Saturday, August 26, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #87-89 8/23 -8/25/06 A lot of talking

A dialogue-heavy episode takes forever to recap. Here were three dialogue-heavy episodes, so here is a long recap, preceeded as usual by corrections and a boring preamble from me.

  • Alicia's pepper spray turned out not to be illegal (she would have been in a lot more trouble if it had). However, it was still illegal for her to use it since the gang did not attack or threaten them (but it's perfectly okay to get into someone's car uninvited?).
  • The false name Fernando gave at the hotel was Alberto Moradia. I'm not sure if that's significant or not (maybe a joke or pun of some kind). "Morar" means "to dwell."
Boring preamble:

In the Comments, someone said she needed assurance that Lety won't be ugly for too much longer. I can't give a specific answer, but I will say that you'd better not hold your breath. It'll be a while. Long enough that you need to get used to her the way she is. If Fern can do it, you can too!

This comment reminded me of something my mother said when we went to see ET many years ago. She said, "I guess it was a cute movie, but why did they have to make him so ugly?"

Sigh. Totally missing the point.

Now, who wants a recap? I do!

Main story

Lety greets Fernando and Marcia. She awkwardly asks how they are doing. Marcia, bemused to be addressed by this impudent creature, says they are doing about as well as they can, or words to that effect. Marcia excuses herself, and Fern tells Lety "we need to talk." He throws his car keys at Celso, but Celso misses. Fern scolds him for letting a hangover interfere with his work. He also asks if he has alcohol in his coffee cup (not that Fern ever drinks on the job, LOL). Lety giggles. She self-consciously walks several paces behind Fern as they go into the building. Fern sarcastically praises PM for being on time.

PM wants to know how Lety's date went. Lety said it was divine, and how was PM's? PM said it was horrible. Just then, Saimon comes in. PM greets him. He replies cheerfully... to Lety. He says what a beautiful day it is, as opposed to last night, which was horrible.

Up in the exec suite, the feas want to know how Lety's date went too. They are interrupted by Marcia. She tells Lety to say where Fern went last night. Lety is speechless. Marcia says she knows what they did last night. She slept with Fern! The feas all clap in support of Marcia, who waves triumphantly.

Lola is clapping in Lety's ear, trying to snap her out of a daydream. Lety excuses herself and goes to Fernando's office. Fern tells her that he's concerned that Lety must think he lied about going home by himself. She tells him it's okay, but he wants to explain. He got home and Marcia was there, because she had worried about him when he didn't answer his phone, but they didn't do anything. Again Lety says don't worry, and goes into her office. She mutters happily, "he's mine, and only mine."

Marcia summons Lola into her office and tells her to keep their conversation to herself. Marcia wants to know if Fern got any calls last night at Lety's party. Lola says no. Marcia asks what did he do at the party? Lola tells how RoboPop occupied Fern for a long time with a story about his Uncle Lazaro. Lola laughs, remembering, but Marcia is not in a sociable mood. She asks if, at any time, he (??) at Lety's party. Lola says no. Marcia says thank you and dismisses Lola abruptly.

The feas beg Lola to explain what that was all about (Juana even fakes a heart attack, saying that her heart is breaking because Lola won't share her gossip). Lola uncomfortably refuses.

Fern is wrapping up a phone call with Luigi when Omar comes in (he is wearing a striped shirt with a striped tie; this bugs me). He says he's been waiting all night for this moment. He wants to know about last night. He's being crude. They go into the boardroom so they can talk without Lety hearing them. Omar says "tell me everything. Was it horrible?" Fern says no, it wasn't horrible. Reluctantly, he adds, it was romantic - for both of them.

Omar doesn't pick up on Fernando's pensive mood. He tells Fern that he's his hero. What an effort! He's like the Karate Kid! Fern is offended. He says it was nothing like being with a model or a casual friend. He talks about his assistant, and his right hand (I don't think that was supposed to be as funny as it sounded), the woman who can save his life. She is so in love with him. He says lots more that I don't understand. He says it affectid him deeply. Omar says fine, don't tell me everything. He is still flippant. Fernando said it was without jokes or lies. Or he wished it was without jokes or lies. Or Lety deserves no jokes or lies. Something like that.

He describes how it went. He had whiskey, she came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed, looking fragile. He couldn't do it. It was a terrible moment, and he felt like he was dying. He describes how she cried and she kissed her, etc. (Not much about the "etc.") Omar is still rude, asking did he have to look at the photo of Patty Manterola, or think about Sharon Stone. Fern says nope, it was all Lety.

Omar is horrified. He says something about Halloween. Fern is angry. Omar keeps joking, but Fern said it wasn't so bad, except for the way it's hurting his conscience. That woman is truly in love with him. He could feel it. And he says it was sweet.

Omar is worried about the way the encounter has affected Fernando. Fern says the idea of love is important to him. He's been with lots of people who meant nothing to him, but "yo quiero a Lety" (platonically, of course).

Meanwhile, in Lety's office, PM wants to hear every juicy detail, but has to settle for Lety's little giggle, which tells PM all she needs to know. Lety adds, "he said he loves me." PM seems sincerely happy for her. Lety says, "it was magical." She adds that it was sweet.

PM speaks enthusiastically about all the hard work Lety must do to maintain the relationship. Fern walks in behind her, and PM does not see Lety warning her to be quiet. She says she must seduce her boyfriend everywhere - in the car, at home, in the living room, in the bathroom. Fern excuses himself sarcastically. Paula is mortified. She gives Lety a hug and leaves.

Fern pretends to be concerned about what he has just heard PM say about Lety and Tomas. Lety giggles. After all, it was his idea that she should pretend to be seeing Tomas, and PM is interested in these things. She puts her hand on his arm.

Just then, Luigi bursts into Fern's office. He is wearing an unbelievably flattering muscle shirt. Wowiee!! Lety and Fern hurriedly step apart. Luigi asks if he is interrupting something. Fern tells him he should knock if he's so worried about manners. Luigi mischievously asks what they were doing. Fern says they're looking at reports, that's all. Luigi just came in to continue their earlier discussion about Bella Life. (He waves his hands around in a certain way whenever he says "Bella Life." It's funny.) He says he's sorry. "Excuse me," he says in English, and leaves. Fern is flustered by this near-miss. Lety sits at his desk to do something on his computer. They discuss the big huge meeting that's coming up - I believe this is the meeting that will make or break his future as president of the company. They agree they're not prepared.

Marcia gives Alicia a gift - a bag of makeup to replace that which was destroyed by Luigi's dog. Alicia whines that it's not her brand, but generously agrees to accept it. (I don't hear a "gracias.") She says something about the 15th, and Marcia says she's not going to give her any money. Alicia changes the subject - what time did Fern get home last night? Marcia says 3 AM. Alicia's loud exclamation gives Marcia a headache. Al tells Marcia to inspect Fern's clothes for perfume or other evidence. Marcia says that's not necessary, she's sure he had "relaciones" last night. "You mean he told you?" Al asks in horror. Marcia says no, but he didn't want to be with me. "Oh, that's normal," Alicia says knowingly. She describes how Mauricio was like that all the time (sounds like he couldn't stand her). Marcia says that's not normal for Fern. In fact, arguing just seemed to increase his passion. This time, he was cold and distant.

Lety is still at Fern's desk a while later when his phone rings. She answers the phone. Fern, who seems to be telephone-challenged, reaches for base of the phone and holds it to his ear. It's the publicity person from some big company. Fernando panics. She hands him the phone and he takes the call very suavely. (They switch seats so he can feel more presidential.) This company wants Conceptos to do the ads for their line of sports apparel. YES!!! They hug spontaneously. He's crazy with happiness. He wants to call a meeting right after lunch.

Fern tells Omar the good news. Then Fern tells Omar and Lety that their numbers may still need "restructuring" for the big upcoming meeting (not the one this afternoon). He wants this information kept from Marcia. He says something about Filmo-Imagen and putting on makeup (I don't know what this is about). She very reluctantly agrees to cook the books for them. After she goes back to her office, Omar warns Fern of the danger of Lety's involvement. He needs to keep her happy.

During lunch hour, Omar goes out and buys some flowers (peach-colored tulips) for Fern to give Lety. (Alicia and Marcia see Omar bring the flowers into Fern's office.) Fern wants to talk about business, but Omar wants to talk about giving Lety a card and gift for last night.

The feas have gone out for lunch. Several feas are angry and I'm not sure exactly who's mad and why. I think the gist is that Lola hopes Saimon will lure Yazmin away from El Cheque, while PM was hoping to lure Saimon away from Yazmin - in any case, Martha is grumpy from hunger, and angry with Lola for not sharing her gossip about Marcia. Lety is intrigued to know that Lola has had a secret meeting with Marcia. They vote that Lola should tell. Only Irma disagrees.

Finally Lola relents. Lola says that Marcia asked about Lety's party. She wanted to know if he got any calls, etc. They ask Lety some questions, and she gives nervous answers. Juana says something about Lety's boyfriend. Lola says Marcia seemed very emotional. Confirming that he has a lover, and he was with her.

They go back to the office. PM goes with Irma to Luigi's studio, looking for Saimon and/or Yazmin(??). Luigi complains to Irma that this impromptu afternoon meeting is inconveniencing him. He asks where is Yazmin. PM excuses herself, unhappy that Yazmin and Saimon are apparently out together. Later she intercepts them as they get off the elevator, and they have an unfriendly but probably irrelevant exchange.

Alicia answers the phone. It's Roman, looking for Alicia! She tells him that Alicia no longer works for Conceptos. She's gone to Jakarta! Alicia goes whining to Marcia, who is feeling pretty moody. She says she doesn't have time for this, she's getting ready for a meeting. Alicia mentions Jakarta, and Marcia kicks her out.

Lety scolds Fern for skipping lunch. She finds the flowers and mushy card in her office, and is delighted. The card says "our night confirmed that you need me" (or maybe "I need you" - I don't remember). It also says something about the US which I don't get. She gets all swoony.

Lety and Juana prepare the boardroom for the meeting. They have a conversation that I don't understand at all. Juana seems to have a problem of some sort. They talk about cleaning, and something about money, and Lopez (the HR guy).

Fern is mad at Saimon for being so late. He asks, where were you? Saimon says please yell at me. Fern says something about Yazmin, and she mistakenly thinks he's paying attention to her. He quickly disabuses her of this notion. :-) He says they are the West Side Story of Conceptos. She keeps trying to get Fern to look at her boobs.

Omar flirts with Carolina before the afternoon meeting. He asks when she will go out on a date with him, and she says something about the apocalypse, and something about his teeth. He laughs, and they all clap. Carolina greets Lety warmly. Luigi comes in and greets Carolina warmly. Kiss kiss kiss. Something about the new Bella Life (swishy hands) commercial.

Luigi wants the meeting to begin ASAP. Fern says not yet - one of their executives is missing (Marcia). Luigi rudely suggests that the fly (??) go fetch her. Fern and Carolina scold him. Lety calls Marcia's office, but Marcia doesn't answer, so she goes to look for her. Luigi says more mean things about Lety. Omar laughs, and Lopez begins laughing until Fern and Carolina give him disapproving looks. Then he frowns!

Marcia and Alicia are talking about Fern's lover. Alicia asks if Marcia thinks Lety could be his lover. Marcia says he'd more likely be gay than get with Lety. Lopez's name is mentioned too for some reason. Alicia says something else about the "tlacoyo bigoton" (corncake with a mustache) and they laugh. Lety hears all of this. They are still laughing when Lety comes in and says everyone's waiting in the boardroom. After Lety leaves (but is still listening outside), Alicia asks Marcia if she thinks the mustached corncake was listening. (There's more, which I don't understand, but I assume it's bitchy.)

