Friday, August 03, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #11, Wednesday 8-1: Dinner and Dancing x2

I'm sure you've all been holding your breath waiting for this recap :) Sorry about the delay, but I had houseguests who stayed longer than they planned to.

Previously on Amar Sin Limites: Azul twisted her ankle; Mauricio's playing hard to get to win Azul back; and Ceci and Diego drank too many beers. Way too many.

Diego picks up the phone and babbles drunkenly to Azul while Ceci giggles in the background. Azul is pissed! Diego makes a joke about Princess Azul not being able to put her glass slippers on with her twisted ankle. Diego wants to know if she has his rose. He tells her she can throw all the roses out the window if she wants, he'll make more. His drunken babbling is interrupted by Mauricio, who was sleeping on the couch, but woke up to ask Azul--menacingly--who she's talking to. She tells him it's Ceci, who's drunk as a skunk (my words, not hers). He wants to talk to Ceci (so uncool! Who is he to be lecturing Ceci?) and takes the phone to ask what she's up to and who she's with. Diego passes the phone to Ceci when he hears Mauricio's voice. Ceci babbles drunkenly to Mauricio, who thinks it's funny how drunk Ceci is. After he hangs up the phone, he tells Azul that they should go to the apartment since Ceci's having more fun than they are. Azul looks relieved, but angry.

At Gloria's apartment: Gloria (Silvana's mom) asks how things were in the clinic, whether her (ex) husband took Silvana. She says it must be painful to think about, but it's all in the past…now Silvana has Diego and his family. (Callous much?! It was her grandson who died and she's already brushed it off. I think I'm understanding Silvana's dislike of her mother.) She tries to get Silvana to talk about how she met Diego, but Silvana is vague and uncommunicative. She says they met by coincidence.

Ceci and Diego: Ceci tells Diego that since Azul is "slow" she declares him the inheritance of all humanity. (I guess she means since Azul won't take him, he belongs to all of us now…isn't that sweet of her.) Diego says he's going to go since the "carroza se esta transformando en calabaza" (his coach is turning into a pumpkin). Ceci asks if that means sex is out of the question (she uses "revolcon" again, which is a word that's going to be used a few more times this episode). Diego says he's going.

In Mauricio's kitchen: Mauricio is still laughing about Ceci. He pours himself a glass of milk and Azul a glass of orange juice. Azul tells Mauricio that she knew Ceci was going to invite a friend over, so Mauricio says that makes Azul an accomplice to Ceci's "close encounter" with a stranger. Mauricio leaves the room laughing, but can't resist coming back to tell Azul she should have at least asked them not to use her bed. I think Azul would have found that funnier if she didn't know who Ceci was with.

Lidia and Piero: Lidia's on the phone to Piero complaining about how boring Paco is and that lately Piero's been all talk and no action. Piero says he's inviting Lidia and Paco to his country house for a meal. Lidia says she hopes she can sleep so that she gets there well-rested.

The next morning, at Gloria's: Silvana is writing her mother a note: "For the first time, I'm leaving before you do. Besides, Sundays are for spending with family and I've been lent one."

At Mauricio's Mansion of Malice, out by the Pool of Pain: Azul is going home. Mauricio jokes that she should call Ceci first to make sure she doesn't surprise them. Caty comes running up with Azul's rose, asking if Azul's really leaving. Mauricio wants to know where the flower came from. Caty wants Azul to give it to her, but Mauricio tells her he doesn't like her asking for things. Azul tells Caty she can have the flower, but Mauricio doesn't think she should have given in so easily. Mauricio still wants to know where the flower came from and Azul lies that it came off her dress from the last party. He's still confused about how it got there and Caty tells them it was in the pocket of Azul's jacket (chamarra). Mauricio says that means Caty was going through Azul's jacket, but Caty claims she was just playing around putting it on and when she took the jacket off, the flower fell out of the pocket. This is an odd conversation, because Mauricio's slightly menacing (as usual) and Caty looks vaguely afraid of him, yet she still had the guts to bring the flower out there and ask Azul to give it to her. Azul tells them both the flower doesn't have any importance, but Mauricio narrows his eyes and shakes his head.

Diego and Silvana, in Diego's room: Diego has told Silvana about the rose and the twisted ankle. Silvana thinks it makes Azul sound a bit nuts, first she throws it away, then she goes looking for it (I think that right there, may have summed up Azul quite neatly). Diego says it makes him want to keep fighting for her. Silvana holds up a pillow to shield her innocent eyes from Diego's mostly naked body as he gets out of bed and puts on a fluffy cotton robe.

Back at Azul and Ceci's apartment: Azul is cleaning up the beer bottles from the coffee table. Ceci comes out of the bedroom asking where the aspirin is. Azul snaps at her and Ceci asks if she fought with Mauricio. Ceci asks her to quit yelling, which Azul says she's not. She asks what "that guy" was doing in "her" house. Ceci says she likes Diego and it's her house too, so she can invite him if she wants. Azul alleges that Diego came over to see Ceci, but Ceci denies it. Azul carps on, asking what gives Ceci the "right" to tell Diego about the flower or her twisted ankle, since it's Azul's personal business. Azul says that friendship and loyalty "vale gorro" ("are worth a hat"…she probably means aren't worth much or aren't worth anything) to Ceci. Ceci whines that it's just that they drank a lot. Azul says she doesn't want to live with Ceci anymore because she doesn't trust her, so Ceci needs to find another place to live. She takes a bunch of beer bottles into the kitchen and Ceci sits on the couch looking like she's about to cry. Azul tells her not to sit there paralyzed "like always" and to get out. Ceci gets her shoes on and leaves, saying that of course she's going and goodbye Azul! Are we supposed to like Azul? Because I'm not liking her very much right now. She seems to be accustomed to treating people badly whenever she gets angry. She said it herself--she's always looking for a fight. This is just too much, though--how's Ceci supposed to find another apartment when she doesn't have a job because Azul got her fired? And Azul's blathering on about friendship and loyalty? What. Ever. Azul looks surprised that Ceci left.

Mauricio's office: Mauricio asks Andres about a confidentiality clause in one of the contracts, whether the lawyer suggested it. Andres says it was his idea, that "he" (I'm assuming Alfredo) will have to be discreet, whether he likes it or not. Mauricio praises Andres for his intelligence, but Andres doesn't reply. Leonarda comes in with a tray and Mauricio tells her that he told Andres he was intelligent and Andres didn't even say "thank you". Then Mauricio says that Andres needs to meet Azul's friend Ceci, "she's buena onda (cool) but ligerita (kind of flighty)." Leonarda does NOT seem to approve of this idea. Again, Andres doesn't reply, but says he'll have the lawyer make "un paso en limpio" (a clean copy) of the contract. Mauricio asks Leonarda if Andres has a girlfriend and Leonarda angrily says "no, and I don’t get involved in those things" (meaning his personal life, I guess?) and leaves the room.

Azul and Ceci, round 2: Ceci comes back because she forgot her purse. Azul asks her to at least explain why she didn't change the sheets. Ceci says she doesn't have to explain anything, nothing happened, no one "se revolco" (had sex) in Azul's bed or in Ceci's. Azul wants to know why her bed looks "like that" then and Ceci says she should ask Diego. I'm not sure what she's talking about--the bed looks unmade, but not particularly, uh, sexed-up.

At the country house: Lidia and Paco, and Piero, his wife, and his daughter are all having a nice lunch outside. Piero announces that Lidia is the new head of PR. As Piero congratulates her up close, he whispers that she'll thank him later, and Mrs. Piero asks what they're whispering about. Paco gets lovey with Lidia, so Piero goes over and starts talking to his wife and daughter.

Azul and Ceci, round 3: Azul is doing that thing she does where it looks like she's taking notes from a textbook, but I don't know if this is school-related or maybe work-related (since I doubt she's ever run an HR department before). Ceci comes in and says she can't find an apartment with the money she has, flops down on the couch and whines/cries "No, don't worry Azul, I found a friend who'll take me in until I find a place." Azul takes a sip of water, appearing unconcerned. Ceci continues, "I already promised her I won't mess up her house or bring boyfriends over." She says she's going to go pack her bags. Azul keeps doing what she's doing. When Ceci gets to the bedroom door, Azul starts pleading with Ceci to sit down and forgive her. She says Ceci knows Azul's "impulsive" like that and has been especially neurotic lately. She tells Ceci that she was angry at Ceci playing Cupid and that Ceci is too gossipy. Azul asks for forgiveness again and the girls exchange "I love you"s. Azul asks Ceci for one last "favor"--to return Diego's shirt. She has to whine a bit, but Ceci gives in. That is one dysfunctional friendship! Silvana's got it right--she treated Ceci like she treated Diego's rose.

Diego and Silvana: Silvana borrowed the "playera" (t-shirt...this is another new word for me) that Diego borrowed from Azul. Diego first says she should take it off, but then he changes his mind. Silvana picks up a different t-shirt and jokingly asks him if it has any special meaning. When Diego says it doesn't she says she's going to go change.

A random office, Mauricio, Azul, Alfredo, and two guys in suits: Alfredo is asking if he has to read the entire contract, like the whole thing? (Dude, seriously? What kind of question is that? Yes, you should read the whole thing, and then your lawyer should read the whole thing…preferably BEFORE you sign it!) Mauricio says he should. Alfredo complains that he can't get past the first page. Emilia calls Azul on her cell. She asks if Azul can come over because the dean asked Emilia to suggest some people for post-graduate work and Emilia put Azul's name in for a few "materias" ("classes"--she put Azul's name in to teach some classes, maybe?). Azul complains that she hasn't done her thesis yet. Emilia says that's why she wants to talk to her, to see how they can manage the time. Mauricio calls Azul over and she signs her contract (I hope she read it first, but it doesn't look like it!). Azul agrees to come over and see Emilia. She asks Mauricio to pick her up at Emilia's later and leaves Alfredo reading his "boring" contract. Mauricio offers to help, but Alfredo just says he'll read it slowly and looks kind of worried. I'm a pretty intelligent person, but I think reading a contract like that would be a bit over my head as well. Still, that's what you hire your own lawyer for.

At the Men's Wearhouse: Gloria has come to confront Diego. She makes some snotty comment about some tailors being "artists" while some call themselves artists when they're merely "craftspeople" and needing to be clear about things. Diego and I are both confused. She says Silvana has a family--her--and whether it's Silvana's good or bad luck, Gloria is the family Silvana got. Gloria doesn't like Silvana considering Diego's family her family. Diego respectfully points out that Gloria only got there yesterday. Gloria counters that just because she was traveling doesn't mean she's not there. Uh, no, that's exactly what it means. She's been on vacation for so long she didn't even know her grandson was dead and her daughter is falling apart and now she wants to show up and play "mommy". Diego's nicer about it than I am. He just says he's got to go because it's time for Silvana's therapy. Mommy Dearest gripes that she's the one who should be going, but since no one told her *sticks nose in air*. Whether she means she's the one who should be going to therapy herself or the one who should be going to therapy with Silvana, I agree!

At Emilia's office: Azul says she already signed her contract and needs to put all her energy into work. She says she's just postponing her degree for a while. Emilia wants to know why she made the decision without consulting her. They argue about which one of them really wanted Azul to do the post-graduate work and who gets to make Azul's decisions. I get the feeling Emilia is pretty controlling with everybody, not just Azul and Silvana.

Outside Emilia's office: Mauricio shows up to pick up Azul and sees Silvana, arriving for her appointment. The music gets very dark and dramatic. Mauricio addresses Silvana, but all Silvana can do is stare at him. He asks if she's ok. More staring and heavy breathing on Silvana's part. He asks if she hears him and how he can help her. He finally gets too close to her and she runs away. Verbally, what he said was quite innocent "Hi, long time no see, what's up?" but his facial expression was more like "Oh, look, the crazy girl who hates me, let's see if I can torture her some more." Was that bad acting or done on purpose?

Inside: Azul and Emilia are still arguing about Azul's recent decisions. Emilia thinks that even though Azul is making the decisions, it's really Mauricio who's in charge. Wow, and she hasn't even met him yet. Azul says Emilia's underestimating her if she thinks that.

Outside: Diego is walking towards Emilia's office. Mauricio is still waiting outside for Azul. It looks like the two men are going to meet, but Silvana comes running around the corner and runs into Diego. She keeps saying she doesn't want to see "him", the man who killed her son.

Inside: Azul claims she doesn't need anyone to tell her what to do. Emilia says they should just drop it since she's waiting for a patient.

Outside: Silvana is determined to leave, but Diego gets her to calm down and to agree that he'll look and see if anyone's there and if someone's there, they'll leave, but if there's not anyone there, she'll go to her therapy session. Mauricio calls Azul on her cell phone to ask how much longer she'll be.

