Friday, January 02, 2009

Cuidado Thursday, January 01, 2009 Part 2: Is this a dagger I see before me, the handle towards my hand? I clutch thee, yet I…oops.

HUGE thanks to Pasofino for volunteering to recap Part 1! Since Part 2 finished at 11 pm, this recap is gonna be a somewhat compressed one…

Mari is holding her baby and thinking of JM.

In the barrio, Purita thanks Adrian for defending her honor. Adrian says she can always count on him, then he fesses up that he’s fallen in love with her. Purita says you just feel sorry for me. He says, no it’s real. She shyly says she’s loved him since the first time she laid eyes on him. He’s stoked. The church bells ring. Purita admits she always wanted to catch Adrian, but …. Marichuy. Adrian says he was foolish, but now he loves her. They kiss.

Rocio comes into Blanca’s room and finds her packing.

Viv is sleepy and she tells her ma that she didn’t get any sleep ‘cause Blanca came in, etc. She wants to search Blanca’s room again. Onelia thinks it’s pointless, but Viv says she thinks she’ll find something this time. She really wants to clap eyes on those famous earrings. They run into Rocio in the hallway, who tells them that Blanca is quitting. They are impactadas and wonder if JM knows. Rocio says Blanca already gave her notice to him. She doesn’t know what Blanca said to JM, but she told Rocio something vague about family problems. Onelia’s glad she going, and Viv thinks it’s all very strange.

JM and Ed are walking and talking about Blanca’s leaving. JM says anybody with half a brain (I guess he counts himself in that demographic – I know I do) could tell Blanca’s excuses are made up. He and Ed figure it can’t be a boyfriend problem because, as Ed points out, she’s hardly a young man’s dream. JM strikes a pose and says he walks to talk to her again.

Martirio is on the phone telling Isa about all about Ceclia’s situation. The languishing, the crying, the not eating. And also that the judge told Ceci that Mari has been the source of nothing but grief. Isa’s glad he feels that way, that leaves that door open. She wants to know if anybody knows anything about Mari and Martirio says no. Isa hangs up and thoughtbubbles that she wants to get to the hacienda to see what’s up.

Mari and Mica are admiring the beefy baby. Mari says he looks like…Mica says The papa?

JM and Ed are now in his study – JM wants to talk to Blanca and sends Balbina to get her. Balbina knocks at her room, finds her Blanca clothes from the closet laid out on the bed, but nobody there and the closet is empty. She runs to reports to JM that Blanca seems to be gone. And she left a messy suitcase – not at all like her, she’s so neat.

Here comes Nacho with some wooden toys for the new little boy. Cande and Mari joke sweetly about them. Cande takes a tiny toy guitar and pretends to sing. She’s so happy! She will do diapers and Mica will do baths until Mari feels better, Mari says she’ll do everything, but Cande says not until you’re strong again. Mari tells her baby nothing will ever separate them.

Amador is at Isa’s place. He doesn’t seem to be concerned about anything, but she wants to go straight to the hacienda to find out what’s up. Amador says okay, he’ll go have a look-see. Isa wants to go too, but he says he’ll go alone because they would think something was up if they saw her. He calls her Tia and gives her a peck on the cheek as he leaves and she swats at him.

Pirana and another useless type are drinking in a barn and wondering if Mari’s had her baby yet. They need to be ready to do their evil deed says Pirana.

Mari loves up her baby some more. You and me together forever she says. She says to the baby that she never thought she’d be happy, but now she has everything she needs.

Rocio, JM and Viv are having breakfast indoors at Castle San Roman. As they leave the room, Viv says she gets so sleepy being pregnant and she hangs on JM a bit. Rocio looks uncomfortable. JM tells her to get sleep and also exercise.

Odd that Blanca didn’t come to breakfast, says JM. Rocio says I think she’s gone for good. JM says but she left some things behind. JM guesses that she didn’t want to talk to him. The phone rings and Rocio answers and tells JM it’s the French lady. He reluctantly tell Ivette okay he’ll come over.

El L. looks in on Mari with her baby and thoughtbubbles that if he is to be the father, she could be his wife. He tells Mari how lovely she looks as a mother. She tells him she loves holding her baby. He tells her that a baby learns to feel secure and confident when it gets motherly love in its early days, and if babies don’t get that, they can be rebellious and insecure. Mari talks sadly about not having received all those good things as a child. She swears to her son that he will get all her love, and will study and become somebody.

JM tells Ivette that it’s over. Time for them each to get on with their lives. She gets mad and says he can’t leave her. He says sorry and leaves. She is furious, breaks her wine glass and starts throwing pillows around. It’s all because of that darned Viv, she is sure.

It’s night and Pirana and his pal climb onto a first story balcony of the hacienda. Too bad the hacienda has some stuffed fierce predators but not one live big barking dog. Mari is changing the baby’s diaper. Pirana sees and says in a low voice enjoy yourself for a few more hours, that’s all you get with your baby. He does that evil-eye look he does so well.

Adrian tells his ma that he’s in love with Purita. She’s against it. Adrian says but she’s well educated, a good girl. His mama says find another. She’s always been kind to Purita’s ma, had her in her house, but for him to marry her daughter! Adrian is a fine upstanding fellow and she can’t agree to him marrying the daughter of a woman with a bad reputation. They argue and she goes off to bed, mad.

Purita and her ma talk about Adrian and how he declared his love. They are jubilant. Purita hopes they’ll marry.

Balbina confirms to Viv that Blanca is gone. Viv says thank you and strokes Balbina’s cheek, then heads up the stairs. Balbina looks a bit weirded out by that gesture.

Viv goes to Blanca’s room anyway and starts going through the stuff on the bed. Creepy music plays. She sees a red suitcase of the floor – it’s heavy. She drags it onto the bed and tries to open it, but it’s locked. She starts going through the dresser drawers and finds a key. Yup, it fits the suitcase. Inside are all kinds of fancy, colorful outfits, some with sequins. She goes through them. She finds strappy silver heels, huge sparkly earrings. Ah ha! She finds the wiggly dagger.

In the stairway, JM asks Rocio if Blanca has returned. Rocio thinks she’s gone for good. They decide to have a nighttime tea in the library.

We see Viv from the point of view of looking in from the door to the outside. And sure enough, there stands Ivette in full regalia. Viv turns and looks amazed. Ivette smiles and looks like a snake about to strike.

In the library, JM tells Rocio that he broke off with that other woman. With Blanca gone, he needs to devote more time to Mayita, plus Viv is pregnant.

Viv realizes that Ivette is Blanca. Ivette steps toward her, and Viv holds up the little dagger and says stay back. Ivette laughs and says Viv doesn’t have the nerve. Try me sez Viv. They struggle for the dagger in the best Hitchcockian style, complete with shots of the shadow of the dagger on the wall. Blanca stabs Viv in the chest, Viv does some quick breathing like Mari did in childbirth, and down she goes, holding her finger over the stab spot. Ivette stands over her like a dominatrix. She lets out big sighs of triumph which are echoey and sound like Satan, but maybe that’s just the way the dying Viv is hearing them.

JM and Rocio are still having tea in his study and they hear shrieks so they just both freeze and look surprised. Finally they say Did you hear that? JM carefully sets his teacup down and at last they run off to see.

JM pounds on Blanca’s door, then goes in and spies Ivette and says ¿Que haces aqui? He and Rocio see Viv on the floor and rush to her. She’s dead says JM. Rocio wants to do something, but it’s too late. No puede ser, says Rocio. Ivette looks triumphant.

Downstairs, Balbina tells Onelia she just heard Viv scream and they guess that she and JM are fighting. They rush up.

JM demands to know how Ivette knew his address. She killed Viv! She says yes, and she’s glad. She did it because Viv was going through her things and had found her dagger. What are you talking about? JM demands, shaking her. (See half a brain, above.) She laughs diabolically. She tells him that she sent Viv to hell, which is where she belonged and JM should thank her for liberating him. He tells her she’s going to pay for her crime. Does he think he’s going to just keep quiet? Ivette snarls that he’s an ingrate. She pulls the wiggly dagger on him too, but he puts all that gym time to good use, gets the dagger away, and, in the process, comes away with a curly wig. He sees her real, straight hair and says Blanca?

Back at the hacienda, the two baddies are still on the little balcony and Mari puts the baby in a crib to go get some milk.

Elsa has asked Ed to a nighttime outdoor café to tell him that she’s back with Nelson. Ed barely reacts because that’s all the actor playing him can muster. I think we are to understand that he is bummed.

The baddies finally try to break into Mari’s window, but are having trouble. Meantime, Mari is down in the kitchen where Cande is preparing the bottle but it’s still too hot. We see that days after childbirth, Mari’s stomach has snapped back like an industrial strength rubber band and she looks as she did before, crop top and all. She is nervous about the bottle – she doesn’t want her baby ever to feel hunger like she did.

The baddies decide to break the glass.

JM and Rocio are beyond impactados that Ivette and Blanca are the same person. There is pounding on the door and JM tells Rocio to go out and stall Onelia. JM does his finger to the forehead “I’m thinking” thing and Ivette laughs wickedly. Viv of course has no more lines.

Avances: Onelia is pounding on JM’s chest, sobbing. The baddies are still outside looking in at Mari and the baby.


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Cuidado Con El Angel, Thursday, January 1, 2009, Parte 1

Juanmi is still trying to get a response from Yvette – what’s wrong, he can’t figure it out. He’s asking her what’s the matter. Meanwhile, she’s trying to hide under a pile of pillows.

Back at Leo’s, Amador calls and Candi picks up the phone. He wants info about Mari.

Meanwhile, Yvette/Blanca is trying to figure out who she is. So is Juanmi. She realizes that some other horrible woman lives within her. Juanmi wants to know about the woman of the daggers – explain it to me. What’s happening. He looks so cute and confused.

