Friday, January 23, 2009

Cuidado Thursday, January 22, 2009: Mari weeps what she sows

Rehash: Back in the old apartment, Mari is weeping and tells Cande that JM doesn’t love her any more, he has somebody else. She says Stef told her and Rocio verified it. Meantime, Stef tells her tia that Mari is back. Cande tells Mari see? We should head right back to the hacienda and Leo. She wants to call a taxi, but Mari wants to think it over first. Judge Velarde is talking to JM outside the hearing or whatever it is, and almost mentions that Ceci went to look for Mari, but he stops short.

Hot off the griddle: Here come the legal types out of the other room. Blanca is led out in the background, but she’s still on the other side of some bars. JM asks her if she’s okay and she says yes. Chin up he says. Onelia and her lawyers say just look at them, not even trying to hide that there’s something between them. Onelia says the judge will nail both of them. JM sees her and she gives him the stink eye.

Cande says so what do we do now? Mari says I don’t know, I was wrong to think JM was waiting for me. But I have to take responsibility for my own mistakes and I have to give up Omar’s affection and protection because he’s too much of a man to accept being Plan B.

Cande says so we’re staying, but I don’t know why. Do you have big hopes about JM? Mari says no.

Ceci thinks maybe if she calls JM… no, if Mari doesn’t want to see him, that’ll put her off Ceci even more. Then it dawns on her – Cande’s house. Yes! Although it’s nighttime, she grabs her purse, offers up a quick prayer and heads out. (It’s interesting that Ceci seems to be the only woman in this show who carries a purse. Mari’s always heading out without one and her standard outfit is too skimpy to even accommodate a Chapstick.)

JM is sitting alone in his bedroom wondering where Mari is and missing her. He soliloquizes that yeah, he knows it’s selfish, but he doesn’t want her to marry anyone else because he feels like she belongs to him forever and ever. If only he knew where she is! If he could find her he would glue himself to her and never let go. He flashes back to them in bed on their wedding night.

Mari is sitting on her bed telling MiniJM that his daddy is a wonderful human being. She flashes back on the exact same scene.

Cande tells Mari that they can’t live secretly like criminals and besides they’ll need some money to live on. Cande says she’ll take in laundry again, but she looks sad about it. Mari says no, I’ll be the breadwinner and you look after the baby.

Cande hints maybe this is a good time to find out who your parents are. Mari scoffs and says she wouldn’t accept anything from them. The richer they are, the less she would want to anyway.

Ceci is at their door, knocking. Mari whispers don’t answer, but Cande says maybe it’s Olga and she goes to peek out the bathroom window. Ceci is wearing out her knuckles knocking over and over. Cande makes Mari guess who, then finally tells her. Mari tells her not to answer the door.

At the hacienda, Leo’s ready to head out and Mica says why at night? He can’t wait and says he’ll be heading for Mexico City and he’ll stay in a hotel. Mica implores him to call time to time and he promises and hugs her. He asks Mica what Lirio’s last name is.

A neighbor lady, who is actually kind and doesn’t tell Ceci off for knocking for like 10 minutes straight in the middle of the night, tells Ceci Cande and Mari left a long time ago and haven’t come back. Ceci does what she’s been doing since this novela started, which is to say she cries.
Comedy bit: Now there’s no knocking, Cande goes to look again, upsetting a bucket and slamming the bathroom door which sticks, so she pounds on it to get out. Anyway, Ceci apparently has taken her sobs elsewhere. Mari says she had a quick hope that it was JM because Rocio would have told him by now that she was there.

Cande is dying of curiosity about why Ceci came, but Mari says I don’t care about her.

The judge is telling Stef how worried he is about Ceci – where did she go in the middle of the night? Here she comes and tells him she was looking for their daughter. Behind them, Stef’s eyes widen. Ceci says she looked at Cande’s old place. Stef is trying not to register her surprise, but Ceci says no luck finding them. The judge reproaches her for keeping up with this, she weeps, nuestra hija, amor de una madre, etc. etc. The actress sure hasn’t had many lines to memorize for this novela.

She doesn’t want any dinner, she’ll just go take a sleeping pill.

Mica tells Leo she never knew Mari’s last name. Leo says we know so little about her. Mica mentions her brother, and Leo who yeah, is stout of heart and apparently bright enough to get through medical school, only just now thinks of Padre A as a lead. He asks her to write down his address and she hesitates, but does it. He kisses her on the forehead and leaves.

Adrian! We haven’t seen him in a while. He comes into Olga’s kitchen and asks Purita why she won’t see him anymore. If you’re mad about something, tell me. She says she can’t see him anymore, she doesn’t want anything to do with the neighborhood or the people in it. He says don’t you love me anymore, ‘cause I still love you con todo mi alma. Purita says we just can’t be together. He says but we made plans. She says my future is already mapped out and it doesn’t include love.

Adrian says but why? She weeps she doesn’t know, she just has to disappear and he’s not in her plans. We hear heavenly voices singing – is she about to enter a convent? Adrian, now tearful, says if that’s what you want, I won’t bother you any further. He leaves and she breaks down.

Cande and Mari are having breakfast and Cande remarks that the eggs aren’t as yummy as at the hacienda. She wants to know what’s wrong with taking in wash? And Mari says it’s too strenuous, that the light work Cande did at the hacienda was okay, but her laundry job would be dangerous for her heart.

Mari says she has stuff to do and hands Cande the baby. Cande wants to know where she’s going particularly since she’s taking her bike, but Mari says she’ll tell when she gets back. She bikes down the street, greets and knuck-bumps the newsstand guy, then sees the headlines about JM and Blanca.

Mayita comes down in her jammies and greets Onelia who says she’s going out but she can’t tell her where because she’s been forbidden to tell her certain things. Like about her mama for instance. Mayita says is she coming back again? Onelia tears up and says not this time. Mayita wipes Onelia’s tear away and says last time you said she’d gone to heaven and she came back and you’ll see, she will again. Mayita says people go away and then they show up again, like Marichuy just did. Onelia looks puzzled, then annoyed.

Two of the neighborhood harpies (one is the scrawny one who always has big pink rollers in her hair, Casilda) spot Mari and gnash their teeth that they have to deal with her being around again.

Stef is at Isa’s place and tells Isa that there’s no need to worry – it looks like when Mari found out that JM’s not interested, she went back to the hacienda. Like the papers today say, he’s into the nanny now. Isa is surprised to hear that Ceci went looking for her. We should pause to evaluate Stef’s hair ribbons – today they’re white and way too long.

Anyway, Isa says that Ceci should give it up and let Stef be the daughter. Stef says it’s JM I want to be accepted by, but I won’t be comfortable as long as Mari is still crazy about him.

Ceci agonizes some more while the judge comforts her. Maybe Mari crossed into the U.S? The judge has a flashback of a scene we haven’t seen – in it Stef speculates to the judge that Mari has gone back to the hacienda, but says let’s not tell Ceci because she’ll go looking for her again. The judge thoughtbubbles that maybe it would be better to tell Ceci that Mari has gone back and married the guy, that that might comfort her.

Purita goes to the church, where she caresses the altar cloth. The padre says ¿que haces aqui? She says she wants to be a nun.

Onelia yells at Rocio about letting Mari in. Rocio says don’t worry, she’s not coming back. Onelia stomps out. Rocio comforts Mayita and says let’s keep it secret from your dad that Mari was here. Maybe we should evaluate Mayita’s barrettes too: They are more understated than Stef’s ribbons.

JM comes in with Dr. Handsome and Rocio looks happy. Mayita says I have a secret! and Rocio rushes her out. JM follows and tries to get the secret out of her, but no luck. Dr. Handsome offers to take the girls for a car ride, so they’re off to the park for ice cream. JM sits down for breakfast and sees the headlines about himself in the paper.

It’s time for the hearing. In a regular room with just lunchroom-style chairs, there is the judge and a couple of lawyers. Blanca watches from behind bars. Onelia is shown in by a guy who looks like Tony Blair and she accuses Blanca of the murder and JM of planning the whole thing. One lawyer says wait – it’s just supposed to be Blanca, but Onelia’s lawyer says Onelia has formally accused both. The judge asks for some evidence to support her accusation and the lawyer says it’ll be produced later.

Out in the hallway, judge Velarde tells JM that Viv being pregnant is the sort of thing that catches the public’s imagination and that can affect the judge’s decision, no matter how much he wants to be impartial. Her case may already be lost – anything you try to do to help her may be useless, plus you may go down with her.

In Grannyland, Mayita says that Onelia says her mama isn’t coming back this time. Granny says maybe it’s best to believe that. Mayita is a little choked up, but she says she’s experienced her mama being gone before, so she’s prepared. She tells about her Mari secret and says she really wants to tell. Granny says maybe wait just a little before saying anything.

The lawyer asks if JM and Viv fought a lot and Onelia says yes. He didn’t respect her as a woman, a wife or a mother. He wouldn’t let her care for her own child! She goes on to say that JM had total power over Blanca and that Blanca was very submissive. They were lovers! Behind her bars, Blanca is shocked.

Ceci goes to see the padre and says he’s going to be mad at her – she went to La Escondida to look for la escondida.

Avances: Ogla loves up Mari’s baby and dicusses him with Cande. Omar shows up at the church and asks Padre Anselmo where Mari is.


Tontas - Thursday 1/22 - And Lord help the sister who comes between me and my man!

(I couldn't seem to get the song "Sisters" out of my head while recapping tonight. Who remembers it?)

Alicia spies Candy outside her building. "No puede ser!" She follows her inside and watches at which floor her elevator stops.

