Saturday, September 18, 2010

El Clon Friday September 17: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 152: In which Natalia faints -- and it has nothing to do with Daniel; Cris and Leo are – finally! -- getting married; Rania goes Rogue and shows her inner bruja; and Albieri may get his 15 minutes of fame.

¡Parece que pasó un huracán! (It looks like a hurricane came through here) says a shocked Rogelio surveying the damage in Clara’s house. Both know Fernando and his friends are responsible, but Rogelio thinks he’s just looking at the messy aftermath of a party. He’s very calm and understanding. He and Clara will go on to Enrique’s party tonight and clean things up tomorrow. Clara, of course, realizes immediately that she has been robbed but, as usual, she keeps her anguish to herself.

In Alí’s house in Fez, Rania is trying to get information and sympathy from Zoraida. She is not forthcoming with either.

Alí, Abdul and Said are discussing Said’s future with Jade. Alí is on her side. Yes she has done things she regrets but she has suffered for them. Bah, let her suffer more, says Abdul. If those two get together, it’ll be déjà vu all over again.

Said and Jade are making plans. Being here makes me realize how much I miss Fez, says Said. We’d be happier living here. Jade will agree to whatever he wishes but with one condition: He has to give up Marisa. Te lo prometo (I promise you) he says, sólo tú y yo…he hesitates a beat... y Rania.

¡Me las van a pagar! (They’ll pay for this! -- is this, like, the official telenovela bruja call to arms?) snarls the infuriated Rania, who has been lurking in the balcony above and listening to their conversation. [If this were a Televisa novela, we would surely get a Death by Balcony scene tonight].

Daniel leans against a pillar in the ruins and remembers Jade’s dance and how she fainted when she recognized him.

Back in Miami, Lucas continues to agonize over how Daniel’s existence has affected his life. He is sure that anyone who has seen his clone now looks at Lucas differently, as if he himself were some kind of freak (fenómeno). No, no, Marisa says, it’s just that people don’t know what a clone is; we’re in shock. But I’m not the clone! says Lucas. And yet:
Tú misma me miras y me estás comparando con él
Even you look at me and you compare me with him.
I spent years establishing my own identity.
Antes era Diego y yo. (Before I was “Diego and I”.)
Ahora soy el clon y yo. (Now I am “the clone and I”)

Daniel has returned to the medina, just outside Alí’s house. He looks down at Jade’s necklace. When someone opens the door, he peers inside. Rania, still standing watch on the balcony, catches sight of him. ¿Lucas? she wonders. The servant closes the door.

The Three Little Pigs are gloating over the money they got for selling the pieces of Clara’s life when suddenly -- Natalia faints! [Normally we don’t need to take out our TN decoder rings to interpret a faint, but we have had so many swooning damsels so far, that we have to reserve judgment on this one.] Fernando tips the Human/Nonhuman scale a bit in the human direction when, instead of abandoning Natalia to her fate, he bends down to help her.

Vicki and Cris’s good-byes are interrupted by… Leo! ¿Y esas maletas? ¿A dónde vas? (And those suitcases? Where are you going?)

Fernando carries Natalia to a hospital. Surprisingly, it is Paula who insists on staying with her -- at least until they find out what is wrong. But Fernando has used up all his reserve of courage and runs off, lest the police bust him for drugs or worse.

At Albieri's clinic, Fernando’s father Escobar is finally ready to acknowledge to Julio and Anita that he has been played for a fool. Malicia, he tells them, has thrown him out of his own apartment.

The clinic phone rings. It’s for Luisa. We hear her say: ¡Desapareció! (He disappeared) Ay Dios! When Julio asks if there’s a problem, she makes up a story about a sick friend. No way is she going to admit she went and lost Daniel!

Well, we know where he is – still hanging out at Alí’s, trying to persuade someone to let him in: Le quiero volver algo. (I want to return something to her/him).

In the house, Jade approaches Rania and, trying to mend fences, asks if she can see the baby. Rania’s response: Get out of here! Stay away from him! Jade tries to establish some common ground, asks her to understand that, as a mother, she couldn’t live without her child. She tells Rania that she wants to be a good wife to Said and she has no intention of spoiling Rania’s relationship with him. Rania sticks her metaphorical fingers in her metaphorical ears (her real ears are covered by her drab brown veil) and doesn’t hear a word Jade is saying. Her mouth, unfortunately, is not covered. You don’t love Said! she says. [Maybe, but I would argue that Jade’s feelings for Said are more profound than Rania’s]

Rania claims that she and Said were happy without Jade in their house and in their lives. Their home was peaceful. [She seems to forget how depressed he looked; how he clung to Jade’s scent in the clothes she left behind and how much that infuriated Rania; and she is overlooking the ongoing war between her and Jadiya. If she considered that a peaceful household … well, maybe that explains her idea of effective conflict resolution techniques.]

You’re a liar, shrieks Rania. If you’re ready to be faithful to Said, what is that occidental doing here? Just then we see Said at the door. Listening.

What’s wrong with me? Natalia asks the hospital doctor. I have very good news, he says: You’re pregnant! But your blood tests show high levels of drugs. He warns her:
Si sigues consumiendo drogas, no sólo te sigues haciendo daño a ti, pero también a tu hijo.
If you continue using drugs, you’ll not only be hurting yourself, you’ll also be harming your baby.
He explains that because of her drug use so far, her pregnancy will have to be monitored closely; and he gives her a referral to a OB doctor.
Natalia flashes back to a scene with Alejandro when they told each other how happy they would be to have children together.

And we hear Enrique telling his therapist that he wanted to stop using for the sake of his children. He tried and succeeded, but relapsed after one month. That was when his wife took the children and left.

Paula has stuck around. She is with Natalia when she calls Andrea. Andrea asks Nati to stay put – she will come to her right away. Lucia overhears the conversation and wants to call Marisa. Andrea asks her not to, not just yet…

But of course she does call and it is Rosa who picks up the phone. Marisa is standing by anxiously, wanting to take the phone, but in a subtle demonstration of how powerless Marisa has become in her own home, Rosa just keeps talking. To Marisa’s best friend. About Marisa’s daughter. Finally, she hangs up and tells Marisa:
Encontraron a Natalia! Acaba de llamar a Andrea.
They found Natalia! She just called Andrea.

Clara and Escobar are surveying the ruins of the house. Fernando took all the tvs, the computer, the electronics. Security saw Fernando carrying things out, but it never occurred to them that he was robbing his own house. What hurts Clara most is the theft of her jewelry, things she acquired over the twenty years of their marriage and things her mother had given her.

Clara has to borrow Escobar’s cell to call a locksmith (cerrajero) because Fernando has even stolen her phone. At least by changing the locks, they will be able to keep Fernando out of the house. But how appalling (espantoso) it is not to be able to trust your own child.

Enrique tells his therapist that addiction alienates you from your family. This time the therapist talks back! Tell your family how sorry you are for what you did, he tells him. But Enrique feels unable to face them. The therapist reminds him that an imagined ordeal is often far worse than reality.

When Andrea arrives at the appointed place, it is Paula, not Natalia, who is waiting. Natalia wasn’t feeling well so she went to lie down, she says. Come on with me.. or are you afraid? Paula intimidates people by invading their personal space, coming much too close, and she tries this on Andrea. Andrea hangs tough, follows along. On the way Paula tells her Natalia is pregnant. And Alejandro doesn’t know. The doctor told her she can’t use drugs – if she does, the baby could be some kind of monster. Paula would like to see a baby born with two noses – it could do drugs in both at the same time.

Despite her hostile patter, Paula does lead Andrea to her old friend. The two girls hug. Where are you living, asks Andrea. Nati answers:
Por ahí, donde me agarre el cansancio -- a veces en el parque, a veces en la casa de un amigo.
Around, wherever I am when I get tired -- sometimes in the park, sometimes in a (male) friend’s house.
A friend? asks Andrea.
Natalia explains:
Es un ‘manager’ de una amiga que conocía a una fiesta. Le dicen ‘el cuchillo’...
He’s the ‘manager’ of a girlfriend I met at a party. They call him ‘the knife’…
Es una mujer que trabaja en la calle y él la cuida.
She’s a woman who works in the street and he takes care of her.

Andrea is horrified. Natalia, she says, El tipo es un chulo! (The guy is a pimp!) You’re in a very dangerous situation. It won’t be long before he expects you to prostitute yourself. Natalia says he never asked her and anyhow, she’d never do that. [Yeah, this particular chulo must be a prince among pimps.]

Natalia gives Andrea her Word of Honor:
Voy a dejar las drogas; no quiero que mi hijo nazca con problemas.
I’m going to quit drugs; I don’t want my child born with problems.
Andrea thinks the best place to do that would be in rehab. She offers to take Nati home, but her friend declines the offer – hasta que sepa que voy a hacer. (until I know what I’m going to do.)

Cristina is still mad at Leo. She reminds him of all the times he made promises and then disappointed her, how just the other night he stood her up without any explanation. She is sick of being ‘tu plato de segunda mesa’! (your rebound girlfriend, never the first choice). As she is warming up to the subject, Leo fixes her with his best Caribbean George Clooney smile, pulls out a ring and says:
¿Quieres casarte conmigo? ¿Quieres ser mi esposa, Cristina Miranda?
That diamond is real?, she blurts out. I suppose so, says Leo. In that case, answers Cris:
Bésame antes de que me arrepienta.
Kiss me before I regret it.

Julio tells Albieri that Silvia called him. She is ready to present her denuncia to the Medical Board.

And in Fez, Jade is forced to defend herself against the denuncia Rania is trying to lodge against her. It’s not my fault Lucas is here, says Jade. He has reason to be in Fez for business. But Rania saw him in the doorway, counters Said. Rania is a liar, says Jade. All she wants to do is spoil things between us.

