Wednesday, August 11, 2010

El Clon Tuesday, August 10: Summary for Discussion

In which Jadiya is about to confront a painful truth; Albieri's secret is about to blow wide open; and Daniel and Leonardo finally come face to face.

In the clinic, Dra Silvia and Julio try to make sense of Dora’s story. Silvia knows that the egg was Dora’s because she harvested it herself. Julio is equally certain that the child Dora bore could not have come from her own egg.

In Empresa Ferrer, Fernando tells Clara he wants to live on his own. He dismisses her concerns about how he’ll pay the rent; his father has put the new apartment in his name and is even going to furnish it for him. Well in that case… says Clara. She’s not going to be the one to burst his bubble.

Enrique congratulates Fer on the apartment and then asks him about his drug use. Fer readily admits to smoking pot now and then and more reluctantly says: A veces me tomo un poco de polvo. (At times I take a little powder, i.e coke). He insists he isn’t an addict: uno se sepa controlar (one knows how to control oneself). Enrique points to his own experience and warns Fer that all users think they can control their use, but it isn’t so. (No es así.)

And speaking of users who think they are in control, a freshly groomed and hopeful Natalia is outside her school. Alej beams at her: That’s the Nati I fell in love with! he tells her. (Esa es la Nati de la que me enamoré). Andrea comes along and gives her friend an encouraging hug. Nati tells her she’s going to make up the credits she needs and will graduate, even if a little late.

Fer has gone to see Escobarde in the hotel to talk about moving into the apartment. The Chump is puzzled. Where am I supposed to live? he wants to know. Fer is confused and then angry. Why put the apartment in my name, he asks, if I can’t live there? It’s for the future, says Escobarde. Oh I get it, says Fer bitterly: Es ella que va a vivir en ello – ¡estupendo! (She’s the one who’s going to live in it – stupendous!)

Silvia and Julio continue to pore over the clinic records. She realizes that none of the genetic material she prepared has been used. Knowing this, silence isn’t an option:
Hay varias vidas en juego… yo no me puedo quedar callada.
There are several lives in play... I can’t stay silent.

Cristina and Daniel land in Miami.

Zein brings flowers to Jade in the hospital. He says: Tu atropellador estuvo aquí (The man who ran over you was here.) You mean the person driving the car? asks Jade. No, clarifies Zein, the person who ran over your life was here. (El que atropelló la vida era aquí). And then he surprises Jade (and us) when he says: I’m going to find a legal way to get your daughter back – and you won’t owe me anything. He stops her before she makes ‘promises she’s not going to keep.’

In Fez, Alí regrets sending Zoraida to Miami alone. He’s going to travel there himself to find out what is going on. (Besides, how can he stay in that house with Abdul without sweet Zoraida as his sounding board?)

In the office, Leo phones Rosa. He tells her Nati and Alej never showed up although he waited all day. He’s sure it’s because Alej didn’t want to come. He wants their address. Marisa, at the house with Rosa, says disdainfully:
Sabía que el tipo eso iba a hacer el digno.
I knew that guy was going act as if we had offended his dignity.
Although Rosa firmly asserts that Alej is a good person, Marisa still contends that he’s the one who gave Natalia drugs.

Albieri, Luisa and Latifa are on a later Aeronovela flight. Albieri stews over what awaits him in Miami. Luisa reassures him (even though she still doesn’t know the whole story.) And Zoraida is miserable and frightened and only hopes that this genio malo she is seated beside doesn’t turn her into some kind of beast.

Cris and Daniel reach her apartment. She will shower, he will rest briefly and then they will set out to: desenmascarar el desgraciado de tu papá. (to unmask your miserable/swinish father). Daniel dozes off on the couch and dreams about Jade.

Jade is lying in her hospital bed, Zein’s red flowers on the nightstand the only splash of color. Lucas’s voice is heard…
Hay momentos en que pienso que el destino está escrito.
There are moments when I think that destiny has been written.

He is, in fact, in the office talking to Enrique:
Enrique doesn’t believe in fixed destiny. We have some control over what happens, he says. Or else, why bother struggling?

Leo tells Lucas that Alejandro and Natalia never showed up. He wants to go to their place and bring them both to the house. He is sure Marisa will be ok with the plan. He is also convinced that Alej isn’t the problem. Drugs are. (Score one point for Leo) Lucas will call Marisa to come to the office and then the three will go find Nati.

Marisa, when she hears the plan, tells Rosa: Me encantaría que viniera a esta casa (I’d love him to come to this house) because she’s sure it will then be clear that he is responsible for Natalia’s behavior.

This conversation is interrupted by a phone call from Said inviting Marisa to go out. They make tentative plans for that night. Rosa asks if she’s going to see that Arab and Marisa denies it. ¡Descarada! (Shameless!) mumbles Rosa when Marisa is safely out of earshot. (And who can disagree?) On Said’s end of the line, Rania is watching and listening as he says: Te mando un beso. (I send you a kiss.) (This actually seems an uncharacteristically cursi thing for our revenge sex guy to say.)

Leo, still in the office, confides to Roberto that on some days he feels Diego’s loss more than on others. If he hadn’t died, he muses, Cristina and I might be married now, we’d have more grandchildren… Thinking of the grandchild he does have, Roberto wonders: Should I tell him what I know about Natalia?

Clara and Fernando discuss the apartment issue. Clara says she’ll believe that it’s in Fer’s name when she’s seen the papers and examined them with a magnifying glass. As much as I hate Malicia, says Fernando, I have totally had it with my father. (Estoy hasta la coronilla). He is dead to me.

In their hotel room, Malicia tells Escobarde she has tried so hard to befriend Fer. She is sure Clara put him up to the idea of living in the apartment. Escobarde wants to settle the issue right away. Apparently the agreement is on Malicia’s laptop which she has conveniently left at work. She will bring it home tomorrow and Escobarde can amend the papers. (redactar: to draw up; to edit)

Cristina is ready to face Leonardo, but Daniel is sound asleep. She decides it might be better to go without him.

She storms into Leo’s office where Lucas, Roberto and Enrique are also present.
¡Eres un desgraciado Leonardo y me las vas a pagar!
You are a scoundrel, Leonardo, and you’re going to pay!
Leo is startled and tells Clara to call security. Cris continues to accuse him of being a traitor, a hypocrite, a swine. Why? Because he had a son with her best friend, Dora Padilla. And that son is identical to Lucas. Who is Dora Padilla? asks the genuinely stunned Leo.

Lucas asks his father if he knew he had another son. Leo continues to deny the existence of any such son. Cristina is crazy, he says. She holds her ground and says he has a son who looks just like Lucas. Well then, bring him to me says Leo.

Cris goes out of Leo’s office with Enrique.

Marisa arrives and wants to know what’s going on.

Leo swears once again to Roberto and Lucas that Cristina’s story is untrue. But where would she get a story like that, asks Roberto. You know something like that could happen to anyone. (True. There’s more than one way to steal your genes, Roberto!) Not possible, says Leo. I don’t even know this woman Dora Padilla.

Roberto joins Cristina and Enrique and asks how old this boy is. Twenty or twenty-two, says Cris. He was conceived while Leo and I were together. He faked it with me. And what woman wouldn’t fall for him con esa carita de George Clooney caribeño? Clara is sympathetic; she knows a thing or two about traitors and hypocrites.

Marisa and Lucas decide to go to Nati’s without Leo since he is no longer in the mood for a family outing.

At Said’s house, Rania tells Amina she heard Said on the phone with la occidental. Amina tells her everything’s going to be better when her son is born. But Rania can’t stop thinking about Jadiya’s dream that she’s having a girl. An ugly girl. Amina advises her to go all Cosmo Girl for Said, but it looks like Rania’s not feeling very sexy.

Jadiya once again reproaches her father because he hasn’t returned Rania as she asked. Rania is the cause of all the unhappiness in their house. Her mother loves him and he should bring her back.

Jadiya is ambushed by Rania, who at this point seems to have gone off the deep end. She screams at Jadiya, accusing her of plotting against her. Your mother has a lover and she’s never coming back. It’s not my fault your father threw her out. Jadiya denies this. The wedding was just a joke, says Jadiya, and her mother is so coming back. And when she does, she’ll be the first wife. Rania rages:
Ya no te aguanto más! Cosa malcriada, víbora venenosa!
I can’t stand you any more! Spoiled thing, venomous viper! (Or translated more loosely: Little girl who has been told she will never see her mother again and must live her life under the thumb of a jealous witch who hates her!)

Latifa visits Jade in the hospital. Tío Alí is on his way here, she tells her. And Jadiya? asks Jade. I call Jadiya every day, says Latifa. And what do you say about me? asks Jade. Said told her that she’ll never see you again, replies Latifa. You see all the harm Lucas has done me! cries Jade. When I was young and he left me waiting, suitcase in hand, I had much less to lose… but now! He’s off taking care of his problems but I can’t solve mine.

Nati is puttering in the kitchen of her apartment when there is a knock at the door. It’s Marisa and Lucas. Alej comes home a moment later carrying a box, a sound system he bought for Nati. Lucas asks what happened to the money he gave her to buy things for the house. She still has the money, says Nati, she just told Rosa she had spent it so she’d stop asking about it.

Lucas tries to be conciliatory. Marisa not so much. Okay, says Lucas, let’s forget about misunderstandings and offenses on both sides -- Wait a minute, interrupts Nati. We didn’t do anything wrong. Then, says Lucas, forgive us for our offenses. Alej is happy to do so. I’m not one to hold a grudge, he says. Then how about the two of you moving into our house? asks Lucas. No thanks -- I’m happy here, says Nati.

Cris is walking along, muttering angrily to herself. Pablo, Pedro and Vicki see her and think she is mad because Malicia stole her job.

