Thursday, September 04, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Thurs. Sept 4 - Armando shoots Rosario and bites the dust

It's a standoff at the Hacienda Elizondo. The bad guys are fighting amongst themselves inside and the good guys are waiting anxiously for something to happen.
Juan and Grabiela are hostages.

Norma and Sarita wait outside with Franco and Óscar

Rosario comes to try and convince Armando to give up but it all goes horribly wrong when Armando, jealous to the end, tries to shoot Franco and wounds Rosario.

Unwilling to live without Rosario, Armando makes the police shoot and kill him. Rosario isn't dead though and she is rushed to the hospital.

Back at the Hacienda Reyes, Don Martín feeds Juan David.

Do we need a reason for a cute picture of Juan?

The Rosales comes to beg Dínorah to surrender but she ends up shooting at them. Although briefly considering that they might have been at fault for the way Dínorah turned out, they decide she is mentally ill and leave resolving to forget they ever had a daughter.


Guapos Wednesday 9/3/08 Hugo whines for a half hour

Guapsters, I'm afraid it's another do-it-yourself recap, as my mother has been taken to the hospital. Since so much of the episode was given over to Hugo's absurd "confession" to comatose Mili, not much to do.

Yes, Mili finally woke up.
Two things I loved: Val putting makeup on Mili--'cause they're now the sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits.

Also, Connie jumping forward with the pen for Mili to sign the divorce papers.

See y'all later.

Someone please tag this post.


Querida - Wed 9-3 - In the sauce, in a kiss, in the hood, in the blood?

At Tori’s apartment, the new neighbor explains she’s in peril, the financial kind. Don Tori tells her she should tap her siblings, but she says she has none, that is, when money is concerned. He says ok, friends then. Yeah, uh, he is her only friend she says. He smirks uncomfortably. Hmmm, what’s coming here...

Turns out, Chalo’s attempt at becoming a real criminal is foiled by the arrival of the press. They want Sara to comment on her Abue’s incarceration. She says she’ll get out soon because she’s innocent and she walks away.

Chalo isn’t content to leave it alone so he bugs her on the cell phone two times in front of Alonslow. Al looks like he might actually be a little suspicious.

Ernie is scolding nephew Ivan out front of the restaurant. Ivan is mad because he had to come. Ernie thinks he looks like a vago (bum) sitting in front. Iv still doesn’t want to come in so Ernie says fine but don’t move then. Ivan calls Betty and ends up asking her to go out this weekend.

Lore is making the raspberry culis and she doesn’t put in things that Ernie would have, and she makes no apologies. He tastes it, and agrees that he could ask for nothing more, talent, self-confidence, etc. She thinks he’s playing a trick, but nope he’s testing her. Just then Ern gets the news that the rude guy took his car so he runs off. Lore thinks that’s divine intervention. Evil sous chef comes up and tells her to peel something. There is a glance at her sauce and paper, meaning something evil is about to happen.

At the PGJ Sara gets the news that there is not enough proof to hold Snorty and Jaime. Sara is pleased that they will get sprung.

Betty hears from her Ma that she can’t go to that colonia by herself because it’s too far.

Snorty gets out in a few hours and Sara tells the lawyer he is invited to the welcome home dinner she has planned for her Abue. Al gets a call from his niece asking him for a favor.

Chalo sneaks up again and scolds Sara for not taking his calls. He hears that G-ma gets out soon and wants to go celebrate (get nookie) but Sara of course has much too much to do. He screams for her to hand over her keys.

Zully gets the call that Snorty is free. She thanks the lawyer anyway. She tells Maru she knew this would happen and at least they were in for a few days. Maru of course wants to know about Jaime.

Jaime gets the news but complains that he plead guilty. The lawyer tells him he wasn’t in his right mind. He doesn’t protest much and follows the guy out.

Tori hears that Amalia is at least fessing up to mooching. She reminds him how many times she’s eaten at his place and how few he has eaten at hers. Tori takes the bait and promises to help her. She thanks him and then proceeds to ask about the other thing too. Oh, he is hooked and promises that too. Then she busts out the 40,000 pesos figure and he looks like he’s about to choke to his death.

At hell’s kitchen, Erni is apparently calling on cell phone speaker and asks Lore to look after his nephew, oh and she can finish the sauce she made before and put it with some slices of coconuts as the house dessert, but her first priority is the nephew. After they hang up, evil sous chef tells her to go off and watch the nephew. She tries to tell him that’s not what Erni said but he won’t hear it and says he’ll make the flan, she is only making the sauce. She goes off perturbed. He looks at her recipe.

Rossy gets a cell call that Juli will be the face of ABC sports. She’s excited for him but busy and she will go to the photo shoot tomorrow, but is bugged that the witch will be there also.

In Chalo’s hovel, he finally confronts Sara about putting the horns on him and he grabs her neck choking her. This looked pretty darn real. Too bad we know he’ll stop. She gets away but he gets her back in his death grip.

Rossy and Lore talk about the Abue getting free. Rossy asks if Lore would forgive them and she says she doesn’t know, but at least she would never accept a G-Ma like that and turn her back on her very own parents. Just then beatch on wheels Moni comes up and yells at them for not working. She hears that Lore is going to check on the nephew. Apparently Moni didn’t know about him and I think she says she already or almost called the police about him hanging out in front. Lore goes out and sees if he wants a drink. Just then Betty shows up with Al, and Lore and he have an awkward moment.

Back in the hovel Chalo is still begging her for the reason she's cheating and she says Al is the deceived one and if she wanted Shallow(Chalo) gone she would have sent him off when Al broke up with Lorena, he’s not so convinced. She offers him money as evidence of her word. She promises in two days to give him 200000 pesos. He shows his machoness by ripping the cap off the beer bottle with his teeth, yeeee, real man!!!

Back to the awkwardness, Betty tells how she knows Lorena, and Al is just pissy. He starts to drag Betty away when Ivan tells him to leave her be, and just as he tells Ivan not to meddle, Ernie walks up and scolds Al for talking to his nephew that way. Yeah Al; where’s your class.

This doesn’t end well. The guys almost get in a big fight, and the kids get in trouble and Erni thinks Lore still wants Al, but she says out of his earshot that she was defending Ern.

Sara has met her match I think as she is still pretty scared of Shallow, who reiterates he needs his money and grabs her neck AGAIN.

OK, Tio and niece argue in the car on the way home and Al tells her that Lore betrayed him. Betty doesn’t believe it.

In the kitchen the other half also argue about this too. Ivan says if Ern’s not with Lore he shouldn’t care what happens. Ern doesn’t like that Ivan is with Al’s niece.

Then all heck breaks loose about the dessert sauce and as predicted Lore gets in trouble for not doing the sauce, but luckily, since the evil sous chef screwed it up, and the other guy sticks up for Lore, Erni finds out what evil sous chef did. Ern throws him out and of course he runs to Moni for help. She tells him tough. He blackmails that he’ll tell everything he knows. She pays him off, but I don’t think he gets his job back.

Vasco picks up Jaime and is glad to see him. They have to decide what to do together because Vasco is going to help him, he’s not alone.

Zully and Omar think this is a bad day for Di’s wedding. They worry about her happiness but there is nothing to do but respect her decision.

Di looks beautiful and promises to wed in the church after the baby is born. She tells Ma things are well with the two of them. They are thankful for the blessing of the child.

Jaime asks Snorty what she is looking at in the mirror. She complains about a defeated woman or something and they get into a discussion about how she was wrong about his Dad too, Jaime says soon she will have no one in her corner.

Vasco begs his Mom to leave the mansion to save some dignity for the family but she refuses. Jaime, too, tells her how important it is that they distance themselves from Snorty, but Barbi doesn’t want to leave the fat life and whines like a baby about it.

At the wedding, Julian complains about the arrangements, that he couldn’t even invite Rossy. The civil wedding proceeds much to everyone's UNhappiness.

At the kitchen Rossy complains about not being there with Juli. She is dying of jealousy and can’t stand it she also worries about that chick Elena. Ern comes up and yells at Lore

Betty gets a yelling from her Ma for bugging her uncle for such silliness. Just then Pa shows up. He tells Ma that she shouldn’t get bent out of shape for something small. He asks them to go out, but Ma says she’s too lazy to go out, but she’ll happily fix something here and he agrees.

