Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tontas no Van #26 Friday 1/9. If I'm Abel, I'll be your Candy Cain

We begin at the Institute, where Meño wants to talk to Candy alone. He wants her to kick Gregoria out, saying that things in Meño and Suegrita’s past make it impossible for them to get along. But Candy tells him it’s his past, but now we’re in the present, and by keeping Gregoria in the house, it’s less likely she’ll let the secret out. Meño says shes rude, annoying and this morning she even said my sheets looked like lady tiger sheets! He vents some more, and Candy tells him he’s right, her Mom is all that, but she is still her Mom, so she loves her. But she loves Meño too, he took her in when no one else would. He thinks anyone with a heart would have. But, she says, not everyone has a heart that beats like yours. And you’re more than just an uncle, for me now, you’re my father, and I love you a lot. Meño tears up and they hug.

Remember how Pat got that note, to meet him in a hotel? He thought it had to be from Soledad, and as he arrives at the hotel, he calls Sole on the phone, saying he’s coming up to the room. But she didn’t leave the note, she’s not waiting in any hotel, and he’s 2 days late with this week’s dinero. And next time you come to pick up Beto, just wait outside the door. Oooooy. Well, Pat’s not upset, he thinks, okay, not Soledad, it must be…… Alicia.

Meño is giving Candy some advice. She should stop the lies. If she tells the truth to Pat, all the lying could stop. Besides, how can she help others in the Institute, when she’s not being open. He, Meño tries to tell the truth. For example, he hates her mother. But, replies Candy, it’s hard for her (Candy) to tell the truth sometimes. She just keeps her feelings to herself. However, starting today, she’ll say just what she thinks. Do you swear, asks Meño? Yes, I swear, and by the way, your green shirt looks horrible. (Yes, I think she’s on the right track).

Santi is perusing the sex-ed book for Lucía, and doesn’t like what he sees. They keep having pictures of naked men, and he’s been tearing them out, so Lucía won’t see them. And then the book tells you how to put on a cond…. It’s pure pornography, he thinks. Lucía is only about 5 or 6, she’s a child, she can’t be allowed to leave the house. He calls his Mom. “Don’t let Lucía out of the house. Tie her to the bed if you have to!” Hortensia comes in, sees all the pictures of naked men on the desk.. Hort can’t believe, after all the time she was ringing that bell, now he’s bored with women! He’s so handsome, and well, of course she won’t breathe a word to Marissa, now that Santi’s coming out of the closet!

Lulu wants Candy to tell her the truth (and remember, Candy has just sworn to do just that). Lulu stands up, sucks in her tummy a little, and asks if she’s attractive, despite her little bit of extra weight? Did her photo actually scare away Candy’s ex? She wants the truth. After Meño swoops by to remind Candy of her promise, she tells Lulu, that, well, yes you’re a little over in kilos, love doesn’t come in sizes, and beauty comes from the eyes and the heart. And it’s important how you feel about yourself. Still being sincere, Candy tells Lulu that Lulu also talks a little too much, and she keeps wanting any man, but she only needs one. Lulu isn’t thrilled with this honesty, and excuses herself to go be depressed for a bit. Meño comes back, and after Candy leaves, Lulu asks Meño if she could make the ham sweat (sudar el jamón, apparently it means to exercise to lose weight, although one reference said it was just a cooking term, like steaming the ham). Meño asks if she means pork ham or turkey ham, and Lulu says both. Meño says maybe instead of making the ham sweat, she should stop eating it.

Hortensia and Leti, the other assistant (looking quite nice in a low cut red dress) are looking at the naked men pictures Santi tore out of the sex-ed book. Interestingly, the pictures look like Chippendale’s dancers. I’m not sure why they were in the book. But the ladies like them, and Santi tells them they can’t keep them, they have to throw them out. Candy comes in and has fun looking at the photos. Santi says of course as this is a medical office, we have pictures of men as well as women for our studies. As you know we’re… he can’t think of the word, and says we’re bisexual. Hort corrects him, you mean unisex. Oh, right.

Anyway, Candy came to tell him “the truth”. They go to his office. She says she’s decided to tell everybody what she’s really thinking. Santi’s happy about this until she says he’s a coward. He has these beautiful words, but how can he say them to her, while going out with another woman? How can he breathe for Candy, but kiss Marissa? Santi says the truth is I want to make love to you. Candy says she’ll scream, but Santi corners her, and tells her that he loves her, she loves him, he wants to make love, right here, right now. Candy bites her lip, as we cut to….

The hotel, where Pat has come to meet the lady of the note, whom he has correctly guessed is Alicia. He enters the room, calls her name, and she sensuously shushes him from the other room.

Santi and Candi kiss, with beautiful music in the background. Just then, Mari comes in to the outer office. Hortensia has to keep her out of the inner office, so she starts praising Marissa, wondering how she keeps her body so firm, her hair (chinos – curls) is so cute, she looks like a lamb in the meadow (un borrego en pradera), her eyes are so blue, by the way does she want some tea? While Mari is distracted, we see Candy is glowing from the kiss, and Santiago is feeling proud, until Candy says she hopes he’ll pardon her, then kicks him in the (being a man, I can’t tell you where)! I guess this was good timing, because Mari walks in right at that point, and Candy tells her that the best man is a tired man, because if you tire them out, they can’t get tired with another woman. Santi is still in pain, trying to squeak out a few words in his now soprano voice, Candy strides out looking as if she has just done a good deed, hoping that Mari can “tire out” Santi with some loving, but Mari looks a bit confused, Candy rings the bell on the way out to help the lovers, and Isabel walks into the outer office, only to be immediately hustled right back out, Candy dragging her out to have a cup of coffee, as the doctor is “busy”.

In the hotel, Alicia enters the bedroom and is dressed in a white wedding dress and veil. Pat wants to know what’s going on, she looks like Candy. Alicia says she IS Candy. But isn’t that a little perverse, asks Pat? You like it, no? responds Alicia. She tells Pat to call her Candy, as they embrace and sink down into the covers.

Back in the consultorio, Mari isn’t exactly following the idea Candy had when she left. Mari’s a little sad and worried, and tells Santi she doesn’t want to be a prison sentence (condena) or like a prison cell (celda). She doesn’t want them to stay together just because they’re good in bed, business partners, his daughter likes her….. she loves him, and if he doesn’t really love her, and doesn't want to get married, he should leave her. She just wants him to be happy, and she would give him his freedom. He tells her not to cry and hugs her, but she’s not reassured.

Candy has brought Isabel to her office for coffee. Isabel doesn’t take any sugar in her coffee, she drinks it black, good coffee doesn’t need anything else (I agree), she learned it from her deceased husband. Oh, the Papá of Doctor Plastico, interjects Candy, then apologizes. Isabel doesn’t mind, it’s amusing. But Candy wants to ask a question. Anything except my age, says Isabel. Okay, was your husband a womanizer? Isabel says that all men are womanizers until they find the one woman for them, the woman of their life.
That’s what happened with Isabel’s husband. But what about Santiago? Isabel thinks he’s the same, a womanizer until he finds that one woman. Well, says Candy, he just has to find her. Isabel says she thinks Santi already has. Candy blushes, then changes the subject. Does Isabel really want to be a partner in the Institute? (I guess the other day, Isa said she did). After all, it is capitalism, would Isabel be okay with that? Sure, you can count on me, Isabel reassures her, but there are 2 conditions: First, Marissa, Candy and Isabel are going to buy furniture for the Institute, and second, Candy is invited to dinner at Isabel’s tomorrow night.

Post-fantasy-tryst Pat is lying in bed with the wedding veil on his head. That was weird, he thinks. Alicia comes back into the room, dressed in a few towels, and says wasn’t that exciting? Pat thinks it’s dangerous. But Alicia says that she’s not jealous of Candy, since Candy’s dead, so if she has to dress up like Candy to keep Pat’s love, she’ll continue doing it, why not? Oh, and by the way, we’re going to a special dinner tonight, with a special guest. Who’s the guest? Alicia tells Pat she wants him to invite Pat’s son (Beto), since she wants to be a part of that side of Pat’s life, too. (I have to give it to Alicia, she’s definitely putting up a good fight for her marriage). She hands confused Pat the cell phone, telling him three times to dial the number.

Ocotlan, Jalisco. Isabel, Marissa and Candi are furniture shopping in a picturesque shop filled with antiques. They see a cute little bed with an awning that looks like a sombrero, and joke about using it for therapy at the Institute. Isabel tells them that just because she’s contributing money, they don’t have to follow her rules, but she does feel the furniture at the Institute now lacks a little something. Candy and Marissa say that they have the desire, but maybe not the funds. Isabel says that here in Ocotlan you can find unique furniture for low prices (sounds like a little PSA from the Mexico travel bureau to me). They peruse the shop’s offerings.

Chayo is asking Hortensia when Santi will be finished with his patient. Chayo’s very nervous, and keeps grabbing pencils, papers, and other items from Hort’s desk. She can’t decide whether to ask for the operation or not, she’s just about to leave when Santiago comes out with an oversized woman, telling the woman to call for her preop results. When the woman leaves, Santi furtively wipes his hands off, apparently having been grossed out by her. He then quickly greets Chayo, and they go back to his office, as Hortensia implores him not to ring the bell, thinking Santi has absolutely no scruples.

Candy’s lying barefoot on her tummy on her bed at home, working on her column on the laptop computer with the big picture of apples on the cover. Her Mom comes in. Gregoria is concerned about Chava. Shouldn’t he know about his Papa? He shouldn’t live like an orphan. Candy says she’s trying to do the right thing, but she thinks if Pat found out, he’d take Chava from her. Gregoria says Pat’s no monster. Maybe not, replies Candy, but you and I are different. You pardon these things, I can’t. Mom replies that Pat won’t forget Candy. Well Candy won’t forget Pat, he was her first love, but now she’s met a man, who makes her feel things, and she’s confused. Is she in love? Of course not! Well, adds Gregoria, it turns out that Patricio and your sister are not happy. They suffer because of you. Pat can’t forget you. That monster you think Pat is, loves only you.

Chayo and Santi talk. After he puts down the Institute a bit, she returns to the topic at hand, the breast enhancement. Santi tells her of course he can do the operation, and he’ll talk to Ed about it. Chayo is relieved and happy, wants to hug him, but he thinks it’s better if they hug from afar.

Beto’s eating ice cream with sugar wafers in a restaurant with Ali and Pat. He doesn’t eat out much with his ma, because it’s expensive. Ali proposes that Pat and she can take him to a different restaurant each weekend, all right? Beto loves it, and the three have a mini sword fight with the ice-cream covered cookies.

