Thursday, March 19, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Wed., March 18 - Marisela gets a night visitor; lots of screaming babies get baptized
He says that he couldn't talk to her that afternoon in front of Gonzalo, the traitor, and he wants to apologize for how he behaved when he got drunk back in Progresso. He apologizes for not realizing that she is a woman who can make her own decisions. He says that he adores her and his life is a hell without her and he knows that she misses him. To all this Marisela can only mumble in reply. Santos can understand some of what she says because he tells her not to say that they can never be together. Finally, he removes his hand from her mouth and says that they can talk like civilized persons.
Antonio and Lucía can hear Marisela yelling at Santos from their bedroom. She asks what right he has to invade her privacy. Antonio tells Lucía that Santos is completely crazy.
Meanwhile DB is waiting for Santos in his hotel room and having flashbacks to when he was madly in love with her. She says that it will be that way again.
Santos says that the only came to apologize and to beg her to return to him. "In what capacity?" asks Marisela, "As the stepmother to my own brother? No. Better. So that our future son is the nephew of his little brother. Because his father got his grandmother pregnant and then his mother." She says that she will be so proud telling people about her beautiful family history. Marisela says that their situation is like that of the Greek king Oedipus who married his mother and had children with her. Marisela says that she feels like she is trapped in a horrible tangle and can't escape. Santos tries to touch her and she pushes him away saying that he disgusts her. Santos says that she is lying. She is afraid of his touch because she might give in to him. He says that he loves her and feels like that the biggest idiot in the world because of what he has done to destroy their relationship. He says that he loves her morning and night. After a pause, Marisela slaps him and tells him to leave her alone.
Antonio says that Santos is crazy and goes to Marisela's room. Santos asks Marisela to tell him if deep in her heart she really wants him out of her life. She is saved from answering by the entrance of Antonio. Antonio tells Santos that he is acting more immature every day. If he is caught sneaking into the Governor's residence, he could go to jail and if Gonzalo finds out, he will go crazy. "Then let him go crazy!" shouts Santos. Antonio hustles him off just as Gonzalo comes out to see what is going on. He knocks on Marisela's door. Lucía comes out and tells him that Marisela woke up with a toothache but she is ok now. Lucía tells Marisela that it is romantic to have two men fighting over her. In response to Lucía's challenge, Marisela admits that she likes what Santos did but she says that it won't do any good.
Antonio tells Santos that he is behaving like a child. Santos says that he should get used to it. This is the true Santos Luzardo and he is going to pursue Marisela until she realizes how happy they can be together. Antonio mentions DB's pregnancy. Santos replies that he doesn't care if people point fingers or cross to the other side of the road when they see him. Santos says that he is tired of lies, especially the lies that he tells himself. Santos asks what Antonio is laughing about. Antonio says that the Doctor Santos Luzardo who returned two years ago has nothing in common with this new Santos he sees "Se te cayó el almidón," (literally, 'you've dropped the starch,') meaning, I guess, that Santos isn't as stuffy and pompous as he was before. Antonio says that he likes the new Santos.
Santos comes back to the hotel and finds DB in his bed.
Antonio goes back to bed and tells Lucía that Santos has changed so much. Now he is like a child. Lucía says no, he is like a man in love. She wishes that Antonio were that much in love with her and asks if Antonio was that way with Cecilia. "You had to bring her up," says Antonio.
DB tells Santos that he has to come back to her. He says that she already knows what he thinks of her. DB repeats that Santos will come back to her because she is only one that really loves him. She says that Marisela left him the first time another man offered her something. DB says that she will never leave him for anyone. She says that he thinks he loves Marisela because she left him but he will forget her soon and come back to DB. Santos tells DB again that what was between them is over and that he will be in love with Marisela forever and it doesn't matter if she never comes back to him. He asks DB to leave.
Gonzalo tells Antonio that he won't go to the meeting of the Cattlemen's Association and that Antonio shouldn't go either.
At the Cattlemen's Association meeting, Santos tells the members that the Acting Governor hasn't shown up or sent a representative so they won't wait any longer. A member says that the new government is not providing any funds to finish the dairy cooperative. In walks DB saying that she wants to become a member of the Association and is ready to invest in their project. Encarnación objects and says that DB is a thief and shouldn't be admitted to their Association. There is a vote and DB wins admittance to the Association by two votes. (Santos votes against her.)
Santos meets Antonio after the meeting. He is annoyed that Gonzalo not only didn't show up but didn't send a message. Antonio says that something urgent came up. Santos doesn't believe him. He says that Gonzalo didn't want to go to the meeting. Santos warns Antonio again to watch out for Gonzalo. He says that Gonzalo will let Antonio down one day the same way he has let Santos down as a friend. Antonio still isn't buying. He says that Santos is jealous because Gonzalo brought Marisela to San Fernando and that when that is over, Santos and Gonzalo will be friends again. Santos denies this. He says that friends don't take advantage of the position to harm someone else. Santos says that he hopes that Antonio never experiences ('toque en carne propria', literally, 'touches his own flesh') what has happened to him.
Santos send Marisela a rose with a card that says, 'I love you today, too.' (Hoy tambien te amo).
Gonzalo gets a telegram saying that he has to go to the Capital for a meeting this week. He wants Marisela to go with him but she says that she has to go to the baptism. Gonzalo accuses her of going to Progresso to see Santos. Gonzalo says that since he can't go with her to the baptism, she shouldn't go. "Too bad," replies Marisela, "If you hadn't noticed, I don't need you."
Back at El Miedo, DB tells Eustaquia that everything went badly and the worst thing is that she no longer has any excuses to see Santos. Eustaquia tells her that the worst thing is that she can't understand that she shouldn't go after Santos any more.
Santos tells Cosme and Andres that Gonzalo has no interest in what is going on in Progresso. He tells them not to count on the investment in a newspaper or construction company that Gonzalo promised. Santos tells them that they will make their projects a reality on their own.
Mujica and Bartolo are both interested in Federica.
Antonio and Marisela talk about how much they miss the folks back in Progresso and are looking forward to the baptism. Marisela says that she misses the terneras, tía Cecilia and the babies. Antonio asks if there isn't someone else she misses. Marisela puts on a sad face and says that she has to go take care of something. Gonzalo is watching.
DB is witness to a fight between Eustaquia and the Mondragons. The result is that Leoncia finds out that Leon fathered a child. A lightbulb goes off in DB's head. She can use Gervasia's baby.
Marisela tells Gonzalo that she has left Progresso to get away from Santos and DB but all her loved ones are there and she isn't going to forget them. She says that she has nothing in San Fernando. Gonzalo asks what is he, chopped liver? Marisela says that he is a friend, a good friend and if he can't accept that, she will quit.
Pajarote is actually going to go down on Genoveva right in the kitchen at Altamira when Santos comes in to tell them that the truck is ready to take them to the baptism. Santos asks what Pajarote is doing on the floor and Genoveva says that Pajarote is looking for an earring she dropped. Santos points out that she is wearing both earrings. "Silly me," says Geno, "I thought I dropped one."
Cecilia is getting ready to go the Church and says that she hopes it doesn't rain. Casilda says that if that happens, she will put a pair of crossed knives on the patio and that will make the rain go away. Cecilia says that she hopes it works because she wants this day to be perfect.
Outside the Church, Melesio says that this is the happiest day of his life because his four 'terneritos' are going to be baptised.
Santos tells Marisela that she is most beautiful woman in all the Arauca.
There are a lot of baby screaming echoing around the church. The priest comes in with DB, dressed demurely in black. Santos asks why she is there since this is a private service. The priest says that DB is studying to be baptised and make her commitment to the church. DB asks to sit in a corner to see the ceremony because her baby will be baptized soon.
Mujica puts Bartolo on a bus saying that he can handle the job of secretary to Pernalete on his own. Bartolo says correctly that Mujica is just getting rid of his rival for Federica. Mujica asks himself if he is just exchanging one loose woman for another.
Eustaquia tells Juan Primito that she is afraid that something bad is going to happen at the baptism because DB took Los Mondragon to the church. Then she passes out.
Sapo's back and in the Capital. His new henchman (Facundo?) points out Gonzalo and says that he has reputation for justice. Sapo says that he doesn't believe in idealistic seekers of justice. He has never met one who wouldn't give up his principles for a big sum of money. He says that he will have to pay a visit to Gonzalo. (Ok, I was wrong about Gonzalo already being involved with Sapo. So we still don't have an explanation of why Gonzalo has turned on his former comrades, Cosme and Andres.)
While Gervasia's baby is being baptized, Leoncia, Leon and Tigre stride into the church. Leoncia demands to see her grandson.
Everyone is impactados.
Labels: barbara
Tontas no Van Wed March 18 - Los Guapos meet Las Tontas or Fear and Self Loathing in Guadalajara
Yeah well, I've been extremely tied up and I probably should have gotten a sub even so I, too, will have to do a somewhat quickie, and add more details later.
Essentially this seems to be a worthless episode to our plot so far. A giant forum for seeking help if you are an alcoholic and not having teen sex, or sex without condom. Not worthless endeavours of course, but it was like the twilight zone when I turned this on. What show was I watching? Ah well.