Snorty gets a welcome gift from Jaqui and Icky, and she remarks that it is something that came from a Chinese stand, which I'll presume is not a complement in this instance. Sara gets a call from Al that he can’t change his post, so he won’t make it. She’s pissed. Shortly Sara shows up inside but Snorty is sour that she wasn’t there when she was sprung. Jaqui actually stands up for her and says that she was the one who organized everything. Snorty says let’s eat, and Icky thinks they should wait for Jaime and crew. Snorty says no, they aren’t home so let’s eat. Sara smiles.

At the apartment Pau and Dario are drinking Rompope, and they recall a party that she got drunk from the stuff, and this leads to a memory of a kiss with Rompope flavor. He thinks that was a happy memory and kisses her. She says don’t ever do that again. She says I won’t be the other woman. He tells her she’s not, they were married for 15 years and share a daughter. She tells him that he erased all that when he deceived her with the other woman and now his wife is named Jaqui. He begs for her pardon but she asks him to leave. After he does, she is happy that he kissed her and comments who is going to win over whom after all!! This scene was great, as Pau finally acted mature, at least in front of him.

We soon see the "happy" diners bidding good bye and thanking the chef . Snorty tells Sara they need to talk.

Next we see Babs just not adjusting at all to their new home at Motel 6. Vasco is NOT interested in her tantrum.

Snorty tells Sara that she is not a fool and that Sara is coldly calculating and suggests she might not be her granddaughter. Sara says of course I am. Snorty says well then you won’t mind proving it!! She says she could have gotten one over on the nuns to find out about her location, but tomorrow they will take a DNA test to prove her sanguinity. Sara is impactada for sure.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Sep. 3: “Sarita; show me on the doll where the bad man touched you.”

Buenas noches a todos.

I never thought I’d say this, but, I’d rather watch some Annie-Oakley Republican talk about castrating homosexuals and privatizing social security than watch Juan and Sofia bitch about the same “problems.”

With that being said, I regretfully present you with tonight’s recap:

Nothing like a good, fair fight! Make that, two guys hold-back Juan, beat him when he’s down, then drag him by a horse. Ah, but how could I be so silly, Juan’s brothers ride in on horseback and start shooting. Now Juan gets to punch Fernie until Fernie punches him. I haven’t seen anything so messy since Ron Paul’s speech at the RNC! Anyway, Juan tells Fernie that this is his property as he gives him a boot to the throat.

Sofia pays a visit to Raquel, but it’s not a courtesy visit. God, could Sofia be any ruder? She wants to know what Gabi told her so that she would give up the Robles-Reyes lands. Raquel beats around the bush. Sofia, who’s full of questions and shit, wants to know why she was not allowed to talk to Raquel’s sister. Raquel tells her to ask her mother (Gabi).

Speak of the devil: Gabi makes a visit to her doctor, who tells her that he is worried about her health, and that she needs to lay-off the sex. More like lay-off whatever it is she has shoved-up her ass.

Oh boy! Juan’s taking his clothes off, and as you all know, it takes the help of two other grown men to assist him. I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone to enter the shower wearing his underwear. But that’s beside the point. Franco and Oscar relate that if they would have arrived any later Juan would be a dead man. That’s why Oscar demands that Juan never go back to those Robles-Reyes lands, even if they are theirs. Ooo! I saw Juan through the strategically-gapped shower curtain… Oh no, now they are singing…

Gabi is mad that Fernie stood her up at the doctor’s office. He explains that he was protecting her interests; that’s why he’s holding his face, Gabi. She doesn’t believe him, and leaves the room.

Over at the Tumbao Rosario is talking to some woman whom she admires greatly. If you ask me, she’s certainly not much to look at. Rosario asks if she has kids, and she starts to cry. You know what that means…

Eva pays a visit to Raquel. Gabi gave her the boot and she needs a job.

Apparently Sarita and Franco got hitched. Wow; progress in the plot! And I thought nothing happened in this telenovela. The couple enters some abandoned room in the house with a bunch of furniture. Might I point out how extremely moronic it is that this family has what seems like five or six rooms that could easily be converted to bedrooms, yet the three adult men sleep in the same room. Anyway, Sarita wants to know where she is going to sleep, and Franco naturally tells her that she will sleep with him. She tells him that they are only married on paper, and she refuses to sleep, as in rest, with him. Lord knows she wouldn’t want to sleep with him. Oh boy, this is pathetic. They clean the room, and have fun at the same time. Spring cleaning can be purposeful in a number of ways. And in a matter of hours, with the assistance of a complete stage crew and the imagination of Telenovela-land, that rat-trap was turned into a humble country bedroom for two, complete with the checkerboard blankets and piss-yellow paint!

“Sarita; show me on the doll where the bad man touched you.” Let the record show that Sofia never said that, but the way Sarita ran to her, that’s exactly what the script called for. Sarita is crying because Franco wants to have her, and all of her, but she isn’t ready. In all fairness, she updated her wardrobe to the times of the Oregon Trail, and made a strong effort to paint some lavender on her eyelids. Give the girl a break, Franco.

Oh! Pedro says that it’s time for him to leave. Oh no, anytime someone leaves the Reyes Boarding House of Magically-Appearing Rooms Oscar gets choked up and they have some fifteen-minute scene where everyone in the family cries. Can’t wait.

Gabi looks stunning in her silk-red pajama suit. Sort of makes her look like a man. Anyway, she’s confident, and that’s all that matters. So confident that she tries to warm-up to Fernie, only to be rejected. So rejected that Fernie suggests sleeping in separate rooms…on doctor’s orders, of course!

Tonight is certainly a night of male eroticism, if you can call this pathetic ploy at boosting the ratings erotic. Franco is sporting an unusually tight, and certainly uncomfortable, pair of undies that undoubtedly are accompanied by a sock, or two (if the rumors are correct). He wonders why Sarita is uncomfortable with his presence. She is modest, and has to undress with her back turned. If my memory serves me correctly, didn’t they have sex under a tree? Then again, so many people on this show have screwed under a tree or on a haystack that I can’t be sure about anything. This is interesting—Franco is wrestling and groping Sarita so that she will kiss him. Yeah, he’s pretty much molesting her.

Ah, then we see Juan and Sofia in a parallel scene, complete with the same blanket and all. Nothing new here, just the usual, until someone knocks on the door and Juan answers. It’s Gabi! And she demands to see the letter that Bernie wrote which accuses Fernie. Juan calls Oscar, and then wraps him in a blanket for exposing himself: at least someone in this family has a little decency. Juan hands-over the letter that condemns Fernie, but he’s stupid for doing it because we all know Gabi will end up denying the content and then destroy it. The letter says that Fernie is one of the worst men on earth. I could have told you that. Naturally, Gabi can’t believe it. And we didn't see that coming? Ah, Sarita comes in and finds her. Oh, Franco too. It’s a pajama party! Gabi asks why Sarita is there, and Franco tells her that they got married.

Fernie is looking for the letters that Bernie hid. I wish I, too, had the innate ability to ask myself where something is two times and then find it immediately. I never would have guessed that Bernie would hide the letters he wrote behind the portrait of himself in a hole in the wall that would never naturally be there. Fernie thinks that he is saved because he found the letters.

Gabi braces herself, leans forward, and slaps the crap out of her daughter. All three of you are worthless. She then rips-up the letter. Told ya’ so!

Eva is serving some tea to Raquel, when she asks who the pretty girl in the picture is—Ruth, Raquel’s only daughter.

Gabi comes barging in as Fernie lies down to sleep. She tells him that she read Bernie’s letter. He explodes, but then sees how he can spin this: He betrayed you, and never loved you like I. She tells him not to worry, and that she destroyed it. This calls for a kiss, at least. He resists, but then concedes.

Since all the scapegoats/daughters have moved out, Gabi has to take-out her wrath on her incapacitated father. She tells him that he should have prevented the wedding, etc. He tells her that the only reason she doesn’t want Sarita married is because the Reyes are poor, and she has no right to be upset since she gave Sarita the boot. Now Gramps is giving her the boot.

Fernie is snooping in the bedroom and “stumbles across” Gabi’s checkbook. Gabi still has a lot of money, says Fernie. He takes something fiscally important.

Gabi goes to talk to Raquel. Raquel needs her help, and she promises not to reveal their secret. Eva shows up and Gabi wants to know what she is doing there.

Padre Tadeo is singing to the children. Fernie comes slithering along, and breaks-up choir practice. The Padre tells him that his presence goes against his principles, and that the Reyes will get back at his bad-doings. He always finds a way to relate the situation at hand back to the Reyes. As always, Fernie wants to confess, but Padre Tadeo will not allow it.

