay away from her and quit saying stuff to her. Diego says he'll stay away and he's not going to try to be near her because it makes him want to hold her, kiss her…Dude, that's the kind of stuff she wants you to quit saying! Diego says he can't stab Mauricio in the back like this, he owes Mauricio for his mom's life and he can't betray him. Diego says he's going and he'll find some other way to pay Mauricio back where he won't be near Azul, knowing she can never be his, ever. Diego's sitting on the floor and Azul crouches down to touch his hands. Diego tells her to go and leave her alone. Mauricio comes up and Azul covers that Diego feels bad because of something he ate and she didn't know what to do because Leo's not there. This is news to Mauricio. Azul tells him about Leo and Andres' "afternoon off" and Mauricio calls for them. Leo says she never told Azul they had the afternoon off and Diego gets pissed and asks how she dare lie. Mauricio asks for the truth and Leo says Mauricio's never doubted her before and walks off, offended. Andres leaves too. Diego observes that since he got there, he's made some waves. Mauricio says he'll talk to Leo and Andres, but Diego still wants to go. Mauricio loses it and says they have a contract that can't be broken without Burgay's permission. He tells Diego he should go home, take something for his stomach, and rest. He says he and Burgay will get him some actual job responsibilities soon. Diego leaves, looking about as sick as Azul claimed he was.

Lidia has come to pack up her office, but Piero thinks it's just another play. He keeps trying to put the moves on her. Lidia says Piero's never going to divorce his wife and he agrees, but thinks they can still have a good time together, etc. Lidia throws it in his face that he couldn't help her with her mom's medical costs and he brags that he's got a new, lucrative contract. He tries to kiss her and she knees him in the groin and leaves. Let's rewind that and watch it a couple or ten times, what do you say?

Andres is agitated, but Leo is calm and sure that eventually they'll be able to get rid of Azul and Diego. She says her plan was for Mauricio to bust them together. She says they have to make Mauricio believe it's Azul and Diego who lied. It occurs to me to wonder if it's true that Maurico didn't kill his wife and if maybe it was Leo who did it…not that I can work out how, but she certainly seems cracked enough.

When Lidia gets home, Abuelo wants to know what's the what. She says she quit because she didn't want to keep being used. Abuelo's a bit confused. He says he said what he did about Piero so she would open her eyes. Lidia says she did. Abuelo says it was brave of her. Lidia doesn't know what she'll do now, without Paco and without a job. Go work for Mauricio, that's what everyone else does. Abuelo says the darker the night, the more beautiful the morning and she'll find a way to be happy. He predicts Paco will come back and everything will be even better than before. Oh, Abuelo, if only you knew. I hope his prediction's wrong!

Mauricio wants to know what happened with Diego and Azul repeats her food poisoning story, adding a fainting spell to it. Mauricio says Diego looked worried, but not sick, and he was aggressive enough with Andres. Azul can't understand why Mauricio always believes Leo. Azul now wants to know why Mauricio didn't come back for lunch. Mauricio tells her he was talking to Inés and that goes over about as well as you'd expect. Azul calls her an "arpia" a harpy, and insists that now Inés has Mauricio in the palm of her hand. She goes off on a righteous and indignant rant. Mauricio says she's more capricious even than Caty (ooh, burn!). Mauricio says that he's got to worry about Alfredo's relationship with Inés because it affects his work. He asks Azul to be patient and to talk to her dad. Azul complains that she's just there to keep her dad calm. Mauricio tries to pull rank, but Burgay interrupts them. Burgay is amused by Azul and Mauricio tells Burgay to stay out of it. Burgay says it's his business if it affects his, well, business. He says he can do what he wants to and Mauricio can't stop him. Burgay thinks they have security problems (duh!). Mauricio tries to fend for his peeps and his security system and reminds Burgay that only he has the code to get into the super-secret virus room and if anyone forced their way in, the whole place would self-destruct. Mauricio tells Burgay he send Diego home sick and Burgay pretty much orders Mauricio to let him talk to Diego over the phone. Burgay sets up a meeting with Diego at someplace other than Mansión Malicia. Burgay tells Mauricio to get Alfredo working and he'll take care of everything else. Oh no, that wasn't ominous.

Diego's telling Isela he got a weird call from Burgay. Diego says Burgay's Mauricio's partner, but Mauricio seems to have a lot of "respect" for him (ok, if that's what you want to call it). He tells Isela it's weird a guy like Burgay would want to meet him at her pool hall and she's mock-offended. She says some famous guy "almost" walked in the day before.

Leo's crying to Mauricio that Azul's lying to him because Azul hates Leo and Diego hates Andres, blah, blah, blah. Maurico says it's Andres who has been rude to Diego. Alfredo calls Mauricio's cell phone and says he hasn't come to work because he can't work without some stuff he needs and Mauricio says the stuff has arrived. Alfredo's complaining about feeling sick as he smokes his cigarette and drinks his red wine. He says he'll come to work, but Mauricio says for him to do it tomorrow, he needs Alfredo at 100%.

Burgay comes to the pool hall and Silvana takes Burgay and Diego's orders. Burgay gets a good, long look at Silvana and Diego tells him she's his girlfriend. Burgay commends his taste. He points out that Azul's pretty too. That falls flat. Burgay says he's the real boss of the business, Mauricio's company is part of his company. He says he wants Diego in charge of PR and Personnel, but Diego says that's Azul's job. Burgay says Azul's in charge of that for Mauricio's company, not Burgay's and besides, she's getting married soon and will want to leave all that. Riiiiiiight, cause it's 1907. Burgay offers Diego a salary of 400,000 pesos per month and he gives him his first paycheck. He gives him a card with which he can pick up a company car and then tells Diego to enjoy it and takes his leave.

Mauricio's having dinner with some guy who says he's not there to put pressure on Mauricio on behalf of Burgay, but on behalf of some guy named Santoro. Got that? And also, the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true. Shady Guy says Santoro won't be put off much longer. Mauricio says it was hard to get the materials. Shady Guy says he needs to put more pressure on Alfredo. Threats, threats, threats, reassurances, etc. Mauricio wonders out loud if Burgay and Santoro are starting some new business venture together. SG says you don't play around with Santoro.

Lidia was out again and has come home crying to Abuelo that he was right about something. Abuelo says she has to learn from this, but Lidia just wants Paco to show up. She's going to the cops tomorrow. Abuelo says people are like animals, they hide when they're hurt and they don't come down until they feel better. Abuelo says if she's really sorry, Paco will forgive her. He says Paco will come back and they'll be very happy together. This would be a lot less ominous if we didn't already know where Paco was. Every time Abuelo says Paco will come back my husband makes a reference to eating brains. Well, I suppose stranger things have happened in Telenovelaland.

Azul answers her door to find Inés. Inés gets a chilly reception, but Azul lets her in. Inés says Alfredo's not doing well, he's anxious, yelling. Azul says that's between them and throws it in Inés face that she was crying on Mauricio's shoulder. Inés says one day Azul will feel bad for how she's treating her. Inés leaves and Azul calls Emilia. She says she thinks Alfredo needs help. I think by "help" she means "a new girlfriend". Ceci comes home and Azul tells her what happened at lunch. "Besotes" she says, which means "big fat wet sloppy kisses" Okay, not literally, but you know that's what she meant.

Emilia comes over to Alfredo's place and tells him she's there to help him with his depressive crisis. Alfredo thinks that's odd that Azul did that, since he's perfectly fine, he just has too much work. Emilia says Azul was really worried. Alfredo says what's happening is that work's keeping him busy, but happy, and he's fascinated by his experiments, but he can't sleep and he sleeps all day. Emilia says it's to be expected in such a talented scientist *bats eyelashes*. Man, as a psychotherapist, Emilia has lousy boundaries.

Silvana lights candles for a romantic dinner with Diego. It looks like she's wearing a nurse's uniform (hubby says "maid uniform"…tomato, tomatoh). Silvana asks Diego if he wants to go steady (or whatever adults call it) and he agrees. He goes to wash his hands before dinner and tells Silvana to answer his phone. My DVR cut off at this point, but I gather from the comments that Azul was on the other end. That thought fills my fictional-drama-loving heart with no end of glee.


Juan Q 8/22 - CL blows his top, Nidia dresses over the top, Alirio is tipsy, the mountain of lies topples?

Paula confides in Juan that yes, she's in a mood because she did have a fight with the Licenciado, and Juan is somewhat pleased about that. They have an endearing conversation about how all women are not the same and he doesn't seem convinced. She tells him good night and he asks if she isn't going to the fiesta. She tells him she's not in the mood. He tells her that in this mood is precisely when a party will do you good, you need to listen to music and dance and socialize and you will feel much better! Besides, he thinks she needs to take this important step to correct the relations between her family and the Cachons and if she doesn't show, it would be disrespectful. He convinces her to go, and she finally decides that he's right.

Marely and Yadi also have a sort of heart to heart, as they discuss that CL is putting the horns on his wife with none other than Paula! Marely swears Yadi to secrecy and she says how bad she feels for Paula because she seems really disillusioned about this whole thing and she says she tried to confront her with the truth, but she cowarded out. Yadi says she'll keep it under her hat. They agree that Paula will definitely discover something tonight at the party!

