Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Doña Barbara, Mon. Feb. 9 - Marisela stands up to Santos and DB

Santos and Marisela on a windy day at her father's grave-
S: Marisela, you are here. You've returned. I can't believe it!
M: Yes, I'm back.
S: This is great! You don't know how happy it makes me that you have come to Altamira to see me, Marisela.
M: Santos, I didn't come to see you. I came to visit my father's grave and to say hi to my friends.
S: And you didn't think about meeting with me at all? I haven't stopped thinking about you, my love.
M: I'm not your love.
S: Bárbara isn't with me anymore. She has left my life forever. Marisela, to have you here is a fantastic surprise for everyone. Altamira will once again be filled with your happiness.
M: I have not come back to Altamira, Santos. Neither have I returned for you. Don't get your hopes up because it's not that way. I came back to fulfill the last wishes of my father. I've come to take back La Barquereña, the land of my grandparents. I owe him that and I will do it.
S: Good, that is the right thing to do but.. look Marisela, I want you to know that now it will be completely different between us...
M: Of course. I'm not the little girl who ran away from here. I'm a woman. I've come to fight for what is mine. And you aren't in my plans.

DB tells Fausto that his boss is Humberto Cháves (aka El Sapo). Fausto denies knowing anyone named Humberto Cháves or El Sapo. DB keeps smiling but she gets her gun out and ostentatiously plays with it. She wants to know what Fausto's 'corporation' wants in El Progresso. He gives his standard response that he is looking to buy land for cattle raising. He tells DB that he wants to visit El Miedo and make her an offer for her hacienda.

Cecilia babbles to the priest and flees.

Santos and Marisela
S: But when we were in the city, you didn't tell me any of this. Why did you change your mind, Marisela?
M: This is a letter from my father: his farewell and his last wishes. Cecilia brought it to me. (she hands the letter to Santos and he reads it).

DB asks Fausto who told him that she was interested in selling her land. Fausto says that doesn't matter. What does matter is that he is going to make her a very profitable (ventajoso) offer. DB says that her land isn't for sale. In fact, she is buying. The only one who buys around here is her. Fausto starts to says that he is free to ... DB interrupts and tells him not to tell her about his freedoms. She tells him to tell his boss to leave her alone and not to mess with her business. If he dares to do so, he will find out who DB really is. "Tell El Sapo that he is last one left," says DB, "He will know very well what I am talking about." She leaves and Fausto says that he doesn't care if she doesn't want to sell. She will lose no matter what happens.

Santos finishes reading Lorenzo's letter.
S: Those lands are yours and you have to get them back. Marisela, why did you refuse when DB offered them to you? I've never understood that.
M: That isn't the problem now, Santos.
S: But she did something, she said something to make you reject the hacienda. Did she threaten you with something?
M: What's done is done. What is important is that now I want it to belong to me.
S: Ok, I can help you. I want to help you. Marisela, let me handle it...
M: No, mind your own busieness. You are that woman's husband.
S: I told you Marisela, that is all over. DB has left here. She has left here forever. I asked her to leave after.. after I saw you in the city and I was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep.
M: I don't care! I'm not interested! It's not my problem! If you left her for me, Santos, you acted badly. This isn't a matter of love but of justice. Santos, you have nothing to do with this. I didn't come to fight for you but for my land.
(she starts to leave.) S: Look, Marisela, wait. Please, don't leave yet. Please.

Cecilia is sobbing helplessly. She tells Casilda that Antonio got married and it is her fault.

Antonio tells Lucía that it hurts him a lot to see Cecilia suffer. Lucía replies that she felt a lot of pity for Cecilia.

Santos asks Marisela to return and live at Altamira with Cecilia and Toñito. Marisela refuses, "That's exactly what I want to do," she says, "stay away from you."
"Why," asks Santos, "Are you afraid?"
"No, Santos," replies Marisela, "Not anymore."

DB demands that Mujiquita find out the name of the head of the corporation that Fausto represents.

Marisela tries to comfort Cecilia. Marisela tells Cecilia that she spoke to Santos and that he has separated from DB and wants her to come back to Altamira. Marisela says that she isn't interested. Cecilia is shocked, "Are you going to throw away your life and your happiness like I did?"

Fausto comes to see Santos. Santos says that he isn't interested in selling Altamira.

Juan Primito tells Eustaquia that Marisela has returned. She tries to get him not to tell DB.

The Altamira vaqueros discuss how 'odd' (raro) Bartolo is because he speaks nicely, likes flowers, dancing and reciting poetry. Genoveva overhears and tells them that such ordinary machistos as they have a nerve putting down Bartolo.
"Why don't you get on that broom and fly around," says Pajarote, "Don't give us lectures on morality when don't like that conceited guy either." "But I don't insult him for fun," says Genoveva, "To be a man does one have to get in fights all the time or mess around in the house of bad women (malas mujeres)?" "They're not that bad," jokes Pajarote, "There are some that are very good." "You know what, Pajarote," says Genoveva, "It's because of men like you that women like me prefer to stay single. You don't respect us. What happened to you that makes you speak so badly of us or maybe you didn't have a mother? Was that it?"

Santos comes to ask Melesio for advice.

Fausto tells El Sapo that none of the hacienda owners want to sell their properties. He thinks that they know there is oil in the area. El Sapo says that they will have to sell their properties. They can do it the easy way or the hard way.

Melesio tells Santos that that the situation with La Barquereña is going to cause a war. Santos says that he can't do anything because Marisela is very stubborn and won't let him help her. Melesio replies that she is correct. Santos is her mother's lover. Santos tells him that is all over. Melesio replies that makes the situation worse- there is nothing more dangerous than a woman who has been rejected. If Santos helps Marisela, it will drive DB crazy. Santos says that he is between a rock and hard place ('entre la espada y la pared,' literally, 'between the sword and the wall') because La Barquereña legally belongs to Marisela but if DB loses it, she loses everything.

Melesio accuses Santos of only thinking of himself. Santos denies it and says that he loves Marisela. "You picked a very bad time to figure out that you are in love, your situation is very complicated. Put your guilt aside. That woman has tons of money. Look into your heart and tell me what you want to do - protect the Doña or her daughter?" Santos chooses Marisela, of course, but says that Marisela won't let him do anything. Melesio says that there is something that Santos can do. Melesio calls his son in law, Andrés, the poet. "I present to you Marisela's lawyer," says Melesio.

Marisela tells Cecilia that she has to live for Toñito. Cecilia says that she is so happy that Marisela is there.

Melquíades tells DB that Marisela has returned to the llanos. DB asks if Marisela is with Santos. DB is sure that they are together. She is sure that he broke up with her because of Marisela but she won't permit it. No one makes fun of her. She goes out and Eustaquia tells Melquíades to follow to make sure she doesn't do anything crazy.

It turns out that Andrés is a lawyer although he has never practiced because he didn't like it. He agrees to offer his services to Marisela while Santos instructs him on what to do.

At the bar in the hotel, the Altamira vaqueros try to convince Bartolo to have a beer instead of fruit juice. Then they give him rum.

DB comes to see Santos. She runs around calling for Marisela. Santos tells her that Marisela doesn't live with him. DB accuses Santos of leaving her for Marisela. He says that isn't so. It was her lies and tricks. He tells her to leave him alone.

The Altamira vaqueros have brought a totally drunk Bartolo to Josefa's whorehouse for a diagnosis of whether he is 'raro' or not. Federica says that she will make the determination.

Marisela says that the time has come. She asks the spirit of her father for courage.

Antonio asks Don Encarnación for permission to invest in some water buffalos for milk production. DE says that he has debts but Lucía tells him to let Antonio try the project. DE says that he is happy to see the young people trying to save La Chaparal. Antonio can do what he wants with the hacienda. They have the enthusiasm and courage that he lacks right now.

Los Mondragon poison the water at DE's hacienda.

DB is pacing back and forth wondering where Marisela could be if she's not at Altamira. Melquíades suggests that she is staying with Cecilia in Progresso. DB says that they are going to the town.

Santos and Andrés have come to Cecilia's to see Marisela but Cecilia tells them that Marisela isn't there.

DB has gotten all gussied up to go to town to confront her enemy, Marisela. Juan Primito announces that Marisela is waiting to see DB at El Miedo. DB asks why she has come. "I have come to reclaim this hacienda, the inheritance from my father: La Barquereña.


Cuidado Con El Ángel Tues 10 February. El Leopardo Is On the Hunt.

Repeating from Friday: Cande, in the defaced Amadork shrine (aka the bedroom), gasps and sputters to Marichuy that Juan Miguel is waiting in the living room. Marichuy, always the gracious hostess, sobs as she tells Cande to tell him to leave and never return. BabyJM voices his objections.

Out in the parlor, Juan Miguel is not to be put off so easily. He refuses to leave, so Mari comes out to talk to him. He is not pleased to hear that she’s living in Amador’s place, but mostly he’s there to berate her. He is appalled at the way she treated Omar, taking advantage of his hospitality and letting him fall in love with her, while lying to him the whole time and then leaving without notice. Oh, wait, that’s not really why he’s paid a visit either. He wants to see his son. Marichuy is her twitchy-faced, thinking-up-a-quick-lie version of impactada.

Fresh new scenes (but made with lots of leftovers): The defense attorney visits Blanca at the jail. Balbina is testifying today, and he thinks her testimony will be very helpful. Blanca is concerned because Juan Miguel is not in the building to helpfully sit in the hallway.