Gabi tells Raquel to fire Eva, and Raquel refuses. Well if that’s the way it’s gonna be, then I can’t help you. Raquel is between a rock and a hard place, and has to fire Eva.

Oh God, it’s Unibrow! (Sorry, I forgot that almost every telenovela has a unibrow; here I am referring to the pathetically-painful Luis Antonio from Barrera de Amor.) Why is El Lobo driving him around? And why are they following Pedro?

Fernie goes to confess and holds up a photo of Libia, and admits that he killed her. He says it several times proudly. Of course, Fernie thinks the whole situation is ironically funny, and the Padre can’t do anything about it.

Fernie goes to see Rosario. She tells him that if she can’t leave, then she’s going to tell Gabi on him. He tells her that if she does, he will hurt Luisito. Afterall, he is his father.

Padre Tadeo prays to God to help him through the dark night. He remembers Libia as the object of Fernie’s rage and craziness. What will happen when the Reyes finally discover that Libia was brutally murdered by Fernando Escardon?

El Lobo has found Pedro and wants to know where he is going. Pedro tells him that he is going to Guadalajara. Apparently Jeff, El Jefe, wants to talk to him.

Eva, who has nowhere to go, humbly shows up at the Lord’s House with her bag and most likely plans on staying in the convent, just like Karla on Al Diablo con los Guapos. Behind Eva is that singer whom we saw earlier. She identifies Eva as the woman who pretends to be Rosario’s mother. She asks if Eva needs help. Of course I do! I’m homeless. The woman brings her into her dressing room, and apparently Eva is now her assistant. Like fake mother, like daughter: there’s no business like show business. The singer obviously wants information from Eva, and will stop at nothing to get it.

Pedro tells the bros. that Jeff has been following him. The boys promise to protect him and get to the bottom of this.

The girls are cooking and discussing Bernie. Tomorrow is the anniversary of Libia and Bernie’s death. The girls ask Quintina what Libia’s name is, but she pretends to have watery eyes.

Quinti goes to tell the bros. how she avoided talking about Libia, and Juan decides that it’s time to tell the girls the truth, for the fifteenth time this month.

Tomorrow: Sofia finds a doll with an “R” on the back; yes, it belonged to Libia. Juan decides to tell the truth which brings the Elizondos and Reyes together. Fernie explains to Gabi why he has Libia’s necklace.

All I can say is Shoot me now…it was this or the RNC, and I chose the latter.


Fuego en La Sangre Tues. 9/2, #90 - Apply Two Directly To The Forehead, and Call Me In the Morning

Another night so silly that my title is a tip of the hat to my comadre recapper, Julie. Also for those friends of Willa who have asked about Cisco, you can see pictures of them together on Willa's World.

So how about this... Feo is a triple jerk: 1. trying to hit Abuelo out of his wheelchair, 2. kicking Oscar down the stairs and 3. arming little innocent Luisito to the teeth. Make that quadruple jerk, he keeps saying he doesn't love Luisito or have any feeling for him even though he now knows he is his son, his own blood, which alone qualifies him for a big lethal pie cart a few hundred episodes from now.
Gabi sticks up for Feo and believes no one but him, she is an even bigger jerk. Well, with that off my chest:

We reopen to the fun fireside chat with Franco and Sarita waking locked in an embrace, groaning with hangover pains and Yup! he does yell first. How did the fire stay so fresh and vivid while they passed out for - who knows how long. What is this strange paper. She reads it to him as she begins to pitch a fit worthy of a daughter of Gabriela: This can't be! Do you know what this is? This is a certificate (acta) of marriage. We are married, legally married. We somehow went to get married, there is no way we can be married. Franco insists they will be married whether she likes it or not. Not that she can remember, but she says surely you abused me. He can't say for sure either but says, no look we are completely clothed, nothing happened. She wants to go off to the civil registrar, he thinks they are closed by now. The registrar must have been drunk too and has gone home to sleep it off. She uses the props he has brought like a blanket (colchita), beer, all this stuff to seduce me.... take me to my grandpa's cabin now! She yells like a banshee. He wants her to stop yelling it hurts his head, so do we, our head hurts too. They call each other loud-mouth (gritona) and burro (burro). He recites her married name with taunting pride. She continues to pitch a fit. She is ready to pull a Sofia and march off into the dark, dangerous night. He finally manages to talk her into accepting a ride on his horse, conveniently waiting at the edge of the campsite. Sarita even complains that he has planned this clay fireplace (chiminea) but Franco derisively says it's only a campfire (fogata). These two are off to a marriage made in heaven.

Juan and Sofia tell Rosario they will help her anytime. Eva says good bye in Rosario's dressing room while Ofemia comes in to introduce Rosario to Margarita as her old friend. I have always admired you and it's an honor and privilege to meet her, what a surprise, enthuses sweet Rosario. Margarita says, thanks hija with a fervent conviction that only Ofelia understands. Margarita wants only to be her friend. Rosario is thrilled at this privilege.

Sarita and Franco arrive to see Abuelo in tears and Oscar serving him tea. Sarita accuses Oscar of causing Abuelo's troubles (she really does channel Gabriela too often), but Abuelo says BadMom-Gabi has run him off the hacienda and Oscar saved him from the perverse Feo beating him up. We have to leave here this morning. Franco pipes up that Sarita can come to live with them, as Oscar grins. Perhaps Sarita should reconsider finding a corner of the bakery to stay in for now.

Rosario and Margarita have a happy time getting to know each other, Armando breaks the spell as he comes to give her notice it is time for her to dance. After Rosario goes out, Ofelia tells Margarita she warned her not to come looking for Rosario. Rosario has suffered too much, Margarita doesn't know how much. And if Rosi finds out she is her true mother she is going to hate her for sure. Margarita looks sad as she strokes Rosario's baubles (the costumes I mean) Rosario has new energy in her lovely India inspired not-so-sari's The singers smile warmly at each other through the confetti and smoke.

Oscar tells Franco what he found in Feo's safe. Money that is surely stolen from Gabriela, jewels and a strange little box that he couldn't open for lack of time when he heard Abuelo shouting in the hall below. Franco has something really important he has to tell Oscar, he and Sarita got married tonight. Oscar laughs 1000 loves, 1000 loves and you end up with one, the little nun?

Sarita tells Abuelo of the wedding. He thinks it is the only good news in the middle so much tragedy. Abuelo tries to reason with her that although they acted while drunk, she doesn't really want to divorce Franco already. She just got married. Abuelo advises her that in his own long career as an alcoholic, one can do wild things. Abuelo knows she loves Franco truly beneath all this denial. Sarita is worried that Feonando will do harm to her mother. Abuelo says if Gabriela wants to create (labrarse) her own hell let her go. She is so deceived by Feo who doesn't want to grow old with her. Feo also defrauded Abuelo. But, with all that, he says, what hurts the most is that my own daughter has run me off, my own daughter. I can't forget that my own daughter my own blood has treated me so.

Gabriela wants to know about the paper everyone is talking about. She demands accusingly of Feo, what is this about? He wants to blame everyone else. He uses his usual ploy of being the misunderstood one whom everyone wants to betray. He was only trying to save the hacienda, as usual. Surely there is no real condemnation from Bernardo, Oscar must have been making this up. Gabi could have had a moment of doubt but when Feo threatens he will go elsewhere, she whines that she wants her father to go but not him.

Margarita is stroking the ceramic dancer and talking to it about how lovely her daughter is. She is sorry she didn't become part of her life. Rosario's break with Ofelia adjusts her new lower than ever spangled bra and drinks water. She muses that she feels so close to Margarita like she was someone she knew before. Ofelia remains the mute as usual.

Another lovely family meal with Padre Tadeo back in town. Oscar comes in injured on Franco's arm. But he says the worst is that Gabi has run off Abuelo. Oscar is in a neck brace but lets them know that Feo Escandon has caused his injury but he saved Abuelo from harm and here they are alive.

Juan brings up the letter from Bernardo. The boys want to go get involved. Padre Tadeo speaks up that Feo has done much evil and Bernardo knew. Only with this letter can these evil deeds of Feo be brought to light. (Don't forget he can't break his secret of the confession)

Franco uses this confusing interlude to tell them all about the marriage...

Feo looks over the secret papers which apparently he does have and can't see anything taken by Oscar. He repeats his favorite phrase that when a serpent is cornered it attacks....

