Friday, June 19, 2009

MEPS June 19, 2009

Barbara tells Aurora not to tell anyone that she is crazy.

Franco/Ed is pulling down a box for Dr. Obregon. He says what this package contains is worth the 2 million dollars you are going to give me.

Barbara tells Aurora that everything that is happening is very dangerous. Aurora questions how so, but Santiago comes in and interrupts. Barbara tells Santiago how much she enjoys talking to Aurora. And if Aurora wants to talk further don't hesitate to come to her. She leaves and Santiago questions Aurora what they were talking about. He doesn't trust Barbara .

Vlad tells Pris not to be upset with him over the situation with Damian. Pris tells him that he is protecting a guy that stole 3 million dollars from the company. Throw him in the street. Let him rot in prison. Vlad says he cannot because he knows our secret. Pris says there is no secret. This baby is mine and Anibal. Do you understand? You know that's not true replies Vlad. All I know is that I am married with Anibal and that I have a child from you. That's all replies Pris. Vlad wishes he never told Damian. He promises to fix the problem and protect her from Damian.

Damian is playing solitaire and putting a crap load of ketchup on his food. He receives an email from Barbara asking him to name a time and place to meet.

Vlad tells Pris that he is completely on her side and promises to persuade Damian to give up on his plans. What plans asks Pris. You know the plans replies Vlad. I will not let him bother you. Are you going to let me help you? Pris asks again what is his plans. He wants to tell Anibal about them and do whatever it takes to get his position back with the family. That's why we need to be united together.

Dr. Obregon opens the package and asks Franco/Ed to give him a tape recorder from his dresser. He hands Franco/Ed the tape to play.

Fernanda tells Gonzalo that she doesn't accept that Flor gave away company secrets. She thinks someone else with no scruples did it. Gonzalo says the only person with access to that information was Flor. Fernanda asks him why are the poor always the one found guilty?

Vlad tells Pris at first he didn't realize Damian's game. But now he knows that he is manipulating everything for his purpose. That's why I need you to tell me if I can believe in him or not. (what, can you not figure that out on your own?) Damian says that you are going to disappear from my life and I will never be able to know my child. Is that true? Are you going to leave me alone? Pris tells Vlad that it's very rare for a guy to behave the way he does. (meaning wanting to know his child) Well my name is Vladimir Pineros and I am a man who wants to know his child. Tell me if what Damian tells me is true. Are you going to disappear from my life and never let me know my child? Pris tells Vlad that she will not do that. He leans in for a kiss. Flor spots them and hides to look further. Pris gets out of the car and Vlad touches her belly and tells the baby bye and to take care of his mother. Flor is muy impactada.

Fernanda keeps defending Flor. You have no proof of her treachery. Gonzalo says Anibal fired her and I cannot override that in front of everyone. Oh so we are not going to do anything so that we do not embarrass my brother replies Fernanda. Well I also have a say in this company and since Franco/Ed wants to get started right away on the center, I will need an assistant. Are you thinking of Flor asks Gonzalo. Yes replies Fernanda. Will that be a problem?

Franco/Ed asks about the tape. (did I miss something? did he already hear it?) Dr. Obregon that he has had it for 15 years. Figured he might need it someday. Franco/Ed asks who else knows about this tape? Dr. Obregon replies just you. Franco/Ed calls him a name. Dr. Obregon tries to defend himself. He tells Franco/Ed to bring him the money and he will give him the tape.

Martina gets dropped off by cute Dr. Carlos and she asks him if he can visit her dad from time to time to check on him. Dr. Carlos says of course. Gardenia catches Dr. Carlos kissing Martina's hand and shakes her head. Dr. Carlos leaves and Gardenia tells Martina that this is a decent house and she cannot bring strange men over. Martina says whatever.

Esteve is teaching Venus how to walk, talk and act like a lady. He's pretending to be a waiter. She sits down in a chair unlady like and he tells her how to do it correctly. Looks like it's going to take a miracle to teach this chick to act like a lady. They go over drinks, cheese and walking.

Vlad comes home and doesn't kiss the wife I mean Damian hi. Damian asks Vlad if he talked to Pris. Vlad says no. Damian wants to know if Pris planted the documents. I don't know, why asks Vlad. Because something has happened. He grabs Vlad to show him the email that Barbara sent him.

Barbara tells the maid not to let anyone see her. Guess they are planning something else.

Vlad reads the email. Damian says that Barbara is a viper. First she takes me out of the picture and now wants to hand me my freedom. Vlad asks if he is going to see Barbara. That would be foolish replies Damian. Then why is she looking for you replies Vlad. I told you already. Something must be happening at Grupo Lactos. I am sure that Barbara has problems. Are you sure Vlad that you have not heard anything? Again Vlad says no. Damian tells him that he has to find out what's going on. Vlad asks Damian what he plans to do. I have no idea replies Damian. That is why I need you to find out what's going on. Vlad thinks that they know Barbara stole the 3 million dollars and that Damian is innocent. (he has a crazy look in his eye don't you think? he's losing his marbles) Vlad says that he overheard a conversation between Gonzalo and Anibal. That Damian was innocent and how they felt bad filing a report with the police.

Fernanda meets Franco/Ed at a restaurant. He tells her that everything is ready to take Lili out of the nuthouse. Fernanda can't believe how quickly it's been handled. He wants her to listen to a tape that will clear up alot of her questions. The tape has the voices of Dr. Obregon and Lili. Lili recounts everything that happened the day her mother died. (see episode/recap #3 for exact details) Fernanda starts crying. She asks him where he found the tape.

Damian asks Vlad were exactly does he wants to meet Barbara? Vlad tells him to be careful. Damian wants it to be a place where they can meet in private. Somewhere familiar. Vlad fixes himself a drink and tells Damian somewhere where she feels uncomfortable. Don't you think? Why asks Damian. So you can have total control responds Vlad. I have it replies Damian as he takes Vlad's drink from him.

Franco/Ed wants Fernanda to think if she wants to hear the rest of the tape. Because once she does, there is no going back.

Esteve wants to show Venus how to dance the waltz. They look really cute together. I like this Esteve character. He does gringo pretty well. Anyway Gardenia is pissed and can't wait til Franco/Ed comes home to tell him everything that has been going on. She hears music and goes to investigate. Esteve and Venus are dancing salsa. Gardenia thinks that they are doing bad things. Guess having fun is not allowed.

Franco/Ed asks again if she wants to hear the rest of the tape. Everything will change from this moment on. She does and he plays it for her. Fernanda hears Lili say that Barbara killed their mother.

Monday: Fernanda wants to tell that Barbara killed her mother.


Tontas June 19, '09 Part I Gran Finale "It Was A Dark And Stormy Night"...

Yes, it was a dark and stormy night in Guadalajara and a number of tormented, twisted souls continued to suffer and cause suffering. Some begged forgiveness and eventually gained it. Others continued their wicked, dastardly deeds and paid dearly for it. Amidst the thunder and lightning, there were a few glimmers of hope, love and the promise of smouldering passion.

Okay, let's drop the purple prose and do a brief rundown of the first hour of the Gran Finale 'cause I'm ready to tuck this baby in. Aren't you?

First, the rehash: Charlie screens his video with Lucia by his side. It's so well-received, he's offered a beca (grant , stipend) to continue his work on this subject in Germany. Will our two lovebirds be separated, just now when they've refound each other? And our favorite narcissist Candy is musing with Santiago that her sister hurt HER very much....oh and also you, Santiago, but nevertheless SHE(Candy) feels bad...but her mother will feel even worse that Alicia is going to be arrested. Run Santi, run!

Now the new: The cops arrive at Meño's house with a warrant for Alicia's arrest. While they're downstairs, Alicia is getting the final cruel brushoff from Mario who refuses to give her even a dime for a ticket back to New York. Upon learning that the police are at the door, Alicia completely regresses to the state of a young child, wants to hide under the covers and have mommy save her... but to no avail. Gogo tearfully drags her downstairs and off Alicia goes to the hoosegow, wailing "Get me a lawyer!" as she departs.

Another annoying encounter between Candy and Santiago. She's still mewling about feeling bad for Alicia (shouldn't she feel bad for the months of Santiago's suffering!) and then they mutually kvetch about who ended their relationship. Neither will admit fault and she continues the pity party after he leaves. "Not even he understands," she whines. (Okay, you know I loathe the character of Candy. Just don't expect me to be fair or objective, alright. She gives me hives.)

Patricio, on the other hand, is admitting to Raul and Soledad that even though he misses Patito terribly, no one should have to suffer like Santiago did for the loss of his son. Raúl admits to conflicted feelings. Guilt that his sister could do such a thing. But happy that the baby has at last been reunited with Santiago. And hopeful that Marissa has now found a peace in the afterlife that she was never able to achieve here on earth.

Off they go with Beto, while Chava curls up with Patricio and promises that he and his brother will never leave fact they'll come visit everyday!

A brief foreboding scene with Rocio and Paulina. The latter is miffed because she wasn't informed of Patito's return....after all it's thanks to her that Alicia was located and the true identity of the baby revealed. She weasels her way into the bedroom and keeps agitating to hold the little guy in spite of the fact that he's peacefully sleeping. We KNOW this doesn't bode well.

Meanwhile, plans are afoot for a fabulous fiesta celebrating Charlie's departure for Germany. And Lucia thinks she's going to go with him. Santiago, contentedly rocking his son and promising to care for him 24/7, 365 days a year surfaces long enough to put his fatherly foot down and say No way! Maybe when you're 18 but not now, little lady. He reminds her that he's the one who pays for the house, the food, and her clothing-- so no unilateral decisions on her part! We'll talk again in a year, he promises....when you're of age.

Alright, we break for some AARP Passion Time... the last PSA for old-folks-can-feel-it-too.