Back in the boardroom, Lopez is attempting to flirt with Carolina. He says something about how she likes her coffee. Luigi makes a condescending remark. Lopez says he was just trying to be nice. Luigi says the men of Conceptos are all dogs. (He holds up his wrists and pants.) Lopez scratches Luigi's arm in a suggestive manner (accompanied by that sound effect from when he rubs his forehead). I have NO idea what that's about, it's gross and Luigi brushes his arm off. He says something about cookies and sugar while Lopez regains his composure.

Marcia finally gets there. She apologizes for being late and practically shuts the door in Lety's face. Luigi does the dog thing again. Fern shakes his head. Luigi says something about English setters and rottweilers. Marcia agrees with him and keeps glancing at Lety.

Fern steers the conversation back to business. He talks about the ads for the Bella Life jewelry line. Luigi invites them to applaud their great director. Only Lety claps. Marcia just looks pissy. Fern sarcastically suggests that they applaud each person in the company - Marcia, Omar (Omar applauds himself), Lopez, Lety, Carolina... he asks Lety how many employees they have. He suggests applauding each one. Most in the room clap, including him, except he's being sarcastic. Marcia's still being pissy, so she doesn't clap, and Carolina just sits there looking amused and detached. Marcia tells Lety not to encourage Fern. She also scolds Fern.

Fern says fine, let's talk about work without any further interruptions from Luigi. He talks about the sports clothing deal. Luigi is excited by this - little shorts, etc. Fern says something about a Fifi. He says the Bella Life contract is for one year, those commercials will be important, and the upcoming Big Meeting is going to be VERY important. To his family, Marcia's family (even Ariel, he adds in a jesting tone), their friends... so they need to be very well prepared.

Luigi mentions the wedding. You know, between him and Fern. ("Un 'jokey,'" he explains apologetically.) Lety looks grim. Luigi says this man is not just in love, he's REALLY in love. He reviews the publicity of their engagement. M and F seem awkward. Carolina asks about the timing of the wedding vs. the Big Meeting.

Luigi goes on and on about the incredible event, which will be bigger than any Conceptos project. Lety looks sick. Fern looks depressed. Carolina asks about the preparations.

(Carolina, Lopez, and Luigi are at one end of the table, looking cheerful. Fern, Marcia, and Lety are at the other end of the table, looking unhappy. Omar is seated between these two groups and never gets to be in frame, so I have no idea what kind of face he's making!)

Marcia tells Fern to talk about the preparations. He stammers and tries to steer back to the business conversation. Lopez excuses himself to do HR stuff. Fern angrily gets up and says the meeting isn't done yet. Marcia stands too and says he doesn't like to talk about the wedding... EVER. He has no interest in it. Everyone looks horrified. Luigi's mouth is in an O. Fern tries to lighten the mood and talks about Lety preparing the reports for the Big Meeting and Luigi doing the jewelry ads for Bella Life. Luigi wants to show off his work and invites them to his studio. Fern says they have to wait for Ariel. This annoys Marcia (I don't know why). She leaves the boardroom, followed by Lopez. Carolina says something about business worries and priorities and weddings and love. She tells Luigi to invite her for coffee, and they leave.

Lety remains morosely at the table and Omar and Fern stand behind her, gesturing to one another. Omar indicates that he wants to leave, Fern indicates that he wants him to stay. He isn't ready to deal with Lety. Lety startles both of them by getting up and saying she's going to her office.

Omar flippantly tells Fern that it was a complicated meeting. "Ya think?" Fern replies sarcastically. They talk for a long time, I miss most of the details but it appears to be yet another rehash of all that's going on. The upshot is that it's now even more important for Fern to keep two potentially dangerous women happy. He also suggests that Fern postpone the wedding. Fern responds with more sarcasm and strangulation. "I'll be back" he says in English, imitating the Terminator.

Lola and Sara have overheard Alicia having a conversation with Tomas (more about that later). They tell PM. PM blames herself (I don't follow her reasoning). The agree they have to help Lety. They tell Lety that her boyfriend is cheating on her. She is momentarily confused until she realizes they mean Tomas. They say yes, with the airhead. They describe the conversation and assure her they're going to take care of it. (Sara's solution seems to involve a lot of violence against Alicia.) Martha, who's been ostracized for cheating on her diet (more on that later), balls her fists too, although it's not clear whether she's angrier with Alicia or with Sara.

Lety says she wants to take care of it herself. PM says she needs their combined experience to deal with this boyfriend-thief. They discuss this some more, and Luigi bustles up to tell Irma they have lots of work to do. She says no, the Bella Life stuff is all ready. He says no, he means Marcia's wedding dress.

Carolina and Luigi check out the gorgeous dress or fabric (it's in a box, we don't get a good look). Carolina sadly says something about a disaster with "tus novios" - I'm not sure if she means Luigi's boyfriends or if she means Fernando and Marcia. She says it's a shame.

The feas discuss the wedding too. Lety says it'll be around the time of the Big Meeting so Fernando's parents can be there for both. Then she either says their wedding will be a compromise, or it's been compromised... I'm not sure. The whole thing seems to be in doubt, and the feas wonder if the wedding and/or relationship is a bad idea. Lety says she doesn't know.

Lety takes a break from moping in her office to call Tomas to yell at him for flirting with Alicia. He is surprised by her ambush and I think he asks if she has bugged his phone! She says no, she has a much more primitive system in place - gossip. Everyone knows about him and the airhead. Tomas protests that Lety had asked him to give the impression that he's rich and handsome, and Alicia is fascinated by that. He promises to cut the relationship off, though. More talking, and they hang up. Tomas complains to himself that she's ugly and irritable.

In Fern's office, Fern and Omar hear most of this and wonder if Lety is more serious about Tomas than she admits. They don't know who the "airhead" is. Fern thinks Tomas is not a threat. He tells about the serenade at her party (I'm not sure how this supports his claim). Omar is not convinced.

Lety interrupts them with some Filmo-Imagen info. Fern asks her what's going on. She says it was just a problem at home and retreats to her office.

Marcia comes in and Omar makes himself scarce. Marcia confronts him about the wedding. He doesn't want to talk about it here. She says he doesn't want to talk about it here, there, or anywhere, at any time. Marcia either issues an ultimatum or cancels the wedding outright. Lety does a happy-dance in her office.

Fern panics and tries to weasel. Lety's name is mentioned. I'm not sure exactly what they say about her. I think Marcia is tired of Lety always being around and hearing everything they say. She says it's black or white - either they marry or they don't.

The littlest mermaid and king of bad timing, Ariel, interrupts them. (Lety hurries to her desk to look busy, just in case he wants to check on her.) Marcia takes Ariel away to the studio.

Fern goes into Lety's office. He asks, doesn't she want to see Luigi's presentation? (I think he just figures Marcia's less likely to confront him if Lety is there.) She says no, she's too busy. He offers to help her, then. (Plan B - avoid confrontation with Marcia by hiding out in Lety's office. This is just the sort of behavior you want in a company president.) She says no.

(During this conversation she has been pulling heavy binders off the shelves and piling them up on her desk. Then she starts loading them all back onto the shelf. She is blatantly giving Fern the cold shoulder.)

He bows and "con permiso"s about a million times on the way out of her office, as she often does to him. After he leaves, she mutters, "what is he, Oriental?"

In Luigi's studio, Luigi and Carolina have an incomprehensible conversation about novios, someone named Alexis, and danger. Ariel and Marcia join them. Ariel is obviously hot for Carolina, and it's not mutual. He flirts with her. She's polite and charming, but at this point we know her well enough to read the look on her face - she'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee.

Meanwhile, Marcia stares vacantly into space.

Yazmin and Saimon

Rewinding to the beginning of the day...

Outside the Conceptos building, Yazmin and El Cheque argue about Lola's house. He says it belongs to Lola - it's Lola's family's house. He doesn't want it. Yazmin is very angry with him. Saimon watches from a distance - I don't know if he hears what they're arguing about, but he sees that El Cheque has disappointed Yazmin. His heart fills with hope.

Later, shortly before lunchtime, Yaz is on the phone with El Cheque. She tells him she wants to be alone. From the look on her face, she wants to be alone with Saimon. She turns the phone off.

Two actress/models hang out in Luigi's office while he argues with El Cheque on the phone. No, Luigi says, you cannot speak with Yazmin, and stop calling her on my phone. Call her on that cell phone. Uh-oh, you're breaking up! Hiss [that fake static noise]! He hangs up on El Cheque. The models giggle.

Yazmin and Saimon are walking around in a beautiful park. He says something about 24 hours per day, 365 days/year sugar. She is pouty and irritable.

Saimon tells her how much he likes her. She allows him to hug her, and he says he's dying of joy. She pushes him away, pretending to be flustered. Then she kisses him on the mouth, big-time. (Obviously, she's read the chapter in her high school psychology textbook that talked about intermittent reinforcement.)

Yazmin checks her watch during their embrace and pushes him away again. She says it's late - they need to get back to the office. Saimon says they'll have to do the rest of their kisses on another day. She tells him no more kisses - it was a mistake.

After lunch, Luigi scolds Yazmin for her chronic tardiness. He reminds her that Conceptos is a place of business, mentions the constant phone calls from El Cheque, and adds that everyone dislikes her. She doesn't seem to believe this, but the loafing models smirk in agreement. He says lots more, including the word "cuckoo," but evidently gives her another chance. (Backstory: he hired Yazmin mostly out of spite, because so many people in the company didn't want him to, knowing it would cause problems for Lola and lots of disruption. He hired her as a way of throwing his weight around. If Luigi fires Yazmin, it'd be like acknowledging that he was wrong about her. He needs to find a way to fire her without losing face.)

Yazmin is thrilled that Flaquito has been worrying about her. Irma warns her not to push her luck.

Tomas and Alicia

Lety's mom brings a snack and some orange juice to Tomas, who is working in his Les Nessman-like office. He asks her to please open and close the "door" when she goes in and out of his office. She gamely asks whether the door is currently open or closed. :-)

Tomas needs to call Lety, but she's not answering the phone (she's at that meeting). He decides this is a great excuse to speak to Alicia!

Alicia has been crying in the hallway about her misfortunes. Might she have to sell the jewelry her mother gave her? No, forget it! No one will help her. If someone does help her, (I don't catch this).

Her phone rings. It's Lety's mom, posing as Tomas's secretary, asking to speak to Lety. Alicia snottily replies that this is not Lety's line, it's the president's. Mom says Lety's not answering her own phone, and this is important. Alicia says they're all busy in a meeting and mustn't be interrupted. She asks who is calling, and Mom says she is calling for Tomas Mora of Filmo-Imagen.

Predictably, Alicia makes nice after hearing this, offering to take a message. Mom and Tom confer loudly so Alicia can hear them. Tomas plays the bigshot, trying to decide which of his many phone lines she should route the call to. Mom refers to Alicia as "the secretary," and Alicia looks offended.

Mom hangs up, I'm not sure whether on purpose or by mistake. Tomas calls Alicia back himself. At this point, Mom discovers that this horrid woman is Alicia - Lety's enemy. Alicia tells Tomas she's not really a secretary. (Lola and Sara are eavesdropping on Alicia's side of the conversation.) Alicia says she's very close to the Mendiola and Villaroel families, and has had six semesters of finance at an excellent university. (Tomas replies, "wow, six whole semesters" without a trace of irony.) Alicia says, "I don't know if Lety has told you this, but..." and goes on to describe some of her highfalutin', mostly fictitious duties at Conceptos. Lola and Sara stifle their laughter.

