Saturday, March 13, 2010

El Clon, Fri. March 12 - Jade gets hitched; Lucas takes the veil and Dora's eggo gets preggo

Jade's plane is gone. Lucas walks disconsolately through the airport. He accosts another veiled woman. He suffers flashbacks. On the plane, Jade asks herself, "Why Lucas?" Why indeed.

At Albieri's house, Luisa is gradually insinuating photos of her and Albieri and hiding those of the dead Laura. When Albieri comes in, Luisa asks him why he was at Dora's house.

Cristina comes home to find Lucas in her house. He tells her that he 'got held up at home' (with flashback to the attempted slap and tickle session). He couldn't get to the beach on time and Jade has gone to Morocco. He asks Cristina what he should do. He loves Jade. She is the only thing that means anything in his life and now she's going to marry someone chosen by her uncle. Cristina almost asks Lucas where his balls are but changes it to his 'manhood' and tells Lucas to take a plane to Morocco and bring Jade back. She tells him to kidnap Jade if necessary but not to come back without her. Lucas looks at her as if he could not have come up with this idea on his own. He'll do it.

Luisa says that Albieri told her he was going to Mohamed's house, which is on the other side of town. How did he end up at Dora's? Albieri produces a totally lame story about looking at a car for sale and pleads exhaustion.

Nariza, the mouth, is haranguing Said about what a mistake it is to marry Jade. He pays no attention. Finally he tells Nariza that he loves Jade and is going to marry her. He says that no one can prove Jade isn't a virgin [couldn't he ask for another examination by the virginity doctors?] He tells Nariza that if it turns out that Jade isn't a virgin, he'll return her and kill the Westerner who, uh, stole the cherry, as it were. He's got it all planned in his mind. The mouth asks Allah what Jade did to bewitch Said.

Lucas sneaks out of his house.

Jade tells Zoraida that she has stopped fighting. She'll marry Said or whoever. She doesn't care. Zoraida points out the love 'em and leave 'em perfidy of Westerners. Jade asks why Lucas stood her up twice. Zoraida praises Ali for ignoring what everyone saw was going on and bringing her back. Jade replies that Ali was just trying to protect his family from shame. Then Zoraida tells Jade how to pass the marriage night proof of virginity test. Jade says that she won't do that. She doesn't care if Ali punishes her. She hopes Said returns her and that Ali kills her.

Jade is summoned to Ali's study to see Said. Glumly, she obeys. Zoraida says that Jade looks like she has lost her soul.

Ali tells Said that there's no reason to delay the marriage. Said tells Ali that Jade got into his heart the first moment he saw her. Ali warns him that she has a strong temperament but a good soul. Jade appears, eyes downcast. Ali blesses them both.

Rosa finds a note from Lucas saying that he has gone to Morocco. She thinks Lucas will say anything to avoid going to his father's office. Marisa turns up and she believes the note. Leo tells Enrique to cancel Lucas' credit cards. Then Leo blames Rosa for not watching Lucas and she reminds him that it was he who went AWOL when Diego decided to fly the helicopter solo.

Meanwhile, Lucas is in Morocco lurking outside the door to Ali's house.

Zoraida tells an indifferent Jade about the wedding plans and the jewelry Said bought for her.

Then she says that Said and Ali have gone
out to fulfill their zakat duty. Ali tells Said that he can't cheat Allah by not giving 2.5% of his income to the poor. (For more about zakat, click the link above.) Lucas lurks.

The Mouth is pouring out her grievances about the marriage to Mohamed. She says that she will be all over them on their honeymoon to get the truth on the virginity issue. Latifa tells Mohamed that Jade hasn't been with anyone else. She says that Jade made it all up because she didn't want to be married so young. Mohamed replies that he hopes that is true, if not a great misfortune will fall upon her.

It's waxing time again at Ali's house. Ali, with his water pipe, sighs and says that he never thought this day would come. Zoraida needs to get some more incense and goes out of the house. Lucas pounces on her. Zoraida tells him to go away. Hasn't he brought enough sorrow on their family? Lucas asks for her help to take Jade away. Zoraida tells him that Jade is getting married this day and she won't tell Jade that Lucas in in Morocco. Lucas tells Zoraida that Jade is marrying against her will and will be unhappy the rest of her life and it is Zoraida's fault.

The Mouth tells Uncle Abdul that she is in her best dress with all her jewelry to go to her brother's funeral. Abdul doesn't understand her concern. If Jade is no good, she'll just be sent back. Nariza claims that Said won't be the same if that happens. Adbul blesses Said while Nariza wails. Abdul rolls his eyes at Said.

The women are dressing the Jade doll for her wedding.

Who is that veiled person in sneakers? It's Lucas in disguise!

A religious person (an Imam?) tells Said (translated by Abdul for our benefit since presumably Said speaks Arabic) that the Prophet said that a good wife is one of the greatest things a man can have in this life (the others being a big house and a nice car.) The Imam details the characteristics of a good wife, which Jade seems unlikely to fulfill. A woman says a poem over Jade to bring her happiness. All it brings her is flashbacks to being with Lucas. Jade is asked whether she accepts being married to Said. Jade hesitates but finally accepts.

Osvaldo tells a friend that he didn't come back to make up with Dora. He will get another girl - prettier and with fewer issues. Dora finds out that Osvaldo is back in town. She is surprised he hasn't come looking for her. Dora tells Vicki that now that the day has come, she is afraid that she isn't preggers after all. Vicki says that she is sure that Dora is pregnant.

Albieri asks Luisa about Dora. She coldly tells him that Dora is coming in for her pregnancy test today.

The men go through the marriage ceremony with Ali representing Jade while the women, including the bride, wait in another room. There is some chanting and Jade is brought in to greet her husband.

And look who's crashed the wedding - it's Lucas in his veil. Jade sees him.

Ali tells Said that he is giving him a treasure and tells him to make Jade happy. Said says that he will. The Egyptian belly dancer performs. Lucas gestures to Jade to leave but what a dummy. How is she going to do slip out in the middle of her wedding?

On the home front, everyone is very tense waiting for news of Lucas. Leo manages to insult Enrique.

Back in Morocco, Jade is carried in on the palanquin. She tells Zoraida that Lucas has come for her. Zoraida asks if she wants to be left in the street again. She says that if Jade leaves with Lucas, both of them will surely die.

The Mouth warns Said to beware of any trick that Jade might pull on the wedding night. Said (who seems to have changed out of his business suit) says that he can take care of himself.

Now Ali and Abdul notice the strange veiled
woman. Lucas bolts from the house. Since cross dressing is probably frowned upon in Morocco, he is chased by some guys in the street. Once again, Lucas has let Jade down and she is crushed.

Lucas goes to the ruins where he is dazzled by the vision of Jade dancing for him. Then he acknowledges to himself that he has lost Jade and collapses in grief.

Julio asks Albieri where the cells that he cultured from Lucas are. Albieri says that he had an accident and lost them. He is told that Dora has come for her pregnancy test. Albieri is sure that she will be told that she isn't pregnant and the nightmare will be over.

Back in Morocco the newlyweds are about to leave Ali's house. Zoraida tells Jade that the materials for her to fool Said about her virginity are in her purse. Jade refuses to use them. When Zoraida asks if she wants to die, Jade says that she won't escape her death. The wedding party leaves the house.

Albieri says to himself that he never should have gone that far. Luisa doesn't understand why Albieri has changed so much since Diego died. The moment of truth arrives - Dora is pregnant! Albieri is impactado and Luisa cannot understand his reaction.

The credits roll.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Gancho Friday March 12th No Show, So Club Gancho

Choices. We all have them. Should we make up deep sounding introductory paragraphs? Should we try to find the true meaning of our little novela? Should we attempt to see why our characters' lives are so tortured, so misguided, so in need of something, such as love?

No way!! We're taking this weekend OFF! We're gonna kick back, grab our favorite beverages, whip up some delicious eats, and hang out. No topic is off-topic. We can talk about Gancho, basketball, food, pets, whatever. Welcome to Club Gancho!


El Clon #19, 3/11. Girls come and kiss me. Tell me you'll miss me. But get me to the beach on time.

[ed. note: I just changed the title. Jean's suggestion was just too perfect to pass up. Thank you, Compañera! I hate thinking up titles; it's usually the hardest part of my recap. So I appreciate yours.]

Said overhears Zoraida saying that Jade is in love with Lucas. While still in a daze, Tio Abdul steps up and starts telling him that he is a business genius and he’s going to be very rich. But all Said can think of is Jade and the magic she worked on him, and his detestable rival Lucas. He asks Tio, what is the punishment for a man who corrupts a maiden. Abdul is aghast. Such a degenerate gets 80 lashes. Said speculates, with no particular remorse, that the punishment would kill most men. Abdul points out that both participants are guilty, and both would get the same punishment. Oopsie.