The first scene is a self pity party for Santi feeling bad about both of his daughters having issues and his relative powerlessness to help either one of them, much less ward off the wicked witch of maternity who is carrying his yet unborn third charge. Poor Santi. Candi soothes him by talking like the wind. A cutsy trick he apparently tried on her before.
Next is Chayo and Lalo watching two TVs next to each other in the same living room, but separated by a table. They pick various fights with each other turning the volume up, and so forth. This ends with Chayo throwing a hanburger across the room. Fear of just giving up on each other?
Candy and Santi fight about talking to the two teens. Santi can't handle this because he is so mad at Charly he won't be able to control himself essentially. Fear of taking out his daughter's boyfriend?
Alright, what the heck. I'm sure this made some great sense in Mexico when these shows were airing in tandem there, but because this one is so delayed here, man we've moved on and can barely remember that bloody show.
So, for those of you who don't know, the guests who arrive at the institute for help are none other than bobblehead Milagros and Dona Luciana from Al Diablo con los Guapos. They are playing their characters, where in that storyline, Milagros helped her eventual mother in law overcome her drinking problem and recover. What we didn't know when we watched the show then was that she did it here in Guadalajara at Candy's institute. Ha. So Mili starts to tell Candy all about Luci's problem.
Roci comes in crying to Lu at home, but wonders what's wrong with Lu, who is crying and feeling bad for herself, so Lu tells her to nevermind and go away. Poor Rocio busts out something about crying when she has a stomach ache and wondering if that's what Lu has. Lu brushes her off again but then eventually realizes that Rocio is crying too and breaks out of her self absorbed funk to find out what's wrong with Roci. They end up hugging and Lu reminds her how much she cares for Rocio, it's been along tme since she said it, but she is the best sister for sure. Fear of contagion?
More to come....
Labels: Tontas
MEPS March 18, Wed. - Fr/Ed and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Wedding
Here is my version of the title suggested by Doris with a tip of the sombrero.
Sorry for the delay, I was in attendance at a reception at the Mexican Consulate in Albuquerque to honor a number of Mexican artists who live in Abq. last night. Poetry, singing, mariachi's, paintings and ceramic figures. Funny how the women always know exactly who Fernando Colunga is when he pops into all my conversations in Spanish these days. The men don't always know but who cares....
This episode can be seen on Youtube as capitulo 23.
But on to the important stuff, how about that wedding last night? We return to the scene of the crime about to occur at the altar. Franco/Eduardo appears walking down the aisle as the Bishop conducts the ceremony. Jacinto drinks and cries at home cursing the disgraceful Hiena and cursing his own cowardice, Fernanda wonders why the handsome stranger has appeared. The facial expressions on all the perps is priceless. Fr/Ed tries to send telepathic thoughts to Nanda that it is he Eduardo who has loved her since he was a boy. Why doesn't she realize it is he and only she could give the word that would save him from the hell he has fallen into. Oddly, he is sitting right up front next to La Hiena/BOW, but in the end Nanda ends the suspense ends by saying, acepto (I do) nearly drowned out by the male chorus intoning in minor key while crashing cymbals and prescient drum beats warn of dastardly days to come. BarbaraOW and Fernanda show us what Mom always said: good girls can wear incredibly goopy black eye make up if they keep it only on the top of the eye but if you draw the dark liner under the eye it is a sure sign of slatternly morals. Errika cries with dark smeared tears, a sure sign of being dumped and not able to hide it in public. I might add here that the rings on the pillow look like clunky washers they picked out of the plumbers tool kit. The photography was stupendous throughout, I particularly liked the detail of framing Barbara's head between the kissing novios. Eduardo looks devastated, the stylin' couple lead the procession out of the bower and we see another set of who's glad and who's sad. And who is that cutey with Damian's Mom. Is it possible Damian has one friend or cousin? Hope we see more of him. Our poor Eduardo stands alone near the altar, gee what I wouldn't give to wrap him in a comsoling embrace.
But, on to the gala party!! The carriage pulls away while fire crackers startle Cleopatra. CamilHo and Natasha pull aside while she opines that it may not be such a good idea for her to attend the fiesta. CamilHo assures her that he doesn't give a cacahuate (yep, peanut, oh you potty mouth!) And just then the noble Cleopatra tears off across the impeccably groomed lawn. As any hero would react, CamilHo shows his commanding horsey skill and jumps off the horse to chase this long legged yegua (mare) on foot but even this quick thinking remedy isn't enough to soften the fall from grace. She doesn't know it but she just got a lucky free pass out of the most hellish wedding bash on Univision. Lucio conveniently shows up to witness the fall, the only other person nearby.
So let's look at the lovely food displays to calm ourselves down. Yummmmy, dig in, my personal favorite, the chocolate dripping off the dipped strawberries... a real PSA promoting the happiness of choosing the right catering services. The champagne flows and Papa Gonzo offers a cheery toast to the novios, no one seems to notice that CamilHo and his new Ho are missing, even Errika is smiling for the moment. Damian's mom approaches gushing about the emotivo ceremonia (touching ceremony) and how precious the tortolitos (Tórtolo = turtle doves) Now, we can all see the lipstick stain on the collar, but Nanda only asks him where is my Nana are you sure that you have seen her? while Barbara scowls while Damian says sure I saw her, she had to be off to one side. Nanda sweeps through the crowd as though looking for her, passes the flute clinking guests smiling, greeting and finally comes upon Fr/Ed. They exchange pleasant oh it's you, yes the same, I don't think this is a coincidence, no, he agrees it is not. Now she wants to know who he is at last. [Ed. note, I'd probably forget all about my groom if this Adonis walked into my wedding reception and so would you, admit it, ladies!]
Next we see the paramedics rolling the gurney down to place the impeccably clean lookng fallen Natasha into the ambulance. Only the neck brace hits at the severity of the fall, even her boots are spotless. Lucio adds all too obvious commentary about the ambulance intruding on the party to get to the hospital, CamilHo tells him to shut up. Fernanda continues to totally flirt with the handsome stranger while Anibal approaches saying, Franco. Have you met my sister. Ah at last a name. Mucho gusto, Franco Santoro. He gallantly tells Anibal that he has not had the pleasure of meeting her before while suddenly Damian and Gonzo approach and Nanda is told this impressive specimen, I mean gentleman, is their newest business associate. Fr/Ed tells Damian that if he had arrived one week early, their would not have been a wedding but rather a duelo (duel). It's a broma (joke) he quickly adds while congratulating Damian and all of them. Nanda gets the PowerMilk information.
Errika whines at a table with Priscila, Santi and Aurora that she hates CamilHo with all her soul. She is assured that CamilHo will never change so she should just move on (he's just not that into you, girlee). Slurping more champagne, Errika is just glad her parents didn't come to witness such shame. But let's drink up and not ruin Nanda's big party, they all toast.
Damian announces that he and Nanda will dance their first dance as husband an wife. Fr/Ed ever the silent witness watches them approach the dance platform. What should be sheer joy abruptly jars Nanda when the song turns out to be Alejandro Fernandez singing the title song, "Mañana es para siempre", she pulls away from Damien, asking, who chose THIS song? Damian as usual is clueless so we are treated to flashbacks of the prepubescent love dance and enchanted flirting of Eduardo and Fernanda throughout the grounds of the hacienda All those happy memories flooding back. Back to the wedding dance floor and Nanda pulls away holding her stomach saying she feels uncomfortable like un mareo (dizzy). Damian signals the musicians to stop and this confusing break allows the maid to approach with a bouquet of flowers with a note saying the deliverer specified that she should read it en voz alta (out loud). While Nanda asks Damian if this was him, she opens the auspicious envelope. CamilHo crosses the dance floor and tells Anibal that what has happened (oblique reference to the horse accident not the flowers, I guess oddly edited) is all Jacinto's fault and he is going to pay. Back to Nanda, Papa Gonzolo sees the unbelieving look on her face and says darling, what does this note say? She is speechless so Santi takes the note and begins to read while Fr/Ed adjusts his sunglasses: From my tomb, resting in the peace of the Lord. I hope to forget about you, like you have forgotten about me. Nanda, adds while turning to look toward Barbara, "Soledad Cruz!" Barbara squirms. Where is my Nana, then back at Damian, AND mi nana?? Good time for a break...
Nana, Nana wails the panic stricken Nanda. She asks Barbara what has happened to her Nana, you must know where she is. Barbara tries to urge her with dulcet tones that everything is changing, let's be discrete. Gonzo looks totally stupified, Great wedding dance in front of all the guests, no? Nanda isn't having it and asks Damian where is Gardenia, she went this morning to busca (look for) Nana this morning, and where is Lucio, Lucio... Isnt' anybody going to say anything? Yes, Barbara has a word: Musica!! The show must go on. Even Gonzo knows only Barbara has a clue, Barbara what happened. All chaos ensues as Fernanda storms off with train following to seek Nana. Barbara gets a look at the black rimmed note printed as read with Soledad Cruz at the bottom. Gonzo, keeps asking what has happened to Soledad, Damian's mom keeps asking who died, who died. Just then CamilHo show up with the patch of leather with tacks in it accusing Jacinto of sabotoging the horse which threw Natasha. CamilHo says by a miracle she didn't die and has been taken off to the hospital in an ambulance there will be hell to pay.