Up on the third floor Santi and Eduardo wash their hands before surgery. Ed wants Santi to spill his guts, what's he feeling inside now that he's engaged? Santi says he's bedded lots of dames but he never wakes up with them. However, Rocio needs a mama and maybe it's time to wake up with someone. Ed asks what about Candy, is she history? Santi believes Candy will eventually reconcile with her husband. This is news to Ed, is she divorced? "No, she died and her husband's a widower." Ed is perplexed.

Isabel conducts a rather lame sex talk with Lucia. She says Lucia is too young to do "it" but not too young to know about "it". Isa says most young women don't know diddly about using a condom so please never, ever do "it" without protection.

Santi visits Chayo at the institute and he's got good news. He finally convinced Lalo to let him operate on her bubis!! He's so very pleased with himself but she...not so much. "What will I do?" she asks herself.

Pato is diagramming futbol plays for his young team when Beto arrives and brags to them all that the coach is his papa! Hooray!! Soledad looks on and projects a simpering smile over the group.

Charly and Lucia climb a tree. He's suspicious of his dad, when dad said he left mom for another person he specifically did not say a woman. He had a homosexual friend in Mexico City who said the same sort of thing. Charly shakes his head.

Back at the futbol pitch Pato tells his little champions how well they are playing. Chava asks if they're playing so well then why are they losing? When Pato says the most important thing is to have fun Chava comments that's exactly what his mama says. Pato tells Chava to stop talking about his imaginary mama, it's not "sexy". (Ooh I want to slap him when he says that overused phrase. Let's throw him in the net and use him for goal practice.)

Post operation Santi and Lalo are still talking women. Santi isn't interested in women who are too easy, he likes the conquest, like a panther! He loves the adrenaline and darn it he wishes Candy would walk through his door right now, she always puts him in a good mood. Well, not always, not when she knees him in the nuts and calls him the plastic doctor which is 90% of the time. But 10% of the time she really puts him in a good mood. He decides to go look for her.

After Beto scores a goal and the little tykes win, Chava asks Pato why mustn't he talk about his mama? He becomes impatient at the silliness of this adult and asks Soledad to please please tell Pato he has a mama and she's Soledad's friend. Tell him!

Marissa catches Santi looking for Candy and he covers by saying he wanted the feminine perspective on the Lucia/Charly dilemma. Santi is aghast at the thought that Lucia and Charly may already have done "it". Does Marissa think they have? She keeps trying to kiss him and every time she does he pulls back and yells "short circuit!!!" because his pea brain can only cope with Lucia and Charly right now, he must get back to his patients, adios!

When Marissa comes home she hears Charly downstairs talking on his phone to someone and hears him say "I miss you too". Charly is talking to his mother but Marissa the Metiche (buttinsky) assumes the worst and immediately dashes up to Lucia's room to ruin her day. She heard Charly telling someone he missed them and who else could it be but his other girlfriend? (That does it, Marissa goes in the net too.)

Pato and Sole bring the boys home and when the adults are alone Pato says, "now you're going to explain to me how you are the friend of Chava's mom." Soledad tells Pato that yes, she is the mama's friend and she lied to protect a secret. If Pato promises not to tell anyone she'll share it with him...

Commercial for Mañana is Para Siempre and we get a rather hot bod shot of none other than Sergio Sendel. Muy pronto!!

Whoa, I totally forgot about Alicia. Apparently it's taken her all day to make it up to the third floor and to the Institute. She lurks at the door and listens to Lulu chatter on about Meño; she uses Candy's name in every other sentence so there is no doubt it's Candy Candy Candy. Candy advises Lulu that Meño isn't the man for her but does she explain why? No, she just walks out of the office prompting Alicia to dash for cover.

Charly, rose in hand, is still downstairs at the rich house waiting for Lucia, she's never kept him waiting for so long. Marissa finally comes town with a message for him, Lucia doesn't want to see him.

Soledad makes up a ridiculous story that Chava's mom is a fugitive from justice, an escaped prisoner who was forced to kill Chava's father because he abused and beat her. Meño is hiding Candida and they are all keeping her secret. It's just a coincidence that she has the same name as Pato's first wife. Pato rubs his chin and mutters "Candida".

Alicia follows Candy around town and is almost spotted by Candy, what suspense, yawn.

Santiago goes to the chapel, says hello to his namesake (tocayito) Saint James, but he's really there to talk to Saint Jude (patron saint of lost causes) who was a sinner but also a good liar. It's not too bad of a sin to tell a lie for love, is it? He explains to Saint Jude that he loves Candy with all his heart but Marissa is entrenched in the middle of his life. Rocio sees her like a mom which doesn't help. He asks Saint Jude to join forces with his namesake over there so they can help clear his mind he can make the best decisions.

Candy and her mommy dearest are in the mercado buying a hideous piñata and expensive grapes. Alicia, verifying that Candy is alive and mama is a part of the perfidy, cries and starts to call Patricio. She changes her mind and takes a few closeups of Candy so that the pics might be discovered at an inopportune time later on in the show.

In the grand telenovela tradition of non-communication Lucia sobs in her room while Charly rants, both wailing "how could you treat me so horribly?" Rocio comes into the bedroom and asks Lucia why is she crying? She sweetly loans her own crying dolly to Lucia.

Charly climbs a telephone pole and yells for Lucia. He only wants Lucia! Luciaaaaaa!

It seems the saints have given him an idea because Santiago visits Candy at the institute for a cure, he has a pain in his heart. She thinks he's there to make fun of them but he swears it's because he feels bad. In the privacy of her office she yells "It's a miracle" that the plastic doctor is there for her help. The eavesdropping staff busts through the door.

Rocio is upset about Lucia so Marissa takes her for a walk in the park to calm her down and pollute her mind with lies. She explains Charly's not a bad person but perhaps he's not a person that can be trusted. Lots of people are like that, people who resent the happy lives of others and who want to hurt others, Candy for example. (Marissa for example.) Remember when Candy kissed Santi in the theatre? Wouldn't it be terrible if Candy were to win Santi then Marissa and Rocio couldn't be together, eh? Marissa thinks she and Rocio should be on the same side and get rid of Candy. A confused Rocio agrees except that Candy is the mama of her friend Chava. Marissa tells her that's why they have to keep their little plan a secret. They high five it.

Alicia is back home uploading the photos of Candy onto her computer. Pato comes home and wants to see her pics but but she says they are private with a capital P. He thinks the P stands for Porno ha ha and if she needs him she can call him. Oh right, like any guy finding a sex bomb like Alicia peeking at porno would actually leave the room? Doubtful.

Candy's got the cure for Santi, she prescribes a therapy session with Babs, massages with Chayo, a dance lesson with Meño, sign here please and welcome to the institute of inner beauty.

Alicia invites her new (and only) girlfriend Marissa over for a tequila and to tell her that she saw her "dead" sister at Marissa's institute so she must be one of her clients. She tells Mari her version of the story, that Pato married her sister but on his wedding day he confessed to Alicia that he was still in love with her (Alicia) but he'd already married her sister. She did what any woman would do, she kissed him and they were caught by her reckless sister. Clearly sis lied about being dead and lied to all of them. Marissa asks will she tell Patricio? Alicia thinks not, he hates ghosts.

Funny music plays so we knows some comedy scenes are coming up. Barbara is giving Santiago his psych session and she tells him to punch the pillow, it'll make him feel better to release his frustrations. She holds the pillow for him and he punches it...right in her stomach. (Serves her right.) Then it's massage time and he doesn't want Chayo, wife of his friend, to touch him. It's a stupid scene so let's move on.

Time for the dance lesson with Meño and it's basically a vehicle for Santi to shake his bootie and act like a goofball. So yes, definitely worth watching. I'm not the only one who enjoyed his little exhibition. The ladies of institute admire him from the doorway and Barb comments he was spectacular, he really worked his muscles well. "I go to the gym," he explains. She didn't mean his biceps, she meant his glutes. Indeed.

Soledad comes to the institute to tell Candy and Meño about the bullcrap story she had to tell Pato to get him off the Candy scent. Candy's proposed solution? Move far away before she runs into Patricio. What a surprise.

Mean Marissa comes to Santi's office to tell him that Lucia is suffering from hearbreak but it's not serious. Santi wants to run right home to comfort his daughter but Rocio scampers in with a surprise for dad. It's a drawing of the family, dad, grandma, Marissa, Lu, Rocio, and off to the side is Candy scribbled out because Rocio doesn't want her for a mama. Marissa, thrilled, feigns shock while Santi looks downcast.

Meño tells Candy that running away solves nothing. He wants her to visualize standing in front of that louse Patricio, what would happen, what would she say? Candy daydreams that Patricio demands to take Chava away from her so she suggests he practice parachuting or learning to fly. She pushes him off the top of a building and he smashes onto a car below, then looks up and waves at her. "Uh, I'd better not run into him," she tells Meño.

Jaime and Isabel are out for a romantic stroll and he suggests they take a little trip to Puerto Vallarta. She asks will she have a room for herself? Jaime says of course, it will be for her...and him.

Santi goes to Candy's office and says he has to talk to her. Blah blah blah what he really came to say is this...he closes in for a kiss and stops an inch away from her lips. He can't, he feels too guilty. She thinks it's a miracle, he's cured, he finally feels guilty about Marissa. Not quite, he feels guilty about Patricio.

