Thursday, July 29, 2010

Corazón Salvaje WED 2010-07-28: I told the witch doctor you didn't love me true; she said to Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bing bang

Episode 113

In a secluded corner of the town garden, after Gabriel asks Jimena on bended knee to marry him, she pulls him back to her and wonders if he's sure it doesn't matter that he's white and she's a gypsy. It doesn't, Gabriel answers. Holding her face and looking into her eyes, Gabriel tells Jimena he loves her for the way she is and for the way he is with her; for the countless, small unforgettable moments that made him understand her, care about her and love her. He loves her so much, and he's willing to face the whole world to be with her.

With a look of wonder, Jimena answers that she loves Gabriel; that when she's with him she's not afraid of anything. Gabriel returns to the red rose he put in her hand and pulls a sparkling diamond ring from its petals, and Jimena agrees with all her heart to marry him. Winding her arms around his neck, they embrace and seal it with a kiss. Gabriel slips the ring on Jimena's finger, and they vow their love to each other.

At the honeymoon cottage, Regina is just bringing Juan some tea and kisses when they hear Clemencia and María del Rosario returning, laughing and chatting. Juan gets a chuckle out of startling his mother with a Boo! as she enters; and she enjoys it, too. Juan can't get enough of hugging his mom as they all greet each other.

María del Rosario relates how walking around the port brought back so many memories, especially of his father. When Juan asks if they saw anyone they recognized, she coyly wonders who they would have seen. Clemencia exits to return to the notary office, but María del Rosario says she wants to spend all the possible time she can with them and remains.

A very solicitous Juan seats his mother to coax her into eating the soup Regina's been working on all morning, and María del Rosario is pleasantly surprised Regina knows how to cook, since she herself never learned. Regina explains Clemencia taught her; the soup is good, and María del Rosario jokes that Regina can get married now.

Rodrigo seeks Aimee out in her rooms, but finds Celia, who fills him in on the argument yesterday where Aimee told off Leonarda. Aimee arrives and gives Celia the boot. Turns out Rodrigo needs a shoulder to cry on over seeing María del Rosario, but Aimee's got no time or inclination for it. She's got her own fish to fry.

He's begging her to listen to his worries, but her aggravation over Renato is all she can think of. Rodrigo says it's her own fault -- and his own for spoiling her as a child. When he admits he should have punished her disobedience, Aimee turns to him smartly and bites out that perhaps he should have!

In a short, sweet scene at the cottage, Juan rests his head in his mother's lap and looks blissfully happy as she reads love poetry aloud while Regina looks on. Back in Aimee's room, Rodrigo is mulling over the fact that Aimee should have had a stricter education. He takes her by the shoulders and begins to say that now she's going to be a mother -- when Aimee interrupts him.

And if the child is never born? she asks. Confused, Rodrigo wonders if she might tamper with her child's life; but a sudden suspicion impels him to ask if she would dare to invent...? Aimee interrupts him again, insisting it was just an innocent comment.

At Raul's, Mariela's dad insists to her that they are leaving Veracruz that weekend. When Mariela objects, he assures her she'll soon forget about Jimena; but Mariela denies it. She'll never forget her, and it has no effect on the love for her "daughter"; but she's going to give up fighting the move.

The doorbell rings, and Lulu goes to greet Noel. He enters and tells Alberto he has an urgent matter to discuss. Meanwhile at Dr. Pablo's, Clemencia has stopped by there to tearfully consult him about breaking her promise to María del Rosario not to reveal her terminal condition to Juan.

Remigio, who is listening at the door, overhears that Clemencia wants her to see the doctor without arousing suspicion. When Remigio enters and suggests they say María del Rosario is coming to visit him, Dr. Pablo agrees it is a good idea. Out on the beach, Regina, Juan and his mother gather sea shells and gleefully romp in the surf.

Back at Raul's, Noel admits that he has no proof yet, but says he suspects that Salma is not their granddaughter, much to Alberto's surprise. In the bedroom, Salma looks sad and wistful, doubtless thinking of Branko, not far away.

Consequently, when Mariela enters to inform her they're leaving on the weekend, instead of enthusiasm, Mariela is confused to encounter a decided lack of it from Salma. Salma meekly agrees and claims she has a headache and would like to rest. Mariela moves to touch her, but oddly pulls back.

Alberto doesn't understand, and Noel reiterates that he has no proof; but that Salma would be in it for the money and that she was being manipulated by Griselda -- whom Jimena insists that Salma actually barely knows. Alberto can't stomach the thought of the missing-granddaughter nightmare beginning all over again and dreads Mariela finding out; but Noel assures him they must not speak of it, rather wait in town a short time to observe and discover the truth.

At the notary office, Phillip is dressed in a nice suit and dives into righting what he thinks is a big mess of law books and papers, just putting things on shelves and in cabinets wherever there is space. Clemencia enters and is horrified that Phillip shows no regard for the order they should be stored; but in a nice twist, she actually intends to help him, and he's bursting with gratitude.

In her rooms, Aimee plans for Celia to take her right away that night to see Kuma, the witch doctor Celia recommended earlier. At the honeymoon cottage, Juan and Regina get some time alone in their bedroom in the twilight. They stand together; his strong, brown hands hold and caress her while his lips trace the line of her shoulder to under her ear; and they both smile with pleasure before joining in a kiss.

Under a stormy night sky, Aimee and Celia duck into a dark, crowded little hut with bubbling cauldrons, where a spider crawls, an owl hoots, a raven caws -- and they are startled to find a small, shrouded figure ensconced in the middle of it all. Aimee begins to give instructions, but the witch doctor takes orders from no one, she says.

In the cottage, Juan and Regina make love again and declare their devotion. Juan tells her she's his whole life, and Regina assures him no one will ever separate them. Honey gold in candlelight, their bare bodies covered only by long, blond tresses, linens and each other, they clearly dance the age-old rhythm of the joining, rising and falling.

Alone in his bed at the townhouse, Rodrigo suffers through one horrifying nightmare of María del Rosario after another, moaning and rolling in pain. He remembers the terrible suffering he willingly caused her, Leonarda reporting her dead, and the shock of seeing her that day on the street, alive and defiant. Rodrigo half awakens and repeats in delirium that he must find María del Rosario. Must find her, must find her...

In her hut, the little witch doctor knows why Aimee is there; that she's concerned about the baby she's not carrying. And the woman gives her a potion that will make the man of her choice her slave. A few drops will do it; and be careful, because too much will kill him, she warns. When the witch doctor bids Aimee come near her cauldron, she reads in it punishment and tears for the Montes de Oca; but especially blood! Blood and death for the Montes de Oca.

Servando waits in the darkness outside Eloísa's dressmaker's house for Eloísa and Federico to appear, which they presently do -- together, in a farewell embrace, leaving no doubt they had a tryst. Not to mention they both look supremely satisfied. When in a moment the dressmaker also appears, Servando steps out and bids her not be frightened; he has a nice business proposition for her.

Meanwhile, Aimee and Celia return to the farm, where Aimee goes about in the dark, carefully dropping minute amounts of the potion into all of Renato's cognac bottles. At Fulgencio's, a chirpy Eloísa returns home to a glum husband, claiming she had a very entertaining night out; but Fulgencio did not, he says. When he explains that he's been bored since the casino closed, she happily offers to host card parties for his friends there at home, which he thinks might be a good idea.

In the cottage bedroom, Regina and Juan linger before sleep, talking. He says he's less good at pretty speeches, having spent most of his life fighting or just surviving; but now that all that is behind them, he has a chance to thank Regina for how wonderful she's been with his mother -- even if it is just for a little while.

He wants to thank her for showing him what love is, because he was really afraid he was never going to experience it. He's grateful that her love changed him and saved his life. And not only that, he chuckles, but what she said at the trial did, too! They both laugh; and taking her by the chin, he observes that she was very brave.

He admits he did wonder if she had sent a warning to Renato, which Regina vehemently denies. She would never do that, she insists. He should know her heart belongs to him, she says; and he does know, Juan says with a smile. He found that out during her testimony; only a woman in love could defend him so intensely.

She agrees but says he needn't thank her: everything she said is the truth. She means so much to him; so much! Juan says. Never leave him, he asks; and she won't. She loves Juan de Dios, Regina says; and Juan calls her his princess, as he gathers her in his arms again.

Next morning, Rodrigo attempts to go out about town, but instead keeps encountering face after face that all look horrifyingly like María del Rosario. At the finca, Aimee pours Renato a glass of potion-laced cognac just as he's descending the staircase to go out. Amazingly, he is not in the mood for a drink and starts to exit when she stops him and prods him about how nice it must be to do whatever he wants without explanations.

When he warns her not to provoke him into saying things she'll be sorry to hear, Aimee shoots back that she can say nasty things, too. He stops and throws his briefcase down, complaining that she's so different than when they got married. Now we see her real personality, he says. Why did she fake a love she never had? Why did she make herself out to be such an innocent, weak, little girl, Renato asks, mockingly.

You're just a tramp, he adds. At this, Aimee hauls off and smacks him hard with her fan; but he doesn't care. He just draws back and smacks her with his open palm across the face. What I'm never going to forgive, he yells, either you or myself, is that you set a trap -- and I fell into it! You can have my position, my name and my fortune; but not my love.

