Thursday, February 10, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #28 2/9/11 A Flurry of Flashbacks

Sara the recapper here, take two. My listening skills weren't at their greatest tonight. We're waiting to find out if the are cancelling school or delaying the start time due to snow. Please correct and/or fill in as you see fit.

We begin with the same quaint kitchen scene we endured last night. An ascot-clad young man is preparing dinner for his love. Several close ups of vegetables and running water are shown. Either it is a PSA from el Centro de Salud OR it's a service for any viewers who may want to recreate the dish for their loved ones. I am quickly bored and hope the new stuff starts soon.

Homena's mother wants to know where she went. Homena says she had some important boinking to do (well, she may have edited for Mumsie.) Mumsie (we later discover is named Roxanna) wants to know what's more important that making up with Max. Since HOmena's dad died the money is getting scarce. (Guess Vic doesn't pay well.) Ofelia comes to make a catty call. She wants HOmena to lay of the Gui or she'll tell Max (future cat fight potential is high.)

Max is serving dinner and carries Maria to the table. There's some mumbling about a doctor.

HOmena doesn't want to be threatened and reminds Ofelia about her husband, Pedro (remember him HOfelia?) I believe HOmena says something like Gui can't live without her and HOfelia says GuillermanHO doesn't need anyone. HOfelia tells her if she doesn't want problems she better stop seeing Gui.

Max mentions his convo with JP again and Maria wants to know what happened. Max mumbles incoherently about this and that and promises made to Maria and defending her and I love you. (Quite frankly, I'm beginning to feel like he uses "I love you"  as a fix it for everything.)

LindaHO has Os in a liplock. He wants to know what she's doing in his house. He tells her she's gotta leave. He doesn't want problems. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he miss that boat when he, oh...SLEPT WITH A CRAZY HO.) LindaHO begins to slither around on the bed. As the maid leaves, Os hears the shutting of the door and he checks the hall. Luckily, the maid made it away in time.

Vic arrives home and head upstairs. "Wait!" Shouts the maid.The maid fumbles for an excuse and recovers. Too bad I missed it. Couldn't have been too important, right? Whatever the reason, Vic DID NOT go upstairs. (I'm not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed.)

Os promises to call LindaHO. Anything to get rid of her. Idiot.

Later that same evening, the Maid is in the kitchen thought bubbling. "He is deceiving la señora and in her own bed." (I hereby humbly admit I was wrong about the Maid. She seems genuinely upset about Os cheatin' on Vic.)

Vic comes to bed. Os busts some moves and attempts some canoodling. We hear the voice of Luis Miguel. Oye la confesión...

No, Luis Miguel, we don't. And we're kind of miffed about it. C'mon! Vic, tell him!

Vic is tired and asks him to sleep in the guest room. Daaayym. That's cold. Os enjoys the first flashback of the evening. LindaHO from a couple hours ago. Gratuitous, slimy sex music plays.

Max and Maria still drinking wine. LindaHO enters and turns on the light (so we can see not a bit of food has been eaten.) She invites herself to dinner. Maria asks why she's out so late. LindaHo says she was at the Sandovals. "My house?" asks Max. LindaHo explains about Fer's clown face makeup. Maria gives the LindaHo the "I'm not stupid" face.

Sor Clementina and Nun sidekick are going over papers and plan to take them somewhere in the morning. (I panic I didn't catch everything, but by the end of the episode I realize it's a plot device. Keep reading.)

Burnie is praising Eva about her references and recommendations. Burnie wants unconditional loyalty from her, like she gets from Fausto. Eva says "you got it sister!" Burnie lists Eva's virtues (among them nurse and great cook.) Burnie even comments that Eva is a widow like her (and probably because of her) and says they will get along great.

JP is a prayin' and we get an auditory flashback (this evening's 2nd.) He's thinking about Vic's tears at the registry and her emotional explanation that she's been looking for hija for all these years. He decides to see Sor Clementina tomorrow.

Nati and Fab are talking about the performance they just saw. Sounds kinda intellectual to me. Nati confesses she likes comedies and musicals (I think.) They make another date and exchange the glance of a thousand burgeoning feelings.

JuanJo and Milagros. He's brooding. She's got a letter FF>> (I hope you will forgive me, I could care less about the "let's set up Auntie Milagros" storyline. I watch just long enough to find out if JuanJo is ready to dump LindaHo.)

Nati is tossing around on her bottom bunk.She is so pretty without the glasses. How long do we have to wait for her to get contacts? She flashes back (3!) to THE KISS and thought bubbles: My first kiss! Fabián! Fabián!

GuillermanHo and Homena are fussing about Hofelia. Gui tells her it's just a fling. Nothing important. Like you and Max (?) They start sucking face FF>> for self preservation. Now Gui is whining about Os. He gets in my way. He gets all the great parts. I'm always in his shadow. Homena tells him to get some therapy. What does it have to do with us. Gui begins to get over emotional and I miss some stuff. Did I hear right? Gui loved Vic and Os got her? Then he does some further explaining of something and it upsets Homena. Recapper League Activiate!  A recapper needs your help! (Sorry. *hangs head in shame*)

ETA: Thanks to a little angel I have the missing info:
Gui tells Homena how much he hates Os ---he ended up with "intachable" (impeccable/irreproachable) Victoria, the woman he wanted (among other things like good parts.)  He admits that he went after Homena  because she was Osvaldo's son's girlfriend.  In his twisted brain, It was another way to get back at Os. She gets upset: you have the nerve to say that to my face ??? But she can't be too upset 'cause soon they are goin' at it again. *burp*

Fer in da club.

Gui and Ji gettin' freaky. blech.

JP asks to be alone with MamaSatan and Eva waits for Burnie's permission to leave. But like a good telenovela maid/housekeeper, she stays at the (appropriately) creaky door to eavesdrop. JP talks to mom about her freakout with Maria then proceeds to tell her he's going to see Sor Clementina to ask about the girl.

Maria is fussing at LindaHo (dressed in the finest of denim slut attire) about going to Os's, but LindaHo says she was brought to the house to do Fer's make up. LindaHo says she ran into Os and they are getting back together. Nati busts in from the bedroom and asks about JuanJo. LindaHo insists she can keep both guys happy.

JuanJo is at home and I think he's starting to get a clue.

Back at Burnie's, JP is still talking about finding the girl. Burnie tries to plant some seeds of doubt but isn't super successful. He says he's going to go see Sor Clementina today. They make idle chit chat about the new employees. Burnie asks for his blessing and he leaves.

Vic is smoothing the ruffled feathers caused by LindaHo's Nair facial. Vic and MamaRoxanna make like Jewish mothers and matchmake (and I should know, I'm a Jewish mom.)

Bomberos, Napo and a letter FF>>

Vic has summoned Max and wants to know what he wanted when she and Oscar were pow-wowing (remember that from last Friday?) He appears to blow her off and says he's made his decision. Vic wants to know if he's gonna share the info with her. He says he's a man; she may be the Jefa of the empresa, but outside these walls she can't control him. He leaves.

Vic tells Luci to get Maria Desamparada. Oh snap! I think the jig is up!

Cruz mows the lawn and sings. It wakes the Ferbeast. She tells him to go mow somewhere else.

Vic is telling Maria that she's not allowed to fall in love and can't let her personal life affect her professional life. In a nutshell "Don't fall in love." (Man, maybe she shouldn't have made Os sleep in the guest room. I bet she wouldn't be so cranky.) Maria leaves and Vic thought bubbles: "No matter what, I'll make Maria let go of Max."

Back to Cruz. Fer comes out and smacks him. He warns her to watch it. She doesn't know what he's capable of. "What are you gonna do, hit me?" She asks. "No, this." He says (we all know what's coming....)



Fer leaves. Cruz says something. I bet it's something like "totally worth it."

Nati is studying. Knock at door. Fab is there with flowers! And a movie! (I assume they discussed it at their last meeting.) He's gotta scoot. Bye! Nati: "My first flowers!" (I'm grinnin' like a tonta!)

Cruz cuts a rose from a bush, flashes back (4) to the kiss, waxes romantic, then sneaks into the house. Fer is in her car flashing back(5) to the kiss. She smiles at first, then gets mad. Now Cruz in in Fer's room touching her bedspread (little creepy) he leaves the rose. He tries to leave the conventional way (door) but hears someone coming. He's forced to leave by the RatTattScuzzBoy method of escape and falls.

Burnie is as the Orphanage (that apparently didn't get the memo about the new Pope.) She is beating JP to the punch and getting the addy of A Maria. Not THE Maria, mind you. (And here is where it became clear to me that the earlier scene was really just to let us know why the B-team of nuns were in charge. Had Sor Clementina been there, things would get wrapped up much more quickly.)

The Creepy trio have headed for a seedy side of town. Burnie enters the "apartment" (perhaps "flop room" is more appropriate.) She wakes up the prostrate form. The girl awakens...barely. I have to wonder if she knows LindaHo 'cause her make up job is terrible.

