Sunday, September 09, 2007

Amar #38 - What in the world is wrong with Mo?

As mentioned yesterday, the EWWWW factor is very high as Piero and Lidia suck face Emiliooo openmouth bass style. He wants her to come back to work for him so he can suck on her face every day, she says no. They use ‘sensual’ voices (let me put about a million quotes around ‘sensible’ since it didn’t work) and groan at each other. I guess this turns them on. Whoa – she pushes him down on a chair, then pulls down the top of her dress, stopping thisclose to letting her goodies spring free. That was a close one. I was actually expecting to see something there, forgot I was watching basic cable. Good thing I guess, Piero might have been in even MORE trouble than he already is. Wifey walks in and catches them and goes apeshit, trying to kill Lidia with her bare hands. She then swears to Piero that he’ll regret being born, he will give her a divorce and she’ll take every penny, as well as make sure he never sees his daughter again. Piero says she can’t do that, she says she will. “Te vas a arrepentir, Piero!” she swears as she leaves the room. That and “Vas a pagar MUY caro” are staples in this situation, we’ve heard them both many times before. Someone is always going to regret/pay. In this case, I believe wifey, Piero is screwed. And this time not the way he wanted. After she leaves, he actually has the nerve to be pissed off. You reap what you sow, dumbass.

Diego goes to the billar to confront Isela. She says she isn’t proud of what she did, but shit happens. She said she was in love with Manuel. He reproaches her for doing this to his mother, who is the saintliest woman in the world. Isela begs forgiveness, Diego says he can’t and leaves. Morticia wants to know what happened, Isela tells her the whole story. What a bunch of gossips on this show, they even gossip about themselves. She tells Morticia that Manuel pursued her vigorously back when it all happened. She eventually went back with Anibal but her feelings never totally went away. Isela feels bad for failing Diego this way. Morticia says she should go talk to Diego and explain herself, he’s sure to understand and forgive. Sure.

Lidia is having a tantrum in her room, Clemencia comes in and sees the claw marks on her neck from the fight and starts to freak out. All she says is “It’s my fault” and Clemencia is apparently a mind reader, since she immediately says “His wife caught you together.” Lidia starts to whine, her mother tells her tough noogies, it’s your own fault, and what the hell were you thinking? Clemencia really reads her the riot act, she’s coming at it as the wronged wife in her own little drama so she really has a full head of steam. She asks Lidia, what if you were the wife and found your husband with some slut? Lidia proudly says that it wouldn’t happen to her, Clemencia tells her that EVERYONE says that, but it happens! Clemencia is really railing now. Lidia figures it out, I thought she was too dumb, but Clemencia immediately confesses the whole thing. Nobody on this show believes in minding their own business.

GSD takes a phone call from Mo. Mo apparently orders him to take two days off. I’ve never seen anyone less excited to have time off. Oh, and he’s smoking. “GSD smokes” is up there with “Angel coughs.” GSD immediately calls Emilia and invites her over for dinner, he will do the cooking himself.

Lidia wants to know who the woman is that Manuel cheated with. Wait wait wait wait let me understand this – she herself is the ‘other woman’ in her own affair, but when she hears of someone else doing the same thing, she gets all indignant and wants to confront her? Sorry Lidia, it doesn’t work that way. You are a homewrecker, you and the other homewreckers are peas in a pod, you don’t get to pretend you are any better just because you chose to believe your lover’s wife was a bad woman or whatever other lies he told you just to get some. Tramp. Anyway, Clemencia won’t tell her. Smart move. Lidia says she isn’t going to go see Piero again, she has seen the other side of the story. Clemencia sweet talks her with stories of her finding her own man. Don’t any of you remember, she HAD one, his name was Paco? Paco who disappeared and you have all already forgotten about him except every once in a while? Poor Paco, no respect, even in death.

Leo tries to help Mo feel better, he’s rubbing a hole in his temples. Leo blathers on about wanting things to be like the old days, Mo says it won’t happen. She asks why doesn’t he let Azul go, she doesn’t want to be here anyway. He starts getting mad, she backs down. She says she’ll do whatever Mo wants. The phone rings, Piero is at the front door, Mo says let him in. Mo tells her to forget about Andres and think about him, he needs her help and for her to be his right arm. That’s all well and good, but can she kill people and tuck shirts in with the same skill Andres has displayed? She says she will do as he says, not to worry. Piero enters and introduces himself to Leo, he enters and she leaves. Piero tells Mo about getting busted. He’s worried, everything is in his wife’s name. He wants to know when he can start Mo’s building project, so he can earn some money. Mo says it’s on hold. Piero goes to leave, but Mo says there is something he (Mo) can do to help him, that will help Mo too. Piero says whatever you want.

Diego shows up at Azul’s apartment, he wanted to know why she didn’t go to work. She was working on her thesis, she catches him up on her status. He asks if she fought with mo, she asks about Eva. He says she went to New York, Azul says “oh, for good?” Diego laughs and says no, she (Azul) would like that, but no. She says “oh I would like that? Why do you think that?” She refers to Diego as her friend, he says he isn’t her friend. He lets her hair down for her and says he likes her look better that way. He starts moving in on her, she says he can’t just show up at her house and… he says “make love? Why not?” Cripes this guy has balls. Speaking of, I would expect that most women would deliver a knee to said balls right about now, this borders on assault. She steps back and tells him no.

Emilia arrives in a turquoise dress that is actually less form-fitting and hoochie than her ‘work’ clothes. GSD is of course totally into it and gives her a rose. He doesn’t let her very far into the room before making out with her. Now I swear I was thinking before this next line that she must gag when he’s that close, what with how much he smokes and all. He must stink like the floor of a tavern. I can smell a heavy smoker from about 20 feet away, this guy is a HEAVY smoker and she’s right up in his personal space, gag. So anyway I was thinking that when Emilia says “mmm you smell great.” What? He starts on about some cologne he hasn’t worn in years. Is it ‘eau de butt’? She is impressed with his place and how he set such a nice table, etc. He rants on about the dinner he made. The stare at each other like teens, it’s gross.

Azul tells Diego that she’s tired of him playing with her like this. He explodes. “ME playing with YOU?” If I had time I’d put in a little video clip right here of Judge Smails saying “YOU HOO HOO” from Caddyshack, but I don’t have time (It was when Rodney Dangerfield says “the only reason I’m here is because I might buy this dump” to which Ted Knight, in his best role ever, says “Buy? BUSHWOOD? YOU HOO HOO? It’s awesome, I hope at least some of you can visualize it. But I digress.). I paused the DVR right when Diego’s face is bright red and he’s in mid gesticulation. I wish I had a screen grab of it. I need to work in my technology integration if I’m going to do this right, don’t I? Diego says it is her indecision with Mo that has caused the problems. Why does she keep with him if she doesn’t love him? She asks how does he know she doesn’t love him, he says she told him! He starts on about how they love each other and they shouldn’t be apart, etc etc. Lots of heavy breathing. Diego tells her that she is the love of his life and the theme music starts playing. They make out, he carries her to her bed. I’m no TV-kissing expert, but it looks to me like the actor who plays Diego is just playing to the camera and not actually trying to kiss. In bed they confess their love to each other AGAIN. I’m sure it will last until about five minutes after he finishes up. Then they’ll get in a fight or something. So obviously now they are getting busy, we head to commercial.

After commercial, we’re still in the apartment, Ceci is coming home with Andres. Ceci goes to the room to check if Azul is home. Ceci tells Andres that Azul is totally asleep, better if he goes. He says fine, he’ll call her tomorrow. Much kissing. Just then Diego the idiot walks out of the room, putting his shirt on. I guess he was in the bathroom and didn’t hear them come in, but he made no effort to hide. Ceci says “oops we didn’t know..” and Andres finishes “but we suspected.” Diego says he knows he didn’t have a good relationship with Andres (understatement of the year) and begs him to not say anything to Mo or anyone else. Then Azul walks out wrapped in a sheet. She begs Andres also, he says ok. Diego thanks him. Andres the snake then offers condolences to Diego about Abuelo. Ceci rushes Andres out the door. Diego and Azul hope Andres doesn’t say anything, but then say that they need to tell everyone themselves that they are together. Diego suggest tacos, they are both hungry. Diego asks why she’s hungry, was she exercising? Ha ha oh Diego you card.

Suddenly they are dressed and at a restaurant, talking about how wonderful it all was. I’m sure they’ll change their tune when Leo comes back and wants Diego to put out, or when Mo’s face turns a whole new shade of purple (instead of its usual red) when hearing the news. They decide to talk to Mo soon. At least he understands that they’ll both have to quit their jobs. They decide to look for jobs. They sweet talk, barf. She says first thing in the morning she’ll go to Mo and tell him everything. He says he’ll talk to Burgay and Eva, but Eva is gone another week. She says he could talk to Burgay now, but Diego doesn’t want to, Burgay will tell Eva, Diego would rather tell her personally. Ah – here comes the fight I predicted. Diego says Eva was so good to him, Azul bristles and says “oh yeah she’s so great.” Diego immediately goes into defensive mode and sweet talks her some more. They start making out right in the middle of the taco stand. They play the “I love you” “I love you MORE” game. Double barf.

Mo wakes up screaming for Leonarda, he’s having some kind of health issue, he tells her to call the doctor. Maybe he’ll just die and save a bunch of people a bunch of trouble.

Azul is up, Ceci wakes up and wants to know why. She can’t sleep, she’s all emotional. Ceci wants all the details of her night of passion, but first, what is she going to do with Mo? Azul says she’s going to break up with him and quit. Just like that? Yes. Ceci says they have fought twenty times, Azul says this time she is in love, blah blah blah. Ceci says fine, fine whatever. She’s being sensible, asking what Azul is going to do? Where is she going to live? Azul won’t be dissuaded, because she is in loooooove.

The love theme plays while we see Diego go and look for work at every Men’s Wearhouse in Mexico. He keeps getting turned down. He’s still driving the Mustang, I guess he isn’t ready to renounce it all just yet.