Candi tells Amador that everything is Ok and that Mari hasn’t given birth. He’s insistent – but Candi thanks him for his concern and says goodbye. She knows he’s a liar and doesn’t trust him.

Juanmi keeps at Yvette who is now falling apart. He confronts her and insists that she tell him what’s going on. Yvette runs out in a panic.

In the barrio, Olga has been laid out on a tabletop while Padre Anselmo, Purita and ladies tend to her. Olga is still unconcious.

Juanmi walks down a dark street – and ponders what has just happened before his very eyes about Yvette. He’s as confused as ever.

Yvette/Blanca returns to the mansion, sneaks in her room and is shocked by what she sees in the mirror. It’s not me, no, no. Vivi appears at the door.

In the barrio, Padre A tells the gathering of Olga’s friends about stoning sinners. Adrian insists that Purita tell him what happened.

At the mansion, Blanca quickly morphs into her old frumpy self while Vivi unlocks the door.

Purita tells Adrian about the forced kiss in the street. She doesn’t know the name of the man, but Casilda and company saw it. She and friends say the man is Kiko – a friend of Casilda.

Vivi tries to get in while Blanca tidies up the room. Blanca unlocks the door and let’s Vivi in. Vivi tortures Blanca some more with her inquisition. Vivi tells her that Onelia couldn't find her earlier. Blanca insists that she was in the garden, but Vivi isn’t buying into that story and tells Blanca that she is hiding something. Blanca thinks quickly and answers Vivi – why was your mother looking for me. Never mind – and Vivi leaves. Blanca can relax for a moment.

At Leo’s farm, Mica and Candi discuss the storm, etc. Candi goes in the bedroom where Leo is listening to Mari’s stomach when the lights go out.

At the Vellarde’s Ceci is having a meltdown. She has a premonition. She calls Padre A and asks about Mari. Enter Estefi. Pat takes the phone and tells Padre A that Ceci was having a nightmare. Ceci grabs it back – she dreamed about Mari – that she was dead.

Leo lights some candles – tells the ladies that they have to get busy. Mari has been sedated.

Ceci repeats the nightmare to the padre and begs for information. He insists that he doesn’t know anything about Mari. What a liar. He’s listening, and he reassures Ceci that Mari is in a safe place – she begs again when you know something, let me know. He agrees, then passes the crucifix and explains the situation to Jesus on the cross. He, too, wants to know if Mari is in danger of dying.

Leo and Mica are discussing the bad situation with Mari and the possibility that either she, the baby, or both might die.

Yikes – Isa the witch is talking to Amador. They are lamenting the lack of news about Mari. She’s not interested in anybody’s nightmares – just when the baby is born.

Leo shouts out orders to Candi to try to wake Mari. He wants her to wake and push. This is so tense and scary. They’re all pushing. A scream.

Estefi and Martirio give advice to Ceci – don’t worry. But Ceci is consumed with fear. Estefi actually shows some human characteristics of care, concern and compassion toward Ceci. But Ceci’s heart and soul are with Mari and if Mari dies so will she.

Mica gets in Leo’s face and tells him he has to fish or cut bait. He’s still denying his ability as a doctor. With new resolve, he gets to work.

Miraculously, Estefi is with Isa. Isa doesn’t understand – by all accounts the baby should be born.

We’re all pushing, pushing, it’s Mari who screeching and falls exhausted. Then we hear a baby cry and Candi has a moment of pure joy followed by pure grief because she thinks Mari has died.

Leo talks to Lirio/Mari – look at your son, he’s alive. He hands the baby to Mica and tells her to be careful. Candi is totally distraught because she thinks Mari is dead. Leo looks shocked.

Juanmi in his bedroom is wearing his blue striped shirt and tight fitting pants – a knock at the door. It’s Blanca.

Candi laments the life and death of Mari. Leo interrupts her and tells her Lirio is not dead. He gives Candi some alcohol to rub over Mari. Leo prepares to give Mari an injection.

Juanmi asks Blanca what’s wrong. Blanca says that she’s quitting. She can’t stand it in this house anymore. Juanmi – says why – because of Vivi. Blanca of course denies that. He wants to know the truth. She says she has personal and powerful reasons – family matters. He says – but, you told me you didn’t have a family.

Mica has gotten the baby all clean and wrapped up. Enter a field hand – padre has called. With great joy she tells padre that Mari had a boy but Mari is in delicate health.

Leo – tells Candi he’s going to rest and puts her in charge of watching Mari. He assures Candi that Mari will wake up. Leo looks out the window, holding a burning candle and a small photograph of a woman (Yvette). He talks to the photo – how she destroyed him, broke his heart, and so forth. The storm rages on.

Blanca tries to explain her situation to Juanmi—he offers her more money to stay. That’s not it. She’s offended. He even says that he thought she would take care of his as yet to be born child with Vivi. But, she’s out the door tomorrow morning. What’s the rush. She begs him not to pressure her. He wants to talk it out because he thinks she’s inventing excuses and wants absolute truth. I wonder what he’d do if he knew the truth. Probably call Ed for a conference.

In her room, Blanca is packing – or throwing clothes still on hangars into a suitcase. She’s a mess and suddenly what do you know, Yvette takes over and throws the suitcase on the floor and starts trashing the room while laughing. Yvette, dressed as Blanca, opens the patio doors, has a thought and goes out the bedroom door, down the hallway to the room where Vivi is sleeping. This is the room with the fake stonework. Yvette sits next to Vivi and thought bubbles – sleep, my dear, sleep forever.

Voices keep telling Blanca/Yvette to kill her (Vivi). Out of nowhere, enter Onelia. Doesn’t your mother walk around in the middle of night and go in your bedroom.

Leo keeps talking to the picture – oh, go ahead and burn it. Get the devil out of your soul. He reveals that he’s been tormented for so long by your memory. Up it goes in flames at last. He now claims that he is finally liberated from her diabolical power.

Onelia demands to know what Blanca is doing in the room. Blanca returns and begs forgiveness. Onelia says that woman is crazy – Vivi wants to know what she was doing. Vivi – the other loony lady says that Blanca hates her because Blanca is in love with her husband. Aren’t we all.

In the barrio Adrian confronts Kiko who get one sucker punch in. Then Adrian makes a comeback and leaves Kiko and his lunch on the ground. A well trained crowd is absolutely motionless during this scene.

In his office, Juanmi daydreams about his honeymoon with Mari and the promises they made. He calls her “Mi vida…” Oh, how he suffers. Any offers of help?

Leo has gone for a walk in the woods. The rain has stopped – he looks happy, relieved. His mojo has returned.

In her room, we see that Mari has given birth to a three-month old baby. Leo returns and says blessed God has put that baby at her side. He tells her the baby is perfect, and that he was afraid, but she had a natural childbirth. Mari hugs and kisses that beautiful baby who will probably be able to talk in the next chapter.

Pat talks to Ceci – are you going to get up? Meanwhile Juanmi is wearing the pink shirt in his office and has the dreamy look. We’re back in the honeymoon bed with Mari. He’s got such a cute laugh. He’s so enchanted with Mari. They pledge their love again. She says it’s beautiful in body and soul.

Mari and Leo talk about the baby and how sweet he is. How happy she is that her little squirt has lived and how happy she is to be alive, too. She thanks Leo. Leo is modest – he says that she was brave in the most critical moment. She gave birth when she was practically dead. She will be eternally grateful to Leo forever.

Juanmi just can’t get thoughts of Mari out of his head. He’s tortured, and we’re tortured. I wonder if Mari and Juanmi ever got to know one another. They’ve spent more time apart and just meet in their dreams. Juanmi has a soliloquy – what a perfect love, what will become of it – nine months… Connect the dots, my love.

Mari, as she hugs and kisses the baby, thinks of Juanmi. A beaming Leo looks on. Juanmi thinks of her and their honeymoon again. Are you happy, yes, a lot. True, yes. He tells her to go to sleep and says I love you, I love you. Out loud he says we love each other. She’s my woman, my wife. We were sweetly asleep – if only the baby Vivi was carrying was Marichuy’s.

Mari keeps thinking of JuanMl.

Purita thanks Adrian for helping her. He admires her pretty face and tells her he’ll protect her – she says as a friend – he says, more than a friend. A brother? No – Adrian says he loves her. Purita looks happy and surprised.

End of part one (I think). Go, Maggie, go.


Doña Bárbara - Mon., Dec. 22 - Meléndez zeros in on DB; Marisela and the terneras go to the movies and end up in jail

DB and Meléndez-
M: You killed them. You killed Chepo. You killed Tancredo Madura. Where is he? What did you do with him, Barbara?
DB: Me? I didn't kill him. I swear to you that I didn't kill him. Just like I didn't kill any of your... friends.
M: Don't swear falsely, Barbarita. That's a sin. You killed Chepo. I'm sure of it.
DB: And how can you be so sure of that?
M: Chepo was working for me in the Capital, Bárbara, and I was told that a beautiful woman and an Indian went into his room with a trunk (baúl).
DB: So?
M: And you took Chepo out in that trunk. I'm sure of it.
DB: Is that so? That's a very interesting story. It's just that you can't prove it, Nicolás.
M: That's what you think, Bárbara. If it's necessary, I will take you to the Capital or bring the witnesses here so that they can identify you and the Indian. I've got you, Barbarita. I've got you!

Santos tells Guerrero that his aunt Cecilia is ill with a cold and that the medicines are for her. Guerrero tells the pharmacist (boticario) that the army is searching for a wounded rebel and they are sure he is hiding around here. He tells the pharmacist to let him know as soon as possible if anyone comes in and asks for medicines for a gunshot wound. The pharmacist says that he understands.

