Wednesday, July 21, 2010

El Clon, Wed., July 21 - Summary for Discussion

His parents think Amin is the next Carl Sagan
Jade has rare flash of intelligence
Gloria wins mother of the year

In spite of looking like a deer in the headlights when Said tells Jade to produce the gift for Rania that she went out to get, amazingly, Jade has thought ahead and actually gotten a gift. Said can't say anything.

Amin is checking out planet K for Karla with a telescope when Abdul comes in. The telescope [which would have to be mounted on a tripod to be used] rises rapidly towards the celestial planets.
'Amin estába mirando las estrellas', Amin was watching the stars, Abdul announces proudly to Mohamed and Latifa. His parents are thrilled and give him a book on astronomy. Zamira and Jadiya are not deceived as to his real interest. 'Alá te agarró por el copete ¿y no te das cuenta?' Don't you realize that Allah got you for your arrogance, says Jadiya. (I'm guessing here. Literally, copete means a tuft of hair but it also means arrogance. Or maybe you would say, Allah has you by the short and curlies.)

The Naz claims to have a terrible headache and asks to be left alone in her room. Once there, she miraculously recovers and states that no one is going to decide her future any more.

Luisa comes to see Dora and explains that she didn't have the courage to go to Morocco. She finds out from Dora that Albieri was with the priest and asks to see him. The two women ask for information on Albieri's whereabouts and plans but Father Andres claims the secret of the confessional. He does say that Albieri isn't crazy. Luisa asks to confess the priest. She says that Daniel is the worst error that has happened to Albieri. The padre asks if Albieri is Daniel's father and Luisa says that Albieri mixed up two embryos but it wasn't his fault.

'Daniel, ¿qué sentirías si fuera un clon?' Daniel, what would you feel if you were a clon? Albieri asks Daniel out of the blue. Daniel replies that it would be like having an identical twin. A twin that was 20 years older, clarifies Albieri. Daniel then says that he would be afraid that he would suddenly die like Dolly the sheep. Albieri claims that Dolly did not die from being a clone.

Lucas is in the restaurant when Cristina comes in. He tries to avoid her but fails. He claims to be in Fez on business. [I'm confused. Does Lucas know that Jade is marrying Zein? I thought Jade didn't know who he was. If he doesn't know, why isn't he more surprised at Cristina suddenly turning up in Morocco?] Lucas meets Zein and is invited to the wedding.

0:13 Albieri continues the 'what if game' with Daniel. If you were a clone, what would think about the scientist who created you? asks Albieri. No scientist in his right mind would clone a human being, says Daniel firmly. It's illegal.

Clara introduces Fernando to Rogelio but he is not friendly.

Malicia thinks that Clara hooked up with Rogelio on purpose to get her fired. (That's something you would do, Malicia.)

Gloria tells Rosa that she doesn't know where Nati and Alej are living. She also says that she used to support their relationship but no more since Nati started taking drugs. Rosa denies that Nati drinks or takes drugs. Gloria can't convince Rosa and neither does the maid in the Ferrer house who had come to the same conclusion on seeing Nati's behavior. [When two people tell you the same thing independently, mama Rosa, you should take it seriously.]

The Naz goes out dancing. She is surprised to find Abdul and Latifa up when she comes home. The Naz claims to have gone to the pharmacy for her illness with her high-heeled dancing shoes and Abdul buys that. Then poor Latifa has to serve her leftovers and tea in her room.

Malicia blackmails Luisa (in Anita's hearing) to try and get Rogelio to dump Clara. She then claims to Anita that she and Albieri have nothing to hide.

Albieri arranges to visit Ali with Daniel that evening.

Jade catches Rania and Amina messing with her stuff. They have an argument and Said comes in. He takes Rania's side and says,
'Ella carga a mi hijo. Si peleas con Rania, peleas conmigo,' She is carrying my child. If you fight with Rania, you are fighting with me.' Rania smirks.

Jade wants Zoraida to see what the coffee grounds say about her plan to run off on her wedding day. Zoraida replies that the coffee grounds are stuck on the same old prophecy but now the past and and the present have already crossed and the shadow that is detached from the body is getting closer to her.

Albieri takes Daniel to the famous ruins and loses him.

Amalia tells Leo that she is going to kidnap him for a pre-nuptial trip to see if they can handle living together.

Clara asks Roberto if he has a problem with Fernando. She says that Andrea now meets Fernando at Clara's house. This is news to Roberto. He tells Clara that Fernando brought drugs to his house. Clara is impactada. Roberto says that if Leo finds out, Fer will be fired. He says that they have enough problems with Enrique.

Malicia spreads her malice about Cristina to Diana and gives Pablo the news that Cristina went out of town. Pablo seems surprised that Cristina didn't tell him [How could she? He wouldn't answer her calls.]

Abdul watches Hilda and Karla prance by and tells Amin that they will burn in hell and so will the men who watch them. He shoos Amin inside and then reserves a place in hell for himself by ogling Gloria. He fantasizes about Gloria belly dancing for him.

Alej and Nati come to Gloria's. Nati apologizes for what happened the other day. Gloria accepts Nati but tells her not to get her 'baby' involved in that stuff because she won't forgive her.
'Si necesitas ayuda, aqui estoy yo', If you need help, I'm here. [What a great mom Gloria is!!! and what a contrast to Marisa!!!

Zamira wants to go to a party. Latifa is afraid that if she goes and Mohamed finds out, it will be cause for Mohamed to take a second wife. Jadiya pipes up on the evils of second wives. She says that if Rania has a son, Said will love him more than her. Latifa protests this idea but Zamira says that it is true - just look at what Amin gets away with.

Mohamed tells Latifa that Abdul has made arrangements with the best families in Fez and Amin and Zamira will get engaged when they are in Morocco. Latifa protests mildly that they should wait until the children are older but Mohammed insists that this will bring his children closer to their religion and that he knows best. As usual, Latifa capitulates.

Clara tells Fernando that she knows he is taking drugs.

Albieri comes to Ali's house. 'Ayuda me. No puedo mas,' Help me, I can't take any more. He says that Daniel has been lost since the previous evening and he is lost, too. Ali replies that Albieri seems to be more concerned about himself than his godson. Albieri confuses things more while Ali is organizing the search party by telling him that Albieri doesn't have a photograph of Daniel but Ali will recognize him.

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, July 20: Ep 107--All he ever Juanted was justice!

Happy Columbian Independence Day!

And tonight on Ley y Orden: Veracruz…

Assume that the gallery is as rowdy as ever and that the judge bangs his gavel every few minutes and threatens them all with being thrown out and/or calling a halt to the proceedings. It will save me the trouble of having to say it over and over again.

Captain Bretón gives his testimony: He was told to apprehend Juan and turn him over to the authorities. He locked him and his crew up in his hold, but there was a storm and he was injured. The engines messed up and they were in danger of shipwreck. The first mate freed the prisoners and they helped the ship survive the storm. Juan wasn't threatened or bribed to take charge of the ship. He got on deck and gave orders to save the ship. Juan's men obey him blindly. He never feared that Juan would double-cross him because Juan is a man "con palabra" and he's never known a more "audaz" captain as Juan, who saved all their lives.

Regina beams proudly at Juan.

MdR senses something bad is happening to Juan. Jimena and Jacinta calm her down and encourage her to rest. Jimena offers to go to town and gather intel. MdR feels danger around Juan. She prays to the Virgen.

Renato points out that Juan hasn't always been so generous to his enemies. Juan says he doesn't feel any obligation to be and that he is just as capable of returning blow for blow. The judge threatens for the millionth time that people need to behave themselves. Noel begs Juan to chill out.

Phillipe tries to be an ironworker. Results are predictable.

Mariela prays to the Virgen for understanding. Fifi comes in and prays for forgiveness for being a sinner. She just wants a chance to prove her love to Remigio. Mariela notices Fifi praying and crying and asks her what's wrong.

Aimee paces her room and fusses to Celia. She hopes the captain gives Juan her message. Celia asks what it said. Aimee said she reminded him how much she loves and misses him…especially his "abrazos" his "besos"…and also she begged him not to say what happened between them. But she didn't sign it and she asked him to destroy it after he reads it. She's afraid of being killed.

Bretón leaves the stand, shakes Juan's hand, and passes him the note. The Judge gripes at Bretón for speaking to Juan and touching him. Bretón gives Renato a dirty look. Juan starts to sneak a look at the note, but changes his mind.

Mariela's parents wonder what's going on with her. Grandma thinks she's just confused after so many years of searching. Salma eavesdrops. Grandpa hopes that Salma, uh, Angela doesn't leave. Grandma says they need to show Angela their love so she won't leave.