Rania rushes in furiously and unleashes a string of Naz-worthy curses. (Jade’s not a bad opponent either, although she doesn’t seem to have Rania’s killer instinct.) Then the conflict gets physical. Here’s where the veil comes in handy – Rania can grab Jade’s hair and pull, while Jade gets a fistful of nothin’. Alí is drawn in by the commotion…

While Daniel is still right outside, trying to get someone to let him in.

Said will end up sending both of you away! warns a scandalized Alí. A man marries to bring peace and tranquility to his life, not turbulence and conflict. And Jade confides that Said has asked her to marry him. And she has accepted his proposal! Alí smiles.

Once again Rania goes crying to Zoraida, looking for sympathy. And once again, Zoraida offers none. It is a sin to curse, she reminds the mean-mouthed Rania. That doesn’t seem to discourage her. She vows that if Jade does come back into her household, ¡Yo le voy a hacer la vida un infierno! (I’m going to make her life hell!)

At the clinic, Albieri tells Julio he didn’t think Silvia would go through with it. But she is a slave to her principles (that’s an insult, Albieri?). He gives his evolution of science, evolution of morality spiel. Without men of vision like Albieri, there would be no possibility of scientific progress. Julio interjects mildly:
De cualquier modo, es preciso mantener unos limites.
In any case, it’s necessary to maintain some limits.
[Yeah, small things like getting informed consent; avoiding deceit and betrayal of one’s patients; not stealing a person’s DNA. Stuff like that. And what was so great about what Albieri did anyway? He used existing technology in an inappropriate way and then lost his ‘experiment’ to follow-up]

Albieri tells Luisa that if Silvia convinces the Medical Board that he cloned a human being, they will report it to the FDA; that agency will refer it to the justice system and he will have to stand trial and might be put jail. Luisa is prepared to Stand By Her Man.

Escobar and Anita are waiting just outside Albieri’s office. Julio tells them Albieri took the news calmly. Anita says she’ll have to start looking for a new job. And just then, someone comes in with a large suitcase: For Escobar. From Malicia. With Spite.

Credits roll


Friday, September 17, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #9-10 9/17/10 Poor Little Rich Kid

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 7, 8, and 9. Cap 9 starts at the paragraph that begins, “Saimon the dapper messenger.”

Capitulo 9
1. Paula ditches Saimon for Omar, but Omar ditches Paula for Ali, so Paula kisses up to Saimon. Shmuck!

2. Lety confesses to mama that she’s a secretary. She gets Tomás to help her create the business plan. She worries she’ll be fired if they don’t finish it.

3. Omar and Fernando both claim to their women that marriage should not be a permanent contract. The unstated conclusion is that Marcia will overlook anything, as long as Fernando marries her. She agrees to a civil marriage with no church wedding.

4. Instead of helping Alicia create the business plan, Omar seduces her.

5. RoboPop calls Lety downstairs so he can brag about her to his drinking buddy. Tomás speculates that Lety worries more for Don Fernando than for her job. They work all night.

6. Lety loses her CD. Fernando freaks out because everyone is late. He doesn’t let Lety talk and doesn’t notice she’s injured. He throws a loud pity party for himself. Erasmo hears Fernando yell at Lety.

7. Omar and Alicia arrive together. Fernando asks Alicia for the business plan.

Capitulo 10
Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Episodes 10 through 13. If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “Fernando has no recollection of firing Lety.” That marks the beginning of Cap 10.

1. Alicia didn’t create the report. Fernando gives her two hours to finish it. He feels like nobody helps him. He won’t let Lety tell him she created the report.

2. Ali begs Omar to help her, but he tells her to get lost.

3. Erasmo arrives and Lety tells him to leave. The kids have the CD and they are unable to get it to Lety.

4. Fernando’s anger overflows to Marcia because she foisted a useless secretary on him. Marcia tries to spread blame to Lety, and Fernando says he’s going to fire Lety.

5. Paula and later the cuartel fuss over Lety’s leg. Fernando fumes at Lety. After his walk he fires her.

6. In the vortex, the children give Fernando the CD and also Ana Leticia’s falsies. Lety tries to explain everything, but he doesn’t hear her because he’s so absorbed in the business plan. He forgets he fired her, so he doesn’t stop her from leaving.


El Clon Thursday September 16: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 151: In which Said proposes and Malicia disposes; and Rania hasn’t read the fine print on the contract.

Everyone in Casa Ferrer – Lucas, Leo, Rosa, Alejandro and Andrea – stares as Marisa appears alone at the door. Alej and Andrea exchange a helpless look. The prodigal daughter has not returned.

Instead, she is out walking. Alone.

Marisa goes over and over what happened with Natalia. She tells Lucas: No entiendo…me pidió perdón y yo le creí. ..Jamás pensé que tenía que cuidar mi cartera de mi propia hija... (I don’t understand... she asked for forgiveness and I believed her... I never thought I’d have to be careful with my purse around my own daughter.) Lucas says he’d like to go back in time. And what would we change? asks Marisa desperately. What did we do wrong? [These two are in separate worlds of misery, I think. How can he answer that he would have spent his life next to Jade?]

Lucas confronts Albieri at his clinic. As Padre Andres looks on, he rails against him and his grand experiment. ¿Por qué me escogiste, Albieri? (Why did you pick me, Albieri?) Normally a person ages gradually and grows used to changes over time, he says. But he was forced to look at himself as a 20-year-old and “I could see in an instant how old and tired I look now and I realized what a failure my life has been.” (un fracaso).
Yo no conseguí hacer nada de lo que quise. (I didn’t manage to accomplish anything I wanted to do). I spend my life behind a desk, my daughter is lost to addiction, I had to give up the only thing that mattered in my life – Jade. But the final torture I owe to you:
… un Lucas de 20 años en frente de mí, un Lucas para quién todo...todo es posible!
... a twenty-year-old Lucas before my eyes, a Lucas for whom everything, everything is possible!

In Fez, Daniel maintains his vigil outside Alí’s house. Inside the house, Jade and Said exchange coy looks. Jade tells Zoraida she will wait for Said to take the initiative. But she will help things along by dancing for him tonight. [And as Jadiya told Rania, our girl Jade can dance!]

Night falls and Jade, clad in gold and bathed in gold light, dances. The room is filled with people but Said and Jade seem aware only of one another.

Outside, Daniel gets a burkah in one of the stalls in the medina and approaches the house.

Jade catches a glimpse of dirty white sneakers beneath a black burkah (big fashion no-no, especially after Labor Day) -- ¡Lucas! -- and she falls in a dead faint. Said gathers her in his arms, places her gently on a couch. She wakes up and asks for his promise that he will never leave her. Never, he assures her, and tells her that everything he did was out of love.

When Said steps away for a moment, Jade whispers to Zoraida that Lucas is in the house. Tell him to go away and leave me in peace, she says (Dile que se vaya, que me deje en paz!)

Said returns with a gift he was going to give her at the party: a ring. ¿Quieres ser mi esposa otra vez? (Do you want to be my wife again?) They kiss.

Zoraida looks all over the house for Daniel, but he has already slipped outside. Like a ... uh... shadow. Ella también me tiene miedo (She’s afraid of me too) he reflects sadly.

Said heads off to give Alí the good news of the reconciliation. And Zoraida reports to Jade tht there is no sign of Lucas; she must have imagined it.

And the good news has found its way to Miami! However when Latifa passes along the tidings to Mohamed and the Naz, they are less than delighted. The Naz begins railing against Said’s decision. Latifa cuts her mid-rant by reminding her how she herself criticized Said when he refused to take Jade back. Mohamed backs her up, for a change. The Naz retaliates with dark insinuations to Mohamed about how Latifa is ‘estropeando sobre usted y sus hijos también’ (doing harm to/ruining you and your children too). This gets Mohamed wondering about whether something is going on with his kids behind his back…

At Gloria’s place, Alejandro phones Rosa looking for news about Nati, but she hasn’t heard anything. Gloria tells Ramón that it’s time for her son to find himself una muchacha que valga la pena (a girl who’s worth it). Ramón passes along some chisme about Miss Karla getting a lawyer and suing her baby’s father.

The sKank Parade is passing under Amin's watchful eye. Hilda is upset that Consuelo quit working for Lucia; now there’s no spy in the house. But Consuelo has such an impressive criminal record that she had to get out of there before the family started looking for someone to blame. Karla doesn’t mind – all the evidence she needs is the little miracle (milagrito) she is carrying.

Rania shows up on Alí’s doorstep, Munir in her arms. In her pale blue robe and veil, she looks vaguely like a 15th century madonna and child until you see that angry expression on her face. No one is happy to see her. Jade and Said are all cozy, sitting side by side and both spring to their feet at her entrance. Said is furious. ¿Qué está haciendo aquí? (What are you doing here?) he demands. ¿Dejaste a mi hija sola? (You left my daughter alone?) You left her for the maids to look after? Said dismisses her disgustedly, sending her to her room upstairs.

To Zoraida’s ‘How could you do such a thing?’ the unrepentant and determined Rania answers that Jade has done much worse. She, Rania, isn’t going to leave Said alone with Jade. She’s not going to let Jade take her husband away from her. [Note to self: Polygamy and sexual jealousy are not mutually exclusive.]

Jade and Said continue pitching woo. Jade tells him she was immature when she married him. She thought she was in love with Lucas, and that was always an obstacle between them. Now she thinks she was in love with the idea of love. And what do you feel for me now? asks Said. She tells him she wants to live out the love they never had a chance to experience. And she wants to have another child with him.

The shadow still lurks – and not far away! Jade! sighs Daniel, heavy pack on his shoulder.

The very air at Casa Ferrer is oppressive. Leo is pushing Lucas to get on with his responsibilities at the office. He wants him to meet with an important Canadian banker, but Lucas refuses. He is too heart-sick to stir. And Marisa can’t stop thinking about Natalia. Nobody has heard from her – she could be hurt or even dead. And there is nothing anyone can do about it. [Well they could get a detective to find her. And then they could threaten to press charges for theft unless she agreed to rehab… just sayin’]

Leo tells them they have to be strong. Lucas asks him how he can be so cold. Does Natalia’s absence mean so little to him? Of course not, he says. I feel the same pain you do, but you have to force yourself to keep going (seguir adelante). And then he makes an announcement: He decidido ser feliz con lo que me quede de vida. (I’ve decided to be happy with what life I have left.) He is going to marry Cristina!