Meanwhile, back at the orphanage. JP is also getting the wrong María's address. The B-team tell JP that Burnie was just there asking for the address, too.

Burnie is staring at the lipstick smeared, mascara stained face before her an thought bubbles: So this is my grandaughter. From this moment on I renounce her.

Shirtless Max in a  kayak, Batman! I made it through two in a row!

Thanks for your patience while I learn the ropes everyone!


La Verdad Oculta #102: D'Artagnan joins the three musketeers

Spooked Bertha escapes to the powder room after Adolfo's marriage proposal -- and while there discovers a fine wristwatch left behind on the counter top, reminding her of what it would mean. Carlos visits Yolanda at home, where she anxiously makes him promise before she will explain her ordeal not to endanger himself by harming his father.

Carlos can hardly believe what she recounts of the kidnapping Adolfo masterminded. Back at the restaurant, Bertha returns and agrees to Adolfo's marriage proposal after he explains it will be platonic and essentially to disinherit Carlos and leave everything to her. Her eyes pop when Adolfo slips a heavy diamond rock on her finger.

Back at Yolanda's, she confounds Carlos by excusing killer Édgar as redeemable; and when she explains affectionately the role of the kids, Carlos amazes Yolanda revealing he knows what the infamous letter is about -- that it shows his guilt as accomplice in the maid's murder and Adolfo's cover up.

Juan José brings his bride to a lovely wedding night supper at the Mirador, where they have the entire serenading orchestra to themselves. Up at Yolanda's, Carlos is just exiting as Leonardo enters, and they two agree to meet later. Alone, Yolanda explains to Leonardo about maid Juanita's call and hopes she will call again.

Carlos arrives home to find a condo empty of Bertha; he phones her cell and Alejandra to find her to no avail, so he runs out again. At the Mirador honeymoon suite, Juan José surprises Alejandra with a celebration of red, the color of romance, with a path of thousands of red rose petals and lovers' feast of red fruit.

At Adolfo's, Carlos enters furious in search of Bertha -- where Adolfo nastily throws in his face their impending marriage, Carlos's disinheritance and firing from the Sagittarius all in one big bomb. Adolfo's shouting Carlos is nothing to him -- not his son; while up above anguished Bertha suffers at this ugliness.

Carlos doesn't care about the money or the job, but is not letting Bertha go and begins bellowing for her -- because he loves her! Ber-tha! Ber-tha! Carlos charges up the stairs risking Adolfo shooting him, just when Bertha runs to the railing, sobbing and begging Carlos to leave, because she is indeed going to marry Adolfo.

Stunned Carlos gulps air and writes them both off as he exits, leaving Adolfo looking evilly satisfied. A few moments later at Yolanda's doorstep, distraught Carlos collapses into her arms, weeping like a baby. He explains what happened, wracked with pain, that Adolfo and Bertha have completely destroyed him.

Yolanda consoles him that of course Adolfo is his father and he his son; and when wretched Carlos cries and appeals heavenward asking why his mother had to die, Yolanda is moved to reveal a life changing fact: his mother was actually Márta Saldivar. Sobering Carlos exclaims -- the woman Adolfo murdered!?

She's surprised and stunned to learn David told Carlos that story; and when she frantically denies it, Carlos suddenly loses patience with her part in everything and writes Yolanda off, too -- and exits, shouting he's alone in life! Completely alone!

In abject tears, Yolanda immediately phones and rouses David from a dead sleep to beg him to call Carlos and deny the story was true. Something awful could happen between him and Adolfo! David agrees and rolls out of bed, placing the call to Carlos in his car, where David retracts his story, claiming nobody truly knows who killed Márta.

Next morning, Gabriela's abusing Santiago on the phone for attempting to leak out of meeting together with Mario and her to finally tell the truth. A moment later, down in the office Abelardo phones recalcitrant Santiago concerning a plan David has cooked up.

In the Mirador parking garage, Juan José and Alejandra are just entering their car when they look up warily to see a deadly serious Carlos approaching them. He's tired of Adolfo treating him worse than dirt and come to inform Juan José he's ready to testify in his favor and help clear his name.

When he explains Roberto murdered the maid and his father covered it up to protect Carlos's complicity -- and that now, however, Adolfo's betrayed him and Carlos wishes to repay him in kind, Juan José quickly invites Carlos to follow and talk with him.

Abelardo visits Santiago at home pursuant to David's plan, while at David's hotel office he sets up a conference call supposedly among Gabriela, Santiago and "Mario." At Santiago's he takes the phone and plays both roles, but quickly reverts to himself at Gabriela's excruciatingly probing questions about the truth.

Apparently, Santiago can do on the phone what he can't do in person and breaks down almost immediately to explain in pitiful sobbing that his adored daughter is not really his child! He confesses she's the daughter of Mario Genovés and hangs up, falling in a heap to the sofa and weeping, with Abelardo consoling him.

On the other end, frantic and upset Gabriela learns from David that what Santiago told her was the truth, whereupon she hyperventilates and faints dead away onto the office sofa. Across town on the other side of a holding cell, a federal prosecutor throws Elsa into a panic reading the charges against her.

Despite her agitated denials, the prosecutor drones on in disregard accusing Elsa of being in league with her brother, as distressed Mauricio looks on together with his legal counsel. Out on the street in Adolfo's car, he congratulates Édgar on framing Elsa and orders him to lay low in the warehouse.

Zaida has gone to the beach house; and Adolfo will grant Édgar his fake identity travel papers only if he completes a second half of the job: clearly Édgar is in contact with Susana, who knows too much; and Adolfo wants proof of her death -- real proof, and not some lame cover story this time.

Back in David's office, he frantically rouses Gabriela from her faint, who immediately begins sobbing; and he must explain the secret of Mario's paternity wasn't his own secret to tell, which doesn't satisfy her much. But he can assure her Santiago kept it secret out of love.

In a restaurant, Adolfo -- restored to his usual evil humor -- and Dante gloat over their successful frame-up of Elsa and plan what's next. They're going to run the archeological scheme out of the beach house, where Zaida is already ensconced. They're feeling optimistic, and Dante offers his help in any problems Adolfo might still have.

Gabriela enters the door at Santiago's in tears, and the two of them embrace and settle in for a momentous conversation. Meanwhile back at the jail, Mauricio reveals what Ulises told them, implicating Édgar. But they're not out of the woods, if Ulises is viewed as Elsa's accomplice -- and she could be behind bars for months!

Santiago explains to Gabriela the truth of his and Mario's relationship with Márta, that Mario's a good person who didn't know about the baby and couldn't leave an ill wife. When he points out Gabriela and David are equal heirs and that Mario wanted nothing more than the two of them to marry, Gabriela looks at Santiago sharply.

What does he mean -- wantED?


Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Llena de Amor #126 (Mex. 131) Wed 2/9/11 Besame Mucho...And Then Shut Up Please

Lord, we had some dreary love scenes tonight. Vicky continues her adventures into bi-polarism, alternating whining and lusting, kvetching and kissing, barring the door with furniture and then leaping into Emanuel's arms. No wonder he thinks he's going crazy. He's messing with an absolute loca and craziness is catching. Trust me. The romance between Brandon and Ilitia is equally screwy. She makes sweet love and then denies it ever happened, adding in a few naco gorilla baser instinct insults to emphasize her point. Even Delicia and Axel are playing both sides of the field, though in their case, it was great fun pulling the wool over every one's eyes. But enough complaining on my part...let's get to the play by play.

We open the evening with a replay of Tuesday's last scene where Emanuel triumphantly puts a bowl of raw pasta and over seasoned sauce in front of Vicky and awaits praises. And gets none. Once he tastes it, he has to agree and proposes a wine toast instead.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo is proposing he come in as an investor in Fedra's latest venture. She's appalled he'd even try, after what he's been up to with her daughter. Protesting his innocence and waggling his check in front of her eyes with winks and nudges, he reasons that if they stick together , he'll protect her and they'll both make off with all the money, including Garduño's and Mauricio's. Now there's a plan that appeals. Fedra finally takes his check but reminds him that she'll never forgive him. Lorenzo doesn't look worried.

Enter Garduño and Mau. Exit Lorenzo, trailed by Bernardo who wants to make some threats.

But not before we're treated to a scene of Vicky literally barring the door with a piece of heavy furniture. And Emanuel looking like he's ready to chew right through the woodwork.
Poor guy has a very heavy case of Lust going one. Terminal, I'd say. Begging and pleading he wears her down after...oh say, a nanosecond. Furniture gets pushed aside. Clinches and sloppy besos begin.

Next, we see a full moon. Well, it's always a full moon in these telenovelas. But we also see jeep headlights. This is something new. Evidently Brandon likes to make love with some nacomobile illumination. No complaints from Ilitia who's being fully cooperative. Well, guess you can't spend all your time bickering, although she gave it her best shot.