Boys club. Zamora’s passing out the tequila, saying that next week he can’t come because he has to visit his cousin, Oxigeno. Your cousin is named Oxigeno? What was your uncle thinking? It wasn’t his uncle, rather the doctor. When the boy was born, he came out a little sick, and the doctor said your son is sick, we have to give him oxygen. And Oxigeno he remained. That’s why! (I think it was funnier in Spanish). Meanwhile, Santi’s trying to hook up the dvd player, and is repeatedly getting shocked. Hector tells the guys he just spent the night with a hot chick (we know it was Alicia) from years ago, and this time she didn’t charge him (I hope I didn’t mishear this, but it sounded as if Alicia might have been a call girl back then)! He knew her six years ago, but now she must be really bored with her husband. The guys are impressed, as Santiago remarks that connecting the dvd was harder than a cardiac monitor. While the rest of the boys go to watch something (sports, I think), Raúl and Santiago go off to have another chat/turf battle.

Knock, knock. Chava answers the door, it’s Chayo. Candy scolds Chava for answering the door, but sends him to bed with a kiss. Chayo and Candy sit down to talk. Chayo’s a little embarrassed to tell Candy, but for a long time, she’s been considering the bubi thing. She knows all the beauty from the inside, the self esteem, but…..But, adds Candy, you want the quick and easy way you think will make you look better. Chayo wants to win back her husband Ed, and thinks this will do it. And why is Candy so against plastic surgery? Candy relates how her sister Veronica died in the operating room from a botched liposuction.

Back to the guys, as Raúl tells Santi that since his wife died, Candy is the first woman with whom he felt a true connection. In fact he’s totally in love with Candy. In the background, Zamora wants to know if Santi gives medical advice. Zamora’s hair is falling out. How can he save it? Santi tells him to ask Ed. Ed says all you need is this little box. That’ll save my hair? Yeah, save your hair in that box!

Candy is telling Chayo about Veronica. Veronica was a little overweight (pasada de peso), but she was cute, healthy, had lots of projects. She wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. But instead of dieting, she decided to have the lipo, to lose the weight. A quack doctor did the operation, and she died. Candy had tried to advise Veronica not to do it, but she wouldn’t listen. Candy’s sister Alicia had supported Veronica’s choice. Your sister, asks Chayo? Yes, she’s married to Patricio. He’s always sad, he married Alicia without really loving her, I think he actually loves me. Whoa, great gossip, says Chayo, forget about my little fuss, tell me more! No, forget it, I’m not telling you anything, you just need to know that operations have risks, really, they do.

As Santi gets home, Isabel is worried, and says someone should talk to Lucía. Isa heard Luci’s friends talking about “the first time”!. Of course, Santi has a fit, what’s he going to do, he told Hort to throw out that book, now what?

We see Candy talking on the phone to Raúl, asking him to do her a favor.

It’s the next morning. Candy asks Hort to see Santi. He’s busy, and every time you come in, says Hort, you make my poor boss’s hair stand on end (dejar los pelos de punta, can also mean to send shivers down his spine). Santi comes out with a male patient, and after the patient leaves, Candy wants to talk. Hort warns her that Santi’s busy, waving her finger. Santi says what kind of manners are those, waving your fingers like a flamenco dancer? As Candy walks to the office, Santi ogles her behind, and Hort begs him not to ring the bell. But he, feeling like a bullfighter, hopes to do just that. However, in the office, Candy is serious. She was talking to Chayo, thinking of her sister, and she wants to know if a patient could die in breast surgery. Santi sits her down, and says yes, there is a long list of complications, even including death, in any operation, but it’s very unlikely. He understands her worry about her sister, because he also lost a sister. But not to medical negligence, she adds. How do you know it was medical negligence, he asks? Her sister was left alone, with no post-op info, there were complications, and the doctor just disappeared, and was never heard from again. Santi says maybe she should pardon the doctor, because after all these years, it will bring her some peace. She agrees generally, but in this case, she can never pardon.

Gregoria is in Pat’s office. She asks him, Are you happy with Alicia? After a little dodging, he admits that he’s not happy, and neither is Alicia. She’s trying to save the marriage, but it’s not working. Well, Patito, says Suegrita, I can help you..

Isabel tells Tina the maid that Jaime wanted to talk to Santi (I guess to “ask for Isabel’s hand”), but she wasn’t ready for that, and now Jaime has disappeared, as if the earth swallowed him up. Well, did you make love to him, asks Tina? None of your business, how dare you ask that, I should fire you, but no, we didn’t, the last time I made love was with my husband. Tina just wanted to know because sometimes when you give the men dessert, they eat, then leave. And she can’t even remember all her men. But if she had one like Jaime, she’d never let him go, especially since he’s a pianist. Why does that matter? inquires Isabel. Well, they say that pianists have “magic hands”!

Soledad praises Beto’s reading, asks him about the dinner with his Papá. Beto liked the food, but he doesn’t want Pat as his father, because he has a father. And the man’s wife was there, and wants Beto to call her Mommy, but he doesn’t want to, he already has a Mommy.

Pat asks Gregoria how she could possibly help. She says she knows what it’s like to be in a loveless marriage, so maybe Pat and Alicia should get divorced. Pat says, I can’t. He takes out a note Alicia wrote a few months ago, saying she’d kill herself if they divorced. He doesn’t know if he can believe it, but he can’t take the chance of being responsible for another death. Another death? Yes, he says, I killed Candy. It was my fault. She died of sadness.. Gregoria says I don’t know about that, and I know divorce is a sin, but I keep thinking, if you and Alicia are unhappy, you should separate, maybe a miracle could happen, and you could be happy.

Santi and Candi hug. He’s comforting her about her sister. The soothing music plays. But then he just can’t help kissing her forehead, her eyes, her mouth….Hold it! Music stops comically, Candy jumps up, marches out, can’t believe Santi only thinks of one thing, all men are the same. With perfect timing, Raúl enters the office. Santi says what great timing to see you, amigo. Candy says, no, he came to see ME. She embraces Raúl, and says to him, Mi amor, didn’t you tell Santi that we’re novios!

Previews: Pat comes to the restaurant and sees Lulu. He asks her, who is Rojiblanca? Take me to her right now!


Fuego en la Sangre 1/9/09: Sweet Dreams Are Made of These?

Capítulo 172 (¡Las Últimas Semanas Comienzan!)
There’s gonna be a party (and nobody is gonna party hardier than me that Juan and Sofia are only 7 weeks away from gettin’ married and living happily ever after). Juan is dressed in his best charro get-up and in the kitchen of the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes) giving a last bit of thanks to the virgencita before the big shin dig starts--but nothin’ ever goes without a hitch for this guy. Root pops up there like the gopher in Caddy-shack and surprises him at the last second. She oohs and ahhs over how fine he looks tonight. Root says she is there because she just had to come by to give him a big thank you for saving Gabi’s life earlier that day. Juan’s suspicious. What’s the big deal and what’s Gabi to her, anyway? He’ll find out later she says, and then she grabs onto him and plants a big one smack dab on the kisser just as Jimena enters the doorway. Juan is supposedly trying to fight Ruth off him (at least I think he is) but Jimena only sticks around for a couple of seconds. She of course assumes the worst: that Juan is two-timing Sofia with Root. (¡Qué horror!) Jimena runs off before Juan can get himself loose from Root’s clutches and kick her out of the house.

Jimena goes in to see Oscar. He’s lost in self pity. She tells him she’s had enough. She can’t take it anymore. He’s too bitter. He’s given up on himself. So, it’s adios.

Across the way at the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondo y del Escandon) Sofia warns Darth Rico that he should probably consider re-accessorizing his wardrobe, cuz when Juan sees him with that belt buckle on, nobody knows what he might do to him then. Darth shrugs her off and starts up the stairs for Gabi’s room. All of a sudden he turns around and asks Sofia if she knows how his belt happened to end up in her house. Sofia says no. Darth says it was always in his bedroom and nobody else was allowed to enter that room without asking Raqui’s permission first. This is too much information for Sofia. She says then he might want to ask his wife. She could tell him who else was in his room. Suddenly Darth gets it and thinks to himself, “Of course! Fernando Escandon!”

Speaking of said illicit intruder, Feo is busy killing two birds with one stone by faking his concern for Gabi’s safety and adeptly as ever, throwing suspicion off himself. He asks aloud if the accident wasn’t caused on purpose. Gabi says DV thought someone was trying to kill her. Feo suggests it could have been Darth Rico himself who tried it. Gabi changes the subject and wants to know why he and Darth hate each other so much. He shrugs it off and says it’s a very old story. She wants him to tell it anyway. He tries to play it cool by pretending to read a book (which might be more believable if it weren’t a Bible). Gabi’s eyes sparkle at the thought of him possibly being jealous of Darth but Feo says he’s not in the least (and for once he's not lying. He better drop hold of that Bible and fast.) He says he’ll tell her the story some day, but for now he’s only worrying about her. (How worried can he look with his face stuck in that book?) He is still cool as a cuke and in an attempt to plant a seed of doubt over Root he asks if, by the by, she’s told anyone who she has made her heir. Could there be anybody who might benefit from her death? He slams the Bible shut.

In town, back at the church just then, Padre Tadeo can’t help thinking about Fernando’s multiple murder confessions: Bernie, Libia, Rosario, Armando, Dr. Gomez. Pad Tad says to himself that Juan is right, and that Juan must get Sofia and the little girls out of that house because Eeee-vil has taken it over.

A bit later Darth runs into Feo leaving the hacienda. Darth immediately accuses him of sleeping with his wife. Fer denies it and says he’s got no proof, and so what. “What are you going to do? Ask your wife?” “—You know she ran off!” “—Ran off? From who or what? You? Perhaps she wasn’t quite so happy living with you?” “—That’s none of your affair.” Feo says he’s right about that and he could care less. What does concern him is that Darth Rico is the reason his family was ruined. Rico snickers and taunts back that it wasn’t his fault if Feo’s daddy was so naïve. Fer threatens to get even with him sooner or later. DV says he’ll be waiting for him, but it also might be good for Feo to know that he wasn’t in it alone. Fer is steamed impactado and grabs him by the collar. “You had an accomplice? Who was it?” Darth laughs in his face. “That’s right, Fernando! I didn’t act alone!” He saunters away and leaves Fer to fret.

At Casa Coyote, meanwhile, Soledad feels Raqui’s features and says she can tell Raqui has suffered a great deal. Raqui says it’s especially bad when you know you’ve caused harm to the innocent. Soledad tells her that Raqui’s pain and remorse will allow her to find peace eventually. Raqui wonders how Soledad can know so much about her. Soledad explains that over the years her blindness has given her sight beyond that of the physical world. She accepted her affliction and found peace once she realized that at times passion can overtake the soul and the heart and cause others to lose their heads over foolish things. Soledad turns the subject to her son and asks Raqui to help prevent him from carrying out his plans for vengeance. He trusts Raqui and would listen to her. Raqui promises to at least try, but first, she’d really like to know what his name is. Soledad says it’s Ricardo, Ricardo Uribe, like his father’s. Raqui is no longer a happy dimwit camper after this revelation. She is sour-puss impactada.