When Leo leaves the room, Lucas remarks to Marisa: Algo que debemos admitir – tenemos que seguir viviendo. ( We have to admit it – we do have to go on living.)

Natalia -- in her snazzy red blouse with gold buttons and her sharp black pants, she could be in a Michael Jackson tribute band -- is stumbling along the street with Fernando and Paula. Fernando is laughing at her because she is trying to get rid of ‘the shadow’. ¡Quítamela! (Get it off me!) she says.
They decide they need – guess what? -- una linea. Fernando tells them his house is empty so they can go there and find some stuff to sell.

The Hilarious Adventures of Malicia and the Chump: In the final episode, the poor Chump finds out his little mouse is really a snaggle-toothed rat! When he orders her to leave his apartment, she tells him he’s the one who will have to leave. But it’s MY apartment, he protests. ¡Pruebalo! (Prove it!) she challenges playfully. Hijinks ensue.

Natalia and Fernando are looting Clara’s house. They ignore the third member of their unholy trio, Paula, who seems to be in crisis. She says she doesn’t want to die, she can’t do this. She was clean for three months .. She wants them to help her, she needs to go into rehab... The other two just go about their grim business.

Clara and Andrea are at Empresas Ferrer. Clara is upset because Fernando has disappeared. Andrea can’t help – she never sees Fernando anymore. Enrique and Carolina come by, smiling broadly. They are having a get-together to celebrate Enrique’s putting a deposit (cuota) on his new apartment. They offer to give Clara a lift but she wants to stop at home first with Rogelio.

Vicki is surprised to see Cristina with a suitcase all packed. What’s going on? Cris tells her: Me voy. Ya nada me ata a este país. (I’m leaving. There’s nothing tying me to this country anymore) But what about Leonardo and the wedding? asks Vicki. I lied, says Cristina. He hasn’t proposed to me. And he’s never going to marry me because he’s ashamed of me. No puedo seguir rebajándome (I can’t keep humiliating myself). I have my dignity. [So Cris and Leo both like to make life-changing decisions without talking to each other. You’d think they were already married]

Good news, Malicia tells Pablo at the gym. My uncle left. But I have to warn you, my old boyfriend has been calling me. The guy won’t leave me alone. Pablo is all ready to defend her honor, but she tells him: No te preocúpes, perro que ladra no muerde. (Don’t worry, his bark is worse than his bite. Literally: a dog that barks doesn’t bite.) He’s just this fat guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly – I just wanted you to know in case he makes a scene or something.

In the final scene, Clara and Rogelio open the door to the wreckage that used to be Clara’s home.

Credits roll


Thursday, September 16, 2010

La Verdad Oculta EP10 09/16/2010 - Job offers everywhere

* Ávila residence
From previous episode: Roberto realizes that Adolfo and Félix have shady businesses.

* Guilléns'
The sisters talk about Gaby's date with David and her feelings for him.

* Ávila residence
Roberto helps Adolfo to put Patchy into the bed then Dolphie sends Rob out. Patchy tells Adolfo how the smuggling operation went wrong. He doesn't know what happened to the goods and unfortunately a few companions of him have been arrested. In the hall Roberto's brain cells fume. Carlos arrives and Rob tries to act like nothing happened and quickly suggests that they should leave.

* Elsa's flat
Elsa has a conversation with her friend Lulu about her great new client. Lulu asks about her private life, she should look for a good boy, and so on. Elsa blushes and remembers back to Juan José.

* Genovés villa
Abelardo and Mario are organizing The Plan. Fausto won't live in the house since he has to continue his own life. A great idea comes to Mario's mind and he orders Abelardo to find out about the owner of the neighbouring house.

* Ávila residence
Yolanda visits Patchy to find out what happened, and she's quite worried about the screwed up operation. Ay, Dios mío, ay, Dios mío. When she learns that this wasn't the first time when they had to confront the police she freaks out: why didn't they tell her about it, she doesn't want to spend her last days in a cell.

* prison
Gregorio bores Juan José with his plans. JJ is out of humor and admits that he has no future outside the prison, but Goyo tries to cheer him up: he'll get him out of the jail, and he'll provide him a great future! Sure.

* Zárate factory
Salomón is very pleased with the business Elsa made and asks her to have dinner with him. Yuck. She lamely invents a boyfriend with whom she has a program, but Salomón doesn't give up and tries to kiss her aggresively... Just when Roberto enters the room. Elsa quickly escapes, leaving a very upset father behind. Salomón scolds Roberto for misappropriating a large amount of money that he was meant to give to a business partner a month ago. He'll give them the money today!

* David's office
Alejandra explains David the plans of the reconstruction. She's pretty, she's seductive and completely confuses Blondie's head. When David says that they're cousins she says that it doesn't matter for her and softly kisses him, then she smiles and quickly leaves. David blushes... it got so hot in the room.

* prison
The warden and Elsa's lawyer talk about the freeing of Marcos and JJ. Well, it became very difficult since lately the boyz caused too much trouble. But both men are cunning foxes and they practically agree that the warden could overlook those troubles... for some money. Gosh, Elsita darling, you should rob a bank.

* Genovés house
Abelardo tells Mario that he checked the neighbouring house but unfortunately it's owner is in jail and his name is Gregorio Pineda. (Viewerville: OMGWTFPOLARBEAR Don Gregorio is Mario's neighbour and the secret treasure lies within an arm's length from Bertha! *skfdxzzbswwehwg*) Mario orders him to buy the house for whatever price. And why does he need it so much? Because Mario wants to construct a secret passage between the two houses. (Viewerville: *melting brains*)

* prison
Goyo spent 30 years in prison without worrying about the treasure, but now he freaks out. What if someone else knows about the whereabouts of the gold? What if the state confiscates his house? After getting on JJ's nerves he starts to circulate in his cell and like Sméagol he repeats: This treasure is mine and nobody will take it away from me! (Myyyyyyy preciouuuuusssssssss.)

* Club Sagitario
Carlos's lower half is in action again, he offers Gabriela a promotion: she'll be the captain of the waitresses. He conveniently forgets the fact that she's been working there for about a week and doesn't accepts her objection. Outside Rob and Julieta are having a friendly chat when Yolanda arrives. She notices how close they are. She greets Gaby and agree to meet next day. Adolfo also shows up. He gives Roberto a sharp look and mentions that to his knowledge Rob is looking for a job. Dolphie asks him if he has antecedent penal to which Rob answers no then leaves enigmatically.
Mario asks his favourite child if she wants to work somewhere else. But Gaby kindly answers that she and her sister like this restaurant.

* police station
Leo and another detective discuss the case they're working on. They're facing a well organized group, that's sure. Let's interrogate the guys they arrested.

* Club Sagitario
Adolfo announces to Carlos that he wants to reward the best employee with a journey to Los Angeles.

* Genovés house
While having dinner, Bertha continues to whine about the relationship of David and Alejandra. Ale is fed up with her suggests her to go get a life. You don't care about our uncle, why don't you look for a job? Because I already have one, I take care of the household. Ale nervously leaves.

* Ávila residence
Dolphie visits his favourite pet. Félix worries about the jewels that he was meant to deliver to Los Angeles, but Adolfo tells him that someone else will do the job, someone who's above all suspicions. A waitress.

* Club Sagitario
Carlos's lower half tells Gaby that she'll be the one who'll go to Los Angeles. And when the surprised girl worries about her dad he says that Julieta may accompany her. Juli is enthusiastic, while Gaby seems to be worried.

* Genovés villa
The cameras are activated in the study. They try one of them that is connected to a fake book and it works perfectly.

* Ávila residence
Yolanda tells to Carlos that she doesn't like the way Roberto treats Julieta, he's too friendly with her. She also makes Carlos to confess about his feelings for Gaby. Yes, he likes the girl much.

* prison
JJ and Goyo finally left the solitary and they're having a chat on the prison yard. Marcos and his new friends are watching them from the other end of the yard and continue their "who's the coolest badass" game.

Ávila residence
Adolfo and Carlos discuss the future journey of Gabriela. Oh, and btw, they'll buy her a pretty dress because she's meant to represent them. Carlos can hardly wait for getting closer to Gaby.

* Genovés villa
Mario asks an engineer to construct a subterranean passage between the two houses. It's possible, but when the engineer starts to talk about the licences they have to get for the project to Mario gets agitated: this passage is top secret! No licences!

* Guilléns'
The sisters try to ask Fausto's permission for the journey while he's reading the newspaper. Daddy, the owner of the restaurant will give a prize to the best employee. Hmmm-hmmm, really? Yes, a free trip to LA. Great, great. And you know what? We got the prize. Hmmm-hmmm... WHAT?! You are not going to anywhere!



Dinero #179- 9/16/10: Ale & Rafa Actually Talk To Each Other! No, Really.

There was a lot of talk tonight between our couple, so I just tried to stay faithful to their conversations and didn’t add a lot. Plus, I had a late night tonight and an early morning tomorrow. I’m just glad that these two are talking like adults, even if everything isn’t cleared up.

We start in the marvelous place where we left our couple yesterday- alone, in a secluded cabin, in the midst of a passionate kiss. This has been a long time coming, so let’s all take the time to enjoy it fully. Rafa and Ale certainly are. The fireplace burns almost as hot as their kiss. We’ll give our lovers some privacy for a little while.

