Friday, October 22, 2010

El Clon, Fri., October 23 - Summary for Discussion

Marisa comes home from her appointment with the shrink to find Nati hosting a party in Marisa's bedroom. Nati claims that the stereo in her room was broken but Marisa corrects her, 'No, you sold it.' Marisa throws the zombies out and then she and Nati have their usual confrontation. Nati accuses Marisa of only using her to keep Lucas from running away with Jade. Apparently, this was the cause of all Nati's problems.

Cut to the beach and who walks up on Alej and Diana kissing but Nati, of course. She touches her pregnant belly and leaves without their seeing her.
Latifa, Zoraida and Jade are having fun teaching Estela to belly dance. The Naz wanders off and sees a picture of Daniel. Estela tells her that is her grandson who lives here and wants to marry Jade. Party over, announces the Naz and herds her sister in law and Zoraida out the door.

When the ladies return to Mohamed's apartment, they find Jadiya, Rania and Amina visiting. [Where is Munir?] Jadiya wants to know where her mother is staying. Said comes in and wants to know the same thing. Latifa replies that Jade is staying with a friend. 'Why don't you tell the truth,' says the Naz. Jade is with Lucas and they are going to get married. Latifa says that Jade isn't with Lucas, she is with Daniel. Since the Naz doesn't know about the whole clone thing, she thinks Latifa is lying. Jadiya is concerned about her mother marrying again. Latifa reassures her that her mother doesn't want to get married. The guy wants to marry her but she doesn't want to marry him. With that, Said and his family depart.

Estela tells Jade that she hopes she didn't offend the Naz. Jade replies that the Naz is always like that. Estela says that before she was afraid when Daniel talked about marrying Jade but now she is ok with it. Now Jade clearly draws the parallel that was hinted at in last night's episode. She tells Estela that all this happened before but it didn't work out. Her boyfriend's family rejected her. That's horrible says Estela. Where is the guy now? Jade replies that it is Daniel - 20 years older. 'You mean Lucas?' asks Estela. But now Jade can't understand why everything is going swimmingly just like she dreamed. 'Aren't you happy?' asks Estela. 'I don't know,' replies Jade.

Alí tells Mohamed that he wants to go back to Fez. He misses his house and the medina. Mohamed wants to go back too. He says that Zamira has crushed his heart (se sentó sobre mi corazón). Alí curses the cobra that he took into his house. She has probably cost him his place in heaven. Zoraida comes in andAlí tells her that if she is bringing him news of Jade, she can turn around and leave. She does so.

Zoraida tells Latifa that she was just going to offer Alí some tea when he started yelling at her. Alí comes in and tells Latifa that they are going back to Fez. He asks how Jade is and Latifa replies that she is sad.

Abdul does some 'I told you so-ing' to Alí who reminds him that Said is in his family. Said is a lost sheep, replies Abdul, every family has one. Latifa tells Zoraida that she is worried about what will happen to Jade. Alí comes in and starts in all over again on how Jade deserved her fate. He tells Latifa and Zoraida that he forbade her name to be mentioned. 'You started it,' Zoraida reminds him.

In their carefully staged confrontation (probably shot in front of a green screen) Daniel claims that he is not like Lucas. Lucas wasn't brave enough to keep her. Lucas asks what he is talking about. Daniel tells him that Jade is living with him in his house. 'I'm not like you. I didn't leave her in the street,' says Daniel. Lucas is impactado.

In the Lucas/Daniel confrontation, Rosa defends Daniel. Cristina tells Lucas that Rosa raised Lucas and she will always see Lucas as a 20 year old. She sees Daniel as Lucas. Lucas asks Cristina what she would think if there were a 20 year old Cristina and Leo fell in love with that Cristina. Naturally, Cristina replies that she wouldn't permit that and would beat up the other Cristina. Lucas agrees and says that is what he is going to do to Daniel. Rosa puts herself between Lucas and Daniel. Lucas leaves. Cristina asks what he did to provoke Lucas. Nothing, says Daniel, I only told him that Jade was living with me.

Clara tells Carolina that she thinks that her move to be Lucas' secretary is just the prelude to being fired. She says that Fer is ruining his life and hers. Caro tries to make see the positive - she has Rogelio. '¿Pero hasta cuando? Si tiene al lado Alicia y ella echándome tierra,' But for how long? Malicia is with him putting me down. She tells Carolina that she is going to get the paper from the Chump that shows Malicia is evil.

Luisa must be truly desperate to get info on Albieri. She comes to see Malicia and asks her to disclose the vague threats about Albieri that Malicia used to blackmail Luisa. Since Malicia never really knew anything, she has nothing to tell but of course she doesn't say that to Luisa. Apparently she doesn't guess or doesn't care that Luisa suspects Albieri of cheating on her. If she did, I'm sure she would have made up something to push Luisa's buttons.

More recap of the story for those who tuned in late or forgot what happened. Jade tells Estela that when she met Lucas 20 years later, he was married and had a child. She says that he was a completely different person. She realized t that the man she had dreamed of was nothing more than a fantasy that she had created. So she reconciled with her husband and tried to start a new life with him. Then Daniel showed up and she realized that Lucas existed and it was just that time had changed him. [Has she been watching the same novela as us? I think she has fantasized about her own past.] Jade asks Estela what she should do.
Lucas testifies in court that it is as if Daniel has robbed him of his identity. When Daniel appeared at their house, he stopped being Lucas and Daniel became him. Daniel got all the attention. He says that if Leo establishes paternity of Daniel, he doesn't want to be Leo's son anymore. [What kind of court proceeding is this where people just say whatever they want? The lawyers are supposed to elicit the necessary testimony by examining and cross examining witnesses. ]

Luisa is losing it. She accuses Anita of knowing what was going on with Albieri and not telling her about about it so that she was the last to know. Anita says that Julio convinced her not to say anything and that she only saw Albieri having lunch with Amalia. Luisa quizzes Anita on how the two of them were behaving. Then she tells Anita that she will show Albieri what he is worth without her. She opens the safe and takes out Albieri's Book of Cloning and leaves.

Albieri has gone to see if Luisa is with Father Andres. He says that he may be called to testify at the hearing at any time but he has to try and find Luisa before she disappears again. The padre asks if Albieri is sure that cloning won't be mentioned at the trial. Albieri replies that Leo told him that it wouldn't be. [Well that cat is out of the bag and from Leo, too.] Albieri says that even if it is mentioned, he doesn't care.

Father Andres explains to Albieri that even though he hasn't had a relationship with Amalia, he has has betrayed Luisa by exchanging her admiration for him for Luisa's. Albieri replies that he didn't ask Luisa to give up her life for him. He can't stand to have her watching him all the time. The padre says that it is ironic that Albi left the Seminary because he couldn't stand to have God watching him all the time and he just exchanged that for Luisa watching him all the time. Albieri says that he is afraid of what Luisa will do. He is in her hands.

Daniel testifies that everyone had told him different things about his paternity and now they are saying that he is a clone. The judge asks him if he understands why this hearing is taking place. Daniel replies that it is to establish who is his father. The judge asks him if the DNA evidence shows that Dora cannot be his mother, is he ok with her name being removed from his birth certificate. Daniel replies, 'No, ella es mi mama,' No, she is my mother.

The younger generation - Amin and Zamira - offer their opinions on the Jade situation as they walk to school. Suddenly, Amin finds that Zamira has disappeared. Carlos has returned from his trip. [If Nati really is 6 mos pregnant after she lost the first baby, then Carlos has been away for about 8 months.] He is ready to convert to her religion to be with Zamira.
When Zamira doesn't come home from school with Amin, the old Mohamed returns blaming Latifa for everything and saying that if Zamira is going to follow her cousin and want to marry a Westerner, he will send her to Fez to live with Abdul. Abdul urges him to do this and says that he will make sure that Zamira comes back tamed.

Gloria approves of Alej and Diana as a couple but Ramoncito says that Alej doesn't look happy. He is sure that their romance won't last long.

Zamira finally turns up and Latifa shoos her and Amin inside.

Team sKank is out for a stroll. Consuelo sKank tells the other two that she won't return to work at Lucía's house. She will go back when Lucía is asleep to get her stuff.

Clara tell Rogelio that she has a surprise for him. She is going to unmask the real Malicia. Rogelio doesn't want to hear any more about Malicia but Clara says that the woman has ruined her home and work life and Rogelio has believed everything that Malicia told him. Rogelio agrees to hear what she has to say as long as they never talk about Malicia again. The doorbell rings and, of course, it's the Chump with wine and flowers. Once he sees that Rogelio is there, he pretends that he is dropping off the papers on his way to a date. Uh oh, it looks like a reconciliation might be in the works. Clara seems kind of regretful at seeing the Chump and the Chump goes outside and takes swigs from his wine bottle while he flashes back to when he surprised a pregnant Clara with the house. He acknowledges to himself that she made him happy but he didn't make her happy.

Nati tells Paula that she wants to stop taking drugs, they don't do anything for her but she can't stop. Paula replies that was once clean for a month. Nati asks why don't they stop when up comes Fer with some drugs. PSA from Enrique about how drugs become your God.

The zombie teens come to party at Nati's house with the usual ineffectual attempts to throw them out and the usual claims by Nati that no one cares about her. Marisa tells Rosa that she wants to go somewhere. Her phone rings and it is Said. He's calling from home. You can see Rania and Amina in the background. Marisa eagerly agrees to meet him.
The credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella #57-59A 10/22/10 One dream ends, one dream begins, one dream is both delightful and dreadful.

