Thursday, April 19, 2012

Abismo de pasión #28 4/18/12: truth serum bombs away!! a whole bunch of truths that feel like a bomb blew out the brains of the receiver

 Recap by Marta Ivett

Fina refuses to deal with anyone with Bouvier last name, even if the lands are no longer actually Estefania’s… truth serum bomb 1: Elisa confronts her that it shows she was just faking it when she came to her house to ‘try to make ammends’… Fina calls her dumb and says if she made the sacrifice to invite her to the party it was to show her that her son was engaged to someone much more worthy and he has nothing in common with you anymore… Elisa has more emmu… “ I feel pity for you.. you have your soul full of resentment and all you can give anyone around you is bitterness” .. With this Fina runs out of emmu and tells her to leave… Elisa repeats to her that she will make those lands productive with their help or without, even if only to prove to Fina that she does not need anyone least of all her. Once Elisa is out of the room, Fina is so full of anger she can’t even manage to get out of her chair, as if she had sat on a chair that had superglue on the seat. She knocks the photo of Rosendo to the floor since all she can move is her arms…
On her way out Elisa runs into the one person she would rather not have run into.. (well, besides Paolo)… Flo asks what she came for. Elisa says ‘your step mom’.. Flo asks Elisa about her necklace… Have had it for many years… Damian gave it to you? … yes… so curious, he gave me one that is identical. He told me it gives good luck. … Elisa says yeah that’s what they say… (not wanting to prolongue this ‘fake-a-fest’ she just leaves…
At Lucio/Blanca’s Blanca is heading to work… she is willing to stay but Lucio is in his depressed-pitiful-me mood… truth serum bomb  2: I am a no good oldie! I could not even return Gabino’s blow!... if course I am useless! That is why I was denied work! And won’t accept Damian’s offer, he would only be dissappointed to realize I am finished!... Lucio ends up yelling at Blanca to leave… she leaves upset (come on Lucio, don’t take it on her!)
Out on street Florencia walks to Damian. He approaches her inviting her to take her riding again, he just gets the necklace/amuleto thrown at his face… truth serum bomb  3: ‘I don’t want to wear the same thing you gave you dear Elisa!’… ‘ what is up with you now, Flo?’  … ‘I don’t want you to compare me to your little friend!.. how do you dare give me the same thing you gave her once?’…  ‘ lets see! For starters, I did not give it to you, you asked me to give it to you… I was even throwing it to the trash and you would not let me because in your own words, you ‘loved’ it?’…  ‘well I take my word back! Here it is so you can toss it, burn it or do as you please with it! (oh don’t Flo! He will wear it forever!)  … ‘don’t be childish! .. (boy, you got that nail right on the head, Dam!) it is not that big a deal! You don’t need to get like this’… ‘I will behave as I please! I am fed up that all our arguments are about Elisa Castanon, and I won’t stay in this town 15 more days!’… (she is running away, he calls out for her, to no avail)
At the fashion house, Blanca is nervous arriving late, can’t even get to open the door with the keys, her hands are shaking… Elisa says no problem, Blanca tells her about Lucio being in a depressed mood..and even shouted her out of the house… Elisa is in disbelief… Blanca says it is Gabino Mendoza’s fault!!...  and even after having cost Lucio his job so long ago, he won’t stop harrassing him!... Elisa says God will help my godfather… God will help us all! (and she gives Blanca lots of kisses)…
At Arango hacienda, Flo is de-briefing UncleHunk about what happened at the restaurant with Dam hitting Kike for what he said about Elisa… UncleHunk says pay Dam back with the same currency (darle sus ‘picones’ LOL, an eye for an eye)… flirt with someone in front of Dam… ‘and who could I do that in this ugly town?’… ‘that is your business, you will know’…gotta go, I have my own business to handle…
Dam arrives at Cielo Abierto to see Gael (my God that is one beautiful white horse)..
[these men and women work in the fields all day and wear white shirts and dresses?
These clothes could be used in a commercial for Clorox Bleach… they GLOW!! ]
 Gael happily receives him and has a worker take care of the horse (or should I say cuaco … now I know when Gael talked to Padre Lupe in the early eps that when Dam came to see him he felt less because Dam had a great car and he moved around ‘a cuaco’ = on horseback…)
Gael thinks Dam came to say goodbye… but Dam says he will stay a few more days, Dam asks Gael how is the business… Gael debriefs him on the status of AssGusto and his business… everything came on a downspiral since Dona Estefania died… Don AssGusto did not feel like fighting for it… your mom never wanted to buy AssGusto’s crops again, the greenhouse burned down… and he did not want to replant it again…  Dam is in disbelief remembering AssGusto as one of the most motivated workers in the region… Gael agrees, but says only a miracle could save these lands…
Dam asks Gael then why do you stay and not just look for work elsewhere?
Gael can’t let Don AssGusto down.. he gave him the job since Gael was a kid… truth serum bomb 4: and also… because of ‘my chamaca’ Elisa… she asked him and he can’t deny her anything…
Dam’s face changes to realization that Gael is interested in Elisa as more than friends.
Dam: you care a lot about Elisa, don’t you?
Gael: I love her with all my heart.
Dam: a little while ago I asked you the same and you would not answer me. (Dam is teary eyed, almost has trouble swallowing) Why, Gael?
Gael: Well, because I did not trust you… but I did feel jealous of you!
Dam: of me?
Gael: Yes.. then later I realized that was silly because you are in love with a woman you will be marrying very soon!... and in any case, whatever happens, after so much time, we are still the same close friends as ever…
Dam: yes… of course.
At Tovar house… Kike is in bed with his mom giving him a massage… he says he is not planning to work at the procesadora again. They don’t treat him right and now with Damian hitting him… Mommie says AW HECK NO!! you will NOT quit,  not after all I had to do to get that job for him.. besides that will give his father more reason to call him useless…  they say Damian was a brute for tossing him against a table at the restaurant. When Kike tells her Damian hit him because he made an ugly comment about Elisa, she comments that it shows Damian does not know Elisa.. Kike says for Damian Elisa might as well be a white pigeon(blanca palomita).  GossipGirl can’t believe Damian can do that kind of show in public in front of his fiancee. Kike guesses right Damian does not care about Flo enough. GG says he must love her if he is marrying her.. Kike laughs almost in her face reminding her the world is full of marriages between people who hate each other (this seems to have hit a sensitive nerve in her, she pulls away and changes to serious)
At La Anita, seems it is Maru’s turn to be the target of Gabino’s tantrums… he nags her inefficiency and her ‘arthritic’ hands, she won’t take much crap from him, she is no machine, she can only work as fast as her hands will let her… he threatens he will toss her to the street just like he did Lucio… Fina shows up and he of course changes demeanor and fakes like all is well and there is no problem...  
Fina summons him to the main office and asks him about the greenhouse he burned years ago from AssGusto, asks him what chance does that greenhouse have of getting productive again… He jokingly doubts it to be that easy, they would need lots of money, maybe ‘one of those things they call a credit line’… truth serum bomb 5: Fina tells him what she intends is that the Cast-Bouv should have not a chance in heck to progress… she wants him to watch every movement of Elisa… she does not want that greenhouse up and running again and she does not like surprises… he says not to worry, he will take care of it… Her face in the end seems to say ‘you better, cause I am the boss’
At fashionhouse Blanca is nervous knowing Lucio is alone depressed at the house. Elisa says don’t worry and go home to take care of him, I will take care of the business…  then she will stop by to say hi to him. Since she could not see him yesterday.. truth serum bomb 6: Blanca says of course, you just ran since Dam told Lucio that he was afraid to fall in love with you (Elisa is very nervous) … you should feel flattered rather than terrified… that means Damian might return the love you feel for him…  Elisa does not want to allow herself to believe they have a chance… Fina and AssGusto would move land and sea to prevent it. Besides, Dam is engaged… imagine what BotoxQueen would say, ‘he is stealing the man from Flo when he belongs to her’… Blanca agrees… Elisa says the only way to take him out of her head/heart is to find another guy… Gael .. Gael is Paloma’s… Blanca says don’t worry, with time you will see things are not as bad as you think… I will go now and take care of something that has me worried on my way home…