Jade leaves the house, ostensibly to go grocery shopping, but really to call Lucas. She calls his house, and Rosa tells her he left with Marisa and won’t be home for supper. Jade remembers their other conversation about Marisa, and she sees red. And green. Like a Christmas tree! But I don’t think Morocco uses Christmas trees. (Can you tell I’m getting punchy?) Lucas and Marissa are at the beach. She’s in a bikini that can fit into a 35mm film canister. I really don’t care to have her complete butt thrown in my face, thank you, especially as the central focus of an extended scene. As my son said about a certain catalog, looks like Victoria ain’t keeping no secrets! Lucas says that if Albieri’s mission fails, he and Jade will just live together, although it will be a bit complicated with no job, since papa will halt the gravy train. Pobrecito will lose his credit cards and car if he moves out. Let’s think about this. Jade can’t get married because Ali would disapprove. So the best solution is for them to shack up. Because Ali would just loooove that, right?

The ever-helpful Marisa says her father can get him a job. But is he sure he wants to give up everything for Jade. Lucas professes his boundless love, yada yada. Marisa wishes somebody would love her that much. Her fishing works; Lucas tells her how wonderful she is and how any guy would love to be at her side. What a schmuck! Then she asks him to put suntan lotion on her back. Of course she opens the back of her bikini, because heaven forbid that the tiny region covered by the swim suit should not tan. Lucas is uncomfortable. So am I.

Latifa tells Ali she’s kinda’ glad Nariza left. Ali reminds her that she’ll be back, and Latifa needs to treat her with respect, as if she were her mother-in-law. Latifa ponders whether Allah will grant Nariza a husband. Ali says, “A man hopes a wife will bring peace and calm to his house. Doña Nariza takes a storm wherever she goes.”

Albieri shows up at the door of Little Morocco, to talk to Ali. He says he himself found out only recently about the matter with Lucas and Jade. Ali notes that Albieri feels guilty about something; what is it? Albi dodges the question. Albi says he got married, she’s a wonderful woman.. Ali interrupts, “But she doesn’t fill the emptiness in your soul, does she? That emptiness is because you don’t have God (Dios) in your life.” Albi says he left the idea of God a long time ago and doesn’t want to talk about it. Albi pitches Lucas’ case, but Ali won’t budge on that matter. Lucas is a westerner, he’s not a Muslim, and he will never change to that way of life. (Note, Ali doesn’t refute that Lucas will convert to Islam, but rather that Lucas will never behave nor think like a Muslim.) Ali says the young think love conquers all, but those with more years under their belts know that’s not the case. Albi says we cannot ignore their emotions. Albi says we cannot ignore their cultures. (Good contrast of value systems.) And his final word? “Jade will never marry Lucas.”

Jade goes to Cristina’s and says she’s worried about Lucas being around Marisa so much. There is also the problem of Ali taking her back to Morocco to marry the man chosen for her. Cris tells her to ditch them all for the man she loves. Jade asks how they can live without money. Cris has no idea. Being a kept woman, she’s never thought about such trivialities. Then she gets the brilliant idea, you can move in with me. I just wonder who is paying Cristina’s rent these days.

Jade gets home and Ali is waiting. She tries to lie her way out again, but he won’t buy it. He says he’s taking her back to Morocco tomorrow before it’s too late.

Luisa discovers that Albieri brought a second frame so he could have both Laura’s and Luisa’s pictures on his desk. He explains that Laura will always be a part of his life, and if she were here, he’s sure Luisa would like her. Yeah, and pigs might fly. Sylvia some good straight talk to Luisa. “Either you set him straight and tell him he needs to put you first, or you will endure a living hell the rest of your days.” I’ve got to hand it to Sylvia. Before the marriage, she told Luisa to give up on Albieri; it was hopeless. But now that they are married, Sylvia tries to help her make the marriage as good as possible.

Leo tells Albieri that Enrique says Diego could be reincarnated any time now. Albieri asks how Leo would feel if Diego was born “de nuevo,” for example if he was cloned. Leo thinks that’s crazy talk. I also think it’s crazy - Albieri has deluded himself that Lucas’ cells would yield a clone of Diego. Albieri changes the subject to Lucas. He defends Jade’s family. Leo is sure that if Lucas marries Jade he’ll move to Morocco. Albieri warns that those kids are capable of doing anything to be together. If Leo gets in their way they could do something crazy. Leo assures Albi, he’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.

Jade recalls when Lucas told her he loved her. Which should be easy to remember, because that is about the only conversation those two ever have. He honks the horn from down on the street, and she goes out to give him kisses and the news: Ali wants to take her back tomorrow, but Cristina said they can share her apartment, so they need to escape tomorrow morning.

Osvaldo sees his old friend and tells him Dora is completely out of his life. Dora, talking to Luisa, says the same about him. She also ponders why Albieri came to her neighborhood.

The next morning, Ali leaves to visit Mohammed’s shop before going to the airport. As soon as he’s gone, Jade sneaks out with her bags. She calls Lucas from the phone on the street, to say she’s ready to meet him, so he starts to pack his bags. Don’t’ get me started! Jade waits and waits at the jetty, but Lucas doesn’t arrive. That’s because Marisa paid a social call on Lucas. Social call, social diseases.. I wonder if they are related. He says he’s moving in with Jade. Marisa says, “Don’t leave,” and she strips down to her skivvies. She grabs hold of him like a leech, he pulls away like a scared rabbit. Leech, rabbit, leech, rabbit, I lost count of how many times they repeat the loop. He finally escapes her grip and races to find Jade. She has already given up on him, and Ali has taken her to the airport. Lucas gets to the airport just as she’s flying away.

Consider the following. Let’s assume the worst. That Lucas is your basic 20-year-old guy, nothing but sex-crazed hormones. He has a choice.
A. Give in to this skank whore who was his brother’s novia, with who-knows-how-many STD’s considering her behavior. And keep the love of his life waiting, when at any moment her uncle might discover them and whisk her away.
B. Delay his gratification for all of 10 minutes, go collect Jade from the beach, take her to Cristina’s, and spend the rest of the day playing doctor. With the love of his life, the woman of his dreams, etc., Who, by the way, doesn’t have any STD’s unless Lucas does. And who also, by the way, has a bigger chest and way better hair.
Hmm. Skank whore now. Or love of my life, ten minutes from now. Decisions, decisions. Monty Hall, Carol Merrill, and the whole audience is yelling “Door Number One!” but Lucas just can’t decide what he wants to do. Yes, Lucas finally does escape from Marisa, but gee, that was earth-shatteringly stupid, even for Telenovela-land!

Tomorrow, Jade and Said’s wedding, and an unexpected wedding guest, one in a veil and facial hair. Tiziano, are you listening?


Corazon Salvaje 3/11/10 I Can't Tell You. It's a SECRET!

When I played back my recording it had sound glitches and I don’t have subtitles so I apologize in advance for any gaps. Please fill in or correct.

From Yesterday:
Renato is asking Aimee to marry him. She doesn't know what to say. All you have to say is that you accept me. He only wants to know one thing. Will you marry me? Of course she accepts. But unfortunately for Aimee he's in an all-fired hurry to wed. She tries to stall. Wants to get to know each other better. For now it will be our SECRET only for us. He will do anything she wants.

Meanwhile Juan is extolling the virtues of Aimee.

Aimee is gawking at the ring. Celestina comes in to her room. She can’t wait to share the big SECRET with her Nana. We are engaged. How dreamy. So much for the SECRET. She doesn't want Celestina to say anything. Good thing because she just stands there looking at her funny. She blurts out that Aimee doesn’t love Renato. She tells her about Regina loving Renato and giving him up for Aimee. Aimee says now it makes sense. Renato is the secret love. That is why she wanted me to swear. She's a nun because Renato wants me. Remind me not to confide in Celestina any time soon.

Regina is busily scrubbing away. Madre Superior interrupts. She has a visitor that is waiting. It's Renato. He brought her her camera. She is very happy. How is everyone. I am very happy. Renato has a SECRET. No? Really? Do tell. Last night I declared my love for Aimee and she accepted. We are engaged. Regina swoons. (She makes it look so elegant. I don’t know about anybody else but when I “swoon” I hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. I’m just saying…) Are you marrying right away? No. He wants her to be happy for him. She says oh sure I'm really happy for you and my sister. Gag! He wants to help her. Why won't you say who you love. He wants her to tell the guy her feelings. (Hey, go talk to Nana Big Mouth. I’m sure she’d be happy to tell you who it is.) Please don't do this. I'm taking my vows and you can't change my mind. Thank you for listening. Thank you for everything. She says good-bye. She thinks to herself--what a dumbass. If he only knew he was in love with someone who loves Juan del Diablo. I think there should be a evil laugh when someone says his name don’t you?

Juan and Gabe. They were checking out the house. The one guy looked familiar. They didn't give me their names.

Fed is making his report. Fully says what he does is very important to him. I need to know who lives in the house.

