Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #111-112 Mon 2/6/12 Lawyers are gathering.

We start this episodes from a few scenes from last Friday, including the breakfast scene where Vicente asks Meli about Pina’s and Freddy’s whereabouts, the hospital scene where Pina is about to have her procedure, the office scene where Vicente and Enzo are talking, and Chacho’s birthday party.

We’ll begin at the birthday party where Chacho finally confesses to Chela that he’s in love with her. He questions why she would choose to go out with someone like Enzo. He’s almost in tears and Chela is truly surprised.

The episode begins with the two young lovebirds, Pepe and Monica, looking at an apartment. It’s definitely not the type of apartment that Monica is used to, and Pepe knows it. It’s small and perhaps not an upper class place to live. Monica reassures Pepe that what matters most to her is that where ever they live, they’ll be together. Sweet scene.

Back at the birthday party, Chacho is quite embarrassed and bummed about his confession to Chela. He apologizes for having said what he did and runs off leaving Chela and Pancho uncertain as to what they should do.

At the new apartment, Pepe and Monica sign the lease and receive the keys. They’re thrilled.
Suddenly, Monica notices that there’s something wrong with Freddy. He confesses that he’s still shocked with the news of Ana and Freddy.

At the hospital, Ana leaves Freddy and Arnold. Freddy and Arnold talk, and Freddy asks for help. Freddy doesn’t know why his mom continues to put up with Vicente’s infidelities and humiliations. Arnold explains that Pina is a lonely woman who depends on Vicente and Freddy for her life and happiness. They continue talking, and Freddy asks Arnold to help Pina leave Vicente. Freddy can count on Arnold.

At the Casa Popular, Lupita makes her triumphant return. The kids ask if she’s still sad. Lupita explains that she’s still sad, but rather than dressing in black as a way of mourning, she shows them her new black ribbon. The kids go off and play and Elena and Lupita talk.

Elena asks how Lupita is doing, and Lupita asks if she is truly concerned about her well being. She tells Elena that since Alex’s death, she’d not gone to pay her condolences or see how Lupita was doing. Elena stays quiet. Lupita questions their friendship.

Pancho and Chato talk. Pancho regrets having told Chacho about Chela and Enzo. They continue talking about a different topic. We all know that this topic deals with Pancho eventually proposing to the lovely Rebeca. Rebe walks in as the guys are talking and Chato leaves. Rebeca is on to Pancho and knows he’s hiding something. Hmmm.

Back to Lupita and Elena. Elena is quite bitter. She repeats to Lupita that she and Tomas are like the ugly stepchildren to the Lopez family. Lupita denies this, but Elena doesn’t believe her. Lupita finally asks why Elena hates her so much, and all Elena does is tell Lupita not to act like a victim. Lupita reminds Elena that Alex just passed away and that she’s suffering a lot. All Elena tells Lupita is that she’ll get over it.

Monica enters the house very happy and Enzo wonders why. Monica knows that even though he probably won’t like the news that she must tell him. Monica tells Enzo that she and Pepe signed the papers for their first apartment together. Enzo isn’t jumping for joy at the news.

Chela is thinking and feeling bad regarding what happened with Chacho. Pepe walks in and tries to talk with his aunt Chela. Chela tells him.

Back to Enzo and Monica. Enzo continues to convince Monica to wait a while until both kids have a better and more stable income. Monica reassures Enzo that she’s happy and loves Pepe with all her heart. That’s what matters most.

Chela tells Pepe that things will definitely change with Chacho.

Pancho meets up with Chacho who is taking out his anger on a punching bag. Chacho is very hurt because Chela doesn’t love him the way he loves her. Why Transeti? Why Transeti?

Pepe meets with Enzo. Enzo talks to Pepe in a very nice and civilized way. Enzo is showing Pepe that he’s changing. Enzo offers to buy Pepe and Monica an apartment in a good district that is probably better than what they got. Pepe declines Enzo’s offer. Enzo then says that he’s willing to lend Pepe the money. Again, Pepe declines in a very courteous way.

Pancho and Lupita are talking. Pancho asks for Lupita’s help regarding a plan. Hmmm, what does Pancho have up his sleeve for the lovely Rebeca? Whatever it is, it has to do with the computer and he asks his favorite daughter for help.

Back to Enzo and Pepe. Pepe is very gracious and yet, he’s honest and direct with Enzo. He thanks Enzo for accepting his relation with Monica. He also thanks him for his generous offer. Pepe lets Enzo know that he doesn’t plan to start his life with Monica with loans and debt. He makes sure and thanks Enzo once again. Before leaving his office, Pepe lets Enzo know what a good and wonderful person he truly is. Pepe is the real deal here.

Pina tells Freddy and Arnold that losing her baby was a huge life defeat for her. She continues hating Candi and blaming Vicente. Both guys tell Pina that she has an entire life ahead of her and that she needs to start her life by loving and valuing herself as a person. She needs to be independent.

Vicente finds himself at home, feeling bad about Candi, and having his whisky. He asks Adoracion where Pina and Freddy are, and she doesn’t know. He shows some concern and calls Freddy. Freddy lies to Vicente regarding Freddy’s and Pina’s whereabouts.

Before the commercial break, there’s a very short scene…a teaser almost…where Chela comes up to Chacho and asks if they can talk.

Lupita and Pancho are at the house, and Lupita is giving Pancho instructions as to how the surprise for Rebe will work via computer. At that moment, Rebe calls Pancho and wants to know what’s going on. Pancho is loving being mischievous and messing with Rebe. She’ll just have to wait till the next day for her surprise!

Chacho and Chela talk, and the truth begins to be revealed. Chela tells Chacho that she had no idea Chacho felt anything for her. She speaks with the truth. Basically, she lets him know that he’s a very good friend, but that’s it. She asks not to lose Chacho’s friendship. Chacho, being the gentleman that he is, assures her that she’ll never lose his friendship. He asks if he can give her a kiss, and she accepts.

The next morning, Pina returns from the hospital and asks everyone to leave her alone with Vicente. He asks where she’s been all night, and Pina finally confesses that she was at the hospital because she lost the baby. Vicente asks if she’s OK or if she needs anything. Pina tells him not to fake concern and Vicente begins to leave. Before he does, Pina announces that she wants a divorce.

At the office, Pancho is very nervous. He waits for Rebeca in his office…nervously. She enters, she wants to know about the surprise, and Pancho surprises her with a video done on the computer with their song “Un Dia De Suerte” in the background. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a marriage proposal in an authentic and romantic way. Of course she says yes! Of course, the whole company finds out and applauds and gives their approval.

As of now, we see a new Pina…more serious and decisive. She’s serious about wanting a divorce and asks Vicente to leave the house as soon as possible. Of course, he doesn’t take her seriously and says no. She lets him know they can settle things peacefully and maturely or battle it out. Vicente still doesn’t take her seriously. They will definitely battle it out! He lets her know that he’ll crush her like a roach! If she wants him to leave, it will have to be by force!

Next we have a cute scene with Pepe and Monica, talking while having some pan dulce (Sweet bread). He relays the conversation with Enzo. He also shares his observations of the new and improved Enzo.

Pepe then goes to visit Pancho and finds out about the wonderful news. He teases them and has a bit of fun but then ends up congratulating the couple.

Pina is pretty depressed, and rightfully so. She does tell herself that she will gain strength from the loss of her unborn child. She swears she will triumph in life.

Vicente is a jerk with everybody. He tells Arnold that with friends like him, he doesn’t need enemies. He makes Freddy feel very bad for having lied to him. He has a bad attitude toward Celeste. What a jerk.

Rebe and Barbara talk and Barbara announces that she’s going to Paris for a while. Rebeca lets Barbara know that she would like her as her maid of honor.

Vicente asks Enzo and Sandra to recommend the best divorce lawyer in Mexico. Sandra informs him that the lawyer’s name is Gabriel Mendoza.

A couple of minor scenes.
At the Irabien house, Pina asks Adoracion for help in getting dressed and fixed up. She’s going somewhere.
Then there’s a tender scene with Freddy and Ana. Freddy feels bad because of what’s happening with his parents. Ana comforts him with a kiss.
A short scene. Monica and Pepe are making plans regarding furnishing their apartment.
They spot Ana and Freddy. Pepe is still not very comfortable with his sister dating young Freddy Irabien.
Monica, Ana, and Freddy try to get Pepe to calm down. Ana lets Pepe and Monica know about the imminent Irabien divorce.

At a restaurant, Enzo and Chela are talking about the same thing. Chela begins thinking about and feeling bad for Candi. Chela thinks that Candi will feel very guilty regarding Vicente’s divorce. Enzo thinks that not even the largest amount of guilt kept Vicente and Candi from getting together.
While at the restaurant, they also talk about Pepe and Monica cohabitating. Enzo lets Chela know that even though he’s not in agreement with the kids’ decision, he must support his daughter.
Chela receives a phone call from Temo wondering if she’s going to be home for dinner. Temo is fine until he finds out that she’s at a restaurant with Enzo. He hangs up on her. Childish tantrum.

