Thursday, August 30, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #31, Wednesday 8-29: Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

Azul's office: Evil Eva overhears Azul talking smack to Diego, and she comes in to tell Azul to shut it and also to call her dad and Mauricio. Diego says that maybe Azul's right about him not really being qualified for this job, but Eva tells Diego he's got potential.

Some other part of Mansión Malicia: Azul, very rudely, asks Leo where her dad and Mauricio are, but she won't say. She tells Azul to chill and points out that none of them can stand Eva. She says GSD and Mauricio are in a "private" place where no one can go (dirty!). Azul says fine, call them and tell them Eva wants to see them. Leo says she wants to be friends with Azul and Azul at least fakes like she accepts that. I think Leo just needs someone to paint her toenails now that Andres isn't around all the time. And maybe after that, they can braid each others' hair.

On the lawn: Azul sees Mauricio outside and gripes at him about being in a super-secret location. He tells her he doesn't have secrets from her personally, but when it comes to business, there are security concerns that she's just going to have to accept.

Silvana's hanging out in the graveyard when she sees Caty and her nanny coming to leave flowers. Caty says she's starting to forget her mom's face. Silvana comes up to say hi and Caty introduces Silvana to her nanny. They all go to Mama's "grave" and Caty explains that her actual tomb is underground and under lock and key, so they leave flowers in the mausoleum. Silvana offers to take Caty to Nicolas' grave. Caty explains that her daddy's too busy to come to the graveyard and that daddy's got a new girlfriend named Azul. Caty says she's got some pictures Nicolas drew and she'll give them to Silvana sometime. Silvana gets emotional and tells Caty she'll take her to Nicolas' grave some other time, then she runs off. The nanny explains to Caty that Silvana is "retetriste" (so, I guess that would be "way totally sad" or something to that effect…I've seen re- before, but not rete-).

Back at Mansión Malicia: Eva rips Mauricio a new one because Azul was being snotty to Diego. She says Azul has no business having an opinion on, well, the business, especially as concerns Diego. Eva wants Mauricio to "le llama la atención" (to call her attention to it; but when it comes to work matters, this means "to reprimand", and if they were very formally corporate, it would probably mean some kind of written warning; at Mansión Malicia it means Mauricio yells at you and then has a strange conversation with you about how much he loves you…at least, that's what always happened with Andres). Eva says she's got big plans for Diego. She wants to know about the guy who was following Diego and Mauricio lies and says it was an "asunto de faldas" (a matter of skirts; in other words, he's saying Andres had a problem with Diego because of a woman) and that it's been resolved. Eva reminds him about her security ninjas, and that because he's with her, Diego is protected.

Inés comes to visit Arnaldo at Azul and Ceci's. He says he's late to work already, but she says she just wants 5 minutes. Inés is freaking because GSD's got a new woman. Arnaldo seems weirded out about it, but says he didn't know about it. Inés says everything's been going downhill since their secret got out. She starts in on the "passion" thing, but Arnaldo says there are things he'd rather not know (dude, a lot of us are right there with you). Inés doesn't know who the woman is, but she really wants to know. Arnaldo wonders what good that would do. Inés begs Arnaldo to help her find out who the woman is who's "stealing" GSD away from her.

Azul is sitting on the steps of the hot tub gazebo. Can I just say, again, that the house really makes Mauricio about 10 times more attractive than he actually is. I'd be willing to overlook a lot of things for that pool. *sigh* Anyway, GSD comes over and Azul gripes at him about super-secret locations. GSD says she can't go to his new lab because it's a sterile environment. Azul says she feels pushed aside. GSD tells her not to act like a little girl, that businesses have a right to keep secrets, especially labs. He says she wouldn't understand what he's doing anyway and she shouldn't take it personally. Azul says the "bruja esa" (that witch) wants to see him. GSD thinks she means Leo, which was funny, but Azul corrects herself and says she meant the "bruja mayor" (the big witch, or the head witch, or possibly the older witch, although that doesn't seem to fit). GSD gives her a kiss on the head.

At Isela's Pool Hall: Isela asks a couple of guys not to leave their drinks on the pool table and moves them. The new guy, Flavio, comes in--is he Isela's son or just another one of the neighborhood kids who used to hang out with Diego and Paco? (Speaking of Paco, que descanses en paz, dude--you only had two brain cells, but at least you were nice to look at.) He wants to hang some of his paintings and Isela jokes with him that a gallery would be better, but Flavio says he hasn't found a gallery yet that will show them. Once Silvana comes in, Isela asks her to help Flavio decide where to put his paintings. Oh, Isela, you unrepentant matchmaker, you. Flavio and Silvana muse that they shouldn't hang the paintings over the murals. Flavio asks Silvana about herself and Silvana gives him a really condensed and cleaned-up version of the story: "I met Diego at a party, I didn't have a job, so he brought me here and I've worked for Isela ever since." Silvana asks about Flavio and he says he grew up around there (so, not Isela's son, then, just another neighborhood boy), tried his luck in New York, and now he's back. Silvana confirms that Flavio's the one who painted the murals.

Mauricio's office: GSD is pushing for information on the origin of the toxin. He says he can't find an antidote without it. Evil Eva (and btw, my thanks to the person who came up with that nickname!), for all that she's been saying she won't tell him, now says she'll get him the information, but now she'd like to talk with Mauricio. GSD leaves and we see Mauricio's been standing in the back of the room. Now Eva asks Mauricio where the first case occurred, but Mauricio's not telling. He says the information is his life insurance policy. Eva really seems to respect that. It's the fake tan, I think, that bugs me about the way she looks. Granted, the helmet hair isn't helping. I digress. Mauricio, I think, reminds her that even though she's the most powerful one among him, her and Burgay, there are other more powerful people that she has to answer to. At least, I think that's what he was getting at. He says he'll give GSD everything he needs to keep doing his research.

Azul's still sitting out by the pool (what, has she been there all day?) and as soon as she gets up, here comes Diego. He says he's sorry about what happened, but it was her fault for saying he wasn't smart enough for his job. She apologizes and says she's glad he's being given such importance. Diego says he doesn't want to have problems with her and she reciprocates. We see Eva hanging out in the background as Diego says he's got to go, but they should get together for coffee when they get back to the city. Diego asks Eva if they should go, but she says she's going back with Ivan (which, Hi there, another hottie!) and she'll call Diego when she needs him.

At Isela's House of Pool (heh): Silvana and Flavio are still chatting. Isela comes up and Flavio says he needs a job. Anyone want to guess where this is going? Isela says he can work there and stay in the room the all stay in when they need somewhere to stay. She explains that Paco (qdep) had a fight with Lidia and left, which Flavio finds odd, and says she's starting to worry about him. Wow, I hope it wouldn't take days of being missing before someone "started" to worry about me! Ooh, drama among the older set…A guy who I think may be the mysterious and previously-unseen Anibal comes in and Isela goes over to talk to him. He's wondering if she knows anything about dear, departed Paco, but she doesn't. He asks how she is and she says she's fine, but doesn't want to see him. Manuel (Diego's dad) shows up right then and asks Anibal what he's doing there. He returns the question since Manuel works for him. Manuel asks if Anibal is bothering Isela. Anibal threatens to dock Manuel's pay. Manuel quits. No, seriously, just like that. Anibal says he'll pay him his final paycheck (la liquidación) at the lowest possible rate. Manuel replies that he's going to dock Anibal too, but not his pay. Manuel punches Anibal. No, really, I'm not kidding, he does it, just like that. The two of them get into a fistfight that culminates in Manuel trying to hit Anibal with a pool cue and breaking it on the table when Anibal rolls out of the way. Isela calls Flavio to break up the fight and Flavio drags Manuel out of the pool hall. Anibal protests to Isela that all he was doing was looking for Paco since he has some money for him from Paco's mom. Isela says she'll come find Anibal later. All those who are wondering what all that was about, please raise your hands. Ok, good, it's not just me. I'm going to guess that Anibal is Paco's mom's second husband and that at some point, Anibal took up with Isela--maybe before he was with Paco's mom? I'm also guessing that it wasn't a good relationship. And that Isela, at some point, had a thing with Manuel and Manuel knows about the bad relationship between Isela and Anibal, which is why he's all protective. Or that could have just been jealousy. What can I say, people, it's the best I can do with what I've got. Moving on. Isela thanks Flavio for being there to help her out.

Casa Diego: Manuel comes home to a shocked Clemencia. He says he got into a fight with a guy who'd had a wreck, a client of his. Clemencia says she's going to get a steak to put on his eye, since that's what boxers do, and calls the other guy a savage. Manuel gets that open-mouthed guilty look on his face as soon as her back is turned.

IHoP: Gloria comes to visit Silvana at work. She declines a drink, but asks Silvana to sit down. She asks about Silvana's visit to Nico's grave and Silvana tells her about running into Caty and the drawings Caty says she has. Gloria says she'd like to see them. Silvana fills Gloria in about the fight. She speculates that jealousy was involved. Gloria does the math and surmises that Manuel must have had a thing with Isela. Silvana agrees, but tells Gloria not to say anything. Gloria agrees not to. Yeah, riiiiight.

Ooh, Acapulco. Any chance we'll see Andres shirtless on the beach? Not yet, but he's checking into a nice hotel by the water. He asks where he can rent a car and the desk clerk gives him a card.

Casa Diego: Piero's wife, Lucia, calls Lidia to ask why she quit her job. Lidia says she wanted to take care of her mom. Lucia says she thought Lidia's mom was fine. Lidia says she also didn't have much possibility of advancement, so she thought she'd look for a better job. Lucia asks if something happened between Lidia and Piero. Lidia plays dumb and denies, but Lucia's convinced something happened. She says she knows Piero's been seeing someone else and she's convinced it's Lidia. Lidia denies again. Lucia cries that her marriage is falling apart and asks if Lidia knows if there's another woman who's been hanging around Piero. Lidia says she doesn't and they hang up. Lidia immediately calls Piero to tell him what happened. She says he should talk to Lucia and tell her whatever. Piero wants a meeting to discuss what to tell Lucia…just coffee. Lidia agrees. Bad choice. But she gets a semi-sneaky look on her face.

Abuelo's Buddy's garage: Someone's calling to say they're being held up by a chess match. Buddy says to leave the keys. Is someone bringing in their car after-hours? What was the point of that scene?

Azul shows up to have coffee with Diego. Hm, I wonder if they'll run into Piero and Lidia? She tells him they have to try to speak to each other as little as possible at work and also to never be alone. Diego gives her a hard time about that. She says if Leo sees them she might tell Mauricio something. And also Eva's watching them. She wants them to forget there was ever anything between them. And here come Lidia and Piero. Diego's pissed! He asks if this is the guy Paco saw her with. She says he's her boss, or was her boss. Diego introduces Azul to his sister. Piero points out that Azul is Diego's boss' fiancée and it wouldn't be good for Mauricio to hear about this. Well played, Piero! Azul says they were having coffee and talking about business. Piero says he and Lidia were too, he's trying to get her to come back to work for him. Azul and Diego look guilty and uncomfortable.

