Tuesday, January 26, 2010

un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 1/25/10 el Mundo es un Pañuelo

Deep in the bowels of the Bat Cave, Monita is thrilled. She is about to ride the Bug Scooter with Furia Enmascarada himself. Woohoo! And so as the great iron doors concealing the Bat Cave creak open, a ludicrous masked apparition in green and gold astride a dirt bike with his faithful little monkey in a scandalous minifalda perched behind him swings onto the road. His faithful understudy and scion strolls out behind them and gazes proudly as this stunning sight disappears, blending un-noticed into the busy DF traffic. He fails to spot the mummy parked across the street, spying as she hunkers down to avoid detection He steps into a cab and heads off in the opposite direction. A self-satisfied momia engages the engine of her unmarked car and pulls away as the game, once more, is afoot.

Marcos is meeting with Isabel in an outdoor restaurant. So, Coni's and Katia's daddy, por casualidad (remember?), is Nieve's runaway groom, the love of her life, and Isabel's heart throb as well? ¡Canicas! El mundo sí es un pañuelo (small world, literally, the world is one handkerchief). Marcos is played by Eric del Castillo, a revered Mexican actor who is also the father of the gorgeous and talented Kate del Castillo, my very first telenovia (Ramona). He is apparently helping Isabel cope with an as yet unidentified momia, whom Isabel recently bumped into, who is causing problems for Monita, Isabel's daughter ,and a miscarriage for Coni, said mummy. The momia identified Isabel as Monita's difunto mom. Those two seemingly came to an agreement to unite efforts against Moni, yet here she is apparently plotting against the momia with Marcos who wants to meet and destroy la momia. At this moment his cell phone rings and he is talking with his daughter Coni (la momia) arranging a dinner date with her. He clearly adores her. I understand. She also enlists him to arrange to have someone open a door for her. No problema, he'll put one of his people on it. Meanwhile, Isabel's hard drive is collating factoids which may help her quickly to the realization that Constanza = la Momia. Marcos doesn't however mention his princesa's name. Completing his call, he stands and says that he will prevent la momia from harming Monita. "Perhaps Monita means nothing to you, but for me, is very important."(¿Qué?) Is everyone all clear on all this now? If you are, then you haven't been paying attention. Let's soldier on. As he leaves he says, "I'll be waiting for your call."

Beto is lying on the couch talking to himself, "¡Sufro (I suffer), sufro, sufro! ¡Duermo (I dream), duermo, duermo!" as Jaqui brings him a sandwich that she has lovingly constructed with her own little hands (someone dismissed Teri, the housekeeper, without careful consideration). He critically examines it, enumerating the ingredients, noting the components it lacks as well as discovering an unwanted component, then tentatively takes a bite. He declares it ... horrible. He proceeds to consume it anyway. He asks if she's not aware that the way to conquer a man is through his stomach. She asks what makes him think that she would try to win him over. "Well, since I'm your nuero (nuera is daughter-in-law, there is no such word as nuero)." "Mi yerno (son-in-law)." Beto looks around, "¿Donde?" "You're my yerno, not my nuero, tarado (dumbutt)," she replies, though he's not officially that either.He decides not to finish the sandwich, it even has a hair in it he says. Then he says," No, I've always said, for sure, there is only the one mother, the others, a ball of fodongas (filth). "You're calling me filth?" "No Señora, but with all due respect..." I love watching these two go at it. They are like Abbott and Costello.

And now, domestic bliss in the 'hood. It's Nieves and Cesar, and as usual, their attire is color coordinated; this time in various shades of Merlot. Cesar reminds her that Beto has forgiven her deception about his daddy, but she is not pleased that he may marry Coni, but Cesar reminds her that it will likely come to pass so she might as well get used to the idea. The conversation turns to Nieves past love. Cesar inquires whether he might show up. "Not a chance." This of course means that he'll be showing up very soon. She has even forgotten his face, which is for the best, for Cesar threatens to murder anyone who attempts to tear her from his arms. "I'll fight for you, because you see, I love you." She smiles broadly. Awww.

Estrella, Paula, Moni, Cristian, and a large green insect we recognize as Furia Enmascarada, are cooling their heels awaiting the arrival to his office of Señor Fausto Pineda, the toad who served the eviction notice for the inhabitants of the naco condo. Careful Mao, toads consume insects. The vecinas are restless and testy. Paula seems especially agitated. She tends to embrace violence as the best approach. Mao, like a wise, hyper-pituitary Jiminy Cricket counsels calm and restraint. Easy to do if you're not the evictee. "Let Monita do the talking." Cristian also tries to be a voice of reason, he doesn't want to have to remove Pau by force. but Paula is particularly flammable today, as she lashes out at her novio just as the smarmy, unctuous lawyer appears."What are you people doing here?" He enters as distrusting hostile eyes follow him to his desk.

Let's check back and see how Beto is doing with his future suegra (momma-in-law). They continue to bond. He is musing about how his dietary needs will be met in his new life with Coni, as Jaqui wonders aloud what Coni sees in Beto. He offers to show her, adding to her disgust. She calls him corriente (common). He explains that his primary attraction is his enormous corazón as well as his manly aroma. He then begins to tell her about Betito's conception in Nuevo York on Broadway. She is loath to hear these intimate details and changes the direction of the conversation. "Then Constanza hasn't told you the news?" She then announces to Beto, "Constanza tuvó un legrado (had a currettage)." Beto looks as though he doesn't quite understand.

Things are heating up in the shyster's office."How did you get in?" "No importa," Moni then voices a perfectly reasonable, legitimate question, "Who?" Now here's a surprise. "That's confidential information." Paula speaks less calmly. Fausto observes that they are backed up with muscle, a luchador. Furia strikes a ready pose. "And Valentina Lopez," Estrella adds. Cristian cautions against threats, especially in front of a policeman.. Paula responds by asking Cristian for his apparatus. Fausto does share that the new owner is very powerful and completely backed up by the law. "Yes well we just want to talk to him," Monita snaps.Paula suggests that Cristian torture the information out of him. Ya gotta like this girl's pragmatism. Losing both patience and courage, he orders them out. Mauricio sees that there is not much they can accomplish there and suggests that they leave. Each has a parting gesture for the legal lizard, including Big Bug who encores his predatory pose.Beto, unfamiliar with medical terminology wants to know about this Legrado Hombre. "What is his name? ¿Juan Legrado? ¿"Pedro Legrado?" Jaqui suggests that he look up Legrado in the dictionary. Poor Beto is feeling like Job. First he discovers that he has no father, then, that he has no palce to live, and now this guy Legrado. "Why me?" Jaqui excuses herself to relax in a salt baño. Beto offers to help; he has the salt shaker. She orders him to stay right where he is. He grumbles that the daughter has her mother's style.

On the patio in the barrio Aldo is talking with Teri and Ivan. They hope that the delegation led by Mao is successful. They have confidence. Teri admits that as much as she misses the kids and Mao's place she is very happy here in the warmth of the 'hood. Suddenly she remembers that she's not started dinner. Ivan offers to go for takeout roast chicken, leaving Teri free to ask Aldo about rumors she's heard about his serious troubles with Estrella. Yes, they've split up. His heart aches. 'Yes, that's the way it is, one never forgets his first love." Teri's deep thought for today.

Hurrying down the street, Ivan bumps into Nieves. Por casualidad, she also is on her way to get roast chicken for Cesar and her. "Why don't we all eat together?" He gives her some money and off she waddles. (A very sexy waddle, to be sure.) Observing from a distance, sitting in the backseat of his black Mercedes, Marcos looks on, no doubt sharing my opinion of his one true love's curious gait. Didn't I warn that it wouldn't be long before he appears in their life?

Emerging from the office building of the lawyer is the committee delegated from the barrio to negotiate. For the moment they appear stymied. Estrella doesn't know about the rest, but she is defeated. Mao is going to sic his lawyers on Fausto Pineda. Paula clutches her head and says, "I most theenk." Her English is improving. Monita has a plan. "He had the papers in a folder, let's steal it." Cristian doesn't want to hear this kind of talk. Pau says,"Cristian, shoatup!" He quibbles, Pao tells him to get with the program or it's his neck. She makes a slashing gesture across her own neck. "You choose." She tells him to follow orders. He salutes, "Sí, mi comandanta."

Meintras tanto, Coni is doing a little breaking and entering of her own. Marcos has sent a locksmith who is cheerfully picking the lock to the Bat Cave. Coni effusively thanks him. She stupidly left her keys inside. Huh?"No need to justify, anything for el Señor Lerdo de Tejada." She checks the street then ducks inside. She seems impressed as she leisurely inspects the luchador's lair. Take your time sweetie. I'll take a little break for a shot of Tequila, el Gran Centenario Añejo, riquísimo, gracias a mi hermosa profesora, Adriana. She takes video of the closet contents, consisting of damning proof, including a spare mask. She deposits the camera in her purse an browses languidly about the secret headquarters. She looks out a window, takes her camera out and films some more. The moon is almost full.

Moni, in miniskirt and high heels, and Bug, in full insectual regalia, cape billowing inconspicuously behind, creep up to the entrance of the office building, just as Fausto and the night watchman appear at the door. The two ordinary-appearing burglars duck out of sight. Cristian, Estrella, and Pau anxiously observe from across the street. Seeing the lawyer drive away, Pau (who knew she had such effective leadership skills?) orders Estrella into action. Her job... distract the guard. Summoning her thespian talents, Estrella springs to action. She hurries up to the watchman and complains that some medrigos mondrigos (help!) chipped (descochar) the paint on her truck parked around the corner. She is persuasive, and he goes with her, leaving the way clear for our larcenous luchador and his faithful simian companion. They scurry in through the revolving door. "¡Ay, perfect!" gushes Pau. Cristian whines and complains bitterly that they are becoming criminals. Suddenly alarms go off. Oh no! Oh yes! Oh crap! The guard hurries back followed by Estrella, hampered by heels. Cristian hurries up, reporting for duty. Fury and Moni hurry to the entrance then pause, unobtrusively at the glass door, awaiting assistance. The resourceful Estrella sprains an ankle and while the attentive guard kneels to offer assistance, Moni and Furia emerge un-noticed. Directed by Cristian, they exit stage left. "Know what? It's all better. Thanks. Adios." And off goes Estrella. Do I smell an Oscar in her future? No! Hopefully not that Oscar. Cristian draws his pistol and urges the security guard into action. He'll provide cover. Estrella and Pau celebrate from across the street. Well done, you delightful delinquents.

Speaking of Oscar, he arrives, roses in hand, just as Gabriela is heading out for the airport to catch her plane for Venezuela. "Going on a trip?" "You noticed?" She doesn't have time for this.

