Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Teresa Tue 9/13/11 #137 A Tale of Two Tools

LEDESMA HOME: Arturo has come upon Mariano manhandling his mujer just as Mariano is telling her she can’t do this to Arturo. Now it’s Arturo’s turn to manhandle his mujer, demanding to know what it is that she’s not supposed to do to him. Sharkita immediately goes into defense/deception mode: “Calm down. Mariano is always bothering me to discredit me.” Arturo shouts at her, again demanding to know what it is that she’s not supposed to do? Is she planning to run off with Mariano? Next he starts to rough up Mariano demanding to know if they were planning to run off together. Mariano finally speaks up reminding Arturo that he warned him not to trust Teresa and that she didn’t love him. This only enrages Arturo further but Teresa gets between them asking them to stop for Esperanza’s sake. I mean, really. Espe walks in just then and asks Mariano to please leave. Whew, that was a close one, Sharkita.

CASA ALCAZAR: Whoooeee, Aurora’s got her hands full with Aiiiiiiida in full-on shriekster mode. Aurora reminds her she didn’t make any promises, even she didn’t know what was to happen with Mariano. La Loca understands they agreed the loser would stand aside, but she doesn’t think she can do that because “I LOVE MARIANO!!! I cannot stand aside, NO PUEDO!” Poof! She grabs her designer bag and leaves in a huff!

LEDESMA HOME: Teresa promises Esperanza that Arturo and she will do whatever possible to find Rodriguito. Arturo, who’s still hot under the collar, agrees they’ll continue to help her but warns he will not put up with Mariano coming near his mujer in the pretext of helping to find the baby. Esperanza’s sorry they ended up there together but Arturo must understand they’ve all been friends since childhood (infancia). He understands that but he’s convinced Mariano still wants his mujer. He pounces on Teresa, grabbing her by her arm demanding to know what it was that Mariano was trying to say. She sticks to her story that Mariano just won’t leave her alone, insisting she doesn’t love Arturo and also is determined to tell that to Arturo. Arturo isn’t convinced and starts to shake her wondering if that’s all it was about. Isn’t Mariano in love with Aurora now? Teresa can’t believe he doesn’t respect what’s happening to Esperanza right now. If he doesn’t believe her, he can ask Aurora herself. Esperanza does her best to calm him down saying she understands that at one time he had reason to be jealous. She assures him that he’s the one Teresa loves now.

VECINDAD: FF>> Armando tells Johnny/Pati about his new job. Refugio and Armando talk about their wonderful, happy marriage and share a kiss. Johnny/Pat can only hope they’ll be as happy. zzzzzzzzzzz

CASA FERNANDO: Oh no, Mariano arrives at the gate just as Luisa is leaving. She assumes he’s there looking for Teresa. He tries to explain he’s there to speak with her, to tell her about what happened in Zacatecas. She won’t give him the opportunity to speak, she has nothing to say to him and refuses to hear him out no matter how much he pleads with her. She reminds he is not welcome in this house. She jumps in the car and zooms off.

CASA GENOVENOM: Rubigote is pissed! He complains to Geno everyone assumes he’s the kidnapper – first, the police and now Art & Teresa. Now he has to act all concerned to throw them off the track. He even drew up a complaint of child neglect against Espe. Geno understands but she warns him he better stay away from that Gata! He explains he has to do what would seem logical and that’s why he’s blamed Espe for the kidnapping. In truth, he really does think she was stupid to allow them to take the baby. On another matter, he needs to find another place to live in order to make his story more believable so she needs to come up with an apartment for him.

LEDESMA HOME: Hernan is doing his best to calm his distraught wife. He tells her he’s got the flyers ready with the baby’s picture and reward offer. She’s inconsolable. He tells her to have faith, she must be strong. She tells him about Ruben’s visit and the charge of neglect and that it’s her fault. Hernan knows it wasn’t her fault. He’s going to post the flyers throughout the city and that will certainly help them get results.

CASA FERNANDO: Teresa arrives in a taxi just in time to see Aiiiiiiida walking up. Aiiiida takes great joy to see her in a cab. Teresa doesn’t understand why she’s there. Aiiiiida cattily reminds her this is no longer her home. Aiiiiida can come by and visit Luisa or her good friend Oriana any time she wants. Teresa’s not surprised by her friendship with Odiosa, they’re igual de viboras. No, Aiiiida counters, they’re both as intelligent because they don’t believe a single word Teresa says. She wonders what it must be like to be in a loveless marriage with no money. With Mariano, she would have been poor but she would have had love. And now she’s lost that too. Teresa still wants to know what brings her here. Aiiida explains she came to visit her at her workplace just to tell her that although Mariano may not be hers, he doesn’t belong to Teresa either because he and Aurora are now novios and he truly does love her. “Oh please,” says Tere, “Mariano will never stop loving me. He’s mine, as is Arturo. Mariano found that he wasn’t able to make me jealous with you so now he’s trying to make me jealous with my BFF. Mariano loves me just as he always has. That’s the effect I have on men – they can’t forget me.” That’s what she thinks, says Aiiiida. Truth is, she’s already lost Mariano and as for her husband, she’d better be careful. She thinks it must be humiliating for Teresa that while she was gone on her trip, Artie was off playing golf with that pretty girl, what’s-her-name? Oh yeah, Lucia. Bingo! Right on target….Teresa’s not pleased.

Inside, Lucia’s noticed Arturo is a bit alterado. He doesn’t want to talk about it but she insists cuz she’s soooo helpful. He tells her about the confrontation with Mariano. It isn’t clear to him why Mariano was telling Teresa not to do “this” to Arturo. According to Teresa, Mariano is telling her she shouldn’t remain with Arturo if she doesn’t love him. My hunkasaurus is so upset! He doesn’t know if Teresa wants to go back to Mariano or what. Lucia tells him the hard truth: If Teresa is intent on being with Mariano there’s nothing he can do no matter how much he loves her. Poor Art can’t imagine Teresa leaving. **sigh, I think he needs a hug from me**

Outside, the rrrrrrrrata and the banshee are still locked in battle. Teresa tells Aiiiiida she’s wrong. She’s only there to spread her venom because she’s upset that Mariano is still in love with her (Teresa) and that Arturo has forgiven her. Whatever, says Aiiida. She’s sure Arturo is inside and can clear it up for her….or maybe Lucia since they seem to be spending sooooo much time together. Teresa smugly says she believes in her husband. Aiiiida tells her to think what she wants, she’ll leave it up to her and leaves. Teresa stands there, thinks on it for a second then tells herself, no, no, no. She calls Luisa and verifies that Arturo did indeed play golf with Lucia. Oh, she’s not pleased to hear Aiiida was right. MALDITA LUCIA!

Speaking of Lucia, she’s telling Arturo he must calm down. As she’s telling him he’s only human and it’s only normal for him to be upset, etc. etc, Teresa walks in and sneaks upstairs where she can easily eavesdrop and watch them. Arturo and Lucia are now holding hands as she tells him tomorrow will be much better. (well, isn’t SHE the Positive Patty) Arturo shares that when he thought Teresa may not have loved him when she married him, he sought revenge but couldn’t go through with it. He loves her too much (demasiado). Lucia understands that love blinds us but Arturo is the only one who can decide what to do. She hugs him as our Tiburoncita watches her prey from above, circling as any good Sharkita would. Arturo goes on saying he’s so confused and full of doubts. He asks Lucia, as an outsider, what she thinks of the situation. Lucia doesn’t think this would help but she caresses his face as she tells him he is a great man, intelligent, handsome, great worker, but it’s not important what she thinks. It’s what he thinks that is important. Teresa walks away and doesn’t hear Arturo say he couldn’t stand to lose Teresa because he loves her with all his soul.

HOSPITAL: Aurora talks to Magda about Aiiiida refusing to accept that she’s lost Mariano. Aurora sees Oriana at the nurse’s station and greets her warmly. Oriana notices she seems so happy. They speak of Luisa’s wedding (this Saturday!) and the conversation turns to Teresa/Mariano. Oriana tells her Mariano showed up at Luisa’s house again, presumably looking for Teresa. Aurora is stunned.

CASA FERNANDO: Teresa’s back in what used to be their bedroom talking to Teddy/Arturo squeezing the stuffing out of him wondering why, oh why does he do this to her? **uh, pot calling the kettle black?** She really does love him. She never thought it could happen, but she’s fallen in love with him. So much so that she put up with all the trials he put her through. But she will not put up with this. No one humiliates the great Tiburoncita, no one! Because “yo soy” and her pride comes before love. She continues to chant “el orgullo antes del amor, el orgullo antes del amor…….”