Azul enters Mo’s house to find Leo bringing a suitcase downstairs, she says it’s for Mo, who has to take an urgent business trip. Azul says she needs to speak with him, also urgently. He comes down just then. He looks horrible, but denies being sick. Azul wants to tell him something important, but he says he doesn’t have time and just walks past her and out. I guess somebody said he was going to Houston, because Azul asks Leo what he has to do there. Leo haughtily says she doesn’t know, she doesn’t have the right to ask about his business. So here’s what I think – he has some mysterious disease that he gets treated by some doctor in Houston and he never told Azul about it. Perhaps this rare disease is what he is also having GSD try and find a cure for. What I don’t know is how Burgay and Eva are so interested in the cure to the same thing. Unless it’s AIDS or something like that, but GSD would surely have recognized the HIV virus if he’s so awesome as Emilia keeps telling him he is. Leo also lies to Azul, telling her that Mo isn’t sick. Azul tells Leo that she doesn’t think she’ll be coming back here to work, and says goodbye. Leo smiles at this news.

Diego poses next to his fly car while he calls Perla on his cell phone. He asks for Don Chucho. He asks DC if he can come back to work at the store. DC agrees to meet apparently, Diego says he’ll see him soon. As soon as he hangs up Abuelo’s Buddy calls and wants Diego to visit. Diego says he has to talk to Chucho, Buddy says to bring him over too. Diego says he’ll see what he can do.

Azul puts a huge hug on Emilia, who wants to know what she’s so happy about. Emilia must be turning over a new leaf, she is wearing a skirt and top today rather than her usual hoochie pants. Azul says she’s in love, Emilia thinks it’s Mo, but Azul says no, with Diego. Emilia doesn’t look so approving, so she has Azul sit down and explain everything. Azul tells her a very short version of the story. Emilia wants to know if she spoke with Mo yet, no he’s in Houston. Emilia turns into Ceci v2.0 – “where are you going to work?” Emilia doesn’t seem at all pleased with her answers, she tells Azul that it isn’t so easy to find work. Emilia asks if Azul knows who Morticia is, Azul says yes, she lost her son in the accident. Emilia says she shouldn’t tell her this, but… did she know that Morticia was the girlfriend of Diego? What a bitch. What does that have to do with anything? Anyway, predictably, Azul is impactada.

Don Chucho tells Diego that the guy they hired to replace him doesn’t sell as well as Diego did, but at least he’s there and not out on the street all the time. BURN! Diego says he has been looking for work, but there isn’t any, it has been redificil (there’s that re- prefix again). DC wants to know why he’s looking for work. Diego tells him that he’s boinking the boss’s girlfriend so they both have to quit. DC wants to know if he’s really sure he wants to throw everything away for a woman? Diego says he’s sure, with all the certainty of a 15 year old girl who is certain that her high school boyfriend will one day be her husband. That is to say, TOTAL certainty. Blissful ignorance. DC preaches caution. They are interrupted by Buddy, who greets them excitedly. DC says all that is missing is Abuelo. They are all sad.

Azul wants to know more but Emilia says she can’t say more since Morticia is her patient. Azul wants to know, then, why did she say anything at all? (I agree) Emilia says because Azul is her friend. She says Azul needs to know everything to make the right decision. Azul isn’t pleased and Emilia tries to act like she’s her mother. I can’t take Emilia seriously after the way she threw herself at GSD. I guess she has the right to throw herself wherever she wants, but jeez.

Diego finds a listing in the paper for someone with experience in public relations, excellent salary. Buddy and DC are excited for him.

Diego is suddenly at the place handing over his resume and interviewing. The interviewer compliments him and asks if he is experienced. Diego says yes and hands over Burgay’s card as a reference. He is bluffing his way through the interview, giving vague answers when the guy wants to know what kind of business it was. Finally, when he asks what his tasks are, he can answer saying that he is attending an important executive. The guy asks how much he made, Diego says $400k pesos. Why would he want to leave that? Personal reasons. The guy hands the card back and says they won’t waste any more time. He tells Diego to go get a haircut or something, this must be some dicho I’m not familiar with. He’s telling him to take a hike.

Diego retreats to the billar and greets Flava Flav. He asks for Isela, she’s not around. He tells Flav what’s going on with Azul. Flav can’t believe he’d quit that rich job. Is it common in Mexico to announce to the world how much money you make? Everyone seems to know. Flav tells him to think about it a little more. He says the interviewer he just saw asked him strange questions that he didn’t know how to answer. Yeah, strange questions like “what does your company do” and “what do you do there.” VERY strange. Flav sensibly tells him to wait a bit, see if he can find some other work. Diego says, like a five year old, NO, he wants to do it NOW, start a life with Azul right NOW. Flav says yeah, but being poor? Flav reminds him that Azul’s family isn’t so poor. Diego doesn’t know what to do, he’ll just die apart from Azul. He’ll just DIE. Boo hoo.

Discussion topic – what is wrong with Mo?

Monday – Diego yells up at Azul’s window that he’s poor but he loves her. Then, Eva calls him in the middle of the night to hassle him. Non-stop action.


Acorralada #166 9-7-07 Friday Look Out Marshmallow ~ Dimwit is Coming For Your Man!!!!

I'm thinking Marfil is telling Marfil she can't live with Mucks, Marshmallow, and Marshmallow's Godmum at Octopus' house. Is Pedro wanting her to move in with him but she's worried about her reputation? I've replayed this scene four times and I'm still not sure.

Mucks and Marshmallow are getting ready to move; Godmum is sitting on the sofa. Mucks announces he forgot something and leaves the room. After he leaves, Godmum tells Marshmallow that Dimwit called Mucks. Mucks walks in at the tail end of the conversation and wants to know who called.

Camila is getting ready to move out of Iggy's former apartment. Marfil and Pedro are there; it appears Mucks must have given the apartment to Marfil. Camila asks Marfil to retrieve a purse she left in the bedroom. After Marfil is gone, Camila asks Pedro if he's truly in love with that viper, Marfil.

Pasta is trying to get the police lieutenant to arrest Marfil. Pasta is convinced Marfil killed Princess Fi. The lieutenant believes it as well, but tells Pasta it appears Marfil has committed the perfect crime, since they can't find a body. Not to worry, sooner or later the truth will come out.

Camila tells Pedro that Marfil is only after his money. Pedro seems surprised at this bit of news. Marfil returns with Camila's purse and Camila tells her to enjoy her new apartment. After Camila leaves, Marfil asks Pedro if Camila was telling him lies while she was in the bedroom. Pedro says, "Of course not!"

Godmum tells Mucks it was a wrong number. She wants to know when they're leaving. "After Pedro arrives," replies Mucks.

Octopus is not happy about Mucks marrying a "simple secretary" and having them all move into Lunkhead's house along with Marshmallow's blind Godmum. Yolanda wants no part of the plan. Octopus points out that suddenly Yolanda appears to have grown a spine. Yolanda walks out and threatens to go to the police. Octopus calls her a cretin.

Emili-Oh, Caramel, Gaby, and Fidiota are all hanging out in Fidiota's office at Perfumes 'R Us. They are so glad that Fidiota finally fired ChewKey. They are discussing this happy turn of events when Dimwit arrives. Emili-Oh wants to know how her doctor appointment went. They all comment how pale she looks. Fidiota, too self-absorbed with planning a lunch to celebrate ChewKey's demise, also comments that Dimwit looks pale and needs to eat. She goes to call Nancy to prepare a fancy lunch. Meanwhile, Dimwit clutches her stomach and thought bubbles, "If only they knew I was pregnant with my second child. Mucks' child!"

Sylvie is washing the floor while Jorge is lounging on the sofa. He says she's boring. He suggests taking off her clothes and starts whispering something in her ear. Sylvie is aghast! "What kind of woman do you think I am? I'm saving myself for marriage!" She tells him to get out. She then tells the camera after what happened with Puncho, she wants to save herself for marriage. The doorbell rings and she thinks it's Jorge coming back. She gets the bucket of water ready and tells the person to come in. She hurls the bucket of water and it's none other that Camila, who is now soaked head to toe! Camila says, in essence, "QtH?" Of course, when you pause the shot, you realize Camila enters the room with her eyes closed before the water even leaves the bucket.

ChewKey is on the beach whining to KickMe (who is doing push-ups) about getting fired from Perfumes 'R Us. KickMe thinks it's funny. ChewKey doesn’t. She then goes on to gloat that Lunkhead is in LA making a movie, but when he returns in two weeks, they are going to get married. Gaby won't get to see him and now Lunkhead is all hers. KickMe tells ChewKey, "Seeing is believing." At first ChewKey is irritated, but then she realizes it's time to tell Roddy that Fidiota fired her like a dog. The thought of stirring the pot cheers her up immensely.

Gaby is crying over Lunkhead and flashing back to their ideal tryst on the island. She misses him so much. Dimwit walks in and changes the subject to her pregnancy with Mucks' second child. Dimwit tells Gaby she called Pedro's house, but Godmum took the call and said to not call again. Gaby asks, "What right does Godmum have to do that?" Dimwit defends Godmum saying Godmum is just protecting Marshmallow. Gaby suggests calling Mucks' cell phone next time. Dimwit is convinced this second child will bring her and Mucks together.

Camila yells at Sylvie and starts berating her, just like old times. Sylvie is upset that Camila is moving in. There goes the neighborhood!

Caramel tells Emili-Oh that Puncho finally has signed the divorce papers. Emili-Oh thinks that great; now they can get married! Caramel gets a serious look on her face and says that depends. Now Emili-Oh gets nervous. . ."It depends on what?" Caramel starts grinning and says, "It depends on whether or not you propose to me!" "Of course I'm going to propose! I love you so much!" says a smitten Emili-Oh. Smiles, hugs, kisses all around!

ChewKey is turning on the waterworks and whining in that nasal pitch of hers that Fidiota fired and humiliated her. Roddy says there's nothing he can do about it. Fidiota can hire and fire whomever she wants. It's her company. He then tells her that he and Fidiota have split. "Don't worry, Papito! You've got me!" says ChewKey. Roddy tells her she's so good.

Pasta is still trying to talk Fidiota into going away with him. He wants the chance to recoup her love. Once again Fidiota strings him along by asking him to give her more time. What kind of game is Fidiota playing? She is such a rude goat! (to quote my husband). Has this woman EVER thought about anyone BUT herself? She sure is irritating!

Gaby tells Dimwit to tell Fidiota that Dimwit is expecting another kid with Mucks.