Ana and Juan are discussing him leaving, he feels bad for coming and then going right away, Ana is happy if he is happy and she thinks he's a decent person appreciates what a blessing he is, and he says she doesn't really know him that well because he's merely a "pingo" a naughty child. Juan says he just wishes the best for Paula and hopes that things work out. Ana wonders what he means, he says you know, her relationship with CL. Ana says yes that worries me. He says well he better not tell her what he knows then. Of course she begs him to tell her, so he outs that Paula was acting out of sorts because she had a falling out with CL.

CL absolutely loses his cool when Moni tells him she called Nid and sent his regrets, but oh, by the way she's still going! He suddenly becomes well enough to parade around the room and yell at the top of his lungs about how she just goes here and there whenever she pleases and does whatever she wants and what a horrible wife she is that she won't stay home and tend to her sick husband. Blech, this scene made me sick.

She holds her own and yells back at him, essentially that if he is so sick then let's just go to the hospital already. Again of course he denies needing a hospital. Just then the phone rings and she answers it in a very angry voice. It's Paula. Paula studders to say something but thinks better of it and hangs up without saying anything. Moni yells at CL that someone hung up on her and he thinks that's strange. She says yes a lot of strange things are happening so nothing surprises me anymore.

Juan rehashes CL's disappearing act to Ana. Ana asks what he thinks of CL.

Nidia shows up dressed like an aged Las Vegas revue performer and asks Marely what she thinks. Marely is impactada! She says she doesn't know what to say, she wouldn't wear anything like that, but yes, on you, well, you can pull it off. She ends up saying that on this occasion it really shouldn't matter how you look, rather it's important how you feel. That is a good come back...I'll remember that sometime.

Nid notices Marely's regalo, the little ring and asks where it came from and teases her about having a romantic interest. Marely won't say and wants to get ready without any help from her Mom. Thanks, but no thanks.

Juan says well he's behaved well with me but I can't say I know him super well. Ana says there's just something about him.

Ana and Juan go to pick up Paula and he remarks to himself that he feels like a part of the family, say a cousin, and not just a simple chauffeur.

Cl comes in to apologize AGAIN to Moni saying everything is his fault. She essentially tells him that she's beginning to think he was right that all this started when she decided not to travel and that they were going to begin living like a normal couple. CL smirks.

While getting ready Paula tells her Mom about the fight and that CL didn't want to show up at the office with her. I'm sure Ana is thinking Deju Vu!!!

Moni continues that now she's just beginning to get to know him - he denies this and says he is just loving her more. She thinks he's trying really hard to believe his own words and that now that a baby is on the way the rules of the game have completely changed. Cl wants to sleep on it. She tells him go she wants to be alone.

Alirio is borracho in a bar with Kike trying to convince him he's fine.

Paula finally comes out in green and Juan is impactado at her beauty and tells her she looks like a queen.

The fiesta begins!

Nid is excited about the gifts.Yadi comes down and Nid tells her she's worried that Alirio isn't here yet. What if he had second thoughts...she says she just got a chill. She continues speculating what may have happened to him.

Back at the bar Alirio is still professing his non- drunkenness..oh and he doesn't want to get married. He thinks he should leave Nidia to fend for herself and see how well she does. Kike is a little impactado as Ali keeps yelling for the Masero...he decides he is just fine here and doesn't need to go to the party.

Juan enters the party with Ana and Paula in tow. Nid is of course very excited to see him and physically shows this appreciation. Juan brings his things back upstairs and he's happy to be back. Nid comes in and begs him to go look for Alirio. Juan tries to calm her that he'll show up soon. She finally calms down, the slugging of champagne probably has something to do with that.

Back downstairs Juan offers A and P tequila and Paula accepts. Juan is thrilled! Just then the phone rings and it's Kike for Juan. Kike tells him he is the only macho who can help him out. Juan says he's busy, but Kike tells him why and Juan then tries to cover as Nid walks over. Too late. she picks up the phone, but only to invite him. Juan gets the phone back and tells him not to move, he'll be there.

Nid isn't stupid she wants to know what's up. He makes up a story about a friend needing his help but she presses so he confesses that Perafan is with Kike and he wants to give her a surprise but they need help.

Upstairs Yadi is teasing Mari about getting all spiffed up for Juan, and him being her galan. Mare denies it of course. She also teases that he arrived with none other than the Davilas.

Downstairs Juan asks Paula if he can borrow their car to go get Alirio. they respond yes, with the serenaders? He says hopefully, really he's drunk himself silly and well, I need to go help! They say ok and wish him luck! I love how he kisses the state goodbye as he takes his jacket from it.

Ana and Paula are discussing the possible disgrace when Nid asks them how they are doing. They are fine and they love her house. NId babbles about the good taste that her family has and that the architect designed a lot of it but many of the touches are her own. She asks if they would like a tour, and Ana goes but Paula stays.

At the bar Juan shows up to the rescue and Alirio switches allegiance. He is happy to see Juan and tells Kike to kiss off. Juan tries to convince Perafan that he needs to be at the party and that everyone is arriving already and waiting for him. He continues about how happy they will be in a few days when they are husband and wife. Alirio says I know that woman has despised me her whole life and she has never cared for me. Juan says eh, you are just drunk and not seeing things clearly.

Marely and Paula discuss what a twist it is that Ana and Nid are becoming "friends" they are both happy about it but think it's odd. Paula notices the ring, and guesses that Juan gave it to her. She teases Marely that maybe she is unwilling to admit that she is swooning over Juan!

CL sneaks into his office and tries to call Paula, but of course no one answers, just then Chelo shows up... he yells that she startled him. She apologizes and leaves to go back up. He says well he was just looking for some papers that he needs tomorrow. She says ok, pardon me for interfering where I don't belong but...I discovered what is happening with you, and I can't let this continue, so I will have to tell this gossip to the Mrs. CL is impactado fearing what is to come.


Juan Querendón - Thursday 8/23 - Juan is a cad but we love him, Cesar is a cad and we loathe him

Firstly, many thanks to the lovely and clever Maricruz for volunteering to do my Thursday recaps while I was on vacation. They were fabulous. Thank you Maricruz!!

Secondly, I will be unable to recap again next Thursday so if Maricruz or anybody else could help out again I would be very grateful. If not no worries, I know it's a holiday weekend which makes it tough for people.

And now, on with tonight's show...

Consuelo the maid catches Cesar Luis skulking around his den after hours where he was attempting to call Paula on the sly. Consuelo tells CL that she knows what he's up to and she's going to share the chisme with the Mrs.

Juan tries to reason with the insanely drunk Alirio. Juan suggests Alirio go to the party and play nice, if he still fells like cancelling the wedding in the morning he can do it then. Alirio's eyes roll back in his head and he slobbers unintelligibly. Juan tells him it takes a man with real calzones to deal with a woman like Doña Nidia. Alirio perks up and babbles lecherously as Juan yells "Torero, torero, torero" and pretends to entice a bull.

Back at Casa Nidia, Nidia shows off her house to Ana. Ana says the decor is and Original. Nidia asks Ana and Paula if they noticed anything interesting on the walls. In response to their blank stares she escorts them to the naked portrait of Juan. All the ladies are impactadas, especially Paula.

Cesar is still impactado by what Consuelo told him. She finishes by telling him the chisme is that it's stress that's making him behave oddly. Whew!! He sinks into his chair in relief. Consuelo tells him she won't rat out his "stressful" wanderings to Monica if he promises to go to bed.

All the ladies at the party are ogling Juan's portrait when Juan bursts into the room with teetering Alirio. Nidia's eyes get huge. Juan's eyes rest on his beloved licenciada when suddenly he sees the pic of himself in the all-together "shamelessly airing" his attributes to the the assemblage. Well, he can't worry about that now; he's got to concentrate on saving Alirio from Nidia's death stare.

Nidia drags Alirio into the den and rips him a new one for arriving drunk and bringing along a musical trio from Veracruz. She says she hates drunks! He reminds her that at Samuel's funeral she herself was a "blazing mango" whatever that is. She was boozing it up at the funeral so maybe it means something like a cheap drunk.

Back at the party the jarocho trio has livened things up. Juan is appalled that Nidia could do such a thing as display his bodacious bod (my words) over the bar. Marely tells him not to worry, he's got a good physique, it's art, and nobody at the party will recognize it's him. Just then two leering female guests show up to fawn all over Juan's arty physique.

Alirio become belligerent with Nidia and says he doesn't have to abide by her rules because the wedding is cancelled! Nidia tells him fine, he can get his skinny butt out there and make the announcement. She flicks her pink nails at him.

As Alirio tries to leave Nidia rushes in front of him, bars the door, and turns on the waterworks. She sobs, why does he want to humiliate her? Alirio blathers that he only wants a little respect and consideration. She must prove to him that she loves him this instant. She plants a short, perfunctory kiss on his lips and he swoons.

Things are getting pretty lively at the party and Juan thought bubbles that this could be a very promising night. He tells Kike that maybe he and Yadira will reconcile. The band starts playing Juan's song - it's his big chance to teach Paula the Cachibombon! He struts over to her, dips her and they begin to dance. The crowd claps at the spectacle that is Juan shaking his bootie.

As Juan drives Paula back to her apartment she tells him that he dances like a spinning top. Will he teach her the steps one day? He wiggles his hips and she smiles, enchanted. As she leaves he thought bubbles that words cannot describe the love he feels for her, but the harsh reality is that this goddess belongs to another man. She's as far away as the stars.

