Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Acorralada #169 – Wednesday, 9-12-07 – What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. . .Or Not as the Case May Be!

Dimwit and Doc V are commiserating about Mucks and Marshmallow wanting to start a family. It's a sad day for them.

Isabel has appeared at Lunkhead's house, apparently quite ripe, from the streets. She wants to tell them something but Octopus won't listen. Isabel then sits on the sofa and needles them. Yolanda talks Octopus into listening to what Isabel has to say. As Isabel and Octopus head off to the kitchen to talk, Octopus tells Yolanda to disinfect the sofa.

Fidiota and Roddy are making up and swearing to let nothing come between them again. Roddy is thrilled that ChewKey and he are back at Psycho Mansion. Granny M interrupts to announce Pasta is downstairs. After much discussion, Roddy agrees to go down and break the news, man to man, that Roddy and Fidiota are back together.

Isabel is shoveling chocolate cake into her mouth with her hands. I'm not sure how much she is eating and how much she is wearing. She then starts loading up on fresh fruit. She tells Octopus that she ran across Iggy, who is suffering from some bad Karma. Octopus suddenly can think of a way for Isabel to earn some extra bucks.

Marfil and Pedro are in Las Vegas. Did they just get married? I'm too aghast to re-wind this scene. Does anyone out there have the cast iron stomach to fill in the blanks? Is she actually talking to Pedro about all his money and property? Eeeew! My question is answered later in this recap. Double Eeeew!

Isabel is reciting her resume to Octopus. The title could be, "Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap!" Suddenly Octopus doesn't mind Isabel's odor. . .

Camila is telling Emili-Oh about Marfil marrying Pedro. Emili-Oh is as aghast as me! He naively asks Camila if Marfil loves Pedro. Camila points out Marfil loves his millions. At least I'm not as naïve as Emili-Oh.

Octopus is discussing a deal. Isabel points out she (Isabel) obviously doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. Octopus wants to pay back Fidiota for ruining the big wedding plans Octopus had with Iggy. Isabel knows of a bruja with animals. Octopus doesn't believe in that sort of mumbo jumbo until Isabel points out the animals have venom that can leave a victim permanently paralyzed. "Now you're talking!" says an elated Octopus.

Roddy breaks the news to Pasta that he (Roddy) and Fidiota are back together. Pobre de Pasta.

Octopus and Isabel make the deal. Octopus is enchanted with the thought that Fidiota will be paralyzed forever. Isabel leaves with her bags and pockets crammed with fruit. Commercial.

Emili-Oh calls Mucks to tell him Marfil just married Pedro in Las Vegas.

Marfil is pressuring Pedro to sign over everything to her. Dang she's got a lot of nerve. She points out it's not like he has twenty more years to live. She doesn't want to end up on the streets alone and forsaken. She then refuses to eat because she's mad at him and frustrated because he hasn't put everything in her name already. Finally he agrees to do it "tomorrow" and Marfil turns as smooth as silk again, doing the whiny baby-talk thing.

Marshmallow runs into Dimwit at the hospital and says they need to talk. Glassy-eyed stare.

Mucks is horrified that Marfil is working Pedro over. He needs to speak to Pedro immediately and warn him!

Pasta returns to the bar dejected with his dozen red roses. Jorge and Yolanda are hanging out. He tells Jorge to throw the flowers away, but Yolanda snatches them up. Jorge beats a hasty retreat and Yolanda wants to know why Pasta is so sad. Pasta tells her he's so humiliated. She then gives him a pep talk about how wonderful he is. Yada yada yada. Suddenly he lunges at her and about shatters her teeth with a "consolation" kiss. Yolanda kisses him back. Que patetico!

Dimwit takes the wind out of Marshmallow's sails when Dimwit tells Marshmallow she already knows Marshmallow is pregnant. Marshmallow wonders how Dimwit knows so soon. "Because I work here and I see Doc V's patients' test results. Marshmallow asks Dimwit to stay away from Mucks.

Iggy wants to know if Octopus is going to forgive him. Isabel laughs at him and says Octopus is going to help, but that Octopus wants to see Iggy dead.

Dimwit and Marshmallow have an insipid conversation. Marshmallow wants Dimwit to stay away from Mucks. Dimwit says she will. Dimwit admits she wanted Mucks back, but now that Marshmallow is pregnant; that changes everything. Marshmallow says she just wants a stable home filled with love. Dimwit says the baby deserves that "but remember, Mucks will never love you!" Marshmallow asks Dimwit how Dimwit can be so cruel. Dimwit basically says she calls it like she sees it. It's not like she won anything; now she's single with Mucks' other kid. She's given up Mucks forever for the sake of the new child.

Yolanda breaks off the kiss and runs out. Pasta begs forgiveness; it was another one of his harebrained impulses. Geez. Jorge tells Pasta he couldn't avoid seeing that kiss. He may be young, but he knows Yolanda is in love with Pasta. He knows about these things.

The sappy exchange continues between Dimwit and Marshmallow, with that maudlin violin sawing away in the background. Marshmallow tries to explain; Dimwit says no explanation is needed. Dimwit and Mucks love each other, but now he's married to Marshmallow. He belongs to Marshmallow. Commercial.

Will this boring pathetic conversation between Dimwit and Marshmallow never end? Marshmallow says she's there for Dimwit if Dimwit ever needs her. Ditto says our glassy-eyed heroine.

Dimwit tells Dulce she can't hate Marshmallow. Marshmallow is such a good woman. Dulce asks about Doc V. Dimwit says Doc V has been a tremendous help and is a good man. They have helped each other deal with the loss of the two people they love most in the world. Dulce suggests maybe Dimwit should open her eyes to the possibility of a new man. "Never," says Dimwit. "I'll never love another man."

Psychic Godmum can tell Marshmallow is upset. Marshmallow says Dimwit is a noble woman. If Marshmallow wasn't pregnant, she'd divorce Mucks so Mucks could be free for Dimwit. Godmum wants to talk to Mucks, but Marshmallow makes Godmum promise to not tell Mucks about the baby. Godmum tells Marshmallow to think of herself for once. I think Marshmallow plans to test Mucks; if he fails, Marshmallow will disappear forever with the baby to a place Mucks will never find her. We have about four to six weeks of this telenovela, so the handwriting is on the wall.

Mucks appears at the hospital. The first thing he wants to do when he sees Marshmallow is call Pedro to warn him. He didn't call Pedro before because? This makes no sense. At any rate, he calls Pedro to say Marfil only married Pedro for his money. Pedro gets mad at Mucks and tells him to quit talking trash about his dear wife, Marfil. "Marfil really digs me!" Pedro and Mucks agree to meet the next morning. Meanwhile Marshmallow tells Mucks the exam was a false alarm. It was just indigestion. Mucks seems all too happy. Marshmallow, in her neediest little-girl voice asks Mucks if Mucks is happy at her side. Mucks half-heartedly replies, "Certainly" and bolts out the door leaving Marshmallow alone in the hospital eating his dust. Commercial.

Pedro tells Marfil he just spoke with Mucks. Marfil starts whining that Mucks probably started talking trash about her. Pedro tells Marfil to quit talking trash about Mucks. Mucks is like a son to him. A grandson. Pedro then asks point blank, "Did you marry me for my money?"

Dimwit and Fidiota are discussing the return of Roddy and ChewKey. Fidiota hopes she can earn ChewKey's respect.

Meanwhile, the highlight of the show! ChewKey comes to say good night to Gaby. They say all these sickeningly sweet and nice things to one another while they are thought bubbling how much the other person is a liar. Meanwhile, they are grinning at each other like fools. ChewKey says she'll give up Larry for Gaby. Gaby says don't be crazy, he's all yours. Between gritted teeth they kiss each others' cheeks goodnight. As soon as ChewKey walks out the door, Gaby wipes her cheeks while ChewKey is doing the same on the other side of the door. They wish each other nightmares. It's actually pretty funny, although I couldn't follow the entire exchange.

Marfil is offended that Pedro could even suggest she may have ulterior motives for marrying him. Mucks is turning Pedro against her! Pedro starts begging for forgiveness. Marfil turns on the charm and says of course she can. She loves him SO much! This scene scores an 8.5 on the Cringe-o-Meter. The only thing worse would be if they turned this scene into something worthy of Lidia and Piero on Amar. Commercial.

Fidiota has brought ChewKey back to the office where Caramel, Emili-Oh, and Gaby welcome her back. Gaby says she's glad ChewKey is finished with KickMe. ChewKey heads off to her office, where KickMe is hiding under the desk. They start making out.

Puncho arrives in Santa Domingo. He shows up at the house of two spinster sisters. They apparently were looking for a musician and Puncho gives them a fake letter of reference. Turns out they also expect him to clean the house, do the yard work, clean the pool, etc. Puncho tries to remind himself he is starting life over as a good man. HA!

Mucks and Pedro fight about Marfil's intentions. Pedro storms off.

Mucks gets out of the pool in his too-tight swim trunks. At least it's not the white one. He opens a journal and starts mooning over Dimwit's picture. Suddenly he gets caught by Marshmallow. She confronts him and says she saw his slobbering over Dimwit's picture.

Credits roll.


Destilando Amor 9/12: in which a tedious "extension" is initiated and we go around the whole cycle once again.

Thanks for waiting, and Happy New Year!

This episode shows the creaking, groaning effects of an "extension" being grafted onto the plot. As Elvis says later, "whenever it looks like those lovers will get together, something happens to separate them." We've seen all this before - we just have to endure it again so that the show can take up a few more weeks or months...

After a replay of Suzy's delicious dismissal and Gav's warning to Isa that the non-aggression pact is broken forever and "you'll now discover who Gaviota really is," and her wish to see the Montalvo harpies eat dirt, we have a rerun of Rodrigo insisting that Isa's dad bring in the supposed guy who's willing to take over his debt [what an idiot you'd have to be...] and Videgaray's warning that Rod had better not leave Isa until after her dad pays his debt. If he welches, there's a lot to lose, for Daniela and Sofia as well as the whole family, and if Rod divorces, Ricardo would enjoy watching the hacienda's whole year's production of agave fall to his creditors. [I don't think Ricardo feels any "moral obligation" as it is! -- Ed.] "Treat the situation with kid gloves, Rodrigo, in order to save the hacienda."