Paolo calls Castanon manor and Orangina, looking orang-ier than ever… takes the call.. truth serum bomb 7: she is more than happy to tell him Elisa is at the fashion house… once she hangs up Lolita comes to her, tells her you have been behaving very strange trying to serve Paolo on a silver platter to Elisa… you might spend a fortune in advertising, but I ain’t buying… I know you are up to something stinky. Orangina says ask me if I care about your opinion. Lolita says watch your steps, because Elisa is not alone in this house, she has me. Orangina laughs… ‘you are nobody’… ‘que linda!’… (Assgusto comes in to break the stare-off) Lolita walks away, he tells Orangina he went to a Merida bank to try to get a loan to pay his debts… seems they denied it… Orangina bursts on him, she is out of patience… he says he wants to stay optimistic.. is that so bad? … she says ‘we keep on sinking deeper and deeper and I am fed up. Sell it all and lets go away!’  truth serum bomb 8: AssGusto says ‘Carmina, believe it or not I want us to be a normal family. I want our relationship as a married couple get better, and I also want to have a good relationship with Elisa. If the lab results say that Elisa is my daughter, my whole life won’t be enough time to make it up to her…’ Orangina tries to fake concern that if he finds out Elisa is indeed Rosendo’s daughter, he won’t despise Elisa even more’… That seems to be a very touchy subject for AssGusto who immediately changes to demand that Orangina (how about not eating any more carrots, that might normalize your skin color and make you feel better)  get answers from Inmundo about her own tests that they are waiting for. AssGusto volunteers to talk to Inmundo to get the results, of course Orangina says she will take care of it herself.
Flo arrives at Tovar house… GG is happy to welcome her… says Kike could not even get up to go to work. Flo excuses herself and is ready to leave, but GG won’t let her, actually she walks her right to Kike’s bedroom (thank Goodness he was dressed enough) … GG immediately leaves them alone… Flo came to appologize to him, he says the one that should appologize is Dam… Flo comments that Dam does not give her her place… Kike says I wholeheartedly agree with you.. Flo says she thinks she was wrong about Dam, she thought he loved her, but seems she was wrong. She needs a man to support her, take care of her… Kike says Dam is dumb, if he does not realize what he has right in front of him… they kiss…
Blanca goes to La Anita, she has to talk to Gabino.. .Maru seems unable to make her calm down.. Blanca is angry enough to show every wrinkle on her face…  Blanca won’t leave until she talks to Gabino…  Blanca tells Maru about Lucio’s hospital stay and current deppressed state. Maru gets alarmed… Blanca sends Maru to find Gabino. A bit later Blanca is in Gabino’s office waiting when she hears Gabino and Carmina are approaching so she goes out another door… but stays behind the door… and listens… she hears when Orangina asks Gabino to intercept the lab results that are coming for Dr Tovar… paternity test of AssGusto and Elisa… (Orangina needs Assgusto to continue believing Elisa is Rosendo’s.)
truth serum bomb  9: Gabino tells Orangina ‘what are you talking about? You and I know perfectly that Elisa is daughter of AssGusto, and that your dead sister never betrayed her husband with my boss… it was YOU who were sleeping with Don Rosendo, you were the one that was going to run away with him!! (Blanca has just got an ear full! ‘My God!’ Come on Blanca! Run to someone who can help you can help you think clearly about what to do with the info… wait, that might mean you have to go out of town a bit to find someone who’s not either nutso, unstable or just plain sane enough to do the right thing instead of using it as gossip fuel)
(In commercial break we see some flash clips… including a fire, Elisa and Dam are out on street watching scared… one clip that called my attention is Gabino approaching Irene from behind… could these two know each other from earlier?)
Tovar sister Sabrina walks in on Kike and Flo. Flo is quick to react and slaps him silly acting offended yelling Damian did good in treating him like he did… and runs out.
Sister yells at Kike… what have you done?...
At procesadora Gabino tells Orangina he won’t do anything without getting anything in exchange from her.. truth serum bomb 10; she needs his silence and his help to continue her schemes… he forces himself on her, they kiss passionately  (more like he smudges her wildly)..
Blanca runs out very scared/upset… Maru says can’t find Gabino, since he feels the owner, … Blanca makes/begs Maru promise she won’t tell Gabino or anyone she was there…
Orangina shows her strength pushing Gabino off her. Gabino tells Orangina he had high expectations of their kiss… and she did not let him down. truth serum bomb 11: She says she only felt sick… she tells him get your man watching the town entrance, those paternity tests cannot reach Dr Tovar or AssGusto.
At plaza Blanca is crying telling herself that she knew Estefania was innocent…
Damian is by the lake, Ramona walks to him… she tells him he looks like he is part of the view… he says he is about to leave, she says that’s what she heard, she has also heard around that he is about to get married… everyone in town knows what is going on with Arango family… do you really want to leave the place you were born at? … truth serum bomb 12: he says nope, he loves La Ermita, the more he sees it, he loves it more but he is committed to elsewhere… Ramona says there is no commitment worthy of doing if you are not convinced you want to do it… don’t have to be a fortuneteller to figure out some things… don’t fight your destiny (Ramona sounds like Yoda from Star Wars ‘Luke! Its your destiny!’) boy… your life is already written… it will be no use to try to run away… (and in a rare tender moment Ramona and Dam put their arms around each other in a sweet comforting embrace…)
Kike and Sabrina are still arguing, he realizes Flo used him, Sabrina says surely he will be fired from the procesadora with this stunt… GG walks in.. surprised Flo already left… she was bringing coffee and cookies. (tea party, anyone? This woman needs some help)
Orangina goes to Inmundo’s office… she insists he change the paternity test results… she mocks his proffessional ethics… he is a sickly human being.. betraying his wife and thinks of abandoning his family… but God forbid he stained his little white robe…
He says he realizes she just used him, to watch and control her husband… truth serum bomb 13: she confirms it in a sarcastic tone… never cared for you… had sex with you just for a physical need… Doc says after all Paloma was right. If Assgusto comes by again asking for Orangina’s test results, he will tell the truth… Orangina says don’t dare me, I can hurt you too, and even if you complain about it now, you have to admit that with me you lived a high you would never have had with your wife.
Blanca has spent a couple hours at church. Padre Lupe asks her if she is ok… she had to think… Padre asks for Lucio, is he better? … yes, but from this point forward ALL of us will be better…
Blanca goes to Huarango hacienda… Tonia nervously tells Fina someone’s come to see her. Fina comes out to find out who.. its Blanca. Fina asks what she is there for…
‘to play Bingo, what else? … no… you wish… I am here to to talk to you.
Fina guesses wrong that Blanca is there to rat about Gabino hitting Lucio…
Nope, you have no clue why I came to talk to you, I am here to talk about Estefania… Fina won’t hear it… Blanca won’t stay quiet… truth serum bomb 14: what if I told you all these years you have been so wrong to hate her so strongly? Fina accuses her of always defending Estefania, despite all the harm she caused!. Fina wants Blanca to leave. Blanca says don’t worry, I will leave now. I want you to come to my place tomorrow. Don’t worry, both you and AssGusto will be very surprised when you come to my house to hear what I have to say.’
At procesadora, Gabino is in a worse mood than ever, and rattles at Maru that she is not done with the report.. Maru says no problem it is next month’s report so I will finish it tomorrow. Gabino finds this as the perfect excuse to mangle her and fire her on the spot.
Flo and Paolo, she is worried she went overboard with Kike… he kissed her, and she liked it!... she is afraid Sabrina will spill the frijoles to Damian… Paolo says just tell Dam your version… Flo wants to forget the jealousy plan and just ask Dam to leave for Mex.
Fina looks at a photo of Rosendo and asks herself if its possible she could have been wrong all these years…
Maru comes to Hacienda Huarango to tell Fina that Gabino fired her. Fina begins taking Gabino’s side… she says Maru will receive her due severance pay… Maru is not there to ask for severance pay or get the job back… truth serum bomb 15: she just wanted to tell Fina what happened… Fina keeps backing up Gabino… Maru warns Fina that Gabino is after her, and if he does not get her, he will try to steal everything she has… in walks Damian and finds out Gabino fired Maru… he gets outraged… Maru says she only came to tell Fina about what happened… Maru leaves. Dam argues with Fina not to let Gabino fire Maru after all the years he spent at the procesadora… Fina is not willing to argue about that.
Outside at the fountain, Flo meets with a fairly down spirits Dam… she says she has been looking for him, haven’t seen him since early… he says that’s better, so we can avoid silly arguments… she is in appologetic mode…if she puts up jealousy rages is because she loves him…  he tells her no problem but just stop acting so childish… she asks him to tell her he loves her… he does… but not very excitedly… and then she asks for them to leave soon… he insists she can leave but he will stay… she says what difference does it make for him to leave a few days earlier or later… he says you don’t get it… truth serum bomb 16: I am staying for good… I am taking my place at the head of my dad’s business.  And with that Hiroshima size blast, we are left with impactada Flo face.
We see Orangina yelling at someone to shut up at Castanon in front of AssGusto
We see Damian telling Flo he is stayin to take over business.. (VO: but we all know the reason is Elisa)…