Juan brings Franco’s group of mariachis into the entry hall at the Double E and they begin to serenade Sofia. Crabi tries to run him off but he tells her to stuff it. He is part owner of the place and can do what he darn well pleases. ¿Qué no? ¡Qué sí! Juan proposes to Sofia and (let’s all give thanks to the virgencita) she accepts. Root pouts upstairs in her bedroom and swears she’s going to separate those two if it’s the last thing she ever does. Downstairs everybody races over to the Double R for the engagement fiesta where there’s plenty of traditional food and fun for everyone. Of course, once they’re gone the sad-sacks –Fer, Root and Crabi- stand around and kvetch about the vulgar low-lives Sofia and the rest of Gabi’s girls are lowering themselves to associate with.

At the same time, Jimena is about to leave the hacienda for good. Oscar rolls out of his room and begs her to stay. She tells him that she’s tired of his empty promises and of all the humiliation and insults she’s had to put up with since coming back to him. She wanted so badly to help him but he’s impossible to live with. Her love wasn’t enough --And no, she won’t be going back to Mama. She’ll stay atTrinkets R Us till she finds some place new to settle into. (The novela gods apparently waved their magic pens and wrote a cot into the storeroom at the last second I guess, and besides the place can always use another door mat. ¿Qué no? ) Oscar begs again and Jimena says there’s no reason to stay since he won’t do his part to overcome what’s happened to him. Until he has a change of attitude and proves to himself that he’s willing and ready to do what it takes she’s not interested. If he can get over whatever it is that’s caused him to give up then maybe she’ll come back but not until then. It’s too painful. She walks out and shuts the door in his face.

Meanwhile, Nabor visits Fermin in jail and takes him a few goodies. Nabor convinces him that he shouldn’t be wasting his life away paying for somebody else’s crimes and so Fermin admits finally that it was Fernando Escandon who actually killed Mapache.

The partying starts at the Double R and it’s going full throttle. Rigo and Eugenia do a little hat dance. The Gossip Sisters are drunk and chasing Nabor around the room. Franco steals kisses with Sarita and takes her for a twirl. Sofia and Juan are in permanent lip-lock mode. Even Pablito is groovin' and movin'. Oscar though, stays in his room and mopes. Pablito brings him in a tray of food from the party but he just growls at the kid. As Pablito turns to leave Oscar calls him back and tells him he’s sorry. They share a sorrowful hug. A while later Oscar comes out and is dressed in his best charro get-up too and joins the party. They all cheer to see him there and Sofia asks where Jimena is. Oscar has to tell everyone that she’s left him.

Back at Trinkets R Us, Jimena pulls out her red heart-shaped pillow and hugs it close while thinking about how much she loves Oscar. (Ok, ok. I give. So how did she fit that big fat pillow into that tiny little suitcase? And how did she get an entire wardrobe in there to boot?) She tells herself that she loves him, but if he doesn’t change she’s resigned to losing him and walking away for good.

Over at the Double E, Root is in bed, restless as all get out. She can’t sleep because she keeps thinking about making mad passionate love to Juan. Finally she sits up, frustrated with herself, and swears she’ll get him away from Sofia somehow. She turns on the light and is surprised to see Feo standing there. The ghoul was watching her in the dark and now he razzes her about being so upset over Juan and Sofia getting married that she can’t get to sleep. Root tries to kick him out and threatens to scream so that Gabi will find out. He calls her bluff. Go ahead and yell, he says. They can both try playing with fire and see which of them actually gets burned first. Maybe she really wants him for the night, he asks. (Well, we all know he's a sick sadistic squirrely egomaniac, so now maybe a masochist too?) Root teases Fer with sexy slobbers then says there won’t be any fooling around between the two of them anymore, out of respect for Gabi. He wonders where this is coming from and says it’s like she owes Gabi something -- as if she was her mother or something, but Root doesn’t take the bait. She tells him to get the heck out of her room instead. “Just scram! Beat it already!” Fer sees she’s serious and stomps off in disgust.

Juan and Sofia eventually take Oscar over to the shop to try to talk Jimena into returning to the hacienda. He begs her to forgive him and to come back. At least tell him she still loves him. He knows he really does need her there to help him. She says she loves him and she forgives him but, for the good of their relationship, she won’t be coming back. She doesn’t believe in him or his promises any longer.

Root, meanwhile, is back to dreaming about Juan and this time she dreams that Juan was proposing to her instead of Sofia. Then it’s back to dreaming about his making mad passionate love to her again. (Yes, the youtube version of "makin' biscuits” is uncut and much racier, not to mention it’s all on the bread-table in the kitchen!) She can’t take it anymore and starts pacing the room. She screams at herself and wonders why she can’t get him out of her head. “He’s become my obsession, my torture, my torment! Arggghhh! Juan has to be mine! --Ayyyy! I’m going to go crazy!” (Good! We all know it couldn’t happen to a nicer person.)

At the same time across the hall, poor ol’ Fer is having his own sadistic wet dreams about Root. He calls out her name in his sleep and unfortunately Gabi is awake to hear it. She shakes him awake and asks him why he’s dreaming about Root. He says she probably heard wrong, but Crabi thinks different. “What, you’re going to tell me she’s harassing you the same way Rosario is?” Rosario is different, he says, because he’s seen her ghost and it’s for real. But, anyway, he wasn’t dreaming about anyone just then. She warns him that if he gives her any reason to doubt him she’ll destroy him and that he knows she can do it, too. (Yes, Gabriela. What better way to win friends and influence lovers?)

The party is now over back at the Double R and people are leaving. Eva and Padre Tadeo talk about how thrilled they are that Juan and Sofia are finally going to get married. (Hey, I’ll be doing the Mexican hat dance right along with Rigo!) She tells the padre that she’s been dreaming of Rosario again, and this last time that she came to her in her dreams she seemed finally to be at peace.

In the kitchen, Sarita and Franco are hugging. They’re worried about Jimena and Oscar breaking up but agree there’s nothing they can do for either of them. Franco asks Sarita to marry him again. She agrees, but says she is still a bit scared and doesn’t want to jump into things right away. He agrees to back off it for a while provided she lets him know when she’s ready and that she really does want to marry him. She’s fine with that.

Jimena can’t go back to sleep either. She’s remembering seeing Root and Juan kissing each other and wonders if she should tell Sofia about it or not. (No! Not now, Jimena! We’re oh-h-h so close!) Sofia and Juan, meanwhile, are back at the hacienda assuring each other that the third time is the charm. Sofia repeats the mantra that nothing and nobody can ever separate the two of them again. (Viewerville definitely has all their fingers and toes crossed for this one.) They seal it with a kiss.


Friday, January 09, 2009

Fuego, Capitulo #171 - Rude Awakenings and Low-Tech

Hi fellow Caray! Cary! Members – This is my first recap of FELS. Please be gentle. I need to get more creative about my titles, but there wasn’t any one thing that really stood out to me in this one. I tried really hard to get as much detail in as possible, although I hope it’s not too wordy. Recappers – Not that I didn’t appreciate you guys before, but I have so much respect for your hard work and dedication. Anyone, please let me know how I can improve my recaps. Also, feel free to add anything I may have missed. I hope you enjoy it!

From last night: Oscar is alone is his room thinking that if Jimena leaves him, he’ll understand because he deserves it for being so selfish. Juan is with Paddy Tad telling him that he thinks somebody may have caused Crabi to have her accident on purpose. Paddy Tad thinks there’s been way too many accidents around the pueblo lately and Juan says that’s because the devil is living inside the Hacienda Doble E. He says Sofia and his daughters are in danger and that’s why he’s there to talk to Paddy. Paddy needs to help him get Sofia and the girls out of there. That’s why Paddy thinks it’s a good idea for Juan and Sofia to get married ASAP.

Up in Gabi’s room, Gabi’s yelling at Ruth that if Sofia thinks that she’s going to be indebted to Juan just because he saved her life she’s sadly mistaken. Sofia has called the doctor but Crabi wants no part of the doctor. Root is there telling Sofia that if Gabi doesn’t want to see the doctor, then just leave her in peace. Sofia’s angry now and tells Root to butt out, she knows how to take care of her own mother. Root almost spills the beans to Sofia that Gabi isn’t really Sofia’s mother, but Gabi interrupts her before the gata is out of the bolsa. Gabi tells both of them to either shut up or get out.

Ricardo has hobbled his way up to Gabi’s room to see about this “accident”. Sofia tries to throw him out, but Gabi says no way he’s leaving. In fact, she wants Sofia to leave her alone with Darth and Root. Sofia leaves, insulted. Darth can’t believe Gabi is up and on her feet after her accident. She says it proves just how strong she is. She says they can leave her alone also, she’s fine. But Root’s not goin’ anywhere. Now that she knows she’s really Gabi’s daughter, and not the lowly servant Eva’s, she’s stuck to Gabi like white on rice. Root tells Gabi that she knows “everything”. Gabi looks at Ricardo and wants to know what “everything” is. Darth tells Gabi, that yes, Root now knows that Gabi is her mother. Gabi doesn’t seem very impactada and this recent development.

At the Tiendita de Crap from Afar we see Sarita admiring a bouquet of flowers given to her by Franco who tells Sarita she’s the most beautiful flower in the world. But, he wants to know what’s wrong with her. Sarita tells Franco she’s really worried about Jimena, that she’s very sad and can’t stop crying. Sarita says that Jimena is suffering also, that it’s not fair the way Oscar is treating her. Franco tells her she’s right, that Oscar has been very unfair to Jimena and that the boys have tried to talk some sense into him, but he won’t listen. The boys don’t know what to do. Sarita says if it wasn’t for this whole thing with Oscar, they’d all be one big happy family. Damn that Oscar Robles Reyes. Just then, Rosendo busts in and tells the girls that their mother has been in an accident. They all go running out, leaving all the crap from afar unattended for just anyone to steal.

Back to Gabi’s boudoir, she’s having a little chat with Root and Darth Hurrible. Gabi says she can’t believe what Raquel did, she never ever suspected that Raquel switched the newborn babies, Root and Sophia. That’s why she always believed that Sophia was her daughter, but in reality she was Eva’s and Bernardo’s. Root says now they really have to find Raquel, she owes them an explanation. Darth tells Root not to worry, nobody gets the best of him! Crabi says her head still hurts, she can’t understand what happened to the truck. Ever-evil-thinking Darth says that it’s obvious, somebody did it on purpose. Gabi thinks Darth is lying and can’t believe he put that doubt in her mind. Just to prove how delirious she really is, she says that nobody would EVER want to hurt her! (FYI Gabi - the gente are probably linin’ up at the Hacienda waiting for their chance!) Gabi thinks the only one it could possibly be is Darth himself. Root is quick to defend her Father of the Dark Side. Ricky says perhaps it was Fernando???? Hmmm????? Gabi gets mad and says don’t try to separate me from my husband, she’s sure it was just an accident. Root agrees it was an accident, although she knows better. Ricky says fine, you can both believe what you want, what’s the sense in arguing about it, what’s important is that Gabi wasn’t hurt badly. Gabi turns the tables on Ricky and says, speaking of accidents, who shot you and what were you out there looking for?