Jacinto, Jacinto is tossing back tall shots of tequila while weeping in his lonely cottage.
Aurora catches up with Santiago yelling for him to let her come with him to help. She wants to know who the woman is who died. He says he hopes they will find out that no one died. Then we pick up scenes of Fernanda running ahead of Santi and Aurora as she begins to shed her train and then her veil but unlike getting to see her in her underwear like Cande on Tontas No Van, we just get to see her get into her yellow SUV. Santi arrives in time to drive with Aurora in the backseat and Nanda riding shotgun. Back to the gala event. Damian is trying to assure his Mama who doesn't like what is happening at all, that actually nothing important is happening. Mama isn't even close to stupid and wants to know who is Soledad, why isn't his bride with him, why does Barbara treat him like she owns him and she doesn't like this Barbara and her rude manners one bit, she doesn't act like a normal mother-in-law. As Damian sputters, Mama catches sight of the lipstick mancha (stain) as she says don't treat me like I am stupid. Damian dismisses the stain but Mama says this is from women with muy baja condición (very low social position). WHO was it? She says it is the place of mothers to protect their children, but I think she is way, way too late.
Let the dancing resume, and off to the side Barbara starts to beguile the witless Gonzo with, and doesn't she cry effectively. This bad joke with the flowers and note and Natasha's accident were perpetrated by someone to ruin Fernanda's perfect wedding and were an act against her, Barbara. In the background, but close enough to hear all, Fr/Ed drinks coffee and smiles.
In the SUV, Nanda is telling Santi that the last she heard about Nana was that she was sick but she didn't go see for herself now did she. She was told that Nana was recooperating. Aurora asks if this woman is a family member, no says Santi she is our Nana. Nanda adds that for her she is like a mother.
Back to BOW telling Gonzo that she is just sure that Jacinto is behind all of this. Gonzo can't believe it of Jacinto. There has to be another explanation, he has known Jacinto since he was a boy, he just isn't capable of doing something so espantoso (ghastly). Barbara notices Fr/Ed watching and makes Gonzo promises not to freak out but she believes that Jacinto and Gardenia are responsible for the death of Soledad. You mean that Soledad really is dead? says mister not-a-clue? Yes, it is the truth, Soledad is dead. Cute dancers break the flow of lies, Fr/Ed curses the assasin and her blaming others, and she moves in to vanquish Gonzo's doubt but she just wanted to keep him calm and tranquil, so she didn't want to ruin the pretty party. Fr/Ed moves in to say is something wrong, the guests are missing the bride.
Santi and Nanda bang on Soledad's closed up house. Ursula nags at Damian about this stained shirt. She adds that a woman can forgive her husbands slips but not if he lacks delicacy. The struggle continues at Soledad's until that she must be at Jacinto's house with Gardenia. So off they go agian. Jacinto tops off his buzz and lurches out of the door. Back to the dance floor and the gala event. Gonzo is explaining to Franco that he was a poor (viudo) widower with five children and Barbara has not failed him in one single day to aid him in everything. Five children, exclaims Franco. He asks innocently enough for the list, he knows two. Santi is explained as the artist. Anibal shows up to hear Gonzo repeat Santi the aritst. And the fifth would be? Oh her, the oldest girl, shrugs Gonzo, she doesn't live with us anymore [Hey Jack, she barely gets to live at all...] Then Gonzo excuses himself to go find his wife because without her he feels like a boy who lost his mother in the supermarket. Priscilla shows up to be introduced and calls Anibal her Specimen. Hohoho.
Lucio is eyeballing a girlie magazine when Barbara approaches looking for Nanda and checking on Lucio. She wants to be sure that no one saw him put the tacky patch under Natasha's saddle. No one saw him he waxes jocular. But Camilho found the patch, says Barbara, Lucio assures her that the blame will go elsewhere.
CamilHo whines in loud voice to Anibal where is my Papa. Anibal reminds him that this isn't a football game. Fr/Ed hangs in to gather information and charms CamilHo that since he is an expert horseman, when he arrived he asked around to find the most expert rider i town and was told it is CamilHo Elizardo hands down.
Lucio warms to his real subject when Barbara tells him that CamilHo blamed Jacinto for the accident already and she wants him to make sure this doesn't change. He is to take directions from no one but her before he does anything. Don't worry, I won't fail you, my lady. All your secrets are well guarded, you understand me, don't you. Well up and down, here and there, I have seen a lot of secrets. Like what have you seen. Well like you and Damian in the car the other night. We are treated to a replay of the torrid sex in a convertible just to be sure we remember too.
Back at Jacinto's Santi states the obvious, no one is here either. They hug and discuss where Jacinto, Margarita and Gardenia could have gone and if Soledad really is dead, there is only one place to verify it, the cemetary. [Note, how Santi isn't surprised that Soledad isn't in the family graveyard.]
Lucio picks up his own shovel so to speak, Don't worry my lady, I won't fail you and your secrets are safe. Especially from your husband. Barbara wonders if he is going to guard the secret, what is it that he will want. Surely it isn't going to be free. He laughs, surely you are going to continue being generous with me. I am completely sure I can count on your fidelity she says through lips of steel. He begins to describe a house on the hill with land and she adds I imagine you would also want some cattle and sufficient money to live in tranquility. [Watch out Lucio, her idea of perfect tranquility exists only six feet under that precious terrain she is going to give you.] He adds a SUV to the wish list and she tells him she hopes he is not as stupid as he makes out to be because she can be very generous to those who are completely loyal to her but she doesn't like anyone to give her conditions....
Next : Errika is drunk and spouting insults about CamilHo, Fr/Ed is smiling and enjoying all, Barbara is in full blown tears accusing Jacinto, Margarita and Garenia of knowing about the death of Soledad and perpetrating all the trouble to ruin Fernanda's happiness and poor little Nanda magically finds the simple cross of her Nana and kneels on the ground to caress cross marking her lost protector.
Labels: manana
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed., March 18 - Walter and Rebeca get caught with the goods
Our evil duo deside to decamp but before they leave, they ransack Isabel's and Angela's bedrooms for jewelry and other valuables. They do this when everyone is in the house and when they try and escape, they come face to face with Azur and are caught.
Abigail is too tender hearted to call the police so Walter just get fired. Rebeca has the nerve to claim that she is entitled to Isabel's stuff as her closest living relative but Antonio points out that Isabel was married to Salvador so he would have a better claim.
Meanwhile all we get to see of Mario is a few shots of him in intensive care. Gaetana finds out about what happened and asks the question we all have - who is in the lovely body? PJ? or the real Salvador?
Walter refuses his severance payment, finds his gun and tells Rebeca that he has nothing to lose and is going to kill Salvador.
Labels: cuerpo
MEPS, March 17th - "Lipstick on Your Collar, Told a Tale On You!"
Tonight: Santiago of the clear head, is talking with Daddy Gonzo and the Bishop when Camil-ho walks up and doesn’t miss an opportunity to humiliate Santiago by psyching him out of a hug. Errorika and Aurora show up and Errorika thanks Camil-ho for preparing the horse for her – Camil-ho doesn’t skip a beat and asks who Errorika’s “friend” is while looking her up and down like a pork chop. Camilho asks if she’s his brother’s girlfriend and she says yes – Santiago puts his arm around her protectively. Camil-ho laughs and says we can fix that! Errorika the idiot laughs also – at Santiago’s expense. I hate when girls do that.
Damian and Barbinator show up in Nanda’s room and don’t find her – Barb’s pissed and says they have to look all over hell for her now. Dumian looks out the window and sees Fernanda on the lawn outside. Barb starts to try to seduce Dumian, but he stops her, saying anyone could walk in and catch them. But Barb’s breathin’ heavy and doesn’t want to take no for an answer and unbuttons his shirt. She tells him the order was to marry Fernanda, not fall in love with her. Dumian doesn’t answer her. I really think he might be in love with Fernanda, either that, or he’s just playing it that way to try to betray the Barbinator.
Daddy Gonzo and Fernanda are having a pre-wedding heart to heart. Dad is shedding some giant Gonzo-Gator Tears. Nanda tries to make dear old dad feel better. Daddy says after Nanda’s mother died and Lillian got sick, he felt as if life had no meaning until Nanda called from school in Madrid and told him how much she loved him. More father-daughter showiness, until he finally asks if she’s ready and at first she says yes but then remembers she forgot to put on her mother’s medallion that Barb gave her, and she runs off. Gonzo says to himself he didn’t know that Barb had saved it all those years.
Back in Fernando’s room, Barbarella has the Orgasmatron fired up (anybody remember that movie with Jane Fonda?) and is still trying to undress Damian, unbuttoning his shirt and vest and taking off his glasses. She tells him not to forget that marrying Nanda is only part of the plan. He denies falling in love with Fernanda. They kiss like hungry animals and he starts undressing her – this is the only time she smiles.