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #213-214 Wed 4/18/12 "I am as lonely and deserted as a fat dog!"

Tonight was the first time I heard that the show is in "ultimas semanas" (last weeks). By driving us all to distraction with these double episodes they have been burning through it! Our recapper hell will be over soon. Anybody know just when?

The only time I'm going to say it: I swear by my dead mother, even though Frida moves my needle, it's you I love and I'll do right by you.

Ana and Lupita are both feeling good and enjoying Adrian with stuffed dog and flowers. They're very cute, I'm glad to see Lupita playing puppets with her doggie (saying if Adrian wants to kiss Ana, she'll pretend she's asleep). He tries to press his suit but Ana says stop the car! But she tells Lupita later that she likes him! They'll get out tomorrow. Ana says she's learned her lesson and will never do it again.

Auditor-Barbie is flapping papers around with her badly-hatted assistant when Candy shows up with flowers, flaunting her boobs and introducing herself as Vince's WIFE. She knows her husband and how to manage him. She doesn't want any problems. She sashays out. The auditor is amazed - crazy encounters with two women associated with Irabien.

Pepe's back with his Sirena, but he's a bit sad for Frida. Pancho jokes that Frida is "not of our class."

He's upset that Frida lied and implied "something" happened the night she spent at his apartment. And Frida admits to her boss that she lied because she was desperate.

Vince tells Enzo about Candy's plan to be never boring. "You better not lose her." "But I can't control the seductor inside me!"

Auditor-Barbie sucks up to Pancho a lot. He says he'll take her on huge long tours of Avon. She makes a simpering face and agrees. Her assistant mocks her.

Chela, Candy, and Rebe gossip about Auditor Barbie. FF

Freddy tells Ana he's going to work at Avon, be more independent, cut the umbilical cord, also, he and moms are going on vacation so he wants to say goodbye. Ana tells Lupita his insecurity and his kiss with Karen , she hasn't forgiven him. But Adrian is grown up. "Are you ready to be a stepmother?"

Frida doesn't want Pepe's pity - if she can't have his love she wants nothing. Stomps off.

Enzo tells Pancho about being offered the job in Monterrey. Enzo's waffling about it - he thinks the baby is too young to move - Pancho suggests he try out the new job temporarily, see how he likes it.

Once again it's a full moon in Mexico!!

Lupita and Ana are home. The incredibly handsome Tomas shows up with flowers. Pancho's jealous that Lupita is so happy to see her BF. "That's life," Tomas advises him. FF He is amazed at how wonderful she is. "I admire and love you more than ever." FF

Adrian and his daughters show up unannounced in Ana's bedroom! Daughters Irasu and Melanie meet Temo. FF

Monica has worn the WORST clothes since she came back from Paris! And her neon hair! Frida shows up AGAIN and threatens Moni with her crutch!! Moni says "you lost. And I'm not in Paris, I'm here!" On one foot Frida wants a punching match! It's just pathetic. Pepe drives up and sees the end of this ridiculous scene. Frida is hysterical. Moni is secure enough to leave and let Pepe take sobbing #2 to her home. He gives a very strong, careful explanation to her. She stumps off to her shack.

In her skintight dress Auditor Barbie slinks through the plant with Pancho, whose shirt is unbuttoned most of the way to his belly button. Boxes come crashing down and crush Pancho right on top of Auditor Barbie! She strokes him, he pulls himself away. That wasn't a very good demonstration of good practices on anybody's part! She hugs him in front of all his employees.

Leaving for the airport, Freddy calls Ana to tell her he loves her. She can't say much with Adrian sitting right there on her bed waiting for an answer to his daughter's question: "Do you like my daddy, Ana?" He continues to press his suit. FF

The gossip about the hug is sweeping through Avon. Sandra spreads it to Quetita at the very moment when Auditor Barbie and Pancho, holding hands, go into his office.

Meanwhile at home Rebe is sobbing "I am as lonely and deserted as a fat dog." I liked that one. She and Candy decide to go visit Pancho at work, where Pancho served booze to Auditor Barbie to serve her nerves after almost being crushed by boxes of perfume. She massages his hand very thankfully. Many employees mass outside his door waiting for them to come out. Quetito decides to go in - "I really love Rebe! I didn't know my boss was like all other men!" Auditor Barbie is leaning in closer, closer...

Enzo tells Chelo the plan: to go and give being president of Company X a try - while he's gone, they'll try out various candidates for his job.