Now we have Juan, the thinker (with a small “t”, of course), mulling over the confrontation earlier with Fernando and Darth at the front door of the Hacienda Doble E. I’ve heard people say that they do their best thinking in the bathroom. Juan tries to do his best thinking in the kitchen. NOTE: I think Darth needs a new tailor. Every time they show him from the boots up I can’t help but think his pants are too short! I just wish someone would ask him, “Y tus pantalones? Estas esperando una gran inundacion, o que?” Sorry, back to the action: Juan wants to know what’s up between Darth and Feo and why they hate each other so much.

Franco comes into the kitchen and says he heard than Juan saved Gabi’s life. Juan says he just reacted, he doesn’t know why, but he had to. Franco says that speaks well of Juan’s character, and that aside from everything, she is the mother of the women they love. Juan says yeah, it speaks well of him, how foolish (re bruto) he is for saving his enemy, right? Juan just hopes one day he won’t regret having saved the old lady. Franco says he’s been thinking about the guy that Juan shot at the other night. Juan says he thought it was Feo, but he just saw Feo and Feo isn’t injured. Franco asks what about Darth? Juan says yeah, he thought it might be him too, but he saw Darth at the same time he saw Feo, and Darth wasn’t hurt either. (I think the only thing that’s hurtin’ is Juan’s brain from thinking too much.) Juan says he doesn’t know what to think now, what other enemies do they have?

Cut to Coyote Uribe talking to Raquel of the Peluca Mala. He tells her that the Reyes Bros are not his enemies. On the contrary, he’s obligated to protect them because they’re the nephews of his former boss, a man he admires and owes everything he is to. But now El Coyote wants to get back to talking about Ricardo and Gabriela. He asks what was she referring to that they are united by blood. Raquel tells El Coyote that Ricardo and Gabi were lovers, although she doesn’t use the word “amante”, she says they had a “relacion amorosa”. Not sure if that raises it to a different level than just “lovers”. But now Raquel is convinced that that’s over with, now they just hate each other’s guts, but won’t openly show it because they have a mutual fear of each other also due to the fact that they both know secrets about the other that could destroy them, although Raq isn’t sure this will ever happen. El Coyo wants to know why not. Raq says, how can I explain this to you, they’re tied together by blood – Root is Gabi and Darth’s daughter! That is one Cara de Coyote bien impactado!

Gabi and Root are back to having their mother/daughter bedside chat. Gabi says she has no doubt that the “voz de sangre” exists. Kinda gross to think about blood actually having a voice, huh? But she’s sure that Root hears it too, that there was something from the first time they saw each other that they were somehow united. Apparently Gabi never heard the blood speaking when Root was a little girl – only now that she’s grown up to be an hija de la mala vida, just like Gabi herself. Also, why doesn’t Gabi hear the blood with Jimena and Sarita? At first Root just thought her feelings for Gabi were because she’s admired Gabi, now she knows it’s more. Gabi says how alike they are and Root thinks to herself, yup, I’m just as sick and twisted as you are Ma, perhaps more.
Now the Too Little Too Late Sisters Jimena and Sarita come scampering in, concerned about their Mama. They want to be with her, but Mama totally gives them the brush off and says she does not want to be with them, she’s speaking with Root.

At Hacienda Doble R, the Chismosa sisters show up to fawn all over Tio Elf, telling him how handsome he always looks. He says he always likes to be well dressed. He’s obviously the No. 1 client at the Atelier du Mariachi. He says he’s on his way to the market with Quintina (probably to sell some Keebler cookies he’s been baking while Juan’s not in the cocina). The sisters would like to invite Vicentito to the next meeting of the “Club de Solteras Conservadas”. What in the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks is that??? The old spinsters club? The single women of Ciudad Serdan are conserving what – perhaps their virginity? Vicente can’t believe the name of their Club either, he says “Querran decir quedadas.” The forgotten ones! LOL Hortensia comes running in to say that Quintina is waiting for Vicente. The sisters then invite Hortensia and Quintina to their meeting also. They want Vicente to promise to give a speech to the Club about training horses. Don Vicente can’t believe that a bunch of solteras would be interested in training horses – but of course they are the Hermanas say! Exit Tio and Hortensia to catch up with Quinti.

Back at the bakery kitchen Franco is telling Juan he’s right. (Must be nice for Juan to have his brothers for validation). He’s right that the best thing he and Sofia could do is get married right away. But Juan doesn’t know how he going to convince Sophia to move the wedding date up. He complains that Sofia is “chipi” or always “whining” that she can’t leave her mother by herself because Gabi’s in danger. Juan thinks Sofia is probably right, that this “accident” of Gabi’s wasn’t really an accident. Franco says it doesn’t matter, Juan will have to convince her to get married sooner. Franco wants to get married right away also. He tells Juan he went to the Crap Store to see Sarita, and Jimena was there also. Franco says Jimena is very sad and desperate – she doesn’t know what to do about Oscar. Juan says Jimena has a right to be – Oscar is still bitter over what’s happened to him and he’s still treating her badly. Juan’s afraid one day Jimena will have had enough, give Oscar a good kick in the arse (he didn’t say it, but it sounded like he was going to say “una patada en las nalgas”, and tell Oscar to go to hell once and for all. Juan actually said “Lo mande alla lejos”. In real life uncensored Mexico he would have said, “Lo mande a la chingada”.

Over at Hacienda Doble E in Sofia’s room, Jimena is telling her sisters that she’s done everything she can possibly do for Oscar, but in the end he always ends up yelling and getting mad at her. Sofia says she doesn’t have to stay with Oscar if she’s not happy, especially if he’s treating her badly. Sarita agrees and says nothing is worth losing your diginity. Jimena says that no matter what happens, she’s not coming back to her mother’s house, she doesn’t want any more problems with her. Sarita says especially since she just got done throwing us out of her room, and obviously their mother would rather be with Root.
Over at the Hacienda Doble R – the 20-watt lightbulb has finally gone off in Juan’s head – he’s figured out a way to get Sofia to move up the wedding date. Franco is all ears waiting to hear his idea, but Juan, smiling with horse teeth even bigger than Capricho has, says it’s going to be a huge surprise.

Back to the bedside chat with the Ladies in Red – Gabi thinks it’s better if Sofia doesn’t know about she and Root being true mother and daughter. Root is not likin’ this idea too much – she’d rather rub it in Sofia’s face and tell her she’s really Eva’s kid and that she’s nothing but an intrusion in the house. Gabi then reminds her that she’s still Bernardo’s daughter, and as an Elizondo, she has a right to be in the house. Gabi explains that since Eva is living with the Reyes, if Sofia finds out Eva is her true mother, she’ll go running to go live with Juan and marry him as soon as possible, and is that exactly what Root wants????? Root says no, definitely not. Gabi says, don’t tell me you’ve fallen in love with Juan, and Root denies it – she tells Gabi that she’s never been in love, but yeah, she likes Juan, but that once she separates him from Sofia she’s gonna cast him aside. More mother and daughter goo-ing about calling her “hija” ensues. But, as they hug, we see Sofia’s reflection in the mirror – she’s just walked up. Root thought bubbles how she’s going to convince Gabi of her love for her, but only to get revenge on Gabi for turning her father, Darth, into a murder.

Sofia, still listening at the door, overhears Gabi telling Root that she loves Root more than she loves her other daughters (Sofia doesn’t know yet that she’s only referring to Sarita and Jimena anyway!). She says yeah sure, she loves Sarita and Jimena, but she’s NEVER loved Sofia. Outside the door Sofia is devastated. Gabi is sure that’s why she and Root get along so well, Root despises Sofia as much as she does, and that its their hatred of Sofia that’s united them. Sofia is practically doubled over in pain and as Root and Gabi hug once again, she runs from the door.

Over at the Bread, Sweat and Tears Bakery, apparently Juan has explained his “plan” to get Sofia to move up the wedding to Franco and Franco is totally down with the idea, and likes Juan’s style. Again with Juan’s giant horse smile just beggin’ for a carrot to be shoved in there! Now here we have the second person saying that they’d all be happy if it weren’t for what’s happened to Oscar. Juan says Oscar will get his confidence back and try harder, but Franco’s not so sure, and what will happen if Jimena dumps him? Juan thinks Oscar will die if that happens.

Now Sofia, Jimena, Sarita and Eva are in the babies’ room (where the heck are those kids?) and Sofia is spilling her guts and crying about what she overheard her mother telling Root – how she never loved Sofia. Sofia says that what hurts her more than anything is seeing how affectionate Gabi is with Root – she was never that way with them. Okay, now I’m disgusted. Here we have Eva, the biggest sniffling, whining, crier, always feeling sorry for herself telling Sofia not to let it bother her! WTH??? Eva says that she has to live with Ruth despising her and that Sofia has to live with Gabi despising Sofia. I think it’s just a bit different though – Eva is an adult and has known Root for what – 3 weeks???? Sofia has to just resign herself to the fact that the woman she’s lived with her whole entire life – the woman she thinks is her own mother – hates her. But in Eva’s defense, she tells Sofia that she can always count on Eva’s love for her and her sisters’ also. She reminds her she also has three beautiful girls (that she never takes care of) and a man that loves her. Apparently Eva is having a moment of tearless lucidity herself and tells Sofia that there’s nothing left in the Hacienda Doble E for her, that she should marry Juan as soon as possible.

Juan checks in on Oscar to find him on his bed staring at the cross over his bed. Juan’s goes to the other room and holding Libia’s picture, looks up to La Virgencita. He starts telling Libia’s photo that he hasn’t spoken to her in a while, but yet here he is again, with nothing but problems and tragedy, but could she please send down some faith and strength for them – he doesn’t know what to do with Oscar. It hurts him watching Oscar suffer so, he’d do anything to help him. He begs Libia to give Oscar the strength to go on with his life – to live. (Music eerily reminiscent of the soundtrack from “Titanic” plays in the background. Pan flute anyone?) Juan is ready to give up his own legs to help Oscar be happy just once more. Oscar the Grouch comes rollin’ in just in time to overhear Juan begging Libia to help him keep his promise to their parents, and not let Oscar down. Oscar tells Juan he knows he’s been selfish, but he didn’t realize how much pain he’s been causing all the people that love him. He asks Juan’s forgiveness and then Franco shows up listening in the background. Juan gives Oscar the picture of Libia and says there’s nothing to figure Oscar for, just tell him what he needs to do to help Oscar. Muchos man tears, and brotherly hugging. Oscar says Juan has done everything for him, the only thing he asks is that he never abandons him. Big Daddy Juan is telling them both that they’re not only his brothers but that they’re his little boys also. Juan says that together their invincible (not too bright, but invincible), and that together they’ll get through this, just like they always have gotten through everything. Once again we have to recite Los Hermanos Reyes Promise of always staying together – united forever. Oscar says “Que No! Dense pelo!!! I asked my husband what the heck dense pelo was and he tried explaining it to me, but I just didn’t get it. He thought it was kind of weird the way Oscar used it. Maybe it’s because we didn’t have our beanies on.