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 39: Paradise Lost.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 57

1. Marcia tells Ali that Fernando won’t let the cuartel in; he would never go against her orders. He lets them in and tells them to watch from the hall, but they go backstage. Lobo brings the kids because Jaimito has homework questions. Marcia harps on Fernando because he disobeyed her orders.

2. On the phone, Pop tells Lety he’ll pick her up in an hour. Lety begs Tom to go along and not let Pop enter the building – who knows what he could say?

3. Jaz dances in the show. Lola and Jaimito distract her and everyone trips. Felix and Saimon jump in with a hoofer routine. Lola and Paula laugh like hyenas. Luigi fires Jaz as a model.

4. Omar warns Fernando to keep Lety on his side and not let Marcia do damage..

5. Ariel arranges purchase of an apartment in Miami, but it will only be a temporary arrangement.

6. Ali and the cuartel face off. Ali threatens legal action if they don’t give her the results, because they ordered the test and released confidential information. Sara counters: only if she tells everyone she’s not pregnant.

7. Marcia tells the cuartel they entered the event to mock her (it’s always Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!). She stomps her little foot and tries to crush them under her heel, but Fernando intervenes and tells her they stay. He erases the shadow of Marcia by privately telling Lety how valuable she is.

8. Alicia mourns the loss of her dream, an apartment in South Beach or marriage to Omar. She says it’s all the cuartel’s fault. She tells Marcia and Marcia is suspicious. She tells Omar and he celebrates that he’s free of her. She tells Ariel and he keeps the results as evidence. He orders her to leave the country tomorrow. Those three are the closest thing Alicia has to friends.

9. Tomás tries to impress a group of dancers. The portero won’t let him enter without an invitation. Tomás says that he’s a partner in FI and novio of Lety.

Capitulo 58

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 40:.In which everyone forgot their chill pill.” Then come back here to discuss it.

They cut the whole first half of this episode. Be grateful! It was almost all blither. I'll leave in my notes for the part that was not broadcast, but in blue. The part they left in was absolutly packed! That's why the scene notes are so long.

1. Jazmín and Paula play tug-of-war over Saimon. It sounds like Jaz promises the jackpot, but that pushes Paula's buttons and she turns on the heat. Saimon takes her to an antro, and she gives him a chance to charm his way back into her good graces. They leave there to find someplace more "intimate."

2. Fernando’s parents leave. Pop is satisfied that Conceptos is doing well; he only hopes they can recover what they lost (boy howdy!). Mama wants to see the lovebirds stop fighting.

3. While Lety says goodbye to Fernando, the portero brings her a message from Tomás Mora, partner of FI and her novio. Lety attempts damage control; she fails. Lety is mad at Tom. He jokes, “Is it going to make your boss jealous? Will I make you lose your romance with him?”

4. Fernando and Omar hunt for solutions. Lety’s novio could leave them on the street. Omar proposes three solutions, and Fernando shows why each one is unfeasible. Omar says the only viable and surefire solution is for Fern to enamorarla. Fern says he can’t – she’s like a squash with a mustache that pokes.

5. Erasmo doesn’t want Lety to be with that kind of people at that kind of event. That world is not right for her. Lety says it’s not her world, it’s her job.

6. Fernando tries to diffuse Marcia’s enmity against Lety because otherwise it will kill their relationship. He says that she helped gain tonight’s success and she deserved to enjoy it. She’s an important executive. If she were a man, Marcia wouldn’t have a problem with her. He thinks the rivalry is absurd, considering Marcia’s beauty and class. Marcia is offended that he thinks it’s feminine competition. Fernando pulls out his trump card. He says that she can keep fighting if she wants, but he’s going home. Marcia folds.

7. Lety tells her diary that she should’ve told Fernando about the partnership with Tomás from the beginning. She doesn’t want him to fear for his company or think she’s hiding things from him. What she really wanted was to tell him that she invented the Tomás story to hide her love for him, and he’s the man of her dreams. Fernando and Lety have similar dreams, but Fernando’s is a nightmare. Both dreams center on a kiss.

8. In the morning, Julietta says that wakening with a good dream means that you’ll have a wonderful day. Marcia tells Fernando that telling his nightmare will keep it from coming true. If he doesn’t tell, he must want it to come true.

Up until now, the episodes have duplicated the original exactly. Today, they cut the first half of Cap 58, skipped most commercial breaks, and got 75% through Cap 59. Who knows what they'll do next? The part that is missing from my scene list - the part that should've broadcast on Monday - I won't be able to write that up until late tonight.

I have decided to keep the original episode numbers, so it's easier to match the new postings with the old recaps. So that means, for example, even though we only saw two hours of show today, I've labeled it as 57, 58, and 59A. We'll start Monday with 59B. I know that's going to be a little confusing. But if I reflected the new episode breaks, it would be even more confusing. Bear with me. -Paula

Capitulo 59-A

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 41: The one where two guapos fight over Lety.” Note, that recap covers the entire episode. Friday's broadcast covered about 75% of the episode.

1. An unimportant scene but very funny. See transcript. Marcia tells Fernando that Alicia got a job offer in Miami. Paula and Saimon arrive together. Jazmín responds to the news nobly.

2. Ariel orders Alicia to resign. She can’t – she needs the job. She reads him her letter of resignation. It refers to his sexual blackmail, sabotaging Lety’s computer, and forcing her to report company secrets. Ariel’s beaten this time; he tells her not to resign.

3. Fernando gives a mountain of reasons he can’t enamorar Lety, and Omar has an answer for every one of them. See the list below. Omar demonstrates how differently Lety responds to Omar vs. Fern, to prove that the task is Fernando’s.

4. The triumvirate and Marcia have a production meeting. Fernando scopes out Lety, trying to imagine getting close to her. Lety says FI and Conceptos will have trouble making their loan payments.

5. Sanchez suggests to Tom that they finalize the embargo. I suspect that means to get a Judgment, and FI would become full owner of Conceptos. (Or maybe he asked whether to continue or retire the embargo.) Tom tells him not to. Sanchez wants to meet them tonight.

6. Fernando and Omar hear Lety arrange to see Tomas tonight. Omar says Tomas is moving fast. Fernando has to start his mission TONIGHT.

Fernando's Excuses

Fernando certainly is creative! In cap's 58-60, he comes up with no less than sixteen reasons he should not enamorar Lety. And Omar shoots down every single one of them! Here are the 16.

  1. I don’t know how to enamorar a fea. She’s like a squash with a moustache. O: with enough whisky, any woman looks beautiful.
  2. It should be you. O: No, I did my duty with Alicia and almost got a son.
  3. You should do it, Omar. A. You’re not her boss, B. you’re not about to get married, C. you have no scruples, and D. you’re the grand suductor. O: No, you started this mess. And that’s irrelevant. What matters is, who has the best chance of winning her? Before Tomas showed up, I would’ve sworn she was in love with you. Besides, if I flirted w/ her she’d suspect something fishy.
  4. I can’t do this to our Lety. I can’t play with her emotions like that. I can’t build up her hopes and then send her to the north pole. She doesn’t deserve that. It’s a canallada (rotten thing to do, detestably base) against someone who follows me unconditionally. How can I betray that? O:Would you rather betray your family by losing the co?
  5. How can I romance Lety, with Marcia so close all day? O: You do with models all the time. Lety’s right in your office. Do you really think Marcia will suspect Lety?
  6. Lety knows I’m engaged. She’d never go for it. O: Lety knows you love your car more than Mar. She knows your marriage is more of an obligation than a desire.
  7. No, no, no, no, no. NO!
  8. Lety has principles. She respects Marcia. She’d never get involved in a problem of this level. O: To a woman like Lety, poor, ugly, old maid; if a galan like you appears.. F: I just don’t think she’ll go for it. O: Then try it and find out. I say she will.
  9. What if I make a play for her and she rejects me? What if I’m not her type? The situation would get worse than now. O: No, it would be better. She’d know you like her.
  10. What if she accepts? O: Then you’ll have a little romance. The beauty & the beast.
  11. When your mission was Ali, she’s intolerable, but at least she is as God intended. Lety, I don’t even want to touch her hand. To kiss her? Blech! Her whiskers will poke me! O: Then you need desensitzing therapy.
  12. Okay, but I need to adapt to the idea. Like maybe a year. O: No, Tom is beating you to her. Today
  13. It’s a joke, right?
  14. If only she was just slightly pretty. O: But one of those wouldn’t be your loyal ally.
  15. How can I seduce a fea? O: Imagination.
  16. What if it gets to the point that I have to acostarla?


El Clon Thursday October 21: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 175: In Pursuit of Truthiness

Amalia excuses herself and edges away carefully leaving Luisa alone and hyperventilating. [I hope they have paper bags handy in the courthouse.]

The Naz barrels into Said’s house: ¡Vengo por las cosas de Jade! (I’m here for Jade’s things!) She is only looking out for her brother. She doesn’t want people to say he is the kind of man who gives things to his wife and then demands they be returned. When she paints Rania and Amina with the odalisca brush, the sisters protest. Mi amor, retorts the Naz:
Si no fueras una odalisca, mi hermano nunca se habría casado contigo.
(If you weren’t an odalisque, my brother would never have married you.)

And she orders them all – Rania, Amina and Said – to help pack Jade’s things and carry them downstairs.