Juan introduces the kid (I'm calling him Curly because of his adorable curly hair) to Gabe. He wants him to take a bath and get some new clothes. Curly is not excited about the bath. Gabe hustles him off.

Knife thrower guy is going on about something to Mama. Where is Jimena? She is making money. FF>>

Jimena runs into one of the Hos. The Ho tells Jimena something and she looks surprised. Apparently they entertain gentlemen. Jimena wants to read her palm but she declines. She tells the Ho about the awesome man she met on the boat. They become BFF (best friends forever.)

Juan is on the beach remembering Remigio. He shouts for him. Remigio's mother is not doing well. Juan is still shouting. Juan enters the hut and finds his "mother" on the floor. She is very ill. Remi comes in and threatens Juan with a machete. He starts to say his name but hesitates. Mom knows it is him and is very happy to see him again. Remigio looks surprised. You are Juan de Dios? I am your brother. I am Juan. They are very happy. I think mom is dying. Juan tells her to rest.

Ho and Jimena are walking on the beach. She gives Jimena money. She has to get back. Snore--FF>>

They got the doctor for mom. Juan says the doctor has to save her. He's sorry he can't do anything. Mom wants them to be brothers again. She gives Remi the benediction. They all cry. She dies. It is the next day they have the funeral. All the fishermen are there. FF>>

Leo has made some “special tea” for Rod. Normally I would say run, run but in his case I’ll make an exception and ask him if he wants more. He asks about Rosenda.

Magda is talking to the gay dude about going to Finca del Mar. I don't want to go. But she want to see Rosenda.

Juan and his friends are talking. He finds out that Remi works for a Montes de Oca. Dun, dun, dun…Juan doesn't look happy.

Leo is talking to Rosenda. She doesn't want another woman around Rodrigo. Rosenda knows how much she loves Rodrigo. Always I will guard your secrets. Someone runs in with a message for Rod. She gives it to Leo. Rosenda tells her to get lost. It is a note from Madame Magda (I can’t remember her other name). Leo looks less than pleased.

Juan and Remigio are talking. Juan wants to know the scoop. We will talk later. Remi thanks Juan.

Aimee is thinking about Juan. But then again, when doesn’t she think about Juan.

Juan sees Regina as she walks by in her nun habit. He is happy to see her. She is surprised to see him too. He explains to the Madre how he knows Regina. Madre says the novices are not allowed to speak to gentlemen in the street. Let's go Regina. Regina says May God protect you. Or the Devil says Juan.

Aimee is talking to Leo and Rosenda is there. Aimee wants to go to Vera Cruz but Leo says she has to take Clemencia with her. She wants to visit Regina at the convent. She gets permission and is very happy.

Knife thrower guy. The circus is in town. Come to the circus. I don’t really get this whole side plot and I don’t really care.

Aimee is getting ready to leave and arguing with Clemencia. Renato walks in. He wants to know what is up. She is going to go visit Regina. He doesn't want her to go without him. Oh wait, I forgot something. Hen Aimee goes back upstairs Renato tells Clemencia that when he looks at Aimee it makes him crazy. Regina is my friend, my confidant. But Aimee… Yeah, we get it already. Rosenda watches.

They arrive in Vera Cruz. She wants to visit Regina. That's fine.

Curly is all cleaned up. Juan has to leave. He needs to complete his plans. He wants to meet Rodrigo face to face.

Noel is happy that Renato is in Vera Cruz. Everything is fine at the Finca. Renato has good news but it is a SECRET. Noel wants him to spill his guts. But of course it is the bestest, most wonderfulest SECRET in the whole wide world so he can’t tell. Rod thinks sometimes it is best not to tell your secrets. Hmmmm….. Renato tells Noel he has been thinking about what he was promised as a child. He wants to look for Juan. I want to know what happened to him. Rodrigo looks impactada.

The fishermen are trying to sell fish but the soldiers won't let them. Where is the Union Steward when you need him? Some guy is running his mouth. Sell your fish for good or for bad. I really don’t get that part. Who cares where they sell their fish?

Aimee is walking on the beach. Oh happy day! Juan shows up and is so happy to find her. Juan wants to know why she didn't wait for him. She spins a story about problems at home and her father being sick blah, blah, blah. He looks a little doubtful. He wants to talk to her dad. His health is very delicate right now. He wants to know her last name. What is your last name? Would somebody tell him already so we can move on?


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dinero #39 - 3/11/10: Shut Up and Listen! No One Messes With My Family!

Racapper's Note: I had a super exciting day today and almost didn't get home in time to see this. My organization, College Summit, was chosen as one of 10 that President Obama donated his Nobel Prize winnings to. Yay! :)

Claudia continues to convince Rafa to spend some of his hard earned cash on little old her- specifically in a fancy restaurant on a shrimp, lobster and champagne meal. After dinner, activities would include contact sports- the kind that involve her wearing a little thong (tangita). She assures Rafa that he won’t regret it, and that no one will know. *wink, wink*

Marino heads over to Susana’s desk to try to get an advance on next month’s salary. His baby mommas are really after him to pay up this month, and one of them in particular is being demanding. Susana asks him how many sons he has (nine), and assumes that he doesn’t want any more kids. He makes it very clear, by the way he slithers over her desk, that he would love to have some daughters and he considers Susana a prime candidate for giving him one. Ewwww!!! (By the way, I am loving this large coral necklace Susana has been wearing this week. It’s beautiful and she wears it so effortlessly.)

Susana is saved from any more indecent proposals when Marino realizes that it’s Wednesday and pay day, meaning that Doña Dolores (Dodo) from their local cantina will be coming around to collect on their tabs. Dodo arrives just then and begins to hunt her prey. Everyone, except Claudia who’s still busy trying to seduce Rafa, is one step ahead of her though. They’ve all found hiding places, but it seems like Dodo knows all their tricks. She catches Claudia first, but the ever slippery Claudia manages to escape, trailing promises behind her. Rafa somehow owes 1,000 pesos, thanks to his colleagues’ generous use of his tab. Considering that is all the money he has in the world at the moment (as a result of the bike sale), he convinces Dodo to let him pay only 400 for now. Claudia smells money and starts circling Rafa like a vulture. Before he knows it, his remaining 600 pesos are being tucked deep into the recesses of Claudia’s décolletage, with lame excuses about a sick relative in the hospital (we’ve heard that one before) and promises to pay him back as soon as she’s cashed her check. Next, Dodo finds Ramirez hiding under a truck and makes him cough up the 500 pesos he owes. Ramiro and Marino are busted together in the men’s bathroom (No, not in like Senator Larry Craig. Although money is passed under the stall door.) Rosaura and Isabel are caught as they try to sneak out of the building. Bebe accidently runs right into Dodo’s boobs, but has no issue with handing over his 300 pesos. Dandy’s the last to be found, hiding in a car and pretending to be fixing something. Guess he’ll have less play money to wine and dine the ladies with this month.

Having been hit by hurricane Dolores, the sales team surveys the damage and conclude that they’ll all have trouble paying their debts and other financial obligations. All, except Rafa with his HUGE commission, they assume. They all demand (and not very nicely) that he loan each of them some money. Rafa says he can’t and quickly makes an exit, heading off to conquer some more lions and to actually try to earn some money he can keep.

In the midst of all this we have two random scenes. Random Scene One is obviously a commercial for a pro-biotic yogurt drink like our Activia (I actually love the stuff). Susana is enjoying her yogurt drink in the cafeteria when Claudia comes running in (hiding from Dodo) clutching her stomach. Susana inquires what’s wrong and when Claudia tells her that her financial woes are affecting her stomach, Susana recommends the yogurt, and hands one to Claudia who thinks it’s delicious. Random Scene Two is another beauty shop scene (I wonder when these will start to make sense with the rest of the storyline?). Julieta wonders into the shop trying to sell cookies that her mom made to earn some extra money for the family. The beauty shop folks don’t have any money to buy cookies, but they sit Julieta down to get the latest gossip on Rafa, and of course have to munch on a few (free) cookies while they get the rundown.

It’s apparently also pay day for Chavez and Marco and they are helping themselves to the profits from Ale’s family finca. Marco is excited for his “vacation”- the month that Ale will be away and he will get to enjoy his freedom. In fact, he thinks he will go away during that time. Chavez is hurt that Marco wants to go away without him (awww!), but Marco reminds him that someone needs to take care of the finca (meaning fleece it for all it’s worth).

Ale is making arrangements with a very disapproving Susana about how she will keep in contact with her and keep up with Autos Siglo business while she’s away. What about rest? Ale doesn’t know the meaning of the word! Apparently Marino Jr. also doesn’t sit on his laurels. He’s come back to daddy’s place of employment to deliver a sales plan to his old man. Since it’s a business matter, he feels it’s more proper for Trapito to deliver the envelope with the plan, than for him to do it personally. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the kid had pulled out a toothpick and started chewing on it right then.