Outside Priscila and AnyBalls are bickering once again because he hasn’t shut off his cell phone. Prisci’s hot pink dress and pale pink shawl looks a little like a negligee that Barbara Eden would have worn on I Dream of Jeannie. Santiago, Aurora and Errorika show up and salutations are made by all. AnyBalls doesn’t look too impressed that Santi has a girlfriend, but Priscila is nice to her. Really, aside from the snide emasculating comments she makes to AnyBalls (which he deserves) Priscila seems like one of the nicest people on this show. Errorika says it’s almost time for the cabalgata. I think this whole cavalcade of horses with the fox hunting outfits is to show people how “upper crust” they are, riding English style and all – not like those pobre vaqueros Mexicanos. Santi doesn’t quite believe they’re speaking of his brother. Aurora asks Santi if it’s true that he used to be in love with Errorika and he says yes, but it was a million years ago. She says but now she’s your brother’s girlfriend? Anyballs says yes, it’s because Camilho has always enjoyed torturing Santiago.
The medallion sits on the table while Dumian and Barbarella get down to business in Fernanda’s own bed. Nanda comes running up the stairs and goes to her room. She opens the door without walking right in and finds Barbara drinking some water (fully-clothed). Uh oh, Barbara spies Dumian’s shoe on the floor and quickly kicks it under the bed. Is he under there too? Nanda says she wants to wait in her room until the cavalcade of horse phonies is over. Barb says no, let’s wait in the library. I don’t know how the hell Barb got dressed and made the bed in time. Barbara walks off but Nanda lingers by the open door of her bedroom, admiring her bouquet. Dumian walks out of what looks like an armoire, or closet, shirtless and proceeds to get dressed quickly.
Camilho shows up at the stables to get his horse and to berate Jacinto. Natasha walks up and Jacinto figures out that Cleopatra will not be ridden by Errorika. Camilho says Errorika will be left wanting to ride only (quedara con las ganas a montar). Jacinto can’t believe it. He says but she’s the maid of honor! Camilho kisses Natasha on the cheek – Jacinto leaves disgusted. Another stablehand brings out Cleopatra and Natasha’s says Camilho’s crazy if he thinks she’s gonna ride that horse. Camilho laughs and says not to be scared.
Looks like Nanda’s ready to get hitched, and Daddy takes her arm. Barb looks back into the house, pleased with herself.
Santiago promises Aurora once again that he won’t leave her alone. Errorika says she can’t find Camilho anywhere. Santiago tells her not to believe anything that Camilho says.
Meanwhile, Natasha is having second thoughts about riding Cleopatra. Camilo says that horse is more intelligent than all the peons in the stables put together. Jacinto and the others are humiliated.
Daddy and Nanda are in the horse drawn carriage waiting to head to the ceremony. Nanda asks for Soledad and Barb tells her she must be waiting at the santuario. Nanda asks Barb to please seat Soledad where she can be close to her.
Damian arrives at the stables. Ugh – who knew? He’s riding in on a horse too. That’s just weird. Obviously Dumian is not a trained equestrian. Jacinto tells him all he has to do is hold on to the reins and the horse knows what he has to do. LOL Jacinto tells him there’s something up with his shirt – there’s a kiss on the collar. Ruh Roh. I guess Dumian doesn’t mind. Jacinto goes to walk away, but Dumian stops his and tells him to help him get on the horse. Maybe Dumian is afraid of heights? Maybe that’s why the BOW is always on top?
Next we see Fr/Ed getting in his car lookin’ all yummy-like.
Dumian, Camilho, Natasha and the others ride into to the ceremony. Errorika sees this and says the famous telenovela phrase: “No puede ser!” She starts to cry. She sees Camilho kiss Natasha’s hand not once, but twice. She’s humiliated and furious. She calls him a “maldito canalla” – a damn SOB. Camilho is a total Bastardo. I guess Natasha is so scared up on the horse that she doesn’t wonder why this woman just called him that, and why that same woman is in horsey clothes also. Hold on while I adjust my beanie. Camilho just smiles back at Errorika smugly. Aurora can’t believe Camilho is with another woman. Santiago is not surprised. Damian tries to get off the horse casually, but looks like a fool. He needs help from a guest who just happens to be the actor who played Aurora’s (Florencia’s) psycho ex-husband in Al Diablo Con Los Guapos. Barb thinks “estupido” to herself while watching Dumian try to get off the horse and laughs at him behind his back as he walks by her.
Dumian waits at the altar. Barb says if Dumian wants she can give him a head start on his honeymoon. He says look at what you did to my shirt. Barb feigns surprise and says what will his bride think about him being unfaithful 5 minutes before the wedding! Dumian’s crazy mother shows up. She and Barb air kiss.
Nanda and her Daddy ride in. Nanda sees Jacinto and wants him to come to the carriage for a hug, but he can’t bring himself to do it and walks off. Nanda thinks it’s strange, Gonzo thinks Jacinto is just overcome by emotion, but Nanda knows better. The bishop interrupts and Nanda gets out of the carriage – everyone claps.
We see Fr/Ed with the flowers he ordered going to Soledad’s grave.
The music at the ceremony starts. More Ave Maria, sung by an opera singer type woman. I guess Franco Reyes was already booked - Thank goodness for small miracles. First the bishop and altar boys, then Nanda and Gonzo walk in and he “gives” Nanda to Dumian.
Fr/Ed speaks to his mother. He says it’s the last time and she has to understand. He flashes back to breaking the glass in his hand listening to La Hiena talk about his mother, his encounter with Fernanda, and some of his mother’s last words warning him to go back to the US or a tragedy will occur. He remembers what the priest told him about revenge. He asks his mother not to abandon him, that in the next few minutes he’s going to do something that will change him into another person.
Nanda is upset because she doesn’t see her Nana, and then notices Camil-Ho with Some-Ho and wonders about Errorika – who’s is now in the library crying. Barb asks Camilho about his novia, Erika. Natasha looks shocked. Camilho says Errorika must be in a corner somewhere, and Barb (who has every right to be mad this time) tells him he’s not going to ruin his sister’s wedding. Barb goes off to look for Errorika in the big house.
At the cemetery Fr/Ed places the flowers.
Cigarman is speaking with La Hiena by phone. He’s telling her they’ve waited for this day for 15 years and that the wedding is the last thing they do before they finish off Gonzalo Elizalde. He says she’s given up her beauty and her youth for all this. He knows it was difficult to put this marriage together and now it’s time to destroy Gonzo and Family, and then she’ll be free. He says nothing can stop her now.
At the Nut House Lili’s playing chess with Ciro, but staring off into space. He asks if she’s thinking about the white pawn and she says she’s thinking of the white pawn and the black queen. He tells her the threat of the route is scarier than the route itself. He says she has to eliminate the black queen.
Barb finds Errorika boozing it up in the library. Barb tries to get her to straighten up by telling her she knew how Camilho was and that she shouldn’t be surprised. She says Errorika is not going to ruin Nanda’s wedding, she won’t tolerate it. Errorika goes off to change her clothes.
Fr/Ed arrives at the house.
Errorika shows up at the ceremony in the same I Dream of Jeannie Dress as Priscila – Priscilla must be a bridesmaid. But before Errorika sits down she glares at Camilho and Natasha. Santiago says he thinks Nanda is marrying a cretin, but he doesn’t have the moral authority to say anything because Camilho is no better than Dumian. Camilho tries to take a swing at Santiago, but they straighten up. Nanda turns away from the Bishop and sees Fr/Ed arrive.
Previews: Looks like Natasha falls off Cleopatra, and Nanda might be hesitating to answer the bishop. Fr/Ed tries to telepathically let Fernanda know that he’s Eduardo.
Labels: manana
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Tues., March 17- DB learns her catechism; Santos comes to San Fernando on business
Santos tries to tell Antonio that taking the job as Gonzalo's secretary is crazy and is a trap. Naturally, Antonio concludes that Santos doesn't believe he is smart enough to do the job. Santos tells Antonio that Gonzalo has changed a lot and cites Gonzalo's actions in locking Santos up to keep him from Marisela and giving Antonio the job that should have gone to Andres.
After sex, Pajarote asks Genoveva if her balloons exploded. At first, she says only a couple did and then she admits that many, many, many balloons exploded. They decide to get back at their friends by pretending to hate one another while meeting secretly for passionate sex.
Antonio says that he doesn't think Gonzalo has changed. He tells Santos that he thinks Marisela has made the right decision. Santos protests that Marisela is the love of his life and Antonio reminds him that he said the same thing about DB a few months ago. Santos claims that DB deceived him. "And you got her pregnant," replies Antonio. Antonio urges Santos to accept that he made a mistake and live with it the way Antonio is paying for the mistakes he made with Cecilia. Santos refuses to admit that he has lost Marisela. Santos tells Antonio not be angry with him but he warns him to be careful with Gonzalo.
Gonzalo offers to take care of the money that Marisela received from DB for the hacienda. Wisely, Marisela says that she will run her own life.
Lucía thanks Cecilia for being so generous and friendly to her since she knows that Cecilia still loves Antonio. She thanks Cecilia for respecting Lucía's marriage vows. Cecilia expresses some doubt about Antonio's new job but she tells Lucía that Antonio is an honest man and that is what the government needs.
We get to see Toñito, the cutie.
Melesio tells Antonio that he knows about running an hacienda not a government. He thinks it is strange that Gonzalo would hire him and not Andres who fought with Gonzalo in the underground. Andres tells Antonio that he doesn't bear any grudge. Andres says that he is a little disillusioned that Gonzalo didn't choose him.