In the city, Jaime’s intense studying of the law is once again interrupted by loud knocking at his door. He’s smart enough to look through the peep hole, but Vicky’s smart enough to cover it up with one of her perfectly manicured fingers. “Did you miss me?” (Me estrañabas?) she asks. We and Vicky know the answer to that, so she doesn’t wait to hear one. We and Jaime also know what she wants. She wants Jaime’s help in getting Rafa back. No is not an acceptable answer. She will help Jaime get Julieta back by telling her there was never anything between her and Jaime, IF Jaime finds out everything there is to know about Alejandra and tells Vicky. Vicky is not going to let that woman have Rafa. Jaime doesn’t understand Vicky’s obsession with Ale since 1) Ale hates Rafa (Vicky has a woman’s intuition and knows this is not true); and 2) Ale is married. Vicky is impactada at this news.

Back in the Cabaña de Cariño, Rafa and Ale drink all of Daniel’s fine French wine, while making fun of him. Ale wants to know what they’re going to do about them. “First, enjoy the moment, and tomorrow we decide.” Ale is incredulous. “No, no, no mi amor.” (No my love.) Rafa, grinning ear to ear only hears the “mi amor” part and points out to her that she called him that. “Yeah, and you don’t know how much I hate it!” Rafa is offended. “Here we are, we’re together, very much in love, and you tell me you hate to call me my love?” Ale brings up Rafa’s other amors- Vicky and Marian. Rafa claims both of those were related to business, and Ale isn’t business. He wants to clear everything up between them.

Ale turns to him and asks him to look her in the eyes. “I don’t want to be your lover (amante).” Rafa proclaims that he is not married, but Ale reminds him that she is. Rafa declares that even without the physical, they are lovers anyway as they will continue to love each other deeply no matter what. Ale says that it’s easy for him as a man to have this attitude, but it’s not easy for her. He brings up the day she got married and that he tried to stop her. “Why did you marry that abogaducho if you don’t love him?” “You’re not a woman, you wouldn’t understand.” (I’m a woman and I don’t understand Ale!) She doesn’t know who feels worse about the whole thing— her or Rafa? Rafa wants to know if she did it out of pain (dolor), revenge (venganza), disillusion (desilusión), or spite (despecho).

Ale tries to explain. After they were together (in the Biblical sense) for the first time, she was very disillusioned when she found out he was still with Vicky. She wants to know why he didn’t do anything to stop her from marrying Marco in all that time. He tells her how he tried, but she wouldn’t believe what he had to say about Marco. This is all too much for Ale to compute (she has a real blind spot when it comes to Marco), so she changes the subject. She reminds Rafa of the butterfly (mariposa) kisses they shared in Cocoyoc (where they were first together Biblically). She gives him a refresher— she flutters her long eye lashes on his cheeks and follows it up with some sweet kisses.

The talk soon turns back to Marco. Ale feels guilty. She just can’t believe he’s as bad as Rafa says and she thinks she’s being really unfair to him. Rafa understands. He would have never believed that Vicky was as crazy and as devious as she turned out to be. Ale wants to know the details. What did Vicky do to him?! She starts to get upset that Vicky might have hurt him in some way. He calms her down by saying she just lied to him. He’ll only give Ale the details after telling her he loves her, over and over again, and covering her with kisses. “Te amo, te amo, te amo, mi amor.” And he loves calling her mi amor. She pretends to be disgusted by the sentiment, while accepting each and every kiss eagerly.

We’ll give them some space to continue their cooing and billing, and check in on the folks who have come to ruin their fun. The search party, consisting of Susana, Dandy, Pepeto, Jimenez and a very annoying Marco, has found an empty Pantera by the side of the road. Marco freaks out thinking about the possibility of Rafa and Ale alone somewhere in the woods. The others worry. They decide to delve into the woods to find them.

Surprise of the night--we hear Jaime’s grandma for the very first time! She wants to know what all the noise is about. Vicky wraps up her torture of Jaime for the night by swearing she is going to make Ale the most unhappy woman in the world! She takes her leave, but does not give Jaime any farewell kisses. She only gave him those as part of her previous devious plan and not because she ever got any pleasure out of them. She flounces out and Jaime’s ego is deflated even more than usual.

At casa Medina, Leonor is praying to the Virgin for the safe return of her children, and snaps at Julieta when she finally gets home from her date with slimy Cesar. She informs Julieta that her brother is missing in action, and now Julieta’s worried too. But she assures Leonor that Rafa will be fine.

“José Tomás, do you know where we’re going?” For some reason the search party has decided to trust Pepeto’s sense of direction, and only Susana is questioning that decision. “We’ve gone from two people being lost, to seven!” They all begin to panic and Marco gets more snarky. Susana bypasses Buddha and Vishnu and prays to the Angel Gabriel for help. Suddenly they all hear rustling in the bushes, which prompts a major freak out.

Things are much more tranquil in the Love Shack (hopefully this one won’t burn down like the one in Soy Tu Dueña). Ale is lying on Rafa’s lap as he sits on the floor, and he’s just told her the whole sordid Vicky tale. “She’s a good woman. She’s just possessive, passionate and jealous.” He compares her to Ale, which Ale protests vehemently. Rafa thinks it’s the fault of a lack of education and self esteem, and Vicky’s insecurity. Ale has Rafa look her in the eyes once again. “If Jaime hadn’t stopped the wedding, would you have gone through with it?” “Yes.”

He tells her he didn’t have any other choice since he owed Don Gaston 4 million pesos. Ale points out that he owed her the same amount. He admits that he borrowed that money from Don G to pay her back, and she laments that now he owes so much money. He admits that he has to work miracles with his money to pay her and Don G back. Ale’s really worried about him, but he assures her he’s been managing and now he only owes them both about 30% of the original total. Ale is amazed and wishes everyone was as responsible with money as he is. He hopes no one else has to deal with the problems (broncas) and debts he has.

Ale wishes and hopes that one day the two of them can be happy, and Rafa tells her that each day he gets to see her he’s happy. Ale admits that she’s happy by his side too, but obviously others don’t feel the same as they’ve worked hard to separate them. Rafa asks why she won’t just get a divorce and be done with it, since she doesn’t love Marco. How does he know she doesn't love Marco, she wants to know. Because it’s what he wishes and hopes. They share a loving glance.

The search party have picked up twigs from the trail and begin to throw them in the direction of the figure rustling in the bushes. They then attack the poor campesino when he emerges. Hey, it’s Donkey Alejandra’s owner! His name is Gelson. Yes Marco, Gelson. And he’s pretty cool about being attacked by a bunch of city folks in the middle of the night in the woods. They explain they’re looking for a man and a woman. He invites them to join him as he’s searching the woods for someone too. He thinks they should head back to the pueblo and gather up a search party. Once there, the search party turns into a posse with torches and dramatic orders to find them, since each minute they wait could be fatal!

Oh great, I thought we’d have a Daniel free night. I’ll make this brief. Marian doesn’t believe his version of what happened with Ale. In fact she’s totally guessed what really happened, but Daniel denies of course. She calls him out for not being a gentleman, not knowing how to treat women, and acting like a real asshole (patan). All of this just rolls right off Daniel’s back. Marian also totally knows he and Muskrat staged this whole impromptu dinner/date. She once again lets him know that they will never be an item. He tries to convince her of this, and that he’s a gentleman, by laying a huge unwanted kiss on her. Way to go Danny boy. At the end of the night, when he drops her off at home, she repeats that his attempts are futile, and he once again refuses to believe her. She blames him for throwing a wrench in the progress she was making with Rafa. She says goodnight, and he swears to himself that Rafa will not have her. (At least he didn’t say, If I can’t have her, no one can!)

In the Hut of Happiness, our couple has moved to the couch and look more happy and relaxed than ever. Ale accuses Rafa of being nosy (chismoso). Rafa lies unconvincingly that it was all a coincidence that he found her. He then accuses her of being a chismosa, and brings up the time she overheard him giving instructions to Pepeto about Carmela and jumped to conclusions. “Sigues con eso?” (You’re still going on with that?) He assures her it’s true. (No son inventes mi amor.) He just wishes he had proof to show her. He assures her that Marco is the Master of Deception. Ale stops him. She doesn’t think that they can build a relationship by slinging mud (echandole tierra) at each other’s partners and ex-s.

Rafa agrees. What’s truly important is that they love each other. But Ale needs to trust him, just a little bit. She assures him that she trusts him a lot. But it’s not her fault that the evidence so far does not support the things he claims. He knows, and one day he’ll prove everything with evidence and paperwork. Ale brings up how he promised long ago to clear up the sale of his house debacle in the same way. He explains again the scam his mother fell into, and how Marco came down hard on them. Ale listens, but does she believe?

We won’t find out tonight, because when we come back to them, Ale is determined to get going to call her aunt and father. She knows they must be worried sick about her. Rafa doesn’t want her to move, plus they’ve already tried and know there’s no cell phone signal. He wonders if she's also worried about what Marco thinks. Ale sighs wearily. She admits it was a mistake to marry him. She doesn’t really care what he thinks right now. Rafa wants to know why she doesn’t divorce him.

Ale explains that it’s not so easy. She’s already asked him for a divorce, but her hands are tied. It would kill her father if she divorced Marco. Rafa reminisces about Jorge fondly. He likes her dad, they got along, but he knows that Jorge doesn’t think Rafa is right for Ale, and how much he likes Marco. Rafa asks Ale how bad off Jorge is and Ale explains about his bad heart and his worsening Alzheimer’s. She’s afraid that soon he won’t know who she is. Ale tries unsuccessfully to hold back tears, and Rafa moves in close to hold her. He tells her not to worry. He won’t be the cause of anguish for her dad. Now Ale’s tears flow freely, but she tries to put on a brave face. “Eres muy bueno. Although at times you make me really angry.” Rafa claims that no one’s perfect and points to her difficult personality flaws. She jokes that she’s got a lovely character! He smiles and hugs her close and says that to him, she does. They beam at each other.

More worrying. This time it’s Jorge, Rosario and Quintana. Jorge is annoyed by Quintana’s declarations of love at a time like this. Quintana quips that no news is good news. Jorge thinks this is hooey. He wants his hija. He can’t live without her.