DB and Meléndez-
M: You see, Barbarita? You life hangs by a thread. It depends on me, Barbarita. Your life and that of that imbecile Santos Luzardo. It would be very sad if you were left without a lover again, Barbarita and my prisoners die in jail.
DB: Listen carefully to me. You won't touch Santos Luzardo. Because if you do, I will immediately publish the documents that incriminate you. And then you'll end up much worse than your friends. Did Tancredo tell you how Perro de Agua and Julián died? No? They had ugly deaths, very ugly. They died crying, scared to death and suffering. How the poor guys suffered. For the record, I don't know this but that's what I was told. And as for Chepo, that bastard nearly killed my but he escaped and I don't know any more about him.
M: That's a lie, Bárbara.
DB: Believe what you like.

Santos comes in and DB invites him to have a beer with her and Meléndez. Santos asks what this means. DB says that she and the Colonel have had an amicable conversation and resolved their differences. She says that Meléndez has promised not to bother them anymore. "What's more," DB says to Meléndez, "I invite you to have chicken with rice for dinner at my house. Eustaquia seasons it divinely. We would be enchanted if you joined us one night. Isn't that so, my love?"

In response to Lucía's question about whether he likes her, Antonio first says that she is pretty and when Lucía points out that isn't an answer, he says that he can't court her out of respect for her father, his boss. Lucía says that she will worry about her father. She leans over to him and says that she will wait for him in the 'galeria' tonight and not to let her down.

Meléndez tells DB that he isn't here for public relations but to catch murderers and rebels and he will catch them. He leaves and we can see what a runt he is.
Santos is furious and asks what DB was thinking to invite Meléndez to El Miedo. DB says that this is the best way to deal with Meléndez - show him that she isn't afraid of him. Santos doesn't agree. He says that once again DB has acted on her own without asking his opinion. He says that they should leave.

The terneras try to guess where the rebels are hiding but they can't. They decide to dunk Marisela in the river as punishment for refusing to tell them.

DB and Santos-
DB: Silent once again, my love.
S: You think I'm an idiot. You are hiding something very serious from me, Bárbara Guaimarán and I'm fed up with all your lies. You said you were going to change and I believed you because I love you. Listen carefully: I love you! I decided to gamble everything on you but I am more and more convinced that I was wrong. You continue the same as always, Bárbara. You do what you what you please and don't speak the truth. Things between us won't last very long that way.
DB: Are you saying this because I invited Meléndez to the house? I told you. It's to make him believe that we aren't afraid of him.
S: I don't believe you. There's something else behind this.
DB: Believe me (Créemelo)! I made this reconciliation for your friends and for you.
S: You don't do anything for me, Bárbara.
DB: Santos, don't talk to me that way. Please, my love.
S: Oh really? Do something for me, then. Tell the the truth. For once in your life, tell the truth.
Santos leaves.

Melquíades comes in. DB tells him to bring Pernalete to El Miedo as quickly as possible.

Santos brings the new medicine to the cellar. He tells them that he can't bring the doctor. He is being watched. Gonzalo thanks him for all he has done for them. Santos replies that he believes in their cause and they are friends.

Meléndez pays no attention while Pernalete is blathering on. He thinks to himself that that DB was planning something with her chicken and rice invitation. He says that as soon as he gets the paper she left with the notary, he will destroy her. He has to be alert. He doesn't like the look of that Indian. He asks Pernalete about the Indian that goes around with DB who has a face like the devil. "Not just the face," says Pernalete, "He's the devil in person." Meléndez says that he wants to know all about the Indian, about how DB got so rich and about DB's daughter, Marisela.

The terneras and Marisela walk out of the river
(did Marisela wear those boots into the water?) while two soldiers are going by. They approach the girls, start to unbutton their uniforms and ask if the girls want to play with them for a while. Led by Marisela, the girls pick up stones on the riverbank and drive the soldiers off.

Pernalete gives Meléndez a sanitized version of DB's history at El Miedo. He says that she became the boss at El Miedo when Marisela's father left and she made the hacienda grow because she is good at business. Melendez isn't satisfied. He wants to know how DB made the hacienda grow. What did she invest in? Meléndez says that he thinks that Pernalete and DB had something going on together. This makes Mujiquita start to cough and he asks to leave. As he leaves, Melquíades comes in and tells Pernalete that DB wants him to come to El Miedo. Pernalete tells Meléndez not to misunderstand. DB is like that. She thinks that she can give orders to everyone in the world but that is far from being true ('pero de ahí a que eso sea verdad hay mucho camino,' literally, 'but from there to that being true there is a long road'). Pernalete says that he only does what is customary to keep the peace ('sigo la corrriente para tener la fiesta en paz') but he doesn't have business with DB or much less take her orders. Meléndez tells Pernalete that he doth protest too much. "You have to choose between La Doña and the government," says Meléndez, "and I am the government."

Santos comes to Altamira and tells Cecilia that if the soldiers return, she should say that she has been ill. Cecilia asks why but Santos says that he will tell her later. The terneras and Marisela come in all wet and Santos collides with Marisela and gets an excellent view of her assets.
The terneras laugh and tell Cecilia and Lorenzo about their encounter with the soldiers. When they go to dry off, Lorenzo says their laughter is like an injection of youth. Cecilia says that she's happy to see Lorenzo smiling and Lorenzo say that he has his reasons: his daughter is laughing and he has Cecilia with him.

Santos talks to his horse, (I can just hear Mauricio saying, 'Does your horse give you advice on your love life, Santos?')
"But what is happening to me? Ok. I am going to do something because otherwise my head will explode."

Federica is bored and hot. Josefa suggests that she do her nails. She says that she saw Federica's toenails the other day and they were horrible. They look like an eagle's talons. "Because they are so long?" asks Federica. "No," says Josefa, "because they are so dirty!" Federica and Josefa start by insulting one another and then go to cat fighting.

DB scolds Pernalete for taking so long to come to El Miedo. She has to talk to him before Santos comes back. DB tells Pernalete that she wants to know everything about what Meléndez does, who he talks to, etc. She says that he has to keep her informed at all times. Pernalete doesn't look at DB and says that will be difficult because Meléndez will realize what is going on. Already he has been asking about her and Pernalete thinks that Meléndez didn't believe him when he said that he and DB didn't have any business together and right then Melquíades came in. DB tells Pernalete that when people talk to her, they have to look her in the eye so she can see if they are lying. "Look at me. You're not thinking about betraying me, are you?" she says to Pernalete. Pernalete says that of course he would never betray her. "You had better not (más te vale)," says DB. Pernalete says that she should have a little more confidence in him. He stammers out that he thinks that DB has met Meléndez before and asks where. DB asks why Pernalete thinks such a thing. Pernalete replies that Meléndez asked a lot of questions about her. DB says that is because he is attracted to her. She asks if Pernalete thinks that she isn't attractive to men. Pernalete hastens to agree that DB is attractive but he says that Meléndez is seems to really like her daughter. Meléndez is crazy for Marisela. DB asks what Meléndez told him. Pernalete replies that Meléndez is going after Marisela but it's really Santos that he is after. Pernalete tells DB that Meléndez won't rest until he crushes Santos.

Meléndez asks Guerrero what he has found out about the Indian from Mujiquita. Guerrero replies that nothing is known about Melquíades. He simply showed up in town one day and once he met DB, he never left her. His loyalty to her is total and he would do anything for her. At this moment, Josefa comes to complain about Federica to Pernalete. She puts the moves on him and says that she loves men in uniform.

Leon and Tigre are visiting Danger and BP. BP tells the Mondragon brothers that the army is offering a large reward for information on the rebels. BP suggests that they keep an eye on Santos. If he is involved with the rebels, they could kill two birds with one stone - get rid of Santos and get a lot of money. Danger warns them that Santos isn't stupid and he is protected by DB.

Melesio brags to the Altamira vaqueros that his granddaughters are going to be readers and writers while the vaqueros are going to be a bunch of morons (burros). That's what Melesio will call them, "the little morons (burritos) of Altamira. The terneras come in and tell about their encounter at the river with the soldiers. María Nieves jumps up and asks how dare the soldiers mess with..(he looks at Altagracia but then says) any of them.

Meléndez brings Josefa back to the hotel with him. Mujiquita protests that this is a decent establishment but Meléndez orders him to back off.

Santos returns to El Miedo. DB says that they need to talk.
DB: I haven't been able to calm down since you left here so angry and convinced that I only do what I want to. Forgive me if I act without consulting you. You were right to be annoyed. But believe me, it's hard to change. Since I was very young, I have had to do everything alone and I got used to making decisions without consulting anyone. But now you are here with me and I swear to you that I will learn to walk with you at my side. I really want our love to survive.
S: Then why do you do everything so that it doesn't?
DB: Because I don't know how to do it any other way. It's stronger than I am. But please, my love, don't say that you were wrong to believe in me. I really want to be different for you. Please, my love, help me change.
S: How, Bárbara? At every turn you are unwilling to speak the truth.
DB: I will tell you my truth. This truth that you asked me about, that I told you a few minutes ago: I love you Santos Luzardo. I love you more than myself. I love your integrity (entereza), your honesty, your noble heart. I love the man that you are and the woman that am when I am with you.
S: And I love you, Bárbara. In spite of everything, I love you. But you have to trust me and demonstrate what you will be. Tell me what happened between Nicolás Meléndez and you.

We don't know how DB would have responded because Eustaquia comes up at that moment and says that the rebel Andrés is in very bad shape.

Meléndez rolls off Josefa and it appears that he is a 'slam bam thank you ma'm' lover. Josefa feigns satisfaction with his performance. Then Meléndez says that it is her turn. He wants to know everything she knows about DB.