Juan and Sofia say, oh nothing meaningful.

Feo says I have to take your son away form the Hacienda, but why? because Abuelo has been run off too so it will no longer be a safe haven for Luisito.

Eva says she has nothing left at the hacienda and Abuelo says he has been run off too. Where will they go? Eva says she will rent a little house and he can come with her and Sarita. Abuelo says not Sarita, she will go with her new husband. Husband, oh yes, Franco and Sarita have married. Wouldn't you know it at this important juncture, Rosario is at the open door and overhears the heartbreaking news

Rosario adjusts her tears and makeup and enters. How's tricks? She consoles Don Augustin that she heard the Gabi has run him off. They discuss that Abuelo will come live with Eva and the boy can come. She says she has heard about the marriage. Everyone looks sad for her.

At the bakery Franco says in front of everyone that his little wife will stay married to me. Sarita continues to protest that she wants an immediate annulment but her voice is softening.

Pablito proves he is a real Reyes as he approaches Rosita his favorite classmate with the offer to be novios not just friends and classmates.

Abuela is praying to his wife in the chapel explaining why he won't be able to come and see her often since Gabi is making him leave the hacienda, when the evil Gabi ruins even his peaceful moment sneering that it is his fault that her mother died. When he tells her not to be so bitter. He asks if it is her blind love of Feo that makes her drive off her own father but she says no she really really really wants him to go and leave her to live in peace and never wants to see him again. Having ruined Abuelo's moment of peaceful farewell to his wife's crypt, she continues on menacing the dead Bernardo with more of her bitter invective. Odds are Bernardo is glad to have all that white marble between them.
Quintina comes to save Abuelo she tries to raise his spirits to walk away and go to the Reyes house. He is so sad and feels pain at leaving his hacienda and more than that seeing the hatred in the eyes of his evil daughter. Still he hates to leave her in the hands of the evil Feo. Quintina tries to get him to fight like a good general. He wishes his little generals Luisito and Pablito were there. But Q has plans to fight. In her inimitable style she mounts a strike and with signs against Abuelo abuse by his own daughter she gets everyone marching. Gabi comes to stop the noise and scandal. First she can run off the servants and demands that Rosendo takes her father off the property immediately. But her lovely friends come wanting to see what the abuse is. He tells them that his own daughter has run him out of his own house. Gabi denies it and orders Rosendo to take her father to his cabin immediately. Abuelo promises to tell them more of the truth about Gabi at his casita later.

Sarita says she wanted to marry but not like this. She wanted the lovely white wedding, but wait she already had one of those and it didn't go so well. Sofia says she will talk to Franco about this but Sarita says she has to get away form Franco as soon as possible. She isn't running very fast.

Juan and Oscar try to reason with Franco who denies that he won't have trouble with this marriage. Even Juan knows that a woman wants a big wedding with the carriage and all. Does her mother know? They worry about the church wedding later if he starts out with a civil wedding followed immediately by a civil divorce, the church won't accept this. Franco is sure Sarita is just a wild colt (potranca) but he is going to break in (domar) Sarita with his love.
Final scene: Feo smokes gazing out the window, Gabi comes in grabbing for the bottle of good stuff and realizes someone has been sucking it up. but she pours a big one and takes a huge gulp. Oh, she has pains and doubles over. Fernando carry me to the doctor, I am really really really sick. Feo thinks nothing much of it but she insists. A sad Eva walks along and looks back at the house. What is it she is going to miss? Evil Gabi has Feo stop so she can sneer at poor Eva with her little suitcase. Gabi uses her dying breath to curse Eva and pour more venom out the window. She is glad that Eva is finally leaving HER property and continues that Rosario is not her daughter but she will never, never know what happened to her child.

Cutting the fence around the holy Reyes tree, Juan is working feverishly. Feo shows up and has his men beat the tar out of Juan. While they hold him he takes a hit. He ties Juan to a rope so his own horse drags him, but just at this moment, Franco and Oscar show up with rifles to stop the scene. Who is the crack shot that breaks the rope with one shot? Juan wants the others to back off, this is between him and Feo. The brothers oblige by aiming the rifles at Feo's flunkies. More fighting and bleeding take us to the final moments when Juan throws Feo against his own barbwire. We are treated to more hitting, some really good head butting and kicking on Juan's part and no one deserves it more than Feo. Juan looks battered but Feo finally looks subdued.

Next: Pedro talks in the air to his father who abandoned him while not far away the mysterious JEFE, tells a hatless Coyote that perhaps now is the time to reveal himself and some truths. AND we will get to see the great fight scene again. Franco and Juan get a chance to show the letter from Bernardo to Gabriela who doesn't want to believe it, but there it is in her beloved's handwriting.


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Tues. & Wed, Sept. 2 & 3 - the North Wind brings surprises

Wednesday's episode-

First, DB will be on at 8pm tonight (Thursday).

Luisana calls DB old and ugly and they are about to have a cat fight when Santos carries DB off, ties her up and takes her home. He keeps her from going back by sleeping with her.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo tells Mauricio the whole DB story.

The next morning Santos comes back to Altamira. He discovers Luisana was lying about not receiving his Dear John letter but she won't accept that it's over between them.

Luisana decides to go see DB at El Miedo.

In San Fernando, Cecilia turns cold again during Antonio's kiss and slaps him. He gets drunk with his new friend and decides to sleep outside her door so he can apologize first thing in the morning. Cecilia dreams about Toño. Next morning, Marisela finds Antonio outside the door and sends him to clean up before Cecilia sees him. Meanwhile, Federica and Josefa have taken the slow boat to San Fernando.

Later, Antonio offers to teach Marisela and Cecilia to ride a bicycle. Marisela leaves them alone and Antonio tells Cecilia that he loves her and they kiss again.

Tuesday's episode

Mexican novelas seem to be ostentatiously set in a real place almost to the extent of being travelogues while these Colombian novelas go to the other extreme and are ostentatiously set nowhere in particular.

As Margarita mentioned, DB is set in Venezuela (and is based on a famous novel of the same name). The physcial location of the novela is an important part of the story so it couldn't be avoided. It just so happens that I am going to Venezuela in January (not to the llanos) so I was looking at an online map and am able to put this screenshot of the part of Venezuela where the story takes place. The llanos is an area of flat grasslands with many rivers. You can see the Arauca river in the middle of this map. Presumably, Antonio and Cecilia are in San Fernando de Apure. San Juan de los Morros, where BP and Melquiades found Juan Barreta is just off the map to the north.

I really like Maurice, Luisana's cousin. Having met Santos, he tells Luisana that he is a 'bocatto di cardinale,' meaning a delicacy good enough for a Cardinal and translated in the titles inelegantly as, 'finger lickin' good.'

I left the caption here on purpose. In a funny scene, Santos is talking to himself while trying to fix his truck. Maurice comes up behind him and says, "Santos, does your truck give you good advice on your love life?"

Juan Pablo Shuk, Feonando from PdG literally bumps into Marisela in the hotel in San Fernando. Presumably, they will meet again.

Good new for those who wanted to see Cecilia and Toño get together in San Fernando. Cecilia lets her hair down and Antonio enlists Marisela's help to get Cecilia to dance with him.
A kiss in the courtyard. Let's hope things progress before Federica gets to town.

Santos and Luisana react to the sudden appearance of DB at Altamira. She tells Luisana that she is Santos' 'hembra,' which would translate as 'female' as opposed to 'mujer,' 'woman.'

Balbino Paiba manages to avoid DB's wrath. When DB starts to plan vengeance on Juan Barreta, one of the men who raped her, Eustaquia tells her that she has a choice - be the old DB who kills people or change to keep Santos' love. She decides (for now) to let the past go and be a woman that Santos wants.


Guapos 09-02-08 "Consti the Sinner, Repents at least for Now"

Before we get started, does it not seem that the next one…the angel thing is same story different people, spunky dark haired poor girl, heart of gold, trade a soccer ball for a bike, rich good looking blonde boy? Also Helen Rojo is in this and she takes babies to the Catholic Church more often than I take out my garbage.

We get to see the crash, the smash, the glass…say how did she avoid any cuts? Jest asking.
Now we get a rehash of the beach scene, cause it cost less to do rehash, than actually come up with new dialogue.