Mariela and Fifi sit in the café. Mariela notices the dirty looks and says loudly that everyone makes mistakes, they're all human. Mariela asks if she's really sorry for what she did. Fifi is upset about what happened to Remigio. She doesn't want to leave the port until she has his forgiveness. Mariela says she'll give her a chance. She'll give her a job. Fifi kisses her hand in gratitude. She goes to get her stuff and says she'll meet Mariela back at Sr. de Marin's house. Mariela gives a dirty look to the people at the next table and walks out.

Salma comes in crying that Griselda abandoned her and now she's all alone. Grandma says they're her family. Grandpa says they have no doubt that she's Angela. They beg her to be patient with Mariela. Grandma says they'll make it up to her and Grandpa says they'll go buy her lots of clothes.

Gabe testifies that Juan took care of him after his parents died and was like a friend, advisor, and parent to him. He taught Gabe to be a good man, an honest man. Gabe doubts many of the men present care about law and justice.

Leonarda testifies that Juan's a big creep and has been offensive to all the decent families in port. He's a threat to society, so they shouldn't have any consideration for him. The fishermen object.

Pedro testifies that Juan always helps those in need.

Santos objects to them wanting to lock Juan up for getting justice.

Eusebio asks how long the law will always side with the rich instead of the poor.

Salma enjoys her shopping spree. She lays it on thick about how she never had anything and now she wants to take it all. Of course the grandparents insist.

Clemencia testifies that Juan has always been hurt and rejected by his own family. She says he's a generous man, as good as his parents. He's innocent, and if they punish him it will be as unfair as it was when they punished his father.

Philippe discards his dreams of being a fisherman or an ironworker and moves on to cake-maker.

Federico testifies he both witnessed and suffered Juan's violence and aggression. Juan deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life.

Eloisa (why the hell is she on the stand?) testifies that Juan's very rude and the proof is him riding into Aimee and Renato's wedding on his horse!

Fully testifies that he was impressed with Juan at first, but then he realized that Juan's passion often blinded him. He's always thought that men who are ruled by their passions are weak and not trustworthy.

Doc Miranda testifies that Juan has just ideals and he understands how angry he gets at exploiters.

The judge makes a little speech about no one being above the law, i.e., using violence, even in the name of justice, or justice loses its good name and becomes revenge. Renato smarmily agrees with the judge. He makes a little speech about needing to make an example of Juan. Regina tells him to shut up already. She tells the judge it's time for her to talk and tell everyone who Juan really is. She makes puppy dog eyes at the judge. The judge tells her to come on down…she's the next contestant on The Pescador is Right!

She grabs at Juan's hand, gets pulled away by Renato, gets griped at by the judge, Juan yells at Renato for touching his wife…the judge says one more outburst and the trial will go on without Juan's presence. Reggie begs the judge to listen carefully to her.

Jimena and Mariela run into each other, literally.

Reggie says she doesn't want them to commit another act of cruelty against Juan for being generous, taking pity on others, defending those who have nothing…those are his crimes? Reggie also believes in justice.

Mariela and Jimena hug and cry. Turns out neither one left town after all. Mariela feels some kind of pull toward the town. Jimena is living down on the beach since after her aunt sold her to a tavern owner.

Reggie says they can't condemn Juan for taking in a defenseless child, for defending himself against those who attacked him, for trying to give things back to their proper owners. Renato asks for permission to question Reggie. Damnit, people, quit calling her señorita already! It makes me want to chew on my fan while sitting in a bathtub fully clothed! Renato asks if she agreed to marry Juan because of his generosity. "That's not important." The judge says she wanted to testify, so she's got to tell the truth now. "No. I didn't marry him because of his generosity. I had another impression of him when I met him." Renato asks what that impression was. "I looked down on him." And how did that turn into love in such a short time? "I married him because I was forced to." Did he know you didn't love him? "Yes." Did he love you? "No. He didn't love me either." And even so, he made you marry him to make you suffer, to punish you, to get revenge on the family through you. Noel objects. The judge agrees. Renato asks if this isn't enough to show Juan's alleged generosity. Juan asks to speak. He says he needs to tell the truth, a truth that's been a secret, but that he can't hide anymore. He wants everyone to know, even if it's going to make people uncomfortable. They all need to know so they don't judge people so lightly, because most of the time appearances are deceiving. Reggie gets weepy and gives Juan puppy dog eyes.

Aimee stews and paces some more. She finds a watch and bitches that it's taking too long and she doesn't know what's happening. She hopes Juan won't say anything about the two of them or the jig is up for her.

The judge won't let Juan talk until he gives permission. He says Juan will speak, but not until the Judge says he can. Renato says it's painful for him to have to make Reggie talk about intimate things. Bastard. And dumbass. If she testifies that she and Juan haven't slept together, that makes Juan look like a pretty decent guy. Or kind of a dumbass. Anyway…in the middle of his supposed "interrogating" Renato, I guess, keeps moving for the jury to just throw the book at Juan already, which probably makes perfect sense in a lawyerly kind of way, but also sounds like he's heading straight for closing arguments without having finished interrogating all the witnesses or having given Juan's side a chance to defend. I find it annoying. Society has to be protected against Juan, he needs to be made an example of, etc. If Reggie insists on being a loyal wife to Juan, then Renato asks the judge to help him fix his mistake. Juan looks worriedly at the judge.

Salma thanks the fake grandparents for all the swag they bought her. They see Jimena and Mariela sitting in the square together. Jimena tells Mariela that Grizzy always treated her badly and Salma never lived with Grizzy. They only met her in Veracruz. Salma goes to make a scene about Mariela talking to Jimena.

Noel and Renato conference with the judge at his table. Reggie whispers to Juan to please not accuse Aimee or Renato will kill her. The judge tells Noel and Renato to go back to their places. The judge gives Juan permission to talk or to have Noel talk for him. Noel says he has a few things to say about Juan so that everyone can hear them. Juan can be locked up, chained up, but his soul, his character, and his indomitable soul will never be broken. Juan is a victim of the lack of values that some families have, who know the price of everything and the value of nothing, as is the case of Leonarda and Rodrigo Montes de Oca. Real honor and justice need to go to who deserves it. How can you ask a man to behave in accordance with the law and principles when he was abandoned as a newborn by his own family? They denied him his rights, and still Juan has shown that he has more values than those who are accusing him. Juan deserves an apology and forgiveness and for them to repair the damange they have caused him by turning him into who he is. Juan deserves to be reintegrated into the society he's been kicked out of because of the "maldad" and "avaricia" of his own family. Juan thanks Noel, but asks for the opportunity to defend himself.

Juan says he's not going to deny the truth. A lot of people here don't care why he did what he did. A few minutes ago, when he asked to tell the truth, he only wanted to clarify to Renato that if all of this is necessary to take away from Juan what is his by law, what's legally his--his wife--he won't do it. He won't take her away from him. That's all. Reggie thanks Juan for taking pity on Aimee after having done him so much harm. The judge tells the jury to go deliberate. Then he yells at Reggie for talking to and touching Juan. She screams and won't let go when the soldiers take him away. The judge tells them to go wait outside while the jury deliberate. Reggie makes it as far as the door where Juan was dragged off. She finds the note from Aimee and snatches it. She recognizes the handwriting and cries. Oh, for pity's sake, woman, turn your damn sister in already!

Con palabra: of his word
Audaz: daring
Abrazos: hugs
Besos: kisses
Maldad: evil
Avaricia: greed


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

El Clon Tuesday July 20: Summary for Discussion

If this novela were told from Zoraida’s point of view, it would be called: Waiting for Jade. If it were Said’s story, it would be: Where’s Jade? And if it were Jade’s? Maybe: Girls just wanna have fun. Anyway, tonight we learn that in Miami, they’ll steal ANYTHING!

Jade phones Lucas at work and tells him to come to Morocco right away. Her wedding is to take place this weekend. He is to stay in the wedding hotel and they will escape together that very night. Lucas agrees.

I’m going to Jade’s wedding in Morocco, he tells Enrique. As a special guest, I suppose, says Enrique. (What category of guest would that be, Enrique? El tipo con quien Jade le puso los cuernos al primer esposo? (The guy who cuckolded Jade’s first husband?) I’m not familiar with that custom.) No, says Lucas, I’m going to prevent (impedir) the wedding. And don’t say anything to my father about it. El no sabe y no quiero que lo sepa. (He doesn’t know and I don’t want him to know.)

Mohamed tells Latifa and Nazira of Rania’s pregnancy
Said y Rania han sido bendecidos.
Said and Rania have been blessed.
The Naz’s rant about a second, more fertile wife for Mohamed is cut short: the topic is forbidden in this house, he reminds the Naz sternly. Just then, Amin comes home from school complaining that Samira didn’t wait for him. The adults are upset about the danger to poor little Amin left alone in the street and the possible paths of sin Samira is following. Abdul says she should be home learning to cook lamb, and embroider tablecloths and Mohamed is ready to pull her out of school so she can do just that.

Poor Samira is just a few steps behind her brother, telling Carlos she’ll be in Morocco for a week; he’d like her to come to a party tomorrow.

