Tuesday, September 28, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #23-24 9/28/10 Here comes the bribe.

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 22 - 26. Cap 23 starts at the paragraph that begins, “Fernando and Marcia discuss his plans to give Lety signing authority” If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “Ariel the Little Mermaid shows up at J.R.’s apartment.” That begins Cap 24.

Capitulo 23

1. Diana warns Miguel to manage Lety carefully. If she tells Fernando, they’ll never buy from CineRent again. Miguel says Lety is out of her league.

2. Alicia sobs to Marcia about being broke. Marcia agrees to a “loan.” Ali sends Saimon to pay the bills, but there’s not enough for fines and reconnection, so she pays on her credit card bill.

3. Fernando takes Lety to the bank for signing rights. Marcia hates the idea of having the company’s money in Lety’s hands.

4. Fernando tells the banker that Lety will have total authority while he’s away. The banker tactfully questions whether they want to give Lety so much more authority than Olarte had. Fernando declares that she has his total confidence.

5. Lety proposes Tomás to fill Olarte’s position, but Fernando refuses because he has no experience.

6. Fernando proposes that Magalay star in the Benny video, and Marcia turns into a major shrew. But Luigi has to admit that she’s the best choice.

7. Miguel offers Lety a 5% bribe if they purchase from CineRent. She flatly refuses until he appeals to her love for her family. He throws in a 10% discount. Lety reports to Fernando that CineRent has the lowest prices.

8. Fernando says Lety will be in charge while they’re in LA. Marcia objects because he’s putting too much power into her hands. Fernando affirms his confidence in her honesty and loyalty.

Capitulo 24

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 22 - 26. Cap 24 starts at the paragraph that begins, “Ariel the Little Mermaid shows up at J.R.’s apartment.” If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “In the morning, Paula rides to work with Omar.” That begins Cap 25.

1. Fernando has more confidence in ArteVideo, but he decides to buy their supplies from CineRent because their prices are lowest. Lety is consumed by guilt.

2. Alicia collects info about CineRent for Ariel. Alicia and Paula scrap. Marta tells Paula that Ali is stuck on Omar.

3. Lety tells Tom that she told the cuartel she loves him so she wouldn’t feel left out. He says she should accept the bribe. It’s easy money, she didn’t get a raise, and her family comes before her job.

4. Ariel talks abusively to Alicia again. He’s dissatisfied with her spying report, but he assigns Olarte to investigate a possible bribe. Then he date rapes her.

5. Omar takes Paula dancing. He suffocates her with kisses and she protests, “I’m not that kind of girl.” But she IS that kind of girl, as the next scene indicates.

6. Alicia calls Omar to say she misses him. The call wakens Paula sleeping beside him.

7. In bed, Marcia tells Fernando that having Lety around gives her a lot of chances to “make up” after they fight. In that case, he says he’ll try to make her angry (amargada – bitter) more.

8. Lety wrestles with the bribe. How can she betray Fernando after all he’s done? But she loves her father most of all. One day Fernando will be gone, but her father is forever.

9. Lety dreams that Fernando holds her and tells her how much he likes her. He almost kisses her but Mama wakens her. Mama discovers she was dreaming about kissing Don Fernando.

10. Fernando tells Lety to make reservations for 8 days in LA. Olarte finds out from Miguel that he offered Lety a bribe. Lety calls Miguel to arrange the purchase.

Don't miss tomorrow's show! Set your recorder, turn on your TV, tell the president not to give any speeches, tell your neighbors not to crash into any power poles in your neighborhood. Don't miss tomorrow's show!


Please sign this petition asking for humane treatment in deportation centers

Hello friends, blog mom here,

I'm singing today at a rally in support of Pedro Guzman, who's been detained in Lumpkin Georgia for a year now while a swirl of bureaucracy has kept him from his wife and young son. Here's more on the rally for Pedro Guzman in Raleigh NC.

Do you think our U.S. immigration policies are terrible? If so, please take just a moment to at least sign a petition to find humane alternatives to detention.

Comments on this post most welcome! Including any suggestions!


Llena de Amor #36 Mon 9/27/10 Gretel almost coughs up that hairball

Friday: The cops (in the persons of Brandon and Oliver plus backups) come to Fedra’s house to do a search. Bernardo is taken into custody. Emanuel protests – Bernardo is such an upright guy!


The commissioner decides Fedra’s a suspect too. Emanuel plants himself protectively in front of her. Emiliano says he’ll go downtown with her. Lorenzo says he’ll call his pal the judge. Emanuel tells the commissioner that his mother is going to leave the house the way she does everything, like a lady. Those of us swigging our nightly tequila do a spit take.

Lic. Pacheco tells Marianela and Netty that handwriting on the (fake, remember?) documents is being evaluated, and the judge will rule later. Meantime, a friend of his tipped him off that the evaluation came out negative! (Is that good? A negative medical test means no illness present….) Jubilation! Netty is thrilled Marianela will get her house, and Marianela is thrilled her mother’s name will be cleared. Netty hugs the lawyer.

He tells them that the hearing should be tomorrow, and that Fedra will have to be there. Netty gloats.

Fedra, who, along with Bernardo, is in the back seat of the police van being driven by Brandon, rants about what a respectable lady she is, slightly misusing words which Bernardo corrects. She tells him to knock it off. Brandon is not buying.

Lic. Pacheo is about to leave, but Gladiola hails him and says she and Begoña need to talk to him.

Marianela says she has to get down to the university to take her entrance exam. She hopes she’s eligible for a scholarship. Netty gushes that with her inheritance, she can pursue all the degrees she wants. Marianela doesn’t want to count her chickens before they’ve hatched.

Emanuel calls a Lic. Urquidi (yes, you can pronounce that “your kitty”), insisting he go get Fedra out today, now! Ilitia rushes to his side and says she’ll go with him. Muñeca insists she go home and change, and Lorenzo angrily says he has an earful for her. However, he does tell Emanuel he’ll talk to the judge, and for his part, Emanuel has to get going on wedding plans, pronto.

Gladiola and Begoña are asking Letty’s lawyer, who they are plying with cookies, if Lorenzo has to pay child support. Yes, he says, if he is the father. Begoña says she knows Lorenzo is lying about the DNA test, so the lawyer tells them to get their own test. They ask if he wants to take some cookies home and he starts stuffing his pockets with them. Off he goes, and Begoña wonders how she’s going to get a DNA sample from Lorenzo.

In the cafeteria, Marianela tells Caro that this thing with making Emanuel jealous by pretending to go with Brandon is having some bad consequences. Caro wants to know if the jealousy part worked. See? she says. It never fails. Cousins don’t get jealous, you know, so it’s working. Marianela explains how Brandon seems to be getting serious.

Oliver shows up and says hi to the girls. Turns out he’s going to take a shot at the entrance exam.

Fedra, still in her boa-lined red bathrobe and matching boa mules, is being interrogated by the commissioner, who asks her if it isn’t so that she and Netty don’t have a good relationship. Gossip, says Fedra. Brandon yells at her to cooperate, or else. (Say, who exactly is the boss here, Brandon or the commissioner?) Or else what? she sneers.

Netty’s the sister of that drunkard Eva, she says. Brandon yells at her again, telling her to talk respectfully about Marianela’s mother. Fedra snorts that it was in all the papers. Netty’s the sister of my dead brother-in-law, and I don’t have a lot of contact with her, since our worlds are so different. She’s in the world of theater and all that, you know.

Brandon inserts that it’s obvious that she hates Netty. Fedra tells the commissioner that Brandon is wearing very thin with her, and besides, he’s close to Netty. The commissioner sends him to go deal with Bernardo. Brandon leaves and the commissioner leans over the table to Fedra and says he wants her to tell him about her hatred for Netty and Marianela.

A doctor has come to check on Gretel, who is still zonked out. Emanuel comments that he’d never seen Gretel have such a bad attack. She had always been hostile to their mother, but this time she accused her of being a murderer. The doctor thinks Gretel’s getting very paranoid. Emanuel wonders if she’ll ever get better. The doctor opines that she’s very introverted, closed into herself, and may not even know herself what’s wrong.

Emanuel kneels tenderly beside her and tells her how he wishes he knew what was tormenting her. He never wants to see her like that again. He kisses her on the forehead.

There being nobody to play good cop, Brandon charges ahead with a solo bad cop approach. Bernardo tries to tell him that he was home all night. Brandon counters that one of the staff saw him coming in in the wee hours, what does he think of that? Bernardo thoughtbubbles that it was Delicia. The thoughtbubble takes so long that Bernardo looks like he’s having some sort of absence spell. Given his general creepiness, the effect cannot be helpful to his credibility.