Abuelo and Don Chucho are walking down the street. Abuelo's complaining about his neck. Don Chucho says they should go back to the store and ask Perla for an "analgesico" (an analgesic, a Tylenol). Abuelo says he'll have a "te de manzanilla" (camomile tea) and be all better in the morning. Abuelo gets on the bus and a mysterious white van follows it.

IHoP: Diego shows up and asks Flavio to give him a tequila. He tells Flavio he saw Lidia with her boss. Flavio's amused and says Lidia was "rocanroliando" with her boss. No, I'm not going to translate that--say it out loud until you get it, trust me. Flavio says Lidia's a big girl and knows what she's doing. Diego says it's ugly that she did this to Paco. Flavio says Paco will be back. Now he passes on the gossip about the fight between Manuel and Anibal. Diego thinks it's weird and he's going to ask Isela about it. Silvana comes up and says hi. Diego offers her a ride, but Flavio's walking her home. Isela sees Diego looking after Silvana and Flavio and tells him "Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr" (if you're not going to drink the water, let it run; i.e.: if you're not going to be with her, don't deny her the chance to be with someone else). Diego says he feels bad. Isela says some of it he brought on himself. Diego asks what happened with the fight. She tries to say that Diego's dad came to look for him, but since the fight happened at 11 in the morning, Diego doesn't think that's likely. Isela's like, well, whatever, I don't know what he was here for, but Anibal came to tell Paco he can give him the money that was in the "fideicomiso" (trust fund) his mother left him as an inheritance and they started yelling at each other and, well, if it wasn't for Flavio they would have destroyed the bar.

Random street: Silvana's asking Flavio why "all" men are like "that"…like Diego and his dad: falsos (insincere), mentirosos (liars), traicioneros (treacherous). Kind of a rude question considering that here's a man who's walking her home and just gave her his jacket to cover her shoulders. Not that that kind of politeness says everything, just that it seems unfair to say "all" men are insincere, lying cheats. Flavio says he knows Diego and he's a good, loyal person. Silvana asks if it's honest to accept big wads of cash and a car for a job you haven't earned and/or to have a relationship with your boss' fiancée. She says she doesn't want to go home and put up with her mom. Too bad, Flavio, you break it, you bought it.

Another random street: It's Andres in the mystery van and it would appear that he was the one on the phone to Abuelo's buddy since he stops Abuelo and asks if he's close to the address he's looking for. Abuelo says that's where he lives and Andres offers him a ride. Don't do it, Abuelo! Don't get in that van! After Abuelo gets in the van, Andres pulls a gun on him and tells him to get in the back.

Casa Diego: Diego comes home and asks what's up with his mom. Mom tells him the version of the fight she heard from dad. Diego asks how he is. Mama says he's angry and won't come out of his room. Diego goes to talk to him, but his phone rings. It's Eva asking him to dinner. He accepts and says he's on his way over. She rubs her legs together as she says she'll be waiting. Bow chicha bow bow. Diego tells Mama not to worry about Dad's fight. She tells him not to come home late and not to drink. You forgot to tell him not to sleep with freaky women who tan too much.

Yet another random street: Ok, y'all, this is bad. Really, really, bad, so brace yourselves. Andres takes Abuelo's wallet and watch and then tells him to get out of the van. Abuelo gets out and stands by the window. Abuelo asks Andres if he thinks Abuelo will forget his face. Andres points the gun at him and says it doesn't matter, since it will be the last thing Abuelo will see. Abuelo says "pues, ni modo, mijo, la suerte está echada" (well, no matter, son, the die is cast). Andres pulls the trigger. Nooooooooo! Not Abuelo! I know the die was cast and all, but I keep wishing he would have ducked or run or anything besides just standing there. We get a few too many shots of Abuelo lying there from a few too many angles, then Andres grins and drives away. QDEP, Abuelo. I'm retetriste.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Acorralada #159 Wednesday 8-29-07 – Love Stinks!

***NOTE***No one is assigned to do Tuesday's recap, so perhaps one of the remaining five viewers can fill in what happened. I missed the episode and from what I can tell, the only big think that happened is that Mucks married Marcela. Can any of you readers think of a nickname for Marcela? She is naive, sweet, but really dumb. Perhaps Marshmallow? I'm open for suggestions.***

On with the show. . .

Mucks is still trying to get Dimwit to forgive him. Dimwit is holding fast and telling him no way! Maybe someday she will forgive him for all the horrible things he's done to her, but she can never FORGET!!! His suspicions, accusations, and brutality! Gaby then shows up and wants to know what Mucks is doing there. Mucks stands stiffly on his mark.

Camila is visiting Marfil. She gleefully tells Marfil the police think Marfil might have something to do with Princess Fi's disappearance. Camila hopes the body is buried far away. Camila could care less that Princess Fi is gone; that just means one less rival. Marfil says the police will never be able to prove anything. The fact they may suspect Marfil is simply their way of earning their salaries. Marfil says she's not concerned in the least.

ChewKey wants to work out a deal with Fidiota. She won't say anything to Roddy about Fidiota's activities with Puncho in exchange for Fidiota not telling Roddy about ChewKey's nefarious activities. ChewKey wants to shake on it. "No Deal!" says Fidiota. ChewKey's furious!

Marfil and Camila exchange more insults. Marfil tells her to get out.

Roddy's mysterious envelope from KickMe has been found. He's about to open it when the phone rings. He's called away to sing happy birthday to another employee.

Mucks is still trying to get Dimwit to take him back. Dimwit tells him to leave and walks out of the room. Mucks tries to enlist Little Doormat's help. Little Doormat says he's too late.

Marcela is trying to make excuses for Mucks leaving just after their wedding. Yolanda and Lunkhead try to assure her Mucks is probably just getting some air; he's probably overwhelmed. In comes Godmum. Bless her heart, she's apparently the only intelligent one on this whole dopey novela. She basically tells Marcela that Mucks doesn't love her, and as they speak, is probably desperately trying to get Dimwit back. Godmum makes some comment to the effect of "I may be blind, but at least I can see what's going on better than you!" Marcela runs out in tears.

Mucks is still trying to railroad Little Doormat, but Little Doormat is holding fast. "You'll have to cross over my dead body before I'll let you into Dimwit's room." She calls him an egotist and a pig, who only thinks about himself. We've been saying this all along! Better late than never, however. Little Doormat pities the fool he marries.

Godmum is still being blunt with Marcela. She suggests they leave the mansion before Mucks returns; Marcela should leave him and have the marriage annulled. Commercial.

Godmum is still trying to convince Marcela to have some dignity and dump Mucks and his ugly white shoes before he returns. Marcela protests at first, but after too long a period, admits that perhaps Godmum knows best.

Iggy and Octopus are hanging at "Iggy's" apartment and they're discussing the wedding. Camila walks in and spoils everything. Camila spills the beans that Iggy is going to lose the apartment if Iggy doesn't pay his debt to "Alejandro." Octopus thinks this would be really cool. Not only does she plan to kill Iggy, but Mucks will own the apartment.

Fidiota shows up at Emili-Oh's apartment and wants to talk to Gaby about ChewKey. Gaby tells her to forget about ChewKey for now; Dimwit needs her mother. "Mucks got married today!" Fidiota is impactada. Gaby explains the situation and leaves to go to Perfumes 'R Us. Fidiota warns Gaby to beware the ides of ChewKey. Fidiota then goes in to console Dimwit. She reminds Dimwit that Mucks is a low-life Irrascible who uses people.

ChewKey is telling Kick Me that Fidiota refused to make a deal. Now ChewKey is going to have to make her dad believe Fidiota is cheating with Puncho.

True to form, Fidiota turns the counseling session into a session all about her. She tells Dimwit ChewKey is going to try and convince Roddy Fidiota is having an affair with Puncho. Dimwit is incredulous.

Yolanda, Lunkhead, Emili-Oh are discussing Mucks running off. They think he's being a jerk. They're discussing what a disaster this wedding has been, when Mucks finally shows up. Yolanda tells him to suck it up and be a good husband for once. They say Marcela is in her room. Marcela is packing when Mucks shows up. Godmum reads him the riot act. Mucks wants time alone with Marcela; Marcela asks Godmum to leave them alone for a bit. Commercial.

Fidiota tells Dimwit she has to tell Roddy the truth before ChewKey gets to him. Meanwhile, Roddy is opening the envelope with all the pictures of Fidiota and Puncho. "What is Fidiota doing with a fugitive from justice?!" Roddy is beside himself. Fidiota reminds Dimwit to forget Mucks and move on. Her son needs a happy mom who smiles…

Mucks 'fesses up to Marcela that he went to see Dimwit, but that Dimwit still hates him and will never forgive him for what he's done. Since he can't have Dimwit, he'll stay with Marcela after all. Marcela, the tool, takes him back. They look like they are about to consummate their marriage. Boo! Hiss! Commercial.

Emili-Oh shows up and he, Caramel, and Little Doormat discuss Marcela being too good for Mucks. Mucks is really mucking things up!

Showdown between Fidiota and Roddy. Fidiota, for once, is speechless when he shows her the anonymous letter and photos. Roddy is muy impactado!

Marcela is basking in the afterglow. She's telling Mucks how wonderful he is. Mucks looks like he'd rather gnaw off his arm than be with her. He keeps repeating to himself, "Dimwit, Dimwit" and lays there with his usual stony, lemon-sucking expression.

Lala tells Diablo about Mucks' marriage to another woman the day following the divorce from Marfil. Diablo gloats.

Roddy calls Fidiota a liar. He's mad she's been seeing Puncho on the sly. It's looking grim for Roddy and Fidiota.

Diablo calls Marfil to tell her about Mucks' marriage one day following the divorce. Marfil is impactada. Diablo hangs up on her and Marfil starts hollering for Octopus to come here immediately. "Did you know Mucks just married another woman?" Now Octopus is the one who's impactada.

Marcela and Mucks have now changed sides in bed. Marcela is yammering on and on about how wonderful life is, how she wants a bunch of kids, and asking if Mucks wants a boy or a girl. Mucks is still looking like his usual sullen and creepy self; thinking about Dimwit and Mini-Mucks. He doesn't answer her question about children and Marcela comments that he's not listening to her. Mucks announces he's going to take a bath and runs out. Marcela looks stricken with the realization Mucks can only think about Dimwit. Maybe now she'll realize Godmum really did know best.

Roddy and Fidiota are still fighting. Finally Fidiota says ChewKey is behind it all! That shuts Roddy up for the rest of this scene.

Marcela and Godmum have a chat. Godmum says Dimwit will always be a ghost in the marriage.

Roddy doesn't believe his beloved daughter would do such evil things. He stomps out of the room. Fidiota wants to know where he's going; "To find out if what you're saying is true!"

Marcela is going to move into Lunkhead's house with Mucks, Octopus, etc. Godmum tells Marcela that Octopus is evil. Marcela doesn't want to believe it. She's convinced she's going to make the marriage work.

Octopus wants to know what Marfil is doing talking to a man that tried to kill her. Marfil says that's beside the point. Mucks has married another woman! Right on cue, Lunkhead and Yolanda show up and confirm the validity of Diablo's call. They just came from Mucks' wedding. Octopus and Marfil are once again impactadas! Orchestra of Doom!

Credits roll.


Destilando 8/29: in which everybody asks: "Who does that little varon look like?"