Having successfully burgled the office of bad barrister, a giddy Moni and Mao have returned to the Bat Cave. Uh oh! Coni has secreted herself in the apartment and with a sad look on her face is filming (in High Definition) as Moni lifts Furia's mask revealing the countenance of our not so bright but oh so lovable hero...Mauricio! Oh no! Oh yes! Oh... never mind. We are now treated to one of those incomparably borrrring M&M conversations, mercifully cut short as we return to...

Gabi and Oscar! She is in no mood. He promises she won't be late and even offers her a lift to the aeropuerto. "Do you have everything?' he asks, helpfully. She checks. Dang almost forgot the cellphone. Good thing O dropped by, huh? She goes to get it and Oscar makes a phone call. It's to his people in Venezuela. "Things have to move forward. When Gabriela arrives she is to find that Salvador has suffered a tragic accident. Dead. Body not recoverable. Handle it." Gabi's back. "Ready? Vamanos."

Oh no! Oh yes! Oh crap! More Moni and Mao. Coni's getting it all on video so let's get to the nut of the matter. They look at the papers they have purloined. Mao announces the evil new owner of the naco neighborhood complex is... ¡Soy yo!!! That's right amigos, Groupo Sermeño is the new slumlord that is going to evict the barrio.¡¿Qué?!

Well, el mundo en verdad es un pañuelo. Jero is joined in a restaurant by none other than Marcos Lerdo de Tejada. You could knock me over with a feather. And they already know each other. "It's always a pleasure to close a business deal with you, Jerónimo." Turns out the developer of the project utilizing the land on which sits our happy 'hood is Coni's dad. He is amazed things are proceeding at such a rapid pace. "Well, that's how business is with Jerónimo Sermeño. Quick and effective. " Yessir, I see a delightful future for this transaction. Next!

Well you asked for it, Carlos. More boring banter between M&M. The shortened version:

"Don't know. Couldn't have been Sal."
"Then who?"
"I have a plan."
"You're the new owner."
"Qué? ¡No!"

Works for me. Coni, did you get all that on video? I don't want to go through this again. Next!

More Marcos and Jero. Now Marcos wants to know what went wrong in the marriage of his princess and Mauricio. "She made the gravest error of her life marrying Mao. Then he cheated on her with another man." Marcos is livid and wants revenge. No need Jero assures him, Coni has it under control. She is divorcing him and will end up with everything he has. Marcos is amused. "Just like Jaqueline did me. Left me in the street with nothing." He turns bitter, calling her a remola (help again!), a harpy. Jero chokes on his brandy. Nevertheless, he wants an even worse fate for Mauricio. All this signals wonderful times ahead for us here at Club Gancho.

Moni's reluctant. Coni's filming. Mao's certain. Let' go tell the neighbors the good news. Coni emerges from hiding and takes one last look. She got even more than she came for.

Beto has fallen asleep on the sectional couch. Dani, Luisa, and Katia are watching amused seated on the opposite section. "He's like a lion," Dani observes. "No, un cavernicola (caveman)," Katia corrects her. Their speculation is abruptly interrupted and terminated by a well timed and delicately pungent fart by our leonine Neanderthal. The kids scatter just as Coni shows up. She spies him, "¿Roberto?... What's going on here?" She smell him, "What smells?" "Ask your amante," Katia suggests. "Roberto," she tries to rouse him, "¡Roberto!" He slumbers on. She pinches his nostrils closed and he stirs, "I didn't do anything," he protests, clearly shaken. "Precioso," She coos. He is wide awake and demands, "¿Por Qué me siempre jueges chueco? (play twisted with me, why is she always deceiving him?)"

Marcos is telling Jero that Mao will pay for his transgressions against his daughter when Jero's cell phone rings. It's Jaqui and she wants to see him... now! He says he can't maybe tomorrow. She reminds him that is no way for a slave to respond to his mistress' demand. Jero is having second and third thoughts about his budding relationship with Jaqui. She is puzzled, but remains firm. "Then don't come bothering to look for me 'cause I just might not be there." She hangs up abruptly. "¿Una mujer?" Marcos gentle inquires. He cautions Jero to be careful, but our Jero is accustomed to being pursued by women. Now Marcos turns bitter, expressing his hate for Jaqui and how she treated him. At least he ended up better off than her subsequent four husbands. He arranged that she will never find happiness with another man. "You know where they are?" Jero gulps, "Below the earth?""Exacto. Todos están muertos." Jero gulps again. Looks like he may have broken a light sweat. Oh yes, things are shaping up nicely.

Connie is confused. Beto confronts her with Señor Legrado. Her mother told Beto about him. QTF is he talking about? Well, here's Jaqui to clear matters up. "I told him you had a legrado. Want to explain to your lover what a legrado is?"



Monday, January 25, 2010

Dinero 1/25: When you owe 5 million pesos, it's time to PARTY!

Rehash - 5 million pesos, owed by Rafael for the ruined wedding, = a lot of money. He can't get a loan, so Ale is going to have to be his debt-holder. She doesn't want to have to talk to the man who "tried to kill me" - Marco will be the go-between.

Rafael basically signs away three years of his life - and if he doesn't pay his huge monthly bill, his mom loses the house and he goes back to jail. AND if anything happens to Ale in the future (Marco inserts this) related in any way to the accident, Rafael is responsible for that too.

He's getting out of jail. His cellmates will miss him, they give him their phone numbers. His mom, sis, and girlfriend come to get him.
The big fat boss gives a pep talk to the crew - he's sorry for the absence of Ale, but more, for the loss of money. He drools over Claudia, his new bonbon of an employee, her legs were her resume. He asks her into his office, sits next to her, strokes her thigh, tells her to call him "Francisco," says she'll be his best employee, wheezes, "I'm not as old as you might think." Then: "here in my office, I'm yours - but outside the office, I'm your boss. The others won't understand our grand friendship..."

Rafael asks after his car - it's still in custody. Back home, the neighbors are happy to see him. In the house: a huge birthday cake, flowers, expensive food, they don't even know what some of it is, expensive booze... he decides to throw a big party.

In the box of stuff rescued from his impounded car: one of Ale's shoes. He cradles it dreamily.

Party! They drink a 10,000 peso bottle of French champagne ("if it's that expensive, we shouldn't pee ever again!" crows a friend) and then Rafa begs his mom to let him celebrate before he embarks on his dreary three years - he wants to break out the expensive whiskey. She doesn't mind their eating the food but thinks he shouldn't waste the booze. Wasted words. Another guy asks, where are the presents? We should get them too!

Rafa's girlfriend is very excited about the cake and many pictures are taken of the two of them with flowers, champagne, cutting the cake. Almost like they were actually getting married... Rafa dances with another girl, Pajarita sulks so brother #1 plucks the other girl out of Rafa's arms and carries her away while brother #2 announces the party's over and removes the music (it was his player).

The guests leave with souvenirs. Rafa sighs about Ale: "She's very sexy, but she detests me." "The only way you're going to get hold of so much money is by being a counterfeiter." He asks Pepeto for help.

Rafa goes through the Help Wanted ads with his friend Jaime, who tries to discourage him from fixating on a position available for an International Executive. He says they'll be expecting advanced degrees and experience, but Rafa insists he has so much experience selling - even door to door! - that he's anybody's equal. he goes to the interview, is dissed by the secretary, and has to borrow a pen to fill out the forms. Needless to say, the interview doesn't go well - he doesn't even know what a stock market is... On the way out he tries to sell some really good whiskey to the interviewer.

At the hospital: while they wait for a wheelchair, the doc orders Ale to rest (and sit) a lot. She groans and is incensed all over again to find out Rafa posed as her husband. And even more so to realize one of her shoes is probably in his car! Those were expensive shoes! The get her into the car and then back out and into her house with the help of several people and lots of complaining and moaning. She's sarcastic to the kindly servant about what a wonderful honeymoon this is.

Her dad offers her the deed to the house - unaware that she's already signed it away.


Sidebar pics from new recappers ... two have arrived!

If you want to see what our wonderful recappers Vivi and Hombre de Misterio look like, they've joined our sidebar. Other recappers without pictures - please send to me at caray@mappamundi.com!!!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sortilegio, 1/22/10: Reconquest

Capítulo 78

[My DVR did not record for some reason like a bad disk. This is from memory and a few lousy video's with crappy audio that are off YouTube. Please feel free to fill in the blanks. If it jogs my memory I'll be happy to add it in if I can.--ed]

The redux: After spying on MJ at the charreado the day before, Alex realizes there's been a complete change in her. According to Fernando's observations, she doesn't remember anything about her past. Therefore, he decides to move to Toluca for a while to be close to her and to try to win her back at all cost. Meanwhile, Roberto fills Paula in on the battle for custody of Raquel's daughter and complains that Raqhell went back on her word to him about it. Bobo's afraid to take it any farther and challenge her with complaints about her alcoholism because she would challenge him as well for moral fitness. He tiptoes over the subject with her. "Raqhell might say things about me." "--What kind of things?" "--Well, we shared a dissipated lifestyle...let's just say, and there are things she could tell about me...." When Paula wants a bit more of the details, Bobo tells her she's a bit too innocent to have him unload on her about it. Just then, Alex walks over to the two of them and saves Bobo from having to go any further into it. Alex is there to invite Paula to spend a few days of vacation in Toluca with him in order to get nearer Mary Jo. She's not to let anybody know except her father. Paula's already off to pack.

In the Toluca outback at Mengela Manor, Elena tells Horrible Jorge --who's apparently just as grumpy at 8 in the morning as he is at 8 in the evening--that she's afraid they've let a viper into their midst with Bruno. If Mary Jo doesn't fall for Bruno as Damian per their plan and decides to marry somebody else, then there will be the Devil to pay. Jorge sneers back that it's her job to figure out some way to insure that MJ does become romantically interested in him.

Alex gives Arturo instructions to bring the car to Toluca and to camp out about a mile or so away from the entrance to the grounds to the rancho and to keep watch on who enters and who leaves there.

MJ/S returns from visiting her abuelo, Porferio, and joins Elena on the patio after a grumpy good-bye from Jorge. Abue's pushing her to get married she says. Although she likes "Damian" well enough, there's still something that just doesn't seem right about him. His smile, for instance, always seems false. She mentions then that Porfi wants her to hook up with Fernando. Elena advises that Fernando's totally wrong for her, especially since she found out from his sister, Katia, while she was there visiting last time, that Fernando is the lover of his boss's mother; and so he's not exactly wholesome fare. "She's old enough to be his mother so just dump him!" MJ/Sandra is disgusted to hear it. "¡Qué barbaridad!"