Yolanda welcomes Mucks, Marshmallow, and Godmum. She says Octopus has a headache and is resting. Godmum, the only straight-forward character in this show, says she knows good and well Octopus has no headache. She just doesn't want them there!

Dimwit breaks the news to Fidiota that she's knocked up again by Mucks. Fidiota isn't happy. Mucks is married! "Yes, but the child was conceived prior to Mucks marrying Marshmallow. Now I'm going to have two kids by the only man I've ever loved; this child will reunite us!" Fidiota points out Dimwit is still married to Diablo. "Diablo doesn't exist in my life!"

Meanwhile, Diablo has a handgun and is using a photo of Dimwit as a target.

Fidiota tells Dimwit the relationship with Mucks is over. "I thought that, but now everything is different."

Puncho appears while Diablo is playing with his gun. Puncho says he's found someone who can get them out of the country. Puncho also admits he's given up on Caramel; Diablo needs to give up on Dimwit. Diablo says if he can't have Dimwit, neither will Mucks!

ChewKey is lounging in Roddy's office when Granny M comes in. ChewKey tries to intimidate Granny M, but Granny M is not backing down this time. Lots of insults are exchanged, with lots of yelling, and ChewKey is grabbing Granny M and trying to hit her. Suddenly Roddy walks in and catches his little angel in the act! Orchestra of Doom.

Marshmallow is walking Godmum alongside the pool and defending Mucks. That picture of Dimwit is an old photo and doesn't mean anything. Of course Godmum doesn't buy it. Mucks shows up in his too-small white bathing suit (I bet it matches his white shoes). Marshmallow says she's going to change and walks away with Godmum while Mucks dives into the pool.

ChewKey tries to say the fight is all Granny M's fault. For the first time, Roddy tells ChewKey that ChewKey has no right to use force to throw anyone out of his office. HA!

Marshmallow enters the pool. She asks Max if he's sure he's never going to regret marrying her. Orchestra of Doom!

Sylvie is all but hysterical; She tells Emili-Oh that Camila has just moved in to Emili-Oh's homeless shelter. Emili-Oh is not happy. First he had to deal with firing crazy ChewKey, now he has to deal with crazy Camila. Sylvie then has a fantasy about ChewKey and Camila in a room with a bunch of cartoon characters painted on the walls. ChewKey and Camila are chanting, "We're not crazy! We're not crazy!" In walks Doctor Sylvie and Doctor Emili-Oh. They call for nurses Gaby and Caramel who put these big screws on ChewKey's and Camila's head. This is supposed to be scene of comic relief, but it's dopey. I was expecting straightjackets, not giant screws sitting on their heads. Even a giant screwdriver tightening the screws ChewKey and Camila have loose in their heads would make sense. I don't get it.

Roddy wants Granny M to explain, but Granny M asks what's the point? She leaves and ChewKey plays the victim card. "Everyone is out to get me!" feigns ChewKey. Roddy seems to be convinced ChewKey is right.

Marshmallow is begging Mucks to be honest with her about Dimwit. She doesn't mind the fact Mucks has a history with Dimwit, she just doesn't want him lying about it. Mucks lies that he wants to get back with Dimwit and changes the subject. Marshmallow is really trying my patience. She knows Mucks doesn't love her, but she keeps needling him about it. I want to slap her and tell her to wake up! Move on! He's just not that into you!

The lieutenant is questioning Octopus about the whereabouts of Iggy and Diablo. She refers to the police being incompetent. The lieutenant assures her that sooner or later, all criminals are caught. Even when it comes to old cases like Licencio Reynosa! Octopus gloats after the lieutenant leaves that no one will ever prove she killed Reynosa.

Marfil comes to visit Dimwit at Psycho Mansion. Pedro is her good friend and told her Marshmallow is planning to have Mucks' kid. Dimwit is impactada. Fidiota appears and tells Marfil to leave. Marfil gloats some more and leaves, as Dimwit is obviously impactada. After Marfil is gone, Dimwit tells Fidiota that Mucks and Marshmallow want to have a kid. Pobre de Dimwit.

The lieutenant is talking to Yolanda and Mucks about one of the various crimes on this show. I can't tell which one.

Fidiota is trying to cheer Dimwit up. How does Dimwit know Marfil isn't just lying in order to get a rise out of Dimwit? If it's true, however, Marshmallow would be in a better bargaining position; especially if Marshmallow's pregnant!

Sylvie is talking to Gaby. She's got to find a way to get Fidiota and Roddy back together. Suddenly she has a great idea, despite Gaby's protests. Sylvie runs out of the room excited!

More of Dimwit whining about Mucks. Someone, please shoot me!

ChewKey is impressed with herself for continuing to pull the wool over Roddy's eyes. She needs to share her success with KickMe!

Fidiota thinks Dimwit should tell Mucks the truth, even if Mucks plans on knocking up Marshmallow.

ChewKey is telling KickMe how good a job she's doing at being a sea hag to all the women on the show. This seems to please KickMe. He loves how bad she is!

Granny M and Fidiota are talking. Fidiota tells Granny M Dimwit is pregnant again and Dimwit wants Mucks back. They seem to think it's OK to go after Mucks since he doesn't really love Marshmallow. The fact this could hurt Marshmallow is lost on them. Granny M tells Fidiota about the run-in with ChewKey at Roddy's office. Fidiota tells Granny M to quit trying to get Roddy and her (Fidiota) back together. It's not going to happen.

Puncho returns to the hideout looking for Diablo. Where has Diablo gone?

Dimwit calls Pedro looking for Mucks. Pedro tells Dimwit Mucks moved in with Octopus. Dimwit asks Pedro to not say a word to Marshmallow about her calling.

Diablo is following Dimwit's SUV. Uh Oh; looks like trouble!

Gaby is staring at Lunkhead's picture and flashing back to her first time with him. He was her first and made her a woman. Their love theme plays.

Dimwit leaves a message on Mucks's cell phone. She wants him to call her back ASAP; it's important. She'll be waiting for his call at the mall. She walks in and Diablo is in hot pursuit. Diablo is wearing his best Indiana Pacer's baseball cap. Dimwit obliviously gets on an elevator and Diablo follows her in. When the door closes, he pulls a gun on her.

Credits roll.


Acorralada #165 Thursday 9/6/07--Chucky gets carried away--or the second funniest episode ever

Diana has a heart-to-heart talk with Fedora. It's now time for her to have some happiness for once. Even though Marcela is a nice girl, she owes it to herself and Maxito to get Papa back.

Isabel--yes, it was indeed Isabel we saw last week as a homeless woman--is scavenging at a dumpster. She is completely filthy and is wearing hideous fake teeth. She certainly hit the skids quickly. Iggy comes along looking for a place to hide. They recognize each other and commiserate at how far they've fallen. Isabel apparently has been released from prison (isn't it a little fast? This time she was paying for the crime of poisoning Diana, right?) and has no family and of course no nursing license. She offers Iggy a place to stay in her abandoned shack. (She seems to have found some squatter's quarters.) She cackles a lot and reveals her hideous teeth. At least she has teeth--unlike Pedro.

Diego is driving around looking for a place to hide. The phone rings, and it's Pancholon calling from the warehouse with the big fan. Good thing he called says Diego--he needs a place to hide. Didn't he already know where Pancho was? Duh.

Granny M and Lala lament more about the miscreant Suarez sons. But Lala doesn't have the heart to turn them in. Both sons are fugitives (profugos).

Max is in bed with Marcela again. She is babbling about having a baby. His mind is wandering to Dimwit again.

Fedora, Gaby, Diana, and Nancy discuss Diego. He used to be so nice, but then he changed. Even Nancy now admits she no longer loves him--not since Fedora threw him out of the house. Well, at least we know how that storyline resolves. I hope they find someone for her.

Diego is at the warehouse. Pancho says he should have killed Iggy. Diego wants to know if they are completely safe. Sure, Pancho says. He has Gaviota wrapped around his little finger. She's going to finance their escape to a new life. Diego doesn't want any part of it--not while Diana would be free to marry that "imbecil Irascible." Say it again, "imbecil Irascible." Remember, when Diego speaks, those two words always go together.
Pancho counsels him to forget Dimwit, but Iago--I mean Diego--wants her dead.

Gaby and Diana discuss Diana's poor appetite. Nancy's fried chicken made her sick. All food repulses her right now. Uh-oh. She is going to get fresh air.

Marfil and Camila plot about how Marfil will get Pedro and his money. Even Camila is surprised at this caper, but Marfil says she must throw scruples out the window when this much money is at stake. New vocab for Pedro: vejestorio--or very old person, dodderer.

Max tells Pedro that Marcela wants a baby. Pedro tells him to get her pregnant. Max says they are leaving for the other house as Marcela deserves to be happy.

Diana goes to the doctor for blood tests.

Fedora goes to her office, and Roddy is there trying to make up. This effort fails again, owing to his failure to see his daughter for the devil-doll that she is.

Caramelo goes to see Pancho at the warehouse to sign divorce papers. They have a bittersweet farewell. She says they are through. After she leaves, Diego asks how Pancho could have signed. Diego will never give Diana a divorce, never! Pancho, showing surprising wisdom, explains that he and Diego are different--Diego hates Diana but Pancho loves Caramelo, and he wants her to be happy, so he is willing to give her up. (There's another difference, too, I think--although Pancho started out as the bad brother, I think he has never killed anyone in cold blood, unlike Diego.)

Marcela now asks Max why she found a picture of Diana among his clothes (I guess she was packing for the move.) Max says that even though she is his wife, he doesn't want her searching his clothes.

The doctor gives Diana the results of her blood tests in the middle of the hospital corridor in front of the nurse's station. He says all her results are normal--but there's one thing he doesn't know how to tell her--she is pregnant. She confirms she suspected it. Is Max the father again? Didn't he just marry another woman? Yes. She asks him not to tell anyone. He promises to keep her confidence (except for having blabbed in front of the entire staff).

Emilio counsels Fedora not to lose Roddy because of pride.

Diana calls Gaby to tell her she's pregnant. Yes, it's from the one time Max forced her. Gee, Gaby says, you must be the most fertile girl in the world. Diana is joyous about the baby. No she wouldn't have an abortion. Diana asks Gaby not to tell Fedora the good news.

Now Gaby drifts into a reverie about Larry. How happy they were for a short time. If only he had left her with a baby.