Santos demands to be let out of prison but Mujica says that he can't do it. Santos tells Mujica that Gonzalo isn't the same person that they knew at the University but Mujica thinks that Santos is blinded by jealousy.
Cecilia, Toñito and Casilda bid the travellers farewell. Cecilia reminds Marisela that she has to come back for the mass baptism of all the babies that have been born so far. Gonzalo suggests that won't be possible but Cecilia tells him that Marisela is the godmother of all the babies. She has to be present. Mujica comes to the boat launch, "Commissioner, you say what time we can release him ," says Mujica. "Release whom?" asks Marisela. "Release the mooring lines, of course," says Gonzalo hastily and hustles them into the boat. [If he can figure it out, Mujica now has proof that Gonzalo is trying to deceive Marisela.]
DB comes to the jefetura and demands that Santos be released. Pernalete refuses until Mujica returns and gives the ok. Santos just walks past DB without a word.
Melesio tell Gervasia and Altagracia that Antonio is too sane and sincere for the political life. The terneras tell him that Antonio isn't that far away and he will come back to see his child.
"And the child's mother," says Melesio, "her above all." Genoveva and Pajarote do their performance for the terneras who conclude that their plan failed.
Santos arrives too late at the boat launch and Cecilia tries to convince him not to immediately go after Marisela and bring her back by force if necessary. Santos tells Cecilia that Marisela is making a terrible mistake in going to work for Gonzalo. Cecilia says that he is wrong. She says that Marisela couldn't stay and be his wife and have his children when he got her mother pregnant.
In a very cute scene, DB is in church praying to the Virgin. She barely knows how to cross herself. She tells the Virgin that she isn't complaining but she notes that the Virgin didn't do the whole thing. She got pregnant but she lost Santos. "What will it cost me to get him back?" she asks. The priest comes over. He forgives DB for all the times she has humiliated him but says that only God can forgive big (gordo) sins. DB allows as she has some pretty big sins on her tab.
Cecilia tells Santos that if he would just analyze the situation like the sensible and just man that he is, he would give up the idea of going to harass (acosar) Marisela. At first Santos denies that was what he was going to do but finally he admits it. Cecilia tells him that Marisela needs time to think about what has happened. Santos says that if Marisela goes away from him, he will lose her forever. Cecilia reminds him that Marisela could have gone much farther away but she didn't. Cecilia tells Santos that Marisela still loves him and if he acts more intelligently than he has so far, he can get her back.
The priest tries to hear DB's confession (how much time has he got?) but she doesn't know the ritual and he realizes that not only has she never made confession before, she hasn't made her first holy communion and probably isn't even baptized. DB tells him that Eustaquia told her stories of the Virgin and the God of the White Men when she was a girl before her life was destroyed. Now that she is pregnant, DB says that she wants to give up being the devourer (devoradora), the chief (cacica), the monster. She wants to be a dignified woman like Cecilia. The priest piously says that Cecilia has earned a place in heaven. DB says that is what she wants and asks him if there is a tiny little space in heaven for someone like her.
Gonzalo tells Marisela that she can live in the Governor's house. When she is concerned about living there alone with him, he says that she can invite a friend and she invites Antonio and Lucía to stay there too.
DB asks the priest why he can't just put some holy water on her and drive out the devil. The priest says that it isn't so simple for an adult convert. She has to learn the precepts of the church and understand the commitment they are making when they become children of God. He tells her that she has to study the catechism and he will give her private lessons. Gervasia comes in to talk to the priest about the mass baptisms of Sandovals and thus DB finds out about it.
In Cosme and Andres, Santos finally finds people who share his opinion of the duplicitousness of Gonzalo. From them he finds out that Marisela is going to return to Progresso for the big baptism. Santos tells Andres that he has to help him begin to reveal to everyone what Gonzalo really is. He says that as of this moment, Andres is the treasurer of the Cattlemen's Association.
Then we have a nice long dialog-free montage of scenes indicating the passage of time.
Juan Primito tells DB that Santos has gone to San Fernando.
Lucía and Marisela go out shopping for presents for the babies who are going to be baptized and they just miss Santos who has come to see Gonzalo. He has himself announced as the president of the Cattlemen's Association. Gonzalo jumps up when Santos comes into his office and asks what he is doing there.
Gonzalo appears to have every intention of just refusing to see Santos until Antonio comes in and tells them to act like grownups. Santos starts to make his presentation on behalf of the Cattleman's Association.
Coming home with their purchases, Marisela is quiet and Lucía says that she and Antonio heard her crying last night. She asks what Marisela would do if Santos showed up in San Fernando. Marisela says that she wouldn't pay the slightest attention to him.
In response to Santos' proposal, Gonzalo first says that they would have to be supported by economic studies, projections, etc. Santos replies by handing him a folder containing all that stuff. Gonzalo admits that the proposal is well done. He says that the government has its own projects but that doesn't rule out supporting other good projects. Santos says that he hopes so and that he hopes that the government and its representatives aren't going to betray the hopes that the country has placed on them.
Santos leaves and Antonio goes after him asking why he spoke to Gonzalo with such annoyance. Santos says that was how Gonzalo spoke to him and reiterates his belief that Gonzalo is traitor. Antonio still thinks that Santos just has personal problems with Gonzalo. Antonio tells Santos that he, Lucía, Marisela and Gonzalo, of course, are all living at the Governor's residence. Santos is annoyed.
DB has come to San Fernando.
Antonio assures Santos that absolutely nothing is going on between Gonzalo and Marisela. Santos says that he is sure that Gonzalo will try something. Marisela and Lucía come in. Marisela tells Santos that she assumes he came after her but he says that he came to town on behalf of the Cattlemen's Association. Marisela bids him good afternoon and walks out of the room. Gonzalo is watching through the door of his office. Gonzalo tosses Santos' proposal in a drawer and say that it will never happen.
At dinner, Marisela is quiet and tells Gonzalo that she has a headache. She excuses herself. Gonzalo says that this is Santos' fault. He says that all the progress Marisela has made is in the trash (en balde). Lucía says that she doesn't think Marisela has made much progress. She cries for Santos every night.
Alone in her room, Marisela says, "Santos, don't you care about me anymore? You wouldn't even look me in the eyes. You didn't even ask to speak to me." She gets out her copy of El Cid (Cantar del Mio Cid, in Spanish. Click the link to see the Wikipedia entry on the poem) where she has a picture of Santos and a pressed rose.
"Don't you love me any more?" says to the picture, "You probably came to San Fernando with DB and you're together in the hotel making love, kissing, happy about the child that you are going to have. Santos, oh Santos."
Meanwhile DB has bribed a maid in the hotel to let her into Santos' room. She holds his shirt and wonders where he is at this moment.
Gonzalo knocks on Marisela's door and asks if her headache has gone away. She says that it has and she has gone to bed. A masked figure sneaks into Marisela's room and grabs her.
Labels: barbara
Tontas Tuesday March 17 '09 And The Beat Goes On....
Let's skip the rehash and go right into the foreboding announcement by an offscreen voice which intones: "La revanche tiene dos caras esta noche". (Revenge has two faces tonight.) And those two faces are Marissa and Alicia...scary indeed!
So with that in mind, we're now brought back to Candy and Patricio's cozy front door chat. He's already told her he'll be there for her. She's already blessed him with a radiant smile and they've shared a major, full-body hug. But Patricio's still piling up points. You're so brave (valorosa) he assures her. No, just tired (cansada) she replies. Oh no, you were brave enough to go on and remake your life after some stupid guy (Patricio) broke your heart. You were incredible, you raised a son who adores you. You're a perfect mom....and so incredibly beautiful.
He probably could have gone on much longer but Meño arrives, he sympathizes with him, promises to be there for him also, they share a sketchy hug and as Meño leaves, Patricio sighs, It kills me to see him like that. This gets another full-body hug and a little tear trickling down Candy's cheek. Team Patricio? Are you out there? Right now your side's winning. But the games not over yet. Not even sure we're at half-time. Hang on.
Now we see Meño in his room, gathering some wooden beads from a box and clutching them angrily while violins and later piano music plays poignantly. I thought they were worry beads at first, but it's a carved wooden rosary and he's really letting the Almighty have it! Why him and not me? he asks. He's full of dreams, illusions, love....why him!? Candy reminds him that while he might be angry with God, God will never be angry with him. And right now, he needs Him more than ever. Meño seems to heed her words, but also reminds her she needs to get going. Tonight is her radio program. Life goes on (la vida sigue). Candy finally agrees to go but she reminds him that they need both Valor y Amor. (at least that's what my lagging closed captions said. I swear I heard Valor y Humor but maybe that's because it's MY motto). Anyway, take your pick.
Okay a little breather. And I do mean little. It's the kitchen at Santiago's house. All three kids are there, Donato and Tina dancing attendance on them. Rocio's upset at seeing Lucia cry, but the discussion moves on to Chava and Beto's "boss status" at the restaurant and the whole thing ends up with ice cream for all. Chunky Monkey? Dunno. Looked more like Neopolitain to me.