Rod is furious and says he doesn't care, but Videgaray reminds him he's promised to support his sisters and preserve his patrimony. He can't leave the family in chaos.

Big Tequila Boss (no, I can't spell his name either) tells Gaviota that Dr. Blondie is sick and she will have to handle today's meetings alone. "He's not taking your resignation well." [In other words, he's holding his breath till he turns blue. --Ed.] She feels prepared. Big Boss asks if she's got permission to go to the Montalvo estate, she says she's asked Nancy to get written permission from Rod.

At the hacienda, Isa, wearing a leopard kerchief skirt showing off her lovely legs, is pacing furiously while Sofia, in yet another unspeakably ghastly blouse, is rocking little Ricky, who is sleeping again. Sleepy Frankie Sr. arrives, newly turned out of bed. Sofia: "He had an important meeting again last night till the wee hours." Isa, who had aroused him with promises of silken favors when he arrived from his "meeting" and then dumped cold water on his [...], says ironically, "It seems your work is constantly getting more arduous."

He taunts her with a recount of his luxurious soak in the jacuzzi and reminds her that little Ricky is, like him, a sleepyhead. She says she's going back to the city next day, but will wait up for him tonight.

James calls him to the office. "I see the copper sulfite arrived, when were you planning on applying it to the crop?" "Next week." "No, tomorrow." "I don't like taking orders from you." "This is Rodrigo's order." Frankie makes a crude gesture in response and leaves. James wonders rhetorically (since there's nobody there): "Why did Rod hire this inepto?" Heh.

Suzi calls Isa from the car and describes her debacle, and that she was forced to give up Isa and Minerva to Big Boss. She gives Gaviota's message (see above). Isa calls Minerva in Miami and says "They'll crucify us! It will endanger my matrimony!" "Aaron and I are coming to town for the festival of new tequila, and we'll be around for a while since he's going to dog all the organic producers - all Rod's contacts - he is looking to expand his business. So I'll be there with you."

Isa tells Sofia, who is her disciple but doesn't know the whole story about anything: "For some odd reason, Gaviota has now declared herself my enemy." Sofia can't understand why Gaviota would be so angry. She reminds Isa: "You promised Pilar to act with class. Don't endanger your relationship to the family." "What do I care at a time like this, when my marriage is at stake!" [That didn't make much sense, did it?!]

I will not bother recapping the two exceedingly dull meetings, except to say that all are awed by Gaviota's competence and "impeccable presentations."

Rod recaps his problems to Daniela, who says he deserves it for his habitual boneheaded decisions. He says he promised to provide for his sisters, and that Sofia and her husband depend directly on the hacienda's production. "I care about sis, but that cretin, no!" Rod says he's an inoffensive parasite, like a cockroach. "No, he's worse - he's a fraud - he married Sofia por interes - since he treats her like a slave, it's obvious he doesn't love her." She tells Rod the most sensible thing is to hang with Isa for three more months: "It's the price you pay for your stupid decisions. Besides, Gaviota has waited three years, she'll understand."

Then he admits he asked Gav to quit her job, and even if he can't be with her he doesn't want her working with that Dr. Blondie. "What an egotist you are, Rodrigo! Call her immediately and tell her not to quit."

Frankie calls a sleazy guy who wants to buy copper sulfite. They take a meeting. Frankie will sell half of what the hacienda receives. The guy will send four guys in a truck, they will sneak in the side door, Frankie will get cash. It has to be tonight.

Gaviota has finished with her second presentation, just as brilliant as the first. All the secretaries of state are impressed. And here comes Dr. Blondie, the picture of health, with smile at high beam again! He tells all the ministers Gaviota is quitting and they all say, "Oh Gaviota, please stay, you are so brilliant," and Dr. Blondie gives her puppydog eyes...

... and there's a call from Rod, and she looks stricken (can it be she knows what this call is about?) and he tells her to rescind her letter of resignation, and he wants to come pick her up, and she says: "No, tell me now, I'm sick of your excuses," etc. and blah blah we've heard this before.

... so she goes back to the meeting, where Big Boss has just told all the V.I.P.s about Mariana's problems, and they say she's so great it's no problem, they'll support her, and will she stay, and she says yes, and thanks everybody, and goes to Dr. Blondie's office (it turns out he had just pretended to be sick so she'd run the meetings and all would fall out just as it has) and thanks him in a deep sultry voice and says she loves working by his side.

Elvis painted a picture of Gaviota, "It was supposed to be for their wedding, but I guess I'll give it to Rodrigo now..."

... and Gaviota leaves the building and there's our favorite boneheaded stalker, and she gives the classic Que haces aqui? ("What are you doing here?") and he wants to talk and is so jealous of Dr. Blondie and blah blah and she gets in the car with him and tells about Isa's plot with Suzi, now happily foiled, and he is impactado.


Amar #40 9/11/07 Diego's screwed

Tuesday's episode begins with Diego and Azul concluding that they'll have to keep their jobs for a while, and continue their relationships with Mo and Eva.

Next we're transported to Mo's office, where he tells Leo that the docs told him they must find an antidote soon or vital organs will be effected. They need to work fast because Erika Golner has already died. (I don't remember Erika being mentioned before).

Azul and Diego go back to her place and snuggle up on the sofa. I wish I could insert an audio clip of Bob Seger's "We've got tonight" cuz that's the current theme with these two. Azul offers to fix them something to eat, but warns him that she's not much of a cook... they go to raid the fridge and see that it's empty. Diego teases her that it's the fridge of a single guy. No problemo, there's always Domino's. Azul gets on the horn to order a pizza. While she's doing that, Diego's phone answers - you know it's dragon lady calling to give him an ETA. She hears Azul in the background and thinks that it's Diego's mom, and tells Diego to pass her the phone. Diego manages to get out of that - he's a sly one, isn't he? He tries to tell Azul that it was Flavio, but she's not buying that for a dollar. He's vague, but tells her he has to go - it's about his job. Then he's off to pick up Eva.

Meanwhile, Isela goes to visit Clemencia. She wants to apologize and explain for her affair with Manuel - she was lonely and she's love him since they were teens. It hurt her v. much when he married Clemencia. Clemencia handles this pretty well - she screams a little, but soon she asks the classic question "what did you give him that I don't?" Isela's too classy to answer - she tells Clem to ask Manuel about that. (And maybe pick up a copy of kama sutra). Overall, it's a pretty calm meeting. No hair pulling or name calling.

Azul is chewing her nails and staring at the pizza box on the counter - is she trying to figure out the number of weight watchers points each slice is worth? Ceci comes home and is happy to see that there's pizza - but where's Diego? Ahh... that explains the nail biting!

Diego's in the hangar waiting for Eva's plane to park. She comes running out and lays one on him, then quickly hops into the 'stang.

Inez goes to see Arnaldo at his lover's store and tells him about how she's been stalking his father - she followed him to a restaurant and caused a scene, then went to his house to plead with him to take her back, and trashed the place after he left her there alone. Arnaldo tells her to get some help - she needs some psychological help. This doesn't sit well with Inez. She says she'll do whatever it takes to win him back. GSD better sleep with one eye open!

Back at Eva's hotel, she sees that he's in a bad mood, but he's not telling her why. She reminds him that her bodyguards are always watching, then summons Ivan into the room and shows him how she talks to Ivan - where the wires are hidden and such. Ivan is seriously ticked off by this security breach, but she blows him off. She knows she can trust Diego. Then she presents Diego with a lovely new watch and does the same move that Richard Gere does in Pretty Woman when he shows the necklace, then snaps it shuts as she reaches for it. Diego doesn't like this tomfoolery, but she takes his hand and removes the old watch and slides the new one on his wrist.

GSD returns to his apt and sees what Inez has done, then hears Leo's message, so he calls her back. Leo passes the phone to Mo, who tells him to get to work, and make it snappy. GSD says he'll need to take the bus, but Mo tells him to take a taxi. He needs to be there ASAP.

Ceci and Azul are having girl talk - Azul loves Diego, Ceci loves Andres...

Manuel comes home and Clemencia reads him the riot act for not acting like the man of the house. Diego had to lend her money so that she could buy food. Manuel tells her that he'll go to find a job, and she lets him know that if he's meeting up with some woman, she'll kick him to the curb.

GSD arrives at Mo's place. Mo tells him to get to work, but GSD needs more information - how is it transmitted? Is it ingested, absorbed, is it sexually transmitted? Mo will give him all of that information, but he needs some time. GSD says that without that info, he won't be accurate.

Manuel's first stop on his quest to find a job is to stop at Isela's bar, but she tells him to beat it, and tells him that she went to apologize to Clemencia. He's not happy to hear this because he was still denying everything. Isela tells him that Clem's not stupid, and he needs to hit the road and not come back or she'll call Clemencia.

Silvana goes to visit Caty, but Mo says that she's doing homework, but he'd like to talk to Silvana in his office...

Azul calls Diego just as he's putting on his new watch. He can't bring himself to answer the phone. Ceci wants Azul to go with her to get a newspaper so she can look for jobs, but Azul doesn't feel like going - she's waiting for Diego's call.

Mo wants to talk to Silvana about the accident - he knows that she was the last person to talk to Lil, so what did she say? Silvana says Lil was very upset because she and Mo had been fighting and she was afraid of him. He pushes her to say what she was afraid of, then suddenly Silvana is screaming "you killed my son!" and we see a flashback of Lil driving in circles in a gravel parking lot, then coming to a screenching halt and slamming into the windshield. Mo runs up to the car and gets Caty out and hands her to Leo and Andres, then Leo notices that Nico is alive and tells Mo. Leo hears screaming and comes into the office asking what's going on - Mo tells her to fix Silvana some tea. A little Earl Grey will fix anything! Just then Mo's phone rings - it's Eva and she's back in town. She'll be at his place in the morning.