You know how, when somebody dies in a novela, all the main characters get a chance, one by one, to emote over the death? We have that tonight, except it's emoting over the birth. Everybody troops in and out of that hospital room. And as far as recapping goes: anybody could have looked at the show and made up the dialogue and gotten it 100% on the money. You didn't need me at all.

Gaviota, in an effort to make herself feel even worse, goes baby shopping. Listening to an annoying lullaby machine, she clasps her own belly wistfully. As the music repeats over and over (I myself would shoot that tedious gizmo dead) she thoughtbubbles: "Oh little baby, be a sweet blessing for my Rodrigo." She prays nicely for the health and happiness of mother and son.

Rod, arriving home despondent having ditched his wilting flowers somewhere, gets the news that Isa's in the hospital. He heads out.

At the boring tequila meeting (there are an awful lot of tequila bottles on that table), Dr. Blondie mopes and everybody misses Mariana. Alonso says he needs coffee to wake himself up. Isn't that interesting?

Rod gets to the hospital waiting room and who should be the only person there but Gaviota. The classic telenovela line (second only to No Puede Ser) is uttered: Que Haces Aqui? "What are you doing here?" (Then the other person can fill us in with all the stuff we need to know or already know.) He's impactado to hear: "Isa found out somehow we were meeting. She was very nervous and her pains began, I brought her here. We were afraid the baby would be born in the car. Now I've seen with my own eyes how she suffers for you."

Gav gives him whichever wussy little outfit she bought at Babies R Us and says (after Rod begs her to) that she's willing to stay until they find out everything's ok. He says: "I should be the happiest man on earth, but I'm so sad. I always thought you would be the mother of my children." "That was my dream too, but it's impossible. Confront your reality."

Their sweet and desperate hug is interrupted by the arrival of the doctor saying
everything is fine and it's a boy. "Love your baby, Rodrigo, take care of them both. And give Isa this message: congratulate her and say I wish her a happy home full of peace. Now a new life begins for you, Rodrigo."

She leaves, he moons. She meets up with Daniela and Pilar in the hallway - Pilar graciously asks: "Why the hell are you here?" "Ask Rodrigo." Pilar graciously asks Daniela: "Why the hell is she so friendly with you?" "She's my sister in law!" Elvis cheers. Pilar continues to mull: "Why was the baby born so early? Is it related to Mariana being here?"

Outside, Gaviota cries. Her misery has caused her hair extensions to become unattractively dislocated. She takes a taxi and hies herself to the boring tequila meeting.

It's time to call everybody, even though "this news is going to kill half of our family." Minerva is unfavorably impactada to hear from Pilar the heir has arrived. ("Did Aaron have a heart attack?" chortles Daniela.)

Pilar expects the opposing team to show up but "I can't cancel my witch doctor appointment to go see that awful baby," opines Minerva. Aaron says she has to! They can't appear to be as hideously envious as they in fact are.

He also decides to go down to Mexico and steal Rod's organic tequila idea, because he thinks the North American thirst for novelty will make it profitable. Minerva, ever interested in these business details, asks subtly: "Are you going to kill the baby?" Aaron: "It's a possibility, but there may be other ways to deal with the little snotnose."

Hearing the news (GOALLLLLLLLL!) Sofia's all happy but Frankie is, unaccountably, nervously hyperventilating. She says they'll take the next flight. Frankie says he has too much "work" to go. She wheedles him into it and then rushes off to tell James, Rod's best friend.

Gav arrives at the boring tequila meeting and all are glad to see her, especially Dr. Blondie. Her hair extensions miraculously repaired, she rushes off to call her ma, who is all upset about the whole business and wildly dusts her television shrine. Alonso catches Gaviota crying. Big Boss Tequila chuckles to Alonso that he's much happier when Mariana is around...

In the crowded hospital room Daniela is first to ask, with a soupçon of suspicion: "Who does this baby look like?"

When they are alone, Isa asks Rod where Gaviota is. She accuses: "I found out about your plan to meet!" He says let's not fight, and then transmits Gaviota's kindly message about a peaceful house. "Does that mean she'll keep her nose out of our marriage? I'll only have peace when she's DEAD."

Next morning, Rod is reluctant to hold the baby. Isa says the baby looks like Rod and says: "Now, we're a family!" Rod looks like, uh, not so much.

Gaviota and Dr. Blondie are mutually surprised to see each other at work very early. Dr. Blondie goes on once again about the excellent features of coffee and says Balzac drank a whole lot of coffee.

Next arrivals in the hospital: Sofia, Frankie, Fedra, and James. Frankie perks up at the sight of this child, which is probably his. Next, Isa's parents arrive. Ricardo says he's strutting like a peacock to be a grandfather. He leaves and Ma admits he hasn't made any progress towards paying his creditors, but that it won't matter cause Rod will be so happy about being a dad he won't notice.

Isa says the baby's name is Ricardo. It's planned to get him legally registered as a Montalvo as quickly as possible. Isa's mom: "It's lucky the baby looks like you." Isa: "It's lucky Rod thinks I'm the most faithful woman in the world."

Fedra: "No way the baby looks like Rodrigo. Baby Rod was hairy, hairy, hairy!"

Rod is starting to wonder if perhaps Elvira is spying for Isa.

At the market, Clarita tells Jose she doesn't think this little varon is really Rod's son. Jose says, "When my son comes to visit, I'll ask about all this," and then reminds Clarita that this son (smarmie Frankie, who is, you recall, the illegitimate son of some spoiled wealthy brat of the de la Vega family) did not even invite her to his wedding to Sofia! "Maybe he won't even let me see my grandson!" (Heh.)

Jose continues [in the style known to the world as How many mothers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, dear, I'll just sit here in the dark, don't worry about me]: "Now that he's part of this important rich family, why should Francisco hang around with a poor ignorant woman like me?" "But a mother is sacred," chants Clarita. "A mother is sacrifice."

Gav moons and tells Nancy she needs a heart transplant in order to forget Rodrigo.

At the hospital, evil music cues the entrance of Aaron and Minerva. Minerva points out the baby is blond! Bruno says the baby looks like Rod. Aaron says no he doesn't. "All that matters is that he is a Montalvo," says somebody but I forget who. Minerva: "Isa, why was your baby two weeks early?" "Ask Rod and Gaviota."

Tomorrow: Aaron asks the doctor if it's really true that Isa got artificial insemination. Gaviota opines that life is unfair.


Acorralada #157 Monday 8/27/07 Kike finally gets the boot!

First, events surrounding Max's impending divorce and plans to marry Marcela:

When he asks Godmum for Marcela's hand, she surprises him when she says no - he shouldn't marry without love. Smart lady!

Yolanda and Larry aren't thrilled with the news either, and Yolanda hot foots it over to TeleMiami Hospital to tell Diana, but Diana says that she doesn't care. (Then asks herself aloud why she can't forget Max).

Marfil signs the divorce papers, even though she doesn't really want the divorce. She's just happy that he can never be with Diana. (Why? Because he promised? What kind of crazy deal is that?)

Another major catastrophe has happned in psycho mansion - Fedora's plant has died! QUE HORRIBLE! Who would do such a thing? Chucky would, and Fedora and Gaby both know it! Chucky needs to learn that she can sleep with Kike, she can get caught trying to steal checks from Fedora's purse, but darn it - burn a plant and that's it! Game on. They confront her at the fabrica, which turns into a giant screaming match and Fedora tells her that she plans to tell Roddy everything.

After Chucky leaves the room, Gaby tells Fedora that she has other news - Kike's hit her and he's also sleeping with Chucky. Fedora wastes no time going back to the mansion and slapping him around before throwing him out on his ear. He tries to get her to pay him 2 million dollars to sign divorce papers, but she refuses and says she'll be taking him to court for hitting Gaby instead - he can spend 5 years in prison!

Emilio goes to visit Max and talk about his plan for revenge against Iggy. Max intends to make sure he goes to prison for what he's done.... but when Emilio wants to talk about what Max did to Diana, he doesn't want to talk about that. He's too ashamed. I should hope so!

Detective Gomez shows up at Casa Irazabal looking for Marfil, but Octavia sends him away, claiming that Marfil's not home. Later, Marfil calls him and he tells her to come to the station in the morning to talk about Fiona's disappearance - and bring a lawyer. She shows up without a lawyer because she's innocent, and innocent people don't need lawyers. She claims to know nothing about what's happened to Fiona, and besides, he can't do anything without a body.

Diana continues her plan to seduce Iggy so that she can get him to leave Octavia stranded at the altar on their wedding day. She's asked Dulce (who knows people who will be invited to the wedding) to keep her informed about the date of the wedding.

Sharon comes home just in time to see Kike leaving with his bags. She's impactada to see her booty call leaving the mansion. Even more impactada when Gaby walks in and declares that she'll be the next to go!

Finally, in the last scene, we see Max trying to smooth talk Marcela into marrying him. But she tells him that she won't agree to it until she and Diana talk woman to woman. Credits roll.


Tues 8/28 Destilando Amor: Lucy and Ethel go to the hospital

Dani surprises Gaviota with a visit at the CRT. Gavi vaguely remembers her from Don Amador's funeral Mass; Dani is impressed with Gavi's memory. Gavi admits she was thrown off by Dani indentifying herself as Gavi's sister-in-law. Dani says that after all the Montalvos have put Gavi through, she was ashamed to give her own name.

Gavi admires the clever tactic; Dani says it wasn't only a tactic - they really are sisters-in-law. Through Rodrigo, she explains. Gavi's like, no... his wife is your SIL. Dani says, Isadora? Heh, no, she's not his wife, she's just his legal spouse, not his real one. For Dani, "cuñada" is an term of affection in reference to the woman that her brother loves - "and that woman is you."

"Since when?" the dense Gaviota asks. "Since he met you and you changed his life." For the last three years. She's the woman he came back from England to marry, then searched the whole country for her for more than a year, that he loved at the corporativo, and for whom he's now crying because he misses her. He's dying to know how things are going for her.

(Rodrigo is daydreaming about their machete dance, and how he pulled her off the floor and into his arms and her hair bounced and floated like in a shampoo ad. And now he's daydreaming about the time they hugged "as amigos" in his truck and he said he was in love with his amiga and she ran away. He worries that he'll just be a memory to her.)

Gavi begins to protest, but Dani says she already knows the whole story from memory, including their pact. She's just here as a messenger, to tell Gavi that Rodrigo wants to see her. "He very well knows that that should not be," Gavi answers. She says it could become a big problem. Dani says it's been a long time, and her brother is desperate - he'd settle for just a few minutes. It won't break their pact. It'll just ease that painful, choking feeling he's been having. Dani tells Gavi to remember, above all, that they're friends forever. And all he's proposing is a friendly visit.

Gavi tries to refuse, but Dani baits her with "so, you feel nothing for him?" Argh. "Why do you ask?," Gavi challenges. "Because Rodrigo's sure of it, and the way I see it, maybe he's right." Because Gavi's been rejecting his calls, giving excuses through her receptionist.