Arturo's trying to persuade Gregoria to quit grieving Alicia's arrest and think of herself, her own happiness and come and live with him, Prince Arturo! She confesses she's fallen in love with him but can't follow through. He's done too many bad things. (think Mafia, money-laundering and bribing a judge to give custody of Chava to Patricio) That's over and done with, he protests...and besides I did it with good intentions. Nope, nope, nope....the past can 't be erased like that. I can't trust you. We'll be separate forever. Sad cello music plays. (But honestly, I don't think any of us were rooting for that romance, were we?) Just then the TV magically comes on and our aged lovers learn that one of Arturo's buildings has collapsed and the poor residents are homeless. How wise that you've rejected me, muses Arturo. I'm paying for my old mistakes...but I'll always go on loving you. And I adore you, cries Gregoria. A passionate (but mercifully brief )kiss and that's it for Arturo and Gregoria. One story line down and a bunch more to go.

Charlie's at the restaurant, informing Meño of his Germany plans and lamenting that Santiago won't let Lucia go with him. Dad explains that adults simply don't want their children to make costly mistakes and presto! Charlie understands and all is well. (our last miraculous 20-second relationship cure)

Another estupida Santiago/Candy encounter. It's still about Candy and how she feels bad seeing Alicia in jail (She went to see her earlier. Alicia thought she came to gloat. No but Candy did tell her no bail. The charges are too serious. So much for sisterly comfort.) Yes, Alicia and I are very different but when we were younger, the three of us (remember there was a sister who died) had such fun playing together, Candy adds. Santiago, taking a positive tack, says I can't believe that the two of you, raised under the same roof (techo) by the same parents are so different. One could commit this atrocity while you....... Candy looks hopeful.... Surely he's going to tell her how marvelous she is! Surely! But alas, he stops and adds, I won't bother you anymore and off he goes. She's disappointed. Another opportunity to be adored just got wasted.

Night falls. With a vengeance. All kinds of wicked dastardly things are going to happen while rain lashes, thunder rolls and lightning blazes across the sky. Are you ready?

Arturo has left Meño's place and is now at Patricio's. The latter and Margarita are double-teaming old dad, telling him what a dreadful old reprobate he is. No forgiveness for you Pops! not until you make good on those wretched buildings. You've got a lot of money. Fix them up so people can live in them, even if it takes your last centavo, insists Pato. Arturo looks shocked at the idea. But Patricio wastes no time. He calls the sexy lawyer, Irene, asks her to come over and Dad caves. I'll do what you ask, he concedes. Perfect.

Meanwhile, a more tender father/son conversation is going on between little Santi and big Santi. Papa informs bébé that he was dying to tell Candy how marvelous she is (Candy was dying to hear those words also) but he didn't. Suddenly the lights go out. Then they come back on. But we KNOW something bad is going to happen. It's foreshadowing out the wazoo.

Now we're at the ruined building. Angry frantic people pulling their belongings out. Arturo promising to take them to comfortable lodgings until the building can be repaired. Policemen coming to arrest Arturo but waved off by sexy Irene because they don't have an arrest warrant. She smiles and purses her lips. Ay yi yi....Patricio...good things are comin' baby. Just hang in there.

Plans continue for Charlie's going away party and the whole gang (think whole cast) will be there. Santiago doesn't want to leave the baby and doesn't want to see Candy but Isabella insists that he can put his son in Tina and Donato's care for 30 minutes at least!...and besides, Lucia wants him there.

Well, I said everyone was going to be there, but it turns out two of them, Patricio and Irene (now in a sexy off the shoulder black top) are having a quiet dinner together. He's thanking her for coming out on a rainy night when she could have stayed in bed, watching a movie and eating a pizza. She opines that rainy nights are romantic and she did it all for him. Whoops. Too fast there, sister. Patricio quickly adds that romantic nights scare him. And goes on to tell how Candy was the great love of his life, perfect in every way (NOT! sez I) and how he's been unable to forget her. Clever lawyer babe counters by saying it's wrong to try and forget people. Rather one should learn to live with one's memories and then move on. Ah, but he could never fall in love again, he protests. That's because you don't want to, she replies. The lights go out. Then they come back on. Symbolic of a new beginning and a new dawn? You betcha. They clink glasses, lock eyes and toast each other with "Salud".

Bueno. One relationship ended (Gregoria and Arturo). Another beginning (Patricio and Irene).
In the meantime Charlie's party is going full swing and Santiago and Candy are looking like they might get together, when bloodsucking leech Paulina inserts herself between the two and latches onto Santi. He swats her off like the unwanted pest she is and lo, another vengeance plot is hatched. Paulina, echoing Marissa's words, vows to make him pay for what he did to her.

The lights are going out again at the house where Tina and Donato are hovering over the adorable baby. Tina sends Donato off for a bottle while she keeps vigil. But lightning strikes and he's scared. So he drags her with him (the baby will be alright for a moment, he protests) and right then Paulina, dressed in black like a cat burglar, swoops in and carries off baby Santi.

Meanwhile, the Charlie party continues full swing. Lots of sweet kisses between him and Lucia while the Mariachis play and everybody goes whoo-hoo. The dancing begins and Candy and Santiago, at opposite ends of the table, look at each other. She's running her finger around the lip of her glass (An unconscious gesture I know can drive men wild. Don't ask.) and he beckons her to come to him. She refuses. He indicates he's willing to come halfway. He asks about her sister. She's playing the same tune. ME duele mucho (I'M very upset).

And while we'd love to natter on about Candy's feelings.... wah wah wah.... feelings....We're far too upset because Paulina is heading off to God knows where with Santi's baby!!!!

And that's it for the first part.


beca = scholarship, grant
arrugarse = (lit. to wrinkle up, to get wrinkled) but means to put up with something, accept something. This verb came up when Santiago was having a little one-sided chat with his infant son.
en balde = in vain
darse su taco = I'm guessing on this one. Candy is musing that with men "se da su taco" and I'm thinking it means "give him his way" or "have to get their way", but I could be wrong. Native speakers or wiser folks....correction? Yes! Here's the correction, thanks to Hombre. darse su taco, or darse mucho taco means "he really thinks he's 'it'"

Dicho of the Day:

Matrimonio y mortaja, del cielo baja. (Literally, marriage and the shroud come from heaven.)
Marriage and death happen when God decides it's time; one has nothing to do with the decision.

Well, Marissa has fallen to her death. Not in her plans I'm sure. But will Candy and Santiago make it to the altar? Stick around for Hombre's recap and find out what the good Lord decides.


Mañana es Para Siempre, Thursday, June 18--Ep #88: "Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense."

--Gertrude Stein

¡Hola! I am pasofino's evil half-sister 5ftLatina and I'll be your substitute recapper tonight and the third Thursday of every month. Take a look at my picture over on the sidebar. Cute, huh? Cute and EVIL! I don't have a gravely voice or wear all black or have bizarre artwork on my walls, but I will make you spit your morning coffee or your evening tequila on your computer screen and/or keyboard while laughing hysterically. And I won't feel sorry for it, either. Remember, you have been warned!

Camilo and Aurora come back from their ride and are greeted by a concerned Santiago. Santiago grabs onto Aurora possessively/protectively. Tomasa comes looking for Camilo to give him Evil Barbie's summons. Camilo takes his leave, not without a backward glance at Aurora's, erm, assets.

At the Prolasa offices, the taxi drops off Priscila.

Damian and Vlad the Impregnator continue their argument. Damian says Pris is stuck with them and needs them, which depresses Vlad. Damian tells him that women like Pris start out needing you and then end up loving you after a long, long time, but only a tiny bit. He promises Vlad he won't lose Pris or the baby. Vlad is worried about Pris taking the baby away from him. Not that he was ever going to have it. Damian swears that won't happen…as long as Vlad stays on Damian's side. He falls for it.

Pris makes her way into the offices, looking for some poor innocent nobody to get fired over the fake industrial espionage scam. She drops off the incriminating folder in someone's office. On her way out, she is stopped by someone who recognizes her. Pris says she was looking for some guy from "sistemas" (IT, basically), but oops, he's on the third floor. Pris pretends to go off in search of him. She holds her stomach and looks nauseated as she goes to the elevators.

Franco and Fernanda keep talking about busting Lili out of the nuthouse. All he needs is her permission and for her to keep quiet about it. She wonders what else he wants from her. He says that's all and he'll take care of the rest and he'll keep her informed of Lili's progress. The whole time they're having this conversation they're looking at each other like a pair of horny teenagers. He wants her to know their previous kisses were, like, really, really meaningful to him, but what happens at the country house stays at the country house. Fernanda thanks him for that.

Evil Barbie emails Damian. If he wants his freedom, he needs to answer his email. Camilo comes into the library. He cracks up laughing because she looks so pissed off. Barbie tells him they're in danger because Franco and Fernanda are having a secret romance. She's going to tell him exactly what to say at his next meeting with Jacinto. Camilo lemonfaces.

Erika is waiting in Fernanda's office at Grupo Lactos. She came by to get help picking out a dress for the infamous party. She's been out shopping, but she hasn't found anything just right yet. She asks Fernanda to look at a catalog. Erika herself is looking at the lingerie for underneath the fabulous dress she hasn't found yet. She wants to look so good that when Franco sees her he'll say "Wow! What a woman!" I suppose she hasn't considered that going with just the lingerie and skipping the dress might have that effect? She tells Fernanda she needs her help picking out the right battle armor to defeat Franco's mystery crush. And she does vow to crush her. Fernanda looks worried as we go into commercials.

Erika wonders what the look is about, does she doubt Erika's womanly prowess? Of course not, Fernanda says. Erika promises she won't take up a lot of Fernanda's time picking out the right dress and lingerie. Fernanda grudgingly agrees to help. Erika wants something sexy, but with style, that shows off her attributes, but is fun. Riiight, because men give a crap what women wear.