CASA LEDESMA: Esperanza has collapsed in tears as Johnny/Pati come in bearing gifts from Zacatecas. Espe blurts out the bad news and faints in Johnny’s arms!

LOVER’S PARK (dog park might be a more fitting name): The Strumpet we know as Teresa is trolling the park and while looking at her wedding ring she tells herself that although she loves Arturo, she must overcome (dominar) her feelings, she must! Ah, here’s lover boy. They embrace with a kiss (in public!) and coos about how happy she is when he is near. This is how she’d like to stay from here on out, by his side. She kisses him. (ok, these open-eye kisses are starting to creep me out). No, Teresa, he tells her. He’s anguished over Luisa and Arturo. She doesn’t want to hear anything about Arturo. He has the nerve to be jealous as though she were his property. He has no idea what Arturo did to her today. Fernando immediately thinks he may suspect. She calms his fears, telling him Arturo has no idea of their “love”. She tells him how Arturo and Mariano almost came to blows at Espe’s home. It was horrible. Fernando almost shudders to think how Arturo may react when he learns that he, his BFF, is her lover! Teresa feels Arturo has no right to complain about anything – he doesn’t deserve to have her at his side. While he abuses her and insists that she only have eyes for him, he is most certainly carrying on with Lucia. She tells him of the golf game and seeing them in each other’s arms and how Lucia carried on about how handsome he is, etc., etc., and she heard Arturo telling her he has doubts and is sure the marriage is over. Fernando didn’t want to tell her (yeah, right) but he saw them embracing at that restaurant. Tiburoncita is impactada!

HOSPITAL: Mariano’s troubles are just beginning. Aurora’s heard he went to Arturo’s ex-house and she assumes he went looking for Teresa. She’s angry and tells him she’s very disappointed. She won’t let him explain and reminds him she warned that the next time he went looking for Teresa she’d leave him! He’s not going to play her like he did Aiiiida. It’s OVER! Para Siempre! Mariano’s impactado!

LOVER’S (dog) PARK: It hurts Fernando to see Arturo treat her this way and not appreciate her. She’s hurt to realize Arturo no longer loves her and only seeks revenge. Fernando thinks it may be best they divorce but even if that occurs, she and he cannot be together. He whines that he can’t do this to Luisa. It breaks his heart to think of the pain this would cause her. They can’t go on, what they had together must end. He intends to marry Luisa.

HOSPITAL: Mariano continue to try to explain his visit to Arturo’s ex-home. Basta! She refuses to listen and furthermore doesn’t want to see him or talk to him! She tells him not to go looking for her. She leaves in a huff as Pati comes in looking for Hernan. She tells Mariano they brought Espe to the hospital.

LOVER’S PARK: Teresa doesn’t understand how he can marry Luisa when they love each other. He’s given his word *choke* and everything is ready for the wedding. He can’t do this to her, he at least must try. She coos his name and snuggles up to him telling him to accept things as they are. They’ve fallen in love and if he marries Luisa he won’t be happy. How long does he think he can last pretending (fingiendo) to feel something he doesn’t.

CASA CACERES: Aiiiiida asks why the religious ceremony’s been cancelled. Oriana explains Fernando feels pressured due to business issues but she knows there’s something else. Since his return from Zacatecas he’s been very angry and aggressive toward her. Aiiida wonders if she’s considered that Teresa may have put ideas in his head while he was in the Big Z. Oriana wouldn’t doubt it but doesn’t plan on discussing it with him. It would be counterproductive (contraproducente **ooh big word**). She plans to stay mum these few days remaining before the ceremony. The important thing now is for Fernando to marry Luisa although it’s only the civil ceremony. Aiiiida agrees, as this is the marriage that counts, legally. Oriana has advised Luisa to be very loving and understanding until then. She doesn’t want Fernando to have any reason to postpone that ceremony as well. Once they’re married, they can go off to Spain or anywhere where they can be away from Teresa's bad influence.

LOVER’S PARK: Teresa continues to work on Fernando, wondering how long he thinks they can wait before they can be together because they can no longer stand to be apart. In between kisses she says she can no longer live without him – pant, pant. He tells her he loves her too but he can’t hurt Luisa. This will destroy her. Wrong, blockhead, he’ll destroy her if he marries her and doesn’t love her. She doesn’t deserve that. **aw, Teresa is so thoughtful** In order to be together, they must come to a clear understanding. They have two choices:#1 – she can get a divorce and together they’ll confront Luisa and Arturo or, #2 they can leave Mexico and leave them a letter. Cue the Jaws theme: she tells him if he continues with Luisa, they’ll all be unhappy. She kisses him then walks away looking weary but satisfied that she’s won this battle. Blockhead just stands there, hands on hips. Duh, what to do! She’s managed to suck all the fight right out of him.

CASA ALCAZAR: Aurora tearfully tells her father he was right. Mariano hasn’t forgotten Teresa. Daddy asks if it’s over. Aurora admits it is and she’s so angry she didn’t listen to him. At least she tried. She learned he will never forget Teresa, but she will be able to forget him. No, she doesn’t plan on going after Martin, she could never do that to him. She plans to dedicate herself to her career and make herself stronger. He shouldn’t worry, she will be fine.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa finally arrives after dark and Arturo demands to know where she’s been and the battle begins. She can’t believe he’d act this way after she saw him and Lucia embracing. She also throws in that he’s been seeing embracing her in restaurants and golfing with her! And on top of that he causes a scene because she and Mariano happen to be at Espe’s in her time of need. He begins to explain why Lucia was hugging him – she stops him and asks why he always has to ruin everything. Every time there’s a possibility for them to be happy, he ruins it. She’s not interested in his explanations. She’s reached her limit. As much as she loves him, she wants a divorce! Poor Arturo is impactado!

PENTHOUSE: Arturo says they can’t be divorced. He loves her. And if she loves him then she’ll understand that he was talking to Lucia about what happened earlier with Mariano. “And then what,” she asks, “she consoled you and you let her, right?” He figures she’s just jealous and that’s because he’s important to her. The same thing happens to him because of Mariano. They must overcome this because they love each other. He starts to kiss her but she pleads with him to leave her alone. He refuses because he can’t think of his life without her, he needs her.

HOSPITAL: Espe’s been sedated and is resting in a hospital room as Mariano and Hernan watch over her. Hernan explains she hadn’t eaten since the kidnapping. Mariano thinks it’s best to keep her here until she’s well again. She’s suffered a great loss. Hernan says it’s been difficult for him as well. He pretends to be strong so she can lean on him. Our galan breaks down and Mariano consoles him. Rodriguito is like his son and he not only lost him but he’s afraid he’ll lose Esperanza as well. He fears she won’t recover.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa says she loves him too, he has no idea. But if she doesn’t give herself value no one will. She doesn’t believe him when he tells her he values her. If that were so, he would have accepted Fernando's help instead of continuing to “test” her. He’d trust her and he wouldn’t even consider allowing Lucia to continue working with him. That’s why it’s best he continue on his way and allow her to continue hers. He asks if that’s the real reason, or is it because of Mariano. Oh, that did it! Tiburoncita bears her teeth. She stopped loving Mariano long ago but he just doesn’t see it. There are so many reasons. There is just no fixing this. He follows after her asking her to reconsider. Divorce is such a serious step. He asks her to at least think on it for a few days. No, she’s done with all the fighting. For now, she will go live in Juana’s place.

HOSPITAL: Pati tries to console Johnny about the kidnapping. They talk about staying with Espe and Hernan says that won’t be necessary but ask Johnny to oversee the response to the flyers posted throughout the city. He asks him to check the e-mails and cover the phones in case there is a response to the reward.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa is alone in her room in tears, talking to their wedding photo, complaining that if he had only accepted Fernando’s help none of this would be happening. Lucia wouldn’t be working with him and she wouldn’t have started up with Fernando. Arturo walks in to tell her Jacinto is there ready to take her to the vecindad. He pleads with her to reconsider and offers to go stay with Fernando and she can stay in the penthouse. She refuses, saying he’d only say she is only interested in money. No thanks, she’s leaving. He knows how much she loathes the vecindad. But if she’s leaving him, then she must leave all the luxuries he can give her. He may not believe it, but she’s not an interesada and she has her dignity. And that’s why she’s leaving. (need I point out she’s holding the teddy with all the “family jewels” stuffed inside?)