Gavi is speechless. Dani asks if her executive position with the CRT has made her stuck-up. Gavi denies this, but Dani is on a roll. She accuses Gavi of being without remorse and/or gratitude, not caring that Rodrigo fought to keep her job at the CRT, stood up for her against the family, practically ruined their sister's wedding defending Gaviota, screaming to everyone about her, including their grandmother. (Like Gavi would know that how??) And there's some colorful expression I don't understand about leaving a puppet with a head. (Like he yelled at anything that had a head, maybe?) And now he doesn't even rate a hello from Gaviota? He's been thinking about her day and night, with a thousand questions about her extreme attitude, and she's being so chilly!

Gavi flips out and says that's just not so. She's been working herself like a mule trying not to think about him, and as tired as she is, she still can't sleep. When she's alone, she looks at the telephone, and she chews her hands to keep from calling him. "Please, tell him to forgive me, I know I've been rude and arrogant, but I've never stopped loving him! Nor will I ever forget what he's done for me. Tell him to understand that this distance is for both our own good."

Dani coldly says she's glad Gavi can control her impulses, and follow their pact to the letter - but Rodrigo can't. She takes her bag and goes for the door, bitterly saying it's too much to ask Gavi for just a few minutes with him, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles, eh? Gavi managed to get over it; now he'll have to find a way, too. It hurts to see her brother suffering, but she'll make sure not to bother Gavi again. It's going to be next to impossible to rid him of Gavi's ghost once and for all, because he's dying, and it's not worth it to him if Gavi can live without him.

Finally (FINALLY!) Gavi blurts out that Isadora was there. Dani is impactada.

Meanwhile, at home, Isadora is flaunting one of her superpowers, namely, bitchin' on the phone about her horrible, crappy marriage that has enabled her to live in a very cushy fashion, not to mention wear cushy fashions. (She's wearing a color again today, and I am so grateful to the wardrobe department for doing away with the taupe... I used to like neutrals, until Isadora wore them to death!!)

On the other end of the line is Sofia, who is ironing her dirtbag husband's own fashions. Isa is complaining that Rodrigo's been so excited about his organic tequila because he and Gaviota are laughing at her. (Sofia tries to comfort her, but there is weariness in her voice, and I suspect that she's just waiting for her turn to complain.)

Isa goes on to say (shriek) that if they think they can pull something over on her while she's in the final stage of her pregnancy, they are very much mistaken. She doesn't care how well situated Gavi is at the CRT - she'll get her fired even if it costs Isa her own life! "Nothing will stop me! I will speak personally with Avellaneda, and if they want a war, oh yeah, it's on, baby!!"

"Don't be silly, talk to Rodrigo first, and then decide what to do," Sofia mutters dully. (They don't prescribe Valium as much as they used to, so I'm thinkin' maybe Xanax.) "Don't start a scandal for no good reason."

Isadora growls that that damn Gaviota is not going to snatch her husband away from her.

Meanwhile, Gaviota is telling Daniela that she doesn't want to start trouble with Isadora. She begins explaining her attitude, and Dani sits on the desk to listen. Gavi says she's not an opportunist, nor a bad woman - she just wants to keep her word.

Dani says that Gavi doesn't know what Isa, Minerva, and Sofia are like - they haven't stopped trying to ruin her life. Gavi says she has an agreement with them. Anyway, Dani should put herself in Gavi's shoes - Rodrigo's a married man and his wife is expecting a baby, and then his wife came and begged her not to meddle in their marriage, to leave them in peace.

Dani is shaking her head in disbelief. She says she'd understand Gavi's attitude if their marriage were normal, but it's not. It's a sham. He didn't impregnate her by mutual consent. (Gavi: "Huh?") Dani explains that Isa had the insemination done on the sly, as a way to keep Rodrigo from leaving her! "You wanna know what I think?" Dani asks needlessly, but she doesn't get a chance to say.

Stunned, Gavi blurts that that is not the story she got from Isa. Dani smugly guesses that Isa probably told her that they made that baby the natural way, through "intimate relations," and Gavi's not the only woman in Rod's life. "When are you going to learn the lesson?" Dani asks Gaviota. She tells Gavi not to believe any of her family's sneaky attempts to keep them apart. "Why would you believe that cheating liar?" she asks Gavi. She grabs her bag and goes to the door in disgust (again).

Gavi angrily repeats that Isa's his wife, she's going to have a baby, and Gavi's going to respect that. Dani summarizes (long-windedly) that it's just as she thought, Gavi doesn't care about Rod, and he's going to have to forget about her forever. She reaches for the doorknob; Gavi grabs her arm and says that's not true.

"Then prove it. Talk to him!"

Gavi says okay, we'll meet next week. This week is too busy. Dani talks Gavi into accepting a date with him today. Otherwise, maybe she won't have a brother, and it'll be on Gavi's conscience.

From Gavi's desk, Dani calls Rodrigo at his office and sets up a date for 6:00. Rod says that if Gavi doesn't show up, he'll know that she doesn't want anything to do with him, and then he'll forget about her. And he'll break their promise to always be good friends.

Dani hangs up. Gavi complains about the time. Dani says it'll be a problem for Rod to go home too late - his home is like a prison. She warns Gavi of Rod's promise that if Gavi doesn't show up promptly, he'll assume the worst and give up their friendship. Gavi promises to go and thanks Dani for coming. She says she needed someone to call her arrogant to her face.

As Dani and Gavi come out of the office, Gavi tells Dani she's going to need to cancel something important, but it will be worth it. Just then, Alonso and Susy come in, and Alonso asks Nancy to give some things to Susy for Avellaneda. He takes a call in his office, and Gavi explains to Daniela who he is. Dani hints that he's "interesting," but Gavi says that after Rodrigo, other men don't interest her. Finally Dani leaves, reminding Gavi, "at 6:00."

"Who's that?" Susy asks, somewhat snottily. Gavi cluelessly says that was Rodrigo's sister. "I've never seen her before - did she come here to harass you too?" (An odd question, considering she just saw them hugging.) "No, she's different - she came here to give me a message." Nancy wants to know more. Susy pretends to be interested in some reports, but listens as Gavi tells Nancy that she's got someplace to go and won't have time to go home and change. Nancy asks if it's this evening's meeting of the agave congress. "Don't be nosy, Susy!" Nancy scolds gently. "Don't worry, we all have our secrets," Susy laughs.

Gavi and Nancy stand around awkwardly, but Susy lingers. Nancy whispers, "You're going to go with the handsome one, right?" "I'll tell you later, but right now I have to ask permission to leave early." Nancy rolls her eyes. Susy pulls her nosy nose out of that report she's totally not reading, and smirks.

Alonso is concerned that Gaviota won't show up for the meeting this evening, and he'll have to go it alone. She says no - if he lets her leave early, then she definitely won't miss the meeting. He grudgingly agrees.

Susy is dialing and murmuring to herself that Isadora will pay well for this information. The line beeps a busy signal. "It's busy," Susy remarks for the benefit of those who have never heard a busy signal before.

(I wonder if Elvira was once as pretty as Susy, but all that evil smirking and scowling eventually took its toll. And if so, how many more changes will Susy get until that mean face gets stuck.)

The line is busy because Isa is asking Rodrigo what time he'll get home. He says 9, but if she wants to talk... she says she doesn't want to discuss it over the phone. He explains that he has a business meeting with Eduardo Saldivar (I think that's the guy who took Gavi and her mother to the party on Christmas Eve). "Are you going alone? I feel sooooo lonely," she whines. "I'd like to go with you!" He reminds her that she's got just two weeks left to her due date, and the doctor told her to take it easy. After his meeting, he'll come home and they can talk about whatever she likes.

"FINE." She hangs up and begins dialing again right away, muttering, "You're lying to me." Practically hyperventilating with rage, she asks Elvira who Rodrigo has an appointment with. "As far as I know, nobody." Not even Saldivar. She suggests that maybe there was a cell phone call. "Maybe" isn't good enough for Isa - she asks for Saldivar's number.

Just then, Rodrigo leaves. "Your husband just left," Elvira reports. She gives Saldivar's number to Isa. Isa asks the usual questions - any strange phone calls for Rod, etc. Elvira says that Dani came by for a visit. Elvira doesn't know what they talked about, but Isa is already flipping out again.

Next, Isa starts to call Saldivar, but is rudely interrupted by a contraction. Said contraction is then rudely interrupted by a phone call. Isa catches her breath - it's Susana, letting her know that Daniela was there too. It was very suspicious, and afterwards, Mariana asked her boss for permission to leave early. Susy is sure that Mariana's going to see Rodrigo.

"Don't let her go. Keep her busy until I get there. I want her to say to my face that she's going to see my husband!" She calls for the maid and demands her bag and keys. Poor Enriqueta, who still has yet to learn how to read Isa's moods, reminds Isa that Rod doesn't want her to drive. Maybe call a taxi instead? "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR A TAXI!!!" Enriqueta scurries away for the bag and keys. Isa follows, but gets doubled over with another contraction. She grits her teeth and is standing upright by the time her bag and keys arrive.

Say what you want about Isadora, but you'll never see this woman doped up on Xanax and ironing some ingrate's shirts. "Did you take my cell phone off the charger?" Enriqueta offers to go get it, but Isa says forget it. She's out the door.

Interlude: Clarita and Doña Jose walking down the street, chatting. They complain about a muchacho on a noisy motorcycle. He rides right up to them, blocking their path. He takes off his helmet and twirls for them - it's Hilario, with a haircut (which I don't like as much as his old hair) and some groovy new threads. He brags about his new bike's power (200 horses), and the women giggle. Clarita gently scolds him for not having visited lately, and he promises to do better. Then he shows off the new magazine ad that he's in - it's a photo of him wearing jeans and a hat and no shirt. The caption reads, "MACHO JEANS - THE FREEDOM TO BE."

Clarita's jaw drops. "¿Como así?" (Again, drink 'em if you got 'em.) Doña Jose squeaks out an excited, but incoherent uncaptioned comment. Hilario smiles with relief when he realizes they don't think it's ugly. He says he wants them and Gaviota to have a copy. (We're then treated to a long, lingering, gratuitous close-up of the ad.) Doña Jose tells him to sign his autograph. "I'm just a model, not an artist," Hilario bashfully answers. He excuses himself and tells them to say hi to Gaviota, but doesn't get on his bike right away. With some prompting from Clarita, he finally asks her for a blessing. She happily gives it, tells him he's handsome, wishes him good luck, and tells him to be good.

I've only been watching these things a little over a year, but I'm pretty sure this means that his luck will run out, he'll stop being pretty, and he'll become bitter and rotten. Let's hope I'm wrong... but I have a bad feeling as those 200 horses carry him off.

Clarita tells Doña Jose what a good boy Hilario is. DJ (who still has a silly grin on her face) says she hopes his new friends don't corrupt him. (Hah. Famous last words.) This is met with another "¿como así?"

Back at the CRT, Susy tries to detain Gavi with some trivial task. Gavi says she has something important to do. Susy puts on an attitude and says she should have known better than to ask Gavi for a favor, she forgot she's an important executive now. Gavi agrees to quickly scan the translated English and French versions of Avellaneda's letter for errors while she waits for the taxi. Susy babbles and babbles about nothing while Gavi is trying to proofread, but Gavi's quick and approves both letters. Gavi says she'll wait for her taxi outside so she doesn't miss it - it's tough to get one at this time of day. She leaves.