Tomas tells Alicia that he and Lety don't talk much about Conceptos. Mom looks shocked by this lie. Alicia asks if he and Lety are novios, because the whole world knows about that relationship... or was that all just lies? He downplays the relationship, saying it's in early stages. Al asks if it is serious, and Tomas tells her it's not formal at all, so there's no reason he and Alicia can't have a nice chat on the phone.

Alicia wants to meet with him in person. Tomas takes a break to compose himself and order Mom around (just to make sure Alicia knows what a bigshot he is). Mom is offended, and slaps Tomas and scolds him. Alicia hears all of this, and tells Tomas he should get a new secretary. He jokes that she could help him modernize his equipment. Al says that she can't leave Conceptos - she's too important, and too beloved. (Lola and Sara laugh some more.)

He says he has no time to meet. He has meetings, business meals, trips (actually he first says "viejas," which elicits an ugly look for Mom, then corrects himself ""). Alicia suggests meeting at his office for coffee and a chat.

Tomas says, "you want to meet HERE??" Mom is incredulous. She tells him to hang up the phone, that woman is not coming into her house. She yells into the phone that Tomas is needed in a meeting. They exchange friendly goodbyes and hang up.

Mom twists Tomas's ear and yells at him for spending the afternoon (actually about five minutes) talking to that woman, Lety's enemy, and flirting with her. He protests that she flirted with him, and he couldn't help responding in kind. Mom says how could he invite her over. He says no, she invited herself, but Mom says "and you accepted." He says it's all just negotiations and diplomacy, but Mom is not impressed.

He doesn't want her to tell Lety. She tells him not to fool himself.

Martha's "diet"

Alicia is whining to her father (on the phone) that no one will help her with her financial problems. Her car, her apartment, etc. She is crying. She quickly ends the call when the feas come into the lobby on their way to lunch - she tells her father she doesn't want everyone to hear all of her personal business.

While waiting for Martha to come out of the bathroom, the feas taunt Alicia - she should try Martha's autosuggestion diet. Instead of imagining that she has food, she could imagine that she has money, a boyfriend, and gas for her car.

When they get back from lunch, Martha goes into the bathroom again. Sara and Lola harrass her about her frequent bathroom trips. They have another run-in with Alicia later - Paula Maria and Alicia exchange comments about Omar and Saimon (I'm not sure what they say, exactly) and then they trade insults about hair color. The feas mock Alicia's hair-stroking and her whiny "Aaaaaaaaie, Maaaaarcia." (Alicia strokes her hair self-consciously while they do this.) She waves her makeup bag at them. She tells them she can fix herself up in five minutes with the help of cosmetics, but there are no tools that can fix their lives. They all clap sarcastically at her maudlin cliche.

Alicia hears moaning coming from one of the stalls. She drags a bench across the floor and peeks over the wall - Martha is pigging out on a bag of chips! Alicia hurries to fetch the feas. She tells them she wants them to see the autosuggestion diet at work. Sara says don't bother us, airhead, go do some work. Alicia again invites them to see a cow (something about a cow).

Sara, PM, and Juana follow Alicia into the bathroom. Martha is still moaning over her illicit meal. Sara peeks over the wall to confirm Alicia's claim. Juana yells into an imaginary bullhorn, come out with your hands up.

Martha comes out of the stall with her arms raised. There's a big sandwich in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. Alicia strokes her hair in satisfaction, gloats, and leaves. Paula Maria looks in Martha's locker, and it's full of food. They say no wonder she's been gaining so much weight!

The feas emerge from the bathroom with armloads of Martha's stash of food. Lola arrives, and they update her on the situation. Martha complains they have no right to seize her personal stuff.

Alicia tells Carolina (who has just come in for Fern's meeting) how pathetic all these people are. Sara interjects that that's nothing compared to getting stranded because you can't afford gas. She offers some food to Carolina, who graciously refuses.

Martha is treated like an outcast for the rest of the episode.

Up in the executive lobby, the feas inventory Martha's mini-bodega. Yazmin, passing through, tells Lola she shouldn't be stealing other people's food (I think). Lola replies something about El Cheque and food for her kids. Martha is crying. Lopez tells them to stop. Yazmin gets all teary and says they're picking on her. Lola says something about her private life. Yazmin complains that Lola is always so aggressive with her. Lopez says he doesn't want to witness any more personal problems between them.

Does Marcia see something interesting on the ceiling, or is she just averting her eyes from the horrifying spectacle of her brother flirting with Carolina? Will Yazmin suffer a disfiguring accident (I'll keep asking)? Will Tomas's secretary pencil Alicia in for a visit to Filmo-Imagen? Will the feas forgive Martha for eating? Tune in next week to find out!


Friday, August 25, 2006

Synopsis of "Mundo de Fieras"

Since I'm going to give the new one a look whenever it starts, I thought I'd translate the ESMAS synopsis... do we have here, yet again, a lot of people who do no work whatsoever? See this post for pictures and more information.

"World of Beasts" is the passionate and dramatic story of GABRIEL and DEMIAN, identical twins [oh brother] who were separated at birth and whose lives subsequently took very different paths.

Gabriel grew up surrounded by siblings and intimately loved by his adoptive parents; Demian suffered shortages and abandonment. Great suffering poisoned his soul and turned him to delinquency. Fleeing from the law, he lost a leg/foot.

Learning of Gabriel's existence, an uncontrollable hate was awakened in Demian and he focused all his fury and resentment on his twin. Now, Demian, devoted to destroying his brother, is Gabriel's worst enemy.

Gabriel's life is no garden of roses. His first wife, mother of his firstborn son ROGELIO, became gravely ill and died when his second child, PAULINA, was born. After overcoming the tremendous sadness caused by this terrible loss, he met JOSELYN, a young and attractive widow, mother of one daughter (KAREN). They wed, and the first years of their matrimony were tranquil; they had a son, LUISITO.

Some time later, there was an auto accident in which Joselyn lost the baby she was expecting and Luisito's legs were severely injured. Since then, Joselyn has reproached Gabriel constantly. She is obsessively jealous and he feels ever more distant from her.

Gabriel's situation is even more difficult since his inlaws, CLEMENTE and MIRIAM (a cold, ambitious woman without conscience), also live in his house.

Demian, on his side, exploits the unreciprocated love of his wife REGINA and rules her with deceptions. Regina is a timid and submissive woman who was once in love with Gabriel, but her parents prevented this love. Regina's marriage has been a hell; Demian never ceases to mistreat her and torture her with his jealousies, even to the point of saying their son JUAN CRISTOBAL is not his son, but Gabriel's bastard.

Juan Cristóbal and Paulina (Gabriel's daughter) will live a profound love which they will have to protect from the hatred between their families, and also from the intrigues of KAREN, Joselyn's capricious daughter.

MARIANGELA arrives at Gabriel's house. She is CLEMENTE's illegitimate daughter. Miriam forbade her spouse to give Mariangela his last name, but allows the girl to remain as Luisito's teacher, so she can give free rein to her hatred of the girl and humilate her constantly.

But others have been affected by the beautiful and kind Mariángela - for instance, LEONARDO, son of the maid CANDELARIA. He loves Mariangela the moment he meets her and fights for her love.

The arrival of Mariangela will set off changes in the destiny of all, but above all in the heart of Gabriel.

Mariángela is not the only presence affecting the tranquility of these families. DOLORES, sister of Joselyn's first husband, has gotten out of jail - she had been incarcerated unjustly for the murder of her brother. Wearing the habit of a humble religious woman, Dolores will grow close to the family to discover the horrible secret of the past, to exact justice and achieve vengeance.

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News from a reader: Alborada release on dvd

Hola Fans de Alborada. I am sending the news here that the Alborada DVD is coming out on Tuesday, Oct. 17. I ordered one from Video Universe and the total cost including delivery was $21.48 Go to and search for Alborada.


Barerra replacement

The Muy Pronto yesterday on Barerra gave the title - It is Mundo de Fieras [World of Wild Beasts]. The website says that it is a story that will make your jaw drop. Cesar Evora (of Entre l'amor y el odio) plays identical twins, separated at birth who hate each other.
But I'm not switching again.

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Heridas, Thursday, August 24