Back at Nidia's place Juan tiptoes past a snoring Alirio. He's surprised to see Marely sitting alone. She says she was waiting up for him and they need to talk seriously. She wants to know why Juan gave her the ring. What does he feel exactly? Does he love her? His mouth answers "from the first day I met you" but his mind thinks "how can I answer her NO?"

Marely kisses Juan, but instead of enjoying it his thoughts are a raging storm inside his head...he's lived the life of a vagabond but suddenly he feels faithful, faithful to an impossible love, to the woman of another. Juan leaps up to the sound of breaking glass. "No puede ser!" he tells an impacted Marely.

Meanwhile Nidia and Yadi are upstairs watching an old movie and having a heart to heart. Yadi tells Nidia to forget Alirio, he's an ugly old coot. Nidia tells Yadi it's easy for her to say because Yadi is young, but Nidia is afraid, afraid of being alone.

Marely demands to know why Juan won't kiss her. Is he gay like everyone at the office says? He stammers...he loves someone else but he can't reveal who it is. Marely pushes and probes, is it Paula?

Nidia tells Yadi to take her advice, it's better to marry a man who is in love with you than to marry a man you are in love with, there are less problems with that arrangement. Yadi furrows her brow and considers Nidia's words. Maybe Kike has a chance after all.

Paula flops around in her bed, picks up the phone, and dials Cesar (who is asleep next to Monica). She gets his voice mail and hangs up. Serves her right for chasing after a married man.

Marely asks Juan why he acted like he wanted her if he really loved Paula. He gives her some lame excuses before she goes for the jugular...does Juan really think a high-powered exec like Paula would actually fall for a simple chauffeur? Marely flounces out and tearfully removes Juan's ring.

In his room Juan chatters to himself and treats us to an undressing. He strips down to his boots and cute little blue boxers. He somersaults onto the bed and says he will sleep well tonight because he has finally done the right thing.

The next morning Nidia greets Alirio with an Alka-Seltzer. She starts to tell him off but he interrupts. "No Señora!" he bellows, "you won't have Alirio to kick around any more. The old Alirio is dead. Now good day, we'll talk later!"

Whoa!!! Juan is skipping down the road in his boots, wife-beater and red shortie shorts (skimpier than his boxers)!! He's gone out to buy bread. He greets Alirio with a hug and a shake; poor Alirio's head is splitting. Alirio thanks Juan for helping him the night before and for advising him to be hard and strong with Nidia. "Let's wipe the slate clean, friend," Alirio suggests, shaking hands with his new best friend.

Cesar and Monica have a dreary breakfast in their steel home. Monica surprises him with an announcement. She wants a trial separation.

Juan and Marely are also having a subdued breakfast. He tries to suck up to her and she berates him. He doesn't want their friendship to change. "Too late," she snaps. Juan asks her for a favor, please don't tell Paula that he loves her. Marely promises to guard his secret. Juan, looking a bit ashamed, thanks her.

CL lies and tells Monica that he loves her, he adores her. She insists they need a separation so she can view the problems in their relationship clearly. He pretends to feel sad and says a separation will pain him, but his right eye does the happy dance.

Juan picks up Paula for work and thought bubbles that he needs to find out for sure if Paula is an impossibility for him, otherwise he will feel like a dog stuck between two sandwiches. He notices that Paula is gloomy and is encouraged, she must be having problems with CL!

Fernando waits by the limo as an elated CL approaches with his suitcase. When Fern asks CL how he is CL replies, "Encantado!" He's better than he's been in ages and he's going to paradise.

Consuelo tells Monica that it was dangerous to let CL leave, hasn't Monica seen the telenovelas? Monica assures her that CL leaving is only the first step in making him fall more in love with her. If she only knew what a rat bastard he really is...

Cut to a commercial lead-in of CL checking out some major mini-faldas on either side of him.

Paula arrives at work and asks Marely if she has seen CL. No? Well Marely is to let Paula know as soon as he arrives. Ivonne fiendishly eavesdrops.

Cl arrives at the garage and tries to get info from Juan about how Paula was at last night's party. Then CL goes upstairs and tells Marely he had to miss the party because some little thing complicated his life. He smugly slithers into Paula's office and finds the ice queen shooting icicles into his heart with her eyes. He tricks her into admitting she tried to call him at home.

Fernando reports to Juan that CL got into the car carrying his suitcase and saying something about going to paradise. They have a silly conversation about what a disaster it would be if CL left and Pastor took charge of the company. Juan thought bubbles that if Paula and CL are planning a future together it will be the biggest blow that he (Juan) will ever experience in his life.

Paula scolds CL and yells at him for being AWOL all day and night. He has arrived too late to try to fix the problems between them. He says they need to look for a radical solution to their problem. She calls him a liar but he will have the final word..."Paula, do you want to live with me?" Paula is impactada and as dumb as a hairball if she falls for that line. Which I'm sure she will.

Tomorrow: the characters display varying levels of impactado but we don't know why.

balbucer = to babble
borron y cuenta nueva = wipe the slate clean
jarocho/a = from Veracruz
mango flameado = blazing mango??
trompo = spinning top


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #25 Tuesday 8/21/07

I'm sorry, but I was only able to recap the first 15 minutes or so of Tuesday's show. If anyone has anything to add, please do!

Tuesday's episode begins with Lidia and Piero in Piero's office. She's telling him to take his money and shove it, cuz she's marrying Paco, who's good to her. He tells her it doesn't matter because she'll always miss him. Pobre de Paco shows up with a lovely bouquet of red roses and finds them in the heat of passion.

Meanwhile, Alfredo is wondering why Diego is at Mo's place, and Azul quickly explains that he works here. Alfredo agrees to keep his mouth shut and hopes that Diego will do the same. Alfredo goes off to work in the lab as Diego wonders what he's supposed to be doing. Andres tells him that he has nothing to do there, and tries to intimidate our handsome Diego, but is interrupted by Sr. Burgay who goes to find Mo.

Sr. Burgay enters Mo's office and asks who the new guy is. He likes his attitude, his charachter, and Mo agrees and says that he thinks they can use these characteristics.


Destilando Amor - Aug. 23, 2007 itsy bitsy black widow spider web

EPISODE - Aug. 23, 2007:
( related summary - 13 de Junio 2007)

* SWB checks in with Sofia at the hacienda living room about dinner; Sofia will wait for Frankie to arrive; SWB leaves.

* James and foreman work in the tequila warehouse - checking on inventory and room enough for the organic tequila barrels.

* Nancy and Gavi have lunch together, chat about her history with Rod and the Montalvos.

* Rod and Isa out shopping for baby furniture - Rod is enchanted by a noisy duck toy. He starts to think about baby names - for a boy, he wants to name it Amador after his grandfather, she says the baby will be Ricardo for her father. He says then if it is a girl, he will name it - she grumbles about which name he will choose Mariana, Teresa or Gaviota.

* Alonso and Casandra are having lunch together. They laugh and discuss work - as he calls for the check, she asks him to look at her new campaign idea for Vickyform and give his opinions. As he looks at the photos, she asks him about Gaviota, and he tells her the qualities he likes about his new assistant.

* Nancy and Gavi discuss Alonso's effort in her staying in town and as his assistant. Nancy says he has a crush on her. Gavi asks about Alonso's fiance or girlfriend. Nancy tells Gavi that Alonso is a total bachelor, Casandra is his cousin.

* Fedra calls Aaron about Pamela - Aaron can't be bothered at the moment, the repair guy is there to work on his computer.

* Package arrives at Montalvo Corp. Elvira hands it to Rod. Isa arrives at that moment and demands Rod open it in front of her - Rod says if you're so interested, you open it and hands it to her. Isa takes it, looks at it and hands it back to Rod to open himself.

* Sofia finds James in the living room - She asks where her husband is, was he with him? James says no, maybe with Crispin at the university. Sofia calls university - is informed he isn't there now, but was at one time with Crispin. Sofia is intrigued. James goes to the dining room for lunch. Sofia sits on sofa. Frankie returns home - Sofia is so happy to see him, hugs him. He explains the wonderful day in town he had with Crispin. He stretches and yawns how tired he is.

* Ofelia serves tortilla soup to James at the dining room table. Frankie and Sofia enter. They sit down - Ofelia serves them the soup. Frankie makes a disgusted look. Sofia, Ofelia and James explain what is in it. Frankie continues to look nauseated. Ofelia mentions the rest of the lunch menu (pork). Frankie says he doesn't eat pork. Sofia asks Ofelia if she can make something without meat for Frankie. Ofelia reluctantly starts to leave - Frankie asks for a special salad. Ofelia looks insulted. Sofia says don't worry, she will go prepare something. Sofia and Ofelia leave. Frankie asks James what happened - was it something he said. James says yes, and explains how he insulted Ofelia for her cooking. James leaves disgusted - he lost his appetite.

* Aaron is upset as he talks on the phone about his computer being dead and the loss of the important information on the missing hard drive disk. Aaron hangs up as Minnie enters the office. Aaron explains to her the horrible panic Pam put him in by taking that disk with her. Minnie sits him down and changes the subject - she mentions seeing a specialist about getting pregnant again. Aaron demands that the child actually be a boy.