Gaby's reverie is interrupted by the arrival of Chucky, who tells Gaby--the lagartija, or lizard--to leave her desk alone. Again we wonder why Sharon hadn't been fired before. Anyway, Gaby tells her the desk is hers again. Fedora comes in and finally fires Sharon's ass. A struggle ensues, and Emilio has to carry her out! But not before she taunts them about having ruined Fedora's marriage and stealing Larry.

Marfil and Pedro flirt. he says he has done nothing but think of her for two days. He sounds like a besotted nicompoop. There's something about his delivery that is fascinating.
She gives a smirky-faced head tilt (different from Dimwit glassy-eyed head tilt, as there is an indication of brain activity).

Diana tries to call Max about the baby, but Godmother intercepts the call. She says she will not permit any calls from Diana to Max. Then when she tries to tell Marcela about it, Max overhears. What call? he asks. Credits roll.


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Destilando Amor, 09/07/07: Are We Having Fun Yet?

The law of the jungle reigns supreme for the Montalvo hyenas at the hearth of Montalveña. You can hear them howling in the dark as Sofia advises Isa not to intercede for Rod's secretary. No reason to dirty her hands with Elvira's useless old carcass since Rod is going to do whatever he wants whether he's being watched or not. As for Isa, she has already thrown her husband's employee to the curb like a wadded up old candy wrapper.

The coldblooded blond b!tch says Elvira is not what's bugging her. (Susie, you and El need to compare notes sometime.) Isa's only thought is that now there's nobody to secretly keep tabs on her husband's every move at the office so Rod gets a "get out of jail free" card now. Whatever he has planned with Mariana Franco, he can go at it full speed ahead and she's powerless to stop him. (Sure El deserves to eat dirt sandwiches the rest of her life, but still, Sofia and Isadora's casual "let 'em eat cake" attitude has got to have Marie Antoinette smiling somewhere from the depths of Hell.......) "Oh, well, whatever happened was going to happen anyway."

So as Elvira worries about where her dirt sandwiches are gonna come from now that Rod has fired her sorry rear, Sofia's thoughts instinctively turn to eating supper, and that once more it's without her Frog Prince. Isa isn't about to share the table with lowly employee, James, and begs off. Sadly, Sofia comments that with Frankie apparently attending another late and important "bidnez meeting", she and James will be dining alone again.

As Isa sits on her patio, Tia Maria in hand, she starts having some very warm thoughts about a bit of hot passion herself with little Ricky's baby-daddy. However, Daddy de la Vega is currently parked on a country road somewhere in Rod's truck, sucking face with some of the other less local talent.

Back in Sin City, Rod is parked outside the front of the CRT building waiting to give Gavi a lift home despite her earlier refusal. When Gavi finally exits the building he sees she's walking and talking with some guy in a suit and gets into his truck with him. Rod suddenly sits up and does a WTF? impactado triple-take when he realizes he just got stood up for Dr. Santoveña. Old habits die hard with Rod. Figuring he's got competition now, he stalks the two of them to Gavi's apartment building and parks a ways off.

In Miami, Aaron is screaming in fits, about to have a stroke because Johnny can't get the bottle manufacturers to get him his specially designed bottles quickly enough to get whatever orders he's got filled. They stand to lose the business. Minnie comes racing in as he hangs up and she asks him what the heck is wrong because they can hear him all the way to the street. She's afraid the neighbors will call the cops to come investigate. He literally is spitting mad and sputters out the problem.

Aaron admits to Minnie the business is failing, but he still plans to go to the CRT affair because he intends to sabotage Rod's new tequila so potential foreign customers will boycott his product. (So, Aaron is not a very nice guy. Who knew?) He gripes at Minnie for sticking her nose in his business affairs. She says she's figuring it is worse than she thought. He insists that before long he'll gain back all the ground he's lost. Minnie warns him that better be the case or he'll lose his dad's trust and Bruno will refuse to give him back the directorship of Montalvo Corporation.

Barbara tells Pamela that she's heard Aaron's business is going under and that's great news. Pam tells Barbara that Aaron is smart enough to get it all turned back around quickly. The only way she'll get him to stop hurting people is to get him behind bars. He's nothing but a tornado that destroys everything in its path. Eventually though the Montalvo's would be badly hurt and embarrassed by his imprisonment, Pam feels they'd come to realize what an evil curse on society he was.

Rod watches Gavi get out of Alonso's truck and go up; but after a few minutes it seems strange that Alonso is sticking around. Rod is anxious to get out and go up to see her himself and gripes that this guy should have enough sense to go home already.

Upstairs Gavi tells Clarita that Rod had asked her out after work earlier because he wanted to talk about their supposed future together, but she had to say no because of Alonso's and her dinner plans. Clarita says not to pout since Gavi agreed to see Rod the next day instead. She wonders if Rod knows about their dinner plans for tonight, and Gavi says no, she didn't tell him about their having dinner with Alonso because Rod sounded sad and disappointed that he had to wait till tomorrow. As they leave the apartment Gavi orders Clarita not to say a word about any of this in front of Alonso.

Outside, Rod cannot stand it any longer. He gets out of his car ready to rumble with his rival, but as soon as he starts to walk across the street Gavi and Clarita come out the front door, and Rod has to race back in to hide till they pull out. He follows them to the restaurant.

In her room back at the hacienda meanwhile, Isa is changing into her little cream and taupe teddy and matching little creme and taupe teddy robe. (Damn! So what's with her and the granny slippers all the time? I mean aren't rich, snooty, selfish, sex kittens like Isadora supposed to be wearing high heeled silky things with rabbit fur or boa feather trim, especially when wearing expensive silk teddies?) She looks at her (granny-slippered) self thoughtfully in the mirror and then tells little Ricky that one day all the Montalvo fortune will be his. “Gaviota may have stolen Rod from me,” she says to herself, “but she's not layin' a finger on that fabulous fortune of his. “

At the restaurant, Alonso, Gavi and Clarita sit down and order a round of tequila. Alonso notices that Gavi is a bit up tight and apologizes for making her feel she had to come just to please her boss. It would make him feel awful if that's the only reason she's there. Gavi lies and says she'll be just fine once she has a shot of tequila to liven her up a bit. So Alonso excuses himself for a minute and leaves.

Clarita takes the opportunity to scold Gavi for being such a sad sack. After all she's going to be seeing Rod the following day. Might as well enjoy the evening with her and Alonso. Gavi agrees but says she feels guilty because she feels like she's cheating on Rod.

Alonso returns and suavely sits down. He toasts them with tequila as a Mariachi band walks up behind him and the band leader announces a song dedicated to ... "Adriana" Franco, and the otherwise romantic moment is lost. Clarita is puzzled. "What's this Adriana?" Mariana quickly covers and explains how Professor Slick usually gets her name wrong and of course, Alonso apologizes again. (You gotta wonder what a ditz, if not a regular saint, his wife must have been to put up with this kind of thing. I mean don't you wonder what name she finally answered to?) The Mariachis start their serenade anyway; and for once the telenovela gods have done us all a favor because this time it's actually something besides "Si Nos Dejen." (If They'd Let Us)

Gavi is smiling awkwardly while Alonso stares, giving her the old hairy eyeball and a once, twice and thrice over. It's obvious she's wondering, along with the rest of us who are all now squirming on our couch cushions, if it could get any more embarrassing after a monumental flub like this from a love-struck, adoring boss and one that Clarita's been fawning all over and dropping hints to the size of Mt. Everest, or in this case, Mt. Popocatepetl. But, the night is young and the party is just starting, so the answer has to be: YES, it can!

Rod decides to follow them into the restaurant. He gets out of the car and leaves the keys in the ignition but tells the valet not to take the car because he's coming right back out.

Inside the restaurant once the serenade is over, Clarita tries coaxing Gavi into singing for everyone and she even has the crowd chanting, "Sing! Sing!" So Gavi gets up and is belting out "Poco a Poco" to Alonso just as Rod walks in. He finds a table at the back of the room and sits down for a bit of skulk and sulk.

Alonso sits there spellbound; Rod is stunned. When the song is over Rod strides over applauding loudly to congratulate her for the great job she did with the song, and it's strap yourselves in, boys, and Katie bar the door as a righteous Rod demands to be introduced to her "date".

Clarita crosses herself and whispers a quick "Jesus, Mary and Joseph!"

"What a pretty song, right, Ladies and Gentleman?" Rod asks the crowd. Applause all 'round. He takes Gavi aside, coal black eyes ablaze and boring into her: "How pretty. It's the first time I've heard you sing it so prettily, so inspired!" "--Rodrigo! What are you doing here?" "--I came to see you. Why don't you introduce me to your little friend?" She stammers back, "I-I-I am here with my boss, Dr. Santoveña." "--Well, then," he hisses at her, "introduce me to him."

Gavi, who is massively impactada from Rod's unexpected appearance finally introduces him to the 'infamous' Dr. S. "You two met already, at least on the phone, " she says. Alonso's smile is genuine and he exclaims to Rod," Have you ever heard such a pretty song?" The two men shake hands. "Yes, she sings very, very, very, very prettily," Rod answers him, obviously overdoing it for the maximum obnoxious effect.

Alonso overlooks this and graciously invites him to join them at the table. Rod declines, "Very nice of you, but no. I know that you are working tonight." To Gavi: "Isn't that right, Gaviota?" To Alonso: "No. I shouldn't interrupt you. Not while you're enjoying yourselves so much. I ought not to bother you," he says with another exaggerated toothy grin. "Nope, I don't want to rain on your parade."

Alonso who, granted, is pretty disappointingly dull and dorky most of the time, is 100% diplomatic and he politely repeats his invitation. "--Pleeaase, Rodrigo!" says Gavi. Rod puts his hand sarcastically up to his ear: "What? What did you say?" "--Please." " --'Pleeeese'? Oh, wow! How strange to hear those words from your mouth? 'Pleeeease.' How many times I've used those same words with you, but with so little result? 'Pleeeease..... Pleeeeease, Gaviota. I want to see you...... Pleeeease, Gaviota. Let's not go back to Mexico City..... Pleeeease, Gaviota. I need you!'"