Answer me, says Brandon. Bernardo said he’d just stepped out into the garden. Yeah, sure, says Brandon, to maybe count the stars?

Oliver tells Marianela that he loves being a policeman and he wants to advance in his career, get a diploma like Brandon did. He’s going to try for a scholarship. Then he tells Marianela about what happened that morning at the Ruiz y Teresa house. Marianela is shocked to hear that Fedra was taken in for questioning, and that Maximo thinks she’s the one who put a hit out on Netty.

Fedra tells the commissioner, who she calls “Sheriff”, that she has a child Marianela’s age – how could she hate that poor orphan? As for Netty, she’s a nobody. The commissioner says that it’s known that she and Netty were fighting over the matter of an inheritance. Fedra says that Netty was always very money-oriented, plus she was jealous that she couldn’t get a husband like Fedra did. She says she’s sorry to tell Netty’s private stuff, but she doesn’t hate her, it’s more like pity.

You’re lying, he says. Fedra says Netty seemed so likeable in that novela she was in… let’s see.. what was the name of it? Oh yeah, La Intrusa.

The commissioner explodes. Who do you think you’re talking to? I’m not an idiot. Tell me how long Bernardo has worked for you.

Oliver tells Marianela that Netty’s only enemy in the world is Fedra. Marianela doesn’t believe she’s capable of such a thing.

Fedra doesn’t exactly recall how long Bernardo’s worked for her. The commissioner tells her to be more precise. She says when she was a teenager her parents hired him to be a servant on the yacht. But then there was an accident, a fire, and her parents were killed, but he saved her. They’ve been inseparable since then. She doesn’t have any other family, so he’s like family to her, which is why she’s angry he’s involved in this.

The commissioner notes that she must be very attached to him, so probably he is to her too. Fedra fans herself. So is this mutual appreciation so strong that he would kill to make you happy?

Bernardo, trying to sound reasonable, asks Brandon what’s wrong with taking a turn in the garden when he couldn’t sleep. Nothing, says Brandon, except it’s damned strange you were walking around dressed top to toe in black. Warm up clothes, says Bernardo, it was a cold night. He leans forward. I have a witness… there’s this person I spend time with at night, Nereida.

And we see Nereida in the kitchen, telling Paula and Delicia that she doesn’t think it’s fair they took Bernardo. They note that he always looks like he knows more than he’s telling – that face of his. Nereida wants to know what’s wrong with it. Oooh, says Delicia, are you going to defend him? Who was it that backed up Fedra when she fired you? Butt out, says Nereida.

Axel comes in, wondering what the fuss is. Paula is thrilled to see him, and wants to rustle up something for him, he’s so thin. He tells her he just came to get some of his things and to see Gretel. Delicia fills him in on Gretel, Bernardo and Fedra. Nereida adds that the doctor says Gretel’s going crazy.

Oliver and Marianela are walking on the campus and she tells him she can’t be happy about Fedra, that’s her family after all. She worries that Emanuel and Emiliano will think Marianela sicced the police on them. No, they won’t, says Oliver. He tells her how Gretel called her mother a murderer. Marianela wonders if Gretel knows something.

Apparently Netty has either borrowed money or arranged for a scholarship. Doris is shocked how much the interest is. Netty says maybe she’ll go back to work in TV or theater. Doris says Netty promised not to do that again. Netty says that was a lot of years back, and she can break he promise. She just can’t allow that witch Fedra to destroy them.

Of course the front door isn’t closed, even though there are assassins about, and Emanuel has walked in. He’s mad. So you’re the one who sent Brandon to arrest my mother?

Brandon tells Bernardo he doesn’t care whether his intentions are honorable with Nereida, he just wants to know how long they’ve been carrying on. A year, apparently. Brandon says you’ve been meeting with her in the garden for a year?? Bernardo says out of respect for the home, and to avoid her work hours. May I go now?

Only when I say, says Brandon. He calls for a cop, and tells him to bring in Nereida. Bernardo rubs his brow.

Axel has gone to Gretel’s room and when she opens her eyes and sees him, she throws her arms around his neck. He tells her about Fedra’s arrest. He’s shocked, but she says believe it, our mother is a monster. What happened? says Axel. Have you found out something? Gretels eyes are brimming with tears and she says she’s discovered the true Fedra, who’s been deceiving them all all these years. She’s a slut.

Emanuel says is that why you had my mother arrested? So you could destroy her? Netty says she has no idea what he’s talking about, and she also has no idea what he’s doing in her house. He tells them he overheard them. Doris tells him he has no business in their house. Netty tells her not to be like them. Doris says she’s right, then spits at Emanuel that the peace in their home was destroyed when the Ruiz y Teresa people showed up. She leaves.

Netty tells him it’s better that he leave. He politely says he can’t until he finds out.. did she have Brandon arrest his mother? Is this some sort of vengeance? Netty looks puzzled.

Fedra insists to the inspector that Bernardo would be incapable of such a thing. He’s an honest man, decent, hard-working. (Instead of a half-truth, this is a one-third truth - at least that last bit is actually so.) The commissioner wants to know if she knows where he was on the night of the murder. She says she doesn’t, but that doesn’t mean he was out murdering people. The commissioner says somebody saw him come in in the wee hours. Ah, says Fedra, you’re basing all this on gossip. Well, help yourself. You’re just doing this because you’re friends of Netty’s.

Emiliano and his lawyer are let into the room. Fedra runs to his side. Mi amor! She cuddles into his shoulder and throws a sulky look at the commissioner. Get me out of here.

Netty protests to Emanuel that she doesn’t know anything about any arrest, and she’s not a person to look for vengeance - what she wants is justice. Emanuel tells her they’ve arrested her for the murder of Dolores, and she didn’t even know Dolores. Yes, she can be difficult at times, but she’s not a murderer. Netty says she knows her well, and when Fedra decides she wants something, nothing – nothing! – stands in her way.

Mama Dolores died in her arms, Netty tells him, with a bullet in her that was meant for Netty. Emanuel can’t believe she’s suggesting Fedra sent a hit man. Netty says the police asked her if she had an enemy, and she told them her only one was Fedra. Emanuel says it’s a huge jump from her not liking you to her sending someone to kill you.

Netty: Your mother’s life would be a lot easier without me.
Emanuel: Funny, she would say yours would be a lot easier without her.

I’m sorry about your grief, he says, but I’m not going to let you persecute her. He leaves.

Back in the interrogation room, Fedra is still whimpering on Emiliano’s broad shoulder. This place is hell! They’re treating me like a criminal! Emiliano reproaches the commissioner for toting Fedra down here before she was able to talk to a lawyer. The lawyer of course agrees. The commissioner says she’s not accused of anything, they just brought her in for questioning. Fedra says it was humiliating, being in her robe, being hauled out in front of her children and her friends.

You can go any time, says the commissioner. I hope next time we meet under happier circumstances. In that case, says Emiliano, you can let Bernardo leave too. Sorry, says the commissioner.

Silver lining: Fedra can work the handcuffs and a rough man in uniform into her next act.

Gretel is filling Axel in. It was her! She tells about how Fedra drugged everybody, and now she brought food up to Gretel, but Gretel made herself throw it up… and… Gretel is getting very agitated and wild-eyed as she tells this story. Axel is confused and says she’s scaring him. Gretel realizes he’s looking at her like she’s nuts. Not you! she says. You know I’ve mistrusted her since I was little. She the source of evil in this family

I know, say Axel, you used to run away from her. But that was after Uncle Luis Felipe died. Poor Uncle, says Gretel, he must’ve known too, he must’ve found out the same thing I did, and maybe worse stuff. He was blameless. But I wasn’t… it’s my fault he died. Axel tells her to forget it, to forget what she saw.

I can’t! she says. Fedra is going to destroy this family. Axel hugs her.

Muñeca tells Ilitia that Brandon seems like an honest, straight-up guy, and he saved her life twice now. Ilitia argues that he just took her (future) mother-in-law off in handcuffs, and as for saving Muñeca, why, if living was so important to her, she wouldn’t be tossing down sleeping pills and slitting her wrists. Muñeca tells her daughter she felt desperate, alone. Ilitia hopes that sort of thing isn’t inherited. Muñeca tells her she’s being cruel and unfair. Ilitia says Muñeca’s the unfair one, taking the side of that policeman, after all he’s done to her. Just doing his job, says Muñeca. Ooooh, says Ilitia waggling her fingers suggestively, maybe you like him?