Rania angers Said when she complains about the way the Naz talks to her. (Said: She talks to me like that too! She talks to everyone like that!). And Amina gives her sister a warning: You talk too much! Keep it up and he’ll send you back!

At the del Valle home, Lucía is interrogating Consuelo about her ‘Tía Hilda’. [Maybe she’s the one who should have gone to law school. She’s pretty good at this.] Lucía is going to file a criminal complaint: Tell them they’re going to jail. And unless you take me to them right now, you’ll be in jail with them.

In Mohamed’s house, Latifa and Zoreida ask Alí to come with them to pick up Jade’s belongings. but he is still fuming. Don’t mention her name in my presence, he says.

Lucía pulls up to the sKank residence with a reluctant Consuelo riding shotgun.

Down the street Gloria is dismayed to hear (via the Ramoncito Wire Services) that Alej has been visiting Natalia.

Alej gets back to the restaurant. Your mother’s looking for you, Ramón tells him, and Diana waited two hours for you, then finally left with Pablo.

In the land of the sKanks, the UbersKank has no fear. The UbersKank has no shame. Karla is nervous and even Consuelo hangs back, but Hilda marches up to Lucía and says, in her most elegant English: Hello lady!

She says that Lucía’s husband is unwilling to man up and take responsibility for his child. Lucía fires right back. Those sKanks will pay for their false accusations! But when Hilda pulls out a photo of Roberto clowning with a very pregnant Karla, Lucía is left slack-jawed; Hilda twists her mouth in a way that makes her look even more grotesque than usual.

Karla, come here, says the UbersKank. Leave Roberto Jr with Consuelo. Roberto Jr??? echoes Lucía miserably. And she listens with increasing despair to their story. When she hears that Karla met Roberto at the Beach Club, she protests: He only goes there with me!

The court proceedings continue. Leo describes the birthmark which his sons inherited from his late wife. And now Daniel has the very same mancha.

Leo never had a past encounter with Dora, he assures the judge. And while he is sorry to cause her distress, he has no intention of giving up his claim to Daniel’s paternity.

Roberto, allowing his attention to stray to his own contested paternity, passes a note to Enrique: ¿Y si me rehuso hacer el examen de ADN?
(And if I refuse to do the DNA test?)

And Enrique answers: It would be worse for you because the judge would interpret your refusal as an admission and would declare paternity without the exam results.

It’s Dora’s turn to testify.

Albieri is looking for Luisa. No, Cris hasn’t seen her.

That is because Luisa, chest still heaving with rage, is back at the clinic. Albieri is cheating on me with that reporter, she tells Anita and Julio. How could he? I devoted myself to him and he just discards me like trash! Now he’ll find out what it’s like not having me at his side!

Malicia, with supreme self-confidence, strides into Empresas Ferrer on her 6-inch tacones (the heels have grown with her arrogance) and demands an audience with Leo. She is convinced that Clara is lying when she tells her Leo is gone for the day. She wants to speak to Clara’s superior. Carolina wheels around to face her. She is of ‘higher rank’ and she confirms what Clara has said. Malicia leaves her card with Carolina with a message for Leo to call her.

Malicia drives right past Escobar on her home and their eyes meet. He smiles expectantly and starts to approach her. She smirks and keeps on going.

Clara calls Rogelio. She wants him to know that Malicia showed up at her office just to upset her. He explains that Malicia had a perfectly innocent reason for being there: she is planning a surprise celebration for Leo! (Does anyone else think Rogelio is too stupid to deserve Clara?)

That Leo is the next one on Malicia’s list is obvious to Clara and Caro. But this time she is taking on Cristina’s man. And, says Clara:
¿Sabes qué? Con Cristina no va a poder. ¡Cristina tiene que vengarme!
(You know what? She won’t get away with it with Cristina. Cristina has to get even with her for me!)

Lucía tries frantically to get past the guard at the entrance to the courtroom. She has to find Roberto! Lucas sees her and gently leads her away explaining that she will have to wait.

Inside the courtroom, Dora is telling her story: how she worked as a manicurist and how she told Luisa, one of her customers, about her desire to have a child; how Luisa convinced her to go to Albieri’s clinic.

At the clinic, Dra Silvia determined that it was Dora’s partner who was infertile. The plan was to do an artificial insemination using a donor who resembled her partner, Osvaldo.

And while Dora is testifying:
Estela and Jade are getting acquainted. They hear someone at the door. Estela peers out to see who it is and the Naz whooshes past her and into the room followed by Latifa and Zoraida. There are smiling introductions and updates on the home situation. She hears about Alí, Rania and Said but when Jade asks about Jadiya, the question goes unanswered.

Latifa wants to know how Jade met Doña Estela. She explains: This is the house of la sombra. On the night she left, she was walking down the street and Allah led her to an encounter with him:
La sombra hizo por mí lo que Lucas nunca hizo. Me trajo a su casa, me recibió aquí, y él hizo que hiciera la historia con Lucas pero con amor.
(The shadow did for me what Lucas never did. He brought me to his house, he received me here. He repeated my story with Lucas but with love.)

Back in the court building, Lucas and Daniel come face to face. Daniel pauses for the obligatory head-scratch and then asks Lucas why he abandoned Jade. You don’t abandon a woman you love!

You don’t have my problems, retorts Lucas. Besides, you’re the same as me – you’ll end up just like me!

And in the courtroom, Dora continues to tell her story:
Osvaldo had rejected the idea of artificial insemination forcing Dora to choose between a child and her partner. She chose the child but by using a donor resembling Osvaldo, she hoped he would warm to the idea eventually. Dra Silvia did all her treatment but the evening she was supposed to implant the fertilized eggs [yes, I know – it’s not artificial insemination. Let's all just tighten our beanies and keep going] Dra Silvia was called away unexpectedly. So the following morning, Dora returned to the clinic and Dr Albieri did the procedure.

At this point, Dora is overcome with emotion. She never thought, she says, that the happiest day of her life would be the beginning of her worst nightmare.

The judge calls for a 15 minute recess and Dora’s lawyer reassures her and helps her regain her composure.

As soon as Roberto steps outside the courtroom, Lucía swoops down on him and tells him about the photo. He is sure it is a fake. No, she wails, you look like a real couple in the picture – you’re touching her pregnant belly! And they say you spend every morning at the Beach Club and many nights too!

Roberto insists on his innocence. He is sure a DNA test will exonerate him and then they will sue the sKanks for psychological damages.

A distracted Albi wanders by still looking for Luisa. She’s not with me, says Cris.

Luisa the Huntress has tracked Amalia to a classy-looking restaurant where she likes to work. Luisa asks: How long have you and Albieri been in a relationship? Amalia tries to explain that there is no romance. She is Albieri’s biographer and they’ve been working together for a few months. To Luisa, that is as much a betrayal as an actual affair would be. She says to Amalia:
Nadie puede escribir una biografía de Albieri sin contar conmigo.
(No one can write Albieri’s biography without my help.)

When Albieri comes home during the court recess, Luisa is ready to pounce. Amalia confessed everything, she says. She know he gives Amalia little gifts -- perfume (this is a lucky guess on Luisa’s part) and books -- and all he gives Luisa are cheap pens and pencils. He sees her as a secretary. A very efficient secretary.

This is what happens, Albieri now realizes, when you allow the camel into the tent. He tells her:
Tú me ofuscas, tu me ahogas, me quitas mi espacio.
(You confuse my thoughts, you suffocate me, you take my space.)

He goes on: I need to talk to someone alone without another person correcting me and answering questions for me. I’m proud of what I’ve done and I want the satisfaction of talking about it.

So now I’m just someone who gets in the way, says Luisa bitterly.

The phone rangs. It’s Enrique telling them the proceedings are starting again. Let’s go, says Albieri. Now you need me -- to defend you, says the stony-faced Luisa. And she gets in her car and drives away leaving Albieri standing alone in the street.

Marina has been left in charge at Casa Ferrer since Marisa is meeting with her therapist and Lucas, Leo, Marisa and Cristina are all at court. The insufferable Paula shows up and Natalia invites her inside. There’s really nothing Marina or the security guard can do to stop here. Nobody wants to be responsible for provoking Natalia.

Did you bring what I asked for? asks Nati. Paula grabs a decanter of whiskey and taking swigs from the bottle, she follows Nati up to her room.

Marina is over her head. She calls Rosa for help. The situation is about to get worse, she says: Fernando is coming over too! Just at that moment, Andrea walks through the door and Marina passes her the phone. Rosa explains her concerns and tells her:
¡Esa casa está patas pa’ arriba!
(That house is upside down. Literally, paws up.)
Rosa is relieved when Andrea agrees to stay there until Marisa comes home.

Nati is telling Paula about Alej’s visit and how she told him the baby wasn’t his. He has a girlfriend, she says:
¡Que disfrute porque no va a ver a su hijo!
(Let him enjoy himself because he’s not going to see his child.)

When Andrea enters the room, Nati asks her nastily what she wants: Did my mother send you? Andrea says she and Alej were concerned about her. The pregnancy is no concern of Alejandro’s, she says. The baby isn’t his. I’ve been with a lot of men. Tell her, Paula. And Paula confirms: Con media ciudad. (with half the city). Nati turns to Paula and asks: Did you bring the good stuff? Paula pulls out a plastic envelope and Andrea leaves.

Andrea finds Alej at the gym. She sadly confirms what Natalia has already told him: the baby isn’t his. You need to get on with your life, she tells him. The Natalia we knew isn’t coming back.