Candy can't believe it. Are he and Pato friends? Santi shrugs, "well...more like in the process of becoming friends." (En vias de serlo= in the process of becoming) Candy reasons that he feels guilty about Pato who might be his friend, she doesn't want to feel guilty about Marissa who is her friend, therefore they should make a pact that they won't interfere in each others' lives. He on his side and she on hers, agreed? They shake hands and Santi crosses his fingers behind his back. So does Candy.

Alicia confronts her mother and calls her a liar and traitor. Mama denies it until Alicia shows her the pictures on her phone. Mama kindly tells Alicia that Patricio always loved Candy and furthermore she'll lose her husband because her marriage isn't valid if Candy is alive. Alicia pitches a fit and says that Mama may have found one daughter but she lost the other, she doesn't want to see her again. Mom says Alicia should be grateful, grateful that Mom didn't tell Patricio. Al says fine, she won't tell Patricio if Mom doesn't tell Candy she knows, that way they're equal, both liars.

At the big house Isabel tells her family she's thinking about visiting Puerto Vallarta...with Jaime. Santi gets all silly and blabbery, points out that Jaime is a man, and says they'll talk about it tomorrow. Rocio observes to Isabel that papa is a bit distracted because she already knew Jaime was a man.

Over at Casa Meño the family notices Charly's not eating anything. Candy goes off to comfort him and Granny gets rid of the kid so she can tell Meño that Alicia knows Candy is alive but she promised Al she wouldn't tell Candy, what should she do?

Candy comes back and tells Meño that Charly has love problems. Meño's suggestion that perhaps Lucia went back to an old boyfriend doesn't make Charly feel better. Thanks dad.

Santi (with Marissa clinging to him like a remora) knocks on Lucia's door and wants to know what happened. Lu sobs that Charly has another girlfriend. Santi wonders who told her such a thing? Marissa says it was she, she heard Charly telling someone he missed them a lot. Santi whispers loudly that Charly could be saying those words to anyone, a mother, grandmother, aunt, the lady who changed his diapers in kindergarten, for the love of God! Mari accuses him of taking Charly's side. No no no, Santi is taking the side of all men who aren't allowed to explain themselves! Lu opens her door and asks could there be a confusion? Santi tells her she should give Charly a chance to explain himself. Lu hugs Santi but when Mean Marissa moves forward with open arms Lu shuts the door in her face. Good!

Candy visits Charly in his room and wants to tell him two things. First, it's a lie that men don't cry. Second Lu should tell him to his face why she doesn't want to be with him. This from the runaway bride.

Meño tells Gregoria that he has never lied to Candy and he's not about to start now. He stands up and Gregoria panics. Meño plans to tell Candy the truth that Alicia knows she's alive. "No Meño No!!!"

Mañana: Patricio goes to the birthday party and Candy is dressed like a clown. Oh dear, will he recognize her?


Fuego en La Sangre – Capitulo 181 - It Takes One To Know One; Saul Loses His Set, But Sofia, Eva, Raquel, and Jimena Each Grow A Set

From Last Night: Jimena kisses Oscar goodbye at the bus station with Eva and Sarita looking on. Darth is pressuring Gabi to tell him where Soledad is, they argue. Root comes in and tells her parents that she’s not a child of love, but a child of hate. That’s why she’s the way she is, and it’s all Ricky and Gabi’s fault! She storms out of the house and rides off on a horse. Outside, Coyote is lying in wait with his rifle – he’s got Root in the crosshairs, but he just can’t kill her. He thinks to himself that whether he likes it or not, she’s his sister and none of this is his or her fault. He follows her.

Sofia and Juan are at the lab or hospital in Puebla waiting for the results of the DNA test. The $64,000 question is which of the two girls got the double dumb gene – it’s a damn good thing the girls are too young to understand. They get two envelopes with the results and they head off to the lawyers office. The lawyer says that’s it for now, they wait for the judge.

Oscar is struggling in his bedroom, Jimena walks in – he’s impactado. He tries to get up out of the wheelchair – Jimena helps a bit and wouldn’t you just know it – he can stand!!!! It’s a milagro! Must be the healing powers of the ever-full moon. He promises her he’ll be the same man as before. They kiss.

Gaby, drinking in her office, is remembering Root’s words about being the daughter of hate and not love. Doesn’t look like Gabi’s day is gettin’ any better any time soon, when Juan comes clangin’ in with Sofia . Gabi mocks the two of them, saying she can only imagine that they’ve come to tell her they’ve reconciled, that Sofia has forgiven Juan because they love each other so much she just can’t live without him. Angrily, Juan says, nope, they’ve come to tell her about the judge’s decision – that as of right now, the Elizondo fortune is back in Sofia’s hands. Damn, Gabi should have consulted her horoscope with Walter Mercado this morning and not gotten out of bed. Gabi obviously doesn’t believe them, because she’s laughing like the crazy woman she is. She grabs at the paper that says which one of the kids is really theirs but Juan won’t let her see it. He says that he and Sofia don’t even know. But then he hands her the papers from the judge so she can see for herself that the Elizondo fortune is Sofia’s once again. Gabi tries to switch it around and give Sofia the biggest guilt trip on the face of the earth. She says Sofia has finally shown her true colors, that she’s a bad daughter – the worst one of them all. Juan tries to defend Sofia. Now Gabi tries to say that Juan put Sofia up to it – he’s in it for the money. Sofia says it not true, she’s just trying to be a good mother and a good sister. Gaby tells her not to play the victim, Sofia’s always gone against her and this just goes to prove it. Now she’s trying to convince Sofia that Juan, this “animal rastrero” (crawling animal) is full of hatred and revenge and that he’s just using Sofia to get back at Gabi. Hello Kettle? This is Pot. Guess what? You’re black!!! Yikes that Gabi must be lookin’ in the mirror! Juan tries to defend Sofia again. Sofia finally sticks up for herself, tells Gabi she’s taking the kids out of danger and leaving the house. She’s not going to let Gabi insult her anymore – she knows Gabi doesn’t love her, but aside from everything she’s still her mother and she loves and respects her, and as proof of that, Sofia will let Gabi continue to live in the hacienda, but without violence, because Sofia is not going to put up with anymore threats, or live in fear. Gabi laughs almost maniacally. Juan and Sofia walk out. Gabi looks like she just might cry.

Oscar and Jimena are basking in the glow of the miracles that are Oscar’s revived legs. She says he’ll be walking again soon. He says he’s stronger now that she’s back. She’s given him the strength to keep trying. He thinks maybe he only stood up this time, and that when he can’t again she might leave him again and she says no, she’ll never leave him again, she came back for his love. They kiss. Franco walks in and smiles, happy they’ve gotten back together. More Oscar and Jimena kissing. I’ve always thought they were the only couple with any chemistry. All I can say is thankfully this latest separation only lasted a week – the TN gods spared us!

Coyote is out ridin’ in his big, black truck, and comes upon Root riding her horse. She jumps off the horse and completely flips out on Coyote for getting in her way. She’s screaming and crying, saying that she doesn’t want to see or speak to anybody – this girl is badly in need of a Xanax. He says he followed her because he saw how distraught she was. He asks her what happened, she screams some more to leave her alone and actually spits at him! He says he won’t leave until she calms down. She says nobody cares about her, she’s learned that strong people don’t feel love, only hate and revenge. He tells her it’s because she grew up without love and he cares about her more than she thinks. He tells her how much his mother loves him and that’s why her suffering has hurt him so (“parte el alma” – literally, split his soul). Root says her father loves her too, in his own way, and he made her the image of himself (“semejanza” – his similarity). He asks her would she have liked to have grown up in a different family? Full of love, and learned how to love? Aaaaaawwwww, how cute! Coyote turns out to be a mental health counselor!

Sofia and Juan are back in Fernie/Root/Juan’s room. She can’t calm down after arguing with her mother. Sofia says she knows she did the right thing, but she’s still worried about protecting her mother from Feo and Root. Juan’s like, protecting Gabi? Everyone else is scared of that witch! Sofia says she’s going to speak to Gabi and tell her the whole truth – I suppose about Feo and Root? Sofia is stupid enough to think that once Gabi hears all this, she’ll understand and agree to divide the Elizondo fortune up equally – yeah, right!!!!! But Sofia doesn’t want any of it. The only thing she cares about is keeping her family together. Sofia knows that people says she’s too submissive (“sumisa”), but this is about her mother, the mother who raised her and put a roof over her head – Sofia says she can’t hurt Gabi, she’ll always love her. He says he likes how she thinks, but wants to know where his and Sofia’s relationship stand. A slight smile on her face tells me she’s giving in – big shocker there, huh?.

Cut to Root walking into Crabs office – Crabs just poured herself a fresh snifter full – she deserves it. Root wants an explanation. Gabi tells her she doesn’t deserve one because she doesn’t trust her anymore. Gabi goes on to say she and Root are exactly alike – “como dos gotas de agua” (like two drops of water) - she knows how Root thinks, how she feels, it’s like looking at a mirror image of herself. Root wants to know why Gabi slept with her father, Darth, and got pregnant if Gabi didn’t love him. What was in it for Gabi? Gabi says she wanted love, she’s always looked for love and never found it. She thought she had found it in Ricardo, but he didn’t love her either. At least not in the way she needed. Bernardo never loved her. Waiting for Root to be born was the best revenge, but she had no idea that stupid Raquel switched the babies and left her with even more stupid-Eva’s baby. Root doesn’t believe Crabs did this all for love. She says for love she got revenge against Jose Robles, and for love she got together with Fernando, but now she doubts Feo. Crabs eyes are closed and she’s got this creepy look on her face. A couple of big ol’ alligator tears fall from Root’s eyes cuz she know she’s guilty, but she asks why Gabs doubts Feo – Gabi says for everything, and because Root is the one that put doubts into her mind about Fernando. Hello! Didn’t she just get through telling her that they were exactly alike? Gabi says she thinks there’s something going on between Root and Feo, and if she can prove it, whether Root is her daughter or not, Root will pay dearly for her betrayal! Gabi genuinely looks hurt! Another milagro!