Frustrated but inspired, Susy grabs the phone and uses a fake voice to call the taxi company and cancel Gavi's ride. "It's already arrived? Well, please send it away. Thanks." She chuckles evilly, and I swear I can already see the Elvira creeping in around the eyes.

Rodrigo is already at the restaurant, making arrangements with the bartender for Gaviota's arrival at 6:00 sharp. He's picked out a seat and a bottle of Montalvo tequila, and he's also brought musicians and a big bunch of red roses. He nervously wonders if he's forgotten anything. The bartender is impressed with Rodrigo's preparations, and doesn't think anything's missing. They do a fist-bump, and Rodrigo sits and waits with that big dumb grin on his face.

Gavi gets outside, and the doormen inform her that her taxi has already come and gone - she called to cancel it. Gavi says it wasn't her, but they don't know who it was. She tells them she'll just catch another. She begins hoofin' it down the sidewalk, when a black SUV pulls up alongside. Isa waddles up and starts screaming at Gaviota about the usual. "It's not so easy to get a taxi, is it? But I'm going to help you keep your date!" Gavi says nothing - just turns and walks away. Isa chases after her. "I bet you'll have lots to talk about organic tequila," etc. and they'll toast to their project. It was a great ploy, an ideal pretext for them to see one another, right?

Gavi tries to explain to Isa that the organic tequila really was Rodrigo's project, and that he communicated only with Gavi's secretary, etc. She tries to walk away, but Isa grabs her arm and hauls her back! "Can't you face me?" Gavi replies, "You've said what you had to say - now leave me in peace!" Isa continues to scream about Gavi trying to steal her husband, but another one of those rude contractions happens. Gavi runs over to help her into the CRT building. Isa doesn't want Gavi's help, but Gavi's afraid the baby will be born on the street. "If you don't want to go into the consejo, I'll call you an ambulance." "THERE'S NO TIME FOR AN AMBULANCE!" Isa cries in panic. Gavi points out that Isa can't drive like that. She won't allow it. She'll take her to the hospital.

Isa hates the idea, but is in no condition to resist. Gavi says she doesn't have the heart to just leave her there like this. Gavi manages a quick prayer to the Virgencita as she walks around to the driver's side door. She tells Isa to buckle up good, because she's never driven one of these big things before. "Where's the clutch?" "It's an automatic!" Isa hurriedly explains how to drive it. I have a feeling that this used to be a longer product placement ad, but THERE'S NO TIME FOR A PRODUCT PLACEMENT AD NOW!

Gaviota's first attempt to pull away from the curb doesn't go well, and Isa accuses her of being vengeful. Gavi advises Isa to pray.

Gavi doesn't know the way to the hospital, either. Fortunately, instead of screaming THERE'S NO TIME FOR DIRECTIONS!, Isa tells her to take a right.

This is going to be fun.

"Be calm, be calm please, nothing's going to happen," Gavi chants impotently as Isa howls in pain. (I see they're driving a Blurmobile.) "Get out of the way, we're in a hurry!" Gavi shouts out the window. (I should try that on rt. 128 tomorrow.) "Come on, give me a break!" She honks the horn. "Come on, you animal, hurry it up!"

Isa clutches at Gavi's arm and shirt and hair, forcing Gavi to halt her verbal abuse for a moment to ask Isa to let go. "I'm having contractions," Isa explains at a calmer moment. (Isa's usually not that dumb... you have to laugh!)

Isa tells Gavi to take another right. Gavi puts on the left turn signal. She is making Leticia Padilla-Solis look like a professional driver by comparison.

Rodrigo is still waiting at the restaurant. I guess he never replaced that Rolex he ruined when he burned down the Hernandez shack, because he has to ask someone else what time it is. It's 6:00! He calls over a waitress to set up the bottle and glasses.

Thanks to some serious atmospheric interference, I've got a fuzzy picture and sound and no captions for the next part: Dani rehashes with Elvis, contently telling him that Rodrigo and Gaviota are together right now. Elvis says something, Dani says something, my picture and sound and captions come back, and Dani and Elvis are saying how much they love each other. Kisses! (See the Comments for details on what I missed!)

Gavi and Isa are stopped at a red light. Gavi is cussing the thing out, Isa starts howling again, Gavi turns to help and of course that's when the light changes and the other drivers start honking their horns. Isa panics and thinks she's going to die. The car in front of them isn't moving, and now Isa has passed out.

For a moment, I wonder why Gavi is so upset now that she can finish their drive in peace and quiet. Then I realize that the patient was also the navigator, and Gavi has no idea which way to go. Naturally, a policeman rolls up, because there is always a cop when you need one. (Actually, considering the way Gavi was driving, perhaps it's not so surprising that the police showed up at that moment. I'm guessing that every motorist with a phone called to complain about her.) He escorts them the rest of the way.

The candles at Rodrigo's table have burned down quite a bit by now. He's on the phone with Nancy, who assures him that Gavi left a while ago. "She's not coming," he tells himself sadly.

Lucy and Ethel have arrived at the hospital. Isadora is conscious again. The hospital staff put her on a stretcher and wheel her into the building. Gavi thanks the policeman and runs in behind her. She holds Isa's hand and tries to reassure Isa that she's out of danger and her baby will be okay as they rush her to the maternity ward. Isa whispers, "gracias." She must really be in pain.

Gavi pulls one of the nurses aside and asks her to make sure Isa gets the best doctors because it's her first baby and she's scared. The nurse says "don't worry," and I'm sure the next thing she'll do is ask all the doctors to reconsider whether they're qualified to perform this highly uncommon procedure.

Meanwhile, at the big congress thing, Avellaneda is droning on about whatever he's talking about (I'm not even attempting to follow). Visitors from all over the world listen to a translated version of his speech on headphones and nod their approval. Avellaneda shakes one of those green pencils for emphasis. In the audience, Alonso mopes at Gavi's absence, and then sulks near the door as Avellaneda finishes his speech and greets the attendees.

Eduardo Saldivar finds Alonso and says hi. I guess Eduardo isn't a member of this group, but he's hanging out at the request of one of his clients. The picture/sound/captions go again, but I can hear Alonso mentioning his assistant, and Eduardo asking who she is. "Oh, you'd know her - Mariana Franco!" Eduardo is happy and surprised to hear that she's working for Alonso now. They talk about how great she is, and Alonso asks if Eduardo knows what went on between her and the Montalvos. I can't catch every word, but it sounds like Eduardo's telling him about how the Montalvo women got her fired and spread lies about her to everyone in the business.

Eduardo also says that Mariana and Rodrigo had a romance, but the sound and picture are so bad at this point that I miss the rest of the conversation. Fortunately, again, some helpful people have filled this in in the Comments section!

At the hospital, Gavi tries to register Isadora at the front desk, but isn't able to answer many questions. She knows the name of Isa's husband, but that's about it. She tells the receptionist to call Isa's peeps and get the rest of the information.

Next, the receptionist wants a deposit. Yes, I am serious... Gavi is going to pay the deposit for Isadora's hospital stay... the irony is so heavy, you could do Frankie's shirts with it.

Gavi looks for a phone to call Rodrigo. While a man sings (somewhat off-key, I believe), Rodrigo is very, very sadly paying off the musicians and telling the bartender that Gaviota is not going to come. The bartender shakes his head sympathetically. "If by some miracle she does show up, let her know I was waiting," Rodrigo tells him. "You won't forget my name, right?" "Montalvo," the bartender reminds him. "Montalvo," Rodrigo repeats, as if it is a curse. He slams the roses down on the bar, glares at his lonely table, and leaves.

As soon as he's gone, the phone rings at the bar. It's the bartender's buddy Mariana, looking for Rodrigo. (I'm not sure if the bartender also knows her as Gaviota.) Next, she tries somewhere else (I think probably Rod and Isa's place) and leaves a message that he's needed at the hospital.

She kills some time in the gift shop, looking at baby stuff and rubbing her own belly. A little outfit catches her eye, and it's times like this I wish we had a Golden Circle of Goodbye, because it's very jarring to go right from that to the previews for tomorrow.


While the amigos hug in the waiting room, a doctor interrupts to announce that it's a boy.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Amar #30 Tuesday 8/28/07

Opening scene: Ceci teases Azul that what gave her the courage to break up with Mo is the arrival of Santoro. She and Arnaldo tease Azul about her jealous streak, which doesn't sit well with princess Azul. She says that she came to them for help and they've made her feel worse. Ceci tries to cheer her up by suggesting that they order a pizza and rent a movie and have some popcorn and beer. Arnaldo suggests white wine.

Oh yikes! I've missed the last few shows and hadn't seen the new dragon lady! But I know this one - she's actually on the opening credits so I knew she'd appear eventually. I think she was on Mujeres Enganadas if any of you are familiar - she was always crying a river of black mascara. Anyway, back to Amar...

This is where Diego slips into Santoro's hotel room. She tells him to sit and he complies. He compliments her outfit as she fixes them a drink. When she hands him the drink she manages to sneak a little smooch in with it. What a naughty girl, this Santoro! She wants to know how he met Mo, and he explains that it was a "congreso" or something like it. I'm not sure what a congreso is. Can anyone help?

Meanwhile, back at Azul's place, Azul, Ceci, and Arnaldo are getting sloppy drunk when the doorbell rings. Arnaldo opens the door and sees a huge bouquet of flowers, then the flowers drop and it's none other than Mo holding them. Mo's impactado at their drunken laughter and the ladies haven't noticed his entrance - they're talking about becoming lesbians so that they don't have to deal with men. Ceci tells Azul that she has a visitor - Mo is standing behind Azul and he's not happy to hear them men-bashing. Ceci and Arnaldo leave the lovebirds alone and Mo picks Azul up and sits her on the sofa. He wants to know what's going on and she tells him that she's dying of jealousy over Santoro. Azul is a blubbering mess now -she turned on the waterworks quickly! Here's a good one - Mo basically tells Azul that one of the reasons he hired Diego is because they expect him to show Santoro a good time! Azul is impactada. They kiss and make up.

Next we're transported to Santoro's hotel room where she's fixing another round of drinks and commenting that it sounds like Mo basically owes Diego his life. He says yes, but he owes Mo for his mother's life and explains about the operation. He claims that he doesn't know who tried to kill Mo. She wants to know what he thinks of Mo, and if there's anything between Diego and Azul. He denies it and tells her that he needs to get going soon because it's Sunday and he needs to spend time with his parents. This guy is too much - he cooks, he sews, and he spends Sunday with his padres. How sweet is that? Santoro seems surprised and wants to hear more about his parents. Diego's face lights up when he describes them. As she asks him what he did before he met Mauricio, she's running her finger along his leg, and he's looking a little freaked out.

Burgay approaches Ivan in the hotel lobby and says that he needs to see Santoro about something urgent, but Ivan says that she's not to be disturbed. Apparently her seduction of our sweet Diego was premeditated. Burgay learns that there's a black truck in front of the hotel that's been following Diego. He and Ivan go to investigate.

While Burgay checks out the truck, Diego and Santoro are strolling out onto the balcony while he tries to get her to tell him how someone so young could have so much money and power. She gives him a look that would melt a glacier and he apologizes and says he was only asking becuase he's already told her his story. She tells him that her story is long, but one day he will know it. He responds with a big sloppy kiss on the lips.