Lorenzo walks in and wonders what’s up. Ilitia says her mother has a thing for the policeman. Muñeca is furious and says she would never be interested in some barrio boy. Lorenzo and Ilitia snigger. Brandon is a decent and honest man, that’s all. She stomps out.

Apparently Oliver and Marianela are done with their exams. He offers to take her home, but she asks to be taken to her uncle Emiliano’s. Oliver doesn’t want to go there. Marianela says it’s her family and she wants to find out what’s going on.

Emanuel has arrived at the tennis courts where Andre apparently has been waiting. Emanuel tells him there was big family trouble, all because of that policeman. Marianela’s novia? Andre asks. Emanuel says the idea makes his stomach turn. He tells what happened and says his mother was humiliated. I want to throttle him, he says gloomily. That guy is separating me from Marianela and I’m going to get him away from her. Andre is surprised.

Gretel tells Axel she doesn’t want him to leave; he’s the only one in the house who listens to her. He says he can’t stay because of their papa. I disgust him, says Axel. Our mother ought to disgust him, says Gretel. He asks her to change the subject. She says she hasn’t told him all of it. He tells her she’s worrying him.

Also at the club grounds is Mauricio, telling his pal that he got thrown out of the house, and all they did was sleep. But tonight, whooeee. Emanuel and Andre are approaching and Emanuel is furious that Mauricio is talking that way about his sister. Mauricio’s friend mixes in and there’s a shoving match. The friend accuses Emanuel of being like his brother, and Emanuel slugs him. Andre holds Emanuel back, and Mauricio drags his friend away.

Andre tells Emanuel that that guy’s not the only one saying that about his brother, that he doesn’t like women. Emanuel says he wishes Axel was right there, so he could tell him that he loves him no matter what and that he can count on his full support.

Maximo wonders why Gretel hasn’t come to see him, and Benigno explains about her having been sedated. Maximo figures she out to be awake by now, and he hopes justice is on the horizon. Benigno suggests that since Fedra isn’t there, Maximo ought to take a turn in the garden, smell the fresh air, stretch his legs. Maximo says not until he’s sure she’ll never return.

Maximo tells Benigno to go find Netty’s lawyer and have him come see him. He’s going to tell the lawyer how Fedra’s paying off the other lawyers so she can take everything from Marianela.

Ilitia is on the phone with her agent. Sure, she’d love to be an equal partner with her! Lorenzo gives her an excited thumbs up, but Muñeca looks a little appalled. Ilitia hangs up and she and her father celebrate, he calling her the queen of house. She can’t wait to tell Emanuel – she’ll go tell him now. They both exult, and she leaves. He turns to see Muñeca shaking her head. You still here? he says, his smile evaporating. She tells him that he’s turning Ilitia into a monster, and the day will come when he’ll be sorry.

Muñeca heads on upstairs and Lorenzo gets a phone call from some guy in a parked car who’s watching Begoña talking to a friend on the sidewalk. He reports to Lorenzo that she comes out, but without the child. Lorenzo wants to know where she lives, and tells the guy to not take his eyes off her, so they can snatch the child. Tell your boss I know how to thank him.

Emanuel is at the police station. He tells a cop that he has every right to see his mother, and they’re not going to stop him. He shoves the cop and Brandon appears and shoves back. They glare at one another.

Netty tells Gladiola, who is holding the baby, that she’s decided to go back to acting. Gladiola reminds her that she promised San Antonio a long time ago that she’d quit if he gave her a miracle. Netty says he didn’t hold up his part of the bargain, so she doesn’t have to hold up hers. Gladiola tells her she’s wondered all those years what that miracle was that Netty wanted. San Antonio specializes in matters of the heart, doesn’t he?

Netty blusters that he is good for impossible causes, and that’s what she wished for, something impossible. That’s all Gladiola needs to know, she says.

Touchy! says Gladiola, smiling. Netty blusters some more, and Gladiola tells her she’s never had a shortage of suitors. Netty says nobody’s been able to steal her heart, and Gladiola says that’s because somebody must already have it. Who could that be? You told Begoña that you understood her because you’d fallen in love with a married man. You’ve always been in love with Emiliano. Letty fans herself with her hand.

Avances: Oliver and Gretel are kissing. Nereida has snagged Marianela’s diary (did she leave it in the house????) and delivered it to Kristel, apparently in exchange for a big shiny bracelet.


La Verdad Oculta # 015, 2010-09-27: Homecoming for Juan José

The summary for this episode was posted earlier due to two pre-emptions. Click here or here to locate it. Thank you.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Dinero Mon. 9/27/2010 Another Nefarious Scheme And Plot Extension

Folks, it was another crazy quilt night of strange episodes. Vicky ratchets back and forth between pious prayers to the Virgencita and psychotic trips to the dark side. Rafa and Ale risk their jobs and their future when Beltran catches them indulging in their curiously sexless closed mouth kisses. (Was this filmed during the swine flu scare? I haven't seen such tight-lipped kisses since the 7th grade.) Susanita has a product placement nightmare where Dandy is dazzled by the actress Galilea Montijo of La Verdad Oculta. Marian is still in the Slough of Despond over Rafita and Daniel's sister advises her to "luchar por su amor". Ditto advice to Jaime who's still being given the cold shoulder by Julieta. And Claudia is still hoisting her twin peaks in salute to the Auto Siglo battle hymn (and recalling her night of passion with Marco. ) The kicker? Rosario's suspect suitor has inveigled nephew Daniel into being the secondary buyer of the hacienda....putting him in a position to get his greasy mitts on Alejandra--or so he thinks.

I'll break this down scene by scene for you, but the first paragraph is all you need to know if you're pressed for time.

Those of you who spent an anxious weekend worrying about Marco catching Ale and Rafa kissing in the Pantera can relax now. Marcario was so busy haggling with the taxi driver over the fee, he missed the vacuum cleaner kiss entirely. Ale is already upstairs biting into an apple (Garden of Eden symbolism no doubt) when he creeps in. Just getting home? Yep. Well I won't ask where you've been. Neither will I.

Marco proposes a civilized talk. Ale proposes a divorce. Civilization is thrown overboard as he launches into a tirade about Rafa. Ale tells him she's looking for another apartment for her, Rosario and Papa. After she scoots off to the bedroom, he mutters that as a lawyer he'll find ways to delay the divorce until he gets his hands on the hacienda.

Here's our weird scene for the evening. Galilea Montijo walks into the showroom and the entire sales force goes ga-ga, including Bebe, who pops up like a lubricious gnome in the midst of all the fawning and ogling. No matter. Galilea has eyes for only one man. Dandy. Who also has eyes and ears for only one woman. And it ain't Susanita who's shrieking and crying and even promising to let him eat meat...no wait, I'll eat meat as well...but to no avail. Dandy and Galilea are ready to walk off into the sunset until suddenly, Susana awakes from her nightmare, still distraught. So, do you have a yen to watch la Verdad Oculta after this? I presume that was the intent. Have at it.

Now back to reality. Breakfast at Rafita's. And a yummy one it is. Chilaquiles. I've had 'em and they're delicious. Jaime arrives, dithering and attempting to talk to Julieta. She scorns him and leaves. He mends his broken heart with a double order of chilaquiles (save some for me, you hound!) and Rafa advises him that Julieta and Cesar are not really novios, as she claimed but if he doesn't get a move on (ponerse las pilas) it could happen. So....say it with me, folks...Jaime is going to have to "luchar por su amor".

Ale's prepared to "luchar" as well, but not in the way Tia and Papa would like her to. They're still trumpeting Marco as a good man and the marriage as sacrosanct. Ale wisely proposes that they pack and head off to the new apartment, leaving the matrimony discussion for later. I'm all for that.

And the final scene before the first onslaught of ads? Daniel is meeting his uncle for a drink and a proposition. Would he like to be the fall back buyer for a hacienda? It's a great business deal. Trust me says Tio.

Alright. After the usual ads and grisly news scenes from the Noticieros, we come back to Doña Arcadia happily spying on her sales force. The general is reading a political tract, Rosaura is doing her nails (with some "barniz" nail polish that she brought back from Miami, no doubt, chuckles the Queen) and the rest are up to their usual nonsense. Our spy vows to crack down on them all some day, but we have the feeling she enjoys the spyware far too much to take any action soon.