Santos and DB go to the cellar and see that Andrés is in bad shape. Gonzalo thinks he may be having an allergic reaction to the medication. Santos says that he is going for the doctor. DB says that it is risky and she wants to go with him. Santos says no and DB sends Melquíades with him.

Josefa tells Melendez that after DB threw Lorenzo Barquero out like an old rag, she became the boss of El Miedo. She stole land from all her neighbors and became what she is today - the richest and most powerful landowner in the Arauca. When Meléndez asks about Marisela, Josefa tells him that she and DB hate each other. DB never cared for her daughter and threw her out with her father. She grew up like an animal in the forest until recently.

Marisela is taking the terneras into town to see a movie. María Nieves says that the vaqueros should go along and Josefina points out to Altagracia that MN actually spoke.

DB insists on going into town to protect Santos even though he has forbidden her to do that.

Dr. Arias agrees that it is likely that Andrés is having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. He agrees to go with Santos since he swore an oath not to deny medical attention to anyone.

At the movie, a soldier slaps Marisela on the bottom and chaos ensues.

Antonio meets Lucía near a waterfall. She tells him that she is in love with him and she kisses him.

The whole Altamira party gets arrested except Marisela.

Antonio pulls away from Lucía's kiss. "No, no, no," he says, "not again. Not another crazy woman in my life. This ends right now. Do you understand Lucía Matute?"

DB seems to have gotten Marisela away from the fight at the movie to talk to her. She says, "We are in a very dangerous time for everyone - for me, for Santos, for your family, for your friends and you know who I am referring to. I'm not exaggerating when I say that things aren't going well. I need to ask you to do me a favor. Ok, not for me, for your Santitos. Stay away from town, away from problems. This man, this Colonel Meléndez, has his eye on you. Don't ask me how I know, I just do. He likes you in the worst way that you could imagine. Marisela, I don't want him to harm you. Do you understand?

Santos drives Dr. Arias to the tunnel entrance to the cellar. Danger sees them.

DB and Marisela-
M: How do you know that this man is interested in me?
DB: Because you look a lot like me. That's why he is interested in you. I can't explain now but Meléndez is a sadist, a killer and a torturer. He hates me. He is my enemy. I am going to confess something to you that even Santos doesn't know. I trust you, Marisela. You hate me but I know that you are loyal. I know that you won't use what I am going to tell you against me. Santos must not know what I am saying for anything in the world. That man hates him. You and I are going to protect him, isn't that right? Do you agree" (Marisela nods) You and I know that he cares about you a lot and that he always watches out for you. You don't want Santos to have an altercation because of you.
M: Santos always comes first for you, always.
DB: Don't say that. I'm not going to ask you to forgive me for being a bad mother. It would be stupid after all we've been through. But listen to me, Marisela, I am very serious when I say that I want your happiness. I don't want my life or my misfortunes for you. I don't want you to experience the bitterness of being another Bárbara Guaimarán. You deserve hope and happiness. You deserve it, daughter. Do you believe me? Do you believe that this time there are no tricks?
Marisela nods. DB puts her hand to Marisela's cheek and Meléndez comes into the doorway and watches them.
He says to himself that DB and the little doll (la muñequita) are pretty together. He says that it seems that Josefa was wrong. They don't hate each other like she said. "I've found your weakness (el lado flaco), Barbarita," says Meléndez.


No Tontas Wed. but Feliz Ano Nuevo!!!

Feliz Ano nuevo a todo la familia de Caray Caray!!
Wishing you happiness, peace, and prosperity in the coming year...and much telenovela joy. Hey at least Fuego will end sometime this year for sure.... ;)
May we have many fun adventures together!!!

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Dec. 15-19 - PJ/S gets involved with yet another woman and enters management

I've gotten really behind posting Cuerpo stuff. Here's a partial catchup. I'll get fully caught up over the weekend.

PJ/S gets involved with yet another woman. He is falling in love with Valeria and their romance is completely unlike the rip your clothes off lust he has with Isabel. She barely opens her mouth when they kiss.

Isabel makes an unsuccessful attempt to poision Andrés.

After PJ/S abandons Rebeca in the stampede to get out of the supposedly burning theater, he shrugs off her recriminations the next day.

Padre Jacobo and PJ/S finally meet up. PJ/S gets Gaetana to confirm that he is Pedro Jose Donoso in Salvador Cerinza's body. Padre Jacobo admits that sending Cantalicia to Rio Claro was a big mistake. He says that he will take her back to Las Cruces.

Cantalicia has to be dragged bodily away from Gaetana's house. Later, Tio Felipe agrees to let Cantalicia and Moncho stay at his apartment.

While having sex with Isabel, PJ/S has a flashback to kissing Valeria. Isabel says that she loves PJ/S but he says that doesn't love her, he only desires her. He asks what she would do if he fell in love with someone else.

PJ/S watched Valeria play the piano.

With PJ/S's help, Ángela engineers a coup in the management of the Donoso factory. PJ/S is made assistant to the Director of Industrial Relations and Simón is made head of maintenance. André's allies on the board are exposed as incompetant and/or criminals. Here, Gaetana congratulates PJ/S on getting back into his factory and out of the chauffeur's uniform.

In a celebration after the changes at the plant, PJ/S dances with Abigail. He spoils the moment by creeping her out by reminding her of things that only PJ knew.

PJ/S as a young executive with his boss.


Cuidado #67, Tues Dec 30. Juan Miguel Just Can’t Shake His Ball and Chain.

Casilda and her nasty minions encounter Purita under attack by the Lecherous Loser on a busy street. They demonstrate just exactly how upstanding and Christian they are by calling her rude names and chasing her back to the apartments, then throwing big rocks at her and Olga. Olga is hit with a rock and collapses. I haven’t been desensitized at all; this scene is every bit as grim the second time.

Viviana is lying on the sofa after her “fainting spell,” while Onelia rubs her face and arms with a tissue or something. She says she’s not feeling well enough to go to Eduardo’s office, so Juan Miguel says Ed can come to them. Viv tries to protest that it isn’t necessary. JM fidgets and looks irritated and amused.

Out in the countryside, the orchards are under A LOT of water, and the rain is still coming down. Marichuy is sleeping peacefully, and Cande/Lala enters and tells Micaela about Viv’s pregnancy. Just then Mari yells and grasps her belly.

Ceci laments Viv’s pregnancy; what betrayal of her daughter! Patricio arrives at home to hear the horrible news.

The winged monkeys argue over who threw the stone that hit Olga while Purita wails and accuses them of murder. All but Casilda flee; Casilda looks maybe a little bit sorry. Perhaps more sorry that she might get in trouble than sorry about what she’s done. She hesitates before leaving, and if she hasn’t run to call for an ambulance there’s probably no hope she’ll ever get out of purgatory.

Omar finally decides that the time has come to deliver Marichuy’s baby. Thunder rolls, lightning cracks, and the ladies look stricken. This is HIGH DRAMA.

Patricio comments that Viv is a fine upstanding lady, but Ceci counters that she’s always been frivolous and selfish, and abandoned her husband and daughter. Pat says JM didn’t love Viv any more than she loved him, and hopeless romantic Ceci says he only ever loved Marichuy, and maybe their first meeting (the terrorizing encounter in the woods) was predestined because they’re meant for each other. By that logic, Purita and Loser Lech have a hot passionate future in store.

Padre Anselmo is praying (in the chapel, not the hallway!) when Clemencia runs in to fetch him to deal with the Casilda/Olga tragedy. First Isabela’s “heart problem,” now this. People, you need a doctor or paramedics for FIRST aid. The priest is, like, SECOND aid in matters of illness or injury. Nevertheless, PA is the first help on the scene. The first thing he asks is, “haven’t you called an ambulance?” No, they haven’t. PA recruits some young chaps to carry Olga to her apartment. WHEN will anyone in a telenovela EVER learn proper first aid? Would it help if we sent handbooks to the Televisa writers’ offices? Purita continues to howl. PA reassures her that her mother is still alive.

Omar the trained doctor is doing a little better with the medical necessities. He sends Mica to fetch his doctor bag and boil all the instruments for ten minutes. Then he sends Cande for alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and gauze, probably just to get her out of the room with her unhelpful crying.

Pat tells Ceci she’s just biased and romantic, thinking more existed between JM and Mari than really did. Ceci insists that she’s right, and that Viv is a horrible person who deserves to be punished, not to have back everything she walked out on once and to have another child with Juan Miguel.

Viviana looks out the window, but dashes back to the sofa when she hears JM coming. He’s going to work; she repeats that she doesn’t want Ed to pay a visit. She asks Juan Miguel if he hates her. He hesitates, but only because it’s time for a commercial break, not because he has to think about it.

Elsa watches useless Nelson sleep and remembers happier times. Her mama Luisa drops by to order her to come home, like she’s a rebellious teenager or something.

Omar has Cande pour alcohol on his hands. Then he prays and whatnot all melodramatic-like.

JM tells Viv he doesn’t hate her; he just pities her. He leaves, and Viv says to herself she would rather he felt anything passionate about her, even if it was hate. Then she says he’ll never be rid of her unless she’s dead. However, she rejects killing herself, as he’s not worth it.

Luisa thinks Nelson is also not worth either living or dying for. She tries to drag Elsa away, but Elsa insists that she can’t leave him; it would be cruel right when he’s trying to stop drinking. Nelson gets up in his filthy clothes and promises to change and begs her not to leave him. They hug. Luisa gives up.

Mayita drops by to say hi to her mama, learns that Viv isn’t feeling well, thinks Viv needs candy, then starts rummaging through the drawers. Highly authentic child-like behavior, as far as I can tell. She pulls out some of Viv’s earrings to try on, but says she likes Blanca’s better, and describes them. Viv looks thoughtful, probably remembering where she’s seen a pair like that.