At Miraflores, Adolfina is reading The Little Prince to Lili. There's a knock on the door. It's Franco. Lili's still zoned out. Adolfina says Lili's depressed. Lili asks Franco where Martina went. Franco says she went to visit her dad, but she'll be back soon. Lili wants her back, like, NOW. Franco tells her everything will be ok and after today her life will change. The look on Lili's face says "last time that happened I ended up here."

Franco and Adolfina go out to the waiting area. Adolfina tells Franco that Evil Barbie was there just yesterday. Franco wants to know if Barbie saw Lili too. Adolfina frets that she tried to stop her, but she couldn't. Franco says that's why Lili can't stay there and he won't let Barbie keep hurting her.

Back in her room, Lili cries that Martina has abandoned her too. Damnit, people, get her some competent care, already!

Martina needs to fear my evil wrath. She is wearing the simplest yellow dress that just looks fabulous on her. I hate her. Yellow makes me look gross. Anyway, she tells her dad that she's got to go back to Las Animas, and then hopefully back to the clinic. She doesn't like leaving Lili alone. She tells her dad that Lili's like a baby chick. Martina says Fernanda hasn't been to visit since Evil Barbie scared Lili. Silvestre says that Lili's luck will change, because the Angel Franco's going to put everything right. Martina agrees. Ooh, the Doc from the clinic has come to visit Silvestre and he's really happy to see Martina.

Dr. Obregon is still doped up. Franco comes in to see him. Adolfina isn't sure that he's actually asleep, but he hasn't gotten out of bed. She leaves Franco alone with him. Dr. Obregon opens his eyes behind Franco's back, but pretends to still be sleeping.

Vlad the Impregnator goes back to Grupo Lactos, where Florecita's waiting for him outside. She asks if he's heard that she got fired. He can't manage to act surprised, but he says he didn't know and he's sorry. He also asks if he can help. Flor asks for a favor--can he help her with Anibal and tell him that she couldn't have done it. Done what? He asks. Pass information on to Pris' family. Vlad says his word has no weight and it won't do any good because Anibal knows that Vlad barely knows Flor. He says he's sorry and he has to go. He wishes her luck. Flor cries piteously, but at least she doesn't lower herself enough to shout "call me" as he goes inside. There really is a shortage of good men on this show.

Franco keeps trying to wake Obregon. He says he's got a deal to offer him and it's too bad Obregon's letting an opportunity to make loads of cash pass him by. Obregon says "Is someone talking to me?" Heh. "Who's there?" Obregon acts startled that Franco is there, but Franco tells him to calm down. Obregon says he's depressed. Franco asks if he has ID syndrome--"el síndrome del incumplimiento del deber" (not following through on what you said you'd do syndrome). Obregon says he appreciates Franco's sense of humor and wonders if the money is another "chascarillo" (funny story). Franco says he's serious. 1M pesos in exchange for a favor. Obregon's eyes light up with peso signs.

Florecita tries to beg the security guard to let her into the Grupo Lactos building, but the memo about her firing has already gone out to security. I'm not sure, but the box he's holding is probably her personal stuff from her desk. The security guy says if Anibal sees her, he'll get fired. She promises Anibal won't see her, but now the security guy's confused--if she's not there to see Anibal to beg for her job back then what's she need to get inside the building for? Flor doesn't answer.

Fernanda walks Erika out to the elevators. Erika thinks the dress Fernanda picked out will be just perfect, as long as the "modista" (designer, dressmaker) doesn't muck it all up. Fernanda sends her love to Erika's parents. A bunch of people, including Vlad the Impregnator, get off the elevator. Fernanda stops him to ask if he's heard from Damian. Vlad says he hasn't, but he'd tell Fernanda if he did. Fernanda doubts that. Priscila comes in and Fernanda nags her about needing to be on bed rest. Pris says she's allowed out of bed as long as she doesn't strain herself. Fernanda wonders what Anibal has to say about that--like he cares. Pris says she's on her way to tell him. Fernanda asks if Vlad and Pris know each other and they try to act like distant acquaintances. Flor now comes off the elevator asking to talk to Fernanda. Pris goes off in the direction of Anibal's office as Vlad's phone rings.

Obregon tells Franco that 1M is too little. Franco reminds Obregon that he can have him sent to jail "for the next seven lifetimes". Obregon says he doesn't want to argue over details, but that taking Lili out of there won't solve Franco's problems--Lili has a "trastorno mental" (mental disorder) and has been receiving controlled doses of medication for the last 15 years that have left "sequelas" (aftereffects) and that even with a specialist, trying to rehabilitate her will be difficult. Franco loses it and as we go to commercial, he's choking Obregon and telling him that if there's no way out for Lili, then there's no way out for Obregon.

Anibal is on the phone in his office to Rolando (his brother-in-law, the head of ProLasa). He says someone was bribing the secretary to pass information to ProLasa. Rolando is offended that Anibal would accuse him of that, but Anibal clarifies that he's not saying Rolando did it, but one of his employees. Rolando is surprised that Flor, of all people, would be a spy, since even he has a good impression of her and she must have been given a job with so much responsibility for a reason. Anibal says things happen when you least expect it and he's already fired her. Rolando is surprised. He wants to know how to fix this. Anibal wants him to investigate and find out who in his company is doing the bribing. Rolando says he'll look for the guilty party and make them pay for their actions. They hang up. Pris comes in , just to say hi. Anibal says he just talked to Rolando. He tells her that Flor has been passing information and he has proof, so Pris better not be coming to plead her case. He tells Pris that Rolando is going to be looking for the leak on the ProLasa end. Pris tries to convince him there's nothing going on and he should just forget the whole thing. Anibal thinks she's trying to defend her brother. He assumes that Rolando thought that Grupo Lactos would never find out what was going on. Pris is pissed and takes off.

Franco finally stops choking Obregon. Obregon says if Franco needs Lili for what he thinks he does (whatever that might be), it won't be enough to just get her out of there--she's been locked up like a "demente" (a madwoman) for 15 years and any psychiatrist will just dismiss her. Obregon is offering what Franco will need when Liliana's out and completely detoxed. Franco wonders what that is. Obregon says he'll show Franco the other part of the business, but they'll up the price to 2M pesos.

Rolando tells his secretary (I assume) they're going to have to investigate Anibal's accusation of industrial espionage. He's going to hire an expert to do the investigation (unlike some people who just take Vlad the Impregnator's word for things), but he wants the secretary to keep an eye out and inform him of anything suspicious that she sees. Rolando trusts his employees, but he needs to show Anibal that his accusations are false.

Flor cries to Fernanda that she's going crazy. She doesn't know where to go, she's worked for GL for so long. She swears on the memory of her parents that she hasn't done anything that Anibal accused her of. She doesn't know where she's going to go now. Fernanda tells her to calm down so they can talk. Fernanda tells her not to worry, that she understands and shares Flor's feelings, but there's not a lot she can do. Flor asks her to talk to Gonzalo, but Fernanda has something better in mind--it's just going to take a few days. Fernanda doesn't believe that Flor passed information to PL.

Obregon takes Franco into a storage room. He's looking around with a flashlight and finds a box on the highest shelf. And man, that is really high. He tells Franco he's too weak to get the box himself. Franco climbs the ladder. Dumbass!

Santiago wants to go into town for some art supplies, but Aurora would rather stay and help Tomasa with dessert. Santi says he won't take long. Evil Barbie spies on their goodbye kiss. Then she asks Aurora where Santiago went. She tells Aurora she's very sweet and invites her to have coffee. Aurora goes off to tell Tomasa to wait for her. Aurora's so freaked out by Evil Barbie she has a hard time opening the door to the kitchen. Barbie is amused.

Damian finally checks his email. He hesitates before opening the message from Evil Barbie. She doesn't strike me as the type to send him a virus, but you never know.

Ay, Franco. He's up on the ladder asking which box to bring down. Obregon puts the flashlight down and positions himself to pull the ladder over.

The Doc from town is driving Martina to Las Animas. He's happy to have some alone time to talk to her. He tells her he already knows she was a mud wrestler before and that Franco hired her to work at Miraflores. Martina says she knows the Doc is from Queretaro and has younger sisters. Now that's some good espionage there. He pulls the car over and says she forgot that he's single, "sin compromisos" (not seriously dating anyone), and he likes her a lot. He kisses her hand and says he hasn't stopped thinking of her since the day he met her. Martina laughs, but he says he's only telling the truth. Then he kisses her. Woo hoo! Good on him, not wasting any time.

Obregon didn't pull the ladder over after all. Franco brought down a box and Obregon paws through it frantically. He says "the box was identical to this one" and looks around with the flashlight some more. Now he asks Franco to bring down a different box. He says if they don't find what's in that box, they're all in serious trouble. He has this look on his face as he watches Franco reach for the box that's halfway between "I'm enjoying the view" and "I'm plotting your demise."

Evil Barbie talks about how she just luuuuurves to sit in the living room and chat, but she so rarely has the time. Yeah, what with killing innocent old men and all, I can see how she' d be too busy. She offers Aurora coffee and cookies. Barbie says she heard about the fright Aurora got this morning. You know how those servants gossip. Barbie asks what Aurora found in the bathroom. Aurora doesn't want to stir up trouble by complaining. She says maybe it was just something stupid. Barbie's surprised Aurora would consider a bloody cross in the bathroom mirror something stupid. And then the Evil Barbie theme music plays as Evil Barbie gives Innocent Aurora an evil look.

Pris leaves Grupo Lactos and gripes that the taxi driver didn't wait for her. Vlad the Impregnator comes to the rescue. He wants to talk, so he'll give her a ride. She agrees, but they need to get a move on so no one sees them talking. After he leaves, she muses that she's got to find a way to get him out of her life for good. Well, I'd propose that after she does a few more favors for Damian she gets him to off Vlad for her. But that would be evil, wouldn't it. A more innocent solution would be to find him another girlfriend, but that's easier said than done. Oh well, death it is.