Israel calls Stef from New York, where he is wearing a suit and looking smug and swanky. He tells her he went there to earn lots of money, which he has now done, so he can return to México all successful, and he did it all for her. I thought he was still in school. What the heck kind of job can you just walk into like that and make so much money so fast? Probably I don’t want to know. I am thinking Nuevo Israel is not an improvement.

Juan Miguel tells Marichuy that Omar told him that she had a baby. Mari feels that the important thing here is to clarify that, no, Omar does not know about JM and Mari’s history. JM furiously tells her that one day Omar will find out everything, and it would be better if he heard it from her. But, back to business, he wants to see his son. “…um…why?,” asks Marichuy. “What kind of stupid question is that?! Because he’s my son!!,” says JM with a great deal of frustration. Marichuy tells him that’s impossible, because their son died. Oh, that is LOW, Marichuy. Are we sure she’s not one of the villains?

Over at Castle San Roman, Onelia is inexplicably still in residence and demanding to know why Balbina is dressed nicely. It is because of her appointment at the tribunal. Onelia’s mood-o-meter is stuck on “blind fury” so of course she rages at Balbina for intending to tell the truth about what she saw and heard.

Israel is telling Stef that he remembers what she said about not wanting him because he didn’t have money, so now he has money, and he’s going to give her everything she wants. Oh, gag. He says he loves her. Like, “amo,” not “quiero.” He asks her if he’ll have a chance with her, and, ever the romantic, she says that depends on whether he really has enough money. Israel, please spend a few of those hard-earned dollars to buy a clue. It’s the wisest investment you’ll ever make; you’ll thank me later.

At first Juan Miguel is shocked and sad to hear of the baby’s death, but then it occurs to him that the lying liar who lies may be lying, so he asks for details. Marichuy says the baby got sick, and Omar wasn’t at the hacienda, so she brought the baby to the city. “Why didn’t you look for me?,” asks JM. She says it all happened so fast, and she doesn’t want to talk about it because it’s sad, but maybe it’s better this way for her to not have anything to remind her of JM. I can’t really believe any mother would say that, and if JM was any good as a shrink he probably wouldn’t either. He asks why she agreed to marry Omar.

Isabela is downright peeved that Stef is considering that nothing chofer; that would just be dangerous and complicate their little scheme. I’m not sure how. Stef says he’s studying medicine and making lots of money (I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I’ve always had the impression that it took some time to transition from “studying medicine” to “making lots of money”), so Isa concedes that he might be acceptable, but only if he’s a millionaire. In what currency, Isa? You need to be clear when you’re setting restrictions on other people’s lust lives.

Marichuy declines to discuss her feelings about Omar with Juan Miguel. JM is furrowing his brow like he’s trying to prove to someone a mile away that he hasn’t had Botox. Marichuy tells him to get lost, and he flounces out. Yet another tearful encounter in which no one took the opportunity to say anything clarifying or helpful. Someday I’m going to write a telenovela in which everyone finds out what’s going on immediately. There will still be conflict.

Cande chews Mari out for saying BabyJM had died. She thinks it’s bad luck. Marichuy thinks she had no choice, because JM might take the kiddo away if he knew he was still alive.

JM and the defense lawyer whose name I can never remember talk about the day’s trial proceedings, in which Balbina discussed the differences between Blanca and Ivette. This is the longest trial ever. I don’t think OJ Simpson’s went on this long (the murder one, I mean), and it had way more evidence. Omar passes through and says he’s going to see Lirio. JM looks pained but of course doesn’t say anything.

Marichuy returns to her dressing room after a ragingly successful first act. Olga tells her she’s a natural artist. Another big flower arrangement has arrived.

Ceci is still in the hospital, but she’s sitting up and eating now while she talks with Patricio. Blah, blah, platitudes about how he was so worried but now that she’s doing so much better he can finally sleep. She asks him to bring her some newspapers so she can read about Marichuy. From the look on his face, the mere thought of Marichuy’s success is more than enough to cancel out his happiness about his wife’s recovery.

The flowers are from Marichuy’s costar, and she’s sad that they aren’t from her mother again. Olga asks if she isn’t curious to know who her mother is. If Marichuy wasn’t so obstinately refusing to think about it, she would already know. Padre Anselmo has told her that they are people she knows (well, he strongly implied that) and that they are fairly wealthy. Throw in the fact that they would have to be in a certain age range, and that narrows it right down.

Omar, ever the polite visitor, barges through the apartment looking for Lirio. Cande says she’s out, dondeabouts unknown. Omar doesn’t buy that.

Pat is still blaming Marichuy for Ceci’s accident, and graciously and considerately orders Ceci to forget about that brat. I think he’s lucky Ceci is still incapacitated. If looks could kill, he’d have been sailing the Styx right then.

Marichuy still says she doesn’t want to know who her mother is. Olga gently encourages her to reconsider. Time for the second act.

Omar demands information from Cande, but she refuses to give him any. She thinks he should hear things from Marichuy. He thinks so, too, which is why he is looking for her! He’ll wait until she returns. Cande begs and pleads for him to leave.

JM is at home, relaxing in a suit and tie, as one does. Wait, no, he isn’t relaxing, he’s looking saggy-eyed and worrying, which causes Rocío to worry about him. Omar returns and says he only saw Cande and she wouldn’t tell him anything, not even about the baby. JM tries to think. It looks like it hurts.

Marichuy arrives home and Cande reports that El Leopardo! dropped by. Mari can’t believe it. Did she really think he wouldn’t? Cande says she didn’t tell him anything, but he’s going to come back, for sure.

Omar tells JM that Cande wouldn’t tell him where Marichuy had gone, and you can tell JM is just itching to say something, but he doesn’t. Omar says he’s going to find out what’s going on.

Vicente and Rocío stroll through the park being all lovey-dovey. Rocío has converted Vicente to her weird neckwear ways. Muchas smooches; nothing really to report but at least someone is happy.

Juan Miguel sits at a table in his fabulous garden and frets more handsomely than he was fretting the night before. The horizontal forehead wrinkles are more fetching than the vertical pinch between the eyebrows. He still doesn’t know what to do, or what would happen if Omar found out that Mari and JM were married. Just a guess, I’m thinking one thing that would happen is that he’d be angry with them both for not saying anything. Let’s find out soon.

Ivette has taken over and is screaming and shaking the flimsy jail bars. She is losing it even more than usual and yelling that the walls are closing in on her and she wants to be free and she isn’t dead. She screams for Omar to save her. The guards decide they have to shut her up. They grab her and she says she’ll kill them.

Marichuy nightmarishly remembers her talk with Ceci at the theater. She imagines Ceci’s accident, which in her gory mind happened on a dark cliff and involved a huge explosion.

Ivette somehow overpowers two guards, but a third comes along and gets hold of her.

The lawyer calls Juan Miguel and tells him about Blanca’s episode while Omar eavesdrops from about two feet away. Omar really isn’t the most well-mannered man, is he? Onelia gives another performance of her usual rant. JM leaves to see Blanca, and Onelia continues screeching at Omar about how EVERYONE is on Blanca’s side. The whole family, the servants, Padre Anselmo Vidal, everyone. The only part of that Omar heard was “Padre Anselmo Vidal.” He looks thoughtful. Thought doesn’t seem to hurt him as much as it hurts JM. He asks Onelia whether she knows the priest.

Blanca’s now in a straightjacket and subdued. JM comes along and is brave enough to go into her cell. She gets to take the straightjacket off. She cries, and he promises to cure her and get her out of there. She says he’s the only one she has. Gee, now he HAS to marry her.

Ornerylia tells Omar that PA is corrupt and has sold his soul to the devil for money. Omar puts up with her diatribe long enough to find out that PA knows JM’s wife, Marichuy. More thinking.

Marichuy cries to Cande about her nightmare and how guilty she feels about Ceci’s accident. She thinks her dream might have been a premonition about Ceci dying.

Clemencia receives a letter from Adrian, which she doesn’t even have to read because his ghostlike face appears on the paper and speaks to her. He apologizes for the way he left and forgives her for what she did to Purita, and says he loves her. She’s thrilled. Where did he go, Hogwarts?

Omar goes to the church and tells PA that he already found Lirio, and Juan Miguel went with him to see her. PA is muy impactado.

Marichuy calls the hospital and is mucho relieved to hear that Ceci is out of danger.

The doctor tells Ceci she can go home soon.

The doorbell rings at the casa de liars. Mari says if it’s Omar to let him in. “Y si es mulcas?,” asks Cande, and I don’t know what that means exactly but she’s asking about JM. No, don’t let him in. Either way, don’t let the baby cry. The mystery guest is Omar. He looks sad and says, “Why, Lirio? Why?”

JM tells Rocío what happened with Blanca. They don’t know who the man is for whom she was yelling.

Omar tells Mari that he had pinned all his hopes on her, and she made him so happy. He reminds her of the time when he said she was like a bird that had taken refuge in a storm and would someday fly away, and she promised she would never leave him. Then she just left without even saying goodbye. “WHY?” She says she has her reasons. He wants to know what they are.

Stefi visits Ceci and cheers her up by reminding her that Marichuy is the root of all evil and Patricio will never accept her. Ceci tells her to stop, because the accident was not Marichuy’s fault and she will never stop trying with her daughter even if she is rejected a thousand times, and not even Pat can stop her. “What if you have to choose between Patricio and Marichuy?,” asks Stef. Ceci glares at her but doesn’t point out that a husband like that is hardly worth having, which is just as well because Stef wouldn’t understand anyway, seeing as how she thinks husbands are just bank accounts. Stef is wearing a completely indecent dress; it covers nothing.