In the plaza, Rodrigo's hallucinations continue; he sees María del Rosario in every face -- and now they are closing in on him and surrounding him. There's no escape, and he falls to the ground, clutching his heart. Back at the finca, Aimee holds her stricken face as Renato tells her he's not concerned about her anymore. Not only does he not love her, he says, but he doesn't care what happens to her.

As Renato exits, Aimee heads back to the cognac decanter, laughing; as if she cared what happened to him either! Little man! she snorts. Pulling the vial of strong, dangerous potion from its hiding place in the cleavage between her breasts, she upends it and splashes the entire contents into the cognac, turning it blood red.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dinero #163 7/28/2010: Good News/Bad News

This entire episode tonight was sort of a good news bad news sort of show. Good news; Marco almost gets found out. Bad news; he is a great liar. Good news; lots of Ale and Rafa time. Bad news; an equal amount of screeching Vicky time. Good news; Rafa found a client for his trucks. Bad news; They won’t get paid till the end of the month. Good News; we get a little Rafa /Ale kiss. Bad news; no mariachi tonight. Good news; hopefully I can get this done quickly. Bad news; it will be short and minus vocabulary as I have another early morning and will have to go with my notes only. Feel free to add and correct. So lets get on with all the good and bad that came with tonight’s episode.

We start with Zetina giving the boys all the details of Carmella’s comings and goings. Including details of where the archives are so that Dandy can sneak in and look for incriminating evidence against Marco.

Our first bit of hopeful good news is with Rosario. She is on the phone with Urdiales’ secretary regarding Marco and Ale’s wedding. She is quite surprised to hear that the illustrious Urdiales has never even heard of Marco Venezuela. She is rudely interrupted by Jorge who needs the phone so he can talk to his lovely Ruby. She brushes him off and continues her phone conversation stating there must be some sort of misunderstanding. She hangs up and tells Jorge that Urdiales doesn‘t even know Marco. Jorge encourages Rosario to talk to Ale or Marco regarding this.

We move onto the hair salon with Ovi and the boys. Good news; we have a client with a horrendous hair style wanting a change. The bad news was the style she chose was worse than what she came in with.

More good news; Rosario has called Ale to tell her about Urdiales. She tells her Urdiales doesn’t even know Marco. Ale is quite surprised. How can this be, after all they are intimate friends. Ale calls Marco who happens to be at the hacienda with Chavez. He is informing Chucho that Jorge and Quintana are coming in the morning. Ale asks Marco if he is with Urdiales. Our bad news here is that Marco is adept at knowing when to lie and when not to. He tells her the truth. He is not with Urdiales. Ale tells him that Rosario had sent an invitation to the wedding to him and he didn’t know who he was. Marco becomes upset and knowing when to lie, makes up a story about how he works for Urdiales but is an “outside” lawyer and Urdiales probably told Rosario he didn’t know Marco because he didn’t want anyone to know he works for him. Ale being the poor judge of character that she is accepts this lie and apologizes to Marco. Bad news here is Marco continues to get away with his lies.

After hanging up with Ale, Marco tells Chavez that she almost caught him. Our good news is that Marco admits to Chavez that he really loves Ale. Our bad news is Marco also informs Chavez that after the wedding he plans to take Ale far away.

Bad news first this time. Rafa is on the phone with Don Humberto. He is trying to sell him the used trucks. He is not interested. However our good news comes in the form of a contact who might be interested in buying the trucks. He rushes into Ale’s office all excited and tells her he has found new lions and is ready for the hunt. Our even better news is Ale and Rafa our off together on another adventure.

No good news with the following scene. Dandy is trying to talk with Susana. She doesn’t want to talk with him. As he leaves he tells her not to forget that he loves her.

Rafa is back in the old panther with Ale and they have arrived at a quaint little village. Ale is going on about how she can’t stand the “car” especially with all the bad memories from the accident. They enter a cantina looking for a Don Romulo. He is eating and Rafa advises Ale not to interrupt him. Ale has decided to not listen to Rafa and barges in on our unsuspecting Don. She is chatting away and he barely notices her. Our good news is Ale isn’t giving up and starts talking about how good the food smells and invites herself to sit down with him. She does a cute little whistle to get Rafa’s attention. Rafa finally notices Ale and joins them. Rafa and Ale mange to sell Don Romulo half of the trucks.

This was fun watching Rafa and Ale wheel and deal together again. All the details are being firmed up. Rafa calls Siglo to find out when the trucks will be ready. Susana informs him they will be all ready at the end of the month. They start talking about a 20% down payment. Bad news. Don Romulo does not want to give a down payment. They do manage to get him to sign a contract and he agrees to pay (you guessed it) in cash when he gets the trucks. Don’t know if this is good news or bad news, remembering Rafa‘s past adventure with all that cash.

So are you guys all ready for this? Put your ear plugs in when you watch because it is Vicky and I swear her voice is screechier than ever. She shows up at Siglo waving wedding invitations in the air. She is traumatized when she finds out that no one at Siglo knew about the wedding. She continues flouncing about Siglo humming the wedding march handing out invitations.. She even hands an invitation to Susana. She is on to better things now and searches for Beltran. She barges in and Beltran is startled to see her. Vicky reminds him they met before when he was in the office with Claudia. She informs him of the grand event of the month, her and Rafa’s wedding and everyone will be there. As she leaves poor Beltran is left alone with head to desk. His bad news? Who will be there to work?

Vicky continues prancing about Siglo when she literally runs into Dona Arcadia. The good news was Dona Arcadia was not very excited to see her there and even less excited when she found out Rafa was going to marry her. There was almost bad news as Doña Arcadia just about spills the beans about Rafa and Ale. We see all of the Siglo crew in hiding aghast as they listen in. Doña Arcadia than takes Vicky into her office.

More good news the rest of this recap will be all Ale and Rafa. We are back at the cantina finalizing details about the delivery of the trucks. We have a little problem though. Both Ale and Rafa seem to be busy with wedding plans and honeymoons. Don Romulo assumes that they will be getting married to each other. There’s our bad news; such luck as they both stammer to give details about their upcoming nuptials with other partners. It is decided that Rafa will deliver the trucks.

As they leave the cantina they are all smiles that they sold half the trucks. Rafa takes Ale up to a cute gazebo. They are both happy that this was such a quick and perfect sale. No drunkenness no fights and no scandals. They start talking and are even saying the same things at the same time as they smile at this. Ale smiles sweetly and tells Rafa she would like to give him a hug. Best news of the night. We get a sweet tender kiss. Ale ruins the moment as she turns away from him and say’s accusingly “So now what just happened?” Rafa nervously smiles and says we had a little kiss. Ale is no nonsense right now and Rafa tries to explain that he won’t be having a honey moon. Ale begs him to stop talking before he regrets what he is saying. Rafa tells her he would never regret loving her. Ale, tears welling up tells him to stop talking, they have nothing more to say. From now on they will only talk about business. Sadly Rafa says, “ Okay licenciada I will always do what you ask me to.” Ale than says “Okay than don’t get married.” Bad news, that’s where we end.


El Clon, Wed., July 28- Summary for Discussion

The kindler, gentler Marisa tells Lucas how drugged up Nati was. Lucas can't believe it. She never even used to drink, he says. That what I thought, says Marisa, 'no sabemos nada de nuestro hija, Lucas,' we never knew anything about our daughter, Lucas. She blames Alej for distancing Nati from them. Lucas asks if Marisa knows where Nati is living. She says no.

The Naz is beside herself with excitement waiting for her novio. She hopes he is rich and good to make up for all the years she waited for him.

Said's and Rania's little cuddle talking about her baby is interrupted by a call from Zein.

Sidi Ali tells the children how to respectfully handle the Sacred Book, the Koran. When he says that it shouldn't be handled by an impure woman (who is having her period), Zamira asks why since that is a natural cycle of women. 'Porque el libro sagrado lo dice, Zamira, y somos Musulmanes,' Because the Sacred Book says so and we're Muslims, replies Ali.

Zein says that he has to talk to Said in person.

Ali wonders why Zein won't return Jade right away. He says that Zein is more Westerner than Muslim and may understand Jade better than he does. He fears that a storm is coming.

Cristina tells Jade that Lucas has returned to the US. She says that she and Lucas waited all night for her but that he had to return to Miami on urgent business. Jade says that once she is in the US, she will run away from Zein and she and Lucas can be happy forever.

The Naz primps for her fiancé while Zamira tells her, Latifa, Jadiya and Zumaya that she doesn't want to have a husband. She wants to be a reporter and travel all over the world. They do not appreciate or share her ambition to be an independent woman.

Amin asks Mohamed if he can marry an older woman. Mohamed tells him how the prophet married a much older woman. Amin can marry any woman who is religious and follows their customs. Amin fantasizes about giving gold to a submissive veiled sKank.

An old guy and two younger guys are with Abdul. The Naz comes in with 'gazelle horn' pastries that Zoraida made. Abdul praises the Naz's wifely abilities to the skies. The Naz figures that she is for one of the young guys but when the old guy is revealed to be the suitor, she screams in frustration and falls to the ground.

Abdul tells the Naz that if she rejects this guy, he doesn't want to hear her complaining about her destiny or not having a husband ever again. '¡Yo quiero un marido, no una momia!' I want a husband, not a mummy! wails the Naz. Zoraida tells Ali what happened. He says that the Naz is pretty but she is like a storm and storms are nice but not to marry.

Zein comes to see Said.

Luisa is in Fez. She calls Cristina. Cristina says that she knows where Albieri is.