Evil Barbie says she's happy that Santiago's not there right now because there's been stuff happening, but Gonzalo and the kids don't believe her and think she's gone a little spare. Barbie says she's seen a few shrinks and they even thought of having her committed and that whatever happened to Lili was also happening to Barb. Barbie says it's forbidden in the family to talk about it, but she's seen weird stuff for years, even the cross of blood, just like Aurora saw. Oh, and if Aurora knew about all the other stuff Barbie's seen, but Barbie couldn’t talk about it because she was afraid to end up in a straight jacket next to Lili. Barbie says things went back to normal after a while and she thought the horrors were over, but now it seems like the evil force is back. She wants Aurora to promise that she won't tell Santiago what Barb just told her. She doesn't want to worry the family or have them think she's crazy or cause further problems in the middle of the problems they already have. Aurora promises, but she asks Barbie to stop crying. Barbie kisses her on the cheek and blesses her. Ewww. As Barbie strokes Aurora's arm, we go to credits.

And tomorrow: Evil Barbie and her accomplice plot to scare the starch out of Aurora's pinafores and Fernanda hears the tape of Lili's accusations on the night she was taken to the manicomio.


Las Tontas Thursday 6/18 - Patito finds his Papa in the penultimate performance

NOTE: I took a peek at youtube to see which scenes were cut out from last night's episode. They were all that lame story line about Jaime and Isa competing, getting fired, etc. What a bore. I guess I take back my snide remarks about the editors not knowing their job. OK, it's off my chest now.

Santi paces and discusses with mom and padrastro how to get proof that the little duck is his. They agree that Alicia is a muy mala persona. Santi is sure that if Pat is faced with the truth he will do the right thing.

Pato hisses his loathing to Alicia, "estas loca!!" Candy arrives with cara impactada and Alicia accuses Candy of coordinating this as vengeance against her. They all (Pat, Margarita, Candy) call Alicia loca and it pisses Al off. She no longer has a lover and she is alone, ALONE!

Pau is so very happy for Santiago that she takes full credit for finding Patito. Isa gazes at her with a jaundiced eye as Pau pets Santiago. Jaime reminds Pau not to forget the detective and the MONEY also helped.

Pato hugs Patito and tells him how much he loves him. He and Margarita cry. Pato cries that all his sons are being taken away from him and he believes nobody! Candy assures him Santi would not make such a thing up.

Alicia explains to Pat how Marissa gave Patito to her. Candy can no longer bear the weeping and leaves the room. "I'll be back later for Chava." Way to have a heart there Candy.

Alone in their room Isa tells Jaime she would like Paulina out of their lives for good. (You and me both, sister!) Charly calls Isa to ask where Lucia went. Daniela is with him and they go to look for Lucia at Domani. These two have something up their sleeves.

Stupid Fede shows up at Domani which is some sort of dance club, throws back a shot and accosts Lucia. She and her girlfriends rebuff him. Sisterhood is powerfull dumbass.

Pato breaks the news to his older sons that Patito is really the son of Santiago and the brother of Rocio. They think it's horrible and they don't want the little guy to leave. They decide to pray that Patito remains their brother.

Candy visits Santi to tell him she just came from Pat's house where Al admitted that Marissa gave her the baby and Patito is Santiago's son. Hooray! They hug and Pau tries, unsuccessfully, to look happy, heh heh.

Fede, with another drink in his hand, continues to stalk Lucia at Domani. Charly shows up with Daniela; aha the plan is to make Lucia jealous. The nice kids more or less dance, if you can call it that, looking befuddled at the mistmatched pairings, while Fede watches.

Santi thanks Candy for the good news. She reminds him that Pat is destroyed. "Such is life," comments Santi, but I'm sure he'll be more sensitive than he sounds. Candy says she has to go, Santi beams, they all thank her profusely, and a jealous Pau tries to assess her role in this new development.

Mags tells Pato to be calm but he glares at Alicia as if he wants to rip her stupid head off. She tries to explain she did it for love blah blah blah. He tells her first she destroyed his relationship with Candy the love of his life and now she used a child for her own purposes to try to get him to leave Candy. Patito was his life and now he will lose him! He doesn't want Alicia near him, she stole his child and destroyed his life. Vete!

Alicia and her suitcase leave as Pat weeps and asks God why he has to take away everything he loves.

Isa scolds Pau, Santi has his son but thanks to her Rocio is not his daughter. Pau claims she lied to Isa and to Mario too and she's happy to prove it with a DNA test. Isa tells Pau to fahgeddaboudit, Rocio will always be Santi's daughter and her granddaughter. Ptah! (to quote Mike)

I think the younguns are still dancing at Domani (but it's dark so I guess they are inside now) and a drunk Fede throws himself on Lucia. She pushes him away and of course Charly jumps in to save her. It looks like Charly's plan worked. Lucia is jealous and Daniela prepares to leave, her job is done. Charly and Dan have been there for hours and he just now asks her how are things with her dad? "He has accepted my disease," confirms Daniela happily. OK Daniela's story is done, let's move forward with the others...

Charly and Lucia kiss and make up.

Pato calls Santi and asks him to come by the house the next morning. (Man, if I were Santi I would want to run right over but I suppose he's going to give Pato one more night with Patito. I'm not sure I would be that trusting.)

Candy and Chava arrive home and the doorbell rings. She's baaaaaaack...again. Chava is glad to see his Tia, Candy not so much. Greg happily hugs her daughter and Al asks if she can stay there for a while. Doesn't anybody ever ask Meño permission to do stuff in his house?

Next morning Santi shows up at Pat's house. Pat says based on what Alicia told him Santi is entirely justified in doing a DNA test for both his and Patito's benefit. They agree they have both been victims in this whole thing. Santi gives Pat a man-hug. (Ouch! Sore shoulder!)

Pato's lovely lawyer (who, as discussed, looks too much like Licenciada Paula) sits at her desk huffing impatiently. She asks her secretary if Licenciado Patricio has called. Yes she knows it's the billionth time she has asked but it has to do with The Case. Right.

Yo Carlos, check it out...A few days later: At the big house Santi shows his family a document, results of the DNA test. Patito is his son!!! Pat and Mags arrive with Patito. It's hard for Pat but he's great about it, "Santiago, here is your baby," and Patito is handed from one loving father to the other. Readers, will you think me a complete putz if I admit I got tears in my eyes over this scene?

Meño scolds Gogo for allowing Al to stay in HIS house! He's about to tell Gogo what Al did but Candy gives him the stink eye. Alone, she tells him that her mom has suffered enough, keep it quiet.

Al, in a very good mood, joins them for breakfast. Was she hallucinating or were they talking badly about her? Gogo says Meño is just grumpy (cascarrabias). Al says something about joining her boyfriend Mario. (Huh? I thought she said she was alone.) They bicker stupidly and she decides to eat in her room because of all the sourpusses. She can't wait to leave! Meño says that will be a miracle.

Rocio holds the baby and asks shouldn't his name be Santiaguito? (Frankly I prefer little duck to little saint but nobody asked me.) Santi thanks Pat and asks him to be Patito's godfather. While Santi's daughters coo over Patito Pat gives Santi the documents and his lawyer's card (her name is Irene); they do another man-hug.

Santi moves the crib into his room. Donato suggests he get a babysitter (niñera). Santi is insulted, he'll care for the baby himself. The ladies of the house tease him about knowing how to care for a baby. He points to Rocio, "Who do you think cared for this wet rat when she was a baby?" (Rata de mojada = wet rat) Rocio thinks this is hilarious.

Charly phones Lucia and they call each other "mi amor". They can't believe they are novios again; they decide to tell their families and plan to meet later.

The beautiful lawyer Irene goes to Pat's house because she never heard back from him. Beto and Chava explain to her that Patito is now Santiaguito and Rocio's brother. Pat arrives and she tells him how sorry she is. My my, she gives him a sweet, comforting hug. He's still not biting but let's give him time.

Lucia sits Isa and Santi down to tell them she has a novio. Isa and Santi are impactados. Isa is tentatively happy and look, Santiaguito says congratulations. NO NO, say Santi, Santiaguito says his father needs to know who this is. He is suspicious because he thinks it's the alcoholic Fede. Lucia happily tells them it's Charly; the grownups are impactados again.

Charly tells his family the novio news and they are all excited except for the bored Alicia. Meño reminds Charly to be vigilant about not transmitting his disease and Al's ears perk up. When Charly tells her he is HIV positive she recoils. Meño points out to Alicia the only danger in the house is Alicia.

Isa and Santi hem and haw and are far from ecstatic about Lucia's news.

Santi calls Licenciada Irene so she can help him get a new birth cert for the kid. She says no problem but there also another issue. Alicia committed a very serious crime and therefore he should press charges. Oooooooh...way to go Licenciada! I knew she could take Alicia.

Over at the instituto the institutas talk about going international. Horti cackles and seems a bit jealous. Ceci wants to open the Paris office. Chayo wants the Cuban sector. Lulu wants England, Hungary and the United Arab Emirates. Candy shows up and they tell her the great news, three states have contacted them about opening institutos like theirs. They are famous! "Better yet," says Candy, "we will help many more women receive help." Egad she's pompous.

Pat tells a rapt Licenciada about his boring history with Candy and about his kids that he seems to be losing one by one. She tells him to fight for his place in the world. He says he'll try but "no esta sexy". Sheesh give it a break dude. She wants him to think of her not as his lawyer but as his friend. Come on Pat, admit it, wouldn't that be más sexy?

Lucia tells Charly that her family was fine with their news; a bit of a white lie that. He wants her to join him to meet some people from the congreso internacional del SIDA who are interested in his video.

Santi goes to Candy's office to pay the rent. He starts to leave but at the smallest word from her he excitedly tells her that Pat turned over Patito. They almost hug but stop themselves, the sillies. He tells her he's going to file charges against Alicia.