Burgay sees that the guy following Diego is Andres and goes out to see what's going on. Before he gets there, Diego comes out of the hotel and jumps in his new 'stang and drives off with the black truck right behind him. Burgay calls Mo, who's watching Azul sleep off her hangover. Burgay tells Mo that he's just learned that Andres is following Diego, and he better control Andres. Mo says he'll handle it and tells Azul that he has to go.

As he's leaving, Ceci and Arnaldo return and they're not happy to see that it looks like everything's hunky-dory with Mo and Azul again. She tells them about how Diego's basically a paid escort, and she assumes that he knows it's part of his job description.

Mo is driving down the road screaming at Leo on his cell phone. I'm not sure what's going on, but he's telling her that it will happen today, and she better do what he says. Then he screams that if he doesn't go, he'll kill him. This Mauricio is a loose cannon!

Leo hangs up with Mauricio and calls Andres. She wants to know what he's done, but says he's done nothing. She says that if he doesn't come today, Mo will kill him.

Diego arrives at his parents house for dinner and tells them about the interesting woman he's just met. She's pretty, intelligent, important... he sounds like a man in love, doesn't he? It looks like Silvana has another woman to compete with! Diego tells Clemencia that Silvana won't be there because she's mad at him. Diego tells Manuel that he loves her, but is not in love with her. (At least that's what I think he means when he says "la quiero, pero no estoy enamarado con ella.")

Andres enters Mo's office, and tries to says that Burgay was lying, but Mo's not buying it. He grabs Andres by the coat and starts screaming at him when Leo enters and tries to break it up. Mo tells them that they must obey him as he pulls a gun from the closet. What in the world is this? Andres claims that he was trying to protect Santoro, but Mo's not falling for that. He tells Andres that he better stay away from Diego and leaves the office, leaving Leo there to comfort Andres. YUCK!

Santoro's dinner has been delivered and she comes to the table wearing a nightie covered by a robe and invites Ivan to join her for dinner. She wants to know about the guy following Diego. She's never known a man like Diego - authentic, pure, has a clean soul. Ivan takes her hand and she tries to soothe him... apparently these two have known each other since childhood and he's always had a thing for her, and she sees him as a brother. He tells her that he loves her and would give his life to see her happy.

Andres tells Leo that he's leaving, he's not taking Mo's crap anymore. Leo wants him to stay, that GSD's discovery will change everything. Andres doesn't care, he's going to Acapulco to rest. He needs rest. Just for a few days. Leo wants him to kiss and make up with Mo, but Andres refuses. He's not doing it this time.

Ines come to visit Alfredo because he hasn't called her. He says it's because he's been working a lot and offers her some wine. She tries to convince him that there's still passion in their relationship as he blows smoke in her face. Seriously - how can anyone take that? Alfredo tells her that he's met someone and he can't deny that he's interested in her. Ines comes unglued... they've been together for 15 years! She throws her wine in his face!

Isela is surprised to see Diego at the pool hall on Sunday. He's come to see if he can fix things with Silvana. He's trying to patch things up when a guy taps him on the shoulder - apparently it's his long lost buddy Flavio!

Ceci and Arnaldo have serious hangovers and they're regretting that they mixed beer and wine. Azul comes in with an ice pack on her head and asks Ceci to fix her some coffee. She moping because she has to face Diego and Santoro today. Arnaldo asks her if that means that the wedding is on?

Santoro's getting dressed for work while Ivan checks her sofa for I don't know what. She needs his help fastening the clasp on her giant plastic snowflake necklace. Burgay is in the lobby and he wants to talk with Santoro, she tells him to come on up.

Flavio and Diego arrive at Diego's parents house. They drop off their coats and cell phones and leave the dining room... the phone immediately rings - it's Santoro calling for Diego and she's surprised when Clemencia answers. Why does Clemencia keep answering Diego's phone? Doesn't he have voicemail? Geez! When Santoro learns that she's talking to Diego's mom, she's all sunshine and smiles. Clemencia tells her that Diego was just telling them how marvelous she is. Santoro is thrilled to hear this, and is rubbing a business card along her leg as she tells Clemencia what a gentleman her son is. She asks Clemencia to have Diego pick her up at her hotel, and Clemencia agrees to give him the message.

She tells Diego about the call and he grabs his phone and jacket and runs out the door without saying goodbye to his mama or Flavio.

Santoro asks Burgay who's following Diego, and he says that it was a guy who had a problem with Diego, but it's nothing to worry about. Oh, she's not worried for her, she's got a team of 15 men keeping her safe. She tells Ivan to assign 4 of her men to Diego. Burgay smiles and she tells him not to assume anything.

Gaspar (the son of Abuelo's buddy Efrain) has brought his boss home to meet Efrain, and call me crazy, but Gaspar seems to be smitten with him...

Santoro and Diego arrive at Mo's house of fun and Mo wants to talk to Santoro alone. She tells him to wait a minute, she needs to do something.

Azul is at her desk chugging water when Diego enters and apologizes for not knocking. He teases her about not sleeping well, which sets her off - she asks him why he doesn't just leave, run off with Santoro. Maybe he should just marry her. Little do they know that Santoro is on the other side of the door listening to everything they say as they have what sounds like a lover's spat. Azul tells him that he's not smart enough for the job that he has - he only has it becuase he saved Mo's life. Just then racoon eyed Santoro busts into the room and tells Azul that she's wrong! Credits roll.


Juan Q 8/28 There are good days and there are bad days, and this is one of them.

Happy Tuesday! Paula’s mad as hell and she’s just not going to take it! CL better think fast, because his world is thisclose to falling apart.

Alirio’s also mad. He thinks that Nidia is very rude to him and he’s just not going to take it anymore! (There’s a lot of anger at the beginning of the episode.) Nidia can’t believe that Alirio blames her. She reminds him that he’s the one who made the spectacle. Alirio decides to make the rules very clear to her. He’s not going to be that monkey in the painting on the wall! Nidia thinks they should take a step back and think about what they’re saying and what they’ll do after the wedding. Alirio breathes really hard and shakes while staring at his bride to be.

Paula and CL have another boring fight. She thinks she’s wasting her time and that CL can solve their problems by calling Monica and telling her about the relationship with Paula. None of this is stuff we haven’t already heard. The difference this time is Paula cries rather than standing around with a sour puss look on her face. Once again, CL claims that he’s trying to do what’s best for everyone. Paula says that she’s starting to re-think the whole thing. CL thinks that Paula is complicating things. CL says that he needs time. Instead, Paula gives him the door. She says that living together was a mistake and that he may take his s**t and go.

For once, Alirio gets the better of Nidia. He tells her that she’s going to comply with her obligation. I’m assuming this means marrying him. She replies that things will not get better between them even if they marry. Alirio threatens her with telling the Davila’s about the will and what he did on Nidia’s orders. Nidia pretends not to be worried about it, even saying that Alirio will receive a worse punishment than she, but her facial expression isn’t so confident once Alirio stomps out of the room. She says to herself that jail would be better.

Alirio runs into Juan outside. Alirio tells Juan that his ideas don’t work in practice. They don’t stand up to the test of time. Alirio sits and talks about his problems with Nidia. Alirio thinks that he needs to change his strategy to reflect himself. Her needs to put Nidia in the place. Alirio asks for Juan’s help with some mariachis the next night. Juan begs off and says that he has to be with another person that night. Juan sees Marely peering out her window at him and decides to go inside.

Yadira goes to Marely’s room to have a talk. Yadira asks about what’s happening with Kike. He’s not paying attention to her like she would like. Marely thinks that Kike just got tired of being treated poorly. Yadira thinks it’s something else. Maybe he’s going out with another woman. Marely says that he’s not going out with another woman but he did invite a woman from the office to go out to eat. Yadira wants to know the woman’s name. Marely won’t tell her and storms away from Yadira and Yadira’s drama.

Juan walks around the house in his PJ’s and thought bubbles about his depression. On top of everything he’s sleep like a baby in a hammock (or a rocking chair); he has insomnia. Marely discovers Juan pouring himself a drink. He explains that he just needed some help to sleep. She catches on that he’s pained about Paula. He denies at first but then agrees. Marely wants to know why he allows himself to suffer for Paula. Juan doesn’t seem to really know. All he does know is that he can’t get rid of the hope that one day Paula will feel the same about him. Marely assures Juan that he’s a good person who deserves the best. This pain is making him a better person; he even refused Marely’s advances. Juan’s a little more cynical; he thinks that he’s being an idiot and an ass. Marely takes his drink and tells Juan that his luck will all of sudden change. Marely insists that he put down the tequila and wait for things to get better. He sadly grabs her hand and kisses it. She reaches up and kisses his cheek. She leaves to go to bed. Juan thought bubbles about how said that he’s letting Marely go because his heart is occupied by another.

Meanwhile, Paula sleeps alone in her CL bought bed. She tosses and turns, suffering the same insomnia as Juan. CL sits at the dining room table, staring at his drink. She starts to go to him, but changes her mind and goes back to bed. Juan goes to his bedroom and “wipes” himself down with his handkerchief. Paula thinks back to key moments in her life with CL. Juan thinks about key moments with/about Paula. Paula cries some more. Juan scooches all over his bed. Neither sleep.

Morning has come and it’s breakfast time. Nidia greets Juan and asks if he has the car. She needs a favor; he must take her to Ana’s house. Juan hurriedly eats so they won’t be late.

Yadira invades Marely’s room. She throws the covers off in order to rush Marely in getting ready for work. Marely realizes that she overslept and hurries to get ready. Marely asks Yadira why she’s ready so early. Yadira wants to go to the office with Marely to speak with the woman that Kike invited out to eat. Marely reminds Yadira that she doesn’t know the woman. Yadira doesn’t need to; she knows the type Kike likes. Marely says that the woman isn’t like that. Marely says that she won’t take Yadira but Yadira says she’ll go with Marely or on her own. Marely makes Yadira promise that she’s only going out of curiosity. Yadira half agrees.

Outside of Ana’s house, Nidia explains to Juan that she wants to invite Ana out tonight. Juan comments that Ana and Nidia are becoming like friends. Nidia says they’re not friends; they’re more like a half family. Juan tells Nidia about Alirio’s plans, but Nidia doesn’t want to lose her last night as a single woman. Juan asks if she loves Alirio. Nidia says that she does not. Marrying someone you love is an idea of the young. She loved Samuel and it only brought problems. This time she’s marrying for interest. Juan thought bubbles that Nidia is missing a few screws in her head, but that she does have reason. Love does really bring problems.

CL and Paula have a cold breakfast (emotionally, not necessarily physically). Paula advises CL that she still feels the same as the night before. CL thinks that life will be better with Paula at his side. They argue about what they’ve done for the relationship. The phone rings; it’s Fernando for CL. Paula refuses to go to the office with CL. She’ll wait for Juan. CL says he hopes they’ll speak reasonably at a later time. Paula sits in her chair and stews.

Monica enjoys a much nicer breakfast with Chusa. Monica doesn’t like the office atmosphere. All the employees look strangely at her. It’s not the pregnancy, because she and CL never told anyone about it. What bothers Monica the most is CL’s attitude about her working at the office. She knows that something frightened him and that “thing” might become definitive in their marriage.