In our most random scene of the night, Vicky has barged her way into the home/headquarters of the Great Mololongo. She bullies his assistant into to letting her see him, despite the late hour. Hmmm...Vicky and Marco really do think scarily alike.

The search posse has found a couple in the middle of some passionate kisses in the woods. It is not Ale and Rafa, however. But it is who Gelson was looking for. He shoos the young woman home and scares off the young man. He then takes off to straighten things out with the female half of the unlucky couple at home, leaving our city dwellers in the hands of his compadres. Unfortunately for our crew, the townspeople would much rather head to Gelson’s house to hear some gossip and see the fallout of the interrupted tryst, than continue the search for some folks they don’t know. Our search party freaks out once more, but continue the search on their own.

Ale is now more determined than ever to get going so that they can call home. She thinks they should make their way to the nearest pueblo and assures Rafa that she is feeling much better. She convinces him with a mix of compliments-- telling him how handsome he looks, and threats—saying they leave together, or she’ll go on her own. Rafa says he now understands how she got into this mess lost in the woods. “You men just don’t know how to deal with a decisive woman.” She smiles at him, and he gives in. She tells him again how handsome he is.

He helps her gently from the couch and they make their way slowly out the cabin. Once outside, Ale says “Abrazame. Tengo mucho frio.” (Hold me. I’m so cold.) Rafa quickly obliges, and then Ale admits it was just a pretext to get him close. (Good girl Ale.) They lean in for the kiss, and are lost in each other when we hear (but they don’t) the search party approach. “Look, a cabin. Look, a couple kissing. Hey, that’s…”

“ALEJANDRA!!!!!!” Marco is not happy with what he sees.

Tomorrow: Vicky gets some Love Potion #9 from Mololongo and declares to a picture of Rafa, “Soon you’ll be mine forever!”


Llena de Amor #29 Thu 9/16/10 Llena de...Recap Will Be Late And Short

Ahoy all,

Oops, I forgot I have a performance to attend this evening so tonight's recap will be late and most likely a quickie.

Thanks for understanding...

...Redux of Fedra threatening the family lawyer, Emanual shouting to Mari from the street. I like Netty’s house, it’s colorful. That’s another thing about the people in these shows, the working class live in colorful houses and the rich live in sterile, white abodes.

Out on the street Brandon gets into it with Emanuel and Eman bops Bman on the head with the microphone he borrowed from the tamale vendor. Then the two start circling each other and throwing punces at the air. Then they kick the air. OK now Eman’s got Bman in a head lock and Bman gives Eman a gut punch. Smack to head, kick to the nuts (Eman’s), and E starts heaving tamales at Bman until Mari breaks it up.

Lawyer stands up to Fedra so she starts bribing him. Doesn’t work so she threatens him with revealing some secrets about him I think. He says one way to block Tio Maximo is to have him declared mentally incompetent. Fedra likes this idea. Rivas wonders what Fedra has against Mari.

Lorenzo and Muni are at the police station where Lorenzo is trying to throw his weight around. Oliver tells Lowman to get a good lawyer for his daughter. Hah!

Here’s the answer to our question, Begonia shows up at the colorful happy house to retrieve her hijo and they all think it’s a great idea for Begonia to move into the pension.

Eman takes Mari for a walk and begs her to come home, nobody will bother her because he’ll protect her. “Emanuel, what do you really feel for me?” she asks him. He looks like he’s trying really really hard not to scrunch his nose, like the director said no matter your face does do NOT scrunch your nose.

Back at the police station and Lowrenzo is snapping his fingers and insulting Muneca and Oliver. Oh good, here comes the commissioner and just when it looks like he’s going to give it to Lowman Ilitia comes running into the room and hugs her papi. Comisario looks stern like he's not done with them yet.

Eman stumbles all over his answer, he loves Mari as his cousin, uh, he doesn’t know how so he decides to buy all the flowers from a poor little boy who should be in school. He tells Mari to go with the man with the nice face so she gives him a pocketful of chocolates. He’d probably rather have money but he takes the candy and runs.

Begonia decides to move into the happy house.

Ilitia sobs that her skanky cellmates stole her bling. Lorenzo pops off and Comisario shrugs and says what do you expect in jail? Honestly, I love that attitude, it serves her right. Oh it gets better, the commish says she’s not free, she’s still detained because she broke the law. He says if Bman doesn’t drop the charges then Ilitia will go in front of the grand inquisitor. Oh goodie!!!

Team Netty eats dinner and gripes about the occupants of Horror House. Doris kind of sticks up for Eman and Bman doesn’t like it. He tells the ladies about the time Eman took Mari to the bar and they got her drunk to make fun of her, like it was all Eman's fault. Netty is aghast, they are trying to turn her into an alcoholic like her mother! Bman sez Eman wants to make Mari fall in love with him. The ladies are shocked, they are cousins, it’s a sin. Doris sez Eman’s got a girlfriend and Bman sez that’s only proof that he has bad intentions toward Mari. But most of all, Brandon shouldn’t talk with his mouth full.

Mari and Eman eat ice cream and she tells him she’s always felt a lot for him ever since they were kids. Nevertheless she doesn’t want to go back to casa Ruiz y Teresa.

Dona Paula has prepared Tio Maximo’s special meal. Fedra slithers into the kitchen and sez no more special food for the rude brat in the cellar. But he’s sick and he’s on a strict diet! Fedra sez he can die of hunger for all she cares, no feeding Tio!! Delicia’s distraught and even Nereida looks put out.

Back at the Casa of Color we get a PSA about the special brochure put out by the president blah blah blah to celebrate the commemorateions of the country. Que viva Mexico!! We practically get to read the entire brochure along with the ladies.

It looks like Doris and Mari might be at the university or some cafeteria or something. Doris gives mari a pep talk, only a man in love gives a woman red roses. They are interrupted by a friend of Mari's who is thrilled that they will both be attending the university. The friend asks how is her family and her hunk bomb (bombazo) of a cousin?

Alex tells Gretel he’s going to go out for a while to clear his mind. She wants to go with but he says something about getting into a fight? He leaves and she looks like she wants to follow him.

Andre visits Eman at his office and Mari’s commercial comes on the little TV which makes Eman sad.

It’s Mari’s friend’s birthday and she wants to invite Mari and Doris to her party. Mari hems and haws but Doris is all Yo let’s party! She sez she’ll convince Netty to let them go and they’ll shake some bootie. Friend tells Mari that Doris is super bien.

Fedra and The Mask stand outside Tio’s room and listen to him yell. Fedra says it’s music to her ears. Nereida runs out and says Tio’s nut because he’ll only eat what Paula brings to him. Fedra tells The Mask she wants to put Tio where he should always have been, in a nut house (manicomio).

Emiliano interrupts Netty’s acting class. He is impressed with her death scene. Or is he smitten?

Brandon visits Ilitia in jail to taunt her. He brought her some food which she refuses. Fine then, he says, stick with lettuce and lime for all he cares. He looks pretty smug and happy, for now...

Netty gets all up in Emiliano’s face and tells him she will not let Mari move back in his ratonera (mousetrap) house with that viper Fedra. She was the death of Eva, she almost caused Netty to get run over and now she’s after Mari. Emiliano looks sceptical at Netty’s theories. He sez yes Fedra is different but deep down... Netty sez deep down she’s bad and Emiliano is hypnotized. Emil says no, he’s just in love, Fedra is the love of his life. Netty sez in that case get your nose out of here. And tell your handcuffs (espositas), err I mean your wife (esposa) blah blah blah something about Fedra separating him from Tia Carlota.

Mari and Doris come home and Netty tells her to decide. No way, I’ll never go back there declares Mari.

Now Brandon is on the other side of the bars and still taunting Ilitia. If only Eman knew what was happening to her, she pines. After Bman leaves she eats his sandwich with gusto.

Mari tells the ladies of the house how excited she is about school and her friend Carla’s party. Carla is good people, they’ll be fine. I’m not sure why all the biddyies get to decide whether or not two adult women get to go to a party but whatever, makes for a filler scene I guess. Probably something bad will happen at the party and the stay-at-homes will be all “I told you so”. Brandon has a solution, he and Oliver with chaperone them.

Alex is at his pal Aldo’s place and Aldo sez he can help Axel take the leap. He throws some condoms down on the table. What? Axel’s a bit confused. The doorbell rings and a lovely young lady named Lorena comes in. “Axel, what a surprise to see you here.”

Andre’s at the club dancing with the babe du jour. Mari, Doris and their bodyguards arrive, so I guess this is where Carla’s party is. Andre comes over to say hi and Doris gets stars in their eyes. I almost forgot about those two.

She gives him a two-second-too-long cheek kiss, reminds him they met twice, and he walks off with his high-maintenance date. Bummer for Doris. On the plus side, he looked a little stunned by her kiss.

Lorena starts to seduce Axel and he’s saved by the commercial.

Or not. She wants him to make love to her and she’s attractive and insistent. He looks like he’s going to be sick. Shirts off, on the couch, she’s all over him, he pushes her away. “I can’t, I can’t!”

Fedra is in the process of telling the concerned maids she doesn’t give a cumin if the old nut job dies again when Eman comes home. She dismisses the maids to the kitchen as Eman tells her he wants to discuss Marianela.

Back at the party Doris thought bubbles “That’s not the same piece of a** (cola = tail) Andre was with when we met. He must change girls as often as he changes belts.” Carla calls for a change of partners and Doris grabs Andre, Oliver grabs andre’s girl and Brandon grabs Marianela. Bman slow dances with her, stares into her eyes and tells her she’ll never be unhappy again.

Oliver buys Brandon a beer and says he saw Bman and Mari dancing cheek to cheek (cachetito con cachetote, aka cachete con cachete). Man talk ensues.

Lorena asks Axel if he’s impotent or what? Then she slaps him and tells him that Fabiola told her but she didn’t believe it, he doesn’t like women. To be honest, if I liked women I still wouldn’t do either Fabiola or Lorena. Sorry girls, but you just don’t have it going on.