Back at her apartment, Cristina tells Daniel they should confront Leonardo at home.

Poor Zoraida is still trapped on that seemingly endless flight with the genio malo. If he looks directly in my eyes, he could paralyze me or turn me into a goose…

Dora and Estela can’t understand why Cris is so angry at Dora. Estela has left a photo of Daniel at Dr. Silvia’s hotel.

And at the hotel Silvia puzzles over the photo: Why did they leave her a picture of Lucas?

At Lucia’s home, she is talking with Andrea about ways they might help Natalia. Consuelo, aka Skank 3, leaves for the day. Have you noticed, Andrea asks her mother, that that woman always leaves with an envelope?

Karla and Hilda are walking down the street while Karla expresses her disgust for their plan. You’re talking about your future, her mother reminds her. They greet Mohamed.

When the skanks have gone, Mohamed looks meaningfully at Amin and reminds his son that Allah is always watching.

A car pulls up and Jadiya steps out. She is there to see her aunts. She joins Samira, the Naz and Latifa. Samira has been showing the Naz all the things that you can do online -- you can even read the Koran. Hmm, mutters the Naz: hasta se puede conseguir un marido (on line) (You can even find a husband).

Jadiya comes right to the point: Is it true, she asks, that my mother doesn’t love my father because she is in love with un occidental?

Leo has made his way home after a difficult day that is about to become exponentially more difficult. The doorbell rings. Cristina and Daniel walk in. Dios misericordia, says Rosa. Señor, ¡es él, es él! ¡Diego volvió¡ (It’s him, it’s him! Diego has come back!)

credits roll.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Corazon Salvaje Ep. 121, 8/9/2010 Anvils Teetering Everywhere

Review: Juan and Regina are happy, kissing, telling each other how much they love each other. Juan is afraid of losing her, and she says don't say that, I am yours always.

Eloisa has prepared a large meal for Fully of his favorite food. Federico is there and Fully doesn't want to eat alone, he wants Eloisa to have some, too. She says she is on a diet, she wants to fit into a new dress. He tries to get her to just take a bite, but she says she can't break her diet. He then tries to get Feddy to eat some, but he says, no I just ate, sorry, not hungry. Eloisa says she made it with her love and Fully should eat. He says he is sorry but he won't eat alone, he is too uncomfortable. Throughout this conversation Fully has a bite on his fork and is teasing them, like he's just going to take a bite.

Mariela is telling Salma she doesn't understand her attitude about going to church. Salma says she is a gypsy, it's not her religion. Mari says I want you to adopt my religion, you are my daughter, so we will go to church tomorrow. Both say strained good nights. We see Salma getting out her gypsy clothes.

Fulgencio and Feddy are alone and Fully wants to toast his bestest, most loyal friend. He tells Fed he is going to put him in charge of all of his business dealings. He is tired of the business and he knows Federico is incapable of betraying him.

We see Salma dressed like a gypsy, she takes some gold or jewelry and sneaks out.

Fully is telling Fed he is like the son he never had. He apologizes for treating him the way he did at the poker game, he says he did it to test his loyalty. Fed says it's okay Dude. Fully then gives him a big hug. I am expecting a knife to come out at any minute.

Rodrigo stumbles into his house looking very distraught. The maids were both worried about him. They ask him where he was, what happened. He says don't ask. They try to tell him about Aimee, but he won't listen. He says he is going to take a bath and relax and nobody but nobody is to disturb him. They look at each other like what's wrong with him?

We go to the gypsies outside of town, Branco is dancing and suddenly Salma appears. He looks at her intensely and asks her what she is doing there. She says she missed him, she couldn't forget about him and she loves him. Branco says he was very clear with her. She betrayed her gypsy heritage and she has been abusing that poor family. We go to Mariela and Abuelo talking, didn't get most of this. Back to Branco and Salma reveals that Jimena is the real daughter of Mariela. Branco is like, of course! No wonder she was so obsessed with Gabriel! Salma tells Branco that she is a pure gypsy and he tells her again that she betrayed her gypsy blood. She says she will prove that she loves him. Mariela has discovered that Salma/Angela is gone.

Jimena is in the square and sees someone selling candy apples. She has flashbacks and vague memories. A nearby mother is happy to find her daughter, she thought she had gotten lost. More jogging of Jimena's memory. Gabriel walks up and wants to know what is wrong. Jimena tells him about the confusing memories and the feeling of anguish connected with the caramel apples. She wonders if she could have been stolen from someone by Griselda. Gabe agrees.

The fishermen and workers are outside the huts bringing Juan gifts. They want to thank him for giving them the land, for being so generous.

Noel has come to the finca without asking because he needs to have Renato sign the papers for the finca to go to Clemencia. He is talking to Ren and Leo. Leo won't budge, she won't leave the finca and she is shocked and incensed that Juan is giving it to Clem. Noel says they can take their time but Ren is the one who needs to sign the papers. He agrees that he gave his word and he has to. Noel tries to tell them they can find another place, they have time. But Leo is not leaving, and she wants Renato to act like the son she raised and not sign the papers. She will be too humiliated if she leaves. Ren says it is a humiliation to stay as well.

Back to the workers giving Juan gifts. He tells them the land was theirs as soon as they started to work it. All are very happy. Remigio pulls Santos aside and wants to ask him for advice on a personal matter. He tells him he saw Lulu and Santos asks him how he felt. He says his heart was pounding, he loves her. Santos says he has another opportunity, he should take it. Pedro chimes in that Santos is right and happiness is hard to find.

Felipe and Lulu are having a similar conversation about the Remigio/Lulu encounter. Lulu is excited that Remi may forgive her. Felipe says she deserves more than that, but Lulu thinks love is too much to ask. Felipe says no, you deserve his love.

A conversation at the beach I didn't understand, something about the work Juan wants to do, or something he wants to export. These other fishermen/workers show up and want a chance to work at the cooperative, too. Our guys are hesitant, I think the other ones didn't stick around when Juan was in trouble and they don't want to accept them. Juan says they should have the chance to work, too, and makes them shake hands. Santos says they are welcome. Now all are friends again.

Regina is talking to Noel, says she has to tell him about something. She is scared, Aimee told her Renato has a plan to separate her and Juan. Noel thinks Aimee is just lying to upset her but Regina insists she knows her sister. She says if Renato interferes with her happiness he will know a different Regina. Noel says he has always admired her strength. He then says he needs to ask her something as well, about his grandchild, like he knows something is wrong. Regi starts to tell him when who should run up but Renato. He's all sweating and grabs Regina in a hug which she doesn't return. Colibri just happens to see them at that moment, of course. He runs off before she tells Renato not to hug her. (Ack, I don't like them using Colibri this way!)

Felipe and Lulu are with the new Aguacil/former captain. They are telling him they suspect Rodrigo for the death of Brigitte, they want him to investigate, they want justice. He listens to them and says that he will. Juan then comes in and interrupts wanting to see the old aguacil. He is let into the area where the old aguacil is and the other prisoners bring him to the door. Juan says believe it or not I'm not happy to see you here. He says if you're waiting for Rodrigo to help you he isn't going to, he is a coward. He talks about his father and how his father was treated and how justice works in strange ways. The OA asks for his help. Juan basically says see ya later and leaves as the OA is yelling for his help.

Jimena and Gabriel are in the square and someone is selling flowers. Gabe gets some for her and I think says they replace the ones he was going to give her the day he saw her kissing Branco. He tells her what happened that day. Jimena tells him she will love him for the rest of her life, they kiss and Servando is watching in the background holding a flower.

Mariela is pacing and praying. Salma comes back and Mari asks her where she has been. She tries to hug her but Salma won't let her, she says don't touch me! Mari is shocked and very upset and says what is going on, why are you dressed in your gypsy clothes? Salma says I'm not your daughter! I'm not Angela! It was all a lie cooked up between Griselda and me to get money!. Mariela is even more distraught, but Salma walks out and doesn't tell her who her real daughter is.

Rod and Leo are with the new Aguacil thinking they can bribe him like old one. But he tells them there have been several denunciations against them, that Doc Miranda accuses them of killing his uncle, Juan de Dios has his accusations and two employees of the casino accuse them of killing Brigitte. Rod says we are an old, respected family, you can't believe them instead of us. Doc Miranda had designs on Regina and he's trying to get revenge. Aguacil says I don't doubt your word but I also don't doubt those who are accusing you. I am going to investigate and I suggest you get a good lawyer.

Colibri runs up and tells Juan that he saw Regina and Renato hugging. Just after that Regi walks up and is surprised when Juan is cold to her. He wants to know where she was and she says she went to see her padrino on a private matter. Juan says Noel or Renato? He says I am your husband, I should know where you are. He is suspicious and jealous, and Regi doesn't help anything by not revealing what she went to talk to Noel about, infuriatingly she says again it is private.

We go to Aimee remembering what the bruja said about the Montes de Oca child who will be born, that she realizes it is Juan and Regina's child. She vows again that it will never be born and that if she can't be happy at Juan's side neither can Regina. Dun dun dun, end.



Llena de Amor #1 Mon 8/9/10 Once upon a time, in land not very far away

lived a princess. There was a handsome prince too, and an evil aunt who…. But let’s not get ahead of our story. Let’s begin at the beginning, where all good stories start. Before we start, though, here’s a list of the characters you’ll see tonight in case you have trouble keeping the names straight. They introduced an astonishing amount of characters, so I hope the list is close to correct.