Amalia finally gets to tell Leo about Nati. He is angry that she didn't tell him before. She tells him not to use that tone with her.

Nati and Fernando are together, high, and telling each other how everyone around them does nothing but give them boring drug lectures. They assure each other that it is the other people who have changed, not them.

Andrea is still trying to protect Fernando but she can't convince her parents that she isn't taking drugs. Roberto insists on taking her to a clinic so that she can hear ex-drug addicts tell her about how their lives were ruined.

Dora and Estela are at the doctor's office.

Rosa tells Lucas that although Gloria doesn't know where Nati is living, she won't give any information about where they hang out. Lucas replies that he won't accept that and goes to see Gloria. Rosa is impressed by Lucas' activity and determination. 'Sí, es la primera vez que pone a su hija en primer lugar,' Yes, it's the first time that he has put his daughter first, says Marisa, let's hope it isn't too late.

Jade is happily anticipating future happiness with Lucas.

Said asks Zein where Jade is and accuses him of not keeping his part of the deal. 'Tampoco estaba en le trato enamorarse de Jade,' Falling in love with Jade wasn't part of the deal either, replies Zein. When Zein tells Said that he isn't returning Jade, Said hits him and calls him a traitor. Ali has to separate them. Zein says that when he agreed to help, Said, he didn't understand the consequences. Jade does not want to go back to Said. Ali puts in his two cents about how he warned Said that getting Jade back was not going to be that easy. He says that when there are differences, the Sacred Book provides the answers. Said says that the Koran requires that property be returned to its owner. Ali reminds him that Jade doesn't belong to him anymore. He divorced her. Zein would have had to return Jade to Ali, not to Said. He says that both Said and Zein acted imprudently and without thinking about the consequences.

The news reaches the kitchen. Latifa wonders what will happen to Jade. Mohamed says that he told Said not to make deals with infidels and now he's paying the consequences. He considers Zein an infidel because he drinks alcohol and eats pork. Mohamed tells Latifa to forget about Jade.

The girls are packing up to go back to the US. Latifa tells Jadiya that she will see her mother in the States.

Zein tells Said and Ali about his deal with Jade. Said says that Zein sacrificed their friendship purely out of vanity. Zein shoots back that he made a woman marry him who didn't want to out of vanity. Now Said says that he has thrown Jade to the winds (arrojo a Jade al viento) - he never wants to see her again and she will never see Jadiya again.

On a lighter note, the Naz is demonstrating exercises to the maids and telling them about her personal trainer in Miami. When Zein, on his way out, glances at the spectacle of the Naz doing deep knee bends, she is sure that she has made a conquest. When the maid tells her that Zein has fallen in love with Jade, she accuses the maids of jealousy and says that they will suffer in hell.

Zein returns to the hotel and tells Jade that it was Said who hit him. 'Pero tengo que agradacerle. Porque gracias a ese golpe te tengo aquí, cerca de mí,' But I have to thank him. Because thanks to this blow, you are here next to me, he says.

Our latest PSA subject - The doctor is shocked that Dora hasn't had a Pap smear since before Daniel was born and doesn't seem to know what one is. [Ladies - you need a Pap smear every year even if you feel fine. Next, maybe Leo will get gum disease and his dentist will demonstrate the importance of flossing.]

Lucas finds Nati. He asks where she has been and they embrace. Lucas seems overcome with emotion. Nati - not so much.

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, July 27: Ep 112--Score! And about damn time too!

Noel digests the news about where MdR has been all these years. He's so happy to see her, but feels "rabia" toward Leonarda. MdR says she doesn't want any more suffering. She's just glad she found her son and she's thankful for everything Noel has done for him. Noel asks forgiveness for not having done what he should have, and for what he owes to Juan. Juan doesn't feel Noel owes him anything. Noel cries, thinking of how he loved, but wasn't loved in return. Leonarda never loved him and Leo and Rod cheated, so he's left the finca. MdR says it's better that way, so he's not tied to someone who doesn't love him. Juan agrees and says Noel should find a woman who loves him. Clemencia and Regina agree and Reggie says it's never too late for love. Noel takes another moment to digest that MdR is alive. The five of them stand there and bask in the happy.

Servando spies on Eloisa and sees her going into the dressmaker's shop. He finds it suspicious. Moreso when Feddy goes into the dressmaker's shop as well. Because I'm pretty sure Fed doesn't wear dresses.

Mariela pleads with Salma to understand that she feels a great affection for Jimena. Lulu listens at the door. Salma threatens that they need to leave right away.

MdR prays her rosary. And coughs. Oh, damn. She's coughing up blood. She tells God to do his voluntad, but she's ready. She returns to praying.

Juan lies in bed chuckling to himself. He's happy about all the recent surprises. He finally gets up and offers to let Reggie have the bed. Oh, no you don't! Reggie asks him to stay and sleep with her. She wants them to wake up in each other's arms. Damnit, man, get with the program! They smooch. Reggie says she loves him. Someone screams "nooooo" on the way to commercials. What's that about? More smoochies after the break. Reggie gets all shy when the undressing begins. And then we skip straight to "undressed." The way the music keeps getting cut, we know we're missing details. Yes, Univision, I do know where babies come from, but that doesn't mean I don't always want to learn more. We watch this for the educational value, you know.

Noel is grateful for Clemencia letting him in on the secret about MdR. They muse over how much it must have sucked to be locked up for all those years. Noel says it would be terrible if she got sick from all those years of being stuck down there. Especially if she died right when Juan found her. Clemencia is optimistic that now that they're taking care of her, she'll be fine.

Juan + Reggie = consumation.

Clemencia takes MdR out for a walk in the square. She's still coughing. They pass in front of the house in town and MdR wants to get a better look, but Clem wants her to stay away. MdR remembers the balcony that Juan used to climb up to see her. Clem pleads with her to go to the church like they'd planned. MdR thinks this might be her last chance to see the house and Clem buys that argument.

Juan hangs out some nets on the beach. The boyz come up and try to avoid telling Juan, but Pedro tells him what happened to Remi.

Aimee signed the annulment papers with Reggie's signature. Renato says he only wants to free her from Juan. Aimee mocks him saying someone's bound to notice that Reggie didn't really sign it. Aimee realizes he'd do anything to get Reggie away from Juan. Renato threatens that it won't go well for her if she dares tell anyone what he's doing.

MdR wants to remember the house and all the good times with Juan de Dios. Clemencia keeps trying to get her away from the house. Rodrigo walks out and sees her. MdR confirms for Rod that it really is her. Rod gapes at her and clutches his chest and Clem leads her away. Rod crumples.

MdR and Clemencia go into the church. Clemencia is worried that Rod recognized MdR. She thinks he and Leo are capable of killing her. MdR doesn't really care, now that she's found Juan and she doesn't want Juan to know what happened. MdR makes Clem promise in front of the Virgen that she won't tell, then tells her that she doesn't have long to live, she has an incurable disease that will take her last breath. She begs her not to tell anyone, least of all Juan. She doesn't want him to suffer, she just wants to enjoy her last moments. Clemencia cries and hugs her.

Remigio thought bubbles that he should leave to avoid hurting anyone else. Juan and Reggie come in to see Remigio. Remigo asks Juan's forgiveness because he wants to die. Reggie tells him to man up. Juan agrees with Reggie, but Remi worries about his job prospects. He refuses to beg and he doesn't want to be a burden to anyone. They start shouting at each other. Reggie reminds him that she owes him big time for showing her the real Juan and says she and Juan won't leave him. Juan gets Remi to look at him and says Remi can't spout this nonsense and let him down. He's the one who saved Juan and he's got to keep fighting. Well, Remi doesn't want to be a burden, the sharks took his will to live. Reggie is disappointed to hear him talking like this. She wants him to snap out of it. She and Juan won't feel sorry for him, but he won't get rid of them, either. Juan tells Remi he needs him now more than ever. The guys hug and everybody cries.

Jimena and Gabe come to visit Noel. He lets them know he's living there and Clemencia is looking after him.

Rod stumbles into the house, still clutching his chest. Yes, MdR is alive. Sucks to be you. Rod thinks he's going crazy. He pours himself a drink. He realizes that Leo owes him an explanation and goes to get it.

Salma runs into Servando in town. He mocks her for her new trapos that hardly let her breathe. He reminds her how free she was as a gypsy.

Jimena tells Noel that she and Grizelda only met Salma in Veracruz, so she can't be Mariela's daughter. Gabe tells Noel that Lulu is spying for them to prove that Salma's a big fat liar.

Salma complains to Servando that they give her whatever she wants, but she doesn't have a cent. Servando laughs at her. He tells her the caravan isn't far and Branko is now the leader. Salma gets all happy. Servando says he isn't going to go visit them. He sees Eloisa and takes off to go spy on her some more.

Juan and Reggie talk about how hard it is to see how badly Remi is taking things. Reggie has an idea to cheer him up, though…love.

Lulu goes shopping. She remembers telling the doc that she loves Remigio and him telling her to fight for Remi. She takes off without her basket and runs to see Remi. She demands to see him and says if he doesn't want to see her, he can shut his eyes. She tells him he's not the only one suffering. She knows it was her fault and she didn't tell him the truth because she was afraid of losing him. She never thought a decent guy could fall for her, being a ho and all. She says they both made mistakes, but she's not sorry because at least she got to know him and know what it was like to love. He may not think she's important, but she thinks he is. She pleads with him to look at her. When he won't she says she's said what she has to say and if he wants to keep fighting it and doesn't want to be the man they all thought he was, fine! She leaves. Remi throws something that was on the doc's desk. He cries.