When she enters the house, she is ambushed by her angry family. She says she and Amin missed each other – she would have called, but she doesn’t have a cell phone. Mohamed acknowledges that it would be a good idea for her to have one. Me too, pipes up Amin.

In Cris’s apartment, Vicki continues to be sceptical about Malicia’s good intentions. Well, says Cris, someone has to fill in for me while I’m gone. Why not her?

Then Luisa joins them and announces that she won’t be going to Morocco. She doesn’t have the strength to see what might await her there.

At Empresa Ferrer, Clara and Carolina are admiring the roses Rogelio sent to Clara, when a surly Fernando arrives, hiding behind dark glasses. He is followed by a sweaty, frantic Albi (okay, he's always sweaty and frantic) who rushes into Leo’s office: Perdóname, he begs. I should have asked your permission. And if I could return Diego to you, a Diego the same age as he was when you lost him..
te molestarías si yo te devolviera a Diego?
... would it bother you/ would you mind if I gave Diego back to you?
Albieri, cries Leo, you promised me you’d see a doctor! He goes next door and tells Enrique that Albieri is going crazy and he should call Luisa. And they think I’m nuts, muses Enrique.

The ever-slippery Albieri has escaped, however, now he shows up at an outdoor café where Daniel is sipping a soda. Q and A time:
Daniel: ¿Quién es mi mamá? (Who is my mother?)
Albi: Tu mamá murió. (Your mother died.)
Daniel: ¿Cuándo? (When?)
Albi: Cuando tu naciste. (When you were born.)
Daniel: ¿Cómo se llamaba? (What was her name?)
Albi: Isabel.

At la Casa Ferrer, Rosa shows an old family picture to the maid:
Doña Isabel murió cuando los gemelos nacieron.
Mrs. Isabel died when the twins were born.
Lucas enters and announces that he is going to Morocco.

Samira is begging her mother for permission to go to the party Carlos has invited her to. Latifa tries to explain that the Naz and Abdul are just looking for ammunition to use against her, how precarious her position would be if Mohamed were to find out about it.

Lucas is trying, without a lot of success, to communicate with Nati. He tells her he’s going to bring Jade back from Morocco, that Jade is a good person and Nati is going to like her. Don’t bother pretending that you are interested in me, sniffs Nati. You didn’t even take the trouble to get to know Alejandro, she says. Ok, says Lucas, I’ll talk with him; but it will have to wait. I have a lot of work to do today and tomorrow I leave for Morocco. When I get back…

And in Fez, Rania is all smiles, so Pretty in Pink. Said kisses her belly appreciatively and gives her an elaborate gold necklace that Jadiya would probably love. Zoraida comes in to say the (sacrificial) lambs are ready. (Let’s hope she is not including Jade in their number). And Said goes out in the Medina to share his blessing by giving food to the people he meets. (This probably goes over better in Fez than it does in Miami).

In the apartment in Miami, Prince Amin overhears Samira telling Jadiya about the party and he threatens to tell his father. Jadiya and Samira's warning to Amin that gossips are doomed to él mármol del infierno is interrupted when Mohamed comes in to tell Jadiya that she is going to have a little brother or sister (hermanito). My mother is expecting a baby? she asks, her face lighting up. No, clarifies Mohamed. Rania is expecting. Jadiya’s face falls.

At home in Fez, Ali receives a surprising call from Albieri. Voy para Marruecos. (I’m going to Morocco), he says. I have something to confess to you. Me pongo en tus manos. (I’m putting myself in your hands.)

In Miami, Luisa asks Cris to bring Albieri back to her. I’ll drag him back if I have to, says Cris. (I’m thinking Cris should have some kind of super hero costume, or at least a cape).

And Marisa is visiting Lucia. The woman are bemoaning the difficulties of parenting. (I suppose Marisa needs a hobby while Said is in Morocco). They try to get Andrea to tell them what is going on with Nati. Andrea says to Marisa:
Tú debes prestar más atención a Natalia.
You have to pay more attencion to Natalia. (Present indicative of ‘deber’, have to)
Deberías aceptar a Alejandro.
You ought to accept Alejandro. (Conditional of ‘deber’, should or ought to)
(Excellent advice, Andrea. Too bad la cabeza de fósforo isn’t listening.)

Nati goes up to Alej at the gym. Hold me, she says. I’m afraid. Do you still want to live with me? he asks her. I have a little place (un lugarcito)…

And Pablo shows up at Gloria’s to pick up Alej’s stuff, much to her displeasure:
¡Cómo que Alejandro te pidió que vinieras por sus cosas! Mal amigo!
What do you mean Alejandro asked you to come for his things! Bad friend!

At Casa Ferrer, Rosa remarks that it’s nice to see Nati looking happy for a change. But where are you going? Nati's not telling.

Osvaldo shows up outside Dora’s house with a used car that may have some unpaid tickets. A police officer approaches and asks for his license and registration, runs them and finds an outstanding arrest warrant for Osvaldo. He failed to show up for the Karla hearing last week. As the cop is leading him away, poor Osvaldo says “I never did anything to Karla.” Who’s Karla? wonders Dora.

Zein and Cris have arrived in Fez and they are walking through the Medina.

Jade thinks Lucas must have arrived too and wants Zoraida to come with her to look for him. An exasperated Zoraida refuses to go along. Said wants to know what they are talking about and Jade tells him she wants to buy a gift for Rania’s baby. Good idea, says Said. You should go with her, Zoraida. (hah!)

In the Medina, Zein catches his first fleeting glimpse of Jade; then she runs off, out of his sight. She finds Lucas and they agree to meet at the ruins. (because no one will ever find them there or even think of looking for them there.)

At Ali’s house, Rania and Amina gloat over their triumph. Do you think Jade is dying of envy? asks Rania.

At the ruins Jade tells Lucas she has brought the needed tickets, passports, and money… Lucas tells her the house is all ready. Yo nunca te voy a renunciar a ti, he promises. (I’ll never give you up – not like some people we know!)

In Miami, Dora goes to the bar to ask Miguel about Karla. He assures her that since Dora and Osvaldo got back together, Karla has been out of the picture. Tell me the truth, says Dora.

And Alejandro shows Nati the new, smaller place which a bar customer loaned him while he is on a trip. Your mother doesn’t like me any more because of what happened the other day, right? asks Nati. (...ya no me quiere, verdad, por lo del otro día?) He tries to reassure her.

Marisa discovers that Natalia has left the family home once again. Rosa offers to go to Gloria’s to look for her, but Marisa tells her not to bother. The policy now is going to be indiferencia total.

Lucia asks Andrea what is really going on with Nati. I’ll just tell you, says Andrea, that she’d be better off with Alejandro. Consuelo, the maid/Secret Skank Agent leaves for the day. Lucia remarks that she is very happy with her work, she even leaves little chocolates on the pillows, like they do in hotels. If you say so, says Andrea, but I think there’s something strange (extraña) about her.

Extraña doesn’t begin to cover it. Consuelo meets up with Hilda and Karla. Mission accomplished she cries as she extracts a baggie (which appears to contain used condoms!) from a manila envelope. Karla looks at it with disgust while the others snicker. Then they hurry to put their treasure in the freezer.

Meanwhile at Empresa Ferrer Roberto is holding forth to Enrique about how women can try to confuse you. (He has no idea. Up to now, he has only dealt with garden-variety neurotics, not sociopaths.) Leo interrupts the boys. He is upset to learn that Lucas has left. Enrique feels personally attacked by Leo’s anger and reaches, as ever, for his flask. Carolina catches him in the act. Finally, she declares: I have had it! (Estoy harta!)

In the Medina, Zoraida stands and waits, as ever, for Jade. She is surprised by Said’s joining her. Where’s Jade? he wants to know. At the goldsmith’s (orfebre) answers Zoraida. I’ll wait for her here with you, offers Said companiably.

Cris and Zein are at a café in Fez and he tells her about the woman he saw: No he podido sacarla de la cabeza. (I haven’t been able to get her out of my head). Tenía un halo de misterio, pasión y rebeldía. (She had an aura of mystery, passion and defiance) Cris recalls the incident with Diego twenty years ago that led to her break up with Leo. She felt the same strong attraction on the opening night of the bar, she saw the same look (when she encountered Daniel in his bedouin robes)

Albieri and Daniel have finally made it to Morocco and are careening along the highway while Albi tells Daniel what wonders await him.

Said and Zoraida are still waiting for Jade. Debe estar muy lejos la tienda (the store must be very far away) he remarks acidly. Just then, Jade breezes up.
¿Conseguiste el regalo que fuiste a comprar?
Did you get the gift you went to buy? he wants to know.


Dinero #157 July 20, 2010 Pepeto fails and will Dandy be Carmela's next meal? Plus a schemes all over the place

Sorry for the delay in posting this recap. I almost forgot that it was my turn tonight. Some things may be out of order and maybe even incomplete as I had to recap without the aid of any notes. A special shout out to everyone out there who agreed with me that Pepeto didn't have it. (Sorry Rafa).