Candy's at the radio station, being given the tour before the program. Turns out the subject is going to be male infidelity. The woman showing her around is definitely on board for that one! "Ya me apunto" (Sign me up!)
And speaking of male infidelity, we see the Abandonados, Eduardo front and center, talking about trying a second honeymoon with Chayo. Ah, you're just doing that 'cause you don't have a girlfriend anymore, his buddies sneer. There are some jibes directed at Santiago also, until our bandanna guy (from Fea) calls a halt. Let's have harmony and no talk about problems. I'm down with that.
The program starts. Candy and her column are introduced. She starts talking a mile a minute and introduces her colleagues who also talks at warp speed, explaining what each of them does. Soledad's in charge of giving tips for family life which struck me as extremely odd...but whatever.
The caller to the program is a very angry woman, repeatedly cheated on by her husband. When she lowers the boom, things change for a while. He acts nice, very romantic but then, after a short time, he starts coming home late at night again, smelling of other women. And when he IS home, he never touches her.
Sounds just like Chayo's story and of course she's quick to chime in and tell her...he'll just keep on flipping back and forth like that if he knows you'll forgive him over and over.
The Abandonados are outraged. No fair. They can't give their side. But wait, Raúl suggests that the guys could have their own program. And the fight is on!
Uh oh...we see our sexy and suspicious waitress plying Sven and Olé with strong drink, tequila to be exact. Why don't they just relax and enjoy themselves while she takes care of all the clients? Done. This doesn't bode well at all.
In the meantime, our Insitutas have wrapped up the discussion with their practical advice, as per instructions. Perhaps the caller, with her negative attitude, is pushing hubby into the beds of other women. (WTF!!!???) Maybe you should try to be more attractive. Flirt with your husband. Make sex enjoyable. And if that doesn't work, see a marriage counselor. Okay, honestly...that's what they said. I'm going to refrain from editorial comment. We break for an ad. Couldn't come at a better time.
When we come back, Sven and Olé are three sheets to the wind but sexy waitress is still pouring more tequila down their gullets. We know for sure now she's a baddie.
The gals are still sitting around the table, enjoying the success of their first radio program when they're rushed out to make room for the next program which is....guess what? the Abandonados. They're properly outraged and Candy wishes them luck through gritted teeth. And what did the guys say? Well, the main thrust (no pun intended) was that women can be unfaithful too. Nah nah nah, we NEVER SAID women weren't unfaithful, quibbles Candy. But that wasn't the subject tonight. No matter. The guys are off and running, all talking at once and I'd be surprised if actual listeners could make any sense of it, but the fellows appeared to be having a marvelous time expressing themselves. Let's leave it at that.
A highly charged moment with Meño and Charley now. Charley is sitting hunched on the stairs, gazing at a picture of him and Lucia and bemoaning what he's done to her. Meño comforts him and wisely tells him he doesn't know yet if Lucia is infected (let's wait for the test results) and also reminds him that they need to tell Charley's mother. He's firm and upbeat until Charley walks out the door and then he collapses and sobs quietly for a moment. Again, a scene very well acted by both men.
And now our two wicked witches are shown cooking up their plan. Marissa has a scheme which will not only hurt Santiago and Candy but will help Alicia latch onto and hang onto Patricio. Can you guess what it is? They propose a toast and Marissa wants tequila! Alicia is shocked (give her credit for something) but Marissa shrugs it off. I'm not sure one tequila is going to produce fetal alcohol syndrome but I understand tests are showing that even small amounts of alcohol are believed to be responsible for many learning disabilities. Not good.
Back at the studio, the guys are still talking. And their conclusion? Hey, we men couldn't be unfaithful if there weren't willing women out there. And they rest their case.
After the ads, a well-filmed scene. We see Lucia's face, framed through the window of a doll house, carefully moving a little figure around. Then she sits on Rocio's bed where her grandmother finds her. She's longing to be a little girl again, missing her parents terribly. Isabella reminds her that she has Santiago....and she has her grandmother. But I miss my parents so much, sighs Lucia, as Isabella holds her close. Lots of good hugs in this episode, I must say.
The guys and gals (make that boys and girls) are marching around the radio studio chanting and teasing and basically looking like they're at recess. We're funnier, say the guys. We're more instructive, reply the girls. And that's the first and last time you'll ever do a program. Not if the listeners liked it, snaps Raúl. "Ni un paso atrás" (not one step backwards) chant the gals. At this point, I'm thinking they're going to play dodge ball or Red Rover Come Over but the scene mercifully ends.
Charlie and Meño arrive to close up the restaurant and find not only two soused waiters but that they've been robbed. Must have been the new waitress, muse our two Romeos. What new waitress!? screeches Meño...this is going to be paid for!
Alright, phase one of the revenge plan. Alicia shows up at Patricio's hotel room (I just happened to be in the neighborhood sez she) and unloads the story, sob sob, of how she just had to talk to him, he's the only one she has, and she's been to the gynecologist, she's sterile, she wants a baby in the worst way (that's for sure) and, and.....
Wait just a minute. This doesn't compute, observes Patricio.
I know, I know, I said I didn't like kids, didn't want 'em, but now that I can't have one, I WANT ONE!!!! And I know you already have two children....but you never got to hold them in your arms, I want to GIVE YOU A BABY.
Of course Patricio's not falling for this. Go home, take a nice, hot bath, he advises. Rethink ("recapacitas") this. I'll change and take you home. While he goes off to do that, we see Alicia's face. She's not happy. So far the plan's not working. But knowing our gal, she won't give up. Give her props for persistence.
Candy arrives home to find Chava waiting up for her....except he's fallen asleep on the couch. Kisses are exchanged, he's delighted to see her happy again, Candy and Gregoria hoist him up by hands and feet and haul him off to bed, while he clutches Merengue, the creepy little puppet.
Another tender family scene with Lucia and Santiago. They're at the clinic, she's repeating that she's scared. He's reminding her it's better to know. A rather frightening looking nurse with a mask and gloves comes with the needle. Could you take the sample? Lucia asks Santiago. Even though he reminds her of the nurses' skill, she really wants him to do it....and tenderly adds..."Papa". Okay, I'll admit it...that got to me. And she probably could have asked him to take it standing on his head singing la Marseillaise and he would have done it. Quite a moment. As was the moment between Meño and Charlie.
Not so fine a moment is the unholy alliance between Alicia and her mother-in-law. They're double-teaming Patricio (who's spent the night after taking Alicia home so late) and Mom's thinking it's a great idea for Patricio and Alicia to adopt. Patricio shoos away Alicia so he can try and talk some sense into Mom . (Of course Alicia creeps around the corner and listens in). Mom, it's illogical that we adopt. Our relationship is over. Hey, don't worry, assures Mom. Adoption takes years. Alicia will give up. No problem. Uh oh....that was the long slow windup and we all know the fast pitch that's coming. Too bad Patricio doesn't.
Marissa meanwhile is doing her little bit to add to the suffering in this world. Wringing tears out of poor Rocio as she tells her she won't have a little brother because her dad doesn't want Marissa to be her mommy. Santiago, arriving home emotionally spent from the clinic visit with Lucia, to be greeted by the sight of his heartbroken daughter and a gleefully triumphant Marissa.
Alicia bops back in the room even though Patricio says he's still talking to his mother. I want to be a mom! insists Alicia. Look, we'll divorce, you're attractive, you'll meet some marvelous man and then you can adopt.
Nuthin' owe me insists Alicia.
Patricio leaves and Mom encourages Alicia. Don't give up, she assures her, a baby could save your marriage.
As I said, the hugs in this episode have been great. The advice though....absolutely horrendous.
Rocio's lost in her sad memories of the loss of much longed for little brother. Gets in trouble with the teacher. And when another boy taunts her after class for being stupid...and a fight ensues...the teacher docks her three points for poor conduct. Poor Rocio.
The tender moments between Meño and Charlie have deteriorated into a fight. Meño wants him to tell his mother. He's arranged for an airline ticket so they can talk in person. Charlie angrily tells him not to run his life. And there's no way he's going to tell his mom he has AIDS from sleeping with a neighbor.
Tonight's episode ends with a poignant scene between Candy and Santiago. My kids need my help and I don't know what to do, he sighs. No words needed here. And indeed, no words are adequate. She hugs him tenderly. And that's that.
Alas, the previews don't look good. It seems Candy's going to be there for Santiago, but only as a friend. She's still exploring her relationship with Patricio. And Alicia "no queda con los brazos cruzados" (literally not staying with her arms crossed. Lets just say she's not giving up yet!)
recapacitar = to reconsider, think again
related verbs....
capacitar = to prepare, to qualify
capacitarse = train (I first learned that verb reading about McDonald's training of Hispanic employees)
mande =como, what? In Mexico, more likely to use "mande" than "como" Also a more polite, respectful way of saying ¿Qué For a further discussion of the verb "mandar" and its uses, see Jarocha's comment on the blog line.
achicopalado (a) =sad, depressed Meño told Charlie not to be "achicopolado". dictionary also gives overwhelmed, afraid in some contexts
ya me apunto = present tense used as a "near future". Sign me up. I'm in. I'm up for that.
patrañas = tall story, one of the gibes the guys threw at the gals at the radio station
ni un paso atrás = not one step backwards
The rest of the vocabulary is embedded. Test next week!