Back to the girls, Sofia asks Jimena what she’s decided to do – go back to El Senor Grouch or not. Jimena says she loves Oscar and that love is a sacrifice. Sarita says yeah sure, but not if he’s going to mistreat you. Sophia agrees. What do they know from respect? Their own mother doesn’t respect them. Jimena thanks them for their advice. Sarita says now that she’s heard everything, and knows how her mother feels about the three of them, and since she knows that Franco can actually have sex in a real bed, she’s gonna marry the poor shmuck. Jimena says now that her mother has found Root, she’s finished too. Sarita tells Sofia that if she marries Franco, Sofia will be the only one left in the house with their mother. Sarita’s worried about leaving her alone. She tells Sofia to take Eva’s advice and marry Juan right away and take the babies to live with Juan. As usual, Sofia the Martyr wants to fall on the ever lovin’ sword again, she can’t leave she’s still worried about leaving Crabi alone with all those people in the house trying to take advantage of her, even though she knows Crabi doesn’t deserve Sofia’s concern for her. Jimena tells Sofia their mother can take care of herself, and Sofia argues that no, Crabi doesn’t want to see who her enemies really are – Crabi has a way of finding a reason for everything bad that happens. Now we’re treated to the female version of the we’ll always be together, we sisters united forever, blah, blah, yada, yada.

Back to the boyz, Juan and Franco have got Oscar on the floor doin’ his exercises. Seriously, with their wife-beater style tank tops and Oscar laying on his stomach like that, it wouldn’t take much to turn this scene into gay porn. Sorry if that was too gross for some. They get O back into the wheelchair and Juan says they’re going to go ahead with their “plan”, and does Oscar want to be included also. Oscar says sure. He promises them he’s going to do his best and promises that he’ll be walking into the church for Juan’s wedding.

Okay, I am truly blessed, and I know you recappers out there are soooo jealous because I get to recap the meeting of the Club de Solteras Conservadas! I’m so honored to have this opportunity. I guess we’re in the Casa de Las Hermanas Chismosas and everyone is arriving. Quintina arrives all dressed up and the sisters are complimenting Quinti on how she pretty she looks like a China Poblana (traditional dress) when Hortensia jealously adds that Quintina looks more like “one of those ladies selling themselves in the street”. I’ve got to admit, Quintina had a bunch of good comebacks for old Hortensia with no access to Zoom dental whitening. Now c’mon, does Hortensia really have room to talk with a big black dead tooth in the front of her mouth? If she were in Pasion her name would have been La Pirata del Diente Negro! Quinti calls Hortensia out on her jealousy – you go Quinti! Paddy Tad and Tio Elf admonish Hort and Quinti for fighting and setting a bad example. Meanwhile, the sisters are falling all over Tio Elf, asking him wouldn’t he like to live in their house. Quintina tries to save Vicente from their clutches. When Nabor goes strolling by the sisters and they want to know if he’s married. When he says no, they drop Tio Elf like a hot tamale and go chasing after the other guy! Paddy Tad looks on with disgust and disbelief. Quinti yells to Nabor to be careful or he’ll wind up staying in the sister’s cage. The sister with the weird side ponytail says she likes being caged and saunters back over to Tio Vicente. Ummm . . . . ewwww. Quinti wants to know just exactly what she’s offering up to Vicente and the sister says, “a lot of meat”. Tio is revolted, Paddy Tad is mortified and Quinti tells the sister that Vicente is a vegetarian! She struts back over to Nabor and wants to know if he’s a vegetarian too! Nabor intelligently responds yes. I could’ve lived without that scene, but they are the Solteras Conservadas. I have a feeling if they’ve been saving it this long it’s dried up and long gone away.

Back at the Rancho Robles Reyes, Rigo, his wife and the new baby are in the kitchen and the dude from the Mercado comes in looking for Hortensia. Wifey says Hort has gone to the monthly meeting of the Solteras Conservadas. Mercado Man wonders why she has to go to this meeting. Rigo says why not, and Man says he’s proposed marriage to Hort 5 times already and she’s rejected him each time. There was a whole bunch more drivel between them that I couldn’t understand, mostly cause Rigo had a mouth full of carrots – he must’ve snatched them from Juan’s horse feedbag in the fridge. Just filler talk anyway.

Back to the big meeting! Yay! It’s time for Tio Elf to give his speech about raising horses, or La Alta Escuela Ecuestre – or the High or Grand Ecuestrian School, I guess. Quintina thinks it’s just a bunch or horse-poopy. One of the sisters drags Tio up there and wants him to speak about how they train horses for shows. Heckler Hortensia wants to know if he’s also going to teach them how to train mules – I suppose referring to Quintina! Paddy Tad cannot believe these women! Since when is Horty so snarky anyway?

Back at Doble E, Feo is resting on top of Root’s bed like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s probably tired though, he doesn’t get much sleep lately – all that ruckus at night behind haunted by Rosario and all. Root wants to know why every time she comes into her room he’s in there waiting for her. Well, duh? She runs around half the time looking like a dominatrix and she also just happens to be the sole heir to Crab’s fortune. That’s Feo’s kinda gal. She says the next time she finds Feo there, she’s gonna spill the beans to Gabi. Feo says go ahead, tell her, and then he’ll show Gabi the paper that she signed saying that Root agreed to share half of her inheritance with him. She says no way you would and he says yes way he would! He grabs her by the arm and tells her she’s making some big mistakes. Feo says he thought she was more brave than she really is, but she’s really just as much of a coward as her father. She doesn’t like Feo speaking ill of The Dark One. Feo says fine, then prove to me that you’re strong. He says she had him fooled – first she rescued Don Agustin and then she saved Gabi. He says she better watch out, because the next time somebody needs saving it might be her! Dum, dum, dum. . . . . Ruth sarcastically tells Feo he doesn’t scare her. He has no doubt that he if shows Gabi the paper she signed that it will change things drastically for Root. First, Gabi will reject her, and then she’ll change her will. Root tells Feo that that’s not very convenient for him, right? He gets rough with her and says that if she continues to act this way he’s going to have to tell Sofia about her “interest” in Juan which will only make Sofia marry Juan that much faster. He tells her to decide, kisses her hard and says to let him know what she decides later.

Full moon yet again in Ciudad Serdan and Sofia is spending her required five minutes a day with her girls and the mute nuns. She’s remembering that she told Juan she was going to investigate what happened with her mother’s truck and how Juan reminded her that there have been a lot of accidents around there lately. Finally, she starts thinking about protecting her children – she doesn’t have much a maternal instinct either if it’s taken her this long to worry about the babies. But now she’s conflicted – who will take care of her mother? She just can’t figure out how Gabi could love Root more than her own daughters.

Ricky’s gettin’ all duded up in his snake belt, talking to Root in the guest house. Root tells Daddy Darth that she’s full of new feelings. She’s not sure if she loves Gabi like a mother or not. He asks if that’s why she wants to destroy Gabi. She denies it. He tells Ruth not to try to fool him, he knows that she had something to do with Gabi’s “accident”. She says he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Darth says he knows Root better than anybody, and knows when she’s hiding something. He asks why she wants to get rid of Gabi. She said at the time of the accident she didn’t know that Gabi was her mother, and also because Gabi and Sofia leave her looking like a fool. He says he knows that’s not true, that there’s another reason, most likely because she found out that she’s Gabi’s sole heir. He says she thought it would be simple to get rid of Gab,i and that it probably would’ve worked if Darth hadn’t told her that Gabi was her real mother. She wants to know if it bothers him that she had something to do with the accident. Of course, Darth Without A Conscience says no, he just wishes she would have thought more about how to do it. He tries to explain to her that when she attacks it has to be certain and precise, because if you’re not your enemy could attack you back. He’s busy waving the big knife around for effect, of course. He tells her there are always other ways to get rid of people, sometimes even with love and affection and hands her the big knife. He tells her to win Gabi over even more, and remove any trace of herself from the “accident”. It doesn’t help either of them if the truth is discovered.

It’s time to make the donuts (remember that commercial?) and Juan’s in the kitchen. Pablo comes in with his Box of Secrets. Pablo says he’s gonna have to find a new hiding place because the nosy Quintina knows where he keeps it now and he think she’s gonna go pokin’ around in the box. All of a sudden Juan realizes that HE SMELLS and has to go take a shower to get ready to go out. That’s a new one, huh?

Sofia’s coming down Grand Staircase of Accidents when Darth shows up at the door. He tells her not to look at him like that, he came to see her mother. She says she’s sure that Gabi will see him, and that she’s not going to try to throw him out of the house anymore. She says she knows that nobody gives a hoot what she does or says around there anyway. Darth thinks that’s true, and he’s glad she finally realized it. All of a sudden she sees he’s wearing the snake belt. She wants to know why he’s wearing the damn belt that got her father accused of murder. He’s like what, what’s wrong with my belt? Sofia tells him to be careful, very careful because Juan Reyes remembers that exact belt from when his parent’s were murdered.

Paddy Tad comes running into the Reyes abode. Everyone is dressed up in their Mariachi Finest. But where’s Juan? They’re getting ready for a memorable evening. Rigo, his wife and baby are playing in the kitchen when Jimena walks in. She says they must be very happy. Oscar is listening in the background. Jimena says she always wanted a son, she looks sad. Juan is thanking the virgin when Root strolls in and says how good he looks in the mariachi suit. She came over to thank him for saving Gabi. He wonders why she has such an interest in Gabi. She jumps all over him and plants a big one on his boca. Jimena comes in just in time to see this!

Previews: The whole Reyes clan is all dressed up to go over to the Doble E to accompany Juan when he asks Sofia to marry him – again. That’s the big plan? Root is furious and vows to stop them.

Then they show ULTIMAS SEMANAS! YAY!!!!! So what’s that, about 5 weeks? Next up, Colunga, right?


Cuidado Thursday, January 08, 2009: Piraña forgets to bring cement booties

Well, it’s my worst nightmare – no captions tonight, though I don’t know why. Fuego had ‘em. The sad truth about my skimpy Spanish has crawled out from under the rock where it was hiding and is blinking in the bright light of public display. I remember JudyB recounting that it happened to her once and – I loved the way she put it – she said something like “I almost climbed down their throats” trying to understand the actors. She said it took her hours and hours to do the recap. JudyB my hat’s off to you – you are a goddess. Even repeating viewings (listenings?) still didn’t tease all the dialog out for me. It was interesting to notice who had good diction. First prize goes to Stef. The booby prize goes to JM. He can put it on the shelf with all the other booby prizes he’s been getting in other categories.

