Wednesday, October 27, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #63-64 10/27/10 There will never be another like Don Fernando.

Capitulo 63.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 61 to 64. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia tells Lola dignity is good, except if it costs your job. She refers Lola to an attorney to force Efren to pay support. She can’t tolerate homewreckers and novio robbers. She champions feminine solidarity but won’t let Lola touch her.

2. Fernando begs Omar not to leave him alone with Lety. She hasn’t said a word about last night and he doesn’t know how she feels. He’s not willing to continue this canallada; he’s not willing to hurt her.

3. Lola tells the cuartel that Marcia will get her a loan to pay for Jazmín’s cell, and that she won’t allow them to resign (except Lety). The cuartel is more excited about saving Lola’s job than their own. Quite a contrast to Marcia’s version of solidarity.

4. Lety buys the cuartel lunch since they missed payday. Tomás has his own fantasy, that Alicia wants to kiss him. He gives the rose and love letter to the kids since they can pass the gate. The kids put them in the pizza since they can’t enter the vortex. Ali ordered the pizza for Fern and Omar.

5. The boys laugh at the goofy love letter. They call the number just for grins, and they hear, “Hello, Tomás Mora, partner of Filmo Imagen.” They hang up and panic. Tom mourns the rejection. Ali mourns that no one is buying her lunch.

6. The boys conclude that the love letter is for Lety. They read it as a description of Lety, and that Tom will make her owner of Conceptos. Omar says, “Are you going to let him win Lety? He’s going to take her from you forever, and Conceptos too. Do you still refuse to romance Lety?” Fernando accepts that he has to take her out tonight.

7. Meanwhile Lety concludes that it was all a mistake; he would never kiss her sober. She wishes she could ask her mother’s advice. Fernando tells Lety he’ll take her home. Omar brings Fern a Paty Manterola picture to assist his imagination.

8. Lety and Fernando get ready for their ride home. Lety thinks that Fern is taking her home either to apologize for the kiss, or to fire her. Fernando fusses over his appearance and wonders why he’s fussing for Lety.

Capitulo 64.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 61 to 64. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Alicia throws himself at Omar in his office and she starts undressing him, but he escapes her clutches.

2. At a taquería, Lety doesn’t want to let Fernando talk because she fears the worst. Her best hope is to consider last night forgotten. But he tells her that what happened was not the whiskey talking, it was what he really feels. He almost kisses her but the kitchen staff is staring at them.

3. At the park, Fernando tries cliché flattery and gets nowhere He has to work hard to convince Lety that he’s attracted to her. See the transcript. He breaks through when he tells her that none of those beautiful women have made him happy, and that he doesn’t love Marcia. He kisses her twice, using the Paty picture to aid his imagination.

4. Fernando takes Lety home. She asks that he not tell Omar. She accepts that he’ll stay with Marcia and Lety will be la otra. Fernando is disturbed by the word. He orders her to not say a word, especially to the cuartel. Erasmo lays into Lety for talking to her boss in the car. What will the neighbors say?

5. Lety tells her diary that she doesn’t know whether she’s at the gates of Heaven or Hell. She says, “I’m not going to turn down this opportunity. I love him and I know he has never truly loved anyone. There will never be another like Don Fernando. Maybe I will be the one to fill the emptiness of his heart.” She could not bear to suffer again for love, but she’s sure Fernando is sincere and is a great man. Since she believes in him, she has put her heart into his hands.

6. Fernando ducks Marcia’s kiss, afraid she’ll sense that he kissed Lety. He never did that after his other women. Marcia is suspicious (and water is wet). He tells her that she’s beautiful, and right now he desperately needs to kiss her beautiful face to forget the horrible errors of the day.

7. Alicia runs out of gas on the way to work. Lety brings Fernando a candy bar as a gift.

Spanish Lesson. In the Park.
Here is another transcription I had in my files.
L: It’s not possible that you’re in love with me, Don Fernando.
F: No? Why not? Tell me! Why not?
L: All the women you like are 90-70-90, tall, beautiful, classy.. I don’t have any of that.
F: I love your fragile-ness. I feel a marvelous energy. I love your security, your gift with people. (As he starts being honest, she starts believing him.) You’re my guardian angel. I value your intelligence. Your devotion to your job. Don’t you think that makes you attractive?
L: No. Definitely not.
F: Then what is happening to me? I’m going crazy for you. And don’t try to tell me I’m confused!
L: No. But there is no reason for you to be in love with me.
F: What provokes our emotions? It’s more than just the physical. You’re right. I used to think that I could only fall for beautiful women. But as you already know.. I haven’t been happy with any of them. (That scores another point because Lety knows it’s true.) I never felt for any of them, what I feel for you. (She almost lets him kiss her, but it’s too much for her.)

On the swings. He says that night’s moon belongs to them. He gives her a long but stiff kiss. No grimace.
L: No, no, no. I don’t know what’s happening to you, but I’m scared, DonFernando.
F: You don’t feel anything for me?
L: Ay, Don Fernando, of course I do. I admire you very much. Es lo me muy interesante. (Why is Fern stunned?) You became special to me when you defended my work (he thinks that’s a strange thing to value), to value me as a professional. That drew me to you. But this is crazy. You’re going to get married. You can’t break up with Marcia to go out with me.
F: Okay, you’re right. But as you know, I don’t love her (with that he wins her over). We should give ourselves the opportunity to discover what we feel for each other.
L: I’m scared, Don Fernando.
F: Might it not be that deep down, you prefer Tomas over me?
L: Don Fernando, forget about him ya!
F: Then what are you afraid of? We’ve been accomplices in everything. And now you’re afraid to go though with this? Or you don’t want to live it out? Would that be better?
L: Sí, Don Fernando. I want to live it. (He braces himself. Not for disgust with her, but disgust with himself, especially because she’s so obviously so in love. Like a soldier on a suicide mission, he gathers his will power and kisses her.)


El Clon Tuesday October 26: Summary for Discussion

Countdown to the Gran Final continues

In the labor suite, the doctors whisk away mega-baby. Nobody seems to be answering Natalia’s questions. And outside, the family waits.

Alí gets back to Mohamed’s house with his and Zoraida’s Aeronovela tickets for tomorrow’s return to Fez. When Zoraida asks permission to take a purse to Jade – she needs it and she has no money to buy one – Alí reminds her angrily that she is not to speak Jade’s name in his presence. Let her beg in the medina, for all I care!

But as soon as Zoraida leaves the room, he slips a wad of cash in the purse.

At the hospital, Nati is wheeled out of the labor suite on a stretcher and Alej follows along. In the waiting room, the doctor tells the family that drug use has damaged Natalia's heart. She will be in the Observation Unit for now. They will have to see how she responds to medication.

Zoraida arrives at Dora’s apartment and gives Jade the purse, admitting it was just a pretext for a visit. Jade asks about her Tío Alí, and Zoraida tells her the sad truth: that he curses her and refuses to hear her name.

Latifa is upset when she catches Samira talking to Carlos on the phone. Your father will never accept a non-Muslim, says Latifa. And I’ll never accept that brat my father found for me in Fez, retorts Samira. She is in love with Carlos; and besides, he’s going to covert to Islam.

Latifa’s response: You’re killing me! (Estás acabando con mi vida!)

Daniel tells Dora about his fight with Lucas. They argued and then they got in each other’s faces. Afterward, they talked about their lives. Daniel remembers this conversation (which should resonate with anyone who’s ever watched a western):

Lucas: En este mundo no hay lugar para los dos.
(In this world, there’s not enough room for both of us.)
Daniel: No, no cabemos.
(No, we don’t fit.)
Lucas: ¿Por qué no te vas? ¿Por qué no te desapareces?
(Why don’t you go away? Why don’t you disappear?)
Daniel: ¿Por qué no te desapareces tú? Tú eres el desperdicio!
(Why don’t you disappear? You’re the left-overs!/the trash that no one wants.)

Daniel vows to Dora that he won't let Lucas take Jade away from him.

Jade and Zoreida continue their visit. Zoreida unfolds a towel to reveal the shards of the magic coffee cup and the remnants of the reading of Jade’s future. It is as cryptic as ever: Zoreida can’t distinguish Lucas from his shadow. She does see a man who disappears, shrouded (envuelto) in the desert. And as for Jade:
Tú pierdes la mitad de tu corazón.
(You lose half of your heart.)

