Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tontas no van, 12/29, Cap 19, The Only Constant is Change

Reviewing this episode, I realized it marks changes, or the beginning of changes, in several relationships. Laura with both Meño and Charlie, Pat with both Soledad and Beto, Lucía and her parent's memory, and Chava and his father.

Santiago is frustrated because Candy won’t answer his calls. Meño is frustrated because Candy has a knack for making bad decisions, one after another. She won’t answer Santi’s calls because she wants to keep him at a distance. Then she says, “Excuse me while I go lie to my son about his father” (loosely translated). Candy gives Chava the photo and answers his questions. She chokes on her lie, “Yes, it’s your father. Yes he played football, yes he looks just like you.” Chava is delighted. Candy is not.

Meanwhile, the man who does look like Chava is marinating his problems in a brandy sauce. Gregoria reminds him that in the old days he didn’t drink so early. She calls him Patito (little Pat) so he calls her Suegrita which can mean little mother-in-law, but also screaming mother-in-law. Suegrita blurts out, “What would you do if Candy were alive?” This woman is like Old Faithful – every 90 minutes something erupts from her mouth. Pat decides Ben Franklin was wrong when he said “Fish and visitors smell after three days;” his suegrita only arrived yesterday.

Caray fans, we’ve created many nicknames for characters in our novelas – Sven and Mophead, Crabiella and Feonando, Alonslow and ChefHawt, Bouffy and Mariooooohhh, and who could forget Alibubbi? But have we ever let the novela cast provide the nickname? Thank you, Pat. Suegrita may be the first.

Santiago ambushes Candy in front of their building and asks her why she’s avoiding him. She confesses that she’s avoiding herself too because she’s afraid to fall in love and afraid to hurt Marissa. Watch the waves of emotion on Santiago’s face. First pleasure that she admits that she’s falling in love. Then a smile so big he sprains an ear, as he contemplates the thought. Then his man-on-the-move answer: “Too late to avoid what has already happened to you. You're already in love with me.”

Candy forces herself to laugh at such a thought, so Santiago sets out to prove it to her. While she’s saying “I feel nada de nada de nada,” he shuts her mouth with a great big kiss, to remind her of what she feels for him. She still maintains that she doesn’t feel a thing, not even a hair of her head was moved. In fact, to prove it she grabs him by the neck and mashes his face too. Santi has been hit by a Mack truck. Candy still maintains (sassy and flirting) that she feels nada de nada, but Santi has to put all his hair back in place after her kiss.

He says he felt mucho mucho, and he very much likes kissing her, so he gives her a demonstration. Pavarotti can sing. Astaire can dance. Phelps can swim. And Camil can kiss. Candy thinks so too. They're both left in shock. Candy doesn’t even try to deny it anymore. She shakes her head to restart her brain, tells him, “Don’t kiss me again,” and marches off. But Santiago knows she liked it.

Candy marches back and surprises him with one more kiss, and tells him that was for Goodbye, and off she marches again. Santiago concludes that she’s totally nuts, she’s psycho. But she liked it. Santiago is just bursting with life in this scene. He’s exuberant and exhilarated, especially as she marches off. It’s a perfect example of what I love about Camil’s acting. It moves us, like a semi passing a bicycle.

Laura, Meño’s ex, saunters into the restaurant. “I came to find my son.” Meño declares that he will do everything in his power to protect his son; he won’t let Laura hurt him. Laura insists that Charly has a right to know that his father is gay, and Meño defends himself from her insults. Then Laura lights a cigarette so no one misses the point – Laura bad. Meño good. Laura accuses him of never caring about her; he only married her to pass for straight. Laura complains of the difficulties of raising Charlie alone, but Meño reminds Laura that she kicked him out and robbed him of the chance to know his son when he was three months old. Meño says, “You got to see him grow up. You fed him when he was hungry. What did I give him? Nothing. Please, let me give him the love of his father.”

Suegrita asks Pat again, “What would you do if Candy were alive?” Pat says it’s pointless; Candy is dead so please stop the cruel torment. Gregoria suggests Pat hasn’t forgotten her.

Pat answers, “Candy was the love of my life, and I haven’t forgotten her. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her and dream about her.” She still won’t let it rest. She suggests that’s why he replaced Candy with her sister, to hang onto something of Candy. Pat replies, “If I ever forget Candy, it will be because I’m dead.” Gregoria’s face says, “Oopsie!”

Meño and Laura remember the good times – they started to dance, and he stomped on her toes. He says he has learned to dance better, and he shows her, just as Charly walks in.

On the street, some college girls flirt with Pat’s Ferrari F430. He remembers back to when Candy was in school, and she made him promise to never forget her.

Candy’s institute staff is going nuts for boredom because they have no clients. Lulu discovers the reason. Downstairs, looking conspicuously nonchalant, Candy spies on the “enemy agent” who is diverting her clients, telling them the institute will be closed for remodeling for two or three months. Candy knows who is behind this.

Friends, when I was five, my mother told me not to open doors in other people’s houses because you never know what you might find. From this vague warning, I concluded that there might be bears in the closets and she didn’t want to scare me. Seriously! After that I never opened their doors. Candy never learned this lesson, so she encounters another kind of bear.

Candy marches into Santiago’s reception area. Hortensia tries to stop her, saying he’s on “timeout,” but graceless Candy shoves her way past, the scene framed by the bell-pull. As Candy barges in on the whoopie, boxer shorts (Club America colors) land in her face. We see Candy’s furious face, clothing tossed everywhere, and two very disheveled heads sprouting up from behind the desk, one sporting a tiger-print lingerie headscarf. Marissa is giddy, Santiago is speechless, and Candy would have preferred bears. All three faces are simply priceless. (Please pardon the photo quality.)

In the kitchen, Isabel reads a love letter from Jaime while Tina describes the avocado soup she’s making. Donato first tries to sneak a peak at the letter while he pours Isabel’s tea, but soon his head is over her shoulder reading every word. Isabel folds up her personal letter and asks Donato if he thinks a woman her age can still have sex with a man his age. Don says yes, but it would be with a man of Isabel’s age, not Don’s age. Isabel says, “For your impertinence, you’re fired.” Keep in mind, she fires him almost daily.

Strange scene. Candy asks forgiveness because she barged in. Santi begs pardon because he should’ve locked the door (Rule #1 of telenovelas: NEVER lock the door). Marissa says it was nobody’s fault. Santi and Candy each keep trying to claim fault, and Marissa is angry at Santiago for apologizing to Candy. Let’s step back and analyze this. He just had sex with Marissa, but he’s more worried about offending Candy than offending his novia. Marissa, here’s five dollars. Go buy a clue.

By the way, remember how thin Santiago looked in the street scene a few days ago? Note the difference in his face in this scene, as he talks to Marissa. This scene must’ve been shot much earlier in the show, before he thinned down.

Alicia tells Gregoria that Pat has a son plus 2 amantes, Soledad and Rojiblanca from the internet. She asks for advice – should she get pregnant? Suegrita is adamantly against it, probably because she suspects that Pat will go back to Candy when he finds out she‘s alive. Alicia is ticked. “First you tell me one thing, then another!”

Now Santiago barges into Candy’s office. She is angry because he hired someone to divert her clients. He reminds her that she is the one who declared war. Santi says he apologized what she saw, but he won't apologize for making love to his novia. Candy asks, “Was that why you kissed me? Is it because you're playing dirty with me and my partner? Leave.” Santiago refuses. Candy insists, “I'm serious. I don't want your calls, or anything of you, or any more of your lies.” We see the first flicker that Santi might have a the beginning of a dim idea that Candy is not willing to be his second woman. She says that she feels nothing for him. Nothing! He tries to insist that she feels much, much, but the conviction is just not there.

Maybe Santiago has doubts, but it must have touched a nerve for Candy. How does Candy always face problems? She doesn’t! She runs! And right now she wants to run away from what she’s feeling for Santiago, so she runs to her computer and tells Patricio (as Rojiblanca) that she’d like to meet him today, right now. Reality check, Candy: Pat betrayed you so you distrust all men and you’re afraid to love anyone, even someone as wonderful as Santiago (yeah, there is that pesky novia, but let’s not go there). So to keep from loving Santiago who is wonderful, you go running to Pat who betrayed you and made you hate all men. I FEEL LIKE I’M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!!!

Donato and Tina are making the beds. Don tells her to give up her silly fantasy that el patrón is in love with her, and accept his attentions instead. She swats him with a pillow and goes back to gazing at Santiago’s picture. Who can blame her?

In the park, Laura tells Charly that she doesn’t hate his dad, she hates that he left her alone. But now they have finally forgiven each other. Charly tells her he has a girlfriend and a job, and he would like to stay in Guadalajara unless it would upset her. Charly asks why she always said his dad was raro, but Laura evades the question. Laura started the show bitter, but we see that she is willing to release her bitterness.

Chava shows Beto the picture that Candy gave him, saying it was his dad. Chava and Beto argue about whose dad is better. Funny you should mention that!

Alicia calls Soledad again, offering her money to stay away from Pat. Alicia tells her to name her price because “what’s a lot of money for you, to me is nothing.” Let’s put some more “evil wench” points on Alicia’s scorecard.

Candy and Pat are walking to their meeting place. The building between them keeps them from seeing each other until they reach the corner. In a show which averages less than a minute per scene, in a show which shoe-horns three minutes of conversation into one minute of tape, we are treated to 90 seconds of walk sequence with no words at all, leading up to the critical moment. That is, the critical moment when Candy… drum roll, please… Candy runs away! (No puede ser.) She turns the corner, takes one look at Pat, pulls back, and says, “What am I, nuts? (Puede ser.) What am I doing here?” and runs away. Tally, how many times Pat has almost seen Candy: four, and counting.

Pat goes back to his office and contacts her on chat. He wants to know why she didn’t show up. Notice that when Candy is rude and inconsiderate to Pat, he calls her out on it? He doesn’t just roll over and play dead, unlike certain galans. She says she went but decided not to present herself because revenge doesn’t make sense and she doesn’t want to hurt anyone (i.e. Alicia). Candy signs off, “Adios para siempre.” (You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.)

Candy comes home, dragging butt after a hard day. The man she doesn’t want to love gave her a kiss that registered 8.5 on the Richter scale (Pobrecita). Then she walked in on him, making whoopie with the other woman in his life. He kept reminding her that she’s falling in love with him, a thought that terrifies her. Then she nearly encountered the man who she hid from for seven years.

She walks in her front door and is met by a path of rose petals leading up to her bedroom. In her room she finds a gift box with a huge inflated “I love you” heart and a card that says, “If the heart could talk, it would tell you everything that I like about you.” Candy savors the thought until Santiago steps from behind the corner and finishes the thought. “The problem is, the heart can’t talk, so the one who tells you that he likes you a lot, is me.” Some people bite their lip to not cry. Some people bite their lip to not laugh. Candy bites her lip to not melt. And boy howdy, she succeeds! She treats him as if her were the repo-man! She stabs repeatedly at the heart (literally and figuratively), and tells him that the only way men want women is in bed.