But her spy cam evidently isn't on Rafa and Ale who are exchanging little chirp chirp chickie kisses and then one big aspiradora (vacuum cleaner) beso which is their undoing. Beltran enters. Is shocked. Slams the door and lowers the boom. Not only are you a married woman, licenciada, he bellows, but fraternization between employees is strictly forbidden. You're both fired. With a three-day leeway period, of course, during which they're supposed to wrap up the used truck sales and earn every last penny possible for the firm. After that, they're out on the street.

Rafa and Ale are appalled. And now the scene shifts to Marian who is clinically depressed. She can't work, she can't even sign papers. But she does hold her own with Daniel's sister, who, as usual, is lobbying for her brother. No can do. Yes, your bro' is from the same class, the same educational background as I am. But Rafa is charming, honest, hard-working, entrancing, a gentleman. He makes me feel like a woman. If he asked me, I'd jump at the chance to be his wife and bear his children. But Ale is the happy winner, finishes little sis. For now. If you love Rafa like you say you do, you'll have to.....are you ready?...."luchar por su amor". Man, they drive home the same lesson in every single friggin' telenovela. I sure hope all you televiewers have "luchado por su amor" otherwise you'd be feeling pretty crappy right now, wouldn't you?

Meanwhile, the nefarious confab between Quinones? Quimera? ( What IS his name? I'm having a Jorge moment here) and Chavez, who's arrived with a hangover and tales of wild nights and wilder women, has gotten down to the nitty-gritty. Naturally Chavez will charge a little more for the hacienda than what he paid for it, right? Daniel agrees....especially once he finds out the original owner is none other than Alejandra. All's fair in love and war and underhanded dealings, right? And this will give him leverage with the lovely Ale. Or so he thinks.

Back to Auto Siglo and the morning sales meeting. Ale arrives in a stormy mood, having just learned that she's out of a job in three days. The sales forces kvetches. Why so angry? Ale puts on her best perky face, denies any bad feelings, barks out some brisk orders to Nelson and the General and then her gaze lights on Claudia. Who is daydreaming. Of her hot night with Marco. Doesn't hear a word Ale is saying but no matter. At that point Jimenez is enraptured by her breasts. On full display as usual. The other fellas gather 'round to admire the landscape. Rosaura notes that Mexican men are not the only sex fiends. Guys in Miami are just as hot and flirtatious. Claudia pretends to be offended by all the interest and the menfolk slink back to their desks. Did this advance the plot any? Do you care? Think about that while we're subjected to some more ads.

When we return, it's to bathroom humor. The Queen has taken her doggies to the potty when Beltran bursts in with the bad news about our romantic executives. We hear the toilet flush. More symbolism? You decide. He's in a lather about the kiss. Doña Arcadia makes a tepid show of being equally astounded and dismayed but we sense her heart isn't in it. And she's definitely not thrilled when Beltran says the only remedy is to oust the lovers and name Marino the new sales director. Do you want to toss and turn and worry about that tonight? I thought not. We'll leave that to Barbara who's covering again for Private 057 tomorrow.

Down in the trenches, the sales meeting is wrapping up. Everyone has their marching orders. Ramirez proposes a rousing version of the Auto Siglo hymn. Claudia salutes with her bodacious bazooms as they sing an ardent chorus. Business as usual.

Likewise with Chavez, Daniel and Whazziname. Creepy Daniel is on board to purchase the hacienda but only, only, only if his name is kept out of it entirely. Alejandra must NOT know that he is the buyer. Trato hecho. He scuttles off then to call his equally creepy sister and let her know that his romantic pursuit has taken a directional change once more. He's about to nail down Alejandra forever. And on that completely unbelievable turn of events, we end this evening's program.

A mishmash of scenes. The only startling one was the plot to put Rafa's mother Leonor behind bars. Zounds! (Or as Doña Arcadia would say...."Sopa!")


gritar a los cuatro vientos = tell the world (Rafa thinking he can now proclaim his love for Ale openly. Not so fast fella)
tan madrugador = so early (Rafa when Jaime arrives for breakfast)
dar en la torre = to put someone in a tough spot (Julieta, telling Jaime that she and Cesar are novios.)
poner las pilas = get going, get a move on (what Jaime needs to do to win her back)
un clavo saca a otro clavo (you've had this one before. Daniel's sister pleading his case to Marian before she finally gives up)
barniz = can mean varnish but in this case, nail polish
tullidas = cripples (can't remember how this came up in episode...but it did)
su matrimonio no resultó = her marriage didn't work out (Rafa, explaining to Beltran why he and Ale were involved with each other)

Dicho of the Day

No se puede chiflar y comer pinole.
No se puede repicar y andar en la procesión.

Both mean "you can't have your cake and eat it too". Hope this means that Daniel and Marco will both be left empty-handed. No hacienda and no Ale.


El Clon, Mon., Sept 27 - Summary for Discussion

My score on plot advancement for tonight episode was o - same old, same old.
My frustration score was 30. Just the appearance of Enrique merits a high frustration score and Rosa a pretty annoying, too.

'Hijo, estas totalmente drogado,' Son, you are completely drugged up, says Clara to Fernando as if she just realized what is going on but hasn't realized how dangerous the situation is. Fer says that he needs money and won't leave until he gets it. She calls the Chump and tells him to come over. Clara refuses to give Fer any money to support his habit but she says that she will pay for him to go into rehab. Fer loses it and starts screaming and breaking stuff. Then he hits Clara and takes her wallet.

Oh no! More Enrique and his shrink. We've already heard this 1000 times. And we are even treated to a flashback of a druggy Enrique.

Pablo comes home to Malicia and she accuses him of having something with Andrea. He replies that Andrea is just a friend. Malicia says that she is jealous because she loves him. She doesn't want to be worrying about what is going on in Miami when she is 'working' in Paris. Pablo makes the right noises and they kiss.

Daniel comes to Leo's house. He asks Rosa if Lucas is home. Daniel says that he has come to speak to him. Rosa tells him that he just missed seeing Leo. Daniel asks if Rosa knows that Leo wants to make him appear before a judge to say that he is Leo's son. Rosa replies that of course she knows about that. Since Daniel came back, Leo has changed back into his old happy, talkative, romantic self. She confuses Daniel by describing how sad Leo became after he died. 'Que yo no me morí, yo estoy aquí hablando con usted,' But I didn't die. I'm here talking to you, says Daniel. Rosa is fixated with the idea that Daniel is the reincarnation of Diego. When Daniel protests that Albieri told him that he was a clone, Rosa gives her opinion that Albieri has been running a cloning scam on Leo for years by pretending to clone animals and then charging a lot of money for them.

Marisa comes in. She says hi and leaves immediately confirming Daniel's fears about how people react to him. Rosa goes after her. Luisa tells Rosa that Daniel makes her nervous and she can't be with him for more than a few seconds. Of course, Rosa can't understand why Marisa would have a problem being with her brother in law (cuñado) who has reincarnated himself to help the family with their problems. Marisa doesn't even try to reason with Rosa.

Marisa finds Lucas looking at some of Nati's things. She assures them that they will comes through this together as a family. She asks Lucas to make a pact with her to stay together while Nati is in treatment. She will give up her 'personal life' and she asks him to do the same. Lucas replies that he thought they had already made that pact. 'Yo hace mucho tiempo que renuncié a mi vida, renuncié a mi felicidad,' I gave up my life, my happiness a long time ago.

Jade and Latifa sit down together and of course Jade asks if Latifa has heard anything from Lucas. When Latifa says that she hopes Jade isn't still thinking about Lucas, Jade gives her usual response: Lucas is out of her heart; she is very bitter towards him because he ruined her life. She says that Latifa was luckier because she loved Mohamed from the git go. If Lucas hadn't been in her life, she might have fallen in love with Said.

Mohamed leaves the apartment without saying a word to Latifa. Latifa laments to Jade that she is afraid Mohamed will leave her and she is also worried about Zamira. She is afraid Zamira will turn out like Jade. The phone rings. It's Zoraida warning Latifa about Adbul's plan to get Mohamed a second wife. She warns Latifa not to let Mohamed come to Morocco alone. When Alí comes in and asks who Latifa is conspiring with, it's Zumaya who pipes up and claims that Zoraida is ordering spices (condimentos) that she forgot when she was in the medina.

Of course, Latifa is in a dither. Mohamed has gone out but Amin doesn't know where.