Candy and Rebe hear the gossipping Avon girls - "Pancho and Isabella are ... they kissed in the warehouse..." Rebe sobs. Pancho and Isabella have a goodbye kiss witnessed by horrified Sandra and Quetita.

I think Rebe is pretty hysterical as a hysterical pregnant woman infuriated and miserable because she's too pregnant to compete with Auditor Barbie. She asks for a lot of treats and continues crying. He does a good job of reassuring her. Him, and the donuts.

Meanwhile Candy, after warning Sandra not to gossip, spreads the gossip about Auditor Barbie and Pancho to VInce, who isn't happy to hear it.

Chacho is happy with Viagra.

Adrian is, reluctantly leaving, but he and the girls will return tomorrow. He's such a barnacle!! They kiss for a very long time. She accepts his offer to be novios but they have to go slow because she still has some feelings for Freddy.

Good God, Auditor Barbie has actually barged into Rebe's bedroom while she's in her jammies eating treats! Candy leaves. How do you feel? "Do you really want to know? After a productive working life, now I'm in bed feeling like a gigantic milking yard (dairy farm, jail, wayside inn are other translations offered by and everybody at work thinks you're having an affair with my husband and you ask me how I feel?" After repeating herself several times she asks Auditor Barbie to leave. then she apologizes to Pancho. I think Auditor Barbie has cheek transplants.

Napoleon! And a transvestite named Salome! I guess she's not a transvestite, she just looks like one. She gives him an itty-bitty statue. Or is it a voodoo doll? He has some machinations in the works which are very expensive. She says she's his, unconditionally. It's vengeance on Candy he wants - "we'll make her sorry she was ever born." Fear.

Pancho cheers Rebeca by saying there are some things she can do besides cry. Fix up the baby's room! Decorate the house for Christmas!

Tomorrow: Napoleon has a spy camera in Vince and Candy's bedroom and he watches them play policewoman and suspect. Auditor Barbie blubbers over Pancho.


El Talismán #56 Wed 4/18/12 Schemes, Finding the Past, and Another Caper

Previously on El Talisman:

Tonio goes to see Dr. Manuel about Mariana.

Panchito warns Claudio not to go to El Alcatrash.

Today on El Talisman:

Panchito tells Claudio he knows about how Claudio likes Flor and not to go to Alcatrash cause if he gets caught, Pigorio or Tonio will kill him.

Army and Angel talk about Fabi and what happened in the hotel room when El Viral caught them.

Panchito and Claudio continue to talk. He asks Claudio if he is in love with Flor and how was it to see his Papa in LA? Claudio tells Panchito it went badly with his Papa and that Margo was helping Pedro look for Mariana in LA. Panchito thought bubbles how he will tell Pigorio about this.

Fabi and Flor are talking about El Viral and what happened when she caught Fabi and Army.

Tia Maria and El Viral are talking about what El Viral did when she caught Fabi and Army together and what El Viral did. Tia Maria tells El Viral you are so cruel how could you do this to your own son and his poor girlfriend? Tia tells El Viral she shouldn't punish the poor girl for the sins of her Grandpapa and her Papa. She says you should apologize to Army and Fabi and you need to concentrate on what you are going to do with your life and on your son and daughter. El Viral tells Tia that she is upset because she has little money and she needs to start looking for another man with money. Maria tells her to stop doing that and to look for a man she loves instead of money.

Rennie and Rita are talking and they can't wait to get that money from Tonio. Rita tells Rennie she wants to be Tonio's new girlfriend. Rennie thinks she is crazy and that Cameela will never give up Tonio. Rita basically tells Rennie where there is a will there is a way. She wants Tonio all to herself with his hacienda and all his money and his handsome self.

Padre Sebastian, Cameela and Pedro talk. Pedro tells Padre they are going to go back to Fresno now that they are back together and haven't found Mariana. Pedro says that he will take care of that paperwork so he and Cameela can finally get married. Padre warns Pedro he needs to tell Lucrazy and to be firm about it. Also Cameela tells Padre she can't wait to tell El Viral they are getting married.

Valentin and Pigorio are talking. Pigorio wants to know where Tonio is? He isn't answering his cell phone. Pigorio sends Valentin to look for Panchito.

Fabi and Flor are still talking about Army and what happened, and Fabi thinks she ought to break up with Army over what happened with his Mama. Panchito kind of listens at the door and hears the gist of what they are saying. He is filing this away in his memory banks for future use. He tells the girls he doesn't gossip (yeah right) and won't breathe a word of what he heard. He sees Fabi is very sad.

Tonio is talking to Dr. Manuel. He wants to know if he knows where Mariana is. Manuel plays dumb, and Tonio tells him the sad story of how Mariana married a man that doesn't love her and what this man, Pedro Ibbara, wanted was her hacienda and her money. Pedro is a very bad man. Manuel doesn't look like he beleives him, he is giving him the puzzled look. Mariana is listening outside the door and is upset that twice in one day some man is looking for her. She really doesn't want to know anymore about Pedro. Tonio tells Manuel if he sees her or needs more info to contact him at mio rancho El Alcatrash. Tonio leaves.

Army and Angel are still talking about the debacle at the hotel, when Tia Maria overhears. She encourages Army to talk to Fabi and tell her not to be upset cause El Viral is loca. Angel encourages Army to go find Fabi and explain.

Fabi and Flor are talking about Army too. Flor encourages Fabi to go look for Army and talk to him. Fabi thinks she ought to break up with Army. Flor just rolls her eyes.

Pedro, Cameela and Margo are all driving back together to El Tal. They stop at a pastry shop, and while Margo is inside they look at the wedding cakes the shop also makes. Margo comes back out and says he needed to stop to get something for them to eat, and they laugh and say hey this one with the cakes. Many smoochies between Pedro and Cameela and Margo laughs.

Pigorio is talking to that guy again (don't know his name) about Doris's divorce from Tonio.

Bridgette and Doris are also talking about the divorce and Brigette tells Doris to be careful she doesn't end up in the street with nothing.

Lucrazy and Tonio take a meeting. She tells Tonio about Cameela and Pedro being back together and how they are getting married. Tonio says don't worry about that. We found Mariana and that will put the kibosh on that. Lucrazy wants to activate the Yenny plan with the pics and the gaslight of Pedro. They are in agreement they will do this. Tonio tells her about the meeting he had with Manuel and that he told Manuel that Pedro is a very bad man. They are very happy to stop Pedro and Cameela.

Manuel and Mariana talk. Manuel tells her she needs to confront her past in Fresno and to find out what is true, what isn't and also who is good or bad. Mariana doesn't really want to go, but she says Manuel is right and they need to go to Fresno and find out what is what.

While on the road Pedro takes a call from Padre who tells him he is sending someone named Beatrice to pick up those papers from Pedro about either the divorce from Mariana or declaring her dead. He tells Pedro a flight number she will be on and also to give the papers to her. Pedro calls Tia Patty to tell her this info about the papers and the flight number of Beatrice and to have everything together when he gets back so they can deliver these papers to the airport. Tia Patty repeats the flight number. Panchito is also listening to this and puts this in his memory banks to tell Pigorio.