I’m going to try to untangle their banter because I like a challenge; please post corrections if you see any mistakes. I know I made some.
Santiago insists that he is the best man who has come into her life. Who else would do all the things he has done? She admits that he is appealing, but so are tortas ahogadas (soaked sandwiches, a Guadalajara specialty), but she doesn’t touch those either - they make her fat. He says he won’t alburear (?) her because he’s a gentlemen, served on a silver platter. The least she can do is take a taste. She shoves him out of her bedroom, insisting that with him, she wouldn’t want even a taste.

Santi says, “Do you mind telling me, just when are you going to open up to me?” Candy says, “Right now” and she opens up the front door and kicks him out.
He tries to give her the gift box, and she says it’s for his novia. (Pssst! Santiago! What would she say if you didn’t have a novia? Piensalo bien, eh?)
She tells him not to put patches on again (?), and he asks what can patch a heart.

Back in the kitchen Meño tells Candy he let Santiago in because she’s nuts for him. Of course she denies it, and Meño tells her that’s yet another of her lies – the list is getting mighty long. Candy proclaims, “I don’t lie.” Yeah, and God didn’t make the little green apples. Meño reminds her, what about the photo of Chava’s dad. Sputter, sputter, “That’s different!”

Candy acts like her poop don’t stink, and Meño lets her have it. “Look, Princess, I’ve had it up to here! For you there are two classes of lies – those of others are mortal sins, and yours are necessary and justified.” Preach it, Brother!

Meanwhile Alicia is looking through her jewelry, deciding what to sell so she has money to pay off Soledad and make her disappear. Suegrita advises against it – what if she ends up with no husband and no jewelry? Is it any wonder Alicia is cold and heartless, with a mama like that? On the dresser, mama notices a childhood picture of Patricio, one which bears a strong resemblance to Chava, so she stuffs it into her purse.

Candy is feeling useless at the institute – all the others have functions (that they don’t perform), but Candy doesn’t have any duties or tasks to not do. The staff gives her a pep talk, and Marissa suggests she rescue Marissa from Santiago because he was furious that they stole his patient.

While Pat plays with his coloring book, his friend Rafael wonders why he seems so depressed here in Guadalajara. Pat is disturbed that Rojiblanca stood him up, and wonders why she mentioned revenge. Rafael suggests maybe it was his son’s mother (podría ser – could be!).

In the clubhouse, Santiago says Sven wants to join the Abandonados. Miguel asks if he’s divorced, and Sven says, “No, I’m abandoned. Every woman abandons me before we ever talk about marriage.” Raúl declares that he qualifies, and Sven is ecstatic. He hugs all the men, calling them “Compañero Nuevo Amigo” (echoes of “Compañero Don Fernando”). But first, the initiation. (What’s Sven say about a movie about a fish and a movie about a bear?)

The abandonados perform their initiation ritual, with primitive paint on their faces, primitive graffiti on Sven’s chest, holding primitive decorator accessories from Target, and sporting primitive silk headbands nee neckties. OOH-AHH-AHH! (Ting-tang walla-walla bing-bang?) Raúl, alias Dippy Crane, says “Cuéntanos, Sven…” Sven obliges, “1, 2, 3..” OOH-AHH-AHH! That must be tribalspeak for “Shaddup!”

Dippy Crane continues, “How do you feel when a woman abandons you?” Santiago, alias Tooky-Tooky Bird, gives a birdcall warning Sven to answer carefully. Sven gives the wrong answer (“I go for a walk“) and Tooky-Tooky feeds Sven a shot of tequila to help him think more clearly (like I eat ice cream to help me lose weight!). Sven doesn’t understand what he’s supposed to do, so he gets another shot of tequila. He still doesn’t get it right, so a little bird (Tooky-Tooky) feeds him the answer – “Get angry!” Sven obviously never learned how to play caveman games.

Santiago gives Sven yet another shot to help him get in touch with his inner caveman, and counsels him that they teach each other to cope (kinda’ like the blind leading the blind). Just then a cell phone rings, and each one lunges for his cell phone, hoping it’s his. (Note, in LFMB every cell phone ring sounded the same, but the owner always knew when it was his. In Tontas they sound different, but all the men grab for their cell phone when they hear one ring.) It turns out to be Sven’s, and he tells the woman on the other end that he’s out with his friends, he’ll leave when he’s good and ready, no he won’t say who they are, and he‘ll see her in the morning. His buddies are all impressed – he’s their new hero for telling off his wife like that. Sven corrects them – it was my mama. Hero to zero in two seconds flat.

Pat warns Soledad not to maintain any illusions. He’s there to see his son, not her. He would like to see Beto more, and maybe, just maybe, tell him the truth one day. And oh by the way, does Soledad ever go on internet chat? Does she want to take revenge on him? Soledad thinks the idea is ludicrous. Just then Beto comes out; he can’t sleep. Soledad decides this is the perfect time for Pat to have that discussion he thought he might, possibly, maybe, at some point in the far future have with Beto. Pat comes down to Beto’s level and affectionately tells him, “Yo soy tu papa.” Beto knows that’s silly; he already has a father. But his mama confirms that it’s true. That’s way too much for Beto to handle, so he runs away and hides in his room, just like Candy always does. Oh, except Beto is seven – he’s supposed to act childish.

Ed and Chayo are talking about her new job. Ed says the institute will fail, but he doesn’t mind at all if she wants to go play like she has a real job. Now go get my slippers like a good puppy dog.

Meño is writing his astrology column, “If you wake up in a bad mood, it’s because you have a dirty conscience.” Candy thinks he’s directing the comment at her (if the tacón fits..). She pours the morning’s orange juice all over the column he just finished, “Oopsie!” I could almost tolerate the nasty things Candy does, were it not that she always laughs as she’s doing them. Candy, how do you spell sadistic?

At breakfast, Isabel asks Lucía why she never talks about her parents. Luc gets upset and says that it’s because she hates them. And speaking of child/parent strife, at the playground Pat is trying once again to talk to Beto, to help him understand that Pat really is his father, but Beto isn’t willing to listen. Pat asks Chava to help him to get Beto talking. I have to wonder. If this is a school playground, do they let men off the street come talk to the children? And if it’s a public playground, are the boys there alone?

Isabel takes Lucía to her parents’ grave. Abuela tells her it’s normal to be angry; she was angry when her son died, too. She says it’s not right to bury your child. She knows it was terribly painful for Luc to lose them, but sooner or later, it’s normal for children bury their parents. “Pero otra vez, no (but the other way around, no).”

Today Candy got her surprise when she opened a door. Tomorrow Marissa will get her surprise, listening to Santiago and Candy through a closed door.


Fuego, Monday 12/29 (#165): I guess Coyote says that to all the girls

Reruns from Friday: Raquel says she hopes they can be a family again, but doesn't sound so hopeful. Fatima tells Abuelo and Santa she's not sure what Gabi and Darth Ricardo were arguing about that led to gunplay, and Abuelo confides to Santa that he's sure Gabi knows Ricardo killed Juan's parents. Sofía confronts Ricardo about the murder.

Rigo tells Juan that he can't make babies. Juan mysteriously offers to take him someplace tomorrow that will cheer him up.

Go-away-and-don't-come-back #1: "Where did you come up with the idea that I had anything to do with the deaths of the Reyes' parents?" Darth Ricardo asks Sofía. Sofi says he knows more about that than she does, but tells him to get off of her property. He says she's too late; Gabi already kicked them out. They'll leave. He warns, though, that Sofía will pay for what she did to Ruth when they were kids. "Her pain is mine, so prepare yourself, girl - you're going to get what you deserve. Now let me finish packing." She defiantly promises to come back early tomorrow and make sure they're gone. Thunder crackles ominously.

Maria Caridad is eating what's left of the cake with Tio, Quintina, and Franco. MC is obviously hot for Tio, and Franco teases him about needing a woman. MC indicates her interest in marriage. The other Maria (Esperanza? Fe?) shows up with a cake of her own. The two sisters are mutually surprised to see one another - one of them had told the other she was going to a rosary service, the other was supposed to be visiting at the old folks' home. No, no, she didn't lie - she was just going to drop off this cake for Oscar. (Franco and Q know better, and leave so that Tio will have some privacy with the ladies.) Tio offers them some hot chocolate. Maria #2 asks him to sing them a song. I still can't tell from the look on his face whether he finds the sisters delightful, repulsive, or merely pitiful.

Next morning, Juan takes Rigo to the orphanage, which has been restocked with a new batch of children. The two men hold the babies and get squirted with baby bottles. Juan tells Rigo to see how easy it is to love a child that isn't of his own blood.

Oscar looks at a fresh-looking photo of his parents and has a flashback to when Jimena tried to feed him like a baby and he lost his temper. (Does he used to eat with his legs, or is there some other reason she thinks he can't feed himself?) He regrets treating her and Juan and others as if what happened to him is their fault... then Jimena comes in, dressed to inspire good health, and offers to shave his dimples. He wants to do it himself. Jimena says she just wants to help him. He scolds her for tormenting him and not bringing him a mirror. He orders her out of the room. He also tells her not to dress so provocatively while she lives with his brothers and his uncle (he doesn't mention the pubescent boy). Jimena leaves, looking like a wounded little puppy. Oscar cries and does not shave. Maybe he should let Franco borrow his brush and mug and razor.

At Crap From Afar (no customers in sight), Franco and Sarita discuss how sad it is for Oscar and Jimena. Sarita says that Oscar should learn from Abuelo's example - he didn't let his disability hold him back, and now he's remarrying. Franco hopes that Oscar will be able to walk again soon, hopefully before Jimena's patience runs out.

Sarita also tells Franco that Ruth found out about Eva being her mother. She didn't take it well, and Ricardo found out too, confronted Gabi, that didn't go well either. Franco wonders if they'll ever be able to be happy. They kiss.

Sofía goes back to the cottage to kick the Uribes out. They're all dressed in their gettin'-outta-Dodge clothes. Gabi shows up and says they're not leaving. Sofi says oh yes they are, because she's the boss of this place and she said so. Gabi tells Sofi she's not the boss of anything, because the time limit (plazo) on Bernardo's will has expired without Sofía proving that one of those girls is her child, so Gabi gets all of her stuff back and the Uribes can stay at HER hacienda whether Sofi likes it or not. She mocks Sofi for being so kindhearted as to put the girls ahead of her fortune.

Raquel looks stricken. Ruth congratulates Gabi on her victory. Gabi grins back at her with unrealized maternal pride.

Juan is at home now and he and Oscar are trying to feed one of the baby Marias, I believe this is Maria Libia, who clearly doesn't want to be fed by these gigantic loud men. Tio thinks it's funny, so Juan tells him to stop laughing and help out. Tio is like, um no, I'm a bachelor, you guys are the daddies, you have to do it. The child is not tempted by hairy pastries, either.

Go-away-and-don't-come-back #2: For unexplained reasons, Sofi is alone in Gabi's room, looking at a photo of the Robles couple that looks as though it came out of an inkjet printer ten minutes ago rather than a Fotomat 20+ years ago. She wonders why her mother is protecting Ricardo, and if she should keep quiet or tell Juan. She prays for enlightenment, but all she gets is a visit from her crummy mom who refuses to explain why she's been keeping a photo of Juan's parents. Gabi threatens that if Sofi doesn't behave, Sofi, her sisters, and her children will all pay the consequences. Also, get out of her room and don't come back without permission.