Lulu goes out into the street crying. She tells Noel that she said what she had to say to Remi, but she doesn't think he wants to see her ever again. Noel says maybe she'll fall in love with someone else in time. Lulu says she'll never love anyone else. Remi will always be the love of her life. The vendor gives back her shopping basket.

Rod comes in to see Leo. He tells her MdR is alive. Leo asks if he's gone crazy. Rod drags her out of bed and says he saw MdR with Clemencia and he demands an explanation! Leo claims not to know what he's talking about and says he's being unfair, especially after she's always been on his side. She whines that she doesn't deserve this treatment.

Noel thought bubbles to himself that it was silly to think that a young woman like Lulu would ever be interested in him. He resigns himself to a life without love.

Leo reminds Rod of Arcadio going crazy and claiming that MdR was alive and locked up, that Leo killed Constanza, but hey, he ran off. She says if someone is guilty it must be Arcardio. Rod seems to buy it. He's horrified Arcadio would do such a thing. Leo says she can't believe it either, her poor sister! What she must have suffered! And all without them knowing. Leo fake prays to God for strength to deal with her pain. Rod doesn't know where MdR is, but he won't rest until he finds her and she tells him what happened. Leo thought bubbles that that damn Clemencia already knew about this! Rod looks at Leo suspiciously.

Juan asks Reggie if she's sure love will heal Remi. She says she and Juan were practically enemies, but now they love each other. Juan asks if she misses having servants, but Reggie says she's never been happier than she is now. She feels loved and protected. Juan is happy too, but it scares him. He's afraid something is going to screw up their happiness. Reggie swears she'll always be with him. Smoochies.

Leo comes to see Renato. He shows her the annulment papers. He tells her that Aimee faked the signature. Leo says this will cause a new scandal. She doesn't want Ren to go say anything to Aimee, she's tired of their fighting! They've made this house a hell!

Salma remembers Servando telling her that Branko is nearby, that her clothing is so much more constricting. Salma starts ripping things off and yelling that she's a gypsy, damnit! She doesn't want to be a Payo!

Gabe takes Jimena to a pretty spot in town and asks her to marry him. We'll have to get her answer tomorrow.

Ultimas Semanas! Woo hoo!

Trapos=rags, clothes
Payo=Ghazo, gajo, gadje, gaje, a non-gypsy


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

El Clon Tuesday July 27: Summary for Discussion

Tonight, Zein has found his Scheherazade on the six-month plan; Natalia isn’t fooling any of the people any of the time; and if Abdul wants to play Cupid, he’d better take some archery lessons!

In Fez, Zein is even more enchanted with Jade when he finds out she knows the Snake Dance and she offers to perform it for him:
Es un argumento irresistible…Scheherazade!
It’s an irresistible story...Scheherazade, smiles Zein.

Cris is trying to find Zein so she can pass along Lucas’s message to Jade, but the hotel reception clerk doesn’t understand her.

In Miami, Nati tells Alejandro that after her accident, she was in the hospital all night. But I checked all the hospitals, he says. Oh, not exactly a hospital, un centro médico, she clarifies. Why didn’t you call me? he asks. I’d die if anything happened to you!

Once again we cut back and forth to Enrique’s monologue on the psychiatrist’s couch: Lying becomes normal, he says. One becomes an expert in the art of deception.

Later, Andrea confronts her friend:
¡Tú no eres, así, Natalia!
You’re not like that, Natalia! she says. Natalia claims she had no choice but to lie to Alej; if he knew the truth, he’d leave her. Besides, she says, she can stop using drugs any time.
¡Qué decepción! No te reconozco!
How disappointing! I don’t recognize you, Andrea says to Nati.

Enrique: You think you can stop using, but you become a slave to drugs. You’ll do anything – rob, kill, prostitute yourself.

A big yellow taxi pulls up in front of Gloria’s. Out steps Rosa and she wants to talk to Gloria and Alej about Nati. She was so upset, she confides, when Nati came home tan descontrolada, drogada, grosera (so out of control, drugged, rude) last night. Uh oh. Now Alej knows the truth!

Cut to Leo and Amalia in their idyllic vacation spot. Amalia tries to tell Leo about Marisa’s alarming message, but he interrupts her with a kiss, then places a ring on her finger. The ring seems to cause amnesia and Amalia forgets all about the urgent message.

At la Casa Ferrer, Rosa tells Marisa that Lucas will be home tomorrow. Marisa continues blaming Alej for Nati’s problems. She has found a doctor and is thinking about putting Nati in a clinic. Too bad Leo’s not here, Nati respects him, says Rosa. She used to respect him, corrects Marisa.

And as Rosa tries once again to reach Leo by phone, it’s déjà vu all over again! Leo is in the arms of his enamorada and the phone rings unanswered.

Natalia comes back to the apartment to find a grim-looking Alejandro waiting for her.
Ya lo sé todo, Nati, Rosa me lo contó.
Now I know everything, Nati, Rosa told me.
Nati denies everything and finally locks herself in the bathroom, screaming to Alej to leave her alone.

At the gym, Pablo tells his friend that he has to make a choice: either keep chasing after Nati’s problems, or concentrate on his career. He can’t do both. He introduces Alej’s new trainer.

And in Fez, Said is on the phone with Zein demanding that Jade be returned to him. A deal’s a deal, after all. Zein gives him a story about how returning Jade so soon after the wedding would look odd, people would think the marriage was a farce and word might get back to Zein’s parents.

On Said’s end of the line, Rania is thrilled to learn there is a delay in Jade’s return. She snuggles up to Said, reassuring him that she and her fetus are there for him. Somehow that doesn’t seem to make Said happy although Rania looks like the cat that swallowed the canary.

Latifa tells Samira that the guests have arrived at Ali’s house – the prospective novios and their families. Samira doesn’t want to meet them. Latifa begs her to do it to make her father happy (complazcámoslo) – they can work on softening him up later so he changes his mind.

Nazira doesn’t want to participate either. She has her usual No Husband For Poor Nazira tantrum, but is pleasantly surprised when Abdul tells her he has found someone for her and she will meet him tomorrow.

The surprise for Samira and Amin is anything but pleasant, however.
Mi novio es un nerd, complains Samira.
Mi novia es muy gorda, complains Amin.

Ali is apart from the festivities. He tells Zoraida he doesn’t agree with what Abdul is doing, but the kids belong to Abdul’s family and he, Ali, has no right to interfere. He muses about Jade and admits that in her case he shouldn’t have been so quick to get her married off:
Me precipité. La casé muy rápido, y ahora estoy pagando las consecuencias.
I was hasty. I married her off quickly and now I'm paying the consequences.

At Empresa Ferrer in Miami, as Clara is getting ready for her date with Rogelio, she asks Enrique if he thinks Fernando has a chemical dependency. That’s for a doctor to determine, he answers judiciously.

Rogelio and Clara are seated in a restaurant when they have the extreme misfortune to see Malicia and Escobarde enter. Malicia invites herself to join them and introduces Raul as her husband (Huh?)

Estela is home with a tearful Dora and begs her to stop thinking about Daniel (¡Quítate ese muchacho de la cabeza!) when Anita shows up. You’ll never guess what I found in Albieri’s papers…

In Fez, we, along with Zein, are treated to Jade’s interpretation of the Snake Dance. It’s a little too reptilian.. for my taste, but he seems to like it just fine. After watching her, he declares:
Se ha enamorado de ti…locamente enamorado.
I’ve fallen in love with you... crazy in love. (literally, ‘one has fallen in love’)
You shine like a diamond, he tells her. No, she says, it’s not real, it’s just un espejismo (mirage, illusion). Zein tells her not to be afraid, that he won't force himself on her; he will love her with words until she falls in love with him. Just give him time… How much time? Jade wants to know. Six months, says Zein.

Back in Miami, Anita reads aloud the letter she found among Albieri’s papers. It is addressed to Luisa and it begs her forgiveness for what he is doing and for what he has done. It sounds like a farewell letter, says Dora. So he has no intention of coming back, they conclude. And he made his plans to flee with Daniel some time ago. (But what the… what about Anita’s shock when she saw Daniel’s photo? If there was any reference to it, I missed it!)

The aforementioned Daniel is getting a bit impatient with Albieri and all the clone questions. He doesn’t understand why they can’t visit Albi’s friend yet and why Albi can’t tell him his great truth until his friend is present.

In the clinic in Miami, Julio has decided to track down Dr. Silvia. Maybe she can clear up the switched embryo mystery. And as luck would have it, she is in Miami!

Malicia is sucking up to Rogelio at the dinner table. She is so fortunate to work with someone as gifted as he is in her chosen field, public relations. Cristina is the expert, he demurs. Oh, Cristina is a lovely person but… Clara looks ill but says nothing, and then excuses herself from the table. (Rogelio has kind of a poker face. I'm not sure what his reaction to Malicia really is. If he's taken in by her, I will be very disappointed in him!)

In Fez, Zein wants an answer from Jade. Give me six months. If you don’t fall in love with me by the end of that time, you are free to go. But if you try to run away before then, I’ll send you back to Said. If you accept, we’ll leave tomorrow for Miami. I accept, says Jade. (Wait a minute -- No one says anything about Jadiya!)