"On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with "Damian" whose a hard worker and sincere," says Mama. Elena even suggests to MJ that she might try getting intimate with him as a way that she might just find she really does like him. (That wasn't exactly delicately put, but pimping one's daughter out is pretty hardcore.) MJ/S explodes. "You want me to sleep with him??" Elena looks back at her kid like what's the big deal? MJ/Sandra screams at her mother that at times it seems Elena really doesn't love her; and that she's willing to do just about anything for money. When she decides to sleep with somebody, she informs Elena, it will be a man she chooses and not Elena's choice. MJ/S stomps off in a huff. Elena grumbles to herself that it might have been a mistake bringing that daughter back there also.

Arturo has a breakdown and asks a passerby for directions on the map. While he's trying to get his bearings he notices Bruno look over at him from his Zzzzzz8. There's a female passenger with him, so he looks closer. It's Sra. Mary Jo!!!

Back in Merida, Fer takes Vicki to lunch--duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnn--in public! She tries to argue Bruno's side with Fer, and says Alex could still be jumping the gun about him being involved. Fer says, no. Too many things point to Bruno being a part of it. Vicki, still trying to ignore the hard truth, still finds it dificult to believe that the woman Fer talked to at the charreado could actually have been MJ. Fer says it has to be. Her gestures, the sound of her voice, everything was MJ's. (They are twins, Victoria, not triplets! Remember? The one sans the telltale knife scar is now in a hospital in Mexico City undergoing treatment???) Vicki asks if his uncle is aware of it, but Fer says that he isn't. Suddenly Fer looks around and says people are talking about them. Vicki says after so much having happened recently she's tired of caring what anyone else might think at this point. To heck with custom and social mores, she tells him. (That's one heck of a sh!t-eatin' grin Nando's got on his face, isnt it?) They kiss and Vicki toasts to it all turning out for the best.

Meanwhile, Alex and Pau arrive at the small house near Elena and Jorge's rancho. He asks the caretaker where the clinic is, and heads into town. Once there he finds the tower of the town's church and chooses it as his lookout point. He takes his high-powered binoculars to locate Mengela Manor. Eventually he notices MJ/S out in the yard, though the surrounding bushes hide her quite a bit and make things difficult to make out. He spends the entire day looking through those binoculars for glimpses of her. As Alex watches MJ/S's comings and goings in the back yard of the rancho again, this time he sees a man join her on the grounds. He wants to find out who the guy with her is. That night at dinner Alex tells Pau what he saw from the church tower and says he thinks the guy with her was Bruno. He admits, though, it was a bit hard to determine from that distance. Arturo finally arrives at the house after problems with a flat tire. He tells Alex that he saw Bruno and MJ in the little Zzzzz8. Alex realizes then he was right about the man being Bruno.

At the same time across town, MJ/S and Bruno are eating dinner out. As for Bruno, the jerkwad may be Mexican, but his hands are roamin' as the old sayin' goes. Bruno tries to seduce her by saying he won't seduce her: he'll bring her the chocolates and flowers as part of the "gestures" she's supposedly been hinting she wants. (What a major clod!) MJ/S knocks away his hand in between taking bites of food to tell him chocolates and flowers aren't necessary. She changes the subject and tells him that she's told Abue Porfi about him. Bruno wants to meet her grandfather ASAP. He says he needs to convince the man to give him his approval and support as the best possible choice for his granddaughter. She laughs (methinks a bit too nervously) and says she'll arrange it when the abuelo's got a moment and would be in a good mood.

Alex takes Pau to the church tower so he can wait and watch all over again. (Pau has got to be bored out of her mind by now.) Suddenly he sees Bruno bring Mary Jo back home. He watches as Bruno goes in for THE KISS and Mary Jo obliges. Alex goes ballistic when he sees Bruno kissing her good-night. "They are kissing!!!" Pau looks over at him. "--What?" "--They were kissing each other! NOOOOO!!!" He is sure now that Bruno had a part in the kidnapping and is in Toluca especially to try to win her back again. She tries explaining that part of MJ's subconscious must have remembered him and they used to date after all; that has to be the only reason she would allow him to get close to her, let alone to kiss her. Alex doesn't care. He can't stand it any longer. He races over to the rancho and sneaks around till he finds her bedroom. He stares in through the window from the (supposed) shadows, enchanted, and watches her take pills from Elena. Under his breath Alex swears to Mary Jo that he'll do the impossible to get her back and that they will be together again soon.

Later on the next day, Alex tells Victoria what Arturo discovered and despite what she wants to believe, that Bruno is up to his eyeballs in it. He convinces Vicki to call Bruno and make up some excuse to get him to come back to Merida for a day to get him literally out of the picture for a while. Vicki agrees --since she recently got his new cell phone number when Bruno called to tell her he was DBI/er...doin' bidnez in Toluca. She eventually calls Bruno and talks him into coming back for a supposed board meeting at Lombardo, Inc. while Alex is supposedly in Mexico City tending to "Mary Jo" (the real Sandra) now that she's been sent to some neurology clinic for therapy.

That same day, Alex and Paula are both back up in the church tower watching Mary Jo on the hacienda grounds enjoying herself. He sends her off to see what she can do about persuading MJ to come back to the rental house with her so that Alex can re-introduce himself to her. Paula runs down to the corral at the rancho. However, Bruno is driving back down from the clinic and there's a possibility that Paula might be seen. Arturo makes a quick call to Alex who calls Pau on her cell and warns her. Eventually she starts for the corral again and pretends to be lost. She stops near MJ/S, introduces herself as "Ester," and asks MJ /S for directions back to her and Alex's rental house. Pau is so struck by being able to see and speak with her sister again she chokes up. MJ/S worries and asks what's wrong. Pau makes some excuse about having an asthma attack and being a bit frightened at not knowing the way. Mary Jo offers to walk her back home since it's so close by.

The sisters have a fun chat on the walk back. Alex calls Pau to tell her to hurry up before anyone sees them. Pau introduces Alex as her brother, "Nicolas." Alex and MJ/Sandra share some sort of locked look, but she seems to pull a blank. They all share a bit of chitchat while he thanks "Sandra" for bringing his sister back. He then tries to play host by offering her a cold drink. MJ/S takes a rain check because the family doesn't know she's there and might get worried. She gives them both a polite kiss good-bye on the cheek and leaves. The change is amazing. She's smiling and totally worry-free. Paula and Alex are amazed and remark at their good luck having found her and now having her with them so close by. She's alive and well --for now-- as they watch her take the path back to Mengale Manor.


Gancho, Friday January 22nd. A Real Hombre de Misterio – He’s a Father, a lover, Maybe something Other

Recently, our little novela has introduced several new characters. First we had Jacqui, then Arnoldo, and in today’s episode, we meet a Man for all Reasons. This Mystery Man seems to arrive with a purpose. But what is it? Will he finally answer some of the nagging questions we’ve had, such as what has Nieves been hiding? Why is Coni such a royal b*tch? And why, if Mauricio is a race car driver, can’t he get his brain out of second gear? Well, not sure about that last one, but I AM sure this episode will provide us with lots to consider. So let’s put on our thinking caps, and get some answers.

Beto’s been doin’ a lot of growin’ up. He’s less selfish, now truly wants to help La Monita, not force her to be his novia. He’s admitted his love for Coni, and wants to be a good father to the baby he thinks she’s expecting. And now he realizes his mother Nieves, while not perfect, is the rock in his life. He forgives her for not telling him about his father, and for not knowing who his father is.

But Paula, who knows who her father is, is despondent. Everyone in the vecindad has to move in 3 days, and her father is old and sick. What’s he going to do? Alicia offers her house, but Moni points out that while that’s a kind gesture, the whole neighborhood has a problem. Where can they go? Aldo suggests asking Mauricio for help. Teresa says the first thing is to find out who the new owners are. Maybe Mau or the residents could talk with them, and explain the situation. Aldo is about to call Mau and ask him to come to the barrio, but Moni realizes that’s too risky. She doesn’t want to be seen with Mau. The new plan? She and Aldo will go to the warehouse where Mau’s staying. They skip out to hail a cab (and I notice that Moni is back to the very short skirts I love. The director positions the camera to help me gape at her gams, too.

Thanks, director). Little do they know that La Momia is hot on their heels, HER hot little heels pressing the accelerator of her Audi 4x4, smelling blood.

Beto bonds some more with Nieves. They discuss Isabel a bit, she thinking it was nice Moni was able to forgive her before she died, but Beto remarking that he might not have forgiven Isabel, since she abandoned Moni at such a young age. Talk then turns to saving the barrio. Beto thinks Constanzia might help, but Nieves doesn’t. After Beto leaves, Nieves takes a photo album out from under her mattress, tearfully recalling better times.

At the big house, Jacqui tries to convince Katia that she’s changed as a Mom. Sure she’s extravagant, always out on the town partying (pachanguera), but she really does love her daughters. Katia’s dubious. Maybe it’s just that Jacqui has no man right now, so all of a sudden her “love” for her daughters has blossomed. Jacqui says that’s not true, she’s always had her kids in her mind, no matter where she was. When she first had the kids, she was young and immature, not ready to be a mother. Katia thinks that as soon as Jacqui finds another millionaire, she’ll be off again, probably to some carnival in Brazil or something. Ah, Brazil, reminisces Jacqui. With her fourth husband, she had a great time in Rio, samba dancing herself right out of her shoes. You should try it, daughter. What, marrying four times? No, dancing the samba. Katia smiles. So does Jacqui, adding that this time, she’s decided to stay for good. She really wants to get to know her daughters better. Katia would like that, too, and we have more bonding.

Having invested some much in all these bonds, it’s time to take stock of what’s happening in Katia’s life. She just can’t seem to snag that Aldo, whom she loves. Even though he broke up with Estrella, he still thinks about her all the time. Jacqui has good news. She heard that Estrella’s going to move to another town with Alicia. She doesn’t know why, but this’ll leave the field open for Katia, and Jacqui will be her personal advisor. They don’t call her Jacqueline Giochans viuda de Lerdo de Tejada and various others for nothing. Katia reminds her that her Daddy isn’t dead, but Jacqui jokes that it’s as if he were. The two clasp hands, full of feline felicidad.

Alicia enters Nieves’ apartment, ready to cheer up Nieves whether she likes it or not. Nieves thinks back to when they were young, they had so many dreams. I remember, says Alicia. And, she adds, Isabel, you and I were inseparable, right? Nieves isn’t so fond of remembering Isabel. Clueless Alicia happily recalls when Isabel and she were going to be the bridesmaids at Nieves’ wedding. Too bad that guy left you at the altar, expecting his child. Not true, corrects Nieves. The child I was expecting was not his. So how did he find out? wonders Ali. Did you tell him? No, replies Nieves. Isabel told him. It was Isabel’s fault I lost the love of my life. She wistfully touches the photo of her former beau from many years ago.