Oscar angrily slaps his still-numb legs and asks why Jesus sent him this misfortune. "If you're so powerful, lift me up from here!" (indicating his wheelchair). He looks at the photo of his parents again and cries.

Darth Ricardo tells Ruth he's staying at the hacienda to keep his eye on all their awful enemies - Sofía, Gabriela, and Feonando. He's noticed that Gabi is impressed with Ruth, and maybe they can use that to their advantage.

Ruth asks if he still loves her now that she's not his daughter. He says yes, she's still his princesa, his masterpiece; they're so much alike. She's nothing like Bernardo, much less that idiot Eva. She's strong, like himself, and her manner is like Gabi's. Anyone would say that they were her real parents!

Raquel tells Gabi what Gabi must have some deep dark reason for wanting to keep them at the hacienda. Gabi plays innocent. Raquel tells her to stop faking - Gabi's always had the advantage over her, but soon all of Gabi's blows will come back to haunt her.

Sofi and Sarita visit with Abuelo and Santa. Sofi tells them she tried to get rid of the Uribes, but Mom let them stay. Abuelo is nervous and doesn't want Ricardo around. He declines right now to say what his one big reason for that is, but promises to tell Sofía later. Sarita shows no curiosity about this (she would make a great telenovela character... oh right) and wants to plan the wedding. Santa says they're all set to catch a plane in Puebla right after the wedding for their honeymoon. Abuelo says they'll travel the world, but if they need him he'll be there right away. (How will they contact him? Is there an Abuelo-beacon?) Sofía says life is giving him a second chance with a lovely woman and they'll be happy.

Abuelo privately tells Santa he's worried about them. But he's got a big surprise for Gabi before he leaves. She won't see it coming!

Gabi tells Feo she let the Uribes stay and that Bern's will is voided because Sofi wouldn't prove that she has a child. Therefore she is again the owner of the majority of the Elizondo fortune. (Remember, Abuelo still has 20%.) I still think there are way too many holes in this storyline about the will, not to mention the sheer insanity of Bernardo imposing such a dubious condition on Sofía when he couldn't even have known whether she was fertile or not. Anyway. Feo congratulates his dear wife on getting everything back. He thought-bubbles that he'll have to get Gabi to reinstate him as her heir. Then he'll rid himself of her forever.

Rigo tells Juan (over the screams of the little Maria) that he and Eugenia have decided to adopt a child.

Go-away-and-don't-come-back #3: Oscar is still clutching that photo of his parents when Pablito enters without knocking. He offers to show him the little box he found in his room where he will hide all of his secrets. Oscar tells him he's not interested, get out. He coldly calls the boy "Pablo" and tells him not to come in without permission. Pablito replies, "yes, Papa." Ouch!

Raquel warns herself that Gabi is probably plotting against her right now. Coyote drives up, immediately improving the episode. He gazes intently into her eyes, kisses her hand, says "I didn't mean to startle you, but I saw you looking so distressed. It pained me and I came over to see if I can help you somehow."

Well, darn. I guess he says that to all the girls!

Darth Ricardo tells Ruth that Raquel inherited a lot of money - a fortune that he helped build. (I wonder if one of the ways he helped to build her inheritance was by killing her nephews' parents?) She still owns all of it because they married with "separate goods." If Raquel knew that, she'd kick them both to the curb.

I'm not sure what "separate goods" (bienes separados) refers to, I don't think we have something this in the US unless he means that he signed a prenup with Raquel's father that Raquel never was told about? Anyway, that explains why he has no clue about all the money she's given to Feo.

Ricardo wants all of Raquel's stuff. He asks if Ruth would mind helping him with that. First, he needs to get those papers that he hid in that box with the false bottom at the Reyes' house. (It doesn't look big enough to have much more than two or three folded pages hidden away, false bottom or not.) Ruth would love to help.

Eva and Rosendo observe Raquel and Coyote from afar and wonder what's going on.

Coyote tells reluctant Raquel that he knows all that happens around town, and she's yet another victim of Ricardo Uribe and Gabriela Acevedo. He's Raquel's friend, and she can count on him should the need ever arise. Hand-kiss, "con permiso," you know the drill.

Juan catches Pablito crying over Oscar's rejection of his offer to share his cofre de secretos. (Laughing, Juan notes that Pablito wouldn't show it to him.) Juan says it's too bad the way Oscar is treating people, but they need to be patient and understanding. Pablito says he's not crying for himself, but for Oscar and his suffering. Juan says don't worry, they'll stay united, Reyes siempre juntos. Juan wants to know what's in the box. Pablito won't say!

Sarita tells Jimena about Gabi regaining control of the hacienda. She reminds Jimena that the three sisters will be maids of honor at Abuelo's wedding and offers moral support to Jimena. Jimena says she wants Oscar to get his happiness back.

Sofía and Abuelo have their follow-up talk as promised. Abuelo says Ricardo killed Juan's parents, which Sofi already heard from her mother. She promises to let Juan know if they're in danger, but she's worried how he'll react to the news. Abuelo thinks they shouldn't tell him. She tells Abuelo not to worry about anything. She'll take care of everything. He says he's not just worried over Ricardo, but Feo too.

Feo tells Gabi the old folks set a trap for him and he fell into it, but they'll pay. Gabi says why bother - they'll get married and then they'll be rid of them anyway.

Feo says Padre Tadeo managed to get his marriage to Sofía annulled, so now Gabi's beloved daughter and that stupid baker can get married in a church. (Eavesdropping Ruth vows that it won't happen.)

Juan hops the balcony to Sofía's room and they update one another on things, like Maria Jose is getting better, Oscar is still disconsolate, and Gabi owns the hacienda. Juan still agrees with the decision not to find out which child is "the one." He wants her to move herself and the kids into his hacienda. She says they're going to be soooooo happy. Kiss kiss kiss and they profess their undying love. Then to bed! Slightly longer version here, not much more to see.

Ruth tells herself that if Juan can't be hers he can't be anyone's, least of all Sofía's. She won't allow their wedding. Feo comes along and asks her to find out who Gabi's heir is, since she's Gabi's dear friend and all. Abuelo shows up in what I assume is a general's uniform, wanting to know why Feo wants to know this and what he's planning.

Meanwhile, the sisters are at Crap From Afar helping Santita (in pink) prepare for the wedding. (Santa didn't want to deal with Gabi or Feo at the house on her happy day.) The sisters are wearing baby blue. It's not unflattering, but in my opinion all of them would look better in one of the basic crayon colors. Sarita has matching glasses. (She must have some kind of interchangable glasses-and-frames kit.)

Feo cusses Abuelo out for meddling. Abuelo says Feo's the most selfish person he's ever met and Gabi will pay dearly for having married a snake like him. Feo says they just made up, so she's not going to believe anything Abuelo says. She totally believes in Feo's love and that he will protect her. Abuelo promises to disabuse Gabi of this misconception. Feo messes with the General's uniform and holds his wheelchair. Ruth looks worried. Abuelo tells her that he lieks her and thinks she's not a bad person inside, so she needs to watch out for Feo. He's a traitor and a backstabber and she shouldn't trust him for anything.

Ruth tells Feo to let Abuelo go. Abuelo leaves, but makes a crack about Feo's nightmares about Rosario.

Feo whispers to Ruth not to interfere and chases Abuelo to the elevator. He ties both ends of Abuelo's necktie to the safety gate and pushes the button to send it down. (Amazing, how many elevators have a control on the outside that lets you send the elevator away from your floor?) Abuelo chokes as the elevator descends slightly. Feo stops the elevator, but doesn't bring it back up. "How does it feel? How does it feel?" he taunts.

Ruth watches as Abuelo struggles to free himself from the tightened noose. He tells himself to be calm, and yells for Rosendo to help him.

Mexico airdate: 5 de septiembre
Next time: Gabi tells Raquel that Darth Uribe is Ruth Skywalker's father, and only she will be able to bring balance to the Force. Raquel tells Gabi about the baby swap. Meanwhile, Santa wonders why her groom is late to church. Will the wedding bells be drowned out by clanging anvils?


Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Dec. 29 - Pinocchio, pregnancies and panic attacks

* Micaela helps Chuy drink her medicinal tea as Dr. Omar talks with her to calm her down and take care of her. Micaela and Cande listen.

* Viv gets in Blanca's face and suspects that Blanca is Ivette.

* As Chuy sleeps, Dr. Omar talks with Cande and Micaela about his diagnosis and how petrified he is to treat her - after his last scare during a young girl's pregnancy.

* Viv shocks Blanca by continuing her speech about her suspicions.

* In Fantasyland, Abuela tells Mayita the story of Pinocchio.

* Blanca runs out of the room, scared to death. Viv is baffled by the reaction.

* Dr. Omar explains to Cande how nervous he was during the past pregnancy/birth and how he blames himself for the baby dying.

* In Fantasyland, Abuela finishes telling Mayita the story of Pinocchio. Cuate barks. Mayita says that he's happy. Abuela and Mayita hug and kiss.

* Dr. Leo continues to explain the other pregnancy and how after that nightmare, he lost his confidence to practice medicine and returned to the hacienda to a life as a recluse. Cande cries. Omar says he can't help Chuy give birth at the house - he can't go through another nightmare birth again.

* Blanca and Mayita are outside on the patio, talking about what Mayita will be drawing - a clown with Mayita's own personal touch. Mayita starts to draw. Viv watches from the door opening - glaring daggers at Blanca who feels a cold snap down her spine.

* JM meets with Padre at the church rectory - they discuss JM's doomed marriage to Viv.

* Viv talks to Mayita on the patio about her drawing. Viv and Blanca then go inside to talk in private.

* In the pool area, Viv confronts Blanca about her ventures out of the castle late at night to visit a man, perhaps JM.

* JM continues to talk with Padre about Viv; about trying to separate from her but he can't now; Viv is pregnant.

* Viv makes Blanca cry and stutter with her barrage of questions and suspicions over where Blanca goes when she leaves the castle at night.

* JM tells Padre about his feelings for his children. Padre listens and asks about his feelings if he had children with Maria de Jesus (Chuy). He answers sincerely. Padre stares at him. JM wonders if Chuy is pregnant? Padre goes to the altar table and looks up at the Jesus statue on the wall and says "NO!" JM asks about what Chuy told Mayita before she left. Padre repeats that Chuy isn't pregnant.

* In the stables, Omar grumbles to Micaela about his ever growing doubts and fears in his ability as a doctor. They discuss Chuy's situation and Micaela encourages him to help her and her baby.

* Casilda and hair-roller gal pal are out in front of the church collecting signatures on their petition.

* In the pool area, Viv continues to annoy and pester Blanca about her evening departures. Blanca cries and panics - she thought bubbles about killing Viv. Blanca stands and threatens Viv - Viv isn't scared. Nellie enters and breaks it up.

* In the stables with Micaela, Omar still has an extreme panic attack about being a doctor. Cande enters and begs him to go help Chuy and her baby. Omar leaves.

* In the bedroom, Omar sits beside the bed and apologizes to Chuy for not doing more earlier to help her or doing enough now. Chuy wonders about her baby and giving birth. Omar stutters some assurance and tries to sugar coat it. Chuy wants to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

* Padre talks with Olga at the apartment complex about Casilda and Purita's fight at the church. Olga is impactado. Purita appears - Padre forces her to tell her mom about the fight. Purita says she was defending her mom.