Azul's phone finally rings and she answers it with "Mi amor" and hears Mo say "yes, it's me. I'm back" Too bad - party's over! He wants to see her, but she claims to be helping Ceci look for a job. He says that's okay, he'll see her in the morning. Eva's back and wants everyone there in the morning. That's when Azul realizes that Diego's disappearance coincides with Eva's return. This doesn't bode well for their budding relationship...

Diego's waiting for Eva on her terrace, when he makes a poorly received joke about Ivan's surveillance equipment. Ivan tells him to never tell anyone what he's seen - Diego takes it as a threat - Ivan tells him it is a threat. Eva interrupts and wants to know what's going on. Diego takes off the watch and puts it on a table, she tells him to take it back, but he walks out. Eva tells Diego to bring him back, so he goes to Diego's room, but Diego says he's no. They scuffle, Ivan puts him into an armlock an drags him to Eva's room, where Burgay is waiting to ask him what his problemo is.

UH OH. Ivan's in Diego's room and he's listening to his voicemail from Azul - where she tells him that she loves him. He tapes the message.

Diego's brooding when Burgay brings Eva out and tells Diego to say he's sorry. Diego does, and she tells him to take the watch. What's the deal with this watch? Diego tells them he doesn't want to work for them, but Burgay reminds him of the 5 year contract he signed - if he breaks it, he'll have to pay back 600 mil pesos! Eva tells him to leave and wait for further instructions. Ivan grabs him and tells him to tell nobody what he's seen tonight.


Tues 9/11 Destilando Amor: In a rare moment of telenovela justice, TWO people get fired who richly deserve it

Gavi tells her mom she's quitting the CRT tomorrow. Clarita is worried for Dr. Blondie; he'll be upset. Gavi assures her that Rod's love is real, and even if she doesn't get together with Rod, he's going to divorce Isa - he can't stand her any longer.

Isa calls Suzy and tells her that Avellaneda will probably be firing Mariana today, and Suzy will be well compensated for her help. Afterwards, she gloats to Little Ricky that Rodrigo's going to get a taste of what could happen to him if he tries to abandon them.

Rod gets to his office and is surprised to find Bruno waiting there for him. As they close the door behind them, Elvira says she hopes Bruno will convince Rod to give her another chance. (Another chance for what? She spied on Rodrigo and she spied on Aaron - she's running out of Montalvo men to report on. Maybe they should have her work for Frankie next!)

Bruno is uncomfortable firing Elvira after so many years of service, but Rod feels he needs someone he can trust. Rod says he'll even pay out of his own pocket if he doesn't have to see her again. Bruno agrees to let him do it his way.

They call Elvira in. Rod acknowledges that she's been with the company longer than any other employee, so he's going to give her a much better severance than required by law. She asks that they keep her until they find someone new, but he tells her she can go home right now. She whines that "it" will never happen again, but Rodrigo says that to help her in the future, he's going to tell her what her problem is: she's not loyal to her bosses. (Elvira looks like this is a major revelation.) He assures her that he'll give her a good reference (probably something like "Elvira takes great pride in her ability to serve refreshments at board meetings"). Bruno adds that loyalty to one's boss should be a secretary's first priority.

Elvira slinks out with her tail between her legs. She pauses at the door to make a big show of wiping her eyes at Rod and Bruno, and personally I think she's lucky she doesn't get a shoe thrown at her.

Next, she goes running to her great buddy, Oñate, and asks him for a few minutes. He says he'd gladly give her ten years if she asked him. Amazingly, she does not take him up on this offer. He takes her hand and says he's all ears and wants to help in whatever way possible.

She's just starting to play with his hand and tell him how happy she is to have such a good, true friend when Aaron calls. He starts chewing out Oñate, telling him to charge up his batteries and go out there and get some new clients for the failing Turquoise Tequila, because his finances are hitting rock bottom. Oñate promises to take care of it and hangs up.

Elvira resumes her sob story and asks him to recommend her to some of his business contacts, but when he discovers that Rodrigo fired her, his manner changes. He tells her to call him next week, says he's got a lot of work to do, don't worry, he'll call her, and rushes out to the door. (She makes sure to let him see her cry, but he still makes her leave.) "Stupid old woman," he exclaims with a exasperated chuckle when she's gone.

Rod shows the new tequila label to his uncle. Bruno says the kiss mark makes a peculiarly strong impression - he thinks it'll work! Rod says the new tequila will be unveiled at next week's big tequila expo.

Rodrigo calls Margarita into his office and asks her to be his secretary. She happily agrees. He then gives her several things to do right away, including putting an ad in the paper for a new receptionist, and making a phone call to Mariana at the CRT's PR dept. Margarita is thrilled she'll talk to her old friend again!

Rodrigo also warns her about Isadora. Marg assures him that she'll look out for him and her friend Mariana. (Anyone see the potential for conflict here?)

Dr. Blondie shows up to work and is annoyed to find Mariana not there yet. He barks at Nancy to find him some document on the computer. Nancy says Mariana will find it, but Dr. Blondie grumpily says they can't assume that she'll show up.

Mariana gets there a little later and explains to Nancy that some happiness crossed her path last night. Nancy warns that Dr. Blondie is acting weird, and she can't find the document he asked for. Gavi says this time she saved it on a CD, but first she'll go talk to Dr. B. Nancy warns he's in a bad mood.

She goes in and tells him she's sorry she's late, but she's going to print that document for him now. He greets her as "Mariana." Not Gaviota, not Adriana, not Dariana, not Lupita. She asks if he's finally learned her name. Distracted, he ignores this and says he already asked Nancy to print it (the document, not her name - though that wouldn't have been a bad idea!) She tries to smooth things over about last night. She apologizes on behalf of herself, Clarita, and Rodrigo, but he pretends not to be interested.

She tells him she has something important to tell him. Finally he looks at her and asks, "so, when are you going to resign?" Gavi is speechless. Alfonso says that after last night, it's not hard to imagine why she might not want to work there any more. She says it's not just because of Rodrigo, but also because the other Montalvos are making trouble about some serious things in her past; she'll stay as long as he needs to find a replacement. (That could take forever! Nobody wants to work for this guy!) She says it's not going to be easy for her to leave the CRT, much less him.

Alone, he says to himself, "I've lost you, Gaviota - even before I could declare my love to you, I've lost you!"

Gavi gets the CD out of a locked drawer and gives it to Nancy to print the document. She tells her not to let that CD out of her sight. She says she needs to be alone for a while because she's quitting the CRT. Nancy is distraught and says that Mariana and Dr. Blondie are like her family. Gavi tries to talk her down, but Nancy is inconsolable. She makes a beeline to Dr. Blondie's office and throws a fit, asking doesn't he care and how can he let her leave them. He claims there's nothing he can do. He gives her some coffee and tells her to calm down. (Yeah... coffee's great for that. She tastes it with her back turned to him, and makes a face!)

He points to a floral arrangement and tells Nancy to take it back to wherever it came from, because with no one around to care for it, the dying flowers are just going to make his office look more like a forgotten crypt each day. She agrees to take them away, but tells him he'd better find some way to keep Mariana from quitting!

Gavi is writing her resignation to Avellaneda ("for personal reasons, I'm obligated to leave this position that you so kindly gave me") when Margarita calls. Marg says she's been given Elvira's job, and Evira's been fired. Marg takes this opportunity to apologize for giving Videgaray her address all those ages ago. Gavi says it's okay, in fact she's grateful now.

Marg puts Rodrigo through. He's in a chipper mood and wants to make plans for the evening; she's preoccupied with preparations for an afternoon meeting and next week's tequila expo and her resignation letter, so she doesn't know what time she'll get out of work. He worries that he put too much pressure on her to quit, but she doesn't really want to talk about it. They agree to meet at 7.

In other news, he says the new tequila packaging will be ready next week, and he fired Elvira because it turned out she was the spy.

They tell each other they love each other more than they can imagine. (Unfortunately, these two have weird imaginations, so there's no telling what madness this could morph into.)

Isa is now telling Elvira on the phone that she's sorry, and if Elvira needs anything, she can count on Isadora. Isa then gripes to Sofia that Gavi's good buddy Margarita is Rodrigo's new secretary, but it's okay - they've still got Suzy.

Suzy gets the next phone call. Suze has no news, just complaints that she couldn't get to Gaviota's files this time. Isa says she wants Gavi to get fired today.

Just then, Gavi shows up with her letter and goes into Avellaneda's office. (Suzy immediately informs Isa that Gavi's gone into A's office, but she doesn't know why.) Gavi tells Avellaneda that the reports are ready for the meeting, and she gives him the letter. Shocked, he demands an explanation. He asks if it's about problems with the Montalvos. Gavi says Rodrigo's getting separated, and that has nothing to do with her, but Isa's going to try to blackmail her to hurt Rodrigo.

Avellaneda recalls how the Montalvo women pressured him before; Gavi says this is different. Isadora will never stop with her threats, and God only knows what else she might come up with. It'll be things like the fake resume she used to get into Montalvocorp, and the falsified passport (even though it's since been legitimized, they acknowledge), etc. Isa could enlist the support of Aaron and Minerva, and create a serious scandal that would make the CRT - a regulatory agency, for crying out loud - look really bad for hiring her, and wreck Avellaneda's reputation as well. It could even catch the attention of high-ranking officials - secretaries of state and other authorities. And that wouldn't be fair to him. It's Gavi's problem.

He warns that this could mean the end of her brilliant career and asks what she's going to do. She says maybe she'll get a job someplace else, if he'll give her a recommendation. He says of course he will, but maybe they can find a solution to the problem. She says thanks, but it's better if she goes. She thanks him for always listening to her (and she has certainly given him plenty to listen to).

Meanwhile, Videgaray has arrived at Rodrigo's office with some bad news. His father in law has been paying the interest on his debts, but hasn't paid down any of the capital. He's told his creditors' lawyers he'll pay it in three months, but if he doesn't, the Montalvos will lose the hacienda's earnings for the entire year, including Rodrigo's organic tequila venture because that's included in the debt. And don't forget the allowances he pays to Pilar and his sisters.