Omar gives Marichuy a shot. He’s trying to speed up her dilation. More hand-sterilizing and praying.

A very pregnant Beatriz tells Elsa it’s going to be great being a mom. Elsa says if she and Nelson had a child, everything would be different. Beatriz seems to think she’s wasting her time with him, but Elsa says he wants to change. They haven’t heard from either Israel or Becky in awhile, and Ed doesn’t know that Elsa’s gone back to Nelson. Come on, ladies, at least spice up this episode with a little juicy gossip we don’t already know. You two are useless.

JM arrives home in a different shirt than he left in. Blanca wants to talk to him about something serious. She’s tired of Viv attacking her and following her every move. JM says that if a person has nothing to hide, being watched shouldn’t matter. No, Juan Miguel, being scrutinized is very annoying even if you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing, especially if you’re as introverted as Blanca is. Where did he get that shrink degree? JM notes that she won’t look him in the eye, but she insists that she trusts him more than anyone else, which makes him smile and fluffs up his ego some more, so even less shrink knowledge fits in his head. He apologizes for having put off the psychological help she asked for like six months ago and asks whether she wants to go to his office soon to get going on that, but she says no and runs off.

Viv and Onelia have a pointless conversation. When Viv is alone again, she lights up a cigarette, then JM arrives and is, like, you must be feeling better, and by the way stop poisoning my imaginary baby.

Cecilia can’t sleep, possibly because an owl is staring at her from the brightly-lit trees right outside her window.

Viv wants to go back to the way things used to be between her and JM (when?!?). JM says it will never happen. He still loves Marichuy.
Ceci has fallen asleep, but wakes up screaming. She dreamed that Marichuy died. Pat comforts her.

Marichuy lies in bed asleep while her crack medical team sits around waiting for something to happen. Thunder rolls.

Ceci continues to cry.

Cande cries. A lot. Some more.

JM tells Viv yet again that Marichuy is his one true love. Viv thinks it’s despicable that he loves that nasty street urchin. JM forbids her to insult Marichuy and declares that Marichuy is Viv’s superior in every way. Viv tries to play the amnesia and pregnancy cards again.

Marichuy lies motionless in bed.

Ceci insists that her dream is real; something bad is happening to Marichuy. Pat goes to get her tranquilizers.

JM apologizes for losing his patience. He says he feels anxious and has the sensation that something terrible is happening, something he should be aware of and should be able to prevent. (Yeah, Juan Miguel, that SOMETHING terrible is this episode, and you have the power to improve it immeasurably. Pick up Eduardo and head to the gym and talk about something funny in the looker room. We’ll rejoin the others after the kid is born and the tears are over.) Viv divines that Marichuy must be having her baby, and tells herself that JM will never find out about it.

Viviana asks JM whether he’s going out that night. He says no; he’s going to go work in the library.

Ceci tries to call Padre Anselmo. The phone rings in the church hallway. Padre Anselmo is probably still out wondering whether they should get a doctor for the woman who has been knocked unconscious by a big rock.

Onelia snoops through Blanca’s room. She reports to Viv that Blanca isn’t in the house; she’s disappeared mysteriously just like the other nights. Viv plans to search her room even though everything’s locked up. Locks are no obstacle to Vile Viv.

Juan Miguel is in his study, but he can’t concentrate on his work. Probably because he doesn’t have the faintest clue how to be a psychiatrist. He daydreams about Marichuy instead and wonders where she is and if she ever thinks of him.

Ivette calls JM and says she wants to see him. He says he can’t go out; he has work to do. She insists, she must see him tonight, even for just a moment. He says he’s not in the mood. She says she’ll get him into the mood. He agrees to go.

Viv won’t tell Onelia what she’s up to, but she needs to search Blanca’s room to prove what she suspects. There are too many coincidences. She sees JM drive away and calls him a hypocrite.

JM arrives at Ivette’s creepy casa and she immediately has her hands and lips all over him, but gets no response. He says again he’s not in the mood. She says lots of men would love to be in his place right now. He says he doesn’t love her and never will. She looks angry. This is the weirdest relationship ever.

Isabela calls Amador to see if he knows anything. His hair is sticking up even more than usual.

Ivette tries to convince JM that it’s useless to try to resist her very unsexy seduction. No man has ever gotten away from her. He doesn’t know who she really is, that she… She stops talking suddenly and stares blankly. Juan Miguel can’t figure out what’s going on.

Onelia calls Viv “necia,” meaning foolish. She tries to get her to think about what she’s planning to do. I’m guessing that a woman who would fake her own death, abandon her husband and daughter, kill a man, and try to seduce her sick friend’s husband won’t be stopped from searching the nanny’s room no matter how many times she reconsiders that evil plan. Onelia would rather just fire Blanca if something funny’s going on. Viv sends her off to bed.

Ivette is finally roused from her stupor, but awakens as Blanca and is terrified and tries to hide from JM under a sofa pillow. She asks how she got to that place and why she’s wearing such tarty clothes, then thinks to herself that the demon who lives inside her must have done it. JM asks her why she called herself “la dama de los puñales” (the lady of the daggers) and why she’s acting so strangely. He begs her to tell him what’s going on, but smiles like he thinks maybe it’s a joke. She just trembles.

Amador calls Cande to find out how Marichuy’s doing, and when the baby will be born. Cande says she’s doing fine; still no baby, then hangs up fast. She says, “me cae gordo,” which is slang meaning that Amador is a pain or annoying.

JM tells Ivette she doesn’t seem like the same woman. He tries to get her to tell him what’s going on, but she runs away.

So: Tears, seven gazillion. Babies, zero.

Avances: Marichuy has her baby, at long last! Also, Ivette/Blanca catches Viv rummaging through the secret suitcase.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fuego, #166 -Tues. 12/30/08 - But Get Me To The Church On Time -vs- Who's Your Daddy and Mommy

The mean people in Fuego have an eve of New Year's Eve marathon going on to see who can out bedevil whom. Let's check the score. If we could raise funds to feed orphans and other unfortunates on the number of devious deeds this group is committing we could make a fortune and wipe out misfortune in a good sized pueblo:

Feo locks Abuelo in the elevator and nearly hangs him by his tie sliding the elevator down just enough that Agustín can't get loose.
Ricardo tells his evil spawn Root that she seems more like Gabriela than wiggy Raquel.
Santi is bride left waiting at the church with only Sofia the slow to help reason out what to do.
Abuelo asks Feo what kind of Rosario nightmares he is having.
Ruth tries to talk to Feo but he's not interested. He'd rather do something unbelievably mean.

As they replay the elevator hanging, we hear growls from Feo, How do you feel now?? Coward, coward, counters the choking Abuelo Agustín.

Sweet as can be Feo tells Fatima to go directly to the church, taking the cup of tea she was carrying and shoos her off before she can see Abuelo stuck by his tie.

He casually inquires about what Gabi is doing in the office when she could go off and relax with him. He doesn't relent until she agrees to go out of the house with him also bypassing. But, Gabi sees Rosendo waiting for Abuelo and Feo begins shoving her in the SUV. But wait, Raquel approaches and distracts Gabi with the demand to hear her out. Feo tries again to get Gabi to ignore her, they don't have time. Oh, he hopes that no one will discover Don Agustín. Speaking of him the old gentleman is nearly losing consciousness as he struggles to hang on the tie.

Raquel begins to tease Gabi with her news that she has been waiting to tell her so many years.

At the church Santi notes that something must be really wrong, Agustín is always so punctual. Maybe he regrets his decision to marry her? Sofia says Abuelo is incapable of being foolish and he truly loves her, there is nothing to worry about. But we see the blurry world through Abuelo's eyes so we know that he is losing ground with choking .

Well, Sofia is not your daughter. She tells Gabi how she entered her bedroom the day she came to take Ruth who Gabi had sold to her, and saw her innocent newborn in the bed and she decided to switch them to get back at her for all the humiliations she had suffered. Gabi says you are lying, this can't be true. No, Raquel is happy to tell her that she left her with the pitiful daughter of Eva. She has been raising Eve's daughter and Raquel took her daughter just to spite Gabi even though she kept it to herself all these years. But, to Raquel's surprise, Gabi says this is the best news in my whole life. Ruth is my daughter! Not missing a beat and to burst Raquel's momentary bubble of happiness in outdoing Gabi, Gabi reveals, the truth is that Ruth is not old Bernie Elizondos' daughter. With great glee she puts together the disparate facts: Ruth is my daughter and the daughter of Ricardo Uribe!! My but she is pleased with herself.
Santi is sure something bad has happened, Agustín wouldn't be late for his own wedding. Everyone fidgets and tries to assure her.

Feo watches Rosendo and waits. Ruth watches from her room and replays Agustín's warning to Ruth to beware of Feo in her head. She decides she has to rescue Agustín and finally rushes to the elevator to untie Agustín just before he passes out. She roils him out toward her room looking around furtively instead of taking him down stairs.

Raquel is suddenly crushed by the full meaning of this news. This can't be true she whines, does Ricardo know you had his baby? Of course not but if I knew that Ruth was mine and his he would never have gone from my side. Almost taking to herself, Gabi suddenly realizes why she hates Snofia, Snofia is just like the stupid Eva and her stupid father and not like her at all.

As Ruth is rather gently cleaning up the uniform and combing Agustín's hair. You have won a thousand battles this isn't going to defeat you it's just an inconvenience. he says don't ruin my medals that Porfirio Diaz gave me, but then he thanks her, you saved me. I won't ever forget your kindness, I owe you my life. She says no one else has ever been so kind to me and sympathetic with me until I met you.