* Chuy is scared that her baby will die and she won't be able to hold it in her arms. Omar is nervous and scared. Chuy wants to him to save her baby. Omar continues his panic attack as he holds her hand.

* Olga begs Purita to tell her all the details - Purita refuses and runs away. Padre only explains his role at the end of the fight. Olga's friend runs up and tells her and Padre about Casilda and pals petition drive in front of the church.

* Chuy rests as Omar panics - he is going crazy wondering what to do.

* Blanca talks with Mayita about soon she will have a baby brother or sister - her mom's pregnant. Mayita has mixed feelings - one hand she's happy for a little sibling but she's not sure if it's another lie, like Chuy's.

* Chuy tells Omar that she trusts him to help her baby be born and survive and live. She goes to sleep. He looks at the baby clothes by the bed and holds her hand in his hands.

* Steffie sits and torments Ceci in the living room of the mansion about Ceci's failed attempts to locate Chuy and have her at her side. Ceci's heart breaks the more Steffie talks about Chuy and JM. Steffie then breaks the news to Ceci that JM won't ever get a divorce and reunite with Chuy -- because Viv is pregnant. Ceci is impactado.

* Still in the pool area, Viv explains to Nellie about her confrontation with Blanca.

* Mayita runs and hugs daddy (JM) outside in the front patio. She asks about mommy's pregnancy. Daddy tells her it's true. She wonders if it's a lie like Chuy's was.

* Casilda and friends are gathered outside the church having a protest rally. Padre comes over and has to listen to the criticisms.

* JM explains to Mayita the difference between Chuy's and Viv's announcements. Mayita is happy to have a new baby brother or sister. They discuss the new baby, and that he doesn't want either of his children to suffer.

* Ceci is stunned - Steffie repeats that as long as Viv is pregnant, there will be no divorce in JM's future. Ceci feels sorry for JM and Chuy.

* Viv and Ed walk over to JM and Mayita. Viv mentions the news about the new baby. Mayita is excited and skips away. Ed congratulations them on the news; then he asks Viv to agree to see him for a prenatal appointment. Viv reluctantly agrees.

* At the apartment, Nelson is still depressed. Elsa tries to cheer him up and get him to eat. He only wishes that she stay with him. She says that she can't promise him that.

* Cande calls Padre on the phone and cries to him about how gravely ill Chuy is right now, and about how it's affecting the baby. Cande also tells him about Omar. Padre then shocks her with the news about Viv being pregnant.

* JM finds Viv laying on her sofa in her bedroom - she's nauseous and has no energy to get up.

* Adrian and Purita walk, talk and enjoy their ice cream bars. Adrian kisses her and leaves. Sex-crazed dude pops out from around the corner and pins Purita to the wall.

* Viv says she feels nauseous and is having a dizzy spell. JM says that may be the pregnancy and all the more reason to see Ed right now. As JM calls Ed, Viv gets up and faints. Nellie and JM kneel to care for her.

* Padre and Cande continue their phone conversation. They discuss Viv's pregnancy and then Omar's attempt to bring a doctor to Chuy and problems with the pregnancy.

* Purita fights with the dude as Casilda and gal pals in hair rollers walk by and stop to gossip and criticize Purita for being just like her mother and bringing the Public Display of Affection to the sidewalk - and in the daylight no less. Purita breaks free from the dude and runs off.

* As Purita runs into the apartment complex shouting and searching for her mother, the dude, Casilda and others chase after her - calling her names. On the stairs, Purita and Olga appear - the crowd throws rocks at them. When one rock, thrown by the dude, hits Olga and knocks her unconscious, they stop in stunned silence as Purita kneels down and cries for her mommy.

* Nellie cares for Viv on the sofa and Viv convinces JM that she doesn't need to see Ed right now - maybe much later.

* Cande and Micaela talk in the bedroom while Chuy sleeps. Cande tells Micaela about her phone call with Padre - that Viv is pregnant. At that same moment, Chuy grunts in pain.

ADVANCE: They can't wait any longer, Dr. Omar has to break out his medical kit and help Chuy give birth!


Monday, December 29, 2008

Cuidado: Friday 12/26/08 "Happy Boxing Day"

Dear Gentle Readers-- Sorry to throw this out there extremely last minute, but due to ice storms, subsequent power outages, and other events beyond my control, I won't be able to recap this episode. So, once again, I appeal to you to please feel free to give a synopsis in the comment section if you are able. Thanks in advance and here's to hoping the crazy midwest weather will settle down once we get into the new year. Peace to all in the New Year and always!!


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Caray reader says hi, asks about "Lazos de Amor"

I got the nicest email from the other day from a Caray lurker who really liked Lazos de Amor, if anyone's interested:
Hey Julie,
I know you don't know me but, My name is Antoine and my mom and I have been hanging out at Caray Caray for the last two years or so. Long story short: She started watching La Fea Mas Bella ( even though she doesn't know Spanish). She kept talking about what she thought was happening so I started looking for an English translation or synopsis of the show and I came across Caray Caray. Since then we've shared many laughs with you guys.
Well on to the matter at hand. I recently bought a copy of "Lazos de Amor". Which is very good, so I was wondering if you, or if anyone you know on the board have seen it? and if so what did you think? The ending left my head spinning. If you've got fifteen dollars to spend and you haven't seen it you should give it a shot.
I hope you and yours are having a great holiday season and pass along to the rest of the caray caray people that "La Fea Mas Bella" and "Juan Querendon" wouldn't have been the same without you all!
P.S. Paula DeVille and Alicia Ferrera were misunderstood! ha ha ha!
If anyone wants to talk about the Lazos de Amor ending, post your comments! Thanks!


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Dec. 18 - DB returns from the Capital after taking out insurance, Eustaquia is arrested and Gervasia learns about cows

Santos and Marisela-
S: Listen, I need you because if you leave me, it will be like the sun went out and I will be living in the shadows. You are the light that illuminates my life. Please, don't stop caring about me.
M: Do you think what you are doing is good?
S: What I am doing?
M: You're playing with me, Santos, with my feelings and that isn't right.
S: Marisela, I'm not playing. I only want to be at your side and... see you.
M: You want to be by my side when you aren't in bed with her, right? If what you want is someone to play with and give affection to, buy a puppy (cachorro) because I am not a toy to amuse you when you aren't in bed with the Doña.
S: Look Marisela, I know. Things have gotten to the point where maybe your... your feelings are confused and that's why I wanted us to talk and clear things up.
M: You already told me the other day - you care about me but you don't love me. That was made very clear to me. What else do we have to talk about?

Eustaquia insults Meléndez. He tells her to be more respectful - he is the law. "What a pity for this country when the police are led by murderers and rapists!" replies Eustaquia. When Meléndez asks for DB, Eustaquia says that she isn't there and when he doesn't believe her, she invites him to look for himself. Melquíades is listening from hiding.

In the capital, DB says that Meléndez is only one of the rapists who made her run away. He follows her like a shadow and worst of all, now he has power. She takes some paper out of the drawer and starts to write. "I will pursue you to death, swine. To death!" she says.

Antonio and Cecilia-
A: You are incapable of confronting life to defend something beautiful! Because what we had was beautiful but you had to throw it all away with your..insecurities and neuroses.
C: (sobbing) Antonio...
A: Don't try the tears with me, Cecilia, nothing hurts you. You would rather hide behind your fears than fight for the only real love that you will have in your life! I care about you, Cecilia but you don't deserve it. The only thing you deserve now is that I forget you. You like Lucía for me? Yes, she's pretty. She's a good woman. You're right. I think that now I will start to like her.
Good day, Señora Barquero. (He leaves and Cecilia throws something in frustration.)

Santos & Marisela-
S: Look, I only wanted to get close to you to remind you that I am still your friend like before, when we met. Do you remember?
M: Before, you were many things to me - my idol, my teacher, the best thing that had happened to me. We were friends, too but we aren't any more, Santos, because I love you and you are the lover of the woman who brought me into the world. What are we going to do?
S: Marisela, let's take this step by step - I have a relationship with your mother.
M: You have a relationship or you love her?
S: It's the same thing, isn't it?
M: No it isn't. Anyone can have a relationship. Love is something else.
S: A relationship, love, whatever. I live with Bárbara. But the fact that I feel something for her doesn't prevent me from caring about you like "my dear little girl ("mi muchachita querida") or
'my sunshine.' Don't you realize that they are two different affections and one doesn't have anything to do with the other?
M: You feel.. you care about ... you, you, and you! And me? Have you thought about me?
S: But isn't it obvious? You were the first, Marisela. Am I not saying to you that I miss you? Why this eagerness to fall in love with Gonzalo in order to leave here?
M: Because it isn't fair that you want me to stay around you, to see you suffering at the side of Bárbara Guaimarán.
S: I am not suffereing, Marisela. I don't suffer at her side.
M: Oh no? I suffer being around you. You know why I haven't left already? Because of my father, because he is sick, because I can't leave him. If it weren't for him, Santos, I wouldn't have left here long ago. I would be far away, where no one could find me. (she leaves.)
S: She loves me. It's true that she loves me like a woman.

Altagracia runs away from María Nieves who is trying to apologize for what he did. MN says that the time before, he gave her a kiss and she didn't do anything. Altagracia says that he took her by surprise but after that kiss, she thought he was going to do somehing, say something but nothing happened. MN blames the problem on Pajarote who told him to ask and ask and ask. Altagracia slaps him. She asks why he is the way he is. Why can't he do things right? Why isn't he like the poet, for example, and write poetry. MN says that he doesn't know how to write. Altagracia says that it isn't going to work out. She wants a cultured refined man who talks, not a brute like him. Altagracia flounces off. "I don't know how to write pretty things," says MN to himself, "but I feel them."

Meléndez searches El Miedo and when he can't find DB, he demands that Eustaquia tell him where DB is and threatens her. Eustaquia says that she is old and weak. She will die quickly if he maltreats her. She calls him a son of a bitch ("hijo de la perra") and Meléndez knocks her down. He calls his men and tells them to arrest Eustaquia. Juan Primito tries to stop them and he is knocked down too. Meléndez tells the cowering JP to tell DB that he has Eustaquia and he won't let her go until she is face to face with him.

The rebels are hungry because Eustaquia hasn't come. They wonder if something bad has happened at El Miedo.

Mujiquita is at the bar of the hotel and Melquíades comes over to him and puts a telegram form in front of him.
Mujiquita says that the form is blank. "That's because this is very difficult for me," says Melquíades, "Will you help me? I need to send a telegram to the Doña." [Imagine how hard it must have been for Melquíades to have to ask for help!] Mujiquita agrees to write what Melquíades dictates.

DB has left something with a guy in the capital. If he doesn't hear from her every Friday, he is to send it to the press.

The guards bring a handcuffed Eustaquia into the police station. Even Pernalete is horrified that Meléndez would arrest an old woman.