CASA ALCAZAR: Mariano has come to see Aurora and she’s not having it! She doesn’t want to see him and doesn’t want to hear anything he has to say. He’ll never change and she’s not going to waste her time with him! He explains he went to that house to see Luisa. He’s sure there’s something going on between Teresa and Fernando. He thinks she’s intent on seducing him now that Arturo has no money. Aurora’s astonished at this story. Luisa and Fernando are getting married this weekend. She asks him to leave. Daddy walks in and insists he do as his daughter asks. Hector doesn’t care what happened, he’s making his daughter sad and she doesn’t want to see him. SCRAM! Before he leaves Mariano assures her what he’s said is true. He loves her.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa tells Arturo she can’t stay with him if he doesn’t give her her rightful place in his life. And she can’t go on pretending to be happy when everything that has happened has made her sad and disillusioned. Arturo agrees they’ve hurt each other very deeply. She doesn’t deny that she’s hurt him. Once they’re separated they’ll be able to heal the wounds. She leaves, dragging her suitcase with the bejeweled teddy in her arms. Arturo breaks down in tears.

CASA FERNANDO: Luisa is all gussied up waiting for her man to come home. He arrives and tells her she looks lovely. He asks if she thinks he’ll make her happy. He wants to be happy with her and never hurt her. They smooch. Ugh, what a tool!

The following morning, Arturo tells Luisa that Teresa has left him. Luisa wonders if it had anything to do with Mariano, because he was there earlier. This angers Arturo. She explains he came to speak to her. This surprises Arturo and he wonders what he may have wanted to say. She admits she didn’t let him speak. Arturo doesn’t know what to think anymore. Luisa offers to speak with Teresa. Arturo hopes Teresa realizes their love is much greater than what happened and that they shouldn’t divorce. He asks if Fernando has calmed down. She tells him he was much calmer last night. He was affectionate and attentive and they had a great time. She’s so excited. The time is almost here for their wedding! Poor little lamb.

VECINDAD: Armando comes by to visit with his daughter who is dressed in what appears to be a shark skin dress! What is she up to today? He apparently gave her the key to the apartment without Refugio knowing she’s back. He suggests she go to her mother and she refuses. She’s not in the mood for sermons. As they’re talking, Luisa drops in. Daddy leaves and Luisa and Teresa talk about what happened. Luisa’s very sad and so is Arturo. Teresa says there’s no other way. Luisa can’t imagine what it would be like if Fernando left her. She’d just die. Cue the Jaws theme.

CASA FERNANDO: Lucia is sorry hear that Teresa saw them hugging. She feels the breakup is all her fault and offers to resign.

TERESA’S HIDEOUT: Luisa tells her about Mariano’s visit. Teresa says he’ll never leave her alone. Luisa pleads with her to understand Arturo was upset about Mariano and was only venting with Lucia. She asks her to please think it over. Teresa thanks her for all her help, and Fernando too, who’s been such a big help. “Isn’t he a dear?” asks Luisa. Teresa can only smile in response. What a toolette!

CASA FERNANDO: Arturo feels badly because he has only good things to say about Lucia's work. Lucia understands but if Teresa is jealous, the only solution is for her to keep her distance from him. He doesn’t think it’s right. She agrees, but it’s the only solution and it will be one less problem he needs to resolve with Teresa. She will recommend a male friend to fill in for her to do the work. She does plan to continue to see Luisa, however.

TERESA’S HIDEOUT: Oriana would like Luisa and Fernando to travel to Spain after the wedding to meet their friends. Teresa thinks Fernando is the door to another world, another level. Luisa admits this all scares her a little. Teresa feels differently, it wouldn’t scare her one bit. Luisa is very nervous but very happy. She’s so excited and the wedding is Saturday. Teresa tells her she’s very aware of that. (suuuuuuucia!) Luisa tells her the best gift would be for Teresa and Arturo to reunite on that day. Teresa doubts that will happen. (suuuuuuuuucia…..y mala!)

HOSPITAL: Luisa has come to speak with Mariano! She’s come to find out why he came by yesterday. If he came by to provoke more problems between Arturo and Teresa, he succeeded. They’re on the brink of divorce. He explains that although that no longer interests him, he’s not surprised. Mariano begins, “I went to you to explain that Teresa isn’t what you think she is. Be very careful and don’t trust her. I believe Teresa is aiming to ensnare Fernando to secure her future.” DRAMATIC MUSIC AND LUISA IS DUMBFOUNDED! How will she react? Will she believe him? Ay, ay, ay!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #28 Tue 09/13/11

Antonio tries to get Carlota to agree to take the kiddies on vacation together without them knowing.

Ivan and Lucia talk about life's hardships. Ivan tells her that he still cares for her and wants to get back with her. She turns him down. He offers friendship. But I loved you then she replies. And I love you know says Ivan. He wants to see her and talk to her about things. He gets a phone call from Benito telling him that Carlota has finished talking to Antonio.

Ivan asks Lucia for an answer but she wants to think on it. They meet up with Carlota and explain they went for coffee. They bid each other goodbye with Ivan reminding her that he'll wait for her answer. Carlota questions her. Lucia says he wants to be friends.

Ivan tells Antonio about the days events regarding the checks and JJ stealing from the organization. And once he finds proof, he's could send him to jail. He doesn't want Antonio to remind him that JJ is his biological father because he abused his power and hurt many people that trusted him. But there's more behind it replies Antonio. You have found another way to get justice. Yes says Ivan. And that makes me really happy.

JJ is spouting stupidity at the dinner table to his family about running the McGuire's out of town. Just because he didn't get what he wanted. BOO-HOO. And those idiots that accepted the money from them will remember me. You will see. He is saying all this stupidity to Edith, Saul and Judith. Edith tries to make him see reason. If he makes the men in the organization mad then perhaps they will not vote for him in the upcoming election. JJ says if they don't elect me again they will regret it. Edith says now that they got the help from the McGuire's they probably don't need your help anymore. JJ tells her to watch what she says and not to be an idiot. It seems that you are on their side. Saul says that he sides with his dad. They need to know who Juan Jaime Mondragon is. And it's best to have you on their side then against. To fear you. Edith again tries to reason to the idiot JJ and says to think again. The McGuire's have a lot of money and that ways heavily in their favor. They may have money replies JJ, but I have influence. I can make them run out of town. Saul is in total agreement and tells his dad that whatever he needs to count him in. Oh, yeah says JJ. Let's go and see if you have the balls to do what I ask of you. They leave. Edith hopes they do not get into any trouble. She calls David and tells him that JJ is mad. David says they can meet up tomorrow to talk.

Antonio and Ivan talk about the missing baby. Antonio also tells him that Carlota is positive that JJ had nothing to do with Alicia's dearth. When she found out that he was bothering Alicia, she confronted JJ and threatened to tell everyone that Ivan was his child. Ivan says that the cemetery keeper claims that every week a guy brings flowers to his mother's grave. Since his return the guy no longer comes. Antonio thinks perhaps his mother had a boyfriend.

Lucia asks Carlota why she never told her that Ivan is the son of JJ. You were but a child. What was the point replies Carlota. And when we became novios asks Lucia? I didn't want to bother you with that stuff replies Carlota. Why did Ivan tell you? Probably because of all the anger he has inside says Lucia. Your mother already knew that Ivan was JJ's son replies Carlota. Lucrecia comes running up to Carlota and Lucia asking if she got the check from Antonio. Yes replies Carlota. How much questions Lucrecia? More then I thought replies Carlota.

Antolin brings Carolina flowers.

Lucrecia holds a check for 10 million pesos from the McGuire's to help with the ranch. (I say they probably got more then JJ did) Lucia asks if she's going to have Camilo be the administrator of the ranch. Of course not replies Lucrecia. I'm going to deposit this money tomorrow and then let him go afterwards. The only reason I accepted was because of Antonio. Also don't mention a word of this to Maripaz. Lucia tells Carlota that she's worried. Her mother is the worst administrator. Carlota tells her not to worry.

Antolin is trying to confirm Carolina if Alex is really Ivan/Maripaz child. Carolina of course denies it.

Ivan wants David to enter his dad's office and get proof of the fraud. David says he can't. He doesn't want his dad to go to jail. Camilo says he doesn't have to if he pays it all back. He suggests the secretary can get it. Ask her out. Wine and dine her. David says he can't. Camilo says if you can't then everyone will really believe the rumors. David gets mad and says that he's not gay. Ivan tells Camilo to stop. Ivan tells David to forgive Camilo. David says sorry, I just can't do it and leaves. Ivan tells Camilo he can't that. Camilo was hoping to move him to do something. They need proof. Then he comes up with the bright idea of talking to the treasurer. Perhaps bribing him will loosen his tongue and some documents.

Lucia is working out and recalls her conversation with Ivan about being friends. She says to herself that she can't be his friends. She just loves him too much. Her phone rings and it's David. They agree to meet the next day.