Back to Bernardo. He thinks Lorenzo has a lot of nerve (agallas) trying to do business with Fedra after macking on her daughter. And he's going to be in a lot of trouble (una camisa de onze varas) if he doesn't watch out. Lorenzo disses him for being Fedra's lifelong slave and whipping boy and waltzes off. Leaving Bernardo to grind his teeth and mutter that Low's days are numbered. We can but hope.

The writers take mercy on us and give us a sweet scene of Axel and Delicia teasing and kissing, giggling like the two charming adolescents they seem to be.
Nasty Nereida appears and Axel immediately segues into bash mode, pretending to bawl Dee out. Nereida's not fooled but Delicia reminds her she has her own lapses (mucha cola que te pisa) so just watch it.

Kristel and Mau are hovering outside the office to see if Garduño and Monster Ma will reach an agreement. Kristel knows her wedding depends on it. OUR wedding, Mau reminds her. Sure 'nough Ma and Gar swan out, business buddies at last, with the news that the wedding will be in a week. Fedra smiles through gritted teeth but nobody notices 'cause just then Lorena enters. More complications!

And at the boardinghouse too. Netty's rehearsing. Very dramatic. And Gladiola has a clutch of brochures for the services of a new occult fortune-teller. In the midst of this Consuelo arrives to lament that Brandon left town with one babe (Ilitia) to chase after another babe (Vicky) while she, Consuelo, seduced and abandoned, is the only one who truly loves him......Well, let's stop right there. Even if she doesn't. Her poor kid comes in and faints on the couch. Seems he hasn't been eating. Seeing his mom miserable has thrown him off his feed. Netty and Glad beg her to take him to a doctor but she refuses. Her bags are packed. She's going home (a mi tierra) and the taxi's waiting. Maybe Gladiola would like to see her out to make sure she's really leaving. After all, it's her fault that things didn't work out with her son.

Ugh. Glad that scene's over, aren't you?

Hmmm. Guess Brandon and Ilitia's lovemaking is over too. And it never happened. Nope, Brandon just took advantage of Ilitia's momentary weakness, sacrificing her to his baser instincts. Wow, way to build up a man's ego, Ilitia. I'll admit Brandon seems to be teflon-coated in the ego department but even so. Anyway, she nags him to drive slowly since she doesn't want to mess up her hair. He guns the motor and off they go at top speed. Hey Brandon, I'm totally on your side. Totally.

Emiliano, as Carlos noted, is always reading yesterday's script. Tonight he's totally flummoxed because Lorena has re-appeared. Axel explains his and Delicia's subterfuge and Dad enthusiastically whispers that he'll help in the tomfoolery. They seal their pact with a manly fist bump.

Another dreadful dinner ensues. Fedra, still looking glum, announces that Mau and Kristel will be married within a week. Lorena pops up and says she and Axel plan to be married also. Axel, horrified. Delicia, madly rubbing her nose to signal he should play along. Emiliano shouting that there's a rat loose to discombobulate everybody. It finally gets sorted out, not without a few allusions to Emi being in his dotage and seeing things. Paula tries to console Delicia while Kristel firmly quashes any prospect of a double wedding. No no no no. I'm getting married first. You and Axel later. Much later. Well, this calls for more wine. A lot more. For Fedra anyway.

So what's happening back at the hacienda? Well, Vicky and Emanuel are making sandwiches.
With their bodies. Besos besos and good heavens! in walks Ilitia and Brandon, looking shocked. Vicky looks guilty. Emanuel...slightly woozy and annoyed at being interrupted. Ilitia goes into her woman wronged routine while Emanuel calmly asks her why her hair is all mussed up.
Hey', it's the nacomobile's fault. Brandon quietly reminds her she doesn't have much to say given what did not happen Brandon, remember. Ilitia gets right up in Emanuel's face and swears he will pay big-time for this humiliation. Then she lunges at Vicky.

Gotta say during all this Emanuel has a cocky, so what? look on his face. Whatever he's feeling, it's certainly not guilt or shame. And this probably infuriates Ilitia as much as anything else. Given her recent romp in the meadow though, we won't feel too sorry for her, right?

While Ilitia and Emanuel are squabbling, Brandon's in the kitchen remonstrating with Vicky. She's making the same mistakes as Marianela and she'll end up destroyed just like Marianela did. You gotta stay away from this Ruiz y de Teresa guy! Never mind that. What did you mean by that remark to Ilitia about having no grounds to complain? Brandon, ever the gentleman, hedges that after all, Ilitia played dirty (jugó chueco) when Emanuel was planning to marry Marianela so.....

Meanwhile, more mentiras in the salon. I've never cheated on you Emanuel. You've been the only man in my life. Emanuel tries the "it's not you, it's me routine". And it bombs.

Ilitia: Emanuel, I'm your wife. Whatever you do, it affects me.
Emanuel: Our marriage was a mistake. I tried. You know how hard I tried.
Ilitia: Are you saying I pushed you into her arms!? You never touched me in two years. I can't remember the last time we made love. (Heck, Ilitia, you can't even remember making love a half an hour ago!)
Emanuel: I never loved you the way you deserved Ilitia. And, we're only friends.

Alright. We're back at the dinner table now. Lorena is crowing that she hates long engagements and thinks she and Axel should be married right away. And that's when Delicia dumps the soup in Lor's lap.
General uproar. Axel makes a good show of yelling at Delicia, while De, on the pretense of wiping off Lorena, is whacking her methodically with a napkin. More roaring and chest-beating as he chases her into the kitchen. Fedra is thrilled. Her little boy is becoming a Man. She's gotta go help him chew out that maid. NO, rumbles Emiliano. I've had enough! I''ll do it! And off he goes, cannons firing. Fedra is giddy with the testosterone rush. What an evening! Axel and De sneak in some sweet kitchen kisses while Papa thunders and smiles. And Nereida spies. Oh dear.

Well, deal with the suspense because now we're at Muñeca's house. Glad is on a visit, playing with Christian and Manzanita, recalling the happy days when she wheeled little Chris around in a stroller. The little guy is not about to jump in her lap as scripted, but he plays gamely with the toys and then pedals away on a trike. Pretty realistic boy behavior actually. Who wants a lap when you've got wheels? Whoops, Glad's innards are giving an organ concert so Muñeca suggests they go out to dinner while Flora puts the kiddies to bed. On their way downstairs, they overhear Lorenzo trying to make a date with Kristel. Kris, with her usual mishmash of Spanish and English, chides Lo for "mal timing". Right now the whole family is bawling out the chirusita (little wretch of a maid) and her" puchunjguito" (lover-poo) is here and they're planning their wedding so "move on". Lorenzo hangs up and sighs...out loud...that he won't rest until he has that woman in his arms.

Well, cue the kayak. It's time for Muñeca to move on, clearly. She thought Lorenzo would change his ways now that his little son was part of the family but Glad assures her that men like that never change. All the more reason to whip out her brochures and recommend that Muñeca consult la bruja Angela. (Okay. Full moon. Love scene in water. Consult with a voodoo/tea leaf/ crystal ball reader. Have we missed anything yet? Sure have! I predict another troublesome pregnancy in the near future. Kristel's lamentable embarazo is too far in the past to really count. )

Much as I hate to, let's return to the hacienda. The girls have packed off Brandon and Emanuel are are getting down to business. Insults mostly. Which Vicky won't put up with. After all, Ilitia did the same with Marianela. Doing everything, together with Kristel, to wind up in Eman's bed and break up the marriage plans. Ah yes, and that's why she and Jorge conspired to send me to Paris snaps Ilitia. So you could seduce my husband!

Vicky, self-righteousness well in hand, muses that the difference is....she, Miss Vicky, did it for LOVE.

Whatever. I'm finding them both rather annoying right now.

Things are hot back in Mexico City. Nereida has just ratted out Emiliano. He was actually covering up for Delicia and Axel who weren't really fighting at all. Delicia whips out a spoon and starts to mention Nereida's light fingers. And how about finding Nereida nude in the General's quarters. Mau figures with the body that babe has (el cuerpocito que traiga esta mujer...)the old General would have had a heart attack for sure. Fedra's more interested in the disappearing silverware. Nereida backtracks.

Nereida: I lied. I don't like Dee so I was just trying to do her in (amarrar navajas lit. stick in knives)

Kristel's getting acne from all this uproar. It's "muy heavy" she complains. De, still holding up a silver spoon like a cross before a vampire, does indeed ward off Fedra. For now.

Hmmm. Another sweetness break. Gotta have 'em once in a while. GretelMan and Oliver are canoodling on the twin bed.
But alas, he has to short-circuit romance and head out to work. And off he goes with lots of te amo's. Giving Gretel time to remember Fedra's cryptic words about not being her mama. Forgive me Oliver, she mutters, but I must find out, esa misma noche (this very night) what's going on.

Oh dear. Sweetness was very short. Back to the bitter. Eman and Vicky.
Our neurotic heroine is on another rant. Mind-reading. And she doesn't like what she sees. Emanuel doesn't really care for her. He's only bothered that he offended his wife. Miss Vicky doesn't matter. She's just a pastime.