In the prison, Gonzo’s protector, ‘El Magnate,’ interrogates the prisoner who tried to kill Gonzo. He asks who ordered the hit and the prisoner says he doesn’t know. He just got a piece of paper under his bread in the dining hall that said, ‘kill El Duque.’ Others in his section of the prison probably received the same paper. ‘If I fail, there are others who will take on the job, says the prisoner, ‘it’s only a matter of time.’ El Magnate lets the guy go and instructs his henchmen to keep an eye on him and find out who paid for the hit.
At the hacienda, Al and Bertha are having a drink and Fernanda comes in. Bertha asks Fernanda mockingly how long she has been playing this ridiculous game of being known as Dr. Fernandez? Fernanda says that she doesn’t want to tell her daughters that she is their mother yet. Bertha asks how long Fernanda & Al have known each other. Al says that it doesn’t matter. Bertha responds that it does matter – Fernanda may have only told him her side of the story. ‘I have told exactly what happened,’ says Fernanda. Bertha says, ‘then did you or did you not fall in love with Alfredo Luque the day, his wife Sofia, your best friend, introduced him to you?’ ‘Is this true?’ ask Al. Fernanda admits it and rues the day that she confided this to Bertha. Bertha leaves saying that when Fernanda is ready to tell Al the truth to let her know. Al asks Fernanda what ‘truth’ is Bertha referring to. Fernanda says that she doesn’t know and it is Bertha that must tell the truth but Al notes that Bertha has but Fernanda on the defensive. ‘What are you afraid of?’ he asks. Fernanda leaves the room without responding. When she is gone, Al has a thought bubble to the effect that he will pay whatever price to know what she is hiding that involves his parents.
In her bed, Miranda calls herself a idiot for letting men fool her. She has some flashbacks to conversations with Al and dancing with him. Crying, she asks what could Bertha have that Al is willing to pay this price for.
In her room, Bertha tells the dog that she has won. Fernanda fell flat on her face in front of Al. Her price for giving the jewelry designs to Al is marriage. Bertha does not understand why anyone would want these dusty old portfolios. It must be for their sentimental value – a concept she does not understand.
In the chapel, Fernanda is asking God to let her help her daughters when Flor comes in. Fernanda says that she has asked for another doctor to come to continue her treatment. She is leaving and she won’t bother Flor again. Fernanda is astonished when Flor asks her to stay and help her to stay alive long enough to have her baby. Flor asks Bertha who in her family knows about her condition. Fernanda has to say that they all do. ‘So the only dummy that didn’t know I am going to die is me?’ says Flor. Fernanda asks if Flor’s other doctors spoke to her about her condition. Flor says that her aunt was the one who spoke to the doctors. Flor says that only Fernanda and she must know that she is aware of her prognosis and Fernanda agrees. Once again, Flor begs Fernanda to let her baby be born. Since Fernanda is a mother, she should understand this. For herself, Flor says that she cares nothing. Fernanda is telling her that she will try and have both Flor and her baby live when Squeaky comes in.
A stupid breakfast scene where Bertha uses Al to make Miranda feel bad and Miranda does the same thing to Al with Cesar. Cesar announces that he has come to take Miranda to see her father. Al tells Miranda that her father doesn’t want her to come to the prison and certainly not with Cesar. Miranda says that her father is sure that Cesar didn’t have anything to do with the fraud. No proof of his involvement has been found. Bertha chimes in and says that Cesar is impulsive, direct and a little violent but he isn’t a criminal.
Miranda asks to speak to Al alone. She says that she knows that Al is trying to get something from Bertha but she doesn’t like being part of the game he is playing. Al says that he thought she was more mature. She asks what it is that Bertha has. Al hesitates but finally tells her that Bertha has a portfolio that belonged to his father. Miranda then says, ‘Bertha and your father knew each other?’ She has a green flashback to when Gonzo introduced Al to Bertha and Miranda. Bertha asked if Al was Alfredo Luque’s son and he said to her, ‘You must be Bertha.’ Miranda asks Al how it is thatBertha could know his father and Gonzo not know him.
Squeaky is her usual obnoxious self. She orders Fernanda out of the room like a slave. Fernanda says that another doctor is coming and to let her know of any changes. Flor deflects Squeaky’s questions about why she was hugging Fernanda. It appears that two of her girlfriends have come to visit. Flor says that Fab has gone to do something with his project.
Fernanda asks Tomasa to look for previous medical studies that were done on Flor. Tomasa is afraid that if Bertha finds out, she will do harm to her granddaughter. Fernanda says she won’t let that happen. Tomasa thinks that if the studies are anywhere, they are in Bertha’s room in their house in Mexico City. However, the dog is always in there. ‘Dog, what dog?’ asks Fernanda, ‘Bertha doesn’t like dogs.’ Tomasa that Bertha has a big mean dog. Fernanda then asks Tomasa to look for any old portfolios.
Back at the barrio, Francisco makes a fuss when Amparo says she is going to dinner with Ramon. Amparo explodes. She asks whether Francisco wants her to be an old maid for the rest of her life taking care of his children. For some reason, Francisco stops being an asshole and says that Amparo should have the chance to be happy. He only asks that she not have children if she gets married. I think that she says that will not be a problem.
Back at the hacienda, Al tells Miranda that his father sold some jewelry to Bertha’s family. ‘Then he must have known my mother,’ says Miranda. ‘Maybe,’ Al begins, aware he is on dangerous ground. Cesar and Bertha come in and Cesar says that it is time to leave. Bertha invites herself onto Al's flight by saying that she has heard from Gonzo's lawyer that he wants to see her. When she is gone, Al and Cesar stand face to face [Al is shorter than Cesar] and behave like children. ‘When I marry Miranda, I won’t allow you to set foot in this house.’ ‘I come into this house whenever I want to and you’ll never marry Miranda,’ retorts Al.
Miranda tell Squeaky that she is leaving for Mexico City. She also tells her that Fernanda told her that kleptomaniacs remember when they steal something. In fact, it is the sensation they have when stealing that is the most important part of the condition. Squeaky asks what happened to her then? Miranda says that she doesn’t know but it wasn't kleptomania.
Al watches Miranda, Fernanda & Cesar leave to go to Mexico City. Then Bertha shows up so to go with him to Mexico City. [Five people are going to the same place on two different planes? How wasteful!]
Squeaky’s friends, including Bertha’s stooge, Veronica, arrive.
At the barrio, Amparo advises Francisco to stop micromanaging the lives of his children. Raul comes home and says that he has been sent to Tabasco to take care of someone. When it is clear that Raul is going to the San Llorente hacienda, Amparo tells him that Fernanda is the mother of the girls and almost nobody at the hacienda knows this. Juan doesn’t understand but he will keep up the pretence.
Raul and Lasagna are in a bar. Raul pessimistic about their chances of staying together against the wishes of their families. Lasagna says that they are adults and can do whatever they want. The incredibly patient evil duo watches them.
Squeaky and her friends lounging in the pool in their bikinis complain about how boring it is to be shut up in this luxurious hacienda with a pool, horses and hot and cold running domestic help. Squeaky calls Lasagna and asks when she is coming. Lasagana, holding Raul’s hand, says she is busy. Squeaky insists and L says, ‘can she bring a friend?’ ‘Sure,’ says Squeaky. [Lasagna must know that bringing Raul in contact with Squeaky again is not a good idea.] Fab shows up and Veronica comes on to him.
When Bertha gets back to the house in Mexico City, she is surprised to see the maid, Charo, whom she accused of stealing the necklace and fired. Charo says that Miranda told her she could stay. Bertha agrees grudgingly but interrogates Charo about who has come to the house while she was away and tells Charo that she, Bertha, is in charge, not Miranda.
At the hospital, Fernanda is told that Juan has gone to Tabasco to take care of Flor. She realizes that he hasn’t been told that she has a different identity when dealing with her daughters. She calls Tomasa and asks her to fill Juan in when he arrives. Gabino comes in and says that the peones have left the hacienda – they are alone…[Hey, there are three women doing nothing by the pool. They could collect the cacao or

Fab has apparently insisted that Flor come out to the pool. He asks if she feels better and she says no. All she wants to do is stay in bed. While Squeaky and her friends look on with interest, the newlyweds have a fight. Fab complains that he
has done everything for Flor and can never seem to please her.
That’s where the TiVo ended.


Mundo de Fieras-Index

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Wed. August 23

Alejandro and Luciano talk about Als feeling for Miranda while standing at a bar in a happening restaurant. Luciano has never seen Al like this before. Luciano tries to tell Al to get a hold of his emotions and he suggests that maybe Miranda is playing him. Al answers that jealousy at his age are symptoms of weaknesses and immaturity. As they patter back and forth a woman comes up and re-introduces herself to Alejandro telling him tonight he is hers.

Cesar and Miranda return from their walk or tour of town. Cesar promises to get Don Julios sons to take back their charges against Gonzalo. Cesar leaves and Renata comes to talk with Miranda. Miranda tells her that she had to get rid of their club membership. Renanta says it is best. What Renanta really wants to talk about is Charo and how Bertha fired her. Renata feels horrible. Miranda tells her not to worry and that most likely the robbery of the necklace had something to do with Bertha. They argue the Bertha point and then Renata tells Miranda that it was her. She is a thief. Miranda denys this possibility and comforts squeaky.

Gonzalo whines that the whole world sees him as a fool (imbecile). His protector cellmate now puts on the hat of psychotherapist and begins to question Gonzalo on what G means. Gonzalo says he married a much younger woman whose father made her marry him. Gonzalo recognizes today that she was without character and will power, all a sign of mediocrity (low values). The cellmate protector guy (CPG) warns Gonzalo to be careful with which stick you are measuring. (Ten cuidado con la vara que mides.) CPG queries who obliged Gonzalo to marry her? Gonzalo doesnt answer and gets up to put away his food tray. Another inmate comes up and grabs G around the neck and hold a knike to G's throat.
Florencia overhears Fernanda and Fabricio talking about Flor dying before the baby is born. Fab is saying Its not FAIR! Flors face is seen shocked in the mirror that overlooks the table where Fern and Fab are talking. Fern tells Fab again that it is very important to get the medical records from Germany.
Back to Gonzalo in jail where CPG saves the day by scaring the knife wielding bandit away. CPG tells Gonzalo that it was a warning. Calm down, we know who ordered this, the guy with the knife. CPG wants to get back to his questions with Gonzalo. He asks again who obliged G to marry your woman. Gonzalo says no one made him marry. He liked the way he felt with her at his side. She injected life into him, she made him feel strong. Thats why he married her. Thats the way he wanted it. CPG says "How conviente, no? To have at your disposicion a woman who in other circumstances never would have noticed you. You werent at (the right) age to go out with her." Gonzalo counters I loved her! (We see here the family trait of whining.) CPG isnt detered. He points out "But you used her. Its a fact. You aren't as inocent as you think. They made her (marry) and you took advantage of that." Gonzalo claims that he had many women in love with him and he could have married any of those. CPG prods a little more "you loved her right?" Gonzalo "Fernanda belonged to me, only me." (Hmmm little does he know.)

Renata cries to Miranda about feeling like she is going crazy becasue she cant remember taking things. Renata is worried that she will get caught. Then she asks Miranda what if she is a cleptomaniac. Miranda tells her they will investigate the symptoms together and find a solution.

Florencia is seen crying in her room Why me! She has a flashback to Pamela telling her she will pay for what she has done to Miranda. She thinks Pamela is right but its Mirandas fault! (It could never be her own.) Flash over to Luciano flirting with girls at the bar and Alejandro walking up to him. Luciano asks is it true that you a in love with Miranda? Al says si, and Luciano then says then what are you doing here? Al takes the hint and leaves.

Miranda and Tomasa share some hot chocolate just the way Miranda likes it with cinamon. Fernanda walk up and joins them. Miranda asks about Florencia and then starts telling Fern how she cant cry, she cant take any more. Fern encourages her telling Miranda that she can and she has the strength. Things will change. Miranda is grateful for the advice.

Cesar and the investigator talk about whether Alejandro is the secret man behind the moving of the hosiptal patients, and the one who blocked the hotel. Bertha walks in as the investigator leaves. She asks who the man is. Cesar says an employee. Bertha jumps on this answer and says you are doing well to have employees now eh? She tells Cesar that she knows about the money he earned (25%) from the fraud against San Llorente Inversions. Cesar is upset to find she knows this. Bertha tells Cesar she wants the part that Cesar took from Gonzalo. That part belongs to her. Cesar quips to Bertha that he has never paid for the love of a woman when Bertha tells him to act like Alejandro. She wants Cesar to buy things for Miranda, to get Miranda interested in him. They kiss.

Florencia continues her fit this time with Fabricio in the room with her. She gets so mad she semi passes out. Flash to the unhappy home of Amparo et al. Francisco is yelling at and with Raul. Raul tells Fran that he shouldnt have talked to Lisanias mother the way Francisco did. With that Fran looses more of his temper telling Raul he is his kid and Raul needs to respect him and to not see Lisania anymore. Raul tells Fran that Fran is looking ridiculous. Fran almost hits Raul at this when Amparo steps in to break it up. Fran then turns on her and tells her it is her fault that the boys are not respectful, they have been spoiled, and for her to not get involved in this fight. They are his sons. Raul runs out of the house telling his father he wont stop seeing Lisania because they love each other. Francisco takes that as a clue to chew out Amparo some more. Amparo says she never got married because she has dedicated her life to his kids and Si! She has a say in their lives. Blah Blah Blah.

Pamela and her mother talk in a hospital room. They have to stay awake until tomorrow because they will take some tests. The mother talks about a memory that she cant really remember. Then she starts remembering, "those men those men destroyed the house, burned the furniture, burned the clothes, looking for something but I dont know what they wanted! When they left others arrived and they said they were going to kill us. Becasue of this I took you in my arms and I ran and ran and ran so no one would see us!" Pamela asks "You are scarying me. When did this happen?" The mother "I dont know. They were going to kill us. They were going to kill us becasue of your fathers fault! They were going to kill us!"

Carola starts to yell at one of the thugs that she calls Shakiras. She wants to know what he is doing in a back room of what looks to be a club. He flirts with her and asks her to change her life to have a better life, have a house with someone who loves you and be happy. He says he is tired of seeing what Sanson has done to her over all these years. He tells her to start over with him. She tells him that isnt possible. He tells her it can happen with the money from the bank robbery. He tells her he has a plan. Sanson wants him to take the money while Rafa and Romeo distract the cops, and Sanson pops (off) Raul. Shakiras plan is to kill Sanson and no one will be the wiser. He will have all the money thus leaving an opportunity for Carola and him to have a new life. Carola asks if he is crazy.