* Alonso and Gavi discuss organic tequila industry and Rod's request for information. Gavi gives her opinion about the Montalvo corp. products. She asks him about having dinner - he turns the offer down. She asks him why he always gets her name wrong - he explains it's his way of playing with her. He asks about her nick "Gaviota" - she explains she got it while a child in the fields with her mom and about the song. As she is about to leave, he thanks her for being his assistant.

* Isa finds Rod reading over the organic tequila information papers on the sofa of the condo. She's tired and is going to bed - he's wide awake and will continue working - organic tequila he says is a dream he is fulfilling for his dad. When Isa leaves the room, he mumbles about it being a way to be close to Gavi.

* In office, Gavi is singing her song as she organizes the bookshelves. Alonso enters and mentions the serenade to Nancy in the outer office before entering his office. He surprises Gavi; they discuss putting packets together for the congress. Before she goes to her office, he says he likes her singing.

* Isa and Sofia talk on the phone - check in time. Isa hangs up as Rod enters the room for his briefcase. He is leaving for work. He leans in to kiss Isa before leaving. Isa, alone, calls Susana, who informs her that Gavi not only hasn't left, but she got a promotion to assistant.

* Sofia tells Frankie about the breakfast menu (eggs) - Frankie is nauseated with the mention of eggs. Sofia notices Frankie's mortified expression - he is shocked by the horrible way his clothes have been layed out. (picky-picky-picky)

* Fedra meets with Gaston at a restaurant to apologize for Aaron breaking up with Pamela like he did. Gaston is interrumpted by a phone call. He hangs up. They continue - she continues to apologize and wonder if there's any harsh feelings. Gaston says neither they nor Pamela want anything more to do with the Montalvo family. Fedra mentions that when Pamela left she took a hard disk with important corporation information on it with her; how to get Pam to return it. Gaston says there is no vengeance plot - they want nothing to do with Aaron or the family. He warns her to tell Aaron if he wants the disk, he will have to meet with Pam himself for it. Gaston leaves.

* Alonso and Gavi work on organizing the packets for the conference. She leaves to her office to start on it. He mutters how much he loves working with her, how he needs her.

* Casandra meets with Hilario in her office - explains the spokesmodeling job duties. Hilario has stars in his eyes as Casandra tells him about the trips, he needs a place to live - she says they will find him suitable housing, as well as getting him on a diet and exercise plan, and clothes. She asks if he accepts the position. He happily and quickly says yes, he accepts the offer.

* Isy panics as she tells her mom that Gavi is still in town. She realizes in her imagination why Rod has been so quiet and working on the new organic tequila project all the time - he has gotten together with her again. She starts to freak out, crying, whining and shouting. It takes mom to slap her back to reality and shout about the divorce. Isa grits her teeth as she grumbles about Gavi taking everything away from her. Isa tells her mom, if she divorces Rod, it will be when she decides to do it.

* James, Frankie and Roman at the loading docks of the factory warehouse. They are picking up supplies and checking on shipments. James checks some papers, gets disgusted with Frankie and leaves. Frankie talks with Roman a minute longer and then leaves humming the french folktune, "Alouette".

* Fedra talks with Aaron on the phone about her meeting with Gaston. She tells him that he will have to go to Pam himself to ask for the disk back. Aaron is disgusted and furious, can't do that because of Minnie. Aaron hangs up as Minnie enters. He explains his mother's message about Pam and the disk. Minnie says if the information is that important, can't he recreate it on another disk. He likes the idea, and starts to make a phone call. Minnie hangs up the phone and gives some more advice. They kiss.

* Daddy Gaston meets in office with his daughter Pammie. He tells her to give back the disk voluntarily. She says no, she has a plan to put Aaron through hell until he grovels and apologizes to her face. She still loves him and believe he loves her. Daddy hates the idea, thinks Aaron is just playing her for a fool. "we'll see if that's true or not," says Pammie.

* Dr. Ibarra meets with James at psych. hospital about Acacia. Her psychosis is controllable and treatable. James is happy. Doctor says she must stay at the hospital for treatment. James is upset to have to be away from his beloved wife. He asks the Doctor to see Acacia. Doctor takes James to garden - Acacia is playing 'itsy-bitsy-spider' while laying on bench. He calls her name - she stands up, smiles and yells "Mr. James!" They hug. James mentions living with Rod at his hacienda - Acacia freaks out and runs away. James is upset and crying.

* Rod sits at his desk looking over papers. He makes a phone call to P.R. office of Ag. commission. Nancy answers the phone. Rod asks for Alonso's assistant (Gavi). Nancy says she's in a meeting with her boss right now. Rod asks for her phone number. Nancy says she doesn't have one. Rod asks for a fax number. Nancy gives him the office fax number. (Rod is happy.)

* Isa makes a surprise visit to the P.R. office. She tells Nancy she wants to speak with Mariana Franco (Gavi). Nancy says she's in a meeting with her boss; wait a minute, she'll go tell Mariana. Nancy interrupts Gavi and Alonso's meeting to tell Gavi that Isa is there to see her. Gavi gulps in panic. Nancy leaves. Gavi asks for a few minutes break. Alonso realizes that this is one of her enemies, he understands and grants the break. Gavi leaves. Before going to her office, she shocks Nancy by telling her who Isa is (Rodrigo Montalvo's wife). Gavi enters her office - Isa is waiting and pacing inside. Gavi offers her a seat. As Isa sits down, Gavi calls to Nancy to make sure they aren't disturbed. Isa and Gavi have a long-awaited showdown conversation - Isa grumbles about what Gavi plans to do to stay away from Rod and to make sure Isa's pregnancy goes along calmly and contently. Gavi listens and gulps.


Acorralada #153 Tuesday 8/21/07 A lemon-sucking entreaty is no match for a glassy-eyed head-tilt

Max gets the real results of Fiona's pregnancy test from Camila, who has suddenly started wearing weird eyeglasses. Is she trying to mirror Max's behavior?

Diana is still treating Pancho's wounds. She promises not to turn him in.

Max is wondering why he hasn't heard about Diana to confirm their appointment. He decides to drive Marcela to the hospital to visit her Godmom.

Fedora talks to Gaby. She is sorry to see Gaby upset. Duh, it's all your fault! Doormat says it's important that Chucky gets along with Fedora so Fedora's marriage works out. Ugh! I can't stand it!

Man boobs alert! Over on the beach, Kiki is calling his detective, who is taking incriminating pictures of Fedora.

Marfil calls Diego and they trade various threats. She is relaxing poolside in a new green bathing suit and drinking a Cosmo. She tosses her head in her usual imperious way, sure that she is not guilty at all--he is the only killer, because he drove the tractor. He reminds her that she threw Fiona in the hole, etc.

Max now meets with Diana. She has traded her pink nurse's uniform for a strange black tank top with beads dangling in front in some fake attached necklace look. This is really cheesy.
He goes on and on with a boring plea for forgiveness. His manner is so smarmy I can hardly watch.

Caramelo leaves the warehouse, but she will go back to bring food and supplies for Pancho. After she leaves, Pancho sprawls on the bed and calls Fedora for more bucks.

Gaby warns her mother that it is too dangerous for her to go see Pancho.

Max and Diana toast each other with whiskey. How romantic! He begs 1,000 pardons. Yes, he took her with brute force, but it's because he felt such passion when he thought of her with Diego. She seems to be weakening. Ugh. I feel sick.

The hired detective takes pictures of Fedora.

Paco fumes at Caramelo for going to see Pancho. He really seems about to blow a gasket.

Max is still apologizing. We are still rolling our eyes.

Pancho and Fedora meet. He wants her to help him escape the U.S. and go to Santo Domingo. If she doesn't help him, he will take down Sharon and Diana as accomplices in his crimes. Once again, the twisted logic of this threat escapes me, because he would have to report himself. He could just hide out and not report them . . . In general, when I see plots in mystery novels or TV shows that include blackmail, I always feel that the victim should call the blackmailer's bluff. The blackmailer always has nothing to gain by revealing whatever it is he/she holds over the head of the victim, so there is no incentive, hence, and empty threat.

Fedora says she will help, but he should not come looking for any more help with anything else. Until never, she says. He smirks.

Back to more pathetic apologizing from Max. He shows her the paper about Fiona's pregnancy test. That changes nothing, Diana says. He looks dejected.

Paco is still blowing up at Carameloa.

Kike has heard from the detective. Sharon is thrilled about the results. She now reveals her background as a jewel thief. Kike is surprised. How could she not have told him before?
She covers by saying she was waiting for proof. He says perfecto, as he really wants to get back at Fedora for--get this--failing to make Gaby love him!
He scowls menacingly.

Fedora and Gaby ponder what to do next. Gaby should ponder the VPL shown by the ugly yellow dress she is wearing.

Sharon wants to go talk to her Papito right away, but wise Kike counsels patience.

Diana is back in her nurse's uniform, tending to Pancho. He grabs her, warning her not to betray him. He tells her about Sharon. He is worthless, she says. He asks her if she still loves Max. No, she says. Well, she will suffer for how she made his brother suffer, for not loving his brother. You and Max will never be together!

Max goes to see Paco. He finds out that Fiona has not been home. He tells Paco about the pregnancy test.

Dr. V is asking Marcela to get married next Saturday. I wonder if that is more or less than three days. She says she can't marry him at all.