Jade is looking at the purse and is surprised to find money inside. Zoreida smiles, recognizing Alí’s handiwork.

In the hospital nursery, Alej gazes at the giant baby in an incubator. His son.

Albieri surprises his old friend Alí, showing up unannounced at Mohamed’s house. Albieri needs advice; he has a feeling a storm is coming. Alí says:
¡Tú la llamaste, Albieri! Tú convocaste las nubes, tú convocaste los rayos y ahora te sorprende que una tempestad esté por llegar!
(You summoned it, Albieri! You called the clouds, you called the lightning, and now you’re surprised that a storm is coming!)

In another part of the house, the Naz is ready to call in her IOU. If it weren’t for her collaboration, Latifa would be sharing her husband with Zuleica, she reminds her cuñada. What’s her price? She whispers it into Latifa’s ear.

Albieri complains of having no way out of his dilemma. That’s because you want to win everything, says Alí. Not only do you want the whole world to applaud you, you want those who have suffered because of you – Dora, Leo, Daniel and Lucas – to recognize your accomplishment.

Your only worry, he tells Albieri, is what price you’ll have to pay for telling the world about your clone. But God beat you to it when he created Eve from Adam’s rib!

Then Mr. Science and Mr. Faith go a few rounds – but we’ve heard it before.

Across the street at Gloria’s, Diana is looking for Alej. Ramón tells her about Marisa’s visit. Diana knows what that means: She tells
Pablo that Alej has probably gone back to Nati.

As soon as Diana leaves, the Naz runs up to Pablo and beaming happily, asks him if he’s really going to Morocco. He says:
Bueno, me seleccionaron para darle clases de defensa personal al Sheik, aunque no sé si me escojan porque quieren alguien casado.
(Well, they selected me to give classes in self-defense to the Sheik, although I don’t know if they’ll end up choosing me because they want someone married.)

Just think, says the helpful Naz, if you were married to a Moroccan woman, it would be much easier.

And when she leaves, Pablo is also beaming. [Is this a Just Naz story coming true?]

The sKanks are squaring off against Roberto. While Lucía, angrier every time we see her, waits outside, the judge questions Karla. She has no trouble telling her rehearsed lies about her six-month ‘romance’ with Roberto. But she is stumped when the judge asks her where their trysts took place. She looks to the UbersKank and the lawyer and then asks the judge to repeat the question.

When in doubt, faint or cry. Crying works better here. Karla is so verklempt she can’t answer. But Hilda can and she calls out that they used to meet in her house. Yes, chimes in the miraculously recovered Karla: Nos encontrábamos en la casa!

Caro and Clara are talking over Fernando’s narrow escape and hoping that he learned something from it. Clara was glad to hear him talk about his old band. He said he wanted to go see them.

Fernando does call a guy from the band and arranges to come to a rehearsal, just to hang out.

Enrique to therapist: I betrayed everyone I cared about. I can’t forget it. How can they?
Therapist: They may not have forgotten but they still want to see you. They miss you too.
Enrique: I can’t risk it…

Fernando can’t risk it either. He gets as far as the building where the band is rehearsing, but he doesn’t go inside. Instead, he seeks out his old drug buddies.

He finds Paula sitting on a low ledge. She just barely escaped, she tells him, and the only way she could get out was to sleep with el Perro and his gang. But now she is clean. Fernando will have to look elsewhere for his drugs. No problem. Fer turns to another stoner sitting on the ledge.

Jadiya’s Reign of Terror in the House of Said continues. Rania interrupts Jadiya’s conversation with Jamil and Amie -- she is telling him that when a wife has no gold, it’s because her husband is a nobody (un cero a la izquierda, literally, a zero to the left). How is it that this kid has any friends? -- to say that it’s time for Jadiya to study. Jamil and Amie have to go home. Jadiya refuses. She’d rather dance, she says. And she turns on the music.

Rania hasn’t picked up any parenting skills since the last time we saw her. So it’s not long before she and Jadiya are shouting curses at each other. Rania raises her hand to strike …

… and Said walks in at that precise moment. Rania, he shouts angrily, put your hand down! And he walks away.

Rania turns to Amina and tells her she can’t take it any more. Said will have to decide: it’s Rania or Jadiya, not both. Or let Jade take her!

…and once again, Said walks in just in time to catch her out. And, for old times sake, he glowers.

At Casa Ferrer, Leo is just now hearing about Nati’s baby. Rosa tells him that both mother and baby are in trouble and nobody knows if they’ll survive. Leo immediately blames ‘the two of them’ – they never knew how to control Natalia. And by the time he found out about the problem, it was too late.

Rosa answers the phone. It’s for Leo, but he indicates with a shake of his head that he’s not available. Who is calling? Malicia? repeats Rosa, just as Cris enters the room. She’ll pass the phone to La Sra Cristina, she tells the caller. Oddly enough, when Cris takes the phone, there is no one on the line. Leo raises a hand as if to say “Don’t ask me”. And the expression on Cristina’s face makes it clear that she knows.

Abdul covers his eyes to avoid haram in the streets of Miami, and Mohamed walks beside him as a sort of seeing eye sin catcher. And that is when he catches out Samira in the sinful act of talking to a boy. In the street.

Zein arrives at Dora’s apartment and asks to see Jade.

Albi shows up at the clinic and asks Anita, Julio and Escobar if they’ve seen Luisa. They all say no, although Anita is lying. Julio warns Albieri that, when it comes to an angry woman, he should be ready for anything. What do you mean? asks Albieri.

Well, how about denouncing him before his peers? Because that is precisely what Luisa is doing. She is in the office of Dr. Villegas of the State Medical Board and she has come to file a complaint against Albieri.

At the hospital, the doctor has news for the family. Natalia’s condition is stable and she is out of danger. Sadly, the baby’s condition has worsened. The doctor thinks he’s unlikely to survive.

Alej walks down to the nursery and sees that his son’s incubator is empty. He’s in intensive care, explains the nurse. She tells him to trust in God, that nothing is impossible.

Luisa hands over all of Albieri’s clone documentation to Dr. Villegas. She confirms that Dra Silvia’s denuncia was accurate, that Albieri cloned a human being 20 years ago; that he implanted the embryo in a woman without her consent and she has only now learned of his deception; that he is a clone of the son of Leo Ferrer.

What will happen to Albieri? Will he lose his medical license? she asks hopefully. At the very least, says Villegas.

Luisa is very pleased with herself. She phones Anita from her car and begins: No sabes lo que hice! (You’ll never guess what I did). But since Albieri is standing right in front of Anita, the conversation has to be postponed.

Julio tries to explain to Albieri that when he chose Amalia as his confidante, Luisa felt betrayed. It would be easier for her to forgive a love affair

Julio also tells Anita that she doesn’t realize how serious the situation with Albieri and Luisa really is.

Meanwhile, Albieri receives a call from Villegas asking him to come to his office.

Alej is seeking comfort in the hospital chapel. As he prays for the life of his son, he is joined by Marisa. We have to have faith, he tells her. God is going to hear us. And Alej seems a little surprised when Marisa answers: Yes, I know that's so.

Zein and Jade talk while Dora watches from a distance in the classic crossed-arms pose of the skeptic. Zein declares his love and proposes marriage. Jade has two weeks to think about it.

When he leaves, Dora tells Jade how upset she is about Lucas. She’s not about to let anyone hurt Daniel.

And as for Jade’s relationship with Daniel, the only thing she wants to know is if Jade loves him and will stick by him. I’m very confused... begins Jade. Dora cuts her off: Then you don’t love him!

Jade tries to explain about Daniel and Lucas being the same person and about dreaming of him for 20 years. Does Dora know what that is like? It turns out she does.

You said you didn’t go away with Lucas because of your daughter, says Dora. And now you want him to leave his daughter for you?

It’s not the same, Jade protests, my daughter was a newborn at the time. Dora answers:
Es muy fácil querer que el otro deje su equipaje cuando tú no estás dispuesta a dejar la tuya.
(It’s very easy to want the other person to leave his baggage behind when you’re not disposed to leave your own.)