Back in the bedroom, Juan is telling Sofia that he’s going to continue living in the house until all the strange accidents stop happening. He’s pressuring her for an answer about their relationship, she says she’ll think about it. He makes her promise. She wants to go tell Sarita what’s up about owning the farm again. Instead of a kiss, she gives Juan a “bendicion” and leaves. Picking up his sombrero, Juan looks at the safe and wonders what secrets it holds. Yo Juan! Curiosity killed the cat!

More promesas de amor with Jimena and Oscar. He thought he’d lost her forever. He tells her everything she said to him helped him a lot. Once again he asks for forgiveness. She says even though she doesn’t want to leave him, she has to go see her sisters and tell them she’s back together with Big O.

Quinti in the kitchen with Tio Elf getting the bread ready for the market, but he doesn’t want to go with her again. Hortensia and her hub, Saul Dominguez Ortiz, come into the kitchen. I keep forgetting that they live at the Doble R now too! BTW, where’s Pablito lately? Hort is annoyed because Saul didn’t make the bed – it’s his obligation. What’s up with that???? He wants a kiss, but she’s not givin’ it up. Then she says something about ironing the clothes! Tio Elf tells her she’s too strict, that Saul is her husband not her slave. Quinti, flirting with Tio, says not all women are like that. Total waste of time here. What’s the point in emasculating poor Saul?

Gabi’s in the crypt with Bernardo, crying and insulting him. She tells him he’ll never leave her in peace, this is his vengeance against her. She tells him she hates him. She smashes a flower vase on the marble. She hopes he continues to burn in hell (enchicharrando – like chicharrones) for centuries. Eva walks in and yells how dare Gabi disrespect Bernardo’s memory! Gabi tries to throw Eva out. Eva’s not going anywhere, she wants to know why Gabi is doing that. Gabi says, it’s none of your business. Why are you defending a man who never loved you? Eva tells Gabi that Bernardo never loved her either, and is that why she hates Sofia so much, because she was Bernardo’s favorite? Gabi tells Eva that her bitterness and loneliness is making Eva say these things. Eva says she’s not alone, she has the love of Gabi’s daughters, Gabi is a bad mother, a bad person, and that she enjoys hurting her daughters, especially Sofia. But, Eva says, one day Gabi will pay for it all with loneliness and without affection (“desamor”). Gabi tells her to shut up, it’s all lies, lies I said! Eva says Gabi has never been and never will be loved. Gabi argues that Feo loves her and Eva says, “You believe that?” Gabi says, “What are you saying?” Eva says, “See for yourself if you care so much.”, and then walks out.

Jimena walks into Crap from Afar to tell Sarita that she couldn’t be apart from her sisters and Oscar any longer. How long has she been gone? Overnight?) The girls hug.

Back in the kitchen, it’s time to go to the market with the bread, but Tio Cente tells Quinti ok, but this time he’s driving the motorcycle. Quinti says fine, and on the way she’ll tell him about her new business – music, she’s going to put on shows and she’s even hired two assistants. Over at Horny Spinsters House there’s some craziness goin’ on – they are Quintina’s assistant dancers. The ladies are dressed up like ballet dancers at practice, but dancing to rap music! They can’t let Quintina down. This scene really deserves the ultimate Que The Hell Award.

Gabi and Feo are in the office talking. He says she’s lost everything again. Gabi says he promised her he would kill Juan, but his promises are always false. She says something is going on behind her back and everyone knows about it but her. He says he swears he has no idea what she’s talking about. He says he has demonstrated his love for her in all the ways he knows how. I think Crabs is a little drunk at this point – she’s drained the carafe. She tells Feo that even Eva is laughing in her face now. He’s mad that she believes Eva over him. Feo says even if she winds up in the street he’ll still be at her side. Gabs says she’ll never be out on the street, she has her own money and that she’ll fight for the hacienda with every last cent she has. He tells her not to waste the money – she’s lost this time, she better face it. She says doesn’t care about anything as long as she has him, and asks if he loves her. He doesn’t respond right away. She’s begging pathetically to tell her he loves her, but all he says is that she’s had too much to drink. She tells him if she has him she has the strength for anything. Maybe it’s best if they go away together. She’s kissing his hand and rubbing it all over her face (excuse me – Eeeeeewwwwww!!!) and he’s looking at her likes he’s disgusted with her. He holds her close but thought bubbles that he has to get rid of her as soon as possible.

Sarita fills Jimena in on the DNA tests and the change in ownership of the hacienda. Jimena says she is still going to live in the store, but Sarita tells her she should move back into the Doble E.

Sofia is talking to her Abuelo’s picture telling him she’s back at the Hacienda’s helm just like he always wanted. She says it was hard, she had to confront her mother, but that hopefully one day her mother will realize she did it to protect her from the “codicia” (covetous) Feo and Root’s betrayal. Now she turns to a picture of her father and talks to him, she promises to share just like he taught her. Feo walks in to insult her. He says he never thought she had it in her to confront her mother. Sofia says she did it to protect her mother from him and Root. She says she knows the truth, Eva saw them together and she’s ready to tell her mother that he and Root are lovers! Feo gets that crazy look again, and tells Sofia she better remember who she’s dealing with. Sofia tells Feo she’s not afraid of him. Hell, I am! She calls him a snake. He tells her not to forget for her own good that snakes attack unexpectedly when they are cornered. Feo walks out.

Back at Darth’s Den of Evil, he tells Root he’s been looking for her and is worried about her, but she’s doesn’t believe him. She starts in with the daughter of hate line, and Darth wants to know what started all this. He tries to explain that he and Gabs did not hate each other when she was born. The only thing he cares about is that they are together. Darth comforts evil daughter with a hug and some nice words. He tells her not to worry herself with sentimental things, it’s a sign of weakness. She’s his pride, don’t let him down, he says. Now, he wants to get back to vengeance business. He says the two of them are made from the same wood. He says “El que nos la hace, nos la paga” – the one who gets revenge first, gets paid – or something to that effect. He tells her never to forget that.

At Doble R, Franco and Oscar are happily singing in the kitchen, Juan doesn’t know why, but he joins in too, followed by gritos of happiness! Juan says O’s like a new person. Franco says there’s no doubt that love does marvelous things. O says he’s happy because Jimena has come back because she loves him, just like he loves her. But then Oscar remembers something, he calls himself a “tarugo” – a wooden plug. (I guess that’s sort of like dumb as a post, huh?) Juan says yeah, they knew that. (Well, sure, it runs in the family!) Franco recites some cute little rhyme and Juan calls him Ojitos Pispiritos. I really didn’t get this whole thing, and my husband wasn’t around to ask. If anyone knows, please fill me in! Juan tells them that Jimena is going to live at the Doble E once again. Oscar’s all no way, she’s living here with me! Juan says obviously he hasn’t heard the latest gossip, but Sofia’s back in charge – she’s the new “jefa”. In an almost childlike way, Juan explains to them about Sofia going to the lawyer, about them going and getting this newfangled “genetica” test thingy done, and with the proof that one of the little munchkins is theirs, they comply with Bernardo’s will and the judge gave the Elizondo fortune back to Sofia! Oh Happy Day! All Franco and Oscar want to know is which kid is Sofia and Juan’s, but Juan says they are keeping their promise not to find out, that they love them all the same. More gritos, they decide this news needs to be celebrated. How come nobody is talking about Oscar’s miracle legs?

Raq comes rushing into the kitchen, she needs to speak with Juan urgently. Franco, still joking about Juan says he’s going to help Moscatelito(?) – another nickname. I guess that’s what Franco does all day, thinks of nicknames. Raq obviously she wasn’t too afraid to leave the Coyote Den and run into Darth, but maybe she thought her helmet head hair would protect her from danger.

Apparently, Sofia has invited Darth and Root to come see her in the office. Darth is pissed. Sofia tells them they have 2 days to get out of Dodge. He says Sofia can’t run them off, only Gabi can. She explains that she is now the owner of the Hacienda. Sofia says she will have them thrown out. Sofia asks if they’re going to leave of their own free will, or if she’s going to have to have them thrown out. Sofia leaves. Darth can’t believe Gabi has lost everything. Root’s mad because Daddy has nothing of his own, it’s all stupid Raquel’s. Root can’t understand how a man like Darth could wind up in a situation like this. He says he never thought he’d be in a situation like this. She says now more than ever he has to find Raquel, or they’ll wind up in the street – they have nowhere else to go. Where the heck were they living before they came back to Stupidville?

Over to Coyote Den, Soledad walks into the room talking to Raq, only Raq’s not there. She thinks it’s weird that Raq left without telling her.

Back at the Doble R, Juan hands Raq the papers that he and Slofia found in the cofre. She says Soledad convinced her to fight for her rights. Juan says he and his brothers will help her fight Darth. Raq says she’s tired of being afraid, she’s going to confront Darth alone, and fight for what’s rightfully hers. She’s going to leave Root and Darth with nothing! They will have to live off of Gabi’s charity. Well now, Juan says he’s got some big gossip for her, he tells her how Gabi’s lost everything and it all belongs to Sofia now, and that Sofia will be kicking Darth and Root out any time now.