Granny M asks Diana how the meeting with Max went. Granny M has completely forgotten her outrage of last week and is pushing Diana toward Max.

Marfil flashes back at the Fiona murder. Fiona revealed she was not pregnant. Too late, said Marfil. She remembers her dead mother fondly by quoting her words of wisdom: "As Bruno would say, always kill the rabid dog." (I am really not sure what the proverb meant.)
Talking to an imaginary Fiona, she says, you were always an obstacle. In the next life, don't be so stupid!

Octy is discussing Iggy with Marfil. Marfil wonders how she could marry the man who tried to kill her son. Octy reveals too much--her plot to get rid of Iggy.

Dr. V. and Marcela still talking. He says he has patience to wait for her, but she says she doesn't love him and can't marry him at all.

Conveniently, who shows up at the hospital but Maxi Maxi. He is wearing his best white shoes and tight beige pants. What a chick magnet!

Caramelo feeds Pancho. He begs her to forgive him. They had good times at first. No, she says. We were never happy, because you were always cheating. Now I love Emilio.

Max and Diana talking again. They had good things together.

Max sees Marfil and demands a divorce. What? Now we get a lengthy recap of Marfil's two years in a coma, etc. I won't bore anyone with a recap. She will not divorce him, as he will run straight to Diana. No, he won't, he says. Diana won't have him.

Pancho tells Caramelo that Gaviota is going to help him. Caramelo is surprised. Oh, it's because I threatened her. He wants her to come to the DR with him. He will change everthing and play baseball (at least he has given up those harem fantasies). He tries to kiss her.

The other doctor is talking to Granny DS, who is now walking. Diana is pleased too. Granny reminds us her of dollies again. She misses Larry, Paola, and Max. Oy, she doesn't seem to know about Paola. She asks Diana when she is going to marry Max.

Yolanda leaves, and Iggy comes in. He greets his great love, Octy. Let's set a date for the wedding, he says. She thought bubbles that she's going to kill him like her first husband.

Credits roll.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Destilando 8/22: in which James bores everybody senseless with his dull stories about organic tequila

Hello friends, I'm reassuming Wednesday night duties after not watching Destilando for more than three weeks. Have not even had time to read the recaps (owing to a sudden need to build a donkey fence and a chicken coop), and my son is leaving for college tomorrow so it's been a hurricane around here, AND I have a house guest - so feel free to correct/enlarge upon my rather sketchy remarks!

Rod's foot is twitching in bed - probably other parts of him are twitching too. Isa snaps that he's keeping her awake, he wants to talk about organic tequila but she, like everybody else in the entire world except James, is unwilling to listen.

Gav tells Clarita her new boss is more interested in a good cup of coffee than women. "Is he -- ?" "Oh, no Ma, he has a girlfriend though he might as well not, the way he stands her up all the time. And guess who showed up asking for a favor? Rod, he pretended he wanted info on organic tequila but it was just an excuse. He won't keep his promise, I hope they transfer me soon." That's Clarita's five seconds tonight.

In Miami, Aaron is ordering his mother to pressure Pammie into giving back his super-secret secret flash drive. "If it's so important you should ask her yourself." "No, you." Minerva enters and says he's playing into Pam's hands by letting her know how much he cares about this data. [But just think, if Aaron had stayed with Pammie, then Minnie would have blown the whistle on him, moral: If you're gonna play dirty, don't tell your women -- or don't have women. -- Ed.]

Minerva is off to the fertility specialist, she's gonna re-enter the baby stakes. Aaron hopefully asks: "Oh, you're going back to Houston?" "Don't you wish! No, I'm not gonna leave you all by your lonesome, there's a guy here in Miami."

James and Rod are chatting so happily on the phone about organic tequila. James snorts when he realizes Rod is planning to make extra-heavy use of the P.R. dept of the Tequila Board i.e. will be asking Mariana lotsa questions. Oh, sez James, gotta hang up, your sister and her hubby are here. "Take Francisco to see the 1-3 year old agaves, I will be wanting him to personally supervise the application of copper sulfite." I guess we can all guess how excited Frankie will be to hear this!

Adolescent PDA and lamby-kins sweetie poo talk between the newlyweds while James looks on. He then asks if Frankie would like to dash right out right this minute and inspect a few thousand agaves. "No, I want a bath first." James, who I guess has been living at the hacienda, says he'll clear out that very day. Sofia: "Oh, no, we don't mind your being here, do we hunnybuns?" Frankie's mouth says no but his eyes say yes he does mind.

Ofelia gets five seconds of screen time, she emotes: "Oh Sofia, it's so good to see you." "You too, now take our suitcases up and iron all Frankie's clothes because he likes to be impeccably dressed." Ofelia springs happily up the stairs to iron. James tells Sofia his wife isn't feeling too well (she's in the hospital raving insane, right?) but that he'll leave as soon as she's better.

Sofia bustles away to help Ofelia prepare Frankie's outfits.

What I gather has been going on around the office is that the new blond P.R. guy can't remember Mariana's name and he makes her work long hours as a lowly secretary, however he's noticing she is very efficient and speaks English.

A blond arrives, don't bother about her name, she won't last long. She's supposed to be Alonso's new secretary. He's indignant, he didn't know he HAD a new secretary, "que the hell?" "Didn't they tell you I, Mariana, was just helping you out temporarily?" "Dang, and just when you were learning to fetch properly, all my careful training wasted!" He yells and ignores the new girl.

Mariana rubs it in: "It's been nice working for you, and man have I learned a lot about making coffee, gee thanks, now I'm off to Guadalajara." Heh.

Rod calls. Again. He yells to hear Mariana's been transferred. Alonso yells too, it wasn't his idea. They butt horns and then whip out their mutual credentials and are abashed to have been yelling, respectively, at such august personages. Alonso, who hasn't been able to learn Mariana's name, is interested to hear Rod call her Gaviota and - inappropriately as always - rattle on about what a great gal she is.

The big boss tells Gav there will be people waiting for her in Guadalajara blah blah. They have a very friendly leave-taking. He'll miss her.

But wait, Alonso barges in complaining and pouts out his lower lip, nobody told him Mariana was temporary, he had great plans for her, she wasn't going to be making coffee much longer... he begs to keep her. While still forgetting her name, he raves about her capabilities and says the big boss shouldn't cave to the Montalvo harpies' caprices, and that he can handle them. "Cancel the transfer!"

Suzy liked Mariana when last I saw this show, but now she's gotten an earful from the three witches and thinks Mariana is evil. She calls Isa and tells her about the transfer, of course Isa is delighted and, of course, calls Sofia, who is, of course, likewise delighted and counsels, of course: "I recommend you stick with him, who knows what he'll do in his desperation, don't leave him alone for a moment!"

Rod gets no work done. Alonso has a bad combover. The new secretary, frightened off by the awful Alonso, and hearing she'll never have time for lunch dates, runs away forever. The big boss caves and lets Mariana stay, and gives her a promotion to assistant PR person, reminding her to keep her promise not to see Rodrigo. She gets a fancy new office. The big boss says it's he who is the big boss, not those Montalvo wives.

At Montalvo Corp, Elvira gets her five seconds of screen time being grilled by Isa: "Has my husband gotten suspicious phone calls? Bought airline tickets, had unexplained appointments? How's his mood, is he calm? Report on anything unusual." Elvira says Rod does in fact seem a little odd (like that's anything new). Odd Rod. I like Isa's new hairdo.

At headquarters, hearing about Gav's rehabilitation, Suzi grits her teeth. Alonso is happy: "Welcome again to the public relations department, Gaviota." "How did you know people call me that?" Well, Nancy comes in: "Engineer Montalvo's on the line." Alonso smiles and says she can take the call - she goes in the other room and tells Rod to quit meddling and they go over the same old ground, friends forever, not see each other, etc.

Isa enters and Rod ends the phone call abruptly. He asks if she drove herself and says that's dangerous, "But Rod, I'm not sick, just pregnant." He wants her to use the chauffeur. She wants to have lunch with him and then go look at baby toys. She thoughtbubbles: "I'll be your shadow, you won't fall into her clutches again."

James drones on about organic tequila farming and Frankie is transfixed with boredom, nay, confounded into catatonia, with all this talk of mold, fungus, copper sulfite, etc. He thought he could just stroll the fields in a leisurely fashion, from time to time, after naptime and a nice bath, wearing his fancy gangster outfits, whipping the farmhands and shagging the jimadoras. This hacienda thing is not what it was cracked up to be.

Gav is a little stunned when Alonso (drinking coffee again) tells her that they'll have to help Rod a lot, personally, with his organic project. She reminds him he has a lunch date with his girlfriend but he just drones right on, she thoughtbubbles: "That Cassandra has so much patience, he's left her planted and forgotten her so very many times!"

Meanwhile Cassandra, who is not only Alonso's purported girlfriend but also the raccoon-eyed ad agency lady who "discovered" Hilario, is drooling over his picture as well as those of miscellaneous other hunks. She muses to her assistant that the whole campaign hinges on the public identifying with the chosen model. Which should it be? She hopes Alonso won't forget their lunch date (heh), she wants his input. She wonders how Hilario would take to a complete change of career from "farmhand" to "professional preener and poser."

Hilario sits in a restaurant and tucks into a big plate of food. Wow, watch him tear up that tortilla and stuff it into his mouth, that's his five seconds tonight.