Panchito meets with Pigorio and tells him about the papers, the flight and about Mariana and Pedro and what he overheard Tia Patty talking about with Pedro. Pigorio is freaking out. He tells Panchito to find Valentin and not to ask any questions. He says Valentin is better equipped to take care of this. Panchito told Pigorio that he thinks Mariana is coming back to Fresno. Pigorio and Valentin meet again, and Pigorio tells Valentin he is to kill Mariana tomorrow at the airport when she arrives! Valentin doesn't want to do this for fear of the police presence and Pigorio says too bad find a way cause I ain't going to the carcel! Pigorio wants Valentin to kill both Mariana and Pedro at the airport.

Army and Angel break into El Alcatrash again! The find Nana outside and put a hand over her mouth so she won't scream. They tell her they won't hurt her they are only looking for Fabi and that Army really needs to talk to her. Nana agrees to be quiet and they ask her to go find Fabi. She does and tells Fabi Armando is outside. Fabi is so happy. She goes outside, Angel introduces himself to her and goes around the corner so Fabi and Army can talk. Army apologizes up and down about what happened at the hotel and that his Mama had no right to do what she did. Fabi accepts his apology and tells her his Mama will have to deal. Angel tries to hurry Army along before they get caught. Flor is so worried about what is taking so long. She wants to go out there to see, but Nana tells her, let Fabi and Army have some alone time. Finally Flor is tired of waiting and calls out to Fabi that she is coming out. Army wants to leave, but Fabi wants him to meet her sister. Army is panicked.

Margo, Cameela and Pedro make it back to El Tal. Pedro tells Margo to get some rest, and Cameela too. Pedro is bringing the bags up to the room when here comes Lucrazy. He tells her she has to leave. Lucrazy is not happy. He tells her he and Cameela are back together, and he will give her money to rent an apartment, but she can't live at El Tal anymore. She tells him about how Cameela is the one that set up the Mariana phone calls to him and he can meet the woman that called if he wants too. Lucrazy tries to tell Pedro that Cameela is the crazy one.

While at Madame Brigette's Pigorio asks if Katerina is there. Madame I think tells him not. Pigorio runs into the Notary there, and the Notary (who is also the PI) tells Pigorio that Pedro wasn't only in LA to find Margarito, he was there to find Mariana as well. Pigorio is very pithed off.

Mariana is having nightmares about Fresno. She asks God to aid her in her quest for her past. And there we end.


A hodgepodge of scenes of Mariana, Pedro, Pigorio and Tonio.


El Abismo de pasión #27 4/17/12: Hotheads and Cold Beds

Oficina Tovar:

Carmina still has her tongue in the Doc’s ear. Between pants & gasps, she repeats that if he really loved her he’d falsify the blood test. At least tell me why, he says, but she refuses. The Doc carefully weighs his training, career, professional ethics and reputation against Carmina’s bazongas, and…the bazongas lose! Go figure! Guess they didn’t weigh quite enough.

“You’ve lost me forever,” snarls Carmina. “And you’ve lost ME forever,” says Ed. Good doctor!

On her way out, Carmina takes advantage of Paloma’s lunch break to steal the address of the clinic in Mérida. Hey, it’s only strike one – she’s not out yet.

Procesadora La Anita:

Damián snags Braulio to show los Landuchi around the factory. Florencia’s first observation is that the workers just look so tacky in their little outfits – couldn’t Dam make them wear something cuter? It’s not a casa de modas, he snaps. Really, girl.

Everybody puts on hair nets and dust masks for the Learning Channel tour of habaneros getting bathed & fluffed. Even with only their eyes showing, the Italian contingent looks bored to tears. Zesty Damián looks like he could pinch peppers all day.

Finally Flo starts whining about the heat and runs on home, while Paolo heads to the procesadora office to visit his new bestie Gabino. While Braulio fills Damián in on the real story behind Don Lucio’s “retirement,” Gabino spins Paolo the Arango-approved tale of Eliza coming onto him in the street. (OK; Blue Lass has changed her mind – he can’t be redeemed, no matter how nice he is to his horsey.)

Casita Azul:

Gabino shows up for a rendezvous with Carmina, “right on time,” he points out, just as she asked. But I thought you didn’t want anything to do with me? She circles him like a jungle cat and asks exactly what he would be prepared to do “to have a woman like her.” “Anything,” he says, and somehow he manages not to look like a whipped dog when he says it. (Dr. Tovar, take note.) I think we see where this is going…

But no! He wants trash-on-the-barrelhead, while she wants to run a tab. Scuffle, hiss, lárgates-all-around. Strike two for Team Orange!

Casa Padrino:

Damián drops by to visit Don Lucio and oh, by the way, offer him his old job back. Don Lucio demurs – are you really sure it’s your place to do that? Why are you going back to Mexico anyway – just to prove that mama's not the boss of you? Damián, in a confessing mood, admits not only that Lucio’s partly right, but also that he always dreamed about returning home and taking over the procesadora…but he has another reason to roll besides cutting the apron strings: he’s afraid he might fall in love with Eliza.

This is a telenovela, so of course Eliza is just about to come through the door with a pitcher of water. Cara muy impactada de Eliza, pitcher muy impactada on the floor. Eliza rabbits off. Oopsie, says Blanca – clumsy me!

Casa Castañon:

Paolo shows up to mack on Eliza, who asks him what part of “not even remotely interested” he doesn’t understand. After he leaves, Carmina keeps her part of their little devil’s bargain by telling Eliza she should think twice. After all, she doesn’t have a lot of options in this town. Heckuva marketing plan there, tía.

Assgusto™ sort-of apologizes to Eliza about his latest outburst, but she wants to talk peppers. What if Doña Alfonsina really means it about buying up? Why can’t we plant the fallow fields, Daddy? Why? Why? Assgusto bahs, humbugs, and storms out as usual.

Casa Arango:

Damián walks in the front door and is greeted by Lady A, who demands to know where he was, what he was doing, and who he was with. Unsurprisingly, this gets up his nose, and he tells her he went to offer Don Lucio his old job back. You QUE QUE QUE??? He looks Mommy Dearest full in the face and enunciates very carefully: yes, his old job. At the pro-ce-sa-do-ra.

She squawks that he has no business hiring useless people. Oh, you mean like Paolo? Anyway, I thought you wanted me to take an interest. Alfie gets a gleam in her eye. Well, if you move back here, you can make all the decisions you want…once you’re married, of course. She’s not taking any chances. He says he’ll think about it. (Well, she didn’t say married to whom!)

The Only Restaurant in La Ermita

Damián joins Florencia and Begoña’s brats for dinner out, arriving just in time to keep Enrique from admiring Flo a little too much. The kids switch into rapid-fire gossip mode, running through all the latest scandals, real and imagined – the slap at the party, Eliza coqueteando a Gabino, the altercation with Don Lucio – they are amazed that Damián knows none of this. (Well, maybe he has other things to do -- like be a grown-up.) Then Enrique laughs that no one should be surprised about Eliza and Gabino: after all, she goes with everybody.


Dam elbows aside all the incensed middle-aged women in Viewerland and goes to the head of the smackline, where he picks up that pup and tosses him across the cantina like a sack o’ habaneros. He then storms out, with Flo following in tears – would you defend me like that? Would you? Damián can’t answer, which is answer enough.

Casa Arango: The Big Finish

Eliza makes a formal visit to Doña Alfonsina to talk business. Were you serious about buying up our crop? It doesn’t matter, says Alfie smugly, because your father would have to agree, and he doesn’t. We don’t need my father, says Eliza, holding her pointy little chin high: I will be planting my own fields. You go, girl!