Having piqued our interest in this romeo from the past, we now see Isabel enter an outdoor restaurant. She has no reservation, but someone’s waiting for her. She strides up to a tall, well dressed, gray-haired gentleman,

and greets him. Marcos Lerdo de Tejada. (Qué!!!!!! I THOUGHT that’s what she said. This guy is apparently Jacqui’s ex-husband (note the name above), and Coni and Katia’s father. Now I’M impactada. I could be wrong, too, but the names were said very prominently.) And since he knows Isabel, I can just guess who else he is.

Mientras tanto, Moni and Aldo exit their cab outside Mau’s place. They’re greeted by Mau, and begin to tell him about the problems in the vecindad. They go inside to talk. From a parked car, we see Coni’s beautiful face slowly appear from behind the steering wheel. She smiles, then crosses her arms onto the steering wheel in triumph, making her huge silver bracelet look like an adornment of a warrior queen, saying, “Gotcha!”

Inside, Moni explains that Cataño, the old owner of the vecindad died, and his children decided to sell the property. Now the new owners have given the residents 72 hours to vacate. Where are they going to live now? Mau squints a little, puts his fist under his chin for support, and tries, he really tries, to think. But he’s stumped, of course.

In another restaurant, Jerry and Oscar are ready to declare victory. Fausto Pineda, the lawyer, tells them how he notified everyone, and legally the tenants (inquilinos) have to leave, although he’s concerned they’ll put up a fight. Oscar says if they don’t go out voluntarily, they’ll be KICKED out (they go out a patadas). The lawyer says actually the police will handle things, if necessary. Right, says Jerry, we’ve got to get them out and demolish the building, so we can get our profit before Salvador realizes what’s going on. Oscar the Count creepily bares his fangs, tells them not to worry about Sal, he may NEVER come back.

This would really destroy sweet Gabriela, who’s on the phone, giving the hotel staff in Venezuela the third degree, desperate to have an explanation as to why, if they’ve given Salvador Ulloa all of her numerous messages, hasn’t he called? Apparently the Señorita suggests that Sal doesn’t want to call, he’s found something (or somebody) more interesting, but Gabi says, no way, I’m his fiancé, and he’d never do that. And don’t you dare hang up. The phone goes dead. Gabi looks stricken. She recalls Oscar’s snide warning that maybe Sal’s had second thoughts. She swallows, takes a deep breath, and dials the phone again. I’d like an airline ticket for Venezuela. Today.

Moni asks Mau for help, saying he knows laws and such (yeah, right), although they, the pobres aren’t so enlightened. Mau suggests talking with the owners in an intelligent manner (not likely). Moni’s so happy, she jumps into his lap, barely covering her super legs. Mau asks if she has the number of the lawyer, and she just happens to have the card UNDER HER SKIRT. (I kid you not, she just slips her hand under there, and out it comes).

Jerry wonders what Oscar meant with that remark about Sal, but Oski basically says, don’t ask, don’t tell. The licensiado’s phone rings. We switch back to our dynamic trio, and the director has realized that Mau could never concentrate with Moni in his lap, so he’s now standing up. Moni’s standing about 10 feet behind him, hands clasped expectantly, and Aldo’s even farther back, a step down, looking like a little boy with his hands in his pockets (okay we get it. Mau’s the man).

Mau repeatedly asks Pineda for the names or numbers of the owners, as Pineda resolutely refuses, saying the owners want to keep that info confidential. In the background, Moni and Aldo are so cute, they keep smiling, punching each other, thinking the big guy in the pink shirt is going to save the day. As Mau gets more and more frustrated, Moni and Aldo do the same, a sort of Marcel Marceau tableau to keep us on our toes, in case we get bored with this repetitive conversation. Even when Mau threatens an amparo (a protective order, like an injunction), Señor Pineda gives up nada, and eventually hangs up. Oscar tells him not to worry about no stinkin’ amparo, in less than a week this vecindad will cease to exist. These words are music to Jerry’s ears.

Mysterious Marcos tells Icy Isabel he wasn’t planning on returning to Mexico, but he had to, because Isabel, up til now, hasn’t done her part of the plan (whatever it is). Isabel says a problem came up, she ran into La Momia. Who? Oh, just some estúpida who hates Valentina and wants to destroy her. Marcos tells Isa that this Momia doesn’t know who she’s dealing with. Isa assures him she has everything under control, she had a deal with her. But they should move slowly. It would be terrible if Alicia found out she was still alive, and even worse if Nieves found out. Nieves? he asks. Nieves Ochoa? He breaks into a broad smile. I wonder how she is. Old, just like you and me, replies Isabel.

Cut to a picture of Marcos 30 years ago, in Nieves’ album, Alicia remarking how handsome he was. Nieves loved him so much, and that darn Isabel ruined everything. Alicia defends Isabel, it wasn’t her fault. Nieves stands up, she’s mad now, you, Alicia, always revered Isabel, you thought she was so perfect, always danced to whatever song she played. But you were blind, Alicia, blind! You never realized the scorpion she was. A woman without a heart, without a soul. Now Alicia stands. Don’t you DARE talk about Isabel like that. Especially since she’s no longer here to defend herself! Respect the dead. No, says Nieves, I’ll never respect the woman who robbed me of the love of my life. Isabel was always in love with Marcos (ahah! Mystery man again), and she was so envious, she never would allow him to fall in love with me. Alicia shoots back, Marcos wasn’t so perfect either (la blanca palomita, little white dove). Why do you keep blaming Isabel? Nieves is boiling now. What about how Isabel hated La Monita from the day she was born? Let me tell you something, Alicia. I’ve prayed for Isabel, that God would pardon her, and she wouldn’t burn (chamuscar) in hell. But there are some things that can NEVER be pardoned. And you, Alicia, are so dense (bruta), you just don’t see the truth.

Isabel agrees. She coolly tells Marcos that Alicia was always a fool, so stupid, she’d do whatever I asked. And we can probably make use of her now, too. But Nieves is different. Marcos says he’ll handle her. You’re just dying to see her, right? inquires Isabel. Don’t worry, assures Marcos. The past is long gone. I moved on, married the appropriate woman, although it didn’t work out. But I’m not sorry, I have two wonderful daughters. Isabel says she’ll never forget his wedding, that exquisite woman, everything was so beautiful, but I was destroyed that you didn’t marry me. You never saw me the way you did Nieves, or even your wife. Why did you discard me like an old shoe? Well, I loved Nieves, but I’m sorry Isabel, I just never loved you.

Jacqui and Katia are amigas now, Jacqui’s glad she can be close to her daughters now, something that would never happen with Katia’s Dad. But wait, says, Katia, his assistant called us the other day, he’s going to be in Mexico for a few days, can we get together? It would be great to have the four of us together. No way, says Jacqui. Your father is dead to me. If you three want to get together, that’s fine, but leave me out. The doorbell rings, and it’s Beto. Katia holds her nose. Luisa smiles. Beto says, Hello, family. Yuck (guácala) replies Jacqui.

Estrella is curled up in a chair, crying, as Paula comes to help. Everything will work out with the barrio, Monita’s on the case. Estre’s not crying for that. Of course she’s worried about that, but it’s also Aldo. She can’t get over the things he said. He was so mature, so centered, she felt as if SHE were the child. Did you tell him about the baby? No, says Estre, and now I’m thinking about how disappointed Beto was not knowing about his father, what am I going to tell my child? That’s why you have to tell Aldo now, counsels Paula. Moni and I have promised to keep your secret, but why not ask Mauricio for help? No, replies Estre tearfully, I don’t want to be a burden to anyone, that’s why I’m moving in with Alicia. Listen to me, Paula, I’M the one who has to grow up, I have to mature, take hold of my life (she says tomar las riendas, which means take the reins). How can I be like this when I’m thirty years old? Paula gently comforts her.

Marcos fondly recalls how funny Nieves was. They’d roar with laughter for hours. She’d wear the wildest, silliest outfits. When my parents saw her, they almost had a heart attack. Right, replies the ice queen Isabel. Your parents felt Nieves wasn’t up to your level. Well, neither were you, Isabel. And I’d love to see Nieves now, although at her age, I’d guess she’s wearing more conservative outfits (think again, Marcos!). Isabel wants to change the subject, so Marcos starts talking about his ex-wife (Jacqui). She always made me laugh, too. She’s a witch, though, a hysterical nut, but always a lot of fun. He smiles. He still misses her at times. But you, Isabel, you’ve always been a floe of ice (un témpano de hielo), you’re a little too boring for me, and forgive me, but you stunk in bed (gee, what a charmer this guy is). This doesn’t stop Isa. She tells Marcos that he was her only love. When she lost Marcos, she renounced men forever, never had sex again. If that’s not love, what is? Nah, says Marco, you didn’t give up men because of me. I know your story. You did it because of what happened to you. You never got over that traumatic experience. Well, she replies, that’s because you didn’t help me get over it. Marcos has had enough, let’s not talk about the past. Sorry, answers Isabel, we’re forever tied together by the past. And nothing can ever sever that tie.

Okay, enough of this drivel, it’s Ximena time! Rolu’s watching TV, and Xime made him a little snack. Arnoldo is neatly arranging white handkerchiefs on a black pillow on his lap with his gloved hands. Xime’s plan is to fatten Rolu up for Christmas, and then eat him up, bit by bit (cachito por cachito) with a little bit of salt, too! She pretends to eat his arm. Arnie thinks this is in bad taste, but Rolu just thinks he’s jealous (he is). Xime proceeds to feed Rolu her snack, a canapé of salmon, cilantro and caviar.

Delicioso! She goes to get some wine from the réfri. Rolu urges Arnie not to be so harsh with Xime, she’s so innocent. Arnie thinks Rolu underestimates Xime, she’s not as innocent as she seems. And Rolu needs a shrink for the crazy way he’s fallen for her. Could this be the shrink he needs?

Jacqui tells Beto there’s no point in waiting for Connie, she’s been gone for a while, and might not be back for hours. No problem, says Beto, he’ll wait, and he sits his manly butt down in his “favorite” chair, and asks his “suegrita” to go to the kitchen and whip him up a nice snack. This doesn’t sit too well with Jacqui, who tells him to look who he’s talking to. He gets up, looks at her, and remarks on how BEAUTIFUL she is. With “all due respect” he takes her hand and puts it on his belly, see how it’s empty (no hay gatos en el balcón, no cats in the balcony), THAT’s why I need food. Jaqui’s not impressed. She can’t believe she got involved with Connie’s problems with this naco, she might have to call animal control (she says antirrábico, which means anti-rabies) to take him away. She leaves, as Beto plops down on the couch, his poor tummy still empty.