After apologizing for coming over to Ana’s house, Nidia invites Ana to the bachelorette party. Ana’s not sure she can go because of all the work she has. Nidia reminds Ana that it’s been a long time since either of them have been dancing. Ana asks about the friends who will be there. Nidia replies that it will be a surprise. She asks if Ana will come or not.

During the ride to the office, Juan thought bubbles to himself about the emotional state of his boss. She appears to be very distant and absent minded. This is weird because yesterday was supposed to be like the honeymoon. He wonders if CL did something to make her sad. Paula asks Juan what he knows about CL’s ex-wife. Juan says that he doesn’t know much and thinks to himself that it’s the shadow of the other woman that’s bothering his Paula.

CL goes to Pastor and breaks into a tirade about his crappy night and morning with Paula. Pastor tries to calm CL, but CL thinks that it’s all going to hell. This will ruin him in front of both woman. Pastor thinks that CL should come up with a second solution to the problem. CL blames Pastor for CL’s problems. Pastor tries to defend himself, but CL is completely irrational. He insists that Pastor solve the problem. If CL goes down, Pastor’s going with him.

Fernando approaches Yvonne to talk about the night before. She didn’t wake him when she left. Yvonne insists that he keep his voice down. She lets him know that last night was sumptuous, but also was an accident. It will not happen again. Fernando can’t believe that Yvonne is doing this to him once again. Yvonne reminds Fernando that they never talked about having a formal relationship. Fernando agrees. He tells Yvonne not to worry about her reputation, because she doesn’t have one to take care of. Fernando stomps away to the garage. Yvonne doesn’t look too disappointed.

Paula and Juan arrive at the garage. After Juan helps Paula from the car he runs into Fernando. Juan immediately notes Fernando’s upset disposition. Fernando doesn’t want to talk about it. Juan asks Fernando for another favor, but Fernando doesn’t want to hear it. Juan insists and tells Fernando about the little party coming up that night. Fernando asks if they’re going to another bar. Juan explains that it’s for Nidia’s bachelorette party. Fernando walks away from Juan.

Pastor tells CL that the risk lies with the two woman working together under the same roof. Maybe CL could move Paula to the job in Monterrey. CL obviously doesn’t like that idea. He tells Pastor to come up with a better idea. Pastor suggests that CL fire Paula or take Monica on a second honeymoon. CL doesn’t have to tell Paula that the trip is with Monica. Phone calls from Paula can be excused as calls from the office. CL says that that was Pastor’s most ridiculous idea. Pastor’s run out of ideas and CL is frantic.

Too late! Monica’s arrived. She greets Yvonne and asks for CL and then for Paula. Monica goes to Paula’s office and greets Paula. Needless to say, Paula’s impactada. The ladies soap-opera-stare at each other across Paula’s desk.

Monica’s openly friendly with a very nervous Paula. Monica asks if Paula recognizes her. Paula says that she does and tells Monica to sit. Monica tells Paula that she will be working in the office. Paula says that there’s always something to do in a business like this. Paula agrees to help Monica with her needs.

Pastor’s next idea is for CL to flee on a trip and allow the women’s relationship to develop. CL once again doesn’t like the idea. He thinks all of Pastor’s ideas are stupid. Pastor says that the real problem is that there is no solution to CL’s problem. CL’s only option to tell the two women the truth. CL doesn’t overact. Yvonne enters the office and advises CL that the women are in Paula’s office together. (Despite CL scolding her for interrupting.) CL looks like he’s about to have an emotional breakdown.

The women discuss the business. Monica wants to know about the daily going-on’s in the office. She wants experience first hand how the business conducts itself. Paula agrees to help. Monica asks for Paula to tell Monica about herself. Paula looks nervous and says that first she needs to cancel some meetings before they go look at the business. Monica wants to make sure that Paula won’t have any problems.

Yadira and Marely enter the office. Yadira scans for Kike’s hoochie. She sees Yvonne and gives her a “look.” Yadira asks for the woman. Marely makes Yadira re-utter the promise. Yadira does. Marely points out the woman. Yadira immediately charges over and accuses the surprised woman.

Fernando refuses Juan’s invitation. Juan persists and thinks that Fernando’s problems with love are all the reason for Fernando to join the party. Kike approaches the men. Juan wants Fernando and Kike to try to get along because they will be working together.

Julia tells Yadira that she doesn’t understand. Yadira calls Julia ugly and stupid. Kike is her boyfriend. Julia can’t believe it. Julia sarcastically congratulates Yadira. Marely tries to pull Yadira away, but Yadira continues throwing insults. Julia refuses to be pulled into Yadira’s game. This infuriates Yadira even more. Julia calls security but Marely advises that Yadira will leave.

Pastor tells CL that they must immediately extract Monica from Paula’s office. The only way is for CL to call Monica directly and insist she leave the office. CL knows that this will piss off Paula. Pastor says that he can enter the office and tell Paula that he needs her for a business emergency. CL likes this plan. Like two football players leaving the high school locker room after talking about the pretty girl, the men rush out of the office and toward their target. They asks Yvonne if the meeting continues. Yvonne confirms and asks if they’re nervous.

Before the men can carry out their plan, the women exit the office. Paula advises CL that they’re going to look at the business. CL offers to go along, but Monica says that he’s too busy to worry about it. CL mentions that this seems like a conspiracy. Monica replies that it is.


Escurrir el bulto – to pass the buck (to dodge the issue)
Güerita – used to refer to a person, a blonde in definition but in practice may be used to refer to any light skinned morena. Kind of like saying “Hey, blondie” but not disrespectfully.
Jose Alfredo Jimenez – Considered the greatest Mexican songwriter of all time despite no musical training.
Libidinoso – lustful

Tomorrow: The bad day continues. Will CL be discovered?

On a said note, for all you soccer fans, Antonio Puerta passed away. He was a soccer player for Seville, Spain who collapsed from a heart attack on the field. He died from complications to his organs from the cardiac arrest. He was 22 years old. Condolences to the family.


Amar #29 Monday 8/27/07 Part II

Dragon Lady takes her leave of Diego by the hotel room door. She kisses him on the cheek.

He calls someone on the cell to complain that no one told him Santoro was a woman. I’m not sure if it was Burgay he was talking to.

Mo Calls Burgay. They talk about GSD’s failure to achieve results even though he worked all night. Mo calls Azul to tell her to get there early before 10 am and make sure she looks great. Azul is PO’d.

Arnaldo is meeting with his old boyfriend. BF (Julio? what is his name?) says he really cares about Arnaldo. Arnaldo can’t yet forgive him for what he did. I don’t know what he did. Does anyone? BF asks how it went when Arnaldo came out to Pop. Arnaldo says that he thinks his father always suspected he was gay and didn’t say anything. Now that the suspicions were confirmed, things are terrible. BF seems to want to make up. Arnaldo seems to need more time.

Now it’s morning. Diego brings Santoro to the compound. Azul is pissy when she discovers Santoro is a woman. Santoro wants Martinis at 10 AM. Burgay takes Diego over to the bar to show how she likes them made (shaken not stirred?). Diego serves Santoro, and she is very flirty. Azul is not happy.

GSD comes in, and Santoro wants to talk to him alone. Santoro comments that Mo has a pretty girlfriend. When GSD goes out with Santoro, Azul stomps out of the room. Mo asks where she’s going, and she says she has things to do. She says he is deceitful (tramposo). He says she is acting like a stupid child. She says that woman is odious! He says something about how her father signed a contract and if he doesn’t fulfill it he could go to prison. (This is a bizarre threat. I can’t believe Mexican law is so different from U.S., but you can’t go to prison for quitting your job here–they abolished slavery awhile ago!)

Now for the conversation between GSD and Santoro. I found this a little confusing even though I replayed it a few times. I think she said she wanted results by Friday, and he said that was impossible. Then he asked her where the epidemic was that they wanted to stop, and she said it was somewhere in Africa, but she wouldn’t tell him where. He wanted to go to Africa to check it out, since that was the proper scientific method. But no–she wanted to avoid a worldwide panic. Everything must be secret. She’s a business woman, not a scientist. Once they have the formula, everyone in the world will want it. She won’t tell him what this is really all about, but she assured him it was legal. Look, just tell me what you need for this project–money is no object. Just don’t ask any questions. If you find the formula I will put you in charge at the highest levels of science? (I really could not make any sense of the last sentence). Music of doom swells!

Diego asks Burgay how one woman could be so young and beautiful (?) and yet so powerful. Burgay suspects there is something between Azul and Diego and tells him that he must not act on it. He will not permit anything like that while this project is pending. Just then Mo walks in. What won’t you permit? Burgay covers–he was just telling Diego that he won’t let anything interfere with the project.

Santoro asks Diego if he is afraid of something. or of her? She mentions to Mo that she noticed his pretty girlfriend left. I missed something else here.

Burgay and Mo rehash. Burgay lords it over Mo by reminding him of his superior contribution to the enterprise: Mo says he found Toscano and Diego. Burgay reminds Mo that Mo had offered Diego a terrible salary and Burgay was responsible for getting him on board. Diego is going to be extremely valuable now. Santoro would cut heads if there are no results, but Diego is the perfect distraction (he actually said sedante, or sedative). He buys us time. He’s worth his weight in gold.

Azul is complaining to Ceci and Arnaldo about Mo. She can’t believe the way all the men were kneeling before the odious Santoro just because she’s beautiful (?). Ceci asks why she’s so angry. She seems to say that she was hit in the liver (I guess in the gut), when she saw Diego. So she’s jealous. Yes a little. Diego is the problem, they all say. Just when she was going to call off the wedding, she’s now seeing that Diego seems to be running off with yet another woman. (what a pair!).

Now they change the subject and discuss Arnaldo’s meeting with BF. Azul asks if he’s going back with him, and Arnaldo isn’t sure. They quickly change the topic back to Azul and Diego. Ceci recommends enjoying pizza and a DVD to forget.

Meanwhile, Diego takes Dragon Lady back to her hotel. She asks him in, and he coyly demurs. She tells him not to be stupid–she’s not going to do anything. Do you think I’m going to put on a see through robe and go in the hot tub? No, just come in. He looks both ways behind him in the hall and then ducks in quickly. End of show!

(BTW, I am not recording the coming attraction scenes because the recording has to be set to run over by five minutes. I don't like to do that because it then interferes with recording other shows that start at 9 PM. So I will not be able to report on each day's coming scenes.)


Amar #29 Monday 8/27/07 Part I Who is the new dragon lady?

We open with a reprise of the long scene from Friday in which Diego and Silvana break up. I refer you to Chris's excellent recap for that.

Here is the first half of the show. I have to go to a meeting and will post the rest a bit later.

Burgay is talking to some other gangster honcho. The honcho (does anyone know his name?) wants results! Toscano is working hard and is very proud. If there are no results, they should stop supporting Mo. Burgay suggests that a gun to the head would be more effective in making him pay attention (hacer caso). We learn that someone named Santoro is coming.

Diego rehashes the Silvana situation with Isela. She thinks he’s in a wolf trap with his new job. Azul is going to marry her boss and Diego is foolish and impulsive. She gets him to help out in the bar. (is this because Silvana is gone?)