Alejandro gives Natalia another chance to tell him the truth about last night, but she just keeps lying to him, and getting angrier and angrier.

Enrique’s monologue: The addict is subject to sudden changes of mood, outbursts of aggression, getting into fights for no reason…

Alej echoes Andrea’s words: No te reconozco, Nati. And Nati says: No soy una drogadicta, no la soy!

Enrique: You keep fleeing desperately from the truth; you don’t want to face it.

Lucas arrives at La Casa Ferrer. ¿Dónde está mi hija? he asks. Silently, Marisa leans into him, her head on his shoulder and a tear streams down her cheek.

Previews: Jade learns that Lucas has gone back to Miami without her. Zein tells Said that he has fallen in love with Jade.


Dinero July 27: Actually, nothing happens.

  • Nelson's Hare Krishna band was not a hit at Susana's apartment complex. True, their repertoire is monotonous, one song. Nelson got doused (by an annoyed neighbor) and hauled off to jail by the corrupt cops - they do a cute version of the "Hare krishna" which they claim has been going on for hours, creating a scandal.

  • Glum and desperate, Rafa comes home and tells his mom he's out of work as of the end of the month. She says, "I told you so," which I think is unfair considering the jam she's gotten him into, and she rubs salt in the wound. He's desperate. She says he should have stayed at CloAuto.

    He says his life's been a disaster since the accident. In a burst of eloquence, Mami says the problem is really that he's tried to reach for a life outside his social station. "Don't dream," she advises, "THIS is your life - Vicki, and this house..."

    He says his new life isn't a dream, but a reality and doesn't she ever dream?" "I couldn't because the man I adored and in whom I lodged all my hopes abandoned us and I had to eke out a life for us. Then you grew up and took care of things - and that's your reality!" He thanks her for her sacrifices and admits, when questioned, that he doesn't love Vicki and does love his licenciada.

  • Vicki's hungry brothers practically break down the door, and they drag her home after she has yammered endlessly, told Rafa he'll be living with her family and working with her dad and brothers (he has a horrible daydream imagining that), and yelled at Julieta and Leonor - they better show up for their appointment to get the matching dresses for the wedding. She ignores all their requests that costs be kept down because of the debt.

    I love the name "bofe," must be related to buffoon, and also "menso," does it come from the MENSA club?

  • After Vicki and the boys leave, Julieta and her mom go to bed leaving Rafa and his buddy to review. Jaime has another hysterical fit insisting that Rafa forget his licenciada and immediately marry Vicki Vicki Vicki - and in fact that he should immediately start having cositas with her. He gets so shrill Rafa has to whack him with a pillow to calm him down, and he asks suspiciously: "Why do you care so much?"

    Jaime is saved by Dandy's call from jail. They go off and spring him.

  • Ale scolds her dad some more about his sweet young friend: "That Rubi doesn't exactly look like -- a nurse..."

    Dad is humble but firm: "All my life I paid attention to appearances. Now, aren't I entitled to a moment of happiness?" Ale reluctantly yields, though Rosario announces (when she arrives with Quintana) that Rubi's appearance is the worst news since the embargo. Quintana stands up for his co-conspirator Rubi.

    Marco arrives with an unwanted kiss for Ale's reluctant cheek. She tells them all: the religious wedding is suspended. WHAT? Because there are no religious ceremonies if there is no church wedding. Jorge and Quintana are in favor of postponing. Marco yells NO! Rosario and Ale agree with him. Decided: to have the civil ceremony now and the religious ceremony later.

    Changing the subject, Marco suggests they all go to the hacienda next day and see the damage Chavez has caused. Ale points out she has to work. They will pick her up after work. Jorge wants Rubi to come.

  • Ramirez kisses the redheaded woman, one of Marino's seven discarded mothers-of-sons. She wants Ramirez to spend the night, but she hasn't told Edgar Jr. about him.

    Ramirez tells her Marino doesn't care, he has a new conquest ("Poor woman!" says the redhead). Maybe, they think, it's time to tell Edgar Jr - and if Edgar Sr objects, they can threaten to tell Sandra about the seven sons.

  • At morning meeting, Ale and Rafe exchange a little tender glance.

    Marino lies in wait for Beltran and bugs him some more about getting promoted after Ale and Rafe leave. Beltran brushes him off, so Marino welches on his deal with Claudia, keeping his sales commissions. He sneers at her: "You are too much of a coward to blow the whistle on me for welching. Are you going to tell everyone YOU were the snitch?"

  • Susana roundly rejects Dandy even though he crawls on her desk for forgivenness. This leaves him free to do the dirty with Carmela the Ardent - and he's willing to do it, because getting the proofs locked in her archive is the only way to convince Ale and Susana that Rafa's preposterous tale is the truth.

    Zetina debriefs them all and they plan, like spies, for Dandy's mission with the "man-eating monster." Pepeto says, don't be afraid: "The dog that barks doesn't bite."

Tomorrow: looks like there will be a few sweet moments between Rafa and Ale.


CS - Monday, July 26 - happy reunions and startling breakups

EPISODE 111 - July 26, 2010:
Maria tells Juan that yes, he is her son - he is the son of Juan de Dios San Roman y Maria del Rosario Montes de Oca. Juan won’t believe it. Maria tells him to look at her. Juan thinks his mom is dead. He’s visited her tomb many times. She explains that she is his mom, that for years she was dead by being imprisoned in the dungeon but she never lost faith. He can’t believe it. She says it’s true, it’s true. She says he’s confused. She really has to work to convince him to believe her. They hug. He cries in her arms. She sees his birthmark on his neck. She shows him her birthmark on her neck. He’s in shock. She says LOOK! LOOK! I’m your mother. They hug and cry. “It’s a miracle” cries Juan. (Aw!) “My son! My son!” cries Mom. “Mother! Mother! Mother!” cries Juan. They hug.

At home at Paradise ranch, Juan and Regi laugh and kiss in the main room. She notices his new haircut. He says now he is ready to begin a new life with her and his mother. She tells him the secret she’s kept in her heart -- that she loves him. He loves her more. They kiss.

Felipe sits on his favorite stair and cries and tears up his paper with farm hand on it. He’s depressed over being fired again. (He still can’t find work.)

Leo thinks about Aimee’s rant about hating the family and especially Ren. Leo grumbles, if it wasn’t for the grandchild Aimee is carrying in her womb, she wouldn’t care for Aimee either.

Felipe stands on the rock wall and makes his suicide speech as Noel drives by in his coach. Felipe jumps off the wall towards the sea. Noel runs over to the wall and looks down. Felipe landed with his feet firmly buried in the sand. Noel pulls him back up and talks him out of suicide. Felipe talks and talks and rambles before Noel’s advice about work and money actually register in his brain.

Juan talks with Regi about spending time with his mom. Regi tells him to take all the time he needs - since he’s lost so much time with her already.

Remi tells his fisherman buddies not to tell Juan anything about what happened to him. He doesn’t want to ruin Juan’s happiness with being reunited with his mother. Remi is still depressed about Malu. Gabe enters. They explain Remi’s request not to tell Juan. Remi asks to be alone. They all leave. Remi remembers his shock at seeing Lulu kissing another man at the casino.

Gabe finds Lulu at Raul’s home. She explains that Mariela hired her.

Noel agrees to give Felipe a job. Felipe the klutz celebrates and twists and turns and falls backside first right into a fruit stand.

Juan and Maria visit Juan Sr.’s grave. She wants to buried right next to him when she dies. Juan doesn’t want her to talk about death. Maria explains how Juan Sr. and the fisherman thought about death and the sea as part of their everyday life. Juan says his dad always talked about her kindly and with lots of love. She advises him to continue to fight for his love with Regi. Love with conquer all obstacles and survive forever.

Al and Raul are in the office, discussing Mariela’s new hire Lulu. Al is concerned about his money running short. Raul assures him that he is fine with Lulu working for Mariela. They talk about the end of Juan’s trial.

Lulu tells Gabe that she is disposed to do whatever it takes to win back Remi’s love. Gabe promises to help her.

Dr. Pablo tells Mariela and her mom that Mariela just had an anxiety attack. Mom is happy to hear it and presses for permission to leave and go back to Puebla. Mariela has another anxiety attack as she cries and begs not to leave town.

Gabe asks Lulu to spy on Salma for him. He and Noel suspect that she isn’t telling the truth. Lulu promises to help him. Gabe leaves. As Dr. Pablo walks through the living room, Lulu asks him how Mariela is doing. Dr. Pablo says much better. As he turns to leave, she asks about Remi. He tells her that Remi is depressed. She says she loves Remi so much. He advises her to fight for that love. He leaves. She makes a vow to do just that.

Rod visits Leo in her bedroom. She is still upset over the trial and all the catcalling, gossip and scandals against them. Rod takes off his jacket and the climb into bed together. They start to kiss.

Noel returns home and asks Celia where his wife is. She says in her room. He asks where Ren is. She says locked away in the office. Celia leaves. Noel stops himself from entering the office and goes upstairs slowly.

Rod and Leo are in the midst of making love. Noel knocks, enters and is stunned by the sight of the two in bed together. (I’m more repulsed by the sight myself. Yuck!) Noel applauds Rod and Leo for finally consummating and showing what they all have suspected for years. He asks what happens now? Leo doesn’t care - she only cares about her son’s opinion. Noel warns about the public gossiping that she is a whore. Noel is relieved and feels he is now totally and completely free of her and he will now leave the house. Leo says good, go. Noel warns them about the deceit of Aimee and what Ren’s reaction will be - that it all may very well end in a duel to the death between Ren and Juan. He leaves. Leo calls out to Noel - she’s is really upset over Noel’s warning. Rod consoles her, kisses her, then says that he should probably get back to his house in town as soon as possible.