Gabi carries on with he theme of how much she has always felt for Ruth and now she realizes what in her always rejected Sofia because she is the stupid spawn of the stupid Eva. Soon her tune turns to: Its all going to be mine, all mine, the hacienda, everything is mine.

Sofia appears and says she has heard that thanks to Ruth, Abuelo was saved. Ruth assures her she did it for him no one else.

Feo curses as Rosendo's SUV pulls away with Sofia and Agustín safely inside.

Ruth feels proud that she just helped Augustin (her real grandfather we suddenly realize).

Ricardo is on his horse swearing he must continue searching for the little chest with the most important documents and swears he will rip it out from where ever it is hidden. (Eeeek, Pablito run, run)
As the scene fades of Ricardo riding across the field on his horse thinking about the chest, we see Coyote drawing a bead on the back of Ricardo's neck through the cross-hairs of his rifle scope. (Eeeek, Coyote aim, aim)
The shot is fired and Ricardo's hat flies off. But the hidden Coyote says this was only a warning and drives off in his pickup. Ricardo looks startled and angry, (well, he always looks angry.)

After revealing to Ruth that she has loved Ricardo Uribe forever and Ruth is all interested in hearing more. Gabriela tells Ruth with more tenderness than she seems capable of, we need to have a big talk, ALONE, she says in front of Raquel. They go off. Raquel says this is complicating things too much, but doesn't seem to have the brain power to think just how. However, she does have enough sense to add that she needs to get out of here and soon!

At the church, Agustín makes light of his difficult situation that made him late, but not to worry he will fill her in later.
Franco sings "Ave Maria" this time with the church organ accompanying so he stays pretty much on key. (I loved this moment actually so I could catch up describing the hot stuff going on at the hacienda.) Now we see everyone get on knees that can get on their knees.

Juan comes into Oscar's room with a meal on a tray. Of course, Oscar wants Jimena. She's gone off to her grandfather's wedding to Santi. Juan tries to cheer him up by reminding him of how he almost shot grandpa and ended catching him as he fell from his chair down the stairs. (I didn't go back and sort this silly little memory lane scene out so someone can be more accurate if they care). Oscar says it's too bad we didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Agustín. Juan reminds him that Franco represented them.

The holy water gets sprinkled on the coins and the rings. Don Agustín Oceveda. Santa Margarita Roberta Federika Lorenzo ....and Widow of and Padre names about ten or twelve dead husbands. Augustin interrupts the listing to declare, I accept! Everyone gets a giggle as he promises to be the soldier who stays in the battle and Santi assures all that the others died in the field of love with honor. The lovely ties (lazos) of roses are laced around the couple by Sarita and Sofia . The Padre pronounces them married and everyone yells Vivan los novios. The couple are congratulated by the crowd outside and wished much happiness.

Rosendo wants to take them back to the hacienda to get their luggage for the trip but Agustín says he has some business in town to take care of, so he will wait for them there. Santi throws her flowers and Sarita catches the roses and then catches a big romantic kiss from Franco. We get a hold that thought freeze frame like a snap shot of the beautiful couple.

Agustín shows up at the bakery. Juan tries to hug him with floured hands to congratulate him on the marriage, and they speak of their friendship and fun, with some arguments and disagreements in point of view but Agustín is grateful for how they have loved his granddaughters and he will never forget the Reyes brothers. He rolls off to talk to the recalcitrant Oscar both seated. Horses neigh to remind us of the stubborn Oscar.

Meanwhile Santi is in the girls' artisan stuff store and says she hopes they don't seem sad for her and Agustín. NO, they are happy for them but sad for themselves.Abuelo has been their pillar, their protector, their accomplice even their cupid and after the death of their father he has been both father and grandfather. Santi assures them that they are not losing a grandfather but gaining a grandmother who will love and defend them always. Santi is gracious, they will go off to make up for lost time, but she assures them they will stay in touch and when they are settled, the girls could come see them. (What a concept , they might escape Mexidoon for a little R&R.)

Agustín says men are strengthened by their trials and tribulations. He knows that Oscar can go on. Don't fool yourself you should recognize that JImena loves you truly and you should love her back. Don't be defeated. This old general wants you to remember that we never loose a battle you must carry on no matter what. Now young general, never forget your mission. Oscar has been trumped on his infirmity by the courageous Agustín and reluctantly smiles and promises not to forget.
Feo tries to engage Gabriela with slimy cuddles and soothing assurances of aren't the team to be reckoned with. She has work to do in the office. Feo rushes up the stairs to grab Ruth's arm and tell her she needs to discover who is the heir of Gabi's fortune. She gives him a wet kiss and tromps down the stairs to Gabi's office. Gabi fixes her usual large brandy snifter and assures Ruth she has important information to impart. Ruth for a change is all ears.

Agustín takes leave of Juan in the bakery, while at the store, Eva shows up to see Santi with the Elizondo sisters and they all laugh about the successful wedding.

Oscar says to Juan and Franco that he hasn't been fair with this brothers. I promise that is in the past and I am going to try to be better. I need your patience and help. (Whew, we were all being worn thin having to accept Oscar as a whiner) when Tio Vincente sweeps in with the doctor who is the specialist he promised, Oscar looks on bemused.

Gabi doesn't reveal all about Ruth's true family, but rather assures Ruth she is more important to her. If Ricardo and she had married as they should , they would have been happy and She is to be her sole heir.

Next episode which will be Friday night: Feo thinks he has it made in the shade when he learns that Ruth will inherit. Ruth looks like she just won the lottery. Gabi will reveal all. Lastly we get a glimpse of Coyote in his usual courtly pose holding the hand of a lovely, frail blind lady whom he addresses as MOTHER.....


Tontas Tuesday Dec. 3, '08 So Who Are You Gonna Believe...Me or Your Lyin' Eyes? *

Yep, the round of lies just keeps on spinning in this one. Hard to keep track of them all. But I'll do
my best. Alas, my videorecorder is programmed to run for 3 hours so I can't extract the tape to watch this twice until after Fuego....and folks, that's waaay past my bedtime. So here we go with what I got, plus some dialogue that Paula sent me a couple of days ago just because she liked it so much.

First, the old stuff: Lucia and Santiago's mom are at the cemetery. Both are angry at Lucia's parents for "leaving them" through their accidental death. You lost your parents. I lost my son. It's normal, eventually, to bury one's parents, but not the other way around, Granny laments. There's a shot of the gravestone I found really disturbing, because Lucia's mother was the same age as my oldest daughter. I did not like looking at that date on the headstone, I can tell you.

Then we have Pato's debacle with Beto, telling him he's his father without any preparation (though I don't have any idea how one would go about that anyway). Beto tells him he already has a dad and runs off. Pato then turns to Chava to help him....asking that he talk to Beto and bring him 'round. Of course the irony is that Chava is also Pato's son and neither knows it. More lies, more confusion, in the midst of an unacceptable truth.

Okay...on to the new stuff. Lots of brief scenes and fast changes so fasten your seatbelts. Marissa arrives in Santiago's office and he quickly moves her photo from the back row to front and center. A visual lie, implying she has more importance in his life than she actually does. They start bickering about the competition between the Institute of Inner Beauty and his surgical clinic and he dismisses all their activities as "faramalla" (meaning fuss or nonsense). She recommends they avoid the whole topic of the institute when they're together and boom! that's the end of the scene.

Chava is telling his mom that Beto has two fathers, Jorge and now Patricio. And he wonders if he could have another papa like Beto. (remember, he still thinks el Buitre, the soccer star is his dad).
Big lie.

Quick switch back to the Institute where the psychologist is playing up inner happiness to their prospective client as the great beauty enhancer. For instance, if you love your domestic work, you'll radiate happiness and be irresistable. But wait! Lulu loves her work and yet she has no boyfriend. As the psychologist (Barbara?) glares at her, she quickly fumbles into a lie that yes, well, yes, she does actually have a galan, a dreamy one. Another big lie.

Rocio and Chava are under a coffee table playing with her puppy and looking at the photo of his "dad". Donato sees it and promptly identifies it as el Buitre (the vulture) and Chava realizes his mom has lied to him big-time. A lie and a betrayal.

Charlie comes into the institute, sees Meño shaking his hips salsa style and notes that he moves like one of those swishy guys. Meño lets it pass, although this could be a time to tell Charly the truth. A lie of omission.

Chava confronts his mom with her lies and betrayal and runs off to his room. He's crying, she's crying and Santiago's at the door with a puppy and some manly comfort...which he'd like to dole out to both. Chava's up for it....he's ready to have Santiago be his pretend papa (papa de mentiritas) while Santiago doses him with the usual bromides, saying that Candy lied to him because she loved him! (excuse me but I absolutely gagged on that one). Anyway, in two seconds flat, it's all hunky-dory again. Chava and Mom are hugging and kissing and frankly I'm ready to put in a call to Dr. Phil. These family dynamics are about as screwed up as you can get.

On his way out, Santiago tries to make his usual pitch about being Candy's best friend as well, but she reminds him that men aren't friends...women are're only thinking about bed. Santiago says that's not true....

They're thinking about what happens in bed.

And how to get to bed.

Ha ha ha.

After he leaves, Candy admits to herself that occasionally women think about all that too. Occasionally!

Interspersed with all this is the ongoing conversation of Charly and Meño about gays. Meño asks him how he felt growing up without a father. Did the other kids treat him like he was different? Treat him badly because he didn't have a father? How did that discrimination feel? Well, that's how gays feel when others ostracize them. I don't discriminate...they just bother me, retorts Charly. Well, you haven't learned to respect others, answers his father. They're still "mariquitas (wimps, fairies, queers) sneers Charly.

Okay, on to a scene with Alicia, bosom on full display as she plies Soledad with money to leave town and ditch Patricio. Poverty is ugly, Alicia points out. And while I'm patient, if you're still sleeping with my husband.....well, don't force me to hurt you. Soledad accepts the envelope of cash.