Marianela – our pudgy protagonista
Eva – her beautiful mother, a singer
Ricardo – Eva’s assistant or manager
Luis Felipe – Eva’s husband (framed and matted)
Netty - Marianela’s aunt, Eva’s sister

Emiliano - Eva’s brother-in-law, so uncle of Marianela.
Fedra – his wife, Marianela’s aunt
Their kids:
Kristel – novia of Mauricio
Nereida – the family maid at Emiliano’s house
Bernardo – Fedra’s right-hand man

Mauricio – novio of Kristel

Lorenzo - Father of Ilitia?
Ilitia, a model
Camila? – Ilitia’s mother

Bladiola – Brandon’s mother?Dolores - Brandon’s grandmother?
Doris – Brandon’s sister?
Oliver – Brandon’s friend
Javier – a child in Brandon’s family

First we see a modern office building, and inside, in a big office, the press is flashing photos of an impatient and annoyed beautiful brunette, Eva. In comes Ricardo, her assistant, who politely but firmly tells them that they can get all the photos they want in the main room. What? says Eva angrily. He ushers the press out.

She tells him off: A press event? Today? You have to cancel it right now! He shows her a newspaper and says Look! This is about your triumphant return to this country. The headline, which we see for a nanosecond, says something about a singer’s big success.
He tells her they have to take advantage of it, but Eva protests that he knows very well that she’s come back to Mexico to be with her daughter, and she’s never going to be separated from her ever ever again, plus today is her graduation and she’s not going to let her down. Oh, to be at with her, to hug her! She’s going to kiss her after all these years. There’s nothing more important than that.

Cut to an aerial view of Internado San Agustín, nestled by a lake in some soft wooded hills. Inside the dorm, we see Marianela excitedly showing her schoolmates the headline about her mother, and telling them that her mother has promised that she’s is going to come see her graduate. A schoolmate points out that it says her tour ends in three days. Oh, says Marianela, hugging the paper to her, maybe she can’t make it. She gushes that she can’t wait to hug her mama. She takes a bite off a candy bar. The girls are excited and decide to put on some music. They start hopping around, dancing and lipsyncing to the music. They shove each other onto the beds in fun, and when Marianela is shoved onto hers, it collapses. Laughter all around.

Now we’re at a race site complete with bouncing pom-pommed cheerleaders and there’s our main man Emanuel pulling up in his hot and happenin’ red three-wheeled motorcycle. Another fellow, Lorenzo, greets him warmly, I think calling him yerno (son-in-law), though the captions say “tierno,” and telling him that he’s going to have his daughter at the ready at the door of the church if Emanuel wins. Emanuel says it looks like he’s going to be a married guy then, because he’s going to win. They backslap and yuck it up.

Lorenzo laughs that Fedra, Emanuel’s mother, called him six times last night, telling him not to miss the race. Then, pointing at the cheerleaders, he tells Emanuel to watch out for temptations. So saying, both guys look their way and the girls giggle and make eyes back. Emanuel tells him to watch it, or his wife’ll have him sleeping on the couch.

Lorenzo asks where Emanuel’s father is. Emanuel looks around and says he doesn’t know, his mother wasn’t doing too red hot this morning. Hooboy, your mother! says the other guy, rolling his eyes, she’s a hurricane!

We are in the large bedroom of a modern home. Emiliano, Emanuel’s father, is adjusting his collar at the mirror, and his wife Fedra, still in her silky red bathrobe, demands to know how can he go to a race when they are about to lose everything. He reminds her that their son is about to be in an important competition – he’s defending his title. Well, she huffs, exactly where are we going to put the trophy when your sister-in-law throws us all out of this house? Emiliano doesn’t figure that’s going to happen, but she shows him the newspaper, which says Eva’s coming back to Mexico City. Emiliano doesn’t think that means she’ll throw them out. He reminds her that the house belongs to his niece, that his dear departed brother left it to her.

Listen, she says, wheedling, Eva’s left a long time ago, and I’ve been the one who has taken care of this house, and it just doesn’t seem fair that…. Calm down, he says, Marianela has been in that boarding school all these years, and of course she’ll want to come to her home and live with her mother. We’ll be a united family.

Oh, great, says Fedra, a drunk – is that the example you want for your kids? Emiliano protests that Eva’s completely recovered from that, so it pains him to hear that Fedra still thinks that. He gives her a kiss on the forehead, tells her to get dressed, and he’ll wait for her downstairs.

In her office, Eva is looking at a photo of Luis Felipe, her dead husband, and saying she can’t imagine living in that house without him. It’s been so difficult since he died! She can’t wait to see their daughter – how she wishes he were there with her! She hugs the photo and sighs.

Fedra, still in her robe, is pitching a fit. She grabs the phone and calls somebody named Bernardo, telling him to come up to her room right now - they have a major problem. She glares at the newspaper she’s thrown on the floor and says You’re not going to ruin my life, not you, not your daughter either.

The boarding school gals have arranged themselves in front of the TV where Emanuel appears with a reporter, and says his fiancée couldn’t be there. He throws her a kiss. Marianela smiles and touches her fingers to her lips.

Eva’s manager comes in and tells her that he has cancelled the press conference, as she asked, but reminds her that they have a signed contract and she has to comply with what’s in it. She says she will, she’ll be at the event tonight. She’s going to dedicate her performance to her daughter, and sing the best she ever has.

He hands her what looks like a boxed bottle and a gift card, saying it looks like she has an admirer. She opens the card which says So you never forget the past. She stands up to open it, and we see her impressive mile-high platform stilettos. Those, along with her ample white bosoms offered up by a lift-up bra, make her quite a sight to behold. She opens the gift and holds it up – a bottle of hooch. Her assistant says it must be somebody’s idea of a bad joke. She says she knows who it is, somebody who’s always wanted to destroy her. Well, they won’t succeed this time.

In the meantime, Bernardo has arrived, and Fedra , hands on her hips, asks how long he’s worked for them.. Almost a whole life, he says. You’re my right hand, my trusted employee, she tells him. No no no, he says – I’m not just your employee. I’m much more than that as you well know. I know you better than anybody else does, which is why I don’t like seeing you distraught. She tells him that that booze hound is going to come back and take over the house like a big lady, and she’s not going to let that happen. He swears that it won’t – it’ll always be the queen’s house. She strikes a royal pose.

The phone rings. It’s Eva, who says Hello, this is your conscience calling. Fedra says her conscience doesn’t sound like an alcoholic. Eva laughs and tells her she received her gift and she just wants Fedra to know that she’s not the weak woman Fedra knew before. Fedra nastily recalls Eva on her knees, begging for a bottle of booze. Eva informs her that she’s coming back to care for her child.

You’re going to throw me out of the house, states Fedra. Eva smilingly replies that Fedra probably doesn’t want to live with the woman she tried to destroy. Fedra throws the phone.

We see Eva in an elevator, leaving the office building.

It’s graduation day – the girls are in their caps and gowns. Marianela and a couple of friends are walking on the lawn, and Marianela says she hopes her mama makes it. She’s munching on a candy bar, and one friend tells her not to eat so much, it’s making her fat. Doesn’t she want to have a boyfriend? They don’t just sweep down from the heavens, you know. Marienela dreamily imagines one who does, who picks her up in his strong arms as if she were light as a feather.

Cut to cousin Emanuel doing some pushups to get ready for the big race. Back to Marianela who suddenly has trouble breathing. Her girlfriend reaches under Marianela’s gown and grabs her inhaler and administers a few squirts of it. Marianela coughs a few times, then recovers. The girlfriend tells her to quit thinking about her dishy cousin and get a real boyfriend. Does she want to end up like her aunt who’s always waiting for her knight in shining armor and has ended up a spinster?

We see the aunt in question, Netty, who is riding on a colorful country bus, fanning herself with her hand.

And on with the graduation – the nuns are giving out the award for the top student, which goes to Marianela of course, because in telenovelaland protagonistas always get straight A’s. The nun hugs her and tells her she’ll go far. Enthusiastic applause from the affectionate students.

A helicopter comes whomping overhead and Marianela runs out from the graduation tent, shouting Mama, you came! The helicopter lands on the grass, its door opens and a stylish platform stiletto-heeled foot presents itself. Eva steps out and affixes a wide elegant hat. Marianela runs to her. They stop, and just look at each from a few yards away, then hurry towards each other, Eva oddly enough now wearing walking black walking shoes, I guess so she doesn’t sink up to her hubcaps in the grass. They hug for a long time, then Marianela steps back and tells her mother that she just got this (medal on a long ribbon) for being the valedictorian. She takes the medal from her neck and hangs it on her mother, thanking her for everything she did to make it possible for them to be together. Her mother is overwhelmed.

I have something for you too, she says. Boys! Out of nowhere materialize a troupe of white-costumed mariachis (were they stuffed in the helicopter like clowns in a VW?). They fire up and Eva, who in another magical shoe-switch now has her heels on again, sings a love song to her daughter (a bit hard to do when your upper lip barely moves. Oh, meow! Sorry.) and strokes Marionela’s hair. The song says nothing except the hand of God well ever separate them; they will love each other forever.

While the song continues, we see Netty on the bus again, and, for local color, a fellow holding a goat in his lap. Suddenly the bus seems to lose its brakes, rolling backwards, then almost tipping over a rise, but it comes to a stop just in time, luggage spilling from the top. Netty berates the driver and points to the statue of a protective santo she is carrying.

Eva’s still singing her heart out in the background while we see Netty walking on a small road in a sylvan area, carrying her umbrella and pulling her little wheeled suitcase behind her. A fellow with a burro passes her, and suddenly a lightbulb goes on over her head.

Eva finishes her song, and embraces her daughter. Elsewhere we see Netty astride the burro, umbrella still aloft, à la Mary Poppins. The burro breaks into a canter and she fusses at it.

Eva and Marianela walk together at a distance from the graduation. Eva tells her that she can never forgive herself for their not being together. Marianela tells her not to worry, the main thing is that they’re together now. Forever, swears Eva, nothing will separate us now. She hugs Marianela and kisses her. Marianela wants to know if she’s proud of her, even though she’s fat.