Maripaz is going to meet Ivan and her mother reminds her no drinking. Yeah right. That's like leaving a piece of cake in front of my 4 year old and telling her not to eat it and then leave the room. When I get back it's gone because "the dog" grabbed a fork and ate it.

Alex wants Gerry to take him to the new offices he's building. Gerry agrees.

Maripaz is getting her second drink when Ivan appears. He comments on her drinking. The waiter asks if he wants a drink, but Ivan just asks for mineral water. Maripaz teases him, but Ivan gets down to business. He gives her the keys to her new apartment. She asks if it's going to be their "love" nest. Ivan informs her that his father is giving her this plus an allowance as long as she keeps her trap shut about her mother and Carlota. But if you open your mouth, it all goes away. Maripaz says she cares a lot for him and can't forget about their nights in his room in the servant's wing. Ivan tells her that he is no longer interested in her. Maripaz says she can give him pleasure especially now that he is no longer with her sister. Ivan says he didn't come to talk about her sister or the past. I understand replies Maripaz. But we can become friends. Friends with benefits. I already told you I'm not interested in you. The waiter comes with Ivan's water and he asks for the check. Maripaz tells Ivan about the guy blackmailing her. Ivan says he doesn't plan on paying anyone.

Carolina tells Gerry about Antolin coming over asking her if she knew anything about Maripaz having a child. Gerry asks what did she say? I told him no replies Carolina. Why does he care asks Gerry? He said he was curious replies Carolina. He wants to know what happened to the child. What for asks Gerry? I don't know says Carolina. Gerry says I doubt he was curious. This was just a secret in the family. Now I'm scared. I need to talk to Lucrecia. Are you going to tell her the truth asks Carolina? No replies Gerry. I want to know if the rumor has reached her ears.

Maripaz tells Ivan to think about the scandal. About your mother? What about her asks Ivan? That she was a servant? That doesn't shame me. Well what about your job asks Maripaz? In your business dealings? Ivan pays the bill. Maripaz says the people can lose faith in you. Why would they wait 10 years to blackmail you asks Ivan? I don't know replies Maripaz. Perhaps because you came back. They know you have money. Then why didn't they call me directly asks Ivan? How am I suppose to know says Maripaz. Please help me. You know we don't have any money. You just received the money for the ranch, did you not asks Ivan. What asks Maripaz? When? Today says Ivan. My mother didn't tell me replies Maripaz. But it doesn't matter. That money was for the ranch. How about if we both pay half? If I tell my grandmother, she won't say no. Ivan asks if they called her house or cellphone. My cellphone replies Maripaz. But the number did not register. Ivan says the next time they call have them call me.

Maripaz arrives home drunk. Surprised? Not me. Lucrecia is waiting in her room and asks if she talked to Ivan. Maripaz tells her that Ivan will take care of it.

Carlota tells Lucia to accept Ivan's offer of friendship. Lucia thinks it's a bad idea. Carlota thinks it's a bad idea to give up her love for her family. Your sister is going to make her own life, your mother will be busy with the ranch and I will not be around forever. You need to think about yourself. I would be so happy if you would marry Ivan and give me a great grandchild. Now that I would never know the first one. That's the problem replies Lucia. All Ivan thinks about is his mother and his lost child. There is no room for me. So it's jealousy replies Carlota. No it's not jealously replies Lucia. If he doesn't come to terms with what's happened we can never be happy. His problems were caused by my family.

Ivan is at his mother's grave talking to her. The cemetery caretaker comes up and they get to chit-chatting. Ivan asks about the guy that would bring flowers to his mother's grave.

Ivan tells Antonio about his conversation with the caretaker of the cemetery. Ivan wonders who could it be.

Lucia and Carlota are walking in the patio when they see Gloria and Cleto taking boxes out. Maripaz follows with a suitcase. When questioned by Carlota, Maripaz says that Ivan bought her an apartment to move into. Carlota asks if Lucrecia knows. Maripaz tells Carlota to tell her. She then makes a dig at Lucia. Carlota tells Lucia that she doesn't believe a word that Maripaz just said. She sees Lucia crying and tells her to call Ivan to find out the truth. Lucia thinks that now since she refused him, he went back to Maripaz. Carlota says to ask him. What for asks Lucia. So that he thinks that I'm interested in him? That I'm jealous? Yes, you are replies Carlota. And if you don't call him then I will. Lucia tells her not too and runs off.

Carlota doesn't call Ivan, but she sure calls Antonio and she's pissed.

Ivan goes to visit Gerry and check on the process of the offices. Ivan asks about Alex and Carolina. He wants to talk to Gerry about some things. What about asks Gerry. About my mother and my son replies Ivan. I don't know much about that replies Gerry. Well I have some questions that you might be able to clarify says Ivan. Of course says Gerry. How about we eat lunch together asks Ivan? Sure replies Gerry.

Camilo and David are talking business. Camilo slides in a question about who the treasurer is for the organization. David just gives away the information. He asks why, but with a little lie from Camilo doesn't suspect anything. Camilo tells Ivan he got the name of the treasurer. Make an appointment? Yes, replies Ivan. But I want to talk to you about something that happened this morning and he tells him about the chit-chat he had with the caretaker.

Gerry calls Carolina and tells her about Ivan wanting to talk to him about his mother and his child. He's nervous he confesses. So am I replies Carolina. Gerry wonders if he should just tell him the truth. He can't handle the pressure anymore.

Ivan thinks the description the caretaker gave him matches Gerry. Camilo gives his reasons for why he thinks Alex is his son. Ivan's phone rings. It's his father. He says he understands and makes a call.

Lucia and Carlota are walking and talking. Lucia gets a call. It's Ivan calling. Carlota tries to convince her to answer. Ivan tells Camilo the problem that Maripaz has put him in with Lucia. Also someone is trying to blackmail her.

Ivan is ready to go to lunch, but Gerry says he has to take Carolina to the doctor. Perhaps tomorrow. Camilo thinks he's lying. Ivan thinks that Gerry took his child so that strangers wouldn't raise him, but why not tell him when he came to town? Camilo says probably because he came to love the child as his own. Ivan decides to go visit Lucia. Camilo says you have a lot of problems. Confront them with calm.

Cleto tells Ivan that Lucia is not home. Lucia is actually having lunch with Gerry. What's wrong asks Lucia. Gerry says he wants to tell her something and wants her advice. He says you knew from an early age that your mother and I didn't get along. Then came Alicia and her son.

Ivan asks Camilo to call Gerry's house and ask for Carolina. He does and pretends he's looking for his brother. Ivan now knows that Gerry lied. Now Ivan wonders where Lucia went. Obviously to eat with someone. He decides to call Carlota. He asks her where he can find Lucia. She tells him her dad called to meet for lunch. She also tells him to clarify things with her today about the apartment or she will. Lucia is suffering over it. Ivan tells her that is exactly what he's trying to do.

Gerry tells Lucia that he swears he loved her. If she had told him she was pregnant, he would have taken care of her. I had already decided to divorce your mother. How would Ivan know about your relationship with his mother asks Lucia? I don't know replies Gerry. But he also wants to know about his son. Know what asks Lucia. Alex is Ivan's son replies Gerry.

Tomorrow: Ivan tells Lucrecia about the apartment with Lucia overhearing; Ivan emails Lucia; Gerry finishes his confession to Lucia



Novelera found this list somewhere 'on the internet' so we don't know to whom to credit it. It was posted on TW in 2010 by Enoch, see, here. It's quite amusing but I'm sure our experienced novela watchers could add some more and since I'm posting, I'll add mine in blue.
· Impossible magic is an acceptable part of the plot (e.g., there are magic mirrors; a person dies and his spirit steals somebody else's body to live in; a magic broach attracts a bullet shot at someone, so the bullet is blocked from entering the body); people with terrible burns or disfigurement are completely cured sometimes by magic.
Another common type of impossible magic is when the main protagonists sense that the other one is in danger or in trouble. This sense never works all the time. It depends on the plot.
· A man drinks himself silly over unrequited love.

· The hospitals have no security. A person who was recently shot in an attempted murder has no protection against the villain going into the hospital to finish the job.

· The hospital beds have no call button, so a villain can go to the person's bed and abuse them, but the patient has no way to call the nurse.

· The story ends with a wedding.

· Prostitutes in a whorehouse are sympathetic figures.
· The pregnant protagonists have fainting spells.
Put another way, fainting of a protagonist usually means pregnancy or sometimes a serious or fatal disease.
· The hero is shot or seriously stabbed or run over and/or beaten until nearly dead.