So from the last scene of the last episode we have Ale demanding that Rafa tell her what he knows.
Arcadia and Beltran are talking in Beltran's office and they both can't believe what their top executives have done. Arcadia begins to wonder if they acted hastily. Just then Marino enters to find out what has happened. Obviously he is kicked out unceremoniously.

Rafa starts to tell Ale about Marco but then changes the subject. He and Ale have just been fired and that is the only thing that matters now. They go back and forth arguing who should stay in Siglo. Then Ale breaks it up by saying that either they both go or they both stay. Rafa agrees and proposes something to Ale. But nobody knows what it is for now.

In another scene Marino tells Claudia that Medina and Ale are out. Marino starts acting like the new boss. Claudia thinks to herself that she has created a monster.
Rafa and Ale go to Beltran's office (to put into action Rafa's plan, I would assume) and they convince Beltran of leaving them with a job until the end of the month.
Outside of Beltran's office they celebrate their small triumph. Pepeto comes in and Ale leaves them to their "erotic talk".

Meanwhile Dandy and Susana are talking and we hear Susana say that she doesn't want to talk. They can talk tomorrow. Now how many times have we heard that one? Then Ale comes in and tells Susana to meet in the office. Rafa calls Dandy and they each go on their merry way.

In Ale's office Susana and Ale are discussing that there is a leak inside Siglo. (Ale is no slouch at detective is she?)
Rafa on the other hand is a little further ahead. He already knows that the leak is Claudia and that the information was provided by Marco. Plus Beltran put Rafa in a tough spot. "What do you mean?'' " I'll tellyou later."

The conversation turns to Pepeto. Was he able to seduce Carmela? Sorry to disappoint you but it seems like Pepeto is down and out. It seems that Carmela realized that all those items were nothing more than a fraud and she threw Pepeto out. They didn't even have time to have "cositas."

Dandy jumps in and argues for another strategy. Rafa cuts him off and insists there is no other way. Jimenez picks up the arguement and says that two have already tried (Jaime and Pepeto) and since they have failed then all the possibilities are gone. Rafa says that he still has one possibility left and he looks at: Dandy! Dandy isn't too happy or willing.

Back in Ale's office we see Ale and Susana talking. Ale tells her that she needs to get Dandy to talk. All this in between meditation.
Back to Rafa. Dandy still needs some convincing. The other three amigos are giving him lots of encouragement. Then he swears that he won't tell Susana anything and agrees to be the next meal for Carmela.

It's time to check in on Marco and Ale's family. Marco is telling Rosario and Jorge about all the damage that Chavez has done to the Hacienda. But hey don't worry "I am in charge of the Hacienda now." (Yeah from a rat to a fox- big difference). Just then Ale arrives from Siglo. Ale asks about Quintana and Rosario tells her that he's out in Monterrey visiting his sisters.

Speak of the devil... We find Quintana in the bar with his friend discussing his wedding with Rosario. Quintana's friend semi-insults Rosario and Quintana jumps on him. Maybe Quintana will redeem himself in the end after all? Scenes like this give me hope. Anyway, Quintana keeps scheming. He wants control of the Hacienda as well. Quintana soesn't seem to think that Marco is such a big threat. Anyway, he has dirt on him so he can't openly oppose him. Remind me again where Chavez is? Wasn't he Marco's "right hand?"

Back to Marco's apartment Ale is catching up with the conversation of the Hacienda and the damage that Chavez made. In talking Marco also mentions that ghost that has been around the Hacienda. The Alvarez del Castillo are all impactados.
Jorge goes on to shake up his memory bank and more or less remembers a decapitated person appearing around the Hacienda. But since then until now there had been no mention of this ghost. It COULD be him though.

Marco says that he will handle everything including the ghost.
Ale tells everyone that now she definitely leaves Siglo at the end of the month. Now how many times have we heard that one? That affirmation actually makes me think that Ale is not going to leave Siglo at all. Marco is all happy about Ale's decision and he goes to hold her hand. She then tells him that she will be free to help him at the Hacienda. Well Marco wasn't esxpecting that. So much so that he half drops he half throws Ale's hand on the table.

Marco continues with his grand act and repeats that the Hacienda isn't going to get out of its debts to easily. He suggests that they consider all options. That, of course, includes selling the Hacienda. Nobody is happy about that possibility.
We are now at Rafa's house and we find Jaime helping himself to a drink. Just as he's about to indulge in his drink, Rafa arrives. Rafa puts Jaime on notice about what is happening. Jaime tells Rafa that Dandy should probably go into the archives next to Carmela's office. (Yes the archives where "I almost got raped").

As Marco basically lays out his plan for the Hacienda the Alvarez del Castillo family reminds him that they are honest people and that they can't sell the Hacienda while it is under debt... reminds me of another fraud... oh yes Rafa's house!

Random scene of the night: Jimenez' home. He arrives home to his wife and her mother. He would like to rest his feet and have his wife give him a massage. Too much to ask? Considering the circumstances no. But its Jimenez' wife who demands the massage. She goes to the bedroom to wait for her massage. Her mother leaves and Jimenez wishes that she have a good rest... rest in peace that is. Jimenez rallies himself around the achievements of Rafa and looks pumped... until he drops his shoe on his foot.

Rafa and Jaime are wrapping up their talk and conclude that Dandy must gain access to that archive room by any means possible. BUT time is running out.
Ale doesn't like the proposition to sell the Hacienda. Marco tells them that he isn't the one responsible for the damage of the Hacienda. (Sure we'll go with that and jails are full of people who say they didn't do it.) Jorge reitirates his intention to give the Hacienda to Ale and Marco. In the end it will be their decision.

Marco wants to find prospective clients for the Hacienda but Ale tells him that he can do whatever he wants but she isn't behind him on that point. They bid goodnight and Marco is lining up for a kiss on the mouth. Is that disgust on Ale's face, whatever it is she kisses him on the cheek and leaves.

Our final scene has Marco thinking out loud that he needs to get a fictitious buyer for the Hacienda and have it bought in his name. That way when Ale regrets marrying him it will be too late....


Corazon Salvaje - Monday, July 19 - The trial of Juan del Diablo begins

* Soldier guard holds rifle pointed at Juan, as Juan washes up in his cell. Juan smiles and shows his clean hands to the guard. Soldier guards walk Juan out of cell and down the dungeon hallways.

* Noel and Clemencia have a private conversation about Juan and Regina. They discuss Juan and Regina being in love, despite Renato’s feelings. Clemencia agrees to help with Juan and Regina.

* Pablo and Felipe meet outside the hospital. They discuss Juan’s trial starting today. Felipe asks Pablo to send a letter and some money to Marlene to tell her about the casino closure, and that Fifi has left to return home, he tells Pablo that Lulu and he are looking for new jobs.

* Noel and Clemencia continue their conversation - Clem tells him about Remi’s accident with the sharks last night. They stop talking when they see Rod and Leo on the stairs - Rod and Leo are discussing Rod seeing Maria. Noel asks if they are ready to leave for Juan’s trial. Rod can’t wait to leave. He and Leo walk out of the house together. Noel and Clem follow.

* Jime and Gabe talk about Juan’s trial. Jime is lonely, she cries because she feels rejected and abandoned by Mariela and her parents. She misses Mariela so much. Gabe asks if she has any memories at all about her mother. Jime wonders why he asks? He just says he’s curious. Jime thinks hard and starts to remember the sky.

* Mariela talks with Raul and her parents about Jime and Angela. Salma is jealous and starts to cry and scold them for thinking she is just an outsider and an imposter. She has a temper tantrum and says she wants to return to Griselda and the gypsies. Salma leaves. Mari cries as everyone leaves the room.

* In a split screen - Mariela is thinking about someone as Jime is starting to remember a fire.

* Regina and Renato are in the office before the trial. Renato presents Regina with the legal document to annul her marriage to Juan. Regina is stunned. Ren offers her a pen to use to sign the document. She takes the pen and throws it across the room. She rips up the document and throws it on the ground. She refuses profoundly to leave Juan; she married him for better or worse and until death do them part; and she takes those vows very seriously. Renato is aghast and wonders about her true feelings for Juan. He tells her that he loves her so much and tries to seduce a kiss from her. Regina reminds him of his marriage to her sister Aimee and the child they are expecting. Ren doesn’t care, he loves her strength, determination and loyalty. Regina is disgusted and wants to leave NOW!

* Jacinta and the troops are in the island shack, talking about going to the trial to support Juan.

* The courtroom is jam packed with everyone whispering and murmuring. Bailiff enters and silences the crowd. He presents Judge Don Pedro Solano (as portrayed by Julio Aleman) and starts the trial. Judge has the guards bring Juan into the courtroom. Juan exchanges glares with Ren, Rod and Leo.