Inside: Azul tells Mauricio she's leaving. Emilia tells Azul to think about what they talked about after she stops being angry. Heh. Emilia's got her pegged.

Outside: As the theme from The Exorcist plays, Mauricio and Azul drive off and Diego walks up to Emilia's door.

Lidia and Piero's office: Lidia's talking to HR about getting some business cards made with her new title. She gets angry because she has to confirm that of course this is on Piero's orders and slams down the phone, calling the guy an idiot. Piero overheard the phone call and wants to know who she thinks is an idiot. Lidia tells him the guy in HR is an idiot who doesn't know how to do his job. Piero tells her it's just work and there are more important things. He leans over her desk and they grimace at each other up close, but thankfully they don't eat each other's faces.

On some random street: Azul and Mauricio are leaning up against his car eating popsicles. No, that's not a euphemism for anything. Azul complains that Emilia always says what Azul doesn't want to hear, guesses what Azul doesn't want to say, and tells Azul what she should do. "Damn psychoanalysts!" Mauricio's not paying attention. Azul sums it up for him as "Emilia and I argued and it's not the first time." Mauricio wants to know if they argued about him and Azul says they didn't (liar!). Mauricio says people like him who make decisions aren't liked by psychoanalysts, or by people who analyze everything that happens to them. Hey, dude, the unexamined life is not worth living. He asks Azul why she doesn't do more and think less. I'm surprised, as shrewish as she's been with everyone else lately, that she doesn't accuse him of wanting a brainless tart like she did at the party. She says she likes action, but actions should be thought about. They joke that Azul's so darn smart and that's why she's with Mauricio. Blech! Mauricio tells Azul he ran into Silvana. He says she's "the mother of the boy who died along with Liliana in the accident". He says he'd never thought much about what happened to Silvana, but then he ran into her today. He said his heart and soul were broken by the accident and he can't even think about what happened to Silvana's life.

Diego's house: Diego and Silvana walk in. Silvana's angry at herself for having Mauricio right in front of her and not being able to do anything. Diego says even though it's difficult, she needs to forget--for her own good. He says we've all wanted to kill people, but it's one thing to want to do something and another thing to actually do it. He says neither of them could do it. Silvana just looks off into space.

Casa Azul and Ceci: Azul and Mauricio walk in. Mauricio tries to look like a good guy by saying that he insisted Alfredo read the whole contract. Ceci comes out of the bedroom and says she's on her way to give Diego his shirt back. She gets quiet when she sees Mauricio and he asks who Diego is and why all the mystery. Ceci says Diego's her "galan" (handsome young man; i.e., her studly boyfriend) and she doesn't like to talk about her personal stuff. She says they had some beers and he was all soaked from the rain and took off his shirt and now she's got to return it. She asks if she isn't a delight and Mauricio agrees that she is. Ceci says that he's a "bonbon" (no, dictionary, the literal definition isn't the only one, Diego is not a chocolate candy with filling; an alternate spelling is "bombón") and he deserves it. She leaves. Azul tells Mauricio she doesn't like him flirting with Ceci. She says he should pay more attention to her and not get comfortable. She says she likes to be seduced at all times and hates monotony. Mauricio says he understands. I'm with her on the sentiment--it's not good to get so comfy in relationships that you take the other person for granted, but the way she says it makes her sound like a spoiled brat.

Alfredo and Inés: Inés is looking over Alfredo's contract for him. She says he's permanently giving up the rights to any discoveries that come out of that lab and all current and future applications of those discoveries, with no exceptions. Alfredo says it sounds like he's a scientist in Guerra de las Galaxias (that would be the Spanish title for Star Wars). Inés tells Alfredo that according to this contract, he doesn't even own the air he breathes. She seems really offended by the contract. Alfredo says they shouldn't be so untrusting since Mauricio's his daughter's boyfriend and therefore wouldn't try to cheat him. Bad logic, Alfredo, baaaaad logic. Inés says Azul isn't a guarantee, she says she doesn't want to criticize Azul, but she's sure the first thing Azul looked at was the amount of money they were going to be paid. Alfredo says Mauricio will handle the business end and he (Alfredo) will get paid very well.

Men's Wearhouse: Ceci tells Diego she had a fight with Azul. Diego asks why she answered the phone and Ceci says she's not authorized to give him that information (ha!). She gives him back his shirt. She tells Diego that Azul was pissed when she saw her bed messed up. She begs Diego not to get her in anymore trouble. Diego says it wasn't all his fault, they both drank too much and he left because he wouldn't dream of tener relaciones (having sex) with the friend of the woman he's crazy about. Ceci looks embarrassed and says "no, me neither."

Emilia's office: Emilia tells Silvana that running into Mauricio was a good thing. Silvana says Diego said the same thing, but she doesn't know why. Emilia says it's because Silvana went from angry to hurt and that being hurt is easier to manage because when you're angry for too long you lose touch with reality and can't do anything. Silvana asks if you can kill. Emilia looks worried. Silvana says she could have killed. Emilia says that for some reason she didn't. Silvana says it's because Diego came into her life (he sews, he cooks, he heals emotional pain…is there anything that guy can't do? Oh, yeah, date Azul). Emilia says that Silvana deserves some credit for Diego. Silvana says Diego showed up to help her close a wound, but she thinks she should do something more for Nico. Emilia asks what, but doesn't get an answer.

Mauricio's office, Mauricio and Andres: Shredding is going on. I see they've got a cross-cut shredder. You definitely don't want to go with a strip shredder when you're shredding documentation of your dastardly deeds. Cross-cut is much more secure. Mauricio is bothered that he'd forgotten about Silvana and assumed she was still "internada" (admitted [as in, to a hospital]; confined; interned). He's sure she recognized him and he didn't like her reaction. Mauricio says that on the day of The Accident, he checked to see who his wife had called on her cell phone and he thinks Silvana might know something that can hurt him. Andres says that Mauricio didn't have anything to do with The Accident and Mauricio agrees, but says Liliana left all desquiciada (unhinged, freaked out) and who knows what story she told Silvana. He reminds Andres that Liliana found out things that "we" (him and Andres or him and his entire nefarious crime syndicate?) would rather she hadn't. Andres looks troubled at this reminder. Mauricio says he'd like to know what Liliana told Silvana that night.

Casa Diego: Mama, Papa, Abuelo, Lidia, and Paco are celebrating Lidia's promotion. Papa toasts "The princess of this house, who any moment will become the queen of that company." Oh, like we didn't already know she was Papa's favorite. Mama says not to "pressure" Lidia, she'll take it step by step. Papa thinks she's already done it all. Lidia says Mama's right because this is only the beginning for her. Abuelo toasts that everything Lidia's doing…he catches Mama looking questioningly at him and finishes…"That God bless you." I guess I respect him for not calling Lidia a tramp in front of the whole family, but if it bothers him so much, shouldn't he take her aside and talk to her about it? Mama offers to cook dinner, but Papa says they'll take money out of the coffee can in the kitchen and go out to dinner. Mama pulls Papa into the kitchen and "asks" if he shouldn't apologize to Abuelo for their fight. He gets that this is an order and says he'll do it, but only because he's happy. Back in the living room, Lidia is putting in eye drops because she says the computer is hurting her eyes. Abuelo suggests that maybe it's not the computer that's hurting her. He says sometimes ambition can deslumbrar (dazzle; blind) you. Lidia says ambition isn't bad and Paco says he's proud to be her boyfriend. Abuelo says "Ambition and pride, what a pretty couple." Papa asks Abuelo to forgive him and offers to let him come back, except that the house is full. Abuelo says he has somewhere to stay and Papa just wants it noted that he did offer.

Outside Emilia's office: Silvana finds Diego waiting for her. He says he came back because he was worried about her. She thanks him for everything and he kisses her on the forehead.

Casa Azul and Ceci: Alfredo and Azul are having coffee and he asks her if her can relax now. She says she talked to Mauricio and they'll review the contract tomorrow. "Including the teeny-tiny letters?" Alfredo asks, and Azul says yes. Alfredo says it's not that he's worried, but it's better to prevent than lament and in the small print is where contracts get tricky. She says she's got to go and she'll have to invite him to eat when she has more time. She's got a romantic dinner and wants to buy something to wear. Alfredo asks if she loves Mauricio and Azul says "we're happy." He gives her a suspicious "hmmmmmmm."

Disturbing Moppet scene alert! The volume gets really loud and we hear the sound of police sirens. The moppet is lying in bed watching TV with those creepy, flat, dead eyes. The car chase on the TV ends in a car hitting a pole, head-on. Because of the editing, it looks like there's a delayed reaction when Caty gasps and sits up. Mauricio comes into her room and sees her terrified look. And for what it's worth, the little actress was really selling it. Mauricio looks at the TV and then walks over to Caty. He puts his hand out like he's going to hug her or stroke her hair and she flinches and gives him the terrified look. Then her expression shifts just slightly and she asks him if he remembers. She hugs him and he says he loves her more than anything else in the world. Oh yeah, then monitor what she watches on TV you heartless money-grubbing sack of…okay, sorry, rant over.

Diego and Silvana come home to an empty house. They've brought food. Silvana jokes that she's so hungry she could eat all her food AND Diego's. Diego jokes that the rest of the family will end up showing up and eating all their food.

We now get contrasting dinner scenes.

At Mansion Mauricio: He's lit tiki torches by the pool. In the shallow end we saw Caty prancing around in previously, he's set up a table and chairs for a romantic dinner. There's a line of flower petals scattered in the pool. He's a sneaky dude, but he knows how to work it. Azul's digging it.

Casa Diego: Diego and Silvana have started eating and Diego decides they need some music with dinner. When he gets up he finds the note telling him about Lidia's promotion and the whole family going out to dinner. It seems odd to me that they didn't wait for him or at least call him, but Diego's happy about it. He looks for good music on the radio and ends up finding something that sounds like a poor man's version of the 50's instrumental classic "Sleepwalk" ( Silvana approves.

Mansion Mauricio: Mauricio lays Azul's napkin across her lap and pours wine. Azul asks if her dad's going to get this reception too. She says since Leonarda's not serving them dinner, Mauricio must have bad intentions. (Oh, sister, you don't know the half of it!) She flirts with him and says she likes it when he's bad-intentioned.

Casa Diego: The song goes on. Diego says it's a good tune and Silvana says she hasn't heard it in a long time. Diego pushes back his chair and holds his hand out to Silvana, she says no, but he says he's not asking. They dance in the kitchen. Yes, that's right, he sews, cooks, cures emotional distress instantly, AND he dances. Silvana smiles an actual smile and for once looks like she's not thinking about killing anyone. Diego dips her. Silvana's hair goes flying around. It's a pretty picture. He's just too damn perfect.

Mansion Mauricio: Speaking of pretty pictures…Azul and Mauricio are dancing in the shallow end of the pool. Okay, that sounds like I'm saying something mean, but I'm not, I'm being literal. Mauricio has good taste in houses. I want that pool.

Casa Diego: The dancing continues. Silvana rests her head on Diego's chest.

Mansion Mauricio: more dancing.

Casa Diego: Silvana lifts her head and gets nose-to-nose with Diego.

Mansion Mauricio: more nose-to-nosing.

Casa Diego: Silvana gives her best "you know you wanna kiss me" face.

Mansion Mauricio: Mauricio and Azul dance and toast. Mauricio toasts that this night be the proof that things can get better. Azul toasts to the patience Mauricio had with her.

Casa Diego: let the inappropriate kissing begin.

Mansion Mauricio: more kissing.

Casa Diego: more kissing. Diego says he thinks it's time to end the story of la doncella Azul.

Mansion Mauricio and Casa Diego: more kissing.


Destilando Amor - Aug. 2, 2007 more than chocolates and silver heart earrings

EPISODE - August. 2, 2007:
* Frankie gives Steve the engagement ring back in condo hallway. Frankie explains his plan to now mooch off Sofia and the Montalvos.

* TWB (Isa) watches the news reports about the agave fields. Rod calls from the bar. Isa is sarcastic and irritated by Rod's absence. Rod says he will be home soon, he just needs to say good-bye to an old friend. They hang up. Rod orders a double shot of tequila.

* SWB in kitchen putting seductive images in Ofelia's head about Roman's chocolate and earrings gifts. Ofelia is insulted by the images and leaves. Roman enters by the other door. He hands the bag of chocolates and earrings to SWB. Ofelia catches them as SWB happily rips open the bag and shows off the contents. Ofelia accuses Roman of cheating on her, and starts swatting at him with the broomstick. Roman, in his own defense, explains that the gifts are from Carmelo for SWB. Ofelia doesn't believe him. He leaves. SWB admires the earrings and notes that they are exactly like Ofelia's. Ofelie is impactado. (Ed. note: and I'm ROFLOL for the entire scene.)