Don Julios boys (smart as they are) ask Juan if he wants to earn a lot of money. They know he doesnt earn enough money at the hospital to buy himself a pair of decent pair of shoes. But if Juan does them a favor in one minute he can earn the equivilant of a years salary. What does he think? Juan asks what does he have to do. They say something very simple. All Juan has to do is sign a certificate saying Julio Bustamante is incapacitated. Juan repeats their offer like he is thinking it over, then says if yall are ready and able to give me a years salary then the offer needs to go higher right? He tells them that he wants more! More! Sufficient enough to buy Juans ethics and the life of their father! He finishes it off by saying if they dont want him to call the cops they better get out of there. "You better be very careful who you try to get to harm Don Julio!" The brothers are upset to have been spoken to in that manner. Marcos (Ok yes that was his name in Alborada but I havent got this new name down.) says he has never been overtaken by any animal. Juan says well I have. Go. The other brother promises this wont be the last time they see him. After the brothers leave the Director of the hospital tells Juan that he might have to go to Tabasco because Fern needs Juans help.

In her nightgown Miranda thinks to herself that if her father doesnt solve the problems she will need to sell her jewels, maybe the hacienda. She thinks no she cant sell the hacienda. Too much of her family is connected to the hacienda. As she is talking to heself we hear the sound of mariachis. Renata comes running into the room telling Miranda to get ready because Alejandro has brought her a serenade! Renata is actually excited for Miranda. While they get ready Bertha runs down the stairs and throws herself at Alejandro. She claims the serenade is for her and then throws herself into the arms of Alejandro. Before she jumps into his arms we hear Alejandro talk to himself about how Bertha has his fathers portofolio! She has to return it to him! Then Bertha throws herself at him and kisses him at the same time. Upstairs on the balcony finally ready Miranda arrives just to see Bertha hugging Alejandro and kissing him. Miranda walks away and Bertha lets go of Aljeandro saying she knew the serenade wasnt for her all along. Al asks for his fathers portofolio and Bertha says she doesnt have it but come in and have a drink. (Great scene but what I dont get is how many times Alejandro is suppossedly flying to and from Mexico City and Tobasco like it's a 30 minute drive. Plus carting 12 mariachis? Or did he find them on his way?)

Florencia yells at Fabricio. She is on the edge of a nervous breakdown yelling Why did you fall for me?! She asks Fabricio what is it about her that he loves if Miranda is so pretty, so strong and independent. I am everything different from her! Fab answers "That is why. Miranda didnt need for me to protect her. That is why I fell in love with you." They make up.

Renata runs back to Mirandas room asking what happened the mariachis left so soon! Miranda tells her ask Bertha the mariachis were for her. They fight over Berthas character and Renata leaves saying they wont agree. Renata kisses Miranda before she leaves.

Mop head Rebecca and Julio argue over whether Gonzalo will pardon Julios boys. Julio wants to get Gonzalo out of jail as soon as possible. How? By sending to prison the real culprit of all of this. Cesar. Rebecca freaks out saying Julio cant hurt Cesar! Julio is adamant and then starts to hold his chest and the heart monitor start rapidly beaping.

Bertha and Alejandro sit outside drinking cocktails and discussing Berthas idea of what love is. She doesnt believe in romantic love but she believes in the wounds of love. She acts very seductive and crazy all at the same time. Alejandro seems captivated and repelled at the same time. Ugh! Enough of her already! Fernanda walks up and Bertha asks her what is her concept of love? Fernanda answers "For God Alejandro to talk of this with Bertha is like talking about kindness with a hiena."


La Fea Más Bella #85-86 8/21 -8/22/06 It's STILL Lety's birthday!

Picture of me coming soon... I just need to get my hands on, like, a camera or something.

Useless vocabulary word:

Tlacoyo bigotón: Mustached corncake. It's one of Alicia's nicknames for Lety. I had a heck of a time finding a translation for this, after having a heck of a time figuring out what she was saying (I had thought she was saying "cogotón" which didn't make any sense...).

On with the recap:

Four of the neighborhood gang go up to Lucy and Ethel's rental car and yell, "HOLA!!" The women scream and the guys start harrassing them. Someone says something about Santa Claus (the guy who I'm assuming is Roman is wearing a red hat with white trim). "What's your name?" the guys ask. "Who's asking?" Alicia nervily replies. Alicia screams for help. Marcia says don't bother us, we'll call the police.

"Don't you want to hang out with us?" the guys say. "No, we're not interested, go away please," Marcia answers politely. "Okay," they say, but then they get in the car! (Which, btw, is a VW, probably a Passat - not a BMW as I had previously thought). The women scream loudly as more men surround the car, get in the car, lean against the car...

Alicia whips out a can of pepper spray and lets it rip! She, Marcia, and the two men closest to the back doors get out quickly. The rest are still choking and blinded in the car. Everyone is gasping and caughing and choking. Alicia shoves a man away from her.

Fern and Lety come out of the house. Fern is sounding a little better, but they are both a bit drunk. They wonder where they can go at this late hour that will still be open. They see the ruckus from a distance but don't recognize the car or its disguised occupants. Recalling Fern's recent run-in with the gang, they decide to take advantage of the altercation to sneak away unnoticed. Fern stuffs Lety into the car before the malditos see them.

The altercation continues. Lety's parents are in bed. RoboPop seems to be passed out cold in his pajamas, and Mom, still in her clothes, watches him sleep. Pop is awakened by the sound of sirens. He is worried that Fern might be in trouble. He wants to go out and check. Mom, not wanting him to discover that Lety has left, keeps him from leaving the room. She brings him some tea. He drinks it and falls asleep again.

The police have arrived. The gang accuse the women of attacking them. The men are unarmed, and the women do look suspicious in their black hats and black trenchcoats. Plus, it wasn't legal for Alicia to be carrying pepper spray.

Alicia is outraged. She tries to argue with the police, and Marcia unsuccessfully attempts to calm her down. The police decide to take Alicia and the whole gang down to the police station to sort it out there.

Alicia resists arrest. "Don't you know who I am?" she demands. She says she is Alicia Fererra, and her husband is Mauricio Whats-his-name, and she works at Conceptos, and the president is a millionaire, and he's right there in that house (pointing). It doesn't look like the sort of house, or neighborhood, that such a person would be seen in, and Marcia tells her that Fernando's car is now gone.

Only then does Alicia take her outrage down a notch. She switches into whine mode and says she has a Mercedes, so she can't ride in an icky police car. Marcia suggests driving Alicia to the station in the rental car, but the police don't think this is a good idea. :-) Marcia also tries to explain the situation - I can't follow most of what she says, but she mentions jealousy. Alicia keeps popping out of the police car to throw in her two pesos, and the cop keeps pushing her pack in. I think solicitation is mentioned. The gangsters are herded into the police car with Alicia, and away they go.

Lety is all over Fern in his car. (BTW, I've noticed that the identifying marks on most of the cars on this show are deliberately obscured. Even with a full frontal view of the rental car, for example, you can see the round thing on the front of the car, you can vaguely make out diagonal lines that you know is the VW logo, but you can't see it clearly even though you should be able to. Similarly, in a rare frontal view of Fern's car, you can vaguely make out a round thing, but you can't quite see it well enough to confirm that it's a BMW, although the shape of the front grille pretty much confirms it.)

Um, anyway, Fern is nervous and wound-up from the evening's events, and he tries to hold Lety off a bit. She's pretty wound up too. She's hungry. She wants to go dancing. He kind of flirts with her. He playfully pokes at her braces. He calls Marcia (just making sure she hasn't gone anywhere he might run into her, I guess), but she's not home.

They go dancing (clumsily) at a dark place. Fern keeps imagining that Marcia spots them and makes a scene. Lety can see that he's distracted by thoughts of Marcia, which depresses her.

At the police station, Alicia is still yelling. She also keeps hitting the gang guys. The judge (I guess he's a judge - or maybe some sort of cross between a judge and a cop, I don't know) tells her she's in trouble for using an illegal weapon and resisting arrest, while there's no proof that the gang did anything wrong.

Alicia whines to the judge about having a Mercedes. He loses patience, and he orders (I guess) that she be put in a cell, which we don't see. She asks Marcia to call Fern, but Marcia doesn't like this idea. Marcia tells the judge ("I swear") that she was just waiting for her boyfriend when these guys showed up. She seems to be telling him the whole entire story. The gang listens, apparently somewhat sympathetically. I think she also tries to butter up the judge.

Marcia calls Fern at home and only gets his answering machine. Then she tries to make a deal with the gang. Santa/Roman says something about names and telephone numbers, money and beer. I think the deal is that she and Alicia will hang out with them some evening in exchange for them dropping the assault charges against Alicia. Everybody cheers.

Somewhere else in the city, Saimon and Paula Maria arrive at Martha's house, where PM and PM Jr. have been staying. PM is not ready for the evening to end. She wants Saimon to take her someplace else. She says several things to him (including something about Yazmin), but he continues to sulk. Finally, she says the right thing (not sure what) and that settles it. He smiles, and away they go.

Lety still wants to go someplace private. Fern calls Omar for advice on a nice place he can take her. (Omar is still at the bar, but with a different woman.)

Fern takes Lety to a luxurious hotel. He eagerly gives her a chance to back out, but she is thrilled. She glows with dorky joy as they approach the front desk. Fern seems shy with the desk clerk. He signs in as Alberto Morartia (and makes a big show of correcting the clerk's pronunciation). The desk clerk refers to Lety as Senora Morartia. A man named Jose is summoned for their luggage; Fern says they don't have any, and the clerk says she understands. She is very professional, and doesn't smirk knowingly or anything. ;-) He pays cash - I think 5000 pesos.

A bellhop shows them to their room. Like the desk clerk, he is very professional, doesn't make faces behind Lety's back, at least not that I can see. Fern tips him (and seems to have a brief conversation with him, I don't know what about). Lety is enchanted with the gorgeous room, filled with flowers. He gazes at her shyly, filled with fear and dread.

Alicia is back from her cell. She complains to the judge how awful it was. She tells him that's not the place for her - she's had six semesters of finance at a prestigious school. She thinks she still needs to talk her way out of something, but the judge tells her about the deal Marcia made with the gang. She just has to sign a statement saying that she'll stay out of trouble. She mentions her Mercedes again.

Alicia thinks Marcia's deal was a joke, but as they all leave the building together, she discovers that Marcia was quite serious. They really are going to be nice to the gang and hang out with them. Alicia doesn't understand. They're free, right? So why can't they just leave? They're not the right class of people to be hanging around with. After all, she and Marcia work at Conceptos. The gang says yeah, that's where Lety works, and she has a rich boyfriend. They all laugh. Alicia claims that she and Marcia are high-ranking executives at Conceptos. Alicia asks if they know Lety's boyfriend.

Saimon and PM have gone to a late-night club. PM appears to have had a lot of drinks. Saimon still doesn't want to speak directly to her; he uses the waiter as a mediator, which annoys her. They argue. Saimon gets a bit choked up. She has wounded his pride in some way. He continues to sulk as she goads him, drinks, and refuses to dance with other men. Finally, she asks Saimon to dance. He ignores her, but gets up and starts dancing alone. (He's a very spiffy dancer!) He asks the waiter to ask PM to dance with him. She happily agrees!

Back at the hotel, Lety freshens up in the bathroom and talks to her reflection in the mirror. (We almost, but not quite, get to see her without her glasses; she puts them back on before we can see her face.) She says she feels Fern's love in her heart. She thanks God for giving her Fern and letting her have love on her birthday.