Marisela cooks while Cecilia sits and cries. "So," says Marisela, "Antonio came to clear things up and you told him that he made a nice couple with that Lucía." Cecilia asks what else she could do. She is already married to Lorenzo. Marisela replies that Cecilia and her father care for each other like friends, not like husband and wife and Antonio suspects that. Marisela says that of all the things she could have told Antonio, Cecilia had to tell him the thing that made matters worse. Once again Cecilia points out that Lucía is young, pretty and intelligent and she is just a pregnant old woman. Marisela has no sympathy. "I'm fed up with you," she says, "Stupid (boba), stupid, you are stupid and for stupidity you deserve to lose Antonio to that woman." At this point, Juan Primito staggers in covered in sweat and gasping for breath. "Juan Primito," cries Marisela, "what happened? Did you fall out of a tree?" "They arrested her!" gasps JP. "Who?" asks Marisela. "Eustaquia!" JP manages to get out and Marisela is impactada.

Santos comes to El Miedo and asks Leon and Tigre why there is a guard outside. They tell him that Meléndez came there with guards looking for DB and when he didn't find her there, he arrested Eustaquia.

At the police station, Pernalete tells Meléndez that Eustaquia works for DB and everything to do with DB is delicate. Did Meléndez have to arrest Eustaquia? Meléndez says that he gives the orders here. Marisela comes in and demands to know why Eustaquia has been arrested.

(If Marisela goes around bra-less in thin shirts like that, she shouldn't bee too surprised if lowlives like Meléndez come after her.)

Meléndez says that his favorite little doll has shown up. Then Santos comes in tells Meléndez to leave his cousin alone and demands to know from Pernalete why Eustaquia is in custody. "She hurled insults (improperios) at Colonel Meléndez," replies Pernalete. Marisela demands to see Eustaquia and Meléndez says that he is inclined to indulge her and lets her go.

Eustaquia tells Marisela that she shouldn't have come; the place is full of bad people. Marisela asks if the swine has harmed Eustaquia. Eustaquia says that she is fine and is so grateful that Marisela remembered this old indian woman ("esta india vieja"). Eustaquia tells Marisela to stay away from Meléndez, he is the worst monster there is in the world. "Worse than the Doña?" asks Marisela. Eustaquia tells her not to says that, "a mother is a mother even if she has done bad things to you." Marisela replies that is why she doesn't care for Eustaquia any more because she is always defending DB and not Marisela. Eustaquia says that she does defend Marisela but not enough. She says that even though Marisela doesn't love her, she adores Marisela. Marisela concedes that even though Eustaquia doesn't deserve it, she doesn't want any harm to come to her and then she admits that she cares for Eustaquia a little bit (migajita).

Santos tells Meléndez that holding a defenseless woman like Eustaquia is inhumane especially as she hasn't done anything. Pernalete tells Meléndez that Santos is a shyster lawyer (un leguleyo). Meléndez replies that Santos is well known (tiene fama) and speaks well. He congratulates him. Meléndez says that witch (bruja) is not defenseless. Santos asks what charges they have against her. "She is a witch," replies Meléndez, ticking them off on his fingers, "she is Indian; she is old and I don't like her. What other charges do you want, Santos?" Santos asks when they are going to release Eustaquia. Pernalete replies that is up to Meléndez and when DB comes for her. Meléndez says that he envies Santos having two such beautiful women - mother and daughter. Santos asks how he knows that his woman is beautiful. Has he met her?

DB gets the telegram from Melquíades.

Meléndez says that everyone in the Arauca talks about the doña as rich and beautiful. In addition, her daughter is beautiful too. Like mother like daughter ("de tal palo, tal astilla," literally, 'from such a stick, such a splinter"). "And that splinter...," says Meléndez. Santos grabs him and Pernalete and Mujiquita try to separate them.

Santos challenges Meléndez to answer for his insults to Marisela and DB man to man without weapons or Meléndez's guards. Meléndez tells Santos to be careful. He is the law. He is here to find the rebels and those who are protecting them. Santos tell him to do his job and to leave Marisela alone. He orders Pernalete to release Eustaquia but Meléndez responds that is impossible. When her employer comes to answer for her abuse of authority, he will release the servant.

Eustaquia tells Marisela that the rebels have not left the area but are hidden and that they are undoubtedly hungry since she hasn't been able to bring them food. Eustaquia tells Marisela where the rebels are. Marisela leaves the police station telling Santos that Eustaquia is fine and she is going to Altamira.

Santos demands to see Eustaquia as her lawyer. Meléndez says ok. Eustaquia tells Santos not to let DB come for her. She doesn't tell him why, of course, and Santos is confused.

At Altamira, Marisela and Casilda are cooking food and packing it up. Casilda doesn't understand what is going on. Carmelito comes in to ask Marisela about something to do with the cattle but Marisela is not interested. She tells him to do whatever he wants. She is in a hurry. She leaves. Casilda tells Carmelito that since she got back from Progresso, Marisela has been in a big hurry and very mysterious.

Antonio is supervising the movement of some cattle but he is thinking about how Cecilia doubted him and married Lorenzo. Lucía rides up and says hello to Antonio. Antonio hears Cecilia's words about Lucía when he came to see her - that she is pretty and young. "Maybe, I will do what you suggest, Señora Barquero," says Antonio to himself.

Santos runs into Melquíades outside of the police station. Melquíades tells Santos that he has already sent for DB. Santos says that Melquíades should return to El Miedo. There is nothing else to be done here. Melquíades refuses to leave saying that DB needs him now more than ever. Santos asks what Melquíades and Eustaquia know? What is going on that is so important? Why does DB need him now more than ever? Melquíades says that DB is in danger. Santos asks what danger but Melquíades says that he won't say any more. If DB wants him to know, she'll tell him herself.

Gervasia is writing an essay about cows: "The cow is a domestic (doméstico), with an accent on the 'e', mammal (mamífero), with an accent on the 'i'. It gives milk and meat..." Carmelito comes in and asks what she is doing. He says he knows a lot about cows and he will help her. He starts by saying the first two lines of what appears to be a nonsense song that children sing in summer camp: "the cow is an animal all covered in leather who has long legs that reach to the ground," [here is a link to an mp3 of someone named Luis Pescetti singing the vaca song. I will put the words of his version of the song at the end of the recap.] Gervasia asks him to tell her something she can use in her homework. "The cow," says Carmelito, "is the wife (la esposa) of the bull and when she sees him far away in the sabana, [the savannah or the the plains of this part of Venezuela] she calls, Mooo-cha-cho (muchacho = boy), come here."
Gervasia asks what the bull (el toro) says. Carmelito says that the bull doesn't say anything. He just gets closer and closer... and they start kissing.

Marisela comes into El Miedo and is challenged by guards who want to know who she is and where she is going.

Antonio comes into the bar where Santos is sitting. Santos fills him in on what is going on at El Miedo and with Eustaquia. He also tells him that the rebels are hiding at El Miedo but that it was Eustaquia who brought them food and she is in jail. Antonio asks if Santos is going to the cellar and Santos say no. He needs to wait for DB in town. He doesn't understand why but he is sure she is in danger.

At the police station, Pernalete is tired of waiting for DB. He asks what Meléndez' interest in DB is. Meléndez say that it is his business. "And mine," says DB from the doorway, "Here I am, Nicolás Meléndez, after such a long time, we meet face to face again. You wanted to see me and you caught my old Eustaquia so that I would return from my trip. Ok then, here I am. Let her go and we can talk."
M: You are so high and mighty as always, Barbarita.
DB: And you are as disgusting as always.
M: Lovely. You have forgotten something, Barbarita. Now, I am Colonel Nicolás Meléndez.
DB: And I am Doña Bárbara Guaimarán. Never forget it.

Pernalete asks if they know each other or not. Meléndez tells him to butt out.

DB: What do you want with me?
M: I've seen a girl who they say is your daughter and I ask myself, who could be the mother of such a marvel?
DB: Stay away from my daughter, Colonel. Stay away and don't mess with her.

Marisela tells the soldiers that she is DB's daughter and Leon and Tigre confirm it. The guards let her pass. Leon and Tigre ask what she is doing there. They say that no one but they are in the place. Marisela tells them to go and relax. They do as she says.

Santos tells Antonio how to get into the cellar through the tunnel. Antonio says that he will bring food and water to the rebels. Santos asks him to tell the rebels under no circumstances to leave the basement. He thanks Antonio and calls him amigo, friend. [Now two more people, Marisela and Antonio, know about the secret hiding place. The more people who know about the place, the more dangerous it is for the rebels.]

Meléndez and DB-
M: So you are the woman chief (cacica) of the Arauca. Tell me your secret, Barbarita. How did you come so far, Doña?
DB: I'm here looking for Eustaquia not to tell you the story of my life. Do you want me to start from the beginning? If that is so, it would be better to be alone, Colonel, so that we can talk about our "personal matters" ("intimidades").
Meléndez orders Pernalete and Mujiquita out.
M: Together again, Barbarita.
DB: Here I am.
M: What the hell are you going to do with me, Barbarita? Are you going to kill me like the other three?
(DB pulls out a knife and holds it to Melendéz' throat.)

DB: Don't doubt it, low life. Don't have the slightest doubt.

Mujiquita comes to the bar and tells Santos that DB has returned and is with Meléndez. Mujiquita says that it is very strange but he is sure that they have known each other for a long time.

Meléndez and DB-
M: Don't be stupid, Barbarita. If you kill me, you 'll be shot.
DB: Of course I'm not going to kill you. It was a joke. I'm not that stupid, Meléndez. I can't touch you but you can't touch me either. Would you believe it, I also have power and lots of money. I know influential people. So when I heard you were coming, I prepared a document that is very well guarded in the capital and it will be sent to the press if something happens to me. Do you know what the document says? It describes all your past deeds: the murder of my father, the contraband, the death of Asdrúbal and my rape. I'm sure that when that comes out in the press, there will be a big scandal and all your victims will come forward from every nook and cranny. If I kill you, you trap me. If you kill me, the same thing happens. We are within reach of each other. You see why it doesn't suit either of us that the truth is known, torturer.
Santos comes in, "What truth are you talking about, Bárbara?" he asks.

La Vaca

La vaca es un animal
todo forrado de cuero } bis
Tiene las patas tan largas
que le llegan hasta el suelo

Y hay que seguirla,
pumba, pumba…

Desde que vino la moda
de tirar suegras al mar, } bis
la mamá de mi señora
está aprendiendo a nadar.

Cuando se muera mi suegra
la he de enterrar boca abajo. } bis
Por si acaso resucita
siga cavando pa’bajo

El anillo que te truje
nunca te lo vi ponido, } bis
si yo lo hubiera supido
no te lo hubiera trujido.

En la cima de aquel cerro
suspiraba un gato-gallo. } bis
Y en el suspiro decía:
“Quíquiri quíquiri michi”.


Tontas no van Cap. 18, Friday 12/26. All's Fair in Love and War

Hi, everybody. This is Hombre de Misterio, with my first recap. I already had a lot of respect and admiration for the recappers, but after doing this, I have way more! This show has lots of short scenes. My initial notes had about 40 little scenes (and the whole show is only about 50 minutes long, so many last only a minute). I looked at other recaps, wondering if they were really 40 paragraphs long. Yes they were. My challenge was at hand. And you know what? It was totally fun.

So here goes. This first time I'm just trying to get everything in.

Recap from last time: At the Institute, they're having the grand opening party, deciding who's going to do what. Also, we recap the scene where Margarita (Mophead) wants a divorce from Arturo, since Alicia told her that Beto was Arturo's kid. Pat says, okay, if you want the truth, the boy is mine.