Rafa’s back at Autos Siglo packing up for the day. He sees Claudia leaving, and knows she already cashed her check. Hey, how about those 600 pesos? I think we all know that once something makes its way down Claudia’s cleavage, it will never see the light of day again. I hope Rafa’s learned his lesson. He speaks to his mom on the phone, reassuring her that she will not be kicked out of her home, that it was all a misunderstanding and that Ale send her apologies. Leonor is now more concerned with the fact that Rafa has been left with not one cent to bring home and wonders how they’re going to have any money to take care of their needs. (I wonder this too.) This all reminds Rafa of just how ticked off he is at Marco for making his mama worry and cry, and he swears he will find that coward!

He doesn’t have long to wait or too far to look, as Marco has just pulled up in front of Autos Siglo to wait for Ale. Rafa takes advantage of Marco’s complete self absorption to sneak into the backseat of the car and to put Marco in a chokehold. All of a sudden sweet Rafa’s turned into Tony Soprano, telling Marco that he’s going to pay for what he did to his mama and that no one messes with his family! Marco starts blustering, making a fuss, denying that he did anything and then threatening, but Rafa tells him to shut it. He then has him repeat a few statements while he pretends to hold a knife to his neck. A weeping Marco then states that he is a rat who messes with the weak and with women. Rafa then tells him that the next time there is a problem, Marco will deal directly with him! (Go Rafa!) He then quickly and stealthily leaves blubbering Marco alone in the car, just in time for Ale’s entrance. She asks Marco what’s wrong and he accuses Rafa of threatening him at knife point and nicking his throat with the knife. Ale is incredulous (Medina?!), and is downright suspicious of Marco when she looks at his neck and instead of finding the telltale marks of a knife, finds a girly heart and arrow drawn right under Marco’s ear. (Go Rafa!)

Once they arrive at her house, Ale seems much more interested in watching her show (wonder if it’s a telenovela?) than in conversing with Marco, especially not if he’s going to continue to badmouth Rafa. She notes how hard Rafa’s working to pay off the debt. Marco thinks once she’s away for her surgery, Rafa will revert to a lazy bum and not work at all (he should know). Her aunt and dad come in, as well as the maid, who Ale asks to fetch the suitcases and to start laying out the clothes she will take with her to the clinic. Among those items are cashmere sweaters, new shoes, and other items that Marco comments are more appropriate for a cocktail party than for a stay at a clinic. Ale says you never know what may come up, and Marco starts to look a little suspicious and jealous. When she leaves the room he feigns concern to her aunt and dad, saying that he’s worried she’ll work the entire time and no one will be there to “control” her. He thinks someone should go with her; how about Aunt Rosario? She initially declines because of how much that would cost, and how generous (ha!) Marco is being already by paying for Ale’s expenses. He makes his case again in front of Ale at the dinner table. Not only does he convince them to let him pay for Aunt Rosario’s trip with Ale (with their money!), he gets major good guy points with Ale who is very grateful to him. (Score Marco)

Another random scene: Ramiro is at the dinner table at home, and his wife and suegra are berating him, again. It also doesn’t look like their trip to the beauty shop the other day did much good. Ramiro wanted to spend some time with his kids, but the Wicked Witch of the West and the Wicked Witch of the East say they already went to bed, embarrassed by their father who can’t afford to pay for their school field trip. The other kids make fun of them. Ramiro is so down about this, he decides he can’t eat. The Witches sit him back down, turn the bowl of soup over his head, and saunter off cackling. Ramiro looks as forlorn and resigned to his fate as usual, and notes that the soup needs salt.

Rafa can’t avoid Vicky any more (and that means we can’t either). Before he knows it, he is set down in front of her father and knife-wielding brothers and, without getting more than one word out, has somehow formally asked for Vicky’s hand in marriage and agreed to wed in 3 months. Don Gaston is sad to lose his precious baby girl, and her brothers are sad to lose their cook, so it’s decided that Rafa and Vicky will live with them until Rafa has managed to get free of his debts and can provide a proper home for his pajarita. Rafa takes a big gulp, and so do we. Poor Rafa!


Gancho Thurs 3/11 #186 - Stuck between the mummy and the monkey, or I'm not unfaithful, I'm weak

From yesterday: Aldo's hangin' with the hopped-up homies, Marcos offers Beto a job as the Director General (not to be confused with Inspector General) of Grupo Sermeño. Beto tries out his suegro's chair for size and likes it.

The tables are turned and Moni is training an already-bedraggled but still color-coordinated Don Cesar. Even while working out his hair defies gravity. He begs a 5 minute break which aligns perfectly with Estrella's arrival. For once DC is too tired to get on Estrella's case about coming to the gym. "Saved by the bell," he gasps.

As DC hunkers down for nap time in the ring Moni warns Estre not to talk smack about her mama. Estre says no way we're friends in good times and bad.

Beto and Marcos visit Nieves to tell her some news. "What he got another woman pregnant like he did to isabel?" (Oooh, bitter.) Beto asks her not to be so hard, her son is now the General Dirctor of Sermeno Group. Isabel's excited but not in a good way. She lunges several times toward Marcos. I'm sure Beto calling him suegrito doesn't help. But Beto's on a roll, soon the biz will be called Grupo Ochoa. He lets slip that he's helping La Momia at the gym, news that sits ill with both Nieves and Marcos. He dashes off, leaving the couple to their tentative minuette of apologies and reproaches. When it comes to her baby Nieves is apt to soften, and she's grateful for Beto's new job. Instead of hugging the undeserving Marcos she hugs her fuzzy purse and agrees to join him for dinner.

Over at the enemy gym (aka Gym Jimmy) Beto begins tutoring Coni in stretching, mainly so he can check out her bubis at various angles.

Guerrera, who had been chatting with Beto at Gym Jimmy, visits our home gym to taunt Moni about fighting La Momia; and guess who La Momia's new coach is? No other than Beto and he's training her to kick your a**. BETO?!?!!

Isabel and ner nattering nanny Alicia are at the clinic. Ali mentions to the handsome doctor that Isa had a bone marrow transplant for leukemia recently so shouldn't she get her health checked? Dr. agrees and is fully occupied giving Alicia an impromptu blood pressure test while Isabel steals a blank prescription from his pad. I'm guessing for some tranquilizers for Alicia, but time will tell.

Por casualidad (yes, I remember) Marcos is also at the clinic to visit a doctor, undoubtedly yet another professional who is in his hip pocket. Let's see...there's some chat about the doctor's love of dancing with his wife Mabel then Marcos cuts to the chase. He has an enormous favor to ask him. He's an oncologist no? Marcos needs the doc to convince a woman who had leukemia that she only has a short time to live (Oh come on!) and Marcos won't leave until he gets his way.

Well I'm not sure how effective Beto is at being a coach. First he accidentally cuffs coni in the face knocking her down, then he leaps on top of her to comfort her, then they end up making out on the floor of the ring. This is the position that Monita finds them in when she storms into the gym followed by Estrella. "BETO!!!" The funniest part is when Beto tries to help Coni up but gets distracted by Moni and Coni falls to the ground again, heh heh.

Moni yells and Coni taunts. Beto tries to mollify Moni and gets a punch in the nuts for his troubles. Coni (stifling a laugh I swear) turns away displaying her beautifully indifferent profile to an agonized Beto who squeals in soprano "aqui, aqui!".

Under Christian's watchful eye Mau and the girls get ready to leave. Jacqui tells the girls the house won't be the same without them and she'll let Aldo know what's up when he gets home. Tia Jacqueline hugs the girls goodbye and wishes them the best.

Cut to Aldo who is a stoned out waste product sitting on a pile of cardboard and hanging with the ne'er do wells. They figure he's got money since his clothes are nice. He tells them he has no parents, he's an orphan but his adoptive mom bought his stuff. He agrees to take them to his place to eat. What were we saying about choices?

Marcos coerces his venal pal Doctor Edgar, this is the only way to weaken Isabel. If she thinks she's going to die it will be a tremendous setback to her. (Ya think??) It's the only way she'll let him get close to his daughter. Do it for him and his daughter, it's the only possible solution. Edgar, unlike the judge, at least hesitates for half a second before giving in to Marcos. What if this Isabel doesn't react as predicted? What about his Hippocratic oath? Oh what the heck she's just a crazy dame, sure why not. (I paraphrased.) Ah, now we get some background, Edgar was about to lose his license way back when and Marcos stepped in and saved him. Payback's a bitch Edgar and Marcos wants his, pronto. A Hypocritic Handshake seals the deal.

Moni and Estre storm down the street and are followed by Beto in a wide-legged double nut crunch stagger. He finally catches up and swears to Monita he's not betraying her or the neighborhood. He is on her side AND he has a right to fight for the woman he loves. Moni won't be swayed, he's a damn liar and he should go back to train his Momia because Moni's going to smash her to pieces, Beto's no longer her brother or her friend.

Back in Gym Jimmy Coni's in a snit because Beto left her as lonely as a finger to chase the hysterical chimpanzee. She consoles herself by using him as a punching bag but he swears he's not giving her up and he won't crack. She's flirtatious and leaves the ring and he tells the air this damn fight isn't going to happen or his name isn't Roberto Ochoa.