Monday's episode ends with a love song and a montage of their courtship to date. Tears, laughs, cards, gifts, kisses. Fern seems to see some of this montage while he looks at a mirror in the bedroom. *Snif*!

Alicia and Marcia leave the police station. Marcia tells Alicia she had given the gang fake phone numbers, but thanks to Alicia's big mouth they now know they can find them at Conceptos. Marcia wants to go to Fern's place. Alicia covers her face with a black scarf while they walk out to the car. (I don't know where this scarf came from - she could have used it earlier instead of that silly tablecloth.) Marcia says Fern's not at home and his cell phone is turned off. They speculate as to his whereabouts. Alicia points out that at this late hour, the only places that are still open are hotels. Marcia just wants to leave. She yells at Alicia for trying to drive in the dark with her sunglasses on.

Back at the hotel... while Lety enthuses in front of the bathroom mirror, Fern raids the honor bar and calls Omar for (im)moral support. (Omar's date is getting impatient with these interruptions.) Omar basically tells him that if he doesn't go through with it, he could lose everything.

Fern talks to himself in the mirror. Lety comes out of the bathroom, and they kiss. He smiles faintly, but Lety senses something is wrong. He pulls away, stammers, and starts apologizing. He's not going to be able to do this. Lety asks, is it Marcia? He says no, it's HER!

He is mostly referring to the guilt he feels about using her, but he can't very well tell her that. She says don't worry, she understands. He says thanks. She says she knew it was too good to be true. (They are addressing one another as "usted." Ouch.) She says he didn't think he could truly be attracted to her, and a lot more of that sort of thing, and a lot of crying. She says she loves him, but that doesn't mean he has to love her. She begs his forgiveness for being so stupid.

He says no, it's not like that. They kiss. He says "Lety - le amo." (Pretty sure he says "le" and not "te.") They kiss some more. Slo-mo fall to bed. He takes her glasses off, and her face isn't so bad without them. He kisses her neck. Her eyes are closed. Her braces glitter in the soft light.

They wake up naked a little while later. (She sleeps on the left, if anyone was wondering.) She puts her glasses on and wakes him. It's 2 am. He seems regretful - not because he is horrified that he has slept with a fea, but because he is guilty of a terrible deception. She, however, is happy. She says it was the best gift ever.

They check out of the hotel. He holds her hand openly and without embarrassment (granted there is no one around who knows them). Puts his hand on her shoulder. Hugs her in the car for no good reason.

He takes her home. She thanks him again for the best birthday in her entire life. He says he had a great time too and likes her a lot. She says she knows he's had lots of nights like this, but he says no, it was very, very special. She says right, he's never been with someone like her. She giggles. Very seriously, he says no, really.

Lety stammers out some concerns about Marcia. Are you going home to her now? He says no, he's going to his place.

He asks her, that wasn't her first time, was it. She is almost apologetic. No, why? He says he's just curious. He wants to know if it was Tomas. She says no, it was someone else, and she does not want to talk about it. He says okay, and leaves.

Mom - still in her day clothes - asks Lety if everything is okay. She assures Lety that Pop has been asleep this whole time and doesn't even know she left the house.

Lety tells her they went to an elegant restaurant and talked for a long time in the car afterwards. (You can see the shadow of a stagehand on the wall behind Mom as they talk - it's very distracting!) Mom says, what did you talk about? Lety says business, but the dreamy look on her face suggests otherwise. Mom asks, is that it? Just talking? Lety says yes, nothing more.

They briefly discuss the altercation on the street, what it might have been about. Who knows, one of them says, and the other says oh well, good night.

Lety tells herself, it was so beautiful, so sincere. She tells herself that she is completely his, and he is hers.

Saimon and PM's date has ended as well. She thanks him for a good evening. He still seems reluctant. She says serious things to him and kisses him several times with increasing fervor. He seems to enjoy it, but forces himself not to react. She says fine, see you tomorrow, and goes into Martha's place. After she leaves him, Saimon nearly swoons from the effort of his resistance!

Fern gets home. He is pensive. He slowly climbs the stairs to his room, and is very surprised to see Marcia there. (This is about as close as Tuesday's episode got to having a funny scene.) Marcia gives him a frosty greeting. He says she just startled him, that's all. He tells her he was at Lety's, and she can ask anyone at work tomorrow. She says really, you were there up until now? He pretends not to understand what she is getting at. He says he went to Omar's afterwards for a drink. She says she won't bother asking Omar since he's surely confirm Fern's story.

She asks why he didn't answer his phone. He says he turned it off, not expecting a call from her since she had told him she'd see him tomorrow. He says why, was there a problem? She says no, she just wanted to be with him. She tries kissing him, but he pulls away irritably.

They argue. She keeps trying to smooth it over with kisses, and he keeps pulling away. She demands an explanation. He says he's tired, but she says that's never been a problem before. He says don't worry - some other time.

She is stunned. She gets into bed. He turns out the light and sits in a chair by the window. Marcia watches him. While we hear a voiceover from Lety talking again about her beautiful birthday gift. We are treated to yet another love song and montage, which is basically a replay of the love scene.

Back in Lety's bed - she wakes up from a light slumber and uses her glowing pen to write in her diary. She says she loves him with her blood and her flesh (she says "carne" which I had thought strictly referred to "meat" - "I love him with all my blood and meat" - LOL).

The next day, the feas speculate about Lety's evening. Lety arrives and they tease her for details. The also teas Celso when he shows up wearing sunglasses, sipping a big coffee, with his hat askew. They hear a horn honk outside, and Celso hurries out to greet Fern. Lety promises to tell the feas everything later, then runs out behind Celso.

Lety is displeased to see both Fern AND Marcia get out of his car. (Even in full sunlight, the logo on the front of Fern's car is just a vague gray blob.) Celso says, so what - they usually come in together. Lety becomes irritable. What are they doing together? She, Celso, Fern, and Marcia exchange hellos of varying awkwardness. Lety says something like "how have you been"? which causes Marcia to stare at her. Lety guiltily averts her eyes.

How long can Lety's happiness last without violating the laws of soap opera suffering? Put on your crying-goggles and get ready to find out!


Heridas de Amor, Tuesday August 22

It appears that Berta has been holding back on the wicked quotient. We thought she was nasty before? Just wait...

Florencia has seen Fabricio with Miranda and thinks that he doesn't love her (Flor) anymore. Wah! Fernanda walks up and is afraid that Flor is about to hyperventilate. Flor tells Fernanda to get out of her sight and she stomps off. Fernanda cries to Tomasa that Flor hates her guts.

Gonzo is in prison reading, he drops his book and flashes back to a recent episode where Berta tells him they will be together. He comes back to the present and says he could never feel anything for such a monstrous being as Berta. The guard tells Gonza he has a visitor. As Gonzo leaves, the guard furitively passes a knife to an inmate.

Vicente tells Gonzo he can't to anything about getting Gonzo out for several days. He tells Gonzo that the owner of the reserved stocks cancelled the board meeting. By the way the guy sounded, Vicente doesn't believe he's a good friend.

Miranda and Fabricio face the workers at the hacienda. She's unable to give them another raise. (Protestas de las peones.) They got raises at the beginning of the year but right now another one is impossible. She'll see what she can do after the cacao harvest. (Protestas de las peones.) Faby sticks up for her, saying this is the only hacienda where the pickers have somewhere to live and where they don't have to leave at the end of the season. A worker pipes up that it's Miranda's fault they're not getting raises. They don't know if they're going to stay for the harvest. They shake their scythes halfheartedly at her. Miranda tells Faby she thinks someone is provoking the workers.

Fernanda prays and Tomasa joins her. Tomasa tells her they all pay dearly for their sins. Fernanda self-indulgently says she's paying the most, nobody's pain could compare with hers. Tomasa tells her she doesn't know the half of what happened "that night." After the accident where her kids died, Berta took her granddaughter. Tomasa hasn't seen her since. Fernanda wants to help Tomasa find her but Tomasa says it's not going to happen. If Nati doesn't appear then her granddaughter won't appear either, Berta will make sure. (The camera pans back to reveal Squeaky eavesdropping.) Fernanda asks what Nati has to do with all this. Tomasa says she gave Nati the gun that night, and Nati ran off. Fern flashes back to Nati in the hospital and Nati mentioning something about having the pistola. She tells Tomasa that Natividad (Nati) is with her. Squeaky waves Berta over just in time to hear Fernanda tell Tomasa that Nati has the pistol. Tomasa tells Fernanda it's the gun that killed Alejandro. Berta flies in, "Aha!! I arrived just at the hour your memory came back!" Tomasa trembles.

Whoa...who is Alejandro's babe-a-licious buddy? Alejandro wants him to act as his front man so Miranda won't know Al is behind this stock business. The cutie is Luciano, and Luciano says Alejandro has never lied before, why now? Al says "It's complicated, I wanted vengeance on this family but it turns out the oldest daughter is my sister and how could I know the other daughter would be...would be...I'm so confused! I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm lost." "It's called love," says Luciano, "and it's impossible to think clearly, so whatcha gonna do?"

Fernanda tells Berta she's a disgrace for stealing Tomasa's grandkid. Berta says she didn't steal her, she only offered her a better life than the one Tomasa could offer to her. "You could go to jail for that," says Fernando. Berta calmly counters, "move a finger and Florencia will be the first to know the truth." Tomasa doesn't want to endanger Flor. Speaking of the she-devil, Flor walks up and kicks Tomasa and Fernanda out so she can talk to her tia, but Berta does the talking, and she's getting pretty creepy today. "What's up my love, why so angry? I told you we'd put that woman in her place, but little by little so it lasts a long time. Learn to enjoy the pain of others. You don't want to finish them off with the first blow. Oh yeah, you wanted to say something?" Flor tells her she saw Miranda flirting with Fabricio. They were in each other's arms before heading off to the cacao plantation together. Sniff Sniff. Berta says it's a disgrace, but she'll teach Flor to like striking vengeance on others. Flor should rest while Berta goes to Tapijulapa.

Fabricio, who for some reason cannot seem to wait for his sick, pregnant, bitchy wife to die before running after her sister, keeps hounding Miranda to let him help her. She has a green flashback to when she promised nasty old Flor she would keep away from Faby. Miranda returns to the present and tells Faby to stay away, it's not good for Florencia to see them together. Faby is torn between two distinct feelings, on one hand he's going to be a father, on the other hand he's going to lose the woman that he loves.

Berta and Cesar are in bed. (I guess that piece of pizza is going to have to wait, I just lost my appetite.) Apparently their love nest is in Tapijulapa. She tells him Alejandro returned to Mexico so it's Cesar's chance to go after the lonely and vulnerable Miranda. She also wants Cesar to do her a favor, get Fernando out of her sight. "Why don't you kill her?" he asks. "Just make her disappear," she commands. In return Cesar wants to know the name of the man Gonzo killed. Berta says she doesn't remember. Cesar wonders if his godmother Fernanda will remember.

Daira and Lasagna see Alejandro sitting on the steps of the house. They tell him the meeting with Raul's family didn't go too well, his dad didn't care for Lasagna. He has issues regarding his prejudices on social class. Alejandro agrees to invite the family for dinner the next day so they can talk family to family.

Back in the barrio Joel and Francisco are talking smack about the wealthy. Joel says "those people" don't impress him and they shouldn't be trusted just because they're rich. Francisco asks what's he supposed to do, keep Raul locked up as if he were a child? Carola interrupts to say there is a phone call from Lasagna for Raul. Raul's not home so Francisco will take the call. Joel must like her because he gets all goofy, juts his hips out and says "Hellooo Carooola..." She, uninterested, says "Oh hi" and walks out. Joel looks tormented in love.