Escobar is talking to Clara on the phone. She would like a copy of the document he had drawn up requesting that Malicia return his apartment to him. He doesn’t understand why she wants it, but agrees to bring it to the house that night.

Julio overhears Escobar’s end of the conversation and praises him for the absence of rancor. He suggests reconciliation may be in the air. Escobar likes that idea. He’ll take some flowers and wine to Clara’s tonight.

Clara isn’t really looking for a romantic gesture from Escobar. She wants to be able to show the apartment document to Rogelio, Zein and everyone else at Salamandra so they will finally see that Malicia is a money-grubbing tramp. And Carolina agrees: It’s time for everyone to know what a gem she is.

The friends agree that Malicia’s next target is Leo. And Cristina had better watch out – because she’s won over every man she has set her sights on.

Dora is still testifying:
Cuando Daniel nació yo me di cuenta que no parecía para nada a Osvaldo. Todo el mundo lo notó.
(When Daniel was born, I realized he didn’t look at all like Osvaldo. Everyone noticed it.)

As Daniel grew older, he looked less and less like his family. Dra Silvia had gone abroad and there was no one to explain what had happened. The jokes, the rude remarks of strangers took their toll. And Dr. Albieri wouldn’t stop bothering her, wouldn’t let her be simply be Daniel’s mother. So finally, to escape from all that, she took Daniel and she fled.

Outside the courtroom, Cristina asks Luisa what’s wrong. What’s wrong, she tells her, is that she is tired of Albieri’s treatment, tired of being stepped on, ignored and degraded.

Alej and Diana meet up at the beach. She knows he went to see Nati, she starts to say. But he interrupts her and tells her: I came here to begin something. I still love Nati but it’s over. And Diana answers that she will always be there for him. He gives her a cinematic kiss. And she gives it right back.

Credits roll.


La Verdad Oculta #028: Dora drops the tea tray

At Juan José's, Asunción tries to convince an irritated Carlos that they're digging for water -- in the kitchen. Carlos is mostly interested in how Matos's trap went awry, though, and gets the old man to explain about the prospective buyer interrupting it.

Medina has Juan José reluctantly sign an agreement to sell his house for $3 million pesos, with an eye to completing the details the next day -- and Medina's other eye on Elsa. He's interested and hopes to see her again.

At the club, Julieta is still peeved with Gabriela, who continues along this line by ticking Carlos off, too. She suddenly won't go out with him again, period, frustrating him. At Juan José's, he disappoints Asunción with news of the house sale; but Asunción succeeds in convincing him to keep digging till the last minute.

Roberto encounters the angry Carlos abusing a vendor on his office phone and relieves him of the need to fire Gabriela with the news the sisters are moving to Baja California. They both decide to get their hands on the girls before they leave; and Carlos will secure a certain wristwatch Roberto desires, if he helps him with a plan.

Carlos relates Matos's intention to put Juan José back in prison for another eight years -- and something weird he encountered visiting Asunción: finding them digging in the kitchen, supposedly for water.

At the tunnel house, Marcos and Susana accidentally tear open the black shoes while breaking in again -- and to their gleeful astonishment find diamonds inside! They know they must be stolen, but think it's ok since they're from L.A.

At Mario's, Bertha irritates Alejandra, haranguing her about Mario possibly dying without a will and leaving them destitute. Alejandra insists David wouldn't let that happen. Later Roberto visits with Bertha and when asked explains David's and Carlos's interest in Gabriela stems from their rivalry, with David's not being sincere. He claims Carlos really has a case on her, though.

Bertha wants to meet Carlos. When Alejandra enters and explains she's going to work, Roberto assumes privately that at that hour she's meeting someone instead. At his office, Carlos phones and furiously berates Matos about the frame-up snafu and wants results.

Medina comes by Juan José's as promised; and while Asunción answers the door, in the kitchen pit, Juan José finally hits pay dirt. His head is swimming with visions of golden sugar plums, as he hyperventilates and bellows up the shaft for Limón. He can be heard from the front door to repeat "We found it!" over and over.

Asunción rushes to the kitchen to celebrate, and then they sheepishly exit to greet a perplexed Medina, both of them grinning and cackling like monkeys. When Juan José happily throws it in Medina's face that he won't sell him the house, the architect leaves, understandably incensed and sorry he ever helped Juan José.

Matos phones the scum bag from his office and rakes him over the coals, just as Carlos visits to discuss their further plan. Matos says but for the accident of the architect overhearing the morons discuss their procedure on the street, it would have worked. Matos promises to think of a foolproof method this time.

The bewigged Marcos appears at a jewelers to fence one of the diamonds, and he's glad to get $10K pesos for it and exits. The jeweler turns right around and phones a faithful customer to come see.

In a visit to Alejandra's office, Medina relates the fiasco with Elsa and Juan José, and she explains the same thing happened to her with them -- and to someone else she knows. Just then Elsa enters to see Mina, but instead gets an invitation to a serious discussion over coffee with Medina.

Back at the jeweler's, the faithful customer is no other than Yolanda. He shows her the exquisite stone he just acquired, which he says is surely stolen -- and offers it to her at the great bargain of $150K pesos. Meanwhile, over a messy table full of food somewhere, Marcos and Susana squabble over how to proceed next.

Asunción and Juan José labor and dream over their treasure pit and pile up 200 bars of bullion, amounting to about 1000 kilos of gold, they decide. Juan José wishes Piedád could share it and remembers he'll buy her gravestone.

Over coffee, Medina explains the house-sale breach of contract; and when he wonders if Elsa's in love with Juan José, she denies it. Despite that, he doubts Juan José is really what she thinks he is. If she wants him to back out of the contract, Medina says, Elsa is going to have to explain the whole story of Juan José to him. She's unsure how much to say, because Alejandra's family is involved in it, which surprises Medina.

David and Gabriela meet in the park, where she stubbornly turns down every option he can pose to keep her in town. He pulls her close, asking in a husky whisper whether she means to just abandon him.

At Mario's, Bertha and Dora have a power struggle over cleaning his office; only Abelardo is allowed in there, Dora insists. Bertha orders her to bring tea, and she exits as Alejandra enters and explains the embarrassment of getting Medina involved in the house-buying fiasco.

After a moment Mario enters, followed by Dora; and when he asks who the owner of the house is, as Juan José Victoria's name is pronounced, Dora's jaw drops open and she lets the entire silver tea service crash to the floor.


Llena de Amor #52 Thu 10/21/10 Mari steps on a few toes and Oliver gets a taste of his favorite candy

 Next week I will be out of town and not able to recap, can anyone fill in or post a header for me?

Kristel walks Ilitia to the airport gate. I never noticed before but she’s kind of pigeon-toed.

I think Tia Carlota plans to go back to Spain and she has invited Netty to stay for dinner because “she’s a great lady just like her sister Eva”. Is Marianela going to Spain with her? It kind of sounds like it. Fedra snarls and Axel sits next to her looking blissed out. He doesn’t understand Fedra and Netty’s insults and Netty explains they like to talk in irony. Emiliano convinces Netty to stay of course, and Delicious announces that dinner is served.

Eman corners Mari and tells her they have to talk about the kiss whether she likes it or not. He says it was his fault and he won’t repeat it. They both keep saying they will never let it happen again as they move in for another kiss. Fedra catches them and he pretends to remove something from Mari’s eye. Fedra scowls.

Brandon is at the airport reading a magazine article about guess who? He recalls the night he kissed her. (Brandon, you need to take kissing lessons from Emiliano!) Ilitia walks in, sits down behind him, and spies him reading about her. “Excuse me” she says sweetly, obviously not recognizing him, “may I look at your magazine?” “TU?!??! AQUI?!?!?” they shout in unison.

As Ilitia and Brandon bicker they discover they are on the same flight to L.A. What a surprise!

Nereida brings Spiderus/Bernardo his dinner and sexily accuses him of trying to kill the fatty. (I can’t believe I just wrote that.) He tells her to butt out for her own sake and she thought bubbles “I know it was you. The one with the knowledge is the one with the power and this is just what I was looking for.”

Brandon phones Gretel and calls her his little pickled/salty/sweet fruit candy (caramelita de chamoy) . He’s dying to see his little spicy cherry (ceresita enchilada). This makes her smile. She’s worried for him but he tells her he’s a warrier. She knows where to find him and he’ll be waiting for her call.

Axel visits Gretel in her room and they share a warm and happy hug.

Muñeca thanks Fidel and Flora for hiding the pirated films. They think Lowrenzo should go to the police. He enters and hisses to Fidel he’d better not tell anyone or he’ll kill him. Muneca sez “everyday I know you less and less”. She tells him living with him is a nightmare. She’s just figuring this out?

Gretel is flummoxed when Axel tells her how great his mama is treating him. She wonders to herself, has he forgotten everything their mother has done to them?

Oh God help us, it’s another meal at the toxic table. I hope Fedra didn’t cook dinner. They comment that Kristel has been gone all day. They blather a bit about that Fonseca (Orangey) and Kristel. Tia changes the subject to say how awesome Netty is and she has Tia’s permission to visit Mari any time. She’s a part of the family. Emiliano smiles and Fedra says no way will Netty set a foot in her house.
OK, it definitely sounds like Mari is going to Spain with her.

The Mafiosi show up at the puerta de Porta Lopez to threaten Muñeca, Flora and Fidel. They want their merchandise. Muñeca tells them Lowrenzo is not at home.