* Felipe cheers himself up for his future employment inside the empty casino hall.

* Guards escort Juan into his defendent’s box. Juan presents himself as Juan del Diablo. Everyone starts to murmur.

* Felipe arrives at the beach. He asks a fisherman for work. Fisherman agrees to hire Felipe.

* Judge asks Juan about the trial and scandals. Juan explains his name for the trial and his status in the eyes of the townsfolk. Everyone starts to murmur again. Judge yells and bangs his gavel to get them to stop. Bailiff reads off the official list of charges against Juan and also reads that Juan’s only property the Luzbel was siezed and taken possession of by Renato. Juan’s buddies are stunned and horrified over losing the ship.

* Felipe gets seasick. Man scolds him. Felipe explains it’s been awhile since he’s been on a ship. Man yells at him to get to work. Felipe ties a rag on his head and gets to work ... in fast forward ... piling up the day’s catch and rearranging the nets.

* Renato addresses the Judge and jury with his opening remarks against Juan and on behalf of his own family, the Montes de Oca. Judge has to continually bang his gavel to stop the crowd from murmuring during the proceedings. Renato continues his statements and even announces that Juan is his cousin.

* Salma finds her way to the remains of the gypsy camp. The only one left there is Servando. Salma can’t believe Branko and Griselda aren’t there. She doesn’t trust Servando. She would rather be with Griselda. Servando works to convince her not to trust Griselda. Salma listens.

* Ren continues with his statements and his charges and arguments against Juan. Pedro and friends shout, “Liar! Liar!” in the courtroom. Judge gets control of his courtroom again and asks Juan if he has anything he wants to say in his own defense. Juan says yes, he does. Juan starts to make his own statements and arguments and throws out his own charges against Rodrigo Montes de Oca. People start to murmur. Judge bangs his gavel and then reminds Juan that he is the one on trial not Rod. Judge reminds Juan about the witnesses that can be presented for and against him. Juan understands.

* Lulu is out walking the streets looking for work - ladies slam doors or windows in her face.

* With her head totally hidden inside a green silk shawl, Aimee walks through the courthouse hallways with Celia looking for the courtroom where Juan’s trial is being held.

* Juan continues with his statements in his own defense and the defense of what he was doing (his Robin Hood style activities) on the high seas. Juan’s friends cheer. Judge bangs his gavel to control the crowd.

* Aimee finds the ship captain taking a cigarette break. She asks about the trial for Juan. He tells her to go inside herself to listen. She can’t do that. She asks him to be a gentleman and help her out.

* Juan addresses the jury and the Judge with his arguments. The crowd cheers. Judge gets upset with the cheering section. Juan explains himself. People cheer. Judge bangs his gavel and silences the crowd. Judge calls the first witness: Rodrigo Montes de Oca.

* Captain tells Aimee he can’t talk with her, he is a witness in the trial. She begs him to help do a huge favor for her. She wants him to sneak a note to Juan for her. He refuses. She begs and pleads with him to do this one little favor for her. She actually puts the note in his hands and refuses to let him say no. He wonders who she is and asks to see her face. Aimee refuses to take off her shawl mask. She leaves.

* Rod gives his statements against Juan to the Judge, jury and crowd. Rod requested to be a witness in order to make sure everyone knew what kind of low-class thief and scoundrel Juan really is. Judge settles down the crowd again and excuses Rod from the witness stand. Judge is ready to call the next witness when Regi jumps up and shouts that she wants to speak as a witness, as Juan’s wife. Ren is stunned.

* Lulu thinks she has found a job after talking with the man of the house. The man hides as his wife throws Lulu out of the house, then comes out to scold her husband.

* Ren argues with the Judge against Regi speaking. Juan and crowd cheer to let Regi speak. Judge bangs his gavel and yells for silence. Eloisa tries to talk Regina out of speaking, for the dignity of all wives everywhere. Ren says that she isn’t on his witness list so therefore she shouldn’t be allowed to speak. Noel apologizes to his son and then approaches the bench to argue that Regina should definitely be given the opportunity to speak on her husband’s behalf.

* Lulu is disappointed as she sits in the park and reflects on all the townsfolk rejecting her based on her past employment history. She is more determined than ever and refuses to give up Remiglio.

* Judge agrees to let Regi speak as a witness at the trial. Regi leaves to join the other witnesses. He then calls Captain to take the stand as the next witness.

* Out in the hallway, Ren scolds Regi for forcing her way into being a witness at the trial on Juan’s side. Regi scolds Ren for forcing her to do it. They argue. Ren has the idea that when Juan is completely out of the picture, Regi will be free -- and that maybe he may have a chance to be with her. Regi glares at him.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Dinero Monday July 19, 2010 Pepeto's In Like Flynn, And Ale and Rafa Are Out

Good Lord! After weeks of nuthin' ,we had a lot happening tonight. Oriental seductions, sleazy betrayals, dramatic confrontations and revelations with tragic consequences.

First a little rehash, with Claudia (shown mostly with some camera work slithering up her gams) plotting with Marino to oust Rafa. He gives her three of his sales, she drops the dime that Rafa's CV was falsified. But she reminds him to stick to their agreement and mum's the word. Otherwise they're toast (a los dos vamos por un tubo). Dandy is eavesdropping on all this, gets his foot stuck in a wastepaper basket, and blows off a potential client looking for a sports car as he hoofs it into the office to look for Rafa.

Meanwhile, Marino, armed with this intelligence, runs into Beltran's office to threaten that Auto Siglo is going to lose it's star salesman. You mean Rafa? queries Beltran. No, Me! snaps Marino. We know nasty stuff is in the wind, but luckily we get a breather. A heavy breather.

Pepeto has arrived at the judicial office and is starting his spiel. He has lingerie and exotic ointments and perfumes from India. Not just exotic but erotic. Why do you think India has the highest population in the world!?, he adds. The secretaries are enthralled but Carmela the Ardent AND Sceptic arrives. She ain't buyin' it and doesn't allow salesmen in the office. But wait, he's ready to give a personal demonstration AND guarantee. This changes things. Carmela sits down, he bends over her and unzips her jacket. Ahhhh sigh the secretaries. Oooooh breathes Carmela. Next he begins to massage her shoulders with first one oil and then, er...what is the word...ah yes, penetrate the skin more deeply. More ahs, oohs, and some heavy breathing. He finishes his demonstration with nibbles and kisses around the shoulder, neck and ear lobe. Mercy, it's enough to give anyone a hot flash and Carmela is definitely on fire. Time to take this demonstration off site.

Alas, now we're back at the den of iniquity...the business kind. Marino is continuing his complaint about being thrown out of the sales meeting. He and Rafa can't both be in Auto Siglo. One of us has to go. Beltran reminds him his sales of last month were not particularly impressive. Rafa always gives good results. And it's easier to get a good salesman than a good executive. Marino then drops the dime on Dandy and Susana's romance. Beltran dismisses it as cheap gossip. Alright then, check Rafa's "curriculo" and his references. If what I'm saying is false, you'll have my resignation on the table right away, concludes our slimeball. And we break for ads.

We have a little retrospective of how the CV came to be falsified. Rafa's honest appraisal of his skills and background was dismissed as grade school prattle. Alejandra draws up an impressive CV, instructs him to memorize it, vouches for it to Beltran, and the boss reminds her that she'll be responsible for Medina's performance since he has no previous experience in selling autos. Of course, she says. So clearly, the groundwork is laid for disaster.

But back to Pepeto's groundwork. He's on the phone to Rafa, saying the demo went over great but now he's about to be led to the scaffold (pátibulo) by Carmela who wants a personal one on one demonstration. Rafa's shaking the pompoms, assuring Pepeto que "si te puedes". Make her your slave, Medina urges. Seduce her by promising not just a roll in the hay but a long term romance. Ale overhears all this and her opinion of Rafa and his Boys Club sinks even lower. Our spirits sink too (but let's hope Pepeto's don't) as we endure some more ads.

While Alejandra seethes some more, Carmela's ready to sizzle. She's dragged Pepeto off to her favorite hot sheets motel. Alas, she can't get Room 207 with the jacuzzi, but 'ni modo", she's ready to make do with whatever is available. After offering Pepeto a drink (tequila for him, thanks) she makes her pitch:
C-Do this with all your clients?
P- Only those I like.
C-Your wife or your girlfriend...they don't mind?
P- I'm single.
C-Guess in your line of work, relationships don't last.
P- Oh no. I just ended a relationship of five years. A wonderful woman but her daughter came back and there was a problem with the child....
C- You were with a grandmother!?
P- She was 53. I like older women. Ardent women. Mature women.
C- Open up that sample case and let's get going!

A tender scene, interrupted by a random beauty parlor episode of no real import except the male beauticians insult Vicky's friend because she's a bit on the heavy side. There are some jokes about homemade plastic surgery injecting salad oil (Alejandra Guzman?) and it's all quite politically incorrect so let's move on.