Labels: Tontas
El Cuerpo del Deseo, Tues, March 17 - It's the end of the road for Isabel; Ángela has her baby
They dance...
Make love for the last time...
The next morning PJ/S finds out that the police have come.
They are stopped before they can get away but PJ/S overpowers the policeman.
A car chase follows in which PJ is sometimes Mario and sometimes the old geezer.
Finally, Isabel decides that this is the end. She closes her eyes, takes her hands off the wheel and the car goes out of control and flips into the water.
Since the geezer probably couldn't carry Isabel, it's Mario who gets Isabel out of the car and carries her onto the beach.
Isabel says that she has never been happier than on this day and dies. PJ turns into the geezer and I guess he dies again so he can be with Isabel forever.
Fortunately, there is time for all this before the police show up.
Salvador's body isn't dead so he goes to the hospital.
Ángela has her baby and everyone but Walter and Rebeca are celebrating when the police arrive with the news about Isabel.
The loathsome Rebeca screams, faints and puts on her usual performance.
Labels: cuerpo
Las tontas no van #71, Mon 3/16, When Anvils Fall, Things Get Shattered
Fasten your seat belts. We’re gonna’ need a lot of Chunky Monkey for this one. If you like Tontas because it is a light, amusing novela, then I suggest that you watch old clips instead of Monday’s, because tonight there is no joy in Mudville. On the other hand, if you like novelas because you enjoy the catharsis you get from intense human emotion, then stick around. Have I got a show for you!
Note, I had to do most of this show without captions, so I’ll be grateful if you fill in anything missing or mistaken.
Chayo wonders why Ed got home so early; did his amante stand him up? Ed doesn’t want to start a fight at this hour; he wants to make love, not war. Yep, sounds to me like his amante stood him up!
At breakfast, Chava gives his mama the family picture he made in school.
In Santiago’s office, Ed (who is never in his own office) tells Carlos (the raggedy abandonado) his problem: his ex-wife is becoming friends with his amante. Sage Carlos dispenses the wisdom of the ages, or at least the wisdom of the fortune cookies: “Listen to your heart.” Ed decides, once again, to leave his amante and re-win Chayo (those two are apart and together more times than Ole Olson’s accordion!).
Candy shows Lulu her son’s drawing. Marissa comes in and says she decided to share that office with Candy. Candy declines and leaves. Mar destroys Chava’s picture, and says, “Oopsie! It tore!”
Why did Jazmin leave DF after she dumped El Cheque? Is it because she was heartbroken? Naah. I say it’s because all of DF (pop. 22 million) knows what a skank she is, so she had to invade new territory to find a fresh chump. More of her is out of her blouse than in it. She tells Counselor Chayo that her amante broke up with her, but she looooves him. Chayo points out that this is the perfect opportunity to make the break from dating married men. Just then, Ed calls Chayo. He wants to see her, but she doesn’t want to see him because she realizes he’s just on the rebound from another amante. Jaz says, “What a coincidence. Your husband dumped his amante, and my amante dumped me.”
Lucía wants to know why Charly is so upset. She’s afraid he wants to break up with her. He tells her, “No, I’d like to spend the rest of my life with you.” Then why is he so upset? “You have to have a test. A blood test. I tested positive. I’m HIV-positive.” Luc starts screaming at him to shut up, go away, disappear, never return. She runs away into the house, and Isabel comes out and looks at Charly as if to say, “What did you do to her?” Isabel calls Santiago and says he needs to come home.
Candy returns to her office and finds her son’s drawing torn up, with red horns, pitchforks and tails added to everyone.
Raúl tries to tell Marissa, “No, you can’t give your baby up for adoption.” He’s shocked by the idea. She doesn’t want to be a single mom; she just wants it to go away and forget about it. Raúl says it’s her son, but she says, “No, it’s my little problem, and I’m going to solve it.” He urges her to give the baby up to Santiago who loves him, or to Raúl, but she says no one will get him. Raúl threatens to renounce her if she abandons his nephew. Mar answers, “You don’t have a nephew. Santiago doesn’t have a son. You can go now. Goodbye.” Raúl finally realizes that Marissa’s mind has left the building.
In Meño’s room, Charly tells his dad, “I feel so alone.” Pop has the easy answer – it’s because you broke up with Luc. Try again: “Pop, I’m very sick.” Next easy answer: that’s because you’re always barefoot. One more try. “Papa, I have AIDS.” Meño’s world stops turning. His mouth moves but nothing comes out. He looks Charly up and down as if trying to force his brain to start working again.
Meño: Do you want to get something to eat with me?
Charlie: Didn’t you hear what I just said?
M: That’s what I always said to my father when I didn’t want to hear bad news.
Ch: Papa, I’m going to die.
M: And I covered my ears like this, so I couldn’t hear it. I don’t want to hear bad news.
They hold onto each other and cry together.
On the other side of town in Santiago’s office, Candy wants to talk about AIDS. He’s worried that Zamora is infected. “No,” she tells him, “not Zamora.” Santi is relieved. She explains, “The results were Charly’s.” Santi’s compassion goes out for Charly. She continues, “For that reason, Lucía also needs to be tested.”
The ground starts to crumble under Santiago’s feet as the avalanche begins to unravel. But even with the ground giving out from under him, he tries to ride it out. “No. No, because.. (he quotes from memory, something solid and reliable) because HIV is only transmitted by sexual contact or blood transfusion or (something I couldn’t hear). So…” Candy has to confirm that he’s right. The avalanche he was trying to run away from catches up with him, carries him away, and tumbles him into a heap. “Are you saying that they made love? And didn’t take precautions?” Candy reminds him that, although there is no cure, there are treatments. But being a doctor, he knows how rough those treatments are.
Santiago is clutching for someone to blame, starting with himself. He is tormented because he broke his oath to his brother to take care of Lucía, and he refused to talk to her about sex when she asked. Candy tells him it’s not his fault (agreed). She says it’s nobody’s fault. (Wait a minute! What is the message of this subplot? If you have unprotected sex, you could get AIDS. But if you do, according to Candy, it’s not your fault. There goes our Doña Mentira again.) Santiago keeps proposing who to blame, and Candy keeps finding excuses.
Santi suggests, “Then what about Charly?” No, he’s young and foolish. Young people don’t think to take precautions.
“Then was my daughter’s boyfriend seeing prostitutes?” No, it was a married neighbor in DF.
“Then that woman?” No, she got it from her husband.
“Then is it her husband’s fault?” No, he’s living in the US away from family, living an unsettled life.
So I suppose nobody is ever responsible for anything; everybody has an excuse. The problem is, if no one is ever responsible for anything, why should you bother to cinch up your calzones and behave like an adult? Oops. Off my soapbox.
Sven and Ole drool as the new guapa waitress throws her ‘cheesecake’ at them. The kind that blinds them and robs their reason. Not the kind you eat with a fork. They spend most of the afternoon flirting with her, and she flirts back.
Chayo asks Ed whether he wrote anyone a note lately. He plays dumb, a role Ed was born for. She must be putting the puzzle together. She thinks that a guy who breaks up by e-mail is a louse and a desgraciado. Later Jasmine heads to Chayo’s apartment, but while still in the hallway, she sees Ed coming out of the apartment, so now she knows.
In the kitchen, Gregoria thinks the test results must be wrong. Charly is torn up because he just knows that if Lucía dies, it will be his fault; he will have murdered her (obviously Charly understands responsibility even if Candy doesn’t). Meño doesn’t argue that fact but looks for reasons for hope, such as new treatments.
The kids go to the restaurant to work as bosses, so Chava can get enough money to give his mom a car.
In her office, Candy accuses Marissa of tearing up Chava’s picture. Marissa divulges to Candy that she’s not going to keep the baby. Mar is ambiguous; her words could refer to adoption or abortion. I believe Candy assumes abortion. Mar says, “Can you imagine how much Santi will suffer? Do you feel bad now?” Candy asks why she’s doing this. Mar answers, “I loved Santi with all my heart, and he betrayed me, with you. So now I hate him with all my heart, and you too.”
Candy offers to take Marissa’s baby and raise him as her own. Mar answers, “You took my man, and now you want my child? You gonna’ take my nausea and labor pains too? This baby won’t be anybody. Santiago destroyed me; I’ll destroy him.” (She doesn’t say which ‘him,’ Santi or the baby). This is too much for Candy, on top of Charly’s HIV, and she faints. Marissa picks up the phone to dial 911, but she can’t remember the number. She leaves, wishes the unconscious Candy, “Hasta la vista, Baby,” and closes the door behind her. She tells Lulu that Candy is busy and doesn’t want to be interrupted. Lulu almost goes to talk to her anyway, but is distracted by a phone call.
At the house, Lucía is in full-scale panic-driven manic mode. She’s chattering non-stop so she doesn’t have to think or feel. Santiago tries to stop her and talk with her, but she escapes. Donato brings him up to date – Charly came to talk to her, she screamed and threw him out, and she’s been upset ever since. Charly calls her and she screams at him, “Muerate!” (Die!), throws the phone on the marble floor, and screams, “Die! Die! Die!” Santiago just holds her and lets her break down and cry. Poor Rocío sees all this; all she can do is stroke her sister’s face.