Lupita and Candi are having a conversation when all of a sudden, Candi receives a phone call. It’s Vicente. Candi doesn’t answer the phone.

Right at that moment, Sandra announces that the lawyer is there to see Vicente.

Vicente and Gabriel talk, and Vicente is notified that if Pina has proof of adultery and infidelity, she has the entire law on her side and could get everything. Perfect grounds for divorce! Gabriel warns Vicente he is not to see Candi. Vicente refuses.
Even Gabriel encourages Vicente to have a peaceful divorce. Again, Vicente refuses.

Pina is at Avon and talking with Pancho. She tells Pancho she needs an office at the company because she intends to take possession of the stock she has in the company. She and Pancho have a nice talk, and Pancho lets her know that she can count of him and his support. She will have her office and begin working at Avon. Enzo is also called into Pancho’s office to help with financial matters and with Pina’s employment.

Vicente wants to strategize with his lawyer regarding the best way to “crush” Pina.

Of course, things begin to get heated at the company. Pina lets Vicente know about her plan to be at the company.

Temo and Meli. The kids have a conversation about why Temo is so sad. He lets Meli know that he doesn’t like his aunt Chela going out with a very mean man such as Enzo. He tells Meli that she is more than just an aunt…more like his mom.

More of the same continues to happen at the office. Vicente and Enzo are left to talk while Pancho shows Pina her new office.

At the Lopez house, Chela has two conversations. The first is with Lupita. Lupita lets Chela know that it is time to begin thinking of herself and be happy. If it’s with Enzo, so be it.
Chela then goes and talks to Temo. She tries to make him see that people such as Enzo have the ability to change. Temo is still acting quite bratty and childish about the whole thing.

Pina asks Arnold to think about giving her a job in public relations.
Pancho reads Freddy the riot act when it comes to Ana. Basically, he better watch every step he takes and every move he makes regarding Ana.

Pina has hired her own lawyer who is advising her. Pina is going to need proof of Vicente’s infidelity.

We end the episode with Vicente and Candi. He lets her know about the pending divorce and the loss of the baby.


Monday, February 06, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #30 Lunes 2/6/12 “Have You Ever Seen a Dream Walking? We Have!"

Ana Paula and Rogelio talk and hold hands on the deck of the cabin; Lady Chatterley and the stablehand are almost caught by the scullery maid. Ana Paula falls out of the rowboat.
Lagunas de Montebello: Rogelio shouts for Ana Paula and pulls the left oar into the boat. He then pulls himself up and falls into the water head first. Tia MentiRosa starts to mildly panic as Hugo doffs his shirt (he's nicely toned, which we all notice) and shoes and rushes out into the lake to help. Ana Paula surfaces and Rogelio manages to turn around to see she's alright.
Hacienda de Fuerte: Maria catches Sinthia searching through papers. Sinthia tells her she's searching for her parents' will. She wants to make sure that Ana Paula can't take what's rightfully hers. Obviously she not only never went to law school she never discussed any of this with Bruno back in the day. Nor does she want to hear Maria say that Ana Paula is a good person.
Lagunas de Montebello: Hugo swims up to Rogelio and Ana Paula, arriving just as they reach the boat. Each yells to Hugo to help the other. Seeing that Ana Paula has grabbed the side of the boat, he helps Rogelio back into it.
Hacienda de Fuerte: Maria warns Sinthia that Rogelio won't like her searching through his stuff. She accuses Maria of favoring him. She denies that she favors him, saying that she loves them both equally. Sinthia asks whether Maria will tell Rogelio what she was up to and Maria tells her she won't. [We sense an anvil here]. Maria suggests that Sinthia just talk to Rogelio. Nothing will convince Sinthia that Ana Paula married Rogelio for his – and her – money.
Lagunes de Montebello: We are now back at the dock and Rogelio is back in his wheelchair. The three of them are soaked, but OK. Rogelio looks back at Ana Paula, starting to smile when he sees that she's alright. Tia MentiRosa arrives with some nice fluffy white towels, which she hands to them. All is well until she makes a remark to AnaPaula about going out with Rogelio in the boat, which sets off Rogelio's temper. As Hugo wheels him away, giving MentiRosa a dirty look, Ana Paula looks at Toxic Tia and shakes her head at this latest estupidez.
Café: Miguel and Maripaz are sitting at a table flirting. When he asks why she doesn't have a boyfriend when she is so pretty and she tells him something about her mother being controlling about her friends. They seem to have no interest in food as there is none on the table, only a pitcher of what could be lemonade. Macaria arrives and lets Miguel know she will not having him trifling with her daughter. It's going steady or nothing. I'm starting to like her a little more.
Federico's Office: Dany arrives at his summons to learn that he had been unfair to her and has reconsidered her dismissal. He will, however, transfer her to another part of the company at the same pay. She thanks him and tries to explain that Ana Paula is a good person, but he interrupts her and tells her that the only condition of her employment is that she not even mention Ana Paula. She agrees to this, although it clearly disappoints her.
Café: Miguel tries to explain that he and Maripaz are just friends, but Macaria doesn't quite buy this. She knows that he is the brother-in-law of Rogelio Montero and is concerned that he'll start behaving like an entitled rich kid. He tells her – very sincerely – not to worry about it. She knows that he was a driver before his accident, but he tells her he is currently staying at the ranch. Macaria starts seeing dollar signs about the possibility that he will get involved in the Montero family business; Maripaz is clearly embarrassed by this. We sense she's been through this in some form before.
Boca del Cielo: Gustavo confronts David about the round-the-clock construction, threatening to have him shut down. Also about the lies being told about himself. David threatens legal action against him. A shoving match begins.
Federico's Office: Fed, like any proper company owner, has a bar in his office. He pours himself something on the rocks as tells Vainessa he's happy she's interested in the family business. However, he asks whether she wouldn't prefer to take a trip or something right now. She tells him no; she wants to prepare for the future and that pleases him. The phone starts ringing and she bitches about why the secretary isn't there to answer it. He tells her he transferred Dany and will need to hire a new one. She makes a nasty crack about Dany's efficiency then asks him to explain everything about the contract he has with Rogelio. He looks at her with a bit of concern.
Boca del Cielo: Two hardhats break up the fight. David threatens to make life more miserable for Gustavo because his men will take his side. Spare us.
Commercial Break that leads with a promo for Premio Lo Nuestro, which will preempt next Thursday's prime.
Hacienda de Fuerte: Sinthia is tossing a ball into the air (really, she needs to grow up) and Maria talks to her about getting along with Ana Paula. When she refuses Maria tells her that Ana Paula makes her brother happy and isn't that better for everyone in the long term? When Rogelio isn't happy, he gets more controlling. As to Sinthia's situation, Maria tells her that she should not marry David if she doesn't love him because that would make her miserable. Sinthia grows up to teen mode, saying “I'm so confused”. Efrain and Consuelo pass by. Efrain touches his hat and gives Sinthia the more subtle version of his merde-eating grin. She throws the ball at him and walks away. Maria looks at both of them. Methinks she will be the one to figure this out.
San Gabriel, la calle: Miguel approaches a Tostitos cart outside Ulisses' tienda. This is an obvious product placement as Ulisses slits a bag open on the side and pours something over the chips for a Stetson-hatted customer. Bruno approaches and persuades Miguel to share tequila with him. We get another shot of the chips display as the customer walks away. Miguel and Bruno go inside and Bruno orders a bottle of tequila. They sit down. They start talking about Rogelio and Ana Paula. Bruno pours. Miguel starts talking about the contract. We know where this is going.
Lagunas de Montebello: Rogelio and Ana Paula are on the deck.
Ana Paula: How do you feel? You don't want to talk?
Rogelio: I don't want to talk to anybody.
Ana Paula: Rogelio, you have to understand that what happened wasn't your fault.
Rogelio: I'm useless. I couldn't even save you. (turns the chair around to face her) I feel like an imbecile because I couldn't do anything. And don't look at me that way. (Margarito and MentiRosa approach)
Margarito: Want to have something to eat?
Tia MentiRosa: Is everything alright?
Ana Paula: Yes. Let me talk with Rogelio alone.
Tia MentiRosa: Let's go, Margarito. We'll get some refrescos. (Margarito protests, she shushes him and they walk away)
Ana Paula: Stop torturing yourself about what happened. Besides, it was my fault. Rogelio, you brought me to your favorite place. As long as we're here let's enjoy it.
Rogelio: I'm sorry I brought you here. You see how ridiculous this was.
Ana Paula: Very well, if you really want to, let's go. We'll come back another time. But remember that this could have happened anywhere and while we're married I'm confronting things like this with you. (He looks at her with a mix of curiosity, surprise, and pensiveness) And that's how things will go from now on.
Margarito (coming back with bottles of soda): Anyone want a refresco?
Ana Paula: No thanks. And tell my aunt we're going back to the hacienda.
Margarito: So soon?
Ana Paula: Yes. I'm very sorry, Margarito. (kid starts to walk away)
Rogelio: Margarito, we're going to stay.
Ana Paula smiles because this is what she wanted him to say. Love theme begins again.
Café Bar: Bruno and Miguel are still drinking. After only three shots Miguel is spilling the frijoles about the contract between Rogelio and his sister. Ulisses tries to get Miguel to stop drinking, but he pours another shot. Miguel is surprised that Bruno doesn't know about it. Bruno tells him to find a copy of that contract so he can look at it and reassure themselves that all is well for Miguel's family. We know that Rogelio didn't want Bruno to know anything in that contract. Miguel looks a little apprehensive as he downs another shot. The bottle is already 1/3 empty and Ulisses notes that as he passes by.
Lagunas deMontebello: Margarito and Tia MentiRosa are at a table while Ana Paula and Rogelio continue their conversation.
Ana Paula: I understand it was a scary moment, but you know you can swim. Don't you like the feeling of freedom in the water?
Rogelio (Sarcastically): Of course! It's been ages since I last ran into the water to save somebody!
Ana Paula: Rogelio! There are therapies we can do in the water! (he starts looking interested) You just have to relax a little.
Rogelio: That's crazy!
Ana Paula: Look, before I'm your wife I'm your nurse. While we're here we'll do your therapy in the water and I'm not taking “no” for an answer.
Rogelio: No!
Ana Paula: Why not?
Margarito: Are we going to eat or what?