Marichuy asks Omar to forgive her. She couldn’t love him the way he deserved, and she couldn’t “jugarte chueco” (chueco means twisted; she couldn’t play dirty or deceive him). He asks who the other man is. Amador walks in just then. Omar, of course, is horrified.

Avances: Omar beats Amador to a pulp?!!?!!:)! Omar tells JM he thinks Amador is the father of Lirio’s baby, who of course is still alive. JM is thrilled to hear that the baby is alive and gets himself into the apartment and sees the little darling.

**HELP WANTED: I’m going on vacation and won’t be able to recap. I’ll be here next week, but then will need substitutes on February 24 and March 3 and 10. Want to do one or more of those days? **


Fuego - Tues, 10 Feb.- ( #194) - El Agua está repleta de tiberones: The water is teeming with sharks

The title comes from February 6 on my new Spanish phrase a day calendar. It may come in handy, just fill in repleta de ...... with what ever alarming teeming is going on in your life. Right now on FELS, el aqua está repleta de cadáveres. Now that we have the official murder ledger so ably kept by Ibarramedia, the official list of what Mutton Chops doesn't know presented by Dorado Dave and the funerals yet to be held list given to us by Doris, thanks to all for these invaluable lists.
Below is my tribute to the beloved guapo, Coyote who slipped from our screens while I was away in Mexico. I had so hoped he would grace our evenings until the end, but it was not to be. So I give you my next door neighbor, a young coyote who comes by to visit looking for a delicious lunch of luscious quail, but I digress -

Coyote, we hardly knew ya'

Now back to tonight's story and my penultimate recap of FELS. The thrilling threesome recreate their romp in the hay while the fake Feo burns in his big black truck and again we get to see the bishop excommunicate the shocked Gabi while PaddyTad does a jig of joy on the side. Juan once again identifies the vigincita medal that was on LIbia the night of her death, thus confirming suspicions that the wicked Feo is behind this too. Then Gabi finds out Feo is dead, Feo hides in the cave and plots. Gabi's heart wins over the girls again, such blind devotion. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on.....

Gabi comes down the stairs again but doesn't collapse at the news of Feonando's supposed demise. She waxes into blaming the Reyes for Feo's death and then blames Libia for provoking so much unhappiness in her life. The sappy sisters rush to reassure her but she doesn't want anyone with her, they should leave her alone. The girls hold hands then hold their respective sombreroed Reyes. It looked like a dance step rehearsed well.

We begin the new action with the ridiculous soiree of the chocolate and churros that the Maria's provide and the victims Tio Alvin (I mean Vicente) and Nabor... endure, ahhh, the high cost of chocolate.

Juan in his inimitable fashion tells Sofia she is worrying about her mother who isn't her mother and as he stutters and garbles his words, it is hard to believe he says nothing but he does confuse Sofia. Above all she loves her mother because she is .... Juan tells her she is a good daughter and a good woman. They hug.

Feo cries in the grave site of Libia in the eternal flame light maintained by the brothers or does the magic flower also supply eternal torches, when he hears voices and it isn't any of his victims like Rosario. Feo recedes while the Reyes come in with fresh torches and the medal of the virgin. They tell Lidia her death is sort of avenged her killer has paid with his own life. Clearly they are sorry they couldn't throttle someone.

Sofia yells for Mama over and over and breaks into Gabi's bedroom to see a nervous Eva who shirks each time she hears Mama.
The Chocolate scene gets sillier each moment. Tio Alvin decides to sing a song but it is "No me Casere" I will not marry. Oh well, lots of silly giggles, at least he is singing to them their standards aren't so high.
The Elizondo sisters mount a search party for Mama who has been missing too long maybe 5 minutes, maybe six? Does anyone bother to check the brandy bottle level?

And just as Juan is ready to offer fresh hot bread to the grave mound, he spots the manly foot print and realizes the grave must have been sullied by Feo. The boys fan out waving their torches, After not finding him, they cross the smoky cavern and Juan sees or senses the fetid Feo who is sweating like a pig with gangrene. The happy search is halted by Rosendo who comes rushing to the cave entrance to get them to aid in the new search for the missing brandied Gabriela. She meanwhile wanders in a garden with funereal flower arrangements around and a newly heaped grave site, is she in the graveyard or .... and there is Feo who wounded and all found her first as he lurks again in the bushes while she says she was his love his.... She would give anything to see him return again. she lays across the grave mound while the black crow perches on her shoulder in certain views. Or is this the raven ready to croak, "nevermore!" Feo looks on as if he knows just what she can give to see him again.
Suddenly, Mama is being led into her sumptuous bedroom by the three girls, she grabs at a nearby brandy snifter but the girls beg her not to drink more. Instead they want to give her her heart medicine. Is this a good idea to mix with the obvious quantities of brandy? Gabi, repeats, Fernando, where are you. The girls oh so wisely decide that all three of them better stay with her every minute of this entire night. Sofia pulls rank and insists on the first shift or is it the whole night. She stays with her still in her long lovely leather coat and hugs her sot of a not-mom. She simpers that, It hurts her to see her mother so, she only wants her to be well, to go on into the future, to be strong.

Meanwhile Feo is slumping on Libia's grave saying at least Gabi really loves him, he heard her say it. It is the fault of all the others that they have been pulled apart and vanquished by the others. Textbook Psych 101, I'm okay but they are bad....He snivels about revenge but the gangrene is gaining. Do the viewers wonder with me why does Libia's grave always look freshly lain. I don't want to think about what this might really mean.

The boys and uncle are praying that Libia pardon them that they have not gotten justice for her yet but they are not giving up. The brotherhood of bread decides to be happy forget their sad times and Quintina pursues Oscar around the bread table until she gets a kiss, lots of bright hearts come out of her head.She swoons again as she gets a kiss from Tio V. Pablito gallantly decides to pick up Tia from the floor as she rested after her kiss with tio Alvin, errr Vicente. Pablito the sincere one says he will be her principe azul, prince charming.

Mama Gabi doesn't want to see Sofia, tells her to get out. Don't touch me, I don't want you near me, channeling Root no doubt. Sofia can't believe her girlish charms won't warm her mom but Gabi says, I hate you, Over and over. Eva walks in and says tell her for once and all Gabi why you hate her and treat her so badly. Tell her the truth, but no we have to switch to a scene with horses and fools.

Juan rides off, Feo shoots from the bushes at a line of sitting ducks, I mean ranch hands and brothers, but hits Rigo instead, great, it only knocks him silly and no one worries about other shots from the bushes while they brush him off.
Paddy Tad counts his blessings and thanks God while he looks like he is ready to settle in for a long nap in the confessional, but not so fast, PTad, your favorite confessor climbs in to the other side, can't you just smell the rot of the cigar butt....

Eva questions, why are you insisting on being quiet? (empeñarse en callar). Gabi raises up and says are you going to let this woman mistreat me when I am at death's door? Sofia simpers, Eva persists and Gabi spews venom about how she hated Sofia because she did such bad things to her. Eva wants Gabi to tell the truth. Even though Gabi keeps up the insults to Sofia, Sofia yells at Eva to leave her poor little mother alone. Then Gabi begins to blame Eva for bad mothering to have a child with her own husband then abandon the child and not take care of her. How could Eva be so heartless She dedicated herself to right the situation. Suggesting that she was so saintly in taking Eva's neglected child from her. Finally Gabi brings it to a vote, Sofia can choose Eva or her. It is going to be Slowfia's fault either way.

Back with the organ music in minor chords of doom, But PadTad can't avoid hearing that Feo was foiled in bombing in his latest attempt to off the Reyes brothers. Feo reminds him that confessions are secret forever. PadTad falls out of the confessional clutching his chest and scattering demons from this mind.

Gabi snaps, go with her and forget about me. You have to choose, It's my last word, her or me? Eva takes the other part and says don't suffer for my part. Don't cry I would never make you make a choice between Gabi and me or to sacrifice yourself. It is useless to demand the truth from you again, she sneers at Gabi. She is sure God will end her suffering soon. She leaves, Sofia runs after Eva while Gabi grabs her self and moans loudly, Sofia runs back in and comforts this worthless wretch. Gabi thanks her for at least not abandoning her . But then shifts right back into wanting to make all suffer for her sake.
Finally some hugs. Franco appears in Sarita's bedroom. She feels it is her fault that her mother is suffering so. Franco says it is not her fault , it hurts him to see her suffering so, don't cry my love.

Oscar says he loves J and together they can conquer whatever adversity. She returns that he makes her so happy.
Sofia describes the disgusting scene with her mother and Eva and how Gabi demanded a choice but Eva sacrifice for her and said don't make a choice . Wasn't it Solomon who demanded the two competing mothers cut a baby in half to end the dispute. The real mother said no give him to the other but save hin, thus revealing her real motherly love. Juan can't spit out the truth either but then at least we are treated to a triptych of kissing Elizondos and Reyes.

Then the evil mother in the looking glass thinks about how hot Feo was and longs for his..... She sits down and has a serious talk with the mirror: Finally I am finished with lament and the humiliations. I will carry my pain and sadness alone deep in my heart. Yeah right, fat chance Mommy Dearest. But if I can't be happy in love NO one else can either. Ah, the true Gabriela speaks from the core of her evil heart.