At Fernanda's clinic Nati walks out onto the porch with a bag of belongings. She says she's tired of being locked up and is going to run away to her pueblo. She opens the door to the street and escapes.

Miranda has a green flashback of Berta kissing Alejandro and it really bugs her. Just then Flor (who stole Fabricio from Miranda not too long ago, remember?) storms in and calls Miranda a hypocrite and traitor. Miranda promised to stay away from Faby and she lied. Because of Miranda she will never be happy. Flor clutches her chest and faints. Miranda screams hysterically for help.

Gonzo signs some papers and says it's a surprise for Miranda's birthday. I guess he signed control of the company over to her. Vicente warns him that by so doing he could get out of jail free but Miranda could end up there instead. Happy birthday honey.

Fernanda gives Flor a shot to calm her down, says she's going to be OK but must maintain a calm environment. Faby enters and says he couldn't find the necessary medicine in Tapijulapa, they will need to go to Villa Hermosa to get it. Miranda says she's going to call Alejandro to come down from Mexico City to help. After she leaves Faby asks Fernanda to forgive him. He calls her "madre" and says he knows who she is. She asks why he's doing these things to her daughters, making fun of them both. He says he never meant to deceive Miranda. Fernanda changes the subject and asks him if he has the medical data from the doctors who attended Flor in Germany. She tells him not to say anything but she's sure that Berta has known of Flor's illness for a long time and she is going to prove it.

Another boring scene with Vicente and daughter is not to step foot in a place like this...I must talk to Alejandro Luque...ask Bertha to come it's urgent...what of Don Julio's sons...get me out of this place.

Nati wanders around town panhandling and asking directions to Tabasco. Back at the clinic the shapely nurse Lulu looks for Nati and spies the open door. Uh oh, looks like Joel forgot to lock it and Nati escaped. As Nati enters the bus station the foxy but unobservant Lulu walks right by her but doesn't see her.

The terminally grumpy Francisco is talking to Daira on the phone. They argue about the kids, why the interest in Raul, because my daughter's in love, you just want to make fun of him, I want to make her happy, what can he offer her besides nada? She finally persuades him to come to their house, with Raul, to speak in person. Suddenly Amparito bustles in and reports that she just saw Lulu in the street. Lulu said Joel forgot to lock the door and Senora Nati escaped!

Rebecca and Juan are trying to get Julio to eat when his slacker sons enter, finally! They insult Juan but Juan says, as Julio's doctor, he must order them to leave because Don Julio needs his rest. They try one more insult but Juan kicks them out.

Nati cannot be found and Dr. Fernandez must be told. Joel wants to take all the blame but Lulu says the important thing is to find Nati, she's very important to Dr. Fernandez. Meanwhile Nati boards a bus for Villa Hermosa. The sun sets.

Cesar, playing the sympathy card, (we've been friends for so long but you put your confidence in Alejandro rather than in me) persuades Miranda to go into town with him as a diversion. They leave but Miranda forgets her cell phone. When it rings the evil duo of Bertha and Squeaky are nearby so Berta answers. Alejandro is wondering if he needs to bring his helicopter over. Bertha says Flor is miraculously better so Miranda asked Cesar out on a date. They already left. Alejandro says don't tell Miranda he called and please erase all his messages.

Squeaky tells Bertha what she heard about the pistol, it was used to kill some man but she didn't hear where it was hidden. Then, Jaque Mate (checkmate), she beats Berta at chess so Berta sends Squeaky to her room, telling her to rejuvenate the neurons that she had to use to beat her in chess.

Berta creeps into Flor's room. Flor is sleeping, the music is ominous and the lights are dim. Berta has to slap Flor several times to wake her up. She slaps Flor hard then asks her how she feels. Nice auntie. She tells Flor that at first she thought Flor was just your typical air-head, but now she realizes Flor is a very good actress. She even deceived the Doctora. Flor sounds drugged and mumbles that Miranda has to understand what is hers (Flor's). He is hers, period. Berta says, "Oh, she'll understand. I assure you that after this she won't get near Fabricio. Did you see her face when you acted ill?" She cackles. "Yes," says Flor,"until the moment I stopped she was horribly scared." Flor says she feels horrible too, but there's no going back now, right? "Right my love," smirks Berta, "These are the moments we must enjoy to the maximum. It's good, I believe we fulfilled our objective. You gave a good scare to your sister and the little doctor. Fabricio learned his lesson too." Flor says the old lady (Doctora Fernanda?) gave her an injection, she doesn't know why it made her so sleepy, now she feels a bit queasy, and where is Fabricio? Berta says he's in the dining room talking to the aforementioned doctora, snicker snicker. "Wow, I'm really feeling bad now," complains Flor. "Lay down a while, my love," soothes Berta, "that's why I'm injecting you, to calm you."

The next scene, Alejandro and Luciano in a bar, was cut short by Tivo so we'll have to wait until tomorrow/tonight.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Nielsens love Lety!

Read this article about how La Fea Mas Bella kicked some significant ratings butt in the US at the end of July. Read it and laugh. Bwahahaha!!!

In the coveted 18-to-34 age group (which does not include me), they beat WB and UPN every night that week. NBC, CBS, and ABC also each rated lower than Univision at least one night that week in the Fea time slot.

Granted, the last week of July is not exactly the most competitive week in the TV business, and WB and UPN aren't so intimidating either (we'll see what happens when those two networks merge). But it's still pretty exciting.

What does this mean for us? Honestly, I have no idea. Depending on how Ugly Betty does, a few more popular telenovelas might get reworked for the English-language networks, but I'm more interested in seeing better stuff on Univision. Higher ratings could make that happen.

And, speaking of excitement, I'll probably do another midweek recap tomorrow, because last night's episode was so action-packed. (It's no coincidence that the Monday episodes are always the most eventful and suspenseful - it turns out that in Mexico, they aired on Friday.)


Anybody know what's coming on after "Barrera" ends?

Hi all,

With Nora doing such a smashing job on Heridas/Mondays, and with Julie doing such an excellent job, single-handedly, with "La Fea," maybe it's time to EXPAND into yet another novela! I have to admit that having missed so much of the beginning of Heridas I have not settled into it very happily.
  • Though I hated Barrera, Jacinta the serial-killing Granny had it all over Bertha as a villainess. When I look at Bertha all I can think about is her plastic surgery.

  • Fabricio (once Andres) is SUCH a washout and a disappointment. Alejandro is handsome but dull. The three little lads (you know, the two studious ones and the thief who has been rewarded by getting the girl he robbed, isn't that strange?) are also cute but dull. Squeaky is absolutely impossible, Flor is a nonenity, and Miranda is bland as can be. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH ALL OF THEM?

  • I don't care about what's happening to Gonzo's business. I don't care about the taco business, I don't care about the jewelry business. I don't care about the various tepid love affairs. Lukas the dog is the most vibrant character in this series.

One can always hope the next one will be better.

So - does anybody have advance info on the novela which will follow the ultimos capitulos of "Barrera" ? Maybe Nora should keep Heridas Mondays and I should try the new one at 9 pm? What do you think?

You all are doing SUCH a very excellent job, I'm very proud of you (speaking as the blog mama).


Barrera update - Aug. 22

It is about time for another update on what is going on on Barrera de Amor. Things are happening if only because it is now in its "ultimas semanas."

The Andres/Valeria story: Jacinta got Valeria to return to the hacienda by agreeing to let her marry Andres while vowing to herself to never let that happen. Jacinta enlisted Manola, Jacaranda, Veronica (as Vera), Federico and Rodrigo in an elaborate plot that ultimately convinced Andres that Valeria had betrayed him with his brother, Daniel. Jacinta sent Valeria to get over Andres by staying (as a guest) in a convent in Oaxaca accompanied by a nun from the convent in Aguascalientes. Jacinta is pretending that she doesn't know where Valeria is. After feeling faint, Valeria was astonished to discover that she is pregnant (why are young women on novelas who have unprotected sex always so surprised to discover the natural consequences of such activity?). Valeria is about to tell Jacinta about her condition and hopes that Jacinta will be happy to have an great grandchild. (According to the teasers for upcoming episodes, Jacinta is not going to be happy about this.) Meanwhile, Andres is getting ready to be in a bullfight in Mexico City. Unibrow still doesn't know about his profession. Andres says that after the Mexico City bullfight, he will tell his father about it. (Guess who is going to find out about it before then?)

The Juanita/Daniel story: Juanita and Daniel cleared up their misunderstandings, recognized their love for one another and got married. Their relationship was a casualty of the Valeria/Andres plot but they seem to have made up. Daniel collapsed and was hospitalized after an asthma attack. He appears to have some heart problem as well.

The Maite/Unibrow story: Maite went to Aguascalientes and stayed at the hacienda with Veronica and Jacaranda to help prepare for the wedding. During this time, Unibrow finally found out who Andres' fiancee really was. Maite kissed Unibrow (fortunately, I didn't see this) when she was leaving Aguascalientes after the wedding fizzled. In the usual way of this novela, she is thinking about it a lot and telling Victor that nothing has changed between her and Unibrow, there is too much in their past to get over, etc. etc. Jose finally found out from the necklace that Maite is his daughter. He hasn't told her though.

The Veronica story: Manola and Jacaranda figured out how to keep Veronica permanently in the personality of Vera. Vera sometimes pretends to be Veronica, i.e., she doesn't wear bright red lipstick. Her psychiatrist hasn't noticed anything but Maite and Victor have noticed that Veronica isn't her normal almost catatonic self. Manola and Jacaranda have figured out that Veronica is another Valladolid, i.e., Adolfo was her father. I haven't seen much of this plot line but Veronica is daydreaming about being mistress of the hacienda and has told Victor that she wants to marry Federico so Manola and Jacaranda have probably told her about Federico's parentage. Manola and Jacaranda are also trying to prove Veronica's parentage to blackmail Jacinta, I think. Manola stole some of Adolfo's hair that was in Jacinta's bedroom presumably to get a DNA test. Meanwhile, Rafael, the ferret-faced guy who murdered Veronica's mother has told Jacaranda to get a letter from Magdalena to Maite that says that Adolfo is Veronica's father. Jacaranda couldn't find the letter in Maite's room (I think Victor put it in a safe-deposit box). Rafael threatened to kill Jacaranda if she doesn't find it and in last night's episode she left town. Speaking of Rafael, Veronica is having flashbacks to when Rafael killed her mother but she doesn't understand what they are yet.

Miscellaneous: At some point, I think Jacinta told Federico that Pedro was his father. At any rate, he has the portrait she commissioned in his room and he has reconciled with his mother. Victor and Guillermo are still having awkward chats about everything except their sexuality and attraction to one another.Not much new on Gustavo. He is still incarcerated in the empty house. The last time I saw him he wasn't lying down so he is presumably getting better. I guess he only gets shaved every 3 days or so because he doesn't grow a beard but has permanent stubble.Sergio is still smoking like a chimney and evesdropping on other people's conversations but he doesn't seem to have found out anything useful so far.

There is probably some other stuff but that's what's been on the episodes that I have seen.


Heridas, Monday August 21

We begin with a discussion between Juan, Mama Amparito and Francisco. Amparo is giddy with excitement that Roman (or Ramon, as Francisco derisively calls him) asked her out. Juan shares her excitement but Francisco puts his foot down and says that she’s not going out.

At a meeting of the board of directors, Miranda gets the bad news (from the person in cahoots with Alejandro—what’s his name?) that their meeting is not allowed according to the by-laws of the company and that she isn’t allowed to make decisions in place of her father.