From Rogelio's expression, we see that Ana Paula got to him. And from her expression we see that she knows it.
Café, outside tables: Ulisses points out to Maripaz that Miguel has been drinking with Bruno all afternoon. He's concerned about this and lets her know that she can't date Miguel if this repeats itself. While he's shown overprotective tendencies in the past, this is an area of legit concern.
Café Bar: Miguel pours himself another shot; the bottle is now half empty. Bruno convinces him that he needs to get a copy of that contract because it was possibly done in bad faith. Miguel agrees, but as he downs yet another shot we know he's going to bungle it.
Boca del Cielo, near the beachside Café: Juan approaches Gustavo and the two are about to fight when Fermin shows up. Gustavo tells him that he knows he's in cahoots with David and that he will not allow Juan to blacken his name; Fermin points out that the village hangs together. This does not look or feel good.
Lagunas de Montebello: We hear a helicopter as we see Ana Paula, Tia MentiRosa, and Margarito at a table playing cards. Rogelio comes out of the cabin in a t-shirt and swim trunks (black, as usual). MentiRosa asks if she can help him with something and he replies “You, no, but Ana Paula yes.” He's ready for his therapy. He exchanges smiles with Ana Paula. Both smile as their love theme begins.
Boca del Cielo: Gustavo has the burden of proving his innocence in this situation. He still tries to warn Fermin that something will happen if they don't listen to him and let him do what he needs to do. Juan keeps up with the smirky condescending expression. This is going nowhere fast.
Lagunas de Montebello: As their love theme plays Ana Paula is standing in the water next to Rogelio who is floating on his back. Although we only see the halter straps we know she had changed into a bathing suit. She tells Rogelio to relax, but as she is about to begin his therapy he moves in for the kiss.

Commercial Break, leading with a promo for UFCS and ET.
Lagunas de Montebello: Rogelio kisses Ana Paula, who is not resisting for at least four lines of the music. However, she breaks it and turns her face away because it seems to disturb her.
Rogelio: Don't be upset. It bothers you I did that. I never know how to handle these moments.
Ana Paula: Rogelio –
Rogelio: Don't say anything. All this with you... I'm enjoying it.
Ana Paula: Then I'm happy for you.
Rogelio: I've thought it might be a good idea to live here,
Ana Paula: Yes, but for now I think we need to go. (shouts for Hugo. Rats.)
San Gabriel: Maripaz leads Miguel outside, annoyed that he's been drinking. She tells him she doesn't like seeing her friends drink. He manages to cut off her questions about what contract he and Bruno were discussing and suggests they go for a walk. They walk off together. Madre Dios, she could do so much better.
Boca del Cielo: Juan and Fermin keep talking about Carmen's interest in Gustavo. We find out that Juan wants Carmen and he tries to talk himself up for that. This goes back to before she was married to Santiago (Fermin's son). This is not going to a good place.
Lagunas de Montebello, night: Rogelio has a dream sequence in which he and Ana Paula walk along the lake shore to the sound of their love theme. They're happy, laughing, and she's wearing a pretty white dress with spaghetti straps, a plunging neckline, and an asymmetrical ruffle that covers her knees. They embrace, he picks her up and spins around, they embrace again and they kiss, this time with her fully participating. All the females in Viewerville would happily take her place. He's clearly liking this dream. At the same time Ana Paula wakes up in her bed and looks out the window, whispering “Why did you leave?” as she remembers walking along the beach with Gustavo and him giving her the shell necklace. “Why did you go? Why did you leave me?” Lagrimas.
San Gabriel: Esteban goes to see Vainessa, who is being her usual self. We're wondering whether her necklace is supposed to be the butterfly from Mujeres Asesinas or a bat because she's such a vamp(ire).
Esteban: It's a misunderstanding. Mercedes and I are not novios.
Vainessa (sarcastically, but like a kid in a schoolyard): Yes, yes, but you referred to her as your novia.
Esteban: Vainessa, it wasn't like you heard. It was a total joke.
Vainessa: That wasn't how it looked.
Esteban (smiling incredulously): Are you jealous of a friend?
Vainessa: I can't deny it. Yes, it made me feel bad.
Esteban (starting to take her hands while moving closer): Vanessa....
Vainessa (backing off): No, no.
Esteban: Look, now that you and Rogelio are splitsville I'm seeking you out because we might have another chance.
Metallic sound, like a cross between an anvil strike and a Chinese gong, underscores Vainessa's expression of muy impactadidad (if there be such a word).
Commercial Break.
Lagunas de Montebello: Ana Paula stands out on the deck. Tia MentiRosa comes out with a shawl draped over herself.
MentiRosa: What's up, Ana Paula? Why can't you asleep?
Ana Paula: Auntie, I dreamt about Gustavo. He was in the river like the day I met him. Alive. I shouted and shouted toward him, but he didn't hear me. It's horrible to feel that he is alive but he's not here.
MentiRosa (looking very uncomfortable): Would you like us to say a rosary for his eternal rest?
Ana Paula: I'd like to.
MentiRosa: [Need help with her first line] Would you like me to stay with you tonight?
Ana Paula: No; don't worry about me.
MentiRosa: I like this place very much; I'm glad we came here. How different your life is now that you're the wife of Rogelio Montero.
Ana Paula (really wishing she could change the subject): Auntie... Rogelio kissed me.
MentiRosa (amused rather than miffed): He kissed you? And why didn't you tell me something this important?
Ana Paula: I don't know. I'm still asking myself why he did it. I didn't see it coming.
MentiRosa: Well, how do you feel about it?
Ana Paula: I feel … bad. I thought about Gustavo.
MentiRosa: Well, you have to know that little by little, at your husband's side, you'll learn to forget about Gustavo. Hijita, the memory is only a dream. Your reality is here. Ay, wait... Here's a good book. If you can't sleep, read.
Like that's going to solve her problems. Is this a self-help book?
Boca del Cielo: Fermin finds out that his nieta is angry with him over Gustavo. She blames him for Gustavo's departure.
San Gabriel: Vainessa and Esteban continue their conversation.
Vainessa: You're right, Esteban. We needed to talk about a lot of things when we separated.
Esteban: I'm glad you remember.
Vainessa: Of course the divorce was my fault. Because I didn't value you enough and couldn't love you as you deserved.
Esteban (starts to smile; boy is he gullible): But what about Rogelio? Are you clear on how you feel about him?
Vainessa: You don't know how angry I am thinking about the disgrace. The way he left me... Look at what happened!
Esteban: I believe it was in bad taste. And it hurts me to see you hurt.
Vainessa: Esteban, the truth is... you're incredible.
Esteban: No. I'm a man like any other. It's just that I'm in love.
We hope he doesn't believe her because we don't.
Casa Galván: Federico and Elsa la Vaca sit at the dining table and talk.
Elsa: Frankly, I don't understand you. Don't you want our daughter to forget Rogelio?
Federico: Of course that's what I most want.
Elsa: Therefore, why do you criticize me for wanting her to be near Esteban? It's the best thing that could happen. He's a good man and he loves her.
Federico: Woman, don't deceive yourself. If she didn't love him before, she doesn't love him now. You pushed her into this marriage with him. Neither does it do any good for her to make him suffer.
Elsa: And you? Nothing I do looks good to you.
Federico: It's you. You justify anything to get what you want. You are very selfish.
Elsa: I'm selfish? Well, yes; because I put my daughter before everything and everyone.
Federico: In truth are you putting her first or yourself?
Elsa: Eres insupportable. To show you what's up from this point on she is taking charge of my shares in the business.
Federico: And this is because...
Elsa: Well, because she needs to learn how to manage the business because someday it will be hers. If she manages my share, the less you have to do.
Federico shakes his head.

Boca del Cielo: Fermin and Carmen talk about Gustavo. He wants Carmen to find a man worthy of her and her daughter. He has doubts about Gustavo and she asks if this is solely on the basis of what Juan said about him. Finally, she tells him that kids are always right when it comes to seeing into people. WTF??? If kids were as smart as Bruno of LFDD, there wouldn't need to be a Megan's Law.