Darth and Root are walking back into the house just in time to see Jimena going upstairs. Darth says, “Asunto!” to her and Jimena turns. “Asunto” is normally used like “subject”, I don’t get the relevance here. She looks scared, but slowly comes back down the stairs and says she’s never liked or trusted him. He wants to know what she’s talking about. She asks if he’s forgotten already about trying to rape her!!!!!! Ruth is impactada!!!!!!

Previews: The boys come to Hacienda Doble E with mariachis to serenade their women, Root looks dejected.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Las Tontas no Van - 1-21 Wed An engagement, disengagement, teen management, home economics

Ok, I don’t know, this seems to be all over the place. I’m also cursing Rosy Ocampo for her overpacked scripts this friggin recap took me about 5 or 6 hours. Jeez.

We ended up with Santi and Mari arriving to a surprise engagement party, but then we got to Candy in the office saying she’ll be done soon and Ceci shooing everyone away. Once they are gone Candi notes how odd Ceci is acting.

This next part apparently was edited from the US version I guess for obvious reasons. I'm not so bright as I recapped it anyway not thinking it wouldn't appear. There is a scene where pipi is being visibly made too that was edited out, you'll read about that below.

We then go to Abuela scolding her young grandson for pointing out the anatomic differences between males and females and that his dog has a penus and is therefore male of course because females have vaginas and he’s not sure why it’s a cuchinada to say that. Abue isn’t hip to this frankness and nearly escorts him upstairs to his bath by his ear.

Ali and Pat are dressed up leaving for the surprise party but Pato is proclaiming how much he doesn’t want to go.

Candi and Zamora are discussing that Tio hasn’t been home yet and they are worried about him. She asks Zamora for a favor.

At Sole’s house, Meno is there telling her she’s right that her son is being raised around a gay. Like Serrat said, the truth is never sad but it has no remedy. He very somberly tells her that he has only had their best interests in mind, but if they want him out of their lives, so be it. He hands Sole the letter that he doesn’t have the courage to give to Candi directly. He worries about seeing them but is informed that at this moment everyone has left for the party, that he was invited to as well, so he won’t see them. He comments that he has his own funeral and doesn’t need to attend any other. Sole just kind of stands there impactada.

We go back to the party where Santi feigns excitement at his surprise engagement party. He immediately chugs a glass of wine then guardedly greets his guests. Mari worries he’s not enjoying this. He walks toward the door telling everyone to be happy, but under his breath, not like him. He walks out the front door and who is right there but Candi who is spying because she wants no surprises and wonders if her widow and sister are going to be there. Santi of course doesn’t know since this was all a surprise to him. Candi makes one more call to Meno before Mari sees her and drags her in. We see Pat in the background with Ali while she is talking.

Mama sees Meno packing and wonders what’s up, Candi didn’t mention he’s going on vacay. He says no, it’s for good, say goodbye to everyone for me. Of course Mama is impactado.

Santi is discussing this whole idea with Mari that this wasn’t right, and they don’t even have a ring, but of course our scheming Mari has taken care of that as she very slyly hands him a ring while holding his hands. He is therefore forced to present it happily to her in front of the crowd.

Her turn to feign pleasant surprise as she accepts the ring. Candi is the first to hug them congratulations and Santi doesn’t let go of her too easily. She says first a gift to them with all her love and the mariachis file in singing the cumbia, Tiburon a la Vista (Shark in sight) – wonder if it’s Santi or Mari….or maybe Pato? We see the Pato head coming in the still open front door and happily joining in the dancing. Candi ducks behind and grabs on to Santi again after seeing the Pato head through the crowd.

Candi and Santi begin dancing, but Mari thinks she should be dancing this first dance with the groom. Claro que si, but Santi’s Ma brushes her off - it’s a party, relax. Just then Ali and Pat greet her and distract her for a moment from her green envy. Until Ali notes the Novio dancing with someone else too, but Mari says well I guess I’ll have him my whole life so what the heck.

We turn to Candi begging Santi to help her. He ends up moving her towards the door and giving her his car and she trades him for her son. Mari rushes up and learns she’s leaving to find her uncle. An interesting trade, car for kid. Candi drives off, Mari is more than happy to see her go I’m sure.

Back at the house Gregi is telling Meno she won’t stop him if he wants to leave, because after all it isn’t right that her grandson and his son grow up with an abnormal. The have the same old argument that he’s not abnormal and she thinks God punished their whole family but meno realizes it’s futile. He says God isn’t punishment, he’s love, but she doesn’t know love. This departure is barely believable given how Meno is so strong and proud and running his restaurant and his life for so long. I guess I could only see it if he’s supposed to be that fearful of outing himself to his son. I suppose strangers are one thing, but your own children, maybe it’s not so easy to be as confident around, I don’t know. I still think he wouldn’t just abandon everything like that. Oh Candi, you’d better do something, look at where your lie has gotten us!

We see our young lovers plotting to steal away from the party for more groping. They communicate by cell phone and work their way up to Lucia’s room. While Issy and Jaime talk about their children’s respective discontent with their relationship, she looks up and notes the suit clad sneaker wearing young buck not so clandestinely ascending the stairs towards his waiting lady. Issy is not far behind. She knocks on Lu’s door and wants to know where the boyfriend is. Now here's where it’s dumb. Lu says he’s not there, but of course Abue is no tonta and discovers him behind the door. What would bother me most about this is not that they are trying to steal away, but that they lie about it, but heck, I would have done the same thing when I was that age unless there was no way to get away with it. Sigh. Abue yells at Charly to get out, appreciates he tries to cover for Lu but says Lu knows no boys allowed in her bedroom. She departs saying she already knows she’s an old-fashioned old lady and Lu doesn’t even have to say it.

Downstairs the new best friend foursome is chatting again about why Santi was dancing with that other woman and he says well she gifted the mariachis so it’s only right that I shared the dance with her. Mari thinks they should meet her someday and maybe even come by the institute.

Santi screams at this possibility, which alarms everyone, and so he covers that Donato should not be putting out the candles just now, because people will leave; and something like if the candles are out then they can’t be put on the cake. Mari tries to tell him there is no cake but he says this is a party so of course there is cake and he asks what kind they all want. They all say Mil Hojas ( Thousand Layers - not an easy cake to just pick up).

Back at the multicolored home, Candi probes her Ma for info about Meno leaving, Ma doesn’t know, she tried to change his mind but he is too stubborn - she isn’t too bothered.

Back at the party Issy is having a good conversation with her granddaughter about not rushing things and there is plenty of time. Santi hears this part and wants to know time for what, and she says to make love with her boyfriend. Santi reacts to this with a spit out of his drink, and Issy orders Donato to help him out with the mess. Ha. Santi will deal with Lu later.

At the bottom of the stairs Pat introduces Ali to Chava as his wife. Chava, having studied the finer points of Abues and Papas and Mamas with his pal Beto, rightly comments that ah, but she isn’t the Ma of Beto. Ali, who looks as though she may have enjoyed her share of champagne at this point does something waaayyy weird and asks Chava if he wouldn’t like it if she were the Ma of Beto. He listens to her Bubis, er, heart, and decides nope, she’s a bad person. Santi interrupts explaining this is just a child’s game and well his heart sounded the worst. Ali says fine, but she is zero bad. Hmmmm….

We see Los Arcos and can guess that Meno is in a hotel still in Guadalajara. This is certainly not random because of it’s inscription declaring Guadalajara the hospitable city and that an enjoyable stay is a guaranteed return. Meno’s not going to get far I surmise. He flashes back to his days of "parenting" Chava and cries profusely. Very tender moments. Poor Meno.

Back at Santi’s house it’s time for Chava’s bedtime (notice Santi does this, not Mari, the woman) and he gets to sleep in one of Santi’s shirts, of course it’s waaay too big, and this is so cute and they discuss the finer points of what makes a heart good versus bad. Honestly, I think he couldn’t really hear a heart through all that Bubi, and well, that’s what makes her bad, wink.

Candi reads the letter that basically says Meno doesn’t want to burden her with having to raise her son around a gay and that with love for her he’s left to make it easier on them. She calls him again and note, she asks yet again for something, not to leave her alone. Nice.

Chava and Santi also discuss the bedwetting and Santi tells him if it happens, to let him know and he’ll take care of it and that accidents happen. We had some comments about this bed wetting and possible causes and I like that the adults are very understanding and not stressing him out about it, but I still can’t help thinking this poor child needs some medical attention, physical or mental, to help him over this hurdle. That or they shouldn’t be handing him tequila shots before bedtime!! Adorable scene indeed. Santi tells him a story of him having to take his Roci to the bathroom and of course is first thought is to take her to the ladies room, but that upset the other ladies when he went in, and so when he took her to the men's, well it was disgusting, so while he was trying to figure out what to do, poor Roci let loose on herself and all over him and it looked like both of them wet themselves!!! OK, really, I’m echoing the sentiment we’ve heard, really what is it with all this pipi humor. I hope there’s a moral or a point or some sort of tie in at the end!

When Santi comes downstairs it turns out that Meno has come to ask him a big favor. Santi comes down, glad to know Meno is ok. He says he didn’t come to the party because he didn’t want to meet up with Candy.

Candi goes to yell at Sole for making her uncle leave. She doesn’t care about Serrat only her Uncle. She tells Sole not to say those things anymore, besides just how people don’t understand Meno, they might not understand how it is that Beto and Chava have the same Dad. Good point.