Well, Mau’s talk with the abogado didn’t work, so he’s decided to get serious, and has dressed up as Furia Enmascarada. Yes, the plan is to confront the lawyer in this costume, and I guess scare him into revealing the name of the owner. Moni squeals with delight, and they’re off on another adventure. The big black doors of the warehouse open, and out comes a roaring motorcycle. It’s Superfly, with Hot Monita hugging him from behind, her luscious legs splendidly displayed as they head off to defend truth, justice and the Mexican way of life.

Little do they know that the evil Constanza was watching.

Marcos asks, are you sure no one else knows you’re alive? Nobody, says Isabel, except La Momia. But didn’t someone help you fake your death? No, I did it alone, she lies. Well, why do you need me? he asks. She wants to bury the past, once and for all. Marcos wants to talk to La Momia. And if she’s a problem, I’ll “get her out of the way”, he adds, menacingly. Isabel knows full well what he's capable of. Just then, his phone rings, and guess who? It’s a glowing Coni. Darling Daddy! Ah, Constanza, I’ve missed you so much. (Ay caray, what a tangled web we’ve woven!)

Previews: Moni and Mau (dressed as Furia) are sure Coni will NEVER get her proof. Unfortunately, a camcorder is recording this. And Jacqui spills the beans to Beto about Coni and her accident. Uh oh!


Pachanguera – a party girl, always out on the town
Inquilinos – tenants
A patadas – to be kicked (out)
Un amparo – protection, a protective order
Chamuscar – to burn, singe, char
Guácala – yuck
Tomar las riendas – to take the reins
Un témpano de hielo – an ice floe
Cachito por cachito – bit by bit


Bloggers: I want your pictures for the sidebar!

We have a TON of recappers who have never sent me a picture. I want your pictures for the sidebar! Please? Email them to me at caray@mappamundi.com. PLEASE!


Dinero #5, 1/22/10, Now Hiring: No experience necessary if applying in short skirt and spike heels.

We begin with a rehash of Leonor offering her house to Alejandra and Marco for one million pesos; she promises that Rafael will work off the rest of his debt little by little. They thaw to the idea.

Leonor and Jaime visit Rafa and they drop a 4.5 million-peso anvil on him. Leonor tells him she had to offer the house as payment. Rafa is worried they could lose their home but Leonor tries to assure him the house doesn’t matter, the only important thing is that he gets out of jail. Jaime tells Rafa if he doesn’t accept the terms, he could go to jail for 20 years.

Rafa holds a shred of hope and asks what Alejandra said. Leonor says Ale hates him and wants him in jail for life. He’s just a poor devil to Ale and her novio. Rafa vows to show Ale that he is not so insignificant and tells Jamie he agrees to the conditions.

Back in the hospital, Alejandra has not finished her whining yet. Marco assures her he’s going to get justice and will have Rafa sign a strict contract. Ale wants everything paid off in a year; 375,000 pesos a month. Jaime calls Marco and tells him that Rafa has agreed to the demands and they plan to meet to go over the particulars. Ale makes Marco promise to rip Rafa’s eyes out. She hates him and never wants to see him ever again. (So, who wants to take bets on how soon she sees him again? Two capitulos? Three?)

Rafa’s cellmates delight in his predicament and comment on how crazy it is to pay such a fortune to a woman who hates him. Saved by the cop, Rafa is led out because Marco has arrived.

Ramiro, an employee at the dealership, struggles to sell a car and his cell phone rings during the sales pitch. From the sound on the other line, he gets an urgent call from a chipmunk who is apparently his wife. Ramiro has to leave and the client tells him to visit again in 10 days. (Basically, Ramiro just blew it.)

Rafa and Jaime meet with Marco. Jaime says the demand has now gone up to 5 million pesos. The plan is for Marco to take out a loan that Rafa can pay back in monthly payments for a year. Rafa agrees but wants to know why he has to pay so much money.

Vicky is crying because her Pajarito is in jail; she just can’t live without him. We’re treated to a montage of mushy moments between them we’ve never seen, complete with cotton candy, balloons, and lots of smooching. When we return from Vicky’s daydreaming, we see she’s actually been chopping up an onion during her reminiscing and that’s why she’s crying so profusely. She still professes her undying love, onion or no onion.

Alejandra tells Papa Jorge and Tia Rosario that she plans on taking Rafa for everything he’s worth and then some. Ale’s papa doesn’t approve of her using someone who is so misfortunate; He’s going to solve the problem himself and decides to sell the house. Ale goes over the edge and wails that he can’t sell the house, he just can’t!

Rafa, Marco, and Jaime discuss how all the losses add up to 5 million pesos: Ale’s lost business deal with the florist in Cuernavaca, cost of the car insurance, the wedding expenses, etc.

Ramiro meets up with his wife (who is not a chipmunk) and mother-in-law (who looks and acts like Scrooge with curlers) and gets chewed out for not paying the kids’ school tuition, among other things.

A car door opens and a pair of legs attached to a black ace bandage of a skirt saunters into the car dealership. Legs says she’s there for a job interview with Licenciado Beltran (Ale’s boss). During all of this we never get a good look at her face. A couple of female employees gossip that Legs has been brought in to replace Ale.

More bickering over details about why Rafa has to pay so much to Marco and Ale, most reasons having to do with wedding costs: the ridiculously expensive menu, the flower arrangements, the honeymoon in Hawaii, etc. Rafa’s head is spinning with the outrageous price tag on this now-defunct wedding.

Leonor stops by the market for groceries but can’t pay the bill. She promises Rafa will be back soon to pay it off.

Continued arguing over the cost of the wedding that Rafa now has to pay for. There were some amusing one-liners from Rafa but nothing that really moved the plot along.

In Licenciado Beltran’s office, we find out that the legs have a name: Claudia Bermudez. She’s a niece of Gustavo (?) and came looking for a job. Claudia whimpers that she has no experience in sales but Lic. Beltran says, while looking directly at her chest, he will teach her everything she needs to know. Down, boy! Keep it up and someone will have to mop the drool up off the floor.

Back to the wedding cost squabble. These scenes were amusing the first few times but now it’s just getting tedious. Finally, Marco puts his foot down and says Rafa will meet the demands or he will never be let out of jail.

Alejandra, aka Debbie Downer, tries to call in to work but Susana stops her. Susana says Jorge insists on selling the house but is going to wait until Ale is out of the hospital. Ale demands to have a mirror so she can doll herself up before Marco gets back. Ale takes one look at herself and howls in horror. She wants to call Marco and make him get 100 million pesos more from Rafa because of her deformed face.

Yes, how dare he save her life and leave her with a barely visible bruise above her eyebrow. Seriously, honey, if that’s the worst you’ve ever looked, you’re doing pretty well for yourself.

We’re finally winding down on the contract particulars. Marco wanted the 5 million pesos paid in a year but Rafa manages to negotiate it to three years with a monthly payment of 140,000 pesos. Marco reminds Rafa if he misses a payment, he automatically loses his mother’s house and will go straight back to jail. And if Alejandra has any physical or emotional damage in the future, Rafa will pay for that too.

The ultimatum: Sign the contract or stay in jail for 20 years. Rafa grabs the pen and promises to pay back every cent "Hasta que el dinero nos separe".

En lunes: Rafa signs the contact, a huge party is thrown at Rafa’s with the stuff from Ale’s non-wedding, and Vicky looks celosa when Rafa dances with another woman.


Friday, January 22, 2010

En Nombre del Amor, January 22, 2010

For discussion of the Friday ENDA episode.


En Nombre del Amor, January 21, 2010--Time for Another Episode of "Law and (Dis)order: Unreal del Monte"

Emiliano is at the hospital showing Anamar his baby when Romina calls and wants to know where he is; he gets annoyed hangs up on her.

Eugenio tells Luz to go see Leticia Lopez in Pachuca for help on the Xochitl situation, then scolds her for not doing things by the book. After Luz leaves the room to get Xochitl, Rafa thanks Eug for his help with exporting the ceramics. Euge replies that he wouldn’t have agreed to help if the products had been poor quality.

Carlota thinks about her encounter with Eugenio and wonders who he really is. She doesn’t like that his presence unnerves her.

The prosecutor reads a piece of paper and says today is going to be a very important day in the trial thanks to this information--he's going to show that Cristobal was just a man hiding under his priest’s garb. The clerk asks who sent it but the prosecutor doesn’t know. He seems to think that if wins the case he’ll be the next Johnnie Cochran or something. The clerk thinks Cris is innocent, which makes the lawyer spout off about how amoral Cris is, etc.

At the trial, the prosecutor calls Cris to the stand and asks about Macarena. Cris has a flashback of his reunion with Mac and explains that he and Mac realized they’d been duped by the evil one into thinking the other was dead. The lawyer asks if learning that Mac was alive made him doubt his vocation and think of leaving the priesthood. Cris admits that he did, and he had thought about it seriously. (Mientras tanto, Euge has entered the courtroom.) Prosecutor asks if Cris told Mac this. Flashback of Cris proposing to Mac and her accepting. Euge whispers to Madeleine that German should have told Cris not to answer. Cris answers anyway: he proposed to her the day before her accident--he left the church for her. Paloma is impactada. But when Mac was dying he went back to religious life so that she could go in peace. The prosecutor says, oh, so you can take the habits off and just like that? Uproar from the peanut gallery.

The prosecutor asks who else knew about Cris’s plans to propose to Mac and leave the church. Cris only told Padre Benito, Orlando and Natalia. The lawyer asks if Cris had a romantic relationship with her when she was alone in Real del Monte. Cris gets mad and yells no, no, y NO! More uproar. Prosecutor gets all dramatic, claiming that Cris was seen getting into Nat’s car the day of Alonso’s accident, but Cris says she was just taking him to the church. German objects that he’s badgering his client; I think the judge sustains the objection (“ha lugar”--thank you closed captioning) and says ok, that’s enough for today, we’ll reconvene tomorrow.

As Cris leaves, Paloma throws a tantrum about him and Mac deceiving her. What she felt for him has just died FOREVER. Cris tries to explain that they had reasons for keeping quiet and Pal was going to be the first to know--I give you my word it’s the truth. Pal just rants at him that his word means nothing to her and he isn’t who she thought he was. She yells that she’s never coming back to the courthouse again and runs out. German advises Cris to give her time--you know how women are (!!!). Eugenio thinks Pal needs to get her faith and trust in Cris back, and the first step towards that is for him to demonstrate his innocence. Cris agrees and tells German, sorry, you’re fired. Euge is taking my case.