Noel, with suitcase in hand, sees Clem in the lower lobby. He explains that he is leaving the ranch forever. She wants to leave with him. He smiles and says she is always welcome to come with him. Clem runs to get her things quickly and they can leave.

Noel visits Ren in the office. Ren sees dad with his suitcase and tells his dad he is so disillusioned and deceived by his own father. Noel explains that he had to defend Juan, it was a matter of the heart and conscious. Noel explains the wisdom fathers teach their children and thinks Ren will understand as he will soon be a father as well.

Clem is packing in her room and talking to her Virgencita doll statues. Leo yells and enters Clem’s room. Leo orders Clem to get back to work. Clem won’t work for murderers. Leo slaps her. Clem slaps her back TWICE!, then quits and warns Leo that her downfall has now began. Clem takes her suitcase and statue and leaves.

Noel tries to talk with Ren. Ren doesn’t really want to talk or listen. He tells his dad to have a nice life. Noel asks for a hug before he leaves. Ren won’t do it and only says “Go with God.”

As Noel walks back to the lobby, he plays with his sword cane, grumbles a prayer for evil to befall on Rod and Leo and takes off his wedding ring and places it on the table before he leaves.

Ren stands in his office, totally depressed and disillusioned.

Out at the town gazeblo, Jimena and Gabe are happy and in love. She is happy that Grizzy has disappeared, and that Mariela has forgiven her. She knows that Salma is an imposter and doesn’t trust her but at the same time, she doesn’t want to hurt Mariela. As they talk, the caramel apple vendor walks by, Jimena tells Gabe about her memory of her and her mom and the caramel apples.

Santo and Jacinta are in their beach shack home. He talks to her about marriage and asks her to marry him. He goes on and on talking that he doesn’t hear her says “I accept”. She says it a second time, and it takes awhile for him to register what she said. When he does, he can’t quite believe it at first that she said “yes.” They kiss!

In the coach, Noel asks Clem why the secrecy over where they are going first. Clem only tells him that he will see when they arrive.

Juan and Regi are kissing in the main room at Paradise Ranch house. Maria enters and interrupts. Regi mentions her mom, who died when she and Aimee were little. Maria mentions finding a letter written by her mom to her and her sister. Regi wants to know what it said. Maria refuses to reveal anything about the contents until Clem is present. Regi thinks the news can’t be good. Just then, they hear the voices of Clem and Noel approaching. Noel is stunned to see Maria sitting there, alive, in front of him.

Ren makes a vow to himself not to lose Regina. He takes out papers from his desk and laughs to himself.

Celia is talking with Aimee about premonitions, great powers and a pact with the devil. Celia is totally paranoid and Aimee is intrigued. Ren enters and orders Celia to leave. Celia obeys. Aimee wonders about his visit. Ren thrusts the papers on the table - she looks at them and realizes they are annulment papers. Ren has the pen ready for her to sign them.



Monday, July 26, 2010

Dinero Mon. July 26, 2010 Jorge's In Love With R.U.B.I.!!!

Love( or lust) take your pick...... is in the air. Vicky wants Rafa. Quintana wants Rosario. Dandy yearns for Susana. Rafa wants Ale. So does Marco. And Marino is hell-bent on bedding Sandra.

But who is madly badly in love? None other than our dapper forgetful gent Jorge. He's fallen in a big way for Miss Rubi. And who can blame him? She is, to all appearances a doll.

Okay, a doll young enough to be his grandchild. A dubious doll with her canny eye on the hacienda. But she's no more venal than Chavez and Marco and might give better value for money. Who knows?

Other than this cascade of lusty love, what else happened tonight? Well, let's face it, not a lot. We're in another holding pattern.

We begin with a replay of the Queen discussing business with Beltran. Why not keep Rafa? Forget the resumé, the guy can sell. And Ale? Okay, she's a fine executive, but not well liked. If we have to sacrifice somebody for form, let it be her. They conclude the agreement with a ditsy photo of the Queen, Beltran and the two doggies. Chaton, the photographer, looks like he ate something noxious.

The only despot more feared than the Queen is our hysterical VickyVickyVicky. She's terrorizing her maid of honor in the bridal store and giving orders right and left. And finally throwing a super tantrum because her future mother-in-law and Julietta have not been in to try on dresses for the wedding. We sense storm clouds brewing.

And storm clouds a-plenty back at the apartment. Rosario is livid when she finds out the luncheon date was with Rubi. Jorge grouses that she doesn't care about his health...'cause Miss Rubi makes him feel terrific! No way will Rosario tolerate this woman under the same roof, even if the roof belongs to Marco. No sireee! She flounces off in one direction, Jorge heads off for a nap in the other. Marco is left to gloat that now he has the old man on his side and can pressure him to sell the hacienda. Gloat gloat gloat.

Back at Auto Siglo, the posse has come to the conclusion that only Rafa can deal with Carmela. But she's off on a trip. And Zetina? Well, he's still following Marco and trying to catch him being up to something (las manos en la masa) but in the meantime, guys, we've got to start selling some cars to earn our keep. Indeed. Beltran catches them outside, yells at them to get back to work and they do.

And speaking of yelling, Vicky arrives in high dudgeon shrieking at the top of her lungs. And Leonor puts her in her place. How dare you etc. For once Vicky is startled into silence. Let's just pause and enjoy that moment....because it doesn't last long. In the end, Leonor calms her down by promising to stop by the bridal store the next day. As to when Rafa will be home, she doesn't know. AND SHE HAS A LOT TO DO SO GOOD-BYE VICKY! Whew. I can only take so much Vicky per episode and I was definitely at my limit. So was Leonor. She's wondering how she can put up with her for life.

Back to Auto Siglo. Marino is trying to tattle on the sales force. Beltran isn't listening. Next he confides to his toady friend that he has great plans for conquering Sandra tonight and engendering a little girl. His buddy understands only one thing. Marino will be back late he can have his own lady over! There are the usual threats about Marino wanting him gone, and the usual excuses of rent is high, book hasn't been published yet, these things take time, etc. More circling the drain.

Additional circling with Rafa and Susana. He tries to explain where Dandy really was and why. Susana won't listen. Additional kvetching by Ale. Her lines. His lines. Ugh.

Now a cute visual scene. The sales folks are lined up, with Rosaura leaning on Bebe's head (he fits nicely under her chin) staring at a downtrodden, almost comatose Dandy. Rosaura can't understand why he can't fix the relationship until she's reminded of how long she's been bunking at the General's while her own marriage is in peril. Well, heck, she's giving time and space to the relationship. General consensus: Dandy misses Susana a lot more than Rosaura misses her husband and kids. Busted! And Dandy and Ramiro wonder if Ale just likes to go on being the victim and blaming Rafa. You got it: more circling. Like those dreadful traffic roundabouts they're installing....I can never get off them! These folks are stuck just like I am.

We find ourselves at the apartment where the oily Quintana (something about his mustache repulses me) has come to woo Rosario. She wants to go out for coffee so she can vent about Rubi. But the case of the hacienda is mentioned before they leave. Once again we see Marco scheming after their departure. "I've got to get rid of Quintana or find a way to keep him quiet."

And now a little guy humor. Perpetual drunk is about to throw up all over the bartender. The latter sends him off the the bathroom to hurl. Lovely.

Unfazed, fellow barmates Marco and Chavez are having their usual chat about the hacienda. Chavez doesn't think Marcos can handle the situation. Yes, he can. Jorge is the head of the family and he decides, and he's got Jorge in his pocket. Oh yeah, sez Chavez. And you think Medina is just gonna stand by while you marry his girl? And let's face it, she's sweet on him, not you. Marco explodes. A cute scene but we've seen it all before.

Now on to Rosario and Quintana. The lovebirds have hit a snag. Quintana is way too appreciative of Rubi. How could he be!? This cheesy sleazy babe is just after my brother's money. Oh, oozes Quintana, eyes mean he has some extra money socked away somewhere? No, of course not, he's bankrupt. Well, not everybody's after money, he continues. And maybe she just thinks of him like a father. Rosario's not buying it and neither are we.

So who IS falling for a line of bull? Well, not Sandra. Not at first. But by the end of the episode, Marino has her hook line and sinker. Here's how it went. They order drinks, he moves in way too fast, wanting to "formalize" the relationship and get busy making that adorable little girl child, who'll have his fabulous genes but her good looks and intelligence. Do you care for me? or are you just looking for an incubator for a baby? snaps Sandra. A lot of fast talk about the magic of their relationship and their attraction for each other. More to come but first we switch back to Ale at the office.

No magic there. She's down in the dumps. Can't work, can't stop thinking about Rafa. Wants to go out and get a drinky-poo with Susana. Susana wisely refuses and advises her to go home and talk to her father.

Back to our lustbirds. Marino's worked himself up to a fever-pitch pleading with her to give in to their magnificent passion.

Well, look whosh here, slurs a drunk, Sandra the ball-busting maneater.
M- And who are you!?
I'm the ex-husband.

Of course there's an ad.

But we're back. Big antler-bashing scene. She's a lousy wife, can't even make fried eggs, burns water, sleeps with her socks on, slurs the obnoxious drunk.