Vicky: You used me. I'm just another on your list. If I were really important to you, you wouldn't be sorry.
Emanuel: Look. I'm confused. But this is some kind of crazy love. I desire you. I want to be loving you and kissing you 24 hours a day.

And more grappling and sloppy besos ensue.

Enter Jorge. What in hell are you doing? Well, should be obvious. But still. A reasonable question.

Final scenes are with Brandon and Ilitia. They've left the hacienda and are now in a bar where our Top Model is determined to drown her sorrows in tequila. And bash Brandon some more. She resents his protectiveness. What is he!? Her papa? Her big brother? Her boyfriend?
Brandon points out that they did just make love ("chocamos nuestros carritos "lit. bump our little cars).
Ilitia: Hey we didn't make love, lalalala...we just blew off steam as buddies (desahogó como cuates).

Well, if that's the case Brandon's leaving.

Brandon: Er...I'm leaving. I really am.

Ilitia: Bayeeee. Go. I don't need you. Hey, fellas, who wants to dance with me?

Brandon reclaims his princess, sits her down at a table and lends his shoulder to cry on.

Ilitia: What's she got that I don't have? Am I not woman enough? What's wrong with me?

Brandon warns her that she's playing with fire.

Ilitia: Playing with fire am I? Wanna burn me? Let's make love again.

And she seals it with a kiss. Oh my.

Gretel returns to la Mala Noche as Sirena to find out the truth from Fedra.
Jorge tells Eman that he came to get Vicky back. And if Emanuel doesn't know how to respect her, he'll teach him. Take that! POW!!!!!!


Dicho of the Day
Quedar de la cachetada = To turn out very badly.

Not one love scene ended well tonight. Gretel and Oliver had to go on hiatus. Axel and Delicia had a real scare. Emanuel and Vicky were caught every time they started to kiss. And wrangling instead of love-making ensued. Ilitia and Brandon got to bump little cars but then she negated and dissed the whole thing.

Todo quedó de la cachetada queridos. Lo siento!


La Fea Más Bella #205-206 2/9/11 Lety takes the reins like a pro.

Capitulo 205.
Read K-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi rejects Lety’s authority. Lety says, “Then we’ll meet without him.” Marcia orders Lui to the meeting, and she keeps him in line while he’s there.

2. Fern keeps touching Lety’s arm, and Tom watches him. Lety presents the food campaign. Luigi says, “Mine, mine, mine!” Lety explains that food producers would want to piggyback on the campaign.

3. Tom quotes how much that sector spends on advertising, and Fern thanks Tom for his helpful input (2 points for Fern). Marcia objects that Conceptos can’t handle such a project. Fern says they haven’t before, but they can give it their all and accomplish it. Harsh-ia says Lety knows nothing of production. Fern says they’re here to support her. Luigi says Fern’s out of the picture and he doesn’t count. Lety says he does too.

4. Julieta visits because she’s lonesome at home. In Reception Aldo invites her for a walk. He charms and flatters MamaJ and compares her to his deceased mother.

5. Lety says the idea wasn’t hers. Luigi insults Tom, so Lety pats Tom’s hand, but Fern pushes Lety’s hand away from Tom. Then Lety says she’s working with her good friend Aldo, and Fern’s jealousy boils over into a loud “NO!” Marcia asks what Fern has against Aldo. He has no good answer.

6. Lety flatters Luigi, that if he has so much talent he can produce 10 commercials in a month. He’s cornered and appeals to his patron. Harsh-ia says Lety’s getting in over her head and they’re risking huge failure. Lety adds that the ads must feature the people who cook the food of Mexico, IOW not white. Luigi references Selma Hayek, but Lety says she’s busy on another project (Ugly Betty).

7. Lety argues the beauty of Mexico’s indígenos and mestizos. Fern needs no convincing. Luigi asks Lety if she thinks she’s beautiful, and Fernando snaps. Lety says she doesn’t need Fern to defend her because her proposal is solid. Lety asks whether Luigi is capable of making beauty with women who aren’t white models. She uses his pride to her advantage and he gives in. Fern is proud of how well she managed Luigi.

Capitulo 206.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi agrees to the project, but to save face he demands that Jazmín be hired. Lety assigns Marcia to oversee startup on the commercials. Omar will contact other companies. Harsh-ia asks what Fern will do, since it’s her duty to keep him under house arrest. Lety says she, Fern, and Tom will work on the financials.

2. Lopez raises several matters. Tom will get the same salary as Olarte. Lety will buy her own car and cell. Marcia announces new secretary assignments: Sara to Fern and Omar. Lola to Tom. Irma and Marta stay put. Paula to Lety. Lety will find a new receptionist. Alicia to Marcia (just desserts!). They’ll all be docked one day of wages for being late, including Alicia.

3. Lety says, “Now it’s time to get started on the project.” Marcia says, “Only if we all agree.” Lety answers, “I’m sorry, you’re wrong. My approval is enough. Otherwise it would be senseless for me to be president.” Marcia’s left gaping.

4. Paula is extracting gossip from Julieta. MamaJ admits that she likes the idea of Aldo as a son-in-law.

5. Lety tells Fern to go work with Tom on the numbers. Tom addresses Fern as “Compañero Fernando,” which means they’re equals. Fern tells him, “That’s Don Fernando to you.” So Tom addresses him as “Don Compañero Don Fernando,” and he calls Omar “amigo de Don Compañero.”

6. Fern listens as Lety tells Aldo that the meeting was tough and she couldn’t have done it without him. She asks him to promise that he won’t leave her alone with all this.

7. Everyone gets to work, including Aldo who teaches Luigi that eating is a love ritual. Everyone except Fern and Omar who go spy on Aldo. Omar has to drag him away. Tom listens and is sure Aldo likes Alicia. As Alma said, “Fern is sure that Aldo is trying to conquer Lety. Omar points out that Fern is back with Marcia. Fern doesn’t see the connection.”

8. Lety tells the cuartel their new assignments. Marcia tells Ali. Her desk will be next to Marta’s.

9. Fernando tries to play down Aldo’s food project, even when Aldo reports that the association has committed $2M start-up costs.


Eva Luna #67 Tue 2/8/11 Frogs and Fake Millionaires Exposed

Eva Luna Episode #66, Feb 8, 2011—Frogs and Fake Millionaires Exposed.

Recap is now UP!

We start with Icky kvetching to Mama Toxic about Daniel chasing after Eva.

At the hospital, it looks like Don Julio is recovering well and he's crediting his desire to get revenge for it. He and his doctor talk about the woman at the cemetery. "My eyes didn't deceive me and if Justa is alive I'll find her." He then says the key to all of this mystery is the German Shepherd, Renata.

Evil Marcela is in a panic and advises Icky to use her beauty and big butt (oh wait, she didn't say that) to seduce her husband every night and get a bun in the oven. Icky looks less than elated by this.

Both Eva and Daniel have a flashback of the babymaking night, and then they tell themselves that they were betrayed, blah blah blah. You can tell that they are trying to strengthen their resolve because they both miss each other. Eva says she'll make Danny pay, blah blah blah.

Gallo (looking more and more like a dandy each time we see him) is being chewed out by Leo for not finding the girl. He tells Gallo if they don't find the girl, he won't pay them. Then Gallo pulls out a gun and shoots.

We cut to the good doctor visiting the German Shepherd (Renata) and asking about Justa. He says that Don Julio had asked him to do something.

Gallo and his thugs all have their guns out and are telling Leo to not make threats. He tells Leo that even if they don't find the girl, Leo will pay them well.

The doctor tells Renata that before he died, Don Julio asked him to leave a paper for Justa. She says but Justa is dead, then he replies that no, Don Julio saw Justa and thinks that Renata hid the truth.

Renata of course denies everything and insists that her sister is dead, that Don Julio was mistaken, blah blah. She then goes on to say that since she is Justa's sister, and Justa is dead, that the paper that Don Julio wanted to leave Justa should go to her, Renata. (Renata, you HAVE NO SHAME!!!!) The doctor fortunately and obviously is not going to go for that and takes his leave. Renata of course is freaked out and is thinking how could Julio have known.

We now have a scene where everyone is trying to console an inconsolable Marisol, who of course richly deserves to be so unhappy.

At Danny's mansion, Icky Vicky insists that Idiot Man Danny eat lunch. Comes in Francisco, Laurita and Jacky, all looking dejected at the unhappy wedding. Francisco also looks stricken and shook up. As he richly deserves. Laurita tells Danny what is going on.

At the pension, Tony is clueless about what happened with Marisol so the others fill him in to the confusing tale. Tony actually says something sensible (but insensitive) about how could they fall for all that B.S. and what did they expect? Alicia says that she fell for Marisol's lies too—she thought Marisol was a nightclub singer.

At Danny's house, Alicia, Danny, Icky and Jacky are talking about Francisco. Icky takes her big butt out of the room to take a shower or something.