"I'm sorry, Rodrigo, but I warned you," Videgaray unhelpfully reminds him. He says this is going to compound the difficulty of divorcing Isadora, and maybe he'd better hold off on that until he solves the problem with Isa's father. Rod gets on the phone and starts barking at Margarita to find Ricardo Duarte. He mutters that this is going to interfere with his plans with Gaviota.

Later (much later, but I'm telling it out of order so as not to break up the awesome Suzy story), Ricardo arrives at Rodrigo's office, wondering what the big hurry was. Rod confronts him about the debt. "We had a deal!" Ricardo has lots of painfully vague, lame excuses for his nonpayment ("stuff's not going as well as I had hoped" and "you don't know what the market's like" and "the Asians are incompetent"). Rodrigo explains what's at stake. Ricardo listens with a blank look on his face (he's probably planning his bets for the day) and glibly insists that he's going to pay; he could never leave Rodrigo in the lurch after he got him out of prison and everything.

Ricardo claims he's got a banker friend who will take over the debt from Rodrigo. Rod finds this implausible (seriously, where was this banker friend when Ricardo was in jail?) and asks Videgaray to go visit this alleged banker tomorrow. Ricardo acts mildly offended, which offends Rod a lot more.

Back at the CRT, Gavi sees Dr. Blondie's flowers on Nancy's desk. Nancy says Dr. B wanted everything in his office back the way it was before he went on his trip so it doesn't look like a forgotten crypt. It's his way of protesting her abandoning them. Once Mariana leaves them, the whole department will be like a cemetery.

(Avellaneda calls to see Dr. Blondie in his office. I hope Gavi does quit soon, because "Avellaneda" is hard to type.)

Suzy comes by, asking if everything is ready for today's big meetings. Gavi loudly shows off a folder full of copies and also waves the shiny disk around, unwisely announcing to the world that she's now saving everything to CD just in case someone wants to pay another "little joke" on her. She also shares with everyone within earshot that if those materials are lost, she'll be fired. She asks Nancy to go put these very important things in her office where they'll be safe while they go out for tacos for lunch.

Suzy declines to join them - she has too much work. As soon as they're out of sight, she goes into Gavi's office and starts rifling through her things.

Nancy and Gavi get tacos (chicken with mole) from a sidewalk vendor. They eat and gloat contentedly. Nancy has hidden her cell phone in Gavi's office with the video camera running. It's pointed right at the folders and CD for today's meeting.

Sure enough, Suzy takes the decoy materials from Gavi's office and scurries back to her desk.

Avellaneda is telling Dr. Blondie that the Montalvos are winning this particular battle with Mariana. He doesn't want to get in trouble with the tequileros' union, nor compromise the CRT's image, but he's trying to figure out if there's something he can do. He asks Dr. Blondie if he knows of any problems Mariana's having with the Montalvos. (Alfonso flashes back to the last moments he saw of Gavi with Rod in Friday night's show, when Rod angrily said "fine, you'll never see me again!")

Dr. Blondie says nope, he doesn't know of anything.

Avellaneda says all Gavi asked was to be able to leave there in good standing (i.e. get an honorable discharge).

Nancy and Gavi come back from lunch and find the papers gone. Nancy takes her phone from its perch at the top of a tall, potted cactus. (Strangely, Gavi declines to check out the video to make sure the magical event was recorded... wouldn't you want to confirm this first?) Delighted, they call Avellaneda and hurry to his office. Suzy chuckles in anticipation as they breeze past her desk. She imagines that they must have no idea what he wants them for (she doesn't realize they called him).

Isa smugly tells Sofia that Rod thinks he beat her today, but she's going to show him that he's wrong. Suzy calls and proudly says she found and destroyed those reports. "Great! Let me know when Avellaneda's fired her."

Avellaneda is about ready to yell at Gavi again for having lost the materials for yet another important meeting, when Gavi assures him that they're in a safe place. She and Nancy show him and Dr. Blondie the phone recording. (Apparently, Nancy and Gavi have no idea who they're about to see.) They all watch in shock as Suzy takes the papers and CD from Gavi's desk. Avellaneda calls Suzy in and accuses her of hiding Mariana's reports; Suzy plays dumb ("what huh? ask Mariana!"); he shows her the evidence. She is impactada.

Gavi asks Suzy WHY did she do it. Dr. Blondie wants to know who else is in on it. Minnie? Aaron? Isadora? Sofia? Avellaneda tells her she's in enough hot water as it is, but if she doesn't talk it's going to be worse.

Overwhelmed, Susana tells the whole story of how Isa and Minnie invited her to lunch, talked trash about Mariana and said she would be a hazard to Suzy; that she was ambitious and would seduce married men to advance her career; that she liked power; that she'd stomped on many people at the corporativo to get her management job.

Gavi is hurt that she and Suzy once toasted their friendship, and now their friendship's toast. Nancy calls Suzy heartless and Gavi says she'd never do something like that to a friend. Avellaneda gives her five minutes to clear out. Nancy says Gavi wouldn't make the same mistake twice. Gavi says she hopes Suzy has learned her lesson - that you need intelligence, not just schemes, to get ahead.

To emphasize this point, Dr. Blondie tells Suzy that Gavi already made backup copies this time, but even if she hadn't, she could have recited all the data from memory. Avellaneda warns Suzy not to come back.

Gavi says she knows Suzy's going to go talk to Isa next. She can tell Isa that their nonagression pact is toast now too. Now they're gonna know who Gaviota is. Stunned, Suzy nods and leaves.

Nancy wonders how much they were paying her. Gavi says there's not enough money to buy a person's dignity, and now they have to support Avellaneda while he looks for a new secretary, which is too bad because she'd like to make the Montalvo women eat dirt.


Rodrigo tells Gaviota not to quit that job just yet. Gaviota's pretty sure she knows what that means.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Angelica Vale on Don Francisco Weds. 9/12

Just wanted to give you the heads-up that Angelica Vale will be on Don Francisco tomorrow night, Wednesday 9/12.

Sorry - I don't know whether this is a rerun, or something new. Watch it and find out!


Juan Q 9/11 A wedding is a funeral where you smell your own flowers.*

Happy Tuesday! Nidia’s now Mrs. Perafan and CL wants to see Juan dance. It’s time to call in a favor.

Juan doesn’t want to give in so he begs off saying that he hurt his knee. Unfortunately for Juan, his plan backfires. Paula approaches him and asks for a dance. CL steps in and says that Juan is injured. CL offers to dance with Paula instead. Why she doesn’t immediately head back to her table, I’ll never know. Juan thought bubbles that he needs to learn when to shut his mouth. Nidia thinks that Paula and CL dancing is a great thing. She tries to get everyone else dancing.

Pastora tries to figure out how to get out of the Cachon mansion. After some struggle, it looks like she finds the right direction.

Yadira’s made up her mind. She’s leaving this filthy house. Marely points out that Yadira has no where to go. Kike’s Yadira’s only friend and that relationship isn’t going so hot, to say the least. Yadira replies that she would rather live under a bridge then stay in the house. Marely gets tired of Yadira’s yelling and tells her to grow up. Yadira’s not going to get back Kike. Marely can tell she’s hit a nerve. She pulls back and says that she knows that Yadira’s going through a difficult time, but fighting with Nidia will just make things worse. Yadira continues to lament her family. Marely storms out.

Paula and CL have The Talk. He points out that this is the first time they danced together. She doesn’t really care. She wants to know why he can’t commit. He says that he’s not able. He thinks that life has given them a new opportunity. She looks like she’s falling for it. She asks him shut up.

Ana wants to know what CL wanted from Juan. Juan’s more concerned that his plan backfired. He tells Ana that CL just wanted to be able to dance with Paula. He summarizes the encounter with CL. Ana sarcastically comments that CL must be very clever.

The song ends and Paula wants CL to let go. He does. Nidia runs up to them and wants to dance with CL. Paula willingly gives up her place. Nidia and CL do some “interesting” moves.

Pastor enters the Cachon office look for his mommy. She’s not there!

Juan apologizes to the Davila’s for the problems with CL. Paula and Ana have decided to leave while Nidia has CL occupied. They ask Juan to say good-bye to Nidia for them. Juan thought bubbles that it’s his fault that they’re leaving so early.

The band plays. Nidia and CL look as though they found a rhythm. Juan sees them and thought bubbles that the good thing is that CL is still stuck with Nidia. He cheers them and their dancing.

Pastor keeps looking for his mom. He’s starting to get frantic.

CL scolds Juan for letting Paula and her mother leave. Juan explains that he said and did everything he could to make them stay, but they wouldn’t have any of it, especially Paula. Paula didn’t like to see CL so happy dancing with Nidia (ha!) Juan asks CL to stay. CL says that he’ll leave. Too bad, CL. The Conga line reached him and he’s the new leader.

Monica and Chelo wonder about CL’s whereabouts. Monica hopes he’s having fun; he works so much that he never has time to rest. Chelo points out that they both work too much. Monica mentions that she’s been thinking about going on a trip with CL. They might go to Europe or on a cruise. Besides, Paula Davila will be at the office. Paula’s the perfect person to run things while Monica and CL are gone!

CL spins Nidia and attempts to make his great escape. He pleads with Juan to help him. Nidia rushes over and asks CL if he’s re-charged his batteries. Juan interjects that he wants to dance with the bride. Nidia prefers CL. They play tug of war for a moment and Nidia wins.

Juan enters the house and finds Alirio. He asks why Alirio isn’t dancing. Alirio comments that his wife would rather dance with others. Juan not so sublimely tells Alirio that he should be a man and make Nidia do what Alirio says. Alirio thinks this is a good idea, but first he needs a drink.

Juan goes back to the back yard and talks to Marely. Marely wants the party to be over. They talk for a moment about Yadira. Marely thinks that this wedding is just the beginning of her problems. The house is about to become much more complicated. Pastor approaches and asks for his mother. He can’t find her anywhere!

Pastora’s found her way out, and she’s found a taxi! The cabby seems frustrated. Apparently, Pastora doesn’t know her own address. When the cabby pulls up to the wrong house, she insists he keep driving.

Juan tries to calm Pastor. They talk about all the places Pastora could be. Pastor confirms that she’s not at any of them. He starts to cry because he’s worried about his mother alone in the streets.