The sKanks are coming back from a shopping trip for the baby. Karla is concerned that they have gone wild on their credit cars. She thinks that Hilda might be counting her chickens before they're hatched. Hilda is sure that the baby's father will pay for everything.

Lucas is lying on the couch like he was dead when Rosa brings Daniel in. Lucas tells Daniel that he knows from Dora that Daniel went to Morocco and saw Jade. Daniel replies that Jade told him that she knows Lucas. 'Is that all she said?' asks Lucas. Daniel says that he loves Jade and that she isn't afraid of him. He pulls out the jade necklace and tells Lucas that he found it and he wants to give it back to Jade because she is the only person who isn't afraid of him. Lucas asks if Jade has said that she is in love with Daniel. 'Cuando besamos...' when we kissed, starts Daniel, '¿Besaste?' You kissed? asks Lucas. Daniel tells Lucas that he kissed Jade when they were in the ruins. Lucas leaves the room. He tells Rosa that to get the kid out of the house before he comes back. '¿Será posible que ni reencarnado dejan de pelar?' Is it possible that they won't stop arguing even now that he is reincarnated? laments Rosa.

Rosa takes Daniel to see his new room. She tells him that she is going to call Enrique, an old family friend who knows everything about reincarnation and ask him to come over. On his way, Enrique finds Clara crying at her desk. She says that her life is a disaster and tells him about her latest encounter with Fer. Enrique recommends therapy for her [maybe he gets a referral fee from his shrink]. At first she protests saying that she isn't the one using drugs but Enrique says that she needs help to get on with her life. Enrique tells her to trust him.

At druggie central, now Paula is crying and saying that she wants to stop. Fer is high and wants to be left alone. Paula says that they are out of sync - when she wants to quit, he doesn't and vice versa. Paula says that she will go into rehab and get out of this.

Rosa shows Daniel Nati's room. Daniel remembers that he had a friend when he was little named Natalia. Rosa is sure that he knew Nati when she was a little girl. She has goosebumps ('se me eriza la piel.') Then Daniel asks Rosa if she knows Jade. Rosa runs out of the room. Daniel follows. Rosa tells him that Jade ruined Lucas' life when they fell in love. '¿Y ella todavía estará enamorada de él? And is she still in love with him? asks Lucas. Of course she is, responds Rosa. Daniel now realizes that Jade kissed him because she thought he was Lucas.

Lucas is telling his troubles to Cristina. He says Daniel is trying to live his live over again and that if Jade really loved him, she would understand about his daughter. Cristina replies that maybe Jade thinks that he is lying since he has failed her so many times. Lucas counts out the failures- when Diego died; when his daughter was born and now when she is involved in drugs. '¿Tu te das cuenta, Cristina, que no estamos juntos porque siempre ha habido un impedimiento real?' Do you realize, Cristina, that we are not together because someting always gets in the way. [Welcome to being in a novela, Lucas!] Lucas says that if Jade really loved him, she would accept him with his problems but she just wants to erase them. He says that she really wants to be with Daniel. Lucas says that he is alone, without her but that is not true for Jade. She is with Daniel and even worse they are meeting in the ruins, the place that holds such an important part in their history. In vain does Cristina say that if Jade kissed Daniel, she was really kissing Lucas since they are the same. Lucas says that he would rather she kissed any other man that Daniel. He says that he can never win against Daniel. 'I can never be better than I was 20 years ago, never,' [Unless he talking about sex, that is ridiculous. Lucas of all people should realize that Daniel is a different person. Jade didn't fall in love with his face. Grrr!]

Daniel meanwhile, has decided that Jade thinks he is just a copy. She isn't in love with him. She is in love with Lucas. He runs out saying that he doesn't want to know anything more about Jade. 'Misericordia,' says Rosa, '¡los dos hermanos se enamoraron de la misma mujer! Sweet Jesus, both brothers are in love with the same woman!

Said comes home from work and Jadiya unburdens herself with a rant about how mean and awful Rania is. She wants Said to throw Rania to the wind and marry Jade. Said tries to advocate for a peaceful house but Jadiya claims that the lack of peace is Rania's fault. Said goes to see Munir and Rania complains that Jadiya is turning Said against her and won't rest until Jade is first wife and she is out the door. Said is exasperated and says that if this continues, he will do what Alí did - buy another house, live there alone and only come and visit the house of the wives.

Mohamed comes home and Latifa demands that she speak with him. They go into their room and the Naz pops up from the couch. She says that if she had known that men like to be trampled on the way Jade and Latifa do, she would have been married long ago.

Latifa tells Mohamed that she knows everything about his plan to take a second wife. Mohamed replies that if she is so worried about him taking a second wife, it must be because she hasn't been a good wife. Mohamed says that if he has daughter who won't wear the veil, it must be because she had a bad mother. He goes on to say that he has been a model Muslim his whole life so the problem must be with her. [I thought he might have a coronary.] Referring to himself in the third person, Mohamed tells Latifa that he never thought about having a second family until this family was no longer real and no longer happy. Mohamed leaves and Jade comforts Latifa.

The credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella #21-22 9/27/10 Buy Low, Sell High.

Read Chris's original recap. That recap covers Caps 18 - 21. Cap 21 is in the last part of that recap.

Capitulo 21

1. Fernando proposes to make Lety acting VP of finance. He offers to let Ariel inspect Lety’s files, but his bluff is so confident, Ariel declines.

2. Ariel tells Alicia he knows she sabotaged Lety’s computer, IOW he will be able to blackmail her. Later he orders her to meet him at 9 PM, so she turns down a date
trystwith Omar.

3. Fernando heaps the praise on Lety. You stick with me, the sky’s the limit! Omar mocks her cruelly.

4. Lola worries that with Olarte gone, they’ll reduce her pay. Lety says Lola will do work for her. Lola reports that Alicia was in Lety’s office just before her computer crashed.

5. Marcia tells Ali that whoever sabotaged it will be in a heap of trouble. Fernando suspects Ali did it, and that Ariel will use her as his only spy. He assigns Omar to stick close to her

6. Lety says they’ve cut costs by 10% but they must reach 25% and increase production. Fernando wants to switch from 35mm to video, and get work in the Latino market in the US. See the transcript. Meanwhile Luigi tells Marcia that NO quality director will ever use video.

7. Lety distracts Fernando so he doesn’t reprimand Lola for fighting with Efren at the office.

8. Paula agrees to a ride from Saimon, but then she accepts a ride from Omar.

9. Fernando takes Lety to the CineRent cocktail to sign the contract for a new video camera. The drunk Foster Brooks waiter makes Lety lose her shoe. Fernando zeroes in on tonight’s conquest (he hopes).

Spanish Lesson
The triumverate in the meeting room. Note, this is the gist, not a precise translation.

F: Lowering costs and increasing production for foreign customers, we can double profits, right?
L: It’s not a sure thing. This plan will require a lot of hard work. Big sacrifices from everyone.
O: In other words, there are more risks than certainties.
L: Yes, of course (desde luego). And the risk is very serious.
F: Wait. I get the impression that you’re afraid of the strategy that you yourself proposed.
L: I proposed it because I didn’t have any better alternative. To be honest, I wouldn’t change anything. Your goal to double profits is making you push too hard.
F: The skydiver already jumped out of the plane; he can’t turn back. And I can’t go backwards. I just fired Olarte, accusing him of dishonesty. If I gave up on this goal, I would have to admit that the dishonest one is me. (Funny you should mention that!!!). Stop eating! And Ariel would suspect that we doctored the balance. So I would have no choice but to give him the presidency.
O: Honor above all else! And it doesn’t matter if we ruin the company.
F: No! Not that. I know that we can go forward. I have to take the risk. I need you to believe in me. In this project.
O: You can count on my total support.

descuidar – to stop paying attention or stop taking care of something. When Fernando tells Omar to keep a close eye on Alicia.
lupa – a jeweler’s loop, i.e. a magnifying glass. They say Ariel will examine the balance with a lupa.
‘perame, ‘toy contigo, ‘tas loco! – When a word begins with “es,” Mexicans often drop the first syllable. The most common I’ve heard is that “Wait!” comes out as “ ‘perame.”

This scene list is longer than usual because the cap carried more material than usual. Friday’s meeting made some important changes – Lety is acting VP and that changes her status, Olarte is gone so Ariel recruits drafts Alicia, Fernando passed the meeting hurdle and now he works on increasing profits. So the cap had to define “the new world order.”

Capitulo 22

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 22 - 26. If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “Fernando and Marcia discuss his plans to give Lety signing authority.” That marks the beginning of Cap 23.