Bman and Mari are at the party talking and he wonders doesn’t she hate the people who have caused her so much pain? No man, they’re family, she sez. He takes her hand and tells her he gets why people love her so much, she’s very tender hearted. She reminds him she has her aunt Netty and everyone else at the house too.

He starts to get all gooey, tells her she has beautiful eyes and removes her glasses. She thinks that beer is making him act funny. “It’s not the beer” he says, and moves in for a kiss.

Tomorrow: Are Mari and Brandon novios?


La Fea Más Bella #7-8 9/16/10 Alicia gets a chance to shine. Or fizzle.

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Episodes 7, 8, and 9. Cap 8, the second hour of today’s show, begins at “Lety wants to say that the work was hers.”

Capitulo 7
1. Fernando wants Lety to transfer his agenda to computer asap, in case Marcia asks for it again.

2. Alicia tattles to Marcia that Lety wants to make a surprise report for Fernando.

3. The cuartel commiserates with Paula because her latest squeeze dumped her. Omar flirts with Paula.

4. Omar’s extra pick-up convinces Fernando to join them, but Marcia interrupts. Fernando won’t be at Marcia’s tonight so she seduces him in his office, but Lety interrupts.

5. Lety refuses Pop’s offer to protect her from Roman. Instead, Lety shreds Roman by pointing out what a loser he is.

6. Lety meets Ariel. She knows his work from the financial magazines. He thinks that it’s wasteful to have two secretaries.

7. Marcia demands the report from Lety. Alicia presents it as her own and impresses everyone.

8. The cuartel lets Lety join them. They talk about Fernando’s last secretary who fell in love with him and had to resign. The board and the cuartel explain that Fernando is president thanks to Marcia’s vote.

9. Ariel charges that Marcia voted for Fernando, not him, only because Fernando proposed. Marcia says she didn’t vote for him because he never works for the company.

Capitulo 8
Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Episodes 7, 8, and 9. Cap 8, the second hour of today’s show, begins at “Lety wants to say that the work was hers.” Stop at “Saimon the dapper messenger.” That begins Cap 9.

1. Sara asserts that if the right woman showed up, a different type of woman, then adios, wedding.

2. Ariel thinks Fern’s projections are faulty and demands his business plan. Fernando’s projection said he would double profits, but his goals are almost impossible. If he fails, Ariel becomes president.

3. Marcia tells Lety to shut up about the report, or else. She says no other woman will be an executive, and secretaries remain secretaries.

4. Humberto warns Fernando to resist temptations and keep the business clean and honest, so he’ll be able to sleep at night.

5. Lety tells Mama that she wants to quit before she’s fired. At the retirement party, Alicia wants to meet Marcia’s rich brother.

6. Omar and Fernando discuss Alicia’s report. If Alicia can do that, they can’t afford two secretaries. Fernando would’ve sworn it was Lety’s work.

7. Fernando assigns Alicia to make a business plan in two days. See the transcript. Marcia is stunned that she doesn’t know how. Alicia is months behind on all her debts.

8. Fernando discovers a major error in his projection. Olarte discovered it too, and he reports it to Ariel, who wants to reverse the presidency decision.

9. At the Candelaria (Candlemas) tamale celebration, Fernando tells Alicia to finish the business plan by tomorrow.

Spanish Lesson

Fernando assigns the business plan report.
A: The originals are in her (Lety’s) office.
F: In Lety’s office? But why? Didn’t you work with those reports? Why does Lety have them?
A: Um, well, I put them back there because they are more secure in her office. Also, she’s in charge of the archives.
L: I’ll get them right away. Omar works on Alicia.
F: Omar and I have to produce a very detailed business plan… Which of you can do it?
Alicia is clueless. Fernando explains what it needs to include.
A: Oh! Fine. I think Lety can do it.
L: Me? No, it’s better that you do it. Like that previous report. Certainly it would be good for it to stay with you, right?
F: Whatever. I don’t care. Alicia, you have a new opportunity to show off for me.When will you have it ready?
A: Well, give me a week. F: No, no. I’m not pressuring you. If you want, I’ll give you a month. A: Oh! Yeah! A month!
F: The day after tomorrow, at the latest. I need to review and confidently verify the financial earnings figures, so that Ariel doesn’t [?]. You have all the information. All you have to do is process it. What’s the problem? Two days, eh? Now you only have 47 hours. Run!
to Omar Let’s go review everything to find where that supposed error is. Lety leaves.
O: She seems like she doesn’t care about keeping her job, huh? She should realize that at any moment she could be fired. If Alicia does the business plan well, I believe Lety will be excess, don’t you?
F: Yes. You know what? Lety is being very odd.
O: No, she’s been odd since birth.
F: Lety! LETY! She comes running. He complains about her invading his space.
F: Tell me something. Y quiero la verdad, eh? (Those are Fernando’s magic truth-serum words. No one can resist!) Did Alicia create the report we presented to the committee? Or did you do it?
L: If Doña Alicia gives you a good business plan, then that will confirm that she also created the committee report. Right? Fernando smiles & nods knowingly.


Llena de Amor #28 Wed 9/15/10 A Lesson Given in Beatles Lyrics

As usual the first ten minutes repeat from yesterday. So, I'll start with the new:

Part One-

Ilitia actually reads the gossip magazine and continues to rant about how much she hates Brandon.

Emanuel gives Marianela a box of chocolates and they share them. Emanuel tells Mari that he's not here just to give her chocolates, he'd like her to return home with him. He tells her that she is missed and besides, it is her house. Mari says not anymore because of Fedra. Emanuel tells Mari that she can pay off the debt. "How?" Mari asks. "From the inheritance from Tio Maximo," Emanuel answers.

Fedra asks Kristel what's up with her. Kristel expresses her concern over losing Nereida. She's a treasure, she organized Kristel's closet by designers, and she's the only one in the house who can iron. Fedra seems to think these are all good reasons. Nereida comes into the room with her packed bags and says that she doesn't want to be accused of stealing, so Fedra should check her bag. Fedra walks over and checks the weight of the bag (picking it up with one hand......she's got to have super strength powers, or I'm someone who overpacks waaay too much). Fedra turns to Kristel and says that she can stay, but Nereida better be careful because she knows perfectly well that she (Fedra) will throw out in the garbage things and people that don't serve her well. Kristel is happy that her secret is protected and Nereida is happy to not be losing a job. Fedra is happy to be dressed like the whore she, oh my, that has got to be the most horrid pair of boots I've ever seen!

Mari tells Emanuel that she'll never take Tio Maximo's money. Eman tells her that it is the only solution. Mari tells him that it won't fix everything-- like her mother's tarnished reputation. Money doesn't matter to Mari and she's upset that Eman doesn't understand and thinks it can fix everything. Mari wonders when the entire Ruiz de la Teresa family will leave her alone. Eman says he only wants to help Mari. The only thing he can do to help her, Mari tells him, is to leave there and leave her alone. During this conversation the camera pans to show Netty and Doris eavesdropping on this conversation. Mari gets up to leave and Doris lets Emanuel have it....can't he leave her alone! Netty demands to know what Emanuel is trying to do with her niece.

Oliver is razzing Brandon about the magazine article. Brandon goes to see the commissioner and is shocked to see Fedra in there, having a little chat with his boss. Fedra spots Brandon at the door and with a sly smile, she gives him a little wave hello.

Doris has followed Mari back to her room and advises her friend not to seek solace from the box of chocolates. Mari rehashes everything she just said to Eman. Doris tells her that all rich people think that every problem can be solved with money. Doris encourages Mari to forget Eman, he's apparently believing the word of his witchy mother. Mari confesses that it won't be easy to forget Eman, because she loves him.

Fedra accuses Brandon of trying to harm her son. Brandon says that wasn't the case, Eman got in his way and couldn't avoid him. It wasn't a deliberate accident. The commander hands Brandon Fedra's report of the incident. Brandon looks it over and says it is all lies, this woman is trying to ruin me. Fedra gets irritated and starts pushing Brandon around. The commissioner demands she calm down and Fedra turns her offense into a defense......accusing the police department of being corrupt, trying to cover up Brandon's misdeeds. Brandon says he's not afraid because truth is on his side. Fedra tells the commissioner that she recommends he clean out the garbage in the department, starting with "this" and she points to Brandon. Fedra leaves and telling Brandon to get out of her way.

Don Maximo meets with his lawyer and makes arrangements for Mari to get his money, his medals and even his gun---which he pulls out and points at the lawyer. He wants his documents ready asap. This afternoon, the lawyer replies and leaves.

Emiliano and Gretel discuss trying to convince Fedra to allow Mari to return. They run into Don Maximo's attorney, who promptly tells Emiliano that his uncle just changed his will, leaving all his money and property to Mari. Bernardo overhears this and is impactado.

Eman tries to explain to Netty why he came to see Netty. He is surprised to find out that Netty doesn't think the idea of Mari getting Don Maximo's money is a grand idea. Netty lets Eman know that thinking money solves all problems is so typical of the rich. Never will she allow her niece to take Maximo's money. That all Mari needs is love and money can't buy her love. He tells the women of the pension that he adores Mari and all he wants to do is protect her. He decides he needs to talk to Mari, he needs to explain things. Netty says not gonna happen, he needs to leave.

Doris tells Mari that Eman is the wrong person to love. Mari says she can't help it, he's so good looking and kind. Doris reminds her that he's also her cousin and has a girlfriend. Mari know, she knows, and she swears Doris to secrecy.

Kristel rubs it into Nereida's face that she was responsible for getting Nereida's job back. Should Nereida light a candle and say a rosary for her? Kristel warns the maid that is she opens her mouth, she'll be in for a world of hurt.

Eman tries to convince the women of the pension that he's got Mari's best interests. he tries to go upstairs to see Mari and the women bock/block the stairs and take a broom to him. He calls for Marianela and we go to a commercial break.