Juan volunteers to get the car so they can look for Pastora. He and Pastor rush from the party.

Pastora demands that the cabby take her to her house immediately. He replies that he would love to if she’ll just tell him where the house is. Pastora thinks that the cabby is just trying to get more money from her. He asks for directions. She keeps telling him to go left and then right and then left an then right.

Alirio rushes into the party and insists that the music end. He wants the “first dance.” CL happily gives Nidia to Alirio. He makes his great escape. Kike asks Julia to dance. She’s worried about her stain, but he doesn’t think it’s noticeable. They go dance.

Marely interrupts the first dance. Alirio’s upset, but Marely explains that it’s about Yadira. Nidia and Marely leave and Alirio find two champagne glasses to console him.

Nidia can’t believe that Marely pulled her from the reception. Marely explains that she doesn’t want anything with the wedding to go wrong, but she doesn’t want Yadira to have a bad day either. Marely explains that Yadira’s still mad and has been packing her suitcase and threatening to leave the house.

Nidia enters the bedroom to see a crying Yadira. Yadira pretends to ignore Nidia, but Nidia knows better. She kisses Yadira and tells her to rest. “Tomorrow will be another day!” Nidia sadly leaves the room and Yadira starts to cry again.

Paula comments that Nidia looked very happy. Ana comments that looks can be deceiving. There’s no way Nidia can be happy with that man. Paula’s sad they had to miss the party. Ana’s sure Juan will tell them everything. The phone rings; it’s Monica. Monica says that she’s been calling and no one’s answered. Paula comments that she was at the wedding. Monica asks if Paula saw CL. Paula confirms that she did. Monica explains that the doctor wants her to rest for a few days, so she’s staying at CL’s apartment. She wants to get away from the house. Paula looks down. Monica asks Paula to come to the apartment tomorrow, but Paula replies that she and her mother are leaving the city in the morning. Monica asks if Monday night dinner would be better. Paula doesn’t say yes; she needs to check her schedule first. Monica finally convinces Paula to come on Monday. She tells Paula that she may come with CL.

Pastor and Juan check the house. Pastora’s not there. Pastor blames himself; she always goes to sleep at eight. Pastor begins to cry and berate himself. He’s a bad son! Juan feels for Pastor and decides not leave Pastor alone. He won’t even let Pastor call himself a bad son. Juan says that they’ll search the whole city, all night long. They get in the car and continue their search.

Pastora’s found the police station. She beats the cabby in front of the officers and accuses the cabby of trying to rip her off. The police officer tries to calm her, but he earns a smack with the purse. The cabby explains that Pastora never gave an address. The man at the desk tells Pastora that she has no claim. He tells her to be more respectful. She smacks him on the head with her purse instead. The cabby pleads his case again. The police allow him to leave, but Pastora won’t let him pass. The police officers help him scurry away from her purse. Pastora puts a guilt trip on the desk man.

Paula explains that she didn’t want to say yes, but Monica really threw her a curveball. Ana thinks that Paula’s just coming up with excuses and is in over her head. It’s better to avoid those people. Paula says that it’s not her fault and what’s more she’s going to the dinner. She wants to observe the Farrell marriage. Ana thinks that Paula should just give it up. Paula wants to know what the real relationship between Monica and CL. Paula says she won’t be played like a puppet. Ummm…does that sound familiar to anyone else?

CL finally comes home and immediately calls the wedding a circus. Monica thinks he must have like it if he stayed for so long. He thinks it was more like a nightmare. He explains that Nidia would not permit him leave. Monica comments that she shouldn’t allow her attractive man to go to parties alone. CL agrees, especially if it’s a Cachon party. CL tells Monica not to force him to go somewhere again.

Marely comes downstairs to discover Nidia in the living room. Nidia’s buying time. Upstairs is her punishment for all the dirty tricks she’s done. It’s destiny’s hammer. She can’t believe that she has to have a wedding night with Alirio. Marely thinks this is a bad sign. He might be a good lover. Nidia can’t believe that Marely would even mention that. Marely comments that ugly men tend to be good lovers. Nidia should see this as a new start. Nidia decides there’s nothing else that she can do. She has to resign herself to this. Marely wishes Nidia luck.

Nidia comes into the bedroom. She announces her presence, but Alirio doesn’t answer immediately. He’s in the bathroom and he needs God. He’s paying for all his dirty tricks. His tummy aches! Nidia plays sympathetic through the door, but she’s so happy she can barely contain herself. Alirio says that he’s going to be a long time, but when he comes out they won’t be sleeping.

The desk man begs Pastora to be reasonable. How can they take her home if she doesn’t know the direction. A police officer tries to help, but gets a beat down instead. She asks for the intelligence agency, but the desk man says that agency is occupied with other things. The desk man mentions that she should have something on her that has the address written down. The ears everyone another round of purse slaps. The desk man wisely asks for her name and says he’ll look up the address. She refuses to give up her name, like a common criminal. The desk man demands to know her name or the name of a family member or he’ll send her to the psychiatrist.

Pastor’s still worried about his mother. He thinks it’s better to wait at the house for some news from the police.

Alirio’s done with the bathroom and Nidia pretends to sleep. He still wants to get some Nidia lovin. He half-heartedly kisses her arm and then immediately falls asleep. Nidia can’t believe her luck or how loudly Alirio snores.

Pastor asks Juan to come in, but Juan refuses. Pastor thanks Juan. Juan insists that Pastor calls once he finds his mother. Pastor says that with all that Juan is doing for him, Pastor knows that he wasn’t wrong about Juan. Juan immediately thinks he knows where this is going, but Pastor interjects that he’s not saying this with a hidden intention. Juan is a great person. Juan humbly takes the compliment. He assures Pastor that nothing will happen to Pastora.

Juan drives home and sees his Palomita in the rear view mirror. He reaches for her, but she’s not there. She’s in her room, looking out the window. She thinks of her dance with CL and strokes herself. Cl lays in his bed with Monica and imagines that Paula is there. No one’s where they want to be tonight.

Marely waits for Juan to come home. They talk about Pastor and his mother. Marely tells Juan that there were no more scandals. Her mother’s scared of the wedding night. Juan laughs. Marely asks Juan why he seems so crushed. Juan claims that it has to do with Pastor. Marely says that she’s going to bed now. She can’t sleep until Juan gets home. Juan starts to say something, but Marely won’t let him. Juan comments to himself that the party is over.

It’s the next day. Monica and CL share breakfast. She mentions that he works too much and should take a vacation. He thinks that he’s too busy. She mentions that they should go on a trip together. Needless to say, he doesn’t like the idea. Monica mentions that they could leave the business in Paula’s hands. CL thinks that would be an abuse of Paula. Monica thinks that Paula’s young and would love the opportunity. As a matter of fact, Paula’s coming to dinner!

Apachurrado – crushed
me salio el tiro por la culata – my plan backfired
Meterese en camisa de once varas – to bite off more than one can chew.
Que vivo! - how clever
ser un cero a la izquierda – to be worthless

*Eddie Cantor


Amar #39 Monday 9/10/07 Kitten with a whip . . . or "that's the way a-way a-way I like it"

We begin with a reprise of Friday's last scene. Diego is commiserating with Flavio about his job, Azul, etc.

Azul and Ceci are home discussing Diego. Azul seems upset, and she reveals the news about Silvana. Isn't it an amazing coincidence that Diego's ex is the woman whose son was killed with Mo's wife? They also discuss Andres. Ceci says she is "clavando muchisimo," hammering a lot? I can't tell if this is some slang about sex the way it's used here, because of what comes next. She says they did not "cachondar," (or what I think means "mess around," according to The sweetest thing is that she has the feeling he doesn't have much experience in "messing around." Really? (de plano) asks Azul. Well you will corrupt (pervertir) him. I hope so, says Ceci, but it is strange in someone his age. If she only knew, and see more below!

Azul calls Diego, and he answers with "hello, precious." She sounds very sad and tells him she wants to talk. He asks if she told Mo yet, and she says no she couldn't because he left for Houston, and she will do it when he comes back (famous last words).

GSD gets into a cab and we see Ines stalking him in another car. He gets out of a cab and is met by Emilia. We get a good view of his jacket with elbow patches. I guess that's how we know he's a professor. Emilia and GSD are sitting at a table in a cafe. Ines storms in and confronts them. Vaya (is the translation "way to go"?). What a pretty new girlfriend. He says, may I present my therapist Emilia. Therapist, my eye, is the response. And if she's your therapist I'm the queen of Romania (well, you get the idea). She throws in that it's not ethical to date a patient. Emilia says she has no right to say such things. Oh, yeah? I have all the right given me from 15 years of dating this turkey, 15 long years, 15 years in the shadows!
GSD yells check, please and tries to get away. This is not the time or place, he says. Why are you doing this, she says. It's you who caused the damage, he reminds her (because she revealed the truth). And for all the times you pull little numbers like this. Sad piano music plays.

Diego comes to see Azul. He can tell something's come over her. Why the change? She wants to know why he never told her about Silvana. He reminds her that she's still the novia of Mo. What a pair. She asks if he had relations with Silvana and Eva. He seems to skirt the truth. He says Eva is a good friend.

Cut to Piero. He's trying to get his wife to forgive him. No dice.

Back to Azul and Diego. Eva is a friend. He tries to change the subject and kiss Azul. From now on it's just us two. She says she doesn't feel well. Diego leaves.

Emilio is upset about Ines's spying. She doesn't like to have to be involved in this mess.

Ceci comes home bringing a surprise visitor, Arnaldo. They have a "girl's" night at home, eating popcorn and gossiping.

Back at Casa Moran, Clemencia and Lidia are discussing their various amorous messes. Diego comes home, and Lidia runs upstairs. Mom wants to borrow money from Diego to tide them over. He writes what must be a large check. Mom says it's too much, but Diego insists she accept. He wants to know if she spoke with Pop. Yes, and she's still upset. She's also upset that the other woman is a friend of Diego's.