Marino attacks. Knocks the guy to the ground. A somewhat light on his feet companion shrieks, You monster, what have you done to him? Who's that? asks Marino. The guy my husband cheated on me with, hisses Sandra. But at last I've got a REAL MAN at my side. And goes into a clinch with Marino. Lots of hot kissing which would really be great if we liked these people. But we don't. So it's gross. Sorry.

And speaking of gross, yep, we're at the beauty parlor. And Vicky's there. Ovidia frets about the boys sweeping her feet, evidently this means she'll marry a widower. They chat about her possible baby and whether or not the boys can be "aunts" for the little tyke. They also chat up Vicky who wants to plan a hairdo and make-up session for the wedding. The skinny fellow assures her she's so pretty all she needs is a little lip gloss and she'll be good to go. After she leaves, they commiserate about Rafa as a "pobre sandwichito". Interesting.

Out little "sandwichito" and Dandy are glumly sitting together, dreaming about the day they can get their girlfriends back. Well, Dandy has time. But Rafa, you have your back against the wall (estás con la soga al cuello) what with your wedding at the end of the month. And has Zetina learned anything? Only that Marco had the old guy out to lunch with some babe. Doesn't sound good, muses Dandy. Maybe you should take that job with Marian Celeste and forget Ale. Rafa looks sad...and horrified at the thought. More circling the drain.

Our gloomy Ale arrives home to find an exuberant, radiant Papa, full of vim and vigor after his marvelous day. Gosh, Marco took him to eat in a great place for one thing. But for another thing, do you think I'm too old to fall in love? Well, gee, no. And with Rosario getting married, and me getting married, and I know Mother has been gone a long time....well, yes, why shouldn't you be happy! Do I know her? You do! And it's.....

Gimme an R! R!
Gimme a U! U!
Gimme a B! B!
Gimme an I! I!


Let's get this unfortunate scene over with. Ale is opposed. But Jorge feels something special. Yeah, well she's young enough to be your grandchild. You'd be ridiculous being seen with her. Aren't you confusing physical attraction with love? Jorge could answer "And your point is?..." But in fact, he fixes Ale with a steely glare and asks his own question: With whom did YOU confuse attraction and love? Marco? Or Rafa? Advantage Jorge.

Now back to our lovesick Dandy. His last resort is to draft the Hare Krishna Mariachi band to his rescue. The apartment supervisor won't let him past the yellow line but no matter. He'll sing from the sidewalk. A lugubrious Hare Krishna Hare Krishna ensues.


So he tries an up-tempo Hare Krishna Hare Krishna.


So he bellows "Susanita. Te amo! Perdoname!" And begs the group for a really swingin' heart-bustin' song.

More Hare Krishna Hare Krishna.

But wait. A door opens. Someone comes out on the balcony. Is it Susanita? Nope. It's a grouchy guy with an endless pail of cold water which he pours out on poor lovesick Hare Krishna Dandy. And there we end.

Rafa frets that he's told the licenciada the truth but it didn't help. And he's still under Marco's blackmail threat.
Ale lets the family know that she and Marco can't have a church wedding. The latter is impactado and VERY UNHAPPY.

ultimos arreglos = last-minute arrangements (Vicky at the bridal store)
lugar idóneo = perfect location, perfect spot , ideal place (Marino schmoozing a client looking for a car)
arránquense =let's start, let's go (Dandy urging on his Hare Krishna Mariachis)
huevos estrellados = fried eggs
estar con la soga al cuello = to be in a real fix, to have one's back against the wall (Rafa)
familia politica = in-laws
se te van los puntos finos = you're not handling the details, the fine points are getting away from you (Chavez criticizing Marco)
nido de viboras = nest of vipers (Auto Siglo sales force)
el escarmiento = a "lesson" (what the Queen and Beltran want to teach folks at Auto Siglo)
acatar ordenes = follow orders, obey orders
manos en la masa = usually used as in " to catch somebody getting up to something...with their hands in the cookie jar")

Dicho of the Day

Un ojo al gato y otro al garabato. lit. one eye on the cat, the other one on the scribble.
Fig. Keep your eye on the eight ball. (And that's just what Rafa needs to do if he's going to explose Marco, win Ale and end up happy. Go Rafa!)


Club Gancho... no shirt, no shoes, no problem... except for you Carlos... put that shirt back on!

¡Hola Ganchodores! my name is Jack Buengato. One of my humanoid pets, the old fat male, Carlos, has asked me to open up Club Gancho for him this week. Now ordinarily it would never occur to me to comply with requests from my livestock, but he and the cute one I call Linda did do a small favor for me recently when I got a little short of breath (I thought it was another hairball). They drove me to the emergency room where it turned out that I had a little flareup of asthma or some such thing. Anyway, the Doc at the ER said that it was a good thing they brought me, so when Carlos asked me to fill in tonight I agreed. Maybe now he'll quit saying that I owe him one. Besides, it's raining here again so my plans to do a little night prowling are shot all to hell. I had my heart set on finding a tasty young rodent to supplement the crap they put out for me each evening but it looks like I'll be waiting a few days until the weather clears. It's a good thing for them that I enjoy having them around or I would have found replacements with some hunting and gathering skills. Anyway, for some reason my bitch, Bonnie Belle seems to adore them and generally they are adequate servants... at least as humans go.

Carlos wanted me to tell you that the feature drink here this week is the Redheaded Mexican... cute. I've taken the liberty to open a couple of cans of Fancy Feast and set out some bowls of Meow Mix (sorry, it's what they bring in for me), and maybe if the weather clears I can bring in a couple of rats for you to snack on. Jeff, Sandy, and Judy, as always there's iced tea (Luzianne of course) and fresh lemonade, as well as hibiscus tea this week.

Here's a couple of pictures to talk about. Ximena and Constanza... sex kittens?

Jerónimo... I smell a rat

Dani... a really cute kitten

Estrella Falcón... actriz

Coni and Aldo... attentive stepmother

Dr. LeFort... formerly Tio Meño

Klunder Bros. Arnaldo and Rolando... brotherly love

What the heck?

Now if you don't mind, I'll just get back to ignoring you. Nothing personal,

it's a cat thing.



El Clon, Mon., July 26- Summary for Discussion

One exciting episode and it's back to the same old thing with our least favorite characters.

Jade does the sword dance

and Zein watches appreciatively.

Alej comes home looking for Nati. He doesn't want to call Rosa and worry her. Pablo suggests that they check hospitals and police stations.

Marisa asks Andrea when Nati got started taking drugs. Andrea replies that it was 'cuando empezó todo el rollo con Alejandro,' when the whole Alejandro business started. This confirms Marisa's belief that Alej was the source of Nati's problems. Andrea clarifies that Alej wasn't involved, he is an athlete and hates drugs. Andrea says that Nati is insecure and weak and she thought she could escape reality by doing drugs.

Si me lo hubiera dicho, if only she had told me about it, says Marisa, [you would have just made the situation worse, bruja] nada de esto habría pasado, none of this would have happened. Marisa and Rosa look back and realize how Nati's behavior changed but Marisa says that she attributed it to a teenage crisis.

After the dance, Jade drugs Zein's drink but he doesn't drink it. He takes both drinks and puts them on the table saying that Jade is a woman that he could love for the rest of his life and starts to kiss her. Jade moves away, takes the drinks back and insists on a toast but now she isn't sure which glass has the drug.

Outside, Lucas tells Cristina that he can't wait any longer. He asks Cristina to explain what happened to Jade and tell her that he loves her forever.

It looks like it was Jade who got the drugged drink.

Zoraida gives Rania her cure for morning sickness - hold a spoon. She asks Zoraida how she can give Said a boy. Zoraida replies that is up to Allah. Rania says that if she has a boy, she won't fear Jade any more because she will have given Said a whole child, not half a one, i.e., a girl, like Jade did. Zoraida protests that Said adores and will always adore Jadiya. Yes, replies Rania, but he will love my son more.

Rania asks Ali the question we had: does Jade stay first wife or become second wife when she remarries Said? Ali replies that Rania would be first wife. She cannot conceal her glee.

Latifa takes Jadiya, Sumaya and Zamira to the medina. Jadiya wants lots of gold and Zamira doesn't want to wear a veil or have her husband chosen for her.

More trouble from Mohamed's children who grew up in the West. Mohamed tells Amin that his betrothed is named Nadia and she is from a very religious family. Amin does not have confidence in Tío Abdul's determination that Nadia is beautiful. He asks Mohamed if he can marry a Westerner if he doesn't like any of the women in Fez. No way, says, Mohamed.

Zein asks Jade if she slept well from the sleeping pill she took. Zein says that women never take him by surprise but he like ingenious ones that he has to figure out. He says that he won't tell anyone what happened. It will be a secret that brings them together.

Amalia takes a call from Marisa [who is now sporting a dress with VNP] for Leo. She wants him to call her about the Nati situation. Leo refuses to listen to the message and goes out to play squash.

Albieri tells Daniel, 'imagina que tú no hubieras sido creado por Dios, sino por un hombre,' Imagine that you weren't created by God but by another man. Like us, Daniel is fed up with the 'what if' game.

Hilda and the sKank are having their usual discussion about how much they can get out of Roberto for his love child.

Alej comes home from searching all night for Nati to find her asleep in bed. She tells him to relax and let her sleep. Poor Alej tells her that he has been searching for her all night.