Consti is in the cafeteria with Val, he tells Val that indeed Mili is her sister. He says that she already knew that Consti got a servant pregnant and well Mili is the result. Val is horrified, “And you let her work as a servant?” “Well, I didn’t know the truth for a while and then Granny left her all the bucks, so why rock the boat?” Val asks if Al knows. “No”, Consti says and then continue in his best RatBastard explanation, no one could know because of his awesome political career. Wow Val stares at him like she is in some Grimm’s fairy tale and the magic spell has been broken and now she can see Consti for the little self-centered troll he has always been. Consti tells her that she can’t tell anyone her new sister news.
Val fires back and tells Consti, she admired him, thought he was the greatest thing since a “Cayman Bank Account”, she thought he was a God. Oh Senor Clayfeet. Now he has tossed all her good feelings into the trash. Val stomps off, Consti is left to sit in the cafeteria with runny eyes and try and scoop out a cashier girl who will fall for his “I’ve changed story”. I so wish she also got to see his famous, “Soy un Perverto” disc, oh icing on the cake.

Meanwhile, back at the waiting room, Hugo is all huddled up on daddy’s shoulder. Damien says they need to go home. Hugo says he must see Mili. Luci tells him to shut-up, get it through his head, Mili doesn’t want Hugo. Hugo says, “But she is my wife”. Luci is like, pull your head out, you and Mili are done, finished, through. Hugo looks sad, jeez I’d look sad too, if I almost killed someone, who might wake up and tell the whole sordid tale.

Socorro is sobbing at home about her missing pole dancing spawn, Mili’s fall and life just sucking in general. Horacio tries to cheer her up, by saying that Lina is probably having an awesome time on her honeymoon. Gee, that doesn’t seem to do the trick.

Oh look now we heard on over to the “Big Pole Palace” where little Karla is turning over her dinero to Chunky Torch Singer. She is way happy that she made so much dinero just shakin her moneymaker. Alas, Chunky takes a Big Cut and only gives Karla a small pittance. Room & Board. She tells Karla, that she is a Natural, just like her Ma. Karla does not want to be compared to her mother. She takes her small wad of cash and walks off. I know next time Karla will flinch some off the top.

Make at the mansion, Andrea comes down screaming for Soccoro, she wants café, she tells Horacio to get it for her. He tells her forget about it. She calls him insolent and narrows her cat eyes. Andrea better be careful, cause she may be on her way out when Consti finds out her part in the kidnapping of Mili. Oh Please, she’ll touch his leg and all will be forgiven.

Meanwhile, Val goes in to see Mili, she asks for a moment alone. She tells Mili that she ask for her forgiveness once before, but now they really are sister and please, oh please forgive her and don’t die.

Padre, Chunky Nun & Gloria show up. Gloria is very upset, she is afraid Mili will die. Padre the voice of reason says she is in excellent hands and everyone needs to go home and come back in the morning. Everyone leaves. I have no idea where Consti is. At this point I am operating under the assumption that he is busy making some candy striper.

Al will stay at the hospital with Mili.

Brau & Rosario Sr. arrive at the hospital. They talk to a nurse and tell her they are friends of the family. Mili is in a very delicate condition and no visitors until tomorrow. So of course, they find a doctor’s coat and mask and Rosario sneaks into the room. She tells the ever vigilant Al that she needs him to leave the room for a minute. We have some Hija moments. Al comes back and asks about Mili’s condition. Rosario says Love is the best medicine of all. Now excuse me, I have other patients to see. Egads….Princess go and share that with all the intensive care patients. She asks his name before she leaves and he says Belmonte…Egads otra Vez.

Oh looky, Consti is St. Deceptions, praying before Christ on the Cross. I think he had to check and make sure it was really Jesus as it has been so long since he has seen him. We go through the same lame promises that all sinners make, when pushed to the wall. Let Mili Live and I promise I will tell her and give her my name. Just like when you gave money to the church, if you didn’t have to tell her. AssHat,
Anyway, the good Padre comes in and talks to the now repenting Consti. Consti tells Padre that he knows Rosario is alive, but he is sure she is far away, he has a detective on it, but Granny spent years and came up with nothing. Consti departs, maybe he can catch the late show with Karla. AAAAAAAhhhhh
Padre remembers crazy lady the day Madre Superior died, he connects the dots.

Val tells Rocky she wants him to spend the night in her room and she really doesn’t care what RatBastard Daddy says. She tells Rocky that Mili is her sister. Oh the Muy Impactedness just goes on and on and on.

Next day…

Luci is sitting in the living room, Hugo comes bounding down the steps, he is off to the hospital. Not so fast, Luci wants to talk to him in the study.

At the hospital, Brau shows up and is all tearful over Mili. He tells Al that he did not tell Mili that Al & Mili weren’t brother and sister, because of hate. He is sorry. Al doesn’t care, he just wants Mili to get better.

Rosario is having breakfast, she is all happy she saw her daughter, cause a coma is better than dead. Perleta comes by cause he is trying to get money for the political party. Rosario agrees to a meeting.

That is pretty much it.

In the previews Hugo goes to the hospital and tells Al he has a present for him and hands him a box.
I totally hope it is a pair of thongs and he tells Al, they are Mili’s favorites, but I bet not.


Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues., Sept. 2- Don Martín is found; Bustillo is busted and Juan demonstates why Norma should do what he says not what he does

We're hurtling toward the end of PdG, folks.

Horténsia tells Martín what she is going to do to Filemón when she confronts him.

When Horténsia finds out that Filemón promised to give Esperanza a half interest in the store that he doesn't even have, she tries to crush him like a bug. Miguel and Manolo ignore their father's pleas for help.

Norma and Juan make up after Juan chews Norma out for going to the Elizondo hacienda on her own.
Dínorah tortures Malcom to find out where he and Carmela hid Grabiela's jewelry.

Abuelo is finally back with his girls. He drops the bombshell that Dínorah is at the Elizondo Hacienda.

On the theory that it's ok if a man does something heroic even if it is stupid, Juan, on crutches no less, goes alone to the Elizondo Hacienda.

He overhears Malcom and Carmela talking about Grabiela in the basement.


Querida Enemiga (#51) Tuesday Sept. 2, '08 Lorena Gets A Clue, And So Does Chalo

For the rehash, we get to see Lorena suffer again as Sister Trinidad hand her the papers showing that she was abandoned in a garbage can. Lorena's hopes and dreams of finding her parents are dashed and now she realizes she'll never find out who they were. Mother Trinidad tries to console her with spoonfuls of tea and bromides but Lorena's looking very crushed.

Meanwhile, Sara is smarming up Hortensia at the jail again, reassuring her that the release is a slam-dunk, but Hortensia, with a sour look, refuses to "cantar victoria" until she's actually out. She's also viewing Sara with a jaundiced eye, musing to herself that Sara didn't do this for me...she did it for ambition. " You're shrewd (lista) Sara but I can't trust you. " (Hate to admit this, but I kinda like this wicked old broad. She's dreadful...but she's upfront about it, and plenty intelligent, unlike some of the other characters.)

Back at Maruja's house, Mother Trinidad is trying to repair the emotional damage to Lorena by saying You'll always be my child. We (the nuns) will always carry you in our hearts. Be strong, don't let rancor and resentment overtake you. Our plucky heroine vows to "superar" (overcome) this latest setback and reminds herself that she has many people who love her.

Having dropped her bomb, Mother Trinidad scurries off, saying she has things to do before returning to San Martin.

Switch to the clinic, where we get to enjoy Alonso's very best bedside manner, hovering over Florencia. He's gone to her school and gotten her grades which he tells her are good and also mentions Sergio asking about her. A little chit-chat and then Florencia asks him if he has a girlfriend. He teases her that she must be up to something and she says yes, when she recovers she wants to be his "novia". Get in line little lady.

At Paula's house, Ivan (Chef Hawt's nephew) is calling on Bettina and she wants to entertain him in her room...a proposition that throws Paula for a moment but she relents. Ivan has brought her a pie but she says it will take more than that to turn her into a mother-in-law. Also, she wants him to call her "Paula" not "señora or any of that nonsense.

Back at the other apartment, Ms. Big Hair (I think her name is Amalia) is lighting candles to her dead husbands. Can't figure out if this lady is a sentimental Black Widow/con artist or just a lady down on her luck, husband-wise, but she's sure not giving Don Toribio the straight story. She quickly snuffs out the candles and spins a tale about these being pictures of her brothers (and yes, they all look different because they had different papas). And no, no picture of husband, he didn't like photos. Don Toribio swallows this tall tale and when he mentions that he's going over to see his daughter Paula, Amalia invites herself along.