* Gavi and Clara in restaurant, rehashing how Rod and Clara got all the stuff back. Gavi comes to understand and live with Rod's efforts on their behalf. She's still hurt by what the Montalvo family did to her.

* Rod toast Gavi with his shots of tequila.

* Carmelo comes to the hacienda. SWB greets him in front entryway. Ofelia asks him to explain about the gifts. He tells her his side of the story and what Roman told him about the misunderstanding. She's mortified and runs to find Roman. Alone, Carmelo asks SWB about the gifts. She starts to flirt with him and thought-bubbles about having a laugh at Carmelo's expense.

* In kitchen, Ofelia has to grovel and apologize to Roman for not believing him. He accepts and they hug.

Gavi and Clara eat at their table back at their apartment. Clara is happy for all the blessing from the virgencita. Gavi is excited for her work and the project that she working on. Gavi gathers up her papers. Clara gives her a blessings. Gavi leaves for work. Clara notes to herself that in two months Gavi hasn't mentioned Rod at all, wonders if she's forgotten all about him.

* Rod talks on phone from his bedroom about the agave field inspections with Roman at hacienda. Rod wants to be present. Rod and Isa, now 4 months and showing, talk about his trip to hacienda for business and Sofia's wedding there. Isa is irritated and worried. Rod says don't be, he's been at her side for two months now. He gives her and the baby a kiss and leaves. She stews in her worries and fears about Gavi appearing at the hacienda while Rod's there.

* Dmitri and Gavi discuss the upcoming presentations and projects for their department. Gavi explains that she has the presentation all ready to present to Roberto and the board, and has included his ideas and research. Before she leaves, Dmitri gives her a compliment and praise for her work efforts. He asks her about her outside interests. She says that likes to sing. He invites her to sing at the office. She says she prefers not to, she learned her lesson and will keep her mouth shut at the office from now on.

* Frankie and Steve are working out at the gym. They discuss his wedding plans with Sofia and what Frankie is planning for his parent's appearance.

* Sofia, Dani and Granny are at breakfast at the Mexico City mansion. Sofia is excitedly telling them about Frankie's parents' offer while they are in Japan. Granny is upset and disappointed that Sofia will be so far away. Sofia consoles her. Dani thought bubbles her growing suspicions about Frankie.

* In Miami mansion, Aaron is on the phone with Larry the snake - Aaron is growing very irritated and frustrated with Larry's inability to get his shipments made. Larry explains that Rod is every more prudent and vigilent with corporation business papers these days; he can't do anything as easily as before. Aaron reminds Larry of all the millions of dollars he's paid him already. Larry continues to explain his predicament being caught between Rod and Aaron's father, Bruno. Aaron hangs up still frustrated. Pam enters in her bathrobe and asks "Bichie" what's wrong. Aaron says business is none of her concern. He reminds her to get dressed they have to meet his mom soon at the airport. Their wedding is in 13 days. She's excited. She goes to get her things from the drawer. Aaron sits on sofa and ponders where Minnie has been the past 2 months (no word/no divorce).

* Patricio escorts Minnie back to penthouse. She thanks him for his help and friendship. They discuss her visit with her great-aunt; Sofia's wedding at the hacienda; Aaron and Pam's wedding in Miami. With mention of Aaron, Minnie gets a bad taste in her mouth and spews out her opinions of that union not working out. Aaron is a macho ego butt. Patricio drops the subject and tells Minnie if she needs anything just call. He leaves. Minnie sits and is confused.

* Bruno visits Rod at the office. Rod tells him about hacienda and inspections but he's not too worried, their fields are in the best shape. Bruno is upset by Aaron's liquidation from the company. Rod has a flashback to his conversation with Aaron about this subject. Rod briefly explains (without detail) the resolution to Bruno. They discuss Rod's trip to hacienda and Sofia's wedding. While Rod's gone, he asks Bruno to take his place at the company. Bruno is so excited and delighted and accepts the invitation. They laugh and Rod reminds Bruno not to overdo it - to listen to his doctor, Fedra and Aaron. Bruno isn't worried about Fedra and Aaron, they're too busy with Aaron's wedding plans to Pam. Rod and Bruno discuss Aaron's wedding, and that no one from Montalvo family will be attending. Rod won't attend - he has no ties to Aaron anymore, it's like he lost his brother.

* Dmitri introduces Gavi and her presentation to the Roberto and the board. They listen and ask questions to Dmitri and Gavi and look at the color handouts. Roberto is very impressed and approves of the presentation. Roberto compliments Gavi - Gavi and board members leave. Roberto and Dmitri discuss Gavi's work at the department - Dmitri is very impressed. Roberto tells him about Gavi's background as an agave fieldworker and that makes her the perfect person to work with the other fieldworkers on this project.

* Rod meets with Sofia and Frankie at Granny's mansion. They discuss the wedding plans and Frankie's job in Japan. Rod leaves to find Dani. Sofia shows Frankie the full-page color ad about Aaron and Pam's wedding in the CARAS magazine. She's a little jealous of her cousin. Frankie says don't worry about it, their announcement will be even better and in Japanese. Sofia gives him a sad puppy dog look about leaving her family. He caves in and says he will cancel the Japan job and look for possible work offers in Mexico.

* Roberto and Dmitri tell Gavi that she will go on the trip with Dmitri to talk with the fieldworkers and hacienda owners. Gavi is surprised. Dmitri says the flight leaves later today for Guadalajara. Gavi is enchanted to return to the fields, she has so many happy memories of herself and her mama Clara there.

* Rod talks with Dani and remembers Gavi and tells his little sister about Gavi's life and work now. He has to resist the urge to call her on the phone. He misses her so much. Dani gives him a hug.

* Gavi packs and explains to Clara about her trip to the agave fields. They are happy; Clara mentions Rod. Gavi blows it off and says that he and Bruno are in charge of Montalvo Corp. now. Clara imagines the fields of agave again. Gave asks about her cassette tape that she made at the cantina for Rodrigo. Clara hasn't seen it, maybe it got tossed in the trash. Gavi says to continue to look for it. Gavi closes her suitcase and is ready to go. Clara tells her to give her old friends greetings from Clara. Gavi promises. Clara gives Gavi one final spin around before blessing her. Clara cries, she wants to go too. Gavi consoles her, explains that this is for her work. Clara continues to cry. Gavi promises when she arrives in Tequila, she'll send for Clara to join her. Clara smiles and is excited by the idea. As Gavi is about to go, Clara cries. Gavi consoles Clara. Gavi leaves. Clara mumbles to herself.

* In Miami, Aaron has a long distance phone conversation with Patricio in Mexico. Aaron is agitated and angry that no one from the family will attend his wedding. Patricio politely explains that Sofia's wedding is being held at the hacienda. Aaron is welcome to come but alone. Aaron goes ballistic that he can't bring Pam with him. Aaron refuses to attend Sofia's wedding - Patricio says Granny will be so disappointed but he will pass along the message anyway. Aaron asks about Minnie. Patricio vaguely briefly explains about Minnie's return to Mexico. Aaron yells and screams that he needs to talk with her ASAP. Aaron hangs up to take a phone call on another phone. Aaron declines the interview and hangs up the other phone. He grumbles to himself about Minnie in a nativity festival ball.

* Johnny sits with Pam and Fedra and they plan the wedding. Pam explains her idea for putting acrylic over the pool for the dance floor - Fedra says to add candle lights floating on the water underneath. Pam wants lots and lots of flowers. Aaron comes in and asks Pam about the music playing. Pam answers. Aaron shouts and storms out to turn off that noise. Pam tells Fedra about Aaron's lousy mood lately, especially in regards to Mexico. She asks Fedra to talk to him. Johnny backs up Pam. Fedra leaves as Aaron shouts at the servant to turn off the noise and give him some whiskey. Pam tells Johnny she hopes Fedra can get through to Aaron and calm him down.

* In garden, Fedra stops Aaron. They have a shouting match. Aaron vents his frustrations and anger with all the bad news he's been receiving. Fedra tells him that's life and to calm down and help plan his wedding with Pam, or is it about Minnie again. Aaron paces and explains that it's more than just Minnie. It's that his family, especially his own father, won't be attending his wedding. He won't be attending Sofia's wedding for this reason as well as that he would have to go alone without Pam. Fedra is impactado. Aaron continues that he doesn't really care about Minnie or what she's doing now. He also isn't interested in all the bells and details for the wedding - he's only interested in marrying Pam and having a son. Pam comes outside to see what's happening. Aaron leaves. Fedra explains Aaron's mood is about his family. Pam asks about Minnie - Fedra says there's been no word or news about her in months. Pam's worried.

* Minnie sits in her bedroom and reads the ad announcing Aaron and Pam's wedding. She rips it out of the magazine and crumples it in her hands.

* James and Acacia walk back to the hacienda house all lovey-dovey like. Her mood changes as they see the police truck waiting outside the front gate. Police chief and his assistant are inquirying about Meliton - it's been several months and no word from him at all. James and Acacia tell story about Meliton taking his things and quietly leaving and going to the beach to live in peace. The police officers accept the story and leave. Acacia is nervous.

* Back at the ranch, Rod and Roman are in the office discussing inspections and the agave fieldworkers. (Ed. note: Rod is in his black jeans and I must say, "NICE BUTT!") Roman tells Rod about Hilario's new work and life in the city. As Rod talks, Roman thought-bubbles how will he ever explain that Hilario left the hacienda because he's in love with Isa. Rod asks Roman to have Ofelia bring him a cup of coffee. Roman tells Rod welcome back to the hacienda Montalve~a. Rod says thanks as he looks out his office window at the fields below. Rod mutters to himself, "Welcome back, to my home, my refuge, all this reminds me of you, Gaviota."


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Acorralada #139 Wednesday 8/1/07 Party down!

As we had hoped, today's party scenes had plenty of action:

First a review. Somehow, Octy decides that she is going to give the party in "Alejandro"'s honor at her house. Larry is all smiles because he met a new girl. I don't like that!

Roddy talks to Fedora about Bratty. She has had a bad upbringing, and they have to make allowances. He then takes Bratty aside for a father-daughter chat. It's a bit late for that. He is telling her that she shouldn't be so forward as to kiss boys she just met. He has no idea . . .
He thinks she is a helpless, unprotected (desamparada) sweet little puppy (perrita). Later, Roddy and Sharon have a discussion about school. She doesn't want to go to school. She wants to work. Somehow, she's going to be given a job at the fabrica. Sharon puts on the whiny face, wah, Fedora doesn't like me, etc. Roddy assures her that all will be fine. She then flashes that Exorcist grin at the camera again.

Sharon has another encounter with Granny M and Lala. They says she's "trigo limpio," or untrustworthy. She calls them "brujas sin escobas," or witches without brooms!

Over at Hospital Telemiami, Diana receives her invitation to the party.

Paco is now home--and he's living with Fiona. They discuss the party invitations. Paco is not invited, because it's his ex-wife's place. I still don't know how he has accepted Fiona as a house guest.

Over at the factory, Fedora rips up her invitation. She's not going to the Irascibles' mansion. Various other montage scenes of people looking at the invitations.

Emilio is practicing walking with Caramelo and Diana at the hospital. Paco arrives. Emilio asks for Caramelo's hand. They kiss. He says he can't make it to the party.

The party is now getting started. Octy is wearing one of her lowest-cut outfits yet--a black halterish number. Larry and Octy talk to "Alejandro." Once again, they marvel at the resemblance. Once again, I marvel at how Max could torture his poor brother, who never did anything to hurt anyone (except for punching Kike).

Diego picks up Fiona.

Gaby and Kike enter at the same time Sharon does. Sharon gives one of her shrieky greetings when she sees Larry. Next thing you know, she's kissing him, and he's kissing her back. I don't know what that's about.

Marfil and "Alejandro" talk. Silvia comes up and calles him "Maxi clone." Diana comes over, and Max asks if she would prefer if he were Max. She says she prefers not to answer. Marfil throws in something about how she goes out with married men and steals husbands. Diego comes over, and Diana throws a drink in his face! But not before he has a chance to do that awful teeth-sucking Hannibal Lecter thing again. Have you all noticed that? She tells him that he makes her sick, or disgusts her (dar asco).

Camila goes to visit her brother and tries to get rid of Caramelo.

Now it's time for the big fight scene: Larry sees Gaby, and he says he's glad to see her. (Then why was he kissing Sharon so passionately?) Kike is jealous, and Silvia throws him in the pool. You go, girl!

Back at the hospital, Camila asks Emilio if Max and Alejandro have two different personalities.

"Alejandro" and Diana chat. He tells her she's the prettiest girl at the party. Diego fumes.

Yolando goes to see Paco. This makes no sense. She seems to be telling him to give up on Fedora. Is she trying to flirt with him herself now that Rene is gone?