An inconsolable Marisol is being comforted by Giorgio who is trying to assure her that she'll get over it. But she just can't. Then Alicia comes in and wants to talk to Marisol. (An aside, if it weren't for the gay thing, I wish Giorgio would hook up with Marisol. I wonder what the writers have planned for these two.)

We have a heart-to-heart conversation between Marisol and Alicia, where Marisol apologizes for lying to her. Lots of tears and bonding. Marisol didn't want Alicia to know the truth. Marisol didn't want Alicia to even go in that night club because Alicia might have been temped by the easy money. (And she's right—Alicia is just the kind of dumb idiot who would!) Marisol explains that not only was she a nightclub dancer, but a prostitute.

Danny Idiot Boy is saying comforting things to Francisco. Back and forth between these two scenes.

Marisol tells more about her woes and drama at the nightclub. She begs Alicia to not turn away from her now. Lots more crying. Marisol says that she took that path because she wanted nice things and didn't want to wait for them.

Danny asks Francisco if he's going to get a divorce. He doesn't know, but if they get divorced, she'll pay. Danny asks him, did he love Marisol for herself or her money? Francisco says for both. Francisco also has this whole double-standard hypocritical thing going on, not accepting his own blame or sins, but blaming Marisol for it all.

Marisol is telling Alicia that she doesn't feel like she has any other options in life. Marisol doesn't feel like she is worth anything. And Francisco just wanted her millions.

We have a distressing scene between Adrian and his dad where the dad chews Adrian out for leaving his room and dad starts in by pulling off his belt and going to work on Adrian. Oy! So upsetting!

Evil Marcela is showing her friend Deborah around the fashion house and telling her about her hot stud Bruno.

Said hot stud is chatting with his conspiratorial cousin and talking about their bank account in Switzerland.

Evil useless dad has finished whipping poor Adrian and leaves, leaving Adrian hysterically crying. Justa and Don Ricardo come in and try to help him but he denies everything and just cries.

Laurita is holding a very green frog and saying that this frog will help her in a great joke against Icky.

More with poor Adrian crying and limping but denying that anything has happened, while Don Ricardo and Justa fuss over him and try to get him to tell. He finally curls up into a little ball on his bed and just cries and cries.

The doctor returns to a very animated Don Julio in his hospital bed. Don Julio wants news on Justa.

More with crying Adrian. Finally Justa and Don Ricardo leave him alone.

The doctor tells Don Julio that Renata insisted that Justa is dead. You're suckers if you believe that, guys.

Deborah is having a conversation with Marcela about that evil troublemaker Eva. Deborah looks impactada with this name, like it's familiar.

I'm going to combine some of these quick cut scenes because they're driving me nuts!

Justa and Don Ricardo continue talking about what to do with Adrian. They realize that he could be taken away from his useless evil father and placed into a home with a mother and father. Justa knows this will upset Don Ricardo greatly because he loves the kid. Don Ricardo then proposes (in more than one way) that maybe they can get married so they can take in Adrian?

Just tells him that she's been thinking about his proposal and she thinks . . . yes. Don Ricardo is beyond elated!

Eva and Tia Tilda are talking about Eva's upcoming happy event and how Eva is looking forward to the baby. Then Eva starts talking about her mom and how come she left them?

Evil Marcela asks Deborah, what's up. Did this name Eva Gonzalez ring a bell with you? Deborah says naw, no way. Marcela repeats more venomous things about Eva. Deborah is thinking to herself, could this Eva Gonzalez that Marcela is talking about also be my daughter?

Laurita sneaks the frog into Icky's purse, feigns innocence when Icky comes in and asks her what's up, and then Icky leaves with the purse. Jacky asks Laurita what's up and Laurita says nothing.

Tony comes into Alicia's room to chat with Alicia. At first they talk about Marisol and Francisco, and about how people get married and are unhappy later. Then Tony turns the conversation towards them. Alicia reminds him that he is a loser, like that liar Francisco, while Leo is a genuine millionaire. Tony says yeah, sure I'm a loser, but I love you and have since the first day I saw you. Alicia is like talk to the hand, whatever dude.

A sweet scene between Justa and Don Ricardo where he gives her flowers at the beach. He's telling her that she'll never regret marrying him and he'll try to make her so happy. She says she knows he loves her because he's always shown her. She says that after the death of Julio she has been able to let go of the past and now she can love Ricardo and make him happy in the way that he deserves. They kiss.

Alicia slaps Tony's face and says take the hint, I left you a long time ago for Leonardo. But after he is gone, she looks upset and reminds herself that she did the right thing, because Tony is a liar. Outside her door, Tony is now vowing revenge and saying that she and Leo will pay.

Don Julio has returned from the hospital with his doctor and he's still harping about how he saw Justa, even though the doctor says, come on, her sister says she's dead already.

Deborah is talking to her assistant/confidant about this Eva Gonzalez person and what could this mean. She's worried.

Happy greeting for Julio when he gets in the house. They've got a little impromptu party ready for him. Happiness all around. He says that everything that he didn't get from his kids he's gotten from this wonderful angel (Eva).

At the fashion house, Bruno is flirting with big butt Icky. She reminds him that she's a married woman. He says he understands, but let him know if she changes her mind, and he'll be "ready." Yeah, she'll keep that in mind.

At Danny's house, Francisco asks Jacky why she asked for Marisol's address. She had told him that Danny wanted to send flowers to Marisol. But that wasn't true.

Icky opens her purse and out jumps that very green frog. Screaming all around, but the stud Bruno comes in and rescues her from said green frog. She wants him to kill the frog, but he says that's not necessary (I am liking Bruno). He captures the frog in his jacket. She is angrily saying that the frog was put there by Laurita and Laurita will find out what she (Icky) is capable of!

Francisco wants to know why Jacky interfered with him and Marisol. She says that she was worried that when Marisol found out the truth, that she'd want him to be arrested or something. Francisco doesn't get it, why should she get involved in this? She sadly says that what affects him affects her, and then explains that she's worked with him so long, that she's fond of him. He looks thoughtful at this.

He then asks her, why didn't she prevent the wedding? She says she tried, but couldn't reach him in time. She tells him about what Marisol "is"—a "tramp" she says with rolled eyes. He laments that he wasted all this money wining and dining her. He then talks about paying a lawyer to get rid of this liar. Jacky reminds him that Marisol will see also see him as a liar. But he doesn't see himself that way (hypocrite!), he just "held back" with the truth a little. Jacky looks at him like whatever dude. He has a shifty, guilty look in his eyes.

Alicia is having a lovey-dovey conversation with Leo while an angry Tony listens in. She is going to meet Leo tonight. She fake-kisses the phone when they hang up. Tony is furious as he watches.

At Don Julio's happy house, they're continually happy and Don Julio is recovering well but he's got to follow his treatment to the letter! Tia Tilda says that she'll watch him and make sure he follows all his treatments to the letter.

Evil Icky bursts into Laurita's room and is on the warpath. Laurita says that she doesn't like her and to leave her alone. Icky starts to strike her but Danny catches her hand in time, looks quite angry, and asks what's going on. Icky has such a look of anger on her face as she turns to look at him.

And we end the episode there!

As always, clips are hosted on my bare-bones site. Right-click on links to open to new window. Video clips are Flash, like what is on YouTube. The quality is really high, so if you have a slower connection, wait a few moments for the clip to finish loading and then play.

Clip #1: Daniel and Eva wistfully remember the baby-making night and all that happened afterwards. 

Clip #2: I actually selected a clip with Marisol and Francisco on purpose! Francisco talks to Daniel and Marisol talks to Alicia about their fake millionaire woes.

Clip #3: A little bit of everything at the end and then the avances. What is this with the avances? Are they previewing all of February or just tomorrow? I thought it looked like all of February but I'm not sure. Are we going to have a big speedy passage of time sequence tomorrow? It looks like Eva is giving birth there. Is she going to have a "hidden baby" (a baby that the baby daddy doesn't know about)? Whoa!

And here are some screenshots, plus a bunch of scary anal-retentive freeze-frames of the avances and comments on what these freeze frames mean! Click on each image to see a much larger version.

Daniel (Idiot Man) remembering good times with Eva and feeling bad about it. As he should.

It seems like even Daniel (Idiot Man) has his limits. He stops the Bruja from striking his daughter.


What? WHAT? WHAT IS THIS I SEE? Laurita in front of a convent with a suitcase? Daniel, are you even more of an idiot than you have already been?

I was going to add captions (commentaries) on each of the screenshots, but you can get the picture on the others. It looks like Justa and Don Ricardo get married and Daniel the Idiot Man is unhappy in his marriage (which he richly deserves) and Eva and her little bun in the oven are happy with Don Julio being supportive. And idiot Alicia is still with Leo. I didn't make a screenshot, but it looks like Tony is doing the Bimbutt freakout routine and stalking the happy couple (Leo/Alicia) with a gun. 


Llena de Amor #125 (Mex. 130) Tue 2/8/11 It’s the end of the world as Vicky and Ilitia know it, and Emanuel and Brandon feel fine.