Ines goes over to see GSD. She asks if he had been planning to let her know he wanted out. He is a bit sheepish. He says the passion is gone. Passion, she says. You want passion? She attacks him, and they begin a creepy overaggressive makeout session.

Burgay shows up at the bar where Diego is waiting tables. He jokes that it is funny the head of personnel and PR is waiting tables in his spare time. He jokes that he will wash dishes. He gives Diego an important assignment: he will go to the airport to pick up Santoro and take him to the hotel, etc. He begins flattering Diego. You know, I’m not gay, he says, but you are handsome, agreeable, etc.

They leave. Someone is following in a car. It looks like Andres. Diego goes to talk to Abuelo and that friend of his. Andres seems to be following again.

Honcho calls Mo and tells him Santoro is coming. This strikes fear into Mo’s heart. Why didn’t you tell me before? Well, honcho didn’t know. He is going to talk to GSD to get results.

Mo calls GSD on the intercom. We see GSD working in the Hazmat outfit on a TV screen. He rudely says the equivalent of “whaddya want–can’t you see I’m working?” Mo says he needs results by morning. This view of what scientists can accomplish is ludicrous. Scientists don’t accomplish things faster by working harder. In any event, they don’t discover miracle cures in two days.

Diego is now waiting at the airport with a sign that says Senor Santoro. He asks a guy if he is Senor Santoro. The guy looks blank. We suddenly see a raccoon-eyed blonde dragon lady emerge. She is Santoro! Impactado looks all around. It’s hard to convey just how creepy and unattractive this woman looks. I understand some of you know this actress, but I don’t.

Diego has made a fool of himself. He tries to say that Burgay did not tell him Santoro was a woman. (I did not rewind to see what pronouns Burgay used. Anybody?) Santoro is dismissive. Then they go outside. She doesn’t want to ride in the limo. She wants to ride in the Mustang convertible with Diego.

Azul comes home from work and talks to Ceci. Ceci says her boyfriend is strange. Azul decides she is going to tell Mo tomorrow that the wedding is off. She has to figure out where this thing with Diego is going. She’ll tell Mo after the meeting.


Tonki, Donkey, Sweet Little Doggie

My friend Susan was instrumental in getting me hooked on Telenovelas. She just sent me a picture of herself walking her new doggie. The doggie's name? Tonki The Wonder Dog of course!!
Don't you think that Tonki looks like she's ready to go after any ne'er do wells or mountain lions (no jaguars in California) who happen to get in her way, just like our beloved Tonki from Duelo?
Go get 'em Tonki!!!


Destilando Amor 8/27/07 "Time may change me but I can't trace time"

My DVD recorder..once again failed me…new disc was not formatted…I never had this trouble with a VCR, but my Digital Cable won’t work with my old Analog VCR…so I may be off on the timeline and I may have gaping holes in the story, so feel free to add or correct…but I saw this as mostly a filler episode to move ahead three months.

Pammie’s Ma is talking to her. She tries to convince Pammie to go with her on a trip to Rome. We can see the sights, buy an audience with the Pope, get a priest to cast out the demons so the seizures stop. Okay, Okay I made that part up, living below the mason-dixie line in the heart of the red states, I forget that that medical problems are sometimes treated with scientific measures as opposed to exorcisms. ***Disclaimer, said exorcisms in my area are not performed by ordained Catholic Priests..but tend to be more of a store front experience***

Nancy & Gavi are talking, Nancy relates that Rod has called and asked about Gavi. Gavi will take none of his calls. He is to be Nancy’s problem.

Hilario calls Ma & Pa to tell them the good news; he is a hawt bod and will be a model. Gadzooks, Roman & Ofelia are in no way “Down with this”. They look horrified at the news. You can just see the thought bubble above Roman’s head. I’m sure he is thinking that Hil is about to become the traveling companion of some old rich guy. “No, No, Come back to the Ranch.” Hilario mans up and will seek his fortune in the world of ripped abs & bottled water.

Gavi is at home with Clarita. Clarita fills Gavi in on the fact that Dona Jose’s beloved son, Francisco; “Known to faithful views as Swarmy Frankie”, has married into the sacred Montalvo clan. He didn’t even tell his hardworking, mother. ****Now is it just me or have you wonder why knowing “the damned dirty life ruining Montalvos” like Gavi does, especially little mealy mouthed Sofie, don’t you thinked she’d “Google” images just to check out who’d marry Sofie? But NO of course not***

Gavi tells her mother that Isa showed up at the job today. She told Gavi that the child she is baring is a “product of their fertile love”, versus the “Jizz Whiz”. Clarita with unexpected insightfulness, says, “The Kid ain’t his”. Gavi scoffs. I do not know if Clarita has had a vision, a TeleNovela moment or maybe the vision was of the 52” plasma television she sees herself watching at the hacienda.

Let’s now saunter on over to the ol’ Hacienda, where James & Sofie are sitting on an impossibly small settee. Frankie comes in behind them, “Mi Corazon” says Sofie. My Heart (My Ass) I say to that. Anyway Frankie has been out talking to interesting people. James knowing Frankie has been trying to score with the local chicas; gets up and leaves in understated English showing of displeasure. Frankie then says he just can not support James living at the Hacienda. Sofie says the property belongs to Rod and that is the way he wants it. ***Yes little Jan Brady, is totally loving it, she has the uber slick husband and the constant attention of her ol’ English Sheepdog*** Alas Poor Acacia, who will watch over you, while James is watching over Sofie.

The heavily made-up Cassandra, shows up at the CRT with Hilario in tow. She wants him to be the roomie of Alonso. It seems Alonso’s wife died like four years ago and the apartment is a shrine to her. I am getting further “Aldo LFMB” vibes here as we realize Alonso has been dead in the romance department since his wife’s demise. I am left to wonder, could it have been caffeine posioning? I think not, I believe Opera music and hanging up pastel sport jackets all day, probably just led to the losing the will to live. Hey it happens. I think Hil is supposed to take care of the apartment and maybe hanging out with Alonso will knock some of the dung off Hil’s boots.

Nancy shows Hilario into Alonso’s office. She is muy impacted, by his naivete and charming “Shucks ma’m”, good looks. Hard to believe “Hilario Duke”, slammed the crazy pregnant lady who had just visited the office.

Gavi sees Hil and it is old times all round. Seriously this just goes to show that Mexico City, pop. 20 million is really just like a small town.

In what is to become a parasitic phone relationship, Rod tells Nancy, he is just concerned about Gavi and he is going to Jalisco to see about the Organic Tequila, but will call when he returns. Nancy passes the info on to Gavi, who recalling the words of Isa, vows to have nothing to do with that Rat Bastard Doble Dippin Rod.

Rod makes a trip to Tequila, where there is another fifth grade filmstrip of the distilling of Tequila. Now lets move on to the “Tequila Masters”. They are sampling the new organico Blanco Tequila. Hmmm is it too late for me to find a new career? They have glasses and they swirl it about.
***Seriously this makes me get out my $1.47, doble Tequila shot glass, I found at “Garden Ridge” and pour me a “Sauza Blanco”, if you look at the back label it has a rooster and says “Tequila, Jal”. If you drink enough of it you will buy a Fax machine and sit for hours waiting for Rod to send a message. Ah but I digress***
Anyway, the Tequila drinkers are just all shades of thrilled with the new product. It is clean and clear and has subtle favoring of citus and herbs. Not to mention it is organic, so that means it is really good for you right? The new Tequila is a success.

Now three months pass……………………………………..
Where apparently everyone’s lives go without a problem.
Though it does not tell…I the viewer am left to assume…

Sofie is happy with her new husband Frankie. Frankie is busy nailing the locals by day & grudging nailing Sofie by night. James steadfast and true, has become Sofie’s spiritual lover.

Acacia, well for all we know, she has whacked the entire staff of PsychoCentral and freed all the inmates. They are now making illegal copies of TeleNovelas online and have quite a lucrative business, selling pirated DVD’s and perscriptions drugs, which they order via 1000’s of script pads left by the dead doctors.

And we all thought Gavi was doing well.

Now over to Miami, where Aaron is on the phone with Johnny, seems things generally suck on his end. Minnie comes in and tells Aaron that she is fine and it will be a prime time to conceive. I’m thinking this has more to do with a blood red moon and human sacrifice than hormone shots. Minnie brings up the organic Tequila thing. Aaron is like “Bwwwahhhhh Rod is an idiot all he knows is how to farm Agave” Let’s make an AntiChrist.

Now then, Isa who has been on Rod like white on rice, is shopping with her Ma at HOME DEPOT. It is like watching a Home Depot commercial, the rugs, the paint. At least she has on a normal, taupe maternity top. I guess you only need to wear the belly baring tops in front of people who must constantly be reminded that “Hey Que the Hell, I’m barrin the Varon”.

Rod continues to be Nancy’s best new friend on the phone. Nancy who is now quite the phone buddy must deal with it. So they must be on a first name basis by now and does Rod say things like, “She just totally doesn’t get me, like I totally love her and she just disses me”. Nancy then says, “OMG you are so rightous, I totally don’t get why she doesn’t just like get over herself cause you are an awesome dude”. I think Nancy would vote for Rod for HomeComing King.
He continues calling but Gavi will not take his calls.
****I know, I know, we the viewing audience are left to wonder, why he doesn’t just stroll on over to the CRT & wait outside****

Rod is up at night pacing, Gavi has trouble sleeping. Time keeps on slippin slippin slippin into the future.

Hilario is now quite friendly with Gavi, Ma & Dona Jose..oh the good times.
Gavi is continues her quest for knowledge and attends classes. The word Tequila is written on the board. I mean I think it is classes, maybe it is an AA meeting. No I am sure it is a class, Gavi gives a speech and her classmates cheer her on.

Dani goes in to see Rod at work. He has just been told Gavi is in her three hundredth meeting. Rod is totally stressing cause “Tres Menses” have gone by with out a note in his locker. “Maybe she has forgotten me” or “Maybe she hates me”. Yeah Dude I’d put money on the second one, cause after all the crap you put her through, forgetting is a bit unlikely. Dani always the voice of sense and reason..calms crazy guy down. She is going to see Gavi.

Minnie decides it is time to screw with Isa and gives her a call. Hey she says I think the whole organic Tequila thing is just a ruse for Gavi & Rod to do the organic horizontal Mambo. Isa who had been relatively calm, goes BSC & starts with contractions. Minnie you are the devil.

Next thing Gavi is toiling away in her office. Nancy comes in and says, “Your sister-in-law is here to see you”. Gavi is rightfully confused, what with not being married and being an only child. Dani comes in and introduces herself as Gavi’s sister-in-law, the sister of the idiot named Rod, from the family who has ruined Gavi’s life for years. Gavi is like Isa, is your sister-in-law, no Dani says you are. Rod & Isa have nothing it is you, he has always loved. Once again it is doble Muy Impacteds all round.

Stay tuned tomorrow..
I wish I was recapping that one cause Rod is in a restaurant with Roses…
Gavi is attacked verbally on the street by Isa…
In true Soap Opera form..Gavi is driving Isa to the Hospital to deliver the kid.
I just so wanted to say “The Days of Whine & Roses” okay I couldn’t stop myself.


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