Emiliano and Fedra argue about Netty. Fedra’s a total bitch but Axel sticks up for her and tells daddy not to yell at mommy. May I have permission to skip this scene? They are all too mean. Oh wait, Carlota tells Fedra she’s acting like white trash (well, “without class” is what she said). I liked that part.

Fedra accuses Emil of defending his lover. Gretel jumps up and Emil sees the bruise on her face. Gretel says ask your wife who did this to me. Tia and Emil walk Fedra out of the room but Fedra tells them Gretel is lying. She says yesterday Gretel was having a crazy fit and she assaulted Fedra boo hoo. Tia says her niece’s suffering is all her fault. (Why?)

Everyone has left the table except Mari, Netty and Gretel. Gretel tells them that Fedra is a monster and worse than either of them knows. Come one, enough with the veiled references. Spill your guts why dontcha? Gretel gets up as if in a trance and repeats "she's worse" to herself as she leaves the table. Netty begs Mari to leave with her, these nuts are going to kill her. Mari refuses so Netty gives her a bottle of pepper spray, demonstrating how to use it with gusto. She says spray all over, tch tch tch tch tch and then scream like crazy.

Lowrenzo shouts at the Mafiosi for threatening his family so the one guy knees him in the nuts. Can’t say I’m sorry. The other guy says their merchandise had better be in the warehouse or else because The Boss doesn’t like to play games.

Emiliano insists on driving Netty home. He can’t run out of there fast enough. Fedra slithers up behind Mari and grabs her. Mari shakes her off and tells Fedra to bugger off, she doesn’t deserve the love of her kids much less her uncle Emil. Fedra starts insulting Mari and gets a huge stomp on the foot for her troubles. Ouch! She looks shocked and starts strangling Mari and is rewarded with another big stomp on her other foot. This is cool! She starts yowling, hopping around on one foot and holding her other. (Very limber, I’m impressed.) Eman enters and Mari tells him his mother tried to strangle her.

Well well, looks like Gretel has rendezvoused with Oliver. He slaps himself on the face, he can’t believe his little luck. She calls him her love and says she only wants to be with him. “I love you and I’m lost in your love” he coos, kissing her tenderly. Wow, these two are hot tonight.

Fedra’s sitting on the stairs kissing her toes (see, didn’t I say she was limber?) while Eman consoles Mari. (NOT his mother, hah!) He demands to know why Fedra strangled Mari. Fedra denies it but Eman doesn’t believe her. Mari starts to faint and Eman tries to support her, buckling under her weight, but it’s kind of cute.

Kristel runs into the house and almost runs into Nereida who teases her about being pregnant. Something tells me Nereida may not last long with all her insinuations and blackmail. Nereida leaves and Orangey sneaks up behind Kristel and grabs her. Drat!

Oh thank you telenovela gods. Gretel and Oliver are happily making out and telling each other ‘I love you’. The romantic music plays and he removes his shirt. Are they? Will they? Oh my…

Eman wants to make Mari feel better by making her a double hamburger. She tells him her head hurts. They stare at each other and Eman apologizes for…sorry the background music was too loud…and he moves in for a long kiss AND we go to commercial.

Yikes! No romance now, Agent Orange has turned into a violent jack-o-lantern, devilish grimace and all. He throws Kristel down and yells at her for leaving him alone at the clinic. What an ass. He tells her she’d better figure out a way to get rid of the little package and pronto. She gets all pathetic, grabs his waist and begs him not to abandon her.

Eman and Mari finish their kiss, look content, and then look shocked. He stammers, she stutters, he doesn’t know what he feels for her, they are cousins, they are…it’s a mistake she says. More stammering, more staring, wow he is truly smitten. He tells her he doesn’t care, he wants to kiss her and boy howdy he does.

Emil drops Netty off at the house. Will we get yet another kiss? He approaches her, he embraces her, she resists in the wimpiest manner possible, but then she pushes him out the door. Shoot! He shouts that he’s leaving, but he’ll be back.

Back to our inconstant kissin’ cousins and they have torn themselves from each other again. Mari reminds Eman that he’s engaged, he has to go from her room or she’ll leave the house forever. He looks slightly indignant.

We return to our real lovers, Oliver and Gretel, and they couldn’t be sweeter. She never thought she could be this happy. He tells her he’ll never leave her, they kiss and the romantic music reaches a climax…ahem.

Netty frets to Gladiola about her problematic relationship with Emiliano. Gladi says it’s not Netty’s fault, there is an air of frivolity in the house. Netty says she feels it and the two giggle. It’s in the house all right, in Oliver’s room to be exact.

Crazy Fedra Music interrupts our joy and the witch limps (heh heh) in anger as she curses Netty for stealing her husband. Said husband comes home and wonders why she’s limping in her 9-inch heels. Emil is another one who doesn’t believe that Mari stomped on Fedra. Fedra insults Netty and Emil grabs her and tells her Netty is an exceptional woman and he never wants to hear her refer to Netty in that manner again! She gets weepy but he doesn’t fall for it. He stalks off to bed, telling her he’s tired of listening to her stupidities.

It’s the next morning and Mari wakes to the memory of the passionate kiss with her cousin. She tells herself it can never happen again. She looks next to her and notices that Gretel isn’t there. (I guess they are sharing the room.)

Delicia knocks at the door. Mari plumps up the pillows to make it look like Gretel’s in bed and then gazes longingly at the breakfast tacos before asking herself where could Gretel be?

She could be under the loving gaze of her amante, illuminated by the morning’s first light. Oliver still can’t believe it and he asks “Are we novios?” Gretel tells him “Of course we’re novios you boob, do you think I do this with the whole world?” Then she becomes frantic, her mother will kill her. Oliver calms her with a kiss and assures her that if Fedra lays a finger on her he’ll take her away from that house forever.

Los Angeles – Ilitia signs for her room service as we hear a familiar naco voice creating a scene in the hallway OF THE SAME HOTEL. Hey they only have one hotel in L.A., just like in the DF. Her plate spills all over her expensive frock. He grabs a napkin and tries to wipe her off. And she lets him.

Back at the Porto Lopez abode Flora is untying Muñeca. They hope nothing bad happened at the warehouse. Hopefully Lowrenzo is dead or at least severely beaten and Fidel is just fine.

Fedra is enjoying the ubiquitous glass of OJ found in all telenovelas and cursing Emil for sleeping with his back to her thanks to Netty. Spidery twists the knife by pointing out that Netty is pretty…and young. Fedra pounds the table. Eman joins them. He kicks Spidery out and pointedly asks Fedra if Chema and José Manuel Sevilla are the same person.

Tomorrow: Spidery injects something nasty into a chocolate. Maximo tells Eman that he’s not a Ruiz y Teresa.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dinero #220- 10/21/2010: Marco Gets Screwed In More Ways Than One/ or The Whole Truth Comes Out

Zetina’s detective work has snagged Ale and Rafa a huge fish. A soused and cluelessly contented Chavez, enjoying his beloved whiskey in his second favorite place (after the hacienda). “Chavez!” “Licenciada Alvarez del Castillo!” Rafa is shocked that they know each other. Ale explains that she knows him alright, and lists his attributes— un ratero, un estafador, un desgraciado (a thief, a swindler, a loser). “It’s his fault we lost the hacienda. He should be in jail!”

Ale throws Chavez’ whiskey in his face, which draws more concern from him than the threat of jail. Ale does NOT want to talk to this guy and makes to leave, but Rafa convinces her there is much they can learn from Chavez about all the shenanigans happening in both their lives. They start the game of 20 Questions with the first question being what Carmela’s got to do with all of this.

We’ll have to wait for the answers, as we go back to our other fishies wriggling on a hook- the whole Siglo team. Doña Arcadia has just fired the whole lot for being impertinent loafers. They all beg her on bended knee to reconsider, but as they have no Trancazo food with which to tempt her this time, they’re having to beg particularly hard. Even her precious Susanita has earned the Queen’s ire for going out to eat with Dandy. They beg her for one more chance (una ultima oportunidad). Claudia and Rosaura say she’s like a mother to them. (That only works for Daniel ladies.)

The Generala womans-up and says they all should take responsibility for their mistakes and accept the consequences with dignity (she does remain on her knees, however). Marino tries a different, and more effective approach. Money, money, money. And a healthy dose of competitive pride. He reminds Arcadia that she needs her sales team for the upcoming dealership convention, in order to beat their competition ClauAutos. This gets the wheels turning in Arcadia’s head, and she paces thoughtfully, parting a path through her supplicants. Unfortunately, Bebe is neither agile nor fast enough to avoid getting trod upon by Arcadia’s royal shoes. Finally Arcadia decides she can’t go to the convention and compete against ClauAutos without a staff. “Les voy a dar una ultima oportunitdad.” (I’m going to give you all one last opportunity.) Cheers all around!

Carmela is not in as generous of a mood. She’s tired of giving Marco opportunities to pay her in full. Now she wants to receive her reward from her bizcocho (gorgeous; cutey; cutey-pie). Marco’s lack of liquidity means he has to pay up in another way, and they’ve arrived at Carmela’s favorite love hotel for her to receive payment. She’s ready to give his recently tuned up parts a test drive, and wastes no time removing his jacket, tie and shirt, leaving a trail of red lip stains on each item and Marco. A veil of discretion is dropped on this scene as we head back to our game of 20 Questions at the bar.