No puede ser! Raul and Sole survived the plane trip home and are at Pato's door. They have come to liberate him from the torture that is Beto. Pato shows them his bandaged hand. Yep, it was Beto and Chava. Oh sure, blame it on the kids.

Santi explains to Candy that he's going to file charges against Alicia. Pato's lawyer said Alicia paid money for a kid and broke the law. "Are you going to nark on her?" asks Candy. (La va a denunciar?)

A group of suits watch Charly's documentary. Surprisingly he's wearing one of his crappy t-shirts for this important presentation. The suits don't mind; they offer him a scholarship to Germany where he can continue his research and become an expert on the subject. It's a miracle!!

Candy doesn't want her sister to suffer but she is most worried about how Alicia's arrest will affect her mother.

Speaking of which, Gogo answers her door. The cops have come to arrest Alicia. Yeeehaw!

Tomorrow: Only two hours to tie up all the loose ends.

At one point in the episode Meño refers to Alicia as a mule. This reminded me of one of my favorite dichos and it certainly describes Alicia: "Otra vez la burra al trigo" = once again the female donkey goes to the wheat, i.e. some people [do the same stuff over and over and] never learn.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tontas no Van al Cielo - Wed. 6-17 -Well at least one tonta finally went to el cielo,or is that el infierno? ;0)

Thanks for your patience.....

Ok, so we see that Santiago is home. He calls we know he and Sole didn't crash in their plane...I think they disappeared because he had to go over to Mexico City to start recording MEPS.... Santi tells him his sister has gone off to cielo or infierno, we can probably guess which one, eh?

Next we see Pau calling the detective and handing over the address she has for Mario where she says Alicia is.

Now Santi is back in his consultorio discussing surgery with a woman. He directs her out of the office by passing by the room with all the native dances, the room with the psychologist in it, the room with the make up artist and eventually she'll find the reception. Ha Ha.

OK, then he gets a call from Escott the detective who is apparently in NY (but it looks a lot more like a building in Guad...way too many trees and random "STOP" sign props stuck on light poles on the wrong side of the street...hysterical) at the address Pau gave him but Alicia doesn't live there anymore. It's going to take more time to find him.

Candi writes her column and Santi barges in then corrects himself, he tells her that Mari is dead and he knows nothing of his son. he says the only person who has a piece on his son is Alicia...he tells her the story and his suspicion of how "coincidental it is that Mari went away and Ali showed up with a baby....uh, yeah.... Candi can't believe it.

Pato is working at home with Patito. he's taking a call, and then starts looking through some papers. He comes upon the birth certificate of Pato and studies it - he notices that he and Ali are listed as the parents.

Candi continues her chat with Santi that this is going to be difficult with Pat, and what if you are wrong. DNA test to the rescue!! Santi says that's how they will know. Candi guesses he wants her to find Ali.

Pato and Marg discuss that Ali should have brought adoption papers and not a birth certificate with them as biological parents. Ruh roh....

Candi and Sant i keep chatting, he won't obligate her to look for her sister since they are over, awkward moments, she tells him that she got custody and marg is back so she doesn't have to go back. They high five and hug, she'll miss going there and seeing Pat most. Drama music.

Pat and MArg continue discussing this certificate oddity. Marg says it's probably false but what difference does it make, enjoy the kid.

Next we see a break down and Candi and Santi comes running out of the room. Arguing about Pat, well duh what the hell is in this chick's head...of course he's going to dislike that statement. She mutters to herself afterward he doesn't care for her any more. Oh this is just silly.

Santi is in therapy with his punching bag...Horty wants to send in a patient, but he says right now he's the patient!! Ha!!!

Pat is home with his colleague talking about the film launching and Santi shows up. He just outs with, Pato is my son. Emiliano stands there and is sort of surprised, uh yeah and offers to stick around to back up Pato, but he says it's ok for him to go. Pato wonders where he got this crazy idea. Hmmm, let's see, I went to London and found the crazy Mom who muttered after falling from a third story your ex-wife's name nad baby in the same sentence..oh and their were some dreams and a recording and... :)

Candi is now in therapy, whine whine Santi doesn't want me anymore...blah...Barb says nonsense...Pau shows up and wants to tell Candi...

Santi continues on the rant that I pretty much expected above, Pat thinks coincidence and now way too crazy... Santi is trying to convince. Finally Pato freaks out and says look no proof. But aha there is DNA!!!!

Pau continues that Santi is now counting on her support. Candi says, yeah, good, bbbuhbye!!

Santi wants a piece of hair and Pato righteously gets pissed at the audacity. Santi continues. Pat asks him to leave if he'll keep up.

Now Candi is getting therapy from everyone! Oh pulease.... they tell her not ot worry about Pau.

At Pato's Marg comes out with the baby it's all Santi can do to keep from wrenching the baby away. He leaves without his hair sample.

lalo and Santi chat and Lalo reminds him about all the folks he does have in his life.

Pato calls a lawyer an adoption specialist...she is hot and looks at the papers with a look of concern before we go to commercial.

We return and she explains the paper is legal but was gotten illegally and human trafficking is quite prevalent. She thinks maybe a woman could have given the baby over willingly. Pat is worried about losing his son and she says well there aren't compelling arguments to force him to allow DNA testing..only if Ali confesses the way she got the baby.

I don't know there is some crap here about him caring for her and then she typing a letter on her computer about how he was so great and he shouldn't suffer for his son, etc... whatever...

Pat looks for Ali Santi sleuths out Pato's place wondering how he can be alone with the baby. He sees Candi arrive in taxi. She tells him she's here and they discuss the DNA issue. Santi cries, I guess he thinks she's putting the horns on him. he drives off. C and P continue the discussion. She agrees there is a possiblilty Santi is right. Pato wants to know why. She pushes too for him to think about this.

Lu and Charly are in the kitchen and decide to wash dishes to gether. Finally Charly musters up the courage to ask about her and Fede. She doesn't answer right away, then the phone rings and she asks Charly to answer he says it's Fede. OK Candi is now in front of Santi's house, dying for him. OK, I thought teens only did this kind of crap...

We come back from commercial and Lu is yelling at Fede she doesn't want to talk to him. Charly is digging this big time.

Pau is waiting for Santi on his bed. he turns around and walks out.

Charly tells Lu he's happy she's not with guys that aren't good for her. A good guy for her is one who really cares for her. She tells him he should go and he gives her a kiss good bye that could have been on lips, but was on cheeck.

Santi tells Pau wait for him in the salon, not the bedroom, he tells her about his talk with Pato.

meno and Charly are chatting about Lu dropping Fede, who is like dogshit. They cheer.

next we are NY...which looks a lot like a Mexican hotel...the detectives argue about what it will take to find Ali...Ambrosini is going back to MX but Escott will stay.

Candi sleeps and cries with Chava...Charly comes in and sees this. He consoles her feeling she lost Santi forever.

Jaime and Issy argue. Santi calls them on it. He tells them what happened. They tell of their work to try to earn him some money. Santi tells them he needed no money. He says he's ok with money. They say actually, they owe Meno money now, so maybe he can help them. He walks away.

Licenciada shows up at Pato's to convince him to go for the test, because it would lift a great weight.

Candi's phone rings and it's Ali calling conveniently.

Marg and Pato stew on the DNA issues more. The doorbell's Ali with the detective. Pat wants to know who the babies parents are. Just like that, she says Mari and Santi.

Santi knows Ali is back and he is worried what is happening over there. They wonder if she'll lie.

Now Pato rips her a new could she have done this horrible thing..she's crazy. No she says she was in love and wanted to be with him. He doesn't want to hear this, this is the lowest she could have done....ugh. Just then Candi shows up with her inquisitive cara.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MEPS - Wednesday, June 17 - the art of keeping secrets

(by Jody - substitute recapper for CherylNM)

* Barb talks with Camilo about Gonzo and their problem.

* Vladimir calls to annoy Priscilla, who is at home in bed. He keeps calling her "Gordita" and it annoys her. He's concerned about her and their baby. She just wants him to leave her alone and stop calling her. Damian realizes she's on the phone and wants to talk with her. She tells Vladimir it's okay. Damian takes the phone receiver from Vladimir and asks Priscilla for a huge favor, in the best interests of him, Vladimir, her and her baby. He asks her to plant some confidential papers from Grupo Lactos in the offices of Prolasa.

* Barb and Camilo continue their discussion about Santi and Aurora - they plan on a way to separate the two lovebirds so Aurora leaves the hacienda forever. Camilo agrees to the plan and leaves the office. Barb grins in contentment.

* Venus goes to office and meets with Steve. She is very interested and discusses what to call him - Mister (like Se~or or Don). Steve tells her about his and Franco's discussion over her job work. She's totally intrigued. He refers to "Mata Hari" and she thinks he wants her to kill someone which she refuses to do. He explains that he and Franco want her to be a seductive spy at their party.

* Tomasa tells Barb in the home office that Macario is on the phone, and says that Fey was at the summer house with a guest and left something behind. Barb tells her to tell him don't worry, it's fine. Barb asks where Fer is now. Tomasa says she left the house.

* Outside in the garden, Santi paints a new portrait of Aurora. They talk as he works. He asks her to marry him. She's stunned. They stop - gaze longingly into each other's eyes - they hold hands -- Camilo looks stunned as he spies from the living room window -- Santi and Aurora kiss. They love each other - she wants to wait, just long enough so they can know each other better. He agrees.

* Steve and Venus continue their discussion about what he and Franco want Venus to do at the party. Venus is confused and Steve explains that she is to be totally professional, no sex or love, just seduce the mystery man into falling in love with her.

* Franco arrives at the summer house. He meets Fer outside in the driveway and shows her the birth certificate for Don Artemio Bravo.

* Priscilla packs up her purse and is on the phone assuring Vladimir that she'll do the favor and will meet with Damian for the papers.