Mientras tanto, in the vecindad Nieves retrieves her wash with a song in her voice and spring in her step that attracts Tere's notice. Is she going out with Don Cesar? No she's going out with Marcos to a very nice lakeside restaurant. "Et tu, Nieves?" asks Monita who has overheard. She supposes that now Nieves is also stabbing her in the back, eh? What else would she be doing with that man?

Luisa and Danny are thrilled to be home with Mau and especially in Furia Enmascarada's hideout. The girls lobby to go get Monita right now but Mau says he's sure she'll come right over the moment she hears they are at his place. Dani keeps pushing, "you're going to go get Monita, right?" "And Tere, and Ivan," adds Luisa. Sounds like the bat cave is about to get crowded if the girls have their way. Gosh it's good to finally see them happy. Doh...anvils.

Back at the barrio Monita's on a tear getting all up in Nieves' face about Beto the Betrayer. Actually, I'm growing weary of Monita's rants and we've heard it all before. There is nothing new, trust me. FF>>

Coni's now in the street and her cell phone rings. It's the villanous vibora hissing in Coni's ear. Coni reports that she has successfully separated Beto from Monita in record time. Isabel hisses that her latest big nuisance is Estrella. "Leave it to me," assures Coni, confident in her ability to destroy.

Isabel goes to the pharmacy to pick up her prescription, pills and syringes. Syringes? Must be the fake prescription, viper!!

Monita, currently in danger of joining the Sisters of the Perpetually Pissed Off, is taking out her aggressions on her apartment. Estrella tries to console her by telling her Beto can't help it, he's thinking with his little head as all men do. However Monita is so angry she's ready to trash every one of her old friends. She gets close to losing it with Estrella when she suspects Estrella is 1) defending Beto, 2) on Mauricio's side, and 3) also against her mother. No no no no no, Estrella reassures her she doesn't even know her ma and thinks they should get to know her together.

Like lambs to the slaughter, Chris and Mau approach the vecindad. They first see Paula and Tano leaving on their second date. Chris reacts negatively and calls Pau his novia. She snaps back "EX novia". Chris threatens Tano that he's got his eyes on him. Tano give Mau the "we're only friends, heh heh" story. Enough about themm Mau has the good news that he's got the kids back and now he's looking for Aldo.

Beto arrives all het up about his altercation with Monita. Pau's about to pow him but Tano drags her back. Beto claims Moni got away before he could explain and now she refuses to see him.

Jacqui's leaving the lonely house to meet her ex-husband (ruh-roh, rivals at the lakeside restaurant) and gives Britney Sophia a letter for Aldo. It's muy importante that BS not forget to give it to him! "Si Señito!" which is naca for yes ma'am. As soon as she leaves BS calls her pal, "hey, remember I told you I'd call you when the two witches left for a while?.."

Meanwhile Aldo and his rotten pals approach the house and see Jacqui leave. Aldo tells them to wait outside while he checks things out. The dirty dudes do some checking out of their own. They figure this Aldo is too careful so one of them needs to distract him while the other cases the joint.

While Chris drags Beto off for some reason Mau happily tells Tere and Ivan that he's got the kids and they'll be together forever. (Forever = anvils) Tere sees Monita and tells her the glorious news. Even Miss Cranky Pants cracks a big smile for this. Mau tells her that it's all due to Marcos, her father who is not quite the jerk she thinks. Monita is about to agree to go with Mau to see them when the terminal wet blanket arrives. Hissy is all pathetic and "where are you going?" so Moni sadly tells Mau to give the girls a kiss for her. Damn the viper!! The other three happily depart.

Isabel tells Moni that everything went well, ouch the pain. They are interrupted by a loud rapping on the door. Aieeeeee! Enter the Mummy! She says she's there to see Isabel. Moni calls Coni out and Coni, to give her props, pops back "just say where and when!" Monita says here and now and Coni retorts "no, tonight at the gym, where we won't be interrupted." Stare down between the mummy and the monkey.

Mañana: aldo and his pals lurk outside. christ shows up and the two steal his gun and conk him over the head with it. Isabel gives Estrella an injection. Coni's ready to rumble

Dicho for Aldo, Monita, Coni, Xime, Tano, Pau, Estrella, Nieves... heck, for so many:
Mejor solo que mal acompañado = better to be alone than with the wrong person

Vocab from tonight:
Cantón = slang for place, house (what Aldo's pals said)
Manita = slang for female pal (short for hermanita, what Britney Sophia said)
Me salvo la campana = Saved by the bell
No soy infiel, soy débil = I'm not unfaithful, I'm weak (Beto's shirt)
Revés tremendo = tremendous setback
Solo/a como dedo = all alone (alone/lonely as a finger)
Tu eres la que esta demas = you're the other [woman] (what Coni told Moni at the gym regarding Beto)
La voy a hacer pedazos = I'm going to smash her to pieces
No voy a rajar = I'm not going to crack


Dinero #38 March 10 2010: Rafa is Salesman of the month and Marino is father of the year (NOT!!)

We start with Ale announcing that there are two people left, Marino and Rafa. Marino turns to Rafa convinced he is number one, tells everyone to enjoy this moment, when Ale announces Rafa as the number one sales person of the month. Marino looks as him he is going to be sick.

Rafa smiles humbly and everyone congratulates him. Marino is shouting to wait a minute, this can’t be. He wants to know how this guy could be vendor of the month. Ale tells Marino to calm down and not yell at her. She tells him Rafa sold two cars and a fleet of trucks. She says she doesn’t owe him an explanation. But she will give him one. Bow-tie guy leans over to Marino and says (I think) something like now she’s yelling.

She begins to explain the process Rafa went through to obtain his sales. She chides how in the beginning his list of clients was robbed from him, looking right at Marino. Then Rafa went into the city of Mexico and found the market over-saturated . So he went outside the city and found a new market. He was able to sell several million pesos worth of trucks in one single sale. She looks again at Marino and says is that clear.

She then continues to announce that they have a new promising vendor, and congratulates Rafa for his good work. That she is proud of him and aware of the hard work he put forth, and thanks him for being at Auto Siglo. She goes to shake his hand; she is smiling and Rafa is standing, he is still angry about the house. Bebe (bless his sweet heart) thinks Ale should be congratulated as well because of all the help she was to Rafa so he could make this sale.

Ale continues with not only is he the number one vendor, but also the winner of this months prize. Susana shows off the bike, and whispers to Ale that everyone thought this month the prize would go to Marino.

Dandy tells Marino that second place isn’t so bad. Sweet Ramiro approaches Marino and says congratulations and welcome to the world of mediocre. He says the king is dead (referring to Marino) and turns to Rafa and says the king lives.

Claudia wonders what Rafa is going to do with a bike since he doesn’t have kids. Rafa says I don’t have kids but I have lots of debt. Ale says she knows he doesn’t have kids but the bike is his to take home and celebrate his success.

She approaches Rafa now and says as general manger of sales I hope I can continue to count on you to have the same enthusiasm for many more years. Rafa stands and says for at least three more years Boss.
There are some very tense glares between the two of them.

Ale says now we will change the photo and put in its place the photo of their new sales person of the month. Susana takes Marinos’ photo down and replaces it with Rafa’s. Bow-tie guy tells Marino it is best to not look at it. Marino continues to look like he is going to be sick.

Ale congratulates them all and they start a little pep cheer, as Beltran walks around the corner all excited because it sounds like great success. He wants to make sure that what he is hearing is indeed success. Ale assures him it is, and says they were celebrating the success of the best vendor of the month. Beltran heads towards Marino to congratulate him. Ale informs him it is Rafa.

He wants figures for the month and Ale shows him the sales records. Beltran starts crying with joy and states his little mantra of Money, money, money. It is delightful music he is hearing. He tells Ale he knew Rafa would be a great vendor, (Oh right) and goes over to Rafa to congratulate him. Then he asks Marino what happened, how did he loose. Dandy says not only did he loose, but he lost by a lot.

Then Beltran wants to know how Claudia did. Ale says she wasn’t the best, then Claudia stands and says next month she promises to do her best, as she struts her stuff. Beltran congratulates Claudia and asks for everyone to applaud her. They all stand to applaud Claudia.

Rosaura stands and says and what about us. And starts shouting check and they all start shouting for their paychecks. He says fine and there is a stampede to payroll, leaving Susana , Ale and Beltran alone in the meeting room.

We have our obligatory odd scene now. Two policemen walk into the neighborhood salon for haircuts. This scene was stranger than usual.

Beltran inquires about the bike and tells Ale to get it out of the showroom. I think he told Susana she looked exotic, referring to her necklace but that look doesn’t belong at Auto Siglo.