Feo is in the cave, then suddenly dreaming Gabi sees him in her bed as he clamps a hand over her mouth before she can get a scream out. Back in the cave, good golly miss Molly, the cave is angry, the cave is caving is the cave going to crush the brothers? Is this another bomb set by our frisky Feo? It doesn't look good.

I have to protest here, I have been a devoted recapper and I feel really really cheated that I didn't get any deaths to report tonight. No es justo, no es justo. The villains are nasty and unrepenting right into the credits roll.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tontas Tuesday Feb. 10, '09 "It Seems We Stood And Talked Like This Before.....

the smile you were smiling, you were smiling then...But I can't remember where or when..."

A great old standard and one that came to mind as both Candy and Santiago were walking down Memory Lane (well with Santiago, there was more than walking!) revisiting passions from the past and haunted by tender memories. What does this mean for our two leads with their respective medallions? Will they wind up together or be drawn back into a romantic past that didn't work the first time and is unlikely to work again? Well, heck, we've got months to find relax, you guys!

I'm sure you remembered what happened Monday. If not, revisit Paula's wonderful evocation of what the Santiago/Candy kiss really meant. But just as everyone' s heart is starting to skip a beat, boom! in runs Chava, to bust them apart and put in a plug for dear old dad Patricio.

However Chava DOES listen to Santiago's heart and pronounces him "good". Nevertheless, it's a no-go. He want Patricio, Candy and himself to be a happy threesome from now on.

The scene switches to the restaurant where newly reformed Charly angrily defends his dad when he overhears Zamora and Toño disparaging his gay ways and surmising that Meño can't understand soccer. Charly head butts Zamora, kicks Toño and he and Meño challenge them to a soccer match. We'll see who's gay!

From there to a chick kidnapping. Menacing Marissa orders Paula into her big old van for a woman to woman talk. Paula is dismissive but gets into the van anyway.

Meanwhile the two on two soccer game is going on full-tilt outside the restaurant with Charly and Meño scoring goal after goal and high-fiving each other. So there Sven and Olé! Charly ends the match with a little sermonette for the waiters. From now on, don't discriminate or prejudge. "El hábito no hace al monje" (Appearances can be deceptive.)

Big doin's at the Institute also. A round table discussion, complete with tootsie pops, about Candy's next goal. Can she carry it off?...they're sure she can. It's just a question of finding the right two models to "transform".

Candy, meanwhile, is at her desk when a poetic paper airplane floats in, courtesy of Patricio. A second one arrives, with further lines from a romantic poem he wrote her at the age of 18. Uh oh, nostalgia is on the loose and while the romantic theme plays in the background, he asks her to take a walk with him. The mood is broken momentarily by Soledad, who pops her head in the door and pops back out, disheartened no doubt.

But the walk does take place (just in case there are any Patricio supporters out there). However the writers tease us by making us wait a little while they flip us back to the Marissa/Paulina catfight.

The gals are sparring with words this time. Marissa slamming Paulina for abandoning her child, Paulina slamming Marissa for getting pregnant before marriage. In addition, Paulina stoutly claims she only came for Rocio, not for Santiago, but nobody's fooled, including Marissa.

We bid our dueling babes a fond farewell and return to Patricio and Candy. He's starry-eyed and dazed. He's imagined this, longed for many times before,and now it's happening. They're walking together, talking, laughing....he's the happiest man in the world. And while he knows it's complicated and there's a lot to be worked out, he would love for the three of them (he, Candy, Chava) to live together. It would be so great.

No, replies Candy. I have another life now.

Did you have to make all of us believe you were dead in order to have that life? asks Patricio sadly. Well, something to think about while we break for ads.

When we come back, the conversation is continuing. He's explaining how he came to sleep with Alicia the night before the wedding. He was drunk. His buddies had blindfolded him. But did you take the blindfold off? Well yes. So you knew but you went ahead anyway. Yes, but if you only knew how I've suffered....all these years...for that mistake.

A little more reminiscing follows, not quite so contentious, and Candy finally admits that she was Rojiblanca of the chat room. Then you know, adds Patricio know how I never stopped loving you, never stopped longing for you. You know. And you know that it's your fault that for some time I hated ALL men, snaps Candy. He looks abashed, enfolds her hands in his, and kisses them.

Will Candy be seduced by the past? Not likely. She's still pretty deeply mired in rancor and resentment.

Santiago, on the other hand, is on a slippery slope, finding it hard if not impossible to resist Paulina's enthusiastic attempts at seduction. No, he shouts and then giggles as she kisses his ear. The body is weak but no....but giggle I really mean it...aaaahhhh,( more giggles.) You're invading my personal space he protests. But the protests are getting weaker. And the invasions more serious.

Flipping back to Patricio and Candy now. The subject of Chava comes up and how she feared that Patricio would take him away from her. How could you think that, protests Patricio. I love him. I want the best for him. The three of us together would be so great!

That's the long slow pitch. And now the fast ball.

I love you Candy. What do I do with that love?

They kiss, tender little repeated kisses, nibbling upper and lower lips, making the grand tour. Familiar ground re-explored, tenderly tasted. Oh my.

She's shaken. He's moved. She backs away. He lets her go, one tear sliding slowly down his cheek. Hubba hubba.

Santiago's making his own grand tour down Memory Lane and it's sweet indeed. Laughter and tickling. Hugs and kisses. Popcorn tosses that worked best when done mouth to mouth. Lazy, delicious lovemaking. (Have to admit I could have watched that last scene for another twenty minutes or so, but dang, they did a fade out and I was left high and dry.)

Santi knows he's in trouble as he morosely polishes his dalliance bell and asks for advice from devoted secretary Hortensia. What do you do when you really want something but you know it's wrong? he asks her. Just close your eyes and tell yourself that you mustn't fall into temptation, she answers huskily, moving closer. You mustn't fall, you mustn't fall...By this time our lovelorn assistant is plastered right onto him. He nervously slips out of her embrace leaving Hortensia high and dry also. And asks her to polish that damned bell! Adding insult to injury. Oh my.

We have a couple of scenes to show what a beatch Marissa is, just in case we haven't figured it out yet. One in which she disses Lulu, managing to imply that if she's looking bad now, she'll look fine again, once she's given birth whereas you....... Ha ha...just kidding.

Same deal in a later scene with Meño where she makes snotty remarks about his gay dance lessons ("maripositas") and suggests it would be better, since this is a serious Institute, to offer yoga lessons...those being good for the soul and whatnot.

Just in case we STILL don't get the point, the last scene she's in features a phone conversation where she's assuring someone that she'll go right back to modeling after the baby's born. And the baby? Well, that's what nannies are for! End of discussion. Okay, we get it, we get it.

Santiago, back in his office, gets an e-mail from Paulina, begging him to come to the hotel for a "talk". Will he fall into her clutches....and her bed? Again the writers tease us and make us wait while Candy negotiates with Meño to be one of her "transformation models". He's not interested but suggests that she could really do a makeover with Zamora and Toño ;and they could sure use it! Get rid of that mariachi look, for openers.

More delays. Cece leaves her lovelorn rose on Candy's desk. Candy realizes she's the one. Barbara confirms that Cece is gay and has a major crush on Candy. And our tactful heroine wants to order Cece back in to confront her. Why? challenges Barbara. Will it change your friendship for her, knowing she's gay? For once, Candy listens to compassionate advice, and decides not to bust Cece for her "hopeless fantasy". last. Santiago is creeping along the corridor in Paulina's hotel. Of course we know this is not true love, just from the bouncy comedy music playing in the background. But...the elevator door opens. It's Paulina looking good and pouncing on our weak-fleshed Santi. Tussles and hugs. Lifted hands. Whoops, no they're back. More tussles. Stumbling to the door, fumbling with the keys, all the while kissing passionately. One hand stealthily putting a "Do not disturb No Molestar" sign on the door and it's all over but the shoutin'. But of course we break for ads. GRRRRRRR.

And when we come back, it's to a table with Gregoria, Alicia and Candy, squabbling over who gets Patricio. But Pato arrives and insists on calling the shots himself. I love Candy. I've never loved anybody else. Alicia, I can't live with you. I only want to live with Candy. Of course, our gal, ever righteous, replies...Alicia is my sister. Even though she cheated on me with you...I would never do the same. can see Chava anytime you want. But not me.

But I love you, replies Patricio. Gregoria tries to comfort a stricken Alicia but she shakes her off. Leave me and Patricio alone to talk, she sighs. And let's just wrap up this painful scene now. Alicia wails about how humiliating it is to see Pato with Candy. He protests that he doesn't want to hurt her but it is what it is. And furthermore, their marriage is invalid. He's still married to Candy. And wants to be. She pleads for another chance. I can make you love me! No, he counters. I loved only her, even when I thought she was dead. How much more do I love her now that I know she's alive. Let me be happy with her. I won't give you a chance if you won't give me one, warns Alicia. And off she stomps. We're left to wonder what she has up her sleeve. A car bomb perhaps? She's certainly not one I'd want to mess with. Watch out Candy!

Okay. Back to a more interesting equation. Santiago and Paulina. We're in that interesting "après l'amour" (another great song) stage and she's exultant. You were marvelous, incredible, passionate, she sighs. Noooo...I was angry! Well, great then. Angry love it is. I'm all for it. Wow. No...not's lamentable. Regrettable. He's storming out, pulling on his clothes while she lolls in bed, smiling and satisfied. Pretty sure she's got him back in her web.