Alejandro is going to kiss Diana. Diego snorts and says let her go. A big fight breaks out. Octy, ever the refined hostess, calls for no scandals!

Kike gets out of the pool and there's all out war between him and Larry.

Alejandro and Diego are mixing it up in the living room.

We end with a scene of all things--Halcon and Pancho are back in Florida at the auto body shop. Pancho wants Caramelo, and he wants to get rid of the dollcake Emilio. Halcon advises him to forget her . . . she's not worth it.

I forgot the ending: here it is. Alejandro tells Marfil that Diana is the prettiest girl at the party. Marfil tells him to forget Diana and think of her.


8/1 Juan Q - CL calls in his favors, Paula tries to make a go, and Yadi has an artificial competitoress

Enrique butters up to Yadira at the office. He says he came to talk to Juan about a business that they have together, he has to cut things short so he can check out some trucks he wants to buy. He tells himself to stand it, but of course he can’t and he calls back to her and gives her his best Juan imitation. She laughs as he walks away swingin his backside.

Pastor is waiting for his answer. Juan tells himself he’s sorry he needs to lie again. He tells Pastor that he’s from the small hot coastal town Achichipico where violence is a way of life and he got into some problems to help out a friend and so he had to leave everything he had there. Pastor says this sounds like a novella. Juan wants to continue that he was taken in by a wonderful family that had just suffered a tragedy and so once there he had to tell some white lies so he told them he was a high level executive. Juan says well, he’s high but not an executive. He tells Pastor that Marely is part of that family that he lives with. He brought her to work here because she needed work. Pastor says when she finds out about tall this though she’ll be mad. Juan says no it’s ok, she knows everything already. Pastor wants to know why he trusts this girl so much, is she your girlfriend?

Consuelo tells her she doesn’t know of any reason why CL might have another woman and they chat about this a little. I think if you have to ask your maid if your husband has another woman, the cause might already be lost. But maybe that’s just me. Consuelo suggests that Moni asks him then. There’s a bright idea, because of course he will just tell her the truth…..

Juan laughs like a hyena and says nothing is going on with Mari they are just friends he tells himself something about a volcano exploding. He says he doesn’t like to rope in the women, especially at work that he has principles. He tells himself if you don’t like these I have others. He talks about some problems and Pastor tells him that he’s noticed his tenseness. He says he can’t tell these people that he’s just a simple chauffer. Pastor says he should have told him all this because many problems would have been solved already. Juan thanks him from the bottom of his soul for all of his help and support so far, that he is his only friend. He says he likes the best about Juan that he admits his errors and learns from his mistakes. He says maybe he has been unjust and that he should try to help more. We could start by getting to know more about you including starting with your house, how about tomorrow afternoon?

Yadi is bugging Marely she says she wants to talk to someone she’s upset. Mari says you fought with Mom, she agrees but not over anything major. Mari says it has to be or else you wouldn’t be here. She said well she also wants to see Juan, Marely covers and tells her that he is in a meeting that will last forever, so she can’t see him, but predictably Juan walks into the lobby and greets Yadi. Yadi tells him she wants to speak to Fer. Juan asks Mari to connect him to her.

Juan goes in to see CL and tells him he can explain about Enrique. CL doesn’t care as long as his work isn’t affected. He says he doesn’t know how long he can keep this farce up though. Juan swears he’ll tell the truth soon. Cl says he’s helped out because he admires men who lie for love, that betrayal is the path of seduction. Can’t say that ever worked for me. Juan philosophizes that he’s not sure if he’s seducing, or they are seducing him! Cl thinks that’s an interesting point of view, and they talk about the chicken before the egg etc. CL bonds with him. Juan is pleased at the bonding and says ok see you later. CL says not so fast. CL says wants to talk to Juan about his boss, Paula.

Yadi calls Fer through Marely who covers for him too. She wants to see him and he says he’s busy and doesn’t know when he can. He wants to know how she got his number. She says a friend at Farell. He apologizes that he hasn’t seen her lately he’s been so busy with work, and he can’t see her now, even at his business that she asks the address for. He agrees instead to meet her at a café because he doesn’t like to mix business with pleasure. As she’s leaving she sees Fer out front and of course she wants to know what he’s doing there. He says he just couldn’t wait to see her. She asks how he got there so fast because she thought his office was on the other side of the city, he makes up something, she asks where his car is, he says he left it and walked, well, ran, then she notes he looks pretty fresh for having run. He says he’s in good shape and she wonders if he thought about running a marathon. He says yes, once in a while.

Paula calls Marely in. Split screen she is telling Mar that CL didn’t accept her renuncia. Mar says then you have to stay. Paula says the situation hasn’t changed though. Mar wants to know what she is talking about, she thinks it’s Pastor. Paula says nevermind I’ll get over it and you and I together are going to make history in this office.

CL finally plays his cards. He tells Juan that he wants him to inform him about every move Paula makes, who she talks to etc. Juan balks a bit at that until CL asks if he has to remind him of all the favors he’s done Juan. Caray, here it comes. Of course Juan can’t say no after that.

Ana chats with her friend about the situation with Paula and CL. Ana says she’s not going to interfere anymore and that Paula knows where to find her. Ana says she knows someone who can help them out with this.

Juan talks with Mari about Yadi meeting up with Fer and gets assured that they met elsewhere. He thinks he wants to talk to Paula but realizes maybe not, maybe better to wait another time. He tells himself he really doesn’t like this situation at all.

Fer and Yadi are chatting at the café. She wants to know why he is acting so weird. He says he’s been so busy he hasn’t even had 30 seconds to talk to her. She asks if he thinks she’s stupid, she doesn’t believe him. She throws out a bunch of reasons, he denies them all. They bleep something but I think she asks him if he likes men. When she won’t back down, then he picks a reason he thinks will work instead of that. Frankly I think it’s the crappiest reason, there had to be a better reason. He says yes, ok, there is another woman. Of course she goes ballistic and tells him see you never.

Chelo and the gardener fight over who is going to find Moni for a long distance phone call. Chelo wins because she controls his food supply.

Juan asks Fer how it went with Yadi. He said badly, Juan asks why did he tell her the truth? He says no he invented another woman. Juan agrees with me that that was a stupid reason. He says he gave him all the best instructions and he ignored them. They fight call each other names.

Ana is at the cemetery she asks Samuel’s help to find her work, and also for her daughter. Of course Nadi shows up and asks her if she’ll be long. She says she’ll be as long as she wants, you can stay if you want. Nadi smarts off that she didn’t mind sharing him in life so why not in death. Ana said she didn’t share anything, we both know his love was only for me. Nadi says, funny but he left me all the money. Ana says she has to go. Nadi says Ana shouldn’t go so fast, the time has come that we make a truce.

Gardner finds Mon passed out on the ground with blood on a rock next to her head.

Juan and Fer are chatting, sort of making up about their earlier spat. Juan tells him about CL’s proposal and request for spying. Fer says, you are the only one in the office that hasn’t realized this yet? Juan is like duh, what? Fer says that your boss and mine have a thing, they are lovers. Juan is of course muy impactado!!! He continues that is a lie because she is a decent woman. Fer says don’t you wonder how she rose so high in the company so fast? Her studies in the US? No way. If you don’t want to see it then, don’t, but that’s how it is.

He tells himself he can’t believe that his divine Goddess would do something like that, what if Fer is right? He can’t accept that.

Consuelo sees Moni and wonders what happened. Moni tells her very calmly that she should just call the doctor, she’ll make it up to her room ok by herself. Chelo fawns over her, but doesn’t run to call the doc.

Ana says first she’s not interested in truces. Nid says stay, and let’s talk. I’ve spent a lot of effort fighting against you but life goes on, and that’s finished now. Nid and Ana are discussing civilly that this is the first time she has come since Samuel died, but Ana must have come many times. Ana says yes. Nid says it’s not because I don’t care, it’s because I’m trying to make sense of what to think about all this.. Ana says you don’t think this, you feel this, and I don’t want to fight anymore. Nid tells her she’s sick of being the bad girl, she doesn’t want to fight anymore either. Nid tells her that she has wanted to chat with her every once in a while about Samuel and things that happened. She wondered if this ever occurred to Ana as well. She says yes, but ..Nid tells her well then let’s take advantage of this and chat. Perhaps Samuel had a reason for putting us together here.

Yadi is bawling insanely in the lobby several people are looking at her curiously and wondering que the hell. Yadi tells Mari Fer has another chica. Marely keeps trying to convince her to talk about it at home or over a coffee. Eventually Yadi loses it and yells at the onlookers calling them gossipers.

CL is telling Pastor about his plan with Juan. He’s so proud of himself. He knows that Paula is in love with him. Just then the phone rings and Chelo tells him about Moni, and that he has to go home now. He leaves.

Juan who sees CL come down and go off in his car, bad mouths CL to himself for being rich and sliding one past him, and he says he’s still not convinced and believes in his Paula.

Back at the cemetery, happily chatting away on someone’s headstone, Nid wants to know how it all started. Ana tells her gradually. She asks if it didn’t bother her that he was married? She said she was disillusioned, and thought he was getting a divorce etc., but eventually she cared about him so much that she resigned herself to be the other woman. Nid asks what excuse made her think that. Ana said because he told her there was a child on the way. Nid proclaims, Marely!

Yvonne picks on Marely. Marely tells her yes, it’s her sister and so what she’s not a Zorra and leave her and me alone, let me work.

Juan recalls Fer telling him that Paula and CL are lovers and he furiously twists a magazine. He is displeased but he obviously knows deep down it must be true. And cut.


Destilando Amor 8/1

We open with Clarita giving Rod the papers that list the items that have been repossessed. He looks around at the modest surroundings and ponders how Gavi could live that way. He finds the tape of her songs. Clarita and Rod head out to get Gavi's things back.

Stefano asks Smarmy Frankie where the heck his grandmother's ring is. Smarmy says he needed it to give it to Sofia as her engagement ring and assures him that he will return it. Stefano says that if he does not return the ring, he will make sure Frankie never sets foot in his home again. Stefano gets the keys back to his car and Frankie has the nerve to ask for cab fare! Geesh, he is sooo low...

Granny Pilar, Sofia, and Dani are sitting around admiring the ring. Dani pokes fun at the ring, Sofie explains that it is a family heirloom of the De La Vega's. Granny scolds Daniela and tells her to save her jokes for another time. Dani tells her she knows how important last names are to her. Granny says yes they are important and that they are the best references a person can have. Elvis has come to pay a visit and has brought his family photo album to show Pilar. He jokingly tells her that they are black and white photos. :) He points out various family members and she does not act the least bit interested.

James and Crispin are talking about the tequila/agave plants and stuff. He calls Acacia to tell her that he will be late. Her cell phone rings and she looks at it and sees Meliton's face. He calls out to her in a really creepy voice "Acacia, Acacia..." She freaks and throws the phone down, breaking it. James is frustrated that she is not answering. Crispin suggests that maybe she has not gotten the hang of the cell phone yet. James says he has showed her how to use the phone. Crispin asks if it is possible that Meliton has returned. James says that he will stop at the ranch to see is she is okay.

Rod and Clarita are at the reposser's office trying to get the stuff back and haggling. The guy crunches some numbers, Rod agrees to pay. He feels guilty for thinking badly of his Gavi, all the while she was going through hardships.

Isadora is telling her mother that something is bothering Rod, but she doesn't know what. Her mother asks her if she thinks Rod knows the baby is not his. She says that is not it. The topic turns to Frankie and her mother tells her to forget about him. Isa whines that she is is pretty, young and wants to be wanted by a man, not merely tolerated. She says that if it wasn't for her father's debt, she would ask Frankie to leave with her. Her mother tells her not to be stupid and that she should not throw everything away because of one night of passion and that their economic status depends on her.

James returns to Dry Gulch to find the cell broken on the floor. He thinks Meliton has returned and has kidnapped her.

Acacia is in the barn adding more stones to the pile. She is crying... James come in, shotgun in hand. She says Meliton is gone and he comforts her.

Hilario calls his mother for her birthday. She is happy to hear from him and asks him when he is coming back. He sings her las mananitas.

James asks Acacia if Meliton came back, did he see her? He asks if he knows that they are married. She says that he knows everything and will not be returning.

Gaviota is in her office daydreaming about Rod. She plays back the tequila lunch scene while staring at the computer screen.

At the repo place, the workers are putting Gavi and Clarita's things into the truck to take them back to their place. More haggling... The guy demands the rest of the money from Rod. They end up arguing, it gets physical, Clarita is swinging the purse, Rod is swinging left and right. The repo people are shady, but their belongings are back on their way to them. Rod warns them to leave Clarita and Gavi alone.