Haciende de Fuerte, cocina: Efrain and Consuelo sit at the kitchen table having a snack. She flirts with him as Maria cooks. He gives her a merde-eating grin as she puts something in his mouth. Sinthia enters just in time to see this and She Is Not Amused.
Sinthia: Maria! I don't want to eat alone in the dining room. Bring my dinner up to my room.
Maria: Yes, but wouldn't you prefer to dine with us? (she gestures, meaning in the kitchen)
Sinthia: Of course not. (Pointedly takes a grape from the bunch while staring at Efrain, then turns her back on him and exits. He stares after her bonbon and laughs as she sashays out).
Maria: And you? What are you laughing at?
Efrain: Me? At nothing.

But Maria knows better.

Lagunas de Montebello: Ana Paula is standing on the deck looking out over the lake when Hugo wheels Rogelio in and departs.
Rogelio: Good morning.
Ana Paula: Good morning. How are you today?
Rogelio: Great. I want to do a lot of things.
Ana Paula: And your plan for the day? (Tia MentiRosa and Margarito enter)
MentiRosa: We just asked about a beautiful beach right near here. It has such a divine name.
Rogelio: Boca del Cielo?
Ana Paula: Boca del Cielo?
MentiRosa: Si. Let's go there.
Margarito: Si. I want to see it!

Ana Paula is muy impactada. Por supuesto.
Commercial Break.
Boca del Cielo: Gustavo is alone on the beach when Mercedes calls him on his cell. She asks him if he's found a girl there and he tells her he's not ready yet. He asks about Esteban. This can't be forced; they both realize that this will take time.
Lagunas de Montebello: MentiRosa suggests they go to the beach, Rogelio is up for it, so is Margarito. Ana Paula tries to change his mind, but he's determined.
Hacienda de Fuerte: Sinthia catches Efrain picking flowers. She tells him he needs to decide between her and Consuelo. He points out that she has a novio and he reminds her that he wants to get married and have kids. She won't share him with anyone. He can't give her anything in the way of money or luxury. Her cell rings; it's David. Their connexion is bad (in more ways than one) but she starts talking about their wedding in order to make Efrain jealous. He throws the flowers on the ground and she laughs. She then holds up her cell to test the signal.
San Gabriel: Maripaz and Consuelo talk about the goings on at the hacienda. Consuela sings Ana Paula's praises.
Hacienda de Fuerte: Bruno is going through the same cabinet as Sinthia did earlier. She catches him in the act.
Boca del Cielo: Julieta goes out onto the beach and meets up with Gustavo. Juan is following Carmen, who doesn't seem happy with this. Gustavo explains to the girl that unmarried adults can have more than one novio for a while.
Hacienda de Fuerte: He admits what he's up to and she tells him she is looking for her father's will. She starts flirting with him. Neither got what he wanted. For now.
Boca del Cielo: Carmen walks off with Julieta and Juan gives Gustavo a dirty look.
Lagunas de Montebello: MentiRosa asks Rogelio about Federico and their business arrangement. And whether Fed knows that he was never really in love with Vainessa.

Rogelio admits to himself that he's in love with Ana Paula!
No new vocabulary tonight, but I might review the last segment in the morning to see if any of the dialogue needs to be more explicit here. I was able to get a head start on the rest of it yesterday because the segments were available.


El Talismán #6 Mon 2/6/12 Updated

Some Random Street in Fresno Outside of the Bank
P Ibby helped Marianna into the truck (those nuns taught him right). After securely shutting the door, he notices Camila noticing him and Marianna. His eyes swing to Marianna then swiftly swing back to land on Camilia. How’s he gonna explain this? I don’t know P Ibby, I can’t help you on this one. This looks pretty bad!

And Now a Word from Our Sponsor
Modeling another boring FDLS wife ensemble from the QVC/Olsen General Store (Little Couture House on the Prairie summer collection) the camera moves in closer for the obligatory Camila beauty shot. As a gentle breeze caught up her hair, we got a glimpse of a hand-woven leather earrings designed by the team of Pocohantas and Tiger Lily. Normally, they retail for $39.95, but for today only, ELT viewers can get them exclusively for $29.95. You don’t remember? There were only 500 left. Folks, it wasn’t like this was all shown subliminally! The QVC host with the bright read acrylic nails was standing behind Camila and pointing out the exquisite hand weaving!

Back at the Bank
Enraged, Camila chose to take the high road and walk away (if it was me, there would have been some domestic violence going down in front of the Bank of Fresno). P Ibby can’t let her walk off with her dignity. He trots over to her and grabs her arm to prevent her from leaving. He wants to know how she doing. She tells him pretty good considering everything he’s done to her. He thinks she’s angry about his wife. She attempts to walk away again, but he reaches out and pulls her back to him. He asks if she still loves him. “Hell no! After what you have done to me!” They are having two different conversations. Finally she tells him that she thinks he was working with Don Gagorio (that name cracks me up) when he won El Talisman. Boy that was some powerful impactada music!

El Alcatraz in a Barn
Doris, the third wheel, tells Lucretia that it doesn’t matter if AntoniOSG does not love her. She’s not leaving. The lights dim in the barn and she begins to sing a rousing rendition of And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going from the movie Dream Girls. She’s gonna get an Emmy for this. I’m sure. Lucretia wants to know if she’s staying for Don Gag’s money. Doris is staying so that she can see AntoniOSG suffer (I think I like Doris now). Lucretia says something about sending him running to the arms of another woman (I am going to keep all of my gutter thoughts to myself).

Back at the Bank
P Ibby denies that he works for Don G, but he doesn’t tell Camila where he got the money to bet. She doesn’t believe him.

El Alcatraz
Drunk, AntoniOSG barges into his father’s office. He tells him that he wants to divorce Doris because she’s not as hot as his sister. His sister is a decent woman and doesn’t date married men. I think that’s what he said…my CC wasn’t working at the time. Don G informs him that he will be disinherited if she divorces Doris. She’s the mother of his grandchildren (and we know how much he cares for his grandchildren! He killed one before it was done baking!) Channeling Marlon Brando, AntoniOSG stumbles out of the room.

Back at the Bank
Blah Blah Blah. You’re a bum. My father didn’t deserve this. I still don’t believe you. For the third time Cammie attempts to walk away and P. Ibby pulls her back to him.

El Talisman-Back in the Barn
Even the horse doesn’t care for the conversation. He’s just there because he was guaranteed a bucket of hay if he promised to stay calm during the scene. Doris (the third wheel): I want AntoniOSG to be miserable. Lucretia: My brother doesn’t love you. You’ll be old, broke and alone if you don’t let him go.

Back at the bank again!
Camila continues to berate P Ibby. He grabs her and says that he doesn’t want it to end this way. I will do anything for this scene to end! She demands that release her, they struggle a little and she slaps him. Instead of slapping her back (like I would have done), he yanks her against his body and lays a big kiss on her. Oh my gosh, it was just like Rhett and Scarlett all over again, but without the staircase, Miss Prissy or any sexual chemistry whatsoever! Did the producers bother to screen test these two before they were cast? This chick definitely ain’t no Vivian Lee, but even Vivian did a screen test. I’ve got a better kiss from my neighbor’s dog and he was only expecting a biscuit afterwards. Oh thank goodness, the scene is over. I’m absolutely sure that Marianna was bored sitting in that truck watching all of this.

UC Davis
They’ve arrived.

El Talisman
Tracy’s bags are packed. She’s quit her job at the ranch. The new housekeeper gives Camila’s mail to Tracy because they will see each other soon. An envelope addressed to Elvira falls on the floor. Tracy takes that envelope and the rest of the mail with her.

UC Davis
Umm. I currently attend school in the UC system so, I’m pretty sure they speak English there. Anyways Cammie’s gonna get a monthly check. She’s very happy.

The Home of P Ibby, Margarito y Marianna (two men and a crazy lady).
It looks like it’s moving day. P Ibby and Marianna are getting ready to go to New York. Pedro thanks Margarito for helping them move while they travel to New York. Suddenly, some chick that I have never seen before dropped a box full of baby clothes. Marianna drops to her knees and mourns the loss of her baby. Mi hijo!

Marianna has lost it. The trip is off. Doctor’s orders. She’s lost her memory for good.

El Talisman
Speaking of sexual tension, in this scene, we find the incestuous duo hanging out in the bushes together. Get your brain out of the gutter. Lucretia was merely spying on the entrance of the El Talisman with binoculars. Her brother “just happened” to be walking by and spotted her in the bushes. It was totally innocent. I swear. Lucretia sees P Ibby and Marianna moving in.

Side note: there is more foliage growing on the house than on the grounds of El Talisman.

El Talisman Interior
Marianna doesn’t recognize the house. Her aunt takes her upstairs to her room. Is Dormitila Margarito’s wife, because he was bossing her around during this scene. Dormitila questions why a married man would not sleep in the same room as his wife. P Ibby says Camila’s name.

UC Davis
Elvira and Armando don’t like the tiny apartment.