Luz and Rafa are with Xochitl at what I suppose is a social worker’s office. She explains that they have to do a physical and psychological evaluation first, then they can discuss what will happen with Xochi.

Rufi tells Dr. B. that she didn’t know about Cris and Mac’s plans to marry. Dr. B. understands now why Mac didn’t want to marry him. Rufi wonders why Mac didn’t tell her about the proposal when she had always told Rufi everything before. Dr. B. says he feels like an idiot and is totally bummed out.

When Emiliano comes home, Romi pretends that she wanted to meet Anamar so as to know more about Emil; she suggests they invite Anamar to dinner. Romi says she made dinner and is going to take cooking classes--she wants to be a good wife--but Emil claims he’s not hungry and goes off to bed.

Back to Rafa and Luz. The social worker or whoever she is returns and reports that Xochi has been physically abused. And that will have important psychological implications. Rafa asks if they can take Xochitl home with them while things are worked out. The lady agrees to make an exception--they can take her for a couple of days. Luz is elated.

Anamar thinks to herself that she couldn’t have come at a better time, and maybe now there is a real chance for her and Emil. She’s willing to move there to be with him.

Gabriel walks Pal home. She confesses that Mac was her mother, not her aunt. But Cris isn’t her father. Now she understands why Cris reacted the way he did when she told him Mac was her mom, because Mac never told him. Pal says she doesn’t want to feel anything, but Gabriel tells her to allow herself to feel her pain and sadness, and paint it. It’s fine to feel the anger and hurt, but then let it go. If you need me I’m just a call away. She thanks him, saying “you don’t know how important you are to me,” then goes inside. Not as important as you are to me, Gabe thinks.

As Cris is being led to the police car to take him back to jail, German begs him to reconsider--this is going to seriously affect my career. Cris questions whether German worked on this case with honesty--Germy claims he did, but Cris doesn’t seem to believe him. He advises Germy to do some self-introspection and bids him good night.

Angelica is awakened late at night by the doorbell and stupidly doesn’t look through the peephole before opening the door. Lucky for her, it’s only Miriam, who’s crying and upset. Turns out that Dario found her and threatened her that if they continue with this, it’s going to get bad for them. Miriam says she can’t go back to Mexico City.

Carlota is at the dining table with a glum-looking Pal (of course) and she can’t believe that Cris admitted to proposing to Mac while he was still a priest. Maybe that’s why God allowed that accident that took her life, Crazylota muses, he was punishing her. Rufi disagrees and says they can’t judge Macarena, especially when she’s not there to defend herself. Pal wants to know why did they hide it, why didn’t Cris leave the church first before proposing? Gee, I don’t know, maybe because it would be game over once the Purple One found out? Carlota rants some more about Mac dishonoring the family. Rufi sticks it to Carlota here and says she’s glad that Mac left this world happy--look of death from Carlota--and knowing that she was loved by the man that she loved so much. Rufi thinks Mac deserved to be happy because life was very UNFAIR [pointedly looking at Carlota here] to her. So, she advises Pal, don’t judge your mother, because one day you could regret it.

German is at a bar throwing back drinks. He’s all mad and thinks no, this can’t be happening to me! What do I do? Carlota will be furious. Ha, ya think?

Angelica brings Miriam some tea and tries to calm her down. Did you report Dario to the police? No. Miriam says she was afraid and only went home long enough to grab some clothes and leave--she’s never seen Dario like that before. Ange tells her she can stay there as long as she wants and offers to talk to Orlando to see if there might be a job available at the office.

Montage of Pal drawing and crying (and it looks like she’s writing something too) while Gabe and Emil sit around looking tortured, with Gabe thinking he doesn’t have much time and wants to take advantage of it with Pal at his side, and Emil thinking he has to have Pal far away. Oh, the agony.

Madeleine is happy that Eugenio has taken Cris’s case and wants to pay him, but Euge insists that it’s not necessary, he’s doing this for her. After she leaves, Gabe tells Euge he knows something that might be important to the case: Mac is Pal’s mom. Euge gets very animated, saying that could be the motive for Carlota wanting to ruin Cris. He’s not sure if it’s for jealousy or wounded pride, but she could be behind the whole Cris Is the Worst Person in the World campaign. Euge thinks not only is she controlling German, but she could also be helping the prosecutor, because he knows too much, info that nobody knew. Euge believes she’s dangerous and is capable of manipulating both the defense and prosecution.

Pal feels bad about Dr. B. being deceived by Mac and is sure that his offer to live with him in Mexico City is down the tubes, so now she won’t be able to leave RdM--he doesn’t have any reason to take responsibility for them. After Pal goes off to art class, Rufi wonders if Pal could be right (about Dr. B’s offer, I guess).

Orlando and Emiliano chat at the office about the trial and about Cris changing lawyers. Emil mentions that he’s continuing with the volunteer work and that he and Pal are going their separate ways, blah blah blah. Orlando asks if Emil has thought about taking his name; Emil replies that it’s a no go. Sorry Dad, I’m Emiliano Saenz even though I have your blood.

Pal shows her drawing to Gabe--it's a picture of Emil. He lights a candle and says, burn it, then tell me how you feel. She tears it up and then lights the pieces on fire while Gabe watches in the background.

Rafa brings some new clothes for Xochi. Luz thinks she wasn’t mistaken with him--he is exactly like she imagined. She felt very good when he presented her to the social worker as his girlfriend. She likes being his woman because she doesn’t feel like half of something, but like a whole that shares with another whole. They say they love each other and kiss.

Camila paces in her shop and tells Meche she can’t stop thinking about Rafa, but she doesn’t know why.

Pal has told Gabe about Dr. B. no longer being her ticket out of town, but he points out that she’s making an assumption and it’s better to find out for sure first. Anyway, there’s another way for her to go to the city--she can go with him and live with Rufi, and he can teach her even more than what they’ll teach under the scholarship from his dad. He offers to give her a loan and she can pay him when she gets her inheritance. Pal doesn’t understand why he’s helping her; he admits that it’s because he luuuuuvs her. Cara impactada de Paloma, otra vez.

In the avances Carlota finds out that Germy got fired and has a hissy fit, natch. And it says Ultimas Semanas, hooray!


Sortilegio January 21, 2010 It's a Sack of Potatoes, It's a Bag of Trash--No it's MJ--Or is it?

From Yesterday
MJ sleeping and dreaming.

Alex is at the hospital talking to the nurse. Hernan walks in looking very serious. He has something that Alex needs to see with his own eyes.
There is no scar! So that means…..It must be Sandra! Viewerville breathes a big sigh that we don’t have to sit through two more weeks of that. Hernan comments that someone took the time to sandblast her tattoos. Alex is relieved because he realizes that MJ must be alive! Oh happy days! She’s ALIVE!

SMJ is painting like a 2-year old. Bruno walks in to spoil the mood. He kisses her on the cheek. She turns away. Why do you avoid my kisses? (Maybe it’s because you are total slimeball and you have bad energy.) Oh wait, it’s because she’s not an easy woman. She’s going to make him work for it. He play acts the gentleman. Now there’s a stretch. She says he’s joking. He must do it again with feeling. He gets on his knees and tells her that he’s profoundly in love with her. She giggles. I want to barf.

Alex tells the family that it is Sandra and not MJ that was dropped off at the house like a sack of potatoes. Alex thinks that since Sandra was in a coma they needed MJ for something. Alex wants to know about this Jorge “Freddie” Kruger. Hernan has read several of his scientific papers. His work is in memory erasing. Pedro, not crying (for the moment), says it can’t be. Oh but it can be. Alex tells everyone that Dr. Evil is the new husband of Elena. Hernan says he is a well known scientist but his methods are not necessarily approved of by the medical community. So basically Dr. E-vil is a mind erasing monster that doesn’t give a rat’s patootie about anybody but himself. Yes, I think that sums it up pretty well. Pedro wants to know if he is doing these experiments on MJ. Uh, yeah! It’s obvious that Pedro must have taken the short bus to school.--without his helmet. Alex thinks they need a PLAN. Good thinking. Hernan is concerned that seeing Alex could put her into shock. He tells Hernan not to worry. Everybody has to zip it. No talking to anyone about “The Plan.” Oh by they way, where is Bruno. Victoria our resident Queen of Denial says he’s in Toluca. But she is sure that he didn’t have anything to do with it. Talk about living in your own reality.

Bruno is arguing with Dr. E-vil. He says something about professional etiquette. Dr. E-vil says that Bruno can’t come to the party because Fernando and Alex are going to be there. Dr. E-vil doesn’t understand why Bruno is so upset.

SMJ and Bruno. Bruno the horn dog is trying to put the moves on her--again. He certainly is a persistent little bugger isn’t he? It’s a lover’s moon. She is trying to resist him. Why can’t we make love like before? She dreams of another but she can’t see his face. Bruno is trying his best but MJ is strong. She runs off and he says don’t go. D-E-N-I-E-D—again. Sucks to be you dude!

Dias despues at the fiesta

Porfirio and Tio are celebrating early with some tequila. We have a rodeo and rope tricks, and bronco busting. There are pretty girls in pretty dresses. SMJ shows up with Elena in a charra outfit. Thank God she wasn’t wearing that horrid pink creation that Slofia wore in FELS. Porfirio is very excited. He gives Dr. and Mrs. E-vil the stink eye and they have to go sit with the regular folks all back-of-the-bus. Alex and Fernando show up in their best rodeo attire. They go their separate ways so they won't look so matchy, matchy. Alex is casing the place from behind the SUV. Ah, he sees her. Elena greets Fernando. I need to talk with you. Is your boss here? He says no. (Background noise). Can we talk later? More fancy riding. I have no idea what Dr. E-vil says. And frankly, does anyone really care? Tio greets Fernando. He is happy to see him. Where’s Alex? Speaking of our hero, Alex is threading his way through the crowd keeping an eye on his mujer. Fernando is looking mighty fine. Actually the best he’s looked in this whole show. He meets “Sandra.” You can tell that Fernando knows it is MJ right away because he has that fish-out-of-water googley eyed look on his face that he does so well. Alex is still skulking in the background. Porfirio makes an announcement and introduces his nieta Sandra. (How embarssing). She stands up. Thank you everyone. She needs to practice her parade wave. I like her earrings. Fernando helps her down the stairs. MJ is going to ride a horse for some reason and rides to the center of the ring while riders make a circle around her. She looks like she is having fun. Fernando looks constipated. Nope, it’s the fish-out-of-water look again. I’d personally like to see more horses. Porfirio thinks things are going well. Alex watches.