You still love me, she assures him, as he heads for the door. No, Paula. You WERE the love of my life. But there's no space for you in my new life. She just smiles. (Anyone wanna take any bets here?) Next thing we know (the joy of cellphones) he's talking to someone and saying I've just slept with my ex-wife. Help!

An odd little scene interspersed here. Rocio and Chava are sitting on the house grounds, a little appalled at the dogs sniffing each other, even though Rocio delicately explains that this is how dogs get to know each other. Then a spat because Chava wants HER dad, Santiago, to stay away from HIS mom. Well allright then, if you don't want my dad around, then we're not "novios" anymore. Candy overhears all this and thinks it's cute but that they're getting ahead of themselves with all this novios nonsense. I agree. (Although I have to admit, I was engaged for the first time at age 5. It didn't last. We moved away and he was too young to write!)

Another little filler scene. Barbara and Cece are out to dinner, seriously considering breaking their chronic diets with some" tacos de pastor"(tacos with shredded pork...yum) and Barb is trying to persuade Cece to give up her pursuit of Candy. You know she's not gay, Barb reminds her. Nobody knows they're gay until it happens, rebuts Cece. (I question this statement but....) And love is love. It's never impure. (Come to think of it, I question that statement also. )
But here's the deal...we have at least three women who are determined to win another person's love, even though it's clear it's not happening. Alicia wants Patricio. Marissa wants Santiago. And Cece wants Candy. And all three are quite sure they can MAKE it happen. And all three are wrong.

Oh well. Now here's an incipient romance that looks more promising. Donato and Tina are in the kitchen, discussing her health fears and his horoscope, written by our very own Meño. (Donato's a Virgo) But in the course of the discussion, his eyes keep dropping to her chest. Well, what can he do? His eyes are tired. They just happen to fall there. Hey, that explanation works for me.

Now, back to Santiago. I thought his counselor might be Donato but this time it's fellow sex addict Eduardo who's listening to his woes. Santiago's bemoaning the sexual tension that can build when a relationship that once was good but then undergoes a separation of days, months, years and ends on bad terms.....well, you've got to say good-bye to it, but how? with that buildup of sexual tension and then "dale dale dale" (gimme gimme gimme) and then you're done for!.... "Orejas y rabo". (Ears and tail...what is given to the triumphant toreador once he's killed the bull).

So now what? Eduardo...who has never come clean with his counseling total honesty with Marissa. You have to tell her you slept with your ex-wife, he insists. Brrring. Telephone. It's Marissa. We were uh, just talking about you, answers Santi weakly. And WE need to talk. I'll come over to your apartment.

That's it. Tell her the detail, adds Eduardo. Good-bye hug between our two 'manos and off Santi goes.

Well perhaps it's appropriate to have a prayer scene here. Whatcha think? Yes, Candy and Chava are kneeling by his bed, praying for Meño, Charly, Gogo, Beto, Rocio....and Papa Patricio adds Chava. Pause. Long pause. Uh yes, Patricio, adds Candy gamely.

Final scene....and it's a doozy. Santiago's at Marissa's apartment. Something's happened, he sputters. I can't marry you. And that's it, folks.

Previews? I'd love to tell you but I can't read my notes. You'll just have to watch.


lonjitas (from lonjas) = little strips, slices, used in speaking of fat on meat or fat on people
arrugas = wrinkles, lines
autóctono = indigenous
molestar = a "false friend". Doesn't mean "molest" but rather "bother" or "disturb"
desperdiciar = to waste, to miss
portero = goalkeeper , porteria = goal
Donde hubo fuego, quedan cenizas = where there was fire, ashes remain (Love could re-ignite)
al buen entendedor, pocas palabras = a word to the wise is sufficient
el hábito no hace al monje = appearances can be deceptive. (also can mean clothes don't make the man)


El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Mon. & Tues., Feb, 2-3 - Isabel and PJ/S are off the hook for Andres' death but their relationship is revealed

Mon. Feb. 2-

Inidira retracts her accusation against Isabel. In the picture, Isabel is talking to her attorney and getting the good news that the charges have been dropped.

Gaetana's performance at the bar is interrupted by an unwelcome serenata from Evaristo.
Isabel goes to Inidira's house and rubs her face in the fact that she had to withdraw her accusations.

There is a big party at the Donoso house in honor of Antonio's graduation from the University as an Industrial Engineer. Antonio goes into the study to thank the person responsible - PJ. Naturally, who should come out of the shadows in the study but PJ/S in his red shirt assuring Antonio that PJ would be very proud of him. They have a manly hug.

The next morning Angela gives her gift to Antonio - a new car.

Isabel tells Valeria that she has to leave the Donoso house and live her life. Valeria tells Isabel that it is logical that Isabel rejects her because she dared to love the men that Isabel was intereted in. "The men?" asks Isabel. Valeria says that she was always attracted to PJ and still feels a great affection for him. She will give up PJ/S but not PJ. (This scene could easily have been shot separately by the actresses playing Valeria and Isabel. They were never in the same frame.)

Tues. Feb., 3

Ángela, Antonio, Simón and Abigail go out dancing to celebrate Antonio's graduation and Ángela faints.

PJ (in his flannel pj's) is worried about Ángela but happy that Gaetana can continue renting the bar for another 6 months while she fends off Evaristo's attentions.

Felipe comes to see PJ/S and tries to find out who he really is. Is he a fraud or did he take over the body of some poor peasant? He says that if PJ/S did succeed in taking over someone else's body, he has an obligation to humanity and science to make that known. Naturally PJ/S (in his burgundy shirt and tie) doesn't want to talk about such a thing and when Felipe won't leave, PJ/S hits him.

The next morning PJ/S comes to see Ángela. He tells her to take care of herself and much to Ángela's confusion, provides details of Ángela's mother's death that he would have had no way of knowing. PJ/S leaves Ángela's room and seems to be about to go into Valeria's room when Isabel come out into the hall. PJ/S says that he doesn't want to bother Valeria; he wants to talk to Isabel. They go into Isabel's room observed by Walter.

PJ/S asks why Isabel wants Valeria to leave. She claims that the decision wasn't made in revenge but as future planning since sooner or later, she, Rebeca and Valeria will have to leave the house. PJ/S tells her that she and Valeria can't leave the house yet. PJ/S takes Isabel's face in his hands and says that he has been tied to her her from the first day he met her. Nothing and no one will separate them. Isabel asks him to tells her that they will marry. PJ/S tells Isabel that they can get married because the danger is past but he doesn't want her or Valeria to leave the house. Isabel wants to run away but PJ/S says that they don't have to hide. Isabel says that she will prove that she loves him and do it. They kiss and in walks Rebeca.


Las tontas no van #47, Mon 2/9, Finally Someone We Can Love to Hate

In my time zone, Tontas’ start time was moved for a presidential speech. Just in case you missed recording it because of a time shift, you can see tonight’s episode on YouTube at that link. It’s called Cap 45 because US and Mexican numbering don’t match.

In his office, Raul apologizes and agrees not to interfere with Candy’s personal life. He begs her to return to writing the column. She will accept his apology if he keeps his nose out of her personal life. “Fine,” he agrees, “and how about if you and I get married, huh?” Candy asks if he knows a good divorce lawyer instead. I’m wondering, why does she need a divorce? She was married for, what, two hours? It seems like an annulment would be a slam-dunk.

We knew it was coming. Now that Candy is alive, where does that leave Alicia? She tries every way she can think of to keep Pat. We might hear these points countless times in coming months, so here is the list. I think I’ll refer to them by item number.
Alicia’s pleas.
A1. Alicia begs Pat to forget about Candy in the name of their marriage.
A2. Alicia doesn’t want to hear his rejection because it hurts so much. But Pat’s on a roll and if he is going to talk this out with Alicia, now is the time to get it all said. Besides, he wants to give all the reasons so Paula can include one all-encompassing list in her recap.
A3. Alicia loves him desperately and she’s given herself to him completely.
A4. Alicia was there for him when Candy destroyed his life. She conveniently avoids the fact that it was she who instigated that crisis.
A5. They plan to have a baby together, but he says that plan has changed.
A6. Alicia gets down on her knees and begs him to stay. And begs and begs.

Pat’s answers.
P1. He doesn’t love Alicia, and she has always known that. Candy is the only one he ever loved.
P2. Pat can’t get Candy out of his head, and he never will.
P3. Pat says our relationship died long ago; it’s time to bury it.

Pat informs her that he’ll be sleeping in another room starting tonight. As he goes upstairs and Alicia breaks down, she fixes on one thought. The one thought that began the journey to her destruction when she fixated on it eight years ago. I hate you, Candy. I hate you.

In the restaurant, Sven and Ole are singing “Volver, Volver,” which is not only a Vicente Fernandez song, but also a Jaime Camil Short Short film. Ole is so flat that Sven tells him “higher,” so Ole stands on a chair. Meño brings in Charly and Lucía, and Charly thanks Santiago for help in the ‘recent unpleasantness.’

Santiago is agitated because Candy was alone with Pat. Candy reminds him that he’s getting married. He says he just needs her friendship and support because Paulina is coming back to Mexico. Considering how much Santiago supported Candy in her most frightening crisis, of course she offers him all the friendship, comfort, and support he needs. And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge for sale. Instead, Candy snottily asks if he’s still in love with Paulina. Santiago turns it back on her. “The question is, are you still in love with Pat?” She doesn’t have an answer for that. As for the support Santiago needs, obviously Candy believes that support is only a one-way road, and all roads lead to Miss Center of the Universe.