Alejandra is still seething and lamenting to Susana about how Rafa takes money from one woman to pay off his debts to another and is basically lower than low. Then the bell tolls. Beltran wants Rafa in his office. This cannot be good. We get another slew of ads while we worry ourselves sick.

Dandy's worried too and is following Susana around like a nervous puppy, but she won't give him the time of day. Ramiro Ay Dios Mio! commiserates. He's had a lot of experience being brushed off by women.

Pepeto may think he's gone to the gallows but it's actually Rafa who gets his head chopped. Beltran has doubts about his "curriculo". Where are the diplomas and certificates that go with all this fine background? Can Rafa bring them in? Medina dithers and obfuscates and then decides to tell the truth. Yes, the CV was falsified but he hasn't swindled Auto Siglo. On the contrary, he worked like a dog and produced results. Isn't that what matters?

Evidently not. Beltran calls in Alejandra and just as she arrives, the Queen stops by as well. Perfect timing sez Beltran. And lays out the mutual fraud. Rafa tries to save Alejandra, saying it was all his idea, but neither Beltran nor Profesora Arcadia are buying it. It's a "delito" (criminal offense) and there won't be a hearing (auditorio). They're to turn in their resignations forthwith to spare a scandal. Arcadia agrees. "Gracias y buena suerte." But, but..."Fuera" (out!) bellows Beltran.

Outside, our two hapless lovers try to figure out who denounced (delató) them. It couldn't be his three buds, Dandy, Pepeto and Ramiro. Well it couldn't be Susana, insists Ale. Then it must be Marcos. She protests. Medina insists. Some day you'll understand. Tell me now! Do you really want me to tell you!? They stare at each other while we viewers scream, Yes, tell her tell her tell her! And will he? Tune in tomorrow to find out.

Marcos talks about the ghost at the hacienda while the voice over says there are actually women of "carne y hueso" flesh and bones (make that babes in bikinis) out there.
And Marcos' plan gives results and Ale and Rafa are fired.

rojo bermellón = vermilion red (the color sports car the fellow was seeking when Dandy got his foot stuck in the wastepaper basket)
espuela = spur
a los dos vamos por un tubo = we'll be flushed out, we'll be toast (Claudia's threat if she and Marino don't stick to their secret
ni idea = no idea
patadas de ahogado = lit. the kicking of a drowning man, fig. desperate measures
patibulo = scaffold, gallows (Pepeto, complaining about having to bed Carmela the Ardent)
vieja jamona, traga hombres = jamona can mean ham but it also means "buxom". Pepeto is describing Carmela as a busty old broad who's a maneater (traga hombres)
pastel mal hecho = a crappy cake, another complaint about Carmela's charms
mandar a freir espárragos = to tell someone to get lost
me mandó a llamar? = you sent for me?
soy todo oidos = I'm all ears (the Queen)
nos viste la cara de tarugo (blockhead)= you made fools of us (Beltran to Alejandra)
si mal no recuerdo = if memory serves me...
delatar = denounce, inform on

Dicho of the Day

No hay peor lucha que la que no se hace. = There's no worse battle that that which is not fought. Give things a try before giving up on them.
So hang in there Ale and Rafa! We're rooting for you.


El Clon, Mon., July 19- Summary for Discussion

An action packed episode for this novela!!

'¡Ocúpese de lo suyo, yo me ocupo de lo mío!' mind your own business & I'll mind mine, says Daniel to the busybody lady in the church. He denies her assertion that a black woman could not give birth to a son who looks like him.

Daniel asks Father Andres if a black woman and a white man could produce a child as white as he is. The Padre says that if the birth mother were the only black person in her family, it is possible, otherwise no. The Padre then flashes back to witnessing a confrontation between Dora and Albieri but when he comes back to the present, Daniel is gone.

'No puede ser', thinks Daniel, it can't be.

Zoraida is showing Zumaya how she reads the coffee grounds. She says that the hour is approaching when Jade's destiny will be fulfilled [let it be so!!!]. She sees that man approaching towards Jade [shot of Daniel]. Zoraida is afraid for Jade's destiny - her shadow has separated from her body [♪ me and my shadow.. strolling down the avenue...♫♪].She says that it's the past and present colliding. Zumaya wonders whether the man Zoraida is talking about is the man Jade is going to marry.

Abdul is singing the praises of a second wife, Jasmine, to Mohamed. Abdul tells Mohamed that unless his marriage contract forbids his taking a second wife, he is free to do so [We recall that Mohamed swore to Latifa that he wouldn't take another wife.] Anyway, says Abdul, she doesn't even have to know. You can have a wife, a house and kids in Morocco and one here. Mohamed looks nervously around for Latifa.

Andrea tells Nati that she is throwing away her life and Alej's love for drugs. She says that Alej is working his butt off to train so he can give Nati the life she is accustomed to but she doesn't support or encourage him. She spends all day doing drugs with Fernando and complaining about her problems. Good advice but Nati isn't listening.

Drugs destroy your life, yadda yadda says Enrique in therapy while we see Nati looking afraid.

Daniel angrily looks for his mother. Estela tells him that Dora is at work.

Father Andres reports on his conversation with Daniel to Albieri and asks if Dora is Daniel's mother. Albieri gets twitchy when the Padre says that he told Daniel that he couldn't be the product of a black woman and a white man. Father Andres asks what Albi is hiding. Albi says that Dora isn't Daniel's mother but she thinks she is. The Padre asks if Albieri switched babies. Something like that, says Albieri. He says that he made a mistake and now it has gotten out of hand and he doesn't know what to do.

Amina tells Rania that she is handling Said all wrong. Rania says that if she only had a son, she could control Said.

Said tells Ali that he sent two somebodies to the US to keep Jadiya from being kidnapped. Jade and Zoraida are listening. Ali furiously asks Jade if she considered such a thing as kidnapping Jadiya. She doesn't deny it and says that she just wants to raise her daughter. Allah gave you that opportunity, says Ali and, '¡tú preferiste cambiar a Jadiya por las tentaciones de la tierra! ¡Tienes el destino que quisiste,' Jade! You preferred to exchange Jadiya for earthly temptations. You have the destiny you wanted, Jade!'

When Rania comes back, Jade attacks her for telling Said about the planned kidnapping.Said breaks it up. He warns Jade not to try and take his daughter from him or it will be bad for her and worse for him (Lucas). [Jade's not having a good day. At least she didn't says that she just wants to be happy.]

Alej is trying to keep Nati out of trouble by calling her frequently. She tells him that she is studying while she is drinking and doping with Fernando. Pablo is not longer sure that Nati is the right girl for Alej.

Dora is dancing at a club. [Is this her work?] Daniel comes in and says that he knows everything. You are not my mother, he says. Dora is impactada. The poor woman insists that she is his mother asking Osvaldo and Miguel to testify that they saw her when she was pregnant. Osvaldo advises her to tell Daniel the truth, so she does - that Albieri is not his father and that he is the product of an artificial insemination. Daniel runs out of the club to find Albieri.

Enrique, Clara and Carolina go out for the evening to Zein's club.

Fernando tells Andrea that since Alicia's baby is history, Fernando wants his car back (Yo quiero mi auto de vuelta). Roberto comes in and gives Fer a look. Fer asks what is up with her old man, andropausia (male menopause)? He leaves and Roberto asks, ¿Qué parte no entendiste cuando te dije que no quería que lo volvieras a ver? What part did you not understand (preterite tense) when I told you (preterite) that I didn't want (imperfective) you to see him again (literally, that you return (conditional) to see him again). Andrea angrily replies that she will never tell Fer not to come to the house even if her father tortures her.

Enrique, Clara and Carolina go to Salamandra. When Carolina meets Rogelio and they gaze into one another's eyes, it is clear that he is her true love.

Dora, Osvaldo and Daniel burst in on Albieri and Father Andres. Albieri confirms to Daniel that Dora isn't his mother. But, of course, he doesn't explain why an artificial insemination would make Dora not be Daniel's mother. Dora furiously drags Daniel out of the the priest's house.

Back at her house, Dora swears up and down that Daniel is her son. She gets a picture of herself when she was pregnant [maybe she should get Daniel's birth certificate. We all know that birth certificates can't be forged ;-).] Daniel says that everyone, including the priest, is claiming that he can't be Dora's child. He wants to know why she didn't tell him that he was adopted. Estela says that children are born the way God wants them to be.

Albieri tells Father Andres that his reputation that he built up over years is ruined. He has mad scientist ravings (some day they will thank me) and the Padre says that he is running a fever. Albieri and Daniel sneak out of their various houses and meet in the Church.

Carolina and Enrique watch Clara and Rogelio dance and speculate on the future. If those two get together, Carolina would be the wife of Malicia's boss.

The Chump tells Fernando that he can't give him back his car because he put it Malicia's name. No need to translate Fer's response.

Malicia asks to be put in charge of the club when Cristina is away in Morocco at Zein's wedding. Rogelio says that he will think about it.