So please jump in with corrections and expansions. What you read here constitutes my best guess.

Leftovers (which fortunately I remember from last night): The police have finally gotten around to questioning Balbina. They have scooped her up from Viv’s funeral and now she’s in the precinct office where they show her Ivette’s photo and ask if that’s who she saw in the garden that night. Although Balbina says she only could see the big, sparkly earrings since it was so dark, when she sees the photo she says yes! That’s her! For our bumbling police, that’s a good, solid identification.

Elsa tells Nelson off for being drunk/drugged. Leo suggests names for the kid and Mari pretends when he gets to Juan Something that it’s a great idea and she says Juan Miguel. Leo doesn’t say Hey, I have an old friend of that name! Drat.

New stuff: Although it’s daylight, Pirana is lurking in the trees with that fiendish look of his. Stabbing his big knife into a tree trunk, he says to himself that he’s just waiting for the right moment.

Viv’s burial. Everyone is there. The Velardes are wearing shades. The padre says the usual dust thou art words while Onelia crumples, sobbing, and Rocio supports her.

It’s a lovely day at the hacienda and lots of peons are out sweeping the grounds. Mica is inside with Leo telling him that the reason they ditched the newspaper is that the father of Mari’s baby is off to jail for many years after having murdered his wife and it was in the paper and they didn’t want Mari to see it. I think she said the kid will be without a father.

Everyone has left the burial except sobbing Onelia, who is clutching a big framed photo of Viv, and has a rosary hanging from her arm, and Rocio who is trying to be kind and to get her to come away. Onelia shakes her off angrily and says leave! Then she curses JM and promises the pile of dirt that is Viv that she will see him locked up for good. Finally Rocio can’t listen to any more of that and leaves.

The padre is visiting JM who is behind bars. I hadn’t realized how mushy-mouthed Wm Levy is until now – it must be those big lips. Anyway, after several replays I have no idea what he is saying. A jailer comes and tells them time’s up. JM tells the padre don’t worry about him, he’s there because it was his fault. The padre says good luck and JM calls him back and says if Mari finds out tell her I still love her.

It’s nighttime and Mari is in her room with the baby who is fussy. She thinks she hears something at the window and gets a little creeped out. It is now time to fire the writers and hire on the clever ones from Guapos. Astoundingly, Mari heads off the direction of the bathroom and stays gone long enough for Pirana to come in cautiously, take the baby and go out the window. We see him leap from the balcony without breaking a leg or dropping the baby.

Mari returns – the empty basinet! The open window! She yells for Cande. Downstairs in the stunning blue kitchen, Cande and Mica are happily discussing Cande’s favorite topic, food. Mari comes flying in, hysterical, and tells them the baby is missing.

Pirana is running across the grass and meets up with his bright co-conspirator who says Did you get him? even though Pirana has MiniJM in his arms. We did it! says Pirana. What next? asks the brainy guy. Pirana says we escape with him, then he says something that makes the other guy look worried and doubtful.

Onelia is back at Castle San Ramon, sitting on the couch with Stef and Isa. She weeps that everything in the house reminds her of Viv. They look sympathetic and try to comfort her. Onelia sends Balbina to get Rocio

Meantime, Rocio is with freaked-out Blanca in her room. She has Blanca by the wrists and seems to be trying to get her to focus and come to her senses. Balbina knocks. Rocio tries to reason with Blanca, shakes her and tells her to look her in the eyes and all of a sudden Blanca gets that Ivette look in her eyes.

Balbina tells Onelia that Rocio can’t come right now, she’s with Blanca. Onelia says that woman is still in the house? She, Stef and Isa go to see. Blanca is staring now. Onelia says what is she still doing here? Blanca gives them all a steady look.

Now Mica, frantic Mari and Cande are up in the room. Cande looks under the bassinet blankets as if she could find the child there. Mari points out the open window. Leo arrives to see what’s going on. Mari tells him and Cande wails.

Rocio tells Onelia that JM said Blanca was to stay. Onelia says she can’t. Rocio says JM is the head of the family. Onelia says he murdered his pregnant wife – he has no rights. He’s in jail and from now on whatever I say, goes. Rocio is defiant and says nobody can overrule him, not you, not me. Balbina pipes up and tells Onelia she doesn’t know what happened. It was another woman who killed Viv and the police are looking for her. Blanca/Ivette’s eyes widen.

Stef tells Onelia that Balbina is right and the woman’s name is Ivette Whatever. Blanca’s eyes really pop.

Back to Mari’s room. She points out the open window to Leo. He guesses that it’s Pirana, he’s seen him hanging around lately. Mari says but why? Leo has no idea. He swears he will find that baby and return him safe and sound to Mari’s arms.

Stef is telling Onelia I was trying to tell you, but you didn’t want to hear it. The police are almost positive it was Ivette. She tells Onelia to call the inspector. A phone materializes in Onelia’s hand.

Down in the hacienda living room, Leo is trying to head out but Mari is hanging on him saying she is going too. He forbids her and Cande and Mica hang on to her. He leaves, but Mari breaks away and runs out. Mica runs after her and Cande is frantic. This cannot be good for her ticker.

Pirana’s sidekick does not want to do whatever Pirana’s plan is that I can’t make out. He says something about the blood of an innocent and he bails out. More money for me, Pirana calls after him.

JM and Ceci are sitting in the inspector’s office. She mentions Mari and JM says so it’s true what Stef says – Mari is your daughter? Ceci says yes and says tell the authorities the truth, clear your name and tell them where they can find that woman. Do it for Marichuy.

Leo is sneaking up on Pirana by riding a horse with a white blaze through the underbrush – and he has on a bright white shirt. I think we hear the baby crying, but it’s hard to tell as the dramatic music is so loud. Leo changes direction and heads off.

Meantime Mari is in the hammock in the barn with the Cande and Mica who are trying to calm her and who promise Leo will bring her baby back. Nacho hovers in the background.

Pirana has arrived by the creek. MiniJM is still crying.

JM tells Ceci that it was Mari’s choice to disappear. Ceci says are you in love with the woman you’re protecting? JM says he has a moral obligation. I think Ceci says I realize she has liberated you from the torment of Viv. JM says he holds himself responsible for what happened. Ceci says she doesn’t understand and doesn’t think it’s right. JM says I know. I think she says that love can justify anything. JM says he’s sorry he can’t explain anything right now.

Pirana looks like he’s about to give MiniJM his baptism and last rites rolled into one when here comes Leo who slugs him and takes the baby. He holds Pirana down with his boot and curses him and says who set you up? Who sent you? Who?

Ceci says why are you protecting such a bad woman? JM says she doesn’t merit your hard words. Ceci rolls her eyes. She says what if Mari finds out? I think he says she’d never come back, it’s too late.

What a manly manly man! Leo now has Pirana by the throat pinned against a tree with one hand while in the other arm he holds MiniJM. He demands to know why Pirana did it. Pirana says for the money and Leo demands to know who paid him. Pirana says he doesn’t know his name. He breaks free and runs off. Dirt bag! Leo shouts after him. Let’s go home, he tells MiniJM and takes his horse by the reins and starts to walk off. Uh oh, we see the sidekick looking on from behind some trees.

At Casa Velarde, the judge is having tea with Stef and they are discussing how the police can’t find any record of the existence of Ivette. Ceci comes home. They want to know about how it went with JM. Ceci tells them about the moral obligation JM was talking about. Stef says tell him that woman needs to be locked up.

Elsa is looking at the two men who are in love with her, giving her a good opportunity for comparison. One of them, Nelson, is passed out on the bed. The other, Ed, is checking his pupils then giving him little slaps to get him to come to. Ed is going to take some blood samples – he gloves up.

Back at the hacienda barn, waiting for Leo, there are hysterics, pacing, weeping.

Rocio has Blanca in her arms and is comforting her. Blanca is weeping and squeaking and I can’t make out what she’s saying, but I think she’s asking Rocio to stay with her and do whatever is in her power, slap her, whatever, to keep her evil alter-ego away.

The sidekick has found a pay phone and he calls Amador who is at Televisa, working late I guess. He tells Amador what happened and Amador tells him they’re a couple of idiots. The sidekick then tells Amador something that makes the cellos buzz, I think that Leo was demanding a name.

At the barn, Mari is wiped out and is just staring. Cande is still weeping. Hoofbeats! It’s Leo with the baby (apparently he had mounted the horse – not an easy thing to do with a baby in one arm). Jubilation. Leo says he didn’t kill Pirana and Mari wonders why Pirana did it. Leo’s eyes dart back and forth.

Ed has a serious professional talk about Nelson’s condition with Elsa but I didn’t catch it. He says good night and leaves. Elsa studies the passed-out Nelson.

Mari asks again why Pirana did it and Leo tells her somebody paid him to. The cellos buzz. They retire to the hacienda. They are about to head off to bed and Mica tells Leo he did great, and Cande thanks him too. They leave. Mari and he chat and he tells her that she’ll have to separate from MiniJM and she says never. Leo laughs and says one day he’ll be a man and head out on his own. I think he then says you’ll need a companion and Mari demurs. He tell her that she’s young, pretty, and the main thing, she has a good heart. I think he says the right man will come along. Mari smiles and loves up MiniJM. Nobody thinks about security.

Maybe Rocio is going to try an exorcism or maybe she thinks that if the Virgin can’t cure Blanca, nobody can, because she’s bringing Blanca into the church. Padre Anselmo is there and she tells him Blanca needs somebody like him. He asks why Blanca is crying. What does she need? Blanca says I did it! I killed JM’s wife! The padre is impactadissimo.

Amador is in a café with Isa and Stef and he’s filling them in on the failed caper. He says Leo didn’t find out their names, and that it was the sidekick who called him to tell him about it. We’re doomed, says Isa.

Eduardo has stopped by Elsa’s. She reports that Nelson doesn’t want to get up, doesn’t want to eat. Ed hands her the envelope with the bloodwork results.

Rocio is telling the padre that it’s true, but it’s not Blanca’s fault because this other woman takes her over. Blanca weeps that it’s stronger than her, she can’t resist. The padre looks horrified. This is way worse than a neighborhood lady being stoned for being a prostitute.

In his jail cell JM is despondent. Here comes a dignified white-haired fellow who introduces himself as a lawyer. He says he’s familiarized himself with the details of the case and that the police think JM isn’t guilty. He wants JM to be completely honest with him. Are you guilty, or innocent?

Elsa says she can’t read the lab report. Ed informs her that Nelson is seriously ill, but I couldn’t make out the details. Maybe his liver is shot. Ed says she’ll have to decide if she wants to leave him or stick with him to the end, which apparently is imminent.