Santi talks to Meno who appears to be getting drunker by the minute. Meno asks if Santi likes his niece, he says much and that she made him a believer again, not in God but in love. They discuss how he got used to no one bugging him about where he put his socks or that he snores, but Meno says Candi hates snoring. Meno tells him not to let her go. He tells that he read Santi’s astrological cards and he’s got two paths, one with his girlfriend but the other is with his heart and that is Candi. Anyway, we know Meno likes the two of them together.

Candi calls Santi and learns Tio is there.

Pat has a dream that he sees Candi and tells her he still loves her and she’s all he cares about despite Ali and they kiss.. He wakes up with Ali there.

Santi is now drunk and professes he’s scared to be with her. I think they have switched to Jalisco’s finest instead of wine. Meno asks how he could be scared if he looks for her all the time. He says because he loves it when she yells and even when she bites her lip when she’s nervous. He says they play a cat and mouse game. Just then Candi shows up.

He tells Meno he did trick him, but he’s leaving them alone. Candi and Meno hug and make up. Oh yeah, and cry. He says he messed her make-up, but he put on none today himself because he was too depressed. On the balcony Santi and Donato contemplate why men flee marriage but do everything to get it, Santi replies that a single man is the only incomplete animal, and Donato remarks in that case marriage is the whole animal?

I think the theme here is dark suits with red ties. Now Pato is wearing one and Charly and Santi wore the same thing for the party, and well our president wore the same thing yesterday. Hmm.

Pato is in Santi’s office and they are discussing that he dreamed about his dead wife. Santi wonders her name? Candi. Pato tells all the virtues of her and Santi agrees knowingly, until he catches himself. Pato tells the whole sister kissing story. Santi says yeah, you have to forget this chic, in fact you and your wife should move far away. Really far away, the farthest, to get away from all of this. He picks up the phone to make them reservations even. He recommends Spain because they love Mexicans and there are a lot of lawyers there. Pato says he’s staying then because he’s not a lawyer.

Rocio is forced by Beto and Chava to decide which "boyfriend" she wants to keep.

Santi continues his discussion with Pato and is surprised to learn that she always said yes to Pato and never fought him or yelled at him or gave him guff. Anyway, he calls this an obsession that he needs to get over.

Charly wants to know why his parents split up. Meno asks him if he really is prepared to know the truth. All we get initially is that it was his fault because he fell in love with another person. Charly looks interested.

Santi tells Candi that Pat dreamed of her last night. She wants to know how he knew this happened and Santi tells of their chat. She thinks Pat is dreaming about a ghost because she is dead to him. Santi presses on and tells her Pat loves her, and he’s not in peace because of her death. She says good it was his fault. Santi tells her she should give him a chance to listen to him and that he really loves her. Candi is a bit impactada.

Chaya tries to demonstrate that a housewife is worth something. 11200 pesos to be exact. He says yes, but they don’t charge. She says maybe they don’t charge, but they have value and so you either pay me for what I do or you let me work and we hire someone. This plea has fallen on deaf ears again. He reminds her how much she has to do.

Meno continues to Charly that he was a bit egotistical, but he never forgot his son. He reminds him that he wouldn’t have been happy with unhappy parents but he never meant to leave him. He says he didn’t leave for another women, just fell in love with another person in a relationship that didn’t last long. But they split up and if it was up to him, he never would have left Charly alone.

Back at school Abue comes to pick up Roci so she has to decide quickly who is the novio, so she does eeny meeny miny mo and chooses Beto. Abue says this is silly, you can’t choose a boyfriend when you are hungry, so this will have to wait and she escorts Roci off. The boys fight about who she chose.

Pat takes off to go to Beto’s soccer match when Ali comes in. She asks to go with him that she won’t get in his way. He laughs and says she doesn’t know how not to and besides she hates soccer. She chides that he always brought Candi, and he says well Candi loved soccer. When really pushed of course Ali would rather be hanging around that luxurious office than going to see the Chivas on the weekend and she agrees not to go. Instead she makes an appointment with the plastic doctor for today. Nice.

Lulu is pushing this love thing with Meno and coordinates Zamora to sing to Tio Meno the song, Wake up my Sweet Love :

Despierta dulce amor de mi vida
despierta si te encuentras dormida
escucha mi voz vibrar bajo tu ventana
en esta cancion te vengo a entregar el alma
Perdona que interrumpa tu sueno
pero no pude mas
y esta noche te vine a decir
te quiero
Despierta dulce amor de mi vida
despierta si te encuentras dormida
escucha mi voz vibrar bajo tu ventana
en esta cancion te vengo a entregar el alma
Perdona que interrumpa tu sueno
pero no pude mas
y esta noche te vine a decir
te quiero
Te quiero, te quiero, te adoro

Candi notices and comments on the fact that yes Lulu appears to be flirting and or courting him. She essentially tells him he hides his sexual preference fairly well so she might not even realize it.

Still talking to the invisible maid, Ali is in front of the plastic doctor’s office on the phone. As she is parked exactly in front of the entrance, an amazing feat pulled off only by telenovela actors who have incredible parking karma, in her rear view mirror she spots someone getting out of a taxi that just pulled up. She wants to be sure what she saw, so she watches this person go in the building and up the glass elevator. Without taking off her huge designer sunglasses to get a better look, she asks if that was Candi. We’ll have to wait until next time to learn if she catches her.

Wagers anyone? What are the odds statistically….? Well, even if she does figure it out, she’d probably be in agreement to keep it from Pato for obvious reasons, not the least of which would be to keep her husband, and even more of which, as something to blackmail Candi, so maybe we are in luck with at least another person learning the gig is up. Slowly but surely the house of cards will tumble. I only hope the little kids aren’t playing Fort in it when it does. :)


Cuidado con el Angel, January 21, 2009

We start off with Olga helping Marichuy and Cande bring there things in. Cande tells her not to tell anyone that they are back.

The housekeeper tells Patricio that Ceci and Estephania came back from there trip and that Ceci is devastated. Patricio asks Ceci how it went and she tells him that they did not find her.

Onelia says out loud that the trial for the murderer starts tomorrow. JM asks Onelia if she has talked to the authorities regarding there accusations about Viv. She does not want to talk about it. She tells JM that as of today they will be on opposite sides.

Cande is making breakfast and Marichuy tells her that she has things to do today. She will be going to see JM.

Ceci blames Estephania for missing Marichuy before she left.

Leopard goes up to Marichuy’s room sadden by her sudden departure. Oh, no she forgot her damn bird! He grabs and starts talking to the bird and says something about a bird and how they fly or something like that. He sheds a tear.

Patricio defends Estephania that she is not to blame for missing that girl. Ceci tells him it’s not that girl but our daughter. She starts recalling events of the previous day and remembers that she crossed paths with her while she was leaving and they were arriving. She gets hysterical and he tries to calm her down.

Marichuy is walking towards the house with a bounce in her step. Mayita is playing by the fountain with a baby. Marichuy calls out to her. She goes running to greet her and asks her about her brother that she promised to bring her. Marichuy tells her later and asks where JM is.

Estephania is walking down the street talking to Isa on the phone regarding what happened the day before. She tells her that they just missed Marichuy and that the whole way back she had to hear her cry. They were told that Marichuy left the hacienda forever. Isa says that Ceci will never find her again and she must be crying buckets. Isa is too happy about this. Estephania thinks that she may know where she is.

Mayita tells Marichuy that her dad left. Marichuy wants to know where, but Mayita does not know.

Leopard yells out to Micaela to get his bags ready because he is leaving to go find Marichuy (Lirio).

Marichuy and Mayita go sit in the living room. She asks Marichuy again about the baby she promised to bring her. She tells Mayita that she will complete her promise. Mayita tells Marichuy that someone in her school told her that her mother is dead. She knows it’s a lie like the other time when they told her that her mom was dead and then she came back. Also that her nanny left too. She asks Marichuy if she will return to live with her. Marichuy tells her that she does not know, but will be waiting for JM.

Cosme tells Leopard that he is wasting his time looking for Marichuy (Lirio). Leopard does not care he will not just cross his arms and do nothing. He doesn’t understand. They were going to be married. He was so happy and now in such pain worse then before. When he finds her he will demand an explanation. He will move heaven and earth to find her.

Back at JM’s house Estephania asks Balbina where Marichuy is. Balbina is confused, but hears laughter in the living room and goes in. She sees Marichuy and says “I knew it”. She was sure that Marichuy would return. Yes, I have responds Marichuy, and what’s it too you. Estephania asks her what her intentions are. Marichuy tells her that it’ none of her concern. Estephania tells her that she is the same naca as before and has not changed. Mayita sticks up for her and tells Estephania that she has changed. Marichuy tells her that she has changed inside and is now a woman. She tells Mayita to go to her room and play with the baby for awhile. Before Mayita leaves the room she gives Estephania a dirty look. Marichuy tells Estephania what do you have to say to me?

The lawyer is talking with JM about the case. Blanca sees JM thru the bars.

Estephania asks why she came. Marichuy tells her that she found out that Viv was dead. Estephania tells her you think there is room for you now? Because now there is another. Marichuy tells her that if she is trying to scare her off she is wasting her time. Estephania tells her that she thinks she knows everything but does not. Marichuy tells her that she knows JM is going thru a lot, that he is alone and that I care for him. That is why I am here. Estephania tells her that there are definitely things that she does not know. She is going to tell her everything.

JM asks the lawyer if he can get close to Blanca. The lawyer thinks that it is not a good idea. JM wants to find out immediately after what happens and will be waiting for the attorney.

Marichuy tells Estephania that she does not believe her. She is not the old Marichuy who believed all her lies. Estephania asks her why she is defending JM. Do you not remember what he did to that night? Marichuy says that is in the past and she has forgiven him. Estephania tells her that JM is waiting for Blanca to get out of jail so that they can marry.