In the institute reception area, Jazmin rebukes Chayo for stealing her amante (I guess Jaz lives by the ‘honor among thieves’ code). Chayo is confused until Jaz says she saw her honey coming out of Chayo’s apartment. She tells Jaz, “You want him? Keep him!” Jaz doesn’t want him either; from now on she’s not going to accept a man she has to share. But since she lives in Telenovelaland, that requirement excludes 98% of the men in Mexico. And the other 2% are gay!
Soledad steps into Candy’s office and sees her passed out on the floor. She’s been unconscious for, what? 30 minutes? But Sol calls her name and she instantly revives and can sit up. Okey-dokey. Sol tells her that she has decided to let go of Patricio emotionally. Candy says she’d like to be alone right now. Would you leave someone alone right after they regained consciousness?
In church, Meño chews out God. Why did this happen to Charly? Why not me? Why did you abandon me? But then he softens and cries for his son.
Santiago wants to talk to his mama before he tries to counsel Lucía because he has always relied on his mother’s wisdom and support. But this time she needs his strength. She says he has no idea of the pain of losing a child. She had to go on without him, and she somehow made herself strong and believed that nothing would happen to her loved ones anymore. And now this. She feels old. Old and tired. Lucía lost her parents, and now this. Isabel says, “Don’t ask me not to cry. I’m crying for my granddaughter, my son, and myself.”
Pat takes Candy home and she tries to beg off; she wouldn’t be good company right now. Pat corrects her; he’s not here for company. He’s here to support her in any way she needs. Let me be the first to say, our little Patito is cleaning up real nice. He offers to take Chava for a few days, but she quickly refuses. Chava is her reason to go on.
Santiago gently tells Luc he knows she was with Charly, and she needs to be tested. She looks off into space and claims, “Me cuidé” (I took precautions). Santi probes a little harder, and she admits the truth with a nod. He gently tells her that she needs to be tested, and she loses her grip again. “I don’t want to. I can’t. I can’t be infected. I can’t have HIV. I can’t be infected, Tío. I can’t have AIDS. I swear it, Tío. I swear it. I don’t want to die.”
Roll credits.
Tomorrow, the radio program starts up. And Marissa and Alicia are plotting something.
Congratulations to Eleazar Gómez (Charly) and our favorite, Manuel ‘Flaco’ Ibáñez (Meño). They won the awards for best juvenile actor and best senior actor at the Premios TVyNovelas this weekend. It’s kind of like the Emmy Awards, but it only includes Televisa productions, and even within the Televisa family of shows, the judging is anything but impartial. Still, buen hecho!
Labels: Tontas
Monday, March 16, 2009
Mañana es para siempre 3/16: "I don't know which of you is the greater imbecile."
First, we re-watch Gardenia yelling at the chauffeur and telling him (1) get your cotton-pickin' hands off me; (2) your boss Barbara is an evil hyena, she did the jiggy with Damian in his car and I saw it; and (3) Soledad is dead. That finally shut him up.
- Sweet Santiago the bohemian painter and youngest brother of Fer (I've decided to like him despite his ridiculous hairdo) interrogates his hitchhiker as they drive toward her destination. She was brought up by and lived with an old woman, Dominga, who'd been paid to take her. The woman, we see, is a drunk; while she was nodding out the previous night some crummy old dude either raped Aurora or tried to, saying he paid Dominga for this nooky and he's going to have it!
Aurora ran away and hid in the market. Now she wants to get to the capital to find her mother, whose name she doesn't know. Good luck with that one. She is thinking it isn't the greatest idea, but it's the only one she has.
They get to Villa Marelo and Santi reluctantly says goodbye. She's off to find a bus to take her to D.F., he leaves, she goes to the cheese house! Surely the same one where Eduardo found Franco Santoro's ID card! There is some product placement of fresh and tasty cheese.
She's about to get on the bus when Santiago roars back in his jeep and shouts for her and gets on his knee and proposes: that she go with him to his sister's wedding posing as his girlfriend - since his father told him to come back a real man and/or with a girlfriend. In exchange, he'll take her to the capitol next day and help find her mother. Aurora says was educated by nuns and doesn't like to lie - he says she can stay quiet and he'll do the lying. He'll say her luggage was lost on the trip. - Barbara is hectoring everybody to get this wedding happening. Fer is begging for more time, she really wants her nana Soledad's blessing before the ceremony; she's also worried because Santiago hasn't yet arrived.
Barbara comes up with a new lie: Soledad has gone to town, to the beauty parlor, she'll be a bit late. Fer wants to wait. The bishop can't wait, though, he has another wedding to preside at in the city.
Barbara sez they can't wait, the guests are arriving, and she stomps out. Fer asks Erika: "Will you come with me to town to find my nana?" - Jacinto bikes home to tell Margarita it's time for the wedding, but she's left him!
- Fr/Ed orders flowers to arrive that very afternoon. Later, he gloomily ponders his shirt selection and monologues briefly on vengeance. Jacinto shows up and wails about Margarita's scarper. Fr/Ed guesses she's at Florecita's house and gets Jac to call her there. She's there but won't talk to him. Fr/Ed promises he'll help his buddy get her back -- after the wedding.
- Santiago arrives, Fer is happy he's on time for the first time in his life, he introduces Aurora as his girlfriend. Then Santiago sees Erika (dressed in horse clothes), hugs her, and introduces her to Aurora as Fer's best friend.
Fer gets out some clothes for Aurora to wear and Erika takes her away to put makeup and earrings on her, because Santiago wants to talk to Fer one-on-one. (Aurora is understandably nervous to be on her own, Santi breezily gives her permission to make up whatever stories she likes about their history.)
Aurora doesn't want tons of makeup. Erika: "Did you know Santiago used to be love with me?" Aurora: "Yes, pretty much." "Oh, I wouldn't have thought he'd have talked about it. I imagine you're artistic too." "Yes, I'm a, uh, painter. And what is your connection to the family?" "Well, I'm Fer's best friend, but more important, I am Camilo's future wife." - Santiago: "Sis, when you called to tell me about your marriage, there was no passion in your voice, and now, there is none in your face." "Don't torment me!" "Are you in love?" She gives him that same guff about this being an "adult" love. "But your hearts don't beat as one."
Dad comes in with Barbara; he greets Santiago as the "prodigal son." Santiago clearly doesn't like Barbara - he avoids her air kiss, muses that her earrings are beautiful and must have cost his dad a fortune. He asks Barbara if this wedding were HER idea.
She changes the subject, informing Pa Elizalde that Santiago arrived with a woman. "A friend," he says. "Then she'll be leaving after the wedding?" she says. "Barbara, women of YOUR AGE don't understand how things are these days, we can live together without..." the dad sorta coughs and Santiago elaborates: "She's my girlfriend, my future wife." Barbara looks like she swallowed a fly. - Camilo (recently described by Erika as her soon-to-be husband) is in a convertible with his arm around Natasha. He has it all figured out: he and Natasha will dress in horse clothes and ride horses (is this some part of the wedding?) and he'll introduce her to the family. She's afraid of both.
- Fer begs her dad for just a little more time, for Soledad to show up and bless her. And Santiago begs for just one more minute of Fer's time. Dad and Barbara leave.
Santiago says: "You're the only person I know as well as I know myself, and I know you aren't in love with Damian, there's no music in your voice. If you figure out you've made a mistake, have the courage to admit it and fix it, promise?" She sort of promises I guess.
Aurora shows up all pretty in Fer's dress and earrings. Santiago reveals to Fer that Aurora is not his girlfriend, they've only know each other a few hours -- but it's a secret. Fer tells Aurora she can count on her for anything, regardless. - Dad, Erika and Barbara talk on the lawn. Erika boasts, there will soon be a second Elizalde wedding.
Santi and Aurora arrive, holding hands. Aurora and Barbara stare at each other, hard, in a very significant manner. Santi says Aurora's a sculptor, Erika says "She told me she's a painter!" Santi: "She's so modest - actually, she's both." Lots more staring. - Far away, drunk Dominga looks for Aurora in the market. She squeezes a green pepper to death while promising evil things for Aurora when she finds her.
- Fer looks out her window at all the guests. She looks unlongingly at her posies. She calls Damian's cellphone. "I have something very serious to ask you. Why do you want to marry me?"
"Why do you sound so odd?" is his answer.
He then has the entire commercial break to think of a good answer, but when the commercials are over, he still hedges: "Why are you asking me this just now?" "Why is it so hard for you to answer?" "Oh, all right, I uh, want to be with you because, uh, because you're beautiful, sweet, enchanting, what do you want me to say?"
Barbara slithers up next to him and hisses, what's up? Damian asks Fer in turn: "Well don't you want to marry me?" I didn't catch her answer!
Barbara demands to know everything Fer said. She barks at Damian as if he were her dog. She wants the two of them to go fetch Fer, but Damian reminds her he isn't supposed to see the bride before the ceremony, it's bad luck. "I don't know which of you is more an imbecile," she snarls, "her for marrying you, or you for ..." ugh, cymbal crashes obscured her last words, I hope somebody whose captions worked will fill me in.
Labels: manana
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