Eva says the usual Of course, what beautiful eyes you have, and Marianela thinks that’s just a mother talking. Her mother says she’s lovely, because what really matters is what’s inside a person, in their soul. Marianela wishes she were a beauty like her mother, but her mother says that kind of beauty fades with age, and the only thing that lasts is who we are inside. You are beautiful, you radiate from inside! Marianela tells her mama that she is beautiful inside and out. They hug.

Eva wonders where Netty is. She just talked to her yesterday and she said she was going to come. On cue, Netty heaves into view, kicking the burro into another canter. Her umbrella goes flying, and she falls off. Marianela and Eva burst out laughing.

Fedra’s not laughing – she’s doing her makeup in the mirror. Bernardo suggests to her that black isn’t a good color to wear to her son’s race. Don’t bug me, mi amor, she says. He tells her to save the mourning for later - there’s going to be a death in the family real soon. Fedra whips around to look at him and a smile slowly breaks out across her face.

Marianela is in the nurse’s office and has fixed Netty up with a sling. Netty is impressed that she learned how to do that and Marianela tells her they taught her a lot of stuff here. She hugs her aunt and her mother and leaves to tell the head nun her aunt’s okay.

Netty asks Eva how Marianela got so fat. Eva thinks maybe it’s her fault – her daughter was so alone.
N: You say that like you had abandoned her, and we both know that’s not true.
E: Marianela was in this boarding school since she was little, because I couldn’t take care of her.
N: You had to take care of yourself! Your husband’s death really hit you hard, but look at you now! You’re gorgeous! You quit drinking; you got your life back.
E: I couldn’t take care of her; you don’t know how sorry I am. But you’re right, I’m different now (the music swells) and now I have the strength to fight for my daughter against all comers. She’s beautiful to me.

Emiliano is coming down the stairs with his son Axel, who is trying to get out of going to watch his brother in the race. He has something important to do! Emiliano tells him the race is important. Axel wants to know why his father isn’t making his sisters come. Your sisters! blusters Emiliano. You can’t compare yourself to them. They’re doing their makeup or something.

There’s one now (Kristel) in her bedroom with Mauricio, telling him it’s not good to play slap and tickle right before a race. Sez who? sez he, whipping off his shirt. I’m going to prove them wrong. I’m going to beat that brother of yours. She tells him if her dad catches him, he’ll kill him. Mauricio doesn’t care. They start necking.

And Gretel… says Emiliano to his son and gestures helplessly. We see Gretel sitting on the floor in the corner of her room, staring aggressively and stroking her orange cat.

Back at the graduation, Netty is telling Eva she’s nuts to want to move into that house with that horrible woman. Eva says Marianela inherited it and she’s not scared of Fedra. Netty is sure she’ll put up a fight. Eva says she doesn’t want a fight, she just wants Marianela’s rights respected.

Netty wonders again how Eva’s ever going to get a boyfriend, she’s such a fatty.

At the race, some fellow tries to interest Emanuel is meeting up with some girls, but he good-naturedly says nothing doing before a race. The other fellow says okay, maybe after.

We’re in New York! In struts model Ilitia and the press go nuts taking photos. Ilitia smiles happily and strikes poses. Her mother (Camila, I believe, though nobody calls her by name) comes in and tells the press that she has to talk to her baby for a minute. She pulls Ilitia over to one side, but Ilitia zips back to the press and rotates and revels in their attention.

She has her cell and dials, telling her mother that it’s Emanuel’s race day, and she hasn’t been able to even give her darling fiancé a kiss. Her mother, mindful of the press, smilingly tells her in a low voice not to smother the poor guy. Ilitia says oh, she’s not calling him, she’s calling her (future) sister-in-law.

Who we see under the sheets with Mauricio. Ilitia has a weensy fit that she hasn’t answered, but recovers immediately, smiling blindingly at the photographers who snap away.

Eva’s about to leave – her sister tells her to be safe, appealing to the appropriate saint. Eva hugs her daughter and tells her that she has special seats reserved for Marianela and Netty, and the concert will be just for her daughter.

Eva has one more present – a jewelry box with a silver lily in it, which Marianela’s dear departed daddy had given Eva. Marianela looks sad as she has a flashback, and no wonder – it’s her father, flat on the pavement, apparently after a fall, as blood is trickling from his head onto the cement. He gestures weakly to little tyke Marianela, saying “the silver lily.” Eva says she thinks of him every day.

They both say how much they love each other, and Eva tells Marianela that she’s lovely and don’t let anybody tell her different. She tells her to remember their talk. She leaves, and Netty comes over and thanks San Antonio that Eva seems to be happy. Marianela tells her her mother just said she was still in love with her father. Netty sighs and says that’s the way it is when you find true love. Ah, Gordita, there’s nothing like a big love to heal everything. Marianela is wistful.

Mauricio has arrived at the race and is bragging to Emanuel about how he’s going to win, in fact he plans to drink champagne out of the winner’s cup with Emanuel’s sister. They head off to the race starting line.

On your marks, get set… the cheerleaders go nuts, and the runners are off.

Eva gets into the helicopter sending a silent prayer for her daughter as she takes one last look at her.

The runners round a bend in the pathway in the woods.

Emiliano and Fedra have arrived, and Lorenzo greats Emiliano warmly. Emiliano tells Fedra he’s glad she came, and she primly says she would do anything for her children. Axel is with them, pretty much ignored. Here comes Emanuel, ahead in the lead. Fedra makes a big show of urging him on.

The helicopter takes off, then explodes. We see the horrified faces of Marianela (Mama! Mama!) and everyone else. Flames flicker in front of the lens. At the race, we see Fedra with a small smile and Bernardo with a big one.

Now the racers are switching from running to bike riding. Emanuel is looking confident. His family cheers him on – no sign of Mauricio.

Lorenzo has a video camera and he must be a leg man, because he has one of the cheerleaders posing for him on the grass. He tells her to skitch her tiny skirt up a little more, and he videos her legs up close, from every possible angle. She says this is for a future casting, right? He runs his finger along her leg. I get the contract right? she says. Yes, he says distractedly videoing, you’re perfect for the ad for Sexy Leg Stockings. Where would I find legs like yours? He gives her a smooch on the cheek. Blech.

As Emanuel gets set to cycle off, Kristel wants to know where Mauricio is. Emanuel laughs that he’ll be along, maybe in an ambulance.

New York again, where Ilitia is having her hair done, and she’s on her cell with Kristel. She’s excited that Emanuel won the first leg, but Kristel reminds her that Mauricio is one of the favorites. Ilitia pouts that she misses Emanuel. Kristel tells her that are a lot of gorgeous girls there.

Here comes Mauricio staggering. He falls into Kristal’s arms, then ends up on the ground, maybe passed out.

Dressers are fussing over Ilitia while she’s worried some other girl will swipe her guy. Everyone assures her she’s gorgeous and nobody’s going to steal him away.

Now we’re in Los Angeles airport with a new character, Brandon, who wants to catch a flight to Mexico. The ticket lady surreptitiously checks her computer for photos of terrorists. She thinks he looks like the photo of a terrorist with a full beard and pushes the silent alarm. Guards grab him and cuff him.

Brandon’s family is setting the table, expecting him. His mother Bladiola says she misses him. His grandmother, I think she is, says he’s such a good boy, such a hard worker. It’s a loving family and we meet Doris, who I think is his sister. There’s another lady maybe Doris’s age there, whose name nobody mentions, but she calls to Javier (unseen) to stop playing and wash his hands. In comes Oliver, Brandon’s friend, laughing and bringing beer.

They toast to Netty, who is reuniting with her sister Eva and her niece Marianela.

Emanuel finishes the bike leg in the lead and changes part of his outfit.

At the L.A. airport, Brandon smilingly tells the official that he’s not an Arab, much less a terrorist. Why, he’s from Mexico, the land of tequila and mariachis. The official shows him the terrorist photo and Brandon squints at it saying yes, they kinda look alike, but he’s handsomer. They arrest him. Brandon appeals to the heavens, wanting to know which saint handles stuff like this.

Here’s me thinking the race was a triathlon. But apparently not – Emanuel hasn’t switched into a bathing suit, instead he’s got a backpack on and is trotting up into the mountains.

A kaleidoscope of flash scenes: Ilitia working the runway; Emanuel rock climbing; Marianela and others sitting in grief; Brandon being put in a holding room, protesting his innocence; Ilitia again; Emanuel almost missing a handhold, then exulting at the top; Marianela and sad group again.

Emanuel is up on the winner’s stand, getting his trophy while the crowd cheers and the cheerleaders work their pompoms. His family congratulates him, and his sister (girlfriend to Mauricio, remember?) pushes him off when he tries to kiss her.

Fedra is trying to get Greta, who is still staring while she pets the amazingly compliant cat, to come down for dinner. Greta doesn’t want to join in a stupid family dinner. The maid, Nereida, brings in dinner on a tray, but Fedra waves her off, telling Greta no dinner if she doesn’t join them. Good, says Greta, you can leave me alone. Fedra tells her in no uncertain terms that she’s to come down and Greta actually complies, though bad-temperedly.

It’s the service for Marianela’s mother, the schoolgirls are there. Netty brings in her ashes in a box and hands them to Marianela. The MS comes in and tells Marianela that Emiliano just called, and she had to tell him the news.

Emiliano tells those of his family who are gathered, namely Fedra, Bernardo, Emanuel and Greta. Fedra and Bernardo give each other a quiet triumphant look, unnoticed by the others.

I think we’re getting the picture of who’s naughty and who’s nice…

Avances: Marianela has to move with Fedra’s family – into a den of wolves. Fedra discovers some cash. She tells Bernardo to do something, but I couldn’t understand what, and he says he’ll take care of it.