Zoraida tells Jade that she has found out that Zein is handsome. He woos women but won't settle down with one. Jade tells Zoraida that she will romance Zein so he won't send her back to Said.

Dora finds out that Daniel has left the house and she goes after him.

While Nati is in the house and can overhear, Lucas and Marisa have their usual argument about who is the worse parent.

The priest tells Dora that unless this is a miracle from God, she can't be Daniel's mother. 'Then it's a miracle from God,' says Dora.

Carolina tells Clara that she and Rogelio stayed up all night talking and are smitten with one another. Rogelio allows Malicia to be in charge while Cristina is in Morocco.

Rania and Jade continue fighting even though Ali tries to make peace. He tells Jade that it is her fault that she opened the door for Said to take a second wife and Rania was just being loyal to her husband when she told on Jade.

Rania faints in the market and we all know what that means!

Malicia tells the Chump that she is going to make Cristina's work look bad in comparison to hers when she is in charge at the club. The Chump says what an honest, wonderful person Malicia is.

And so it is. Rania is pregnant. Said stops glowering for the first time in ages. Everybody ignores Jade.

Jade goes after Said and asks him to let her be happy now that he is happy. They rehash the same argument as always about whose fault it was that Jade and Lucas got together again and Said asks Jade, '¿Qué más tiene que hacer Lucas para que te des cuenta de que no te ama?' What more does Lucas have to do for you to realize that he doesn't love you? He says that if his true love were marrying someone else, he would do anything to prevent the marriage even if it meant his throat got slit or he was flogged. Easy to say when it's not you looking at being flogged to death but Jade seems to feel the criticism.

The credits roll.


Club Gancho... relax, have a cool drink, and tell us about your Summer

Good afternoon, Ganchodores. Sylvia and the rest of the crew of the Cinnabar are safely in Hawaii, celebrating and preparing for their voyage home. Hoping for detailed accounts of their adventure on the high sea. I was hoping to find a picture of them at the finish, but so far , no luck. This week's featured drink is... what else?... a Blue Hawaiian..

Here in Houston, Lois, our local stink flower is still being a shrinking violet. Some here are becoming very restless and a few are calling for an investigation. I believe they have taken to playing Barry White tapes to create the proper mood. Perhaps a well-made martini or some chocolates would loosen her inhibitions a bit.

Food is a popular topic here at CG so I'm happy to tell you about a dish the Lovely Linda prepared Saturday evening. It was grilled flank steak, which in and of itself was delicious, but it was the relish that she topped it with that was, well, awesome. It was a mixture of sweet corn, red onion, jalapeño, red pepper flakes, olive oil, honey, lime juice, and sea salt. It was one of the tastiest and most refreshing things I've ever tasted and was the perfect companion to the flank steak. Who would have guessed something so simple could taste so great? Wow!

Rain today. Gentle, cooling, and welcome.

I hope that you are all having a great summer. I found this group picture of the cast of un Gancho al Corazón. Notice that Coni seems to still be in character. Several are missing, including Oscar, Marcos, Isabel, Coni's shrink, Lobo, and others.

Cast of un Gancho al Corazón

Nieves and Cesar... never too old for lovin'

Coni and Beto... still my favorite telenovela couple... and the hottest

Beto... ahhh! Downy fresh

Fans of Lois... she's finally loosening up

Mauricio and Lobo... buff boxers

Gabriela... pretty lady, pretty clothes



Caray, Caray!: 1,100,000 visits and counting!

Thought you might enjoy seeing our stats from this morning...

Here's where our last 100 visitors were located. This map changes during the day as night sweeps around the world!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

REVISED Corazón Salvaje FRI 2010-07-16 Summary and Discussion

Episode 105

We have an opening for the Friday recapper, to anyone interested. Many thanks to Sarah for the very helpful and entertaining recaps she has written for us!

Here is a summary of events from Friday's episode -- just the three-hour tour. Dr. Pablo has to amputate and cauterize Remigio's left arm after the shark attack. Phillip and the girlz close the casino early to take Lulu to apologize to Remigio.

Leonarda worries about Juan's possible testimony and mentions to Renato that Aimee left the house that evening. He muddies Aimee's plans for a romantic baby-making evening by furiously demanding her whereabouts earlier; she lies that they just went for a walk in town.

Remigio's not very happy to be alive missing an arm, despite Pablo's encouragement. The boyz decide not to tell Juan about Remigio or María del Rosario on top of his legal problems right now.

Noel and Renato both show up at the notary office to check on Regina alone there, and Noel overhears Renato demanding to know if the person who met Juan in his cell was actually a woman. Regina won't tell him, and neither will she admit it to Noel when he returns after eavesdropping; but he's sure it was Aimee anyway.

Aimee explains to Celia that she married Renato trying to forget about Juan, but she's unable to forget him -- and that now both Juan and Renato are in love with Regina.

The boyz think Phillip and the girlz have a lot of nerve showing up at Pablo's, and Gabriel finally admits they are not bad people -- but can't see Remigio anyway because of his condition. The casino trio are devastated to learn of Remigio's accident, especially Lulu.

Leonarda and Noel argue about Aimee's guilt in the family problems; and when he warns her that Juan's testimony may implicate her, Leonarda anxiously asks what he knows -- to which he replies he knows nothing that Leonarda doesn't already know.

Noel then braces Aimee with the news he knows she went to visit Juan and tells her she's playing with fire. She tries to deny it, but he cuts her off cold. He's interested in his son; she'd better watch what she's doing and protect his honor unless she wants Noel to take action against her.

A shaken Rodrigo reveals that he thinks he saw María del Rosario in the town square, her face looking full of sadness and suffering; and he's very upset. Leonarda tries to remind him she's dead and he's imagining it; but he vows that face will follow him the rest of his life. Privately she's furious that Arcadio lied to her and wonders where María del Rosario could be.

María del Rosario is back at Jacinta's. The boyz appear and inform Clemencia et al of Remigio's accident and that they don't plan to tell Juan anything until after his trial.

A tearful Lulu tries to apologize to Remigio, but he wonders that she'd think he'd believe her and sends her away. All it does it upset both of them again.

Back at the casino, Fifi dismays Phillip by informing him she's leaving and going back home, intending to ask her parents' forgiveness. She's sure their troubles are caused by Rodrigo and thinks it might be wise to avoid any further trouble.

Lulu decides to leave the business, too, and try to find a job as a cook or a housekeeper -- anything to prove to Remigio she's sincere.

Next morning, Renato has been up all night with law books preparing to face Juan in court. At the notary office, Regina is struck with fear to hear the morning bells and to know -- even if Juan will never be hers -- that his judgment is near.

Back at the finca while Renato bathes, (perhaps with Noel's threats in mind) Aimee helps him and tries to dissuade Renato from attending the trial; but he wants justice for Regina. When Aimee accuses him of being sorry he married Aimee and not Regina -- and that he doesn't love her anymore -- Renato says she doesn't understanding anything.

He just wants Regina to have whatever life remains to her. He shouts for Aimee to get out, and as she leaves, she thinks privately that if he wants war he can have it! Renato throws a wet towel at the door closing behind her departing back.

Finally, the guards bring a bucket of water for Juan to clean up in before his trial. Quite a contrast between his bath and Aimee bathing Renato. Juan shows the guard his clean hands and face with an evil grimace, and they escort him out of the cell and down the hall: game on!


Saturday, July 17, 2010

El Clon Friday July 16: Summary for Discussion

Nati continues her downward spiral; Jade travels to Fez, confident that she can outwit Said, but doesn’t know that Rania has betrayed her; and Daniel loses his innocence in a most unlikely way.

Said unlocks the door to Jade’s room, then retreats with ill grace. Jade greets Tío Ali joyfully, but Ali is worried. What would become of you, he asks, if I weren’t in this world any longer? (¿Que serías de ti si no estuviera más en este mundo?) She continues to protest her fate, but Ali isn’t prepared to intervene beyond what he has just done.
Ya eres libre, Jade… Va a Marruecos y cásate.
You’re free now, Jade (from the locked room). Go to Morocco and get married.

Ramon tells Gloria that Nati is awake. He’s ready to tag along with her but Gloria dismisses him:
Ya yo tengo una sombra, no necesito dos!
I already have one shadow, I don’t need two.
Gloria tells Nati quite bluntly that she wants her to stay far away from Alej.

In the street, Hilda complains to Consuelo that Karla is in love with some poor slob (un muerto de hambre). Hilda wants Karla to snare Roberto – and his money -- but Consuelo tells her that might be difficult. The guy may be a big flirt, but he’s truly in love with his wife. Apparently Hilda has in mind some way of convincing Roberto that he has impregnated Karla. And it seems Consuelo knows something about falsifying lab tests. ¡Guácala!