The only thing that really matters to me is my son’s welfare, says Dora. I can tell you this, answers Jade: I’ve decided to go to Morocco.

Mohamed and Abdul are now back in front of the house. Mohamed says he’s not feeling well and he hurries inside.

Marisa has come to see Natalia in her hospital room. She tells her the baby has respiratory problems and is in intensive care.
Nati says: It’s my fault, isn’t it? It’s because of the drugs, right?
I’m very sorry, says Marisa.

Mohamed storms into the house, eyes popping, steam coming out of his ears. ¡Te vi! he shouts at Samira. ¡Te vi con un occidental! (I saw you with a westerner) She is killing her father, her mother, her whole family. The roof is caving in on them!

The roof fell down a long time ago, observes the Naz tartly.

Samira will be sent to Fez to live with Tío Abdul!

Never, she tells her cousin Zumaya. She’ll run away first, she’ll hide in the desert!

Poor Roberto is still in the hearing with the sKanks. He tries to say that he never went to Karla’s house and there was no relationship between them, but the judge silences him, saying he’ll get his turn later.

Hilda entertains the court with a work of fiction that begins: “He was like a shining armor I must say…” Roberto said he was separated from his wife. He wanted a son with Karla because his wife was unable to give him one…

Lucía waits impatiently outside. She calls Andrea who agrees to come by the courthouse after bringing a change of clothes to Nati in the hospital.

Hilda embroiders the lie by bringing Consuelo into the story. And Roberto sits and listens and reflects that it is a nightmare.

Alej phones Pablo to tell him that Nati has had her baby. Diana guesses that Pablo was talking to Alej and wants to know what’s going on. With some reluctance, he tells her.

The final scene takes place in Rogelio’s office at Salamandra. Malicia sits across from him. He says: I’m reading Raul Escobar’s formal complaint against you and the truth is, it’s a disgrace. You robbed him!

Credits roll


Llena de Amor #55 Tue 10/26/10 Naco gentlemen and head trauma patients have no memories.