The lawyer asks JM again – guilty or innocent? Wm Levy’s diction is so bad I reran the same sentence about 8 times and still wasn’t sure if he said No soy cupable or Yo soy cupable. But he’s shaking his head and the lawyer beams, so it must be he said no.

Avances: JM gets out and now he wants to go looking for Mari.


Las Tontas #25 - Thurs 1/8/09 - Meño's better, Gregoria's bitter and Alicia has an afternoon delight (or fright) then a fight

Last night Kris left us with the image of Alicia sitting outside Meño's house hiding behind her sunglasses and looking obvious in her shiny red car. She's hoping to catch her mama in the lie of not returning to the DF. Uh oh, Candy and Chava come outside chattering away but Alicia gets a phone call and is distracted. Our spy talks VERY LOUDLY, Candy hears her and dashes inside. Whew! Thank goodness Al is as bad a spy as she is a sister. Meño sees Al and Al sees him seeing her.

Jaime wants Isabel to tell Santiago about their relationship, they don't have a lot of time, they're grownups and it's not like they'll have an accidental pregnancy or anything. This comment offends Isabel's finer sensibilities and she tells him all he thinks about is the bed. She doesn't want to be rushed. She pisses him off and he splits. Oops, their first spat. Donato comforts her. Interesting.

Alicia rudely busts bust-first into Meño's colorful house. She knows he's hiding someone, where is her mama? Gregoria enters and informs Al that she's there because she needed help and Meño is giving it.

Meanwhile Candy and Chava hide under his bed. He doesn't understand why they're hiding but he grabs his box of lies for Candy and tells her she needs it to keep her lie. This kid's not dumb.

Gregoria puts on a great show of liking Meño, will that be one sugar or two dear brother? Alicia's skeptical but Gregoria says she was never bothered by Meño's "illness" (gag me) it was her husband who minded. Alicia stomps upstairs and for some reason they don't seem concerned. Aren't they worried about her finding Candy? Or maybe they are downstairs and she's stomping up to the door? Clearly I'm architecturally challenged.

Meanwhile Patricio visits Beto and Soledad tells him Jorge wants to be Beto's papa. Pato talks sweetly to Beto and asks him to give him a chance to be a papa to him.

The commercial fade out is of Pato happily holding both his sons.

Over at the institute Chayo is helping a client with her makeup. Apparently she's one of the clients that they called out of Santiago's stolen agenda. After the client leaves Chayo becomes bored waiting for her next client. She sits behind two big chrome globes that are right in front of her bubis and her mind wanders to her chest. She gives herself a pep talk which Candy overhears, she'll never betray Candy! Then she holds the globes in front of her chest and sighs.

Another frenetic operation while the Plastic Doctor tries to warn Eduardo that Chayo will eventually show up for a bubi operation. This disconcerts Eduardo who changes the conversation to something more comfortable. They argue about futbol.

Back at Meño's house Chava wants to know who is this woman who stays at their house? They finally tell him the truth, she's his abuela, Candy's mom. He takes this news very well, "Super, give me a hug!" Meño mutters that he hopes the kid doesn't listen to her heart.

It must be meet-the-grandparents-day. Pato takes Beto for a walk and guess who's there, evil grandma and grandpa. OK, Beto's also very happy to meet his abuelos and so far they behave themselves but I'm not holding my breath. Beto assumes they are his mom's parents. The grownups have some 'splaining to do.

Chayo comes home to her rude husband Eduardo who tells her he's eating chilaquiles and toast again and he's tired of the situation. Not tired enough to learn how to cook something else or open a can of soup I see. She tells him she's tired of their relationship. So there!

Over at Club Abandonados it appears they're watching Baywatch with gusto. Zamora has joined them and is AWOL from the restaurant. Raul pulls Santi aside and advises him to leave Candy in peace. The abandonados creep up the better to hear. Raul instructs Santi to remain dedicated to his sister. He puts his hands on his hips indicating he means business.

Marissa and Barbara are enjoying some girl talk and a little tequila. Barb tells Marissa that Candy and Santi were in Candy's office "for hours" and after Santi left Candy was totally enthusiastic and excited. Marissa tells Barb that from now on she wants Barb to tell her everything that goes on between her boyfriend and Candy. Barb pretends to be offended to be Marissa's spy but then admits she loves nothing better than intrigue and gossip. They throw back a shot of tequila to seal the deal.

Gregoria makes pancakes for Chava and he keeps staring at her because he's so happy to have an abuela. She tells him if he crosses his eyes he'll see more than one of her and she tries to teach him. When I was a kid my grandma told me if I crossed my eyes they'd stay that way forever.

Over at the apartment of discontent Alicia and Pato are having an acidic breakfast. She tells him she knows it sounds immature but she feels displaced by his son. He agrees, no not that she's displaced but that she sounds immature. He rubs salt in the wound by informing her he introduced Beto to his parents. She's pissed because he doesn't introduce Beto to her, his wife. He tells her she has nothing to do with this business. Nice.

At the institute clueless Candy's in the process of trying to dress Cece in a more feminine shirt when Chayo rushes in to tell her that Marissa's crying in the bathroom. While Chayo forces a makeover on Cece Candy runs to Marissa.

A sobbing Marissa tells Candy she's crying because of the deal about her not being able to have kids, and now the fibroids, she's afraid... Candy tells her it'll be all right, they'll go together to hear what the doctor has to say and in the meantime Marissa needs lots of cuddles. (Apapachar = to cuddle) They hug and Marissa makes another one of her over-the-shoulder creepy faces. Yikes, that face scared the hell out of me.

Good Gawd, a sad and dreary Patricio re-reads the old article "A Wedding Scandal" featuring Candy in her skivvies and then moons over her eulogy. He gets a distracting phone call from Soledad I think and they discuss his parents wanting to take Beto on vacation. Alicia swoops in, sees his choice of reading material, and storms out.

Candy walks Marissa into the lobby and assures her her dreams aren't over, she can still have kids, maybe not in her belly but she can adopt. She's giving Marissa a hug when Santi arrives and doesn't quite know what to make of this scene. Candy beckons him over and hisses "hug us strongly!" She wriggles out of the hug and leaves him hugging Marissa and looking baffled. Whooshing sounds and suddenly she runs over and tears him out of Marissa's arms, "I don't want to hurt you Marissa but he's mine" and starts making out with him. Marissa pulls him back "no he's mine" and forces him to kiss her. We whoosh back out of Candy's fantasy and she shakes her head and exclaims "ya ya I'm going crazy, crazy! Santiago and Marissa look at her all "que the hell?"

Over at the institute Chayo seems a bit out of sorts and when Barb accuses her of hoarding their clients she leaves in a snit. The ladies agree she's nervous and could use a little therapy.

Alicia sexily sashays down some stairs and approaches a man. My my, it's the bitter and recently-divorced abandonado (darn, can't remember his name) who says he was surprised and thrilled to get her call. Al tells him she's married but not happily and she hopes he's freed up for the next couple of hours. I wonder if she had anything to do with his ruined marriage? It ended because he had an affair, right?

Chayo tells her current client that all she needs is a little treatment for her dry hair, otherwise she looks great. Client says she owes it all her great plastic surgeon who happens to be in the same building. He added a couple of sizes to her bust, took off a couple from her waist. Chayo is impactada, did the surgery change her life? Client admits that men don't throw themselves at her feet like she'd hoped but when she looks in the mirror she feels like Miss Universe. Chayo looks at her bustline and whimpers.

Alicia is in the bitter abandonado's apartment and she recall's Pato's unfeeling words about her infantile behavior. She energetically boinks the smarmy dude. Take that Patricio!

Meño finds Gregoria poking around his room. Que horror, he shrieks, hands off! She doesn't like his feminine bedspread, 70's decor and all his creams. He tells her to leave him alone and if she doesn't like it leave! He accuses her of separating him from his brother and their kids. She said he separated himself when, when... He finishes her thought, "when I loved another man." She can barely stand to hear it. She insists love is between a man and a woman, he insults God. They have the typical argument about this subject which she concludes by saying he's lost and she's going to pray for him. This cracks him up and he says she's afraid because he's a better person than her bitter old self. He knew love but her, no. His bro married her because she was pregnant and he stayed with her because he loved his daughters. Gregoria's response is she refuses to leave the house because she won't lose her daughter and grandkid again, she won't leave until Candy kicks her out! She can be a right bitch, that one.

Commercial for the upcoming Pobre Millionaria featuring Chef Hawt wearing very little and some ugly duckling type wearing glasses and being impactada and slack-jawed in every shot.

Next up is a random scene with Zamora setting up a graft scam against Toño by convincing Toño to pay him a monthly fee to be part of the Waiter's Protection Syndicate. Is this another Frijolito rip-off?

At the institute Candy gets image consultant lessons from an effeminate lisping man who I suspect is someone famous but I have no idea who he is. His state-of-the-art advice includes walking straight with a book on one's head. Candy finds this challenging and she's impressed and ready to start training with him immediately.

Meño glumly strolls the neighborhood and longingly watches a man and his young son spending time together. He finds himself at the church and tells God he won't ask forgiveness for choosing his own path and for being happy, then he recites the "God grant me the serenity..." prayer concluding with "and please don't let me hurt my son." OK, I'll admit I was quite moved by this scene not to mention that this guy is one of my favorite characters.

Santiago and Eduardo are in the bookstore looking for a book that will help Santiago talk to Lucia about the birds and the bees. Eduardo finds one called "Sex and Adolescents". Santi is indignant, Lucia is NOT having sex. A pretty, young, and highly amused employee offers a book specifically for adolescents before they have sex. Santi is even more indignant, Lucia isn't going to have sex with anyone! Gasp, the book has photos, drawings, whatever they are they're offensive. The employee laughs at this pair of hopeless old farts who are insulted by her comment but still manage to enjoy the book's drawings like a couple of schoolyard adolescents.

Al gets home from her afternoon delight, picks a fight with Patricio who's on his way back to work and calls herself stupid.

Beto and Chava discover they both met abuelos that day. They discuss why abuelos usually come in pairs and Chava asks if a tio abuelo is an abuelo. Beto says an abuelo abuelo no, but a half abuelo yes. Thus this young pair begin to comprehend the intricacies of the family tree.

Pato's at work half-heartedly going through his mail. Bills, bills and more bills...but wait, there's an envelope. He removes a card with feminine writing. "I want to see you" it says. He sniffs it and recognizes the perfume. The only person who wears the same perfume he gave Candy is Soledad. He smiles and says if Sole wants war that's what he'll give her.

The ladies of the institute are taking a tootsie pop break and discussing having men in their lives. There's a slightly awkward moment when they ask Cece if she's got a boyfriend but, used to fielding this query, Cece deftly responds no and she's happy with her life the way it is.

Meño interrupts and demands to speak to Candy immediately...alone.

Meño asks Candy to please throw her mom out of the house! The eavesdropping ladies are impactadas and gasp. Meño snarls at them and they scurry away.