Chavez continues to spill the dirty details. The hacienda’s been free of debt for months. He and Marco had Carmela hold off on sending them the letters. Oh, and all the money Marco used to live his good life and “help” her family all came from what the hacienda produced. (I’m amazed that Ale is still managing to stay standing through this assault of hard truths.) She rubs her temples in utter shock of what she’s hearing. And the sale of the hacienda was fictitious too. The Shrimp, uh Señor Rubiales, just loaned us his name. Ale has had just about enough. She lets go a stream of insults to Chavez. “Usted es un desgraciado (see above), un transa (a crook), un mentirosa de lo peor (a liar of the worst kind)!” Chavez tries to throw all the blame back on Marco, but they point out that he’s not so innocent. “He swindled me too.” He tells them how Marco nearly tricked him into going to a dangerous country in Africa and then sent him to even more dangerous Iraq to find Rubi.

“Rubi sabe todo esto?!” (Rubi knows about all this?) Yep. And Quintana too. Ale has to sit down now. “No lo puede ser!” (It can’t be!)

And who really owns the hacienda, Ale wants to know. “Un tal Daniel Cepeda.” (Some guy named Daniel Cepeda.) Both Ale and Rafa look impactados. Chavez explains how Dan played into the hacienda scheme. And no, Marco doesn’t know about him. “Once he knows, he’ll die of rage (coraje).” Chavez is gleefully blitzed. Ale lets this all sink in. What she’s really worried about is Rubi. She explains to Rafa Rubi’s role in accompanying Jorge to Switzerland to track down the Swiss account information. She’s worried Rubi is just trying to scam Jorge. Chavez tells them to relax, since Rubi is truly gaga for the old bald guy (pelón).

Now we come to the 50 Million Dollar Question. Rafa wants to know what Chavez knows about the supposed radio contest that got his mama in trouble and sent her to jail. Chavez finally starts to squirm guiltily under Rafa’s intense gaze…as we head to commercial.

When we get back, Chavez is still on the hot seat. Ale turns up the temperature. “We’re waiting for an answer Chavez.” Chavez is saved from answering when the Shrimp man strolls in. “Ignacio Rubiales para servirles” (Ignacio Rubiales at your service.), he says gallantly. Ale is not impressed by his gentlemanly greeting. She is ticked off, but Shrimp man thinks he did nothing wrong. He just lent his name after all. Ale’s rage builds to new levels when just then Quintana comes sauntering in with his lackey. Looks like all the roaches are scurrying out of the woodwork now that a bright light is being shown on their dirty dealings. Quintana casually greets everyone with a buenas noches. Rafa has to hold back an enraged Ale from attacking Quintana physically.

“I’ll never forgive you for what you did to my aunt Quintana!” Even Shrimp man tries to calm her down. Quintana graciously accepts Ale’s ire. He loves her aunt, even if Ale doesn’t believe it.

Now that all the relevant players are in the room, Chavez thinks it’s time for another round of whiskey. “Un momento!” Rafa protests. “This isn’t a party or a meeting of friends.” Ale, however, thinks the whiskey is a good idea if it will continue to loosen their tongues. “We’re here to learn the truth, mi amor.” Pascal brings a fresh bottle, glasses and ice cubes. Ale asks where they should begin. She is met by guilty faces all around, but Quintana decides to start first.

We need some relief from all this truth telling, so we head back to the Siglo crew. Everyone there is feeling pretty relieved that they’ve still got their jobs, although Bebe’s nerves are still so jangled that Claudia playing with his sparse hair is not enough to calm his nerves. He needs a hit of Jimenez’s Pepto. He chugs the whole bottle down to the horror of the crew.

The Generala thinks they all need to go out for drinks at El Trancazo after work to calm their collective nerves and everyone agrees. Dandy runs off to invite his Nonicita, and Marino scornfully makes fun of how whipped Dandy is by his skinny vegetarian. “Can he even go to the bathroom by himself?” (Ira solo al baño?)

In storms his latest victim, er baby-mama. Sandra, looking striking in blue, and like she means business. “Marino! Necesito hablar contigo!” (I need to talk to you!) Marino looks like he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Maybe we need to step away from this intense scene for one that provides a bit more diversion. The veil has been lifted on a very tussled and satisfied looking Carmela, lounging in bed under the sheets. An even more tussled, but less satisfied looking Marco sits on the edge of the bed hurriedly dressing.

“I knew under those clothes was something marvelous. You’re a sensual animal! From the first time I saw you, I knew you’d make me very, very happy.” Carmela purrs like a contented cat. Marco tries to raise a smile. He thinks that because she’s a satisfied customer, he doesn’t owe her anything else. But he doesn’t know our Carmela. This little diversion was just a down payment on the money he still owes her. She’ll now give him all the time he needs to pay her. In the meantime, she’s eager to go another round. Marco thinks to himself, “Si tu supieras lo asco que me das.” (If you knew how disgusting you are to me.) But out loud he calls Carmela a super hembra, una hembra sensacional (a super woman; a sensational woman). Carmela is sure he must be making that wife of his, the one who gets to share his bed every night, a very happy woman. This sets Marco off on an unhappy thought bubble about that damn Ale and Medina.

We’re transported over to the increasingly enlightened couple. Quintana is confessing his sins. Daniel is his nephew and that’s how Dan came in on the hacienda deal. Ale is shocked by this familial revelation. Rafa wants to know what’s the difference between leaving the hacienda in Shrimp man’s hands or Dan’s. Well Dan bought it for real. Although Quintana thinks he just bought it on a whim (capricho), like rich people tend to do. Rafa speculates that he probably wants to gift it to Marian as part of his seduction of her. Ale looks as shifty eyed guilty as their four companions. She tells Rafa that Dan has OTHER intentions.

Ale cannot believe that so many people were conning her without her realizing, but our sweet Rafa tells her it’s because she’s so honest herself that she thinks the rest of the world is the same.

Now we get to the question we’ve all been asking. What about the ghost? Both Chavez and Quintana admit to arranging for their own headless (descabesado) horseman ghost on various occasions, but admit to unplanned ghostly appearances that neither of them can explain. They all conclude that there must be a REAL headless ghost. They have a toast to the ghost. Suddenly, the resident spook, Zetina, appears from nowhere at Ale’s elbow, giving a fright to both her and Rafa. All he wants is a drink of whiskey, and Chavez happily obliges by giving him the last dregs of the bottle. He orders another bottle. Rafa asks once again for an explanation of the radio contest. And we veer off to another scene once again.

Sandra confirms that she is indeed pregnant with a girl. Marino is over the moon. Finally he will have his precious, beautiful baby girl! Not so fast Marino. Seems that Sandra is not like his other women and doesn’t need his support. She plans to raise HER daughter by herself, and Marino will NOT get to see her. Unless, Marino conforms to her demands: marry her; live under the same roof; help educate her three sons; and no other women.

Marino takes orders from no woman (a mi ninguna vieja me obliga nada). Anyway, he’s still married and has NINE of his own kids to educate. Sandra is horrified. He told her he has three kids. Marino’s apparent lack of concern earns him a slap and a “hasta que nunca” (until never). Sandra storms out. Undeterred, Marino decides to turn the Trancazo outing into a celebration of his little girl. Obviously he does not remember the begging, blubbering mess that was Sandra’s ex when we first met her long ago. I have a feeling Marino will never see that girl of his if he doesn’t tow the Sandra line.

Rafa is finally getting his answer about Frank, aka Jerónimo Vega, and the radio contest scam. “That’s the guy! The one who brought charges against my mamacita.” Shrimp man has a one track mind and thinks Rafa is referring to Ale, his other mamacita. When Rafa takes offense, saying he is talking about his sainted mama, Ale takes offense. Isn’t she his mamacita? (This is what you get when you can use the same term of endearment for your loving mother, or your hot girlfriend.) “Si, si, si hombre. Eres mi mamacita.” He gives her a few kisses to prove his point. But back to the business of his mother, Doña Leonor Nuñez de Medina. Poor, lonely Zetina interjects that Rafa is lucky to have a mother. Chavez offers his lawyer services to Leonor and is derided for his cynicism. They all decide to toast to Leonor instead.

Rafa wants to find Frank, ASAP. Chavez understands, but can’t seem to help. He’s interrupted by a call from none other than his ex-other half, Marquito. He explains he’s at the usual bar, but not with the usual people. He’s with Ale and Medina and he’s told them everything. “Es demasiado tarde. Ya sueltó la sopa.” (It’s too late. The soup has already been spilt./The beans have already been spilt.) Click!

Rafa starts to get violent, giving Chavez’s lapels even more of a workout than they usually get with Marco. He demands Frank’s dondeabouts. Ale calms him down, and Chavez self medicates with more whiskey. Rafa takes a moment to point out to Ale that he never lied about the contest and Ale apologizes for doubting him. The bar urges them on. “Beso, beso, beso!” They share a sweet, chaste kiss.

At Trancazo, things are a bit more caliente. The drinks are flowing and Margarita La Diosa de la Cumbia (goddess of the cumbia) is singing with her band. Everyone hits the dance floor to Margarita’s upbeat tune Amor de Mis Amores.