El Talisman
P Ibby and Margarito are in Cammie’s bedroom. Margarito informs him of Estupido’s suicide.

UC Davis
Sorry. I don’t understand what they were talking about. Can someone help me? I think she’s got a job, but she’s on probation. Cammie has managed to find a college student friend who looks older than she does.

El Talisman Cammie’s Bedroom
P Ibby is shocked that Estupido killed himself. He tells Margarito not to touch or move anything in the room. He will be moving into it. Cammie only lived there for two days! Marianna probably decorated the room.

El Alcatraz
Doris tells Don G that P Ibby and Marianna have moved in. Marianna can’t remember anything. Doris seems to flirt with Don G. This is disturbing. I don’t know what Don G said to himself once she left the room.

El Talisman
Marianna, P Ibby and Tia are eating breakfast. Who the hell are you people? Marianna can’t identify them and goes outside for some fresh air. Don G’s men prepare to strike. 5 seconds ago, he was at the breakfast table, but P Ibby is now outside walking towards the lake with Margarito. Lucretia (wearing more clothes that usual), approaches the men. Meanwhile, DG and his sidekick kidnap Marianna by pretending to be someone she knows. They toss her kicking and screaming into the back of a black SUV. No one hears her screams.

Back at the Lake
P Ibby is explaining to Lucretia that he doesn’t want her and never will. Tia runs up to them and tells him that Marianna is missing. He runs off to find her.

UC Davis
Elvira is complaining about her living situation. Cammie points out that they had no other place to go.

A Very Dark and Scary Street Corner Somewhere in California
Don G drops Marianna off of a street corner. She begs him to take him not to leave her. She doesn’t know who or where she is. He leaves her to wander the streets.

Police Station
P Ibby and Tia go to the station to file a missing person report. What is AntoniOSG doing there? Whatever it is…it's got to be serious. Look at the shirt he’s got on! It’s tuck in and its got buttons and everything! He’s not wearing his standard uniform (tight, paper-thin, tear-away t-shirt issued to all male strippers and Hulk Hogan). The belt is where the drunk, horny ladies can deposit their dollars (Bet ya didn’t know that). The “cop” standing against the wall is really hot. He’s also a dancer, he has a gig tonight. I can tell by the shirt.

We learn that AntoniOSG is there to say that P Ibby murdered Marianna for the money. He says P Ibby took the money from Marianna.

UC Davis
Elvira is still complaining.

Police Station
AntoniOSG says that P Ibby killed Marianna to get her money. The detective seems to believe AntoniOSG.

Dark and Scary Corner
Marianna is asking people to help her, but she doesn’t know her name or where she came from. People leave her alone because they believe she’s crazy.

Some Bar
Don G and whatever that guy’s name is are discussing putting Marianna on the street. I think Don G says that he feels bad that he may never know what happened to her. I think. I’m not great at this yet. Whatever His Name Is is concerned that Marianna may regain her memory, but Don G says it irreversible (who is the narc at El Talisman?) Besides if she does, they can easily kill her.

Dark and Scary Corner
Marianna is raped by homeless two men.

Police Station
AntoniOSG demands to know where P. Ibby got the money or why he would pay for a ranch he already owns? Estupido has a family and he was trying to help him out. Tia backs up P Ibby. The detective is letting AntoniOSG lead the investigation. He’s got on that tucked in shirt, so obviously he’s qualified. Even the police are taking him seriously now. During the comercial AntoniOSG will take the oath and be sworn in. P Ibby tells them to ask Elvira. The cop says no one knows where she is.

Commercial. Even though I don’t like AnotoniOSG, I do like to watch him riding that horse all oiled up and shirtless.

UC Davis
Cammie tells her mother that she can’t go back to being Don G’s lover. Armando overhears when he walks into the room. He asks if this is true.

Don G says that they are going to accuse P Ibby of killing Marianna. When he’s in jail, they will take over El Talisman. He tells Whatever His Name is to stop drinking so much because he has to drive them home.

Police Station
More accusations. More denials. Tia pleads with the detective to…detect.

Don G says no one can know where Elvira and the “kids” are.

UC Davis
Elvira asks Armando not to hate her for sleeping with Don G. She needed someone. Cammie asks her mother to promise never to return with Dong G. I didn’t hear Elvira agree never to see Don G again.

El Alcatraz
Don G and Whatever His Name Is are in the living room. Their exhausted from a wild night of drinking and leaving a defenseless woman on a street corner. Good Golly! AntoniOSG enters the room shirtless. He is a beautiful man. I paused the DVR to get a better look (for research). He might have a 12 pack. I’ll have to count again later. His pants are undone. I would like to thank the casting director, the wardrobe people and his parents for mating. I don’t like him, but…he is a beautiful man and I don’t care about the conversation. But I think he’s telling them what happened at police station. Somebody’s searching for an attorney? I will have to rewind the tape again and again to see what he said. What? I’m trying to learn Spanish!

El Talisman
P Ibby thanks Tia for trusting in him. He can’t believe they are accusing him of murder.

Light and Scary Street Corner
Another man approaches Marianna and she becomes hysterical.

UC Davis
The geriatric college students (Cammie and her friend) are discussing their love lives. Cammie’s running out of money. There are holes all over her sweater. She can’t even afford clothes from Olsen’s General Store any more.

El Talisman
Both outside and inside, they are discussing Marianna. P Ibby gets in his truck to leave and the feminine half of the incestuous duo is hiding in the truck. At first he seems to be happy about it but he drives her home and delivers her to her father.

UC Davis
I think Elvira asked her son to help her get revenge of Don G. In another part of town, the two geriatric college students are still discussing her love for P Ibby.

El Alcatraz
Don G grabs his daughter, and in a fit of rage he almost pimp slaps her. He stops himself and instead tells her that he’s sending her butt to Europe. Lucky Europeans.

El Talisman
The police are there to arrest P Ibby. Days later, the trial begins. I’m confused because Don G told his daughter that she was going to Europe the next day. While everyone is entering the courthouse, the incestuous duo are at the airport. Doesn’t that mean that the trial began the next day?

Court Short Long Story
"Days Later", Don G and the poker monitor are walking into the court house. Don G hopes that the judge will throw the entire book and the gavel at P. Ibby. The poker guy that will still not guarantee that P. Ibby will sell El Talisman. Following closely behind them are Tia, P. Ibby and Margarito. I think P. Ibby told Margarito that he is in charge of El Talisman if he gets locked up. P. Ibby give Tia a kiss and leave to find out his fate. Margarito follows him into the courthouse and Tia asks the Virgin Mary for help with this.

Fresno International Airport
The incestuous duo arrive at the airport. AntoniOSG is pulling her luggage. He's not wearing his official button down shirt, so he must be off police duty right now. The siblings are curiously standing uncomfortably within one another's personal space. Lucretia twists her hair. I've heard body language experts say that when we women play with our hair, we're flirting. Surely this is not the case between the two of them. But, I'm a little confused because there's no one else around them. Hmmmm. Hey! What are you trying to imply? Doesn't every brother and sister stand within kissing distance when they talk to each other? Lucretia tells her brother that she doesn't want to go to Europe. (Gosh, I wish I had a father that got mad and punished me by sending me on free trip to Europe!) AntoniOSG tells her to forget that poor guy. He will only bring them problems. Lucretia declares that P. Ibby will be hers. Antonio believes that P. Ibby will be sentence to 20 or 30 years in prison. He ends the conversation by saying "Good Luck, Slut." He's been a little cranky ever since his father told him about P. Ibby bringing her home.

Not five minutes later, he's declared innocent and comes out dressed in the same clothes. Everyone was dressed in the same clothes! His trial and deliberation were all wrapped up in 5 minutes. He went through a trial for kidnapping or murder, was found not guilty by a jury of his peers, and was back out on the street in 5 minutes. I've been to court. It took ten minutes for the deputies to perform a body cavity search on me when I went through security for jury duty. Hugs, kisses and smiles for everyone. Obviously Don G was not pleased. He told P. Ibby that he was gonna pay for what he's done.

El Talisman or some other mansion
I thought Tracy quit. I'm confused. Didn't she have a suitcase? Didn't she walk out the door? She's in the kitchen cleaning and watching the tellie. News of P. Ibby's aquital is on the tellie. Outside, before the news cast is over, P. Ibby, Tia and Margarito arrive. Two boys run up and give Margarito a hug. Their names are Claudio and Gabriel. I am not sure who these guys are, but their cute and they seem to have nice bodies. They're not wearing the official male stripper uniform so the jury is still out on their six packs. Ibby welcomes them.

El Talisman Years Later
Gabriel and Claudio are putting bales of hay on the back of Ibby's pick-up truck. P. Ibby asks if they are looking for him. They mention something about Don G, the P. Ibby looks off into the distance towards El Alcatraz.

El Alcatraz
Don G is angry (what a surprise). There's a plague at El Alcatraz. Whatever His Name Is is Valentin (good to know for when he meets his untimely death for what he helped do to Marianna). Don wants to hire some experts to get rid of the plague.

UC Davis
Cammie looks stunning (that's what I meant) when she gets her assignment to work on El Alcatraz. Her boss hands her a file and obnoxious music plays when she says Don G's name.