Lorenzo and Mauricio agree to be partners in selling contraband alcohol. Mauricio tells Lorenzo that it will all go down without the police knowing and that Lorenzo should have confidence in him. Lorenzo only sees dollar signs, so he's quite agreeable. Mauricio is wearing a red shirt and this only further emphasizes the orangeness of his skin...I can't believe no one has told this actor that he looks like an Oompa Loompa. As Mauricio makes his exit, Andre enters. Lorenzo asks Andre to do him a favor. He needs help because his wife caught him in a bad position. How can he help, Andre asks.

Mari hears all the noise down below and wants to go down to help. Doris stops her.

Ilitia shows her mother the magazine and says look what your "friend" has done. Muneca says that what Ilitia needs to learn from this is not to be so impulsive. Muneca says she can talk to Brandon, but Ilitia doesn't want that. She's going to the police station, tear Brandon to pieces, and then she'll return. Muneca thinks her daughter is joking.

The commissioner warns Brandon that things have got to get sorted out, and the problem with the model seems to be a misunderstanding, but it probably wasn't a good idea to spill his story to the gossip magazines. Brandon says that he needed to get his side of the story out there. So now what, Brandon asks. The commissioner says you continue to work for us. Brandon is delighted to hear this. The commissioners warns that this business with Fedra and her son better be put to rest and if he finds out that what Brandon has told him isn't the truth, Brandon could lose his job.

Emanuel continues to holler for Mari and he does make some progress up the stairs, but with the combined front of the pension women he is pushed back. Netty's lawyer arrives and he tells Eman that he has no business being there and needs to leave this private property.

Emiliano goes to visit his uncle to find out why he disinherited his children. Don Maximo says that Mari's inheritance was stolen by Emiliano's woman. Emiliano is upset with how much hate his uncle has for his wife. Don Maximo says that neither his children nor his wife will ever touch a cent of his money and now the discussion is over.

Emanuel is insistent on seeing Mari. Netty won't let him near Mari. Eman says that he's not there to hurt her. The lawyer tells him that he's in no position to discuss this and he should leave immediately. Fine, I'll go....Eman agrees. He calls for Mari one more time before he goes. Netty falls victim to an attack right after Eman leaves. The lawyer tells her that they are going to put up a fight and prove that Fedra's documents are forgeries.

Bernardo goes to tell Fedra the bad news about Don Maximo giving Mari all his money.

Brandon and Oliver walk out of the police station, discussing the days events. As Brandon steps off the curb, someone tries to run him over.

Fedra flips out and starts to attack Bernardo (in this case I urge her to shoot the messenger). She's going to kill that infeliz. She's going to lose her house and be left without a cent. Benardo holds her back and tells her to calm down.

The police are able to stop the driver of the car and surprise, surprise it is Ilitia. Brandon takes some pleasure in ordering Ilitia out of the car. When she refuses, he drags her out of the car and arrests her for attempted murder. Oliver advises her to get a good lawyer. She tries to run and Brandon picks her up and hauls her into the station.

***Part Two (sorry so late at posting...our computers were out at work during break time and I just didn't get a chance to post this until much later than planned).

Muneca is at the orphanage and runs into Begona. Begona tells her that she'd love to help her do the good work that she's doing. Muneca says how can I work with the lover of my husband. Just then Andre appears and says "I hope what I just heard is a bad joke." Begona introduces Andre, her fiance, to Muneca.

Oliver and Brandon present Ilitia to the commissioner. Brandon tells his boss that Ilitia just tried to run him over. No, she rebuts, he was in my way. The commissioner tells Ilitia that she needs to go before the Minister of the Public.

Andre spins a tale about being in Brazil and that he's Begona's baby daddy. Muneca decides that she must have been mistaken to think that Begona was Lorenzo's amante. Begona tells her not to worry and that she looks forward to them working together at the orphanage. Muneca tells Flora that she's made a great mistake...she unjustly accused her husband.

Doris gives Mari a pep talk. She needs to move forward without looking back. Mari feels that she can do it, perhaps she should look into taking classes at the university. Doris likes that idea and Mari says she'll make a point to look up when enrollment begins. She vows to study and do really well and show the Ruiz de la Teresa family that she can do well without them.

Meanwhile, Emanuel is outside talking to Netty's house. Telling anyone/no one that he can't forget Marinela because she is his cousin Someone driving by beeps at him and he doesn't miss a beat, saying "adios" and continues with his lines without breaking out of character....he continues to say that he's on Mari's side. A young boy walks by and Eman tries to talk to him, but the boy says he's not supposed to talk to strangers. Eman convinces him that he just wants to talk to the gordita at Netty's house. Will he help, by doing him a favor?

Brandon tells Oliver that he doesn't feel bad about Ilitia being locked up...she's got to learn that the law needs to be respected, but he does decide to give her mother a call.

Muneca tells Flora that she's got to talk to Lorenzo and ask him to forgive her. Flora's not so sure that Muneca should be so hasty. This conversation gets dropped when Muneca gets the call telling her that Ilitia is in jail.

Ilitia is proclaiming her innocence as she being taken into her cell. The guard has no sympathy for the poor little rich girl. Ilitia tries to convince her that her father has connections, but that doesn't work either. The guard leaves and Ilitia realizes that she's in a cell with some "working" girls. They 'admire' Ilitia's bling (apparently personal effects are not removed and put into a big manila envelope in Mexican jails). They start to take what they like and Ilitia thinks about how she needs Emanuel now more than ever.

Javier, the little boy who's agreed to do Emanuel a favor, goes into Netty's and finds Marinela. He tells her that he's got a message for her. "There is a man in the street who's got a message for you," he tells her. The note tells Mari that Emanuel is outside and needs to talk to her. In the note, he urges her to come outside so they can talk. Mari questions what she should do. Mari spots Netty and the lawyer and worries that if she says that she's going out, Netty will question her. She wonders if she should sneak out a window, but that won't do she'd kill herself.

Emanuel is bummed that Mari hasn't left the house to talk to him. He hears the street vendor and mocks how it sounds, but as he spots the vendor on his bike, it appears that Eman might have a new idea.

Lorenzo laughs it up with Andre as he recalls his run in with Muneca. Lorenzo asks Andre for his discretion in the matter and Andre agrees that it wouldn't be a good idea for anyone to find out his role in this matter. Begona arrives at Lorenzo's table as Andre leaves. She tells him that she did her part and she's sure that any minute now Muneca will be calling asking for forgiveness. Sho nuff, Lorenzo's phone rings and he says "oh are you calling to ask me to come back home?" "No, no," she anxiously replies, she's calling to tell him that Ilitia is in jail.

Don Maximo's lawyer receives the updated will from his secretary. He admires it, but then Fedra pops into his office and snatches it out of his hand rips it up. She threatens the lawyer (who's name is Rivas) that she can be a force to be reckoned with.

Emanuel borrows the vendor's microphone and broadcasts so Mari can hear. He asks her to forgive him. Netty overhears and is ready to send him away with the broom again. Mari hears and it seems like she's ready to capitulate. Brandon arrives back home and sees Eman on the microphone and he demands to know what's going on here. END OF EPISODE.


Dinero # 196 9/15/2010 A long came a spider

Much of our show tonight was about a bunch of good intentioned people and some not so good intentioned people that have too much time on their hands to make a mountain out of a molehill. Unless you want to read about a lot of nonsense that happened tonight, I suggest you just read the good parts with Rafa and Ale and skip everything else. So let’s get to the forest and see how Ale is doing.

We find an injured Ale face down on the ground with a coyote howling to the full moon in the background. We quickly transition to another coyote (Daniel) who is meeting with his sister Muskrat. She is not pleased that he has put her in the midst of his scraps. ( no me gusta que me metas en tus broncas). He is on to a new conquest and wants her to accompany him and Marian to a restaurant than casually leave so he can be alone with his next prey. We then get our famous split screen ploy of Daniel thinking to himself “I wonder what ever happened with Ale. I didn‘t run into her on my way back. Did she make it back okay to the office?” and Ale lying in pain alone in the dark crying sorrowfully.

Daniel shrugs off this fleeting thought of decency as Chespis ushers them into Marians office. There the two of them team up and bully poor Marian into going to dinner with them.

Back in the dark forest, we see Ale on the ground pleading for help. Another attempt at her cell phone proves futile. She can’t get a signal and is unable to move. And we quickly move to Claudia pumping the General for information about Marco wondering why he is still at Siglo. The General informs her she doesn’t have a clue, all she is worried about is Rosaura. She left a long time ago to talk with Doña Arcadia and hasn’t returned. Claudia chides her and tells her not to make such a fuss about nothing (no hagas tormenta en un vaso de agua / literally don’t make a thunderstorm in a glass of water).

A disgusted General leaves as Claudia makes a phone call to Marco. Marco does not seem overly pleased to hear from her. She tells him she is leaving and wants to know if he wouldn’t want to accompany her to her apartment. Marco tells her he can’t. Claudia replies “You can’t or you don’t want too?” Marco tells her “Neither of the two. I am waiting for my wife.” Claudia (whose lipstick by the way matches the color of her phone , blazing red) laughs as she taunts Marco telling him Ale is more than likely with Rafa. And if she is cheating on him well than he might as well cheat on her. Marco more disgusted at Claudia’s suggestion than tempted hangs up.

Susana now aware of Marco‘s frustration wants to know if something’s wrong. Marco yells at her telling her to find Rafa and Ale. Well we know where Ale is. She continues to lie face down on the ground unable to move. We also know where Rafa is. He is trudging through the tall grasses trying to locate Ale, calling her name out. Ale is trying to muster strength to get up as we see Rafa continue his search in the dark. Ale has managed to prop her self up part way only to discover a huge spider (I swear it was a tarantula) crawling closer to her.

Ale starts screaming louder for help as Rafa is still fumbling around and has suddenly heard her scream for help. He starts yelling back at her “Where are you? Yell back so I can find you.” We see the creepy crawler inch closer to Ale. Rafa hearing her starts running towards her voice and yep, he trips face down nose to nose with the tarantula.