1. Ariel blackmails Alicia. In exchange for his silence, she has to spy on Fernando.

2. Omar presents Fernando to tonight’s target, Magalay. His pick-up line: Woe is me! I’m so rich, but I don’t have anyone to share it with! The thrust of his flirting is, “Let’s get married.” Fernando worries about the change from 35mm to video. He’s not going to tell Luigi.

3. Marcia calls from his house. She asks, “Why does that bother you, mi amor? Because now you can’t bring your date back here?”

4. Alicia gets home and finds out that her electricity and gas have been shut off. She says to herself, “Today, indeed, I reached poverty.” She calls her dad to ask for money but he turns her down.

5. Fernando offers Lety a ride home from the cocktail. He asks her, “Do you think it will work?” See transcript.

6. Marcia asks Fernando who he cheated with this time. She asks if the company is in trouble and whether the balance was legitimate. She says, “If you hide something from me about the company, I’ll never forgive you.”

7. Lety tells her diary that Fernando pleaded with her not to abandon him. He needs her for work, and she needs him for love.

8. Erasmo’s job is gone because the company shut down. Lety’s salary won’t cover expenses. Tomás begs Lety to for a job at Conceptos because the family bakery isn’t doing well.

9. Fernando gets to work early because of insomnia. (Remember what his dad said about being able to sleep well?) He, Omar, and Marcia are going to LA to drum up US business, so Lety will be in charge. Omar worries, but Fernando has absolute confidence in her.

10. Miguel of CineRent sets up a lunch date with Lety to talk about their other products.

Spanish Lesson
In Fernando’s car. Note, this is the gist, not a precise translation.

F: Do you think this could work?
L: You and Marcia are getting married. I don’t want to come between you.
F: What on earth are you talking about? Can it work or not?
L: Pardon me. I thought you meant the señorita at the cocktail. I was confused.
F: I’m talking about the change in Conceptos.
L: As I said before, it depends on the market, the..
F: Look! If you won’t give me a straight answer, it’s because you think I’m crazy. Tell me. Do you think I’m risking the company to reach my goal.
L: Yes.
F: Your pessimism worries me. You think I can’t reach my goals.
L: We’re working hard, but you know it’s a big risk.
F: Tell me the odds, in your estimation.
L: 10:1. F: That’s not so bad. L: 10 against, 1 for!
F: Well, my future depends on that one chance. But I need you to be optimistic. Help me. Believe in what we’re doing.
L: Of course! I’m with you on this. I believe in you. Count on me for anything. I will never leave you alone (abandon you). I will always be with you, Don Fernando.

chantajear – blackmail. Alicia asks Ariel, “Are you going to blackmail me?”


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Llena de Amor #35 Fri 9/24/10

Unfortunately I have to see Fedra’s strip show. Gretel has snuck in and is also shocked.

Muneca wants to tell Ilitia that they are going to adopt a baby, but Lorenzo says no, she’s so jealous, you know her. When it’s all done, then we’ll tell her. She says let’s go to bed, forget this stuff about you in the guest room, come on. He goes on about her breaking something deep in him, he needs time, etc. What a crock.

Blondie cries to the lady who I can’t ever remember her name at the pension, she can’t believe how low Lowrenzo is. She says all men are like that, except for Brandon and Oliver of course.

Doris argues with Mari about Brandon. Mari wants to dump him if he loves her for real, Doris of course is against this idea.

Ugh more Fedra. The less said (and seen) the better. Spiderus cheers her on rather aggressively from the bar. He and the bartender go on and on about how awesome she is. Whatever. The judge watches with interest. Gretel can’t take it any more and runs out, knocking into people on the way. Spiderus sees her (though I don’t think he knows who it is just yet) and chases her out. Gretel hops in a cab she had waiting and takes off. Spiderus curses. I’m still not sure he knows it’s Gretel, but he knows it was someone spying at least.

Fedra moves in to work on the judge one on one. I am already sick this weekend so this scene is really working my resolve to not throw up. Sweet talk from Fedra is revolting.

Gretel returns home in her spy outfit. She does some extremely ugly crying. She is really mad and starts breaking stuff around the house. She flashes back to Fedra killing Mari’s father. She yells out Assassin!

In the morning, Delicia looks over the trashed house. Fedra comes down to see what’s up and freaks out.

Oliver wants to do something for a couple hours, Brandon says no there’s no time, then lists all their business for the day. Some paperwork, then start the investigation into the shooting. Mari brings breakfast. Brandon says I’m so lucky, she’s not just pretty, she treats me like a king!

Eman wakes up in his clothes, sleeping next to Ilitia, who is still in her clothes, with his face on her feet. Eman freaks. “you slept the whole night here, what are your parents going to say?” From outside they hear Fedra yell “what happened last night here in my house!” and think she is talking about them.

Lorenzo keeps up his grumpy act, waiting for Ilitia. The maid says she isn’t home, she didn’t sleep here. Lo is upset.

More Fedra yelling, now we see Kristel’s room, she is in her clothes and Orangy is in his clothes on the floor. She really knocked them all out last night. Fedra and Emiliano are yelling for everyone to get downstairs. K and Orangy try to figure out how to get him out of her room, AGAIN.

Downstairs the maids try to put things back together. Eman and Ilitia come down, Fedra immediately turns on her – what are you doing here so early? Did you spend the night together? Eman just smiles like he’s guilty. Cripes what a bunch of hypocrites. They boink regularly, all of them with whoever, and then when they actually have a good excuse (we fell asleep, still dressed, nothing happened) they get all stupid.

Brandon and Oliver leave, very pleased with their breakfast. When they leave, Doris says again that she is worried about Brandon being hurt by Mari if he really falls for her.

Finally Ilitia and Eman explain that they passed out. Fedra even says Emiliano, whatever, chill out. Emil does not chill. Kristel comes out, sees Ilitia, and jumps in, obviously hoping to deflect any attention away from who is in HER room. The phone rings, it’s Lorenzo. Emil takes the phone, he says ok ok, we’ll wait for you here. He tells Eman and Ilitia that when Lo and Muneca get here, the kids better have a really good explanation! I thought they just gave him the explanation?

Muneca thinks it’s fine that Ilitia didn’t come home, but Lorenzo is thirsty for blood.

Eman says he doesn’t know what happened, they were soooo tired and jst passed out. Emil says you know what? Me too. Kristel says her too. Gretel shows up and says ask Fedra! She knows! Instead of coming out with it, she beats around the bush and doesn’t come right out and say she drugged everybody. When she finally does, Fedra smacks her in the face. The doorbell rings, it’s Brandon and the cops. They have a search warrant.

Mari argues with Doris some more about Brandon. Netty walks in and wants to know what’s up. They don’t tell her. The single mom runs in with a package, it has the headline from the newspaper in it saying that Eva died after returning to her alcoholic ways.

Eman argues with Brandon. Emil demands an explanation. Brandon says it’s part of the murder investigation of Dolores, who was murdered in Netty’s pension.

Everyone screams and cries about the Eva headline, and rant about how it’s all Fedra’s fault.

Eman and Ilitia try to run Brandon off, apparently none of these people understand the power of a signed search warrant. The Commisar comes in and straightens them out.

Spiderus, Nereida, and the older lady who works in the house sit down to eat, Delicia runs in to say things are getting worse, the police are here. Spiderus of course is worried when he finds out that it’s about Dolores.

The cops say someone was hired to kill Netty and Dolores got killed by accident. They’ll be here searching for a while. Gretel says save your time, it’s her! She points and Fedra and says that she is the killer!

Netty swears to Mari that they will clear Eva’s name and take Fedra down. Netty says that Eva once told her that she found out a secret about Fedra, something that would get Fedra out of the family forever.

Gretel continues to scream, the men of course hold her back instead of listening to her. The cops just stare at her, then finally tell her to speak.

I guess it was Mari’s dad that had the secret on Fedra, and he died before he told anyone what it was.

Brandon gives her a chance to talk, but instead Gretel continues to rant and rave so Oliver finally butts in to help take her upstairs. Eman yells at Brandon for upsetting his sister, he’ll be sorry! The cops move to search the house. Lorenzo and Muneca show up, Ilitia runs straight to Lo, ignoring her mother.

Emiliano tells Oscar that Gretel has nervous problems, etc. She insists that she’s not crazy and tries to calm down. Emil leaves her alone with Oscar. She asks him you believe me, right? He says he hates to see her this way.