And now for the new. At the big grand opening party going on at the Institute, Santi, Isabel and Rocío arrive. Santi doesn't want to be there, because he wants the place to fail in the first week. Rocío says, Papá, do you want things to go badly for Marissa? They're greeted by Marissa, then by Candi, who thanks Santi for coming. Santi says he didn't want to come. Isabel says he means he didn't want to come empty-handed, they sent a plant, did she receive it? Candi says yeah, I put it in the trash - just kidding, she says. The business partners come in (you may remember them from a dinner where Candi pretended to be Santi's novia). So they greet her as the novia, remarking that at the dinner, Santi asked Candi to marry him. Marissa says "Que!?" Candi says he actually did, and everyone says "Que?". Marissa says please explain, because up til now, I've been the novia. Business partner says, so the wedding was a lie? No, there's gonna be a wedding, says Mari, but with me. Business guy says Santi must be a professional liar.

Zamora and Toño (Sven and Ole) come in with mariachis. Zamora is playing the guitar, and little Toño is playing the big bajo. They're singing about "If they say bad things about you, cough and say it wasn't me!", Santi is getting more and more embarrassed, and says stop the music!

The business guy takes Candi aside, says the Doctor doesn't seem that trustworthy, but we like you. We're doing something in Miami. Here's our card. Santi's about to cry. Marissa is mad at Santi too, who says we were just having a whiskey, by the way, waiter, give me a whiskey. Marissa walks him into the next room as he's a little dizzy from the scandal. Isabel takes Candi aside, and says you seem nice, but I warn you, don't hurt my son.

Now we get the scene where Pat says, you want the truth, the boy is mine, but Soledad is not my lover. Alicia is impactada. Arturo admits he knew, but he had to cover for Pat, his son. Alicia asks Pat how the mother of the boy wouldn't be his lover. Does he think the stork brought the boy? They're going to have to teach him where babies come from. She stomps out of the office.

Back at the party, Santi and Marissa are dancing (badly) and arguing. He says it's partly Mari's fault about the dinner Candi went to, if Mari had gone, he wouldn't have had to do the trickery. She says, everything with you is muddles or confusions (enredos). He says but I had to do it for business. She says did you hear them offer Candi some business?

Raúl enters, gives flowers to Candi, she nervously sneezes. "Salud!" from the whole crowd. Raúl says these are for you. She says, and for Marissa, too, no? He says, they're for you, because you have a gift (a "don"). What gift? The gift of changing people. Since Mari entered this business, she's happier and when people get close to you, they become better. She sneezes again, and everyone yells
"salud" (bless you), again.

In the mall, we see chicken boy Charly being pestered by someone. It's Lucía (he couldn't see through the costume). Lucia wants to go out. She says she'll ask her tío. He says I thought your Mom wouldn't let you go out, what does your uncle have to do with this?. She fumbles a little, hesitant to tell him the truth, and they'll see each other in a bit.

At the party, Candi gives a speech about the purpose of the Institute. What are women like? What do we think, feel, what is our nature? We've discovered that every women has a natural, authentic side, and can be proud of herself. What is the feminine? What does it mean to coexist? (convivir) To live WITH your partner, not FOR him. Big applause, music starts again, congratulations and hugs all around.

Charly and Lucía are now in a mall coffee shop, talking about parents. He says he can understand if she doesn't live with her parents. He lived with his Mom in DF (Mexico City), but came to Guadalajara to find his Dad. His Mom always said his Dad was strange. He says his dad IS a little strange, but he's cool. She says strange, how? He says, I don't know, a little..., but what about your parents? She fumbles, says they live in Europe.

At the party, Santi tells Candi what she did with the businessmen was bad, making him look like a liar. But you are a liar, she says, I'm not your novia. Well, you were a good actress at that dinner, and I think you're playing a role now. She says "Never trust an actress." The mariachis join in with a few funny musical comments, and Santi is not amused.

Cut to Soledad on the phone with Pat. He says they don't have to hide anymore, since he told his parents, but they can't have a relationship, it's not right, I'm married, you understand. He hangs up and she's not happy.

Santi is reading the email Rocío sent to her mother. (Rocío now knows that Santi was pretending to be Paulina, but he doesn't know this). In the email, she thanks her mother for the doggie, and also says that although she loves her Mommy, her Daddy is the best ever (lo maximo de lo maximo). Santi is so relieved that this situation (he thinks) is now resolved.

Alicia is doing some exercises, but looks mad. It's like kickboxing. Pat comes in, again says Soledad's not his lover, he just recently found out about the boy. Alicia says she now feels the way Candi felt when she caught them kissing at the wedding. And you know what hurts the most, not the betrayal - but the lies. Yeah, I think Pat's told a few of those.

Meño is upset that no students have registered for his salsa class. Candi tells him not to worry, and by the way, she's called her mother a few times, but Gregoria didn't answer. What did Gregoria say to Meño? Nothing you'd want to know, he says.

Santi is telling Isabel he thinks Rocío might have realized Santi was writing the emails from Paulina. Rocío bounds in, asking if he caught the one who caught him. Isabel doesn't understand this at all. Rocío says I caught you, Daddy, but I know you did it so I wouldn't be sad. He says, how did you find out. She caught him by calling Mamá. But she's not upset, and she totally loves him. Isabel says I don't understand this whole thing, but it sounds happy, and that's the kind of gossip I like. Group hug.

Candi tells Marissa that to get clients they need to rob Santi's patients. His patients could be their clients. After all, all's fair in love and war. They get dressed for battle (Candi snaps jeans shut, Mari with heels, Candi with the jagged hairband, Mari with the tousled curls). They march off to the battleground (Santi's office). Their agenda is to get Santi's "agenda" (Spanish word for appointment book).

We see Cecelia leave another rose on Candi's desk. She is unaware that Bárbara, the psychologist, sees this from the background.

Candi and Mari decide on a sneak attack. First Mari comes into Hortensia's office, asks the one girl to get her some tea, and tells Hort that she can't find her appointment book. She just bought it yesterday, and there it is on the desk! No, says Hort, grabbing Santi's book, that's Santi's, and she locks it in the drawer. However, she leaves the key in a pencil cup. Candi then comes in, and says I'm so happy to see you, Hort. Hort says, why, Candi says, well, because we're all God's
children, right? Hort is a little befuddled, and when Mari says to look in the other room for Mari's book, Hort goes. Immediately our mischievous crooks get to work, opening the desk drawer with the key. Candi takes out the book and hides it under the back of her shirt. Hort comes back and they high-tail it out of there.

Lucía and Charly are still talking in the coffee shop. Lucía is still fibbing about her parents. She says they're in Paris, they always travel. She fumbles about their job. Charly says, I understand if you miss them, we're friends, you can cry about them if you want. Lucía breaks down, says I'm failing you, I'm lying, because my parents are dead. Embarrassed, she runs out.

Hortensia is nervously shaking her coffee cup, Santi asks Hortensia where his appointment book is. Hort says maybe Candi stole it, since she and Marissa were just there, acting strangely. Santi rushes upstairs to accuse Candi, who denies everything (while all the other ladies are comically listening in, but pretending to be busy doing whatever). Santi declares war.

We then see Gregoria in the restaurant. She sees a picture of Chava, and asks Zamora the name of the boy. Zamora says it's Chava, and starts to say more, but Meño tells him to go to the kitchen. Gregoria asks Meño who's the boy, he's not your son, not an employee? Meño says I'm not telling you anything. Gregoria says, this boy's my grandson, right? Meño doesn't say, but she knows.

Finally, we get the scene from the previews. Pat is writing (and we cut back and forth with Candi reading) an email to "Roja y Blanca". He says he was in love once. He loved her with his entire being, from the heart. She was his life. Her name was Candida. We see flashbacks of the good times they had at the beginning, the skydiving, the night of amor, the pledge to return each year to their special place. Candi is wearing her Chivas shirt, reading his words. Pat says if he could ask God for one thing, it is that for just one second he could hug her and say to her "te amo". Candi reads this and starts to cry.

After the commercial, Chava asks Candi who's she talking to, and why is she crying. Candi says she was talking to Merengue (the puppet). Chava wants to practice ventriloquism, and they have fun with his mispronunciation of the word. She says why are you up so late. He says he already made pipi, and hasn't had any accidents. She says even if you did, that would be okay, and I'm really proud of you. He says, but why were you crying. She says it's a cold, but he says no you were crying. Chava decides to give her kisses until she feels better, and where is that box for kisses? Candi says it's right next to the box of lies. Chava gets it and puts lots of kisses in the box.

It looks as if Santi has decided to take matters into his own hands. He's snuck into Candi's office in the dark, and is crashing into things. All of a sudden Marissa comes in, sits on the desk he's hiding under, and starts saying "make love to me right here, Eduardo" (and Santi can't move).

Meño and Gregoria are still talking. Gregoria again asks Meño if Chava isn't really her grandson. Meño says you're dreaming, maybe menopause has affected your brain. Gregoria says menopause affected everything except her brain, which is funcioning just fine, and sooner or later, she's going to find out the truth.

Then we have Chava and Candi with the kissing box. Candi says you're an angel. Chava says, no, I don't have wings, I'm a Chivas warrior! Then Chava asks his Mom, you know, I've never even seen a picture of my Dad, can't I see a photo of him? Candi gulps, thinks fast, and says she has one, but it's time for bed. She thought bubbles that she'll have to come up with someone's photo to show him. Who would be a good father?

Back in the office. Marissa turns on the light, and Santi is surprised to see there's no one else there. Mari knew he was there, and was just playing with him. she says she knew he'd come there to find the appointment book, and if he wants it back, she proposes a deal. If he'll just do one little thing, she'll help him, and even forgive him for attempted robbery. Make love to me on the desk right now! she coos. How can he refuse?

Little Rocío is having a dream. In her dream, A big bad robber (looks like Donato) has snatched her dog, saying he's the dog robber, and he (Snidely Whiplash - style) is tying her to the railroad tracks. Who will save her? It's Super Chava to the rescue! Chava, dressed in a superhero costume, complete with cape and SCH on his chest, saves her from the evil dog robber. Also, Rocío's Dad Santi runs out, asking who saved her. It was Super Chava. In her bed, Rocío thinks to herself, yes, Chava
is my friend and my novio. Very cute scene.

Gregoria arrives at Pat's apartment. She makes herself at home, lies down on the sofa, requests something to drink and eat. She'll wait for Alicia. I guess she's going to ask about her grandson (the one Pat doesn't know is his - Chava).

In a restaurant, we have a meeting between Alicia and Soledad. Alicia doesn't want to beat around the bush. She just says to Soledad, how much money do you want to get out of Pat's life?

It's the next morning and Lucía and Charly meet in the park for ice cream. She tells Charly that her parents died in a car accident. Her uncle Santi adopted her and treats her like a daughter. There's almost no difference between her and Rocío in the way they are treated by Santi. But then why couldn't you tell me, asks Charly? Because I'm embarrassed that I'm an orphan, she says. Charly understands, and they hug.

Back to the office where once again, Cece is leaving a secret flower for Candi. Once again she is observed by Barbara.