Turns out Mother Trinidad's to-do-list involved reaming out Sara for taking Lorena's boyfriend. Why does everyone defend Lorena? pouts Sara, and throws in a little more character assassination, which Mother Trinidad doesn't buy for a minute. However, the good nun is goofy enough to assume Sara will comfort Lorena for her emotional setback and tells her about her friend being found in the garbage. Of course we know how Sara will handle this but at least it results in a big hug from our hunky chef. But hey, that comes later. Hold on folks.

The scene switches to Bettina's bedroom which is gradually being invaded....first by Paula bringing sandwiches and then joining in to watch the movie. Later, Don Toribio and Amalia will add themselves to the mix. No worry about any monkey business going on with this crowd.

Now we're at the restaurant and Lorena gets the snotty text message from Sara congratulating her on her origins. Her composure slips, she starts to cry, Chef Hawt arrives, she tells him what happened, he embraces her and lo and behold, jealous little Monica arrives and pitches a fit. We can see where this is going and it's not good. Chef Hawt should have kept his spatula in his drawer 'cause from now on Miss Monica's going to be on the warpath.

Sara has dropped in on Alonso and wants him to take her to dinner to celebrate Hortensia's release. He can't go because of Florencia and she pitches her own fit, accusing him of evading her on behalf of the patient who reminds him of Lorena. Another guy who should have kept his stethoscope in his pocket. Too late now Alonso.

Here's a little bedroom scene that's G-rated though. The whole family's in Bettina's room watching the movie and getting on the little gal's nerves big-time. And Amalia starts giving Paula advice, telling her not to chide Bettina so much. Pretty nervy if you ask me. I wouldn't let a perfect stranger start giving me mothering advice in front of my child....but I digress...back to the action.

Ernesto wants Lorena in the kitchen (Monica assumes he wants Lorena in his bed) and they fight about it. Finally she yelps, Fine, but when you get sick of her don't send her back to me! Big big smile from Ernesto. Lorena gets busy right away, wanting to experiment with a sauce by adding" licor de chocolate" to it, giving it a touch of mole poblando. Ernesto approves, Sous-Chef disapproves, the other chef (our old hairdresser from Juan Querendon) brings the licor and the experiment seems to go well. She adds just a pinch of sugar to balance it out.

The busy day at the restaurant is over, Lorena is putting away a few things, and Ernesto is regarding her wistfully, thinking that he lost her before Ihe even had her.. She gives him a sisterly hug, thanks him for helping her fulfill her dreams (as well as comforting her about her parents) and as she departs, he thinks that it's better that they are friends because he doesn't really deserve her. (Well that could be true, but Holy Toledo, Alonso doesn't deserve her either! Judges, could we have a third choice?)

We break for ads and when we come back, Chalo is admiring himself in the mirror when Sara arrives, three sheets to the wind and wanting some hot loving, which he's only too happy to provide.

Our other lovers are not doing so well. Monica's accusing Ernesto of having designs on Lorena and threatening to get rid of her altogether. Ernesto tries to disentangle himself from the relationship and sputters that Monica shouldn't mix the personal with the professional. (a little late for that Chef) Monica doesn't want to see Lorena in the kitchen....or come to think of it anywhere around the restaurant! Ernesto says that if Lorena goes, he goes too. Checkmate. For now.

Alonso is having no luck getting hold of Sara. Her cellphone is turned off. She wakes up in Chalo's bed having spent the night, due to too much drink and too much amor. Worse yet, Chalo wants to take her car to go get lunch and Sara's furious.

Outside, who should be lurking but Rossy and Lorena who's ready to get Sara where it hurts. The timing is perfect. First Chalo emerges and then an angry Sara, forbidding him to take the car. He takes offense and she makes up for it with some heavy-duty smooching. Lorena finally understands that not only are they lovers but the affair must go all the way back to the else could Chalo have found her so easily in the great big city of Mexico. and how did he know to show up and be so obnoxious when she and Alonso visited the orphanage!?

We break for ads again and when we come back, we have a shot of Alonso, jealous as usual, wondering why Sara's cellphone was turned off and where was she all night! She quickly makes up a story of helping a friend with a project and a dead battery in the cellphone. Alonso caves quickly and says let's not fight. (These two deserve each other).

Lorena has some slick skills of her own as she confronts Chalo adroitly, saying she's always liked him and couldn't understand why he would do something so low and dirty as to make her out to be a tramp in front of Alonso. But hey, she can forgive that....what she can't forgive is Sara, her best friend, taking her novio. Chalo is stunned but tries to fake it and assures Lorena she must be confused. No way, she counters, Alonso's picking Sara up at school, kissing her in front of everybody, you don't know what she's capable of! Those two are together. And we're alone.

There's a brief scene back at the mansion where Barbara rags on Sara for being out all night (your novio kept calling) and they trade mutual insults with Sara coming out on top, naturally. They're both schemers but Sara has brains, Barbara doesn't (can't argue with that) and Sara is going to see to it that Vasco and his brainless mom are out on the streets in no time.

Now we switch to the company kitchen where Arturo is pulling some sleight of hand, wanting the chef to switch to cheaper ingredients for some order. (reminds me of Bruno negotiating cut-rate cheap drugs for the clinic). Chef balks, saying Hortensia will not approve and right then Sara arrives, with orders to prepare a big banquet for Hortensia's homecoming with huitlacoche soup, endive salad, lobster thermidor, rice and "tarte tatin".(which I believe is an apple tart) No expense spared! Arturo makes some quip about her commanding posture and she smiles, Of course you're invited to the banquet too. And how about me? asks Jacqueline. No way. Jacqui has to coordinate everything as well as send out press releases the next day refurbishing Hortensia's image. (no mention is made of Jaime in all this) After Sara sails out, Jacqui looks at Arturo and says "One word and I'll kill you". He grins. And tells her he has a surprise for her.

Julian's at the lesser house, grinning from ear to ear, having just received an offer to model for "ABC Sport". Maruja arrives and he's so excited he whirls her around and around, as well as saying that he wants Rossy, the jealous one, to come along on the photo shoot to keep him calm. Zully and Omar are down at the court. Hortensia is expected to be released and at last....someone wonders about Jaime...Yep, our Maruja is still thinking about him.

Well, turns out Arturo's surprise for Jacqueline is a cheap elephant replacement for the Thailand souvenir that was shattered. Jaqui's disappointed. She thought it was something just for her. Not to worry, he's thought of a place where they can be together....alone....once she gets her work done. This guy has management motivational skills out the wazoo.

Meanwhile Bruno's lurking outside Diana's workplace ready to rush her into a civil marriage and an already furnished HIS name only (no community property for you Diana!) and brushing aside all her requests for the apartment to be in their child's name. Clearly this is going to be a very short-lived marriage as Bruno seems to be planning to take the money and run. What a sweetheart.

We have another very odd, contrived scene where Ernesto's sister dumps another kid on him...this time Ivan, Bettina's novio . Ernesto argues that Ivan's old enough to stay by himself (just not at Ernesto's apartment) but Sister prevails and he ends up dragging the boy, sulking all the way, to the restaurant.

The kid is a real pain, refusing to do anything helpful, slouching in a seat right in the middle of the kitchen , reacting snottily when the sous-chef trips over him (thank goodness Ernesto makes him apologize) and then Ernesto smooths things over by introducing him to Lorena, someone who could be your aunt. No way, squawks the kid, she looks young enough to be my sister!

What did you say? asks Lorena. Just kidding, Ernesto covers. (Hmmm...I guess we still have hope here for a little romance. Keep your fingers crossed)

Meanwhile Monica is trying to enlist the help of the hostess in conquering Ernesto. Hostess is licking her lips and evidently thinking of conquering Ernesto himself. (it would be interesting to see if he's an equal opportunity bedmate...let's give us older women a chance!)

Back in the kitchen, Ernesto gives Lorena a recipe to follow, telling her to do it just as he says. Evidently he's deliberately put something wrong in there and is hoping that she'll catch it.