Elena gives SMJ her pills. SMJ says she feels like she is starting to remember. Elena looks worried. Alex and Fernando meet up. It appears that she doesn’t remember anything.

Dr E-vil says she doesn’t remember anything. (See, what did I just say.) Her memory could be permanently erased. You should have more confidence in my abilities. We will maintain her condition at least one more month. I’m going to my lab. I vote for letting all the animals out so they can do experiments on Dr. E-vil.

Phone rings. Maura is calling. She, who will be redeemed when pigs fly, has been trying to call Elena all day. Bruno changed his number and I can’t reach him. Are you crazy for dropping off MJ at the Lombardo house? Ruh roh Scooby Doo, Elena is impactada. What!? Elena has a light bulb moment and says it was Sandra. Oh noes! What is going on? Elena says something that we don’t hear. She calls her husband a bad name and hurrys to confront him in his lab. Why did you lie to me? She was dropped off like a bag of trash. We are in this together. Why didn’t you tell me? He looks at her like “shut the hell up .” I am legend in my own mind. Don't you know that by now. Get the hell out. She stomps out.

SMJ who must have gone to the Gabriella Escandon School of Art is “painting” if you can call it that. More red! Let the feelings flow! Bruno the stalker walks up and disturbs her again. He’s all snuggly. They talk about the party and about Fernando. Fernando is handsome. I like him. Why do you ask me all these questions?

Alex is watching Elena and Fernando. If he had ordered the mood ring with the built in multi-directional receiver from spys-r-us.com he would actually be able to hear what they were saying. If he had ordered it in the first 5 minutes he could have gotten it for only $19.95 (postage and shipping extra.) But no, he waited too long and it went back to the original price of three easy payments of $39.95. Elena tells him the story of Pedro and the twins. She’s not emotionally stable right now. I understand. We don’t know what happened. Loud background noise. Thank you for everything. Have a good trip back. Alex walks in with his hat over his face. Very incognito. What did she say? She told me everything. They take a cab home. Victoria is on the phone talking to Hernan. He’s trying to arrange treatment. The boys are back. I’ll call you later. We saw her. Felipa is excited.

Just when I thought we’d get through an episode with RaqHell, I was really disappointed when we beam to RaqHell and Roberto talking to the Judge. What a seriously weird way to conduct a hearing if that is what it was. Now the heifer wants her baby. She’s never even touched or looked at her. She’s not giving him anything.

Victoria can’t believe she didn’t recognize them. Fernando is right nothing good can come from this. Victoria believes that Bruno hasn’t had anything to do with this. Sometimes I just want to smack some sense in her. Fernando says that MJ’s mother talked to him and told me the story. She abandoned Pedro and MJ and Paula. She took Sandra. Blah, blah, blah, snore. Felipa can’t believe they took MJ to replace Sandra. I don’t see why that is just so hard for everyone to believe.

Chucho is going on about the situation. Alex shows up. Good news Pedro. He wants them to sit down. MJ is ok. The one they dropped off was Sandra. Pedro is crying. Big surprise.

MJ is playing pool with Elena and Bruno is “helping.” She’s having fun but not doing very well. Porfirio shows up unexpectedly and SMJ runs off to see him Bruno asks Elena what this is all about. She says she spoke with Jorge who told her about Sandra being dumped in Merida and was not dead after all. We transported her to Merida. Elena looks like she wants to kill him. Hey, heifer, take a number and stand in line.

Back at Lombardo Central Alex calls Mari into his office and wants her to find him a house to rent in Toluca under the name Nicholas something that I didn’t catch. And of course this is all TOP SECRET and part of THE PLAN.

Porfirio is outside with his nurse at the swingset. SMJ wants to know what he is doing here. He says that he is remembering when she was a child. She thanks him for the party and he is glad that she enjoyed it. He says he’s not doing well. She wants to know why he doesn’t like her mother and Jorge. He basically thinks Jorge is a scumbag. She is curious about the kind of clinic that he runs. He studies the nervous system and the brain. He wants her to find a man that is not interested in her money. Fernando is the guy. He’s nice. He’s decent. She wants to marry for love. He says whatever. It’s not real. He wants her to marry someone who will respect her and she should have lots of children. I like Fernando. She tells him about her boyfriend in Madrid. Who, Useless? He’s a good for nothing. No Damian.

Roberto is telling Paula what happened in court. All of a sudden Raquel wants the baby. Can you imagine what kind of life she will have with a mother that is an alcoholic? She knows other things about me. Paula wants to know what kind of things. Just things. Tell me. You don’t know anything. You are too innocent. Alex walks up. Alex wants to talk to Paula a minute. She tells him that Roberto is upset because Raquel doesn’t want him to have the baby. Alex changes the subject and tells her that he needs her to go on vacation with him to Toluca. She is excited. He says her father can come but nobody else. It’s all part of THE PLAN.

Arturo is asking directions and sees Joven Bruno.
Alex is spying
Victoria and Fernando smoochie face
Elena wants MJ to sleep with somebody


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dinero #4- 1/21/10: I Liked Her Better Unconscious

Since I did not see Capitulo 1, this is the first time I have heard Alejandra speak. This is also the first time that I’ve desired that a telenovela protagonist remain in a coma…

Marco, Susana, Alejandra’s papa (Jorge) and aunt (Rosario) are in the waiting room and are joined by Jaime, Rafael’s law student friend who pleads Rafael’s case. Marco, who by the looks of his frosted/highlighted hair, is a high class lawyer, is not impressed by Jaime’s qualifications from the National University Law School. He throws Jaime out of the waiting room and proceeds to whine some more about the wedding that will have to be cancelled and frets that checks for the wedding costs will bounce.

This greatly concerns Ale’s papa. You know, the one with the HEART CONDITION! Susana, who is much more emotionally intelligent than Marco, calms Jorge’s fears by telling them that Ale secured the needed money, but admits to Marco that she doesn’t know for sure.

As the doctors hover over her, Ale dreams of all the anvils that are about to fall on her pretty little head- the contract for the trucks with the florist that she failed to close; the 2 million peso loan she took out with her father’s home (which is worth 20 million pesos) as collateral; and the appointment that she had at 12 PM with the real estate agent to purchase the apartment for which she has put down a 450,000 peso non-refundable deposit.

Ale’s boss arrives and seems to have forgotten the reason people typically visit others in the hospital. You know, moral support, sympathy, etc. Well, Licensiado Francisco is there to find out if Ale closed the deal with the florists, where is the contract and where is the check? He leaves Susana with instructions to get the 411 from Ale once she wakes up.

Jaime heads to the jail to tell Rafael that Ale is alive. Rafael thinks this is a good thing, but Jamie is not inclined to agree since that means she can testify against him. Jamie informs Rafa that the accident also means that Ale’s wedding, that was supposed to take place that weekend, will be cancelled and gives a rundown of all of Ale’s injuries. Rafa seems most upset to learn that such a “mamacita” with legs like that will not be able to put those legs to good use for a long time. He also thinks that since Ale is rich, SURELY she has insurance that will cover all the damages, and OF COURSE she will be grateful when she finds out all he did to save her. Yeah, right!

Said grateful mamacita has finally woken up, and I really wish she hadn’t. After a lot of b*tching and moaning and confirming where she is and what happened, the first thing she asks is the time, aware that she has missed the appointment with the real estate agent. She then has presence of mind to ask if she is paralyzed. Susana, who clearly doesn’t seem to know Alejandra, tells her that with a positive attitude, she’ll be right as rain soon enough! Ale finally realizes that all this talk of paralyzation, cancelled weddings and lost money may not be good for her dear old dad with the bad heart, and asks Rosario to take him home. They have a warm, tearful goodbye with Jorge telling her that she can’t leave this world before him and that he loves her.

Once Jorge and Rosario are gone, Ale gets down to business. She calls the florist and finds out they went with another company; she calls the real estate agent and finds out he just sold the apartment. She admits all to Susana and Marco. “How could you lose 2 million pesos?”, he asks. Not helping Marco…

This sets off a screaming, b*tching and moaning session from Ale that is so loud and annoying that it drives other patients to do the same (sort of like how a dog howling in the middle of the night will get others dogs going). This scene between Ale, Susana and Marco repeats itself over and over again with the money Ale owes going higher each time they calculate- the lost contract, the lost 2 million on wedding expenses, money lost on the wedding dress (although since they still intend to get married, this isn’t really lost), money lost on the apartment, etc. It all adds up to about 5 million pesos! “I am going to kill that jerk!” (so much for gratitude)

Rafa’s Mama (Leonor), little sis (Julieta) and girlfriend (Vicky) come to bring him clean clothes and a blanket in prison. They are deeply pained to see him behind bars. But apparently no one feels more affected than Vicky as she pushes her way ahead of Julieta and Leonor to show Rafa her pain up close and personal. Leonor wants to sell the house in order to settle this legal matter and get Rafa out of jail, but he is against it. He urges her to go to the hospital and plead his case with Alejandra, oh so sure that this nice rich lady, who does not need their money and is oh so grateful for him saving her life, will let the whole thing go. Uhn huh… When the ladies leave, Rafa’s VERY friendly cellmates wonder why he’s so concerned about this rich lady if he’s as in love with his girlfriend like he says.

Ale’s just received word that she can get out of bed in a week and start work in a month, although she will require therapy and will be in a brace and on crutches for a while. Hearing all of this, Marco thinks, “Great! That means we can get married in a week!” (This guy is a prince. Where can I find one like him? Sigh!) Ale is NOT going to get married on crutches, plus the only thing she can think about is getting back to work to earn some money and figuring out how to save her papa’s house.

They are interrupted by Leonor, Julieta and Jaime who once again try to appeal to Ale’s and Marco’s sympathy by explaining that it was just an accident, that Rafa was not drunk, that he saved Ale, that he’ll work hard to pay back the debt, and that he has been the family’s only breadwinner since his father left them when he was a boy. They are countered by Marco and Ale who claim that Rafa gave false statements and attempted to murder Ale, which merits 20 years in prison. Plus, says Ale, she has to work for her money, no one ever handed it to her, she has to pay, so why shouldn’t he? blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine…

Finally it seems that Ale and Marco are won over when Leonor offers up her house worth 1 million pesos and promises that Rafa will work to pay off the 4.5 million they say he owes little by little. Rafa is impactado when he hears from Leonor later at the jail the price of his freedom.

End of episode.