At the institute, Ceci tells Candy that she’s gay and loves Candy, but then is called out of her fantasy. Back in reality, Candy asks Ceci if she is gay as Meño supposes. Ceci denies it.

Marissa shows Rocío a book of animal babies and points out that mamas always take care of their babies (hmm, don’t some hens attack another hen‘s chicks?). Roc asks whether she can have two mamas, and Mar tells her no. But no worries. Paulina gave birth to her but Marissa didn’t abandon her, making it obvious, at least to a seven-year-old, who the better choice is. Marissa also takes the opportunity to compare herself to the pretty chick in the animal babies book, and she compares Paulina to the ugly frog.

On Thursday’s recap, I listed all the burdens Santiago carries. In tonight’s show they continue to weigh him down, and a few more get piled on top. He is struggling because Paulina is coming (Burden #B-9), and he’s trying to decide what to do. He can’t keep her away because she is, after all, Rocío’s mama (Burden #B-2). His angst is interrupted by a call from Pat (#B-8). “If you kiss my wife (#B-5) again, you’ll have me to answer to.” Santi asks whether this is a lesson in jealousy, or Pat wants to push him around, or what? Pat admits that he’s lost and confused, he’s getting separated, and he just needs a friend to talk to. But one who doesn’t kiss his wife. Santi hangs up on him.

Santiago returns to talking to his therapist (Donato) about Paulina. He starts, “I’m so troubled..” but changes his tune. “No! I’m not troubled at all! I’m a manly man. We just won’t let her in the house! Punto!” As he leaves, Donato comments, “Your neuroses are proceeding nicely, Señor.”

Pat catches Santiago in the stairwell and invites him to a night of strip poker (póker de prendas) with three young ladies. Santiago agrees that they shouldn’t cancel and break the ladies’ hearts. Yes, he’ll attend. They go off together like a couple of 12-year-old boys who just discovered their dad’s stash of Playboy. They don’t realize Candy has been listening. I found this scene totally implausible. Santiago desires no one but Candy (remember his patient Raquel with the boxer boyfriend?). Why would he agree to be set up? Even Pat just broke up with Alicia and Soledad because Candy is back. I’ll accept that Pat might go for it. But not Santi. Ni modo. Willing suspension of disbelief.

Isabel is planning the wedding with Don and Tina. Jaime informs her that his son refuses to come to the wedding.

At the clubhouse (lionera – lion’s den), Pat and Santiago hear the doorbell and race to the door. Santi practices his sexy looks. In walk Bárbara, Candy, and Isabel dressed like saloon girls. Isabel asks her son which piece of clothing she should remove first if she loses. Pat thinks it’s entertaining but Santiago is scandalized. He goes to look for more clothing because he knows his mother is a good poker player. Then they engage in some man-haters vs. chauvinists banter. Santi tries to cut the evening short, but his mama overrules him. In the next scene, the boys are down to their tee shirts, Pat has already lost his pants, and Santiago loses his pants next. Notice we see Jaime Camil’s thighs but not his calves. Never his silly calves. The girls haven’t lost anything yet. Pat tries to quit but Isabel won’t let him.

Meño puts Chava to bed because his mama is out playing strip poker. Chava is glad to have Charly back home, and he admits that in the hospital he was afraid of dying. When Chava asks, Meño admits that he will die one day. Charly pulls him aside and warns him that it had better not be for a long, long time.

Paulina arrives at Santiago’s house, and Donato lets her in. HEY! I thought he was supposed to keep her out! Paulina asks Don if she remembers him, and he answers, “After all you did, who could forget?” Rocío is thrilled to see her, and Pau wastes no time; she starts right in telling Rocío how much she would love New York. Rocío’s mother puts her to bed. Her loving, adoring, attentive, affectionate mother who didn’t even have three minutes to talk to Rocío any time in the past seven years. We were wondering who would become the evil villainess in this novela, the kind you’d like to sink your teeth into. Would it be Alicia or Marissa? Well my money is on the dark horse. Pau asks Rocío how she feels about the new baby, and Roc is worried that her papa won’t pay attention to her anymore. Pau suggests that Roc come live with her in New York. It’s a perfectly normal suggestion, since Pau can’t stand to be apart from her beloved daughter (whom she hasn’t bothered talking to in seven years). Lucía steps in like a mama bear in training, with all the grit she inherited from her abuela, and she sets Paulina straight. “It’s hard when all you have of your mother is a photo.” Marissa joins the girls’ night out in, dragging Pau’s suitcase, suggesting that this is the time for her to leave. Rocío introduces her as Mama Marissa.

CHICK FIGHT! Complete with hair pulling. Santiago has been so worried, wondering who would keep Paulina away, and the ruby slippers have been right under his nose. Marissa throws out Pau, along with her suitcase, and the two trade insults, arguing which one is trashier. Santiago walks in along with his mother, and he looks at the woman he hasn’t seen since the day she crushed his soul. She acts like she just got back from a business trip, glad to see her husband again. She tries to wheedle an invitation from him to stay at the house, but Mama Bear runs interference. “At this house there is no room for you. It’s better if you leave now.” Santiago speaks not a word, except to congratulate his mama and novia for a job well done. Sorry to disappoint you, friends. No staircase of death tonight. Maybe death took the elevator.

At her house, Candy and Bárbara are rehashing their poker night. Barb thinks Candy was playing with fire, spending the evening with her two suitors. Candy says her next column will ponder what a woman does if she likes two men. More man-hater rhetoric. Barb asks, point blank, which one she loves. Candy tries to dodge, but must confess that she loves Santiago.

Back at the casa de lágrimas, amid strains of Kany Garcia (I love her music), Chayo is again waiting for Ed to get home, while she stares at the roses that were supposed to demonstrate how much he loves her. Ed tries to sneak in and she pretends to be asleep.

Candy lies in bed pondering the pains of life. Pat sits alone doing the same. Santiago doesn’t have as much time to feel sorry for himself. His daughter needs some lovin’ right about now, and she knows where to find it. Her papa leaves no doubt how much he treasures his princesa.

In the morning, Candy reassures Chava because of his fears of death. Since he doesn’t want to get up for school, she calls him “flojito” (lazybones).

Chayo is pouring her heart out to Candy. “Ed came home at three, smelling of perfume. Why does he hurt me like this when I love him so much? What am I doing wrong?”

In his office, Pat and Alicia talk about the success of his art business. He has a new product that he expects will sell well, but it’s better if Alicia doesn’t see it. In the artist’s workshop, she discovers that it’s a painting of Candy in a feathered headdress. The “Aztec Princess.” Somehow I never imagined Aztecs with pointy noses, fine bones, and fair skin. But what do I know? Ali marches into Pat’s office and chews him out for humiliating her like this.

Paulina pushes her way into Santiago’s office and suggests that she take Rocío to live in New York for awhile. “Request denied. She stays here in Mexico with me.” She sashays to his side of the desk and makes her most convincing argument with a very suggestive kiss, and suggests that he lock the door. He wants to resist but his emotions are in too much of a tornado; he can’t pull himself together. He obviously has a weakness for her.

In Pat’s office, Pat and Ali scrap back and forth about who is at fault and who is a fool. Review their positions listed above.

Bárbara alerts Candy that her mother called. Santiago is at her house, and he’s not doing well.

Candy finds Santiago waiting at her house. He says, “Paulina came back, and there are things that cannot be removed, because if they are removed, it hurts even more. The past came back. And what’s happening to me is a little like what’s happening to you with Patricio. I need advice because.. I used to be so sure.” I think (other opinions welcome) that what he’s saying is that he never resolved his feelings about Paulina, he just buried them. Now that she’s back, his feelings have come back to haunt him. Along with asking her for help, maybe he comprehends that Candy is going through the same difficulties, and maybe he hopes the two of them can work through it with each other’s help. Remember that for a long time now, he has been working at healing her.

He is interrupted by Alicia at the door. She begs Candy not to destroy her life again. She destroyed it once when she couldn’t dance anymore. Now Pat is all she has. If Candy doesn’t leave him alone, Ali doesn’t know what she’ll do (but the implication is muy grave).

Alicia leaves, Candy is impactada, and Santiago has something to say. “I know this is a very bad time, but it’s the right time for me to say, you and I have to give “us” a chance. Santiago gives Candy a kiss.
Not a kiss that says, “Hey, Baby, you’re hot!”
Not a kiss that says, “You’re wonderful and I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Not a kiss that says, “Can’t you feel how much I love you?” nor even, “Can’t you feel how much you love me?”
Instead, it’s a kiss that says, “Candy, we were made for each other. This is our moment, and we must seize it because what we can have is too profound to miss.”

What could possibly move Candy to reject an appeal like that? Chava comes down the steps, sees them kissing, pushes Santiago away with all his 45 pounds of might, and says, “Don’t kiss my mama. I already have a papa.”

Tomorrow: In front of Alicia and Gregoria, Pat tells Candy, “The only one I’ve ever loved is you (#P-1).”


Fuego, Monday 2/9 (#193): Curses! Foiled again!

Yep, Gabi's kicked out of church for reals. She slinks out of the church, mortified by the parishioners' shocked stares. The Padre prays for forgiveness for failing to save her soul.

The doctor gets the bullet out of Feo and seems to be writing him a prescription when Feo knocks him out and leaves.