At the hacienda, an endless morning of tequila education has finally ended. James goes off to a business lunch, Frankie says he's lunching with his new wifey, they're practically still on their honeymoon. James strides off, annoyed.

Crispin, hanging about, is interested to see Frankie's driving Rod's ride. Frankie sez, it goes with my being master administrator.

Frankie watches some attractive rear ends go by, this causes Crispin to go off on an ecstatic monologue about the lowly but beautiful women of the area, all now called "Gaviotas" (nightingales) in honor of Rod's famed jimadora obsession.

Frankie hauls a flask of whiskey out of his pocket, shares swigs all round, they decide to go out to eat together and ogle dames and booze a bit. Frankie: "If my wife asks, I'll say I was "working" and you no-goodniks are my "personal assistants." Crispin and the other guy are down with that.

Sofia is home along, SanJuana asks if she wants something to eat. "No, I'm waiting for my husband." That's SanJuana's five seconds tonight.

James just can't let it go and bores yet another person with tales of tequila. Gav tells her whole story to Nancy.

At "Babies R Us," Rod goes gaga over toys and cribs. Isa derides the crib he likes, it's too feminine. He says he's assuming if it's a boy they'll call him Amador, she says of course not, they'll name him Ricardo after her father. "Well then, I get to choose the name if it's a girl, ok?" Isa snaps: "Will you choose Mariana or Gaviota?" Good going, sweetheart. Curb those impulses.

Tomorrow: Isa is mad that Gaviota is staying. Rod moons as usual. Nobody gets any work done.


Acorralada #152 Monday 8/20/07

Pancho's in bad shape... he's been shot in the leg and his partner in crime not only refuses to get him a doctor, but he takes off with his share of the money from the bank robbery. Caramelo begs Paco to help him, but Paco tells her to get bent. She runs off to his hideout to help him.

Meanwhile, Diego tells Marfil over the phone that he'll have Fiona meet him at a construction site where there won't be any witnesses. Immediately after he kills Fiona, Marfil better turn over the mask. After they hang up, each talks about a plan to betray the other. She doesn't intend to return the mask, and he knows it, so he'll kill her after he kills Fiona. This guy gets bolder and dumber by the day!

The doorbell rings and Fiona comes in. She needs Diego's help with creating a false document that will show lab results saying she's pregnant. Diego is impactado. Fiona needs the doc so that Max will divorce Marfil and marry her, and since Diego has so many connections because of his being a piano teacher, he must be able to help her. He finally agrees, and tells her to meet him at a construction site at 9:30. She thinks it's odd, but she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so she agrees to meet him there.

Max is still trying to smooth things over with Diana, but she's holding out. He starts to make progress, but makes the mistake of calling her Azucena, which unleashes her wrath. But you know he doesn't back down... he continues to whisper sweet nothings until she agrees to meet with him alone the next day.

Caramelo arrives at the hideout where she finds Pancho a bloody mess and sees that his wound is infected, but he won't let her call an ambulance because he'll go back to jail. He convinces her that she'll need to operate to save him!

Fiona arrives at the construction site and is wandering aimlessly in a black satin blouse and dress pants calling Diego's name. She's surprised when Marfil greets her. Marfil tells her that Diego has betrayed her, and she plans to kill her so that she can't have Max's baby. Fiona turns to run and we see Diego climb into the driver's seat of a Caterpillar.

Caramelo disinfects a knife over an open flame and pours some rum over the wound, then digs around until she finds the bullet. Pancho passes out from the pain.

Next we see Fiona running through mud in dress shoes with Marfil, also wearing pumps, hot on her heels. Which makes me wonder - if you know you're going to a construction site with the intent to attack someone, wouldn't you wear some sturdy shoes? I digress. Soon both ladies are rolling in mud, but Marfil gets the better of Fiona and manages to throw her into a ravine. Fiona swears that she's not really pregnant, but Marfil doesn't believe her. She gives Diego the command and he starts up the Caterpillar and buries Fiona alive. My favorite part of this scene is when they replace Fiona with a dummy with a really cheap looking wig.

Marfil is thrilled with the results and tells Diego that she'll give him the mask tomorrow. He laughs and tells her he doesn't believe her, and now he'll handle her the same way that he handled Fiona. Then he starts up the Caterpillar and drives towards her. She turns to run - it's a sad run, really, and she doesn't get far before she falls on her butt and proceeds to crawl backwards in the mud while the Caterpillar is headed straight for her. Suddenly she finds a huge rock and throws it at him - WHAM! Bullseye! She hits him right in the melon and he's out cold! We knew Marfil wouldn't go down like this.

Diego wakes up and finds that Marfil is gone. He goes to where Fiona is buried and apologizes to her. He says he had no reason to kill her, it was just a question of survival. But no worries - her death won't be in vain. Marfil will be punished. Isn't it a shame how evil the sweet piano teacher has become?

Marfil arrives at casa Irazabal and doesn't bother to change clothes or bathe before she pours herself a stiff drink and talks to herself loudly about what's happened, waking Octavia in the process. Octavia wants to know what's going on - why is she so dirty and nervous? Marfil tells her that someone tried to attack her and she fell, and doesn't want to talk about it.

Just when I thought I was going to get to see a whole episode sans Chucky, we see her sitting on the bed in some kind of yoga pose chanting to herself that Larry will fall in love with her. Rod knocks on the door and saccharine Sharon returns. I don't know which one I hate more - Chucky or Saccharine Sharon. They're both pretty annoying.

Kike asks Fedora what she thinks about Larry and Sharon being novios. She looks uncomfortable as she sits with her arms around Gaby. Kike says that it appears that Larry is starting to fall for Sharon, as she reaches over and pulls Gaby to him. Little Doormat is always being controlled by someone, isn't she? Kike says that he's surprised that Fedora is allowing an Irazabal into the house. Just as he says this, Roddy enters and says that of course she's allowing it because she wants Sharon to be happy. Fedora looks as stiff as a board as he says this. Watching this scene makes me realize that this entire novela is like an infomercial against marriage.

Caramelo is concerned that Pancho won't wake up and he has a fever. She prays that he'll survive, then calls Diana the super nurse for assistance. Diana offers to call an ambulance, but Caramelo says she can't do that. He'll go back to jail. Caramelo wants Diana to come and help him. Diana the dunce agrees to go, and asks Sylvia to get her black bag. Since when do nurses carry black bags? Anyway, she shows up with Emilio in tow, puts her hair back in a pony tail, dons her latex gloves, and gets to work. Emilio is upset that Caramelo is still trying to help Pancho after all that he's done. This prompts a sermon from Diana about how we all know what a rotten scoundrel Pancho is, but in these moments we must forget about all of that. Pancho wakes and asks her not to let him die.

Camila calls Max and lets him know that Fiona was never pregnant, it was all a lie. Tomorrow she will provide him with the documentation so he can see it for himself. Max thinks that with the results in his hands, it will be easier to get Diana to forgive him. Apparently he's forgotten about the RAPE. Has everyone forgotten about the RAPE?

Throughout Monday's episode, we see Diana and Max telling different people about their upcoming meeting. It's too boring to recap. Marcela hopes Diana doesn't forgive him, Lala and Sylvia hope that she does.


Destilando Amor Tues August 21: the power of Mañana

Sorry guys; My DVR didn't record this episode and when I got home, I'd missed a tiny piece of the beginning of the show. Feel free to fill in the blanks. Here we go...

Dona Jose and Clarita are chatting about Gavi and Rod. Dona Jose tells Clarita that now she too is related to the Montalvo's... sad, she says 'yes Clarita, my Panchito married a Montalvo'. She shows her the newspaper with Sofie and Fran showing his best aristowannabe smile.

Meanwhile, Fran is sitting in a cafe talking to his friend about the goldmine he just dug with Sofie. He tells his his friend he'll pay him back all his money; his friend doesn't believe him :)

At the CRT parking lot, the 3 witches of north east and west, are talking about their meeting with Avellaneda. I couldn't catch what he said, but it must not have been good, cuz they're upset. Isa, with a leopard print jacket and an undershirt showing her belly, is hysterical about Rod and Gavi contacting each other. Sofie and the wisest witch of all, Minnie, advise Isa to stay calm.

At work, Alonso is holding up some tequila posters, asking Gavi her opinion. They talk about agave plagues. He calls her Rosana, and asks her to answer the ringing phone. She answers; it's Cassandra, the lady with lots of makeup who helped Hilario nail his modeling job. Alonso cannot talk; Gavi suggests he take the call. We find out Cassandra has been waiting at the restaurant for him.Cassandra is mad cuz Alonso never showed up at the restaurant where he himself invited her. She needs his help with her publicity campaign. She needs to see him tonight, and begs for one hour of his time. Alonso checks with Gavi to see if he has any time to meet Cassandra; they agree to meet next day. Gavi decides she's going to remind him about the meeting tomorrow, cuz his memory braincells seem to be a bit fried.

At home, Fedra is nagging Aron about calling off his wedding with Pam and ruining her hopes of having a varon heredero. Aron tells her about minnie's cruise trip lies; Patricio El Silencioso told him. He says, she only went to see her great aunt, dona Conchita. Aron is happy about that, cuz it shows that Minnie has always been loyal to him. Fedra brings up Isa's baby topic...Aron says, that baby better be a girl, otherwise, its days will be counted.