Back at the pajama party, Azul reveals that she is truly in love "like a stupid person" with Diego. But she doesn't want to talk anymore about it. A rehash of the Silvana triangle for benefit of Arnaldo. Ceci notes that she was still with Mo. Well, there's more, she goes on, filling them in on Eva. Arnaldo notes facetiously that Diego certainly is solicitous of his friends.
Now Ceci tells them about Andres. She is very happy about her new love. Azul just mopes on the side, paying no attention.

Andres goes looking for Leo. Now I feel privileged to describe what may be the most astonishing scene we are likely to see on this or any other show. Out comes Leo transformed into an S/M dominatrix. This is more jaw-dropping than the recent S/M scene on Acorralada. Gone is her slicked back hair--she is wearing her hair down and loose. She is dressed in a leather dominatrix costume with boots, brandishing a whip. My jaw did literally drop. She crooks her finger at Andres. He asks why she is dressed like that. Because you like it that way, she purrs. Please, he says. She starts biting his neck like a vampire. I am going to punish you, she says, because you're a bad boy. He obediently follows her into the bedroom. I guess this is more of the deep, dark secret they share.

Diego goes to the bar to talk to Lily Munster. She is sorry that he is angry with her. He rehashes the Azul situation.

Piero is sitting in a chair in his big white architect's special house. His wife comes down again, angry, and repeating how he's going to pay!

Diego tells Flavio that he should be with Silvana. He is getting really, really, really, really drunk. He gets Flavio to take him over to Azul's.
Cut to the Ceci/Azul bedroom. We hear singing outside. Azul goes to the window, where Diego is drunkenly bellowing a mariachi song (with some accompanying mariachis). The song is I am poor but I have no vanity. I love you for 1000 years. Azul smiles. All is well, she loves Diego again.

Diego must have gone home eventually, because we see him socked out in his bed. Am I crazy, or does he have some fancy new large bed with nice hotel sheets? It looks like a hotel room, not his old room at home. Anyone have an explanation for this?

His phone rings, and of course it's Eva. He says he went to sleep late because he was up playing pool. I suppose you missed me, she asks. How was your trip, your business, he counters. Hey, I asked you if you missed me. Still not answering, he says that he wants to talk to her when she gets back. About what? He sidesteps some more.

Over at Mansion Mo, Andres is putting ice on his head, and Leo is back to her tight hairstyle. You passed a nice night, no? she asks. He says he doesn't want to do this stuff anymore. It's not right. He wants to quit his job also. Just then Mo comes in. He warns Andres that Eva will get him. Andres says he's not afraid of Eva. I guess Mo didn't have surgery after all? Who knows.

Ines goes over to GSD's house to return the keys. (I think) She asks how GSD could fall in love so fast with someone new. He says they are not in love so fast--he's taking it slow. But it's great how they have so much in common with science to talk about. Oh, so the reason you broke up with me is because I'm a musician, Ines shouts incredulously. She escalates into a gigantic rage. He leaves, and she begins throwing furniture around and generally wrecking the place. You won't make me pay, she vows.

Diego and Azul have met for breakfast. He is telling her about his many problems with his Mom, Pop and sister, but the most important thing is how they're going to extricate themselves from the Mo/Eva situation. They need jobs, but circumstances are against them. My DVR cuts off here, as it is 9 PM. The show must have run really late this time.


Destilando Amor 09/10/07 Anvils Anvils Everywhere and Not a Person Thinks

Okay we start off today’s adventure with Gavi kicking the cop in the shin & she did do a pretty wicked number on his leg. Geez, people have been shot for far less. Okay that is it, Cop Guy says they are both going downtown or where ever you go to jail in Mexico City. The poor cop can’t walk and Rod & Gavi have to prop him up between them as they go off to the local police station.

Once in the police station the bickering continues..the cop mentions phone call. “Call your wife”, says Gavi..”Call your boyfriend”, counters Rod. “He’s not my boyfriend”, sneers Gavi. This continues. The cop gives them time outs; Gavi on one side of the room and Rod on the other. The cop’s Jefe, comes in and the bum leg cop, tries to explain. “Lock me up for life”, Gavi & Rod each say. This is going nowhere fast, thus for scene continuity the two cops retire into the office, leaving our young lovers to sit out in the waiting area sneering at each other. “What are you lookin at?” Gavi says. “The wall” says Rod as he stares at her. *** Damn I played this game with my brother as a kid. Next they will start repeating everything the other one said.***

Now over to Hacienda land, Isa is lounging on the settee down in the main living area, she is still drinking and snickering over Rod & his Tequila plans. She says, “A toast to you Rod & to your Tequila, that it will be a failure, just like all your plans with Gaviota”, Isa vows she will destroy Rod’s happiness. ***Oh please I insert here, when did she ever see him happy? Listening to some lame ass poorly recorded cassette while watching GaviVision on your laptop, doesn’t really count.***

Back over at Mexico City Vice, the Officer Damaged Shin comes out. Rod calls him over and gives Officer Shin, Rod’s jacket. He tells the cop Gavi looks cold. The cop, and this guy has the patience of a Saint, tries to give Gavi the jacket. “I ain’t takin no f’in jacket ya dirty screw”, Gavi counters. Okay I added a little color here, but the girl has seriously gotta a tude’ problem going here, considering this is the cop she assaulted. ***Gavi is like an after to school special for what happens to “good girls” who starting hanging out with the wrong crowd, what’s next, skipping school, smoking cigarettes, pregnancy? Oh sorry strike that last one…it would be redundant***
Anyway pushing, shoving, the cop is in the middle, oooops, a misstep by Gavi and suddenly, she and Rod are in each other’s arms. (Hey that lil move really works for her, just like the Dance of the Crazed Machetes”.)

Officer Shin, calls them for clinching (boxing term)..back to their corners. Rod rants that he is such a sinner for trying to see Gavi, for trying to have a meeting with her. But oh No, she cancels on him and sneaks off for fine food, flirting, songs and hilarity, with that sex machine Dr. Alonso “WhatevertheHell his last name is”. Now, Gavi tears up, ***excellent timing***, she is being accused by a blind, obstinate man, who accuses her falsely and exaggerates everything.

The Cop is giving Rod the stink-eye, Gavi scored some points with that one.

Rod comes back with “He only wanted to meet with her to discuss their future and future of the new Tequila, their Tequila…with the new label that has her lips on it. Rod manages to tear up a bit. Good counter Rod.

Gavi comes back with a “He is only my boss, I have only ever loved one man and it is you, yet you can’t forgive me for one meeting”

Rod follows up with, a “I have loved only you, you’re my first, my last, my everything” Sing it to me Barry.. Rod just wants her to live with him forever. make a long declaration of messy love shorter…I am crazy for you, I can’t live without you..Hug Hug kiss kiss…

Not a dry eye in the house, just like hydrogen and oxygen, when they collide it is water everywhere.

Back to the Hacienda, where Isa is now lying all come-hither on the sofa. To bad Carmelo, the shreakish barkeep didn’t show up tonight, cause I bet he could of nailed that. Anyway, our wayward young gigolo Frankie; finally comes home after a tiring night of pinning the local in the pickup. I think he comes home once he is certain that Sofie is having sweet chaste dreams of James. Isa gives him a deep throaty “Buenos Noches” greeting and Frankie’s eyes as well as the camera pan Isa from head to toe, lying seductively on the divan.
“What are you doing still up?” Frankie queries. “Insomnia,” Isa answers.

Now back to the crime scene in DF, a patrolman comes in and goes into Jefe cop’s office, Officer Shin comes out and tells our two sweethearts to beat it, no more bad public behavior and send him some Tequila.
***I say, don’t try this at home kids. If Rod goes all BSC and kills Gavi & Alonso in a fit of crazed jealously as they sit sippin petite cups of coffee, well Clarita is gonna sue the entire Mexico City police dept, and it will all be on the Mexican version of Dateline. Jest sayin.***

Our fine young lovers are sitting on a part bench. ***The scene behind them looks kinda like the area in the park where in LFMB, Fernando kissed Lety on the swings (kissed her on the lips, but she was on the swings). ***Anyway, Rod says he is divorcing Isa, he had Videgaray draw up the papers. Gavi worries about lil Ricky, but Rod says no matter what Gavi’s decision is, he will divorce Isa. Geez, hindsight is 20-20, three years and a jizz sample later. Then they start talking about, the Tequila label. Rod remembers it is in the trunk of the car, so off they go get a taxi, swing by the apartment to get a spare set of keys for the locked car. Gavi is scared, oh no she doesn’t not want to see Isa. Rod laughs, he says Isa is asleep many kilometers away.

A perfect time to check in on “Sleeping Beauty”, Isa starts rubbing on Frankie and he is a bit nervous, granted Sofie is stupid, but she’s not dead. Isa asks if he remembers their time in Acapulco and those great sex times in the Jacuzzi times in Frankie’s apartment? She is so 70’s. Of course how could Frankie forget? Well she has Frankie all hawt and bothered, thus solving an age old question, “No when it comes to this, just like a good man, you can’t keep a bad man down either”. Isa promptly pulls away and Frankie is like “Que the Hell?”. Isa gives him an evil smile fraught with promises of sin to come and says he is going to have to decide if he wants her hawt bode for all eternity. She slinks on up the stairs. Oh yes there was a name for girls like that in high school and no it wasn’t just “Cheerleader”. Frankie is all steamy and he finishes off the drink she left and he ponders her words. ***Frankie, surely you can’t seriously be thinking of hooking up with that no money drama queen? Dude you are scoring left and right, Isa is lady with a trophy, granted it is your trophy, but you don’t seem like the fatherly type to me. I say, lay low & let Isa leave.***

Meanwhile, Alonso & Clarita finally make it back home. For the love of Gawd can you say Awkward? This poor guy has been stuck with her for going on days now, or maybe I should feel sorry for her, cause just how much can you talk about coffee? Clarita asks Alsonso to come up, but he says he must go and turns with a broken hearted half smile. Clarita goes in and Alonso looks up at the apartment window. The light is out. He says Gavi isn’t home. Say wouldn’t this be a perfect time for a message from that great songster Mr. Dylan. “And it ain't no use in turning on your light babe the light I never knowed”, alas Alonso figuratively speaking that light will never shine for you.