He’s still worried about the sales. He says they were acceptable but not worth such a fiesta, but very pleased with Rafa and will keep his eye on him. He says corporate wants more sales. Next month has to be better then ever. Ale reminds him that she needs to take next month off for the operation she needs.
Beltran grabs at his chest. Ale says she has to go.

We have a long line at payroll with everyone waiting for their paychecks. Claudia tries to cut in front, Marino chides her for this, and she tells him to bug off, he’s not that important anymore. Isabel grabs her and takes her to the back of the line. There is a silly little conversation about lines and a reference to lines in Alaska. But there really are only about 5 people that live in Alaska and 2 of them are bears. (or something like that.

Bow-tie guy is telling Marino that he has to recuperate his first place next month because right now he has lost all his respect. Marino blows this off saying he is better then all of them. He says that Medina just had good luck. Bow-tie guy tells him it wasn’t luck but the fact that Rafa used his sales method. Marino chides him and says if it is so successful how come you didn’t do better.. This shuts Bowt-tie guy up and Marino continues to insist it was nothing more than luck.

Rafa is up next for his check. Claudia is curious as to how much he made. Rosaura lets curiosity get the best of her and peeks over Rafas’ shoulder. His check is for 135,900 pesos. (I think). Claudia gets a lustful look in her eye and unbuttons her shirt.

Rafa is enjoying his success. Dandy comes over to congratulate him and tells him what luxuries he can enjoy with all that money. Ramiro tells him he deserves it. Susana comes over and tells him Ale is waiting for him in her office. (I wonder what she wants)

Vicky calls. (we had to have one those moments) She starts talking about the wedding and all the things she needs to do to get ready. Rafa is “what the heck?” Then she asks him where he is. He tells her at Siglo. She wants to know why he is there Does he want to continue to be humiliated. He tells her he has to get his commission and clear up a few things.

She tells him he has to leave right a way, he needs to take care of his family, and he needs to ask papa for her hand in marriage. At first papa will be a little upset but we can convince him that this is for the best. Rafa’s dumbstruck with this . Vicky says we will continue this conversation at home. I will be waiting for you. And hangs up.

This next few minutes were very conversation laden, with each employee talking to their significant other on the phone discussing what needed to be done with their paychecks. Ramiro has rent payment problems. They are in the rears. Rosario is discussing what to do about her hair. Isabel is in debt to someone. Claudia lies and says she wasn’t paid and is asking some poor sucker for a loan. Bebe is dreaming of his retirement. Dandy has plans for the night in some cabana. For some reason he remembers that this month has 5 Saturdays. Huh?

Bow-tie guy is talking to his mother about his book he is writing. They talk about what’s for supper. He then approaches Marino and asks him if he is okay. Marino tells him he promised the bike to his son. Bow-tie guy asks which one and Marino says junior as he holds up a picture of him and junior.

At this point we see junior sitting on a table flirting with a couple of floor models. Marino panics and says he cant see him like this. He tells bow-tie guy to distract junior while he comes up with a plan.

Rafa enters Ales office and asks if she needed something? Ale extends her hand and Rafa gives a side-five. He is all excited, but that’s not what Ale had in mind. She was reaching for his check. Rafa tries to talk her out of giving her all of it. She rants on at him and reminds him that she is already paying 4100 pesos of her own money to cover all her debts and that is sufficient enough. Rafa reluctantly hands over the check.

Rafa tells her he has never seen a check like that before. She says well you better keep seeing them like that and with 4100 pesos more every month for the next three years.

She tells him to sit down. He tells her he has not finished typing his letter of resignation. She wants to know if he still is insisting on resigning. He tells her yes he has to go take care of being kicked out of their house. She asks if he didn’t hear what she said at the meeting. He tells her she said to go home and enjoy his house. She asks if he understood what she meant. He says well with you one never knows. She asks if he understood her and he says, your not going to sell my house? She says that’s right.

She clarifies that it was never her idea to sell the house but that of Marcos. She explains that Marco is not only her boyfriend but her lawyer and sometimes acts on his own. And she doesn’t always agree with his decisions. She says in regards to the subject of the house, she doesn’t agree with it and will not permit him to sell it and asks for him to beg her pardon to his mom.

She hands him the phone. He stares for a moment and she asks if he is till insisting on resigning. We have a little game of hurt feelings and who’s idea was it to resign anyway. Not Ales’. She plays a little mind game with Rafa.

She says now what did I say in Meeting about you meeting your commitments for the next three years. Rafa says does that mean I will be here three years. Ale smile and says. Very good Rafa. They have a brief sweet silent moment, then Ale tells him to get out. Rafa stands She tells him to go sell. She wants to know where he is going to go find his lions. He says in the jungle. She smiles and says Rafa you can do this. Off he goes with Ale giving one great big smile.

Marino approaches Rafa. Rafa wants to know if he is going to continuing to bug him. Marino says no I want to buy the bike from you. He offers Rafa 1000 pesos. Rafa says the bike is worth at least 1500. Marino says fine. Rafa says for you I wouldn’t sell it for less then 2000 pesos. Marino says here’s your 2000 pesos and sticks it in Rafas’ pocket. Rafa says no, no no, I said I wouldn’t sell it to you for less then 2000 pesos but never said that was the price. I would sell it to you for 2200 pesos and sticks the money back in Marino’s pocket. And walks away

Now sweet Ramiro approaches Rafa and asks if he can buy the bike from him. Rafa says sure and sells it to him for I think 1000 pesos. Marino gets up in Rafas’ face and says what did you sell it to him so cheap for? Rafa tells him, well you said I was a terrible salesman and I make bad sales.

We have another annoying Vicky call. She wants to know why he is still at Siglo. He says yes I am still here and I will continue to be here. She wants to know why he would still be there after they threw him out in the street and threatened jail.

He explains to Vicky it was all a misunderstanding. And Ale promises it will never happen again. Vicky says and you believe her? Rafa then tells her that there really isn’t any hurry with the subject of the wedding. She warns him not to play with her. He continues to tell her that he was salesman of the month. Vicky screams so what do I care, continues yelling at him. Rafa tells her he has to go and they will talk at home. Vicky is steaming and says, you better believe we will talk at home. (or something like that ). He hangs up as Ale walks around the corner

Now Marino is off after Ramiro to buy the bike. Ramiro sells him the bike for 2000 pesos (I think). Marino chews him out for selling it for that much and tells him not to count on him in the future for any favors. Ramiro smiles and walks off with his gains.

Bow-tie guy approaches Marino and asks if he got the bike. He tells him Junior is waiting for it. He also tells him to be careful when he gives it to him because he is not alone. He tells him there is a pack of hounds waiting for him with all their kids.

There is a group of women and children outside waiting for Marino. They turn out to be all former and current lovers of Marino and they all have kids and are waiting for their monthly child support payments. Marino is crouching in fear as bow-tie guy explains which ones are there.

Ramiro thanks Rafa for selling him the bike and how it is going to help him out with all his debts. He says when he turns on the lights he will think of Rafa (I think). We get a cute little ira ira ira from Rafa. Then they spy all the women outside waiting for Marino.

Bow-tie guy is calming them all down. He says Marino will give them each 30 seconds of his time. Then we have a very long painful scene of Marino talking with each one and giving them what he feels they have coming. I am not going to spend any more time on this. Except there had to be at least 8 women all with at least one-two kids. Yikes!!!!

Rafa asks if this happens every month and Isabel says it does and it gets worse because Marino doesn’t pay his monthly support to them. Dandy wants to know who the new woman is.

After he has settled all of this he goes back inside and gives Junior his bike. He tells him not to tell anyone where he got the bike. Junior tells him not to worry he is going to sell it. He asks junior how much he is going to sell it for and Junior says 1000 pesos. Marino says, what you are practically giving it away.

Junior thinks he made a great deal after all Marino got the bike for nothing. Marino says it is worth at least 2000 pesos. Junior tells him, it isn’t worth much and he should know, he knows bikes.

Our last little scene is Claudia approaching Rafa very seductively. I wonder what she’s up too? She wants to know how they are going to celebrate his commission. She knows a very upscale place they could go to.

She sits on the desk and continues her little seduction. Rafa is very nervous. He tells her all this money is spoken for. She says the only think they need to do is enjoy themselves. She leans against him and promises a great time where they will be very happy. He won’t regret it and nobody needs to find out. And thats where we end.


Gancho Wed. March 10 - Eh, Xime and Rolu reconcile, The Usurper finds a new victim, and Beto is promoted

We open with Oski and Jero discussing their state of affairs…shouldn’t have given Coni so long to cough up the dough, the police are looking for you, we shouldn’t trust that woman Issy, what if Aldo talks. Oski is calm and worries about nothing; Issy is their ears.

Estrella and Nieves discuss Estrella’s encounter with the Vibora, and she tells her she was so nice, blech. Some how this breaks down into Nieves chastising her for almost marrying her cachorro. Oooh raw topic, Estre has no interest in talking about that and smacks Nieves about being left at the church 30 years ago.