...We get commercials about the Peru earthquake. The pictures are really devastating, and they're asking for donations. If interested in helping out, please donate to the American Red Cross.

Back to novela, even Fedra is freaked out by Aron's words. She asks him to look for Pam, and better not regret going back with Minnie!! Minnie walks in, and tells her beloved MIL that Fedra obviously doesn't accept that her and Aron are finally together. Fedra says nooo, mi amor, you cannot imagine how happy I am for you! Minnie apologizes...for a split second I think she means it as she asks Fedra to visit them in Miami. But as they hug, Minnie gives us the stepsister eye roll and portruding chin. This is especially Minnie-esque, when she's wearing red lipstick.

Back at the crt, avellaneda asks his secretary Susy to not contact him to any of the witches, neither by phone nor in person...he wants to know nothing of them! Susy asks Gavi about Rod. Gavi says nopes, Rod and I got nothing to do anymore. Susy is pensive.

At the montalvo corp, Elmira, the long lost witch of the south, sucks up to Isa about how gorgeous her baby will be. Isa inquires about Rod. Elmira tells her no worries, he hasn't spoken to Mariana Franco. Isa tells her that Mariana is now working for CRT. She asks Elmira for a daily report of Rod's moves. Elmira, eager to fit in with the witches, is happy about this new chisme job and says, sure!

Mariana talks to Avellaneda about the Montalvo fam. Avellaneda tells her he's not going to take any drastic measures as long as she doesn't mix personal issues with work. Gavi jokes that the witches will be happy when he gives them an invitation to her burial. She says she'll miss the CRT; she feels like home there.

At his office, Rod is talking tequila as Elmira jots down the info. After she leaves, Rod daydreams with Gavi, and talks about how happy he'd be if he can share his dad's tequila organico idea with her. He smiles... flashback with his dad. Uncle Bruno walks in; they talk about tequila organico. Bruno is up for the idea. Rod asks for his help. They talk about legal issues...conveniently, he needs to talk to public relations at the CRT, or, Gavi... Rod gets excited about that...tio Bruno notices, and asks him to be careful but give it a shot with the CRT.

At the hacienda, Fran asks his petite fleur to pack his camel colored shoes, sunblock, aroma therapy, and 2 change of clothes for every day. Sofie thinks this is SO funny! Granny walks in, and says that Fran may be upset about James being at the hacienda. Sofie says naaah, I only love James as a fiend. But what happened to his marriage...maybe he divorced the rancherita??

James is speaking to the priest about Acacia. The priest advises him to wait until Acacia gets better before they spill the beans. James is scared.

At CRT, Gavi answers the phone and defends Alonso from a customer; this, while Alonso looks at her and admires her business skills. Love is in the air.... (hmm...he might be a grumps. but he too has a killer smile!).

Alonso wants to show appreciation the best way he knows...making her a cup of Blue Mountain coffee. We get another lecture on how good this coffee is, while I wonder if they get sponsorship from Blue Mountain coffee? Yes, blue mountain coffee does exist.

Gavi talks about the plagues...she has some cool ideas which I don't understand. I know Alonso thinks they're cool, cuz he gives her lots of coffee. She mentions being like a goat; Alonso takes it a step further by telling Gavi that goats discovered coffee. Click here if you want to know more about the discovery of coffee.

Phone rings, Gavi answers, its Rod. They have a profesor Girafales/Dona Florinda moment....ah, love! She looks like she's about to faint. Rod tells her to be discreet and not mention she's talking to him so she doesn't get in trouble. This is important, because we get a commercial break.

Gavi: I...ehm... Rod: I am calling to ask you 2 questions...a personal one and a professional one. I'm going to start by asking you the personal one... I want to know how you are...And you need to answer me before we move on to the professional question. Gavi: I'm...G...G...Goood. Rod: and now the professional question... I have an idea for tequila organico...could you help me? Gavi: yes, I will find all the info. Rod: when? G: maybe tomorrow. Rod: Manana??? You are a good Amiga, that's why I love you SOOO much....! Manana!!! Alonso: who is it? Gav: A friend; he wants info of organic tequila. A: We'll give him the info....Manana.

In Miami, Minnie and her amorcito walk into the bichie-house. Minnie wants the whole house disinfected; she wants no trace of Pam in the house. The cleaning lady comes, Aron pats her on the shoulders and asks her to disinfect the house. Why does Aron pat everyone on the shoulder...??? Minnie yells from the bedroom; Aron walks in. On the bed, there is Pam's dress with a note to her Bichie. Minnie is freaking out and yelling at him. She doesn't want to sleep on that bed...Minnie: I want a new bed!!! a new Jaccuzzi!!! Do you think I'm going to sit in that jacuzzi where I cought the 2 of you!! I want a whole remodeling!!' Aron squints and stutters angrily as tells her to do whatever she wants. This time, I don't blame him for being mad: Though Minnie is right to be upset, what, oh what did she expect by going back to her husband's amante love nest????????

Back at CRT, Alonso and Gav are talking business. Alonso actually calls her Mariana, and tells her to go home. He then walks about and offers to take her home. This is where whe know he's going to fall in love with our heroine. He can't bare the thought of her going alone in a taxi.

Aron is on his computer at Miami. He can't find some important info...he's upset. He calls Domingaaaaa...but Minnie walks in. Dominga says Pamela was using the comp. Minnie asks what is happening! Aron is MAD; he can't find the hard drive and all his memory where he has important documents. he says Pamela stole his computer hard disk...hihi...she's feistier than we thought....well, she is a redhead u know...oh wait, it's Henna. Anyhoo....

Alonso is driving Gavi home. Again, they're talking business. I'm getting bored... can we talk about something other than plagas, agave, agave color, and agave regions? I mean, I like the topic, but I'm reaching my limit. Alonso drops her off but continues talking about tequila until she cuts him off and runs outside of the car as he talks, talks, and talks.

At home, Clarita has been waiting for Gavi. Clarita is mad cuz Gavi is past her curfew. Gavi says ma, you know I'm working 2 shifts...Clarita doesn't think it's right, Gavi says no worries, Alonso brought me. C: Aaaaah, now me cayo el veinte (now I get it)!! You are with him all day and he brings you now what!! Gavi says no worries, he prefers a cup of coffee over a woman.

In his bed, Rod cannot sleep. Isa can't sleep either cuz Rod's moving his foot. She asks if he's OK. He says he's thinking of business. He tells her about Tequila organico. Isa tells him to go to sleep. He's impactado.

Back at their house, Mariana tells Clarita about her conversation with Rod. Mariana things Rod is just trying to find excuses to talk to her, and if he keeps doing that, she'll fall into his game.

- Gavi tells Alonso she's going to Guadalajara...
- Sofie tells James he can stay at the hacienda; Frankie doesn't look happy
- Rod calls the CRT, Alonso tells him that Mariana is in Jalisco. He's grumpy, but Rod is mad.
- Avellaneda tells Mariana she gets to stay in long as she stays away from Rod...BUT Rod calls the CRT....he wants to see Mariana...

Happy Wednesday! :)


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Juan Q 8/21 It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.

No!!!!!!!!!!! I go away on vacation and come back to no mullet. I’m already going through withdrawal!!!

CL continues to give Monica reasons for him not to answer the phone. He doesn’t want to lose the time with Monica; the office needs to learn how to handle problems without him. Monica silently listens and then turns to look out the window.

Paula sits in her office and stresses. She knows something is up, but doesn’t want to believe it.

Nidia circles Juan like a cat circling its prey. She says that he must think she’s crazy because she asks him to leave and then asks him to return. He does watch her like she is a crazy, but we’ll see if he believes it. Nidia says she worried whether he was out in the cold. Juan replies that he cannot return because he deceived the women. Nidia doesn’t care; she says that she’s forgiven him. She insists that he return. He agrees, but he doesn’t want her to think that he is an opportunist. She says that she doesn’t and then seductively approaches him to tell Juan that she’ll be waiting for him that night.

Apparently, Paula’s university did not teach her that once you get a job you must work. She’s on yet another personal call to her mother. Paula thinks it’s about time that Ana had a good job. Ana notices that something is wrong with Paula’s voice. Paula won’t say what’s wrong. Before they say good-bye, Ana mentions Nidia’s present and the toast that will happen that very night.

Speaking of wedding gifts, Monica found a bowl. CL agrees that the bowl is perfect but needy, needy Monica wants him to give more input. He replies that he’s a man and Monica knows more about these things. Monica tells him that if he needs to go to the office she can take care of the present. At that moment CL gets a pain. Monica asks if he’s okay. CL pretends that the pain has passed.

Fernando wants to know about Juan returning to the Cachon house. Juan thinks that Nidia begged him to return because of Marely. He’s sure she’s been hysterical ever since he left the house. Fernando wonders how Juan can be so sure. Juan goes on about needing Marely to get over him because he doesn’t want her chasing after an impossible love. He gets a great idea to help that plan. He grabs the ring box and takes off into the elevator.

Juan struts into the office and all the ladies take notice. He approaches Marely and poses in front of her desk. Marely’s in shock about Juan’s new look. He’s very nervous about her reaction but she confirms that she really likes it. He replies that he did it for her. Juan tells Mareli that he got her a gift. He hands her the ring and she effusively thanks him. He talks about how much she deserves the ring and kisses her hand. Juan thinks to himself that this has been his best idea in a while.