At the Robles Reyes hacienda, Rigo thinks it would be cute if his little baby boy fell in love with Juan's little girls. Quintina smacks him. Pablito thinks it would be neat to be in-laws. Quintina smacks him too. There's more small talk of this nature and I have to get up early tomorrow, so please forgive me for skipping some.

Saul comes in, looking for Juan. He wants to say thanks and bye - he's moving out. Pablito doesn't understand. Quintina explains that the guy's had enough of Hortensia's nagging. The others try to talk Saul out of it (Rigo specifically mentions making up after a fight as one of the pleasures of marriage). Rigo and Eugenia make out and Quintina says "hey, don't count money in front of poor people!" Heh. Hortensia asks Saul to reconsider. Rigo says she'll have to promise stop scolding. Saul gives in. Whew, thank goodness that's resolved. Now we can have a happy ending.

Feo stumbles into the cave with Libia's crypt and has happy flashbacks to her death.

One of the gossip sisters tells Juan and Sofía about the scene at church. Juan covers his mouth, stifling laughter at the news of Gabi's excommunication.

Gabi goes home from church, thinking to herself that she made Feo leave her and now she's alone, she has nobody now, not even God. Feo watches from afar and thought-bubbles that Gabi won't be able to bear being alone.

Nabor is cleaning up when he knocks over the St. Francis statue and the pedestal it's on, revealing Feo's Big Bag o' Swag hidden inside the pedestal. He gapes at the cash, ignores a big envelope, and opens the little box without hesitation. Aforementioned gossip sister shows up and admires the necklace. She invites him over for churros and chocolate tonight with her sister and Tio Vicente. She promises that it will be "very intimate." He refuses to commit!

Fatima and Rosendo apologize to Gabi and say they don't know where Ruth is and haven't seen her in a few days. Maybe she left. Gabi wonders if she ran away with Feo.

Dr. Montes reports Feo's assault to the authorities. That's right - he goes straight to the Padre. (Evidently, he too has given up on the comisario.) After he treated Feo, Feo knocked him out and took off. If he's not careful, his wound will go gangrene.

With atypically impeccable timing, Juan shows up with his brothers and explains that Gabi shot Feo.

With even more coincidentally perfect timing, Nabor shows up with Feo's bag of goodies. The brothers recognize it immediately. The Padre sends the doctor and Nabor out. Juan is eager to see what's in the box. Oscar doesn't recognize the necklace, but Juan certainly does. He refreshes their memory - "our mother's necklace, I gave it to Libia for protection." (It didn't work!) He has a flashback of giving the necklace to her. She says she gives thanks to the Virgencita every day because Juan has been like her father and mother. He's the best brother in the world!

The guys realize that there's only one way the necklace could have ended up in Feo's safe. The Padre has a flashback to Feo's "confession" of killing her. The guys are all fired up for justice. The Padre protests, but nobody's in the mood to listen.

Gabi sulks by the pool with her "daughters" and her best girl, Brandy. Her daughters try to get her to cheer up and fight, but Gabi grumbles that everyone has betrayed her, including them. (Gabi's lines.) The girls deny. (Girls' lines.) She claims that the Reyes don't know how to love. They know only vengeance and attacks. They'll rot in hell. More Sofía's lines. Gabi takes off in disgust.

Feo goes to church, hoping to grab his money and go away. He pauses before the statue, takes off his hat and crosses himself, and looks for his bag. It's gone. He won't be able to go!

The Reyes Brothers get their guns ready for another formal declaration of vengeance. They all talk to the camera, so you know they mean business.

The girls think all the stress on their mother can't be good for her health, but they can't get through to her. If only she had listened to Sofía, none of this would have happened. Jimena says Gabi had it coming to her. Sofi says it was Feo too. She confides that Juan thinks Feo is the one who raped her. Sarita seems particularly upset. Sofía indicates that she's a strong woman now and he can't hurt her any more, but he's also messed with their mother and it's all his fault. Sooner or later he'll pay for all he's done.

The brothers visit their sister's tomb and bring her up to date. They swear vengeance again and leave. Feo comes out of hiding again and says "let's see who hunts whom... I'll swear too!" He purposely steps on her grave on his way out.

Quintina takes her guys on the road. Like, literally the actual road. The dusty trail. A pickup truck on a country road. For a fee, ladies can have their pictures taken with a couple of guys. It's one of those things with a life-size cartoonish picture of a swimsuit model, and then there's a hole where her face would be, so you stick your face there, presto you're a swimsuit model. Life's too short to recap this foolishness in greater detail.

The guys ride around looking for news of Feo's whereabouts.

Feo sees a guy in town who's about the same size as him. He muses that this guy can help him with his plan.

Eva tells the Padre that she was happy when Ruth agreed to be her daughter and run off together, but then Juan swore that Sofía is actually her daughter. She found her crying and she said that Feo raped her. (All the Padre can say to this is "have faith and more faith.") Eva says she has faith, but she's still afraid. And she's also worried about Ruth. If something happened to her, she's sure it was Feo's fault.

The guy Feo noticed in town is now dead in Libia's tomb. Feo says he was damned just by crossing his path.

I feel I should mention that the moon is full.

The brothers visit the sisters at the hacienda and report that Feo killed their Libia. It's going to be a long night. Hugs, kisses, blessings, "be careful." The guys gallop away. Eva comes out and tells the girls that nothing bad will happen. Sarita tells her the guys will kill Feo. Jimena says she doesn't wish any harm to anyone, but Feo's got to pay for what he's done. "He deserves the worst of punishments!" Eva agrees, but urges them to calm down. Sofía says how great Eva is and gives her a kiss. Eva thought-bubbles happily that Sofía's her daughter, no matter what Gabi says.

When the guys said it was going to be a long night, clearly they meant a different night, because it's already morning. Feo has rigged a time bomb out of a kitchen timer, some duct tape, and way more circuitry than should be needed for a bomb. He leaves it in his truck with the dead guy in the driver's seat. Then he makes a big scene in front of Rigo and the other workers, thought-bubbling that he's setting a trap. Rigo sends a guy to the house to tell Juan. Feo takes off on his horse.

Meanwhile, the guys tell Quintina they couldn't find any trace of him last night; Juan yells at Franco for hoping he took off for good.

Gabi, drunk and distraught, looks at old photos of men who never loved her: JJ Robles, Bernardo, Ricardo, and Feo. One by one, she hears the latter three say (in her mind): I don't love you, and I will never love you. (JJ's picture doesn't say anything) Not one of the men in her life ever loved her, she reminds herself. Time for another drink. She tears up the photos and throws them on the desk, but don't worry; those photos looked surprisingly fresh. I'm sure she can crank out another batch on the inkjet printer tomorrow.

A field hand warns the guys that Feo was trespassing. They ride out to investigate. Rigo says he lost sight of Feo for a moment, but there's his truck! Feo hides in some bushes and gloats in anticipation, "they fell into my trap."

Gabi continues to sob at her desk about the pain of loneliness. She takes out her gun and wishes she didn't have a heart so she couldn't feel. She pulls the hammer back and slowly turns the gun on herself. Unfortunately, she's interrupted by the girls. "Go away or I'll shoot. You never loved me. Now you can stop pretending." They beg her not to do it.

Juan and Franco cautiously approach the truck while Oscar stays behind to cover them because he can't run yet. They vaguely see a hat through the windshield, but there's glare from the sky and they can't make out his face. He's not moving at all. On Juan's signal, Oscar shoots at the middle of the windshield. The man in the hat doesn't move. Juan smells a rat and tells the guys to get back. As they do, the truck blows up. (Feo responds with a comically exaggerated "shucks! foiled again!" gesture of defeat.)

Gabi seems earnest in her desire to be dead. Sofía tries to talk her out of it. (They've had similar conversations before, just without the gun.) Gabi finally puts the gun down, sobbing. Jimena and Sofía escort crazy Crabi to bed. Sarita lags behind, contemplating the gun thoughtfully.

The brothers watch the flaming truck and conclude that Feo has killed himself to escape justice. Juan is frustrated that Feo and Ricardo didn't have to pay for their crimes. Franco points out that if Juan hadn't thought so quickly, they all would have been killed. Juan thinks it seems like Feo set them a trap so they'd die with him.

Feo gloats to himself that now that they've given him up for dead, he can attack them without anyone ever suspecting him.

Eva meets with Soledad at the convent. They have a long, repetitious conversation in which they conclude that Gabi is a liar and that Sofía is definitely Eva's daughter, based on how Eva was always nice to Sofía and Gabi never was. That's all the proof Eva needs.

The brothers tell the sisters about Feo trying to lure them out to his truck, which then blew up but they didn't get hurt and only Feo died. Then the sisters tell the brothers about Gabi being in a bad state. Gabi shows up with a big fresh-squeezed brandy, and I keep thinking maybe she'll take another tumble, but she doesn't. Juan tells her that Feo is bien muerto, blown to bits. Gabi numbly mumbles that this can't be true. Franco says Feo blew up his truck with himself inside. Gabi gets all upset, and we fade out with a dim vision of Feo floating over her left shoulder.

Mexico airdate: 15 de octubre


Monday, February 09, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Fri., Feb., 6- Marisela comes home; Antonio gets married

Maurice and Cecilia are overjoyed to hear that Marisela will return to fight for La Barquereña.
"The valient Marisela that we all love has returned," says Maurice. Marisela says that she is afraid but Cecila tells her that true courage is when you get past your fears and move forward.