Oh, Rod is on a righteous rip now. He looks over at Alonso, who has suddenly realized what a big speck of dirt he's got on his shoe. Rod tells him his story, "Anyway, so I called her today requesting to see her. I told her I wanted to see her tomorrow and I begged and I begged, and I begged. Why? Well, she was so busy, busy, busy, as of today. --Listen, Doc. Oh-h-h, you're a little number, huh!" He smiles a “just between us boys” kind of smile.

"How is it that you set up to work in restaurants? Tell me. Does your itinerary include bars" "--Aw, Young Mr. Rod! Come on!" says Clarita, clearly offended. Gavi is upset now too and starts in, "Ingeniero, I don't have to give you any explanations! Dr. Santoveña kindly invited us to dinner after work tonight." "--I'm not asking for explanations. I know that you have other "priorities" than to be listening to this imbecile talk to you about his future plans, particularly when you're having such an enjoyable time with your boss, right?"

Clarita tries to steer him in a different direction. "Young Mr. Rod, wouldn't you like to have a drink of tequila with us?" "--What a great idea!” He smiles broadly now at Clarita. ”Speaking of tequila, let me take advantage of this little trip to congratulate you on having finally found the ideal husband for your daughter!" Rod grabs Clarita and gives her a big bear hug. "--and what a touching picture." He makes another big, goofy grin. "What a pretty family! What a nice looking picture you make!"

Alonso speaks up now. "Ingeniero, it seems you're upset, but over something totally mistaken." "--Doesn't seem so to me. Listen. Let me tell you something you don't know. I've known this woman for 3 years, 5 months and 16 days, and loved her intensely, but of course, I imagine she hasn't had sufficient time to tell you about that little detail, has she?" Gavi is embarrassed at this. "'--Rodrigo! I am not used to discussing the intimate details of my life with anyone!" "--Of course not, and leastwise with your boss,” he replies. “How could you think of such a thing? No, siree! How are you supposed to chat with him about how you used to be in love? We left that evil thing in the past and now we meet Mariana Franco, a woman free of resentments and free of romantic ties." "--Rodrigo, I didn't do it because of that," she starts to explain. "--No? I know that."

Rod directs himself to Alonso again. "Doctor, excuse me because it pains me that you must find out about your new assistant's past this way; but I can assure you that it is really quite over and I guarantee it. Not because I found you all here tonight. No. It began the day she began working for you!" "She won't answer my calls. She relegates my business requests to the receptionist. In summary, I am a second-rate memory for her."

Gavi tries to stop him again. "--Rodrigo, for God's sake!" "--For God's sake? No, I didn't of course, lose hope. I called her today, requesting of her, begging her to see her today in order to talk to her about really significant things about our future. Clearly, though, she had more important things to do." (Are we all experiencing a clash of cultures moment here? Because this seems so presumptuous of our righteous, wretched, Rod who conveniently forgets one glaring detail: that he is still married while both Gavi and Alonso are single! Oh well, why confound things anymore than they are.)

Alonso, embarrassed and sorry for the trouble he's caused, apologizes sincerely for inviting Clarita without knowing that he and she had planned something else beforehand. Rod ignores him. "I've already told you I met her a long time ago. That song she dedicated to you tonight, she has dedicated to me many times. Only, I never heard it sung prettier than it was tonight. What's more, I have a taped cassette which she signed in her own handwriting, 'Songs for My Rodrigo'. It is very good; I recommend it to you. Every time I put it on I can't stop listening to it. Perhaps you'll be lucky and she'll record one just exactly like it for you. Only, it should say 'Songs for My Alonso.' Only you must put your last name on it because you can be certain there many Alonso's in the world and you don't know which Alonso might be going to show up around here."

"--Rodrigo, enough!" Gavi yells. He snaps angrily back at her and glares. "Enough already! I'll say!" He then abruptly excuses himself to Alonso for ruining their party. "I'm sorry to have interrupted such a pleasant affair; and I know you've offered to lend me your help with launching my tequila, but don't strain yourself." He then stares angrily at Gavi and tells her she will never ever hear from him again. He doesn't ever want to hear from her again, either. With that he scores his perfect 10 and walks away.

Furious and totally spent, Rod makes a dramatic, silky smooth exit from the restaurant and walks out to his car. Gavi is mortified and breaks down in tears. Alonso, definitely seeing himself once more the ignominious dolt, does the only thing it seems he ever can when it comes to problems with Rodrigo Montalvo: he hands her his handkerchief.

Rod comes out of the restaurant and as he heads for his car he sees his door is locked with the keys still in the ignition. So much for dramatic exits. "Damnation!!" No dramatic drive away into the sunset after that fabulous exit of his now. "Damn it all!" He probably imagines himself, knowing she'll walk out there later on with Dr. Dreamboat and seeing what a goober he really is, having left those keys in the car like that. "I don't want to see her now. I don't want to see her. I can't see her."

Alonso suggests Gavi go outside to clear up things between the two of them and after a moment or two of hesitation she does. She finds Rod by the car. He's still yelling at himself about her finding him there. She gets his attention and he tells her they have nothing more to talk about. She thinks differently and grabs him by the arm. (Now comes the gripe fest we've all been waiting for......) "Listen to me! What was that ridiculous stunt you pulled in there?" He screams at her and paces away, "--Ridiculous stunt? Worse! I'm am imbecile." She turns to look at him. "--No, the only imbecile here is me for suffering over you the last three years!" "--Well your martyrdom is ended. Go back in to your little boss man or he might think you're cheating on him with me. Or what? Did you tell him you went to the bathroom?"

"For your information, it was he who sent me out here to check on you. He is worried." Rod is still agitated as heck and keeps pacing in front of his car. "--Oh, look at how you follow orders! Just what else does he want you to ask me?" "--Hey!” She grabs him again. "I'm not letting you get off after that scandal you made in there, spitting out whatever foolishness happened to occur to you!" She grabs his face. "Look me in the face and prove those things you said! You're not going to run off again. You prove them. Where's your proof?" He stops and looks at her then starts pacing again.

"Ever since you joined his department at the CRT Rodrigo Montalvo was dead to you! You took advantage of the fact that I couldn't poke around or check up on you in order to get to talk with the guy 24 hours a day. 'How attentive, how nice, what a gentleman, how polite, how cultured, how handsome. What a man!' You even arrange flowers for him and tell him gossip."

Gavi is surprised by this. "So that's what you sent Daniela over for? To spy on me? Well, your sister is more nearsighted than you!" "--I didn't need Daniela for that! Who needs to spy? What I saw tonight was more than enough." She grabs his arm again. "Listen. I'm telling you just once. My mother and he decided on their own without letting me know. You know how lonely it gets for her up in the apartment alone all day. So she called me all excited about dressing up and going out for dinner so I didn't have the heart to tell her no."

Finally Rod stops and seems to understand, "So why didn't you tell me before?" "--Because I had a hunch you'd come in all enraged and try something. And look. That's exactly what happened, and like a squirming, twirling cat no less! Besides, we agreed we'd see each other tomorrow." He feigns grateful surprise. "--Oh, you asked your boss not to work the wee hours into the night so we could see each other?" Rod gets on his knees to thank her and asks to kiss her feet. "--Get up and stop clowning around." After a few more choice comments, Gavi tells him, "Look. Get it into your skull that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, going on between me and my boss."

Rod doesn't want to hear it and yells to the valet for a cab. He's angry at the way she sang to Alonso tonight and imitates her. She claps and says she'll get the Mariachis for him. He says fine as long as he can tape his own cassette of songs and call it 'Songs for My Gaviota." He turns around and tells her she can now return inside to enjoy her evening; not to worry about answering her phone to help him with his tequila because it sure as heck won't be him calling; in fact, he doesn't want any type of contact with her from now on and he's going to be going somewhere far, far away.

The cab arrives. Rod adds he'll send her back the cassette so she will have it to give to whomever shows up. Oh, and he's sure Dr. Santoveña will like her songs. He suggests letting him hear side A, because those are the most sentimental and his favorites. Rod then gets in the cab but locks Gavi out. She screams for him to open the door; Rod refuses and tells the cabby to head out, but Gavi screams through the window to the cabby that if he leaves she swears she'll kill him. That's plenty for the cabby. He opens the door immediately and lets her into the front seat. "Okay. Now you can start her up," she tells the man.

Meanwhile, Clarita tells Alonso, who really is feeling awkward about the gawdawful way things turned out for everyone, that if Gavi hadn't been so in love with Rodrigo things would be different. She fills him in a bit on the love affair that's existed between them for the past three years and all its twists and turns.

At this point in the evening, Dani and Elvis figure Rod and Gavi are reconciled by now and she thinks Elvis should paint a picture about their love story for a wedding present.

Inside the cab Gavi wonders if Rod's going to go after her every time she's out with somebody now. He does what he can to avoid listening but she won't let him. She starts in: “So, don't you have to get home to the little wife?” To the cabby: "If he's the least bit late she'll kill him.” Back to Rod: “So what did you tell her, you liar? That you had a late business meeting? I bet you didn't dare tell her you were really out spying on La Gaviota!" (Finally the home team scores big!) There's some more fighting about getting out and him not running away from her like he always does, then whether the little boss man will be upset at being stood up, who's getting out or not and so on. Rod tells the cabby to start the car again.

Rod insists she was unfaithful to him with Alonso. She insists she wasn't and she isn't "easy." She complains to the cabby about how he's a shameless cad, a married man with a newborn no less, who takes the first chance he gets to escape from his wife to go spying on her, like he did this evening. Rod complains to the cabby about how she lied to him earlier in the afternoon when he called wanting to see her, saying she had too much work and would be going home way too late. He rants on about how he found out the truth by showing up, thinking of romance and wanting to surprise her by taking her home himself; but he was the one who was surprised because she not only got out early, but went out to dinner with her boss. Not only did she go out to dinner with him, but she sang to him!

Gavi snaps back, "Well, even if he weren't second best, at least he's single, like me! Not like you, you shameless cad!" Rod turns to the cabby and complains to him how his intentions were to tell her he was going to separate from his wife so they'd finally be together. She laughs. "Ha! That little story is as old as the "Pyramid del Sol! Again all lies, lies, lies! This is what justifies how you tore me to shreds back there in front of all those people?" “--Know what just occured to me?” he says and he's hopping mad. “I'll get out and you take her back to where you picked her up. Good-bye, Gaviota! Good-bye!! I'm outta here!" He pays the cabby and storms off. Gavi gets out and runs after him calling to him. "Rodrigo! Wait!"