Gaviota and her boss are talking tequila business. There is some kind of problem with the plants. The municipality where the problems are is near Tequila and her thoughts turn back to her glory days as a jimadora and Rod. Her boss is talking to her whist she is daydreaming. He snaps her back to reality saying to pay attention and he does not want to repeat himself.

Ofelia tells Roman that Hilario called. He asks when he is coming back, she says she does not know. It is evident they both miss their son. He gets the gifts out of the oven. He tries to hide them behind his back, but she sees them anyway. She mistakenly believes they are her birthday gifts. Poor Roman wonders how is he going to get out of this one...

Back in the city, Clarita is also having some happiness of her own as she has gotten her television back and she can watch her telenovelas again. They celebrate with a shot. And another. And another. Well, you get the idea. She recounts their string of bad luck since Gavi left the corporativo. He feels more guilty. He asks if Gav is seeing anybody. She tells him to leave Gaviota in peace.

Roman tells bartender guy about the mix up. Roman says he will make a quick trip to Guadalajara to replace the gifts and give them to SanJuana. Bartender guy is anxious to find out if he has a chance with San Juana.

Rodrigo says he understands why she feels the way she does and she has every right to tell him to leave Gavi alone. She asks him to leave because it is almost time for Gaviota to come home. She tells him that she truly appreciates what all he has done for her. He promises to leave Gavi alone but cannot promise to stop thinking about her. He tells her that if she needs anything, to let him know. Before he leaves, Clarita asks him one last question: does he still love Gaviota. He replies that he does and even death cannot stop it, and she is the amor of his vida. He gets verklempt and leaves.

Back at Granny P's, Frankie and Sofia are there. Smarmy gets the ring back from her to have it sized. Granny asks how things went with their meeting with the bishop. Sofia says not so good, he won't be available the date they have set. Frankie asks Pili what she thinks of them having the ceremony at the hacienda. She is thrilled with the idea. Frankie asks if they will need to run that by Rod. Sofie interjets that her brother will support whatever they have in mind. Sofia says she will hire a wedding coordinator. Granny asks when she will get to meet his parents. He makes up some excuse that they are traveling, but will be there for the wedding. She asks him if he plans to take the job offer. He says no, he wants to make his own way, blah, blah. She asks him to reconsider and says she will ask Bruno to make him a better job offer than the one he has in Japan.

Rod is in his car as Gavi is walking down the street. He says he no longer has her, but he does have that nifty cassette of her songs.

Gavi enters the apartment and sees all their belongings have returned. She asks Clarita what happened, how did she do it. She correctly guessed Rod has something to do with it. Clarita says that Rod brought her Gavi's check and recounts how it went down at the repo guys office. Gavi gets all indignant and prideful and wants to give the stuff back to Rod. Her mother tells her basta with the pride thing and quit acting like a brat. She tells Gavi about the fight Rod had with the shady repo guys and how he stood up for them. She tells him what Rod said about still loving her.

Rod is in the car listening to the tape of Gavi belting out the tunes.

Granny P calls Rod on his cell asking if he is on his way to her casa. She tells him that Sofia plans to get married at the hacienda, he says whatever makes him happy. They talk about the job offer that they made to Smarmy and how he does not want to accept it. Rodrigo says they cannot make him take it.

Frankie gives the ring back to Stefano. He asks how he managed to get the ring back. He says that he's going to take her fortune, a ring is no problem to take. He tells Stefano about the lush job offer and how he's playing the Montalvo's into making a sweeter deal. Such a smarm...

Isa is watching the tele, Rod calls from the bar. He asks how she is, how was her day. Very perfunctory. She gets pissed that he "remembered" to call her. She asks him what is wrong. He tells her that after tonight things will be different. She asks where he is, he says he is at a "despedida". She asks with whom? He says for a man who has decided to change his life, a man who might never return...


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #10 Tuesday 7/31/07

Tuesday's episode begins with Azul and Tia Inez at Alfredo's house where Inez is about to spill the beans about her relationship with Alfredo when Alfredo enters the room and stops her. He pours his ladies (the only people that he trusts) a glass of wine and while he serves dinner, Ines drains her wine glass. She's clearly fed up with this situation.

Next we see Silvana getting settled in at Diego's parents house. They'll be sharing a bedroom and Diego tells her that he's her guardian angel, and he has her in the palm of his hand. She says that's how small she feels - a woman could fit in the palm of his hand.

Meanwhile Aurelio is telling his compadre about his financial worries - he's gone through his savings. He's already sold his house and he didn't earn much off the deal. He's spent it all traveling and helping his daughter pay her mortgage.

In Clemencia's kitchen, Clemencia is talking to Silvana about how exceptional Diego is, when Clemencia says "what else would a mother say about her son?" which touches a nerve with Silvana. Clemencia quickly apologizes but Silvana says it doesn't cause her pain to think of her son, it only makes her cold, and she likes the cold. She also mension that she doesn't know where her mother is. Her name is Gloria, but she doesn't know where she is.

Back at Azul's apartment, she's thinking about Diego and crying... she throws the rose he gave her out the window and immediately regrets it and runs out the door to retrieve it. As she steps off the last step she twists her ankle and falls into the street, right in front of the taxi that's dropping off Ceci.

Mauricio tells his business partners that Toscano will not be able to leave his job at the lab for 5 years. They don't expect the project to take 5 years.

Ceci helps Azul limp back into their apartment. Just as she enters she gets a call from Mauricio and tells him about her ankle. He tells her not to move - he's on his way there.

Lidia is laying on her bed talking to Piero on the phone - she's mad that he's messed up their weekend together. His wife wakes up when she hears him talking and asks what he's doing - he claims to have been talking to his lawyer. She tells him that she loves him, but if he ever cheats on her, she swears that she will kill him. Yikes!

Mauricio's at Azul's apartment helping her ice her ankle. He wants her to come to his house where he can take care of her, but she says she'd rather stay home.

Ines is pressuring Alfredo to tell Azul the truth so that they can live their lives openly. Azul is an adult, and she's sensible. Alfredo tells her that since she's Azul's aunt, sometimes he feels sort of... perverse. This does not go over well with Ines! This Alfredo is really a smooth talker.

Apparently Mauricio has persuaded Azul to return to his house because the next scene shows Azul being carried into his living room by Mauricio.

Silvana is in Diego's room looking at pictures of Nico when Diego enters. She feels that Nico is with her all the time. Diego tells her they have a problem - he needs to change clothes and he thinks it would be strange to do that in front of her. He can't even go to the bathroom to change because he'd have to come back in his underwear since he doesn't have any pajamas. So he'll just sleep in his clothes. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and he turns off the light and slips under the covers.

Azul thanks Leonarda for serving such a nice breakfast, and tells her that her family never had breakfast together. Mauricio arrives and she tells him that she feels weird, his attitude of just letting things happen, not to worry or rush, is good, but they have things to talk about. She tells him that she plans to work for him.

At Diego's place, everyone's having breakfast when the doorbell rings. Diego answers it, expecting to see Paco, but it's Gloria - Silvana's mother! Silvana enters and asks what she's doing there. Gloria responds by givng her a hug. Diego offers to let them talk in his room, where they'll have privacy.

Azul is surprised that Mauricio isn't more excited about her decision. He tells her that he's very confused and he needs time to see how things turn out. She agrees and says she won't pressure him.

Alfredo has told Ines that he has something urgent to discuss with her, and when she arrives he admits that he just told her that so they could have breakfast together. She doesn't like the way that he's handling their relationship and she's sure that he has some problem that he needs her help resolving. He responds that the problem he has is that he can't be mad at her. She almost smiles in response.

Gloria is talking a mile a minute, but knows nothing about what's been going on with Silvana - she's heard that her husband left her, but she doesn't know why - she asks if he was cheating or beating her. Silvana looks like she's about to come unglued and finally blurts out that Nico died.

Clemencia is surprised to see Silvana's mother. Manuel figures that she got the address from someone and has come to help. That sounds good to Lidia - maybe Silvana will go stay with Gloria. Clemencia tells her to lower her voice. The doorbell rings again and Lidia runs out. At the doorway, Silvana is telling Gloria to go. Gloria asks if it's okay to call her later, but she gets no response from Silvana.

Katy shows Azul a picture of her mother and her friend Nico, who both died in the car accident. I hope I got this right, but I think that what Katy says is that if she had been with her mom, then at least her mom would have been okay.

Diego checks on Silvana to see if she wants to talk about her mother's visit, but she says she doesn't have the strength, she needs to think. He should go to work and they can talk later.

Leonarda is preparing an ice pack for Azul's ankle, and Mauricio ushers her from the kitchen so he can talk to Leonardo. She's worried about his doubts regarding Azul, but he says that Azul is coming around sooner than he thought. He hugs her and tells her that she's always thinking of him. I'm not sure what the relationship is here...

Diego calls home to check on Silvana and finds out that she's resting, so he calls to check on Diana and learns that she fell and twisted her ankle, it's not serious, but Ceci doesn't have time to talk as she's on her way out the door. She tells him to call back between 7 and 8.

Clemencia is talking to Silvana about how odd it is that Manuel's not home yet, when she realizes that Silvana's not listening. Silvana tells her that she was able to sleep without nightmares or dreams. Her mother's visit had a huge impact on her... Clemencia tries to make excuses for Gloria, saying that there's no manual for being a perfect mother. Silvana tells her that's another thing.

Isela is working when Manuel stops in to say hello. She says there must have been an accident on the corner of her street (in reference to him being an insurance agent?) and he says he's come to bring an insurance certificate. She tells him that she has a lot of customers who are waiting and it's better if he goes. He offers to help her, but she doesn't want her help. He tells her that he wants them to have a better relationship. It may not be important to her, but it is to him. She asks if he's finished, and he leaves.

Mauricio is reviewing the contract that Andres has drafted for Alfredo. He wants Andres to include a clause saying that it will cost Alfredo more than Mauricio if Alfredo decides to leave. He tells Andres to find a lawyer to write it up - he doesn't care if it's Saturday.

Diego's shredding carrots (he looks good and he cooks!) and he's talking to Silvana about Gloria's visit. She says that her mother always shows up with gifts after being away. She needs to get used to it and find a way to forgive her.

Azul is hanging out by the pool chatting with her brother on the phone when Mauricio walks up and asks what's going on with him. She doesn't know, but he's really sad. Mauricio suggests that he come to visit, which she thinks is an excellent idea. He lets her know that Andres is working on her and Alfredo's contracts, and that her salary will be $50,000.

Silvana and Diego are talking... he asks if he's talked to Azul and he says that he hasn't. She asks if he's still interested in her and when he says of course he is, and she raises her voice and tells him "in that case, do something!" It's a little bit spooky, and Diego just nods in response to the strange outburst.

Mauricio, Azul, and Katy are playing Scrabble and Azul is convinced that Mauricio is cheating. He says that he isn't and tells Katy to go look it up in the dictionary. It turns out that he's not cheating, which means that Azul loses the bet - she has to stay with them for a few days!

Silvana goes to visit Gloria, who's sitting around the house in a kimono.

Diego and Ceci are getting drunk - silly drunk. He asks what happened to Azul's foot, but Ceci says she's not authorized to say. She tells him that she wouldn't like it if a guy stood her up the way that he stood up Azul... It looks like they're about to kiss when he asks her again what happened to Azul's foot. Finally she gives in and tells him what happened.

Azul sneaks downstairs to call home and is surprised when Diego answers the phone. He tells her that he heard that she fell, how is her little foot? Credits roll.


Destilando Amor, Tues 7/31: Our lovers pour on the tequila while Frankie pours on the smarm

Gavi: It's a big city, but apparently it's not big enough that we can't stop running into each other. I could quit my new job, but it doesn't seem fair that I should have to quit because of you, to ruin my future yet again. Don't you think it's time you left me alone?

Rod: Fine. I swear you won't see me, I swear I won't bother you. I wish you lots of luck in your new job. You deserve it. You're a great woman. Everything in that letter was completely true, not a single lie. You'll do well, you'll see. I know I'm losing a great woman.

Gavi: You know what hurts me the most? When I met you, I felt like I was in a dream. I've been dreaming all this time. But nice as it was, it couldn't be. You woke me up. (something like that) I'll never forgive you for that.

Gavi gets in the taxi and rides off.

Rod gets home that night and is greeted by Sofie and Isa. Sofie says she and Frankie want to take him out to dinner for a big surprise. She leaves to get Frankie. Isa tells Rod that Sofie's marrying Frankie. "And not only that, they're going to live in Japan!"

Rodrigo correctly surmises that Isa does not approve of this. She thinks Sofie's not ready for marriage, nor to live so far away. Besides, Pilar's an "older woman" and needs Sofie's company. Rod says true, but his sister has the right to make her own family. Isa wrings her hands nervously as Rod goes off to change. She thought-bubbles that she needs to derail the marriage plans.