But Delicia gets an eyeful she won’t forget anytime soon!
Episode 55.
Skipping the repeats…
Off in the Los Angeles hotel, Brandon tugs his jeans on over his tighty whities while Ilitia lies in bed studiously ignoring him and thinking, “Ilitia, what have you done?!” Meanwhile, he’s thinking that he’s really stepped in it with all four paws. Once he’s got his boots on, Brandon leans over the bed and tells Ilitia that this was cool, but not good for them, so hasta nunca. He leaves still shirtless and Ilitia repeats, “hasta nunca, policía.”
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I had to scream. Poor Axel is apparently too befuddled to resist Lorena’s dubious charms. They’re nekkid in a blanket, rolling around on the rug all smoocheroony. Lorena says she wants to spend every night with him. “Oh, well, okay, then I guess I want to be with you forever, too,” he says. It might be more romantic if he actually remembered her. Or if it weren’t her. I am really seriously worried about Axel. Will he just go along with anything anyone says now?
Fedra tells Marianela to save herself the trouble of finding out who Fedra Curiel really is: she is a DAMA. She even spells it out for her, d, a, m, a, which makes me and Mari laugh. Fedra forgot the “of the evening.” Mari says she knows Fedra has a dark past and she’s going to find the proof, and then everyone will know what sort of person Fedra is.
Emiliano goes to Netty’s house, where’s she’s hanging out in her robe because it’s late, and tells her he has never felt such a need to be with her as now.
Fedra tells Delicia she wants a special romantic dinner with champagne served in the bedroom for her and her husband. Delicia says she can serve the dinner, but Fedra will be eating it alone. Señor Emiliano went out; he said he had something very important to do.
Or someONE. But Netty is resisting. She says it’s late and he should be home with his family. He says it’s important that he talk to her, please. So she invites him to sit down and fans herself furiously. Emiliano tells her he feels lost; that his entire life is a sham and crumbling. He thinks Fedra is not the woman he fell in love with.
Paula tries to take dinner to Gretel on a tray, but Fedra forbids her to ever serve Gretel again. She says if she ever catches Paula near Gretel’s room, she will throw Paula out of the house forever.
Delicia hears giggling from some downstairs room as she strolls through the sala. “Aha! Kristel and Mauricio! I’ll catch them red-handed!” she says. She throws open the door and is agog to find Axel and Lorena in a compromising position.
Emiliano says he has been blind, but he was in love. Netty doesn’t think that’s a good excuse. By remaining silent, he’s been an accomplice to all the damage Fedra has done to so many people. Máximo tried to warn him so many times, and he just wouldn’t listen. Emiliano swears that he regrets having been such a spineless idiot. He asks Netty to help him. “Me? How can I help?” she asks. He just wants someone to listen and be his friend.
Delicia is not one to apologize and step out. She’s one to stand around and talk about it. “Axel! Really? I thought your motor was burned out,” she says rather rudely. “Can’t you give me and my novio some privacy?” Lorena demands. “Novios? Since when do you have a novia? I thought you were interested in…other things,” Delicia says to Axel. “What are you talking about?” he asks, standing up. Still starkers, of course. Delicia is scandalized, but takes a good look and says, “Oh my! Who would have imagined?!” while blushing and pretending to cover her eyes. Lorena tells her to get lost and Delicia skeddadles with a big grin.
Once Delicia is gone, Axel rapidly dresses, to Lorena’s dismay. “What are you doing? We were having a good time!” He says he’s going to go find out what’s happening, and then he’ll be back. “Seriously? You’re leaving me here like this?!” Yep.
In the dollhouse, Muñeca is not happy to find Lowrenzo lounging on her bed. He tries his Don Juan act but Muñeca doesn’t go for it. She says not long ago, she would have been thrilled that he wanted to reignite their relationship, but now she’s done. She’d rather sleep alone. Low tries kissing her a lot and saying he needs her and everything he’s done was for her. Muñeca is too desperate for attention to analyze that, and she’s down for the count.
Delicia talks out loud to herself while snacking in the kitchen, saying Axel is such a liar. He pretended to be gay, but it must have been a ruse to get all the sluts (cuscas). He must have a long line of them, all waiting their turn (she sounds a little jealous to me). And from what she saw, he must have no trouble reeling them in. Yep, she’s jealous, because then she says, “he’s so handsome, even I’d get in line!” just as Axel himself walks into the kitchen. Delicia swears she’ll keep her mouth shut about what she saw, but that’s not why he’s here. He wants to know what she meant about him liking other things. Delicia says never mind, she must have been mistaken. Axel grabs her by the shoulders and tells her to stay out of his life. He storms away. “Oooh, what a man!” Delicia swoons.
Fedra thought-bubbles that she needs to control herself and not lose her power. She’s fought too hard for her high-and-mighty status to throw it all away like a basket of rotten fish. Emanuel comes in and very calmly demands to know who his real father is. Fedra drops her wine glass.
Out in the garden, Kristel is worried about Nereida’s demands. Mauricio, ever the caring consort, tells her this is all her fault because she wouldn’t just do things his way. If she hadn’t run away from the clinic, the problem would be over. She is incensed that he doesn’t care that she was scared or might have died. Malicio is unmoved. He says she’s going to have to do it, because this baby is not going to be born. Marianela overhears that. “What baby are you talking about?”
Fedra insists that Emiliano is Emanuel’s father, and has been the only man in her life. He asks why he was born so soon after they got together, then. Fedra starts crying and sniffling, all offended that her favorite son would offend her by doubting her like this. Boo hoo. He rolls his eyes at this, but gently hugs her and gets her to sit down.
Marianela asks Kristel if she’s pregnant with the demon spawn of Agent Orange. Kristel says that’s crazy. Marianela says she’s not crazy, but she hopes that Kristel realizes before it’s too late that the only thing Maury will do is destroy her life. She leaves and Kristel throws a fit. Malicio says if her parents find out about this, he will go far, far away and she will never see him again. Dare we dream?
Fedra is still putting on her discombobulated act, and Bernardo comes along and asks what’s wrong with her. “I don’t know; call a doctor or something,” Emanuel suggests. Fedra pouts that her son doesn’t love her, that’s what’s wrong. She asks Spiderus to help her to her room. Emanuel wearily watches them go.
Netty tells Marianela via phone that Brandon went to Los Angeles to see some experts about the helicopter crash, so soon they should know whether Eva’s death was intentional. Netty segues into selling Brandon as a suitable suitor, but Mari says she just doesn’t feel that way about him. “Are you in love with Emanuel?” Netty asks. “What? Who told you that?” “What are you thinking? He’s your cousin!” Fortunately the cousin himself comes along and interrupts this conversation.
Fedra’s lying in bed, creeping upward on the ugly crying scale. Spiderus tries to calm her down, but she says they’re sunk. Everyone knows she’s a liar. Suddenly she is seized with a thought: It’s so ironic that right when Emanuel wants to know his origins, she finds out that Gretel is… “Gretel is what?” Spidey asks. Fedra won’t say and throws him out and goes back to more ugly crying.
Muñeca and Lowrenzo are…vacationing in the Netherlands, so to speak. But Low still answers his cell phone when Fedra makes a booty call. She says she’s had the worst day ever and feels like a caged animal. She needs to see him immediately. Low tries to put her off until tomorrow but she insists, NOW. Muñeca tries to get him to hang up the phone, and Fedra hears. “Are you in bed with your WIFE, you BASTARD?” He continues trying to pretend this is a business call and says he’ll get in touch with her tomorrow. Fedra’s furious and says he’d better not tell her no, especially not to “hacerle arrumacos con tu esposa” (get busy with your wife) . Muñeca takes the phone and tells Señor Landeros that her husband is busy and will have to call back tomorrow. She hangs up on Fedra.
Fedra has a little breakdown and mutters that her life is falling to pieces. Nereida tells her she’s been summoned to see Carloca.
Emanuel and Marianela go in his bedroom and close the door so they can talk privately. Good job, kids. Mari says she was just arguing with Netty because Netty would really like to see her married to Brandon. Emanuel says no way can she marry a guy she doesn’t care for. “And you can marry a woman you don’t love?” Mari asks. He has no answer to that. Mari says she’s tired of this weird game they’re playing; no more unless he tells her how he really feels about her. “Are you or aren’t you in love with me?”
Carlota imperiously tells Fedra she’ll give her one chance to prove her loyalty to the family: Take this phone, call the police, and turn in Bernardo. Right now, before he hurts Marianela. Fedra says there’s no way he’s guilty. Carlota says she heard him herself, and he’s not what Fedra thinks he is. They have to get him out of the house immediately. Fedra says the one who will be leaving this house immediately is Carloca, because Spidey was just following orders. “I am the one who won’t rest until your gross obese niece is out of this house, away from my family, and away from my son!” Carloca is flabbergasted.
Wow, Fedra’s really losing it. She tells Carloca “git out, you crazy meddling old hag, I’m the one in charge here.” “You are not getting rid of me so easily! I’ll make sure everyone finds out what a monster you are!” “Okay, then I’ll tell everyone how you tore Gretel out of her mother’s arms so I could raise the low-class thing like a daughter!” “You wouldn’t dare!” “You keep my secrets, and I’ll keep yours. You have my word.” “Your word is worth nothing!” Carloca officially declares herself Fedra’s enemy. “Ooooh, look how I’m trembling!” says Fedra, shimmying flamenco-style and blowing kisses as she departs.
Emanuel has had to sit on the bed to think. “Never mind, your silence says enough,” says Mari. She sadly starts to leave, but he stops her. He says he’s just confused, but he really cares about her and likes her. “But not enough to tell anyone,” Mari whines. She says Brandon was better in that sense; he wanted everyone to know they were dating. Emanuel begs her not to be so rigid. He loves her, but he’s still engaged to Ilitia, and it’s all a disaster. Well, then that’s that, says Marianela. But one more thing: don’t send any more cards or chocolates! She leaves, and Emanuel collapses on his bed. “What am I going to do?”
The next day, in the city of angels and fallen angels, Ilitia orders breakfast. Her agent/partner Mariela comes in wearing quite an outfit and yells at her for the scandal at the fashion show. Ilitia tells her she doesn’t care what the clients think. “Fine, you’re on your own then!” says Mariela, who abandons Ilitia right then. Brandon comes into the restaurant and takes a seat, looking at Ilitia with googly eyes. She pointedly looks away.
Emanuel visits the dollhouse and Muñeca tells him Ilitia is out of town and she asks what happened between them. “Sick jealousy, as always,” he answers. She asks if what Ilitia said is true, that he’s in love with his cousin. “What does that matter? I need to talk to Ilitia,” he nonanswers. Muñeca begs him to swear that he’ll fix things and marry Ilitia, who has nothing else in her life. Well, way to sell your daughter there, Muñeca. What a catch.
Brandon ogles Ilitia and thought-bubbles, “oh, now you’re ignoring me, after that night we had together!” Meanwhile, she’s trying to hide behind a menu and thinking, “What a hangover! How could I fall so low?”
Fedra wears exceedingly ugly shiny silver animal-print leggings, the better to stalkily crawl across the desk. She hisses at Bernardo for letting Carloca overhear him talking about the crime. Fedra tells him the old hag tried to make her turn him in to the police, so they’ve got to get rid of her. He is to drive her to the airport and make sure she gets on a plane. Spiderus wants to know how Fedra is getting Carloca to leave, but she won’t tell him. He says he knows all her secrets; she says not all. After all, she can’t trust him not to spill secrets to the lowly servants in bed. He gets mad, which inspires her to speak in the third person: Fedra Curiel knows no limits and is indestructible! Spidey thinks Emanuel is not going to give up. They argue about who is at fault for the family’s suspicions. Fedra says the whole family is rotten. The only one who doesn’t have any problems is Kristel. Kristel walks in right on cue.
Mari tells Carloca she doesn’t want to go to Spain, and Madame Hedgehog Hair can’t make her. She insists there’s nothing going on with Emanuel; it’s over. Tia makes her swear that she’ll forget about him so she can leave in peace. Mari agrees and wonders why Carlota wants to leave so suddenly. Carlota says she’s got important business. She warns Mari to be very careful of Fedra.
Kristel sweetly begs Fedra to give dear deserving Nereida a raise. It just seems like the right thing to do, that’s why. Fedra says no way, y punto. Fedra tells Spidey to find out what’s going on with Kristel.
Brandon snags Ilitia as she tries to leave and says they need to talk.
Muñeca tells Emanuel she’s afraid Ilitia will do something awful if he breaks up with her. Again, what a catch. Who wouldn’t want to marry someone who always has one foot in the manicomio? Flora runs in and tells them that there was a call from the orphanage; Manzanita’s mother died. Much sadness.
Ilitia insists that nothing happened between them. “Well, then I had a rather strange dream, or maybe I was sleepwalking,” says Brandon, “but I assure you, it was a VERY good dream.” “Well, good for you, but for me, it was a nightmare,” Ilitia says. “Naco gentlemen have no memories,” he assures her, and kisses her hand. She smiles.
Fedra tells Doc Peralta she wants Gretel out of her way. He says they can keep her sedated.
Carlota brings Marianela and her new lawyer with her to say goodbye to Fedra. She wants to make sure Mari’s situation is very clear.
Gretel hastily packs a suitcase. She tries to leave, but her door is locked from the outside. “If I stay in this house, Fedra will kill me,” she worries.
Carlota wants Fedra to sign a document saying she’ll give the house back to Mari when she gets her inheritance from her father. Fedra says she’s changed her mind and she isn’t signing anything. Carlota excuses Mari and the lawyer so she can threaten Fedra privately. She says she’s given the lawyer a letter saying everything she knows about Gretel’s parentage and Fedra’s and Bernardo’s guilt. If anything happens to Carlota, Marianela, or Máximo, Pacheco will go to the police and Fedra will spend the rest of her life rotting in prison.
Avances: Ranting, raving, the whole family gathered as Fedra points a gun at Marianela, Gretel, and Oliver.
Fundido – burned out.
Fiera enjaulada – caged wild animal.
Arrumaco – kisses and groping. What Fedra does not approve of Lowrenzo doing to Muñeca.