Ick, more molasses from Mami Vibora who doesn’t want to see Mona sad. She fought with Beto but doesn’t want to talk about it. Ma thinks sometimes it’s good to enjoy silence. Careful, too much and we’ll hear that hissing of yours.

Nieves tells Estre they should be united now, not fight. Beto walks in all sad because Mona won’t listen to him either. A few sparks fly about Mau and not getting in line for him who is now single, and anyway they all muse what they might do about Mona.

Pau and Tano arrive very happy having thoroughly enjoyed the movie together. Cris is slinking along behind them. Tano had such a great time he invites her to dinner tomorrow night and with a smirk of Cris, Pau says of course, and she had the best time.

We see the cardboard multi-colored flowers and know that we must be at Estrella’s pad. Gabi is there and Pau and Estre walk in and learn that Pau had a great time, but she knew Cris was following them. Gabi thinks it’s tough now a days to find a single, mature, heterosexual man who wants to commit. Ah Sal was that and more.

Now we go to the Planter’s nut farm where Lorenza is yelling at Sal for uttering Gabi’s name again. She flips out.

Now the tres chicas are consoling Estre that clearly Oski took advantage of Aldo. Gabi thinks Oscar deserves horrible happenings. Pau says careful you almost sound like you might end up liking him. Huh?? Anvil? Ugh no way.

Back at the nut farm, Aldo shows up to see Oski and finds Lore. Oski tells her to run after Sal. Al needs money and threatens to expose Oski for having Lore and also that the police are looking for him. O almost chokes Al that he will regret it if he does this. He throws some money at Al and tells him to scram.

Xime brings Rolu his meal in bed. Rolu continues with his bad boy act. He doesn’t like the food, he’s not comfortable, she’s stupid etc. She should stay home and cook for him and act like the wife she is. For some reason she says this gives her pause to kiss him. DOUBLE BLECH!!!

She crawls toward him and kisses him. They end up making out. Hmmm.

Now to Mona and Ma. She feels lonely. But Ma is there. Nope she misses Mau. Ma thinks hopefully they will reconcile but he’s united himself with the worst enemy Marcos. Ma won’t leave her lonely. Alright, if she hates Mona so much eventually this has to give. Mona reminisces about the fountain. Mau about when they adopted the kids.

Aldo is not sin drogas. He is paying someone for drugs.

Lalu shows up at Xime’s for Arnie. Xime yells for Arni, and Rolu yells at her for making a scene. Lalu yells at him for being rude to her. She calms them all down. Lalu isn’t in on the turn of events apparently.
Eventually Xime convinces Arni to go for his daily dose of gayland and Rolu acts rude to her again.

Val leaves Ali and Issy. Issy springs she has a plan to make Val happy with Mau again and Ali agrees to be in on it. More molasses extra thick. Yuck, Ali’s head is soooo stuck in it, I can see it dripping slowly down her face..

Marcos shows up to Mau’s to tell him he is now legally the Pa of the kids. Amazing what money can buy, eh? Sheesh. Mau signs some papers and boom it’s all back to normal again! Ah the shining saint of Marcos.

Issy has to go to the docs.

We are back with Xime, who is standing on her head? She is wondering what else she can do to show him she has something in her head. He just wants her out of his sight.

Marc is happy Mau is happy and thinks this will make her happy too. Ah but he now hears Mona has fallen victim to the Vibora venom. Marc swears he’ll incapacitate that woman and help get Val back.

Rolu continues with the insults. Xime skips her first thing but tells him how hot she gets when he talks that way and smiles his mad smile. She says if he could only walk they could make love like crazy. He tells her there are other ways to make her feel “love” Atta Boy!!! He tells her to lay there next to him. Ah they share smiles and we have to wonder…. :)

Arni and Lalu chat and the nugget is that Xime has self esteem problems. Arni thinks he needs to help her since she is helping him. Lalu wants his help to just kiss him. Nope.

Mona is practicing at the gym with Cesar she spews bitter things about her Pa she tries to convince Cesar that Marc is going to poison Nieves. Cesar doesn’t take too long to fall and swears he’ll protect Nieves. She encourages him to practice fighting. He ends up training instead!!!

Mau is about to leave to go see his kids when Beto shows up. Marc wonders where he’s been he was supposed to work. Beto learns the news about the kids. Marc tells him to keep quiet for now not to upset Coni.

After commercial, Coni is going to the gym and Jacqui has yogurt on her face because she is getting together with Marc tonight and wants to look good while they reminisce about old times. Has anyone ever put yogurt on his or her face? Does it do anything? Just as Coni is repulsed by her Ma talking about her Dad, Mau shows up with some police to take back his kids. Coni bites back, but our ever lawful Cris says sorry but you have to follow what is written. Dani and Lu come out and there is a super happy reunion. Lu spits a little at the momia, who of course spits back. Nice. Ma is pleased at all this.

We see Aldo walking the long journey. He sees some drugged out kids and joins them in their vice.

Marc is telling Beto he doesn’t want a janitor for a son in law he wants a general director of Sermeno Group. Beto is all offended thinking he’s out of the running and how could he say this now, but turns out he’s movin’ on up….to the top…because Beto is going to be the new general director…. :) Oh heavens…..


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Twin Decisons: The Fire or The Ice; The Convent or the Icy Fop

Meanwhile back at the daisy petal plucking method of choosing men, then the crypt of Constanza. Regina says no one can fill the hole of a lost mother. She wonders who MdeRosario can be and Leonarda muses that she is so talented that no one suspects that she killed Constanza and no one suspects that Rosario’s crypt is actually empty but she effectively killed her too.

Said Rosario is thanking the whining servant thanking for her help and saying she is her only friend and just seems to have noticed that the woman cannot speak.

Juan looks at the nets and the stars and says he could find his mother in one of the stars as Orion sits in the background. If not for Remegio he would not have survived so he needs to search for him. he owes him much. A youth steals a fish off the fire and is chased down by the laughing men.

Back at the convent, draped in 3 times the white gown needed Regina prays to be accepted in the house of god and cured of her wounds. Another nun in black tells her that Mother X will receive her now.

Juan talks about worry the youngster they saw last night. The lad professes to fish better that all these old men. and Juan invites him to tell of family. He says he has no mother or father and flinches to the ground at Juan’s touch. Juan reveals his whip slashed back. Were do you live? Show me your house. Juan and the men follow the child.

Mother Superior ask Regina if her father has permitted this, yes. Why do you want to take the habit and orders. Regina says a man whom she loved with all her out has elijedo, chosen another woman.

The tough child beater confronts Juan and the kid. Juan offers to take the kid off his hands.

MomSuper says this is not a good enough excuse, it is for those who chose the saintly rooms. Regina then confesses that she is being forced by her father. to marry a man whom she does not love. She begs for an opportunity. This convent is not a place to disobey your father. Is it worse to trick a man whom you do not love than to disobey your father.

Noel asks Rodrigo why he punishes Regina and urges him to Noel then cuts to the chase why has Rodrigo kept his anger about Rosario all these years and her desire to be with Juan de Dios?

Where did you find the child of Rosario this Noel says that the child survived. He tells him he received a letter fro mJuan de Dios but Rodrigo was out gadding about so Noel got it. The love child of M de Rosario is wandering around Are you going to abandon your own blood. So he took him in . Who died falling off the horse. The child must be taken care of . My son is honest and just and he will protect Juan like some one of the family and he has done it. Rodrigo tears up the letter and threatens that if this subject isn’t dead to all of them it will be terrible for all of them. HIs eyes flicker in nerves bursting out of his neck.

Juan finishes thrashing the unrepentant father of the child who claims he is so white and that somehow justifies his abuse, Juan leads the crying lad off away from the sandy defeated father.

Juan plays beach games with the well clad fisherman. Juan professes that he is going to get all dressed up to go ask for the hand of Aimee.

Aimee admires herself in the mirror and says that Renato is tender and thoughtful and it will be better to have his fortune than just her father’s, although aren’t they the same thing. Aimee, thinks deeply that Renato is giving such lovely flattering attention and she cannot fathom why her sister Regina urged her to promise to be faithful to Renato if she decides to marry him. Aimee promises Clemencia that she is incapable of hurting Renato. Clemencia says Regina told her of the intrigue with a strange man on the ship. Aimee denies all and begs Clemencia to believe her.

Arcadio complains that Leo has not come to see him since Rod has returned. and she says she doesn't’ t want to be discovered. Arcadio would like to Rod to know that after all these years she has been someone else and been his.

Rodrigo says this bastard had nothing to do with the Ocas. Noel says he is unjust. Rodrigo shows his eye tic again saying since the death of M de Rosario he has no interest in the bastard or anything associated with it.
Fop Federico follows Fulgencio into a cave, (is this his father?) He asks for help and Fulgencio directs him to a trunk which has bags of something and a rifle. Don Fulgencio demands that he work with him again if he wants help. He throws him a few coins and says he must discover who is against him (flash of someone being shot from a horse and hitting his head on a stone, sorry I missed this scene?)