Gavi is recounting her many-tequila lunch to Clarita. Clarita's not happy that Gavi turned down the money, while Gavi's not happy he even offered it to her. It just confirmed he believed all the things they'd said about her - that she's only interested in money, that she's for sale, like she has no dignity. Clarita (who seems to have glued something to her temples) disagrees that it's humiliating to take money she's earned. (That's what I'm saying!) They could have gotten their stuff back! She sticks some things onto Gavi's temples and mutters that Gavi's got bats in her belfry (look who's talking) for refusing the money out of humiliation. Living on crumbs is pretty humiliating too.

Gavi retorts that Clarita's dull as a wooden knife. She thought it was her severance check too, until Rodrigo started talking about paying her for her troubles. Then she remembered that he made her a similar offer when she came back from Europe, that he wanted to shack her up and compensate her for her "damages."

They argue some more. Gavi says she'll ask for an advance on her salary to make her feel better. Clarita says it doesn't matter whether she does or not, but if she does, that would be better. :-) She's just glad Gavi met with Rod and they cleared things up. She knew that would happen. Gavi says she's not so sure things are cleared up - he didn't know how Aaron found out they went to Manzanillo together.

Clarita rips the whatchamacallems off her temples and complains about the amount of power these people have to threaten everything, and someday they'll find out the truth of what happened. "So then what?" she asks.

Gavi says Rod went back to his wife. Clarita is impactada but insists Rod is still in love with Gavi. If that family hadn't found out about them, the three of them would be living happily on that island right now.

Gavi says Rod at no time ever said he was still in love with her. Clarita thinks maybe he just forgot! Gavi said they spent all afternoon together, and even when she left he didn't say it. So she told him she never wanted to see him again, and he promised he wouldn't go looking. She thinks he never really loved her. To Rodrigo Montalvo, she was just a little hobby.

Frankie makes his move, and Isa makes hers

At dinner, Frankie formally asks Rod for Sofie's hand. Didn't we do this last week? Rod warmly gives his blessing and says they don't need it anyway; his sister's mature enough to make these decisions on her own. Isa points out they've been novios less than two months - is that long enough to be so sure? Sofia reminds her that her official courtship of Rodrigo was pretty short too, yet they're still together. Isa manages to work her features into a faint yet effective scowl.

Frankie says all that matters is that they're in love. He'll dedicate his life to caring for her. He blings her, and I'm wondering where he came up with the money for that ring. Is it a fake from a gumball machine, or did he borrow money from the guy who owns his apartment, or what? "While I live, you'll never want for anything." Blech.

Isa asks Frankie the name of the company he's going to work for. Frankie says it's Nippon-Pacific Airlines, which has offices around the world (and yet, they insist on having him in their Tokyo office??).

(I Googled Nippon-Pacific Airlines, as well as Nippon-Pacific Airways, and the only thing I found was a small domestic airline.)

Isa remarks that it's very odd that such a company would hire a Mexican to handle their public relations. He claims that he's worked with them for three years and on top of a great salary, they're offering him a chauffeured car, apartment, and countless other perks.

Hmmm... he might be making it sound too good. If I were Sofie I would already be packing my bags. Sofie adds that with her monthly allowance from Rodrigo, they'll live very comfortably. Frankie poo-poos the idea of ever touching her money.

Isa reaches for her wineglass and knocks over Frankie's. No one notices her smirk as Frankie jumps up and the others exclaim in surprise. If this is a ruse to get him to leave the table, it doesn't work. Or maybe she just did it because his lies were making her nauseous.

Rod protests Sofie going so far away. Frankie says it's by far the juiciest offer he's gotten. Rod says his family knows people, maybe they can get him a PR job that's more local. If they got him an offer, would he take it? Frankie begins to answer reluctantly that he appreciates it, but...

Isa interrupts and suggests that Rod offer him a job at the company. "I don't think so," Rodrigo answers sharply. As Isa and Sofie stare at him, he softens and adds that he hasn't really thought about it, but maybe it's something he could consider. Isa pushes the idea on Frankie enthusiastically. Sofie questions why Isa's done nothing but interrogate Frankie all night and why she's taking such an interest in their plans. She warns they won't be manipulated by her. If Frankie wants to work in Japan, she'll support him.

Isa acts wounded and says she's just concerned because Sofie's like a sister to her. She excuses herself to go to the bathroom. Sofie apologizes to Frankie for Isa's behavior. Frankie answers that he understands that pregnant women are moody. "Isn't that right, Rodrigo?" "Yes, I think so," Rod laughs. Grrrrrrrr. Like Rod's not moody too??

Rod asks how long till he starts the new job. Frankie says the guy he's replacing will leave at the end of May. Sofie says this is great - they'll have a whole two months to plan the wedding!

These people are crazy, I tell you.

Frankie gets a call. It's Isa, but he pretends it's the airline guy. He excuses himself and leaves the table, saying in heavily accented English, "I'm listening, Mr. Fuyita-san."

Rod asks Sofie if she thinks Frankie will consider a comparable job offer with the Montalvos. She loves the idea and promises to try to convince him.

Frankie meets Isa upstairs near the restroom. She confronts him about the fake job offer. He plays innocent, gets offended, says he loves Sofia. She says the only things he loves are a credit card, a nice yacht, a sportscar, and all that...

Frankie threatens that if she doesn't stay away from them, he'll tell everyone about their trip to Acapulco. She's annoyed that he sees it this way. She's the person who can give him what he wants. But he doesn't want to talk this way and says she needs to leave him alone, that way everyone can avoid a big tragedy.

Rod wonders what's taking Isa so long. He gets up to go look for her. Alone, Sofie admires her ring and tells herself she hopes Frankie will take Rod's offer (which he hasn't made yet).

Isa says give me a year to split up with Rod. Wait for me, please wait for me. She touches Frankie's face, and just then, Rod comes up the stairs and sees them. He demands an explanation. Frankie says he was just forgiving Isa. He turns to her and says they're going to be a family now, of course she's worried about Sofia. Frankie tells Rodrigo he's got an exceptional woman, though maybe a little stubborn. He goes back to the table.

Rod's mad and asks what Isa was trying to do. Isa asks if he's jealous, but he insists on an answer. She says she ran into Frankie on her way out of the bathroom and apologized for what she'd said at the table. She asks if they can leave, because she doesn't feel well. "As you wish," he agrees coldly.

Back at the table, Frankie repeats to Sofia his version of what happened and adds that Isa was even a little bit affectionate with him AND that he felt badly for Rodrigo because he caught her putting her hand on Frankie's face. He hopes Rodrigo didn't misunderstand the situation.

Sofie gives him some cash so he can pay for dinner. He pretends to be embarrassed, but accepts the money. Rod and Isa come back and say they're going to leave. Isa prompts Rod to pay the bill, but Frankie insists on paying. Sofie thanks Isa for making nice with Frankie (ROFL) and apologizes for being rude to Isa. Isa apologizes to Sofie.

Yeah, everybody's sorry now. But not as sorry as they're gonna be.

Frankie observes that Rod hasn't said whether he accepts Frankie as one of the family. Is he jealous because he saw Isa being affectionate with him? He laughs. Rod stops scowling and welcomes Frankie to the family. They shake hands, and Isa stares at Frankie's smarm bracelet as it dangles under her nose.

Somewhere in Guadalajara

Aaron and Pam are visiting with Pamela's parents, Barbara and Gaspar. Barbara thanks them for coming to clear things up about their living situation. Aaron says he doesn't want them to misunderstand - soon he'll be legally free, and they'll set a wedding date. He invites his would-be in-laws to come visit in Miami at any time.

Barb seems enthusiastic, but Gaspar wants to talk to Aaron... alone. Pam and her mom take off to compare red hair dyes.

Gaspar lectures Aaron, Pam is their greatest treasure and they know what Aaron is like, especially with women. He'd better think carefully about this. If he disrespects her in any way he'll pay dearly.

Aaron assures Gaspar that he's serious about divorcing Minnie, and he's serious about his engagement to Pamela. Gaspar says again that if his daughter sheds a single tear over Aaron, Aaron's going to have to deal with him. Aaron simply salutes with his whiskey.

Montalveña 6-5000

Crispin and Carmelo, aka Shrek the bartender, talk about love. Shrek has bought a box of chocolates and some earrings for SanWanna. He tried to bring them to her, but he got so nervous he couldn't even knock on the door. He asks Crispin to complete the deed. Shrek is afraid he'll end up a lonely, miserable old widower.

At the home for wayward jimadoras

Gavi mopes about the love she thought she had, and how great it was going to be. Rod had enough of a conscience to feel badly about his family's tricks, but he just wanted to pay her off to keep her quiet. Clarita tries to be comforting, but Gaviota gets fired up all over again. "I'm going to show that I'm strong and I can live without him."

Later, Gavi is still moping and sulking. Clarita tries to get her to go to sleep, but Gavi reaches for a bottle and says she wants to get so "anesthetized" that she'll be able to poke herself in the eye. Clarita takes away her tequila. Crying, Gavi says she kept hoping that Rod would say that he still loved her, and that they could win back their love. "But now it's lost... wait, what am I saying? You can't lose something you've never had!"

Tequila: All-natural crying-fit enhancer

In their apartment, Isa begs Rod to convince Frankie to stay. He says that's for Sofie to do, but Isa's worried that Sofie will go too easy on Frankie because she's so in love with him. For some reason, Rodrigo doesn't seem suspicious about Isa's insistence.

Rodrigo reaches for a bottle. Isa's annoyed that he's going to continue drinking. He says he wants to be alone and asks her to leave him alone. "As you wish," she hisses. Hissing might be her super-power.

For the rest of the night, Rodrigo drinks in slow motion, pacing around the living room and drinking some more. He's crying... wait, maybe he's fighting off a sneeze. He pours another shot. Now he's sitting on the floor and crying for sure. Another shot. His face is red. He cries so well I find myself sniffling even though I know it's his own fault for marrying Isadora in the first place.

Next day

At the hacienda, Roman and Crispin catch up on recent events. Crispin says he has two gifts for SanWanna, on behalf of Carmelo, aka Shrek. Roman says she's gone to the orchards with Ines (who??) for some fruit and won't be back for three hours. Crispy can't wait that long, he's got to do some Tequila Academy stuff for Mr. James, so Roman agrees to take care of the gifts.

Crispy asks about Hilario. Roman nervously admits he hasn't heard from him.

In the city, an older man struggles on the sidewalk with big boxes full of books. Hilario offers to help. The man offers to pay Hilario to take the boxes into his bookstore; Hilario says he'd actually do it for free, but he doesn't have a penny and it's his mom's birthday and he'd like to make a long distance call.

Roman looks around the kitchen for a hiding place for the bag of gifts. He doesn't want Ofelia to find them. He hears her coming so he hurriedly (and may I say stupidly) shoves the plastic grocery bag into the oven. Ofelia is grumbling something about SanWanna. In a feeble attempt to keep Ofelia away from the oven, Roman offers to take her to a movie.

And now back to our sob story, already in progress

Gavi's at work. There's a fax for her boss. Susana asks about the "lunch" with her old boss. Like, did he give her her severance? Gavi says no and she hopes she never sees him again. Susana says it's too bad - she wouldn't have figured him for such a jerk.

Just as Gavi is rounding the corner to her office, Rod calls. He apologizes to Susana for ruining her lunch hour yesterday and says that Mariana Franco left some things behind at the office. The messenger is ready to take them to her place and needs an address. Instead of telling him to just deliver the things to the office here, Susy falls for his little trick and gives him the address. "Don't tell her anything," he asks Susana.

Granny Pilar calls Rod. He tells her he'll come by for a chat later and hangs up. Then Dani shows up. He tells her Gavi was very wounded and didn't believe him. She folded his check into an airplane and threw it at him. She was too proud to take his money, she's easily offended. But he's going to pay her back some other way.

Dani is disappointed that he didn't work things out with Gavi. He says it was almost at the point of doing something very crazy. Dani goads him, asking if he mentioned how his wife impregnated herself with his "rendered samples." He says Gavi was upset enough when he admitted he'd gone back to Isa, he didn't want to hurt her further. (Well, just wait till Gavi finds out some other way, I'm sure that won't result in even greater teeth-gnashing!)

Gavi's new boss explains the fax - they've burnt up the crops that were infested at the Rancho Las Maravillas and two others, but there's still a risk and they need to put out a warning to all the plantations. (This actor is a real scenery-chewer - it's fun to see someone get worked up over something besides amor!) Gavi suggests that they go directly to the jimadores as well, since they're the ones who are always in contact with the agaves, and they can tell whether the plants are sick.