At Amalia's apartment, Don Toribio arrives, she kisses him and he's surprised. If you don't like the kiss, take if back, she says....woo hoo...heavy duty flirting here. But wait, turns out he's come to collect some money to pay for repairs to the apartment....every renter has to divvy up a certain amount. Amalia doesn't have a cent. But your brothers? I don't have any, uh, I don't have any brothers when it comes to lending money. (Okay, don't know if she's for real or a total con. Weigh in on this readers)

Final scene is of Alonso surprising Sara outside of work. He knows it's an important time for her and is ready to lay some heavy-duty kissing on our gal. A lurking Chalo sees the passionate smooch and vows vengeance, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a knife.

Tune in tomorrow and see if Sara can slip her way out of this one.

Word for the day: alevosia = treachery, premeditation, malice aforethought. Rossy spoke of alevosia y ventaja (advantage) when learning about Sara and Chalo's schemes


Guapos: Monday 9/1/08-- "Shortened recap in honor of Labor Day"

Snapshot version of last night's episode since it is the first day of school and I'm squeezing this in during lunch.... As always, please fill in the gaps.

Hugo and Mili fought as she is not too agreeable about being kidnapped and alone in a hotel with him. She ends up falling over (and through the glass barrier) the balcony. She's hurt badly and Hugo begs her unconcious body to forgive him.

Connie has his private detective looking for Rosario. The detective says he's been looking for her for years, she probably doesn't want to be found. Look anyway, Connie tells him, 'cuz she's alive.

Karla shows up at Macarena's club. She'll start dancing tonight, with on the job training. Mono comes in and sees her dancing. He tells Macarena that Karla visited Damian in prison.

During a family dinner it is reavealed that Rocky and Val will have a civil service first, then a church wedding later---it's a deal they made with Connie. Luci doesn't understand. Andrea insults the staff, particularly Gloria. Luci asks if she was as bad as that before, her children tell her yes. Connie's not happy about the idea of Mili moving out. He reminds everyone that she'll lose her inheritance. Damian reminds him that the money would go to Connie, so he could just give it back.

Rosela is worried because Braulio hasn't called to arrange her secret meeting with Mili.

Mili is rushed to the hospital. The good Doctor tells Hugo that she's in a coma and it is very serious---they don't know if she'll make it.

Hugo calls Al and the family goes rushing out to the hospital.

Socoritto is left with the baby and she fills Horacio in on what happened with Karla.

Al attacks Hugo at the hospital, Damian and someone else pull him off of his cousin.

Mili has an out of body experience. She meets up with Regina in the white light. Regina tells her that her mother isn't here. The doctor is able to revive her and bring her back (very dramatic stuff if you missed the episode).

Al goes in and professes his love to in-a-coma Mili. He tells her that their plan is to grow old together and she needs to fulfill her promise.

Connie kicks Al out and then confesses to an unconcious Mili that he's her dad. Val over hears and she seems happy that Mili's her sister, but sad that Connie hid it for so long.

Braulio goes to meet Rosela, to tell her the news. He checks out her assistant (he scanned his backside). He fills her in and she wants to rush to the hospital to see her daughter.

Al goes back in with Mili and has a flashback to their time on the deserted beach. END OF EPISODE.


Doña Bárbara - Mon., Sept 1: the rebullones are back and that means more woman trouble for Santos

Santos and DB finally get it on.. The psychic effects of this coupling cause the horses to run around in the corral and brings the rebullones back, much to Juan Primito's excitement.

Santos doesn't feel very good about it afterwards though. In fact, he feels like he is becoming his father who shot his son and then killed himself in front of Santos and Antonio. Santos swore that he would not be like his father so he doesn't stay with DB. He tells her he needs to think.

DB is happy. She says that Santos is the only man in the llano who could give her a flower and she is even going to make nice with her daughter for Santos' sake when Balbino Paiva arrives and tells her that he was the one who caused Santos to fall from his horse.
Meanwhile Antonio, Cecilia and Marisela are on their way to 'the city,' San Fernando to buy supplies for the hacienda, the new school and clothes for Marisela. She has never been to the city so she is very excited.
Antonio obviously has hopes of making progress with Cecilia in the city, too.
Luisana crash lands in the llanos and now Santos has three women to deal with.


Fuego, Monday 9/1 (#89): Apply Directly to the Forehead

No, I didn't forget to change my placeholder title. I thought this was a good time to use the slogan of the product that is better known for its headache-inducing ads than for its effectiveness as a headache remedy.

So Ofelia and Eva are at the Tumbao for the new act's opening night. Pedro and Rosario show up a little late. Rosario is flustered and says someone was following them in a truck. His Royal Hotness Pedro tries to brush this off, saying they were probably just mistaken.

The show begins. The new singer is introduced as Margarita, Goddess of the Cumbia. Ofelia takes one look and thought-bubbles "It can't be! It's Rosario's real mother!"

Grandpa rehashes with Sofi and Juan about the (invalid) land transfer between Raquel and Gabi in exchange for something very valuable, and the possibility that "something" might have been a newborn girl. Sofi gets upset, because she is sure that that baby was her. (Huh? Wouldn't the land be getting traded in the opposite direction?)

At the Tumbao, Rosario notices Ofelia's sudden discomfort, but Ofelia says she's okay.

Meanwhile, at the Tough-Luck Bar (hello! karaoke!! is anybody listening??), Coyote invites himself into Feo's office and says he heard that Feo tried to hurt the Reyes. He warns him that if he doesn't be a good boy, he'll pay the consequences. "Be very careful, don't mess with those boys - especially not Pedro Reyes." He takes one of Feo's finest cigars, tears it in half, and throws it into Feo's hat.

Everyone is enjoying the Cumbia goddess's show, but as Margarita scans the crowd, her eyes meet Ofelias'. Margarita is discreetly impactada. She also sees Rosario holding hands with another woman (Eva).

After the show, Ofelia visits Margarita backstage, who is still recovering from the shock. Margarita says they have lots to talk about. "What do you want to talk about? Your kid? At last you remembered her!" Of course Margarita has a great excuse for her lengthy absence: she was young and she wanted to succeed. She had big dreams, and having a little girl got in the way. That's why she left her.

Ofelia reacts to this unabashedly selfish explanation by explaining that she raised Rosario herself after that, and never told her about the past. "Can you imagine how she would feel if she were to find out that you exchanged her for fame and success?" Marg says that was years ago, and she's had time to think about it and learn that she was wrong.

Ofelia says it's too late now, and Margarita should go back to where she came from and forget them. Marg says she didn't come out here looking for her child, much less to screw up their lives. It was just a coincidence that she got hired to sing here, but now that she's here, she wants to meet Rosario. Ofelia says she doesn't deserve to see her. "You can't stop me," Marg declares. Ofelia promises that if Marg tells the truth, Rosario will only end up hating her. (This is just like inviting her to lie instead.)

Juan vents to his brothers about his frustration over how Gabi is the cause of all their misfortune, and it's her fault Libia died, she's somehow guilty of their parents' deaths, and Juan wants to get even - but he doesn't know how, any more than he can forget that she's the mother of the women they love. They're trapped between love and hate. Franco suggests that they continue investigating and then decide between love and vengeance. Juan says they've already decided on love, but he can't forget revenge, else he feels like he's compromised the justice of everything and everyone they've lost.

Feo shows up where Luisito is playing with the pretty maid. He tries to befriend the kid with a bag of gifts, including a slingshot (I wonder if there's a rattlesnake in that bag too, it seems to suit Feo's personality for a good gift for a child). The maid watches nervously. Feo thought-bubbles that he doesn't have any feelings or fondness for the child, but he can still use him to control Rosario.

At first his clumsy efforts at amiability seem to go nowhere, then the kid finds a pebble and Feo shows him how to launch it. Rosario shows up and isn't happy with this scene. Feo pulls her aside and says that if she doesn't resume singing at the cantina, he'll have no choice but to take away her child again. She says she won't allow it. He responds by pulling out her mug shot and calling her "75089," saying the authorities might let him have Luisito if he tells them what she did to end up in prison. "You decide," he snickers.

Sofi and Jimena talk about how they never thought they'd end up as housewives. Sofi loves it. Jimena says it's fun for now, but she doesn't want it to become routine and boring. Sofi says she loves Juan so much that taking care of him will never be a chore for her, and insinuates that Jimena doesn't really love Oscar. (Disliking housework - or expressing worry that someday you might get tired of doing it - means you don't love your husband?) Instead of being offended, Jimena says she loves Oscar with all her heart, but she's not going to lose sight of reality - she doesn't want it to get monotonous. Sofi assures her that true love can do everything. EVERYTHING!