More happenings around town:

Useless Vicente has his first day of actual real work at the procesadora. It doesn’t go well.

Ramona warns Carmina to lay off her niece. Listen here, witchy – no, you listen, slutzy – the conversation goes nowhere, and even the mule doesn’t think it’ll do any good.

Eliza fondles her amulet and looks all goofy. [Ai Virgencita, thank you for not giving me the dueling-amulets scene! I promise to be very, very good until my next recap.]

Irritating Ingrid™ pretends to sprain an ankle in front of Gael to gain access to the house. Padre Lupe is not best pleased but misses a chance to come clean – one of many, no doubt.

Carmina tries unsuccessfully to bribe the nurse at the blood lab with a string of pearls. Strike three!


Lots of amulet action, and Enrique lobs a soft grounder to Flo on first base.


La Que No Podía Amar #80 Tuesday 4/17/12 That darn blabbermouth kid

La que no podía amar (LQNPA) April 17, 2012, Cap 80
That darn blabbermouth kid

This is another short bulleted recap, which hopefully will be expanded later. (UPDATE: It's been as filled out as it's gonna get!)

We start out with a screencap:

Rohell, garbed in fetching hospital gear, looks serious after hearing from that blabbermouth M-Grito that Cupcake is bedridden.

RECAP IN BRIEF (Events are not necessarily listed in order)

* It looks like Rutile is believed now to be the culprit for Maripaz's demise and Miguel is (finally!) off the hook. Macaria and Ulises apologize to Miguel. Consuelo does too, and she and Miguel hug and make up.

* Sinthia is now officially the Weakest Link. She has messed up the cattle thing soooo badly. She's told by the officials that this doping the cattle thing could land her (or someone) in jail. She begs Effer for help, but he tells her to accept the blame for messing up. She took the guards off the cattle, just to defy Cupcake and now she (Sin) is going to have to accept the consequences for that.

Sin is desperate for Effer's help, but it's not forthcoming, since she's been such an idiot. She also earns points with Effer by calling him "stupid." 

* The Gustavito gives Cupcake a rose and tells her some mushy stuff about how he'd die if anything were to happen to her or the hijo. Then he tells her about Miguel's good news. She's thrilled. Gustavito moves in for a kiss but Cupcake doesn't seem all that eager to be kissed by him. Tia walks in on this (interrupting the almost-kiss) and rips the Cupcake a new one for allowing all this to happen.

Prince Charming . . . NOT.

Cupcake really isn't totally into getting this kiss, but she doesn't resist it either. Fortunately Tia comes in to save the day. (Seriously, Cupcake? This is in your HUSBAND'S house. True, he's been a douche, and true, he's not a "real" husband . . . yet . . . but he's trusting in YOU. Use some decorum. And you too Gustavito! You eat Rohell's food, boink his sister, and now are putting the moves on his wife, while he blissfully is unaware and trusting.  Sheesh!)

* Sin complains to Bruno about the clenbuterol. Somehow it's Cupcake's fault, she thinks. Really, she is too much.

* Mersnotty freaking out by the Gustavito's near miss with Rutile and his gun. Shrieking and carrying on as I FF>>>

* Sin thinks that when the clenbuterol crap (however you spell it) clears from the cattles' bodies (a few days) that they should be good to sell. Vainessa, however, says no way, that the cattle are contaminated and she's not buying them! Sin tries to play the friendship card with Vain, but Vain, who is for the moment showing common sense, is not going along with this. She even threatens to sue Sin if she doesn't sort out this mess. Impactada look from Sin. Vain says she'll get her meat somewhere else, she's not going to let her business suffer because of Sinthia's idiocy. (Remember, Sin ordered the guards off of the cattle, which then allowed them to be tainted yet again with clenbuterol crap.)

* Vain even goes on to say that she now sees why Rohell never allowed Sinthia to handle her half of the Hacienda—she's incompetent! Also, it's revealed that if they lose this account, that the Hacienda could be out half of their profits. Vain also reluctantly admits that when Paula was in charge, things were going okay. So this is all Sin's doing. Sin responds to all of this by kicking Vain out.

"Don't put the blame on Cupcake!" Vain yells at Sin.

* More crap with Team Evil. The Gustavito knows that Rutile worked for Bruno. The Gustavito also knows now that Bruno was the guy that Mersnotty saw kissing Cupcake. Gustavito now connects the dots and figures that Bruno sent Rutile to beat him up, thus separating him from the Cupcake, and threatens Bruno and says if he ever finds out that it was Bruno that was behind his beating . . . Bruno tries to imply that Rohell ordered Rutile to beat up Gustavito. He leaves in a huff and Bruno displays a sh*t-eating grin.

Sneaky Bruno smirks as a huffy Gustavito leaves.

* Tia comes in and puts in a word for Team Rohell. What a great guy he is, generous, blah blah blah. She tells Cupcake that she loves Rohell. Cupcake claims that she loves both guys. More claims of confusion. FF>>

* Effer talks with Ulises and Macaria about that Rutile guy. They're trying to connect the dots more about him being the culprit for Maripaz's death. After Macaria leaves, Ulises and Effer talk about Ulises's marriage. Yeah, right. Ulises says that at some point it feels like he and Macaria became less of a couple and more like Maripaz's parents. He's afraid that Macaria doesn't love him anymore. Effer looks concerned about this.

* Sin cries on the Gustavito's shoulder about being such a complete and utter loser and hopeless at running the business. Gustavito gives her encouraging words, not aware of what a complete dipshit she really is.

* Cupcake writes Rohell a very lovey-dovey, touchy-feely letter to Rohell, hoping for the best outcome for the operation, telling him that she "querers" him, and ending the letter by giving him a "strong hug." All very affectionate, so you know Rohell's going to lap that up.

* Cupcake gives this letter to Maria (who will relay it to Ernesto). She and Maria have a nice little chat where she thanks Maria for her support, even though she knows that her complicated situation (impregnated by the Gustavito) will affect Rohell when he finds out. Maria smiles and says she doesn't see any reason to make things more difficult for Cupcake. Then it comes out how Sin is treating poor Maria like crap, even though Maria raised her from infanthood. Maria is very hurt by this and cries that Sin makes sure to remind her that she's just a servant. Cupcake comforts her.

Sin, you bruja, you made your NANA cry. That is seriously not okay.

* More with Sin and Gustavito. She can count on him to help; he thinks it's troubling that there's someone trying to sabotage them.

* Bruno spins some BS tale to Ulises, saying that he didn't know what Rutile was up to and that he's told the police everything he knows, but it wasn't enough to help. Ulises has no reason not to believe this.

* Rohell is writing a letter to Cupcake, while wearing black satin jammies. He displays his dimples to great advantage and he remembers (as we are shown flashbacks) all the good times with Cupcake—her offering him a taste of her ice cream cone, the many kisses they shared, and so forth. He remembers her saying that if she fell in love with him, all she'd care about was him. This brings on even more dimples as he smiles, all hopeful and oblivious to what's really going on at home, thinking good thoughts of love about his blushing bride. Then the nurse comes in to ask him how he's doing. He says he's fine, but nervous, since tomorrow he's having an operation that will change his life forever. Then he gives another dimpled grin. Aw, Rohell, bless your heart, your trusting, hopeful heart!