We rejoin our heroes as they press the flesh in the burbling stream. The groping, the liplocking…apparently the bright sunlight has melted the last dregs of Marianela’s resistance. “Where are we going with this?” she asks, momentarily breaking contact. Emanuel looks like he thinks right here would be just fine, but he says to the end of the world or wherever; doesn’t matter. The smooching resumes. Mari tries to say she has something important to tell him, but Eman isn’t in the mood for chitchat. His shirt comes off and they sink lower into the water through a series of closeup grope shots.
Brandon walks into the pensión holding Ilitia’s hand and tells his mother he’s just come to pack a few clothes for a road trip. He and Ilitia are heading to the Ruiz y de Teresa hacienda. Gladiola questioningly says, “Isn’t that where Victoria and Emanuel are?” and Ilitia says she’s got to save her marido from that vulture’s claws. Ilitia and Gladiola get into an entirely unprovoked mutual “don’t you use that tone with me” tiff and Brandon settles them down, but he’s so discombobulated by the friction between his mama and his beloved that he walks right into a hanging plant en route to the stairs.
Paula is in the kitchen at Dysfunction Junction taking out her anger on some innocent fruits with the juicer, and Delicia asks why she’s crying. Is it because Gretel was here? No, Paula didn’t even know about that. Nereida comes in, now clad in her maid uniform, and Delicia is sent to set the table. EXPLAIN, demands Paula, absently scooping sugar into the juice. Nereida claims she just went down to the basement to see if Máximo knew anything about Bernardo, and the old coot was all sympathetic, and he started showing her his army medals, and, well, you know how that gets a girl hot, one thing led to another, and…the geezer’s still got it! Paula is furious. She storms out and Nereida cackles.
Brandon quickly packs a suitcase. Consuelo creeps into his room and tells him not to go; it isn’t his problem to deal with. Ilitia and Victoria are both just using him! “Thanks for the advice,” he says, picking up the suitcase. He tries to leave but Consuelo clamps her claws onto his arm. “No! Don’t go! I love you!” she cries. “Qué the heck?! Leggo!” She puts up a good fight but all Brandon’s muscles are good for something; he manages to pry her off and run. Consuelo sits on Brandon’s bed and cries, “those two don’t care about you, and I love you so much!” Don’t worry, Consuelo, you can stay there and sniff his clothes the whole time he’s gone. I hear it’s the thing to do.
Even though it’s still morning, the three monsterketeers Mauricio, Lorenzo, and Garduño are already in a bar, trying to look cool and talking business. Low says he’s got the money to invest in Fedra’s resort. He’s surprised she’s letting Garduño in, though, seeing as how he’s a well-known criminal and all. Garduño says Agent O is taking care of the blackmailing on that end. And the grand plan is that they end up taking it all and splitting the cash between the three of them, leaving Fedra to rot.
In the living room at the pensión, GretelMan tells Oliver about the close call with Bernardo. If Emiliano hadn’t been there, he would have grabbed her, and they probably never would have seen each other again! (Yes, Gretel, which is why you should not have gone to the house…or anywhere, really…unguarded). Oliver tells his little sugar poison he’ll find her anywhere; that loser Bernie will not win. They smooch and Gladiola comes down the stairs and snaps about decent behavior in front of other people. She sure is in a mood today. But then she immediately apologizes and says she just isn’t used to such…modern…customs yet. Oliver asks to borrow her newspaper so he can see Manolo’s current article. In full color, on the front page, Manolo has an article about La Reina de la Noche. “Why are you so interested in her?” Oliver asks. GretelMan just says she thinks La Reina is hiding more than her face. Has Gretel really not told Oliver who La Reina is?
Fedra sits at the long dining table alone and yells at Paula and Delicia for not serving her breakfast fast enough, and also for not having trapped Gretel when she was in the house last night. Fedra gulps some juice and gags. “This is horrible! Are you trying to poison me? How much science is involved in getting orange juice from an orange?” Paula and Delicia hustle out, possibly inspired by that suggestion of poisoning the juice and thinking of using something other than sugar (or was it salt?), and Bernie comes in with the paper. Fedra is incensed. “Who is La Reina de la Noche?” asks the article, but it doesn’t seem to supply the answer. No idea what Gretel’s waiting for. The back of the paper encourages us to say goodbye to sweat, but Fedra doesn’t read that and seems to be well on her way to saying hello to a shiny glow (wait, no…ladies glow, gentlemen perspire, horses sweat…but what do demons do??) as she slams down the paper and rages out to put an end to the entire newspaper staff.
Soldier Benigno defies orders and skulks timidly back to the foxhole without Paula. The General reams him. Benigno meeps that he didn’t dare set foot in the kitchen; he was afraid he’d get a sartenazo (smack with a frypan); Paula’s so mad about Max’s fleshfest with Nereida. “WHAT?! That is una sarta de patrañas (a line of hoaxes)!” Benigno doesn’t know what Nereida told Paula, but whatever it was, she’s madder than ever and wants nothing to do with Máximo.
It’s a beautiful day out at the halcyon hacienda, where there is love in the air rather than pollution. But love is taking a little union-mandated lunch break. MV and Emanuel are dressed and coiffed and back in the house. MV is upset. Eman is not. We’re in love! Now that we’ve given in to our passions, let’s just keep it up! To infinity, and beyond! MV does not agree. What happened should not have happened. It’s exactly what she DIDN’T want; to become his mistress. Eman blithely says that his marriage with Ilitia has no future and he’s already had that conversation with his wife, so ni modo. MV says regardless, he’s still off limits. Emanuel thinks she’s saying so because she’s friends with Marianela, but Marianela went ahead and married Jorge knowing Vicky was in love with him, so it’s fair payback. MariVicky says but Marianela has returned. She’s here! Eman says he knows Mari is in México, but why hasn’t she appeared? Why hasn’t she even visited her Tia Netty? Anytime she wants to make an appearance, he’ll see her; he won’t hide for two years like she did. “I can’t take this anymore. I’m going to tell you the whole truth, right now,” MariVicky says.
Bernardo suddenly appears in the pensión pointing a pistol and scares the bejeesus out of Netty and Oliver. He demands to know Gretel’s dondeabouts.
GretelMan is at the newspaper office, trying to put her/his feet on the desk in a manly reporter fashion while Jairo says the article has gotten tons of attention. But why the articles about La Reina? GretelMan says the high society ladies who lunch with La Reina’s alter ego would go ballistic if they knew she dances in a skuzzy joint like that; she’d be shunned. GretelMan hands over a new article, about El Lirio saving the donation money during the benefit event. Fedra sneaks up behind them as Jairo praises the work and says the articles they’re publishing under Manolo’s pseudonym are really boosting circulation. He leaves to give the article to the editors. Fedra sits down and sneers, “aha, it’s you publishing these articles as El Lirio de Plata.”
Bernardo’s losing patience and his trigger finger is getting twitchy. Oliver is unconcerned. “What are you going to do, lock me in a cellar?” “No, but the police will, you and your little reporter friend. What you did to me is a crime!” “Oh, well, if we’re reporting crimes, you locked Gretel up for two years! Why don’t we take all evidence to a judge and have the law decide who’s the criminal?” “Shut up! Where’s Gretel?” Oliver rushes at Bernardo and they struggle. Gladiola runs in, I guess because she’s looking for her bad day to get worse. Bernie drops the gun. Netty picks it up and fires into the ceiling, knocking a lot of plaster down. “Ay, comadre, and we just fixed the goteras (leaks)!” Gladiola laments. Netty considers putting some new leaks in Bernie. She aims the gun at him and tells him to get out. Gladiola wants to have Bernie arrested for trespassing and for being a metiche and a degenerate, among other things. Oliver gets Netty to hand over the gun. Bernardo tries to play Mr. Nice Guy and says if Gretel just talks to Fedra once, then they’ll leave her alone forever. “I don’t know where she is! I’m searching for her, the same as you!” Oliver says. Bernardo tells him if he finds her, he should arrange a meeting with Fedra.
MariVicky frets alone in the hacienda living room, reminiscing about the times she swore revenge on Fedra et al. Apparently when someone very important to you is about to tell you the whole truth, Señorita Manners demands that you fetch drinks. Eman returns with glasses of wine. Okay, out with it, he says. MariVicky stalls. She says he claimed to be hopelessly and eternally in love with Marianela, and now he’s so ready to move on? What happened? Has he forgotten his gordita hermosa so quickly? Eman looks at her with an expression of sad torment that doesn’t involve any nose scrunching. VL has come so far.
Fedra chases Manolo into the ladies’ room and demands to know why he’s publishing these articles. “Just doing my job, ma’am,” says Manolo. “I am a fine upstanding lady, and no one slanders me! Understand?” says Fedra. Manolo sputters that threatening a reporter like this is a crime. Fedra’s fingers close around Manolo’s skinny neck. “What bothers you more, the articles about the robbery at your house, or the ones about La Reina? Tell me, what do you have to do with that woman?” Manolo asks.
Brandon and Ilitia cruise down the highway in the Jeep, the sun in their faces and the wind in their hair. Too much wind in their hair. Ilitia complains that she’s getting all messed up. Brandon says he’s trying to get her there fast. She says she doesn’t want to get there fast, she wants to get there pretty. Brandon thinks it’s about time her husband knows what she really looks like. Ilitia fights with him over the mirror (insulting his carcacha de quinta, piece of junk car, in the process) and she’s making the Jeep swerve. Offhand, I think getting up close and personal with the pavement and trees will hurt her looks more than the wind will, and Brandon agrees with me. He pulls over and decides to shut her up once and for all. Smoocheroochy.