Truth in packaging: If I am a new recapper to you, it’s only fair to warn you that I’m a Spanish-learner, so any additions or corrections are very welcome!


El Clon Monday, August 9: Summary for Discussion

Muchísimas gracias, Luke M, for tonight's wonderful recap!

At the hospital:
We begin with Latifa's phone call to Lucas. She argues that Lucas is responsible for what happens to Jade, because Jade was hit by a car, because she was nervous about being able to get Jadiya, for which she had been depending on Lucas. (That's a pretty shaky argument.) Lucas says he's headed to the hospital immediately. This is bad news for Latifa, who looks nervously at the waiting Zein and Mohamed.

Casa Ferrer:
Leonardo agrees with Marisa's policy not to give Nati any money, since she spends all the money she is given on drugs. (This has always been Marisa's policy. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.) Marisa is happy that for the moment they can set aside their differences, in order to help Nati. Leonardo wishes she and Lucas had always been so sensible, but their problems caused them to forget they had a daughter. "¡No, yo nunca olvidé a Natalia! Tal vez Lucas, sí, pero yo jamás." (No, I never forgot Natalia! Perhaps Lucas, yes, but never I.) (She must have forgot she forgot.) Leo responds: "Está bien, no hagamos un inventario de culpas." (OK, OK, let's not make a list of faults.) He wants to try something else with Natalia.

Nati's room:
While Nati is down and out at her computer, Rosa enters with lunch for the "niña consentida"(spoiled/pampered girl) (including a brownie like Alej tried to give her). As usual, if it's food, Nati doesn't want it. Rosa calmly asks once more what Nati did with the money her father gave her, only to get Nati's fire-breathing act. Leonardo tags in. He has a proposition for Natalia: why don't you and Alejandro live here with us? Natalia, surprised, asks: "¿Qué?" Leonardo says they are ready to welcome him in. (Obviously he didn't run this by Marisa.) He offers to talk to Alejandro, and apologize on behalf of everyone, and to ask him if he wants to live with them. She asks, this time very surprised, "¿Qué?"(Apparently she didn't quite understand him the first time.) She doesn't think Alejandro will accept. Leonardo offers to send a driver to bring Alejandro to the office this afternoon. She says no, they'll come alone. He'll be waiting. He reminds her he's willing to do whatever it may take to make her happy. She does not seem especially moved.

Father Andrés's church:
Dora asks if Father Andrés too is going to tell her the story that she didn't give birth to Daniel. She says she can prove she did, that she has a hundred witnesses. Andrés should be ashamed of trying to manipulate her, and should fear divine punishment. When she runs out of breath, he finally gets a chance to respond: I want to tell you how your son was made. It would be scandalous if you found out through gossip. Dora says the real scandal is this: what she'll do if he and Albieri keep insisting on their story. She asks if he called her there to tell her that story again. He nods; she leaves. He calls on God to witness that he tried.

The bar:
Estela is debriefing Dora, and thinks clever Albieri got the priest on his side. Dora thinks Dr. Sylvia can help her, but she doesn't know how to contact her. (Sylvia was Dora's doctor at the clinic, the one handling her fertilization, until Albieri took matters into his own sweaty hands.) Estela advises Dora to go to the clinic while Albieri's gone.

The street outside Zamira's house:
Ramón runs into Zamira, and says he heard from Amin that she got engaged. She says it's a big lie, that only Amin got engaged; she's the one who will choose her husband. Up struts Karla,with Amin in hot pursuit on his bike. She starts to get mad, but asks if he comes bearing gifts. He just wanted to say "hi", so she leaves, as does Ramón. Zamira grabs Amin and tells him not to say she's engaged: he is, she's not. "Mi baba se comprometió por mi. Es totalmente diferente. ¡Yo no estoy comprometida!" (My dad arranged the engagement for me. It's totally different. I'm not engaged!) He says he'll tell father, and she challenges him: tell him, and I'll tell Karla you're in love with her. (That gets his attention.) She'll say he steals things from dad's store to give to her. He runs in side, leaving her satisfied with her victory.

The clinic:
Dora goes to the clinic to talk to Julio. He asks what's wrong—you look "afligida" (upset). She asks for Sylvia's phone number, but guess what: Sylvia's in Miami for a few days! Julio gives Dora her number. He even hands her the phone and suggests she call right now. He watches with interest as she calls. She arranges a meeting for that day, somewhere private. Julio warns her the truth won't always make you happy. She wonders what he knows, but he says: pay no attention to me. She leaves, still wondering.

The gym:
Alejo is in the ring training, or at least kissing canvas. Pablo say she's not looking so good, but Alejo says he's fine. OK, says Pablo,but "Hay algien que puede arruinar todo y es Natalia" (there's someone who might ruin everything, and it's Natalia). Alejo defends her, but Pablo advises him to get professional help. Alejo says today he was tough with her, telling her to choose between him and the drugs. He thinks she was "tocada" (touched, moved). Surprisingly, Nati appears in the gym. She wants Alejandro to come home, and she apologizes. (For the first time in a few episodes, she seems to remember that she's in love with this guy. Perhaps she has sobered up a bit. We hear their love theme.) She's worried that he'll get tired of her, but he assures her that couldn't happen, and he forgives her. (Real tough.)

Rogelio tells Alicia that while everybody thought Cristina was responsible for the good work around there, it turns out it was Alicia. Although he likes Cristina, he wants to be fair, to straighten things out, to put things in their place. He doesn't think Cristina will be upset about this. Alicia says she feels guilty (for not covering well enough for Cristina's mistakes.) Rogelio gives her Cristina's PR job. She is happy, but maintains control and says she's not in the mood to celebrate. Rogelio is impressed with her compassionate reaction, and says she's "un ser humano increíble" (an unbelievable human being).

Escobarde's hotel room:
"¡Lo conseguí!" (I got it!) she tells Escobarde. And by her hard work, which is what makes her so happy about it. (She can hardly keep a straight face as she says this.)

Back at the hospital:
Latifa is still worried what will happen when Lucas shows up, and decides to call him to tell him not to. But then Mohamed asks his"gacela" to come with him and Zein. She asks for a few minutes "to pray," but he takes the phone, so all she can do is think: Allah, what did I do wrong?

Castle Said:
Said asks Nazira about Jade's accident. She says everyone is waiting in the hospital, but she doesn't know any more. Amina watches from behind a column. (Is that what those are for?)

Rania's room:
(Both Rania and Amina are veiled in their own home, for no apparent reason.) Amina tells Rania about Jade's accident. They seem more concerned about Said being upset. And Rania can't figure out why Nazira would tell him. Amina says not to trust Nazira—she's not your friend. Rania defends her, but Amina says she only helped you because she hates Jade. Rania is worried Jade will come back and be the first wife.

Adorable Jadiya comes in. Rania shows the socks she got for Jadiya's little brother. Jadiya musters all the smug she's got, and says, "No es mi hermanito Rania, porque no vas a tener un hijo varon. Vas a tener una mujer, igual que mi mamá." (It's not my little brother Rania, because you won't have a boy (male child). You'll have a girl, just like my mom.) Let the arguments begin! Rania knows it will be a boy, because she's nauseous, and nausea always indicates a boy. Jadiya knows it will be a girl, because she dreamed it, and "Dicen que cuando los niños suenan con eso, pues es verdad." (They say that when children dream something, it comes true.) She says that in her dream an angel told her Rania's child would be a girl—an ugly girl. Amina holds Rania back and Jadiya leaves triumphant.

Back downstairs:
Nazira asks if Said will go see Jade at the hospital. He says no, she's not my wife (though he can't hide his concern). Nazira presses the point: Mohamed is there. Said: but for Latifa, Jade's cousin. I'm nothing to Jade. Nazira: what about going for Jadiya? Said: no, she belongs to me. Nazira: but Jadiya could cheer up her mother, so she'll get better. Said has had enough of this line of questioning, and he tells Nazira to keep this from Jadiya. "Mientras menos piense en Jade, mas rápido se va a olvidar de ella." (The less she thinks about Jade, the quicker she'll forget her.) Nazira is shocked at his heartlessness. He says he doesn't want to hear anything more about Jade. He storms off... and up to Jade's room, to sniff her clothes. Rania looks on, not exactly pleased

Rania's room: Rania tells Amina that Said is crying for Jade. Amina gives her usual advice: pretend nothing happened. And stop crying, it's bad for your son.

Downstairs again: Nazira can't find the phonebook because, as housemaid Mariam informs her, Rania moved everything around. Said comes down and asks Nazira to call Mohamed to see if there's news about Jade.

Fez, Alí's place: Alí tells Abdul the house is so empty without Zoraida, he feels like flying to America to see her. Abdul accuses him of looking for excuses to go to the West, to "respire ese aire de haraam que hay allá" (breathe that air of haraam they have there). Alí has had enough of Abdul's accusations, and responds that Abdul is "retrogrado" (outdated, backward). They bicker about who is the moral and pious one, and wander off to the medina. Zumaya answers the phone. It's Latifa. Zumaya runs to get Alí.

Back in Miami, at the bar (which isn't open yet): Dora greets Sylvia, who asks why Dora didn't send her any pictures of Daniel. Dora is surprised to learn the pictures she gave Albieri didn't make it to Sylvia.

The hospital: Lucas arrives and asks how Jade is. Mohamed asks how he found out, and while Latifa nervously watches, Lucas covers for her—someone at work heard about it. She is relieved. The temperature rises slightly as Lucas and Zein meet again. The doctor arrives and says Jade will be alright.