Back at the hacienda, poor Tomasa is still complaining to Bertha about seeing her granddaughter. Unfortunately, she continues to have difficulty with the axiom, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar and again, in the midst of her pleas, she tells Bertha what a horrible person she is. Come on Tomasa…try a different strategy. Flashback to the night of infamy and Tomasa & Nati’s involvement with hiding the pistol. We learn that Nati disappeared with the gun that night and Tomasa does not know where she is (but Fernanda does!)

Fernanda (I really liked her sparkly tunic) and Cesar are having a chat. Cesar makes himself out to be a little angel and shows Fernanda a letter saying that everyone in her building is going to be evicted. Cesar puts a clever spin on things, saying that he is trying to save everything and everyone and this is why Gonzalo is setting him up and accusing him. Oddly, for someone who has had the rug pulled out from under her before, she completely believes everything Cesar says and even suggests they keep their meeting secret in order to protect him from the wrath of Gonzalo.

Miranda, Alejandro & Vicente are having a meeting about the recent phone call. Miranda believes there is an informant in the company and after some speculation about who it might be, Alejandro reminds her it doesn’t matter, since she has to follow the by-laws of the company. She asks Vicente to have her dad sign a power of attorney to her so she can make decisions. Vicente doubts her father will have the good sense to sign such a document. Exit Alejandro and Miranda stage right to pick up the good doctor.

Luis Alberto and Nuria (I think there might be a future there…) are whispering in the hallway when the others come out of the office. Miranda suggests that with the future of the company looking so bleak they might want to go look for gainful employment elsewhere. Nuria and L.A. say pish posh, she can count on them. Sweet Nuria laments how injust everything is and Luis Alberto gives her his money to help with the baby. Roman shows up and asks for Cesar…

Miranda and Alejandro show up at the humble estate of the doctor and Carola almost lets the cat out of the bag about Fernanda’s real last name but Alejandro does a quick cover-up. The bandits are once again lurking in the background.

Juan and Raul (getting back on track with his schoolwork) discuss what will happen with the unsavory Salzon. Raul insists he doesn’t need any help taking care of the situation. On the topic of Mama Amparito’s burgeoning lovelife, Raul concurs with Francisco, insisting that she already has a family and in that family, there is no room for suitors.

Fr. Santiago and Amparo, taking a stroll in the well-appointed church garden, discuss her dating dilemmas. Fr. Santiago, taking a cue from Dr. Phil and considering this whole relationship is still in the theoretical stage, tells her not to put the cart before the horse.

Daira is having a tea time chat with two socialites, naturally the topic is feng shui. Lisania, not meaning to interrupt, interrupts and tells her that it’s time to go see Raul. The ladies, looking a bit put out, leave. Lisania and Daira make a surprise visit to Raul’s house and everyone sits on sofas, looking extremely uncomfortable. Francisco, spinning his wheels about class differences, asks how did they meet (oops, not exactly a story for the grandkids). Fortunately, Juan jumps in and ultimately we get to the real reason for the visit, that Daira approves the match and just wanted the families to meet. Francisco, however, opposes the relationship due to perceived class differences. (Maybe if Francisco found a significant other he wouldn’t be so violently opposed to others dating).

Back at Cesar’s office, Luis Alberto and Nuria fill him in on the afternoon’s developments. (It seems like a lot of filler and set-up in today’s episode.) Cesar speaks with Roman about current developments, and learns that Fernanda and Alejandro know each other. While sussing out the details of Fernanda and Alejandro’s relationship, Cesar begins to figure out that Alejandro is protecting her.

Bertha, looking disingenuous (gotta love that word) as ever, welcomes Miranda, Fernanda and Alejandro to the hacienda. Fernanda confronts Bertha about her come-hither-attitude, but Bertha maintains she will overcome. As Fernanda continues her confrontation with Bertha, stating that she would free Renata and Florencia from the grasp of her claws, the two girls walk in…uh-oh, cue the ominous music. Seconds too late, Tomasa warns her about Bertha’s evil plan.

Miranda confronts Alejandro about his friendly attitude toward Bertha. Tomasa comes in and offers a couple of mixed metaphors about love. Throwing caution to the wind, Alejandro goes for a stroll with Bertha in the garden in an effort to get his father’s designs. Following the theme of today's show (people butting in at precisely the most inopportune moment they can), Miranda spies them just as Bertha moves in for a kiss.

Gabino warns Miranda of problems with the workers but pledges to stay with the family no matter what happens (could that be guilt talking?).

Rebeca and the much-improved Julio are in the hospital. She breaks the news that his sons did not come visit due to the difficulties with Gonzalo. Relieved that he was awake and now able to save Cesar, Rebeca looked forlorn to hear that Julio was of the opinion that this whole mess was his doing.

Cesar and Julio’s sons meet at the spinning restaurant. Cesar tells them not to worry about their money, the check’s in the mail. Cesar continues riling them up by telling them that Miranda was lying about their dad and that their plan is working because Gonzalo is in jail and the company’s in hot water.

Renata and Florencia, still working on the assumption that the doctor is trying to steal their dad, sit around complaining what a witch she is. Enter Fernanda. Renata, being very snoopy starts asking her insinuating questions about her family. Florencia kicks her out of the room with a snotty comment. Renata runs to Bertha (busy mixing up Florencia’s new batch of ‘medicine’) and tells her that the doctor told them she was married with three children.

Alejandro, meeting with his business associate, discusses Cesar’s recent call. The conversation ends with Alejandro smugly saying that the days of San Llorente Investments are numbered.

Fabricio approaches Miranda out in the garden. He offers to help her out with some money and (again!) Florencia walks in to see them hug.


Keri's summary of Friday Heridas de Amor

Gonzalo complains to Fernanda that whatever she told Cesar about their past and her forced exile from the family 18 years ago, he is now using to blackmail Gonzalo.

Cesar has threatened going public with the story. He is rather intense about Fernanda getting the situation with Cesar taken care of somehow, because if not, and something happens to their daughter, Florencia, he swears he’ll kill her. Of course Fernanda wonders how Cesar could have used her like that, if he even really did and resolves to ask him directly about this so-called blackmail.

Meanwhile, Cesar gets hold of the codes he needs to ask the agency who handled the sale of the reserved shares for specific information about contacting the man who bought the stock from Julio. He gets the emergency phone number of this person and immediately calls.

Alejandro and Miranda are making plans for the plane ride that day back to the hacienda but she says she wants to stay a bit longer and wants to head the meeting of the board members. He seems to be against it and she gets upset that he isn’t supporting her like he should and seems a bit distracted and testy too. So she asks him what has caused his change in attitude.

He’s been remembering the exchange with Gonzalo at the prison earlier and how remorseless and unrelenting Gonzalo was about the killing of his wife’s ex-lover whom he didn’t realize was Alejandro’s dad. Alejandro is lost in his thoughts and gets upset all over again, but then Miranda asks him this question and he apologizes. She accepts that and they kiss again.

The mystery man on the other end of the phone line tells Cesar that this packet of stock is not for sale and therefore he should not bother to call him on that line again.

Francisco angers Amparo by questioning her and Ramon’s intentions towards each other. He argues that the guy is a total unknown. Raul meets him at the house later and decides immediately he doesn’t like the idea of Ramon hanging around either.

Julio comes out of his coma and Fernanda is there for him. He’s surprised to see her there of all places after all the years he’s looked for her and tells her so.

Back at the prison El Magnate (Leonardo) and Gonzalo are on laundry duty and El Magnate tells his story. He was the only straight arrow accountant left amongst working for a number of big powerful “businessmen”. So they set a trap for him to get him out of the way and got him sent to prison years and years ago. He tells Gonzalo his brother died after years of searching for his wife and kids, but they never were seen or heard from again. So he is certain that they were murdered by the same bad lot and therefore he has no urge to leave prison any time soon as he feels there’s nothing left for him on the outside.

Gonzalo says he was betrayed also by his partners, but he figures he’ll be out in no time since he’s pretty well connected. Once he’s out he’s getting even with the guys who set him up. El Magnate says not to count on this "early release" thing. It never works out like that.

Raul visits Lizania at the mansion and tells her that they are worlds apart and his and her family will never accept this relationship. So they might as well end it before it gets started. Who’d believe Lizania or want to know they’d met because he’d robbed her and her friends at that club? Right then Daira comes in and overhears this bit of the conversation and asks if this is true. Raul admits it is true and says he won’t bother her or her family again. Daira stops him from leaving and after talking to him and Lizania, she realizes he felt forced to steal to help out his family. She promises to talk to Alejandro about it for Lizania.

Francisco tells Amparo she’s not going out with this Ramon and that she’s just too old to start "dating" men. He forbids her and she leaves the room in disgust. Juan tells his dad he’s a jerk and that he figures his aunt has a right to make a life of her own, even though Francisco is opposed to it all. He tells his dad that he has no right to say no to a grown woman.

At the hospital Miranda tells Fernanda that she and Alejandro have started seeing each other. Fernanda is excited for them both. Miranda lets out to them that she knows Alejandro’s a great guy after hearing how he helped moved the elderly patients to a new hospital. Then they have to go and she says she needs to talk to Fernanda later on. Fernanda figures she’ll finally tell Miranda the truth first about herself and wonders if Miranda will be ready to receive the news.

When Alejandro gets back home, Daira confronts him about Raul and Lizania and he blows his stack. A thief is a thief, period.

Daira defends Raul’s actions as desperation and tells her children how she met their father when stealing a wallet to help feed herself and her sick mother. Alfredo stopped her and then bought the medication for her mother rather than turn her in to the authorities. So, Alejandro agrees to let Daira meet the family and Lizania says she’ll abide by whatever Daira and Alejandro finally agree to. If she doesn’t she’ll be sent back to Italy.

At the San Llorente hacienda Fabricio and Bertha are arguing about her manipulating him and nagging him about Florencia and his attentive attitude toward Miranda all the time. He tells her he knows she did all this because she enjoys being so mean to Miranda. Bertha turns on the crocodile tears and Lucas barks at him.

Next scene is Tomasa and Florencia taking care of the dog bite on his arm. Florencia gets angry and is about to tell Tia Bertha to chain up the dog or get rid of him. She walks in and apologizes to them all first and kisses Fabricio on the cheek to thank him for always thinking first of Florencia and the rest of the family’s needs. She leaves and Florencia runs after her with a guilty conscience. Fabricio and Tomasa look knowingly at each other and he asks her what she’s thinking of. She answers, “Judas.”

Cesar is arguing with his mother again for staying at the hospital and worrying over Julio who isn’t good for anything but stealing the oxygen they all need to breathe. He needles her to tell him what the name was of the man Gonzalo murdered. She swears she never knew, but Fernanda obviously would so he should bother her about it instead. He gets upset and tells her to pack fast ‘cause he’s selling the place immediately.

Bertha has Renata and Florencia ready to act hostile to Dr. Fernanda who is coming as Miranda’s guest to the hacienda.

Miranda has everyone of the board at the meeting that afternoon and is stopped in the middle of it when Nuria interrupts to say there is a man on the phone who forbids her to conduct this meeting since he’s not there to participate. It is the owner of the reserved stock and he insists she is not allowed by the rules of the board to conduct the meeting as she is not actually a member, let alone the head of the company. He persuades her to cancel the meeting until he can get there. He’ll let her know the new time and place it will be held.


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Heridas Friday - Help!

My cable went out and I didn't get Friday recorded, can anybody help me out? Please? I hope so, thank you!


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