Writing a letter in his satin jammies.

Remembering some of the good times with Cupcake, while also remembering what she told him about if she falls in love with him, he'll be the only thing she'll think of. 

Hopeful and dimpled.

* Sin and Bruno talking about the cattle problem. She tells him all her concerns. He advises her to suck it up and ask Vain for help.

* Chio appears and I hit the FF button. Sorry. (Okay, I didn't hit the FF button but I felt the need to check my email just then. Just saying.) Actually, she's looking for a good carpenter. Gus does know of one, as it happens.

* Mersnotty tries to make nice with Cupcake, since Cupcake is the incubator for Mersnotty's niece or nephew. She also tells Cupcake that the Gustavito would "die for" the kid. Cupcake is touched, I guess.

* Tia gets into an argument with Bruno about all that's going down. Bruno has a plan, however. Rohell will be gone for a while, Cupcake can have her baby (or not) and in the meantime, they can conspire to get everything signed over in Cupcake's name, and then Bruno can get his lands back, and then start to manage the Del Fuerte Hacienda. He has a lot of contacts and can repair the soon-to-be-trashed reputation of the Hacienda by saying that it's no longer in the hands of the Monteros.

* Tia enjoys rubbing it in with the Gustavito how his single (cheapskate LOL) rose does not compare favorably with Rohell's (hideous) large floral arrangement. She makes a big production of finding somewhere to put Gustavito's lone rose, making sure the Gustavito sees Rohell's lavish gift in the process. The Gustavito gets the message loud and clear.

* Sinthia approaches Cupcake in her sickbed and asks Cupcake if she really cares for Rohell, and if so, Sin will help clear the path for Cupcake, encourage Rohell to accept Cupcake and her kid, as this will leave the field clear for Sin to swoop in on the Gustavito and marry him. Cupcake looks a bit incredulous at hearing this offer.

* Things are going bad for Sin, who is now regretting her arrogant mishandling of the cattle thing. Vain just isn't in the mood to let her business suffer due to Sin's idiocy. David looms in and says to Sin that he's the only one who is left supporting her. Sin replies that it's a lie; had he been truly "supportive," he wouldn't have cut off water to the Hacienda. Ouch!

* Rohell is about to go to be operated on, and he calls home. Big mistake. He gets that blabbermouth kid M-Grito, who lets slip that Cupcake is bedriddin and too ill to come to the phone. Rohell tries to act like he's not concerned, and M-Grito immediately realizes that he blabbed where he shouldn't, but the DAMAGE IS DONE, DAMMIT!!! You can see the wheels spinning in Rohell's mind as he digests this news.

Rohell is shocked to hear about Paula's mystery illness.

Little blabbermouth realizes too late that he's stuck his foot in it.

* Later, Cupcake, M-Grito, and Maria all pray for Rohell's well-being as they wait for news on his operation. Which never comes. Night falls and still no news. 

Many prayers for Rohell's wellbeing.

Avances: Rohell returns to the Hacienda, STILL IN HIS WHEELCHAIR. That darn kid! He's ruined everything! We see Rohell talking with Cupcake, his face at first hopeful, but then she drops the bomb and you see Rohell looking shocked and striken. I think she's going to make Rohell cry.

Here are some select screenshots:

Still hopeful, Rohell rolls into Cupcake's room.

She drops the bomb. . .

. . . and I think she made him cry!

Poor Rohell, still absorbing the shock.

That is all I've got in me. Put a fork in it, I am done!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #211-212 Tue 4/17/12 Get out your gowns and scrubs, it's a hospital episode!

We get a busy intro, mostly focused on the hospital, where Doc Oc rehashes the details of the transplant and lets them know that Lupita is compatible. Frida has a little tiff with Monica, and Freddy shoots some evil eyes at Ana's other guy. Pancho is extremely upset and Rebe, stuck at home with a mega-belly, emotes and asks her friend to bring her chocolate. Pancho really has a cow.

Vicente has ALREADY found new love, in the form of the juicy tax auditor. He joyfully takes the good news to Enzo and Arnold, who try to hose down his parade-float.

Meanwhile, IRS barbie is explaining to her friend how disgusting Vins was when he looked at her, drooling.

Chela is still whining about her milk.

Monica takes Pepe out for some stale hospital coffee and tells him she loves him too much to let him go.

The writers continue to milk this kidney thing for all it's worth (maybe it was this show's turn to use the certainly-very-busy hospital set), and a stream of family members engage in tearful scenes. It goes on for over 10 minutes. Maybe she's going to die... this is really OTT with the teary closeups and intense music.

While the Lopez sob at the hospital, Vins flirts with IRS barbie and her buddy. They know he's married but decide to play a trick on him. They giggle loudly and speak invitingly so Candi will overhear them (which gets her suspicious), but barbie's got something else up her sleeve. Vins knows he's beat and cancels his dinner with them so he can go lie to Candi. She buys it. I wonder where this is headed (and how long it'll take Candi to find out he hasn't changed)?

IRS barbie is actually pretty sweet to Pancho. Rebe gives him an elbow in the ribs.

Now the two girls get a scene on their parallel beds, holding hands, and the writers get another crack at those teary sendoffs. Then they head to the operating room and we watch them go under anesthesia.

Frank shows up with a balloon, reveals that he was the one who told Ana she was fat, and Pancho just about busts his melon.

Frida sneaks a kiss on Pepe in plain sight of Moni. Then we get to watch the surgery! Yay! I take it back, they'll both be fine. I think.

Chacho has a chat with Pancho, where he skirts the topic of Sandra. I notice that his lollipop is drooping. Pancho presses him, and he reveals that his dingle doesn't tingle. That's an interesting wrinkle.

Pina has a chat with auditor-barbie: Pina is very cute and warns her about Vins.

Now it's Arnie's turn. He brings in his statements and proceeds to flirt pretty heavy with the auditor's friend, who knows he's supposed to be gay....

Doc Oc comes out with the news, looking a little grim. The music is severe. We cut to commercials, which I find odd because I thought they were gonna close out the show on that cliffhanger. After a little bit of helpful news about McDonalds and stuff, it turns out the operation went fine. Talk about anticlimactic. The first person Pancho calls? auditor barbie!

Enzo lets Vins know that he's been offered the presidency of an "important telcom company in Monterrey," and Vins tries to talk him out of it.

They all rush in to see Ana, but no one wheels in Lupita. It turns out Doc Oc was not entirely truthful. Lupita's got some kind of blood-clot and is not well. Maybe he forgot because of his Alzheimer's. Pancho sobs. Everyone is sad. I can barely handle this stuff. The docs wheel her out into the hall and she's feeling better. They move her into the bed next to Ana.

Now we get a stream of well-wishers one at a time into the hospital room.

Frida is really catty with Monica, and lets her know that she didn't sleep in the chair that night long ago. Really?

Chela doesn't want Enzo to take the job, but tries not to be so obvious about it.

Now we get the first bit of something new - Candi has straightened her hair and dressed as a schoolgirl to try and keep Vins interested. Interesting...

And yay, it's over!


El Talismán #55 Tue 4/17/12

We are free to discuss among ourselves. There may be bullets later.