Gavi catches up to Rod a bit further off and he says he doesn't want anything more to do with her. She says fine, but not until he tells her what all it was he'd wanted so badly to tell her before. He says it isn't worth the effort anymore, and besides, she looks a bit ridiculous running after a married man, particularly after complaining in the cab how he harassed her, pestered her, nearly ruined her apparent romance with her little doctor, the bachelor.

"Now I know why you never told him you used to be in love with me. Perhaps it's because it wasn't even true, was it? No, I wont' harass you all anymore. I'm even doubting you now. You won't hear from me again. I swear it!" Gavi stops and comes out swinging again. "--Oh you keep your word, too, don't you. Should I list for you the number of times you swore to me and never came through? We'd be married right now." (Gavi scores again!) Rod looks at her. "--Like I could forget so easily especially since I came to tell you I'm divorcing Isadora and Videgaray is preparing the separation papers right now. Oh, but that's not important anymore." Rod walks on.

Now Gavi stops. She's impressed. "Wait. Wait. Tell me one thing. Have you told your wife?" "--No." "--Aha! The same as last time. Now I get it. Your wife's gone right now. That's the reason for the rush: to see me and avoid a scene with her." He gets flustered again and tries to leave. Gavi stands her ground. "Don't go running away for a cab. I'll just run after you. You started this fuss, now you'll listen to me and you'll just have to put up with it." "--Oh yeah? We'll see." Just then Rod notices a policeman minding his own business nearby and Rod begs him to put him in handcuffs and take him prisoner.

Back at Montalveña, Sofia is sleepy and can't wait up for Frankie. She has to chase Isa out of her room so she can get ready for bed because Isa is lost in her own thoughts. As she walks out with the now half-empty bottle of Tia Maria, Sofia notices how much Isa's drunk and tells Isa not to drink like that; but Isa answers back that she's a big girl now and Sofia needs to mind her own business. Sofia, proving again that wonders never cease, is speechless for once.

The cop, Renato, tells Rod that he cannot handcuff him without a reason. He hasn't committed any crime that the guy lists for him. So, Rod stomps the guy's foot and gets him mad and Renato arrests him for attacking an officer of the law. Gavi doesn't want to let Rod out of her sight and tells Renato he's got to take her to jail too. He refuses for the same reason and so she kicks him in the shin. He cuffs her too and they go off to jail.


Friday, September 07, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #37 Thursday, 9-7-07 - Lust is a Many Splendored Thing!

We start with a repeat of the end of yesterday's episode. I'm going to cheat by cutting and pasting 5Ft's recap, since she seems to understand the exchanges better than me:

Mauricio's office: Leo comes in and offers Mauricio and Eva drinks. She leaves and Eva says Leo's an intelligent woman with one flaw: she's in love. Eva fills in Mauricio about the conversation she had with Leo earlier--except for their deal. Eva says Andres isn't brilliant and he needs to come back to the house where Eva will be watching him. As she goes to leave, Mauricio asks if Diego's waiting for her. She says no, but remember, he's going with me to New York. Mauricio sits at his desk with his forehead in his hand.
IHoP: Anibal says he and Paco fought a lot, but he never wanted anything bad to happen to Paco. He asks if Lidia knows anything and Diego says they had a fight. Isela doesn’t think that's enough reason for Paco to have taken off without saying anything. Isela goes to wait on some customers. Anibal tells Diego the cops have been looking for Paco for a week. Diego asks why Anibal fought with his dad. Anibal says it was over something stupid. Diego calls BS on that. Anibal tells him that he and Manuel dated Isela at the same time: eight years ago, after Anibal's wife (Paco's mom) died. Diego does the math and the numbers don't look good for Manuel. Anibal says he and Isela had a big fight and then Manuel asked her out. Anibal confirms that yes, this all happened while Diego's parents were married. Diego asks Anibal not to call his dad a "desgraciado", but then he agrees, his dad is a "desgraciado." Don't believe your dictionary, he doesn't mean "a disgrace" he means "a cheating bastard." Dramatic music plays as the frame freezes on Diego's disgusted face.

Isela is mad at Anabolic for telling Diego the truth about Isela's and Papa's relationship. "Are you crazy? You're an idiot!"

Meanwhile, Diego is leaving in a huff. Flavor wants to know what's going on. Diego refers to the fight between Papa and Anabolic. Flavor asks Diego, "Didn't you know Anabolic fired Papa from the insurance company?" I'm not sure if Flavor thinks the fight was over Papa getting fired. Whatever it is, Diego is off to get to the bottom of it.

Flavor starts hitting on Morticia and telling her how beautiful she is. He wants to take her dancing. Morticia isn't too sure at first but "tasty" Flavor convinces her. Azul and Diego's love theme plays.

Papa's Palace of Pain: Diego stomps into the house where Papa is reading the paper. Diego asks him how work went. Papa says he got off early. Diego then asks about Anabolic. "He's angry," says Papa. Finally Diego spits out that he talked to Flavor and Flavor says Papa was fired. Papa then asks Diego, why all the questions if he knows the answers. Diego then tells Papa he knows all about the affair with Isela. Papa and Diego get into a fight until Mama walks in and wants to know what all the shouting is about. Diego announces he's moving out and needs to pack. No one tells Mama the true reason for the fight. After Diego storms off, Mama wants to know QtH is going on. Papa says it's nothing. He'd like to take Mama out for dinner. "Did Diego find out about your affair with Isela?" Papa wants to know who told her. Papa then announces he's lost his appetite for dinner and walks out.

Evil Eva the Dominatrix makes Ivan the Terrible check for messages. He tells her only Burgay has called. She then makes ItT call Diego. ItT calls and gets Mama. Mama makes small talk with EEtD while they are waiting for Diego to take the call. EEtD wants to have a drink with Diego. They have a brief conversation about a chauffer, but I don't understand. It really doesn't seem to be a terribly important conversation. Diego agrees to meet EEtD. Mama tries to tell Diego to be careful. EEtD is a very powerful woman and Mama doesn't like what EEtD may be getting Diego into. Diego looks clueless. Mama doesn't want Diego to move out. Diego says he can no longer live with Papa, "But don't worry I'll see you every day."

Azul and Ceci are in their beds watching TV. Azul is mad that Ceci keeps changing the channel. Dang, Azul sure is annoying! Anyway, they discuss Leo and the sway she seems to hold over Mo and Andres. I think Ceci wants Azul to get Leo fired. I also believe there is some crack made alluding to how Azul managed to get Ceci fired. I encourage any of our viewers to fill in anything I may have missed in this scene.

Diego shows up at EEtD's suite. She asks if he's in a bad mood. Diego admits he is, but not with her. He's mad at Papa. Papa is a lying, cheating, ne'er do well who has been a jerk to Mama. Diego says he needs to get a room in a hotel, but EEtD prefers he stay with her. Diego doesn't think that's such a good idea. "When we're in NY, we'll have to share a room," says EEtD. Diego says there's no way he can go to NY. He doesn't have a visa or passport. EEtD says that won't be a problem; she can fix that problem in no time. Finally Diego admits he doesn't want to leave Mama's side in her time of need. "Is that the truth?" asks EEtD. "Yup. What else could it be?" replies Diego. Geez! EEtD relents, gives him a quick kiss, and walks off to take a cold shower.

The next morning Azul tells Mo she's not coming in to work if Ceci can't come with her. She has everything she needs at her apartment. Mo can email her if he needs anything. Mo says it's not his fault that Ceci can't be there; it's EEtD's fault. Azul won't budge, big surprise, and hangs up on Mo. Mo is mad and takes it out on Leo. I couldn't quite catch the exchange.

Diego is diagonally splayed out on the bed. ItT asks EEtD about the plane. She wants more time before she leaves. She then climbs on top of a dozing Diego and asks if he either loves her or wants her just a little bit. He replies he either loves her or wants her a bunch. That seems to satisfy her for now. She says she's going to take a bath and invites him to join her. Although he's half asleep, he seems to think that's a swell idea. It looks like EEtD has worn him out!

Azul is working from home when the doorbell rings. It's Mo trying to make nice. Azul is still mad; he's treating her like a 10-year-old by not letting her best friend visit her. Mo tries to say it's not his fault; it's EEtD's. Their business is very sensitive in nature and they can't run the risk of having a bunch of people in and out. Azul's tired of the secrets and feeling shut out. She finally tells him to leave. She needs time to think about her career. He says he'll call her tomorrow, but she corrects him, "I'll call YOU!"

EEtD is getting ready to leave. Diego offers to take her to the airport, but she says there's no need. She wants him to give something to Mo ASAP. She then says she's going to miss him and wants him to be careful. Blah, blah, blah. She's obviously stalling because she doesn't want to leave her boy toy to his own devices.

Close up shot of Andres tucking his shirt into his pants. Leo, of course, isn't far away. She tries to talk him out of leaving. He's tired of being held prisoner in the Mansion of Madness. He's putting on cologne and Leo is getting frantic. She's losing her hold over him. Lots of inappropriate touching which ratchets up the "Ick Factor." He then refers to her as "Tia" and walks out. She goes over to his cologne and rubs the bottle over her neck with her head tipped back in ecstasy. Finally she says, "He called me Tia!" and throws the bottle across the room and screams. Uh Oh!!!! Trouble in paradise!!!

GCSSD is sitting with a cigarette dangling from his lips. Apparently he can't get into the lab. He orders a sandwich and coffee from one of the housekeepers and is waiting, when Diego shows up. He tells Diego Mo isn't around and GCSSD can't get into his lab unless Mo opens the door. Diego thinks it's odd that GCSSD doesn't have keys to his lab. GCSSD replies he has keys to part of the lab, but not to the part where his things are located. He asks if Diego knows anything about the work, but Diego is clueless. GCSSD says he'll show Diego the area outside the lab, since only Mo can open the door. Suspenseful music plays.