Jade begs Zein not to return her to Said. He guesses that she wanted to run away and asks why. She says that she wants to live in the West and be free to choose her own life just as he does. She begs him to help her but doesn't mention that she is in love with another man. He doesn't answer and takes her into the medina.

Mohamed tells Ali that he has a bad feeling about this business with Jade. Ali replies that he leaves the future up to Allah. The Naz delivers her usual diatribe again her brothers' 'odalisques' and Jade in particular and her brothers' failure to get her a husband after all she did for them.

The prospective bride and groom for Amin and Zamira are coming over to Ali's house. Once again Zamira states that she will not have her husband chosen for her. Jadiya can't understand why Zamira doesn't want the gold that a married woman gets. Zamira cannot understand why Jadiya wouldn't be grossed out by having to have sex with someone she's never met. Zoraida counsels Zamira that as the weaker party, she shouldn't confront the stronger party but use more subtle means. Zamira doesn't believe that will work because Abdul will bring suitor after suitor until Mohamed forces her to marry one. Zoraida tells the girls that Abdul is stuck in the past and doesn't understand that things have changed. 'What is it that I don't understand? asks Abdul overhearing. He accuses her of spreading corruption to the girls.

Latifa begs Mohamed to wait on betrothing the children but he won't budge. He says amazingly stupid things like, 'if they're engaged, they will think about their betrotheds in Morocco and won't fall for Westerners. If you turned that around, it would be more likely true.

Once again Albieri chickens out on bringing Daniel to meet Ali. He insists on having Ali meet his godson in some isolated place (the ruins) because when Ali meets Daniel, he will understand Albieri's sin.

It looks like our hopes that the Chump might begin to wise up about Malicia were in vain. He has already decided that it is Clara's fault that Fernando is taking drugs. Malicia skillfully supports this conclusion suggesting the Clara is capable of doing anything including getting involved with her son's friends.

Dora comes to see Osvaldo. He says that he misses her and asks for some good news. She says that she hopes he rots in jail. She says that she will regret loving him until the last day of her life. She says that Karla told her everything. The money she made doing two jobs, that he told her was for his sick mother, [I think we definitely have some cut scenes here - first we've heard that Dora was helping Osvaldo pay Karla] was going to that slut. She says that she has always forgiven him before but she is tired of waiting for a man that will put her first. He promises to treat her like a princess but she says that it is too late. Love is like a crystal - once it is broken, it can't be repaired.

Rosa comes to see Gloria.

Alej wakes Nati up and asks her to tell him why she couldn't be there on the most important night of his life. She spins a tail about studying for an exam and not being able to find anything to eat and crashing her car.

Jade asks Zein why he just looks at her mysteriously and won't say anything. 'I don't want to betray Said but I don't want to return you,' says Zein.

The credits roll.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

We get to hear again the verdict and to see the in your face kiss between Reggie and Juan. They profess their love for each other.

Phillipe is still on his quest to find a job. Now he as gone to what looks like a farm. He gest a job milking cows.

Renie is not a happy camper. The judge makes the announcement of la finca and the house now is the property of Juan and Renato. The judge tells Juan all the properties that we confiscated are going to be returned to him.

Renato is home fuming and informing his lovely wifey of the verdict and the announcement the judge made about Juan getting half of the Montes de Oca's property. Aimee as alwyas does not miss a beat to start talking trash about Reggie.

Juan is thanking Noel for getting his inheritance for him. Juan says he doesnt care about the finca. Juan says he is going to used to help people. Noel asks Juan where is he going to take Regina to live. Juan says wherever, el penon del diablo or his hut in the fishermen ward. Noel tells him that he had rebuilt The Paradise and he built a special place for Juan and Regie. Juan is very happy at the new and said Reggie would be too.

Phillipe loses is job again.

Clemencia is telling Reggie about MDR unfortunate life in the catacombs of la finca. She is asking Reggie for her discretion about this because she is affray something bad would happen to her. Reggie asks Clemencia to take her to see MDR.

Juan is looking forward to continue his life without any vengeance. Life is good and is looking better. Gabe tells Juan life has prepared a big surprise for him. Juan asks what is it? Dr Pablo tells Juan to be patient, in due time he'll find out. Juan asks about Remi and Coli runs in very happy and tells him he has a message for him. Juan thinks is about Remi. Coli tells him you have to go to the beach. There is a big rock and there would be a person that is very important for you waiting for him.

MDR is desperate to see her child. MDR says once she sees Juan she can die in peace. I think MDR's days are numbered. She is coughing and she looks very weak. Jimena and I can't remember her name are telling her that everything is going to be OK.

Clemencia walks in and tell MDR that there someone there to see her. MDR thinks is her son but no, is Reggie his wife. Reggie and MRD click immediately.

Rod and Leo are walking around town like a married couple. Leo makes the observation that Renato left right after the announcement about the finca was made. Rod says he can understand why. Leo realizes that everyone is looking at them funny and screaming at them that they are murderers. Rod says maybe is because everyone has heard what was said about the bastard in the trial. Rod always the arrogant bastard he is tells Leo to ignore the townsfolk and keep her head up the Montes de Oca would never be humiliated by anybody. Rod tells his lover to go to la finca and he will catch up with her later. Leo tells him she misses him a lot. For some odd and unclear reason Doctor Pablo is looking at them. Rod puts her in the coach and then once again blames Juan for all the Montes de Oca family disgrace.

Clem and the sisterhood and planing to fix up MDR before Juan comes.

MDR tells Regie about their love story with JDSR. Reggie tells her that is the case for her and JDSR Jr. MDR tells her Rod was the one who did all this bad things to them. Regie tells her she is daughter of Rod. MDR does not mind and tells Reggie that the children do no have to pay for their parents sins. Clem and the ladies walk in to tell MDR she has to get ready to see her son.

MDR is at the beach reciting her poem "in the sea I found him. In the sea I lost him, and the sea is going to return him to me." Juan arrives in his horse and is surprised to see MRD. I am surprised to see he cut his hair. Wow! Juan thinks MDR is kookoo when she tells him he is her son. Juan tells her she is mistaken, her son is dead, MDR tells him you are my child. You are the child of JDSR and MDRMO. Juan can't believe his ears. Jaun My mother is dead I have visit her in her tom. MDR nope I'm you mother. I am alive. Juan nope you don't know how much you are hurting me my mom is dead as a dodo. MDR nope I am alive. The hope of finding you keep me alive all this years. I endure just to see you. Juan is not having any he keep saying his mom is dead. MDR tells him when you met me I was crazy of pain. They hugh and MDR sees Juan's birth mark and she shows him hers. Juan is now convinced MDR is his mother. This is very touching. A lot of crying and huging and I love yous.

I think Celia is masochist. Celia comes in Aimee's room to inform Aimee Renato is in his office. For her troubles Celias gets pushed out of the way and called somthing nasty. Aimee goes to see Renato to talk about Juan and Regie. Renato esta que no lo calienta ni el sol. Ranto is pissed because Juan got Regina and half the finca. He tells Aimee to leave him alone.

Regie, Clem and Jim are at the San Roman's mansion. They are very happy with the new dig. Jimena asks Reggie if she is not going to miss all the luxury she had before. Reggie says she'll be happy wherever she is with Juan. I would too.

Back to Jaun and his mom. They are talking about lo que pudo haber sido y no fue, (what could have been, but was not). Juan vows to his mother that they'll never be apart again. MDR keep coughing. Juan wants to know why everyone thought she was dead. MDR tells him she'll tell him, but no know. MDR just wants to enjoy her new found son. Juan asks his mother who was that had everyone believing she was dead.

Leo is back home and Aimee starts complaining about Renato behavior. Leo is not in a good mood.

MDR makes Juan promised her he won't look for vengeance before she tells him Leo was the one who had her locked in the basement of the house for all those years. Juan swears he is not going to seek vengeance against the people who did all this wrong to MDR. MDR tells him. Juan asks why Orca always said MDR was his wife. MDR tell Juan Orca was only follwoing Leo's orders.

Leo is bringing Aimee up to date on the news about Juan getting half the finca and then getting all his money back. Aimee is really chewing on her fan blaming Reggie and how the whole town is going to me talking about Renato' interest in Reggie. Aimee says the world is full of ironies. Leo start talking about how people with a good name have to defend it at all cost. Leo blames Aimee for everything that is going on. Aimee is now showing her true colors and tells Leo that her, Aimee, does not love Renato any more. I am confused I think she never did. Any way Leo try to slap her but Aimee hold her hand and tells her to do not cross the because everything has a limit. Leo start to fell bad and Aimee pretends to be concerned but Leo tells her not to touch her. Aimee is relieve that everything is now in the open.

uan asks MDR he wants to break his promise. MDR tells him no can't do, she is my sister. MDR tells him no mas hate in this family. MDR is getting very agitated. Juan says ok I'll do as you say. MDR tells him about how she is ready to go meet JD Sr. Jaun is very sad and ask MDR not to talk that way. Juan tells her about the JD used to talk about her and how much he loved her. MDR asks Juan to take her to JD's tomb. Juan said he'll do whatever she wants but before he wants to tell Reggie.

Juan and Regiie run in their new home kissing and hugging. I wish Renato and Aimee could see this. Reggie asks him why he cut his hair. Juan tells her is because he wants to star a new life. Reggie likes the new Juan. Reggie tells him how much she loves and Juan says he loves her more.


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