Grandpa is sitting out on the trail in his wheelchair. (Someone walks by carrying a coa - the tool used to cut the leaves off the agave - see? I did learn something from watching Destilando Amor.) Rosendo shows up riding Mr. Ed. (For a moment I thought the horse's real name was "Cuaco," but it turns out that's just another word for "horse.") Rosendo tells Grandpa the horse has been sad ever since Sofía moved out. He misses her.

Feo comes along in the truck and gets out to yell at Rosendo for taking the horse out (some time ago, he had tried to get rid of the horse because it was "dangerous"). Mr. Ed gets very jumpy. This reaction is not lost on Grandpa. Finally Rosendo gets down safely and Feo drives past, honking the horn obnoxiously.

Grandpa notes the ugly way Feo and the horse looked at each other. He thinks there must be a serious reason behind that. He says horses can perceive the personalities of the people they deal with and know who they're dealing with. "He doesn't like him," is all Rosendo can say about the horse. Gramps spells it out a little more: the horse used to belong to Bernardo and now he doesn't like Feo.

Ugh, how many more puzzle pieces do we need to figure out this picture??

Oscar reviews Bernardo's letter and wonders where those papers are hidden. Jimena catches him and tries to grab the letter. She thinks it's from a woman. She says he's been acting weird lately and doesn't want him to cheat on her again; if he does, he won't see her again. She marches out.

Grandpa puts on his deerstalker cap and visits Nabor in jail to ask about that fateful day of Bernardo's death. Nabor admits he was very drunk, but he perfectly remembers what happened. He's virtually certain Bernardo was already dead when he hit him.

Sofía lectures Jimena on the importance of trusting her husband. Surely he has an important reason for not wanting her to know something! Jimena says she's worried about a repeat of his previous infidelity.

Juan lectures Oscar on the importance of not fighting with his wife. He'll lose everything. Oscar explains that it was about the letter, and she thought it was from another woman. Juan says he's going to have to explain it. Oscar doesn't want to do it, but Juan doesn't want to do it - anyway, Oscar's the one who found the letter.

So Oscar shows the letter to Jimena. She recognizes her father's handwriting. He explains how he found it. Seeing as how upset she was to read it, he asks her not to tell her sisters about it. Tonight he'll go back and continue looking for the incriminating papers. She apologizes for doubting him, and he promises he'll never cheat on her again. He says they need to have a little cowboy like him, or a little china doll like her.

Sofi and Juan shop for baby clothes. Sofi wants pink stuff, Juan wants blue clothes, yawn. He likes a little baby cowboy outfit. She likes something in bright pink.

Juan assembles a crib. Despite Quintina's "help," the project is finally finished. Sofi comes home just as they're painting it a nice gender-neutral white. I guess it was supposed to be a surprise. Sofi is thrilled. They stand around admiring it for a while.

Rosendo tells Sofi and Juan that Grandpa is visiting Nabor in jail, and also Feo doesn't want them nosing around that tree. Juan says that's fine, it won't stop him from fighting for what's his.

Rosendo describes to them the altercation with Mr. Ed and Feo. Mr. Ed wanted to attack Feo. Rosendo and Grandpa thought it was as if the horse... Rosendo is at a loss for words. "As if it wanted to accuse him of something," Sofía finishes.

At the cantina, Rosario tells Eva she won't be moving in with her after all. She's going to go on living and singing here instead! Eva tries to take the news gracefully, but she is obviously hurt. After she leaves, Ofelia says she knew Feo would never let her go. Rosa's sad to have broken Eva's heart. Ofelia says it's for the best, because in any case, Eva's not her mom.

Rosa excitedly realizes that Ofelia must know about her real mother after all. She tries to get her to say more, but Ofelia clams up.

Eva reports Rosa's sudden change of heart to Sofi and Juan. She thinks Rosario was behaving oddly, and is suspicious that something else is going on. Sofía and Juan agree to talk to her.

Sarita and Franco come back from the doctor, where Franco has been told that if he takes care of himself, he'll soon be fully recovered. He offers her a drink to celebrate. She tries to discourage him, thinking it will harm him, and thinks it smells horrible and doesn't want any. Franco pours some down her gullet.

Some time later, they've both had a few more. They dance clumsily to Franco's "Piquito de Oro" song and she pours one down his gullet.

Grandpa is still wearing the deerstalker cap and playing noisily with his crime scene map in the hacienda study. Feo shows up, and Grandpa confronts him about Bernardo's death. Feo repeats the old story that Nabor hit him and killed him. He tells Feo that Nabor was pretty sure that Bern was already dead when he hit him, and since Feo was the last guy who saw him alive, Grandpa thinks it's safe to assume that Feo killed him. (Great, I hope Grandpa put up some good protection money for Nabor, or the guy's going to end up with an Efferdent sandwich.)

While Feo is thusly occupied, Oscar sneaks into Feo's room and opens the safe, using skills he learned from... ?

Sarita and Franco are still drinking enthusiastically, although Sarita is spilling almost as much as she's pouring. He asks her if she's ever done anything risky. "What do you mean by 'risky'?" He whispers something in her ear. The suggestion that we don't hear shocks and delights her. They celebrate with another drink.

Oscar has found big wads of pesos and dollars in Feo's safe and assumes Feo's been stealing from Gabi. He also finds some impressive jewels, which he admires and puts away. And he takes out the special little box in which Feo has hidden Libia's (mother's) necklace, but before he can open it, a loud argument between Feo and Grandpa tells him it's time to go. He puts the unopened box back in the safe.

Grandpa is yelling "let me go" as Feo wheels him to the front door with great force. Grandpa is calling him a murderer and a coward, scolding him for picking on an invalid, "but of course that's what you would expect from a murderer." Feo threatens to break his face. Rosendo stops him. Feo sends the inquisitive maids into the kitchen.

Instead of sneaking out the window as I thought Oscar would do (perhaps he has no way to lock the window behind him, therefore it might be obvious someone had broken in), Oscar has to go down the main staircase. Rosendo is telling Feo that Grandpa is an old man and deserves respect. (Grandpa indicates his agreement by spinning a noisemaker.)

Feo spots Oscar on the stairs and threatens to have him arrested as a thief. Grandpa says no, he just came in to get some of Grandpa's things from his old room. Feo gets behind Oscar, who is still near the top of the stairs. "Real gallant with an old man," Oscar mocks. When he turns his back to Feo (BIG MISTAKE!), Feo kicks him! (Hey, I thought snakes had no legs!) Oscar tumbles all the way down the stairs, but fortunately ends up with only a nosebleed and some bruises. And maybe a neck or upper back injury, although he seems okay for now

Now here comes Gabi to add her two cents. First she kicks out Rosendo. Grandpa tries to explain that he and Oscar are here to prove that Feo is trash and Bernardo knew it. That's why Feo killed him.

Gabi is shocked. Grandpa says he even has a letter from Bernardo saying that Feo is an evil dude. Gabi wants to see the letter. Oscar foolishly tells them it's at his house. Feo mutters to Gabi that it's all a lie to prejudice her against him. Oscar says Bernardo knew that Feo was a damned venomous snake.

Gabi defends Feo, distrusts them, and doubts the existence of the letter. She damns the day they showed up at her house, dedicating themselves to destroying her family. Grandpa says Feo is putting her life in danger; he has no boundaries and no scruples. Feo says Gramps is the one who's not welcome. Gabi agrees. She tells him to abandon the hacienda (I think she means the whole property, including the cottage) tomorrow morning - FOREVER. Grandpa says he thanks God that her daughters are free of her. He twirls his noisemaker at them as Oscar wheels him out.

Sofi and Juan meet Rosario in her dressing room, trying to find out why she suddenly wants to live and work at the cantina again. Is she or her son in danger? She's not eager to talk. Juan and Sofía offer their support and protection. Who's threatening her?

There is a ruckus in the hallway; Ofelia has lost the battle. Margarita bursts in, staring at Rosario and finally smiling. Rosario smiles too.

Oh no! How many mother-figures can one woman take??

Sarita and Franco are muy impactados to wake up cheek-to-cheek in front of a roaring campfire, very hung over. They can't remember what happened or what they were doing there. But then they find a piece of paper that explains everything - it's their marriage certificate!

"We're married! Legally married!"

Mexico airdate: 22 de Mayo

Next time:
Juan tells Sofi about Bernardo's letter.
Feo (acting like a jerk) looks at some legal papers and says "when the snake is cornered, it strikes."
Rosario gapes.


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