The bar: Dora has told Sylvia her life story (thankfully, off camera), and finishes with Albieri's strange behavior with Daniel. Sylvia, like everyone else, wonders how Dora could have let that happen, but Dora repeats her excuse: she couldn't deprive Daniel of what Albieri could give him. Sylvia asks about Osvaldo. Dora doesn't want to talk about him, and she's happy Daniel doesn't look like him (nor like her, she admits). This comes as a surprise to Sylvia, who, as she reminds us, selected a sperm donor to fit Osvaldo's description. Dora tells her the latest: even Father Andrés thinks Daniel isn't her son, and only because Daniel is white! Sylvia says he couldn't be white. Dora gives the old story about her Dutch ancestor, but Sylvia isn't buying it, because the sperm donor she chose was black. Dora is impactada.

The hospital: Latifa goes (alone) to see Jade. Mohamed tries to explain to Zein that Lucas is a friend of the family, but Zein says he already knows the story. Lucas stands alone and distressed.

Jade's hospital bed: Jade says she was out of control and didn't notice when she crossed the street. (Apparently her mother didn't bring her up according to our custom of looking both ways.) She is worried about losing Jadiya. Latifa says Lucas is there, and Jade seems impressed, but she's still mad at him and doesn't want him to come in.

Back in the waiting room: Mohamed tells Lucas that because Jade is married, it's an offense for him to be here. Lucas doesn't want to spoil the party, so he'll go. Mohamed gets a call from Nazira.

Castle Said: Nazira is happy to hear Jade's injury wasn't too serious. After the call, Rania and Amina chat with her about it. Nazira snarks: "A ella siempre le ha gustado andar por ahí, atropellando a la gente. Por eso, Alá decidió que ella fuera atropellada tambien." (She had always liked to go around,running people over. For that, Allah decided that she would be runover too.) Instant karma. Amina asks: you never liked Jade, right Lala Nazira? Nazira: No, I knew those odalisques were rotten from day one. They bewitched my brothers, who are weak. Rania agrees: Said was weak. This trips Nazira's alarm: Said isn't weak, I raised him myself! I can't stay in a house where people talk like that about my brother! Rania protests that she didn't mean to say that, but Nazira tells her: "¡Y tú cállate odalisca! Tú eres igual que las otras dos. ¡Ya te ví!" (And you shut up, odalisque! You're just like the other two. I've got your number!) She storms out, and Amina again tells Rania to pretend nothing happened.

The clinic: Dr. Sylvia arrives and asks to see Julio. They have a lot to talk about.

Castle Said, Jade's tower: Said tells Mariam to get rid of all Jade's stuff. Jadiya comes in and protests: I want to stay in this room, with my Mom's stuff. So Mariam leaves it.

Fez, the Medina: Zumaya finds Alí and Abdul, and without provocation Abdul tears into her for being an exhibitionist. Alí lets her speak, and she says Jade was run over. They run back home.

On Aeronovela, coach: Daniel tells Cristina he doesn't like seeing her upset. She says she can handle anything but betrayal, still thinking her Leoncito had an affair with Dora.

The clinic: Sylvia says Dora told her terrible things. Julio says it's all true, and spills some of the beans: 20 years ago Albieri made a big mistake and switched Dora's embryo.

The hospital: Jade tells Latifa she saw Lucas, 20 years younger, just like her fortune said. She knew she would have to choose between going backward or forward. She has chosen to go forward, and hopes Allah will take the "shadow" (Daniel) away, so she won't fall for temptation again. "Porque es el Lucas que yo conocí hace 20años. Yo no podría decirle que no." (Because it's the Lucas I knew 20 years ago. I couldn't say no to him.)



Monday, August 09, 2010

Mon. 8/9/10 Club Gancho... More Beauties of un Gancho al Corazón

Welcome Ganchodores. Come on in out of the heat and humidity, take a comfy chair, I'll fix some cool drinks, and then let's share a few minutes together.
This weeks featured beverage is a Black and Tan; attractive and very thirst quenching. Here at Club Gancho we use Guiness (of course) and Dos Equis.

I had a wonderful birthday weekend beginning at noon Friday with the lovelies from my office taking me out for lunch. We had BBQ... great. Saturday night the Lovely Linda took me out to Big Daddy O's (a new seafood restaurant located less than two miles from our home) for oysters and seafood. With the exception of the price of oysters doubling, we are coping in the aftermath of the spill. Sunday, my daughter Andrea came over and prepared her trademark enchiladas, a shrimp and avocado salad, while Linda cooked up jalapeños stuffed with cheese, refried beans, and her corn, onion, and jalapeño relish. I'm dieting this week.

My nurse Kelli's husband took this photo on a weekend trip to West Texas He found it both amusing and a bit frightening. Talk about enhancing the stereotype.

This week we continue to look back on the beauties inhabiting un Gancho. As you all may have guessed, one of our first two beauties (mom and her hembral spawn) is one of my favorite characters ever. Perhaps not the sweetest or even most beautiful, but certainly the most provocative.

Jaqueline... cool elegance

Constanza... be still my heart!

Estrella Falcon...actriz

Regina... racy racer

Angelli Nesma... the genius behind it all

Nieves Ochoa... femme fatale

Isabela... fill in your own caption......

Nice Nurse



Dinero Monday August 9, 2010 Is It A Wedding March Or A Dirge? You Decide.

Short version: Nothing happens

Long version: Several things almost happen

Really long version: We start with a brief rehash of last Thursday. Beltran and the Queen are wishing Ale and Rafa well in their respective marriages and professional lives. Rafa and Ale are clearly miserable and after the Queen dismisses them with a "Herein endeth the lesson, go in peace" (to which Rafa mumbles "Amen") ,our two gloomy lovers trudge out. The Queen knows their love life is messed up and warns her little doggies about making a similar mistake.

Out in the hallway, Ale continues her gloomy rant about the debt.

A- Rafa, as soon as you get the money from the used truck sale, pay me. I'm depending on you. I need that money to clear up all my family's debts.
R-Trust me.
A- I have no choice but to trust you. In spite of all the hidden and repugnant things you've been doing lately.
R- You mean Dandy?
A- No, Everything!

Tears run down her cheeks as she promises that after the payment, she'll give him a document exonerating him. (Big whoop Ale!) They wish each other luck in their marriages. They both start to say something. They interrupt each other. They sigh. They give up. He looks grim. She looks sad. Aaaarrrgh. The rest of us are just screaming and throwing stuff.

The scene shifts to Marian's office. She's looking quite lovely and pinkalicious. And still puzzled as to why Rafa is marrying this Vicky person. She knows he's deeply in love with Ale. But she also knows that she and Rafa have some chemistry together (a woman knows these things, she assures Chepis) and something might well have happened if Daniel hadn't shown up at the party. Chepis notes that a messenger brought an invitation to the wedding, but wonders why Rafa didn't give it personally if he wanted Maria at the ceremony. Hmmm...Marian decides to get to the bottom of this mystery. Could there be a pregnancy involved? (Hey, that's our question!) She'll go visit Julieta. And no, she won't call before. Better for it to be a surprise. But yes, she'll fix herself up to be really gorgeous (Good grief! she already is.) before arriving.

And now one of these dreaded financial real estate discussions. They might as well be talking Chinese. Anyway, it's Carmela the Ardent and Marco the Impotent Rat. They're trying to work out how they can both keep draining the hacienda's finances while convincing Ale there's a buyer for the place. After all, it's a really productive , profitable hacienda. Marco has been living like a king off it for two years. Somehow, as I understood it, they were going to use the profits as the down payment for it (as a phony buyer) but Carmela makes it clear she wants in on the "good life" as well. Either they both get rich or they both go down, is her final warning.

Mientras tanto (Hi Carlos!) Jaime is drowning his sorrowful conscience in tequilas and fielding a gloomy call from Rafa. No loan from the bank and Marco is going to take Ale off to Brazil....forever!...after the wedding. Could things get any worse? (Yeah, Rafa, you could actually be married to VickyVickyVicky.) Jaime mumbles and stutters and tells Rafa not to lose hope. Sorry. No hope possible. I told Aleandra the truth and she didn't believe me. Now it's good-bye. I DON'T WANT TO MARRY VICKY!!!! But I owe her dad money and there's no way I can get out of it. Arrrgggh. Shall we throw some more missiles at the TV? Mercifully, an ad interrupts our tantrum.

Susanita and Ale have left work and when Susana refused to go to a bar, Ale drags her to Marco's apartment. Susanita isn't happy there either. She vamooses as soon as the clan arrives, but not without first assuring Ale that she will NOT be at the wedding. Rosario is impactada. As usual. Now some dithering about the papers and passports, giving them over to Manrique, fussing about Jorge who is not dressed warmly enough for Switzerland and then lo and behold, the doorbell rings and it's that rascal Rubi, come to hug and kiss Jorge and accompany him on his trip. Rosario is now looking double impactada and mucho sick.

A random dreary scene. The hapless Ay Dios mio! Jimenez arrives home to find a snoring suegro on his couch, an equally snoring suegra in bed with his wife, no supper left for him in the kitchen and only the prospect of putting down a colchoneta (mat or air mattress) on the floor if he's to sleep at all tonight. Reason? Suegra has fumigated their apartment and it's unlivable at the moment. "Sin cena, sin cama, sin justicia". Jimenez has some serious questions for God.

Rubi is hopping around, excited at the prospect of going to Sweden. Marco corrects her. Switzerland. Whatever. Snow, ski slopes. What's not to love? Ale wants to know how she's going without a ticket. Got it on the computer today. And where did you get the money? A rich "abuelito" gave it to me. (Things that make you go 'hmmmmm') More billing and cooing by Rubi and Jorge, noting how they just can't bear to be apart from each other for even a few days. Ale and Rosario are both looking like they need an emetic.