* Gonzo and Anibal are in a heated debate over whether or not Flor, the long-time trusted receptionist, is an evil spy or not. Anibal sticks to his decision to fire her. Gonzo is frustrated and angry at his son's stubbornness and stomps out of the office.

* Fer asks Franco about the importance of the certificate. Franco explains that it pertains to Don Artemio Bravo and that this evil shadow looms over the misery of Lili's life. Fer is confused and needs more information and details. Franco refuses to divulge anything specific and they change the subject to discuss getting Lili away from the clinic and getting her the actual medical help she needs. Fer tells Franco that she will help him.

* Barb arrives at the summer house and spies on Fer and Franco outside talking. She grumbles about Fer's secret meeting spot as Macario spooks her with a friendly greeting. She grumbles to herself but is polite and courteous to the old handyman. He wonders why she or Don Gonzo haven't been at the house for a long time. She tells him to return to his work. He says what work, no one comes to visit. She agrees to keep him company.

* Inside the living room, Franco explains to Fer that they need to take Lili to a safe house where she can be comfortable and cared for by friends. Fer wonders if he has someplace specific in mind. He won't give details, only that he has a debt to repay in regards to Lili. Fer is curious. Franco thought bubbles his memory about his mom's request.

* Barb takes Macario for a ride in her SUV through the wooded area. He's curious where they are going. She only says she needs his opinion about the property. They stop and she asks him to look around and tell her if some property is worth buying. They take a long walk.

* Franco and Fer discuss the plan for Lili's care and rehab. He says if she agrees, he can have Lili out of the clinic tonight - Dr. Obregon will agree to it. Fer is stunned and has multiple doubts about it working, and doesn't want the guilt of being an accomplice if the plan fails in anyway.

* At the apartment, Damian hands Priscilla the folder and tells her to hide it in the desk of a long-time employee of Prolasa. Priscilla is stunned, upset and refuses to do it. Damian explains that she's as deceitful as he is, she's carrying Vladimir's baby and pretending it's Anibal's. She reluctantly takes the folders and slams the door as she leaves.

* On the cliff in the middle of the woods, Barb asks Macario to take a good look at the property. He can't see anything through all the trees and leaves. She has him sit down and look carefully. As he sits and tries to look, Barb uses her stilleto heeled foot to shove Macario down the cliff.

* Aurora pets and talks with the horse in the stables. Camilo finds her and instructs her on the proper way to brush the horse. She is excited and loves horses. Camilo starts to flirt and asks her if she wants to go horseback riding with him.

* In the kitchen at Las Animas, Steve continues to explain to Venus the plan of seduction - to flirt with the mystery man and seduce him into falling for her but without her falling for him. She wonders about more detailed instruction - Steve says if she agrees to the plan, he will be her personal tutor and transform her from Venus the tramp into a lady of culture and class. Venus understands the job - she's intrigued - takes a moment and then accepts.

* Barb drives back to the summer house alone, grumbling to herself.

* Outside the summer house, Fer talks with Franco about life, secrets and movie fantasies. Franco has a brief thought bubble about the memory of Barb finding him and Fer kissing in the old granary (troje viejo). He only tells Fer a vague description of his memory.

* Camilo and Aurora go off for their ride - on the same horse.

* Fer and Franco walk down to the island in the garden. He asks if she's ever been in love. She laughs and says believe it or not, once in my childhood. He wonders if he appeared like this. He takes her head in his hands and plants a long, passionate, irresistible kiss on her lips. Just at that moment, Barb wanders through the well-manicured tree line and spies on the couple kissing passionately. Barb looks disgusted by the sight. Franco and Fer continue to kiss. Barb turns and walks away, occasionally turning back to spy on the lingering kiss. Franco and Fer stop kissing - Franco apologizes for his impulsiveness and for confusing his dreams with reality. Fer says he has nothing to apologize for - she should apologize. They mention responsibilities and she mentions her guilt and mixed emotions over her past with Eduardo.

* Barb continues to look over her shoulder as she walks quickly and quietly back to her SUV. She climbs in and drives away.

* Margie tries to cheer up her cousin Flor as they cook in her cottage kitchen. Flor is still upset over being fired by Anibal; she's also uneasy staying at the house. Margie tells her they are happy she's there with them. Flor has a light-bulb moment and remembers flirting with Vladimir - she's smitten with him and thinks he is interested in her. Margie is stunned.

* Vladimir returns to the apartment with a bouquet of roses. Damian tells him that Priscilla left. He's upset and thinks she left because of Damian. Vladimir scolds Damian for abusing Priscilla. Damian fights back and tells him that he got Vladimir together with Priscilla in the first place. They argue. Damian threatens Vladimir not to double-cross him.

* Barb returns home and yells for Tomasa, who scurries nervously to attention. Barb orders her to find Camilo and tell him she needs to see him immediately.

* Camilo and Aurora return to the stables after their ride. Santi asks her where she went. She enthusiastically tells him about the horseback ride. Santi isn't thrilled.

ADVANCE: Barb grumbles to Camilo about Fer and Franco's budding romance; Erika continues with her illusions of being with Franco Santoro.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MEPS, Tuesday 6/16 (#86): A darker shade of orange

Special thanks to the heroes of YouTube, without whom this recap would not have been possible. Or at least not as thorough. I still didn't get everything, so please feel free to fill in the bits that I missed.

(Selected scenes consolidated for narrative/reading convenience)

Rerun of the end of Venus's interview, and Esteve being coy with FrEd about his plans for her.

In the Elizalde kitchen, Florecita tells Fernanda about the bizarre accusation against her. She was the only one with the keys to the files. Of course she didn't give them to anyone. Nanda thinks it must have been a horrible mistake. She trusts Florecita.

Santi comes into the kitchen and, seeing Florecita so weepy, asks what's going on. Flor says it's nothing. Fernanda promises Flor and Margarita that she'll look into this.

Flor and Marg leave Santi and Fer in the kitchen with Tomasa and another woman. Santi wants Fer to come to his studio to talk. His wish for privacy worries Fer. "It's about our father," he explains even more worrisomely.

Esteve has just told FrEd his plan. Whatever it is (we don't know yet), FrEd thinks it's truly crazy. Esteve triumphantly says that FrEd's reaction just proves that it's a brilliant idea.

(I don't get what FrEd says here - is it something about TV? And Esteve says, "not you.")

FrEd still doesn't like it. Esteve says to let Venus decide. She was clear with them that this is the only thing she's known how to do in her life. What they can offer is more dignified. FrEd says it's more dangerous, too. Esteve says it's not much more dangerous that what she did in Jairo's cantina.

FrEd reluctantly agrees to let Esteve pitch the idea to Venus. He takes out his bag and tells Esteve that he's going to investigate the secret that his mother took to her grave. Esteve is intrigued.

In his studio, Santi is telling Fer about his talk with Gonzo. He's never heard his dad talk that way before. He was saying that Santi's siblings are becoming strangers to him and he doesn't consider them trustworthy. Fer says that things are changing - for the worse.

There's a knock at Aurora's door. It's a sour-faced maid I don't recognize. She has some towels and asks to come in to leave them. All smiles, Aurora thanks her and says it's no bother - she'll take the towels herself. The maid leaves, seemingly miffed.

Aurora takes the towels into the bathroom. The camera pans down to the floor as Aurora stoops to the cabinet to put the towels away. She stands, and this is the first she or we see of the mirror over the sink. She shrieks and jumps back - a drippy, blood-colored cross has been painted on the mirror! Aurora is bien impactada.

Fer tells Santi that she's noticed that a lot of strange things have happened since her wedding, and now she's got a bad feeling, like there's a storm coming. Santi presses for details, but she can't offer any. It's just conjecture and impressions; not something specific. She doesn't want to poison his mind with things that might not be true.

Santi says their father told him that Franco Santoro isn't trustworthy. Fer says, "I'm going to tell you everything." He has to promise not to tell anyone else in the family what they've discussed. She says she'll tell him, but not now.

He asks her if she trusts Franco. She says she'd trust him with her eyes closed. She's sure he's an honest person.

She asks what's up with him and Aurora. He says it's like a story from a telenovela. Just then, Aurora comes to the door totally freaked out, babbling about the bathroom mirror. They run to look.

Camilo is riding a horse around and screeching at it in his usual charming way. (Supposedly, he has a reputation as a great horseman. Maybe they call him the Horse Screecher.) Babs shows up and demands to know what he was discussing with Jacinto earlier. He tells her it was nothing important. She makes a sarcastic comment about him having heartfelt chats with employees. Camilo is defensive.

Babs tells Camilo, "in case you haven't noticed, we're in danger." Camilo thinks she's exaggerating. Babs says no, Jacinto is totally on Team Franco, and Franco's been going against them at the company. And she thinks Camilo's conversation with Jacinto looked suspicious.

Camilo admits that Jacinto found Dad's car. Camilo himself has no idea where it is. Babs is sure Franco is behind it. However, Camilo thinks that if that were true, Franco would have canceled the deal with Grupo Lactose Intolerance. Babs says something about Franco being strange? Camilo says Jacinto said he'd leave him alone if he told him why Barb took the blame for the theft of the car. She thinks Santoro is interested in more than the Elizalde fortune. She's sure he's looking for something else too. That's why he's so dangerous. For now, they need to play along with his game and do what they can to convince Gonzo and the others without coming off as paranoid.

And he's going to need to continue humoring Jacinto, too. Camilo isn't happy about this. She reminds him that whatever he says to Jacinto, it will be like they're saying it directly to Franco Santoro.

Not surprisingly, the bloody cross has already been washed off of Aurora's mirror. Fernanda asks Aurora if she didn't just see a reflection or lights or something, but Aurora insists that it was a cross of blood. She realizes that someone must have painted it and then washed it off. Fer chalks it up to yet another bizarre happening. Santi says it was a very tasteless joke.