Now then we have come full circle and we are back at the ol restaurant, we left a lifetime ago. After some non-sense close your eyes don’t peek; Rod pulls out the graphic for the Tequila, Gavi loves it. Look there is the tree of done deeds, where first we first pledged our love, where Rod tasted her many kisses. **Am I the only person, who kinda wishes they’d of lost it in a sleezy motel with velvet paintings? Now that would have been a label.** Okay, Okay it is kinda romantic, I guess. Now they get into this big discussion about Gavi’s problem with bursting into song. Rod is a crazy jealous man and Gavi says hey, Ma made me do it, you know you are the only man I want to sing to. Gavi wonders how she will face her boss tomorrow? Rod says “hey little woman, you have to quit your job” Gavi is muy impacted. I think Rod wants her to, cause he is crazy jealous. He tells Gavi that Isa will ruin Gavi once the word is out. She will be all over the CRT. Gavi says her job is very important to her. Rod says don’t worry, they will all live at the ranch and Gavi can work on her career there, cause Sofie is getting behind on the ironing. Gavi says she has to think about it. Rod wants to go talk to his “mother-in-law” Clarita.

Clarita is once again, bothering the Virgin Mary, I mean praying. Well not exactly praying, rather beseeching, cause she is using the timeless mother ploy on Mary, about only wanting their children to be happy. She uses this evasive tactic cause she can’t really say, hey how’s bout you get rid of Rod’s real wife and kid and plant my kid in her place. It just wouldn’t be the Christian thing to do.

Now we have a wicked return to the ranch..Isa is lying on the bed & well…she seems to be deep in thought about something deep. She is having a fantasy about Frankie. Geez Aaron for such a stud, you are not even worthy of a skanky Isa fantasy. I guess we get to see this soft porn scene, so it will be okay to plant Gavi in Isa’s place as wife numero uno. But hey, it was always okay with me, I could have gone on in my happy way, without ever seeing that.

Dr. “WhatevertheHell his last Name is”, shows up at his cousin’s home. Caffeine addicts like cokeheads never seem to realize that not everyone wants to talk all night. I guess he never saw ScarFace. Anyway his cousin, the model lady, Hilario’s boss quizzes him. Alonso puts on his sad face and says he is in love. She is like “que bueno, so how come your not happy?” This lady has a look of permanent surprise and scary eyebrows plus didn’t those bench couches used to be in a Denny’s booth? Sorry this episode just had way too little action and too much talking. Anyway, yes viewers, Alonso is sad cause he is in love with someone who is in love with another.

Clarita is sleeping on the couch, Knock, Knock…oh it is Gavi..Clarita starts giving her a hard comes Rod with Roses and the tail end of a band, yeah three guys…they start softly singing (with the door open)..wouldn’t you just love to be the neighbors. Rod & Gavi are back together & life is swell. He is gonna take care of Clarita for the rest of her life. Mexico City Headlines…Apartment Dweller Killed After Giant Acme Anvil Crashes though Franco Apartment killing innocent neighbor below”. I’m sure Clarita is silently thanking the Virgin Mary, man that was service, Clarita do not, pawn everything and buy lotto tickets. I heard the anvil. Finally, the traveling band of “All Noche Long” singers leave, Clarita slips off to the bedroom and Gavi and Rod stand around making out. Finally Gavi says she has made her decision, she will quit her job tomorrow, she will give them time to find a replacement, then it is off to that life of merriment and joy with Rod. Rod is thrilled….Yep folks another innocent neighbor just lost their life to the Acme Anvil..will it never stop?

Rod leaves and Clarita comes out…She is a little less thrilled with Gavi quitting her job.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Acorralada #167 Monday 9/10/07 Diego strikes again

Max and Marcela are getting cozy in their new digs at casa Irazabal. Marcela's even talking about babies, but Yolanda tells Max that it's a bad idea.

Silvia hatches a plan to save Roddy and Fedora's marriage - she sends Roddy a note from a secret admirer to meet him in a conference room at a hotel, then Gaby calls Fedora and tells her that she must meet with a client at a hotel.

Mercedes will have surgery next week to restore her vision.

Diego's holding Diana at gunpoint. She's begging him not to hurt her, but he says she must pay for everything she's done to him. Then she drops the bomb -- she tells him that if he kills her it will be a double murder. He puts two and two together and realizes that she's preggers otra vez. He fires - we see the bullet come out and Diana falling down a flight of steps.

Gaby and Silvia hide behind a loveseat in the hotel lobby to wait for Fedora and Roddy to arrive and figure out that they've been duped.

Yolanda goes to visit Paco. He's happy to see her, now she can share a toast with him. She's all smiles until he tells her that they're toasting to his plans to get Fedora back. When she finds out, she puts on her best fake smile and congratulates him. Pobre de Paco doesn't know that Fedora and Roddy are on the path to reconciliation... at the hotel, Roddy's apologizing for doubting Fedora and Fedora actually sounds like she's going to accept the apology! There's a first time for everything! She tells him that he and Sharon should move back to the mansion, but only if Sharon gets psychological help.

Diana's in the hospital... the doc doesn't know what happened (so apparently she wasn't shot after all), but he's sorry to tell Miguelina that she's lost the baby. Miguelina is impactada, and she calls Fedora to tell her the news.

Sharon's in bed with Kike when Larry calls. Dirty Kike seems to like the idea of smooching all over her while she tells Larry how much she loves and misses him.

Diana wakes up in the hospital with Fedora laying by her side. Apparently Fedora came straight to the hospital after her meeting with Roddy - she's still wearing the ugly black and gold cocktail dress that she wore to work the day before. Diana tells her about her encounter with Diablo.

Max realizes that he missed a call from Diana the day before so he calls psycho mansion and asks for her, but Gaby doesn't tell him that Diana's in the hospital - only that she's not home.

A week later...

Marfil's seduction of Pedro is working like a charm. He proposes. She accepts.

Marcela is showing pregnancy symptoms, and tells Mercedes. She's still worried about Diana, and has decided to go talk to her.

Pancho's still planning his escape to Santo Domingo, but Diablo refuses to go before he gets the chance to kill Diana.

Pobre de Lala is ashamed of her evil sons, but Diana tries to convince her that she was the best of the best mothers, her sons just went down a bad road.

Silvia's plan to reunite Fedora and Roddy went so well that she's working on a list of couples who are fighting like cats and dogs - she's going to help get them back together. Of course Max and Diana are at the top of the list, much to Camila's annoyance. Camila wants her to go back to hating Diana so they can plot against her, but Silvia says that she'd rather swim in a river filled with piranhas.

Diana's going back to work tomorrow, which happens to be the same day as Mercedes surgery, so Max and Marcela will both be at the hospital. She still hasn't decided whether she should tell him about the baby they lost.... credits roll.


San Francisco to Ensenada then across the Tijuana border

Hi all, I took an interesting excursion over the Labor Day weekend. I sailed my new boat from San Francisco down to Ensenada with some friends and then drove back up to the U.S. via the Tijuana border. If this sort of travelogue interests you then please read on.

In July my boyfriend and I fell in love...with a big 52' cruising boat. In a whirlwind of emotional decisions we signed the papers and took posession of "California Girl". We plan to change the name (my first choice was "Alborada" but it got nixed, hmmmmph!) but for now she is CalGal. Her vital stats can be found here.

In August after boyfriend Tom and I returned from South America (maybe I'll post some shots of that most excellent trip later) we worked like crazy on the boat, got her ready for sailing offshore, and on Thursday August 30th at 8:00 p.m. headed out the Golden Gate for Ensenada Mexico with five sailor pals.

The sail down was a dream...steady winds, sun, flat seas and beautiful sunsets.

On Sunday afternoon at 6:00 we approached Ensenada harbor and took this group shot to commemorate our fantastic trip down. I'm in the back row on the left.

Guess what we saw as we sailed into our marina, the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean! No kidding, this is the real thing!!

The first thing to greet us as we sailed into Ensenada was a gigantic Mexican flag. It measures 50 x 28 meters and weighs about 550 pounds!

After a good night's sleep we knew the first order of business was to check ourselves through customs and register the boat in Mexico. At 9:00 a.m. we began the process and five torturous hours later we completed our business at the little bank set up in the customs office.

The customs officer was kind of a jerk but at least he had a small TV in his office and he was watching telenovelas, so I got to watch Destilando Amor at 10:00 a.m. and Juan Querendón at 11:00. I also saw some great ads for Pasión; it is scheduled to start showing in Mexico in September!

Hooray! It's 2:00 p.m. and we're legal!!

After the torture of customs the crew headed off to the closest watering hole to celebrate with a few cold ones and to listen to the strolling Mariachis:

After our refreshment we walked around Ensenada enjoying the sights. We were impressed with the cherried out vehicles, wheelbarrows full of candy, nuts and candied fruit for sale, and the colorful horses and buggies:

We eventually made our way to one of Ensenada's famous fish taco restaurants. It's all about the condiments...

Yikes! This is just wrong. We did NOT eat here:

The next day we hired the harbormaster's young brother-in-law to drive us to San Diego airport. Although I have flown out of Mexico several times this would be my first trip across the Tijuana/San Diego border.

You can walk across...

...or drive across, which is what we did.

The border in Tijuana is fascinating, not only is the side of the road lined with stalls, but individual vendors walk between the cars hawking everything from fresh fruit to gigantic crucifixes.
Here are some fantastic photos of the border that I lifted from a very interesting blog called Tijuana Tales by Kinsee Morlan.
Kinsee very generously allowed me to use her photographs because I, crammed in the back of an SUV with 7 other people plus luggage and sailing gear, could barely move much less take pictures. Hers are much better than mine would have been, Thanks Kinsee!
Fresh fruit for sale:

Last chance to buy a crucifix, hot sauce or oversized vase or two:

You can also purchase Luchador masks! (Is the steering wheel in the back seat??)

Thankfully we had an uneventful trip over the border; our border guard looked very relieved when we hit the Button of Random Searches and got green for "GO". She did NOT want to search our car.


Acorralada ultimas semanas

I just want to be the first to share the joy--Acorralada is now officially in "ultimas semanas." halellujah!