La Verdad Oculta EP31 10/26/2010 - By the sea... bring along your chopper


* In an expensive restaurant Alejandra and a blushing and very flustered Juan José talk about the reconstruction of his house. Money doesn't matter to him, he trusts her, do as she wishes. The perfect client. Then they don't have anything else to negotiate about, says Ale. What? No! No, he'd like to keep in touch with her every single day... well, to... to talk about the works, of course.

* It's late night. In the AFI office Leonardo and Ramón talk about what happened in the Guilléns' flat. Leo tells Ramón he's sure the intruder wasn't an average burglar, he was looking for something. Maybe Adolfo Ávila, the Shoe Collector sent him there. (Wait. Are we sure we are following a telenovela and not CSI:Mexican Suburbs? He's too bright.)

* Abelardo visits Elsa looking for JJ. He needs to find him soon, his boss would like to buy his house. You're late, man. She informs him about that JJ doesn't want to sell it anymore, on the contrary, he's going to renovate the villa. Anyway, Abe gives her his address card.

* In the taxi JJ continues acting like a shy teenage boy on his first date, which amuses Ale much. She asks him about his business. After a few uncomfortable seconds JJ notices a furniture store and without thinking says "muebleria (furniture)". That's great, says Ale, then we could use your goods! No, no, no, JJ doesn't want it for some lame reason he quickly invents, but fortunately he doesn't have time to explain it because the taxi turns left and he falls on Alejandra's shoulder.

In front of the office they say goodbye. JJ repeats he trusts her taste, and Alejandra asks him about why he chose her. She doesn't believe he found her accidentally, someone must've recommended her. JJ says it was Medina. Mauricio Medina? That's great! Yes, indeed. He holds her hand and says thank you. Thanks. Thank you very much. Thank you. You. You... thanks... much. Thanks.

* Julieta and Gabriela have a quarrel. Juli says there's nothing wrong with going out at weekend, and she's going to meet Roberto, period. Gabriela prohibits it and threatens her with telling everything Daddy, but her little sister doesn't care about it anymore.

* JJ visits Elsa to excuse himself for his behaviour. But the girl's in a furious mood and while she's packing her suitcase vehemently she says he can do with his life what he wants to do, she doesn't care about it at all. And now she has to leave for work. For work? Come on, he could buy anything that's inside that suitcase! Beep, wrong answer, Elsa scolds the big guy. JJ has changed quickly, now he thinks he can buy anything and anyone - but he's wrong! She gives him Abelardo's address card and leaves.

* While Julieta's waiting in his car Roberto tells a very frustrated Carlos on phone that Gaby decided to stay at home. However, whatever he expected from this weekend it shatters when his little girlfriend tells him she wants to be at home by evening. Naturally she won't spend the night alone with him!

* Daddy calls Gabriela and tells her he hasn't find a job yet and he'll return home soon. Yes, by the evening. Oops. She calls the Genovés villa and asks Bertha about David's arrival from his business trip. Tomorrow. Then she calls Carlos and begs him to give her Roberto's phone number. She has to find her sister because their father will be at home soon. Carlos says with a content look on his face that Rob and Juli are on the beach and they won't be able to call them... but he'd gladly give her a lift. Yolanda accidentally eavesdrops on his conversation but can't stop him from leaving.

* Alejandra and Mina talk about their newest client. Ale doesn't understand JJ's behaviour, he has the hands of a workman, he has a millions of pesos but doesn't own a car... Strange. Medina shows up and Ale thanks him for recommending her to Senor Ocampo. Senor who? The man who bought Juan José Victoria's house! What?! Juan José sold the house? Medina says he he doesn't know this mysterious Ocampo. The girls start to worry about JJ. He's strange, he lied to Alejandra... what if he doesn't have money at all and won't be able to pay them? Alejandra states she'll ask him to give them fifty percent in advance.

* And unhappy and desperate Mario takes a walk in his headquarters and he arrives back to his bedroom just when Bertha starts to knock on the door impatiently. He lets her in and Bertha expresses her concern for him. They talk about the future of the girls and David who may get married one day. She takes offense and thinks he wants to tell him that after the marriage of Blondie they'll have to leave the villa. No! He loves them very much and they're welcome in his house, but advises her to look for a good job. Alejandra has a profession and owns an office, maybe she should follow her example. Naturally Bertha doesn't like this idea at all.

* In the luxury hotel Caramelo warns her new doll: "You have to take bath every day or we won't by you new dresses!" Asunción arrives home with a huge amount of delicious tacos. They are talking about their future when Medina knocks on the door. The architect hardly recognizes the dirty old beggar from the infamous house and looks for Juan José. He learns from Asunción that JJ didn't sell the house which makes him completely confused now but his brain cells work well enough to ask for Elsa's address. At last JJ arrives home and the architect tells him that everything is fine with the gold bars and they worth 600 million pesos. *Viewerville: Okay, we want to marry JJ. Now.* Then he asks him about why he didn't sell it to him? Why, because he wants to live in that villa. But he was told he had sold it to a man called Ocampo. A wide smile flits across JJ's face and he admits he uses his second name because he doesn't want people to know he used to be a jailbird. And why did he hire Alejandra? Because she's an architect, says JJ innocently. But Medina knows about Mario Genovés and he's sure he wants to use Alejandra to take revenge on her uncle. But she's a good girl and he won't let him do that! JJ says all he knows is that Mario and his associate sent him into prison for a crime he hadn't commit. Now he has money and he will find that guy who killed that girl! He has right for that! Maybe, says Medina, but he's going to tell everything Alejandra.

* Bertha tells Ale about Uncle Mario's awful idea. He can't fool her, she knows he wants to get rid of them! She mentions the marriage of David which makes Ale very curious. If David wants to get married with someone else then its Bertha's fault, she scared him away. She should be wiser. Bertha complaints that David only cares about that damned waitress who even had the nerve to call him on phone! She'll talk with Carlos and Ale should talk with Roberto, too, and they'll ask them to help them. Okay, says Ale, she'll do it for her.

* Julieta breaks up with Roberto who says with the obligatory candy in his mouth that he likes to date with women, not with silly little girls, and it seems he wasted his time on her. *Viewerville: Lucky girl.* She returns home crying, just when the phone calls. Fausto says he'll keep looking for a job and won't return for a while.

* Roberto shows up in the Ávila condo and finds Yolanda who doesn't understand why he is there and not in the weekend house by the sea with Carlos and Gabriela. * In the meantime the youngsters arrive at the the beautiful seaside house that I've seen in every Larrosa telenovela. They find Félix, but que sorpresa, there's no Roberto or Julieta. Carlos, who obviously has a plan, tries to convince Gaby to stay for a while who's very uncomfortable with the situation.

* Bertha tells David what Gaby asked about his arrival, and Roberto shows up just in time to tell him his girlfriend is with Carlos.



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dinero (not complete) Blackout

Hello Everyone.
Firstly my apologies because there will be no recap tonight. For whatever reason my cable service was interrupted until about an hour ago. I thought I could still do the recap but my recording services also betrayed me tonight. However, I couln't leave you with nothin, now could I? So here is the discussion thread for tonight's episode.
Once again my apologies for this situation. Private 057

UPDATE: This is blog mom checking in. Let's see, what do I remember?

In the barn where Rafa is being held prior to marrying the hot chica who has said he is her baby daddy, Ale and Rafa exchange happy tight-lipped kisses (a fifth grader could do better).

Luckily, the "other" Rafael Medina (looks like an old hippy) shows up at the last minute. The pregnant daughter is not that happy to see him, she preferred Rafita Rafita, but what can you do?

Rafa and Ale rush back to the hotel, where, thanks to a blackout caused by Chavez (don't you love the way Marco spits out his name?) trying to recharge his cellphone, the awards ceremony was delayed just enough for Rafa and Ale to join the gang and hear that Auto-Siglo won!

La leona de Clo-Autos is mortified and has her human palanquin carry her off to the pool where she can drink her sorrows away (she had offered to buy drinks for Arcadia WHEN Clo-Autos won).

Milagros has checked in - she needs to decide whether she will (1) marry Jimenez or (2) go to a nunnery. I personally think that is a too-scanty list of options. He meets up with her by the pool and is dazzled once again by what her bikini reveals. Milagros, he is old and shallow and has logorrhoea, quick Milagros run run run!