El Talisman
P. Ibby, Gabriel and Claudio are still standing front of the truck. They are discussing whether the El Alcatraz plague will come to El Talisman. I think P. Ibby told them that Don G started the gossip about him being a murderer.

UC Davis
Cammie's boss wants to know how she knows the name of the owner of El Alcatraz. I think he was simply making small talk and didn't really care about the answer. She's says it's not important. He says "great" and gets his jacket and leaves. He's got his own problems. Cammie walks over to the window. She wants to know what she's gonna do? Return to Talisman. Ummmm her assignment to go to El Alcatraz not El Talisman. She wasn't listening! Hopefully she'll check the paperwork again. It would be so awkward to show up at the wrong place on the first day of work.

El Talisman
Once again we are back at El Talisman. Claudio, Gabriel and P. Ibby are still standing in their same places, in their sames places, with the same expressions on their faces, talking about the same thing and looking in the distance towards El Talisman. P. Ibby says if he was a murderer, Don G would be dead. Since P. Ibby signs their paycheck, the boys tell P. Ibby that they don't believe that he's a murderer (they know where their bread is buttered. Momma didn't raise no fools). The boys mention ask if Marianna is dead. P. Ibby says she's not dead, but her disapperance is Don G's fault. Sooner of later Don G will fall.

UC Davis
Well, I guess they are in their thirties now. Genoveva asks Cammie if she is thinking about P. Ibby. Cammie wants to know if P. Ibby still lives on El Talisman. Can someone please tell Cammie that her assignment is to go to El Alcatraz?

El Alcatraz
Don G and AntoniOSG are discussing the plague. I didn't understand the rest. Antonio told his father that the has to die sometime; he's gonna live forever. Don G told AntoniOSG that he was leaving everything to the "person he hates most in the world".

Revenge of the Third Wheel
In a neglige, Doris awakes from a what seems like a session of pure unadulterated, hedonistic pleasure. Clothes are strewn everywhere. She runs to the door and closes it. Hmmmm. Another song comes to mind...Whose Making Love to Your Old Lady, While You Were Out Making Love. She covers her mouth with her hand. Is it because she sickened by the fact that we all think she's sleeping with her husband's father?

Don G informs AntoniOSG that Lucretia is returning to El Alcatraz to live with them today. She's been gone long enough to forget P. Ibby.

UC Davis
I am going to have to kiss P. Ibby. Does he have magic kisses? It's been years and she is still fiending over him. Genoveva is going to El Alcatraz too.

Fresno International Airport
Valentin is there to pick up Lucretia. She is wearing clothes. She didn't contaminate the Europeans afterall. She immediately askes about P. Ibby.

El Talisman
P. Ibby tells Tia that Lucretia returns today. Do both men have people spying on the other? Why would he know that? Who told him?

UC Davis
Elvira is pis...upset that Cammie is gonna work for Don G. By the end of the conversation, she believes that this might be an opportunity for them get revenge of Don G.

Credits....see ya next Monday


Univision goes crazy with the schedule AGAIN

I didn't notice until right now, but for the next two weeks, at least here in North Carolina, they are going BACK to TWO-HOUR sessions of Una familia con suerte; El Talisman will have its 9 pm slot and La que no podia amar is showing at 10:00 pm.


Sigh sigh sigh.

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Sunday, February 05, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #109-110 Fri 2/3/12 The Paradise Syndrome

I couldn't come up with a good title, so I borrowed the name of a sad Star Trek episode.

Vice wants to see Candy. He threatens to knock down the door. Ana, Pepe, and Moni get in his way, but Candy comes out on her own and sends the kids out of the room. Concerned, they call Pancho.

Candy tells Vice yeah, Demián really was my first boyfriend. My and your relationship was a mistake. Vice doesn't believe it. Candy accuses him of lying too - he had told her he hadn't been intimate with Pina, so how'd she get pregnant? He wants to know if Pina told her about that. She says everyone knows about it, and insists she's going to marry Demián. "Your words say one thing, but your face says something else," Vice says.

Candy runs out of the room. Pancho arrives. Vice apologizes to him. They talk some nonsense and try to shake one anothers' hands, but are unable to.

At home, Pina is still a wreck over Vice and isn't happy when Fred tells her he saw Vice heading for Stately Lopez Manor. Plus, she isn't feeling well. Fred wonders how he'll be able to forgive his father. He insists on taking Pina to the doctor's office. While they wait, Fred tells Pina that the baby isn't going to change anything - Vice will continue to mistreat her.

Candy cries and whines in bed. Ana tries to comfort her by saying it's better this way. Candy assures Pancho that Vice won't be back.

The doctor has bad news: it's an ectopic pregnancy. (An ectopic pregnancy is one in which the egg is implanted somewhere other than the uterus, usually in a Fallopian tube. In addition to an extremely low chance of the fetus developing normally, there is an extremely high risk of rupture and uncontrollable bleeding, which can result in the woman's death.) The doctor thinks it should be "drenado" (drained, a euphemism I've never heard before). He tells her to go home, rest, come back at 7 tomorrow morning after at least a six-hour ayuno (fast). She can't even drink water. He says about one in 60 pregnancies are ectopic and assures Fred that it has nothing to do with stress (i.e. no fair blaming Vice for this).

Montage: Beto, Pancho, and Rebe meet for hours and hours. Night falls. Pancho gets an idea that we don't get to hear, which puts everyone in a good mood. After the montage, Pancho tells Rebe he'd love to hang out with her, but he's got to go home to Lupita. But at least the project is still alive! Mushy talk and kisses.

Chela thanks Enzo for a nice evening and insists that he call her Chela rather than Graciela. He wants another date. She tells him she needs space/wants to take it slow. She gets out of the car before he has a chance to gallantly open the door for her. They almost kiss, but she backs off. "I need space." Sigh.

At home again, Pina asks Fred not to tell Vice what's happening. He comes home and sends "ojos de huevos" out of the room. He angrily asks Pina if she told Candy about the baby. She insists that she did not. Noticing her discomposure and extremely poor coloring, he asks if she's okay. "Go away, leave me alone, go to hell!"

Fred meets with Ana and tells her Pina is losing the bebé. At least they have their love! "A la goma con todo [to hell with everyone]" says Ana, she doesn't want to keep their love a secret.

Tom visits Lupita. She invites him to stay for dinner. She asks what's up with Elena? He says she's more unbearable than ever.

Cheerful Enzo dances with Mónica. She notes that he seems awful happy. "I gave Chela an unforgettable kiss!" (If you ask me, he and Chela both need to take lessons from Arnold.) He tells her that Chela admitted to being in love with Pancho, but "she has changed my life."

Candy comes down to dinner, still in her robe. Ana makes her big announcement: Freddie and I are novios! This is met with amused faces, skeptical eye rolls, and angry outbursts from Tom and Pancho about her dating that über-fresa. But this brings more comments about everyone elses' relationships with fresas, all the way down to Temo and Popeye. Ana reveals that Fred admitted he had been looking for revenge, but he changed. Chela and Pancho suggest that everyone stop judging everyone else. Hysterical Temo asks, with both dad and Chela dating, who's going to stay with the family? Oh, shut up, kid.

Chela says she's dating Enzo; that doesn't mean they're getting married, and the same goes for Pancho and Rebeca. (Pancho gets very shifty-eyed when he hears this.) Chela adds that they all have a right to live their own lives and fall in love. Temo whines some more about "Transeti" and Chela tells him to forget it, and his name is Rinaldi. Ha! It's high time she taught him some manners. Pancho says they'll always be a family.

Mo tells Enzo that Violeta was really yelling at her on the phone. Enzo says yes, and to think you didn't believe me when I said she was unstable! She wonders how they fell in love. Enzo says he was 17 and she was really hot. Mo says Violeta said she's in love with Enzo. He says no, that's just how she is, obsessive and crazy. Mo says she had to tell her that he was in love with Chela, in hopes that she'd leave them alone. He says don't worry, he knows how to handle her. Mo says she's scared. It's such a disappointment after she fought so hard to find her. Enzo, who is fast becoming the King of I-Told-You-So, says, well, you really wanted to meet your mother, and as the Americans say, be careful what you wish for!

Pancho visits with Lupita in her room. He asks what she'd think if he got married? She says it'd be the end of the world for some people, but she thinks he should go for it. Pancho wasn't sure because she was in mourning, speaking of which, he offers her a black ribbon to wear in case she doesn't want to go around wearing black, since she's so young and times have changed. Lupita likes the idea. She didn't want to wear black because it would bum people out. She assures Pancho that nothing would make her happier than to see him happy with Rebeca.

Enzo tells Mo he found some information about her biodad. It seems he's in Indonesia, working for some metals company. (Given how many lies Enzo has told Mo already, I'm not sure if I believe him.) Mo says that's fine for him in Indonesia, but her REAL dad is right here in Mexico. He's the only one she's ever had. "I have the best father in the world! I love you!"