Mayita tells Abuela that Marichuy has returned.

Marichuy tells Estephania that she is lying. She will wait until he returns. Estephania then says that JM will be kicking her out again like he did before. She then asks why she left the hacienda since the owner was crazy about her and the baby. Marichuy says how do you know that when no one else does. She then says that it must have been Amador. Estephania tells her that it does not matter. She now knows the truth.

Back at the hacienda Micaela is packing Leopard’s bag. She asks him how long he plans to be gone. He says I don’t know, but I will not be returning until I find her. (here’s a thought. why don’t you ask PA) I have no idea where to look for her, but she has to reappear. Micaela thinks to herself that he will never find out if he uses the name Lirio. But she cannot tell him anything.

Balbina tells Rocio that Estephania is in the living room talking with Marichuy. Rocio runs in the room and greets Marichuy warmly and tells her that she missed her immensely. She wants to know how she is. Marichuy tells her that she found out what has been going on and believes that JM is innocent. Rocio tells her that Blanca was the one to kill Viv and that JM said he did it to protect her.

In the courtroom the judge reads the charges while Onelia tears up. The prosecutor asks Blanca is she is pleading innocent or guilty. She pleads innocent.

JM is thinking about Marichuy and wonders who she will be marrying.

Micaela is having a full conversation in her head about the difficult dilemma in regards to staying quiet or telling Leopard that truth.

Rocio tells Marichuy the truth about Blanca and what has happened. Marichuy asks if there is something between JM and Blanca. Rocio tells her that they are engaged. Estephania is like “I told you!” Rocio tells her that Blanca is a very nice person and asks her about her upcoming marriage. If she is married yet. Marichuy tells her no.

Micaela could not tell Leopard the truth about Marichuy (Lirio).

Rocio tells Marichuy that she hopes she will be happy in her marriage and thought that she would never see her again. Rocio lets slip out that Viv was pregnant when she was killed and Marichuy says what? She was going to be a mother again. Yes, responds Rocio but Blanca is not at fault. I will tell you that part of the story another day. Blanca is sick and that is why JM is defending her. Today the trial starts and JM is there.

JM is thinking about Marichuy. He says that she is fair away and that he has lost her forever.

Rocio asks Marichuy if she is okay. Marichuy gets up quickly and says that she has to go. She runs out of the room. Estephania runs after her and asks her what she plans to do. Are you returning to the hacienda? Marichuy tells her that she does not have to explain what she is going to do. Estephania tells her that she feels sorry for her. Marichuy tells her that I do not need your pity. Estephania drives in that JM does not need or wants her and to return to the hacienda. Marichuy runs off.

Marichuy returns home and tells Cande that JM was not home when she asks if she saw him.
Marichuy starts crying and says that JM does not care for her, but another. Who, asks Cande. Marichuy informs her it’s the woman that killed Viv.

Estephania tells Isa that Marichuy is back.

Marichuy tells Cande everything that she found out. Cande scolds her and says that you should not have left the hacienda or Leopard and that we should return immediately. PA does not even know we are here. Do you want me to tell him? Marichuy does not want PA to know because she does not want to get scolded by him.

Patricio asks JM why he is sitting outside. JM tells him that Onelia is in there and he does not want to be with her. Patricio says that he would have been here sooner, but Ceci was upset. Why, asks JM. Because she went to look for…..

Cande tells Marichuy that she is going to get a taxi to return, but Marichuy stops her. She tells Cande that we cannot make rash decisions. Cande reminds her that when she read the paper she immediately decided to return. And see where that got me responds Marichuy.
Ceci is in her room wondering where Marichuy is. She thinks that maybe Marichuy went back home and decides to leave now to find her.

Tomorrow: Mayita tells Onelia that Marichuy is back.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mañana es para siempre - cast of characters

Eduardo Juárez Cruz / Franco Santoro - Fernando Colunga is a happy, noble boy, of profound sentiments, who adores his mother. His father died when Eduardo was 6 years old, from him Eduardo inherited his love of animals and respect for nature. He is a dreamer, but his love for Fernanda is solid as a rock. Even though Barbara's malice will separate them for years, when he sees her again he realizes his love is intact and he will fight for Fernanda and for justice.

Fernanda Elizalde Rivera - Silvia Navarro - beautiful, sweet, generous, of strong convictions, without social prejudice and worried for other people. Her innocent heart suffers a great blow when she is separated from Eduardo and, a little while later, when her mother dies. Her positive attitude helps her recover from her losses. When she groes up and works in the family business, she wants to open a center of handicraft activities (aha! Gewgaws R Us!) for her community.

Bárbara Greco / Rebeca Sánchez - Lucero is a beautiful and intelligent, but also perverse and manipulative, woman, who will do anything to succeed in her intentions. A childhood full of blows and abuse deformed her soul, and her way out was to assassinate her parents. Years later, under the name of Barbara Greco, she gets a job in the Gonzalo businesses in order to destroy the Elizalde family on Artemio's orders.

Gonzalo Elizalde - Rogelio Guerra is a rich hacienda owner and owns an important dairy business. An educated, honest, hardworking and responsible man, goodnatured and kind, easily manipulated by emotional blackmail. When he becomes a widow, he marries his assistant Barbara, whom he trusts blindly. He is considered a fortunate and happy man.

Monserrat Rivera de Elizalde - Erika Buenfil - beautiful, distinguished and traditional, with strong religious and moral principles that she promotes in her children. She is a classist and keeps her distance from the serving class. Her children are at difficult ages and she cannot communicate with them. She resents Soledad, the housekeeper, who better understands Santiago, Fernanda and Liliana, and has gained their affection and respect.

Damián Gallardo - Sergio Sendel is Fernanda's fiance. [And our favorite cellphone hurler.] A social climber allied with Barbara, who hires him to work in the business as Finance Director. He woos Fernanda on Barbara's instructions, and gets her to accept his wedding proposal. He left his home when he was of age because he was sick of his overprotective mother, Ursula.

Soledad Cruz - María Rojo is Eduardo's mother, and her son is the world to her. Widowed after just a few years of marriage, she dedicated herself to caring for the Elizondo children. When Barbara arrives, Don Gonzalo cedes the important decisions in the home and the business to her little by little. Soledad confronts the new assistant when she notices her viciousness. Barbara dedicates herself to nullifying Soledad, separating her from her son for many years and threatening to kill him.

Liliana Elizalde - Dominika Paleta - of strong convictions and noble sentiments, she is frank and direct, she hates hypocrisy. She is a vivacious, rebellious teenager. She is her mother's headache and her father's joy. She loves Soledad and Eduardo very much and protects her little sister Fernanda. Her life goes to pieces when Barbara frames her for the assassination of Monserrat and she spends years hidden in a psychiatric clinic.

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Fuego, Wed., Jan. 21: The only test Juan could ever pass...

More making-out with passed-out persons. Nice. Juan wakes up and is insistent to go get the girls to protect them. Sofia and he argue about who gets to protect the girls.

“Hello Padre. Let me emphasize my ass in your face. Let me curve my back over the couch for you. Let me stretch my arms to the ceiling, giving you the false appearance of double E’s.” No, no. I have come to combat evil, and if that means only half pretending to see you air hump me, we will consider my fledgling self-restraint a success. Apparently Rooty has information which can save Gramps. Salvation and repentance are not sexy, Paddy. She only ruins marriages, not fix them. Seeing that her seductive minutes are numbered, she goes for the “let me lie down and expose myself to you” in a desperate attempt, but PadTad can barely interpret his own feelings, let alone the ultra-mixed signals of an overage, oversexed societal reject.

Speaking of unstable “marriages,” Juan is explaining to Sofia that he never wanted sex with who’s-her-face, it just happened because “they” drugged him. “Ah, I see. I’m confused. That’s why I’m going to make a decision that will change our lives.” Or not really…

Whattayaknow, Jimena still hasn’t flown the coup, and I thought for sure Tijuana was gonna be her big break…

God, what is this? Everyone is having a shitty day around here. Sarita, barer of all things shitty, tells Oscar, who from this point forward will be eternalized as “Cheney” that Jimena is “leaving.” How he didn’t see this from his ever-contemplative state, I don’t know. He wheels away in fury…

I still have no idea who this chick with the painted scar is, but we will call her Shelly. Shelly tells Raquel to face her fears and face her husband. Face…tehe…

Cheney begs Jimena to come back, but she’s nearly made it out the door, and she’s never looking back. He loves her, but she doesn’t know if she loves him. They hold hands.

Gabi tells Hubby that she doesn’t trust anyone around here, not even her own newly-found daughter, Root. Who is “probably getting it on with you [Fernie].” She’s so quick, that one.

Juan is still paranoid that the daughters aren’t safe at the compound. It’s breeding season, after all. Still, he’s content that Sofia “understands” why he was caught with Root. Oscar is sad about Jimena’s slow but sure departure. When he needs them most, the bros. tell him to forget about her because he was a prick from the onset. So he does what they say and decides to fidget with the combination on Fernie’s safe.

Sofia is caught praying in PadTad’s chambers. I always wonder why all the main characters never pray where the normal heathens pray. “Now more than ever,” her kids need a babysitter, and her mother is evil. What should she do? “God is good, child. Honor your mother and father. But it is also written, father: don’t provoke your children.” Does it really say that? Just then he goes of on a preaching rant about parents who are only interested in themselves are evil, and the children are good. So, you’re saying that me hating my mother is perfectly godly? Yes, child, it is.