Ivonne takes off from her desk. She passes Juan and Mareli on her way to Pastor’s office.

Pastor notes that Ivonne’s face looks as though Antonio Banderas, Brad Pitt or Luis Miguel entered the office. Nope, it’s Juan, she tells him. Pastor says he doesn’t want to know anything about Juan. Ivonne says that Juan’s changed his look and looks just divine. Pastor’s still apathetic; he thinks that Juan did it for Fernando. Ivonne finally gets his attention when she tells Pastor that Juan changed his look for Marely. Ivonne explains that she overheard the conversation between Marely and Juan. Pastor twitches.

Juan’s in Paula’s office and she wants to know what bothered him. Juan says that nothing bothered him. He was just thankful to be with Paula and her mother. He says that he doesn’t want to be a bother and that Ana is a very independent woman. Juan also tells Paula that Nidia personally came to ask him to return. He couldn’t refuse her. Juan says that he feels like one of the Cachon family. Paula mentions that Marely would have been the one who missed him the most. He wants to know what Paula’s talking about. She tells him to promise not to say anything and then begins talking. Juan thought bubbles that Paula is fresh like lettuce (ha! Love that expression) while he is dying.

CL really takes the stomach ache thing pretty far. He twists and turns in agony. Poor Monica wants to go to the doctor, but he refuses. What if it’s appendicitis? He just wants to go home. She agrees to take him home.

Juan tells Paula that he doesn’t believe it. He and Mareli love each other like brother and sister. Paula disagrees with Juan’s evaluation of the relationship. Paula thinks Marely’s in love with Juan. Paula asks if Juan feels anything for Marely. He quizzically looks at Paula. She thinks that Juan helped Marely get the job in order to have her close. Paula tells Juan to stop being shy and to open his heart.

Pastor approaches Marely and asks if Juan is with Paula. When she confirms Pastor asks Marely to have Juan come to Pastor’s office. He casually mentions the ring on her finger. He notes that it’s not just anything to give another a jewel like that. Marely sarcastically thanks him. Pastor reminds her of her task and leaves. Marely stands and accuses Ivonne who plays dumb. Marely yells at Ivonne for being a gossip.

CL insists that he ate something that doesn’t agree with his stomach. Chusa volunteers to make a lemonade. CL agrees to this. CL tells the women that he wants to rest. He doesn’t want any phone calls, least of all from the office. Once the women take off to make the lemonade, he rushes upstairs to listen to Paula’s message. He half undresses and then almost calls Paula, but thinks better of it.

Juan leaves Paula’s office and asks Marely if she liked the gift. She says that she did and that Pastor wants him. Juan is obviously not happy about this. Marely thinks that Pastor wants to scold Juan for giving her the ring. Juan says that he can give rings to whomever he pleases. He loudly leaves the lobby. Paula pops her head out of the office and asks Marely to enter.

Juan and Pastor coldly greet each other. Pastor comments about Juan’s haircut. He’s glad that Juan’s come to reason and cut his hair. Pastor starts speaking in the informal (tú) but catches himself and switches to formal (usted). Pastor mentions that it must have been his barber, but Juan replies that he doesn’t remember the barber’s name. Pastor says that he doesn’t have any personal questions; he’s all business. Pastor insists that Juan tell the truth; did this change have anything to do with Marely? Juan recognizes that this is the real question that Pastor wants answered.

Paula goes off on Marely about CL. She’s worried, blah, blah, blah. Marely reassures Paula that nothing is wrong. Paula thinks she’s being punished because of their fight. She can’t believe this after the romantic night they shared. Oops, Paula didn’t mean to say that in front of Marely. Marely gives her impactada face complete with music. Paula asks Marely to do her a favor – call CL’s house. Paula doesn’t want to do it because his wife still lives there.

Juan tells Pastor that he doesn’t think that the question has anything to do with the business. Pastor once again whips out the “personal relationships” card. Juan goes off. He thinks that it’s absurd to use personal lives as a way to fire people. It’s nobodies business with whom the employees fall in love. Pastor cuts Juan off, but Juan reminds Pastor that he told Juan that he was free to speak.

Mareli calls the Farell house and asks for CL. Chusa lies and says that he is not home. Chusa wants to know who’s calling, but Marely hurriedly hangs up the phone. Monica and Chusa discuss how weird that was.

Juan continues his tirade. It makes perfect sense that two employees would start a relationship. Instead of seeing this as a problem, the office should look at it as a benefit. Pastor thinks this is just a justification for the relationship with Marely. Juan says that there is no relationship but if Pastor wants more details to go ahead and ask.

Paula and Marely debate CL’s location. Marely tries to calm Paula, but there’s no calming this hellion. Paula starts to call the house herself while Marely nervously watches. Paula hangs up the phone.

Pastor sarcastically thanks Juan for the nice speech about love. Pastor says that he’ll have to find another way to make Juan obey the rules. Juan tells Pastor not to bother and waives good-bye. Pastor says that Juan cannot leave, but Marely will be leaving the office.

Marely leaves Paula’s office and offers to bring Paula something to help her calm. Paula thanks Marely and offers her apologies. Marely mentions that sometimes it’s hard when one’s love is not returned. Paula replies that she’s sure that CL loves her. Marely doesn’t argue.

Juan wants to know why Pastor has to do these things. Pastor replies that Juan doesn’t give him options. Juan insists that his relationship with Marely has nothing to do with work. Pastor says that in love and in war everything is worth it. Pastor uses the conversation to accuse Juan of playing him. Juan replies that the only thing he did was give Pastor a sincere friendship. Pastor misinterpreted the relationship. Pastor shrieks that Juan is lying. Juan tries to quiet Pastor, but it doesn’t work. Pastor accuses Juan of being a hypocrite. Pastor starts to cry and yells at Juan to get out. Juan thought bubbles that he can’t leave Pastor in this condition.

Monica brings CL a drink. He says that he doesn’t want to get out of bed. She still thinks they should go to the doctor especially because CL never gets sick. She notes that CL doesn’t have a fever. He tells Monica that it’s indigestion. He tells Monica that he cannot go to the toast tonight. She gives him a drink in order to feel better. He insists that he feels bad.

Kike and Alirio go out for some drinks. Alirio begins to complain about Juan and the painting. Kike defends Juan.

Ivonne rushes to Juan to ask what’s going on with Pastor. She heard him yelling. Juan says that Pastor feels bad. Ivonne mentions that Pastor always suffers for men like Juan. Juan says that Ivonne is a good woman and then he enters Pastor’s office with a drink. Ivonne’s friend rushes to her and asks if it’s like it was with Fernando. Ivonne mentions that it’s worse.

Alirio mentions that Nidia wants Juan to return. Kike thinks that Alirio should be thinking about the toast tonight and where he’ll take Nidia.

Pastor thanks Juan for the drink and apologizes for the earlier spectacle. Juan accepts the apology. Pastor says that he has to accept that Juan is an understanding person. Juan explains that he’s going through a similar situation. He also feels used, just like Pastor. Pastor doubts this. He assures Juan that nothing will happen to Juan or Marely. Pastor thanks Juan and tells him not to say anything. Juan silently leaves the office. Pastor cries some more.

Alirio can’t believe that he forgot that it was the day of the toast. He thinks about how Nidia almost called the cops the last time he serenaded her. Alirio asks Kike for a loan. Poor Kike can’t believe it.

Ivonne and Pastor make small talk. He says that all that needed to be said was said and now it’s time to work. Ivonne mentions that CL hasn’t arrived. Maybe he’s tired of Paula.

Fernando and Juan talk about the incident with Pastor. Fernando feels no sympathy for Pastor. He would rather see Juan suffering for Paula than being sympathetic for Pastor. Juan thought bubbles that while he’s suffering for Paula, she’s suffering for someone else.

Time passes in the office. Marely tells Paula that she’s leaving. Marely asks if CL called. Paula says that he did not, but that means that nothing bad could have happened. Bad news always comes first, on wings. They say good-bye. Paula yells at Marely for looking at her sympathetically. Marely replies that she doesn’t understand why women suffer for men. They finally say good-bye. Paula picks up the phone but doesn’t dial.

The sun sets and CL still doesn’t feel much better. He tells Monica that he cannot go that night. Now he has a headache. Monica says she’ll call Nidia and cancel even though she was looking forward to the toast. Once she leaves, CL sits up in the bed.

Juan enters Paula’s office. He asks if she’s going to be much later. He’s only asking because of Nidia’s toast that night. Paula replies that they can leave. She asks him about CL. He doesn’t know anything. They talk about CL’s absence. Juan happily thinks that this might mean that the Paula/CL relationship is going sour.

Nidia takes Monica’s call. Nidia’s disappointed about the cancellation. Once Monica finishes explaining that CL is sick, Nidia asks Monica to come alone. At first Monica doesn’t want to leave CL alone, but she quickly changes her mind.

A little bit of vocab:
Atole – A thick, warm drink made out of maize
Cacatuá – “old bag” [an old, ugly woman]

Which fight will be bigger - Yadira/Paula or Monica/Paula? Stay tuned!


Acorralada musical excursion

Here's a link to Andy Williams singing On a Wonderful Day Like Today. According to somebody posting below, the song is used in the actual Miss Venezuela pageant.


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