Next day: Chato and Chacho are at the market for no apparent reason. Chacho is grumpy. He doesn't understand why they're there, since they've already picked up their supplies for the week. And he's highly annoyed that Chato seems to have forgotten what day it is. But surprise! Nobody's forgotten. The whole gang is there to wish him a happy birthday. (Yeah, like at 7 in the morning. I think it was recapper Ezra who once asked what time do these crazy people get up?) Chacho gets the thrill of his life - a hug from his obliviously beloved Chela.

At breakfast, Meli asks Vice why he and Pina sleep in different rooms. Pina and Fred are missing. Unbeknownst to them, Pina and Fred are at the doctor's office, waiting. She is distraught. She doesn't hate the idea of maybe dying on the table. Fred tries to comfort her, but the doctor comes in and says she's getting a tranquilizer. (That ought to do it.) The procedure will be quick and he doesn't expect any complications.

At the office, Enzo scolds Vice for drinking at 11 AM. Vice still thinks Pina put Candy up to the whole charade with Demián.

At the doctor's, Arnold and Ana keep Fred company while they wait. Arnold gives his hearty approval to the young couple. The doctor comes in and says all went well.

At the birthday party, Pancho asks Chato for some help coming up with a great idea.

Chacho pulls Chela aside and says no offense, but why are you with Transeti, of all people? Chela defends all of Enzo's good qualities. Finally she notices that Chacho is close to tears. "Don't you realize? I've been in love with you for a long time."

Next time:
A decent proposal.


Saturday, February 04, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #29 Friday 2/3/12 Getting Out of Their Comfort Zone, Or On the Brink and Into the Drink

Cap. 29 (or so)

Redux: Elsie La Vaca and bull-headed Vanesa agree that Mama will hand over control of her 30% of the actionable shares of Daddy’s company to vengeance-seeking Vainie; she’ll return to Esteban, and together she and Mama’ll make Rogelio the sorriest sodbuster this side of España for having dumped Vainie on her’ vixeny backside so venally.

It’s the morning after the wedding and Michael is in hangover Hell.  Tía Rosaura tells him not to get too comfortable because RoHell will no doubt kick him back to Tuxtla just like he’s done her.  Why?  AP’s being a pain.  Why?  Because Ana Paula refused to spend the night with RoHell.  Mikey says he can’t blame her.  Why should she?  Rosie says, hey, it’s expected, and if she’d only listened to me she’d know how to control--make that manage--the ogre!  Just then David and Cinthia show up.

Sin haughtily tells Mikey and Rosie the show’s over.  They can skedaddle back to whatever crack or hole they crawled out of.  Big Dave snidely remarks on how unexpectedly nice it is that Mikey’s out of jail.  “—No thanks to you, considering I was hauling crap for your company!”   Big Dave plays ignorant and says all he knows is he was driving the truck without permission.  Mikey starts to haul off and hit him but Rosie stops him as Dave hides behind Sin’s would-be skirts.  “—That’s not true and you know it!”  “—Well, prove it!  Cuz the company books say different and so do my people!”  Sin says she thought he should remember he’s still nothing more than a chauffeur.  Isn’t he going to help his sis and her bro to the helicopter for the honeymoon?  Rosie has to admit that the honeymoon’s been cancelled. Sin makes a big yuck with Big Dave about Pau’s being stood up for really reals [novia de pueblo] and start off to Bro-Hell’s study for Dave to formally say bye. 

Meanwhile, in Boca del Cielo, Fermin shoos away Carmen, his D-I-L, so he can have a man-to-man with Gustavo.  He tells Gus that if he is ever able to forget AP and decides to get serious with Carmen, he wouldn’t exactly be opposed to the idea.

After Dave heads back to Boca del Cielo, Cinthia tells her brother that she is happy to hear that Bro-Hell and Ana Paula are not going on a honey-moon after all.  She asks him if that means he’s planning to divorce her.  Rog exclaims to sister Sin no way!  Where’d she ever get such a silly idea?  (A girl can always hope?)   He’s never going to divorce Paula!  Well then give me the use of your tickets?  No reason to waste them!  “—Nothing doin’.  It’s only being postponed due to my work schedule.  Now, let me get back to work.”  Sin mumbles and grumbles her way back towards the stables.

Pau is teaching Margarito math in the kitchen.  Rog rolls into the hallway and observes.  It warms the cockles of his heavy-handed heart to see her this way.  He overhears her tell Maria she can’t stand staying idle.  Again, Rog is pleased as punch to see how industrious his new bride is.  He barges in and wants a word with her.  Pau thinks he’s there to gripe at her for trying to teach the boy.  He tells her not to start accusing him before he has a chance to speak.  As far as he’s concerned, she’s the owner’s wife, La Dueña, and can do whatever she wants now.  Well, then, she wants her aunt to stay.  “--Fine!  Oh, and you look mighty fine in that dress!”  He rolls back out the way he came.  Pau mulls what he’s said over and ends up smiling and rather pleased with herself as well.

Later that morning, Sin gives a box with trinkets from the wedding to Maria to pitch out or whatever.  Maria is shocked she’d throw out the bouquet she caught at the wedding.  Well, first off, she can’t marry who she’d like to and is only dating Dave for the obvious reasons.  2ndly, she’s sure that because it’s Pau’s bouquet it will only bring her bad luck if she keeps them.  So give ‘em to Consuela who’s dying to get married (meowwww!!!), she says.  “--Or, throw ‘em out.  I’m not keeping them!”

AP comes to tell Rosie she’s allowed to stay if she wants.  Rosie is upset with Rog who’s always in such a rotten mood, but she’s anxious to…er… help her niece get over the rough spots in her marriage.  Elena says bye and Rosie takes her off to the waiting car/helicopter, or whatever.  Dany whimpers over the breakup with Mikey.  (Viewerville yells back at the screen that she doesn’t know how lucky she really is!  Dump that fool’s ass!) 

Nessa, meanwhile, calls Sin and demands to know whose side she’s going to be on.  Hers, of course, says Sin—provided she helps her get back her part of the hacienda.  Of course, says Nessa.  Just make sure to get a copy of her parents’ will for the company’s lawyers to look over.  Ok.  So how’s Nessa getting on now?  Fine.  Esteban came looking to get back together according to her mama, so she’s going to consider it.  Gawd no, says Sin.  You’re not in love with him!  Yeah, agrees Nessa, but that was the stipulation she had to agree to get mama’s part of the company and have majority control.  And what’s that do for her, asks Sin.  “--It gives us the means to get even with RoHell for all the crap he’s pulled on both of us, that’s what!”  Nessa’s willing to do whatever it takes, including getting back with Esteban!

Out on the lawn of the Hacienda del Fuerte, Pau sees hubby sitting, whip in hand, and looking over the grounds with pride.  She smiles and says he was right that the beauty of the place is unique and profound.  He agrees and says perhaps the place is like him: secluded and distant.  They discuss getting familiar with the place.  It’s just like people, he says. Rogelio wants do-overs.  “--You have to take the opportunity to get to know them.  Like you.  And, I’m sure that behind that angry little girl, so spirited and determined to fight foreverything, that there’s a romantic and tender woman.”  Perhaps, he offers, they can use the coming year to get to know each other better.  Yep, just as if they’d only just met.  Forget everything else she knows about him. 

Pau melts a bit and says Rog’s much more charmer than ogre.  She’d like to know that charming Rogelio Montero.  “—Are you ready to do that?”  Pau stands up and gently takes the whip out of his hands.  She smiles down at him and says she’d at least like to try—but she’ll need his help or she wouldn’t be able to manage it otherwise.  “--Count on it!”  (Viewerville isn’t quite sure what she’s thinking, tho’ we all know exactly what Rog thinks!) They share a long and meaningful look. He agrees and kisses her hand in a way only Latin lovers can.  (Sigh!)  They continue to stare into each other’s’ eyes.

Back of the stables, Rosie is sauntering along and taking in all of what she—er—Paula is now owner of.  She spies Conned running out of the place and shoos her back up to the house.  Out strolls Efrain.  She starts flirting.  Sin comes along.  He proceeds to take Rosaura out for a stroll through the fields just to get Sin’s goat.

Back in Tuxtla, Mercedes stops in for a chat with Esteban.  They goof around about being novios and kiss just as Vainessa enters the doorway.  She sees them together this way and backs out immediately, thinking the two really are dating.  She heads back down the hallway, frustrated that plan A is a no-go.  Plan B will take some thought. 

RoHell suggests that he and Pau start first by traveling through the whole of Hacienda Hell-Fuerte’s domains.  He will take her to the Lakes of Mirabella.  “How does that sound?  Would you like to see them?”  Sure!  Then, that where they’ll start, he says.  Dimples and sparkling eyes fill the whole of our tv screens as Uni breaks to pay a bit more of its hellacious production costs.

As we return from making our various pit stops, RoHell asks if Pau isn’t a tad scared to go there alone with him.  She says actually, she is.  He says that her sincerity, which he really likes about her, is a dual edged sword actually.  Not to worry, though, cuz he likes that about her and henever wants her to stop being honest with him.  (Ok.  Looks like they’re off to a good start--so far as it goes.)