· No matter what degree of physical intimacy is involved, the doors are not locked, permitting intrusion.

· Major developments in the story depend upon persons overhearing conversations.
Conversations disclosing secrets are frequently held in large open areas where it is easy for a concealed person to listen.

· Sympathetic characters are unjustly put in prison, likely because of the machinations of a villain or because the imprisoned hero wants to protect someone else from prison.

· A villain, as part of his or her villainy, gets someone committed to the nuthouse (manicomio) who is not crazy. Possibly some nurse at the manicomio will be bribed to inject harmful drugs into the victim.

· An unmarried woman gets pregnant and seems excessively happy about it.

· A child is kidnapped.
· At birth a child will be kidnapped or swapped, leading to the mother having the wrong baby or no baby at all.
· At least one of the protagonists is rich and has servants.

· There is an evil old woman; e.g., a suegra.
· Incest or threatened incest is a major theme. (A couple who love each other find out they’re really brother and sister.) Or a couple who love each other think they are brother and sister but really aren't.
· A protagonist marries someone and then fails to consummate the marriage. The (non-)pareja may live together for years and sleep in the same bed, but "nothing will happen" between them.

· A villain woman gets a protagonist man into bed with her by drugging him. The morning after she claims that he had relations with her; thus he must marry her.

· A woman gets pregnant and tells some man that the child is his, although it is not, specially in conjunction with the preceding situation.

· Automatic knee-jerk reaction to some negative event with "Swear that you won't tell … my novio … that I have cancer."

· A favorite variation on the above: a woman insists on keeping her pregnancy, and the resulting child, a secret from the man responsible (because she is in a snit about something).
· No characters have any qualms about telling lies.
· Tiresome repeating of stock words and phrases: Júrame – tranquilo - déjame en paz – suéltame - que haces aquí.
· Unknown/mistaken parentage
Also, persons who are related but don't know it often feel something for the other person but don't know why - blood talks.
Similar is when a person finds out that someone they thought was a parent or sibling is not in fact a blood relation, they question whether they could love that person as if years of shared experience and affection meant nothing.
· Person believed dead, isn’t
· Two brothers pursue the same woman
· Two sisters pursue the same man
· Both of the above two at once
· There’s no middle class, only rich people and downtrodden servants.
Many of the rich people have incredibly outmoded ideas about class and try to stop the protagonist from getting involved with a poor person.
· Deux ex machina solutions to problems (or end of novela) Corazon Salvaje has earthquake; Mujer en Espejo has dead aunt appear and tells protagonist where her man is.
· Cinderella gets rich man, despite rich novia and old female relative.

· There’s a significant event to the plot that is followed by a dozen scenes where secondary characters discover that event and comment on it ad nauseum.
· Wasting time by showing the hero or heroine remembering what happened (We already saw it!) and showing the event again, possibly in black and white.
· The good guys never call the police or 911 when a simple phone call would solve the problem.

· The hero is shot or seriously injured and the heroine does not call an ambulance but whines and cries and shakes his body.
· Females act extravagantly like aggressive nymphomaniacs
· The "cachetada": It is OK for females to slap males in the face (out of style since the 1930's in American movies) A favorite variation on this is that a guy grabs a girl and kisses her; she kisses back with enjoyment. Then, at the end of this prolonged kiss, the girl slaps the guy in the face.
· The "almost spill the beans" routine: instead of just coming out with it, the character says that he/she has something very important to tell another character. "OK, I'm all ears." “But first I must warn you that it is shocking.” “OK, I can take it.” “I wanted to tell you this for years, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.” “Yes, so now you will; I'm glad you got the courage.” This goes on and on, and we know it will not come out, at least not in today's episode. Then someone walks in and interrupts, or the person loses nerve, or the phone rings telling them they have to leave to save their brother’s life. In the old cowboy movies an arm could appear through a window with a gun and the teller gets shot just before he spills the beans.

· The idea that with "genuine love" one cannot love someone as the product of a logical decision, but only as the result of uncontrollable magic.
· Excess talk without enough action
· Sex is always a major theme, as if no story could be interesting without this.
from Novela Maven: the protagonists are so incredibly attractive that most of the men characters fall for the woman protagonist and most of the women characters fall for the male protagonist.
· Physical intimacy nearly always leads to pregnancy. This is possibly a more realistic variation on Hollywood’s idea of fornication not leading either to pregnancy or STD's.
A woman has unprotected sex and is always astonished to find out that she is pregnant.


Alborada, 9/13/2011. Cap. 74.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #28, Tuesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 74 start at this link.

Carlos found another great picture for us today.


Teresa Mon 9/12/11 #136 More Cracks Form In Sharkita Teresita’s Dike

While Esperanza, in shock, desperately runs in circles, crying and shouting for help on an empty street because Rodrigo has been jacked along with her van, purse and cell phone, Fito the Maldito Kiddie Bandito pulls up in a dark alley with the other kidnapper and laughs.  Poor little baby’s going to pay for what Uncle Johhny and Mommie did to him!  Johnny shouldn’t have turned him into the police and Espe should have hooked up with him back in the day.  Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!

In Zacatecas at the street party reception Cutberto and Juana profess their everlasting love for each other and he screeches through an otherwise romantic love song.  (Teresa was right: this dude is a 5th rate mariachi singer!)  Teresa, overcome with melancholy at seeing Aurora and Mariano kiss and exchange goo-goo eyes at each other during this, decides to leave the festivities.
In Mexico City up in the penthouse that night, Arturo offers Fernando a cognac and asks what’s been upsetting him.  Nando says the fact is he thinks Tere’s got a point and wonders, man-to-man and BFF to BFF, what’s really going on between him and Lucia.  Art says matter of factly that she’s a good, hard worker and has helped him with the Germans’ account.  “--Really?”  “--Yes!  We’re a good team.”  Art insists  that’s all and Nando says he saw the two of them hugging at the restaurant.  Art says it was simply that things with the Germans went better than they’d expected and they were celebrating.   “—You know I only love Teresa.”  The mujeriego in Nando refuses to believe it and the sincere romantic in him who wants Teresa for himself is pained to hear his BFF tell him that again. 

On night shift at the hospital, Hernan and Hector discuss the wonders of fatherhood.  Hernan remarks on Aurora’s terrific thesis and says much of her success is due to Mariano’s helping her.  One of these days Hector is going to have to consider that Aurora may give the green light to Mariano and end up in a serious relationship with him.  Doesn’t stop the fact, says Hec, that he doesn’t trust Mariano as far as he can throw him.  Just then a panicked call comes in from Espe (on the home phone) to Hernan about the baby’s being jacked with the van and her purse and cell phone and that’s why she’s not had a chance to call the police first.  (Sorry, Espe.  My first call inside would have been to the police and the second to Hernan who’s too far away and helpless to do anything either.) 

Art tells Fer he actually called to ask him while he was down in Zacatecas to get in touch with Tere so that he could be her “date” to the wedding.  The reason being that he knew Mariano was down there and he suspects Mariano would try something.  Nando scoffs and says Mariano cooled on Tere some time ago.  Art says he doesn’t believe it cuz something strange is going on with her again.  Fer says he warned Art that if he didn’t stop trying to control her every move he’d lose her and he did.  No, he hasn’t lost her, just that he knows she’s rankled at him for the way he’s been acting and he’s trying to make it up to her by finding a different solution for the two of them.  Art changes the subject to Nando and his Zacatecas business concerns.  Fe says it’s only so-so and he feels bad, pressured even, and unfortunately no one can help him with it.

Back in the dark alleys of the nastier parts of Mexico City, Fito tells his connection to make sure the van is stripped and torn down so there isn’t a trace of it to be found.  He lets Genoveva know he’s waiting with the package for her.  Fito tells the baby how lucky he is since poor Fito never even knew his daddy and here Roddy is with two sets of parents ready to love him!   Suddenly Fito catches a glimpse of the gold religious medallion Buttberto gave Espe for Rodriguito and snatches it up for himself. 

In the meantime,  Luisa calls Art and they discuss Fer’s strange and quiet behavior.  It’s something to do with his uncle having left the businesses in lousy shape just to irritate him when he finally had to hand them over to him.  We learn that Tere’s coming home the next day and left the reception early because she felt odd without him there to join her.  Art takes another call on the line then from Espe telling him that the baby’s been kidnapped.