Chavez, fresh from his night on the sofa, Marco, Todo Yo Daniel (who starts every entrance and exit by turning sideways), Marian (who has some plan in action but we don't know what it is exactly, though it involves a guy with a deep voice spying on Rafael and Ale), and VICKI VICKI VICKI meet up and are all bitching in one voice when Ale and Rafa show up, see them all and suspect it's not a coincidence - but don't care at all - they happily wave their blue ribbons, call each other "mi amor" many times, and leave. Our table of also-rans grind their teeth.

Arcadia sees La Leona by the pool, jumps up and down three times in triumphant glee, and offers to buy La Leona drinks. Being a "good loser," Leona accepts.

Some mystery messenger leaves mystery notes for many of our main characters who all say, "funny, what is this?" Oh, and some funny looking guy comes to Rafa's door making him stare in astonishment.


La Fea Más Bella #61-62 10/26/10 La dueña de mi vida.

Capitulo 61

Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 61 to 64, and also her introduction. Then come back here to discuss it.

We now shift into Julie's recaps which cover the next 40 episodes. She recapped the first episode she ever saw! I cannot begin to imagine doing that! If you've never read Julie's recaps, you're in for a treat. Note, I don’t know where the episode breaks are in Julie’s old recaps, and besides, our current episodes might end in the middle of an episode. For that reason, as you read the old recap, you might end up reading part of the next day’s show. If anyone wants to post details of where (in Julie’s recap) our 2010 broadcast ends, go ahead! You’re not stepping on my toes. Otherwise, let the reader beware.

There are several significant points in this episode that are hard to spot the first time around. Pardon me if I take a little extra space to define them. The first was the crab canon toast, repeated from the last cap.

1. The HaHAs ask Tom why FI hasn’t finished the process (e.g. take ownership of Conceptos). Sanchez implies that their waitress is a “working girl,” but Tom doesn’t get it.

2. At the antro, Ricardo Montaner sings “Nada,” and Fernando is stabbed to heart by the lines, “My burden of conscience does not let me breathe. And my people ask me, What’s going on with that woman. I say nothing. I was the owner of nothing, and I did not even know why.” Lety is stabbed by Fernando’s pain. She sees nothing but him, and he doesn’t notice her at all.

3. Fernando resents Marcia’s phone call (the first of many, many, many), checking up / spying on him. But she’s pacified because he’s with Lety. Lety starts to tell Fernando something. The scene is cut short; we don’t see her tell him that Tomás is 1% owner of FI. Ricardo sings “Besame la boca” and greets Fernando and his “pretty companion.” He calls Lety Fern’s novia and says, “Viva los novios!”

4. Tomás asks the HaHAs why Fernando would ever enamorar Lety. As a demonstration, they tell the waitress that Tom is partner in a company worth millions, and she’s all over him. Sanchez says wealth can make a person very attractive. He’s still trying to figure out why Lety is so friendly with her debtor.

5. Lety is nervous about everything, so she tries to keep Fern from saying anything else he’ll regret. Just like in her dance floor fantasy, the song "La dueña de mi vida" plays, and Fernando asks her to dance. Lety prays quietly, “Please let it not be a dream!” Meanwhile Fernando thanks God for Jalisco (the source of tequila).

6. Erasmo and Julieta remember back to when they were novios, their first kiss, and how they filled each other’s thoughts.

7. The dance carries Lety to heaven, and Fern to the inferno. She tells him that he’s drunk and he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Fern says, “I’ve realized I couldn’t stand it if you were gone. I would miss you .. as a woman. When I heard you had a novio, I was upset because I’m jealous of Tomás Mora!” Lety walks away, trying to escape. He catches her, he kisses her, she kisses him, and she runs away.

8. Lety floats home. Mama knows something’s different. Lety writes in her diary, her dream came true. But she knows he’s not for her. He’s engaged to Marcia. She realizes, “Tomorrow, if he regrets that he kissed his fea assistant, I’ll have to leave. And he needs me!” Fernando stumbles into Marcia’s apartment, pours another drink, and picks up their engagement picture for comfort, but he drops it.

9. In the morning, Omar wants all the juicy gossip, and Fernando can’t stand him acting like such a pig. Fern says he betrayed an angel. If she doesn’t have feelings for Tomás, he has committed the worst mistake of his life because it wasn’t necessary. Game over. She thinks he doesn’t remember, and he’ll never do it again. Omar tells him he needs to kiss her again, sober, so she believes it.

Capitulo 62.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 61 to 64. Then come back here to discuss it.

1. Money worries all around. Fernando worries he can’t make payroll. Tom worries FI can’t pay its loan. Lety’s worries about it all. The employees can’t wait for today’s paycheck, which won’t come.

2. Fernando tells Omar he’s like a devil on his shoulder, whispering “Enamorarla!” And he looks awful in red latex!

3. Saimon is eager for Paula to present him to her parents as her novio, but she says they’re not novios. But at least she assures him she’s not close to anyone else. Until one of her ricos calls.

4. Marcia rips into Lety for kissing her man. She accuses her of being a man-stealer, taking advantage of Fernando while he was drunk, and plotting to steal him all along. Marcia says he loves her and he’ll never be for Lety. She wants Lety’s resignation, and she’s going to tell everyone, including Erasmo, what a terrible person Lety is. But it was a fantasy.

5. Alicia goes to Fern’s office to demand her paycheck, and Lety moves to her shield-bearer position. The kiss has changed her position with Fernando. Fern tells Ali payday is delayed a few days.

6. Lola fights with Jazmín. I thought Luigi fired her! Lola breaks Jazmín’s phone. Ali tries to be her patron. Lola claims it was an accident. Lopez takes the side of the ones with big boobs. He orders Lola to pay for Jazmín’s phone. She refuses and is fired.

7. Lety overhears Marcia telling Alicia that Fernando was out drinking with Omar and Lety. She says she won’t do anything; she’ll save her energy for when she has to fight against a REAL woman. Ali jokes about Lety’s ugly clothing then complains that no man pays attention to her despite her beauty.

8. Tom asks Julieta for advice to win Alicia. MamaJ tells him to write her a love letter.

9. Juana threatens Lopez, that if he fires Lola, the cuartel quits. He’s delighted; he can’t wait to get rid of them.


Llena de Amor #54 Mon 10/25/10 Death is, like, a box of chocolates

Friday: Gretel has had a nervous collapse, and Axel pushes Marianela away from her. Eman doesn’t want to believe Maximo that he’s Fedra’s son by somebody other than Emil. Hey, you asked, says Maximo. Go ask your mom.


Now, this runs a bit long. Forgive me, but there were so many really super-sizzling conversations which would have lost their punch if I just summarized them. Grab your favorite beverage and settle in. Here goes:

Marianela wants to help with Gretel, but Axel yells at her not to do that fakey-nicey routine, ya big phony. Get out of our house and leave us all alone! Marianela’s eyes get big. Whoa! She flees.

Bernardo, happily humming to himself, injects a candy with some liquid. He puts it back in the box, chuckling. There’s a knock at his bedroom door and he quick hides the chocolates.

It’s Emanuel, and Bernardo remarks that he seems to be coming to his room at lot, and even though he’s just a servant, he would appreciate it if Eman would respect his privacy.

Respect? What you need is a good punch in the face, says Eman. He demands to hear the truth about his mother, who she was, when and why she came to this house, if she was ever with any man other than her father, and why she’s gone to so much trouble to hide her past. What’s the big mystery?

Bernardo tells him that his mother’s past was very sad, and it’s painful for her to remember it. For dramatic effect, he sits, squeezes his eyes shut and rubs his brow. Eman demands to know why she does everything to avoid telling him who Jose Maria Sevilla is. Bernardo pretends to puzzle about any connection. Eman wants to know what JMS has to do with his mother and… does he have any significance in Eman’s life?

Nothing! says Bernardo. Where do you get this stuff? Eman turns to leave and says I hope you’re not lying to me, because if I found out you are, I’ll never forgive you. He leaves. Gaaaa winces Bernardo, adjusting his wounded leg. Certainly he’s not wincing over any future lack of forgiveness. Compared to drugging and murder, why, he’d brush it off like a gnat.