The boss wonders how she knows so much about jimadores. She proudly says she was a jimadora herself. Is he shocked? No, he's over-the-moon thrilled (chomp chomp scenery) and very impressed - he thought only men were strong enough for that job! She happily informs him otherwise, explains that she learned from her mother, and there's nothing prettier than to be on the plains and working with the agaves.

Rod pays Clarita a visit at home. She apologizes for the lack of furniture and invites him to sit down on one of the remaining chairs. She explains that their stuff was repossessed. "And you know why," she scolds him. He blames his family for what happened, says Gavi didn't believe him, and asks Clarita to listen. She accuses him of never taking the blame for anything. (Go Clarita!) He says he never wanted to hurt them.

He admits that in some way he did cause all of this. It's too late to fix it now, but he needs to do something because he feels responsible. (That's big of him.) He tries to get Clarita to take the money Gavi refused. It's not a gift, it's money she earned. (That's what I'm saying! Take it already!) He begs her to take it. She takes the check and hides it under one of her saints.

She again invites him to sit down and offers him coffee. "It's the only thing we have," she tells him, really pouring on the pathos! He asks where the furniture was taken. She explains that they have some papers. Maybe Gavi will agree to take the check, take the afternoon off and they can go get the stuff. Rod doesn't approve of this idea - she's needed at her job. Instead, he'll take care of it. It'll be no problem for him.

He insists and asks to see the repo papers. "Okay... because you ask," Clarita says with a hint of mischief. She opens the nightstand drawer and takes out the papers. She weeps and says it's all listed on these pages - all the things they took - the living room, the dining room, even the "etrodomesticos" (she's never been able to say "electrodomesticos," i.e. home electronics). She is especially distraught about Doña Jose's TV. He explains that they can still get it all back if they go right now.

She runs into the bathroom to fix herself up. He looks around and wonders how Gavi can live in such misery. Um, rich boy, you don't get out much, do you? He spies Gavi's latest cassette in the drawer left half-open. He picks it up curiously and reads: "Songs for My Rodrigo." He smiles to himself.

The guys at the country bar are going to be THRILLED when he shows up with this.


Hilario calls Ofelia to sing Las Mañanitas poorly with a band.
Rodrigo demonstrates how to get your things back from the repo man without paying a bribe.


Acorralada #138 Tuesday 7/31/07 Gaby and Snotnose do the Dynasty thing

Highlight reel:

Most important: Gaby saw photos of Bratty kissing Larry. She is angry and she and Bratty get into a bitch slap fest after Bratty also reveals that she slept with Kike. Although Gaby seemed to be getting the better of Bratty, she was barely landing more than glancing blows. They are interrupted by Miguelina, who pulls the warring weasels apart. Gaby has already managed to kill Andres, so why couldn't she do better against tiny Sharon?

Gaby reveals only the part about Larry but not about Kike, which would be much more damaging to Bratty. Why not???? Oy!

Then Roddy, Kiki and Fedora are called in. Fedora says that in her house no fighting is allowed. They are too refined for that. Roddy is shocked to learn that his offspring was kissing strange men on the beach. But again, no one tells him about Kike. Gaby says she is sorry and leaves the room.

Finally, Gaby of course, lets herself get locked in the room with Kike alone. He's going to hit her for being jealous of Larry when she reveals that she knows about him and Bratty. She apparently goes to work.

Bratty tells Gaby that she declares war. Later, everyone goes to work but Kike and Bratty. Bratty is dancing in front of the loud radio again, and Lala comes in and tells her to turn it off. Lala is on to her and calls her a cinica (trash, not cynical, although it can mean cynical also). Bratty chides her for her failure to address her with the respect owed her for her position as "daughter" of the house. Lala isn't having any of it. Bratty is beginning to remind me of Linda Blair in The Exorcist.

Bratty then decides to go to Kike's room for a session of love. She interrupts him while he is lying in bed phoning a friend to discuss what a great deal he now has with this new girl on the premises. Why doesn't Kike work? Why do they put up with that aspect of his personality?

Other highlights: Diego tells Diana that he was not only responsible for the stabbing but also for giving the baby to Bruna, six kidnappings ago. He will harm her baby! She says she will kill him if he harms her baby. I notice that Diego is now calling it "her" baby. He is no longer trying to call it his own baby as he used to do.

Max visits Silvita and Maxito as Alejandro. Silvita has come into her own as a baby sitter. She has a hot pink wig and matching hot pink false eyelashes! She wonders why he's so interested in Maxito. Because he just loves children!

Alejandro tells Pedro that Diana seems to like him. It's getting in the way of his plans. Pedro reminds him again that he seems to love Diana both as Max and as Alejandro. Alejandro is wearing one of Max's tight sweaters. I fear that he is reverting to Max subconsciously.
Alejandro is giving himself a birthday party on a made-up day. There is some kerfuffle about his inviting Fiona. This party is sure to offer us some comic relief in the grand tradition of other Acorralada par-tay scenes. I hope someone loses clothes or hair. Maybe Alejandro will lose his beard.

In that vein, Camila is plotting to get DNA that will prove Alejandro is Max.
Octavia is also invited, if I remember correctly. I did not take any notes.
That's about it!


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Juan Q 7/31

Juan tries to pry and find out what exactly were the problems between Paula and CL. Paula dances around the subject. Juan asks if CL accepted the resignation. Paula explains that she has not spoken with him. Juan doesn’t think that CL will accept it. Paula says that she will not take back her resignation. Juan thinks to himself about what he will he do if Paula is gone. He’s at a loss.

The Farrell’s have another one of their little spats. Monica’s standing in front of her mirror, removing her make-up and thinking about all the bad in her life. CL wants to talk, but Monica wants to go to sleep. Tomorrow will be another day. CL doesn’t like this plan.

Paula thinks that she and Juan should go for a walk after dinner. Juan happily agrees. He politely helps her with her coat and purse.

Mareli stares out of her window waiting for Juan. A car comes up the drive, but she realizes it’s not him. She checks the clock on her nightstand and peers back out of the window. She changes her mind and goes to bed.

Paula and Juan enjoy the evening. Apparently, Paula now knows that Juan knew her father. Juan explains that he was the last person with Samuel before he died. Paula asks if Samuel explained why he committed suicide. Juan replies that he doesn’t remember much from that night. All he remembers is that Samuel asked Juan to take care of Paula. Paula can’t believe this. Juan explains how worried Samuel was for Paula. Paula comments that it was quite a coincidence that she and Juan met. Juan thinks for a moment and then says that it was destiny. Paula wants to know what else Samuel said. Juan smoothly replies that after the shot Samuel didn’t say anything else. Juan thinks that his relationship with Paula is progressing quickly, just like in a telenovela and not in real life.

Ana prays for protection for her daughter and for her return to Ana’s home.

Juan drops Paula off at the hotel. She thanks him for the very special night. She leans in and kisses his cheek. He watches her leave and thinks about that glorious kiss. It was one of the best moments of his life. Juan dances to his own beat, right around his car.

Monica Farrell lays next to her husband, weeping.

Juan arrives home and he’s still dancing. Mareli watches him out of the window. I guess she didn’t go to bed after all. She looks sad.

Juan comes down to breakfast. Mareli comments on his late arrival the night before. She asks about Juan’s thing the night before. He’s obviously pleased and Mareli has noticed how happy he is this morning. Juan tells Mareli that it was the best night in his life. This obviously disturbs her. Juan thought bubbles to himself that Mareli had her chance and lost it, but it still bothers him to make her sad. Mareli perks up and asks if they’re going to the office. Juan says that they can’t, because he has to go get Paula. Mareli’s perk up suddenly ends.

Monica and CL are still at it. She thinks that they should respect each other’s space. CL thinks the pregnancy is making her sensitive. She thinks that it’s CL’s attitude making her sensitive. Monica says she doesn’t want to meddle with CL’s life. She wants to stay home, alone, in her house and then later fix things with her former job. They decide that they both said some things that they regret and call a truce until that night.

Nidia comes to the breakfast nook and tells Mareli that she’s disappointed Mareli rejected their deal. Nidia tells Mareli that Paula came to the house. Mareli doesn’t think this could have been any worse than what Nidia would have done to Ana. Nidia thinks that Mareli is becoming less and less a part of the family. Mareli reminds Nidia that Paula is not only Mareli’s boss but also her sister. Mareli says to her “father” that all of this is the result of not having only one woman in his life.

Ana allows Juan to come into the home. He thinks to himself that he must take care of the mother of the woman that he loves. Juan hands Ana some baked goods. She asks about Paula. Juan replies that Paula’s fine; Ana doesn’t believe him.

Nidia works out for her upcoming nuptials. Yadira enters just Nidia injures her leg. Yadira wants to talk about Nidia’s marriage to Alirio. Yadira wants the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Nidia pumps some more iron and looks caught.

Nidia scolds Yadira for coming to her like this. Yadira thinks something strange is going on. Nidia asks if Yadira is pregnant. Nidia plays dumb, but Yadira offers to refresh Nidia’s memory. Nidia prefers a drink because working out is making her very thirsty. Yadira gives a summary of her perspective. Nidia said the wedding would be in a few months and all of a sudden Alirio’s saying that it will be in a week. Nidia agrees that it was like that. Yadira also comments about Nidia halting her plan with the Davila house. Yadira says that she’s very beautiful but she’s zero stupid. (Love that line.) Nidia begs off saying it’s a long story, but she agrees to tell the story. Nidia comes clean and explains that Samuel left everything to the Davila’s. Yadira passes out.

Juan picks up Paula, and she’s not in a light mood like the night before. She doesn’t even give him a kiss hello!

Nidia explains the rest of the plan to Yadira. She tells Yadira that the will clearly left everything to the Davila’s but Alirio made it look as though it should go to the Cachon women. Yadira wants to know how Alirio did this, but Nidia doesn’t exactly know. Nidia explains that her present to Alirio for all of this was a marriage. Yadira notes that this agreement between Nidia and Alirio doesn’t include the Cachon daughters. Nidia says that the daughters will be taken care of. They switch gears and talk about Paula. Nidia knows that Paula suspects that something is up. Nidia didn’t want Paula to dig any further, so she gave up the idea of taking the house. Yadira nervously notes that they’re in Alirio’s hands. Yadira asks if there’s anything else and why Nidia didn’t tell Yadira in the first place. Nidia didn’t want to worry her children. Yadira can’t believe that Nidia would sell herself like that. Nidia sees it more like a sacrifice.

CL and Pastor pow-wow about women problems. CL’s still crazy about Paula, but he still cares about Monica. He’s crazy about they both. Pastor thinks there’s another problem. He reminds CL that Monica is a partner in the business. Pastor thinks that CL should be sincere with Monica. CL thinks one can never tell women the truth…ever. CL reviews his options. Pastor wants CL to say exactly how he feels for Paula.

Juan wonders to himself about what’s going on with Paula. She’s very cold with him. He decides to ask if something is wrong, but she won’t tell him. She tells him that she’s thinking about the difficult day ahead of her. He begs her not to quit because what would happen to him. She thinks that he can go far in the world, but he doesn’t want to go anywhere without her. Juan thought bubbles to himself that he should have let her go; it would have been better and he would have suffered much less. Interesting!

Pastor continues saying that CL needs to clarify his feelings for Paula. CL says that he needs time to clear his head. CL decides to maintain the tense relationship with Monica and try to win Paula. He hopes that Paula appears soon.

Juan helps Paula out of the car and says that he’ll wait for her in the garage. He walks over to Fernando. They talk about Fernando and Yadira. Fernando’s decided to just disappear from Yadira’s life. Fernando thinks it’s Juan’s fault that Fernando is in this situation.

Enrique waits upstairs for someone. He admires one of the less well dressed assistants. Paula enters the lobby and Yvonne immediately calls CL. Kike cuts CL off before he can make it to Paula’s office. CL can’t remember Kike’s name. He tells Kike to go get a coffee. CL asks Yvonne to call to the garage where Fernando and Juan continue to argue about Fernando telling Yadira the truth. Juan speaks with CL who warns Juan that Kike is in the building and about to find out the truth about Juan and his position. Juan says he will take care of it. CL also asks Juan to come up to CL’s office later to discuss an important topic. Juan agrees. Fernando wants to know what’s going on, but Juan immediately leaves the garage.

CL charges into Paula’s desk. He disgustedly throws her resignation on the desk and asks what it is. She explains that it’s her resignation. He knows that, but he wants to know why. She says that the letter perfectly explained that she has personal problems. CL says that he deserves a better explanation. Paula says that she made a mistake and confused things and is now disposed to fix her mistake. CL accuses her of running away. He begs her not to leave. He asks if this has to do with Paula seeing CL with Monica. Obviously, he hit a nerve. He sits and says that he will not remain quiet. Paula will listen to him.