Aida and Ruben are having dinner out (no doubt her treat).  She’s telling him that Mariano is definitely not meant for her.  Has he found a legal position yet?  No. Papagote asks Aeeeeeda if, since he hasn’t found work yet, could the two of them start their own legal office?  She says not a good idea, especially since she’s got to spend sooooo much time helping out with Mariano’s clinics.  Well, forget about Mariano and all that, couldn’t (shouldn’t) she now?  She stalls and says it’s too dificult to forget the one you love.  Oh, he certainly agrees!  “--Not because of that ghetto trash, right, Daddy?”  Noooooo!  Errr….uhhh….he’s talking about her Mom, of course!   As for Espe, she’s in cahoots with Arturo and Teresa to prevent him from excercising his legal rights to see his son!  She even scratched his hand trying to keep him from Roddi!  Well, says Aeeeeda, what else could he expect from her?  Next time he needs to choose his women more wisely!

Genovenom comes racing over to Fito’s dark alley to grab “her” baby.  She throws Fito his blood money and jumps right in with “Paulito“.   Gen tells Fito her truk with him is over and she prefers never to lay eyes on him again.  Sorry, says Fito, he’s going to continue showing up like a bad peso, just in case she decides she needs him for another little “job” of sorts and also if she’s in need of a real man sometime or other.  He gives her a maliciously delicious and suggestive grin.  She returns the favor.  (Guess this broad really does like walking on the wild side.  She may be ready to kick pesoless old El Bigote to the curb for his youthful opposite number.)  He calls her his “pretty girl” and she gives him a suggestive bat or two of her lashes.  (Ughh!  As if Juana and Buttberto weren’t bad enough!)

Art and the police comandante are at Espe’s and promise to find the baby if they can.  She tells them she’s sure it was Rubigote.  Hernan races out with some current pictures of Rodriguito.  They give the comandante the 411 on Rubigote, Bio-daddy and Ex Con.

At the same time, Fer tries drowning his sorrows and sexual frustrations at some bar somewhere.  Luisa’s key chain is in his hand as he remembers the last encounter with the two women he’s torn between.

Art calls Aeeeda--while she’s still at dinner with Papagote--trying to get a current address for him.   She tells Art to blow it out his ditty bag. 

Hernan says the hotel Ruben gave as his residence before doesn’t have him listed as a guest any longer.  Espe goes a little bit nuts and says she’s certain he’s involved somehow! 

Back at the restaurant Aeeeda tells him what Art wanted and says even if she wanted to tell Art she couldn’t because he hasn’t bothered to give her his new address.  Rube looks at the crumbs on the table and shakes his head.  (Rough stuff telling your daughter you’re a kept man, isn’t it?  How low we’ve fallen oh fur-lipped one!)

Geno introduces her newly “adopted” baby to Herni the maid and says this baby isn’t going to get mixed up in drugs!  Herni hears the baby’s name is Paulo also and looks at Geno as if she’s got two heads. 

Fer arrives back at the Casota to a smiling Luisa who’s made his favorite dish for supper for him—as if the dude wasn’t feeling guilty enough!  He tells her he stopped for a couple of drinks and that’s why he’s late.  No problem, she understands he’s stressed out these days.  She gives him a shoulder massage.

Meanwhile, Rubigote stops off at the penthouse to see what Art wanted and finds out about the kidnapping.  He’s suspect numero uno, says Art, and he knows what the penalty for kidnapping is even for the bio-daddy so he’d better ‘fess up if he wants to avoid thirty years in the slammer!!

Luisa asks Fer what she can do to help him through this difficult time.  He asks her to postpone the wedding a while.  Luisa wasn’t expecting this!  She looks like a poor, wide-eyed, adorable but lost little kid who has just lost her favorite pet to boot as she fights back the tears.  There!  Nando’s said it, the heel!

Ruben admits he went to Espe’s to see his son, despite not having legal authority to do so, but says he was with Aeeeeda having supper while the kidnapping took place so it couldn’t have been him.  Besides, he could never separate a child from the care of its mother.  Art tells him then to go straight to the poice and give his statement.  Ruben says fine, and he can come with. 

Luisa is too understanding by half. She know’s they love each other and it’s okay.  They’ll still get married in a civil ceremony.  Fer tells her how incredible she is; but he feels like the dawg he is.   He’s exausted and she walks him up to bed without a single complaint.  She hides her single tear from him and sweetly smiles as she tells him Teresa’s coming home the next day and how much she’s missed her!  (Ok.  We get the picture already.  My insulin levels are off the charts!) 

At lunch the next day in Zacatecas, we find Johnny, Pati, Juana, Buttberto, and Tere discussing the need to get back home and back to their jobs.  Tere asks where Buttberto and Juana are going on their honeymoon.  “To Paris, of course!”   NOT!!  Yuk, yuk, yuk!  Why, they’ll see all the famous sites around there.  Juana’s never seen the beautiful cities and historical places his home state has to offer.  (We get a list of them ad nauseum.)  Juana says it’s not important where they go, but that they go together and then smooches with him.  Tere grimaces and fights the gagging reflex (along with most of Viewerville!)

Meanwhile, in Zacatecas, Aurora confesses to Mariano that she’s been living her dream there with him, and she’s afraid that when she returns to Mexico everything will come to a screeching halt.  He assures her that it’s all very real and that he wants to share his life with her--provided Daddy can get over his snitfits about him. They kiss tenderly.  

At the same time, a very angry Rubigote arrives at Genoveva’s.  She admits she was the one who had the baby kidnapped and is angry because she called and he didn’t bother to show up so she could give him the surprise good news!  He reads her the riot act about not waiting like he asked her to do and she can’t seem to understand what the big deal is.  He tries to explain how her impatience to get her hands on that child has totally screwed with things.  Esperanza didn’t waste any time calling the police and blaming him for it!  He’s turned into the prime suspect and it’s all her fault!  So, now she better sell or rent one of the apartments she’s got available so he can leave and stay out of the picture until things calm down, he tells her.  Just then Aeeeeda shows up and he refuses to have his daughter find him there.  He hides behind the couch till Gen takes her into see the baby.

Across town, at the vecindad, Tere stops in for a visit with her parents and to tell them about Juana’s wedding.  Things were better than she expected and Juana was marvelously happy.  Refugio scoldsTere for not having gone with her hubby.  Tere says it couldn’t be helped, and it was better that she went on her own anyway.  No, instead of missing him she used the time to re-evaluate and to rebuild her self-image.  She realized that she doesn’t need to depend on Arturo to get along in life.  Ref starts to give her opinion and Tere shuts her down to ask Armando if he found work in another law office.  No, in a mechanic shop--and only as an assistant.  Tere gives him that from-bad-to-worse-again frown of hers.

Aeeeda tells Gen she can’t believe how big her baby has gotten. (She can’t tell the difference in between a newborn and a 3 month old???)  Gen agrees they grow rapidly and makes sure to cover its face every time Aeeeda gets anywhere close.

Oriana arrives at the Casota and asks why it was so important for her to meet with Nando and Luisa.  She gets the first shock of the day when they explain they’re putting off the religious ceremony for a while since the businesses he’s inherited are demanding too much of his time.  (It’s the first time Viewerville has ever seen this woman stutter—and it’s rather refreshing!)  Ok, the civil ceremony is what’s recognized world over, she says with a weak smile, so fine.  They’ll send out notices to the guests and he can concentrate on his daddy’s big financial empire while they take care of the details for him.  It’s obvious, though, that Odiosa suspects something else is afoot. 

Hernan gets word from the police that Rubigote’s aliby is tight and so they’ve discarded him as a suspect.  Espe is beside herself with grief. 

Meanwhile, Luci and Art continue to flirt without knowing it and he sends her off as his “messenger” for the day since Tere’s daddy quit.  Tere arrives home and Lucia avoids the sudden drop in temperatures on her way out the door.  Tere races over and lays a major lip-lock on hubby to insure he’s still got “it” for her.  They make small talk about the wedding and he tells her how Lucia helped him close a major deal with the Germans and got him set up with one of the big shots he needed to close the deal.  She cuts him off at that point.   The subject changes to the kidnapping and the wheels in Teresa’s head start whirring and flashing: “Ruben!  Ruben!”

Hernan has to leave for work.  He instructs Espe to stick by the phone in case of a ransom call.  She hasn’t slept for thinking about all the horror stories she’s heard about kidnapped children. 

Teresa tells Art that if there hasn’t been a ransom call then it’s likely Ruben has the baby somewhere.  Art says no, it couldn’t have been him because he was eating dinner out with Aeeeda at the time it took place.  Oh, she loves that little boy the same way Juana loved her!  How could they do that to the poor little thing??!!  Art says they won’t tell Teresa’s parents because her mother can’t take news like that. 