Juan Q 9/7 Where Everybody wants to know how Paula is taking “it” and Nidia is finally getting married (or not)

I’m sorry this recap is so late. I had a very busy weekend, I knew it was going to be busy, but I thought I could handle it. What could go wrong? Well let me tell you. First I forgot to set up the recorder, so I asked my 13 year old to set it up for me. He knows how to do it and I thought I had explained that he could tape over the same tape. When I got home, (it was about 7:10) he said he couldn’t tape it because he could not find a new tape!! Thus I lost the beginning. I had decided I would do the recap on Saturday; I had lots of time after I came from work right? Well I had to cook for church and I overcooked the chicken. Have you ever overcooked chicken? It was a mess I almost cried. I had to run and get everything again thus no time to do the recap (on the other hand I have lots of overcooked chicken, I think I’ll make taquitos fritos y chiles rellenos ) Well the good thing about Friday’s recap is that you have two extra days to do it, but since Sunday is church day, and laundry day and make sure you have everything for school day, and last minute “mom I forgot to tell you I need 3 more notebooks for tomorrow” day well I was running all day long. I had to wait until my kids went to bed, but here I am, finally by myself, enjoying the sound of the crickets and writing this recap for you. Enjoy it.

Kike is talking to Julia and he invites her to Nidia’s wedding. In the hospital Juan tells Paula that he admires her for the way she is handling the situation with CL and Monica. –Somebody else in your place would have left. –Somebody else wouldn’t be in my place…right now I don’t know what my place is. Juan thought bubbles; I don’t know what my place is either because without you I’m as lost as a flyer without a pole. (Juan is talking about “Los voladores de papantla” you can find out about them thru this link ) CL arrives and asks for Monica. Paula says she is leaving but CL would not let her. He asks Juan to leave him alone with Paula. Juan says to himself “otra vez la burra al trigo” The female donkey is going again to the wheat (It means CL is back to his old tricks) Juan complies and leaves. CL asks why they didn’t tell him immediately. –Monica did not want to. –Why do these things happen? It is your fault because you left her when she was expecting your child. Paula I wish that you and I could... –Worry about your wife, she needs you. Paula grows a spine and walks away (and I cheer!!)
CL enters Monica’s room. When she sees him she cries and tells him that she lost the baby and it’s her fault. He is at lost for words. She asks him to hug her, he does.

Outside Fernando and Juan are talking. Juan tells Fernando that Monica lost the baby and them (Juan and Paula) where in the middle of the whole “numerito” show. Fernando wants to know how Paula is taking it. Juan is not happy with the question. Paula approaches and asks to be taken to her mother’s house. Back in the hospital Monica is still blaming herself. –If I had not insisted in working, if I had rested instead… CL tells her not to chastise herself. He promises he’ll stay with her and won’t leave her. He is just going to get his clothes and come back. As he is leaving Monica asks for Paula’s telephone number. –I want to call her to let her know what happened. –No, I don’t have her phone number here, but I’ll get it for you. He leaves.

At Ana’s house Paula and Ana are talking –It was awful; it is horrible what is happening to that (poor) woman. –And you have to share this anguish with her. –It is like a bad hand from destiny (like if she was playing cards and she got dealt a bad hand) and I could not leave her. –Because you have a big heart. –No, it was because she was a woman that was suffering and needed me. –She is the wife of the man that you still love –I can’t hate her, I can’t. Right then the bell rings. Is the scam bag… I mean CL. Paula makes an impactada face and we got to commercials.

We come back to a screaming Paula. –Go away! –Paula, please, listen to me. –Aren’t you ashamed? This is my mother’s house! –Don CL Paula is right you shouldn’t be here. –Please Ana, I swear this is the last time I show up like this. Paula is very upset and reminds CL that his word is worth nothing. –All you have told me are lies! –That is not true, please Paula give me 5 minutes and I won’t bother you ever again. (I’m afraid we are going to see how Paula loses the spine she just grew up)

Marely and Juan are talking. Marely can’t believe what happened, she feels sorry for Mrs. Farell. She asks Juan for Paula –How is she taking it (This seems to be the questions of the night) Juan tells Marely that Paula is suffering and that he is almost sure this is the end of their relationship. Marely is not that sure. She tells Juan not to hope against hope. “no te hagas ilusiones” do not deceive yourself . Juan tells her he wishes he could order in his heart and stop feeling the way he does. –You have to protect yourself Juan. –Do you Marely?

CL and Paula are talking. CL is spewing lies and more lies. –I know is my responsibility blah, blah, blah. (I really get drained when I’m listening to him) --I did it because I did not want to lose you blah, blah. –You are the love of my life. –There are things that are more important than love. –Like what. –Like commitment! (You tell him Paula) --What were you going to do with your child? Where you going to share your time between your family and me? –Yes, if that’s what it would take, a child is not enough reason to maintain a bad marriage. –But you did not ask me if I was prepared for a situation like that! –I was afraid, afraid to lose you.

Marely and Juan are talking, I could not understand clearly, but I think Juan asked Marely if she believed in love. –All I know is that I don’t believe…Tomorrow my mother is marrying a man she doesn’t love, Paula is in love with a man that has to many compromises, and me, for a moment, I thought that you and I could have a relationship, and look at yourself you are still in love with a woman that doesn’t love you. –But that is different –Why? –Because I believe in love. –That is really sad Juan.

Paula and CL keep on arguing. Big yawn –I love you –you need to be the man you said you were. –I love you. –Our relationship is strictly work related. (I’m just skipping the rest of their argument is more of the same, once you have listen to a slime ball lying, you have listen to all)

Consuelo and Monica are talking. Monica doesn’t want to go back to the house. She’ll go to live with CL at his apartment.

Juan finds Nidia drinking. She says she is drinking in honor of her misfortune. –What misfortune? –Don’t you know what happens tomorrow? --You need to go to bed, tomorrow you’ll have a headache and you won’t stand it. –On the contraire, drunk is the only way I can make it tomorrow “Al quirofano y al matrimonio no hay que meterse sin anesthesia” To the operating room and to marriage you can’t enter without anesthesia. –Who is making you marry without love? –Destiny, the unavoidable destiny. Juan answers –The only thing that you can’t avoid is “La calaca” the riper, death. (I guess he doesn’t have to pay taxes ;))

We go to the groom. He is talking to Kike, I think he is thinking to much in Nidia, because he is channeling her. He wants to drink. Kike is no dummy he remembers exactly what happened the last time he drank with Alirio. He (Kike) reminds him that tomorrow is Alirio’s wedding (bodorrio). –I was resigned to finish my life more alone that a cactus, and look at me now ready to marry. Alirio confesses to Kike that he has loved Nidia for a long time. –I know that Nidia doesn’t love me, but she’ll love me with time.

Ana is trying to make Paula eat something. Ana tells Paula she should not mix the problems of the heart with the stomach. Paula took a decision, now she should stick to it and stop worrying. Paula is afraid that that is exactly the problem; she thinks she will not be able to stick to it. –I taught you well you’ll be fine –Mom, thank you for being with me.

The Next day

Monica informs CL she won’t be back to their house, she wants to live in his apartment, CL is not happy about it but he has to accept. Next we see them arriving at the apartment. Monica is happy, because she doesn’t like to be on the bed all day long. CL reminds her that Ricardo (the doctor) recommended bed rest. She agrees, but she doesn’t want to be treated as a sick person. Monica remembers that today is Nidia’s wedding she insists that CL go. He says he’ll go

At Ana’s house, Ana wants Paula to go with her. Paula doesn’t want to. She is not in the mood. Ana tells Paula to get up and get ready, she doesn’t want Paula to stay home and be depressed all day long. Finally Paula agrees to go.

I the Cachon residence, we see Nidia sleping. She is snoring very loudly. Juan, Marely and Yadira are trying to wake her up. They decide to throw water to her face to wake her up. It works.

On their way to the church Arilio is very nervous, is time for the wedding, and he is afraid Nidia won’t show up. Kike tries to reassure him that everything will be ok. He gets so worked up that he gets sick of his stomach. (We hear strange growling sounds, we are led to believe these sounds come from his stomach)

At the church Pastor is talking to his mother. Sra Pastora with the charm of a poisonous spider is complaining for everything. CL approaches, he says hi to pastor, and when he is trying to make small talk to Pastora “el tiro le sale por la culata” the pistol backfires, and she starts complaining about everything and is rude to him.

Nidia is fully dress in white. Marely is trying to comb her hair. Nidia complaints that Marely is not doing it “crefully enough” Marely tells her is her own fault, since she drunk like a construction worker on the day “de la Santa Cruz” (The day of the Saint Cross, is the day of the construction workers “albañiles” in Mexico, and they celebrate by making straw crosses, putting them in the construction sites so that God would bless them, and drinking).

Kike and Alirio arrive to church. Alirio goes straight to the bathroom. Kike explains that Alirio is very nervous. Everybody wants to know when the ceremony is starting. Kike calls the Cachon residence. Juan answers and tells him no to worry everything is A OK. The bride will be at church... eventually. Kike is worried since he has been informed the church has another ceremony after Nidia and Alirio’s. While Kike and Juan are talking, Nidia is getting cold feet. She is not sure if she should marry… no, she is sure now, she should not marry, and as of matter of fact she is not getting married today. The Wedding is off. Marely and Yadira just roll their eyes.

Juan is just getting off the phone when Marely comes down the stairs and then Yadi. Juan wants to know where Nidia is, they both inform him that the wedding is off. Juan can’t believe it. Next we see them (Juan, Yadi and Marely) sitting in the living room. Juan doesn’t understand why the girls aren’t upstairs convincing mom to go to the Wedding. They say that knowing their Prima Dona Mother, she will be coming out soon yelling to take her to the church. She can’t miss this chance to be the center of attention. Sure enough, here comes Nidia in all her splendor making her entrance yelling at them for not being ready. Then she trips and cames tumbling down the stairs. (We know she is ok, because we see in the previews that she makes it to the church). We are reminded that this doesn’t happen in real life, therefore any coincidence is just that, a coincidence



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