Ceci is seated in a restaurant asking the waiter if they have any job openings. In walks Andres and I'm really wishing I was Ceci. What a pity Andres is such a psycho abuelo-killer. He's even smiling; I wish I could get a close up of those dimples of his! He wants to know what Ceci was saying to the waiter. *** Would you like a cup of paranoia to go with that psychosis? *** Ceci says she really needs a job and was asking if there were any waitress openings. Andres doesn't want her working as a waitress. He alludes to the fact it sucks working for people like Mo. She then mentions that he should quit his job. She tells him how smart he is and could do anything he wants; he should tell Mo to take a hike. He says he can't quit, but after Ceci starts asking questions, he says he doesn't want to talk about it. He says he's not like Mo; Ceci replies "Thank God for that!" They then start kissing. ***SIGH***

GCSSD is showing Diego the monitor that records what goes on in the lab. He works with bacteria, viruses, really cool stuff. Diego is impressed. GCSSD then goes on to say only Mo has the key to that lab. GCSSD points out how MO can watch every action taken by GCSSD. Finally they give up waiting and leave.

EEtD is babbling on and on to Burgay about how pure and wonderful Diego is. She needs Burgay to find him an equally pure and wonderful job that is LEGAL! She doesn't want her little boy toy doing anything that might sully his reputation. He's so smart and honest, etc. etc. Burgay looks at EEtD like she's totally lost it. Yup, she is showing signs of weakness. Burgay says Diego is just a dopey clothing salesman who doesn't know anything about business. EEtD's rambles for awhile until the light bulb goes on over her head. Find him a clothing business to run! If there was any doubt in Burgay's mind, there is no longer. EEtD has officially gone soft! She gives Burgay a big hug in gratitude.

GCSSD has decided to show up and surprise Emilia. She asks if they have a session scheduled, but he replies, "No. I just wanted to visit you. I should have called first but I don't use my cell phone. I can't get into my office and figured I'd come for a visit." Emilia says she has an hour until her first patient. They make small talk about Azul and Azul's thesis until GCSSD interrupts and tells Emilia how beautiful she looks in her turquoise Flashdance outfit. Emilia gets all giddy.

EEtD is still waxing poetic about her Diego. Burgay isn't really keen on the idea of her giving Diego a business to run. She tells Burgay it's not a request; it's an order. Find a clothing business for my Diegito. "Find a store struggling financially and make them an offer they can't refuse. I want this issue resolved by the time I return from NY." Burgay is skeptical, but what the hey. Whatever EEtD wants; EEtD gets!

GCSSD is still hitting on Emilia. He says how cool it is that he gets to work with deadly microorganisms and try to find antidotes. She seems to be impressed. Finally he says he doesn't want to talk about work any more. They have an hour until her first patient and her maid has gone to the market. He would really like to kiss her. She seems a little taken aback at first, but she seems to dig GCSSD. He weasels his way over to the sofa next to her and they kiss. Sappy music plays.

Burgay starts strong-arming a politician to find a clothing business in financial trouble that EEtD can buy. EEtD wants to get into the clothing business. Ramon, the politician, looks a little uneasy but apparently EEtD has a lot of dirt on him. He'll try to help as best he can.

Just when I thought I could make it through an episode without having to watch Piero and Lidia doing the "Leach-Lip" thing. Ugh! Lidia pushes him into a chair and does a flying leap on top of him. They are vacuuming each other's faces when the office door opens. It's Piero's wife, Lucia. The look of hurt on Lucia's face is pathetic. She calls Lidia a slut.

Credits roll.


Juan - Thursday 9/6/07 - In which Monica's taste in girlfriends is as bad as her taste in husbands

Marely and Paula are impactadas at Monica's announcement that Paula will get her outrageously exaggerated raise. Monica is ignorantly excited and thrilled at her good news and insists that she and Paula go out to celebrate. She says she'll be back at lunchtime and she bounces out of the office. "No puede ser!" Paula exclaims to a twitchy Marely whose eyes are as wide as saucers.

Cesar Luis asks Pastor can he believe it? Monica retained Paula! He had everything under control and now this. He mocks Pastor and says this debacle is all his fault, then he rudely pushes Pastor out of the office. Pastor reminded me of one of those pear-shaped inflatable clowns with sand in their bottoms. Remember those? You'd bop them and they would pop right back up again? But I digress...

Pastor stumbles past Yvonne who leaps up and demands to know what happened. "No pasa nada, no pasa nada," he rat-a-tat-tats like a machine gun to anyone who will listen, and believe me they are ALL listening. Yvonne says all morning people have been going in and out of CL's office. Pastor says the bomb hasn't exploded yet but just wait.

Yvonne also pushes Pastor the Bop Clown. He holds his sore arm and yells "Nothing happened!" to the eavesdroppers. He tells Yvonne that one day he will give CL a soup out of his own chocolate, i.e. give him a taste of his own medicine.

Over at Casa Chacón Nidia scolds Alirio for almost seeing her in her wedding dress. Does he think she needs any more bad luck? He accuses her of being prosaic and anachronistic. She dramatically continues scolding him. He compliments her profusely then proceeds to hit her up for some money so he can buy booze...for their reception.

He assures her he still has the money he embezzled from Samuel's inheritance, it's in a safe place for her. They go round and round in their usual argument before he finally surprises her with a request. He shocks his cuchi cuchi reina by asking her to open a small account in his name. The nerve!!

In the Farell garage Paula taps on Juan's car window. She apologizes for interrupting his dreams of love. "If she only knew," he thought bubbles. She tells him she has decided to remain at Farell Industries. To say he is delighted would be an understatement.

Nidia explodes and Alirio begs her not to "sulpherate". He swears he only wants a little money to jump-start his business. Surprisingly, Nidia tells him to face the wall. She removes a little key from her ample bosom, unlocks the desk and removes...a COFRE! Luckily we get to see what's in this cofre, it's a couple of gold watches and a wad of bills. She peels off a few and hands them to Alirio. He's disappointed, he wanted a bank account, but he decides not to push his luck and he beats feet, the bills clutched in his greedy paw. Nidia fumes.

Boring Paula tells a happy sappy Juan why she decided to was for her, not for Cesar Luis. (Yeah right!) But also, in grand measure, her staying had to do with Juan. Huy!! He thought bubbles that she has driven him to the clouds. He blathers on about his diosita and does a celebratory bumb and grind.

Alirio runs into a very cranky Yadira on his way out of Casa Chacón. She loathes him and she lets him know it. She says they all know why he's marrying Nidia and it's not for love. He'd better watch himself because even Mama has her limits. She pushes him out the door.

Boring Paula calls more boring Ana to tell her about Monica giving her the raise. Ana recommends that Paula separate her emotions from her work because she is, before all else, a professional. She shouldn't jeopardize her career because of problems with That Man. Paula admits she feels bad about Monica who has been nothing but nice to her.

CL storms into Paula's office. They glare at each other. Yawn.

Juan, whose hideous tie appears to shrink with every scene, happily shines his limo while making contented squeaky sounds. Fernando comments on Juan's sudden mood change. He teases that it happened right after the Licenciada's visit. They trade verbal jabs and Juan smugly tells Fern that he (Fern), Kike and Marely will one day eat their words. He, Juan Dominguez, will have the last laugh, then he starts singing the wedding march. Fern turns his empty pockets inside-out and and tells Juan to dream on. Juan ignores Fern, shakes his bootie and grins at his own fantasy.

Paula and CL have their boring argument about why she decide to stay. In summary: She="It was for the money." He="Are you sure that's all?" They are interrupted by clueless Monica and CL is dismayed to hear they have lunch plans. Monica actually invites him to join them! CL declines and Moni shrugs and gives him a wink. (Que the hell?)

Monica and Paula walk to the elevator seeming to be best buds to the delight of a snickering Yvonne. She rubs this in to CL. He insults her and she threatens that she'll win in the end, this friendship between his wife and ex-lover will cost him dearly. (I loathe CL but honestly, if that snotty beeatch was my secretary she would be so F-I-R-E-D!)

CL frets in his office and pours himself a drink. Yvonne saunters in; he says he's not in the mood for another round. She has something else in mind, "Cesar Luis, I want to move up in the business, I want to stop being a secretary." (Hmmm...I'm thinking that immediately after threatening one's boss is not the best time to ask for a promotion.)

CL sarcastically asks Yvonne if she wants to be Vice President. Does she have other skills to offer besides answering the phone and typing memos? Yvonne says she could learn. CL asks her why he should trade in a good secretary for a mediocre executive. Yvonne gets weepy and he tells her that she has become very inconvenient for him. If she wants to move up she can go to another company because she'll go nowhere in this one.

Yvone cries at her desk while the rest of the office gawks. She runs off to Pastor's office.

Monica and Paula are at the restaurant. Monica excuses herself to the ladies room. Juan runs in to say there is nowhere to park and Paula is about to excuse him for a couple of hours when Monica returns looking worried. They have to leave right away, she's bleeding.

Yvonne complains to Pastor about the unfairness of it all...CL can't even do her one little favor. She tells Pastor that she can't leave Farell Industries for two reasons, 1) she's too poor and 2) she doesn't want to miss CL's inevitable demolition. Pastor tells her he knows, in spite of everything, that she still loves CL.

As Juan rushes Monica to the hospital he thought bubbles that they are an odd trio...he, the woman he loves, and the wife of the man she loves, all in this complicated situation.

Nidia is writing the wedding invitations when Kike enters the study. She gives him one for Fernando, one for Pastor, and a third for himself. She asks will he be bringing his new girlfriend? "Shucks," he says, "she's only a friend." Nidia warns him to be sure to hang with a decent girl and not some floozy.

Speaking of the queen of Rome, we cut to a camera pan up some long legs and a super-short skirt attached to Yadira's hips. She's laying in wait for Kike. He tells her he has to rush off. She calls him back and asks him doesn't he want to accompany her to the wedding? He runs away and she shrieks his name three times. Nidia tells Yadi she told her so, she treated Kike like dirt and now she's paying the consequences. Yadi does a queen-sized pout.

Santa Rita Hospital - Juan and Paula wait for word on Monica's condition. Juan chatters nervously and brings a cup of coffee to Paula. He says they should call CL. She says she should forget That Man forever. A Nurse asks for Paula to come to Monica's room. Juan goofily smooches her coffee cup then glances around to see if anyone saw him.

Paula sees Monica crying in her room. Things are bad, very bad. Monica tells Paula that they are going to give her a curettage (aka D&C, probably in Monica's case to remove retained tissue due to an incomplete miscarriage). "My God," gasps Paula.