Mariano and Aurora return to Mexico City to Hector’s.  He walks in on the two of them and has a fit.  He tells Mariano to get the H out of his house and to leave his daughter alone.   They refuse and demand he accept their relationship.  Even if he refuses to accept Mariano, warns Aurora, she’s not going to stop seeing him.  They are officially “novios” now.       

Tere is ready to head over to Espe’s but Art stops her to ask if it’s true that Mariano and Aurora are an item now since the last time she called her Aurora wanted nothing to do with him.  (Art must not believe in the old saw that a woman has the right to change her mind.)   Teresa goes on the warpath again and tells Arturo he’s a lost cause!  She thought they’d be able to start over and get past his obsession with Mariano, but his jealous attitude persists.  She’s had it with his constant suspicion and vigilance.  He’s making her life Hell!  He says no, it’s that he knows Mariano is still in love with her and wants her back.  (Art needs to put a call into Dr. Laura.  He refuses to believe what a third party like Fernando’s told him which shows this guy’s definitely obsessed.  Mariano is going to have to deal with this sooner than later I suspect.)  The phone rings with a client  just then and she scoots off to visit Esperanza to lend her some legal and emotional support while grumpy attends to his client. 

On her way out, though, Luisa stops Ter to tell her the wedding dress fits like a glove and looks great on her.  She also mentions that Fer surprised her by asking to put off the religious ceremony for a while.  Teresa hides her glee and recommends that Luisa not get too nosy about where Fer goes and what he does with his private time, for the good of the relationship, of course…..

Aeeeeda stops in to visit Aurora and says she knows she went to Zacatecas and Mariano was there and thinks Aurora was being a hypocrite.  Aurora explains how she went there to help out Dario and Magda.  She ends up telling Aeeeda that she and Mar are now officially "novios".  Aeeeda is temporarily speechless impactado.  

Papagote stops over at Espe's with a document he filed claiming because of the kidnapping she's an unfit mother.  He screams that if she'd only married him instead then Roddi would be safe and sound right now with his rightful parents!  He's so angry he starts shaking Espe.  Fortunately, Tere has eventually made it over to Espe’s and Ruben pulls away.  He screams at the two of them that he didn't steal the baby and throws the whole blame onto Espe (a good diversion I suppose).  He was with Aeeeda!!  It wasn't him! Tere tells him even though he was at dinner with Aeeeeda that doesn’t necessarily mean he didn’t send somebody else to do it for him.  Rubigote leaves the copy of the document for Tere and storms out.  Obviously Tere’s mind fathoms the devious much more clearly than her poor shmuck of a husband’s does.  (Viewerville’s been screaming that to the screen for the last half hour!)  

Mariano shows up at Espe’s just about that time and walks in.  (Gawd, the locksmiths there must be starving for business!)  The first thing out of his mouth almost is her relationship with Fernando.  He tells her to her face how rotten she is for going after him now that Arturo isn’t rich any longer.  Mar is serious and angrily tells her again not to do the same thing with hubby Art that she did with him.  He’s so upset that he’s actually squeezing her arms just as Art walks through the door.  He’s heard that last little bit and now demands Mariano tell him what exactly he is asking his wife “not to do.”  Ruh-Roh!! 


Cuando Me Enamoro #102 Monday 9/12/11 Fiestas Full of Cranky Faced Lovers & Even More Truths Come To Darkness

Lets party!

Fiesta 1: The welcome back to freedom fiesta for Honorio is tarnished by the sour lurking face of Fina, but nobody seems to notice her or the peckish attitude of Constanza and sober grimaces of Honorio while they un-celebrate her lack of infidelity while overtly toasting to the liberation of Honorio and the restoration of the honor and integrity of Empresas Monterubio. Adriana is the only one unreservedly glad but she has to juggle the sourpuss moves of Matias who is paranoid that she enjoyed the hot lips of Chema too much. Fina comes back in her back door and swears that Regina will be so sorry so soon She can’t take her family, Malafina is never so happy as when she has a dastardly plan. Inez is surprised that things don’t seem to be resolved between Honorio and Consta. Constanza admits that Chema went to tell him the truth.

Fiesta 2: Roberta looks winsomely through the office windows at Augie who is planning something dastardly himself regarding the grape vine starts (sarmientos) with someone on the phone. It must be more damage he plans against La Bonita. Roberta says she didn’t want to interrupt considering what he was talking about. She assumes that the vine shoots are important. Augie picks her up and kisses her in a most unbrotherinlawtobe way telling her it is better if she doesn’t know more.

Fiesta 3: Then Chema calls Adri to tell her that he didn’t have bunny hop with Consta, He tries to explain that this was not for Hon or for her but now he can’t stop thinking about her. Matias looks on seeming to hear the air and see through the phone;. Good thing Adriana hasn’t signed up for facetime on her cell phone.

Fiesta 4: Lazaro and Carlos run into a wonderful village woman who thinks Lazaro looks like her old friend Heriberto who turns out to be Lazaro’s father then she recognizes he must be Lazaro who left the village as a child. She reminds him that she knew Heriberto and Matilde his parents then Carlos tells her that they are looking for his sister Matilde and Carlos describes the beauty with long dark smooth (lisa) hair. What do you know! She has just such a hermosa chica in her own house.

Fiesta 5: The big fiesta for Padre’s birthday meant to cheer the peons has begun. Renata in her Chiapas finery and Augie in his omnipresent windbreaker, at least formal black, try to make like things are good. Roberta slinks up to Ezek and flirts with him. He ask if he could offer her something (boy and howdy) then he helps her aim the toy rifle. He imagines she doesn’t like such country bumpkin events but promises her there will be real dancing later. She is so adept at sneering, we might mistake it for a smile. Dr. MarinaTatarrific approaches Jero. She receives a kiss for looking pretty and for her good news that she is going to ask her secretary to send her a copy of Roberta’s medical records, more kisses. Renata notices while she stands at Augie’s side also with a toy popgun. It’s just a miracle that neither sister goes postal.

Dr. Marina is going to tell Jero some truthiness about Roberta. She tells him that Roberta had a miscarriage days before the fall from the stairs, the stair fall had nothing to do with losing the baby. Dr. Tata can’t understand why Roberta didn’t tell the truth. And for this miscarriage being hidden and ignored, she is now sterile.

Fiesta 4: Lazaro and Carlos grip the sleeping Matilde with relief. The kind curandera says she thinks Matilde spent the night outside cold and wet and someone hit her but she doesn’t seem terribly injured, just profoundly unconscious. She goes off to make a strong tea to bring her around. Carlos declares his love and plans to spend his life with her. Sabina says with my herbs and your sentiments we are sure to bring her back to health.

Fiesta 5: Jero and Tat talk about how bad Fina is but Jero is still calling her Dona Fina with too much respect, and Roberta is just like her. Marina asks if Renata isn’t different. Jero defends that Renata is a good woman and nothing like the two harpies.

Fiesta 4: Matilde comes to drowsily, asking where she is. They are in Sabina’s house, who by coincidence knew her parents long again and saved her. Kind Lazaro doesn’t scold but is so glad she has been found okay. Matilde asks where did his parents go. Back to Merida, he answers. She is sad that they found her insufficient because she was a servant. Carlos assures her that for him she is a queen and he would do anything for her.

Fiesta 5: Roberta makes a point of telling Renata how great Tata and Jero are getting along and Renata mocks, NOOO, I didn’t notice. Then Augie points out a fortune game where sweet birdies pick a fortune. He orders two fortunes. In voice over we hear that Roberta is on a dangerous path and must be careful. She sneers saying she is wasting her time. She declares it stupid. Renata’s fortune says that things are not what they seem and the person at her side is?? She mumbles. What does this mean? Augie grabs the fortune and crushes it saying Roberta was right these are stupid. He goes off to talk with someone winking over at a booth. Note that only Renata is nice to the bird and even to the fortune vendor.

Renata and Roberta bump into Tata and Jero joking over cotton candy, Tata says how are you Roberta, to the amazement of Renata. You know her? Yes, Jero adds, she is none other than the gynecologist of Roberta. Roberta gets cranky and when Renata asks why Dr. Tata is Roberta’s ex-doc, she says ask your sister. Jero says yes it seems so delicate after all it was practically a miracle that her, I mean OUR baby was made without me ever touching the mother. Roberta doesn’t like either his tone or his attitude, stomps off to avoid further truths spewing out of the two mouths. Renata looks stunned while chases after Roberta.

Augie has a brief conversation about something nasty he is planning at La Bonita with a man running one of the carnival games.

Padre greets more guests carrying gifts. Is this supposed to relieve the tension and remind us that we are at a gala event and we are supposed to be enjoying ourselves?