Nadie Sepa Mi Sufrir (Amor de Mis Amores) Lyrics

no te asombres si te digo lo que fuiste
un ingrato con mi pobre corazon
porque el fuego de tus lindos ojos negros
alumbraron el camino de otro amor
y pensar que te adoraba tiernamente
que a tu lado como nunca me senti
y por esas cosas raras de la vida
sin el beso de tu boca yo me vi

amor de mis amores amor mio
que me hiciste que no puedo soportarme
sin poderte contemplar
ya que pagaste mal a mi carino tan sincero
lo que conseguiras que no te nombre nunca mas
amor de mis amores si dejaste de quererme
no hay cuidado que la gente de esto no se enterara
que gano con decir que un hombre cambio mi suerte
se burlaran de mi que nadie sepa mi sufrir

no te asombres si te digo lo que fuiste
un ingrato con mi pobre corazon
porque el fuego de tus lindos ojos negros
alumbraron el camino de otro amor
y pensar que te adoraba tiernamente
que a tu lado como nunca me senti
y por esas cosas raras de la vida
sin el beso de tu boca yo me vi

amor de mis amores si dejaste de quererme
no hay cuidado que la gente de esto no se enterara
que gano con decir que un hombre cambio mi suerte
se burlaran de mi que nadie sepa mi sufrir

(morire de amor sin que nadie sepa mi sufrir)

amor de mis amores si dejaste de quererme
no hay cuidado que la gente de esto no se enterara
que gano con decir que un hombre cambio mi suerte
se burlaran de mi que nadie sepa mi sufrir

The gang takes a break from the dance floor and Claudia brags about her natural cumbia skills. She’s always felt something moving within her. The Generala thinks it’s those additional parts of hers that are filled with liquid. Claudia asserts that she was born with these assets, including her sensual dance moves. Pepeto takes her back to the dance floor to prove it, and everyone else returns as well. Dandy busts an intricate move while dancing with Susana, and some shapely chickadee (skank) takes the opportunity to cut in and wedge herself against Dandy. The Siglo ladies jump in to aid Susana, then send the chickadee and her friend packing. “El señor tiene dueña. Fuera!” (This man has an owner. Beat it!)

Susana thanks them for standing up for her and protecting her interests (cuidado mis intereses). I think all is forgiven for the meat test incident. The scene ends in expected Trancazo fashion with Susana falling flat on her bum, and banging her elbow, from a busted chair. Everyone laughs and all is well with the world.

All is not well in the world of Ale and Rafa, but things are starting to right themselves. Ale invites Rafa in to her apartment for some coffee. She begs his forgiveness once more and he happily gives it with a hug and kiss. They still have many problems to resolve, but Rafa doesn’t doubt that they will do so after all they have already been through. “Quien, que podre impedir nuestro amor?” (Who , what will be able to stop our love?) Absolutely nothing.

A desolate and disheveled Marco wanders the streets wondering where it all went wrong. He had it all and now he’s lost it, and to that naco. He does not want to go to jail. He has to make a definitive decision.

Back at the Alvarez del Castillo apartment, we have a cozy scene. Ale, Rafa, Rosario, Jorge and Rubi are enjoying a coffee. Ale has just recounted all the revelations of the night. Rosario always knew that Chavez was the worst of the worst. What surprises Jorge is that Marcario. And Rafa is perplexed by this new character. Ale explains that it’s Marco and Rafa chimes in that he never liked Marco from the get go. And then Quintana and Shrimp man too! Ale wants Rubi to clear up where she fits into all this. (Tienes que explicar muchas cosas.) Now Rubi’s in the hot seat.

She explains that she was never a nurse, but when she started taking care of Georgie she decided to become a nurse, started taking classes and stopped dancing for good. She realized how much she loves taking care of people, especially someone as sweet as Georgie. “And Iraq?” Dastardly Marco and Chavez sent her there to keep her from spilling the beans to Ale’s family. She worked as a dancer once again at a bar for tourists and diplomats. (We see an animated Rubi shaking her bon bon in Iraq.) There she met a rich, old sick guy whom she began taking care of. Then he kicked the bucket (looks like he was quite happy at the time) and left a small but significant inheritance for Rubi.

It’s with this money that she returned. And she hasn’t returned to dancing, although she really misses dancing. Jorge seems have gone right through and past the forgiveness stage and tries to cheer-up Rubi. She can dance with him! The two take a happy spin. The ladies look on in horror. Rafa stirs his coffee and looks like he thinks Jorge is the luckiest man in the world.

Rosario’s not ready to let her off the hook about knowing about the hacienda and not telling them. Rubi explains that she wanted to, but Marco and Chavez threatened. But she was able to help them with their house the first time they were about to be evicted. She was the one who went to Quintana and got his help in stopping their eviction. They all realize that it wasn’t Marco who worked that particular miracle, as he lead them to believe. The thought that it was Quintana who saved them brings a smile to Rosario’s face. Rubi assures her that he really does love her.

And what about Switzerland? Well, Rubi met a lot of men there, but all they wanted was her bodacious body. Rafa, who has been taking this all in wide-eyed, makes an involuntary appreciative sound at this, but quickly plays it off as appreciation for the coffee under Ale’s wilting gaze. Rubi just had to come back to the best man she’s ever known- her Georgie. She gives him a big hug and a kiss for his bald head. Awwww!

Marco is back at his apartment having a drunken, paranoid conversation with his whiskey. An even more drunk, but carefree Chavez enters. He wants to talk, but Marco doesn’t talk to or drink with his enemies (yo no bebo con mis enemigos). Chavez claims he is a friend, not a foe. As much of a friend as Marco was when he tried to send Chavez off to Africa (touché). Marco isn’t interested in talking about the past, but instead about Chavez’s betrayal in the here and now. Chavez doesn’t think that Medina is such a bad guy. This does not get a happy response from Marco. They already know everything, and they’re looking for Frank. When they find him, you’re toast.

Ale is meanwhile explaining that Marco threatened her with throwing his mama in jail and that’s why she broke up with him. Rafa knew all along (he sure didn’t act like it), and that’s even more reason why they need to resolve this issue. They hope their man Zetina can find Frank.

On to business. Rafa shares the good news about Urdiales’ purchase of the fleet (flotilla) of trucks and they celebrate the expected commission. Rafa wants her to go to the dealership convention and he’ll stay behind to keep an eye on all these outstanding problems. No señor! Ale wants her man with her at the convention (and so do we). He’ll think about it, but he really wants to know what she plans to do about the hacienda. Ale doesn’t think there’s anything she can do. It’s been sold; her dad signed the papers. “Santa Claus!” Well, then they can start anew together and help their parents.

But wait just a minute buster! Ale wants to know what he intends to do about Vicky and Marian. And what is Ale going to do about Daniel, Rafa wants to know. Mr. Todo Yo? She’ll resolve that issue just like that (*snaps fingers*). Well, Rafa will resolve things with his two auxiliary women just like that (*snaps fingers*). They both look skeptical, but beam happily at each other.

What’s important is that we love each other, and we’re together. We end the evening of questions and revelations with an embrace and a kiss.


La Fea Más Bella #55-56 10/21/10 It Was a Dark and Stormy Dawn.

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 37: Our Lady of *belch*.” Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 55

1. The cuartel co-diets with Marta for solidarity. Marta tells Lety she only told Fernando that Tom is Lety’s friend. Paula teases that Lety wants to hide it from Fern so he won’t give up on winning her.

2. Fernando reports to Omar that Tom isn’t interested in Lety, but that $40M could certainly attract him. Lety returns and Fernando is peeved at her.

3. Omar starts working Carolina until she says “pregnancy.”

4. At the venue, Fernando tells Omar what Juana said. See the transcript. They conclude that if Lety is in love with Tomás, he could manipulate her to get his hands on Conceptos. Omar says that the only way to avoid it is to make Lety fall in love with Fernando. Fern tells him to stop talking so crazy.

5. Marcia and Fernando fight about Fatima. Marcia orders him to fire one of the two (Fatima or Lety).

6. Fernando solves the audio problem by fanning the equipment.

7. The cuartel sees Alicia’s results – she’s not pregnant. Sara can’t wait to tell Omar. They beg Lety to get them into the event.

8. Luigi discovers that Fatima is drunk, and he fires her.

Capitulo 56

Read Kim's original recap, the section called “Missing Recap 38: Pregnant Anticipation.” Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando tells Fatima to leave. Luigi says he hates supporting Fernando, but he can’t tolerate a drunk dancer. Felix, the choreographer, has his moment of fame, throwing a funny tantrum.

2. Fernando puts Jazmín into Fatima’s slot. Marcia is still pissy because he didn’t fire Fatima soon enough to suit her. Fern says, “You got the head you wanted. I hope you’re happy.” Luigi says he’s not jumping for joy either. (You hear Camil laugh at Sergio’s antics. The camera returns to them, and Camil has arranged his face but Elizabeth [Marcia] hasn’t.)

3. Marcia harasses Fernando in front of his parents, saying that one of the dancers got drunk because some galán promised her heaven and earth, seduced her, than discarded her. Ariel says, “Las tantitas no aprendan (the fools never learn),” and he pointedly looks at Marcia.

4. Carolina counsels Omar. He feels responsible for his child, but he doesn’t feel ready to man up. She tells him his conscience is disturbing him and he needs to face Alicia.

5. Ariel is desperate to get rid of Alicia, so he agrees to set her up in Miami with $5K per month plus expenses. Omar offers Alicia his name, financial support, and involvement in his son’s life, but not marriage. Alicia prefers things over people, so she takes Ariel’s offer.

6. Planning the night’s schedule with Ricky and Vidal, Fernando performs a 60-second dance without music. What fun!

7. Alicia finds out from Lopez that the lab ran a pregnancy test and Marta saw the results.

8. They won’t let the cuartel enter the event because they don’t have invitations. Saimon informs Fernando. Marcia is pissy. Omar says it’s unwise to keep the owner of the company out of the event.