Muñeca tells Flora that Ilitia headed out to the hacienda in high dudgeon. Well, she thinks her husband’s stepping out on her; how horrible, Flora says. Muñeca thinks Ilitia has some nerve getting on Emanuel’s case about it when she herself is a smitten kitten over… “Brandon?” says Flora. Muñeca didn’t realize Flora knew. Flora says she’s not blind. “Yes. Unfortunately, Ilitia is completely in love with Brandon Moreno,” Muñeca says, all out loud and nice and clear so Lowrenzo doesn’t miss a thing when he walks in.
Emanuel tells Vicky he loved Marianela more than anything, and after she left he tried to reach her, but now he’s started to think that she never loved him at all. “She was suffering because she thought you cheated on her!” Vicky says. “But if she really loved me, why didn’t she stay? Why didn’t she talk to me about it?” “Marianela suffered more than anyone has ever suffered, blahbidy blah blah, Job reads the Book of Marianela to make his trials seem easy, oh pobre de Mari,” yakity yak shut up with this cantaleta, Mari. Emanuel says she must not have suffered all that much; she certainly moved on and married Jorge fast enough. “So do you not love her anymore?” “I don’t know! I’m very angry, and very confused!” “Look, why don’t we just forget what happened between us?” “Impossible! Never!”
The way Fedra is Manolohandling her prey, she’s bound to find out any minute about the wig or the overdeveloped pectoral area. Fedra tells Manolo he has no idea who he’s messing with. GretelMan is turning really red, as do all Fedra’s partners in these scenes. She must really choke them. Manolo says he’s just doing his job. The stories are sent in, and he fact-checks and prints. “That gives you no right to go in MY house with that nasty poli and mess with MY people!” Manolo says he was looking for information about Fedra’s mysteriously missing daughter. Fedra shoves GretelMan into a toilet stall and says if he messes with her again, she will write his equinoccio herself! “You what?” GretelMan asks, following Fedra to the door, confused. “You know, the lápida (tombstone), where they’ll bury you,” Fedra explains, frustrated with the idiot. “Did you mean epitafio?” GretelMan asks, then explains what equinoccio means. Fedra gets mad and shoves Manolo against the sinks again and looks closely in his eyes and takes off his glasses. “I know very well that you know where Gretel is. Tell her I want to talk to her, and she’ll like what I have to say.” “I don’t know where she is, and I’m not going to let you get close to her and hurt her.” Fedra slowly cleans Manolo’s glasses. “I’m not going to hurt her. We can meet on her terms, wherever she wants. I just want to look her in the eyes…” Fedra slowly puts Manolo’s glasses back on “…and tell her the whole truth.” “What truth?” Fedra slowly walks to the door, then pauses. “Tell her she doesn’t have a monster for a mother…because I’m not her real mother.”
“Who is?” Manolo asks. “If Gretel wants to know, she’ll have to come see me and talk to me face to face.” Fedra leaves and Gretel begins rearranging her entire identity.
Low blathers to Muñeca. No, no, no. No way. Emanuel is a rich heir, that poli is nothing. He won’t let Ilitia risk her marriage. Muñeca says feelings and happiness matter more than money. Low doesn’t see it that way. Muñeca tells him to stay out of it and let Ilitia resolve her own issues. “Oooh, maybe Brandon is the one who raped her!” Low says excitedly. (Yes, idiot, that’s why she’s so in love with him.) Muñeca says no way, duh. “If that idiot touches my daughter, I’ll kill him!” Lowrenzo swears.
Well, I guess Low will have to get over his squeamishness regarding murder. There is plenty of touching going on. Brandon and Ilitia are still parked between the road and the river and going at it. Ilitia’s not resisting, but once they break off she tells him to stop it, or she’ll get out of the nacomobile. Brandon hops out and runs around to her door. “Okay, then, get out!” “You’d really abandon me here?!” “Don’t worry; you’re pretty, you’ll find a ride.” Ilitia folds her arms and refuses to move. “You need me…I’m the only one who knows how to get to the hacienda.” “Fine, but don’t touch the steering wheel, and stop throwing tantrums, or I’m leaving you on the side of the road and going to the hacienda myself, even if it takes me three days to find it.” With a few more insults, they come to terms and argue about whether the Jeep is a carcacha (jalopy).
Axel follows Delicia around, trying to smooch her without getting caught. He’s lurking behind the living room bar while she dusts it when Fedra walks in and wonders what he’s up to. Axel claims he was just giving Delicia instructions for the special dinner he’s having with his novia tonight. That’s right; he and Lorena Fonseca are back together. Delicia sobs loudly and runs out. Axel smiles. Fedra comments that Delicia is acting like some telenovela protagonist (we wish!). “Yeah, I’m so tired of her,” Axel says. He tells his mom that Lorena is perfect for him. Fedra’s happy. Axel heads to the kitchen and Bernardo comes in and asks Fedra how things went at the newspaper. Fedra claims it went well. That stupid reportero tried to get smart with her, but she let him know who he’s messing with, and she sent the message for Gretel. Bernie says he did the same with the poli, so Gretel should be showing up soon. The sooner they shut her up for good, the better. They both wonder how the reporter got the idea to use “El Lirio de Plata” as a pseudonym, and why he and Oliver were at La Mala Noche. Could Gretel have told them everything she knows about their past? Bernie decides the answer is no, because if an ambitious reporter knew those secrets, they would have been published already. Fedra thinks there’s something strange about Manolo, though.
Garduño and Mauricio drop by to talk business. Mauron is still trying really hard to act cool.
Gretel and Oliver snuggle and talk about their day. Death threats, cryptic messages, the usual. Gretel is really curious about what Fedra said, but Oliver is convinced it’s just a trap. She’s just trying to interest Gretel enough to suck her in, and then the claws come out. Please don’t fall for it! Don’t go!
Fedra tells Garduño it’s too risky to do business with him. Kristel comes into the office to say hi to her chiquibú. Garduño tells Fedra if she doesn’t agree to the business partnership, adios to her daughter’s wedding. “Perdón?! Who is this guy?” Kristel asks.
Brandon thinks they’re lost, and Ilitia won’t give him directions. “You told me if I open my mouth you’ll throw me out of the car, so I’m keeping quiet,” Ilitia says, refusing to look at him. Brandon stops the car and gives her permission to talk. She tells him they missed the turn a half hour ago. “Why didn’t you say so?” “I wasn’t allowed to talk!” “Well, talk!” “Am I allowed to say what I want?” “Permission granted!” Ilitia unleashes a long string of insults, calling him a naco and a brute and not failing to mention his outlet clothing. Brandon is more interested in directions to the hacienda. Well, Ilitia isn’t sure. She thinks they might be lost. But if they take that road up there, they’ll probably get there. Yeah, for sure. “Are you really sure?” “Of course! Don’t you think I’m dying to get to my husband?” They head off, down Lovers’ Lane.
Emanuel is cooking dinner. He tells Vicky she’ll fall in love when she tastes it because it will be the best thing she’s ever eaten. She thinks he’s putting way too many ingredients in that pot. He adds more salt and onions and shoos her away. He opens a bottle of wine, sniffs it, and pours in some of that, too. MV wonders why the rest of the crew hasn’t arrived yet. Eman confesses that he called them earlier and told them to take their time so the two of them could have some privacy. She does not approve. Eman dumps a bunch of spaghetti into the pot. She tells him you’re supposed to cook the pasta separately, in salt water. He tells her to stay out of the master chefery and breaks up the spaghetti so it will go into the sauce.
Kristel is flipping out that these people are using her life as ballast in a business negotiation, but Malicio escorts her out. Lowrenzo joins in, and Fedra is surprised to find out that he and Garduño know each other.
Brandon and Ilitia drive through a field, and Ilitia insists that this is the way. It’s just to the right. Brandon stops the Jeep and says there’s no road! This is ridiculous! They are lost in the middle of nowhere, and it’s Ilitia’s fault! He can’t stand her; she is making him crazy! No one can stand her; she’s such a frivolous capricious brat! Ilitia starts looking like she’s going to cry, which is Brandon’s kryptonite. He runs over to comfort her. “My husband is with another woman. My marriage is over. And now you have to yell ugly things at me,” she sniffles. He convinces her to get out of the car and puts a blanket on the ground for them to sit on. Then he bats his eyelashes and murmurs sweet nothings at her until she cheers up and kisses him. Things must get heated because the camera decides we need to look at the bucolic scenery instead.
Darkness falls on the hacienda. Eman serves the pasta. MV tries it and finds it rather too crunchy. Eman agrees. He wants to toast instead, to their whatever. MV says no way. She’s going to pretend it didn’t happen. He says he can never ever forget. She says he seems to forget pretty easily. He forgot Marianela, after all. Emanuel gets offended and says after all the pain Marianela caused him, he doesn’t think he wants her to return. He doesn’t want to see her again. The love they had has died. “It’s my fault you stopped loving her,” Vicky says sadly, leaving the table.
Mañana: Lorena announces her engagement to Axel, much to the astonishment of Axel and Delicia. Emanuel and MariVicky get hot and horizontal just in time for Brandon and tragically-tressed Ilitia to walk in.
Sartenazo – a hit with a skillet
Una sarta de patrañas – a series of hoaxes
Viendo las caras en el tambo – this one’s beyond me. Oliver said it to Bernardo… “well, as long as we’re viendo las caras en el tambo, you aren’t innocent; you locked Gretel in the cellar for two years.” My guess: one of the meanings of tambo is brothel…as long as we’re seeing the faces in the whorehouse, i.e. as long as we’re identifying the guilty. Anyone?
Goteras -- leaks
Carcacha de quinta – fifth-rate piece of junk automobile
Cantaleta – same old story
Jalándola con el Diablo – flirting with the devil
Equinoccio – equinox
Lápida – tablet, stone, gravestone
Epitafio-- epitaph