Back on the fishing boat the men joke with the boy and Juan says he will take care of him.

Federico talks with Gabriel and Gab want s to know why Fed is being so inquisitive about his boss.

Rod and Fed meet in front of an impressive door and he says he must help Don Fulgencio. This seems to please Rodrigo who must be involved in the smuggling business to enhance his upper class investment activity. Rod says lets go have a coffee which is of course a stronger drink in a brandy snifter. They discuss that perhaps Regina will come to her senses and accept him and reject the convent. Rodrigo opines Ojala this come to pass.

Regina enters her rather opulent convent room which has beautiful pictures candles and lots of niceties . She prays and cries, prays and cries.

Renato looks at a huge diamond ring (the ice) with a jeweler. He does not care what the cost is of this big rock looks like at least 3 carats, He prays all he desires is Aimee will accept his love.

Leo sends Rosenda off and scolds Aimee that she is not to mention Rosario again. She was a traitor to her father and must not be . She hears a voice and says perhaps her father just suffers because of the betrayal of a woman. She thinks a man of the same class is who she should marry and that would be Renato but who she truly loves is the fiery Juan (the fire). She thinks back on the passion.while she does the daisy thing again with Renato or Juan. Renato or Juan she kisses the petals sensually on the Juan petals. the Renato petals drop quietly to the floor. hmmmm.

Rodrigo and Federico stroll and see Madam Marlena and her bevy of beauties. He asks them to join him for a little party at the Finca and won’t take no for an answer. The Frenchman finally accepts when Rod says he won’t take no of and answer. Marlena hides behind her fan.
Last scene and next time: The villagers sell vegetables and fish while the sombrero one watches from the grass. Maid keeps flowers and remembers that gardenias were found at Rosario's grave. Who could have brought those special flowers.

Juan shares all the money handing it out to the fishermen and the child. he avers he doesn’t need any of it and he is very proud of them. His friend remembers how just and good his father was. too.

Renato has something to say to Aimee and gives her the box I hope you will like it . She starts to protest abut remembers her fathers’ threat of the convent. and she says she cannot go with Juan and passion because she needs the life she is accustomed to. Renato professes his love since he saw her again when she . She doesn’t know what to say. He only wants her to say she will accept, he wants her to want to marry him. We exit to a fiery shirtless Juan. Tomorrow decisions come to a head: passion or position, fresh fish or diamonds, fire or ice. Later we will get to the convent -vs- the fop.


El Clon, Tues. March 10- Guilt, guilt, guilt (and the mouth)

I'm sure my recap won't be as amusing as the one Paula did yesterday. Of course, I don't have as good material. Instead of the mad scientist, we have the consumed-with-guilt scientist and the broccoli rubber band was barely in this episode. On the other hand, we did not have another screaming match with Leo and Cristina so that's a good thing.

This is guilt-stricken Albieri. Dora thanks him for making her baby and Albieri looks stricken. Silvia asks what is the matter and what happened to the other 31 eggs and Albieri looks stricken.

Marisa and Lucas discuss yesterday's kiss. Marisa says that she didn't kiss Lucas because she thought he was Diego. Lucas tells her how he used to pretend that he was Diego and kiss Diego's girlfriends but not her. When Marisa says that she wouldn't have been deceived, Lucas agrees that the women preferred Diego's kisses. Shameless manipulator that she is, Marisa tells Diego that she liked his kiss a lot more; it was passionate, very emotional and tender. It's too bad she got here after Lucas is all happy with Jade.

A guilt-stricken Albieri tells Silvia that there was an accident with the eggs and he asks her to forgive him, then he runs out.

Luisa tells Silvia that she thinks Albieri fell asleep in the lab. Silvia says that she deserves an explanation. Then Luisa does something really stupid. Without asking Albieri, she replaces the picture of his dead fiancee with her picture in the frame on Albieri's desk. Silvia is dubious but Luisa has it all figured out: Albieri went to seminary but lost his faith and then he fell in love with a woman who died and that is why it is hard for him to give his heart. Luisa has convinced herself that Albieri is changing - didn't he propose to her? Silvia can't imagine Albieri in a seminary. She says that he is the biggest atheist (ateo) she has ever met.

Dora tells Vicki that she is sure that she is pregnant. She is going to take of herself and read parenting books so that she will be the best mother in the world.

A guilt-stricken Albieri goes into a church and asks the Lord what he has done.

Leo and Enrique are in a bar with a couple of women. Of all the bars in Miami, Norma is in this one, too. She calls Cristina to let her know. Naturally Cristina has to go there. In vain does Vicki tell her indifference will hurt Leo the most. Cristina is in such a hurry that she won't answer the phone.

It's Jade calling. Latifa points out to her that things aren't working too well with Lucas' plan to marry her - every day it's another excuse. Jade makes more excuses: Lucas is a student; they're waiting for his father to support them; Lucas can't just take any job. Latifa contrasts this with the sacrifice of family and religion that Jade is making. She says that Lucas had better get his act together because Ali is leaving next week and taking Jade with him back to Morocco.

A guilt-stricken Albieri is at home while Luisa tells him not to worry about about the incident with the eggs. She is sure that the embryo implanted in Dora will take. Albieri smiles weakly.

Nariza is the mouth that never stops. She harasses Mohamed to tell her what he said that got Said so worried.

Finally, Mohamed can't take it anymore. He tells her that the problem is that Jade doesn't want to marry Said because she is in love with a Westerner. That shuts her up for a second.

Cristina comes to the bar and sees Leo dancing with another woman. Instead of confrontation, thank God, she decides to make Leo jealous by dancing with and kissing a random guy. Enrique keeps Leo from confronting her and Leo leaves the bar. This is interspersed with flashback by both of them to happier times. Cristina tells Vicki that from now on Leo is dead to her. She will never mention his name again. [We should be so lucky.]

A guilt-stricken Albieri is having dinner with Luisa. She asked how it was that he became an atheist. He says that it was the solitude. It was hard to believe in God when he felt so alone. The doorbell rings. It's Lucas. He wants Albieri to talk to Leo about Islamic customs and why Jade isn't taking advantage of him and why Lucas needs to marry Jade. Albieri agrees. Lucas says that there isn't much time. Ali is taking Jade back to Morocco next week. Albieri is surprised to learn that Ali is in town.

The mouth is still going. Nariza has decided that Ali has come to Miami to get Jade married to Said right away to keep the shame from his family. Nariza is determined that the marriage must not happen and she is going back to Morocco to give Said a piece of her mouth, I mean mind. Latifa is unable to conceal her joy at news that Nazira is leaving, much to Mohamed's annoyance.

Enrique tries to interest Leo in his new girlfriend but he is focused on Cristina.

Lucas is trying to get a job but is not doing too well since he doesn't have the education or experience for the positions he is seeking.

Leo sends for Lucas to come to the office. Lucas complains about always having to do what his father wants and contrasts his experience with Diego who didn't let himself be pushed around. Mama Rosa says that Diego and Leo were exactly the same and they understood each other but Lucas is like his mother - tranquil and calm. She liked music and art. Lucas tries to summon some backbone. He says that if he has to, he will fight with his father. No one will choose his destiny for him.

Albieri finds the photo switch on his desk and lashes out at Luisa. She apologizes and then tells him in a hurt voice where the other photo is and walks out.

Poor Albieri, now he has two things to feel guilty about. Albieri is about to apologize when someone comes into the lab and the opportunity is lost. Albieri gets Dora's address off the computer in Silvia's office and lies to Luisa about that and about where he is going.

The mouth is packing up her stuff to return to Morocco. She tells Jade that lenient people like Ali are not punishing people who violate the customs and this is sending the whole society to hell in a handbasket. Jade escapes from the mouth and sits down next to Ali. Nariza tells Latifa that she will return soon to take care of her brothers. When Ali says that since Nazira is returning to Morocco, the date of Jade's wedding could be moved up, everybody throws cold water on that idea.

A scantily clad woman scandalizes Latifa and Mohamed. The tolerant Ali says that every group of people have their own culture that they think is superior to the others. Nariza takes the opportunity to say that the cultures shouldn't mix. As an example, she says that someone raised in the West couldn't adapt to Moroccan culture. Ali doesn't respond. Everyone but Jade leaves for the airport.

Jade calls Cristina. Cristina says that Lucas won't take her calls. She is sure that it is Leo's fault. Jade arranges to come and talk to Cristina.

Albieri drives to where Dora lives. He meets her on the street but he can't do whatever it was he had in mind. They have a mindless conversation and Albieri pretends that he is looking for an address.

A very glum Said meets Zoraida in the medina. She tells him that Nazira is on her way back to Morocco and that Ali and Jade are coming back the following week. Said refuses her invitation to go home with her for some mint tea that will make him feel better. Zoraida returns home and tells another woman who works in the house that Jade is in love with Lucas. Said is lurking outside the lattice and overhears. He is impactado.

The credits roll.


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