Meanwhile Patricio is after his other prey, Rojoblanca, aka Candy, and tells her that if she won't meet him face to face, then at least he wants a photo. She decides to send him one of Lulu...another lie.

Meanwhile, Donato is being grilled by Santiago as to his mother's whereabouts. Santi is horrified that she's with a man (Jaime) and has actually asked the butler about having sex with a man her age. She's cheating on my dad! he screams. But she's a widow, protests the butler. No matter, Santiago is outraged that his poor dad is now "cornudo" (literally has horns on).

Another mini-scene. Raul is trying to put the moves on Candy to no avail. He wants to provide the Institute with free publicity in the paper. Nothin' doin'. Alright, she can "pay" him by doing a radio program. Nope. I want to give you all you deserve, he presses on, touching her hand. Touch my hand again and I'll bite it, retorts Candy. Lovely. But at least, not a lie.

Meanwhile, Santiago is still having hot flashes over his mother's behavior and requests some chamomille tea so he can calm his migraine. Later he tries to call his errant madre. She's rehearsing with Jaime for the 6o's party and basically tells him to butt out of her personal life before hanging up on him.

The three little kids, Beto, Rocio and Chava are on the trail of "lost dads" armed with Sherlock Holmes type magnifying glasses. And at the Institute, the staff is still trying to convince their client that she doesn't need plastic surgery. Well, here's how it goes: Yes, thanks to the emotional support and salsa lessons, etc., she's now so happy that hey, if her computer novio doesn't like her, it's his loss! Cheers all around. BUT, the plastic surgeon is so adorable, how can she renege on her plans to have work done. End of cheers.

We had a brief scene of sexy kisses between Patricio and Alicia and some grilling about DNA tests and why he was spending so much time on the computer. Evasive lies. And then Patricio goes to Chava's house in order to find Beto (still not realizing that Candy is his mother...and also Rojoblanca). Does anybody tell the truth about anything in this convoluted story!? Anyway, Charly answers the door, Patricio spots his childhood photo on the credenza (left by his mother-in-law) and asks what is it doing there. This question will field more lies.

Now the pivotal scene, highlighted in the previews, which Paula transcribed: Santiago has come to confront Candy about her lies concerning Chava's father. He wants her to tell him the truth.

C: You really want to tell him his dad's alive, eh? Go ahead.
S: It's better if you tell him. It has to come from you.
C: His father died. Because he died here in my heart.
S: Well that's your heart. But not Chava's. The boy thinks and feels differently. So many lies, you are Doña Mentiras.
C: You can't talk about my heart.

Marissa arrives and starts listening at the door.

S: Why not?
C: Because you're deceiving your novia about me. All the heart-felt kisses you gave me on the street. All the things you've promised me. And what about your novia?

Marissa walks in and says What's your answer Santiago?

C: Marissa, we need to talk.
M: No Candy, we have nothing to talk about. Turning to Santiago, she adds, You have what you both want. We're finished.

Marissa whirls out. Candy chases after her. And Santiago has to slink through a gauntlet of disapproving women who of course listened in on every word.

Santiago's humiliated. Patricio is frustrated. No one's giving him a straight story about how his photo came to be in Chava's house but he figures, correctly, that it was Gregoria. Later he and Soledad talk about the money Alicia offered her to leave town. He's surprised at the amount of cash Alicia was willing to offer. And what did you tell her? I LIED, answers Soledad...I told her I was leaving.

Lies and more lies. Now Santiago's trying to woo his way back into Marissa's good graces via telephone, while she trashes his photo with diabolical mustache, goatee and horns. In a scene reminiscent of When Harry Met Sally, Santi vows that he knows she's there, if she doesn't pick up he's going to start singing, he launches into the Fuego theme song "Vale más un buen amor..."and that's pretty much it.

She doesn't answer the phone, but she does answer the door. And it's Candy. With sushi.

Dramatic moment but the writers switch us back to Lucia, who has crept out of the house to meet Charly at the antro (nightclub). She's bummed out because yet another school friend has had her "bubis" enhanced silicone-wise but that's quickly forgotten as she and Charly talk, dance and yes...eventually kiss. Does this mean they're novios? While they're both new at this, they decide it must be so.

In the meantime, Candy and Marissa are working on their own reconciliation. However, Candy is not being a good listener. She's certainly not letting Marissa vent. Instead she's talking about her own disillusionment and betrayal on her wedding day. And instead of making love to her husband on their wedding night, she found herself on a bus to a new life, she sighs.

Marissa knows how to cut to the chase though. Have you gone to bed with Santiago? No. He's a good man, Candy assures her. And he loves you in his way.

Marissa stays on track.
M: Do you want him?
C: No, no. I don't want any more men in my life?

Another life. Self-deception on top of all the other fibs, great and small.

The scene ends with Candy begging Marissa's forgiveness. For the sushi. It was awful. But the ice cream was great. And they decide that all three of them will have to talk it out. Lots of luck there, ladies.

And it's about to hit the fan at Santi's house. Because he's discovered that Lucia has sneaked out to meet Charly at the nightclub. First Mom and now his niece! It's too much for el doctor plastico!

And Patricio and Alicia are bickering about his childhood photo and who could have put it in Chava's house. Alicia doesn't know and could care less but Patricio's certain it was his mother-in-law.

So, another kaleidiscope of disjointed scenes, mostly lies. I realize this is a time-honored way of stretching out telenovela plots but Lordy, enough is enough!

Previews: Jorge's back in town. Not for Soledad but for Beto. Candy confesses to Soledad that she was actually married to Patricio. He's the father of Chava and the boys are half-brothers. Impactado look from Soledad.

Additional previews: In the threesome conversation, Marissa asks Candy if she cares for Santiago and she says, yes, she does. Impactado look from Santi.

Vocabulary, such as it is, embedded. *from a comedy skit by Richard Pryor about infidelity


Doña Bárbara - Fri., Dec. 19- the rebel's secret hiding place becomes less secret; Meléndez closes in on DB; Santos is suspicious of DB

Santos comes up behind DB and asks what 'truth' (verdad) she is talking about. "The only truth that is in this room, my love," says DB, "is that the Colonel, to protect his authority, arrested a poor old woman. This is the truth that he doesn't want to be known. Isn't that right, Colonel?" "Is this the truth that the Doña wants to be known?" says Meléndez. I am agreeable. I will release the old woman. Wait outside" "Thank you, Colonel," replies DB, "One day I will repay the debt." Santos asks what she is hiding and DB says that she isn't hiding anything.

DB tells Santos that nothing is the matter. She is tired from her trip and then she found out that Meléndez had arrested Eustaquia. A guard brings out Eustaquia. Eustaquia tells DB that she shouldn't have come. DB says that she couldn't not come if these imbeciles had so little shame that they would arrest an old woman. Eustaquia says that sitting on the cot in the cell all day has given her lumbago. Santos won't leave it alone. He tells DB that Meléndez said that he would only release Eustaquia if DB came to see him in person. He asks what is the big interest that he would have in seeing her. DB replies that he only wanted to meet her. She asks if he thinks that because she is Santos' woman that she doesn't inspire passion in other men.

Gonzalo and Cósme are worried about Andrés. His fever won't go down and they don't have any more water to make compresses. At that moment, Marisela comes in. She tells them that Eustaquia told her how to find them after she was arrested.

On the truck ride back to El Miedo, DB tries to make Eustaquia more comfortable but Santos is still picking at the scab. "Don't think that you convinced me with what you said about Melendez. I'm sure there is something that you haven't told me. What did he want?" DB says that she told him and she asks if Santos is jealous. He denies that he is jealous. DB tells Santos that she found out from the doctor in the Capital that she can't give him a child. Santos takes her hand and says that he is sorry.

Meléndez curses the primitive communications in the town. He can't send a telegram until the next day. Pernalete asks what is going on and Meléndez tells him that it isn't any of his business and call him a busybody (mequetrefe). Pernalete is shocked at being addressed so rudely.

Marisela tells Gonzalo and Cósme that Andrés needs medicine and Gonzalo says that he needs a doctor. At that moment, Antonio comes in through the secret passage. The rebels point their weapons at him. "Relax guys," says Antonio, "If you react like this when I'm bringing food, what would you do if I was bringing rum? Don't fill me with lead yet."

Santos, DB, Eustaquia and Melquídes return to El Miedo. Leon and Tigre tell DB that apart from the guards being at El Miedo, the only thing that happened was that Marisela came in and hasn't come out. They suggest that she snuck out of a window at the back of the hacienda and tell DB to check her belongings, Marisela is very crafty. Santos gets angry and tells the vaqueros to leave. Eustaquia tells DB and Santos that Marisela is in the cellar. She told Marisela where to bring food to the rebels. Santos is shocked that Eustaquia exposed Marisela to such danger. DB assures him that Marisela isn't an idiot. She has Guaimarán genes and won't be caught that easily. Santos says he will go to the cellar and check things out.

Santos comes into the basement and says that there are so many people there, it looks more like a fair than a hideout.

DB puts Eusatquia to bed. She confirms to her that Meléndez is here. She says that the affair of the students is an excuse. He has come for her. She has seen it in his eyes. DB says that Meléndez fears her. Eustaquia tells her not to be too confident. Meléndez is very conceited (crecido). He is more puffed up than a toad (más hinchado que un sapo) and he believes that he has God tied by his beard (que tiene a dios agarrado por las barbas). "But he fears me," DB tells Eustaquia. Melquíades says that some kinds of vermin are more dangerous when they are afraid. They shouldn't fool around with this. They should kill him right away. DB tells him no.