Back in Boca del Cielo, Big Dave has a meet with Troublemaker Peone.  (Juan?)  Big Dave wants to continue the construction at night.  (Not sure what they’re really arguing about.)  Troublemaker Guy says he’ll help agitate but he wants his palms greased beforehand--not after like Big Tricky Dave wants to do.  Dave gives in and opens his wallet.  

That night, Juan shows up at Fermin’s.  Gus leaves to do something with Carmen and Melina.  Juan tells Fermin a pack of lies about how Gus has tricked them all and he’ll prove it.  The hotel’s construction was supposed to be stopped, but they’re working on the hotel at night all the same.  Must be that Gus is in cahoots with Big Dave and is getting paid under the table to allow them to build secretly at night.  (Wouldn’t it be obvious after a while that the building is getting built since you’d notice the added construction at least every few days or so?)  He tells Fermin to come with him and see what’s up with his own eyes.

Back at Hell-Fuerte, BroHell rolls into the kitchen all excited and tells Maria he wants the best picnic food packed cuz he and his wife are going for a few days to Mirabella Lakes.  Sin is speechless.  He asks if she’d like to come too.  Sin says not on your life!  I wouldn’t go with her to the corner!   Rog ignores her tantrum.  Maria says give Sin time to get used to the idea that there’s another lady of the house on the place now.  He says of course, cuz there is!  My wife!  He continues gabbing with Maria about wanting to impress Pau with all of it. 

Juan takes the fishermen to the worksite where they hear construction going on.  He lies to Fermin about hearing Gus himself planning with somebody on his cel to allow the work to continue at night.  Fermin says he can’t believe Gus would be double-dealing like that and plans to find out more.

Back at Hell-Fuerte, Pau reminds Rosie to be respectful towards Maria since she’s like a second mother to Rog.  They discuss the trip to the lake country and Pau mentions she’s not eager to be alone with him there.  Rosie offers to keep her company and she accepts. 

Dave comes out and starts yelling at the fishermen.  He’s paid too much money to Gus for them to be allowed to harass him like this, he yells.  Go gripe at Gus if they don’t like the hotel being built!! 

Vainessa storms back to Mama’s and complains to Elsie that Esteban wasn’t honest with her.  He’s got a girlfriend and doesn’t appear to be heartbroken at all!  Elsie calls Stevie and says they need to talk face to face and pronto!  He has to send Mercedes home and cancel their movie/video? Date so he can meet with La Vaca.

Fermin, meanwhile, wakes his houseguest out of a deep sleep to accuse him of betraying their trust cuz the hotel is still being constructed and they have proof!  Don Fermin tells Gus there are a number of things the others are accusing him of that just don’t add up.  He no longer trusts Gus and wants him gone!  Gus is fine with that.  He swears that he hasn’t lied to them at all and will prove it. 

Maria and Pau talk about finally getting a chance to see ol Rog’s good side.  Doesn’t happen very often, says Pau.  Maria, tho’, excitedly says it’s been happening more and more since he met Paula.  Maria expects only good things to come of it from here on out!   She adds that the place he’s taking her is a special place and to expect the best.  Pau says she’s afraid that Maria’s expecting too much of her, trying to change RoHell into another man.  No, assures Maria, he’s been changing ever since she showed up.  He’d have never allowed therapy before, and the wedding and reception was one major blow-out!  Can’t she see that?  He really wants to impress her.

Rog rolls up a second or two later and wants to speak to Pau.  Maria scurries out of the way.  He sees the religious print Pau’s started framing for herself.  He objects.  Obviously, says Pau, from the communion pictures she’s seen at the house, he had a religious upbringing.  Yeah, but he lost faith a long time ago, he says.  Maria prayed her lungs out and still he’s seen no deliverance from this wheelchair.  “I cannot walk. --Your god, Nana, didn’t listen to you.” 

Back at Fermin’s place, Carmen comes out and starts defending Gus to him.  Gus insists he has nothing to hide or to lie about.  He’s packed up to go.  He doesn’t want them fighting on his account and says he’ll leave his house, but he’s not leaving town till he can prove his innocence!

Back in Hell’s Kitchen, Pau continues to gently chide Rog for his lack of faith.  “--Dios gives us all challenges.  Besides Maria, there’s you.  You can pray!  In the meantime, if this is really my home, then I should be allowed to have pictures of the god I do believe in.”  Rog sort of nods cuz he can’t argue  with that logic.

Sin, meanwhile, is still down and the stables, and sees Effer and Rosie chatting under the moonlight.  She says something snitty.  Effer tells her not to talk to AP’s aunt that way.  Sin snaps back that no peon’s going to tell her what to do! --Peone? Rosie, negatively impactada, starts checking for cooties and puts distance between her and Effer immediately. He reintroduces himself to her as the ranch’s foreman.  Sin giggles at the coup she just pulled on Effer.  He is just a simple employee of the Monteros’, she snickers. “--Nobody gets spared here!” [no deja titere con cabeza= lit., he doesn’t leave a puppet with a head].   She walks away chuckling, and, muy pleased with herself. 

Back in Hell’s kitchen again, Pau offers to make Rog’s favorite cake and Conned comes in with some kind of special beef for some dish.  Connie asks again for permission to date Effer.  Rog is in a good mood and says yes, sure.  M-grito wants to go with them on the trip. Again, Rog is feelin’ good and says why not?  Pau asks if her aunt can come, too.  Wow!  They’re all high on excitement.  Sure, he says.  Let her come, too!  Happy, happy!  Joy, joy!   

Out back again, Rosie gripes at Effer for supposedly leading her on and letting her think he was a cattlerancher friend of RoHell’s.  Effer wants to know when he told her that?  Never mind, it’s enough to get his motor humming.  He makes a pass at her. (What?  Is he on auto-pilot or what?  Rosaura??  Puhleeese!)  Rosie scoots out of his way.  He repositions his hat on his cocky head--obviously pleased with the image of himself she’s left him with, and struts off.  (Aye, ¡Fabian!  What.  A. Clown!  Such a honey!  If we only could see you without that continual 5-day grizzle-growth and a bit more hair.   Hmmmmm.)  

Sin is waiting for Effer at the stables and lights into him for flirting with Rosaura as well as Con.  He says what’s the problem?  He has to be faithful but she can have a boyfriend? Let him have a life if that’s the way it is.  She swears Dave’s not a boyfriend, not really.  It’s not like that.  What’s she doing with that jerk anyway if he isn’t her boyfriend, he wants to know.  She explains that Bro-Hell’s forcing her to go out with him because David’s his business partner.  Uh, yeah.  Right, he says.  Sin reminds him that nobody can know what there is between her and Effer.  No duh, he says.  “--Whether because of your brother or whatever else, the truth is your going out with him!”  Just then Conned runs up and says she’s excited because RoHell just gave her and Effer permission to date.  Effer puts his arms around Connie’s shoulder and walks off with her.  “--Excuse us, Srita!  This is something I’d like to celebrate over with my girlfriend.”

The next morning, the gang arrives at Montebello Lakes.  Pau remembers her first meeting with Gus which sort of clouds the mood for her, especially while Rog is trying to be so chivalrous.  He tells her this is his favorite place and he’s glad to have the chance to share it with her.   She pulls away a bit and says she can understand why he loves the place so much.  He remembers the bonfires and picnics during the overnights he’d spend there.  He tells her how happy he is she’s there with him.  She wants him to enjoy it.  He says that’s exactly what he’s doing now.

M-grito wants to go swimming.  Rosie reminds him to put his trunks on and then drags him off with her. 

At the same time, Sin is on the phone with Vainessa who is enraged to hear that Rog has taken the nurse to their favorite place!  Sin assures her it won’t be the same as before (romantic?)  since her brother can’t walk, you know?  Doesn’t matter to Nessie.  She’s pissed!  How dare he?!!  Sorry, says Sin, but come to think of it, he really seems to be in love with AP.  Just what Vainessa wanted to hear—not!!  “—Don’t put me into a worse humor than I am already!”  Click!

Back at lakeside, Pau tells Rosie that she’s feeling bad cuz everything there reminds her of Gus.  She can’t seem to get him out of her head.  He’s there with her always!

Nessa is still in a snit over RoHell.  She tells Mama she’s going to the office and will learn as much as she can so she’ll know just exactly what their business relationship with RoHell is all about. 

Pau and RoHell decide to go out in the canoe.  (M-grito still is in his skivvies.)  Pau brings a picnic basket along.  (OMG!  I can’t believe she’s getting into that canoe and she’s wearing 6 inch high espadrilles, and with ankle high laces, no less!!  She’s asking for trouble for sure!)  Ok.  Rog wants to row on his own.  Hugo stays on the shore with the others.  They head off into the center of the lake.  She’s up and about the wobbling canoe, trying to steady herself, and looking at her surroundings.  How deep is it?  (Who cares unless you can’t swim?)  She stands up to look around.  He sneaks a longing look up at her.  She has her clunky espadrilles in her hand and tries adjusting her stance or something.  All of a sudden it’s whoops-a-daisy and she’s overboard and under the surface.  Oh, hell!!  Rog starts screaming for her.  He knows he can’t do much else….   


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