Lo immediately wants to know what Ilitia did to bring the cops this time. Nice guy! Ilitia says it’s not like that, and to top it all off, Brandon the monkey cop is here! Muneca says really? I really want to see him! Haha. Lo and Ilitia both yell at her. Fedra tells Lo that the cops are looking for a killer. Lo says fine, but more importantly, HOW DID MY DAUGHTER STAY HERE OVERNIGHT? Nice priorities.

Netty tells Mari that when Eva was recovering from her alcoholism and then Mari’s dad died Fedra kept putting booze in front of Eva to make her relapse.

Eman tries to explain that they just slept. Ilitia mumbles that it wasn’t HER idea to just sleep. Lo fumes and everyone starts giggling. Fedra has the nerve to tell Lo to not make scandals here in her house. Too late for that. Fedra says they want to ‘know’ each other before the wedding, that’s normal. Kristel jumps in saying WTF I’m about to marry Orangy and you won’t even let him come to my room to watch TV! Fedra says that’s different, Ilitia is a grown woman and Kristel is her virgin baby. Ilitia tries not to laugh. Just then a cop comes down with Orangy, asking if anyone knows who he is. Mouths drop, Eman laughs. Kristel might start crying.

Emil an Oscar try to get Gretel to lie down. Why doesn’t she open her damn mouth and say she saw last night. Emil gives her an injection.

Fedra demands an explanation, now Lo is laughing. “not so ‘whatever’ now that it’s YOUR daughter, eh?” Eman wants a good reason to not split Orangy’s face. I can’t believe how hypocritical this whole thing is. They have sex with their own woman/women, then threaten to kill anyone else who does the same thing. Whatever. Orangy swears he slept in Axel’s room. He passed out. Kristel says yes, we were discussing that, we all passed out, what’s up with that? Eman says to Fedra, what about you? She nods like she passed out too.

The old lady and Nereida say nothing strange is going on (to Brandon), but Delicia tells all about Bernardo arriving in the middle of the night all in black like a vampire. Nereida gives her a look, not sure if she knows something and is mad, or if she is surprised about all this.

Spiderus is in his room putting his gun in a safe hiding place. Then he remembers oh yeah my ski mask and gloves. Cripes dude you have to dump incriminating evidence, not keep it in your room. He takes some stuff out of one drawer and sticks it in another drawer. Do cops only search top drawers or what? Just then Brandon busts in with gun drawn.

Benigno takes the Commisar down to meet the General. The General gives him permission to search the room. Commisar picks up a gun and says it was fired recently, Benigno says he has been practicing. Commisar tells the General what happened with Dolores getting killed. The General says fine, what does that have to do with this family? Commisar says they are trying to figure out the relationship between Netty and this family, they think Netty was the intended victim. The General says right away that it has to be Fedra, take her away! Lock her up! She’s at fault for all the bad things that have happened to this family!

Netty, the ladies and Cristian talk, they tell Begonia to relax and be safe here in the pension, they’ll help her. Netty says she understands about loving a married man, the other lady says who? Netty says oh nobody special, you know, because I’m an actress. The single mother says her man left her for another. They man bash and then Netty says the next good man that shows up they’ll have to tear him apart and share him. Or something like that, I’m not entirely sure. Of course just then Netty’s lawyer shows up with flowers and she flutters her eyelids at him.

Brandon tries to search the drawers of the dresser and hold a gun on Spiderus at the same time. Weren’t there like 50 cops there? This is ridiculous. Brandon tells him that he’s looking for the black clothes, etc. Where was he that night? He says he was at home sleeping. Brandon somehow missed the clothes that were sitting right there in the drawer. For some reason he cuffs Spiderus anyway. They leave the room and the dresser drawer isn’t closed with the ski mask just RIGHT THERE hanging out of the drawer. I thought Brandon was a good cop, this was the most incompetent police work I have ever seen.

Emil tells Oscar that Gretel has a mental problem ever since the death of his brother (Mari’s father). Oscar says she looks so normal! Oscar says they have to search this room too, but he’ll do it himself to not bother Gretel with all the other people ok? Emil says ok. Instead of searching, Oscar just goes and talks to Gretel. He promises to help her find a way to help her.

Brandon marches Spiderus out the front. Fedra demands that they don’t take him. She’s afraid that he’ll talk I’m sure. Orangy takes this opportunity to sneak out. Sounds like Brandon is taking Spiderus in to question him, he has information that makes him a possible suspect, and I think he said his alibi was weak. Eman even defends Spiderus, calling him honest. Fedra insists that they wait for the lawyers first. The Commisar tells Fedra that she is under arrest too. Based on the word of the General, I suppose.

Monday – Lo wants Eman and Ilitia to hurry up and get married, but Eman keeps thinking of Mari. He decides to fight for her, under the pretext that ‘Brandon isn’t right for her.’


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dinero, Friday, September 24th – What is a Normal Man?

Many of our recent shows have been focusing on the lovely ladies of our novela. And I’m not just talking about focusing on their legs, or their busts, although the director does seem to take special delight in these types of camera angles. I’m talking about the ladies’ insecurities, their career aspirations, their plans, their tricks, and all the little things they do to get what they want. But tonight, there seemed to be more of a focus on the guys. A bunch of them behaved somewhat badly, but defended this behavior as “normal”. But what makes a guy normal? Just as women face a challenge in trying to be attractive and sexy, but not trashy, men try to be macho, but still caring. And where does one draw the line between strong and protective, and a wild boar out of control? Tonight, our guys got a bit wild, but hopefully, they didn’t “bore” us.

Of yes, and Vicky got even MORE crazy!

We begin in the only disco in Mexico City, given that Ale and Rafa, Julieta and Cesar, as well as Marian and Daniel, all just happened to end up there. As we saw last night, Rafa spied Daniel and DECKED him! Rafa accuses Dan of luring Ale to the cabin and trying to take advantage of her (which of course, he did). Marian is shocked, Danny denies, Ale denies, too, not wanting a scandal, and everyone tries to hold the boys apart. Danny even says he searched all over for Ale in the woods, yelling, “Ale, Ale!”, he was even sweating, his HAIR got messed up, and he got scratched (sudé, me despeiné y me arañé). Awww, poor Danny. He calls Rafa a beast, a caveman (cavernícola). Marian hustles Danny away, but it appears that no one’s defending the caveman this time. Julieta says Dan was right, Rafa IS too violent, and Alejandra is quite upset with him, too. Ale is embarrassed at Rafa’s behavior, and they all decide to go home. One bit of justice, though, is that little Cesar gets stuck with the check!

In a quiet coffee shop, Rosario seems smarter than we previously thought. She tells Quintana she knows he’s not really in love with her. He’s moving way too fast. But Quintana is persistent. He adamantly insists that his intentions are sincere, and Rosario, who says she actually does love Quintana, resolves to fight for their relationship, to make Quintana love her for real. They kiss. (Quintana is really frustrating. He does seem to have real feelings for Rosario. Why not tell her the truth about Marco? Ah, well, time will tell).

Claudia calls Marco, invites him over for some Siglo gossip and more, and Marco agrees, thinking this will be a good test to see if he’s really cured. He looks at Ale’s picture, saying “you drove me to this” (tú me orillaste a esto).

Outside Apartment #7 (may not be so lucky for Ramirez), Milagros debates, should I or shouldn’t I (knock on the door)? A neighbor walks up, and Milagros, after denying that she’s selling cookies, pretends to be Germán’s sister, and finds out that Señora Gloria lives there, and her “brother” may not come out for quite some time. Milly looks up for divine guidance, crosses herself, bites her lip, clenches her little fist to knock,

stops herself, crosses herself again, moves to knock again, and…..

We’re whisked away to a fine restaurant, where Gabriel is begging Rosaura to come home to him and the kids. Today.

Time for a commercial, but how are our guys doing on the normal scale so far? Was Rafa’s violent jealousy and overprotectiveness normal? What about Daniel’s smarmy self-absorption? Quintana’s earnestness? Gabriel’s dry pleading? I’m not sure our guys are doing so well tonight, although in many ways, they’re all “normal”.

Rosaura wants to move back to Miami. Gabe gives the same old saw, can’t find work at his high level. But he does love Rosie, and wants to please her, so he’ll keep trying. This is enough for Ro, who agrees to trust Gabe. Let’s go home right now! (Ay, pobre Pepeto!)