Kristel arrives in the kitchen to see Nereida who says Already? Cool! When do I get my raise? Kristel sneers that she wouldn’t give her even her dirty clothes. Nereida asks if she thinks she can get rid of the baby without her help while keeping her family in the dark. Kristel tells her she’s gossipy and says she can take care of her problem on her own. Nereida says she bets she could get that raise herself from Fedra, just by blabbing that Fedra’s little treasure is knocked up.

Gretel is now under the covers of her bed, and Paula has her arm around her, comforting her. Axel demands to know what Marianela did to her. Gretel tells him to leave her alone. This scene is notable for the presence of one of my favorite characters in this show, the orange pussycat. It’s always lashing its tail and looking pissed off. I wonder if they velcroed it to the bed.

Leave me alone! sobs Gretel. Paula tells him he’s making things worse and to go get that tea Delicia is making for Gretel. Uh oh, I hope there isn’t a tea mix-up. Paula pets Gretel and remembers that she was so happy just a little bit ago. Gretel boo hoos that she thought she could be happy, but she seems to be marked for a life of pain. Paula hugs her tenderly and tells her she was always her favorite.

Into this poignant scene marches Carlota. Hands off my niece! We don’t allow that sort of familiarity in this house and you know it. She tells Axel, who’s just come back with the tea, to take care of Gretel. Come with me! she barks at Paula.

I’ll bet you’re glad to read all that because you were too busy squinting at Gretel’s teeth to see what’s up with them to pay close attention.

At the foot of the stairs, Emil is calling a doctor to hurry over. Marianela is with him, and Eman walks in wants to know what’s going on. Marianela fills him in and tells him how Axel turned on her and yelled at her to get out. Eman is tender and tells her how loving he thinks she is. She tells him Axel also told her to get out of everyone’s life. Eman is puzzled.

Carlota spits at Paula that just because she has some affair with Maximo, it doesn’t mean she has the right to act like she’s one of the family.
C: You’re just one of the servants! Stay away from my nieces and nephews.
P: But I’ve watched them grow up, I’ve taken care of them like a mother.
C: But you’re not their mother, and it’s not my fault you’ve been in love with a man who is above your station.
P: Thank you so very much for reminding me of my position.
C: I’m going to keep on defending the morals and principles of this family. When you were young, you could have moved out, married someone of your own class and formed your own family. But no, you decided to hang onto us all these years. You gave up being a mother. Don’t take out your frustrations on my young ‘uns.
P: You know I tried to be a mother when I had a child with Maximo.
C: But it was stillborn. That was 20 years ago! Why keep dwelling on it?
P: (getting tearful) Not one day goes by without thinking of my baby, and how my life would be now if it had lived.
She runs off in tears.

Fedra has been listening just out of sight and she comes out and confronts Carlota. Apparently she had no idea about the baby. The twenty years seems to be very significant to her. You tricked me! You lied to me! she says to Carlota. Not to you, lower your voice! says Carlota pulling her out of the hallway.

Oh good, we get to hear more! Now they’ve stepped into a bedroom and Carlota closes the door behind her. How can you look me in the eye? demands Fedra, agitated. You should have told me! Why? says Carlota, would it have changed anything? She reminds Fedra that she was desperate to have a child after Eman and Kristel to save her marriage. Carlota just helped her.

The child of a servant??? says Fedra. Carlota reminds her that she put the daughter of her own brother into Fedra’s arms. Someone of their own blood, who deserved to be raised as a Luiz y de Teresa.

Now I know why she’s nuts, says Fedra. She inherited it from Maximo. Hold on, says Carlota. Maximo’s not crazy, and neither is your daughter. She’s not my daughter, says Fedra.

Netty is talking on the phone to Brandon, who is in L.A. She’s stoked that he’ll find out whether the helicopter was sabotaged. He says if when he gets the report, he finds out it’s true, he’s going find the guilty party and put ‘em in the slammer.

Netty is grateful, and thinks he’s doing it all for Marianela. He reminds her that that’s over, but Netty doesn’t want to believe it. Believe it, he says, because Marienela’s completely in love with Emanuel. Netty shakes her head.

Carlota tells Fedra that she needs to put aside her dislike of Maximo, and now that she knows Maximo is Gretel’s father, can’t she change her feelings about Gretel? Fedra shakes her head no.

Fedra sits down. I loved that child as if I’d given birth to her myself. Even after I was able to have Axel. Not really, says Carlota, though I’m not criticizing you. All I’m saying is that she needs you more than ever. Don’t abandon her. Fedra says she won’t.

They agree that Emil should never find out. Fedra says she’s sticking with the story that she went to Spain with the kids due to her grief over her parents and Gretel was born there.

Wouldn’t the kids have noticed something odd? The plastic fake-pregnancy belly leaning on the bathroom cabinet while she took her shower? How her belly sounded hollow when they tapped on it?

Fedra wants to be sure Paula doesn’t suspect anything and Carlota assures her that Paula thinks the child was stillborn. Don’t forget, says Fedra, that despite all this, you owe me. I remember very well, says Carlota, smiling. Good, says Fedra. Now I’m going to go give my daughter a kiss.

Yum, another mystery!

The doctor is with Gretel and tells Marianela, Eman and Emil that something must have given Gretel a terrible emotional reaction. We see Fedra’s eyeball at the partly-open door. Marianela tells him that they were talking about when her father died, how Gretel was in his study when it happened. She was there! She knows! thoughtbubbles Fedra.

Do you think she saw him fall? asks Emil. I think so, says Marianela, because she always flips out whenever it’s mentioned. Fedra comes in and pets Gretel, who apparently has been given a sedative. She was just a child, says Fedra, and she imagines things when she’s in crisis. The doctor disagrees, saying they should listen very carefully to whatever she says, because it’ll be bubbling up from her subconscious.

Emil wants to do whatever to turn her back into a normal girl. Fedra, still stroking Gretel, says she’ll never be normal, she inherited the crazy gene from Maximo. Nobody picks up on that little remark. Marianela asserts that Gretel isn’t crazy, and neither is Maximo. Eman pipes up, asking what’s going on with her (Fedra), why doesn’t she want Gretel to get better? Seems like she almost likes having Gretel that way. Fedra replies that she’s just a realist.

The doctor tells them all to be patient and everybody leaves except Marianela and Eman, who kisses his sleeping sister’s hand and tells her the nightmare will soon be over. Gretel awakes, looking confused. She hugs her brother and begs him not to leave her, she doesn’t want to die. He comforts her.

In the models’ dressing room, Ilitia is having another drink and imagining that Eman is with Marianela. Her agent/partner comes in and tells her to get ready, she goes on in five minutes. Ilitia scoffs and the agent tells her she’s going to be out of the agency. Ilitia reminds her that it’s just as much her agency, in fact maybe more because her father gave her the shares. The agent tells her to have some coffee and don’t make a fool of herself. Ilitia just smiles.

Muñeca tells the maid she just couldn’t bring herself to tell the police the truth about Lorenzo. The maid says it would’ve been a great opportunity to unload her rotten husband. Whatever you think of him, says Muñeca, Ilitia would hate me forever.

Lorenzo walks in just then, and in direct violation of telenovela rules, has not overheard their conversation. I don’t want to talk to you! Muñeca says. He grabs her arm, but she shakes him off and tells him the only reason she’s not throwing him out is that she doesn’t want any more trouble with Ilita. Just stay away from me, she says.

He says he understands, but he knows how she feels for him, and couldn’t they just start over? Remember that we were going to adopt a child? Ha! she says, and put him in danger from criminals? I’m not going to have anything more to do with them, he swears. I hope so, for your own good, she says angrily and walks off.

His cell rings and naturally it’s the mob boss, wanting to know when he wants Begoña offed. Lorenzo says as soon as he gives instructions, he just wants to make sure no fingers end up pointing at him.

Begonia tells Gladiola that she has the proof of paternity and asks her to keep the paper in a secure place. Gladiola gloats that Begoña can go after him now, but Begoña says no, she’s going to give him the opportunity to do the right thing. Gladiola thinks she’s nuts. Begoña says she still loves him, but if he doesn’t do right, she’ll go to the lawyer. Gladiola sighs.