The nuns are itching to go home and take care of the children. I feel a musical coming on.
Shelly has come to see Gabi. She wants Sofia to know that Gabi isn’t her mother. How sad are you when you hit a blind crippled Scarface? Why is it that the scar changes form and location with every scene? She’s insistent to leave. Oh, her name’s Soledad, Shelly for short.

So even though it makes her an even bigger hypocrite, Sofia’s going ahead with the DNA testing per the attorney’s recommendation. *Putting on my legal/fiscal hat* Never do wills, do trusts. Never leave assets to your children with clauses like “have an heiress on the third moon of the summer solstice then lose it at a waterfall. Taking off hat…

So, naturally, like narcotic/human trafficker father, like narcotic/human trafficker son, Coyote is the “son” of Ricky Uribe. Shelly urges Coyote to accept this and move on. He can’t. So now, like some of the other lost characters, he has telenovela dreams of vengeances, but amateur film abilities of realizing them.

After understanding that DNA was a blood test and not a code for “I killed your sister,” Juan agrees to test the orphans. So will they brand the real kid or what? I won’t even mention how this would never happen in our childcare system. Well, after what was probably the only test Juan ever passed, he gets the results and pulls his crippled brother out of bed by his dead legs and takes him to the bus station. It wasn’t good enough, though. Eva actually had to restrain him in the wheel chair. Something similar happened earlier today when they told Cheney about Guantanamo…

While her parents are arguing about marrying for love or money, Root comes in and blames them for her messed up life. Somebody’s been watching Jenny Jones again… She heads for the bars, while Coyote aims his gun at her. She stands a better chance of crashing into an exploding tree… oh, wait, that already happened.

Not surprisingly, Jimena never made it out of town, and “forgot” something back at the ranch. She accidently kisses Cheney.

Tomorrow: Sofia is “this close” to telling everyone about Root and Fernie. Oh yeah, you all have two days to get out, because I’m now the owner of everything. Root’s going to pay big-time for her adventures.

*Kiddies, I'm exhausted. I'm in over my head with school, and as much as I love you, I can't do this anymore. So, I will do my best to finish my days with FELS, but when it's done, I'm done. Thanks.


Synopsis of "Mañana es para siempre" in English

Here are two different versions I found on line.

Fernanda is the youngest daughter of Gonzalo Elizalde, owner of a hacienda and proprietor of an important milk product business, and Eduardo is the son of Soledad, housekeeper to the family Elizalde. The two children grew up together, united by an innocent and loyal love, despite the difference between their social classes.

Gonzalo lives happily with his wife Monserrat and his five children, without suspecting that an implacable enemy lies in wait. Artemio Bravo (Gonzalo's half-brother) feels an intense and bitter hatred toward Gonzalo; it has corroded his mind, and his only aim in life is to destroy the entire Elizalde family slowly and sadly. To achieve this he will use an unscrupulous young woman who arrives at the Gonzala business under the name Barbara Greco. Her intelligence makes a good impression on Gonzalo, who hires her as his personal assitant. little by little, with great cunning, Barbara succeeds in gaining his complete confidence.

Barbara's first victims are Fernanda and Eduardo, whom she discovers in a tender kiss. With a subtle, venomous tongue, Barbara convinces Monserrat that Eduardo is a danger for the girl, and the boy is sent to boarding school in the city. The children's letters come into Soledad's hands and she, with much sadness, decides they will not reach their destination. This makes Fernanda feel that Eduardo has forgotten her...

Gonzalo, Fernanda's father, has never been concerned with class differences, but his wife Monserrat energetically rejects this friendship, given that Eduardo is the son of a hacienda employee.

Eduardo gives Fernanda a charm with his initials FE, as a symbol of his strong sentiment. The youngsters have marvelous moments meeting in secret, until the moment they are unfortunately discovered by Barbara (personal assistant of Don Gonzalo), whose wickedness insures the two will be separated for many years.

When the couple meets again, their sentiments are intact, but she doesn't realize that this man, who worries her, is her great love.

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Doña Bárbara - Tues. and Wed., Jan. 20 & 21 - Marisela refuses a birthday gift and the 'Spectre of the Sabana' finally is one.

Some news: It was so obvious that they are only shooting Génesis from the head up that I prowled around on the TW site until I found the reason - Génesis broke her shoulder.
There was also the rumor that the novela has been extended to 160 episodes, which would take it into March or April. It's definitely running through the end of Feb. Much as I like DB, I think it's time to wrap it up. How long can they drag out the Santos/DB/Marisela thing? IMHO, extending a novela never works.

I've got you beat, novelera, I went to the inauguation on Monday. No ticket. I just stood on the mall near the Washington Monument but I wanted to be a part of history and standing around with two million 'blissed out,' to use Maureen Dowd's term, people was great. The cold was not a problem for me. I have lots of cold weather gear for birdwatching but my feet hurt and still do!

Back to the Arauca-
Not surprisingly, the payback that DB demanded of Marisela is that she refuse the gift of the hacienda. Marisela says that she wants to go far away from here. Santos asks why she changed her mind and Marisela asks him to just respect her decision. Santos won't give up. He wants a reason. We can see Marisela thinking and then she tells him that La Barquereña doesn't exist. DB turned it into El Miedo and her influence is in every corner. Marisela says that she doesn't want anything DB has touched.

Leaving Altamire, DB tells Melquíades that there is a little problem - Lorenzo refuses to return the property transfer document to DB. DB says that she is sure Marisela will keep her promise.

Lorenzo is sure that DB is behind Marisela's decision. Santos returns and Cecilia tells them both that she thinks she knows what happened. A few days ago, DB came to Altamira and spoke to Marisela. Since then, she has been very sad and withdrawn.

Those who are invited to Marisela's birthday party rub it into the faces of those not invited: Mujiquita to Pernalete; Eustaquia to DB.

Santos accuses DB of doing something to keep Marisela from signing the document. He asks what she told Marisela during their conversation. DB denies having a conversation with Marisela and suggests that Marisela is capricious and probably wants to go off somewhere with Gonzalo. While Marisela avoids looking Lorenzo in the eyes and telling him a lie, DB has no problem swearing to Santos that she had nothing to do with Marisela changing her mind about accepting the gift of the hacienda.

Santos admires Marisela in her party outfit and says that he wants to be friends with her like they were before. "My poor Santos," says Marisela, "always thinking about the wellbeing of others, always concerned about everything. You fought so hard to get that woman to give me the hacienda." Santos reminds Marisela that the woman she is referring to is her mother. Marisela says that she will never call her that. Marisela says that DB never changes. Once again, Santos asks Marisela if DB forced her to change her mind about accepting the hacienda. "Why do I have to swear to you about something to do with DB?" says Marisela, "You should believe her above anyone else, including me and if you doubt her, how can you marry her?"

Don Encarnación and Lucía arrive at the party as does Eustaquia with Juan Primito. Juan Primito has his hair all slicked down but is wearing the same overalls as always. I guess he has a new shirt.

DB doesn't like being left alone and considers crashing Marisela's party.

The rebels arrive at the party is ridiculous diguises.

Marisela comes down to the party and dances with Lorenzo.

María Nieves arrives with Federica and Josefa to make Altagracia jealous. He does some very dirty dancing with Federica to the surprise of Gervasia, Melesio and the priest.
Mujiquita and Dr. Arias get an eyeful when Josefa leans over in her short dress to pick up her fan.

Antonio leaves the party when he sees Cecilia with Lorenzo. Lucía follows him.

Santos dances romantically with Marisela until DB arrives at the party and dances with Santos herself. That makes Marisela start to dance with Gonzalo.

Here, Marisela imagines herself dancing alone with Marisela or is Santos imagining that?

Antonio tells Lucía that he does stupid things when he is drunk. She begs him to take her with him when he leaves with the rebels. He refuses. She kisses him and Cecilia sees them.

When Santos asks Marisela to dance with him again, she refuses to leave Gonzalo saying that he is her boyfriend (novio). Santos is impactado.


The Mondragons and BP crash Marisela's birthday party. At DB's instructions, they provoke a brawl and after Santos stops it, DB tardily orders them to leave and goes back to El Miedo with them, Eustaquia and Juan Primito. Casilda overhears DB telling Melquíades about the plan so soon everyone at Altamira knows.

Josefa recognizes Gonzalo as a fugitive and is going to blackmail Mujiquita for her silence.

Antonio takes leave of his father. Melesio tells him that when he gets his life straightened out, to please return to Altamira. Melesio says that he won't be around forever.

Lorenzo gives numerous farewells: he tells Marisela how proud he is of her; he thanks Santos for giving him some dignity in his last months; he tells Cecilia how happy he is that they had this time together, and he forgives DB for what she did to him and tells her that she won't win and that while he will die in the bosom of his family, she will die alone.

Lorenzo also makes sure that Cecilia has securely hidden the property transfer document. This is obviously going to be important in the future. All Marisela has to do is sign it and El Miedo belongs to her. He leaves a note for Marisela and tells Cecilia that she will know when to give it to Marisela.

Santos returns from the party to El Miedo and he is angry with DB.

DB manages to cajole him to making love to her, however, during which Santos sees Marisela's face instead of DB's. Even though Santos doesn't say anything, DB understands what happened and is devastated.

Marisela says a final goodnight to Lorenzo.

Cecilia makes Lorenzo sleep next to her in her bed.

DB gets a haunting in the middle of the night presumably when Lorenzo dies. He tells her again that she will die alone. The next morning Cecilia finds Lorenzo dead in her bed.


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