Speaking of...we now see Marino telling Ramirez he can't come home early tonight. Marino's planning to seduce Sandra and for that he'll need privacy. So much for Ramirez' romantic plans. But why make another woman miserable? he bleats, when you have so many wives already. "No seas mojigato!" (don't be a prude) snaps Marino. End of discussion.

A hunched, soberly dressed woman enters the showroom (after struggling to get past a rotund Trapito). It's Ramirez' mama and they're both overcome with emotion. "Hijito de mis entrañas (my dear child)!" "Sangre de mi sangre!" (Blood of my blood!) Well, you get the picture. They're overcome with emotion. We catch our breath and break for more ads.

Well, tender emotion aside, Mom still has a few scoldings left in her.
M- Germancito Ramirez, you were at the very gates of Hell!
R- For those magazines? Mom, don't go overboard. I'm almost 50 years old.
M- Only 47! And don't make me more aged that I am. Furthermore, one is never too old to have "buenas modales" (good manners)

Upshot. She'll take him back.

R- (Oh mama, if you only knew I was dating a married woman!)

O.K. Back to the infernal apartment. Rosaurio is giving Jorge a blessing before he leaves and warning him to cover up ("Tapate bien"). He assures her that with Rubi at his side, he'll be just fine. And no need for Ale to come to the apartment. He and Meñique (Manrique) and Marcario (Marco) and Rubi (he never gets HER name wrong) will just head out to the airport now. And don't cancel the wedding, daughter, because I'm not there. Go right ahead. Tearful kisses and lots of "I love you's" from Ale. Marco kisses Ale good-bye (an ewwwwww look on her face) and off they go, leaving Rosario, Ale and Azucena all looking a bit gloomy. Azucena's the only one who feels well enough to eat and she tromps off, leaving Ale and Rosaurio mourning Jorge's departure.

And now the invasion. Vicky, in full screech mode, has stormed Rafa's home base, informing Leonor, Julietta and Jaime that they're going to have a wedding rehearsal RIGHT NOW, whether Rafa's there or not. She's dragged her papa and hulking brothers along and the bigger hulk asks for "una chela bien fria" (a nice cold beer) and hey, maybe some "galletitas" (cookies) and empanadas (sandwiches) which promptly sets off a rant by Jaime about what kind of banquet this guy would really like. The answer is a big knife at his throat and a "I don' like your jokes buddy" from the hulk.

Back at the office, Ramirez is still getting whatfor from Mamita. On your knees when you get home. Recite ten Our Father's and fifteen Ave Maria's. And no more girlie magazines. Just then a hapless Dandy steps up, asks to meet mom and starts to kiss her hand. She lurches back like she's seen a demon. Lord, she senses that this man is a womanizer. Yikes, is your mom a "bruja or "adivina"? (witch or soothsayer) queries Dandy, rolling his eyes in circles. I forbid you to be friends with this infidel, shrieks mama, and drags her" hijito de sus entrañas" off with her.

Things are going from bad to worse back at Leonor's. Since Rafa hasn't arrived, Vicky wants to draft hulking brother into playing the groom. He declines. Then it's Jaime. He declines, goes into hysterics and faints. And has a nightmarish vision. He's at the altar, waiting for a lovely Julieta who's walking down the aisle with Rafa. Mom Leonor is alone in the pew, dressed in fur. The priest begins the ceremony with the Act of Contrition: "I have sinned against you in thought, word and deed. By what I have done and by what I have left undone...." That's it, even in his vision, Jaime is hysterically guilty. And now Vicky comes down the aisle, trailed by her horrendous family.

R- What's this?
V- I'm pregnant. By your Best Friend.
J- It's true! I was drunk! When one is in that state, right and wrong get muddled!

Julieta whacks him with a bouquet. Mom joins in. Rafa renounces him as a friend. And Vicky, cool as a cucumber, coos...Now where were we? Oh yes, at "yo pecador (I a sinner). With two brotherly knives pressed across his neck, Jaime starts to shriek out the rest of the confession.

And wakes up. Crashes back into the china cabinet, excuses his weird behavior as being due to lack of sleep, eliciting a scornful, sceptical look from Vicky. Julieta's defending her beau, snapping that if he doesn't want to help out, to leave him alone. Leonor sighs, let's just do it so we can get it over with.

The rehearsal begins. Vicky, imaginary bells ringing in the background ,prances down the equally imaginary aisle, dragging her hefty papa behind her. Now say "Le entrego a mi hija" (I give you my daughter) she barks. Dad drifts off to the side and now she lays hands on Jaime. The doorbell rings. It's her pajarito! Rafa doesn't ring the doorbell in his own house, snaps Julieta.

And indeed. It's not Rafa but a resplendent Marian. Vicky looks her up and down. So does hulking big bro. "Que vieja bien buenota!" (what a gorgeous hunk of woman) Papa agrees. So does little bro'. Marian gets all shy amidst this enthusiastic male worship.

We switch now to Ale who is not looking gorgeous at all. She all teary-eyed and wearing a spectacularly ugly robe. It seems to be covered with large black and green pears. (Symbolic or did she just cheese off the wardrobe department?) She's having a doleful chat with her mother's portrait and tops that off by strolling down romantic Memory Lane and ripping up a photo of her and Rafa. She then proceeds to tear up his soccer shirt, ending by wiping her eyes with it. (well at least she didn't blow her nose). And there we end.

Ale appears at her last sales meeting.
She cries.
Vicky finds out who Marian is and shrieks "Qué!?"

un enganche = down payment (we've had this before but "review and learn new")
colchoneta = mat, air mattress
estoy con el Jesus en la boca = I'm really upset, worried (Rosaurio)
no hay por que hacer tantas dramas = there's no need to carry on like that (Marco to Rubi and Jorge)
No seas mojigato = don't be a prude (Marino to Ramirez)
no te hinques = don't kneel down (Mama to her repentant son)
como se fuera mi = like it was me (Rubi promising to take care of Jorge)
tapate bien = cover up, keep warm
tabaja como un burro = he works like a donkey (Jaime explaining why Rafa is not home)
una chela bien fria = a nice cold beer
hijito de mis entrañas = lit. son of my entrails, bowels but fig. means "my dear child"

Dicho of the Day

Antes de que te cases, mira lo que haces. (lit. before you get married, look what you do. or Look before you leap.)
Yes, I've used this dicho before. But it was another story and besides you've probably forgotten it. And furthermore it really fits! So enjoy.


Monday, August 9, 2010 - Cristina Show Discussion Header

Tonight the Cristina Show will feature the Mi Pecado cast members. I'm posting this at the request of some of us who are Mi Pecado aficionados/as so we can discuss, of course! ;-) We haven't run out of discussion topics quite yet....



Friday, August 06, 2010

Llena de amor: cast of characters

Emanuel: Valentino Lanús: a talented comic-book artist (?) and art director at a publicity agency. A fan of motorcycle competitions, a confirmed avenger, intelligent and noble. Enterprising, of a firm and happy character. It isn't easy to manipulate him, although his love for his family makes him give in. His relationship with Ilitia is more a habit than love. When he finds he's in love with his cousin Marianela his life acquires new meaning.

Marianela: Ariadne Díaz. A young woman with a beautiful face, she is timid, nearsighted and fat - her obesity was provoked by a great trauma that stimulated her love of sweets. She is very sensitive and tender, intelligent and sympathetic, which helps her withstand the hostile environment in which she is enveloped. She suffers from asthma attacks that are controlled by an inhaler she carries with her everywhere. In the face of adversity she struggles to release her strong character in order to go forward. The love that surges between her cousin Emanuel and her will have to conquer enormous obstacles.

Ilitia: Altair Jarabo is a beautiful top model, with a lot of class. She's grown up surrounded with luxuries and glamor. Like all only daughters, she is spoiled, arrogant and capricious, stubborn, frivolous, and banal. Her major preoccupation in life is to look at herself and pamper herself. Despite the great love she says she feels for Emanual, her encounter with Brandon will give her a great life lesson.

Fedra: Azela Robinson is a sexy, arrogant, malicious and lustful woman. She is a volcano of sensuality with the good luck to have a spouse prostrate to her love, also a lover and accomplice who would give his life for her. She has a strong and dominant character. She is nouveau riche and spent years eliminatig obstacles in order to become mistress of the Ruiz and Teresa fortune. She is a cynical sinister unscrupulous hypocrite! She is Emanuel's mother and Marianela's worst enemy. She hides a great secret.

Emiliano: César Évora is a mature man, attractive of robust personality. He is a wealthy empresario, courteous and just. Energetic, and a protector. He would give everything to protect his own, and will have no scruples when the hour comes to keep his evil wife Fedra from winning the day, despite the great love he has for her.

Netty: Laura Flores is an attractive woman, loving and maternal. Happy and talkative. Nevertheless, she is single and has no children. She's a frustrated actress. Her dream is to become a great actress. She is permanently in love with Emiliano. She will become a great defender of her cousin Marianela's rights.

Bernardo: Roberto Ballesteros is a small-minded, unscrupulous man. He's Fedra's assistant, right-hand man and accomplice and loves her in secret with the hope that some day this love will triumph. He's a cruel hypocrite. He knows all Fedra's secrets, past and present. Despite everything, he is Emanuel's confidante.

Brandon: Armando Araiza is a young and humble policeman, attractive, athletic and very wise. Intelligent and of noble sentiments. He is very moral, always ready to do his duty and do everything to defend his own. He is brave and resolute. His charisma, nobility and sympathy will bend Ilitia's frivolous heart. From the first, as a rival for her love, he becomes Emanuel's enemy.