Tomorrow: Santi and Candy, he said she said he said she said, kiss kiss kiss. Marissa arrives, will she walk in on them? Alicia has the brilliant idea of dressing like Candy in her wedding dress and seducing Patricio.


Thursday, January 08, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Jan. 8 - Melquíades finds DB and Marisela, Santos rides around uselessly and Meléndez has an encounter with a farm implement

Marisela swears to DB that she didn't want this to happen. She tells Meléndez not to hurt DB, to leave her alone. "Enough hija, you don't gain anything by crying. That's what he wants - for us to fear him. But we are strong, hija, stronger and better than he is. Look at him, Marisela, this scumbag (escoria). He fears us. Even though we are tied up, he is terrified of us because he knows that if we were free, he couldn't handle us. Don't cry. Don't cry, hija, be courageous and strong, like my daughter."

Santos asks Melquíades how DB could have fallen into a trap and Melquíades explains about the soldier who came with the note. Melquíades says that has to leave. He has things to do. Santos replies that he needs Melquíades' help to find DB. Melquíades tells Santos that he has his skills (mañas) and they aren't like Santos' skills. Melquíades says that he will move heaven and earth but he will find them and bring them back safe and sound. If this doesn't happen, they will see him with feet first ("los pies por delante"), that is, dead. He rides off. Gonzalo says that he wouldn't want to be Melquíades' enemy. Santos replies that he is as loyal as he is macabre.

Antonio comes to see Mujiquita to get the Altamira vaqueros out of prison. Mujiquita says that the vaqueros broke the peace and damaged his bar. Antonio says that it is an emergency and explains about Marisela and DB being held by Meléndez. "Stop being a coward for once in your life," Antonio tells him, "Are you a friend of Santos, or not?" Mujiquita stands up straight and leads the way to the cells.

Mujiquita opens the cell and lets Carmelito, María Nieves and Pajarote out but not the El Miedo vaqueros. Guerrero pleads with Mujiquita to be let out also to find Meléndez but Mujiquita's fit of courage has passed.

Marisela: What should we do?
DB: Resist. That's what we are going to do. Follow me in every game and don't be afraid. Whatever the bastard does, don't give him the pleasure of seeing that you are weak. Fight. Fight, hija. We will fight.
M: All right. If you do it, I will do it.
DB: That's my girl.

Meléndez tells Sergeant Fierro that he is his personal assistant. He is to go to town and take charge of the troops. Then he is to return and make sure that no one follows. Meléndez says that he will take care of the two women.

Santos returns to Altamira and tells the vaqueros to split up and search the area. He tells Gonzalo to return to the hiding place. Gonzalo leaves meekly.

The Sargeant returns to Progresso and we see that Melquíades is watching. In the prison, Guerrero tells Fierro not to be an idiot and tell them where Meléndez is. Fierro says that Meléndez is on a special mission and has put him in charge of the soldiers. Guerrero says that Meléndez is involved in a very bad thing and will end up being court martialed and Fierro is his accomplice.

Meléndez comes back in the hut thingy and says that it is time to celebrate. DB tells him not to touch Marisela. "I already had you," he says, "Let me take the girl." DB tells Meléndez to kill her if he wants to but not touch her daughter. "I will kill you," says Meléndez, "don't you doubt it but I want you to see how I will celebrate." He rips open the top of Marisela's dress and the skirt.

Guerrero tries to order Fierro to release him and tell him where Meléndez is but he refuses. He says that Fierro knows where Meléndez is but he doesn't care. He tells Pernalete and Mujiquita that they are all going be accomplices in this disgrace.

Fierro tells the other soldiers that he is in charge and is going to get further orders from Melénde He gets back into the truck to return to Meléndez and we see that Melquíades is in the back.

DB tries to keep Meléndez from raping Marisela by inviting him to have her but he says that he has a taste for ("apetece") the girl. Desperately, DB says that he can't have Marisela because she is his daughter. She says that she made Lorenzo Barquero believe that Marisela was his but Marisela is the product of her rape. That is why she has always hated Marisela.

Neither Santos nor the vaqueros can find any trace of Marisela or DB.

Fierro is recalling Meléndez's instruction to make sure he isn't followed when Melquíades gets up from behind him and puts a knife to his throat and tells him to drive. He will tell him the way. "Where are we going?" asks Fierro. "To hell itself," replies Melquíades.

Pernalete paces back and forth while Guerrero and the El Miedo vaqueros look on.
Mujiquita tries to convince Pernalete to distance himself from Meléndez and release Guerrero. Another soldier comes asking for orders for his troop. He says Fierro has left and the the troops are hungry. Mujiquita holds out the keys of the cell while Pernalete bites his nails and tries to decide which is going to be the winning side.

Meléndez says that he doubts that Marisela is his daughter. He notes that DB doesn't hate her daughter, she is protecting her. He says that he thinks that DB is deceiving him to save her daughter but it won't work. "Nothing will save you from Nicolas Meléndez, little dove," says Meléndez. He tries to kiss Marisela but she bites his tongue. He hits Marisela and knocks her out.

The terneras come to Altamira and ask what they can do. "Pray," says Cecilia, so they all pray to their God.

Antonio brings Gonzalo back to the cellar. Gonzalo says that this is all his fault for asking Marisela to meet him at the well. Antonio tells him to stop tormenting himself. People in love do stupid things. Antonio tells the other rebels what is happening. They want to help but he tells them not make things more complicated.

Melquíades tell Fierro to stop the truck and turn off its lights. Fierro begs Melquíades not to kill him. He is only a soldier who doesn't have anything to do with anything. "Bad little soldier," says Melquíades. "We don't have much time."

Eustaquia and Juan Primito are praying to their gods.
JP says that he is afraid. He asks if the gods will protect Marisela and DB. Eustaquia says that she doesn't know. Lately, the gods have been deaf. Evil has invaded all of the Arauca and only a miracle can save them. Santos shows up and Eustaquia asks Santos not to let the bastard return and... hit my little girl. Right away, Santos picks up on the verb and asks Eustaquia if DB knew Meléndez from before. Eustaquia hesitates, Santos presses and finally she says there are things that she can't tell him or anyone. Santos leaves.

Melquíades tells Fierro to tell him everything he knows.

Meléndez comes into the hut with a pail of water. DB dares Meléndez to try it with her or is he afraid? He tells her to be quiet. She says that she will tell him how she will kill him. She says that she will kill him like she killed the other three. Always trying to distract him from Marisela, DB describes how she killed the other three. She says that she has prepared a very special death for him. Would he like to hear about it? Meléndez says that she doesn't frighten him. He doesn't care if she killed the others. That's fewer people who know his history. He thanks her for having killed them. He says that if she likes stories about ugly deaths, he will tell her one that she will like a lot. He hits her. She tells him to hit her again. He can do what he wants with her but he must let her daughter go. "Beg for her," says Meléndez, "Beg. I like it. Do you know why you are here, Bárbara? To see what I am going to do to your daughter and so she can see what I'm going to do to you. "
Meléndez tells Marisela to wake up and pours water on her.

Mujiquita continues to try and get Pernalete to do the right thing and release Guerrero.
Finally, Pernalete releases him and Guerrero takes charge of the soldiers. Mujiquita tells Pernalete that they can go and see Josefa's face now that Meléndez has fallen.

Meléndez goes up to Marisela and then curses. "What happened, Meléndez?" says DB, "Dead already, cadaver? It's fear and drunkeness." Meléndez admits that he is drunk and can't do it now but he says that it will pass and both of them will know that he is a man. He lies down to sleep. DB tells Marisela not to cry, that scum like Meléndez like that but she can't control her fear. She sobs and cries out for her father.

At Altamira, Lorenzo wakes up and hears his daughter calling. He tells Cecilia that he had a nightmare. Something bad was happening to Marisela and she was callling him. He asks Cecilia whether Marisela has returned and Cecilia has to say that she is still missing but she is sure that she will return at any moment and the Virgin will protect her. (I was crying here.)

It is the next morning. Melquíades is at the hut thingy where Meléndez is holding Marisela and DB. He kills the soldier guarding the place and opens the door of the hut slowly. DB cries a warning but Meléndez shoots and Melquíades falls to the floor unconscious or dead. "You killed him, bastard!" cries DB, "You killed my brother." Meléndez tells her to be quiet.

Santos urges his men to continue the search even though they are tired and hungry and they agree. Santos says that he has a presentment that something bad is happening. Santos meets some soldiers and they recognize him as the man that Meléndez wants to arrest.

DB calls to Melquíades and says that he can't die now. Meléndez says that there isn't anything better for a hangover (resaca) than another drink. He says that he is functioning now and moves toward Marisela.

In the cellar, Gonzalo tells the other rebels that he has to go out and look for Marisela. They protest but he leaves.

Guerrero tells his men that this is an emergency situation. They are to look for Meléndez and the two women he kidnapped and bring them to the police headquarters.

DB tells Meléndez that he will regret what he has done. Waving Melquíades' bloody knife, Meléndez says that it is she who will have regrets. She has very little time left. She curses him and he hits her. She tells him to hit her again. He can only confront her when he has her at gunpoint or handcuffed. "Hit me while you can." Behind Marisela, Melquíades wakes up. He motions her to be quiet. DB keeps Meléndez' attention by saying that there aren't enough curses in the world for him. "Look at me in the eyes," she says, "You won't abuse my daughter. You won't touch her."

Melquíades is untying Marisela wrists one handed.

DB starts to put a curse on Meléndez invoking the Indian gods. He tells her to be quiet and calls her a witch. She tells him to look at her because she is the last thing he will see on this earth. Marisela's hands are free.

Santos tells the soldiers that he wants to be taken to see Meléndez. They lead him off while the vaqueros and Gonzalo watch from hiding.

Looking for Marisela around El Miedo, Juan Primito discovers "a blue man" ("un hombre azul"), the Sergeant's body, in a freezer. He runs for Eustaquia.

Meléndez says that her witchcraft doesn't scare hiim. It is she who will die. She and Santos Luzardo, that good for nothing shyster ("mequetrefe abogaducho"). He will invite Santos to the celebration. "He will go out with you," says Meléndez, "feet first." "No, not Santos," says Marisela and that unfortunately draws Meléndez' attention to Marisela and Melquíades. Melquíades pretends to be dead but he isn't in the same place where he fell. "The dead don't move," says Meléndez. He points his gun at Melquíades.

Guerrero finds Santos being escorted by two soldiers. He tells them to release Santos.

Melquíades attacks Meléndez and Meléndez hits him and knocks him out. DB yells at Meléndez to leave Melquíades alone. Meléndez says that he can't take any more. He is going to kill her right now. He cocks his gun and points it at DB. Marisela yells, no. She pushes Meléndez and he falls onto the straw and is impaled through the abdomen on the tines of some kind of farm implement.

Marisela and DB look at each other horrified.


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