And back at Gloria’s, Nati is apologizing like the well-bred young lady that she is:
Perdóname si cometí alguna imprudencia…es que soy llena de problemas.
Forgive me if I behaved’s just that I have so many problems.
News flash, says Gloria. Everyone has problems. But not everyone resorts to drugs. You need to turn it around now, because later on, you won’t be able to. Then Gloria offers her taxi fare, but she declines and starts walking home.

When she gets there, she finds a welcoming committee of Lucas, Marisa and Rosa, all wanting to know where she has been and why she didn’t call. When Nati goes upstairs, her parents turn on each other with accusations of setting a bad example and neglecting their daughter. Upstairs, Nati holds her pillow over her ears to block out their voices.

At Empresa Ferrer, Fernando passes by Clara’s desk looking very glum indeed. Clara tells Caro that Escobar has refused to give Fer money for his university texts because he needs the cash to buy a cell phone for Malicia. The ladies figure it must be a pretty pricey phone he has in mind.

And Escobar phones Malicia to let her know he has gotten an appointment for her with the best OB in Florida, a personal friend of his, for the day after tomorrow. (pasado mañana). (And we can see the wheels turning in her head: Time to move on to the next stage of the plan.)

Julio asks Escobar if he knows why Luisa is crying. It’s got to be Albieri, he says (I guess it takes one patán to know another one.) They go out to the desk and join Anita and Luisa. In walks Albieri with this announcement:
Vine a despedirme.
I came to say goodbye.
Everyone is impactado

Albieri asks Julio to take charge of the clinic in his absence. You talk as if you don’t intend to come back, says Julio. Albieri admits that he isn’t sure; he has made many mistakes and now he has to face up to the consequences. Does this have something to do with Dora and the mix-up of embryos? asks Julio. You think Daniel might find out? Albieri says that fortunately he hasn’t discovered anything yet, but inevitably it will come out. And the consequences could be fatal.

And Daniel walks into Dora’s house and announces: Vine a despedirme. He assures Dora and Estela he will come back to them, but this is something he needs to do, to find his way in life (encontrar el rumbo de mi vida).

The questions continue for Albieri, this time from Luisa. Where did you sleep? she wants to know. In a hotel. Who is she? I told you, there is no woman, insists Albieri. Then who are you running away from? she wants to know.
Cuando resuelva lo que tengo que resolver, vengo por ti.
When I resolve what I have to resolve, I’ll come get you.
Luisa will not accept this. You’re not going without me, she says. Finally Albieri appears to relent. Go pack your bag, he tells her. Ok, says Luisa, and don’t you leave without me!

As Luisa is packing she confides to her friend Anita that Albieri seemed so afraid. But as soon as it was decided that she would accompany him, he looked relieved. He was just upset because he was going to be traveling without me!

The residents of Casa Ferrer continue their sport of bicker and blame when Nati leaves without eating anything.

And Nati really is weak with hunger. We see her lean against the trunk of a palm tree and then fall to the sandy ground. Daniel happens on the scene. He leans over her and says: Señorita, ¿estás bien? She looks up groggily at him. ¿Papá? Then Daniel has disappeared, replaced by Fernando (and a girl who is trying to help). Fernando takes Nati to his house. She tries to tell him she saw her father, but he assumes she just imagined it. She tells him once more how unhappy she is at home. His solution?
¿Quieres una probadita? You want a little taste? .

Luisa arrives at the clinic, suitcase in hand, only to be told that Albieri has already left.

At Empresa Ferrer, Clara is looking good. She's got a new hairdo and has ramped up the sexy on her clothes. Carolina asks her to come to the Club (I think Salamandra) with her – maybe she’ll meet the love of her life. My son is the love of my life, she says. Just then Leo comes through, too quickly for Clara to tell him that Amalia is waiting in his office.

This isn’t working, Amalia tells Leo. I’m going back to New York as soon as the book is done. He kisses her and asks her to marry him.

Speaking of marriage, Cristina congratulates Zein on his planned nuptials. She is surprised to learn that he has never met the bride. But he knows her name is Jade. Say, muses Cris, I know a Jade, she’s from Morocco too… Cristina accepts his invitation to come to the wedding. Their conversation is interrupted when Diana comes in to say that Malicia (you mean the receptionist? asks Zein) went home sick.

And sick she is, my friends, sick she is. She is on the phone with Escobar: Remember that imaginary baby, Ratoncito? Well I just lost it in an imaginary miscarriage! (Sorry, Clara, no backsies on the car!)

Alejandro has kept his important appointment at the gym. He has met big shot manager Michael Gonzáles, impressed him, and gotten him to agree to watch him fight this weekend.
Me parece que tienes madera para llegar a las grandes legas.
I think you have the stuff to make it to the big leagues, he tells a thrilled Alej.

Escobar has rushed home to comfort his love. No es justo, she wails. Here, he says, I brought you a gift. For a woman who has just lost a baby, she seems easily distracted by a smart phone, but Escobar doesn’t seem to notice.

We are back at Said’s house. Ali tells Jade that he can’t do anything about Jadiya since by law she belongs to Said. No es justo, says Jade. All I can do, Ali tells her, is try to convince him to let her attend the wedding in Morocco. And you brought this all on yourself:
Hiciste lo mismo como Eva, la primera mujer – perdiste el paraíso por culpa de una tentación.
You did the same as Eve, the first woman – you lost paradise because of yielding to temptation.

Said is laying down the law to Rania. If you want to continue to be my wife, you’d better not behave like Jade, he warns her. In her desire to cast blame on Jade, she goes too far. First she offends Said by telling him that Jade always manages to get him to do what she wants. And finally she shoots herself in the foot (and Jade in the heart) by revealing that she overheard Jade arrange for her lover to rob Jadiya and take her out of the country. Said is furious: Rania disobeyed him by allowing Jade to use her phone and then didn’t tell Said about this nefarious plan!
Definitivamente, no se puede confiar en las mujeres!
Definitely, you can’t trust women!
Then to Jade: Let’s go/We’re leaving. Nos vamos.

Alej gets an earful from Gloria:
¿A ti qué tripa se te torció?
Which I’m guessing means: What the heck is wrong with you? (But if you have a better suggestion, let me know.)
She tells him she knows drug abuse when she sees it. In any case, he answers, I’m not going to leave her when she’s in trouble. Then he gives Nati a call to share his good news: that Michael González has agreed to watch him fight.
Me alegro por ti.
I’m happy for you, she says. But she sure doesn’t sound like it.

Cris tells Vicki about Zein’s wedding and Cris’s plans to travel to Morocco. Dora called, Vicki tells her. She was all upset because Albieri took Daniel away to, of all places, Morocco!

The next thing we know, Cristina is sitting in the clinic with Luisa telling her it wouldn’t be so hard to find someone in Morocco. Let’s go together. I doubt that Albieri has another woman, but if there does, well, I’ll take care of it. It’s kind of my specialty. (We all need a friend like Cris!)

Unlike poor sweaty Albieri, Ali and company travel via the speedy AeroNovela, so they arrive at the house in Fez lickety split. All the women in the house, including Jade, ululate joyfully while Said glowers. Privately, Jade asks Zoraida if she thinks Said was convinced that she had accepted her fate. You seemed so happy, says Zoraida, even I believed you. (Of course now that Rania has spilled the beans about the kidnap plan, Said isn’t going to believe anything Jade says or does. But she doesn’t know that.)

And back in Miami, Hilda, Karla and Consuelo gloat about their plan to entrap Roberto with some sort of laboratory scam.

Lucia’s ramblings to Marisa about the wonderful irresistible Roberto are interrupted
by Rosa’s announcement that Nati is awake. For some reason, Marisa has decided to try being someone’s mother today. She marches up to Nati’s room (wearing an exceptionally unflattering black broccoli band, I might add) and demands an explanation for her daughter’s failing grades. It’s all your fault, shoots back Nati. You don’t love me! I don’t matter to you!

I told you she wasn’t well, Rosa tells the exasperated Marisa.
No inventes, Rosa, no inventes!
Stop making stuff up, retorts our Mother of the Year.
But Rosa won’t leave it alone. She is lost, she tells her. It’s time to stop looking at yourselves and start worrying about your daughter.

(Now I thought that Daniel and Albieri had left for Morocco, but it seems not. The final scene -- as well as the previews -- take place in Miami.)
In the final scene, Daniel is praying to an image of the virgin. He tells a woman in the church that the black virgin reminds him of his mother, who is black. You’re adopted? asks the incredibly nosy woman. No, says Daniel, my father is white.
Si tu mamá es negra y tu papá es blanco, no hubieras nacido tan blanco como eres, a menos que tu mamá no sea tu mamá.
If your mother is black and your father is white, you wouldn’t have been born as white as you are unless your mother’s not your mother.

Previews for Monday:
Daniel demands answers from Dora: ¿De dónde vengo?
Jade is going to try to win Zein’s heart.
Daniel tells Albi he knows Dora isn’t his mother and demands to know what is going on.


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