Breakfast with Pat, Alicia and Gregoria. Pat and Alicia are mad at each other, and are not talking. Alicia tells Gregoria why - Pat has a kid with other woman. And the kid is 7 years old. It occurs to me that Gregoria might think this is Chava, even though they're talking about Beto. Secrets are coming out!

Candi returns the appointment book to Santi, saying it was all her fault, not Marissa's. Santi's not too happy about this (or about the fact that Candi and Marissa are hugging each other in friendship), but he accepts the book, saying some people actually work in this building. After he leaves, we see that Cece has copied the whole thing. Candi and Cece agree to call the patients/clients, half each. Candi has a further plan, but she'll reveal it after they make the calls.

Rocío tells Chava and Donato about her dream. He was a super hero, with a cape and everything. She's a little mad at Donato, who was robbing her dog in the dream. Donato says okay, I'll take away the refreshments. The thirsty kids think maybe the bad guy wasn't Donato.

Victoria, the chubby girl who wants all sorts of surgery from Santi, so she can look good for her internet boyfriend (whose picture is Sebastian Rulli), is happy that Santi will do the surgery. She gives Santi a big hug, and says her Mom will help with the payments.

Candi, Lulu and Cece sneak into Santi's office. What are they looking for? Candi says they're going fishing (for clients). They run into Victoria, who is going to have all that work done. Candi says "Do you want to LOOK prettier, or BE prettier? They tell her about inner beauty. After she shows her "boyfriend's" picture, Candi, realizing how Victoria is being taken advantage of, says, come with us, we'll be your salvation.

Now Santi is talking to another patient. She thanks him for her nose job, saying he's a great doctor. Lucía comes in. She checks her email on his computer, he asks why she's there. She says to advise him she's going to go to a nightclub (an "antro"). Santi says no way, you're a child, well maybe a very very little teenager, and I'm not getting into any argument about this, because it always ends badly, so you can't go, period. Lucía tires of this, stalks out, and rings the big bell he has outside his office (isn't that normally his signal to Hortensia not to interrupt, because he's getting busy with a patient?).

Back in the Institute, the ladies (and Meño) are explaining everything to Victoria, about how she can change herself without surgery, pills, bruises, etc. They will help her with her inner beauty. She says but I still need to get rid of this fat. They say just give us a chance. She agrees.

Ed and Santi are apparently playing video games on the computer, trying to beat each other's score (Hortensia has the record), while discussing how great their business is, and also talking about the patient who thinks her boyfriend is Sebastian Rulli.

Soledad tells Pato that Alicia offered her money to get out of Pat's life. Pat laughs but she's not amused and says she doesn't want the money, and to tell Alicia not to mess with her.

Candi shows Victoria a calendar of activities just for her. Victoria says I only have two days. Victoria meets with Bárbara, the psychologist, who asks if she looks at herself in the mirror. No way, says Vicki, I'm ugly and fat. Bárbara says I'll teach you a new way to look at yourself in the mirror, where you'll be happy about yourself.

Meño is looking at pictures of famous guys with Candi. Candi wants to use one to show to Chava, who wants a picture of his father. They decide that Albert Einstein is too old, and of course he'd recognize Ricky Martin. The others (Hugo Sanchez, Sly Stallone, Alejandro Fernandez) all have problems, too. What are they going to do?

Gregoria is explaining the hard truth to Alicia. Forget what he did. Your father did that many times, and the only difference is that I never knew about any possible kids. Alicia says she offered money to the mother. Gregoria says that won't work. Just close your eyes and stay with Pat. Men are all the same. And they never change.

Previews: Candi emails Pat, let's meet right now!
Santi declares his amor. Do Candi and Pat finally meet?


Fuego en la Sangre, 12/26/08: Showdown

Capítulo 164

Once again night time has come to Cd. Serán and it comes with another full moon. (Just once I’d like to see a wolf howl at it in these things.) At the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondo y a-ú-ú-ú-n del Escandon) Sofia is promising a frantically desperate Mama to drop the charges against Fernando, that miserable, scum-sucking, three-timing (or is it 4-timing?) husband her mama needs to once again heat up her bed sheets. Sofia has given in once more, but all in a worthwhile cause as Mama has driven a hard bargain. If she lets Feo go, Gabi will give her the name of the real murderer of Juan’s parents. Sofia warns Mama that Feo will still have to repay the debt he owes to the hacienda once she gets him out of jail.

Gabi hesitates for a few angst-filled seconds or so before telling Sofia that the murderer was… Darth Rico! Sofia is suck-in-her-breath impactada. (What? No questions for Mama about why DV just happened to tell Mama, or why she never went to the police to turn him in for the crime? Slowfia’s thought processes resemble more of a sluggish swirl down a drain and those of us in Viewerville must have faith that though it will take a while for meaningful questions like these to surface at the opposite end, they will eventually surface.) So, since Gabi has kept her end of the bargain, it’s time for Sofia to keep hers.

Roman Del Posible, meanwhile, comes by the clinic to tell Oscar he’s genuinely sorry about what happened to him with the tractor, but Oscar tells him to get lost because he doesn’t appreciate him coming by to get the last laugh. Jimena rushes in at that point. She totally ignores Roman and tells Oscar nobody and nothing will keep her from his side any longer. Roman (now Del IMposible) sees the handwriting on the wall and wishes them both a sincere lifetime of happiness together before exiting stage left.

Upstairs in her room at the Double E Sofia is now reading a book. (Ever wonder just what it is she’s reading?) She stops to think back to Mama’s recent revelation that Ricardo Uribe was the one who did the dastardly deed to Juan’s parents and considers the best way to give the news to Juan without causing another disaster. Juan just happens to come jingle-jangling up and over her balcony again for a little evening chit chat about Maria Jose’s progress at that very moment. He asks Sofia why she seems so distracted. Sofia remembers Mama’s earlier revelation and decides to keep mum with Juan at this point. She asks after Oscar instead. Juan tells her Oscar is totally inconsolable.

Meanwhile, at the clinic, Sarita sneaks up on a sad and pensive Franco. (It’s probably been said before, but after seeing her in her 10th pair of designer frames, Viewerville must say it again. Somebody needs to explain the function and benefits of contacts in the 21st century to Sarita. On the other hand, some optometrist is obviously making a bundle off her. ¡Viva Capitalism!) She surprises Franco with a passionate kiss and embrace.

Morning comes to Cd. Serdán and the sheriff tells Fernando that he’s being released provided that he signs documents agreeing to repay what he owes to Hacienda San Augustin. If he doesn’t comply with the terms of that written agreement he’ll be back in jail and won’t be seeing the light of day for one heck of a long, long time. Fer takes one long last look at the possessed, singing wall near his cell and is more than happy to sign on the dotted line and to high-tail it home.

Back at the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes) Oscar stares by the entrance at the fountain with its rearing stallion and mourns his fate as a probable paraplegic. (I say mourn not as telenovela gods are never ever likely to keep a galán tied to a wheelchair for long.) As Jimena wheels Oscar into the hacienda from the patio, he refuses to mingle with the clan who’ve all gathered there to greet him and welcome him back home. After a touching hug from Pablito he tells Jimena that she should take him to his room. He doesn’t want to see anybody right now. She thinks he should stay a bit and chat with everyone. He tells her that if she is going to complain to him about the things he wants then it would be better for her to just leave. He doesn’t need her.

Back across at the Double E, Root walks in on Fernando digging through his safe. (Why hasn’t’ the guy moved it by now, especially with Root using that room and likely to pop in and out when it's least expected, just like she just has?) Feo quickly shuts the door to the safe, but Root sees the wad of bills in his hands and teases him about it. He gets pissy and she whines that she thought they were supposed to be allies. He says they are but it’s his business and to keep out of it. She says no, things have to be done her way and not his so he gets rough and warns her not to treat him like he was her daddy. She says he’s not her father and then mentions she’s in the know about Eva and Bernardo being her parents, just as Feo probably already is. Feo asks who told her and she says Gabi did. He says that at times Gabi isn’t as intelligent as they all think since she just gave Root a powerful weapon to fight with for a good chunk of the Elizondo fortune. Root smiles and starts plotting.

In town in Pad Tad’s office Augie and Santa tell the priest that they want to get married the very next morning. The padre says fine. Gabi won’t be attending, right? Santa asks when he has ever known a devil to attend a wedding. Augie finishes the joke and says especially of a saint and an angel like them?

A bit later that morning, Root walks into Gabi’s office and asks her why she didn’t mention that she’d sold her for a piece of land. Gabi tries to play dumb but Root calls her on it and says no big deal, but she feels Gabi had been using her by not telling her the whole truth. (Who, our Gabi?) Sofia and Sarita walk into the office then for a meeting that supposedly Gabi had requested, but it turns out that Root had been the one asking them to come down to the office. Root gets up and insists that because she is also an Elizondo she has a right to her part of the family fortune. She wants it immediately.

Upstairs, Fernando is lying on his bed and thinking how he’d love to see the Elizondos’ faces about now. Suddenly Rosario’s singing starts blasting in his ears. He finds it’s coming from a pair of hidden speakers and so he follows the electrical cord across the hall to where it seems to end --Augie’s room. All of a sudden the elevator starts up and he hides. Santa and Augie get out of the elevator and go into Augie’s room. He peeks in and sees Augie taking out a cassette tape and say that things are going so smoothly, and before they leave there Fernando will end up falling into their trap. Fer sees him take out the manila envelope full of money that Santi loaned him to pay off the hacienda’s remaining debts and hears Augie thank her again for it because it means that his granddaughters will not be in tough financial straits once the two of them leave.

Santi asks Augie what he plans to do after they’ve finished with Fernando. Augie says it will be to corner Ricardo Uribe and show everyone that he was the one who really murdered the Reyes’ parents. Feo figures he should let Augie go ahead with this because once Augie confronts Rico, Uribe will kill Augie and Fer won’t have had to dirty his hands. He’ll be shed of Augie without lifting a finger.

At Bungalow del Bruto, Raqui (making quite the fashion statement in those pink tiger stripes) is packing her bag as fast as she can to avoid the excrement that’s about to hit the fan now that Rico is certain to find out Root is not his daughter.

Downstairs in the office of the main house, Sarita informs Root that since there is a will which names Sofia as the sole heir, none of them gets any of the money and that includes Root. Mama takes the opportunity to gloat over the pending lawsuit that contests Bernie’s will and says the period Sofia has to determine which little girl is actually hers is about over, so the fortune will all resort back to her very soon. Sofia takes the document from Gabi and says yes, she’s right, but until then she still remains the sole owner of the hacienda and as proof of her magnanimity (there goes that toothache of mine again) she agrees to share the property in part with Root.

Sarita objects since Root refuses to accept Eva as her mother. Sofia says Root is still their sister and they have the obligation to share with Root. Darth walks into the office at this point and asks Sofia what exactly she means by saying Root is their sister. Sofia says, just that: Root is actually Eva and Bernie’s daughter. DV shoots a wide-eyed look of impactado over at Gabi for confirmation. Gabi looks back like an evil-eyed, Cheshire cat that just ate DV’s prize canary and is happy to wipe DV's face with the bloody, burped up bones and feathers. Papa Bear tells Root not to listen to this line of bull, that she is nothing to Eva and especially not Bernardo. He’s ready to put the Elizondos in their place and to give them all what for. However, Root tells Papa Bear there’s no reason; it’s all true and he’s not really her papa. Bernardo Elizondo was. Darth looks over at Gabi again and she just shrugs it off with one haughtily dismissive lift of her eyebrows. (Nobody does this better than Diana!) He tells them to leave Gabi and him alone to discuss the matter.