Aurora says it was no joke. Someone's wishing evil on her. Fer agrees, but Santi says it was only to frighten them. Nothing's going to happen. It's just a bad joke. Some employee must have done it. Fer says she'll talk to Tomasa and find out if she knows anything. She reassures Aurora that nothing will happen to her. Santi tells Aurora that no one in the family would play such a mean trick. They're not THAT awful, he laughs.

FrEd is discussing Artemio Bravo with Padre Bosco. FrEd thinks Bravo must be a very powerful man. He moved his office just to avoid meeting them. Bosco doesn't think that means he's powerful. If Bravo took the trouble to move his office, it's because he was afraid he'd be recognized.

Franco hadn't even thought of that! He asks if his mother ever said if she (or he?) was related to Bravo. Bosco says he can't repeat things that were discussed in a confessional. (Ah, so they DID discuss it?) All he can tell Franco is that Soledad lived in torment.

I miss the next part of the conversation (help!! I think it's important! something about "the man of her life"?? I had a lot of trouble with this scene.) Franco says he has a right to face this enemy. There's an enemy involved who wants to do away with both of them., without compassion. They can either wait to be victimized, or find them. He thinks he knows how to do it. He asks for a blessing. Bosco says he can have it as long as he doesn't hurt anyone.

Fernanda tells Tomasa to make sure that no one goes into the bedrooms except Tomasa and Berta. (I don't know which one Berta is; did she bring the towels?) She also asks if the doctor has come to see Pris; Tomasa says he's with her now.

The doctor is telling Pris take it easy for a few days and not make any sudden movements. She can get out of bed, but no exertion, no driving, and no exercise. Stay as calm as possible. Call if something new happens, and keep taking her medicine, he adds.

Pris talks to the baby. The danger has passed, and she can't wait to hold the baby in her arms.

Vladi has wasted no time with those filing cabinet keys. He's already looking through everything, and is crouched behind the main desk when Gonzo comes off the elevator and begins speaking to Florecita. (He takes her so much for granted that he doesn't even notice that she's not standing there.) Vlad pops up with his nose in a notebook. Gonzo asks where Flor is. "I fired her," Anyballs says as he enters the lobby. "I've been waiting for you so I could tell you," he says.

Before Gonzo can reply to that, Fernanda shows up and asks Gonzo why he fired Flor. "I just found out about it this moment," Gonzo says. Vlad has a guiltier than usual look on his face.

Fernanda is chewing Anyballs out in his office for accusing this girl who's worked for them for so many years. "How can you think she sold it?" she asks. "Giving it away is even worse," Ani jokes. Gonzo tells him he shouldn't have made this decision without consulting him. Fernanda says they should investigate whether it's even true or not. (Vlad is listening at the door, not that it's hard to hear all of the yelling.) But then what would you expect from a guy who isn't even worried about his wife and baby being in danger, she adds. She insists that they do an investigation.

Vlad ducks into his office to call Damian to warn him that Fernanda is going to investigate Flor's firing which Vlad never agreed with anyway. Damian says it can be fixed with Pris's help. Vlad doesn't want her to be involved, but Damian says Pris's family will find the proof that will implicate Florecita.

Next, Franco goes to the Palafox home. The woman who answers the door tells him that Mrs. P isn't out of bed yet. "Tell her it's about the patents," he says. The maid scurries off with the good news.

Ciro's wife and son want to hear all about the patents. FrEd admits he only mentioned patents to get their interest. What they're really going to talk about is money. Mrs. Palafox says they're the same thing. She wants to know how much. 100,000 dollars, he says. They seem happy with this figure. The money's all in his bag. All they have to do is give him whatever they found in the box.

Mrs. Palafox asks Franco if he knows what was in the box. He doesn't. Simon comes back with her handbag. She hopes he won't feel cheated when he sees it; she doesn't think it's worth anything. He says that's okay; it's his risk to take. She hands over the birth certificate. "Artemio Bravo," Franco breathes.

Can you get anything out of this picture I grabbed off of YouTube? Near the bottom, I see "Artemio Bravo," and the rest of his name (his mother's last name) is inconveniently out of frame.

In the upper corner, the last two lines are "Bravo" and "Artemio," but I can't read the rest of what's up there either. It would be nice if Ed would read it to us, but no such luck.

Fernanda checks in with Pris on her office phone and promises to see her later. She hangs up, and then whacks her shin against some part of her desk. (Unscripted, I presume.) She picks up her cell phone and says out loud that Franco needs to know what's been happening. Then she decides not to call him.

Gonzo has a guest in his office - his lawyer. "I never thought it would come to this point," Gonzo says. He's come to the painful realization that he needs protection from his own children.

Fernanda ends up calling FrEd after all. She wants to talk. He agrees to meet her at the bungalow in a few hours.

Barbara finds Aurora admiring some statues and says she'd expect an artist like her to appreciate art. She expects Aurora will invite the whole Elizalde family to her next exhibition. Barb strokes Aurora's bangs and thought-bubbles "pathetic loser, you're no more a sculptor as I am a nun." Aurora tells her that Santi is painting in his studio. Barb says it's a pleasure to see her face around here and she's glad she and Santi have something so solid.

Barb asks Aurora to call her by her name and confides that she's not Santi's favorite person, but he's her favorite of the stepchildren. Camilo interrupts and tries to flirt with Aurora. Barbara reminds him that she's Santi's girlfriend. He just wants to welcome her to the family. He plants a slimy kiss on her cheek which fails to delight. "Santiago just brought you here and now he's abandoned you? Very bad," he clucks. Aurora is uncomfortable. Barb enjoys the awkwardness.

Camilo tells Aurora how glad he is that she came back. Hopefully she'll stay longer. "It was Santiago's idea," she says without enthusiasm and excuses herself.

"You like her, right? Barb asks Camilo. He giggles stupidly.

Gonzo wants to know how to protect Barb's future if something happens to him. The lawyer is shocked. Well, just imagine how I feel, Gonzo says. The lawyer says the family's always been so harmonious. Gonzo says money's come between them. Surprised, the lawyer says they've always had "resources." Gonzo says there was this economic matter, and a new investor named Franco Santoro involved in the company.

"You're thinking of disinheriting your children?" the lawyer asks. Gonzo says no, he's just protecting his wife. The lawyer says it's just that Gonzo seems very upset, and he shouldn't make a decision now that he'll regret later. Gonzo angrily says he won't regret it. Otherwise he'll die, and she'll be helpless. The lawyer says he can dispose of his things however he pleases, but asks him to think about it for a few days.

Gonzo wants to leave 75% to his wife, and the rest to the kids. The lawyer thinks that's drastic. "I'm aware of that," Gonzo snaps. The lawyer says that once he signs a revised will, his wife could leave him or the kids practically in the street. (Doesn't Gonzo have to die first? Did I miss something?) Gonzo insists that she's moral and honest and loyal and would never do such a thing.

Mrs. Palafox tells Franco there wasn't anything else in the box except for that piece of paper. She asks if that paper tells him anything. He repeats that he doesn't know if it's worth anything. Mrs. Palafox wonders why he paid so much for it, then. He says he's okay with it for now; he believes it was a good deal.

Simon asks about the patents. FrEd says he doesn't really know anything about any patents, but he knows that Ciro was a great chess player. "What does that have to do with it?" Mrs. P asks. Something like he was the king of the chessboard... the king has limited movement and very little power, but it's the most important piece in the game.

(The Palafoxes stare at him blankly. Their total lack of recognition in this conversation tells us and FrEd that Ciro never gave them any clues to the inheritance and definitely did not intend for them to get anything.)

In this game, FrEd says, if you lose the king, like in this case the white king lost his head, then that's the end of the game. Surprising, eh? He leaves.

Simon is worried. Mrs P. tells him, "that man's even crazier than your father." Then they admire the money.

Erika comes back from a jog. Her mother is loafing around outside on a cloudy day in sunglasses and a dressing-gown. It's only by the grace of God she was able to get up today, she says. Yesterday she was the happiest woman in the world, believing she would have a baby, and it was all a lie. She's feels like a worthless decrepit old woman. Erika tries to cheer her up, saying millions of women experience menopause. Dolly doesn't care about millions of women. Her life has become a drama. Erika says the doctor said she'd feel fine with hormone therapy. Dolly thinks the doctor is totally wrong. The problem is that her husband is going to dump her in favor of a younger woman.

Vlad calls Pris to make sure she's okay and find out if she needs anything. She doesn't want to be called Gordita and is impatient with his questions about her medicine and sleep. "I was sleeping so soundly until your call woke me." "Really?" asks the gullible dupe. He's sorry. He wants to know about her dreams. Damian walks in on Vlad and asks for the phone. He wants a favor "for us - all four of us" (him, Vlad, her, and the baby). He wants her to put some confidential information about Grupo Lactos in her brother's desk.

Santi and Aurora are outside. "I hope they last," Camilo says. Babs disagrees. She tells Camilo that Gonzo doesn't like Aurora. "Since when does my father have an opinion about Santiago's girlfriends? Please!" Babs says he always worries about his children, but this time she's inclined to agree. She hopes their relationship is disrupted. Camilo's face turns a darker shade of orange as he relishes the prospect of being the agent of this deception.

Camilo asks Babs if she really wants Santi and Aurora's relationship to end. She's not right for the family, Babs says. Camilo says he can help open Santi's eyes. Babs says even more important, make your dad feel better. "I'll help my little brother," Camilo says and leaves.

Babs snickers privately. "Like always, you took the bait."

Next time:
Babs sees Fernanda kissing FrEd.

Bonus avances from the youtube version (I'll be obnoxiously vague to avoid spoiling): Barb helps an old man make a difficult trip. Venus tells Esteve she'd do it for free. Vlad worries about Pris.


Tontas Tues June 16, '09 Paulina Sticks Like Glue and Santiago Gets A Clue

Alternative title: Marissa Goes Splat! And That's That.