Tune in tomorrow!
One dream ends, one dream begins, one dream is both delightful and dreadful.

Spanish Lesson. Cap 55, The Only Solution.
Just like yesterday, I wrote today’s Spanish Lesson because I had already transcribed it a few years ago. It’s a pretty loose translation.

F: Juana can read the future. And she said that she’s in love.
O: You’ve already told me that.
F: I’m setting up the story. Juana predicted that Lety would change his life, and he’d change hers.
O: You’re going to believe somebody telling fortunes?
F: There are too many coincidences. Lety’s life is changing, and so is Tom’s. He’s working for FI.
O: You mean Lety intends to win him (conquistar) by giving him work?
F: Yes. Hey! Even before FI, she tried to get him a job at Conceptos. Since that didn’t work, she set him up in FI. He’s not a millionaire, but it seems like he has some money. And now he’s involved with millions of dollars, since FI owns Conceptos.
O: If Lety is in love with him, he’ll manipulate her however he wants. Lety could betray us to get the love of her life.
F: If he manipulates her a su antojo (manipulates her at will / manipulates her desires), Adios, Conceptos.
O: Tomás could give love to Lety in exchange for the company. Love for $40M.
F: No, Lety is very loyal. It sounds horrible, but it could be true, right? But wait! Juana said she would achieve a dream in the middle of a storm. And we’re in a storm! The dream would be romance with that guy. But Lety is loyal. But how far could a woman go for love?
O: Someone as ugly as Lety would make a deal with the devil for the miracle of getting a husband.
F: What do we do so this guy doesn’t take advantage of Lety?
O: Pues, es muy sencillo. Tienes q competir contra Tomas Mora. (Well, it’s very simple. You have to compete against Tomás Mora.)
F: (Laughs hysterically.) No. Seriously. now. What do we do so this guy doesn’t take advantage of Lety?
O: Why, take her away from him. You should make Lety fall in love with you. (Debes enamorar a Lety.) I’m serious.
F: What are you, high? We can talk tomorrow when you’re sober.
O: No. You have to enamorar a Lety.
Meanwhile Lety is mooning at Fernando’s picture She remembers Juana saying, “The predictions are coming true, right?”
Lety to herself: No. No, because the man of my dreams will never take notice of me. Never.


Llena de Amor #51 Wed 10/20/10 We have contact!

It must be Cathy's off week; I lost track with the missed episodes.

But we can't not discuss last night's big Big BIG happenings!


Axel's home from the hospital; he does not seem to remember how awful Fedra is to him. He wasn't quite sure who Netty is, either, but he seems to like her. Emiliano told him Netty is very important to him.

Kristel ran away from the abortion clinic to Ilitia's house to hide from Mauricio. Mau showed up and roughed up Ilitia before she threw him out. Ilitia told Kristel she has to dump the jerk. Ilitia got an offer for a modeling job out of the country and left.

The police found blood on the gloves from Bernardo's room. Bernardo claims it's his own; he says he has some bleeding disease.

Brandon is taking some evidence from the helicopter crash to be analyzed by experts in Los Angeles. He goes to the airport, where Ilitia also is, coincidentally. Will they cross paths? Telenovela law says yes.

Lowrenzo had the household staff move the porn stash, so the police find nothing when they search the house. Tejeda tells Begoña he won't do anything more about the case until Muñeca tells him what she saw.

But the BIG news is that Emanuel found Marianela in LF's office, and after a lot of reminiscing and romantic tension, he kissed her. For a long time. Long enough for Brandon to walk in and interrupt them.


La Verdad Oculta EP27 10/20/2010 - Desperately seeking Mauricio Medina


* A very desperate Elsa tells Asunción Juan José will be sent back to prison for 8 years if they can't prove his innocence. Oh, and he wants to sell the house. Asunción objects but Elsa says the treasure may not even exist, and they need money now to hire a lawyer for him. Asunción offers he'll search the gold round the clock but Elsa cries they have no time for that! Caramelo comforts the crying girl. Elsa asks about the elegant man who interrupted the performance of scumbag and scum bagette (thanks, Jeri). Does Asunción know who's that guy? No, unfortunately he doesn't... But wait, he mentioned a name... Mina! Mina Álvarez!

* Carlos has a nightmare, the awful memories and the face of the dead maid haunt him.

* David learns from Mario that Fausto wants to bring his daughters far from the capital. He immediately calls Gaby on phone and says they need to talk and promises he'll try to convince her father not to go. Because he loves her.

* In the AFI office Ramón and Leonardo talk about Adolfo. The old man gets very nervous every time he visits the girls in Sagitario. He's hiding something, Leo's sure about that. The strange case of those shoes also prey on the detective's mind and he orders Ramón to investigate after Yolanda Rey. Ramón asks about Gaby, how does their relationship develop? Leo gets brooding and says she doesn't care about him.

* Elsa tells Alejandra Juan José's story and that there's a man who could save him from being imprisoned again. Alejandra remembers Mina sent Mauricio Medina to JJ's house, and Elsa begs her so heartbreakingly that she finally agrees to call him on phone.

* Fausto says goodbye to the girls and leaves to find a new home in Baja California. Gabriela warns Julieta that Fausto wants them to keep his travel in secret. Julieta doesn't understand why they have to lie, or why they have to move to another city. And anyway, it's not fair, not fair, not fair!

* Alejandra calls Medina but she learns he's on an architectural conference for five days. Elsa breaks out into sobs. An idea comes to Ale's mind: if Elsa wants she can look for the phone number of the hotel where Medina stays.

* Mario calls Fausto but it's Gaby who answers the phone. He enjoys hearing the voice of his daughter, but when he learns Daddy has gone on a business trip he starts to panic. He tells Abelardo that Fausto doesn't even have a job, therefore the "business trip" is a scam, he obviosuly wants to flee! Abe advises him to manipulate Fausto - threaten him that he'll tell the whole truth, every single detail to the girls. Abe knows Mario is a good man but he has to be cruel otherwise Adolfo will win.

* Julieta, who's in "my family sucks and I hate the world" mood, tells Roberto they have to move to Baja California soon, and it's Gabriela's fault! Rob pretends to be very sad for losing "the love of his life", and tightly hugs and comforts her... Until his phone rings, and Darth Adolfo summons him to his house. Now.

* At last Alejandra and Elsa manage to talk with Medina. He's very sympahtetic, yes, he know JJ didn't hurt either of those people, and he'll gladly help him when he goes back to the capital. Elsa urges him, that'd be too late, they have to act right now. Por favor! But Medina loses his patience and hangs up the phone.

* Asunción is determined to find the treasure, so he spends the day digging in the pit. An old man in the bottom of an 8 meters deep hole and his only helpmate is a tiny, tired little girl? I don't like it.

* Cuernavaca, Morelos state, México. Medina, who's wearing nothing but a white bathrobe *Viewerville: Yesss!*, is enjoying the morning in his hotel room, when someone knocks the door. He opens it and meets a pretty, young woman, who spills all her problems on him. She's the one he talked to on phone earlier, Juan José, and the scumbags, and conditional liberty, and prison, and he's innocent, and prison, and eight years, and it's not fair, and help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope! She grabs his hands and says the police won't believe JJ because he's a nobody, but they would believe him!

* Adolfo confesses Rob he can't stand the police officer who's always lurking in Sagitario visiting the waitresses. He wants him to provoke a situation that'd make the girls quit. Rob flashes his fourteen karat smile and says it won't be necessary because they move to other city soon. Their father got fed up with the messy relationship of David and Gabriela. Dolphie's impressed. And how does he know about this? Well, he and Julieta have an understanding. Wink, wink. Adolfo is content like a cat caught a mouse and rewards his padawan with some cash.

* In the hotel room Elsa continues begging, and Medina gives in. He'll return to the capital and will help her friend.

* While Marky Marcos is playing a carefree hippie in a park, Susana is asking inconvenient question. They don't have much money left, what are they going to do now? Where are they going to sleep? Why did he buy so ugly clothes? And so on. Marcos says the could return to that house... And they could sell her shoes. What? Her uncomfortable but pretty *Viewerville: no, darling, they're fugly* shoes? Never!

* David visits Gabriela. They manage to clarify their misunderstandings, no, David doesn't date Bertha, no, there's nothing between Carlos and Gaby. However, no matter how sweet are David's word, or how many times he professes his love or hugs her, she's adamant that they'll leave the town and it'll be fine that way. They hug again, just when Leo arrives. One more broken heart. David recognizes him, he's the one who broke into his office a few days ago, isn't he? He gets very uncomfortable when he learns that the superhero cop lives next to his Gabriela.

* In JJ's house the unavoidable happens: Asunción's so tired that he can't climb the rope. Caramelo starts to panic and wants to look for help, but Asunción says nobody can know about their secret digging project! Someone knocks the door and it's Carlos. Since he says he's Elsa's friend, and anyway, he's the only adult who could help them right now, the frightened kid leads him into the kitchen and shows him the hole. Carlos tries to pull Asunción, but he isn't strong enough, so he decides to look for a ladder. While he's away the old man whispers to Caramelo that they're looking for water, only water, okay?

* At the police station JJ learns that Mario's niece, Alejandra helped Elsa to find Medina. The architect shows up and tells them he's free, the charges against him are withdrawn. By the way, does he want to sell his house? Yes, he does. Medina gives him his business card and says a very warm goodbye to Elsa.



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