DB tells Eustaquia that she can't move forward. She has never felt so alone. She tells Eustaquia that if it weren't for her, she would have died right now and no one would care. Eustaquia tells her not to talk about death. DB says that all she has left are these four walls and this land (uh oh!).

Santos tells Carmelito that he is going to take up his life, his projects and his dreams again. Pajarote runs in to tell Santos that Antonio is getting married right that minute.

Melesio and all the terneras show up for the wedding and congratulate Antonio except that Genoveva asks what the rush is. Santos arrives and Antonio tells him that it is important that Santos came even though he doesn't support Antonio's marriage. Santos replies that what is most important is that Antonio is his friend and if Antonio gets married, then Santos is happy for him. Lucía and Don Encarnación arrive and Mujiquita starts the ceremony.

DB seems to have gotten over her grief pretty quickly and now she is angry. She tells Eustaquia that she doesn't want pity from Eustaquia or anyone. She'd rather they hate her. "I'm going to make it so that Santos hates me, and then make him come begging to me. I want to see him begging at my feet. I won't forgive him. I'll have no pity for him." Eustaquia is shocked.

Santos tells Antonio that DB and Santos have broken up.

Fausto comes to Josefa's whorehouse and Josefa decides to service him personally. Federica tells Pernalete that Josefa has taken on the job of finding who Fausto is and what he is doing here.

At the wedding reception, DE tells Santos that Antonio is going to take his place in the Cattlemen's Association. He says that doesn't want to fight anymore with friends and people that he likes, such as Santos. He tells Santos that his relationship with DB has put them at odds over the thefts of his cattle. Santos tells him that he and DB aren't living together anymore and DE says that is good news.

Marisela tells Cecilia that she isn't coming back for Santos. She is only returning to reclaim La Barquereña. Marisela asks Cecilia not to tell anyone that she is coming back. She wants people to know that she is back when they see her there.

Federica asks Fausto if it is true that he represents a company that is going to invest in El Progresso. Fausto replies that this will be a very rich town when his boss is the owner (dueño) of the whole region. Pernalete asks (translated by Federica) how that can be possible when the region already has an owner and that is DB.

BP asks Melquíades why he is following him. Then BP finds out that DB has returned to El Miedo. "So they are fighting once again," says BP.

DB comes to Antonio's wedding reception to talk to DE. DE says that he doesn't have anything to say to her. From now on, his hacienda is in Antonio's hands and what Antonio says goes. "Then let's talk, Antonio," says DB. Antonio has that deer in the headlights look. Melesio tells Santos not to worry. Antonio can handle DB.

Antonio refuses DB's offer for the hacienda. DB says that DE is near ruin and no one would offer more than she. Antonio says that she is wrong but anyway, he isn't selling.

Santos asks DB why she came to ruin Antonio's wedding reception. DB says that she sees that he is so happy to have been freed from her to celebrate. DB says that this isn't the end. His friends will regret having humiliated her. She says that he will pay for all the harm he has done to her, all his insults, his suspicions. He will ask forgiveness but it will be too late. Too late because she will have made him suffer where it hurts him the most. Now he will see who Doña Bárbara really is.

DB leaves the reception and returns to El Miedo. She tells Eustaquia that something is strange is happening in the llanos. Nothing is going like she wants it to. She tells Eustaquia that she ran into Santos by accident and was so angry at seeing him having a good time at a party, she 'let her devils out' ('dejé salir mis demonios) and threatened him. She wonders what is happening to her. Is she going crazy? Why would she threaten the man she loves?

Meanwhile Santos is wandering around Altamira saying how different the house would be if he could hear Marisela's laughter and her steps. He flashes back to DB accusing him of loving Marisela and to kissing Marisela. "At least know I can think about you without feeling guilty," he says.

Marisela says goodbye to Maurice and thanks him for all he has done for her. "Be quiet, don't says silly things," replies Maurice, "In the end, I didn't do anything. You did it all yourself. You learned to fly and bloomed. And look at you now - a beautiful, strong woman. It seems that the only thing I did was to put a little fertilizer on the ground, no more." "Don't be so sure of yourself," replies Marisela, "because innocent, litttle flowers can have thorns." Maurice tells her that such thorns are not for hurting anyone but for defense and she should use them intelligently.

Maurice asks Marisela if she is returning to the Arauca only for the land or to fight for the man she loves. She says that she doesn't want to talk about Santos. Maurice says that she has to face it - she will meet Santos in Progresso. She shouldn't try and deny it - she loves Santos. Marisela says that she loved Santos and that she can't love him. Maurice points out that those two statements are contradictory. What if Santos leaves DB? "Nobody leaves DB," says Marisela, "She is the devourer of men and Santos let himself be devoured by her a while ago." Marisela promises to write to Maurice. He says that he hopes so. Her letters will be the plot of his next novel - Love with Thorns.

Melquíades comes to see DB. She says that things are getting out of control and she needs him now more than anything. Melquíades says that he is at her command. She wants him to be vigilent and watch out for anything strange. She says that their enemy is powerful and skilled. He is to tie up and bring to her the first suspect.

BP tells Fausto that DB and Santos has split up. Fausto says that is good news for his boss: divide and conquer. BP asks for and gets some money from Fausto.

Marisela, Cecilia and Toñito are on bus on the highway that Santos had built. Marisela says that Santos continues to be the man she has always admired - the dreamer. A strong man, ready to fight against obstacles. Cecilia tells her that Lorenzo was that way when she fell in love with him. "Then DB came and turned him into what we all knew," says Cecilia, "I hope that woman doesn't do the same with Santos."

Lucía tells Antonio that she is very happy. Fausto interrupts their breakfast and asks if Antonio has thought any more about his offer. Antonio replies that he has and the answer is no. Fausto says that they are missing an opportunity to get a lot of money. He says that the offer still stands. Antonio says that he doesn't like that guy.

The terneras are arguing about who has to go down to the river and do the wash when Marisela appears and says that the place sounds like a madhouse. They have a joyful reunion. The terneras fill her in on the situation with Antonio and Lucía. Marisela says that he has to go now but will come and talk to them every day.

Melquíades is following Fausto.

Marisela reunites with Juan Primito at La Chusmita. She tells him that she won't leave him alone again.

Los Mondragon bring DB her half of what they got for selling DE's stolen cattle. She tells them to keep it. They thank her and she reminds them that with her everything has price. She says that she has a job for them and if they do it well, she will double their money. Leon asks who she wants them to kill. "Some poor little cows," replies DB, "I want you to poison all the water where the cattle drink at La Chapparal. There shouldn't be one cow left standing. I want to see the Matutes totally ruined."

At the meeting of the Cattlemen's Association, Santos introduces Antonio and Lucía. One of the members of the Association says that he is concerned about cattle robberies on the highway. Mujiquita is reporting that his investigations into the thefts have so far been unsuccessful when Genoveva comes in to tells Santos that Marisela has returned.

Juan Primito fills Marisela in on what is happening with the folks at El Miedo. He tells her that DB and Santos have fought, don't care about each other any more and that DB has returned alone to El Miedo. He asks if Marisela is happy with his news. "You're still in love with Don Santos, right?" he asks. "I ask myself that question every single day," replies Marisela, "and do you know what the answer is?" "No, niña, tell me," says JP. "I'm not going to tell you, Mr. Gossip." answers Marisela.

Josefa and Federica tell Melquíades that DB invested in their business and he can ask them anything he wants. He wants all the information they have about Fausto. They tell Melquíades that Fausto is a lawyer who represents a corporation that wants to buy everything in Progresso and invest in the town. Melquíades asks who Fauto's boss is but the women don't know.

Casilda is excited to hear from Cecilia that Marisela has returned. Cecilia tells her that now that Marisela has returned, they need to plan Toñito's baptism. Casilda says that she will arrange everything.

Marisela puts flowers on her father's grave- (it still just has a wooden cross. Couldn't they have gotten a proper stone by now?)
M: Here I am, Daddy. I have put my trust in your last wishes. I have needed you so much. I miss you so much. Sometimes at night when I am alone in my room, I close my eyes and I see you smiling. I remember when we were dancing at my birthday party and when we were so poor, you and I, alone at La Chusmita. We were so happy in spite of everything. Papa, why does life separate those who love each other? I know that if people didn't die, there wouldn't be room for everyone in this world but there are people so evil that they don't deserve to live and so many good people like you who are gone. But even though you aren't with me physically, papa, I feel your presence in my heart. I feel your presence at my side every time I have a problem, when I am happy, or cry ... or laugh. Papa, I read the letter you left for me and you are right. That is why I am here. Because I am going to fight for the land of our ancestors. I'm going to fight to get La Barquereña back and you will be so proud of me, papa, so proud.

DB comes to see Fausto. She asks who he is and what he is doing in Progresso. Fausto starts his usual response that he is a lawyer and he represents... "El Sapo," interrupts DB.

Lucía and Antonio have come to see the priest to set a date for their church marriage. Cecilia comes in and says that she didn't know the priest was busy. She was coming to set a date for the baptism of her baby. "Of our baby," says Antonio turning around. He introduces Lucía to Cecilia as his wife. She is impactada.

Marisela asks Lorenzo if he likes the flowers she brought - his favorite daisies. She says that now that she is back, she can come and see him, bring him flowers so that he doesn't feel alone.

Marisela looks up and Santos is there, "Marisela, my sunshine has returned," he says, "You've come back."


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