We get a little breather here with Rosaura who is as blitzed as the Hindenburg chatting away with Doña Arcadia. More motherly wisdom pours from her mouth as she councils Rosaura and plies her with liquor.. And I really will just leave it at that. We have a damsel in distress who needs to be rescued.

None other than Rafa to the rescue. In panic mode he tells Ale to not move (as if she could) and picks up the offending arachnid and puts it aside. He then goes to Ale and properly sweeps her up in his arms to take her to a safer place. Once on safer ground we get what we have all been waiting months for, a very sweet tender kiss. Rafa than takes his coat off and puts it around Ales shoulders, telling her they need to get her to a hospital. Ale smiling, tells him not to worry and graciously thanks him and once again our gallant hero picks her up and carries her off.

More Siglo gossip as everyone is wondering how Doña Arcadia got wind of Rosaura’s husband showing up and sparring with Pepito. Marino chimes in that “This old lady has a pact with the devil. I don’t know how else she could figure out what goes on here.” Ramirez is certain she has a spy amongst them. Bebe adds “It’s like she hears and sees everything” (si todo lo viera y todo lo oyera). At that instant Trapito, arms pull of waste baskets, happens by. He is summoned forward and the crew accusingly ask him how it is that Doña Arcadia found out about the fight between Rosaura’s husband and Pepito. Trapito stutters and stammers that he doesn’t have a clue. He only knows that she asked him to get Rosaura. Marino grabs him and threatens him telling him if he is spying he better be careful or he could wake up floating in Texcoco (puedes amanecer flotando en Texcoco). Trapito wises off to Marino then splits. Ramirez wants to know if he could actually do something like that to Trapito. Marino answers “Of course not, but when one threatens you have to be forceful and serious to be respected.” then casually tells everyone so long and takes off.

Rafa is carrying Ale to the car and she asks “Your not going to drop me?” Poor Rafa, responds “how could you think that? I am incapable of hurting you.” He puts her down and Ale patting the car says she never thought she would be so happy to see the Pantera again. Rafa tells her “even though you don’t like it, it adores you.” and helps her in the car. He tells her she should be honored to be getting in this car.

Rafa has now gotten in the car and Ale wants to know how he found her. Rafa tells her “I take care of you as if you were mine” (yo te cuido como si fueras mia). He continues “I couldn’t let anything happen to you.” We get a very bright smile from Ale. Which doesn’t last very long as Rafa attempts to start the car. He is pleading with it to start ( arranca) and we soon discover it is out of gas. Ale gets a little irate and says “Why me? Why? Why are things with you never normal? Why do things with you always turn into misfortune.?” Rafa turns to her and answers “ perhaps this is a great opportunity for us to be together so I can try and demonstrate how much I love you.” Ale gives a cute ira ira and Rafa responds the same.

More time with worried relatives as Jorge and Rosario are discussing Ale’s disappearance. Jorge seems a little cranky tonight and gets even crankier when Quintana shows up. Quintana inquires how his memory is doing. Jorge answers “Bad very bad” and calls him by the wrong name. Quintana reminds Jorge that the family’s happiness doesn’t depend on finding the money. He turns to Rosario and tells her they should set a date for their wedding. Rosario tells him this isn’t a good time to talk about their wedding. Quintana want’s to know why not and she tells him Ale is missing.

Our missing Ale is asking Rafa what they should do. She reminds him it is quite dangerous to be out on the roads late at night. The conversation soon turns into an argument about Ale being out with Daniel. Ale tells him that Doña Arcadia made her take the car for a test drive for Daniel. She was against the idea. She reminds him that Daniel is an important client and a friend of Doña Arsenic (can’t blame that one on spell check). Rafa tells her if Daniel were here he would knock his teeth out (que se trague los dientes /literally means to swallow his teeth). We get another cute Ale grin at the thought of this.

Ale suggests that instead of just staying there why not go to the cabin (cabaña/hut or cabin) that is really close by. Rafa wants to know how she would know there is a cabin close by. Ale quickly explains because Daniel took her there and that’s where she ran away from him and hurt herself. Rafa now a little irate wants to know what that jerk did to her. He wants to know if he made a pass at her (sobrepassar/I’m just guessing at that). Ale explains she wasn’t exactly certain what his intentions were but she thought it best if she got out of there. Rafa tells her “Who knows what might have happened if I hadn’t overheard you were going to go with him.” Now it is Ale‘s turn as she says “Now the truth comes out” (ya salio el peine / literally now the comb comes out). “You were listening in on my conversation.” We get a cute little argument about eavesdropping.

More Siglo time. Dandy is ready to leave but Susan is all worried about Ale. Are circle of worry grows as Pepito and Ramiro decide to go to Rafa’s house and get Lenora all worried about Rafa missing. Rosaura has finally left Doña Arcadia’s free bar and grill and is confronted by the General. She tells her all about the little chat they had and how she should confront Old Gab. They both agree this would be the best time to confront him. (Or something like that). The General than escorts a barely coherent Rosaura to her apartment.

Back to things that matter. Rafa and Ale finally make it to the cabin. Rafa has carried her all the way to the front door with Ale begging pardon for the fact he had to carry her. He sets her on a bench asking if she is certain this is the right place. Ale answers “Yes my love“. (Did you all catch how naturally Ale said that?) Ale than asks if he if is tired from all the heavy lifting and Rafa tells her yes than proudly says “How much better would it be if you were my wife and I were carrying you into our house.” Spoil sport Ale takes the flash light and shines it in his face saying “Listen I am a married women.” Rafa tells her “Yea I know you have only told me no less than two thousand nine hundred ninety-three times.” Ale smiling, corrects him and says “Ninety-four.” Rafa’s answer was priceless as he tells her “Do you think that just for that I would stop loving you?” The cold has gotten to both of them and Ale remembers where the key is hidden and Rafa picks her up yet and again and carries her across the threshold.

There is this strange scene now with Daniel, Marian and Muskrat at the restaurant. As promised Muskrat tells them she has to leave and Daniel is left alone with Marian.

Back at Siglo where Susana thinks it is time to call the police. Marco starts ranting on about Rafa and if he is out with Ale he will have him thrown in Jail. Dandy tries to calm him down saying they could be stranded out on the highway without a phone. Marco is not buying this. He thinks there is something fishy going on. “Neither on of the two told anyone where they were going. This is very strange.” Susana disagrees with Marco and tells them both Ale and Rafa are very responsible. She than accuses Marco of feigning his worry. He tells Susana that he knows she would be very happy if Ale sent him packing so she could be with Rafa. Dandy has now become annoyed with how Marco is talking to his Nonecita and touches Marco on the arm chastising him for his behavior. Marco looking disgusted tells Dandy not to touch him then asks what kind of a name his Nonecita. Dandy tries to explain it is his pet name for her and a little argument ensues between Susana and Dandy. Then more arguing amongst the three of them. Finally Susana suggests they all just calm down.

That lasted a second as Marco goes off again on a rant about Rafa being off with his wife. The whole gang is here now with Ramiro and Pepito checking in and informing them that Lenora doesn’t have a clue where Rafa is. More Marco rant which is interrupted by Doña Arcadia who is about to leave. Susana explains to her what is going on and it is decided that she should just call Daniel and ask about Ale. After all she sent Ale out with him this morning to test drive a car. Daniel informs them that he hasn’t seen her for at least five hours. He is explaining his version of what happened . They went to the cabin in Cuernavaca and Ale just decided to leave on her own. We see Marian intently listening to Daniel.

After Daniel hangs up Marian asks him what is going with Doña Arcadia. Daniel tells her she called to ask about a car he is interested in buying. Marian wants to know what Ale has to do with this. Daniel wants to know how she knows Ale. Marian continues with her questions and Daniel explains that she brought the car over for him to test drive. They went to the cabin and when he went to get the papers she went crazy. He tells Marian he doesn’t have a clue what happened. She just left and disappeared. Marian asks if any one talked to Rafa. Daniel wants to know what he has to do with anything. Marian tells him that they work together and sometimes they are “Very” together. Daniel says “Isn’t Ale married?“
Marian tells him she is but since when does that pose a hindrance to go out with a friend.? Daniel mutters “How interesting. I would never imagined this carnival signer to be so appealing” (I think that’s what he said.) Marian asks him if he is jealous? He tells her “Not at all. Each to his own territory. Rafa might be able to conquer with song, but I have my own abilities.” He then sashes and sways as if he were charming and asks Marian if she wants to dance. Marian declines.

Back to Siglo where everyone continues to be worried about the disappearance of Ale and Rafa. And our circle of worry has turned into a three ring circus as Dandy, Pepito, Susana, Ramirez and Marco as our master of ceremonies decides to go out and look for them.

Finally we have some alone time with Rafa and Ale. Rafa has started a toasty fire and sits down on the sofa where Ale is lying down. He starts rubbing her injured ankle with some horse liniment (?) (It looked like a jar of carmex to me) but he does this with such love and care. He asks her if she wants him to make her some coffee. Ale sweetly says later and sits up next to Rafa and asks him to hug her. They are snuggling next to each other when Ale says “Rafa can you imagine what might have happened to me if you hadn’t shown up?” Rafa responds “Don’t think like that. I would never leave you alone even though you have told me a thousand times you are married. Do you know what? I finally after a lot of time understand that God put me in your path to take care of you, to love you , to always be at your side. Ale joyfully thanks God . Rafa than tells Ale “Are you aware that I could never live without you. And that everything I do, I do it because I love you?” Ale weakly protests and Rafa softly puts his fingers to her mouth and tells her not to say anything just enjoy the moment. (Yes lets all just enjoy this moment.) We end with our theme song and a very passionate kiss.


El Grito de Independencia!!!!!!!!!!!

Que viva MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VIVA!!!!!!!!
Viva Mexico!!!! VIVA!!!!
Viva Mexico!!!! VIVA!!!!

Felicidades por su Bicentennial!!!!!! VIVA!!!

Tambien felicidades a todos que cumplan su anniversario hoy!!



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