Fiesta 6: Fina has taken on an art project to make a clever ransom note made of letters chopped out of the paper. It invites Regina to pay up if she wants to meet her daughter. For the value of the trust fund, she can regain her daughter, is she interested? Fina laughs at her cleverness and says Regina you have no idea the surprise I have for you. Her cackles fairly echo in the empty office of the empty house. No amount of luxury can muffle the lonely bitterness erupting out of Fina.

Fiesta 1 for justice and liberty: Matias welcomes Regina to the family. The Honorio fiesta is winding up with expression of the sentiments that the company can recover their reputation and no fraud was committed. They bid good night. The remaining couple do not reunite into a good night. The pouting and posturing continue as Hornorio decides he would rather be alone in Adri’s apartment where there is neither food nor comfort. He is resolved to suffer. Back in the bedroom Matias is expressing his suffering and jealousy of Adri and this Chema thing. So a house that should be so joyous is having no fun at all.

Fiesta 5: Roberta is fuming that Jero is an imbecile and ruined her evening. An unsympathetic Augie says he must be a Renata’s side and the auction (subasta) is coming up, He simply says go home to the hacienda then. He isn’t too happy about her complaints but liked how she keeps digging in about Jero and TataMarina. They part with Roberta expressing how much she hopes Augie comes home soon since she feels like bring WITH him. (Tengo ganas de ti).

Ezek sits with Manuela and Kari and is hailed by Augie. The women wonder who Roberta is, Kari thinks she seems familiar, Manuela thinks she seems to be high society. Augie orders Ezek to take Roberta back to the hacienda. She watches Ezek’s backside, saying this is nothing bad, and takes his arm not wanting marriage but vowing to try everything. Alfonsina shows up just in time to see the slick Roberta slime/ I mean slide/ down the walk with Ezek and knows trouble when she sees it. Roberta grabs his arms so she can balance on her high heels.

Matilde is recovering. Carlos calls Jero to tell him that they found her and will return tomorrow.

Renata says to Augie that something she can’t understand happened between Tata and Roberta. Augie tries to laugh it off but Renata wants to understand.

Jero walks by to distract Renata who walks by to distract him then Augie walks by to distract both I guess, strange dance step. Padre announces the beginning of the auction of dresses and also tells the crowd that Matilde has been found and will be home tomorrow. Everyone claps and he says it is the best news to Marina who left Jero to his own devices while she went to tell Padre the great news about Matilde.

Alfonsina is confused about who Roberta is, Manuela suggest she must be a special guest (I just mistyped quest, and that works too) of Augie. She tells Kari that she didn’t see anything specific but call it woman’s intuition that something was up with Roberta and Ezek. Yep, the levels of sex hormones is what’s up in my opinion.

Back to Fiesta 1: Adriana counsels Consta now that she will go talk to her Papa to fix this silly fight. And says lying is always a bad idea. But Consta says only she and Honorio can fix this. Sweet helpful Adri says if Hon and Con don’t work it out he will have to listen to her.

Back to Fiesta 5: The incidental passing goes on until Jero and Augie meet to pass quips about the sister-in-law (cuñada) needing to have respect and Jero says she isn’t your cuñada. He lets it be known that he knows what Roberta and Augie are rats are. Renata will realize it soon enough. Augie responds with a swift punch to Jero’s head. A punching match ensues with first Augie then Jero getting in equal and satisfying punches but Augie always is the dirtier fighter finishes with several kicks to the ribs. Padre comes to break it up saying he expects they will act like gentlemen, then he reassures the crowd that they should go on with the fiesta there is nothing to see here.

Back to Fiesta 4: A worried Carlos asks Sabina if the fever is going down. Yes, it is beginning to respond. He asks to sit by Matilde’s side. How do you feel .I can’t live without you. Lazarp, the ever wise one, leads Sabina out of the room while Matilde notes that his parents would now not give permission for him to marry her. They have their own way of thinking and I have my own. None of this is her fault. The church won’t fault her for not having her parent there to declare her an adult woman since they are dead so his parents don’t have to be there either. He has chosen his own path and wants to be by her side. She finally relents.

Back to Fiesta 5: La Subasta de Trajes Tipicos, A fund raising auction of ethnic regional dresses. The bidding starts with Marinatata;s lovely dress and the bids are generous. Jero bids $10,000 (if this is pesos, it is about $777), everyone smiles. . Tatla thanks Jero. Next up is our Renata. Bidding opens with $3000, then Augie bids $10,000 smirking as if he is not to be outdone by Jero. Surprise, surprise, Jero says $15,000 and Augie bids $25,000 ($1942 in dollars). Jero stands and thanks him for paying this generous (read ridiculous) price for the dress. Augie looks had. Padre looks glad and wants to make more from the remaining dresses. His big gifts are already assured.

Fiesta 7 the best for last: At the hacienda, Roberta comes in and begins to seduce poor Ezek. She lays back on the couch with arms open then starts to undo his shirt while she asks him to pour a glass of wine for each of them. While she mentions that perhaps then she will ask for other things. He weakly protests that he has to return to the fiesta, She responds: have to or want to? He doesn’t seem to scared, a bit surprised, but definitely not scared.

Sabina says with the tea she gave Matilde she will sleep and will wake much better. Carlos whips out money to present to a shocked Sabina. Lazaro steps in helpfully saying his offer to give Sabina money might be taken as an insult. So Carlos thinks fast and says at least you must come to our wedding as a special guest. She wouldn’t miss it. Then he asks for two things, as he puts the money away he says that is taken care of and the second is that he wants Lazaro to call him brother-in-law and treat him like family that he is to be. Lazaro sits back and says with gravity, we will see. Carlos is impactada.

Augie carps that he bought her not the dress and Renata is confused. Augie feels cheated into being generous again. Oh my.

Jero gets his contusions attended to by the sexy doctor, who says all men act like children as she kisses his booboos so sweetly. Tata practices the fine art of good doctor, good sex partner, good spare girl while she is overlooking his obvious obsession with Renata . He doesn’t reject he kisses and plays with where she should kiss him that doesn’t hurt.

Post Fiesta: Regina and Gonzo come into her living room see the envelope (how does she get the into apartments past locks and guards?) She makes him read it. So the offer is that for the equivalent value of the trust fund, she can see daughter, Is she interested? Regina says Cantu was right, this Pepa is only interested in money. It is clear the person wants Roberto’s fortune that was left to Regina II. Gonzo says she shouldn’t give everything, but Regina says she would give her very life if it would get her daughter back.

Fina who really is interested only in money, well maybe equally in revenge drums her fingers and wonders how long it will take to get her money and her revenge. She threatens the wedding plans, which may be part of the payment I think. She gambles a lot on Roberta sharing with her, doesn’t she?

Next Time: Roberta heat up her fiesta with Ezek. Augie comes to start his after fiesta fiesta and realizes Roberta isn’t breathlessly hot waiting for him but seems breathless from being hot. Jero gets more clues about the truth, going to Augie’s and asking to see Renata, which earns him another rifle aimed at him.


Monday, September 12, 2011

La Pola - September 12, 2011 - Discussion Page

Pola reaches Juliano in time to help him hide from the soldiers. She gets him back to Santa Fé, removes the bullet from his back and helps him recover. Cata has not only found her son at the mine, but, she has also found Nicolasa’s son. She bargains with the boss and buys both of them and heads back to Guaduas.

The plan to free the Almeida brothers widens. The guards can be bought, and Pola succeeds this time in getting money from Gaspar and Eusebia. Rodriguez is to lead the team that will help them escape.

On the other hand, Alejo and Pola are to take the information they obtained from Arcos and go to Los Llanos and meet Santander whom they are counting on to raise an army to free Santa Fé from the Spaniards.

María Ignacia not only has paid a spy to follow Alejo, but she also follows him herself. She overhears a conversation between Alejo and Pola in which the Los Llanos plan is revealed. After the patriot co-conspirators leave, María Ignacia confronts Pola. It turns out to be so what do you want now, he is going to marry you. It really isn’t that simple because the Los Llanos trip may have a one-way ticket.

María Ignacia is consumed with jealousy. She takes matters into her own hands and delivers the information to Sámano. She gives up Pola. Sámano remembers Pola from Guaduas, and he orders his colonels to bring her back alive. Since he now has this intel, he is able to prepare a plan to attack the forces at Los Llanos by surprise.

At the last minute, the patriots learn that Rodriguez has been injured in an ambush and cannot lead the escape effort. Alejo is put in charge of the Los Llanos operation since he has the most military experience (es un militar formado en España). Pola will take the place of Rodriguez.


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