Nereida has a big gift-wrapped box of chocolates and reads the card. It says that these are to apologize, and are signed Emanuel. Nereida laughs that Fedra wouldn’t like that. Here comes Bernardo with his smaller box and asks if the big box is for Marianela. Take her these instead, he says, slipping the card into his box.

The second-rate models are working the runway and then here comes Ilitia, who is vamping it up okay, maybe a little sexier than is proper, but still it’s no disaster. Her agent/partner looks on in dismay. An admirer hands Ilita a rose. She spots Brandon in the audience and wonders if he’s there to spoil her night. Still, she doesn’t stop smiling, but un-oh it looks like she’s doing a little off-the shoulder action with her leopard wrap. Whoa! grins Brandon, it looks like she’s going to strip.

He flashes back on the time she was all wet in her underlovelies poolside back home, then we see him up at the ramp, covering her with his jacket. The agent’s eyes bug out.

In the kitchen, Paula (who I now realize does look like she could be Gretel’s mother – good casting!) laments to Delicia that she can’t be with Gretel when she needs so much love and support. Delicia observes that her mother ought to do that. Such a mother! says Paula. I think she’s the reason Gretel is that way. She needs love and understanding, and she’s just about the same age.

Huh? says Delicia. Enough chit-chat, says Paula, waving her back to work.

Seems like everybody wants to hang out in Bernardo’s room. He’s like the most popular guy in the dorm who has the coolest sound system. Or maybe it’s his Lurch-like vibe. Anyway, this time it’s Fedra in there, and they discuss how Eman wants to know about her past and JM Sevillia. Bernardo figures Eman won’t give up until he finds out. Fedra feels like everybody’s closing in on her, and tells Bernardo that Gretel knows she killed Marianela’s father. Bernardo suddenly realizes why Gretel hates her so much. Time to off her, Fedra says.

Marienela is sitting on the diving board when Nereida brings her the chocolates and wants to know what’s going on between them. Marianela tells her to MYOB. Marianela reads the card “This is my way of saying sorry.” She picks the box up and opens it. Eman appears beside her and says he’s sorry for stealing a kiss, but not for the way he feels about her.

Brandon has toted Ilita back to her room and lays her on the bed, this time without falling on top of her. Telling her she’s drunk, he pulls her back up, providing another opportunity to hang on to her, and tells her she needs to take a shower. She wants to get back to her fashion show. He says she was making a fool of herself. She laughs and gives him a little shove. Like you don’t ever make a fool of yourself? No, you always do just the right thing, Superman!

Brandon decides he doesn’t want to fight and starts to leave. She closes the door and says he’s going to stay. They start necking.

Eman has his arm around Marianela and is bouncing the diving board. She tells him to stop, they’ll fall in. He says Who cares? Who cares who sees us? She tells him he doesn’t even know what he feels for her. You’re right, he says, but I know I’m dying to kiss you.

Whoo-hoo! Beso! And a nice slow one. Carlota appears on the lawn. What’s going on here??

Brandon breaks away from Ilitia, saying it’s not right. He doesn’t mess with badly brought-up girls. She says aw, she wants to be bad. He bends over to pick up his jacket and she admires his attributes. Don’t you want to be my man? It’s because of that fatty, isn’t it? Don’t worry, she’s probably super happy right now, kissing my novio. She tries to kiss him, but he pushes her away, looking alarmed. Are you afraid of a woman like me? she smiles. Or is it because I’m not fat?

She tips and he has to hold her up. He says he doesn’t feel the same way. But I want you to, she says, kissing him. Apparently he decides he wants what she wants.

Carlota, the picture of outraged dowagerism in her suit and frozen ‘do, tells off Eman and Marianela. He says they have nothing to be ashamed of. Marienala asks Eman to leave, and he does, but first he tells Carlota nothing she says will change how he feels.

Carlota tells Marianela she’s going to put a stop to it.

Gretel’s in bed and is scared when Fedra comes in. It’s true, says Fedra, that there is no such thing as a small enemy. It’s too bad that you were where you shouldn’t have been and saw something you shouldn’t have seen. You pushed him! says Fedra. That’s right, says Fedra, and it’s a secret I’m going to take to my grave, and you aren’t going to tell anybody, because I’m not going to let you.

Fedra yanks Gretel’s phone out by the roots and circles the bed. She slowly pulls the covers off Gretel. It depends, she says, on you, on your discretion and on your love for your mama. Because if you say anything, you’ll end up like him. You’re going to stay locked up in here until you come to me and beg my forgiveness. You’re not going to call anybody, certainly not the police, so I’m taking this (the phone) with me. She leaves and Gretel freaks.

Marianela tells Carlota she just can’t help what she feels for Eman, she’s tried to not to feel that way. Carlota says she better find a way, or she’s going to take her to Spain with her. Marianela takes out a chocolate and starts eating it.

Brandon and Ilitia are under the covers, smooching big time. Somehow his kisses remind me of my dog gulping his canned food.

Marianela tells Carlota she’s a grown woman and makes her own decisions. Suddenly she’s really woozy, and thinks it might be the diet. Carlota is concerned and tells her kindly she better go lie down and they’ll finish their conversation tomorrow. Marienela says she knows she and Eman have no future. Nereida, watching, figures out it’s not the diet, it’s the chocolates Bernardo switched.

Marianela promises to distance herself from Eman. Carlota tells her not to forget her responsibilities – one day she’ll be the matriarch of the Ruiz y de Teresa. Carlota strokes her fondly.

Fedra has gone to Lorena to get her to pretend to be Axel’s girlfriend, and she’s offering money. Lorena says everybody knows his preferences, and she doesn’t want to mess with a pervert. Fedra says he’s just confused, and the money seems to appeal to Lorena, so it looks like a done deal.

Nereida and Bernardo are having dinner in the kitchen, he with a napkin tied poked into his collar, which is unlikely to turn a young lady’s knees to jelly. She asks him what he put in the chocolates, and tells him if he’s poisoning Marianela, he’s going to be in big trouble. He grabs her arm and tells her she’s paid to mop floors, so butt out.

Why do you hate her? Nereida says, pushing her luck. He says he’s just following orders, now leave him alone. I know she’s not loved in this house, says Nereida. That’s right, says he, and I’m going to do everybody a favor and get rid of her.

What he doesn’t notice, even though she’s right in his eyeline, is Carlota listening. She realizes the police were right – he does want to kill Marianela.

Oliver is upset that Gretel doesn’t answer her cell, maybe she doesn’t care for him? Gretel is in bed, wondering where he is. Finally she gets some happiness and now her mother wants to destroy her. She realizes she has to get out of there. Split screen of the two agonizing. They may be going through hell, but the orange kitty looks quite content for a change.

Marianela, who looks okay now, is sitting on a rock alone in the garden and tells herself she has to forget Eman. She pulls the lily pin from her pocket and flashes back to her mother giving it to her. What’s its significance, and how is it tied to her father’s death, she wonders.

Here comes Fedra. Talking to yourself? she says. You’re the one person we’d like to see lose her marbles. Hahaha. Fedra comes up close and hisses that she knows Marianela want to take her house and her family, but that she (Fedra) will destroy her before she can.

Axel shows up in some room where Lorena is waiting, and apologizes for not remembering her. She says she’s his girlfriend, this is the room where they’ve had so much fun, and she’s going to help him remember. She starts kissing him. He kisses her neck while she thoughtbubbles that if he doesn’t like girls, he’ll push her off, but who cares? Money is money!

Marianela tells Fedra she doesn’t want anything she’s got, not her family, not her money. Fedra doesn’t believe her, and asks why she’s against her, why she manipulated her children, set Axel and Eman against her, and now Emil, and traumatized Gretel. Marianela says Fedra’s the manipulator, not her. Marienela tells her she’s a real Ruiz y Teresa, and didn’t just get the name second-hand like Fedra.

Fedra grabs her by the neck and Marianela grabs back, telling her from here on out, she’s to respect her. She shoves Fedra off, telling her she’s going to unmask her so her family can see what kind of person she really is.

Avances: Emiliano tells Fedra she has to say who his real father is. Marienela asks Kristel if she’s pregnant by Mauricio. I think she tells Eman they have to get a grip.


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