CL insults Yvonne in particular and women in general, they are nothing but trouble and are capable of anything, but he supposes Pastor would know nothing about women. Pastor is offended. CL orders Pastor to dismiss Yvonne. Pastor is impactado.

Monica cries that she doesn't have the strength to call CL and tell him they are going to lose their child. Will Paula call him for her? Monica thanks Paula for being there and she weeps on her pillow.

Paula tells Juan the bad news. Then she calls CL's office and gets nasty Yvonne. Yvonne snaps that CL is busy but Paula insists it's an emergency. When Yvonne tells CL that Licenciada Paula is on the phone he sighs to Pastor, "what did I say about women?"

Paula tells CL that there are bad problems with Monica. They are in the hospital and Monica is scheduled for a curettage. CL finally shows some emotion and tells Paula he'll be there right away. Paula wants to leave the hospital but Juan insists they stay with Monica until CL arrives.

CL runs out leaving Pastor to wonder what happened. Pastor and Yvonne assume his emergency has something to do with Paula and Monica and Yvonne is happy to think his world is collapsing. Pastor says they had better get ready because he's sure the office will be torture for the next few days. "The sooner the better," Yvonne hisses. Pastor tells her to get ready for the holocaust.

Fern is flabbergasted and not happy to get Nidia's invitation. "I hardly know her," he explains to a suspicious Kike. When Kike doesn't buy that story Fern adds that he doesn't want to see Yadira. Fern is saved by CL who rushes in and demands to be driven to the hospital. Fern throws the invitation on the ground. Kike obviously does not believe either of Fernando's lies.

Pastor theorizes that CL is like a dog having to choose between two cakes (or two sandwiches if you live in my neck of the woods). He tells Yvonne this should make her happy because when both Monica and Paula dump CL he will go looking for consolation.

Paula calls Marely to tell her she will be late and to cancel her appointment with Señor Sarmiento who will no doubt be steamed. This conversation was absolutely pointless unless Señor Sarmiento turns out to be somebody important which is the only reason I included the mention here.

Kike goes to the upstairs office and the cute receptionist waves at him. (I can't remember her name but I like her.) He chats with Marely and eyes the receptionist. He finally heads off to Pastor's office to deliver the invitation and proudly sticks out his gut and smiles at the waving receptionist.

Monica's doctor asks Paula where is Monica's husband? Monica shouldn't be alone. She is lucky to have a good amiga like Paula by her side.

Paula looks guilty as hell...and any similarity to reality is purely coincidental.

Mañana - CL comforts Monica and tells her he won't leave her. Marely and Juan are about to say something important to each other but my Tivo stopped.

dar alguien una sopa de su propio chocolate = give someone a taste of their own medicine
derrumbe = collapse, fall, demolition
No te sulfures = Don't get mad!
torta = little cake, sandwich

Hey, check it out, I found a picture of Pastor the Bop Clown (without his toupee)...


Thursday, September 06, 2007

Destilando Amor - 9/6/2007 A toast to the ghosts; Isa blows Rod a devil kiss; Rod discovers his rival for Gavi

EPISODE - Sept. 6, 2007:
* Clarita talks with Gavi about Alonso, and Mami thinks he would make a great partner for Gavi (hint-hint). Gavi is shocked by the insinuation and says he's her boss, nothing more. Mami knows how Gavi feels about Rod, but thinks she should give Alonso a chance. Gavi thinks Mami has been watching too many telenovelas again. Mami continues. Gavi recalls Alonso's rant of jealousy at the office about Rod.

* Rod and James talk at the hacienda office. Isa interrupts. James leaves. Rod goes back to desk to work. He asks if she has everything ready to leave with him. She surprises him, she's staying at the hacienda using the excuse that she gets so lonely at the condo with no one to talk with. Rod is shocked. Isa warns Rod not to try to deceive him behind her back or he'll be 'playing with fire'. She blows him a kiss and leaves.

* Gavi and Clara get ready for bed and continue discussing the differences between Alonso and Rod.

* Rod goes with his horse to visit his grandpa and papa's graves in the agave field family cemetery. He tells them about his new project that he's totally thrilled about. He pours three glasses of the new organic tequila at the gravesites. He toasts them with the tequila. He dumps two of the glasses out on the graves and with the third, he crosses himself and then drinks it. He listens to the wind howl and watches as the candles are blown out.

* Gavi, with her eyes open, remembers meeting Rod in the agave field. She murmurs to herself, "Rod, always, always, you will be my great love."

* Rod arrives at the office. Elvira tells him there's someone waiting in his office. He is excited to see sister Dani waiting for him. She's brought the papers with Gavi's lipstick imprints on them. Dani tells him about the tequila deliveries to Gavi and Alonso. Rod is anxious and presses Dani for information on Alonso - Dani is reluctant to go into detail. Rod continues to press. Dani makes him swear to keep calm and not have a tantrum. Rod promises. Dani tells him that Alonso is "interested" in Gavi.

* Gavi is going nuts with work papers. She looks over and sees Alonso staring at her and asks what's up? Alonso answers. She offers to get the tequila (?) - he says bring two glasses. She goes to get it.

* Dani continues to tell Rod about Gavi and Alonso's relationship at the office. Rod is nervous, anxious and paranoid about Alonso - he asks for more details about the guy. Dani tells him that Alonso is a gentleman and is enchanting. Rod is impactado. Dani stops him as he starts to have a tantrum and makes him think about the relationship he wants with Gavi.

* Isa and Sofia watch little Rico in the hacienda living room and discuss Isa's constant paranoia over Rod and Gavi. Sofia feels alone also. Pancho comes into the living room. Sofia goes to get his breakfast. Isa and Pancho watch Rico - Isa remarks to the baby that Pancho is his father - Pancho tells her to hush-up about that - Isa remarks about Pancho's double life with Sofia as her ever-loyal hard-working husband. Sofia comes in with breakfast tray and asks where he would like to eat it. Pancho answers. Sofia leaves. Pancho and Isa end their discussion (for now). He leaves.

* Rod meets with Nestor in his office at Montalvo Corp. Rod reveals to Nestor what he wants in the separation/divorce documents and what measures he wants to provide for his son, Rico. Nestor is uneasy and concerned. Rod reveals that he plans to get back together with Gavi.

* Gavi and Susie talk in the reception area. Susie leaves. Nancy answers the phone. It's Rod. Gavi tells Nancy to do something for work and goes to her office. Gavi picks up the phone and Rod thanks her for the kiss imprints and then asks her out on a date. She can't tonight, she has to work. How about tomorrow? No good, she has to work - big conference coming up. Rod is totally deflated and disappointed. Gavi asks why is it so important they have to meet on a date. Rod says he needs to talk with her, it's about their future together - but if she's that busy... Gavi reluctantly comes up with a compromise - she will call him later if she has some free time available. He agrees.

* Rod and the graphics designers are going over the latest rendition of the label for the new tequila, "Ardiente Pasion". Rod takes one of the kiss imprints from his desk and thinks it should go on the label also. The designers look at him like he's crazy - it may have to be done by hand, they reason. Rod says whatever it takes - he wants it on the label. They leave to get to work.

* Gavi works on her computer. Nancy enters her office with the guest list for conference. Gavi notices that Montalvo Corp. is on the list and questions why? Nancy explains they are a foreign distributor. Alonso enters to talk with Gavi about a special event tonight. Gavi, surprised, agrees to it. Alonso leaves - as he passes Nancy's desk, he tells Nancy to get Gavi's mom on the phone for him (it's a surprise for Gavi). Nancy calls Clara at home, puts her through to Alonso - Alonso invites Clara to a special surprise dinner for Gavi tonight. Clara is delighted.

* Isa talks with SWB at the hacienda. SWB fills Isa in on Hilario's new job as a model. SWB leaves; Isa is amazed by Hilario's sudden rise from ranch-hand to model.

* Hilario is in a meeting with Casandra - Casandra fills him in on his latest modeling assignment. Hilario tells her about his worries - over his landlord and his parents not supporting his modeling career.

* Gavi calls her mama at home - they discuss Alonso's surprise dinner arrangements and what mama should wear. As Alonso enters her office, Gavi hangs up and asks him about dinner with her mom and him. Alonso explains his motive without giving away any details. Gavi just doesn't want to get her mama's hopes up. Alonso assures her.

* Rod is presented the new design for the label - he is thoroughly enchanted that the designer put Gavi's kiss on the label. Rod thanks the designer for the work - they shake. The designer leaves Rod alone with the design.

* James and Crispin discuss his late night rendezvous with Pancho and what Rod may do if he found out. Crispin gets nervous and promises James to stop. James leaves. Pancho approaches and asks Crispin where they're going tonight. Crispin says nowhere. Pancho asks why. Crispin explains about Rod. Pancho still wants to leave tonight. Crispin refuses to go anywhere and leaves. Emilio approaches and tells Pancho the bad news about an agave problem. Pancho is concerned but comes up with a way to cover.

* Elvira, at the office, is on the phone with Isa, at the hacienda. Elvira fills Isa in on Rod's activities and meetings all day in his office (with Dani and Nestor). Rod pops his head out of his office and listens as Elvira relates to Isa about his calendar of events. Rod sneaks up and shocks Elvira when he takes the phone from her. With phone in his hand, Rod tells Elvira to get him something to drink then gets on the phone to a paranoid Isa - Rod scolds Isa for going behind his back to keep tabs on him. Isa tries to explain - Rod won't accept the explanation and is angry with her. They hang up. At the hacienda, Sofia enters and Isa vents her frustration with who Rod met with at the office - Sofia feels sorry for her. At the office, Elvira pleads her own defense to Rod - Rod is angry and won't accept it. He fires her, starting first thing in the morning.

* Gavi calls Rod to tell him that something's come up tonight and they will have to meet tomorrow morning. Rod's upset but agrees. She rushes off the phone.

* On the hacienda patio, Sofia tries to calm and assure Isa. Isa's paranoia is in full-throttle mode and she just lost her primary source of information on Rod. James approaches to tell Sofia that Pancho left for the evening on business. Sofia is disappointed but understanding. She invites Isa to join her and James for dinner. Isa turns down the offer.

* Rod spies on Gavi and Alonso leaving the agri. commission office together. He's impactado.


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