In his luxury car, Daniel is playing the fight for all it’s worth. He winces from the teeny little cut on his mouth, declaiming to Marian that men who settle disputes by blows are brain-damaged (descerebrado), unlike him, of course. Marian has to agree, she was really disappointed in Rafa. Dan reminds her that Rafa is also clearly in love with another woman, so Marian should really forget about him. Does your cut hurt? she asks. It does, but nothing a kiss couldn’t cure, he replies, leaning in for some sugar. She’s a little too sleepy for this, just wants to go up to her apartment (alone), and Danny’s okay with that. After she leaves, he muses to himself that Medina’s jealousy was just the thing he needed to get in good with Marian.

Back at Medina central, Ale isn’t mad at Rafa, she’s just disappointed. She reminds him how violent he almost got with that mariachi guy who was coming on to Ale a few months ago. You have to learn to control yourself, Rafa. Julieta’s lapping it up. Finally, a woman who can control her brother. Leonor wants to know what happened. After she finds out, she says she hopes Marian won’t be so upset at Rafa, she’ll fire Julieta from her job at Grupo Celeste. Rafa gulps.

Now for some REALLY normal men. Not! We see Jimenez’s father in law snoring on the couch, as Ramiro is doing some architect work on the computer (don’t you love the way he’s pecking furiously at the keyboard with one finger, hitting one or two keys over and over? Yes, that’s some HEAVY computing). But here come his wonderfully understanding wife and suegra, tastefully attired in matching granny robes, slippers and rollers.

What are you doing, looking at filth (cochinadas)? asks one of the lovelies. The other thinks he’s wasting light, it’s not free, is it? Ramiro defends himself, he’s working, for Doña Arcadia, designing a new agency. His wife seems to like this, but suegrita reminds him she bought this computer for the kids, so he’ll have to pay rent to use it for his purposes. And interest. As they go off for a cup of warm milk, his father-in-law says he should be thankful they don’t charge for the light. Or the chair. But it’s MY house, he moans. Wise suegro reminds him that when you marry a woman, what’s yours is hers. And what’s hers is…hers.

Marco rings the doorbell, Claudia opens, dressed like a Playboy Bunny, and my eyes sort of glaze over at her bountiful, bodacious bodice, bouncing buoyantly, glistening with baby oil, and…..

oh, sorry about that. Better rewind. I think they were saying something. Now where was I? Claudita fills him in on the Ale/Rafa thing, when Rosaura asked, Ale didn’t answer, and as you know, silence is the proof (el que calla otorga). Marco chugs some tequila, and Claudia wants him to watch the drinking, or he’ll fall asleep. What makes you think something’ll happen between us tonight? he asks teasingly. Because you like me, and I like you, she coos. They wrap their arms around each other,

and nature takes its course (actually there was a commercial, but you know me and my imagination).

Rosario and Quintana are kissing a bit more chastely, as Jorge comes out, wearing what looks like a ski hat, couldn’t sleep,

Ale’s not home yet, and Marco left. So what are you doing here, Quezada? Quiñones, corrects Quintana, forgetting his own name. I think this memory thing is catching. Anyway, he says goodnight.

Milagros is still outside Gloria’s door, can’t stand it any more, crosses herself one more time, raps on the door, and shuts her eyes. Nada. She knocks again, and Gloria opens, dressed in her negligee. She looks at Millie, asks if it isn’t just a bit late to be selling cookies? Shouldn’t you get back to your convent? Before Millie can a-nun-ciate a response, out barges Ramirez, pants down, shirt half off, tell-tale lipstick festooning his frenzied face.

They each give each other a “qué haces aquí”, before Milly asks all the right questions, and Ramirez gives all the wrong answers.

M: Are you two man and wife?
R: No, of course not.
G: What do you care?
M: Holy mother Mary, then this is an adulterous relationship? Doña Quieta would die, she’d just die.
R: No, no, no, please, you’re not going to say that to her.
G: What a pair of clowns (she goes back into her apartment and slams the door).
R: Look, no, please, Gloria, no, please (bumps his mouth on the door).
R: Please, you’re not going to tell my Mom, you CAN’T tell my mother. (he rubs his head in distress, then looks down, his fly is open, too!) Milly crosses herself again.
M: Of course I’ll tell her, she has to know her son is not what she thinks.
R: But if you tell my Mom I have a girlfriend, it’ll be really bad, I mean, she already discovered I had magazines with naked women, and she kicked me out of the house (Milly crosses herself), if she knew I was going out with a married woman (points to Gloria’s door, Milly crosses herself, starts praying)…
M: You’re going out with a married woman? And looking at magazines of naked women? You’re a degenerate!
R: No, I’m a normal man, totally normal. (you be the judge)

M: Normal?!
R: Although I recognize it’s not good that I’m going out with Gloria.
M: I don’t know what to say, after all you’ve just told me, Germán. I thought you were a different kind of man.
R: I told you, Milagros, I’m a normal man.
M: Normal? Germán Ramirez de Betancourt. You’ve disappointed me. (She starts praying). Revered Christ, help this man to save himself, and if he doesn’t save himself, may he be condemned.
R: Oh, calm down, Mamá – I mean, Milagros. Milagros, I’m really sorry, truly, but it’s good you found out all this before you got excited about me.
M: (Calmer, sadder) But I already was excited about you.
R: Really, truly, I’m sorry, Milagros.
M: I’m more sorry.
R: Milagros (takes her hand), I want to ask you a favor, don’t tell my mother any of this, I beseech you, I beg you, affectionately (she pulls her hand away)
M: I’ll think about it, but I’m not promising anything. (She leaves).
Ramirez hopes the spare couch is still available over at Marino’s.

Ale is pontificating about Rafa. The perfect man doesn’t exist. Rafa, you scare me sometimes, you’re so jealous. Every man who comes near me, you jump, Rafa. Julieta thinks Rafa is, like, SO last century. Ale is grateful her man protects her, but wishes it were done in a more peaceful manner. Still, she’s in a good mood, and forgives him. She’s really comfortable with Rafa, and with his whole family. She finishes her coffee, warmly says goodnight to Leonor and Julieta, and Rafa walks her out to the car. But guess who’s lurking in the shadows. Vicky, dressed to kill. But when she sees Rafa and Ale kiss under the stars, she SNAPS! Ale and Rafa drive away in the Pantera, and Vicky screams, it can’t be, it can’t be, those kisses were mine, Pajarito! You’ll pay! All of a sudden she gets fearful, starts walking backwards, whimpering about dark forces, she gasps, backs against the wall of the house, startles a random stranger, screams, and clutches her clutch to her breast! Could this be the curse of Morolongo???!!!

Okay, do you think this is symbolic? Let’s see, we have two big round candles, and one tall thin one.

Claudia starts to undress Marco, as they devour each other’s faces. He keeps looking over her shoulder, checking if he’ll see Medina in the bed. But no! He doesn’t see anything! He’s exultant, feels newborn, wants to celebrate. He wants to make love all night. So does Claudia. Come to bed, my tiger, she purrs.

Post-coitally blissful, Marco and Claudia thank each other, softly caressing their barely draped bodies.

He has to get home. But he promises many more nights of delight.

Vicky enters her house, sees her family, and screams. Her Dad’s a little PO’d at the hour. Where the devil have you been? No, no, she shrieks, don’t talk of devils or things like that, please. Her brothers wake up from their couches (Pancho was dreaming of “Belinda”), and when they find out she was looking for Rafa, they tell her to stop this. But No, Sir! She will NOT stop looking for her Pajarito, because she still loves him, and she’ll never let that WITCH have him, no way, over her DEAD BODY, No, Sir!!! She storms off to her room. The boys think the psychologist isn’t working. Dad disagrees, at least he got Vicky to drop the veil. But what really bothers him is that now she’s upset when he says the word “devil” and she’s talking about dark forces. The boys make cuckoo noises, showing how “normal” THEY are.

The Pantera pulls up in front of Ale’s building, and the lovers go for the vacuum cleaner (aspiradora) kiss.

But while they’re sucking face, a taxi delivers Macho Marco right next to them. What if he sees them? What would a “normal” man do? We’ll find out on Monday.

Monday, En la guerra y en el amor, todo se vale (all’s fair in love and war).


Sudé, me despeiné y me arañé – I was sweating, my hair was messed up, and I got scratched up
Un cavernícola – a caveman
Tú me orillaste a esto
– you drove me to this

Descerebrado – brain damaged
El que calla otorga
– silence is telling, literally something like he who is quiet delivers the prize

En la guerra y en el amor, todo se vale – all’s fair in love and war. Let the fightin’ and lovin’ begin!


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