Gretel: Cristina Mason is a beautiful girl, but rebellious and bitter, of unstable character, sour and hostile. She knows things she shouldn't and they've traumatized her. All her life she's been under strict psychiatric treatment. She has exceptional intelligence and ends up making jokes with her doctors. She passes for hysterical. She has a great resentment against her mother Fedra and feels much guilt for having been a witness at the assassination of her uncle, Marianela's father.

Mauricio: Roberto Palazuelos is a womanizer and a show-off type of guy. He always tries to take advantage of any circumstances. He's a hypocrite and uses people. He lives to enjoy life and squander his family's money. People fall for his smile. He plots with his fiancee Kristel to make Marianela suffer.

Lorenzo: Alexis Ayala is an attractive man, a seducer, terribly unfaithful. He's ambitious and a social climber. Though he's bored in his marriage with 'Muñeca' (Doll), he doesn't abandon her because he wants to maintain his status. He is Fedra's secret lover and in the future a woman will change his life.

Camila 'Muñeca': Cecilia Gabriela is a very attractive and classy woman - refined, cultured, charitable and enchanting. Despite living surrounded by luxury and comfort, she can't manage to quench her terrifying solitude, which even brings her to attempt suicide. In her youth she was affianced to Emiliano, but Fedra blocked the way. She has a great need to feel loved.

Kristel: María Elisa Camargo is beautiful, capricious and very spoiled. Accustomed to getting her way. Frivolity is her calling card. Her intrigues and pranks are cruel, especially those she plays on Marianela, who she can't stand because she's humiliated to have such a fat relative. She lives to please herself, do crazy things and to entertain her boyfriend Mauricio. She's Ilitia's best friend and hopes to turn her into an internationally renowned model.

Axel: Diego Amozurrutia is an attractive young man, intelligent and of noble sentiments, but very reserved. The younger son of Fedra and Emiliano. He studies music and hopes to be a great singer though his parents oppose it. A terrible trauma marked his adolescence and from that moment he was isolated in his environment. He lives locked in his world and doubting his sexuality. He offers his friendship to Marianela and will become her great ally.

Don Máximo: Aaron Hernán is a retired general, an eccentric man of strong character, stubborn, dominating, and with a robust personality. He is very intelligent and has a great heart. His eccentricities lead some of his friends and family to consider him crazy. He's knowing and cultured. He knows all the secrets of the Ruiz and Teresa family. He'll confront the villainies of Fedra with all his strength.

Doris: Lorena Enríquez is the younger daughter of Gladiola and Brandon's sister. She is sparkling, of a happy nature, noble, loyal and intelligent. She's a great caricaturist. She will be Marianela's best friend and together they will seek justice.

Oliver: Ricardo Margaleff is a young and handsome policeman, Brandon's best friend, a loyal, noble man with a great understanding of friendship. He has the rumba in his feet and nobody can beat his dancing. He's in love with Ana, but she only sees him as a brother. He will become one of Marianela's allies.

André: Alberto Agnesi is a young man of good social standing, aggreable and charismatic, Emanuel's best friend. He's had an enviable life, but his situation will change when he has to confront himself when suffering a mortal illness.

Paula: Tina Romero is sympathetic, happy and noble, part of the house staff, her passion is cooking and everyone loves her dishes. She is Delicia's constant confidante and Marianela's ally. Her greatest strength is the goodness of her heart and Don Máximo is her great love.

Delicia: Mariana Van Rankin is an absent-minded, rebellious and gossipping young woman. She's one of the service managers at the Ruiz and Teresa mansion. She hates Fedra and mocks her. She will be one of Marianela's great friends and confidantes as she comes to truly appreciate her.

Nereida: Ivonne Ley is a banal and hypocritical young woman, she works as a servant in the Ruiz and Teresa house. For a long time she has pretended to be trustworthy, but later her true personality is revealed and it's demonstrated that she's a traitor.

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Friday, August 6 - El Clon - Summary for Discussion.

Thanks to next week's substitute recappers!

An episode where something actually happened!

Two guys who love Jade; two ways of telling her that she is delusional.

The wussy Lucas way:
Jade tells Lucas that what they had is over because he betrayed her. Lucas explains that he had to return because his daughter has become a drug addict, dropped out of school, been arrested and they don't know where she is. Jade seems moved for a second but she says that she too knows what it is like to almost lose one's daughter. 'Ví tu sombra', Lucas, I saw your shadow, Lucas, says Jade. Naturally, Lucas is confused. 'Un hombre idéntico a ti. Una sombra que se despegó de tu cuerpo..' A man just like you, a shadow that has left your body. Jade interprets its appearance as indicating that they will never be together. Jade says that she had to cross all the barriers to be with him and he always chickened out. Then they have basically the same conversation again - Lucas says that he can't leave his daughter doing drugs in the street and Jade reiterates all the times he has failed her. Then she demands that he kidnap Jadiya and take her to foreign country (presumably one without extradition). Lucas replies that he will not commit a crime. Lucas says he loves her but it is his daughter. 'Entonces, olvídame', Then forget about me, says Jade.

Young love - Zamira and Carlos.

When she gets home, Mohamed scolds Zamira for not walking home with Amin. To Latifa, Zamira gives the cry of youth - I don't want to be different from everyone else. Then Latifa lies to Mohamed about where Zamira was.

Albieri tells Ali says that it will be harder to tell Daniel about what he has done than to tell the world. He will have to tell Leonardo, Lucas and Dora. Ali asks if he is afraid of losing the love and respect of these people. Ali asks if Albieri loves Daniel or looks at him only as a scientific achievement. Albeiri replies that of course he loves Daniel. He says that Diego is like the son that he never had. Ali says that he isn't talking about Diego but about Daniel. Albieri explains that he loved Diego so much that 'cuando murió, murió también mi corazón', when he died, my heart died too. When the opportunity presented itself, he decided to create a new Diego. Ali says that it isn't Diego - souls don't come into the world twice. Albieri claims that if he had raised him, he could have recreated Diego psychologically. Ali warns Albieri, 'Los criaturas siempre se revelan contra su creador,' Creatures always rebel against their creator. [Well, they always do in the movies.]

Zoraida and Albieri are going back to Miami together.

Nati comes back to the apartment as if nothing had happened. Alej tells her that everyone is going crazy looking for her. She shrugs. You can't go out for pizza with your friends and come back two days later from Key West, yells Alej. Alej says that he can't take any more. She doesn't want his help. He is not going to sacrifice the biggest opportunity he has had in his life while she throws everything away. Nati says that she isn't a drug addict. Think about it, says Alej, you'll have to choose between me and drugs. She says that if he leaves, she won't be there when he returns. Alej leaves.

Dora and Estela are in the doctor's office waiting for the results of her tests. Estela tells her that Padre Andres called Dora and asked to see her.

Pablo tells Vicki about his conversation with Malicia. Vicki cannot understand what is going on and she is suspicious that all this happened as soon as Cristina went to Morocco. Pablo says that he is just passing along the message as he was asked but he believes the Malicious One.

Dora gets the results of her Pap smear. She doesn't have cervical cancer but the doctor wants to do more tests. Another PSA for annual gynecological examinations.

The Chump shows Fernando the apartment that he bought. He will put it in Fernando's name after it is furnished [Qué??]. Fernando is obviously planning to entertain there. The Chump says that Fernando has to earn the apartment and asks how he is doing in school. Great, says Fer. [Nowadays, parents can see online how their kids do on every homework assignment. I'm sure the Chump would get quite a surprise if he looked at Fer's grades.] Fer asks about the car and the Chump says that he needs more time.

Natalia comes to Leo's house and Rosa asks her what she did with the money Lucas gave her. Nati is nasty and refuses to answer. Leo tries a heart to heart but doesn't get anywhere either. He says that he is going to ask a doctor friend for advice. They agree not to give Nati any money. Leo seems to be as concerned that his plans to have Nati end up running his company are up in smoke, as it were, as he is about Nati's well being. Some things never change.

Clara tells Carolina that the Chump didn't says anything to Fernando about drugs. He only got Fer all excited about the apartment. She says that Fernando doesn't realize that the Chump intends to live in the apartment with his girlfriend (moza).

Enrique has bought a new car. He says that he is straightening his life out. Carolina asks if he would like to see his children. He says that they are better off without him.

Nati tells Rosa that everyone is against her, even Alej.

At the club, the sKank and Hilda watch Roberto swim. The sKank says that she doesn't think their plan is going to work out and Robert hasn't done anything to deserve what they are going to do to him. ) Hilda tells her that rich guys are there to be fleeced.

Consuelo is gathering more 'genetic material' and Lucia is curious about the envelope she has but she is more interested in where Roberto is.

Rogelio tells Zein that Cristina isn't doing her job and should be fired. He agrees.

The no-holds barred Zein way:
Jade comes to see Zein and tells him that if he gets her daughter back for her, she'll stay with him forever. He tells her not to use him. He says that he understands her. They both love to distraction. She has no sense of danger but he does. She disguises reality but he doesn't. He loves her but he leaves the exit door open. 'Para ti, amar a una persona es cerrar todas las puertas de salida,' For you, loving means that no door is left open. She says that she and Jadiya will go and live somewhere. Zein ask how they will survive since she has no education and no skills and can't even cook. He says that he wouldn't risk prison or deportation to help a woman with her temperament. He suggest that she reconcile with Said however long it takes. She says that he is weak and a coward just like Lucas. She runs out of the club [how can she go so fast in those heels?] with Zein in pursuit and is hit by a car.

Jade is taken to the hospital.

The priest tells Dora that she has to be ready to face the storm that will come when Albieri stops lying about the circumstances of Daniel's birth. [Did we miss a scene? Did Albieri contact Father Andres after he went to Morocco?]

At the hospital, Latifa gets Lucas' number and tells Lucas that if something happens to Jade, it is his fault.

The credits roll.


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