Once they’re alone, Gabi says there’s not much to tell him only that since Raqui was sterile and he wanted a child so badly, Gabi had only helped get him what he wanted –and yes, in exchange for some of the land he held. Before he can object she tells him not to gripe since he knows full well those lands didn’t belong to him either before he appropriated them for himself after killing the Robles-Reyes’. Darth yells at Gabi that he earned them by murdering for them and only after she had goaded him into it. (Yeesh! Who cares why? Blaming someone else doesn’t justify it.) So she is the last one to throw “not having a right to that property” in his face, and how dare she and Raqui trick him all these years?

Darth grabs Gabi by the throat and tries to strangle her. The two fight. Gabi escapes from him with a well aimed kick to the groin and tells him not to lay his hands on her. He growls back, while grabbing himself in pain, that he never should have trusted her. Gabi hasn’t changed; and she’ll never change, but well then that’s the way it is. He will just have to teach her a thing or two. He pulls out that nasty knife of his and starts for her. Gabi grabs a small revolver she had hidden above the grandfather clock and warns him that if he dares take another step towards her she will shoot. He’s got no reason to feel betrayed, she says. It’s quits for the two of them now. So, if he insists in threatening her, she warns him, he will force her to tell the truth to the Reyes’ and then Rico will “meet the demon Juan Reyes carries within him,” and she doesn’t recommend it. (Geez, you just can't beat that kind of melodramatic word-wizardry with a stick, can you? Hats off to the A-Team here.)

DV starts toward Gabi again and tries to call her bluff. He knows her, he says, and he doesn’t think she’d dare shoot. (Wrong!) She aims and fires –but she turns the gun at the last second towards a flower vase on the desk and blows it to smithereens instead. Rico takes the hint and backs off. He tells Gabi he is not going to let this go. He’s forced to hide his knife when Sofia and Sarita run back into the office to see what the shooting was about.

After Rico leaves, Gabi nearly faints and then falls into a chair. Sofia and Sarita ask what’s happened. They’re worried about the way she fell into that chair. Gabi just crabs at them. “--As if my health and well-being would really matter to you!” Sarita tries to be attentive and empathize but Crabi screams at her to shut up because she sounds just like Sofia now. (These two should be the first to dance on her grave, not Feo.)

Meanwhile, Root and Papa Bear arrive back at the bungalow just as Raqui is on her way out with her suitcase. Darth grabs the suitcase and throws it across the room. “Where do you think you’re going?” Root says she owes them an explanation. They deserve one. Raquel just can’t leave the two of them like this. Raqui says she isn’t going to put up with their complaints. Besides, what can they accuse her of, anyway? She gave Rico the kid he wanted so badly and she gave Root a much better life, filled with luxury and privilege that she’d have never gotten if she’d been stuck with Eva.

Rico still wants to know why Raqui deceived them all these years. She admits she was paralyzed with fear because of his violent personality. (I can’t believe DV wouldn’t have guessed this long before now. The creep prides himself in terrorizing people.) But, she screams at him that’s over and done with now, and if they can’t forgive her then she is going to get as far away from them as possible. As far as she’s concerned they’re both just alike, and what joins them at the hip is their cruelty. She stomps back into her bedroom and slams the door.

In the main house Sofia and Sarita are putting Mama to bed and trying to get her to explain what was said that could have made her so sick. Sarita asks Sofia to lay off the questions. Sofia goes out to get Rosendo to find the doctor. On her way down the stairs she runs into Fernando who hands her a manila envelope with all the cash that the hacienda was missing. He swears again that he never stole anything but he’s making good on it anyway. (So did this money come from the stash in his safe or is this the envelope with Santi’s money?) Sofia tells him she’s in a hurry because Mama is sick again and adds that he’s only out of jail because Mama pleaded for him. So, he’d better be very careful with whatever he does from now on. He replies that he loves Gabi whether she believes him or not. She says she doesn’t believe it and oh, by the way, their annulment came through so she and Juan are now able to have a church wedding as soon as Juan decides when.

Speaking of Juan, he’s upstairs in Oscar's room telling him to stop feeling so sorry for himself. Oscar wonders why when he can’t be a real man for Jimena. Jimena comes into the room with a tray of food. Oscar complains about his soup and then smashes the bowl on the floor. Jimena dutifully leaves to get another for him. He says not to bother. Juan, Franco and Tio get after Oscar but Oscar tells them not to interfere; the problem is between him and his wife. (Ok. Somebody at the clinic needed to have counseled the family on what to expect and for how long. I can’t say Oscar is acting differently from what anybody in his predicament might, but it’s wearing on my nerves just as much as it is on theirs.) Juan says if he wants to take it out on somebody then take it out on him, but Oscar ‘s got no reason to treat the people that love him this way. Finally everyone gets frustrated with him and walks out.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Jimena admits to Juan that she’s sad, not for herself, but because of Oscar’s situation. Oscar’s not like this she knows and he has to be in so much pain to react this way. Juan says however he feels, nothing justifies treating the people that love him the way he has been. Jimena says it’s because he’s so depressed right now. Juan thanks her for doing what she can for Oscar and for loving him the way she does, and then he goes back up to speak with him.

Meanwhile, Dr. Montes examines Gabi and says she’s been careless with herself so her heart problems have returned. Gabi again blames her daughters for continually causing her grief and making her sick. Sarita tries to defend herself and her sisters by (too sweetly) emphasizing they are not the reason she had problems with Ricardo Uribe. Gabi sarcastically replies that, no of course not, she herself is always the one to blame for being ill and all because she gave in and allowed them to return home once the Reyes’ had run them off. (This is as bad as nails on a chalkboard! I am waiting for the day one of these two wakes up and gives this woman hell!) Feo comes in at that point and fawns over Gabi. Sofia is totally disgusted with the scene and has to look away. She thinks to herself what a shameless piece of work but, of course, if Mama ever found out he was two-timing her with Root it would just make her condition worse.

Back at the Double R, Juan tells Oscar that he can understand how the guy would be so depressed and angry at life in his situation. What he can’t understand is why he has to treat Jimena the way he’s been. She’s there to help him keep going above all because she loves him. Oscar asks then why didn’t she come back to him before the accident and isn’t she with Roman? He didn’t ask for her charity and if she doesn’t like it then she should leave. Juan tells him not to be such an ingrate. The Reyes’ aren’t like that and Oscar definitely isn’t that way, but the truth is that he’s giving up before even beginning the fight and Oscar’s been acting like a child. Oscar says fine, and thanks for the “support”. Now Juan should go enjoy himself with Sofia, walking and riding horses together. Juan leaves Oscar to pout.

It’s about time for a little levity as Viewerville and all of Cd. Serdán is definitely in the depths of depression over Oscar’s woeful and grievous condition. In town, we find that Quintina’s taxi-scooter business has literally gone to the dogs. She sweet-talks one of the Gossip sisters, Maria Caridad (?) into letting her drive Caridad over to Juan’s with the cake she had made for Oscar, and she won’t even charge her. Quintina finally convinces Caridad by telling her that Vicente is there and that a little bird told her he has the hots for Caridad and that Caridad has the hots for him too. So Caridad hops in and they drive off together. On the way, though, Quintina runs into a bunch of hay bales in the middle of the road and Caridad ends up with her face in the middle of the cake. Bada-boom! They decide to take the rest of the cake over anyway.

At the same time, Vicente, Juan and Franco are in the living room discussing the rotten way Oscar is treating Jimena and how much she must love him to put up with it. Just then Pablito comes in and he’s hiding a little toy chest behind his back. --It’s the one that Darth has been prowling around the place looking for.-- Juan wants a look-see, but Pablito tells them they have their trunk and he has his now and runs off with it.

At Bungalow del Bruto, Papa Darth tells Root that despite what’s happened, it’s in his best interest if they pretend to forgive Raqui for lying to them. He needs Raqui to sign the papers that he’s hidden in the toy chest’s false bottom. Those documents are somehow important for insuring their fortune. He asks Root for a little trust and a little more patience.

In the meantime, Sofia tells Eva that Mama has gotten sick again and says that it’s all because she and Ricardo Uribe fought once he found out that Root wasn’t his daughter. Sofia says she’s scared because he’s such a dangerous man and she knows this because she found out “something very serious concerning him.” So she’s going to have to tell the Uribes to leave. What she’s learned about Rico makes her think everyone who comes into contact with him could be in danger, so though it pains her to do it (perhaps not as much as she’d like Eva to think) Root and the rest of her family will have to leave the hacienda right away. As it is, says Sofia, they’ve got more than enough problems with that hypocrite, Fernando, who is probably right now getting all lovey-dovey with Mama.

Speaking of Fernandito, the two-timing hypocrite is in fact tucking in Gabi extra tight and getting the scoop on what went on between her and DV earlier. She says they argued, she had to defend herself from his attack and then ran him off the place. She never wants to see him again. Fer says she might be frightened of him but she has Fer to protect her from whatever and whomever. (It does get pretty deep with him doesn’t it?) However, she needs to rethink that decision because Ricardo Uribe is the best weapon they have right now against the Reyes’s. She cannot allow Rico to leave the hacienda.

Over at the Double R, Vicente and Franco are discussing Oscar’s rotten behavior towards Jimena, and hoping that eventually he’ll snap out of it. Quintina comes in with Maria Caridad and what’s left of the cake –the small part that’s not smeared all over her face. Franco remembers Caridad as one of the two women who tricked him into serenading Sarita and Jimena for Roman and Gonzalo, but he forgives Quintina for bringing her because Caridad got covered in cake mess during the ride over. Caridad says it was just a little joke but it was all worth it if she got to be close to “Vicentito”. (Franco laughs to himself that Vicente has just swallowed the bait.) Vicente gives his mustache a twist, puffs up a bit and says there’s a decent amount of cake left that still is good to eat. (Not in my book there, isn’t.) He asks for a little rag and then begins to wipe the cake off Caridad’s face.

Back again at the bungalow, Darth tells Raqui that he and Root are going to forgive her and will make their best effort to continue being the… er…“family” they’ve always been. Root makes nice and says she really wants to believe Raqui did it all for her sake. Raqui says thanks and then tries to be affectionate, but when Root winces and pulls away from her it seems Raqui suspects this little scene is less than sincere.

At the main house up in his room, Augie and Santi ask Fatima to tell them about the gunshot they heard. Fatima says that all she knows is that Gabi and DV had a fight about something. She doesn’t know why. When she leaves Santi asks Augie if he thinks Gabi knows that Ricardo is the one who killed the Reyes’s parents. Augie says of course she does and he’s certain of it.

Sofia walks into the bungalow. (Doesn’t anybody ever knock at this place? I know she’s the owner, but geez, a bit of privacy Puh-leeze….) She surprises DV and says she has something important to discuss with him. “So what do you want, stupid girl? You’ve come to complain about the argument your mother and I had, right?“ Sofia says that’s exactly what she’s there for, but also about the murder of the three Reyes brothers’ parents. Darth is suddenly wide-eyed impactado and all ears.


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