First Half:
(by Sylvia)
Big excitement at El Tal. Gabriel has purchased a brand new red car, some cute litte hatchback thingie. (A commercial advertised a Ford Focus so maybe that’s it.) He wants to surprise the catwoman. When he goes inside Sarita is pithed off until Tracy spills the beans.

Fabi wants to go to the hotel room with Army. He kvetches silently about his perfidy.

Doris wants to tie one on with Tony to celebrate their last day of marriage. She fondles the belt buckle and jumps on him for one last farewell get the idea. He wants to pretend Doris is Cameela and gets slapped for it. She snarls that everyone hates him including his father. He pushes her on the bed but Pigoria shows up and tells Tony hands off.

Pedro meets with Doc Benitez and tells him about Mariana Aceves, his amnesiac wife who disappeared. Doc wonders why Mariana fled from her husband. “Is that what she told you?” asks Pedro. Doc doesn’t commit and tries to figure Pedro out. (Good luck with that Doc.) He is incredulous when Pedro explains their wedded relationship was that of  “hermanos”. Doc recommends that Pedro just live his life but Pedro says he’s been looking for Mariana for too many years. Doc insists that Magaly is not Mariana. (How he can be so sure is beyond me because he hasn’t even seen a picture of her.) Pedro brings up Cameela and the doc gets more practice making the confused face. Pedro explains what we already know. 

Smarmy Lucas enters the waiting room. He smirks when Mariana asks if  he needs help, then he sneakily confirms she is *the* Mariana.

Doc calls Mariana and asks her to retrieve some records from his car. But there is nothing in the car, so Doc must have called just to get rid of her. 

Pedro finally shows Doc a picture of Mariana and asks if the Doc hears anything about her to call him. Doc tells the pic that it’s time for her to face her past.

Camila presses Claudio for Mariana’s whereabouts but Claudio doesn’t know. Camila whines and frets about Mariana and Pedro for several scenes. She and Padre Matchmaker run into Margarito and the guys advise her to cool down, finding Mariana has long been a dream for Pedro.

Pedro goes to a church and prays to find Mariana alive and well. 

Meanwhile Camila sits on her bed and prays that Pedro will find Mariana. Pedro walks in the door and says it’s another dead end, let’s go back to Fresno. He reports that the doc didn’t seem to recognize her photo. He figures at this point it’s best to assume she’s dead.

Sarita and Gab are outside jumping around the car. “Just imagine everything we can do inside of it,” grins the little horndog, and I’m talking about Gab, not Sarita. She’s ready to christen that car right now. Aw, they’re cute.

Fabi and Army slowly enter the hotel room. He doesn’t want to do anything she will regret. He goes for the gold and seems to have forgotten about telling her the truth, although he does mention he loves her.

Mariana knows Doc faked the errand to get her out of the office. He admits that is was Pedro, her husband, who was there with him.

Back in Fresno Pigorio and Tony are still going at it. Tony says Doris is still his mujer, not the pig’s. El Pig, with Doris cowering behind him, orders Tony out. “Keep her, I give her to you as a gift,” snarls the Belt Buckle. Pigorio embraces a smug Doris.

Tony sees LooKrazy out on the porch. She’s come to tell him Cami and Pedro are going to marry. He has a fit but insists he’ll marry Cami, he’s even got the rings picked out.

Darn, I was hoping we’d have an Elvira-free episode. She shows up at the apartment and she looks down her nose at everything. She wants Army but hears he’s out with his girl. “Which of the two?” she asks. She goes to her room and comes out in a state, Army has forgotten to bring over her beauty creams! She dashes off to The Only Hotel Inn to retrieve them.

Doc and Mariana go back to The Only Bar In LA so he can tell her about Pedro, that he married Mariana to protect her (at which he failed miserably I might add), but that he really loves another woman named Camila. 

Oh gross, Fab and Army have done the deed. Fab is dressed but Army’s still in bed nekkid just as ElViral flounces in, “What’s going on here?”

Second Half:
(also by Sylvia)

ElViral is exceedingly annoyed that Army just boinked the pig’s granddaughter. Elvira calls her a little tramp and NOOOOOOO, Army jumps out of bed. Whew! He’s still scary but at least wearing undies. Fab bolts. Elviral is pleased, he has humiliated a Negrete, next in line is the little sis.

Mariana assumes this Camila is to blame for coming between her and her husband. Doc’s not exactly what Cami’s role was. Mariana is so confused. (Franky dear, so are we.)

Cami and Pedro smooch under the anvils, making up for lost time.

Lucas calls Tony to tell him Mariana is alive. Tony asks if Lucas is betraying El Pig how can he be sure Lucas won’t betray the Belt Buckle? No guts no glory, says Lucas. He reports he followed Pedro, but Pedro never saw Mari.  They make an appointment to discuss terms.

Pigorio tells Doris that tomorrow is her divorce and he doesn’t want to see her flirting with anyone else.  She convinces him she no longer cares for Tony, he is her past. He says he wants Tony far from the ranch. Doris smiles victoriously.

Tony goes after Valentin. He wants the truth about what happened to Mariana. Val says El Pig made Val abandon Mari in LA. Tony asks why didn’t they just kill her? Val explains the pig wanted her to suffer. Tony doesn’t know who is crueler, The Pig or The Belt Buckle. Val whines about going to jail. Tony says he’s going to LA first thing, he wants to find Mari first.

Flor frets to Tracy about her parent’s problems. Yawn.

Fab runs home in tears and cries that La Marmota caught them in bed and insulted her. It was the biggest shame of her life.  Tracy runs right down to the kitchen and blabs it to Alberta. She says this Armando sounds very weird to her.

ElViral and Army get back to the apartment. He’s pithed. Elvira snarls that the Negretes must pay for what they did to her. Maria rolls her eyes.

Next morning Doris and Pigorio kiss to celebrate her divorce. The lawyer shows up and announces Tony is a no-show. Pigorio orders Valentin to find Tony. Doris gripes if Tony doesn’t show she’ll nix the divorce. Pig tells her she’ll do what he says.

The Belt Buckle arrives in LA and meets with Lucas. He shows Tony proof and Tony hands over a wad of cash. Lucas gives Tony the address of Doc’s office. Lucas says as long as Tony keeps paying he’ll work for him. Tony says it won’t be long, the Pig’s gonna die soon.

Pedro and Camila run into Margarito and report that the woman he saw was not Mariana. They tell him they are on their way to Fresno to get going on their marriage. Margarito doesn’t think he’ll go back with them because Claudio is still mad.

Fab mopes about Armando.

Armando gripes to his cousin about mom treating Fab like dirt. He blabs that it was Fabs first time and he really truly loves her.

Mariana tells Doc she’s ready to be brave and face her past. Tony walks into the office and she stares at him. Does she know him? Is he Pedro? Doc walks back in and Tony says he’d like to talk to the Doc alone.

Cut to a close-up of Geno kissing that guy she likes, with Claudio in the background. Weird. Panchito runs to Claudio and tells him to beat it because he’s got orders to kill him.

Pig and Doris decide she should go ahead and sign the papers. He decrees that from this moment she is divorced and now she belongs to him. She says now nobody can criticize him for bedding his daughter-in-law. (Hack, spit, gargle!)

That’s it folks. Kind of leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth, doesn’t it?


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