La Verdad Oculta EP101 02/08/2011 – The Grinch stole the wedding, Elsa’s freedom and Carlos’s girlfriend

* Shocked Adolfo smiles at Édgar and admits the Psycho Boy did a good job. Now please tell him, what does he want for the informations he knows? Édgar wants fake documents and money to leave the country for good and all. Okay, but first he has to obey Adolfo’s orders.

* At dinner the enthusiastic members of the Victoria household are talking about the upcoming wedding. At first humble Lucha doesn’t want to attend it since she doesn’t have elegant dresses and they all know what Chicles is like, but Juan José manages to persuade her.

* Julieta, Leonardo and Fausto spend the evening together, and daddy is very happy that his little girl and the super cop reconciled at last. In the middle of the conversation they get a phone call from Gaby who’d like to know if they are going to attend JJ’s and Ale’s wedding. As usual, Fausto doesn’t want to leave his precious flat, he says he needs to relax. Julieta accepts his decision but she makes him promise that he will attend her wedding.

*After a long day’s shopping, Alejandra and Abelardo have a nice conversation about the wedding, Juli and Leo, and Abelardo, who knows everything about the people who ever set foot in the Casa Genovés. Then she calls Bertha who’s very happy to hear her voice again. Has Ale forgiven her yet? Not yet. But Bertha misses her! So does Alejandra, that’s why she called her. She’s going to get married next day, and would like her to attend the wedding. Bertha is glad for them but she doesn’t dare meet Mario, David, Gaby and Juan José again… No, it’s better not to attend it.

* At Sagitario Carlos gets a phone call from Juanita who asks him about Yolanda. No, unfortunately he doesn’t know anything about her either. Anyway, thank you. Bye. One and a half second later he gets another phone call – from Yolanda! She’s in her flat and she wanted him to know that she’s well. Carlos tells her Juanita called him and Yolanda gets excited. Juanita has a few things that belong to her, she needs to meet her!

* Next morning everybody is preparing for the wedding in the lovely garden of the casa Genovés. Juan José introduces everyone to everyone, Chicles is making trouble (as usual), Lucha is trying to discipline him (as usual), David is calming JJ’s nerves down in the garden, and Gabriela is calming Alejandra’s nerves down in her bedroom. David meets the famous Caramelo, and immediately falls in love with the little girl, who promotes him to tío and tells him that he’s very handsome. *Viewerville: David, it’s high time to become a daddy*

Everyone is ready, let the wedding begin! The utterly anxious and happy couple manage to get married without too many accidents (dropping the pen a few times doesn’t count). The music is beautiful, the newlyweds and their friends are celebrating and almost everything is perfect… Until an uninvited guest shows up. Adolfo came to talk with David, who, que sorpresa, can walk again! It’s a miracle! And the dead man is alive and he has just got married! These are truly wonderful news. The spiteful and victorious Grinch humiliates and insults everybody, makes Juan José and David rage and destroys the decoration, and then he finally leaves.

* In his car the Grinch purrs like a content cat after eating the canary, and calls his good old friend Déborah to ask her for a favor. In the Genovés study the outraged men try to find out how to defend themselves from Adolfo and how to defeat him. Leo mentions the precious cuff-links/ rings and tells the boys that Carlos gave David a real one. That’s impossible, says Fausto, Adolfo swore he had two real ones! Then it means there are three trefoil rings: two real and one fake and most likely Dolphie has no idea that Carlos had a real one. The question is who changed them? No, it couldn’t be Carlos, it must’ve been someone else who’s very close to Adolfo. Ramón calls Leo to report about an anonymous call from the United States which informed them of the whereabouts of a few smuggled diamonds. They are hidden in a fishbowl… in Elsa Rivera’s flat. That girl again?! Leo tells the guys Elsa’s in trouble again then he leaves.

*The fishbowl’s lonely inhabitant reproachfully looks at Viewerville, he doesn’t like the shiny new things in his home. But unfortunately it isn’t Elsa who finds the diamonds first, but the bunch of confident cops who immediately arrest her again. The devastated girl swears she’s innocent and begs Ulises to call Mauricio as soon as possible.

* At home Adolfo calls nervous wreck Zaida for Juan José’s phone number and promises to give her shelter at the seaside villa. In the meantime worried Ulises calls Mau to tell him what happened to poor Elsa. He’s sure she was framed and… He notices that the keys for her flat are missing, and puts two and two together. It was Édgar!

* Adolfo’s evil master plan enters stage two: he calls Juan José and politely tells him he wants to negotiate. There’s a letter in JJ’s house hidden behind a mirror. If he gives Adolfo the letter he’ll set imprisoned Elsa free. Oh yes, she’s accused with smuggling again and she’ll spend 15 years in jail if JJ doesn’t obey Adolfo.

* At the special department of the police Ulises, Mau and his lawyer try to convince a very serious and strict cop that Elsa is innocent, she was framed by Édgar, who stole the keys last night and put the diamonds into the fishbowl. However, the cop isn’t impressed with Ulises’s story and he thinks maybe he made up everything to help Elsa. Maybe he’s her accomplice!

*At AFI Ramón tells Leo he investigated after the van Roberto drove the night he murdered Mario Genovés, and it was Marcos Rivera’s. Duracell Bunny is so content with Ramón’s work that he wholeheartedly congratulates him. That was the best investigation at AFI and Leo will recommend Ramón’s promotion! *Try to remember these sweet moments, Ramón, when you’re woken up in the middle of the night or when your lunch is interrupted by Duracell Leo.* By the way, boss, Juan José Victoria wants to talk with you. The big guy tells Leo about Adolfo’s call and proposition. The Grinch obviously doesn’t know about the mattress, he thinks the letter is still in JJ’s house. This proves that Elsa has been framed, says Leo, and Adolfo took advantage of her situation. Qué? Her brother is a smuggler and she hide him once. Yes, says JJ, she helped him because he’s her brother and he saved her from being raped, but she hasn’t done anything else. That’s interesting, says Leo, but this information can’t help Elsa, she’s the suspect of a very serious crime. The pumpkin on JJ’s neck starts to fume.

* In their bedroom Gaby tells David what Mario told her about his relationship with Marta and she keeps worrying about Adolfo and the business meetings she’ll have to attend in the future. But don’t worry, David will return to his office where they could work together. Gaby loves the idea. A horny married couple together behind the closed doors of an office… That sounds great. Sexy sax time again. In the neighbouring house Alejandra’s head is about to explode: she hates Adolfo Ávila! JJ cheers her up and tells her they are going to have a special wedding night in their hotel.

* Adolfo calls Bertha to apologize for his ugly behaviour and to invite her for dinner. He misses her much, he wants to give her the bills of her car and they keys for her apartment, he’d like to make her the happiest woman on Earth, blahblahblah. For five seconds Bertha’s brain works and she says she’s afraid of him but Adolfo swears he would never her hurt again. All right, all right, let’s meet. An hour later in a restaurant Adolfo tries to convince skeptical and cautious Bertha that he’s the nicest man on Earth. He didn’t kill anyone, actually, it was Mario who killed Marta, he isn’t a smuggler, and of course he didn’t kidnap those children. Then he drops the bomb of bombs: he’s old and lonely, and he wants to spend his last years with a lively and cheerful girl. Bertha thinks he should reconcile with Carlos, who’s a good boy, and who’s his only son. But no, Adolfo plans to disinherit that ungrateful bastard. That’s unfair! No, it isn’t. His wife is going to be his only heir. Bertha. Will you marry me?



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