Jeez, I thought this was supposed to be a reasonably light-hearted comedy. Really wasn't on board for that horrible drop off the balcony, pool of blood underneath Marissa's head, or the gruesome hospital scenes. Not exactly 7 pm viewing material in my opinion. But why quibble? Let's just resume what happened and move on.

Santiago is pacing in the hospital with Paulina hanging on to him like a limpet. The detectives (one of whom played a smarmy, corrupt politician in Guapos) tell him that Marissa is in grave condition and could die at any moment. No problem with police though. They explained everything.

Scene change: Candy is calling Santi's house for any news and being semi-hysterical. Still a little bit "it's-all-about-me" going on with her.

Back to the hospital. Santiago is trying to talk to Marissa (truly gruesome-looking in these scenes). Paulina is draped all over him and wants to know what he feels for the injured woman. "Compassion and guilt" are his replies. Guilt because, even though he tried to save her, he didn't. Paulina, playing her part to perfection, says piously, We must pray that she'll recover consciousness and tell us something. Marissa suddenly takes a turn for the worse and Santiago starts pressing frantically on her chest. I've taken CPR many times and seems to me he's pressing way too high up....but whatever.

Another scene change: We're back at Patricio's . Meño and Gregoria have joined them and they're hearing about Pato's accident. Was he hit by a hurricane?...well, the hurricane was Chava. Chuckles all 'round.

Again, with the hospital and Santiago fretting while Paulina hangs on for dear life. Detectives have no clue as to the baby's whereabouts.

Noisy scene now. Eduardo and Chayo are at the lawyer's office and so busy screaming at each other that nothing gets done.

But back at the hospital, Paulina seems to be making headway. She's brought Santiago a little "cafecito" and delivers it while leaning intimately on his knee. Far from brushing her off, he admits he wouldn't have wanted to be alone through all this, and he appreciates that she's being a "real friend". She gently reminds him that he should call home and let his folks know how things are. And, gulp, he should call Candy too. (Well played, Paulina!) He doesn't call her though, just his mom.

The detective now is holding up a hand recorder to Marissa's mangled mouth but her garbled and painful words are impossible to understand.

At Patricio's house, Candy gets the call from Isabella telling her about the London situation. Chava suggest that since Santiago hasn't found his baby, maybe they could give him Patito. (Sledgehammer Irony here). Patricio doesn't think it's a good idea and even Beto wants to hang on to the little bugger.

Chayo and Lalo's fight continues, meanwhile. He won't GIVE her a divorce but he COULD divorce her. And on what grounds? Abandonment of the home and adultery with Osvaldo. After more shouting, they decide on a pact (which he agrees to with his fingers crossed behind his back). He'll hide at her apartment. If anything fishy happens with Osvaldo, he'll be proved right. If not, he'll have to give her a divorce. Agreed.

Tensions are getting relieved at Patricio's house. First, an explanation of why Margarita flew the coop. She was tending an aunt who was in intensive care. Grandma is back now but can't be expected to handle three children on her own (Amen to that!) but then the situation changes when a summons appears and it turns out to be a notice that Candy has been granted custody of Chava. High-pitched squeals of delight.

In the hospital, Marissa keeps trying to talk. She manages to get out three Of course the detectives are clueless. WHAT COULD THIS MEAN? Gotta string this out, you know.

Lalo's still trying to soften Chayo's heart....or at least get a drink, crimenently! Alas there's only water in the house so he trudges off to the bedroom to hide, awaiting Osvaldo's arrival and expected perfidy. More disappointment with the bedroom TV. No adult channels. Jeez! But the bed is comfortable. Osvaldo arrives with a plate of cheese and ham and a bottle of red wine. Hmmm....looks more like a date than a tutoring session. We shall see.

Santiago isn't making any more sense of the clues than the detectives. He doesn't think that Alicia and Marissa know each other so why would she mention her? The detectives promise to follow up any leads and have some experts listen further to the tapes though.

Flip again to a tender good-bye twixt Candy and Patricio. She can believe him now. He really didn't want to take Chava away from her and she tells him "te quiero mucho". (you're very dear to me). He wishes she could care for him the way he cares for her but....anyway, he would never want to hurt her. She promises that she'll keep Chava close to him, and that he can have him even more than twice a week if he wishes. They end by smiling at each other and saying "Equipo" (we're a team). We break for a slew of ads on a positive note.

And come back to dreadful drama. Marissa is spite of Santiago's frantic instructions to "breathe, breathe!". She manages a few parting words though. "You tried to save were always a good man....A tear rolls down her cheek. He begs her to tell him where the baby is. She shakes her head and seems to be saying "What you did, what you did..." (closed captions failed at this point) and then she flat lines. Santi frantically calls for a doctor in English.

And boom, we're back in comedy territory with Lalo falling asleep as Osvaldo drones on and on about Freud and frigidity (He could do my job, muses Eduardo. He puts people to sleep!). Of course what he doesn't see is Osvaldo reaching for Chayo's hand....and Chayo pushing him away.

Remember Hombre's Friday title Act Your Age? Well, Candy and Chava are having a little love talk and clearly Chava makes more sense than his mom. Why aren't you and Santi getting married if you love each other? he asks. Er, because we had a fight and got mad at each other so he doesn't want to be with me anymore.

If you get mad at me, will you stop loving me, queries Chava. No, of course not! Then why is it different with adults? Well, we're more complicated. RIDICULOUS. But they have to string this out a few more days, so hang on. Act like you buy that silly explanation for now.

The hospital scene become surreal. The doctor's efforts to revive Marissa have failed. Nothing more to be done. Santiago starts pounding on Marissa's chest. Forgive me, but all I could think of was "abuse of a corpse". Found this scene really off-putting. But I suppose we are supposed to sense how frantic and hopeless and out of control Santiago is now feeling. But still, ugh....

Another ad and when we come back, we see the real Paulina. She's talking to someone on the phone, complaining about having to hang around the hospital all the time and not a minute to go shopping! What's a shallow fashion maven to do!? Santiago joins her, gives her the news that Marissa has died and all hope of finding his son is lost. He remembers the baby's ultra-sound, listening to the heartbeat, putting up the safety gate on the stairs, building the playhouse, and then the gruesome video where Marissa told him he'd never see his son alive.

Alright. Another change of pace. We knew Osvaldo would eventually make a mistake and he's pushing it now, insisting on a little kiss, unable to understand that Chayo's not interested. An enraged Lalo bursts out of the bedroom and lays claim to not only Chayo but the cheese and the wine, if possible. Osvaldo, all petulant now, snarls "I leave you to him. You deserve him."

Lalo's ready to settle in with the cheese dip and the drinks, but Chayo kicks him out as well. She doesn't want to see him till the day of the divorce. And she's keeping the cheese!

Back to Santiago. More despair. More clinging by Paulina. More promises by detectives to follow up on information and listen to the tape more fully. Next scene is on the plane where Santiago has one of those prophetic dreams and realizes the strange coincidence of Marissa leaving and then Alicia returning with a baby. The penny has dropped! Some more comic folderol with Camil abusing the air hostess call button and still more Paulina drapery but that's it for now.

Back at Meño's house, Gregoria has received a letter from Alicia saying she's finally found a guy who really loves her and values her. But no return address. Guess this is supposed to keep us on tenterhooks.

Now we're at the restaurant. Jaime is playing. Frijolito is singing. Nice tone but painfully flat. Oh well. The Institutas have arrived all together for dinner and Chayo is protesting that she never knew Osvaldo had the hots for her. The rest can't believe how dense she is. There's some man-bashing along the lines of "all they ever think about is south of the Equator" when Candy gets all sentimental and says, I found someone whom I could really talk to, walk hand in hand with....Santiago. Sigh. So Chayo, if you love Eduardo, try and work out your marriage. Don't divorce. Barb points out the obvious...that Candy and Santiago could also still make a go of it. Duh. And lastly, Lulu reminds everybody that actually "sex is good". Of course, she's only going on hearsay. Whatevah. We have totally covered the relationship question. Moving on.

Santiago is still in the plane with devious Paulina but he's dreaming of Candy holding the baby and then him holding Patito. Paulina finally decides to divulge that she knows where Alicia is....with New York. Of course she doesn't admit scheming with Alicia to off-load Mario but she does agree to call and get their address when they land. More points for Paulina? Are you really worried Santi and Candy won't get back together? Of course not. But let's push this a little longer. Santi abuses the call button some more and then we switch to the final, really stupid, annoying scene.

There was some unpleasant teasing of Lulu about replacing her with a truly superior cook (Isabella) but when Meño heads for the kitchen, he finds Tina and Donato actually doing the work while Chabeli directs and criticizes and generally acts obnoxious. (quite unlike her usual character). Alright, fire me if you will, she concedes, but please don't tell Jaime the truth.

Yes, I'm Miss Crankypants tonight. But what a stupid scene and what a stupid scenario this whole competition between Jaime and Isabella was ! Does not advance the plot at all and makes two, up till now reasonably intelligent characters, look ridiculous. Ick and double ick.

Enough complaining. How about some vocabulary?


el chisme corre come polvora (lit. the gossip is spreading like gunpowder) the news is spreading like wildfire
una pista = a clue, what the detectives are looking for
equipo = team
escarmio = ridicule, derision
abogaducho de cuarto = third rate punk of a lawyer
no te di pie de esto = Chayo protesting that she "never encouraged that" from Osvaldo
me has tomado el pelo = you were having me on, you were fooling me. Meño to Isabella when he found out she wasn't really cooking
tapón de alberca = stopper in a sink (don't remember where this came up in the episode...but it did)

Dicho of the Day:

Más vale solo que mal acompañado = Better to be alone than in unpleasant company.

(Could apply to Santiago and stick-like-glue Paulina. Might refer to Chayo and Eduardo, depending on how you feel. Might even apply to Santiago and Candy, because some of us think he'd be better off without her!)


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