Gancho #151 Thurs 1/21 - I am the Phantom Avenger and I am a child of sin

Tonight starts with the unfolding of a classic domestic drama. Pepillo is trying to convince Beto and Nieves that he has never laid eyes on Nieves before today. Beto keeps trying to remind Pepi of the Acapulcan night that never was and nearly convinces Nieves to show off her hooters to shock Pepi's memory. Luckily Nieves is saved by DC who puts the kibosh on the cleavage. Speaking of which, Beto once again mentions his favorite topic, that of breast-feeding until he's eight (closed captions said eighteen LOL) And how can Pepillo think of suing them for damages? What about the damage to his Mami's bubis that are hanging to the floor? Nice one Beto.

A peek next door reminds us that Jacqui has snuck on over to the hood to give Moni the 411 about Coni's most recent plot to hurt Moni; it has to do with Moni's mami. Cara impactada de Monita.

Jacqui thinks this time Coni has gone too far and she tosses out a slew of slurs describing her peccant progeny, Coni is toxic, disrespectful, opportunistic, ugly, well maybe not ugly but not as beautiful as her mother, and when she was fourteen she raised her skirt in front of a male teacher, etc. Moni startles Jacqui by revealing that her mami is dead and Jacqui asks "Are you sure?"

Now Jacqui is mortified that she brought up the sensitive subject of Moni's mami but que the hell is going on, why is Coni insisting that Moni's ma is alive? Jacqui recounts the tale about running into this strange, pale woman at the restaurant, where by the way her pasta was NOT al dente. "Al grano!" interrupts Alicia, "Get to the point!" OK, they tried to chase down this pale woman and...

...they are interrupted by Pau and Estre screaming bloody hell because Oragel (uh, thanks for that Julia) is next door. Moni knows no good can come of this and Jacqui is horrified because that means the paparazzi will be around. Will she be busted in the barrio? Alicia tries to get Jacqui to hang out so they can clear up this Isabel confusion but Jacqui is so outta there. Ciao bella!

Family time at Casa Ochoa has taken a decidedly weird turn as Nieves serenades Pepillo about sharing souls in Acapulco and Beto declares himself to be Beto Origel Ochoa. That's it for Pepillo and he tells Beto to be very careful or he'll sue him for slander (calumnia). Slander?!?!? This sets Mama Bear Nieves in a rage and she threatens to tear out Pepillo's perfectly tight eyes. Don Cesar jumps in and begs Nieves to tell the truth. Nieves suggests a meal first, would Pepillo care for a Milanesa with potatoes? No he can't stand them!

Beto gasps and jumps back, indeed this man is NOT his father if he hates Milanesas. Nieves admits the truth, "Pepillo Origel no es tu papa".

Christian stands guard outside the door protecting Pepillo from the gathering crowd of neighbors and paparazzi. He must be ticked off because half of what he yells at them is censored. Pau and Estrella try the hardest the break his resolve but our cop stands firm and he warns Pau not to compromise him in front of the press. For her parting shot Pau kisses him off by telling him sometimes she can't stand him. (A veces me caes bien gordo.)

Enough comedy, the tragedy that is Aldo ensues. He visits Coni in her room and tearfully asks her can he go out? He has to take care of some business. Surprisingly she agrees and her lip almost twitches up when he thanks her. What's up her nasty little sleeve?

Oh dear, now Nieves is announcing to the crowd that nothing she said was true, there was nothing between her and Señor don Pepillo. "See," Pepillo says about Beto, "this guy's not my kid." Pepillo pats Beto on the shoulder, tells him to be strong and go to his mama to patch things up.

Estre sees her chance and tells Pepi she's Estrella Falcón, really good actress, currently not in anything, but looking hard. Estrella jumps right into her audition; she's multi-poly-faceted and plurifunctional and can do drama (and does), melodrama (and does), comedy, tragedy, villain, (does all) etc. The crowd is entranced and applauds enthusiastically. I was entranced, too, and had to do a rewind. Pepillo is, well, he gives her his card. But hey, he recognizes Valentina Lopez the famous boxeadora and compliments her on being a champion.

Pau and Estre scream and gush over Pepillo's business card, but Monita steps away to comfort a disconsolate Beto. He's stricken and humiliated, the whole world will think El Fantasma Vengador is a putz. Why would his ma tell him his father is a luminary, a celebrity? Why would she lie? Why does she never give him a straight answer when he asks about his pa? Monita sets him down and reveals that Alicia told her the whole story. Beto's father left Nieves at the altar and the truth was just too painful to tell her son."Everybody makes mistakes Beto, even you."

Meanwhile Don Cesar holds Nieves and calls her his little sugar heart. Awww. She never imagined that one tiny lie would end like this. Their tender scene is interrupted by Beto who wants to talk to mami alone.

"Why mami why?" Mona told him what Alicia said, that Nieves was pregnant and abandoned at the altar. Nieves sets him down and finally tells the truth. In reality she doesn't know who his father is. "Then I am a child of sin."

Nieves, now weeping, insists he is NOT a child of sin, try to understand. But the scene ends here and we are left wondering, well then what is he and who is Beto's father?

Jeronimo and Oski are in a restaurant congratulating themselves on the impending success of their depraved and egregious plot, the business deal of a lifetime. The take a quick look around and, certain that nobody is looking, cross their arms in a very friendly toast. (cross-arm toast = cruzadito) I think we need Lalo the in-bed wedding planner to help move this relationship along.
Aldo heads straight over to the barrio and Coni follows in her car.

The neighborhood is playing music and enjoying an impromptu fiesta to celebrate the recent luminarian visit, their boxeadora champion, whatever. They owe it all to Beto, Nieves and her tremendous lie. Cranky-pants Aldo stumbles in and crankier-pants Beto stalks through calling Nieves Pecadora. (Sinner)

A stranger approaches the group. He is a lawyer, Fausto Pineda, who represents the new owners. He has come to announce that the neighborhood will be demolished and they have 72 hours to vacate. Hey, don't kill the messenger, that's just how things go. The crowd gets ugly but he insists he's just the intermediary. None of them have rental contracts so nothing else is owed them. Paula dashes off in anger which is always a worry, and Christian accuses Pinedo of arbitrariness (arbitrariedad, what a word).

Monita pleads with Pinedo to have a heart, old people and children live there. Nieves says some of them have lived here their whole lives. Beto leads the crowd in a chant, "el pueblo, vencido, jamas sera unido!" (The people, united, will never be defeated!)

Pinedo says if they don't vacate the owners will call the police. Suddenly Paula runs out with a big gun, "You want war? You've got war!". Chris tries to grab the gun away and they inadvertently terrorize the crowd as they madly swing the weapon in sweeping arcs. Pinedo scampers away repeating his threats over his shoulder.

Meanwhile Estre and Aldo are having a heart-to-heart in her crib. Estrella does drama but she's not acting now; she's bummed about the neighborhood bad news and thank goodness she's NOT pregnant she tells him for what seems like the seventh time this week. He tells her if she were he'd marry her right now and find them a place to live. Dang, that kid's turning me to mush again. During the Furia fight Tano told him to grow up, accept it's over with Estrella and act like a man, so that's what he's decided to do. Basically he says goodbye forever to her.

Jacqui has made it safely home only to find her youngest is in a deep funk. Katia's had a crappy morning, Coni's not home, Ma has neglected her all her life, and she's in love with Aldo, wah! One of those get's Jacqui's attention...in love with Aldo?

Speaking of which, our tragic teen, or should I say young man, is thanking Estrella, his star, for all she has given him and taught him. This is one of the classiest break-ups I've ever seen. He accepts that she'll have her life and he'll have his, go to university, marry and have kids, but he'll remember her until the day he dies. He kisses her goodbye and our faintly shining Star pulls back a little, afraid of the closeness. After Aldo leaves Estrella does tragedy.

Back in Beto's abode he's still on the I'm-a-child-of-sin rant. Moni tires of the self-pity and firmly scolds him. In short, Nieves has been both a mother and father to Beto AND to Monita. Moni tells Nieves she loves her like a mother.

The evil music plays as Isabel sits alone in her room waiting for the phone to ring. "I was waiting for your call." She reapplies her lip liner.

Moni continues scolding Beto for turning his back on a mother's love, a mother's kisses, a mother's hugs. She would give anything to be in his shoes and be in the arms of her mother. Blockhead Beto finally gets it and wants to be part of the hugfest. Beto will you forgive me? No ma, will you forgive me? Hugs, kisses and making up.

Mañana - Coni's spying on Aldo leads her to see Mau and Monita together. Isabel meets up with some handsome guy and says it won't be so easy getting back into Monita's life what with Alicia and Nieves hanging around. He perks up his ears, "Nieves? Nieves Ochoa?" Cut to Nieves cursing Isabel, thanks to her Nieves lost the love of her life. She caresses a black and white photo of Eric del Castillo.

Dicho of the day: el pan y el carino no han de ser recalentados = bread and love should not be reheated


Gancho Wed Jan 20th - A Gaggle of Green Guys and is you is or is you ain't my Daddy?

Well you know I actually worked from home today and got to watch this show at air time...problem is I really had to work i.e. finish a project which didn't go so well while I was watching so I had to not write while watching and before two events including one to benefit Haiti. I hope things brighten a little for those poor folks. So this is a quicky. A good episdoe though from what I could tell at a glance.

So I can briefly tell you that Moni outsmarted the Momia with a gaggle of green guys and foiled her attempts at trying to unmask the masked avenger/fury/pick your power adjective here.

Beto announced he is el Pepillo's son at the fight to the world.

Of course our benevolent goofy duo wins the darn thing.

The press is all over the vecinidad after hearing of Beto's progeny and Estrella takes to them swimmingly.

Aldo has a conversation with Katia about how could he cross the woman he loves so horribly, Estrella, that is. I think we hear that they (the girlfriends - not Aldo, he of course still has no clue) know Estre is preg for sure because she took a test that came out positivo. I'm wondering with all this reappearance of Tano if they are going to try to pull that it's his. That would kind of suck in my opinion. 'Course a 16 yr old as a dad kind of sucks too, but hell, he already takes care of his little sister, so he's definitely equipped.

Arnoldo is clearly impressed with Ximena's intelligence and tells Jero that she is mas listo en que lo pensaba. In other words, he digs her bones. He might even like her spit on his eyebrow.

Rolu wants to, you know, with her despite the fact that he supposedly doesn't work from the waist down. Xime apparently knows this, and tells Arnoldo not to worry about surgery.

Juan Jose Origel himself chases down the Beto family, poses for some shots, won't allow him to touch his Parisian suit and confirms he "did not have sexual relations with...that...woman..."

At the end, Jacqui pays a visit to Monita, she has something important to tell her...about her MOM. Uh oh.

Wish I had time for more, but alas I'm just stretched. I might get some pics, so maybe tomorrow I can post, course by then Thurs show will be on already....holy toledo. I haven't even finished readin Judy's cap yet!!! Argh...stay happy folks!!


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