Juan comes upstairs and is practically assaulted by Kike. Juan scolds Kike for coming to the office another day. Juan says that he’s very busy and that Kike should make an appointment like everyone else. Kike wants to know what type of car should be used for chauffeuring. Juan goes into a spiel about him closing some multi-million dollar deal today. Kike doesn’t care; he wants to know what type of car to purchase. Pastor comes into the lobby and asks for Juan. Juan uses this opportunity to point out his importance to the business. For once, Juan rushes toward Pastor.

CL explains that he and Monica have a very civil relationship. They’re on friendly terms and will not end the marriage fighting and hating each other. Paula thinks that CL should save his marriage. CL replies that the decision has already been made. He cares about Monica and she’s a partner in the business. They need to legally settle everything before splitting. Paula’s falling for it. CL says that he wants to give her a surprise. CL promises that he made a promise to Paula and he will fulfill it, but he needs some time. He asks her to tear up the letter and start to believe in him. Like a true player, he leaves her there watching him leave.

Yvonne stops CL on the way across the lobby. She asks how it went. CL warns that he won’t allow Yvonne to be disrespectful to Paula. Yvonne asks if this means Paula is staying. Instead of answering, CL asks for Juan. Yvonne responds that Juan is in Pastor’s office. CL tells Yvonne to tell Juan that CL needs him.

Monica tends to things around the Farrell home. Consuelo wants to know what’s wrong. Consuelo thinks there may be marital problems. Monica agrees that the pregnancy did not go over as hoped. Monica asks Consuelo if she suspects CL has another woman.

Pastor once again lectures Juan about his lies and abuses. Juan strongly denies this. Pastor more strongly calls Juan a liar and a cheat. (“Fulero”) Juan replies that he doesn’t have one curl (rizo) of fulero. Juan wants to know what inspired Pastor to accuse Juan of this. Pastor says that it’s Juan’s abuses. Pastor informs Juan that he gave a false home address. Juan tries to justify this, but Pastor says that this lie resulted in Pastor being robbed of his car. Pastor says that he called the house to ask for Juan and was told that Juan had a commitment. Pastor demands to know where and with whom.


7/30 Juan Querendon: The one where Perafan means business and Juan and Paula dine

Cesar Luis is visiting Paula's mother inquiring where P is. She tells him that Paula no longer lives there. He wants to know why she moved out, she tells him that they had an argument and she left. He asks what they were arguing about. She tells him that it is personal, but ends up telling him anyway. She tells him that they were arguing about him. She tells him she is aware of his relationship with her daughter and does not want Paula to live the same life that she did. He tells her "lighten up, times have changed, I love Paula, etc., etc." She says she merely wants to open both their eyes that what they are doing is wrong, wrong, wrong.

Yadira enters the house to find Aliro in his underwear. He is humiliated and assures her that it is not what it looks like. She pokes some fun at his hot boxers.

CL says love is important, blah, blah, blah. He reiterates that his intentions are good and he loves Paula. He says that he does not want her and Paula to have problems because of him. She tells CL that if he truly loves Paula, to show her with actions.

Juan and Alirio are talking in the study. Juan is berating and telling him that its his duty to take care of the ladies in the house. Juan says how could a man so proper lower himself to act so foolish. Alirio says he was trying to profess his love and whatnot.

Back at Ana's, CL is still there trying to get her on board with their adultery and give her blessing. She reminds him that he is married, he says that he is getting separated. While he is talking, CL gets a call from his wifey. He gets irritated with all her questions.

Juan is giving Alirio some advice. Juan, of course, is doing that whole puppet master thing with Alirio so he can get Nidia off his back. He tells Alirio that Nidia does want to get married and they really need to set a date. In essence, he is making Alirio push harder.

CL wants Ana to understand where he is coming from. She says she really doesn't want to talk about it with him. He says he will talk to Paula.

Ana gets her address book and dials the number to CL's house, but doesn't follow through.

Yadira is berating Nidia about the Perafan incident. Yadira says it was his fault, she had nothing to do with that. She says she has been frightened, humiliated, her reputation has been besmerched, blah, blah. She continues on saying that they are not married and how wrong that must look. Alirio enters the bedroom again, without knocking. Nidia is all like, "oh you again. get out." He tells her that this time he is there with Juan's blessing. She looks suprised. He says he wants to talk to her alone and asks Yadira to leave. She leaves. She tells him he has behaved like a pig and wants him out of her room. He says that he is not leaving until she hears him out.

Next we are treated to a delicious scene in which Juan is getting ready. It shows him going through the motions of laying out his clothes, shining his buckle and applying his cologne. It is amusing and he is so charming... Yes, I think I love me some Juan. But, I digress. This was a really cute scene.

Alirio is telling Nidia all that he has done for her and is going through the list. He tells her that he will cancel the check if she does not agree to play nice and will tell the Davila ladies that they are the true beneficiaries. Nidia is muy impactada.

Juan comes down the stairs. Yadira compliments him on his appearance, asks where he is going. A dull exchange that is not germane to the plot. He has another exchange with Marely.

Nidia acts indignant, does her signature breast hoisting. He says he is finished playing her games. She promised him something that she had no intention of following through on. He has given her an ultimatum.

Paula is in front of the mirror looking forlorn with a token tear falling down her cheek.

Nidia is trying to buy some time and stalling, saying she need time to plan. (flowers, invites, etc.) Alirio says nu-uh... only important thing is the couple. She wants one month so she can diet. He says one week and no dieta... He exits. She weeps.

CL is questioning Pastor about where Paula could be and who was the last person to see her. He says Juan... He demands Pastor get Juan on the phone so he can find where Paula is staying. Pastor calls casa Cachon. Yadira tells him that Juan is not there and that he had some kind of appointment. They called it a "compromiso", I guess that is the same... She wonders aloud what kind of compromiso Juan had and says that he smelled good. She taunts Marely and asks her if she is interested...

CL is frustrated and has a drink. He is rambling about women and how men have to wait on them, etc, etc. *yawn*

Juan arrives at Paula's. She chit chat about where they are going to dine. They agree on French food and Paula gets to sit in the front seat this time.

Nidia tells her daughters that she will marry Perafan next week. The girls are muy impactadas.

Yadira asks what is the hurry on the nuptuals. Nidia says he is the last train. Marely says there are other fellas in the world, why him? Nidia says he is the only one to propose matrimony. They ask her if she is sure about what she is doing. She tells them that Alirio will be moving in. They are not happy about that.

Juan and Paula arrive at the French restaurant. He goes in first talks to the guy and they have a conversation that I do not understand.

CL is back at his casa having a drink. His wife comes in and demands to what is wrong. He asks her what prompted that question. She says that he is moody and has been acting strange and that it couldn't be about the pregnancy. He says that is why. She doesn't buy it. She asks again, what is going on??

Juan and Paula are in the car. He tells her that he does not have enough money to take her out for the fancy francais meal. He tells her that he didn't want to take her to a tres pesos dinner. She says that she is not a snob and came from a lower eschelon herself and has had many tres pesos dinner. They agree to dine whereever.

CL denies that anything is wrong and there is nothing happening. She tells him that their marriage is in crisis.

Juan and Paula are driving around looking for their restaurant. Their hands touch on the arm rest in the car.

CL and his wife are continuing their argument. Monica is tellling him that she knows what he does when he is out of the house and traveling. She says he is not the came Cesar that she fell in love with.

Paula and Juan are at the restaurant. They have some boring chit chat...Topics covered: Cesar Luis, the food, weapons of mass destruction. (okay, they didn't talk about the wmd)

Yadira and Marely are talking. Yadira tells Marely that she knows she has a thing for Juan. Marely asks Yadira what does she care. Marely gets mad. Yadira is poking at Marely for looking out the window, waiting for Juan.

Juan and Paula are talking about work. Paula tells Juan that she is going to resign. He gets a hang dog look. :(


Your blog mom leaves for 2 weeks in Bulgaria (with a stop in Istanbul)

Well, my friends, I will be near no computer for two weeks. I have generous bloggers stepping in to cover my next three Destilando Wednesdays, and somebody checking to see that our posts get posted in the sidebar. However, with a lot of our bloggers going on vacation, things are going to get sketchy, so -

If you suspect a recap is probably posted, but it's not showing in the sidebar list, just go to the main site,, and scroll down the page until you find it! That's not so hard, is it???

And, my fellow recappers, if you suspect a recap isn't appearing because one of us has gone on vacation, throw up an empty heading and our commenters can take over the recapping for us.

While I'm gone, play nice. No spoilers. No discussion of our actors' private lives. About their lives in the shows - well - they're on TV, you know, for us - so we can discuss them as we choose!!!

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Acorralada #137 Monday 7/30/07 Fedora has a change of heart

In Monday's episode, we begin with Alejandro inviting Diana to dinner, and getting her usual glassy eyed response. Next we see them at a restaurant and she's wearing a red satin blouse that's an exact replica of one I wore back in 1991. What's with the ladies in red satin on this novela? The 3 viudas, aranas, whatever they're calling themselves, have arrived at the same restaurant! This should be interesting...

Next we see Roddy telling Mocosa that Fedora did not handle the news well. She knew that he would pick his new wife over her!

Back to the restaurant, where Marfil and Camila think it will be funny to follow Diana into the bathroom and give her the beating she deserves. Fiona will stay behind and distract Alejandro.

Roddy tells Fedora that he doesn't want to lose her, she's everything to him, and he's going to send Mocosa back to LA by herself. He'll get her an apartment there and finance her education. Fedora doesn't think that's right - Mocosa's lost her mother and needs Roddy. She tells him that she's not upset that he has a daughter, she's upset that he wasn't honest with her. Does she ever get tired of playing the victim?

Apparently Mocosa isn't too broken up about her new step-mommy rejecting her, because she's laying on the bed giggling about her kiss with Larry. Kike enters the room and tells her that he has the magic formula to make her forget Larry's kiss! These two are perfect for each other.

Now for the good stuff - Marfil and Camila follow Diana into the bathroom and Camila pins Di's arms behind her back while Marfil repeatedly slaps her across the face. All that Di can do is cry for help, she doesn't even appear to be struggling. Marfil slaps her 6 or 8 times when finally Di has had enough. She suddenly breaks lose from Camila and pushes Marfil against the wall, then punches Camila in the head. Both ladies are out cold. Diana proceeds to powder her nose now that that nasty job is done. Fiona has been keeping Alejandro company all this time, but she makes herself scarce before Diana returns to the table.

Gaby is looking all over for Kike, who's showering with Sharon. Why does she care where he is? You'd think that she'd be happy to have him out of her hair! She knocks on Sharon's door, but there's no response.

Iggy tells Diego that he's worried that if he doesnt' come up with 10,000, Alejandro will take his apartment.

Marfil and Camila wake up in the bathroom and realize that their dresses are gone! They're both left in perfectly matching bra and panty sets! What will they do!? They'll hold their heads high and walk right out, that's what they'll do. They return to their table in this state of undress, much to the surprise of Alejandro, who's doing something strange with his mouth - smiling? Trying to remember a line? Diana is standing next to him looking quite pleased with herself. Camila and Marfil fetch their handbags and the three make a quick exit.

Gaby enters Sharon's room and calls out to her to see if she's showering. Apparently she couldn't figure that out from the sound of running water coming from the general direction of the bathroom. Sharon is not pleased to have been interrupted, but loves the chance to tell Gaby about her kiss with Larry. Gaby is impactada and goes back to her room to cry.

Larry, meanwhile, is sitting around thinking about Gaby when Yolanda enters the room. She tells him that she hears from Rene less and less. He's still in Germany, and she's sure that he'll fall in love with someone his age. Love is over for her, but she's not bitter.

Alejandro takes Diana home and is just about to kiss her (even though she's giving him her typical weak arguments against it) when Silvia enters the room, causing Alejandro to make his exit without kissing her. He goes home and tells Pedro that Diana was about to kiss Alejandro, so she must have never loved Max. Even Pedro sees what a ridulous statment this is.

Sharon is all set to return to LA, and she's not happy about it. Just as she's about to leave, Fedora enters the room and asks her to stay. She and Mocosa enter the library where they can talk privately, where Mocosa tells her that she'll never accept her as her father's wife!

Marfil is continuing with her campaign to get Alejandro to hate Diana. She goes to visit him, but the scene is too boring to recap.

A detective visits Diana at the hospital and wants to know if she has any enemies, but she can't think of anyone who would be capable of this... well, there is one guy - Ignacio Montiel - who may have done it. Apparently the astute detective doesn't notice Diego hovering in the background and listening to their conversation.
Next we see Dr. Evil being arrested.

Marfil is in Diego's bed trying to use her cell phone, but she's not getting service. She goes looking for Diego's phone in his nightstand and instead finds a black ski mask and remembers that he told her that Diana was attacked by a masked man! Credits roll.


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