Antonio says that they should leave the cellar one at a time to avoid suspicion. He prepares to go back through the passage. Gonzalo thanks him for coming to help them. Marisela says that she will go with Gonzalo. Santos tells her not to be stupid. The workers at the hacienda saw her come in. They have to see her go out. Santos tells Antonio to tell the people at Altamira that Marisela is spending the night at El Miedo. Marisela protests but Santos says that he is the one giving the orders. Santos says that he will get some antibiotics or bring the doctor. Gonzalo thanks Marisela for coming and says that she is his only light in all this darkness. He kisses her and Santos irritably tells them to stop the pretentiousness. He tells Marisela to leave with him. "We're not leaving one at time anymore?" asks Marisela innocently. Santos tells her to go upstairs right now.

DB tells Melquíades that he can't kill Meléndez now or tomorrow. It's too dangerous for everyone. She says that Meléndez is powerful and he can expose them. "Then, this one isn't going to pay for what he did, my Doña? I am ready to rot in jail for you, my Doña." "I know," replies DB, "I know and I appreciate it." She puts her hand on his shoulder, "I can only trust in you. Only you know the hell I live in because you are ready to go there with me in spite of everything. Don't worry Sorcerer (brujeador), no one is going to jail. We will do it when the time is right. 'Every pig has his easter' ('a cada cochino le llega su pascua,' I can't come up with an equivalent expression in English right now but you get the idea: bad guys get their just desserts) and he will get his. Go and rest. For now at least, that bastard won't come back and mess with me." Melquíades seems to be very affected by the fact that DB touched him. He almost smiles and wishes DB good night. Eustaquia urges DB to concentrate on making her man happy. She tells her to leave the country and not continue in this career of killings (carrera de muertes). DB tells Eustaquia to be calm. She's had a hard day.

Santos and Marisela-
S: Ok, it's true. It wasn't your fault; Eustaquia sent you to do it. Look, I'm not going to scold you for what you did, on the contrary, I congratulate you. You were very brave to help the guys. You did very well but now you have to forget everything that you saw tonight and not come back here. That's an order!
M: I won't obey that order.
S: Oh yes you will obey it. Of course you will obey it!
M: Why can't I come back?
S: Because it's dangerous, Marisela. Because things here are very bad for everyone, especially for the guys and I'm not going to put them at risk for the whim of a little girl. Already too many people know about the cellar. The only thing missing is a notice in the newspapers. That's why I forbid you to return to El Miedo.
M: Tell the truth. The fact is that you are jealous and you don't want me to come back and see Gonzalo.
DB comes up.
DB: But that's nonsense. Why would Santos forbid something that you want to do? If you truly want to see this man, no one can stop you. You won't allow it.
S: Bárbara, don't undermine my authority.
DB: What's the matter, my love? It just that you take your role as a father very seriously with Marisela. That's why you are jealous. She doesn't need you. She doesn't need another father.
S: The only thing that I'm concerned about is the danger that we all are in. That's all. I'm not jealous of anything.
Marisela says that she wants to leave but Santos says no. DB chimes in agreeing with Santos that the roads are dangerous. She sends Marisela to stay with Eustaquia. DB tells Santos to come to bed with her. "I don't know, Bárbara," he says, "lately, I don't know anything about you or about me." He walks away.

Antonio comes into where Cecilia, in her nightclothes, is stroking Lorenzo's cheek. He coldly delivers his message about Marisela being at El Miedo and leaves.

DB tells Santos that she prefers being scolded than his silence. Santos says that he doesn't want this silence between them but she has left him without words. All he wants is to love her but she won't let him. First, she invades his house and ejects his family. Once again DB denies that she did that. Santos continues that then she went to the capital without telling him and then he found her here having a cryptic conversation with that despot as if she were hiding something. DB begs him to stop. She's had a bad day and is exhausted. Santos says that he wants to love her and have a normal life but with her nothing is normal. DB says that she wants a normal life too including being able to give Santos children but she can't. To distract Santos from his suspicions, she plays the "I'm barren" card and he embraces her.

Eustaquia tells Marisela that there is a big world outside of El Miedo and Altamira when lots of men would die to make her happy - like Gonzalo, for example. Eustaquia tells Marisela to forget about Santos. He is her mother's man. Marisela tells Eustaquia that DB bewitched Santos and made him love her. Eustaquia replies that magic helps but if Santos didn't feel something, the magic wouldn't work. Marisela says that is a lie. Santos doesn't love DB. Eustaquia says that she doesn't like to see Marisela this way. "They are together now in their room, in bed, making love," says Marisela, "and I'm here alone. I want to die. I want to die, Eustaquia."

DB and Santos are making love but Santos is having flashbacks to events earlier in the day. He tells DB that he can't. There are too many questions without answers. DB asks why he thinks so much. He should just love her. Santos says that is the problem. He knows she loves him but she lies to him. He asks her again if she knew Meléndez from before. She says no and asks how and where she could have met him. She tells him to sleep.

Meléndez orders his lieutenant to have all the notaries in the capital questioned about whether DB left something with them. The search of the haciendas should also continue.

The next morning DB tells Marisela that she needs to talk to her and she should pay attention carefully.

Santos has his dream again about being in the pozo with a naked Marisela. He wakes up and wonders why he dreams about Marisela so much.

The soldiers come to inspect Don Encarnación's hacienda. Meléndez and Pernalete come to search Danger's place. Meléndez tells Danger and BP that the government is interested in knowing whether or not Santos Luzardo supports the rebels. He will pay handsomely for any information.

DB tells Marisela that if she wants to visit the rebels, she should come by the other entrance. Marisela replies that Santos forbid her to come back and was very angry. DB says that Santos was upset. She is family and if she is careful, there is no reason she shouldn't come and see the guys. It will make them happy and DB won't say anything to Santos. Marisela is suspicious and asks why DB is so interested in her seeing Gonzalo. She is pushing Marisela into his arms. "You fear me that much, Doña?" asks Marisela. DB says that she doesn't fear anyone, not Marisela or any other woman. She says that last night Santos slept in her bed, next to her and every night he makes love to her one, two, three... Marisela says that she isn't interested in that. DB says that she doesn't wish Marisela any harm. She thought Marisela was interested in Gonzalo. If that's not so, fine, let him rot in the cellar. DB tells Marisela to do what she wants. She is grown up enough for DB not to worry about her.

In the cellar, Andrés isn't doing well and Santos says that he will bring the doctor from the village.

DB says to herself how stupid Marisela is that she would think DB is jealous. Santos comes in and asks about Eustaquia and Marisela. DB says that Eustaquia is better and Marisela left very early. DB is annoyed that she would return on her own. He says that he will have to talk to her again. He tells DB that he is going to town. DB says that she is coming along.

Antonio tells one of his workers that it isn't right that the soldiers trashed the place in their search. Lucía comes up and says hello. Antonio walks away.

The terneras, Melesia and Josefina, are mourning their absent loves. Genoveva tells Melesia to stop crying or the river will flood. Melesia says that would be fine. She would drown and float away. Josefina says that Andrés told her a story about Ophelia, a woman who went crazy for love and drowned herself. Josefina says that Altagracia is jealous because María Nieves doesn't say nice things to her. Altagracia agrees that he doesn't says things, he does things ('no dice.. pero hace'). The terneras demand details. She says that MN groped her, embraced her and kissed her. She says he is a beast. Marisela comes to see the terneras and lets slip that the rebels are still around. She makes them swear that they won't say anything.

Santos goes to see Dr. Arias while DB and Melquíades go to do their errands. Meléndez watches them. "A pretty woman and an Indian," he says to his lieutenant asking if he remembers that. The lieutenant does not remember but Meléndez reminds him and then has a flashback of his interview with the two women who lived in the rooming house with Chepo who said that a pretty woman and an Indian left there with a big box. He realizes that it was DB and Melquíades that the women were describing.

Santos tells Dr. Arias that Andrés is not doing well. He has lost a lot of blood and has a fever. Dr. Arias says that he will prescribe a different antibiotic. When the coast is clear, he will try and visit Andrés. Dr. Arias is writing out the prescription with Guerrero, Meléndez' lieutenant comes in pretending to need to see the doctor.

In the hotel, Melquíades tells DB that hiding the rebels at El Miedo is going to cause problems. DB tells him that it is necessary to have them in her house right now and not to worry, no one would guess that that they are there. Meléndez comes into the hotel. DB tells Melquíades to leave her alone with Meléndez and think about what she told him yesterday and suggest something. Meléndez holds out his hand to Melquíades but he ignores it and tells DB that he will be waiting outside ready for anything. He leaves. DB tells Meléndez to say what he has to. She doesn't have much time. Her husband is expected soon. "Always in such a hurry, Barbarita," says Meléndez, "like that day when we raped you. You ran and ran but it wasn't enough, Barbarita, we caught you." DB says that he will pay for that. Meléndez says that she has a debt with him. He says that there is a little detail that he knows that will unchain this secret. He swears it.

Guererro tells Dr. Arias that if he is caught aiding a wounded rebel, it will be very bad for him.

Lucía tells Antonio that she likes him a lot and asks if he likes her a little bit.

Busy Guerrero has followed Santos to the pharmacy where he is picking up the antibiotics for Andrés. He asks if someone is ill at Altamira.

Meléndez asks DB how she is going to kill him like she killed his three companions. DB says what she told Meléndez yesterday was a bad joke. Meléndez tells her not to be stupid. Chepo told him that DB was following him but she didn't catch up with him and he got to repeat his treatment of her. "Let me ask you a question," says Melendez, "Do I get to repeat it too?" DB says that Chepo told her the same thing but not the other two poor slobs, they didn't have time. "You killed them," says Meléndez, "You killed Chepo and Tancredo Madura. Where is he? What did you do, Barbara?"


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